#and then i move on with my day lmao
perhaps controversial take but you dont have to be upset by/grossed out by/afraid of your intrusive thoughts. you can be neutral towards them. you can indulge in fantasies of doing things you know you'd never actually do in real life. you can find them annoying or aggravating or inconvenient. you can find them funny or absurd. you can have different feelings about different kinds of thoughts you have. you can find them to be good inspiration for creative projects. you can find them interesting. you can find them to be barely a blip on your radar as you go about your day.
thoughtcrime isn't a thing. youre not a bad person for having thoughts about 'bad' things, and you're also not a bad person if you're not constantly self flagellating/having a breakdown/throwing up/apologising/etc for having them. obviously if your intrusive thoughts do upset you or scare you, or gross you out then thats a valid experience and im sympathetic to you, but can we please stop acting like the only healthy response to intrusive thoughts is disgust? that's simply not true and we shouldnt ostracise people for not hating themselves for something they can't control
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araneapeixes · 2 months
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rare bg3 Tav moment coming from me to you with a doodle assortment. with a goth gf cameo of course
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rebrandedbard · 3 months
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How does the great Sandpiper successfully smuggle 130 children out of the Nilfgaard-occupied territory of Hamm? With the power of a forgotten story, a traditional song, and a masterful lie.
A piece for my upcoming fic, The Piper of Hamm, based on The Pied Piper of Hamelin, next in my fairy tale series.
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elliejoys · 7 months
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"Itadori. Tell everyone for me: Life wasn't so bad! "
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swedenis-h · 6 months
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Hiiii luuukkeee!!
Some quick redraws!
Here are links to the original drawings:
(Luke and Grogu)
(I’m a morosexual)
(You want me to lift that?)
(How did this happen?)
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intotheelliwoods · 1 month
Unemployed and out of school once again-
2AL will return to you all shortly o7 <3
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
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mrs-gauche · 2 years
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“Cowering, cringing, blinking in the light. Then cool hands, kind voices. Sleep now. You're safe.”
“They came here hurt, hungry. This was help. A new home.”
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rottmnt-residuum · 9 days
How's the move going?
*shaky thumbs up*
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carpathiians · 5 months
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very late happy new year wish from me to you 🎆
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prince-liest · 1 month
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I wrote 4.2k words so far today! What did I work on?! Let's guess!
a. 666
b. Once Bitten, Back For More
c. A completely unrelated pre-radiostatic-breakup era PWP that I won't be able to post until June because it's for an event week
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lavenoon · 11 months
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@naffeclipse have a bloodstained fool in his natural habitat <3
og detective au by sunnys-aesthetic!
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pitchthepeach · 5 months
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Tom and Pete's first meeting in @icezansky 's fantastic Pontiac Blues
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bisexualamy · 7 months
Your take on Power of Three is sooo good and correct! Underrated ep!
Thank you! "Power of Three" is another ep where I believe that I could Fix Her with minimal rewrites. I really think it's remembered poorly because the villain is underwhelming and underdeveloped. I think if they'd just simplified the villain, or turned the episode into a non-antagonist episode like they did with "Twice Upon a Time", more people would give it the credit it deserves. The point of "Power of Three" is not the villain.
Power of Three is an episode primarily concerned with what happens after people leave the TARDIS. Modern Who did this earlier, with Sarah Jane in "School Reunion", Jack in The Utopia Arc and later in Torchwood, and pretty much all of the farewell sequence in "End of Time." Chibnall did it later as well with the companion support group. But I think "Power of Three" is unique in that its tone is markedly more positive than previous examples. It's a lovely slice of life episode and a lovely ode to Amy and Rory, who've at that point were our companions the longest anyone's been a companion in Modern Who.
We get the Team TARDIS domesticity that many of us love. We get glimpses of Amy and Rory's friends back home, and the joy they take in "boring" things like weddings and dinner parties. It has the introduction of Kate Stewart and a lovely homage to the Brig. It has my favorite scene with Amy and Eleven by the Thames, where two people who have such difficulty being emotionally direct and genuine are able to now, after years of growing together, admit plainly that they love each other and they're terrified of losing each other. The episode is full of references to how the Doctor's fingerprints are all of Earth and its history, some good and some bad, but ultimately he is loved. His impact isn't just dramatic, be that saving the Earth or bringing about terrible tragedy. The Doctor is Amy and Rory's friend. The Brigadier's friend. Kate's friend. That's it.
I love "Power of Three" because, for the first time since the revival, we're seeing companions who grow beyond the Doctor, whose relationship grows and changes to include the Doctor less or differently, without tragedy being the catalyst. Amy and Rory aren't traumatized like Martha. They don't have their memories wiped like Donna. They aren't forcibly ripped away like Rose. They just built a life they like, and as they're growing up they're finding a lot of joy in all the different ways they can live their life.
Amy has learned to appreciate a life that is slower and simpler. Rory has grown confident both in his relationship with Amy and his career. Amy and Eleven explain the episode's point right at the beginning:
AMY: To think it's been ten years. Not for you, or for Earth, but for us. Ten years older. Ten years of you, on and off. ELEVEN: Look at you now. All grown up.
This is Amy's character arc, and Amy/Eleven's relationship arc, in a nutshell. This is the end of their story. And as much as I love "Angels Take Manhattan", I feel like really, in "Power of Three", Amy and Rory demonstrate that they're already ready to move onto the next phase of their lives. Maybe it could've ended less tragically. Maybe the Doctor could've visited them for decades and decades in the future. But they were never going to travel again like they did back in Series 5 and 6. And that can be wonderful.
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rabbitoid · 5 months
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
George sees Dream through a thick fog
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The whole world used to be theirs, now only a shed of memories remains.
(The scene that Popped into my head from the prompt is like. One of those dramatic confrontations. Accusations, tears, yelling, a heartbreaking last word from Dream. George left standing there, Dream’s old broken mask in hand. The two of them know this won’t ever leave the fog)
My lil thing for the @sixteenth-day-event 💕 just a tinyyyyyy bit late
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
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Linktober day 1: bird
happy october everyone!! this year’s linktober is going to go considerably worse than last years but i am Trying. anyways. revali
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