#like not to be a ~Scary Serial Killer Psycho~ but i have regular thoughts about seriously and/or fatally harming other ppl
perhaps controversial take but you dont have to be upset by/grossed out by/afraid of your intrusive thoughts. you can be neutral towards them. you can indulge in fantasies of doing things you know you'd never actually do in real life. you can find them annoying or aggravating or inconvenient. you can find them funny or absurd. you can have different feelings about different kinds of thoughts you have. you can find them to be good inspiration for creative projects. you can find them interesting. you can find them to be barely a blip on your radar as you go about your day.
thoughtcrime isn't a thing. youre not a bad person for having thoughts about 'bad' things, and you're also not a bad person if you're not constantly self flagellating/having a breakdown/throwing up/apologising/etc for having them. obviously if your intrusive thoughts do upset you or scare you, or gross you out then thats a valid experience and im sympathetic to you, but can we please stop acting like the only healthy response to intrusive thoughts is disgust? that's simply not true and we shouldnt ostracise people for not hating themselves for something they can't control
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mtvswatches · 5 years
Wynonna Earp 1x08 Two-Faced Jack
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Stray thoughts
1) WTF happened here…
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What does Dock mean by “Devil’s hell, plus an angel incarnate?” Why is he looking at the horse when he refers to the angel?
You suffered severe damage to your spinal cord, causing paralysis from the waist down.
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It’s clear to me that she’s being held hostage, there clearly was no car accident. But this whole hospital scenario? I don’t know if she’s dreaming or if she’s hallucinating or if someone is inducing her hallucinations or dream-reality or whatever. I mean, she can’t be paralyzed…
3) Doc and Dolls will be forced to work together to rescue her, that should be fun.
4) Wynonna is smart, though. She realized something was off immediately, but even before this “doctor” mentioned the “radical new procedure” he’s been implementing on his patients, she made him take the bait by asking him what University he’d gone to. Plus, she did this:
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Which hopefully means she’ll be able to walk soon?
5) Why is Bethany there?! I thought she had been ripped apart!
6) Okay, so this Jack of Knives revenant is a psycho serial killer from Wyatt’s and Doc’s time. Cool. Cool cool cool. And he’s the last of the Seven. That should be a treat.
7) Oh shit, Nicole had to be resuscitated. But this begs the question, why did this Jack-ass took Bethany and not Nicole? I get why he took Wynonna, but what does he need Nicole for? What kind of sick Human-Centipede experiment is he trying to pull off?
8) Ugh Bethany! I get what she means, she’s not brave, she’s just a regular girl, but… Wynonna just told her this guy is a serial killer, so what does Bethany think is going to happen if she stays in her bed and keeps quiet? Look, I’m not a brave person either, but I’ll be skedaddling for sure if my two options were to stay with Dr. Serial Killer or run away.
9) See, Bethany? This is what happens when you’re not a risk-taker…
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10) This is scary as fuck, I wasn’t expecting this shit.
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11) Wynonna is going to pull one a la Beatrix Kiddo, right?
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12) I think I’m shipping this…
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My heart turned to mush when she said that. I believe they are a thing, I think I’ve seen some gifs of them on my dash, and if that’s the case, I’m grateful this is not queer-baiting.
13) So the Jack-ass has a type of victim, which again begs the question, what do Bethany and Wynonna have in common that made them his target?
14) Yep, Wynonna is Beatrix-ing the hell outta there.
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15) Why do these two give me so many platonic feels?
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I truly enjoy their interactions in a different way from his interaction with Wynonna, you know? I see him and Wynonna and I’m like WHY DON’T YOU BANG ALREADY. And then I see him and Waverly, and I’m like AWW THIS IS SO WHOLESOME, HE’S LIKE HER BIG BROTHER! 
16) I don’t know why I loved the shade they gave the Fight Club…
DOC: There are two rules to this, Mr. Dolls.
DOLLS: Let me guess. First rule of fight club, never talk about fight club, right?
DOC: Nobody talks about it, how're fellas gonna know where it is?
17) Dolls literally said what I was about to write…
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18) Oh shit…
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How did she manage to hold in the pain?!
19) I don’t know, but maybe is what a psycho would say?
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20) Dolls and Doc are gonna fight each other and I’m here for it.
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This is going to be delightful to watch.
22) I guess he’s found his motivation…
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23) So he wasn’t talking about himself in the third person after all…
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This is Jack-ass!
24) Even though I feel this is a case of the kettle calling the pot black…
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...I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it.
25) Yep, he totally deserved that.
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Like, telling Doc that Wynonna going missing is his fault? And that Wyatt left him to die? How dare he?
26) He’s so excited he’s won, I love him.
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27) There’s no way he’s killed Dolls, though. I’m not buying that. He probably seems dead because of the drugs he’s taking, right? Or he might have been trained to pretend to be dead.
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Seriously, though, that was super creepy.
29) I died. Doc trying to figure out how modern technology works is simply the best and a nice reminder that he’s not from this time.
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Also, Dolls is alive and kicking, but he hasn’t explained how yet.
30) This reminded me of Cordelia’s “What’s your childhood trauma?”
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Also, having a serial killer compare themselves to you is everyone’s dream right?
31) What is this Jack-ass deal though? He likes taking women’s organs out and showing them to the girls, okay. But why? What is he looking for?
32) Okay, yep, Dolls had been trained on how to make himself look dead, but I don’t think he’d be able to pull it off in the situation he was in? In the middle of a fight, when his pulse was probably racing and he was super stressed because Doc had called him out? I don’t think so.
33) Okay, Dolls’ division is starting to look eerily similar to The Initiative…
DOC: If your bosses have no compunction about turning a person into a pin cushion, how are they better than the demons?
DOLLS: Your body is a treasure trove for science. Think about what the military could do with soldiers who didn't get sick, didn't age? It was a decision made for the good of the many.
DOC: I get to choose who I share my treasure trove with, not the goddamn government.
34) Wait, what?
JACK-ASS: I know you're not gonna believe this, but I really liked your father. He wasn't like the other Earp heirs. He wasn't ambitious like Edwin, or courageous like Josiah, but he had something that they didn't have. Wits. When Ward started his little ride, he realized that in order to survive, he was gonna have to make certain alliances.
WYNONNA: With who? Black Badge?
JACK-ASS: Don't be daft. He made a pact with the big man himself. Bobo Del Rey.
WYNONNA: No. My daddy would never make a deal with a demon. Never.
JACK-ASS: They were very close friends
So Wynonna’s father had made a deal with Bobo? Does this mean that the reason the Seven went after him was that he’d broken the pact somehow? I mean, not only did he make a deal with Bobo but he was FRIENDS with him?
I also find it interesting how what made Ward different from the other heirs is probably one of Wynonna’s most important traits – her wits.
35) Bless you, Doc, for saving Wynonna in the nick of time. 
36) Oh, sweet Jebus, these two falling into each other…
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Why don’t you kiss already?!
WYNONNA: Don’t kill each other.
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38) “It was you… or her.” Doc is trying to teach Dolls about principles, but let’s be real, he probably would’ve made the same choice if he’d been in Dolls’ shoes, so…
39) Can this dude predict the future? Is this where this show is heading…?
JACK-ASS: Oh, I wish I could stay! Watch what's coming next. A reunion. An escape. So much blood.
Who will be reunited? Who will escape? WHO WILL DIE?! I’m scared, but I’m also excited to see if this turns out to be foreshadowing...
40) The Buffy feels are real, y’all!
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41) “What now?” is a great question. The Seven are dealt with, so, is Wynonna going after Bobo? The Stone Witch? There are 5 more episodes left, so I’m sure shit is about to get real…
42) Okay, I’m back to liking Dolls since he told his boss Doc is only a con artist and is more concerned about finding out who in his organization is working for Bobo.
43) Yet another great episode. I’m always surprised at how long my recaps are for this show, but there’s so much going on all the time and everything seems relevant somehow? I really can’t wait to see how this season ends…
44)  Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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