#like jinx or aqua
jesterjamz · 2 years
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also some misc. doodles of the others lol
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youuuimeanmee · 9 months
I'm usually a silent reader but this chapter???
Holy shit.
When people repeatedly said that this movie is gonna be evil, somehow I didn't think it was this evil?
Like, how could Aqua uses real names for the characters??? 😭
Bruh wtf they gonna sue them for sure if they find out.
(Gonna be good ending if the police & court managed to bring the case justice thanks to this movie, tho 👍)
This is a high risk movie, even in the process of production. Like, how many chances are people gonna leak the movie and get it cancelled, sued, or worse? How many chances are the casts and the crew gonna get death threats or meet the same fate as Ai? I hope the team hire a damn good security system.
Aqua be trying to jinx Kamiki real hard, huh. He's gonna bring up aalll his victims, not just Ai, but also Goro (his past self) and Himekawa Airi.
Now that the stars have alligned, let's break them down 1 by 1.
Ruby as Ai, Aqua as Kamiki: Oh man, Ruby gonna love to have an extra lovey dovey time with Aqua/Sensei isn't she. It's gonna be hella awkward for Aqua tho. It's gonna be hella controversial if media finds out this film is lowkey incest. And Aqua is gonna get the biggest backlash, for sure. (for the lowkey incest, for acting as a gross human being/Kamiki, for tarnishing people's name, the list goes on). I wonder how Ruby's gonna handle this.
Tsukuyomi as Ruby-Aqua: I'm sure she'd do great as Aqua, but as the cheerful energetic Ruby... uhhh. Good luck miss 🤣
Frill as Himekawa Airi: oh no. Another Kamiki's lover/victim. Is Ruby and Frill's friendship gonna be tested on this one?
Memcho as Mei-Mei, Kana as Nino, Akane as Takamine: I think (I hope) this film doesn't really affect Memcho's reputation badly because apparently Mei-Mei is a newcomer at the time; I hope she's innocent. On the other hand, Nino and Takamine are B Komachi's founding members alongside Ai. The sisterhood/rivalry is gonna be real heavy. And between Nino-Takamine, someone has to be related with Kamiki somehow. Which means, more Kana-Akane rivalry. The role suits them so much lolol. Akane might use this role to stop Aqua's plan tho, I wonder how that's gonna play out; I'm in dread but also excited.
Melt as Goro: oh man, good luck bro. Ruby's gonna be like: "Ugghh he's so bad to be Sensei, I miss my Sensei, Senseeiii." Also excited to see Melt getting many pointers from Aqua. Melt gonna be like "Wow u know so much abt this character, is he your uncle or smth lolol"
Jan Tomato as Miyako: huh. I think she's a new character in ONK? She's prob picked because her face resembles Miyako, not bc of her acting skill. Someone as amature as her, handling a handful, mature baby like Tsukuyomi (who is also an amature) is... well... good luck miss.
Tomo Ayabe as Ryosuke: Ooohhh Goro & Ai's killer. I forgot, did he also appear in Tokyo Blade or Sweet Again, or is he a new character too? Excited to see him interact with Melt.
Mita Norio as Ichigo: Bro. That character gap broo. And his acting skills?? Looking forward to itt 🤣
Taiki as Uehara Suijuro: holy moly I can't believe he agreed to act as his "dad." How did he find out about his parents' affair tho, did Aqua told him beforehand? Or did he just learn it from the script recently? I hope it's the former (and I hope Aqua already did it in one of the chapters I forgot to read). No comment on his future interaction with Frill tho, I'm sure they'd do great.
Tldr, this Movie Arc is HYPE.
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prpfs · 1 year
Okay, let's try this one more time! I'm 21F looking for a fandom roleplay! I mostly roleplay OC x CC, and yes, I am open to doubling as I much prefer doing so. The only form of CC x CC I would be interested in is crackships or problematic ships.
I prefer roleplays to be semi lit to literature, but NEVER novella as I don't want me or you to get burned out. I also enjoy OOC Chats, aesthetic/mood board sharing and headcanon sharing, so it would be nice if we can partake in that as well.
As for the fandoms I'm looking to roleplay, the list is below along with the characters that I would like to roleplay against. The characters in bold are who I prefer, but are DEFINITELY NOT required to play as.
The Last of Us/The Last of Us Part Two - Ellie, Dina or Abby.
Chainsaw Man - Power, Kobeni, Himeno, Makima or Reze.
Arcane: League of Legends - Vi, Caitlyn or Jinx.
The Legend of Vox Machina - Pike, Keyleth or Vex.
Helluva Boss - Octavia or Verosika.
Kingdom Hearts - Larxene, Namine, Xion or Aqua.
Attack on Titan (HEAVILY PREFER AUs) - Mikasa, Annie, Historia or Sasha.
Wednesday - Enid or Wednesday.
If you are interested, please add me on Discord at unluckiestmember#9812 🫀
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bluemoon160 · 4 months
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【IᑎTᖇOᗪᑌᑕTIOᑎ】 💙🌌
Hey everyone! My name is Rosalind but I also go by Ross or Ros. OR you could call me by my internet names Blue or Bluemoon if you’d like! (It’s a lot of names I know lol sorry. Just pick whatever).
I’m a 20yo artist, writer, and editor who will be mostly focusing on fanart, self ship, furry content, and maybe some cosplay on this blog. I do have a business focused on my published books, OCs, and editing services which you can find here if you’re interested. I’m more active over on those accounts since I work on that stuff almost full time now but I try and post fan/personal content when I can. This blog specifically will be a place for all my self indulgent interests. I may not be super active here but will try to anyway :)
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Skip ahead to read more about me, my, interests, and who I ship with, etc. But in the meantime, I need to get this out of the way and say that I really wanna make new friends here but I’m also hesitant to rejoin any sort of self ship and/or fan communities because of how many horrible experiences I’ve had with them before. Perhaps Tumblr is different but I wanted to put this out here for my own peace of mind lol. So please be patient with me. I grew up in fandom and self ship spaces that had constant arguments about literally everything. Trigger warnings, whatever vivziepop drama was circulating that day, pro vs anti ship, some debacle with an animation studio—you name it, people were screaming about it and they’d get mad at everyone for so much as breathing round them wrong. I didn’t even know what half of this discourse was even about and everything I’ve learned has been against my will. So no, this is not me “taking a side”, I just don’t want to be apart of discourse anymore. My morals are this: live and let live unless you’re supporting/romanticizing anything immoral. If you have genuine critiques about how I portray certain things then definitely let me know since I’m always concerned about how I represent stuff, but aside from that, this is just a blog to talk about stuff I like so let’s keep it chill please. 🧍‍♂️
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【ᗩᗷOᑌT ᗰE】
⭐My full name Rosalind B. Sterling (or you can call me by the other names listed above)
⭐I’m 20 (covered that lol)
⭐I’m bi and aroace (I also sometimes use the term procul but I don’t identify with it as a sexuality. Just an add on term for my asexuality to explain how my sexual attraction fades away once my relationship with someone becomes real).
⭐I’m genderfluid and my pronouns are she/he/they
⭐I’m mixed race/Puerto Rican
⭐I’m neurodivergent (OCD, MaDD, and a few other things) so tone tags would be great to use around me but they’re not required
⭐I currently live Ohio (yes I’ve heard all the jokes and they’re honestly pretty accurate lmao)
⭐My favorite colors are aqua, bright purple, hot pink, and neon green
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Note: some of these characters might come from controversial media. I just like them for personal/creative/self indulgent reasons so don’t interact if these make you uncomfortable.
“Main” f/o’s
(Putting this in quotes since I hardly ever talk about these characters nowadays. They’ve just been my main for a while and I feel too attached to take them off the list)
⭐Dan {Dan Vs.} (Started shipping 7 years ago)
⭐Gary {Final Space} (Starting shipping 6 years ago).
Current main:
⭐ Alastor {Hazbin Hotel} (Started shipping 4 years ago) And before anyone comes after me with the “but he’s aroace!” comments, I know that and I don’t erase it. I’m aroace too and kind of imagine him and my S/I being in a possible QPR type thing. I still have developing to do. I just like the thought of two aroaces hitting it off and bonding closely. I take a lot of comfort in him as a fellow aroace so leave me be please 😭
⭐The Narrator and Stanley {The Stanley Parable} (This one’s a polyship and is pretty recent. Been shipping for about 7 months now)
Other f/o’s:
⭐Pinkie pie {MLP}
⭐Reagan {Inside job}
⭐Jinx {Arcane}
Other characters I like but don't consider f/o’s:
⭐Connor {Detroit Become Human}
⭐The Warden {Superjail}
⭐Andre {Inside Job}
⭐Ken {Barbie Movie}
⭐Mike {fnaf movie}
⭐️Rarity {MLP}
⭐Reigen {Mob Psycho 100}
⭐Archer {Archer} (It's always the walking red flags that get me 😔)
Familial/platonic f/o’s:
The only ones I can think of rn is Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel. I kinda see them all like family tbh but specifically Angel Dust. Also maybe Kirk from Star Trek. Like we’d definitely be besties I’m so fr.
There’s probably more but I’d have to think about it.
⭐Reagan {Inside job}
⭐Brett {Inside job}
⭐Moxxie {Helluvaboss}
⭐️ Millie {Helluvaboss}
⭐Tina {Bob’s burgers} (This one’s so funny to me but it’s so true. She’s literally me in every way possible😭)
Am I comfy sharing any of my f/os and kins?
Yes! I’m fine having doubles. I used to hate it a few years back but now that my mental health is a little more in check and I don’t have to rely on self shipping for major comfort like I used to, I no longer feel bothered by that. It was unhealthy anyway. Not to judge anyone who hates having doubles. I understand folks have pretty valid reasons for it. I just realized the attachment I had to these characters was turning into an unhealthy kind of obsession and was hurting me more than helping. I’m out of that place now luckily. I still self ship for comfort reasons but it’s not as in ease as it was before and mostly just for funsies now. If you're comfy sharing and we have doubles, totally message me so we can gush and ramble together! I love doing that 🫶💖
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【ᗰY ᖴᑌᖇᔕOᑎᗩ】
Putting this here too since I'll probbaly be sharing furry stuff whenever I get the chance. So here is my eyesore of a fursona which is a wolf/fox/bat hybrid with a scene kid aesthetic who looks like every middle school edgelord oc deisgn vomited into one character. But idc honestly. I’m not doing anything serious with her and am just having fun. I also might use her for self shipping if I end up F/Oing any anthro characters but idk.
Art credit goes to coral-kun
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⭐Anything sci fi, crime, or comedy
⭐Any time era from before the 2010s. Though I specifically love the 20s-50s, and 80s-2000s the best :)
⭐Cartoons. Specifically for adults. Adult swim is literally my go to channel lol
⭐Reading, writing, art, crafting, etc
⭐Space, science, dinosaurs/paleontology and history
⭐Animals and zoos
⭐Conspiracy theories and mysteries
⭐Anything horror, paranormal, or creepy pasta
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And that's it! I hope I can meet some new friends and stuff but also predict that my reach won't be all that huge since I've never had massive luck with algorithms. Especially as of late. But if you're seeing this, don't be afraid to message me or interact! I love meeting new folks :3
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cornus27florida · 1 year
GwenDerick/FredDolyn Hogwarts AU
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Their houses color (as Ravenclaw: blue & Hufflepuff: yellow) if mixed will become their color motif : green
Hence why I am coloring the background (probably not that clear in the photo IG?) with CPC X Hogwarts AU color theory : the wittiness of Blue's Ravenclaw from Frederick and the kindness of Yellow's Gwendolyn - make birth of Green if mixed together, their color motif in CPC - hence heart <3
Time spent to drawing and coloring? so long lmao I am indeed a rusty artist - and yeah art-blocker ~ thou I am enjoyed the sufferings of drawing Frederick's hair, coloring Gwen's soft green hair, and drawing their respectful insignia of their Hogwart Houses (a badger like a possum imho)
Frederick being a Ravenclaw (due to bookworm he is) & Gwendolyn being a Hufflepuff (the kindest soul fits here) is based from this HC CPC BLR post as the following :
--------------------------------------------------------------------- This part skippable, I just want to expand the lore of CPC in Hogwarts AU with the following of my headcannons - comes from me being a Potterhead and playing the game "Hogwarts Mystery" - hence the example: the mention of 'frog choir' as music extracullilcular for the example. So, some of the HCs are differentiates with Cookie's HC and I am lessening everyone's age so they're could all in Hogwarts = I am not following their canon ages told by LambCat and CPC ) :
All Pastel siblings (Maria/6th year and the diva of the frog choir's club with her muses are ; Celestina Warbeck and Bozart/Schozart), Lorena/5th year and the Quidditch's star playing the role of Chaser, Jamie and Gwen/4th year - Jamie's the best friend of house elves and since he enrolled the feast's quality greatly improved & Gwen's helped her twin with best subject is Potions-her kindness able to even softens Snape's rock-hard's heart) are Hufflepuff
Yet the Plaid brothers are in different houses, Frederick Ravenclaw (4th year, his best subject is History of Magic, the underdog of top student that not expected to excels at the class that literally a 'sleep-fest') - Lance Gryffindor (6th year, have miracles of could passed OWL to NEWT class and overall is described nicely by Aqua in here) - Blaine Slyterin (7th year, kinda bitter that he's not becoming the head boy even thou he's "know-it-all, could-do-all" perfect. Excels in all classes except Divination - by having Outstandings score)
Prez (Calpernia) is the head girl, while Whitney is the head boy - 7th year and final year at Hogwarts they are - they're have "mysterious strained" past but now working on it. They're as Cookie's HC, both from Ravenclaw. For Curtis-Ravenclaw, somehow I feel he actually lotta older than them, so I placed him as the assistant professor of DADA (as the one that holding the syllabus lectures, so the things that will taught kinda structured) - dw he'll never get the curse/jinx of 'No DADA teacher can lasts more than a year' because he's not teaches it. Asa could becomes the healer's assistant for madam Pomfrey - but I am not sure as student (so being 7th year) or already graduating. Miss Agatha feels to have similar vibes with Prof. McGonagall, while Molly is to madam Hooch with her agility - but I just don't know if they're in the time of Hogwarts studies (September - June) or not.
The parents which have history in the following houses: Leland Slyterin, Izzy Ravenclaw, Jack Gryffindor and Lilyth Hufflepuff) - and we have more characters in the AU!!
Monika - IMHO it will be interesting if she's in Gryffindor - as what she wants is to be braver (like Ben Copper in Hogwarts Mystery game, he's a coward but learnt to be braver)
Beckett and Bernadette will be in Hufflepuff
Orson in Ravenclaw Idk other Princels thou prob in Slyterin (interesting dynamic hating Blaine in same house ngl)
So in Summary, My HC's of Hogwart Houses as following :
$= they're already graduated from Hogwarts School
[number]= the year they're are, is not following canon and basically I make the ones at twenties in 7th year >/\<
Gryffindor : Lance [6], Saffron [7], Thermidora [7], Monika [5], Miss Agatha $, Jack $
Ravenclaw : Frederick [4], Prez [7], Whitney [7], Leopold [6], Orson [5], Curtis $, Isolde $.
Hufflepuff : Gwen, and Jamie, [4] Maria, [6] ,Lorena [5] Jolie, [6] Renee and Bernadette [5], Griffin [7], Beckett [6], Horace [5], Asa [7/$], Molly $, Lilyth $
Slytherin : Nell [6] - the top student of Divination, Syrah [7], Aurelia [5], Abbi [3], Suzanna [6], Leland $.
So many CPC characters fits in Hufflepuff IMHO, yay for them being so pure kind-hearted sweet people !! ^^
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mountphoenixrp · 1 year
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The Sunshine Festival is coming up fast! In preparation, you can find the program for the market and concert stage below!
Market Booths:
The Flower Mill Goods/Services: Tiramisu Frozen Coffee in a collectible mason jar; Cold Brew boba tea; Mochi donuts (glazed, strawberry, and lemon).
Lupin’s “Good Looks” Goods/Services: Custom-made headpieces, festival-wear and other clothing. On-the-spot hair and make-up styling.  Specials: 15% for customers who book their first styling appointment with Lupin.
Sweet Spot (Eros’ pop up chocolate and sweets booth) Goods/Services: Fine flower and fruit infused chocolates, light sweet confections and “love dust”. Target practice game with prizes for romantic dates. Specials: Specialty chocolates, dipped fruits, love advice.
Honeypot Brewery & Tapas Goods/Services: Aqua fresca (strawberry, cucumber, lime), burritos, and ceviche. Specials: Double Trouble coupons: for two people to enjoy a full Mexican-style meal for the price of one.
Jinxxed Goods/Services: Bone/tea/tarot readings, candle blessings, spell pouch making. Specials: 40% off crystals with proof of reading(s); free admission to one full moon ritual.
Minx Goods/Services: 360* camera shots: videos made in slow or regular speed to capture your memories from the Sunshine Festival! Specials: One free golden cuddle card! (See Malea for details.)
Marimo Ink Goods/Services: Neck-up piercings (50% off), face/body painting, hand-drawn temporary tattoos, art prints by Marimo Ink artists. Specials: Raffle for the chance to win one of three free tattoos (customers will receive one raffle ticket per piercing purchase, multiple entries allowed); free tattoo consultations.
Maibee Art Goods/Services: All handmade: crochet hats, plushies, blankets; keychains, jewelry, dice; stickers, coasters, prints, paintings; and more! Will do live portraits and synesthesia art. Specials: Buy Two, Get a Third with 10% off; Buy Five, Get a Tiny Crochet Hedgehog Friend.
Stop&Paws Goods/Services: Mini grooming service (brush out & bandannas/bows for pets); Flea & Tick treatment; “Meet the Adoptables” pen; and a pet cool down station with water dishes and a small pool. Specials: Mini grooming service and the flea & tick treatment will both be free, Pet Treats will also be available for free at both the adoptables pen and the cool down station.
Ice Ice Baby Goods/Services: Gourmet ice cream! Specials: Buy one, get one free single scoop cones; 20% off ice cream sundaes.
Black Forest Bakery Goods/Services: Berry and cream mille-feuille, double chocolate eclairs, crème brûlée, cookies and cream cheesecake in mini mason jars. Specials: Buy two, get one free; 20% off cake/event catering orders made at the booth.
HEXED (Claire, Cassandra & Charlotte), rock band performance
HEXED will be playing a set of the songs off their latest album, along with a special sneak-peek performance of their upcoming summer single “Bonvoyage”.
Apollo, singing and dancing
Apollo will perform covers of Lizzo's “Juice”, Harry Style's “Late Night Talking”, Marshmello X Jonas Brother's “Leave Before You Love Me”, and Post Malone and Doja Cat's “I Like You”.
Sundrop Thanawat, singing and acoustic guitar
Sundrop will be singing a few songs while sitting and playing his guitar for a musical accompaniment. (There may be some birds flying around with the music as an extra feature. He still needs to ask if they'll help him though.)
Lee Juyeon, dancing
Juyeon will perform a mini showcase of a few songs he thought up his own choreography for. Just showing off his skill as a choreographer and the reason he's a dance instructor and a dancer.
Dakota Kim and Noel Yunuen, singing and dancing
The duo will be dancing and singing covers of “Mirotic” by TVXQ, “View” by SHINee, and “Peaches” by Justin Bieber.
Invidia Duval, Kihara Brighton and Kaya Everly, aerial/dance performance
The trio will perform an aerial and dance performance to: “Cosmic Love” by Florence + The Machine, “Who” by LAUV (feat. BTS), “Jericho” by Iniko, and “Middle of the Night” by Elley Duhe.
Heather Rhodes, Invidia Duval, Hunter Moon and Dakota Kim, singing
The group will be singing: “i’m yours” by Isabel LaRosa, “Tinted Eyes” by DVBBS, “Body” by Sinead Harnett, and “FRZZN” by OZZIE (feat. Teflon Sega).
Vulpe Blanford, ballet performance
Vulpe will be performing his own modernized ballet choreograph to “Experience”, “Elegy for the Arctic” and “Divenire” by Ludovico Einaudi, and “Golden Hour” (instrumental) by Jvke.
Please use this information to plot with as many people as you would like! Employees and performers can have threads where they are working/performing and threads during their days off at the festival, if you’d like.
There is no time limit for threads, but the event will only officially last a week, so make sure to start your threads or whatever else you have in mind once it begins!
Most importantly, of course, have fun!
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sl-newsie · 10 months
Spelled (Carlos de Vil x Sanderson Daughter) Descendants 2- Ch. 7: Foresee A Twisted Fate
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I’m dragged out of the tea shoppe, and soon feel myself being lifted up and placed over a guy’s shoulder.
“Oh no. I will not be man-handled as some damsel in distress! Let me go before I hex thee into a guinea pig!”
“Guinea pig?” My captor asks with legit curiosity. He sounds familiar. “What are those?”
“Quiet, Gil! Just bring her back to the bar.”
“Ow!” My head gets bumped. “Thou is testing my patience!”
Eventually we enter a place that has lots of sound and activity buzzing about. Where in the name of Auradon did they bring me?
“Here. Set her down.”
I’m literally thrown into a rickety chair and have the sack ripped off of me.
“Ugh! Watch the hat!” I whip my head around to look at my new settings: a sailor-like dive bar. Barrels are used for tables and wood planks placed overhead display the… unique menu options. I also get a look at my captors: the buff bandana guy from earlier, the crazy Hook character, and a girl with long aqua hair. Is this the Uma I’ve been hearing about? She might not look too scary right now, but I know better than most to not judge a book by its cover. ‘Uma’ is wearing a blue sailor’s coat with waist tails and a big brown belt, a brown pirate hat with shells on it, a seaweed patterned skirt, and brown heeled boots. Also, killer aqua eyeliner!
“So you’re the infamous Uma I keep hearing about?”
She flips her hair and puts a hand on her hip. “That’s my name, alright.”
Threat or no threat, I’m not afraid of her and not about to become a cliché damsel in distress! 
I give the three a warning look. “Release me now, or else thy will regret it.” To prove my point I allow some magic to fly from my bound hands.
“Oh, that’s cute! Really scary, sparky.” The teal-haired VK holds her head back and laughs. “Hook, cut her bounds so she can see I only want to talk.”
The pirate groans and grudgingly mopes over and uses his hook to cut the rope, but not before leaning in and whispering: “Told you I’d see you again, gorgeous.”
“Stay away unless you want to get jinxed, Hook,” I sneer.
“We’ve never officially met!” The blonde pirate holds out a hand. “I’m Gil, that’s Harry!” I cautiously look at the hand and give him a doubtful look. “Oh, come on! I don’t bite!”
“I could…” Hook says hintingly with a smirk.
“Harry, enough!” Uma barks. She regains her posture and leans in close to twirl a lock of my hair. “You and I need to have a pep talk.”
I give her a are you serious? look. “What makes you think I’d listen to you?”
Uma just laughs. “You will listen to what I gotta say. Because if you don’t, I can send Hook off to fetch your little Sanderson coven in an instant.”
The blood drains from my face. “Y- You wouldn’t dare.”
She snickers. “Oh, I will. I won’t hesitate to make it known to the Sanderson Sisters that their long-lost niece is here. Oh, I’m sure your mommy will be elated to see you!”
Mom? No no no!
“Please, don’t tell anyone! If they know I’m here they’ll just enslave me and drain my magic. I’ve got enough problems without getting them involved!”
“Good, then we have a deal.” Uma pulls up a chair and sits down. “Listen up, sparky. I’ve heard rumors that you’ve been toying with being bad. Seems to me like you need some help.”
“I don’t want your help. It seems a bit biased on the evil side.”
“Ouch. Your pal Ben was more open to talking.” Uma picks at her nails.
Ben? She’s got Ben?!
“What have you done to him? I swear, if thou even touches him I will curse thee to feel great pain!” My mind doesn’t even begin to process before I even know what I’m saying.
“Curse? That’s intense, for you at least. Why the soft spot for the prince?”
I look away and play with my hands. “He’s the closest one to a sibling I have, and after I’ve basically been banned from ever seeing my father again I’m sort of… alone.” Now to quickly change the subject. “Are you jealous, then? Of Ben?”
Uma gives a hollering cackle. “Sparky I don’t want Ben! All he is is a gambling chip I’ve got against Mal!
“So… what is it that you want?”
I get a pointed look. “I’m gonna tell Mal that if she wants her beastie boy back then she has to bring me Fairy Godmother’s wand.”
I frown. “Then… how do I play into this?”
She shrugs and looks to the floor. “Maybe I just wanted to meet the new Sanderson witch everyone keeps talking about.”
She… wanted to meet me? The evil witch people say will curse you and can’t be trusted? I can’t tell if she’s genuine or just plain mean.
“Have I become so well-known on the Isle?”
Uma chuckles. “Sparky, you’re like the new VK celebrity. The Sanderson witch who infiltrated the royal ranks? What I don’t understand is why you came here.”
The whole time Harry and Gil just stand behind Uma hanging on our every word, while the few customers of the bar hardly give us a second thought. Can I dare to trust them this easily? This is by far not the best place to talk about my reasons for being here, and yet… I feel like they might actually listen. I’m just like every other VK here: tolled with a cunning and evil heritage and only trying to do what I think is right. 
“My story is… complicated.”
“Who’s isn’t?” Gil asks openly and offers a small smile. “No one ever said life was perfect.”
“Let’s start small. So, you live in Auradon? Or as we like to call it here, Bore-adon?” The aqua-haired pirate asks.
“Yes… yes.” I shake the daze out of my head and memories start flooding back. “My father raised me in Sherwood Forest, away from everyone so no one would see my magic. Once they did, everyone thought I was truly the dark, twisted soul they’d made me out to be. A freak.”
“Typical Auradons,” Hook rolls his eyes. “Always causing a witch hunt over nothing.”
I nod anxiously. “Exactly! Once the village found out, I was sent to Auradon Prep to practice magic. I acted like the good girl everyone expected me to be and thought I’d found a place that would accept me, and my roots, without judgment. With a little work, I thought I’d eventually be able to tell them who I really am. Then…” Then I met Carlos. And my life changed forever. “Then Ben arranged for the new VKs to be brought to the school for the new exchanged program-” Uma pounds the table and gives me a warning glare. “Don’t remind me. The fact that that pompous prince chose Mal and her gang taunts me every single day. Just get on with the rest.”
I sit there a split second with my mouth agape. “Um, alright… So after a while, I began to get to know the new students better, and… turns out Carlos is my true love.”
“What?” All 3 pirates gasp.
“You mean that… you… and the dog boy…?” Gil tries to piece together.
“Carlos? Girly your fate’s got low standards. Should be with manlier guys, like me.” Hook snickers.
Uma just tilts her head and eventually shrugs. “Fate is fate, I guess. But then if De Vil’s your true love, why leave?”
“Patience, I’m getting to that.” I let out a heavy sigh. “Soon the pressure of keeping my roots a secret was too much, and with a little push from Audrey-”
“Who’s that?” Gil asks.
“Nobody important. Anyway… I broke down and showed the whole school who I truly am, who my mother is. Just like my village, the Auradon students cast me out as a wicked witch. But I didn’t care so much as long as I had Carlos… someone who cared. I thought I’d stick around for Ben’s coronation and then things went out of hand, but you saw that on TV so I’ll skip it.”
Harry lets out a hearty laugh. “Never will forget the look on Maleficent's face when you cast that barrier spell. Priceless!”
I smile at the memory. “It was rather exciting. Afterwards I decided it was best if I remained in isolation for a time. I proved myself to some, but most students still think I’m like my mother. And at first I thought I was doing the right thing, learning more and gaining control over my powers without hurting anyone, but then…” I can feel my heart beating faster. Then everything fell apart. Don’t break down, don’t break down! “Then… I got invited to attend Ben and Mal’s cotillion, but when I went back to Auradon Prep I found ‘wanted’ posters with my face, and to top it off…” Carlos replaced me. “I found out that Carlos wants to ask someone else to the dance.”
“Huh. But I thought true love meant… you know, love forever-after and all that gushy stuff?” Gil asks openly.
One would think. By now my pulse is racing and I’m trying hard to control my breathing. Small purple sparks reveal my powers threatening to break free. Don’t lose control!
“Hey, it’s ok. You’re with us, not those hypocrite traders.” Uma puts a hand over my shaking fist. “You’re definitely not dumb like your mom, that’s for sure. Seems to me like you’re wearing yourself out trying to live up to impossible expectations. My advice? Chill and be you, sparky.”
“She’s right,” Gil pipes up. “The perks about being a VK is that people already expect the worst of us.”
I unclench my fists and look up. “But I don’t want to be good or evil. I want to be… me, without someone always judging me for who I’m supposed to be or who they want me to be.”
“Why shouldn’t ya?” Hook walks over and gives me a genuine smile. “Here on the Isle, you can be whoever you want to, lass.”
“Tell you what,” Uma says. “You can try to figure out your life on the Isle, and if you can’t find what you’re looking for then you can join my crew.”
Did I hear that right? “Really? You don’t think I’m a traitor like Mal or a goody-goody like the Auradon kids?”
She shakes her head. “Nah. You’re you, sparky. Everyone! This newbie ain’t to be messed with, got it?” Uma looks around at the other pirates in the bar. “Any problems you’ve got with her you come straight to me.”
“You’re seriously listening to her, the one with a mother that dead-on fits the description of a ‘dumb blonde?’” One crew member criticizes.
Harry shoves the guy into a table while Uma sneers in his face. “She’s not her mom, and she ain’t a dumb blonde. If you call her that again I’m gonna have Harry hook you!”
“I get to hook someone?” The guy in question asks giddily and leans in licking his lips. “Guess it’s my lucky day…”
“Actually sparky, if you’re looking for answers about your future I might be able to help.” Uma beacons me to follow her to a back door leading to the kitchen. The kitchen itself is one of the messiest rooms I’ve ever seen, but compared to the rest of the Isle it fits right in. 
“Uma! Did you get those shrimp bites sent out?” A woman’s voice yells from a backroom. Ursula.
Uma rolls her eyes. “Yes, mom!” She leads me over to a giant cauldron with a black concoction boiling inside. “It ain’t anything like mom’s magic used to be, but I can at least do a few spells here and there.” She pulls at a golden shell hanging around her neck and starts chanting:
“Seaweed, sea salt, fate’s interwoven stitch. What’s to become of this Sanderson witch?” 
The golden shell glows and immediately the black liquid starts to churn a dark purple, almost like my magic. We all peer in and start to see a vision forming: a silhouette of- me? The image shifts to show the silhouette turning towards a bright spot, almost like the sun, and then towards an inky black spot. Good vs evil. The girl’s hands start to glow and we all gasp as she casts purple flames over the light spot, showing everything erupting into chaos.
How- how could I ever…
“Wow, Magica! You’ve got a bright future!” Gil jokes. I can tell he’s actually impressed, but all I can think about is how I could ever let myself stoop to become so evil.
“Why- why…” I stutter and grab my head.
“I guess you’re more like your coven after all,” Uma inputs lightly. “Maybe we’re interpreting it wrong-?”
“No, no!” I choke. “It’s what I’ve always feared, who I feared I’d become… The question now is what can I do to prevent it?”
“You can’t prevent fate, lassie.” Hook smirks. “Why fight it?”
“Why? Why?” I fume. “Because of all the innocent lives I’ll be putting in danger! Who knows what I’ll do! I just- I just can’t understand why…”
I can’t bear to look into the cauldron anymore and walk back outside, choosing to sit at the bar table. Gil and Harry join me while Uma pours us some drinks.
“Here.” She slides me a glass. “It ain’t any fancy Boradon water but it’s water all the same. I agree with Harry- if this is what fate wants, you can’t avoid it. Just know you’ve always got us to talk to.”
“And we ain’t like those traitors,” Hook adds.
“No we are not,” Uma agrees. “Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve gotta tidy this place up for when the dragon traitor herself arrives.”
“You’re waiting for Mal?” I ask.
Uma goes to pick up some dishes. “Yeah. She’s supposed to come here to discuss my terms for Ben. After we’re done talking I’ll let you leave.”
She smirks. “You know my promises aren’t worth dirt, sparky. Just be glad you’re on my good side.”
And be glad I’ve found some new friends in this crazy chapter of my life.
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cinisemperium · 1 year
Tagged by: no one, i stole it
Tagging: anyone who wants to yoink this, be my guest!
whoo boy i have a lot of muses so here we go. will be listed in alphabetical order by fandom. putting a read more here because it's A LOT
side note - i ship with just about anyone. just because it isn't my OTP does not mean i'm not interested!
Apex Legends Wattson - Darksparks. I adore this ship so much.
Arcane Jinx - I don't really ship her with anyone, but if I had to pick, I'd go with Ekko
Darling in the Franxx Zero Two - Hiro, obviously. Hiro - See above.
DA:I Solas - Female Lavellan
Fairy Tail Natsu Dragneel - It's a tie between Gray and Lucy Yukine Dragneel ( OC ) - Grey
FFXIV Emet - Selch / Hades - @starsasunder 's WoL, Inanna. If not a WoL, then Hyth
Fullmetal Alchemist Edward Elric - Winry
Genshin Aether - Xiao Cyno - Tignhari Kokomi - Gorou Lumine - Zhongli Xiao - Aether
MHA Shoto Todoroki - OT3, actually, with Katsuki and Izuku Toga Himiko - Ochako Dabi - Hawks Rumi Usagiyama - I actually don't have one for her yet!
Naruto Naruto Uzumaki - Sasuke Sasuke Uchiha - Naruto Sakura Haruno - Naruto
Oshi no Ko Ai Hoshino - I don't have one for her. Aqua Hoshino - Kana Kana Arima - Aqua
Overwatch Widowmaker - hahahaah have fun shipping with the murderous one Lifeweaver - Baptiste
That depends on a lot of factors, including the muse ( like for example Emet Selch is thousands of years old ), and the verse ( such as vampires, reincarnation, etc. ). I will NOT, however, do any form of NSFW shipping with minors, and I will not ship minors with adults. I will ship teenage characters, but that will all be kept strictly SFW.
Anything that goes beyond gentle kissing and light touching.
I used to be, but not anymore. You wanna ship? Throw it at me. NOt sure I'll go for it? Throw it at me anyway.
I'm open to shipping anyone with just about anyone, provided we can make it make sense.
Sort of? I consider throwing a shippy meme at me asking. If I'm down for it ( and chances are I will be ), I'll reply to it and off we go.
Yes and no, to both. I adore shipping, don't get me wrong. I think ships area great way to explore characters and their growth and depth. However, I do not think a plot needs a ship to be a good plot. I'm more of a if it happens then it happens kind of shipper.
Naruto and Sasuke, Natsu and Gray, Zero Two and Hiro. I will write these ships all day long, any day of the week.
Hop into my inbox! Whether that be my DMs with a plot hook or even just 'hey can we ship', or my inbox with a shippy meme. Throw it at me and we'll see where it goes!
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jinxstrology · 2 years
not to hop on the bandwagon but
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trash my chart jinx
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Apologies to the other people whose chart I only lightly trashed but this one has been a long time coming
I wish it to be known that this would be a totally different answer if you still had Aquarius rising because I'm horribly biased both for aqua rising and against pisces uhhhhh anything
Actually I think visually this is p nice tbh, everything is all symmetrical and lovely and soothing, except that you have way too much mutable energy and i would like to know if you've ever made a solid decision and stuck to it in your whole life. i'm guessing no.
Honestly looking at your houses I'm kind of bored, sixth house is boring and i will not apologize for that
But like how does it feel to have all that trine energy going for you and knowing you won't use it at all due to cancer node and all them Daddy Issues (TM)
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castorochiaro · 2 years
💔 📢 🔔 and 📝 for Scratch because I just enjoy hearing you talk about him :D (This is also a excuse for you to do all emojis if you want, no pressure!)
character ask game [ x ]
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aaaa chy you're always so sweet, thank you for once again enable me to ramble about my favorite dead guy. i accept your challenge to do 'em all!
🏳️‍🌈lgbt+ headcanon - bisexual icon babeyyyyy. toyed with the idea of him being intersex at one point, just would hafta be something i did more research on before i would feel comfortable exploring it in more depth.
💌fluffy headcanon- he purrs. i don't care if it makes no sense i love it so i'm holding on to it.
💔angsty headcanon- scratch was placed in foster care from birth, and has never met his birth parents or learned anything about them. he idealizes being part of a family so much because his experience bouncing between foster families wasn't good. even if he doesn't actively remember his life anymore, those feelings of never quite belonging remain.
🧸 hurt/comfort headcanon- it's common practice for ghosts to honor their death anniversary. i think that's one of the few tidbits of his previous life he recalls, even if he doesn't know when or where or how he died (or "died", in the case of wraith!scratch tho he doesn't know that's what he is). he doesn't know his name, so there's no grave to visit. i think he just lights a candle and is still for a while, letting himself feel those feelings of mourning for a single night out of the year.
🪀silly headcanon- he sings to himself when he's SURE nobody is around. he loves showtunes, and gets musicals stuck in his head all the time.
💤sleep headcanon - wraith!scratch related, but i muse on this headcanon sometimes where while he's sleeping he can briefly end up back in his body again. but it's always such a weird experience, he assumes they're simply dreams and forgets about them. it doesn't happen every time or even most of the time, and occurs less and less the longer he's separated from it.
✨a ship i like with this character - there's quite a few, because he's my favorite and therefore everyone is mandated to love on him. BUT the top faves right now are him with sally, jinx, and alister. my gf and i have this whole headcanon canon-divergent backstory that involves some OCs of hers that i ship him with. and of course, your selfship always makes me feel all warm and smiley!
🔪a ship i Don't like with this character - uHH i mean outside of the obvious no-no stuff, i can't think of one?? i guess i don't really ship him with geoff, but i don't dislike it or anything. just kinda neutral on it?
🎃something i think they're afraid of - ok this is another headcanon-based one, but i've noticed scratch cringes very strongly at the idea of being punished by the ghost council (and by THEM specifically, not anything to do with being thrown in the flow since he mentions being yelled at being the thing he's worried about). so i think he experienced some amount of corporal punishment when he was alive, such that the instinct to brace for impact so to speak is still present, when dealing with authority figures.
📦overall feelings about them - it really takes a special kind of character to strike the spark that scratch does in me. he inspires me, he brings me immense comfort and happiness, and i just! really super appreciate the fact he exists. i get embarrassed about how crushy and silly i get over him, because i genuinely do find him loveable, so...it's nice that people enjoy hearing what i have to say and like the things i write and make about him. he's so special, he deserves all the love!
📢favorite thing about them in canon- it's a tie between his voice and his design/animation. i just have this THING with characters where if they have a unique voice and design, my brain hooks on to them and obsessively studies them. their vocal tics, little bits of animation i like, just...the LITTLE things, y'know?
scratch got me right off the bat because i've been a fan of "aqua teen hunger force" since i was a teenager (and it's a popular source of references in my family because we used to watch it together). but the more i watched how he moved and emoted the more entranced i was with him as his own character.
🧨least favorite thing about them in canon- DEALING WITH HIATUSES I MISS HIM SO MUCH
💬favorite line they've said- oh god i'm horrible with picking favorites on stuff like this. i guess when i think favorite lines, i think of stuff that i come back to a lot in writing/analyzing a character, and for scratch that's him awkwardly explaining to molly why he lied to her about knowing lincoln personally. you can hear in his voice that he's trying to sort out his feelings into words, and that's very new for him.
also really like his speech at the end of the s1 finale. it sums up what makes him work so well as a character: he doesn't look down on molly for caring so much, he finds it greatly admirable! even if that's not the way he is, he loves her personality and is proud to be her friend. his avoidance of caring and commitment stems from a fear of being hurt, rather than him just plain being an apathetic jerk.
he IS a bit of a jerk but with a soft and squishy center
ok one more him bein' a l'il bitch in "friend off" is also fantastic he's so pretty when he's mean
🔔unpopular opinion- i want the wraith!scratch theory to be canon and don't think it diminishes anything about his sadness or loneliness. hell, i think it's even SADDER to imagine he just plain gave up on being alive.
🔊a song that reminds me of them- "love like you" and "i'm still here" always give me big scratch vibes. would love to do an edit to one of them at some point!
📝misc thoughts/headcanons - i LOVE the aspiring actor headcanon! i like to think he always wanted to get into it, but was so terrified of failure he just never went for it. he'd memorize monologues (that he still remembers, even post mortem, and can recite very easily) and get all prepared, but...just end up sitting in the audience, too petrified of making a fool of himself to get on stage. just love the symbolism of him always being part of the audience, but never the show. feels like a good way to sum up how he lived his life, allowing it all to pass him by in order to avoid being hurt by caring too much.
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thenostalgicwitch · 5 months
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Fayxine is the most oldest series of mine, going through many changes to the story and characters. But still sharing one common plot.
Girl is transported to another dimension due to a piece of magical jewelry.
And I assume you're wondering how this all started out, and...um....that's what I'll tell you.
September 26, 2021
I was bored.
Okay that's all!😊
Anyway, so I drew up two random original characters:
(Image of Eleanor, Witch of The Rainbow and Aqua, Witch of The Sea)
And I thought, "These two are going to be witches!😝"
So I did.
And this was going to be something for fun.
Until I started making more characters.
(Electra, Witch of Fire)
(Forgot her name, Queen of The Clouds)
(Callista and Venus, Queen of the Moon and Queen of The Planets)
But as time went by I started to take it very seriously because I was thinking of actually making something out of it and expecting a fandom😭
Now, in this witch-y themed series...I didn't have anything planned for the plot or the story. But the witches were a rank next to the Queens and were supposed to serve as guides for the main characters. Guides for what? Idk.
This lasted from September 26 2021 to October 16 2021)
This soon rebooted into Marina: The Witch of Love.
As you can tell by the title, Marina is a witch of love. In this one, there are remnants of the last one. This still containing the witch storyline and keeping the characters, Queen Calista and Queen Venus.
Of course, there were characters added, like Queen Azura (Queen of the rain) and Queen (Queen of the sun) ...forgot her name, Queen Solar? These two were the most highest-ruling queens in this world. If that makes sense.
And they had a daughter, Princess Alissa, the princess of rainbows.
And of course...Marina's love interest, Mermaid person.
I forgot what the name of Mermaid person is to be honest. Sally?
This lasted until November 12 - November 27, 2021.
And...F.Y.I. In this period I was very obsessed with She-Ra, so I guess the plot had some stuff based on the show. Like how Princess Alissa is based off of Glimmer😭
Okay, you can guess what happened next. It got rebooted again..
Around December, I started watching Atla and It also kind of influenced the story....it's more of like the main character(or June) is just young, around 14 years old and has water powers..wow!
This lasted very shortly, and lasted for 3 days.
December 1st - December 4th 2021
Jinx: Out of This World/Jinx: Cosmic Girl
This was time when I took this series VERY VERY seriously, as if it was going to air on a Tv channel😭
I even wrote a script for it. (I won't paste it here, in a seperate post I will.)
So, this plot is very different from the last 3 or idk rewrites I mentioned in this post.
The story was about an alien girl getting stuck in a portal and ending up in a place called "Fayxina".
She makes friends with a water nymph, Siren and a nature elf, Lotus.
(In this world Nymphs don't have wings but can still fly, idk why I mentioned this though. Felt important.)
And while they guide her back to her home planet, Jinx has to bring peace to this forked up kingdom.
This lasted from December 23, 2021 - January 4, 2022.
Jade (January 8 - Janaury 24, 2022)
Okay, nothing really changed in this rewrite. Rather the protaganist and the plot. Jade isn't an alien, she's a human and she gets lost in a forest but finds a very shiney crystal on the ground. She's very mesmerized by it, and attempts to grab it. BUTT. But....she faints and wakes up in Fayxina.
There were extra characters added, like Selene. A pirate who also happens to be Siren's sister.
Serena of Lazuli, the ruler of Lazuli ofc.
Fay, electric elf. I forgot to say that anyone from Stormtrixie Kingdom are often looked down upon because of their ruler, Thundrixa. Thundrixa was apart of this warrior group thing, but she got kicked out due to her rude and cruel nature and causing fights amongst the members.
Oh yeah, forgot.
Solar: Valykrie of The Sun
Eclipse: Fairy of The Moon
Serena: Nymph of The Sea
Rosalia: Nymph of Nature
Ignis: Knight of Flame
Nivisa: Elf of Ice.
All of these people saved Fayxina from something centuries ago. And were crowned queens of their respective nations. But that didn't pay off because Thundrixa is ANGRY and getting REVENGE😱
Okay, so where was I....
In this era, Jade got redesigned a few weeks later and that's all for this um...rewrite?
Into Fayxina (February 13 2022 - April 12 2022)
Wow, lasted 2 months! Not the longest though.
There's nothing much to explain, I just added more characters and redesigned + renamed the main character....again. This time, her name is Odette. And this is when we get this iconic design:
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And then thereks MORE...characters....it's been an hour..
Then there's ANOTHER antagonist....Valentina...she has plant powers!....and probably the love interest fo Odette. But thereks also another girl....Monique, an enemy sent by Thundrixa...and at first she was WILLING to do it, she was willing to kill Odette for the necklace. But she just had no guts to fight her at all because she's in love with Odette.
Okay, so you might think that's all..right? No, but we're halfway done with all the rewrites it went through.
For 3 months, I stopped working on it, because back in April 26 2022, I swore that I would end it without any episodes written for it. UNTIL.
On July 18th, I drew this:
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And I have to say, that this is really pretty.
Now, the plot slightly changed. It was about Eva, an overworked waitress receiving a gift from someone (not sure who) and then after work, she opens the box to a diamond..pearl..necklace! Wow, so rich.
Although, the necklace starts to shine....really really brightly and BLINDS her.
She wakes up to another world. And meets Monique. And then later on they meet Siren.
And this was more mature...I remember writing a script for it one time and I threw in some curse words😭 that was very embarrassing.
As usual, the main character/Eva went through more redesigns. But still keeping the original plot. I even made this sheet
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Finally, we get to the current version: Fayxine. (December 22, 2022 - Present)
The current version still has some elements of the last one. There's monarchy, the rulers were still there and the main character's design was reverted back to Odette. And of course...the plot.
Instead of the main characters being 3 people, I added 3 more? I even released it actually! But it was poorly written because I thought I wasn)t going to actually release it. But here:
And...that's the history of Fayxine! I'm not really sure for it's future, whether I'll actually write it or not. But that's the summary of how it came to be. Took me 2 hours to write😭
The End of Fayxina (written by Me on the notes app)
Jade: Pilot (Written by me on Google documents)
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blue-orb · 2 years
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"A'ight. No big if you change your mind, 'Kay? I am a Pokémon protector. You wouldn't be the only person t' make use 'v Aqua's help."
"And I'm not creepy, like Aether. Or does sayin' that just jinx me?"
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lunar-eclipse5323 · 2 years
Blue and Red(An Arcane Short Story)
Vi let out a yell of frustration as she punched a nearby brick wall, how could she be so stupid?! "Fuck....Fuck....FUCK!" She exclaimed as she ran a hand through the one wave of red locks on her head. Caitlyn tried to calm her down but instead she got spoken to by a very grief and anger filled red head, "NO! TOPSIDE YOU DON'T FUCKING GET IT?! You...you don't understand...I left her! I left Powder to be with Silco. Jinx...Jinx is my younger sister and she's like this because of me. I left her....after hitting her. It's all my damn fault."Caitlyn's eyes widen as she hears what Vi was saying; watching the girl that paced in front of her. When she spoke once more, her British accent was clearly stronger now, "your sister...is that insane blue haired girl?!" Vi growled and nods as she stopped and looked at the topsider, clenching and unclenching her fists as she glared at her, "listen,Cupcake. She....Powder is still in there, I know that she i-"; the red head was cut off as she notices a ticking noise before suddenly being blinded by smoke, two eyes that were clearly from someone who took some Shimmer, the addictive drug Silco had given to those that lived in The Lanes and The Underground. "Ah...someone's talking about me?! How mean!" In front of the two stood Jinx, a devilish smile across her face. Vi goes to open her mouth but was suddenly thrown to the ground and deafened by a ringing noise. Jinx had thrown a bomb and had taken Caitlyn. However for a brief moment Jinx had held a gun to Vi's head to shoot her and kill her. Vi was clearly disoriented and confused as she watched her sister leave with the limp body of Caitlyn before she passed out.
Mylo,Claggor,Powder and Vi were jumping from roof to roof as they approached the destination that Little Man had told them about. Vi paused on a ledge of a building before sliding down the aqua blue roof and grabbing ahold of a balcony railing after inching herself to it along a ledge and then turn around at the balcony. Vi launched herself from the balcony with an impressive boost from her legs to the other roof. Vi grinned as she looked at the others.
"Couldn't we have gone on the ground?!" Mylo whined as he looked between the balcony with the cupcakes on it and Vi. "Mylo. We are in the Academic district, there are Enforcers flooding the streets below." Vi gestured towards the ground below them. Mylo groans and copies Vi's previous movements, Claggor following suit. Powder now stood on the roof alone, looking at Vi nervously. "See this is why we shouldn't have brought her alon-OW!" He shuts up once Vi punches his side roughly. "Powder...you're ready." She assured her younger sister as she gave her a reassuring smile, "I'm ready..." Powder mumbled before copying the older kids movements. She soon boosts herself off of the balcony and towards the other roof the others were on, she lands on the roof but loses balance and falls backwards, towards the stone road under her...
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lordofoblivion · 4 years
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mountphoenixrp · 27 days
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The Sunshine Festival is coming up fast! In preparation, you can find the program for the market and concert stage below!
Market Booths:
The Flower Mill Goods/Services: An assortment of baked goods (sunshine shaped eggtart, songpyeon, sunshine macaron), caramel cold brew, and iced coffee.
Honeypot Brewery & Tapas Goods/Services: Aqua fresca (strawberry, cucumber, lime), burritos, and ceviche. Specials: Double Trouble coupons: for two people to enjoy a full Mexican-style meal for the price of one; city trivia game prize winner will receive ultra special prize.
Ice Ice Baby Goods/Services: Gourmet ice cream! Specials: Buy one, get one free single scoop cones; 20% off ice cream sundaes.
Spilled Tea Goods/Services: Strawberry, Lychee, and Matcha boba tea and herbal tea bags for sell. Specials: Buy three tea bags, get one free.
Sweet Spot (Eros’ pop up chocolate and sweets booth) Goods/Services: Fine flower and fruit infused chocolates, light sweet confections, dipped fruit, “love dust”, and love advice. Specials: Archery target practice game with prizes for romantic dates.
Dagger & Roses Goods/Services: Custom jewelry and weapons commissions. Specials: 30% for commission orders placed at the festival. Metalwork classes bundles (sign up for 3 classes, get 2 additional sessions free).
Jinxxed Goods/Services: Bone/tea/tarot readings, candle blessings, spell pouch making. Specials: 40% off crystals with proof of reading(s); free admission to one full moon ritual.
Halo Salon & Spa Goods/Services: Shoulder massages, hair trims, and manicures. Specials: 20% off your next visit coupons handed out to every customer.
Maibee Art Goods/Services: Handmade home decor, jewellery, personalized gifts and other art. Will be live painting. Specials: 15% off of everything; free hedgehog or bee charm with every purchase.
Stop&Paws Goods/Services: Mini grooming service (brush out & bandannas/bows for pets); “Meet the Adoptables” pen; and a pet cool down station with water dishes and a small pool. Specials: $10 mini grooming service; 20% off adoption fee for all animals at the festival; free pet treats.
HEXED (Claire, Cassandra & Charlotte), rock band
HEXED will be headlining the festival, playing a set of their best songs (so far) every day. Fans might even get a sneak peak of a song or two off their up-coming album...
Stargazers Group (Heather, Dakota, Hunter & Invidia), singing
The group will be performing covers of popular songs like MILLION DOLLAR BABY (Tommy Richman), Too Sweet (Hozier), and Oui ou non (BRÖ).
Esther Yu, piano performance
Esther will perform Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter, Naked in Mahattan by Chappelle Roan, and I Can Do It With A Broken Heart by Taylor Swift.
Vulpe Blanford, piano performance
Vulpe will perform a piano rearrangement of the La La Land soundtrack.
Please use this information to plot with as many people as you would like! Employees and performers can have threads where they are working/performing and threads during their days off at the festival, if you’d like.
There is no time limit for threads, but the event will only officially last a week, so make sure to start your threads or whatever else you have in mind once it begins! And please be sure to post all event-related threads in the designated Discord channel.
Most importantly, of course, have fun!
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silvers-smuttery · 3 years
I decide what I wanna write. I reserve the right to cancel RPs and dismiss asks if I don't find them appealing.
I write my muses the way I like, according to my headcanons. Be aware of how I write them, before you send an ask. You are welcome to ask me.
No god-modding in the asks. Put my muse in lewd situations, but don't tell me how they act or react!
I do enjoy a bit of setup to get a sense of the scene and inspire me. The less details you give on what your muse does, the harder things get for me, and the more likely your ask gets dismissed.
For the sake of smut, most couples are in open relationships and screw around with other people. BUT if you are shipping muses into a relationship or make them date, I have to agree with the ship myself. Feel free to ask me on my opinions on ships.
If you want to RP, send the starter to my ask box and I'll respond when I am ready.
I won't write Scat, Gore, Blackmail (unless specifically asked) or NTR, though more consensual cucking is still on the table.
Writing many and multiple muses honestly is exhausting. I'd rather write just two muses and focus on them, than speeding through more than that. Two muses is the limit. Three characters tops, but the ask needs to be really good.
If you've read my rules and want to interact, send me [Pineapple Pizza]
I like my canon muses to stay with Canon Muses, and usually prefer OCs with OCs. If an OC is paired with a canon muse, I usually prefer they don't or barely know each other beforehand.
DO NOT spam-like my picture reblogs. It's annoying and makes you look like a bot.
I don't answer to simple, one-word messages in the DMs. If you want something, just say it. Don't be meek and hide your intentions behind civil conversation.
Open RP Starters
OC Master List
Main Muse List
My Hero Academia
Ochako Uraraka, Momo Yaoyorozu, Mina Ashido, Tsuyu Asui, La Brava, Midnight, Mt Lady
Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, All Might, Minoru Mineta
Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao Long, Nora Valkyrie, Penny Polendina, Emerald, Salem, Glynda,
Sun Wukong, Taiyang Xiao Long, Qrow, Mercury,
Open to play more if I like the setup
One Piece
Nami, Nico Robin, Boa Hancock, Carrot, Perona, Marguerite, Jewelry Bonney, O-Kiku, Ulti, Yamato, Uta
Comic Books/Superheroes
Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Raven, Starfire, Blackfire, Jinx, Helen Parr, Violet Parr
Dick Greyson (Robin/Nightwing), Red Hood, Tim Drake, Superman, Beast Boy, Spiderman, Batman
My Little Pony/EQG
Mane 6 (mainly Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy), Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, Luna, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Lyra, Bonbon, probably various others
Shining Armor, Spike
Katara, Toph, Azula, Ty Lee,
Aang, Sokka, maybe Zuko
Persona 5
Ann Takamaki, Makoto Nijima, Futaba Sakura, Sae Nijima, Tae Takemi, Yoshizawa, Sadayo Kawakami,
Generally accepting of pretty much all girls and Pokémon. Yes, Poképhilia too.
Adventure Time
Marceline, Princess Bubblegum, Huntress Wizard, Fionna the Human
Finn the Human
Pacifica Northwest, Wendy Corduroy, Mabel Pines, Tambry, Jackie Lynn Thomas, Hekapoo, Snow White, Rapunzel, Tinkerbelle
Dipper Pines
Smash: Samus, Dark Samus, Palutena, Wii Fit Trainer, Byleth,
Fe3H: Byleth, Bernadetta, Dorothea, Mercedes, Annette, Hilda, Flayn, Rhea, Dimitri, Ashe, Silvain, Felix, Ferdinand, Linhardt, Raphael, Yuri, Constance
Dragon Quest: Jade, Serena, Veronica, Mia, Luminary, Erik,
Android 18, Bulma, Chichi, Noelle Silva, Trixie Tang, Frankie Foster, Stocking, Darkness, Aqua, Rouge the Bat, Peridot, Lapis Lazuli, Spinel, Priyanka Maheswaran, Tsunade, Hinata Hyuga, Lucoa, Velma Dinkley, Daphne Blake, Gogo Tomago, Honey Lemon, Millie (Helluva Boss), Verosika, Loona, Astolfo, Seras Victoria, Revy (Black Lagoon), Judy Hopps, Rebecca, Tatsumaki
Kazuma (Konosuba), Hiro (BH6),
Kink list:
stuff in public, exhibitionism, voyeurism, misogyny, patriarchy, pregnancy, analplay, edging, rimjobs, Futanari, breast and ass envy, twerking, musk & loving relationships full of trust, commitment & sexy times
Open RP Starters
Alternate Universes:
RWBY Highschool AU, Free Use AU, Misogyny AU, Bimbofication AU, Faunus AU
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