#like my friend literally gets to be gabriella and i did just as well at the acting portion as she did
fandomtrashhh · 1 year
I’m doing this acting camp that’s High School Musical (not my thing, I know, but there’s not exactly a lot of choices where I live) and I’m just so upset because I HATE HATE try outs that give you a song to sing and give you 5-10 minutes to memorize it before you go up and sing it in front of everyone. Because of neurodivergency, I can’t fucking do that. I need time to prepare and be told what I’ll be doing ahead of time, like they ACTUALLY do in try outs in the acting world. So of course I did horribly and forgot all the words and my pitch was off and the 10 year old children did better than me. Then of course the dancing portion of the audition I sucked at because I can’t fucking dance for the life of me, but I KNOW I did good on the acting portion because I CAN act!! That’s why I do this!! I had so much fun doing the acting portion!! But I don’t think they gave me enough of a chance because of how bad the other portions went and now I’m literally stuck with a character that has 3 lines (Which is a huge blow for someone who played Dorothy Gale in the 5th grade) while little kids have bigger parts than I do. 
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polaroidbills · 1 year
˚✧₊ ( 🏀 📕 ) sim jake - an imagine
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genre/cw: jake x fem!reader, angsty, fluffy, basketball player x nerd(?), kissing, forbidden love(ish)
word count: 3052
synopsis: jake sim is the captain of the basketbal team, but he needs some help with his grades. he decides to ask a random girl at a party, who's reading a book, to be his tutor. they start to fall for each other, but what happens when their friends want them to stick to the status quo?
—> mega inspired by high school musical 1 (jake as troy and y/n as gabriella!)
cameos: yeonjun (txt), beomgyu, (txt), and taehyun (txt)
a/n: i thought of this idea at like 1am. and it's a bit rushed but whatever. enjoy!
now playing... start of something new - hsm
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i walk into the house party, with the slight smell of alcohol filling my nose. i find the first empty spot on a secluded couch and start reading.
parties were never really my thing. but my mom forced me to go, since i never go out. she thought it would be nice for me to get to know the people in the neighborhood more, since i just moved here.
music blares into my ear drums as i read.
"really? you're reading at a party like this?" i am interrupted.
"well i guess," i say still keeping my eyes on the book.
i feel the couch dip on my rightside and i turn to see a cute guy sitting next to me.
"i'm jake," he puts his hand right in front of the page to shake it.
i sigh and close the book as he leaves me no choice, "y/n."
"i don't think i've seen you around? are you new?"
"yeah i just moved here a week ago."
"ohh cool cool. so you're into that learning and reading stuff right?"
"uh yeah i guess. my grades are good soo."
"great, 'cause i actually need a tutor.. i'm the captain of the basketball team and i won't be able to continue if my grades keep going down. could you help me?"
of course he chooses a party to pick out the one girl who's reading a book to be his tutor.
"um sure? i guess? that would look good on my resumes."
"great! so i'll see you around? what's your num-"
"yo jake!" a shout from across the room is heard, "c'mere!"
"sorry gotta go! i'll see you in school though right?"
"yeah! uh-" and he's gone. just like that.
i guess i tutor now?
well, tomorrow's my first day anyway.
march 27, 2021 was my first day on junior year in a completely different school. everything was different. i was in a different country, city, timezone, and environment.
my first day went by smoothly. i got to know the school a lot and observed the cliques and groups. no one really noticed me, which didn't bother me at all. i liked being invisible sometimes. i have no worries and no drama.
i sit myself down at a table in the cafeteria and start eating, yet again, opening up my book.
i them feel a sort of presence by my side. i look up and low and behold, jake sim.
from what i've heard, jake sim is the captain of the basketball team, and the son of the coach. pretty much the most popular guy in school, and probably the most good-looking. his number is 16.
"hey," he says sitting down, "whatcha reading?"
"normal people by sally rooney. it's my favourite."
"oh cool cool. um so listen, we could have our first tutor session at free period today? in the library?"
i close my book and look at him, finally getting a good look at his face. he's cute.
"uh sure. i wasn't expecting it to be today but yeah, i'll meet you in the library at free period."
"okay great! oh and could i get your number so just in case something happens?"
"sure!" we exchange numbers and he walks away, going back to his friends, and i go back to my book.
my math class was good too. i was busy copying down notes and equations my teacher was writing down. but i noticed a mistake.
"shouldn't it be x=7? and not x=1?" it appears i sid it out loud a little to loudly.
"i'm sorry? did you have something to say y/n?" my teacher asks.
"uh shouldn't it be x=7?" i ask once again.
"that would be quite literally impossible-" she checks on her calculator, "i stand corrected!"
after class, a girl approaches me.
"hey would you like the join the scholastics decathlon? we have a championship coming up and you would be perfect for our team! i'm minji by the way!"
"oh um sure! i've been trying to get involved a little more and doing things out of my box, so why not?"
i am now committed to being a tutor and a scholastic decathlon member. i wonder what's next?
the day zooms by and now it's free period.
i grab my books and head off to the library, where i sit and wait for jake to arrive.
i wait and wait for him. where is he? it's been almost half an hour since we were supposed to start and i'm growing impatient.
i start packing up my things, thinking i've been punked and stood up and that he won't show up. but before i can, a boy comes running down the library and in front of me.
"i'm- sorry i'm- late i- had to avoid- sunghoon 'cause he wanted- to play ball," obviously out of breath jake explains himsef as he sits down.
"well let's get started!" i hurriedly get straight into it, not wanting to waste time.
"and don't forget that x is the variable not just a random letter."
"woah it makes soo much more sense now!"
i finish the lesson up smoothly after about an hour.
"thank you so much! i really appreciate this! tomorrow again?"
"yeah sure! and i can check your homework answers then!"
we close our books and grab our things, leaving the library.
its been about two weeks since i've been tutoring jake. and he's made a lot of progress. we've aso been getting a lot closer. we're friends now.
i ended up telling minji about it and she gave me mixed feelings. she told me that the scholastic decathlon is in two weeks and i need to focus on it, and not on jake. i didn't know how to respond, i just nodded and walked away.
(jake's pov)
i have another tutor session today with y/n. and its been heping a lot. i got an a in my math class, and a b in english.
we're also a lot closer than before. we've even hung out outside of school and tutoring. like to a coffee shop or something. i'm starting to really like her i think. i mean she's pretty, smart, kind, and soo helpful. i don't know if she feels the same though.
i leave for the library. and as i open the door, sunghoon steps in front of me.
"so you've been ditching playing ball during free period to go to the library? really? basketball during free period is our thing."
"i'm sorry. it's just if i keep my bad grades, i won't be able to play basketball. so i need to study-"
"jake!" y/n waves to me and sunghoon turns to see who it is. i return the wave and continue the conversation with sunghoon.
"who's that? isn't that the new girl?"
"oh uh yeah. she's been tutoring me- and it's really helping."
"you've been ditching me to study with her?"
"uh yeah i guess. she's really smart and helpful and i think i'm starting to like her."
"look- i gotta go, but all i have to say is to stick to basketball. don't go dating a nerd and start being all book wormy. and don't forget the championship game is in two weeks."
as he walks away, i'm left speechless.
stick to basketball? i'm just trying to get my grades up, right? or is he right? am i just using these sessions to get closer to y/n?
i shake my head, shoo away those thoughts, and make my way to y/n.
(y/n's pov)
i see jake finish his conversation and make his way to me.
"look! i brought snacks this time!"
"oh cool."
"you seem down, is something up?" i notice his slouchy posture and low voice.
"no it's nothing."
"you sure? you know you can tell me anything right?"
"yeah i just really don't wanna talk about it right now."
"oh that's okay. hmm i think i have something that can cheer you up! come with me!" i grab his wrist and run to the school gym.
when i grab his wrist, electricity shoots through me. i really like him. i can't explain it. the way his hair flows, his honey-like smile, and the way he csn make me laugh no matter what. i'm in love.
"the gym?"
"yeah! we're gonna play some basketball!" i grab a ball from the rack.
"really? you know how to play?" he walks to me.
"well- no. not exactly." i shoot the ball, but it completely air balls and misses the basket.
"i'll teach you."
jake walks closer to me and shows how to position myself to shoot.
"bend your knees and elbows and jump. don't forget to follow through with your other hand."
i follow his steps and attempt to shoot, but again it completely misses. laughing it off, i grab the ball to try again.
"here- could i touch you?" he gestures to my elbow and hands.
i keep my eyes on the ball, not daring to look him in the eye. it's too dangerous.
"this like this," he moves my elbow more, so it's bent. "andd your hand over here," he places my hand on the side of the ball.
my heart is racing. he's never been this close.
"and shoot!" i throw the ball and it actually makes it into the net. swish!
"ah! i did it! it went in!" i gasp turning to jake jumping into the air.
the surprised look on his face is so cute.
"look at us! we help each other!" i say and peck him on the cheek.
i turn around to shoot again. but i feel a hand on my wrist.
jake grabs my wrist and turns me back to him. i'm struck and can't move. he comes closer to me. even closer than before. i drop the ball as he closes the space and puts his lips on mine.
we're kissing. i didn't know he felt this way too.
the kiss is slowly and lovely. but he pulls apart to breath.
i stare into his eyes.
"y/n i really like you. like really really like you. you're all i think about."
i'm speechless at the sudden confession. but i'm glad to hear how he feels.
"and you might not-"
"i really like you too!" i interrupt him. his eyes instantly light up. and he starts to smile.
"yes. i've been waiting for you to make a move."
"well i'm making it now. will you be my girlfriend?"
a week had gone by of me and jake dating. i can't believe it's real. we're together. like for real.
i've never been happier.
(sunghoon's pov)
i walk over to mingi, y/n's best friend to come up with a plan.
"look i have a plan, and i hope it works."
we wait for jake in the locker room before practice. we created a presentation for him.
he walks in and we start.
"choi yeonjun! class of '99 captain, championship mvp, and legend! also known as ace!" i start off.
"choi beomgyu! class of '01 captain and championship mvp! also known as baller beom!" jay continues.
"kang taehyun! class of '02 captain and championship mvp! also known as lightning!" heeseung adds.
"no one of which were involved in books and studying. they won these games because they kept their eyes on the prize and didn't get distracted with books days before the championship game."
"get your head in the game!"
"look guys if you don't think i'll give it my 110% into this game, then you don't know me," we start setting up the camera.
"but we just thought-"
"no here's what i thought. i thought we were a team, i thought we were friends. we lose and win together."
"but then the girl and the studying."
"dude i'm for the team! i've always been for the team!"
(y/n's pov)
i am sat down by minji.
"in a world full of poverty and inequality, a game of basketball plays. though it's entertaining and fun, it provides nothing for this world! thats is the world of jake sim. rather than genorousity and change, he has slam dunks and fouls! unlike oprah winfrey and eleanor roosevelt. that is the inevitable world of jake sim."
"um i have a tutor session soon. i should really go."
"y/n! pay attention."
"dude i'm for the team! i've always been for the team!" the screen plays. i turn to the screen which shows jake.
"and the girl is just someone i met! alright? and the studying is nothing, it means nothing to me! it's probably just a way to ease my nerves and distract me! i don't know. but you're my guys and my team. y/n means nothing to me! i'll forget about her and the studying! are you happy now?"
suddenly it feels as if my heart has been shattered and stomped on like glass.
this is how jake really feels. it all meant nothing.
"this is the real world of jake sim."
tears starts filling up into my eyes. as they flow i realize how jake just used me for grades.
i walk out of the room not wanting to be there any longer.
a few minutes later i reach my locker to grab mu things and leave.
"hey! what's up?" jake comes up beside me but i ignore. "there's something i wanna talk about with you."
"yeah about how i meant nothing to you and that i'm just some girl you met? and how you can just forget about me?"
"i really liked you jake. how could you?" i walk away as tears form in my eyes once again.
the doorbell is heard and my mom answers the door. i walk halfway down the stairs.
"hi mrs. y/l/n, i'm jake."
"ohh so you're jake," i gesture to my mom to not let him in or tell him i'm here.
"is y/n here?"
"oh um sorry she isn't here right now."
"oh. that's okay, thanks though," he walks away and i go back upstairs.
the next few days go by and now the scholastic decathlon is in two days.
i've been doing everything in my power to avoid jake. in the cafeteria i sit at a different table. and i turn the other way if i see him, completely disregarding him.
minji could clearly see how hurt i was, i couldn't even focus on studying or reading. i just spaced out, and ignored everyone.
jake has tried to talk to me multiple times, but seeing that i wasn't going to talk to him, he stopped trying.
"y/n! the decathlon is in two days! pay attention!"
"i'm sorry it's just- my mind is in a different place."
"look y/n. i have something to tell you," minji sits.
"we knew sunghoon could make jake say things like that. we planned it all. we thought what jake would say would keep your mind focused on the decathlon. but it seems to have done the opposite."
"you planned it all?"
"yes. sunghoon made jake say those things."
"no one made jake say anything. be said those things himself."
(jake's pov)
what have i done? she completely ignores me and avoids me every chance she gets.
words can't explain how empty and bad i feel.
sunghoon see it too. i keep missing simple lay-ups or space out in the middle of practice. clearly not keeping my head in the game.
i don't know what to do.
"jake! pass the ball!"
"oh sorry-"
"dude the championship game is in two days."
"sorry man. my mind keeps getting distracted. i don't even know what i did."
"i know."
"our team and the scholastic decathlon team made a plan to keep your guys' heads focused. but it didn't work. i made you say those things in the locker room and we live streaming it onto minji's computer. y/n was watching and heard what you said. we thought it would help you not get distracted."
"you did what?" i run out of the gym, in a hurry to y/n's house. i wasn't planning on doing this today, but it's now or never.
(y/n's pov)
my phone rings.
jake <3
i decide to pick it up this time.
"y/n. i'm sorry. i know you might not forgive me but please. i could never forget about you. you've been on my mind 24/7. i can't even focus during practice. my life without you is a misery. please come back."
"jake i don't know- you said i meant nothing."
"i know i did. and no excuse could make up for it. but just know that i love you. i love you so much. please."
"i got you something before you say anything else."
"jake what?"
"turn around."
i turn around to the window and there stands jake on my balcony. a surprised smile plays on my face. i walk over to open the door and hang up the phone.
"what're you doing here?"
"i got you this," he hands me a book.
"no way. you did not. A SIGNED COPY?! oh my god! thank you!!" i impulsively pull him into a hug, not thinking. "oh sorry," i awkwardly laugh.
"no no it's okay. i liked it, " he smiles.
"look y/n. i'm so sorry. words couldn't describe it so i thought i could give you this instead. open the pages."
i open the book. "oh. my. god. jake." i'm in awe.
"you annotated it? thats so sweet! thank you! yes i forgive you."
"yes!" he jumps up and down cutely in celebration. "thankyou thankyou thankyou! look i even wrote down a playlist for you in the book, so you can listen while you read or just whenever! anddd just in case you didn't dorgive me now, i wrote down an extra apology on the last page!"
i laugh at his rapid words.
"and i-" i steal his lips for a second to kiss him. and he's left speechless.
"i-" he pulls me in another time to put his lips on mine. and we pull away.
"i love you y/n."
"i love you too jake."
@polaroidbills please DO NOT copy, plagiarize, or repost any of my work.
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aarafox · 1 year
On Stolitz, Desire and Misunderstandings
I’ve thought about them so much for the past few days that I just have to put my thoughts somewhere. This might be far from structured/coherent but contains everything that has been running around in my brain lately. Feel free to interact with me about this because they’re driving me insane (in a positive way).
Quick disclaimer: I’ve watched everything in nearly one sitting a few days ago and am new to the fandom, so I might be unaware of commonly known info or things the creators have said or confirmed. If you come across any of my questions that have been answered already, please forgive me for not knowing and feel free to enlighten me! Let’s begin~
 The main thing that got me thinking about this so much is Blitz’s line in ep 7 when he brings Stolas home after their failed date: “Don’t act like what we have is anything but you wanting me to fuck you, okay? You make that really clear, all the time.”
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But the thing is, he is wrong. We as the viewer know this, how Stolas chokes on his food when he sees that Blitzy calls, how he lunges to pick up the phone and how his eyes turn into little hearts when he hears the question. If anything, Stolas is smitten with Blitz.
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He even calls Gabriella a “mood” when she asks Alejandro why he won’t love her. It’s indisputable that he’s thinking about Blitz here.
And how much he actually likes Blitz becomes even more clear to us at the start of season 2, when they’re kids. Stolas falls in love at first sight and blushes several times.
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And then, 25 years later, he is delighted to meet Blitz again. After the initial (joking?) assumption that Blitz has come here to “ravish him”, he tries to make gentle conversation and asks him how he’s been. Blitz is the one who decides to initiate sexual relations—that is, he pretends to start it, and decides to keep it up when he hears Stolas chirp about how happy he is that it’s his “first ever friend” who wants to do him. But Stolas, before this, was surprised by Blitz’s advances and unsure how to react. Stolas, if anything, has to believe that Blitz is very sexually attracted to him.
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That is why Blitz’s line in episode 7 fascinates me this much; one would think the reverse of what he says is true. Stolas has no reason whatsoever to believe that Blitz ever wanted more from him than sex/the grimoire, especially with how their relations began. So it strikes me that apparently, to Blitz, it hurts him to think that Stolas wants nothing else from him. He even begins to cry there in the van as he begins to reject the prince.
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See the tears in his eyes? Why is that? Is he embarrassed? Angry? Does he feel guilty for putting Stolas in a “disgraceful” picture? Is he thinking about entirely different things that happened to him in the past?
And Stolas cries when Blitz is gone, because, well, he does think of Blitz as more than a sex friend. He was so excited to be asked out by him, he made himself look pretty, tried his best to make conversation with him, thought Blitz was actually taking him on their first date ever! He thought Blitz had called him out because he wanted to spend time with him, so he did his best to make the date a success, but all he received from Blitz was, well, nothing… He even tried to end the night on a more positive note by asking Blitz to come inside for something other than sex, perhaps to drink some wine and talk about what happened (or watch a movie, or cuddle 🥺). But when he hears that his sentiment of just wanting to spend time together has never come across—not now, not ever before—and Blitz actually believes Stolas just wants to frolic, that’s when Stolas leaves it for what it is and ends up crying.
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(God I feel so bad for him, my heart)
And he spends a LONG time trying to show Blitz, via his texts, that sex is not the only thing that he’s after.
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But he only gets one-word responses from Blitz. Nothing, literally nothing to keep going on. It’s no wonder he loses faith in that whatever they had could ever be anything more. And Blitz probably has commitment issues or is afraid of things not working out and he ends up keeping Stolas at a distance—until it’s too late.
And it just kills me that he does care about Stolas but somehow won’t admit it, won’t show it. And yet he sounds so hurt there in that van, when he accuses Stolas of merely wanting to be his sex friend. And he actually cries. For that reason, and for many other reasons not all clearly laid out for us.
Meanwhile Stolas has been crushing on him for 25 years. It’s only natural for him to propose the deal they made: he wants Blitz to be close to him (and he assumes Blitz enjoyed sex with him that first time, since he slept there for the entire night while at first only claiming he could do it “real fast”) and Blitz wants his grimoire. This is the perfect way for Stolas to get Blitz to be with him, because, frankly, he doesn’t have many other reasons to meet up with him. So they make this deal: Stolas gets to be together with him for once a month, and Blitz gets the grimoire. Perfect right?
Except when Stolas discovers that Blitz doesn’t even begin to know how much Stolas actually cares. That’s why he keeps sending those long texts, he tries so hard to let Blitz know they could be doing anything else and he’d love that too. That night after the date he already begins with those attempts, by telling him he enjoyed spending time with Blitz and suggesting things to do inside which Blitz misunderstands for him trying to get him into his bed.
But damn, if that was all Stolas was after, he wouldn’t get so depressed that he’d drink until passing out. He is heartbroken. And somehow, for some reason, so is Blitz. The first thing he does when he gets home is opening his phone to a selfie he took of them while Stolas was asleep.
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And others have pointed this out as well, but Stolas doesn’t know about this picture and that Blitz smiled while he took it. On all the pictures Stolas has of Blitz, Blitz looks like he’s not enjoying himself at all.
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So what must he think when he sends Blitz his reply that he could be in the hospital for a while in case he wants to visit, and Blitz doesn’t answer?
Well, that Blitz doesn’t want to come. That he doesn’t care enough.
Indeed, if there’s anyone who hasn’t been showing his true feelings or intentions, it’s Blitz. Stolas compliments him, calls him darling and “his” Blitzy, makes himself pretty for their date, and (for instance in ep 2 of season 2) blushes big time multiple times.
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He’s had it bad for Blitz for ages, but he (correctly? incorrectly?) concludes that this is not mutual. And he has every reason to think so! Blitz treats their sexy adventures as a business transaction, is all serious and stoic to Stolas about it except for the rare occasion where he does show how much he likes it, like after Stolas rescues him from the demon hunters and he grins and seduces Stolas before kissing him.
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But the times when Blitz talks about them to others? Those are moments Stolas doesn’t know about and doesn’t get to see, like when Blitz talks to Striker and stutters like mad trying to explain what they are and aren’t. He never outright says that they’re not dating. He doesn’t even deny Millie’s words when she says they’re boyfriends.
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(M&M totally know I’m wheezing)
It just drives me insane how Blitz isn’t honest with his feelings, especially towards Stolas. He probably chooses to believe that Stolas only wants to have sex with him, because that’s more convenient and safer for him, and enables him to keep Stolas at a distance.
Perhaps that is why he never properly responds to Stolas’s texts, never jumps to the opportunity to agree to Stolas’s indirectly asked questions or suggestions. Getting closer might be a bad idea somehow—but after those texts he has to understand what the prince’s intentions are, right? They just don’t talk about it at all; we also aren’t told whether they still do it or not, or just exchange the book like Stolas’s texts suggest. This is striking compared to season 1, where we got scenes of them in bed or talking about their next meet up.
It isn’t until Stolas’s life is in actual danger when Blitz begins to realise how much he cares.
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“He can get hurt?” His eyes are trembling with disbelief. After that he finally sends Stolas a text first, and then begins typing again, and stops. I imagine he started typing a yes, but stops himself for some reason. I really hope they’ll show us what Blitz was thinking in that moment. Why would he not go to see Stolas? Because he feels guilty? Because he’s afraid he’ll start caring even more when he sees him wounded in that bed?
But again, for Stolas this just means that he doesn’t care, and the poor owl curls up and turns away from his phone.
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bisexualfemalemess · 1 year
Final episode. Oh, this is gonna kill me. Let’s go.
Poor ricky worrying about gina. HE WAS NOT HAVING DANI TRYNA JUMP IN LMAO. Ooh, there’s my babygirl G. Ricky being a supportive boyfriend, awww. EJ AS BOLTON, yasss. Gina wanted ricky to ask her to stay and he didn’t want to make the same mistake he did with nini, miscommunication trope, i hate it here. RICKY BOWEN IS A FUCKING MENACE. “hey, by the way, who the fuck are you guys?” Been asking myself this question for four years, we still don’t know. Awww, Ricky, baby. Ah, Monique coleman giving kourtney advice, aww cute. WISH WE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN AN ACTUAL THE BOYS ARE BACK SCENE. TIM, I’M UNDER YOUR BED. Ooh, rina paralleling troyella, babies. Why is everyone going to ej for advice lmao, even miss jenn. That boy is a freshman in college. Maddox is so pissed that ash and red could be back together. Madison knew hahha. MADLYN CONFESSION AND KISS, LET’S GO LESBIANS/ SAPPHICS! Also, the fact that ej carved their names into a tree, he knew since the beginning and was a supporter, 😂 Terri back off, gina’s already hesitant. Jealous ricky, awww. GINA JUST WALK AWAY, SHE’S SO GOOD, My gabriella fr. “Be good to her. Just please take care of her in New Zealand.” My boy loves her so much 😭😭😭😭😭😭. JENNZZARA ARE SO CUTE. NOT THE RINA LOOK EXCHANGE BEFORE MY BOY RICKY SINGS SCREAM. THEY’RE SO TROYELLA RN. Antoine is me. Aww not Benjamin touching his heart while watching miss jenn perform. JETNEY SCENE. MADDOX IS GOING TO NEW ZEALAND TOO WTF??? Aww, big red worrying about Ricky, such a good friendship. Ricky worrying about his future now that gina’s leaving. Rina right here, right now reprise version?! It work so well for them at this point in their story. My poor children, tim istg if they don’t get their happy end i’m suing. THE LOOK EXCHANGE AND GINAS SMILE AFTER THE SONG, DON’T MIND ME DYING ON THE FLOOR. HAHA MRS POTTER DID NOT LIKE THAT. WAIT ANTOINE IS ANDY??? WAIT ANDY AND RED???? ANOTHER RINA LOOK EXCHANGE DURING CURTAIN CALL, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! andy screaming is me. DEWEY IS A SOFTIE OMG. AND A RINA CHEEK KISS! Seb 😭😭😭. Gina, my movie star baby. Ooof ricky’s speech hit me where it hurts. I hate it here. ITS OVER KOURTNEY SHUT UP 😭😭😭😭. G OH SHE LOOKS GORGEOUS AND THE WAY RICKY LOOKED AT HER AND MOUTHED ‘wow’. He’s in such awe of her, my otp. Oof, gina’s speech also hit me where it hurts. Not her calling jet out when it comes to kourtney haha. THE WAY SHE WENT THROUGH THE PEOPLE ONE BY ONE OH AND WHAT SHE SAID TO RICKY OMG 😭😭😭 “But with you I feel so seen, and so understood and so known.” THATS SO MUCH BETTER THAN ANY I LOVE YOU, OH THEY DESTROY ME. I MEAN SHE LITERALLY SAID “this one is gonna kill me.” The way the camera couldn’t find ej 😂😂😂. MISS JENN IS THEIR MOTHER, GINA CONFIRMED. THE RINA HUG AFTER HER SPEECH TO HIM PLS I’M ON THE FLOOR. NOT ASHLYN FINDING OUT MADDOX HAS TO LEAVE TOO. I HATE IT HERE. RINA AND MADLYN ENDGAME PLS. OH THE WAY RICKY’S VOICR BROKE WHEN HE SAID “I DIDN’T SAY I LOVR YOU.” OOH GO FIND THAT GUITAR RICKY. Ooh mack’s not doing Romeo and Juliette, ha. GO TELL YOUR GIRL YOU LOVR HER RICKY, GET THE GIRL. OMG RICKY! “Am i too late?” Some things never change. RICKY. CONFESSING. HIS. LOVE. TO. GINA. WITH. A. SONG. IN. FRONT. OF. REPORTERS. HER MOM. ALL THEIR FRIENDS. THEIR TEACHERS. HER BOSS. DON’T MIND ME ON THE FLOOR SOBBING HYSTERICALLY. THE LYRICS??? ‘Cause i love you fells a lot like high school and forever after that.”STFU. EVERYONE JOINING IN 😭😭😭 RINA ENDGAME OMG. RINI LOVE CONFESSION COULD NEVER. ITS HIS FAVORITE HAT SHUT UP. STFU STFU STFU THE EMBROIDERY ON THE TAG STFU. “Just like me.” RINA ENDGAME. OMG GINA MOVED THE MOVIE TO SALT LAKE BEFORE RICKY EVER EVEN SHOWED UP, RINA ENDGAME FR. AWW MISS JENNS STAYING TOO. RINA FOREHEAD KISS SHUT UP! Ricky is such a good boyfriend, helping her down. Terri finally approves! Ha. MISS JENN AND MR MAZZARA FINALLY. GINA WEARING RICKYS JACKET AHHH, cuties. BORN TO BE BRAVE NAWW. LAST RINA CHEEK KISS, IM FINE 😭😭😭😭 AWW THEY WENT TO DENNY’S. What a nice nod to nini. Omg the post credit scene STOP IT RN.
Seblos endgame ✅
Jetney endgame ✅ (kinda)
Madlyn endgame ✅
Jennzzara endgame ✅
Question; Are we all in agreement that ricky definitely took over as Romeo after mack left the movie???
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greensagephase · 6 months
Alondra I just read part 13 and I'm screaming!
Life have been very hectic for me lately as I started my new masters, and I needed the time to sit down and properly read the thing that I know now that is my favourite thing to wait for
Its currently 3am, I'm sleepless just like Miguel, chronically staring at my screens as I go through coding and other complex stuff (fr my O'hara era) but I needed comfort and I was like you know what? F this, I'm reading NVC, idk I was gonna stay up late anyways.
After all my rant here are my thoughts, in order probably of how I felt about the fic:
-First of all the SCARF are you kidding me?!? The fact that Miggy keeps it for comfort and reader knows and decides to trick him out on wearing it so her scent lingers on it, fixing it around her aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhh i mean come onnnnnnnnnnn kiss already
-And then Miguel just casually putting the scarf on her cause whatever YOLO just do it, my heart exploded
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-istg I felt it around me, like a thousand sizes bigger than me, being cozy like a blanket? My heart aches!
-Miguel telling reader to be careful and then she sayind "I'll see you at home" I literally had to bite my arm not to scream and wake up my roomates LOL
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-This part got me sooooo longing, cause this is istg my brother and I dynamic with my mom and grandma, is latino coded that I love it, it filled my heart to remember those days.
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-I can't… are we saying we have a crush on him? Cause… sighs I do.. I long for him -I'm sorry I'm making this notes as I go and I'm ranting but this..
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-Miguel… you can hug me any day baby you don't need to stuff a pillow.
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-The blanket, the canelita, the talk in the couch… the yearning for physical touch, the new playfulness of Miguel… I was in tears for at least 20 min before I could continue reading.
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-Little side note on this… phrase… my mind started to go places where it didn't need to be about my theories on spiderverse lol,please SONY IM BEGGING, I need for 2025 to come asap, I need answers and more Miggy.
-Anyways know that I'm writing this as a live reaction and I just stood up from my chair to go scream at mi pillow when I saw the word
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GARIBALDIS, you finally did it I love so much MY HEARTTT IS GONNA EXPLODE!
You have no idea how happy this just made me! AAAAH!
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-And in this angsty part… OMG… I swear I needed like 20 more minutes to recollect myself...meanwhile I'll give you this gaby doodle
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-Okay add like another 20 minutes after you mentioned that Gaby sang Luna de Xelajú on the guitar, this whole Gabriella convo has my heart aching more, I need this little girl in my life...
-Not Miguel telling reader about his dreams of her interacting with Gabi and Gabriel, I'm on the floor once again, and telling her that they love her and she admitting she loves them too
-So for the next part when reader and Miguel hold hands while sleeping… I'll just share my doodle with you.... I went insane...
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-The image of this alone will have me dreaming all night of him i swear, this became to much for my heart to quickly, I can freaking assure you that this is the best piece of FF reading of my life I'm not even kidding, I'll hold your hand as miguel did 🥺
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I had to doodle them both, cause hello they for sure were so cute admitting it to each other, and Miguel laughing... AAAAAAAAH!
My friend you ended up killing me with the Chilaquiles part AND YOU MENTIONING IT WAS FOR ME AND THE GARIBALDIS TOO?!?!
ISTG I LOVE YOU, it means a lot to me 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I want Miguel to cook me some spicy chilaquiles!!!! awww! this was just perfect I swear!!
Well my rant ends up here, I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to get to you, but life has been chaotic! I'm so glad I took my proper time to read and enjoy this because I felt so many things reading this chapter, it was amazing as always and can't wait for what's next!!
Sending you pinky finger hugs!
Hola, Ana!! I'm so happy you got to read part 13 despite now busy you are!! Congrats on starting your new masters!!!!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳 I'm so proud of you!!!! Also, I'm screaming about you being in your O'Hara era, haha!! You're truly embodying him with all the screens and staying up!! But in all seriousness, I hope you're doing well and taking some well deserved time off, at least a few minutes for your mental health :)
Also, I loved reading all your reactions as you were reading the part, haha (I hope you didn't wake up your roommates)!! But now, time for me to rant about this chapter, too, because it's been one of my favorite to write so far!!
The scarf moment - the way reader tricked Miguel so she could wear it and keep her scent on it, him placing it on her the next time!! He was bold for that and playful which skjksjh, I love this side of him !! But | agree, need them to kiss already !!!! (currently fighting thoughts on them kissing and doing more 🫣🫣 the thoughts are just too much)
Reader WEARING MIGUEL'S JACKET, I'M SO GLAD YOU MENTION IT BECAUSE I WAS SCREAMING ABOUT IT AND MIGUEL'S REACTION - mans brain was buffering 💀 but also imagine wearing his jacket?? I need it 😮‍💨 imagine how comforting it would feel? And his SCENT (I'm normal about this, I promise)
sjshJSsk reader telling Miguel, " I'll see you at home" - just me being silly, and giving you guys and myself a little taste of the future 😌 (once again, the thoughts are consuming me)
Okay for the telenovela part, I was like gotta include this because this was also an evening thing for my siblings and me with my parents. I also love thinking about Miguel having these Latin experiences, so I was like imagine Miguel and Gabriel sitting at the dining table doing homework while Conchata watches the telenovela? Plus, it gave me an excuse to include Gabriel because I seriously love him so much!! So, I'm so happy that this little scene allowed you to reminisce on your childhood!! 🥺
ANA I WAS HOPING SOMEONE WOULD MENTION THE EDUARDO YAÑEZ REFERENCE - THANK YOU!!! I had to after seeing people on tiktok saying Miguel kinda looked like him months ago lol and well, me personally, I had the biggest crush on him growing up 🤭 (and real! Destilando Amor is one of my favorite telenovelas !!)
About reader maybe having a crush on him because she realizes she's found someone like Peter in Miguel....um, no comment. But I definitely have a crush on him (I love him)!!!
And Miguel stuffing a pillow into reader's sweatshirt - SAME!! I'm like, just come and hug me, Miguel, no need for the pillow (imagining things right now)
The whole moment with the blanket and canelita to have this talk about Miguel's past - I wanted the moment to be as comforting as possible for Miguel with how heavy and sad the talk was going to be. 😭 And then, both of them yearning for physical contact (because Miguel is definitely yearning for it, if it's not clear!!) I just really loved it because now we have not only reader but also Miguel wanting more physical touch!!! I can't wait for them to finally hug fr!!!
Ana, I would love to know about your theories regarding the multiverse and universes collapsing because it's something I've been thinking about. I literally think about it and then just stop because I feel like I'm losing my mind over it. I NEED ANSWERS!! And more Miggy content, too 😭😭
THE GABY DOODLE HAS KILLED ME - SHES SO CUTE!!! LOOK AT HER CHEEKY SMILE - THE WAY I WOULD'VE CRIED IF I SAW THAT PIC LIVE WITH MIGUEL !!! The Luna de Xelajú mention with Gaby - I hurt myself with that one ngl and I feel you!! I know Gaby has little screen time in the movie but I just love her so much and I wish we had more content of her and Miggy (Sony I'm begging for more content of them happy plssss)!! But no, seriously, I would love to have her in my life and look after her (I would even raise her, let's be real) She's such an angel 🥺🥺
The part with Miguel telling reader about his dreams and her being part of them, and how she interacts with Gaby and Gabriel and how they love her !! And then you also have reader revealing that she loves them, too - AHHH!!! It's like, you guys should marry already pls (Gaby and Gabriel are probably watching from somewhere like, "éstos dos..." 🫠 Gabriel probably tells Gaby that, "Your dad has one of the brightest minds of all time, but he's never been good at this romance thing. So, I guess we need to give him time.")
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He looks so dreamy and cute 🥺🥺🥺 I love it so much I'm just staring at my screen (again) with heart eyes!!!! Thank you Ana ❤️❤️❤️ I'm so happy you liked this moment because I was screaming and ventilating the whole time while writing it!!!!!
AND YES, IT'S HAPPENING, WE OFFICIALLY HAVE THE BEST FRIEND TITLE (almost 200k words later) BUT WE GOT HERE!!!! And we had some hand holding action (I've been waiting for this for months ngl!!!) I'm so proud of them finally admitting it!!!
MIGGY AND YOU, ANA -IM- THEY'RE SO CUTE AND MIGGY LAUGHING 🥺😭I LOVE THIS!!! You guys look so cute!!! I hope you draw your spidersona with Miggy more because they just look so cute together!!!!!! (when do we get a spidersona reveal fr?) BUT SERIOUSLY LOOK AT MIGGY !!! NEED THIS MAN TO SMILE AND LAUGH
Omg and the food and mention- I told you I was going to add the garibaldis and chilaquiles!! I was planning on including them in part 12 but then the flow of the chapter changed, so I decided to leave it for part 13!! I'm glad it made you happy!!! I thought it would be nice since you've told me you love both things (and I also love chilaquiles with all my heart), so I'm happy you loved it!!!! And girl, me, too!!! I want to sit down and drink coffee with Miguel and eat pan dulce, and then have him cook spicy chilaquiles - PLSSS !!!
I'm so so happy you enjoyed this chapter, friend!! I enjoyed reading your live reactions to it hehe, it made my heart explode with happiness!! And please don't apologize, I understand completely about being busy!! I hope school, work, and life in general is going smoothly for you!! I'm rooting for you and again, CONGRATS ON STARTING YOUR NEW MASTERS!!! I'm so, so proud of you 🥹
Sending you pinky finger hugs back!!! <333
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gloster · 8 months
Tagged by @brazilian-whalien52
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Honestly- and this PAAAAAAINS to me to say since my middle-school self would be furious at me-but probably Troyella. Obviously, still love them. Still think of them fondly, but compared to other ships, they're on the lower end.
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2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
I'm TEMPTED to say troyella again since they were the ship that made me realize what shipping was- and how hard it can go for a fangirl. But in terms of a ship you remember watching, loving, and loving seeing their interactions, that would have to be Tom and Kimberly from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
Their chemistry, their moments were the reason why I loved the show so much
I didn't know what ship or OTP meant, but they were the definitely the first couple I remembered LOVING seeing them together
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3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
That would be Troy & Gabriella. The movie wasn't enough for me, so I decided to make more stories on them
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4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
That would be a tie between InuKag and Robstar. Those were the top 2 ships I remember seeing TONS of Youtube videos and fanart in middle school.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
*thinks hard* I want to say....no. Least I can't remember. I just chill in my little corner with my friends, gushing & reading fics of our ships
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
The way I DESPISED LOATHED AND HATED TROYPAY with a burning, burning deep passion. Couldn't stand the ship. Still don't like the ship. And obviously, Tommy x Kat because NO NO NO NO
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
Payurain in this WIP I'm really enjoying. Seriously, love these two boys
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8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Oh dear lord, my OTPS literally have their yachts at this point. And the list of the top ones constantly switch, but at the moment I can say my top 6 include: drarry, zutara, sheith, tododeku, payurain, and of course dickkory
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9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Oh. Dear. Lord. The way at least several ships can fit this question, but that belongs to my top 3 ships that were done so dirty.
OBVIOUSLY-and forever fuming about it-THESE TWO:
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Forever and ALWAYS THESE TWO that had everything. The history, the chemistry, best friends to lovers, ride or die, battle couple...and yet the writers were like, nah
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TO INFINITY & BEYOND BEYOND BEYOND: DRARRY . You can't tell me NOTHING. If Harry was a girl, they would have been endgame. If Draco was a girl, they definitely would have gotten together. I will forever stand on this hill
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10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
I wouldn't dislike at all, but I can definitely say after the previous season, they got more on my radar and that would be Geto x Gojo. I've always been intrigued by their dynamic, but season 2 really showed so much depth in their relationship, their friendship, and how things went wrong. Just so well done and also extremely heartbreaking
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Maybe.....Honestly, I can't think of one. Like none are coming to my head. Closest one I can think of would be Alison x Emily or Spencer x Toby. The former because the toxicity of the ship, the way Ali manipulated and gaslight Emily's emotions was fucked up. Just as Toby letting Spencer think he was dead, let her think she found his corpse, and watch her break down...only to give a half-ass apology.
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
Honstly, Kyo x Arisa from Fruit Baskets- and that is solely because watching the way Arisa constantly rifled Kyo up was too damn hilarious.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics off?
Hands down, that would have to be drarry
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14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
Probably two sides of the same coin. Different in many ways but similar in others. With drarry, both being just a boy in time of war. For zutara, the sun and the moon. Grump x Sunshine, which is a similar dynamic for many of my ships.
15. What you absolutely hate in a ship?
Hands down, the quickest way for me to hate a ship is the following: A always loving B, B being OBLIVIOUS to A's affections even though the whole country is aware of it, and then when A finally moves on THAT'S WHEN B suddenly realizes OH MY GOSH I LOVE THEM. 🤢🤮🤬😡 I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. Also, if the dynamic of the ship is unequal such as bully and bullied, in which the bully spends 90% of them torturing the love interest and then final 10% actually showing some care...NOPE. NOPE. NOPE.
Tagging: @kila09, @dreamydrarry, @sebbies, @negrowhat, @goldentruth813, @starlitruns, @omgitsseddie, @sweet-potatah-pie, @narcobarbies, @bavariansugarcookie, @itsjustafia
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alescendants · 2 years
My Disenchanted thoughts
I know this blog is called alescendants but Disenchanted is still Disney and it makes sense to write my opinions on it here. These are my personal opinions, everyone is entitled to have their own thoughts on this movie.
I wrote a lot so it’s all hiding under the readmore:
Finally, we know why Giselle was living with animals in the woods!
Morgan calling Giselle ‘Mom’ was so pure ngl
Seeing Giselle, Robert, Edward, and Nancy all being friends years later was so sweet, and the latter two being Sofia’s godparents? My heartt 😭😭
And finally Nancy sings! I keep repeating “For through this wand from Andalasia flows the magic of our magic world to here”, and also Love Power obviously lol
"Congratulations on the increasing size of your progeny." and "Hogwashery!" in this film vs "I don't know what ‘melodramatic’ means" in the first film. Bless you, Edward, you're academic now and I am so proud of you
“Morgan, if you want to be mad, you be mad at me. But you do not talk to your mother like that!” >>>
Robert is the blueprint for all men I swear
Morgan hating the move is all the better when you remember Robert said she’s shy and doesn’t have many friends. I feel you, Morgan, I suck at making friends too 😀🤝
I don’t get why people don’t like the music, I loved all of it! It saved the movie imo.
Maya Rudolph can SINGGGGGGGG
“Nobody ever would bother to tell a tale with Maleficent and with Cruella.” That was good honestly.
Gabriella Baldacchino is so good in this! She can really sing, good for her.
Everyone saying ‘the whole cast is back’ when Nathaniel wasn't in the movie (as well as Narissa for obvious reasons) felt very weird and wrong to me
Why was Edward barely in the movie?? His himbo energy is a big part of makes the first film so great imo, and while he did steal the three scenes he was in (yes, three), he deserved to be in the movie more. Also this is a personal issue but I hate how he’s never called ‘King Edward’, as I was hoping his Disney Wiki page would be able to be retitled to that lmao. His name is King Edward of Andalasia, put some respect on his name.
And I was hoping he’d have a scene with Morgan detailing his own experiences with wicked stepmothers. But he and Nancy were missing for the whole middle act 😭, AND James Marsden deserved to sing more!
Robert too. Why did they make him an idiot knight? He’s not endearing like Edward, he just annoyed me. And they obviously kept him out of most of the film because True Love’s Kiss would undo Giselle’s wish. It pissed me off how nobody thought of doing that lmao
“We bring love from Andalasia and offer belated birthday cheer.” That was in the trailer, they filmed a part for it. It and the rest of the lyrics are in the official Spotify song, so why was it cut out of the film? So unnecessary.
Same with the Monroeville portion of the opening song, it should’ve been kept in.
The 2D animation sucks, and why did Nancy look so different? She and Idina both don’t have blue eyes, where did that even come from?
I wanted Giselle to go back to Andalasia and for Robert to go there period. We need to fully see how he looks in 2D and how Giselle changed.
And I dislike the implication that Giselle has never returned to Andalasia and shown Robert and Morgan where she grew up. As IF she’d never say goodbye to the animals who raised her. And since Morgan always asked for stories about Andalasia, why not TAKE her there? Literally what is stopping her? It’s bad writing.
And speaking of Morgan, yes teens are angsty but it still hurt to see her fight with Giselle (their relationship in the first movie is precious).
And I’m confused about the whole wicked stepmother thing? “It’s not true what they say, I have met so many kind and wonderful stepmothers.” What happened to that?
But ignoring that, Morgan calling Giselle her stepmother in the argument hurt bad. Because she knows how Giselle (apparently) feels about stepmothers and she was obviously trying to hurt her.
Giselle could’ve done her animal call and it either doesn’t work or ravens and other animals portrayed as villains (snakes, rats like in Lady and the Tramp) show up. That’d fuck her up and it’d be cool to watch! And Morgan sang the animal call in pt 2 of Fairytale Life, she should’ve done it for real.
Malvina was disappointing. I was expecting her to be an Andalasian who Narissa banished, like Giselle. Maybe they’re related (like Ursula and Morgana) and/or she was threatened by her magical competition so she sent her away. And with a name with Malvina, it made sense to me that she’d be Andalasian. Clearly that was the intention and I don’t get why the team behind the movie would trick the audience like that bc it’s the opposite of a good plot twist. Queen Narissa had way less screen time and I prefer her way better.
Plus it’d keep Narissa relevant to the plot which was not the case and I was deeply disappointed.
I predicted that with Monroeville’s slogan literally being “Your Fairy Tale starts here!”, it’d be designed by Malvina to be a trap for Andalasians to find out how they left Andalasia and if she can take their portal back there. Like there was so much potential that went wasted.
And where the hell is Malvina’s husband? (He’s on the billboard with Malvina and Tyson at the entrance of Monroeville, so he definitely existed at one point.) If he’s dead, at least just mention it once?
Why was Morgan and Tyson’s song cut? It’d give him + their relationship much needed development and it’s a cute song.
Rosaleen and Ruby were annoying. I love YNB and Jayma but their characters aggravated me.
Sofia crying after Morgan was pushed down the well could’ve been a chance for Giselle to break away from her evil self to care for her daughter. I thought that’d happen. We all did, right?
There’s probably more but I’ll stop here lol
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daphnebowen · 1 year
hsmtmts season four episode four
Zac efron in baywatch is CRAZY BRO
richard Bowen: the French fry and the funnel cake
why does Mike suck at shopping? How do you buy cooking oil instead of tanning oil??? How do you do that???
”Ricky and Gina are just friends” yes Mike. Thank you for your input.
five nights in a row?!?!?!?!?!?
ricky is ranting to miss Jenn and Mike is crazy
MAKE GOOD CHOICES??? NO PROMISES??? What is he planning on doing tonight?!?!?!?
this song is really disturbing but also an absolute bop
spooky indeed…
okay I totally thought Ashlyn was going as ms Darbus too!!!!!! I never would have gotten Eleanor roosevelt??
”for the low low price of one of my cats for the day. That’s fine right?” No. No it’s not.
”let’s get this starty parted!!!!!!!!! Nope wait let me come in again”
”Bowen as baywatch???” Honey you’re not the only one who’s confused this is too hilarious
“I’m scared 😟”
again, ten reasons why kourtneys mom is the best parent
”wait. You think mr mazarra is HANDSOME?!”
“dude. Can’t say that.”
mike. Mike Mike Mike. Why would you only get one bag of candy on halloween??? Have you never had halloween before???
the fact that Mack knows EVERYONES NAMES except for Ricky’s that seems blatant right there tbh like how does he know jets and not Ricky’s???
”wow guy! The one who almost ruined the take!” “Wow.” “Yeah, like that!” Ricky is so over Mack I swear
“oh good, spark is here.” “His name is mark and you know this” they said with fake smiles and wide eyes
”sister slayed the remodel” “indeed she did”
”you got it… buddy” the most unconvincing thumbs up ever!
gina trying to hide her mark and spark poster board but it keeps bouncing back PKEASE DONT BE FORESHADOWING
kourtney is SLAYING
Ricky mocking jet is DEFINITELY josh “gotta play it cool tonight bro”
”iS tHaT fAbRiC?”
”jetty’s got a cruuush!”
only candy, Michael? Omg he’s so dumbbbb it’s giving “its only a song” “a song can mean everything”
he got her a bottle cap?? Tacky.
he’s a little bit too full of himself.
asking “who is it “ ON HALLOWEEN BRUH like it’s definitely not gonna be little kids looking for candy which, by the way, you don’t have! 🤦🏼‍♀️
I wanna be called “cutie” :(
“bestie of the week” so degrading
omg this is so chaotic I can’t even Dani is like confronting Ricky about his costume and Gina is so confused and Ricky isn’t sure what to say… this is messy yall
omg Maddox is dying
“AS A FRIENDDDD” girl just admit it already she’s so shook
Mad and mad are… bad YES THEY ARE MADLYN FOR LIFE
oh crap Mack why you have to go and say things like that
Ricky is so over it lmao the whole time Dani is talking he’s like “shut up shut up shut up” POOR GINA THOUGH
“Troy and Gabriella are characters, not a couple!!” - Kourtney
ricky: “well…”
”WHAAAAT???” The excited squeal is literally me every time something rina-y happens ♥️
the way Mack was like oh shiitake mushrooms and Dani’s look of astonishment - no, you two will not be cheating on each other with the best couple in history TODAY 😝
jet is a VIBE BRO- “I’m so glad this is out in the open, it was getting exhausting” honestly SAME
oh no. Gina’s mom. (She doesn’t deserve a name)
buddies. Always a bad sign 😳
richard just got friend zoned after him and Gina admitted they were a couple in front of all their friends. Oof. Can’t say I don’t blame him for running
”I like to dress up as Mary poppins and you like to give over the counter pharmaceuticals to children.” Yeah Jenn that’s probably a bad sign…
i agree mike and miss Jenn got together way too soon after the divorce it was like BAM and idk how to feel about it
maddox’s hair looks so cute curly!!
lowkey wish Emmy and Jet would have gotten a duet
sharing songs with each other is literally the first step in any perfect relationship you can not prove me wrong
SEBBIEEE!!!! He really is a knight in shining armor
”not harder than you not talking to me!” Oh, um, think again… BOMBSHELLS
awww ash’s voice is so good
ashlyn and Maddox’s chemistry is honestly super good they are both absolutely gorgeous and can sing like no one’s business (but technically ash and big red are still together, right? So… wouldn’t Ashlyn be cheating if anything were to happen??)
pause. Richard. Please don’t break up with Gina. That would be the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. I have faith in you tho.
the way pumpkin guy awkwardly climbed thru the window
i still can’t believe Seb cheated
jarred is literally the worst at reading social cues like bro can’t you see Seb and Carlos are going through something over here? Take a chill pill and let them figure it out before you jump in ugh
hes not even that good looking either LMAOOO
Poor sebbie! But he shouldn’t have cheated imo
yes Ricky. Unleash all of your problems on miss Jenn. She will help you. She will use her magic powers and fix everything.
Ricky looks like he has a unibrow BAHAHA
yes miss Jenn call in those reinforcements
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charlotties · 2 years
i just watched sharpay's fab adventure and im in LOVE, peyton is EXACTLY what sharpay deserves, and im glad she FINALLY got a happy ending!
as a resident sharpay stan since the ripe age of 5, im really happy with how much shes achieved since she graduated high school, a leading role IN NYC?? love.
if only everyone in hsm could see her now UGHHH
also i rewatched hsm 2 and finally watched hsm 3 and can i just say i hate kelsi so much. AND so many of these kids are just ungrateful?? they complained about the manager at the country club saying hes terrifying?? i have never met a more well mannered manager in my LIFE. fucking wish i had that type of manager at MY first job.
also taylor in hsm 2 was really stoking the fire cause first she tells gabriella that these weird rules her sister told her aboutig dating and then later on lies to gabriella saying troy asked for sharpays opinion on his new shoes. not to mention for some reason no one sees troys new position as an golf assistant as a good thing? bitch he has some sort of power now, FUCKING help your friends out to get into higher positions!! you have sharpay who will LITERALLY do your bidding.
not even talking about how much troy did change when put in a position with more freedom and power like thats all on him, how're are you NOT gonna help chad out????????????????? hes LITERALLY always talking about U of A and you just DON'T TELL THE BIG WIGS ABOUT HIM?????? thats on you bitch NOT sharpay.
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generalwildcat · 2 months
Queer Headcannons
Since discovering the story behind the epic gift that is Bet On It, my friend and i have been going back and forth with some queer HSM headcannons. Just a few, nothing intricate or anything like that.... 👀
Friend's Headcannons:
Troy should have been bi. His story is a really good metaphor for being in the closet. Especially as someone who felt pressure to do sports and be this popular masculine guy.
Imagine how funny it would be if Troy was giving Ryan way more attention than Sharpay and how annoyed she'd be, but then when she found out about them she'd be the biggest supporter.
It would make more sense for Sharpay to realize she had feelings for Gabriella all along. Taylor would probably figure out Gabriella is queer before Gabriella does so when Gabriella finally comes out Taylor would be all "well finally!"
Kelsi is the quiet ace in the corner who low key knows everything. She's too cool to be cishet.
Chad is the clueless cishet guy who's surprised to learn anyone is gay but is cool with it. AKA the token straight guy. BUT he could also be bicurious or is not typically attracted to men so when it happens it's really confusing for him.
Zeke doesn't care, he just uses peoples' coming outs as an excuse to bake more.
Darbus is the safe space and is the teacher who supervises the Gay Straight Alliance Club.
Mrs. Montez is the ally parent who wears pride buttons and pins to PTA meetings.
Coach Bolton is the person everyone is afraid to come out to and he doesn't totally get it but will end up giving a sappy speech about unconditional love.
Stick to the Status Quo is a whole coming out scene, which leads to gay interpretations of every other song.
Start of Something New is realizing you're queer.
Getcha Head in the Game is trying to ignore your queerness.
What I've Been Looking for is accepting that you're obviously queer.
Bop to the Top is gay activism and a joke about being a top.
Breaking Free is literally coming out.
My Headcannons:
If HSMTMTS is considered cannon and Troy and Gabriella really are in marriage counseling could that be because he was secretly bi this whole time?
OR, if the marriage counseling is cannon then what if Troy and Gabriella are still having issues and Troy's in a funk because Gabriella's all he knows and he desperately wants everything to work out? So he ends up going so far as to ask the Evanseses if they can use Lava Springs for an anniversary/vow renewal thing cause maybe that can help, which they do and for a while things seem pretty good. Meanwhile Gabriella has been getting closer to Sharpay through all this and texting and talking to her about stuff and feels comfortable confiding in her. Which maybe leads to something?
And if it does lead to something, imagine how Ryan feels about Sharpay not talking to him about questioning her sexuality especially when he kinda did that/was in denial for years.
Wait, what if Troy was actually the straight one the entire time and suddenly everyone comes out as queer and he has no idea what he missed? (My friend's response to this was Troy would be so clueless to a guy hitting on him, he'd just think they were good friends and his friend was being so supportive and thoughtful to him and it wouldn't be until someone said something that Troy realized his guy friend was hitting on him all along.)
Chad is bi and in a straight-presenting relationship with Taylor. What might've happened is that Chad and Taylor broke up at the end of HSM3 but remained friends through college, which was when Chad got close to another guy and confided in Ryan and eventually Taylor. They help him work through his feelings and realize he's bi. He tries dating the guy but the guy gets jealous of Chad's close relationship with Taylor which results in their breakup and eventually Chad and Taylor do get back together. Except Chad never tells anyone else because he realizes he gave Troy so much flack in high school for wanting to do music instead of basketball and not only does he not wanna go through that himself, but he also wants to do a better job at accepting people for who they are and he does.
Kelsi and Ryan remain good friends after high school and end up being each others' realizations/acceptance that they're both queer. Kelsi ends up becoming an honorary aunt to Ryan and his husband's future twins and, who knows, maybe she also ends up being their surrogate.
What Time Is It is getting a vacation from acting straight/straight-presenting and having the actual freedom to be queer.
All For One is the coming together of everyone queer in support of each other without worrying about TERFs or gatekeeping.
We were totally not coming up with an HSM AU where everyone and everything is gay and i absolutely did not start sharing my gay headcannons for their future kids that i'm always thinking about but never gonna actually write....
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dorizardthewizard · 5 months
HSM (2006) rewatch pt 6
6: Stick to the Status Quo
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Backpack alert! And Jason was actually carrying school books, there's hope for you yet boys
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Love Ryan and Kelsi’s little glance at each other after Sharpay huffs off. I imagine they're not best friends yet since it was Ryan who flippantly told Kelsi they'd rearranged her song for the audition, but they bond over Sharpay's antics sometimes and obviously get much closer in the second movie.
What is this cafeteria area, it’s so nice? Mine had a hole in the ceiling that they’d cover up with a sheet of paper on parent’s evenings
“Bob, we need the cheerleaders in the jock group” “But sir, how will we know they’re cheerleaders and not girls from the other factions of the school?” “Make them wear their warmup gear in every single scene of course!”
Zeke decides really quickly after the Troy musical news to spill his secret, have they even spoken to Troy about this yet? Guy must have been waiting for the right moment for ages
Zeke: I bake Everyone: WHAT?!
This will never not be iconic. Poor Zeke he looks so sad ToT
Martha: Look at me and what do you see? Intelligence beyond compare!
We stan a confident queen <3 Also I love that they chose a plus sized girl for this
Ahhhh the “skaters”……..
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I’m obsessed with orange shirt guy’s reaction and how he just misses the next dance routine because he’s having a breakdown by the stairs
I like how in the next sequence we can see the groups mixing more as they dance, it basically represents what’s happening in the school as a whole since the audition. Everyone jokes about how they’re singing and dancing about how certain people shouldn’t be singing and dancing, but that’s not actually happening. It’s non-diegetic! An abstraction! A representation of the turning of the social and political landscape!
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What I love about this song is you can go through it frame by frame and find fun little details or interactions in the background. Like here, Chad throws his basketball and it's Zeke that catches it (they face off in the background of another shot too). He dribbles it for a bit but loses it at some point in the song and pops out the crème brûlée instead. Love cheerleader girl who’s just trying to read on the side lmao. Or go against the status quo, as the cheerleaders were previously portrayed as shallow and not interested in topics deeper than discussing their nails, but here she is studying during lunch break, no longer caring if that makes her uncool.
Also I love that part of the choreography is literally just,, ruffling Chad's hair. And those girls in the top left swaying a bit? Yeah that's my level of dance skills too
Martha got done dirty, with the others it’s “stick with what you know!” and “keep your voice down low!” but with her it’s “she has gotta go!” LOL no wonder we never see her with the geek squad again
I had to copy and paste the spelling for crème brûlée I am nothing if not dedicated
That sudden burst into song after Gabriella and Taylor turn up is iconic
And now cello boy is just miming playing the cello??? WHERE DID THE CELLO GO
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Hahaha the way it looks like Gabriella and Taylor are the only ones aware that they're in a musical
I had to comment on this song bit by bit because there’s so much to point out lol, I love Stick to the Status Quo it’s S tier I don’t care. It’s more musical-like than the other songs and it works really well since there are some spoken parts with the confessions. Also it’s just so chaotic, it's impressive what they managed to do with the choreography here and the transitions flow really well. The chorus does sound a little.... quiet? At times though? I think they get better at making the audio sound a bit more natural as the movies go on.
People say it’s silly that everyone’s so against people having hobbies, but that's taking the message too literally imo. High school cliques are a thing (although maybe more so in the US from what I've heard), and let's be honest a lot of interests or methods of expression are deemed "cringe" today, let alone back then before nerd culture became truly mainstream. Gender is a big divider too - we're still socially conditioned to think STEM and sports are for boys while the arts are for girls, plus things like the misogyny directed towards female gamers. And for the boys, 2006 was a time when the tiniest expression of something deemed "feminine" would result in you being called gay. So yeah, the message is still relevant today but even more so back then.
Plus even outside of such extremes, I feel we do tend to put ourselves in boxes. Just look at how many people believe in that left/right logical/creative brain stuff, people taking the Myers Briggs personality types so seriously, or those teenagers on tiktok trying to decide between aesthetics. Especially at that age, you're very concerned with constructing a consistent image of yourself and might feel nervous trying new things or pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, because "that's not my kind of thing".
Ooo I like Sharpay being manipulative of Darbus, showing her as a good antagonist. Not just in the way she acts towards the protagonists, but how she sweet talks others and shows a completely different persona to get what she wants. Girl can act, I’ll give her that.
Ryan just looking at his food LOL mood
Chad’s smile as he goes “What's up? Oh, let’s see…” while contemplating murder is so funny I love that delivery
Chad: Zeke is baking… Crème Brulee!
As opposed to the other stuff being baked in Albuquerque around this time…...
I love how Troy’s reaction is to immediately show interest and enthusiasm for Zeke’s new hobby! Supportive bro! Shut up Chad, don’t be mean to Zeke >.<
I like the detail that after Chad tells him to shut up, Zeke goes up to the skater guys, who seem to have made up as they’re sitting together and cello kid has his cello out. It shows that despite the most outspoken people like Chad and Sharpay, there’s a shift in the school. Generally I love the school scenes in this movie because there’s always something going on in the background, it feels so lived in and like you're watching a play in person
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Yeah Chad’s being a bad friend here obviously, and there's a lot of ways you could read into his reaction. There's the general toxic masculinity, but he also bought into the school hierarchy and enjoyed his position on top with the rest of the jocks. Maybe he just doesn't get it because it's genuinely basketball 24/7 with him and he defines himself by his interests, maybe he just hates change (wait a minute... autistic Chad?), maybe the concept of Troy being less interested in basketball and hanging out with Gabriella makes him feel like his friendship is threatened.
aaaaand maybe deep down he's in denial about his own "unmanly" tendencies and doesn't want to confront that part of himself
But this also shows why Troy is the captain. Chad puts basketball and his own ideas on what's best for everyone above his teammates' feelings, so while he is more dedicated and commands the attention of the team, I feel a captain should be a bit more emotionally intelligent.
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kisekai · 2 years
hsm/tmts character (over)analysis
going to ramble here for a bit, but sometimes i think about how the original hsm characters were written as toxic high school stereotypes.
sharpay as the blonde bitchy "mean girl"
ryan as the gay theatre kid
chad as the jock
taylor as the academic overachiever
and obviously troy and gabriella break these stereotypes BUT!!!
there's just something about all of the hsmtmts characters somewhat resembling the original hsm characters but with added layers.
her character was obviously modeled after gabriella's
compared to gabriella, she's a lot more confident in herself and a lot more decisive about what she wants
her passion for music and skill in songwriting gives her similarities to kelsi, and she's also really upfront with other people (just like sharpay!)
this guy is Troy Bolton (derogatory)
that's literally all i have to say i hate him so much
i think nini and ricky were formulated the same way troy and gabriella were, especially if we're comparing hsm 3 to season 2.
both nini and gabriella were at a huge crossroad in their lives, and their respective partners had to make a decision to support them or hold them back (this is where my preference for troy kicks in)
troy chooses to meet gabriella halfway since he knows she can't compromise her dream for him, and ricky chooses to let go for both of them to grow on their own.
(if rini gets back together i will actually drop this show)
okay i will not shut up about this guy i love him
he bears a lot of similarity to chad when it comes to his initial introduction as a character
at first, he's a bit controlling and manipulative but he outgrows it and i love him so much for it
he reminds me of troy as well, since he recognised what he did wrong and did his best to fix it
much to unpack here
obviously her initial personality is a lot like sharpay (very bitchy and manipulative)
i really didn't like her .. i don't know at what point i started liking her
that's it really she outgrows her toxicity and becomes someone really endearing (love her for that)
taylor. Taylor. TAYLOR.
i cannot stress this enough
she is literally taylor mckessie!!!!!!!
the best friend who is always, ALWAYS there
she also really comes into her own in the second season, and she reminds me a lot of ryan there
(flashbacks to hsm 2 when ryan won the star dazzle award)
that's it i just love her
big red
i love him so much
he's like zeke, there's nothing bad to say about him
always there for ricky, just wants to make his girlfriend happy
the best character, actually
he also reminds me of troy because he's willing to meet in the middle for a lot of things and he's so supportive
i think she's actually the prime example of how multi-layered these characters are
her most prominent personality trait is a lot like kelsi's (writing music)
but she's also fairly extroverted and has a large set of interests
she reminds me a bit of sharpay, since she's not afraid to put her foot down or compromise what she thinks is right
additionally, she's loyal to a fault, but will not hesitate to call anyone out on their bullshit (peak chad + ryan behaviour methinks)
i love her so much
he reminds me a lot of sharpay (very sassy and a complete drama queen)
his role though (as choreographer) is a deadringer for none other than mr. ryan evans
additionally! he's also extremely gay, so that's another reason why he reminds me of ryan
i didn't really like him at first, but he has his good traits i suppose
now here is the half of the ship i love
his whole personality is definitely ryan (soft-spoken, quiet gay, plays piano)
he also has a bit of sharpay's personality in him, it was literally the reason he played sharpay in the play
for some reason, he reminds me of chad too, since he's pretty inexperienced in relationships but he's willing to put in the effort
a lot of his personality screams zeke too
(he's literally an unproblematic malewife i love him)
i think i covered all the main characters? feel free to tell me your thoughts or correct me if i missed anything mwa <3
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key-to-my-heart · 3 years
hey hi hello! i haven’t really been active on tumblr but i wanted to get back into the swing of being active and posting often. so.
i decided i will take note of some of my predictions, hopes, wishes etc. for Season 2 of Rainbow High!
so i kinda wanna just cover the things we canonically have seen aka specific events and drama that has gotten introduced
- The New Roommates / Series 3 Girls
i feel like we will definitely see more of them within the coming episodes. rainbow high literally advertised the new teams as like… i think the second or third teaser for the new season
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it’s interesting to me because. this makes me think of What The Runway Project is? what could it possibly be? i believe i made a post about this in the past but the main theory (and theory i believe the most in) would be a Stage Production of sorts. i mean… it makes sense!
the twins are both Performing Arts focus and are definitely the antags this season. so why wouldn’t they cause trouble in regard to a stage play? plus, bella is back. she’s literally a set designer! we have never seen her do any set designing (other than making a sketch) so it would be fun to see that! if river were to get more focus this season, he would definitely have an outlet to channel his Performing Arts creativity! plus… Daria is a song writer so like. imagine if we were to get music out of that? please. the possibilities are endless.
im also eager to see the series 3 girls dynamics. like are the rest of the girls (gabriella, georgia, emmy and daphne) all roomed together? do they get along? will they all be just as dramatic as stella, sheryl and daria’s dynamic?
but anyway. whatever the drama and the semester project is, the new teammates definitely seem to be playing a crucial role in this season.
- The Twins
i’m actually really eager to see more of them. i feel like not enough people are talking about them? season 2 is actually really interesting so far…. maybe more so than season 1… and i feel like we are going to have to thank the twins for that at some point lol
like. idek what they’re planning on doing but. i’m excited to see what it is! they’ll probably be involved in the semester project or at least causing problems to all of the roommates and teams. they’ll definitely have something going on with bella. and it seems that they have a good bond with karma (after the KWK we got). so maybe they’ll have input in any potential drama with Karma. which leads me to
- Karma VS. Violet
so. this drama has been teased at for like. ever. for what feels like forever.
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this moment in Karma’s bio PLUS the commentary about violet from her and the twins in the recent KWK episode. but anyway. i’m actually super interested in whatever this drama could be??? like. why is karma watching.
we know violet adores karma, she really wants to have her in the vi life. so i’m sure she basically looks up to her! but like. will karma actually genuinely be nice with violet? keep a distance? make remarks like she did in her recent vlog? i don’t know. idk what to expect. of course it’ll have to do with vlogging or something.
- Bella
ok so there is a few things to note with bella. i’m still interested in if bella will accept to do an interview with Karma for her vlog? if so, i wonder how that would go. and i wonder how violet would feel about it. like the very last time bella was featured in vi’s vlog was on a bad note (even though they made up) but like. idk AAA
also i’m wondering how bella is gonna handle being back to rainbow high. because so far it seems she’s having trouble fitting in. will the key to her fitting in be Jade? will Jade help her figure everything out? or would it be someone else?
as much as i’d love Jade to be the reason Bella starts to feel more at home, i also love the other idea of Amaya being the reason bella feels comfortable again. Amaya was once the new girl (and of course in an awkward position because she was essentially a replacement for bella’s spot in the runway group) but. she didn’t fit in. she had to find her place at rainbow high… and it took her until the runway show to be able to truly feel comfortable.
and like. i’ve been rooting for bella/amaya dynamic for awhile now. i see a lot of potential in this duo. we know they somewhat have tension. i mean. bella had a really awkward confrontation with amaya and that was rly their first and last conversation. sure they’ve been around each other like in the music video, at the end of s1, and when bella walked into the girls dorm s2ep2 but like. that’s it.
SO ANYWAY. what i’m trying to get at is that these two definitely need to become friends. i mean. they have a LOT in common. i was talking about the new girl situation because i feel like they can relate in that way. they both had an awkward entrance into rainbow high and could bond over that. it took amaya awhile to feel at home at rainbow high… so maybe she could become friends with bella and help her feel at home! they’re both very determined leader types. they’re really passionate and! they have the same friend group! so why not become friends?
- Jade and Bella
of course i will wonder about these two! i have no clue what to expect with them. the fandom and myself are really really really wanting to see these two become a canon sapphic couple. i really want to see this happen! and mga knows this. mga knows we want to see jella happen. i mean, they literally snatched the ship name from us and plastered it into their vlogs. so they KNOW
anyway. these two are literally going through it rn. the way jade’s eyes lit up when she saw bella was back at rh. and now both of them are looking for each other and worried about each other. jade thinking bella is mad at her rn? please. i will sob. they are really holding off this jella reunion but i hope it’s for a good reason. i just want them to talk and have a good reunion… a hug……. happy tears, happy smiles…………..a love confession…
- Amaya
so i don’t really have much to say here but i’m just wondering about amaya this season. she’s definitely been advertised so much to the point that she essentially became like. THE main focus in season 1. this peeved some people but personally i loved amaya being like a sort of main character figure. she didn’t really take attention away from the other characters but also had that energy of being a main character anyway.
my point is, though, idk how she will play out in this season? like is she going to be as much of a main character as the main 6 are…. or will she play a bigger role? i have no clue. it seems bella is going to have a key focus this season, which makes sense, but it still just makes me wonder about amaya’s role this season
- Colin
i just hope this man does not get a development arc. i know some people want him to…. but i just. i don’t. i don’t understand. the point of him existing was to show that cheating is wrong and to display girl power. by teaching that skyler didn’t need a man to prove her worth. that she is her own person. her own strength! i really hope that colin and bella don’t have anything omfg.
- Winter Break
i’m really. REALLY excited for the winter break arc. it’s about time we get to see some backgrounds outside of rainbow high! plus the animated tidbits of ruby, sky, and violet in their wb outfits in the wb commercial was everything.
i’m so excited to see their new hairstyles, to see them with their snow gear and more. omg. of course i think the twins will be involved in this arc someone. krystal briefly mentioned the twins’ family having a ski lodge. and then of course we see sunny with her skis so like. yea!! i just wonder how these episodes would play out. or episode. but anyway like… will they just vibe? or will there be a problem of sorts? if it’s winter break then it probably won’t tie into school or like projects or anything like that
- Kia Hart
i’m actually hoping kia gets some focus this season. like. what is she going to do? is she going to pair another couple together? (if so, please be jella. okay wait seriously what if she is the key to reuniting jade and bella together… anyway) i just hope to see more of her and possibly more of her and krystal together haha. but kia just vibes so far, it would be lovely to get more of her!
- The A’s
so ainsley is finally beginning to get some attention! i really hope we continue to get more of her as well as avery, and aidan of course! we did get a bunch of content of aidan but you can never have enough honestly.
but i just wonder about how the A’s will be this season. like will they do anything significant? are bella and avery going to remain close? what is going on!!!
- The Malibu Line
so we literally know nothing about this except
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but i still wonder like. if we will get to see anything about it at any point during the web series. perhaps it would be more of a summer thing. but it definitely means something if Bella is in it! (also i’m just generally excited for her new doll. omfg.)
- The Rock Line
so we also know almost nothing about this except
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saw someone discuss that the music being heard during s2ep2 could be in regards to the rock battle. honestly. what if this is some sort of project? battle of bands or something? that would be cool lol. anyway i’m intrigued for this line mainly because of all the clothing leaks we have been getting omg.
- The Slumber Party Line
we have known about this for a little while (with the theory of the baby blue girl being in it) but i’m just curious as to who the characters are and if they will be in the web series at all.
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- Jett Dawson
okay so. this is a big one. jett being a collector doll, i feel like she’ll definitely play a crucial role in the series. so like. who will she be to the main characters? it says she’s generally nice. why was she giving that look to the girls after their runway performance? IDK! i have no clue what to expect with her. i feel like the expectations i had for amaya (before we knew anything about her) will be put into jett because. the vibes i got from amaya ever since we just had her doll… i am also kind of getting from jett. so i’m eager!
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27emailsicantsend · 2 years
Thank you for your amazing reply, realistically I think IF we get 5 seasons (I forgot about THE US school system but you are right) they are going to end up just like troyella with them promising to keep being together, but I agree I also imagine sometimes #RINATHEMOVIE+
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Yesss I love that HC! And totally. If you remember what happens to troyella, there was a lot of things that could split them apart: chad’s pressure, Gabriella in Stanford, Troy not knowing which school to go to and getting pitched for Juilliard, but they still made it work. Like I said, Rina is the couple that beats the odds. I think no matter what the ending of s5 looks like, we will get some sort of conclusion, time jump, SOMETHING, that shows us Rina will be together forever. And I mean that. They have seen each other at their worst and find each other at their best. That’s something that could stay and work their whole lives. They really are high school sweethearts ❤️
When I was responding to your last message I actually wrote a movie hc myself. I decided to take it out because my ask was just getting long winded, but I did want to share it on tumblr at some point. I feel like this ask is an appropriate place to share it.
My Rina the Movie Head Canon
Rina and Seblos have both split after graduations and went on their own paths. This movie would take place a couple years after to show how the couples find each other again. Gina and Carlos go to school together and Gina stopped talking to Ricky. Gina is actually struggling with school. Her teachers aren’t great, she isn’t doing as well as she thought she would, and her only friend is Carlos. She tells Carlos she just feels like she is “missing something”. Then one day after class Gina is walking around NYC (because she will obviously be there for school) and she sees Ricky. They talk and he tells her is in NYC for fun and going back soon to school (which she assumes is in SLC because he told everyone when he graduated he was going to community college there). She says goodbye, but she tells Carlos how hard that was to see him again because she still feels things for him. Carlos asks if she wants to get back together with him and she says he looks like he is having so much fun in college probably and he’s so far away, she wouldn’t want to interfere.
So, Carlos makes a secret plot and starts to talk to Seb again to get Ricky and Gina back in contact. <<During this time, Seb and Carlos fall in love again while plotting the Rina agenda.>> Since Seb is still at home on the farm, Carlos assumed he knew where Ricky was in SLC. But Seb can’t track Ricky down. So basically they try to get the whole squad together to “find Ricky” for Gina as a surprise. Miss Jenn isn’t dating Mike and Mike moved again so Ricky is literally nowhere to be found.
The climax is when Gina finds out they’ve been plotting because she sees Carlos on a zoom call in a cafe (in NYC) with everyone and gets upset at the squad for interfering. “Ricky probably doesn’t want me anyway”. She walks out and begins to walk home, when it’s pouring rain. She is crying. She sees Ricky AGAIN (this is probably several weeks later). She shouts through the rain, “what are you doing here?!” And he says “I’m here for fun, remember?” And she says, “but Salt Lake is so far away. That is so much money. And you keep showing up. You stopped showing up, Ricky. When we graduated, we stopped talking. You were the guy who was supposed to show up and stay and you didn’t.” And then Ricky says, “I didn’t show up?? I didn’t show up?? Gina, I’ve been here the whole time but you never saw me”. Pause. “What do you mean, Ricky? You’re in Salt Lake at school!” “I changed my mind. I came to New York because I knew it meant I could be near you. I knew it meant I could pursue acting to the fullest. But after I signed the lease to my apartment, I realized I told you to find yourself and be on your own. I started school here. Theater school. And you want to know what I love about the arts here? We are constantly asked to see other performances for school. I’ve seen every performance you’ve been in, Gina. I walked by your favorite coffee shop every morning on the way to class. I even saw you on the subway a few times. But I wasn’t going to go back on my word. I wanted you to be happy, whether or not I was there. But I always showed up.” Then Gina would walk up to him, grab him by the shirt and kiss him in the rain. It would be very rom-com and I love that for them. ❤️
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imagines-r-s · 3 years
sticking it - j. farabee
chapter 8
a/n: idk why this chapter took so long, but here it is. it’s very domestic and wholesome, so enjoy it. honestly i’m sad we’re so close to the series ending, but there will be more y/n and joel from the sticking it au i promise. and as always, lmk what you all think
taglist: @butgilinsky @barbienoturbby @sunsetholland @lovenhlboys @sortagaysortahigh @hockey-racing-fubol @oopsiedoopsie23 @iwantahockeyhimbo @dreamsndior @itsurgirlgracie @heartshapedkissxs @lwstuff
warnings: more high school musical references, a sprinkle of angst, friends fighting, idk if it counts as an innuendo or suggestive content, but some of that (not a warning, but Adrian content and ‘no thoughts, head empty’ Joel)
sticking it masterlist
wc: 6.1k
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  “All I’m saying is that it doesn’t make sense that she’s the only one standing, singing to Troy about scoring a basket. Like what if someone showed up to the game late and didn’t get the memo to twist the signs around and stay seated, you know? And it’s not just Gabriella standing up,” you said, grabbing multiple outfits to choose from for the movie night that you had been invited to. 
“Well, I don’t think that it was really an ‘ok, everybody. One person is going to be staying up, but everybody else stay seated and lift your sign’ sorta thing. I feel like it was just a heat of the moment thing,” Joel replied as he walked out of the bathroom. 
“Yeah, but it still doesn’t make sense. And I’m curious to know if that mid-game duet actually motivated Troy or if he was just annoyed or something.”
“If you sang to me mid-game, I would honestly probably throw a stick at you. Out of love, obviously.” 
“That’s sweet of you, not really, but I’ll take it,” you said, turning towards Joel, “I don’t know what to wear to movie night.”
“It’s not really like you have to try to impress anyone, it’s just movie night,” Joel said, as he scrolled on his phone, “but you look hot in anything, so I’m chilling.”
“You’re definitely just saying that,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Yeah, you’re right. You in the mornings is kinda concerning, not your best look,” he said, pointedly.
“That was not an opportunity for you to say something like that, I will throw a chair at you.” 
“That’s concerning, but well deserved. I’m sure it would be out of the kindness of your heart, so I respect it.”
“You better respect it, Farabee.”
“Oooh, the last name. I’m shaking in my boots,” he said to which you immediately shot a glare his way, “actually, you’re very hot when you’re mad, not gonna lie.”
“Better watch yourself, Beezer, you’re on thin ice,” you said, jokingly.
“Good thing I know how to skate, babe,” he retorted, making his way towards you. 
“You’re annoying,” you huffed as Joel wrapped his arms around you in a bear hug, “Bee, you better stop.” He lightly pecked the top of your head before stepping back, “wait, what was that?”
“What? The hug or me kissing the top of your head?”
“It’s called a display of affection. I know you aren’t familiar since you show your love by threatening to throw chairs at the people you care about, but that’s what that was.” 
“Oh, it was nice,” you said, which caused Joel to chuckle.
“God, I love you,” he paused for a moment, clearly contemplating something, “this is kinda random, but have you ever thought about posting about our relationship? Or is that a no in the gymnastics world?”
“I mean, yeah, I have thought about it. I just haven’t because I didn’t know how you felt, but if you want to post it you can.”
“Why don’t you post it first?”
“Why don’t you? You brought it up?” you questioned. 
“You confuse me so much sometimes and I’m usually confused, so it makes it kinda worse,” he said honestly.
“How about whenever we get back here tonight, we post at the same time?” you offered.
“Sounds okay with me. Come on, we have to go if we want to make it on time,” he said, softly. 
“Hey, it’s Short Stack and Beezer,” Travis said, as he opened his front door.
“I still don’t know why you of all people call me Short Stack, Tiki Bar,” you said to which he simply shrugged before opening the door more to let the two of you in. 
“Ooh, Short Stack, Karly has something for you. I think she went upstairs,” you sent a confused look to Travis, “it’s nothing bad, just go.” You rolled your eyes as you made your way up the steps.
“Karly?” you called as you walked closer to her and Travis’ room.
“I’m in here,” she called. As you walked into her room, you quickly noticed her shuffling through the things in her closet, pulling out a box that had clearly been wrapped in a hurry. 
“What’s that?”
“Just open it, I hope you like it,” she rushed. 
“Um, alright,” you tore off the wrapping paper and opened the box to reveal what looked like a regular denim jacket, “a denim jacket?” you said, earning an eye roll from her. 
“Take it out of the box, Sunshine.” You picked up the corners of the jacket to see that there were multiple patches with the flyers logo and bees on the sleeves, turning it around to see a number 86 and Farabee on the back.
“Karly, wha-”
“Look, I know you and him haven’t announced it officially yet or anything like that, but I figured that you would like it. I even got the bees on there for obvious reasons. I wouldn’t be upset if you didn’t wear it out, but you needed one,” she said, gently.
“I- Wow, I love it, Karly. Thank you,” you said, giving her a quick hug. 
“You should wear it downstairs or at least show him at some point.”
“Oh no, I was just going to keep it in a bag in my closet for a while until he inevitably finds it,” you said, sarcastically.
“No need for the sass, Sunshine. You should try it on though, I want to see what it looks like,” she suggested, her smile only growing as she saw that it looked amazing on you, “oh yes, the bee patches really add to it. Definitely a great choice on my part.”
“Always the humble one. Come on, we have to start the movies eventually.”
“Wait, you’re wearing it downstairs?” she asked, to which you simply nodded as you walked ahead of her down the stairs. 
Travis was the first to notice your arrival downstairs as he talked to Joel, smiling as he saw that you were wearing the jacket that his girlfriend had stressed over for days, “hey, y/n, I’m really liking this new look.”
“Hey man,” Joel started as he had his back turned towards you, quickly turning around after hearing that you arrived downstairs, “watch yours-” He immediately recognized that similar jacket that many of his teammates significant other wore to games, a perfect sign showing off their boyfriend or husband. “Wait, hold up.”
“Yes,” you answered, already knowing what he was going to ask.
“Swag,” he answered simply as he walked closer to you to examine the jacket. “Are those bees? Why are there bees?”
“Hmm, no idea. They’re just randomly there,” you retorted. 
“Beezer, did you get knocked in the head at practice or something? I’m very concerned, dude,” Nicole asked from beside Nolan. 
“Why are there bees? I don’t understand,” he asked, frantically.
“He’s hopeless,” Nolan whispered to Nicole.
“Bee, did you forget your own name?” you asked.
“Bee,” he paused, “ohhhh, that’s me. Those are for me, wait, turn around,” you rolled your eyes as you turned around to see the back of the jacket, “oh, that’s my name.”
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock,” Kevin said, concerned from the whole exchange. 
“He’s just having one of his moments. Be nice, Kev,” you said, holding back a laugh as you turned back towards your boyfriend who looked like there was something wrong, “Bee, you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I just- you got my name on a jacket. You usually aren’t this nice, but this is something nice, so I’m just worried something is wrong with you,” he said, genuinely. 
You visibly gaped as the guys around you howled in laughter as Karly spoke up, “technically, I got her the jacket, she’s just wearing it.”
“Ohhh, okay, that makes more sense.”
“Damn, y/n/n, how badly do you treat the poor kid?” Scott asked from the couch.
“Better watch yourself, Scotty,” you said, shooting him a glare. 
“Let’s just get the movie started before Short Stack attacks someone,” Travis added. 
Drawing names to see who would pick the movie, Nicole picked out the movie, Stick It, which had always been one of her favorites. It was expected for people to be getting up during the movie, but when you noticed Nicole missing from seeing her favorite movie, you became worried that something had happened, “psst, did you see where Nicole went?” you whispered over to Joel. 
“No, did you see where Nolan went?” he asked you, which caused you to grow suspicious as you noticed both of them were gone. “Maybe they’re just making out in the kitchen or something?”
“Why would they be making out? They’re just friends.”
“Dude, they’re still friends in the same way you and me are still friends.”
“No, because if something were going on she would tell me and I think it would be obvious.” 
“Look, I know I’m oblivious, but you choose to ignore a lot of obvious details just because.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
“Fine, if we get up and find them together or doing something romantic? I don’t know, but either way, you have to post that we’re together first, but I choose the caption.”
“Is that a bet?”
“Yes,” to which the two of you shook on it. 
“Hey guys, how many of you think there’s something going on with Nolan and Nicole?” Joel asked the group. 
“Oh, yeah, I’ve noticed for months, they just haven’t done anything about it out of fear of what y/n will think,” Karly said like it was some simple statement. 
“What do you mean that they fear what I would think?” you asked, causing everyone to look at you. 
“Short Stack, you are literally this little spitfire that could attack at any moment, they just don’t want to upset you,” Travis added just as the pair walked back into the living room, “ah, here’s the two lovebirds now.” 
A flash of panic crossed Nicole’s face as Nolan blushed, “no, I just needed help getting drinks and Nolan was right there.”
“Okay, then where are the drinks and why does Nolan have a hickey?” Scott pointed out. 
“I forget them in the kitchen and Nolan burnt himself with a curling iron,” she offered. 
“Karly, did you leave your curling iron in the kitchen again? Silly goose,” Travis said. 
Joel quickly noticed how quiet you were from beside him, “hey, babe. What’s wrong?”
“I’m okay, I’m going to go and get a drink really quick,” you said, softly smiling before heading into the kitchen. Everyone’s eyes followed you as you retreated back to the kitchen, Nicole sighed, the guilt of not telling you finally hitting her. 
“Do you want me to come with you?” Nolan offered.
“No, this is definitely between the two of us,” she answered before following you, “y/n/n, look-”
“Nicole, it’s fine,” you said, filling a cup with ice. 
“It’s obviously not, I know you better than that,” she said, gently, waiting for a response from you, “look, this honestly hasn’t gone to anything serious yet because I knew I needed to tell you. I know I shouldn’t have kept it from you and that you would have been fine with it, we just didn’t want anyone to know. No one really knew, Karly just picked up on it because she’s Karly and everyone else figured it out. And I know you knew something was going on, you just didn’t want to accept it.”
“I don’t have an issue with it, I would have rather you just tell me straight up what’s happening, but I had to find out because Joel made a joke and you couldn’t give Nolan a hickey where it wasn’t visible,” you said honestly, filling your cup with water. 
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to offer, there wasn’t really another reason other than we didn’t know how you would react,” she said, leaning back on the kitchen counter as you stared at the cup in your hand, “y/n/n, please say something. I’ll break it off if-”
“I would never make you break things off with him and you know that. How long has this been going on?” 
“Uh, we’ve liked each other for a while, but didn’t do anything about it until you had to go back on crutches, so maybe a few weeks.”
“Gotcha, gotcha.”
“Are you mad at us? It was my idea, Nolan said we should just tell you, but-”
“Nic, please. I’m not mad, I knew something was up, I was just more focused on other things. Does he make you happy?” you asked, looking back up at her, smiling at the small blush that had rushed up to her face. 
“Yeah, he really does.” 
“Then, I’m chilling. Come on, you already missed half of your favorite movie making out with Nols,” she laughed as the two of you made your way back. 
“You good, y/n/n?” Kevin asked as you sat by Joel again, who wrapped his arms around your shoulder. 
“Maybe you should ask Nicole, just to make sure y/n/n didn’t attack her,” Scott added. 
“Eh, I’ve known her for years, I have a few strategies,” Nicole said, simply. 
“Oh, shut up, Nicky,” you said, jokingly rolling your eyes. 
“I know damn well that you did not just say Nicky,” she said, shocked. 
“Oh, did I?”
“You want to take this outside, babe.”
“Hmm, maybe tomorrow.” 
“I’m concerned, but this is entertaining,” Travis said, to which everyone else agreed.  
“I’ll record it and post it on world-star,” Joel added. 
“Thanks, babe. Oh and Patty Lapone, if you hurt her, I will bust your kneecaps,” you said, faking sweetness.
“Understandably, so,” Nolan said, honestly. 
“Glad we’re on the same page. And Nicky, don’t hurt him either.” 
“Noted,” Nicole said.
“Hey babe, you know you have to post us first now, right?” Joel said, smirk growing on his face, “and I get to choose the caption.”
“You’re letting him choose the caption?” Karly asked, “good luck, Sunshine.”
“So, do you know what picture you’re going to post? I have mine picked out,” Joel asked you as you finished your night routine. 
“I’m still upset that you won that bet, but probably the picture of us that’s my wallpaper,” you said, patting your face dry. 
“What picture?” Joel asked, confused as to what you meant. 
“Oh, Karly took a bunch of pictures the day we were at the lake and the one that’s my wallpaper is the one where you’re about to throw me in the water and I’m laughing at you. Or I might post one of the pictures Nicole took of us where I’m wearing your jersey,” you explained. 
“Ok, one, why haven’t I seen these and two, why didn’t you send me them?” 
“Oh, I don’t know, you never asked.”
“I never knew.” 
“Same thing?” you offered before walking out of the bathroom to sit on your bed as Joel grabbed his bag to start packing for the next day.
“Ok, well get the post ready and I’ll caption it,” Joel said, holding his hand out. 
“Please keep it reasonable, I am an example to tiny humans.”
“Same thing,” you said, handing your phone over to him, already open to instagram. 
Joel had been thinking about what he would caption this post for the rest of the day after you had talked about going public. Quickly typing up the caption and tagging himself, he posted it, “okay, all done.”
“It didn’t take you that long?”
“Yeah, I know. I kinda figured it out earlier,” he said, shrugging and handing you back your phone. As you saw the notifications for the post, you opened it to see the picture of you two captioned ‘the bee to my honey’. 
“That is so incredibly cheesy and adorable,” you said, smiling at your phone, “Karly already commented upset that you didn’t give her photo credit though, but she said the caption wasn’t terrible.”
“Yeah, I’m so good with words, babe. We’ve established this.”
“You’re truly something. Wait, are you captioning yours ‘the honey to my bee’ because that way it’s just in reverse?”
“Yeah, we’re just that cool,” Joel said, handing you his packing list, “will you go over this with me to make sure I have everything?”
“Superstitious King, ok, um, your garment bag with your suit?” you continued down the list as you heard him respond to everything you said, “Glasses? Glasses? Why do you have glasses on this list?”
“Because I need them to see?” he said, confused by your question. 
“Since when have you worn glasses?”
“A while actually, I just don’t wear them all that often,” he shrugged. 
“Wait, what do they look like on you?” you asked, watching as he contemplated showing you before reaching in his bag and grabbing his glasses case. 
“If you make any jokes, I will never wear them around you again,” he said before putting them on. “Ok, one joke, and that’s all.” He was shocked by how quiet you were, “y/n/n, please just make the joke already while I’m prepared for it.”
“Oh no, I actually don’t have a joke this time. You look really good in glasses.” 
“Oh, a compliment?”
“Ha ha, yeah, I can be nice sometimes. But no, you genuinely look hot in those, you look hot in general, but like, now especially,” you continued rambling. 
“Awe, you’re being nice and I made you nervous,” he cooed. 
“You don’t make me nervous, Farabee,” you said, rolling your eyes. 
“Oh, I don’t? Okay,” he took steps closer to you standing in front of you and placing his arms on either side of you, smirking as he heard your breath hitch, “you sure I don’t make you nervous?”
“Y-you don’t,” you replied, watching his actions closely as he leaned his face closer to yours, placing his hand on your thigh before leaning beside your ear. 
“Okay, then,” he whispered before standing back up to finish packing, a smirk lacing his features. 
“That was rude,” you pouted, to which he simply shrugged. “Yeah, that’s not going to work, babe. Karma is a real thing,” you said, watching as he furrowed his brows.
“What do you mean?” 
“Karma,” you said, before just grabbing a longer shirt of his for pajamas and heading to the bathroom to change. Coming back minutes later to see Joel in bed, leaning against the headboard, already looking your way. 
“y/n,” he said, cautiously, “please say there’s something underneath my shirt.”
“I don’t know, Bee, is there?” you asked, pulling the comforter back on your bed as you laid down for bed. 
“I don’t like this game, it’s not that fun,” he said, moving down to lay his head on your chest, your hand instinctively going to his hair. 
“Karma is karma, pretty boy,” you said, chuckling when you felt him start to trace patterns on your thigh, obviously looking for a way to tell if you had shorts on. “You have to be up in a few hours and Kevin and Nol will barge in here tomorrow morning if you aren’t on time.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Are you going to answer my question?”
“You didn’t ask a question.”
“You’re really annoying sometimes. Are you going to answer my statement?” 
“You still love me though and I won’t answer your statement,” you said, softly, knowing that he was ready to fall asleep. “Goodnight, Bee.”
“Goodnight, babe.”
The alarm for the start of Joel’s day went off way too soon, but he knew he needed to get up. Quickly turning off his alarm to avoid waking you up, he got up to get his shower and get dressed for his day. 
After getting a text from Nolan that they would be at your door in about 5 minutes, he decided to tell you goodbye, “y/n/n, baby, it’s time for me to go.”
“You don’t have to go, tell them you can’t go,” you said, half asleep, barely even realizing what you were saying. 
“As much as I wish I could, it doesn’t work like that, babe.”
“Well have you tried to see if it would work?” he chuckled at your question. 
“I love you and I’ll see you in a few days, alright,” he kissed the top of your head before grabbing his bags and heading out to the living room to wait on Kevin and Nolan. Taking a seat on the couch as he waited, he heard the bedroom door open with footsteps following, “you should go back to sleep.”
“I have to go to PT in a few hours, so might as well be up,” you said, “plus, I kinda want to say bye to Kev and Nols.”
“You have PT at noon, it’s almost 5am. Once we leave, please try to get some sleep.” 
“Awe, Bee, you worried about me?”
“Unfortunately I’m always worried about you and you’re such a chaotic person that it’s reasonable and the concern only ever grows.”
“That’s true, I am kinda chaotic,” you said, causing him to chuckle. 
“Just a tad.”
The sound of the key turning and door opening drew yours and Joel’s attention away from each other for a moment, “sup, bitches,” Kevin’s voice rang out. 
“What the fuck, Kev?” you asked, grabbing a blanket from your couch, wrapping it around you. 
“Rise and shine, y/n/n. Hope you slept well, now we have to leave, so say bye to your boy,” Kevin added, turning back to leave again. 
“Ok, I have to get going, shawty bae. Go get some sleep, text me how PT goes, and tell Adrian I said hi. Bye, babe,” he kissed the top of your head once more before grabbing his bag and heading on his way. 
“So, no lover boy today?” Adrian asked as you stepped into his office. 
“No, not today,” you said, sitting down on the bench, “him and the boys have an away game tonight, so they left this morning and will be back in a few days.” 
“So, I assume things are going well?” he asked, rolling his chair over to you. 
“Yeah, things are going very well. We posted about us being together officially on instagram last night.” 
“Oh, wow. Instagram, that’s crazy,” he said, sarcastically. 
“Hey, shush. It’s a bigger step than you think.”
“Oh, yes. The power couple that you two athletes are, hmm. Forgot about that.”
“Stop, it’s not that crazy. It just kinda is a big step in my opinion.”
“Well, I am happy for you and I’m also proud of you for actually listening to me and staying off your knee.”
“Hey, that rhymed,” you softly interrupted. 
“Ha ha, so funny. Anyways, with how it looks now, I say you’re good to start training again,” he said, taking the time to examine your knee. He could tell that you had actually listened to what he had told you, just like he hoped you had. He was excited to see you back to where you needed to be. 
“Like training training? Or just training?”
“Training training. Just be careful and don’t overwork yourself. I am aware that there isn’t much time before you have the U.S Championships, but don’t rush it. Take your time. Quality over quantity. Okay, Superstar?”
“Yeah, yeah, of course,” you said, excitedly, jumping off the bench to hug Adrian, “thank you.”
“Hey, I didn’t do anything, this is all you. But if anyone can do this, you can. Just take care of yourself, alright? I don’t want all my work to go to waste,” he said, jokingly. 
“Wow, I see how it is. I see how it is.”
“You know I’m joking, Superstar. Don’t even.”
“Do I, Adrian? Do I know that?”
“Just leave already,” he joked, “you have a lot of work to catch up on. Good luck, y/n/n.”
Knowing that the boys were either at lunch, wrapping up morning skate, or getting settled, you shot Kevin a quick text to call you whenever he had the chance; your phone rang only a few minutes later. “Hey, is everything okay?” Kevin’s concerned voice rang through.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Adrian cleared me to train again.”
“Aye, let’s go. Alright, so you have like, what? Two weeks before you leave for the U.S. Championships?” 
“Yeah, Marcus and Michelle already figured out all my travel arrangements months ago, so no worries there. I’m just worried about the fact that I have about 12 practices, but Marcus will probably worry and have me practice less, so about 10 practices? And what if-” you rambled. 
“No, we’re not doing the ‘what if’ conversations right now. Or anytime soon for that matter. You’ll get it. And if you have to simplify it for now, then that’s how it’ll be, but you stressing out right now is not going to change the number of practices you have or how they go. Only you can be the one to determine how practices go.”
“Since when did you get all wise, Kev?”
“I read this really inspirational fortune cookie earlier, it caused me to have a whole epiphany on life. Same old, same old.”
“Alright, wasn’t expecting that one, but I’m here for it. What are you guys up to?”
“What are we up to? Or what is Beezer up to?” Kevin asked, knowingly. 
“I was honestly just asking in general, but since you brought him up-” the two of you took a little bit of time to catch up. Him filling you in on how morning skate went and how the lineups for the game were looking. He also told you how the team was looking good this morning and that if they played how they needed to, they could easily win. 
You were still on the phone with Kevin by the time you pulled into the gym parking lot, “hey, I have to talk to Marcus about training, but I’ll probably talk to you after the game. Tell Bee I’ll talk to him later too. Bye, Kev.”
“Stay safe, be careful, make wise choices. I’ll talk to you later, y/n/n.”
Walking into the gym this time was different, almost similar to your first time back after everything, but right now you had the ability to train and to work how you needed to. You just needed to get back into your element. 
Knowing that the only practice going on was for the younger kids, you made your way up to Marcus’ office. Knocking gently on the door, you opened it to see him and Michelle sitting near his desk. “So, what’s the verdict?” Marcus asked, expectantly. 
“Well, there’s two weeks until Championships and I need to get this dismount,” you said, watching as the two of their smiles only grew. As the three of you went over everything that Adrian said, the three of you planned out the next two weeks. 
“Alright, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning practices, you can spend the whole practice on beam, drills, and conditioning, but afternoon practices you need to do other events.  Then, Tuesday and Thursdays will be working on other events, and Saturdays is just a markthrough day for routines,” Michelle explained easily, which showed that they had already thought of this beforehand. 
“And we’re going to ease into it again, but this time from doubles. We both know you can easily get back to where you need to and we also believe that with how determined you seem right now, you’ll be fine. If you do okay with doubles, we’ll move onto triples as soon as we can. If anyone can do it, you can,” Marcus said, honestly. 
Checking his phone after the game was over, the smile on Joel’s face quickly grew at all the encouraging texts he had gotten from you. Quickly replying, he looked up to see most of the guys sharing knowing looks, “what?”
“Nothing, we can just easily tell who texted you from the way you looked at your phone,” Nolan pointed out. 
“You don’t really hide it, so it’s kinda obvious,” Carter added. 
“Well yeah, I don’t have a reason to hide it. My girl makes me happy,” Joel said, turning to see Kevin giving him a pointed look, “okay, maybe one reason to hide it.”
“Didn’t she have a PT appointment today? Any updates?” Scott asked, walking towards the younger guys.
“Oh, yeah. She got cleared and starts training again tomorrow,” Joel answered, causing all the team to smile.
Rushing to finish getting ready, so that he could FaceTime you, he grabbed his bag and made his way to an empty hallway to talk to you. The phone rang only a few times before you picked up, “hey, baby. You did really good at your game.”
“Thank you, thank you. I was thinking of you when I scored,” he said, watching behind you to see you walking around the apartment. 
“That was really cheesy.”
“Yeah, I realized that after I said it, but it’s the thought that counts,” he retaliated, causing you to chuckle, “did you get everything figured out with your coaches to start practicing again?” 
“Babe, you just won a game and you’re worried about my PT and training schedule?” 
“Well, I don’t have an explanation, but I get hockey 24/7 for the next few days, so I kinda want to hear about your life and gymnastics,” he said, honestly, which only made you smile. 
“Yeah, we got my training schedule figured out. I start practice again in the morning, but luckily I was able to work it out to where I have a day of just beam work to mostly do the dismount and drills and then the rest of the week is for other events. But I will have to travel for this meet, which I haven’t had to do in a while.”
“Oh, it’s in Texas? Right?” he asked, causing you to hum in agreement, “and how long before you leave?”
“Well, I leave the Wednesday night before, podium training on Thursday, and then, competition Friday and Sunday. And then I’ll be back Monday.”
“Ah, so I get to know how you feel when I’m on the road.”
“Yep, and you’ll know much it sucks,” you said, rolling your eyes. 
You were happy that Joel was happy and playing the sport that he loved, but him being on the road often threw off the routine that the two of you had with each other. Waking up next to each other; either making or getting breakfast; him driving you to practice before going to his; jamming out to music as the two of you prepared for your day; the list goes on. 
“Awe, you just miss me so much. It’s understandable really.”
“Don’t get cocky, Farabee,” you said. 
“It’s okay to admit that you-”
“Bee, I will hang up on you,” you threatened.
“Babe, you would miss me too much,” he said, making you roll your eyes once again. 
“Bye, Beezer,” you said, hitting the end call button. 
He simply smiled at the action, knowing well enough that if he called back you would decline and that you were too stubborn to call him back. Quickly sending you a goodnight text, he made his way back to the locker room, not missing all the chirps the boys had to say in response. 
You spent the Monday and Wednesday of that week working on drills to be able to do the dismount. With the boys still gone until Friday, you spent your practices wisely and used any extra time that you could at the gym. Your routines were getting back to where they needed to be and you couldn’t have been happier. The drills that you were doing to work your dismount were also working out very well. 
“I want you to try a few triple dismounts. Just a triple and by tomorrow I want you to go for the 3.5 twist. The drills you’re doing aren’t really doing anything at this point, you’ve basically mastered them. So, I do believe if you really work towards it, you could get the quad twist by Olympic Trials, you will compete a 3.5 for U.S. Championships, but with the way practices are going I firmly believe the quad is only a few tries away from you,” Marcus told you as you did your beam warm up.
“Marcus, I-”
“You’re doing the dismount,” Michelle added as she passed by. 
“Just go for a triple, that’s all I want to see today. Once you do one, you’ll get back in the groove of things and you’ll be able to do more than one today. You got this, y/n/n, I know you can, you just have to get past the mental block.”
You knew he was right. As you thought about the skill, you knew it was basically a step away from you. If you went for it, with the way the drills are looking, you would have it. And from there, it’s just the 3.5 and then more work towards the quad. You knew you had the skills, you just had to remind your body of that fact. 
Taking a deep breath, you started your beam routine. Hitting all the skills that you had, you made your way back and forth on the beam until you got the the start of your dismount. “C’mon, y/n, you got it. Just breathe,” you heard Marcus as you took another breath before starting the dismount. Going for the roundoff, you started for the twisting part of the dismount, watching and twisting three times, you opened up, shocked when you landed the dismount. 
“Twinkle Toes,” Marcus beamed, “you did it.”
“Huh?” you said, realizing what you did, “wait. I did it.”
“You did the triple. I knew you could. I need you to do a few more, just to create the habit. Land at least five and then switch to bars.” 
“Alright, yeah,” you answered, quickly realizing that you were one step closer to your goal. Doing the next five took a little bit of time, but you were getting used to the landing and the skill itself. After finishing, you moved onto bars. 
“Did I see a triple dismount?” Nicole asked as you walked over to the chalk box.
“Maybe you did, maybe you didn’t,” you said, shrugging. 
“Does that mean you’re trying the 3.5 again soon?”
“Most likely tomorrow. You will be seeing it soon, I promise.”
When Joel noticed that he got home early enough to come surprise you at practice, he jumped at the chance. Quickly dragging Nolan and Kevin with him - considering they were his ride - he asked them to head to the gym. Once they entered, they got settled in the overhead seating area, he quickly found you standing with Marcus near the beam. 
“C’mon, Twinkle Toes, in order to get the dismount back, you have to get on the beam,” he heard Marcus say. 
“Look, trust the process. I’m mentally preparing for it before I go for it.”
“Are you actually going to get on the beam at some point today? Or will you still be mentally preparing by the end of practice?” 
“Shush, it won’t take me that long, I promise,” Marcus sighed. 
“Just get on the beam, that’s all I need.”
“Alright,” you got onto the beam, walking towards the end as you prepared for the dismount. 
“Ok, just keep the same habits, just twist faster and open up a little bit later, you got it,” Marcus reassured you. Taking a deep breath, you prepped for the dismount. “C’mon, Twinkle Toes.”
Joel and the boys watched closely as you went through your habit of mentally visualizing first, watching you go for the round off and start twisting. “Wait, she’s going for the 3.5,” Kevin said. The three of them all held a breath as they watched you go for the dismount, letting out the breath when you landed it. 
You landed it. “Wait, I did it. Marcus, I did it.”
“I told you so, your boys are watching by the way,” Marcus said, causing you to look up to see the boys smiling to which you simply waved, “I need you to do some more of those either today or tomorrow, but you can go see your boy.”
Rushing over to the stairs to go see Joel, he met you at the bottom of the staircase, “hey, honey.”
“Hey, Bee.”
“You did the dismount,” he said, smiling. 
“I did the dismount,” you reiterated, matching his smile as he picked you up and spun you around.
“I’m so proud of you, you have no idea,” he said as his lips met yours. 
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andi mack friendom, are you interested in some more thoughts about my andi mack / american girl crossover (which is actually just a thinly veiled info dump about american girl history and drama)? if so, you're in the right place!
the andi / buffy / cyrus doll set i designed would be a contemporary line.
CONTEXT (forewarning, this is basically just an ag info dump about the 2017 contemporary line) (also, tagging @kirstensleepey because i think this write up might be useful for the ag project you're working on <3):
so in 2017, american girl did a brand new thing. they released 3 dolls who were contemporary characters but not girls of the year. (prior to these dolls' release, which are called "the contemporary line" by the ag fandom, the only categories of ag dolls were historicals, girls of the year, and just like yous.)
the contemporary line was controversial for many reasons.
first, we have our main character, tenney grant. (tenney is basically taylor swift as a doll, if taylor were uncool and a r*publican lol.)
one of the reasons why tenney is so controversial is that she overshadowed the girl of the year (henceforth abbreviated as goty) 2017, gabriella mcbride.
tenney was released only one month after gabriella's release. ag's social media gave much more focus to tenney than gabriella. upon tenney's release, gabriella's store displays were downsized (which is unheard of for a goty). tenney even had a larger collection than gabriella!
why are we mad about tenney overshadowing gabriella? well, gabriella was ag's first (and as of 2021, ONLY) black goty. also, gabriella was ag's first doll to have an explicity confirmed disability - her stutter.
only 7 out of the 22 total historical characters have been dolls of color. only 3 out of 22 historicals have been black (one of which is now retired). only 2 out of 22 have been aapi (one of these dolls, ivy, was just a best friend doll and is now retired; and the other doll, nanea, has a problematic face mold. i wrote an essay about why her facemold is problematic here!). only 1 historical doll, josefina, is hispanic, and ag has actually misspelled her name as "josephina" on their social media before.
only 1 doll EVER has been native american, kaya'aton'my, who is a historical character from 1764. (not even any of the just like you dolls have had kaya's face mold! kaya is truly the only indigenous doll!) in fact, ag has had more colonizer characters than indigenous characters. felicity and elizabeth are white character dolls from 1776, and their books fail to address the issues surrounding colonization and treatment of native americans. and kirsten is a swedeish immigrant to wisconsin in 1854. her book does acknowledge the existence of native americans, and kirsten has an indigenous friend named singing bird. (i haven't read kirsten's books and i'm not indigenous, so i can't comment on this storyline.) ag actually had a controversy about kirsten just this year - in 2021, the t-shirt design for kirsten said "settlers gonna settle", and ag actually ended up changing the design to "cabin sweet cabin" after backlash.
moving on to the girl of the year line - out of 21 goty dolls, gabriella is the ONLY black goty. only 6 out of 21 gotys have been dolls of color. there have been 2 hispanic characters (luciana, who is generally regarded as an excellent doll; and marisol, who is controversial because her book talks about how her family moved from pilsen chicago - a real area of chicago that is home to many hispanic immigrants - to a white suburb due to crime. this storyline involves racist stereotypes.) also, goty 2016 lea clark (slightly tan skin, blonde hair, light green eyes) is 1/8th brazilian, and some brazilian ag fans consider the emphasis on lea being 1/8th brazilian racial feticization. next, there have been 3 aapi gotys. one of these dolls, sonali, was one of two best friend dolls for chrissa (goty 2009) - yep, you heard that right, yet another doll of color that is a side character! sonali is the bully in chrissa's books, but she gets a redemption arc. to this day, sonali is ag's only south asian character doll. [additionally, there has been some criticism that all of the aapi gotys are mixed race - jess mcconell (goty 2006) has a japanese mother and an irish/scottish father, kanani akina (goty 2011) has a french/german mother and a japanese/hawaiian father, and sonali matthews has an indian mother and a father of unknown race/ethincity. perhaps notably, the only aapi historical doll who is not currently retired (nanea) is also mixed race (hawaiian mother and scottish father).]
as for the disability thing i mentioned - ag also has a disappointing track record regarding disability representation, lol. it was very lightly implied that mckenna (goty 2012) had a learning disability, but that was never confirmed. mckenna's tutor, who used a wheelchair, was ag's first big disability rep, but she was just a side character in mckenna's story. then, many ag fans were disappointed when mary ellen, a historical character released in 2015, was able-bodied (in canon, she had polio as a child, so it would make sense for mary ellen to be disabled and use mobility aids). finally, in 2020, goty joss gave us some disability rep - she has a hearing aid.
ag's lack of disability rep is very frustrating, especially considering that doll companies, like our generation, have made some really cool disabled dolls. and ag has been doing this ad campaign with the paralympics that feels performative to me - like, they want to seem inclusive by featuring dolls with prostetic legs, but they don't even sell dolls like that!!!
lastly, religious diversity - iirc, there are three jewish dolls (rebecca, goty 2001/2002 lindsey, and goty 2009 chrissa). the rest of the dolls are either christian or of unspecified religion. there has never been an explicitly muslim, hindu, or buddhist doll, or a doll who is a member of any religion other than judaism/christianity/unspecified. (there is some hope that we might get a muslim doll, though, since an outfit with a hijab was leaked, and ag trademarked a persian name that i can't recall off the top of the head at my moment. but take these with a grain of salt - ag trademarks a ton of stuff that they don't use, and the leak could be false or just a truly me outfit.)
so, we get our first black goty, and she's being totally overshadowed by tenney.
here's where a conspiracy comes in:
we can track when ag trademarks their character names. goty names are usually trademarked early in the year prior to their release (by may). but gabriella mcbride wasn't trademarked until october, iirc.
and gabriella is a very underdeveloped character in comparison to most gotys. one of her main hobbies - dancing - was the same main hobby as both marisol (goty 2005) and isabelle (goty 2014). her store displays were underemphasized in comparison to tenney's, as i mentioned before. she was the first goty who didn't get a movie in six years (since kanani, goty 2011). and gabriella didn't even have a big ticket accessory item available until summer!
so, we get our first black goty, and she's underdeveloped, underemphasized, seems to have been rushed (due to her trademark date), and overshadowed by tenney just one month after her release. why is that?
well, some people think that tenney was actually supposed to be goty 2017! (i agree)
tenney was trademarked earlier, had more development, had a bigger collection, etc. we think that tenney was supposed to be goty 2017, but ag decided to do a doll of color (gabriella) at the last minute. (keep in mind the climate of 2015/2016 - ag probably wanted some clout for doing a black goty, and they also probably heard the ag fandom's demands for more dolls of color.)
so that's tenney.
next we have logan everett. logan was ag's first boy character doll. i'm glad that ag had a boy character doll, but logan kinda missed the mark for me. the main source of controversy surrounding logan is his face mold: he, a white boy, uses the kaya face mold. !! it kinda felt like a slap in the face to many indigenous ag fans - kaya is literally The Only Doll with the kaya face mold, and when we finally get another doll with her face mold, he's not even indigenous.
lastly, we have z yang my beloved <3. z yang was done dirty - she is yet another doll of color who is a mere side character, and also, she was available for only a total of 20 months before being retired!
so, that's everything i have to say about the 2017 contemporary line.
now i'm going to talk about the 2021 contemporary line :3
so, it's summer 2020. the black lives matter is becoming more mainstream. brands are now getting clout for appearing "woke."
so, admist this climate, ag is (as always) facing demands from its fandom/collectors to diversify its doll line. so they announce that they're going to be doing a new contemporary line, to be released in "the second half of 2021"!!!! and they promise that the contemporary line will have a black lead character
fast forward to modern day. thanks to ag's trademarks, we can safely assume that the new contemporary line will be called "world by us." we can safely assume that the line will have 3 characters. the 3 characters all live in washington dc and are best friends :) we can safely assume that the characters will be maritza ochoa, evette peeters, and makena williams. i talked about makena and maritza on that ask regrettable-username sent me about my andi mack/ag headcanons! personally, i'm excited for world by us, and i think it has a lot of potential!
alright sawyer, that's the end of the ag info dump fhjhdhfskf.
now for my andi mack friends:
i think the andi/buffy/cyrus line would be structured similar to world by us: andi is the main character, and buffy and cyrus are her best friend dolls :) all 3 dolls would be released at the same time. andi would have 3 books that have buffy and cyrus as side characters, and buffy and cyrus would have one book each.
the big ticket item for this collection would be andi's andi shack. i'm imagining its design sort of like kira's tent mixed with lanie's camper mixed with blaire's farm. andi the walls of andi shack would open up so that when it's fully opened, the four walls are on an even plane with the back wall and extended out like wings. you remove the roof before opening up the walls. the shack is tall enough that the doll can comfortably stand up even with the roof still attached, and wide enough that all three dolls (andi, buffy, and cyrus) can comfortably stand next to each other inside of andi shack.
andi shack would come with a ton of craft supplies inside of it. it would also come with a little flower box that has cece's african violets, like blaire's flower box. (thanks to regrettable-username for coming up with the african violets idea fdjfsj.)
alright i have to go now, so these are all my andi mack/ag thoughts for now, but i might be back later with more thoughts fhdfjs (hopefully not though, since typing this out took me over three hours [sweating emoji]).
sorry for any typos and sorry for how scatterbrained this is! also this may have some forgotten things/mildly incorrect things bc my only source is my brain (and a photo of all the dolls so i can count how many dolls for the statistics portion) and my brain is not the most reliable thing on earth lol.
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