#like no shading or complex backgrounds
angerygoomba · 4 months
kids animation companies should just go back to black and white type art style (including how theyre animated, not just the face value looks), because this 3d cgi buncha colours shit is getting too much man
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junebugtwin · 4 months
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Undersiders but Teen Titans!! Idea from this post :D
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madboopdead · 8 months
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MadRatTober Day 5: vs Mob Rats despite all my rage
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metamelonisle · 2 years
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learn colors with adeleine and ribbon | colors for puffballs | fun colors for kids
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dazzelmethat · 5 months
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Vera and Zephyr, my oc duo of 'somewhat siblings' move around from town to town a lot. I like the bright overcast whiteblue of the sky of late fall.
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aro-culture-is · 2 years
I'm creating a character in my book that is Aro and I want to know how to write one of y'all and to make sure I'm doing it right. I will be upfront and she won't be a shy character. I want to know the stereotypes I should avoid and maybe some I should embrace and if you can some tips on how to create this character. Thank you for your patience and time!
hi @jaksalot,
I'm personally not interested in being a go-to blog for writing advice about aromantic characters. I think it's important to design a character upfront and ask aro people how they feel about that (and not "is this a good representation?", directly ask "how do you feel about this as an aro person?" - being asked to rep your whole community is kinda a lot).
Ultimately the traits you want that character to embody will interact with their aromanticism in ways that depend on your story. a common discussion of arophobic stereotypes in stories is of the trope of making villains loveless aromantics to explain their villainy. i think we can generally agree that's arophobic but - if the story contains an aromantic villain whose backstory involves being discriminated against in an amatonormative world and that's part of why they became a villain, or being aro just happens to be a part of who they are and unrelated.... that's different. you as the writer have to consider the story you want to tell with this character, and place their aromanticism in context.
it's all about context, and I truly can't say enough about how i'd prefer that you create a concept for that story, and then talk with multiple aro people (with their permission) about the vision you have and how they feel about it. who is your audience? how do you describe their aromanticism directly? what's the mood of the scenes where it is discussed? if your audience is likely to include a significant amount of alloromantic people and you describe aromanticism as a neutral trait, only talking about that aromanticism within dark scenes will probably still leave a negative association.
if the feedback is "hey, you're leaning on xyz and that's uncomfortable", then great! you can learn from that context why it's a problem, and not just avoid "shy" aromantics (which I honestly can't say I've even seen as a common trope, though it is sometimes applied to ace ppl). if the opinion is mixed, hey, that's great too! maybe you can explore that in your narrative. is it problematic for a villain, meant to be defeated by a hero, to have aromanticism as a driving factor even if that is not portrayed as an inherently evil trait? idk, how does your story present it? i can tell you that you'd probably have mixed opinions, because people like different things. and if everyone greenlights it, hey, congrats! you did it :)
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elnotwoods · 1 year
me: decides to stop posting art on tumblr
also me: starts creating way more than before, one drawing a day, 20 new ideas incoming at all times
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bednbunfast · 1 year
just...just one more task...and i am free from school..!! then i can go back to doodling the silly little characters from twst (and perhaps even rio ranger? he has been in my mind for quite a while now...please leave silly doll boy!!!)
or not...i've been very preoccupied with another oc that's not twst related,, she has no name but they will very much be cemented in your head if you meet them!!
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here's a very quick doodle of her!! i've just been calling her Dummy atm,, to lose your name...how stupid of you!! i guess she just lies about that,, she does know their own name...just,, refuses to tell people!! even i don't know it...! yet..!
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gwinverarrouz · 2 years
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Sometimes... you gotta draw your characters... as ✧・゚ anime ・゚✧\o/
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blizzardz · 2 years
GO CRAZY GO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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plutoswarrior · 2 years
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@accordyeen okay here you go!
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Spoilers for ZR S9M24 below
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tapakah0 · 3 months
Animation commission I guess...
Um... ha-ha, okay, it has been stuck in my head for the whole month, but if I will keep it any more I will explode, I need to busy my brain even more I'd like to take an animation commission. Like, a fully colored, shaded, with lightning, with in-betweens, with the clean line (and background). Up to 5 seconds depending on what you want to get I guess the price may start from 250$ and be higher or less depending on complexity of the details, character or movement (<- of course everything will be negotiated) I never took such commissions before so please be patient with me since I might spend even months ha-ha (really wanna beat this fear of taking something more complex) But I will do my best since it will be first experimental time for me 1. Payment via Boosty after acceptance of the sketch animation (very rough idea) 2. I think I can draw mostly anything (but won't 18+, guro and I can decline something if I feel like I will not like to do it) 3. You must have a reference of the character, I'm not ready to work with something that doesn't have a ref to start working right away 4. Please, properly think of what you'd like to see, I will not make 3 different rough animations of different ideas because you suddenly had another idea ;~;; 5. Note me in dms if you'd like to take commission... (I'd like to move to discord later since it's more comfortable in here) Uh... I have only this as a more or less proper example (it was based on amazing storyboard by yeye23)
Okay, I'll just leave it here if someone really will be interested and will delete if it if it will be decided.... I just feel like my brain is dying if I don't have an enjoyable/stressful more complicated work on a side that demands an attention from me. Have a nice day
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big8cola · 14 days
Ill draw like pretty much anything not backgrounds and not overly complex machinery but other than that its open season (ONLY ACCEPTING PAYMENT THOUGH PAYPAL)👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Sketches - 15 USD
Colored sketches - 30 USD
Painted and shaded - 40 USD
+5 USD for any additional characters
Examples of my work:
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Dm if interested!
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magnusforgaza · 20 days
What can I commission?
You can commission The Magnus Archives fanart or fanfiction.
NOT allowed is requesting NSFW or anything that is not directly TMA (that means for example no The Mechanisms or The Magnus Protocol)
There are two tiers: Tier 1: For a donation below 30$/€/£ you can request a small drawing or short fanfiction. Tier 2: For a donation above 30$/€/£, you can request two Tier 1 works OR one work that is a more detailed drawing or longer fanfiction.
What does “small/regular” or “detailed” commission mean?
Keep in mind that over 400 different artists participating means 400 different styles and 400 different workflows. A “small drawing” from one artist may include more or less detail than a “small drawing” from another. Same goes for writers. With this in mind, here are our rough guidelines: Tier 1 drawing:
simple one-color or no background
either 1 full body character or two character busts
simple or no shading, flat colors
Here's a wondeful example by @cryptidcharlie of what detail level you may expect from a Tier 1 commission:
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Tier 2 drawing:
more complex background that shows a specific scenery
2-3 full body characters
full shading
Tier 1 fanfiction:
500 to 3000 words
Tier 2 fanfiction:
3000 words to 7000
These will vary from artist to artist.
We hope that at least every Tier 1 commission will be finished and delivered within 1 month.
In the end, these are just little thank you’s for having donated. We will not be tolerating people who put up a stink about not liking the style of the art they have received. Please keep in mind that the main focus is the donation with which you have helped to save lives, the art is just a bonus.
Thank you so much for participating! Every little bit helps!
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yaekiss · 10 months
#Mailroom Open!- Hello, I would like to request a love letter for Alhaitham. NSFW and Yandere response please, and any pet names work but if you could use Habib that would be great 💖 (I hope I did this right)
"To my favorite feeble scholar,
I hope this letter is finding you well! I have arrived safely in Fontaine and haven't known a moment of peace since I have arrived. The chaotic cocktail of getting settled into a new city, preparing for this research project, and missing home makes me yearn for the simpler times spent in Sumeru.
Especially my time spent with you.
Thats enough of my lamenting, how fare things with you back home? Have you finally shaken the title of acting Grand Sage yet? Is Kaveh being too much of a "menace"? (Also, please let him know his mother says hello and sends her best wishes to you both). Regardless, I hope you are taking care yourself. Archons know I can't ensure you are eating well while I'm nations away. I will just have to trust that you are treating yourself with the same kindness I would extend to you.
On the topic of kindness, I have a gift for you attached to this letter. I know while I am here doing my research for the next six months we won't be able to have our usual meetings at Lambad's to discuss books over good food, but I hope these books will entertain you well during my absence.
I'm eagerly counting down the days until I can see you again. I find myself thinking of you often and it is a truly vexing experience to see you on whim like I would do so before. It makes the days seem to drag on even longer, but I pray time will fly by regardless of this.
-Sincerely, your wayward scholar
[In a simply decorated box, there are three books: one is on the topic on Fontaine's hydro transportation system and infrastructure, the second is about the complexities surrounding Fontaine's judicial system, and lastly is an infamous and popular erotica anthology from Fontaine (think the Karma sutra but French)]
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꩜ Letter Content: Dom! GN! Reader x Yan! Sub! Alhaitham, Alhaitham calls you "habib", lightly implied abuse of power, unhealthy possessive and obsessive relationship from Alhaitham, mentions of sex toys, lmk if I missed out anything ! ꩜ Delivery Notes: He tipped me extra and requested me to be extra careful with the delivery so I'll hand it over to you directly instead of leaving it at your door as per usual procedure! ꩜ Wanna write a love letter yourself? Check out it out here!
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There’s a knock at your door when you’re relaxing in your room, opening it shows a hotel staff member who passes you a delivery. And it doesn’t take a genius to know it’s from your beloved feeble scholar.
Alhaitham sends you a simple package, nothing too gaudy or showy, just a few accents of turquoise to denote who the sender is. It’s secure and durable, perfect for weathering long and bumpy trips. 
When you open up the package, you find a few gifts he carefully arranged so that nothing would be broken if the contents were jostled around a little too hard. Gingerly, you lift out a lacquered box which reveals a set of headphones and a music player that’s almost identical to the one he owns. It rests in its cushioned groove in the box with the colours of the device matching your favourites instead of the shades of green on his set.
There’s a small note attached to the music player, “In case you ever miss me too much, you’ll have my voice as background noise for your moping, habib.” On the back of it, he’s written something akin to a track list. Flicking through the different audio files for a quick sample, you realise there’s one for every mood. Tracks with words of encouragement (...or as encouraging as someone like Alhaitham can get), ones scolding you for overworking. There’s even a really cute one where he softly hums a love song that both of you adore, his voice low and soothing. However, the best track of all might be the one where you get to hear his grunts and moans, as if he were right next to your ear in person. The sounds are so sinful and wet, you could just picture him grinding on his dildo, trying to reach his peak. And the way he pitifully breaths out a “I c-can’t cum witho- AH! -without you!” has you yearning for him yet again.
Taking the headphones off before you get too carried away, you retrieve his letter in the package. The envelope is the one from his Grand Sage office, not that he ever really uses them for work purposes. Inside it, his reply is written on parchment, the kind that’s provided for him due to his high position once again. His handwriting is as tidy as ever, the font and formatting standardised throughout the letter. His reply reads:
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“Reply for: My springtime sublimity,
I was wondering when you were going to write back to me. After all, there’s no way you would’ve forgotten me in the midst of your research or from meeting someone new, right? Regardless, you have not left my mind since your departure and I’m sure it’s the same for you too habib. 
Do let me know if the gifts are to your liking. I’ve managed to recreate my headphones and they will definitely be useful in blocking out anyone else who might be getting on your nerves or when you’re trying to focus on your research. I included my latest read in the package as well. I'd like for us to discuss our thoughts on the book, even if it’ll have to be done over pen and paper. I’m eager to hear your thoughts on it.
There’s also no reason for me to answer whether I’ve managed to resign from my title as Grand Sage, as evident from the envelope and parchment used. I simply have an unfortunate one last thing to wrap up before I can do so.
Moving on, habib, you know Kaveh is always a menace. I relayed his mother’s well wishes to him earlier and he just smiled. Now he’s locked himself in his room. I never have any idea what’s in that mind of his. It’ll be a miracle if I don’t have to drag him out before he starves. Although I must ask, since when were you privy to Kaveh’s background? I don’t recall him bringing it up around us. Habib, just how close are you to him? How close has he gotten to you? Do write back to me and explain.
Now, this is where I must thank you for your gifts. They all have proven to be succinct and informative. However, I must comment on the choice of one of the books. My, I knew you were lewd before, but to send me an erotica anthology habib? Though, I never said I minded it. I am simply inspired, that's all. Perhaps, you should come back sooner and we can try some of the positions referenced in it. In the meantime, habib, I can only pleasure myself with toys, although, they’re nothing in comparison to you. I’m addicted to you, the caress of your hands on my skin, how only you can make me shudder and cry out your name. You have me wrapped around your finger.
I crave you desperately, habib. There are so many words I could use to describe you with my extensive vocabulary, but the most fitting one would be blossoming. You’ve managed to sow all these emotions in me and now that they’re blooming, you’ll take responsibility right? I’ve always been logical but the degree of affection I feel for you is irregular, all-encompassing and ever-growing. Almost as if you’re twisting the very essence of my mind, rotting and changing me from the inside out. It matches in a way, spring being the season of rebirth.
This letter has gotten too long, I will end it off here habib. I trust you will stay safe and return in one piece unharmed. I await your reply.
May your days be peaceful,
- Alhaitham -”
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Setting his letter back in the package, you pick up the book he entrusted to you. Flipping through the pages, it’s littered with markings and annotations from the scribe, he even wrote some questions for you to ponder over. “What do you think about this point?” “Why would the author write this in?” But there are a few unrelated… unsettling annotations that you probably shouldn’t dwell on for too long such as, “Do you know just how much I miss you?” or “How were you able to corrupt my reason and rationality to this extent?” These annotations were left in here for a reason, Alhaitham is a smart man, a renowned member of the Haravatat. There’s a message behind his carefully selected words, waiting for you to unearth it before it festers and decays into something even worse.
Lastly, written neatly on the inside of the back cover, is a puzzling riddle, each word written in a different ancient script. After deciphering the question, an unpleasant awareness worms its way into your mind.
It reads, “Would you still extend your same kindness to me after realising what I would do for you?”
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Thanks for reading! Consider supporting me on kofi if you enjoyed this or check out my other works hehe ♡
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