#like it kept getting worse each time i saw it but obviously i was fine. like it never tried to harm me. it just stood there’
fingertipsmp3 · 9 months
So me and my friend unpacked that night terror I had the other night & basically I am now on a self-imposed horror ban because I genuinely think if I keep consuming horror with my current mental state I will have a full-blown psychotic break 😔✌🏻
#for the uninitiated: basically i dreamed of an entity that was ‘the personification of fear itself’ and it was standing in the corner of my#room heavy-breathing and looking at me. it followed me through 3 layers of sleep (dream within a dream; regular dream; WAKING -#i hallucinated it during a sleep paralysis incident)#and i was unpacking it with my friend and i was like ‘i think the reason i was able to fall asleep again so fast (within 10 minutes lol)#and the thought of it hasn’t really bothered me when i’ve tried to sleep since is that it felt like more of a warning than a threat#like it kept getting worse each time i saw it but obviously i was fine. like it never tried to harm me. it just stood there’#and she was like ‘so do you believe in symbolism in dreams?’ i said ‘i don’t believe in prophetic dreams and i don’t believe that dreams#always have meaning. what i believe is that when the conscious mind shuts off for sleep; the subconscious starts unpacking stuff completely#at random and starts working through it. i think it’s a complete roulette. i think the best example of that is the time i had a dream that#one of my teachers was selling teddy bear ties just because he wore a tie with teddy bears on it once. i had that dream about a week later.#i was not in any way preoccupied with his tie; i saw it once and that was it but my brain obviously decided to use it’#so she was like ‘so you think that you dreaming about an entity that was the personification of fear itself is completely random?’#i was like ‘oh no not really. that makes perfect sense to me. all the movies i’ve watched and books i’ve read and podcasts i’ve listened to#have been horror’ and she was like ‘and you think that’s healthy for you?’ ‘oh no not really. plenty of it scares me. i even got scared the#other day listening to true crime; which doesn’t usually happen to me but i guess the 4 hour serial killer documentary wore me down’#she’s just like ‘for god’s sake’ lol#so i’m like ‘i mean if i interpret it your way; about dreams having meanings and messages; i guess i’m being warned that i’m dwelling too#much on fear. i’m inviting it into my space deliberately. it’s the main emotion i’m experiencing from the media i consume. and i don’t know#that that’s necessarily… good?’ and she’s like ‘no i don’t think it is. maybe you should read a sci-fi or something or rewatch that reality#show you like?’ and i was like ‘that actually seems like a good idea’#so. no more horror for me for the foreseeable :( i just want to get through the seasonal depression. and get my grief for mabel down to a#manageable level. i mean it’s somewhat manageable now but i still feel sad and guilty all the time and cry randomly#i’m thinking about signing up to be a dog fosterer for the rspca. i mean i work from home; i have an enclosed garden & plenty of time#and i could use the companionship. i just don’t know that i can take on a multi-year commitment right now#personal
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changetyre · 7 months
Oh my god please I need more landoscar content 🙌🏻
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Three can play this game || Landoscar x Reader (P2) Ⓗ
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SUMMARY: The boys aren’t shy to let their friends know how much they enjoy you in every aspect of the word. And despite it being 2 against 1 sometimes it's not that hard to get the upper hand on the boys.
WARNINGS: Mostly suggestive content, no smut this time sorry ;(
A/N: I had so many requests for a part 2 but I got a huge block and it just sat in my drafts for the longest time. I'm not sure I like it but I can't think of anything else ;( I'd be up for a Part 3 if you'd like though.
The dinner was…a lot. The boys were right, it was a very booby choice of attire that you’d picked for tonight and the fact that they’d both happily left a big mark on each of your girls did nothing to help the “discrete” glances the boys around the table took at your chest.
You could tell Lando and Oscar were both highly enjoying the attention their girl was getting and they loved even more the fact that this was only making matters worse for the wet ache that they’d left between your legs a few hours ago.
"You like her dress, Pierre?" You almost choked on your food as your daring boyfriend confronted the man who was having the hardest time keeping his eyes off (your body) you .
Pierre cleared his throat but by his unshakable smirk, you could see he felt no shame in being caught. "I do, very...good fit."
You hoped the rush of heat to your cheeks wasn't visible to the rest of the table as you tried to focus on your food. You hated your boyfriends right now, so much for making this dinner one of the hardest nights of your life.
Oscar had kept his hand on your thigh all dinner letting it move up and down throughout the dinner occasionally inching higher than necessary.
Lando on the other hand was having the time of his life whispering dirty things into your ears, letting his hands roam your waist and his fingers occasionally grazing your breasts as well as planting kisses on your shoulder and neck not caring your PDA distracted the boys from their meals.
You might've as well started fucking in front of all of the boys at this rate you thought to yourself as it was clear you three tonight were the center of attention.
"Darling you alright?" Oscar cheekily asked you as you fanned yourself trying to keep the heat at bay.
You glared at your boyfriend and he simply smiled innocently. "You both are insufferable." You whispered to him.
"And why would that be my love?" Lando asked holding that mischief in his tone as usual.
"Hmm...fine." You huffed, earning your own sly smirk. "Three can play this game."
"What game?" Oscar asked with the same innocent tone.
"Boys, will you excuse me I need to use the restroom?" You asked, your tone suddenly confident to the surprise of those around the table.
Lando moved out of the way allowing you to leave. You were quick in the bathroom knowing the boys would probably want to join you which wasn't part of your plan.
You walked back to the table making sure the sway in your hips was a little more marked than necessary before scooting your way across your boyfriend's lap not letting him stand up to let you through this time.
The way Lando's hand gripped your waist as you scooted across his lap was a good indicator that your plan had set off excellently.
"Everything alright?" Oscar asked you.
"Everything's perfect." You smiled as you sucked your middle finger into your mouth watching the way Oscar looked closely at the motion. You knew the thoughts that would invade his mind and he'd obviously assume you'd taken care of yourself already.
"Baby, will you put this away for me? It was starting to bother me." You spoke clearly as well not caring as the rest of the boys heard and watched you hand something to Lando.
Lando opened his hand ready to receive it and his heart almost lept out of his chest as he saw the coated string you placed in his hand. He gasped before closing his fist tightly and stuffing the clothing in his pocket.
You heard a couple sniggers from the boys as you proudly managed to reverse this game.
"By the way Pierre I forgot to thank you for the compliment. I also think this dress is a good fit." You smiled at the man as you adjusted the dress from your chest.
"Uh...y..yeah." Pierre cleared his throat nervously this time. "Yeah of course."
"I know the boys liked it a lot as well...should've seen them before leaving." You joked unashamedly. "I mean I'm sure you can tell anyway." You laughed to yourself loving the effect you were having on the men across the table.
"Uh baby would you like some dessert?" Lando asked you clearly trying to get you to stop your games.
"Hmmm." You turned to your boyfriend, your hands coming down to rest high on his thigh which made him tense at the action. "I would love some dessert." you bit your lip "innocently".
"Oh, you're too funny my darling." Oscar pulled you back now panicking at the way the rest of the boys were left speechless.
"And why is that Ozzie?" You leaned to him this time.
"Well I think you might've had too much to drink tonight darling." Oscar tried laughing it off. "If you're full then I think we can go."
"Hmm I'm not exactly full but I'm sure I'll be stuffed later hmm-" you wiggled your eyebrows suggestively.
"OKAY we're gonna go. Good night." Lando interrupted you and took your hand pulling you up and away with him.
You giggled to yourself proud that you'd gotten your desired reaction, leaving the boys with mouths wide open and your boyfriends beyond flustered.
The drive home was definitely going to be interesting.
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jhkfan123 · 8 months
because i liked a boy | tom blyth
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pairing: tom blyth x actress!reader
in which: tom rushes to your house after you get threats and insults online due to speculations of a relationship between the two of you
warnings: mentions and readings of death threats, mentions of slut shaming
wc: 1.1k (sorry it's a little short!)
a/n: IT'S MY POOKIE WOOKIE DOOKIE COOKIE SHMOOPIE TOM'S BIRTHDAY! no but seriously happy birthday tom! bros birthday is approximately ONE week from mine. bro's a little aquarius like me. thank you so much for being the best tom! the age gap grows more everyday 🥰...anyway here is a little cute fic for you guys just for his bday!
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in less than 24 hours they were everywhere. in your dm's, in tagged posts, on every platform.
it was only yesterday that you and tom decided to go out in public together. for the first time. and now you realized maybe it should be your last, for a while anyway.
the two of you kept a quiet relationship for about a month, up until yesterday, when you decided going out for coffee might be nice. and sure enough, there were cameras.
first fan accounts found it. then smaller celebrity news accounts found it. then e! news found it. soon variety found it. this had all happened while you were asleep. and when you woke up, it wasn't just the posts that you found. you had dm's. lots of them. each one a little worse than the one before it.
you weren't sure what to do. so you picked up your phone and dialed tom.
the phone rung for what felt like ages. then you finally heard the comforting voice you had been longing for.
"hello?" you heard. you felt a little lighter already.
"hi tom. look, i know you're not really on social media but, i just really need you to come over because i need to talk to you." you breathed heavily getting the sentence out as you now began to panic.
"i'll be there in ten minutes. love you." you heard. he hung up the phone. you sat down on the couch in your apartment. you had an urge to go on your phone, but you knew what awaited you. so you resisted.
about ten minutes later, you heard a knock on the door. right on time.
he only knocked out of politeness, he had a key to your unit. "oh, good you're here." you said. he looked at you with a warm smile.
"i came as fast as possible." he came over to the couch and pressed a kiss to your forehead. he sat down next to you and you embraced his warmth. "now, what's wrong." he said. you leaned into his lap.
"so, remember how we went out for coffee yesterday?" you asked. he nodded quickly. "so obviously there were photos which is fine and we expected that but, once people really started noticing, i started getting...threats." you handed him your phone which was now open to your instagram dm's.
"oh, no." he sighed with sadness. "i'm so sorry. do you mind if i look?" he asked. you nodded again. he took your phone from your hand and began to scroll. you saw the screen and began to read along.
user: who tf are you back tf off you slut
_user_: didn't you just break up with your other boyfriend you whore chill share him with us
user123: if you don't back off i'm going to jump you. mwah
tomblythlover: if you hurt him you die
each one got progressively worse. you saw tom's face shift with each one. he pulled you closer to him as he handed your phone back to you. you felt a single tear stream down your face, which tom immediately noticed.
"hey, hey hey." he wiped your tear with his thumb. "you didn't do anything wrong, ok? ignore every single one. you are not a slut, not a whore, not anything they claim you are. and, there is nothing you can do to stop these people. you just have to ignore it." he pulled you closer and tighter to him. "turn your dm's off. or limit them at least." he suggested. "get off social media. take a walk." he kept listing out ideas.
"you're right. i didn't even think of that, turning my dm's off." you said. you went into your settings and turned it off.
"what would you do without me." he joked, sarcastically. you hit him in his leg, the only place you could reach. you smiled up at him.
"i can't believe people would do this." you spoke. it was unbelievable. how could you say something like that to someone you don't even know?
"i can. people are crazy online. they stay stuff that they wouldn't ever say to your face. that's why i stay off of it." he responded.
"should i like, put a statement out?" you questioned. you often looked up to tom for advice about these things. he was only a year older than you, well, almost two, but he seemed much wiser. you loved the way you could look to him for anything.
"only if you want to, love." he assured you. "but if you think it will help you, then do it. do it for yourself, not for others." he continued.
"maybe i should. i will." you opened your story camera and began to type. you thought about what you wanted to say. then your mind drew a blank. "what should i say?" you asked, staring blankly at your screen.
"just say that no one is allowed to insult you just because we're dating, and that you need time to figure out what you are going to do next." he said. he thought of solutions with such ease, taking no time to think. ideas flowed like water out of his mouth. when you finished, you showed it to him, and with his approval, you added it to your story.
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even though your dm's were turned off, you still hoped that people would stop attacking you in tagged posts, something that you couldn't stop no matter what.
"thank you, tom, for being here. i'd probably be lying in bed crying right now if it wasn't for you." he smiled down at you.
"i'll always put you first. i don't care what i'm doing. never be afraid to call me, even if i'm busy ok? i promise i'll help, any way i can. and please don't take anything they said to heart. you aren't any of those things, the only thing they got right is that you are my girlfriend." that made you laugh. "now, let's go do something to lift your mood." he pulled himself off the couch and soon helped you up as well. "where do you want to go?" he asked. you thought for a moment. you wanted to be somewhere quiet. with tom.
"i think just a walk around the neighborhood would be nice. no photos, no phones, just us?" you suggested.
"that's the best idea i've ever heard." he hugged you close. then he pressed his lips to yours in a soft kiss. he grabbed his keys from the entryway table, grabbed your hand, and walked out the door.
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foreingersgod · 5 months
Literally my favorite wbb writer on here😭💕💕!! Could you maybe write kate Martin x reader angst?
UGGHHH, i love you all so much, your support means the world to me!! thank you sm :’)
Thick and Thin . KM
pairing: kate martin x reader
synopsis: you and kate go through a rough patch
to say you were a supportive girlfriend would be an understatement, you went to every game, every event, comforted kate after every loss and celebrated after every win. any athlete would be lucky to have you at their side. and at the beginning of your relationship, kate knew that. she was so grateful that she had you in her life. if you weren’t there on the side lines cheering her on or doting on her whenever she needed it, she wouldn’t be where she’s at now.
but as of recently, she’d become too entangled in the game. sure, an athlete like herself would obviously be committed and stressed when it came to their sport. but kate had always made sure you understood that you were her number one priority, basketball second. she wanted to make sure you knew how much she loved you, showing you the same amount of love and support that you always showed her. and for a while, it was working out fine. you split your girlfriend duties 50/50 and made sure each other were always satisfied and happy in the relationship.
now, though, it felt like kate has just stopped caring. you weren’t sure if it was graduation, or saying goodbye to the team, she wouldn’t talk to you at all. she was cold and more distant than normal. she didn’t help you out around the house, she didn’t bring you home flowers every friday night like she used to, she didn’t kiss you goodnight or pull you into her chest before bed, you felt suddenly neglected. kate was acting like a completely different person and it was really starting to take a toll on you.
you tried to let this phase run its course in hopes that she’d return to her normal self again, but things seemed to only be getting worse. she started coming home later than normal, stopped taking you to banquets and events. hell, she didn’t even care that you waited for her outside the locker room after each game to see her. instead, she would brush past you to talk to her friends and family. it’s like you were invisible.
no matter how much it hurt you, you still wanted to support your girlfriend and kept going to the games and cheering her on, even if she didn’t notice you were there.
but on this particular night, outside the locker room once more, something inside you told you to wait for her and figure out what was going on. you weren’t going to be brushed off any longer.
you felt like you were going to melt, sitting on the bench outside the doors. your heart was racing and your head was spinning hoping that she’d be the next one to walk out. and soon enough, your prayers were answered, kate came waltzing through the doors moments later. duffel bag in hand, hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. surprisingly, she saw you and walked over to see you.
“hey, i’m gonna go over to hannah’s place to hang out with the girls tonight” she looked down at her phone, typing out a text. figures, she couldn’t even look at you “i don’t know when i’ll be home so. ill probably see you in the morning”
you scoffed, now she wasn’t even coming home with you anymore? is the only time she’s going to talk to you is to tell you she’s leaving? your blood must’ve been boiling, your heart sank watching her completely blow you off.
“what’s that all about?” she asked, irritated.
“nothing, nothing” you sighed, beginning to walk away “do whatever you want i don’t fucking care”
she grabbed your wrist, forcing you to stop in your tracks and talk to her “what’s your fucking problem? i can’t go out with my team now? i thought you were supposed to be a supportive girlfriend, huh?”
“really? you’re going to pull that card?” now you were fuming, you were lucky no one was around to witness this “i’ve been nothing but supportive, kate. you know that! i do everything i possibly can to be supportive. and all i ask if that you do the same for me, but you’ve quite literally treated me like shit these past few weeks!”
“that’s such bullshit-”
“no it’s not kate! you’re not even home anymore! you don’t buy me flowers or take me out on dates like you used to! i don’t even remember the last time you kissed me because you’re too fucking busy with all this other shit! and when it’s late and i’m waiting out here for you, time and time again, you blow me off to go out with the team. again. it never ends, kate”
“i don’t know why you’re choosing to bring this up now” she yelled “lets just go home, fuck, i won’t go out tonight if you’re gonna make a scene!”
“you’re unbelievable, kate i hope you know that” you wanted to scream “go home, go with the team, i truly don’t care. but im not gonna keep doing this with you.” you pushed past kate, who was trying to drag you out to the car at this point, making your way to the door and storming down the street alone.
“where the hell are you going, YN” she chased after you “seriously, what the fuck, let’s just go home, i’m sorry!”
you ignored her and kept walking, if she was going to treat you like this, then you weren’t going to put up with her anymore. you’d stay at a friends place or a hotel if it meant you didn’t have to take this neglect anymore.
kate persisted, still chasing you down the side walk, dodging numerous couples and families just trying to enjoy their evening. you tried to pretend she wasn’t there, persistent on getting away from her as far as possible. but before you could turn around the next corner to try and get her off your back, she grabbed your foreman and pulled you back into her like she had done before.
“stop running, you’re acting like a child” she tried to keep her voice level “just come home so we can talk about this, please”
you didn’t even look at her, complying, as you let her lead you to the car and take you home.
when you arrived at your building, you both stood in complete silence as you entered the the apartment. you hung up your coat, took off your shoes, and sat on the couch waiting for her to start talking.
“so talk, kate. since that’s what you wanted to do.”
“YN, come on” she groaned, taking a seat on the opposite end of the couch “i don’t get why we need to have this conversation.”
“you don’t get it?” you were astonished, was she that fucking clueless “you don’t see what’s been going on?”
she just looked at you sadly, fingers massaging her temples in frustration.
“kate i know that things are difficult right now. i can’t even imagine what you’re feeling when you have to deal with all these things with basketball and try and handle everything else outside of that too. but you’ve changed, babe, and it feels like you’ve just stopped caring about me all together”
“you know that’s not true,” she said. “i love you so much, you know that”
“but do i, kate?” you shook your head “im sitting outside of that locker room, telling you all these things you’ve been doing that have seriously hurt my feelings…and you’re just not listening!”
“ok i’ll admit i’ve been distant! and im sorry for that, i really am, but i didn’t realize it was that big of a deal!” she defended “things have been so hectic and im struggling to keep everything together and-and then there’s stuff going on with my family and caitlin’s always asking me to-”
she began to ramble, telling you every possible thing that had been on her mind recently. you had no idea it was this bad.
“kate…” you leaned over, rubbing her shoulder to try and soothe her “i had no idea all of that was going on? why didn’t you just talk to me about it? you can always trust me with these things”
she leaned forward, letting her head fall into her hands, trying to keep her composure “because you’re always so good to me and i didn’t want to dump all of this on you and make you deal with it. i just don’t want my problems to become yours”
“and that’s very thoughtful, but i’m here to help. and even if i wasn’t…that doesn’t give you the right to just cut me off as a girlfriend completely, it’s so unlike you…and for you to get so upset with me when i just wanted to spend time with you after the game tonight? you’d never do that”
“i know, you’re right, i just..” she looked over to you, eyes bloodshot from holding in tears “i guess i thought that if i secluded myself and kept you out of it that it might be easier to deal with…but i was so fucking wrong. and i shouldn’t have pretended like this was normal, it’s not. i’m so sorry that i’ve been abandoning you and not even realizing”
“i’m…im not gonna sit here and say it’s ok, cause it’s not. but i know that this isn’t you. i know that you can fix yourself and trust me to help you sort out whatever’s bothering you. but i really need you to try. i miss the old you, i miss the good morning kisses and making me dinner and our movie nights, you know?”
she smiled, reminiscing “i miss it too, im gonna be better, i promise.”
“i know, and i love you ok?”
“i love you too, thank you for putting up with all my shit, i don’t deserve you”
you pulled her into you, reveling in her embrace for the first time in weeks, you could already feel things falling back into place.
it was going to take a long time for you to get back into your old dynamic with kate, but you understood that she was under a lot of pressure and she understood that you had struggles and needs just the same. so you promised to tackle it all, sticking together through thick and thin.
A/N: i’m very bad at writing angst so i apologize! if you guys request something and my outcome for it isn’t what you had wanted, feel free to message me and ill re write it for you, i want you guys to be completely satisfied with your requests!
on that same note, i’ve still got a few requests i’m finishing up and then i’ll open that back up again, thanks for understanding <3
have a lovely day!! :)
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in1-nutshell · 4 days
TRANSFORMERS ONE IS OUT! Unfortunately, I couldn't watch it in theaters because work and money is a bit tight right now. I can't wait for this movie to come out in YouTube Movies to watch it. Since we both know it's obviously gonna have a sad ending, do you mind if I added a bit more sadness in this request? Orion Pax has a younger sibling that he raised named Buddy. Buddy loves both Orion Pax and D-16 as a family. Buddy is willing to bite some ankles if anybody was mean to someone Buddy cares about. Buddy is also tagging along with them in the adventures, much to Orion's dismay and dread. I heard there is gonna be a fight between them at the near ending. Buddy is horrified and scared that those two bots that Buddy considered their family is now fighting each other as enemies. Buddy begs and screams at them to stop, but Optimus and Megatron obviously won't. When Optimus and Megatron shoot each other at the same time, in a moment of panic and terror for their loved ones - Buddy jumps in between them and get hit by both of their shots accidentally that immediately offlined Buddy. They both stopped fighting in shock and grief. Buddy's death was the final straw between Optimus and Megatron's relationship. When Megatron and Optimus went in their separate ways, they both knew the war had begun. Characters: Orion Pax, D-16, Bumblebee, and Elita-one. Please and thank you!
Trying to get the TF1 fics out a bit early so we have something to read.
Hope you enjoy!
Slight mention of spoiler in the movie
Bot Buddy being Orion Pax's younger sibling
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Angst, Character death (you have been warned!), Cybertronian reader
Buddy was one of the youngest miners in the group.
They did get some special treatment from certain bots but was otherwise expected to act just like everyone else.
One bot in particular took interest in the younger bot.
Orion Pax was his name.
He saw a lot of himself in the younger bot and offered his companionship.
The younger bot quickly latched onto him faster than rust.
It didn’t take long for them to fall into a sibling dynamic.
Soon D-16 was introduced.
D-16: “So let me get this straight. You saw them and decided to be their friend and the next thing you know your siblings?” Orion: “That’s pretty much it.” D-16 shakes his helm in good humor. D-16: “Sometimes I can’t with you.” Buddy swings their arms around him and Orion. Buddy: “Get used to it D! You’re one of us now!” D-16: “As long as you’re not like this rusty bucket its fine.” Orion: “Hey!” Buddy chuckles: “Don’t worry about that D.” 2 weeks later… D-16 watching Buddy trying to drop kick Darkwing after he ‘accidentally’ knocked their energon cart. D-16: “Primus… they’re worse…” Orion pats D-16 on the back. Orion: “Yep… want to help them out?” Both mech’s wince seeing Buddy get punched in the chassis. D-16: “…Fine.”
Buddy always kept their brothers on their pedes with their antics.
Always kept them both on alert.
Buddy loved to randomly jump on their shoulders or try and pick them up.
Despite their antics, Buddy was a good miner and even managed to do something most miners couldn’t do.
Get on Elita-One’s good side.
No one knows what exactly happened between them both for Buddy to get a bit of favoritism.
Elita refuses to elaborate and Buddy likes to see bots squirm for the answer.
Buddy hands Elita a spare jetpack. Elita: “Buddy I already have a jetpack.” Buddy: “We’re going to need it.” Elita raises an optic but ignores it. Later… Elita: “… How did you know—” Buddy: “The jetpacks are old Elita. Its only a matter of time before someone falls from a faulty one.” Elita pats their helm. Elita: “When I get promoted, I might just ask to move you to be my assistant.” Buddy: “No! I don’t want any more work!” Elita: “Too late, already considering it.” Buddy: “Orion tell her to stop being mean!”
Buddy was helping Elita get used to her new role in waste management when they saw who was on the Iacon 500.
They cheered for their brothers with everyone else.
The bot let out a yelp when they saw D-16 get hurt, but quickly smiled seeing Orion try and help him to the finish line.
…Too bad Chromia won the race.
Good news, Buddy was now a couple shanix richer from the betting pool.
 While they were heading to the med bay to go see Orion and D-16, they quickly hid seeing Darkwing picking them up and leading them somewhere.
Orion and D-16 talking to B-127 when something big falls on to the conveyer belt and jumps off it. Buddy dusts themselves from the junk. Buddy turns and waves at the bots. B-127: “New friend!” Orion and D-16: “Buddy!?” They both go over to Buddy looking for any injuries. Buddy: “Hey quit it! I’m not dying!” Orion: “What are you doing here?” Buddy: “Well I was going to the med bay to congratulate you two, but Darkwing got to you first. Then I had to wait a while until the coast was clear and find out where you were sent. It’s kinda fun going through the shoot though.” D-16: “What you did was—” B-127 pushes D-16 out of the way and shakes Buddy’s servo. B-127: “Hi there! I’m B-127, or you can call me B or—” Buddy: “Wait! I can be B and you can be BB!” B-127: “Or maybe we can go by the Double B’s!” B-127 and Buddy start chatting up a storm. Orion: “What just happened?” D-16: “I don’t know but I don’t like it…”
Orion catches Buddy up on the new information on Alpha Trion.
Buddy is ready to go.
Orion and D-16 try to get them to stay, but Buddy ends up joining.
They are having a blast climbing the crates inside the train as Orion tries to get Elita.
Buddy stared long and hard at the landscape when the group reached to the surface.
Is sprinting with B-127 the moment the giant rock formations start getting closer.
Grips Orion and D-16’s servo when they all get tossed out of the train.
Their chatting and B-127’s chatting makes the other older bots consider gagging them for the remainder of the trip.
When reaching the cave of the fallen Prime’s, they gently hold D-16’s servo as they silently mourn for Megatronus Prime.
Hides behind Elita when Alpha Trion comes back online and nearly decks Orion in the face.
Cries a little bit seeing what Sentinel had done to the other Prime’s.
They deserved so much better than that fate.
Absolutely seething with D-16 when the group sees Sentinel giving the Quintesson’s THEIR hard earned energon.
Once everyone gets their T-cog’s, Buddy is the first to try and transform… unfortunately they did not get it the first time.
The group was running down the hill. Buddy’s helm gets tucked into their frame. Buddy: “I CAN’T SEE! I CAN’T SEE!” Orion starts laughing Orion: “HAHAHAHA—AAH WHERE’S MY HEAD?!”
Buddy gets a bad feeling about D-16 when he starts talking to Orion but brushes it off as stress.
They hoped they were right, especially after he admitted to wanting to terminate Sentinel.
Don’t get them wrong, they absolutely hate the bot now, but to go so far as terminate him?
It didn’t seem right.
Was the first one to get tased and wake up.
They get excited the second they see Starscream, Shockwave and Soundwave.
B-127 and Buddy both tell the other’s who the High guard were.
An excitement that quickly turns into frightened when they see D-16 beating up Starscream.
They tried to get to him, but the crowd wouldn’t let them.
Buddy looked over at Orion, both sharing the same look of worry and fear for their brother.
They end up getting captured by Arachnid with B-127 and D-16 after the explosion.
Orion is riddled with guilt the second Elita tells him that Buddy, D-16 and B-127 were captured with some of the high guard.
Thankfully, he and Elita made a plan with the remainder of the guard to help get the others and bring Sentinel to justice.
Back at Iacon…
Buddy was in between D-16 and B-127 on the ground, restrained as Sentinel prattled about having them executed.
They felt their spark stop for a second when D-16 stood up.
Arachnid had to restrain them when Sentinel started branding Megatronus’s face on D-16’s chassis.
Buddy kicks the spider in the back of one of her legs. She lets go. The younger bot then kicks Sentinel in the back of his knee joints before helm butting him. Snetinel staggers back a bit. They stood in front of D-16 with fury in their optics. Buddy: “Touch my brother again and I swear I will send you to Primus myself!” Many of the captured bots looked in surprise at the young bot protecting the fallen miner. B-127: “Buddy just stay down!” D-16 tries to stand up the second he sees Sentinel start to move to them. D-16: “Buddy get out of the way!” Buddy: “Fat chance!” Buddy tries to kick Sentinel again, but this time the Prime grabbed their pede and with a swift movement twisted it. SNAP! Buddy: “AAAAHHH—” WHAM! Sentinel punched Buddy across the face sending them skidding across the floor. D-16: “BUDDY!” He glares at Sentinel. D-16: “Stop! Your fight is with me!” Sentinel: “No, they made it personal when they helm butted me. Its time to make an example.”
Thankfully the train had just crashed into the building.
Orion hops out and helps D-16 and Buddy up.
Orion briefly thinks on punching Sentinel in the face but is quickly drowned by D-16 yelling that he was going to terminate Sentinel.
Buddy tried to tell Orion that something was wrong, but their older brother was gone, off to tell everyone the truth about what Sentinel did.
They did their best in battling the other guards with their bad pede.
The bot screamed in horror when they saw D-16 and Sentinel going off the edge.
It took them a while to get to where the fight was.
They remembered seeing D-16 holding an extremely injured Orion over the edge of a dark hole.
They didn’t remember screaming, but their voice box started glitching when they saw D-16 let go of Orion’s servo.
Elita and B-127 were by their side holding them tightly, afraid they would try and jump off the ledge to get to him.
Buddy remembered looking at D-16 giving his speech.
Their audial winced when he called himself ‘Megatron’.
They had to close their optics for a second, not believing they had seen a newer version of Orion, now calling himself Optimus Prime.
The two former brothers fought.
Megatron and Optimus were on the ground wrestling the former’s fusion cannon. They barely registered the sounds of pedes coming closer. Megatron: “Let go!” Optimus: “Never!” Suddenly the cannon went off. A scream. THUD! Both mech’s look over and see Buddy’s frame laying on the ground…so still. Optimus quickly gets off Megatron and runs to Buddy. Optimus: “Buddy!” Optimus gets to the frame. Buddy’s optics were offline and there was a smoldering hole in the middle of their chassis where their spark was supposed to be. Optimus gently cradles them. Optimus: “Buddy! Buddy please! Buddy… please… don’t…” He gently hugs the limp frame, not caring in that moment if Megatron blasted him. Megatron just stood up and stared. He wanted to scream. To yell. Megatron wanted to hug his little sibling frame and pray to Primus that this was not happening. Optimus gently places the frame down, stands up and looks at Megatron dead in the optics. Optimus: “Take the High Guard and go. You are banished from Iacon.” Megatron starts walking away but stops for a moment to take one last look at Buddy’s still frame before yelling for his troops to follow him.
There was a small funeral held for Buddy.
 Optimus made sure to hold it together in front of the others.
But Elita and B-127 caught him alone, sobbing with a picture of Buddy, Orion, and D-16, smiling, without a care in the world.
The two bots held their leader tightly as he continued to sob.
Megatron mourned for Buddy in private.
It was only right.
He cried in silence holding a picture of him, Buddy, and Orion Pax on their first day of mining.
In the safety of his habsuite, he could cry all he wanted before his Decepticon’s expected him to come out with a rally cry.
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scented-morker · 1 year
Enha when 8th member s/o has a stage accident
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8th member au, gn reader (mentions a dress in hee’s part), mentions of electrocution in jw + rk’s, requested!!, 1345 words not proofread
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He was internally screaming as soon as he saw you getting ready
You guys always like to give each other fashion shows of your outfits before performing
Like "babe look!" And then strut strut strut pose "slay me!!" 😆😆
But he knew immediately that you did not feel very slayful in your outfit
You were literally yanking it down after every step you took because it was already short and just kept riding up
You give him a "What do you think? 😕"
And he's like "I think you would look really good in a pair of pants 😁"
But the stylists don't have anything else so you have to go out in it
He keeps giving you nervous looks from across the stage
Anytime he crosses in front of you or anything he tries to cover you up or block the camera so you can readjust
Literally texts THE FREAKING CEO like "I'm concerned about the outfits given to yn, she can't perform her best while being so clearly uncomfortable"
"I'm concerned about the entire world realizing you're in love with her, but I guess I can talk to the styling staff 🤷🏻‍♀️"
But you never get an uncomfortably short outfit again... Heelift indeed 😌
Someone did not think this through 😭
You're doing your killing part in one of the songs on music bank
So obviously the camera guy gets closer to zoom in on you (werk👏👏)
BUT THEN he immediately moves to camera above your head to find Sunghoon and just WALKS INTO YOUR FACE
Ik y'all have seen that wonyo fancam... that's what I'm talking about
You literally make the most horrified face bc THIS MANS CROCH IS IN YOUR FACE
Screw professionalism, you're traumatized 😀
But man jays face is WORSE 😭😭
He's SO MAD like angry eyebrows and everything bc YOU JUST GOT VIOLATED ON LIVE TELEVISION
Walks up to you in the middle of the performance and checks on you
"Are you okay? 🥺"
You're like "yeah, talk after" and go back to performing
At the end when you drop down to a similar pose he goes in front of you 😭😭
It's fine because it wasn't your ending fairy but everyone is on Twitter like "he protects them so well 😭"
He rly does 🫶🫶 and starts a petition to at least get female camera operators next time
You guys were performing at a festival in the rain (wow so safe)
And everyone has talked before hand about being extra careful so you didn't slip
But it was such a big crowd!!! And it was your favorite song!!!
So you maybe went a little bit harder than you should have 🫣
... and fell on your face mid performance
I'm sorry but he laughs 😭😭
Like he sees you down out of the corner of his eye
Just 💃🕳 and then nothing
You give him such a dirty look when he laughs bc "YOURE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME STOP LAUGHING!!"
So ofc he runs over after and helps you up + gives you a big hug ❤️❤️
"I'm sorry, you just looked so funny!!"
So you smack him again of course because "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I LOOK FUNNY" 😠
But he kisses your boo boo scraped knees (which of course everyone LOSES IT watching) and looks up at you with a smirk 😫😫
I CANT 😵‍💫
You pretty much always had to wear heels to perform because you were so much shorter than the boys
But today man you had some BIG STOMPERS ON
Like platforms and big heels, the whole thing
And at first Hoon just laughs at you 😭😭
"You really need all that extra height?" Then he stands next to you and realizes you're still not as tall as him "and it doesn't even work!!" 😆😆
He's having the time of his life until you smack him (except he makes you kiss him after so still a win for him honestly)
But then once you guys are performing he notices that you're not moving your legs as freely as usual 🤔 (we love an observant partner <33)
He gives you a 🤷🏻‍♀️ from across the stage and you mouth back "heavy... and too big"
It's a concert and not a like show performance so he just walks over and TAKES YOUR SHOES OFF 😭😭
Like, bends down, unlaces them, takes them off and sets them by the side of the stage
You're like wow he's so sweet omg 😆 but then he goes "now you're short again" with the biggest smile and then runs away
So much for that... enjoy your sock performance 😻
Honestly it was really bad for you but kinda good for him 😭
You guys were performing at a fan meeting and they were gonna shoot like fireworks out at the end !!
And everyone knew it, but you were in the bathroom when they told everyone the specifics 🫣
So you were out just like casually performing, not really doing all of the choreo
More so just singing and running back and forth on the stage to say hi to everyone 🫶
But then the fireworks shootout 😭 and you were literally RIGHT NEXT TO THEM
And you’re so freaked out and they were so close and loud and you fall on your butt 😁
And the boys don’t realize it at first because they’re interacting with fans
But when you fall the whole crowd gasps 😭😭 and they’re like ????
And then Sunoo sees you on the floor half crawling away from the fireworks THAT ARE STILL SHOOTING OUT
He feels bad but he also thinks it’s really cute (😒)
But of course he helps you up 😁
And then he drags you around with him for the rest of the time
Like no you aren’t allowed to go anywhere by yourself anymore, he is holding your hand and you are going TOGETHER
Listen he is MAD
Like Leader Won was on high alert all day because it's been storming on and off
He was worried someone was gonna slip
But it was 10x worse 😭
You had turned your head to do a part of the choreo and some of the rain water got into your in ear
It's giving Benjamin Franklin sunbaenim 😻😻
You were center for that part so all of the boys just saw you jump from the shock and then fall into a crouch covering your ears
He is IMMEDIATELY on it, running up to you and taking them out of your ears and escorting you off stage
He lowkey yells at the staff (🫣) bc "the performance should have been cancelled and now Yn's hurt!"
He doesn't want to leave you, but he has to go finish the rest of the performance
But once you're back home, he's not leaving your side
Chilling in a dark room with soft music playing so your ears don't hurt 🫶🫶
He's trending for like a week because of how scary he was 😭
Riki is the opposite of Jungwon 😭
Like he was having the time of his life performing and then he sees you drop and goes through all five stages of grief at the same time
Runs over "are you okay?!"
Except he yelled and you just got YOUR EARS ELECTROCUTED so you clutch your ears tighter bc it hurt
Once he sees you crying ITS OVER
Literally picks you up and takes you backstage, yelling to any staff in a thirty foot radius that he needs help ☹️
They lay you down in a stretcher and take you out to make sure you don't have like permanent ear drum damage or anything and he's just standing there like 😨
He has no idea what to do with himself
"Can I go with them? Please please please?"
So they let him of course bc he's cute and he WILL NOT let go of your hand for the entire time you're being treated until you're back in the dorms laid on his bed 🥹
He’s so clingy for like a week after because he was just so scared and he never wants to be away from you ☹️
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rosinaparker · 4 months
I love your 9th member imagine, I love to see a full one shot. I’m not picky about the subject, maybe something happens on stage (good or bad) or maybe a conflict with another member or another group (with a positive ending)
It was an accident..
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A/N: YOOO I’m so happy we’re getting requests again😭 (glad to hear you liked the 9th member imagine! Let me know if y’all wanna read more of these) -Rose
Genre: angst, with a good ending
pairing: platonic!skz x f!reader
warnings: arguments, yelling, bruises, accident happening, cursing, mad Lee know
It has been a tough week for you and the boys, lots of mistakes have been happening on stage, lots of arguments happened..the air was tense between everyone. You had managed to withdrawal from any arguments but you’re time was coming too and you knew it.
Today was a very important day. The mama show was happening. The concert you and the guys have been practicing for almost 3 weeks. Most of the petty arguments that happened earlier were starting to cool off. It wasn’t long till it was your turn on the stage. The song that you had to preform was thunderous. Not as bad as it sounds like.
Everything was going smoothly till the pants that the stylists chose for you started to get in the way. Han had already stepped on them several times, you had to pull them up constantly and to top it all off, minho tripped on them at the end, making you fall off balance as he stepped on them. You quickly catch yourself before you fall onto the ground too hard. It was a disaster, Chan waited till the lights went off and came to check up on you, a bruise was definitely forming at the knee.
Suddenly Minho took the in-ear monitor out and put his microphone away from his face.
“What the fuck was that?” He spat at you, giving you a nasty look. The others didn’t want the show to end badly, since they were still on stage. The audience was still watching, even if it was dark you could make out that someone was arguing.
“Guys dont make a scene” changbin called out. Chan saw how frustrated minho was and immediately pulled the members off the stage and into the backstage.
“Couldn’t you watch your damn step? I almost tripped to the fucking ground” he snapped back. He started pacing around the room “the whole crowd saw us falling onto the ground because of you” he groaned.
You weren’t having any of it, immediately shouting, “Its not that big of a fucking deal!”
“Guys dont argue. It was very obvious that this show was not going to be successful” hyunjin called out, trying to calm the situation but only making it worse
“It wasn’t successful because she fucked it all up again.” The other yelled, getting all up the tall ones face.
Chan got between them, making sure they don’t get violent “Hyunjin is right. The show wasn’t going to do well. And y/n wasn’t at fault here”, he points to your pants “the pants were just too long and make it hard to dance in.”
Han spoke up “i agree, i kept on stepping on them.” he gestures a ‘sorry’ to you for doing so.
“The past few weeks have been tense guys. WE have been tense.” Chan exclaimed, “we have been arguing with each other the whole time, obviously the performance is gonna fail” he sighed, turning to leeknow.
“It was an accident, stop blaming her already.”
He still looked pissed, but tried to see a different point of view “fine, fine. Sorry for bursting out like that” he glanced at you. “Sorry for making you trip” you look at the rest of the guys. You felt stressed. Shit was too much right now and you let your members down..
“I’m sorry guys-” you were cut off by felix “don’t apologize. We’ll just have to tell the staff that the pants were horrible”
It seemed like the situation had toned down, everyone went back to their seats. Eyes were following the group, whispering something to each other.
Yeah, there was no doubt that the audience knew there was a fight.
Seungmin noticed the bruise on you knee getting darker “need an ice pack for this?” He points at it.
“No i think i’ll be fine” you give him a weak smile.
“Hope you won’t limp around for the next few days” i.n butted in. The rest of the night went on quietly. The ride home was silent. It seemed a bit akward between you and minho..
As you were about to enter the dorms, he kinda holds you back “hey, are we good?” He asks quietly, to which you give him a small smile “yeah. You were just frustrated, don’t worry”
“I’ll make it up to you tomorrow. How about i buy you korean bbq?” Your face lights up, he knows how to make things better between you “sound good to me :)”
You had an ice pack pressed against your knee the whole night long though-
A/N: its a bit different from what I usually write. Hope its good enough!!!
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pensat-i-fet · 2 years
More Gavi (Pablo Gavi x Reader)
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**Another cute request. It was fun writing this one and adding a bit of Spanish. I never want to put too much because some people might find it annoying but it obviously makes sense here. Let me know your thoughts about that. And enjoy reading ❤️**
Word count: 2328
"I need your help", he said, getting inside the house without looking back.
"Hello to you too, mister rude".
You walked to the living room right when Gavi turned to look at you, expression serious.
"What's going on?"
"I have to do an advert for Nike".
You couldn't help but hit his arm when he said that.
"Don't come into my house talking as if something horrible has happened and then say that, you idiot. You scared me!"
"I have to speak English!!", he said, raising his hands as if that explained everything.
"I don't know how to. You do. So you need to help me".
“Alright then. First lesson. How do you say por favor in English? Easy one to warm up?”
But as much as you wanted to tease him, when you saw his worried face, you knew you would help him. Of course, you were going to. You’d do anything for him.
“I’ll help you”, you said, rolling your eyes.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
When he hugged you, you sighed. You didn’t need to ask him how to say that you were the stupid girl who fell in love with her best friend and that kept getting friend zoned because you knew that one already.
“What do you need to say?”
“I’ll show you the script they gave me”.
You cleared the table you had been using for work and picked up a notebook just in case you needed it at some point.
A quick look at the list made you frown. “That’s it?”
“Pablo, it’s just a couple of words that are almost the same as in Spanish”.
“But I pronounce them weirdly!”, he complained again.
“Because you’re Spanish!”
“So are you and you can speak English well”.
“I’m the exception”, you joked, flipping your hair.
Gavi groaned and hit his head against the table, making you laugh. He was so extra.
“How do you say mi amiga es insoportable? (My friend is unbearable)”
“My friend is the most beautiful girl in the world”.
While he still looked at you, pouting, you picked up the notebook and wrote the words down.
“Ok. So we got intensity, which is intensidad”.
“So repeat: in-ten-si-ty”.
“You sound like you are afraid of the word when it describes you perfectly”.
“I’m afraid of saying it. Did I do well?”
“Could have been worse. Let’s just say it again but a bit faster”.
You kept practising until he felt confident and you could move to saying the whole sentences in one go.
“Ok, precision now”.
His confused face made you laugh. He was so adorable…and you needed to stop thinking about him being adorable.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“The way you said it was funny”.
“Also, the correct way. It’s almost like precisión. Come on…”.
“It’s nothing like precisión”.
“We’ll go slowly with this one then”.
You wrote the syllables down and pointed at each one so he could repeat after you.
“I can’t!”
This time, instead of putting his head against the table, he put it on your shoulder. One of his hands went to the back of your chair, but the other was on your thigh. You knew he’d always been like this but ever since you were aware of your feelings for him being so strong, it became hard to deal with him touching you so much.
“You know what this reminds me of?”, you said, moving so he could go back to his chair and changing the subject to distract yourself.
“Of what?”
“That episode of Friends in which Phoebe is trying to teach Joey French and she talks slowly and he’s doing fine. But then he has to say the whole thing and says some gibberish. That was you, literally”.
“I’ve never watched Friends. I don’t know”.
You were shocked. How could you have known him for so long and not know this dark secret?
“We can’t be friends, then”.
“I love Friends!”
“We can watch it later. I’m not leaving until I know how to do this so get the guest room ready. Or maybe I’ll fall asleep in your bed again if I convince you to keep teaching me until you literally fall asleep”.
Yeah…that wasn’t going to happen. That was something that happened “before”. Not now.
“You’re doing really well. We’ll be done soon”.
“Really?”, his happy face always made you smile. “How do you say eso es porque tengo la mejor profesora?”
“That’s because I have the best teacher. And yes, that's exactly why".
You continued working on his pronunciation until it was time for dinner. Teaching was exhausting and Gavi run from training straight to your house so you were both starving.
“You don’t have to cook after all you’ve helped me. Let me order something”.
Before you had time to move, Gavi was right behind you, hugging you and putting his chin on your shoulder to look at what you were preparing.
“It’s just pre-made stuff. Move back so I can put it in the oven”.
The way you took his arms off you made him frown. You’ve never reacted like that to him hugging you.
“Are you ok?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”, you asked, putting the food in the oven and avoiding looking at him. Too afraid he’d noticed the reason why you didn’t want him to touch you. “Should I make a salad too?”
Once the food was ready, you took your plates to the sofa and you found online the episode of Friends you were talking about before. “The one where Joey speaks French”.
You loved screening movies and shows for people. You would look at them whenever you knew something interesting was about to happen and most were annoyed by the spoiler, but Gavi never minded. Especially with horror movies. You saved him from being scared so many times.
“I’m cold”, he said suddenly, and you took your blanket and gave it to him.
He moved closer to you so it could cover both of you and you tried to just focus on the show. No longer interested in looking at him because he was too close and your heart was beating fast enough already.
“I’m still cold”.
“I’m not turning the heating on in March”.
“Cuddle me, then”.
It was too dark, thankfully, for him to see your face at that moment. “I can get you a hot water bottle if you want”.
“Or you could just cuddle me like we have done a million times”.
“My back hurts. I’m comfortable in this position, sorry”.
“Really? Is that why you pulled away from my hug earlier?”
Now you did turn to look at him. Not only had he noticed but he was worrying about it.
“Do you need some medicine? Or I could buy some pomade and help you apply it”.
Why was he coming up with the worst ideas?
“I’ll take some paracetamol later, don’t worry. It’s nothing”.
Even though he wasn’t convinced, he didn’t talk about it more. At least he had an answer now for your weird reaction when he hugged you. It had hurt him so much to feel rejected by you…by the best friend he was in love with.
Having Fridays off was a blessing. You got to sleep in after a week of early mornings…except for when you got calls at 8.30 am.
“Who on Earth is calling me…”, but then you say the name on the screen and answered immediately.
“I need you!”
Oh God…
“And I need sleep, Gavi”.
“You have to come to film the advert with me, please. I’ve forgotten everything you taught me”.
“No, you haven’t. You’re nervous. And I’m sure they have people there who can help you”.
“But I don’t want them. I want you”.
How you wished he was saying that in another context.
“I’ll be there. But you owe me one. Well…another one”.
“I love you!”
“Yeah yeah yeah”.
Getting out of your warm bed was hard but knowing you were going to spend the morning with Gavi made it a little easier. Even if it was getting harder and harder to just be his friend.
By the time you got there, everyone was getting a bit impatient about having to wait for “a friend”.
“Sorry, traffic was bad”.
“Can we start now?”, said one of the guys with the cameras.
“Yes”, told him Gavi, side-eyeing him. “She has to come with me so she can help me read the lines”.
“As long as we can start working, I don’t care if she wants to be your foot stunt double for the shoots”.
The guy’s grumpy tone made you laugh.
“You don’t want me to kick the ball”.
“I know”, laughed Gavi, kissing your cheek and telling you to follow him.
It was hard, but you managed to resist the urge to touch the area where he had kissed you. You could still feel his lips there. He was making it so difficult…
Gavi was actually way more nervous about speaking those few English words than you expected. He was criticised so much for his on-the-pitch behaviour that he didn’t want this to be another reason for people to make fun of him. So you took this even more seriously than back at your place.
Finally, after some struggling, he was done. And you could tell the crew was so happy to be done with this advert. Something so simple had taken so long.
“More Gavi, yeah…just what the world needs”, you joked when he was going back to where you waited for him.
“It’s what you need, don’t lie. How do you say cuanto más Gavi, mejor?”
“The more Gavi, the better. But that’s a lie so don’t say it to people. Your mum taught you better than that”.
He laughed and put his arm around your shoulder, bringing you closer to his side. And even if you knew this wasn’t helping, at all, you let him. Putting your arm around his waist, you let him hold you because it felt so good to be that close to him. Better than it should.
“How do you say…”, he wasn’t going to stop now, “te como la cara?”
You snorted at that. “I wouldn’t recommend you telling people you want to eat their face. It sounds weird”.
“It doesn’t sound weird in Spanish”.
“That’s because we are weird. So one weird cancels the other”.
“I want to do it anyway”, he said, pretending he was going to bite your cheek and making you move away from him.
“Stop that!”
“But I’m hungry!”
And you kept bickering on the way to your car, not realising once again that the feelings were mutual. That you moved away from him to protect your feelings or that he wanted to be always as close to you as possible because there was no one else that made him feel the way you did.
Pablito ❤️: the ad is out. I posted on IG. Go see it!
You: compliment your teacher on my behalf. Brilliant job she did.
Pablito ❤️: I’m on my way.
You: I didn’t mean literally!
The doorbell alerted you that Gavi was already there. This boy…
“What is that?”
“Your favourite cupcakes as a thank you”.
“You still owe me but thank you for always enabling my sugar addiction”.
He stayed in the living room while you went to the kitchen to get some napkins and plates for the cupcakes.
“Ok, the one with all the fruit for you and the one with all the chocolate for me”.
“Can I have a bite of your one?”
You watched the ad while you ate, laughing at all the moments you knew had to be redone more than 20 times.
“You really made that crew earn their salary that day, Pablito”.
“I don’t think they’ll ever want to work with me again”.
“Who could blame them?”
Seeing you laugh was always special for Gavi. It was while you were laughing at one of his jokes that he thought, for the first time, about how beautiful you really were. He always knew you were but…he fully noticed what that beauty meant to him. The sound you made when you laughed was music to his ears, but it was the way your face lit up that hypnotized him.
“What?”, you asked when you saw him staring at you. “I have chocolate on my face?”
But he couldn’t talk, so he just shook his head.
He was tired of hiding his feelings. Of pretending he wasn’t in love with you for fear of you turning him down. It could ruin your friendship and he knew that. He feared that could happen. But living in fear was painful too. He had to do this.
“Can we have another lesson?”
You didn’t look very convinced because he was worrying you a bit.
“How do you say te quiero?”
You swallowed. He should know that. Why was he asking? “I love you”.
He nodded. “And how do you say te quiero pero no quiero quererte solo como un amigo?” (I love you but I don't want to just love you as a friend).
“Or should I just say it in Spanish so nothing gets lost in translation?”
“Do you mean it?”, you asked, full of hope.
“I do”.
Seeing you’re reaction gave him the final push to get closer to you. He held your face with his hands and spoke quietly.
“You’re the best friend I could ask for. And a pretty good teacher too. But I want more. Do you want more?”
“More Gavi?”
You both laughed and then you kept leaning forward until your lips finally connected. Finally showing each other how much you really wanted this. And kisses had no language. Everyone could understand what they meant.
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popp1nstaxr · 1 year
❝My Doll❜❜ BG
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Content: Smut, nsfw, sexual content, profanity, enemies to lovers, fem! reader, about stimulation.
«You and BeomGyu have been something like enemies, you can't stand each other and every interaction ends in a fight, strangely, many believe that you really have something in common, more often than not as simple nonsense, your surprise will be great when you realize how real all those rumors that run about both are»
My first language is not English, I'm sorry if there is any mistake in the writing <3
Reblog and Like for more!! >.<
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This is definitely not what I had planned for today.
I had decided to go out with my friends to the cinema. It was a sunny day according to the forecasts, and I hoped to have a good time and forget a bit about the tough times and stress of University. But to my surprise, around noon, it started to rain, and the intensity kept increasing. Can the forecast be wrong...?
And everything just got worse from there. My parents called saying they couldn't pick me up, and that's fine, but I hate taking the bus when it's raining. Waiting at the stop wasn't exactly pleasant; if you weren't careful, you could end up completely soaked in dirty water because of reckless drivers speeding through the wet streets, causing the huge puddles by the side of the road to splash onto you, and it's not, precisely, pretty.
I sighed as I waited for the bus, cursing myself for believing in the "nice weather" and not wearing weather-appropriate clothes. If I had known, I would have even brought a coat for the cold.
I watched as an elderly lady stumbled on the wet pavement, and almost immediately, I ran to prevent the accident. While helping the old lady, I saw the bus pass right by me.
I said goodbye to her and nodded as she thanked me, immediately running after the bus, "Wait! Please!" I shouted, hoping to make it stop in the pouring rain. But my shouts were in vain, and I soon stopped, completely drenched.
My blouse clung almost instantly to my body, and I cursed myself for wearing a black bra underneath it. It was clearly visible, in addition to the raindrops trickling down my bare legs and how much my skirt clung to them.
I wanted to cry.
That's when an expensive blue car stopped beside me—or rather, it was moving slowly along the road, as if strolling with me. The window rolled down, revealing a smirk that was both mocking and charming, oh, of course, I should have expected that it would be Choi BeomGyu, the only jerk who loves to show off his father's money from that company.
I completely ignored him, rolled my eyes, and kept walking.
"Hey, gorgeous. Are you sure you don't want to get in? I don't think rain is your strong suit," he said, laughing a bit as I heard him unlock the car.
I had two choices: to get in and dry off or to die of hypothermia from the cold.
Certainly, I'd prefer to die of hypothermia, but BeomGyu's annoying insistence, constantly chanting "get in, get in, get in, get in" while honking the horn from time to time, was getting on my nerves. So, I decided to get in the car.
Once inside, I observed him in more detail: his long hair and those few blonde strands made him look quite attractive, not to mention his penchant for wearing oversized hoodies from some rock band—My Chemical Romance, to be specific— and blue jeans, sometimes ripped or normal but equally baggy, adorned with chains and some rings on his hands.
Shit, if he weren't such a jerk, I'd let him mistreat me in five different ways.
"I see that today definitely wasn't your lucky day. Thank the universe that such a kind guy like me decided to save a damsel in distress like you," he spoke and smiled, glancing briefly at my legs, something I obviously noticed.
I raised an eyebrow, curious about that, and chuckled softly, but I didn't say anything about it.
His perfectly defined, pale, and large hands adorned with some silver rings and others with chain rings were expertly handling the steering wheel with incredible agility; you could tell he was a guy with skilled hands.
"Ugh, I only agreed because you're annoying, otherwise, I would have preferred to stay on the street," I replied, looking out the window. I heard him laugh ironically, but he didn't say anything.
"Yeah, whatever. Take my phone and look up your home address. I decided to be kind just for today, so don't provoke me, sweetheart," he said, his voice becoming more serious. I just rolled my eyes; he always tried to act superior to everyone, which was quite irritating.
But I didn't say anything and decided to obey, taking his phone and unlocking it for him. "Password," I said, and when he stopped at a red light, I saw him smile and chuckle a bit. It was almost as if he enjoyed the fact that I had obeyed him without complaints.
He snatched the phone from my hand and used his fingerprint to unlock it, opening the GPS app, then handed it back to me.
I searched for my home address and handed it to him.
He nodded. "Hold it for a bit, doll, so I can see," he said. I nodded and complied again.
Maybe it was fatigue, but all of this was quite strange. I feel like something was missing between us, something that never fails whenever we talk.
Oh, right, the fights.
Half of the journey was in silence. I don't know why, but I truly believed it would be annoying, as it usually is back at the University. However, I don't complain about the tranquility.
Suddenly, I glanced at the GPS and realized that BeomGyu had taken the wrong turn. "Oh, BeomGyu, you're going the wrong way. My house is that way..." I spoke to him, and he just nodded.
"I know, it's just that there's a store nearby, and believe me, I can't stand seeing you in that state anymore. I need... to cover it up," he said. His voice sounded a bit husky, and then he cleared his throat.
I looked at him, confused. "That state?" I repeated, puzzled, and then I observed myself. Of course, I'm still drenched... this, certainly, amused me. Who would have thought that Choi would succumb so quickly to temptation? I really wouldn't want to sleep with him, but it would be fun to tease and provoke him a bit.
When he parked the car and I saw him taking out his keys, I decided to act. We were in an underground establishment, and there weren't many cars around. I suppose it would be fun to play a little with his desires.
I let out a sigh and walked as quickly as I could to sit on his lap, BeomGyu seemed surprised and confused "What the fuck are you doing...? Get off" he spoke with a frown, I just nodded, but I ignored him, even climbing higher on his legs, riding his member almost as if it belonged to me.
"What will you do if I don't want...?" I murmured while I began to leave playful little kisses on his neck, that's when I felt one of his hands brush one of my thighs, a very light touch that spoke volumes.
"Trust me, for your sake, come down now." He ordered, his voice hoarser and more demanding than before, I ignored him again, continuing with my lips on his neck, beginning to slowly move my hips on his member, creating an exquisite sway, I allowed myself to let out a sigh against his skin when I could feel almost immediately his member under my butt and smiled, I had achieved my goal.
I stopped my movements and tried to get off his lap, but I felt his big hands hold my hip tightly, preventing him from trying to move if I wanted to. my hips on his member, making the movement from before even more exquisite "Now you have to take care of what you woke up princess, and I don't want to see complaints because then it will only make you worse, hmm?" I heard him speak against my neck, his voice was completely demanding and I shuddered when he let a slow lick from my shoulder to my jaw, his hands released my hips to almost immediately take my thighs and squeeze them with some force, spreading my thighs even more. legs as if he wanted to make way for his cock to be between my pussy still with clothes on. I could see how his fingers left small purple marks on my thighs as he moved his hands up to my rear and squeezed lightly.
I couldn't help it, in less than seconds I was already a mess of sighs under him and he hadn't even touched my most sensitive points.
I heard him laugh hoarsely "You totally fell for my game, Y/N. I really could have left you at home to avoid my temptation, but I didn't resist and I needed to test you, making up the cheapest excuse. This store is closed on Fridays and the store they leave it open to the public, so, darling, you didn't play with me, I played with you and believe me, I'll take all of you right now" he spoke as he massaged my buttocks and then gave a slap that made me cry slightly "but, Shh, it's okay. Silent beautiful, I wouldn't want them to take us out of here in the middle of the act because you can't contain your dirty slutty sounds" he added later to start leaving hickeys on my neck, while his hands went up my entire uniform skirt and cheekily touched my behind, while another of his hands went straight to the buttons of my blouse.
He was already letting go, he sighed with each touch and bite he gave, I tried to hold back the little cry that threatened to come out of my throat when I felt his hand squeeze with tortured exquisite delicacy as he unhooked my bra.
"Move your hips" he ordered seriously and with his hoarse voice, with one hand taking my hips and guiding my movements while the other played with my breasts, he brought his mouth to one of them and began to suck and play with his tongue on the tip of my nipple. "G-Gyunnie..." I whimpered his name at the pleasant sensation, but I couldn't be satisfied, I wanted more, I needed more from him.
He separated his mouth from my chest and made a few hickeys under each of them, before licking his lips and looking at me with a leering smile "Yes, Baby Doll? Remember to be silent my love, I see you completely a mess and still I haven't been able to try my fingers on you..."
I nodded, and released a content sigh "I need... I need more" I barely murmured, and stopped the movements that guided my hips. "Further..?" He asked smiling and I nodded.
"Fine, but for this I need you to be obedient, yes my love?" I nodded. "Let's go to the back" he ordered him and I without saying anything went to the back seats, BeomGyu followed me and sat on the seat. "Get on your knees in front of the glass, don't worry, they're tinted windows" I nodded and obeyed, I appreciated that the back seats were quite wide "place both hands on the glass my love" He ordered again, his voice strangely sweet.
And in that position, I heard how BeomGyu removed all his rings from his hands and left them on the front seats of the car, to then feel how his hands slowly went up behind my thighs towards my butt, then lowering my panties and raising all my skirt, exposing my entire ass to him, he hit him and I let out a small moan between pain and satisfaction "Shut up, little dolls don't talk" and automatically bit my lips to make silence.
My breath quickened when I felt him play with the entrance of my butt, brushing his fingers there "Be quiet" he asked sweetly again and I nodded, when I felt two of his fingers penetrate my butt without warning, stimulating there by removing a Little his fingers inside me, I bit my lip so hard to avoid moans of so much satisfaction that I drew a little blood, soon he began to penetrate me with his fingers and my already wet pussy felt it throb, while my behind it tightened around his fingers, damn it, he needed his cock.
He chuckled "look, how needy you are of me, isn't this beautiful doll?" I heard him say when he took his fingers out of my butt. "But... we'll leave this here for today, you still don't deserve my dick"
I widened my eyes in surprise, was he really going to leave me like this? No, no, no, you can't, he refused me.
I immediately settled back and watched him, noticing that he was cleaning the liquid that I left on his hands to put the rings back on "W-will you leave me... like this?" I asked with some disappointment, he just laughed and winked at me.
"I have to go buy things, you fix yourself up. But it was fun to see you so... miserable in front of me, my marks are now all over your body..." he spoke and smirked.
"You said it was closed on Fridays" he accused, annoyed, he really couldn't be more of a son of a bitch.
"Oops, double deception cutie" he said with amusement and got out of the car, leaving me there in my mess.
This was a fucking robbery.
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
Heyy!! I love your writing and was wondering if I could request a Resident evil 4, Leon S. Kenned x male reader. Reader and Leon always had that little competition between them, always trying to be better than the other which lead to them not liking each other. They got sent to various missions together but always ended up fighting with each other on how to do things instead of focusing on the mission. It just didn’t work between them. Additionally, Reader is sarcastic and acts a bit like an a-hole sometimes, flirts with Leon in a joking way and Leon just can't stand that.
After Leon was sent to save Ashley Reader is sent to back up Leon (and Leon didn’t know that so he is kinda mad that they thought it would be a good idea to choose reader for it) on his mission and after a long and annoying search, he ends up finding Leon in the village. At first, he thought Leon was some sort of villager and attacks him. He pins him to the ground but then realized who he is and reluctantly apologizes which just makes the situation worse between them.
When they find Ashley and then lose her later Leon gets injured badly because he just rushed in without thinking to save Ashley. But he couldn’t and they ended up fighting when the coast cleared. In reality, reader isn’t mad about the fact that they lost Ashley again. He is mad that Leon got hurt in the process and Leon noticed that reader was worried about him. That could lead to an angry make-out session. Enemies to lovers typa thing
Leon Kennedy x Male!Reader [Angst&Fluff]
Resident Evil 4
(M/n) is not exactly sure why or how it happened. Maybe it was the fact he was someone that had also been in the wrong place at the wrong time like Leon, but Racoon City wasn't easy for either of them, but Leon didn't like how (M/n) just kept doing whatever he wanted without taking the necessary precautions.
Later, thanks to Marvin, Leon had learned that (M/n) had been brought in for interrogation regarding the beating and murder of a wanted criminal, but the outbreak happened and (M/n) had managed to fend for himself, helping out a few officers, shooting those that had turned without hesitation, which had made others dislike him greatly, even if they saw a glimpse of hope with him around, and then Leon arrived.
He and (M/n) just got off on the wrong foot, and it just sort of stuck with them through the years.
However, while their rivalry was an obstacle in itself, they had proven to others that they could work best when together, so with them working for STRATCOM was already annoying for them, and being paired to go on missions together was even worse.
Especially when (M/n) would respond sarcastically to a comment or observation he made, not caring about anyone's safety except his, but (M/n) knew full well that Leon could handle himself just fine, which led Leon to think he was a major asshole that doesn't give a shit about others.
And then, there were the flirty comments that Leon just couldn't stand listening, making his blood pressure rise, definitely needing something to punch to be able to cool down. That's how (M/n) would know he actually pissed Leon off, he enjoyed watching the blond beating the shit out of everything that got in his way, but of course, Leon would very much rather punch (M/n) instead, but this would do... For a while at least.
Seeing the usually stoic and immovable Leon Kennedy so mad at him obviously worked to bring a victorious grin to his face, following far enough to not be on the receiving end of Leon's anger, after all, that guy knew how to kick.
The first time they weren't sent on a mission together, it felt odd. On one side, Leon was finally at peace and didn't have anyone getting on his last nerve, but that also meant he had alone time with himself, leading to him remembering gruesome memories of the past, unable to snap out of them by himself. He would never admit it out loud, but he kind of missed (M/n)'s presence- but only because he served as a distraction from his own mind.
On the other side, (M/n) was bored out of his mind. If they weren't on a mission he would bother Leon in the office all day long, usually ending up in them fighting for real, but masking it as a "training session", but now? There was no one to entertain him and that bothered him more than he'll like to admit.
But while he was in the shooting range with a sniper rifle, he saw the shadow of someone approaching him out of the corner of his eye, so he sighed as he reloaded the rifle again, and looked at them.
"Your support is needed, Agent," standing up, he set everything he used in its place and silently followed her down the hall and into an office.
His tactical equipment and radio were handed to him while he was being briefed about the current situation.
'Condor One' has been M.I.A for over four hours, and was gonna be one to bring his support and find him, be Leon's back-up. Already in the helicopter, (M/n) was given a summary of what had happened, attentively listening to everything Hunnigan told him through his communicator, sending him images of the digital map they had of Leon's route and path, explaining how his last ping happened in the middle of a lake and how it disappeared after an hour.
"Copy that, Rooster, I'll keep you informed once I arrive, Condor Two, out."
"This is as close as we can get for now, Condor Two!" The pilot screamed at (M/n) once he had taken his headset off and was attaching the rope to his harness. He looked at the pilot and nodded once, it was understandable that they couldn't approach the village more, after all, Hunnigan had told him about the two police officers that had driven Leon over to the outskirts of the city, one of them was killed with an axe while the other was burnt alive... He sighed thinking about the poor men, but there was nothing he could do about them now anyway.
"I'm going down!" He walked closer to the door and opened it, signaling the pilot to get them closer to the ground, as much as they could with all the trees around the place.
Making sure the rope was secure to his harness and to the chopper, he threw off the remaining black rope and slid down as quickly as he could, unattached himself and giving an 'okay' sign for the co-pilot to pick up the rope while they flew away.
(M/n) watched the chopper leave for a few seconds, before glancing around him. He was standing by a cliff, a rather dense woods awaiting behind him, taking a deep breath, he walked closer to the trees, deciding to hold his combat knife rather than his pistol, it would help him stay hidden and be more stealthy.
After doing some more walking, he found the trails left behind by a car, marks in the mud rather erratic, surrounded by various pairs of footsteps. He checked his device and kept walking the way Leon had walked through hours ago, and soon enough, he spotted a cabin.
Walking through the open door, (M/n) saw the corpse of a villager around the corner, his head out of place due to his broken neck, the deep indent of a knife was all he needed to see to know Leon had been there. He walked out again and continued moving forward, staying hidden in the shadows and behind the trees, taking advantage of the lack of light as the sun was setting behind the woods, slowly disappearing and leaving way for the moonlight to shine.
At least, he would be harder to spot by the Ganados for now.
(M/n) walked through the village, going past the same windmill Hunnigan told him about, and he could see the lake from afar, but it was too dark for him to see anything, even so, he didn't really see any sign of Leon around.
With every passing minute, (M/n) started thinking that Leon might have been hiding, probably badly injured and needed to rest, not being M.I.A for so long just didn't sound like something Leon would do, even if he was having his last breath. So maybe he missed some spots on his attempt at finding the blond as quickly as he could, so he decided to backtrack for a bit, after all, he had seen the church a while back, which Hunnigan had said was where 'Baby Eagle' was being kept.
Maybe Leon was heading that way...
The sound of his radio caught his attention, and he responded.
"Condor Two, I have been able to contact Condor One, I'll send you his coordinates right away," (M/n) hummed and took his device out, hearing the faint ding and watching a message pop up, "Condor One has been briefed about you being there as back up, Condor Two, meet up and stay safe."
"Copy that, Rooster."
Jogging back the way he came, (M/n) found himself in the village quicker than he anticipated, he knew Leon had to be heading toward the church so he knew where to go. Sort of, anyway.
But something happened.
He heard it first rather than seeing it. Someone grunting in pain, coughing, and wheezing as they struggled to fill their lungs with oxygen. (M/n) pressed his back to the nearest wall, and peeked his head around the corner.
Thankfully, the person had their back turned, so that gave (M/n) some leeway to get closer, the dim light surrounding them worked to hide him even more, although it made seeing the villager harder, he could make out their silhouette, It was a man by the looks of it. His coughing masked the slight crunch of (M/n)'s boots on the dirt.
Keeping a tight grip on the handle of his combat knife, (M/n) observed how the villager began standing up, his body slowly turning around to face him, red eyes seemingly glowing in the dark engulfing them. Without a second thought, (M/n) jumped the man to get rid of him and keep going on his way to find Leon, but this villager was putting up a real fight.
Having him pinned under his body, (M/n) used his upper body strength to press down on the villager's arms, pushing against him and preventing him from cutting his skin open, his (e/c) eyes never looking away from those red eyes of his.
However, the villager had moved his head away just in time before his knife could pierce through his skull, and while he pulled the blade off the dirt, the man under him started using his strength to push him off. With his knife now knocked away from his hands, (M/n) only had his fists to finish the villager, but he was still putting up a tough fight.
But with one punch to his chest, the flashlight attached to his shoulder and chest strap flew away a couple of feet, rolling for a moment. Apparently, the hit had turned it on and now they were able to clearly see each other's faces.
"(M/n)?" He asks out of breath, the red eyes now gone, now back to his blue eyes.
Was I... Seeing things just now?
"Uh, sorry... Didn't know..." (M/n)'s words died out as he moved back and began standing up, reaching his hand out to help Leon stand up too. The blond frowns at the action, but silently takes (M/n)'s hand, and dusts himself off as a way to avoid the awkward and tense silence, "Let's..."
He stops for a moment, walking to where his knife landed and holstering it back to his strap. Leon does the same, leaning down to pick up (M/n)'s flashlight, turning it off, and handing it back to him, who silently grabs it and attaches back to its place.
"Let's just keep going-," before they could take a step in the direction that would take them forward on the mission, the light of the fire on torches starts surrounding them from every direction, and quickly realizing they're outnumbered, they run to the cabin behind them and stay hidden inside until their path clears up enough to make their way to the church.
"Ashley!" Leon's panicked voice makes (M/n) turn around from the lock he had been trying to unlock, and he sees the blond shooting at the caped creature taking Ashley away.
(M/n) hurries to open the lock keeping them inside the cage, and Leon is quick to bolt out, not caring about anything other than getting Ashley back, "Leon!" He calls him and immediately starts running after the man.
He just wanted to get to Leon and Ashley, get her safe with them again, go back home, and forget everything had happened, but of course, nothing is ever easy in this job, in this life.
While running straight ahead, Leon didn't even see the knight stumbling his way toward him, despite the loud clanking noise the armor did, Leon could only think about getting Ashley back, about her safety over his. But (M/n) saw the knight, calling out to Leon a little too late.
"Watch out!" Being snapped out of his tunnel vision, Leon barely managed to see the knight swinging its sword down at him, and he used his momentum to dodge the hit. Well, he didn't fully dodge being hit, he just dodge being cut in half, because there was a gash on his torso, going right through his middle in a diagonal line, blood gushing out rather rapidly.
(M/n)'s legs moved as quickly as they could to be able to make it to a groaning Leon, shrugging his jacket off and laying it over the blond's wound, pressing on it with one hand while his non-dominant hand grabbed his pistol and shot at the plaga coming from underneath the knights' helmets.
"Put pressure on it, I'll take care of this," Leon grunted and pressed his hands down on the jacket, doing his best to try and stop the bleeding while (M/n) risked his life for him.
"You should... Go after Ashley..." (M/n) didn't give any signs of having heard him, but he definitely did. And damn, he was getting pissed at Leon now.
Leon watched how every knight fell to the ground, every singular piece holding itself together by the plaga coming undone as it was killed, and soon enough, every single one had been taken care of. (M/n) sighed and turned toward Leon, holstering his pistol and walking toward him to check on his wound. It was still bleeding.
"Shit-" he draped Leon's arm over his shoulders and wrapped his arm around his waist, "Don't you fucking dare die on me, Kennedy, keep the pressure on that."
Whether the grunting was from pain or a sarcastic response, (M/n) didn't know, he just had to find a room in this stupid castle where he could tend Leon's wound.
Laying the man on the bed, (M/n) tried to look around for something that could serve to clean the wound or bandage him up, but all he could find was a bed sheet, somehow cleaner than the others he had found.
For now, he had managed to stop the bleeding, and had used Leon's last spray on the wound, hoping it would numb the pain and help him heal faster. The blond frowned at the stinging pain but didn't complain.
"Sit up," Leon looked at (M/n)'s serious expression for a moment as he sat up on the bed, he was obviously mad at him and he didn't blame him, they lost Ashley and had to find her again, along with the wound that went from his abdomen to barely reaching his chest... He just made the mission harder than it already was.
(M/n) proceeded to use the pieces of the sheet he had torn up to bandage him up the best could with what they had. These kinds of moments were too quiet for their liking, it wasn't unusual for one or the other to get hurt while on a mission, but it was always weird when the other required help, it wasn't the same angry tension between them, instead it was an uncomfortable silence that neither of them could get used to.
They hated those silent moments.
"Are you stupid or do you have a death wish?" Was all (M/n) said when he succeeded in wrapping Leon up a bit, he definitely needed medical attention to stitch the wound and to prevent or fight the infection that will show up sooner or later, but they still needed to find Ashley as quickly as possible.
Leon turned to look at him with an angry expression, "I was trying to save Ashley, you were the one that didn't do anything to get her back," (M/n) scoffed and stood up from bed, pacing around the room, annoyed at the blond.
"I saved your pathetic life, Kennedy," ignoring the pain he felt, Leon stood up from the bed, watching (M/n) continuously pacing back and forth, irritating him.
"I didn't ask you to save me! Ashley is our priority here, I was doing my job, maybe you should do that too," Leon sighed when (M/n) looked at him in complete silence, an annoyed expression showing on his face.
Leon was a hundred percent sure that (M/n) was mad at him for getting himself injured like an idiot and making the mission harder on themselves now, that he was mad because they were further away from getting Ashley back, he was convinced of that. They couldn't rescue Ashley and (M/n) was mad at that, that's it. That's what it should've been.
Sighing and taking a step to walk around (M/n), Leon spoke again, "Look, let's just find Ashley before anything worse happens to her."
(M/n) wasn't dumb, he's usually the most observant of the two, so he noticed what Leon was thinking, it showed on his face. Even with the smallest change of his expression, he was able to read him like an open book.
He reached his hand out and held Leon's wrist before he could walk further away from him, hearing him sigh.
"I'm not... Mad that we lost Ashley, Leon," his blue eyes looked up into his (e/c) ones, confusion shining in them, and now it was (M/n)'s turn to sigh, he really didn't wanna say it, but he also didn't want them to stay mad at each other for this, "I was mad 'cause you weren't careful and... Got yourself injured..." He mumbled his last words, looking away from Leon.
But the blond moved his head, trying to meet his eyes. Was he... Worried? About... Me?
"I was... Worried about you, Leon..." The sound of (M/n)'s sweet and gentle voice as he responded to his unasked question made Leon's heart race in his chest, he could almost hear both his and (M/n)'s heart thumping rapidly.
Leon's body moved on his own, his gloved hands holding the collar of (M/n)'s shirt, pulling him down roughly to have their lips meet, kissing him rather aggressively.
(M/n) was caught by surprise by Leon's action, his eyes wide opened as he watched Leon's closed eyes and flushed face, making his mind foggy as a new feeling filled his body, but the blond soon realized that the other man wasn't corresponding his kiss, making him feel embarrassed and like an idiot as he backed away, pulling back and the thin string of saliva that connected them broke immediately.
He opened his mouth to say something, maybe apologize or say he just wanted to mess with him, but now (M/n)'s hands were holding him. A gentle touch on his chin and a tight grip around his belt, pressing their hips flushed against each other as this time they let themselves melt in their kiss, quiet moans and sighs leaving past their lips, muffled by the other's lips.
(M/n) groaned as he reluctantly broke the kiss, hearing Leon whining as he watched him lean closer to try and kiss him again, he sighed and held tightly onto the blond's hips, making him open his eyes again, pupils blown wide as Leon stared up at him.
"We have..." He swallowed, his eyes unable to look away from Leon's glossy and swollen pink lips, licking his as he tried to regain his composure, "We have a mission to complete, we'll... Talk about this when we get back, okay?"
Leon looked sad for a moment, but he silently nodded and they resumed their mission to find Ashley and bring her back home safely.
This enemies-to-lovers trope would have to wait a little bit longer.
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captain-mj · 8 months
hi, i’m in desperate need of anything priceghost! my week has been honestly so bad, so i just want to ghost hurting a lil and price helping fix him up. i just love the dynamic that u made with them and the way u write them together
you obviously can just ignore this if you don’t feel like writing or don’t care for it, but have a good day regardless!
Sorry its a bit late, I haven't been in my inbox much lately! Also my internet went out half way through writing it so most of it was written on my phone 😭
Ghost grumbled a little and sighed as he got on the plane. He knew as soon as Nik saw he was hurt he'd report it to Price immediately. No matter how much Ghost told him he was fine. What a snitch.
This time though, he was pretty hurt so he couldn't be too mad at him. Price sounded worried over the comms. His voice felt like a balm though.
The moment he stepped foot on base, Price descended. He pushed Ghost forward, leading him quickly to his room instead of medical.
"You know me so well." The tight grip on his hips made me smile under his mask. "Thank you."
Price shook his head. "You need to be more careful. There's no reason you should've gotten hurt."
Ghost knew he was worried, so he didn't point out that this type of thing is inevitable regardless of how good he is. He also moved... wrong somehow and felt all of the muscles in his thigh ripple with pain from the still aching knife wound so words were escaping him.
Price had him sit on his chair in his office and he knelt down in front of him, helping him to remove his shoes.
"John..." Ghost said softly, feeling strangely out of breath from the short walk. "I can handle it myself."
Price kissed Ghost's uninjured knee and undid his belt. Any other time and Ghost would maybe throw in an inappropriate joke, but something about the way Price's eyebrows were furrowed kept him subdued. Getting his pants off was a humiliating process as now that there was no adrenaline pumping through him, he found it hard to stand up.
He managed. Refusing to just lift his hips and shimmy out of them. His flop back down was less than graceful and hurt but he had a tiny bit of his dignity left.
Price found his emergency med kit, complete with a little bit of bourbon for Ghost to drink instead of pain meds. Ghost didn't like taking them, always worried he'd get addicted, and Price had learned a long time ago that there was no convincing him otherwise.
"Gonna be a good boy for me, right Simon?"
"Fuck off." Ghost growled, feeling a ripple of genuine nausea from the pain run through him. It felt like with every passing moment, it got worse rather than better.
And then aftershave and cigars filled his nose. Stubble pressed against his cheek even through the mask. "Hey, Simon. I got you. Alright?"
Ghost softened. "Yeah. You got me." He rubbed back quietly and his eyes closed.
The routine of stitching his wounds and bandaging him was not something Ghost stayed present for. He tried. Really. If he dissociated too long, Price would get concerned.
Before long, Price’s soft hands were patting his face. “All done.”
Simon pressed into his hands, eyes slowly opening. “John…”
The mask was lifted up and then set to the side. “Hello sunshine.”
He laughed softly and then tilted his head up to kiss John properly. His hands settled on his waist and then he pulled him down with him. They pressed against each other and it felt.. Nice.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Simon.”
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rosyrosethorns · 5 months
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When Nordic Bunny opened the door, Madi's eyes widened as the sight before her left her speechless. The last thing she had expected was a whole bedroom furnished with her in mind, even if there was a bit of that obvious evil-robot-headquarters flair present.
"All yours, my dear," he crooned as he placed a hand on her shoulder, "and all you have to do is let me know if you need a refurbishing~"
There was a minute of amazement as the girl looked around, still struggling to believe that her master was being this generous... but as she was handling one of the plush animals on the bed, the light in her eyes faded as she realized something.
"I... wish I didn't have to go back to Earth," she murmured.
"Who says you have to?~" the robot commented. "You can make this your new home~ Safe to discuss our plans of world domination, enjoying all your comforts from Earth, enjoying each others' company and popping any minions that disturb our quality time... You'll be living like the Grand Imperial Empress you'll be on Earth once we succeed in conquering it!~"
"But..." Madi's face fell as she set the plush down. "I still have connections I want to hold on to on Earth... And if... they found out what I'm doing, they might judge me... or worse... And--And moving here would only raise their suspicions... It's why I said I--I only want to be seen as Sugar Bunny by the public... when I'm working on our mission... Actually, that--that's one of the only two things I use my powers for anymore; the only other thing I use it for is... helping you deal with the Shred Force..."
... The moment Bunny saw tears forming in her eyes, he swooped in from behind and wrapped his arms around her in a snug embrace.
"Do you remember when we first met?~"
"... Y... Yeah?"
"I had a giant Frogzilla at my disposal, and you were the one who appeared to stop me that time; but you were so out of it compared to others I've faced~"
"... Oh... Yeah, I... remember the first thing I said being... 'can you please go away?--I'm really not up for this'... You... kinda did that raid in the middle of my work shift... and I was... 110% stressed at the time..."
"Obviously~" the robot commented as he brushed a tear from the girl's eye. "You kept saying similar things during our battle, and I couldn't even be mad at you in the end from how baffling your behavior was~ Our second meeting was literally when you approached me with the desire to join my mission~ It was obvious from the start that you were sick of human society~" The same hand cupped her face as he pressed his cheek against her own. "You want to enjoy the few things you have on Earth?--that's fine by me, but really... Wouldn't leaving that cruddy job and moving here reduce your stress by tenfold, even if you don't entirely abandon your home planet?~"
A sniffle escaped Madi as she attempted to hug the arms that held her close. She knew Bunny was right... Despite the context of aiding him in world domination possibly being questionable to others, she loved being by his side; and there was never any hard feelings from their unexpected first meeting.
"Bunny..." She snuggled into his embrace; tears of relief rolling down her face. "I... Y--Yeah... Okay... You're right--I... I do want that... Thank you..."
A grin appeared on the robot's face as he wiped some more of Madi's tears away. "Of course I'm right~ You've got transparent desires, sweetheart~" One hand moved down to hold the girl's waist as the other cupped her cheek once more. "C'mere~"
Kissing a robot with guitar strings in front of his mouth felt a little odd at first, but it was easy to get used to after the amount of times their lips met now... And the tongue made up for the strings very easily.
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xsweetcatastrophe · 7 months
You Broke Me First
part 7.
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Zoe was starting to believe she was never NOT anxious, her natural resting state was just a constant low-grade anxiety attack and she picked the skin around her nails every second of every day.
At least, that's how the last 48 hours felt.
She was currently waiting for Cillian as he went to the bathroom; after a couple beers each (no seltzers) the tab was paid and the pair decided to call Cillian's driver to get home and just get their cars the next day. Zoe hoped the photographers weren't waiting for them outside, but she prepared for the worst.
The entire time at the bar Zoe was treading lightly. Something obviously set Cillian off, and she didn't want to see if this gets worse. However, Cillian seemed fine at the bar, and kept asking if Zoe was okay because she was suddenly so quiet. Sorry, didn't fasten my seatbelt for this rollercoaster i was forced on, Zoe thought.
"Ready?" Cillian said, emerging from the bathroom and walking to where she was sitting. She nodded, stood up and Cillian put her hand on her lower back as he lead her to the door.
She stepped outside and found the photographers waiting for them.
"Where's your driver?" Zoe said, turning to face Cillian.
"Right over here, this way" He said, putting his hand on her back once again and lead her to the black car waiting a few cars up.
"Hey John, this is Zoe" Cillian said to the man in the driver's seat. The Driver smiled as he held the back door open for them. "Hello Mr. Murphy, and very nice to meet you Zoe. I hope you guys had a great evening" He said as they slid in. Zoe smiled.
"Hi John. Nice to meet you, we did.. thanks again so much for picking us up"
"Ah, that's my job, Mr. Murphy makes it easy; I'm happy I didn't know him in his early 20's... I'm still picking him up from bars every now and then, but at least they're at a reasonable time of night" He laughed. "not that I wouldn't, by the way. Just appreciate the latest I've ever picked you up from a bar is maybe midnight"
"John... Please stop calling me Mr. Murphy. I've said it every time you HAVE picked me up" He said, rolling his eyes.
"no can do sir." John smiled, looking at them in the rear view mirror.
Zoe liked John. He seemed genuine, or at least that's what she picked up in the 30 second conversation she had with him.
Cillian took out his phone and saw him answer some text messages.
Once I get home, I can take a shower and relax. put on sweats. wash my face. Almost home, Zoe told herself. This was way too much socializing for her.
after a few minutes of silence, Zoe saw Cillian put his phone back in his pocket and put his hand on her thigh.
"what are you doing?" Zoe said before she realized what she was saying.
"What? I can't put my hand on my girlfriend's leg?" Cillian said.
"But I'm not -" Zoe started, but stopped as soon as Cillian squeezed her thigh. He was motioning with his eyes towards John, who was still driving.
"oh.. uh, sorry." Zoe said. She pouted internally. I don't want to lie to John. I like John.
Cillian's hand moved from her thigh to her balled up fist in her lap. She slowly opened her hand and let him slip his into hers. He noticed her cuticles - all picked apart, red and raw - and ran his thumb softly over them.
Cillian didn't say anything, but he understood. Deep down, he felt horrible. He knew how he was acting towards her, like a complete asshole. Zoe was getting the brunt end of all of his emotions from the divorce and that wasn't fair, or right. He knew she was dragged into something she didn't want to do, and not only that, but be put under a microscope. He's been an actor for decades, he's not exactly used to this but he knows what to expect and how to carry/handle himself when he's out in public. She's been doing this for 12 hours. A lot of pressure in a short amount of time.
Cillian brought her hand to his lips and kissed her hand softly.
"I'm sorry" He mumbed.
"that's the second time you apologized today, just so you know" Zoe mumbled back.
"This building up on the right on the corner, Miss Zoe?" John interrupted.
"Yes, that's me, thank you so much John" Zoe said as the car slowed to a stop. Zoe pulled her hand from Cillian and opened the door. She got out and started walking up the walk, and she faintly heard Cillian said "one minute" or something that.
She turned around and found him walking up behind her.
"Zoe" Cillian said, bringing her out of her mind and back to the present.
"Thanks for today Cillian, I had fun" Zoe said, half true and half a lie. She DID have fun.. the beginning half.
"no you didn't" Cillian said, sighing.
"No, I enjoyed lunch. but I'm not sure what happened once we left. you snapped."
"can I come in? i don't know if I want to have this conversation on the steps outside with photographers behind me" Zoe said.
"My apartment's a mess" Zoe said.
"Isn't everything a mess at this point?"
author's note: I'm picturing John as Joseph from Princess Diaries. I also went to end this by saying "I don't make the rules" but... I kind of do. so. John. Joseph from princess diaries. one in the same, leather coat and all. tysm
tags: @lau219 @wolfieellsworld
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snowbaamgyu · 3 months
Soogyu emeto draft
WARNING ⚠️: this includes references to emetophilia so,, if u don't like emeto this way please don't read!!
It all started when Soobin announced he felt sick after eating dinner, he obviously overdid it with how much food he could handle but, after being starving the day before and today for a photoshoot he thought he deserved to eat just a little more.
For Beomgyu those words made everything in him start running faster, excitement and anticipation made him immediately start creating scenarios on how Soobin's discomfort would progress.
"Take some pepto and go lay down, you'll be fine" Yeonjun advised him, sure Beomgyu didn't want any of his members hurting but when it came to someone feeling nauseous he couldn't help but get a bit excited about it. When he watched Soobin doing as Yeonjun told him to, deep in him he wished that damn pink liquid didn't make effect.
Soon after everyone went to their rooms, Beomgyu had the luck to share room with Soobin so when he finished washing up and went to his bedroom, his heart started thumping faster at the sight that greeted him.
Soobin was laying on his side, curled up, with his shirt raised a little reveling his slightly bloated stomach, it wasn't that big of a difference but knowing Soobin usually had a flat belly you could notice there was something going on. The final touch was Soobin's face scrunched up in pain, sweat pooling in his forehead, shaky deep breaths, useless attempts to calm down the revolution inside his guts.
"Are you feeling better? The medicine should be kicking in by now" Beomgyu took the courage to ask without his voice showing any emotion other than worry. "No, I feel bad, worse if it's possible." Without saying anything, Beomgyu made his way to the older's bed and positioned himself beside him, in a spoon way.
He wanted to touch him, try to feel the rumbling, Soobin's stomach made a sick gurgling sound. He couldn't resist it anymore.
"What are you doing Gyu?" Soobin asked as he felt the other's hands making their way to his abdomen, his aching stomach felt a slight pressure and a burp made its way up. "Just trying to help, maybe rubbing it will make it better, don't you think?"
Beomgyu kept rubbing circles, adding pressure, and Soobin kept burping each time Beomgyu pressed into a specific spot, if you asked Soobin, it was indeed relieving each time some air came out, he felt like a deflating balloon. But things changed when the younger applied more pressure than necessary out of curiosity of what would happen, his answer was a really big burp that almost turned into a retch, Soobin desperately taking his hands off and sprinting to the bathroom, having to stop midway because another retch made its way up and vomit slipped through his fingers. Beomgyu obviously followed after him, not wanting to miss out anything, he watched as Soobin's back convulsed trying to suppress another gag as he continued his way to the bathroom to at least finish there, Beomgyu shamelessly went behind him and just stood there at the door frame when Soobin immediately lifted the lid and started retching again, a thick and large wave of undigested food making a sickly splash sound.
Soobin knew someone was behind him, watching what was currently happening, so he turned around a bit until the next wave came, and saw Beomgyu, the latter just watching with curious sparkly eyes that desired some more, that wanted to be closer to the scene displaying in front of him, wanting to help his hyung clean his chin which was covered in vomit and spit, little chunks at the sides of his mouth, vomit-snot running down and pooling on his cupid's bow, wipe away the tears that the effort brought to his eyes and down his cheeks, but also the desire to feel how he convulsed with each gag. Beomgyu wanted to be close.
And Soobin let him, he extended his arm in a "take my hand" way and Beomgyu understood the invitation, and as soon as he positioned himself behind Soobin once again he put his hands where they were before but didn't move them or anything, he was just there hugging him. When Soobin brought up more undigested food Beomgyu fully hugged him, wrapping both arms almost possessively around his middle and resting his head on the space between the older's shoulder blades, inhaling deeply even if the smell was one of the worst, Beomgyu just wanted to be there, close.
Fifteen minutes went like that, the door was locked the moment Beomgyu entered the bathroom so the rest of the members took care of the mess Soobin made earlier; Beomgyu was still hugging Soobin who at that moment had run out of something to throw up so once the retches were reduced to dry heaves Beomgyu stood up, the younger didn't have any bad intentions, he did as he had thought so, grabbing a towel and dampening it a little to carefully wipe his hyung's face, whispering sweet nothings from time to time to let him know everything is okay.
The two of them got out of the bathroom after Soobin washed his teeth and went to the older's bed again, this time the tummy rubs were gentler and without thinking much about Beomgyu's behavior Soobin just fell asleep with the image of his dongsaeng caring deeply about him.
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deathlonging · 1 year
tv series the wilds!!!!!!
THE WILDS. tysm <3 going 2 answer primarily pertaining to the girls and s1 btw
Favorite character: FATIN. huge huge divergence for me she is not the kind of character i usually fall in love with at all especially when toni is right there and perpetually seething w rage. but toni and leah tie for second place bc fatin is a walking contradiction with a superiority complex and uncomfortably complicated relationship with her dad and unfortunately it does mean i can never stop thinking about her. shes also the highlight of s2 for me. incredible for me to latch on to a normalgirl but the second fatin is in the presence of someone she actually loves the dynamic is insaneee and i live for it. also her character arc is so fine tuned and well-done it IS a bait-and-switch there are so many layers to peel back when it comes to fatin. love is real
Funniest character: dot. she Gets it
Best-looking character: sorry i know i said i wasn't bringing up the boys but the last time i watched it it was raf. gretchen obviously. also the actor who plays martha.....hand in marriage pls
3 favorite ships: i don't necessarily ship all of these (only the first) im just an enjoyer and an Understander foremost. anyway leah/fatin obviously first place who is doing it like them. girls who make each other worse who have to swallow teeth to love each other who are island4sea. if you even care. anyway second place dot/fatin third place raf/seth. when you're stranded on an island and you've always had to take comfort in solitude but you hate yourself and the one person you felt a kinship with is gone and there is an attractive boy who acts like you bring out a different side of him than the others do. and he also totally has a girlfriend. im just saying what happens isn't nothing and also coincidentally s2 is a story of seduction. to some extent. i'm not going to get into all my thoughts on leah and raf as audience proxies and the implications and the subversions but. BOY do i have so many.
Least favorite character: JEFF. i would like to kill him with hammers please <3 i love all the girls so if we're only sticking to s1 to a much lesser extent i dislike gretchen's annoying assistant. idk why they kept panning to him i could not care less about what he had to say lol. 90% of the boys mean an equal amount of nothing to me but out of them. kirin. sorry.
Least favorite ship: toni/shelby.blasphemy i know and it is primarily bc of how ppl act like they're the pinnacle of teen love or w/e but look sometimes you have a thing with a girl on an island and then you're flown out. sorry. i like their relationship for what it was and the trajectory we did get to see like i understand it. but i don't care lol
Reason why I watch it: good show. GREAT tv. leah rilke
Why I started watching it: i can't remember unfortunately. probably saw it on my dash one (1) time during the era of watching nothing but shows about teen girls lol i am SO glad i did.
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bisluthq · 11 months
Obviously Taylor has dated her fair share of people (which there should be no shame in), but based on her lyrics these are the relationships that seemed to be the most meaningful to her:
1. Drew Dunlap AKA 1st Boyfriend AKA Mr. Tim McGraw/Our Song/Fifteen (kinda)/Midnight Rain (probably) and a bunch of others
Was (in her mind) her first boyfriend!
Had her first kiss, first date, and first.. whatever else with
Mentions in multiple songs that she thought she was gonna/wanted to marry him
Based on Midnight Rain he seems to represent the idea of what could've been if she hadn't pursued a music career (or I guess succeeded in having a music career, since if she hadn't wanted to be a musician she wouldn't have moved to Nashville)
Has always described him as being super nice
Dated him for like a year
2. Joe Jonas AKA Disney's Resident Virginal Fuckboi AKA Mr. Perfectly Fine (and like SO many others)
In all her songs about him she says that she thought they were gonna be together forever because he... told her that they were gonna be together forever
Was clearly VERY hurt by the whole Joe thing. Back in the day she said it was her first true heartbreak (though it obviously paled in comparison to what was to come)
Did not get over it for a WHILE (6 months gone and I'm still reaching... Etc)
She also referred to him as her first love in the original Speak Now album booklet which I don't think was entirely accurate but girlie was trying to tell a story
"he will try to take away my pain, and he just might make me smile but the whole time I'm wishing he was you instead"
3. John Mayer AKA Sleazy Douchebag AKA Mr. Dear John (and co)
She has SO many lyrics about how she just loved. Him. So. Damn. Much (also this is outside of a musical context but she also said she loved him in interviews so..)
For better or for worse (definitely worse) it had a VERY big impact on her
Threw all logic out the window in the relationship and chose to actively ignore every red flag, or better yet turn them into little quirks (for example: the 2nd verse of Superman)
"don't forget where I'll be. Right here wishing the flowers were from you, wishing the card was from you, wishing the call was from you" (poor TL)
Wrote "I'd tell you I miss you but I don't know how/I'd lay my armour down if you'd say you'd rather love than fight" AFTER writing dear john
"I used to think one day we'd tell the story of us, how we met and the Sparks flew instantly"
4. Jake Gyllenhaal AKA Indie Douchebag AKA Mr. All Too Well (and basically all of Red, and honestly also probably elements of 1989)
Fell HARD and FAST
Was like *romantic?
Kept crawling his way back
Kept letting him crawl his way back
Wrote (in her own words) an entire album about it
"I never saw you coming and I'll never be the same"
"you're my Achilles heel"
Literally redefined her perception of love
Taylor at TIFF when talking about All Too Well "I don't see myself continuing to make stuff about extreme guttural heartbreak at your most formative age, that debilitates you emotionally for years, and you have to develop a scar tissue to move on with your life, and write a novel about, cause you're still..." (also it is things like this that make me mildly concerned about the fact that she's never gone to therapy)
We're meeting each other's families within less than 3 months (which I know is a Jake staple but still, Jesus)
"I used to think that we were forever and I used to say never say never"
5. Harry Styles AKA Teenage Boy who can't keep it in his pants (who would've thought???) AKA Mr. Out Of The Woods (and like others but DEFINITELY that one)
Knew it wasn't going to last but still seemed to enjoy it while it lasted
Put up with all that fangirl shit
Seemed to find it inspirational, if only aesthetically
Only person on this list that she seemingly didn't think she would end up with (though she apparently thought he may interrupt her wedding???)
We're apparently on-and-off for ages
Was a key player in sending her into one of many Identity Crisis'
6. Joe Alwyn AKA Golden Boy AKA Mr. 50-something songs (or something like that)
Was with him for 6 years
Very clearly thought he was the love of her life
Once again redefined her perception of love ("I once believed love would be burning red but it's golden" which I know is like a general concept but she applies red to Jake and gold to Joe for the most part)
I really don't think I should have to explain this one. She literally did it herself
Obviously we can't know for sure, but let me know if you agree or disagree. (Also sorry this is so long. I have a lot of thoughts and I don't know where else to put them xx)
I think you’re missing Calvin. I don’t like Calvin erasure lol. I know she didn’t write much about it and I think that’s where the idea that it wasn’t significant stems from but like I think that was a far more defining relationship than like Haylor tbh. He was the first boyfriend she lived with. I think there were very serious plans in place for them. It just started to suck at the end. But I think if he sucked just slightly less and if that time period sucked slightly less, she’d have married him tbh. She’s referring to him as the “good husband” in songs so like… she did think that was very serious. I also think that’s sorta why there weren’t that many songs. It was all just fine and then it sucked and none of it was crazy inspiring but it was also obviously super deep.
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