#like i don't think that's very ground breaking or anything. but compared to the way the Sonic The Hedgehog movies treat cops?
antirepurp · 1 month
also a niche thing that's on my mind but why does a game where you play as a detective whose agency regularly works together with the police feel less like copaganda than the sonic movies. like why does a funny digimon game where you Play As A Detective criticize the police more than a movie about a furry who says acab
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dcxdpdabbles · 9 months
DC x DP fic idea: Cave Boy
Danny Fenton is a lot of things, but good under pressure is not one of them. He didn't mean to be stranded in an unknown universe after playing around with his parents' Specter Speeder in the Ghost Zone and losing control of it. He didn't mean to find shelter in the strange cave systems under the city Danny crashlanded in. He didn't mean to step on any bat and bird costume-wearing toes.
All he was trying to do was fix the ship he arrived in with stolen and repurposed technology from all across the city. He also didn't take anything that wasn't in a garbage can so he couldn't even be acussed of thief.
Danny barely even allowed himself to be spotted, only going out at night to avoid regular citizens. Danny was a very considerate dimensional visitor compared to the Ghosts that came to Amity Park.
He spent hours exploring the caves as a human, but whenever he felt like it was time to go back, he shifted into his ghost form and floated upwards until he was above the ground. Sometimes he find himself far away from city limits othertimes he be right under a bank or a apparement complex.
It was an exciting, if a little rough, life. He occasionally found food in the garbage, and while it was disgusting, it was better than nothing. Thankfully, his halfa status allowed him to go longer without meals, sleep, and even breathing. It's just a bit hard to keep track of time since he rarely sees the sun, and he doesn't exactly have a clock nearby, but he sure it's been at least three months when he finds the bat and bird costume wearing people.
Danny is minding his own business, having just found a primarily intact toaster that would have the perfect wiring for the Speeder's temperature-controlling unit, when he mistakenly take a right on the third turn instead of a left.
It wouldn't usually be a problem, as he could just float to the topside and find his way to his little shelter/shop, but he had unknowingly tripped motion detectors. Danny had continued on his merry way, just starting to realize he was lost, when out of the shadows a man in a gaint bat costume leaped at him.
He yelp, barely dropping out of a nasty-looking jab, bending his back from the elbow aimed at his face and only through his ghost reflexes able to jump over the leg swipe.
"Who are you!?" The man growled "how did you find this place?"
"Dude, I live here!" Danny gasped, throwing himself to the ground to avoid what he knew was a jujitsu grab. "What you doing here?!"
He doesn't get a answering seeing as a bo staff of all things slams into the back of his head. He hits the ground just as his attacker says.
"Good job Red Robbin"
"Yummmmm" Danny mutters word association too strong not to.
When he wakes, he finds himself tucked in a medical cot inside a glass cell. He is still inside the caves but somewhere he's never seen. It's filled with technological advances that has his mouth watering just looking at them.
His hands twitch with the urge to break everything apart and tinker. He's a Fenton through and through.
He would have enjoyed the scenery- especially the gaint computer that was just calling his name- except various people in costumes were standing around his cell studying him like a animal in a zoo.
"Oh, ugh, hi," Danny says to the man in the giant red helmet. He gets no response so he tries to get a reaction from the others. It yields the same results. "Okay. So ugh is this a cult thing? Cause I really don't want to be part of whatever is happening here"
"What is your name?" The man dressed like a Bat demands and well crude if this is a cult thing Danny doesn't want them knowing his name. Either as human or as a ghost.
So he thinks of the most boring name he can think of, wrestling his ghost to make his body language as human as possible as he says "my name is Bruce"
There is a sharp intake of breath to his left, which causes Danny to look at a man wearing blue. That man has his face pressed against the glass, staring at Danny with a wide, manic smile. Even though the white lens of the blue man's mask hides his eyes, he knows they are drinking in Danny's features.
"look at him! He's adorable!" The blue man gushes and the other teenagers all nod in agreement.
"Super cute," the girl in purple agrees stepping closer to peer at Danny.
"A bit odd to see so much emotion on that face but he really is cute." the one holding a bo staff adds.
"He is weak." A boy sneers, "Hardly deserving of the blood in his veins."
"Lay off Demon Brat" The guy with the red helmet says, "He's just a civilian."
Now, Danny did not like those comments.
What if this is a cult thing but not a ghost cult like he orginally thought? What if it's a creepy sex thing? Or Cannibals? Or a secret fight club where they would force him to partake in death battles?
Whatever the case may be, they could not know he's from a different dimension.
"Bruce," the man dressed as a Bat cuts into the chatter. He levels a hard stare at Danny, who flinches away from it. The man's face softens just a bit. "We know that you from a different dimension"
"We tested your blood and have means to detect travelers from alternate universes" a guy in yellow helpfully says. "We also sort of figured who you were before that"
Seriously how?
"What?" Danny asks and the man in the Bat costume removes his masks. He's left staring at someone who look oddly familar but for the life of him he can't place it.
"Bruce, I'm also Bruce Wayne and in this universe I'm Batman" He says
"We will help you get home" Bruce tells Danny unlocking his cell. "I'm sorry about the ambush"
Now, this is where Danny should come clean and tell this man the truth, but he panics because he is not good under pressure and instead says, "Okay,"
And that's how Danny is mistaken for Bruce Wayne's civilian dimension traveling counterpart. He tries to roll with it, he does, but it's a little hard to when he's surrounded by weirdos who dress up like clowns to fight crime.
What even is his life.
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cosmic-waves7 · 11 months
hello! can you do mori from (ohshc) with a small s/o ty!
Note: omg this is my first time writing for him, I wanna rewatch ohshc so badddd but my stupid brain refuses to watch anything twice ever .
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You. Are just so. Tiny.
You're the perfect height for him, the cuteness is too much.
Obviously you wouldn't get all that from looking at his face, you'd have more luck understanding hieroglyphics than you'd have from picking apart Mori's emotions by facial expressions alone.
But god he can barely contain himself from how precious you look.
He needs to carry you everywhere.
And when I say everywhere. I mean it.
You've nearly forgotten what it feels like to walk the school halls honestly.
Mori is a very naturally stoic personality, it's the first thing you learn when you meet him but he is so overwhelmingly protective when it comes to you.
It comes with the little things of course, constantly needing to have you either on his back or be touching you in some way.
Quietly asking if you're okay or if you need anything an ungodly amount of times per day.
naturally due to your body proportions, your hands are considerably smaller than his so his fingers just completely swallow yours up when your out strolling on school grounds or the city. Only the tips of your fingers peeking through his large hands.
Comparing hand sizes just reaffirms his need to shelter you from the world.
Omg cup his face at least once pls, he'll die.
If you don't stop him he'll feed you himself during lunch time.
He doesn't view you as childish or incapable it's just that he's so used to taking care of Honey-Senpai in this way.
And you don't really have the heart to stop him.
Speaking of honey senpai, you both are currently competing in the Mori-climbing Olympics.
First one to manage to sit on his shoulders while he walks with you both wins.
He'll snatch you up from the twins the moment they start teasing you and leaning on you to emphasize your height.
"But Moriiiii-senpai, that's not fair!"
"Yeah, Hikaru's right, give her back!"
More whining ensues.
He'll just turn away scoffing and grumbling while placing a soothing hand down your back even if you were giggling at their antics.
He might just get a scoliosis diagnosis from how often he's having to lean down to give you his full attention, he hangs onto your every word.
Wouldn't want you to think he doesn't care now, would we ?
break his back babe, he couldn't care less.
He'll swoon if you pull him down by his school uniform tie. <3
The amount of times you've been picked up by the scruff of your neck is concerning.
But to balance it all out, he's kissing your knuckles and smoothing out your hair lovingly :3
At this point you're convinced overpowering you through height is his kink or Smth but Ur not really complaining.
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bogkeep · 8 months
being in aroace education mode has me all fired up...... one thing i talk about a lot when given the opportunity is Deconstructing How We Think About Relationships - in short, if we put all of our relationships with other people into a pie chart the 'romantic partner' slice is likely to be a very small slice but gets a disproportionate amount of Relationship Infrastructure compared to other categories, such as vocabulary, rituals, attention and narrative scaffolding - entire systems such as dating / finding "the one" / break-ups / the relationship escalator, etc. on the flipside, 'friend' is such a vast category consisting of a plethora of different relationship, all ranging from Friendly Acquantaince to Extremely Close Childhood Friend You Share Everything With, but we have a lot less language and structure for how we think about these relationships even though many of them can be deeply important and intense to us.
the line between romance and friendship is really blurry, maybe even non-existent, but it feels like the way we think about these categories is that Romantic Partner is this one very specific, formalised box of a category, while Friend is a vast and vague landscape where anything can happen - and it's on this free real estate we have built structures like Queerplatonic Partner. the concept has probably existed since forever, along with many other different types of relationships throughout time and cultures, but it's our current attempt at having a Word for it.
are you with me so far? i want to write a blog post about Deconstructing Intimacy.
just putting a CW here that i'm going to say the word sex a lot and touch on the topic of sexual trauma.
one of the very thorny things about This Whole Topic is that sex and sexuality is extremely political. we just do not live in a world where there's any neutral ground to stand on regarding sex. every demographic comes with a lot of assumptions and expectations and moral judgement tied to sexuality. some demographics are desexualised, some are hypersexualised, some are Both At Once, and in addition to that there's lots of stigma, moralizing, pathologizing, and lawmaking. just a whole mess.
so all of That makes it kind of impossible to fully Dethrone Sex. and by dethroning sex i mean stripping it of the baggage it's accumulated in our cultures. Sex Is A Thing You Can Do With Your Body (And Your Mind?). this does not have to make it any less or more meaningful to you than what it already is. what each person considers intimate is very individual. many people find hugging completely inconsequential and will hug anyone at any time, and for some people a hug is A Lot. For some people, sex is a very fun and casual activity, and for others it's Sacred and carries a lot of meaning and a very close bond. sex is intimate - it requires trust and vulnerability.
it is not the only way to achieve trust and closeness, nor the only thing that requires it.
whenever i take the bus somewhere, i trust the bus driver to take me there safely. i put my literal life in a stranger's hands, but it's a very casual affair i don't think about too much. it's not an act of intimacy, just someone doing their job.
i think the way we talk about sexual assault as the evillest most horribly irredeemably worse-than-death thing, and sexual trauma as a unique kind of trauma amongst traumas, is... indicative. and please do not get me wrong, SA is a horrible thing in every way. it's a violation of trust, vulnerability and personal space. it's an abuse of power. those are the things that make it so horrific - but it's not unique.
an abuse of power, a violation of trust and vulnerability, can happen in so many different forms. emotional abuse, non-sexual violence, medical abuse, et cetera - i don't think it's possible to place trauma into a hierarchy from least to most bad. trauma can be incredibly complex and it's different for everyone. if one day the bus driver on a whim decided to drive off a cliff, i think that would severely fuck up my ability to trust other people to drive me around. if i trusted someone with my innermost thoughts that i have never shared with anyone else, and they used them to be cruel to me, that would severely impede my ability to connect with others.
i just... don't think it does anyone any favours to separate sexual trauma from all other trauma - making it seem like sexual trauma is The Worst Trauma Possible You Can Never Heal From, and on the flipside, make it seem like Well Your Non-Sexual Trauma Cannot Possibly Be That Bad.
TRAUMA TOPIC ASIDE, i think the concept of intimacy has a tendency to get flattened into just the one kind. there are many, Many ways for people to be intimate, many activities that require some form of mutual vulnerability or physical contact, but it seems like we're just very used to placing Acts of Intimacy into the Sexual category. kind of like a venn diagram where the two circles are Sexual Intimacy and Non-sexual Intimacy that are largely overlapping. but what if, instead, it's more that Intimacy is a really big circle, and sex is just one of the circles within it?
the way i think this slots into the whole Relationship Infrastructure thing is that We Like To Categorize Things. if we see two people being very intimate in a way that's not explicitly sexual, it's tempting to think ah yes they are in love AND they're having sex, OBVIOUSLY, because they are clearly capable of having that level of trust and vulnerability together. but what if they're not? does that devalue their relationship? does it make them any less close? these are very chewy questions to ask even without bringing shipping discourse into it, and i would prefer Not To because sexuality is political and there is no right answer.
another way this flattening can be frustrating is all the times non-sexual intimacy is treated as Sexual By Proxy. let's say, for example, you're telling a story, and all forms of intimacy within that story get read as metaphors for sex, despite your actual intentions. there's nothing wrong with using metaphors for sex, especially since Sex Is Political and sometimes we gotta be clever about the storytelling - but it can get very messy if people read sexuality between characters who don't have that, especially characters between which it would be very problematic to portray that. we gotta be able to tell stories about all kinds of close relationships, and surely it should be possible without bringing freud into it at every turn.
intimacy is context-dependent, i would say. a moment of vulnerability can be platonic or romantic or sexual or maybe something else depending on a situation and all the factors involved. human connection is an boundless spectrum, not just a couple boxes.
did any of this make sense? they're just my Thoughts, i'm not a scholar on this i just
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I just wanted to say that the way you characterize and talk about Miguel has actually really helped me with thinking about how to write for him 😭 genuinely I love the way you describe him as an actual like person and not just some sex addict or someone who's extremely distant and cold. I hope you continue writing mild Miguel because it's so refreshing compared to all the other shit I see 😭💕
My Defense & Evidence of a Milder, Non-aggressive Sympathetic Miguel O'hara.
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[This is a half-break down half rant about Mild Miguel, when we see Miguel's true nature, and what fandom gets wrong about him. I have my evidence.
this is shorter than my usual posts but I'm going absolute apeshit Miguel Mode by the end so sorry you have to see that.]
I think Miguel and Hobie are the two most complex characters in the film. Like - both of them equally.
It's just really easy to explain one over the other.
I feel this way because every character we see in the entire movie - Miles, Gwen, Peter, Jess, Rio, Jeff, The Spot, everyone - is forthcoming and clear about their intentions and motive throughout the movie.
When we're watching the movie the first time, we understand Miles motive, and Peter's, and Gwen. In real time. It's there and stated. Miles wants to save his dad, Peter wants to be a better mentor, Gwen just wants peace basically.
But when we're watching for the first time - we have no idea what Hobie OR Miguel is capable of until they do it.
They are the two we're surprised by. (And they're also exact opposites who somehow don't seem to be complete adversaries)
They're the only two within the film who we are left to speculate their motive, their drive, and what they'll do next.
They're the only two in the film who are truly meant to catch us off guard with their behavior.
Leading up to Hobie's big twist, there was a LOT of misdirection. I think the same is true for Miguel...but like..the fandom isn't picking up on the misdirection AT ALL.
I have a lot of ideas and thoughts about Miguel and his character and honestly I think it's the exact opposite of what the fandom sees.
But when its's Hobie, it's very easy to understand him, just read the wiki on Punk and you're good.
But I don't think anyone has look closer at Miguel yet.
I genuinely believe that the reason Miles got away was because Miguel went soft.
He was watching the videos of Gaby to remind himself why he was doing this - why he had to stand his ground, but when Miles started panicking, and begging to know how much time he had left - Miguel slipped up. He went soft.
And he told him 'two days'.
You can see it in Miguel's face when Miles is asking.
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That's not the face of a man considering assault. That's not anger. He's wavering.
He didn't have to tell Miles how long he had left. But he did - why? Cause he thought 'I'd kill for two days with Gabby. A lot of people get less warning about death - Maybe he can spend those two days with his fath-'
and then Miles is like 'word?? two days to stop you?? iight im out also fuck yall' - which understandable have a nice day
But like......Miguel wouldn't have said it if he knew it would fuck him over. He didn't KNOW Miles was radicalized cause he didn't know Hobie had spoken to him. He thought that telling him might convince him. If he knew Miles was gonna run - there's no need to tell him anything.
He could've lied and said "I DON'T KNOW. But maybe let's talk about this."
But he didn't. He slipped up.
He's SOFT. Everytime he's mean, or angry - He has to think about it. Like when he looked at Hobie - and thought about it. He has to MAKE himself do it. It isn't natural to him.
Nobody else in the room was gonna answer Miles. Miles wouldn't have known. But Miguel told him two days. And because of that, that specific slip-up, Miles is trying to save his dad.
Why? Because he's SOFT. CAPITAL S SOFT.
Miguel is not a raging monster. Or aggressive. Or manipulative.
He's a guy who thinks he's holding the universe together with duct tape and a kid is in front of him begging to know how long they have left with their father and he tells them and because of that they get away and now everything he worked for is gonna emplode in his face because he had a SOFT SPOT FOR A KID AGAIN AND DID SOMETHING HE SHOULDN'T AGAIN AND TOLD HIM AND NOW PEOPLE ARE GONNA DIE AGAIN BECAUSE HE MESSED WITH THE MULTIVERSE AGAIN FUCK-
Like...yeah- he snapped. A normal person would snap. I've snapped for way less and a lot of other people have.
Granted, we don't go mauling children.
I don't know, I just feel like he's an incredibly layered character.
Because when he's ranting and screaming at Gwen like an irritated school teacher we're already like 'oh fuck you dude but also fuck you ;)'
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so when he's right there doing things like this - we don't see it. The same way we don't see Hobie's stealing - because we think we have him figured out.
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We don't see Miguel's tenderness.
Because we assume we know who he is - he's cold and aggressive and rude and hates Miles,
but like...is he really?
Miles is getting upset - and the whole conversation leading up to it Miguel has talked to him from a far, hands when Miles can see them. He's not trying to stand over him, or intimidate him. Miguel knows he's scary. He knows how to be scary.
He isn't trying to scare Miles. The exact opposite. He's trying to comfort him.
And when Miles starts lashing out - Miguel is genuinely surprised. That isn't the look of someone who THINKS he's about to hurt this kid.
He's telling Miles, hands up "Hey, sorry. I'm not trying to hurt you." He immediately lets go, backs up.
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If you really really think Miguel is naturally aggressive, or angry, or cold -
If you write him that way -
I ask that you rewatch the leading up to Miles' escape. Look at his body language. Watch him, and look at his face. That's all I ask.
He's SOFT. The same way he caved for Gwen after a little pushing. He caved for Miles after a little pushing. That's why he told him two days. SOFT
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I'm going to go Miguel Mode.
If understanding Hobie was a house, the fandom is standing out on the road.
If understanding Miguel was a house, the people aren't even in the same neighborhood. We're in the next state over. Other side of the globe. Off base by like 12 zipcodes and 4 times zones
Mild Miguel. Please tell me you're seeing this.
Am I crazy for thinking that the slip up - of telling Miles two days - wasn't out of stupidity but PITY? SYMPATHY?
Because Miguel thinks getting to spend two whole days with some you'll lose is a BLESSING to him - not a curse.
Even though to ANY non-traumatized person - it would be a curse.
...... yo
Miguel stepped into Gabriellas life because he didn't want her to lose a father. He KNOWS losing a father hurts.
So when Miles is there in front of him, talking about not wanting to lose his father - Miguel KNOWS how he feels. Gabby didn't want to lose her dad either.
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I- I can't even i'm sorry I -
I have a longer post about this in the works like breaking down all of his body language from his moments with MJ and Hobie and like teverything
If you see him as aggressive or cold this post isn't meant to be an attack. I am just down bad for Mild Miguel and I'm going delirious with hunger and starvation for him
#Justice4MildMiguel Maybe I'm huffing copium but also i know im fucking not he's RIGHT THERE
[And if you hate Miguel like hate hate him Moche says dishonor on you dishonor on your cow dishonor your family and your land in the name of Aia Paec Almighty]
If you made it this far....Imsorry you had to see me that way I don't know what came over me here's a picture of Hobie to help me calm down.
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(aka Hobie judging the fuck outta me in my head)
I need a glass of water. Bye.
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coraniaid · 19 days
buffy/faith for the ask game
(Reverse unpopular opinions)
Easily my favorite Buffy ship and one of my favorites in any work of fiction. I think the main reasons it works so well for me are:
The way it resonates so strongly with what's going on in the rest of the show the season Faith arrives. I mean, Buffy comes out to her mother (as a Slayer), which is treated by the show as ... well, as Buffy coming out ("it's because you didn't have a strong father figure, isn't it?" / "have you tried ... not being a Slayer?" / "I've tried to march in the Slayer Pride Parade...") and a handful of episodes later Buffy meets another girl who is also a Slayer and who she starts spending a lot of time with (because they have a connection -- "it's kind of a Slayer thing" -- which she doesn't have with her other, non-Slayer friends). And while they're busy patrolling cemeteries and looking for vampires every night, this other Slayer is keen to (1) talk to Buffy about sex and quiz her on her love life; (2) repeatedly tell her that "all men are beasts" and "losers" who can't be trusted; (3) suggest that Buffy should be more open to having sex with the people she spends her nights hunting vampires with (like ... who, Faith?); and (4) is delighted when Buffy breaks up with her boyfriend (and later furious when she gets back together with her previous ex) and immediately suggests that she could replace him ("You're still going to that dance, right? [...] Why don't we go together?"). If this was deliberately laying the ground work for an explicitly romantic arc, it would feel pretty heavy-handed. The fact that it apparently wasn't (at least not on the part of the showrunner or of most of the writers) almost makes it work better, in some ways.
The way that Faith is, from the very beginning, very deliberately written as a foil for Buffy, a person Buffy might have been if things went just a little differently in her life -- because she goes through things very much like things the audience has already seen Buffy go though (living alone in a small place in a strange town with no friends all season the way Buffy did in Anne, panicking and starting to pack to run away in Faith, Hope & Trick in the same way Buffy was accused of doing just the episode before, killing a person the way Buffy thought she had in Season 2's Ted, the way her fear of Kakistos mirrors Buffy's fear of the Master in When She Was Bad) and because she is so aware of the fact that she's always being compared to Buffy and coming up short, either by other people or herself ("you get the Mom, you get the Watcher ... what do I get?") it's very easy to tie Faith's arc across the show back to Buffy and to her feelings about Buffy. Faith wanting Buffy to accept her becomes Faith wanting this idealized version of herself to forgive her failings. And likewise Buffy recriprocating Faith's feelings and admitting to herself that she is attracted to Faith becomes Buffy accepting that Faith (and the things she represents) really are an integral part of Buffy herself; that Faith isn't entirely wrong when she says that Buffy enjoys being a Slayer and that being a Slayer is something she should be proud of (or, again, being "a Slayer").
Apparently this wasn't the original plan for the character (if there ever was anything like an 'original plan'), but the fact Faith's arc in Season 3 so clearly mirrors Angel's in Season 2 -- and the fact she is so very weird about Angel all season (and that Buffy is equally weird about how attracted to Faith she just keeps insisting Angel must be) just naturally suggests that Faith might have a similiar role to Angel in the narrative beyond just the circumstances of her betrayal of (and later not-quite-being-killed by) Buffy. And Angel is -- for the first three seasons of the show at least -- primarily cast in the role of Buffy's doomed tragic love interest who she has to (metaphorically) kill but will later be reunited with. Which makes Faith ... well, something.
Even if not all the writers were on board, the fact that Eliza Dushku was deliberately playing Faith as attracted to Buffy (and that SMG was playing Buffy as alternately frustrated by and protective of and tempted by Faith) gives their scenes together a chemistry that I don't think most of Buffy's (or Buffy's) canon relationships ever managed. Whether that's the Amends porch scene or Buffy kissing Faith in the hospital in Graduation Day or any and all of their various fights across the show. And those fight scenes are all great, which is another thing I love about the ship: is it really a proper enemies-to-lovers arc if one of the people in it hasn't tried to kill the other one and left them in a coma for months?
Faith's return to Buffy in the last five epsiodes of the show is one of the last season's saving graces, and it helps that by this point the writers definitely seemed to be playing up the ship deliberately ("Willow said you needed me: didn't give it a lot of thought" / "Defensiveness and weird mixed signals ... I've got Faith for that" / "Deep down you've always wanted Buffy to accept you. To love you." / "It feels like it's mine ... I guess that means it's yours"). Even without ever being canon and without wandering what happens post-Chosen, it feels like there's a real narrative arc to their relationship, from their initially rocky start through to "just good friends" to bitter enemies through to Faith seeking (and finding) some measure of redemption and Buffy cautiously letting her back into her life. Faith isn't in the show much (or even mentioned in the show in most episodes), but it feels like she has a genuinely meaningful connection to Buffy that most characters who appeaer in less than a season's worth of episodes can't manage.
The thing that made the ship work for me, rewatching the show after several years back in 2020, is the fact that Faith is -- even at her worst -- incredibly sympathetic precisely because she is such a loser and hates herself so much. She boasts about being a great actor despite the fact we see her awkwardly telling the sort of transparent lies that ... well, normally only Buffy manages (compare "There's this big party ..." in Amends to Buffy trying to tell her old crush Ford that "there was a cat ... and then there was another cat, and they were fighting"), she wants people to think she's cool so badly but only manages to fool Xander and Willow, she tries to act as though she's happy without friends but we only ever see her alone sitting watching old tv shows or lying listlessly on her bed, she insists she doesn't need a Watcher and "has a problem with authority figures" but she is so openly desperate for any sort of parental guidance in her life that she sides with first Mrs Post then the Mayor. She ties Buffy's mom up so she can have someone to listen to how sad she is that Buffy's moved on to a new guy in college and "dumped" her. The scene in the church in Who Are You? where Faith-as-Buffy furiously attacks Buffy-as-Faith while screaming through tears that she's "nothing ... disgusting ... murderous bitch" is, I think, a strong contendor for the best scene the show ever produced.
As Doug Petrie said, the reason Faith works as a character -- and the reason that Buffy/Faith works as a ship -- is that Faith is incredibly unhappy. If Faith was the cool loner she tries to pass herself off as -- and which some of the fandom seems to think she is -- the ship wouldn't be nearly as compelling to me. Faith isn't just the part of Buffy who loves Slaying and pushes back when other people give her orders, and she's not just another verison of Angelus. She's the part of Buffy from Becoming who lost everything and ran away from home, only unlike Buffy she never got to go home again. As Angel asked Buffy in that episode: "no friends, no hope ... take that away, what's left?". Well, Faith is what's left. Of course Buffy would see herself in Faith, right from the beginning. Of course Buffy would want to protect her. As Buffy (Sunnydale Class Protector 1999) tells Angel, Faith is in pain ... she's somebody who "some people ... protective-type people" are naturally drawn to. The show is very consistent about the fact that Buffy's type is friendless losers who look good in leather and can fight alongside her in battle (but not quite as well, so she can protect them and look after them when they're hurt). And what bigger loser in the show is there than Faith?
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emsee22 · 9 months
Reasons I believe Beth and Daryl were intended to be a romantic pairing
30 Days Without An Accident 4x1, Daryl's "It's a damn romance novel" comment. Sure, can be played off like teasing, a little bit of jealousy. But the point is, he notices Beth's relationship with Zach. And for some reason cares enough to comment on it.
30 Days Without An Accident 4x1, the hug. Not just that there was a hug, but that they didn't end the scene with the hug. They ended the scene with Beth's sleeve falling off her shoulder and show her putting it back on, and end with their eye contact after that. If this was meant to be brother/sister, or platonic, vibes then why emphasize an erogenous zone like that? That would be creepy. The writers intended it to be romantic.
I don't find Still 4x12 to be a romantic episode, necessarily. I think that one is just building on their intimacy as friends. I do appreciate their openness with each other on the porch and there are elements of that conversation that I view as romantic (namely, Daryl's expression and nervous fiddling with the knife). However, I can understand how people view their pairing as platonic if they only base that view on this episode.
Alone 4x13 is where they really start hammering in the romance. For starters, Daryl's reaction to Beth stepping in the bear trap. Yes, of course you can say he just didn't want her to get eaten by the walker, but compare how he gets down to the ground with her, rubs her foot, and gives her his body for support - even giving her a piggyback ride - to Carol's foot cramp in 10x18 Find Me. He first eliminates the threat, then he checks on her and shows genuine concern for her injury, and offers her physical support. Daryl loves Carol, she's his best friend, but in Find Me, he just teases her and tells her that she shouldn't have come along.
Alone 4x13 when Beth stops to look at the "Beloved Father" grave, Daryl compassionately picks some flowers and lays it on top of the grave for her, to commemorate Herschel. That is not inherently romantic. He also compassionately gave Carol a Cherokee Rose when she lost Sophia. I just think it is sweet. In the same scene, Beth and Daryl hold hands (admittedly, a little awkwardly, but that is primarily on Daryl) and Beth puts her head on his shoulder.
Alone 4x13 when they are looking at the bodies that are made to look very human (although they're walkers) and Beth argues back at Daryl's joke about dolls with why it's beautiful. She looks at him and asks "Don't you think that's beautiful" and all he does is pensively stare back at her. It's a romantic cliche and the pause with the intense eye contact seems to imply that his thoughts are that she is beautiful. At the very least, he sees something in the way she thinks about the world that is beautiful.
Alone 4x13 Daryl breaks his silence thinking about telling Beth that she's beautiful with the shiptease after action patch-up tv trope with "C'mon, let's get you patched up." She sits on the table and he wraps her foot up from the bear trap.
Alone 4x13 how he watches her sing in the doorway, and then how he pushes her buttons about the music "Well there ain't no jukebox, so... keep singing"
Alone 4x13 the bridal carry romance trope into the kitchen for the cute little redneck dinner Daryl set up for Beth. Plus his excitement to show it to her, hence the "I'm going as fast as I can" before he picks up her heard outside the doorway.
Alone 4x13 dinner conversation about what changed Daryl's mind about there still being good people. Beth changed his mind. If it wasn't romantic, why couldn't he just say "you're gave me hope / you showed me there are still good people." But the teasing, the repeated asking, the smile and eye contact, the nervousness from Daryl and then the self-realizing "oh" that is more like a romantic confession than anything else. Plus the fact that the confession is interrupted, another TV trope in romance. Plus the fact that in Alone, Daryl & Beth are foils to Sasha & Bob - who we know for a fact were canon. Difference is Sasha & Bob are reunited by the end of Alone, while Beth & Daryl are separated.
Alone 4x13 he chased after her for hours, from night to day.
Alone 4x13 he was ready to kill Len for disrespecting her "Some bitch must have got you all worked up" "You lost yourself a piece of tail" "I bet it was a little one too, they don't last long out here." If Joe didn't stop the knife, I bet Daryl would have ended Len a whole lot sooner.
In 5x8 Coda, when she starts rushing back to Dawn, to say goodbye to Noah, Daryl tries to stop her.
Coda 5x8 he cries over her body
Coda 5x8 he bridal carries her body out of the hospital, sobbing
Them 5x10 he shuts down with the group. Carol knows there is more to his sadness and she is trying to understand it. She assumes Beth saved him (she did, in a way). Rick knows that Daryl lost something deeper than a friend, hence "I know you lost something back there"
I am going to stop there because that is just the freshest for me.
People don't like this ship because of the age gap, or simply because they ship Daryl with someone else. Here's the thing, I don't believe Daryl was written to be the same age as Norman in season 1. He looks between 26 - 32 in the first season; and he can pass for that until the latter half of season 4, where he starts to really look more Norman's age. I don't think he is meant to be more than 36 in season 4. And honestly, I don't have a problem with the age gap when Beth is a legal adult and it is the flipping apocalypse. With all that said, I think if they were really intending this to be a brother / sister pairing, then it is creepy and there was too much tension and chemistry to make it platonic / familial.
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lovesickonmybed · 7 months
all you had to do was stay | (1/?)
eddie Munson x OC | chapter 2 | series masterlist
summary | vivian and eddie were best friends until he betrayed her. she decided to get revenge, but it went too far.
word count | 4,156.
warnings | swearing, alcohol, underage drinking, sexual content, themes of abandonment, smoking, and bullying.
a/n | i don't have anyone to edit for me or anything like that before posting so please feel free to give me some feedback about this first chapter!! also listen to all you had to do was stay (taylor's version) while reading this!
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Nobody spends their spring break praying for it to be over…except maybe for me. I used to spend my spring breaks at Eddie Munson’s trailer playing D&D and listening to whatever metal albums we had all put enough money together to buy. Now I spend them at endless parties praying that whatever is in my cup will be enough to drown out my hatred for the people I now surround myself with. I would kill to be back at Eddie’s trailer playing D&D and listening to Black Sabbath, I would kill to be anywhere but Lovers Lake with a beer I didn’t even want in my hand.
Eddie became my best friend in 6th grade when I moved to Hawkins. Back then, I was pretty awkward and pretty angry at absolutely everything. My dear old dad had packed up everything and left me and my mom to try to survive on our own, so we moved back to my mom’s hometown of Hawkins, Indiana. It was nothing compared to back home in New York. I hated it, I hated my dad, I hated everything. But then I met someone who understood my anger, someone who knew exactly how I felt. His name was Eddie Munson. He was dorky as shit but also the coolest kid I had ever met. His hair was buzzed, he wore band tees, and he hung out with a girl who was just as cool as him. Veronica Ecker, or just Ronnie for short. She was tall with dark hair and a baseball cap she refused to ever take off. 
I remember walking in on my first day of 6th grade at Hawkins Middle. I was oh so lucky to be a new student on Halloween day. Everyone was in costume, I was just in an orange sweater and black jeans. I couldn’t afford a costume and we had thrown out all my old ones in the move. We couldn’t bring too much with us to Hawkins. There were already rumors about me before I had even stepped foot on school grounds. Rumors that I moved there because I got kicked out of every school in New York for starting fights. Another rumor spread that I was somebody from a government experiment that they had planned to plant at the school for research. It’s impressive just how creative 6th graders can get. The truth was too boring for them and nobody had cared to hear it, well, not nobody. Eddie Munson had waltzed up to me as I sat on the bleachers, he was wearing a pair of devil horns, a big grin spread across his face. “You’re the new girl, right?” He had asked.
“If you’re gonna ask me about the rumors then they’re both true and you should definitely avoid me,” I said sarcastically. I couldn’t help being defensive after having kids whisper about me all day, giggling to one another about how weird I was.
“Nah, they’re bullshit. You don’t look like you could win any fights against anybody,” Eddie joked.
I liked him from that very moment.
“You don’t know that, I bet I could take you, shrimp,” I joked back. It was the first time in a while that I had smiled, the first time in a while there was anything in my eyes besides anger.
“You know, maybe you could…but just think of all the people we could take on as a team,” he smiled. His smile is infectious and the grin on my face got even wider.
“You’re right…we’d be a great team…I’m Viv, by the way,” I said, sticking out my hand for him to shake. I had cracked royal blue nail polish on my nails and a variety of different rings I had found in my mom’s things littered both hands. His hands weren’t much different than mine, his nails had clearly been chewed short and he also had his own assortment of rings.
“Eddie, Eddie Munson…” 
From that moment on we were friends. He introduced me to Ronnie and then in 7th grade we met Dougie and he joined our group. We had all even performed together in our school's talent show. They had me on vocals because I couldn't play any instruments and I would say that I killed it but half of Hawkins wanted us dead or expelled after that so maybe it’s for the best if I forget it ever happened. Or if I forget that anything had ever happened with that group at all. It’s so strange to know that the people who had taken me in and became my first friends here are the ones who hate me most now. I can’t say I blame them though…
When high school started we were all losers, I mean we were losers in middle school too but it became even more obvious once we hit high school. Jocks hated Eddie and Dougie, targeting them constantly. The cheerleaders and preppy girls had it out for me and Ronnie as well. Nothing says ‘Loser’ like getting trash dumped on you or having to memorize your friends' locker combinations for every time they were stuffed into their own locker and needed you to get them out. For all of Freshman and Sophomore year, I was called ‘Pizza Face’ or told that I was ‘flat as an ironing board’ y’know just all the best things you could say to a deeply insecure teenage girl whose hormones had favored developing acne over developing breasts. 
We had taken our love for D&D with us into high school and created a safe haven for people like us, the freaks and the outcasts. Eddie called them his ‘lost little sheep’ and it became his mission to find them…but it turns out a lot of those other freaks and outcasts had believed the lies fed to them about D&D being satanic so attendance was lacking. Nonetheless, we had somewhere we felt safe and it was exactly what we needed. Eddie became our leader, which sadly meant he’d get the most shit from bullies like Tommy H. 
There was nobody worse than Tommy H. His father owned the biggest and most successful car dealership in town. On top of that, he was also a star athlete (which is shocking considering how awful he is at pretty much everything I’ve ever witnessed him do) and that meant he could get away with whatever he wanted. He’d always go after Eddie, he’d start shit with him and then go crying to Principal Higgins about how Eddie had started it and there started Eddie’s record of so-called bad behavior. Being a Munson means it’s practically impossible to do anything and not get shit for it, Tommy knew this and used it to his advantage. He used Eddie as a punching bag and would get away with it, hell most of the time Eddie was the one taking the blame when Tommy would walk away without a scratch on him. And all of this makes me hate myself even more for what I did to Eddie…what I did to all of them…
It was the summer right before the start of junior year. I had been in New York visiting family for June and most of July. I had called Eddie almost every day to let him know about my trip, I did leave out a few key details though…the details of how I had gotten my braces off, how I had finally found something that fixed my acne problems, and most importantly I kept it a secret that I had finally started to develop. I had always had a bit of a crush on Eddie, as we had gotten older it had only gotten worse. I’ve never been good with relationships, my first kiss came from a game of Spin the Bottle in 8th grade. It was awkward, messy, and something I’d pay thousands to erase from the minds of all who witnessed it. I had a boyfriend at one point too, I’d use the term boyfriend very loosely though. It was Charlie Stump, he was a loser like me and we ‘dated’ Freshman year. Our relationship consisted of holding hands and sharing one kiss before he broke it off because he thought metal music was satanic. He was just something to fill the void that I had hoped Eddie would fill instead.
Ronnie had told me about the time Eddie had tried to kiss her when they were 13, I remember wishing it had been me instead, I would’ve let him kiss me whenever he had wanted. Me and Eddie were complicated…we were flirty with one another but whenever someone would address it we’d both claim it was a joke. I lied every single time. I cherished every single touch I got from him, they all felt electric. I cherished every time we’d hold hands to cross the street or to lead one another through a crowd, I cherished the kisses he’d give me on the cheek or forehead whenever I had saved his ass from his bullies, I cherished how he’d hold me against him when we’d watch horror movies. I was never really scared, but he never had to know that. I was lovestruck, but I knew he’d never feel the same. I saw how certain girls would catch his eye, preppy cheerleaders, good girls, girls that were nothing like me. Girls with perfect skin, perfect teeth, perfect bodies, perfect lives. I couldn’t compare. 
When I had finally started to look like the girls that caught his eye I was overjoyed. It was stupid, I felt good because I thought I would finally have a chance with my best friend. My best friend who had been designated as the freak of Hawkins High. His house was my first stop when I returned from my trip to New York. It was late but his trailer was only about a mile from the apartment complex I lived in with my mother. I had put on my best outfit, something that would surely make him swoon. It was a black denim dress, it buttoned up and the skirt flared out at the bottom, it was cute. I had even learned to do nicer makeup when I was visiting my cousins. I switched out my heavy eyeliner for something more soft and subtle. Something that girls that he likes would wear. I walked over with a smile on my face and hope in my heart. This would be the night I would win him over…or so I thought. 
When I arrived at the Munson residence I was met with the site of an unfamiliar car parked in front of the trailer. It was way too nice to belong to Wayne or Eddie, it was out of place for Forest Hills Trailer Park. My heart was beating faster as I became anxious. Every step I took towards his door felt heavy, it was like my body was slowly becoming filled with lead. I took a deep breath and I finally was at his door. I knocked and waited. It took him a minute to answer the door and when he did I was shocked. He was shirtless and his hair was a mess, there were a few hickeys scattered across his neck and collarbones, he looked hot. But once I got over how good he looked I was overtaken by jealousy. It looks like somebody beat me to it.
“Holy shit…I was not expecting you, Viv,” He chuckled. He was almost unaware of his appearance, unaware that it’s pretty obvious what he’d been doing. 
“I-I just got back into town…I wanted to surprise you…I guess you’re busy…”
Before Eddie could respond I saw a girl walk up behind him, I recognized her instantly and became filled with rage. Nicole fucking Summers. The goddamned bitch who had been tormenting me since 6th grade, she was the one who made up the rumors about me moving to Hawkins for getting expelled from every school in New York. She’s the one who cut off a chunk of my hair in 7th grade, the one who told everyone I still wore a training bra in 8th grade. She was the one who started calling me ‘Pizza Face’ in Freshman year, going as far as to get all her friends to throw slices of pizza at me at lunch. Sophomore year she had stolen my clothes after gym when I was in the shower and I was forced to find them in just my underwear. Out of anyone he could’ve fucked, out of anyone he could’ve lost his virginity to why the fuck did it have to be her. Sure his options are slim but I was right there. 
I was beyond stunned when she began to speak. “Vivi, is that you? You look…different. I guess you grew out of your ugly duckling phase, huh?” She teased. She was in one of Eddie’s shirts, her makeup smeared and her neck was covered in hickeys just like Eddie’s. It took everything in me to not break both of their noses right then and there. 
“I’m just gonna go. Clearly, you’re busy,” I spat out at Eddie. He was lucky I was holding back my anger. I didn’t even let him respond before I was marching off and away from his door, once I was a far enough distance away I started to run. I screamed and I cried and I ran all the way home. My mascara burned my eyes but I ignored it. Eddie’s betrayal had hurt me worse than anything physical ever could. He didn’t notice that I changed, he didn’t care, he fucked the girl who had made my life miserable. At the time I didn’t know it was a one-time thing. She had wanted to brag to her friends about ‘taking the freaks virginity before his loser little friend got a chance.’ 
I locked myself in my room for days, I was beyond angry. I wanted to tear them both apart and then put them back together again so that I could do it all over again. I didn’t know what to think and I didn’t know what to do…until I did. I ignored any calls from Eddie, Ronnie, or Dougie. I told my mom that if they came looking for me to tell them I was sick. I couldn’t face any of them, if I did I wouldn’t have been able to hold myself back. I devised a plan, a plan to get Nicole back for fucking Eddie and one to get Eddie back for fucking Nicole. It was a plan that would go too far for too long. The few times I had gone out in public I had overheard something about there being a party at Steve Harrington's house. His parents were always gone and he hung out with just the people I needed for my plan. 
On a Saturday night in August, I found myself on the front doorstep of the Harrington residence. I was in an almost sheer blouse, my lacy red bra showing through the material, and a mini skirt, it was nothing like I had ever worn before. My makeup and hair were perfect, I knew what these guys liked, it was exactly what Eddie liked. I took a deep breath before waltzing in, heads turning as soon as I walked in the door. I had never been to a party before and I had certainly never looked like this before. “Do you have a staring problem or something, Caleb?” I asked one of Tommy’s cronies. He was closest to me and a perfect target for my plan.
His eyes were glued to me, raking up and down my body slowly. “When Nicole said you got hot I thought she was kidding…” He said as he licked his lips. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the kitchen to find something to drink. 
As I made my way into the kitchen I bumped into none other than Steve Harrington himself. He did a double-take when he saw me. “Holy shit…w-what are you doing here?”
“Can’t a girl go to a party, Harrington?” I replied. He was still sputtering and his face was all red, it felt great to fluster a man like this for once in my life. 
“I’m what? I’m a loser? An outcast? A freak? Not anymore, Harrington.”
He cleared his throat and got a hold of himself, “Where’s Munson? Aren't you two inseparable or something?”
“Not anymore…I umm…let’s just say I outgrew him.” I was totally bullshitting. 
“Really?” Steve asked. He was looking at me the same way that Caleb was when I walked in. 
“Really. Now do you mind showing me where you’ve got some vodka, I really need a drink.” What I needed was liquid courage, courage for the idiotic bullshit I planned to do that night. Steve led me to the vodka and I took a shot, and then another. I was on a mission but fuck I needed that to be able to succeed. 
I look over at Steve and bat my eyelashes, “Hey, Stevie, do you know where Tommy’s at?”
He scratches the back of his neck as he tries to think, “Last I saw him he was outside in the pool.”
I get on my tip toes and kiss him on the cheek, “Thanks, Stevie.” His face is flushed when I walk off to go find Tommy. It doesn’t take me long, he’s lounging on one of the pool chairs with a beer in his hand. He’s not somebody I find particularly attractive but I’ll have to fake it for my plan. I smile down at him. “Hey Tommy,” I say as I bite my lip. He looks up at me with wide eyes that get even wider as he takes in my appearance. 
“No fucking way…Nicole wasn’t lying…” He’s taking his time to admire me, I hate how his eyes feel on me.
“It’s amazing what a few months can do, huh? Do you…do you mind if I sit down with you?” I bat my eyelashes at him and he crumbles beneath my gaze. 
“Be my guest…” His eyes are glued to my body, more specifically my chest. 
“So, how was your summer?” I ask, I sit across from him with my legs uncrossed, he has a perfect view of my lacy little thong. It’s red and leaves barely anything to the imagination, it’s ideal for a creep like him. His eyes trail down to the spot between my legs and he smirks.
“It would’ve been a lot better had I known you were spending it turning into this, fuck…” He groans. I’ve got him right where I want him.
“It’s amazing what a summer away from Munson could do to a girl,” I giggle. It feels awful coming out of my mouth, worse than the vodka taste going down. 
“You’re done with him, huh? Wanted to join where you should’ve been the whole time…fuck if we had gotten our hands on you sooner just imagine what you would be Vivian…” He marvels, “I knew you weren’t like them…like those freaks. Bet Munson dragged you into all that satanic shit, you’re better than that, better than him…” Tommy rambles. 
“He did…I-I’m not like that anymore,” I lie through my fucking teeth.
“Yeah? You a good girl now?” Tommy teases. 
“I am…can I show you just how good I am, Tommy?” I flirt. 
“Harrington’s got a guest room upstairs that’ll be perfect, baby. Think of it as your initiation into the good side,” Tommy says. I think he’s exaggerating that last part, that he’s being dramatic, but after what we did that night he had no plans of ever letting me return to Eddie again.
In Sex ED they don’t tell you how needy a guy can be after a one-night stand. This was supposed to be a one-time thing that would get spread around to Eddie so that he’d hurt as bad as he had hurt me. But instead, Tommy got attached, and I became his little project. He planned to mold me into his little homecoming queen. And Eddie…Eddie was more than hurt, he hated me. I can’t blame him, I hated myself for it. I expected an angry phone call or an aggressive confrontation but instead, I was met with radio silence, not only from him but from every single one of my old friends. I went too far and had no other choice than to stay with my new ‘friends’. On the first day of Junior year I walked into school a completely different person. People had heard about my transformation and they had also heard about me hooking up with Tommy, I was already the talk of the school and first period hadn’t even started. When I said that Tommy planned to turn me into his little homecoming queen I wasn’t kidding. He made Tina and Carol take me shopping at the goddamn Gap. They picked me out new outfits, told me how to do my hair, who to talk to, what music to listen to, who to be. The worst part is that I kind of…liked it. I liked how I looked in my new outfits, I liked how my hair framed my face, hell I even liked the music they picked out. It turns out Madonna isn’t too bad when you don’t have somebody trying to shove down your throat that enjoying her music is the worst crime someone could commit. 
So on the first day of school I walked in wearing a pink turtleneck, a light washed denim skirt, and a pair of knee high white boots. I felt pretty, I felt confident, I felt fucking amazing. Well I did until I saw my locker. Eddie had taken the liberty of breaking into the school and defacing my locker, in blood red spray paint the word ‘TRAITOR’ had been written for all to see. It didn’t take a genius to know it was him. He watched me walk up to it with a proud smile on his face, leaning against the lockers right across from mine. Ronnie and Dougie were beaming with him. I was raging, I wanted to punch him in the face. I wanted to yell that he was the traitor for what he did with Nicole Summers, but instead I walked up to him and simply said, “The same could be said for you. At least I wasn’t a pity fuck.” That set him off. Before I know it he’s dragging me down the hall by my arm and into the janitor's closet, he slams me against the wall and for a second I smile. Maybe in some other universe he’s dragging me in here to confess his feelings for me and to kiss me, not in this one though, in this one I ruined any chance of that I could’ve possibly had.
He glares at me like he wants me dead and I’m sure he does. He has me pinned against the wall, his face only inches from mine as he begins to speak. “You may have new friends and a new look but you’ll always be a fucking loser!” He spits. It’s an anger I’ve only heard reserved for people like Tommy. “Your new friends used to treat you like you were nothing, don’t think they won’t drop you once they get bored of you. They’ll throw you out and you’ll have nobody because you burned any bridges you could’ve had back to us. You’re fucking pathetic, Vivian.” Eddie spits in my face and walks out, leaving me to process really how bad I had fucked up. He’s right, but I can’t go back now. I don’t have that choice anymore, I lost my chance when Tommy unbuttoned my blouse upstairs at the party. 
So here I am, senior year, still unfortunately friends with Tommy, Carol, and Tina. Carol had the grand idea of throwing a party at Lover’s Lake and was ready to have my head if I skipped out on one more party this week. I didn’t bother showing up in a swimsuit, I have no intentions of swimming. I’m in a red tight fitting t-shirt, black denim cutoffs that show off way more of my ass than my friends thought was acceptable, and a pair of beat up black converse. I’m standing away from most of the crowd sipping on a beer that tastes like actual piss and regretting giving into Carol's whining about how I just had to come tonight. I scan the crowd and attempt to pick out somebody who I might not hate spending my night with when I see him. He’s in a white t-shirt, ripped light wash jeans, and a pair of boots. His hair is tied up and he’s lighting a cigarette. Fuck.
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givehimthemedicine · 9 months
lots of talk about why Mike reacted so negatively to this when he reacted so positively to this:
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can we talk about how the Rinkomania reaction started in between those two things? right here:
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at mid-season-2, all the times Mike has seen El use force against people have been super justified because there were lives at stake (or at very least, like in the case of tossing Lucas in the junkyard, she thought there were)
then Max wipes out, and goes "ooh it was like a magnet pulled on my board" and instead of taking that the way anyone would - that this annoying girl fell due to lack of skill and is trying to save face with a stupid excuse - INSTANTLY Mike suspects El. El, who's currently dead or lost in another dimension or whatever, must actually be lurking around here with nothing better to do than trip Max.
ok 100% accurate but I'm offended nonetheless
why did he jump to that conclusion?
the last time some inexplicable, physical but nonlethal hijinks befell someone he was talking to, he turned around and saw who was responsible:
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so when Max fell, in that same gym btw, of course his brain goes turn around, look at what you seee
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this was Mike learning that, oh, El isn't Superman and doesn't reserve her powers only for perfectly morally justified situations, but can in fact lash out about anything that bothers her, like the disturbed child she is.
BUT I don't think he actually processed that at that moment. he wasn't thinking about how Max did absolutely nothing that could be misinterpreted as a threat, and didn't deserve this. at that moment, any thought of justice for Max, or scrutiny of El's motives, was easily and completely drowned out by excitement that El might be there.
so later Mike sees Angela screaming on the ground with El standing over her, and remembers he has already seen El respond to a non-life-threatening situation with a level of force that didn't make sense to him.
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plus he has that whole protection thing and I think seeing anyone get hurt is paladin catnip to him (see him rushing to Max's aid two seconds after telling her she's annoying). he has that instinct to support whoever's been knocked down undeservedly - yeah he knows Angela is an asshole, but El's response seems overboard to him, so while he doesn't go as far as rushing to Angela's side, he doesn't rush to El's side either.
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he keeps distance between himself and El at the rink and leaves her sitting alone in the most literal demonstration of not wanting to take her side. he seems irritated in the car and downright pissed at the dinner table. I think it's true that he was overwhelmed in the moment and scared not of El but of the situation, but I don't think that's all of it, because then why would he be pissed.
maybe he's seeing patterns and thinking back on how Max didn't deserve that at all, and how neither of these things were very Superman of El and he's a bit disillusioned that she doesn't live up to the flawless superhero moral code he assigns her in his mind.
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while the Angela thing seems WAY harsher than the Max thing, can I also say that a lot of that is due to circumstances?
Angela's pouring blood, wailing, an ambulance has to come, there's lots of witnesses. it looks baaaad. Max isn't injured, isn't too bothered, and there are no witnesses or real consequences. shrug. but it easily could've gone down much more like Angela. you can absolutely break a bone or get a concussion from a spill like Max's.
Max isn't hurt, so Mike just leaves the room, and nothing ever comes of it. compare to Mike watching an inevitably-to-be-arrested El sit stewing in the aftermath as dozens of Angela's sympathizers watch her get checked for brain damage by EMTs.
it's little wonder Mike has such a different reaction in the moment, even though El's actions in these two scenes actually isn't totally night and day.
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El's force was more deliberately focused on Angela, and I think El did intend to hurt Angela in a way she didn't intend to hurt Max (El yoinked the skateboard rather than bodily targeting Max herself, but her intent was still to make Max fall, and she could have been comparably injured as a result).
like, up til the point of "El gets mad and lashes out" these are similar - the way the aftermath unfolds just happens to take the best and worst possible paths, respectively.
and before you want to point out that the Angela thing was a reaction of anger and the Max was just about puppy love jealousy, no, that was anger. Max is literally the first thing El thinks of when Kali says to think of something that angers her.
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tldr; rinkomania is just a nightmare remix of the gym scene to Mike
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pan-magi · 27 days
Anime and Manga Comparison (Encore): Amon
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I'm back at it once more, and this time it's at the beginning. Not the very beginning, but close enough! This time comparing the first dungeon. I talked before on the specific humor compared to action we see with the slimes. Now, I want to focus on the design of the dungeon itself.
I love the intro dungeon in the manga. It's great. I do appreciate the comedic timing and framing of some Ohtaka's panels. The manga also shows Alibaba's problem-solving skills better. He has the moment in the anime showing he knows Tran and is well read and can lie pretty easily. But convincing a rich petty man that has never done anything by himself isn't saying that much.
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Alibaba is able to deduce the proper way to go is the path left unmarked. Not something particularly hard in retrospect. It is a common tactic to leave some kind of marker where you've been to avoid confusion He is smart to break out of the in-the-box thinking he and Aladdin were stuck in. They thought the markings were something left by the dungeon itself as clues to progress. A good ol' dungeon puzzle. It wasn't though. It was merely something left by former adventurers to not screw themselves over and get lost. Taking a minute to go "wait a sec" isn't that easy, especially in a high stake location like being stuck in a dungeon.
I love the parts in the manga that didn't make it into the anime. It is great, truly.
But goddamn is it Amon generic as fuck.
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Spikes in a death pit? Ancient language that you should know or else? Bland stone corridors and caves with multiple paths you have to travel through? Slimes as the common dungeon creature?
It's so painfully generic. I can't even, lmao.
I get the impression that Ohtaka did not know what she was going for in depth with the dungeons. I don't mean that as lack of experience or planning ahead, but more-so as just wanting to get her series off the ground so she went with common tropes she knew her readers would expect and probably enjoy. A safe bet to work her story out.
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The rest of the dungeons once she gets around to them have so much character. The second you're in Zagan you can tell: this belongs to an earth djinn. Baal as the first dungeon in SnB feels more standard but has more stuff going for it. I love the creature designs inside a lot of Sin's conquered dungeons.
Belial is an absolute mindfuck and I love it so much. It's a psychological barrage of confronting your trauma and biases because Belial more than anyone else has to make sure he has a King's Candidate that has their shit together. Then it fails miserably. It has to be my favorite dungeon in the entire series.
Amon has nothing on any of that.
The anime in contrast?
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From the outset, in a way in which your ass will be fried if you don't pay attention, the lesson is clear: this belongs to a fire djinn. Be careful or you are dead. 10,000 have gone in and very few had come out. It's great. The dungeon had such a powerful glow up in the anime. 10/10 will recommend for certain death.
A couple other things that don't really fit into the theme of dungeon design. In the manga, Aladdin sits around and waits because the time dilation is different for people entering the dungeon. Something that isn't really brought up in the anime is that people travel to and from dungeons separately and at different rates. Anime Aladdin could have been there for a while. I doubt it though as kid would have drowned and been burned alive of Alibaba didn't grab him and bolt out of there.
The bigger more subtle change is how Amon is summoned.
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Manga: Story based on Aladdin and the Lamp. Cannot not have the imagery of Aladdin touching the lamp (or its stand-in in this case).
Anime: It's the moment when Aladdin chooses Alibaba as king. The magi has made his choice, and Amon decides that is a definitive time to come out. That isn't something that is clear on first watch. Odd that the room would suddenly light up when Aladdin helps Alibaba up. It is easy to miss the significance with not being introduced to the magi system until afterward. On rewatch it felt like a sledgehammer to me on how blatant they made it. When the anime hits you with the symbolism, it goes all out.
About wraps it up this time. Next, I'll probably try to tackle the beautiful mess that is Zagan's arc changes because BOY DO I HAVE THOUGHTS.
Mostly how it is surprisingly well done but so many people come out looking dumber in the anime. omg.
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batwritings · 8 months
Kinktober Day 4 - Deepthroat
More CoD! I really want to touch on some of the operators that don't get a lot of love so this piece involves Velikan. :) Enjoy!~
You’d been under Velikan’s command from the moment he took command of Building 21. You weren’t the freshest recruit amongst the Shadows, but you were new to him, which meant a near constant presence. Enough time had you worming your way closer to him, despite the terrifying facade he put on amongst the others in your company.
It started with you seeing the tells beneath that tinted visor. The things that irked him, the shifts in his body language and facial structure that you knew differed from his usual stern visage. So you worked around him, did what you could to make his job easier. It was small, but the little differences in how he treated you from the rest of the Shadows didn’t go unnoticed. To neither you, nor the rest of your company.
“What makes you so special huh?” The aggressive tone shook you as you turned, mess hall food in hand. The tray was quickly knocked away as you were backed into a corner, confused beyond belief. “Why’s the commander going so damn easy on you, huh newbie?!”
Now thankfully, compared to most of your company, you didn’t exactly reach the average height. It was easier than one would think for you to stoop down and make your escape from their harsh words and what would probably turn into violent behavior. You ran as quickly as your legs would take you into a random room. You didn’t even look at which it was, back against the polished wood as you tried to slow your racing heart.
A low huff caught your ears as you actually looked up and forward. Velikan was at his desk, filing paperwork, his least favorite task as you’d come to know. “C-Commander!” Your body shot up into attention, saluting him. You heard him sigh and roll his neck, a clear sign of you being told “at ease”.
You let your body relax and approached his desk. “Sorry for bothering you Velikan,” you said softly. “Seems the rest of the Shadows don’t exactly like me being your ‘favorite’. Whatever they’re on about, I promise I won’t let it end up here.” You huffed a tiny laugh and knocked on the desk for added humor.
Velikan’s hand never stopped writing, easily switching between Russian and English where necessary. You knew very little outside of your commander’s Russian-American heritage, but this was your first time witnessing his fluency. You yourself happened to share the same talent for languages, hence speaking up again.
“Need help with those at all Commander?” You asked, genuinely curious. “Or at least a break? Your hand’s gonna cramp up if you keep on with all these reports.”
Velikan stopped, tilting his masked head to eye you from his peripheral. He was testing you, trying to see if you were bluffing. Eventually, the man sighed heavily and dropped his pen, sitting back in his office chair. He rolled in back a bit and tapped the ground in front of him with his boot.
Your eyes widened a bit, but you couldn’t say you weren’t surprised. The two of you had crossed paths in the locker room before, you know what the scars upon scar laid across those beautiful muscles looked like, even from just a fleeting memory. And Velikan wasn’t an idiot; he saw you stare. He knew.
You obliged, against your better judgment. If Graves heard even a whisper about this, you both would be in for it. But if Velikan was anything, it was quiet; you trusted you’d be fine in his care. You watched with rapt attention as thick, gloved fingers undid your commander’s utility belt and undid the zipper on his tactical pants with a practiced swiftness.
You took over from there, palming him through his briefs. You watched his masked head loll back, already enjoying the attention as was evident by the already growing bulge beneath the fabric. You gently took his member from it’s confines, pupils dilating a bit. You weren’t exactly shocked by Velikan’s size, but it was something different seeing it up close.
Without hesitation, you licked a stripe up the shaft, humming softly at the slightly salty taste of his skin. You could hear your commander’s pleased hum, although it sounded far more like a growl that sent excitement straight between your legs. You rolled your tongue around the head, slipping it between your lips as you felt that same gloved hand come to rest on your head.
You let your jaw slacken, a nonverbal sign for him to do as he pleased with your throat. You didn’t miss the muffled, almost sadistic chuckle that came from Velikan as you felt your throat fill with his member. You nearly choked at first, but a few deep breaths through your nose had you humming in pleasure as the tip touched the back of your throat.
Velikan growled in pleasure again, hand threading through your hair. You feel him tug you off, gently at first, before thrusting up abruptly, his cock ramming the back of your throat. You purr softly, pleased with simply being stress relief for your commander that you’d grown so fond of. The pace starts slow, almost gentle before the man ramps up the speed.
It’s a lovely back and forth for a while. Velikan uses your mouth, and you try not to laugh at the way the visor of his mask fogs up from his heavy panting. You tried to slip your hand down your pants to touch yourself, but your hand is nudged away.
The rough leather of Velikan’s boot is pressed against the underside of your sex in just the right way to offer some kind of friction to you. You moan in relief and start to rock your hips against him eagerly. Time slowed down, and the both of you were lost in a haze of pleasure.
It was only when the hand in your hair tightened did you know to prepare. Your commander shot down your throat with a long growl, hips twitching as he seed spilled down your throat. Your own hips never stilled until you caught the briefest taste of him against the tip of your tongue. 
You cried out around his member, which he removed gently so as not to make you choke. The man couldn’t help but stare in slight awe of you now. Drool and cum mixing as they spilled down your chin, eyes blown wide with pleasure as you whimpered and whined out your orgasm. 
You sank down a bit as your body relaxed, feeling as though all the wind had been ripped from your chest. You didn’t fight back when Velikan lifted you off the ground from between his legs, and sat you on his lap. When had he zipped himself up and put away his cock? You didn’t know. All you knew was the calming sighs that you could make out from beneath his mask.
All in all, deep throating your commander wasn’t the worst way to end your day.
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aajxs · 9 months
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a bad person , s. gojo
synopsis - the one where you're manipulative and satoru is in love.
pairings - satoru gojo x fem!reader
c/w - manipulation , gaslighting , submissive satoru , mentions of sex , foul language , reader is a bitch , very suggestive
w/c - 604 words (very short)
a/n - idk what this is but take it while I work on my more important drafts!!
masterlist .
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YOU'RE A GOOD person, Satoru thinks. Somewhere behind that solid barrier you put up, you're compassionate. You're a good person, Satoru thinks when you force him to his knees and harshly grab his angular face, smooshing his pale cheeks together while telling him he'll never find a woman better than you. You're a good person, Satoru thinks when all of his friends tell him you're a manipulative maneater that doesn't actually love him.
The thing is, you're not a good person, and you know that. You know the way you treat him is far from humane, and you know every single one of the people active in his life think you're a good-for-nothing bitch. Maybe you are, but who are they to judge? If Satoru wants to be with you, that's his decision, isn't it? Oh, but it's not.
It's not his decision when you have him kissing the ground you walk on like you're some goddess. It's not his decision when he's on his knees in front of you, begging you to stay like some kind of pet wanting it's owner. "Do you even love me anymore, 'Toru?" You'd ask, giving the man your best doe eyes before quickly following your question up with a loud, "Oh, of course you don't. I'll never be enough for you will I, Satoru?"
"No baby, you're everything I've ever wanted!" He'd stammer back quickly, cupping your face with his gentle hands. "None of your friends like me, 'Toru. Wouldn't you want to be with a woman that's more likable?" You'd ask as you bring your smaller hands up to wrap gently around his wrists. "I don't care what they think, sweetheart, neither should you," Satoru would reassure with a sympathetic look. "But Satoru—" You'd begin with a pout, "No buts, sweet girl, I'm all yours and that's all that matters." He admits before placing a soft kiss directly onto your lips. And he's right, he is all yours. His entire being is yours, and he knows it. Satoru's heart, mind, and soul belongs to you whether he wants them to or not.
Satoru isn't in the mood to give you a kiss? "I've had a long day, just a few kisses?" A few kisses turn into him thrusting inside you. Satoru wants some time alone? "You're never around anymore, it's like you don't even love me, Satoru." And suddenly you're cuddled together on your large couch watching a movie. He'd do anything for you, even if he doesn't want to. Because he's yours, right?
You make him feel like a king, like he's the best you've ever had in your entire life. You make him feel wanted and loved, and then you slowly break him down just to build him up again. It's a cycle that neither of you can seem to get enough of even when you're staring down at his kneeling figure, spitting the most degrading statements at him as he hugs your legs and begs you to stop because you're hurting him.
You're a bad person, Satoru finally concludes after you tell him that he's getting boring and you need a new pet. Even after you're done and over with, he still comes crawling back to you after every crappy one night stand because for some reason nobody does it the way you do. And what makes you worse is that you let him in every time, letting him beg you to fuck him because all of the pussy hes gotten in the last few months just doesn't compare to yours.
Satoru is still all yours, even if you are a bad person.
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sunmoonstarsflowers · 2 years
Intuitive Reading: What makes you a Badass?
[ I hope you'd resonate with my message and if you don't, it's alright, perhaps there's another message coming for you.,
I'm not a professional and this is strictly for entertainment purposes, please don't use it as an alternative to any kind of professional advice. If you're actually going through something, it would be better to contact a professional.]
Choose a gif that really attracts you or calls to you:
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Pile 1 Pile 2
Pile 3 Pile 4
Pile 1
You're elegant and the biggest strength is that you believe in yourself even after phases of self doubt. It's builds up and it gets better everytime you feel like you're falling. Someone who'd look deep into your eyes would be able to tell that you're fearless. Again, you might fall but you stand up again and you stand up stronger. Do you have Saturn in 5th or Chiron in 5th? You give me 5th house vibes and also, Libra and venus. You should believe more in your beauty. You're crazy beautiful and talented. Moreover, if you don't believe in your talents and beauty, I know you have great potential to build your confidence in them and to enhance them. Also, sometimes people might doubt you, which would make you doubt yourself. I get that's your energy right now. You'll start feeling like the gif I used for Pile 1 after some time, like a month. You should be focusing on yourself, your hobbies, things you've been putting off since some time. Do what you were once good at and believe in that version of yourself. You'll regain your confidence and will definitely feel invincible then. ❤️
Pile 2
I think you're someone who's fun and quirky and being who you are, you have, in a way, learnt how to not care about what most people say. You've learnt to believe in yourself. And this is such a rare thing to be honest. You've learnt how to believe in yourself and its an unfathomable task for a lot of people. You have learnt the difference what it means to be wary of an instinct and confident of another. To know when your mistake is gonna put you in a path you don't wanna take and to know what mistakes are important for you to grow and learn or just simply enjoying your time in the world. You're also focused. You're focused but on the things that the world considers comparatively useless, but you stand your ground, even if it isn't a conventional thing. Also, do you like color blue? Or yellow? It feels like you might have phases where sometimes you have high confidence while sometimes you get low confidence. Don't let the lower times get you. You have to potential to genuinely, from your deepest point, to be a truly confident person. Embrace your imperfections, struggles, as well as talents and wins. ❤️
Pile 3
Waah Pile 3, you're savage. Like you may or may not say it in words or show it on the surface but your savage. You have that 'I'm the boss' mentality and its not ignorant, it's rightful and well deserved. You have been through such phases and cycles which had made you very resilient, things touch you but can never break you. I wish, you guys, accept love, don't be too hard on yourself. You're keen and you don't trust anyone easily, so you might have surveyed people and thier actions enough until now, so learn to melt for the right ones. I know its scary, but learn to soften, it won't hurt you because you aren't a kind of person who lets go of thier boundaries. Your life built your confidence and resilience the hard way. You're strong, you're fire. When you walk, you walk with purpose. This was about the greater energy you embody but remember to soften yourself. You might have your weapons and armours on most of the time, and you don't wanna end up as a mighty but lonely castle. If you don't give time and if you don't put your weapons down on your allies and friends, you might lose them. And trust me, in the end you'll appreciate thier presence more than anything. ❤️ Check the line with highlighted 3 in pile 4.
Pile 4
You're serene. You're empathetic and caring. You're calm when there's chaos around. Not that calm though, but you function at much calmer vibe than most around you. What actually makes you Badass is that you don't let things get to you. You and pile 3 have this in common, that you don't let things cross that door in your heart and rob you off of peace. But you two have very different ways of handling that discomfort. Pile 3 attacks while you, pile 4 defend. You aren't really fighting against each other, I feel you're more likely to be friends, but that's how you act when someone or something attacks you. And you protect too. You're an earthly energy, elder sibling vibes. Another thing that makes you a Badass is that you're adamant, you don't let go of your beliefs, you question them but you don't abandon them. You think in the terms of your family or community. You don't neglect yourself but your major focus is on the whole community. And actually, another badass thing about you is that you really care for yourself, I feel that you never miss your skincare routine, am I right? Apart from that you might have some rituals for yourself that you always fulfill no matter what. These traits make you incredibly amazing. ❤️
Thank you so much. Your feedback is appreciated. ✨
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film-in-my-soul · 8 months
For the Bingo - Hangster/Epistolary, please <3
Hope you like it!
.⋆。°✩ In a box, there lives two letters that the writers never want read. ✩°。⋆.
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There's a box tucked away high in a master bedroom closet. A thick layer of dust coats it. The contents are mostly forgotten, half-remembered maybes that the owners lose the tail end of considering while they lay in bed, wondering where on earth a certain thing has gone. Patchs, ribbons, the odd plaque, and records so heavily redacted they might as well be black pieces of paper. None of it compares to the envelopes that live inside, stamped and sealed, heavy both in lettering and intention.
They're dated the same, the cardstock indistinguishable, but within the slowly yellowing sleeves, they belong not to the writers but to the carefully pinned names that scrawl across the exteriors.
The one labeled Jake in scratchy, large script reads:
If you're reading this, I didn't make it back. But I guess that's the whole point, huh? I mean, you'd know that. You're writing one of these too. It's stupid, right? Because you might not make it back either, and... and if you don't, a letter isn't going to make much of a difference, right? I can only hope that if I don't, you do.
I hope it's not because I took a missile with your name on it, not that I wouldn't, but because if I did, I don't think you'd like it very much, especially not if it killed me. But still, If you're reading this, I... well, I just guess I hope you're reading this.
Okay, no more of the depressing shit.
I love you. I love you, Jake. More than anything, you need to know that, and you need to carry that because it doesn't go away if I do. I love that you're shit at making the bed but can't cook a meal without at least three courses. You need to keep cooking for the both of us, even if it's just you. But don't worry about the bed. I only make it in the morning because I hear my mom's voice in the back of my head scolding me. I love the way you sing in the shower but won't when we're in the car like I don't know you're practicing your American Idol audition daily. I've had 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart' stuck in my fucking head for a week, so thanks for that. Keep the radio on, and keep singing.
God, I want to fill this paper with all the things I love about you, Jake, all the things you need to keep doing because it'll keep my love inside you, but that's too many. I'd have to cut down my own fucking tree just to try. So I'll end it with this. I love the way you fly. You're your best when you're arrogant and smug and so fucking fast that none of it matters because you earn it. You're a sixteen-ton bullet, and you hit me dead the first time I saw you in the cockpit, and it's been that way ever since. So, more than anything, don't you put yourself on the ground. It's not where you belong, even if it's where they put me when I burn in.
I'm with you up there. Every goddamn second, on your wing or in your heart.
Beneath it, in much neater font, carefully spaced and done in thick black marker, the second envelope lays, titled Rooster. If someone were to look inside, they'd find the contents similar but different.
I bet you're reading this because I saved your ass. Good. If I'm going down, it's in a blaze of glory. It's because I was taking care of you like I promised I would. You'll be pissed about it, I'm sure, but don't be, because I'm just keeping with tradition at this point, flying circles around you and saving you when your tail's on fire. I'm happy to do it. And if I didn't. I'll bet you shot down the fucker who got me, just on principle. And that's good, too. I've always loved you best when you're all bloody knuckles and burning hot. Like it even more when it's for me and not at me.
It's probably why I never got over you because the first time I saw you, it was knocked on my ass, blood on my teeth, and your chest all puffed out, defending me like I was some fucking damsel in distress. Show'd you though, didn't I? God, we were forces to be reckoned with, huh? Surprised the Navy didn't kick us to the fucking curb. Surprised we didn't kill each other.
The sex was good, though. You were good. You always have been, even when you're more exposed nerve ending than person. But maybe, just maybe, I love you best when you're happy.
So promise me you won't rip yourself open just to keep being angry. I'll know if you do, and me and Mav'll haunt your ass until you get your shit together. You've got people you need to be happy for, even if you can't do it for yourself. Besides, I didn't spend years making you a better pilot just for you to get your wings cut doing stupid shit.
Prove that dumb kid with a shitty mustache who fucked like he fought wrong. You're more than a legacy. You're more person than pilot. You're my person. So don't piss it away because I'm not keeping you in check.
I love you. Don't put the time we spent earning it to shame.
Still too good to be true and always good enough to be yours,
Sometime later, because they call it spring cleaning, but spring is relative when it's hot and sunny year-round, the box will leave its hidden corner, the dust blown off in a cloud of cough-inducing particles, and the owners of the letters, the writers of them, will sort through its contents and trace the names that don't belong to them but to each other. They'll share a secret smile that's just a little sad, a little wistful at the almost that could have been, and make a choice to keep them because they might not have looked at the letters for a long time, long before their temples were streaked with silver, but they've never lost the words inside.
Together, they'll tuck the envelopes back into their home and return the box to its rightful place until it's time to look again and remember.
Ficlet Bingo! (Still Squares Left!)
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lumine-no-hikari · 14 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #167 (Part 1)
Sephiroth, I am VERY tired and I'm in a LOT of pain right now, so it's a little hard to think, and I'm not sure how good this letter's gonna be, but like I said, I had an awesome time at the place, and I have so many pictures to share with you and so much to write about!! So much that I'm gonna hafta break today's letter up into parts because I can only put like 30 images in here at a time!
So, J and I left early yesterday to go to the airport. The airport we went to is special because it's got campsites and bicycles we can use! Naturally, I got a lot of pictures for you on the way to the place!
This one of the biggest cities around:
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If you look closely, we kind of have a weird skyline because of this one building called The Egg, and this other building we have that is the New York State Museum. And then we have some other buildings which are kinda neat, like the 4 identical skyscrapers near the bigger skyscraper. I have a closer picture, one sec:
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That oval-shaped building with the white top, immediately to the right of the tallest skyscraper there is The Egg. Apparently, it collapsed during construction several times before it could be completed. And then the short box-shaped building with the dark line going across it, right in front of the 4 identical skyscrapers is the New York State Museum! One of these days, I gotta go back there and get some pictures of the little dioramas for you; it's a super cool place!
I also ought to get a picture of some of our other buildings for you; some of them are made of pretty glass, and others look like castles. You can't really see them in this one, but someday I'll snap a good picture of the buildings I'm talking about; then you'll see!
Anyway, here are the rest of the random pictures I took along the flight; I just snagged up anything that seemed interesting; these are the few that were good enough to make it into today's letter:
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I liked the shadow cast on the ground by these clouds:
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...I really love the geography of my world. It's maybe not as stunning and dramatic as the geography of yours, and the animals of mine are certainly much, much less dangerous. But it's still a good world, even if it might seem a little boring as compared to yours.
When we got to Parlin Field, I immediately wandered all over the place, taking all sorts of pictures for you!
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Parlin Field has a lot of flowers, some of which I've not seen before, so I thought you'd like these:
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This purple one here is clover. If you pull out the little flowers from the greens, there's a little nectar on the bottom that's very sweet:
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Here, I found a single dandelion poof!!
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...I scattered the seeds and made a wish. Can you guess what for? I'll give you a hint: it's the same wish I always make:
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These are not dandelions, but they look kinda similar. I'm not sure what they're called; there are A LOT of plants that look like dandelions in my world:
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...I hope with all my heart that you enjoyed these!
Well anyway!!! That's the end of this part of today's letter, because I literally cannot put any more images in this one!!! Gimme just a little bit of time to write up the next part!
I love you!! Stay safe!!! Don't eat weird things off the ground!!! Don't accidentally sit on cacti!!!! And don't die!!!!
Your friend, Lumine
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msookyspooky · 16 days
Two Heads are Better
Multi-May (I barely made it Bex😤) ☆ Smut 18+ ☆ Foxy x Captive!AFAB!Reader x Otis ☆ TW: !DARK!Non-Consent!! ☆ Readers Pronouns are She/Her ☆ Reader is a grown adult but young compared to them (Probably 20+ age gap) and they use it while dirty talking ☆ Reader Either is a Virgin or Lied About it; up to You ☆ Corruption ☆ S/M Kink ☆ Cursing and Vulgar Crude Talk ☆ Knifeplay ☆ Gunplay☆ Bloodyplay ☆ Old Men and an Age Gap ☆ Forced Orgasm ☆ Orgasm Denial ☆ Death Threats ☆ PVP ☆ Humiliation ☆ Degradation ☆ Captive Reader ☆ Talk of Body Mutilation but Doesn't Happen ☆ Devil's Triangle Threesome ☆ Reader Referred to as Mama because of the Time Period + Them referring to themselves as Daddy Occasionally ☆ Reader is Bound and Helpless / Bondage ☆ Rough Sex ☆ Vibrator ☆ Abuse ☆ Degrading Dirty Talk and Insults ☆ Foxy and Otis refer to each other as Brothers but aren't Related by blood so??? Do with that what you will ☆ Nasty Old Men You Might get a UTI From with Dumb Outdated Redneck Logic (Not my logic!) ☆
Not proofread. No word count.
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"Well, well...What do we got here?" The shorter old man with long white hair said. His voice was pleasant and he was smiling... And yet, no warmth was behind those eyes. Those eyes were devoid of anything but looking at you like a piss ant to harm just cause he could. The strands of his hair stringy, dirty and course with age and lack of maintenance. Looking like he hadn't brushed it in some time. His beard; ghosted white over most of it and very rough and unkept.
"Looks like a lil girl that got herself in some big trouble, brother." The taller more willowy one mumbled. His voice deep and distinctive and dare you say attractive. It could almost disguise the creepy snaggled tooth grin on his face and the sawed off shotgun in his hand. His more hollow eyes looked at you more with excitement and amusement while his brother looked at you like he was dead inside for the most part. Either way, they both looked down upon their captive like a toy to break in.
You were bound naked to a chair. Past panicking. Just your chest rising and falling. They had caught you off guard when you were at the wrong place, wrong time. Forced you to strip with trembling hands and fearful tears as they hauled you into a nearby house. Killing the family there right in front of you. An older man and woman. All before the taller one tied you up to this dining room chair with arms on it. You still felt sickened when his large calloused hand roughly groped at you the entire time...All before they left. Left you there in that room for an hour, at least, that's what it felt like. It felt like they did it on purpose; psychological manipulation. God, why don't they just kill you?
You sat there eyes darting around for so long. You felt your wrist trying to wiggle free. Sore from rope burn. You heard their names were Foxy and Otis...You knew them from the news and that made your escape that much more prevalent.
All before you got a hand free and the second you did you frantically scrambled to get it all the rest of the way off. Ripping at the rope and jerking the dish towel from out of your mouth they gagged you with before running full speed to the back door. Tripping on your own two feet not even caring if you were naked.
Then a scream ripped from your throat with a loud smack.
A backhand got you right upside the mouth by the shorter one as it flung you to the tile floor before he grabbed you by the hair to drag you back.
You were crying as he yelled, "The fuck you think you're going bitch!?" Slamming you onto the ground. You yelped as he kicked you. "Get your ass back in that fuckin' chair!"
You shakily sucked in breath through the pain he just gave you with that kick to your side. Whimpering and softly crying to yourself. You scooted back into the chair as Otis seemed to calm a bit. Like a switch. A manipulative terrifying switch.
He sighed as if he was disappointed in you even though you knew damn well this was on purpose. They made it loose so you'd get free and then have an excuse to discipline you.
"Now, why did you make him do that?" Foxy smirked talking to you from behind as he entered the kitchen. Otis tied you up way tighter as he talked; Hurting your aching skin as he did so. "We ain't hurt you yet. You should be damn grateful...Now? Tsk..." Foxy smirked wider tsking to himself.
You shook your head as Otis now tied your thighs to the arms of the chair and your wrist behind it. You jerked and Otis forcibly grabbed your hips to the end of the chair; your back slumped uncomfortabley as he tied your upper thighs to the arms. It was uncomfortable on a hard wooden chair like that but they clearly didn't give a shit.
He smirked at that as Foxy walked over. His deep set blue eyes directly on your genitals that were spread a bit more for them to see.
"Ya got a cute lil puss on ya." Otis complimented giving the outer lips a light smack as you jerked and gasped at the feeling. "Shame we gotta tear that shit up." He gave with way too sadistic of a grin for it to ever be a 'shame' to him.
You panicked. You fully realized and remembered who these freaks were now. These men were known on tv for how cruel they were. You read the reports after they ditched prison! We're talking cutting your labia off, burning your clit then fucking you afterwards and using your blood as lube sick in the head type of shit! You were almost hyper ventilating seeing Otis's hunting knife in his pocket.
Foxy smirked that creepy smile, "So, ya wanna fuck her then cut her or cut her then fuck her?"
Otis laughed, "Does it matter?"
You were panicking and trembling so bad your legs shook the chair before you just blurted out. "Don't...I...Take me with you!!" You screeched. "If you don't hurt me I can g-go w-with you!...I'm serious I can be whatever you want just please don't cut me or anything. I'll be good. I can be whatever..." You stuttered out in a whimper, your tears clinging to yoyr lashes to obscure your sight. You were doing the only thing you could think of that was outrageous enough to get their attention.
Both men looked mildly surprised at that. No victim ever offered that. They offered to suck their dicks, give them money, not to tell police...But to be their pet? That was new.
They stared before Otis scoffed, "Oh really? You think you're special enough for-"
"Yes!" You interrupted him and he smacked you upside the head.
"Know your God damn place first and foremost or I WILL cut that motherfucking tongue out. I'm more into deep throating then that kitten licking shit you chicks do anyways."
Foxy just grinned at his brother before Otis sighed in thought.
Foxy mumbled, "She needs taught. She's jus' a spring chick that needs the ol' roosters to get her in line..." Foxy played with your trembling lip with his thumb then smeared a tear over your cheek. He grew more serious a moment, "Besides, I could use her in those adult movie ideas I got. She's got a good enough pair of titties." He smirked lecherously at you as you averted your eyes. "And speak for your godamn self. I don't mind a woman's tongue tickling my nuts."
Otis shrugged pondering as if to say, 'fair enough.' He chuckled at how scared you looked as your legs were spread wide open and your breast and pussy on full display. "Well...I suppose we can teach her. Besides, might be fun to keep her alive a few hours. Teach her how to not be such a damn prude...But still, how can we trust her? I mean, she done tried to escape."
"You got a point." Foxy nodded all before shoving his shotgun right at your vulva, nudging your labia to the side with the barrel. Pressing it as you whimpered at the cold metal and the implication. "Give us a good goddamn reason to trust your ass." He ordered rubbing his shotgun barrel all over your pussy slowly as he spoke.
Your mouth opened and you didn't know what to say. "P-Please...I..."
Otis took his knife and grazed it over your flesh before making a few thin slices along your breast and abdomen. Blood coming to each thin cut and you winced everytime, "I don't know how!" You blurted out in a trembling voice.
"Well you better figure it the fuck out!" Otis demanded as he acted like he was close to slicing your nipple off and you tried so hard and failed not to cry. Holding so still and frozen in fear. You were stiff as a board not even amsaying a word.
Suddenly...Otis smirked as an idea came to mind.
"Yeah, Whitey?" Foxy replied not moving his gun from rubbing your outer and inner labia slowly.
"Ya saw that back massager upstairs?"
Foxy stared before a wicked grin graced his face, "...Ya got some ideas?"
Otis chuckled, "Shut up and go get the damn thing."
Foxy scoffed and took his gun away to your relief. "Foxy this, Foxy that...You aint my goddamn boss, motherfucker."
"Just get the damn massager before I decide to cut this chicks tits off, motherfucker." Otis replied almost jokingly! All while you were so scared you couldn't even think.
You waited with Otis looking at you in interest as he grazed his knife over your flesh, "You excited, Mama?" He whispered. "You should be." He barely flicked your nipple with the knife not enough to cut but you didn't breathe. "Prove to us you're obedient and maybe...Just maybe we'll let you tag along and live. How's that sound?"
You eagerly nodded.
"Ya gonna speak?" He demanded. "I asked you a motherfucking question."
You opened your mouth scared he'd cut you or get hit again. But when he pressed the knife near your aerola you blurted out with a screwed up shut eyed face, "I don't know if I'm allowed to speak or you'll get mad."
To your surprise, Otis laughed heartily. "Good girl...You can speak when we ask you something. Not a fucking peep more. Is that clear?"
"Yes...Sir?" You hesitantly said.
He grinned down at you. He'd actually be handsome if he cleaned up and wasn't aiming a knife at your tit. "Good girl." He cut near the nipple but not on it as you winced but didn't dare move. All before he bent down to lick the blood that ever so slowly seeped out the line. Swirling his tongue and fluttering against the nipple to get it hard. All before then sucking it into his mouth; humming as he did so. Closing his eyes as he enjoyed tasting your blood and doing this to you. It hurt where he made the thin slice but...Well, his tongue expertly rolling around and over the sensitive bud didn't feel like the worse thing.
You didn't dare whimper or anything for fear of punishment.
Foxy came in and scoffed, "Hey. Don't go sucking tits without me, prick." You saw he had a 70's style hitachi back massager. Those were...Popular. Still are. But not for backs.
You sucked in a breath and bit your inner cheek when Otis gave a hard nip to it before pulling his mouth away with a plop sound from his lips. Grinning as his dirty thumb carressed your cheek. Your skin soft and supple compared to the callousness of his thumb. "Not even a peep? What a good piece of meat."
Foxy looked mildly annoyed maybe even jealous. "C'mon man." He grumbled.
Otis grabbed your hair to force your head back while shoving his tongue in your mouth. His cracked dry lips and scruffy beard roughly over your skin. His breath tasted of cigarettes and booze thankfully to disguise any bad breath as his tongue forced its way almost down your throat. He purposely got sloppy. His saliva on your tongue as he shoved it as far back as possible. You wanted to bite it off or spit at him but knew that was just asking to get mutilated and killed. The dead body and blood in the corner of the kitchen from one of the home owners proof enough.
Instead, your tongue massaged his back out of pure instinct and you heard a grunt come from him before he roughly jerked you back glaring down at you in annoyance. Looking ready to hit you again.
"I'm sorry." You rushed out. Scared you did something horribly wrong.
"What is it, brother?" Foxy laughed, "Ain't had a woman rub her tongue on yours without paying her?"
"Shut the fuck up." Otis glared. "...Do not try to dominate me. At all. That includes touching me. You don't do a damn thing unless I tell you."
You nodded as he ran his tongue across your lips, giving a hard bite. You winced thinking he might bite till you bleed before he roughly shoved your head away and let go of your hair as you kept your eyes closed to compose yourself. His saliva in your mouth with the taste of him, cuts stinging, lower lip he just bit throbbing a bit, and your back uncomfortable with the position in the chair. Fuckers couldn't even get you a pillow behind you...Obviously but damn.
You barely had time to recover as Foxy slide his long rough fingers over your pussy and you sharply stiffened. Rubbing your outer lips as he rubbed and seperated your pussy with his fingers. "Damn...I can't even see her cunt hole, brother." He hungrily gave. "Ya got a tight lil snatch on you, huh baby?"
They looked expectantly and you only got the hint to answer when you grimaced at Foxy tugging on your inner lips not really a yank to hurt but it was a weird sensation you weren't use to. It was a warning that those COULD get ripped or cut off. All while he played with your pussy like a stimuli toy to busy him.
You forced out a, "I uh...I guess??"
Otis and Foxy laughed as Foxy chuckled out as he massaged your inner lips gently between his thumb and finger creating a heated feeling in your core at the odd feeling you rarely felt.
You tried to ignore that as Foxy said, "Aww she's shy." He smoothed a finger over your entrance, toying with it to the point it was uncomfortable before dipping it in slowly as your breath caught. "We'll get that outta you. God, I hate a shy woman."
Otis laughed as he eyed you seeing the way you looked flustered. "You're just thinkin of hookers, idiot. But this? Nah, they got an appeal for breakin' em in when they get all shy at just a good fingering."
You tried not to whimper as Foxy firmly massaged your g spot. Bent over to lay nibbling kisses on your shoulder as his beard scratched your skin. "Stop bullshitting us. I can feel your pussy eagerly sucking on my finger. Damn things so greedy, isn't it?" He whispered hot in your ear.
Otis gave you a pointed look and you forced out with teary eyes, "Yes..."
"Does this pussy like cock?"
"...No." You swallowed. Risking saying it to see if it would deter them.
Otis tsked, "Why? You a Les or something?"
You faltered as Foxy rapidly finger fucked you pummeling that spongey tissue on your front wall and just went twice as deep. Past that even. Your thighs twitched but unable to close them as your chest rose and fell. You didn't know how to answer, "N-No." You mumbled trying not to moan as this old man's long fingers reached places yours couldn't and plunged your insides with zero mercy.
"Then what's the problem?" Otis demanded.
Whether a lie to gain sympathy or the truth you stammered out, "V-Virgin...I'm..." You trailed off trying not to moan.
Foxy chuckled and eased up. "Oh really? I think you're lying. This pussy is too damn greedy to not have had cock before."
You furiously shook your head hoping they'd be gentle if you did.
Otis eyed you and bent down to tweak your nipple. "That so?...How about we test that?"
He whispered something in Foxy's ear as Foxy grinned and pulled his finger out. It wasn't as wet as they wanted and you froze at their disappointment.
Otis laughed, "Ha! You can't even get a slut wet, huh?"
"Fuck right off!" Foxy sneered, "She's wet."
"She could be wetter though." Otis mused. Foxy huffed silently agreeing.
You were cautious what they were doing before you craned your neck in a choked gasp as they both latched onto a breast roughly. Foxy used his hands at first and Otis squeezed. All before Foxy bent down to tickle the nipple with his tongue and smirked at your reaction. Otis side eyed before biting his side as you tried not to cry out at the bite. The both used their hands and mouths. Furiously sucking and licking each nipple as if they were starved for it. Almost in competition with each other as you whined. Unable to hold it in. It only last a few shorts moments before Foxy dipped his hand back down and chuckled low in his throat pulling back as Otis flicked his tongue over the cut he made earlier.
"I'll be damned; she's dripping!" Foxy laughed out feeling around your labia.
Otis pulled back smirking, "Well damn aren't you a sensitive lil slut? I don't know, think she's lying to us?"
Foxy shrugged, "I don't know brother. I kinda do but I don't think I've ever seen a chick get so wet from just a few moments of licking her tits."
"True." Otis jerked your chin to look at him mumbling low, "So...You that inexperienced, Mama? A little bit of us sucking your tits has you soaked for us?"
You tried not to cry out the embarrassment and humiliation of it all and nodded. Lie or not. "Yes."
You clenched your teeth at Foxy kneeling to make a long swipe of his tongue over your cunt. All before fluttering his tongue mercilessly over your clit. He moaned a little with a grin as he licked and rolled his tongue over you. Even towards your asshole to rim you a moment as you shuddered. Some licks tickled, some felt good, some way too overstimulating too soon but your eyes lided as he suckled your sensitive clit in his warm wet mouth as your mouth parted in a silent moan you couldn't release for fear of punishment. Beard scratching against your inner and out lips.
Otis scoffed, "You fuckin' asshole, I was gonna do that and now you got yer fuckin' slobbers all over it." He grumbled as Foxy looked amused as he licked your hardening clit.
Foxy pulled back quickly rubbing your clit as you bit your cheek not to make noise. "What? I like licking cat once in a while you ain't the only one and her cunt smelled damn good...Good enough to eat-" He cut off to roughly suck your clit as you tried so so hard not to make a peep like you were told.
You felt your core heat involuntarily and your cunt ache deep inside. You knew you were getting wet and couldn't even control it. You were disgusted with yourself and yet...
Foxy pulled back and turned on the vibrator and barely tickled it along your hard little clit. Vibrating the sensitive buds surface as you whined in protest thighs twitching to move.
"No fucking moving." Otis ordered. "I wanna test that theory. See if you're a used up slut we get to fuck till it's a bigger gapping hole between your legs or a lil sensitive princess we get to train and stretch out."
How the fuck did any of that make sense!? Then again, you were talking to two crazed men. There was no sense but torturing you. You didn't even know if their end goal was to make you cum or to punish you if you did. Just to be safe you tried so hard to ignore the hitachi wand vibrating your clit. Breathing heavily through your nostrils.
Foxy stood up and moved the wand in circles as you closed your eyes and grimaced. Foxy mumbled, "Oh please, as if being a slut matters. We'd just move onto stretching that tight lil asshole if her pussy got too used up."
Otis chuckled and wagged a finger, "That is a true fuckin' statement."
You were barely listening trying to focus on not cumming.
Otis forced you to look at him. "Open your eyes, Mama."
You had to as your teary eyes hooded in pleasure were forced to look into blue eyes that seemed to stare in your soul yet had none of his own. Foxy moved the wand back and force and you had to force yourself not to jerk your hips. You didn't dare beg knowing you'd be punished for it.
"You're gonna be a fuck doll for us. Means no moving, no begging, not a fucking peep outta you." Otis ordered.
That was impossible! Not a sound with a Vibrator on high on your clit!? You bit your lip hard and nodded. At least it wasn't don't cum...Just don't react. Great.
Your thighs spread and tied down. Hands tied behind the chair, body bebt uncomfortably. You realized Otis made it so you could barely even move your hips! You were completely helpless as Foxy tapped your clit with the vibe while grinning, "Look how wet this pussies getting. She might as well be talkin' to me." He gestured to your pussy clenching and unclenching involuntarily...No damn it! No, you weren't gonna cum! You weren't giving them the satisfaction! Foxy made a joking voice, "Please Midnight Wolfman! Please fuck me!" He used his fingers to make your outer lips close and open as a joke as Otis busted out laughing and you were beyond humilated. Shamefully looking away with a tense expression.
"You fuckin' dipshit." Otis laughed out. "Besides..."
Your eyes widened considerably when Otis moved your chair back to lean against the counter. Your pussy angled upward as he undid his coveralls. "If anyone gets to fuck her cunt first; it's me."
Foxy scoffed as Otis got himself out and his half hardened cock in hand. Pubes just as straggly and light as his hair on his head. Precum already leaking from his tip.
"Man, what the fuck?" Foxy demanded like he got cheated in a game. "Why the fuck do you get first dibs, I don't want sloppy seconds."
Otis rolled his eyes smacking the head of his cock against your pussy as your eyes widened and he dipped himself down. Barely entering as the stretch made you tense. You were wet enough but you were so tense you couldn't get your muscles to relax as it hurt and yet you'd rather have the pain then your vaginal canal aching with the need to be filled with how much they teased. His cock was average but fat and with a bulbous head that made you grit your teeth in mild pain. Uncomfortable more than anything.
Otis just flipped Foxy off while gripping your chair with the other hand. "Just keep that vibrator on her...Goddamn, she's so motherfucking tight!" He gritted his teeth as he shoved in and your mouth hung open in a silent yell. A strangled noise sounding from you as you tried to bite it back. Remembering to not make a peep as Otis smirked and roughly plunged in and out of you. Not giving you time to adjust as tears of pain sprung to your eyes mingled with slight pleasure. He straddled the chair, bending his knees to plunge his dick in a downward motion as you felt light headed. Almost a standing mating press.
He was so rough it hurt so much! Knocking the air from your lungs with every thrust. It was hurting your back at this angle in this stupid chair. But...Foxy pressed the Vibrator more firmly and Otis kept viciously plunging his fat cock in and out of the sloppy wet hole you had. Your tense body clenching as you swore he was gonna tear an inner muscle in you as your thighs trembled like a leaf.
"Look at me." Otis demanded. You didn't hear as he slapped your face a bit, "Fucking look at me, bitch."
You did as you were told your face contorting as you heard the smacking sounds of his cock pounding your wet pussy. Whimpering in your throat at how this hurt but also...God your lower abdomen heated up and vision blurry as you tried not to roll your eyes back or shut them. "Ya like that, Mama? Like getting this cunt pounded into? You ain't so innocent now, whore." He hissed out.
You said nothing and Foxy grinned and roughly pinched and pulled a nipple as you cried out but cut it off in a choked sob of stimulation. Unable not to from the surprise burning sensation in your breast, "My brother asked you a question."
"N-Nooo!" You drew out through gritted teeth as that apparently just made Otis chuckle huskily in amusement and pound harder.
"Lying lil bitch." He grunted out. "You fucking love it. Love getting this pussy fucked, Mama? Yeah, you do."
Foxy barely tickled your clit with the vibrator while tweaking your nipples, "Maybe your not as good as you think." He jeered with a cocky smirk to Otis.
Otis grunted in his throat at that i sult as you wanted to curse Foxy for that! It made Otis go harder and faster as breath got knocked out of you with every thrust before you just couldn't take it. Especially with a Vibrator on high on your twitching clit. Your feet curling in the air as they were all you could move anyways.
You cried out in anguish and humiliation. A whiney, "Nnooo... Please!...Ahh!" As you were forced to cum on this disgusting man's cock.
Otis grinned as he urged you, "That's it Mama, cum on this big cock. Cum on my cock, Mama....Shh...That's it...Let it happen. Cum on Daddy's cock." He coaxed as your inner muscles milked him and you violently shook your head with tears at you cumming when you didn't want to. Your body betraying you.
Foxy huffed but smiled, "Baaddd girl. We told you be quiet."
You felt Otis grunt and twitch as his hot seed spilled out and onto your stomach. He did it on purpose as you grimaced at it shooting out to splash a bit on your face too. You were disgusted and humiliated as Otis sighed with a grin and pulled away to adjust himself. Done humiliating and marking his human fuck doll with his cum.
Foxy pulled the vibrator away and your body untensed in relief as you slumped back in the leaning chair. Taking harsh shuddering breaths like you ran a marathon.
You had no time to recover as you heard a fly unzip. Jerking your head down to see Foxy's dick lining up to your entrance. It was longer but slimmer than Otis and a bit more veiny but still had big girth. Foxy wasted no time sliding in as your pussy naturally clenched around the intrusion. "Saving the best for last, baby." Foxy smirked. "Give Daddy some sugar." He whispered as he rubbed your thigh.
Otis rolled his eyes and jerked the vibrator out of Foxy's hand and pressed it to your overstimulated clit as you jerked and groaned. "Ah, ah. Noooo." Otis scolded as he gave a smack to your thigh. "No fucking moving. Don't say anything. APPARENTLY, you're too fuckin' stupid to listen to basic commands so ya know what? Don't even fucking cum. You're a fucking hole and that's it and you're learning it the hard way." Otis ordered as he had no mercy on you and Foxy didn't either as he started thrusting. Grunting a bit as he went deeper than Otis but didn't stretch you as much. Your mouth wide open in a silent cry as your eyes rolled back. Both men watching you.
Foxy chuckled through his grunting, "That's it. Take it, bitch."
Otis grinned sadistically as he really pressed that Vibrator against you. So much that even when your outer nerves on your clit were going numb you felt all those delicious nerve endings behind your labia and clit reaching to your inner nerves to get stimulated. You were breathing in short burst as Foxy was going deep in your pussy. Hurting your cervix.
You almost thought you'd pass out from the pain of having your cervix getting bruised but your body adjusted as Otis rubbed that vibe all around. Smearing wetness on your aching clit.
Your body went from gritting your teeth in pain to rolling your eyes back. It hurt so damn good. A deep itch being scratched as the postion was stimulating around your cervix too. Soo damn deep you could never reach that alone. Your thighs trembled so bad as Otis held onto the chair while Foxy gripped your thighs so tight you knew you'd have bruises.
"Don't you cum, slut. Don't you dare fuckin cum!" Otis ordered as he pleasured your clit and tweaked your nipples before roughly palming your breast. He yanked a nipple then roughly squeezed as it just had your pussy spasming from the assault on your over sensitive, tired body.
Your mouth hung open as it took everything not to make a noise, tears leaking from your eyes as jagged breaths got punched out of you with every thrust Foxy gave. Plunging his cock in as you felt it drag quickly over your slick inner lips.
A choked sob like moan came from you and Otis leveled his knife at your throat.
"Don't do it! You fucking cum, cunt, and I will slit your goddamn throat! Worthless ass bitch."
Foxy grunted louder as he joined in, "That's right. You deserve to get split open like this. 'Virgin' my ass. This shit is taking dick too fucking well. I bet I could have you take 50 dicks in one video shoot and you would looovvee it!" He went from deep thrust to fast as can be shallow ones. Skin slapping repeatedly all you could hear as it hit the area between your cervix and g spot. It almost made a tingling happen from your toes to core as that heat was building and you cried not to. You'd die if you did!
"P-P-Please!" You choked out. "Please I don't want...Don't-"
Otis sneered and sliced the knife over a part of your neck as you silently cried, blood trickling a bit with a sting. "I don't remember giving you permission or asking! What a greedy fucking slut. You done came once and all you can think about is cumming again? Fucking spoiled skank." He grumbled rubbing the high powered vibrator back and forth on your clit smearing your own juices all over the nerves that were almost numb from the stimulation.
Foxy felt your pussy spasming and grunted out, "Shit, she don't listen worth a damn either."
And with a few more powerful thrusts you couldn't contain it! Screaming out as the most violent orgasm you ever had ripped from you to your absolute terror. Foxy and Otis smirked.
"That's it, whore. Get off on my cock."
"Scream for us, Mama! Scream like you're being murdered! Give us a fuckin prelude!"
All while that knife pressed so tight to your throat a bit of stinging on a spot Otis cut. Mid orgasm Foxy came too as you wept. Foxy's cock swelling and twitching slightly as hot cum shot into you. Sobbing as you knew you were gonna die. Humiliated with Otis's cum on your belly and face. Foxy's cum leaking out of you with your own dripping off him. The scent of your pussy on both of them, their scent all over you and you cumming like that's all you were good for. You cried as Foxy pulled out and zipped himself up with a sigh. Otis jerked your chair back to sit as your head tingled from the blood flow coming back but you were sobbing too much to care. That knife to your throat.
"Well...If you were telling the truth, you ain't pure no more, babycakes." Foxy taunted with a smirk. "I didn't see no blood-" He gave in that outdated hymen talk way.
Otis leveled the knife to your throat. "Who says?"
Your lip trembled as that powerful orgasm made you lightheaded but still aware they were gonna kill you.
But...Otis jerked it away. "Wanna keep her for a bit?"
Foxy shrugged, "Fuck it, why not? She has a really creamy hole to fuck. Haven't got off that much in a hot minute."
Otis nodded taking the knife away completely as you looked in relief that soon became betrayal. "You...Tricked me?" You whimpered out in disbelief. Didn't know if you should be grateful or angry.
You expected Otis to hit for talking but he just grinned, "Did we trick you?" He mocked in your whiney voice. "Nah. Just changed my mind. For now."
Foxy laughed, "You came hard too. You a lil risk taker? You like us humilating you. Like your life being in our hands... What a cute lil freak."
You denied it and shook your head.
Foxy chuckled, "Lying ass."
Otis gently moved your chin to look at him running a thumb over your lip as if he gave a shit. "...Ya know what, Pretty Mama? I think we might just take you up on your offer. Get you a nice collar. Let ya be a pet. Tie you up. Fuck and feed ya. And you'll be damn grateful."
"Damn right." Foxy grinned. "Already got ideas for you. Yer gonna be a star, babydoll." He combed a large hand over your hair.
You shivered the idea of being fucked like that again both disgusted yet excited you...God, maybe it was better to not offer yourself at all? What the fuck did you get yourself into?...
"Just hope Baby doesn't fuck her up too much when she sees our new pet. She gets a little overzealous." Otis joked as if you were a thing.
"If she does? Meh. Some motherfuckers like a battered woman on camera. It sells." Foxy chuckled and got his shot gun as they discussed what to do with you.
What the hell did you agree to?
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