#like i can write anything in my notes app
couchkitty · 11 months
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shepards-folly · 7 months
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Your guilt is tied around your throat, frayed at the ends where it was cut, but still there nonetheless.
It is now that you realize that your abdication will forever haunt you.
And as you ponder that, only just thing rings true in your mind at the moment: You were supposed to be better than this.
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ssruis · 2 months
A good sekai can’t be made alone.
The wonderland sekai was obviously manifested by Tsukasa alone, there’s no arguing against that. However I think a lot of people understate the connection the rest of WxS has on it - whether it’s due to Tsukasa’s strong bonds with emu/nene/rui or them actually influencing the sekai, they do have an impact on it. After all:
Rui: (For Tsukasa-kun, his friends’ happiness is his own happiness.)
(Pandemonium - TL Tsukasa’s #3 fan)
Additionally, the first time Tsukasa experiences anything to do with the sekai (that we know of), Miku appears to already know of emu/nene/rui despite Tsukasa having never met any of them before.
KAITO: Also, if you ever find this SEKAI somewhat nostalgic, please...hold on to those feelings.
Tsukasa: Nostalgic? Why would I find it nostalgic?
Miku: Come with everyone else next time, Tsukasa! Let's all sing and dance in a show together☆
Miku: I'm sure everyone else has the same feelings as you too!
(WxS Main story - Opening)
Rui’s impact is probably the easiest to see, given that the wonderlands sekai has to spoonfeed him his own emotions in the form of an easily digestible conflict one of the plushies is experiencing.
There’s the disagreement between the kitty and doggie plushie in Wonder Halloween:
Len: I organized a show for the plushies, but they all started fighting again!
Doggie Plushie: I want to make the show better! Why aren’t you letting me?!
Kitty Plushie: But you’ll get hurt if you do something like that!
(Wonder Halloween)
Kitty Plushie: I want to be friends, but I'm worried that I'll say something weird and end up being an outcast... That would hurt me more than being alone...
Kitty Plushie: That's why I...I just can't bring myself to speak my mind...
KAITO: Ah… you’re afraid of being alone.
KAITO: But you shouldn’t worry, because you already have a friend right here, don’t you?
Kitty Plushie: I do?
Doggie Plushie: …
KAITO: Doggie's always trying to get you to speak up because it wants to know what's on your mind. This means that doggie is concerned about you.
KAITO: That also means that it wants to get to know you better, don't you agree?
(Wonder Halloween)
The fact that Tsukasa had no idea why Rui was holding back in Wonder Halloween but the concerns of the kitty plushie mirror emotions Rui himself wasn’t even aware he was feeling is probably the strongest case for “yes wxs themselves impact the sekai as opposed to it being a result of their impact on Tsukasa and his feelings about it. KAITO even mentions this connection:
KAITO: Yes. At the time, I felt like Rui’s solitude was somewhat connected to the kitty plushie.
KAITO: That’s why I wanted kitty to realize that it had a friend who was concerned about it.
(Kaito’s Wonder Halloween 4*)
The situation with the birdie plushie could have just been a coincidence, given that its struggles aren’t too similar to Rui’s, but I think that with the context of Wonder Halloween you could make the case that it’s another instance of Rui influencing the sekai.
Birdie Plushie: But I can do it!
Birdie Plushie: I don’t care if no one else can! I’ll do it by myself!
Rui: As much as they want to do a show, no one else is willing to participate…
Rui: That sounds like the old me. I wish I could help out somehow…
(Curtain Call)
On the surface that doesn’t seem to have much to do with Rui + the Arkland offer, however:
Birdie Plushie: *Sob* If only someone would help me...
Miku: Bird…
Birdie Plushie: No! Now's not the time for that!!
Miku: …!
Birdie Plushie: I said I'm gonna do this show! And only I can do it because it's too dangerous for the others!
Birdie Plushie: I have to do it! I have to show everyone just how much fun it is to fly!
Birdie Plushie: It's so sad that only I know what it's like to fly. So, I'm gonna show everyone how great it is!
Birdie Plushie: I wanna show them how great it feels to rip through the air! I wanna tell them about how fun it is when you become so light as you fly really high into the air!
(Miku’s Curtain Call 2*)
I think there’s probably some parallels that can be drawn between the birdie plushie’s mindset and Rui’s mindset as a kid in RMD and the mindset he probably carried with him when he began doing solo shows.
Little Rui: Everyone, what’s the matter?
Classmate A: Rui, doing such dangerous things all of a sudden is really strange, you know…
Little Rui: Eh?
Classmate B: That’s right! We can’t do those kind of things!
Little Rui: B-but…!
Nene’s Mom: H…hold on, what are the two of you doing!? You’re dripping wet!
Rui’s Mom: Just when I was wondering what you wanted to do with a vinyl pool… Hey, Rui! Don’t put Nene in danger!
[end flashback]
Little Rui: (Certainly, it might be dangerous, but…!)
Little Nene: It’s fine! I want to do it!
Little Nene: I’m the little mermaid, so in order to meet the prince, I have to swim!
[end flashback]
Little Rui: (The scene I came up with that time, it really improved because of that… and Nene was super pleased too!)
Little Rui: (Together, with everyone, just like that—)
Classmate A: Rui, why do you want to do something that dangerous?
Little Rui: — I want to create an interesting show!
Little Rui: If we made an interesting show together, I’m sure everyone will—!
Classmate A: I can’t do that just because it looks interesting!
(RMD - TL Arvon Oven)
Regardless of how connected the birdie plushie’s issues and Rui’s issues in Curtain Call are, the birdie plushie’s situation still leads to him having a realization:
Birdie Plushie: And… it was kinda lonely.
Rui: What?
Miku: Yeah, I bet…
Miku: Putting on fun shows is a really wonderful thing…
Miku: But it’s gotta feel so lonely when the people you care about aren’t there with you.
Rui: Oh.
Rui: (That’s it…)
Rui: (Despite already having an answer ready, the reason I’m still dwelling on this is because…)
Rui: (I still want to…)
Rui: (I still want to keep doing shows with them.)
(Curtain Call)
Also, for a lack of anywhere better to put it, Luka is sleepiest when everyone around her is happy:
MEIKO: This is somewhat unrelated, but I think I've figured out when Luka tends to fall asleep...!
KAITO: You have?
MEIKO: I think so. She seems to feel sleepiest when everyone around her is smiling.
MEIKO: When they're having fun or enjoying themselves, she starts falling asleep.
Rui: I see...
MEIKO: The opposite seems to be true as well since she's almost never sleepy when something is bothering someone.
MEIKO: She'll attentively listen to what someone has to say.
(Luka’s doll festival 3*)
And one of the first instances we see that confirms this is when Rui is struggling in the cheer squad event.
Luka: The thing is... I haven't been able to sleep much lately.
Luka: Zzz... See? I just can't seem to fall asleep.
MEIKO: What?! But you've always been able to fall into a deep slumber given ten seconds!
MEIKO: Why didn't you tell me this sooner? Are you okay? Do you not feel well?
Luka: No, I don't think I'm sick or anything.
Luka: However... I've been getting this strange feeling in my chest whenever I try to fall asleep.
MEIKO: A strange feeling...? Hmm... You certainly don't seem sick or unwell…
MEIKO: Is something on your mind by chance?
Luka: On my mind?
Luka: Oh…
Luka: Hmm... Something you want to say, but can't... That's a tricky one...
Luka: But you told us about it, didn't you, Rui...?
Rui: Well…
[End flashback]
MEIKO: I see… You’re worried about Rui.
(Luka’s Cheer Squad 4*)
& then after everything goes well and Rui has a good time:
Luka: <Zzz...♪ Zzz...♪>
MEIKO: <Hey, Luka! Wake up!>
Luka: <Mhm?>
MEIKO: <Don't give me that... We were definitely about to lose you there. What happened to you having trouble falling asleep?>
Luka: <Hehe. But it looks like everyone’s having so much fun.>
KAITO: <Hehe. You have that look on your face, Rui. I'm looking forward to what you have in store for us during the cheering competition.>
MEIKO: <Hehe. You seem just as happy, Luka.>
Luka: <Yes, that's because...>
Luka: <It looks like Rui found a way to break that spell.>
(Luka’s Cheer Squad 4*)
Off the top of my head, Luka is also the one to speak to Nene when she’s thinking about having to leave WxS behind one day (Mermaid Admiration) and she helps Meiko comfort Rui during his gleaming stars card story - both instances occur at night (prime sleeping hours).
& then of course there’s his chapters in the WxS WLE, which includes a bunch of Zombie Plushies that mirror Rui’s conflicts in Wonder Halloween and RMD.
Zombie Plushies: We can tell you’re just pretending to be friends! Deep down, you’re probably scared and disgusted by us too!
Zombie Plushies: We’ll never fit in with them anyway…
Rui: …! (Never fit in with them, huh…)
Rui: When I look at them… I remember how things used to be.
(WxS WLE, Rui’s section - TL Haruka’s penguin)
Rui: I was the same a long time ago... I gave up on fitting in with anyone.
Rui: If they don't understand me, that just can't be helped, if they disagree with the way I think, that just can't be helped... I would think like that.
Rin: Rui-kun...
Rui: - in reality, I really did want to put on a show with someone else. But people didn't understand the shows I was making. On a subconscious level, I convinced myself it wasn't going to work out and gave up on the idea.
(WxS WLE, Rui’s section - TL Haruka’s penguin)
As a disclaimer, emu and nene’s sections will be shorter because they have self awareness wrt their emotions & therefore don’t need the wxs sekai’s help to puzzle things out with plushies. said fondly. there are less examples to pull for them. For no specific reason.
The virtual singers all adore emu/nene/rui and I dislike the implication that they show blatant favoritism to Tsukasa just because he made the sekai (which is a take I’ve seen quite a few times.) Just look at Emu’s relationship with Miku, Nene’s relationship with Rin, or Rui’s relationship with Len.
One of the best examples that proves my point is this conversation between Nene and Miku:
Nene: Okay, well... I've been wondering about this for some time...
Nene: This world was created based on Tsukasa's feelings, right?
Nene: You and KAITO have been inviting us here to see your shows, so that Tsukasa would remember what his true feelings were, I guess...?
Miku: Yup, that’s correct.
Nene: So this is what I don't get...
Nene: Tsukasa's already discovered his true feelings, and I'm just performing in the same troupe as him so...
Nene: Why do you and KAITO care about me at all?
Miku: Hehe, that's simple! It's because we want to see you blossom as an actress!
Nene: Huh… that’s it?
Nene: But you do so much for me and encourage me every time I visit...
Nene: It's not that I'm worried about Tsukasa getting annoyed with me getting so much support from you, but I feel like you're spoiling me with this being his SEKAI and all...
Miku: We’re absolutely not, Nene!
Miku: And besides, you have a connection to SEKAI too!
Miku: Tsukasa's wish of bringing joy to everyone with your shows is also your wish!
Nene: Oh…
Miku: Tsukasa also needs you, Emu and Rui to create the shows he dreams about!
Miku: You can't make great shows alone after all!
Miku: Don't you think so too, Nene? Don't you need your friends to create really special performances?
(Miku’s On This Holy Night I Sing 4*)
Miku specifically points out that the rest of WxS *are* connected to the Wonderlands sekai, not just because of their relationship with Tsukasa, but also because they share the same dreams.
Her chapters in the WxS WLE have a Turtle Plushie that reflects her previous issues with stage fright, so there’s also a case to be made that Nene’s struggles are capable of being reflected in the plushies like Rui’s are:
Turtle plushie B: … That one’s always over there. Even though it’s afraid to get in the water… I guess it can’t seem to give up.
Nene: Can’t seem to give up… What do you mean?
Turtle plushie B: it always used to say “my dream is to carry someone on my back, but —
Turtle plushie B: A while ago, there was a terrible storm, and this river flooded over. After seeing that, it became completely terrified of going in the water.
Luka: Is that right…
Nene: (… It became terrified…)
Nenerobo: … Is something the matter, Nene?
Nene: Um… I was just thinking about that turtle.
Nene: Somehow, I can understand how it feels…
Nene: When I was too scared to do anything, I also had that feeling of being unable to give up.
(WxS WLE event, Nene’s section - TL haruka’s penguin)
Notably, Emu has a lot of similarities to WxS Miku in both personality and speech. There’s also something to be said about the Wonderland’s Sekai being an amusement park - something Emu has always big connection with, but Tsukasa didn’t until he began working at PXL. I think that’s fitting. Emu was present when Tsukasa discovered Untitled on his phone, and she was also the one to actually press play.
In a grander sense, without Emu pulling him for the wonder stage after he flopped in his audition, Tsukasa not only would not have remembered his true feelings but also would not have had the many opportunities to grow closer to achieving his dream he’s had as a part of WxS.
Just like Nene and Rui, some of her issues are reflected in a plushie during the WxS WLE:
Emu: What’s the matter?
Leon: Ah, um… you might laugh at me, but…
Leon: One day… I’d like to fly in the sky with Phoenix.
Emu: That’s… a suuuuper wonderful dream!
Leon: Eh?
Emu: Flying in the sky with Phoenix… somehow, even listening about it makes me excited too!
Miku: Miku too, Miku too!
Leon: T… thank you very much.
Leon: But… a dream like that, it wouldn’t ever come true, huh
Emu: Eh? Why?
Leon: I mean, Phoenix is rarely seen… and I’m not a soft toy bird, so flying in the sky is impossible.
Leon: And besides — everyone around me tells me I can’t ever accomplish it.
Emu: Ah…
Leon: …Even I myself know that it won’t come true. I’m sorry, please forget everything I just said!
Emu: Leon-kun…
Emu: (…There was a time where I, too, thought “maybe it won’t come true,” huh)
Shousuke: Emu, if you want to look at dreams that much, then look at them yourself. Don’t involve us any further!
[end flashback]
Emu: (My big brothers, too, had said “don’t just keep spouting on about dreams”…)
(WxS WLE, Emu’s section - TL Arvon Oven)
But I think it’s especially interesting that the plushie that parallels her is the same plushie that parallels Tsukasa. Her importance to WxS is inarguable:
Rui: Indeed. If it weren't for you, Emu, none of us would be here today.
Tsukasa: Emu, listen!
Tsukasa: Your “ability to dream” is an absolutely essential part of Wonderlands×Showtime!
Emu: huh?
Nene: H-He's right...! We've been able to do what we have because you never stop dreaming.
Rui: If anything, we wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for big dreamer, Emu.
Rui: Even when it was all run down, weren't you the one who wanted to bring smiles and laughter back to the Wonder Stage more than anybody else?
Rui: Your dream gave us a place where we could belong.
Rui: Simply put, Emu, you're the engine that drives us all. You have this remarkable ability to turn reality on its head...
(Popping in My Heart)
So I don’t think it would be a stretch to say she also had a massive impact on the way the Wonderlands Sekai.
*Well. This part is sort of about Tsukasa. More so about his bond with his friends.
I think Tsukasa would be the first to say that Emu, Nene, and Rui are very connected to the Wonderlands sekai. Tsukasa even considers the sekai’s song as WxS’s song, not his own.
Tsukasa: That's why, Kaito, would you let us sing the song [The World Hasn’t Even Started Yet] that was born from our feelings once more?
Rui: Oh? I heard that song and Wonderland SEKAl were born from your feelings, though...
Tsukasa: Well, in truth, it seems to be that way, but...
Tsukasa: Even with the help of Miku, KAITO, and the others, I would not have been able to face SEKAl or remember my true feelings if I had not met all of you.
Tsukasa: That's why I think that song was born from our feelings and not just my own!
(JP sekai anniversary live show)
And it’s true that he wouldn’t have remembered his true feelings without WxS, although KAITO suggests that he was aware of them somewhere deep down.
Nene: This place is made from Tsukasa's feelings, right?
Nene: I would have expected a place like that to have a loud and conspicuous self-proclaimed star who's just like him...
Nene: Everyone here takes part in shows, but nobody tries to claim to be a star the way he does. I wonder why?
Emu: It must be because everyone in this SEKAI is a star♪
Nene: Everyone is a star? How does that work?
Nene: Remember how he was like before? Back then, it felt like he always wanted to be the one to stand out the most.
KAITO: Well... I would say that Emu's thinking is actually quite accurate.
KAITO: I'm sure that somewhere deep inside, Tsukasa always knew a lone star couldn't shine brightly or do a show by himself.
KAITO: A good show is the product of many people who work hard to fill different roles.
KAITO: Each one of them has to shine in their given positions.
KAITO: A real star can only shine brightly when his companions do the same with a smile. He must have felt that somehow.
(KAITO initial 3*)
Even if he was aware of his true feelings subconsciously, up until he actually remembers the origin of his dream, the only people who are consciously following something aligned with his true feelings are the rest of WxS.
Tsukasa: I only decided to become a star because I wanted to be like the stars there, who made me and Saki so happy.
Tsukasa: But at some point I forgot about all that, and all I cared about was making successful shows and becoming a star...
Tsukasa: How could I have…
[Nene through nenerobo]: I hope our audience enjoys the play.
Rui: Well then. Let's work together to put on some unbeatable shows!
Emu: It's my dream to have people come to see a show here at this stage and love it!
[End flashbacks]
Tsukasa: …
Tsukasa: They’re the real stars, not me…
(WxS Main story - the feeling that day)
You know how Tsukasa had to understand Torpe and Rio to recognize parts of himself? The main story is sort of like that, but instead of a character in a play it’s Emu/Nene/Rui, and instead of having a breakthrough that improves his acting it’s Tsukasa recognizing that he was being a huge dick. Anyways.
The sekai’s expansion in the WxS WLE is stated by KAITO to have some relation to Tsukasa’s own feelings:
Tsukasa: For sure. I mean, how is it even possible for such place to even show up here?
KAITO: … Indeed, I can't say for sure myself either.
KAITO: But I think it's somehow connected with Tsukasa-kun's feelings.
KAITO: That's right. This SEKAI is born from your feelings, right?
KAITO: That's why, if there is a change in those feelings, it's possible for the SEKAl to be influenced and changed as well.
(WxS WLE, Opening - TL Tsukasa’s #3 fan)
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And I think it’s pretty clear that this shift in feelings involves the rest of WxS as well, given that
1) Their signature colors are all over the boat
2) Their quest to get to find the Phoenix (to get the map. so they can go to star island.) required WxS to encounter Plushies that were reflections of themselves. He needed the rest of WxS to find the Phoenix, just like he needs the rest of WxS with him to chase his dream.
Rui: I can't help but think there seems be a connection between that island and the show we were a part of.
Luka: That does seem to be the case~ But I wonder what all of that means~...?
KAITO: …This is just my guess, but...
KAITO: It's possible that this ship has made progress on its own journey as well.
KAITO: Just like Tsukasa-kun and everyone, navigating through each island, to steadily make your way towards Star Island.
Tsukasa: This ship...... is just like us?
KAITO: Yes. Perhaps this ship itself is a manifestation of Tsukasa-kun's current feelings and thoughts.
Tsukasa: My feelings…
Tsukasa: (This ship has traveled to numerous islands, forging its path towards the stars..... And surely, its journey will only continue from here on out.)
Tsukasa: (Indeed, it is just like me. I've come this far, and have been non-stop pursuing my dream of becoming a star.)
Tsukasa: (Has my desire to pursue my dream taken the form of a ship....?)
Tsukasa: (No, that's not quite right.... I couldn't have made it this far solely on my own)
Tsukasa: (It was thanks to meeting Emu and everyone, and putting on countless shows together. It's because everyone was by my side that I was able to make it this far)
Tsukasa: (If that’s the case…)
Tsukasa: … That’s it!
Emu: Wassup, Wassup!? Tsukasa-kun, did you figure something out?
Tsukasa: Yeah, this place is probably…
Tsukasa: It is my … "Aim for Stardom, and together with my friends, we will embark on our journey of growth to many places" aspiration.
(WxS WLE, Ending - TL Tsukasa’s #3 fan)
In conclusion:
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feelingthedisaster · 24 days
the urge to create but having no inspiration or ideas
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shrews-art · 4 months
Being alone at home SO isn't good for me, how does anyone deliberately choose to live on their own 😭
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evils-corner · 2 months
Hey Red bullseye Store why do I have the option to put in a request for sick time through our app if there's actually another secret second process we have to do to have our sick time put in
Tell me why
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welpnotagain · 2 years
I wrote out like two quite long posts. Anyway it boils down to:
If you post something online, especially a subjective opinion, you are opening yourself up to be disagreed with. This is to be expected. You are not alone on the internet and it is not reasonable to act like you are receiving hate and/or are "being cancelled" simply because people are disagreeing with you. If you think your opinion is entitled to stay entirely unopposed you probably shouldn't post it.
#this is about something that happened to me like 3 years ago on tumblr and i just randomly thought about it and was annoyed#it was about some like mid twenties woman that was arguing about how great tiktok is and how most of the people that disliked it only did#so bc it was popular to do so. kinda like what happened with justin Bieber when he was a kid.#and my response was something along the lines of 'that might be true but there are a lot of things to dislike about tiktok as a company and#how the app is being used as a radicalisation tool and how it's algorithm promotes that bc that is what keeps people on the app etcetc'#and she went Off on me how i was clearly misinterpreting her points and how i talked down to her and how entitled i was#bc i wanted to farm notes by stating popular opinions and how tt haters were so annoying bc so many other people had also disagreed#and i should have just gone through the notes and reblogged one of those argumentstions instead of writing my own#and like??? girly why can you say what you think but i can't even agree with you to some extent but then point out flaws of an app not even#your opinion! anyway. i saw her response in my activity tab and apparently she blocked me but the @ still showed up for me so I actually#had to open her rant in an incognito tab so I could really get the whole 'yeah that IS the worst faith interpretation of anything i have#ever said'#well whatever. it just randomly popped baxk into my head and i was annoyed about the me yes but You?! no attitude
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Since ao3 was down for so long last night I got desperate enough that I started writing fanfic for the first time in over a decade
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radioactive-cloud · 5 months
i'm tipsy and sad and i just want to matter and not to feel like this
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dragonanon · 5 months
If you told me a year ago that I would get into makeup and then obsess over it to the point where I legit document in the notes app on my phone, the different color and product combinations I’ve used along with which clothes they look the best with, I would’ve asked if you were high. 🙃😅
#and now here i am…furiously typing away in my notes app about different makeup combinations and which scrubs they look the best with#this is primarily because my dumbass can never fully remember what colors/products i used to achieve a certain look#so i’m writing this shit down now so it’s easier to choose which makeup to use for the day#what i’ve discovered since getting into makeup is i like to use colorful make just as much as i like to wear colorful scrubs#and what’s more is i ALSO like coordinating my makeup colors to MATCH my scrubs#so if i’m wearing blue scrubs i want to use blue eyeshadow and blue lipstick so it all matches#i think part of why i’ve been enjoying this so much is that coordinating the colors like this makes it all feel like art#it’s like i’m drawing and coloring but instead of my tablet or a piece of paper i’m doing it on my face#makeup really IS an art form and i can’t believe it’s taken me this long to fully realize it and how much fun it can actually be#not me rocking up to work in bright sparkly green eyeshadow and light blue lipstick to match me Toy Story pizza alien scrubs#thankfully no one has given me any crap for my choice of makeup colors so far#and i would like to think that it’s because i really try to match all the colors i use with my scrubs#so it at least all looks good together#but more than likely it’s because i’m not hurting anyone by doing this and my face is still recognizable#it’s not like i’m over here painting my face to look like pennywise or some shit#the most ‘extreme’ thing about my makeup is just the colors#i’m not doing any crazy designs or anything#just using colors you probably wouldn’t wear on a day to day basis#such as bright green eyeshadow and light blue lipstick#the way i see it is if i’m allowed to wear colorful scrubs and it’s not an issue then why would colorful makeup be an issue?#tomorrow i’m going to wear blue-purple eyeshadow and purple lipstick with my dark blue scrubs#because i think it will look neat#will update on how it turns out
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facts-i-just-made-up · 2 months
Not A Joke, Not Unreality:
A company called Quantum Fiber (under Century Link) recently set up my home town for fiber optic internet. I got them a month ago and aside from a few outages it was decent.
Last week, it went out. They sent me a super specific time it would be back-
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They failed to make it and sent another, minutes later.
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And another when that failed.
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And over the week, more and more.
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I called and they just read me the same email out loud. They offered no escalation or resources. Every time, they fail. I have not had internet for my house in a week, and this morning I got this one-
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I looked into other people having the same problem and found this-
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Edit forgot link
That's not something called a "766" line, that's them fucking up my city 766 times. This company is fucking shit, and I'm sick of this. I've filed an FCC complaint but those take a month to even get a reply.
So I'm hoping my 173,365 followers can help make this show of their ineptitude and callousness go viral. Please.
They are in a time of massive expansion into many new states and cities. I am asking anyone so inclined with a few minutes to spare to find your town or state's government information technology office or liaison, or just a local government representative of any kind, and write them a quick note stating that this company destroys town utilities and offers absolute frustrating failures of service in return.
If you have Quantum Fiber and have been similarly failed by them, please file an FCC complaint. You might at least get a free month out of it.
If you work with a news source or popular blog, please boost this however you can.
If you are on any app on which they are present, please feel free to write or tag them and let them know they have failed their customers and cities they work with.
Please do not engage in threats or harassment of any form. Keep this legal, civil, and proper so that it can create a legal basis and record of good citizen interaction on the part of this company's victims. I am asking for help in a grassroots campaign, not a violent or prank-filled heap that just gets people in trouble. AND DO NOT FOR ANY REASON EVER PESTER THE WORKERS, PHONE REPS AND TECHNICIANS THEY HAVE OUT THERE. This is the corporation's fault, not the poor folks they employ who they likely try to make take the backlash.
If you have any other ideas on how to hold a mega-corp responsible for the shit they put their customers through, please comment and recommend. I am sick of this shit. I know there are worse things happening and even worse companies doing horrid things right now. But maybe this one is new/small enough that a viral campaign can kick them where it hurts and get them to act more responsibly to their customers and safely to the places they work.
Please help if you have time. Please spread this in the hopes they see it and get off their butts and fix their horrible shit. Any random reblog or post on any platform might be the one their investors hear of.
Thank you anyone for anything you can do.
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spinoff-antithesis · 1 year
biting and tearing through drywall i wish i had more close mutuals/friends who like rot/tmnt. like. none of my close/immediate friends do.
like i have mutuals on instagram who also like rot/tmnt but i don't know them well enough to just break into their dms and just start rambling abt the show/s. granted i have a hard time rambling abt my interests anyway but hseiujkdfnmxc
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poisonlove · 5 months
Wednesday Addams x F!Reader
• Reader is about to leave for work. Wednesday asks her if she's forgotten anything, and Reader gives her a kiss. Wednesday turns red and opens her hand to reveal Reader's keys/wallet/etc., saying
'I meant this, but it's appreciated.' Or smt like that!
forgetting something ?
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Pairing: Wednesday Addams X fem!reader
Words: 4k
Warning: fluffy
Author notes: I've received a lot of requests, I'll try to do them all!
Happy reading
"Love, what's the password for your phone?" I ask curiously as my eyes glance at the smartphone in my hand.
I found myself in Ophelia Hall in Wednesday's room with Enid, wanting to spend some time with my girlfriend. Enid was doing Things' manicure while sharing some gossip about some outcasts at school. Meanwhile, Wednesday Addams was making the most of her writing time.
Ignoring me.
The tapping of the keyboard abruptly ceases and Wednesday slowly turns towards me. Her brown eyes turn cold and dark as they meet Enid's, who visibly trembles in the face of that icy, penetrating intensity.
"Things, I'll finish later..." Enid whispers, her nervous smile betraying the fear inspired by Wednesday's gaze.
Without saying another word, Enid jumps up from her bed and hastily exits the room. The door slams behind her, resonating in the silent air as Wednesday watches her pass with an impassive expression, lips pressed in a subtle smile of satisfaction.
"How many times have I told you not to scare her?" I say with a small smile on my lips, and Wednesday looks at me without batting an eyelid.
"I didn't scare her," her voice is calm and controlled, without any hint of remorse or concern.
"You did," I sigh at her comment while absentmindedly playing with her phone.
"As you wish," Wednesday replies calmly, showing no particular emotion.
I smile shyly at her response.
"I told you not to use vulgar nicknames in front of others and you keep doing it," Wednesday justifies herself, looking at me curiously.
I raise an eyebrow in confusion.
"Vulgar?" I ask, feeling puzzled.
Wednesday nods timidly, without a hint of a smile on her lips.
I sigh loudly.
"Anyway... Could you tell me the password?" I ask again, wanting to change the subject to avoid ruining the atmosphere.
Wednesday tilts her head to the side and scrutinizes me with her gaze.
We've been together for a month, but I don't know if I'll ever get used to her quirks.
"My favorite plant" Wednesday replies in a monotone voice.
"Of course" I reply sarcastically as I type in 'Belladonna.' The phone unlocks, and I smile as I see the background: me and Wednesday embracing during the Poe Cup. The brunette had a stoic look while she look at me smile at the camera.
"Nice background," I say teasingly and Wednesday rolls her eyes at my comment.
"I know," she replies monotone.
I could see a small smile threatening to emerge at any moment.
"But don't you have any games?" I ask disappointedly, and Wednesday stares intensely at me.
"I barely use it to write to you," she justifies herself, and I nod understandably.
Wednesday and technology were two completely different things and couldn't fit in the same sentence.
"So you only have WhatsApp?" I ask curiously, looking at Wednesday.
"You're distracting me unnecessarily," Wednesday mutters annoyed by my questions. She turns her back on me and starts writing her story again.
"Thanks, Wed" I say sarcastically, and Wednesday continues to press the keys of the typewriter ignoring me.
"Why am I with her, I don't know," I mutter to myself, turning my gaze to her phone. I scroll through some pages and look at the apps.
I  choice YouTube.
"Because you love me," Wednesday replies loudly without looking at me "and anyway, I can hear you, be careful," she adds in a cold voice.
Was that a threat?
"Right" I reply aloud.
I start searching for what interests my girlfriend. Hundreds of horror stories and interviews of real murders, true photos, and thousands of hypotheses about monsters, unsolved murders, and much more.
Creepy but Wednesday's style.
"Y/n?" I raise my head from the phone and turn my attention to Wednesday who had once again interrupted her writing hour.
"Tell me, darling" I ask with a smile on my lips.
"Shouldn't you be going to work at the café?" Wednesday asks with curiosity.
My smile fades and I widen my eyes in realization: I had forgotten.
I quickly get up from the bed in a panic
"shit shit" I put on my shoes and look around the room in concern. "Where's the jacket?" I wonder, and I look around the room with worry. "You threw it on Enid's bed," Wednesday exclaims disapprovingly, and I smile hugely.
I internally thank Wednesday for her incredible memory.
I walk towards the door, but Wednesday's voice makes me stop.
"Forgetting something?" She asks seriously.
  I sigh at the unfortunate moment of being romantic. "You're right" I walk towards her and lean down towards her face to unite our lips in a sweet kiss.
As we separate, I notice that Wednesday's cheeks were completely flushed.
"You were forgetting the car keys, idiot," says Wednesday embarrassed, showing me the keys.
I had left them on her desk an hour ago when I arrived.
"Oh, thanks," I say embarrassed, and Wednesday smiles widely making my heart race a mile a minute.
"But I appreciated it" she confesses quickly and I smile back getting lost in her deep brown eyes.
Yes, definitely, now I remember why I'm with her.
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bbyobbyo · 3 months
seventeen as dads headcanons
content: reader is married to svt, normative(?) family structure, literally just unhinged thoughts, not proofread lol
note: was trying to write an actual fic but then got distracted sorry, dadventeen brainrot is so real
Super protective “don’t touch my family” dad outwardly
All of his kids’ friends are straight up SCARED of him
But within the household he's the one sneaking ice cream when you say no, albeit guiltily
Shopping trips with him will always result in buying something for them and he is very willing to be taken advantage of
“Babe if I can’t spoil them now, they’re gonna grow up and move out before we know it!”
Tries his best to be handy around the house, but probably makes it worse, ends up calling Mingyu to come fix it
DEFINITELY a “go ask your mom” dad
This man not only powerless, he doesn't even want the power, he's just here to have a good time and if you say they can't, then sorry kiddo
You can’t tell me that he doesn’t bring up becoming a family prank channel at least once a week
LOVES bragging to everyone else about his kid’s achievements, cannot shut up about them to anyone in a 5 foot radius tbh
His kids definitely talk to him about everything, which is great because he is SO nosy.
Has a list of all their best friends, enemies, and crushes at school somewhere on his notes app for future reference when they come to him for advice
The REAL practical joke dad, admittedly made them cry a few times when they were younger and felt really bad about it
Perfect sweet husband and father in image, all of his kids know he’s actually lame af
Dominates the summer barbeques, UNDISPUTED GRILLMASTER
Super dependable, will drop everything if his family needs him and never goes back on his word
Gives surprisingly good fashion advice
Definitely walks around the neighborhood with his baby in a sling carrier strapped to his front, POINTS AT EVERYTHING OF INTEREST
When they start learning how to speak he adopts all his baby’s weird mannerisms (it started off as a cute joke but then realized he couldn’t stop)
Cries at every baby milestone until they’re like 10
Will not stop bringing up embarrassing childhood moments, especially in front of their kids’ friends/significant others
Cuts fruit for them instead of apologizing
Will fully ally himself with his kids
Like legit would do anything for them. ANYTHING.
I’m talking borderline go to his kid's school to beat up their hypothetical bullies himself sort of dad
The kids can always count on him to say yes if you say no
Absolutely DEVASTATED when they grow out of the tiger stuff he buys for them and become angsty teens
“What do you mean tigers aren’t cool? Do you not love your old man anymore?”
Quiet doting dad
Definitely more affectionate when the kids are younger but gets into the awkward advice-giving stage when they grow up
LAME DAD JOKES GALORE, groaning is a regular activity in this household
Tries to google basic algebra every time his kids ask for help on math homework because he doesn’t want to admit he forgot everything
Chaotic af unsupervised. “Guess we’re having pizza again tonight kiddos” kinda dad because he cannot and should not cook
Another quiet dad, but make it savage
I feel like he would just love roasting his kids (affectionately of course)
And always overwhelmingly acts of service so his kids know they are loved
Allowance randomly appearing under their pillow, their favorite foods magically stocked in the fridge, always relenting to one last bedtime story no matter how tired he is
Would let you have final say but he makes it really clear he’s on their side and empathizes with them but its out of his hands
“Next time just don’t get caught, okay?” *winks*
Loves loves loves just spending time with his babies
Doesn’t matter what he’s doing he just wants to be in the same room as them or cuddling and holding them
Emphasizes equality in your relationship so his kids can grow up with those values and learn to respect others
Doesn’t believe in allowances but will cave and literally buy them anything they want if they ask
Would rather die than miss any important event (competition, speech, recital, talent show, graduation, etc.)
Absolute super dad, what can’t he do? Nonstop home improvement projects, cooks anything his kids are craving, offers to drive everyone everywhere
But also the whiniest dad ever lol constantly complains about people “ruining his system”
Absolutely FUCKS at the school bake sales, earns them twice the target fundraiser amounts because he's dilf material and knows how to get the moms to spill their pockets
Likes to have the final say, but you’re both usually on the same page in regards to discipline so his kids aren’t getting away with anything
Just the most supportive dad in the universe, the kids learn to never take him for granted
You already know his kids are gonna be spoiled rotten. He will be the favorite parent by default sorry I don't make the rules!!
His arms are the very definition of a safe space
Leaves all the discipline to you because he cannot keep a straight face when delivering a lecture (one time he made them cry and also ended up crying because he felt so bad)
Does so much embarrassing shit just to cheer his kids up when they have a bad day, acts surprised when they tell him he's cringe
Such a pushover that they are probably gonna make fun of him when they're older, but that's okay because they know there's no universe in which their dad will stop loving them
As long as he can pick them up still, his kids are never on the ground for too long
Two words: SPORTS. DAD.
He could practically captain the cheerleading teams at their school with how many events he's been to
Knows all of his kids’ friends parents, they all get together and have coffee once a month actually
Nags nonstop and complains about everything he has to do for them, but is always diligent and does it without question
Gets so pouty when they start getting embarrassed to show affection, he WILL get his cheek kisses if it's the last thing he does!!
Chillest dad in existence?!?
Literally as long as his kids are safe he doesn't give a single fuuuuckkk
“Sleepover? Yeah, call me when you're done and I'll pick you up.”
He WILL argue with you if he doesn't think there's a good reason to say no to them
So cute and encouraging to all their weird hobbies and phases throughout the years. “Lemme see” and “Really? Show me” are regular phrases in his vocabulary
His kids are definitely gonna inherit his legendary facial expressions afnngjdg
Super affectionate and doting, but also quite strict with them at times
“I just want the best for you, I want to see you succeed”
HAS A PHOTO OF THEM READY AT ANY TIME, lockscreen is a different shot of his kids every day and is eager to show it off even if no one asked
Not so subtly signs his kid up for dance lessons
Just the most encouraging dad ever, makes sure that they know making mistakes are a part of life and that he will always love them no matter what
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amermaidsecretdiary · 3 months
An easy tip to help you embody your desired state 。˚ ☁️
I decided to share to y'all something I personally do that helps me manifest absolutely anything that I desire. It's extremely simple, easy and fun! Anyone can try this and trust me, if you do it correct, you will get anything you want!
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For this, you will need either a piece of paper, a notebook, your notes app, whatever you want and feels more comfortable to you to write on.
The first step is to think of your desire. Let's say that you want to manifest being extremely rich. I want you to think of yourself as the person who has their desire (in our case a rich person).
Now write down what an average day of your life as this person is like. What is the first thing you do in the morning? How do you spend you afternoon? Write any details you want, for example "I wake up, and go brush my teeth. I admire myself in the mirror while doing my make-up with my expensive products. I dress myself in this high-priced dress and go to eat breakfast in my big balcony of my villa where I can admire this scenery view of the ocean".
Think about, what exactly would change in your daily life if you had your desire? Even if it's the smallest detail, write it down.
Once you are done, you are going to read it. Think about how nice it is to live your life everyday in the way you wrote it. Now, you need to realize that this is your actual life. You are now going to embody this version of yourself because this is who you are. When I say embody this version of yourself, I mean in imagination. I wanted to note that because sometimes, people (especially beginners) don't realize that all of your actions are done in your imagination. LEAVE THE 3D ALONE. Your job is to change yourself in your imagination, not in the physical world.
I would be really happy if you guys try this! If you do so, please feel free to keep me updated!
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heavenangelly · 5 months
How I personally manifest things - An SP
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I’m going to give you guys 2 ways I do it, since both of them are for real and fiction characters.
How I manifest real people:
I currently don’t have a sp, but if I did this would be how Id go upon it.
Step 1: Id obviously decide who I’d want to be with (and why, because I don’t like going after people just for looks)
Step 2: I’d decide that they are mine. I’d get lost in fantasies of them, imagine us together, create scenarios b4 i sleep and use SUBLIMINALS. Subliminals are def my fav way to manifest an sp. Id also write down how our relationship would be and create vision boards that remind me of us and how our relationship would be.
Step 3: Id persist in the fact that we’re in a relationship / they’re mine. I’d constantly go back to fulfilment and lose myself in the feeling of being theirs / them being mine.
How I create an SP:
I personally love creating people. It’s also because there isn’t anyone I’m really interested in, so this is a fun way to bring someone into my life with specific characteristics I want.
I also use this method to create a friend/literally any type of person I want in my life, it doesn’t have to be a romantic connection.
Step 1: I’d decide what kind of person I want
Step 2: Id write down everything I want in them. Every single thing. I’d be super detailed but you don’t have to be. I basically make a script for my desired person, writing down how they look, personality, quirks, extra info and their relationship with me. (I use the notes app for this, but you can use anything you want)
Step 3: Once my script is done, I’d imagine scenarios with us, create vision boards that remind me of us and just overall be super imaginative.
Step 4: Id persist in their existence and the fact they’re going to come into my life or will come into my life by a certain time frame. (However, I would not be obsessed with getting this person on that exact date, I would focus more on being fulfilled and knowing.)
And that’s basically how I manifest an SP! I hope you guys found this useful.
PS: sorry I’m posting this so late guys😔.
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