#like i am going to genuinely be so incredibly heartbroken
tending-the-hearth · 5 months
listen i hate saying this but when echo dies in the finale (because he will. i've come to terms with it, i don't like it, but that's where they're leading, and it's painful) i'm hoping that they pull out the stops for his death.
i've said it before, but echo's the character (besides rex) that we've known since "the clone wars" show started. we met him and fives in season 1, and the citadel arc was one of the most heartbreaking moments in the show because we saw how much echo meant to his brother and to the team.
and they're definitely building up to something dramatic, because now we've got the echo and emerie team-up, so he's got a separate storyline for a while, but i'm hoping his death, as one of the last tcw season 1 characters, is something big.
like i'm talking every member of the batch losing it, whether it's crying, collapsing, disbelief, something like that. the clones' theme playing as he dies. echo referencing his brothers who have died. at the end of the finale, rex getting word of echo's death, and completely falling apart.
in a perfect world, as echo dies, the rest of the 501st would be around him, just seen by him, ready to welcome their brother into their arms. 99 would be there, and the entirety of Domino would be grinning, just waiting for their final member to join them.
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thebestofoneshots · 1 year
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 7.6 K Warnings: none Prompt: A dangerous night approaches as you and Lily  go out to find the ingredients for your Potions project. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Chapter 10: Black Dog
September 24, 1976 - Friday 11:00 pm
As you walked outside of the portrait and onto the halls you realised how much lonelier the school looked like at night. Of course, you’d been out at night on your first night, back then you’d been hanging out with Remus and James and Peter, but right now, being just you and Lily, it all felt bigger, darker. So you decided to fill the emptiness with a conversation.
“So…. You and James?” You said with a raised eyebrow. 
“There is no me and James,” Lily replied. 
“Aw, come on.” You nudged her again “You can trust me.” 
She drew in a deep breath “It’s just that… James Potter is– he’s infuriating!” She told you. “With all his pranks and charm and his constant flirting and–“
“–and you liked it when you kissed him, didn’t you?” You asked, she instantly turned red, you smiled “and there’s nothing wrong with that. Who knows? You may discover other things about James, things that make you forgive those you dislike.” 
She frowned, genuinely thinking about it “Well, I guess objectively… I mean… He’s pretty good-looking.” 
You agreed “and he’s funny as well. And… best part–” you made a dramatic pause “–he’s madly in love with you.” 
She shook her head in disbelief, with a smile plastered on her face anyway. But then she decided to turn things around “What about you and Sirius?” 
You snapped your head towards her “What’s with me and Sirius?” 
“Well, after that summer he met you he was all mopy for months. He told me a lot of things about you, you couldn’t even get him to shut up. And then he started going out with girls and dumping them shortly after. I think he was trying to get his mind off you,” she said “and… I don’t know, he said you were the one to kiss him first, which is why assumed you liked him.” 
“I did.” 
You sighed “It’s hard not to fall for Sirius Black,” you said, “he’s exceptionally charming, not to mention beautiful.” 
Lily shrugged “If you like the prince-y type.” 
“Well,” you said with a frown “I am weak like that, can’t help but like beautiful people,” you said dramatically “And he’s so playful, and when he gets riled up, he looks adorable too, it’s fun to tease him.” 
“So you still like him,” Lily replied, matter of factly. 
“Well even if I did, last time I acted upon my feelings things didn’t end well. I was heartbroken, and I thought he had completely forgotten about me. All that’s in the past obviously, and I know he didn’t mean to ghost me, but I… It’s just that… It took time to get over him.” 
Lily nodded, she knew just how complicated Sirius could be “Personally, I think if he likes you, and you like him, you should just start dating.” 
You laughed at that “Look who’s talking.” 
“I mean… You and Sirius would make a fantastic couple.” 
“Yeah, you and Potter would make beautiful babies,” you retorted.
She lightly hit you with the back of her hand, “Enough boy talk.” 
You laughed, it was so easy to see Lily’s newfound feeling for James, you just loved to tease her, she’d get red and flustered and she was adorable. And objectively speaking, as she had said herself, you really did think she and James would make a wonderful pair. 
Fifteen minutes later you were already on the doors that lead outside. You looked up, the moon was already in the sky, looking majestic as ever, stars shining brightly. The wind was blowing your hair and robes, so you took a deep breath of the crisp night air and smiled
Hogwarts at night carried an even more magical air to it than it did in the mornings. You were walking behind Lily when you heard a distant howl that made you shiver, your hair flowing still, strong wind blowing towards the distant trees. “Did you hear that?”  You asked her, walking closer, it was the same type of howl that haunted your dreams.
“Heard what?” Lily asked, playing dumb. She knew what it was, she had figured Remus was a werewolf a couple of years back, and she asked him about it when he seemed ready to tell her, they had a really nice conversation that day, it was probably around the time they became really close.  
“The creepy howl?” You said with a frown, was it possible it was all in your head, maybe something about the book Nina gave you had permeated your head enough to cause mild hallucinations, maybe it was sleep deprivation. All though, you didn’t really feel like you were much sleep-deprived. 
She shook her head, and you continued walking beside her. Once you were in the greenhouses you both grabbed some gardening tools and walked towards the fluxweed. You grabbed a small shovel and started to carefully dig around the roots, to avoid hurting them, while Lily gently pulled the plant from the top, and lit up the area with her wand. Eventually, you put on a pair of gloves and started digging with your own hands. You heard another howl, this one was sharper and not as deep as the first, it also sounded a lot closer. 
“You surely heard that one, didn’t you?” You asked, a chill running through your spine, the hairs from your arm standing on end. 
Lily couldn’t deny it, it had been very obvious, and if she did, you may start thinking you were crazy yourself. So she did the most logical thing she could, and lied. “Must be Fang, Hagrid’s dog.” 
“A dog? So loud?” You asked. 
“You should see him,” she replied, not wanting to get deeper into the lie. 
You nodded and continued to pull the fluxweed together. “Who’s Hagrid, by the way?” 
“Oh that’s right, we should probably introduce you to him. I guess you didn’t come on the boats like the first years. He’s the gamekeeper, you’d like him.” 
You finally managed to dig out all the roots, Lily grabbed the plant and carefully placed it on a satchel she’d brought. You then went for the second plant. A couple of minutes later you were done. And the two of you smiled satisfied, walking towards the closet and leaving all the tools carefully in their place. 
You heard another howl, the deeper one this time. The two howls could not possibly be from the same animal. But you realised you sounded paranoid, so you decided to drop the subject and avoid mentioning them anymore.  
Once you were done the two of you started walking back to the common room, as you crossed the long stone hall that led you back to the castle you saw something move, it was back in the forbidden forest. You turned, trying to see what was happening better, but the wind was making your hair get in the way, you only managed to see 3 dark figures, running very, very fast through the edges of the forest. Those night vision glasses that you considered designing for your magical theory class, seemed like they would be awfully useful now, maybe you could make more than one of the things you’d thought of originally. 
Lily looked at you nervously, she could tell the boys were trying to keep Moony in check by the way some of the shadows pushed onto the others. Something was happening, and she knew it was best to get back to the common room as soon as possible. So she grabbed your arm lightly and pulled you from the window’s arch, “Come on, I’m kind of getting cold.” 
“But Lily, didn’t you see those figures?” You asked her as you let her guide you towards the castle. 
“It must be the centaurs from the forbidden forest,” she said, as casually as she could, picking up the peace regardless “Sometimes they come out of their hiding spots to talk to Hagrid.” 
“Really?” You asked, not sounding too convinced. 
“Yeah, totally,” Lily said, basically dragging you through the big doors. 
Once inside the castle, the two of you walked back to the dorms. And after setting your fluxweed on a little string to dry, the two of you went to your respective beds. 
That night the nightmares came again, you running from the wolf, the howls, the dark tunnel. It was even worse than before, it felt so real that when you woke up you were drenched in sweat. Your light cotton shirt felt soggy and gross. You took a deep breath and looked at the bright green clock on the wall, it was 4am but you sure as hell did not want to go back to sleep. So you went into your shared bathroom and cast a silencing spell, as not to wake the girls up. 
You started running a hot bath for yourself. Perhaps that would help you relax from the nightmare. And you remembered you had a bath potion somewhere in your bags. Something that was meant to be relaxing, so you cast a footstep-silencing charm too and went out to get it. As you were rummaging through your bag Mary woke up, and saw you there, which made her frown “You ok love?” She whispered. 
You nodded “Just having a hard time sleeping,” you whispered back. She didn’t seem convinced but decided to give you some space, she knew you’d ask for help should you need it. 
Once you had your potion, you gave her a small smile and entered the bathroom again. The water was already halfway filling the tub and you lightly poured half of the potion on it, turning the bath water a light blue colour, it shimmered and smelled like the sea. You closed your eyes and delighted in the already calming smell. You played with the water and after a couple of minutes peeled off your sweat-drenched clothes and submerged in the tub.  As you continued to toy with the water you felt your ring slip off. You fished for it lazily and set it near the sink. As you relaxed in the bath, you dozed off, waking up as some soft dawn rays hit your face directly from the small window. You woke up with a gasp, you had fallen asleep, but… there had been no nightmares. You wondered what time it was, you had to be ready for flying, so you got out as quickly as possible, unplugging the bath with a wave of your wand, not even bothering to check the time. Once outside you started putting on some thick clothes for the cold morning ahead. 
Marlene had gone into the bathroom shortly after, and just as you grabbed your broom, she called for you “Hey, (Y/N)!” She said, “You forgot this.” She handed over your ring. 
“Oh, thanks!” You said to her and smiled. Before waving goodbye and running out. By the time you were down at the common room, it was already 6:00. You always flew at 5:30 on Saturdays, so when you saw neither Sirius nor James, you assumed they had gone off without you so you walked outside. 
“Good morning (Y/N)! Going alone today?” Asked the lady from the portrait. 
You turned to her with a frown “Haven’t the boys left already?”
“Hmm…” she said “I’m not sure, I don’t think I’ve seen them since yesterday actually.” 
She nodded “Have you seen them, Charles?” She asked to another painting. 
“Not at all,” said the tall wizard in the painting as he poured a bit of potion into a vase. 
“Perhaps they’re out doing their pranks,” said the lady as you looked at her, still frowning. 
“Yeah, probably,” you agreed, still frowning. You'd guess James would have told you he wasn’t going to fly this morning, maybe they forgot, or maybe their prank was so top secret he couldn’t. You waved the portraits goodbye and walked towards the courtyard with your broom in hand. 
From there you took off and started flying around the castle until you saw a big black dog, lying near the entrance of the forbidden forest. You looked at it with concern, and flew towards it, hovering a few metres above. The dog looked dazed like it was fighting between consciousness and sleep. It had a light cut over his shoulder, and there was a lot of bIood surrounding him, but it didn’t look like his own. You took a deep breath, you had to help him. This dog may be Fang, Hagrid’s dog, the one Lily told you about yesterday, and you wouldn’t want anyone’s dog to be lying there unconscious, but you also knew you had to be cautious, The dog was so big it could easily bite your hand off. 
So, after some quick thinking, you decided to slowly, and steadily land, a little far from the dog, you let your broom fall on the ground, as you carefully walked towards the creature. The dog itself was stunning, it had dark thick fur, and  stunning light blue eyes. “Hey buddy,” you said, trying not to sound as nervous as you were. “I’m here to help all right, please don’t bite me.” 
The dog seemed to look at you lazily for a second, fixing his gaze on your face, before letting his face fall to the ground again, tired. Well, he wasn’t going to bite you, that was good. You finally leaned in close enough to touch it, and you carefully placed your hand over his head. He was cold, very cold, he might have been lying there for a while. You quickly took off your sweater and placed it over him. It was the same thick sweater Sirius’ had altered the colour off weeks ago. 
“You must have had a pretty rough night, eh?” You told him softly, digging on the ground lightly in front of his snout, doing it slowly, so as not to scare him “aguamenti,” you said, filling the little hole you dug with water for the dog to drink “Where you the one howling so desperately?” You said, as you grabbed a handkerchief from your pocket and dipped it in some water to clean his wound. The dog flinched as you placed the cloth on his open gush, but it didn’t become aggressive. 
You didn’t know much about caring for hurt animals, but you remembered reading somewhere that calendula was good for open wounds and decided to test your luck “Accio Calendula?” a small plant with orange flowers came flying towards your face, you managed to catch it with your hands and quickly started pulling the petals from the small flowers. You then used some nearby rocks to grind the petals, adding a bit of water to turn the mixture into a paste. There wasn’t much of it, but you figured it would be enough. “All right Fang,” you said “This may or may not hurt like hell. Please don’t bite my face off if it does, m’kay?”
After taking a deep breath you grabbed the paste with your finger and placed it right over the dog’s wound. The dog growled, protesting, but did not attempt to move away from you. Once you were done, you wiped the stickiness of your fingers on the grass. And the dog nudged your hand, softly moving his head beneath it. Did he want you to pet him?
You complied, running your fingers through his head, scratching near his ear carefully, he seemed at ease. At some point the dog placed his entire head over your lap, enjoying the way your hands ran up and down his fur. When he looked better, you nudged him slightly “Don’t you think we should go to your owner? I’m sure Hagrid’s worried about his dog missing.” Instead of standing excitedly at the mention of his owner, the dog sank deeper into your lap, nudging you with his head, so you didn’t stop petting him. “All right, big boy,” you said, “I suppose we can stay here a bit longer.” 
As you lay in the grass with the dog, you started feeling your stomach rumble. It must already be breakfast time, you thought, and then wondered if the dog was feeling the same way “Aren’t you hungry?” You asked him, as if he could understand. And the dog, the bIoody dog, nodded! You were shocked, it must have been a coincidence, or maybe Hagrid’s dog was magical somehow. “Well then buddy, I’ll go get the two of us something to eat all right. I’ll be quick, I promise.” You said, carefully standing up and running towards your broom. 
Once you landed back at the courtyard you ran towards the kitchen and you bumped into James, who looked dishevelled and tired “Sorry!” You said as you saw him “You ok?” You asked with a frown “I… kind of expected to see you in the morning.” 
James nodded “Sorry about that, we had a long night.” He told you, and shook his nose a little “Were you with Sirius?” 
You shrugged at the question, “No, I… haven't seen him since yesterday,” you answered honestly, but James could smell Sirius on you. “I guessed you’d be with him.” 
“Yeah,” he said with a nod “We were together, but… uh– we lost him at some point, I was hoping he’d gotten back to the common room.” 
“Was the prank successful at least?” You asked kindly. 
James looked at you with a frown and raised his eyebrows when he realised what was going on, you thought they’d been out planning a prank, so he nodded “We… had some mishaps.” 
“I’m really sorry to hear that,” you said, placing an understanding hand on his shoulders “Anyway…” the sense of urgency was strong, and you had to go back to check on the dog “I’ve got to run, I’m trying to bring some food for Fang, he was badly hurt, I found him while flying.” 
“Fang?” James asked with a frown. 
You nodded, already a few metres away from him “Hagrid’s dog!” You clarified, running towards the kitchens. 
“Hagrid’s dog?!” 
“Big black dog, stunning specimen, a little threatening from afar?” You said last. 
“Oh… Fang… right.” James said. So, you had been with Sirius after all, you just didn’t know it. 
Once you got to the kitchens you spotted Nimbletwist and you politely asked her for something with meat on it. She nodded and quickly wrapped some food up for you. 
“Thank you,” you said kindly “You’ve always been willing to help me.” 
“It’s ma’ pleasure to help ye’ Master (Y/N),” she said with a smile, as she handed it over. 
Once you held it secure, you ran towards the courtyard again, grabbing onto your broom, which you’d left lying on a corner there, you took off and quickly flew towards the place you’d found Fang, but he was gone. You walked around the place in which you’d found him, even walking a few steps inside the forest, but the dog was nowhere to be seen. Assuming he’d been feeling better, you took a deep breath and flew back to the castle. 
You walked towards your room and changed into your uniform quickly. Sliding on Remus’ thick sweater to keep you warm, since you were almost shivering from flying so fast, and Fang had kept your sweater. 
Once you were downstairs you found almost everyone already having breakfast. Sirius was sitting next to James, hair messy and looking as worn out as his friend. They really must have had a wild night, you thought. Peter was there too, he didn’t look as tired as the boys, but he did look mortified, and a little exhausted, like he’d been running all night, it made you wonder what kind of prank they had been planning to all look so depleted. 
You finished eating as fast as you could, since you knew you had Apparition in like 15 minutes and Professor Dumbledore did not like it when people were late. Especially since it was the only class he taught. It was barely your second class, so it was all theory, inside the castle. Everyone in your friend group had taken the class, knowing full well how useful it could be, so you all walked together to the classroom that you unfortunately shared with Slytherins. 
As you walked in, and class started you leaned towards Peter, “Where’s Remus?” You asked him.
“He’s not feeling good, he was hurt last night,” he whispered back, “he decided to skip the class, he’s at the infirmary.” 
You looked at Peter surprised, he said it with such ease, like it was something that happened all the time, which was actually true, even if last night had been harder on the boys. But you, having met Remus for only a couple of weeks, did not expect him to just get randomly hurt and skip classes, especially since you’d seen how much he cared about them. Even you had skipped a class or two, and he’d been the one to pass you the notes. So you decided you’d return the favour, copying the majority of what Dumbledore was explaining in class, as neatly and orderly as you could. 
After Apparition, you had four hours of care for magical creatures. You spent the first half of the class learning all about the nifflers before being taken into a room full of them. Professor Kettleburn had asked the MCZ (Magical Creatures Zoo) to borrow them for a month, and the students would be in charge of their care; naturally, everyone was fascinated with them. As you played with one of them, you started drawing him, letting another one play with your left hand. The scoundrel was carefully working his way to remove your ring when you noticed. 
“Hey little guy!” You reprimanded “Not that, here…” You took out a golden coin from your purse, “take this one instead.” The little niffler seemed pretty satisfied. Once you were done you went to the kitchens for the second time in the day and asked Nimbletwist if she could get you some chocolate. She nodded, and a few minutes later showed up with 10 bars. You laughed at the excess but thanked her before placing them in the pockets of your robe. They might be useful later on, anyway. 
As you ran through the halls you spotted Alexander Wood, and stopped, you had been hoping to find him. “Hey Alex!” You told him with a smile. “Mind helping me duplicate my notes real quick?” You asked him kindly. 
He nodded “I can teach you the spell if you want to, I’ve got the book right now in fact…” 
You smiled “I’d love that… but- I’m sort of on my way to see my friend, he didn’t go to classes because he was feeling bad and… I wanted to help him with my notes since he always lends me his.” 
Alex nodded and walked with you “Then I won’t take much more of your time,” he said as you handed over your papers and he duplicated them with ease “By the way, will you come to Hogsmeade tonight? I heard Marlene and Holden are coming.” 
“I… probably,” you told him with a smile “I’ll see you then, maybe?” 
He nodded in response, and you waved goodbye to him “Thank you for the papers!” 
“My pleasure,” he said before continuing his path.
That’s when you walked towards the infirmary, knocking on the door quietly in case anyone was sleeping. Madam Pomfrey was there “Is there something wrong darling?” She asked you with concern. 
You shook your head “Can I uh… I’m actually here to see a friend.” 
“Remus?” You nodded, and she let you in. “Poor boy, I gave him a drought for pain, he won’t stay awake for much longer, so you better hurry.” 
“Thank you,” you said with a smile and walked towards the area she had pointed out. When you opened the curtain you were shocked. Remus was shirtless, his entire chest bandaged as if he had a massive gash underneath it, “Rem?” You asked worried “What the hell happened last night? The boys already look like shit, but you look like you’ve been run over by a truck.” 
“(Y/N)? Is… is that you?” He asked, distraught. 
You nodded and sat down beside him “Of course silly! I Brought you some chocolate.” You said pulling out a bar, and opening it up for him “Have you eaten anything? Do you want me to get you something to eat?” 
He shook his head, he was more sleep than awake, but he grabbed the chocolate bar and munched on it “Why are you here?” He asked. 
You were taken aback by that, “because I’m your friend? Peter said you were feeling bad, I’m actually surprised the boys aren’t here too.” 
“Last night was… they must be feeling pretty bad too.” 
“They looked rough,” you agreed, and leaned in closer to him, trying to identify how bad his wound was. He looked paler than normal, like he had lost a lot of bIood. “Rem… are you sure you’re ok?” 
“I heal fast,” he said as he gave another bite of his chocolate “and Madam Pomfrey knows how to take care of me too.” 
You leaned in on the bed, letting your arms fall next to his and resting your head on top of them. He flinched when your silver ring brushed over his skin, but you had quickly accommodated it closer to your face than his arm. Remus was already close to falling asleep “I brought you my notes, so you don’t miss any of what we did today,” you said “Apparition was just theory but, we also got to meet some nifflers.”
“Did you?” 
“Yeah, baby nifflers,” you said with a smile “They’re adorable.” 
“You know…” you said, tracing circles around your own arm with your fingers, “I had a rough night last night too.” Remus hummed in response, “Not like you, not at all… but… I had the worst nightmare I’ve had in my life, it was so vivid I didn’t want to go back to bed.” 
“‘m sorry,” he mumbled. You made a gesture to move away from the bed and back into your chair but he placed a hand over your arm “Don’t… you smell nice.” 
You chuckled at that “I must smell of sweat and wet dog,” you said “I found Hagrid’s dog outside, and helped him, he looked like he too had had a pretty bad night. He had a gash on his shoulder and I was running around between the kitchens and the dog, freezing since I gave it my sweater,” Remus looked at you with worry, what if Moony had hurt Fang? “He’s very pretty, isn't he?” 
“Fang?” He asked with a frown, incredulity dripping from his tone. He certainly wouldn’t use pretty to describe the dog. 
“Yeah, so big and those bright blue eyes,” you said “I’ve never seen a prettier dog in my life.” 
Sirius. You hadn’t helped Fang, you’d helped Sirius. Remus wondered what on earth had made you assume Sirius was Fang. He wondered too if Sirius had heard you call him Fang when you helped him, he would definitely tease him about it when he was feeling better. 
“You smell nice anyway,” he said. You smelled like Sirius, and you smelled like you at the same time. Remus might not know why he felt that way, but he knew one thing for certain: he didn’t want you to pull away, he could smell that mixture of scents for the rest of his life and he’d be at peace. Maybe it was a wolf thing, he didn’t care, he was also so drunk on painkillers that he wasn’t at all thinking properly. 
At some point he placed his fingers over your head and started playing with your hair, you delighted in the feeling of his fingers running over your scalp. You were glad you’d found such an amazing friend in him, so caring and compassionate. He was hurt so bad, and yet, he’d decided to comfort you as much as you comforted him. With Remus’ fingers running through your scalp, you dozed off again. When you woke up, it was already dark outside, and your stomach was rumbling, you hadn’t properly eaten at all that day. Madam Pomfrey was looking at you from the curtains with a smile. 
“You make him feel at ease,” She told you, “He rarely stays long with me nowadays,” she said with a bit of longing in her voice. You frowned, was it common for him to go to the infirmary? “All right love,” Madam Pomfrey said with a soft smile “I’ll take care of him, off you go.” 
You looked at her and nodded, finally standing up and walking towards the exit “Actually…” you said turning towards her “Is– Is there anything I can take to prevent nightmares?” 
She bit her lip and nodded “It depends on the type of nightmares you’ve got, but I can give you an anxiety-reducing potion… do you think that could help?” 
You shrugged, you didn’t think the nightmares were anxiety-induced but you nodded “I’d like that.” 
“If it doesn’t get better, just come back to me love, I’m sure we can figure something out together.”
You nodded at her with a smile, thanking her as she handed you the small vial. It was the same droplet vial that Remus and you used on your fireworms. Shit, the fireworms! Remus had asked you to feed the fireworms, you thought as you ran out towards the passages, speeding through the dark as fast as you could. If you were too late, they could literally explode, you had to be there on time. When you reached the little nook where you’d left them you finally relaxed. They were both fine, so you took out some food from your pockets and left it on their makeshift feeding plate. 
Thankfully Remus had asked you to feed them since yesterday. You might have forgotten about it all together with the hectic day you had. 
Hold up, Remus had asked you to feed them yesterday. Almost as if he’d known he’d be feeling bad the next morning, but how was that possible? Was he expecting something to go wrong while he was planning the prank? Then why would he go ahead with it anyway? Or maybe he was just thinking ahead, taking into consideration how complicated the prank was, and decided to make sure the fireworms would be all right. Yeah, that made a lot more sense. 
Remus was clever, he knew the prank was dangerous and decided to have a contingency plan. That was the most plausible explanation. And as the Occam’s Razor principle would say, the explanation that requires the least assumptions is usually correct. Remus was not some kind of divination master, he was just really good at thinking ahead. There was a reason he was a Prefect after all. The teachers probably knew how forehanded he was, and that’s how he’d gotten the little badge. 
Once you’d settled your thoughts, you walked back to the common room. Passing by the kitchens for the third time that day to get yourself a decent snack. Nimbletwist was more than thrilled to see you and asked you about your day as you asked her about hers. You told her all about the crazy day you’d had and she made sure to prepare you the biggest sandwich you’d seen in your entire life. 
“Ye must nourish yourself properly if ye be wishin’ to carry on with yer castle adventures master (Y/N).” 
“I wouldn’t call them adventures, maybe mishaps,” you said with a smile but Nibletwist shook her head.
"Me's been keepin' me eyes on ya," she squeaked, her voice full of concern. "Since the day ya arrived 'ere, ya was wearin' sadness on yer face, lookin' all tired and such. But now, oh me goodness, there's a gleam of mischief in yer peepers! Ya's all brimmin' with excitement, even if ya be wearin' the exhaustion on ya. No doubts 'bout it, ya's livin' through a grand adventure, ya is!" She said finally, handing you over your massive sandwich. 
You smiled at her “Thank you, Nimbletwist,” you told her with a smile. And she waved goodbye to you before disappearing. You stood there, maybe she was right, you were genuinely happy about being in Hogwarts, it was fun, and you’d made so many amazing friends already. So you smiled to yourself as you walked towards the common room. Greeting the lady of the portrait as you went inside. 
James was sitting on the single couch, “Hey (Y/N)!” He greeted “Didn’t you go to Hogsmeade?” 
You gasped, suddenly remembering Alex had told you a lot of your friends were actually going earlier that day. You looked at the clock, It was already 7:00 pm, they were all probably on their way back. Since they had to be at the castle before 9. 
“I… totally forgot about it,” You said plopping out in the double coach next to Sirius. 
“She was with Remus,” Sirius said simply. 
“Yeah I…” you agreed, but then snapped your head towards your friend “How do you know?” 
You smelled like medicinal herbs, chocolate and werewolf. A little of himself too, ever so faintly at this point. But Sirius couldn’t give you that as an answer, so he made something up quickly “Peter said he told you Remus was feeling bad.” 
You nodded “I guess yesterday’s prank didn’t go as planned.” 
“Certainly not,” James replied, rolling his shoulders back, as if he was trying to ease some tension on them.
“Pitty,” you said, finally leaning towards the table to grab a slice of your sandwich. “I was excited to see what kind of prank you made. I’ve heard a lot about your pranks, and the rain on the first day was fun.” 
“Thanks!” Said James proudly “It was actually my idea.” 
“But I perfected the spell,” added Sirius. 
“Moony helped you a lot…” 
“Naturally, he’s brilliant!”
“Do you boys want some of my sandwich?” You offered “I wanted something to eat, but after telling Nimbletwist I had skipped almost all of my meals she gave me this monstrosity.” 
Sirius shook his head, but James nodded, leaning in to grab the half you’d left on the cloth. “Why didn’t you go to the great hall instead?” 
“It was dark outside, I thought it was already like 9 or something, I accidentally took a nap when I was with Rem, lost track of time,” you said before giving a bite of your sandwich. 
“You went to visit him, and napped?” Sirius teased with a raised eyebrow.
You finished munching on it quickly. “Well, technically we both fell asleep, he was pretty dumbed out with painkiller draughts.” 
“Do you mind?” Sirius asked, after letting his head fall over your lap and placing his boots over the armrest. You gave him a look, eyebrows raised. 
“You always ask after you’ve done it.” 
He shrugged “It’s just to be polite, I’m sure you don’t,” he said,  giving you that utterly charming grin of his. I really am weak to beauty, you thought as you stared at Sirius’ sprawled hair over your lap, lashes thick as he looked at you with his smug little expression. 
You shook your head lightly and rolled your eyes. James, from his side, was too focused on the sandwich to notice the way Sirius and you were staring at each other. “Dude,” he said as he finished his first bite. “That elf loves you, this sandwich is killer!” 
You nodded in agreement, “It’s really good, right? I think she’s really nice. Our house elf isn’t nearly as nice.” 
“And you never met Kreacher,” Sirius said “He hates me with all his guts.”
James nodded, he’d visited Sirius in his house once, after the second year break, and Kreacher was definitely something. “He’s awful! Thankfully Sirius won’t have to live with him again.” 
“Is he leaving?” You asked casually. 
“No. I did.” Sirius responded. Your eyes widened, jaw dropping at the same time.
“You left home?” 
“He moved in with me,” said James with a smug smile. 
You smiled brightly “That’s amazing!” You said “I mean… I’m glad you’re finally free of your parents.” 
Sirius chuckled lightly at your excitement. Only people that’d met his parents had a similar one, “I’m happy I got rid of them too, unfortunately now, I have to deal with this bloke,” he joked, pointing at James. 
“Shut up Pads, you love me!” Replied James while he shot a small cushion towards Sirius’ legs since his face was still on your lap, and he didn’t want to throw your sandwich. 
They both laughed, and you were delighted by the soft sounds. James, Sirius, Remus and Peter, really had the kind of friendship you could only dream of. 
You took another bite of your sandwich and remembered you still had chocolate in your pockets, so you took it out and hovered it over Sirius’ face “Want some?” You asked.  
He nodded and motioned to grab for it, but you pulled it up slightly, out of his grasp, just to tease him “Hey!” He complained. 
“What?” You asked, playing dumb.
He narrowed his eyes at you and went to grab for it again. You pulled it just the same “What are you playing?” 
“Me? Nothing, you’ve got slippery fingers.” 
“Slippery fingers my ass,” he said. He went to grab for it again and you pulled it upwards one last time “Come on (Y/N)! I’m not a dog!” He said. 
James straight up laughed at that, and you looked at him with a smile “See? Even your best friends think you’re like a Puppy!” You laughed for a bit, and then opened the chocolate, holding a small block to his mouth, he took a bite from it, looking rather displeased “Good boy!” You praised, causing James to burst into a fit of laughter, Sirius almost choked on the piece he was eating. 
“Hold up!” You said in a completely serious tone, and looked at James preoccupied, who somehow managed to stop his laughs to pay attention “Aren’t dogs supposed to be… allergic to chocolate?” 
James looked at you with surprise, breaking quickly into a smile and even more laughs, you were absolutely hilarious, it was as if  you had a hidden talent to tease Sirius. And you didn’t even actually know he was a dog, you just teased him about it because of the nickname you’d given him years ago. Sirius on the other hand, took the chance to pull the chocolate bar off your hands and started munching on it while looking at you with apprehension, half expecting you to take it from him again, but you didn’t. 
“Want some?” You asked as you pulled out another bar and waved it in the air for James to see, he nodded, and you threw it at him. 
“Ah, so James can have the chocolate without any teasing then?” Sirius asked, a little miffed. 
You shrugged “James doesn’t lay on my lap without asking for permission like others.” 
“Yeah well, James’s stuck up!” 
You laughed “Look who’s talking!” 
Sirius took that as a personal challenge, running his tongue through his cheeks before asking “Are you by any chance… ticklish?”
Your smile was gone in an instant, you looked at him with worry “No.” You said in a warning tone. 
Sirius’ smile grew bigger “Sure? I just thought I’d show you how stuck up I am.” 
“Not funny Sirius,” you said “James?!” You added looking at your friend pleadingly, you were aware once something was set on Sirius’ mind, there was no way of stopping him.
James just raised his hands up in surrender. The motherfucker wouldn’t intervene. “James,” you pleaded again, as Sirius’ grin grew. 
“You’ve been teasing him all night,” James said with a shrug “I’m afraid I cannot intercede for you.” 
You looked at him with despair before you felt Sirius tickling hands on the tender side of your stomach, a burst of laughter erupted from your lips. You were extremely ticklish. “Sirius,” you pleaded in between laughter “please!” His smile widened in response to your begging, his eyes cherishing the sight of your laughter. You looked lovely like that. Another peal of laughter escaped, your breath quickening as the tickling persisted. Sirius shifted sitting up from your lap to gain better access, he was standing even closer to you than before “Sirius!” You exclaimed once more, laughing still, you were sure tears were running down your cheeks already. 
When he didn’t stop you tried grabbing onto his hand and tickling him, but you barely managed to graze him before he quickly grabbed onto your arm with one of his hands to hold you still. You tried to use your other arm, but it was useless, Sirius was stronger. You wouldn’t get out of it with strength. So as you continued laughing you started trying to find another way and quickly realised he had one leg bent on the sofa and the other he was using for support, so you extended your leg and used the back of your shin to bend his knee over, pushing him back at the same time. But Sirius was still grabbing onto you so he ended up pulling you along, the two of you ended up on the floor. James looked up from the book he’d grabbed and when he figured everyone was fine he went back to it. Not bothering to give a second glance, Sirius could have his fun.
You used your arm to pull yourself up, grazing over Sirius’ shoulder, causing him to wince, but you assumed that had been from the fall. You stared at him catching your breath for a second, Sirius looked so pretty with his hair sprawled out over the floor that it took all your will not to kiss him right there and then, but you managed and rolled to the side, pushing the centre table slightly as you did. 
“Truce!” You exhaled. “Please Sirius I need to– I need to breathe.” 
Sirius turned to you for a second, a smug smile on his face, how was it possible that you were even prettier than when he met you? Shaking his thoughts, he looked up again, noticing for the first time the starry night on the ceiling and seeing the shooting star close to his constellation. He wondered when those stars had appeared. He was also breathing heavily when he said “Take back what you said about me being stuck up!”
You laughed incredulously “You’re right Sirius, you’re not stuck up,” you said as you stood up “You’re just a little pretentious,” you smiled, before running off to your room. 
Sirius had tried to stand up to catch you, but the roughness of last night had taken a toll on him, his arm still hurt when he finally laid back on the couch. 
“When are you planning to admit to yourself that you like her?” James asked, still looking at the book.
Sirius sighed, closing his eyes “I know I do. But I doubt she likes me still.” 
“That’s a lot of crap.” 
Sirius shook his head with a smile, deciding to change the subject “How’re you feeling? I’m pretty sure Moons was hard to push around when I was knocked out.” 
“A little sore,” James replied, allowing Sirius to change the subject, for today. “I had to gore him, there was a lot of bIood and he woke up with a huge gush. Peter and I had to drag him back before Madam Pomfrey arrived. You?”
“Just a small cut, he clawed at me accidentally. Any idea why he was so aggressive?” 
James shook his head “We asked him, he had no clue, just a vague idea of having the urge to run to the greenhouses.” 
“The greenhouses? Is that where he was trying to go?” James nodded, even if Sirius wasn’t looking. “It was rough, hopefully next full moon won’t be as harsh.” 
“Yeah, we wouldn’t want (Y/N) to find Fang hurt again.” 
“Ughhh…” Sirius complained, “You know about that?” 
“At first I thought you’d snogged her,” James replied “She stank off you.” 
“I don’t stink!” 
“Off-topic. We have a more important question: Why the hell did she assume you were Fang?” 
Sirius shrugged, “She just called me that when she found me.” 
“We must be more careful, she may end up connecting the dots, especially since she gave us the animagus recipe.” 
Sirius incorporated quickly, snapping his head to James “You said you’d found them in the restricted section!” 
“Oh right…. In September that year I received a letter, it wasn’t signed but I connected the dots when she was back here and mentioned you’d never replied to any of her letters. Anyway, it was from her, she sent the parchment.” 
“So you’re saying I could’ve contacted her through you, all these years?” 
James seemed to think about it “I suppose it would’ve been possible… but to be honest, I just assumed it had been Regulus.” 
“Reg?” Sirius asked with a frown. 
James nodded “You didn’t talk to him at all that summer, he wrote me several times, asking me to put him in contact with you, to give you notes or something, you always rejected anything that came from him, so I assumed he just didn’t want it to be evident he’d be the one to get it, so you’d actually take it.”
Sirius sighed loudly, Reg and him had taken very different paths, and Reg had stopped trying to contact him “What a miserable family.” 
James gave his friend a pitying look, thankfully Sirius would not have to go back to them. He was free now. Free to do whatever he wanted for the rest of his life, “You’re with us now, we’re your family.” 
Sirius smiled, James was right, you, The Marauders, Lily, and the rest of his friends, they were his family.
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Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
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fairuzfan · 9 months
i’ve seen so many people simply claim that jewish palestinians point blank do not exist and it’s a fundamental misunderstanding of judaism/jewish history to claim they do… 🫥 deeply exhausting takes on this website
That's the thing is that it's just a blatant rewrite of history. And I'm not saying this to tokenize Jewish Palestinians or anything or make them a construct, it's just as someone who wonders at what point "Palestinian" ends and what point "Jewish" begins or vise versa. Like it's a question of identity. If I decide, myself, that I want to convert to judiasm... well right now, I can't as Palestinians aren't allowed to convert which is weird as hell, but if I could and wanted to — am I giving up a part of identity and switching it out for another one? Am I allowed to keep both identities together? If so, how do I fit into my community at large? What decides me, a 3rd generation refugee who has never been to Palestine, as "Palestinian" enough? Someone can deny my Palestinian heritage because there are arbitrary definitions being put in place without the consultation of all community members.
Like what's the point of this separation? I genuinely don't see a reason beyond segregation purposes. Some people say that it's to keep Jewish people safe (which I don't believe but to go along with this argument), But that safety relies on segregation and division of a society. Which obviously no real safety can occur, but also like you can't lie and say that it's something it's not. You can't say a society that makes distinctions based on identity legally is in any way democratic or just for all people for that matter. Because even if there are efforts to make people equal, when you have to say "Palestinians and Jews are equal..." Well you just straight up named the two groups you think have a difference between each other. That implicitly requires the reader to perceive a divide.
And you can argue, "let's just call everyone Israeli and make no distinctions between Palestinian and Jewish people," but Palestinians in Israel would never agree to that unilaterally, even if we are operating on a two state solution (which will never happen but for arguments sake). They'd rather not abandon their cultural identification. And even then, when the society is built of Jewish supremacy with the express purpose of erasing Palestinians codified in their founding documents, is that equality, knowing an indigenous population had to give up their identity to subscribe to perceived peace? Isn't that inherently violent and anti-equality?
Indiginiety, in Palestine, as i dont feel confident to speak on other peoples cultures and struggles, has to do with your relationship to colonialism as well as the land. For me, an indigenous person who has suffered the effects of displacement of colonialism and who regularly watches from afar as their land gets tormented, to hear that the only way I can go back to visit that land is to deny my centuries worth of ancestors buried on PALESTINIAN land, then I'd be incredibly heartbroken. This is even from my own perspective, which I consider the least important in my family line. My grandmother should be able to see her father's burial place without worrying about whether or not she's considered Palestinian or fully colonized as Israeli. My mother should be able to stroll the lands she's always heard stories about without worrying that the very essense of her personhood, the thing shes been denied her entire life having to grow up in refugee camp, as a palestinian is being denied in totality at the end of her struggle. People in refugee camps should be able to go back without worrying about where they fall in the world hierarchies of weirdly defined terms.
So like what's the real purpose with this distinction, exactly?? Any sort of society which operates on some basis of understanding that it is "for" a specific group of people and not anyone else is inherently flawed.
And like, again, Jewish Palestinians are a demographic that exist, I'm not saying this as a gotcha or construct, I am asking this for myself who has stakes in the matter of how this question is answered and dealt with in this larger framework. Would I stop being Palestinian if I decide one day to convert to judiasm? Am I "Palestinian enough" to receive the right of return based on the definitions of Palestinians you come up with in an Israeli society? If I'm excluded in any way, then yeah, I'm going to be angry about it. Most people would be. The issue is that I don't see a way to go about answering these questions without inevitably excluding someone or some group, if not in the definition, in the ways we form our communities after the fact.
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vesemirsexual · 7 months
How do you think Ciri would react to the Triss/Geralt ending? I am trying to write something but Witcher 3 does not flesh out women very well!
So I’m going to work at this assuming the Witcher games follow post-book canon, and with characters more from their book perspective (note: this is really hard too because it would never even come close to happening in book canon, so it’s hard to get a feel for exact reactions)
I think people who have only played the games really, really really underestimate that while Ciri loves Geralt, and she is his child surprise, Geralt is Geralt to her, and Yennefer is mama. She calls herself Cirilla of Vengerberg for a reason.
I…cannot see her taking it particularly well. Ciri is an angry and spiteful girl, and that would very easily carry into womanhood her with life experiences. Ciri specifically wants her parents, and never to be separated from them again, so it doesn’t matter that she’s previously liked or gotten on with Triss - she would not take it well, at all, the division and sudden insertion of another party.
In fact, on the surface, I think Ciri may actually respond worse than Yennefer. A lot of people don’t understand Yen well at all. Would she initially rage when she found out? Yeah, absolutely. And then, she’d be withdrawn and ice. No one would ever witness a tear from her, and she’d be cold. Yennefer ultimately protects her own heart, and she isn’t a fan of showing weakness, so while inside she’d been genuinely heartbroken, I think she’d still manage to save face.
Ciri though? I can see anywhere from her giving to a mouthful, to her being haughty and making incredibly snippy comments. I really don’t know that Ciri would do the “I’m happy if you’re happy” thing people seem to think she would, because ultimately, Ciri is a flawed little creature, and I can see her also taking it as a personal betrayal, and also being pissed her mama is hurt.
Interesting premise tbh! Again, I think people really underestimate how much this would hurt their relationship.
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ripplestitchskein · 5 months
Where do you see Stolitz being at the end of the season? I don’t know how much heartbreak I can take.
Oooh Nonnie I’d prepare for some ANGST but there’s nothing in the text to indicate it’s the bad kind imo. I feel confident that it’s gonna be that good productive angst that gets us places we wanna go, that we’ll flail about and be heartbroken about but not that Game of Thrones style pointless nihilist angst that is just for shock value or because the creators wanted a cliffhanger or a twist.
One of the things I find comforting about this show is the people making it are very much a part of fandom rather than corporate studios using general audience analytics or creators who are just there for a paycheck. The creative team of this show genuinely seems to care about these characters. I have a lot of anxiety about my hyperfixation ships so I feel you on the worry but it would be a huge waste of time and incredibly unsatisfying for the audience to change directions midstream. And the beauty of a cartoon is that even if the actors leave or people change out from the creative team as long as there is money and a drive to make it they aren’t beholden to the same logistics issues as a live action.
From a storytelling perspective it doesn’t make sense to reverse course and break them up forever. I’m not writing the show so I can’t tell you with 100% certainty but there are too many threads intricately knotted together and if they cut this relationship out the whole fucking show unravels. I’ve always said Stolas and Blitzo’s relationship was central in the first two episodes of the show, Stolas is how IMP does business, the 2nd episode was literally all about Stolas’s family drama and the show is about Blitz so it would take a lot of work to stop this train and still leave your audience satisfied at the end. Work that it doesn’t make sense to do. This is not a fanservice thing, like Stolitz is too popular or something like that, but a storytelling thing. It’s such a huge part of the show they can’t drop it in a way that wouldn’t drive the audience away, even casual viewers. And being an indie production they have to be very deliberate and careful with their choices, they don’t have the capital to be doing like two sample hypothesis testing with the story or trying out different threads. It’s just not feasible.
If the trailer did anything it was reinforce every assumption or speculation I’ve made, like I got so much dopamine from that fucking trailer. And all the speculation lines up perfectly with my episode deep dives and how I, as a writer and creative, understand the structure and narrative choices being shown. And I am SO PUMPED ABOUT WHERE THIS TRAIN IS HEADING. It’s gonna hurt but in the best way I think.
To answer your question, as far as the end of this season I am of two minds. Either Stolas and Blitz make the decision to start a relationship in S2 and S3 is them working through it during whatever trials and tribulations they are undergoing.
Or they are not together but we get a lot of delicious pining through S3 where they finally get together together and S4 is the working through the relationship season.
How I think it’s going to play out after a few days of rearranging things in my head:
Blitzø and Stolas are both excited and anxious about their upcoming rendezvous. Blitzø is doing sexy date prep and seeking advice from his bestie on sex toys. Stolas is drowning in anxiety.
Blitzø fucks up. Either he says something hurtful or embarrasses Stolas in some way, either about his royal duties or Octavia. I theorize that the issue with the Full Moon is Stolas’s fault and Vassago is the character who will bring that to his attention. Might possibly comfort him. Andrelphus and Stella are going to take advantage of the situation.
Blitzø tries to take it back, that’s why he’s reaching out but he’s denied.
In Apology Tour Blitzø tries to get back to their casual “If I ignore it it’s fine” status quo but Stolas is not having it. That’s the garden conversation where he’s serving so much cunt.
Stolas either defends Blitzø with his song at Verosika’s tour or it’s so heartbreaking Blitzø has no way to hide from it anymore. I also think Versoika herself will point out that Blitzø is treating Stolas quite a bit differently than he did her which also keeps him from shoving his feelings down.
I think at the end of this episode Stolas calls things off but Blitzo is now aware of how Stolas feels and how he feels. He is not ready to act on it yet.
Ghostfuckers I think will be primarily Millie and Blitzø. Blitzø will probably have to confront how he was when they first met, and other things like his mother and Barbie.
Mastermind is probably the CHERUB/DHORKS episode. I still think it’s probably a gag tbh. Like the actual episode is not about them at all because in my mind they are the Sir Pentious of HB. Like they believe they are this big bad but they just kind of fail and disappear and keep coming back as a running annoyance. I kind of think the real threat is maybe Satan or Andrelphus/Stella.
In one of three episodes, or at the end of Apology Tour something happens to Stolas. He is taken out of commission in some way. He loses his job, he is absent. I don’t think it will be his fault.
I think this will come into play in Sinsmas, which maybe very much like Seeing Stars where maybe Stolas promised Octavia something for the holiday or they had a tradition and he misses it because of being out of commission. She finds him with Blitzø who is rescuing him from Andrelphus. I kind of think Vassago will help him or tip him off that Stolas is in trouble. Octavia is mad and lashes out. That conflict I see going into S3.
Blitzø needs proof that he doesn’t fuck up people’s lives and right now the person who’s life is in the biggest shambles because of Blitzø (not like because of him but their involvement, you know what I’m saying) is Stolas. He’s divorcing, he might lose his job, his daughter is going to be pissed at him. Stolas will have literally nothing because of their dalliance. So either way I see no way that the breakup is permanent.
If they breakup for good that reinforces Blitzo’s fear he fucks up people’s lives. There’s no resolution to that conflict. Moxxie and Millie don’t have a lot of life problems related to Blitzø tbh, he’s creepy about their relationship but it doesn’t cause them strife only annoyance. Loona is fine too right now. Fizz and he have started reconciliation and Fizz out right told him he was doing well. Verosika is pissed and still a drunk last we see her but her career is taking off.
By having Stolas break up forever only reinforces the idea that you don’t get a second chance at love for Stolas (or a first chance), and says “Yeah, Stolas IS better off without him” and I doubt that’s the story they want to tell lol. On Stolas’s side it would be all kinds of fucked up to imply that parents can’t have romantic relationships because their kids are mad about it imo. That his only option as a loveless arranged marriage and continuing to lie to himself and the world. Like a child should be priority but parents are also fully formed humans with lives outside of their children and it’s not great to have a child throw a fit and the parent be like “Oh okay, guess I’ll just be alone cause my teenage daughter is sulky”.
Like the issues they’ve set up can only be resolved satisfactorily one way at this point, at least in my opinion. Whether that happens in S2 or later in S3 I still very firmly believe it will be a focus and we’ll get lots of little moments.
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winns-stuff · 2 years
Umm so I haven’t been too active, life’s been manageable and my grades are actually doing amazing so I now will give myself a small break. But with the fastpass and yes I will vaguely talk about it because this has to hurt more than ever for me.
I am going to let it out and just say that I absolutely hate Lore Olympus. I have no tolerance for it anymore and I deeply despise it, and before anyone tries to come at me I have every fucking right to especially after this stupid ass fast pass with Demeter. This entire comic has been the most invalidating experience I’ve ever had to witness in my life, it is an insult to my youth, an insult to my feminism, an insult to my community, an insult to my culture, my trauma, and even my identity as a whole. I’ve been really quiet about it because I’m used to people stepping all over me and completely disrespecting me but I can’t do this anymore. Nothing has made me more sick than reading all of this.
Now you may be wondering why I say all of this in the first place and I’ll tell you. I’ve been informed (MAJOR SPOILER SO PLEASE JUST SKIP THIS) that Demeter gets manipulated into having sex with Zeus and shes obviously heartbroken and feels taken advantaged of yet the whole narrative of the situation still paints her as a fucking villain. I’m going to be a little personal with this but the reason why I have such a huge issue with this is because this is the exact same thing that happened with my mother, unfortunately she was coerced and manipulated into having sex with her then boyfriend which in turn got her pregnant (with me) and made him furious, he wanted to abort me while my mother refused to do so so he started harassing my family until he finally got arrested. To see this exact same situation be played in a way that Demeter isn’t the victim and she’s just bitter and jealous when this obvious traumatic thing happened to her makes me sick to my damn stomach. This stuff happens to real people all the time Rachel you cannot just handle these things with such ignorance all the fucking time, you can’t just say your comic validates trauma when you’ve belittled one of the most fucked up shit you can do to a person.
Then to top it off the comments are no better, they’re all victim blaming and incredibly insensitive. I’ve seen people literally call Demeter a bitch in her own story about her own fucking trauma, they’ve said that it was her fault, that she should’ve known better, that she shouldn’t have trusted Zeus. All of these things have been said to my mother as well, every last phrase has been said to my mother and it’s gotten to a point where she blames herself for the situation. There’s genuinely no words to describe how incredibly angry I am, I’m so just over everything with this comic and I want people to understand how harmful things like this are. I don’t have any real words except that I’m sorry to everyone who’ve ever been through something similar, if you had to read any of those comments I’m so incredibly sorry. I’m sorry to my mother as well because the same people who have been invalidating her and blaming her for her own trauma are continuing their fucking rounds with stuff like this.
People like that genuinely make me sick. How are you going to blame anyone for trauma or traumatic situations that happened to THEM, what the hell did you not fucking learn about this??? You’ve watched Persephone going through all of this stuff and literally suffering and you’ve seen how much of an emotional toll it’s had on her yet after seeing all the struggle that it puts people through you still decide to say stupid shit like that. What makes all of this even worse is if this was Persephone or Hades no one would’ve said a thing, everyone would’ve been supported and validated her whole experience yet if it’s any other form of trauma that they don’t count as important or even relevant they’ll dismiss it and belittle it. I’m so sick of this shit, at some point Rachel is going to have to get involved she’s always proclaiming how mentally aware Lore Olympus is and she has nothing to show for it you can do something now by actually calling out your horrendous fans (obviously the ones I brought up) for their disgusting actions.
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cinemasteves · 2 years
(based on the song by cashmere cat & ariana grande)
eddie munson x female!reader
notes/warnings: lots of sadness, cheater!eddie, manipulation, gaslighting, mentions of kissing/sex (not super detailed) reader, eddie & the rest of the older group are all the same age!
not my gif
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One week. It's been one week since you found out Eddie had cheated on you. Heartbroken is an understatement. The pain and betrayal you felt has been eating at your brain and heart all week long. Every night you cried yourself to sleep wondering what went wrong. He was your everything, and you thought you were his, that is until Chrissy Cunningham broke down crying and confessed to you in the school bathroom. Her words replaying over and over every night.
I'm so so sorry y/n, I was under the impression you guys were broken up, until I saw him kiss you in the hallway earlier. I just went to his trailer for some pills one night and it escalated from there. You don't deserve this. I'm very sorry.
♪ And you say that I'm the devil you know and I don't disagree no, I don't see the harm ♪
And of course when you confronted him after school, he denied it like no other.
I don't know what she's talking about, y/n. Why would you believe her of all people? She's part of Jason's clique, he hates me, he definitely put her up to this.
But that was quite the opposite. Chrissy was unironically the only cheerleader who was nice to you, hell she was nice to everybody. So when she told you about her and Eddie, you knew she was being genuine.
Seriously what has gotten into you? It's like you fell into hell and came back the devil himself. You've been stressing me out all week long, I need to focus on the DND campaign, i'll probably call you later.
But that night when he called you, your worst nightmare came true and he ended up confessing.
Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. Please give me another chance.
And you did. But everybody knew something was different. The constant pda was now basically nonexistent, you stopped going to Hellfire meetings, you didn't hang out with the group as much and you barely talked to everyone.
♪ They say, 'you crazy, just leave him, he'll suffocate you' but I wanna be in your arms. ♪
You couldn't take it anymore and eventually told Nancy while you guys were studying together one afternoon, she was not happy.
Y/n...That's not okay! You should've never taken him back. I'm sorry. You deserve the entire world. Please leave him, it hurts not seeing you around us anymore. I will gladly tell Steve not to invite him around anymore if that would help. Staying with him will make you more and more miserable, we all notice it, you seem suffocated.
But you still didn't listen.
Nancy we were together for two years, I can't let him go just like that. I love him.
♪ They say, 'no, don't pick up the phone, let them think there's nobody home' But I'm under your spell.
Cause when you call my heart starts to roll, I always want more
It's my heaven, my hell. ♪
As the days went by, you went into super hermit mode. Not speaking to anybody in the group, including Eddie, and that's when you realized Nancy was right. Your usual light has been dimmed, shut off even because of him. It was Friday, and you knew Eddie would be at Hellfire after school and Wayne at work, so you called their home phone and left a rather choked up message.
Eddie, I don't think I can do this anymore. It hurts me to act like everything's fine when it's not. I am incredibly broken inside and have been for the last week. I'm tired of crying myself to sleep every night wondering what went wrong. I'm tired of trying to act put together around all our friends when i'm not. I love you, but I can't keep putting myself through this. Please don't call me after you hear this, I do not want to talk to you from this point on. It's for the best. Take care.
After leaving that message, you called over Nancy, Robin and Steve as your parents were away for the weekend, and as soon as the three of them walked into the door, a group hug ensued between you and the girls and you burst into tears. Realizing Steve was completely clueless, Nancy pulled him to the side and explained it all. He was livid. Nancy and Robin brought pizza and some drinks to help get things off your mind. But as you drank throughout the night, you found yourself crying in Steve's arms. He was close with Eddie, and the closest thing you had left of him.
As if it was like clockwork, your house phone rang and you immediately knew who it was.
Y/n...do not answer that. Steve said sternly.
But once more, you didn't listen and as you got up to pick up the phone, the three of them just sighed, awaiting the outcome of this call. As you answered the call and hit speaker, you hear sniffling on the other end and your heart immediately sank.
Sweetheart... I am so sorry. I don't have an explanation as to why I did what I did other than I'm a fucking idiot. But seeing you like this is breaking me so much inside. I'm full of fucking regret and shame. You are my everything and I fucked it up so bad. God, I wish I could take it back. I'm so sorry for everything. For cheating, being hostile towards you, pushing you away and just making your beautiful personality do a complete 180. I know you said not to call but I need to hear your voice, it's killing me not hearing from you.
You stand there speechless. Nancy and Robin silently stopping Steve from getting up and slamming that phone against the wall.
Can I come over? Please? Eddie cries.
♪ We're heading deep inside lives a voice, a voice so quiet,
But I can't hear that voice when your heart beats next to mine. ♪
Nancy, Robin and Steve leave. Steve more angry than the girls, but he understood that this was all up to you. You heart racing as you wait for the man you've been avoiding, cracking another beer and chugging as you pace back and forth near the front door. After about five minutes you hear the doorbell ring and you toss the empty beer can to the ground to open the door.
Eddie sees you and his heart shatters. Your mascara running down your cheeks, your eyes puffy and face red. Guilt washing over him like a tsunami. He can't believe he's done this to you. His once upon a time, the girl of his dreams, a now ruined mess. All because of him. Tears form in his eyes as he engulfs you into the hug you've both been needing from each other. Your head against his chest, hearing his heart beat rapidly. He holds you tight in his lanky arms as you sob together.
♪ I can't quit you, I can't quit you
I can't quit you, I can't quit you ♪
You so badly want to take him back, but deep down you know what he did wasn't right and how it would be for the best to part ways. Part of you wants to dismiss that, but you know you have to do what's right. For the both of you.
♪ Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
I know I'm gonna regret it ♪
You continue to sob, realizing that by tomorrow this would be no more. No more cozy movie nights, no more baking desserts together, no more cuddles, no kisses, dates, no more doing all of the things you both loved to do together.
♪ When you said, 'Baby, I just want you to lay me down and we'll fuck the pain away'
'Cause skin on skin, I feel nothing but the burning of desire and that's just foreplay ♪
He picks you up and brings you to the couch, laying you down gently as he gets on top of you. The both of you still sobbing together. His tears fall onto your cheeks as his face gets closer to yours.
Can I please kiss you sweetheart? Please, even if it's the last time I get to.
You thought it was impossible for your heart to break even more, but what he just said proved you so wrong. He knew this was the end. You nod yes as you can't even produce coherent words at this point because you're crying so much. He leans in slowly, pausing when your noses meet, holding your face in his calloused hands and places kisses on the apples of your cheeks before hesitating at your lips.
I'm so fucking sorry. He cries as he finally presses your lips together, his thumbs rubbing against your face.
♪ We're heading deep inside lives a voice, a voice so quiet
But I can't hear that voice when your heart beats next to mine
I can't quit you, I can't quit you
I can't quit you, I can't quit you ♪
You don't want the kiss to end, hell, you don't want the relationship to end, but you know it's better to just savor this moment than to keep destroying your mental by staying with him.
♪ Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
I know I'm gonna regret it ♪
Kisses led to soft touches and eventually, sex. He was gentle and slow, your favorite. As soon as you were done, he helps you put your clothes back on, then his own. The sweet gesture making you melt inside, forgetting what he did a week ago for a few seconds. You so badly want to stay with him, but there are consequences to cheating, and you know the relationship won't be the same ever again. The thought of going from lovers to strangers physically hurts you inside, and you begin to cry again as Eddie sits up against the couch staring up at the ceiling trying to hold back tears.
♪ I can't quit you, I can't quit you, oh baby
I can't quit you, I can't quit you, oh babe ♪
So this is goodbye then, right? His voice cracks.
Yeah. You cry.
♪ Gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it ♪
He takes a deep breath as he stands up, still holding back tears as he walks to your front door, you following behind him. He turns to you before opening the door and hesitates for a second before giving you one last hug.
I'm so sorry sweetheart. You will forever be a part of me. I love you.
I love you too. Goodbye Eddie, please take care of yourself. You said wiping your tears as he nods and kisses your forehead and turns around, leaving your house for the last time.
♪ I'm gonna regret it
I'm gonna regret it (babe, babe, babe)
Gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it. ♪
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spookyserenades · 5 months
Honestly, though, another AMAZING chapter!! I keep getting floored by the sheer word counts you’re producing! 25k?? WOW, you’re incredible! Everything was so well written, bestie; I feel like you’re a born writer. The contrast between cute, fluffy scenes and those genuinely chilling moments was so well put together. Speaking of spooky moments, that scene with shadows creeping around our ghost-busting musketeers made me so anxious. I was legit feeling claustrophobic!!
That scene with Seokjin was just 🤌🥵🥵 (need I say more?) and YOONGI!! My poor hearttttt. The way he loved his mother despite her being pretty sporadic parental-wise, it was clear that she cared greatly for Yoongi despite her affairs. It honestly broke my heart just imagining how Yoongi felt the moment he heard of his mother's tragic passing 😭
AND (bear with me 😉) TAE! You big old doofus!! I’m so conflicted. Why would he do this to our MC? Why would YOU do this to me?? (lol) I’m so stuck between understanding his actions and being heartbroken. On one hand, I get why he’d try and move on. MC appears pretty taken, but hookups? TAE—
How could this happen to my shy bear? Literally how??? He’s so shy. 😩 I’m NOT prepared for the angst that’ll follow this next chapter…
Anyways, I loved this chapter so much! I feel like I’ve already rambled enough, so I’ll leave my thoughts with that. You’re a fantastic writer, Dana!! Can’t wait to read the next one!
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IIIII really didn't expect this update to be so long!! I didn't mean for the paranormal investigation scene to go on for as many words, but with that added scene of Jeongguk explaining his tattoo and then the Yoonjin snuggle I couldn't stop!! But thank you love-- I guess the one blessing of being an unemployed lump is ample time to write 💀 You're the absolute sweetest, I can't 😭 My week has been made by you 💜💜💜
OOF Not that I'm glad that you felt like you were claustrophobic during the ghost scene, but I lowkey am 💀 That's the vibe I was going for, the shadows pressing down on you!
Ohhhh my Angel. The past two chapters (Seokjin-centric, which I also love) have me desperately missing him! I thought it was time to dive into his past a little bit, especially because he trusts Y/N completely by now. Despite his mother's flaws, Yoongi still adored her, and she did try her best to be a good mother. Eventually, when I get to Yoongi's prequel, we'll find out more about their interesting relationship!
HA BEAR WITH ME! PUNNY! Tae is operating off of what I like to call Capricorn Spite. and probably jealousy and confusion. Considering he was very clearly into Y/N (despite her realizing that) it seems he's trying to either distract or distance himself :( And while he IS very shy, he has been sort of overcoming that personality trait, and I think the photography class (him getting to express himself) has brought him out of his shell and realizing his potential to grow as a person. Ah. Def more angst to follow but keep in mind this story plans to have a happy ole ot7 ending (when I'm like eighty at this point 💀)
AHHHH but thank you so so much for your love and for reading AND for sending in your thoughts bestie 🥺💕 I love you so much and can't wait to update again in June when Jinnie is back!!!
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aita-blorbos · 11 months
AITA for making an assassination attempt on the person responsible for corrupting the person I cared about the most?
Once upon a time, I (23M) had a friend that meant everything to me, and we'll refer to her as S. She wasn't too satisfied with her looks, so I gave her a mirror as a gift to see if that would help. Unfortunately, the mirror gift ended up changing everything for the worse.
S became corrupted by the mirror. I stayed loyal to her to see if that could've fixed her, but unfortunately she deteriorated to the point that, sadly, I had to help a kid (we'll refer to them as K) put her out of misery. I'm still incredibly heartbroken over this.
Years later, K invited me to join a big intergalactic peacekeeping group to stop a force that was threatening the entire universe.
It wasn't too long after until I found out that another member in this group was in control of the very mirror that I gifted to S, and used it to cast a negative influence onto her and make her corrupt. We'll refer to this person as D. He's someone that comes from the world that the mirror leads to, and it's the counterpart of a well-respected swordsman.
This information came out when D tried to tell it as a secret to another member in the group, but it got overheard and then everybody in the group, including myself, found out about it.
The revelation made me absolutely furious beyond belief. I couldn't believe that the culprit that corrupted my best friend joined the same intergalactic group as me! It felt like a salt in the wound! It made me go absolutely ballistic. It made me go into an extreme rage!
I attempted to hunt down and kill D in revenge for what he did to S. I beat the crud out of him and really genuinely tried to murder him. He fought back, of course, but that didn't stop me from trying to kill him. It took the rest of the group to break up the fight and get me to stop trying to kill him.
I faced resistance from some other members in the group. K didn't like his friends trying to kill each other, but it was especially a rat wearing red clothes and a young artist girl that tried to convince me to not kill D as they said I'm not going to change things for the better by killing him. But I'm not convinced.
D himself said it was still ultimately my fault for taking the mirror in the first place and basically enabled him to corrupt S. But is that really a good enough excuse for him to corrupt her? My mistake doesn't justify his actions!
I can't just let him keep getting away with what he did! I really did want to kill him for shattering the relationship of me and my dear friend, and he never bothered apologizing for it! If I can't kill him, then I want to make sure he at least gets extremely heavy punishment.
What do you think? Do you think I'm justified in wanting to destroy the person that corrupted my best friend, or am I going too far and some of my fellow group members are right in that I won't change things for the better by killing my friend's corruptor? AITA?
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emeritus-fuckers · 5 months
How about Repugnant guys with a partner who REALLY struggle with insecurities about their body, appearance and have a bad self image? And this comes with things like fear and a long time for the partner to actually let them see parts of their body.
Repugnant with a very insecure partner
CW: mentions of cannibalism, murder and dismemberment. you know, the standard repugnant starter pack.
Mary Goore (they/them)
"... 's it like... a physical thing that's botherin' you?"
Mary's a simple person that offers simple solutions. In their own, morbid ways. (yes, i think i'm hilarious - rat)
So if it's a physical feature that bothers you, they'll simply offer to eat it. Literally. In the most casual tone, too.
Don't let them, they'll genuinely fucking do it, no hesitation.
And if it's something bigger, they might lose it and you'd have to physically stop them. You don't want that. Biting off a piece of skin in bed is one thing, eating half of your thigh is something else.
If you reject that offer, they'll just sorta awkwardly shrug and inform you that you're fine in their eyes.
"Eh, I'd fuck your corpse."
Of course, they're joking. They suck at comforting people.
You're free to take out your frustrations on them, though!
Or just cuddle it out while they lazily keep an arm around you.
They're not very good at actually solving the issue, but they're always in your corner.
They're much better at handling anyone who fuels your insecurities, though.
Just one wrong look and that person will be nothing more but mutilated remains. (again, i think i'm hilarious. - rat)
DD Sars (he/him; fwb, not s/o)
He smacks you upside the head if you ever spout such nonsense.
He will actually berate you for thinking so lowly of yourself.
Clearly, you eyes are fucked up or something if you see anything wrong with yourself.
DD is not good at all this, he's not a therapist and he's got a plethora of his own issues, but he's supportive in his own (mean and violent) way.
And that is by bullying you for being stupid because he doesn't see anything wrong with you.
And clearly, he knows better. Since you're so stupid and all.
Somehow, you end up getting not only bullied out of your insecurities, but you actually end up pavloved into dumping your insecurities as soon as they happen just to avoid him bullying you again.
It's a weird, fucked up way of dealing with it, but apparently it fucking works.
G. Grotesque (he/him)
No. Nuh-uh. Absolutely not.
He's heartbroken at the very idea of his most wonderful, incredible darling not seeing just how wonderful and incredible they are!
He's not letting go. This man is a fucking koala, he's gonna be clinging to you for hours.
You're absolutely incredible, what do you mean you're insecure? Have you even seen yourself?
G.'s gonna absolutely talk your goddamn ear off with praise and love confessions.
He takes your insecurities to heart and makes it his personal mission to prove to you that you've got nothing to be insecure about.
Not in the insensitive "oh, you're fine" way.
In the "I am absolutely in love with you" worship-like way.
This man falls hard. Sure, there's a running joke in the band that he's in love with everyone and everything because of his rather bubbly personality, but if he's actually in love?
He's your number one fan. You're perfect. He adores you so much.
And he's gonna love those nasty insecurities out of you.
E. Forcas (he/him)
His support is like most things with him. Rather quiet.
He's not good with words, so he stays quiet instead of trying to force himself to try and compliment you, only to say something stupid in the end. He's not gonna risk making you feel worse.
Instead, he listens to you if you open up about your insecurities.
He holds you when you feel bad.
He gently touches the parts of your body that you feel bad about.
If you two are at the point of sex, he'll make sure to worship your entire body, especially whatever you're insecure about.
He shows his love through his actions. It doesn't matter how much worship it might take, he will give it all to you.
He loves you. He wants you to know he loves you. And he'll show it to you with all he has.
And he's a big boy, there's a lot to show it with.
Tom Bones (he/him)
The moment you open up about your insecurities, you're in his arms, held very tightly.
He tells you that daddy's gonna protect you and asks if there's anyone in particular that put shit like that in your head.
He could use new drumsticks, after all.
But that's for later. For now, his baby needs him there. He's not going anywhere.
While he usually likes it rough, he's willing to be all sweet and loving if that's what you need. And that's definitely what you need right now.
You two just chill out for the rest of the day, honestly. He's not leaving your side, you clearly need him there.
Cutting off limbs can wait, you can't.
Besides, he loves being affectionate with you, even if it sometimes fucks with his bad boy persona.
His explanation is that his babe is an exception to him being a dick to people.
He will not let go until you feel better, by the way, so get used to having an arm around you at almost all times.
Written by Nosferatu.
Taglist: @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @callmeicaro @thecuriouss @thermodynamic-comedian @vampyrolesbos
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what would zero's reaction be if mc still loving him romantically, had developed feelings for someone else? would he be ok with mc dating someone other than him?
Ooooo this is a very interesting question. I’m gonna think about the answer as I type :) therefore this is going to be long and a stream of consciousness that may or may not make sense.
So I think at first the thought of that would make Zero feel very anxious and insecure. But then he’d also feel incredibly guilty, because he has two partners (V and MC), what right does he have to be jealous? how selfish would it be for him to want everything to stay how it is? And of course Zero isn’t “enough” for MC, who could blame them for wanting something more, something better?
The whole emotional turmoil would be quite agonizing for him. There’s also the factor of MC being the one exception to Zero’s usual monogamy. The dynamic between Z, MC, and V is unique to the former and latter. They don’t put much thought into labeling themselves, but without MC in the picture, Z would say he’s firmly monogamous.
In short, Zero’s initial thoughts would be very human. Flawed but genuine. And he tries so hard not to feel those negative emotions like jealousy or insecurity because he’s terrified of his lovers and friends leaving him.
It would devastate him for MC to say that they’ve come to love another person. With MC and Zero, MC is well aware that Z and V have romantic feelings for each other. Z never denies it to MC, though they think it’s unrequited. MC knows the situation (probably better than Z and V do lmaooo) and chooses to romance Zero anyway (and encourage or tolerate the integration of V)
Z would be blindsided by MC loving another person, and when MC says that they still love him, he’d feel a bit like “do you actually love me or am I just a “safe” placeholder in case it doesn’t work out with someone you actually want to be with?”
He’s thinking and overthinking everything. Figuring out what he doesn’t have, what he did wrong, how he doesn’t measure up, if every time MC left the house, they were slowly falling in love with another person.
Then of course he’d agonize over both MC and V deciding that they like someone more than him, and abandoning him. Whoops I slipped and fell into angst.
because the MC/V/Zero poly is the only one available so far, MC doesn’t state whether they are monogamous or polyamorous in the IF.
But in another timeline, if MC told Zero at the start of the romance arc that they were polyamorous, I think Z would be more receptive and less heartbroken than if MC didn’t make that clear/know that about themselves until recently.
Zero doesn’t blame MC for how they feel. If anything, there’s a part of him that’s been waiting for the other shoe to drop. He’s been too happy, too loved. There had to be a catch. He just didn’t know what it was going to be.
Okay so after this long winded answer of me talking to myself and doing some Z character analysis, I would say that Zero would try very hard to be okay with it, to the point where he suppresses his pain and fear in an unhealthy way.
In the long term, I think he would ask for a break in the relationship between him and MC before it becomes unhealthy beyond repair. Zero still cares deeply for and loves MC; he doesn’t want to have their friendship tainted by a failed relationship. So he’d want to put the relationship on pause so he can work through his feelings and give MC a chance to explore their new connection.
Depending on how that goes, I’d say there’s a 70% chance of the relationship ending (but both Zero and Mc are on good terms) and a 30% chance of them getting back together and Zero being okay with MC having other partners.
Why I typed a novel to answer this is beyond me but here we go!
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carmillas-girlfriend · 6 months
Hello and thank you so much for playing my silly little ask game! (I'm totally still playing and I'm happy to collect all the emojis and write a little essay for every single character.)
Oh happy day! Someone wants to know my Frenchie thoughts! I really like Frenchie a lot. I mean I could sit here and say, "I love this character!" but that applies to every single OFMD character, so it would get redundant.
I love the sneakiness behind the writing of Frenchie as a character: he's highly superstitious and believes in things like crystals in women's bodies, witches, fairies, and etc. but he's also incredibly smart and a very quick thinker. We know this because of Party Boat Pyramid Scheme! He was able to get *a lot* of money from those macaroni fops with the help of Oluwande and Abshir. And it's highly highly likely that the only way Stede was able to get the info about those macaroni idiots was with the help of Frenchie, Abshir, and Oluwande. Like, sure, Stede pulled off the fuckery but he was only able to do it with their groundwork.
We also know that he is willing to do difficult and scary things to protect his friends. This is first illustrated in beginning of s2 after Ed shoots Izzy and Frenchie, Jim, and Archie get Izzys body in a hidden place below decks and care for him, obviously very against Ed's wishes. Ed corners Frenchie against a (counter?) and physically intimidates him but Frenchie still won't let up that he's taking care of Izzy and tried to get Ed away from Izzy until the very very end.
And plus that scene where Frenchie goes to check on Ed during Kraken Era and Ed says, "Do you know there's a bird that never touches land?" And follows it with "We're going to sail and raid and raise hell forever." And Frenchie, under threat of death at this point, can do nothing but say "sounds like a plan" while both men are very clearly tortured and heartbroken. It genuinely makes me want to cry.
Okay lol haha, enough feelings and crying. Time to pivot.
For the LONGEST time I was a Frenchie aroace truther and I still think it would be fun to HC him as that but as it stands I am a Wee John/Frenchie shipper. I love Room People and they would be great together. HOWEVER, in an upcoming fic I'm planning to write - Frenchie and Roach get married actually. So we can have some Frenchie/Roach as a treat for all of us. I KNOW that Ouizzy is a popular ship, and it's everyone's not just *right* but *God given duty* to ship Izzy Hands with who and whatever, but I'm such a FangIzzy girly [gn] that I just can't in good conscious ship Ouizzy. I'm so sorry Ouizzy guys!
Favorite Frenchie moment as captured on Twitter:
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naesarangyunho · 2 years
Make Up Sex- Jeong Yunho
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[I don't own these images credits to the original owners]
Synopsis: Yunho goes out drinking with San and Mingi and returns home incredibly intoxicated and says something horrible to his wife without thinking. He makes it up to her the next morning though. Contains: Husband! Yunho, Non-Idol au, Some brief angst, Yunho is an ass briefly, fingering, penetrative sex, creampie, some domestic fluff at the end
[Word count: 3k]
He wasn't sure why he said it, but he regretted the words the instant that they fell from his tongue.
"For fucks sake, shut the fuck up! My head is killing me and you're making it worse with all your bitching."
He couldn't believe himself and neither could she, judging from the way her brows raised and her eyes widened before her face crumbled.
Never had he ever spoken to her that way and never had he wanted to speak to her that way.
"Fuck, I'm sorry, sweetheart. I didn't mean it, I swear." He tried to reach out for her but she moved out of his reach, tears collecting in her lashes.
"What's come over you, Yunho?"
He reached for her again, "I drank too much, I'm so sorry. Love, I really didn't mean it."
She took a step back, "Don't touch me."
He retracted his hand, "I'm sorry."
She shook her head, "You should have thought about that before you lashed out at me. I only said you should have called me if you were going to stay out so late. Am I not allowed to be concerned about my husband?"
"You're allowed to be concerned. I said I'm sorry, Y/N." He gave her a heartbroken look, one that annoyed her right now because his big puppy eyes always made her feel guilty, regardless of whether she was supposed to or not.
"Don't do that."
His brows furrowed, "Do what?"
She just shook her head, "You know what, nevermind. You're sleeping on the couch tonight."
She walked off in the direction of their room before she could see the way his heart dropped and the look in his eyes that accompanied it. She was angry and hurt and didn't want to see his face and have her resolve crumble.
"Y/N, wait!" He called out but she kept her eyes forward, entered their room, and slammed the door.
"I said I was sorry." He mumbled to himself as he stared at the closed door.
He made his way into the living room, stumbling slightly, his bare feet dragging along the polished wooden floors.
He stripped to his t-shirt and boxers and fell forward onto the couch, face buried in a throw pillow. God, he was such an idiot. He couldn't believe the way he had yelled at his wife like that.
He knew for a fact that he was in the wrong. He had said he was just going for a quick drink with Mingi and San and would be home before eight. He'd still promised to pick up dinner so she wouldn't have to cook. Instead, he had drunk so much with his friends that he got so completely caught up in alcohol and conversation that the thought to call his wife didn't even pass through his mind and he ended up staggering home at two o'clock in the morning instead.
She had waited up for him, genuine concern on her face as he opened the door and tripped into the house, grabbing the doorframe just in time to avoid falling face-first into the floor.
He hadn't answered his phone and since San and Mingi were just as occupied as him, they didn't answer theirs either. She had been really worried about him but her concern was instantly laced with anger as she realised how intoxicated he was.
His head was aching and she had been asking questions- in retrospect, questions that were appropriate for the situation and not just her nagging him- and he'd snapped at her.
He groaned as he turned onto his side on the couch, pulling his feet up from where they were hanging over the edge.
He really had to make it up to her somehow. But that would have to wait, he thought. She was probably still hurt and livid and he knew it was best to give her space and let her cool down rather than prod further.
He didn't even have a blanket. He wasn't about to go and get one from the room though, so he just curled up and pulled a throw pillow under his head. He deserved this, no disputing that.
Eventually, he fell asleep.
When Yunho cracked his eyes open the next morning, the light shining through the living room curtains hitting him in the face, he groaned.
His back ached, his head ached, his mouth was dry and he was getting hot.
He looked down at his body- there was a fluffy blanket covering him. He smiled slightly; she didn't hate him completely.
He sat up, yawned, stretched and stood up to make his way to the kitchen.
It was only seven o'clock and being a Saturday, his wife was probably sleeping in.
He made quick work of gulping down some headache tablets and water before leaning back against the counter. He'd been such an ass last night.
He wasn't an overly clingy person but missed his wife and waking up next to her. He felt horribly guilty about last night and really wanted to make it up to her.
Yunho left the kitchen and made his way down the passage to their bedroom and gently pushed the closed door open.
She was still fast asleep. Her face was slightly more puffy than usual and it looked like she had cried herself to sleep. He felt so guilty. They never fought and he couldn't even remember the last time he'd made her cry from anything but pleasure. It hurt.
He crept into bed alongside her and gently wrapped an arm around her, pulling her into his chest. She stirred as she felt him press a tender kiss to her shoulder.
He pressed another soft kiss to her neck and she moved her head instinctively to let him nuzzle his face into her neck, her body accustomed to this even though she was still half asleep.
"Yunho?" She murmured and he hummed, kissing her neck again.
She cuddled back into his chest, letting him spoon her but her body stiffened as she woke up properly and remembered the previous night's events.
She struggled weakly in his arms but he held her tight against his chest.
"Let me go, Yunho."
"I really am sorry, sweetheart. Please forgive me?"
She stopped squirming and turned in his arms to face him, "Are you really?"
He nodded, "I am. I was very wrong for what I did. I am really sorry and feel horrible about it. I don't like hurting you."
"You really did though, Yunho. I know it sounds stupid because it was just some words but-"
He kissed her softly, "It's not stupid, my love. I was nasty and I hurt you. You didn't deserve such unkind words when all you were was worried about me."
She reached a hand up to stroke his sleep-mussed hair, "I can't stay mad at you and those puppy eyes of yours for long. I forgive you but don't yell at me like that again, okay? I highly doubt the couch is comfortable."
He let out a small laugh, "It is not."
He pressed a soft, lingering kiss to her mouth, "I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you?"
She smiled and cupped his jaw in her hand, "Oh? How are you intending to do that?"
He gave her a mischievous grin before leaning in to kiss her properly and pull her tighter against his body. She smiled against his mouth before returning the kiss, her hand resting on the nape of his neck.
It didn't take long for the slow, lazy make out session to turn into heated kisses and tongues meeting.
His hands slid down her body to cup her backside and push her hips against his. He was hardening against her and she couldn't help but press herself against him, heat pooling in her stomach and her body seeking friction as her arousal blossomed within her.
He rolled his hips into hers and she gasped into his mouth, a hand shooting down to grip his hip and hold him against her as she pressed herself hard against him, grinding against his hard dick in lazy circles.
He bit her lip, a large hand sliding into her panties to grip her bare ass.
Her hand slid up from his hip and under his shirt, brushing over his stomach to rest on his chest, just above his heart.
She found comfort in the way she could feel it beat beneath her palm. She was being honest when she said she couldn't stay mad at him- she loved him too much. She had loved him for so long and with each passing wedding anniversary, she found herself loving him impossibly more. Her heart was so full of affection for this man.
"What's up?" He questioned, pulling back a little to look at her.
She just shook her head with a small smile, "Nothing. I'm just thinking about how terribly in love I am with you,"
He slid his hand up under her shirt and placed it down over her heart between the valley of her breasts, mirroring her actions, "That should be my line, sweetheart."
He gave her a small smile before closing his eyes and pressing his lips to hers again. The hand resting above her heart moved over to cup one of her breasts instead and she gasped as he lightly kneaded the soft flesh.
His mouth moved to her jaw and neck, tracing the column of her throat with his kisses. He rolled his hips into hers again and she couldn't help the small moan that escaped her.
The sound spurred him on, hand moving from her breast to slide slowly over her stomach and into her panties.
She pushed against his hand involuntarily, her body seeking even the smallest amount of friction.
Undiluted desire coursed through his body as he slid his fingers up through her wetness to her clit and could feel it practically pulsing beneath his fingertips.
His dick was painfully hard at this point and aching to be buried inside his wife.
He lazily circled her clit with a finger before pushing two fingers into her. She took them well, whimpering as they stroked along her walls. His long, pretty fingers have always been so good at reaching places she couldn't by herself and conjured up new heights of pleasure in her.
He kissed her neck and moved his mouth to the shell of her ear, "Do you want my fingers or my dick?"
She pushed down against his hand, "Can't I have both?"
He chuckled and kissed her, "Of course you can, sweetheart. Anything for you."
He picked up the pace of his fingers a little, curling them so they brushed along her g-spot perfectly with each stroke.
"Oh, Yunnie," She sighed and he caught her lips in a tender kiss.
There was no rush, he moved his fingers at a leisurely pace, not too fast and not too slow. Just at the right pace to prolong her pleasure as long as he could.
She moved her hips, urging his fingers deeper inside of her but she didn't rush him. She enjoyed it like this occasionally, enjoyed him making love to her instead of fucking her.
He sped up a little more as he felt her breathing become very laboured and felt her walls clench around his fingers.
"Yunho," She moaned and with a few more strokes of Yunho's fingers, she fell apart, her hands scrambling to grip onto whatever part of him she could.
He kissed her neck softly, nibbling at the skin as he let her ride out her orgasm before removing his fingers.
He wiped his hand on the bed sheet and despite still being fuzzy from her orgasm, she poked him.
"How many times have I told you not to do that? You're not the one who has to do the laundry."
He chuckled and kissed her, "Sorry, ma'am."
"Hmm. Make it up to me. Go ahead and do what you promised to do."
He laughed again, tugged her panties down and kicked off his boxers before turning her over on her side so that he was spooning her.
"What are you doing?"
Still on his side he lifted her top leg and pushed forward and let his dick slide through her folds, brushing her clit briefly.
"Help me a little, sweetheart."
She reached back under her leg and gripped him and guided him inside of her.
He inhaled sharply at the sensation of gliding into her in this position, her previous orgasm making it easier. While this position didn't provide a lot of leverage to thrust up into her, it did provide a new angle that allowed him to push into her sensitive spot with each thrust and it also made her squeeze tighter around him.
He thrusted up slowly, pushing against her g-spot almost perfectly and she gasped out a moan, her hand shooting down to cover the one he had holding her thigh up.
He pushed his face into her neck, leaving warm, open-mouthed kisses on her skin and the sensation only added further tension to the knot steadily tightening in her belly with each leisurely thrust of Yunho's dick.
Yunho groaned against her neck, "You feel so good, love. So tight for me."
She just whimpered, unable to formulate a response as she grew closer and closer to her orgasm.
He picked up the pace as much as this position would allow him to and she squeezed her walls around his dick, helping him chase after his own orgasm.
He moaned against her neck and bit her lightly. She moaned at the feeling of his teeth on her skin and started to meet his thrusts as best she could.
Eventually, Yunho pulled out very briefly and quickly turned her onto her back before driving back into her with a renewed fervour.
"Oh, fuck, Yunho."
Yunho kissed her, groaning against his lips as his orgasm began to approach him very swiftly. He tried to tide it back a little longer. This was meant to be about his wife and making her feel good, he didn't want to cum first.
"Sweetheart, I need you to cum for me." He pleaded breathlessly, fingers moving between their bodies to find her clit.
She reached up to grip his shoulders, her nails scratching at his skin as he pushed her closer and closer to the edge.
"Come on, my love. Cum for me, sweetheart."
All it took was those words and one more perfectly angled thrust and then she was coming apart beneath him with a choked cry of his name.
A few more thrusts and he followed after her, spilling himself inside of her. She whimpered and wrapped her legs around his to hold him there for just a little longer.
He kissed her gently before pulling out and rolling off of her to lay next to her and catch his breath.
Neither of them said anything for a while, just basking in the afterglow of their orgasms for a moment.
Yunho turned on his side, holding himself up by his elbow and resting his head in his hand as he reached his other hand out to cup her face, his thumb stroking along the skin of her cheek.
"Am I forgiven now?"
She poked his stomach playfully, "I already said you were. But you've definitely made it up to me."
He smiled and kissed her.
"Okay, let's clean up and then I'll make you breakfast," Yunho said, sitting up and scooting over to the edge of the bed.
She sat up quickly, "Absolutely not."
"You're not cooking. Last time you tried, you burnt the food so badly I couldn't save it."
He gasped indignantly and pointed an accusatory finger at her, "Hey, that was your fault! You were the one that initiated the make out session that distracted me!"
She blushed lightly but remained resolute, "Be that as it may, you're not going near the stove again."
He gave her puppy eyes, this time on purpose, and she huffed dramatically.
"Damn you. Fine, you handle the toast and I'll handle the eggs and bacon. Does that make you feel better?"
"A little."
She laughed and crawled over to him on the bed to kiss him.
"Distracting me again?"
She kissed him again, longer this time.
"Love, I know what you're trying to do. I'm hungry though and not just for you. Breakfast first and then maybe we can find another use for the countertop after."
She bit his lip, "Promise?"
He kissed her again before standing up and walking to their en suite bathroom, "Promise!"
She jumped out of bed and ran up to him, slapping his ass with a giggle.
She stuck her tongue out at him before hopping in the shower ahead of him.
He watched her for a second. God, he loved that woman so much.
"Keep standing there like that and I'll use all the hot water."
"No, you will not. I'm coming."
And then he was in the shower with her, and more giggles filled the room as they messed around and teased each other further.
It was good to have things back to the way they were before. As fun as make up sex had been, he planned on never having a reason to do it again. No more fighting.
A/N: Reminder that requests are open♡
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Pretend this has a valid title.
I just noticed that I make Keith cry really often. Huh.
And there's more kissing! What's going on?
Keith and Lance stare in horror at their wrists to see them handcuffed together.
They had just been arguing about something stupid, Keith isn't even sure what the topic is, and apparently Pidge has had enough.
"If you two are going to yell at each other, then you can do it like this. Now shut your face-holes."
They stared each other down. Lance sighed and shifted to hold Keith's hand loosely. "Ugh, Fine. I'll try to be decent if you try too."
Lance's grip on Keith's hand brings back old memories.
Lance is standing outside of Keith's door, his hair is tousled like he's been running, and he holds a bouquet of red roses to big it hides his face from view.
Keith can't help the fond smile that comes to his face.
Lance has been asking him out for months, each try more extravagant than the last. Judging from the fairly simple flowers, he seems to have finally realized that Keith prefers small gestures rather than large gifts.
Keith sees blue eyes peek over the top of the blossoms.
"Please Keith. Just one try? You know you want some of this."
Lance gestures to himself, and Keith lets a small chuckle leave his lips. (what? no, of course Keith didn't giggle, he's a very masculine guy, nope, never, be quiet).
Keith can't deny the fact that he's had a crush on Lance for a while. It's hard not to admire someone so sure of himself, someone who carries himself like he rules the world, someone who could befriend anyone. Keith doesn't know why Lance wants him of all people.
"One try is all you get."
It has been about 9 months since Keith agreed to go out with Lance.
"Why do you always push me away? I get that you miss Shiro, but I'm only trying to help!"
"I don't want your help! I can deal with this myself!"
"That's what you say about everything! Have you ever thought that maybe I like helping you? That I want to see you happy instead of constantly alone and heartbroken? Please, Keith." "
Lance. Just drop it."
"No! You need help! The sooner you accept that, the sooner we can work past this."
"Lance! Just-just leave me alone. This isn't something you can fix with charming words and a smile!"
"Is that all you think I am? Nothing but a people pleaser? I thought you knew me better than that, but I guess not. Goodbye Keith. I'm done."
The first time Lance sends a Keith in his direction, it feels like a knife to the heart. Hunk has distanced himself from Keith too.
Keith is all alone again, and just like always, there's no one to blame but himself.
Keith snaps back to the present. He stares at the ground and wills his hot tears to go away.
"Yeah. Sure. It's just for a bit anyway."
It is not just for a bit. When they go to Pidge and show her that they're getting along, she searches all of her drawers and comes up with only a handful of candy wrappers.
"Ummmm... So I have bad news and good news. Bad: I lost the key. But, hey, at least now you can bond a bit more!"
They both groan at the same time, and the whip around to glare at each other. They forget how close they are thanks to the handcuffs, and bonk noses.
All day, they struggle for control over where they go and how the do things. Thankfully, they don't have to feed each other. That would be annoying.
The night cycle starts, and Pidge still can't find the keys. She looks genuinely guilty, and scurries around the castle looking everywhere.
Finally, Hunk has an idea.
"Hey, you know that spinning blade saw we have in the engineering room? It's made to bust through Altean meatal. We try that."
And now Lance and Keith are standing with both of their hands only inches away from a wicked looking blade.
Even with its incredible power, the saw is very slow, and Pidge tells them they have about 5 minutes before the chain breaks.
"So.. today wasn't bad," Keith mutters.
Lance glares at him harshly. "Yeah? Well maybe someone should have handcuffed us together 2 years ago!"
Keith recoils. Lance feels a sliver of guilt for the wounded look in his eyes.
"I- I'm just trying to say that I'm sorry. You were right. You usually are, we both know I can't use my head when it matters."
Lance scoffs. "No dip. If the past couple of years have shown anything, it's that we don't mix well. I mean, we've had a rivalry for a while."
Keith's eyes flash, and all of the sadness leaves them.
"Seriously? There never was a rivalry, Lance! It's all in your head! I went along with it because that's the only way you would let me close to you! Everyone has noticed, it's just you who can't get it into your thick head that I never moved on. Don't you get it? I love you, Lance! I never stopped loving you!"
There's angry tears flowing down Keith's reddened face, and he spits the words out like they are fire. There is a loud snap as the chain breaks, and Keith immediately bolts out.
The rest of the paladins, who have been silent throughout Keith's whole confession stare in shock. Hunk and Shiro are the only ones who have prior knowledge of Keith and Lance's relationship, and Shiro left on the Kerberos mission before he could learn the extent of Keith's feelings.
"That was... intense. Maybe you shou-"
Lance races out of the room before he can hear the end of Hunk's sentence.
Please, please, please.
Lance can't miss this chance, Keith will never open up to him like this again.
He sees the Keith running down like there's a weblum after him. Anyone else would have been left in his dust, but Lance has long gazelle legs and ran track for 5 years.
He tackles Keith to the ground, and they both grunt at the impact.
Lance ends up on top of Keith, and he fights the boy pinning him to the ground until Lance stares at him with pleading, watery eyes.
Lance does what he does best. He rambles.
"I’m sorry, I was stupid, you were stupid, we were both stupid! I’ve always loved you and I’d fight the world for you, defy death and gravity, handcuff myself to you so I never have to let go. I’d kiss you at the altar, I’d trade anything and everything for you, I’d spray paint the side of the garrison with our initials surrounded by a big, disgusting pink heart"
They both laugh at that like it’s an old memory they both share, which, knowing them, it probably is. Lance continues.
"I’d kiss the air out of your lungs, I’d take you anywhere, I’d destroy anyone who dares to harm you. I shouldn't have left you, you're worth so much more than one fight! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I forgive you, so can you please forgive me? Keith, you don't know how much I wan-"
Keith grabs his shirt collar and kisses him hard. Lance lowers himself off of his arms and lays completely on the raven below him.
When they break apart, Keith lets out a disbelieving laugh.
"Guess what? You finally bested me. Your confession was much better than mine."
"Because thou art my truest love!"
"Ew, never do that again."
they don't notice the team until Allura's giggle sounds out from further down the hall. They are watching them with expressions that range from teasing disgust to megashipper freakout.
Allura has been recording the whole thing, and Pidge will most definitely be playing that at their wedding.
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ihearasound · 6 months
Just some thoughts on the purely technical side of Canto VI, no spoilers
Honestly this chapter was really fucking good in how it stepped up what they could do once more. I'm really impressed on so many levels. Every chapter they're pushing what they can do with animation and breaking down walls between its technical components. The amount of really fucking cool animation was WILD. Canto IV had some of it, Canto V had some really fucking cool animation, and this Canto had lots of really fucking cool animation. The way they're pushing to seamlessly blend the VN parts with the battle/animation parts is SO MUCH FUN to observe. It makes me SO excited to see what comes next. The last fight was especially impressive, just utterly stunning. But my favourite minor moment was the scene with that one sinner right before the rooftop. I yelled out in excitement because I did NOT fucking see that coming. I loved it on a technical standpoint, and I loved loved loved what it did for the sinner writing wise. I'm in love. I'm so in love with this game.
Artwork wise also HUGE improvement. Canto V had definite growing pains, but now they've finally found their stride. And it shows. Once again, I am heartbroken about Vellmori being forced out like that. I think the game lost a lot for it. With every artwork I thought, "this is really damn good. But how had Vellmori done this one?". I miss her art. Nothing can compare to it. The expressiveness, the life, the joy... her art is unmatched.
But I'm still happy to see what the current artist team could achieve. I think they did incredible work. This chapter was SO full of artworks, it honestly really surprised me. They did not spare any expense. Everything is so full of atmosphere, the colors are gorgeous and the sepia is so beautifully worked into every piece. The backgrounds? On another level. So far completely unmatched.
Last but not least. The fights were so much fucking fun. I loved the decision for the structure for this Canto. No dungeon meant that every fight could be fine-tuned with the utmost care. And it showed! Instead of a bunch of trash fights, they focused so hard on crafting some really demanding but fun fights. I had my trouble with a couple of them, and for 6-35 I genuinely struggled for over an hour as I tried to figure out what team would work. But once I got the right one I saw results quickly, and it was super satisfying. Every fight in this Canto was super satisfying. Though the sinking team was unmatched in this, I still had to think a lot about my team composition. Shoutout to Dieci Rodion who HEAVILY carried this chapter for me. Her beast-tanking + Pursuance healing was a life saver. She deserves a backrub for this one.
The combat in this chapter really made me realize.... Limbus Company is fun. It's really fucking fun to play. It's compratively easy to pick up, and mastering it may not be as easy, but getting to a satisfying point with your skills isn't hard either. And then the game starts challenging you. Working and reworking your priorities during a fight, seeing how much a sinner can take, when it's best to just go for the throat... I love it all. The game is really, really fun to play, and I really hope they continue with the Canto VI design philosophy.
Also, of course the music was really good. Every track was really atmospheric, many bone chilling and all of them let you immediately forget you're playing a game. Especially during 6-35 and 6-45 I stopped a lot to just listen to the music. It was hard concentrating because I was just taken by the music. Of course, shoutout to Mili, too. The moment I heard their song I fell in love again. As I do with all Mili tracks. But it's not just Milis music, it's the music at every corner. I think here too, the team once again evolved by leaps and bounds. Music up until now was INCREDIBLE, it always has been and always was. But this Canto is another awesome evolution of their craft.
It all accumulated to this really stunning and impressive finale in 6-48. I was just floored man. Everything came together so beautifully, every part and every piece created this stunning whole. Once the credits rolled, I was just paralyzed for a bit. Idk even now what to do. I still have to mull on this chapter a lot. Both story-wise and on a technical level. I'm very excited to see where the game goes from here and what it still has in store. Every Canto VI takes it further and further with so much seemingly ease. I want to see what comes next.
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trentskis · 1 year
I didn’t watch the game, but all your tags/posts about Vini today break my heart. I’d love for him to continue to flourish in Madrid, and I don’t want to give those ugly racists even the slightest bit of satisfaction, but I hope he considers leaving if La liga continues to be complicit in all the abuse he’s been receiving. Surely getting heckled like that every game can’t be good for his mental health, and at least in England/Germany they attempt to gaf.
i didn't watch either but saw the clip of the incident and it is honestly horrifying, the opposition player who had vini in the chokehold was so so aggressive it was frightening
it's so shitty because he's a young really talented player who should be enjoying the success and achievements he's already had within his career, but i'm sure it's impossible for him to feel it fully with all the abuse he receives. it is so unfair and disgusting and i am so heartbroken for him. i feel the same, he shouldn't have to leave la liga because of them, he should be able to enjoy his football and teammates, but if that's what he decides to do, that's on la liga because it's a result of their inaction. it's such a shame and so incredibly disgraceful. i hope he has a lot of support and people who genuinely care for his feelings and what he's going through, and that I the end he does what's best for him❤️
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