#like melinoë did NOTHING TO YOU
I understand why everyone likes Nemesis, I really do. And in a vacuum, as a character concept on her own I like her a lot too
But every time a text box of hers pops up in game I want to beat her over the head with a chair
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golvio · 4 months
Some spoilers for Hades 2 early access regarding Chronos below the cut.
He did not look or sound at all like what I expected, but I now immediately understand why all of his adult children are Like That, as well as why they’d quickly drop their previous squabbles and band together to try to get rid of him when he tried to force himself back into their lives. I instantly recognized every single trick he tried to pull on Mel when he first met her to try to manipulate her or put her down to “put her in her place” from other people’s descriptions of their own shitty, appearance-obsessed control freak parents with untreated personality disorders. I think the more understated delivery really works for him, particularly with that underlying paternalistic edge of absolute certainty and treating his enemies like misbehaving children who need to be reminded who’s in charge, even if they’re grown-ass adults. I also feel absolutely terrible for Hades, given that dear ol’ dad is trying to reassert control over him by “taking away his toys” and trashing everything he’d worked so hard to build in order to force him back into his original position of childlike dependency. It’s been almost 20 years and he *really* hasn’t finished “renovations” and fixed up the throne room? He doesn’t give a shit about actually maintaining the realm, just punishing Hades for trying to emancipate himself and be an independent adult by asserting ownership over all of Hades’ stuff and forcing him to watch as Daddy Dearest destroys everything he loved. He pretends to be absolutely rational and objective, but he’s actually a pathetic, emotionally immature piece of shit who throws manipulative tantrums and breaks things to bully his own children into compliance, and I can’t believe Mel has to waste her life fighting this loser who’s got nothing better to do than bully his barely-adult granddaughter. Kudos to Supergiant for making one of the most skincrawling depictions of an abusive dad ever.
But, also, now it makes a bit more sense for Hecate to have raised Mel in isolation—it’s easier to blow off an abusive relative’s appeals to authority when they’re a complete stranger to you. However, it’s also interesting that her early meetings with Chronos are the first time polite, deferential Melinoë has just straight-up told an adult trying to pull rank to fuck off. But that might be because she’s got no memories of him or fondness for him, so there’s no sense of filial piety or family obligation that would otherwise make her blame or second-guess herself. She has a slightly harder time with her, uh, more assertive Olympian relatives who she has more of a personal connection to and are slightly more subtle and “nice” about trying to goad her in specific directions. However, I also think Mel meeting Artemis and Hermes first and them warning her in advance about how overbearing the rest of the family can be might’ve inoculated her somewhat, even if she’s more like her dad in that she lacks the more intuitive way with people Zagreus has and isn’t as certain how to use her own charisma as leverage.
Anyways, I hope Melinoë kicks her Peepaw’s ass, but, given the type of real-life personality he has, I’m not sure if that’s actually going to make him stop or change short of a White Diamond-level epiphany where he realizes what a piece of shit he’s been to his own children and willingly fucks off out of his grandkid’s life forever.
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mellsbell · 4 months
nothing screams more chronos, titan of old and literal embodiment of time than plastering your face on every possible location around the underworld
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sir, we get it, you're very serious and cool and going for the whole carved like david vibe
please clean the sewage water from the floor. for real.
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melinoë did not go through all this only to have to see you destroy her home and turn it into this
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winter-dayz · 11 months
Bound to You
Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x Reader Cerberus AU; Goddess AU; Greek Mythology AU Genre: Fluff; Smut Words: 4337 Warnings: cutting; ritualistic self-harm; sexual content (dom!reader, sub!hyunjin, choking, humping, knife play, female receiving oral, vaginal penetration); strong language
Masterlist | Fictober Masterpost
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
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“Ceeerbeeeruuus~” She called as she came down the stairs to the grand entrance of the underworld.
“I told you not to call me that, goddess.” Hyunjin growled as she came into his line of sight.
She pouted, “And I told you to call me Y/N, but if you aren’t going to listen, then why should I?”
Hyunjin scoffed at her, leaning against the stone wall beside the gate. He shook his head, letting the fiery red strands block his face from her. “Yours is a matter of station, not preference.”
It was who she was—a chthonic nymph, the Bringer of Nightmares and Madness, daughter of Persephone and Zeus, the goddess of the restless undead and propitiation, Goddess Melinoë, wanderer of the Earth, Y/N. As much as he wanted to disregard all that she was, he never could without repercussions.
Her hand gripped his chin, tilting his face back up to her own. He had no idea when she moved over to him; the nymph was always silent on her feet. A perk, he supposed, since she was a being of undeath. It certainly helped when she was parading all of her lost souls at night and scaring the locals.
Y/N’s eyes found Hyunjin’s icy ones. “What’s the matter, Hyun?”
He rolled his eyes and jerked away from her grip, glancing to the doors. “Nothing, god– Y/N.” He added in a whisper at her glare.
She reached up, hesitantly, and brushed his bangs behind his ear. There was no telling how he’d react when he was like this. He’d either bend to her will or snap at her and send her scampering to her room.
It was who he was—the guard “dog” of hell, Cerberus, a man with a split soul, Hyunjin. He couldn’t help it when he was like this. He couldn’t help when his anger clouded his mind from anything else.
To her immense pleasure, though, as her hand glided through his silky strands, the hair shimmered and blonde was left in its wake.
“Take a break, Hyun…” she whispered.
“You know I can’t,” he whined, pushing his head harder against where she was still petting him.
She cooed at her puppy. “No one will know… Just come by my room for a while? You need to relax.”
“I want to; I really do… But what if Hades notices?” Hyunjin pouted, eyes rounder than they had been before and lips plumper.
Y/N, on the other hand, was scowling at the god’s name. “Let me handle my fa– Hades. If he even finds out.”
Hyunjin frowned at her displeasure and leaned off the wall. He wrapped his arms around his goddess’s waist and nuzzled against her neck, only stopping and pulling away when he felt her demeanor relax against him.
  It had been like that for eons. Since Y/N was the offspring of Persephone and Zeus, Hades held a particular dislike for his step-daughter. It wasn’t her fault though. She didn’t ask to be born. No one was to blame but Zeus himself. He had disguised himself as his brother just to sleep with his brother’s wife. Typical.
Still… Hades saw Y/N as a reminder of that and treated her as such. She was sure if it weren’t for her mother’s loving heart, she would’ve been cast out of the underworld. Hades tolerated Y/N for his wife’s sake, nothing more. And, in return, Y/N grew to treat her step-father (slash uncle) with the same “respect” that she received.
What could she say, she was her mother’s daughter… A spiteful one at that.
Her feud with Hades did bear one good thing, though.
A beautiful relationship with Cerberus.
Cerberus was not as the stories told. Or, well… Not quite.
He saw himself as a beast, a monster, and so that is what the mortals saw him as, as well. But, in reality, Hyunjin was a man with a shattered soul. Cursed to immortality and split into three: love, desperation, rage.
Hades saw an opportunity and ran with it. He captured Hyunjin’s souls and chained him (metaphorically) to the gates of hell. He was bound to the king’s will and forced to guard the underworld entrance for eternity.
He loathed Hades for imprisoning him.
Something which he bonded greatly with Y/N over.
“Please, Hyun?” Y/N whispered, breaking his silence and regaining his attention. “I have something important I want to talk with you about… Something private.”
Hyunjin’s gaze traveled from her eyes to the thick chains and locks on the gate. When his eyes remet hers, he gave a subtle nod. “I’ll see you this evening, goddess.”
Lips downturning ever-so-slightly, Y/N understood. She nodded and gave a small bow before turning to head to her room.
With her soft, loving stare no longer on him—her warmth no longer in his presence—Hyunjin’s hair faded once more from blonde to hellfire red.
As Hyunjin approached her room, he felt himself tensing.
His goddess and he often found themselves alone, but he had never strayed from his post. Not more than a few yards anyway.
Sometimes Y/N would coax him to settle into a nook with her and chat. Other times, she would find him at hell’s doors with paints and canvases in tow to distract him.
If she was busy with her own godly duties, she would bring him books to keep him busy during the many, many hours of the day.
His favorite times were when she would forego meals with her family to eat with him instead. She always shared her fruits with him, and would even sneak sushi back from the mortal realm since it was his favorite.
Once in a while, she had been unable to rest, coming to sit by his side in the dead of night—silence surrounding them—until she drifted back off to sleep.
The first time that had happened, she had slouched against him, looking very un-goddess-like with her mouth open a little and brow furrowed. When he had tried to readjust, Y/N had grumbled and clung to him.
He knew he was a goner then.
He would sooner die than let anything take his goddess away from him. It wasn’t for another fifty years or so that he realized she felt the same way. But once feelings had been reciprocated, their relationship had flourished.
And yet… He had still never been to her room.
He had never dared to defy his orders.
It wasn’t out of respect for Hades. No. It was for fear that if he disobeyed, the king would punish Hyunjin by taking his goddess away.
So why was he putting her at risk now? Why allow her to convince him that this night was worth it?
It had been something in her eyes. The way she had been so insistent to have him just “take a little break.”
She had never suggested something like that before.
Sure, she would bring things to him to help him destress; she would grace him with her presence to help him relax; she would dote on him to help him unwind.
But always at the gate.
Y/N knew the consequences that Hyunjin could face for abandoning his post. So for her to insist on him coming by her room then there was something she needed to tell him within the confines of her own protective wards.
Something Hades could not know about.
“Hyun,” Y/N breathed, opening the door. As their eyes met, his red hair, tinged with a hint of black, lightened. “Come in…” She led him into her room, to a small sitting area by her fireplace. “I’m sorry if I startled you… I could hear you pacing.”
Hyunjin’s lips parted into a sorry smile, but he moved towards Y/N for an embrace regardless. “I was nervous about what you needed to say privately to me.”
“Is that what this is about?” Y/N questioned, reaching up to curl a lock of black hair around her finger.
“Ah…” Hyunjin grimaced. “That was more the thought that you might be ending our relationship…”
His eyes met hers seriously, questioningly, and watered. His hair darkened once more, losing the bits of blonde that had appeared with his love for her, and the inky red—a mixture of his desolation at the thought of losing her and permanent anger at their predicament—took over once more.
Y/N tutted. “I have no plans in ending our relationship, Hyun. Actually… What I needed to discuss with you is quite the opposite…” Hyunjin’s head tilted, and she continued. “When you first explained to me about how you were… trapped. I started doing some research…”
The goddess pulled Hyunjin to sit with her on the couch, gathering a large book from her side table to show him her centuries-old notes.
“The curse from your living days has kept your soul in fragments, divided by the three strongest emotions you felt at the time of your death. The… being that created that curse has long been destroyed, and unfortunately their knowledge along with it. And, without knowing the original parameters, putting your soul back together is… improbable.”
“I– I understand…” Hyunjin whispered, voice wobbling. “Honestly, once Hades found me, I never expected to be put back together anyway. I assumed I would always be this… mess. Monster.” He spat the last bit.
Y/N reached over to him, squeezing his hand in a moment of comfort. He smiled, albeit pitifully, and she continued with her news. “It’s not impossible for you to be whole, Hyun… There are just external forces that have to fill in the cracks.” Y/N sighed, “Technically that is what Hades did for you. He melded the shards of your soul together with underworld magic. He eternally bound you to his realm to serve him… And, I–”
She set the book back on the table, turning her body to bring both hands to hold Hyunjin’s shoulders. “I found a ritual… I’m not powerful enough to break my step-father’s magic, but I can alter it. I can… I can sever your chains to the underworld gates by tying you to another ‘object’ of the underworld, so to speak…”
“What?” Hyunjin whispered, but by the way she gazed over him with a sorrowful love, he already suspected he knew the answer.
“Myself.” Y/N shook her head, cutting off his objections. “I would bind my soul to the fragments of yours. Mine would become the glue holding yours together.”
“You’d be stuck with me forever.”
She smiled, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on his pouty lips, hands entwining with his—now very blonde—locks. “I could think of no better eternity.”
Hyunjin, however, did not fully reciprocate her affection and gently pushed his goddess away. Y/N’s smile fell, pulling her hands away as well. “I’m sorry I couldn’t give you your freedom, Hyunjin… I tried to find something, anything. But if Hades created a key, he destroyed it long ago… This was the best solution I could come up with.”
“No, goddess,” Hyunjin grabbed Y/N’s fiddling hands, “This is more than enough.” He met her eyes seriously, “Yes, once I would’ve given anything for my independence. But now… All I want is the freedom to be with you… I just worry that you haven’t thought through the repercussions of this…”
Y/N snorted a laugh. “Hyunjin, trust me, I have. I want to spend the rest of my days with you, and after, if The Fates allow, we will be together in our next life as well. We would be bound together, come death and rebirth. I can think of nothing I want more.”
“Then… it would be my utmost pleasure to be bound to you, my goddess.”
With a somber nod, Y/N turned once more to the side table and retrieved a few items. She placed a small wooden bowl with a red string inside between them.
“I will ask this of you once more… Hwang ‘Cerberus’ Hyunjin, Hound of Hades and Guard of the Underworld, do you consent to binding our souls together. Entwining our fates for all eternity?”
“I do, goddess.”
“Please give me your hand.”
Silently, he held his hand to her. She took his hand carefully, caressing the soft skin before placing a light kiss on his palm. Y/N raised her small blade, slowly carving her ritual symbol into his palm.
Hyunjin couldn’t deny how his heart skipped a beat at the kiss, but it nearly stopped as the knife bit into his flesh. He desperately tried to bite back the whimper that he let out when his goddess began to literally carve herself into him.
But he couldn’t help himself and the smallest moan slipped between his plush lips, causing Y/N to hesitate before moving the blade to her own hand.
After another few, silent, moments she showed her palm where she carved his own symbol as well before grasping his palm in hers. Y/N’s eyes finally raised from their conjoined palms as their blood melded and dripped into the bowl, coating the string.
Once the cord had soaked and their hands had healed sufficiently, she withdrew her hold on him to tie the blood-bound string to them both. Her fingers moved deftly in tying a tight knot around his pinky and nodded for him to tie to the other end to her own finger.
His hands tied the knot a bit shakier than hers had but once he was done, Y/N leaned forward to rest her forehead against his.
“It is done…” She whispered, “You belong to me… with me. And I, you.”
Hyunjin glanced at the string in time to catch the ritual magic disintegrate into a red glimmer. The magic soaked into their bodies and highlighted their healing symbols, moving through their veins and into both of their hearts—their souls.
His lips split into a wide-smile, eyes becoming nothing more than crescents as he felt her within him. He felt her undying love for him; her loyalty and trust. He felt the warmth she always brought with her but took when she left… except a piece of it now resided in his own chest, never dissipating.
“Hyunjin,” she nearly panted. His eyes snapped open, his smile faltering at Y/N’s expression. If he was feeling her… was she feeling his soul as well? His love and… desperation for her. His eyes widened as hers darkened, a mischievous smile forming. “Maybe I should’ve chosen a collar for you instead of just a leash, hm? Is that what you want, puppy?”
Hyunjin froze, and when he didn’t answer, Y/N pressed on. “Oh come now… You have to be a good boy and tell me what you want. Show me what you want, puppy.”
He remained frozen for a moment more before she noticed him gulp and his gaze shifted back down to her hand—the one that would forever bear his symbol. His chin tilted upwards, baring his neck, and when she didn’t get the hint, he, ever so slowly, wrapped his slender fingers around her wrist and guided her hand to his neck.
As her own fingers fit against his throat, giving a light squeeze, Hyunjin continued to hold over her hand and hold her eyes as well, pleading. His gaze shifted, lowering his lids until his eyes held a teasing promise of passion, darker and hotter than the depths of hell. He broke her stare, eyes fluttering closed and mouth dropping open, when she truly tightened her grip around his neck.
Y/N tutted. “So that’s what you want then, puppy? You want me to be your collar.” She smirked while she pushed him to sit against the back of the couch, climbing to straddle his long legs. “You know… I can feel what you’ve felt in your soul for eons now. I can feel how desperate you’ve been for me.” She clicked her tongue, alternating between cutting off his blood flow and air supply and caressing his neck lovingly. “Have you touched yourself to the image of me? Made yourself a mess to the thought of what I could have done to you?”
Hyunjin whimpered. “I apologize… I couldn’t help myself. You’re so beautiful, goddess.”
She clenched around nothing, eyes fluttering for a moment, at the use of her normally formal title being used in such a… reverent manner.
“Please, goddess…” Hyunjin continued in a whiny pout, “Let me worship you.”
Y/N’s breath hitched imperceptibly, “Very well, puppy. Get on your knees and show me how much you adore me.”
Hyunjin nodded, eyes glazed and lips wet, as he stood from the couch and dropped to his knees in front of her. Without breaking eye contact, she shifted and spread her legs, raising the skirts of her dress and exposing her dripping cunt.
He leaned forward, nose tracing the inside of her thigh and nuzzling lightly against her pubic bone. “I’ve neglected you, goddess.”
“Should I punish you?” She quipped. Hyunjin’s eyes flew up to hers pleadingly. Hers was the only punishment he ever craved. “No, I think not tonight. Tonight we will worship one another; we will celebrate.”
The whispered promise of pleasure, in combination with the heavenly scent of his goddess just on the tip of his tongue, drew a deep, guttural groan from Hyunjin, eyes rolling back as well.
He waited for no further instruction, no need for pushing, and dove into her. A sharp gasp escaping her at the sudden feeling. Hyunjin, ever so pleased with himself, smirked against her lips before flicking her clit with his tongue.
Y/N’s head dropped back, lolling against the sofa, and she rocked her hips forward when he flattened his tongue. “Hyun… Oh my gods,” she moaned.
Sweat began to gather on her brow—her dress becoming suffocating—as Hyunjin continued to fuck her with his mouth. Her fingers found their way into his hair, tugging harshly on the black locks, when she felt him scissor two fingers into her.
Y/N exhaled slowly, a shudder racking her body while he alternated between sucking on her clit and dipping his tongue into her heat—all while his fingers diligently opened her up for him.
She was going to cum. She could feel it building, fire burning in her belly.
But she wasn’t done with him yet.
Y/N pulled him harshly by the hair, a pleasantly pitiful whimper escaping his lips as he lost contact with his treat.
“Hyunjin.” Y/N scolded as he growled and tried to pull her back to his mouth. He glared up at her, defying her. “Stop that, puppy. You did good, so so good. But I want something else…”
“Yes, my goddess?” Hyunjin’s eyes softened, his head cocking, “I will give you anything, anything to show you how much I adore you.”
“I want to fuck you,” she smirked, pushing him backwards with a foot so that she could gracefully stand from the couch. “All night, if you would like,” she added as she untied and let her dress pool at her feet.
Hyunjin’s eyes widened. He had hoped this might be where things would lead to after he received the depth of her feelings within his soul, but now that it was actually happening, he was shocked.
His gaze met her soft one and trailed down to her outstretched hand. Gently locking his fingers with hers, she helped him stand. Y/N reached up, brushing his own, rather sweaty, hair from his face and caressing his cheek.
She leaned up, placing a lingering kiss to his bottom lip, and whispered, “Come with me.”
He nodded slowly, allowing her to lead him to her bed. Y/N pushed his shoulders gently so that he sat on the edge. Hyunjin was dazed, already fucked out just from tasting her, and he struggled to keep his eyes open.
Anything she wanted, he would give it to her.
Y/N gently threaded her fingers through his hair, scratching the now-blackened roots, and delighted in the shiver that visibly racked his body.
Edged terribly, Hyunjin’s hips bucked forward at a particular tug of his locks. His eyes flew open, widening comically, and her own narrowed on his minute reactions.
He held himself too still, eyes flitting between her stare, her lips, and her thighs.
“Poor puppy…” She tsked, stepping forward to push one of her legs between his and subsequently pressing her delicious thigh against his painfully hard cock. “Just a dumb dog, needing something to hump.”
Hyunjin nodded pathetically, experimentally rolling his hips forward into her thigh. At the press of her warm skin, even against his clothing, Hyunjin felt himself fall fully; his midnight hair reflecting his deep need for his goddess, and only his goddess.
“Hyun, are you okay?” Y/N whispered teasingly, fingering the locks of black that had completely overtaken his blonde hair.
“Yes, please goddess, please continue.” He whined, continuing to rut against her lightly.
She clicked her tongue at him again, “Oh, puppy. You’re more desperate than I thought…”
“Yes…” Hyunjin leaned forward, trailing his lips across her bare stomach. His breath a warm whisper on her, “I’ve wanted you for centuries, my goddess.”
Not one to pass up an opportunity to tease him, Y/N began to pull away, “Only a want, a mere fleeting desire for me?”
“No, goddess! Please, I need you,” Hyunjin cried, swiftly pulling the goddess down and rolling over so that she was pinned beneath him. “I need you so badly. I’ll be a good boy… Please!”
In his begging, Hyunjin had failed to notice that he had begun to grind down against her wantonly. He winced at how hard and sensitive his clothed cock felt, rubbing against his goddess, but he continued regardless, delighting in the painfully pleasurable drag.
Y/N flexed her thigh, enjoying the hiss of appreciation that came from between his thick lips. “Alright, puppy. Let me show you then, what it means to be mine.”
Hyunjin nodded rapidly, almost making himself dizzy, and sat up to straddle her. She pulled on the fasteners of his pants to free his cock.
“So hard, puppy…” Y/N fake pouted as she rubbed a thumb over his weeping tip.
He whined. Loudly. And rutted into her palm, fucking himself with her hand. The faint roughness from the scar of his mark dragged down his shaft, eliciting pretty moans from him further.
Y/N guided him against her wet folds, the tip catching against her clit while he continued to rut, and coated him in her desire.
Finally– Finally.
She lined him with her entrance and gave him the permission he so desperately craved.
“Fuck me, Hyunjin. Be a good puppy, and fill. me. up.”
He pushed into her slowly. Not for any reason as to tease her or defy her orders or even to let her adjust, but because he simply needed to pace himself.
Hyunjin had only dreamed of being able to be with his goddess in this way. He wasn’t going to blow his chances by literally blowing too soon.
Y/N could tell he was struggling, and she grazed her hands up his covered torso, wrapping her arms around his neck. She pulled him to her, kissing him and swallowing the little whimpers he let out every time she—mostly—involuntarily clenched.
As a goddess she was expected to control herself, be in control of herself. But being surrounded by, filled with, Hyunjin made her weak.
Luckily—or not—for her, Hyunjin was just as uncontrolled. The desperation that consumed one of his soul fragments had grown and taken hold of him. And once he felt how warm and tight she was around him, he couldn’t help but snap his hips forward.
Hyunjin’s thrusts became erratic. He kissed her sloppily, movements becoming messier when she moaned and becoming harder when she whimpered.
He nipped down her jawline, biting down particularly hard on her jugular when she buried her nails into his back. When had her hands found their way under his tunic? He couldn’t think of anything else except how good, how right, it felt to be inside her. To fill her and claim her and be one with her.
Y/N felt herself peaking again, never having fallen too far from her own edge, and reached between her legs to rub her clit. Hyunjin might’ve been a bit sloppy, too caught up in his own pleasure, but the stretch of his cock in her was just too delicious to not finish her off.
“Good boy, Hyun,” she moaned in his ear. “Cum for me, in me, puppy. Become mine.”
She hadn’t even finished her words. At his goddess’s command to cum, he was spilling himself inside. Feeling the warmth flood her, Y/N arched herself as the pleasure blinded her, vision whiting out as if she had entered Olympus. She might’ve screamed or maybe that was just the ringing in her ears.
Hyunjin, eyes heavily lidded as he stared down at her, fucked her through her orgasm. And when she settled, he kissed gently around her neck and cheeks.
Y/N smiled, bringing her marked palm to his cheek, and kissed him deeply.
After a few, long, moments of breathing and gathering their bearings, the two readjusted in her bed. Silk and luxury surrounding them, nothing felt more comforting than each other’s arms.
“Hades is going to destroy us when he finds out what we’ve done.” Hyunjin finally spoke quietly into the darkness of her room.
“Good thing I have the fearsome Cerberus to protect me.” She teased, nipping at his collarbone.
“I’m serious, Y/N. I need you… I– I love you. I can’t have anything harming you.” Hyunjin squeezed her tighter to him.
“I love you too, Hyunjin. I swear to you, you will never lose me. I am eternally yours.” Y/N sighed, her heart full. “I don’t know what will happen with my step-father. But, you are mine now as I am yours. We will deal with whatever comes, together, in this life and the next.”
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chrysanthemumgames · 1 year
Hi! I wanted to ask will it be possible for Hades and PC to have biological/magic children? If I'm not wrong I remember something like it was difficult because Hades is Death, but since I know in the myths they had two children ( Melinoë and Zagreus), I wanted to be sure that I remember correctly! I know it probably won't be in the main story anyway, it's just that the possibility for Hades to overcome a lot of his self deprecant concepts about himself, to see himself more than just Death/Hades (so accept and "own" himself also as Aidoneus), that he is worth of being loved and that sometime we are the one who put a limit to ourselves, is so beautiful and cathartic. And I can't help to see the possibility of Death being able to "partecipate" in a new cycle/start of a new life (exactly what the Underworld does for the mortals) thanks to the fact that he came to realize that Life loves him and that they are two side of the same coin, like the cherry on top 🤣
So I've been debating saying this for a while, because everyone's headcanon is their headcanon and with things like this that are well and truly beyond the scope of the game, I generally just prefer to let people imagine what they want. But... Hades is, canonically, biologically infertile. It has nothing to do with how he sees himself, it just is a fact that he has the Death domain, if you like, and that is one of its side effects (and indeed, one of the reasons why neither of his brothers wanted to run the Underworld, in spite of the power and influence that comes with it).
This is not any part of his self esteem issues, and doesn't make him think less of himself, nor do I think he needs to be able to have children to come to terms with who he is or come to see himself as someone who plays a necessary part in the life cycle of all things. (This is, in fact, part of his upcoming character arc, and so will actually be covered in the game.)
The message that children are a vital component of any of that would never be one I intentionally put in anything I write, and I would hope that if I ever accidentally did, someone would point it out to me. I don't think you meant to come off as saying that being able to have children is necessary for someone to think well of themselves, or be worthy of being loved, but it is easy to read that implication into your reasoning here.
He is magically unable to participate in the creation of children for the same reason: it's just incompatible with his domain. That said, there are plenty of other ways he might become a coparent with the PC, and anyone and everyone is free to imagine those as they choose! :)
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nona1323 · 3 days
AU «Deal with the Time» Chthonic Gods and the Unseen
Hypnos is an exhausted poor guy who is not going to be given a break. The war caught him in its trap one of the first: he was in Oneiros, the Dreamland, when, with the help of Lethe, he felt the return of the Titans, and, reacting to this, chained everyone he could reach in chains of sleep. Obviously, everyone except Chronos.
For Titans, it was a normal dream, but for Hypnos, it was a constant job. And since the Titans are one of the oldest gods, older than Hypnos himself, the Sleep, it turned out to be especially difficult to keep them in a dream, even if they were weakened at that moment. Therefore, Hypnos had to plunge into the very depths of Oneiros, so deep that no one could get in there except the original inhabitants of the Oneiros, at the same time shackling not only the titans, but also himself with chains of sleep.
As a result, this isolated Hypnos from everyone: from the reality with the House of Hades, and from his own children living in the Dreamland. Yes, Hypnos has children. Trio. Morpheus, Phantasos and Icelos (Phobetor). We will tell you more about them in a future post.
The task was also complicated by Iapetus's resistance – he quickly realized that their dream was imposed by force, so he constantly fought. This exhausted Hypnos even more, because making those who do not want to sleep is still a task, Zeus confirms this. The rest of the Titans slept peacefully in ignorance.
When Hypnos has to make a decision about the Chronos deal, in other words, at the start of the AU, he is already exhausted and has difficulty keeping the Titans asleep. Hyp is one of those gods whom the war has left an indelible mark on, having influenced most of all.
Below is an excerpt that allows you to understand how Thanatos perceived the spell cast by Chronos.
«The sand is pouring out of nowhere, attracting everyone's attention. Meg draws the whip, Achilles raises the spear, and Zagreus immediately has a sword in his hands. Thanatos has nothing when the Titan appears on the throne, when a grin cuts through his sharp cheekbones. Death's hands are empty, but he dares not rush away.
Almost all the inhabitants of the House can stand up for themselves: even Dusa is able to fight. Hypnos, in fact, too. But Hypnos is asleep. Right behind him, behind Thanatos's back. It doesn't even twitch from the appearance of the Titan. His twin brother is defenseless, and Thanatos will be damned if he moves even a step away from him. He's ready to fight with his bare hands if he has to.
Chronos just tilts his head lazily, his white eyes sparkling.
– Well, hello.
Bloody gold absorbs everything.
...The screams of millions of voices deafen Thanatos, and he sinks to the ground, covering his ears in a futile attempt to drown them out. This is ridiculous. They're screaming in his head. They cry, they call, they beg. His whole core, his whole essence, is splitting, convulsing.
As can be seen from this fragment, for Thanatos, less than a second has passed since the appearance of Chronos in the House (capture of the House) and the transition to the events of AU. But this does not mean that further events will not affect him: such a serious imbalance as the absence of the opportunity to reap souls, and the gap that arose with Hypnos, will take their toll. All fans of analyzing the problems of the relationship between twins will like it.
In this universe, Zagreus has already been freed by Melinoë from the sands of Chronos. He's the first and only one Mel has been able to get out of captivity at all at the moment. It is this event that forces Titan (along with the guess about Hypnos' involvement in the brothers' sleep) to decide on an exchange: Chronos is afraid that Melinoe may soon release other prisoners, including Thanatos. Therefore, he decides to play this card before he loses it.
Unlike Tan, Zagreus did not escape unharmed from captivity. According to our headcannons, Zag is not just a god of blood and life, but also a god of rebirth. So, his blood has healing properties. It is also indirectly the reason for the return of the Titans. Therefore, Chronos regularly pulled him out of the pause and took his ichor (most often just cutting off some limb) to regain strength for himself and his brothers. It traumatized the boy a little.
At the time of the events, Zagreus had been free for no more than a month and was still recovering from everything he had experienced. He feels cornered, because he can't help anything, and no one is ready to let him go to war, fearing that he will simply return to the Titan's hands, absurdly dying. (Sorry, Zagreus, but according to the canon, you literally die from standing in magma. And this is not even the most absurd. So... no excuses). Therefore, the boy is depressed and angry, and also afraid for his loved ones. But he met his sister! And soon his lover was returned to him (even if the price is absolutely terrible). So Zag will not sit idly by and will definitely do everything in his power to kick other people's (gods') asses again. Chronos does not know what awaits him.
Melinoe, at the time of the start of AU, is no different from her game version, except that she believes more strongly that her victory over Chronos is already close. And rejoices at the return of her brother!!! Part of her family is finally around. But, unfortunately, the return of the other Titans will greatly throw her back into the field of war. Only now, to Chronos' grief, this will not reduce her tenacity in the least. A stubborn girl will only be ready to kick her grandfather's ass with double zeal, wanting to free her family and a certain god of sleep.
Hecate, Selene, Nemesis, Moros, Eris, Charon and etc are identical to their game versions at the time of the events of the second part.
The exact status of Alecto and Tisiphone for the Unseen is unknown. It is assumed that they were also among the prisoners of Chronos, even though Melinoe did not see them or Nyx during the rescue of Zagreus; the Unseen believe that they are most likely imprisoned elsewhere, like Hades or Fates
Masterpost AU "Deal with the Time" here
Information about Titans here
The description of the au is here
(English is not my native language, sorry for the mistakes)
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shizukateal · 1 year
Lore Olympus Rambles - aka. who the fuck could that child deity be???
If I'm being honest with you, I'm not here to truly come to conclusions. This will simply be a post compiling different arguments as to the possibilities on the answer to this question. Some of them will be mine, but not all of them.
Sorta-Option-A: It might not actually be Dionysus
Ok, I'm just gonna say it. Dionysus has probably already been born in this 10 year interval, or at least exists in some capacity.
I assume this because Minos is already dead -he is one of the judges of the dead-, and he is the father of Dionysus' wife Ariadne. If Minos is dead, then it's because Daedalus and a bunch of princesses already boiled him, which means that the events of Theseus and the Minotaur already happened.
Also, Zeus was sleeping with Semele 10 years ago, Zeus is a sexist pig and mortals get old fast so :/ I doubt Zeus would still sleep with her if she had matured. I mean it's not impossible, but still.
This however brings the question of how Rachel would avoid the -admittedly kinda distant, but still- incest if these 2 parentages are true. Here's my guesses on how the story would go to solve this:
Minos thinks he is the son of Zeus, but he's just the son of Europa and maybe Asterius?? Maybe that'll be a mini character arc for him, assuming that he's the one who's butthurt over his former glory.
If all of this is true, however, then Ariadne and Dionysus are probably still very young. Maybe this version will recontextualize Theseus' betrayal as not only taking advantage of a girl who loved him but a little girl at that and then leaving her stranded away from her family. I mean, he did abduct Helen that one time when she was way too young, and we know she already exists in the story by now, so. Not the first time he would screw over a child. Maybe Dionysus and Ariadne will be a childhood romance in this version of the story.
If Dio is still a child then, and Perse will become one of his foster parents -debatably the most important in fact- then Hades' alcoholism could probably be foreshadowing as to how he will discover his divine domain.
In some tellings of the story, however, Semele commits suicide and Dio takes her from the underworld to deify her, so that's another strong contender for how they'll meet. Or you know, she could just live in Naxos for a while until they meet.
Or maybe after Zeus sowed him into his ballsack thigh Dionysus was just sorta born as an adult like Athena. It wouldn't be the biggest change from ""canon"" in this story.
However there's another way of kinda almost solving the incest thing, which takes us too...
Option B: Zagreus, but it's also Dionysus, aka. Orphic Dionysus.
The biggest piece of evidence for this is Hera's current situation with Kronos. Whichever way orphic Dionysus' or Zagreus' parentage swings, Hera "sends the Titans" to kill him because he will represent a threat to the cycle of successions.
Maybe this child deity is waiting for a body to inhabit, which will be Perse and Hades' child, and Kronos is trying to persuade Hera to prevent this.
In at least one version, Semele is a sort of second womb for what remains of the baby. It would be a it jarring if the story introduced her for nothing after all. However then Dionysus wouldn't be a true son of Zeus, just the son of one of his lovers, and distantly his nephew by way of Hades? Listen, I just kinda want Zag to be a thing in the story.
Option C: Melinoë
An option which I considered relatively improbable but which @encephalopoda reinforced by reminding me that she's not just the goddess of ghosts, she is the bringer of nightmares. She fits neatly with the Underworld and Kronus' use of her powers.
If the deity is also whoever appeared in that mural, well, she is the only square female option here, although Dionysus was raised by his aunt as a girl in the myths and has an Androgynos epithet.
Option D: Demophon is sorta all of the above:
What happened in Attica, Hestia asked? Demophon happened is what. I'm actually kinda angry at myself for not getting it at first because I forgot Attica was part of Eleusis.
For those not in the know, Demeter disguised herself as an old woman and became a wet nurse to the children of Queen Metanira (who we see when she wakes up). She breastfeeds one of them, Triptolemon, and he instantly becomes an adult, then she tries to turn Demophon into a deity by anointing him in ambrosia and burning him over the fireplace, but then Metanira catched her and the ritual could not be completed.
So it is possible that this new deity is the result of that, if the timelines match.
Option E: No, it probably isn't Eileithyia
Remember when Hera said something about Hebe's "Lazy Sister" and we all assumed it was Athena? Nah, it was probably Eileithyia, goddess of childbirth.
She seems to be suggested because she is a female deity closely related to fertility and thus potentially the one in the mural, but I just don't see it champs :/
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mutetragedies · 1 month
Song of the Deep
Fandom: Hades (Supergiant Games Video Games)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Melinoe & Odysseus
Additional Tags: Hurt No Comfort, Blood and Injury, Injury, Obsession, Canon-Typical Violence
He’d been at the crossroads when she’d set out this night. Bent over that never ending spread of reports as he often was. Perhaps she is imagining the outline of him down by the warded gate, desperate as she is to see another friendly face. After all, he had not responded to her.
Read on AO3 or below!
She’s been hard pressed to work her way through Erebus this night. The Wailers had been out in far greater numbers than the reports had led them to believe. Her ears still ring with those mind-numbing screams, even in the blessed quiet of this final grove. She turns from the closed pathway behind her, running her fingers over the ruined sash Arachne had gifted her, and lets her feet carry her the well known route towards the fountain. 
The wet grass steams underfoot as Melinoë approaches the last fountain in Erebus. She can almost convince herself she’s grateful for the rain in Erebus this night. Almost. This dampness is nothing compared to the burning cold of Oceanus’ waters.
In the corner of her eye, she sees a flicker of movement. She turns slightly to peer further down the gentle slope of the glade. The familiar red himation shifts again with a gust of that rain heavy wind. 
“Odysseus?” she calls out. 
She stares after the outline of him, brows furrowed as she awaits a response. He’d been at the crossroads when she’d set out. Bent over that never ending spread of reports as he often was. Perhaps she is imagining the outline of him down by the warded gate, desperate as she is to see another friendly face. After all, he had not responded to her.
But even after the rush of energy the fountain provides, he is still standing in the same spot.
He does not so much as spare Melinoë a glance as the young goddess draws level with the shade. Odysseus, who always bows at her approach, offers her a sly smile, and a clever remark, does not even turn to look at her. 
“Odysseus?” The gentle prompting is met with silence. He does not move, utterly still in the way the shades sometimes are, and yet an uneasiness grips her then. Odysseus never ignores her.
There is something wrong here.
Melinoë’s mismatched gaze darts around their surroundings, hands tightening on the sister blades as she looks for any sign of him . The goddess is gone from the great shade in an instant, but her sprint around the perimeter turns up nothing. He’s never hidden before. Doubtful that the Titan would start now over a shade, even one as impressive as her friend. 
How is it that the tactician is here before her? Did the headmistress know that he had abandoned his post?  Why is he ignoring her?
Her questions are cut off before the first word can leave her lips.
“Do you hear it?”
There’s something different about his voice that sharpens that smooth, meandering way of speaking into a single, desperate question. He still is not looking at her.
Something is wrong here, that voice in her head warns again. She edges forward until his face comes into full view. Those keen eyes of his remain fixated on the warded path, alight with a hunger she has never seen before. Not even when he spoke of his wife, Penelope.
“Do I hear what, Od?”
Odysseus does not seem to have heard her response, does not seem aware that he’d spoken at all, in fact. That ravenous gaze remains fixated on the warded path. She does not like it . 
Melinoë reaches for him then and gently touches the shade’s elbow, intending to draw his attention to her. 
Beneath the skin of her hand, his trembling form burns hot as the inflicted memory of Asphodel, and she nearly recoils. Shades are never warm. Not naturally so, at any rate. Even Odysseus, as solid and whole as he is, is devoid of warmth like every shade she has met. 
“Do I hear what, Odysseus?” Her voice is sharper now, nearly as desperate as he had been when his question had torn free. She strains her ears for it, whatever it is that afflicts him so, fingernails digging into his elbow.
The shade’s expression shifts momentarily. The intensity of his gaze lessens. A shaky breath escapes him, and Odysseus shifts slightly within her grasp. Melinoë thinks he might look at her then. He starts to. Melinoë nearly offers her thanks to her relatives above that whatever danger this was has passed.
But he trembles once more beneath her hand, and the desperate hunger returns to his face. Shining eyes snap back up, and suddenly he is moving towards the warded path. 
The warded path. Down to Oceanus.
She realizes all at once that she has seen this hunger before. It’d been the first time she mentioned the sirens’ blasted song. What was it that Scylla had said to her? Odysseus is still on the hook. Big fish like that takes a while to reel in.
Like the monstrous heads of a hydra, Melinoë’s hand snaps out and seizes upon the tactician’s elbow once more, pulling him effortlessly to a halt.
She watches, fascinated and horrified all at once, as his expression turns thunderous as he rages against her. He hurls himself forward with all the strength and speed he can muster. It is not enough. Though she stumbles, she recovers quickly and digs her heels in. 
She knows that he is shouting at her. She can see his mouth forming words. Demanding and begging in equal turn for her to release him as tears stream down his face. But she cannot hear it over the deafening hammer of her heart.
He cannot touch the gate before her. He cannot touch the gate ever. Scylla will devour him as she has longed to do since his crew sailed beyond her, and Melinoë will not get him back. She cannot fail. He is but a shade, and she is the princess of the Underworld. She cannot fail. 
Time seems to move slower as she reaches for the magic that will root him to this spot. She sees the glint of the dagger in his hand. Surely he will come to his senses, a distant part of her muses, but her side erupts in the almost familiar burning pain before the thought is finished. She screws her eyes shut against it and focuses on reinforcing the binding still.
She releases him abruptly, darts out of the circle, and places her hand on the warded gate. It unseals beneath her touch, and she cannot bring herself to glance back as she darts through. 
The path seals itself shut on his anguished howl. 
“I’m sorry, Odysseus. You’ll thank me yet.”
She hopes those words are true.
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xxlunadeaxx · 2 years
More than one Monarch (Part 2!)
So part 1 was Giratina, or at least a part of a part. I still have some more, but I want to explore each 'part' a bit before expanding another 'part'. Not that these all have to connect but it could be, nothing is fun when things are ruled harshly. (unless it's a magic system but that's not here or there)
So the next part is...
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(picture is not mine) Or at least leaning into that lore? Pandora is in DP already, who says I can't just pick some things to throw into DP (or throw DP into Hades). Plus having this brain rot since Hades 2 had a trailer recently. Could have the two 'princes' hang out together and be menaces together, heckling Zag's dad cause Danny does have the desire to mess with authority. Sassy quips left and right, competitions with Thanatos (more sassy banter), Cujo and Cerberus playing ghost dog fetch. The possibilities!
My original idea for this was Persephone being the 'original halfa', a headcanon of when she was taken to the Underworld she was still alive, but when she ate the pomegranate seed she became half dead, forever becoming a part of the Ghost Zone but since she was a goddess of life she couldn't become 'fully dead'. Literally a Queen of Death and Life, a Goddess of Seasons more or less by causing growth and decay depending on her station. (being in the underworld causes winter, then visiting her mother Demeter so the season would change from winter to summer) She even has a name change to go with her transformation of becoming a Halfa! (That bit is because the being 'Kore' is/could be Persephone, but another theory suggests it's a different entity altogether, but this is my headcanon, not fact, I'm cherry-picking here) Dreaded Death Queen Persephone (Ghost), Vegetation Goddess Kore (Alive). (She has many titles and names, but these are the main two I'm sticking with)
So lo and behold, Danny crosses time and space again, somehow landing in "The Underworld" and meeting the Princeling Zagreus, Zag goes "cool a free brother!" or "A new friend! or more?" and takes him on a journey to meet his mom, which could be his first time succeeding or did this before, and Persephone notices Danny is just like her. A being with bonds with both Life and Death, which is a first for her, that doesn't count Zag since he was born in the Underworld and is already a prince of it, he's 1/4th living, or just fully 'dead'.
"I always wanted another child!" Oh no not another adopter. Could just be a mentor too. They have a great time, Danny could even meet Melinoë (as a baby?). Shenanigans are had, lessons are learned, and bonds are acquired. Both Danny and Zag learn how to be better rulers together and create a good bond between the dimensions of both the "Ghost Zone" and "Underworld" dimensions.
"Ah, you're having a 'Ghost' problem, not an 'Underworld' problem. Let me inform my good friend the Ghost King and he'll be here soon enough." "There's more than one King???"
"See, I deal with Ghosts. My good friend Zag deals with souls, I'll summon him right now!" "Why is he wearing a flaming crown like you?" "Cause he's also a King, duh." "WHY DO WE HAVE MORE THAN ONE KING OF DEATH IN HERE?!"
Again, could be after Danny is made Ghost King, or Before just in the middle of his canon before Pariah Dark and all that drama. Or it could be when he's older than canon, I didn't set this in stone it's an idea.
I'll make a different part for the idea of Halfa!Persephone, one that does include the AU!Ghost King with Danny for sure.
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thevermilionwitch · 3 years
Okay, this has been living in my head rent free
Imagine Makaria and Melinoë in the Hades game
So, imagine that Hades has that class game where you get to choose which class you will choose in a save file. Instead of one character, you can choose either of the three for the rest of the game that fits your style.
Makaria, the goddess of blessed death
Class: Mage or Sorceress. Any class title that uses magic.
Makaria is the calmest and soft spoken, maybe shaken up to her father's stern voice and grown accustomed to it over time. She works in Elysium to accommodate the shades there and comes home through Charon. Amongst the three, she has the most share of face from Persephone, almost like a splitting image of her. Golden locks, green eyes, which brings a lot of pain for Hades to look at and just quickly sent her forth to Elysium for her responsibilities. She rarely see her siblings and she felt like she doesn't belong in the family for her looks and capabilities.
Makaria would be working along side with Thanatos, of course. Her main arsenal would be a scythe (or nothing) and uses magic based from the boons. Unlike Zagreus, whose boons empowers his physical aspect and weaponry, she has spells and summonings that fights for her (e.g. Poseidon boons would give her the ability to send a tidal wave etc). Instead of using the Daedalus hammer to empower her arsenal, she uses Hekate's torch. She can probably romance Thanatos or help him to get together with Zagreus. It's not Hades if you didn't reunite or counsel some couples in your House.
There are exclusive boons that can only be attained in her run. Maybe:
Apollo - gives boons that could blind or stun enemies
Eros - boons that can make enemies fight for you temporarily
Melinoë, the goddess of nightmares and madness
Class: assassin or rogue. She is probably has the highest based offense stats but, squishy af
Melinoë has the same trait as Zagreus. Having the heterochromia but the opposite. Identical and having that twinsies vibe with him. She is probably closer in terms of relationship with Zagreus and probably the first one to be heartbroken when Zagreus decided to leave.
The most vicious among siblings, Melinoë would be working along side with the Furies sisters, which punishing to those who committed the heaviest acts. She would wield whips or dual handed weaponry. The boons would empower her weaponry and physique much like Zagreus. However, she can wield two different boons in the same attack type (e.g. You can have Curse of Agony and Heartbreak Strike at the same time). However, if you are going to change or sell your attack boons, you'll lose both of it. This can only apply on the attack slot. Instead of using Daedalus hammer to upgrade your weapons, Melinoë is using Hephaestus' anvil. She can probably romance Meg or help her get together with Zagreus instead.
There are exclusive boons that could only be attained in her run. Maybe:
Eris - boons that can confuse enemies and strike others instead
Hestia -boons involving pyrokinesis
Why would these two escape? Despite having decent jobs in the House (and probably doing better than Zagreus), they would get sick of their father's neglect and striving for perfection in the House. Melinoë would jump in to defend Zagreus about her father's treatment on him. Makaria would want to talk the sense out of his father but, only to be shut down. So, what is the perfect way to speak about what you feel? Wreck your father's place to get his attention of what you want to say.
How would they be born? Remember about Dusa?
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They have the similar situation, but only the three was successfully saved by Nyx. They thought it was only Zagreus but, the Fates had some twisted intentions to it. The two came from Zagreus blood and came forth, forming their own bodies and mind. So Nyx decided to saved the three and bounded into the Underworld. The prophecy did said that Hades will not have an heir of his throne. It is because that Melinoë and Makaria are already doing best with what they were doing. They would probably would not like the throne even if their father forced it upon them.
The siblings would be NPCs in each other's runs (or save file) of course. I would imagine it be like:
In Zagreus route, he will try to fix and creating a bond with his sisters, especially to Melinoë who is heartbroken with his attempts to escape.
The sisters would either be a boss (Melinoë in Tartarus along side with the Furies, and Makaria being a mini boss in Elysium just like Asterius. She wanted to see if you are ready for the champions and for Hades up ahead.) Or, helpful chamber NPCs (like the keepsakes at the end of each boss fights, they bring weapons for Zagreus to change in mid run. They are all over the Underworld and hard to find. Most likely, Makaria would be the one bringing Zagreus the weapons.)
Melinoë's keepsake would be a dagger or a necklace. Whilst Makaria's keepsake would be a bracelet with white butterflies (opposed ro Thanatos' purple butterfly keepsake.
Zagreus as the sisters' miniboss would be similar to Makaria. He wanted to see if his sisters are actually capable of facing their father. Zagreus as an NPC is, ofc, being his sisters' weapons. He is 100% supportive of the escape but, he wanted to see if they are actually ready for it.
Zagreus' keepsake for them is similar to the 3 headed shoulder pad he has on. (SIBLING SHOULDER PADS!!)
They all have different reactions when they learned about their birthmother. Melinoë would be furious at Nyx but, subsided quickly and apologize. Makaria would be confused and feel a bit distant to Nyx, but recovered quickly as she helped her escape
Hades' interactions will be different to each sibling. He is both disappointed in them though, since they were perfectly fine and just decided to escape. Makaria would have some tame and heartfelt interactions with Hades. Saying that she looked like her mother and how it pains him to see her everyday, and decided to shut her down entirely, repeating the same thing what he did to Persephone. Melinoë would be harsh but, tame too. Insults left and right, and downright saying he is weak for letting fear getting the best out of him.
Persephone would recognize them cause of their fiery feet since it is how she remembered her stillborn child before she left. She learned the truth when the sisters spoke about Zagreus, the name Persephone had given to her son.
After she learned that she actually have three children, she was so heartbroken to know she actually left not only 1 but, 3 of them. Melinoë would be definitely feel awkward and sheepish around Persephone while Makaria feels so loved and warm.
This give the sisters a purpose to go back there whatever it takes, leaving their purpose and jobs entirely to know the truth.
Once the siblings knew the truth, they find ways to help one another.
I finally let it out oml. This will stop haunting me at night.
Feel free to add more! This could be a potential fanfiction but, my writing skills are not the best of it. I can only give ideas
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
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Perception is Key
Part Two to Hell on Earth
avengers x reader
series masterlist
Summary; dread is all you feel as you take up temporary residence in New Asgard. Something big is coming, and you are not the only one that can feel it, but despite that, Thor tries to make you feel safe in his rebuilt kingdom, though all you see is it falling before your knees
Warnings; mentions of death, angst, secrecy
divider by @firefly-graphics
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Death, it was a certain doom for all living mechanisms, even Asgard had been demolished by its inevitable demise. Yet here you were, nursing an off handed bottle of ale that came from the gods, whilst you breathed in the salt scent that regarded from the ocean that crashed by. New Asgard, the home of Thor and his brothers in arms, whilst his real sibling was killed by Thanos. It was a shame to see the brave deity in mourning, however, there was nothing that you could do about it. Nothing.
The concept of the end came to all, it was a daunting curse that teased its victims, and pried them into sculpting their own fears of it. But for all the people in the galaxy knew, death could be peaceful; you liked to think that you were the same. A wound cog that did not work for their purpose, a villain that could do some good. And whilst you had never threatened the end of the world, your hereditary abilities sure as hell did. It was another danger to humans and more, thus making you one in regard.
Killing was a route that you didn’t want to take, it was dark, and there was no way back for redemption. Murderers and the bad guys, if they wanted penance, would spend their whole lives trying to make amends for what they did, in exchange for a forgiveness that they would never be granted. And if you did such a thing, as regretting causing exhibitions of death, your father would send for you from the underworld, and have you dragged back down to his bleak halls.
Those heroes would rise, as the ones that you came to know and befriend were brought to bottomless pits of service for Hades, suffering for all eternity as they knelt before the god whom ruled hell. Mother could only prey that he would give up his display of the deceased, he used them like puppets, and it was not a friendly scenic for the next batch of Demi gods that they were planning. You were brilliantly strong, but they would be stronger, as not only would they have the army of warriors behind them, they would be invincible.
Their carriageway into ironic new life, was affecting to you, you could feel it as their existence seared through your veins. There was a war coming, and it was going to be a blood bath, there would be bodies littered on all the planets as they respected their appetites, and they would come for you. It wasn’t silly for you to fear them, they had been around before, it was a rebirth for the ages, a damning revolution that would drain all the breathing from the lungs of species, flushing their external beings into whisperings of blistered remains.
Zagreus and Macaria were coming, pursuing the punishment that was deemed worthy for your scoundrel self, you were nothing more than another revamped version of yourself, raised from the ashes, and taking your overdue time to age. You were supposed to be the cause for the world’s destruction, but they, they would tear every atom down piece by piece, because you were unable to complete your mission of birthright.
Humans, nor other vessels of aspiring and mundane inventions, had the impact of defence to protect themselves from more dominant species. They were simply specks with heart beats in the universe, thumping in their chests as they strived to usher their own planet under the hypocrisy of a dying climate.
“Heimdall once said that Hades had a vision, and he, a seer of all people, couldn’t see how far his faction of thought went. There was no end with his quarrel with the nattering of life, instead, it was competently endless, going on for light years upon light years, straggling the gods into the grand demise. To put it into other words, you are his vision.”
“Well I’m not sure that our Vision back at the compound would be too pleased if I coined his name.” But all joking aside, the air shifted every time that you brought lightness to your words. Continuing, you spoke to Thor, whom had brought you to his evolved demeanour of his homeland, and stole you from the consequences of the violent struggle that you had instinctively conquests upon James Buchanan Barnes. “However, on a more serious note, you are aware of my origin, and the truths that Hades is my father. You know of why he crafted me, but there will be a greater shadow than my foresworn self, and the others need to know of this oncoming riot.”
“We shall tell them, but first; eat.” The god of thunder intended for you to follow through with his kind hearted order, though a heated rumble shook the core of the earth, the energy trembling up your legs. They had been born, sooner than anticipated, and much closer to your break from the ruckus than you had wanted.
“I am not sure we have the time, you felt that cause of apocalyptic foreshadowing, I can tell by the fearful promise on your face. My father will not rest until he has me, a weapon in his hold returned, and to do so, he will tear apart this family, in literal terms, so that I can return to my biological home.”
“Eat.” Thor spoke once more, gulping down the terror that graced his long spanned veins. “If there is to be a fight on earth for the ages, destruction raining down on midguard, then you will need your strength. There is no need to deprive yourself of basic necessities, young warrior.”
Accepting the small loaf from his hand, you watched as the crumbs fled a trail through your palm. Even you appetite was frolicking trauma upon bacteria that swayed in the depths of the bread; the gathered yeast feared you, much like you feared yourself. “I’m going to have to return to the compound, as much as I hate to do so after what I had done, they have to know. And throughout our excursion of informative speech, then they shall have to know of my dreaded secret.”
But what if they already knew?
“A weapon like that...” Steve shook his head as he threw the classified papers onto the desk space he had reserved for his affiliated research. “We have to protect the earth, and if we have to do so from her, then we will have to stretch to any means necessary.” The captain gulped, not pleased as he divulged deeper into this situation with his friend.
Bucky remained shocked from the fleeting threats that had deranged from your form; it was like a curse adorned you, but it turned out, it was just you. Nothing had made you this way, instead, you were born a vigil monster, a daughter of a fraternising god.
“The daughter of Hades... I miss the old days where we believed in one god, and went to church every Sunday morning.” He wasn’t have supposed to have heard Barnes talking, but the figure did as he pressed himself against the wall, his hearing inclined to listen to more.
Peter’s eyes bulged as he was silently affirmed with the truth. He had a web stringing each digression together as he thought of your independence that you had been determined to keep. They were going to tell everyone, swaying their opinions from what they knew, rather than what they did not.
But that made you a legend, a mortal infliction of ancient religion; there must have been more to know. He had to be silent to ensure he didn’t trigger an alert to the super soldier’s enhanced hearing, as the boy that was pursed with a spider bite slipped away, portraying his fawning portrayal of being a vigilante.
His assumed destination that his quiet feet were carrying him too was the library. There’d surely be something useful in the walls of filled shelves, and if there wasn’t, then the internet was a useful friend. As he entered the subjective room for required reading, he saw the Falcon himself, Sam Wilson, seated at a small and solitary table.
Perhaps... no, it’d be wrong to turn him against his close friends... but possibly what was necessary. Peter allowed his doe eyes to scan the various sections. Mythology. Though, all avengers knew that there was some truth to every realistic evolution of belief, though it was usually only a little. But maybe, in your case, there would be more.
Tony had told him there had been an incident, and Peter had believed that Mr Stark was concealing a devise of perception from the rest of the aligned team. It was certainly wrong for him to delve against the ruin of the circumstances, but he was eager to do anyways. Whatever happened must’ve been lined coursing seriousness, and he was afflicted with firm interest to find out what.
Ah, he found something. Adjoined with the abilities he knew that you were capable of, he knew it must have been in regards to you, it just made sense. The spine spoke with integrity, daring anyone to read the biblical novel of fumed remark that raised hell on Earth.
The goddess of invoked, bringer of nightmares and madness, Melinoë.
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queenjunoking · 3 years
Wolf Taming pt 40
CW: Noncon - Pain - Manipulation
I was woken up by a gentle knock at the door. I groaned and reached for my phone. It was six thirty. “Come in!”
The door swung open and a maid walked in, carrying a silver tray. “Good morning, Miss Z. Master Ray- Oh!” She looked away quickly and shook. “I’m sorry, Miss Z. I shouldn’t have looked.”
“What are you on abo- oh.” I looked down and remembered where I was. I never received my suit back last night and I wasn’t going to sleep in the dress. So I had just slept naked. I was surprised the maid made a big deal about it, but I suppose Flora and Rayne probably punished them for anything they could think of. “Whatever, don’t worry about it. What do you want?
She carefully avoided looking at me as she brought the tray over. “Breakfast, Miss Z. Waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon and fresh squeezed orange juice.” She placed it over my lap before removing the cover and taking a step back. “Master Rayne has suggested taking the next hour to prepare yourself as you see fit. In an hour Master Rayne and Miss Molly will be here to speak with you, then you’ll begin your… um… trial?”
“Thank you, you can go now.” She curtsied and left the room. I took a few bites of the food, but I wasn’t very hungry. I rarely ate a piece of toast for breakfast, let alone a meal. I just set it aside and took a quick shower, letting the cold water run over my body for a while.
It helped me get my focus. I was here to get Sasha back. Molly’s group had their reputation on the line. A group getting their reputation tanked was as good as done, no one would want to hire Molly again if they didn’t fulfill their side of the contract in a reasonable amount of time. It guaranteed that Rayne couldn’t play tricks and keep the clock going. It also meant that she thought I could break before I got Sasha back.
Flora’s art was horrid and Rayne wanted me to be the final piece of a collection. It wasn’t as simple as Rayne wanting to watch me suffer for who knows how long, she had to believe it was possible. Flora was going to be disappointed when this ended and I got to go home. That disappointment would turn against Rayne, she hated to disappoint Flora. There was no reason to risk it if she didn’t think it was possible to win.
I set aside the tray and went to take a shower. The cold water helped me collect my thoughts. The next few days would be rough, but nothing I wouldn’t be able to handle. Breaking someone worked best when they had no idea what was happening to them. Every breaker worked differently, but once you could identify what they were doing half of the problem was gone. I wasn’t some damsel being kidnapped off the street this time, I knew what was going to happen to me. I knew there was no point in begging during the process, not that I would. All Rayne’s breaker could do is try their best without being able to build off the fear of their target.
Eventually I turned off the water and dried off, I didn’t have much time left. I exited the bathroom and found some clothes on my bed. Nothing spectacular, just some jeans and a plain shirt. It wasn’t that I wanted something flashy, it just wasn’t something I expected Rayne and Flora to have around. They were always dressed up, Flora in various dresses that probably cost as much as a house and Rayne liked her suits.
I picked up the clothes and examined them. No underwear, but I doubt the breaker would keep me in the clothes I had for long, underwear seemed fairly pointless since it would have probably just been cut off.
I left my room and went to go find Rayne. I wanted to get everything out of the way as quickly as I could so things could start immediately. As I walked down the hallway I looked at Flora’s various pieces of art. Rayne’s game was ultimately to have me join them. A present to Flora
It did, however, make my mind start to wander. What methods would the breaker use? I did everything I could to keep the person I was breaking constantly stimulated and unable to cope. They couldn’t subject me to my methods, the contract required breaks. Fear was a popular option, but there wasn’t much that could be used against me. My fears were intangible, someone couldn’t simply drop spiders into the room and expect me to have a breakdown.
I was expecting pain. Rayne and Flora loved to watch people in agony and they were undoubtedly going to be watching the entire time. They were going to pick someone well versed in causing pain because it's what they would enjoy the most.
It was also the least threatening option. Sure, it would hurt, but they couldn’t maim me in a way that mattered or kill me. The fear of dying during the breaking process could be a powerful factor. It helped make the person you're breaking fall in line. It gave them the instinct to do whatever it took to stay alive. No order should be too demeaning, humiliating or painful to follow. The point of breaking should be for them to not even be capable of considering disobedience as an option. Without that threat all I had to do was weather the pain.
After wandering in the halls for a bit, I finally managed to find a breakfast nook that Rayne and Flora were sitting in. Flora noticed me first and waved. “Good morning, Z. We were going to come up and meet you, but this works too I suppose. How about you sit down.”
She gestured to a third seat at the table and I took it. “So how about we start?”
“Eager, I like that Z, but the contract strictly states when we can start.” Rayne looked over at me and took a sip of coffee. “But we can get the formalities out of the way first. You’ll be meeting the breaker I chose for you in a bit.”
“Another one of your little prodigies?” I might as well indulge Rayne in a conversation, it might help her get to the point.
“Unfortunately, no.” I could hear a touch of annoyance in her voice. “Mercy no longer lives in this region, Melinoë’s talents are useless for this particular task, and Arachne has vanished for the moment.”
“That is unfortunate, I’ve never met any of them before. So who did you manage to find?” A maid came by with a cup of coffee I didn’t ask for and placed it in front of me. I took a sip anyway, I didn’t like coffee but caffeine would be nice.
“I decided to look at the breakers at the Auction house. A few of your old colleagues showed interest unsurprisingly. Jax and Yuki were particularly interested in getting to see you again. Their methods didn’t really fit the bill though. Fear and temperature aren’t exactly helpful for this particular task.” Rayne shrugged and took another sip of coffee.
It didn’t surprise me that Jax and Yuki were interested, we never really got along. They were the prime example of a member taking their theme too far. Jax had gone under extensive body modifications to get jet black eyes and demon horns. His private room was set up like a cave in hell. The temperatures were barely tolerable, being over a hundred at all times. He convinced his targets they had died and gone to hell and once they completed the process they were getting a second chance at life.
Yuki worked on the opposite spectrum. White hair, crystal blue eyes, flowy white dresses. She kept her private breaking room barely above freezing. She studied her victims thoroughly, using knowledge of their lives to torment them as they just tried to keep warm. They’d repeat phrases they were given and list wrongs they had committed so it would sink in that they deserved this. The room would get warmer as they learned to follow rules and answered questions the way Yuki wanted them too. It was to show them how good it felt to follow orders.
It didn’t surprise me that the two started to date when I was about to leave.
“Not interested in leaving someone in a freezer?” There was a kind of surreal feeling talking about what kinds of torture I might have been subjected too for the next few days.
“Talk about boring. No, I made a deal with a new breaker at the auction house.” Rayne smiled and took a bit of her toast. I couldn’t imagine what kind of person new to the auction house would take an offer from Rayne that could backfire so easily. They were either very confident or very stupid. “Come now, Z. Not going to ask who?”
“If they’re new to the auction house then I don’t know them. What use is it for me to ask who they are?”
“My, you were so much nicer yesterday when you were just trying to get what you wanted from us.” Rayne pushed her plate away and looked me up and down.
“Be nice, Raindrop. You were just trying to get what you wanted from her as well.” Flora placed her hand over Rayne’s and looked at her. “Who did you get?”
“I think Z wants it to be a surprise, my alluring azalea. How about I wait to reveal it?” Rayne tipped Flora’s chin up to kiss her, but I could see from here that she was pouting.
“Ahem.” That dry monotone voice broke through the moment. I looked over at the door and saw that Molly was standing there. “Good morning Master Rayne, Lady Flora, Z.” She looked around, probably expecting Briar to be here. She simply shrugged and approached the table. “While the contract has been signed and I don’t have to offer you this opportunity, Lady Flora asked me to give it to you since you signed the contract so quickly.”
“And what offer is that?” I looked up at Molly. Her voice was making me feel tired, a feat in itself. She should record audiobooks for people to listen too at night.
“You have one chance to back out of the deal without penalty. The paperwork will be disposed of and it’ll be like this never happened. No evidence will be left behind.” She placed the paperwork back down in front of me to look through, but I just handed it back.
“I’m here to get Sasha back. I’m not backing out.” I glared at Molly, the offer felt insulting.
“Very well.” She pushed her glasses back up her face. “If you would, a maid will escort you to the room you will be spending most of your time in. Everything will begin in ten minutes.”
A maid walked up, curtsied, and signaled for me to follow her. I got up and started to leave without saying another word. Unfortunately Rayne still had more she wanted to say.
“You’ll have to excuse my breaker if they’re a little overeager. I promised them your epithet when they break you. You won’t be needing it once you’re part of Flora’s collection.”
I had expected Briar to meet me at some point, but she was nowhere to be seen. The maid stopped in front of a door and stepped aside, gesturing for me to go inside. I looked around one final time before I entered. It was probably too much to assume Briar would actually stay, she had nothing to gain by helping me.
The room I stepped into was clinical. White tiles on the floor and the walls. It would be easy to clean them of any blood spilt in here. I saw a few stations set up already. I saw a wooden horse with weights and shackles next to it. Areas for a strappado bondage setups. There was scattered bondage equipment from gags to cattle prods and everything in between.
The room was kind of a mess if I had to be honest. No coherency in aesthetic unlike most breakers. Whoever Rayne hired seemed to be into generic torture instruments. It was unsurprising, it was the only real option on the table to have a chance of winning.
“Good morning, Z.” A cheerful voice came across the room. I watched a blond haired woman walk into the room. She wore her hair in a ponytail and was slightly taller than me. “It’s nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you from the auction house. Despite everything I’m going to be doing to you, I want you know its an honor that I get to be the one who finally breaks the Torturer.”
“And you are?” I decided to brush her off. It wasn’t my problem that she seemed to want acknowledgement.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before looking at me. She probably had a short fuse if asking who she was was enough to push her off balance. “My name is Mistress Sonja. Soon to be Mistress Sonja the Torturer. It has a certain ring to it, doesn’t it?”
“I’m sure someone like you would think so, Sonny.”
“It’s Sonja and what is that supposed to mean?” She was already getting frustrated. It would work out best for me if she was. If all she did was inflict pain then she could only do so much at a time. It would be good for me if she went overboard quickly and was forced to have to stop early.
“Miss Z, Mistress Sonja, it is now Eight.” Molly’s voice filled the room. I looked up and saw what was obviously one way glass about a floor up. It was probably to give Rayne and Flora a good view of whatever happened in here on a daily basis. “Our team will now start working to get your slave back, Z. Sonja, you may begin.”
Sonja took a crop off of a nearby table and started to walk towards me. She had a smile on her face I was familiar with. The smile of a person who didn’t get what the point of this process was. Someone who enjoyed it for the wrong reasons.
“So, Z.” She placed the end of the crop under my chin and tried to push me head up a bit, but I didn’t budge. “Hmph. How about you be a good girl and let’s just get started. What do you think is more fun, a hundred lashes or a ride on the wooden pony?”
She really didn’t understand how this was going to work.
I smiled at her, took a step back, then thrust my knee into her gut as hard as I could.
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controlledhues · 4 years
@kudarii cont from here
It is all great. It is all going according to the plan. Her hands were already holding a piano wire she took from that faded artifact in the same station a couple of nights ago, just about to get around the man’s throat.
Her hands wandered on his shoulders as she whispered sweet nothings. Alluring, bewitching. His hair smelled like cigars and hair gel. Disgusting, honestly. She would have done it right before having to get closer to someone like him.
Just a quick pull and then...
He doesn’t sound like someone getting strangulated though, which only proved she has to do it with just a bit more of force.
Only a bit more until he’s fighting for it.
And, well...
It was so, so close...
She doesn’t dare to stare back as the other speaks, though. There’s already shock on the face of the target, who quickly turns around and looks at the figure getting closer -or so she feels-, almost asking Mel to quickly leave without even noticing what she did due to the lack of air in his head.
Calmly goes a long sigh and silence before she could reply something, with a slight smile and cold eyes.
❝Ah, please excuse me—❞
Her lips open in a gasp as soon as she could see the person in charge of taking them out. It could have been his brother, a subaltern, an engineer— anyone but him. There’s no time to panic, no time to lose her cool. Melinoë quickly warps the cord around her wrist and hides it underneath the sleeve, walking to one side so the man in charge could observe the scene with more apprehension, while the victim only coughs after falling on his knees.
❝This is just a bit too awkward, sir... Especially considering we already know each other.❞ Melinoë whispers awkwardly. No. No time for jokes. ❝You see... ah. I was simply told to do this. That is all.❞
Not that she’s going to use the same kind of charm on someone who seemed to be friendly, but making sure that no witnesses are left by one way or another is what she has to do most of the time. Yet there’s a shy smile and a blush as soon as she stares back to Emmet. “Fuck” Mel thinks, feeling just a tad of guilt for what she’s about to say.
❝Monitored, you say, sir? How would it be if we discuss this matter after I finish my job?❞
0 notes
queenjunoking · 3 years
Wolf Taming Pt 33
CW: Noncon - Shock Collar - Pain - Petplay - Drugs - Kidnapping  - Manipulation - Abuse - Spiders
Rayne’s home couldn’t be more stereotypical. It was a huge gothic eyesore. I knew that Rayne and Flora were one of the more powerful, and rich, couples in the region. I couldn’t imagine they used most of the space inside. It was a flex. Only by the Society’s influence could a place like this remain hidden.
It took a minute to finish the trip up their driveway and park by their front door. It took a lot to unsettle me. This house was one of the things that did. I knew all about the things that happened here. I was under no illusion about what I was to Rayne. She looked at new members that she saw as having some kind of potential and tried to push them. I was vaguely aware of some of the other people she attempted to take under her wing.
Mercy, an ironic name if I had ever heard one. I had seen her work, she worked mostly as a private breaker that just pushed her victims little by little until they broke. I had seen some videos, the childish glee she had as she told her victims they could “take just a little more” over and over. A few more inches. A few more hits. One more notch up on the shock collar. Of course if they could take that Mercy was sure they could take one more. She was to take the phrase “it’s too big” as a challenge. She wanted her victim to say something wasn’t possible.
Melinoë was one of the few people who climbed the ranks from the bottom. She broke people using their phobias. She kept rooms of snakes, spiders, rats and other common phobias and introduced them to people she had rendered immobile. I had seen one of her victims covered head to toe in webs from a swarm of spiders she let into the cell. The light in their eyes had died quickly. Unfortunately not everyone's phobias are so easy to manifest. She was more than happy to keep people in cycles of suffocation or waterboard those that had those fears. She had a technique for almost everything.
Her newest was some newly inducted girl. Apparently she was some serial killer that had killed dozens of low ranked members over the last year. Rayne’s intervention probably saved her a long torturous life at the bottom of one of the Society’s special prisons. I remember Eos making a fuss that the girl had left Rayne’s mansion gone underground a few weeks ago and no one had tracked her down yet. Eos had been on the council deciding the girls fate and had been very vocal about having her imprisoned for life.
I hated them all, none of them had the respect that I had for the people I worked on. I avoided being on that list of people taken under Rayne’s wing by virtue of Eos interacting with me as often as she did. She still left her mark on me though, something I was unable to get rid of, her epithet.
I composed myself as the doors to the limo opened. The driver bowed and helped the both of us out of the car. Once she shut the doors behind us the went up to the front door and rang the doorbell. She waited to the side, her head bowed lest she incur Rayne’s wrath when the door opened.
Everything was going… well perfect was a lie. Things never went perfectly. But with a minimum amount of punishments. I only had three other maids taken away while I waited for Z’s arrival. They’d make passable canvases.
I was growing irritated as the minutes slowly passed by. She was supposed to be here at four. It was now ten after four. Good driver’s were hard to come by, but I’d have to find a new one regardless. Perhaps she would make a good lawn ornament. If she wanted to go slow on the roads she may as well be stationary. At least she wouldn’t have to worry about winter for quite awhile.
Finally the doorbell rang, followed by some scattered screams throughout the mansion. The doorbell was wired to some random slaves. It gave them quite the nasty shock when it was pressed, it made sure we would always hear it ring. Our guests were here. Only fifteen minutes late. The two slaves I had left stationed by the front door saw me walk towards them and slowly opened the door.
The sight was… as to be expected. Z was dressed in what I was sure was the most expensive thing she owned. I was a bit upset to see Briar there. I hadn’t given Z a plus one. I’d have to figure out something for her to do, she was just going to make all my plans harder. I wanted Z, alone, without anyone to consult. Having Briar to talk to just made my goal harder.
"Good afternoon Z. I'm glad you could make it to this celebration." I gave her a smile. I tried to play the good host.
"Unfortunately, due to the last minute invitation, I was unable to bring Lady Flora a gift." She looked bored and it pissed me off. Its like she didn't care she didn't bring my darling Flora anything.
"That's alright Z, you're the gift. I'm sure Flora will enjoy meeting you. Follow me." We made our way through the mansion, heading towards the art room I knew my lovely lilac was busy in.
Maids stop and curtsied as we passed by. Flora and I would really have to converge on a design for them. She was in the midst of designing new outfits for them and had them wearing different prototypes. Some were clad in latex, others were dressed in what could only be generously called an outfit. Still others were in floor length outfits that only left their hands and faces uncovered. Different styles from English to French to Japanese. I didn't care much about which style she ultimately chose, I just wanted them to match.
We passed by many of Flora's projects on out walk. All stunningly beautiful. All works of genius. Yet Z looked bored and Briar looked away.
It pissed me off.
I stopped at the top of a staircase in front of a special wall Flora had installed. The renovations had cost a fortune but nothing was too expensive for my beloved buttercup.
"Perhaps you recognize this one, Z?"
The walk through the mansion was what I expected. Battered maids, tortured slaves, and all kinds of horrible art created by Flora.
I looked up at the newest exhibit. It was a resin block that was placed into the wall. There was a woman inside, immobile. Naked and on display. It took a bit for me to see the tubes connected to her inside. Most likely to give her air, water and Ambrosia to keep her alive. She stared out blankly at the room, I doubt she was mentally there anymore.
"I'm afraid I don't." I didn't really care about whatever Rayne was trying to show me. I respected the situation in a certain way. I'm sure the inability to move with no space to take anything more than shallow breaths would break anyone fairly quickly.
It was the same principle I took with Bridget.
"Flora was devastated when you closed up shop. She bought up many of those you broke for her own projects. They're quite magnificent for many purposes. Sometimes its fun to listen to them scream while you work, but you created slaves that simply don't react anymore." She smiled at me as she talked. I hated every word coming out of her mouth. I did this to stop their suffering, not make it worse.
"And the significance of this piece?" I tried pushing the annoyance out of my voice.
"This was the last person you broke. She was sold as a sex slave and was used like that for awhile. But Flora wanted to preserve your last piece. It's been injected with a concoction that should help preserve its beauty. The side effects are quite painful and debilitating, but its encased in resin so it doesn't matter if its debilitating. We believe she'll live another decade in the-"
"I believe you wanted us to meet with Lady Flora?" Briar cut Rayne off. I wasn't sure if it was for my benefit or hers, but I'm glad she did.
Rayne’s fave slipped for just a moment. From a warm and welcoming one to one of sheer annoyance. It only took a moment for her to slip back though. "Yes, we're almost there." She turned and began walking down the hall. I had long lost track of where we were. The house seemed alive with activity no matter where we went. Slaves where everywhere, I couldn't begin to fathom how many she must have.
Rayne opened a door and we could hear someone inside talking. She motioned for us to wait as she slipped inside.
"If I heard one more sob out of you I'll give you something to actually be sad about." I heard my gorgeous gardenia tell her canvas as she worked.
Flora's back was to me so I could see her canvas facing me. It was some small thing. It had short black hair, surprising as Flora preferred to claim slaves with long hair.
The canvas was covered in tattoos, new ones. Surprising designs. Flora loved to cover a few maids in tattoos, having some walking art around the mansions. Usually she didn't design tattoos so demonic though.
"What are you working on?" I asked her, giving her a bit of a start as I broke her concentration.
"Oh, raindrop. How many times do I have to tell you not to startle me when I'm working on a piece! I could have gotten a line out of place." She chided me playfully. If she had messed up she'd probably just dispose of it and get a new canvas, it was no big deal.
"My apologies, my sweet… saguaro." I stumbled, my mind was in other places.
She crossed her arms and puffed out her cheeks, looking a bit cross. "A cactus?"
I walked over to her and tip her head up, giving her a kiss. "I apologize, I was taken in by your art."
She smiled, her pout already forgotten. "This canvas was some poor church girl that was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I bought her with the intent of reselling her to The Pandemonium Club."
"Don't they give full body recoloring to all their imps? Won't that cover up your lovely art?" Servers at the club were modified to resemble imps. Horn mods were what their servers were known for. The size of their horns indicated their purpose. But they also underwent full body recoloring. Many were purple, blue, red or pink.
"Not at all. That guttersnipe that you brought in gave me one nice thing, a chemical added to this ink will make it glow under the body repainting. So she'll be purple with nice gold tattoos showing." She gave me a toothy grin.
I gave her another kiss. Longer. More passion. "You know I don't like you talking about her like that, she'll be giving us tons of fun to watch. But I'm glad she's helped you."
"Whatever you say. So, may I ask why you've come in? Just wanted to see my art?" Flora was beginning to catch on.
"Your birthday present finally arrived, Love." I smiled, knowing this would make her day.
"Oh?" She feigned an innocent look. "I had completely forgot. What did you get me?"
"I didn't find you a something to give you this year unfortunately." Her look turned sour and she stuck out her bottom lip. "But, I brought in someone you might enjoy meeting."
Nothing happened for a few seconds. I figured that had been an obvious enough of a clue.
"I brought in someone you might enjoy meeting!" I called a bit louder. This time Z and Briar entered the room.
"Z!" Her face lit up and she practically glided over the floor to her. She ignored Briar much as I had. "Its so lovely to have you visit. I am such a fan of your methods. Perhaps we can talk over dinner." I watched her look Z up and down. "And let's get you some nice clothes. Consider it my treat."
Z didn't get a moment to say anything before Flora pulled her out of the room. My present had gone over well so far. If things went my way I'd get rid of Z and make this the best birthday Flora's ever had.
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