#like joe please fix me :3
joeys-babe · 10 months
Joey B Blurbs: Drive My Car
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Summary: You still haven't learned your lesson… and are back with a Joe prank! Now it's calling your poor husband to tell him about your discovery of “Christmas gas”.
Warnings: Fluff, slight illusion to smut
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Into The Mystic
December 12th, 2023
I still don't know how Joe isn't tired of me and my tricks yet. After all of the pranks I've pulled on him I just keep finding more.
Bored in bed since Joe was gone, I found a prank I could do on him over the phone and immediately got down to business.
He was at his parent's house helping his mom build a new dresser like the amazing son he is while I stayed at home with Tyson and Miles. They weren't awake yet so I could put Joe on speaker while recording with his iPad.
After making my hair look decent I pulled Joe’s contact up and called him.
In usual amazing husband fashion, he answered in less than two rings.
“Hey Joey.” - you
“Hey, Mama. What's up? Do I need to step outside for this.” - Joe
Even though I loved Robin with my whole heart, I really didn't want her to think I was a ditz who thought diesel was “Christmas gas”.
“Uhm, yes.” - you
“Okay gimme a sec.” - Joe
A few moments later you could hear the back sliding door shut and Joe told you to keep going.
“Okay so the other day I saw this TikTok about this thing called Christmas gas and I wanted to try it. So I did. Now my car barely even got home and it was making a weird sound.” - you
“Baby… what? What the fuck is Christmas gas and where did you get it?” - Joe
“The gas station we always go to! It's just gas that's supposed to smell like pine wood for the holidays.” - you
I had to mute myself because I was dying laughing. Joe sighed and groaned out of pure annoyance before clearing his throat to speak.
“You actually put it in your car?” - Joe
“Mhm. Should I have not of?” - you
“I don't know, y/n! I've never heard of damn Santa gas or whatever the hell!” - Joe
“Christmas gas! It’s a limited edition!” - you
“Limited edition… baby why would they have limited edition gas?” - Joe
“I don't know. It was like three more dollars a gallon though and didn't even smell like pine wood.” - you
“Oh my god. y/n, was it coming from the green nozzle?” - Joe
“Yes! You have heard of it!” - you
“y/n, that's diesel babe! Did you put diesel in your car?” - Joe
“No, I put the Christmas gas in.” - you
“The green nozzle is diesel, y/n. That's why it was 3 more dollars than the regular gas, and why your car isn't working, because you put diesel in your gas car!” - Joe
“Are you sure? The gas station was decorated for Christmas and the green pump even had lights on it.” - you
“Yes, I'm sure! I'm gonna have to call the mechanic and take your car in when I get home later. Hopefully, your engine isn't ruined.” - Joe
“Is my car going to be ruined, Joey?” - you
“I don't know baby. You have to stop doing those stupid TikTok trends, y/n.” - Joe
“I’m sorry Joe. If my car’s ruined don't feel like you have to get it fixed.” - you
“That's BS. Imma get your damn car fixed. Just promise you won't do stuff like that till you run it by me because it might be a scam.” - Joe
“Okay, baby. I love you.” - you
“I love you too, just don't use your car till I get home. If you need to go somewhere before I do just take one of mine.” - Joe
“Thank you, just one more thing to tell you before you go.” - you
“Please tell me you didn't get your oil changed with reindeer piss.” - Joe
I busted out laughing and Joe giggled along with me, proud of how he was quick enough to make a funny joke.
“No! But… this was a prank.” - you
“Oh my god y/n! So your car is fine?” - Joe
“Yes. I haven't even left the house… or even the bed yet today.” - you
“Shit babe, you had me worried for a minute. Well, I'm gonna go. I love you.” - Joe
“I love you too! Kinda sad I won't get to see you play sexy mechanic though.” - you
“Pregnancy hormones?” - Joe chuckled
“They’re through the roof.” - you giggled
“I’ll help when I get home.” - Joe
I could practically hear his smirk in his lust-laced promise.
“Bye, Joey.” - you
“Bye, Mama. Don’t be buyin’ any gasoline from elves ya hear?” - Joe
“Yes, sir.” - you laughed and Joe hung up
That gorgeous man is a saint for putting up with me.
Authors note: this is my favorite thing ever?! Saw this request in my inbox and IMMEDIATELY started writing.
Request for this fic;
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winchesterwild78 · 9 days
A Home and a Heart
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Master List
Characters: Jack Durfy x Reader
Warnings: Language, Inappropriate propositions, angst, injury
A/N: Just a quick story, not too long. Maybe two or three chapters. I haven’t seen Buddy Games, but I did Google the character. I know he wasn’t in the movie long, but we can always use our imagination.
This is a work of fiction and does not depict real life or the movie in any way. 
Please do not take my work, reblogs are appreciated.
Minors DNI 18+
The rain drummed against the roof, echoing through the small, cramped house. You sighed, your heart heavy with worry. You had been trying to keep your head above water, but it seemed the problems just kept piling up. The leaky roof, the faulty stove outlet, and the crumbling front steps were more than you could handle.
You were a single mother to a very active 3 year old boy, Tommy. He was the light of your life, but it was also exhausting doing everything alone. Tommy’s father ditched you the minute he found out you were pregnant, and you haven’t heard from him since. 
Your family and best friend have been an amazing support for him and you. When you had to work late at the hospital, they would watch him and help take care of him. 
Being so fiercely independent, you refused to tell them just how bad the repairs needed really were. Your best friend, Abby, knew. She offered to help you, but you refused. She had just had a baby and she and her husband were trying to build their nest egg. You couldn’t take money from them. 
Desperate, you reached out to local handymen for help. The first one showed up in a fancy new truck. He walked around your home and took notes, he went on the roof and when he came down he handed you a quote for $15,000. Your eyes almost popped out of your head. “Well, thank you so much for coming out. I’ll let you know.” He nodded and got in his truck and left. 
The other quotes were any better. None of the companies were willing to set up payments with you. Even though you had a steady job and amazing credit they said they weren’t willing to make arraignments for such a large amount. 
The last two contractors were far worse. You showed Joe in and he walked around. He started to head towards your bedroom, “Um, excuse me, there isn’t anything in there that needs repairing.” He turned and walked over to you, “Oh not yet, darlin’, but I’m sure you can’t pay so we can work something out.” His hand brushed against your breast. 
“ I think you should leave.” “Ah don’t be like that. I know you’re lonely and need more than just your house worked on.” You were fuming, “Leave, NOW!” 
He grabbed his stuff and left. You were starting to feel hopeless. You called Abby, “Hey Abbs. I don’t know what to do. I’ve called every handyman I can find and they are either too high, won’t do a payment plan, or they try to sleep with me. I need to give Tommy a safe place to live. I don’t want to walk away from this house. It’s mine and it’s something I’m proud of having.”
 Abby offered a sympathetic ear, “I know honey. Maybe you can try and call Jack Durfy. He owns Durfy Construction, he can be a bit of an ass, but I know he’s got a kind heart. When John got laid off a few years ago, Jack had him come work for him so he could make some money.” “I didn’t know that. I’ll give him a call, thanks Abbs.” 
Jack owned Durfy Construction, and though he had a reputation for being gruff, you were willing to give him a chance. You called him up and asked him to come by for a consultation. “Mr Durfy, my friend Abby Smith told me to call you. I own a small home and it’s in need of some urgent repairs. I’m going to be honest with you so I’m not wasting your time, I’m a single mom on a fixed income. I’d be willing to set up a payment plan if you were open to it.” “Well, let me come out there and take a look. I’ll let you know.”
The next morning you saw Jack driving down your driveway in his big truck. Tommy was standing at the door, jumping up and down seeing the truck. “Truck, mommy, truck!” You scooped up the toddler, “Yes baby I see it’s a truck. Mr. Durfy is here to see if he can help fix the house. 
Jack walked up the stairs and noticed how broken they were. You greeted him with a warm smile and an extended hand, “Hello Mr Durfy, thank you for coming by. I really appreciate it.” He shook your hand, “Hello Ms Y/L/N, it’s nice to meet you, and who’s this little guy?” He ruffled Tommy’s hair. Your toddler squealed in delight, “I’m Tommy.” “Well, hello Tommy. Want to show me the house buddy?” Tommy nodded excitedly. You smiled softly.
As Jack inspected the house, he discovered even more problems than you had initially realized.
“So Ms, Y/L/N, besides the roof, front steps, and stove outlet, I unfortunately found some other things that need attention as soon as possible. The foundation is cracked by your bedroom, and the main bathroom has a leak into the walls. That’s going to require a complete demolition of the bathroom, so we can dry out the wall and replace everything.” 
Tears pricked your eyes. “Oh wow. I definitely got screwed over when I bought this place. I never should have bought it.” The tears started to fall. You wiped them away quickly, “I’m sorry Mr. Durfy. How much will all of this cost me? 
“Well, first, please call me Jack, and I can do it all for about $5,000.” You sat and looked at him in disbelief, “I’m sorry, what? $5,000? That’s it? Please Mr. Durfy, I mean Jack, please tell me the full price.” 
“That is the full price. I don’t take advantage of people and I own all of my own equipment and have all the material needed for the repairs already. I tell you what, if you’d agree to do something for me I’d be willing to do the repairs at no cost.”
“You know what, I’m tired of men thinking I’d spread my legs for them to get repairs done.” “Whoa! What? Y/N, I’m not asking you to sleep with me. Jesus. What kind of man do you think I am? Shit!” 
Your face turned red with embarrassment, “Jack I’m so sorry. The last guy I had here tried to get me to sleep with him to do the repairs. I am so sorry. I understand if you want to leave.”
“Let me guess, Joe Collins?” “Yes, how did you know?” “The guy is a douchebag. He tries to jack up his rates and then sleeps with women to get them lower.” “That’s disgusting.” “Yeah it really is.”
“So, like I was saying, I work really late at night, sometimes I just sleep in the office trailer. It’s been years since I’ve had a home cooked meal, and I know you can cook. Abby told me. (he smirked) So if you’d be willing to cook some meals for me, I’d be willing to do the repairs for you. Of course I might need Tommy’s assistance with tools and stuff, if that’s okay with you.”
“Wow, that’s really generous of you. I know Tommy would love to help you with tools. I doubt you’d get the right one you needed, but he’d try. Sure, I’ll cook for you. Are you allergic to anything or have any dietary restrictions?”
“Nope, I’m not a pansy. I like meat and eat junk, so I’m good for anything.” “Having allergies and dietary restrictions don’t make you a pansy.” You chuckled. 
A few days later you were woken up by the sound of walking on the roof. You looked over at the clock and it was a little after 6am. You grumbled and grabbed your robe. Walking outside you stepped into the yard, “Um, since when did we agree to you coming at the crack of dawn to start working?” 
Jack looked down at you and chuckled, “Sorry sweetheart, there is rain coming in later and we wanted to get this roof pulled off and the new one laid before it comes in.” 
“Ugh! Fine. Wait, I just needed a repair, not a whole new roof.” Jack looked down at you, “The repair area was just too big. It makes more sense to just do a new roof.” “Okay, well I’ll be in the house trying to sleep. I have a shift in a few hours.” 
“Sweet dreams” Jack chuckled. You lazily waved and climbed up the stairs and went inside. Abby had taken Tommy to her house for the night, so you grabbed your earphones, turned on some white noise and went back to sleep. 
A few hours later your alarm went off and you got out of bed. Hearing the hammering overhead you figured they were already laying the new roof. Dang they work fast. You went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Waiting for the water to heat up, you went into the kitchen and started your coffee. You made extra for Jack and the guys working with him. 
Jumping in the shower you cleaned yourself and your hair. You finished getting ready for work then went into the kitchen and started cooking something to eat. You figured Jack and the other guys were hungry, so you whipped up something filling for them too. 
You ate quickly and grabbed your cup of coffee. Grabbing your bag you went outside and got Jack’s attention. He climbed down from the roof, “Hey, I hope we were as quiet as we could be.” “Oh I put in my earbuds, I didn’t hear anything but the soothing sounds of the ocean.” Jack chuckled. 
“So I’m heading out to work, I left the front door unlocked for you. I made you guys something to eat and some coffee if you’re hungry. All I ask is you guys stay out of my underwear drawer.” Jack chuckled, “Now where’s the fun in that. You know you learn a lot about someone by the underwear in their drawer.” You looked at Jack unamused. He threw his hands up in defeat, “Sorry, I was just kidding. We don’t go through people’s things. You can trust us. Thanks for cooking, you didn’t have to.” “Yes I did, I thought that was our arrangement.” “Yes, but only for me. I can’t have you spoiling my guys.” 
You smiled and touched his chest. “Don’t worry, I’ll save the good stuff for you.” Your fingers lingered on his chest for a few minutes. His chest was so toned and firm. Your breath quickened. Jack’s heart started pounding, he liked your hand on his chest. 
You cleared your throat, “Well have a good evening, Jack. I’ll see you later.” “Yeah, bye, Y/N, have a good shift, and thanks for the food.” You waved and nodded as you climbed in your car. 
Driving to work all you could think about was Jack. His piercing green eyes, his smile, his bowed legs perfectly hugged by his blue jeans, his toned chest, and his whiskey silky voice. You hadn’t realized your face had flushed or that you were biting your lip until you put your car in park at work. 
You took a deep shaky breath before getting out. This attraction to Jack came out of nowhere. You really need to get it under control since he’ll be working at your house. 
A few hours into your shift you walked into a patient's room to check on them before they were discharged. That’s when you heard a familiar voice coming from the room next door. 
“The nurse will be right with you sir. I’m just the triage nurse.” She walked out of the room and handed you the chart, “This one is a little grumpy. He keeps complaining he doesn’t have time for this shit.” 
You snorted, “Okay, thanks for the heads up.” You looked at the chart and softly gasped. Jack Durfy, Male, 46 years old. 
Of course this happens. You took a deep breath and knocked on the door. “Come in” you heard his gruff voice say. 
As soon as Jack saw you his eys softened. “Well, hey sweetheart.” You smiled and blushed a little, “Jack, what happened?” 
“It was stupid, I got distracted and fell off the roof. I think I broke a rib and I sliced my hand pretty good.” 
“Oh my god, Jack! Okay let me see the hand first.” 
You removed the temporary dressing and looked at his hand. Taking his large, calloused hand in yours sent a shiver through your body and straight between your thighs. Your breath quickened. 
Swallowing hard, “You’re going to need stitches. I’m going to clean the wound and get the sutures on it.” Jack just nodded. 
As you cleaned his wound and stitched him up, he watched you, completely mesmerized by you. The way your fingers brushed over his skin, like a delicate dance, only the two of you were invited to. 
You bit your lip as you worked. Your eyes flicked up to his, God he’s got gorgeous green eyes. And his lips look so plump and soft. 
“Okay, all patched up. X-ray will be here to take you in a few minutes. Hopefully nothing is broken.” Your hand lingered on his for a few moments. “Hey, Y/N, thank you.” He touched your hand as you started to walk away. 
You smiled and nodded. A few minutes later they came to take him away to get his x-rays done. 
You sent Abby a text. 
You: Girl, Jack got injured and he’s here right now. I just finished working on him. 
Abby: Mmm is that what it’s called now. 😝 
You: Girl, stop. 😂 
Abby: He’s single, you’re single, he’s hot, you’re hot. 
You: No I’m not, girl stop. There is no way he’d be interested in me, an frompy, single mom. 
Abby: Don’t sell yourself short. You’re amazing, beautiful and a kick ass mom. Anyone would be lucky to have you. 
You: Thanks, Abbs. Well he’s back from x-ray. Gotta go. Give Tommy a kiss for me. 
Abby: Will do, go give Jack a big kiss, make his boo boos all better. 😘 
You: Yeah right. 🙄 
Your face flushed a little with Abby’s texts. You walked back into his room. “So now we wait for the doctor to read the film and he’ll tell us what to do next. Jack, I can’t believe you fell off the room. You could have been killed. I’m so glad you’re okay.” You touched his shoulder. 
His eyes sparkled under the harsh lights of the ER, “Me too, not sure what happened. I was just distracted and lost my footing. It was stupid.” 
The doctor came in a few minutes later, “Mr Durfy, I don’t see broken ribs, they are however bruised really bad. I’m going to have Ms. Y/L/N to wrap it pretty good for you. Keep it on unless you absolutely need to take it off, like to shower. Do you have someone who can help you wrap it tight again?” 
Jack looked up and was about to say no, but you nodded yes. “Um, yeah I guess I do.” “Great, then I’ll let you get wrapped up and we can discharge you. Ms. Y/L/N, wrap him tight and get him ready to go home.” You nodded, “Yes, sir. Mr. Durfy, I’ll be right back with the wrap and your discharge papers.” Jack nodded and you walked out.
Coming back in with the wrap and his papers you took a deep breath. “Okay, Jack I, um, need you to remove your shirt.” Jack took his shirt off and you let out a soft gasp. He was so toned, and being this close to him made you quiver between your thighs.
“This might hurt a bit, but let me know if it’s unbearable.” Jack nodded and you got to work. “Lift your arms slightly for me.” You started to wrap the bandage around his torso. You noticed goosebumps erupt on his skin as you wrapped his ribs. You leaned around him and your chest was flush with his as you reached around to wrap around his back. 
As you stood back up, you stopped and Jack placed his fingers lightly on your chin. “You’re incredible, you know that?” You blushed, “Thank you.” “I mean it, you are amazing at your job, you’re a kick ass mother, and you’re so beautiful.” 
“Jack, I, um, don’t know what to say.” He smiled softly at you, “You don’t have to say anything, darlin’.” Jack’s fingers brushed against your face, you leaned into his touch, instinctively. 
“What would you do if I told you I wanted to kiss you?” You softly chuckled, “I’d ask if you hit your head when you fell.” “I didn’t, and I’m serious. I’ve wanted to kiss you since the moment I met you.” 
You bit your lip and took a deep breath, “Well, then do it.” You couldn’t believe you told him to kiss you. Your heart was pounding in your chest and you felt like you were going to pass out. 
Jack leaned in closer to you, your lips inches from each other. Your breath hitched. Jack softly pressed his lips to yours and you pressed yours to his. 
The kiss was soft and tender, not rushed or needy. As you two pulled back, his hand held onto your arm for a few minutes. 
“That was so good. I can’t wait to do it again.” He smiled at you. “Me either, Jack.” So he leaned in and placed his lips to yours, this time the kiss was deeper. He put his hand in your hair and pulled you between his legs. His tongue swiped across your lips, asking for entrance. You parted your lips and Jack deepened the kiss more. You moaned into his mouth.
The kiss was incredible, sending chills through your body. When the two of you finally pulled apart, you both smiled at each other. “Well, Mr. Durfy, you should head home to rest. I’ll see you later.” He smiled, “Yeah, I’ll see you after your shift. I need to go finish up some stuff before I call it a day. You shook your head, “Jack, please go home and rest. Whatever it is can wait.” 
Jack got off the table and grabbed his shirt, putting it on, “I’ll think about it.” He placed another soft kiss on your lips and smirked. 
“I’m never going to stop kissing you, I hope you know that.” “Good, because I don’t want you too. I’ll see you later, Jack.” “I’ll see you later, sweetheart.” 
With that, Jack grabbed his things and left the ER. You were left finishing your shift, thinking about the shared kiss and what it will mean for your future. You hoped it meant the beginning of something wonderful, but you were still guarded, and not just for your sake, but for Tommy. Only time will tell for sure.
Part 2….Coming Soon
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joeybsversion · 1 year
Come Home
Joe Burrow x Reader
Joe sees you out with a new guy after your breakup.
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“Shit.” You muttered. You’d recognize that laugh anywhere. You looked around the room through the crowd of people drinking, laughing, and dancing until you spotted him. Those damn Cartier glasses on his face complemented by a big smile.
“What’s wrong babe?” Your boyfriend asked, following your gaze across the room to see what or who you were looking at.
“Oh nothing,” you made yourself look busy and fumbled through your purse, “I thought I left my wallet up at the bar, but it’s right here.” You pulled it out and gave him a reassuring smile. “Should we sit right here?” You pulled out a chair from the high top and took a seat before he even answered.
“Works for me.” He grinned and took a seat. “Isn’t that some of the bengals players over there?” He motioned to a group of guys.
“Where?” You asked, acting like you hadn’t seen them already.
“I bet it is. Out celebrating after their win tonight. I heard they come here!”
“That’s cool!” You chimed in, acting as though you hadn’t been here on multiple occasions after games with Joe.
You took a sip of your drink, fixed your hair, and laughed at every word your boyfriend said, just doing your best to make yourself look busy and act like you hadn’t even noticed your ex boyfriend across the room. You’ve only been seeing your current boyfriend for a few months now. It’s been super casual and you hadn’t mentioned your previous relationship with Joe. It’s not like you’d been avoiding the conversation, you just hadn’t had the chance to say “Hey, you know your favorite quarterback, Joe Burrow? Yeah so him and I actually dated for 4 years. Things were super serious, but it just didn’t work out.” You let out a small laugh as the thought crossed your mind.
“What’s so funny?” Your boyfriend asked.
“Nothing.” You smiled “Just enjoying my drink.” You took another sip.
“I’ll go get you another one.” He smiled and left the table to join the crowd at the bar all trying to get a drink.
You pulled out your phone and scrolled through Instagram, singing along to the song that was on.
“Hey.” You felt a hand on your shoulder and heard a familiar voice behind you.
“Joe.. hey.” You acted surprised.
“Whose the new guy?”
“Skipping the small talk I see.” You rolled your eyes. “No one you know and honestly none of your business.” You turned back to your phone.
“Is it serious?” He continued.
“It’s serious enough.” You answered and he continued to stand next to you. “What? Why are you asking me these questions and why do you even care?” You asked. “You left me, remember?” You tilted your head to the side, waiting for a response. “So why do you care who I’m with? And if it’s serious or not? I’m happy, I’m at peace, and he loves me. I don’t pop into your life and disturb you. So please, stay out of mine.” You pressed your straw to your lips and took another big drink.
He continued to stare. “What? What do you want?” You asked.
“One more question and then I’ll leave.” He said. “How do you know he loves you?” You could hear the hurt in his voice.
You looked at your ex and shook your head, “because the way he looks at me when he thinks I’m not looking, is the way I use to look at you..”
You both stared at each other in silence. “I’m sorry… for how things ended.” Joe said and looked down. “I really am sorry.”
“Joe, to be completely real with you right now, getting over you was a horrific and traumatic thing to go through. I spent countless nights crying over someone who didn’t give me a second thought or an explanation for the pain they caused me. One day though, I began to heal.” You took a deep breath. “Now when I think about you, I remember the lessons you taught me and wish you the best.”
“Please don’t act like what happened to us was easy for me to go through.” You could hear the anger in his voice. “People always say that it hurts the most at night and apparently screaming into your pillow at 3 AM is the equivalent of being heart broken. But sometimes it would be 7 AM on a Tuesday morning and I’d catch a whiff of peppermint tea and it would make me miss you so much I wouldn’t know what to do.” He finished, letting out a big sigh and walking back over to his team.
You sat in silence, thinking over everything Joe had just said. Analyzing his words, and his facial expressions, and the way his voice cracked when he said he missed you so much he didn’t know what to do.”
“Sorry babe, long line.” Your boyfriend set your drink down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Everything ok?” He asked. “Earlier you were so giggly, and now you seem down.”
“Yeah, just not feeling very good all of a sudden.” You assured him.
“Too much to drink?”
“Something like that.” You turned to see Joe walking out of the bar alone. Pulling his hood over his head and keeping his face towards the ground. “Was he crying?” You thought to yourself. You turned around and the rest of the team was still celebrating.
“That is the Bengals!” Your boyfriend pointed in the direction you were already looking. “I asked the bar tender. He said they come here a lot after games. He said Joe was even here!” He looked around the group excitedly trying to catch a glimpse of his favorite quarter back.
You smiled back at him “cool.”
“I’m going to go close out our tab.. let’s get you home. Go get some fresh air, I’ll meet you out front.” He excused himself from the table again and made his way up to the bar.
You gathered your belongings and grabbed your phone. You felt a quick buzz and looked down, you had a missed call and voicemail from Joe.
You quickly pressed your phone to your ear. “Hey. I’m really not sure of much right now. But I am sure of one thing, I was in love with you.” You could hear his voice shaking over the phone. “I am still in love with you… and love isn’t something you give up on. So I’ve chosen not to give up on you. I won’t give up on you.” Your turned the volume up on your phone and pressed a finger into your opposite ear hoping to block out the noise of the busy bar. “One day, if you ever miss me, just know that you can come home to me…. Just come home already.” The message ended.
Butterflies somersaulted in your stomach as you rushed out the front door of the bar. You looked to your left and saw Joe climbing into the seat of a dark SUV.
“JOE! WAIT!!” You called after the car, attempting to wave it down as it pulled away from the curb. “Wait!” You yelled again, following in its direction.
The red break lights flashed bright as you continued to chase after it down the sidewalk. The door flung open and out came a hand “let’s go home, baby girl.”
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thebadjoe · 10 days
Wow! It's been a long while, but it's finally here! DRDT Chapter 2 is back with part 2 starting since more than a week ago!
...Oh? What's that? There's some reveals that is damaging my theory and I should get to fixing? Awwww, man.... what a drag.... I am so doomed... nanchatte!
Anyways, hi! It's me, the dude who makes-overly-complex-and-ridiculously-long-theories-in-the-hopes-of-trying-to-solve-the-murder-case-that-not-many-people-agree-with-for-more-reasons-than-my-theory's-word-count. (Okay, the last part about the reasons is probably not true... yet!)
I am back yet again with some more updates regarding my theory.
Woah! Calm down, imaginary self that is under the impression that some people were way too overwhelmed by my latest part of the theory post! You have nothing to worry about!
It would be silly of me to rewrite all of it again with some small changes. I will of course link up my part 5 later as source of reference, but really, all I'm gonna be doing here today is point out the newest problems with my theory ever since episode 12 and 13 and give my personal thoughts on those.
Also, to make sure that people hasn't forgotten what I've been all about since the beginning, I will do a short recap of my theory, displaying only what's most relevant to the murder case.
Besides, ain't no way I'm writing something this long ever again (except for maybe trying to solve the future chapters, but that's a matter for the far future).
With that said, I feel obliged to point out that this is spoilers for the fangan Danganronpa Despair Time Chapter 2, up until episode 13.
With that out of the way, let's get to it!
Hey look! I still remember how to use that show more button again, hurray! (I'm really sorry again to @1moreff-creator and everyone else who's been reading my very first posts last year that didn't have a show more button)
So, first things first, I'd like to apologize in advance because as amazing the episode 12 and 13 were, I will not be doing a reaction post of said episodes. I think I'm just too lazy to actually display my whole stream of consciousness through two whole videos and I think it is safe to say that practically all of us had a very similar reaction to those episodes.
...right? Yeah! I thought so! :D
Although I may not be showing proper and precise reactions to these episodes, if you're interested, I'd definitly recommend reading @venus-is-thinking 's, reactions on episode 12 and episode 13, @1moreff-creator 's reactions on episode 12 and episode 13 and @accirax 's reactions on episode 12 and episode 13. They're pretty good reads (and no, I'm not just saying this because they all believe that Eden is the culprit, I swear!).
And for those who are totally blind or new to my shenanigans, yes, I do believe that Eden is the culprit behind this murder case.
There is indeed a few problems that arose ever since the latest episodes, so to make sure that everyone is up to speed with what I'm gonna be talking about, I'm now going to be doing a short recap of the events, according to me.
DAY 1 : The day where everyone receives their mixed up secrets and explore the second floor. DAY 2 : The day where the attempted murder on Ace happened. DAY 3 : The day where Whit suggests David to chill for the evening in the relaxation room. DAY 4 : The day (morning) of the body discovery announcement.
Ever since Arei bullied Eden who then cried and exited the playground on DAY 2, that was what triggered Eden to decide to commit murder for the sake of escaping this hellish killing game. Knowing that her secret is that she kissed a girl, I deduced that she's probably trying to escape because she misses her beloved dearly.
So while she was off screen during most of that day, she spent time making plans for the murder set up and narrative, which is why she decided to share Arturo's secret (as seen in the flashback).
During the evening of DAY 2, Ace was working out in the gym, then he hears a conversation happening between David and Arei in the relax room. The conversation that Ace was quietly listening to did not happen in the evening of DAY 3, but rather the evening of DAY 2. Ace lied about when he was listening to that conversation.
At some point during the conversation or perhaps even after the conversation, Eden sneaks up on Ace and knocks him out with the turpentine that anyone could've gotten access to that day. Ace is Eden's chosen murder victim.
Sometime later, Eden eitheir used a letter or called out Arei's name to lure her into the playground or somewhere close to knock her unconscious with that very same turpentine. She then moves Arei's body into the relaxation room to lock her up inside because of the specific nighttime rules regarding that room.
Eden also brought old spares of clothing to cover Arei's body to make sure she doesn't get stained with starch from the water misting formula from the relaxation room.
During the night of DAY 2, she prepares the murder mechanism in the gym with some needed tools from the storage room and some wire that she took out from possibly a grandfather clock that she may have in her dorm. I deduced it as such because of Whit's description of everyone's dorms being suited to their needs.
I also deduced that there is actually a switch to turn on and off the fans, which is important since the attempted murder involved the fans. As Eden finished setting it up, as she was about to clear up with evidence, she heard someone using the elevator.
She hid in the dress up room, then Nico enters the second floor, looking for Ace to kill him. As Nico explores the gym, Teruko shortly enters the elevator to get to the second floor as well.
Teruko, looking for her spares, runs into Eden, who was hidden in the dress up room. After some talk, they heard a loud noise coming from the gym, which they both take a look inside.
Upon seeing this mess of a crime, Eden realised that her murder plan failed and that she needs to come up with a plan B really quick. So while she is taking time to "process this emotionally", Teruko was investigating.
Eden finally comes up with a plan B and figured that she needed to get her hands on the roll of tape ASAP. She managed to do so with a sleight of hand when Ace "suddenly wakes up", knocking Eden out of the way, distracting Teruko in the process.
Later that night, Eden proceeds with her plan B by making a murder mechanism in the playground. She also took the rope from the storage room. Once it's all properly set up, all's left was waiting for the relaxation to unlock at 8:00 AM on DAY 3.
In the morning of DAY 3, she retrieves Arei's unconscious body and proceeds with murdering Arei. Then, she proceeds to conceal the body somewhat behind the curtains in the relaxation room. She also grabs her glove, her monopad and the necessary materials in the dress up room for the next step of her plan.
She spends the rest of the morning to prepare her disguise trick. Then during lunchtime, Eden spends a short amount of time disguised as Arei to hide the actual time of death.
Once lunchtime is over, she returns to eitheir her or Arei's dorm to remove the disguise, spend time cleaning up, relax, power nap, etc. Then, during the evening of DAY 3, she spends time with Hu to fabricate her perfect alibi.
Later that evening, David explores the relaxation room. That's when he notices something wrong with the room and becomes the first person to discover Arei's dead body.
For some personal reasons, David brings the body back into the playground and hangs it by the swingset. Eitheir he or Eden (earlier in the morning) balls up the clothes and hides it in the closet of the dress-up room. Then, in the morning of DAY 4, David grabs everyone's attention to the fact that Arei is missing right before the secrets reveal. Then fast forward a bit, then we get the BDA of Arei
And there ya go, that's my recap regarding how I believe the murder case happened. Pretty short, eh?
Eh... I guess I couldn't really make it that shorter, my bad! If I tried to make it any shorter than that, it would've been extremely confusing.
Ah! Speaking of which, if you're confused in the sense that it feels like none of this should work at all, and there's a lot of contradictions and whatnot, then I would heavily recommend reading my actual theory post. I am not going to spend time refuting with people in the comments about points I've already pointed out in my previous post.
However, if there are things that are unclear to you, things that you do not understand and want to know what I'm talking about, please, feel free to ask away! I will help in any way I can.
With that out the way, I guess I can now start with pointing out the pr-
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Ah... yeah... that! Of course! That's not a problem!
Let's talk about it first, shall we? :D
I'd like to come clean with something, everyone. Ever since I came up with the theory that murder happened at a totally unexpected time, there was something that was constantly bothering me.
That's right, I was very well aware of the body swing happening during the BDA ever since the beginning.
HUH?! Then all this time, you wrote all of this despite knowing that?!
Correct! I'm really sorry about that, but please, understand that I had a very good reason for it. For you see... everytime I saw it, I was often under the impression that this was simply an eerie effect / animation, to give a more dramatic intensity towards the BDA, without meaning anything. I legit thought it could be a thing, I swear!
But despite all that... I couldn't help but feel uneasy about it. Deep down, I felt like that maybe there was an actual meaning to it, maybe it was an actual clue that I shouldn't disregard. But I figured that because of my theory beliefs, then it would be rather unlikely that it would be used as evidence.
But alas, I was wrong about that. The body swing plays a very important rule in determining what happened in this murder case. I cannot deny that fact, especially since Teruko brought it up, plain as day. Despite it seeming like it damages my theory, I'm thankful that the dev finally cleared that little doubt I had since then.
Then you admit it, the murder actually happened in the mor-
Oh, not so fast! Let's not jump to conclusions just yet, alright? Arei's body swinging by the swing set doesn't quite exactly prove that the murder occured during the morning of DAY 4. The body swing only proves that someone messed with the body by the swingset.
W-What?! That doesn't make sense! The murder clearly happened in the morning of DAY 4!
Nuh-uh, not quite. You believe it clearly happened in the morning because that's what the cast concluded on top of Charles pointing out that the culprit could've clearly fake the time of death by saving the fishes for later.
But unless we have decisive evidence that the murder happened in the morning, we can't be 100% sure that the murder happened in the morning of DAY 4.
From the looks of it, you just seem very desperate, if you ask me.
At first, when episode 12 released, I kind of was... up until I figured out a fairly logical solution to it. That's right! I have a way to explain who made the body swing and why.
You're not going to suggest that David did all of what he supposedly did in the evening of DAY 3, but instead in the morning of DAY 4, right?!
Nope! Not at all. Disregarding the facts that it wouldn't really make sense and that he'd have to move the body out of the relax room anyways before nighttime (because of the water misting rules), David actually has an alibi in the morning of DAY 4.
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(As does Veronika too as she was with them in the cafeteria)
With all of these reasons mentioned above, as much as I initially wanted to make it somehow possible that David came back to the crime scene to mess with the body somehow, it just isn't possible.
So instead, someone else did it.
Then out with it already, you staller! Who is it?!
There is only one possible candidate that would make the most sense in that scenario : Eden. Eden is the person who messed with Arei's body in the morning of DAY 4.
That's what I initially thought at first, not gonna lie. But then... something hit me : Eden doesn't have an alibi for the morning of DAY 4 eitheir.
I thought that there would be absolutely no need for Eden to come back to the crime scene a certain short amount of time before the BDA, so instead, I needed to reverse my way of thinking.
What could she possibly aim to do that would prompt her to come back to the crime scene last minute?
Considering the facts (based on my theory, mind you) that she killed Arei in the morning of DAY 3, hid the body somewhere in the relaxation room, built up an evening to night alibi with Hu and that David was the first person to discover it during the evening, there is a simple explanation behind it.
Arei's BDA was meant to be triggered much earlier than the morning of DAY 4. The original intent behind this whole scheme was to have the BDA trigger during the evening of DAY 3.
That doesn't make sense!
No, that's wrong! It does make a whole lot of sense. Think about it. Let's say you were a participant in this killing game and were in David's shoes during the evening of DAY 3... you come across a dead body in the relaxation, what would you do?
That's right, you wouldn't just mess with the body and move it somewhere else, now would you? Aside from freaking out, the most natural and human thing to do would be to gather help.
If it were anyone else than David who discovered the body in that exact scenario, they would cry out for help, tell everyone that they found Arei dead inside the relaxation room, which would then result in a body discovery announcement.
But what if the person who found the body were to personally ask for Hu's and Eden's help, wouldn't that ruin her plan since it wouldn't trigger the BDA?
There's an easy solution to that. Eden could've simply decided to find more people to share the news to meet up with the corpse. This wouldn't ruin her plan in the slightest.
Quite the opposite, actually. If the body were to be discovered and trigger the BDA during the evening, it would solidify her air tight alibi even further as she wouldn't have any possible timeframe to commit murder in the evening as she was spending time with her friend Hu.
Ugh, so what? It didn't really happen anyways because of David being David! That doesn't change anything!
Actually, it does change things considerably. If you put yourself in the culprit's perspective where the whole intent was to have the body discovery happen in the evening of DAY 3 and that during the whole night, nothing happened, you would certainly find that very strange.
The culprit would be clearly confused, yet really curious to find out what even happened.
Couldn't she have taken a look much later during the night?
Perhaps, but she figured it would've been pointless. The reason why is that if she thought that nobody found the body, then the body would've still remained hidden in the relaxation room which would then be currently locked away because of the water misting.
So instead of checking it out during the late night of DAY 3, Eden decided to investigate during the very early morning of DAY 4, sometime past 7:30 AM.
But the relaxation room is still locked up until 8:00 AM! Why not wait until then?
It's simple! She just wanted to be there a little bit in advance to make sure she can enter the room as early as possible. And so... while she is waiting for the relaxation room to unlock, she probably figured that she should take a look around the other rooms, why not?
And thus, that leads to Eden finding the body being hung by the swingset, alongside fishes scattered around the floor for some reason.
To reconfirm, I still believe that David is the first person who discovered Arei's dead body in the relaxation room and that he's responsible for hanging her body alongside placing those fishes by the playground.
Okay, Eden discovers that the body has been moved to the playground? What now? Everything's already in place, so what could she possibly do with the dead body?
Well, since the BDA was not triggered on the evening of DAY 3, she figured that she may as well put Arei's monopad back into the corpse's pockets.
But what about her missing glove? Why didn't she return that as well if she wanted to return her monopad?
That's a good point, that's for sure. But there are two easy fixes to this counter argument. First one being that she simply forgot about the gloves. No one's really perfect, after all. She was so concerned about the body not being discovered yet that this completly slipped her mind.
The second fix would be that it would've been way too risky to try to retrieve the glove. Maybe initially, Eden, after she removed her disguise, she placed the clothes and the glove back into Arei's dorm. So if she wanted to retrieve the glove, she'd have to return to Arei's room, unlocking it with a monopad that isn't her own.
Would she really risk that again after making this much progress without getting caught so far? Like imagine if she tried to take that risk one last time only to get caught, that would be quite the devastating result, wouldn't it?
Ok, fine. Nevermind the gloves. Is that all she did?
Pretty much, yeah. She returned the monopad back into her pockets, which moved the body somewhat.
Well, it's also possible that she tripped and moved the body even more by accident. Or perhaps she felt like she was in such a hurry to avoid getting found out that she accidently bumped into Arei's dead body.
...Are you kidding me? There's no way that's gonna be enough to move the body for this long!
Well... maybe her being there at exactly 7:30 AM is not the exact time. She could've been there a couple minutes before 8:00 AM, which could make this possible.
But that's ridiculous! There's no way Eden is strong enough to make the body swing that way. To make the body swing for a good amount of time, she'd need more than just accidently bumping into the body! It needs considerable force.
And I'll stop you there. If you've read my last theory post, you should know by now that I'm a firm believer that because it's a work of fiction, anything that seems unlikely can become possible.
The main thing we should take from Arei's body swinging during the BDA is that at some point in time during the morning, someone messed with the body, proving that someone was there during the morning of DAY 4.
And there you go, that's my whole explanation as to how Arei's body was swinging during the BDA that doesn't necessarily mean that the murder occured during that exact morning.
If you're not quite convinced yet, there is a certain part of my theory that begins to make a lot more logical sense with this solution in mind. Take a look at this!
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Thanks to the solution I suggested, these two lines become a lot more fitting to my updated theory. Here's why!
If Eden were to explore and find the body hanging by the swing set during the morning of DAY 4, she would know that at least 1 person found the body, but not who exactly.
Because of Whit's silly comment, Eden immediatly thought of the body in the playground and jumped to the worst conclusion : Whit is the person who found the body first.
So if they were to open the door to the playground, the BDA would not trigger since Eden is the culprit. So in a moment of panic, Eden uttered : "Teruko, wait--".
It is still pretty much the same as what I had in mind according to the previous part of my theory post, except that it works a whole lot better now that Eden personally saw the actual state of the dead body in the morning of DAY 4.
So there you have it. This seemingly major problem for my theory actually turned out to be very beneficial for my theory after all! Ah, the joys of making logical sounding deductions! My theory should be saf-
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Oh, you mean this?
Oh no, this murder mechanism is different from mine and this one requires a certain amount of strength that Eden possibly doesn't have! And the fishes! Since they brought it up, then there's no way my theory can work! Whatever shall I do??? It's joever.... just kidding!
I don't mean to alarm you guys, but the current proposed murder mechanism idea actually has flaws. Let's talk some more about the murder mechanism in the playground, shall we? :)
Before I get into it, I'd like to remind everyone that just because we've been shown how the murder may have been done for the first time means that's how it actually happened. Let's not forget that they spent so much time arguing and discussing about the secrets that they barely ever talked about the murder case in itself.
So if anything, episode 13 is practically just them beginning their actual work! Mistakes are bound to happen. We shouldn't jump to conclusions just yet. Besides, there is actually a problem with this murder mechanism.
I'll present it to you in pictures to show you what I'm talking about.
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The taped up wrists. This was practically the decisive proof that this wasn't a suicide nor could it have been an assisted suicide. So now that they've introduced a murder mechanism in an actual episode... what's actually the point of the taped wrists in that scenario?
If the culprit used exactly this kind of murder mechanism, then there would be absolutely no need to tape up her wrists together.
Maybe it was to stop Arei from trying to struggle?
Nope. If that was the case, we would've seen much more signs of struggle coming from Arei. There may be scuffs on the ground, but there's absolutely no other form of injury on Arei aside from her broken neck.
Well, I saw a theory where the accomplice was Levi and he could've easily overpower her!
(I believe that was something that @1moreff-creator theorized, if I recall? At least, that was the theory pre part 2)
It used to be borderline possible, but not this time anymore! Thanks to the first two episodes of part 2 of chapter 2, it seems extremely unlikely that Levi wanted to work with the culprit as an accomplice.
Not only because of what we find out regarding his secret, what kind of character he is, but also because of something he said in episode 12.
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I don't know about you, but this doesn't look like something an accomplice would say at all, right? If the culprit was someone who didn't have an alibi in the evening, it would be a different story, but the most fitting theory for having Levi work as an accomplice is to work for Eden, who happens to have an alibi in the evening as you already know.
So since we gotta take Levi out of the equation, then we don't really have much other possible candidates who could've easily overpower Arei to the point where taping up her wrists would've helped better on that regard.
Therefore, the most logical solution would be that Arei was knocked unconscious with the turpentine. But since that's the most likely scenario, then what's up with the taped wrists?
If the taped wrists weren't used to prevent any remote chance for Arei to try to get out of this situation, then it must've been used as part of the murder mechanism.
But since the murder mechanism as shown by Teruko doesn't explain the taped up wrists whatsoever, then this becomes a discrepancy. Therefore, that can't be quite the correct answer to solving the how this murder mechanism works.
And since this murder mechanism idea is flawed, it also means that there's no guarantee that the jugs contained fish water inside, they could've simply gathered water somewhere else or perhaps there jugs were already filled with clean water to begin with.
Because this murder mechanism idea is flawed, there's no guarantee that the culprit used this method which required some unknown amount of strength, but an amount of strength regardless (unless the author wants to pass it off as anyone could've done it since it's easier to do it by spinning it, I'm not sure).
Because of that flaw, my theory isn't affected by the murder mechanism idea that Teruko suggested since there is no guarantee that this is the correct answer.
So yeah, there's no problem whatsoever! Also, as far as I'm aware, since the release of the latest episodes, I have a very logically sound reason to explain the taped up wrists as shown in part 5 of my theory.
To give you a small reminder, it was for something like this!
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(Whole murder mechanism not properly shown in the drawing because I'm lazy as heck, but just take a close attention to the arms)
By having Arei's arms go between the pillars of the seasaw, you can make it so that she can't get out of it by taping her wrists together, which plays an important role in the murder mechanism. Not going to elaborate further, if you want to know more, you gotta read the big post right there!
And there you have it! Those were the two main concerns that could've negatively affect my theory, but fortunately for me, it doesn't. In fact, it supports it even more than before.
Especially regarding the David / Arei conversation flashback (shown from David's memory's perspective). This conversation told us a lot more between these two, do you know what that means?
That's right! It means that Ace is full of shit! There's no way he didn't hear anything else. The only way he could've not hear anything else is if he gets snuck up from behind and gets knocked out with the turpentine, but it could've easily simply been Ace witholding that information to make David look more suspicious.
Therefore, if he lied about this, he could've also easily lied about when he actually overheard that conversation for his own selfish gains!
There's also a few couple other points that could further support my theory, but I don't feel like going over every single little detail as of now. I mainly wanted to solve these two issues and nothing else.
So, DRDTers, I need to ask you the following : Do you still believe that I am delusional with this overly complex theory of mine? :)
Thanks for reading another one of my big posts, as usual!
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joesanrio · 1 year
They’re here | R.R
Summary: Ever since Nova had the baby, they’ve only gotten a hand full of visits. But now the whole family gets to see the golden baby.
Pairings: Joe Anoa’i {Roman Reigns} x Nova (OC) || Established relationship
Warnings: Uses real names, Baby cries, BabyDaddy!Joe, and that’s all bcs it’s just a big pound of Fluff.
Word count: 1047
Ratings: Fluff | 16+
A/N: I’ve been writing so much new stuff that I keep forgetting abt the two drafts, they'll come out eventually.
Part one: Want to see her? | Fluff
@bakugoumarianawrites (sorry for the wait)
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“What did you do to my baby?” I gasp when Joe walks in holding the baby with a small mohawk, “She thinks it’s nice, don’t you Lala! See.” He coos at her making her squeal. All I did was ask him to bathe her, not be a hairstylist. “Mommy!” She reaches out when Joe passes her to me as he goes back to the bathroom to get her lotion.
“You don’t have to lie baby… we both know you had no choice.” I whisper to her before smoothing her curly hair down as she leans her face onto my chest and continues to let out a random babble.
He comes back with her lotion, and I finish getting her dressed for the day. “We are matching, you look cuter though.” I smile as I admire her in her cute outfit that’s the same color scheme as mine.
We were going to a cookout with family and a couple of close friends at Jon and Trinity’s house, “Oh look at my princess!” Joe exclaims as he picks Nalani up from the bed. “Lala!” She points to herself as he nods amused at her little voice.
I leave the room to pack her bag with all her necessities and about three toys. “She has her stuff animal, right?” I shout from the other room down the hall, “No, It’s in the living room.” I heard him reply.
“Alright, everything is ready.” I say as I toss her bag onto my other shoulder and Joe comes down the hall holding the baby. When passing the living room, I stop to grab her plush hello kitty off the couch.
“Don’t be sassy with me Nalani, you know my joke was funny.” Joe chuckles as she looks unamused at her father. She squeals loudly when she sees me with the toy, I hand it to her, and she immediately hugs it while Joe sets the alarm.
[Jon and Trin’s House 3:45pm]
“Is that Lala!” Trinity exclaims when she opens the door revealing the music and chatter of family, before she scoots to the side so we can enter. “It’s been forever since we seen her!” Jon said coming around the corner fixing his hat, before giving us a hug. “Jayla has been asking when y’all would be here, all damn day.” Jon joked, making us laugh.
We all headed to the living room where some older members of the family were at. “Oh, I remember when you were a baby, now you have one of your own!” Joe’s great Aunt smiled as we greeted her, “She’s beautiful. Looks just like Nova.” She winked at me before sitting back down on the couch.
 “Isn’t she so big now!” Trinity said as Joe placed the car seat on the corner of the couch, “Bae! Look at her dimples.” Trin said pointing at Nalani’s cheek. “She is only 7 months old. Tell them you’re still small!” I coo at my baby as she immediately smiles, unbuckling her from the car seat.
Joe and Jon already having their own conversation as I pick her up, “Girl! Your body definitely snapped back huh?” Trinity had me spin for her. “You think so?” I smile as I follow her to the outside patio, “Girl yes, your waist is like whoop while you booty is like boom!” She creates sound effects with her mouth causing me to giggle at her silliness.
After greeting everyone, I was finally able to sit down. “Auntie Nova! I can watch Lala for you?” Jayla requests as she clasps her hands together, “I don’t want you babysitting! You should go have fun.” I smile, but Jayla pouts. “Please! Look- she totally wants to go with me.” She begs as Nalani almost falls out of my arms trying to get to Jayla, “Okay, but whenever you get tired bring her back to me.” I say as we pinkie promise, and I pass her the baby. “We are going to have so much fun!” Jayla smiles before heading back in the house.
“Here…”  Joe says coming up from behind me before sitting down in the empty chair on the side of me, he hands me my favorite drink. “You look gorgeous.” He whispers in my ear with a small smile making my heart flutter, “Thank you.” I kiss his cheek before he goes off engaging in a conversation with the rest of his cousins.
“Where’s the baby?” Trinity asks coming back from the kitchen with a glass of champagne, “With Jayla.” My head tilting towards the house. “Tamina and Mercedes drove together, so they should be here soon.” Trinity mentioned as she looked at the time on her phone. The rest of the girls nodding as we began to talk about random stuff, and how much we missed each other.
--- 8:13pm
“Mommy!” Nalani cried as I tried to calm her down, she was never a big fan of loud noise when she was trying to sleep, but neither was I. “Oh my baby, I know.” I coo at her as she cries along my chest while I bounce her in my arms gently, “What’s wrong?” Joe enters the room concerned as it’s been a while since we first entered.
His eyes quickly fell onto the baby, “Why she crying?” he asked as he grabbed her from my arms delicately. “She’s sleepy but it’s too loud.” I say while looking in her bag for her pacifier, though she seems to be calming down now that she’s in Joe’s arms.
He pats her back gently as he goes to sit down on the bed himself, “See, you’re okay.” He whispers to the now sniffling baby. “Oh, so not fair.” I whisper as I playfully glare at Joe, in return he sticks his tongue out at me before grabbing the pacifier I handed out to him. “Don’t be a hater because she’s a daddy’s girl.” He places the pacifier in her mouth, “Whatever.” I giggle before sitting beside them.
Not even 5 minutes later, she was knocked out on Joe’s chest before he laid her down in the make-shift pillow barrier I created so she doesn’t roll off the bed. “She’s just like you.” Joe whispered as he looked at Nalani with small hearts in his eyes.
Nalani’s Nickname: Lala
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ginnyrules27 · 3 months
Okay so here's the deal--I know Tumblr likely isn't a microcosm of the Democratic party because I remember people freaking out in 2020 over Joe Biden being the nominee and guess what? He won despite people freaking out.
That was 2020, where Democrats somehow managed to turn Georgia blue and surprised the GOP. We can not assume we will be able to repeat such a feat unless we get out and campaign for Biden.
Donate, volunteer for phone banks, put up a yard sign/car decal (if it's safe), hell even making these posts to try to reach more people can help. Biden's team has reached out to TikTokers for assistance in getting people out to vote and before we call him 'cringe' for that, I'd like to remind you guys that the reason Obama won the 2008 primary over HRC was in part to his utilization of social media. TikTok is the newest form of social media.
If you are an American, I beg you to please vote and please vote BLUE down the ballot. Because I read a bit of Project 2025 and it is not hyperbole to say that if Trump wins and the GOP gains the House and Senate, the United States is looking at an authoritative regime we have never seen before.
Vote for your fellow citizens who are currently relying on Medicare and/or Medicaid for assistance.
Vote for your fellow citizens who rely on Social Security benefits to survive (or you know, vote because you'd one day like to see those benefits you're paying into).
Vote for your fellow citizens who might get swept up into camps if they can't prove they're a citizen if asked (and before anyone accuses me of being hyperbolic, internment camps are listed in Project 2025)
Vote for your fellow citizens who would be impacted by a national abortion ban.
Vote for your fellow citizens who's hard-fought rights would be thrown into the garbage disposal.
Look I get that Biden gives some people the ick and I understand that we won't agree on everything but can we agree on the importance of SCOTUS?
If you truly need a reason to hold your nose and vote Biden, the Supreme court, and the possibility of three seats opening with Alito, Thomas, and Roberts being in their 70s should be that reason.
If you are afraid of Biden dying in office, we have a plan for that. it's called the Office of the Vice President. And yes, Kamala's a woman and a former DA and whatever else you want to say about her but she also exists. Trump has not named a VP and he is 3 years younger than Biden. And that should scare you because the next in line should Trump die in office would be the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE. Which might not mean much if we somehow take the House but Trump gets re-elected but we all know that won't happen.
I have lived in this country for 30 long years. I witnessed how people accidentally voting for Pat Buchannan along with purposefully voting for Nader and a SCOTUS stepping in when they should have recused themselves gave us Bush over Gore in 2000. I saw how people voting for Stein gave us Trump over HRC. I need you to believe me when I say this: if you vote for the Green Party or any independent progressive party instead of voting for Biden in November, you are effectively voting for Trump because that is how our system is designed. And I can almost guarantee that if Trump steps foot back into the Oval Office, there will not be a 2028 election to try to fix the mess he is going to create.
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Ok so as some people may be able to tell I recently got into sk8 the infinity sooo some sk8 the infinity headcannons it is (also please keep in mind some of these may be a bit ooc as these are my personal headcannons)
So we know joes shop is cherry favorite place like that's been confirmed by the creators so it's my headcannon that he was their on joes opening day to help him open the place (and test the food)
Reki absolutely loves to cuddle
Joe is so emotional because he's so afraid to become emotionally disconnected as adam
Miya has a long cat plush called mr mittens and you can’t convince me otherwise
Reki hops from hyperfixation to hyperfixation with his main one being skating (honestly same)
(⚠️warning⚠️ yes I know this is a mainly outplayed trope but I’m a sucker for angst (in moderation) and the found family trope sooo) Miyas parents will leave him at home for days sometimes weeks on end with enough food for that time frame and enough money to last (barely)
Shadow collects dvds and brings them to joes when they all just decide to dog pile their for the night after S
Langa constantly loses his phone charging cord and they will end up in the weirdest places (the fridge, freezer, the ceiling fan once???, etc.)
Miya. Loves. Legos (and so does reki) enough said
Shadow had mega blocks as a kid
Someone (Miya) taught cherry slang (slay, visco girl, yass) once and everyone was horrified as Cherry walked into the room and this played out
Kaoru/cherry: this movie is so- slay?
Kaoru/cherry: Miya did I use that correctly?
Miya: *instantly dying of laughter*
Everyone else: *horrified*
Kojiro/joe: please… for my sanity and everyone else’s… never again…
Kaoru/cherry: *begins to protest*
Reki: never again!
Miya can’t cook for anything so when his parents leave him alone (see headcannons above for explanation) he (reluctantly) calls joe who calls Cherry and they go pick him up bringing him to sia la Luce
Miyas hoodie once ripped and Joe and cherry fixed it with a little cat patch (it’s hidden under his hood so you don’t see it most the time but when his hood is up you can catch glances of it)
Miya started ironically calling Cherry and Joe mom and dad but now it’s become the Norm for all the kids however reki switches between mom and dad and their real/S names and langa just says their real or S names most the time
Langa and reki can be caught cuddled up in a booth at joes before S after school watching skating videos with Miya occasionally joining the corner (not cuddled up with them unless it’s a bad day or something but even then it’s platonic between them) relentlessly teasing the two about how they should kiss and date and then immediately calling them gross when they actually do date
One day everyone just kinda finds out kojiro/joe and cherry/kaoru are married, like they suspected it long ago but now their finding out oh yea they’ve been married 3 years and nobody knew this is how that exchange went
Kojiro/joe: *kisses cherry/kaoru*
Kojiro/joe: alright don’t forget tonight’s movie night with the kids so pick up popcorn on your way home
Kaoru/cherry: kind of hard to forget when they’ve been screaming about it all morning you big dopey gorilla
Everyone else: *in complete and utter shock*
Kaoru/cherry: *plainly* it’s rude to stare you know.
Reki: you two! You!
Miya: mom and dad kissed!
Kaoru/cherry: I am not your mom! Also of course we did, I mean one would assume 3 years of being married would be plenty long enough before kissing
All three of the kids: your what!?
Kojiro/joe: married? Yes almost 4 years now
All three of the kids: *jaws dropped*
Ages! Because I cant find any good official sources for how old they are!
Adam: 25
Kojiro/joe: 23
Kaoru/cherry: 23
Shadow: 22
Langa: 16
Reki: 15
Miya: 12
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sturnsjtop · 7 months
When I said I wanted enemies to lovers I didn’t mean one insult and their all over each other. I want a slowburnnn. Yk prob like 2-3 parts where it’s like full-on insulting and teasing and yelling. And also him going too far and after he feels like super bad and guilty is my favourite thing everrr. I love when people feel bad for me like yes apologise to me rn but I won’t accept it cuz I want you to follow me and watch my every move and text me on every platform existing cuz I blocked you everywhere. Beg me for forgiveness on ur knees until they bleed like 😇🥰🥰😘. After I’ll still not accept it and make you go more mad and you will start to dgaf but you will after I make you so mad you insult me again. I’ll fake cry and you’ll feel more guilty than before. You’ll do anything in your power to make me forgive you and I’ll just act like an innocent little girl how’s the victim of a toxic person’s enjoyment. I’ll tell you that you hurt me so much that I got depressed and didn’t get out of my bed for days. You’ll feel super guilty so you will buy me presents to make up for your outrageous behaviour while I’m just chilling and watching “YOU” on Netflix planning my toxic and delusional life with you like Joe🥰. (Except the fucking cage cuz like I’ll go in jail but again😇) Eventually I’ll forgive you and we’ll start to date but I’ll start little arguments with you until you get so fed up you break up with me. But dw I wanted that. I’ll act super destroyed and hurt telling you that I love you and I started those little arguments cuz I cared for you and wanted the best for you. You’ll fall for it and we’ll get back together. We’ll have little arguments but we’ll fix them and life a happy ever after 😇
this is acc what i want. But I’m so sensitive I’ll fr never forgive them if they’re mean. Like if they make fun of me or bully me I’ll fr hate them forever but matthew sturniolo is matthew sturniolo 😁
Idk if im toxic but 😇
(and someone pls agree with me on this. I promise I’m not toxic guys😇)
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Okay, MSI episode 3 ramblings, mostly copypastaed from me yelling at @hotasfahrenheit while I watched:
Let Joe buy cute mugs ffs you jackass
"if we keep living together, you wouldn't want me to be your boyfriend"
If these couple mugs were accurate, the one that isn't a black cat would be a big puppy.
Mia: Ming is mean when his emotions get too big and he doesn't know what to do with them. Like a little kid.
Me: I know, but it makes me want to punch him
AND THEN he has the audacity to be sad about it five seconds later. My dude, you were the one being a dick.
You emotionally bereft idiot
Mia: No one ever taught him emotional regulation. They taught him feelings were bad so that when he has them and gets called out on them he gets snippy
Mia: I really wonder what his dad is like
Me: I am actively afraid of what his Dad might be like
Mia: We've only met his mom briefly and she was trying to control his life
Me: And unaware he's gay. Or actively ignoring it
Mia: Staying with Joe isn't just about their relationship, it's also about getting away from his family.
Me: oh 199%
Mia: Even if he doesn't know how to process them or express them, when he's with Joe he's allowed to have emotions
Me: Oh, for sure. You can see him start to allow himself to feel things in teeny tiny doses, and then he panics and lashes out, and then he feels bad. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Oh gosh
This reaction to the real estate brochure
Like, Joe brought a reminder of the life he's actively running away from Indy the little bubble of self determination and someone who actually likes him, and he got so smad
And then cute-manipulates Joe into forgetting about it
Joe: what do you think about crypto?
Yin: buddy you are too stupid to even try that, please do not
Mia: I feel like..... I feel like part of why he's latched on to the being in love with Tong for so long thing is because while it hurts that he can't have Tong because Tong is with May, that also makes it safe to have those emotions because he doesn't have to fully deal with what they would mean in a relationship
Me: Oh, 10000%! He doesn't know how to feelings, so he puts all his positive ones into his relationship with Tong, because they're safe there, where they are frozen and useless and can't go anywhere, so he didn't have to worry about dealing with them
Mia: He's never been in a relationship, he doesn't have friends, he doesn't know how to deal with another human's thoughts/feelings/interests/tastes/preferences/emotions/anything in conjunction with his own, and being attached to Tong means he doesn't have to
(I fixed a very funny typo for clarity lol)
Me: Oh, the foreshadowing about the production where Joe dies. Oh no
Does he take that job to make money to get away from Ming? Or to try to win him over (not that that's necessary, but drama logic is "I need to be more successful to earn love")
I think Joe starts to break this down really early, the things where Ming is like, disconnected from how other people feel/think) etc. Where Ming recognizes what Joe feels, and he latches onto him initially because Joe clearly likes him (and a little because he can be a huge dick to Joe and Joe will allow it), and he is just reveling in being so openly adored.
But then he notices little details about Joe, and sees when he's upset him, and sometimes makes an effort to fix it, and he starts to care about the little details, and he's already holding onto Joe *so tightly*, even before it goes to the inevitable cuckoo-bananas level of possessive that I know is coming
I want him to die painfully
I want everyone to take turns hitting him with a car
And then spitting on him and lighting him on fire
I love Mek, I want Tong dead
Oh no.
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More foreshadowing and I want to throw myself into traffic
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Joe's little taps on his chest 🥰
Wut: oooh, is he your booooy-friend? He looks faaaancy
I keep remembering the wet sheets and screaming internally
Aw, Wut really cares about Joe (she said, in episode 3, before she understood how right she was, and now she cries)
(Ming would 100% percent be like "what do you mean I never say I love you? I peel your shrimp?!?)
Look at Ming, showing interest in another person! And smiling not like a serial killer!
(there was a small discussion on the luckiness of shrimp and the too many leg-ness of those giant prawns)
"these are yummy, I want more"
"Fine, but this is a one time only offer, from now on, you're the shrimp peeler"
"Okay then, for today I will enjoy the endless shrimp for no.99"
Oh shut up, Ming, you love how cute Joe is being right now. It's okay, you're both the princess, it's fine
The crew: it's too bad we never got to see the director kick Tong's ass. Hashtag RELATABLE
Everyone fleeing when Tong shows up when they were trying to shit talk him 🤣
Ming, get your shit together
I'm trying to process Ming's face when he sees Tong at the table with Joe
He is definitely not happy to see him? Almost nervous for the two of them to be in the same place?
He's obviously confused
But it feels a little like he's partly confused about why he isn't happy about Tong being there
He kind of smiles, but it's delayed?
It's after he says hello, not when he sees him, and it's really small and reflexive
Mia: He also doesn't want Joe to figure out that Tong is the reason he was into Joe to begin with and I think he knows Joe might start connecting dots if he's not careful
Like I think by this point he's genuinely into Joe for real real
Me: oh, absolutely
But he isn't really sure what to do with that, the emotionally repressed idiot
Mia: But as with LITERALLY ANY DRAMA where someone gets interested in someone else for the wrong reason, he knows it was the wrong reason even if it's real feelings now
Me: yeppp
Oh good, Sol and Joe are hugging, so Ming can come and be jealous and mean
Yep, there it is
Joe is trying to set a boundary, good job, baby
Ming is absolutely ignoring it, and he kinda gives up, but like, the effort was there
Oh Ming, you stupid little hypocrite
"let everyone see and know you're mine... Oh no, not him though"
"only I'm allowed to be in the same place as another man"
Joe, close and lock your door, I'm so serious
Ugh, too late
Mia: I feel like Ming's possessiveness is understandable (NOT excusable) when you consider that he cannot be possessive of Tong because Tong is his sister's boyfriend? So he's like extra over the top with the "this one is MINE" because he couldn't have Tong
Like he finally has someone that's his and only his and he wants to keep it that way
But since he isn't good at relationships or emotions he just goes too far
Me: Absolutely this. He doesn't know how to not hold on too tight, because he's never had someone he can hold onto at all
Mia: He expects other people to try to take Joe from him because he wanted to take Tong from his sister (even tho he never really acted on that in any direct way)
But that was because he loves May, where people like Sol have no reason to not try to take Joe
Me: Exactly! And he knows for a fact that Sol wants Joe, and he also knows that he's not a good boyfriend
Mia: And sure yes theoretically he should trust Joe but Tong's interest in him was never deep enough to pull him away from May and make him go to or stay with Ming so why would Joe's interest hold either
Like Tong didn't choose him when he had another option so he thinks if Joe has other options he'll also choose someone else
Me: So it's a real threat, and that that is to the tiny bit of happiness that he's clawed out for himself, away from his family, with this man who thinks the world of him (and like, none of this is healthy or good, but when you get a little glimpse of what you could have if things were different, you tend to hold on as tightly as possible and see everything as a threat)
Me: He is absolutely the problem, but he is *my* problem and I will make excuses until he is either better or worse
-- you have no idea how on this side I am. I was ready to love him when he was just a straight up toxic ass red flag armada. Now that I know he's a sad, lonely man who didn't learn how to have feelings? That's my man, I love him and I will wrap him in a blanket and take him to do much therapy, and pat his head when he expresses an emotion --
Tong: hey, bestie!
Joe: who are you?
Mia: Ming is so so SAD of a character and I just wanna hug him and drop him off at his therapist appointments then pick him up and take him out for milkshakes
Me: Yes!
It really reminds me of everyone picking Ray apart, and we were like "oh, you don't know any alcoholics"
But it's "oh, you don't know anyone why was emotionally neglected and have a decent relationship with your parents"
Mia: Also they don't convey it well in the show but apparently Ming is supposed to have been only like 17ish when he met Tong, so he's like 21ish when the show starts
He's a BABY
Up is obviously older than that
But the characters are supposed to be fairly young
Me: All twenty somethings are stupid and bad at relationships, we need to give them a break
Oh Tong, you could not be more wrong about Joe, or more punchable
This is that thing where you accuse other people of doing the things you are doing, you gold digging piece of shit
Every time someone says the word "stand in" to Joe, it hurts my heart
They're snuggling and watching a movie and they're so cute 😭
And soon, Ming is going to kidnap Joe.
The duality of man 😆
Look at our boy, noticing how someone else is feeling!
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"are you happy?"
"What's that?"
Oh, Ming...
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The smiiile
I'm gonna cry
Careful Ming, you're starting to sound like a mildly competent boyfriend
The puppiest eyes a grumpy cat had ever made
Oh man, this is literally only like, half the episode.
To be continued, this is already so long
Continued here
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joeys-babe · 9 months
Joey B Blurbs: Lights
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Summary: You and Joe take your boys for a little stroll downtown to look at the Christmas lights.
Warnings: None, fluff
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Into The Mystic
*December 23, 2023 - 20 weeks pregnant*
“Look at the reindeer guys!” - you
Currently, Joe and I were walking with the twins around our gated neighborhood, showing them the Christmas lights.
We had done this last year, but they were only a year old. This year, they will be able to walk around better and actually remember it.
Tyson was acting more curious than Miles was, which was normal for the two.
Joe was holding Tyson up on his shoulders as he excitedly pointed at different animals to show to his father.
Now Miles, on the other hand, was holding my hand and begrudgingly trotting down the sidewalk.
He was a homebody and would much rather be at home watching a movie. That's how he's like Joe.
But right now, Joe seemed to be in a good mood, even away from our home.
“Ooo!” - Tyson pointed at a display of two penguins
“Those are cool, buddy.” - Joe smiled
My heart warmed when I looked back at 2/3 of my boys. If Joe wasn't walking directly beside me, he was walking behind me so he could ‘always have eyes on me’.
“Mama.” - Miles whined
“I know, love… but look how happy your bubby is. Can you hang on for just a little longer?” - you
Miles was a smart boy for his age, like very smart. I could talk to him like that and somehow his two-year-old brain could register it perfectly.
He looked up at his twin brother sitting on his father's shoulders, and I swear I could see him match the twinkle in Tyson’s eyes.
“Mhm.” - Miles nodded
I grinned down at my sweet momma’s boy and shifted my gaze to the path in front of us.
“Ow!” - Joe
Quickly I turned around to see what the problem was, and I found myself laughing at the sight of Tyson grabbing fistfuls of Joe’s hair.
“No, Ty!” - you laughed
When Tyson was aware that I was watching, he really tried to put on a show. His giggles got louder as he started kicking his legs dramatically.
“Tyson Lee! Quit it!” - Joe
I gently let go of Miles’s hand and walked toward my husband who was getting slightly attacked by our son.
Lifting my arms, Tyson reached forward and fell into my embrace.
After setting him down he found his default spot, next to Miles of course.
“Is my hair like jacked the hell up?” - Joe mumbled for only you to hear
I had to bite my lip to hold in my laughter. His hair kind of resembled what it looks like after I'm through with him on a real good night.
“It's not too bad, baby.” - you
“Fix it, please.” - Joe sighed
After quickly repositioning his curls and combing them with my fingers, they were back to their normal places.
“There.” - you smiled
“Thank you.” - Joe
Joe opened his arms, and I immediately walked into them. His big arms brought so much warmth as they wrapped around my waist.
“Cwuties.” - Tyson giggled
Joe and I both looked in the direction of our boys with smiles on our faces. My head fell to his chest, and Joe’s hand reached up to hold the back of my head.
Out of nowhere, Miles ran up to us and grabbed my phone out of my pocket.
I tried to get out of Joe’s arms to retrieve my phone, not wanting it in the hands of a toddler, but he stopped me.
“Just… wait a second.” - Joe
And I was glad I did.
“Smile!” - Miles
Joe and I obliged and soon the camera flash would be lighting up our surroundings.
Miles toddled back over to us and handed me the phone, the picture already pulled up.
“Joe…” - you smiled
Tears filled my eyes from the sweet moment plus maybe some pregnancy hormones too.
“We look great.” - Joe
“Is it okay if I post this later? You can't see my bump. We just look so happy.” - you
“And so in love.” - Joe grinned
“Yeah.” - you laid your head on his chest
Moments later, I was just crying into his chest.
“Are you okay, baby?” - Joe rubbed your back
“Never been better.” - you wiped your eyes and kissed him
When we pulled away from the kiss, my eyes locked with Joe’s, and I felt myself practically melt. I wanted to say something, but the moment was taken before I could.
“You like picture?” - Miles
“Yes, baby, we love it.” - you
“Yay!” - Miles
Soon, Tyson would be back in Joe’s arms, and Miles would be holding my hand. We continued walking down the path.
Joe and I were simply talking about what would be for dinner tonight when Tyson had a loud outburst.
“Ooo!” - Tyson pointed
He was lightly patting Joe’s chest to get his attention as he pointed in the direction of a light setup.
“Us!” - Tyson
It was a Christmas light display of four bears; a mom, a dad, and two cubs. The mom and dad were standing a few feet away from their own as one of the cubs was posed taking pictures of the parents with a camera.
Joe looked over at me with such a wide grin on his face that I knew his cheeks were hurting.
“Is that us Ty?” - Joe
“Mhm! Mama, Dada, me, Mi!” - Tyson
“What about baby sissy?” - you
Joe and I watched the gears turn in Tyson’s head.
“Uhm…” - Tyson sighed
I lightly shoved Joe and we both laughed at the fact Tyson just repeated a common mannerism of his.
“He’s just like you.” - you whispered with a giggle
Joe nodded his head before turning back to look at his son who was by now mumbling an answer.
We continued walking, but this time, we were headed back to our house. Joe and I paid attention to Tyson’s speech as it continued the entire way back home.
I was silently giggling at Joe’s serious face as he nodded his head since I knew he could only understand a few words that Ty was saying.
“Thank you, now I understand, bub.” - Joe
Joe was unlocking the front door when he politely shut Tyson’s babbling down.
“Welcome.” - Tyson patted Joe on the shoulder
Later that evening when the boys were asleep, Joe and I found ourselves in the living room with the fireplace roaring.
I had gotten him to do something completely out of his comfort zone because Joe said he ‘can't say no’ to his pregnant wife.
What that thing was? Slowly dancing to Christmas music in front of the tree.
Joe would usually turn down dancing in nanoseconds, but tonight he happily obliged.
My hands on his shoulders and his on my waist, we leisurely moved to the music playing lowly on the tv.
As time went on, I found myself closer to him. Soon enough, I was completely lying on his chest as he swayed us from side to side.
“I love you, Joe.” - you whispered
“I love you more, Mama.” - Joe
Joe gently moved one of his hands from my waist down to my bump.
“I love you too, Princess.” - Joe
Almost as if she could already recognize her father’s voice, for the first time, she kicked.
Authors note: The ending was TERRIBLE. But anywho… Merry Christmas Eve to those who celebrate! Hopefully another Christmas blurb or imagine will be coming out later!
Request that inspired this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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anatrik · 5 months
First thoughts TTPD:
What a lana x folklore girlie win this issss!
1.Fortnight is about matty?? HAHAHAHA also why did this make me think of when holt was going running with the ladies when he was in witness protection??? Crying. Fav line has to be they were supposed to take me away but they forgot to come and get me. So sad but also so cool in relation to her cancellation/return. 10/10
2. TTPD- not so hahahaha anymore IS THIS ACTUALLY A FUCKING MATTY HEALY ALBUM??? There was a typewriter at the 1975 show she performed anti-hero at? Unless its somehow about harry? Who else is tattooed on her roster??? Or is this about herself? Kinda feel like modern idiots/who’s going to decode is directed at us lol😂 9/10?
3.My boy only breaks his favourite toys- went in expecting mad woman rage. Pleasantly surprised. king of my heart to queen of sandcastles he destroys….DESTROYED ME. Are you fucking kidding me rn? Im caling it. Best song. Im crying at 7.30 am this is not funny anymore. Also THANK YOU FOR NOT SLANDERING DAD. I knew you wouldnt let us down like that. Also the chorus sounds like long story short😭 oh this is so sad. Once i fix me hes going to miss me? He was my best friend?😭 he runs because he loves me? Stopp😭😭 1000000/10
4.Down bad- ….aaaand we’re back to MATTY AGAIN? He does not deserve this spotlight but why are all the song so goood😭😭😭 is this why artists love to date problematic men? It unlocks some extraordinary potential? Crazy crazy girl😭 also stay down (bad) 🤌🏾 shes done it again 10/10 also for personal reasons i will be believing this is about joe in that Tom/Joe/met gala overlap period when she was photographed going to the gym a lot and that this is about all that yearning please let it be about that plesplesplesplesplesples also down bad waking up in blood staring at the sky…like i lost a twin is giving bigger than the whole sky🥺
5. So long, london- so so long long, lon-don DONE? ok miss girl😭 the hoax parallels😭 dont be undoing the song i was going to play at my weddddding what is wrong with you😭 my only one my smoking gun to two graves one gun youll find someone??? Also reminds me of la la land :/ how much sad did you think I had in me? You wrote hoax so a lot ok leave us alone. crying again. 10000000000000000/10 oh lol its a track 5 ofc it is😂
6. But daddy I love him- she really said if you ever liked, shared or even LOOKED at the ‘vivaa las vegas’ memes you cant come to the wedding and shes so real for it. Lfgggg. Ubothered unhinged uhmazing. Growing up precocious sometimes means you still hold on to that princess/quarterback wattpad fantasy AS IS YOUR RIGHT QUEEN GO THE FUCK OFF🥳 100000/10 calling out toxic fandom for the first time and we love to see it🫡 this is suchhhh a happy songggg you deserve ALL the chaos and revelry.
7. Fresh out the slammer- god she gets it. Like sure he was great and he is still my biological father and everything but as a decidedly melancholy person myself who has constantly had atleast one close friend in a deep depression I can see how all that heavy lifting can just get heavy at some point especially when youre a partner and their sole lighthouse in wtv storms be out there buffeting their mental health. Its not for everyone and thats so fair and so valid but so sad as well. 10/10 for the honesty.
8. Florida- she really said girlrot summer🫡 this is the lanaest song ever. So lucky one/nothing new coded. This will be the First song I repeat and then so long london. Aaaghhh how i love a self aware melancholic anxious little superstar. 90283749292/10 thank you for giving florence an entire verse whew. Little did you know your home’s really only a town you’re just a guest in is soooo going on my body forever
9. Guilty as sin?- honestly just fuck if it means we dont have to hear about how desirable ratty healy is man ffs. IThe only reason he looks so hot is bc hes forbidden. You have to trust me on this. He’s sooo mid JESUS. U cant be writing hozier lyrics about a man that hasn’t met a shower😭 1000000/10 writing. -16392992/10 content. Unrequited love/lust truly is the greatest weapon in a poets arsenal bc where is this energy in the joe songs binch?😭 this is such a teen in love with a 26 yo creep who called me so mature for my age mom you just dont get ittt anthem😂😂
10. Who’s afraid of little old me?- is a warning 😂 im so here for it. Like yes I still hate matty with all my heart and soul but yes I agree fans should not be allowed so much of an opinion on another persons life and yes I should be afraid (I am). She said aight love letter era over I AM WRITING YOU ALL HATE MAIL AND I’M HAND DELIVERING IT. Shes sooo done pretending to be the relatable girl next door when she’s anything but and is now reminding us of it and yes yes yessss girl OWN ITTTTTTTT. I’ve been saying for agesssss that there is a darkness under all that sunshine from where she clawed her way to the top and this is sooo vindicating. 10000000000000/10 favourite song ever. Mad woman wishes she was who’s afraid of little old me. I am unwell. I am in love. This is the Taylor Swift i stan. The marketing genius the calculating business woman the puppet master with narcotics in her songs thats why we sing along🫡 she so can handle a dangerous man
11. I can fix him (no really I can)- you cant.
12. loml- ofc. OFC. Its the saddest song of all time. OFC. Fuck offf ughhhh. 😭😭😭😭😭 its giving happiness. Its giving divorce. i am a child of a broken home now and my parents still love each other and hold so much regret still. What do i do with thissss? Im just a little girl taylorrr! 1002380292011010101/10 soo so gooood.
13. I can do it with a broken heart- first of all track 13. Love it. Second of all the upbeat barbieness of it all. Third of all I FINALLY PLACED IT. Shes in her unrelatable era. She is not your girl next door. You will never understand her life. She is as much a phenomenon as a person and we literally only see as much as she allows us to and honestly if i have to get put in my place theres noooo better way to have it done. Im having such a great time actually. 10 BILLION TRILLION OUT OF 10 you tellll em girl you FUCKING TELL EM.
14. Smallest man who ever lived- not going to speculate on who it is bc they clearly had a serious problem and its not a joke but damn :/ thats so sad :/ hope they get help? Didnt expect this to be what the song was about at all?
15. The alchemy- she said TRAVIS IS MY BOY WITH HER WHOLE CHEST😌 10/10
16. Clara bow- did she just name drop herself ? I was so right about unrelatable era. Also the Subtle nod to olivia/sabrina noted and appreciated. Lucky one/castles crumbling (mature version) fr fr. Solid legacy song.
17. The black dog- shared your secrets with and location is the same whiplash as a red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground with no one around to tweet it🤌🏾 joe songs hit so so different 😭😭😭 1000000000/10
18. imgonnagetyouback- the valiant roar was not so valiant and more of a mew i guess. 7/10
19. The albatross- oh this is the ONE. The album defining song for sureeee. Mad woman on coke. A rose by any other name is a scandal???? Thats my religion right there. Little last great American dynasty twist there at the end! Fuck yea. She does reallly try to warn the men in her life have to give her that. One gazillion/10
20. Clearly god has favourites and they are the ppl called chloe or sam or sophia or marcus😭 ALSO this song is about joe for sure. The internet starlet hasss to be delaney rowe!!!! It HAS TO BE. 10/10
21. How did it end?- shes back for the fans😂 plot twist the breakup is with yall🤌🏾 but yesss say it louder! One gasp and then how did it end. So good. 100/10
22. So high school- lmao aristotle grand theft auto ONLYY taylor swift man😭😂 you know what you want and boy you got her🫡🫡 11/10
23. I hate it here- mother’s having a mental breakdown kids yk the drill🤌🏾 10/10
24. ThanK you aIMiee- what better way to say fuck you to a hater than to thank her for jumpstarting your legacy my god!!! She is insane for this. The capitalisation is a bit petty tho ngl. 8/10
25. I look in peoples windows- once again I thank you for the kindness and respect shown to joe. Never doubted you but thank you nevertheless. 10/10 short as nice to have a friend but it didnt need to be longer.
26. The prophecy- its so sad and humbling to see even a woman at where she is having to beg for love bc that literally is the nature of love. Something humiliating, to have to beg for 🤷‍♀️ cards playing out like fools in a fable cursed like eve got bitten. No one writes like her damn. 10/10
27. Cassandra- very madeline miller on this one. Love love loveee modern takes on tragic greek women. 100/10
28. Peter- ah fuck. This one is going to hurt (it did). 1000000/10 my ribs get the feeling she did😭 all her joe related aches are so bone deeeep ugh. Promises oceans deep but never to keep😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 oh god it hurtsss it hurts it hurtss
29. The bolter- curious child ever reviled except by her father wow.
30. Robin- OMG! I needed this song growing up sooo bad. That way to go tiger felt so so warm like running into a kitchen after a day of being in the mud and u tell ur mum the silly things u did and shes genuinely interested and impressed by your smol victories. A bajillion/10
31. The manuscript- postmortem of every ex ever🤌🏾 love it.
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rikaluver · 5 months
Who said sex can't fix everything?
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[Joe Goldberg X Guinevere Beck]
Summary: An alternate way of fixing their relationship in S01E19: Candance. WC: 2145 Category: Smut CW: Assault, Aggravated Assault
For the first time, I'm writing about a big interest of mine that isn't Postal or FNAF all because my friend put the idea in my head. Thanks, Paige <3
"Get up on the fence!" Joe shouted, his voice aggravated and rapid, "don't move."
"Hey, come on man, be cool." Nicky whimpered in a hushed tone. He tried looking back at his perpetrator but was swiftly met by a blow to the face with his assailant's weapon of choice—a gun.
"Shut up!" Joe demanded, seizing Nicky's hand, which clutched his phone. "Unlock it."
Nicky searched frantically for the home button with his thumb. He had only one thought on his mind. Stay. Alive. And the only way he would do that is if he complied. He unlocked the phone and Joe snatched it out of his hand. His goal was clear as his finger made a bee-line for the phone app, opening it up to see nothing but Beck.
Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck.
Of course, there were some other calls from his wife and his office but Beck was the only one that mattered right now.
"Jus-just take whatever you want."
"Shut it!" is more of what Joe wanted to say, but it all came out as an angered grunt. He kicked Nicky in the back of the knees, forcing his head closer to the fence. His finger moved to Nicky's messaging app where he'd find messages with Beck. The first one that caught his eye was a message from Beck: stop contacting me. It's over.
The more he scrolled up, the more evidence of their affair he could find. From images, to sexual messages detailing how Nicky wanted to taste her. It made him sick to his stomach and all he could think about was the betrayal.
How could she cheat? What the hell was he doing wrong? She's all he ever wanted. Everything he did was for her, and this is how she repays him? A tear dropped onto his screen, causing a ripple of water, distorting his view.
He kicked Nicky in the back of the knees again, causing him to fall to his knees before he'd start his pleading. "I-I have a family, I..." His breathing was labored as he stumbled over his words, "I can make it right."
Joe cocked his gun, how dare he even think about talking about his family now? After the affair he's been having with Beck? After all the lies and deceit?
"Please, my family, man, they don't deserve this."
Mr. Mooney's words came to mind: "Some people...deserve to die."
Beck's words also flooded his mind: "I know in my heart...that is not you. That can never be you."
The gun felt heavier and heavier, almost to the point where it felt like it was trying to pull itself away from his hand and toward Nicky. He was ready to pull the trigger, and Nicky could sense it. His body shook with fear and tears streamed down his face as he looked over his shoulder at the barrel pointed at his temple. This was it. He was going to die.
But something, something overwhelming led him to put his gun down. It might've been guilt. It might've been the belief that karma would come around. Whatever it was, it saved Nicky's life.
Joe's next destination was Beck's apartment. She was his final stop for the night, and he'd make it a memorable one. He wasn't sure what he would do but a part of him wanted to see her. He hurriedly walked to her apartment, opening the door with his key only to find her in the living room. The sound of the door opening and closing caught her attention. She turned around facing an angered Joe who seemed to have a few things on his mind. She noticed his demeanor, his stance. His hands balled into fists, his face red, his eyes bloodshot. He'd been crying.
"You told me I was crazy." He spoke slowly, his voice deep.
"You told me I was crazy for even thinking it." Joe pointed at her, then back at himself all the while getting closer, "if we don't have trust, we have nothing. You said that to me. Do you remember?"
Then, it dawns on Beck. The first time Joe had accused of her of cheating, she said those exact words to him. "What are you talking about?" She looked down, to the side, anywhere but at Joe.
"You know what I'm talking about." There's a brief silence before Joe speaks again, his voice breaking. "There's no Emma Fox."
She swallows her spit, finding the courage to look Joe in the eyes.
"I'm only gonna ask you this once," he closes his eyes, "and I need the truth." He exhales slowly and shakily, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "Are you, or were you ever fucking your therapist?"
Beck doesn't answer and instead looks away.
"Answer me," he says through gritted teeth. "Answer me!" She flinches, closing her eyes. He doesn't mean to yell at Beck, no, he would never intentionally yell at Beck. He loves her. You don't yell at people you love. But you don't cheat on people you love either.
"Yes. Yes, I was. I did. I...I cheated. But it's over now." She attempts to reason with him.
"I've done nothing but dote on you. Support you."
"I know."
"Love you," the volume of his voice gets louder.
"I know, Joe."
"And look at what you've done to me." His voice cracks. "You dig into my past, you dissect my life. You paint me out to be this monster, this...someone who could hurt people, who could do terrible things. But who is the monster here, really? Who?"
"It was wrong of me. I'm sorry."
"Sorry?" His jaw clenched. "You're fucking sorry? For what, Beck? For hurting me? For making me look like a fool?" His hand runs through his hair, pulling it, before he looks back up at Beck—her neck. He'd choke her. That's what he'd do. It was simple, and he'd get the same satisfaction as if he were to pull the trigger. He'd kill two birds with one stone. He'd choke the life out of her, and the pain would go away. All of it. All the pain she'd caused him would be gone. And she wouldn't have to feel it either. It'd be quick, too. She wouldn't suffer. Maybe they'd even end up in heaven together. He steps forward and she steps back, afraid. Afraid of what Joe might do to her.
Before he knew it, his hands were on her neck. She tried to pry them off but he was much stronger than she was. His hands gripped her tighter and tighter and her vision began to blur, and his mind began to race.
"Please, stop. I'm sorry," Beck plead, her voice barely above a whisper, "I love you."
Her words rung in his ears and suddenly he felt as though he's being choked himself. What is he doing? Why is he doing this? He loves her too, more than anything, and yet he's choking the life out of her. Her fingers loosened their grip around his wrist, and she fell to the floor, coughing. He knelt to the ground.
"I'm sorry." He said, his voice cracked as his hand caressed her cheek. "I didn't mean to." His eyes welled up with tears, and all she could do was stare. Stare into the eyes of the man she loved, the man she still loves. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I love you. You know that. I'm just a little broken."
"Joe..." She croaked, reaching out to touch his face.
There was a moment of violence between them and an undeniable sexual tension. A line had been crossed, a boundary broken. Their eyes met and in that instant, there was no denying their desire for one another. They were a mess. An absolute mess, and they were attracted to each other in the most fucked up way.
He pulled her close, pressing his lips against hers. Her hand cupped the back of his neck as he moved her hair out of the way and kissed her neck. She was breathless, and he was intoxicated.
She wanted him as badly as he wanted her. She pulled off her shirt, exposing her breasts and he cupped her right breast with his hand, gently squeezing her nipple. He was gentle, almost timid with his touches, and his kisses. Her body arched towards his, her arms snaking around his waist as she felt his arousal against her leg. She was desperate, and she needed him. All of him. She didn't care about the consequences, she didn't care about the affair, she didn't care that this is all wrong, and she didn't care about the way he had just assaulted her. She wanted him, and nothing would get in the way of her desire. She unbuttoned his shirt, her hands roaming his chest before she pushed him onto his back and got on top of him. Her hands moved down his stomach to his pants, tugging them off and freeing his erection. She stroked his cock, causing him to groan as he bucked his hips. His hands slid up her thighs and rested on her ass as she continued to stroke him.
He grabbed the sides of her underwear, pulling them down before she got rid of them herself. His mouth watered as he stared at her, all of her, and how perfect her body was. Her breasts were beautiful, and her hips were so damn inviting. He licked his lips as he looked up at her, waiting for her next move. She positioned herself on his lap, slowly sliding down onto his cock.
He whimpered as her pussy engulfed him. She felt like heaven. It was warm and tight and wet. It was everything he had imagined it would be and more. She was perfect, and he couldn't take his eyes off of her. She looked so beautiful, riding his cock like this.
"Beck...there isn't a line in the world that I wouldn't cross for you." His thumb brushed against her cheek, causing her to shiver. Something in her mind snapped though, she didn't know why but something...something in her made her slap him. Hard. His face turned to the side, his lip cut by his teeth.
To her surprise, he didn't get upset. "Fuck, do that again, please." He groaned. The sound of his voice and his moans were enough to push her over the edge, and she slapped him again. He bucked his hips in response and bit his lip. His fingers dug into her hips, urging her to keep going.
"Oh god," she moaned. "Oh, Joe." Her eyes closed, her head tilted back. He watched her as she rode him. He wanted to watch her cum.
"Beck," his voice was deep and husky, his tone needy. He was close, so close, but he didn't want it to end. Not yet. He was desperate for more. She slowed her pace, moving her hips against his cock, grinding against him. His mouth fell open and he groaned. "Don't stop." He begged.
She leaned down and kissed him, her tongue slipping into his mouth. He tasted sweet, salty, and a little bit coppery. His hands moved to her back, his fingers trailing up and down her spine. She whimpered as his nails grazed her skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps. Her lips moved to his neck, and she kissed his throat. Her teeth nipped at his skin, and he gasped. "Beck, fuck," his voice was low and breathless. He was getting closer and closer. She could feel his cock pulsing inside of her.
She sat up, and she watched him. His eyes were half-lidded, his cheeks were flushed, and his hair was messy. She couldn't help but think how beautiful he looked. She moved faster, grinding against his cock, taking him deeper. "I want you to cum for me, Joe." She whispered. He bit his lip, trying to hold back his moans. "I want you to cum inside me."
That did it. His cock twitched inside of her, and he groaned. His grip tightened on her hips and he thrust up into her. He came inside of her. She smiled, feeling his cock throb. Her pussy clenched around his cock, and she whimpered. That feeling of having warm liquid shoot inside you. How she longed for it.
His breathing was labored, and his chest was heaving. She laid her head on his shoulder, her cheek resting on his chest. She listened to his heartbeat, and it made her feel safe. His arms wrapped around her, holding her close. Her body fit perfectly against his. His skin was soft and warm, and he smelled good. It was a familiar smell. He smelled like home. The feeling was comforting and made her feel loved and secure.
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aliypop · 7 months
If You're Looking For Trouble : Part 1
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Word Count: 1,406
Writers Note: This is a limited series requested by @sissylittlefeather
Warning: Language
Pairing: POC OC x Elvis
Plot: It's 1960 and the battle of the mobs is not a crossfire you want to mess with, with Elvis as the Don of the Memphis Mafia finds himself head-deep in insanity over Cecelia Shanel Valmos Don of the Valmos Cartel
Chapters: 1, 2 (coming soon)
Memphis Tennessee 1960
"You seen the boss lately?" Judy asked as Red shrugged. They were covering for Elvis on an assignment at his Cadilac dealership, Little Tupelo. It was his pride and joy out of all of his covers, "He's still in his meeting." Sonny mentioned as they sighed. It wasn't like Elvis to be late. Besides, he promised Sam Philips he'd be here by 3:30 pm, and it was already 3:28, "Meeting with who?" Judy asked, 
"He didn't say..." 
Beale Street was booming with flashing lights and music, the glitz and glam of sin, a small taste of Vegas, if one could say, but it wasn't enough that Elvis was sitting across from the daughter of one of the most prestigious cartels. "Cecelia..." her entourage of women surrounded her as she glared at him, hazel eyes piercing his soul, "I'm sorry, who's Cecelia... " She turned to look at Rosa and Carlotta as they looked around, 
"Ms. Valmos, you can't buy this dance hall..."
"That's better... Tell me, why can't I..." She leaned in as she laughed, "Cause it was 'sposed to be mine!" rage in his eyes as she grinned, 
"What're you gonna do about it, Presley..." 
"I'm gonna fix you, that's what?" He said behind gritted teeth as she laughed, 
"Fix me...I should have my tailors fix that horrid suit. Who's dressin you, you're underboss Tom." She teased as he banged his fist on the table,
 "Damnit Cecelia! You should know better than to compete with me..." 
"You should know better than to make me a rival..." Looking at her watch as she looked back at him,
 "Why, you little!" a switchblade flew past him, almost grazing his ear. Cecelia was fearless, but Elvis would seek his revenge soon enough. 
"Are you done having a fit, Mr. Presley?"
"I'll show you a fit,"
"Like the one Mr. Philips will have if you don't make it to your little boy toy car lot?"
"How'd you..."
"Please, nothing goes by me except bullets, Mr. Presley..." She smirked as he walked behind her. 
 "Cheryl and Midge will see you out." She looked at him, her dress pressed against her body as her heels clicked on the floor. Elvis wasn't scared, though. He knew what he had to do. He had to make the first move. Elvis had to show her that the Memphis Mafia wasn't scared of a group of women parading intimidation tactics.  
"So, any luck..." Jerry asked as Elvis glared, sitting in his limo as he was silent. He hadn't lost, but when it came to her, he always did. She was always ahead of him, and he needed to know how. "She bought the God damn dance hall!" He growled as Jerry shook his head,
 "Me, Charlie, and Joe will pay our respects to the Paradise Lounge tonight..."
"What's the plan..."
"Watch it go up in flames, I guess." Jerry shrugged, laughing, the game was afoot, and Elvis would win.
Nashville Tennessee 1960
"Are we ready..." Cecelia asked, sitting at her desk as Midge inhaled a sharp breath. Something was usually wrong when she did that. "About tonight, boss..." Midge looked up at her as she turned the radio on, 
"This just in. The beloved cabaret Dance Hall Paradise Lounge found on fire." Cecelia growled, her teeth grinding against each other in anger as she screamed, "FUCKING PRESLEY!" She slammed her hand against the wall as she looked up at Midge,
 "Load my car up..."
"Fucking load it!" She was in a state of rage, revenge, even. She wanted to get even. And she wanted to do it now, "Are you okay, mi vida?" Carlotta asked as Cecelia laughed, "I'm fine... It's just The Memphis Mob beat me at my own game. I won't have to lie about how the place caught fire." She shrugged as she fixed her dress and makeup,
 "So what are you gonna do..."Rosa asked,
Memphis Tennessee 1960
 A smokey, gas-like smell was lingering down the streets of Memphis as The Memphis Electric Company truck was a blaze along with its building. She knew Elvis loved this place, for it was his first shot. Working secretly with the mob, but he had to learn when you get too close to the sun, you get burned, "That ought to teach him..." Cecelia smirked as she left. But there was one thing that Cecelia didn't know was that news traveled fast in Memphis, and it traveled to Graceland Mansion first, from the maids to the cooks to the boys. 
"I know Jerry, I know..." Elvis didn't even look up from his book and his sandwich. He didn't seem phased about it, but he also didn't seem to be at ease either,
"I'll send her a gift..." Jerry laughed. Elvis always had a way with gifts. Sometimes, it was rings to pretty women. and the heads of someone close to his enemies. He couldn't wait to hear about what exactly it was.
"M-Mr Officer... No, no, too cheesy..." Cecelia sighed, fixing her makeup in her compact to look distressed, "Officer!" She practiced again as she took a deep breath. She saw an officer walk towards her as she mustered fake tears, "Officer, come quick! I don't know what happened! But I do hope no one is hurt..." Cecelia said as he looked at her, "It's good people like you who keep this city safe."
"Doing my job, Ms." He nodded as she walked off, 
The next day, Cecelia was at her new Dance Hall as painters and movers came in to gussy it up, 
"Package, Ms. Valmos..." Cheryl said,
"Let me see it, please?" She asked as she saw the box. It was a bit long and light. It wasn't a body. She listened in, and it wasn't a bomb. Tied on top was a pink bow and a rose. As she sat down, she pulled it apart and opened it, Revealing a white Mink fur Coat and a note that read,
I know what you did
"Mr. Mississippi thinks he so tough, huh, with his blue eyes and that smile...We'll see how big he barks." Her laugh was as sinister as her smile, but she meant every word. Elvis knew this would eat her up alive. Besides, she and Gifts didn't get along, not since she and Anthony Rodgers had a mishap rumored that he'd been dumped in the river missing his heart.
"Do you think she got the gift?" Joe asked Elvis, who had finished eating his sandwich, "We'll see..." He said, waiting for her to call. Something about her always intrigued him. Maybe it was because they were born a day apart, Or her body in her dresses and how she carried herself, being she was the only cartel that was run entirely by women, or perhaps it was how she wasn't scared of him but could make him tremble in his loafers, 
"So, how's things going with that girl?"
"Which girl? You know there's several." He laughed, slicking his hair again as Jerry rolled his eyes, 
"One day, you'll settle down."
"Eh, maybe..." He shrugged, "Say you guys up for a movie?" Elvis asked. When they arrived at the theater, there were bullet holes and a coat by the door, 
"I see that's not her taste..."He laughed as Judy and Lamar looked at him in confusion. Jerry only sighed as he knew this would drive him mad, 
"Let me guess..."
"Got it."  
Later that night, Cecelia drove to Memphis in a shiny pink Cadillac with custom seats and a note attached. She knew who sent it. Cecelia knew how to get rid of it. She didn't want his gifts. Cecelia was over those days when people bought her affection with gifts. Cecelia knew now that the world was harsh and the only way to love was to watch it burn. 
When Elvis walked onto the lot, he noticed the car burnt up with "No Thanks..." Written on the hood, "Damn it, Jerry, she's driving me insane!" Elvis growled, walking into his office as Jerry followed,
 "E, what's this about..."
"Jerry, I-I have to get her somehow." Elvis sighed,
"Maybe don't set her shit on fire..." Elvis glared at him, 
"I'll get her a ring..." He smirked, "She can't refuse jewelry."
"Whys that." He took a deep breath as Elvis opened his mouth,
"Don't you know anything, diamonds are a girl's best friend."
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I was planning to do a more in dept review of each songs, but there is so many (31!!!) that I decided to write smaller thoughts instead...and cut it in half. Part 2: The Anthology will be posted tomorrow. Please share your thoughts, I love talking with other swifties <3
* = current favorites
Fortnight : I didn’t know what to expect with this Post Malone feature, but I like it. I love you, it's ruining my life is so relatable. On another note, I love the music video. It’s so aesthetically pleasing to watch. It gives Poor Things vibes and stars Ethan Hawke and Josh Charles, who were both in the 1989 movie Dead poet society. 
The tortured poets department : I like some parts of the bridge, but will need a deeper listen 
My boy only break his favorite toys * : Did not expect this one to be so catchy. 
Down bad : Vibes. Sadness. Vibes. 
So long, London : There are so many sad lines in this track — as always with Track 5s. The bridge. 
But daddy I love him : Is this song about us? I’m having his baby. No I’m not, but you should see your faces! She is so unserious <3
Fresh out the slammer : The opening gives Lana vibes
Florida!!! : I was excited about Florence Welch's feature the same way I was with Lana on Midnights. I’m getting the same drugs she put in Maroon sound wise. 
Guilty as sin? : This one is for the Dress girlies
Who’s afraid of little old me * : Rep coded. Mad woman's sister. A favorite on the album <3
I can fix him (no really I can) : No one can fix this man Taylor, it’s been years. Also, it’s the shortest song on the record. It didn’t need to be longer for her to understand she couldn’t fix him *laughs*
loml : The transition from love of my life to loss of my life…I’m not crying, you are. This breakup was possibly the hardest for her, which you can feel in this song. 
I can do it with a broken heart * : The chorus is so glitter gel pen! 
The smallest boy who ever lived : She surprised us with who it’s about. 
The Alchemy : I was looking forward to Travis songs and this one did not disappoint. All the signs pointing to football and him. The trophy line! Screaming. I love it!
Clara Bow : The different icons (Clara Bow, Stevie Nicks, and herself) being used to put into a picture how her future would have turned out if she had stayed with each different man. With Joe, she would be Clara Bow and have to leave the music industry. With Matty, she’d be Stevie Nicks in 75 — performing but also on a lot of drugs (if you know him, you know). And lastly, post Joe/Matty, and with Travis, she is finally able to be herself.
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spenglersglasses · 2 months
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Hello everyone, I am back again with the next chapter of my Immortan Joe x the Fray (Corrine) fic!!!
I am so grateful for your patience as your girl is now knee deep in 50+ hours a week at work and then taking care of my kiddos and life has not been kind these past few days... but it makes me happy to share this so without further ado here we go!!!!
**This fic will be an AU! Mostly I will try to stay canon but there will be some conflicts and reimaginings. This includes themes as listed in the tags, if any of this doesn't sit well with you, please skip this one!**
Listen you are reading a fic with Immortan Joe, it should be pretty obvious. but that being said if you are still here, I sincerely hope you all enjoy!
*Special shoutout to @animatedglittergraphics-n-more for the awesome dividers!
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Chapter 3: Scars of the Past
Dark moments from Joe's past still haunt him while Corrine struggles with the demons in her present.
Also available HERE on AO3. Haven't started yet? Read from the beginning HERE! 
Will eventually be very NSFW below the cut!!
-2 years ago-
The air was thick with promise as Joe made his way to the vault. Rictus and Scotus followed closely behind him as all of them did their best to remain optimistic—but they knew better. As Joe turned the corner, he could hear the screams emanating from within the vault. Rushing to open the door, finding the Organic Mechanic crouched down between Ifanna’s legs. 
The other wives and Miss Giddy, flanking her on all sides. Wearing the worry on their faces. The uncertainty of the moment, building the anxiety within. Leaving them all breathless as their sister screamed in the active stages of labor. Writhing in pain and agony as she pushed, bringing another child into their world of captivity. 
Even worse for them all was remembering that this would be Ifanna’s last shot at producing an heir. She had already suffered through two losses in her short time there. The mounting stakes, sending adrenaline rushing through their bloodstreams. Joe could feel it too. The room was positively pulsing with tension as he watched on. Ifanna’s dark brown hair, latticed against her face from the sweat of her brow. Her body too was covered in it—sticking the fabric of her gown to her skin. 
“Now shove that little beauty out into the world.” the Mechanic encouraged. Steadying Ifanna’s movements. “...come on…here it comes.” he continued. Watching as he prepared for the delivery. 
Joe and his sons stood watching with bated breath as the wife continued to push. A new young girl accompanied them. All of them, hoping that this time would be different.  Eyes fixed atop the Mechanics head as he waited for him to turn around with joyous news.  
The mysterious girl watching on with flat affect. After having seen so much destruction and pain in her short life. What would it be like to see a miracle? After all, it had only been a short time since Joe had procured her—Furiosa. 
The girl was destined to be another of the wives—or perhaps something more. Taken from Dementus, a misguided megalomaniac leader of a biker horde who seized Gas Town. Returning control only after demanding to be appointed its protector. The girl left behind as part of the deal.
For now, that was a matter for another time. The only thing Joe could think of now was the child. Moments from birth as the Organic Mechanic, the only other good thing to come from Dementus’s acquaintance, helped assist in the labor. “I can see its head!” he said, laughing in excitement. “...good girl, good girl. One last shove.”
Joe refused to take his eyes off them. Rictus and Scrotus grew tired of the waiting. Furiosa watching on in horror at the gush of blood from between Ifanna’s legs. Frightened that this too might become her fate. “One more, one more—very good.” 
“Hmph.” Scrotus huffed. Ready to leave, heading back to the War Boys for another night of spreading terror in the Wasteland. Joe was all too ready to scold him just before they heard it. The sound of cries. For a moment hardy and loud, echoing through the vault. The next hushed and quiet before going silent.  
“...is it a boy? Is it a boy?” Ifanna cried, her breathing ragged from the loss of blood. Heart barely able to continue on. A lack of oxygen circulating in her blood, making her foggy as she begged to learn what was to come of her child. The Mechanic wouldn’t say much, snipping the child free of its cord. Severing its tie to its mother before he spoke.  
“More or less.” he sighed, holding the infant up for Joe to see. One head, two bodies. The grotesque horror of what had been brewing in her womb now revealed. Taking its final breath as Joe watched on.
“Sorry boss.” the Mechanic lamented as the child fell still within his arms. The room quickly drowned in the sound of grief. All the hope in the world—gone. The knot in Joe’s throat was too hard to swallow. His breathing aching as his chest rose and fell. The pain of another loss, hitting him full force. Deciding then and there that once the last of the gestating wives delivered, the program would be over. 
In that moment he was changed. It had been years since the birth of his sons, his hope squashed under the weight of seeing what would now come of his seed. Nothing but death and pain. He was devastated knowing that the legacy he longed to leave behind had come to a bitter end. 
The first-born child of his wives was deformed and dead. A promise of true immortality crushed. The Immortan, doing everything he could to hide his emotions. This was it—never again , he thought to himself.  
“I will give you a full life!” Ifanna sobbed, “I know I can…please.” she continued, tears flowing hard as she was handed the child by the Mechanic. Joe said nothing, only turning to leave. Desperate to put the whole mess behind him. 
“Nope…Three strikes you’re out.” Scrotus snapped, cold and cruel. An example of his ill repute on full display. The Mechanic, young Furiosa, and Joe’s sons followed him down the hall. Each of them hoping to not be the first to have to speak.
“Dad…” Rictus said, breaking the silence. However, before he could continue Joe stopped, whipping around to face the four of them. The People Eater and the Bullet Farmer, appearing behind him. Waiting to hear the news.  
“It’s over.” he said. The weight of his words felt between them. The Immortan’s eyes, barely able to hold back the tears and the frustration that had been building within him. The raging at the injustice he felt in this life. The man who had all that was possible–-yet nothing at all. 
“Then what about the…” the Mechanic began, remembering the other women whose pregnancies he had been tending to. Still two others that carried Joe’s child within them. 
“As far as I’m concerned…it would be a mercy if nothing comes of it. I can’t stand to see this happening again and again.”
“Then what’ll we do? With them I mean?” The Eater asked, overhearing the conversation as it transpired. Stepping forward as he twisted against the flesh of his own nipple by its chain. 
“They can provide milk, if not send them back out to the wastes!” Joe hissed, lashing out at everyone in his grief. Knowing that if he didn’t leave now, he would crumble before them all.  
“I’ll see to it.” The Eater assured him, frightened of the fire that burned within Joe’s eyes. The Immortan, briskly making his way back to his quarters, with only his anger to keep him company. Stopping for only a moment to respond.
“See that you do.”
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-Present Day, 2 Weeks After Her Capture-
If Corrine had closed her eyes, she might have convinced herself that she was home. Finding herself comforted by the gentle hand of Miss Giddy. Reminded once again of her mother, a woman whose voice Corrine could no longer clearly recall. Taken from her as a child, in an accident so long ago.
As the bone comb slid through her hair, she listened to Miss Giddy recall the night the original breeding program was abolished. The tale, leaving her with a sense of horror and despair. A pain held in her heart for this wicked man who held her prisoner. Missy Giddy too was almost in tears. A memory she would rather be forgotten, deemed painfully necessary to retell. 
“What happened to the rest of them?” Corrine asked as Miss Giddy laid down the comb. “...the other wives I mean.
“Milkers. Or distributed out amongst the V8. The Immortan no longer wanted anything to do with them after that night.” she explained, Corrine swallowing back before she continued her inquiry. 
“...and their babies.” she continued, feeling the still of her heart as she watched the look on Miss Giddy’s face. Recalling the memories from years ago. 
“None made it to term. After the last was lost, we closed the door of this place and there hasn’t been another woman brought back for years…not until you.” 
“Me…” Corrine whispered softly, trailing under her breath. She wondered what made her different. Would she really be the one to bring back the program? Why was she the one to reignite the Immortan’s desire for a child? 
“There's something I find so odd about this whole thing.” Missy Giddy began again, breaking Corrine’s train of thought. The old woman, scratching her head and looking off as if staring at something. Trying to connect the dots.”
“It’s just you… I’m used to a full house.” She reasoned. Laughing it off, Finding some humor in the situation. One of her ways of coping with her own life of servitude. 
“Maybe there just aren't as many women stupid enough to get themselves caught.” Corrine groaned. Letting out a laugh herself before the nagging of her head once again hit her. Pulsing and aching at her wound. 
“Maybe…but still. You know, he wasn’t always this way.” Miss Giddy began, as the two of them stared out over the tops of the rock fortress that formed the Citadel. Looking on with longing at the green tops and the hint of a blue sky peeking through the haze. 
“...oh? How so?” 
“He was once a colonel. Though that was a long time ago now… during the Oil and Water wars. A hero from what I am told, by the history men that is…though one can never be sure what is true in this day and age.” she digressed. 
“From a hero to this…” Corrine sighed, holding out her hand as she glanced around the room. Wondering how it was the Citadel came into being. Only legends and rumors of violence and bloody glory. The only things that were truly bountiful in the wasteland.   
“Kalashnikov…the Bullet Farmer…” she clarified, “...and him. Well and a few others, came here when this was nothing but a forgotten source of water. The Immortan and the men that followed him…twisting and weaving their way into the good graces of the ones who were already here before them. The Immortan and his gang managed to seize control of it, along with the old oil refinery and lead mine and before they knew what hit them, it was over. It was then I am told the cult of the V8 was born.”
“Hmph…” Corrine huffed, unsurprised by the selfishness and scheming of men.
“Now there are boundless followers…War Boys raised from birth to obey him with blind devotion. He and the bunch of power-hungry men who surround him. All of them, feeding off the chaos and what little control they all still have. Sickens me…pretending that they are above all the rest of us.” Miss Giddy ranted, her face turning sour. Spitting on the ground as if she could taste the vile nature of them. 
“I see.” Corrine muttered. Wondering to herself how a hero could turn so quickly into a villain. Looking up once again to see that the clouds had begun to turn. Darkening up, the threat of a storm brewing within them.
Only moments later, as the room grew dark, Miss Giddy stood up. Flipping on the lights before making her way towards the door. Corrine, watching as she approached it, knowing that someone would soon come to retrieve her. Sure enough, the door to the vault came slowly open. It was as if it was perfectly timed.
One of the men, whom Corrine had found was known as an Imperator had come to claim her. The old woman, sending Corrine one last pained smile before she took her leave. “That last day though…when I looked into his eyes…” she said, looking woeful once more. “I could swear I saw a brief glimpse of what he was before. Just a man. A man filled with the pain of loss.” 
It was the last thing Miss Giddy said before the door closed behind her. Leaving Corrine alone once again. Making her way carefully down the steps. Traversing each one with care as the dizziness from her head injury lingered on. 
There was no doubt she had suffered a concussion. The effects, keeping her from being confident in her gait. Worried she may fall down the stairs to her death. Though, at times, she considered that death maybe the lesser of two evils.  
When she reached the bottom, she walked over to the table. Looking out at the mound of books spread out across its top. Thankful to Miss Giddy for all she’d been taught so far. Though she still only managed to understand some basic words and phrases, she found sanctuary in their pages. Grabbing one book atop the pile that had quickly become her favorite. 
Slender fingers, trailing across the spine as she moved to open the cover. Her eyes fixed on the colorful pictures. Plants–lots and lots of plants among the pages. They were something Corrine could understand. Entranced by their beauty—of a world that once was. 
She looked at them as a child would the pictures in a fairytale—filled with intrigue and delight. Finding it hard to believe that these things ever really existed in the world. One she had only ever known as desolate and barren. Turning each page, while a smile found its way across her face.
The sensation, like a long-lost memory. Lifting her fingers to feel her lips. Tracing them as if to prove to herself it was really there. “What is wrong with me?” she asked herself. Wondering how far gone she must be to be so happy from mere illustrations. This book, giving her a momentary distraction from the painful truth of her situation. 
Once she turned the last page, reality would be waiting for her. Today though, the feeling didn’t come as she expected it too. Those thoughts, replaced by the stories that Miss Giddy had told her. Finding herself wondering more and more about the man who held her capture. Contemplating if he really was the monster he was made out to be. Or if somewhere deep down there was something else—something worth knowing. 
Immediately Corrine shook her head free of the thought. Pressing the lids of her eyes closed in disgust. Wondering how hard she had really been hit to even entertain the notion. The pain, now reaching a new high as she continued to wince. 
“Does it still hurt?” came a voice from behind her. Corrine, freezing still in place. Hoping she had imagined it. Realizing she hadn’t as she felt the weight of hands upon her waist. 
Frightened with the sheer boldness of his actions. Cold chills traveling up her spine and every little hair along her skin stood up. Before she could speak, the Immortan turned her around to face him. Brushing back the fall of her hair to take a closer look at the small wound that still lay hidden there. 
“It’s not too bad.” he said, the crow's feet along his eyes becoming more pronounced. Was he smiling again? Corrine swallowed, her eyes meeting with his. Joe, gently bringing his hand down and across her face. 
He held it still. Rough yet tender against the curve of her cheek, as if he were comforting her. The first small kindness he had shown her. Her heart began to pound, Corrine quickly shying away from his touch. 
“The mechanic said it's just a mild concussion. Though I am sure your pain may say otherwise.” Joe told her. 
“Yes, well…I might recover faster if I were far away from her.” Corrine snapped, taking the opportunity to put some distance between them. Joe quickly came up from behind her to grab at her arm.  
“I’ve been thinking of you.” he admitted. His words, sending a flash of pink across her cheeks. 
“You shouldn’t be.” Corrine responded, trying her best to bury the uncomfortable feelings bubbling up inside her. Frantically juggling around her thoughts. Trying to think of something to say next that might break the tension between them.     
“And why is that?” he asked, yanking her close to him. Taking her into his arms as Corrine let out a hasteful breath. Immediately enraptured by his stare as his intense blue eyes stared into her soul. Stirring inside her a desire that she felt deep in her core. 
Why?! Why him, she asked herself. Feeling betrayed by her own heart for wanting him. Hating that the helplessness she found in his arms to be irresistible. Joe noticed it too. The look in her eye and the way she melted into his arms, giving her away before any more words were spoken.  
She knew she had to do something. Something that would prevent them from going any further. That would stop her from imagining what might happen if the Immortan would once again remove his mask—or more. 
“Aren’t you afraid.” she blurted out, just as Joe’s face had been brought level with hers. HIs brows raised and eyes widened in confusion. Surely, she didn’t believe he was afraid of her.  
“Of?” he asked, his hand snaking its way from her arm to the swell of her breast. Her scent and the softness of her flesh were too enticing to ignore. 
“Of failure again.” she continued. Her comment, stopping Joe mid action. “Miss Giddy has told me about that night…aren’t you afraid of it happening again?” 
“I…” Joe began dumbfounded at her candor. Furious that the old woman had opened her mouth. Wishing that there was someone else as good as she for the task at hand. Then he might be able to kill her without a second thought. 
Instead, he was left vulnerable in front of the Fray. Giving her the upper hand for the moment. How dare she bring that up now. Remind him of what he has lost and refuse what there was to gain. 
“That's no concern of yours.” Joe said, his voice dosed with the hint of a quiver. Even someone as strong as he couldn’t help but give into the pain. 
“...I’m sorry.” Corrine said softly. Feeling immense regret as she watched him turn away. The moment compelling her to follow him. Shocked to see a tear running down his face. 
Corrine couldn’t help but pity him. This one simple tear had given her much needed proof of the Immortan’s humanity. An unexpected but pure reminder that he was just a man.  
“Really.” Corrine whispered as she brought her hand up to wipe the tear from his face. Joe was startled, surprised by her actions as he snatched her arm. Holding it up at the wrist as the two of them stared at one another. 
Both of their hearts began to pound as they stood there in the hollow of the vault. Joe, now more than ever determined to push forward. Corrine, chewing on her lip as he carefully undid his mask. His face once again revealed to her as he brought his lips only a hair’s breadth away from hers. 
“You’ll make it up to me.” Joe vowed as he passionately took her lips onto his. 
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
Pls we need a happy ending to the Joe angst, we NEEEEEEEEED it😭😭😭😭 It was so good but I can't deal with it ending like that!
Relax angel, I got you 👀
Okay, who's ready for a happy ending? Here's part 2 of Joe Begs You To Stay.
Read Part 1 Here. ◀◀◀
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Joe had blown up your phone all night, pretty much from the moment you'd left his flat actually. It's safe to say neither of you got a wink of sleep. You tossed and turned in bed, feeling quite sick to your stomach, your mind wandering on what tomorrow would bring and if he'd actually give up or do something about or just whether he actually didn't feel the same as he used too in general. You had ignored his messages and his calls, every single one of them, he needed to realise just what he'd done, giving him a taste of his own medicine and if he wanted to fix it; he'd make sure he did.
You think you eventually fell to sleep, the morning light seeping through the crack of your curtain where it was left open slightly, the racing pace of your heart returning as you realised it was tomorrow all too soon. You checked your phone, no further contact from Joe so you gather he got the message, you decided to go and shower trying to delay the thoughts a little longer but keeping to yourself only seemed to make it worse.
Just as you got out and went into your bedroom to get dressed feeling at least a little cleaner from your shower, your phone began to buzz, as if by magic, Joe had read your thoughts and he was calling. You'd gave him a night to stew it over and decided to answer.
"Hello?" You muttered, the pissed off tone clearly making itself known in your voice as soon as you were to hear his.
"Hi, how are you?"
"That a trick question?" You sat on the edge of the bed, holding your towel up and taking a deep breath in to stop the tears that were fighting to fall.
"Me too, I've not slept. Can I please come over?" You shut your eyes, straight to the point, yet another sigh fell from your lips.
"An hour sound ok?" His voice was so monotone, so downbeat, it was like he was almost mourning the loss of someone.
"That's fine, see you soon." You hung up before he could say anything more, you needed to get yourself fighting fit within the next hour so you were ready for whatever was going to be the outcome.
When Joe arrived, knocking on the front door it was all too soon. Your confidence shattered as you took your time to answer it. When you did, a tired man stood before you, not the usual chirpy, happy soul you were used to seeing.
"Come in." You gestured for him to come through, the usual spark in his eyes had almost disappeared, that on it's own was depressing enough. Joe sat straight onto your sofa, perching himself up, his hands flat on his thighs like a told off child, his head hung low again just like a mirror of last night when he was on his knees, his eyes stared down to the ground not wanting to look at you just yet, clearly nervous from the events of yesterday. You moved around the coffee table to sit next to him, leaning against the arm of the sofa and crossing your legs, picking at the side of your thumbs to help ease your anxiety if even a little.
"So..." You decided to break the silence, if you didn't do it this second, not a word would of been spoken for goodness knows how long.
Joe swerved round quickly to meet your eyes burning into the side of his head. "I've thought about everything, I know I'm completely in the wrong in most respects. I know that in the 3 years we've been together that I've never ghosted you the way I have these last couple of weeks. I have my reasons, I told you half of them last night. It got a lot and I couldn't finish because I thought that was it, I thought you were leaving me. I'm so sorry that I worried you sick and made you feel like you had to push me away, I never intended on that Y/N, I just kept getting busy and then unfortunately my last thought was you but then that changed just before I came home and at the end of the day which to then I would panic and the time difference got in the way. I know that may hurt but-"
Your eyes shot wide at the last sentence, the only words you'd seem to catch in that whole breath was that his last thought was you.
"How charming of you to say that."
"Let me finish, please." You folded your arms, huffing an irritated sigh, you weren't about to go in all guns blazing unless you oh so had too, giving him a slow nod to continue.
"I didn't mean for it to go that way, that's the longest we've ever been away from each other since I managed to get you out whilst I was filming in America last time. But it didn't mean my feelings had changed for you, they never will. I still love you more than anything in the entire world, you're my girl, my fucking world and the distance and not being able to speak sometimes won't make my feelings for you any less, you have to know that."
"So what about getting back, the girl I saw you with?"
"That part was true, she was an old friend from college, we caught up. I'd done something for you that day I'd gotten home and I figured with her being a girl and all, she helped me to figure out how I should do it."
"Do what?" You scrunched your face up in confusion, your features ran softer than before and the spark regained in his iris'.
"Can I give you this back?" He pulled your promise ring out of his jacket pocket.
"Doesn't mean I totally forgive you."
"But this isn't the end right?" You looked down, savouring your reply for a second; keeping him on his toes. He was desperate for confirmation and you had to give it to him.
"It couldn't ever be. But if you ever do anything like that again and I find out it's intentional, you can kiss my ass goodbye." You leaned over and took the ring from Joe, placing it back on your finger.
"I understand. I couldn't ever stand the risk of losing you again, we've been through too much, we know too much and above all our love's too strong. But I'll take that ass kissing any day." You both managed a smirk, it was far from over, but the hurt was far from gone. You were right, he had a lot of work to do to resolve his mistakes, but they were just a big clump of mistakes and he'd never done anything to make you question it before, and you loved him so much, you couldn't bare life without your Joseph.
"So what was she helping you to do so bad that was keeping you from letting me know you were home." The smirk disappeared and Joe's lips fell into a thick line, you noticed the strong gulp.
"I was going to wait until we could go out, something I'd arranged for tonight. I'd called your parents to get their permission and they were ecstatic. I think now's a better time than any."
"What are you talking--" Your eyelids rose 3 times the size that they normally could, your mouth shot open and the anxiety that once made you feel glum, shot straight to excitement. Joe took your hand and stood you up before him, getting down onto one knee, taking a box out of his trouser pocket and opening it up to see the most beautiful and quite clearly expensive diamond ring you'd ever seen.
"My baby, my beautiful Y/N, my fucking rock. You are the one I want to spend my life with and nearly losing you would've been the death of me. This is what I needed help with, this isn't what I was going to say or how I planned it go but now it's here I don't actually think I needed any help at all. You're so perfect to me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, no more mistakes ok?"
Tears streamed down your face, Joe's breathing hitched with every word he spoke, his eyes wet through just as much as yours.
"Will you do me the honour of becoming Mrs Quinn, will you marry me my love?"
You didn't need a second thought, you knew he'd been honest and he was facing up to the faults in miscommunicating regularly with you. Deep down you knew he wasn't a bad person and that he didn't get a word in edge ways with you last night because you were so clearly pissed off, your dramatics clearly shone through.
You wiped your eyes, a smile beaming so wide and nodded straight down at him. "Yes, oh my god, a thousand times yes!" Joe took your hand, putting the ring onto your left hand and shot straight up enveloping you into his arms, picking you up off your feet in a swift motion. "Thank fuck for that." He said as you both cried a giggle at one another. He squeezed you so hard, and you leant back to face him, crashing your lips onto his. The kiss was so long awaited and had this morning gone wrong you'd have never had the chance again, but at least it hadn't and now you had the best reason to desperately attack his mouth.
"I love you, Y/N. My future wife."
"I love you Joe, my future husband."
Joe put you down, his hand still round your waist as you both flopped onto the sofa, closer this time as you held onto one another.
"So, you wanted to go out?"
"That was where I was going to do it and it looks like we're going out to celebrate anyway, come on. I think you deserve to look fucking hot tonight, get ready, we're going shopping."
"Wait a second, I don't always look hot?" You furrowed your brows at your fiancé.
"You know what I mean, you beautifully stubborn woman."
You snuggled your face into his chest, the familiar warmth and scent that felt like home instantly gave you hope. Your hand laying on his stomach, you watched the ring glitter from the natural light.
"Doesn't mean you give up and forget what happened you know."
"I know, but this is a start." Joe pushed your head up, gripping his fingers to your chin and gave you a soft, slow, well needed extra long kiss. This was the man you knew.
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