#like idk man maybe??? ive only been here a few months?? what if she wanted someone else to scrub it bc she asked me to do this like
wellthatschaotic · 9 months
are nts allergic to giving full clear instructions or something
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leclerced · 10 months
okay so idk how you and other anons feel about logan on here but i love the silly american man and i wish the florida man got appreciated more💔. like, him AND oscar? yes my loscar crumbs…
if you don’t like loscar definitely feel free to ignore this i just need to get it out before i go to SLEEP. also omg i didn’t expect this to be so long I APOLOGIZE 😭
okay… so yknow how loscar have been like friends since karting? i imagine like reader being one of the only girls karting in their division, maybe she’s like a year or two younger than oscar/logan and one of the youngest in the division overall (i actually have no idea how karting divisions work lmao). but anyways being younger and a girl, not many of the other boys are very nice to her 💔. loscar notice and try to befriend her because we love protective kings!
maybe one day she gets into an altercation (totally the dudes fault) and loscar (who have actually been looking after her very lowkey) notice and come over and are like wtf leave her alone or else. and boom instant friendship! just them being cute bffs together.. fast forward to like f3 or f2.. reader has had feelings for both oscar and logan but definitely keeps it to herself because “how am i gonna like not one but BOTH of my besties?” - she is definitely oblivious that both boys would like actually kill for her but that’s smth else.
logan and oscar have come to the realization at some point that they both like reader (and each other 😊) but aren’t sure what she would think. i think they’d all get together before they all get into f1 or something along those lines. i just like the idea of the three having a cute little bffs to lovers trope and being the cutest rookie trio.
anywho… sorry if some parts don’t make sense i am not very poetic with my words and am just RUNNING on delusions!
i was ambivalent towards logan a month ago bc he’s from florida, but the past few weeks ive kinda been loving him. he’s so cute. as a texan, if i ever met him i would make fun of him for being from florida. this is so cute i love the idea sm
there’s eventually going to be a moment where someone asks her which one she’s dating and she says neither of them, they’re just friends. the boys just sitting behind her with lovesick looks in their eyes while she says they’re just friends. idk much about logan so im gonna say oscar realizes he likes her and wants to ask her out but he’s nervous so he goes to logan.
when he tells him how he feels, logan tells him he actually feels the same so they go to her. she’s so upset bc they’re asking her who she likes, they want her to pick and she can’t do that. that’s the one thing she had been avoiding. she would be holding back tears as she tells them she likes them both but she knows she can’t have both so she'd rather stay friends so they can all move on. surprisingly, oscar says some shit like, "everyone already thinks we're a thrupple" and she tells him to shut up because she thinks he’s joking but logan agrees with him, “yeah remember a few weeks ago they asked you which one you were dating? next time just say both”
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cinebration · 3 years
It Isn’t Enough (Captain Syverson x Reader) [Request]
Thank you for opening requests, i love your writing!
If you feel up for it: I like fics where one is an complete asshole in the beginning but notices it after some time and tries to make it better/apologizes.
So maybe a Captain Syverson fic where you are an soldier that comes new to his troop and he for whatever reason starts to humiliate her/has her do drills that would be extreme even for men and does that for days. And reader never complains because she hates beeing seen as less for being a woman, but is completely exhausted.
And idk either she collapses and some point or for extra drama gets wounded in a fight because she cant defend herself because she is so weak from his treatment. And he notices what a asshole he was.
Idk something like that would be awesome but I love all your fics, write whatever you like 😄 — Requested by anon
Hooo boy, anon, this was fun to write. Not sure you’ll like the ending, though.
Warnings: gunshot
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Gif Source: calebduume
You wanted to punch Syverson in his goddamn face and make him bleed. Perhaps that was a byproduct of growing up with two older brothers, of having to fight and scrape your way to be “valued,” but the urge to beat Syverson into submission was strong.
It was bad enough you were the only woman assigned to his unit. It was worse still that he was holding it against you.
When the orders had come in that you were being assigned to his unit, you had balked. Bunch of grunts like that were guaranteed to make hell for you—even more so because you were being sent to them to help deal with the female population. The men intimidated the women and therefore were missing out on vital intelligence.
It chafed you that you were solely being selected based on your sex. You had gone out of your way to distinguish yourself in the hopes that you wouldn’t be seen only as a female soldier. You had performed comparably with the men in most categories and had exhibited great improvement in the ones you were lacking. Your old CO had lauded you for your diligence and determination.
Only now you were back at square one, dealing with a captain who clearly did not want a woman on his team of brutes.
You refused to let him see it, but you were suffering. As part of his campaign to scrub you out of the unit, he had you working unpredictable hours. He had you running the perimeter at two in the morning after only an hour of sleep, then made you clean the toilets. The other men noticed but didn’t quite say anything. Only one dared to offer you sympathetic glances and tried to shoulder some of the excessive responsibilities being heaped on you. When Syverson caught on, however, the man was punished alongside you.
When the summer arrived, some four months after you had been assigned, Syverson had you running suicides at high noon. You nearly collapsed from heat stroke, but you persisted, aware he and the others were watching you. After, you shambled into the building, clothes soaked with sweat, and made it to your room before passing out.
An hour later, Syverson all but kicked down the door. “Get up, we’re rolling out.”
Flushed and still shaky, you glared up at him. “Yessir.”
The muscle in his jaw twitched, but he stormed out, leaving you to suit up.
You knew something was wrong when you had trouble getting into your gear. Your fingers fumbled, and you felt dizzy, the floor rocking beneath you. You struggled to think straight, everything fuzzy inside your head and out.
Get it together, you hissed inwardly, and then you were out the door.
The merciless sun beat down on you, cooking you in your fatigues and body armor as you moved with the others through the empty square. Everything baked in the heat, waves shimmering off the streets and buildings. Your vision wavered as you scanned through the haze.
The silence stretching over the market square should have set your nerves jangling, but your unsteadiness countered that, making you trudge after the others without a word. Something fluttered in the corner of your eye. Squinting, you turned sluggishly toward it, saw a figure leaning against a building.
Why are they doing that, your addled mind asked.
Pain exploded through your chest, knocking you down. You didn’t so much as cry out, the breath in your lungs gone. The dirt pressed into your face, shoving your sunglasses against your temple. Gunfire cracked around you. Heavy hands yanked you back, dragging you across the dirt with ease. You faded in and out, hearing shouts as you were flung to safety behind the Humvee.
You woke slowly, grainy eyes peeling open unpleasantly, as though every grain of dirt and sand had worked their way under the lids. Mouth gummy, you swallowed thickly and tried to get your bearings, your head pounding. The room around you resolved into the medic tent.
A light breeze toyed with the flap of the tent, making the harsh sunlight play in jagged lines across everything.
Voices cut through the fog in your head.
“You almost killed her!”
“It’s not my fault she didn’t see—”
“She should never have been out there! Thanks to your drills, she was suffering from heat stroke!”
You tried to elbow up into a sitting position. Pain flared through your chest, another wave through your skull. You groaned despite yourself.
The flap smacked open as the medic stormed back into the tent, rushing to your side. “Whoa there, take it easy.” He eased you back down onto the bed. “You took a bullet to the chest on top of the heat stroke.”
You glanced at the IV stuck in your arm and the saline drip attached to it above you. “Everyone…okay?”
The medic arched his eyebrows.
Captain Syverson’s voice sent a jolt of surprise through you. He stood at the foot of the cot, arms folded over his broad chest. He didn’t quite meet your eyes, his brow creased deeply. Dirt clung to his features, plastered there with sweat.
The medic fussed over you for a few minutes, checking vitals and talking to soothe you. You ignored him, painfully aware of Syverson’s presence and resenting it.
“I want to speak to her alone.”
The medic shook his head. “I don’t think that—”
“That’s an order.”
The medic glared at him for a long moment before relenting, backing out of the tent. You shifted uneasily on the cot, tensing as you felt Syverson shift his attention back to you.
“You’re a stubborn fuck,” he growled.
Your mouth curled into a snarl. “Save it for when I’m back on my feet.”
The muscle in his jaw clenched. “You should have said something about the heat stroke.”
“Why? To give you the satisfaction of having ‘beaten’ me?”
He glanced away, making you frown. The man usually stared you down, not flinched. “I’m sorry.”
The words took the breath out of you. “You’re joking.”
“I don’t joke. I shouldn’t have run you so hard.”
Shaking your head, you leaned back against the pillow. “Well, it worked. You’ve successfully driven me out.”
“I’m requesting a transfer.”
The statement hung in the air between you both, stifling. You heard Syverson shift on his feet. Good, you thought. Leave.
“You should stay.”
You blinked, glanced at you him. Had you heard him correctly? “Excuse me?”
“Don’t make me repeat it.”
“Why should I stay? You did everything you could to make my life a living hell.”
“I shouldn’t have done that.”
You couldn’t tell if he was being genuine. You scrutinized his face, the way he couldn’t meet your eyes, as though terribly uncomfortable. “Why did you do it? Because I’m a woman?”
The words seemed to be yanked from him. “I didn’t think you could manage it out here. I didn’t think you should.”
It was exactly what you thought, but it still stung. Hand curling into a fist, your bruised chest aching, you said, “I guess you were right.”
“I’m trying to say I wasn’t,” he growled.
“Just promise me the next woman sent to this unit doesn’t suffer the same treatment.”
His lips pressed into a thin line. “So you won’t stay?”
“No.” You let your gaze drift up to the tent’s canopy. “I’m done. With all of it.”
Syverson moved to the tent flap. He paused, his shadow stretching across your feet. “I am sorry.”
“It isn’t enough.”
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bellasweetwriting · 4 years
Jess Mariano x f.Reader
(not my gif)
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requests:  “omg please please PLEASE do a jess mariano x reader with the enemies to lovers prompt that says “ive accepted my feelings now accept yours” i can’t remember the number lol but hope that helps!” -- holiwould
“ okay bet. jess mariano x reader except the reader feels like jess is kinda slipping out of control and away from her and she can’t keep fixing his mistakes and they maybe break up or something? idk ab the ending that up to you ” - holiwould
note: this is a mix between the two requests, the song Miss You by Louis Tomlinson, and When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars. If you haven’t heard them listen to them while you read
warnings: yelling, some trauma, most angst, kissing
word count: 2,3k
He was staring at your picture. Your hair was a little bit shorter than it is now. You were wearing this wine tone of lipstick that the employee of Sephora recommended to you. He remembered that time you kissed his cheek as he said goodbye just for him to walk six blocks with your lips marked on his face,
Damn, he missed you.
He missed your laughter, your suggestions for movie nights that always involved either Brad Pitt or Ryan Gosling. So much you loved them, and he knew that; he was jealous of them even.
Could he drink his memories away? Damn it, he needed to erase you from his thoughts. Everything reminded him of you. Every song on the radio was about you. 
His pride, his ego, his arrogance, caused you to walk away from him the moment he needed you the most. 
"Jess!" You exclaimed as he lifted you up and threw you to the pool, jumping next. "Why did you do that?"
You were both staying at Jess's friend's house after a celebration party for your new book, which was just published. You and Jess went outside to the backyard and walked around the swimming pool when he decided it would be funny to throw you to the water. 
After seeing you battle to get to the surface, he jumped too, holding his laughter until his head was above the water, staring at you with a big cocky smile. 
You threw water and him while you took off your favorite shirt since you didn't want the chemicals of the pool to ruin it. You left it by the side of the swimming pool where just a few seconds ago you were standing unaware that you would end up in the water.
Jess glanced at you, not being able to ignore that your shirt was gone and your bra was visible. He smiled foolishly, not being able to help it. 
"Stop looking at me, you horn dog," you exclaimed laughing, as you splashed him, Jess tossing water back at you. "Was this your master plan? To throw me to the pool in the middle of the night and froze me to death just to see my underwear?" He laughed even louder, and you couldn't help to join him, letting out a giggle. "You have no game, Mariano."
"You look just so darn cute when you are mad, Y/N," he said with that tone of his. His deep voice stumbled in your brain as you sat down on the edge of the swimming pool. He swam quickly in your direction, impulsing himself out of the water and sitting next to her. "Did the cold pass?"
"No, I'm just trying a new blue tone in my lips. Does it suit me?" You sarcastically asked as he stretched his arm and grabbed his jean jacket, covering your shoulders with it. "Oh, what a gentleman. Is this your new move, because I'm falling for it. I want you, I need you. Oh, baby, oh, baby." Jess chuckled as you simply rolled your eyes, putting on Jess's jacket correctly. "Aren't you cold, Cry-Baby Walker?" 
"I've been worst. Those cold nights in New York City, only covered by a blanket and the constant screaming of the adults in the room at the end of the hall, were the coldest nights and roughest nights," he murmured before looking at you. You were shooked as you listened to him, but soonly upset when he started laughing. "You sometimes say a joke and never know if it is trauma until you see the look on people's faces."
"Asshole," you mumbled.
"Pretty," he replied, making you look at him. He slowly leaned in until he was close to your lips before whispering next to them, "I know a way to warm up." And with that, he kissed you gently, running his fingers through your wet hair, instantly warming you up.
"Hey, Jess!" Yelled some guy, grabbing the guy's attention.
Suddenly, he wasn't at that swimming pool anymore. He was at the bar again, filled with these stupid friends he made in this new city. If you saw him right now, you wouldn't even recognize him.
He was wearing a leather jacket and some old jeans, with an edition of The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand on his pocket, a book he wasn't able to finish yet. He had in his hands your photograph next to that old vintage restaurant three blocks away from where you work. You described it as that colorful coffee shop with strawberry smoothies and a cute place to read a book or spend time with people you care about.
"Mariano," his friend called him again, appearing with two glasses of beer and sitting next to the writer. "What are you doing crying over here? We are having a party in your honor, man. It is not an everyday thing that your books get a review on the Washington Post, and make it to the Best-Sellers list. What's up with you?"
"Today is her birthday." His friend looked at him, confused. The clock had just marked midnight. "It's her birthday, and I'm in fucking New York City, getting drunk with people I met three weeks ago and staring at a picture that was taken a year ago."
No matter what this strange guy that he calls friend just to lie at himself to hide that he is, in reality, alone would say. He missed you.
"Don't make so much noise, Mariano!" You yelled at him in a whisper, both of you watching their steps as they enter his apartment. "Your neighbors are trying to sleep."
"I feel so sorry for them already," was the reply you got from Jess as he closed the door behind him and started kissing you, leading your way to the couch. "Who could say that I would be making out little Y/N someday?"
"Did you just call me «little Y/N»?" You questioned, laughing between kisses. "Hey, so I was thinking..."
"Think, no talk," he interrupted you as both of you sat on the couch.
"Wait, it is important," you said again, making him give up and listen to you. "Ok, so tomorrow, as you know, is my birthday..."
"What?" Jess exclaimed. "You never told me it was your birthday tomorrow! Now, I'll have to cancel my plans. Wait a sec..."
You looked at him, confused. Plans?
"Jess, I told you tomorrow was my birthday, like five times. With whom did you make plans tomorrow?"
"Wel, Jack, Fred, and Gabs. We were going out to the movies or some. Let me call Fred and tell him."
"Gabs as in Gabriella? Your ex?" He nodded. "You could've told me."
"Why? She's ancient history, and you aren't my girlfriend."
You quickly stood up, making him look over his cellphone to you. You didn't look happy, you seemed really upset.
"What are we doing here, Jess?"
"What do you mean?"
"For how long have we been hooking up? A month? Six weeks?" He knew where this was going. "At what are we playing here?"
"I don't know. You want to be something serious, I don't understand."
"That is precisely the thing I'm talking about, Jess. You never know anything. You never communicate! You have no idea how to express yourself or even how to treat a person that cares about you."
Jess sighed.
"What do you want from me, Y/N, huh?"
"I want you to care for someone at least once, Jess! I want you to remember things like my birthday or my favorite things or the way I like my coffee because you want to remember; because you care about me. We aren't teenagers anymore, Jess! You are grown enough to know that relationships are built by communication."
The writer quickly stood up, ready to discuss. 
"I care about you, Y/N!"
"No, you don't..." she whispered. "You can't even admit that you like me. That what you feel for me is more than making out because of boredom." He looked over to the big window with the view of Philadelphia. "Your birthday is on March 9th. You tend to forget to carry a pencil with you, and surprisingly, you are always in need of one, so I always carry one in my bag. When you meet someone, you stay extremely quiet while they talk and don't even say goodbye to them when you leave, and I've always told you that that is extremely rude, but you don't listen, you change the subject." 
His eyes met yours, and he noticed the tears that were threatening to leave your eyes. 
"You like french toasts," you continued, "but not with your coffee, so I always serve you orange juice when I make them for breakfast. Your eyes shine every time your uncle calls to tell you that he is doing fine because even if you don't admit it, you love him and appreciate him so much. And I remember all of those little details because I care about you, Jess. Hell, call me idiotic and girl for even thinking that maybe... I'm in love with you. But I'm worth more than this, Jess, I am. And if you can't see it, then it is no my problem. I am done trying just to release I am doing it alone. I've accepted my feelings, now accept yours. Bye, Jess."
And with that, you left.
"Then what are you doing here?" The guy asked Jess, dragging him away from his memories.
"What do you mean?" Jess asked.
"You are clearly not over this chick, you don't want to be in this party even though it is kinda in your honor, and it's her birthday. So, just leave. Go get her.
"How would I be certain she'll receive me with open arms?"
"You don't, man, that's the thing about love: you never know what is going to happen until you take the leap of faith."
He was right. He has always been scared of making the big jump. He has always been insecure about if anyone is going to be waiting to catch him. He couldn't keep making the same mistake over and over, he had to accept his feelings.
"I'm gonna go now. Thanks for the party, man."
Jess Mariano has never been more sure about something that what he was about to do. It was absurd. He was going to drive for an hour and a half in the middle of the night to Philadelphia. Yeah, sounded insane, but everything was about taking that leap of faith he was always scared to make.
But as soon as he hit the road, the doubts and questions hit his head like a train. What was he going to do? How would it end?
He was a writer. Every time he had an idea, the next thing that he knew was how it was going to end. You can't write a story without knowing the ending. But apparently, that was the only way of living it.
While he was driving to Philadelphia, you were sitting on your kitchen island, staring at that red velvet cupcake that held your single birthday candle. You were all alone, the same way you were your last birthday. You couldn't believe a year has passed since the last time you saw him.
You read that his book made the best-sellers list of the week. As soon as you read his name, the memories came back, as they have never left, they were just hiding inside a locked box waiting to come out.
Jess Mariano messed with your life in a way you could have never imagined. You were in love with him, and he never prooved you, he felt the same way with you. Jess wasn't even slipping away from you, you knew Jess always had a footstep out of the door, and you tried to ignore it, but it was almost impossible. Once he was in your life, he was in your life forever.
You blew the little candle, ate your cupcake, and went to sleep, not knowing that two hours later, you'll wake up by the sound of the doorbell. Who could be at two am in the morning? Your friends were going to come to prepare you breakfast, but a seven-hours head start was too much, even for them. 
"What's going on?" You sleepily asked as you opened the door, looking at Jess standing there. "Mariano? What are you doing here?"
"Your headaches are provoked by strong smells. You ran away from home at 18, but I've seen you call your parents from now and then to check on them. Your eyes light up at the mention of sugar. You have this Victoria Secret perfume that you stole from your aunt, and you never used it, you just like to spray it on the air and inhale it, because she smelled like that and you miss her. You used to be addicted to gum, so much that your mom had prohibited you from ever buying it. You love watching people renovate their houses on HGTV, and you make plans on how you are going to remodel your place. You love strawberries covered in chocolate, and you cry at the movies. And I remember all of these, even if it has been a year because I care about you, Y/N. And I couldn't say it back then because I was scared, but now I'm not. Now, I am the guy for you. I know how much you are worth it, I knew since the day I met you." He took a deep breath. "Please, Y/N, let me prove it to you that I can be the guy you need."
What would you say if Jess Mariano was standing in your doorstep, begging for a second chance? I'm honestly asking.
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eberles · 4 years
i hate u, i love u
Rafe Cameron
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(gif by @toesure :)
Request: A Rafe fic based on the song “I hate u, I love you” by gnash (ft Olivia O’Brien) PLEASE MAJOR RAFE VIBES 🥺💖 @fav-imagines
A/N: I wanted to cry writing this lol idk why but it hit me right in the feels!! it’s kind of all over the place, if anyone is confused by, don’t worry bc i am too!!!! lol anyways enjoy!! (this is probably the first thing ive ever written that goes with rafe’s character) bold = lyrics, italics = flashbacks
Warnings: angst, mentions of drugs, cheating, lying, toxic relationship, swearing
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feelin used, but im still missin you and i cant see the end of it just wanna feel your kiss against my lips and now all this time is passing by, but i still cant seem to tell you why it hurts me every time i see you, realize how much i need you
I’ve spent months sitting in my room staring at the ceiling, and at the walls. I did a full Bella Swan from New Moon and let 3 months go by without being present for any of them. I didn’t care honestly...Even after spending all that time alone, i’m not still not healed from the heartache that was caused by him. I still miss him, his scent, his kisses, his clothes, everything. Rafe.
I went out once and he was the last person I wanted or planned to see, but of course, he was the only person I actually saw. Sure, there were other people around, but none of them mattered. Everyone else felt greyed out except for him. He was the only light I could see in those short moments. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion, my breath hitched in my throat and it felt like there was no air left to breathe.
After months it still hurts to see him again. It hurts because I realized I still need him even after everything. I hate him. So why do I love him? The feeling of him being the only one I want, the one nobody could ever replace...it’s overwhelming and I can’t seem to shake it. But me? He replaced. It looked like it was easy from my point of view. He needed her, wanted her, and i’m not her.
i miss you when i can’t sleep or right after coffee or right when i can’t eat, i miss you in my front seat, still got sand in my sweaters from nights we don’t remember. do you miss me like i miss you? fucked around and got attached to you.
My head was consumed on thoughts of you. It was constant. Like the leaky faucet in the bathroom or the loose floorboard. Always running, always broken. I miss you. Maybe you’ll come around, but for now...I wish you were here instead. When it’s late and I can’t sleep, I think about you. When it’s early and I can’t eat, I think about you.
“Where are we going?” you giggled excitedly, grabbing my hand from across the console in my truck.
“Shh, I told you it’s a surprise baby, we’re almost there anyways.” I laughed at her giggling like a kid, she had so much excitement in her eyes. She was always ready for anything, even if it was 2 in the morning and I love that about her. I love everything about her.
“Ugh fine!” she groaned dramatically and rolled her eyes in a full circle looking up at the ceiling. “Why are we at the beach?” you didn’t even give me enough time to answer before jumping out of the truck and running towards the sand laughing the entire way to the water. Once I caught up with you, I grabbed your hands and pulled you close into my chest, kissing your forehead. When we broke apart I laid down a few blankets on the sand, noticing you were cold, I also gave you my sweater.
We stared at the stars and talked about anything and everything for hours. It felt magical. We stayed until the sun came up, watching the sunset before driving back to my house for some much needed rest.
Walking over to my closet, curious to know if that same sweater ended up back in my closet after that night. I reached in, digging around not finding anything and decided to look in my dresser instead. Of course, it was folded neatly in the drawer you used to call yours. Grabbing and shaking it out I noticed the light pieces of sand that fell from it. I brought it in to my nose wondering if it still smelt like your perfume. It did. I’m always tired lately, but never of you. Do you miss me too?
if i pulled a you on you, you wouldn’t like that shit, i put this reel out, but you wouldn’t bite that shit. i type a text then i never mind that shit, i got these feelings, but you never mind that shit. you’re still in love with me but your friends don’t know.
To Y/N: i wanna talk, i think...maybe i miss y-
To Rafe: I miss you so much, it hurt someti-
“Y/N...what’s going on? You’re off in never never land! Do you still miss him?” Kiara asked, gently shaking my knee to gain my attention back to the group. I looked at her and around at the rest of the pogues and put a smile on my face, shaking my head.
“Of course not, it’s been months! I’m so over him, guys. Besides even if I did, it wouldn’t matter.” I tried so hard to sound confident. I hope they bought it. Of fucking course, I miss Rafe. I’m still in love with him for gods sake. I hate that I want him.
Sure, i’ve moved on, but I think about y/n, just about everyday. I guess for me, moving on is finding someone new, but not actually wanting anyone new. I just couldn’t bare to be alone anymore with my thoughts. I deserve better than that, personally.
“Anyways Topper, if y/n wanted me still, she would say so right?” I looked at Topper, silently hoping he would lie to me, just tell me what I want to hear, man. “If I were her, I would’ve never let me go. She’s missing out.”
“Hell yea, dude! That’s the right attitude.” Topper said, jumping up to high five me. Of course, that was the statement he was on board with. I hate that I want you.
I haven’t been to a party in months, Kiara and Sarah thought that this would be the most fitting post-break up activity for me. Maybe meet a new guy or something. I tuned out when they were telling me about it and just agreed. What I neglected to listen to, was that it was a kook party. So now, i’m at a party alone, since my friends ditched me to dance with each other. And on top of that, I watch him watch her, like she’s the only girl he’s ever seen.
It took less than an hour of being at this party for us to end up in a room alone together.
“You don’t care! You never did!” Rafe shouted, running his hands through his hair, clearly exasperated with this conversation. I don’t even know how it started. One minute I was watching him with another girl, and the next he was hauling me off, away from everyone.
“You don’t give a damn about me, Rafe! How is it you never notice that you’re slowly killing me?” you wanted to yell back at him, to scream at him for putting you through this again, but you couldn’t. He didn’t say anything in return so you continued, “I hate you, and I hate that I love you, Rafe.” I’ve tried to move on, but even the simple thought of dating anyone but him, makes me physically ill. Why does it have to be like this?
“I don’t mean no harm, I just miss you on my arm, babe. Do you ever wonder what we could’ve been y/n?” He’s taunting me by asking dumb questions, as if I wanted this to happen, as if i’m the cause of all of this. Rafe’s the one that was closed off, not me. Of course, he switches the stories and i’m sure everyone at this damn party thinks I left him heart broken.
“You have a girlfriend, why are you even asking me that?” I was starting to get angry, I felt like he was toying with me.
He’s laughing. Of fucking course, he’s laughing at me. This is all one big fucking joke to him. “Lie to me, lie with me, get your fucking fix. Isn’t that what you always told your friends Rafe?” I was furious, how could he act that way after everything? He’s still a child though, that will never change.
You were right. I did lie to you, multiple times. About where I was, who I was with, what I was doing. I didn’t want you to know I was such a fuck up. You didn’t deserve the pain of finding out I was lying and cheating and drugging. You did anyways though. Now all my drinks and all my feelings are all fucking mixed.
“Rafe! Come dance with me!” I downed the rest of my drink before throwing the glass down and walking away from the new girl I was seeing. I didn’t care anymore.
I don’t want you, Y/N. I shouldn’t fucking miss you. I don’t deserve to! Seeing you again is such bullshit. If you wouldn’t have shown up here, I wouldn’t have said those things to you. Sometimes you gotta burn some bridges, just to create some distance. You didn’t deserve that, I knew it, but at least now you might learn your lesson and stay away. It’s for the best, right?
I hate that I love her, but I can’t put nobody else above her.
I wasn’t sure if I had the closure I needed, but after that particular conversation with Rafe I felt a little better. I returned to the party with my head held high and danced with my friends. I hoped he was watching me too since i’m not sure what he was trying to do by joking around at my expense. But maybe if he thinks it didn’t bother me he will know how it fucking feels. 
I learned from my dad that it’s good to have feelings when love and trust is gone. I guess this is moving on. I hate you, I love you.
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bucky-iss-bae · 4 years
Reminiscences - Peter Hale x OFC (Part 2)
Hello againnnn - so I’m finally back, finally going to be active. 
My life has been a mess, I’ve not been motivated, and mentally I’ve gone through a lot the last 10 months, got thorugh University, Graduated, got a job, was a shit job, got another grad job during quarentine, and it’s been good and bad... 
Sorry for never posting and being bad at this, but I want to bounce back, so now its timmmeee. Also this Fic is actually completed. 
Want to post more, and just give you guys good content xoxo 
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Peter Hale x OFC (Calla)
Word Count: 2900 (Sorryyy, idk why it’s so long) 
Warnings: None - Slow Start I guess
Summary: Calla has grown up as Derek’s best friend, she’s known the Hales her whole life,she’s known their secrets and everything in Beacon Hills. Things in Beacon Hills are quiet, the pack are a family, and Calla realises that Peter knows more of her secrets than she realises.
A/N: Hope you all enjoy, any feedback is welcome x
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Peter Hale x OFC - Reminiscenes Part 1 
Part 2 
The days following that evening I completely ignored Peter. I saw him whenever he was lurking around Derek’s, I even went to the efforts of walking the complete opposite direction as him when I went grocery shopping. But if he remembers, everything every single thing I told him. Then I may as well die now. Especially since he’ll use that against me. This is Peter we’re on about.
“So you’ve apparently been ignoring Peter?” Derek asked once he settled onto my couch on Thursday.
I rolled my eyes, “And. There’s nothing wrong with that, he’s a psycho”
Derek huffed out a laugh, “There is when it makes him mopey. He comes around to mine in hope that you’re there you know”  
“Well, maybe he should stop trying to be such a stalker” I told his nephew. It was weird that there was such a large but short age difference between Peter and us. He wasn’t ever seen as the adult when we were younger, he had a boyish smirk, he had charm, and wit, and was so different compared to how he is now. He completely changed because of the fire, and the 5 years of solitude almost. He grew up, yet I didn’t see this change despite being the only person visiting him. I didn’t know he was the alpha yet I made a fool out of myself by being there for him, and he couldn’t even trust me.
“You sure it’s that?” Derek asked.
“Derek. If you’re here to talk about Peter then you can just leave. Actually no you can’t you don’t have an option, stop talking about Peter, tonight is about us. If you want I’ll send him a text saying hi later and then ignore him”
Derek shook his head a small smirk on his face. I felt a bit bad that I was taking Derek away from his boyfriend. But I needed my best friend sometimes as well.
“Good, now how are things with Stiles going?”
Derek huffed out a laugh, “They’re going well. Really well actually, never really thought that I would end up with him, but it’s the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. And I sound like a soppy teenager. So let’s talk about your love life”
I snorted, “Right, what love life? Actually, I went on a date last week, it was a complete failure. I’m just glad that the girls who set me up with him don’t work in the same department as him”  
Derek started to laugh, “How comes I didn’t know about this?”
“Because I didn’t tell anyone. I didn’t even... it wasn’t even a big deal for me. I wasn’t excited, I just wanted to get it over and done with, and the worst thing is when I was getting into my car at the end of the night he tried to kiss me. And Derek I still cringe, what happened was I turned my head so fast he kissed my hair. Completely missed the cheek”
This caused Derek to laugh, loudly, at me. “Wow Calla. Who would’ve thought huh?” He asked.
I rolled my eyes at him, “Shut up. It was a mess, so I rather not talk about that. Instead, I’m going to set up a tinder profile.”
Derek still had this amused smirk on his face, it was nice seeing him like this. For the first time in years, he was happy. His life was on track, sure there were constant threats to the town, but that happens, that’s part of the job description of being a werewolf, and with Derek being a complete shifter, it makes a difference.
But being with Stiles makes a difference, you can literally see the way that he looks at him, and I haven’t seen him this happy in a long time. He’s almost that young cocky guy he once was, but a more matured version who has a history to him. Who has so much more to himself than ever before, and I’m proud of him. Proud of everything he’s gone through and defeated. I know his mom, and sister would also be proud of him, whether he’s an alpha or not, he’s still so powerful, and has such a good heart.
“Let’s get started then” He grinned at me.
I rolled my eyes and rather than Pizza we ordered Chinese food, and rather than watching a film we created a tinder profile for me. It was terrible, Derek called in the big guns and Stiles was on Face time with us, which made it even worse for me. But I didn’t mind, I love stiles, and boy let me tell you he added spice to my basic profile. And obviously gave my pictures a yes or no.
“I’ve helped you guys this far, let me help with the swiping” Stiles said through the phone.
I scoffed at him, “Derek say bye to your man he’s helped enough”
Derek shook his head with a small smile on his face, “You heard the boss” He said to him.
“All that help, you better show me your matches or who you’ve spoken to over the next few days Calla. I’ll know if you don’t”
I laughed at him and Derek soon hung up, “Come on, let’s see who’s around then”
Both Derek and I started swipping through these guys, commenting to each other, and swiping left or right. Mainly left. Let’s be honest. Most of these guys either looked like guys who were balding too early in life, or others who were after a quick fuck. Despite everything I did manage to swipe right a few times.
“Please let’s stop now. Like, if you think I’m going actually going to find anyone through tinder its... not likely. It’s just a bit of fun, could lead to a quick lay”
“The same way Stiles and I getting together wasn’t likely”
I grinned at him “I should’ve called it. When you constantly wanted to get mad at him, way back when, and you just couldn’t. But that itself feels like years ago”
“Yeah, the same way my uncle spared your life?” Derek said back.
I glared at him and hit his arm, “I hate you, and I’m pretty sure your uncle is a sociopath”
“Yeah. Same but, let’s be real here. He has a soft spot for you Calla”
“Derek, I will stab you if you don’t shut up.”
“I would love to see you try”
I narrowed my eyes at him, “I will call Argent right now and get him to help me out”
He laughed, “Alright, I’ll shut up now. I’m sorry”
I nodded, “You better be sorry... Also why do you keep bringing up your uncle of all people to me?” I asked curiously.
Derek knows nothing of what I done whilst he was away, he knows nothing of the feelings I once harboured for Peter, maybe I still do which is why I’m so defensive, but no one needs to know this. But still, there’s got to be a reason behind Derek’s madness right now. Maybe Peter wormed his way into his head? It’s a possibility.
“You just said you wanted me to shut up”
I shrugged, “Just curious. Then you can shut up, and we can watch something”
He shook his head, “The way he acts around you I guess. He’s a prick towards everyone, including you don’t get me wrong, but he’s a different type of prick round you. And he cares about you, he gets protective, worries, cares”
I would be lying if I said that didn’t affect me, but it does. Although it means nothing.
“Derek, are you forgetting that I was basically raised around him. Wherever you were, he was, or the other way around. Like he’s been a constant figure in my life for a very long time. Sure he wasn’t mobile for a few of those years. But he was still in Beacon Hills. So maybe that’s why, maybe he has something that slightly resembles feelings from when he’s younger and he sees me as the kid that he used to teach basketball to, and just putting this out there I am amazing at basketball, which has got to be the meaning behind this madness, and this is because of him, and maybe a little you, but still”
“Really? We live in this town, and that’s what you call madness?” He asked.
“Yes Derek. That is madness, you’re forgetting I’m just a human girl who only just knows how to defend herself and I rather have that as my type of madness instead of anything else”
“How have you actually been?” He asked me giving me a serious look, “Like... you’ve literally been thrown into this world again, months after your parents passed away, and sure that was a couple of years ago, but you rarely see your younger brother because he’s working abroad, and the only other family you have is us. But most weekends we’re off fighting something supernatural, and you’re just at the loft, waiting.”
I shrugged, “I’m fine Derek. I’m happy... sure I miss my parents a lot and that set me back a lot. That made me want to constantly curl up into a ball and just cry. But having you back, having this normal-ish again. These last few months, I’ve gotten better. Ive also got my girls” I said with a smile, but he looked at me, waiting for me to elaborate causing me to sigh and twist my body completely towards him,
“Derek, I’m working an amazing Job, sure it doesn’t pay the best but I don’t need the money. I have money, instead I’m doing something I enjoy, and they’re easy shifts. I’ve always wanted to be an elementary teacher, but without the stress so a teaching assistant is the best thing. And I have Fridays off, and I do talk to my brother. Just not as often as I want because he’s doing so well for himself in London. And I have you Derek, I have my life long best friend. After everything we’ve been through we’re both here and we’re both happy. Sure my life could be further along than it currently is, but I’m finally in a good place”
He nodded at me, “Good” He whispered, “I’m happy to hear that”
“I hate you” I said shaking my head, but in reality he knows that I love him and he is my absolute best friend no matter how much I want to kill him.  
Apparently Lydia and Malia found it amusing that I now have an online dating profile. Everyone did, all aside from one person. That person I’m still avoiding but he still finds a way to worm his way into my life, especially since I’m currently sat with the girls, who are judging each and every guy whose photo I scroll through, and his face pops up.
Malia was laughing, seeing her father’s face on my phone, and Lydia finding it as amusing made me realise I need more friends other than Derek my age. Especially since Lydia decided on swiping right.
“Well, well, it’s a match” Lydia laughed, “But it makes me think, whats the maximum age you’re hitting here”
I rolled my eyes with a small scoff, trying to keep my heartbeat in place, “Well, if I wanted to talk to him. I would, yet I’m not, and you just swiped for me, that’s not fair, and guy my age are… I don’t know” I said to them.
“Well he clearly wants to talk to you” Lydia murmured.
I scoffed, “He wants to get under my skin. It’s what he does. Anyway don’t you girls have I don’t know other stuff to do?” I asked trying to change the subject.
“Nope, completely free tonight.” Lydia grinned.
I internally groaned but only seconds later was I literally saved by the bell, my phone started to ring, and Derek’s name popped up.
“Hello” I answered.
“Where are you?” He asked.
“I’m at Lydia’s place. With Lydia and Malia. Why?”
“No reason. Just, a few threats about, tell me when you’re going to leave to get home, and message me when you get there alright”
I rolled my eyes but had a small smile on my face, “Yes of course Derek. Do you know who or what it is?”
“Not sure yet. Probably isn’t something too dangerous. But whatever it is, they’re drawing other hunters to town. And now we have twice as much to look out for.”
“Stay safe then Derek. Does Chris know the hunters?”
“He’s looking into it”
I nodded, “Alright then. Just make sure you’re all safe and everything ok”
“Yeah always. Remember to message me when you get home” He then hung up and I looked at Lydia,
“What’s happened?” She asked me,
“Something else is out there, along with some hunters. And now I’m worried that these hunters will obviously know about our boys, and one thing will lead to another and someone might get hurt”
She had a worried expression on her face before looking at Malia who was on the phone to Scott, “We’ll figure it out. We always do”
I nodded, although I didn’t get involved as much considering I’m human with no special ability at all, and no badge, and well I’m not the smartest of the bunch. I just make sure everyone’s safe and worry about them all whilst making sure they eat and do their homework. That’s obviously the teacher side of me coming out there, no matter what ages I teach even if I am only a teaching assistant who works 4 days a week.  
“So Scott just said that Stiles and Chris are trying to find out who the hunters actually are, and that he Derek and Peter are going to find whatever’s out there. He told me to stay here...”
“You’re not are you?” Lydia asked.
Malia smirked and shook her head, “Nope. And I’m pretty sure you two won’t either, so who’s going to drop me off at Scott’s house?”
Both Lydia and I looked at each other before sighing and getting up, we got our stuff together, she called out to her mom telling her that we were going to Scott’s before we all left.
“What are you all doing here?” Scott asked once we walked in.
“You think we’re really going to let all the boys have the fun?” Malia asked her boyfriend, “And come on, I know those woods better than anything” She shrugged.
No one could deny that, both her and Chris were the best hunters here. As in being able to physically find something with the given clues.
“And I’m here to assist Stiles and Chris apparently” Lydia shrugged, everyone easily let that pass before all eyes were on me.
“I thought I told you to go home. It’s dangerous”
I shrugged, “I know. I really didn’t have any other choice” I said nodding my head towards Malia.
“Well you should just go home then. You’ll just be in the way otherwise” Peter snapped at me.
I rose my eyebrows at him, silently cursing Lydia for swiping right on his stupid face.
“I might just stay, make sure you don’t snake anyone out” I spat back to him.
“What and you think you’ll be able to stop me?”
“Peter won’t do anything, we’re not even sure what the problem is at the moment. So just go home Calla” Derek told me.
I felt a bit taken back at how blunt and rude he was at that, and considering no one decided on saying anything, I just grabbed my bag and left without a word. Because hey there’s nothing new there, being treated like I’m nothing despite seeing everyone as family. I would’ve expected a bit more considering they’ve got literal kids in there helping yet I can’t. Even if it is to make sure they’re all safe and not making stupid plans. I was there when Talia was alpha, I know how things work. Instead I just get embarrassed surrounded by my friends, and left to feel worthless because I’m of no help.
As soon as I got in my car, I knew that all I needed right now was a glass of wine, and some trash TV.
Which is exactly what I done when I got home, wine, some trash TV, and the comfort of my own apartment. And as petty as I may sound, I just hate feeling this way, and knowing that it’s something that constantly happens, I don’t see why I get involved in the first place. It’s the same old thing, I try and be there for everyone, they shut me out whenever shit goes down and I just keep running back. But no this isn’t going to keep happening because this week I will make the time and effort to go out with my girlfriends. I’ll dress up and have fun without worrying about anything else. Derek won’t be there to stop me, Peter won’t be there with his snarky remarks, and I won’t be surrounded by teenagers.
Which is exactly why I messaged my friends that I’m always talking to yet never have the time to see because I’m constantly with everyone else. We spoke for a little while before I asked when everyone was free for drinks, and guess what this girl is doing on Thursday after work. A night out, with my girls, and I can’t wait.  
Because I really felt in the mood to treat myself, I also planned on going shopping with one of the girls tomorrow after work. So no harm done there, I’ll buy myself a new outfit, some new makeup all ready for Thursday.
Peter Hale x OFC - Reminiscences Part 3 
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odaatlover · 4 years
ugh im just having a sort of gender identity crisis bc ive never really felt like im in the wrong body, but when I imagine myself as trans man in the future im not automatically like "no". ive been thinking about it a lot in the few weeks. my friend experimented w she/they pronouns and I liked it but im also confused by it all. bc if I were to be ftm id be freaked bc people are not accepting and not nice and idk if I could handle that... and ik people that who would be insensitive about it....
Figuring out your gender is definitely quite the journey. There’s a lot to process and figure out. It’s okay not to figure it all out at once though! In fact, it’s easier taking it step by step. If you don’t feel like you’re in the wrong body, then don’t worry about it right now. Even if you’re not automatically saying no when thinking about it doesn’t mean it’s something you need to dive into right away. If you want to change your pronouns to she/they, then just start with that. Get used to that change. And then further down the road if you realize there’s another change you want, you can approach it then and get used to that. For example, I started questioning my gender and realized I wasn’t a woman about 8 years ago but I didn’t know what gender I was and wasn’t ready to unpack all of that yet so I didn’t change anything but simply had it in the back of my mind. Then I bought an STP almost 3 years ago and started using that at home sometimes. Then about a year later I started binding. Then a few months later I started packing. Then months after that I cut my hair. Then cut it again even shorter...and shorter. Then I started hormones. Then I decided to change my name and pronouns. All of this within the span of years. If I had done it all at once I would have gotten extremely overwhelmed. So if you need to, take your time with it! There’s no rush to figure everything out all at once.
I’ll give you my personal experiences just to share. When I found out what being trans was I was very intrigued by it. I’d watch ftm transition videos on YouTube as a teen and was very fascinated. But while watching these videos and reading about transition experiences I always had this thought of “That’s not me though, I’d never do that.” But really it was the people around me that made me think it was something I didn’t want because I knew how difficult it would be. And even just last year I wasn’t entirely sure taking hormones was something I wanted, or that I was even truly trans at all. Coming from a very religious/conservative and unaccepting background, I had it ingrained in me that I shouldn’t want those things. I was afraid that maybe I only thought I did because I wanted to have male privilege and hated all the bullshit that comes with being a woman in society, and I’d end up detransitioning. I had A LOT of doubts — which is very common when you come from an unaccepting background. And then I thought to myself, if I was on a deserted island where it was just me, would I still be happy in this body? And the answer was no. If it was just me I would change it in a heartbeat. And then I realized that the only thing holding me back was my fear of the way the people around me would react. And it wasn’t just because I wanted to look like a man so I could benefit from male privilege, because I wouldn’t have those benefits if it was just me. And it took me getting to the point of feeling so suffocated and trapped in a body that I felt more and more disconnected to as time went on to finally decide to do what I needed to do for me to be happy. And that’s okay that it took this long to be ready for it.
I’m not saying that it’s the same for you, because only you can figure out who you are and what you want. But maybe you could think about being on a deserted island by yourself with nobody around and ask yourself what you would do. And if the answer is that there are things you’d change but aren’t ready to then that’s okay. And if you wouldn’t change things then that’s also okay. It’s all okay. It’s your journey and everything is on your own timeline. Don’t feel like you have to pick a label or anything because labels aren’t necessary. Sometimes they can make you feel better, but other times they can cause stress. And if finding a label is causing you stress then you don’t have to pick one.
Even if you are ftm like you’re scared you might be, that doesn’t mean you have to change everything right now, or ever if you don’t want to. I’ve been trans my whole life, but I didn’t start presenting as male until I was ready to at 28 years old. I know it sounds scary — hell I was scared thinking I might be ftm. But just remember that you’re in control and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do!
And if you or anyone else reading this and struggling with their gender wants to chat or vent or anything, I’m here for you! ❤️
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cl0wnapologist · 4 years
lets get personal (but im answering now 4 funsies)
i wanted to make a question tag but feral and this is what i came up with. tag ur friends, tag ur enemies, but most importantly give me a kiss at ur earliest convenience.
1. say hi! :D (name/age/pronouns)
molly and 20 and she/her but i do not care if i am referred to w they/them pronouns either. i identify v strongly w femininity and also feel like a woman but also gender is not real and was invented by gender companies to sell more gender (and limiting something so complex to a binary scale is silly)!
2. what’s your venus sign? <3
pisces </3 absolutely disgusting the way i gobble up a mere whiff of romance
3. would you rather people perceive you as the person you present to the world or your true self? are they the same?
person i present as i guess bc if i wanted to be seen as my true self then they would be the same :) but! i think they are merging more and more everyday.  
4. what do you prioritize in your relationships—how well someone treats you or how much you like them?
i think how well someone treats me. i like most people! so ive tried to prioritize healthy and loving relationships more recently.
5. what’s the most embarrassing fanfic you’ve ever read?
during a manic episode a couple months ago i logged on here very briefly for the first time in years and it happened to be when the supernatural finale came out. i have never seen a single episode, scene, or even a clip of supernatural and know nothing about it. but a famous 100k word spn fanfic came on my dash and i read the whole thing. whole time had no idea what actor played dean and what actor played castiel. still dont know which one goes to which. thats not my business.
6. would you rather be fluent in every language or a master of every instrument? if you could only pick one of each what would it be?
language! but one of each would be french and piano :^)
7. share some of your favorite characters!
mr. darcy, grendel, pompey the clown and isabella from measure for measure, hinata from haikyuu!!, ash from banana fish, tamaki from ouran, lisa from my cousin vinny, any lesbian
8. what’s a niche interest/subject you could write a 12-page essay on?
food politics! origin of certain dishes and how every dish is a product of class, either being creative with very little or flaunting an excess of. even the method used to make different things have different meanings!
9. what are you missing the most right now?
my friends :) !
10. hottest non-human animated character? (ex. zootopia fox, ryuk from death note, aunt fanny from robots)
raven from teen titans and robin hood
11. share some of your old urls/handles/usernames (i’m looking at u, 1D insta with 70 followers from 2013)
this used to be shampainmarina which was cute; before it was marinas-supermodels-legs which was less cute and pretentiously niche of me.  oneband1dreamoned when i was 11
12. what’s a favorite physical feature of yourself? what are some favorite physical features of your friends/loved ones?
i like my eye color bc its the same as my mommy’s. jills u have the prettiest smile and freckles <3 and alyssa u have the most striking eyes :o
13. what’s a favorite personality trait of yours? of your friends/loved ones?
i like my sense of humor and being kind ! jill i think u r vey adventurous and creative and alyssa u r very dedicated and passionate ab a lot of stuff. all of my friends r funny and kind too those r staples
14. describe a recent time someone made you feel loved/valued
my mom giving me a hug and  telling me that things will be ok when i was upset a few days ago, and making soup w me the next day :)
15. what’s the most embarrassing character you’ve been attracted to?
maybe jimmy neutron mom? or teapot from beauty and the beast idk slim pickings for 6 y/o me
16. gayest thing you’ve done recently? (complimentary)
made frog cakes w fellow queers @the-bean-god @veganmilf
17. gayest thing you’ve done recently? (derogatory)
listened to man or a muppet in the dark in an empty bathtub about an hour ago 
18. what are your comfort movies/shows/books/foods?
movie is a tie between ponyo, coraline, and baz luhrmann’s 1996 romeo and juliet; show is haikyuu! and 2003 teen titans; book is grendel; food is miso soup and honey tea
19. last 5 things you looked up in your youtube search bar/history?
red swan attack on titan opening (i listened to it 30+ times yesterday @ jill its so good), guren no yumiya opening, sasageyo attack on titan (had to compare w the ones u txted me yesterday lmao), jim carey grinch monologue, titanic sinks in real time
20. should we kiss rn? :*
:o yes. even tho i made this. pemdas effect and im actually kissing all my friends rn
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human-trash-fire · 4 years
Beautiful Disaster: Chapter 5 (Pynch Soulmate AU)
Alrighty my loves, this chapter has been a labor of love from the beginning. As you continue reading you will see art pieces and each is correlated with a song (those will be at the end), and references yet again will be made to the EMFS playlist (Ronan’s rehab playlist- I’ve actually made it on spotify! you can find it here)
As usual you can find this story on Ao3 @ glam_reaper 2 if you’re interested <3
TW: Mention of suicide attempt, a panic attack though not super descriptive, cannon typical language.
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I made a friend last week.
I know for most people that wouldn’t be a big deal, but I assume by now You understand what that means for someone like me. I guess “friend” may be a generous term? I don’t know if we are there yet, Blue definitely disagrees with him “on principle.” 
You see, President Cellphone as she calls him, or Richard Campbell Gansey III (I know, what a douchey fucking name) is all boat shoes and privledge and perfect teeth. Gansey isn’t someone I’d normally associate with mind you, Henry kind of met my quota for rich extroverts in the inner circle, and yet…
So, here’s the story. I’m writing my last letter right? And I was so fucking lost. I decided to walk home from Nino’s- I thought maybe it would help me settle. And there, right around the corner is this fucking ‘73 camero. It should have been beautiful, really.. A classic like that? It’s a dream to look at. Only this fucking thing is the UGLIEST color of candy orange you could ever imagine… And it’s blowing smoke all over the damn place. I was honestly going to leave boat-shoes to call his daddy or mechanic or what have you, but he looked so confused. I offered to help him out and was able to get it running long enough to get to Boyd’s.
I expected him to just drop off “The Pig” (the car) like any normal person and come back for it, only I apparently made “quite the impression.”
Gansey ended up staying with me, prattling on about his Masters History program and some welsh king the ENTIRE time I worked on the damn car. At first I was tuning him out, but without realizing it I became completely entranced by the whole story. I’ve never seen such passion for anything, and I have VERY spirited friends.
He has one of those voices you know? The kind that can stop a room, raise an army, lead a nation. The kind that demands to be heard without ever having to raise itself.
That’s Gansey though.
I think he’ll be good for me, I don’t think he’d give me much of a choice in the matter though to be honest. He kind of adopted me this week? That should bother me and yet, being around him is just… It’s being included. It’s a sense of purpose.
I think he needs it too, he doesn’t seem to talk about negative things but you can tell, he’s haunted by something. That’s what solidified it for me really. He may be a senator’s son but he’s seen some shit. 
I wish you could have met him, I wonder if you would have been as intrigued by him as I find myself. 
Blue is being a total idiot about him, but I’m about 82% sure it’s because she is into him. I know for sure the feeling is mutual. It took Gans approximately 15 minutes after meeting Blue to ask me for her life story, offend her beyond measure, and then haul ass out of Nino’s. It was the first time I’d seriously laughed in so long. Have you ever been second-hand embarrassed for someone? It was that. 
I’m going to wrap this up now though, I need to head to Nino’s for my shift, Blue’s working so of course Gans is stopping by. He said he’s bringing one of his best friends with him, some dude named Noah. Apparently he’s pretty cool, so I’m moderately less apprehensive. He said he wished he could bring his other best friend/ his and Noah’s third roommate but the guy is staying with family for a few months or something. Idk? He doesn’t talk about the other roommate much. I honestly don’t even think he’s ever said his name. Who gives a shit though, I can barely handle one new friend, let alone a 3-pack of Ganseys. Good God… I hope Noah isn’t another Gansey…. Fuck.
Here goes nothing.
It started with a not-so-subtle idea from the esteemed Dr. Allen. “Show me what happened.” Ronan was never great with words before all this, and since… When he spoke it was usually a litany of curse words. So Dr. Allen had suggested art. In the weeks since his entombment in this fine rehabilitation center, Ronan had kind of already been doing what he was being asked to do now. Though, he didn’t mention it to Allen. He’d spent countless hours sketching his life, the whole thing, in snapshots inside that beautiful leather sketchbook Gansey had given him. 
He started at the beginning, pictures of Aurora and his brothers, the Barns, his father playing guitar by the fire. He drew their family vacations, the cows he used to sneak out and sleep beside when he was a child, the feeling of winning the Tennis State Championship when he was 15. He drew the bad things too, his nightmares, his drug-trips, that old stained couch in the basement of Kavinsky’s house. He put every piece of himself, all 22 years of memories down in that book, woven together with song lyrics in the margins. 
So when Dr. Allen asked him to look specifically to his addiction and create, he didn’t see a problem. He needed to return to school with a series anyways, Declan had called to inform him that strings had been pulled to allow him to finish his final semester at Georgetown, but he needed to walk in with something to show at the January exhibition. Two birds, and all that.
He settled on 7 pieces, each done in oils on canvas, each accompanied by a song. 7 moments in the life of his battle with addiction, from the beginning to now. With each stroke of his brush he felt infinesmally lighter, pouring his grief into the images before him. 
It started with “The Fall.” His father’s murder in reds and greys; fracturing lines and deep shadows. He mixed his paints with tears and used his heart to drag color across the canvas. For the first time in years, Ronan allowed the memory to consume him. He’d re-lived it plenty of times in his nightmares, but this was different. His hands shook, jagged strokes of anger and confusion bleeding through. He painted the brief moment, the final moment, when his world was whole before his teenage mind finally realized what it was he was looking at. His last free breath. And he painted his screams, the cacophony of pain, endlessly mixing with sirens until his vocal chords gave out. 
He drowned the canvas in un-kept promises and hung it out to dry with childhood dreams.
Then came “Chasing the Void.” It was a story told in stark lighting. High beams on a backroad, swirling smoke and broken bottles. It was white glasses and white-powder lines on shark-nosed hood. It was going 115mph, bones rattling with the beat of the bass in his sound system. Ronan painted a black tattoo, used the blood on his knuckles to tint bloodshot eyes. His brush moved with his mother’s disappointment and his brother’s anger. Whimsical lines and Gansey’s head shaking when he found Ronan passed out yet again. He painted the highs and lows when sobriety reminded him that he hated the face that stared back at him in the mirror. 
Each new piece he added to the collection was brought to Dr. Allen’s office. Together they worked through each memory associated with the piece and slowly Ronan felt the weight on his chest lighten. 
Gansey visited every Monday and Friday like clockwork. He kept Ronan apprised to all the goings on of Monmouth and updates on Matthew and Declan. Ronan never asked for them, but he appreciated it regardless. His current obsession though seemed to be a new friend, Adam something. He had been going on for 30 minutes now about how this man single-handedly raised the Pig from the dead. Ronan tuned out most of the conversation, but nodded at what he assumed were appropriate moments while sketching.
“Ronan, are you even paying attention?” Gansey asked, irritation only slightly evident.
“Mmm?” Ronan hummed. “For sure. Pig. Smoke. Some new guy.”
“Essentially. I was saying that Noah and I are heading to his second job, the man works 2 jobs and is getting a masters can you believe it? Anyways Nino’s, so Noah can finally meet him and Blue. Have I mentioned her yet?” 
Blue? He thought. Who the fuck names their kid Blue. “Once or twice.”
“Well they both work this afternoon, so I assume we’ll just hang there until they get off. Then maybe grab a bite. I wish you could come, I’m sure you’d get along nicely with Adam.” Gansey said, choosing to ignore the previous sarcasm and barrell on. Excelsior. 
“Doubt it.” Guy sounds like a douche.
“On that note, thank you for another lovely visit. I’ll see you Monday, Ronan.” Gansey gathered his coat and made his way to the door with a final wave.
Ronan waved back with a single finger and a saccharine “Bye, Dick.” Then shoved his Airpods back into his ears and lost himself in the EMFS playlist.
As Adam gathered the tub of dirty dishes from above the trash and made his way back to wash them, he was lost in thought. These last two weeks, recent events, had been so much and yet he strangely was beginning to feel some semblance of peace. He knew that Blue had wanted him to write letters to help him cope. If he was admitting to it helping, he also needed to be honest with himself in noting that it may have been hurting just as much. He was falling in love with a ghost. A figment of his imagination that he could tell his every secret too, someone who listened without judgment; Someone who never asked more of him than he could handle. It wasn’t healthy, wasn’t what Blue had intended, of that he was sure. But, if it brought him peace and allowed him to sleep without seeing cold, dead eyes, then what was the harm?
He rinsed the mugs and plates loading them efficiently into the dishwasher, and dried his hands. As he moved to toss the towel into the bin, he heard the bell chime above the cafe door. He made his way slowly to the front, knowing that Blue was currently handling the register meant that he didn’t need to rush. On his way down the hallway he stopped to straighten a missing cat flier on the community bulletin board, taking a moment to snap a picture of the cat in question so he could be on the lookout, then continued toward the front; eyes glued to his phone.
He rounded the corner towards the coffee bar to the tune of laughter, it seemed Gansey had arrived. His eyes found Blue first. For all her insistance that she loathed the man in question, she was positively glowing, head tossed back in a hearty laugh. Lost in the bubble of charm Gansey operated in. 
“-And so I asked him, mind you I’ve had a lot to drink at this point, ‘Hey senator, why do you fucking hate poor peo-‘ Oh! Adam” Ganseys story of embarrassing his mother at one of her Republican fundraisers interrupted, as he caught sight of Adam sliding behind the bar.
“Hey Gans,” He smiled. 
“My apologies, this is Noah.” Gansey stepped to the side to reveal the man in question, and Adam’s breath stopped. 
There, eyes blue and wide with shock, mouth agape stood the man from the alley. The one whose scream still haunted Adam in the dark, solitary hours of sleep. The one that began his every nightmare of that night.
He was different now, tears weren’t pouring from his eyes to dance across the plains of his smudgey face. His blonde hair free of blood was slightly tousled, and his clothes were clean, albeit a little disheveled. 
“No,” the word was a broken noise, barely a word at all, closer to a sob. Gansey and Blue looked frantically between the two for what seemed like an eternity before Noah spoke.
“It’s you…” 
“Who? Noah, you know Adam?” Gansey’s voice was quietly confused.
Adam began to shake his head slowly, increasing with speed as his breath finally returned to him; Erratic and wild. Crocodile tears blurred his vision, and he finally croaked a simple question, “What… What was his name?”
“Oh, god” Blue breathed. 
Adam ran, desperately fleeing the scene and chorus of his name called from the front. Ronan, his name was Ronan. Adam couldn’t breathe. His pain fresh, an un-mendable wound reopened now that he had a name to grieve. He paused, only long enough to grab his messenger bag from the back, and took the alley door. 
Then he ran, faster than he’d ever remembered running. Tears turning the colors of the world around him to a haunting watercolor. His breath came in painful stabs, each beat of his bleeding heart an excruciating truth.
He somehow made it back to his apartment. The moment the door closed behind him he fell against it and slid to the floor. Ronan Ronan Ronan-
“R-Ronan.” He spoke the name the first time aloud, the feeling of its weight on his tongue was an answer to a question he’d been asking for a month. For a lifetime.
Adam didn’t know how long he sat on the floor, grief taking time and twisting it in on itself. An amalgam of pain, hopelessness, and questions. Gansey, Gansey knew Ronan, knew Noah. Noah the boy he’d last seen carted away in the back of an ambulance covered in red red red. Noah, who’d screamed for help like the world was shattering. Noah, who’d clung tightly to the shredded arms of a bleeding man in a dark alley.
Help me, his mind screamed, his internal voice morphing into Noah’s from that night. 
Help me, I’m not okay…
A key twisting in the lock above his head brought his attention to the present. Adam pushed away from the door, and waited as Blue made her way into his dark apartment. Night had fallen sometime since he’d been here, on the floor, lost in the alley. Lost in a name.
“Hey,” she whispered.
“Th-that was-”
“I know. Noah told us after you left. Adam, there’s… Adam. I need to tell you something.”
It was a concentrated effort to drag his gaze from the space between their bodies on the floor to meet her eyes. Lights from the street poured through the window in the living room, painting Blue’s honey warm skin in a haunting glow. He couldn’t bring himself to ask, so he waited. He watched. She brought a trembling hand to his, her brown eyes lined with silver, she squeezed.
“Adam, he’s alive.” 
A sob born of heartbreak and pain tore from his chest, he couldn’t form words. He broke then, completely and wholly. Blue came to cradle his head against her chest as he cried. Every hope he’d killed since the alley came barreling to the surface; All the pain and confusion, love and questions, beating like waves against the shores of his mind. Some minutes later he finally raised his head and met Blue’s eyes, her smile was wet and broken. He dragged his hand under his nose, across his eyes, and finally found the word to the question he needed to ask. “How?”
So Blue told him. Apparently, him finding Noah and Ronan in that alley, the tourniquet he’d made of his scarf, that extra minute he’d bought him had been enough. The doctors were able to stitch his wounds, and though it had been a close call, he’d pulled through. She explained that he’d had a hard life, though Gansey wouldn’t give details because he insisted those were Ronan’s to share when he was ready. He did however give her basic facts. Ronan Niall Lynch is an artist, a senior at Georgetown. He’s an orphan, and a brother. He’s an addict in recovery at a facility in Arlington, and Gansey’s third roommate. 
Blue explained that, when Adam was ready Gansey and Noah wanted to meet with him, to talk more. She offered to accompany him when that time came, but they all agreed they wouldn’t push him until he was ready. “Thank you,” he’d said to Blue. For getting the information. For telling him. For allowing him space. She understood that his history made this difficult, an addict for a soulmate was something he would need time to process. She eventually asked if he wanted to be alone and when he’d told her “yes” she kissed his forehead, and made her way to the door.
“Adam,” she paused, and he looked up. “We’ll wait on your text okay? Whenever you’re ready. But please check in so I know you’re safe.”
“I will.”
With a perfunctory nod she slid back out the door. 
Adam spent another minute in silence before dragging himself from the floor. He made his way in a daze to his desk and he collapsed into his chair. Slowly, he pulled out a blank sheet of paper. 
His hand shook.
He took a deep breath.
He wrote.
You’re alive…
Art Pieces and their correlating songs (linked):
“The Fall”  The War- SYML
“Chase The Void”  For What It’s Worth- Malia J
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lxurant · 5 years
laura harrier. twenty-four. she/her/hers.  / artemis laurent just pulled up blasting carmen by lana del rey  — that song is so them ! you know, for a(n) twenty-four year old model and actress, i’ve heard they’re really intense, but that they make up for it by being so hard working. if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say the smell of a freshly blown out candle, piles of old planners, and long manicured nails. here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble ! 
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what’s up kiddos!! it’s ya girl paige (carol’s mun) here with my new baby artemis. sweet girl, but definitely hard to get through im still working out a lot of the KINKS but here she is:
artemis francesca laurant, older half sister to noel, daughter to eva and some one night stand that she doesn’t even remember
from a young age, artemis was like a second mom around the house. she was always looking after noel and trying to help her mom out as best she could
artemis was five when her mother and noel’s father got back together, and that was like the only time in her life she actually got to be a kid and enjoy herself and be a little selfish
she started dance classes around that age, and it was clear she had a talent. she was always dancing around, or singing. she loved performing and dance was her favorite thing
when noel’s father left, artemis was 10, and that was when dance classes stopped because they couldnt afford it
the owner of her dance studio, miss jane, took a liking to artemis from a young age, so when she had to quit for financial reasons, she was given a job at the studio
at first, it was just easy work, but when she got old enough she started teaching dance classes herself
apart from teaching dance, artemis worked as a personal assistant to one of the richer people in their home town of san marcos, as well as attending school
artemis was bright, a very smart student, and also talented. she was in the musicals and did very well in school, all while balancing working and looking out for her brother
speaking of noel, the two were inseparable for their entire lives. it didnt matter that they had different dads, they were the best of friends. artemis did whatever she could to try and give noel the most normal childhood she could
when it came to college, artemis had set her mind on staying home. one day, she got a packet in the mail from julliard offering her a full ride for dance, and she was completely shocked bc she didnt even apply
turned out miss jane sent in an application for her because she thought she had so much talent and didnt want it to be a waste
artemis, however, turned down the full ride because she knew she had to stay home
she went accepted a full ride to texas state, right in san marcos, and was able to attend her classes as well as work as much as seh could
mostly, she wanted to be able to save enough money so that noel could go to whatever school he wanted, and so that their mom could relax a bit
tbh artemis wasn’t fully happy with her life but she knew that she had to support her family, because she loved them
so when noel announced that he and his band were picking up and moving to LA, she was furious
she had given up so much of her life to support her family, she gave up going to the school of her dreams so she could provide for noel and her mom and he was just going to leave them
huge fight, honestly artemis didn’t talk to him for a really long time after that happened because she couldnt understand how selfish he could be
about a year and a half later, noel decided to move them out to LA--while artemis wanted to stay put, their mom insisted they take the opportunity to mend the relationship and lvie a better life
begrudgingly, artemis agreed, and they moved out to LA when she was about 21 years old
at first, she hated it in LA, but after a few months there she was offered some kind of modeling gig. she didn’t think anything would come from it, but it was a victoria’s secret scout, and she soon became a model for the brand
her world turned upside down. she began modeling in magazines, on runways, in the victoria’s secret fashion show.
it was a dream come true
but it wasn’t the dream. so when artemis heard disney was spearheading a high school musical project, she decided to audition
singing and dancing and acting has always been her passion, so given the opprotunity, she wanted to take it
much to her own surprise, artemis was cast in the lead role of nini in high school musical the musical the series
now, artemis is about to start filming the second season of the show, as well as continuing to model and attempting to mend her relationship with her family
random stuff that didnt fit
artemis’s father is white, so she’s mixed
she and hal dated for like 11 months last year, and broke up at the end of november. it was a HEARTBREAK man, they were so in love and the end of their relationship was so sad omg she’s still heartbroken
while she still models, artemis quit working for victoria’s secret a year after working with them--she hated what they stood for, and wanted to model for more inclusive brands (she’s now the face of third love)
she really is a triple threat, shes a great dancer and loves to sing and can act and model 
shes left handed
she does a LOT of activism work, she wants to help out underresourced communities and has a lot to say about the election (WARREN FOR PRESIDENT) and the world and stuff
she’s a fun gal, i promise
her exterior is just very hard
she doesnt open up to people very easily, but once she does shes a ball of fun
shes very hard working, which comes from having to work her whole life
shes super passionate about what she does as well as the people she cares about
definitely comes off very queen bee, but shes not selfish or shallow
uh everything
friends she made before becoming famous
friends she made AFTER becoming famous
ppl she met through her noel
people she met through hal
either ex hook ups (before dating hal) or current hook ups
maybe someone that helped her into the business
roommates!! she’s moved out of her mom’s place and roommates are fun
idk enemies?? shes the type
i suck at this
ok yah so that’s all ive really got. artemis is a gem i promise. pls press that like button and ill come for plots!!
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queer-starling · 5 years
Flower ask: also all of them. you get to suffer with me >:3€
oh darlin’ we’re in it now huh
Alisons: Sexuality?
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
she/they | all gender will be shot on sight
Amaryllis: Birthday?
sept 23rd
Anemone: Favorite flower?
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
stranger things or ghost adventures
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
like? distance? a couple miles probably
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
“We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little lifeIs rounded with a sleep.” William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
wild cherry capri sun
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
ima change that to ‘kiss the last person u thought abt kissing’ bc YES
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
*jenna marbles voice* hell yeah!!
Baneberries: Favorite song?
waiting for the end - linkin park 
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it?
i have too many to list !!! brandi, kasey, you, liz, ivy, nick , just to name a few!!
Begonia: Favorite color?
blue uwu
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
foxes !! and opossums
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
night time babey
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
either a fox or an opossum or a raven, i think
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
i wanted to be a vet !!!
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
theyre ok as long as theyre not screaming and/or mine
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
i don’t liike vomit bc. nastey (trauma i think) and i don’t like old ppl well. i dunno why? they’re just so old and fragile and helpless and sometimes they’re really mean and idk i think it’s like something to do w death or something LMAO idk. also i just hate the idea of becoming old and having to rely on other people ?? hhh
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
i was bullied a lot
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  
realistically? probably playing dead by daylight with my girlfriend ADFSGRHYUTR
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
happily taken 
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
ireland, scotland, alaska, greece
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
whenever my friends or family tells me they love me but esp when u text me goodmorning or when we say our goodnights sorry im gay haha
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?  
i have. uuuuhh 6
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?  
no!!! i want some tho :(
California Poppy: Height?  
i think im like. 5′5 or something? give or take an inch ?
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
oh absolutely. my house is haunted as we speak
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?  
bmth hoodie and pajama pants w foxes all over them. i just woke up lol
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
yeah i always keep one on in the bathroom
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?  
my sister bc she came home from college yesterday
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
ask me in like. a little over a month from now ;)
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
FONT??? the animal crossing font
Columbine: Are you tired?
oh absolutely
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
thanksgiving, christmas, seeing my gf, magfest
Coneflower: Dream job?
idk if it’s a job but i just wanna own like. a ranch that takes in all sorts of animals and takes care of them
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?
Crocus: Have you ever been in love?
ooooh yeah
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
i mean. depends on what they want/need. distance wise? i’d travel the known universe for u  
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
he was a plaid teddy bear his name was Stanley!!!! i miss him :( but now i have Little Moon God as my favourite stuffed animal 
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
Working in Yellowstone is something I’ll never forget
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
well. hmm. i was gonna say flying to yellowstone but maybe driving to north carolina by myself bc driving long distances alone to places i haven’t been before gives me hella anxiety (i’m better now)
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)? 
i don’t pay rent in this house to listen to their opinions lmao. 
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
you, i think, when we said goodnight last night!!! EDIT: you this morning!!
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
being bad at dead by daylight
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
dead by daylight
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
(little over a month now but uhhh) GOT A UH ......GIRL.....FRIEND ...... GOT TO VISIT GIRLFRIEND ........ and got the windshield finally replaced in my car 
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
i dont know! so far ive laid in bed now im at my computer answering this. not too bad. my shift is only 4 hours today. 
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
for the most part, i’m pretty content, yeah
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
my friends, my mom, my sisters, my girlfriend, my bastard dog
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
what does this mean. physically, i’m very affectionate, i just. don’t show it alot bc anxiety/i overthink. that and i constantly tell ppl i love them and what they mean to me 
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
whoever is reading this
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
wake up next 2 a cute girl. take way too long to get up. go climb mountain w cute girl. vibe on mountain w cute girl. go to waffle house 2gether. gome home and vibe. play video games or watch a movies/tv w cute girl.  
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?  
i like to make art or play bideo jame
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
oh gosh i dunno. the ones i’ve known the longest are kasey and brandi, and i’ve known them both around/over a decade i think. we met in middle/highschool!
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
you, ivy, liz
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
so many 
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
idk man but i remember when you said u had a crush on me and then i posted a selfie and u were like ‘OH NO SHE’S CUTE” and like ??? idk i think that was definitely the first compliment to ever shock me LMAO 
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
my tattoos
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself? 
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
i liked to play zombies ate my neighbors on the sega genesis !!!!
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
eliza !!!! we lost touch a few years after i moved away :(
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
ima be real everything makes me feel guilty
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?  
aaaaaa the whole abi/moon incident 
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
my name is fox. it means i like foxes
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
northern virginia babey !!!! that place fucking sucks!!! but everyone who lives up there thinks they’re hot shit. 
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
i had a bunkbed and i think the walls were pink 
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?  
😬 i’m just gonna say i’m much happier now and i’m coping with life and shit a lot better  
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
she’s sweet and funny and i love her so much!! she always does the Most for everyone, sometimes to the point where she isn’t concerned abt herself and i see where i get it from. but yeah my mom is great, my dad doesn’t deserve her 
Onions: Tell about your dad.  
source of a lot of trauma and why i have so many issues regarding men. i don’t wanna talk about him anymore LOL he doesn’t deserve the attention
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
my dad’s mom is becoming senile and i think she’s racist and queerphobic. my mom’s parents disowned her a few years ago so we don’t talk to them anymore 
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
i dunno. i don’t try to remember my birthdays. whenever i can go to busch gardens for my birthday i usually have a lot of fun there. 
Peony: What was your first job?
if you don’t wanna count working w my mom as a florist, target was my first job back in 2016. i found my name tag the other day , actually
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
WELL, i know you followed me on here first. and then twitter?? but we didn’t really start talking until stranger things 3 came out (thank u stranger things) PHYSICALLY, we didn’t meet until fursonacon (haha. i remember when u texted me that u got to the hotel and i came down to help n i saw u unloading yr car and it was then that my brain was like OH NOOOOOOOO and my heart was like OH YEEEEAAAAAAAH) 
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
physical, mental, or emotional? i play a video game or listen to loud music
Pink: Where is home?[
somewhere in appalachia i can feel it in my stupid soul 
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change? 
idk man i’m pretty content w where i’m at now so 
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
chester bennington 
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
i have a waife and we have many great pets and we live in a log cabin in the mountains or in a nice victorian in a small town or something IDK but we’re happy and that’s all that matters 
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
my mom, me best friends, my girlfriend
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
my girlfriend’s laugh because it’s THE cutest shit and then when she giggles??? oh my heart 
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
oct 23rd, 2005, we brought Fat Boy Zack home !!!!
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
July 22nd, 2016. i was 2200 miles away
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?  
to be holding my girlfriend >:(
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
those i hold dear
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
enough, i guess? 
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
my girlfriend
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
it’s fucking BORING and TOO EASY and they don’t pay me ENOUGH but i can get away with so much shit there so ima still go, ima still go 
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
all of the flannels currently in my possession
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.  
mountains, woods, forests, cabins, autumn, cryptic, occult, victorian, edwardian
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
if someone gets me a gift i’m legally required to execute them
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
this 40hr workweek i got coming up 
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
i have not read in So Long
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
Moved out away from here lol, we’ll see
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
i’m a furry
that was SO LONG im sorry i also put you through that but THANK YOU ENJOY READING ILU
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kiicn-blog · 5 years
did you hear about the monaco trip? it’s legendary at ucla. KIAN KANG is going, i’m so jealous. their instagram makes it seem like they’re pretty dynamic and they’re all about “do what you do best” & texts left on read. can you believe they’re only twenty-three and they’re going on a free trip to monaco for the summer? hopefully they don’t let their aloof side show too much on the trip. • HAS FIVE SIBLINGS • BROKE UP WITH PARTNER OF THREE YEARS TWO MONTHS AGO
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uh henlo, quick intro before i disappear for the evening and write my second paper :( you won't see me till like tuesday :(( afternoon :( after class :(( anyways LMAO i'm aye ! i am twenty three :/ she/her pronouns and in the est timezone ! if u haven't already added me, add me on discord new girl could be the 1 for me#8402 , some of u added me and didnt come say hi so i hOPE after u read this u hit me up :( bc . i rly dont kno who is who tht added me JKFMGDSG dont be shy i do not bite :DDD
okay ima keep this fairly simple, let's start w stats ! 
full name: kian kang, no middle name, call him kk haha nickname(s): kiki, k, ki, do not call him ian he won't ever talk to you again, respect his vegan white ass name age: 23. date of birth: november 2nd 1995. hometown: new york, new york. ethnicity: korean. gender: cis male. sexuality: bisexual. hair colour: black. eye colour: brown. height: 5'11. tattoos: has a tattoo of a lion on his right index finger and a tiny heart behind his left ear. piercings: ears, three on the right, two on the left.
okay quick background ! im not gna write a lot and keep it brief bc ive been writing for school and my brain is DEAD i dnt have the mindset to go into depth bout anything but if u wnna know anything else just ask 
kian comes from a well off background like his mom ? a sugar DADDY ! like his dad married into MONEY !
they live in greenwich village in NYC n tht area is so expensive so u can say he had a nice upbringing, went to the best school
anyways ! quick family talk, his dad rly didn't love his mom , and rly only married for money and security and when kian was born he wanted kian to have all the things and opportunities in life that he didnt so he stayed w his mom
n his dad ? gay as FUCK kept tht hidden for god knows how long
it wasnt till kian was like 15 when he was like o ? father thoust r gay huh
yeah so tht marriage ended LMAO and kian wasnt rly happy that his family broke up
at the wedding when they asked does anyone object ? he stood up and said ME bitch but he was joking but he wasnt joking he was serious , u can say hes .. happy .
he has two siblings, they're still babies, twins, they're like 12 thats baby ok he loves his siblings theyre annoying but loves them ! assuming the other three are gna be from the step sibling plot xoxo i can alter this
ok here's a rundown on  kian now
kian , is a very blunt individual like he can be straightforward about a lot of stuff, he doesnt rly sugarcoat his words, it's just how he was raised
sometimes he can come off mean but like it's just.. how he talks and sometimes he doesn't realize what he says is wrong he just says it like this man has never been told to shut up,
he was always favored in school for the way he talked but sometimes tht warranted eyebrows raising left and right but he was still adored for his stupidity and lack of sense
he's an alright kid , can be nice when he wants to be , gentle soul once u rly get past whatever walls he put up
like he doesn't like to show that side as often unless u LOVES u but i feel like he should have air signs in him ..hmm.. will think bout it KFMDG
what am i missing ..
i feel like i missing something,
oh comign from n y of c he's super into looking good, even when he bums it down he looks good, he'll also call u out on ur choices and be like ur wearing tht ? today ? yikes...
if u want an honest opinion he's not afraid to be honest , v brutal xoxo
i think thts it
anyways PLOTS
so. . this is a possible plot ! and im gna base it off the song 'the wall' by anders if u wanna go take a listen teehee anyways, imagine this . it's all lovey dovey for a year and it was going well like over the moon relationship like you almost think these two would have gotten married but then after the year mark, things began to go down the drain? they started to hang out less, fights would break out, sex that would follow the fights but like that's it.. tht was the only intimacy, and sometimes they'd pretend they're okay for a day or two but then have a complete fit over like idk the wrong food order, cheating speculations could have arose and then they really really tried to make it right their third year, trying to go over what went wrong but then they decided to call it quits BUUtt since it's a fresh wound, they could have some slip ups if ukno what i meaaan anyways yeah if u wnna do this xoxo pls be prepared to plot back FKDG
a possible familial relation, like cousin . only cousin really, obv ur chara would have to be korean or half korean but someone who just knows kian inside and out this could be like an angsty familial relationship or a good one
ok another anders based plot ! listen to don't call :)) anyways this one, sometime after his break up he decided to have a few hook ups here and there, meaningless ofc but this specific hook up left a mark on him , maybe by the way they talked to him , he kept coming back for the four second intimacy, it left him confused n dazed , confused bc why am i feelin weird i just had a heartbreak
honestly im just down if anyone just wants to have a simple hook up plot thts cool too no thinking just lmk ! bc he's had a few after his breakup
enemies / ppl who don't get along ? idk kian could have come off COMPLETELY wrong and ur chara could have taken it the wrong way, insults were thrown here and there and they just don't talk with kindness
a sugar baby ! kian got MONEY ! i told u his mom ? a sugar daddy xoxo he doesnt mind spoiling ppl but only one he aint tht generous also u have to build a relationship with him if u want him to spoil u
uh thts it if u have any other plots just lmk xoxo we dont have to just do these
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abyss-mal-blog1 · 5 years
current mind-space//word vomit
it’s amazing how much can change in a few days, but it hasn’t been a week since my finals ended and i already felt so different. i have been doing f45 everyday this week (if not then some kind of workout, but i’ve really been into that recently). i am feeling so much better now without deadlines, sometimes i don’t know if i function better under pressure or not. i guess not, but then it’s amazing how much i can do and achieve under pressure. i need the right amount of pressure, and this semester it has been a little difficult for me to get around that. 
last friday was kinda my last day of finals, i just had an essay to submit, and i am disappointed in myself and my work ethic because i submitted it at 9pm, went to my cousin’s (disappointing) party, and then professor emailed me to say that she cannot read Pages format (seriously smh @ my tardiness!!!), only got back at 1am that night and sent my mediocre essay. i am a little sad about it because i know that is not my 100%. idk why but college so far has just been a series of 80% effort. this paper was an interesting one, on airbnb, on the sharing economy, it’s a performance studies paper where i analyze the hospitality platform in terms of host-user relationship, parasitism and (attempted) to talk about free online labor. it is a little too late now but i kinda want to work on it again and like, submit for feedback. maybe ill ask taylor. 
last saturday was kinda meh, i agreed to go to a *social* kinda event at a bar/club at chelsea, held for Asian-ivy-alumni-people that yanlin invited me too. it was at up&up and honestly a little...i didn’t enjoy it at all. the music sucked, the people were either too dorky or gross or old or weird, and the whole time i just kept saying to myself, “never again”. they said it was open bar but they only served absolut, which was shit. and then my friend’s two friends were...i feel sorry that this was their first clubbing experience. at the beginning my reaction was look at all these ivy alumni! get hitched with one of them for ~da connectsx~ (and nothing else) but no kidding i was actually interested in talking to them just to get to know what people who graduated from ivies are up to, and what are they doing at such events...and are they actually enjoying themselves because it was really kinda gross. met my friend’s friend who seemed like a really smart engineer (he asked for my number the next day lol), and a german dude at the bar who didn’t want to get me a drink. all i needed that night was a drink.....(i’m glad i didn’t drink tho because recently drinking has made me feel all kinds of bad)  we had ramen after at ramen-ya (most probably the worst ramen and charsiew i’ve had but what can we do at 3am and my friend wanted noodle and soup...)
on sunday i KNow i should have left my house earlier to workout but i didn’t. i was angry at myself that i didn’t. instead, i stayed at home and emotion-ate. i must have eaten more green bean soup than my stomach would have liked. what else...avocado? i remember..two bananas? god. this was the day i felt like i was n’s boyfriend because i had to do what she wanted to do. i know i had agreed on going, but at that point i really wanted to go thrifting or something. i mean when i got to central park it was fine and things were good but the whole day just felt like i was kinda pulled into doing something that wasn’t my first choice of plans, not that i didn’t enjoy myself lying under the sun at the park. it just felt like i was accompanying someone. i was half an hour late to meet her as well, and half heartedly got a burrito-wrap at newsbar. if you think about it it is really kinda funny, we’re just buying food and taking the subway to this grass patch 50 blocks away. we didn’t walk much, we literally only stayed at a little grassy slope overlooking the baseball pitch. anyway we went to a dance class after (the class was an hour long but i felt like n had asked me about when and what time we should book the classes for more than an hour by text so i just got really sick of it) i rushed home and got dinner with my uncle who’s in town for my cousin’s graduation. i was surprised that he chose the same japanese restaurant again, after dissing it half a year ago we ate here. the omakase was crazy and it cost 230 per person. (for the most expensive set) it was also kinda dumb because you aren’t allowed to order a different omakase set from anyone else - everyone on the table has to order the same - because of “timing”. i wonder if this is how it is in japanese omakase etiquette, but in any case it really earned them a hefty amount because my uncle decided to get 230 for all of us. qiyang didn’t like and said qiqi had bad taste, hahaha. the food wasn’t bad, i mean it’s japanese fusion, but the prices were way too steep for the taste. anyway enough about the food, during the dinner i think we talked about many things though. i kinda wanted to talk to my uncle individually because i think he is the only one who knows about ah gong, but he was sick, and i could tell he was exhausted. my aunt got a little impatient because i didn’t arrange plans to take their furniture and they were going to throw all of them away and it was actually the first time i’ve seen her get so worked up - but at the same time trying to control her emotions - because she was talking to me. i could tell she was annoyed though but i tried not to take it personally, and arranged it tomorrow. 
arranging the moving stuff was kinda last minute, i was walking to the library for work one day and i saw a truck that said MakeSpace. i assumed it was a kind of moving company and so i looked them up. they seemed to be pretty okay in terms of their services and so i decided to try them out. confirmation and setting up an appointment went pretty smoothly, except for the part where the guy i think his name was joseph, asked me to give my credit card details over the phone. idk why i did that! i stopped though, and asked him why, to which he replied he wanted to key in with the coupon code. this service has so much gimmicks within the first 2-3 minutes on the phone he was already telling me about how the first pick up is free, and that he will deduct 100$ off the first month...when people give you discounts too easily it just feels like a ploy and a thing they give to everyone, it’s not anything special and it’s probably calculated inside whatever we have to pay. anyway, i was just thinking it would be cheaper (assuming the maximum that i would have to pay is ~$500, as i confirmed with them on the phone yesterday), it’d still be cheaper than starting an apartment lease now and going through the trouble of finding two subletters. 
well. idk, it’s also easy to have things all moved in, i have to find a place to store my perishables!
moving is so much work, and storing things. this reminds me of my paper on airbnb and about the digital nomad lifestyle. it is interesting though, that this is what it has become. but the homogenized aesthetic is something i really cannot stand, in airbnb, in coffeeshops around the world..i am sure you know what i’m talking about. a new york times writer did something about this - he termed it “Airspace” - and apparently it originated from Brooklyn. I guess that’s where the art/avant-garde stuff started. well. keep a look out im gonna write a blogpost about that 
moving on 
nat came to sleepover on sunday night and a few days after because the school kicks you out of the dorms you pay so much for right after your final ends. i forgot if we did something fun but i probably just fell asleep. 
on monday i think i went to f45 and did cardio at Dumbo with Gi. he seems like a pretty nice trainer, the first time i went it was him and another girl Bertha (i think my first f45 was last tuesday) and i felt like i had two personal trainers with me - Gi was cheering me on and Bertha was doing it with me. it felt like such a good workout, one of the best ive had in a while. then work, where i arranged the movers stuff. i also realized i bought the wrong date for my flight ticket as my friends and had to buy one more...............
tuesday was the same f45 in the morning, and the bobst after. didn’t really get much work done at bobst. oh i also viewed a 3BR flex at 160. hella expensive and small, and dates didn’t work out anyway. also the broker who brought us to view the apartment was a very nice tall french man and his name was jean-francois which i couldn’t pronounce and asked nat but still called him jean as in jeen instead of john. this is why i have to learn french. you’re embarrassing. i also went to the itp/ima spring show with shubham which was super cool. there were many cool ideas, and i just wonder if i could create something like that. i didn’t get to see all of the exhibits which i regret, but i remember a few notable projects. one was an installation made with keyboards that randomly clicks, but when you hold your phone up it’ll stop. it’s made using 3d gestures. there’s also one at a gallery for surveillance, this team had a thing they call facebox, and it’s literally a box, that when you open it has a webcam that would capture your face, find you on facebook, and print out an invoice/receipt on how much you have earned for this giant tech company.  what else...an AR project that when you scan a food,  it shows you where the food comes from. nat said that she would love it if menus have something they could scan and then have pictures appear in ~holographic~ format, or maybe in the nearer future something on your phone that shows you a picture of the picture of the food. but isn’t it a surprise tho? sometimes the fun’s in the surprise, you read the description, you know what are the foods you’ll eat, leaving room to imagine or be surprised by how the chef puts it together! anyway, went for dinner with nat and jenny - got vegan shwarma (definitely wasn’t worth $14) and went to get crepes with will after. 
wednesday we were gonna go to the dmv but we weren’t prepared. nat also needed to get her passport and she was lazy. wow the number of times i mentioned her, it feels like she’s my boyfriend at this point. talked to famz, sister, and beatrix. am currently considering if i should even go to beijing or just go straight home. fuck. went to bobst for work but no one was there i was just really sleepy. viewed an apartment at 55 morton (it’s a nice quiet residential street that seems to be tucked away from the loud cars and bars and people) then i went to f45 again-varsity!!! cardio!!!, walked across brooklyn bridge (a little regret although i wanted to walk, but my bag was heavy and there were too many tourists to brisk walk) 
also the reason for this is that after my soba/miso/salad/shrimp dinner last night i was just watching a bunch of netflix shows and it was probably the caffeine from puerto rican roasting company - the barista made me a chai cappuccino with almond milk (3 SHOTS!!!)
me and nat couldn’t sleep, i really think i slept for an hour. i watched so many different shows, yoko and john’s documentary, while we were young, anthony bourdain, i was seriously flipping through all the shows and alternating between amazonprme and youtube and netflix and i even tried watching peaceful cuisine and making the brightness lower and had the sleep mode on and wow i just couldn’t sleep
so yeah the birth of this word vomit 
i am going to create more things
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coreytaylr · 6 years
do all the cat asks!!!!!!!
1. Name?- Pici and Mocsok
2. Fur color?- Pici is tricolor, Mocsi is tuxedo!!!
3. Any family you know (other than you)?- i dont know what this means tbh??
4. Age?- Pici is 2 yrs old, turning 3 in March and Mocsi is 4 yrs old, turning 5 in May (oh my god he’s so old!!)
5. Favorite toy?- neither of them really give a shit about toys no matter how many we buy them so :(
6. Nicknames?- i call Pici Babey or Picúr, and Mocsok’s nickname is Mocsi (or bastard)
7. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?- both of them are both kjsdfksdjf like, i think Pici is the sweetest lady that ever existed, while everyone else thinks she’s the spawn of satan; and w Mocsi, its the other way around, i know the shit he’s done, but everyone else thinks he’s an angel
8. Length of fluff?- normal length for both of them i guess??
9. Any funny habits?- oh man ksjddf Pici likes to announce before she goes in the litterbox and does her business and its the funniest thing ksdjfdskf- Mocsi .. is just not the brightest cat to ever lived, so when he wants to go outside, he will stand in front of the door and meow and scratch at it, and if you open it for him, he doesnt go out but just stands there and stares.. and he just won’t move if you dont nudge him
10. How old were they when you met?- we got Mocsi when he was around 4-6 months old, and Pici has been w us since the day she was born (literally akjfsdf her mother was my cat too)
11. What does their food bowl look like?- they have three bowls: one for the dry food, one for Mocsi, which is a little bigger, blue bowl w a cat’s head drawn inside of it; and Pici just has a basic aluminium one
12. Indoor or outdoor cat?- Pici is a strictly indoor cat as of last year’s summer, Mocsi is kind of like a mix? he is allowed to be outside w/o a harness (i know i dont like it either), but he comes in at night
13. Recent picture?
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14. Old picture?
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(Pici was only a few months old here
15. Cuddly?- YES YES YES
16. Ever changed their name?- yeah actually, Pici started out as Maki (which means monkey, basically) bc her meows sounded like monkey noises??
18. Eye color?- they both have yellow eyes!
19. How do they express love for you?- they purr and come into my lap, or sleep beside me. Pici likes to stand on my laptop blocking the screen. Mocsi likes to headbutt me, almost breaking my nose
20. How do you express love for them?- i pet them and cuddle up to them, pick em up and hold them in my arms - just the usual
21. Any theories on what breed?- nah, nothing they are just typical house cats
22. Do they ever wake you up?- YEAH Mocsi almost suffocated me way back when, by trying to sleep on my face asdhfklsdf
23. How much do they meow?- Mocsi only meows when he wants food or wants to go outside, so not much. on the other hand, Pici is very vocal (and has an attitude too) and i really really like it !!!
24. Any hiding spots?- hm. not really? or maybe under the bed or table
25. Do they enjoy guests?- Mocsi LOVES new people!!!! he will make friends w everyone and anyone. Pici…not so much (same)
26. Lofty objects to sit on?- we have this huge ass wall-to-wall closet in the living room which is p tall, they like to sleep there. otherwise, they just like to sit on tables
27. Wear a collar?- nah not since Mocsi almost suffocated himself w one
28. How much shedding?- Mocsi is alright, but Pici is a disaster
29. Do they enjoy brushing?- no:((
30. Ever drink from the toilet?- no????, but Mocsi does like to sit on it when the lid is closed dont ask
31. How do they get your attention?- by meowing? but i literally always pay attention to them so
32. Embarrassing thing they’ve done?- Mocsi almost suffocating himself w a collar or running headfirst into the wall. Pici’s p graceful so idk
33. Weirdest thing they try to eat?- Mocsi really likes potatoes for some reason?? and Pici always tries to eat my food
34. Are they like your siblings, children, or friends?- THEY ARE MY BABIES
35. What time do they eat breakfast?- after i wake up, so it depends
36. Do you cut their nails?- we only cut Pici’s nails (when we remember it)
37. Do you think they understand you?- i dont think Mocsok knows anything about this world tbh but im like 99% sure Pici understands everything
38. Ever make fun of them?- oh yeah. a lot.
39. Do you take their picture often?- everytime im home
40. Ever hiss at you?- Pici did!! i tried to take away a bird she caught
41. Ever try to scratch or bite you?- yea, but its all fun and games 
42. If you try to grab their paw, what do they do?- Mocsok doesnt give a flying fuck, Pici takes it away
44. Canned or dry food?- both
45. Weight?- Mocsi is 6 kgs, Pici is 2 kgs. according to google thats 13 lbs and and 4 lbs respectively
46. Ever got lost?- there were times when i was really worried bc Pici didnt come home in time, but they never got lost, no.
47. Do you buy them presents?- YES. just the other day i saw like, wine for pets?? and i really wanted to buy it but my mother didnt let me ://///
48. Do they respond when you call?- Pici does. im pretty sure Mocsok doesnt know what his name is
49. Do they ever see other cats?- yea. my brother has a cat too, so they usually see him, but who knows how many cats Mocsi sees when he’s outside
50. Declawed?- FUCK NO
51. Funniest expression?
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52. Favorite place to be pet?- Pici likes it if you like….rub both sides of her face? and Mocsi likes chin scratches
54. Give them a head kiss.- next time i see them, i will !!!!!
55. What time of the year is most exciting for them?- i think its pretty neutral all throughout the year
56. Are they good at hunting real prey?- Pici was real good at it, she could catch birds mid-fly. Mocsok? nah.. he can barely eat his own food ksajfkdsf
57. Do they ever attack nothing?- attack? no. stare at it until i freak out? yeah
58. What are they doing right now?- idk im not at home :(( but its probably sleepy time
59. How long have you had them?- Mocsok for 3,5 years or so, and Pici, as ive said, has been w me since day 1
60. If you could have them stay as a kitten forever, would you?- i dont think so? i love them just the way they are
63. Have you ever stepped on their paw?- no but i did sit on both of theirs kasjkfsdf
64. Ever tripped you on stairs?- we dont have stairs so no
65. Any ear hair?- yeah!!! both of them have some
66. Favorite view from a window?- Pici just likes to spy the people who are on the street. Mocsi doesnt seem to know how to get to the window no matter how much he tries
67. Describe why they are precious.- i mean this whole post is basically about that kskdsf they are just goofy assholes who like to run around and fight each other. and sit/sleep on tables. and my laptop. 
68. Fit the cat stereotype?- Pici definitely does. Mocsok is like a dog in a cat’s body tbh
69. Chaotic neutral?- 100%
70. Do they enjoy following/ keeping you company?- oh dude yes, i cant even shower w/o them scratching at the door
71. Are you their favorite human?- i am definitely Pici’s favorite, but not Mocsi’s :’(((((
72. Do they like tv?- awwwwwwwwwwwwwww Pici used to watch cartoons when she was little, then she started watching like animal planet documentaries about big cats!!! but she lost interest. now she just likes to watch the things i watch on yt (her favorite is jacksepticeye. even if she’s asleep, she will wake up if she hears his intro. she would also like come up to me and meow at jack akjsdkjdsf its so cute)
73. Favorite noise to make?- i mean…purring…hellooo
74. If they were a Neko Atsume cat, what would their momento be?- pass
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xz017 · 6 years
oof. okay so imma do the latest tea???
got out of shower to hear my mum talkin to Agnes spillin the tea abt their friend/coworker
the one with that Kid my mum wanted to have a playdate with or whatever the annoyingly studious and clearskinned halfasian lookin girl i really envied.
her mum has a live in boyfriend who is basically like...an alcoholic mental case rip god i hate alcohol and i hate people who drink it like i only do it so i hate myself more and die but like this guy basically playin with knives n guns in the house and the kid who is like 19 idk why im callin her kid is so Over it like apparently she hasn’t been coming home and like
basically me in 2016 era when my mum was too generous n Helpful lettin ppl back into our lives and our House so i spent christmas morning 5am walkin in the cold n watchin 3 films until it got dark and stuff like that
girl be actin homeless---mood
so it came to a head today so Agnes is spillin the tea n her husband in the bg(omg it weird hearin him rip he was my military hs instructor wild) n my mUM is so selfrighteous n mad like
‘blablahblah well rosalie is being dumb she should put her daughter first she being sick in the head it her Choice’
n im like eavesdroppin havin warflashbacks of the dumb hypocrisy she has DOne lmao
‘has she no thought like what if Tyler gets raped/sexually abused by that man she’d let her daughter be in that environment???’
i mean it wouldnt be fair of me to be like...eyemoji on this cos she technically doesn’t know? but 19 may 2018 never4get lmao
anyway so my mum’s like our room is for rent and it’ll be far cheaper they dont even have to pay rn!!!
cue me being like...um...Money...generosity...i dont...LIke
i was conflicted here like idk i met the girl like 3-5 times im envious of her work ethic n her better asian disposition than mine cos she obviously prettier but she has better prospects and that’d suck if her life be like that
but also??? like...life be like that it was like that to me like who saved me????????????????????? 
um...no one
like why is that on me or US TO BE NICE n helpful im so tired like damn which is relevant to the next point anyway
cos earlier had a convo with my mum i was eyemojing healthcare profs i was like ‘pls stop bein on ye phone pls tell me info on ye opinion on respiratory therapists...what abt PA’
n deadass she be eyemojing me like STICK TO YOUR COURSE
n i was like...-ugly pleadin emoji eyes- n i was tryin to explain that i didn’t want to be so focused on one thing that if i decide this medical thing is what i want to pursue i’d need 1-2 years just for the PREREQS which is like 5 classes and 1000 clinical hours or minimum 6 month healthcare paid job. like if i decide i want to go to school for that i already have the Stuff and just Apply.
n she was like...you had your chance i bothered you to be a nurse a few years ago you were stubborn if you did as i said you’d be earning good money now but you wasted time
n i was like...oof i can’t say anything to that it’s tru. it real life tea it fax i wasted time n im old n im ruunnin out of time i hate myself alot i hate hate hate
and idk we got to talkin abt money n life cos she was like you have to find something you can learn to LOve
n i was like??? WHY I GOTTA SETTLE N FOOL MYSELF TO DO SO im super annoyed abt that mindset
cos the thing about a bloody Arts degree is there’s too fuckin many broad possibilities n they all aint even that good. like deadass if i was a STEM major ugh like if i was a Bio major prospects are so clear: forensics, research, premed,labtech. Meanwhile polsci for example: uhhh teacher? prelaw? politician? uhhh government work? n there’s like 111 different subdivisions of that n it’s like??? wat the fuck
deadass what am i gonna do with international security is that even gonna pay well like...the fuck do i know is it relevant ??? Doubts
n i was lowkey panique n frustrated cos i really REALLY hate being stuck in 1 ting n im like i HAD ACTING YOU SAID NO
n she was like pFF i wanted you to have something REAL cos if you dont make it in acting you’d be on the STREETS
n i was like...lmao lil did she know imma be on the streets next year smh this year actually
n she was like talkin abt the harsh reality of the workforce and how you gotta make do at how ppl treat you (patients) n how you might not even like your coworkers but you gotta deal with it because that’s what ppl do to survive
n she was talkin abt undeserving patients with no healthcare n i was like did you just hear yourself so you want them to die cos they dont got money and she was like 
no??? why get hooked up in the ICU when you’re braindead wasting government money taxes we payed for you don’t understand cos you dont have a job and dont get your salary cut cos of taxes and these people come in acting like they got something to give when they yell at your face acting like they know what they’re talking about they act entitled when they have nothing homeless ppl getting money and illegal immigrants are selfish bringing their kids to be hurt here
n im like...theyre life is ...shitty what are you talkin about n she was like so? why dont they stay and make it better??? one of my very first patients asked me why i was in america and i said i come from a poor country and they said why didn’t you stay and try to make it better? and i couldn’t say anything cos u know what they were right why dont illegal immigrants do that??? n im like...
cos theyre literally...RUNNIN and they want ppl they care abt i.e. children to be far away from that as soon as possible bruh ye think imma wait for change deadass there a reason why we suffer duterte he actually get shit done??? we dont have to wait for change the same way ppl who speak nice n are polite do but is stuck with bureaucracy and lowkey bein corrupt deadass stay in ye lane
n she’s like well i hope you’re right im done bein an idealist im a realist now i believed in good i wanted to help the world now no more
n im like...no you’re not a realist, you’ve just been hangin out with a republican
and she gave me a sideeye 
but deadass im ...scared like i really hate the empathy because when she was being serious n talkin n being honest abt things for once i started to unwillingly see things from her point of view i really felt it n i was scared i’ll be like that im scared she’s right
im scared i’ll end up Real n selfish like...i already am ? n bitter? like i care about so very few Personally and am willin to let others suffer to keep it safe n prioritised?
im scared.
like especially with racism all these years my mum’s been telling me it’s not that im racist just wait til you work with them they act so entitles and loud and make everything about race
n i almost told Her abt it earlier i skyped w her earlier we had a tea spillin moment about our ethnic relations bein racist but then idk we talked alot i guess the text got buried or unseen
like i said i was scared n didn’t get to unpack it like im scared because ive been livin with my roomate and like...ive been excusing it as a personality thing and that if it were anyone else different skin colour id still hate them just the same which i still maintain is true but like?
my RM is loud n she makes everything abt race like deadass me n my FM be just eating dinner and she passes by us and goes on a rant about harvard asians being a Blok to black ppl from getting There n im like...im tryna have dinner so i can get energy to deal with this stressful ass school
n she always talks like she knows what she’s talking about like ‘jewish ppl control the federal bank’ n im like...it 1am in the dark quiet of our shared room deadass i dont wanna tell the binch thats antisemitism cos she gonna be like im black how can i be racist smh
im!!! scared alright like i hate my roomate for proving my mum right when i try so hard to set things right like maybe that’s why i dont tell anyone about my situation other than Her. i never told my parents about the berkeley livin situation they already warn me enough to be careful n i just keep tellin them thats racist
i have so much........THOUGHTS n........DILEMMAS...n FEARS but like i just have this blog i cant trust anyone else to talk abt it n the only person i am willing to talk to abt it will be busy and im so ashamed abt these things but she was so sweet about givin me the heads up about her schedule 
like i hated that i had to get an ugly ass haircut today cos she came back to me n we couldve talked so i guess rip she was complacent n did stuff cos she replied late from then on like that dumbass haircut was 15 minutes ugh. our talkin pattern today was like...dashed lines timereply wise? i asked her if she packed earlier (pre haircut)n she said yes but rip a few hours later she was like...I need to pack 
wat is the truth rip
the tablet bein emo like...mood but my child rip.
my love be packin n spendin time with fam before leavin for london tomorrow
n even after that she doin...Stuff. rip.
which is ye know good for her rip.
i just hope she dont go iceskatin deadass one slip n she can crack her head open or break her neck or paralyse her spine like...??? why do humans wanna do dumb activities
like omg she admitted to me today she a serial jaywalker and WORSE with music n headphones like
binch thats why i didnt wanna enable you further by gettin ye airpods deadass bye
n she was like??? tryna equate it with my risky risk like ummm
mine is for science n validity
hers is just carelessness n chosin lazy convenience over idk...the responsibility of self vigilance like...
bruh ppl shouldnt promise someone 91 years if they be continuin to do dumb stuff consciously oof rip
but other than that like...im...really proud of this resolution she be undertakin officially on the 14th?
im nervous abt it cos i really want it for her too. i want her to get the proper sleep n i always hated her givin excuses like ‘IM FINE ON 4 HOURS OF SLEEP’ ‘I NAPPED 3 HOURS 38293820 HOURS AGO IM FINE I MADE UP FOR IT’ um...blokt. get proper sleep binch i love you tf???
prioritise work cos ye gonna regret not givin it yer all??? n ye payin for this???
what fun??? we capitalists now we want that money rip.
i see that shift you know rip i saw it comin a year ago.
that dont mean we republicans rip we still care about others n the inequality? but like i foresaw us getting acquainted with the harsh reality of the world n how difficult it is to get a job--which she experienced along the way.
n rip she wants many things bookmarkin them n honestly same rip
i want a stable warm home for this family n a shiny diamond to get disassociated by extra im a simple man
meanin im selfish n im ready to prioritise meanin im ready to make the choice for others to fall apart/behind if it means puttin This first rip
god pls dont make me a republican this so ugly
# 1 she’d hate me #2 i’d hate me
now im sad
im dead.
omg rip earlier too as she said goodbye i told her i loved her and she was like ‘i love you more’
DEADASS I WAS LIKE LMAO!!! girL i dont think you understand im literally Ready to put you and our possible future First like...im not messin around what skitrips with rich ppl what friends my love is potent n extreme n COncentrated like im sorry ik you feel love for me but you cant top This rip she not ready 
like the um ‘partially wanna make my life’s work abt knowin what might hurt n kill ye so i can kill it first or blok it well’ kinda love
the ‘im already savin for at least HALF a first month deposit in an overpriced london in case you wanna settle down wit me Mayhaps n im not touching it for ANYTHING’ kinda love
the ‘im thinking of a winter home in the tropics so you suffer less n im plannin the floorplans already rip just in case’ kinda extraness
but anyways the gall of this cute lovely human rip ‘i love you more’ ummm try Again smh
bruh i love her too much i bet that’s scary for her rip it might be a Burden tbh she so young rip 
meanwhile im old n ready to rot but like...
i wanna be mortal wit ye before i do
but ye know wat lads i saw myself in the mirror today like 5 times OOF. this meatform...keepin me...Humble. 
bitter but like...humble
‘like of course sHe not ready not only is my personality like dis but also...my outward form how could she introduce me as a Spouse’
‘wow i look like that oof it good i remembered i am undeservin of full intense love like in the films n fanfiction they always between attractive ppl after all it only 1/2 it not Equal’
‘wow bruh ye really upset she spendin time n resources elsewhere when you be lookin like That? ye dont have much to offer bro take the L’
oof so that’s the personal tea i can think of?
had a meghan marke talk rip i can’t believe i was right??? i had twin vibes!!! but i was hoping for like a variety situation rip im worried a lil abt the whole birthin Late ting but she can afford the highest care rip it fine she rich.
my love was talkin abt how pretty MM was n i was like rip is she triggerin Her a lil rip worrirooni
rip speakin of babies like she was showin me this smol gummybear n im like same das me heart n she was like :( n i was like it only fits you
n she was like so no children then:(
n i was like!!! rip if it Ours of course that Counts n i was a lil shook like rip she said she didn’t want them Really so i always get guilty when i talk abt the future or realise i mentioned kids or carelessly name drop Hyaline n Benzion like...im dead rn just typin that like what if she read this big shame bro
but ye know what this is already long n she gonna be busy maybe that’s the key. TOo Much puts ppl OFF so ye mayhaps we sneaky ! ?
anyway i was tryin to get her thoughts on it rip but like she was all iDK ASK ME IN 13 Yrs n i was like...
sighemoji + sandemoji + resignedemoji
rip we talked FAaC a lil. cos she Dared!!! to liken me to her brother just cos i showed her my cheap youth boy shoes smh
At first i was super offended n disgusted but then i was like rip eyemoji if ye into that
then she was like ew nO
then i was like um ye already play the ‘daddy u like me young huh’ card
which is like idk is like technically? joking but it’s like that post ye know abt ppl bein ‘whether or not im actually jokin or flirtin depends if you into it’ but also like schrodingers racism like ‘it was a joke bro!!!’ but they actually bigots.
so it DIFFICULT for my brain to Confirm rip like...eyemoji what is the truth
but like??? im rip. willin. rip. to. rip. Try. rip.?
really i am rip. it Her. bruh. im only hopin she dont have a golden shower kink but. trust i...Will follow thru.
rip anyway that whole thing reminded me of FAaC origins which was porn n then somehow sHe was like imagine if egggsy was a singer he’d sing like ‘age is just a number’ shit n i SPILLED THE TEA ABOUT A TING IN PT 3 im so weak sand
i miss the gays
i wanna give them justice n happiness but the 2027 excuse is rl nice for my ugly procrastination issues oof but i wish them well
add: rip had another talk with my mum i really wanted her to understand my thought process about wanting to get the prereqs for medtraining done beforehand
n she was like...I UNderstand but Normal people--
n she’s just like SHOOKE n mad n clearly dont understand that im fukt up in the head ‘...IC AN’T BELIEVE YOU!!! iF YOU’RE ABNORMAL YOU WONT GET HIRED N YOU WONT HAVE A NICE JOB’
n im like...well i mean what can i say to that it’s not like it’s not tru rip
Big sand honestly.
it gonna be a long few days imma do my best to leave her alone she needs her time rip i love her so much rip sand
i feel like a dumb ugly dog god fljækadfkøad h8
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29anima-blog · 6 years
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Best. Convo. Ever.
3:27AM    4/03/19
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like sad.
Stranger: Hello
You: hello
You: hows it going fellow sad human :)
You: :(*
Stranger: Not actually a human
You: :O same here
Stranger: It's going alright, not really that good
Stranger: How about you
You: mehh could be better
Stranger: I feel that
You: anything particular or is it just life lol?
Stranger: Yeah, just need some inspiration to get me going again
You: aha i getchu
Stranger: How are things on your end? What can make your life better
You: ahh thats a big question
You: lets just say im quite an overthinker
Stranger: I know the feeling
You: So I worry too much about what I want to die with my life etc
You: but im going through a "not giving a shit phase" atm lol
Stranger: Yeah, that's a big thing for a lot of people
Stranger: I'm sure you'll find something you'll enjoy
Stranger: Umm are you in any programs? Like that the school offers
Stranger: Maybe you'll find something you enjoy there
Stranger: Its always good to have hobbies
You: hmm not really im quite an antisocial person so i hadnt considered it
You: i do music on the side for fun
You: but its quite pricey hahah
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: Hobbies can definitely be expensive
You: yeah im currently saving up for some equipment so
Stranger: That's nice, goals yass
You: well what do you like to do for fun?
Stranger: ATM I'm into gaming
You: oo me too
You: although i havnt played games for a while
Stranger: Ahh
Stranger: I play shooters mostly
Stranger: I do enjoy other games occasionally
You: yaas pc or a console?
Stranger: Mostly console
Stranger: A little pc here and there
You: ahh i see
Stranger: Yep
Stranger: I'm just in love with edits in videos I want to be more involved with the community but like you I am also sort of antisocial at times
You: Ahhhh
You: you do edits?
Stranger: A little but I'm really not good
You: ah i doubt that
You: what types of edits
You: i wish i was good at video editing haha
Stranger: ATM kinda like a montage
You: ah thats cool
Stranger: I love the community but I'm just so scared of it tbh
You: ah i feels
Stranger: I've never really had anxiety and stuff, but I understand now
Stranger: There's a few people in the community I have a real hard time talking to
Stranger: Like my heart is bumpin' super fast and sometimes I get a sinking feeling
Stranger: Do you have any solutions?
You: aw one of my best friends is like that
You: hmm
You: well recently she's been forcing herself into social situations
You: umm
You: i would start small maybe just talk to a stranger on the bus or something
Stranger: I hate lfgs but it'll probably help
You: ahh understandable
Stranger: I suck online, in person I'm alright
Stranger: Idk why that is
You: i dont really like social situations but it doesnt make me too nervous
You: ahh really?its the opposite for me hahah
You: in person im awkward asf
Stranger: I can be too, but it's usually when I want people to stop talking to me
You: aha
Stranger: I'm not really one to tell someone to go away or shut up
You: For me it would take a while for me to be myself around you if id just met you
You: like id have to chill with you for a long time
You: yeahh me too tbh
Stranger: Yeah, I feel that
You: i get especially awkward if i like someone and im talking to them lmfao
Stranger: Oh lmao
You: thats the only time ill really be nervous
Stranger: Last time I was like that was middle school haha
You: ahh hahah
You: wait how old is middle school lol
Stranger: Do you play any sports or something?
You: we dont use those terms in the UK lol
You: yeahh basketball and I go to the gym a lot
Stranger: Umm like 12, 13, 14
You: ahh so how old are you now?
You: and are you into sports?
Stranger: 19 :/
Stranger: Yeah, wrestling
You: ahh 16 here
Stranger: Oh boy
You: Oo thats awesome
Stranger: Yeah it was fun
Stranger: Especially if you're good
You: i took up kick boxing recently
Stranger: Because then you can use it as like a line
You: i enjoy it way more than karate
You: ahh right
Stranger: Talking to a girl or something, be like aye come watch my matches
Stranger: Don't recommend sitting with them until after you shower tho
You: hahaha
You: ah well I am a girl so don't think i'd be doing that lol
Stranger: Idk some of the girls out here are spitting game
Stranger: Like when I was in school they were smooth af
You: lmaoo
You: id have to be extremely comfortable around someone to have game lol
Stranger: I'm just saying it's just natural for some
You: yeah ive seen
Stranger: One of my best friends, she had a guy miss his stop and go to her house I was like woah
You: god damn lol
Stranger: They ended up dating for two years
You: wow
Stranger: Yeah man, some people out here are experts, I've only been in a handful of relationships
Stranger: So I'm not the best when it comes to keeping people around
You: ahh i get youu
Stranger: Yeah, a lot of my relationships ended pretty bad
Stranger: How about you?
You: How old were you when u had your first serious relationship
You: aw damn that sucks
Stranger: Like 13
You: aha 14 here
Stranger: Wait what do you mean by serious?
You: when I had my first boyfriend
Stranger: Like sexual stuff or like
You: no just like
You: i dont even know what i meant tbh
Stranger: Yeah then, 13
You: rightt
Stranger: We we're together for a while going to each other houses to hang out and stuff
Stranger: I loved her family
Stranger: Super friendly
Stranger: We just drifted apart and I kinda was mean
Stranger: How did yours go?
You: ah suckss
You: well uh it was great at first
You: i was 14 he was 15
Stranger: Ooo
You: like we had a lot in common and many mutual friends
You: we were together for about a year
You: thinks just got ugly the last few months like he was really aggressive
You: and then yeahh that was that
Stranger: Like how?
Stranger: Idk I was just giving her the cold shoulder without even realizing it
You: at first he would just lose his temper and throw shit around or punch something
You: but then he hit me one time in front of all of my friends
Stranger: Yeah, that's a no no
You: and I was actually willing to forgive him but my friends didn't let me to
You: and im glad they didnt
Stranger: That's good
You: i was quite naive then but
You: nah lol
Stranger: I meant like them not letting you forgive him ahha
You: yeahh I know :p
You: were you in love with her
You: the girl you grew apart form
Stranger: Umm sort of
Stranger: Hard to explain
You: yeah love is a tricky word
Stranger: I tend to use it in the wrong sense
Stranger: Idk, she was really cool, we didn't really share many things but she was understanding
Stranger: Because we were completely different people
You: ahh
Stranger: At the end of the day, she had both her parents her whole life and was sheltered, I didn't so I knew way more than her in that sense
You: ahh :( must of been hard
Stranger: Eh, I had my uncles to keep me in check
Stranger: And even tho my dad wasn't there a lot to help me, he still showed me a lot of things
Stranger: Like never lay a hand on a woman, and look out for others
You: ah i see
Stranger: I'm the second oldest
Stranger: 2 brothers 2 sisters
You: ah wow
You: ive just got an older brother
Stranger: Was he nice ?
You: Well
You: when we were younger we pretty much hated eachother and he always hit me lol
You: but now he's more supportive and a much calmer guy
Stranger: Lmao
You: he had loads of issues i cant really hate him anymore
You: but he's quite a jealous guy so hes scared of other boys lol
Stranger: I feel that
Stranger: Oh really now? Like he doesn't have guy friends or
You: yeah hes been like a dad to me pretty much lol
You: nah he does but like
You: hes scared of my interactions with guys because, in his words he "knows what guys are like"
Stranger: That's true
You: so he would threaten me to not have a boyfriend and shit lol
Stranger: Yeah
You: im kind of glad he was like that though
Stranger: Have you been to a part yet?
Stranger: Party
You: prevented me from doing dumb shit
You: Yeah one
You: not really my thing
Stranger: Go to a few more then you'll see what he means
You: Yeah I pretty much understood from that party hahha
You: pretty much an excuse to drink, smoke and have sex
Stranger: Yep
Stranger: Like we come from different places
Stranger: Out here in Illinois people are like less picky
You: oh really?
Stranger: A lot of my friends back back in middle school lost their virginity to the same girl
You: whoa
Stranger: So like I your brother said, he knows what guys want
Stranger: When I mean a lot I mean like 3
You: damn
Stranger: Idk, I just don't like the idea of my mans being with the same girl as me
Stranger: I've always been like that
You: yeah i get you
Stranger: I'm glad you're close to your brother I'm not close to my older brother
You: ah what about your other siblings?
Stranger: Closer but not super close
Stranger: I kinda keep to myself now
You: yeah im close with him in one sense, but theres a lot i cant talk to him about
You: ahh i feels
Stranger: Yeah, like when I was 15, I stopped talking to a lot of people
Stranger: Depression hit me hard
You: shit :/
Stranger: Yeah, shit can be tough especially if you don't talk to people
Stranger: Just a fyi, if you have issues find someone to talk to
You: yeah definitely
Stranger: But be careful because some people will use it against you
You: yeah ive always been a closed book
You: especially females!!
You: they love having dirt on somebody
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: That's how my umm relationship at 15 ended
Stranger: I told her what was going on and she told the whole school and stuff
You: wow wtf
Stranger: It was really bad because I was umm sent away for a little
You: jesus
Stranger: Yeah I was out for like two weeks
Stranger: 3 days at the hospital then about a little more than a week at the facility
You: ahh shit :c
Stranger: After that I didn't really trust anyone
Stranger: Tbh I only just started talking to people about my problems
You: yeah i get what that feels like people have broken my trust a lot growing up
You: yeah same really
You: I was forced into counselling and i hating going at first
You: my counsellor saw i hated talking to people so she encouraged me to talk to a friend
Stranger: The person I had listening, I didn't really like her do I stopped going
Stranger: So*
You: and this friend i knew i could trust so i told her a lot
Stranger: That's good
Stranger: I grew away from my best friend
You: Yeahh it felt really unnatural so i just prefered talking to someone close
Stranger: There's just some things I can't tell him
You: Yeah i get you
You: I was scared i would drive her away if i told her certain things
Stranger: Idk I want to tell someone but I don't trust anyone
You: but i still told her a lot
Stranger: It's not about driving them away
You: someone in the family maybe?
Stranger: Its about them telling the person
Stranger: I told you how I'm not close to my brother but we have a lot in common and he's closer to the family than me
Stranger: So I can't really vent to my uncles or cousins
You: right
You: ermm
You: the things you wanted to talk abiout
You: is it something that can be used against you in a way?
Stranger: Sort of
Stranger: It's more or less like I'll say something then they'll bring stuff to just destroy my character and stuff
Stranger: The way we talk is people get really defensive and start attacking you if they don't like what you have to say
You: ah i understand
You: thats a shitty position to be in :c
Stranger: Yeah, I can't tell any of my online friends either because I don't want people to think different of me if they know I tried to commit suicide
Stranger: One of the people in the community I love knows because she was one of the first people I told
You: damn
Stranger: But she told her bf back in the day and he sent me a lot of hurtful messages
You: people can be really ignorant about these kinds of things so i get its hard to talk about
You: what the fuck
You: thats so messed up smh :(
Stranger: It was like 3ish years ago but I still remember it
Stranger: He isn't with her anymore but when I do end up talking to her, my stomach sinks so much
Stranger: And my heart beats really fast
You: crap
You: have you spoken to her about that?
Stranger: Honestly just thinking about her just makes me nervous, not really very briefly
Stranger: It was just catching up and she has changed as a person and I'm just scared tbh
You: ahh damn
Stranger: Honestly, this is the biggest reason why I don't feel motivated. This is why I need inspiration
You: what specifically
Stranger: The fact that she knows that I tried to commit suicide and like I said I want to play a bigger part of the community and she streams occasionally and I don't want the community to know. Because I know I'll get a lot of messages and stuff
Stranger: Hate stands out a lot more than support
You: ahh definitely i feel that
Stranger: It makes me really nervous
You: what do you think would help?
Stranger: I don't know
Stranger: I over think as well
Stranger: Like idk one of my good friends I've been playing with for a year straight kinda did some lame shit so
Stranger: I'm not really trusting anyone
You: ah damn
Stranger: We umm got into some illegal activities and he liked about something and it was something big
Stranger: So I don't know how much he'll do to make the like true even if it means one of us will get sent away to prison
Stranger: Lie
You: ohh shit
Stranger: Yeah, so I haven't talked to that guy in like 3 weeks or so
Stranger: So I'm on edge and don't trust anyone
You: thats understandable
You: given everything thats happened
Stranger: Thanks for listening
Stranger: Even tho I don't have solutions for everything I will try to talk to people a little more so I can be a bit more friendly
You: Thank you too stranger this has been quite a good talk
You: and i never do this kind of thing lol
Stranger: Oh?
Stranger: What do you usually do
You: Nothing really I just swim around in my thoughts
Stranger: Aww
Stranger: I wouldn't mind listening to some thoughts (:
You: Like I know there is a certain person I can trust but I hate worrying people or burdening them with my problems
You: ahh I appreciate that
You: I don't even know where to begin haha
Stranger: It's cool just say whatever's on your mind
You: Okay just so you get a better understanding I'll tell you a bit about me lol
Stranger: I'm all ears
You: Right so ill just start to when I was around 10 years old
You: I always felt different and I was quite isolated from people because of it
You: like i didnt really have friends because the ones I had ended up hating me or breaking my trust or some dumb shit
Stranger: What made you feel different? Anything in particular?
You: and I got bullied for like a year
Stranger: Ahh
You: Uhh well
You: I thought differently to everyone else
You: Like
You: everyone was so much more willing to be ignorant about things just because it made them happier
Stranger: Definitely, I know how dumb people can be
You: And everyone around me would be after small meaningless things and I felt like I always thought big
You: idk what im saying hahah but yeah people pretty much thought I was a weirdo and i got bullied for it
Stranger: A lot of people miss the big picture
Stranger: I never really got bullied
You: so when i was 11 i had my first real real friends
Stranger: A little name calling here and there
You: yeah it really sucked im glad it didnt last too long
Stranger: What we're their names?
Stranger: That's nice
You: hahaha
Stranger: Were
You: I really don't remember now I left that school
Stranger: Awww
Stranger: One of my old best friends was cody
You: ohh you mean my friends
Stranger: He was a goofy kid
Stranger: Yeah silly
You: soz im so sleep deprived i read it wrong hahah
Stranger: It's okay
You: Well there was three of us
You: crystal, danielle and tamanna
You: them three*
You: and there was me
You: so it was a small friendship circle and i was friends with them from ages 11, 12, 13, 14
You: like there was additions to the group but i wont say much about them
Stranger: I feel that we all got our groups
You: but during these few years i was still that same weird different kid
You: but I suppressed that and acted like somebody else so I would have friends
Stranger: I sort of did the same thing
You: and yeah these friends weren't great, they lied a lot, said a lot about eachother (including me) behind eachothers back, spread rumours, told secrets
You: so I knew i couldnt trust them with the things i was thinking or whatnot
Stranger: Yeah, it's tough finding trustworthy people at that age
Stranger: You gotta find them before all that
Stranger: Hormones can do a lot to mess things up
You: so yeah, 14 years old was when I was really down about it, I felt lonely all the time because I was constantly stuck in my own thoughts
You: yeahh definitely
Stranger: Did you think about the same things
You: So I would spend a lot of time on my own which was the biggest mistake lol
You: pretty much yeah but
Stranger: Definitely
You: there was a lot i was thinking about
Stranger: Like what
You: Ahh things about people, things about like, our purpose
You: it got really unhealthy i guess
You: life**
You: i guess i asked a lot of questions which couldn''t be answered
Stranger: When I was younger I always knew what I wanted in life
You: ahh really?
Stranger: Yeah, it's kinda silly and a lot of people think it's lame but my friends and I all wanted to become pro players
You: ah thats sick
Stranger: That was back in the day 6ish years ago
You: its not silly at all
Stranger: It is, in the sense that it's a lot of work and a lot of people don't make it
You: True but, its good to have dreams and ambitions
You: something to work towards
Stranger: Most definitely but people need a back up plan
You: Yeah definitely
Stranger: What did you want
Stranger: Like in life
You: I never knew to be honest
You: generally I wanted to help or inspire people
You: but never knew specifically what
Stranger: I'm sure there's something that'll bring you in (:
You: but that all went to shit when i got olde rhahah
You: yeahh I'm waiting for it :)
Stranger: I'm sure you'll get the passion back and start caring again
You: I hope so
Stranger: Sometimes when I need motivation I watch some videos of people I look up to
You: Theres other things I need to fix first before that can happen
Stranger: For sure
You: ah thats nice
Stranger: Work on yourself before helping others
You: Yeah I know that I should but
You: idk i never really felt worth the effort I always thought everyone else was more important
You: second biggest mistake lol
Stranger: I feel that
Stranger: I was actually failing a lot of classes because I spent all my time helping others and not doing my own work
Stranger: So I just cheated on all my paperwork with friends
You: ah wow
You: damn
Stranger: That was middle school tho
Stranger: Can't do that in highschool
Stranger: You'll get into serious trouble
You: yeahh
You: its kind of like that here
Stranger: Academic dishonesty is a big issue
You: slightly different system
Stranger: Especially if you want to get into a big school
You: but theres mostly exam papers
You: oh yeah 100%
Stranger: Yeah
You: ahh I have such little time to fix up though
You: like last year I was really stupid
Stranger: Why
You: and the year before hahah
Stranger: What did you do
You: ahh lets see
You: so
You: when I was 14 I just fell into a deep hole of bullshit and stupidity and got into the habit of harming myself
You: and I left all of my old friends and found new, even worse friends
Stranger: I feel it, I did the same sort of
Stranger: Did they encourage your behavior?
You: but i "loved" them for the reason that we would smoke a lot of weed together
You: no nobody knew i hid it all the time
Stranger: Ahhh, yeah drugs are definitely something interesting
You: yeah definitely
Stranger: I don't think anyone who isn't there mentally should do drugs
You: dumbest thing I could have done in my situation as it was the only think I was relying on to make me even the slightest bit happy
You: yeah so true
Stranger: Happiness can be tricky
You: and then in that friendship group was this one guy who I wont go into much detail about but we were both mentally fucked up so we were just toxic together and fucked eachother up even more
Stranger: I did the same thing
You: and my mum found out about me harming myself so i was forced into counselling, my mum was getting panic attacks because of stressing about me
You: which made me feel shit so i started harming myself again
Stranger: Awww ):
You: and then at 15
You: is like one of the most important exams we do in the UK
Stranger: We do it at like 16-17
You: and basically i didnt really care much about life so I purposefully failed everything
Stranger: ):
You: here its 15-18
You: 17*
You: and then i left to go to a new school because i hated everyone there so im going there currently
You: and the most important exams
You: well the first year of it
You: are coming up
You: and yeah I'm still not in a really good place mentally
Stranger: Do you know why that is?
You: I don't smoke anymore but I rely on hurting myself wayy too much
You: I honestly do not, and ive thought about it a lot too :/
Stranger: Is it what happened in the past?
You: i think its just many small things that just add up
You: maybe
You: this is weird but recently like im remembering stuff from my childhood that I had completely forgotten about
Stranger: Yeah, something like happens to me
Stranger: It's just weird dreams of the past
You: yeahh me too
Stranger: A lot of it is middle school stuff like dances and stuff
Stranger: Like dates and what not
You: ahh
You: for me its like when i was really really young
You: but idk because these memories seem really bizarre that im wondering if im somehow making some of them up
You: one of them which I know is true is the first time that my dad hit my mum
You: he never did again but
You: I dont know why im remembering it now
Stranger: That's good
Stranger: Umm I'm not sure tbh
Stranger: Do you believe in like the guy feeling and stuff?
Stranger: Guy
Stranger: Gut*
You: sometimes i guess
You: actually yeah
Stranger: Maybe something is going to happen
Stranger: I believe in it, a few weeks back I felt weird and stuff and then it came true
Stranger: Hopefully nothing bad happens
You: hm
You: yeah hopefully
You: idk thats not the feeling i get from this
Stranger: What do you get?
You: its more like me just remembering a bunch of shit i forced myself to forget
Stranger: Ahhh
You: but i just dont understand why im remebering now
You: of all times lol
Stranger: Maybe something that happened triggered that memory?
You: i dont really know
You: like sometimes its in dreams
You: sometimes ill just be daydreaming in class and remember something vividly
You: weird shit lol
Stranger: Nah I feel that too
Stranger: I was always in iss so I day dreamed a lot
You: i know a lot of people say that like things that happen in your childhood affect you when your older
Stranger: Yeah definitely
You: but would it still affect me even if i didnt remember them?
You: cos like some of it makes sense
Stranger: Yes I'm sure it would
You: when i think of these new found memories lol
Stranger: It's hard to explain over text but yeah definitely
You: yeah i getchu haha
You: but uhh yeah, theres a lot i need to change in my life lol
Stranger: Start small, silly
You: where do you even start lmao
Stranger: Ummmmm
Stranger: So how is your studying? Good bad?
You: terrible i dont even study haha
You: im basically doing what i did last year
You: i just have no motivation for it i guess
Stranger: But your future silly
Stranger: Don't you wanna help people?
You: yeah i stopped thinking about that a while ago
You: oh yeah i was gonna talk about taht
You: so uh
Stranger: Help yourself
You: Yeah like last summer
You: lmaooo
Stranger: I just want you to do something you enjoy
Stranger: And not be stuck with something you hate
Stranger: Passion matters a lot
Stranger: And I'm sure there's some guy that'll love that you do that stuff 😉
Stranger: You'll be a major guy magnet
You: But yeah a little before summer one of my friends killed herself because of the guy I used to date (the toxic relationship guy) and it just showed me how different people are to how they actually seem. I basically started hating people and became a selfish prick and drove myself a bit crazy until one of my friends metaphorically slapped me in the face and woke me up. The hatred lasted for a few months maybe
You: i agree i still need to think about what i want i guess
Stranger: Try some programs, clubs or something (:
Stranger: Hobbies are always nice to have
You: yeah id just rather do hobbies alone than with people
Stranger: My friend went through the same thing sort of
You: i still sort of hate most people hahah
Stranger: I feel that
You: its weird but because of that i feel like i can read people and i know exactly what someones intentions are
You: which is stupid but
Stranger: Yeah some people feel that way
You: yeah i always think that everyones a fake
Stranger: My brother feels that way and I hate him
You: so it makes it hard for me to get along with people
You: yeah its really stupid i need to learn to trust people
Stranger: It takes a while but people's true colors come out
Stranger: Start small, work your way up
Stranger: <(^~^<)
You: yah i should
You: i need to do some serious soul searching hahah
Stranger: Yeah, I wish I could help, but I always knew what I wanted
Stranger: I'm sure you'll find yourself
You: ahh well you've been a huge help just by listening
You: ive said stuff ive never said before to someone so
You: its been really helpful thanks stranger :)
Stranger: Listen, at the end of the day it's whatever you want
Stranger: We can leave things here if you want
Stranger: Just remember to take care of yourself
Stranger: And please don't hurt yourself
You: ahh well small steps remember
Stranger: Life is beautiful
Stranger: Oh shush
You: hahaha
Stranger: See you around (probably not tho)- J
Stranger has disconnected.
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