#like maybe they all dont really want to do the show?? but like hire people that do thennn. i dont really think this is the reason
beepmeepmeepbeep · 1 month
bridgerton not beating life ends with marriage allegations
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licensedproldier · 12 days
highlights from the brennan hank interview (aka taking notes on things that i liked or didn't know)
immediate jump off topic from hank to ask him about d20 (this happened while fhjy was airing)
"and the greatest project of all, my wonderful family with my wife isabella roland"
bonding over their children
brennan and hank's son both corrected their father's bedtime stories 💀
many elaine lee shoutouts
"his dad met my mom and fell in love" "you did that" "we did that, parent-trapped them"
was pulled out of school in 4th grade for homeschooling because the bullying was so bad....
started a company when they (he and his brother) were fifteen?? called Bootleg Adventures
hank's little awed hiss of "what" to the above piece of information
"knowledge is something that, when you share it, there's just more. there's no scarcity"
hank staring off into space slightly looking like brennan just blew his mind (we're 11 minutes in)
"we were 14 year old philosophy majors, if you can imagine anything more normal than that"
brennan unable to resist doing fun voices for the people he talks about
he wouldve loved to work at wayfinder full time and said back then hey maybe ill become a famous internet comedian or something and that's how i can help camp. now he's got texts from the staff saying how a bunch of dimension 20 fans have joined and its been a huge boon for them that way 🥺
"it's funny when a really bad plan works. dont make that plan."
"every new community-- is this too sad? no its true" THOSE THINGS ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE
anyway "for every new community i start with the presupposition that someone is going to pick me up and put me in the trash can" 😭
hank sniping him through the duplex door with "[when you do that] you kind of imagine yourself to be the value you're delivering rather than yourself, or that your value is in what you deliver and not who you are" and brennan going 😐 "that's a great point man"
both of them turning to do pained smiles at the camera 😭
"i think the value is in who you are" "that's really sweet i appreciate that" "but i also love that you deliver"
brennan quoting mary oliver
im starting to feel a little called out guys
robert mckee "stories are not about their premises they're about their conclusions"
brennan also staring off into space slightly thinking about what hank said
the REAL college advice brennan is giving is reportedly "put an egg in your ramen" because thats how you stop your eyes from going "matte finish"
shoutout to vanessa's dumplings for keeping this man alive
"i am ozymandias nerd of nerds, gaze upon my banner and despair"
the moment he felt like something changed was walking into C2E2 and seeing that the biggest hanging banner in the convention hall was of fantasy high. or, as brennan put it, "my dumb face"
"my friends moved in with their partners, the apartment i had with them scattered to the wind, the woman i was dating dumped me after three weeks, and i won a bunch of money on Who Wants to Be a Millionare" "wh- what???"
he taught emily, murph, siobhan, and zac how to play dnd 🥺 and was running a home game for lou at the same time
got hired at um, actually because his name was getting around for being a big dork
zac stepped down from troopers and sam liked brennan's character from a previous casting call (tim curry eating pizza) so he brought him in
its very charming the detail with which brennan remembers these important moments in his life
became a full time cast member in the same week he started dating izzy! "hard to beat week gang!"
"they told us they were launching dropout and everyone had to make a show, which, if you're been trying to make a show your whole life, that's like saying 'bad news guys, there's 24 birthday cakes in the break room and everyone has to eat a whole birthday cake'."
brennan was making a document for a market pitch on an actual-play show when he was called into office and THEY pitched HIM the idea of an actual-play show
"i guess i have tumbled through life to end up here ready to do this"
truly like. one of the guys of all time.
"some of the things that didn't make sense about you make more sense now" hank talking indirectly about how amazing he found all the moving parts of mentopolis and now getting to hear about how long and how many time he's done storytelling it makes sense
"yeah its the one skill"
"i wanted to tell stories before i was anything else"
🎉anti-capitalist rant🎉
"people used to say 'is ucb a cult' and i'd say 'in a cult, somebody is making money'"
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fandomfucker · 1 month
I loveeee the singer and rhea headcanons you write could you do one where the reader is an actress? Maybe they meet through the reader getting cast in a movie that involves around wwe so she spends time going to matches and backstage
Also, the years are different because that's how i want it and I said so🤷‍♀️
You'd have starred in that movie Fighting With My Family (just a different year though)
Since a big part of Saraya's story was Wrestlemania, you were invited to that years Wrestlemania, just a month or two before you started filming
The one you were invited to was Wrestlemania 39 and you were able to go to not only day 1, but also day 2 and got backstage VIP treatment
You got to meet a bunch (if not all) the wrestlers and had a heart-to-heart with Triple H
Rhea saw you first
She was nervous and jumping around shaking out her hands when she saw you walk down the hallway past her open door
Her heart stopped as did her nervous bounces
She kinda just automatically walked out of her room and watched you walk down the hallway until she couldn't see you anymore
She turned around and caught Dominik laughing at her
He told her who you were and told her to go for it
She didn't have the confidence until a little after winning her match against Charlotte
"Oh my god! Congratulations on your win! I'm Y/n Y/l/n, its so cool to finally meet you. You, uh, you looked really good out there."
"Yeah, you too. Thanks, uh-would you maybe, wanna, like, I dont know, get a drink or something after the show? You dont have to if you dont want to but-"
"I'd love too! And...maybe you could teach me a thing or two about wrestling?"
"Yeah, for sure"
You'd never seen her so nervous and it remained that way until she wound up proposing
But she just thought you were so fucking hot
Little did she know, you were just as affected as she was. you're just better at hiding it
soon as you walked away from yalls first meeting you were blushing and stuttering so bad someone asked if they needed to get you medical help
You were able to watch the matches from the guerilla and get a feel for the environment; the stakes, the people, the emotions, everything so that you'd be able to replicate it for the movie
You studied peoples moves, not only how they moved individually but together
Letting each other know what they were going to do, setting up, taking the bump, everything
You watched Rhea the closest though
It was just because she and Saraya seemed to have a lot in common in the way their characters looked is what you told yourself. Totally not cause she was absolutely gorgeously lethal in the ring
She helped you spare alongside the people actually hired to teach you for the movie. The wrestling with Rhea was more effective because that was her expertise
You definitely learned a lot but you only ever won when she let you
But with her looking the way she does when she riptides you, losing really doesn't sting too bad
You officially start dating around the time the movie comes out later that year, she was your date to the premiere and you guys wore matching outfits and it was perfect
Once you moved on to other projects, Rhea found solace in watching some of your previous stuff she hadn't seen before but found that she could NOT stand watching you scream or cry or be covered in blood (and god forbid a combination of the three)
You woke up once at 2 am to a call from her, checking to make sure you were ok and to hear your voice after she watched a show where your character was tortured nearly to death
She doesn't watch any of your horror/sci-fi stuff anymore
Shes always your premiere date though unless she absolutely has to work in which case you just go alone, but together you always match
She does love the stuff your in where youre not being harmed though and she'll watch them over and over again
She has at least one poster from everyone of your projects up somewhere in her house
Plus an abundance of your merch
Like way too much for any normal person
Kinda gives off Tom Holland and Zendaya vibes, but you each think that you're Tom and your girlfriend is Zendaya (if that makes sense)
Rhea about has a stroke when she find out you guest starred in an episode of Supernatural when you were younger
The Fighting With My Family movie is Rhea's favorite though and harbors the most merch since thats how yall met
You've gone to a ton of PPEs and RAWs since you started dating and fans freak out every time
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angsthology · 5 months
a series of drivers in different sitcoms. thats it. thats the only description i can give.
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originally, this was a series inspired by this tiktok i saw then @disneyprincemuke (no one's surprised anymore) corrupted me into actually making it BUT! i wanted to have my own twist to it so here it is;
special mentions to @foreveralbon @localwhoore for... being there
also i gotta be honest the deeper u scroll the more sloppy i got with the ideas cause i fr ran out of sitcoms (that ive watched and/or may not just be in my list for future watch since i ran out) and ideas so im sorry folks 🫠 also no promises on this series well
some of these MIGHT change because i am stupid. and, yeah.
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the good place # mv1
he tried to kill you... nay, he did kill you, that’s why you’re here. and now he’s your alleged soulmate?
community # sv5
in life, it seems the only thing you’re ever good at is “trying again” but when will it stick?
how i met your mother # ls2
it’s almost like the world is against you being happy. but of all people, why did it have to be him?
new girl # cl16
crazy how one of your best friend’s new roommate was destined to be yours forever and you didn’t even know (apparently he did, though)
abbott elementary # gr63
the new first grade teacher seems to be unable to function when you’re around, wonder why that is?
modern family # eo31
when and how did your dads managed to get someone so cute to rent your upstairs apartment?
brooklyn nine-nine # pg10
since when did captain holt had such a cute, —daughter?
schitt’s creek # aa23
nothing really to smile about in your life. but i guess he’s kinda nice
2 broke girls # op81
typical max black lore drop, apparently she has a brother now?
reboot # ln4
they gave you one condition: be in this relationship or not be in the show and who are you to say no? you’re new after all, who did you think you were?
what we do in the shadows # cs55
you’ve lived long enough, really. but not long enough for this to be your first experience at being part of a truce
superstore # yt22
you hated your coworkers for not believing that you have an actual boyfriend. proof? hm, got that from the internet, call? did you hire someone to do that?
friends # ls18
jack and judy geller are one hell of a matchmaker, whether they did it on purpose or not
veep # lh44
you honestly can’t stand him sometimes. you truly don’t know what his problem is but who knows maybe he’s just english.
victorious # zg24
you guys are so cute, it’s quite sickening. literally.
icarly # ms47
you two were... inseperable. until—he seperated away, i guess. but hey! he’s back apparently and there’s really nothing you can do about it except try to keep the heart eyes too a minimum
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AGAIN; absolutely no promises cause im shit <3
plus i dont rlly know why im doing this considering i currently have a pretty demanding life but oh well!!
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captain-hen · 3 months
The whole eddie thing sucks :( i think fandom / newer fans sometime have a fixation on buck and his character simply because the show gives him way more plots and development opportunities relative to eddie. And if new fans are in it because of s6 like what else are they supposed to do when eddie had all of 4 episode with a plot last year, only 2 of which were connected, and likely his most formative moment of the season for many people was as a support character to buck (crazy that eddie talks about the shooting in 612 but the scene boils down to “eddie is buck’s couch” or some variation of that for most people). Kinda curious if others feel this way but sometimes I think this also extends to eddie’s family too which might be my biggest pet peeve. Like buck’s parents dont care about buck then eddie’s parents must not care about him in the same way which is so wrong like eddies parents suck for various reasons but they do care, maybe just not in the way eddie needs/wants. Or even more simple things like abuela loving buck so much and like not having a single interaction with eddie. And idk eddie’s relationship with his family (including shannon) is probably the most interesting part of his character that hasnt been fully explored in canon yet so its just kinda annoying to read a fic where eddie’s parents are only raging homophobics or only care about chris with no regard for eddie. Anyways sorry for the mini rant lol
...i think fandom would have a fixation on buck regardless, because despite s6 being the way it was, we still have four other seasons where eddie actually got proper plot points and arcs.
oh, and i do agree that it extends to eddie's family—eddie's relationships in general, really, because it's always stuff like "buck is a better dad to chris than eddie!" "buck is actually the favorite of eddie's abuela/tia/etc." "the firefam is more of buck's family than eddie's!" "bobby is only a father-in-law figure to eddie and actually only ever hired him for buck's sake."
(and it's ironic because i cannot remember eddie ever having a single conversation about buck with all of the characters mentioned. lol. it's almost like he's his own person, having relationships that have absolutely nothing to do with buck. shocking, i know.)
and, yeah, the stuff with shannon gets bad, because you have the people who are obsessed with the idea of eddie never actually loving her, so that buck can be his 'first real love' or whatever. these are the same blogs who get upset when eddie speaks positively about his relationship with shannon. it's so, so dumb. and there's absolutely no nuance to be explored with eddie's parents, yeah. it's just 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
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thedisablednaturalist · 8 months
My parents found out about the present I bought myself for my birthday. I worked my max hours to afford it. I had it shipped to my bfs house so they wouldn't see it. Apparently I missed a receipt that was hidden in the box. Idk how they got it anyway cause I put the box out with the trash/recycling. My mom was being so cruel about it and how I keep buying myself "lavish" gifts (most stuff I buy for fun is like $10-$50 max). I always plan my purchases and have never missed a credit card payment. Most of my money goes towards doctors visits, medication, car maintenance and gas, accessibility items/ergonomic stuff, cat food and litter, and hygiene. Recently I stopped most of my subscriptions save for a cheap minecraft server. The bulk of my pay goes into savings which have really grown since I got my raise. I also give my parents $400 in rent each month. I'm trying to save up for a recliner to replace my bed but I don't want to use the money I've already put away.
Like ok, maybe I'm not mr.frugal. maybe i sometimes buy more expensive things because they're more convenient (like already cut vegetables/fruit or preprepared meals) but like my hands fucking hurt and sometimes I don't have the spoons to feed myself. Maybe I fall prey to impulse purchases once in a while. Im learning and I'm trying to learn how to budget bc now I have to also pay for insurance until I can get on medicaid.
My mom acts like I don't care. She sees amazon packages come for me and think theyre all toys or expensive skincare or junk when its actually body wipes for when I cant shower/so i dont come back from the field to the office all stinky. Its a trash can I can keep on my bedshelf so I dont throw trash onto the floor instead. Its knee braces because my knees fucking suck. Once in a while Ill see something on sale that ive been wanting for a while and will grab it. And the most expensive skincare I use is $20 for a jar that lasts me 3 months. I have to keep my skin clear or ill pick and have scabs and blood all over my face again. I spend money on drag because it MAKES me money. Last time I got paid $100 from the venue and $50 in tips. One time I got paid $300 from the venue (i dont remember how much in tips).
Im trying my best. Im working with 3 government agencies rn to get a job and get health coverage. Im working my ass off at my job when i probably shouldnt be working (my mom laughed when I mentioned this). I'm constantly doing things to earn me money or to make life a bit less painful. Even streaming is a desperate attempt to make a career/side gig out of something I enjoy and doesn't make me flare up. I only watch shows when im with my bf or when im doing chores or working. I rarely play video games. When I flare I lay in bed and scroll Tumblr or play a mindless dress up game where I only have to move my thumb. I cry almost everyday. I cry on the way to work. I cry holding my cat in so much pain i cant move.
The only big frivilous purchases I've made is the present and a new graphics card (I haven't replaced my old one in a decade). The present cost $230 and the graphics card cost $800. Both of these I saved for. I might buy a nice skirt once in a while but thats pretty much it. I also spread out big purchases over time when I can.
Am I spoiled? Maybe. Maybe my parents are right and I'm a lazy spoiled kid who just makes excuses. But my pain is real, constant, and severe.
I have friends who's birthday presents consist of trips to fucking italy or the bahamas. Who complain when their parents drag them on yet another international vacation. Some are amazing people who are grateful and work their asses off. And some of them are a bit entitled. My mom said most 26 year olds are living on their own with jobs and I fucking laughed. The only 26 year olds with their own apartments especially in my area either have 5 roommates in a 2 bedroom shithole, got lucky and have a high paying tech job, their parents pulled strings to get them hired, or their parents are paying partly or fully for their apartment.
And when i tried to find an apartment? She discouraged me and told me id never be able to afford one (correct) but now im suddenly able to when it suits her argument? Ive been heavily job hunting for over a year and got ONE interview who ghosted me after two interviews. I make $2k MAX. Rent in my area is $1700-2500 for a freaking studio. The $1700 one doesn't let you see the apartment and gets snapped up immediately. And these are all apartments within a 2 hour radius. All the "affordable housing" is for people 55 and older.
Like I literally have no options. I can't move until I get a job in that area. I can't leave the country cause Im disabled and also thats fucking expensive. My bf makes less than me and even combined we couldn't afford a place.
Literally, I've never been suicidal before. Ive never struggled with that due to my fear of death. But all of this? Ive recently had suicidal thoughts and its fucking scary. Thoughts that killing myself would make it easier for everyone else. That it would be easier to just end it, that life will always be a living hell and i should just give up. And thats fucking scary! I shouldn't have those thoughts! But that's how bad it is.
I try to do what my therapist told me. I try to set boundaries. But setting a boundary means not eating dinner bc I leave when my parents yell at me. I try to think positively and ignore the pain. I probably walk an average of 1-2 miles a day. I try and try and try and it hurts so much. They can't be proud of me? For even big victories? Guilting me about graduation cause I took too long. Keeping a job for more than a year (its not a REAL job cause its hourly and doesnt have benefits).
Like what's the point? I've been fighting and fighting and most of the world wants to see me dead and gone anyway. I'm trying to work in a field that doesn't even consider people like me. If I cant work Ill just bring my boyfriend and my family down. Every step forward I manage to take I get dragged back 10.
Im so tired and ashamed and stressed and my fucking body hurts worse now because of the stress and i just dont want to wake up tomorrow.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
Dont know if the ask game is still open but if it is: AU where manual the normal hero unintentionally becomes the number 1 pro hero.
Look. Look, at the rate we're going? All the heroes dropping? Manual was #222 before the great quitting and then so many heroes dropping dead. I will be genuinely surprised if at this point in canon he's ranked any lower than top 50. This ask is just going to be canon by the time the arc is finally over and Manual is the highest ranking hero still left. BUT let's take the light hearted route and not the "everyone dies" route to get him that spot a lil earlier
1- So Manual just kinda keeps... Getting invited to parties? Somehow? So often when he's working with another hero or even just passing them on patrol, the topic of parties comes up, and no really wanted to invite him but then realized halfway through that he was there, and it would be awkward at that point to say "not you though" so he also gets an invite, and Manual doesn't really want to go to all of them, though some are quite nice, but he kinda feels like he has to. So he kinda just keeps showing up and more and more "high ranking" parties, and people keep assuming he's important since he's at so many, so he gets more invitations and accidentally networks himself higher.
2- The same happens with cases, and he keeps getting asked to way more than he signs up for, he really just meant to be more rescue and patrol focus, but he does have a knack for piecing together people's motives and actions, and he practices more with each case he gets invited to, and then suddenly it becomes "well, we can't assign this unimportant case to Endeavor but like... I saw Manual on a case meeting with Endeavor last month so maybe he can handle it?" And he works very hard and has little social life outside of heroics, so he can handle it, and so that part of his ranking goes up.
3- and with higher ranking and being seen more, he becomes more lucrative for sponsors- but Manual doesn't really want to be a mascot, so he only takes a very few select ones he actually cares about or thinks are too cool to turn down, so he's more exclusive, so more people want him, and now he's hired another person at the agency just to deal with sorting those and sending polite rejections.
4- this continues on until Tenya accepts an offer from Manual for an internship, trying to track down Stain. Hosu is attacked, but Manual is seen as a impromptu leader of sort of many other heroes they come across, calling directions for evacuation, putting out fires, and corralling Nomu. Tenya slips away, and Manual orders others to find him- just in time to see Tenya, Shoto, and Izuku beat up Stain. Manual and Endeavor both run to the scene at the same time, and later in the police, the Chief suggests they take credit for taking down Stain in order to say the kids had permission. Enji gets very upset at the suggestion that he take credit for something he didn't do as Shoto did have his permission- kinda- and doesn't care about the other two, but Manual quickly agrees, for their sake, and buries the guilt about lying because he knows this would not be an opportunity he got it he was a lower ranked hero.
With the news that Manual was responsible for taking in Stain, having organized the group that got him while minimizing casualties, he makes the top ten heroes.
5- in such a role, of course he's involved in Kamino- there's a lot of water in a nomu's body, and that's a sort of weakness that's much better for the Doctor to work around like great resistance or regeneration. With Jeanist injured, the commission decides to announce Endeavor as #1, Manual as #2, and Hawks still as #3. (Hawks is a useful tool to the commission, high up, at the same time, he can't be too high for their next plans for him.)
Manual gets to enjoy one week there, crying in his agency away from any windows because how did his life get so out of control, before someone drops a huge amount of information on Endeavor online, absolutely tanking his reputation. By the time the official billboard is announced, Manual knows he's going to be stuck as the number one hero. He's resigned to it, and blocks the hero commission president's phone number.
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scepterno · 9 months
Oh my god I love nsfw with acc feelings in it it makes it so real and meaningful icl
I remember reading one where Alejandro was insanely focused on Noah and like to get handsy and describe every part he loved ab him😭 Alejandro when he’s not playing in TD is so different towards people (if he wasn’t attracted to Heather he’d be attracted to Noah?? Or something like that I remember seeing it) but yeah Noah felt so safe with him and wasn’t at all nervous to say no to things in the fic it was so sweet☹️
I haven't read any nsfw fics of alenoah simply because.. erm...... i do not enjoy a lot of alenoah fics in general.. i cannot shake the feeling that most are written by teens so i just tend to avoid them by virtue of not wanting to read some high schooler's fanfic. i am a stickler about proper grammer, syntax, rhythm and beats, or what have you. *pushes up glasses* i am a scholar in STEM at heart. do not let the art degree fool you! when you get older and go to college you tend to...................................... now, i don't mean to be rude, but you tend to refine your tastes in literature, aka silly gay fanfics in the internet.
i just cannot bring myself to sit through more than 2 sentences of a fic if there's not proper punctuation or grammar. (also you can sort of tell when a fic is written by someone young or inexperienced, which, you know, power to them! you cant get better if you dont suck first! but that does not. mean. i will subject myself to Suck) i simply cannot. it hurts my bones.
that was a totally unrelated tangent. WOOPS. sourry 'bout that, mate.
what you're thinking of is the reddit AMA with alejandro's original voice actor where someone asked if they could see alejandro being attracted to anyone other than Heather, using Noah as an example, and he agreed. (they kind of led him into that one, so i take it with a grain of salt, but celebrate nonetheless)
i personally cannNNNAWWWWTTTT see Noah as submissive in a sexual situation with alejandro. with someone like Emma? yeah. sure. vaporize that stupid twink. but with alejandro, who brings out the competitive, spiky side to Noah??? i cant see him assuming the submissive role. maybe he likes to get pampered and Pillow Princess'd once in a while (he is VERY lazy to his core, after all).
i do find it interesting how most people tend to agree that alejandro would be a much better person as soon as he's no longer on reality television. although, i suppose that applies to most characters, especially the villains.
i personally still think that alejandro has a nasty side, since he wasn't ALLOWED to have a nasty side around his family (or he'd get a beating). being on total drama let him have fun with being a complete asshole, which is not something he was ever allowed to do before then, because he's supposed to be perfect! and suave! and a gentleman! Chris hired him to be a dirtbag, so he played the part and had a blast doing it (until it bit him in the ass)
i do regret not being able to show alejandro's Nasty Side more in my fic, but i dont' really think there was room for it given how hard he was trying to redeem himself both in his family's eyes, as well as Noah's. once he and Noah are more comfortable with each other, Alejandro definitely allows himself to be let loose a bit and forego the manners. he truly DOES admire that Noah isn't a pushover, because he considers himself one and wishes, deep down, that he wasn't so compelled to be a people pleaser. there is a subconscious filter in his brain that keeps him generally polite, just because it's been drilled into him by his family (diplomatic and strict, cough cough) that being undesirable or off-putting is something to be punished for.
EGADS, it appears I have allowed myself to ramble again, so I'll cut it off here. sorry for using your fairly straightforward message as a means of info-dumping. 'tis the turn of the tide, or what have you.
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roseworth · 1 year
Tried to follow only to discover I already am. Good job, past me. Thoughts on the changes made to Rose’s character with each reboot?
YES i have so many thoughts
first of all. the new 52 was the worst thing to ever happen to rose and im not exaggerating even a little. she started out as a superboy side character (???) as an assassin that was hired to kill him if he didnt do what they wanted ? then she became a ravager and hunted people down
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but the WORST part of the new52 is that they either didnt know or didnt care about lillian worth and they just. made rose one of slade and adeline's kids. and had him raise her.
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also she was the oldest child of her and joey, which is nowhere near the same level of awful as the whitewashing but still makes me uncomfortable
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yeah so. new 52 was fucking terrible. that is not rose even a little i do not know this woman
but REBIRTH fixed so much <3 christopher priest my bff <3 i am once again recommending deathstroke 2016 bc it has so many good moments and i think its worth reading
the first time rose showed up lillian worth was mentioned!!!!! she was there!!!!! <33333 the timeline was changed a little but i can forgive that bc!!! LILI!!!!!
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the problem is that the book made her hmong instead of cambodian and i dont really know why??? but also ive said it before but,,, as much as it makes me upset bc asian identities shouldnt just be interchangeable,,,, this was the first time it was even mentioned that she was half asian since the 90s!!!! and she had a whole arc about her hmong heritage and her family!!!!!!
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AND she didnt kill anyone in that book iirc :') the closest she got to killing someone was when she was in the middle of a breakdown then shado killing him for her instead which!!!! i love so so much bc rose does not kill a lot despite what some writers want you to believe. pre52 she has like maybe 3 murders that i would consider in character so the fact that she doesnt kill anyone in ds2016 is so fucking real
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anyways ill also count infinite frontier as a reboot bc i love to talk about my opinions
there werent a lot of clear changes in infinite frontier BUT. technically her cutting her eye out is canon rn. in deathstroke inc theres a flashback of her stabbing her eye, and also in dark knights death metal (?) shes drawn with an eyepatch
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then she was in robin 2021 which was . eh. it wasnt BAD for her but it was just kinda her continuing to kill ppl ig :( but she was drawn so nice in that book so ill forgive it
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side note i still hate the idea of respawn so that bothered me in this book. also what they did to connor hawke is unforgivable so its a net loss but whatever
anyways i think thats all my thoughts. in conclusion: new52 bad. rebirth mostly good. infinite frontier eh. and my own personal interpretation is perfect always.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
I will start by thanking u for having this blog and opening my eyes on alot of things even though I dont agree on everything u say here ( I think Jensen was fantastic as SB he was simply the best thing about season 3) but I agree on alot of things that said here and the fact that Jensen choosed to be mediocre in all aspects of his life and it's just sad , for ex in acting he wasted his prime years doing soap opera and cheap cw tv , usually new actors with ambition will start with small budget and indie movies till they get better opportunities and stay away from tv because it's a known fact that's tv actors rarely make it out of tv , Jensen now want to be an A lister but it's too late now he is 45 , Jp fans always get mad when we compare him to movies stars ,but the truth is he have movie star qualities maybe he doesn't have the range to be campared with DiCaprio or rayan Gosling but actors like Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth have nothing on him in term of talent, looks and charisma , it's just they were smarter in their choices , CE casted as CA based on his look ( blue eyes , blonde, good American boy ) and the character is one dimensional anyway and does not require range at all and just quick look at his post marvel work will show that he is even less versatile and more mediocre than Jensen, however he was smart ,before marvel he used to be in indie movies, romcom and failed blockbusters which help to put him on the map and give apportunites , while marvel wasn't looking for big names they will not hire tv actors either . Now for his marriage , I've noticed just like everybody how awkward they look as a couple and have zero chemistry and then some videos like pregnancy joke video or the WT premiere , he always looked annoyed, visibly cringed with her and sometimes he look straight up disgusted like when she tried to touch his hair , then I digged further here and I wish I dont cause now I dislike him , the fact that he cheated on his gf and backstabbed his friend and for what for this ? Is this the best he could do? Hollywood male actor will usually go for either super hot actresses like scarlett Johansson or black lively or an average one but have great personality and funny / great person and she is neither one these she is average in everything and she is not even nice to him , imagine my surprise when I found out that her acting carrier is consist of her being slutty and naked , I'm laughing bc jensen have no standard or class at all , it's hilarious that he went on SB press ranting that he can't do intimate scenes bc he is a family man when his wife is basically a grorified soft porn actress, he will never be CE bc that man have standard, he didn't tie himself up with tv and he knows that he is a frat boy and not exactly ment to be a family man so he didnt tie himself up with women and children, Jensen on the other hand isn't exactly a family man either but he did it anyway by half assing it and being away most of the time while his wife taking the wheel , and now he want to use this marriage to sell the image of powerful couple , the problem is outside their ig post they can't even pretend to like each other and even when they do like in the recent con they did together they dont have the chemistry of married couples and Jensen looked disgusted when she tried to kiss him , the fact that the happiest they ever looked together is when they were partying , drunk and wasted , tell me everything I want to know about their relationship , and I honestly I dont feel sorry for him for being stuck with a woman that he has zero passion for , it's his carma for being a cheap cheater
Hi, anon! I too was really shocked when I saw how trashy Danneel is. To think he backstabbed to people of value over her and also effed over Jared when he produced TW over her. She definitely makes me question his character deeply.
As for the second part of your ask, you forgot to turn on anonymous and your username was visible so I avoided posting that one, to protect your privacy.
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toxifoxx · 5 days
I am now asking about your au
Specifically collins (forgot his first name) (your phone guy)!!!!!!!!!
well i already rambled about him a bit on my post but im sure i can pull out some more lore about him ^_^ (also dw about his first name im still trying to pick a new one for him)
soooo… collins parents were immigrants from southeast asia (still deciding on the specifics there), they moved to america hoping for better opportunities but were still pretty poor there, as his father was the sole provider for the family and couldn't get a very high paying job. even to this day collins is pretty poor and its part of the reason he stays at fredbear's/freddy's, because he struggles to find a better job
this is exacerbated by the fact collins is just not a very social guy, as a kid he was pretty lonely and i think he has a lot of anxiety that's been left unresolved for decades, so he struggles to get interviews or connect with people. people tend to think he's on-edge all the time, and he doesn't have a lot of friends - even his co-workers can only really be considered acquaintances, but they are the closest things to friends that he has. he also feels pretty isolated being a closeted gay man and not reallyyy knowing what to do with that information in rural ass hurricane utah.
he's a lot more capable than he thinks though! he's good with schedules and planning, can solve any problem at the pizzeria pretty easily, so most people generally respect him there. henry likes him cause he's good at what he does and doesn't cause any problems, they dont really go out of their ways to interact with each other but when they do its usually positive. william is, as stated, kind of a dickhead, so he likes to dump extra work or overtime onto collins since he's not gonna complain about it (he hates confrontation). but they do get along sometimes, collins finds his rambling intriguing - though not directly interested in animatronics he is interested in technology, so there's a slight overlap there.
i actually think collins could have an interesting connection with michael post-1983, with william giving him(michael) the cold shoulder and henry not paying much mind to it. maybe trying to reassure mikey it was an accident or at least give him some kinda support, still thinking on that one though. collins also knows jeremy by proxy, and cause jeremy worked at freddy's for a brief time (ahem. we know how that went), i think they were pretty close to being friends ngl
i cant really explain how it came to be but the phone head is a thing here. its a mask collins wears to hide the scars on his face (which he got from an accident with foxy), because he hates being stared at + doesn't want to scare the kids + its actually kind of nice to help with overstimulation. dims the bright lights and loud sounds.
OH and theres also vincent who is obsessed with collins, which collins is rather annoyed by and resistant to at first, but starts to warm up to him after vincent saves his life & finally realizes he needs to tone down the flirting after collins expresses his discomfort. (vincent doesnt show up till fnaf 1 i think, thats when they meet, after collins got attacked :3)
collins is present at fredbear's, fnaf 1, and fnaf 2 - the longest lasting employee out of anyone else who's been hired. what happens to him after that? well… giggles
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imunbreakabledude · 5 days
the boys 402 thoughts
imma just live-type thoughts for this one. spoilers behind the cut
opening scene i was like wait is this a flashback or... i shoulda known... it's a-train's movie... SLANGIN' THAT YAYO (now that line of Ashley's will be running in my head all night). but damn, will ferrell, and tilda swinton as the octopus... they pullin names!
i won't lie, even after all the really, really.... really bad shit he's done, I am still holding out hope for an A-Train 'redemption' arc!! mainly because he still has a 'canary' of sorts (his brother) and still clearly seems conflicted at times. will i look like a clown for hoping this? quite likely. i do not think he'll do a full 'make up for all my wrongs' tour... But I think it's possible that he turns ~just a little bit~ to help bring homelander down in the end.
noir II i've only known you for 5 minutes but i love you. i'll admit i never got that into the whole "noir is a cinnamon roll" thing before like he had some fun moments, the "creed" of this show basically, and yes earving's backstory made me feel for him, but not in an 'uwu this 60+ year old deeply injured guy is my fav' way. but noir II has already got me hooked. just an actor hired to play a part and has NO idea whats goin on had to murder someone cuz boss said so...! (and it's an opportunity for the ACTUAL ACTOR behind noir to get more spotlight... that's nice too!!!)
kimiko in therapy? QUEEN. but also lmao at this doc going 'maybe ur psychological mutism is because of trauma in your past' YOU DONT SAY HUH???? fuck that doc but you go kimiko trying to work on aspects of your life you wanna change!!!!! you are the most traumatized person on this show but also the healthiest
all of the talk about butcher dying and arguing about whose fault it is is just so hilarious because maeve is so irrelevant to all of them/the show that no one will even consider that it's pretty easily her fault
that being said I am usually all with MM and thinking 'why does anyone put up with butcher' but firing him right as he breaks the news of his terminal illness is not the right move MM you KNOW he has no family to go spend his last days with.... there is no sane argument for THIS being the reason to fire him, you should've fired him for his reckless behavior or not at all... silly
omg also ashley confirmed alive! will she and ashley fuck this season? one can only hope
homelander learning that being a parent means selflessness and not liking it lmaooo i mean he had no one demonstrating that for him it's no mystery he don't get it but boy is he shocked
now whaaaaaaat is sage doing by trying to manipulate ashley and deep....? what's her endgame? hmmmmm
but also her being this influential and this much of a focus this early in the season leads me to believe she can't last all that long........ hmmmm
ok if we're at a conspiracy theory con and don't see ONE booth promoting "queen maeve is alive" what is this show DOING?????
"STORMFRONT is alive" but not Maeve??? (although tbh i am that person! we just saw a body bag... she could be alive! she could come back on the show! the opportunity is there!)
kimiko's face when she's like 'wait does frenchie not believe in the moon landing or is he fuckign with me' lmaooo
kimiko you're trying soooo hard to act brave about frenchie rejecting you (???) last season (???) (ok I can't remember that well how it played out but she kissed him then he was acting weird then she kinda preemptively said it was a mistake right? i dont remember if he formally 'rejected' her) but my POINT is she WANTS his penis and ass or maybe both!!!!
kimiko you would've loved maeve rip to the kimiko and maeve being besties dreams
i do enjoy this show's commitment to saying "in a world where superpowers exist, people would use them for weird sex things". i mean, not even weird! i'm not judging! but people would use them for sex things! they sure fucking would! sure a guy who can duplicate himself would eat his own ass human centipede style! sure he would!!!!!
gee annie yknow who you could ask for advice about being a superhero and a symbol and the power and drawbacks to that? M--(i should shut up before i tempt fate into a tiny reference to her that ends up contradicting my precious headcanons)
i'm not sure i'm that into "the seven never/almost never actually save anyone" as a narrative thread... it feels a little blunt... it was already quite clear that even if they did have some saves, they were often semi-staged, that they did more harm than good, etc... that feels a little... not quite a retcon, but a little, uh, unnecessary? Maybe nathan's exaggerating that a-train 'never actually saved anyone' but like... that feels a little lame. a superfast man never saved ONE person for real? not even once?
I am so into a meaty kimiko arc! but also did frenchie just say 'hey pls beat the shit out of me instead of some stragners?" just put your penis into her vagina already man!!!!!
A-Train heel face turn???? maybe??? maybe/?!?!?!!
poor ryan omg is that his first murder...? besides... um.... his mother........ (we don't count that)
what if 😳 we kissed 😳 in queen maeve's all-gender ballroom 😳 (no but that feels so appropriate as so many iconic maeveannie scenes are in the infamous vought all-gender bathrooms)
now someone tell me what 13 year old girl is so into marvelous mrs maisel that she wants it as her bat mitzvah theme. amazon your vertical integration is showing
i WILL save this hava nagila (fight mix) onto my spotify tho (lowkey fuckt his show i wanted to write a hava nagila fight scene into one of my shows) (i still will someday)
WE HAVE INFILTRATED A ZIONIST CABAL (pans to cardboard cutout of tony shalhoub) that has to go into the no context clips hall of fame though
the fact that homelander can't even context-clue his way to ryan being upset about murdering someone draws serious questions about not his empathy, but his intellect
ohhh so frenchie doesn't wanna see colin bc they met at NA(?) and he's using again? oh....... oh
i prefer MM and Butcher on the same page so..... um.... ok
hyperfixation verdict.... still relieved to not have any Facts about maeve peppered in but also how not even a drip or drab about her being dead or whatnot. ok onto ep3
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alarrytale · 8 months
Hi! I just wanted to comment on some things you say thay i kinda disagree (and why you should care abt my opinion you'd say? well, just to have a nice dialogue :)). The first one is abt the laddy image louis wants to portray, which you think is fake. But what if it's not fake? Yes, louis is really different from the flamboyant boy we knew (i too admit that when i compare him now with the Louis i see in older videos i feel like im seeing two different people more or less) but people change, right? As louis says "nobody stays the same" and it's not THAT much of a change because we always knew louis liked football, and drinking and these "laddy" things, so maybe this part of him surfaced more through the years? Also, speaking of drinking, i dont see why is it that bad? Talking from personal experience, some people are insecure and can't let loose to sing or dance (personally, when i go to a club sober i can't do neither, im just too shy and just standing there). Maybe drinking helps louis be more chill, cheer a little bit up and be more loose to move on stage. Being a little tipsy always helps imo and it's not something bad. I agree it stems from insecurity but some people are born this way and it can't change easily.
Hi, anon!
I do care about your opinion! Even though we might disagree. We are just showing each other our different points of views.
I don't think louis' laddy image is completely fake. I just think it's grossly exaggerated. He has changed since he was in 1d, and the image he had in 1d wasn't him either. I think the answer is something in between. I don't think his smoking and drinking is an image thing, it fits his image, but i think it's a coping mechanism. He is not hiding any of it, nor his use of weed, and that i think it's a part of his image. I do think he's into guitar music, but i don't believe he was into indie music before 1d. It was more nickelback, the fray and the script. I do think he likes athleisure wear, but i also think he likes more classic fitted looks. I think he still does pedicures.
I don't think he's changed out of his flamboyance. Not at all. He's just repressing it and self policing himself. It does come out more when he's relaxed, happy and around fans. I imagine he's a different person around close friends, harry and family and much more flamboyant.
You don’t see why drinking is bad? Apart from it being unhealthy, it's addictive and it impairs your performance. I don't think you can compare yourself drinking while out once and awhile to have confidence in social situations to louis drinking on the job. Louis is drinking as a coping mechanisms too, but he's working and it seems like he has to drink to be able to do his job. If he were working any other job, where he had to drink to be able to do what your're hired to do and it got in the way of his work performance, his employer would have done something about it a long time ago. Louis also got alchohol addiction in his family and should maybe be extra careful about it. If you are driven to drink because of nerves or anxiety at work, to help you perform, i don't think that's work you should do often. I'd hope his dependency on these crutches would go away as he gained confidence, but it seems like it's all gotten worse. He both smokes and drinks more. I think bigger breaks and more time between shows would help him cope better.
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shufflet · 1 year
Do you ever get obsessed over a youtube series?
Even though the series hasn't updated in a while. I'm still speculating on the series. Hoping I can get better at humans so maybe I'll make fan art someday.
I'm making headcannons and attempting to learn human art after watching Tales of the Foundation a lot more than reasonably healthy XD
I really like Dr Buck and Dr Collingwood a lot.
Because of the Dracula Factory episode I have a lot of guessing of what Dr Buck used to do. Seeing her handle the specimen in that episode made me wonder if she was a veterinarian at some point. Perhaps even a marine biologist because of her IDing of the lamprey makes me wonder if she has a background studying deep sea stuff? Could you imagine being a marine biologist and learning some organization wants you to identify an actual land lamprey species that hunt humans? (Look I know in the actual scp file for the scp 2191 the Dracula Factory creatures are considered related to humans but the idea of a land lamprey species is terrifying and fascinating).
I like to think Dr Collingwood has a background in psychology because of all the way she questions people. She is very calm usually in the earlier episodes. There doesn't seem to be much about her beyond her assignments. Though maybe I overlooked something?
Agent Lawrence is kinda neat too when you learn he used to be an electrician. Wonder if he saw something while repairing a customer's electronics? Or did the Scp Foundation just like hired the guy and later learned he was a good fighter or something? That would be shocking. One moment you're repairing a blown circuit at your new job, next moment a big monster or some other supernatural entity is breathing down the back of your neck. Like that would be scary but kinda funny in a way. That's like one way to get promoted.
I dont really know much about Carson though. I think he keeps his face covered after enough things attacked his face and head area. So I don't think he's the type to show off much.
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saturns7ringsinspace · 3 months
Hello all, I thought I would share my au because I have wanted to for a while. It’s been in development for 5-6 years now. This took me an 1hr 30minutes and it shows so bare with me please 🫶🏽
 This is just a brain dump it’s insanely unorganized and possibly confusing.
Alright it focuses around the JR because I love them and I probably love them more bc of this au that I’ve grown attached to.
So I kinda tried to stay canon but also definitely strayed away from it a lot
Everyone got a power boost bc it’s more fun when they’re all powerful and have to go through character arcs, I have a lot of OCs in this which are super dear to me 🫶🏽
Alright I’m going to start with the basis. 
Basically the JR is the most powerful organization in their set multiverse. We knew this ofc. Dream runs it and sometimes leans on his close employees for advice, help, etc but he obviously has a problem so he usually does it all himself by this I mean paper work and his daily duties which is usually just paper work.
There are a lot of divisions including justice division, cooking/chefs, security division, orphanage staff, hired mercenaries, medical divisions, office workers, receptionists, maids/janitors, and I’m sure a lot more. 
The JR runs a lot of things and it’s hard to keep track of everything even for dream.
The plot is based on them chasing criminals specifically meme squad, then outcome B happens, but a shadow organization rises with growing power, dream and the jr wondering how they stayed off their radar and these guys are total bad news. Every bad thing, every big criminal has had an association with these guys ( I don’t have a name for them yet, I’ve just been referring to them as AJR, anti-justice reigns, weak name I know) they have a deep hatred for the jr and do everything in their power to take them down. Majority of the story is the JR against AJR the rest is meme squad and inner demon battles 😃
I guess I’ll move on to respective characters unless I forgot something 
Dream- CEO of JR, runs it like a business is basically a politician, businessman, warrior(??),  paperwork man, father (??🧐🧐)
Same backstory as OG, ate 50000 apples, grew light wings, villainized nightmare.
His powers- as I mentioned I gave people power boosts, so he has all his og powers and more. His sword lights up yellow when he uses his powers and a lot of magic comes out of it when used (think raiden shogun) honestly in powers he can shoot light, and if he needed to he probably could incinerate someone/thing. He can shoot a lot of it but if overused he’d need probably couple hours of rest. I wanted to paint him in a way to be a like god but not there completely (again think raiden but a bit more inferior) 
Personality- same old same old
Polite, respectful, serious with his job and with life in general
Has morals even though they are a bit twisted in a way
He honestly is supposed to be the MC but he’s not really there it’s funny to me he’s just so busy he becomes overshadowed by the other side MCs I didn’t account for that at first but then it felt purposeful.
Ink- Dreams right hand, but moreover assassin/mercenary, here for the money (but that’s where character development come in) 
His backstory is kinda the same but I added some stuff to fix plot holes or just Wtv didn’t make sense, I don’t feel like expanding right now
(I’ll do separate posts with more details on characters maybe lmao probably not)
Powers- alrighty this is gonna be hard to explain. So he has his og powers ink blah blah, but he can use it to morph it into stuff like idk if he wanted to prank someone he could make his ink into food and they would eat it and they just ate his powers not actually food (idk another example😭), I created this as a joke but then added it because I liked it. He can use the ink on/in his body to morph himself, so like change his body this shouldn’t be confused with changing his complete appearance like skin tone eye color etc but he can change like the shape of his body or gender kinda like if he wanted to appear as a girl he could. But he would still look  like same eye color, same skin tone, same hair color etc. but he could shape of his nose, mouth, he usually uses it for fun/to scare people and not on missions unless he has to. 
Personality- rude ahole, absolutely gives no fks, nice is a one in a lifetime occurrence 
his rudeness is from trauma and his lack of knowing how to interact with others 
Sassy 100%
When the character development pops in he becomes better still a ahole tho. 
He cares I promise he just needs a shove in the right direction
(GENDERFLUID INK GENDERFLUID INK, using “he” here bc it’s easier and I have a headache)
Finch- (my favorite and you can tell by all the trauma and pain I gave him 💝🫶🏽🥰)
JD Captain, Inks respective rival, way too loyal to dream until he’s not
This is where I’m scared to post about my AU. Because this guy is the one who probably got the biggest boost. 
His backstory- it’s still based on the 1930-40s in WW2 in America specifically Odessa, Texas.
this was how his downhill of a life started (until he met dream)
Lives with mother and father and 6 siblings because in that time people had way too many kids. And I like the idea of youngest sibling finch. Father gets drafted for war, dies. (This was fav parent btw) mother sad and traumatized, takes it out on kids ⁉️ finch got the worst of it bc MC plot , she wanted him to be perfect which messed with self esteem and just imagine her lovely reaction when he came out to her. Runs away bc it’s too much mental and emotional abuse. This is the shaky part. Comes into contact with a spirit , specifically spirit of anger,revenge , and all things karma. This come into the story later. Okay so I quite haven’t figured this part out but upon coming in contact with this spirit bro gets possessed 😱 and his au shows a rift which he gets sucked into and spit out into dreamswaps au where ever I haven’t done that world building yet. The part where he gets his freaking eye stabbed out is still in the works but I have a basis that I’m not sharing yet but after that dream finds him with a couple guards , and he’s sent to the JR hospital gets new eye and and soon after 3-4 years of insane hard work becomes promoted to captain this is important because it establishes just how hardworking he is. Most wouldn’t get such a promotion until at least 6-7 years? For him to get it so young, so early, is envying and insane. For others they’re jealous and believe he’s undeserving until he really proves himself worthy of such a position and gains the respect (I so graciously believe he deserves)
As you can there is a lot for him and that’s because originally there’s so little so I had a lot of room to implement what would usually be hcs into his character.
Alrighty powers- 
This is hard to explain the spirit gives him these established powers but it makes him lose control if used excessively leaving the spirit to take over and a pain for whoever's around
These powers run on emotions and if he is careless with his expression then the above may happen.
He can like use the magic to float stuff sometimes himself but that takes a lot. 
He can make daggers (similar to an idea that I believe @fresh-trans-fish had)
Still has that scrappy spear of his. 
He has very scared to use these powers but after time bonding with said spirit he became more comfortable in it.
THE CRYSTALS- part of keeping the spirit in control. 
They need each other , spirit (doesn’t have a name yet I’m working on it) and finch need each other to live cause spirit needs a host and will fade out without one and finch is stabilized by said spirit 
Personality- silent man probably the equivalent of the quiet kid maybe a little more mental unstable 
A leader at heart 
Cares about doing the right thing 
Crazy in the way where he talks to himself constantly 
internally hyper, externally calm
Anxiety definitely 
I gave him borderline bc that’s my own hc in og (makes dealing with his powers harder)
Kind but people don’t see it
Tough willpower 
Claims to never cry, probably has a mental breakdown after very shift
He has learned over the years to be less wound up off the job. 
Also he has a bsf (she will be introduced later but she is important to his character development she’s an OC ofc )
Okay, that’s not everything obviously there’s still the OCS but I’m so lazy and I hate writing on my phone. So here’s a quick basis of the MC OCs 
Ash- lead doctor in the medical department, close with dream been in the JR for a LONG time, like a mother to certain people (cough cough finch and katja) 
Katja- co captain to finch and bsf to him also, hates ink in a weird sibling way, 24
Eliza- weird relationship to dream, people don’t know why she’s always in the JR also oddly close with ink and finch, late 20s
Amayah- lead detective, cool uncle vibes, early 30s
Brianna- dreams adopted daughter (that’s all I’ll say about that 😃)
Tbh there’s probably so much I’m forgetting but it’ll come to me and I’ll write it down.
Autocorrect made this 10x more painful. 
Okay that’s definitely not everything (I’ve said for the fifth time) but if any questions then please comment 
I hope this has a good reach but lmk your thoughts! 
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not-souleaterpost · 7 months
The Y-7 Psychopath - Cowardice or Humility
Don't know if anybody cares about some juvenile "media analysis" from me, but why not, especially on a idea I had in my mind, and finally think it is prudent to put it out there, to see how people feel about it.
So you know western cartoons? And Im not talking about "adult animated sitcoms" or the recent surge of "totally mature and bloody!!!" cartoons that in the end are the same juvenile superhero stuff lol just with exploding heads and awkward animated sex scenes lol.
Yeah, just the standard cartoons that people get really insecure about liking, and make video essays about how "actually it is a masterpiece of mature writting". But instead of me mocking this fact to try to hide my own anxiety over being somebody who makes a fanfic comic, lets go with this
So lets circle back to the title of this "essay" - and start with an example - Everybody loves Zuko from Avatar, I watched the show as a kid, you did, probably kids today do it when all their influencer idols force them too.
Perfect for exploring the point then: And that is the point, people claim how realistic and satisfieng Zuko's arc is, how the redemption is both earned and not without hurdles, not without fallbacks. So where is the issue?
Well I remember sometimes smugly thinking "Well what a coincidence that Zuko never actually on screen killed anyone so he never is really a bad guy...' And this I interpreted to be mostly the case of the rating - basically without the restriction the show would probably include Zuko killing what is at best combatants of the defending side or at worst even civilians. And this would probably kinda derail the arc or leave a bad taste in everybodys mouth...
But the question is left unanswered - is it at the end better, that Zuko gets redemeed in a way that is setup to leave out this elephant out of the room? Hell even I felt kinda weirded out about how nonchalant everyone was about the fact that Zuko hired an assassin, like it was kinda played off for laughs, but maybe that was to show "see we are redeeming him without writting out realistic evils like murder!" - still there is a difference between killing civilians and hiring some copyright free terminator.
So no answer? Well maybe lets look at the opposite case - anime, the cartoons that can kinda go away with showing unscreen murder and atrocities. And to bring it back, lets go with Soul Eater (and no manga spoiler this time cause Im generous and because this would open another can of worms, and I'll save that for the future)
Everybodys favorite charachter that gets reduced to one trait that ironically would be kinda problematic if one really was thinking about it in a certain way - Crona. Also know for killing people who were pointed out to be "not evil enough for it to be ok©®™"
So here we have this charachter, with a whole arc of being abused, having the famous trauma™, doing bad because of a parental figure and wanting to make that figure happy even if its in a twisted way, not getting what real love is...
Basically Im saying Zuko and Crona share a lot of simmilarities looked at this surface level. But only Crona has the problematic aspect of "mass murder". And even I kinda felt it being pushed under the rug no matter how I'll defend Crona from slander on the net while being sick both in body and soul lol.
But here is the thing - atleast I see Crona (atleast in the anime) as mostly some kind of child soldier - I dont think anybody thinks that some african boy that was forced at gunpoint to snort coke and kill his parents while being abused all his life, is "guilty" of the crimes in a way that an adult who does it for a less extreme reason.
Still, even if for me that is mostly justification enough (even if I kinda problematise the whole guilt thing in my comic), I still get it - even if explained it still leaves a bad aftertaste
Like even the most goodhearthed person would probably be weirded out if the person next to them would go "Thank God I was saved, cause till I was 14, I was forced to go from village to village and shoot everyone that moved!". One can say neither person is really at fault yet still it is a sticky topic.
And maybe thats where Im going with this - the problem isnt about depicting the redemption or whatever of killers, but if a story is mature and "deep" enough to handle it. So with my Avatar example I think that in a back handed way, it was good that Zuko wasnt a killer - becaue even if everybody loves the show (I mostly do to, shit was fun) - its kinda clear that in the end the writting and themes etc were on a level of a kid show - enough for kids, but not complex enough to actually deal with some things that other works could (and not even talking about something being grimdark or complex, cause nah everybody hates DBZ but that shit was so.good everybody felt Vegeta turning good and dont make essays about how bad that was, anyways that is why DBZ is too complicated for most western fans💅💅💅 ((but thats a topic for another day))
So to come back to the Crona question - was Soul Eater really prepared to deal with the topic of mass killing inocent people (mostly)? Especially when Ohkubo says himself that it was "a show where death isnt taken seriously"?
Cause I think, with Cronas struggle being mostly about abuse, doing bad things because of parental abandonment, fear etc, was it really necessary to add this baggage? Especially with a show that has that many visual metaphors?
And one example that I would use kinda proves my point and maybe implys that Ohkubo also kinda started backpedalling - the second time we see Crona, there are no wannabe gangsters, just souls of already killed people by another kishinegg which is just a wacky bad guy who isnt even really alive himself (and eve. comically survives)
Basically what I'm entertaining, is if wouldnt have been better to have Crona absorb souls that other Kishinseggs had collected, in this way preserving that they do something wrong (but reversible as later shown with the confiscation) yet never having to go to the extreme of "haha check out this wacky outfit our new friend Crona is wearing! Also twenty people were murdered in that church, shit was crazy"
But am I really basically saying 4kids Crona is the answer. Putting it this way lol, I dunno, I mean I like the pirate rap, but just sanitising everything seems off to me to. So yeah I dont even know.
And that is what leaves this whole question like the socratic dialogs, without any real answer with more confusion than before. But maybe it could "start a discussion" or whatever. But in case it was just a waste of time, without going anywhere:
Yeah... Sorry
Also quick manga spoilers as a bonus
This would aslo avoid making Cronas fate feel so cope-outish, cause that seemed to be the real reason - Ohkubo neither felt comfortable ignoring the whole message of overcoming fear and connecting no matter what, while also just saying that killing more people in Ukraine than in the last 2 years was just a big uppsie - hence the paradox of the non ending "I dont want to hurt. anybody, but actually I am evil.and care for Maka only or maybe Im just guiltu or maybe not and Im crazy xddd"
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