#like if I was still in college or if I got a wild urge to try and publish research papers bc I technically have the credentials to do that
loregoddess · 2 years
I've finished Ch11 in Engage, and like, no details bc spoilers obviously, but hrmmm the narrative is doing something and I haven't quite sorted it out in my head to even explain what it is doing, but it is so very good like, the narrative is actually so carefully and thoughtfully written in ways I was no expecting and I want to articulate it, but I haven't found the words yet, but hnngh
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urfavstargirl · 1 year
inner man challenge! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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hey babes!! okay, i know i said i was going on break but i got this sudden inspiration and yk i had to make a post!! so this challenge is called the inner man challenge, because it's all about fulfilling your inner man and staying in the wish fulfilled!!
making the state of the wish fulfilled your dwelling state
fulfilling your inner man
falling in love with imagination
not caring about the 3d
this is crucial! remove the intention of manifesting to be for getting in the 3d!!! "but girl.. the whole point of manifesting is to get it in the 3d" okay yes, if u want to believe that i can't change your mind. but to get it in the 3d we need to be fulfilled, and you can't be in the SOWF if you are still trying to get it! read this if ur still confused <3
me personally i feel like the reason why some people don't get results from methods, challenges etc is because they are doing the method to get it in the 3d, not to feel fulfilled. but thats just me 🤷🏾‍♀️
now for the fun part, decide what you want!! df, db, sp, a billion bucks in ur account, being the smartest of ur class, moving out of your paren'ts home, getting into your dream college, literally go wild!!
fulfill your inner man when your inner man needs fulfilling! if something bad arises in the 3d that shakes ur confidence, fulfill!
having the urge to look in ur bank account to see if you have a billion bucks? close your eyes, imagine your inner man looking at her bank account and seeing the numbers go up by the second!
one of your family members makes a comment about how ugly you are?? would your inner man care?? NO! bc she's fine asf!
if anything 'bad' happens in the 3d, imagine your inner man saying "uh.. thats cute but i'm living my dream life rn sooo.."
there's no schedule to this challenge!! no "in the morning say 1409834 affirmations, in the afternoon vaunt for 3 hours, in the night do starfish position and affirm for the void" NO!! literally just fulfill your inner man when ur inner man needs fulfilling!!
"don't force yourself to do a method you don't want to do! don't force yourself to visualize the same scene someone else even though it doesn't create any feeling of knowing inside of you and feels like a chore to you. don't repeat affirmations if you don't want to and don't repeat an aff you don't resonate with. do what you think is fun! and do what feels natural to you! by taking the pressure of being perfect off yourself, it's easier to imagine in order to experience, rather than to get it in your 3d." - @remcycl333
no need to stay in the SOWF the entire day, we are always changing states! for example, right now you're in the state of reading this post, and i am in the state of writing this post. it's all about making the SOWF your dwelling state! so if you accidentally stay in the state of lack 7 times but you are in the SOWF 8 times, then the SOWF is your dwelling state! (btw don't count the times you enter a state lmao)
get off tumblr, just delete the app.. like this place is literally just making you overconsume. you have better things to do!
if you have a negative thought don't spiral and think all your progress has gone to waste. breathe in and out, your inner man has it and that's all that matters.
have fun!! this challenge isn't like other challenges (soo quirky i know 😜), it's meant to fulfill you instead of making you stress about the 3d. make fun scenarios in your head, vaunt, just have a good time!!
WHEN you get successes (whatever you consider to be a success: feeling that your inner man is fulfilled, or getting it in the 3d) send it to me or make a post about it using #star's-inner-man-challenge!
if you have any questions let me know in my inbox, bye yall!! 💞
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tidetfs · 6 months
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Dan stared at the bottle he had ordered. Never thinking it would actually have arrived from the sketchy online seller, the liquid within shone a bright orange. Bringing the bottle to his nose, the 20-year old nerdy college student recalled the ad: "become a hot, dumb, smelly, musky, blonde himbo Aussie surfer dude with long hair!" - what he initially thought as ridiculous and something that would only live in his fantasies, he began to think the ad might have been a little real as he popped the cork and gave it a sniff, recoiling. It smelled like the combination of the sea and a high school locker room!
The ad had promised a transformation time of 30 minutes, and for the effects to last forever! Dan looked around at his room...did he really want to do this? Leave his nerdy life behind? As soon as he began to have doubts, he forced himself to rip the cork off the bottle. Before the smell got too bad, Dan imagined the stuff was just a shot of vodka he always saw his hot roommate taking, plugged his nose, and downed the whole bottle.
As he finished the last drops of the nasty liquid, Dan felt the effects immediately. His stomach felt warm and gurgly. A wave of heat and energy washed over his body, causing him to drop the empty bottle and fall to his knees. He suddenly felt rejuvenated, as if he could go outside right this instant and put his pudgy body through a fifty mile run, while at the same time feeling a strong urge to vomit. As Dan tried to stand, he felt another wave of heat coursing through his body. Dan screamed as his veins felt like they would burst out of his skin, falling back to the floor.
Dan moaned again as the heat began to become unbearable, his shirt becoming wet with sweat as he struggled to pry it off. Panting, Dan struggled to remove his shorts too, almost feeling as if he was basking in the hot summer sun. Once his clothes were all off, Dan laid there on the floor, a puddle of sweat surrounding his body. Suddenly, the vomiting urge disappeared, and was replaced by a new one.
"I-I'm horny..." Dan mumbled as he reached down to stroke his hardening cock, a few inches long. He had never been able to get hard, and certainly had never had a wet dream or orgasm, let alone masturbate. But now, Dan couldn't stop himself from touching his cock, and the feeling was electric. It had never felt so good before!
"What is this?!" Dan gasped as his cock seemed to pulse with each stroke. Dan was in heaven, his whole body tingling as he began to play with his nipples, never before having considered that area pleasurable. He didn't even notice the slow growth of hair on his arms, chest, and legs. As Dan began to furiously stroke his lengthening cock, small blonde hairs began to peek out of his head, and a thin patch of pubic hair sprouted. Dan moaned and thrashed about, his cock pulsing with pleasure as it slowly became longer and thicker, surpassing 9 inches and growing to the width of a beer can. Dan began thrusting into his hand as the pulsating head spurted precum like a fountain, dribbling down to his new mess of blonde public hairs that was still growing, becoming an out of control forest reeking of fresh sweat.
"Oh fuck yes" Dan moaned as the rest of him began to grow. Dan's feet began to pulse and crack spreading across the cold tile floor as wild, bushy tufts of bright blonde hair sprouted between his toes and grew up his feet, soon surpassing size 12 as Dan cried out in pleasure. His legs began to swell, becoming thick, toned and covered in sweaty, sticky blonde hair, reeking of male scent and...gnarly waves? Dan began to question how he would know this smell, but the heat overcame him again as his legs pushed him taller to a striking 6'2. His thighs and ass swelled, his hips and waist widening with them as his muscles grew stronger and thicker, his ass cheeks soon swelling to the size of a small chair cushion and bouncing with every move, his hips wider than the doors as he was left with a small, round, bubble butt that shook like jello when he moved. Here too, a jungle of smelly, sweaty blonde hair consumed his ass as Dan screamed in pleasure, his hands kneading the soft flesh as he thrusted his cock into the air.
"Yesssssss" Dan cried, as the heat began to spread up from his crotch to his abdominals. His stomach began to grow outward, the pudge melting away and giving way to a firm, chiseled, rock hard 6-pack abs that glistened with sweat. Dan's nipples became dark, sensitive nubs of flesh, his pecs swollen with muscle as they began to pulse. Screaming at the pleasure coursing through his chest, Dan ran his hands up the chiseled surface of his abs, feeling them become coated in a sheen of rancid sweat that would never truly wash away. As he began to grope and massage his bloating man tits, the blonde jungle from his crotch began to consume his chest and underarms, his armpits turning into a wet, sweaty pit that would forever stink, the blonde hair growing thicker and curlier with each second. Even with his arms resting at his sides, the pits would still spill outwards, a mountain of hairy flesh and sweat. His chest became swollen, the pecs now growing large and round, a pair of thick, perky, sweaty man tits that would shake like water balloons with any movement. The hair on his chest went into overdrive, thickening and spreading as a trail formed up the middle of his back, ensuring any shirt he wore would be ruined by sweat, no matter the number of showers he had.
As Dan continued to massage the still-growing mounds of muscle on his chest, his arms began to pulse with the summer heat. With each wave, Dan screamed in ecstasy, as the veins and muscles underneath his skin swelled, becoming thicker and bigger. The reeking blonde jungle from his crotch and chest, now complete, consumed his biceps, triceps, and forearms, growing into a dense mat that would only grow and grow until the day he died, a permanent, rancid stench that would make him the subject of attention wherever he went. Dan moaned as his arms began to flex, his hands reaching up to the ceiling as his hands swelled, growing longer, larger, and thicker, the hands of a brute. As he used his new hands on his raging cock, he felt the heat once more as his shoulders began to pulse, feeling them widen as his back grew thick and powerful with strong muscle, his broad shoulders bulging with the same power.
"O-oh f-fuck..." Dan moaned, as he flexed his arms, feeling them bulge with raw strength, biceps and triceps thicker than a normal person's thighs, the smelly blonde jungle making them seem even bigger. He breathed deeply as his cock continue to leak, his whole body dripping with sweat, as the heat began to travel up into his neck as it grew thicker and wider, giving him the appearance of the jocks he wanted so much to be like. Dan moaned, feeling his voice drop deeper and deeper into a low, sensual baritone as his Adam's apple pushed outwards, forming a thick, protruding knot.
As Dan reached down to play with his hairy ass, his face began to tingle. His eyes fluttered and closed as his nose cracked pushed outwards, giving the slightly crooked appearance that it had once been broken as his lips grew plumper and fuller as his longer tongue licked their edges. Dan's teeth grew dull and slightly crooked, a perfect set for the dumb surfer boy he was becoming. A low, sensual chuckle came from deep within his chest as his jaw cracked, growing larger and wider as his cheekbones bulged.
"Heheheh" Dan chuckled again, his new, low voice reverberating throughout his body, as blonde stubble began to appear on his face and neck. Dan's hands caressed the smooth, baby-like skin of his face, before it erupted into a wild, dense jungle, covering his entire head. The smell was unbearable, but Dan could do nothing but moan in ecstasy as he raised his muscular arm to huff the sea of hair spilling from his pit. He breathed deeply, smelling the mixture of his rancid male musk, salty sweat, and the ocean, feeling a nostalgic sense of returning home. He moaned again in his new, low voice as his skull began to grow a thick set of curly, sweaty blonde locks, only adding to the smell as the last of his short, black hair changed color and began to spill behind his ears. Dan moaned again, the sound of his voice sending shivers down his spine, as his mouth filled with saliva.
"Fuuuuuck" he moaned, his tongue swirling around in the saliva, causing some to spill out as drool onto his still pulsing cock, earning Dan another wave of pleasure as his greasy locks grew even more curly, reaching the back of his neck. Dan opened his eyes, the pupils now a beautiful aquamarine, and watched his hair grow in the mirror, the light from the window glinting off the golden blonde curls.
"D-do I have long hair?" Dan mumbled, his mouth filled with spit, as he stood up and walked over to the mirror. Dan's cock bobbed with each step, precum flying everywhere, as he stared at his new, sexy, handsome body.
"I-I look like a surfer" Dan said slowly, looking at his long, wet, curly locks, shining like gold in the light. He looked at his strong, muscular arms, the blonde hair shining as it cascaded down to the jungle on his hands, before continuing to his chest. Dan's hands moved to his pecs, feeling them, before his hands traced the outline of his six pack. "I'm strong..." Dan muttered, watching his cock twitch and bob. Dan looked up to the mirror again, his new model-like face staring back at him. He looked at the blonde curls, his thick, wet, red lips, and his aquamarine eyes, feeling the drool dribble down his chin and the scent of the sea and man sweat fill the room.
Suddenly, Dan realized the potion had one more surprise for him as he felt a splitting headache, his hair growing even faster and longer.
"Owowowowwwwww" Dan moaned, grabbing his head and bending forward. His hair grew and grew, his hands running through the wavy curls, slick with grease, salt, and sweat. He looked in the mirror again, noticing a subtle shift in his eyes as he quickly realized what was happening. "Wait, n-no-" he started, as he quickly began going over calculus facts from his advanced college course, before the pain became unbearable.
Dan cried out, the words and math in his head becoming more complicated and foreign as the pain slowly morphed into a gentle, pleasant vibration. The words and math slowly slipped from his mind, his once brilliant brain turning into a dumb, empty hole, as it became harder and harder for Dan to picture even basic metal math. "Fuuuuck" Dan moaned again as the pleasant vibration consumed his whole being. "Fuckin A..." Dan whispered in his new, deep timbre as complex thoughts became harder and harder to imagine, almost feeling like he was high. He chuckled again, as the words and math disappeared from his mind. "N-nooo, I'm dumb..." Dan slurred, his voice sounding slow and drunk.
Dan blinked and chuckled, as his mind turned completely empty, only capable of simple, primal thoughts and urges. "I'm horny..." Dan growled, his voice sounding like the sexy, rugged surfer he had always dreamed of being. His new, handsome, chiseled face broke out into a stupid grin, a look that would become the new himbo's default expression. "But the fuck am I doing here..." Dan chuckled again as his dorm room began to shift and morph. He blinked and giggled as the white, clean walls turned to a worn, brown wood. He blinked and laughed as his desk shifted and molded, becoming a simple bed frame and dresser, his computer changing into a surfboard and a cooler.
"Oh fuck yessssssss" Dan moaned, his cock pulsing and dripping precum. "I'm at the beach!" Dan cried, looking around his new room. There was a small, circular window where his door had once been, allowing the sunlight to illuminate his room. Even the time on the clock changed as the heat accosted Dan one final time, this time in his vocal cords.
"Owowowow" Dan groaned and coughed as the final effects took place. His vocal cords became even more raw, coarse, and masculine, his voice dropping an octave lower. "What the fuck, mate" he gasped, his accent changing as he spoke. Gone was his once boring, nondescript American accent, replaced by a low, gruff, sexy Aussie drawl, his words slurred together and slow as he vigorously jacked his still-hard cock, his blonde pubes caked with sweat.
"Oh fuck, oh shit, uhhhh" Dan moaned, his balls beginning to pulse as the heat traveled from his neck down his spine. "G-gonna...cummm..." Dan moaned, feeling the pressure build in his nuts. He felt them begin to pulse, and then he exploded, the biggest, loudest orgasm of his life erupting from his cock, the stream of cum enormous as the windows fogged up and the floor began to soak. His cock pulsed and pulsed, a seemingly endless river of cum.
"Ughhh" Dan grunted, as his orgasm finally began to subside. "Awww shit, my dick's really fuckin big" Dan giggled, the sound reverberating through his room and causing the glass in the window to vibrate. "Mmmm, but my balls are so heavy" he groaned, cupping his fat nuts and letting the weight settle.
As he heard the final change, a small crackling noise coming from his brain, he realized the beach was gone, his old, boring life was gone, and a whole new world had opened up for him. He would never forget his old life, but it would always seem to Dan as a distant memory. Dan giggled, as his brain finally stopped working, replaced with a dumb, happy, empty void, incapable of stress or worry.
"Fuck yeah, mate!" Dan cried, his stupid, happy grin returning. "I'm a surfer dude!" he yelled, his accent slurred. He jumped around his new beachside shack, the dumb himbo bouncing around the room. He was naked, and the heat from the sun warmed his sweaty, blonde, hairy body. He breathed deeply once more, the salty, fresh air filling his lungs, the scent of the ocean mixing with the pungent smell of his own rancid, musky male scent, before walking to his dresser, his cock still hard and leaking. "Man, I gotta get my trunks on if I'm gonna score tonight" he giggled. Dan's mind was empty and happy, only able to process the most simple of thoughts, and that was good enough for him.
As he grabbed his favorite swim trunks and slipped them on, he walked back over to the window, looking out onto the beach. There were hot girls and guys, all scantily clad and tan, running about, playing in the waves and lounging. He could feel the sand between his toes, and could almost taste the cool, crisp water of the sea. He was finally free of his old life, and now he was here, the happiest himbo surfer there ever was.
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rvp32 · 1 year
Enchanted Desires
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5K words, Commission, Threesome, DP. If you guys want a story written text me here.
The final exams were over, the weight of your last college test lifting from your shoulders. Exhausted from the all-nighter you had pulled to cram for it, you yearned for some well-deserved rest. Returning to your room, you collapsed onto the couch, instantly succumbing to sleep.
A thunderous commotion disrupted your slumber, and you awoke to the raucous clamor of your roommate Brian. He had the volume cranked up to eleven on his excitement meter.
"Y/n, let's hit the pubs today! We're finally free from this college grind, time to celebrate!" Brian's voice rang in your ears like a blaring alarm.
"Brian, for the love of peace and quiet, can you tone it down?" you grumbled in irritation, your eyes half-closed. You put your index finger to your lips, urging him to lower his voice. The silence was golden, but it was as fleeting as a summer breeze, for Brian ventured closer.
"Come on, man," he urged, his tone more subdued. "Let's go to the bars. This calls for a celebration, you know?"
Still reluctant to commit, you sought a way out, questioning, "So, who else is joining us at the pub today?"
Brian started listing off a few names of people who would be joining the celebration at the pub, but one name rang in your ears like a siren's song—Yooa. She was the girl you'd been with once, and saying she was adventurous was an understatement. Yooa had a taste for the unconventional and was remarkably open about it. Her company was known to be quite eclectic, and she enjoyed the company of many.
After a brief moment of contemplation, you agreed to join Brian for the pub outing. As you were about to make your exit, you issued a stern warning to your friend, your eyes locked onto his.
"Listen up, Brian," you said firmly. "You better not drink yourself into oblivion tonight. I swear to God, if you do, I won't hesitate to leave you on the side of the road."
Brian nodded in acknowledgment, his expression more serious now. "Hey, don't worry, bro. I'll make sure I stay on this side of blackout drunk tonight," he reassured you with a determined look in his eyes.
With your warning delivered and accepted, you and Brian set off for the pub. As you walked down the bustling streets, the excitement of being done with college and the prospect of meeting Yooa again began to take hold.
"So, Brian," you began, trying to lighten the mood, "you think this night's gonna be as wild as the last time we hung out with Yooa?"
Brian chuckled, recalling the memorable escapade from their previous encounter. "Oh, man, that girl knows how to keep things interesting, that's for sure. I wouldn't be surprised if things get a little crazy tonight."
As you turned the corner, the neon lights of the pub came into view, casting a vibrant glow on the sidewalk. The energy in the air was infectious, and the distant sound of laughter and music promised a lively evening.
You couldn't help but grin as you approached the entrance. "Well, whatever happens, let's make it a night to remember, Brian."
Brian clapped you on the back, his enthusiasm undiminished. "You got it, Y/n. Tonight, we'll raise the roof!"
With those words, you pushed open the door and stepped into the lively atmosphere of the pub, ready for a night of celebration, laughter, and whatever surprises Yooa had in store.
The pub was alive with energy, the dance floor pulsating with music that seemed to reverberate through your very core. The warm glow of the lights bathed the crowd in an inviting atmosphere. You decided to start the night with a few drinks, hitting the bar with Brian in tow.
As you downed your second drink, the music's rhythm seemed to seep into your veins, making it impossible to resist the magnetic pull of the dance floor. You couldn't help but move to the beat, swaying your hips in time with the music.
Brian watched with amusement as you grooved to the music. "Looks like you're getting into the spirit, Y/n," he shouted over the music.
You grinned and nodded, feeling the music coursing through you. "Can't help it, man! This music's too damn good!"
As you danced and lost yourself in the music, a familiar figure caught your eye. Yooa was on the dance floor, moving with fluidity and confidence, drawing you in like a moth to a flame. Her presence was magnetic, and you couldn't resist the urge to approach her.
You made your way through the dancing crowd, and as you got closer, Yooa turned to meet your gaze with a playful glint in her eyes. The music provided the perfect backdrop as you both moved in sync, your bodies communicating in a language of their own.
"You've got some moves, Y/n," Yooa said, her voice sultry, as she leaned in closer to speak in your ear.
You chuckled, the proximity sending shivers down your spine. "I've had some practice since the last time we hung out," you replied with a wink.
Yooa's laughter rang out, and she pulled you even closer, the connection between you growing stronger with each beat of the music. The night had just begun, and it was shaping up to be a memorable one, filled with dancing, laughter, and the promise of a connection that transcended the ordinary.
As the music throbbed through the air, you and Yooa moved together on the dance floor, lost in the rhythm of the night. The crowd seemed to fade away as your focus shifted entirely to the captivating woman in your arms.
Yooa's body pressed against yours, and the sensation was electric. She ran her fingers teasingly along your chest, her lips dangerously close to your ear. "You always know how to make an entrance, Y/n," she purred, her voice filled with playful seduction.
You couldn't help but smile at her words, feeling emboldened by the chemistry between you. "Well, Yooa, I had to make sure this night lived up to the last one."
Yooa's laughter was like a sweet melody, and she leaned in closer, her lips grazing your cheek as she whispered, "I have a feeling it's going to surpass it."
The dance floor became your playground, a space where words were unnecessary. Your bodies moved in perfect harmony, a dance of desire and anticipation. The flirtatious tension between you grew with every touch and every shared glance.
Yooa playfully brushed a lock of hair from your forehead, her eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that sent a rush of heat through you. "You've always been a tease, Y/n," she said, her voice husky with desire.
You couldn't resist the urge to tease back, trailing your fingers along the curve of her waist. "I learned from the best," you whispered, your lips brushing against her earlobe.
The connection between you two was undeniable, and as the night wore on, the flirtatious dance continued. The world around you faded into the background, leaving only the intoxicating sensation of Yooa's presence and the promise of a night filled with passion and adventure.
The seductive dance with Yooa was abruptly interrupted when a tall, well-dressed man approached her on the dance floor. He leaned in close, whispering something in her ear, causing Yooa to furrow her brow slightly. The sudden appearance of this man piqued your curiosity, and you couldn't help but ask, "Who's this, Yooa?"
Yooa turned to you, her eyes meeting yours as she spoke candidly, "This is my boyfriend, Jake." She paused for a moment as if assessing your reaction. "Actually, we have an open relationship," she continued her voice a mixture of honesty and vulnerability.
The revelation took you by surprise. You had heard of open relationships but had never been involved in one. The idea intrigued you, and you considered stepping away for a moment. However, something in Yooa's eyes, genuine warmth, and sincerity, made you pause.
She reached out to touch your arm, her voice was soft and reassuring. "Y/n, we're looking for someone to join us tonight. Would you be interested?"
The proposition hung in the air, and your mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The chemistry between you and Yooa was undeniable, and the idea of exploring something new and adventurous tugged at your curiosity.
You glanced over at Jake, who wore a knowing smile, and then back at Yooa. Taking a deep breath, you made your decision, a hint of excitement in your voice. "Alright, Yooa, let's see where this night takes us."
Yooa's eyes sparkled with excitement as she began to paint a vivid picture of what the night could hold. Her voice, a sultry melody, filled your ears as she whispered, "Y/n, just imagine the possibilities. With Jake and me, we can create an unforgettable experience. You'll get to explore desires you might have never even realized."
She leaned in closer, her lips tantalizingly close to your ear as she continued, "We're all about pleasure, and there are so many ways we can make this night incredible for you. You'll be at the center of our attention, and we'll ensure every moment is filled with ecstasy."
Yooa's words sent shivers down your spine, and you couldn't deny the allure of her proposition. Her confidence and sensuality were impossible to resist, and you found yourself captivated by the tantalizing possibilities.
She gently touched your cheek, her gaze locked onto yours with an intensity that made your heart race. "Think about the passion, Y/n. The pleasure. The adventure. It's a chance to explore your deepest desires and fantasies."
As you considered Yooa's words, you couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. The idea of a night filled with passion and exploration, guided by the experienced hands of Yooa and Jake, was undeniably enticing.
Finally, you met Yooa's gaze with a newfound determination. "Alright, Yooa. Let's make this a night to remember," you said, your voice filled with anticipation and excitement. With that, the three of you embarked on a journey of pleasure and adventure, ready to explore the uncharted territories of desire and passion that awaited.
The decision had been made, and as the music continued to pulse through the air, you leaned in and captured Yooa's lips in a passionate kiss. The spark of desire ignited, and the world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the intoxicating taste of her lips.
Yooa responded eagerly, her arms wrapping around you as the kiss deepened. The chemistry between you two was undeniable, and the anticipation of the night ahead only fueled the intensity of the moment.
Breaking the kiss, you looked into Yooa's eyes, your hands tracing a path down her body, teasing and exploring. Her breath hitched, and a mischievous smile played on her lips as she whispered, "You're a quick learner, Y/n."
With a playful glint in your eye, you continued to dance with Yooa, your bodies pressed close as you reveled in the thrill of the moment. The pub seemed to disappear around you as you lost yourselves in the passionate connection you shared.
As the night wore on, and the desire between you intensified, you decided it was time to leave the pulsating atmosphere of the pub. You gently took Yooa's hand, your fingers entwined, and you led her toward the exit. The air outside was crisp, a welcome contrast to the heat of the dance floor.
Together, you walked towards Yooa's apartment, your hearts racing with anticipation of the adventures that awaited behind closed doors. The night was young, and the world was yours to explore, one desire-filled moment at a time.
Upon arriving at Yooa's apartment, she left you on the couch and disappeared into her room. As you sat there, a mix of excitement and uncertainty filled your mind. You couldn't help but question the decision you had made earlier in the night. Was this really the right choice? Were you ready for what lay ahead?
But then, you thought about the undeniable chemistry between you and Yooa, the adventurous spirit of the night, and the thrill of exploring uncharted territory. You realized that even if it was a bad decision, it might also be the last opportunity you had to experience something like this with Yooa.
With newfound resolve, you got up from the couch and approached Yooa's bedroom door. You raised your hand to knock, but before you could, the door slowly creaked open, revealing a dimly lit room and Yooa standing there, wearing a black lace lingerie set that left very little to the imagination.
Your breath caught in your throat as you took in the sight before you. Yooa's confidence and sensuality were on full display, and the anticipation in the room was palpable. The air was thick with desire, and all doubts and hesitations melted away.
Without a word, Yooa extended her hand, her eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that sent a rush of heat through you. 
Before taking the next step, a hint of concern crept into your mind. You gazed into Yooa's eyes, seeking reassurance one last time. "Are you really okay with this, Yooa?" you asked, your voice tinged with genuine care.
Yooa met your gaze with a smoldering intensity, her fingers gently tracing a line along your jawline. "Y/n, this has been a dream of mine," she confessed, her voice filled with desire. "And Jake, my boyfriend, he's been eager for this too."
At the mention of Jake, curiosity got the better of you. "Where is he now?" you asked, a hint of interest in your voice.
Yooa's lips curled into a knowing smile as she leaned in closer, her breath warm against your ear. "He's taking care of something, but he'll be joining us soon," she whispered seductively.
With that, she closed the distance between you, capturing your lips in a kiss that was nothing short of passionate and lustful. The room seemed to spin as desire coursed through you, and any lingering doubts or questions faded away in the heat of the moment.
The passionate kiss between you and Yooa continued, intensifying with each passing moment, until suddenly, the apartment's front door swung open. Startled, you both broke apart, the intimate moment disrupted by the arrival of Jake.
Awkwardness settled in the room as Jake stepped inside, his presence a stark contrast to the heat that had filled the air just moments before. He looked between you and Yooa, his expression a mix of surprise and appreciation.
Breaking the silence, Jake offered a sincere smile. "Thank you, Y/n, for agreeing to be a part of this," he said, his voice filled with excitement. "I've been looking forward to tonight."
The tension in the room slowly began to ease as you realized that Jake's arrival had shifted the dynamic. It was clear that they had discussed and planned this moment together, and the three of you were embarking on a journey of desire and exploration.
All of a sudden Yooa says “Now that both of you are finally here get started because I can’t wait to get stretched and used to the point where I can’t remember my own name” 
Taking the invitation you walk to Yooa, grabbing her top and ripping it from her body leaving her completely naked. Yooa liked it rough and you knew very well how to give her what she wanted. 
You hug her from behind, one hand resting on her neck and the other hand squeezing her supple boobs, they were soft and the hard nipples were good to flick. Yooa had sensitive nipples so it didn’t take a long time before she turned into a moaning mess that was squirming in your grasp.
Your attention was peeled away from Yooa only to notice that her boyfriend was sitting down and pleasuring himself all while staring at Yooa’s sexy body crumbling in your hands, he seemed to be enjoying this from the looks of how fast he was pumping his cock. 
Seeing this as a good sign you slowly move your hand lower, exploring every inch of her upper boy, her supple tits that were red from all the harsh grabbing, her toned stomach that flexed whenever you bit her neck. Now reaching the most sensitive area of her body you decided to tease her, light feathery touched over her thighs slowly moving closer to her glistening pussy. 
“Please, touch my pussy,” Yooa begs, obliging with her request you touch her pussy, it was drenched, leaking from the anticipation. Playing with her swollen clit causes her eyes to roll back. Every touch causes her body to release more liquid, signaling that it is close to climax. 
“Are you gonna cum, Yooa?" You asked, your voice filled with a mixture of desire and anticipation. You already knew the answer, but you wanted to hear it from her lips.
Yooa nodded, her eyes locked onto yours, her breath hitching in her throat as she struggled to find her voice. "Yes," she finally managed to whisper, her voice trembling with anticipation.
With a knowing smile, you urged her on. "Then go ahead, Yooa. Show your boyfriend how big of a slut his girlfriend is," Increasing your pace, Yooa screams in pleasure before letting out a huge stream of squirt. 
Yooa's legs gave way, and she collapsed into your arms, her desire and need evident in her eyes. A simple command passed your lips, and she obediently opened her mouth, her anticipation palpable.
You held your wet fingers before her, your gaze locked onto hers. "Taste yourself," you whispered in a husky voice, Yooa Sucks on your fingers religiously, licking every nook and cranny of the 2 fingers that you placed in her mouth. 
“You like it?” You question Yooa, and she simply nods. “Maybe I should get a taste for myself straight from the source,” you carry Yooa to the bed and place her on the edge before kneeling. Spreading her legs apart you finally get a view of her pink pussy with a cute little bush and you take your time to admire it. 
“Don’t stare, please,” Yooa covers herself embarrassed because of how much you were looking. Diving into her pussy, you finally get the taste of the heavenly goodness. Her  pussy tasted sweet, making you want to eat her forever. 
“Fuck! That feels amazing, Keep going! Oh my God,” Yooa moaned as she griped onto your hair pushing you further into her. Continuing your feast on her wet and delicious pussy, using your free hand to occasionally flick her clit. 
“Oh yeah! Fuck!” Yooa said in between moans. Her back bends upward due to the immense pleasure that she is receiving. 
“I’m going to cu-” Before she could finish her sentence you feel another stream of squirt on your face. Trying your best not to let liquid gold go to waste you lick up everything you possibly can. Wanting to drink more of her amazing squirt you insert 2 fingers into her and pump while stimulating her clit with your free hand. 
“No, too sensitive, stop please Y/n!” Yooa screams, her body now bouncing on the bed trying to get away from your fingers but your legs managed to keep her in place as you overstimulated her cunt. 
The intensity of the moment had pushed Yooa to the brink of ecstasy, rendering her unable to form coherent words. Her hands flailed in a desperate attempt to communicate her overwhelming pleasure and the need for a moment's respite, yet her body betrayed her as it writhed with unrestrained passion on the bed.
The room echoed with her screams and pleas for mercy, a symphony of desire and surrender. The connection between you two was electric, and in the throes of passion, you continued to ravish Yooa, lost in the sensual dance. 
The crescendo of pleasure finally reached its peak, and Yooa came undone in a powerful release. A torrent of liquid accompanied her screams, her body trembling uncontrollably, tears of ecstasy streaming down her face. It was evident that this experience had pushed her to new heights of pleasure she had never reached before.
Her boyfriend, concerned by her screams and violent shaking, rushed to her side, his expression a mix of surprise and care. Jake gently pats Yooa’s hair as she slowly comes down from her mind-destroying orgasm. Once she manages to come down from her high and sit up, Jake hugs her and kisses her.
The room was thick with desire and the afterglow of intense pleasure as the three of you found yourselves entangled in the aftermath of a passionate encounter. Jake, his eyes filled with awe, turned to Yooa, his voice filled with admiration.
"Are you alright, babe?" he asked, his concern mixed with an undeniable excitement. "That was incredible. I've never seen you like this. It was so damn hot that I almost lost it myself."
Yooa, still catching her breath, nodded in agreement, her voice filled with a newfound desire. "Yeah, it was mind-blowing. I didn't know my body could handle something like this. Now that I've had a taste, I might just get addicted." She looked at both you and Jake with a sultry gaze. "I hope this is just the beginning of the night because I need you guys to use me."
Yooa's hands found their way to your thighs and Jake's, her touch sending a shiver of anticipation through both of you. A mischievous smirk played on your lips as you locked eyes with Yooa, knowing full well what was about to unfold next. 
To make it easier for her you stand up and take off your pants and underwear that were restricting your erect cock. While you were doing so, Yooa helped her boyfriend out of what little clothing he had left on himself. Once she turned to look at you in all your naked glory you could see the excitement in her eyes, “You don’t have to just stare, you can touch it.”
Your permission was all that she needed because her hand reached over to grab your cock and spit on it before she began stroking you. Completely immersed with the cock in her hands, her boyfriend was again left on the sidelines but he wasn’t having any of that as he took her free hand guiding to his hard cock.
Yooa enthusiastically stroked the two hard cocks in her hand for a minute before taking mine in her mouth. The warm feeling was amazing, Yooa was very good at sucking cock but she wasn’t able to take your cock to the hilt, she continued using her tongue to play with the head and then all of a sudden she started trying to deepthroat your cock, with great difficulty she managed to take almost everything, taking your hand you place it on the back of her head to push her till her nose was touching your pelvic bone. Your cock managed to reach parts of her throat that weren’t touched in a long time. 
After holding her in place for a few seconds you let go, Yooa immediately started coughing but it didn’t last long as she put your cock back in her mouth, seeing how well she was doing, you started to face fuck her. Losing all sense of your surroundings you were pumping into her face like there was no tomorrow.
The intense feeling of fucking her throat was driving you closer to your orgasm. “Fuck Yooa, I’m going to cum soon where do you want it?” You manage to say as you continue pounding her face. Yooa doesn’t reply but she grabs your ass with her free hand and pulls you closer to her which causes you to cum down her throat. 
“Fuck that felt amazing,” you say before falling onto the bed. Yooa then moves on to pleasuring her needy boyfriend. taking this time to recover some energy as you didn’t want the night to end this way. However, it doesn’t take long before Jake cums, “Don’t tell me you are done just from blowing one load,” Yooa says after swallowing Jake’s cum. 
“Not so fast, I still have a lot left in the tank and some more stress to relieve,” You say and wink at her. 
“Come here and prove it,” Yooa says as she spreads her legs and plays with her pussy. Her pussy was wet and inviting. Taking her up on the offer you crawl to Yooa and push her into a missionary position. “I’m going to put it in now,” You tell her as you slowly insert your penis inside her. The feeling was inexplicable, it was tight but not suffocating, almost like it was made as a hilt for your sword. 
Yooa’s nails dig into your back as the little space between Yooa and you decreases, her nails are going to leave a mark but you couldn’t care less. Once you bottom out Yooa wraps her hands around your neck and pulls you into a kiss. It was a kiss filled with lust, both your tongues battling for dominance. 
Not being able to withstand staying still, you pull out from the kiss, “ I am going to start moving,” With that warning, you begin moving slowly but your pace gradually increases.
“Fuck, Y/n feels so good. Don’t stop!” Yooa moans out, “You are stretching me out so good. God damn this is amazing!”
Jake was now sitting next to her, guiding her face to his erect cock, she sucks on it without any complaints. All of a sudden, Jake suggests something you weren’t expecting, “Let me get into her ass, and you can take her pussy.” 
You make eye contact with Yooa to make sure she is okay with this, and she nods. Not wanting to pull out from the warm pussy, you lifted Yooa, holding her close to your body as Jake got into place. 
Once Jake was lying down on the bed, you slowly put Yooa down on his erect cock, the sensation was too much for Yooa as she let out a loud scream as the foreign object entered her asshole. Her pussy tightened around your cock squeezing it hard as tried to cope with the pain.
“Oh my fucking God!” Yooa screamed and bit down on your neck to stop herself from screaming because of the initial pain. Once she adjusted to the feeling, “My holes are being stretched beyond my wildest dream. Now fuck me, do it like your life depends on it” 
Both of you start moving, Jake speeding up a lot faster than you. Her vagina still gripping onto your cock like there is no tomorrow, your initial movement is slow but that immediately changes when Yooa says “Is this the best you can do? If it is then you are fucking useless,” 
This sets off a switch in your brain and you see red, not caring about how tight her pussy is your movements get hard and fast. You were reaching deep inside of her as you could see your dick poking at her toned stomach every time you thrust into her. 
“Yes, this is what I wanted! Fuck me like I am a useless bitch who is nothing but a sex toy for you both to dump your cum in” Yooa screams as she is being pounded in both her holes, her mind overtaken by pleasure. 
Using your free hand to slap her tits hard as you continued to pound her pussy, Yooa’s supple tits turn red with the impact and her moans only got louder with every slap. The three of you were completely lost in the realm of sex, all chasing for their own pleasure not caring about how the other feels but coincidentally pleasuring the other without knowing. 
The room was filled with nothing but the sound of skin slapping against skin, moans, and grunts. Noticing that you were getting closer to your climax you paused. Due to the sudden lack of pain and pleasure, Yooa looks at you in surprise, Jake also stops. 
“Let’s switch positions, I wanna fuck that tight ass and fill it up with cum,” Yooa agrees with your proposition. Once your cock was out of Yooa’s pussy and Jake’s cock was out of her ass, you flip Yooa over, she was now in doggy style but she lowered herself until Jake’s cock was inside her pussy. 
As you push your cock into her puckered hole, “Oh wow! This is crazy, I am going to cum!” Yooa convulses on Jake’s body. “S-Slow down, it feels like you are going to rip my ass apart.”  Obliging with her request you slow down your entrance into her ass, finally managing to bottom out, you give Yooa some time to adjust. 
“Move,” Yooa gives you the green signal, You begin your assault on her ass, it was different from her pussy, it was much tighter and you didn’t know how much longer you would last. Jake was pounding into her pussy like there was no tomorrow and you were positioning hard into her ass. 
You grab Yooa’s hair with one hand and pull it using the other to spank her ass, causing her to yelp with the sudden infliction of pain. You could feel how close Yooa was to her orgasm and both Jake and you weren’t much better as well, thrusts no longer had a rhythm. 
“Fuck babe, I am going to cum,” Jake said, “Hold it, babe, I am so close to cumming as well. Let’s cum together, be a good boy for me,” Yooa said. 
It only took you a few more thrusts before you announced, “Fuck, I am going to fill your ass Yooa,” your pounding getting faster as you were in the final stretch for the best orgasm of your night. 
“Let’s cum together,” Yooa announced and that led to all three of you cumming together, Yooa’s pussy and ass gripping harder, Your dick pumping cum into her ass, and Jake filling up Yooa’s pussy. 
You were the first one to pull out, watching your cum drip down from Yooa’s pussy. You fall onto the bed tired from the strenuous activity. The lack of sleep was catching up to you. The last thing that you remembered was Yooa saying, “Babe, check the cameras. Once we post this online it’s going to make us a lot of money” 
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epicsteddieficrecs · 2 months
Steddie Podfic Mini-Rec - July 2024
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If you've seen my post from a few days/weeks (what is time??) ago, you might know that I've had a little Steddie Renaissance by means of podfics! I got into podfics for the first time a few months ago with the ship that's now occupying most of my brain space, but I've now listened to pretty much everything that there is in the tag, ergo: back to Steddie! I hope you enjoy and please give kudos and comments to the lovely people recording these fics if you listen to them!
[Podfic] far away from nothing by greedy_dancer // fic by  glorious_spoon/@glorious-spoon (Coming Out, Missing Scene | 10-20min | Teen): The thing is, Steve knows he’s the dumb one. Between Nancy’s straight-A report cards and Dustin’s wild brilliance and Robin’s multilingual code-cracking skills—yeah. He’s just Steve Harrington, who graduated high school with a 2.1 GPA and got rejected by every fancy college his parents made him apply to. Fine. Somebody needs to guard the door and take the hits while the rest of them save the fucking world, and he’s more than okay with that somebody being him. The other thing is, most of them are brilliant in a way that he’ll never understand, and dumb as hell when it comes to human relationships.
[podfic] Shovel Talks by RattleandHum (ThirdEye1234)/ @thirdeye1234 // fic by unkreativstermensch (Post-S4, Pining, Wayne POV | 20-30min | Teen): “Oh,” Steve says. Then again, “oh,” a little quieter. His expression changes; from confusion to something pained almost. “Mr Munson, I don’t…” he takes a deep breath, his voice a little shaky as he continues. “I don’t think he…I don’t think he likes me like that.” He doesn’t say “it’s not like that.” Neither does he say “I’m not like that.” That’s the first thing Wayne notices. or: Wayne decides to give Steve the shovel talk, only to realize he might not be the one needing one.
[podfic] Longer Lasting Freshness by RattleandHum (ThirdEye1234)/ @thirdeye1234 // fic by RurouniHime/ @thegertie (Morning After, Friends to Lovers | 20-30min | Mature): Steve's his friend. His closest friend. And Eddie had to mess it up. He had to mess it up so hard, all the way and back again because Eddie never does anything at less than a hundred and twenty percent.
[Podfic] The way you feel by Itty_Bitty_Blondie/ @itty-bitty-blondie // fic by alchemystique/ @alchemistc (Getting Together | 20-30min | Teen): Eddie pulls back, and Steve chases, a bit, blinks his eyes back open with a pout. “You. What. You?”It’s – Steve’s done this whole song and dance with half the girls in his age group in Hawkins, rarely ever felt this buzzing under his skin. The desperate urge to claw his way into Eddie’s chest is burning him. That’s…not the usual reaction he gets when he kisses someone. “What the hell, Harrington? What the fuck?” And like… okay. So. He’s had crushes before. He’s been in fucking love before and he fucking knows what it feels like and he knows what it means when someone looks at you the way that Eddie looks at him and-. “Fuck, uh… Shit, sorry man. Yeah. Should have, uh…whoops?” “Whoops?”
[Podfic] hands of loving by greedy_dancer // fic by kafkian (PWP, First Time | 30-45min | Explicit): ‘No way,’ Steve said, stunned. ‘You’re a virgin?’ Eddie rolled his eyes. ‘Shut up, man.’ ‘No, I didn’t mean – just. Really?’ Steve asked. ‘You've really never ...?’ ‘I run a DnD group, got held back in school twice, and live in a trailer with my uncle,’ Eddie said flatly. ‘What part of that screams dick magnet to you?’
[Podfic] Roll for Initiative by Silverkat1620/ @silverkat1620 // fic by by alchemystique/ @alchemistc (Post-S4, Past Kas!Eddie | 30-45min | Teen): He nearly gets away with it, is the thing. Three sessions in and the kids haven’t realized the BBEG isn’t the tarnished knight with the swooping hair and the stupid dad jokes they groan at every time. They still think the wizard leading them towards imminent destruction is on their side, and as his reluctant hero of an NPC warns them to be wary even Will the Wise rolls his eyes and misses the opportunity for a perception check that barring a Nat 1 would have, at the very least, told them that one of them wasn’t to be trusted. He’s not even trying that hard to hide the incredibly obvious parallels – the courtship the knight had once had with the sister of Wheeler’s paladin, the reluctant way he continuously steps in when the party gets themselves into a hairy situation, the incredibly obvious boner Eddie has for this stupid character he’s created solely for the purpose of a reveal he both does and does not want them to discover early on.
[Podfic] you could let it all go (it's called freefall) by Itty_Bitty_Blondie/ @itty-bitty-blondie for anniebibananie/ @anniebibananie (Post-S4, Getting Together | 45-60min | Teen): Good things don’t happen to Eddie Munson, and he’s very aware of the fact. That’s kinda the whole foundation of who he is as a person at this point: don’t expect good things to happen. He rolls with it. He makes glitter out of the shit. He lives in his own fantasy because reality has pretty much always sucked since, likely, before he can remember. Good things don’t happen to Eddie Munson, so he has no idea how to wrap his head around Steve Harrington’s sudden appearance in his life as an unmovable fixture. No fucking clue.
[Podfic] Anywhere, Anytime by RattleandHum (ThirdEye1234)/ @thirdeye1234 // fic by AidaRonan/ @aidaronan (Post-S4 | 1-1.5h | Mature): Eddie wakes from a nightmare about the bats. Again. About a week ago, Steve Harrington gave him his number with instructions to call if he needed anything. Said number is tacked on Eddie's wall under his Anthrax poster. But it's 3:17 a.m. and Eddie probably shouldn't call. Definitely shouldn't call. (Eddie calls.)
[Podfic] It's Not a Big Deal by Itty_Bitty_Blondie/ @itty-bitty-blondie for AidaRonan/ @aidaronan (Post-S4, Accidental Sugar Daddy Steve Harrington | 1-1.5h | Mature): Eddie survives, but his entire life is locked away in the Upside Down forever (his books, his DnD stuff, his guitar.) Everything that wasn't on Eddie when Steve carried him into the ER, gone. So naturally Steve starts giving him things. Handing Eddie back those little outward markers of who he is.
[Podfic] Some Things Cosmic by greedy_dancer // fic by stereobone/ @stereobone (Post-S4, Dream Sharing | 1-1.5h | Explicit): Steve has a dream about Eddie. And another. And another. And another...
[Podfic] Whole Lotta Love by greedy_dancer // fic by stereobone/ @stereobone (Post-S4, Getting Together | Explicit): Steve scoffs. "I think if I was dating someone, Robin, I would be the first to know about it." "Would you, though?" Robin says.
[podfic] Mutual Future by RattleandHum (ThirdEye1234)/ @thirdeye1234 // fic by knell (Post-S4, Getting Together | 3.5-4h | Explicit): "Okay," Eddie says at last, voice betraying his cool demeanor. "I'll go first." He clears his throat, folds his hands politely in his lap. "I have never been more confused in my life than when I'm with you. And I've taken trig three times and I'm still not a hundred percent on what a hypotenuse is, so, like, it's not difficult to confuse me or anything. But you really take the cake, man." Steve chews on his lip. "Sorry? I'm... confused too." — two dudes navigate their feelings in the most normal way possible.
[Podfic] the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it’s you by Itty_Bitty_Blondie/ @itty-bitty-blondie // fic by greatunironic/ @greatunironic (Future Fic, Getting Together | 3.5-4h | Explicit: Sixteen years after the world didn't end for the last time, Max Mayfield showed up on Steve’s doorstep and said, “You gonna walk me down the aisle in May or what?” Or, it’s 2002 and Steve Harrington attends a wedding, a funeral, and a birth.
[Podfic] I just want your extra time (and your kiss) by RattleandHum (ThirdEye1234)/ @thirdeye1234 // fic by ChristinMKay / @transmascsteveharrington (Post-S4, Getting Together | 4.5-5h | Mature): Five times Steve almost kissed Eddie and the one time Eddie beat him to it.
[Podfic] sub-culture by greedy_dancer // fic by palmviolet/ @palmviolet (Post-S4V1, Getting Together | 7-10h | Teen): “Is he whining about Eddie being mean to him again?” Robin is leaning in the doorway, eating a leftover slice that’s probably cold by now. “You talk about him more than you talk about girls, Steve, it’s getting concerning. Anyone would think you had a crush.” Or, Steve is pretty convinced Eddie now hates him. Turns out Eddie has the opposite problem.
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byeoltoyuki · 7 months
✧memories of us ✧ drunk in love
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↳ Pairing: Jisung x Reader
❧ Genre : romance / smut /fluff / 1st love to strangers to lovers
❧ Summary: Sometimes memories are just that. Memories.
❧ Warnings: alcohol / oral (f)/ first time
A series of drabbles about you and Jisung, about your love and your heartbreak and a second chance.
❧ A/N: Hi guys! I'm not dead! I know I'm wayyyy behind the schedules (story of my life). I wish I could say I'd be more active but life got busy and I'm soon going on a 2 weeks trip so hopefully, I'd be able to write some more before leaving and schedule the updates. In the meantime, here an update that is long overdue.
Likes and reblogs are appreciated ♥
Masterlist / previous / next
You regretted saying yes the moment you stepped inside the house where the party was going on. Apparently, since it became legal for all of you to be drinking and smoking, students decided to go crazy and absolutely wild, after all you were all about to leave for college. It was a good reason enough to party. The place was turned into a full night club and smelled of smoke and alcohol.
The urge to turn around and go back home was strong but you couldn’t. Yunji’s wrath was something you witnessed only once and you promised to yourself that you would do anything not to anger her.
“There you are!” Yunji appeared out of thin air with two drinks and she handed you one. “Did you know that this miserable Minho had some hidden skills?”
You snorted at the description. Really, Yunji kept pretending being annoyed with the man and yet you couldn’t not see how she glanced over her shoulder to look at the said man. “Such as?”
She quickly averted her eyes and raised her glass. “He makes amazing cocktails.”
You took a sip of your cocktail and had to admit that Yunji was right. A perfect mix of peach and vodka and something else; it was perfect. You hummed in satisfaction and looped your arm through her. “I still can’t believe you convinced me to attend the party.”
Yunji flipped her hair playfully. “I’m that convincing, I know.” Then she glanced at you, her gaze softened. “I know you’re not in your element right now, but enjoy the party nevertheless. Maybe it’s the right opportunity for you to get closer to Jisung.” 
If only.
If there was someone who seemed to be enjoying the party to the fullest it was Jisung. You found him among the familiar faces, laughing loudly, talking to different people and looking awfully close to a brunette. You tried to ignore the jealous monster lurking under your skin, but more you observed them from afar, and angrier you got. Maybe you were angry because Jisung looked incredibly good tonight with leather pants, a black t-shirt and with a freaking choker. Maybe you were angry because he let the pretty brunette lean closer to him, being too touchy for your liking. But maybe it was also because of the two cocktails you had. Alcohol was obviously not your forte.
There wasn’t much you could do. You could either sulk in a corner while drinking or you could act on your desire. You looked down at your drink; no, there was no way you would let someone else steal him from you. Not so easily at least. You emptied your drink in one go, letting the alcohol burn your throat.
Fists clenched, you walked as confidently as you could manage. You didn’t hesitate, not even for a second as you grabbed Jisung’s arm and pulled him towards you. He yelped in surprise, eyes widening at the sight of you.
“Angel?” Obviously, he wasn’t expecting to see you here tonight.
You ignored his question. You glanced quickly at the brunette and smirked. “He’s mine.” And you claimed his lips, not caring that you weren’t alone, not caring that nobody knew about your very confusing relationship. Nothing mattered except for the feel of his lips against yours.
Jisung chuckled against your lips, amused with your frustration but he didn’t complain. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him to deepen the kiss.
You pulled Jisung inside a room, not knowing whose room it was and honestly not caring much either. The only thing you wanted was to be alone with him. He let you lead him, chuckling on his way at your eagerness. 
“You are in so much trouble, mister!” You told him as you pointed an accusing finger.
“What’s up, angel?” Jisung asked despite already knowing what was wrong with you. He had to, you couldn’t believe he could be that oblivious after everything you had shared. “You look angry.”
You took a deep breath and clenched your fists. It was hard not to implode when he was being like this. Didn’t he see what was wrong? Or was he playing with you? Two could play this game. 
You unclenched your fists and looked at your pretty, bright red, painted nails. You tried to soothe your anger and look bored instead. “Oh I don’t know, Ji. Maybe I’m not amused seeing you with someone else.” You averted your eyes at him and scowled. “And here I thought we had a thing going on between us. Guess I was wrong.” 
Jisung had to give it to you; you almost sounded convincing with your feigned boredom. Sadly for you, he knew exactly how tensed and annoyed you were. He took a step towards you, hands tucked in his pockets, he was smirking. “Is someone jealous?” 
Your jaw twitched in annoyance. It would be so easy to admit just how badly you were jealous, but you kept your mouth shut and instead let him approach you. You quickly realized that it was a bad idea. The moment Jisung was close enough to you, you felt your resolution crumble. All you wanted was to wrap your arms around him and let him talk to you, let him reassure you.
Jisung gently grabbed your chin and tilted it up so you would look him in the eyes. His smirk turned into a genuine smile. “You do realize that you have no reason to be jealous, angel?”
“Sure about that?” Even to your ears, you sounded too bitter.
Jisung shook his head. He freed your chin only to let his thumb trace the shape of your lips. He was completely mesmerized with your lips, unable to look at anything else. You parted your lips and he didn’t hesitate to slip his thumb into your mouth. It was crazy and you were supposed to be angry at him, but all of that simply vanished the moment he started touching you. You couldn’t concentrate on anything else except for the feel of his thumb.
You bit on his thumb, the temptation just too strong.
“Fuck angel.” He groaned
Jisung couldn’t stop himself; he grabbed your face and claimed your mouth. The kiss was desperate, needy, pouring his feelings into the kiss. You melted against him as you clung to his shirt, bringing him even closer to you. You wanted to feel every inch of him. His lips parted and you didn’t hesitate as you deepened the kiss. The taste of him made you whimper desperately against his lips. You wanted him, all of him.
“Ji.” You whispered against his soft lips. “I need you.”
Jisung tensed but quickly recovered. He stroked your cheek, his gaze soft. “Are you sure?”
You gently pushed him from you, smiling at him. You had never been so sure about something in your life. You turned your back to him as you gathered your hair to one side to give him better access to the zipper.
Jisung inhaled sharply, understanding what you were asking for. He put his hands on your nape before slowly sliding and grabbing the zipper. Slowly, he started unzipping your dress but stopped midway to admire your exposed back – you groaned in response.
“Someone’s desperate.” He chuckled
“Am not!” But that was a lie and both of you knew it.
Jisung pressed his lips to your back. His lips covered every inch of your exposed back as he completely unzipped your dress. Your body responded instantly to his kisses; every place his lips touched was on fire.
You turned to face him, unable to look away from his beautiful eyes. Without breaking the eye contact, you pushed the dress and let it fall on the floor by your feet. Jisung’s breath hitched in his throat at the sight before him. You wore no bra under the dress which left you only in your panties. The urge to hide from his intense gaze was strong but you fought back. You wanted it. You wanted him to touch you. You grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the bed.
“Y/N.” Jisung tug your hands. You glanced over your shoulder, almost surprised to hear him call you by your name instead of his favorite nickname for you. Your heart swelled with love at the sight of his worried frown. “Are you really sure about it?”
You pecked his lips in response and smiled. “More than sure.”
You climbed on the bed, getting comfortable before you spread your arms, inviting him to come and claim you.
Jisung stood by the bed, his eyes roaming over your body, memorizing every mole, every tiny scars on your body. He couldn’t deny that he wanted you desperately, his pants were getting more and more uncomfortable.
“Come on, Ji.” You pleaded
Jisung ruffled his hair in frustration. “Fuck it.” He grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head, throwing it across the room, before getting rid of the last piece of clothes.
You couldn’t avert your eyes from him even if you wanted. Jisung stood completely naked before you and looked confident and terribly beautiful. The urge to touch him and explore his body was impossible to ignore. But Jisung was faster. He joined you, body pressing against yours.
“You are so damn beautiful, I hope you know it.” He confessed and placed warm and wet kisses all over your neck, gently biting your skin. “I am so damn lucky, angel.”
And so were you, you thought as you pressed his head against you.
Jisung’s lips found yours once more. The kiss was no longer needy but gentle and sweet. He was taking his time, wanting you to feel all he felt for you, wanting to show you how much he cared.
“I’m going to take care of you, angel.” He promised. And you knew he would.
A soft moaned escaped your lips as his lips traveled down your skin. He made sure that no spot was left unkissed. He made sure that no spot was left unmarked. Jisung grabbed your panties and slowly took them off you. He took his sweet time, once more placing kisses all over your thighs, your knees.
You shivered, feeling even more exposed now. Exposed, yet terribly excited judging by how wet Jisung got you with just kisses. You would have been embarrassed any other time, but not tonight. Not when he was admiring your body with so much fondness and lust in his eyes.
“So fucking beautiful.” Jisung whispered more to himself than to you, as he gently spread your legs. “And mine.” 
Jisung came face to face with your pussy and gave it a lick to have a taste – you shuddered at the sensation. “Oh fuck.” He wanted to take it slow, to make you come on his tongue, around his fingers, but now that he had a taste, he wasn’t sure he could control himself. He dived in, unable to stop himself.
“Oh my god, Ji.” You moaned and grabbed the sheets, holding for your dear life as he feasted on you. You knew it would be good, you had spent hours in your bed, touching yourself, imagining it would be him, but the real thing was so much better.
Jisung ate you like a starved man, lips and tongue working, devouring you in a way that left you begging for more. You pushed your hips to feel more, needing more. With every flick of his tongue, your grip on the sheets got stronger and you wondered if in the moment of pure bliss, you would tear the sheets apart.
“You taste so good, angel.” Jisung growled against your flesh. He wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked. Hard.
You cried out loudly, unable to contain your voice. And who cared if someone heard you anyway? You wanted the whole world to know just how good Jisung made you feel. You wanted them to know that he was yours and only yours.
“Fuck, I can’t get enough.” Jisung confessed, completely gone.
“Ji, I think I’m going to come.” You managed to say, your legs shaking. And Jisung sucked only harder, making your toes curl and your stomach clench before finally you completely let go in a silent scream.
Jisung straightened his back and licked his lips. He hummed in satisfaction as he stared at you, grinning. “You, my sweet angel,” and he hovered over you, “Taste divine.” And he kissed you, letting you taste yourself. And fuck if you didn’t come a second time just from that.
Jisung pulled back, his hands back on your thighs as he spread you more for him. He guided his throbbing, hard cock to your pussy and brushed your folds. You gasped, your heart pounding hard inside your chest.
“Sure?” He asked again, trying to resist the urge to just pound into you.
You groaned and nudged him with your leg. “Jisung, I swear to god, just fuck me!”
“So bossy!” But he obliged. Finally. Slowly, he slipped inside you, inch by inch, trying not to hurt you. “Fuck, angel, you’re so tight.”
“Fu-uck.” You shut your eyes tightly, trying to relax, trying to take all of him inside you. But it was too much.
“Hey there,” Jisung peppered your face with kisses as he slid his hand between your bodies, reaching for your clit to distract you from the pain. “You’re doing so good, my little angel.”
Jisung gave you the time you needed to adjust. He watched your every wince, your every breath, waiting for the sign you were ready.
“Ji, you can move.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. From your tightness alone, he didn’t need if he could last and it took all of his willpower to stay still while being wrapped around your warmth. You felt just so damn good.
Jisung pulled out slightly and thrust back slowly, drawing a small moan from you. He did again and again, his thrusts gentle and controlled but you could tell from how shaky he was, it was hard for him.
You wrapped your arms tightly around him and pulled him into a wet kiss. “I can take it.”
“I promise.”
His next thrust made your eyes roll back in your head and clench around him. It felt just so good.
“Fuck, angel, don’t do that or I’m going to explode.” He begged, wanting it to last longer, wanting to feel more of your warmth.
As your body got accommodated to him, Jisung’s pace fastened, going deeper, reaching spots that made you arch your back, that made you beg for more and moan his name over and over again. Jisung was addictive, every part of him and you realized that you could never have enough.
“More, please, Ji, more.” You begged, meeting his thrusts.
“Fuck,” Jisung cursed as he felt you clench around him again. “I really won’t last.” But he refused to let go before he felt you come around his cock. Once more he reached your clit, rubbing it, drawing another loud cry from you. “Come for me, my sweet angel.”
And your body followed his command. Your stomach clenched hard one last time before everything exploded inside you in an uncontrollable wave. Your body convulsed under him, letting completely go as you screamed his name one last time.
“Just like that, good girl.” He praised you as he kept thrusting inside you, seeking his own release.
Jisung came with a low and long groan, collapsing on top of you. He couldn’t resist the urge to place some kisses on your chest, making you squirm under him which made him chuckle.
“Hey angel,” He started and moved to be inches from your face. “I hadn’t told you yet, but I love you.”
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nancy-reads · 1 year
you belong with me
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pairing: fred weasley x reader
summary: fred wakes up after a wild night with his team to his phone buzzing nonstop after his latest tweet. Turns out he accidentally invited his old chemistry partner (and long-time crush) to the second game of the season. pining and fluff ensue.
warnings: a tiny little bit of spice at the end (it's really not that much i just want to warn you guys)
authors note: i promise the sequal to am i the one you think about will come out, i just got a bunch of inspiration to write this all of the sudden and wanted to share it with you guys!!
As soon as Fred woke up, he regretted everything. His head was pounding, his throat was dry, and his muscles ached. Every part of him wanted to lie back down and never get up again. 
His memories of last night were fuzzy at best. He was hanging with some of the boys from his team, celebrating after their first game of the season. Many beers were passed around, and for some reason, Fred had a vague memory of the team shouting at him over and over to do it.
Strange. They probably wanted him to take a bunch of shots or something. Usually, he’d be down, but not during football season. He had games to win, and Superbowls to play at. 
Fred opened his eyes and blinked sleepily. As the world came into focus, he realized that his phone was buzzing, and had been for a while. He rolled over, chugged a glass of water, and grabbed his phone.
His jaw dropped as he saw the flood of notifications. 
Fred Weasley’s Secret Crush?
Fred Weasley Invites Mystery Girl to Sunday’s Game Over Twitter
Football Hearthrobb Fred Weasley Has a Girlfriend?!
Holy shit. 
There was only one person this could be about, and he might just die from embarrassment if he was right. You had probably completely forgotten about him, while he still liked all of your Instagram photos on his private account. 
Fred scrolled through his notifications to see what looked like a million from Twitter alone, and a text from nearly everyone he knew. 
Taking a deep breath, he tapped the Twitter app and clicked on his profile.
Fred Weasley @thebetterweasley
never would have gotten to the nfl without my college chem partner @ynln… tickets to the next game on me?
Fred’s eyes widened as he reread his tweet over and over again. He could feel his entire body heating up as he fought the urge to bury his head in his hands. 
He just blew it. Entirely. You would never be interested in him now. You’d just think he wanted the attention, or worse, just for a quick fling.
Fred couldn’t imagine ever only wanting a fling from you. You and your gorgeous hair, beautiful eyes, and the way you talk way just mesmerizing. He could never focus during Intro To Chemistry because you’d be sat right next to him, eyes sparkling and pen flying as you took notes. 
And he saw your grades. You were basically a genius, acing every test and perfecting every project. You were probably in grad school right now or in some sort of job for brilliant people who are saving the world. 
You probably had no idea who he was. 
After an embarrassingly long time spent moping, Fred got out of bed and reluctantly headed to the gym to work out. In between reps, he responded to the thousands of texts that he received, either congratulating him or calling him an idiot. 
He definitely knew which ones were right. 
His tweet had millions of likes by now, so there was no chance that you’d missed it. He’d been contacted by loads of news outlets, asking for a quote or an interview or anything about you, and he’d denied all of them. The passive-aggressive text from his manager, Alicia, was enough to make him want to delete every social media account he owned. 
Fred had just finished his last stretch routine and was headed toward the showers when he got a notification.
Y/N L/N @ynln
maybe i’ll swing by…see if we still have chemistry
Fred could feel the heat spread from his neck all the way to his hairline. He wanted to giggle and kick his feet like a lovesick teenager. Maybe he didn’t ruin everything after all?
You tweeted it a minute ago..would it be weird for him to like it immediately? 
Yes. Yes, it would. 
That didn’t make him want to do it any less. 
As Fred headed to the shower, a massive smile adorning his face, he immediately hit the call button because he had to tell someone about this. You responded to his tweet. He wanted to jump around and squeal like a kid with a crush. 
Which was pretty accurate, to be quite honest.
“Freddie, I just finished my workout, is this really that imp-”
“She responded to my tweet!!” Fred nearly shouted. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet, eyes shining with excitement. He didn’t recognize himself as he looked in the mirror. His smile was too big for his face, and his ears were bright red. 
“It did have more than a million likes, Fred. I think she kind of had to.”
“Don’t ruin this for me George. I’ve liked her for so long, what do I even do now?”
Fred could hear George’s exasperated smile from miles away. “First, you are going to take a deep breath. You are a cool NFL football player, not a horny teenager. “
“Right. Yes.”
He took a deep breath, but his heart was still racing and the butterflies in his stomach would not go away. Come on Fred, you are gonna be normal about this. You can do it.
“You got that Fred?” George asked. Fred murmured an affirmative. “Okay, now you are gonna get tickets to the VIP booth, four of them.”
“Four? Why-”
“Because one of them is for Mum, as you know she will get there somehow if you’ve invited a girl.”
“That’s fair, actually.”
“Also, the public loves her so I assume that your girl will want to meet her too.” Fred pointedly ignored how his heart raced at the words “your girl.” George continued, “You’re also not going to be the asshole who makes her go alone, so give her a couple tickets for her friends.”
“When did you get so smart with girls?”
George chuckled. “Oh this is all Angelina. I don’t know anything.”
“Yeah, that makes a lot more sense, Georgie.”
Fred hung up as he orders four VIP tickets for the game. He immediately sends one to his mum, but he pauses before sending it to you. 
see you at the game! you better be wearing red and gold…
Fred added a winky face, then immediately deleted it. He didn’t want to seem too juvenile or worse, weird. His thumb hovered over the blue send button, rereading the DM over and over. At last, he admitted defeat and sent a screenshot to Geoge.
F: does this sound okay?
G: yes. stop worrying.
F: you act as if you were not the same way when you asked angelica to the yule ball
G: shut up
Fred snorted as he switched back to Twitter. He took a deep breath, steeled himself, and pressed send.
For the rest of the week, Fred practiced harder than ever. All eyes were gonna be on him this week, and he needed a win. More importantly, you were gonna be at this game, and he knew who he wanted to dedicate his touchdown to.
He’d been thinking about it since that freshman year chemistry class when he was nothing but a rookie tight end, and the NFL was nothing but a dream. The crowd goes wild, but the only person he’s looking at is you.
Christ, when did he become such a romantic?
He felt a smile split across his face when his phone buzzed during a break.
Y: i looked through my closet and i don’t know if i have any red and gold…might have to steal something of yours
F: stay after the game and maybe we’ll see
The two of you didn’t text often, maybe a couple of times a day, but it was always a highlight. Locker room talk had devolved into just making fun of Fred’s puppy dog eyes and lovesick smile whenever he opened his phone. 
Someone from the press got a picture of him smiling at his phone, and the internet exploded even more. 
Fred Weasley Caught Blushing At His Phone During Practice
Fred Weasley’s Smile Has the Internet Swooning
Fred Weasley’s Mystery Girl: Who Is She?
Part of him wanted to feel embarrassed with all the attention, but he was too grateful that you had finally given him the time of day to really think about it. He was laser-focused on every play and worked extra hard at the gym. They would win the game this week, even if it was purely by his will.
Fred had never been this nervous for a game before. Every single playoff game, championship, or even the Superbowl hadn’t prepared him for this feeling. 
His girl was up there, and he had to impress you today. 
The crowd screamed louder than ever as he ran onto the field with his team. There were signs everywhere, asking if you were here and making jokes about Fred being a loverboy. He couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across his face as he looked around the stadium, taking it all in.
There was nothing he loved more than football, and having other people love him for it was even more special.
Still, Fred tried to catch your eye in the VIP booth, and his smile widened when he saw you talking to his mum. Embarrassing as it was, everyone loved her, so she was probably the quickest way to your heart. Eventually, though, his mum took pity on him and pointed him out to you.
And shit, your smile when Fred finally looked into your eyes. The two of you were far away, so it was hard to tell, but he already knew it was beautiful. He stared at you, probably for longer than was considered normal until the whistle blew and he was forced to follow his team.
This was probably the best game his team had ever played. Everyone was in sync, and the plays they’d worked on all summer were gaining them yards across the field. Everyone could feel the energy in the stadium as people cheered his name.
The only problem, Fred hadn’t yet scored a touchdown. Halftime had just ended, and the team was up thirty-one points. He could feel the coaches wanting to pull him out and let the best people rest while they had such a great lead, however, he silently begged them to let him stay in. 
Just one good play and I’ve got this.
And his chance finally came halfway through the third quarter. They were only a few yards away from the endzone, and Fred knew that this was his chance as Oliver called the play. 
The whistle blew, and Fred didn’t even see the other players as he sprinted into the endzone, dodging anyone who attempted to get in his way. He and Oliver were in perfect sync as he threw the ball straight into Fred’s hands, securing another six points for the team.
The crowd screamed as the touchdown was announced, and Fred couldn’t stop himself from doing a little victory dance. His eyes found your booth as he headed to the sideline, and he blushed from head to toe at your reaction. You were jumping around and screaming with joy (he hoped) and you looked adorable. 
In a moment of confidence, he caught your eye, placed his hand on his chest, and held out half a heart, mouthing “This one is for you.”
Part of him wondered if he was coming on too strong, but the other part was enamored with you as you clasped your hand over your beautiful smile and held half a heart back. 
The crowd let out an “aww” as you showed up on the screen beside him, and he couldn’t stop himself from beaming at the nearby camera. He could feel people tapping away at their phones to post on social media, but he didn’t care. You were cheering for him.
The game continued, and Fred was mostly put on the sidelines to give some of the rookies a chance to play, as it was looking pretty good for his team. He couldn’t stop himself from stealing glances at your booth, so much so that the team was beginning to notice.
“Fred, loverboy, the game is this way,” Lee Jordan teased. 
“Staring at your mom, Weasley?” Andrew Sloper asked.
Even Oliver, who usually had a stick up his ass, joined in on the fun. “God, Fred, you’d think Taylor Swift was here or something.”
Fred was happy to laugh with them. He hadn’t remembered feeling this giddy in a long time, and he couldn’t push the smile from his face. Part of him was eager for the game to be over, so he could go see you. 
Still, his hands shook and butterflies erupted from his stomach when he thought about heading up to your booth. Would conversation flow? Would you even like him in person after all these years? Did you only come for free tickets or for internet clout?
That wasn’t it, he knew. You were too kind, too good to do that when it was obvious how head over heels he was for you. Still, part of him worried.
Fred was sure his team was sick of him by now. He’d been agonizing over his hair for the past thirty minutes as he prepared to leave the locker room and finally see you. He’d blown you a kiss as he left the field, and he was wondering if he’d come on too strong, and clearly if his hair was wrong it would ruin everything. 
Maybe he was panicking a little bit. He’d texted you a few minutes ago, giving you instructions on how to get to the family and friends area outside the locker room. He hoped his mum would guide you there, as the last thing he wanted was for you to get lost and attacked by rabid football fans. You didn’t deserve that. 
After a few more minutes, he realized that his hair was hopeless (it looked fine) and decided he would rather not leave you waiting. With a last look in the mirror and a deep breath, he headed out of the locker room.
The area was crowded; full of girlfriends, wives, children, and all sorts of family and friends of the team. There was a buzz in the room of people talking, laughing, and generally celebrating the win. The sounds got even louder as he entered, and Fred could see people acting like they weren’t staring at him.
Still, he wasn’t paying attention to anything but you as you locked eyes across the room. You gave him a shy smile, and he couldn’t stop himself from beaming as he headed straight for you. 
“Hey,” you said. Your eyes were piercing, and very distracting. He couldn’t seem to form a thought as he stared into them.
“Hey,” he said back, stupidly. He hesitated for a moment as the butterflies felt more like stampeding wildebeest in his stomach. “Did you enjoy the game?”
There was a teasing lilt to your voice as you responded. “I don’t know. It was alright, I suppose.”
“Alright?” Fred asked in mock annoyance. He placed a light hand on your back as he guided you out of the family area. “I guess next time I’ll give my free VIP tickets to someone else.”
You snorted. “As if you have someone else to give them to.”
“Hey! I have plenty of people to give tickets to.”
“Like who?” you asked. “Your mom?”
Fred smiled and placed a dramatic hand on his chest. “You dare insult Mother Weasley?” 
You smiled and stared at the ground as you shook your head. “Never. We had a great time hanging out tonight.”
He gave you a soft smile. “I’m glad. I have a feeling that you’re going to be her new favorite.”
As the two of you neared the press area, Fred straightened and pressed his hand slightly closer to your back. He didn’t want to be too forward, however, he knew how aggressive the press could be. “For this next part, just be careful of the reporters. Our security is really good, and honestly,” he chuckled a bit, “I could take most of them, but I don’t want anyone making you uncomfortable.”
You nodded and pressed a bit closer to him, making him blush even harder. 
It was a small hallway, and the press was kept behind some silver barriers that allowed the two of you some space to walk. Cameras flashed and videos recorded Fred and you walking past. You had the prettiest smile in the world, and Fred couldn’t stop looking at you as you gave an especially beautiful one to the cameras.
He’d have to find that photo later. 
Fred was desperate to grab your hand as the two of you walked toward his convertible, but his hands were sweaty and shook at the thought. You looked gorgeous in the moonlight, and he couldn’t stop his eyes from dropping to your lips.  
As the two of you sped off, you looked at him and raised an eyebrow. “I believe I was promised a jersey after the game.”
He smirked. “I’m pretty sure I said we’ll see.”
“So you don’t want to see me in your jersey next game?”
“Who said you were getting invited to my next game?”
“Seemed like someone enjoyed having me there tonight,” you said, looking away from him, a teasing smile on your face.
Fred smiled. “When did you get so confident? I remember it took forever for us to actually talk when we met.”
“I know it may surprise you Freddie, but some of us grew up a bit after college.”
“Really?” he gasped, dropping his jaw. “That's crazy.”
“And,” you added, “some of us have learned how to tell when someone is flirting with us.”
That's when Fred’s jaw dropped for real, and red spread all the way to his ears. He turned back to the road, focusing on driving as hard as he could. Letting you see the giddy beam on his face was not an option. Your hand moved toward the center console, right next to his, and every part of him itched to hold it.
He cleared his throat. “So, uh…how have you been?”
He listened to you describe your life and your job as if he had not been stalking you on Instagram since he met you. It seemed like you had thrived since college, and Fred felt his heart soar when he heard how happy you were. You deserved everything, and Fred silently hoped he would be there to see you get it.
As the two of you pulled into the parking lot, Fred caught you staring at him, biting your lip as he backed into the spot. He smiled to himself as he got out of the car and opened the door for you. 
Dinner was perfect. Fred couldn’t stop laughing and smiling in your presence, and it seemed like you were having a great time as well. Every so often the conversation would lull, and he would catch you staring at him as the two of you enjoyed your meal. 
He did his share of staring as well, but he hoped that he was less obvious about it. 
(He wasn’t.)
Fred finally found the courage to grab your hand as the two of you were leaving the restaurant, with your head thrown back in a laugh that rocked his world. You just looked so adorable that he had to hold you, even if it was just your hand. 
He knew it was the right choice when you immediately squeezed his hand. He squeezed back, which caused you to do it again, beginning an all-out hand-squeezing war that only ended when the two of you were laughing too hard to continue. 
Christ, your laugh was just so beautiful. You looked so free and so happy when you simply threw your head back and laughed, letting your joy overtake your entire body. Fred could feel himself staring, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to be a part of your sunshine. 
Too soon, you stopped laughing and just stared back at him. He held your gaze for a moment, letting his eyes flick to your lips every so often. He stepped closer to you. Close enough to touch you. Close enough to lean in…
Close enough to kiss you. 
You’re eyes slid shut as Fred leaned in and placed a hand under your chin to tilt your face up to meet his. Slowly, so terribly slowly, he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours.
Your lips were soft, and they seemed to meld with his perfectly. Fred could feel his pulse racing as you tugged on the lapels of his jacket to get closer. Christ, he just wanted to be closer to you, closer, and closer.
You opened your mouth slightly, and Fred took that opportunity to part your lips and deepen the kiss. He felt you inhale sharply and panicked for a moment until he heard your small moan at the movements of his tongue. All Fred knew was that he wanted to hear that sound again, and again, and again until you couldn’t make it anymore, until you were tired and sick with pleasure-
You gasped as you pulled away from him. Your lips were raw and red, matching the blush that colored your cheeks. It was silent for a moment as the two of you gazed at each other. 
Fred smirked. “So…do you think we still have chemistry?”
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Stalemate: Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson x Reader
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Tagging: @chickensrule @iwannabeinthesequalmrghostface @justameresimp @lxaah11 @librarian1002 @littlebadariell @imaginecrushes @luckyladycreator2 @emersxn99 @proceduralpassion @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @oureternalbond
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Beau barely sleeps that night. There’s a restlessness in his bones, it vibrates through his nerve endings and fills him with the urge to run. So, he does. He grabs his gear and heads out just as the sun starts to rise. The route he chooses is punishing, his calves burning when he takes an incline, his heart pounding in his chest, his breath ragged. He wants to feel agony, to embrace it, the physicality a manifestation of the pain he feels deep down inside.
Your car is gone by the time he gets back. He’s been out a couple of hours and he’s relieved. Now that he knows about the deployment, he just wants you gone because it’s the anticipation that kills him, the knowledge that you’re going to leave.
Warlock notices the change in his demeanour, it’s subtle but recognisable. There’s a stiffness in Beau’s shoulders as he stares out of the window, watching the rain patter against the glass. It’s the first storm of the season and it feels like an omen.
“Can I get you anything sir?” He asks and they both know that he’s not talking professionally.
“No.” Beau says quietly. “You go home. I’m going to be staying late tonight.”
He spends the evening drifting in and out of focus. In the midst of a task, he finds himself distracted and then he feels that surge of hostility all over again because you’ve chosen to do this to him, to put him back in this untenable position. He returns home in the early hours of the morning when he knows you’ll be asleep because the whole thing is still too raw, too visceral.
It becomes a routine over the next couple of days, the two of you avoid each other. Wounded animals, keeping your distance. You leave before he comes in from his run, and he returns after you’ve gone to bed. It’s like the marriage never existed.
It’s on day four that he breaks the stalemate. He’s had time to process now, sort through the emotional debris. He reminds himself that this is just part of the cycle, he’s been through it before, he’ll probably go through it again. He buys you flowers on the way home from his run, from a florist setting up by the park where the two of you take your nephews to when your sister visits. He chooses something colourful and fragrant, something he knows you’ll like because truly, since the two of you got together his world has never been so bright. He leaves them in water on the kitchen table, still wrapped in brown paper and string.
When he stops by for lunch, he sees that they’ve been neatly arranged in the crystal vase his mother gave you as a wedding gift. They sit in the centre of the coffee table, alongside one of your candles and couple of manilla folders.
He smiles to himself because this is how the two of you communicate during the harder days, a myriad of tiny gestures.
He comes home early that night, to the sound of Norah Jones drifting through the living room and the scent of sea salt and wild sage. He lingers in the doorway for a moment, eyes on you as you sit at the coffee table in his old college t-shirt, scribbling away in your legal pad.
“The flowers were a nice touch.” You say, gesturing to the vase with your pencil when he enters the room.
He sits down beside of you, his hip and shoulder bumping against yours.
“I’m sorry.” He says, burying his face into your hair because what he’s about to do next, it’s going to break your heart.
“I should have made the time.” You say quietly. “The whole thing just moved really quickly; I was caught up with the Scoreski case. It’s not an excuse.”
Your words, they weigh heavy on him because you think it’s your fault but it’s not, the truth is he hasn’t been around as much as he wants to be. This mission with the Top Gun graduates has been stealing away his focus and the problem is it’s only going to get worse because there’s been a development, one that he couldn’t have foreseen.
He pulls away so that he can look into your eyes, his mouth fixing into a grim line as he meets your gaze. He sees the moment you register the shift in mood, the way that little crease appears between your eyebrows.
“I’m shipping out next week.” He tells you, his voice a little rough. “We received some new information this afternoon and the deadline has changed; it’s critical that we move quickly.”
He sees the moment the blow hits, there’s a sharp intake of breath before the practical side of you kicks in and you ask.
“How long?”
“It’s a two-week round trip, maybe three depending on the conditions.” He says, rubbing his palm across his jawline wearily. “I may not make it back for your deployment.”
You tilt your head away from him, your attention focusing on the flowers that sit in front of you, that colourful starburst a reminder of how well this man knows you, how much he loves you. You cling to that right now, because everything else, it just hurts. It’s the nature of the job, it always has been.
“I leave on Tuesday.” He says gently.
And it’s another strike, another wave of devastation because it’s Friday evening and you know that the next three days are going to be filled with operational shit, you won’t actually get to be with Beau because he’ll be on base preparing for his own departure.
“This really turned to shit didn’t it.” You say softly, your elbows coming to rest upon your knees as you bow your head between them because you just need a second to catch a breath because right now this whole situation is too overwhelming.
In for four, you count as you inhale. Hold for four. Out for six.
It’s a strategy you use to calm yourself when things get a little out of control. You’re not immune to anxiety, sometimes that feeling sits in your chest threatening to stifle you, but you’ve been through it enough times to know how to counteract it. Your panic attacks never last for long.
Beau’s arm comes to rest around your shoulders, he draws you close into the confines of his chest and you breath him in, that unique blend of lavender and sandalwood, your hands clutching his uniform tightly in your fists.
“It’s going to be alright.” He promises you, his lips ghosting over your hairline. “We’re going to be alright.”
It’s slow the way Beau loves you, his thumb caressing the line of your jaw as he draws your mouth back to his. His back is pressed against the headboard, his arm looped around your waist as he moves in languid thrusts that drag over that sweet spot deep inside of you. The sound of your breathing fills the air, that familiar ragged whimper as he kisses you like it’s the last time, because honestly it is. He ships out tomorrow and when he returns, you’ll be gone, and it’ll be like you were never here.
He pours everything into tonight, his heart, his soul, his entire being. He wants you to know that despite the shitshow of the past few days, he still loves you, that he will always love you. It doesn’t matter if you’re in his bed or a thousand miles away.
He senses the moment coming, your motions become more desperate, your skin flushing in the light from the lamp on the bedside table. His palm comes to rest on the nape of your neck drawing you close so that every part of you is pressed against him.
When you combust, he drinks down your pleasure, hips stuttering as he spills himself inside of you. He clings to you in the aftermath, his lips brushing over yours as he whispers “not yet” when you try to shift.
When you look into his eyes you see the anguish in them because already dawn is breaking, the light filtering in through the slats in the blinds and he just needs a minute, a minute where he can just be your husband, a minute where his duty is to you and only you.
Love Beau? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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bratzforchris · 1 year
Hiii, hope your day is going good :) Do you think you can write something similar to your Thanksgiving Luke fic but with Calum? Please?
Unhappy Halloween
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Summary: Calum takes enjoying candy at Halloween a little too far
Pairing: Calum x gender neutral reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 901
A/N: I changed the prompt a bit to fit my motivation, but it's still the same concept :)
Ever since you had told him you would be celebrating Halloween, Calum had been beyond excited. Growing up in Australia, he hadn’t had much experience with the holiday. At least, not the way American children did. Therefore, he had waited anxiously for October 31st, and it was finally, finally here. You two had decided to be a vampire couple to go to the Halloween party being thrown at your friend’s house, which in your opinion, was absolutely adorable. 
Before you even got out the door to head to the party, Calum was sneaking a few pieces of chocolate out of the bowl that you had set outside of your apartment for trick or treaters. 
“Cal!” You exclaimed as you caught him out of the corner of your eye. “Those are for the kids!”
“Sorry,” he mumbled sheepishly, shoving a chocolate in his mouth. “I just like sweets.”
“I know you do.” You said, rolling your eyes playfully and kissing his cheek. 
By the time you two arrived at your friend’s house, the party was in full swing, with lots of loud music and decorations. At the front door, there was a bowl of candy with a cute sign, urging guests to take a few pieces. You declined, instead waiting for the drinks and desserts in the house. Calum, however, did not. He stuck his hand into the bowl, grabbing a few pieces of candy before following you into the house. 
Your friend had truly gone all out, decorating everything with cobwebs, plastic spiders, and even a fog machine. On their dining room table was a large potluck full of Halloween foods. There were a few savory items, but most of them were sweets and candies. You watched as your boyfriend’s eyes went wide, surveying the table. 
“Is this American Halloween every year?” he asked. 
You nodded, watching him already gravitate towards the table. “We’re all addicted to sugar.” You joked playfully. 
Calum didn’t seem to register your words as he loaded up his plate with candy, cookies, and a cupcake. “Okay, Halloween is definitely up there as one of the best holidays.” he stated. 
You giggled and took a few sweets yourself, leading him over to where your friends were sitting on the couch. The conversation amongst your friends and Calum came easily, making it easy to pop a candy or two into his mouth as he listened to their wild stories from your college days. 
“These cupcakes are good. Have you tried them?” You said, offering your boyfriend a mini cake. 
You hadn’t yet realized the amount of sugar he had already consumed and put the treat onto his plate, smiling happily. Despite feeling rather full and slightly “buzzed” from the amount of sugar he had consumed, Calum popped the cupcake into his mouth. You looked so happy and eager to celebrate the holiday with him that Calum couldn’t just tell you no. 
Around eleven, you yawned sleepily, snuggling into Calum’s side. “You ready to head home, babe?”
He also nodded, beginning to feel the effects the sugar was having on his body. He wouldn’t tell you, though. It was late and you had had such a great night that he didn’t want to ruin it for you by admitting that he might’ve eaten a bit too much. “Mhm.” he smiled, putting on a smile for you. 
Once you had reached the car, you became more alert since you had to drive. You noticed that Calum was quieter than usual, leaning his head against the window. “You okay, babe?” You asked him, cocking a brow. 
“Yep.” he said shortly, but not unkindly. 
“You’re being awfully quiet…” You said softly, rubbing his thigh with your hand. 
Calum bit his lip, deciding he had to tell you. The pain was getting to be too much and he just wanted to curl up in bed with you and have you rub his belly. “My stomach hurts…” he said softly. 
“Awww, I’m sorry, babe,” You pouted. “Too much candy?”
He nodded his head softly, wrapping an arm around his stomach. “Can we cuddle when we get home?” 
You cooed, patting his thigh gently. “Of course, babe. We’re about five minutes away.”
Calum leaned his head against the window for the rest of the drive until you finally pulled into the driveway. You helped him inside, rubbing his back gently, before going to the kitchen and heating up a hot water bottle for him. By the time you returned, Calum was curled up on the couch, shirtless and in sweatpants. He had discarded the costume–most likely because of the tight pants–but in your opinion, he still looked adorable. 
“I got you a heating pack, baby.” You said softly, climbing onto the couch with him. 
“Thank you.” he gave you a soft smile, immediately holding it to his stomach and taking in the warmth. 
You nuzzled into his side, your hand on top of the hot water bottle. “I’m sorry you don’t feel well.” You said quietly. 
“Kinda my fault.” he giggled and then winced slightly. 
“Was your first Halloween good, though?” You asked, removing the hot pack to rub his tummy. 
Calum nodded quickly, a smile on his face despite the pain. “It was amazing. I got to spend it with you, duh,” he said, pulling a slightly goofy face. “I just ate too much sugar.”
“I can tell. I love you, Calum. Happy Halloween.” 
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alj4890 · 3 months
The Getaway
(Tobias Carrick x F!MC) in a Choices Open Heart One Shot
Day One of Tobias Carrick Appreciation Week : travel/leisure
A/N In my HC for this, Tobias and Chris are secretly dating (well before the events of the attack in Book 2) and are still getting to know each other. This goes along with the timeline of fics I used for last year's appreciation week 😉
Rated G for fluff
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Tobias's home...
"And this was when my brothers and I decided to do a final boys trip before Hugh got married." Tobias pointed out his older brother lounging in a hammock with his younger brother, Phillip, sneaking up to tip him out.
Chris's smile grew as she continued to study the photographs of his many vacations with friends and family through the years. Ever since she'd shared pictures of her wild escapades throughout Europe with her cousins and friends, he'd eagerly pulled out his own album of favorite memories.
"Which one's been your favorite place to vacation?' she asked, flipping through pictures of snow skiing excursions and tropical beaches.
"Hmm." He scratched at his chin as he studied the photographs. "I'm not sure. They've all been pretty great."
He pointed out a few from when he was still in college. "Recognize that guy?"
Chris's eyes widened. "Is that Ethan?!"
Tobias chuckled while showing her more of their disastrous trip to New York. "It sure is."
Chris couldn't believe the tall, skinny, clean-shaven man with a mass of wild chestnut hair was the same man she worked with. He looked way too casual to be the one who insisted on nights at the opera and top shelf scotch.
"We got lost a lot." Tobias admitted. "I swore I knew my way around and I was too proud to tell Ethan I had no clue where we were really going."
He turned the page to show her an average hotel room overlooking a wooded area. "We ended up in Tarrytown instead of Times Square."
"How?" Chris asked with a giggle. "Isn't it far away?"
"It definitely isn't close." He winked at her. "We got in Ethan's car to explore more of the surrounding area and ended up driving over an hour north from the city." He explained. "The car broke down as soon as we realized where we were. It was going to take close to a week to repair. Ethan was leery of hopping on the train to get back to the city and ending up, in his own words, God knows where. So, instead of our original plans of bar hopping, we ended up doing nothing but historical tours of the old homes around there.
Chris burst out laughing. The thought of a young Tobias and Ethan forced to forget their plans of debauchery for a slice of American history caused her to laugh even harder.
Tears of mirth sparkled in her eyes when she handed the album back to Tobias.
"Your vacations sound very memorable."
He grinned and set the album to the side. Sliding his arm along the back of the sofa, he scooted a little closer to Chris. The thought of making some memories with her filled his mind.
"Hmm?" She replied.
"Why don't we go somewhere?" He suggested. "For a couple of days."
"Me and you?" Chris asked.
"Is there someone else you'd like to bring along?" He countered.
"No!" Chris quickly exclaimed.
With their conflicting schedules, it was difficult enough as it was to make time to be together. The last thing she wanted was anyone else along on what could be a romantic getaway.
"I'd like it if it was just us." She added.
"Good." Tobias urged her closer for a kiss. "Because l think I want you all to myself."
"You think?" Chris teased.
He chuckled, pressing a lingering kiss against her cheek.
"I know." He murmured.
"You better." Chris slid into his lap to continue kissing him. "Where do you think we should go?"
Their mouths met in a heated exchange.
Tobias ran his hands along Chris's back. It struck him how tense she was. He could feel the knots in her muscles from hours of stress each day.
He began to think of places he could take her that would allow her not only a chance to relax, but also one that could be romantic for the two of them.
"I know just the place for us." He muttered between kisses.
Chris snuggled closer within his embrace then placed her head upon his chest. Her kiss swollen lips curved. She never doubted for a moment that Tobias would think of the perfect place.
"It's less than two hours away." He explained.
"And what is this destination?" She prodded.
"Ocean House in Rhode Island." He began to try to work the knots out of her shoulders. "They have a spa I think you'd enjoy."
Chris's eyes lit up with interest.
"When are we going?" She asked.
"Whenever you'd like." He told her. "The sooner the better."
Chris cocked an eyebrow. "Anxious, are we?"
"Very." He murmured against her ear.
His lips traced the delicate shell then traveled down her neck. His hands moved her curves, lingering on the places which made Chris move restlessly against him.
She arched into his caress, causing him to smile against her sensitive skin.
"Imagine," his deep voice captured her attention, "you and me. Alone. No interruptions. No worries about anything other than enjoying each other.
It was exactly what she'd been yearning for ever since the pair became a couple. Not only did she need a break from the stresses at Edenbrook, she needed a chance to fully indulge in this new relationship she had with the man who made her want to grow closer to him.
Just as the two began to give in to the passion that always simmered between them, Chris's pager went off.
She softly moaned in frustration all while scooting off his lap. Tobias ran his hands over his face in an attempt to calm his racing heart. His attention remained riveted on the young woman who actually made him long for many vacations where he could have her all to himself.
His lips curved softly as he thought of the memories he wanted to make with her. He wanted to see her at all his favorite spots. He could picture her bikini clad body stretched out on a beach. He would rub the suntan lotion along those long legs of hers. He then thought of snow skiing. Winter was still a good five months away, and yet, he couldn't wait to see her curled up beside him in front of a roaring fire. Given Chris's playful competitive side, he knew they would have a lot of fun racing each other down the slopes.
He'd never been one to plan for the long term with a significant other, but when it came to Chris, he couldn't help doing that very thing.
"I have to go." She told him after calling Edenbrook. "One of my patients has taken a turn for the worse."
Tobias followed her to his door. "Want me to drive you to the hospital?"
"That's okay." She gathered her things, smiling at him. "Depending on how long this takes, maybe you could pick me up."
"I don't care how late it gets." He snagged her hand, pulling her close for a kiss. "I want you to call so I can bring you back here."
"You do?" She felt a thrill go through her to hear he wanted to be with her as much as she did him.
He nodded, smirking at her. "Even if our planned dinner turns into a three in the morning event," he laced his fingers with hers, "I want whatever time I can get with you."
"I'll call you." She promised, wrapping her arms around his neck for one last kiss.
He felt her smile against his lips before pulling away. He watched her hurry off, waiting in the doorway until she disappeared around the corner. Tobias then went back inside to begin planning their getaway.
Ocean House...
Chris marveled at all Tobias had planned for them. She'd somehow been able to trade shifts and such to be able to have a rare three days off in a row to be able to go away with him. She'd also done her best to convince Tobias to split the cost of their accomodations.
He'd refused, making her melt at his explanation that he'd planned dates each day and night, so she would have to indulge his need to pay for these special moments.
The moment they stepped into the White Caps Suite, she was struck speechless. Everything about the peaceful beauty of the rooms combined with views of the ocean began to relax her.
Tobias watched her explore their bedroom, bathroom (which caused her to squeal over the soaking tub), living room, and kitchen, before she eagerly went out to their own private garden. He felt his own joy grow in seeing how excited she became with each new discovery.
"Where does that go?" She pointed towards a path leading out of the garden.
"To the beach." He sat down on one of the lounge chairs.
Without any urging on his part, Chris joined him. She nestled her head on his shoulder, draped one arm across his waist, and took a long deep breath. She slowly released it, feeling all her stress begin to melt away.
"Comfortable?" He asked, placing a kiss against the top of her head.
"Very." She snuggled closer when his fingers began to drift up and down her back in soothing motions.
"I might never move if you keep that up." Chris teased him.
"I think you will once I tell you all that we have planned." He countered.
She lifted her head. "You only told me what type of clothes to pack. What exactly do you have planned for us?"
"Just a few things." He grinned at her. "I have a feeling you are going to be very happy with our itinerary."
After a few more moments of enjoying the sound of the waves crashing and being near one another, the couple went back inside to unpack.
Chris eyed his neatly packed suitcase in amusement. He had each article of clothing carefully folded and placed in such a way that no space had been wasted. All his toiletries were labeled and placed in a special clear bag.
She then looked at her own hodgepodge way of packing. She might have over packed, mostly because she knew she'd want to choose what to wear on their nights out at the last second. She had multiple swimsuits and different lingerie to make their time alone all the more special.
Her own toiletries were tossed in a separate suitcase along with all the last minute items she thought she might want like her medical journals and a few novels to read late at night.
"Hmm." Tobias began to mumble to himself.
Chris glanced up to see him going through a checklist of all he'd packed. He was even counting his socks to make certain he'd packed the number he had written on his list.
Smothering a giggle, she quickly put her clothes and all away. She found it kinda adorable that he put in so much effort into packing for a short trip.
The significance of the moment hit her as she returned to the living room. Though she'd been with Tobias for a couple of months now, this was the first time they'd be stuck together for longer than a night.
The intimacy they would share would be new. She would actually have a chance to see if what they had was mere sexual attraction or something deeper, more lasting. With how much effort he was putting into this getaway, she had a feeling she'd leave this place having fallen even harder for Tobias.
He interrupted her thoughts when he joined her in the living room.
"I have our itinerary." Tobias handed a piece paper over to Chris.
Her smile grew over what he'd written down. Other than a couple of dinner reservations and an appointment at the spa, everything else was listed as, Whatever Chris wants to do.
"Do you approve of our activities?" He asked.
"Almost." She searched for a pen and added a couple of other plans to the list.
His eyebrows raised when she handed it back to him. A slow, wicked smile formed on his lips.
"I see that, Thoroughly thank Tobias, is scheduled at the end of each evening."
Chris nodded. "It is one of the things I insist on doing."
"I'll make sure we stick to the schedule." He set the list down. "Feel free to begin thanking me whenever the mood strikes you." He wiggled his eyebrows. "I won't complain about the time change."
Chris giggled, draping her arms along his shoulders. "Are you sure you wouldn't mind? After all, you planned this trip for us."
"I won't mind at all. In fact," he crumbled up their schedule, tossing it over his shoulder, "we can forget about everything else."
His smile grew with Chris's laughter.
"I wouldn't mind keeping those dinner reservations." She mumbled against his lips.
"And I want you to have that massage." He murmured, kissing her deeply.
She hummed her agreement.
When they broke apart, she made a show of checking the time.
"Oops." She shook her head in mock disappointment. "We're already behind schedule."
"We are?" He looked down at his watch, thinking she was talking about their dinner plans.
She pulled him along to the bedroom. "It's past time you were thoroughly thanked."
She let out a yelp that turned into laughter when he picked her up fireman style to hurry them on to keep their planned activity.
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maybebecomingms · 9 months
a dangerous existence
January 3rd, 2024
"I saw her and I said to myself, 'she's a loaded gun.' Tempting, but can destroy your whole life in a second."
He wasn't talking about a seductive woman approaching him at the bar (though they tell stories like that, too). He was talking about a young college student running near campus. They didn't interact. He was driving.
He also wasn't someone I knew well to be talking so openly about his urges and threats to his marriage. He and his wife were the small group leaders, and it was my first or second visit to their home to check it out.
I was 23 at the time - not too far removed from college myself - and had somehow just lost 40 pounds. If there was ever a time in my life when I was "hot," it was then.
Is this directed at me? Am I the loaded gun? Does this mean I should stop coming here?
I didn't flirt with him. I didn't have bad intentions. I just wanted to get to know some new people. I don't think I kept going to the group for long, but I did hit it off really well with his wife - in fact, I still do. I would still go to their house regularly for our "book club" of two and hope I didn't see him. I always felt dirty and guilty after that.
But this type of thing didn't throw me off enough to walk away, because I'd heard it so many times before. Men were always telling stories like this from the pulpit - having to avert their gaze and avoid attractive women to protect their wives and families. Sometimes, their stories were about loose and wild women throwing themselves at them, seemingly not caring that they were married. Other times, the story was about refusing to acknowledge an attractive woman even when she was being completely respectful, because you never knew when she'd turn on you and lie to your wife about you behaving badly.
It definitely always struck me as odd, though. I've encountered attractive men while in a committed relationship plenty of times and... it was not life changing? I've never felt powerless against an overwhelming urge to blow up my entire life because a good-looking man exists and I saw him. I wouldn't even say I felt that way after talking to one.
But we were told that women and men were fundamentally different, and I never thought much about it til now, really. That kind of messaging really fucks with you as you're entering adulthood within a feminine form. If I go for a run and you see me out in the world running, I'm an imminent threat to your wife and family? And I don't even KNOW you? That's a huge and impossible responsibility, not to mention a massive threat to my safety.
Several years ago, I befriended a colleague I worked with frequently. We're still friends, though we don't interact through work anymore. One year, he invited me to his beautiful, sprawling home in the country around Christmastime. He and his husband go all out, with multiple decorated trees and carefully arranged lights inside and out. They wanted to show off their efforts. We had the best time drinking wine and laughing. We hugged and said "I love you" when it was time for me to go home.
For many years, I could not figure this out. Why would gay men want to spend time with me? They're obviously not sexually attracted to me, so what could I possibly have to offer? Because of the messaging I got from the church about how simultaneously vulnerable and out of control men are, I really thought that I had no value whatsoever beyond being sexualized. Isn't that sad?
For how much churches claim to promote sexual purity, they sure do know how to make you feel dirty and disgusting for merely existing.
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themaskstayson · 7 months
Thinking about all my Dark Urges in a party together cause it can be a somewhat balanced party, in the sense of survivability but also so funny to write about.
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Rynnil, the lolth-sworn drow oathbreaker.
Cyrus, the tiefling bard college of spirits.
Moondrop, the deep gnome shadow monk.
Varra, white dragonborn wild magic Sorcerer.
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Varra is default durge but with body 1 cause I wanted him to be smaller lol He's the master mind of the group and Bhaal's special chosen baby. He's more incline to go with the flow and if that means follow the urges pretty hard-core with no regards of them being attacked... Oh well. He wouldn't help the goblins, though. Mostly because it would be a waste of a perfectly good blacksmith. He wants to fight Orin and take his power back but throughout the journey becomes conflicted with duty to Bhaal, his "family", and now his new found "family". He is the leader of Dark Urge group and co-leader when the combine groups with Wyll as the leader for origin characters.
(I played for about 20iah hours and I stopped because idk kissing as a dragonborn was kind of meh... I do love the white and red dragonborn design so much and I would bring Varra back for a multi-player game instead. He never left act one but he did get it in with Astarion.)
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Rynnil is very resist the urge. He remembers a life before the cult and wants to break free and go back to it, or at least break free to have his freedom, now that he got a taste. He's very hands off with the group, letting them be gremlins until they cross a line like unaliving people in broad daylight for no good reason. They can't just do things like get the Grove closed off, how else would they sell the loot they're hoarding? He's still duty bound but by his own rules of wanting to keep his "family" safe. Socially he is not the greatest and relies on others for anything talking related. Also, while Rynnil is very resist the urge, by the time he gets to Baldur's Gate and realizes a few things he does go a bit back to the dark side and does things without care for his own well being.
(Rynnil was in a coop game and an honour mode one. In coop he romance Wyll and it was so cute. He was very duty bound and I broke his oath by accident in act 3 lol He was very much the silent type but easily won over by Wyll's romantic ways. Him and Astarion were besties.
In the honour mode, Rynnil was romancing Astarion but, by accident, they broke up and Rynnil got upset and started doing unhinged things like get the hammer and lie a lot about what he was doing. I got stressed and stopped the run, but I should continue for the dice at least..... He's also romancing Halsin, which is meh. Rynnil works best with Wyll imo just for the support and not having the need to "fix" someone else and get support to be a better person.)
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Cyrus is the same as Varra and goes with the flow but WAAAAY more interested in the need to please daddy Bhaal and blood baths because it keeps the skin moisturized. He also would clock Astarion's flirting unlike Varra and Rynnil and he would find it cringe. He'll still sleep with him, though. Not cause he likes Astarion but he wants to see how cringe-y he gets with his lines. Cyrus would actually sleep with everyone, like a true bard. He's also the group's voice but Rynnil does keep him in line from doing anything too bad. Until later on where Rynnil doesn't seem the care about anything and Cyrus can make his own decisions without care.
(Plan for Cyrus was to use the polymod and romance everyone. I just... Never got around to it lol Cyrus wouldn't be so interested in Astarion but more so Lae'zel cause she's strong or Gale cause he's a wizard and powerful. Gale being depressed would be a turn off. Cyrus wants to cause chaos, or at least be unhinged enough.)
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Moondrop is also resist the urges and trying to find inner peace. He's also one of the sassier members of the group and always judging everyone. The amount of time people go to him for advice is concerning to him. He also demands they have tea with their lunch and relax. He's very meh with the group. He doesn't see the others as his siblings at all, especially Varra and Cyrus for embracing the urges at times. Rynnil he is okay with but mostly cause the drow doesn't do much of anything and is a reliable fighter. Moondrop finds the origin characters to be very concerning about but would prefer if Wyll just lead the group alone since Varra cannot be trusted really.
(Moondrop I am trying to keep no mods with Script Extender to see if I can get Wyll to not be buggy and get one of the romance greetings and I really wanna see his kisses. I also wanna romance Adtarion cause the boy is racist against Gnomes and it would be funny. I can't play vanilla cause how the hell am I supposed to be a femboy with no cute faces?)
Regardless of barely playing with mods, the game somehow got corrupt.
In theory I can run a game with all 4 of them and have them romance someone but running the game twice was concerning... I don't know if I can run it 4 times to get them all lol
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alexjcrowley · 1 year
You know what I am fucking tired of inly talking of anglophone media on here
I am URGING everybody who see this post to watch the I Can Quit Whenever I Want trilogy (in italian: Smetto quando voglio) and I am going to convince you to watch it because it's hilarious and it's good and its only sin is not being an american/british product. (Also I found out there's a Spanish movie inspired by it, but I am talking about the italian trilogy).
Take Breaking Bad. A college neurobiologist professor desperately needs money, so he decides to start making drugs. Because he is a genius, though, he creates the formula of a new drug that, being new, isn't technically illegal. You follow me?
Okay, now let's give it a Ocean's 11 twist. To create and sell these drugs, Neurobiologist Professor needs the help of a few friends. These friends are all brilliant laureates, with several PhDs, who, due to corrupt state of Italian academia, are forced into minum wage jobs: you got two latinists working at a gas station, a chemist washing dishes at a Chinese restaurant, an anthropologist pretending to be an ignorant so he will get hired for low-budget jobs (yes, him having a degree in anthropology is actually making it harder for him to be hired), an archaeologist who supervises road work and, my personal favourite, an econmic professor who loses more than wins money at poker.
They're a bunch of disillusioned adults, well in their 40s, who were brilliant and were let down by their country's academia, that hires people based on political affiliation and recommendations rather than actual merits. All they're trying to do is better their pretty miserable lives and fuck the system that fucked them.
And that's just the premise of the first movie. It's a comedy, it's a mafia movie, it's a Shawshank Redemption parody, you got drugs, objectively badass villains, political humour, chases, jumping from moving trains, more and more wild characters adding up (all with their special academic field, you might as well create your OC based on your major). It's like if Guy Ritchie directed Breaking Bad but all of the characters were played by the male cast of The Office.
The third movie is one of the few movies that made me cry not at the end, but at the start. I don't even wanna spoil but there's a story of friendship and revenge for the ages. I could talk about it all day.
I want to be honest, these three movies aren't very politically correct- and I use the expression in a positive way. Sadly there are some stereotypes portrayed in the movies (the first especially), but I still think they're very valid products.
So please, please, even if it's not in English, give it a try. You won't regret it. Here's the link to watch it (there are subtitles in a lot of language on this site, not just english)
Here you got the trailer
And here is the way the movie starts, I translated it in English.
"In Italy, a drug to be defined as such must be registered in the list of illegal molecules of the Ministry of Health. Cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, methadone, ecstasy and roughly 200 other molecules are part of that list. If a molecule is not in that table then you can produce it, you can take it, but above all you can sell it. At 24 I graduated in neurobiology with honors, I have a master's degree in computational neuroscience and one in molecular dynamics. In recent months I have formed a gang that manages a turnover of hundreds of thousands of euros, I am accused of manufacturing and dealing in drugs, armed robbery, kidnapping and attempted murder. My name is Pietro Zinni... and I'm a university researcher."
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ladyswillmart · 2 years
1.) Do not use boring dialogue tags. “Said” is dead!
2.) Do not use big word dialogue tags you got from a thesaurus either, like “Soughed” or “Excreted” or “Opined”. This is because people never Excrete in real life. Excreting is for platypuses and leaky refrigerators.
3.) If you are assigning dialogue tags to a refrigerator you have gone wrong somewhere. Try to figure out where. Ask a grown-up for help.
3 Also.) Actually try not to use a lot of words in general. Narrative paucity is in. Think about that story Lewis Hermingway wrote in like five words that was like “FOR SALE. BOWLING BALL. NEVER BOWLED. PROBABLY HAUNTED” that some people once voted the Saddest Story Ever I think. In these six or so words, the reader’s mind is allowed to freely explore a litany of possibilities involving this bowling ball that has never been used and is for sale now and probably haunted. For example you can imagine the owner probably bought it for a community college bowling class or something but the section got cancelled because nobody else signed up and now they had to take badminton instead because it was the only thing that fit into their schedule so now they have to offload the cost of this bowling ball so they can buy a badminton racket, and then maybe they said the ball was haunted so they can get away with selling it for more $$$ than what it’s worth on eBay. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE LITERALLY ENDLESS
4.) If you want to get away with selling something for more money than it’s worth on eBay, tell your prospective buyers that the item is haunted and use the concept of narrative paucity to allow them to figure out what that means to them and whether or not that meaning implies that YES actually they SHOULD pay $167 (plus S+H) for a half-filled plastic spray bottle of Jean Naté that is currently being haunted by the ghost of Al Capone (it was his favorite scent).
5.) “Said” is still dead.
6.) Actually don’t use any words at all. If you are using any words in your story you have already messed up somehow. Try to figure out where. Ask a grown-up for help.
7.) You know what writing is for suckers. Screw this. What you should do instead is not that. Put down your pencil and go outside and look at a bird. Maybe like a chickadee or something.
8.) Resist the urge to write at length about the chickadee. Narrative paucity will allow your fecund imagination to fill in any blanks you may have regarding this bird’s social life. What you should do is just listen to the chickadee. All it has to say at the moment is FEE BEE FEE BEE and this drives the lady chickadees absolutely wild apparently. Isn’t that so funny?
9.) Al Capone’s favorite fragrance really was Jean Naté. He had it brought into Alcatraz and everything. The next time you aren’t writing a story about old timey gangsters in prison, try to work that little factoid in there for historical accuracy.
10.) Just don’t use any words. Y’know. If you do decide to write that story.
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machiroads · 9 months
Machi's 2023 Year In Review
'23 was a bit of a wild one. A toast to the last twelve months (both in fandom and IRL) under the cut.
Here's what went out the door in '23:
Naruhata Noir
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I started posting NN in December '22, about a month after finishing 9L. At one point last year I joked about finishing the entire thing in the week between Christmas and New years. Evidently, this did not happen for a variety of reasons:
A) A series of events occurring in my personal life that do not merit further detail that I will herein refer to as "the conga line of nonsense". That kicked off during last year's holiday season and bled into like...May. Which leads directly into:
B) Tears of the Kingdom came out. And;
C) A general loss of motivation in the project.
During the aforementioned Conga Line of Nonsense, I had a goal of finishing before TotK came out, but I only managed to cobble together another 4 chapters between January and May. After somehow managing weekly to biweekly chapters for 9L, NN was much more sporadic, and at one point I had people asking me if I was still alive. Which. sucked, since I generally strive to be a somewhat reliable person.
Once the TotK hyperfixation hit, I managed maaaaaaybe another 2 chapters before I finally got bored of grinding monsters to upgrade outfits. I did manage to meet the third self-imposed deadline of finishing before going to Japan for 2 weeks, so at least that's one W.
In addition to the distractions of Life, NN was more challenging to write for a few main reasons:
Aizawa is not the narrator. Look, I'm mature enough to acknowledge that he is Blorbo From My Shows, and everything I write wants to revolve around him. Taking a step back from that and trying to get into another character's head after spending 8 solid months on 9L was an adjustment. It took me a bit of time to find Shinsou's voice.
Most of the relationship dynamics in this fic are non-canonical, and pulled directly out of my ass. Shinsou's relationships with the Hottas are central to the back half of the fic, and his relationship with Mirko also becomes prominent at times. NONE OF THESE CHARACTERS HAVE EVER INTERACTED IN REAL LIFE I'M JUST SMASHING DOLLS TOGETHER LIKE I DID AS A 7 YEAR OLD.
Trying to parallel something I already wrote several months ago is hard. I wanted NN to make sense on its own, but also follow the relevant bits from 9L. This was next to impossible to accomplish without sounding clunky. Almost from the very beginning of the fic, the outsider's perspective of Aizawa's first steps, I felt the urge to change the dialogue because the story that I wanted to tell from Shinsou's perspective was different from the one I wanted to tell from Aizawa's perspective. I locked myself into that rigidity for a while, until I finally decided just to say fuck it at the end and modify the 9L dialogue slightly because the story had taken on a life of its own.
Erasermic took a major backseat in this one, but I still needed to scratch the itch, and I think that's why I ended up writing 2 emic one shots in between chapters.
I don't think a direct parallel spin-off is something I would try writing again, and the fic was probably a lot longer than it needed to be, but at the end of the day, I'm satisfied with the way it turned out, and I'm happy I was actually able to finish it this year.
Here's a collage of my inspo for Aizawa's apartment cobbled together from google maps and japanese real estate websites.
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Being No One, Going Nowhere
The first of the 3 one shots that I put out this year, and a proof of concept that I can slap together 3k in a day and a half fever dream and call it a fic.
This one in particular was instigated by one of @o0fyuu0o's tweets that refused to leave me alone. And maybe also the two broken arms story from reddit, but you know, like, less incesty.
Mic was extremely pathetic in this one, which is immensely fun to write. Just a pathetic little meow meow. Sopping wet cat of a man.
College AU was fun to write, emboldened in part by @kyurilin's fic Stray. After being married to canon-verse for both 9L and NN, this was an exercise in just making shit up, and also living vicariously through the memories of the house I lived in for the better part of 2 years as an undergrad. I graduated 7 years ago and it is still crystallized in my memory.
A Tumultuous Sea, You and Me
I've been nursing a healthy crush on Pirate!Aizawa (or Paizawa, as the kids on JP Twit call him) since the Volume 35 character page came out in June '22. Paizawa even killed a 2 year long art block, that's how powerful he is. (Look!)
I do not remember what exactly spurned this one on, but it also got written in the span of about 2 days. I think I reread The Art of Drowning at some point this year, but I do not remember if it was during the writing frenzy, or sometime before it.
Aizawa gets to hold the meow meow card again in this one. His 2 sentence rivalry with Vlad is one of the best things I've ever written.
Of the 2 days I spent writing this, I probably spent 75% of that researching pirate ships. I used almost none of it, and have forgotten almost all of it by this point.
I feel like everyone that dips their toes into the realm of merpeople has a different interpretation on it, but I wanted to spend approximately 0 minutes on worldbuilding, so it's just kind of a chill coexistence between the pirates and the mermaids in this one lol. People were intrigued by said "worldbuilding" however and wanted more, but I think I've scratched the mer-pirate itch for now haha.
1966 Ford Nutstang GT350 Shelby
@kyurilin made a tumblr post that misspelled "mustang" as "nustang" and I skim-read it and saw "nutstang" and was like "you know what would be a terribad nickname for the car? Nutstang." At which point I immediately informed her, which led down the rabbit hole of a very loose RP (as it often does) and I decided YOU KNOW WHAT? I SHOULD JUST TURN THIS INTO A CRACK FIC.
At which point I had to sort of construct a loose plot around the entire bonkers concept. Nemuri held a key role in the pseudo-RP, but I ended up wanting to keep the fic tight and her role was mostly cut. But rest assured she is there in spirit, though, judging.
The plush nutsack is just a bastardization of a kangaroo ballsack coinpurse I saw in a Crap Souvenirs From Around The World calendar I had many years back that has imprinted on my memory. At no point did I seek out visual reference for it, and neither should you. It is up to the reader's imagination.
On the topic of bastardizations, the reappearing nutsack plotline is borrowed from the drawfee gnome saga.
Mic yelling GOOD MORNING and Aizawa banging his head on the underside of his desk is S tier slapstick.
Some wonderful listeners readers are still making art for 9L, and we have been blessed with two beautiful new pieces this year:
Mic and Eri's selfie, from @kaleidoscopedrawsjpg
The Only One Bed scene, from @guiltyfixations
@obsessed-dragon also drew the photo of Shinsou holding Miso from Naruhata Noir, and Black Spider Eyes drew Aizawa dangling out the window from Tumultuous Sea.
Every time a piece of art drops on my dash, or I see my fic being recommended to other people, my brain does a lil short circuit and I have to go get up and walk around for a bit. I'm not sure words can express how much it means to me that people have enjoyed my writing enough to recommend it to other people, or sit down and create something of their own based off of it. It's humbling, and I'm truly grateful for every kind word or "sketch I should have maybe spent a little longer on" hahaha
Look, I'm an engineer. I can't resist the thrall of Microsoft Excel. So here's A Chart.
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I value Bookmarks the highest of all the stats that AO3 spits out. Views are pointless (skewed higher in the context of multi-chap fics). Kudos are an indicator of how many people read and liked enough to leave a kudos, but bookmarks are my indicator of how many people liked it enough to keep it around to read again, or recommend to others.
The bookmark-to-kudos ratio is (in my unscientific opinion) a measure of how many people loved the work vs how many people just liked it.
From the chart above, we can propose the following conclusions:
9L is still, far and away, the most popular, and most well-loved thing I've ever written. I'm fine with that.
The Nutstang fic was a certified cult classic, with a bookmark-to-kudos ratio of almost 0.3, second to only 9L.
NN is at a respectable ratio of 0.24 (middle of the pack), but in terms of number of kudos, is not that far ahead the mer-pirate fic. NN was not tagged as erasermic, so I do think this checks out in terms of sheer exposure.
Still Cooking:
I started this one in March during the conga line of personal life nonsense. I somehow lured in Robbirdthe8th and @o0fyuu0o and @obsessed-dragon and got a solid month of drafting done before I was like "maybe I should work on NN again" and then it sat dormant until like. October.
It's up to almost 30k across 3 partially written chapters already, and I outlined 9 chapters. It is almost certainly overambitious, and I will almost certainly run into the same motivation issue I had with NN because it's a rooftop 4 fic and not just erasermic, and it has a demographic of approximately four people as an AU of a game that came out in uh........2006.
I thought I'd get at least some of it out in '23 but I'm taking it easy and just writing when inspiration strikes at the moment.
Fortuneteller AU
I started this one maybe a week-ish ago, in my quest for a pitch for the erasermic zine (surprise! they haven't made official announcements yet, but I'll be in it. this is an easter egg for those of you who made it this far). It's going to end up far too long for the 3k word limit for that, so I'm just co-opting it for another one-shot. Taisho era urban fantasy dabbling in some Violet Evergarden/FMA-esque post-war themes. Mic with pince nez. Aizawa in hakama. Gratuitous amateur tarot. It has gripped me by the throat.
More from the Nine Lives Extended Universe (canon-willing)
I've got 3 more spin-offs to 9L simmering, just waiting for canon to figure out its business. These are:
When The Battle's Lost and Won
A final battle post-mortem in 4 parts (if 3baka all make it out alive that is). Every few chapters of canon that come out, something gets added or tossed. Extremely fluid at this point, but there are some good quality blurbs and bullet points in there.
The erasermic epilogue to 9L, from Mic's perspective. An exploration of their relationship beyond the final battle, with an overarching theme that I've borrowed from a Dorktown documentary on former Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Dave Stieb: Not at all, and then all at once.
This one's just pure body worship, punctuated by an extremely casual marriage proposal. A lot of people still comment on 9L like "THIS CAN'T BE IT, WHERE'S THE REST OF IT?", so I hope this will satisfy those looking for some closure from a relatively open ending.
The Way of the Househero
With the impending graduation of the hell class, and a body that doesn't quite move the way it used to, Aizawa has a bit of an existential crisis and semi-retires so he can be a full-time parent to Eri while figuring out what's next for him. Mostly slice of life. No real plot to this one yet, mostly just vignettes. Aizawa finally gets cats of his own, makes mom friends, and becomes more of a knife slut (only its in the kitchen now instead of on the streets).
Every room in my home is painted some sort of bland pastel, and this year we managed to purge pastels from four rooms: my home office, our living room / dining room, and our bedroom. I am enormously pleased with how each of these have turned out.
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We moved to this house in January '22, and last year was mostly seeing what came up in the garden. This year we cleared out a lot of the decorative shrubs in our backyard (turns out you can hock shrubs on facebook marketplace), and planted a veggie garden. The extent of my gardening experience prior to this year was mowing the lawn as a teenager, so this year was a continuous learning experience, and likely will be for many more years to come.
We had some big wins (potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cherries, squash, dear god the squash), and some losses (apples that were infested with tent caterpillars, arugula that bolted, and lettuce that got eaten by bunnies to name a few).
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In addition to veggies, we also did a lot of general cleanup around the rest of the yard, including clearing out some invasive species and thinning out some partially dead shrubs. We mostly let the yard do its own thing last year, and the previous owner of our home died about 6 months before we moved in, so it was probably neglected for a while. I cut out a blackberry cane that was as long as our driveway. I bought a wood chipper and a compost aerator and am learning the art and science of turning yard trash into yard treasure. (I have not peed on my compost pile yet, as recommended by /r/composting. Maybe some day.)
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I also adopted a clipping from my sister-in-law's monstera, which has done quite well (except for the parts my cat has taken a mild interest in nibbling on from time to time)
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Probably too much travel this year ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
3 Weddings (4 if you count the one in December '22 that's included in the Conga Line of Nonsense). Got covid at 2 of them. Invited to a fifth next year. Wishing everyone of marriageable age I know IRL a very elope
Trips for work to Winnipeg and Calgary (to which I have never been before, but are both underwhelming). Also got to fly on a floatplane for the first time, which is noisy, but the views are unbeatable
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I turned 30 this year, and after the Conga Line of Nonsense, I said fuck it, we're going back to Japan for my birthday. 2 weeks, 8 cities. L: Shimanami Kaido cycle (still somehow 30 degrees in September x full sun x forgot sunscreen x 80km = pain) (my husband has proofread this and insists that this is not an L but agree to disagree) W: Hokkaido (beautiful scenery, incredible food, not 30 degrees in September lmao)
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If you made it this far, thanks for reading, and thanks for your love in '23. I hope to provide you with more of the same nonsense in '24. Let me know if you want a spinoff cats + gardening + DIY blog, since that's just my life now. Happy new year 🍾
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megantronusprime · 1 year
Which of the mercs smoke?
Just my personal headcanons.
Mentions of smoking (obviously), drugs and alcohol below. 
Scout - At the beginning, he’d try to smoke cigarettes or on Sniper’s smoke sessions to seem cool, but would almost hack up a lung. But when he got past that initial insecurity, he was a lot more relaxed with passing it up. It wasn’t his thing and he didn’t want to mess with his cardio performance. 
Soldier - Cigarettes aren’t manly enough for him, and he would never smoke reefer (he wrinkles his nose in disgust when he passes by Sniper’s camper and it smells like skunk), but he does enjoy smoking cigars in his downtime. 
Pyro - they’re constantly hotboxing in that suit
Demo - Smoking is mostly just social for him. He’ll join Sniper in a smoke sesh, join Spy for a smoke, or have a cigar with Soldier while playing poker. You’d think that since drinking increases the urge to smoke, you’d find him accompanying his scrumpy with a smoke. But no, he likes to enjoy them separately - individually.
Engineer - This man worked in the oil patch in the 50′s. He definitely smoking cigarettes to keep up with the crazy hours and because of the work culture. But he hates it, and every time he smoked a cigarette, he has the brief thought of “My mama would be so disappointed if she knew.” (Which, she did catch him one time when he was visiting home, and the look on her face made him feel just awful.)
When he went off to college, he managed to kick it for the most part. But every so often when he stayed up late working on a creeping deadline, he’d cave and pick it back up again before quitting again. 
Now, working at Mann Co., Dell still enjoys a smoke while tinkering, or with the guys while on break. He’ll often take a smoke from the guys while sighing, “I really should quit...” But smoking now has this nostalgic quality for him, so he doesn’t have nearly as much guilt as he used to. 
(he also tried smoking weed but isn’t super into it because he doesn’t like how it makes him feel.)
Heavy - Heavy is actually pretty healthy, and likes to refrain from smoking, for the most part. Isn’t interested in weed and I imagine cigarettes are too small for his fingers (lol), but like Soldier, he’ll indulge in a cigar, if only once in a blue moon.
Spy - this man is a human cigarette. Meh about weed - not against it, but it doesn’t excite him, either. Also, he doesn’t care about cigars - the whole ritual surrounding them does not interest him. Cigarettes only for him, please and thank you.
Sniper - It’s not an uncommon headcanon that he will try any drug once. And I think I agree with that. (It’s also canon that he did drugs with Miss Pauling, which I love.) Prefers weed to anything, but won’t say no to a cig. But, he is a professional, so will absolutely under no circumstances smoke weed before work. He keeps it to the weekends, mostly.
Medic - Will smoke a cigarette here and there, yeah. I think people like to either imagine him as a wild dude, or a doctor who follows his own advice and treats his body like a temple. I think he’s had a wild youth, but he’s mostly past it and uninterested. (Honestly, I see him more as a coke guy, lol. Even if not currently, definitely in his past.)
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