#like my mind is blown
cattiemk · 5 months
was on percy jackson tiktok for a month and now barty crouch jr and lily evans had a child together and THIS SHITS CANON????
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moonlightpirate · 9 months
Guys I'm going to tell you something so wild and so crazy I really don't think you will believe me.....did you know that in a buy one get one special you have to buy more than one item?!?!?! 🤯🤯🤯🤯
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cleradinsss · 2 years
finally caved and read force of gravity even tho i don’t read extreme au’s.
i have been screaming crying shitting throwing up ripping my hair out for the past four hours and i think i’m going into withdrawals now that i’m caught up
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ampharaohhigh · 3 months
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Shourtney moments that caught my attention
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bilolli · 5 months
Heyyyyyy @betweenblackberrybranches did you know that I like your automatons designs a lot?
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Scans under the cut
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Jason and Percy heavily making out, in Cabin 1, (as bros) just to piss off Zeus
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sorikufeels · 2 months
i’ve seen people complain about how square keeps making sora more dumb and i get that and agree sometimes because i do think that there are some moments where sora is definitely smarter than depicted. however, i sometimes i think it fits and its not because he is actually dumb but because he’s had his mind messed with a lot. and it was messed with during his formative years. in later games, sora is often forgetful, asking what other characters consider to be dumb questions, and shown being slow on the uptake. these things make sense when you consider that:
a) sora’s had his memories scattered and rearranged
b) had an entire year of his adolescence (an important time for brain development) forfeited to a coma in order to fix said scattered memories
c) has been manipulated and the victim of mind games multiple times
d) incurred heaping amounts of trauma in a very short amount of time
don’t get me wrong, i feel like sora is definitely smart in his own way and deserves to have more moments to shine in that regard, but when there’s moments where he forgets things or isn’t able to connect the dots as quickly as everyone else, it makes sense to me. it feels logical, understandable. when those moments happen and other characters make fun of him, i’m always like this kid’s brain has gone through hell and back, it’s a miracle it’s still functioning at all so give him some slack for fucks sake!
he’s still missing memories and it seems like he’s lost more in kh3 (if we’re assuming he forgot about riku’s sacrifice and the realizations he had regarding riku as the light) and might continue to keep losing them in kh4. his mind has suffered a lot and i wish the other characters would be more understanding. but for me, when i see him acting “dumb,” it doesn’t always feel out of character given what he’s gone through. he’s not dumb, his mind has just endured a lot and it makes sense that there are lasting effects from those events.
i have no idea if this is intentional, though lol if it’s not, then square, stop making him so dumb because he’s way smarter than that and you know it.
but if it is intentional, then i love it because it gives me so much satisfaction when events have tangible lasting effects, especially in ways that aren’t outright stated. it would also be cool if this was intentionally supposed to be a factor in sora’s self worth arc. because of his perceived increase of “dumbness,” other characters make fun of him more, making him feel worthless and wrecking his self esteem even further. it’s not his fault he’s having a hard time but he doesn’t understand why it’s happening and it’s another thing for people to shit on him for and eventually he’s going to snap or break under the pressure from all that shit. if this or something like it is the intended outcome, i think that would sick
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3416 · 10 months
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finally completed my first crochet blanket❣️❣️❣️ (minus the tedious task of weaving in the ends... forgive me)
thank you to everyone for the love along the way :') there's somewhere around 95ish hours in it so far, but i think it's turned out so nice. that's a queen size bed for ref, and the pattern can be found here if interested!!
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transmasccofee · 7 months
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I don’t know. I uh. I don’t know. Take this.
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Version With text ^ bc I couldn’t decide if I wanted text or no text. Sorry for posting bladerunner.
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murderofcrow · 9 months
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eliounora · 12 days
it's so pleasing to see people who are related looking similar. like when you see a parent and their child is a tiny version of them. or when a group of cousins have the same nose. or when someone looks the same as their grandparent did when they were young. genetics. wondrous
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indulgnc · 2 months
btw until getting on snzblr i just assumed sneezing more than a couple times from a cold was like. idk. a media troupe. like. made up for dramatic affect i just didnt think it was real. i am recently finding out, no, people do catch colds and just sneeze throughout the day from them. what!!!!! !!!!! how does it feel to be the hottest on earth Huh.
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hellonearthtoday · 2 months
Made up version of Curly Shepard I've created in my head
(its just a bunch of headcanons)
- He has traces of New York in his accent. I can NOT explain and I won't because I don't know man, they're from New York to me and idk why they came to mf Oklahoma but they did
- Curly isn't very brave. Most of the things he does that come off as "brave" are just acts of stupidity that he plays off as him being really brave and cool (He didn't think about the consequences of his actions beforehand and now he's malding about them)
- Wouldn't recognize his own emotions if he was forced to write a 10 page paper on them and also because he'd bribe Ponyboy to write the essay for him. And then he'd skim the essay and go "this is wrong 🤨"
- Growing undiagnosed BPD just trust me bro and maybbeee autism too
- Worst case of resting bitch face in the entire world. While Ponyboy just kinda looks 😐 all the time, Curly just has this untreatable tension line in his eyebrows and he looks angry all the time. But his eyes are 90% always wide open he just cannooot fix his damn eyebrows. It plagues him in his sleep too and he has to manually relax his face and he's always like Damn almost forgot 😌
- He really loves the feeling of getting money. He loves money so much. Someone tell this guy what a job is
- He's not really too interested in learning, or at least he THINKS he's not, but that's because nothing they ever teach at school is interesting to him so he's come to the conclusion that learning is stupid and he'll stick to doing sick wheelies in his car
- On this note. If Curly was introduced to forensic science he would absolutely eat that shit up. He would love everything to do with more morbid topics, because it's just intrinsically not boring. Like stages of decomposition? Fire. he has dreams of stumbling across a dead body and being able to identify the stage of decomposition it's in.
- He would definitely like the grosser side of forensic science, like the biological aspects. Morbid teenage boy with hidden potential locked away because they don't typically teach forensic science in the basic curriculim 😓
- His voice is pretty smooth but to counteract it he talks really harshly, and also just isn't a wordsmith. He's really straightforward and he's not really good at clever jokes or teasing and he kind of talks like he's a background villain grunt in a pokemon game
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lovereadandwrite · 2 months
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he cooked ! he served !! HE ATE😮‍💨🥵
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mightaswelljxmp · 5 months
etho can’t keep getting away with this. he can’t keep showing the most disgusting, avant garde group of blocks no one has ever thought to combine before and then somehow turn it into a masterpiece
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rainia · 7 months
you know it also wouldn’t surprise me at ALL if tommy and tubbo were making up the entire thing For The Bit™️ and the court case livestream is basically a sorry boys-esque improv stream. Tommy has made up wilder things for the bit before let’s be real
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