#like okay. there's a lot of 'here's a part of your backstory you didn't know about' in dream daddy but this specifically doesn't work
my-thoughts-and-junk · 4 months
thinking about dream daddy again and god brian makes me so mad
#random thoughts#dream daddy#HIS ROUTE ISN'T EVEN ABOUT HIM#okay so the thing about the fleshed-out routes is you can tell a lot about a character depending on how many people are around#like with craig his first two dates involve at least one of his kids and a lot of social interaction because he's so overworked#so his final date where you just spend time with HIM one-on-one hits a lot harder#while with joseph he surrounds you with people but takes little periods of time to be alone with you to make a move#before instantly surrounding you with people again so you don't have enough time to question if he just made a pass at you#which is why his final date with you on the boat hits so hard: he purposefully isolated you in a place you could not easily leave#so he could make his move#and with brian... all his dates involve daisy in some way#which would imply he's trying to maintain some sort of distance? but he's not. he actively wants to befriend you#daisy and amanda keep tagging along... and for what?#they're eventually sidelined anyway! each date involves a moment where daisy and amanda are gone and you get a moment alone with brian#brian is the dad whose kid is the most present in his route and it says. literally nothing about him#make it so your character keeps inviting brian out and brian keeps making it a 'bring your kid and make it a playdate' thing or SOMETHING#maybe he's been raising daisy by himself for so long he's a bit rusty on how to interact with someone he's interested in?#on the second date daisy and amanda could have stayed home. it would change nothing#have daisy be sick and amanda be otherwise involved (maybe imply they're both faking to get out of fishing/get brian and mc to smooch)#like i don't think i'd mind daisy being around so much if she wasn't such a nothing burger of a character#give her some flaws! have amanda think she's weird or creepy! show us why she has no friends!#why is brian's route centered around our mc's daddy issues. we don't know his dad. we don't give a shit about his dad.#brian's route's main conflict ISN'T EVEN ABOUT HIM??? WHAT THE FUCK#you're essentially forcing us to make a character choice based on a backstory you also forced on us. you fallout 4'd us.#like okay. there's a lot of 'here's a part of your backstory you didn't know about' in dream daddy but this specifically doesn't work#like the ska band? it's a jokey plot device that's kind of weak but also a bit whatever#alex? is an explanation for why you're a single parent. very sad. not very fleshed out.#mc's dad? IS THE FOCUS OF AN ENTIRE ROUTE?????? WHAT THE FUCJ#literally no reason to do that. it makes brian a flatter character whose whole purpose is to react to your daddy issues#GIVE HIM FLAWS. MAKE HIM THE ONE WHO TAKES THE COMPETITION TOO SERIOUSLY
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Platonic yandere step father Diluc has so huge potential... Just imagine he and his teen! step child. Like to bring a kitten from street. Something like that. My English is bad sorr
Fluffy companion
Platonic! Yandere! Step-father! Diluc Ragnvindr x GN! Teen! Step-child! Reader
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Description: You were in a bad mood. You wanted some company.
Diluc didn't like, that you had a bad mood. He tries to make up for it.
Warnings and tags: OOC. Platonic Yandere. English is my second language. Unpleasant Donna. Diluc is married (somewhat). Diluc's spouse's (Reader's biological parent) gender aren't specified. Reader's biological parent are a lousy parent. Child abandonment. Arranged marriage. Discussion of arranged marriages. Long backstory. Lumine is Traveler. Attempt at worldbuilding (arranged marriages in Mondstadt, CPS in Mondstadt). Diluc's age aren't specified. Implied blackmail, murder, robbery.
Sometimes, people of Mondstadt didn't look at you. They had to make themselves to look at you. And then, they would not.
The "would not" part was almost the same in all cases. They would look above your head, at the ground, at the birds, at Barbatos's statue. Anywhere, but not at you. Someone would even ignore you talking to them, forcing you to repeat your words again and again. Well, perhaps, such people want you to yell to get their attention, so they could call you a disrespectful brat, complain to Master Diluc and get you in trouble.
But, before "would not" part, came a "look". And "looks" were different.
Moco's and Hillie's looks were curious. In the worst way possible. They were looking at the source of gossip, when they looked at you.
You tried to shield away their whispers, focusing on a book.
"So... Are they a part of the Ragnvindr clan or not?"
just focus on a text
"No one knows... They weren't officially adopted..."
on a text
"Really? Well, it explains what I heard about their upbringing..."
"Tell me..."
please, stop talking about me
"Discuss your poorly done work, you lazy gossips!" Adelinde was livid. "Get back to work!"
A pair of maids quickly strode off, looking with fear at the Head Housemaid. She turned towards you.
Her look was full of pity.
"[Y/N], are you okay?"
You nodded. You weren't, but you don't want to discuss it right now. Adelinde didn't believe you, but decided to drop the subject.
"[Y/N], can I ask you for a small favor? Can you go to "Floral Whisper" and get decorations? They are supposed to be ready."
You immediately put your book down.
"Of course, Miss Adelinde!"
She gave you a small smile. She held a basket towards you.
"Here. For carrying them."
You took the basket and were ready to go, when Elzer called for you.
Elzer's look was full of sorrow and guilt. His gaze didn't linger, choosing to look at the owl statue.
"[Y/N], can you, please, bring that bottle to Master Diluc?" He pointed at the bottle on his table and turned around, showing, that he won't speak to you again.
You quickly put the bottle in your basket to leave the manor, heading to Mondstadt City.
People from the Winery were, mostly, fine.
Citizens, on the other hand...
Getting decorations would be a fine task, if Flora was there. She was kind. She looked at you.
Unfortunately, she wasn't here. But Donna was.
She was the worst. And that days she will be even worse.
"Hello. I am here to get commissioned decorations."
Your voice was loud enough to be heard. Yet Donna didn't react, choosing to look at the Quinn's stall. You waited. You repeat your words again.
"Please, can I have decorations? Are they ready?"
Donna didn't answer. But she spoke.
"Such a shame, that Windblume Festivals and Ludi Harpastum lost a lot of charm during last two years. Especially for a young maiden."
She gave you a quick side-eye. A very angry side-eye. You flinched, but repeat.
"Please... The decorations..."
Donna groaned, tear off the basket from your arms, took a box with Master Diluc's name on it, that was full of small flower decorations, and dumped the contents in the basket.
"Here. Be on your way."
You clenched the basket and walked off.
It has been going on for the last two years.
Young and unmarried were borderline hating you.
You were a constant reminder, that the Uncrowned King of Mondstadt was married.
Mondstadt was beautiful that days. Well, it's not like Mondstadt wasn't beautiful in any other days. But, no one would disagree, that during Windblume Festival, capital city would become especially beautiful.
"Angel's Share" tavern has surprisingly a lot of free tables for a Windblume Festival.
Right now, on the first floor, Lumine spotted Nelson and Payne, both were sitting on their usual spots. She and Paimon were occupying a table on the second floor, and were the only ones up here. Lumine and Paimon were enjoying their berry juices, when Paimon noticed someone else.
"Look, Lumine, there is a kid down here!" Paimon pointed a finger at the first floor's corner. It was hard to look at it from duo's spot (and if Paimon didn't float a little bit higher, she also wouldn't spot the kid), so Lumine had to stand up.
In the far corner, there were a teen. They sat at one of the tables, looking before them. A basket full of flower decoration were standing on the table before them. They looked deep in thoughts. And very sad.
What was conserving, is that there also was a bottle of wine on the table.
Paimon float closer to the railing, taking a better look at the bar counter.
"Charles isn't here. Do you think they steal the bottle?"
Lumine and Paimon glanced at each other. They have never seen an underage drinker, and they knew, that people of Mondstadt are very careful with drinking age. But, everything can happen.
Lumine and Paimon hurry to the first floor.
They didn't notice, that two more people walked into the tavern.
"Hi! Happy Windblume Festival!" Paimon waved her hand, trying to get teen's attention. Lumine smiled.
"Happy Windblume Festival!"
They almost jumped, and turn their head towards them. A solemn look returned to their face.
"Oh... Hello. Happy Windblume Festival." teen looked uncomfortable. They chew their lip. "Do you... need something?"
Paimon float forward.
"Paimon's name is Paimon. And that's Lumine!"
Lumine waved.
"Nice to meet you." Traveler cast a sneaky glance at the bottle. It still was full. And wasn't open.
Teen nodded. They didn't say a word. Paimon continued.
We just saw you here alone. In a tavern..."
Teen slammed both hands against the table. Their voice trembled. It looked like they were on a verge of crying.
"I have the right to be here! I didn't do anything wrong!"
Lumine raised both of her hands.
"Calm down, please, we didn't mean anything bad!"
"Oh, is our Honorary Knight harassing kids?"
Lumine could hear a smirk in Kaeya's voice. Calvary Captain slowly approached them. Diluc was silently walking beside him. Kaeya ignored Lumine and Paimon, instead focusing on the teen.
"Sad, [Y/N]? Want to have a hug from your uncle to make you feel better?" Kaeya opened his arms, inviting [Y/N] for a hug.
"Uncle?! Kaeya? Master Diluc?" Paimon and Lumine asked in unison. Diluc didn't answer immediately. He walked closer to the teen and awkwardly pet them on the head. After that, he finally answered.
"I am married. [Y/N] are my child."
"What?!" Paimon squeaked. Her eyes sparkled with interest. "Master Diluc is married? Who managed to win his heart?"
Lumine looked as interested as Paimon.
Duo failed to see an uncomfortable look on Diluc's, Kaeya's and [Y/N]'s faces.
Everyone in Teyvat know, that Mondstadt is a city of freedom. So, people would assume, that arranged marriages in Barbatos's land are forbidden.
People, who think like that, aren't mistaken, but, they also aren't completely right.
Marriages, that are arranged only for the sake of getting a hair, are banned. Here, parents can't sell their children into what can be called a slavery.
However, marriages, that arranged for establishing new business connections, for helping to Mondstadt, for making lives of both families better, are still legal. As long as parents discussed everything with their kids, there should be no problem with a consensual, mutually beneficial arranged marriage of Mondstadt's citizen.
On multiple occasions, Crepus spoke to Diluc about arranged marriages.
First time, he explained in the smallest details, in what situation he will consider arranging a marriage between Diluc and another person. Crepus also promised not to think about arranging a marriage, and doing it only as a last resort.
Second time, Crepus talked to Diluc and Kaeya at the same time. It happened few years after Kaeya was adopted into a clan. Crepus explained, that Diluc and Kaeya, despite both being part of Ragnvindr Clan, have different "fiancé" values. Diluc was more valuable, as future head of a clan. However, marriage with Kaeya will let someone have a higher title, without getting the hardest responsibilities of the clan members. Crepus gave a permission to hit anyone, who would discuss Diluc's and Kaeya's value as possible husbands.
The third time, Crepus discussed with Diluc reasons for agreeing to a marriage.
Of course, not for getting an heir. Diluc should find someone he loves, to have children with. And, Diluc should be careful about having kids in an arranged marriage. If one day, they decided to get a divorce, Diluc and his spouse won't deal with traumatized children.
Think twice, before agreeing to a marriage to help Dawn Winery. It would be better, if Diluc will deal with business problems with his own power.
It's a good reason to help Mondstadt by marrying a possible ally. And, as usual, it should be Diluc's decision.
Getting married to help someone is a noble cause. However, Diluc should be careful about who he helps.
Crepus Ragnvindr never insisted on Diluc getting married. He never tried to arrange a marriage for him or Kaeya. Master Crepus just wanted his sons to be happy.
Diluc didn't think about having a spouse.
Not before Crepus's death.
And, he wasn't thinking about getting married after Crepus died.
Perhaps, it was the end of Ragnvindr bloodline.
Diluc was sitting beside the fireplace, deep in his thoughts, when someone, who were standing behind his chair, coughed. He looked behind him. Elzer was standing here, looking exhausted and slightly guilty. Diluc raised an eyebrow.
"Elzer? Is something wrong?"
Elzer take a deep breath, before he spoke. He was speaking slowly, carefully choosing his words.
"It's complicated... Master Diluc, let me start with this... What I say next in no way, shape or form is a request, a plea or an offer." Elzer take another breath. "An old... acquaintance of mine has some problems. Many years ago he helped me with some serious task, so I have a small debt. So, to fulfill it, I agree to pass his message." Elzer looked at Diluc again. "I am simply delivering a message."
Diluc remained quiet. Elzer was always professional and collected, when he talked to him. Seeing him in that state wasn't something Diluc expected to ever see in his life. Diluc nodded to encourage Elzer.
"I understand. Please, continue."
Elzer sighed, rubbed the bridge of his nose. He even slightly lumped forward. He looked... tired.
"Will it be strange for me to say, Master Diluc, that I was hoping that you wouldn't listen to me?" Elzer asked rhetorically. The next second, Elzer spoke again.
"My old acquaintance is from Liyue. He is from one of the smaller noble families. He is facing some serious troubles." Elzer looked into the fireplace. Diluc could swear, that, for a moment, Elzer hopped, that fire would escape the fireplace and either burned him, or his mysterious acquaintance with troubles.
"He has two children. And older one messed up. Badly." Elzer, once again, spoke slowly and carefully. Diluc decided not to interrupt him. Better gave him as much time as he needs. "Twelve years ago they disappeared. Or, perhaps, they just decided to travel. Their father refused to elaborate. It's not that important. What's important, is that Older One returned a few months ago. With a spouse and a child. New made grandfather was delighted. Until the first family dinner."
Elzer rubbed his temples. This time, Diluc decided to ask a question.
"What happened?"
Elzer answered immediately. With every world, Elzer's voice became more and more irritated.
"Older One got drunk. And confessed, that they did something to... They trick their spouse into... Dear Barbatos!" Elzer was almost growling at that point. "That idiot confessed, that twelve years ago they were sabotaging protection and contraceptives, so their child would be conceived and born. They wanted their spouse to always be with them. They used the child to chain their spouse to them." Elzer became silent. Diluc waited. Elzer voice was tired.
"Their spouse weren't happy about it. They asked for divorce. And disowned [Y/N] on a spot."
"Their own child." Diluc wasn't asking. There was no need for it. Still, Elzer nodded.
"The word about the whole situation get outside the family. And now their reputation is in shambles, they are loosing their wealth. However, there is one way to fix the situation. To marry a younger one to a good family, to someone outside Liyue. That's why they asked for help."
Elzer looked at Diluc with a guilty expression.
"Master Diluc. They asked me to deliver their proposition. Fourth of their future income, partnership with Dawn Winery, base for gathering information in other nation. In return, they ask..."
Before Elzer could finish, Diluc spoke.
"For me to marry the younger one."
Elzer nodded.
"Yes. But, as I said, I only was asked to carry a message. I never promised them an answer, or an agreement."
Diluc looked at the fire.
"I understand... Never thought, that I would get such an offer."
It was a messy situation. And none of Diluc's business. He should just reject this "offer".
"The kid... How they are doing?"
Elzer shrugged.
"I can't tell for sure. "Happy" grandfather mentioned his kids and himself, but hardly spoke about [Y/N]. But, I can guess, that they aren't in a good place right now."
There was no doubt in it. Kid lost everything in one moment. And, it was unclear, if they have someone, who weren't busy and can reassure them.
Crepus did mention, that helping someone through arrange marriage was a noble cause. It would be a good deed, to help a kid. By marrying their relative.
Diluc turned his head towards Elzer.
"Can you, please, arrange a meeting? I want to talk to them."
Meetings went surprisingly fine and productive. Diluc counted at least five times, when his "future father-in-law" was ready to bow before him.
It was concerning, that there was hardly any interactions between him and his "future partner". But, as Diluc can see, that all family members were focusing on salvaging what remains of their family's connections. They didn't have much time for a small talk.
The contract was made.
Marriage will end, when the family establish themselves in a different nation and will be able to have a normal income, that will let them live and not survive.
Diluc can ask for divorce anytime he wants.
Cheating is punishable with divorce.
Diluc and future generations of Ragnvindr Clan will get all support family can give them.
Diluc's property and finances were secured, he shouldn't worry about losing them during divorce.
It wasn't relationship. It won't be a fairy tale romance.
It was a business relationship. That, hopefully, would help people in bad situation.
There was no need for a wedding ceremony. They could just go to the Cathedral and have a small ceremony. Just two of them. No guests, no feast. Nothing.
They could just sigh a contract in Liyue. No guests, no feast. Nothing.
But Diluc felt bad. He wanted to let his future partner have at least a celebration.
And all went downhill.
Wedding started with a scandal.
He said his wow.
And they start screaming.
Accusing him of being a monster. Of taking advantage over their sorrow. Of being a virtue.
Soon, the whole family was screaming at each other.
Younger one refused to get married.
But the contract was signed.
And Liyue citizens value contracts. Heir of family should marry Diluc Ragnvindr.
That day, the wedding did happen.
Diluc and Older Sibling got married.
And Diluc became [Y/N]'s step-father.
It was evening.
Diluc was checking on the vineyard. His mood was sour.
His "spouse" were an unpleasant person. They spent days pitying their previous marriage, they disrespect his workers and ignored [Y/N]. The kid were eleven, their family was destroyed, their parent disowned them and second parent didn't pay attention to them. Moreover, every time Diluc tried to talk with [Y/N], his attempt would be shut down with a "Don't you dare to parent my child, Diluc!"
And now, Diluc has loosed all chances to help [Y/N].
His "spouse" wanted to help their family in establishing a new life in a new region. So, they left in the morning, right after Diluc left for a Mondstadt city. Diluc didn't have a chance to say goodbye to [Y/N].
Vineyard was quiet and peaceful. Only sounds of wind were heard...
Diluc froze. Which of his grapevines caught a cold?
Diluc looked down, after he heard rustling of the grass. Red eyes met with [e/c] ones.
[Y/N] were shivering. They looked tired and hungry.
"Sorry, Master Diluc... I don't know if I am allowed to stay in the Winery! I will leave if I..."
Diluc shushed them.
"We will go inside. Adelinde will prepare a warm bath for you. We will have dinner."
Year passed.
[Y/N] were living with Diluc. Live was more or less normal.
Diluc can't say, for sure, when exactly he started to think about [Y/N] as his own child.
Diluc didn't think twice about hosting a birthday party for them.
But, one problem remained.
[Y/N]'s biological family.
Mondstadt laws about abandoned children were simple.
Child abandonment was a crime.
However, there was also an "Exception".
If the child in question had guardians, caretakers, and their distant parents can be reached via mail, in that case, it won't be viewed as an abandonment.
Currently, only Alice's and Klee's situation was considered an "Exception".
Alice treated that arrangement seriously. She spoke to Knights, nuns, her old friends and even Diluc's staff, making sure, that her little girl won't be left unsupervised. Alice was always reachable. Jean could write a letter to her, and Alice would respond. And would return to Mondstadt, if situation calls for that.
Was it a good solution? Maybe not, but no one would dare to call her a "bad mother". She did her best to care for Klee and fulfill her responsibilities for Knights.
Diluc's and [Y/N]'s situation shouldn't be an "Exception".
Diluc has no reason to let [Y/N] stay. He could just divorce their parent, who were nowhere to be found and who refused to contact their child.
There were no reason for Diluc to keep being involved with them.
But, Diluc knew, that he was the only one, who cared about [Y/N].
Two months after [Y/N]'s twelfth birthday, Diluc filled necessary paperwork.
Now, there were two "Exceptions" in Mondstadt.
While Kaeya was keeping Lumine's and Paimon's attention on himself, Master Diluc leaned towards you.
"Are you okay?"
You nodded.
Master Diluc pat you on a head again.
"Are you sure?"
You could lie again. Like you lied to Adeline. But Master Diluc wasn't Adelinde.
"Moco and Hillie were gossiping again. Donna was rude. Grandfather and others... still didn't write."
You missed Diluc's dark glare.
"Don't pay attention to them. They aren't worth it." Diluc saw, that his words didn't work so well, and you still were upset. He should find a way to cheer you up. But he still was busy and can't spend time with you. And you barely have any friends in Mondstadt. Adults knew about your family's behavior and were suspicious of you. They thought, that your situation was your family's ploy to get into Ragnvindr Clan. And kids tend to mimic parents' behavior, so, a lot of kids and teens ignored you. Still, Diluc didn't want you to spend the whole day in the tavern on in the manor. He took a heavy coin purse, full of Mora, from his pocket, and gave it to you.
"Hey... [Y/N]. Take it. Have some fun. Play games, eat a lot of treats. At the end of the day, we will go home together. Deal?"
A faint smile appeared on your face. You took the purse.
"Thank you, Mister Diluc."
You still have troubles with calling him "dad". Well, can't have everything at the same time.
You left the tavern. The basket and the bottle remained on the table.
You were bored and lonely. You were sitting on a bench, munching on a Hash Brown.
Food was delicious, but you weren't that hungry to eat for a whole day.
Most of the games weren't interesting to play by yourself.
You wish you had some company.
Something soft rubbed against your legs. You looked down and saw a fluffy ginger kitten. You always wanted to have a kitten, but your parents didn't let you, and you still were nervous near Master Diluc to ask for a kitten.
"Hi... Are you also alone?"
The kitten meowed, rubbing against your leg. You slowly reached towards kitten. He sniffed your hand, before bumping it with his forehead.
It looks like, you get a company you wanted.
The workday was finally over. Master Diluc and you were on your way home. You had your kitten with you. He was hidden. 
It was wrong to sneak in an animal. But, you wanted to keep the kitten.
"[Y/N]... Are you hiding something?" Master Diluc looked unamused. You tried to give him an innocent smile.
"No, Mister Diluc. I am not hiding anything."
Diluc skeptically looked at the suspicious bungle under your shirt. 
"Really?" Diluc flatly asked, pocking the bungle. One offended "meow" later, and a ginger kitten climbed under your shirt and sat on your shoulder. You were busted.
"Master Diluc... Cookie played with me today... I thought..." You swallowed your words under Diluc's gaze.  
"Today we will give him a bath and feed him. Tomorrow we will go to Margaret and ask for advices on kitten care." simply stated Diluc.
You looked at him with wide eyes.
"You mean... You are fine with me having a pet?" 
Diluc ruffled your hair.
"Why I should be against it? You could have asked for one long ago."
 You didn't know, what got into you. But you hugged Diluc, kitten was still on your shoulder.
 "Thank you do much, dad!"
 Diluc let your words sunk in. He put his hand on the top of your head. Diluc's lips barely moved.
 "You called me... dad." 
 You froze. You tried to get from the hug.
 "It was an accident, I didn't mean..."
 Diluc's hand pressed you against his chest in an awkward hug.
 "That accident... It will make me really happy, if you start repeating them more often."
It was middle of the night.
Diluc was patrolling Mondstadt City. Right now, he was observing, how Donna got in serious trouble.
Windblume Festival tend to lure criminals. People, who were trying to get their hands on something valuable.
Quite stupid and gullible people. Who believed an anonymous note about maiden from flower shop having some rare expensive jewelry at home.
Donna will be terrified, and her house will end up completely messed up.
Darknight Hero should probably help her.
But, she was so rude to Darknight Hero's child. 
That should be a lesson to her.
Diluc will make sure, that the rest of Mondstadt won't be damaged.
He had a busy evening.
He helped [Y/N] take care of Cookie.
He had a strict talk with maids. Reminding them, that they should do their job, and not gossip about his child. And reminding them, that he has connections, money, and he knows where their families live.
He had dinner with [Y/N]. [Y/N] called him "dad" a few more times.
 Last time, Diluc was that happy, was when he got a letter on [Y/N]'s thirteenth birthday.
From his allies from underground intelligence network. 
About a successful operation to get an intel on Fatui.
Unfortunately, they arrived a little bit late. There were casualties. 
A certain noble from Mondsdat became a widower.
To keep the network safe, that casualties should be hidden from the public.
Diluc was patrolling Mondstadt City.
And his thoughts were focused on [Y/N].
On how Mondstadt view them.
He could easily put the end to all rumors.
He could make Mondstadt citizens accept [Y/N].
He didn't do it.
It’s probably for the best that no one else tries to be friendly with them. Diluc wouldn’t want to see [Y/N] break out of that shell they were forced in, after all. As long as they are like this, he will be their only source of comfort. 
Their father.
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thechekhov · 8 months
Dungeon Meshi Quick Reacts: CH45
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Slumber party!
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Fair, but consider: She deserves a little murder. As a treat.
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Kabru be like "IS THAT MY BACKSTORY???"
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That sure is....a ship. With no one on it.
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Ah, shit the Americans are here.
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Two things: Toshiro being tended to like a pretty pretty princess is hilarious.
And also, the fact that they think the elves can kill Falin......... hmmm.... Pressing X to doubt.
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............... oh. Laios. 😂
But also like. How was he MEANT to keep it silent? Put a little something in it? I thought since it was a magic bell you could code it to only ring when it's shaken with INTENT?
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Fancy ass house.
Also, Namari...........are you hitting that yet? Both of that?
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Oh, it's backstory time.
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Okay one: that's fucking tragic, it sounds like the Elves are just forcing the dungeons closed with no regard for how the ecosystem compensates and what people suffer by being in close proximity......
And another thing: Kabru. Kabru, isn't that what YOU'RE after? Having all the power?
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Why is this so much like that one meme where the girls at the party are looking at you.
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It's the same picture.
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Kabru that's. That's maybe not the way to go about it. you're going to give them MORE reasons to go in.
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Nevermind the governor not being into this 'good boy, now sign' talk, Toshiro's kinda right. Ya fucked up Kabru.
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No matter how far Laios runs, he cannot escape other people trying to tell him how to live his life. Poor guy. But at the same time...
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Is this real? Or a red herring?
Laios' father and mother seemed to be living relatively pious lives. They clearly had a good house, but it didn't seem like they were extremely rich. Then again, perhaps he's just a cousin of royalty? Is that why his parents wanted him to have children?
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They want to.... halt the growth of the dungeon? Is this another part of the natural ecosystem of things? Dungeons growing seems to point even more towards the idea that it's a gigantic, fleshpit-like creature instead of simply a construct.
Then again, constructs CAN be creatures. Like the golems.
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Elves not understanding how old humans are continues to be hilarious because like.
As humans, we HAVE this same concept of variant aging. Like. Dogs. We understand that dogs live less than us, and mature a lot slower. But this is.... COMMON KNOWLEDGE. Most people do not make it into adulthood without understanding that dogs mature within 1-2 years of their birth.
The fact that elves, a species with FAR more time on their hands, who have lived alongside other races for AGES....... have STILL not got the general concept of aging down....means their education is atrocious. Or they're all not paying attention.
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.......this. THIS is the most fascinating concept in this chapter.
The fallen.... turned into MONSTERS.
We know that dying inside the dungeon doesn't mean permanent death. But dying above-ground does.
We know that dying in the dungeon doesn't mean your body turns into a monster (aside from ghosts and ghouls?) ..... but dying aboveground.... DOES......?
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If Kabru and Laios fused, they could almost make one functioning human being.
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Senshi just beginning to speak in the middle of his own internal monologue is so real.
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...... what's going on there with the expression, buddy?
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Bread.......are they STILL carrying around flour with them?! How are they getting bread?!
Also, it's awesome that the eggs are canonically hard to crack, because it makes sense that they don't break during their many fighting events.
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Izutsumi really said ◉_◉
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Don't tell me Laios, who is sensitive to ghosts has ALSO been seeing things?
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Not gonna lie, that's highkey terrifying.
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Props to that ghost that's been following Laios around, not ever giving up hope that it can bother him into acknowledging it.
And also - hey, it already saved them once! that means it's probably not evil!
That, or it's the king of the bloody dungeon. Wouldn't that be something!
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lilly-chou-chou · 1 year
Lolita fashion: A guide for beginners and love letter to seasoned Lolitas (Fashion guide part ll)
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Hello everyone!! Few days ago I had made a guide for people interested and doing gyaru fashion (interested people please visit my account to read about it <3) moving on I was intrigued and ready to take on the world of Lolita fashion as well, I hope this guides helps newer people and makes other old followers of this amazing fashion culture realize that it is all about fun and feeling pretty. Some may agree with this and some may not either way I am posting this <3
(Kindly please stop sending d#ath threads regarding this post. Kindly also refrain from sending comments saying I deserve those threaths please 🙏🏼)
My guides start from here on. So as a lot of people know, this culture of fashion was started by taking inspirations from Rococco and Victorian era. Over the years this subculture of Japanese fashion has definitely evolved and this subculture has given birth to many sub styles like most famous being sweet Lolita, gothic Lolita and hime Lolita.
So now that you know the gist of this style let me educate you further that the reason Lolita fashion exists is purely just for fun. People especially women wanted to feel that elegance and olden time beauty and dressed up in Lolita just for fun!! So no. 1 rule of Lolita is to have fun. Enjoy what you wear and buy.
Yes, when you first begin it is necessary that you browse through the summary but make sure to ONLY browse through the history of Lolita fashion. Never pay too much attention towards rules of Lolita because again just like gyaru fashion it was and has always been foreigners who police others and are way too anal about rules when as a matter of fact the whole reason Lolita and gyaru existed was to have fun! Of course but only gyaru had a backstory of opposing with stereotypes of women in Japan.
I am here to tell you that I have lived in Japan during the hype of Lolita and gyaru (also being an avid follower of both fashion culture since the age of 4) and having talking with foreigners and locals I suggest you to only LIKE ONLY listen to locals because they truly know what's up. My guides are filled with my experience and what they have told me.
So let's talk about rules like lace and materials and shit. What I have been told and have been doing my life is that pick any lace design that you feel pretty in because in the end even back then Lolita fashion magazines and shows would only tell you what a typical Lolita would wear like poofy dress and small details like pretty wigs and such but people in streets be it Harajuku or Shibuya or etc etc didn't follow these rules themselves and they were covered in latest Lolita trends from head to toe.
The magazines and such only give you an idea of what you can do or typical image of a Lolita fashion follower. That doesn't mean you have to do exactly that. Things like "stop wearing that" "your lace is ugly" "wow you purchased dress from Amazon? Fuck you" "that dress quality sucks you are NOT a real Lolita" is all doing of foreigner Lolita fashion followers.
I am so sorry if you ever encountered any of these people but Lolita girlies in Japan will never harass you like this.
Plus buying stuff from Amazon is OKAY because even though these days there are many affordable Lolita dresses and accessories, it is okay to still look for options and I understand that some people don't have budget and just because you are tight on budget doesn't mean you should be left out. YOU ALSO DESERVE TO FEEL PRETTY! Amazon might not be authentic if that's what you can afford atm then go for it please, enjoy and have fun because you were to meet other Japanese Lolitas they will say things like "wow I didn't know these days Amazon sold such good quality Lolita dresses" never feel guilty for buying off brand.
What people don't tell you is that these days even brands break some of the rules from Lolita fashion and honestly if the household brands break them then you also shouldn't feel bad about messing up. I just want Lolita fashion culture to be welcoming and I don't want beginners to be afraid and I don't want old members to feel the need to be always classic authentic.
Even the queen and ambassador of foreign affairs kawaii aka president of Japan Lolita Association Misako Aiko who has been doing Lolita fashion for 25 years also mixes and matches from different fashion and breaks so called rules like poofy dress shape, owning few dresses with no laces, hair usually styled in a simple way, not always wearing a blouse or a head wear etc etc.
In conclusion if the president of Lolita fashion and household brands are breaking rules then you should also not feel guilty for few little things here and there. Aim of Lolita fashion is to feel pretty and have fun. You are the prettiest person alive, embrace it and have fun with this style. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Do what makes you happy and don't ever feel guilty about buying off brands because sometimes food, shelter and bills is important and that is understandable.
I love everyone of you. Hope my guides help you a lot <3
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mysticficti0n · 1 year
All my attention Part 7
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warnings- swearing, slow burn, flirting, dirty talk, praise, romance,
words- 4.7k
If you'd like to read the previous parts → All my attention series
a/n- so if you're new here I am British and cannot speak any German, I speak a little French, Spanish and Italian but German- no. I also do not trust Google translate so this is gonna be like an avatar thing (if you've seen the newest one Jake says that their language just became normal or something along those lines) so in reality this is all in German, you as a reader know German but, its wrote in English... make sense? no... well. Also you guys are fucking amazing thank you for all the likes on not only All my attention but the hc and request story like it means so much ♡
(hey guys I'm finally back! I'm so so sorry this has taken so fucking long but I've been beyond busy these past few days and I've had no time to even go on my computer but anyways enjoy this- part 8 is about to be crazy thats all ima say, love you all)
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backstory- you are the 5th member of Tokio Hotel and you always thought the love was equally platonic between you and a certain guitarist... but what if that all changed?
I sat in the back of Gustav's dads car with a knocked out Georg and Tom who's eyes didn't leave me for the whole trip, everyone was in small slurring conversation chuckling and yawning struggling to keep themselves awake as it was 3:47am
I turned my body, Georg falling off my shoulder to lean on my back which I had to try not laugh at while facing Tom who had a small grin on his face "what?" I asked in a whisper
"nothing nothing" my eyebrows furrowed eyes scanning him, his fingers toyed with the ring on his other hand
"you sure?" he nodded before turning away to look out the window, leg bouncing "okay" I turned myself back, Georg again falling back onto my shoulder mumbling something "sorry" I whispered patting his arm which rested next to mine, I watched Tom still bounce his leg so with my free hand I placed it on his knee, he didn't look back but a breath fell from his body.
I felt us pull onto the drive and stretched my legs out as much as I could seeing the boy to my left fully wake up and get out the car giving his hand to drag me out to like he hadn't been snoring in my ear the entire ride, Tom grabbed my bag as I saw him swig it over his shoulder making Bill, Simone, Gustav and Bella laugh a lot more than it should leaving David to try shut them all up and get them into the house, I shoved Georg to the group watching him trip on thin air cursing until he hit the bonnet of the car bumping into Gustav
"Tom sweetie go take Y/n back so her mother wont pester me about it later" I laughed seeing the women wave her son to follow me home
"alright" he spoke going back out the house and pulled me with him "come on" his voice wasn't jokey like usual- he sounded pissed off but I decided it was best to shrug it off, he helped me cross the wall and up the steps to the front door
"thanks for today it was actually really fun" I gave a smile having my bag off him "did you hear what I said?" I asked seeing him only nod again "whats wrong? why are you acting like this?" I spoke in a angered whisper "you were fine with me- well more then fine with me until we got into the car then you acted like you didn't want to know me"
"its nothing I-i'm just tired Y/n I promise" his voice was softer but I couldn't believe him
"why was your leg shaking and why did you play with your ring then because you can't have been fine then hm?" he breathed out looking worried
"you saw the ring thing?"
"of course I did because I was worried about you" his eyes flicked to mine, I didn't drop his gaze feeling him get closer "you didn't speak much and then- then" I was hushed by his lips pressing against mine, his strong arms holding my back in a hug, I let my self melt back into him, my hands going across his hips kissing him back tenderly.
"there isn't another girl like you in the world Y/n" Tom pulled back placing his head on mine "not as caring, loving, sweet, cute, beautiful"
"are you proposing again?" I spoke with a tired laugh, he pressed a peck to the corner of my lips
"not yet sweetheart, goodnight" he let go cupping my jaw before walking to his house leaving me stunned 'not yet'?
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"Y/n- sunshine wake up!" I opened my eyes expecting to see my mom stood over me
"morning mo-BILL WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed seeing the boy pull away laughing, I curled my blanket around my shoulders falling back into my nest of pillows seeing the boy give me a look making me move over so he could sit with me. He jumped onto the bed beside me crossing his legs and leaning back onto the wall "what do you want at- 11:24 in the morning then, you're literally never awake at this time" I asked looking back at him from my alarm clock
"I think it's me who should be asking the questions Y/n-" a smile I'd never seen before spread across his face "so... last night" I tried to think back, I remember the meal, going to the night club, dancing, drinking a lot and- fuck
"err, yeah last night what about it?" I spoke trying to hide the nervous laugh from escaping my mouth
"oh come on you're not that stupid- I saw it y/n/n" I wanted the world to swallow me up whole- what did he see? god which part did he see?! "so wanna explain your little kiss with my brother on the door step last night?" I slid further into my bed pulling the sheets over my head whispering a 'no thanks' but Bill didn't take that as an answer ripping the sheets from above me "Hey! I wanna know your little secret with him!"
"its nothing- just like our usual flirting we do and have done since we were like 13!" Bill raised an eyebrow "okay fine maybe there's some little feelings-"
"I KNEW IT!" the boy danced grabbing my hands dragging me from the warmth of my blanket "YOU TWO LOVE EACH OTHER!" I rolled my eyes pulling my hands from the singer
"woah we don't 'love' each other- its just mutual appreciation!" I went to my door pulling a hoodie off the peg and slipping it on to try distract from the fact Bill knew of mine and Tom's little- thing
"well last night I can tell you he didn't describe it as 'mutual appreciation'" I felt my stomach drop- what the fuck had that man said! I looked to his twin who was holding his chest laughing it all up pointing to my face
"oh god what was he saying? was it only to you or did the others hear- oh my god I want to die!" I hid my face again, the red feeling like it was going to make my head pop, Bill pulled my desk chair out setting his legs onto the table in front
"no don't worry only to me- we were having a smoke while everyone was up stairs and he said- from what I remember 'Y/n's awesome right?' I agreed of course and then he went 'she notices everything and genuinely cares you know' and I was nodding along not really caring what he said because I knew he'd drank and shit but then- oh but then he said 'I just fucking love her, like actually love her' and when I say I dropped my fucking jaw-" I felt like I was going to pass out, did he say this all? he was drunk surely he didn't mean it? but what if he did? all the questions spun around my head mixing with the tiredness and hang-over form last night
"I don't know what to say-" my eyes met with Bill who still had that shit eating grin along his lips "fucks sake what now?" I asked seeing him dismiss me "no what is it?"
"he's down stairs" if I didn't feel like jumping from my window and running into the city never to return I did now, I didn't realise how embarrassed I'd be- but nobody was meant to know. Bill stood giving me a 'reassuring' pat on my shoulder and walked out my room down the stairs leaving me to now face Tom on my own.
ten minuets after I managed to pull myself down the stairs seeing my little sister sat with Tom holding her mini guitar she had from Gordon for her birthday (okay Stella playing guitar with Tom was requested and its the cutes mf thing) her small fingers eagerly playing all the strings while he tried to show her how to actually do it while containing his laughs "no-no Stella look watch me, like that boop boop boop" he sang in tune with the strings as he pulled them
"boop boop boop! Boop boo- Baba!" I smiled to the young girl who was no longer interested in the guitar running to me with a gummy grin "Baba you wake!"
"Hi Stell! I'm awake yeah!" I picked her up onto the side of my hip squeezing her tightly, she pointed to Tom who pointed back at her "who's that?" I asked seeing her little eyes work
"Tom!" I spun her around as she clapped to herself for remembering "and momma a-and daddy and Seesee" she did little grabby hands to Simone otherwise known as Seesee by Stella, I placed her to the floor so she could go sit with her, Bill and my parents. Tom had placed the neon pink guitar back and sat leaning into the cushions of the sofa
"she's gonna be a guitarist when she's older and I better get credit" he spoke eyes shut as I sat next to him flicking on the Tv
"no she'll be a singer like me" he laughed shoving me slightly but quickly grabbing my arm so I didn't fall off the end of the sofa...unlike the bed situation "have a voice better than Madonna and P!nk"
"probably I mean she's your sister after all" I looked over to him and caught his eyes already on me "what were you and Bill doing for so long up stairs anyways? he said he was gonna go wake you up then didn't come back down for like half an hour" fuck- the whole conversation came flooding back to my head, I couldn't keep this from him, he deserves to know as much as me... God why is life so annoying like that?
"smoke?" I asked getting up closely followed by him, we went to the front of the house as Stella was now playing mommies and daddies on the deck with Simone, we sat on the steps and he pulled his cigs from his sweatpant pocket "thanks- okay well... you need to not be angry alright" his head shot to mine with a weird look "say swear"
"swear" his voice was unsure sounding but he'd said it now
"right- so do you remember last night? besides the meal and club?" he took a long drag from the end of the cigarette
"yeah if you mean the me and you parts- clearly remember them" a smile replaced his straight face as he thought back to the night
"Bill knows" I spat out seeing his face immediately drop again, head snapping to me "he saw us- on here- last night" I breathed head dropping not being able to confront Tom's looks "and you also told him that you erm- that you love me... I mean you were drunk so it was probably just that mixed with us kissing and stuff" he was still silent, I could only hear his slight puffs as he had his cig
"Only Bill knows right?" I nodded bringing my head back up "Y/n don't worry he wont say anything- I promise you and well what I said I... I didn't not mean it" I finally let my gaze fall back to him. His hand moved from his knee to my thigh calming me instantly "I wish you didn't hear it from him but- I do love you" I was completely taken aback when Tom said it. I didn't expect to hear those three little words from him ever in the way he said them. I felt my heart racing and my palms started to sweat as I tried to process what he had just said again, I thought Bill was just overdramatising things but- no. it was both thrilling and terrifying. I looked into his eyes, and saw the sincerity there. I knew that he truly meant what he said
After a few moments of silence, I finally found my voice and confidence to even speak "I... I love you too" The smile that spread across Tom's face was one of pure joy, my heart soared. I felt adrenaline run through my body mixing with the blood flowing through my body as his hand moved to my face pulling me in gently, pressing his lips to mine for the first time since we really said 'love you' It was a different kiss to the others we'd shared, softer, loving, tender- I knew it wasn't going to lead to anything it was just a kiss to really set in stone our feelings- feelings we knew were more than we ever imagined having
"I've been waiting to say that to you for months- like properly say it to you not just in a friendly way" my head leaned onto his shoulder taking in his warmth as the afternoon breeze blew over my exposed legs, I stepped out my cigaret waiting for Tom to finish his looking up past his jawline that was so effortlessly sharp, skin so soft not a spot or blemish, his lips so perfectly fitted to his face, those eyes that when the sun hit them they went a golden brown "enjoying the view?" his voice rung looking down at me
"your pretty" I say back seeing a hot blush wipe over his cheeks "aww" I pecked his cheek standing up to go back into the house but a grasp on my leg stopped me, looking down I saw the wheels in his head turning
"wanna go on a date tonight?"
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I looked in the mirror one last time, checking the outfit- pulling my skirt down my thighs more and fixing my necklace- then my hair, I tried something different, a spiky bun which took so much time but finally I was done, I grabbed my phone and keys, money and sprayed myself with perfume. I looked to my clock "7:00 okay I have five minuets" I spoke to myself going down the stairs seeing my mom sat with my dad watching a movie "how do I look?" I spoke walking to them and they both smiled
"Beautiful sunshine! absolutely beautiful" she clapped her hand "did you take any photo's of yourself?" she asked getting ready to grab her camera
"of course she has Angelica its Y/n- you look lovely sweet" my dad laugh letting my mom getting comfy again into his chest "remind me what your doing again"
"Oh meeting with some old friends from school for a dinner thing-" I lied, I knew if I said 'oh going on a date with Tom' they'd be asking question after question
"so why is Tom driving you?"
"he's seeing some his mates not far so said he can drop me off " dad hummed and I herd a knock at the door "love you!" I called hearing a faint 'ditto' from the two as I walked out the house "hey!"
"wow-" Tom sounded, I smiled looking to him, red shirt with skulls, matching cap and blue bandana jeans "I feel underdressed by you now"
"come on- you look hot" a laugh escaped his lips as we went to his car, he opened the door for me giving his hand so I could get in "thank you" I grinned
"no problem babe" he climbed in to his side starting the engine making the car shudder awake, we started the drive, his hands between having to move the gear stick held my thigh, pressing the pads of his fingers when he was getting pissed of the the other drivers "your hair looks nice by the way" my heart melted, my eyes falling over to him
"I tried something different- I'm glad you like it" he nodded rubbing my leg before taking his hand away "where are we going by the way?"
"somewhere special- were like 2 seconds away- oh here" we pulled into a small car park which looked quiet empty which was refreshing, especially since the last time we went out- the car was full of flashes of light pulling us from the road, voices screaming and shouting our names as we tried to get the doors open but paparazzi knew we were coming and they wouldn't hold back on two teens. our names were bouncing around the mouths of people and people who wanted clear photos shoving forward making people knock into us. to even get to Tom I had to jump the hood of Tom's car to him, grabbing his arm as he pushed through the sea of lights shouting for them to move while we tripped over peoples feet, microphone cords and what not.
but this time it was silent besides the purrs of the cars that passed, I went to open my door but the dreadhead reached over slamming my door "stop being stupid" I breathed a laugh waiting for him to jog and open my door "m'lady"
"oh why thank you sir" he pressed a kiss to my cheek, not letting go of my hand, we walked into the restaurant named the 'star night lounge' and i nearly screamed "This-this is the one I was talking about like 6 months ago!" the boy nodded chuckling at my face
"I remember these things- come on we need to go in" hurriedly we walked in, the smell was the smell of romance, dark and rose, dimly lit tables placed around, candles hanging from rods on the wall "its better than the pictures" I nodded taking everything in
"welcome to star night lounge- how many?" a women asked with a smile looking to Tom to which he answered 2 "okay, if you'd like to follow me" she grabbed menus and turned away from us walking down a small entry way and turning to the left, we followed her and walked into the one room I remember falling In love with when I first saw it on the website "is this okay- I will say its a bit darker in here than other parts"
"this is amazing" I exhaled looking around
"no this is great, thank you" Tom spoke as the women left us, it was all perfect, the room, the night, Tom. we sat down quickly across from each other, small glances and smiles passed along the way, we weren't the only people in the room so the noise of small chatter and jazz music played in the background
"Tom this is amazing! I-i don't know that to say" my voice slipped "its just" his hand came over the table taking mine "I'm being a baby i'm sorry"
"its okay don't be sorry" his lips pressed against my knuckles "look you deserve a good date Y/n- I don't remember you once going out with Brian, I want to be better than he was"
"you already are" I smiled seeing him press another kiss to my hand "so much better- god there's a list"
"want me to be shocked?" he laughed "...you look so pretty in here babe" I felt like I could pass out there and then and never ever get back up, his thumb drawing over my fingers, eyes watching me and smiles plastered over our faces.
Together we flicked through the menu asking what each other might have, arguing over the same dish until we came to a settlement "Good evening- what can we get you for dinner to night?" a different women walked over with a calm smile pulling her pad and pen out, Tom nodded his head at me to go first
"I'll have the star burger please... with fries" she nodded writing it down and turned to Tom
"I'll have the kabab please- the er.. fuck which one?" his face went red looking over to me a slight panic in his eyes
"chilli kabab please- oh and two playboy bunny cocktails please and thank you" I ended letting the server take our menus and leave to the kitchen
"Y/n I didn't want that stupid cocktail!" he huffed falling back into thseat "it's a girly one" I rolled my eyes seeing him be a actual child, with my foot I rubbed his legs
"its one drink Thomas- grow up" his tongue pressed into his cheek, smirk creeping across his lips "you herd me"
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"Please Tom let me pay for my half at least" I pleaded seeing him shake his head "Tom!"
"Y/n I have it god sake put your money back" he said bluntly, snatching my change from my hand and throwing It back at me. I sat back glaring at him "don't look at me like that"
"like what?" I spoke seeing him roll his eyes but become distracted as the bill came over, he picked it up and his eyes widened the tiniest "lemme see" my hand went to reach over and grab the paper
"no" Tom turned to the other women swiping his card and the payment went through with a 'beep' and I fell back "thank you- Y/n come on"
"I hate you- why couldn't you let me pay?" I asked as he grabbed my hand pulling me from the restaurant "and how much was it?- thank you!" I smiled to the women behind the bar "a lot I bet and thats why you're not telling me huh?" I started again his hand tightened around mine, pushing me against the door of his car, my mouth zipped shut
"stop with the questions- I'd be a arsehole if I let you pay a single penny, so shut your pretty lips before I make you do something to keep you silent-" a red flush painted my body, his hooded eyes scanned me up and down "good" he lent forward pressing a kiss to the corner of my closed lips before opening the door for me to which I sat in and waited for his door to open.
the drive home was different- no words shared but so many things said with out looks, his hand holding my leg in place as he toyed with my skin giving me trails of goosebumps along my thigh, he threatened to push under my skirt, every time making me hold my breath waiting for some sort of friction but he just pulled away making me internally curse. we got home, our street dark, pulling into my drive nobody else was there sending a excited shock through my body.
We walked hand in hand up to my door- the same place as the night before, were we shared a kiss that would lead to us saying we loved each other not just platonically, Tom stood across from me, his hands hidden in his jeans "thank you for tonight Tom- I loved it so much"
"no problem- sorry I was a cunt about the bill, I didn't mean to sound so.. you know?" we shared a laugh as I walked to him wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him to look at me
"I liked it-" our lips met eagerly, I'd been waiting for this since we left the restaurant, the palm of his hand reached down, grabbing my ass, bringing me closer "fuck-" I let go to reach behind me to the door, opening it and pulling Tom in with me a terror washing over him
"Y/n what about your parents-" I turned back to him and smiled
"I forgot they were going out- they aren't here, Stella is at nans- it all okay" I kicked the door closed and his mood swung back, dragging my body back to him and hauling me up over his shoulder "TOM!" I screamed having to push myself up on his lower back as he carried my up the stairs, I felt the coldness of his lip ring as he pressed open kisses to my exposed thighs. we made it to my room where the main light was on and he dropped me onto my bed, crawling above me
"look at you- so beautiful below me hm?" I nodded my head listening to his every word "such a pretty girl"
"your girl-" I added seeing his face brighten slightly before falling dark again as his hand cupped my jaw
"all mine?" I nodded, his hand traveled to my waist sending a warm sensation through me "is this mine?" again I nodded my head, I felt his hand go down to my legs gently rubbing circles around the skin "is this mine?" like before I nodded "mhm.. and how about this?" his fingers drove to the inside of my thigh, involuntarily my legs parted just enough for his hand to palm me through my panties making me gasp "is this mine?"
"m-mhm, all yours Tom" I answered trying not to close my thighs around his hand, a sadistic smile painted his lips as he leaned down to me, hand not moving
"you like this don't you? with my hand just there- is there something you want?" I couldn't keep myself from him, crashing my lips onto him with so much want
"I-want-you" I spoke between kisses "please" I begged, Tom pulled off me, standing above looking down at me leaving me cold without his heat on me. he walked over switching the light off leaving us in a dim darkness, only light being from my desk, I watched as his hands went below his shirt pulling it over his head taking the cap and headband off too throwing them to my floor, his abs looked defined in the light, his muscles looking bigger than ever, the feeling between my legs only grew
"take a picture sweetheart" he purred going to his knees, the feeling of him unlacing my boots
"don't tempt me" I smiled leaning up to watch him pull the boots off and chuck them back under the bed and crawled back on top of me "thank you" I whispered into his ear
"no problem darling" he dove down into my neck, peppering kisses all over working down my chest as I struggled to keep myself propped up on the sheets, he stopped at the neck of my shirt looking up at me as I gave him a nod to take it off, he came back pressing another kiss to my lips before his hands pulled the top over my head exposing my bare chest to him, his eyes only became darker staring at me, I felt worried but the adrenaline soon kicked that as his lips pressed against mine pushing me onto the mattress below "god you are beautiful everywhere huh?" I grinned pushing him away giggling, he went down again, letting his lips go around my sensitive nipple, licking the bud until I was holding back a moan, his other free hand needing me, I let my nails dig into his back causing noises to fall from his lips
"shit- Tom Oh" I started feeling myself only get wetter, his teeth grated my skin coming back up to my neck "I- holy shit, i need you" I whimpered as his hands traveled to my thighs
"breath Y/n- I'm getting there sweetheart there's no rush" a sly smile gripped his mouth "relax"
"I am- just bored of waiting" I teased hooking my legs over his waist swapping our positions, him below me staring up in shock "relax" I mimicked
"watch your mouth" my hips rolled against his as his words exited him "Y/n-" Tom warned
"what? can't take it?" my voice was thick of lust, drowning his ears, pressing a kiss to his skin working down to his exposed collar bone "or is it you don't want me?" I whined to him, pushing myself down harder hearing a groan from him
"you're a tease y/n/n" I laughed letting my hands circle his chest
"shame..." I breathed "is this hard for you Tommy?" his eyes closed at the nickname, mouth tightening shut, his hands holding my highs still, squeezing harder than before, his jeans feeling much tighter "hm- I guess it is" as I went to climb off Tom pulled me back, slamming my torso to his
"don't you dare" our eyes met, I grinned at him but he wasn't as happy "I'll wipe that smile away in a second doll"
"yeah?" he nodded "do it Kaulitz"
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scary-grace · 9 months
Love Like Ghosts (Chapter 21) - a Shigaraki x f!Reader fic
You knew the empty house in a quiet neighborhood was too good to be true, but you were so desperate to get out of your tiny apartment that you didn't care, and now you find yourself sharing space with something inhuman and immensely powerful. As you struggle to coexist with a ghost whose intentions you're unsure of, you find yourself drawn unwillingly into the upside-down world of spirits and conjurers, and becoming part of a neighborhood whose existence depends on your house staying exactly as it is, forever. But ghosts can change, just like people can. And as your feelings and your ghost's become more complex and intertwined, everything else begins to crumble. (cross-posted to Ao3)
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Chapter 21
There’s something wrong with your house, but you knew that when you bought it. You were okay with that when you bought it, but right now the thing that’s wrong with your house is the fact that you’re not in it. Tomura is coming home today – is home right now, in fact – but you’re not there with him. Instead you’re out to breakfast, in the same diner where you and the others plotted to kill the conjurer, with every single human in the neighborhood. Plus Inko, because why not?
You said you’re in the diner. It would be more accurate to say that you’re trapped in the diner, because you’re stuck in the corner of the booth between Shinsou and Jin’s entire family, wedged in so tightly that going out over the table or under it would be impossible. You’ve determined that this is Aizawa’s fault, so you glare at him. “There had better be a good reason why you dragged me here.”
“It’s for your own good,” Aizawa says. “And for Tomura’s, so if you claim to care about him –”
“If I claim to?”
“You’ll allow us to speak. We have more experience with this than you do.”
“None of us had help,” Jin’s mom says. “We had to figure things out by trial and error, and given the situation, we didn’t think it would be fair to let you go through the same thing.”
“Helping a ghost get used to being a human is hard,” Shinsou says. “And getting used to being human is hard for a ghost. We’re helping you. The other ghosts are all at your house helping him.”
“They have a lot of stuff to explain,” Keigo says. “Stuff you wouldn’t want to explain. Like body stuff.”
“And hygiene stuff,” Inko adds. “They’re used to dematerializing any time they get dirty. Having to clean up is an adjustment.”
“It’s all an adjustment,” Aizawa says. “Our purpose here is to make the adjustment as easy as possible. Let’s begin.”
“No, let’s order,” Keigo says. The server’s here. “Hi. We’ll need a lot more coffee than this.”
There are so many of you that ordering takes forever, and while you wait your turn, you think over the events of the last few days. You went back to work the day after you were discharged from the hospital, scared the hell out of your coworkers, and got booted out by Mr. Yagi, who insisted you go home and rest. You went to the hospital instead, hanging out in Tomura’s room with the ghosts who were on shift. You and Hizashi spent some time formulating a backstory for Tomura, one that lines up with the lies you already told your parents, and Mr. Yagi helped you sneak the fake birth certificate into the government records. That was your first day out. On your second day out, you got to go back to work.
Work sucked. You tore through your inbox like a crazy person, trying to get as much done as possible, knowing you’d be out the whole next week and probably longer. Your progress was impeded by your coworkers, who’d heard rumors about what happened – you and your boyfriend getting kidnapped by a serial killer – and wanted to know if they were true. Surprisingly, Nakayama came to your rescue, shooing the others off. She made it clear that the price was a tell-all happy hour later on, but you decided it was worth it to get everybody else off your back.
Tomura woke up officially last night. The ghosts went to pick him up this morning, right around when the humans dragged you out of your house. You haven’t even seen him, and you’re so crabby about it that when the server asks you what you’re having today, you order half the menu on Aizawa’s dime.
Keigo manages to hold in his snickers until after the server’s walked away. “Gotta fuel up for when you get back, huh?”
“Hey. Gross,” Spinner protests. “There’s kids here.”
“Nah, I’m kidding. I saw what he looks like now. Too much exertion would probably kill him.” Keigo tips a huge wink at you and you roll your eyes. “Anyway, I officially call this meeting of ghost friends anonymous to order. Who wants to start?”
“Probably one of you two,” Jin says, gesturing at Inko and Aizawa. “You all have the same kind of ghost.”
Inko and Aizawa trade a glance, and Inko speaks up first. “Be prepared for a lot of frustration on Tomura’s part,” she says. “Most ghosts permanently embody themselves into healthy forms, so it’s likely that he’ll perceive some unfairness, and possibly express some regret. It’s got much less to do with you than with the adjustment to living as a human, so try not to take it personally.”
“Yeah, don’t take anything personally,” Jin agrees. “Himiko bit us a lot at first. For, like, no reason.”
You try to imagine Tomura biting you for no reason, and can’t. “Remember,” Aizawa says, “Tomura wouldn’t have been capable of permanent embodiment unless it was what he truly wanted. That doesn’t mean adjusting to it will be easy.”
“Like Takami says, the physical stuff is hard to explain,” Shinsou says. He grimaces. “But even just the rules of being human are a lot for them to figure out. They’ve been watching us all follow the rules, but they’ve never had to do it themselves, and they’re still them. They still don’t get a lot of the stuff we do. He’s gonna ask a lot of questions. And he’s gonna complain.”
“Magne had this thing about crosswalks,” Spinner says. “Also about clothes. She still has a thing about clothes. She thinks she can wear whatever she wants, wherever she wants, whenever she wants, as long as the important bits are covered up. I don’t really know how to explain that you just can’t do some stuff.”
You sort of like Magne’s don’t-give-a-fuck attitude about it, but you can see how it would cause trouble. “The more power they had before they embodied themselves, the less attentive they are to social norms or boundaries,” Aizawa says. “Behavior in public is something to be watchful of. A public indecency charge is not something you want to incur.”
He’s scowling in a way that says this piece of advice is coming out of personal experience. You can’t decide if you want to hear the full story or if you never want to think about it again. “I mean, I think you’ve done sort of a good job training him on this stuff already,” Keigo says. “He’s got some social skills.”
You feel like he might be giving Tomura a little too much credit. “Like three social skills.”
“That’s three more than Dabi’s got,” Spinner points out, which shouldn’t really make you feel better but does anyway. “I hung out with him more than anybody except her, and he’s not that bad. It’ll probably get harder once you two start going out in public, but he’s not starting at zero. He’s at like – level three.”
“One level for every social skill,” Shinsou says, and snickers. “Nice.”
“I think the larger problem is overstimulation,” Jin’s mom says, and it takes all your self-control not to start in with some really inappropriate thoughts. “However they’ve been perceiving through their senses when they’re embodied, it’s much more intense when the embodiment’s permanent – at least from what we saw with Himiko.”
“In general, they struggle with one sense more than the others,” Aizawa says. “For Eri it was taste.”
“Himiko, too,” Jin’s mom confirms. “That might have been what the biting was about. She also struggled with smell, which makes sense, since taste and smell are fairly connected. What about Magne, Spinner?”
“Sight for sure,” Spinner says. “Light sensitivity, color sensitivity, everything. She sees colors the rest of us don’t even know exist. It’s cool. But it sucked at first.”
“For Hizashi it was hearing,” Aizawa adds. “Ghosts are able to hear in multiple dimensions, and his hearing was particularly sensitive as a ghost. It took him two years to be able to go without noise-canceling headphones outside.”
You have a feeling you already know what Tomura’s oversensitivity is going to be. Given the number of contact allergies he’s already displayed and what he was like as a ghost, physical touch is going to be a big problem. It’s so daunting to think of that it pushes you into asking your first real question of the day. “How did you help them cope with it?”
“Patience,” Inko says.
You thought that was a given. “Time,” Jin’s mom adds.
“Space,” Aizawa says, and everyone nods. “Now, for the first few weeks –”
You knew helping Tomura adapt to being human wasn’t going to be easy, but as the ghost friends outline all the things you hadn’t even considered, you begin to grasp just how hard it’s going to be. Every last ghost did damage to their relationship with their human, or humans, while they were trying to adjust. Every human had more than a few moments of thinking how much easier it would have been for their ghost to stay a ghost. Even Hizashi and Mr. Yagi, who were the most intentional about their embodiments, had days where they made living with them feel impossible. You’re glad everyone is being honest with you, thankful that they aren’t sugarcoating it, but your stomach is tying itself in a knot.
Tomura’s embodiment wasn’t just an adjustment, it was a last resort to avoid being sucked back into the world between. And it almost didn’t work. If even the ghosts who wanted this were nightmares to live with at first, what’s going to happen with him? Nobody can answer that for you, or tell you how to cope with however many times Tomura will probably tell you that he wishes the two of you had never met. All they can tell you is the same three things: Patience, time, and space.
To be fair to the ghost friends, they highlight the fun stuff, too. Spinner talks about taking Magne to a museum for the first time, and to a mall. Jin and his family turned themselves into foodies so they could try everything alongside Himiko. Even before Shinsou and Eri were adopted, Shinsou taught himself to make candy apples, because Eri had seen them on TV and wanted to try them. Aizawa, looking as calm and reflective as you’ve ever seen him, talks about taking Hizashi to movies, to concerts, to the opera, and watching him hear things as they were meant to be heard for the first time. Inko, smiling broadly, tells you about when she was pregnant, and Mr. Yagi’s reaction the first time he put his hand on her stomach and felt Izuku kick.
“He looked like he’d seen a ghost,” she says, laughing. “He didn’t know babies did that.”
Keigo is laughing, too. You picture Mr. Yagi’s startled expression, the one you’ve seen so many times right before he starts coughing blood, and find it in yourself to smile. “They’re still themselves underneath it all,” Inko says. “Even if it takes time to see.”
It’s quiet for a moment. Most of the plates are empty, including yours. You’ve been eating steadily just to have something to do with your hands. “There’s one more thing,” Keigo says. “Stronger ghosts keep some of their powers when they embody permanently. According to Touya, Tomura kept a lot of his. He can still read auras, like they all can, but he can project a pretty strong aura all on his own. And he can still drain stuff, even if he can’t do anything with the life-force. So far it’s looking like he needs to touch something with all five fingers for it to happen, and since it’s not anything close to a natural human ability, he has to really want to destroy it. Just keep an eye on him if he starts to get mad.”
“Okay,” you say. “What else?”
“We’re happy for you,” Shinsou says, and Inko nods, smiling still. Everybody’s smiling, now that you notice it. “It’s a big thing. And it’s a good thing. Now you’re really part of the neighborhood.”
You could be. You can be, now that you and Tomura can both leave if you want to. For a moment, hope begins to tug at you – but then you remember what Keigo said, and what everybody else said about patience, space, and time. It’ll be a long time before the two of you can be part of anything. And probably a long time before the two of you are a two of you again, too. Aizawa’s phone buzzes, and he looks at it. “They’re finishing up over there. We should head back, too.”
He heads to the cash register to pay the bill, and the rest of you work on extricating yourselves from the booth. You wince as you stand up, feeling your stitches pull. Keigo notices. “How are you holding up?”
“I’ll live.”
“Don’t push yourself too hard with this stuff,” Keigo says. He gestures awkwardly at his broken arm with the other. “It’s a lot to bounce back from. I’m here when you need to talk. Like I have been.”
“Same here,” you say, and Keigo smiles. “And, um – thanks for taking over with the kids, during the fight. I had to try.”
“It was a pretty good try,” Keigo says magnanimously. “You ran a fire poker right through that guy’s chest. Remind me not to piss you off.”
“You know, I think your house is still the scariest house in the neighborhood,” Jin muses. “I figured Dabi’s house or Aizawa’s was going to take over, but nope. Tomura still has a bunch of his powers and you almost killed two guys. You’re the scariest for sure.”
The scariest house in the neighborhood, and now you’re part of the reason why it’s scary. The list of things that make you feel better these days is short and weird, and Jin’s statement  gets added almost instantly. “Thanks.”
You all carpooled in the Bubaigawara van, and Jin’s mom parks it in front of her own house, allowing everybody else to spill out onto the sidewalk. You and Keigo and Aizawa are last out, and as you get your feet under you, you notice a lot of ghosts milling around in front of your house. In front of it, not inside the fence. You make your way over, stumbling a little bit. “Did he kick you out?”
“Nah, we left. Figured he needed some processing time,” Hizashi says. He’s looking past you, at Aizawa. “Hey, what are you doing walking around? You’re supposed to rest your leg.”
Himiko skips up to you, towing Eri and Izuku after her. “It’s all fine,” she tells you, smiling. “He understands everything and we gave him some of everybody’s clothes until he can buy his own.”
“He looks even more like me now!” Eri is bouncing from foot to foot. “He’s going to come over to our house.”
“Oh.” You wonder if Tomura actually meant it, or if he just said it so she’d leave him alone. “That’s – nice.”
“You’re invited, too,” Eri assures you. Then she, like Hizashi, looks over your shoulder. “Dad! Hitoshi!”
Himiko peels off to meet Jin, leaving you with Izuku, who’s watching the house. “Tomura’s still really powerful,” he says. “Even when he’s human the aura is still there. Dad says he could probably take on a strong conjurer, even like this.”
“What else did your dad say?”
“That’s for you to ask Tomura yourself,” Mr. Yagi says, drawing up alongside Izuku. He smiles at you. “I’ve cleared your schedule next week. Let me know if you need more time.”
“And call if you need anything,” Inko reiterates. She takes Mr. Yagi’s hand and wraps an arm around Izuku’s shoulders. “Come over for dinner when you’re ready.”
“Yes!” Izuku looks way too happy at the thought. “I have lots of questions for both of you!”
You decide you’ll wait a while to take them up on that invitation, but they’re not the only ones who stop to talk to you specifically. Each of the ghosts stops by briefly, all of them reassuring you that Tomura’s fine. You’re not going to believe them until you see it for yourself.
Finally, Aizawa and Hizashi are all that’s left. Aizawa hands you a book – another one of his. You read the cover out loud and snicker. “What To Expect When Your Ghost Embodies Itself? Great title.”
“It’s a little boring,” Hizashi says, and you realize he doesn’t get the joke. Aizawa is smirking slightly. “Good stuff in there, though.”
“It covers everything we discussed earlier, and a little more,” Aizawa says. “Good luck.”
“You probably won’t be up to it, but come over later if you want,” Hizashi says. “That conjurer ruined our Halloween, so we’re throwing a make-up party at our place. Costumes mandatory.”
There’s no way you’re making it to that party. You thank them for the invitation anyway, tuck the book under your arm, and step through the front gate into your yard. Up the front steps, through the unlocked door, into the front hall. Some part of you is expecting Tomura to materialize in front of you, but he can’t do that anymore. “I’m home,” you call out, and Phantom comes scrabbling across the floor towards you, wagging her tail. You greet her, then pick her up. “Tomura?”
“In here.”
He’s home. Your heart leaps so hard and fast it seems a little ridiculous, and you hurry into the living room to see him. He’s there, sitting on his usual couch cushion, wearing some bizarre mix of clothing from every guy in the neighborhood, plus a pair of socks that could only have come from Himiko. The urge to launch yourself at him, to climb all over him like he’s done to you so many times and prove to yourself that he’s alive and he’s safe, is overpowering. But you remember what the others said. Patience, time, space. You don’t want to overwhelm him. You set Phantom down on the couch next to him and take a few steps back, keeping a respectful distance.
It’s quiet for a while. You break the silence. “How do you feel?”
He has the hood of his hoodie up, throwing his face into shadow. “Like shit.”
That’s about what you were expecting. You need more detail if you’re going to help, but you don’t want to push him. “Did everything go okay at the hospital?”
His shoulders lift, then fall. You see him grimace. “It was weird. All that stuff they did. The stupid paperwork is over there if you want to look at it.”
“Okay.” Before, when he wasn’t human, you’d have helped yourself. Now – “Do you want me to look at it?”
Another shrug. If he didn’t want you to, he’d say no, right? You pick the folder up off the coffee table and open it to the discharge summary, which is a mistake. The list of injuries Tomura came in with is staggering. Seeing this, you’re amazed they only kept him in for five days. “Well?” Tomura asks.
You set the folder down. “You healed up really fast.”
“There are things wrong with me,” Tomura says. One hand rises to scratch his neck. “My skin is messed up. I’m – allergic.”
“I have allergy medicine for stuff like that. And itch cream.”
“They gave me some.” Tomura still hasn’t taken down his hood. “What did the humans want?”
“They wanted to tell me how to help you adjust,” you say, and Tomura makes a derisive sound. Phantom stirs, whines, and noses closer to him. “What did the ghosts want with you?”
“To explain.” The derision is obvious in Tomura’s voice. “Like I’m stupid or something.”
“You aren’t. They don’t think that,” you say, only to realize that Tomura still probably knows what the other ghosts are thinking better than you do. “They probably don’t want you to make the same mistakes as they did. From what the humans were saying, they all made a lot of mistakes.”
“They almost scared their humans off.” Tomura’s voice goes weirdly flat. “I already did that.”
“I didn’t know what I look like. When I saw the picture on the ID, that was the first time.” Tomura seems to sink further into his hoodie, and suddenly you understand why he hasn’t taken down the hood. “No wonder you didn’t want me embodied. You’d have to look at me all the time.”
“Tomura –”
“I just wanted to stay. I didn’t want to go back. I thought it would be the same, but it’s not,” Tomura says. There’s a weird strain in his voice now, one you’ve never heard from him but know intimately yourself. “There are things wrong with me. I’m ugly. You wanted me when I was a ghost and I was powerful, not when I’m human and weak. You won’t even come near me.”
“No,” you say, and Tomura scoffs. “No! When I was talking to the others, they said it’s hard to get used to a human body – stuff might be harder to cope with now that it’s permanent – they said I should give you time and space –”
“I didn’t do this so I could have time and space!” Tomura’s still got enough power to rattle the walls without raising his voice. “I did it so I could – so we –”
His voice breaks. Phantom edges closer to him and he shies away, both hands coming up to cover his face at odd angles. You stand there for a moment, paralyzed by the decision between everything the other ghost friends told you and what Tomura’s saying now, what he’s doing now. But in the end it’s not a decision at all. You hurry around the coffee table, move Phantom to the cushion at the far end of the couch, and sit down right next to Tomura, getting in his space without asking the same way he always does to you. You pry his hands away from his face one at a time, and he fights you. He’s fighting you with a fraction of his strength and you both know it. “Let go. I don’t want you. I don’t want your pity –”
“It’s not pity,” you say. He lets you have one of his hands and you immediately try for the other. “I don’t know what this is like for you. I’m trying to do the right thing, but I should have just asked you what you needed. I can do better.”
“You don’t want to. You don’t want this!” He pulls his hand free of yours to gesture at himself. “I know what you wanted. You wanted –”
“You.” You don’t even have to think before you answer. “I wanted you. I want you.”
He stares at you from between his fingers. You give up on trying to free his hands and press in close against his side. He startles at your touch, but doesn’t shy away. He smells like the hospital. His voice is quiet, shaky, strained. “You liked when I was cold.”
“It was nice. But I’ve got AC. And now I can hold you for as long as I want without getting frostbite.”
“You liked that I got rid of the bugs.”
“I’m still making you get rid of the bugs,” you say, and Tomura makes a sound that’s too watery to be laughter. “But I can get rid of my own, too. I had a whole plan for that hornets’ nest.”
“Your plan sucked.” It did sort of suck, looking back. Tomura’s voice is quieter when he speaks again. “You liked when I was stronger than you.”
“You’re still stronger than me.” You can feel it when you touch him, a faint thread of power vibrating just beneath his skin. “That’s not the important stuff.”
“What is?”
“Everything else,” you say. “You’re still you, Tomura. It might feel different to be in the world like this, but you’re still who you are. That’s who I want. Who I love.”
It’s quiet for a long time. “You liked the way I looked before.”
It’s a weird enough thing to say to startle a laugh out of you. “The way you look now is how you’ve always looked, Tomura. Your hair’s a different color, that’s all.”
“I always looked like this.” Tomura sounds skeptical. “You said I was pretty.”
“You are pretty.” You reach for the edges of his hood and his hands come up, grasping your wrists, holding you still. He holds you there for a few seconds, then lets go, and lets you pull down the hood.
It’s him. Those same features you saw outlined in steam in the bathroom, on your back porch with the ashes of a hornets’ nest at his feet. The same red eyes that have watched you for almost two years, that have catalogued every inch of you, that looked up into yours after the gateway to the world between slammed shut for the last time. You’ve seen all his expressions before, except this one: The way he looks when he’s been crying. As you watch, his pupils open and shut, and more tears slip down his cheeks.
You scramble to wipe them away, cradling his face in your hands. He flinches when your palm gently meets his cheek, and you draw back, only for him to catch your wrist and press your hand hard against his skin. That feels normal enough to make you smile. Tomura’s never been shy about pulling you around. “You’re pretty,” you say again. “You’ve never looked any different than this. I like it. I don’t care if you do. I don’t care about anything except that you’re home.”
“But –”
“The next words out of your mouth had better not be ‘Dabi said’.”
An aggrieved silence falls, and you find yourself struggling not to laugh. It feels normal. It feels like any weird little argument you and Tomura have had, except that he can’t dematerialize to teach you a lesson and you can’t end the fight just by stepping outside. “You love me,” Tomura ventures after a while. “Like this?”
“Don’t be stupid,” you say. “Of course I do.”
Tomura knocks you over a second later.
Cuddling on the couch is more complicated than it used to be, mainly because Tomura’s a long way from being used to what touch feels like in a truly human form and he can’t get comfortable the way he usually would. If he can barely stand to stretch out on top of you, there’s no way he can handle kissing, and you can tell that the overload of sensation doesn’t turn him on so much as it fries his brain. Not that that stops him from trying to kiss you more. “Take it easy,” you say. “You just got home. I don’t want to take you back to the hospital because you tried to kiss me and had a heart attack.”
“That doesn’t happen,” Tomura says with confidence. Then, as you watch, you see him start to doubt himself. Some how he’s less sure about humans now that he is one. “Does it?”
“It could.” You remember something from a few days ago about how too much exertion on not enough calories could damage Tomura’s heart, and he still feels way too thin. “Can you reach your discharge papers? I want to read them.”
He reaches out to grab them from the coffee table, but it’s ever so slightly too far away. Before he’d dematerialize one hand, snatch them, and bring them back. Now he just glares at them and keeps glaring – and as you watch in some mix of surprise and horror, the folder lifts from the table and drops to the ground next to the couch.
Tomura realizes you’re staring at him and smirks. “I never said all my powers were gone.”
Now that he’s realized you still love him, he’s cocky, but you’re not annoyed about it. You’re not going to forget what it was like when you got home, what it was like to see him cry, and you’re not dumb enough to think today will be the last time it comes up. Tomura flops down again, his head against your chest, and you pick up his discharge papers and flip through them. Sure enough, there’s one specific instruction highlighted and in bold type. “No intense physical activity until you’re cleared by a doctor,” you say. Tomura scowls. You keep reading. “Your follow-up’s in two weeks. It’s not that long.”
“Maybe if we go slow –”
“No.” You set the papers down and trace over one tendon in his neck, wincing as he twitches and writhes and digs his knees and elbows into every soft body part you possess. He’s lying on top of all your stitches, and it’s starting to hurt. “You can barely handle being touched at all right now. I’m not going to send you back to the hospital and I’m not going to melt your brain.”
“It’s my brain. I get to decide –”
“You don’t get to leave me,” you say, and Tomura looks up, startled. “Two weeks.”
Tomura studies you for a moment. Then he flops down again. “Fine. Two weeks. But then I get to – what happened? Why did you make that noise?”
You tried not to. Really. But one of the too-prominent points of Tomura’s ribcage just dug directly into one of your largest wounds, and you think you might have popped a stitch. Tomura sits up, pulls you with him, starts yanking at your shirt. “I want to see. Let me see –”
Your shirt turns to dust in an instant. You didn’t realize Tomura could do that to things that weren’t alive, and you sit there, bemused. Tomura is staring at you, eyes blazing with fury. “My marks,” he says, and you nod. It occurs to you that this is the first time he’s seen the extent of your injuries. “How did he take them out?”
“One at a time. With a knife.” You try to make light of it, try to sound like it isn’t haunting you, like waking up in a hospital bed after it was all over didn’t scare you so badly that you had to be sedated. “Not my best Monday ever.”
“Don’t joke about it.” Tomura’s voice is hard. “He hurt you so much you wanted to die. I should have killed him slower. It should have taken exactly as long as this did.”
You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to cover up the worst of the wounds. The doctors who treated you had decent poker faces, but since you’ve gotten home, you’ve gone out of your way to avoid getting a good look at what happened. Tomura’s expression as he looks at you tells you everything you need to know about how bad it is. “I haven’t even had them for a week yet,” you say. Your voice sounds thin. “They won’t look like this forever.”
Tomura’s jaw clenches. “I don’t care what they look like. I care that they hurt.”
You don’t know what to say to that. You sit there numbly and Tomura watches you, clearly thinking something over but not doing it, whatever it is. “I can’t,” he starts frustrated. “I can’t do the thing I want to do anymore. When I wasn’t materialized I could –”
He makes a gesture, and suddenly you understand what he means. You crawl forward across the couch into his arms, and he wraps himself around you. It’s not like it was before. He can’t enfold you completely like he used to, fitting like a second skin. But now you’ve got something solid to lean against, someone who’s warm like you are, someone who maybe understands how you feel about this whole thing. Tomura’s hugs were always a little awkward, even when he was fully materialized. He didn’t understand what was comfortable and what wasn’t, why you’d be at ease in one position but not in another, and he’d complain when you tried to adjust. Tomura’s not complaining now. He adjusts with you, and once you’re settled, you try not to move too much. It’s weird. But it’s the kind of weird you can get used to.
“You smell nice,” Tomura says after a little while. He unwraps one arm from around you and sniffs his own armpit. Then he makes a face. “I smell weird.”
“You smell like the hospital,” you say. “We can fix that. Want to shower?”
Tomura gives you a suspicious look. “I’m not allowed in the bathroom while you’re in there.”
“That was before.” You think over the events of the last week. He’s already seen you naked. The two of you have had sex. He’s your boyfriend, and he’s human. Whatever objections you had, they aren’t valid anymore. “The rules still apply if either of us is using the toilet, but we can shower together. If you want. Do you want to?”
“Don’t be stupid,” Tomura says, which means yes. “I thought you’d never let me.”
There are a lot of things you thought would never happen, and a lot of them happened in the last week. You pull yourself out of Tomura’s arms reluctantly and lead him up the stairs.
You check over your wound care instructions and Tomura’s as he gets undressed. Everything looks about the same for both of you. You also take the opportunity to go over the list of known allergens the doctors gave you yesterday. Almost all your soaps and shower products meet the criteria already – low to no scent, hypoallergenic, no harsh chemicals. You set out an extra towel and an extra sponge and lay down a bath mat, then turn on the water.
Since you met Tomura you’ve been taking hot showers, but they can be hard on skin, and you don’t want Tomura to faint. You opt for warm water instead, take off your own clothes, and inspect your stitches for a moment before stepping into the shower. The spot Tomura elbowed by accident looks unhappy, but the coarse black stitches haven’t come undone. Seeing them makes you feel sick. You look away and step into the shower, leaving the door cracked for Tomura to follow you in.
There’s room for both of you inside, but it’s a close fit. You have a feeling that you and Tomura will be having a discussion about the impracticality of shower sex at some point in the future, but that’s not for today. You switch positions carefully with Tomura so that he’s under the majority of the spray and watch him startle as it patters against his skin. You wonder what he’s thinking.
You’ve spent a lot of time wondering what Tomura’s thinking since you met him, but it occurs to you that you can ask. “What’s going on up there?”
“It’s – so much. Loud. But not loud. It feels like – a lot.” Tomura’s hair is plastered to his face from the water. He pushes it out of his eyes. “I’m fine. I don’t want to get out.”
“We won’t get out,” you promise. “Take the time you need.”
He twists this way and that under the spray, working on getting used to it. He’s got stitches, too, all of them taken with the same coarse thread as yours. “Now what?”
You pick up a bottle of shampoo. The mild kind. “Put this in your hair and sort of scrub it around, then rinse it out,” you explain. Tomura brushes his hair out of his eyes again, looking vaguely skeptical. “Or I can do it for you.”
You should have known he’d answer like that. He’s got enough of a height advantage on you that you’re going to need him to sit down for this to work, and there are an awkward few minutes while the two of you get settled. You lean back against the wall, and Tomura leans back against your chest, head tipped forward. “Make sure you close your eyes,” you say. “This will sting if it gets in them.”
Tomura nods without looking up. You pour some shampoo into your hand and get to work.
His hair is tangled, like always. Worse than always, because he’s been materialized this entire time, and he hasn’t brushed it at all. You forget about washing his hair for a second in favor of detangling it, and Tomura slumps back against you. “You’re still doing that now that I’m here all the time? I thought you’d stop.”
“Do you want me to stop?”
“No,” Tomura says quickly. You return your attention to the knot you’re working through. “I thought it was just because I was a ghost.”
Huh. “What other things do you think I was only doing because you were a ghost?”
The answer, it turns out, is a lot of things. If Tomura had asked any of the other ghosts about them, he wouldn’t have had to worry, but they probably would have told him not to be stupid, which is probably why he didn’t ask. No wonder he was upset when you got back, if he thought he was losing so many things – sleeping on top of you, sitting on your lap, having his hair played with, being held. He names gesture after gesture as you untangle his hair, and you reassure him about each one.
Once you’ve worked through all the knots, you move on to washing Tomura’s hair in earnest. You don’t think you’re doing a very good job, but when your fingers slow their progress, Tomura complains in a voice that sounds distinctly sleepy. “Don’t. It’s nice.”
You add conditioner, too. Tomura probably won’t bother with it in the future, but you might as well give him soft hair while you can get away with it. Then you shake him out of relaxation and help him to his feet to wash off. He’s sort of floppy when he’s tired, and although you can already tell that it’ll annoy you sometimes, right now it’s just cute. There’s no way you’re telling him he’s cute. You hand him a sponge and some soap and put him in charge of washing his front. You’ll take care of his back.
The fight left Tomura beaten up all over, but his back took a lot of damage while he was caught between the living world and the world between, and it’s where the majority of his stitches are. Even looking at them upsets you. You can’t help but think that if you’d been faster to get to him, if you’d been stronger, if you’d called the others to help you instead of waiting for them to come on their own, he wouldn’t have spent so long trapped between worlds. He wouldn’t have been hurt like this. But that’s only the last set of mistakes you made. If you’d killed his conjurer like you meant to, he’d still be a ghost, and there’d be no marks on him at all.
“Hey.” Tomura glances over his shoulder at you, and you realize that your hands have gone still. You duck closer, hiding your face, and go back to washing, but Tomura’s not fooled. You keep forgetting, somehow, that he knows you as well as you know him. “Don’t make that face. You’re just a human. What were you supposed to do?”
“Kill him.” Your voice wavers. “So you could be human because you wanted to. Not because you didn’t have a choice.”
“Don’t be stupid,” Tomura says. He turns to face you, and when you don’t look up, his hand rises to hold your jaw and tilt it upward. “If I was just doing it to avoid going back, it wouldn’t have worked. I wanted to be like this.”
You know that, but – “I wish I hadn’t let you get hurt.”
“Yeah, and I wish I hadn’t let my conjurer torture you.” Tomura gives you a few seconds of protesting that characterization of events before he springs his trap. “See how dumb it sounds when I say it? It sounds dumber from you, since you’re the human and it wasn’t even your job. You told me the stupid plan the others had. You were never supposed to do it.”
He pauses for a moment. “I guess it would have worked if I’d been materialized, though. Dabi saw you stab him. He said it was kind of hot.”
Your mind goes sort of blank at the sheer weirdness of that statement. “And he’s still alive because?”
“I can kill him whenever I want to,” Tomura says. He turns away again, and you go back to washing off the unstitched parts of his skin, shaking your head in bemusement. “I bet it was really hot.”
Tomura thinks the fact that you ran his conjurer through with a fire poker is hot. That’s probably a good thing, because you’re not sorry you did it. You rest your forehead against the back of his neck for a second, resisting the urge to kiss him, and note that his pale skin is turning pink and flushed from the water. The water’s not that warm. You should probably get him out of here sooner rather than later. Inko warned you that newly embodied ghosts aren’t aware of the physical sensations that proceed things like throwing up or passing out, and you’d really prefer for Tomura not to faint in here.
Tomura complains about having to get out, but you remind him that showering is something humans have to do regularly and shoo him out anyway. You stay in a little longer to wash up, then step out into a mildly steamy bathroom. For a moment you’re cast back into the memory of the first time you saw Tomura face to face – in this bathroom, outlined by the steam, looking you up and down with a smile you couldn’t identify as creepy or not. Thinking about it now, you know it wasn’t creepy. He was proud of himself for figuring out how to make himself visible, proud that you could see him at last. Standing here more than a year later, it’s hard to believe how much has changed.
There are puddles of water down the hall on the way to the bedroom, evidence that while Tomura’s figured out showering, he hasn’t figured out drying off. When you step into your room, you find more evidence in the form of a pile of wet clothes discarded on the ground. Jin’s mom said that the ghosts have to learn by experience sometimes. You glance towards the bed and find Tomura sitting on it, dressed in a pair of pink sweatpants of unknown provenance and – “Um, is that my shirt?���
“Yeah.” Tomura gives you that dumbest-person-ever look. You’re not thrilled to see that it’s survived his embodiment. “It was right there. It fits.”
You buy your pajama shirts almost comically oversized, and Tomura’s not all that much taller than you. Something that’s huge on you is still pretty big on him. It fits, but it’s the principle of the thing. “Didn’t the others give you clothes?”
“Yeah. They didn’t smell right.” Tomura pulls the collar of the shirt up over his nose and mouth and breathes in. “This one smells like you.”
You were never into stealing your boyfriend’s hoodies, back when you had human boyfriends. You don’t love wearing other people’s clothes. But apparently there has to be at least one clothing thief in every relationship, and Tomura’s taken over the role. Tomura yawns so widely that his jaw pops, then recoils. “What was that? Why did I do that?”
“That’s a yawn. You’re tired.” You were thinking about street clothes, but just like you did the last time you and Tomura were in this room together, you opt for pajamas instead. “I could go for a nap, too.”
You climb into bed on your usual side, leaving the door cracked open for Phantom in case she comes up, and Tomura gets awkwardly into bed on the other side. “How do I do it?”
“Do what?”
Right – he’s spent the last week either in an induced coma or heavily sedated. He hasn’t had the chance yet to fall asleep naturally. “Get comfortable,” you say, and Tomura, semi-predictably, abandons his side of the bed in favor of getting in your personal space. “Now close your eyes. You’re tired, so I bet your eyelids feel kind of heavy, right? Let them close. Think about stuff if you want to think about it, or don’t think about anything. It’ll happen on its own.”
“That sounds too easy,” Tomura mumbles, half-asleep already. “Sometimes it takes you forever.”
“Sometimes it’s harder than others,” you admit. “It’s pretty easy right now. Just relax.”
Tomura mumbles something else, but you can feel the tension leaving his body, until he’s relaxed save for the icy thread of ghostly power running through him. It’s faint, but you have the sense that that’s illusory, at least a little bit. Tomura might be permanently embodied now, but he’s the most powerful of the embodied ghosts, and probably still the least human. He can’t dematerialize anymore and he needs to eat and sleep, but it feels likely that the effect of his powers on your daily life won’t change too much.
But you can figure that out later. Right now he’s asleep next to you, his red eyes closed, his lips parted slightly, warm and breathing and undeniably alive. The same kind of alive as you are, finally. For good.
You shift a little closer to him, and his arm wraps around you tightly. That’s fine with you. You close your eyes and fall asleep almost as fast as he did.
When you wake up, it’s to the sound of your phone buzzing, startling you out of a nightmare. You have all kinds of material for nightmares now, and your subconscious has been mixing and matching it in increasingly horrible combinations for the last few nights – or afternoons, since you can tell by the light coming through the window that sunset is a ways off. You reach for your phone, desperate for a distraction, and Tomura’s arms tighten around you. He sounds like he’s mostly asleep when he speaks. “No.”
“I’m not leaving,” you say. You get ahold of your phone and flip it to silent before reading the texts. They’re from Shinsou.
Shinsou: are u guys coming or not
Shinsou: everybody else is
Shinsou: Eri says you have to or she’ll cry
Shinsou: she says Tomura promised
She mentioned something about that earlier. You shake Tomura’s shoulder. “Did you promise Eri you’d come to the party?”
“No.” There’s a pause. “She wouldn’t leave until I said yes.”
Great. “How much do you care about making her cry?”
“I don’t care,” Tomura mumbles. You wait. “She backed me up in the fight. I owe her.”
“So we have to go,” you realize. The idea is less upsetting to you now than it was when you first heard about it, namely because you just had a nightmare and you don’t want to go back to bed. You text Shinsou back. Your dad said it’s a costume party. Do we have to have costumes?
Yeah. Shinsou sends a shrugging emoji. Not serious ones. One of my dads is going all out and the other one just has cat ears on.
Aizawa can get away with just cat ears – he’s the one hosting the party. You and Tomura are going to have to come up with something a little better. Shinsou texts again. It starts in an hour. Be there. You really don’t want Eri to cry.
You’d feel really bad making Eri cry, especially now that you remember her helping Tomura during the fight – and saving your life just beforehand. You start to sit up, and Tomura drags you back down. “No. I like sleeping. I want to sleep.”
“Humans sleep every night,” you remind him. “You can go back to sleep later. Right now we have to go to a party.”
It takes a while to drag Tomura out of bed – twenty minutes at least, leaving you with forty minutes to come up with some kind of costume. You get in your own way a little bit when you realize how cute Tomura looks with bedhead, then order yourself to pull it together. Tomura can’t shadow you as closely as he did when he could dematerialize, but he still gives it his best shot, and you two end up colliding and tripping on each other – and on Phantom – way more than is actually necessary. After ransacking your house for costume ideas and coming up with nothing, you finally turn to Google for help.
Tomura reads over your shoulder. “These are dumb. I thought Halloween was supposed to be scary.”
“It is,” you say. You decide to get into the part of Halloween that’s supposed to be sexy later – later, as in next year. Or never. “This is the wrong neighborhood for scary, though. No matter what I dress up as, I won’t be scarier than everybody else who lives here.”
And that’s when it clicks for you, oddly enough – it clicks, and you can’t help but laugh. The perfect low-effort Halloween costume. How did you not think of it before? Tomura eyes you suspiciously. “Why are you laughing?”
“I have an idea. It might get us kicked out.”
“If we get kicked out, we can come back and go to sleep again,” Tomura says. Introducing Tomura to the concept of naptime may have been a mistake. “What is it?”
You head for the stairs, and the linen closet. “You’ll see.”
It takes you approximately two seconds to assemble the first costume, and once you do, you show Tomura. It occurs to you way too late that he might think it’s offensive. But once he realizes what you are, he cracks up laughing – then wincing, as the laughter strains the stitches on his back. “They’re going to hate it,” he says. “I bet they won’t even let us in.”
“If they don’t let us in, then we get to go home right away.” You gesture at the linen closet. “Pick your poison.”
It takes you a few more minutes to leave, mostly because Tomura insists on bringing Phantom, and Phantom needs a costume, too. She’s a lot less into her costume than you and Tomura are. She keeps wiggling out of it, and while Tomura tries to lure her back under the sheet, you peer out the front window. The street still looks like hell. Everybody’s houses are still at least partially wrecked. If you drove past this neighborhood, not knowing anything about who lives here and why this happened, you’d avoid it like the plague.
You watch as Keigo and Dabi and Natsu leave their house. Natsu looks like he’s wearing normal clothes, but Keigo has a fake halo and Dabi has a pair of devil horns on. It occurs to you that Dabi might be the only other person in the neighborhood who thinks your costume is funny.
“I got her to wear it,” Tomura says, and you turn to look. There’s Phantom, wearing a flower-patterned pillowcase with holes cut out for her ears, eyes, and nose – and there’s Tomura, wearing a grey sheet over her head with holes cut out so he can see. “I think she’s mad at me.”
“She’s not mad,” you say. You’re pretty sure she’ll forgive you both when she realizes you’re headed over to Aizawa’s house. Shinsou is probably her favorite person other than Tomura. “You look pretty.”
Tomura gives you a once-over. Your sheet is lavender, and you accessorized with a pair of reading glasses you accidentally stole from Mr. Yagi’s office and never gave back. “Cute,” he decides. “The sooner they kick us out, the sooner we can come back.”
He heads for the door, opens it, and steps outside. You gather up Phantom’s leash and follow him onto the porch. When you turn to lock the door, Tomura stops you. His eyes crinkle at the corners, the way they do when he’s smiling creepily on purpose. “Don’t bother,” he says. “This neighborhood is still mine.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” You tuck your keys back into your pocket and make your way down the front steps, to the front gate, and out onto the sidewalk. It’s not until you hear the gate’s hinges creak open again that you realize Tomura hasn’t followed you. You turn back. “Tomura?”
Tomura’s hesitating on the far side of the property line. You can’t figure out why. He’s left before. He was away from the house for five days – but not by choice. The ambulance took him away and the other ghosts brought him back, but in all the time since he was summoned, Tomura’s never left the property of his own free will. You hold out the hand that isn’t grasping Phantom’s leash, and he comes closer to take it. His hand is warm.
Warm, and a little sweaty. He’s nervous. “We don’t have to go to this thing,” you tell him. “You just got home today. It’s a lot. If you’d rather stay home, we can.”
“You want to go.”
“I think it might be fun.” Mostly you want to see what Hizashi does when you roll up to his party dressed like the world’s most stereotypical, low-budget ghost. “But I still like it’s best when it’s just us. If you don’t want to go, we won’t. I’m not leaving you.”
“Because you love me,” Tomura says, almost hesitantly. You nod. “I love you, too.”
It’s a good thing you’ve got the sheet on. You’re not sure you want Tomura to see the goofy smile you’re wearing. Tomura raises his free hand and touches your mouth through the sheet, feeling along the curve of it until you dare to kiss the tips of his fingers. He startles, and you remember the touch sensitivity. It’s fine when he’s the one initiating contact, since he’s the one who decides what he can handle, but you need to be careful. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be stupid,” Tomura says. He kisses you.
It’s not a great kiss, given that there are two layers of cotton between your mouth and his, but you’ll take it. You’ve always been willing to take what you can get from Tomura, and you’ve gotten more than you ever expected. It came at a price, sure. You’ll be paying that price in one way and another for the rest of your life, but it’s worth it. It would be worth it if Tomura never crossed the property line again.
But Tomura draws away from you without letting go of your hand and steps forward. You step back to give him space, and watch as he sets one foot over the line and onto the sidewalk, and then the other. And all at once, for the first time in a hundred and ten years, there’s nothing wrong with your house at all.
The End
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floette777 · 2 months
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Nickname: Nunya (Why is her nickname Nunya? It's Nunya your business😏)
Real name : Lakisha
Age 35 born in America in 1961 died from house fire in 1996
Personally: she is a scary and angry mama bear that will slash others with her claws or with her physical strength she crushed you or threw you far away with her big bear arms if annoyed but she wasn't like this when she was human. Nunya was an sweet hard working woman who is a mother of 2 boys who likes to sing with her kids but after that tragic event she lost that part of herself.
If someone tells the demons that Nunya used to be a sweet woman and also sings a lot when she's human they think you're joking.
She however still has that motherly instinct in her by adoption Xoxa and Dinky, At least there is some of her old human self in there.
Backstory: "warning for murder"
When Lakisha is alive she was an single Mother raising 2 boys age 5 and age 9. She divorced her ex-husband after she caught him cheating on her with a woman he worked with. Her ex is still around to pay child support.. well until he gets sick of paying child support and plans on murder her & the kids by strangling and stabbing them with his girlfriend and setting the house on fire to make it a fire accident.
While they were setting the house on fire Nunya woke up from unconscious but loses it after seeing her sons deceased. In blind rage she grabs a butcher knife and stab them but while continuing attacking them in blind rage the burning house ceiling collapses on both of them ending her life.
While her kids end up in heaven she didn't get to see them after Nunya was sent to hell by Adam after punching him for being a pervert by slapping her behind. Now she is here in hell enraged and sad but was covered up from so much rage she wreaks havoc on the city by slashing demons and building with her butcher knife like claws until she calmed down with her rage turned into depression.
Later during her walk of depression missing her kids and cursing Adam's name she met an old looking rat demon who is an butcher named Gregory who is impressed by her cutting skills asking to work on his store if she does he'll help her get an apartment to stay. Knowing she has nowhere to go she accepts and takes the job working as a butcher in the cannibal town.
Surprisingly her life is somewhat peaceful ironically in the town full of cannibals thankfully her being great at her job being a butcher after getting used to cutting questionable meats and the way she dress helps her avoid being food to the cannibal folks. Her time there is okay until she makes an enemy with a curtain deer demon plus with some overlords mostly the pimp moth who wouldn't leave her alone ruins it.
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Nickname: Xoxa the scorpion demon (Reason? She named herself thinking it's a good name for a poisonous demon like herself)
Xoxa is a 7 year old girl who is adopted by Nunya. Before she met Nunya shockingly she wasn't a hellborn she was a sinner. Surprisingly knowing how extremely rare a child her age sent there. Her real name is Summer. She was born in America, Lived in 1999 and died in 2006.
Personality: A sweet little girl who likes to draw, loves eating candy and help Nunya with chores. She is like an angel who is loveable and kind to everyone she see- *pfft* As if. Xoxa is a mischievous kid who causes trouble to people she doesn't like and is annoyingly known to pop up randomly listen to people's conversation then ask Nunya things she shouldn't have listened to also knowing how mischievous she is she used it in her advantage to get people in trouble but will stay silent if you pay her with candy.
She is a sweet kid but if someone is mean to her , her adoptive mother Nunya or her little baby brother Dinky she will stung them with the pointer of her tail while smile innocently at them when the poison takes effect. Her poison is very dangerous unless you're an strong demon or you're a poisonous demon as well you can survive it. There is an antidote for her poison , Nunya has it... Unless she stung you while Nunya isn't anywhere close by then you're doomed.
Thankfully Nunya is not comfortable with pointless murder scolded her not to stab others but only do it in self defense. So she rarely stung others... Well when she not caught that is.
Backstory: (warning mentions on incest , child neglect and bullying)
Xoxa when she is human she is a small girl living in the small town who has a horrible home life and gets bullied by kids and adults. Why? She was born from an unplanned pregnancy from siblings incest (gross I know)
Her mother quickly uncaring gave her the name Summer since she was born on July 18 in the summer seasons just to get this over with.
Poor Xoxa/Summer was an outcast because of it and her family isn't great either seeing her nothing but a roach in their eyes ruin their family's reputation. Her parents wish she was never born so their secret relationship wouldn't be discovered.
Because of the continuing mistreatment and bullying her mental state becoming worse she snaps. During the town food festival she sneakily puts different kinds of poisons in every food she possible can causing so many people who wrong her get poison causing chaos in the town when citizens see other dead left and right from the poison.
Later that night she stole very poisonous scorpions from their neighbor's home who is a Scorpion breeder and not home helping out the issue of the food festival . She made them aggressive and dumped them everywhere in her family's house and some on the sleeping family to get them stung by the scorpion. While she is watching her family overcome by the poison her with a smile on her face one of the scorpions stung her causing her to get paralyzed, Because she is a child the poison didn't take long to end her life.
Her lack of regrets about what she did and trauma caused her to blindly attack after seeing one of the bullies made it in heaven. They have no choice but to send her to hell.
Thanks to the survival instincts when she is alive. Xoxa is able to survive long by stealing by stinging demons with her poisonous tail, It didn't kill them immediately but caused the demon body to paralyzed enough for her to pick pocket them.
But only to lower class demons she is successful to steal from them, Xoxa is still a kid. When she tried it on a stronger demon she almost didn't survive that encounter thankfully to her small size with her speed she was able to escape.
She struggles for a while to survive since lower demons rarely alone make it impossible for her to steal until one of the demons spotted her and called the group to attack her. While being attacked Xoxa was lucky safe by Nunya who was in her walk to the store seeing her getting attacked.
After Nunya dealing with the demons she has been taken in by Nunya. Because of Nunya being motherly to her that is something she doesn't have when she is alive from her real mother. She was weird out by her actions but until she talked about her past to Nunya the Nunya accepting her past and still wants adopting her made her start to enjoy the motherly attentions she lacks in her childhood.
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Name: Dinky (Reason? Blame Alastor )
A baby puppy boy who is umm a hellhound???
Age: unknown since there is no information where Dinky came from but he ls more likely around 6 months old.
Personality: Dinky is a typical baby, likes to giggle , play , eat , put his mouth on anything he can grab and listen to music while sleeping even sleep in nosy environment plus explosions. The funny thing is Dinky doesn't like complete silence while sleeping. To him he thinks silence means no one's around and gets upset by crying/whimpering loudly.
When Dinky likes or is curious by someone He is known to follow them around by crawling. Don't even think walking faster away from him will help this baby can still catch up to you, Alastor has to teleport to get away from Dinky.
Dinky was found in the pile of trash by Xoxa from hearing his cry then she quickly went to get Nunya and was able to save him. Nunya going around tries to get information on who is doing something so very despicable of throwing a baby in the trash so she can slash them but no one has ever seen him before or ever heard of a hellhound part of this city.
So she adopted him, Nunya decided to let Xoxa name her new baby brother since she is the reason he was save.
While Xoxa is thinking of the name Nunya left to go to the backroom of the shop to help Gregory restock heavy meats. Moments later Alastor came in to buy some meat until he saw Xoxa with the baby in the scroller looking back at him with curious eyes.
Disgust to discovers that the baby is a dog but still asks what she is doing with a baby. Xoxa being suspicious of him knowing how meanie he is to their momma still tells him she was thinking of a name for her baby brother.
Alastor has an evil idea to get revenge on Nunya saying she should name him Dinky. Xoxa looks at him suspicious until Alastor explains about the D for him being a dog and inky for him being pink. Xoxa enjoys the clever name then takes it but Alastor wants her to not tell her mother knowing how much she dislikes him while Xoxa not liking to lie to Mom but agrees not to tell after her baby brother name is official in papers.
Later Nunya returns while glaring suspiciously at Alastor but begrudgingly orders his meat so he can leave. After that Xoxa told her the name meaning that Nunya approved of it. After making Dinky's name official in legal papers Xoxa then tells her the truth.
Nunya understandably upset that Xoxa lied and scolded her but was more angry at Alastor manipulate Xoxa. But she paused realizing that Alastor named Dinky, She immediately asked well demand the worker to let her use the computer to web search the name. Let's just say after discovering what the name means it's on slashing site when she sees Alastor again.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Building off your argument that Ted isn't going to go back to Kansas, he was constantly correcting his mother this episode with regards to British terms. Where before he was the outsider who didn't understand Britishisms, now he is the native who uses the terms instinctively to the point where he gets annoyed when they're used wrong. Sounds like he's acclimatized to England.
Yes!!! I was thinking that a couple weeks back too when Ted first uses "football" instinctively and then comments on how natural it's become. He's reached a point where he's both using that terminology as a matter of course ("Some of us have a football team to coach!") as well as teaching others (here's how the dials on the oven work). (Sidenote: I'm not sure what to do with Dottie's tea comment yet. Not even sure atm whether I read it as sincere or sarcastic, but regardless, I think it's a potentially useful detail next to Ted willingly drinking tea in "Sunflowers." That was another version of acclimation on his part.) Now, combine this verbal/dietary acclimation with our opening where every previously negative interaction Ted had with the community has been flipped to show that they now adore him -- seen most strikingly through the "wanker" guy and, throughout this season, the pub trio supporting him at training -- and if they do send Ted back to Kansas it's really going to read as that Mary Poppins situation of, "He arrives to brighten everyone else's lives and then leaves. Why do you care what he needs? He's just a narrative tool."
To further add to this I can't help but think about the long-term structure of Ted's life now that we know Beard's backstory. We're told that, like his time here in Richmond, Ted helped Beard, forgave him, gave him another chance, and ultimately gave him a life. If we look at Beard's situation as a microcosm of the whole show, it seems significant that Ted does not leave Beard behind. That was not a situation -- a situation we're worried about getting now -- where Ted played the part of emotional coach and then sent Beard on his way, far from him as he's no longer needed. Instead, we get the opposite. Beard becomes his best friend, a staple of his life, and continues to help Ted in turn. By waiting until the penultimate episode to reveal the roots of Beard's loyalty, the show has ensured that the focus is on their equal standing and how Beard has likewise benefited Ted over the years: helping him see that wanting to win isn't a bad thing, trying to provide support through his anxiety, recognizing Ted's tells and informing their new community of what to look for (Nate, during the divorce arc: "Is he okay?" Beard: "No!") Beard could have been a minor, flatter character who popped out of the woodwork just to say, "Ted Lasso changed my life for the better, extraordinarily so, and he is The Best Man anyone could ever meet" (which, frankly, would have made Ted a flatter character too) and then gone on his way, having succeeded in the narrative function of reminding the viewer that this is Ted's sole role in the story: coaching others to be their best selves while pushing his own needs aside.
Instead, Beard becomes the cornerstone of Ted's support system. Ted doesn't leave him behind, he permanently integrates him into his life.
What's a microcosm of this microcosm? Ted Lasso does the same thing with Trent. Does he go off into the writing world once Ted helps him realize what he truly wants in life, his story concluded, never to be seen again? To quote Beard, "No!" Trent comes back and, significantly, Ted doesn't pull any metaphorical Mary Poppins arguments along the lines of, "I'm done all I can for you. It's time for you to move on." He eagerly invites Trent into their Richmond circle when no one else will (I'm currently working on a meta of Trent's first scene of Season 3 because OH BOY IS THERE A LOT) and Trent stays, not simply writing his book but becoming a member of the family. Surely there's a pattern here: The people Ted helps don't leave him, but rather become core additions to his life that enrich his own outlook and understanding of himself.
I'm not saying I'm going to toss Ted Lasso in the bin if we get the Kansas ending, but I AM saying you all will have to suffer through a dissertation length meta on my blog about why that was a bad choice lol
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year
okay but- cowboy!reader having like a lot of scars bc no self preservation y'know. i feel like he'd cover some of them up with tattoos but some are just too delicate. im just imaginin' the team of seeing like a sleeve of them for the first time or maybe he has a lot on his back and everyone just wants to know what they mean and when the heck he got all of them and yeah. also my poor boy you're really runnin him through it
- 🦦
Description: scar reveal
Warnings: scars, abusive backstory
A/n: I know, I kinda feel bad but also there's so much more to come for him and I some of it (if I decide to post it) is really harsh and it will just shatter him bless him but again idk if I'm gonna post it so we'll see aha!
Taglist: @xweirdo101x @xdark-acadamiax @ara-a-bird @heidss @chubbyboyinflannel @pendragon-writes @migwayne @bigolgay @technikerin23 @supercriminalbean @honestlycasualarcade @caffeine-mess @1s3v3n1 @oddmiles @kevyeen @stealing-kneecaps @criminalskies @woodandwaxwings @wizardmon3 @aphroditeslovr @ducks118 @azeal-peal @13thdoctor-run @introvertpan84
You didn't really think about the scars most of the time. Sure, some of the bad ones haunted you at night, or with raised voices, but they weren't bad. Most of them didn't hurt anymore. Some of them did, emotionally, anyway. These ones you got covered with things you loved. The butterfly, for example, sat on your chest, a small Palos Verdes Blue Butterfly for JJ. Big enough to cover a particularly painful scar without drawing attention. Meaningful enough that it made you feel warm inside when you saw it, rather than the dread and fear that used to build up when seeing the scar.
Some, however, you couldn't cover. Most days, you forgot they existed. Others, they were all you could think about.
The bad ones, that is. Not the ones you got from falling out of a tree at the age of seven, or off a horse at sixteen. No. The ones you got when you pissed your foster parents off enough for them to create a permanent reminder.
The ones on your back bothered you. You didn't like that it was a part of your body that everyone but you could see. They would witness some of your worst memories laid out in front of them, some of which you had never even seen.
The ones on your arms were mostly covered, at least the ones on your upper arms and shoulders. They were easy to cover. The forearms you struggled to cover, not that there were many here, that would have been too visible.
Not all of these scars were linked with sadness. Some were happy. Some were from you being reckless (like daring your older brother that you could jump from the treehouse and land on your feet unharmed - you broke your arm. You were seventeen.). Some were from clumsiness growing up (tripping over the corner of a rug when running to watch the football with your brothers). All in all, they told your life story, from the scared little boy to the rebellious teen to the loved young man to the brave man that stood up for those that need it.
So yes, it made you feel vulnerable at times, but most of the time? Most of the time it made you happy to be alive. To be the person you were today.
You knew the team had already seen your tattoos, from a slight distance. They either hadn't seen the scars, or had decided not to ask about them. Either way, you weren't going to complain. You'd tell them or they'd ask eventually.
It was JJ who noticed first, the pair of you sat in the roundtable room, everyone else had gone home. She had gently brushed over a scar on your arm with a curious look. "I got that from trippin' over a rug to watch football," You said, giving a small smile. Her hand moved to one just below it, "Fallin' off a horse," She fingers traced the next scar mid way up your arm, the curious look turning to worry when you tense.
"Does it hurt?" It looked painful, still raised after years.
You shake your head, "Not anymore." You said truthfully, "They used to. Now they're just there, constantly reminding me."
"Except for the ones you cover,"
"Except for the ones I cover." You corrected yourself. Your eyes darted back down to the scar she was tracing. A particularly painful memory. You looked back up, giving a shy smile, "I really do love you, you know."
"I should hope so," She smirked, "We have been dating for over six months now."
"It never gets old, hearing you say that." You answer.
"Good, because I don't plan on stopping any time soon," She winks, gently pressing her lips to yours.
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mythicalartistx · 11 months
KH Japanese Translations Part 6
Part 5
Series where I discuss fantranslations and this time it's on Vanitas
Ever since seeing Vanitas backstory in the novels I became more interested in him, I already loved him as a character but the novels really increased that. So I'm going to look at some of the fantranslated kh3 scenes
Everyone knows how the translations can be off, now translations aren't perfect in general but its kinda odd when there are entirely new meanings or censored in the localization.
I'm glad I looked up translations for his death because it's so much more. It's more about freedom to choose and it's not even about darkness that much.
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Sora: That face is—
Vanitas: I am Ventus' missing piece. You made up for the missing part of Ventus' heart. That's why my appearance came from you. I am made from you both, Ventus and Sora. We're brothers who make up for what the other lacks.
Sora: If you think that, why are you fighting us? We should be working together
Vanitas: It's my reason for being born. It is because I am darkness, that you both belong to the light, able to exist there. If that isn't 'working together' I don't know what is.
Sora: But I never—
Ventus: But I never asked for that.
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Ventus: There's no need to divide which one is the light and which one is the darkness. I am me and you are you, just live freely the way we want.
Vanitas: Freedom? Ah, I am living freely... like this.
Ventus: Is living trapped in darkness freedom to you?
Vanitas: That's the way I chose to live
Ventus: I see
Sora: Is that really okay? Vanitas!
And it's just great, it's bittersweet. I like it a lot more. It shows that Vanitas decides to be trapped with darkness and is working with them so they could live and exist in the light. And it makes me wonder if he wasn't, would Sora and Ventus be unable to exist or live in the light. That's just something. All three of them affect the others. And these FT explains the appearance better and how they relate to the other.
I spent time looking at fan translations through various websites, people's comments, old posts, YouTube videos comments— and especially content relating to SR because those are the people who tend to care more.
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Sora: Your face!
Vanitas: I am the piece of Ventus that was taken away. And you're the piece Ventus needed to be whole again. So why shouldn't you and I look exactly the same? You define me Sora, the same way Ventus does. We are brothers who together, make a greater whole.
Sora: Then why don't you stand by our side instead with darkness?
Vanitas: Because I am darkness. And I do stand by your side. I'm the shadow that you cast. How much closer could I be?
Sora: But I didn't —
Ventus: But I didn't ask for this. To be sifted apart nice and neat. We should be free to choose. Not just light, not just darkness. We decide what we are.
Vanitas: But Ventus, I did decide who I am. You see?
Ventus: And what you are is darkness ?
Vanitas: What I am is darkness
Ventus: Okay
Sora: How is that okay? Vanitas?
And there's differences and it's honestly moreso the whole concept about freedom to choose is left out. The official translation focuses on darkness and him being darkness because that's what he is when it's honestly not just that. I feel like he's more than just darkness but that's my take. The JPN also explains how Vanitas appearance is better and the separation between Ven and Vanitas as well was stated better as well.
And I bring it up because I once was talking about how I thought the ships were odd because he calls them his brothers and someone mentioned that it was just an English translation thing, people can ship whatever they want I'm not here to stop that but does that mean the person say something incorrect?
Now I'm going through the monster's inc where Vanitas realizes where Ven is and he says this line.
Vanitas: Ventus! So you were hiding in such a place all along, remnant of my heart.
Vanitas: Ventus. What a strange place to slither off to... you insignificant speck
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Now I want to point out how the phrasing in such a place is said as an insult. It is stated that somewhere like that is worthless as if Sora is worthless. Then he insults him by saying you are little of his heart. Like he isn't worth much. The changes here make sense and it kinda flows better. Like insignificant speck is an insult that clearly from the way the original statement was said.
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Final Words:
As much as it would be interesting to have Roxas also there, it wouldn't really fit. The only relation he has to Vanitas is through Sora by looking the same as Ventus. Roxas is a great character but for that scene in particular it made sense that he wasn't present. Now it be cool if we got a reaction to seeing him in another scene.
Sora is the one that helped both Ven and Vanitas. He saved both of their hearts. Vanitas gained his form and appearance by Sora ability to connect with them. Sora saved Ven's heart from being destroyed and Vanitas—a being that was with Ven so long merged with his heart that when he was taken out it affected Ven. This is stated in re: mind, speaking of remind someone said something that I honestly think is interesting:
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Post Notes:
I once heard that Vanitas referring to them as brothers was only a localization thing so I wanted to look into that, but I couldn't find anything through all the sources I used. I even listen to jpn audio and he still says kyōdai which means brother. Not sure why someone once said that
And I bring it up because It was about how I thought the ships were odd because he calls them his brothers and someone mentioned that it was just an English translation thing, and they aren't like that in the JPN version people can ship whatever they want I'm not here to stop that but it seems like they still do so why did that person say it?
Unless they're referring the the remind scene when Ven is like we're not brothers we're the same but Vanitas tells him you're naïve for believing that I've been with you for a long time and is another being entirely. But that's all the English version and I didn't really look at any translations for that scene... If anyone does know more about that scene....
Also Vanitas is my second favorite character now 😌
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Bonded Pair (Pt.2) - OCxGhost Backstory.
|| [<- Part One] || [Part Three ->] ||
pairing: COD OC!Victoria "Whiskey" Callahan x Simon "Ghost" Riley words: 0.9K~ cw: canon Ghost backstory (torture, injuries), OC backstory (injury)
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Soap got airlifted out in the middle of the night, after having walked a few miles in pitch darkness until the exfil location.
And although Ghost didn't hear it, he knows Laswell reamed out Whiskey for sending Soap packing.
Without Soap around, however, it meant they could get better sleeping shifts working.
As she woke up at 0200 on Day 5, she turned on her PTT. “I'm up…” She announced while rubbing her eyes.
Ghost had had nothing but time to think while she slept. 
When she wasn't dealing with Soap, Whiskey seemed like a good soldier. Smart, observant, professional, her head was always cool, her words calm and collected.
She was a strange one. He got some type of feeling of deja vu as they worked. Like looking in a mirror.
He had even called out to Laswell and asked for a bit more info on her, when, normally, he never would for anyone else.
“Morning, Sleepin’ Beauty.” He greeted.
“It's not morning yet. And don't call me Sleeping Beauty, or else I'll call you Grim Reaper.” She replied. Her voice was a bit raspy now that she had just woken up.
“It's morning enough…” Ghost retorted. He moved his binoculars in the direction of her camp, noticing her moving about in the dark through the night vision settings.
“Any movement?”
“Neg. Been peaceful.”
“Okay… Well, let me know when you want to sleep.”
“Rog.” There was a pause. Then, Ghost spoke again. “You seem much more relaxed without Soap here.” 
“I'm not a talker.”
“I've noticed.”
“You aren't either.”
“No, I'm not.”
“Then, this will make this mission easier. We can just stay quiet for the next two and a half weeks.”
“That we can.”
Day 5: 1800
Other than what they had to, to do their jobs, they stayed true to their word. They didn't speak again… 
For a total of 12 hours.
But then there was some type of… itch in Simon. He wanted to talk. He wanted to hear her.
“So what are you eating?” Ghost found himself asking while his plastic fork stirred his MRE.
“It's a… Mexican-style MRE. Has beans and cheddar cheese or something.” Whiskey replied. “It's the only one I actually don't mind eating. The others are disgusting.”
Through his binoculars, he could see her. And she could see him, if she peeked through hers He wondered if she was looking at him too or still focused on the job.
“You don't eat them for the taste-”
“I know you don't. I'm just saying.”
“Sounds better than mine, though.”
“What’s yours?”
“Some type of pasta thing.”
“Not bad.”
Day 5: 2000
“So, you and Johnny's girl…”
“How long have you been friends?”
“Five years now.”
“Not bad.”
“That feels like a dig at my social skills.”
“It was. But I'm the same way. No offence.”
“None taken.”
“So, you didn't meet Johnny until now?”
“Nope. But heard plenty about him.”
“So what did he do?”
“Can't tell you.”
Day 6: 1300
“How long have you served?”
“9 years now. You?”
“15? How fucking old are you?”
“You joined at………. 16?”
“Interesting. Didn't know the UK let kids do that.”
“With parental permission.”
“I figured as much.”
“How old are you?”
“28, 29 this year.”
Day 8: 0200
“How was your sleep?”
“As in… bad?”
“Good to know.”
“Any changes?”
“None so far.”
“I don't like how quiet it is.”
“Neither do I.”
Day 11: 1200
“How'd you meet Laswell?”
“Being the only female Navy SEAL brings a lot of attention to me. You?”
“My Captain.”
“Right. Price?”
“You met him?”
“Worked with him last year.”
“What’d you think of him?”
“Eh… He was efficient. All in all have worked with less capable officers.”
“Don't trust him?”
“Don't distrust him. But that means nothing to me.”
“Same here.”
“He's your Captain, though.”
“And? People you know can hurt you the most.”
Day 14: 1630
“Where are you from?”
“North of England.”
“More specific?”
“Manchester. You?”
“Explains the accent.”
Day 15: 0930
“Why the Navy?”
“It was either that or the Marines… and didn't get accepted into the Marines.”
“Why not?”
“My father was one. Pulled strings.”
“Trying to protect you?”
“Probably. Either way, I've been swimming since I was a girl. Navy made sense too.”
“I see.”
“Why the Army?”
“It was either that or construction.”
“Ah… not a lot of prospects.”
Day 17: 0045
“Why the mask?”
“Same as you. Bad job, bad people. Don't want to bare it out.”
“Yeah, but a skull? A real one at that?”
“You know it's real?”
“Of course I do.”
“Memory of a past life.”
“I see. Well, it looks terrifying.”
“Thank you. ‘s what I was going for.”
Day 19: 0350
“What's the worse scar I've got? I don't know. Have ‘em all over.”
“Gotta have a particularly nasty one, c'mon.”
“On my ribs, then. Big ugly fucker.”
“That's what I'm talking about. I’ve got a bad scar across the face. But my legs are worse.”
“Your legs?”
“Took a napalm bath.”
“Fuckin’ hell. And I thought mine were bad.”
“Hung from a meat hook by the ribs.”
“Ouch. Are your organs okay?”
“They are now. Are your legs okay?”
“They are now.”
It was on Day 23, that stuff picked up the pace. The target was suddenly on the move and Ghost's voice rang out through the PTT to wake Whiskey up.
They contacted Watcher, packed up their nests and took off on foot to the helo to trail the HVT and intercept him.
Then, they split ways. Ghost reconvened with TF141 for the next part of the mission, and Whiskey took off to Algeria for her next assignment.
They parted ways with a look, the first of many to come, and a light fist bump.
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void-ink-studios · 10 months
Letters From HR
It literally took one comment on AO3 to get the hamsters in my brain running y'all.
More Scarab backstory, some of the fallout from the Gala, and a bit more worldbuilding for the pantheon! And of course, more couple nonsense from these two dorks.
Word Count: 3,300
Scarab had been expecting the pile of paperwork to suddenly appear in the center of the Time Room. The Organizer had told them to expect it.
Well, maybe he wasn't expecting the stack to nearly reach the ceiling. Prismo didn't look happy to say the least.
"Aw man, really? Homework? Why's the stack so high?"
"Prismo, it wouldn't be much of a punishment if it were easy."
"Scrabby. Dude. Looking at this stack makes me want to throw up."
Scarab sighed, face palming. "Come on, the sooner we start this, the sooner we'll be done with it. I don't particularly want to be back in the Organizer's office."
Prismo groaned dramatically. "What if someone comes in here for a wish?"
"I'll take over the paperwork if a wish maker comes in here. But until then, you're helping. If we both work on it, it'll be done in no time."
"Fiiiiiine" he whined.
Scarab rolled his eyes, amused, as he divided the stack in half. He found with them a list of instructions and things to check.
"Okay, so, the folders are the information we're meant to reference... and the lose papers are what we're checking. We're just filling out any missing information we can find." The beetle could see Prismo's light fading from his eyes the longer he spoke. "Think of it like a game. A scavenger hunt. Whatever you need to get it done."
And so, they set off, pens and stamps being the only noise, sometime joined by Prismo's attempt at improvising a song or occasional comment on the papers.
"Heh, Scarab, did you know the Flame Keepers apparently request brunch every month? Man, didn't think one of the Higher Ups would have to deal with stuff like this."
Scarab gave an amused chirp as he finished another set.
"Well, that is the Organizer's job. She is meant to sort through any and all requests, schedules, gatherings, complaints, and changes that happen around here."
"Woah. Sounds like a lot. Makes me wonder why she bothered to speak with us in person."
"She's always busy. Very busy. But, she's the expert in multitasking. It's equal parts admirable and unsettling to watch."
Prismo hummed as he continued working. "You say that like you've seen it a bunch."
"Well, I kind of did, a long time ago."
Scarab continued on as if he didn't just drop a bomb on Prismo, who nearly dropped his pen.
"You? What were you doing to get in her office so often that you're familiar with her workflow? Some bad-boy backstory I don't know about?"
Scarab sighed, pondering if he'd answer for a moment.
"I was not a "bad-boy" as you suggest. I was an intern, once upon a time, you know. Not all of us can make a statement by accidentally teleporting into the Judgement Hall."
"Woah. And you interned with the Organizer?"
"She was the only one willing to do so. Orbo certainly wasn't going to, after I embarrassed him in front of the Judge. No one knew what to make of me. So, she volunteered to help my transition into godhood."
"Woah" Prismo whispered, and Scarab couldn't help but smile at the incoming onslaught of questions he was sure to get.
"What was... working with her like? I hear she's scary as heck."
"She can be... intense when she needs to be. But it is the nature of her work. She is the administrator of the multiverse, after all. But, if you submit your forms on time and read the directions, she's pretty reasonable."
Scarab thought back to those early days... when he was still just a little beetle, only freshly introduced to the world of gods and their nonsense politics. He felt so tiny then... Like anyone he walked past could and would step on him if doing so carried no consequences.
"U-Uhm... Hello? Is this the Organizer's office..?"
"Who's asking?"
"Scarab, ma'am. I was told to report here... A-Am I in the right room? This whole place is much... larger than the mounds back home."
There was a soft, almost chuckle, echoing through the room.
"Yes, you're in the right room. Come. Sit, Scarab. We have much to discuss."
The tiny beetle did so, tapping his claws together, his wings fluttering nervously.
"You made quite the impression on us, Scarab. It's not everyday a mortal manages to defeat a cosmic threat in single combat."
Scarab caught himself staring dumbly at the entity in front of him. He was unsure what to focus on. There were many eyes focused on him, but countless more floating around the office, and even more arms constantly moving behind her.
"Is something the matter, Scarab?"
He blinked, shaking his head. "N-No ma'am. But... forgive me if this is rude but I would've thought a goddess as important as you would be... bigger?"
The chuckle echoed again, not very soothing, but also not angry.
"I am the size you would find approachable. I look different depending who enters this room. This room does as well. It would do no good if gods of your size are unable to interact with me. But, you are correct, I am much, much larger than this in reality. To large for your mind to reasonable process."
"O-Oh. That's very impressive ma'am... So... what is it I'm meant to do? I am honored that you selected me, but forgive me that I'm not certain how I'm meant to help you..."
"I think you misunderstand, Scarab. You cannot help me, not in the grand sense. It is me meant to help you, little bug. You are going to be transitioning from mortal to godhood. It is not an easy one, and you will need someone to watch over you. While I do that, all I ask you is to listen carefully, and remember to stay aware. And perhaps help me make some corrections of those who do not stay aware."
Scarab bowed in the most respectful way he can, his wings out as far as possible. "I-I am honored, ma'am. I will try my best."
"I know you will."
Scarab shook his head as he was brought back to the present. Prismo was looking at him oddly, and he only then realized he has stopped writing. He tapped on his own head, trying to refocus, and resumed work.
"Did you like working with her?"
"...I did. She made sense to me when nothing else did, back then."
"Isn't she an all powerful, unknowable goddess?"
"Perhaps it's a bit ironic, but that doesn't change the facts. She was reasonable. She had clear expectations. She never tried to talk around what she wanted, or misdirect me, or hide meanings in double talk. She was strict, her expectations were high, but I understood them."
He tutted to himself as he noticed a major mistake in the form he was reviewing. Honestly, can no one read basic directions or labels?
"...I can understand that. I don't like it when people hide what they want either. Why not just say what you need to say? You'll get what you want faster."
The two of them lingered in that shared understanding.
"...It's part of why I didn't trust you for the longest time. You're... not like everyone else here. You're genuine when you say the things you do. For the longest time, I was convinced you were... an act. That you had other intentions, and if I could find the right thread it would all unravel, and I could finally understand you. But... there weren't any threads. You are exactly who you say you are. And I'm thankful every day for that."
Prismo gave him a goofy grin at that, one that deepened the pink in his cheeks.
"She have you doing stuff like this often?"
"Oh, all the time. It's been quite a while since I've last done this, but... what's the mortal saying? 'It's like riding a bike'? Like that. I feel eons younger doing this."
"Scrabby. I love you. But you have weird hobbies."
"I've always like pattern recognition. I will not apologize for it."
"And I've never ask you to. Just, remind me to get you some puzzles or something soon. I think you'd like them."
"I'll make a note of it..."
Scarab still wasn't used to people caring. About him, or his internal life. This thing with Prismo... it was still new. Precious. Alien, almost.
He remembers a time when it wasn't. When being cared about was something he understood as a mutual exchange.
"You seem quiet today, little bug."
Scarab jumped at the Organizer's voice. He turned from his papers to look up at her, clicking his talons nervously. "...I thought you preferred the quiet, ma'am.
"You're correct in that I do. But your quiet is not quiet right now. Your quiet is troubled."
Scarab itched under the mask. He didn't like it much, he couldn't see as well and it was hot, but... it was better than the looks he got otherwise. "...I'm not troubled, ma'am."
"It's foolish to try and lie to me, Scarab. And there is nothing to be ashamed of if you are troubled."
"You're a Higher Up, I should be bothering you with my petty woes."
"That is not for you to decide. I happen to like you. And I would like to know what troubles my intern. Does it perhaps have something to do with the mask you're now wearing?"
He lowered his antenna in defeat.
"...Yes, it does, ma'am. I... I do not understand the behavior of this place..."
"How so?"
"...Back at the mounds... everyone helped each other. We shared, we touched, we spoke plainly... but... here, everything's different... No one seems to have an honest word to say. It's all... confusing. I'm left to guess what people mean when they ask something of me and... I feel I get it wrong most of the time."
"Ah. I can see how that might be confusing and upsetting for someone who's known communal life until now. But the gods play petty politics. It is a game to them, a game of faces and half-truths and artfully decorated intentions."
"But... why? Would it not be easier to say what it is you mean? Why should I learn a separate language of half-truths when we could all just say what we intend? And then they treat me like I'm the strange one for meaning what I say."
"That, little bug, I do not know. But I choose not to engage in it. And you shouldn't either, if it troubles you this way."
"You don't have to. No one can give you strange looks for getting it wrong."
"You can."
"Only because I file my paperwork correctly."
"And that is more than can be said than most."
There was a silence between them.
"...They don't like my face."
"Really now?"
"They say I'm... creepy. That I'm not something anyone wants to see. And, because of that, I should drop my bid for Wishmaster. What do... you think, ma'am?"
"In regards to your first concern, I am not the best judge in aesthetic beauty. I don't have a face. Several gods lack one as well. Some are just floating numbers, or a tangle of tendrils. But I do not personally find you creepy. I have seen everything there is to see, and I have seen far worse than you, back in the Time Before Nothing."
She paused her writing for a moment. She opened a palm above Scarab.
"Come here, little bug."
Scarab gulped, putting his pen down and fluttering into her open palm.
"As for your concern of Wishmaster... I think you would make an excellent one. I think you have worked hard, and you don't play politics. A Wishmaster is a neutral party in the cosmos. You must be willing to grant the wish, either from the bravest hero, or the darkest of spirits. You must grant the same wish the same way, whether it be from your best friend or worst enemy. I think you have the temperament to make that distinction. If it were up to me, I would put your name at the top. And, even if you're not chosen, you will always have a place in my employ. You would make an incredible Auditor."
Scarab felt his eyes water and his smile grow wide.
"You do not have to mask here, little bug. I judge nothing but your penmanship."
Scarab's face plates shifted to tuck behind his head. He antenna shivered and his wings rubbed against each other into an eager song.
"Thank you, ma'am. I... needed to hear that."
Scarab sighed at the memory. He looked at Prismo, turning over what the Organizer had said about what it took to be a Wishmaster. Impartiality. No special favors.
While, to this day, he would question if that really described Prismo, he couldn't help but feel like Prismo was the best pick for Wishmaster. Scarab had watched him. Watched him give warnings for poorly thought out wishes. Watched him give chances to rude and vulgar before sending them on their way. Watched him bond and be friendly with those who would seek him.
Prismo was a good Wishmaster. Because he didn't play politics. He was everybody's pal, until you crossed his boundaries. And his boundaries are clear and simple.
Scarab had nearly reached the bottom of his stack, his talons going numb from the amount of writing, when Prismo spoke up again.
"It... sounded like you were close. How come you haven't talked to her until now? Just busy?"
"Hmm... Partially... It's true, when I become Auditor, I became very busy. As was she. But... no, that was not the only reason why... We... had a bit of a falling out. After you were chosen as Wishmaster."
"Woah, what? Was it something I did?"
"It wasn't really your fault. I admit that now, it wasn't your fault you were chosen. But... I don't know. It's... hard to explain. When someone that important likes you... you... you start to think anything can happen if you ask nicely. It was not her decision on who should be Wishmaster. But... I think something felt betrayed. It's complicated and messy."
Prismo hummed, moving over to wrap around Scarab a bit.
"...Do you miss her?"
"...I have you, now."
"That's not what I asked. Do you miss talking to her?"
Scarab struggled for an answer before letting out a defeated, tired chirp.
"...It doesn't matter. I doubt she'd want to speak with me after everything."
"Have you tried?"
"Oh, Scarab... maybe you should reach out. Say you're sorry, ask her something. Worst she could do is ignore you, Glob knows she has the shredder for a reason."
Scarab thought about it while Prismo rubbed gentle circles into his back.
He thought about their last conversation. Or, at least, the last one before the disaster at the Gala.
"Little bug?"
"...I don't want to talk, ma'am."
"I think do."
Scarab hissed. "What do you want me to say? That was my one shot! I did everything right! I was meant to be Wishmaster! And some... Some random mortal just pops into the Hall, and snatches it away!?"
"The Boss must have seen something in him. Something that got him Noticed."
"But I was Noticed! I beat a monster not even the gods could! That should've counted for something! But it hasn't! I'm still just a groveling insect to them! To all of them! To you!"
"You do not know what I think of you."
"I'm a toy to you! I'm a toy to all of you! I'm something to laugh at! You filled my head with dreams! You made me think I could ever be something... Something like you! Something respected!"
"I am many things Scarab, but you know better than anyone. I don't play politics. As I said, you would be the top of my list if it was my decision. But it wasn't my decision, it wasn't any of our decision."
"...Then... then why did you... why did you build my hopes up? Why did you insist on building me up?"
"Because I believe in you, Scarab. I still do. I regret none of what I said. And I'm keeping to my promises. You will begin training as an Auditor in 20 Time Waves."
Scarab felt the need to scream. She didn't get it. Why did he expect anything else? Why would a Higher Up see him as anything other than... than a cockroach, skittering across the floor.
"Orbo will be your handler. You will begin reporting to his office in 20 Time Waves."
With one swing of a stamp on a piece of paper, Scarab's fate was sealed.
"...I know this is not what you wanted, Scarab. But I do think this is the right course of action. And my office will always be open to you. I hope you know that."
"...Am I dismissed, ma'am?"
There was a heavy silence between the two of them.
"...You are dismissed, Scarab."
That was the last time Scarab had spoken to his mentor. His... one friend...
"Hey, Scrabs, there's something here for you!"
Scarab signed off the last of his papers, the stack poofing away as he put it down, before crawling over to sit next to Prismo.
"What is it?"
"It's a letter. To you. From the Organizer."
Scarab stared at the piece of paper. It was her handwriting, that was certain. A... hand written note? He opened it.
"To my little bug.
"It's regrettable that the Gala was the first time we spoke in all these eons. You have changed. I am saddened that I have missed much of your time as Auditor. I only have reports, but it seems you did a remarkable job. I'm not surprised that you thrived.
"However, I am more saddened by what my negligence has allowed to take place. Should you ever return to your Auditor position, you will not be under Orbo's management again. You will be under my direct management, should your stay in the Time Room not be made permanent.
"While I cannot discuss details at this time, Orbo is being handled. The Judge will be hearing about it soon.
"I hope you know I was being truthful to you, Scarab. My office was always open to you. It still is. At least now you have a place to send mail. Do not misinterpret this as an order. But I do hope to hear from you soon. I'm most interested in what's transpired between you and the Almight Prismo.
"-The Organizer"
Scarab clutched the piece of paper. He held it like it was precious.
"Woah dude..." Prismo curled around the beetle again, petting his shoulders. "...I think you should write back. Tell her what you told me."
"...You think so...?"
"I mean, she wouldn't write if she didn't wanna talk, right? You should go for it."
Scarab didn't want to hope. But... well, he'd been feeling that a lot more recently. Hope felt dangerous, with no one in your corner. But he had Prismo. He had Cos and Death and Life. He had... a safety net.
Probably wouldn't hurt to have a Higher Up in that corner too.
"...Maybe I will... Can I have a pen and some paper? She always did like handwritten responses."
Prismo gave him a gentle smile.
"Of course, Lovebug."
Prismo held onto the final piece of paperwork, so they could send Scarab's response with it.
Scarab hadn't dared to hope things could get better in thousands of years. He'd accepted long ago that he'd be the pantheon's scapegoat. That no one would be on his side. That he'd forever be the skittering little insect at everyone's feet.
But that wasn't his life anymore.
He was loved. Things were improving.
And maybe... maybe he could make it even better.
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bcolfanfic · 2 months
Hi there! I’m imagining this prompt, maybe for Rosie and Aidan in Young Vets au? Because not gonna lie, Rosie seems like a disaster when they first start talking 😂😂
person a finding any stupid excuse to text to person b, but person b doesn't answer. person a is freaking out when, in reality, person b just doesn't know how to talk to person a
(Or literally any prompt that inspires you with Young Vets Clegan. On my knees begging for crumbs from this au because it has me in a chokehold)
ahh rosie and aiden my loves. you're right about no rizz rosie there LMAO. god love him. (for new folks - here's rosie's young veterans au headcanon list that kinda explains his backstory in this au. + what aiden looks like in my head, and rosie's phone pov)
/ / /
"Hey, your phone's gone off like three times in the last minute,"
Rosie looked up from where he was picking toys up off the ground. Ken, occupied with Naomi, slid his phone across with his foot- it going off a fourth time as he did.
For a moment he was worried about the string of texts he was getting, thumb shaking against his screen as he unlocked it.
Had to go to Boston for work. Have you been here?
The next two messages were pictures, one of what looked like the intricate ceiling of some sort of city hall building, the second a mirror selfie in the reflection of a window.
I have to come back in a couple weeks. If you're free maybe you can come, lots of kid stuff for Naomi too.
Rosie swallowed, sucking in his bottom lip.
"Everything okay?"
Ken's voice pulled him out of his head and he snapped his gaze up, relocking his phone and shoving it into the front pocket of his sweatshirt.
"Yeah- just a bunch of robotexts."
He should've texted him back, that much he could acknowledge. Aiden didn't do anything wrong. It was sweet that he wanted him around- was still planning on wanting him around two weeks from now. But the longer he thought of what exactly he should say the more clueless he felt, ultimately deciding to let it simmer for a bit.
About an hour went by before Curt seemed to be getting a sudden string of texts himself, eyebrows furrowing when he looked at his phone. It looked like Ken was about to ask if something was wrong at the same time Rosie was, Curt looking back up before both of them could.
"When's the last time you talked to Aiden'?" He said, and Rosie's face felt hot.
"Uh," He stuttered, pushing a hand back through his hair. "I mean he texted earlier, about some- some work trip- didn't get back to it yet. Is something wrong?"
Curt stifled a laugh, exhaling with a head shake.
"Biddick, what."
Tossing his phone to where Rosie was standing, Curt crossed his arms. "Don't know what you did to the guy- never seen him like this over anyone."
You and Ken were going over to Robby's house today right? Has he said anything about something I texted him?
Then there was a screenshot of their text thread, followed by two more messages.
Was mentioning that there's kid stuff too much?
If he says anything about it can you tell me so I can take it back or apologize or something? Thx.
Rosie looked at the screen and looked away, sucking in the right side of his flushed cheek.
It wasn't too much- well maybe it was but not in whatever way Aiden thought it might've been. One of the better parts of the past couple months of this had been how he came around to his daughter like it was no big deal. Like that's exactly what he'd been gunning for when he agreed to let Curt set him up with one of his Air Force buddies, even though Rosie was near 100% sure it wasn't.
He liked that Aiden thought of her when he thought of him. It made his chest warm that his idea of down time on a work trip was shepherding a toddler around a major city.
He could see it when he squeezed his eyes shut and liked what he saw. But now when the other shoe dropped like it always did it wouldn't just be his own sorry self getting hurt.
That, he struggled to stomach.
Rosie sat down hard next to Curt on the couch, dropping his head back to look at the ceiling as he passed him his phone back.
"You sit there for much longer without textin' him back I'm gonna call him." Curt said with a nudge to his side, giving him a satisfied hum as he fished his own cell out of his pocket.
Sorry I took so long to get back. Been a couple times but not since Naomi, think I should be free in a couple weeks (:
A reply came within a minute, before he could even exit out of the app.
Great. Miss you guys!
He assumed Curt saw the way his eyes widened when he felt him leaning into his space to look at his screen. On instinct alone he went to shove his phone back away, the other man grabbing his wrist before he could.
"Nope." He said, pressing down the side button to unlock his screen. "3 words, and 'm gonna type 'em myself if you don't."
Huffing, Rosie shot a glare at his friend out of the corner of his eye as he reopened the text thread and started typing.
Miss you too.
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mysticstarlightduck · 5 months
Personality Through Quotes
Thanks for the tag @kaylinalexanderbooks!!! (here)
MY QUOTE IS: A quote about a weird habit they/someone else has.
YOUR QUOTE IS: A quote about your character's feelings about their world's government
Corah - "Hmm. Sometimes I tend to wake up in the middle of the night to stare at the stars. I don't know why, but it's very calming. I like to count out all the constellation Dad has taught me about and the tales about each one, and then I try to make up new ones until the stories get more and more chaotic and outlandish with each new one and then I go back to sleep."
Arammys - "I would say my weird habit is that, from time to time, I try making up stories in my mind, to replace the memories I don't have, and its come to the point that that habit's more like an intrusive thought rather than anything else and it concerns me. Like, I'll see someone on the street and immediatelly start imagining a whole backstory for how we might've met before and how they're my former best friend turned rival turned acquaintance - and the next thing I know I forgot what I was doing - But I'm normal, right? That's totally normal, right?"
Eidan - "I collect stuff! Genuinely. There's no real pattern to it and I don't really remember why I started. It's not an obsession or anything, just a hobby to distract me from stuff that might upset me. I'll just be walking down the riverbed and be like 'ooh that's a neat shell' and pick it up and add it to The Collection. I'll walk through the market and see a silk ribbon necklace on sale and I'll buy it and guess what, add it to The Collection. Anything that really stands out to me in some way makes it to my collection - but I have to really, really like the thing in order for it to be chosen. My collection of assorted knick knacks is as random as it is carefully curated. (smiles, actually proud of his collection)"
Nimwen - "Oh, neat! Not my weird habit, but my brother's - when he is upset he starts counting in Syllen, which is a local dialect from the city where we were born which nobody - except scholars and really really specific groups of people - really uses anymore. He also worries a lot and used to talk in his sleep - not anything concerning, just gibberish, but enough to wake me up every five minutes until I got used to it."
Rin - "People say I'm weird because I eat bugs and rodents. I don't think that's weird - they don't think it's weird for birds to eat those things, and my species is basically just a humanoid bird (okay, I'm an avian fey to be precise). Insects and rodents are a natural part of my diet, and people are the ones who need to stop being so sensitive to everything I do. Hey, is that a cricket?"
Tomasa - "Oh, my turn, my turn! I like to sing at the top of my lungs while bathing, even if I am admiteddly a bit off key I am having fun. I also like to go to taverns where no one knows anything about me and try to challenge the biggest dude in the place to a drinking contest! The look on their faces when I win is always priceless."
Masen - "Does using the bardic talents I hoped to one day be famous for to steal from my audience because I've had to become a thief instead count as a weird habit? That's not a rhetoric question, does it? I really wanna know, dude!"
Kyran - "I'm not really the kind of person who has 'weird habits', but if you really want to know... some of my inventions aren't exactly that legal, and they do have a tendency to... explode? But only on occasion, and sometimes to my favor, but you didn't hear it from me and you don't have any proof to tell anyone you heard this."
Maryon - "I like climbing to the roof of the towers of the castles - it's a beautiful and breathtaking view. I can see my whole city from there, covered in beautiful snow and blue ice, and the mountains of Tirawen are a small dot on the horizon. Occasionally, I'll see the outline of a dragon flying in the distance! I don't think it's a 'weird' habit, but it is certainly a risky one. I sometimes do this for fun, other times to escape from my duties when I want some peace and quite, haha"
Florynce - "I talk to the trees - and they whisper back at me! So do the flowers and the rocks and the rivers and the birds, and all of the forest! It says my blood runs through it."
Leora - "Don't tell anyone, or my reputation as the fearless underground leader might be at risk. But I still have my childhood plush toy and I can only sleep if I have it on my bed. It brings me comfort in a way little else does."
Elias - "Ooh, I have one hell of a list of weird quirks curated and stored straight from my brothers' childhood - Masen used to sleepwalk, until he one day he hit a wall and woke everyone in the house but not himself, Kyran one time got into an argument with an old lady at the market because they couldn't decide whether or not the scarf a vendor was selling was lilac or purple and turns out it was neither because it was pink, Masen used to cry whenever he heard a sad story involving dogs, Kyran said he hated the sea but turns out he didn't want to admit he was scared of sea monsters - want me to keep going? Because I can."
Tagging (gently, no pressure):@steh-lar-uh-nuhs @inky-duchess @late-to-the-fandom, @eccaiia @willtheweaver @littleladymab @cabbojage @lassiesandiego @little-peril-stories @oh-no-another-idea @thepeculiarbird @rickie-the-storyteller @crowandmoonwriting @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gummybugg @forthesanityofstorytellers @doublegoblin @aalinaaaaaa @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @elshells @clairelsonao3 @anyablackwood @tabswrites @illarian-rambling and OPEN TAG
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mysticficti0n · 1 year
All my attention Part 5
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warnings- swearing, drinking, protectiveness, so much flirting
words- 4k
If you'd like to read the previous parts → All my attention series
a/n- so if you're new here I am British and cannot speak any German, I speak a little French, Spanish and Italian but German- no. I also do not trust Google translate so this is gonna be like an avatar thing (if you've seen the newest one Jake says that their language just became normal or something along those lines) so in reality this is all in German, you as a reader know German but, its wrote in English... make sense? no... well, sorry this part has taken a while-
(also would anyone want to be on a tallest?? plz put if you'd like to ♥︎)
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backstory- you are the 5th member of Tokio Hotel and you always thought the love was equally platonic between you and a certain guitarist... but what if that all changed?
I stood in my room ferreting through my clothes to find something to wear for the interview which was coming a lot faster than I thought, I decided on a army green booty skirt with a cream belt, a white tank top, gold jewellery and my hair tied back in a bun, my make up was pretty usual besides my red lips lined in black but I mean if I can pull it off- why not?
Hurriedly I grabbed my shoes, deciding on my chunky platforms and a purse holding lip gloss, lip liner, spray, my phone, a pen and keys. The boys and their families went home after breakfast around 10 meaning we could all spend time with our families for a few hours, the Kaulitz' left a little later as being our neighbours they didn't have much of a drive to get home. Gordon, the twins step dad agreed to driving us 3 to the studio while Georg drove him and Gustav as they lived near to each other
"Y/n sunshine! Tom is out side" my mom called from the bottom of the stairs
"okay!" I shouted back and came storming down the stairs, I saw my mom's eyes light up and a smile decorate her already beautiful face "like it?" I twirled
"You look wonderful! oh my- Martin get in here look at our daughter!" she called getting my dad in who was holding Stella "look!"
"Baba look pretty!" Stella grinned
"she does doesn't she, we'll be watching tonight sweetheart" with 3 quick kisses I ran out the house waving goodbye and Tom laughed as I stumbled down the step
"shut up look at the size of these I'm not exactly gain" I huffed steading myself, I looked up and saw the boy handing is arm which I gladly took to get down and jump the wall dividing our house
"we need your help- well I need your help, Bill wants your opinion on his fit but I don't know what to wear so I’m more important" Tom sighed, at the moment he was just in a wife beater and jorts, his dreads in a mess around his head "and- I need to show you something"
"well lets go then!" we hurried into the house and Bill was sipping a coke and smiled seeing me walk through
"Y/N YES LOOK AT YOU!" he snapped his fingers as I model stepped in, 'flipping' my hair and blowing a kiss "alright what about me?" he was in a black leather jacket, matching black skinny jeans, a Dimond skull belt and chains around his neck, hair on end (in a good way) and a deep smokey eye
"absolutely- I fucking love it!" he smiled getting all giddy "bad bitch vibes- or a good fuckable emo, either really" the boy blushed wrapping me in a hug
"okay go help useless over here now" I rolled my eyes and followed the other Kaulitz up the stairs to his room where clothes were dropped everywhere
"so... what happened?' I asked seeing him shrug "right well... these jeans- dark denim is a look then, where's your green and yellow cap?" I asked seeing him pull a draw open full of at least 50 hats
"what head thing?" he spoke opening the draw above "black?" I nodded opening his wardrobe and pulling a yellow and dark green print, white back shirt out (this is the fits)
"here, change" I spoke seeing him pull his vest off and quickly put the new shirt over, he was finally done fixing individual strands of hair in his ponytail and sprayed a dark smelling cologne on "okay that looks GOOD" I complemented seeing a smile form on his lips
"oh I can show you the thing now" he laughed walking into the hall and bring a small box back in "look I'm proposing!" he got onto his knee holding the said box
"oh Tom-" I played pretending to wipe my eyes "I do!" he shoved me away and opened the box revealing a small ring- gold and had our band logo engraved in it "holy shit! thats amazing!" I called pulling the ring out "do we all have one" the boy excitedly nodded pulling his hand up showing a bigger and chunkier version
"mom got them for us 5, they're so cool" I nodded admiring the metal around my finger "Bill's and Gustav's are in silver as they prefer it"
"god I love your mom" I sighed happily standing up and walking into the hall "THANK YOU SIMMY!" her laugh filled the hall followed by a 'no problem doll'
"KIDS COME ON WE NEED TO GO!" Gordons voice echoed from down stairs and in great style and slow steps me and Tom got into the car, in the backseat as Bill was first in "we have to hurry up its already 25 past" he grumbled starting the engine
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"Welcome to the red seats- Tokio Hotel!" our interviewer names Karter Male introduced, monsoon began playing in the background followed by many screams, Bill was pushed on first closely followed by the rest of us and as we all came into view the noise only got louder "ahah welcome!" we all smiled waving to the people
"hi!" we laughed, Bill was closest to the table followed by Tom, me Georg and Gustav who were relaxing back into the seats "thank you for having us" Bill began
"no its our pleasure, so would you like to introduce yourselves for the people who don't know you all?" we nodded and looked to our lead singer
"oh- I'm Bill Kaulitz, lead singer on Tokio Hotel"
"Hey, I'm Tom Kaulitz, his brother also older by ten minuets and I play electric guitar for Tokio Hotel"
"hello, I'm Y/n Y/l/n, the backing singer for Tokio Hotel" I herd a wolf whistle come from the audience causing me to giggle "thank you" but the boy to the left of me face dropped but I tried to ignore his mood
"evening, I'm Georg Listing and I play bass for Tokio Hotel"
"hi I'm Gustav schäfer and i play drums for Tokio Hotel" claps filled the room and the interviewer grinned
"so now we know you recently got back from doing a mini-tour sort of thing right?" murmurs of 'yes' and 'yeah' ran through us five until Bill started talking
"yesterday actually, we did our last show in the afternoon and all went back to Y/n's parents house for the night and seeing our families was a massive relief as we hadn't seen them in weeks"
"thats wonderful, well going back onto your small tour we herd in Tier that there was a new song? and its was sang by Y/n, can you tell us little about that?" Karter looked to me and I looked to the boys who gave me the nod
"of course, it's called 'Don't jump' and it has so much meaning and I mean nobody has all day to listen to me ramble but its from when I was in a very dark place due to privet things and instead of being sad 24/7 I made it into lyrics and I finally performed it in Tier, I think next shows when we play it Bill will sing as he's much better than I am" I laughed hearing the crow 'aw' at me "but yeah its a beautiful song- not to blow my own horn or anything" The interview carried on and the boys getting asked different thing then turned to the 'public questions'
"so we've had a few questions from your adoring fans who will be watching from home, this one is for all of you actually- from Hallie, 15, she said 'hello Tokio Hotel, my question is- are you all single or seeing people?' so?" I watched as Georg and Gustav nodded their heads saying 'yes we are' Tom and Bill also but then I remembered I hadn't come out publicly about my spilt yet
"yeah we all are" I spoke hearing a gasp but quickly brushed it off
"well erm... next question for Tom from Suzana 'Hey Tom, I was wondering if you have a type?'" the audience laughed as the guitarist became a little tense, scratching his neck
"well.. if you're pretty and have a nice smile I don't have a issue" girls in the crowd cheered and a blush covered his cheeks, I patted his shoulder to which he looked back to me pulling his lips taught as if to say 'what the fuck'
"right, our next questions will be from the audience!, so let's start" we watched a runner hop up the stairs to a smiling blonde girl who was wearing a tour shirt
"Hi! I'm Rebecca and I have a question for Gustav!" we watched as the boys eyes lit up and a smile spread on his face "I was wondering what your favourite song- out side of the band- is to play?" that was surprisingly quite a nice question
"oh erm... I like quite rock sorta music so probably Nirvana?" she thanked him and blew a kiss to which his cheeks only got redder, the runner went to another girl, smaller and younger looking with brown piggytails
"hello... I'm Francine and I have a question for Y/n" my eyes softened seeing her nervousness
"lets hear it!" I grinned
"I- I was wondering whats your favourite colour and why? because I think you look beautiful in green and purple!" she giggled making me pout at her sweetness, Tom was smiling at me as I held my heart
"aw thank you Francine thats so nice of you, I'd say my favourite colour is... baby yellow though I never wear it, my mom calls me sunshine and that colour reminds me of her" the girl said her thanks and the questions continued
"so this will be our last question for Tokio Hotel tonight as our show is near an end!" Karter spoke pointing to the camera and it spun to the last fan
"hey guys! I love you all so much by the way- but my question is for Tom and Y/n" me and the boy looked to each other then back to the brunette "I'm guessing you've seen the ships between you on social media?" being the only girl in a group of 4 boys sometimes came with it's downsides, those being 'shipped' with all of them and people making up rumours "the most common being that you two secretly love each other, well I was wondering if any part of that was true?" I let my laugh slip but Tom's brows furrowed
"yes I do love Y/n, she's one of the most important people in my life of course but the way people make us out is completely wrong- she's like a sister I mean she may as well be related to me and Bill we've know each other since we were what born?" I nodded listening to his words but I couldn't help but know that everything the fans imagined wasn't completely wrong.. and he knew that too
"yeah like he said we love each other but its platonic!" I added seeing the crowd sigh at the disappointment
"you'd make a good couple though" Karter added "you'd be the hottest new thing since people like Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore" I rolled my eyes at the words but Tom seemed to like the idea and shoved me with his elbow "thats all we have time for folks, thank you Tokio Hotel for being here tonight! bye!" we all waved and the crowd applauded, the lights dimmed meaning we all had to go backstage.
"he's gonna come back here in a second to have photos with you guys so if you'd like to wait in the dressing room please feel free!" a runner smiled looking to us pointing up the hall, we all walked into the air conditioned room and fell onto the matching red sofas from set
"that was I think the most comfortable interview we've ever done" I spoke scratching my head, fixing my hair. Tom scoffed folding his arms "what? don't you guys agree?"
"I think he was playing favourites all the way through" Bill spoke opening a water "but yeah it was fine"
"I agree" Georg added, I personally didn't know what their issue was but I mean they are edgy, angry teen boys anything ticked them off. we sat in silence until the door opened with Karter smiling widely at the five of us
"Ah Tokio Hotel- thank you for tonight it went beautifully! shall we take some photos?" he asked fixing his suit jacket as we all stood "perfect, follow me" he instructed going out the door, Bill grabbed the door before It slammed into us all and held it open nodding his head allowing me first to which I whispered a quick thank you and slipped through following the man "okay so erm.. shall we have twins next to me, then Y/n on this side with Gustav and Georg" we all lined up in front of the photographer who was bending with a camera
"3...2..1" he spoke clicking the button and a flash blared our eyes "grate, we'll get a few more" he spoke fixing his position
"so what did you think of the interview guys?" Karter asked looking to his side "fun?" his hand which was now on the small of my back jolted slightly
"ah yeah it was nice we were just saying" I answered as the boys stayed silent "the people who asked the questions were so sweet" the photos continued and so did his hand, slowly his hand went my hip, thigh and then as he moved it to my ass I pulled away "were not doing that" I quickly spoke pulling my own hand away from being behind him
"sorry- its very inviting!" his eyes narrowed looking down and back up to me
"we're fucking done-" Bill started walking out the room and going to the exit door followed by Georg and Gustav as he shouted curses
"Y/n come on" Tom grabbed my arm shoving the man out the way "she's fucking 17 you prick" I didn't get a look at the man after that before Tom was yanking me through the doors out the building to the car where his step-dad was stood "were going straight home"
"Bill went with the lads" Gordon pointed as Georg's car pulled from the space with a roar of the engine "come on we need to be quick the meal is in like an hour and a half"
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"hey darlings how was the interview?" Simone asked as we went into the Kaulitz' house "it looked good"
"we're never going on that show again" Tom murmured walking to the kitchen and grabbing a drink from the fridge "fucking looking Y/n up and down like she was someone to hook up with"
"what!" Simone started looking to me "are you okay sweetheart?" I nodded my head realising what Tom said
"anyways I need to shower" the twin grumbled walking up the stairs "Y/n I need you first" he shouted back down the stairs
"oh okay- sorry Simmy I'll be back" she smiled turning back to the tv as I made my way up the stairs to the boys room where I could here him shuffling about saying things to himself "Tom?" I walked in to see him standing at his mirror top off and belt half way undone
"shut the door" I did as he said looking at him oddly, I turned and shut the door behind my self and looked back to him "you didn't see what he was doing that whole interview did you?" I shook my head no "right well we all did, he was trying to see up your skirt- stared right at your tits, lips, eyes, legs- everything" I felt a lump in my throat as his brown eyes became darker looking at me "and no man can do that to you-" I nodded stepping over to him and wrapping my arms around him hiding my face in his color bone
"well though I fucking hate that- I'm okay don't get worked up okay? this sounds so cringy but he can't touch me like that ever again either because I'll brake his wrist" Tom looked down to me with a small smile spreading along his lips as he played with his lip piercing
"yeah nobody can ever fucking touch you there" I rolled my eyes seeing his eyes go serious in a jokey way "unless its me of course"
"oh yeah- of course, anyways you need a shower and come my house after help me chose my outfit for tonight" he nodded hugging me back quickly before going to his shower leaving me to go back home
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I was sat in my bedroom flicking through my radio until I found a station playing a song I liked, Brittany Spears started playing, I started dancing around my room like I was her and nodding my head along to the lyrics of freak show 'Make it a Freakshow freakshow We can give 'em a Peepshow, peepshow Don't stop it let it flow Let your inhibitions go It's a crazy night Let's make a make a freakshow'
"Y/n!" I scream left my mouth as I turned to see Tom stood in my door frame laughing "what the fuck are you doing?"
"can you knock! I think I shit myself" he pulled his fist to the door and knocked with a cocky smile "haha" I spoke sarcastically, soon he fully walked into the room and my jaw did nearly fall to the floor, he was in black suit bottoms and a white button up blouse, rings around his fingers and his necklace on show, dreads in a messy bun
"wow! you look good! pulling out all the stops Thomas" I complemented seeing him become a little shy "genuinely you look amazing"
"thanks, I mean were going to the Stadtpfeiffer restaurant so I wanna look good" he popped his chest looking at himself in the mirror "what are you wearing?" he asked looking at me as I stood in joggers and a tank top
"a dress but can't decide which, wanna chose?" I'd never seen him walk quicker in my life, the doors flew open revealing all my 'fancier' clothes and his hands moved quickly through the hangers, until he pulled a red dress with a black rose lace pattern on top "really? don't think this might be a bit scandalous for a family dinner?" Tom smirked placing the dress onto the chair and turned back to the wardrobe "wait- no don't open tha-" I watched as his hand reached for the draw full of my 'sexy' clothes
"fucking hell Y/n how many thongs do you need?" he laughed looking back at me, he dug through them until he pulled a red lacy Victoria secret pantie out and threw it at me "here, wear that underneath" with a sigh I went to the bathroom and slipped into the clothes, I stared into the mirror and regretted ever letting him chose my outfit "let me see!" he called from the other room
"okay-" I walked into my bedroom and his eyes widened, lip tucked between his teeth and his hands dug harder into the bed "like?" I asked twirling
"like is a understatement" Tom hummed "god you look so hot right now- I literally don't have words" a small blush painted my cheeks as I stepped into my full body mirror, I turned to check my reflection but all I could see was the guitarist staring in awe
"my eyes are here" I laughed seeing him nod "okay well make up and hair now" the boy seemed to be confused "what?"
"you don't have make up on?" I shook my head turning to him "so you are just naturally gorgeous? fuck" I rolled my eyes sitting on the chair where the dress once lay, I pulled my make up draw open and picked out my foundation and began the process I came to love over the tour, dark eyes and a dark red lip , next my hair I decided to have it straight down and hair-sprayed it into place
"okay I'm done!' Tom looked up from the magazine he found himself flicking through and a smile spread across his face "too much?" I asked seeing his head shake "sure?"
"you look perfect Y/n" I grinned standing and going over to the wall wear my jewellery hung grabbing a necklace and a few rings and bracelets "you need shoes" Tom quipped abruptly going into the box under my bed full of misilanious shoes, he rummaged through for a while before pulling out my chunky Mary Janes I sat back on the sheets of my bed waiting for him to hand over the shoes but he stayed down, grabbing my ankle and slowly slipped the shoe onto my foot "Tell me when the shoes tight enough alright?" I nodded seeing him thread the strap through and pulling it taught
"there" he quickly pressed the buckle through and moved to my right foot doing the same before kissing my bare knees "you are so cute Kaulitz" soon his hands reached mine and we stood together "thank you- I love it all"
"no problem"
The time ticked slowly as me and Tom waited for everyone to be ready as in fairness we were done quite quickly, I sat at the desk with my computer on, flicking through web pages while Tom was messing around with my ukulele that one day just appeared in my room. I scrolled down a page until I saw a subtitle of 'picture ideas' and I immediately knew what we'd be doing to pass the time, the first one was the girl holding the camera above the couple and the boy holding her- perfect
"come here were taking these photos" I called bring the boy back to me, he stood fixing his outfit and passing me my phone and standing with me "okay so you need to-"
"I can see what I've gotta do babe" Tom soothed into my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his forehead into the crook of my neck "take it" with a click of my button the photo snapped, and we did this about 50 more times, standing in the mirror, at the window, and my poster wall
"perfect" I smiled flicking through the pictures "we look so good" cheering I looked back to see Tom looking to me, eyes scanning my body and face "you okay?"
"fine, just can't stop staring" a blush tinted my cheeks, over the past few days the flirting gone from funny to romantic giving me new feelings of giddiness every time
"Tom your making me red" my cheeks were aching from the smile I couldn't hold back
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the clock struck 8:45pm meaning everyone getting in the cars to go to the Stadtpfeiffer, Bill had come back earlier and so the Kaulitz went in their car and I went with my family, me and Stella sat in the back dancing along to the music playing on the radio "what were you and Tom doing Sunshine? I could hear you laughing like you've just seen the funniest thing in the world!" I sighed with a smile to her words
"oh taking stupid photos together" but they weren't stupid- anything but, every time I looked at one my stomach felt ticklish and my chest heaved with a feeling I couldn't explain
"oh very nice, you'll have to show me" I laughed at her words mumbling a line of 'sure' after another 20 minuets we finally arrived and it look beautiful, the yellow haze lights illuminating the entrance and fancy jazz music filled our ears "oh my-"
After us the Kaulitz' arrived, the boys walked straight over to me laughing about something "evening" Bill nudged to me "I have something to tell you after by the way" I looked oddly at the boy who only smiled and followed his stepdad to my dad, I turned to Tom who shrugged
"you smell good" I commented smelling his cologne
"Paco Rabanne" he spoke lifting his arm to me so I could smell it better "oh and send me those photos will you, I need them" his voice became seductive making my knees weak and I all I did was hum in response "thank you angel"
“Stop it Thomas- we’re in public” I giggled seeing his eyebrows rise
“That’s only gonna make me worse” my heart stoped for a moment at his words- what’s did he mean by worse?
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spookberry · 3 months
Hello I hope you are doing well! I wanted to say that I really love your art! Could I ask for more information about Henri and Claire, or just Henri in general? I think they're super cute but additionally, I think Henri is interesting by himself because I feel like I don't know as much about him! How long has he been immortal? How did he become immortal? How did he learn to exorcise? Oh, and I wanted to ask how you feel about fanart of your ocs? I really love Claire's design and I think it would be fun to draw him :)
:D! No one's ever asked me about Henri before! Also to answer your last question I'd love fanart of my OCs 🥺
More on Henri under the cut:
Okay so basically his backstory goes like this: back in the Victorian era there was this couple that was really into the occult. They were fairly nomadic, traveling the states as consultants when people were having supernaturally driven issues. This couple also happened to have a young son, Henri. Henri and his folks were very close and he took after them and their interest in ancient magic A Lot.
When Henri was about 9 his parents died. They left everything to him, but they didn't exactly have a house or anything, just a ton of old books and cursed trinkets. His favorite though was a book that was written entirely in ancient greek. So when he ran away to avoid being shipped off to live with relatives that didnt appreciate his interest in magic too much, that book was one of the things he thought to grab first.
Grief can make a 9 year old orphan do crazy shit, for Henri it became about trying to translate this book. Thats when he discovered problem number 2 with the book: its full of dark magic. Every spell in it is awful and corrupting. There's one unfinisged spell thats meant to banish a demon from their host body. And its like the one spell he can concieve of in this book that isnt just like flat out evil. So he decided to try and finish it.
The book also has a demon summoning ritual in it, so you can guess what he does.
After that he's saddled with Claire a 12 year old girl who is VERY mad it him about getting rid of her demon and demands he help her find him again. (Note: Claire does not realize he's trans yet here)
They try to summon skid back but it just doesnt work, so they gotta do this the old fashioned way.
Takes them months before they finally manage to track skid down again, but during that time the two manage to become friends. Claire opens up a lot about her fear of dying and how she feels she cant enjoy life because of how little time she has left. Henri decides his new goal in life is to heal her so that they can grow up and grow old together. He tells her as much and she gives him this gentle little smile and he internally is like "i would die for her" (he's in love but doesnt know it yet.)
Once Skid is back in and puppeting the body, Henri makes the choice to stick by Skid's side. He needs them to be close for when he finally figures out a way to heal her. And ya know the modern medicine of cough syrup with cocaine and mercury isnt gonna do it so he starts experimenting with magic instead.
He's 15 when he accidentally curses himself. Part of the curse effects his memory, so he doesn't actually know WHAT he did, and he doesn't even realize right away that he isn't aging. All he knows at first is that suddenly dark magics waaaay easier to do so he needs to be careful about that and also one of his eyes is fucked up. So now his secondary motive is also undo his own curse as well as heal Claire. Cuz itd suck if he finally heals Claire but isnt able to age himself, ya know?
Henri's a pretty chill guy and most of the cast view him as skid's 2nd in command and often her voice of reason(though he himself is prone to being impulsive and moody due to the whole technically still being 15 thing). The underlings also all view him as an older brother sort, because he's protective but often "hands off" in how deals with things but also hes just really tall. Lucky him he had his growth spurt before cursing himself to never age.
He tends to have a lot of memory issues, some days are worse than others. On his worst days he doesn't even remember how he met skid, but most days hes just sort of fuzzy and cant quite remember all 200 years he's spent by their side. His vision has also deteriorated with time, he cant see out of his left eye at all and can only make out colors and general shapes out with his left.
Even though he stuck with Skid for Claire's sake, Henri has actually become very close with skid after 200 years. Skid's secretive and doesnt actually like talking about themself honestly but depsite that he knows a lot about them. He knows skid has their own memory issues, and he's aware that Skid's not a full demon. He's heard skid's human name before but forgot it at some point and knows better than to ask about it. He's also very aware that Skid's prone to getting involved in shit which leads to them getting hurt magically and letting Claire run the body for a couple days every other decade. So they still get to see each other. These brief meetings is how Henri realized he was in love with Claire.
Bonus Info: Henri doesn't actually subscribe to modern labels and doesnt really consider himself as being into women or men. He just loves who he loves. (Hes asexual and panromantic)
Fun Fact: i came up with Henri and Skid when I was 12, but every other character in their story, including Claire, formed a slightly later.
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^ skid and Henri drawings from when I was 12
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