#like he’s got scars. he had pink eyes. he has two different hair colors and very aggressively arched eyebrows and a tooth gap and then just
honkceasar · 2 years
So I am a man that very much overthinks his designs when it comes to fanart, and I often second guess specifically Hunter’s design, mostly his build. After much thought about this, I’ve decided that he is the single most averagely built person alive. He is just guy shaped. Like if you took the mean number of literally every man ever, he is the end product. Is his skinny? No not really. Chubby? Also no. Muscular?? Maybe, but not a lot. He is the single most average height. Does he have interesting proportions like lanky limbs or a long torso? Also no. He is just default. Simply built like a guy. The man emoji.
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peaches-creek · 6 months
It had been years since he had last seen you, his girl. You weren’t his girl, but you were his girl. He had only been Jason again for maybe a year or so, leaving the Arkham Knight in the past, and bringing the Red Hood into the light. He was still brining himself back, still having days where he feels nothing but rage. Days where he feels disgust, sadness, trauma. He has to be able to feel those things before he is able to love anyone else, not that he wants anyone else, you are it for him. You loved him for the little Jason that would show up on your doorstep with bruised and scraped knees, a belly needing to be filled. Instead of telling him to find help elsewhere, that you can’t let him in because your father would absolutely flip, you quietly let him in.
As he sits on your little twin bed, he takes in your room and pays attention to the small things. The pretty little pink flowers on your sheets, the Justin Bieber poster beside your desk. He scoffs at that. He notices the little finger paintings your younger sister made you, the well loved stuffed animals, and the little tea cup set you had at your play table. The last thing he payed attention to, while you gathered as many band-aids aid alcohol pads as your little 9 year old hands could hold, was all the knitted scarves and hats you had around your room. One was pink, another blue with a white rim, many rainbow colored ones, but the one that looked the warmest, was the red one. It had a white Pom-pom on top with little red laces on the bottom to tie it tight around your squishy little face. He imagined you in it, with your puffy cheeks. You scurry back into the room.
“Okay so these kinda sting,’’ you say ripping open an alcohol wipe, “I can hold your hand if you want.” You were half teasing. You did want to hold his hand but you knew he was like a scared rabbit, if you moved too fast he would scamper back into the darkness.
“I think I will manage, barely.” he smirks. He wanted to hold your hand too.
You payed attention to him as well. You payed attention to how his knees weren’t just bruised, but scarred. How his teeth were only a bit crooked. His hair was curly in the most perfect way, with a little curl falling right in front of his face. His freckles and blue eyes. You loved everything about him. You also noticed those pretty little blue eyes looking at your red hat.
“My nana makes those y’know,” you chirp, “she can make you one if you want.”
“I’m all set.” He says, looking away.
“Alright. Well guess what happened the other day! I went to the store and I found…” You rambled on, getting back to doctoring his knees.
He spent the remaining time of the night listening to insignificant stories about your little life. About the silly man you saw wearing a bright yellow suit and pink polka dot shoes. About the stray cat with one eye. He started looking at you again, looking at your funny little bed head, cowlick sticking straight up. Your blue striped pajama set. Bunny slippers. Everything about you was cute, you were only a year or so younger than him.
You met him at the Gotham Public library. You were both looking for books on mythology, he was looking for Greek while you were looking for Norse, different but alike, just like the pair of you. Ever since then, you were always around one another. He walked you home from school, made sure you got into your apartment okay. He would go to the park with you, push you on the swings. He even read you stories when you were sick and your mother let him in to see you. I mean, how could you deny him, he looked like a kicked puppy when he found out you couldn’t play.
You weren’t like the other city kids, you were kind. That’s why he liked you so much. All the obstacles you overcame, and you were still forgiving and patient. He envied that. Everything he went through made him angry and unforgiving. He would tell you about that, but you would just tell him that there’s two sides to every coin, and he didn’t know what the hell that meant. Sometimes you just said stuff.
You finished up with a quick kiss to his knees and exclaimed that you were all done. You turned on your heel and walked right over to the little red hat. You walked right back over to him and put in on his head.
“It’s a little too big for me, but it fits you just right!”
“I can’t take this.” He says, without taking it off.
“Yes, you can.” You quip.
“No I can’t.”
“Jason Peter Todd I will win the fight and you know it.” You giggle.
His response is nonverbal, just a huff. You smile.
He moves toward the window in your room, opens it and climbs onto the fire escape. He takes one last look into your lovely room and one last look at your lovely face. He waves his hand at you, beckoning you to come to him. He presses one little kiss to your cheek and quickly, but quietly he shuts the window. Then he’s gone, probably going home, leaving you with a red hot face and a goofy smile.
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dissentersbedamned · 3 months
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that charlie redesign wanted me to redesign some others so here are some others, i was going to do husk, nifty, and sir pentious but i didnt feel like doing that
are these designs easier to animate? probably not am i claiming to be a better character designer than viziepop? yes
i might do the others but probably not i dont want to be know for this
individual characters and design notes below
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i wanted to give her this soft color palette, making her stick out from the rest of hell, like an "angel" in hell
gave her a pink suit like her pilot design
gave her gold accents to give that royalty feel
her hair is now more curly/swirly to giver her a sheep look, along with the ears, kind of like how lucifer is associated with goats charlie has sheep
i also gave her ears to maker her not look like just a human
the darker pink-red color is supposed to contrast with her softer colors but not that much, it's supposed to convey that she is still a demon, the horns were also added to give that feel
bigger cheek makeup (?) and those gold "chains" were added to giver her a circus clown/ring leader look because hell is supposed to be like a circus
gave her tap shoes to convey shes likes music or someshit
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darker color to contrast with charlies, a sun and moon thing going on
made her more moth like by making her hair look like moth wings, fuzzy leg warmers, and antennas (are those even antennas do moths even have antennas)
added a silver like color in her design to match with charlies gold
gave back her stocking from her pilot design and made her hand warmers mirror them
wanted to giver her a hot topic employee look
made her more look like she died in 2014 by giving her the red and black stocking + hand warmer, leg warmers, and making her x asymmetrical
her worm out shorts are suppose to give a 2014 feel but also are like that because moths just eat clothes sometimes
gave her the ribbon on her waist to mimic one of her old designs
her red is the same red in charlies pallet, they match +]
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made him purple because i think limiting the main colors to each character is nice also because i think purple is a much more lust full color and to look similar to his old design
made him more spider like by adding an extra pair of eyes, fangs, two more legs and a spider butt lol
made him more fluffy and rounder to giver him a more effeminate/gnc look
gave him eyelashes for the same reason above
gave him a scar on the side that he has the golden tooth and different eyes because i think it would be cool is that was from an injury he had when he was alive
the coat was added so that it looks similar to his suit but still different enough so that not everyone is wearing one
the design on his pider butt and coat are suppose to look like a stylized spiders web
the hearts at the end of his heels are suppose to replicate the end of spiders feet
still kept him relatively skinny because i think he would have one of those arcs were a character starts off skinny but gets fatter to show that they're happy with life
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still kept his suit because its such an important part to his character tbh and also so he can mirror charlies pink soft light pink suit with his dark dulled down red suit
gave him a tie so he looks more professional compared to charlies cutie bow tie
dulled down his colors so make him see older and stuck in an era
made him looked aged by giving him grey hairs, stubble, and eye bags
made his deer features more obvious by making his antlers bigger, more deer like ears, giving him a nose pike charlie, and giving him hooves
why alastor got socks on in the pool those are his hooves you bitch
actually made him black
still kept him skinny to give off that sickly skinny look
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itsafablefolks · 18 days
Some things about the frames in No Longer You!
Spoiler warning for the finale!
The first frame of Haley and the last frame of Sherb are different stylistically than the rest of the frames. The majority are in ‘prophecy-land’, which is inspired by a tapestry but it’s really to signify that this is not physically happening. Everyone in prophecy-land is silhouetted, and has one thing/color to help signify who they are. The exception for this is the wack, which is in color, because the wack isn’t something that’s supposed to be there/not from the world of Fable.
Song of past romance: Momboo! They were dating in s1, so she’s there. I chose her pink flowers in her hair. I knew I wanted something pink, and those made the most sense to me and tie into her being Lady of The World.
Sacrifice of Man: Jamie! When Icarus went and (tried to) kill Jamie, it felt the most like a sacrifice. It was the first time that Icarus went out, on their own, to deliberately hurt someone. I chose Jamie’s vines to be the color here, because they feel distinctive.
Portrayals of betrayal: coworkers! I really like this frame. Ari and Ven both betrayed the Grove to work for Fable, and then ended up betraying Fable at the end. And even though they didn’t betray Icarus specifically, he was still alone at the end. Originally, I was planning on using blue for these two because they’re both blue characters, but then it was too much. So I used yellow, which worked for a smaller area and also it’s Fable’s color.
Brothers final stand: This is Rae. This stream is called Brother’s Final Stand. I chose to do Rae’s horns, because they’re something that signify his connection to the End, and they are a distinguishing feature.
On the brink of death: Icarus is dying! And Centross is here. I wanted to include Centross in this, and this frame made that work! He’s got his scar across the eye, because I wanted to do something purple and doing all his scars would not have worked. Icarus has their eyeblood, because that’s how you can identify them. Shoutout to Abby amiactuallydoingthis for helping me figure out how this pose works- they needed to have a clear silhouette and Centross had to be catching Ic, but we needed to see Icarus’ chest.
Draw your final breath: Icarus falling, thinking they’re about to die. We can see the wack, and their wings are shut.
Man who gets to make it home alive, but it’s no longer: Icarixus!!!! Icarixus isn’t the same as Icarus- because at time of singing, Icarus has Sherbert’s eye in their head and is not fully Icarus, while Icarixus has both eyes back. Also, Icarixus has learned so many things- not to trust Fable, about the worlds and the Sherbversions, about how the wack works and how they can help and hurt the other worlds. And they do get to make it home alive, after a bit. They get their glowy bird ears!
You: Icarus not in prophecy-land, but we see the tapestry falling behind them. Their eyes are colored, but nothing else is. Apart from the wack, this is the only time someone gets two colors, and I think that’s fun.
Thanks for reading! I thought a lot about what I put into these frames, so I wanted to share it somewhere.
If you want, check out all of my Fable animatics.
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blamin8r · 11 months
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These are my personal designs/references for SMG4 because of how much I draw fan art for it. You can tell which ones are my absolute favorites to draw based on how much I’ve changed them basically. It’s organized by Recolors, The Girls, Non-Human, and Excess (sorry Kaizo)
Mario: I gave him stitches on his outfit because of how often he explodes and gets hurt (Luigi fixes his clothes since that’s less expensive than constantly replacing them), and those dark marks on his face from when Zero grabbed him and did that weird crap during the 10 year anniversary video. I also gave him a star pin on his overalls too.
SMG4: There’s so much. I made him shorter, changed his body type, gave him darker skin, scars from when he was possessed by the TV Adware dude (and other various scars), eyebags, a jacket, IV on his gloves, and the arrow from the USBs. He also has the arrow on the back of his jacket, but I haven’t drawn his back view before with this design so that’s never been visible in my art yet.
SMG3: I made him even shorter than SMG4, gave him longer hair, matching scars to SMG4, darker skin, a cape, black gloves, platformer boots, the USB arrow, and I changed his body type. The back of his cape has the same skull design that’s on his hat and boots too.
Luigi: I didn’t change too much to him, just his shirt, a flower pin, and some scars. Also he’s round like Mario but not the “skinny brother” because I don’t personally believe in that. (Though whenever he takes off his shirt he immediately becomes a buff man because SMG4 logic)
X: This one was fun. He already has dark skin on his recolor self, so I also went ahead and gave him curly hair, a beard, eye bags, a beanie, hoodie, changed his height, and gave him a cool weird eye thing because why not. He and FM also have similar eye colorings to 3 and 4
FM: He’s the only recolor I decided to make not chubby but instead kinda fit since he’s a police officer. I also gave him a police styled hat, badge, different shirt and gloves, longer hair, a bunch of scars, piercings, and steel toed boots. He looks pretty cool :D
Minion: Parts of her design I did out of pure spite. Her body type matches SMG4’s but she’s a bit shorter, an overalls skirt thing, matching hat, pink gloves, some long socks, and I kept her mustache but just made it smaller. Why? Well, I haven’t headcanoned SMG4 as trans (unlike what a lot of my friends and mutual have done), but I did do that for Minion, because in my mind, she basically has SMG4’s exact body type, including the reproductive organs. But she’s still a woman. And I also believe that women (cis and trans) shouldn’t have to feel shame for having facial hair or body hair, so I kept that there, again, out of spite for people who really feminize her body in a stereotypical way in their personal designs for her.
Meggy: I’m not an extremist for Inkling Meggy or anything, I do like her as a human, but I’m still not sure why they chose to make her a human and not just a squid that’s not Nintendo styled. So instead I just gave her some other squid attributes, like the typical tentacle hair thing, but also some fins on her arms and legs. Her skin is a little darker and she has freckles now. I made her outfit more black and orange themed because I personally hate the dull whites and browns on her outfit. To reference two of her other outfits, I had her keep her college jacket tied around her waist, and her glasses on her shirt since I feel she probably needs them for reading still. I also gave her more sports styled clothes like her shorts and the knee pads. And I removed her goggles because I despise drawing them, she has too much accessories on her head and that one section is so annoying to draw. Lastly, I made her a bit muscular because there’s no way every single one of the girls has the exact same body type.
Tari: Her design just got updated when I was in the middle of working on this, and it’s really good so I only changed her body type by making her chubby and added a gradient to her hair.
Saiko: Her outfit is cool minus the colors, so I gave her a more pink and black theme for her outfit colors. I also made her more muscular and gave her some scars since she’s known as the more violent one in SMG4 who carries that massive ass hammer just casually.
Melony: I looked up where watermelons came from, and they came from Africa apparently, so I made her black (also because all the human characters are white/light skinned so I changed that) and I think it makes sense with her hair too because of the thingies that come down over her ears. It also makes the pointy things behind her hood make sense too. I changed her body to have more body fat and gave her some stretch marks and cellulite to go with it. I like her hoodie, but you can’t tell me that’s all she has on, so I also gave her some shorts, since she gets sexualized so much.. She also has shoes too, those socks would be so nasty otherwise. Her diety form is gonna have actual armour because that makes more sense than just a different colored hoodie.
Belle: I changed nothing about her, not because I don’t like her or think her design is perfect or anything, (she’s great and I miss her ;-;), but I actually chose to keep her as is just because people who look like her and have her body type still exist, they’re just not the only one or the main one. Humans vary a lot.
Karen: I didn’t change much, but since she’s a single mother, I made her body look a little more like a middle aged woman, and gave her a sweater her kids made for her too that she wears proudly.
Shroomy: I know there are multiple characters that are technically naked, but I felt that Shroomy should at least have a Boy Scouts outfit on, he lives in a world with Toads which do have clothes so it didn’t feel right to have just the badge thing over him
Bob, Rob, Boopkins, and Jub Jub: I kept them as is because there’s not much to their appearances anyway, minus a few rips and tears for Bob’s outfit.
SMG2: I made his body a little more proportional so that his head was at least not larger than the rest of his whole fucking body, and I gave him some excess scars since he and SMG1 have been around for the longest, and have probably been through a lot together. I also gave him sleeves, shoes, glasses, and matching gloves that all the SMGs now have. His antenna thing is also thicker because I don’t wanna make it too thin.
SMG1: His body is also more proportional, but that’s mainly because I didn’t like making his torso long. I also gave him clothes to match 2 a little more but darker. He’s got excess scars as well, and his gloves are opposite to 2’s similar to how I made 3 and 4’s gloves opposite of each other. He’s also got glasses like 2, and they match their head shapes.
Kaizo: I fucking love Kaizo, he looks so damn cool to me, so I kept his outfit the same, just changed up his body. He’s more muscular and has more demonic features (pointed pupils and ears, tail, more sharp teeth, forked tongue, claw-like nails), as well as a bunch of scars everywhere on his body. Plus more body hair, and based on a Kaizo design I saw elsewhere (I forgot who made it) but I made the ends of his hair dyed red because it looks cool. And piercings.
Swag and Chris: I love these two, but I couldn’t think of how to change Swag and Chris besides making them a buff and old. (To me, they’re at least in their 30’s or 40’s). I do believe in dilf Chris tho, so make whatever assumptions you want from that.
Whimpu: I actually really don’t like Whimpu, mainly for his personality, but also because of the Waifu Factory episode, it just really made me uncomfortable with how objectified and dehumanized the anime girls were in it, and he was a big part of that. Still, I wanted to change him a bit since his design is a little plain. He’s still plain, but a bit less. I added acne, buttons on the tie, and a shirt pocket with a pen in it.
Steve: I hate how I end up drawing Steve, but I didn’t want him to look too human in a normal way, because a part of his charm is being this weird block dude. So he just looks like a more blocky human with dirty clothes, a lot of scars, and a beard.
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Appleblossom Week 2024 🌸🍎
Day One — Paint 🎨🖌️
Under a twilight sky streaked with the last warm colors of the day, Wally and Julie were setting up their little face painting station on the patio. The air was fresh, filled with the scent of pinewood and freshly planted daisy’s that they both planted together earlier in the day. The neighborhood hummed with the distant sounds of their neighbors coming back home from a day of working and fun activities.
“This is going to be so much fun,” Julie had a bounce in her step as she spread out their supplies—an array of vibrant face paints, brushes of various different sizes, paper towels, face wipes, a small mirror, polaroid camera, film for said camera, and a bowl of water.
The blue-haired puppet grinned, his dark eyes sparking with mischief. “Are you ready to become a masterpiece my dear Blossom?” he teased.
“Only if you’re ready to be my canvas!” she shot back, poking his side playfully. Wally chuckled, placing the chairs to face each other and helped Julie with spreading out their supplies and organizing them into stations.
They decided to start with simple designs. The blonde-haired rainbow monster dipped a fine brush into the green paint and began with delicate strokes on her partner’s cheek. She was surprisingly gentle for someone known for her bouncing off the walls and playful nature. He closed his eyes, feeling the brush glide over his skin, leaving a cool, ticklish trail.
“What’s it going to be Blossom?” Wally questioned, resisting the urge to peek at his significant other’s handiwork. His imagination ran wild with possibilities—a butterfly (no bugs are more of Frank’s style), or maybe some delicate floral designs (she does love flowers).
“It’s a surprise my darling gentleman, now hush, I need to concentrate.” Julie stuck out her tongue as she continues to paint his face, giddy to see his reaction to her craft. When she finally finished, Julie handed him the small mirror trying to hold back her giggles.
He opened his eyes and burst out laughing. His Blossom gave him a green beard, scar, and attempted to draw an eyepatch on him. “You made me into a pirate my love.”
“Aarghhhh Captain Darling, the ship is sinking!” She cries out and pretended to fall out of her chair, bursting into fits of giggles. He just shook his head and smiles from her silliness. “Alright Quartermaster Joyful, it’s your turn.” He pats the seat and then got his brush ready, dipping it into a lovely shade of burgundy paint. The blonde got up quickly and sat down, closing her eyes in anticipation and curiosity of what he will paint on her face (since he is the artist between the two of them).
He started on her forehead; the paint was cool against her warm pink felt skin. Wally’s strokes were confident and sure, a reflection of his artistic flair. Watching Julie relaxed into his touch as he cupped her cheek with his hand to get a better angle. Her features softened by the trust she has in him; it made his heart swell with love and warmth for his beautiful Blossom.
Occasionally, he would stroke her cheek as he continues painting on her face. Minutes later, he leans back to admire his work, “You can look now Jules.”
The rainbow monster opened her eyes and took the mirror from the table. Painted across her forehead was various burgundy dahlias. The intricate and delicate designs were vivid, simple yet evocative. The message behind it was loud and clear, bringing a soft smile on her lips. Julie wrapped her arms around his waist and brought him into a hug. Without a second thought, he wrapped his arms around her too, enjoying her warmth and the moment.
What felt like hours of pure bliss turned out to be a few minutes once they parted. They spent the rest of the evening adding to their face paintings, turning each other into living canvases. Sometimes getting into silly spats and smearing each other with paint. Julie’s red dress had splats of yellow, pink, blue, and pink. While her face ended up with a garden of flowers blooming across her cheeks and forehead. Wally’s outfit had some splotches of red, green, purple, and black. He sported a menagerie of doodles of hearts, apples, smiley faces, and cat whiskers. As the stars emerged and the sidewalk lights turn on, they sat back to admire their work and each other.
The face paints were more than just colors on their skin; they were expressions of their love and trust for each other.
Julie leaned her head on Wally’s shoulder. “We should do this more often,” she murmured.
“Of course Blossom,” He agreed, his voice soft as he leans his head on hers, being mindful of the horns on her head. “It’s a reminder of how much fun we can have together.” Wally glanced at the pictures they took of each painting they did on each other’s faces. Some individually, others together and doing silly poses.
In that moment, surrounded by their colorful creations and the serene night, they felt a deep connection, their love painted in every stroke and line on their face.
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hackerqueen · 11 months
Another Love
Chapter 6: Cherry
Previous <-
author's note: sorry for the long break in chapters. there was supposed something else going on in this chapter, but I dragged it out as I was writing. You can expect the next chapter after the weekend. lot of love and i hope you'll like it! <3
I screwed up. I knew it when I slipped out of bed in the morning and put on my dress from the last evening. I did it as quietly as possible so as not to wake up the still sleeping hacker. How come he didn't wake up? In fact, I tried to keep it quiet, but Jake always seemed like the kind of person who never felt safe and secure enough to be in such a deep sleep.
I was already at the door the last time I looked at him. He was lying on his stomach, his arms wrapped around a pillow. He was covered with a duvet from the waist down, so that the newly rising sun shining in pink streaks illuminated his scratched back. My heart sank at the sight. I was wondering who did this to him? His entire back was adorned with scars. Some were smaller, and some were heartbreaking with their size. I could imagine how painful it must have been for him.
I thought about why I was doing this. I had to think about it alone. Without anyone's glance, advice or words. I felt overwhelmed by everything that happened yesterday. I didn't regret anything, but it still felt weird. I needed a moment to think it over and get used to it. Yesterday's emotions and anger subsided, now I had to come to terms with this feeling and wonder if I was able to forgive Jake.
Did I want to forgive him?
I gave him one more look before silently walking towards the bed. The black-haired man let out a loud sigh and then snored softly. I smiled and warmth spread inside me. I leaned in and kissed his hot cheek. Perhaps I've been doing it too long. However, after a few moments, without turning around, I left the room and the hotel building.
I walked for a few minutes, the crisp air caressing my body and hair. I thought about the whole situation. But one thought overshadowed all others. Jake lived and was whole and healthy.
Jake was alive.
Incredible relief and childlike joy filled my veins. At one point, I stopped and leaned against the wall of the building, because it made my head spin. Yesterday's anger almost evaporated and left a place for ... understanding? Of course, I was still outraged by how Jake had treated me, but I couldn't be angry with him for long. My outburst of anger was caused by suppressing my emotions. I didn't let them get to me, I lived in one pattern that suited me, completely excluding feelings. Work, apartment, casual sex. It all went away when Jake came back into my life. He broke a barrier that was deep inside of me.
My mouth twisted into a wide smile. I also felt my eyes fill with tears. But I haven't felt this light in a long time. I looked around and the world around me became... friendlier? The colors became more vivid and the air began to smell like my favorite fruit. July cherries that grew in a Californian park near my house. The last time I felt this happy was two years ago. When I was texting with a mystery hacker. I was completely different then. I sniffed, letting the tears soak my hot cheeks. I was almost levitating off the ground and almost punched myself in the face as I remembered Jake's words.
I'm leaving tomorrow.
He'll be gone in a few hours.
Could I let him go again if I just got him back?
I quickly wiped my face and turned around. I'm not gonna act like Jake. I won't let us be separated this time.
* * *
Jake's POV
I woke up and automatically knew something was wrong. The first one was the fact that I woke up fully rested. I haven't felt it in about six years. Why did I sleep so long?
Because you were with her, you idiot. And finally you felt safe.
Still without opening my eyes, I reached my hand over to the other side of the bed. It was cold. Empty.
Nothing has so refreshed me in a long time and woke me up immediately. I sat up, staring at the empty room. It was nothing new. I was used to solitude and silence. However, the silence had not been as overwhelming as this morning for a long time.
So she left.
I had no right to judge her. After all, I was the one who left her without explanation for two years. Despite this, I felt a terrible emptiness because I didn't have time to talk to her without anger. Without screaming. We parted without saying goodbye again.
I had no idea how long I sat in one place staring at the wall. The ringing of the phone snapped me out of my trance. I furrowed my eyebrows but picked up immediately.
– Hello Lily. – I greeted, and my voice was automatically transformed by one of the changers
– Is MC still with you? – she asked in a shaky voice that sent a shiver down my spine. – Please tell me she's with you.
– She's not here. – I swallowed and my palms began to sweat – What's going on, Lilly?
– There's no contact with her. I wanted to apologize, but she didn't answer which is not like her. I asked others to try too, but that didn't work either.
In the background, I could hear the muffled voices of Jessica, Dan and Hannah. But I was paralyzed with fear. The terrifying, relentless fear of losing the only person I cared about.
I don't know when I hung up, but the phone fell from my trembling hands. Her handbag, which she had forgotten to take, caught my attention. I opened it immediately, looking for something that would allow me to create a plan. I've always had one, haven't I? I never lost my common sense and cool calculation of evidence. However, inside I found only her wallet and a scarf.
A scarf that still smelled like her and her cherry perfume.
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stillness-in-green · 7 hours
Pair of Advisor (Anime-Style) Asks
For @shockersalvage and @plf-advisor-stan, with thanks for your patience. I've got another ask from salvage coming down the pipe shortly, but it developed a rant on me that I want to give the space of a dedicated post, whereas these two covered quite similar ground!
First up!
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I went and looked up the scene out of curiosity, mostly to hear what his voice sounds like in advance of the hospital stuff, and wow that is not the voice I would have gone with; it sounds way too old.  I realize the advisors are all supposed to be heads of bases and such, but it’s very clear from their designs that a number of them are still rather young people, and I feel quite strongly that Scarecrow should have been one of them, the better to have him, Spinner and Shouji all fighting for control of the crowd at the hospital, all thinking about and representing different visions for the future.
(Putting the rest of this under a cut, because between the two of them, they got fairly rambly, and also the second one has a bunch of pictures.)
Getting past my gut response there, the pep talk framing is a little strange, given the fact that he’s the second-ranked behind Nimble, so it’s pretty weird for her to be in need of a pep talk from him.  On the other hand, given the way the dialogue flows, I would not have to strain myself to imagine that Nimble is rolling her eyes a bit to herself at Scarecrow reiterating all this stuff they already know and replaying a message they’ve already heard half a dozen times because he likes to hear himself talk and also feel validated by the higher-ups.  XD
(Man, I also still dislike the choice for Skeptic’s voice actor—or if not the actor himself, at least the emotional range they’ve directed him to play the character in.  Needs to be 300% more spastic-sounding.)
As to the colors….yeesh.  Scarecrow’s pretty straightforward—I expect I’ll have more opinions once we see him unmasked and I can check his head-stripes and his scar.  The birds-egg blue for Cementoss’s cousin is at least eye-catching, and probably any color they chose would look pretty strange, given his appearance!  I do like that they maintain his somewhat uncertain, pensive expressions (insomuch as those can be read off of him in the manga).  I'll have one other observation to make about him (his wildly inconsistent height) which I'll cover in the next ask.
Nimble, though.  MAN, if I could sit down and have a chat with whoever in the BNHA production staff is so unbelievably enamored with blue-eyed blonde women……  Why would you look at her strange paper-strip hair and think, “Yeah, obviously yellow-blonde is the right color for this.  And give her purple-gray eyes, which is far enough from blue for plausible deniability.  And the blocky dude can be a shade of blue chiefly associated with blue cotton candy, but The Girl definitely needs to have a skin tone indistinguishable from the palest and most conventionally attractive female characters in the show.  Oh, and of course make her shirt pink.”
Just yeesh.
As to lumping in The Question, it’s a pretty strange choice to make, given the explicit dialogue being played there about how all three of Spinner’s advisors—obvious heteromorphs, the lot of them—were placed in his regiment Because Of Who They Are.  The group shot the anime uses seems to mostly understand that,[1] given the anime-original designs of the rest of the people in the shot, but The Question is not a clear heteromorph; he pretty much just looks like an alternate dimension Mr. Compress.  Kind of feels like the animators just wanted to minimize the amount of designs they had to come up with, so they grabbed the only one of the other Support Regiment advisors who could feasibly be a heteromorph and threw him in there, even though including him kind of misses the point—that it’s only Spinner’s underlings who are specifically and universally heteromorphic, not the entirety of the regiment he co-leads with Mr. C.  Which we know because neither Galvanize, Band Jacket Guy nor even The Question visibly qualify as Obvious Heteromorphs the same way all three of Spinner’s advisors do.
1: Mostly.  There’s a Hero-looking gal whose closest thing resembling a non-baseline feature is an unusually squared-off chin, which mostly comes off as mild cartoony caricature rather than a truly divergent facial structure.  There’s also a bowl cut dude two over from her who would need to have some truly bizarre eyes hiding under that hairline to make him anything other than baseline as all get-out.
Anyway, I see between this and the ask below that the anime’s made a few calls about adding them in where the manga never indicated their presence!  I wonder if that means it will also try to show more of them arrested when the anime inevitably gets to the tiresome scenes of the police talking about how they’re for-sure-definitely wiping things up at their designated battlefields?  Most of that stuff is, I think, just floating talk bubbles in the manga, but the anime will have to kill several seconds of time for voice actors to read those lines, and I think pretty often will try to fill that space with actual illustration of what’s being talked about, which Horikoshi only does when he’s in full montage mode, seldom when he’s in active/ongoing action.  Having more advisors available increases the number of Known Faces the animators can use for such filler shots.
While I forever crave more about them (more on that shortly), I definitely don’t relish the anime’s increased screentime being all A) still-frames of advisors when their group is being talked about in broad terms or B) anime-original shots of them being arrested!
Thanks for the ask, and I should have the other one up before the day's out!
Second up!
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Also included in the ask were the following screenshots!
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I gave my general opinions on the anime-mode advisors in the answer above but ohhhh my heavens, the sizing is so funny.  So, so funny.  A lot of the issue is probably that Horikoshi is not very consistent either, of course, but wow they weren’t even trying to keep #3 consistent there, were they?
For some comparison purposes, here’s Scarecrow’s first panel where you can really, fairly judge his height:
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A true short king. Smolest of boys and realest of meowmeows.  Scarecrow they could never make me hate you.
Look at him.  Mentally try to move him back to where he’d be standing directly next to Hose Face.  He’s, what, maybe four feet tall?  No wonder he has to stand on top of a tall building to give his speech. 
Then look at this one, where he’s of a very comparable height to Koda (height: 6’1”):
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Then these two, where Horikoshi can't decide whether he's a little shorter or a little taller than Nimble, but certainly over 4’0”!:
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   So he’s a bit all over the place—and that’s hardly unique to him; Horikoshi draws pretty wildly inconsistent heights even amongst his main cast.
But man, #3 is on a different level even from that.
Let’s expand the frame on that last picture, shall we?
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Now, when I had looked at this shot in the past, I had mainly been focused on the faces of the characters in it, particularly Bindi the Younger because I was so pleased to see she’d escaped her even-more-ignominious-than-Piercings-Dude no-hit wipeout against Edgeshot.  I hadn’t paid a great deal of attention to Not!Cementoss save to note that he was pretty big.  Like, wow, look how tall he is when he’s standing there behind Scarecrow’s shoulder!
But of course, if you look closer, he’s not standing behind Scarecrow’s shoulder.  He’s standing in the background, with probably at least three rows of people standing, roughly, between him and the people in front.  It’s given away by the silhouetted black heads of the people who are actually standing right in front of him:
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   Like, not only do those presumably-grown men not quite come all the way up to his shoulder, the width of them compared to him is just cartoonishly shrimpy.  The guy is a giant, clearly built on a scale taller and heavier than any normal human.  Wow!
…And then of course you go back to this shot and just have to shake your head.
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   Still, even if his height’s pretty inconsistent, his width is less so.  He’s in profile in the shot above, but compare this one, from the advisors’ introductory spread:
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   He’s taller than The Question, if not by a monumental degree, but even if he were facing the camera directly, his cube-shaped head would still be 2-3x wider than The Question’s.
So it’s a shame that, as your screenshots show, on top of his height being much reduced the anime can’t even manage to keep his width intact.  Sad.
Thanks for the ask!
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frankiemorses · 19 days
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★○★○★○★ --- 𝚠𝚑𝚘𝚊! 𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐋𝐈𝐍 “𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐄” 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚕𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚌𝚊𝚋! 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚘𝚕, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚝 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎. 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝟓 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒, 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚜 𝚊 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐍. 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚗’𝚝 𝚋𝚎 𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚢, 𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚝 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝟐𝟔 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐎𝐋𝐃. 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚋𝚎 𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚒𝚝 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐔𝐋𝐒𝐈𝐕𝐄, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚒 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃-𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝐋𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐋. 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛. 𝚒 𝚐𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚒’𝚕𝚕 𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚋. 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚝𝚘 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐋𝐘𝐍!
FULL NAME: Franklin Morse
OTHER NICKNAMES : Frankenstein 
GENDER: Transgender Male
HEIGHT: 5’5”
BUILD: Lean, Average
HAIR: Curled, Slightly Shaggy, Usually Unkempt  
EYES: Golden Brown
SCARS: Top surgery
PIERCINGS: Stretched Lobes
CLOTHING: Battle Jackets and Vests, Heavy Boots, Band Tees, Tattered Jeans
PARTY TRICKS: Cherry Stem Knots, 
BAD HABITS: Smoking (Cigarettes), Biting Fingernails, 
HOBBIES: Video Games, Bass Guitar
EDUCATION: Mortuary Sciences Degree, Mortuary Certification, Mortuary Apprenticeships
LIKES: Horror Punk, Punk Rock, Classic Horror Films, Flowers, Tattoos, Black Coffee, Rodents (especially Possums), Reading, Cemetery Walks + Picnics, Nighttime
DISLIKES: The color Pink, Rom-Coms/Romance Films, Overly Sugary Food (Including Candy), Summer, Pop and Country music, Birds
TW: Death, Alcohol, Inattentive Parenting,
Frankie was the youngest of the four Morse siblings, the last before their Mother passed. There was always a deep sorrow he held, flashing between believing he was at fault for her passing and from not having the same memories his older siblings had of her. With no caring parent to look to for guidance, he found himself seeing his oldest brother as somewhat of a father figure, even when he was gone for a majority of his life growing up in their small Milwaukee home. Frankie used every excuse to get out of the house and escape his father who could give less of a damn, finding himself at home with the local underground scene, starting to build his own battle jacket when he was just getting into high school. He truly found himself in this scene, with all the “outcast” kids playing hooky to smoke on the bleachers, and planned to run away from home before he even got his diploma. He was spending most nights at friends houses and living in their basements before he ran at 16.
Using the connections he’d made with the small groups of Midwest punks, Frankie lived out of a backpack for a few years, trying to make ends meet and save enough money to find a place to hang for a while before moving on to the next thing. Good groups and bad groups of ‘friends’ kept him sane to some extent, but it wouldn’t be long before he forgot about the quick connections as he hopped the next bus out of town.
Much like his failing social life, Frankie job-hopped for a long time. Some were good, some were great, others… Not so much. The bad days lead to tattoos, to cigarettes, to a cheap beer or five. The good days got put into a school fund, working towards what would eventually become an Associates Degree in Mortuary Science, finding some strange calling in the life of a Last Responder. He apprenticed for what felt like ages under two different masters before he was finally allowed to practice on his own, and there’s not much he’d rather be doing.
… Well, outside of playing his own gigs in crowded basement bars. When he’s not dealing with the dead, Frankie offers his vocals and his bass-playing to Dance Macabre, a horror punk band that has yet to make it big. Hey, a guy’s got to have options, and he’s been itching to get out into the world and travel again.
and now some sick tatties
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ketchup112 · 2 months
Hello, I like a certain game called Candyland and I kind of wanted to share.My lower ideas and head cannons and characters signs for the game.This is only for characters. You guys can skip this if you want, I just want to share it.
It counts where they live, like what region. Like if they live somewhere cold and ice creamy, they could be ice cream. Or they have relations with heart candy. And their diet? And genes, because you can have a candy person with peppermint and cherry. And you can have a ice cream person with hot fudge. The candy people are unwedable. They're fleshy, humanoid creatures. They just have characteristics and adaption to digest any candy and kind of look like it. Believe they're poisonous, if he even tried to eat them.
Yes, I had to make that clear. Do not eat the candy, people. Just don't!
Enough with Mr. Peppermint. My favorite character.
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Sticking with the peppermint theme and what I got from his later old designs that I tried to mix inside this. Read the sign of him in my art style.
It is the coloring actually. The first thing you see is. Being pure white. And then the red and a little bit of pink of his old design of being a pink. Candy cane. In his old designs he had yellow gloves and I intertwined with that on his hands. Instead of this white there is red, and yes, pink is a red. I'm counting that. There will be a little bit of yellow. So, it won't be just dominated with those colors.
For his face he has naturally read cheeks. His eyes are pink, with the iris itself being like candy cane. His hair is red with pink highlights. He is fleshy, so he's like. A fleshy candy monsters. He smells just like peppermint. By the cold, pretty well. Because he lives in the Peppermint Forest, and Peppermint has been known to be. Chilling when you put it in your mouth. Like a twig, but he knows how to use a peppermint axe pretty well. Because he is a Lumberjack. Counting that he in the movies and maybe down the line when you're trying to say Candyland, he comes with you. He does a teaching role of small children and personal guardian or babysitter for the royal family. That is just it for right now, because once I get started with the relations.
He is adapted to survive in cold environments like ice cream and snow cones. But he is born as hard candy. Person. So he lives in the Peppermint Forest with maybe a handful of other hard candy people.
The Lord Licorice.
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Newer and older designs went into this.I hope you guys like what I did with him.
Colors are dominated as black and red. He has a little bit of purple and gold. He also has a little bit of brown on his cane for chocolate. Shadow the Hedgehog with some Purple and Gold. And Brown. hehe.
His face is naturally red like the rest of his body. He has facial scars. All the way up to his eye and eyebrow. And all the way down to his lips. His lips have two scars. His hair has. Red coloring with black highlights. He is a. Fleshy candy monster. As a licorice. Person he can stretch in. Become flexible. He smells just like licorice and a little bit of dark chocolate. He lives alone with snakes and bats, so I guess he is the only. The homes are an island in the middle of a Magoon. Their home is full of licorice and bio of dark chocolate. He lives on his own, so he does not have mediate family, but I do hit Ken and him to be cousins to the King of Candy.
They're sharing outfits because they're pretty much the same thing, but different.There are both based off of their old carnations of.Therefore, emer artwork until now.They both have stripes.In their outfits.Now for the difference. That peppermint has fur to keep them warm. And Licorice has more as a family broch around his neck.
Well, that's it. If you guys have, you know, better writing skills than me, please talk to me because I don't mind sharing my head cannons or ideas with someone. I do need a little help.
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nightmaremp · 4 months
Weremayhem: Songs of Beasts.
Ch1: After Rock and Roll All Night
It was a loud night for the mayhem. They had just finished playing at a theater. They were taking photos with some fans until Moog, their number one fan, showed up. He had Lewis and Annie, Teeth’s kids with him. Lewis was ten years old while Annie was just 11 months old.
Lewis looked a lot like Teeth but was different. He had antlers like deer but they were covered with red flowers. His eyes were two different colors. The left eye was a gold yellow color, the sclera of his eye wasn’t white but black as space. The right eye was blood red. Lewis had two teeth sticking out, one going up and the other going down. The tips of his fingers were black and had sharp claws. His arms show a lot of body hair for a ten year old.
His left arm had a scar near his elbow. Lewis had an alligator tail that was covered in blunt orange stripes like a tiger. He was wearing a hoodie since the air would be cold, some blue jeans with a pair of sneakers that were black. Annie is a chubby baby girl. She looks like a clone of Teeth except she has a pink nose. She was sleeping in Moog’s arms. Annie was wrapped in the softest blanket ever.
“Hey dad” said Lewis as he walked up to Teeth, his father. “Hey Lewis, have you too been good for Moog?” asked Teeth. “Of course, dad,” replied his son with a smile. Teeth rough up his son’s hair which causes Lewis to laugh. “Dad! Stop” he said between the laughs. “Alright, take your sister into the van” replied the doc with a smile on his face that showed his gold tooth.
Lewis takes Annie from Moog and heads into the van. Dr. Teeth turns to Moog with his famous smile. “Thank you for taking them, you’re a lifesaver” said the ginger-haired male with a chuckle. “Yeah! No problem! You guys brought the magic as always tonight!” said Moog, he took a breath before continuing. “When you guys added those extra six amps, I thought it was overkill, but you sounded better than ever!” said the black haired male.
“Am I yellin? I’m yellin’, aren’t I?” he asked. “Yes, you are, and you are most welcome” replied Floyd. Animal came over to Moog and showed him a drum cymbal that had a bite taken out of it. “Welcome” said the drummer. “What is this?” asked Moog as he grabbed the drum cymbal from Animal’s hands. “Oh, it’s a cymbal, which is a symbol of our appreciation.” replied Janice with a smile on her face.
“Aww, thank you guys” said Moog with a smile on his face. “I’mma see you in Austin, first rack of ribs is on me. And for Janice, vegan ribs” said the black haired male. The band nodded their heads. “Okay. Well, you have a great night, Moog. Oh! Thank you for watching my kids again” replied Dr. Teeth. “Yeah of course, no problem.” replied Moog with a smile on his face.
“Bye!” said the band with smiles on their faces. Lewis waves Moog from the window which Moog waves back. As Moog was walking away, He accidentally bumped into Nora, who was busy looking at her clipboard. He grabbed her phone and handed it back to her. “Thanks. Did they just give that to you?” asked Nora. “Yeah, it’s no big deal, though,” replied the black haired male. “But also, I’m freakin’ out inside” he chuckles.
“So, do I just go up to them, or-” Nora started to say before Moog cut her off. “I got you,” he said. “Hey guys!” he yelled to the band who were packing their stuff up into the van. “New mayhead newbie comin’ your way.” the black haired male said with a smile on his face. “That’s one way to do it” Nora said in a monotone voice.
Nora walks up to the band. She remembers some of the old clips from the interview she watched that Dr. Teeth didn’t have two scars on his face but when the interview started, she noticed them. One over his right side of his lips and the other over his left eye. “Hi. Excuse me, Mr. Teeth?” she asked. Teeth chuckles before answering her.
“Mr. Teeth is my father. I’m the doctor in the house and most posolutely excited to meet the last groupie of the group.” the doc said with his famous smile. “Not a groupie. I’m actually Nora Singh. CEO of Wax Town Records.” replied Nora. Animal turned his head to the side. “Nora?” he said in a curious tone like a puppy. “Right,” she replied. “Nora” replied the drummer.
“What is happening?” asked Nora Singh in a confused tone. “Nora” Animal said again but in a happy like tone. Kinda like a dog seeing its owner when they get home from work. “I think Animal digs you.” said Floyd before he closed his eyes and chuckled. “I did the Animal as well.” replied the black haired female with a smile. The drummer blinks before Nora turn back to Teeth.
“Anyway, I have business to discuss. Where can we talk?” asked Nora. “Well, step right into our office.” replied the ginger haired male. They all get inside the van. “Welcome to our office,” said Dr. Teeth. Floyd was sitting next to the good doctor. Janice, Zoot, and Lips were sitting behind Nora. “Livin’ the van life, huh? Respect” replied Nora. She looked up and noticed photos on the ceiling of the van.
“Cool photos” Nora said as she pointed at the pictures. Teeth looks up and sees the photos that Zoot had taken. “Mmm, indeed. That’s just our family photo album of our truly faithful fans.” replied Teeth with a smile. Lewis took a peak to see who his dad was talking to and noticed it was some lady. He retreated his head back and put his nose back into his book that Lips got him a few months ago.
Animal’s head popped through the sunroof of the van, he was on top of the van. “Nora,” the drummer said. “Still me” replied Nora. “Nora” replied Animal before he retreated his head back outside of the van. “Anyway, I’m here because it’s come to my attention that back in the 70s, you took a hefty advance from us to record your first album.” said the black haired female.
“Oh! And what an album” replied Floyd with his hand on his chest. “It truly is the greatest achievement of my lifetime” replied the doc. “It doesn’t exist,” replied Nora.
Teeth’s mouth opened in shock at this news. “There is no album,” she said. Janice, Zoot, and Lips look at each other. Floyd blinks his eyes a quick few times. Lewis’ eyes got wide. His dad and the band never made an album? He couldn’t believe it. “Well, then, it is the greatest disappointment of my lifetime.” replied Dr. Teeth, a bit sad. “The good news is, it’s not too late because I have a plan to make it happen fast,” replied Nora with a smile on her face. “Well, right now” replied the good doctor with joy. Lips said something but you couldn’t understand him because he mumbles. It sounded like the trumpet playing said “Mama, papa.”
“Totally” replied Janice. “We’ll hop to it as soon as the tour ends.” replied Teeth. “But your tours never end.” replied Nora. “So, either make the album or you could always pay back your advance of $420,000.” she said. “Whoa! That’s a big number” replied Floyd in shock. “Anyone remember where all that went?” asked Dr. Teeth nervously.
“It says here. The check was cashed by a Mr. Zootowiski.” replied Nora as she held up the check. Lips and Janice looked at Zoot, who was in the middle. “I’d like to buy a vowel, Pat.” replied Zoot as he held his hand up with one finger up. “Memory’s a little hazy,” said Dr. Teeth. Lewis chuckles a bit, Zoot always says the funniest things out of nowhere. “Ooh! I know. We’ll just pay you back in groove.” said the blonde female with a smile.
“Yeah, that’s not an actual form of currency.” Nora replied while looking at janice. “Yet.” replied Floyd as he pointed his finger. Janice and Nora look at the red haired male in silence for a few seconds. “Okay.” replied the black haired female. “So then-” before she could finish what she was saying, the doc cut her off.
“Then the album it is.” replied Teeth with a smile on his face. “It is?” said Nora in shock. “It is. Great. Perfect.” replied Nora with a smile on her face. “Well, please contact me when you get into town and we can put my plan into action,” she said. “Onward to the City of Angels” said Dr. Teeth as he looks at Floyd. “We’ll crash with a friend and lay it all down” replied the doc.
Nora gets out before the band takes off. “Nora” said Animal as he looked out the sunroof as the van drove off. She waves. Nora does a fist pump before heading to her car.
As the van drives on the road, Lewis looks over to his dad. “Hey dad” said the ginger haired boy. “Yes, son?” replied Teeth as he drove. “Who was that woman?” he asked. “That is Nora. She is going to help us get our first album” replied the doc. “Oh? Neat” replied Lewis before going back to his book which was Jurassic Park. He enjoys this book so much that he can’t wait to get the Lost World one.
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wondcrstrucks · 6 months
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☆ –– (lili reinhart, she/her, cis woman) who is SAVANNAH KIRKMAN anyways? ew. you don’t know about HER, we’ll bet you want to. they’re feeling 29 and STRESS BAKING feels like a perfect night to them. rumor has it they’re GUARDED and RECKLESS because they care, but they’re also CREATIVE and AMBITIOUS in the best way. she work to make a little money as a SONGWRITER/BARTENDER. they’ve rented a place on cornelia street in the form of AN APARTMENT. LONG LIVE (E), AUGUST (A) & CARDIGAN (A) are the songs they could dance to the beat of forevermore.
birth name : savannah elise kirkman nick name : sav, savvy birth date : september 13th sexuality: homosexual homoromantic currently residing : woodvale apartment 105 occupation : songwriter/bartender at tilted stage family : austin kirkman (father), charlotte kirkman (mother), ______ kirkman (older sibling), _____ kirkman (younger sibling) pets : two ferrets named mac and cheese relationship status: single notable past relationships: august muse b; cardigan muse b
hair color : blonde (ends currently dyed pink) eye color : green height : 5'6" noticeable scars: small patch on her knee from falling off her bike as a kid piercings : two in each ear, helix on both ears, industrial in left ear tattoos: sun and moon on middle back (above bra strap), music notes along right collarbone, star behind left ear.
savannah elise was born on a chilly, autumn morning to a set of musical parents. her parents pushed sav into learning as much as instruments as possible, starting with the piano.
sav eventually got older and moved on different instruments but ended up loving the guitar and piano the most. she started off with acoustic guitar and later ended up learning electric as well. she also learned to play ukulele and took vocal lessons when her mother suggested it.
her dream was always to write songs, she didn't really care if she was the one singing them or not. music was always her outlet to feelings she didn't know how to process or to work something out she was struggling with.
sav frequently got in trouble at school for not paying attention, but it was boring to her. she didn't care about math or science, and loved the more creative routes of her english classes.
sav realized she was a lesbian in high school after her best friend at the time kissed her. he was nice enough, and probably would have become her husband had she been into boys, but there was nothing but platonic love for him. she tried dating him for a while but eventually told him she wasn't into him. he took it well and tried setting sav up with his sister.
sav tried college, pursuing a degree in creative writing, but ultimately decided music was her passion. she didn't want to go to college for it, not wanting it to taint her passion. so she packed up her bags and moved to new york on her own.
she frequently crashed on whoever's couch she could find, doing quick jobs that paid well to save up for her own place while still trying to send her lyrics to various music producers.
after a couple of years, she eventually had enough money to travel the world, writing lyrics as she went. but eventually she ended up finding herself in new york answering a craiglist ad for a roommate.
fwb (open to multiple women): after the disaster that was her last relationship, sav has swore off relationships all together. however she's always down for a hookup or two. best friend(s): please give sav people she can bully affectionately. she might pretend to be a bitch and sarcastic, but she only does so because she cares. past co-workers: sav has worked pretty much every job in and around new york from dog walking to bike deliveries to waitressing to bartending. whether or not they liked sav is up to you.
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fandomstars · 8 months
Fairly Odd Pokemon
Warning: Mentions of neglect/child endangerment. Also, this is a long headcanon thing fyi.
* = Shiny Pokémon
M = Male F = Female G= Genderless
*Insert move* -> *insert move* = Can use both (Like a power level dynamic. Example, using water gun in small fires, and can transition to hydro pump for big fires. Can alternate between both no problem (well more energy needed for hydro pump in comparison but still). Counts as one move though.)
Also, this is an AU where Timmy is the protagonist instead of Ash. Also, all of Ash's travel companions are replaced by FOP characters. And this takes place in Unova (since it's close to the US, right?), with Dimmsdale just on the outside border of the region. Also, yes other region Pokémon appear, all but Galar and Alola. Why? Maybe some magic got involved long ago to make it happen. ;)
Plus, Poof is the older of him and Timmy in this AU.
And yes, the evil Pixies team is named after LOR dragon Smaug. Reason is Pixies are money makers, and I figured what better name for their evil team than of a treasure/gold hoarding dragon? Meanwhile Team Mishap is the Anti-Fairies, whom unlike Pixies, don't hide them being the bad guys at all.
A Summary (if possible/needed): In the small town of Dimmsdale, 10-year-old Timmy can finally become an official Pokémon trainer. Though throughout his journey, he will have to face the evil Team Mishap (Anti-Fairies) and Team Smaug (Disgusted as the business corporation Pixie Inc.). Making friends, making enemies, all while trying to become the very best and make a name for himself? The world really isn't going to make it easy is it.
More possibly to be added...depends on if you guys want more (request in inbox of possible oneshots/headcanons for this and all characters! Pokemon included!)
Name: Timmy Turner Fairywinkle-Cosma
Age: 10
Occupation: Pokémon trainer / Gym challenger / Coordinator
Hair color / Style: Light Brown and spiky
Eye color: Blue
Regular - Pink t-shirt, blue jeans, and matching blue sneakers
Contest - Light blue tuxedo with matching tie, blue mask, black dress shoes, and fingerless white gloves
Training - White kung-fu outfit with pink, green, and purple striped belt
Facial features: Buck two front teeth
Other: Has a small facial scar on the bottom of his chin
Backstory: It happened when he and Gary were four, their mother and father just happened leave them at the camping site and drove off home. Lost and scared, the two mistakenly took a hallow tree as a resting place, when it was a Beedrill nest (luckily said mons were sleepy still, and simply dazed out. But that didn't stop some, as those Beedrill had the move Sleep Talk and or Snore.). They ran off screaming, but before they ran into a Pokémon ranger, they fell into a ravine where they got said scar. Getting said scar, Gary with a mere identical one on his chin too, were brought to a nearby hospital where local police came to investigate. So, the CPS later is called, and the twins are dropped off at Wanda and Cosmo's for the night, to later being adopted and living permanently there once the forms were done and their 'parents' were imprisoning for child abandonment and other crimes.
Personality: He's overall a very caring individual, at least those closest to him. Around strangers he's a bit cold, due to lack of trust of many people compared to Pokémon, especially adults. He only at first, was kindhearted and open to his godparents, twin and godbrothers. Then later A.J. and Chester. Sometimes he can get a little into his head and turn selfish in case of popularity. Thankfully, Gary is the one who is able to pull him back and get his head straight. He's very protective though of those he cares for, especially Pokémon.
Hometown: Dimmsdale
Starter: Totodile (Nicknamed Chomps) (Professor Juniper got a switch up with new starters that year, and so the twins got different starters of different regions)
Mrs. Turner (Estranged)
Mr. Turner (Estranged)
Wanda Fairywinkle-Cosma (Godmother / Adopted Mom)
Cosmo Fairywinkle-Cosma (Godfather / Adopted Dad)
Poof Fairywinkle-Cosma (Godbrother / Adopted Older Brother / Older twin of Foop)
Foop Anthony Fairywinkle-Cosma (Godbrother / Adopted Older Brother / Younger twin of Poof)
Gary Fairywinkle-Cosma (but just goes by Gary cause the last name doesn't sound "cool") (Twin brother) (Older by 1 minute)
Best Friends: A.J. and Chester (Also traveling with)
Acquittances: Sanjay and Elmer
Rivals: Tad, Chad, Remy, Tootie, Trixie (not to her acknowledgement), and Francis
Enemies: Teams Mishap (Anti-fairies), Team Smaug (Pixies), and Vicky
Possible Love Interest: Trixie / Remy (not till way later, and not until he gets over his crush on Trixie..so awhile)
Pokémon Team:
Nickname -> Pokemon -> Ability -> Moves
Chomps | Totodile -> Croconaw -> Feraligatr | Torret | Agility, Bite -> Crunch, Dragon Claw, Rain Dance, Aerial Ace, Water Gun -> Hydro Pump, Metal Claw, and Shadow claw
Ace | Weedle -> Kakuna -> Beedrill | Swarm | Pin Missle, Poison Jab, Agility, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Swords Dance, Sleep Talk, and Double Team
Hevy | Phanpy -> Donphan | Sturdy | Rollout, Earthquake, Slam, Hidden Power, Stone Edge, Fire fang, Ice Shard, and Iron Defense
Thorn* | Egg -> Eevee -> Leafeon | Chlorophyll | Razor Leaf -> Magical Leaf, Bite -> Crunch, Swords Dance, Quick Attack, Facade, Energy Ball, Iron Tail, and Shadow Ball
Cleft | Pikachu -> Raichu (Alola) | Lightning Rod | Agility -> Quick Attack -> Double Team, Thunderbolt -> Thunder, Mega kick -> Mega Punch, Psychic, Dig, Iron Tail, and Grass Knot
Ally | Slyveon (twin of Gary’s) | Pixilate |
Name: Gary Turner Fairywinkle-Cosma (Goes by just Gary since it sounds 'mysterious/cool' without any last name. Only uses it for documents, tournament sign ups, and with family.)
Age: 10
Occupation: Pokémon trainer / Gym challenger
Hair color / Style: Black and grease style
Eye color: Blue
Regular - Red coat, white t-shirt, blue navy pants and blue sneakers, also wears a pair of black shades
Training - White tank top and matching pants, with a green and pink belt with purple highlights
Facial features: Buck two front teeth
Other: Small scar on the bottom of his chin
Personality: He tries very hard to look and be cool wherever he goes, but it's really a shell of whom he really is, and only Timmy and his Pokémon know for a long while. Not that he doesn't get cocky or arrogant sometimes, but he's more mellow more than anything. Despite being the same age, he's very protective of Timmy, and such events to trigger this can actually break the arrogant shell he holds. He's been like such since the Beedrill incident. He's also secretly a nerd but hides his high intelligence with sass (or with sass if needed). But in private, likes to geek out with Timmy of their favorite Pokémon and trainers in the world.
Hometown: Dimmsdale
Starter: Chimchar (Nicknamed Jazz)
Mrs. Turner (Estranged)
Mr. Turner (Estranged)
Wanda Fairywinkle-Cosma (Godmother / Adopted Mom)
Cosmo Fairywinkle-Cosma (Godfather / Adopted Dad)
Poof Fairywinkle-Cosma (Godbrother / Adopted Older Brother / Older twin of Foop)
Foop Anthony Fairywinkle-Cosma (Godbrother / Adopted Older Brother / Younger twin of Poof)
Timmy Fairywinkle-Cosma (or 'Tim Tim') (Twin brother) (Younger by 1 minute)
Best Friend (s): Timmy, Foop, A.J., and Chester (latter two redundant to admit)
Acquittances: Remy and Trixie
Rivals: Tad, Chad, Remy, and Francis
Enemies: Teams Mishap, Team Smaug, Francis, Vicky, and anyone who hurts his family
Possible Love Interest (s): Kinda flirts with anyone, but secretly has a crush on either Chad, A.J., or Trixie (he kinda flirts so much, that he has no idea what is genuine till later on.) 
Pokémon Team:
Nickname -> Pokemon -> Ability -> Moves
Jazz | Chimchar -> Monferno -> Infernape | Blaze | Mach Punch -> Close Combat, Ember -> Fire Spin -> Fire Blast, Flame Wheel -> Flame Charge -> Flare Blitz, Iron Tail, Dual Chop, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge, Acrobatics, and Attract
*Maximus | Weedle -> Kakuna -> Beedrill | Sniper | Pin Missile
Gladiator | Scraggy -> Scrafty | Moxie |
Titan | Krokorok -> Krookodile | Intimidate |
Ivy | Mienfoo -> Mienshao | Inner Focus |
Luna | Egg -> Eevee -> Umbreon | Synchronize |
In Rotation:
*Crystal | Sylveon | Cute Charm | Charm, Quick Attack, Swift, Moonblast, Detect, Dig, Psyshock, and Shadow Ball
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mjs-oc-corner · 2 years
hpma character sheet 2/??
so this is actually the first hpma kiddo i had an idea for, i just never got her profile finished until now…soooo…here she is!!
moots who may be interested: @unfortunate-arrow @catohphm @endlessly-cursed @gcldensnitch @nicos-oc-hell @cursebreakerfarrier @camillejeaneshphm @hphmmatthewluther @magicallymalted @gaygryffindorgal
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Name: Addison Maeve Kennedy
Nicknames: Addi, Mae, Mae-Mae (from her brothers), Addi-Mae, sunshine and pumpkin (from her mother and father)
Birthdate: May 15th, 1999
Zodiac sign: Taurus
MBTI type: ISFJ (the Defender)
Blood status: half-blood (half-blood father, squib mother)
Nationality: Irish/Welsh/British
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Physical Appearance
Hair: long and wavy, medium-dark brown colored, thick. blonde highlights added in her fifth year, briefly dyed blonde during her sixth/seventh year
Eyes: bright green/hazel
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 110 lbs.
Body type: short-statured, slim, semi-athletic
Skin tone: light, tans easily
Distinguishing marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.):
from childhood
small scar above right eyebrow from a fall as a toddler
feint scar on left arm from being scratched by the family cat
birthmark on her left shoulder blade
pierced ears (done when she was six years old)
acquired in teenage years/adulthood
scar on right thigh from a playful hippogriff that she had volunteered to help care for at Hogwarts
pierced ears (second piercing in earlobes— done when she is 19)
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Crawley, England (birth— age 18)
London, England (age 18–retirement)
Angela Lynette Kennedy née Cecil was born on July 18th, 1968 to Patricia and Cormac Cecil. the third born child in her family, though she would not attend Hogwarts as her siblings did, as she was a squib. she would later go on to marry Shane Kennedy, and they would have three children; Addison, and her older brothers, Jackson and Zachary.
Shane Matthew Kennedy, born on April 5th, 1968, is the second born son of Eloise and Donal Kennedy. he would attend Hogwarts at age 11, just like his older brother and younger sister. he would be sorted into ravenclaw, and would excel at charms and potions.
Addi has two older brothers, Jackson and Zachary. Jackson is the oldest, born October 8th, 1996. Zachary was born two years later on December 10th, 1998. both of her brothers are able to use magic as well. Jackson is an alumni of hufflepuff, and Zachary an alumni of ravenclaw.
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House: Slytherin
Clubs: sphinx, hippogriff, and dueling
Best class: charms, potions, defence against the dark arts
Worst class: arthimancy
Boggart: a creepy clown
Riddikulus: the clown turns into a fairy, fluttering around her and making her laugh
Patronus: polar bear
Patronus memory: her family’s Christmas in Wales with her grandparents
Mirror of Erised: herself with her family surrounding her, each of them proud of her for many different accomplishments and happy to hear her stories
Amortentia (what she smells like): almond, vanilla, and a hint of coconut
Amortentia (what she smells): leather, woodsy/earthy scents, patchouli, sweets, fresh parchment, TBD
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Ages 11-18: Hogwarts student
Ages 18–50: cursebreaker/healer
Ages 50-65: author
ages 65–??: retirement
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Personality & Attitude
Priorities: her family and friends
Strengths: empathy — compassion — loyalty — ambition — responsibility — adaptability
Weaknesses: stubbornness — nervousness
Stressed: when her brothers are plotting anything together, during exams, or when a potion doesn’t go right
Calm/Comforted: in the den of her family’s home, the fireplace crackling as she’s reading up on her favorite topics
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Color: pastel green, yellow, blue, and dusty rose pink
Food: Belgian waffles with fresh strawberries and cream
Drink: tea and pink lemonade
Weather: sunny, partly cloudy with moderate temperatures
Hobbies: reading, drawing, singing, astronomy and divination, gardening
Fashion: Addi is very laid-back, and more casual than anything. oversized sweaters and leggings with sneakers are her go-to, but she’ll also wear more fitted tops or graphic tees with jeans and flats or sneakers. for formal events, she tends to go all-out with her appearance.
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Significant Other/Love Interest: TBD
(Addi is open for ships with others’ ocs, just reply to this or message me and let me know if you’d like for your oc to be in a ship with her!)
(Addi is currently open for friendships with others’ ocs, just message me or reply to this to let me know if you’d like for your oc to be friends with her!)
Joan Wytte (@nelabelievesindragons)
Thiago Caplan (@nelabelievesindragons)
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Addi was sixteen when she first successfully cast the patronus charm
her favorite dessert is strawberry cheesecake
when she was a child, she convinced her family to adopt a dog (it didn’t take a lot to convince her parents), and the Kennedy family welcomed a bernese mountain dog pup into their family, naming him Bear
she has a white pet cat named Star
her favorite holiday is Christmas
Addi’s wand is 9 and 3/4”, pear wood with a dragon heartstring core
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sylviareviar · 1 year
HC about Sylvia's past (Persona 5)
Sylvia doesn't have any scars from her childhood, nor has she ever broken a single bone in her body. All the scars she has are emotional, typically due to neglect or grooming, depending on whose house she was in at the time. She was a foster kid who jumped around from home to home, since orphanages don't really exist in the U.S. anymore. Instead, through the "improved foster system," Sylvia and her siblings were bounced around from house to house.
But since the first house they were dumped into happened to be a Russian household, the rest of the houses they lived in were Russian, too. This is because the Russians they stayed with didn't really trust other people, and preferred to stay in their tight-knit community, even as they jumped from state to state. Finally, when she was about twelve (Lucy was ten and Jack was fourteen), the caretaker she was with was neglectful and uncaring, and after getting sick of the expenses of taking care of three stubborn children, two of whom just wouldn't listen to reason, he pawned them off on some black neighbor of his and called it a day. That black neighbor turned out to be David, and he vowed to foster the kids much better than they had been before. One year later, he signed the adoption papers and officially became her father.
While she was in those households, her siblings often got punished for acting out. They still have some scars as proof of how hard they fought to stay together and protect Sylvia. But Sylvia's passive obedience painted her out to be an angel in the eyes of anyone who's seen her. She always listened to what they wanted, always did as told, and never lashed out against anyone, because she was taught to be emotionless and beautiful, as is the Russian way. A true Russian woman is passive, quiet, and beautiful. (This is not true of all Russian women, and typically Russian men do not encourage this behavior in their daughters if they really do love them. Sylvia's situation is an irregularity, not the norm of Russian households.)
From being raised in Russian households, of course she became semi-fluent in Russian, all the way up until middle school age, when she was adopted by a non-Russian speaker.
However, Sylvia was not immune to her caretakers' abuse. On top of their emotional abuse, Sylvia and her siblings were also treasured and traded around for their white hair, which is rare in anyone who isn't albino. In the Persona universe, there are silver-haired individuals such as Yu and Akihiko, and already that's very rare in itself, but it's even rarer for anyone to be born with white hair. Lucy and Sylvia, whose hair grew the longest, often had their hair cut and sold by their caretakers, who justified it with "You can't be selfish about your hair; think about all those kids in the world who don't have hair like yours. You need to share." Sylvia was convinced this was right, but Lucy was smarter, and realized through Jack's anger that this was unjust and unfair.
When they were adopted, Lucy grew out her hair as an act of defiance, and her dad often braided it for her and made it look nice. It's obviously different from what he was used to, which was braiding his neighbor's daughters' hair, and their hair was all black and curly while Lucy's was white and straight, but it only made his fingers more deft in his field of work (theatre) and he learned lots of different hairstyles that wouldn't have been possible with curly hair before. Sylvia, meanwhile, had a harder time keeping her hair long because she was still haunted with taunts of selfishness and aggression in her mind. So instead, her dad suggested dyeing her hair her favorite color to make it her own.
She uses a dyed shampoo now to make her hair bubblegum pink. This is what she looks like with white hair.
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messers-moony · 3 years
Chaser at Heart | J.P
Paring: James Potter X Fem!Reader
Summary: Without realizing it James Potter has always been a Chaser regardless of his Quidditch position.
Everybody wondered where James Potter got his snitch that he played with. Rumors had been created, but only James and Y/n knew the real truth. The most common story was that James and his Marauders nicked it from a supply closet. The honest question was, why did James play with a snitch when he was a Chaser?
Y/n knew. James - even as a boy - had brilliant reflexes. They met in a field that was near both their houses. James went to the field to sit by the lake or even swim in the lake. Y/n climbed the trees and read books on the safety of the wooden bark. But one day, she wasn’t as lucky. Y/n fell from the branch she was sitting on, and James chased after her to catch her. 
Brilliant reflexes James had. At eight years old, he caught her and ran fast enough to do so. Y/n was waiting for impact, but she never felt it. Instead, two arms had been wrapped around her. One under her knees and one around her back. Instantly she was met with hazel eyes. 
They were beautiful. A gorgeous mix of green and brown. But it wasn’t mixed like paint - no - it was mixed like old and vinegar, separated but together. His hair was shaggy and a mess. It was a beautiful chocolate brown color to match the brown in his eyes. The grass could resemble the green in his eyes. Peonies represented the pink in his cheeks. 
The boy smiled, and Y/n smiled sheepishly back, “Afternoon.”
“Afternoon, sir.”
“Sir?” James repeated teasingly, “Do I look thirty?”
Y/n laughed, “Sorry. Force of habit.”
James set her on her own two feet, “Pureblood then too?”
“How did you know I was a witch?”
“Your scarf.”
She looked down to see the gold and maroon-colored scarf, “Oh. In that case, yes, I am a pureblood. You?”
“Me too.” James stated proudly, “Family of Gryffindors.”
“Me as well.”
James took her hand and kissed the back of it, “James Potter, at your service.”
Y/n blushed at his action, “Y/n L/n, at your service.”
From that point, Y/n and James became close friends. They’d switch between going to the lake or climbing trees. Thankfully their families knew each other, so becoming friends only brought them closer. In fact, Euphemia was so grateful to have Y/n’s mother closer now that their children were friends. Fleamont was delighted to be closer with Y/n’s father. 
Fleamont Potter delved in Potion making while his wife Euphemia worked at St. Mungo’s, helping wizards and witches all around London. Y/n’s father worked with magical creatures, and her mother worked with Euphemia. James and Y/n got extraordinarily lucky. They were together almost every day. 
Meeting at the age of eight gave them three years of being friends before going to Hogwarts. They were close by the age of eleven - really close. They stood side by side as they got on the Hogwarts Express and shared a compartment. James and Y/n talked animatedly until a knock at the container startled them. 
“Um- Hello, everywhere else is full. May I sit?” 
The boy had sandy hair and green eyes. Scars littered his body as far as the eye could see. He was rather tall for an eleven-year-old too, but he seemed nice enough. His voice had a thick welsh accent. It made his language a bit incoherent, but James and Y/n knew what he was trying to say. Nevertheless, James put on a bright smile. 
“Of course!”
He gave a nervous smile looking at Y/n, “Come on. We don’t bite. Although James gets pretty loud.” Y/n smiled.
The boy sat hesitantly beside Y/n, “I’m Remus, Remus Lupin.”
“Brilliant to meet you, Remus; I’m James Potter.”
“And I’m Y/n L/n.”
Another hour went by with James and Y/n starting to get to know Remus. They learned that he was a half-blood and that he thoroughly enjoyed books. Y/n and Remus bonded over that while James was listening aimlessly, just enjoying the sound of Y/n’s voice. But another knock interrupted the conversation. This time a more confident boy showed up. 
He was about the same height as James. He had dark brunet hair - darker than James’ - and blue-grey eyes. His smile was almost perfectly white and straight. His face structure was defined and chiseled. A cocky smiled grazed his features. 
“‘Ello!” He exclaimed, “I was wondering if I could sit here. I just got kicked out of every other compartment.”
Remus and Y/n shrugged; they looked at James, “Sure.” James replied, patting the seat beside him, “Come sit, uh….”
“Sirius, Sirius Black.” Sirius finished sitting beside James as both purebloods dropped their jaws. 
“Black? As in the Noble House of Black?” Y/n questioned, and Sirius nodded, “Indeed.”
James stuck out his hand, “James Potter.” Sirius shook his hand. 
“Y/n L/n.”
“You two are purebloods too. Gryffindor purebloods.” Sirius commented, “Yep!” They replied simultaneously. 
Sirius eyed the nervous-looking boy, “And you?”
“Rem- Remus Lupin.” 
The entire rest of the trip - seven hours - was spent talking—no more interruptions. Y/n, Remus, James, and Sirius all got to know each other. The four of them stayed together through everything until the sorting. They all stood near each other while Professor McGonagall began to call names. James was practically shaking in his boots. Y/n grasped his hand tightly. 
“You’ll be okay.” Y/n whispered, and James squeezed her hand thankfully, “Thanks, you too.”
Multiple names were called in alphabetical order of last name until finally B’s were beginning to get called, “Sirius Black!”
Y/n kissed his cheek, making Sirius blush profusely, “You’ll be fine.”
Sirius nodded as he pushed his way through the crowd of first years. Anybody in the wizarding world knew about the Noble House of Black. They were one of the most respected pureblood families. Most known for their line of Slytherins. Sirius Black sat on the stool and waited patiently as the hat spoke in his ear. His cousins watching eagerly from the Slytherin table. 
Silence cut through the crowd until, “GRYFFINDOR!”
The Great Hall was as quiet as a mouse. A Black in Gryffindor? The rival house to Slytherin, that was a no-go. James and Y/n exchanged nervous glances that said everything that needed to be - Sirius Black was going to be in big trouble. More names got called. Remus began to rock on his heels nervously. 
“Remus Lupin!”
Again, the process repeated itself. Remus took his seat on the stool, and the hat was placed upon his head, making its commented in the boy's ear. Remus’ hands wouldn’t stop moving, and it was making Y/n want to throw up. 
The Gryffindor table yelled and cheered. Sirius Black upon them as a blissful smile placed itself upon Remus’ features. He stepped off the stood giving James and Y/n a grateful smile before sitting beside Sirius at the Gryffindor table. A red and gold tie was placed around his shoulders. His green eyes crinkled due to the cheerful smile on his lips. 
Attendance seemed to be going slower - or so that’s how it felt - because of how close they were approached the P’s. James’ grip on Y/n’s hand began to get tighter, and his hand began to feel clammy. Y/n didn’t mind. 
“James Potter!”
“Oh, Merlin…” James muttered before squeezing Y/n’s hand one more time. 
Before stepping on the stool, he looked back at Y/n, who gave him a reassuring smile. James Potter sat upon the seat, and once again, the hat was placed above his hair. Within seconds the hat seemed to have made its decision. 
Y/n screamed loudly for him along with the Gryffindor table. James’ hazel eyes met her e/c ones, and he winked. The boy took his spot across from Sirius and watched eagerly at his best friend waiting to be sorted. Sirius snapped his fingers in James' face to get his attention. 
“How’d you meet?” Sirius inquired, “Mm?”
“How did you meet her?” 
“Oh, she fell out of a tree, and I caught her.” James replied distantly, still looking at his best friend left alone in the smaller crowd. 
“She’s nice.”
James nodded at Remus’ comment, “Definitely. She’s brilliant.”
Finally, they got to her last name. James was on his tipping point, and Sirius smiled reassuringly - like she had when he began to sit on the stood, “She’ll be fine. You know that.”
“I do, but still.”
Y/n couldn’t fathom her excitement yet nervousness. She was a walking contradiction. Carefully, not to step on her robes while her legs felt like jelly, she moved through the relatively small crowd. Only about ten kids remained now. Y/n sat on the stool and made direct eye contact with James, who threw her the most reassuring look possible. 
“Curious, very curious.” The hat spoke in her ear, “Loyal, hardworking yet courageous and stupidly brave.”
Y/n almost snickered, “What a brilliant Hufflepuff you’d make.”
“Please, Gryffindor. Please, Gryffindor.” 
“Gryffindor? Are you sure?” The hat queried, “Please.” Y/n begged. 
If the sorting hat could’ve shrugged, he would’ve, “If that’s what you think.”
James stumbled from the Gryffindor table as Y/n got off the stool with the same smile Remus had. The blissful, relaxed, and cheery smile. On his way out from the table, he almost fell, but he chased his way to her until Y/n was wrapped in his arms. Y/n placed her nose in the crook of his neck while James’ face was buried in her hair. They pulled away, and James led her to sit beside him. 
“Told you she’d be fine.” Sirius remarked, “I worry.” James retorted with a smile. 
Y/n fiend offense, “You were worried! Where’d you think I’d go? Slytherin?”
“Absolutely not!” James exclaimed, “Jus’ didn’t want to be separated from you.”
She nudged his shoulder with hers, “You aren’t getting rid of me.”
“Neither are you two.” Y/n pointed at the boys across from her, “Welcome to our group of four.”
“We’ve gotta come up with a better name for that.” Remus replied as the other three nodded, “Definitely.”
The boys and the girls had different dormitories. Y/n shared her dorm with three other girls named Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald, and Lily Evans. Meanwhile, James, Remus, Sirius shared a dorm where they met a new boy with blond hair and blue eyes named Peter Pettigrew, who quickly was added to their group of four, which was now five. 
James and Y/n shared almost every class aside from History of Magic and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Instead, Y/n had History of Magic with Remus and Lily. At the same time sharing Defense Against the Dark Arts with Remus as well. She also became quick friends with her roommate, Marlene, through Quidditch. Y/n always admired James while he practiced being Chaser, while Y/n was his fake Keeper. 
Throughout first year the new additions to their original duo learned how mischievous these two were. Y/n had an intelligent mind with practically foolproof plans, and James had the resources to make those plans work. Sirius was quick to join their prank-making wonders while Remus tended to stick with Y/n in making plans. Peter joined whenever he could. 
Soon enough, the group was known as the pranksters around Hogwarts. Surprisingly enough, they were proud of their newfound title. They were all sitting in the boys' dorms. James, Y/n, and Sirius were talking about Quidditch. Peter was practicing the new incantation that Professor Flitwick had taught them, and Remus was reading. When out of nowhere, Remus exclaimed. 
“I got it!”
“Got what, mate?” James questioned as the chatter stopped, and they all looked at the sandy-haired male, “Our group name!”
Y/n perked up, “Whatcha got, Remmy?”
“The Marauders!”
“Marauders?” Sirius repeated, confused, “What does that mean?”
Remus sighed, and Y/n giggled, “Marauders is another word for raiders, you idiot.”
“I like it.” Sirius commented, “I do too!” Peter interject. 
The three looked at the original duo; Y/n shrugged, “Good call, Rem.”
“How about it, James?” 
“I think it’s excellent! The Marauders it is!” 
Henceforth, their legacy grew and were now known as the five Marauders. They were all known for something. James, good at getting resources. Sirius, good at persuading. Peter, the most logical. Remus, the brains of every mission. Finally, Y/n, the most reckless. Y/n is the one who’d go in first always; she was also the one with the most detentions. 
In the second year, Y/n became more intuitive, observant, and curious about Remus. She noticed in the first year a pattern of when he’d get sick or his mother's sudden illness once a month. She was no stranger to these creatures as her father had worked with them for years. So before the first full moon of the new term, Y/n pulled Remus aside. 
“You said you wanted to speak with me?” Remus inquired, and Y/n nodded, “I know.”
“Know about what?”
“I know.” 
Remus rocked on his heels, “O- Oh….”
“Don’t worry, nobody else knows. Although they may have or will find out.” Y/n assured, but Remus still looked nervous, “Remus.”
She placed her hands on his taller shoulders, “You aren’t a monster. I’ve seen werewolves before.”
“You- You have?”
“My father works with magical creatures.” Y/n answered, “Werewolves are included.”
“Personally, I think they’re beautiful.” She stated, and tears grew in Remus’ eyes, “You do?”
“Of course, I do.” Y/n smiled, and Remus pulled her in for a hug, “Thank you.”
“Anytime and if you need anything. I’m here for you.”
“Thank you.”
Eventually, Sirius found out next, which quite honestly baffled Remus. Then James and then finally Peter, who was definitely the most oblivious of the Marauders. But to Remus’ astonishment, they were all accepting. They loved Remus as much as his mom, which - in reality - was quite a lot. Every night after full moons, he’d find all four of them sitting beside him. 
James would bring games to play for when he felt up for it. Peter got his books and set them on the table beside him. Sirius brought sweets and his stupidly funny jokes. Y/n held his hand and comforted him the best he could. Honestly, Y/n gave the best head scratches, and he definitely took advantage of it. 
Second-year was also the time for new Quidditch players to join the team. James and Sirius were about to try out but were undeniably nervous. The morning of, neither of them ate, too worried to think about eating, scared of throwing it up later on the pitch. 
“You both are tossers.” Y/n suddenly stated, “You’ll both make the team, and then we’ll celebrate it later, yeah?”
They nodded, “Good. Now get yourselves outta this funk. It’s annoying.”
It was unavoidable. They didn’t just get out of their funk until they got on the pitch. Before James and Y/n separated - her to the seats and him to the pitch - he took ahold of her hand. Squeezing it tightly with his eyes closed. His broom in his other hand that was trembling slightly. Y/n took her hand from his and placed her hands on his cheeks. 
“You’ll be fine. I promise.”
“Promise promise?” James asked, “Promise promise.” Y/n confirmed. 
She let go of his face and began to run off to catch up with Remus, “Good luck!” 
“Thanks.” James murmured to himself, “I’ll need it.”
Without a doubt, James was the best Chaser the Gryffindor had ever seen. Sirius was one hell of a beater too. Marlene even tried out for the new Beater position too. Four parts needed to be filled due to seventh-years leaving. Two Beaters, one Chaser, and one Keeper. Y/n and Remus were crossing their fingers that they all got the positions they wanted. 
The following week the results were posted. James, Sirius, and Marlene made the team! Y/n would never forget the gleeful smile that passed its way onto James’ face or the way Sirius laughed. She’d never seen them so happy before. Remus and her stood feet away from their little party, his arm thrown around her shoulders. 
“It’s nice to see them this way.”
“It is.”
Remus teasingly nudged her hip, “Seems like James has always been a Chaser.”
“What's that suppose to mean?” Y/n furrowed her eyebrows at the lycanthrope, “You’ll see it eventually.”
Y/n didn’t pry. It wasn’t worth it, especially when it’s with Remus. Remus was the ultimate secret keeper and cynical. He said things that made you think but would never tell you what they mean. Eventually, more years passed and they were in the summer going into their seventh year. 
James invited Y/n to stay the summer at the Potter manor, and she did. It was possibly one of the best summers he’s ever had with her being so close. Mrs. Potter seemed to know what Remus was talking about when she threw looks at her husband when the two best friends were together. But it was one evening that they were all watching a movie when someone came through the Floo Network. 
They jumped up from the couch to see a roughed-up Sirius Black, “Sirius!” 
James was frozen along with his two parents, but Y/n wasn’t. She was haste to get Sirius up from the floor to help him stand. He had a nasty cut below his right eye and what seemed to be more all across his body which his mother could only do. But instantly, Y/n had been ordering James around while Sirius laid on his back on the couch. 
Thankfully, Y/n knew what to do and Euphemia, but she was frozen, still watching her son's best friend take care of their other best friend. James set everything she needed beside her as she began to work quickly. James sat next to her in case she needed anything else. Y/n tore off his shirt and lifted his pants to right over the edge of his boxers. 
“James, hold his hand.” Y/n ordered, and he did it, “I’m so sorry, Sirius, but this’ll sting.”
And it did. Sirius groaned and constantly hissed as Y/n helped his wounds, the muggle way. Euphemia stared in shock, no longer frozen, but it was evident that Y/n had complete control over the situation and needed no extra help. Within an hour, Sirius was brand new. Y/n had carefully used potions and other bandages to help. 
“What happened, Sirius?” 
He chuckled bitterly, “My mother.”
“No shit.” James retorted, “Why?”
“I’ve been burned off the tapestry. I’m not aloud back because I denied them.”
“Denied them?” Y/n inquired. 
“Of you know what.”
“Oh…” Y/n whispered. 
“Yeah, oh.” Sirius chuckled again - venom lacing. 
Euphemia exchanged looks with her husband, “You’re welcome to stay here.”
“No, I couldn’t ask that of you guys.” Sirius denied hesitantly, and Fleamont shrugged, “Where else are you going to go?”
Sirius stayed silent, “We don’t mind, Sirius. You’ve stayed here before. Euphemia loves having you around just as much as I do.”
“You may not be our son biologically.” Euphemia began as she knelt in front of Sirius, “But you’ll always be our son.”
A single tear fell from Sirius’ eye, “Thank you.”
“Anytime, dear.”
James and Y/n exchanged looks of pure glee, but Euphemia caught their eye, “No mischief, you two.”
They sighed, “Fine.”
The duo pulled Sirius up from the couch and led him to his new bedroom. Euphemia watched Y/n and James work in perfect symphony as if they were a made team from the start. Fleamont pulled his wife to his side, watching them both as well. How perfectly his son worked with her. How amazingly gentle he was with her. 
“He may not know it yet, but he loves her.” Euphemia broke the silence, “Reminds me of us.”
Fleamont quirked an eyebrow, “How so?”
“You always had this dopey grin on your face. The same one James has when Y/n’s around. It’s been that way since they met. When he first mentioned her name, he had that grin. He’s chased her all these years.” 
“Perhaps our son has always been a Chaser at heart.” Fleamont commented, “Perhaps.”
It wasn’t until the first Quidditch match he realized. When he was chasing Y/n around to try and hug her after the game they had won against Ravenclaw. Y/n prohibited hugs after Quidditch matches. Yet here James was chasing her around the pitch with her a screaming mess. 
Lily, Marlene, and Remus were laughing loudly at him, “Y/n! Y/n come on!” 
“Absolutely not!” Y/n yelled while running, “I told you no hugs after matches.”
She spoke too soon because while she was talking, she had slowed down without noticing. Leaving James to wrap his arms around her from behind. He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck while she leaned back into him. 
“See! You love my hugs.” James exclaimed, “Whatever.” Y/n retorted. 
Remus chuckled at them from afar, “They’re definitely in love.” 
“How hasn’t she seen it yet?” Lily chuckled, “Oh, he’s been chasing her for years. Since before Hogwarts.” Remus replied. 
“Chaser at heart that one,” Sirius stated putting his arm around the lycanthrope. 
James realized it then and there. With her in his arms. He was sweaty and full of joy. She was wholly melted into his embrace. His arms around her neck and her arms on top of his biceps. James realized there was nowhere else he’d rather be than with her at this moment. So he pulled her around, facing her. 
Without a second thought, he pulled her in and kissed her. His arms were moving down to her waist and hers around his shoulders. He was so gentle and soft with her. As if she was the finest China he’d ever owned. Godric James was so soft and so sweet. Y/n’s hands went through his sweaty hair. 
The whistles and cheers are what pulled them apart, “Finally!”
“It’s about time you realized!” Remus exclaimed happily, “He’s been chasing you for years!”
Y/n smiled at him, and James put his arm around her shoulder, “My chaser.” 
“I’ll always chase you, love.”
Years later, that snitch James always played with would be the same one McGonagall had taken from him one day in the seventh year. It was the same snitch that Harry had almost swallowed in his first year. The same snitch that Dumbledore returned to Harry in his seventh year. 
The snitch? It was given to James from Y/n when they were nine. It was an honorary friendship gift. The snitch wasn’t stolen. The snitch wasn’t nicked. The snitch was a gift to a chaser who never stopped chasing till the very end. 
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