#like poor girl has a lot of responsibilities as it is but her sisters don’t make any of this easy
caitlynmeow · 8 months
Someone @ Bela: are you a good listener?
Bela: I have two younger sisters. My ears are wide open.
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kikker-oma · 2 months
I made a small fic for this piece of art you did bc it stuck me with emotion and I couldn’t resist
the art:
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Time walked through the inn hallways, carrying a glass of water for the traveller, who had succumbed to magic exhaustion and was resting peacefully for the time being. He heard a keening sob, and then a sniffle and paused, the water splashing slightly from the abrupt stop. He followed the sound to the room where the sailor, the smithy, and the captain were staying. Worriedly, he knocked on the door with his free hand. “What?” Came a worn, small voice and the old man’s heart stuttered. 
“Can I come in?”
“I—“ A hiccup. “Yeah.”
He turned the knob and opened the door, stepping inside and examining the room, seeing the familiar blue tunic of the sailor’s and recognizing Wind, sitting on one of the bed’s with his legs dangling on the ground. He met Wind’s eyes and saw the tears and softened, closing the door shut as quietly as he could. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Time approached the kid slowly.
When all he got was a barely bit back sob he sat down next to the sailor and noticed he was clutching a telescope tightly to his chest, so tightly his knuckles were white. He didn’t press, merely laid a hand on his shoulder. And Wind looked back at the old man with streams of tears falling down his cheeks and dripping down his chin, his eyebrows pressed and he released his tense grip on the telescope holding it up slightly. “Y’know—sometimes I stay up…A-and I think about what she went through.”
She. Time held his breath, wondering who this girl was but also finding himself nearly at tears seeing and hearing this. Wind hiccuped again. “And—I th-think that.”
A sob tore its way out of the kid’s mouth and Time uttered something softly, a reassurance. Wind continued anyway. “It r-really should’ve been me.”
“No. I don’t know what happened, but you don’t deserve whatever was so bad that she went through.”
“My s-sister, she was kidnapped. She was only six years old—“ Wind gasped. “And she has nightmares of her time in a cell. I would’ve been able to handle it, old man. It should’ve been me.” 
And didn’t that make Time’s heart ache more than ever. He hugged the kid. “She’s safe now, right?” 
“W-well yeah…”
“Because you rescued her. Who would’ve been there to save you had you been in her stead?” 
He got no reply, just a muffled hiccup. Time wiped the kid’s tears away. “We can’t change the past. And no matter what your mind may tell you, even though your sister has gone through a lot, she still has you, right? You’re both still alive.” 
He wasn’t expecting a response. He wasn’t expecting anything from the poor kid right now. 
Kids. These are just kids.
Time waited patiently, keeping the sailor company as he took in what was just said and continued to cry, until Wind spoke, saying, “This telescope is my sister’s. She let me borrow it, before she…Y’know got kidnapped but when I tried to give it back she insisted that I needed it more.” 
“I see. She sounds kind.”
“She is. She helps out where she can and she comforts me when I have nightmares and Grandma isn’t there to,” Wind sniffled, rubbing his eyes. “Aryll’s the whole reason I’m out there, looking for a new place to call Hyrule. I just wish she hadn’t had to go through what she did.”
“I find myself wanting to meet her,” Time hummed. “Is she younger or older than you?” 
“Younger. When she got k-kidnapped I was about 11.”
And so the old man stood up, and smiled softly back down at the sailor. “Would you like to check on the traveller with me? I was giving him some water.”
“Yes!” Wind smiled back, hopping up and following the old man through the inn.
I feel sick. These kids have gone through so much…because I wasn’t there. I abandoned them.
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Time comforting Wind is SO PRECIOUS!!!
Oh wind is such a selfless older brother, he cares so much and is so sacrificing out of love!
I adore that time doesn't expect anything from wind, just talks with him and comforts, and then gives him the option to help Hyrule totake his mind off of it. A nice distraction while also fulfilling the need to do more and help❤️
Oh but Tiiiiimmme don't you start feeling the same way!! Someone tell this man to listen to his own words!!
Thank you Uni, this was SUCH a lovely surprise!!!!!
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annymation · 9 months
Reimagining the characters in Wish
(Part 1- Asha)
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Hey guys! I don’t really know how to start this, but let’s just say that I… Didn’t like how Disney’s 100th anniversary movie turned out, like at all.
But I can tell there was a lot of unexplored potential beneath this story, that in my opinion felt overly simple and bare bones.
But if you love it, that’s awesome, more power to you, I wish I could’ve loved it too. And I don’t want to rewrite it to show I’m “better than the writers at Disney” because I’m definitely not lol, I have no experience in writing, and I’m sure they put a lot of passion into the project and I respect them for that. But this movie inspired me with ideas for a different story that I think is worth telling.
But I won’t start telling it today, instead, I'll start a series of blogs sharing my ideas for changes in the characters and their stories, after I get some feedback I will start posting more of the story itself.
If you’re interested, then come along!
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- Asha is a 18 year old girl, with a passion for drawing and helping those around her, sometimes even worrying more about helping others than helping herself
- She’s like a big sister to her 7 friends, always being the voice of reason and acting responsible, but not in a bossy way, she’s actually very playful with them
- To the people of Rosas tho, she's seen as kind of a weirdo, for you see, she spends almost every time of the day drawing in her sketchbook
- She practices everyday to become a better artist, and the people of Rosas find this to be very peculiar, after all, why would you take so much effort to perfect a talent when you can simply wait to turn 18 and wish for the king to make you an amazing artist?
- Asha doesn’t mind these comments, although they have made her less willing to share her drawings with others that aren’t her 7 friends
- As the story progresses we see Asha flourish from a shy and introverted girl to a brave woman who after discovering a terrifying secret about the kingdom’s rulers, steps in and inspires others to join her and fight an evil sorcerer king and his alchemist wife (yes, I made Amaya an alchemist, more on that on part 2 when I talk about how I’d change Magnifico and Amaya)
- Some Disney characters that share similarities with her personality wise are: Belle, Tiana, Pocahontas and Esmeralda
Main Traits:
Calm and mature
Passionate about her interests (drawing, dancing, philosophy and stars)
Helpful and generous
Perceptive and always questioning things around her that no one pays attention to (like why do all the artists only paint the King and Queen?)
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Oooh boy I gave this poor girl so much angst, okay let’s go
Asha grew up with her grandfather, her parents both died in a fire when she was just a baby
(this isn’t just to fit the “haha Disney princess has no parents” cliche, there’s plot relevance in this “mysterious fire” that I’ll talk about later)
Growing up with her grandpa, he’d always support her dream to be an artist, like her mother, who was an art teacher
Her mother not only drew really well, but she also was able to create the illusion that her drawings could move, by flipping through the pages of her sketch books
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In other words, her mom was an animator
Asha saw this technic her mom used as a form of magic, so she would often tell her grandpa she wanted to “Do magic just like my mom”
Her father was a philosopher (this was established in the actual movie but never explored haha whyyyy), who taught people that working hard to achieve your dreams is not only rewarding, but also essential, because it’s part of the human nature to persevere and fight for what we believe, even if we fail, even if it’s hard, just keep moving forward.
This philosophy may sound very “umm duh” for me and you since we all know and hear everywhere nothing in life comes for free… But that’s not the case in Rosas
In this rewrite the kingdom wasn’t created by Magnifico, but rather the kingdom has existed for many generations, being ruled by different kings before Magnifico who also granted wishes… but I’m getting ahead of myself.
The point is that the culture of just asking the king to give you or make you whatever you want to be has been in this kingdom’s culture since forever, so when Asha’s dad comes out saying “hey! Maybe we should stop just relying on the king to make our dreams come true, right?” He’s actually being quite a revolutionary… and sharing a very dangerous belief to other people…
At this point you might suspect what caused that “mysterious fire”
So, back to Asha, growing up with her grandpa, they shared a lot of happy memories together. Reading her father's books and her mother's art books helped Asha connect with them even tho she never had them in her life.
But as her grandfather grew older, he became senile.
Asha went from being taken care of by her grandpa to being the one who took care of him when she was still around 13 years old, and when she turned 15 her grandfather passed away of old age
Asha went on to live with her best friend Dahlia, the two became like sisters.
Though she managed to move on from the loss of her grandfather, she could never shake the feeling that he died without getting his wish granted... But she had no way to prove that, it was just a feeling
The wish granting system works different in my rewrite, instead of there being a public wish granting ceremony once a month, there would only be a public wish TAKING ceremony, that would work just like in the movie, you turn 18, you go give your wish to the king yada yada yada.
But the wish granting part would work like this: Almost every night the king would release the wishes up in the sky, they would float down like balloons to their respective owners while they sleep, and once they woke up in the morning they'd feel that their wishes were granted, for they would wake up changed.
With this method, there's no way of confirming if someone really got their wish granted or not, unless you went to ask the king.
Asha never did ask the king if he granted her grandfather's wish, but her grandfather would sometimes express how he wasn't feeling completely fulfilled in his life, he felt like there was something... missing.
This feeling of hollowness persisted in him until the very end, no matter how hard Asha tried to help her grandfather, she never knew him as his real self, because he gave part of his soul to the king, the most beautiful part of his soul, his wish.
Asha had no proof that her grandfather didn't get his wish granted, only a gut feeling.
But because of this, Asha wasn't that thrilled to give her own wish to king magnifico, knowing there was the possibility of it never being granted.
Not to mention she didn’t even know what to wish for, “I’m just 18 and you guys expect me to already know what’s my heart’s deepest desire? I’m still figuring that out, all I know is that I wanna draw”
Plus she wanted to follow her father's philosophy and achieve her wish on her own, eventually, when she figured out what her wish even was.
Asha never rebelled against the system tho, she wasn't a confrontational person. She just accepted the people of Rosas preferred to rely on the king's magic, but that just wasn't for her.
However, on her 18 birthday, when it was expected of her to give her wish to the king, she simply said she didn't have a wish, and even if she did she wouldn’t want to hand it over, she wanted to make it come true on her own. This lead to an argument with the king, and after a series of events (that I don't have time to summarize here, but you can find out about it on my rewrite) leads to her finding out a terrible truth about her kingdom. And that's how her story begins.
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- I’d keep these braid ornaments that Asha had in the concept art
- Since in my rewrite she’s not that invested in the kingdom of Rosas, I’d remove all the Kingdom of Rosas symbols that are present in her design (there are a LOT of them)
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- I’d replace these Rosas insignia with more star and constellations themed symbols, to reflect how Asha believes that the stars are connected to people and they can guide us, just like how her father believed.
Final Thoughts
My intentions with these changes were to give Asha a strong emotional hook, and something that makes her feel relatable.
The emotional hook here is how she spent so much of her life taking care of her grandfather that she kinda never had time to worry about her own desires, that alone can be relatable to caregivers of elderly people that watch their grandparents or even their own parents lose themselves as time passes, and end up worrying more about the person they’re taking care of than themselves.
Asha has this internal emotional conflict where she feels she needs to constantly help others the same way she helped her grandfather, and one of the things she’ll learn as the story progresses is that it’s not selfish of her to want more for HERSELF.
Another thing that would be relatable about Asha is her passion for drawing, and how most people in Rosas would say she’s wasting her time practicing so much when she can just wait until she turns 18 and wish to be amazing at drawing.
She’d never stop believing that taking her time to improve on her talent and trying again and again was worth every second of her time, because let me tell ya folks, drawing is HARD, and animating like Asha’s mom did is even HARDER, it takes a whole lot of practice, and Asha was determined to keep trying.
She’d be much like Belle, remaining true to herself even tho those around her considered her odd, and very passionate about drawing just as much Belle was passionate about reading.
I also find it funny how Asha’s motivations are fairly down to earth, like in Disney movies you usually have:
I want to be free from these palace walls!
I want to explore the ocean!
I want to open a restaurant!
I want to find true love!
And then there’s Asha here like
“My life is fine, I just wanna chill and draw stuff”
And that’s it, but, in her environment where everyone is expected to have this great wish that they have to give to the king so he’ll make it a reality, she’s kinda the odd one out, and I love that. Would be a great subversion of the Disney formula.
Of course after she learns Magnifico and Amaya’s true intentions she gets a lot more agency and the desire to save her people, her “call for adventure” if you will.
But what are Magnifico and Amaya’s true intentions? Click here for part 2 and find out!
Thank You For Reading!
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tbhwhocaresanymore · 1 year
“This is probably not a standard transitioning procedure but I’m going to cut his neck in half.” *sawing sounds*
“I wasn’t sure how to make them, so like a responsible adult, I left this problem for last.”
“I want her expression to say ‘oh you poor creature. I don’t care.’”
If any of the above quotes made you laugh, consider taking a trip over to YouTube and visiting my favorite channel
It’s two sisters, Alex and Barb, doing doll customization. As someone who has never customized a doll in my life I find their channel FASCINATING.
Alex used to be a henna artist and her main job is giving the dolls new faces and hair styles and occasional body modifications.
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Barb is an engineer going for her phd and a seamstress, who sews teeny tiny doll clothes. She’s also a talented 3D print designer who makes robot gauntlets, space ships, and a functional doll sized flame thrower.
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They do all sorts of dolls! Redesigns of popular characters like Team Rocket or the Totally Spies girls, and their own original characters. If you want to check them out here’s three good starting options.
This is actually their second most popular video, it’s part of a collaboration where they all made a member of a space ship crew. Enchanterium made Tzula, the medic, who is also an alien cow. Backstory in video.
The girls were a big fan of the Winx Club show when they were younger, and now each Halloween they reimagine a winx character as their darker self, kind of like what Fate tried to do and failed miserably at. Enchanterium DOES NOT FAIL.
You can see a sneak peek of this one when I talk about Alex, it’s one of my favorite of their zodiac videos. They design the Cancer symbol as a high school student with crab legs growing out of her face because why not lol.
Anyway GO WATCH ENCHANTERIUM! The sisters are hilarious, and talk a lot in Polish, and create the most kickass dolls you’ve ever seen, and I need more people to talk about them so I’m blazing my first ever post. Hope to see some of you in the comments ✨
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ponderingmoonlight · 10 months
(y/n)'s deal with the devil to save Nobara's life (Part V)
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Part 1 - 4 of the Sukuna/Yuji x Megumi's little sister series can be found here
Pairing: Megumi's little sister x Yuji/Sekuna
Word Count: 2,5k
Synopsis: You've been through so much at Shibuya, seeing the love of you get taken over by Sukuna and finally getting him back. But this time, it will be you who begs on her knees for the king of curses to arrive in order to save your best friend's life...
Warnings: This hurts like hell lol, I miss my girl so much , as usual language, my poor baby Yuji being absolutely crushed
„I need to get moving now”, Yuji mutters while lifting his trembling frame off the ground.
“But where? Please just sit down for a while, you’ve been through so much-“
“What about the people here at Shibuya, (y/n)? Not only did they have to go through a lot, but they also lost their lives here. I can’t just sit on the ground like an idiot while my friends are out there dying.”
You hate it. The way his eyes glimmer in nothing but grief, how his face lost the spark of joy.
But especially you hate that he’s right. You can’t just stay here and let everybody else do the work. Even though you want nothing more than to rest in Yuji’s comforting arms forever, it is your responsibility to find the others and help freeing Gojo-sensei.
That doesn’t include Yuji, though.
“No, you’ve done enough here. Let me go and find Nanami, okay? You…you need to rest…Yuji?”
He steps towards you, lips forming the most heart-breaking little smile you’ve ever seen while his hand gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I love you more than anything else, (y/n)”, he hushes for only you to hear, making your broken heart skip a beat.
Maybe everything will turn out alright. After all, you have Yuji by your side, right? No matter what Sukuna did, no matter what the two of you have been through, you will eventually make it.
He wraps his longing arms around you, pressing your frame against his chest. You let yourself fall into his touch, allowing your eyes to rest for a moment. This. This is what makes it worth all the pain. The feeling of Yuji’s body against yours, the way his breath caresses your neck ever so slightly.
“But if someone has to go, it’s me. You are the one who has done enough and I’m so sorry I made you go through all of this shit. You will stay here.”
Your shocked eyes dart open immediately, body trying to yank away from him while he holds you in place.
“I’ll get you when all of this is over. Maybe it’s hella selfish, but I can’t afford to lose you. Anyone but you, (y/n). I’m so sorry. So so sorry.”
Bad foreshadowing crawls up your spine. What is he trying to say? You swallow hard, glossy eyes searching for an answer in his worn-out orbs. No, this can’t be.
Yuji won’t just leave you here, will he?
“Don’t go where I can’t follow love”, you literally beg him, desperate hands grabbing his face longingly.
You just got him back, your Yuji, the love of your life. And now…now he wants to leave again, even though he’s been through so much? And you…He wants you just to stay here and wait for him? You shake your head vehemently. No way in hell. You won’t let him leave alone.
“I’m so sorry…But this time, I will leave you no choice. Please don’t hate me, (y/n). I’m doing this for you…”
You aren’t able to free yourself in time. With a swift motion he yanks you through the door of a nearby building, closing the door behind him so rapidly that all you can do is grab the doorknob.
It doesn’t open.
You can’t catch your breath, fists slamming against the metal door without mercy, eyes scanning the room for another way to escape.
But there’s no other door. Fuck, not even a window. This can’t be true, your boyfriend didn’t just lock you into a random building at Shibuya…You glide down the stone-cold walls, the tears in your eyes threatening to pool over.
What if something happens out there? Sukuna must have weakened his body, would he even be able to put up a fight? And what if a grade 1 shows up. Or worse…
You have to blink a few times, panic rising inside your throbbing veins. You can’t just sit here and do nothing. Even though he begged you to stay out of this, it is your responsibility as a jujutsu sorcerer.
As his girlfriend.
You take a deep breath. Calm your tingling nerves, get out of this building, search for Yuji and fight along his side. Even though he doesn’t want you there, even though he specifically instructed you to stay right where you are.
“I’m a Fushiguro after all”, you mutter to yourself.
This wall isn’t thick enough to hold you in. A single slash with your bare fist should be enough to tumble it down. You shake out your arms, desperately try to calm down your beating heart. You have to be brave right now. For Yuji, for your big brother Megumi.
For yourself.
With a swift motion you sprint towards the high wall with neck-breaking speed, pushing through it and falling onto the harsh ground underneath. Everything hurts, it feels like your whole body is on fire. Oh, how much you’d love to lay here for a while, to just stare into the dark night sky, inspecting every minor crater on the full moon above. But your body begins moving on his own, running down the empty and destroyed streets of Shibuya in order to find Yuji. Pushing through the pain, wiping away the tears that threaten to fall down your eyelashes. This is not the time to show any weakness, especially after standing your ground so bravely against Sukuna.
Sukuna…A shiver runs down your spine just by the thought of him. How he wrapped his arms around you, the way his dark voice brushed against your sensitive skin. It’s hard to believe that you survived meeting the king of curses. You, out of all the people here at Shibuya. You, when even special grade curses lost their lives to his cruel hands. Why? Why on earth did he let you live? It still doesn’t make any sense in your foggy brain.
Your ears perk up in an instant, screams and cries echoing through the hallway you run down. It almost sounds like…
No. The urge to throw up becomes almost unbearable, legs dashing even faster despite the scorching pain that runs through your whole body. This was Yuji, without any doubt. And you never heard him scream like that in your life.
Your very own voice echoes back and forth unpromising, feet avoiding the remains of deformed people as good as possible. All these curses, some human corpses…You swallow hard. Mahito has to be here. And if Yuji is here too…
You have to hurry.
“Yuji!”, you scream on top of your lungs, noises growing louder and louder in your ringing ears.
There. In the distance, a few metres away, a head of pink hair.
“Kugisaki, run!”
The desperate tone in his voice, Nobara who just stands there and stares at him. Mahito…Two Mahitos…
“Nobara!” you shout, throwing your knife at the version of Mahito who runs towards her out of instinct.
No, he can’t touch her. If he does, she will become a curse herself. If he does, she-
“Kugisaki”, Yuji breathes out next to you.
It was a minor touch. Just the fingertips brushing over her left eye. But certainly enough to make everyone around stop in their tracks and staring at her in utter disbelief. You aren’t a fool. Good, how much you wish you were. But this slight touch is her certain death.
Your voice isn’t more than a fade away whisper. She isn’t just your classmate. No, Nobara is your friend, the only woman in class by your side, the one you shared your room with for months by know. She knows all your secrets, all your ticks, all the things that make you sad and happy. She is one of your best friends. And now. And now…
“I won’t let you die here!” you scream in frustration, eyes desperately scanning for a way out of this misery.
“Too late for that!” Mahito hollers at you.
What are you supposed to do? Are you even able to fix this? Mahito begins to laugh hysterically, imitates you in the most disrespectful way. That man…No, that creature. He is pure evil, without any doubt. Just like the king of curses himself.
Your eyes widen, heart almost beating out of your chest. That man…
This is probably the worst idea you’ve had in your entire life. But Mahito, Nobara…It might be your only chance to save her.
“You need to switch with Sukuna. Right now.”
“What? What has gotten into you, (y/n)? There is no-“
“This might be the only way to save her”, you interrupt him sharply.
There is absolutely no guarantee this will work. Maybe he’ll just laugh at you like he did back then when Yuji begged for Junpei’s life. Your whole body begins to tremble, just the thought to meet Sukuna again... You shake your head vehemently, eyes darting towards the boy you love in determination.
This isn’t about you or your fears. Right now, Sukuna is the only person who can help you.
“I think I can do it. But you need to switch. Now.”
Yuji’s sharp and heavy breaths hang between the two of you, his hands grabbing yours so urgently that you can’t help but stare at him through glossy eyes.
“Promise me you’ll take me back, okay?”
“I promise”, you reply automatically.
The air around you feels thicker within the split of a second, everyone including Mahito standing death still in their tracks.
“Didn’t expect you want to see me again so early”, his dark voice comments dryly, his arm wrapping itself around your waist before you can stop it.
Your eyes meet his. The stone-cold eyes of the king of curses himself, the marks that cover the gorgeous face of your boyfriend. You want to scream at him, want to hit him with your best shot for making Yuji feel so horrible. God, how much you hate that man for what he did to him, how much you want him to pay for every sinful word, for every person he killed.
But instead, you take a deep breath in.
“I’m begging you to use your reversed technique on my friend.”
He tilts his head, a sly grin creeping up his face. Oh, so that’s what’s going on here. He has to admit, it was very brave of you to call him here. Don’t you know what he did back then when that brat asked him to heal that boy? Why on earth should the king of curses heal a pathetic human being?
“Well well, look who needs my help. Why would I do that, sweetheart, huh? Why on earth would I heal another of you brats?”
“Because I ask you to”, you reply in an instant, glossy eyes looking with his.
Your hands cup his cheeks. Fuck the way your whole body screams in your face to stop immediately, fuck the way tears start to spill out of your eyes again. This is about your dear friend, about Nobara. And you’ll do anything on earth to prevent her from dying.
“You mean like that?”
His hand brushes ever so slightly over a minor cut on your cheek, making it disappear in an instant. Your heart hammers against your chest, eyes widen in nothing but hope and determination. So he really is able to heal others. That means he can save Nobara too, right? He just has to.
“Please heal her. She’s one of my closest friends. Please Sukuna”, you breathe out.
You don’t know what has gotten into you. Was it the fear that radiated to your veins, the overwhelming feeling of standing on the brink of losing it all? You can’t put a finger on it.
But before you are able to stop yourself, you throw yourself against his firm body, puffy cheek resting against his chest.
What is this feeling rising up inside his chest? Why does his heart suddenly skip a beat, why does your sudden touch run shivers down his spine? You, the girl he laid his eyes on my months ago. You, the bravest girl he ever witnessed, who threatened to kill herself if he hurts one of your friends.
You, now laying in his arms, completely shattered by the thought of losing your friend. But what is he supposed to do? Back then all he was able to do was laughing hysterically at the brat begging him to safe his stupid little friend. Yes, nothing seems more ridiculous to Ryomen Sukuna than saving human’s lives. But the way you silently sob against his chest, your eyes widen in nothing but horror and consumed by darkness…
Why does it make his fingertips twitch? Why does he want to chase away your tears?
“I will help you”, he finally speaks out.
Did he…Did he really say that? Your eyes dart towards him immediately, hope glistening in your orbs. Oh, you look truly lovely like that.
“But only under one condition.”
Your thoughts begin to race all over again. Of course, he wouldn’t help you without something in return. Maybe it was a mistake to ask him for aid, maybe you should just call Shoko, maybe it is too late anyway…
Don’t second-guess yourself.
“I will do anything you want.”
“Anything, huh?”
“Anything”, you confirm without hesitation.
“Gift me your heart. Swear that you’ll never leave my side. Enter into a contract with me that binds you to me forever.”
You can’t believe your ears, ground pulled underneath your feet. That would mean…You feel like fainting when the true meaning behind his words hits you. You would be his slave until the end of time, until someone is actually able to defeat Ryomen Sukuna. You’d be cursed for life.
Is it really worth this? If Megumi and Yuji were here right now, they’d scream into your face, begging you to just walk away, search for another way out of this misery. Never in his life, Yuji would have allowed you to make a deal with the devil himself in exchange for another life. Not you, not the love of his life. Not you, the precious sister of Megumi. You don’t deserve this fate, you don’t deserve to be cursed like this.
But you have to make a decision.
“I will do anything you want.”
“I need you to swear it.”
He walks towards Nobara who just stands there and stares at both of you in horror.
“(y/n), don’t…don’t do that”, she breathes out.
You want to break down, scream out in agony, run away and never come back.
“I swear I will do anything you want if you save her.”
But instead, you just stand there and watch him grab Nobara’s face roughly with a single tear running down your face. Is this a new beginning or the end of it all?
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, (y/n). You will stay with me until both of us die.”
Tags: @certainduckanchor @sanemiswifeyxo1  @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @dazaisdick @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @kayleegomez
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sehodreams · 9 months
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Pathetic people also fall in love
WC: 7.3K (I’m so sorry it feels like with every fic I write more)
S: Eunseok is busy enough with his life, he has an 8-year-old daughter and is overworked at his job, he didn’t need to add another thing to that list, so when he puts the unused room in his house for rent, he expects his life to become easier, not to wonder why his tenant is so hot!
TW and Tags: Singledad!Landlord!Eunseok x Tenant!Plussize!reader, aged up Eunseok for the story, all consensual, mutual pining, smut, p in v, use of condom (poor Eunseok is traumatized after his first daughter), fingering, mentions of dacryphilia, fluff (I think near the end, if you don’t think so please let me know and I’ll erase it from here), they’re just two losers falling in love.
Comment: Hey guys, sorry for not having post much lately, this was actually first a Sungchan fic because an anon asked me for a Singledad!Sungchan, but while writing I thought wth this is my baby Eunseok and changed it. I want to clarify that this is not dark at all, so be careful if you go through my other fics because most of them are, I’m all soft since 119, still hope you like it!
You were the best tenant anyone could ask for, and Eunseok knew that, so why was he acting as if he was desperate to drive you away?
When you moved to the room next to him in his house he had his doubts, you were younger than him, which usually meant problems, like drunk boys out of his house throwing up on his flowers at midnight, or loud music when he tried to work, but he needed the money and the extra help, and when he interviewed you, you were relatively fine, a young girl that moved away for school and was more than eager to help around for a significant discount on her rent.
You were so fresh, a 22 year old student with the character of an older sister, and he liked that, you always paid your rent on time and made cookies on friday night instead of going out, you also took care of his daughter when he needed to go out in an emergency at work, only asking for some food when he came back, so you were a good girl and the best tenant.
He couldn't lie to himself, he liked you a lot, which made him feel pretty much guilty, because you were just a sweet young thing who hadn't discovered how the world worked, while he, even if he was still young at his 27 years, had gone through everything in a rush, from heartbreak to disappointment and frustration, perfectly knowing he shouldn't look at you the way he did.
He had too many responsibilities to let himself be swayed your way, he had an 8 year old daughter, an overworking job and too many things on his shoulders, and your presence had started to bring him problems, especially at night, when he dreamed of fingering you in the kitchen before breakfast to thank you for making his coffee, or you receiving him in the entrance wearing nothing but an apron with flour stains, and after you gave him a taste of your freshly baked cookies, he dropped to his knees to taste something even better.
He dreamed all that and woke up feeling more tired than when he went to sleep, and with a painful boner that wouldn't leave him alone until he came over the bathroom titles when he took his quick morning shower, thinking of you with him there, taking his length like the good girl you were.
He couldn't look at your face when you said good morning, the guilt making him blush to his ears, wishing he could go back in time and not let his impulses win over him, because he was sure you would feel repulsed if you ever found out what he thought about you.
For you, he was just your landlord, the older guy with a daughter that worked in a restaurant and brought you leftover pasta every now and then, nothing more, and he had to come around that.
But you made it so hard, making breakfast with your pajama shorts and the thin t-shirts that showed your beautiful nipples, bending down with that gorgeous ass when you pulled the tray out of the oven, or with the sound of you vibrator that woke him up at 2 am, with your little moans going through his wall and making him gulp before he decided to wait for you to cum to go back to sleep.
He could help you, he thought that every time he heard you, he could walk the five steps to your room and fuck you like you deserved, nasty and rough, telling you how good you acted that day, making his favorite dish for breakfast, or playing with his daughter until he came back home, "Such a good girl, don't you want to be my little wife? Such a sweet thing should cum over a real dick every night".
His cheeks became red, he shouldn't be thinking that, not before work where he could do nothing to soothe the need.
He rushed to the door, with his coffee cup in one hand and his daughter backpack in the other, she was already waiting for him in the entrance when you ran to them, were you going to give him a goodbye kiss? He wished.
"I made too many of them yesterday, take them for lunch" you gave him a paper bag with two muffins, he felt the sweet aroma of them through the bag and his eyes followed your lips when you talked again, "I already put one in her lunchbox, these are just for you".
He wanted to kiss you so bad, he didn't care that your hair was still ruffled from your night, or that you weren't wearing any makeup at all, he thought you looked fucking gorgeous in that moment, and he wanted to kiss you to say thank you, thank you for being so good, thank you for treating his daughter with care, thank you for everything you do for him even when you didn't need to.
"Okay" he said, and left.
"Okay?" Sungchan asked when he arrived at work and told him what he did.
"Okay" Eunseok passed his hand through his hair, exhausted with everything, with his 10-hour shift, his daughter telling him she missed him, and his body not being able to sleep properly because it needed his tenant.
"What an asshole, that sweet thing just gave you two of the best muffins in the world for free, she made your coffee and helped you get your daughter ready for school, and you say 'okay', not even a 'thank you'? Man, if I was her, I'd leave your pathetic ass immediately, doesn't matter how cheap the rent is" he grabbed one of the little pastries and was about to eat it when Eunseok snatched it from his hand.
"Mine" he said and walked away, making Sungchan scoff.
He didn't meant to be so cold, it was like his body was in survival mode, trying to save his feelings from getting hurt before he even got a chance to do something about them, it'd be too uncomfortable if things didn't work out, you were precious for him, and he didn't want to lose you, but if he kept acting like that, he wasn't just going to drive you off, but you'd hate him in the process, and he couldn't deal with the thought of you hating him, not like that.
That night, when he arrived from his shift, he brought pizza and your favorite drink.
He left them in the counter and walked to his daughter's room, the house was in silence, his daughter already sleeping in her bed and after giving her a good night kiss, he searched for you, you were nowhere sight, so you must be in your room, right?
When he knocked no one answered, where could you be?
You came out of the bathroom seconds later, with just a towel wrapping your body, your tits were overflowing from the grip it did to not fall and he couldn't help but watch you from head to toe, your uncovered shoulders, your soft thighs, even your pretty feet with red nail polish.
"Hey Eunseok, you're early today" you proceeded to tell him about what his daughter had for dinner and how she was sleeping already, and that you were waiting for him before you went out. Almost everything got lost in his ear, he was too busy watching your back and the drops falling down your neck.
"I brought pizza" was the only thing he could say.
"Thank you, I'll eat it after I come back" you closed your door before he could say anything more and, not knowing what else to do, walked to his room.
He looked himself in his mirror, his boner was showing in the reflection and his face was red, he really had a problem, so he took care of it while listening your soft voice singing on the other side of the wall, feeling like a pervert when he finished over his hand.
He changed his clothes for something more comfortable and went to the kitchen to eat a slice of pizza before bed, he was tired and even if he came back earlier than normal, his body was exhausted from all the nights without sleeping well.
He was just finishing his portion when you walked down, looking like a fucking angel ready to take him to the afterlife.
You were wearing a white flowy short dress, showing your beautiful curves and the full of your chest through the cleavage that made you look even more angelic.
But where were you going dressed like that? It couldn't possibly be...
Your phone sounded before he could ask and you ran to open the door, a skinny boy with long black hair was there, waiting for you with the worst resting bitch face he had ever seen, so different from your excited ear to ear grin, "Hi Wonbin" you said with your pretty smile, and he only gave an acknowledged nod in response. Asshole, he thought.
He couldn't say anything to stop you from going out, to scream how you were his and how that lanky boy couldn't give you what he could, he wouldn't appreciate you like he already did, because he didn't know how special and amazing you really were.
Eunseok, still in the same place, heard the door close and then a car starting outside, driving away.
He felt fucking pathetic looking at you smile to another man and leaving the house with someone like him, but maybe that little boy was better than him, even if he didn't like the thought, he could be younger than him, and not have a daughter, just a normal boy for his age, without the weight of thinking about the future, because he didn't have anyone who depended on his actions, just himself.
He closed the pizza box and grabbed a beer, such a pathetic loser, he told himself, having the girl he wanted so close and stopping himself from getting her, blaming his circumstances instead of the reality of him being a coward.
The night felt longer than usual, he used to think that nights didn't have enough hours to rest, and now, with you outside, he thought it felt endless.
He just needed you back home, to know where you were, and what you were doing, with him steps away, to know you were safe.
Hours passed and when the eleven-news started and some traffic accident showed on the screen, he heard a car park out of his place, recognizing your steps to the door. When you opened the door he saw you alone, with a sad look and your pretty hair different from when you went out, as if you tried to brush it with your fingers to look put together before you walked in. His blood wanted to boil at the thought of him touching a single strand of your hair, but he was too preoccupied with your face, what could've happened in your date for you to arrive like that? Was he the jerk he appeared to be? He knew that boy didn't deserve you, but at the same time he wished he was wrong.
"Welcome back" Eunseok said, giving you a small smile. You dropped your purse to the floor when you saw him, looking too exhausted to reciprocate the awkward greeting smile. He felt bad for you, you continued with the disappointed air all over you and he didn't know what to do to cheer you up, "there's still pizza in the kitchen".
You denied his offer, walking to the couch he was sitting, letting your body fall on the other side of it, leaving a big space between you.
You watched the news together for a couple of minutes, in total silence. He understood you didn't feel like talking, you went out after such a long time, getting all dolled up with a dress he had never seen you wear before and such uncomfortable shoes. You almost never went out like that, more into comfortable loose clothes, and around the house you never used make up. He still saw you gorgeous though, but Eunseok was different, he thought that when you had your hair up in a ponytail while cooking, or when you left his daughter use her toy makeup on you, and he loved to see you wearing that swimsuit when you played on the child pool with her, your tummy showing through the clothing and your full chest covered with a top that wasn't your size, it couldn't be your size, he swore that because every time you used it your tits were too much for it and the fabric was hanging on for its life over your body, which to be honest, was incredible hot for him.
And you did all that for a boy that couldn't even walk you to your door at the end of the date, he can't imagine what else did he do that night to make you come back home with such a disappointed look.
"How was the date?" He asked and sipped his can of beer, trying to appear nonchalant, like he didn't care, but he was dying to hear about it.
"It wasn't what I expected" you answered while taking off your high heels, he saw a little blister forming on your feet and he wanted to grab them and give them a well-deserved massage, he was dying to do something for you, but he shouldn't, so he did the only thing he thought would comfort you without him touching you, he passed you his beer for you to take a sip, which you did, you grabbed it and drank a big gulp of it, looking a bit more refreshed after, making him feel good with his choice. "He made me pay for the movie tickets" you continued.
Eunseok opened his mouth, not believing what you told him, he knew the boy was going to be a jerk, but to such extent?
"Yeah, I know" you said when you saw his surprised expression, making you laugh but from embarrassment. "I... I didn't know how to say no, we were already in the que, and I thought that maybe it wouldn't be that bad, maybe it was going to be just that and then he'd pay for the popcorn, I-I don't know what I was thinking"
Of course you knew what you were thinking. You didn't go out with him for the movie, you wanted to get laid, and he was the only one who had offered to go out with you after so long, you didn't have another choice.
You weren't an easy girl, you knew you deserved more, but since you had moved to Eunseok's house you felt more and more needy, praying every day for him to not notice how your thighs clenched when he was around you, or how you touched yourself when he took care of his flowers under the sun, the sweaty look of him was too much for you to contain himself, and you had fallen for various reasons, how he always took a few of his precious creations to decorate your room, how he always brought you your favorite pasta when it was on the daily menu of his restaurant, even how he made sure you were always comfortable around him and his daughter.
How could you not fall for a guy like that? So caring and sweet, and you lived with him, it was like torture to have his smell around you, his body, his warmth, and not be embraced by him.
The only reason you accepted to go out with Wonbin was because your friends told you he was going to be a good fuck, but the only nearly good thing that night were his guitarist fingers playing with your pussy during the movie, "for the ticket" he had said, but you honestly would've preferred the money. It felt good for a second, the teasing was hot, and you told yourself it'd get better, but when he took you to his car and to that dark place instead of a nice room and a comfortable bed, fucking you in his backseat and coming after a few thrust, all that after he asked you to give him head, pushing his fingers on your well braided hair, making a mess of it even when you told him you didn't feel like it, everything got boring for him and he drove you home in an uncomfortable silence.
You felt disgusting when he dropped you off and immediately drove away, leaving you there in front of the house, not even checking if you walked in safely.
The only thing you could think while walking those few steps to the house was Eunseok would've never treated me like that.
So, when you opened your door and saw him sitting in the couch, in front of the tv, when he should be asleep after a long work day, waiting for you, you wanted to cry, because he hates the news, and he would never watch them willingly when he could use that time to sleep instead.
You contained yourself and sighed, biting back your lip from quivering and showing how weak you felt at that moment, you were a big girl, and you couldn't cry every time something went wrong.
But you couldn't deny that you were also more vulnerable because of him those days, and how he was pushing you away when you tried to get closer, just that morning, when you gave him those muffins, it hurt you to hear the 'okay' came out of his mouth, it felt like you were being too much for him and he didn't know what to say to your advances anymore, and perhaps that's why those days he seemed in a worse mood, troubled with your presence near him.
When he offered you his beer you feel slightly comforted, how pathetic, you thought, a girl feeling comforted just because the guy who was rejecting her gave her a sip of his beer.
Some pop star was in a dating scandal and you couldn't care less, but you didn't want to leave, you wanted to be with him for more time, as long as he allowed you.
"Did you want to go out with him?" He asked after a couple minutes. You denied with your head.
He finished his beer, so he got up and walked to the kitchen, coming back with two cans and opening one for you, sitting slightly closer this time.
"Then why did you accept?" Some politician was talking about being honest on his campaign, what a bullshit, he would lie, just like you, a normal human being, has being done since you came to that house, acting like you didn't feel anything for Eunseok, and that everything you did was out of your heart, it partly was, but you did it more eagerly because you wanted him to look your way, to maybe see you different, not the young girl that rented the room next to his in his house, and if not an equal partner, at least some kind of comfort from his daily life, something to come back after his tedious routine and that could give him the peace he needed, just like he and his home did for you.
You decided to not lie anymore, if he asked you something, the least you could do was to be honest with yourself and with him, you didn't have long until everything spilled out of the glass already full of your feelings, and it would kill you to move away from him, his daughter, his house, and everything that had become familiar to you those months, but if you were still going to get hurt, you should be honest before everything went to hell.
You drank another big gulp of your beer before talking again, to feel more confident, "I wanted to get laid". He almost choked with his drink, coughing and looking at your direction to try to find out if you were making a really bad joke or you were telling him the truth.
You didn't look at his direction, some festivity was about to start in a few days and the city was getting ready for a festival, it looks pretty, I should go with his daughter before I move out, you thought.
Every day you had contained yourself from going to his arms, kissing his lips and asking for him to pay you attention had come to that, and you had resigned to leaving when he asked you to, because if before he was uncomfortable, now he was going to find you unbearable, and it would kill you to stay and see the place you called home crumble in front of your eyes.
Still, you had never felt so free.
He saw the decision written all over your face, you knew what was going to happen next, and he was afraid of the outcome, of what was going to happen if you ever left him, what would he do without your coffee? Without your laugh filling his house, without the smell of your shampoo all over the room after you took a long shower, or with the way his daughter had started to depend on you for certain questions, just, what would he do without you?
He wanted to come home after his shift to be welcomed by his two favorite girls all over the world, and he was an adult, he would get over it with time, but he didn't want to, he had already compromised with many things, with leaving college, with not going to friend's parties anymore, with only drinking beer once a week, with not being the first place in his life never again, he had already accepted too many things, and you leaving wasn't one of them.
"Well, you didn't have to ask another man when you have me right here" he couldn't process what he said, he just said it, his lips moving before he could think twice. You stared at him taken aback from his words, you expected him to call you dumbass or anything along that, but he was making clear you had permission to see him not like your landlord or just an older guy, but like a man.
Your eyes interlocked and the tension got thicker, both of you were closer without any of you noticing, shoulders touching, and when you moved your face slowly towards him, waiting for him to tell you he didn't mean what he just said, he tenderly grabbed your face and made you kiss him, erasing all distance between you, finally.
Your eyes shut and you kissed softly at first, tasting the lingering bitter flavor of his cheap beer, enjoying every second of it, until you whimpered on his lips, and he, reacting to it, tapped twice with the palm of his hand over one of your thighs, to signal you that he wanted you to be over his lap.
You let your weight fall over him and he loved the way he felt your ass flushing with his knees, his hands roamed all the way from your waist to the softness of your legs and followed the same trail back, addicted to the way your body, even being bigger than normal and nothing like he ever had in the past, felt perfect on his hands, as if you had been designed for him and only him to touch and indulge in.
The hem of your dress had rolled with your movements and his hands didn't help neither, trying to lift it up as much as he could to feel the plump of your ass.
"To the movies with a dress like this one? Tell me the truth, did he finger you with people around? don't you feel any shame?" He asked, making you rock your hips over his boner. You sighed on his neck, not daring to look at him in the face, shame creeping your red cheeks.
"Why do you say that?" You asked curious of his remarks, they were true, but how did he know?
"Because he's no better than me, and I'd have done it too", he made you look at him, one of his hands still over your ass and the other on your jaw, admiring you over him, his glossy eyes were all over your face, from your flushing cheeks to your lips with the mild cherry color of your lipstick that was almost completely removed by his kisses "you're too pretty, no one would be able to resist" he said, lips finding your again, kissing you deeper, wanting to satisfy the part of him that had been screaming for your mouth every day until now, as if it was possible to ever calm it.
You started to blush even more, embracing him with your arms around his neck to kiss him better, and after a couple of seconds, when he let you breath and hide your face on his neck again, licking his lips and still making you bounce with the strength of his hands on your waist, moving you to his liking, his bulge perfectly touching your clit under your panties, you nodded to his past question, Wonbin did finger you, and you did feel shame, but with him, with Eunseok, you were sure you'd have let him take you right there in front of everyone and you'd have said thank you when he finished with you.
"I'm sure he fucked you, did he fuck you in his car? He doesn't look like the kind of boy who takes you to a nice room to give you what you deserve, I'm sure you couldn't even cum once with him, this sweet thing needs to be taken care of by someone who can handle it, someone like me" he whispered that to your ear, biting back his groans and making fun of you trying to hide your soft moans, adding to that the way you nodded to everything he said, he felt exhilarating, wanting to tease you even more, wondering what would happen, would you cry for him to stop? Or even better, would you cry for him to not stop?
The thought did things in him, and as a result, his thumb touched your pussy over the fabric of your panties, fumbling around it to feel how wet you were getting, making you moan louder than you expected, sensitive after being teased before but not finding the satisfaction you needed.
You supposed it was that, how Wonbin played with your pussy just hours before, you didn't think it was probably from all you went through for months, hiding the way you needed him, or how you played with yourself thinking of him behind your door, everything accumulating and being too much for you in this moment, the cathartic minute in which you finally were feeling his body against you, his aroma as close as you begged past nights, and his hands prying the place that suffered his absence the most.
"It hurts" you cried, begging for him to touch you directly with his hands. The air in the room was hotter and your untouched skin was burning. Your hips moved perfectly over him and he imagined himself making you lie on the couch to fuck you until you screamed, he was in pain too to be honest, too many nights needing you almost made him weak, but he wanted to enjoy it as much as he could, in case it was the only night he'd have the privilege of having you, to never forget you in case what you had decided for tomorrow didn't include him.
He kissed you again, he couldn't take you there, on his ugly old couch, he had to take you properly, like you should be treated, "I know baby, I know" he said, eyebrows frowning and breath hitching from getting closer to his orgasm, he had been too painfully untouched and sure you were the same, asking for each other at midnight, each of you in their own rooms, praying for the other to do something about their desire, "let's go to my room, okay? I know you can do it for me, I need to touch you more, and for you to be comfortable in every moment of it, my precious baby"
You wanted to tear up of how good he talked to you, giving and asking for compassion at the same time. For him, you had earned the right to be treated like that, to demand it from him, working hard and giving parts of you he didn't ask for and hadn't realized he needed until you came into the picture of his dull and exhausting life, making it brighter and more bearable every day you spent together.
You didn't want to move, so close of your first orgasm over his lap, but he clapped his hand over your thighs, telling you to move away from him "come on angel, I know you're a good girl, you heard me, let's go" you were a good girl, his good girl, so with the pain of your heart, and your clit, you moved out of his lap, letting him drag you by the hand to his room. The path was short, just the staircase and a couple steps to his room, but the way he was showing you his back, making you walk as fast as him to get to his bed, made your pussy throb. This was happening, really happening, and you smiled feeling content.
When both of you arrived to his room, a secret place you had never been able to set a foot in before, door always closed, you sensed the last line between you both blurring, because nothing, not even an earthquake, would make you get out of his bed tonight, you'd receive everything you had been yearning for, and you'd be grateful at the end, in case he only accepted you one time.
He kissed you again against his door, making you stand on your tip toes to meet his mouth. Your chest was touching his and you were dying for them to touch directly, without any fabric stopping your nipples from feeling his hard chest, even if he didn't train that much anymore, you had seen him come back sweating after a morning jog every sunday, waking up at 6 AM to come back with your favorite bread freshly baked.
While kissing he made you walk back to the bed, pushing you over it and taking off his shirt to then go back to his duty over you.
His mouth couldn't leave you alone, and groping everything he could with his hands and rutting his erection over your pussy, he made sure your lips, and your tongue, were focused on him.
"Please, I need more" you told him, tired of not feeling him on your skin.
He didn't answer you, two of his fingers found your clothed pussy and pressed your underwear, sensing how wet you were under his fingers, a big warm spot was formed, and he decided to not tease you anymore over it. His palm went under your panties, and if over your panties he felt you wet, now you were dripping. His hand was quickly covered on your juices immediately, making him groan, how could he tease his baby so much when she was suffering like that?
"Fuck, I’m sorry angel", two of his fingers found your hole and started to play with you, fucking you without problem because of how wet you were, and you received him like all the time, making him feel welcome with your warmth.
Your body was shaking under him, hands on his chest touching his skin, trying to grasp as much of him as you could, slightly pushing him away of how good he was working you with just with his fingers, but without the force to actually do it, it was just your body reacting to him, because you really wanted him to be closer.
"Wait-" strangled words wanted to come out of your mouth, he was so good with his hands your eyelids were fluttering and the only think you could see in the dark room, with the little light coming through his curtains, was his grin watching your pussy take his fingers, and his arm making that possible.
Two fingers became three and his hand started to fuck you more, like trying to find something inside you, fingers in and out on scissoring movements, until you started to cry louder and leak over his hand, making him feel proud of his work, "that's right baby, come on, cum all over my hand".
You had your first orgasm, making a mess on his hand and your panties, it was uncomfortable to keep wearing them, wet and sticking to you, so he took them off, making you lift your legs to take them. You didn't know if he could see you in that darkness, but he could, your pussy glistening was impossible to ignore, and the image in front of him was everything he had been dreaming of for months.
He took of your dress too, enjoying the view even more, you weren't wearing a bra, and your tits jumped in front of him, gravity making them fall a bit to each side of how big they were, so fucking hot.
His mouth went to your little buds, tongue flicking over one and grabbing the other, and exchanging the work between each of them after he thought it was enough attention to one. They were so soft under his hand, skin overflowing his grip and making him think maybe I should die here, because there was no place more comfortable than there over your beautiful chest.
"Eunseok, please don't tease me" You cried under him, you had watched him so concentrated on your chest you didn't want to distract him, but the pain on your pussy was becoming too much for you, and you were still leaking all over his grey sweatpants.
"Such a crybaby" He smiled, pulling down his sweatpants and his boxers, just enough to free his cock and put the condom he had on his nightstand, he wanted to fuck you, but he had already learnt his lesson, he wanted to take care of you for a long time, to fuck you many more times. He slapped your pretty cunt with his length, enjoying your little jolts. "Sorry, it's because you're the prettiest girl, I couldn't contain myself" he said, pushing his dick over you, simulating the way his cock was going to fuck you in just a second, you opening your legs even more without you intending to, all so he could be closer to you "I'll give you what you want, don't worry" he kissed your forehead to take your attention away from the tip of his dick sliding through your hole, but it was so long he still had you squirming under him, even with all the preparation, you felt him stretching you like no one had done before, "You're dripping all over my bed, it's because of me or him?" He asked after his cock made a wet sound when he finished pushing it into you.
"Uh?" You couldn't process his words, too lost into the sensation of his cock inside you, fucking your guts, so deed the only thing that went through your mind was fuck me, fuck me.
"Who made you like this, me or him?" He repeated his question and you realized who he was talking about, Wonbin, and even if he had fucked you, he was nowhere near Eunseok.
"You, Eunseok, just you" you cried, his hips had stopped for a second to hear your answer, and when he heard the desperation on your voice, he understood you weren't telling him just what he wanted to hear, but the truth. Your nails started to mark his back and he, because of the intensity of the moment, didn't feel it, too concentrated on the sensation of your walls accepting him so easily, something uncommon for him since his length was bigger than normal, but of course his little angel would do it without problem, you were made for him, and he had no intention of ever sharing you again.
His hips moved again, pulling as far as he could to dive all in, making your tears drop one by one of how good you were feeling, you felt high, like touching the sky, and with each trust he took you back to earth, to that room, demonstrating you how the only thing you needed to feel complete was him.
Your heart was racing, you could hear it beating on your ears, but you didn't know what was that you were hearing, his cock making you ignore anything else that wasn't him and his groans.
"Fuck, so tight, has no one been taking care of you since you came here? I'm sure your little toy doesn't compare" he asked and the rhythm of his hips increased, his cock pushing deeper with each thrust. "Were you thinking of me when you used it? Did you want me to hear it so I could go to your room and fuck you?" You shook your head, you used it because you were too horny after spending time with him, and just the image of him coming back home with his white shirt and his ruffled hair made you crazy, he always looked so stressed you had to resist the temptation of dropping to your knees to suck his cock when he told you your daily good night, your mind only repeated I'm here, please use me!, and without being able to receive anything from him, you had to rely on your toy.
You wanted to talk and tell him everything, but no coherent sound came out of your mouth, your insides were being so fucked any function in your mind had shut down, focusing only on your pussy and the pleasure he was giving you.
You couldn't talk and that frustrated you, making multiple tears fall down your cheeks, sobbing at this point. Your hands didn't want to let him go and you tried to hug him and get him closer to you, but you were crying so loud he had to stop to check on you one second, to make sure you were okay.
He looked at you worried "what's wrong baby? Am I being too much?" He caressed your cheek with his thumb and cleaned the strand of tears.
You denied, focusing all your mind into talking again "feels so good, please don't stop". He stared at you for a long time, appreciating your face and your body, trying to get all into his memory to never forget how beautiful you looked at that moment, crying for him and his cock, begging for him to not stop.
He didn't know what he would do if he couldn't fuck you again, if before he was deep into you, now he was in a place that had no escape.
You moved your body under him, trying to get the same feeling from seconds ago, making you forget everything again, making you forget who he was, who you were, and what would happen after you both finished.
"You have no idea of how much I fucking like you" you wanted to say me too when he talked, but his hips had started to work you again and you could only moan loudly when you tried to talk, so you decided to bite your lip to stop being too noisy instead. "I'm sorry baby, I know you want to be loud, but we'll get in trouble" you nodded, understanding why he said that. He put his hand over your mouth and kissed your temple while fucking you, pushing you to the same abyss he was in, needing more of your juices to make a mess over his bedsheets, to let your smell linger around him for more time.
The way he was looking at you was something you'll never be able to forget, something you had never seen before, no one, in all your life, had stared at you with such intensity, full of need and possession, like screaming mine, mine, mine, and you couldn't correct him, he was right, you were his.
Your walls clenched around him and he let your mouth free to kiss you again, his tongue had intruded into your mouth, stealing the little air you had and making you even more dizzy, mind scattered all around the room like your clothes, pushing his dick in a more erratic way, not calculating so much how and what to push, just feeling.
"I'm so close, cum with me angel, fuck" his hips were practically punching yours, making the sound of both skins clapping so dirty you felt yourself tightening just with it. You nodded, both of his arms were on each side of your head and your hands held onto them, trying to not fall wherever you felt you were about to, as if he was going to push you, with him, into some state of clarity you had never experienced before.
He did push you into something new, the orgasm was so hard you lost yourself for a second, mind becoming black and eyes rolling for a long moment, your heart and breath completely stopping and toes curling into the bed, feeling his cock throb inside you while some liquid leaked out of your used pussy.
He brought you back to reality with soft kisses. His hair was sweating over your forehead, and you felt his skin sticky against yours, but you felt complete, after so much time, you were where you should be, in his room, on his bed, with him and only him.
He let his body fall over yours, squishing you with his size, his cock was still inside you, and you didn't want him to move, he could stay like that all night if he wanted, you'd never ask him to move.
Sadly, he moved apart minutes later, when both of you had regained their breaths and your hand was caressing his broad back. He lifted himself, still between your legs, pulling his dick out of you to remove the condom, making you whimper a protest. He laughed quietly, looking down at you, such a needy baby.
He walked out of the room and you started to get doubtful, was he going to regret everything you had done? You loved every second of it, you didn't want to be apart from him ever again, but maybe... Maybe he just needed some release.
Your eyes started to get wet, you always thought you would be satisfied with one time, but you became greedy after feeling his touch, and one time would never be enough again.
He came back minutes after, you heard his steps, but you didn't turn back to him, afraid of what he would tell you.
"Angel, I brought you your tea, have some before you sleep" he touched your shoulder and made you look at him, when you did, he gave you the softest smile and moved a strand of your hair out of your face. You wanted to cry again, touched by his treatment.
You drank some of it, still fresh and cold, while he cleaned you with a wet towel between your legs, so you could sleep more comfortable.
Then, when you gave him the cup, he tossed the used towel away, and, after leaving your cup over a couple of his gardening magazines on his nightstand, he made you cover yourself under his bedsheet, lying next to you, accepting your hug into his arms and giving you a goodnight kiss on your forehead, erasing all doubts from your head, because he'd never be able to give up on his little angel again.
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holylulusworld · 2 months
The big hammer (1)
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Summary: Thor takes you in.
Pairing: Lumberjack!Thor Odinson x fem!Reader
Warnings: awful brother, angst, mentions of/implied physical abuse
This story is part of my Lumberjack Tales masterlist
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Thor crossed his arms over his wide chest. The red-white checkered flannel he wore strained against his thick, muscular arms. He shook his head no.
His friend grunted. “You owe me. I took care of your drunk sister more than once. Y/N won’t disturb you. She needs a place to crash. Your cabin is huge.”
“I owe you shit,” Thor ran his big hand down his face. He had a lot on his plate, especially with fall being so cold. “I have work to do and don’t need distraction.”
“You don’t have work to do,” your brother snapped at his friend. “You cut wood all the time for fun. Your cabin in the woods is rather a castle, and you could simply buy your firewood.”
“I like working with my hands,” Thor said and turned his hands to look at his palms. “A man must feel the wood he wants to use to bring warmth into his home. He wants to cut it, and not let another man do it for him.”
“It’s one weekend, Thor. Do this for me, and I won’t tell anyone you let a poor girl sleep outside in the cold.”
“You have no shame,” Thor said. He huffed and shook his head. “Why would you bring your sister here? I live in the middle of nowhere and don’t think your little sister wants to spend time at my place. I don’t want her to spend time at my place either.”
“Do it for me, bro. I need to get her off my back for the weekend. I met this hot piece of ass, and can’t have my sister around,” he pleaded and begged. “I didn’t get laid for two months. My balls are blue, Thor. Blue!”
“I’m not responsible for your sex life!” Thor raised his voice. “I chose to live out here to have my quiet. I don’t need your annoying sister to get on my nerves. She always clung to me when we were younger. I don’t think she changed much.”
“No, no,” your brother tried to talk Thor into taking you in. “She won’t bug you. I swear. Her ex has beaten the sassiness out of her. He was a loser but did one thing right.”
“What?” Thor said. He furrowed his brows, believing he misheard. “What did you say?”
“Oh. Yeah. Her ex beat the shit out of her and she came to me, asking me to take her in for a few weeks,” your brother huffed. “I let her sleep in my living room for a week. I got enough, alright. I need some time without her.”
Thor squares his jaw. He’d love to beat the shit out of your brother, but you stepped inside the room, sheepishly glancing at Thor. It wasn’t your idea to come here and beg Thor to take you in.
The blonde’s stormy blue eyes meet yours for a brief moment. He cleared his throat and nodded in your direction. “Y/N,” he hastily said. “I will prepare the guestroom for you. Let me get your luggage.”
Thor brushed past your brother, bumping his shoulder into your brother’s. Your brother winced at the impact, but he couldn’t hide the grin on his lips.
You silently followed Thor, your brother’s childhood friend. The last thing you wanted was to be a burden to a man you haven’t seen for years. You came to seek shelter in your brother’s house, not Thor’s home.
“Thor,” you said his name, your voice barely above a whisper. “You don’t have to do this. I can just look for a motel nearby and go from there.”
“I won’t let you sleep at the rat-infested hole they call a motel in this town,” Thor gruffly replied. He never was a man of many words, not even when he was a kid. “You are here, and I got a guestroom.”
“I’m sorry—” you bit the inside of your cheek because you were about to repeat the pattern all over again. You were saying sorry for something you didn’t do. It’s your brother’s fault you ended up in Thor’s house. “He shouldn’t have asked you to take me in.”
“He lacks any sense of responsibility or tact,” Thor shrugged as he looked at your suitcases and bags on the ground. He dipped his head to watch your brother put your luggage on the ground. “Wow, he didn’t even wait for my answer, huh.”
“I told him to bring me to a motel,” you tried to hide your embarrassment when Thor glanced at the two boxes in the trunk of your brother’s car. “He said it’s only for the weekend. I guess I overstayed my welcome already.”
“You’re his sister,” Thor grabbed the two boxes first. “He should be there for you after—” He swallowed what he wanted to say and walked back inside his home, your two boxes in his arms.
“Wait, you don’t have to…” You sighed and grabbed one of your suitcases to follow Thor inside his home. “I will look for a place to stay first thing today.”
“Well…I see you’re already getting along,” your brother said, and off he went, not looking back. Before Thor or you could say something he drove away, without saying goodbye.
You watched him speed off, an ache in your heart. How could your brother be so insensitive and careless about you? All your life you did all you could to help him whenever he needed you. And this one time you asked him for help, he let you down.
Thor placed his hand on your shoulder and said, “You should go inside. It’s getting colder. I’ve got this.”
He didn’t say a word when you wiped tears off your cheeks. “Thank you. I know this is not how you imagined your weekend would go.”
“I got siblings too,” he grabbed the rest of your luggage. “My younger brother is an annoying bitch, and we don’t want to talk about my sister. They love to cause chaos.” He laughed when you looked at him in disbelief. They always seemed to get along well. “One of the reasons I moved out here.”
You tried to take one of the suitcases out of his hands and murmured, “It’s a nice place.” Thor refused to let you carry your luggage. He’s a grump, and sometimes a little loud, but his mother raised him better. “You must be very happy out here. Fresh air and all.”
“Fresh air. Right,” he threw you a look over his shoulder. “Lots of firewood to cut, too.” He grinned. “I’m living the dream.”
“At least you’ve got dreams left,” you said, sounding a little too sad. “Even if it’s only a dream about cutting wood.”
“You think I’m a lumberjack, huh?” He chuckled while walking inside the cabin. “I like to cut wood, but I’m not a professional.”
You grinned. His flannel and the thick beard framing his face told you a different story. Thor with his thick body and muscles threatening to burst his shirt open was the epitome of a lumberjack.
“Why don’t you sit on the couch, and I prepare the guestroom,” he offered, already walking toward the staircase leading to the guestroom and his bedroom. “If you’re hungry, there are leftovers in the fridge. Help yourself with a drink. I got beer, coke, or water.”
“I’m good, thank you,” you stammered, not wanting to be an even bigger burden than you already were.
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Thor carried all of your things upstairs and prepared the guestroom for you. Even though he didn’t want to let you stay at his home at first, Thor tried anything to make you feel welcome. He couldn’t believe your brother treated you the way he did after everything you had to endure.
“You need to eat something,” he said and placed a plate filled with pasta in front of you. “The guestroom is prepared. You can use the bathroom first, it’s right next to your room.”
“Thor, you don’t have to be so nice,” you nervously looked around his living room. You rubbed your arm. Thor watched you hiss. You forgot about your injured arm for a moment. “I know my brother forced you to take me in for the weekend.”
“I took you in because it was the right thing to do,” he stated. “My siblings get on my nerves all the time, but I would never abandon them for a quick…” Thor shook his head, not wanting to tell you why. “Come on, eat. I can’t have one of my guests starve.”
You watched Thor for a moment, wondering if your brother told him what happened with your ex…
Part 2
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greensimp · 1 year
Gyutaro falling in love with a pregnant S/O - with no husband or whose husband left her - and adopting her child as his? 🥺
I love this idea! I'm already doing a fic where the child is biologically his, but it would definitely be more realistic for Gyutaro to acquire a child through adopting one. Whether he'd actually do that or not is irrelevant, anything can happen in fanfiction >:)
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Cannon!Gyutaro x Pregnant!Reader
TW: implied/referenced sex work, foul language A/N: Headcannon-ish format, but more detailed than the average one. Reader is obviously AFAB.
You live in Rashamon. Like most girls in the entertainment district, you did what you could to survive. And, well, that meant doing a lot of unsavory things.
It was an inevitability that you’d end up pregnant, but unlike many women who do in your town of origin, you were determined to give your baby a good life.
You had no idea who the father was, but you had a feeling that he wouldn’t be much help anyway.
You decided to beg for a place in one of the many houses of Yoshiwara, but you were unsurprisingly shot down at the door once you mentioned you were with child. At least, until you arrived at the Kyogoku house.
Much to your surprise, you were given a place in the house in exchange for your services as a house maid. While you weren’t required to take clients, you were expected to work a lot. That included assisting the Oiran with her many dress changings throughout the day.
This is how you’d catch the attention of Gyutaro.
At first, he’d be indifferent to your existence, only occasionally listening in to your conversations with Daki from within her body. You aren’t the first poor girl to tend to his sister, and you most certainly wont be the last.
However, something you mentioned one day would cause him to shift a bit.
You were from Rashamon.
It was a simple response to a prompt from Daki, but the way you said it tugged at a long-forgotten part of his brain.
Soon, he’d ask you questions vicariously through his sister, much to her annoyance.
The more he learned about your situation, the more interested he would become.
Around the 6-month mark of your pregnancy, it was evident that you were becoming unfit to work like how you’ve been doing. So, you were allowed more bedrest.
You absence did not go unnoticed by Gyutaro, who at this point had been technically talking to you for about 3 months through his sister.
He wouldn’t admit it, but he was beginning to care about your progress.
It would frustrate him to no end. To the point where Daki would forcefully eject him for writhing around so much.
“You need to take out this crap somewhere else, brother! Or else I’ll just eat the bitch and say she ran off-“
Oh he didn’t like that.
One stone cold glare was enough to confirm Daki’s suspicions.
She couldn’t believe her brother was beginning to care about a human. How bothersome.
“Fine, go show yourself to her, then. I’m sure she’ll just jump all over you looking like that.”
He’d indignantly storm off to go and vent, but he wasn’t very careful about it because the second he stepped out of the door he bumped right into you.
You’d yelp in surprise and begin to fall, but he’d panic and catch you before you hit the ground.
You’d seen him.
This was bad.
You’d look up at him in surprise, instantly taking notice of the unnatural bodily proportions and eye color. However, you wouldn’t start screaming or try to run away. In fact, you’d stare.
Daki would immediately try to trap you in her belt, as now you’d know too much, but Gyutaro would squash it with his foot in anger and fear.
“Brother! She saw you! I can’t let her just walk away!”
He wouldn’t understand it, but he’d feel this overwhelming urge to protect you.
“Don’t you dare.”
Daki would be pissed. Pissed and betrayed that he’d choose the well-being of a random woman over his own sister. Had these past 100 years meant nothing?!
“What has gotten into you! She’s just a human!”
You’d just be standing awkwardly behind the strange demonic entity that was suddenly hellbent on protecting you from your Oiran, who was supposedly the sister of said demonic entity. You’d think this was some kind of weird fever dream.
“Wh-what’s going on?!”
Gyutaro would snap his gaze to you, the way his face softened sending a strange tingly feeling through your stomach.
Gyutaro, on the other hand, would be extremely conflicted. There’s this pregnant human woman he, for whatever reason, grew attached to, and his beloved sister. Would he be able to make some kind of dynamic work with you two? One where you can co-exist?
He’d pick you up in a panic and bolt down the hall, leaving Daki scrambling to catch him with her Obi. She was too slow, though.
Wouldn’t this be a funny story to tell years from now. Your child’s adoptive father kidnapping you from his own sister. Well, that actually is what happened, but we won’t talk about it very often for Daki’s sake (she’s very embarrassed).
Anyway, back to running away.
He’d run with you like a bat out of hell straight out of Yoshiwara.
You’d, of course, be stressed the hell out, so he’d have to make the supernatural speed part of the escape a short-lived venture.
He’d set you down before pacing around you and mumbling to himself, neurotically scratching at his skin until he bled.
Out of worry, you’d grab his arm to snap him out of it, telling him that it was bad for him. Of course, when he began to actively regenerate before your eyes, you shot your hand back and stared in awe.
“Y-you’re a demon, aren’t you?”
Shit shit shit shit he didn’t know what to do. Perplexingly enough, however, you wouldn’t act scared.
You felt as though this man had good intentions, and… well… he did look a lil’ pretty… okay very pretty.
“Does… does that not freak you out?”
You’d place your hands on your tummy in thought, the sight of which made an unexpected wave of butterflies shoot through his stomach.
“Well… maybe a little… I don’t really know much about them other than they eat people. Although, I feel like if you were going to eat me, you would have done it already…”
He didn’t know if he liked your blind trust in him or not. Of course, HE knew his intentions were not to hurt you, but how would YOU know that?
Turns out, you would just be really good at reading people. It saved your life a lot when you lived in Rashamon, that fact eventually dawning on Gyutaro in the future.
Gyutaro would finally get to genuinely talk to you on that night. And boy did you two talk.
He learned more than he probably should have for you having just met him hours before.
He would learn that you yearned for a little home in the mountains away from Yoshiwara so you could raise your child without the threat of the dangerous men that plagued your childhood. That was why you were working so hard even though you were supposed to be resting.
The more you indulged in his questions, the more he wanted to give you what you wanted. Your resolve to break your familial cycle of sex work and thievery for a life of peace for your baby only deepened his feelings for you. You weren’t pathetic. You weren’t selfish. You deserved more than this place. You deserved what he and his sister never received.
After convincing Daki to not kill you, he’d visit you in your room every night for hours at a time.
Eventually, he’d do it. He’d be unable to ignore that he’d actually fallen in love with you. He was physically unable to hurt you in any way. Intentionally at least. The mere thought of you bleeding or crying for help would send him into a panic attack. It would be quick, awkward even, but he’d grab you by the cheeks and kiss you.
And you’d kiss back. Why wouldn’t you? He’d become a rock in your life before you had even realized it. You were looking forward to his visits. He’d always bring you gifts and food, it was so obvious he was trying to court you.
After he’d confess, he would secretly set off into the night after you fall asleep to work on a special present for you.
What is this present?
Well, he wouldn’t be done with it until right before you were due to give birth, but he managed with a little help from Daki.
He’d blindfold you and gently carry you into the night, not allowing you to peek.
Once he’d arrive at his destination, he’d set you down and ask you to close your eyes, which you would do.
Then, when he’d tell you to open them, you’d burst into tears.
A little house…
It would overlook a beautiful clearing in the forest where a river full of fish would cut through it. It would never flood, because it was on a hill. You’d never go hungry, because the land was fertile. You’d never have to worry about muggers or assaults from creepy men ever again.
You would bawl into his chest and thank him a million times.
You were forever in his debt, but he’d never ask anything of you. Your love was enough for him.
The house was quaint, and you barely got through the little tour he gave you until you reached the nursery.
That’s where you swear you could have fainted.
“You thought about them?”
“Of course.”
“Does… does this mean you….”
You wouldn’t be able to finish before bursting into a fit of sobs again.
But he knew what you meant.
“If you’ll let me…”
He’d adopt the baby as his own.
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chronicsyd · 4 months
Opinions I have that might upset Arcane fans (well, mainly Jinx fans but oh well 🤷‍♀️)
1) I’m not sexually/romantically attracted to Jinx (I’ve said before that I’m 23 years old and thinking about Jinx in that way is weird to me, mostly cuz her age is very ambiguous and even the oldest she Could be (maybe 19) is still too young to me) (harassing people that don’t think she’s attractive makes you an asshole)
2) Jinx is not an “uwu pooki innocent bean 🥺” she’s still responsible for the decisions that she makes
3) Jinx d riders are probably some of the most annoying people in the fandom (vilifying other characters because Jinx is your fav makes you an asshole)
4) If it weren’t for Caitlyn, Vi would have never gotten out of Stillwater and reunited with Jinx
5) People claiming Vi to be “bland” truly missed what her character represents (on that note, there’s more to her character than just being hot)
6) Caitlyn did not maliciously interrupt Vi and Jinx’s reunion in episode 6, she was merely following Vi (what she’s been doing the entire time) and Vi withheld the info that Jinx was her sister
7) Silco was not a good father figure or person
8) Vi was wrong for hitting Powder yes, but she was overwhelmed watching basically her entire family die right in front of her eyes and Powder practically told her she was responsible. Vi’s only like 15 in act 1, she’s still Very much a child so saying shit like “she should have acted more mature” is stupid
9) Vi, Silco and Piltover had their part to play in the creation of Jinx. Jinx couldn’t move on from Vi hitting her and “abandoning” her (it was out of Vi’s control but that’s how it was to Jinx), Silco manipulated Jinx into thinking Vi never cared for her, and Piltover running a corrupt government didn’t help
10) calling Vi “selfish” for not shooting Caitlyn is stupid and idiotic. No, she wasn’t going to “get Powder back” if she did so, if you paid attention the show makes that pretty clear. It wouldn’t accomplish anything other than hurting Vi further (because despite the terms the two left each other on Vi still Cares about Caitlyn)
11) I find Jayce to be a rather boring protagonist
12) Silco groomed Jinx. People think grooming is Only sexual when in fact it goes a hell of a lot deeper than that.
13) you need better media literacy if you don’t understand Vi’s trauma or why she and Caitlyn fit so well together
14) it’s dumb to be mad at Vi that she doesn’t want to call Powder Jinx (the last thing she called her, feeding into Powder’s insecurities) and not wanting to accept Jinx being a mass murderer who clearly enjoys doing it (watch Vi and Jinx vs the Firelights fight again if you must)
15) Vander isn’t a superstar of a father either. He put way too much responsibility in the hands of a 15 year old girl and makes her think that every bad outcome is her fault
16) Vi didn’t replace Jinx with Caitlyn. Hell, the first chance she gets she ditches her and tries to find Jinx solo, and still wants to go back to her in episode 7. Also acting like Vi isn’t allowed to have anyone Other than Powder is stupid and selfish.
17) Vi has a habit of making really poor impulse decisions and it’s going to get her into trouble if she doesn’t get a rain check on them
I might make some points later, and you can agree or disagree these are just my opinions after all… alright bu-bye!
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telvess · 11 months
Record of Ragnarok: What kind of pet do they have?
I'm like Tesla 🤣
I once read that people who are broken or haven’t experienced much love as children tent to choose animals that are less popular and sometimes seen as bad omens, such as black cats or ravens. So I see that Jack has a rat as a pet. They are intelligent and very clean animals, with an unfairly given bad reputation, and I think that suits Jack very well.
Nicola Tesla
Hear me out, Tesla is the proud owner of a turtle. There's a joke going around turtle owners that every time the turtle does something - such as yawns or falls asleep - you take a photo or video of it and happily show it to everyone. This is Tesla. The entire science crew has a mailbox full of this kind of spam, and their all sigh whenever Tesla sends them a new video of his pet doing absolutely nothing.
I think he likes animals in general. He despises humans and most gods for not behaving as they should, but animals are themselves. They do what is expected of them, they are excellent at being themselves, if that makes sense. So Poseidon probably has a dog that he has trained very well. The dog listens to all commends and generally behaves very well.
It’s canon that Hades has a pet - cockatoo. These animals require a lot of attention from their owner, which makes sense because we all know how lonely Hades is. He is literally playing chess with it! The parrot probably knows some fancy words like „magnificent” or „mellifluous”, and a whole bunch of wine names that it randomly says. Adamas, by the way, puts some effort into educating the bird too and incidently teaches it how to swear.
Given how little he cares and how little he CAN care, the only option he has is fish. He gives it a good tank, he remembers to feed it and that’s it. They just exist. Damn… how depressing…
Two options. First: SAND ANT FARM. He watches it from time to time, mocking the ants for poor direction choices or just messing up with them for funnies. Second option is ferret. Loki finds them both annoying and interesting. There’s no boredom with them.
Ares thinks highly about himself, after all he is a part of the most powerful pantheon and the son of Zeus. He believes that he deserves only the best, which mean that whatever animal he gets, it will be a pure breed. If he chooses a cat or dog, it will receives a golden pillow to sleep on, a silver food bowl, the fanciest toys, the best caretakers, and… „the best owner”.
Thor has a cat. Most of the time they simply exist in their spaces and don’t interact. But every now and then a cat comes to Thor and demands a scratch, which Thor gives without hesitation. Loki once overheard Thor talking to his pet in those rare moments. Surprisingly, he speaks in a very gentle and caring tone, almost like mother to her child.
He probably has a tank full of dead fish. Never cleaned, never fed, never bothered.
Lu Bu
Lu Bu has a pussy. He had no intention of having a pet, so the cat had to choose him, and Lu Bu obligated. He gives it lots of scratches and plays with it. Lu Bu is unfazed by the claws. Hearing her meow when he isn’t close puts him in a fighting stance. Nobody hurts his cat girl.
Budgies! The guy has a lot of responsibilities, he's probably the last to fall asleep and the first to wake up, but he still finds time for his melodious pets. They always get the best snacks and for some unknown reason they become very excited when Zeus is around.
She has hamster, as small and cute as she is. Göll tries very hard to provide it a happy life, which probably means she’s trying too hard. She asks all his sisters for advice, and knowing how many siblings she has, she probably ends up with very conflicting opinions.
Definitely rabbit. They are both full of energy, do not pose a threat and just enjoy themselves on a clearing somewhere.
He doesn't have a pet, but he occasionally looks after Zerofuku’s and Göll's pets. He complains that he doesn't have time and that he doesn't care, but in the end he has a great time with the rabbit and hamster.
I think he ends up with a pigeon. He just feeds it from time to time in the same place and slowly tames it. Before he knows it, the bird becomes a new part of his life. He tells it about his problems, about Luna, Jack, Mother Goose and Shakespeare. This pigeon has therapeutic properties.
Definitely a husky. I see just two idiots keep talking to each other and arguing over nothing. The more the emperor demands something, the louder the husky's tantrum will be.
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Bridgerton Season 3 Episode 1 Initial Reactions
I didn't get to post these reactions so I'm posting them late as I needed time to edit all my 3am typos (cry) from Thursday.
Bless Francesca for being the funniest lowkey Bridgerton with that piano playing scene.
I swear I paused the Colin glow up reveal scene to analyze everyone's reaction. My top choices are Anthony and Kate and Bennedict.
ABC reunion + Gregory being adorable. I love when they show the sibling interactions.
Backs up, did I just see ASL from a debutant! That is so cool!
Queen Charlotte is having none of these people lmfao
Not Eloise getting dragged by Colin by her fashion choices (peak brother-sister vibes)
Stop- Francesca: “y'all are chaotic yappers the lord cannot present me a harder challenge”
Featherington's! I almost forgot both of Pen's sisters were married here! I keep remembering the book (romancing Mr. Bridgerton) and that the show has arranged things differently.
Prudence's man (I cannot/ do not remember his name) is giving such strong Kenergy.
Would it be the Featherington household without financial drama?
Eloise - Pen meet up, omg the heart break in their eyes!!
Cressida, when I get you!! It has been 0.5 seconds since this girl got to this garden party and she's already bullying Pen. Girl breathe.
Cressida-Eloise is intriguing as a dynamic I’m afraid. Also, Pen’s sad little face (cry)
I'm a bit confused with Francesca's interest in the marriage mart right now as she seems to prefer being around small groups of people and does not have much interest in being around guys. It feels as if this is a chore she must fulfil.
Kate -Violet solidarity is so cute to see after the angst of last season
Lady Danbury in the white ensemble with the top hat is looking magnificent I want her to poke someone with her cane!!
I'm liking the make up on Kate much more this season??? She seems a lot more glowy and rosy, maybe it's the lighting or something but her make up looks different.
I'm so sorry but Colin getting all this attention after having a literal hot girl summer is vv funny. Like he's in his early 20s lmao, but he is not giving confidence he is giving slightly awkward line reading with no chemistry. In the books him being more rakish was believable because it was set 10 years later.
Colin meeting and talking to Pen, side eye my boy. I'm loving the costuming choices to visibly show they are both uncomfortable/ do not fit their clothes well and it’s so starkly done. Poor Pen in this yellow dress makes her look a lot more juvenile (which isn't bad but it is unflattering). And Colin with what I am assuming are Anthony hand me downs since that jacket looks frumpy. The parallels!
Omg "Go home and get to work" Mrs.Featherington is so unserious
One sentence horror story "I take comfort in knowing you will always be there to take care of me". Get out miss Penelope runnn
Colin had one slutty slutty summer and the fact they keep trying to frame it as mostly intellectual is sending me.
Eloise reading Jane Austen! Is this character development?
Every scene so far where Pen and Eloise see each other gives the vibe of two exes meeting after the most devastating break up, I appreciate this framing so much because losing your childhood girl best friend is one of the most painful types of breakups.
ABC hang out?? Bennedict responsibility arc?
"She is colder now I am afraid" is a wild way to say someone is dead.
Damn! We're getting steamy af scenes already in the first episode! Anthony needing to go down on his wife to start off the day is certainly something I can get behind.
OOh this outfit reveal! Yessssss bb Pen eat them up! Penelope having a *debut* moment.
Aww the Featherinton spouses are sweet.
I see you Colin with that side eye
Omg Penelope being a bombshell and being socially awkward is so cute. You’ll figure it out soon bb don’t give up, they’re just jelous!
Ooh these girls are not liking Eloise they're sus
I'm a little uninterested in the queen charlotte diamond drama atm
Francesca: Live Laugh Love the piano forte
These guys are being so rude to Fran like let the poor girl speak! You’re traumatizing her.
Kanthony dancing and Kate's dress to reference the Bridgerton blue?? Oh the costume department has served.
Aww walflower solidarity with Francesca and Penelope. They're both the more reserved of their family, it's sweet moment between the two and the encouragement!
I know we won't love lord Debling but he's looking so sweetly at Pen and being so welcoming compared to everyone else.
CRESSIDA they can never make me like you, you little brat.
Yes, Pen eat him up give it to him tell him!!! "You miss me but you would never court me". GET HIS ASSS!!
 I fear our girl will be writing some scathing lady Whistledown.
This man threatening the Featheringtons is a gremlin, and I am getting bad vibes.
This conversation about the pitting of women against each other is valid social commentary but I cannot focus on it as it appears Cressida has murdered a flock of flamingoes to make her outfit.
Self-awareness, Cressida, does not free you from your crimes!
Kanthony is serving this episode. I appreciate this blissfully married life on them! Also Kate’s outfits are so intricate and beautiful. She has come so far.
Francesca so far feels like an external character, and it was similar in the novels until we got to her book. I really hope we get more context for her outlook soon.
Colin, what are YOU doing here. The way that Luke N is serving this season, whew. I really can buy his clueless innocence at his friendship with Pen, but finally the plot is plotting!
I'm very confused by this Baron Kent plot line and its introduction in the first episode.
OOH the drama for Colin's Whistledown dress down.
She really said he ain't shit, it's a facade, a ruse, he's a sad little attention whore
Colin: FUCK lady whistle down all my homies hate lady whistle down.
I'll keep it short. It was simply exhilarating. I love being back it's like slipping into a comfy worn hoodie. It's good to be back!
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nogooddeetz · 10 months
my sister’s commentary during npmd:
•”i feel bad because she has such a feminine voice here but my brain just goes: draco” when hearing lauren’s first solo
•”that voice is so amazing” referring to the way joey speaks as pete
“i didn’t realize she was playing a girl this time…” when finding out ruth’s name
•”is her name grace chastity?” “chasity, yeah” “lol”
•”i can handle the rest but that one is a lot” referring to the ‘dirty girl soup’ line in dirty girl
•”her face reminds me of sabrina carpenter” referring to bryce charles
•”i love that the worst insult they can think of is being poor? no homophobia or body shaming, they just call everyone poor”
•”i actually really like that sweater” about ruth
•”did she actually die because of the wedgie?” “yeah” “…well that is a big fucking wedgie then”
•”i’m sorry, her what? :/” in response to grace saying ‘my mommy spot’
•”well don’t shoot him like that! on his knees with his back to her, execution style… there are other ways”
•”she won’t swear but will hold people at gunpoint?”
mom, during dirty girl: “what the hell is this? the last line i heard was ‘micro-penis’ and now this”
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owmylasagna-blog · 8 months
You know, despite Nazz being the most bland and forgettable of the kids, I also think she's (ironically) the most versatile at the same time. She might be both a tomboy and a girly girl, she fits in two trios (sometimes she's hanging out with Kevin and Rolf, sometimes she's hanging out with Sarah and Jimmy- something that hardly applies to the other characters), she has a fair share of interests (sports, studying law, fashion, music, math according to her report card) and actually a good jokes and gags (she eats A LOT, she's poor in music, and according to ''Mission-Ed Possible'' she's also bad in cooking). There so much directions they could took with her... and she's the only nice girl on the show.
I guess since most of the writers were men, they preferred or were more comfortable writing for male characters most of time (or they just assumed most of the target public/audience were boys, like usually happened in that time).
Yeah I actually like Nazz as a character and of all the kids on the show she is absolutely the most pleasant one to be around! Unfortunately given the high octane slapstick, exaggerated personalities, and overall humor of the show she sort of gets lost. Nazz functions to fit some role in service of the plot rather than plots being driven by some key aspect of her personality or interests. Which as a side character makes some sense but I feel like each of the side characters get their moments to shine! When we get a Nazz focused episode it’s really more about how all the boys feel about her. Nazz’s desires, motives, history, and perspective aren’t super fleshed out which is my main critique.
For a show about the awkwardness of puberty she is astoundingly well adjusted. I always assumed she was slightly older than the Eds so maybe 13-14? She’s inexplicably very mature. I kind of wish we got a sense of why that was the case! Like, we know Edd is the responsible one in his respective trio because he has to an extremely independent kid at home (and has mad anxiety). I don’t know what drives Nazz to be thoughtful, kind, and relatively more mature. Does anyone else? In the series bible she is described as “most mature of the kids, or so she thinks” and man do I want to know more what that means! Like maybe she should have been shown being more self conscious about wanting to seem older/ more mature than her age. It doesn’t get explored really!
And then there is just the reality of being a middle schooler! Scott Underwood posted a drawing of Nazz where she has leg hair and I’m kind of mad nothing like that got incorporated in the show!! That sort of character design choice gets relegated to the Kanker sisters (obsessed with that photo of Lee shaving her legs in the fucking kitchen sink, what an icon).
It’s why I find the interface of the Kankers and Nazz so interesting - I risk sounding like a broken record but I’ve been saying the same shit for like 10 years now. And while the Kankers aren’t necessarily the most well rounded either they ARE much more interesting to me because the crew wasn’t afraid to make them unlikable or gross or tackle their pubescent growing pains or their messed up love/hate relationship to men.
Idk this is just my take! I could be missing some things, so I’m curious how other folks feel about Nazz!
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hayffiebird · 10 months
Taste of Strawberries, chap. 39
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Hayffie Post-Mockingjay Multi-chapter, Rated M Four years have passed since the end of the war when Effie returns in to Haymitch’s life once again. An old friendship is renewed. Will it lead to something more? Meanwhile Panem has entered a new era. The rebellion’s over, the borders are open but in the shadows, anger and mistrust are smoldering. Something that will affect Haymitch and Effie’s life in a way they never saw coming.
Chapter 39
Kicking the can down the alley
”And here’s a little duck. Little duck goes ’quack!’ Can you say ’quack,’ sweet angel?”
“Ga!” Ian plucked the rubber bird from his mother’s hand. Drool trickled as he gnawed on it. Like a dog on a bone. Effie smiled. He’d done that a lot lately. Everything and everyone was a chew toy.
Another tooth on the way, probably.
His sister gingerly touched a green turtle floating in the water. With the bird’s head still in his mouth, Ian babbled a string of nonsense words her way. The secret language only they understood. Amy answered with a curt “un-nuh” and splashed her hands about. Belly-laughed when the toys bobbed.
The sight of those two broke through the melancholy in her heart. Effie chuckled.
“My darlings. What would I do without you?”
She found the blue watering can at the bottom of the tub and showered the girl’s sprawled out fingers.
“Water feels nice doesn’t it, sweetling?” Amy held her hands out for the toy and Effie gave it to her. “Remember your first time? So angry. Downright furious when I put you in the bath seat. And dada, tugging at my sleeve the whole time. ‘The water’s too hot. The water’s too cold.’”
Amy flashed a smile at the silly mom voice. She was ahead of her brother in the tooth department. Two little rice grains had sprouted up in the middle of her lower jaw. They never failed to make Haymitch laugh when she laughed.
“Yes, your poor, sweet, handsome father”, Effie said. “If he’d gotten his way we would’ve waited until you were covered in grime.”
“What’s the damn hurry?” he’d whined into her neck that day. Eyes on his crying baby, it was all he could do not to snatch the girl up and make a run for it. “They’re like a minute old! Why d’ya have to torment her like this?”
“There we go,” Effie cooed and adjusted Amy against the daisy-shaped bath pillow. “Don’t worry, precious. I’ll be quick about it. Just a few more moments and then a soft, cozy bathrobe’s waiting for you. Haymitch, stop poking my shoulder. Everything’s under control. If this is too overwhelming for you, go do something useful instead. Wash the dishes. Take a nap. We both know you need it.”
“Why don’t you make me, sweetheart?” Haymitch snarled. “I ain’t goin’ nowhere.”
“She’s not in pain. She’s not in any danger. A bit surly perhaps. You’d know. You have virtually the same reaction every time I tell you to bathe.”
Haymitch didn’t even dignify that with a response. Anguish radiated off of him like heat.
Who could blame him? A newborn’s cry, before they really got the lungs for it, was the most pitiful, heartbreaking sound around. And Haymitch had never been able to handle children crying. Any cry.
Like the Victory Tour for instance. Those endless nights at the train. You could set your watch by him. The moment Katniss’s bloodcurdling screams pierced the stillness he’d stagger down the narrow, rocking corridor to her room.
Effie’s room that was. Even in his state, Haymitch knew better than most that the last thing the girl wanted when coming out of a nightmare was her cross-eyed, whiskey-reeking mentor at the door. He could be as concerned and well-meaning as he liked.
But the escort? Good ol’ Effs Trinket. She was fair game. Free to bother. Probably going over tomorrow’s schedule anyway.
“Fucking hell,” he muttered as the door slid shut behind him. “She gon' scream herself from district to district?” And without even a side-glance he crossed Effie’s chamber and hurled himself onto the bed.
“Well, hello to you too,” said Effie from the depths of an armchair. Clipboard in hand. Hair covered up. “Don’t be shy. Make yourself comfortable.”
Another hair-raising cry, three doors down. Haymitch flinched like someone put a bullet in him. He grabbed the nearest pillow and pressed it over his head.
“Oh, that poor thing,” Effie sighed. “I wish we could do something. I gave her pills to sleep. But she won’t take them anymore.”
“Course not,” Haymitch muttered, curled up on the mattress. “I’d pick a nightmare over your so-called sleeping pills any day.”
“You never tried them.”
“Nor will I.” He sniffed. “Could use a bottle though. Or three. Got any? I ain’t picky.”
“You know I don’t. And don’t tell me you’ve already finished the ones in your room?”
“My room. Peeta’s.”
“What? He won’t miss ‘em. You should thank me. No underage drinking on my watch.”
“How incredibly considerate.” She returned to the clipboard. Scribbled a few words in the margins. Wasn’t until five minutes passed that she raised her head again, ears pricked up.
“Listen,” she said. “So quiet.” And in a low, conspiratory voice: “Do you know what I think? I think it’s Peeta. He’s gone to her room again.”
“That a fact?”
“I’ve seen it. With my own eyes. So did Octavia. He’s probably in her bed right now, as we speak.”
“Katniss’s of course!”
“Wow. Breaking news, sweetheart. As usual you’re the last to know. And so what? If they need a lil’ comfort, I say go for it. If there’s one person in this rotten world who can give that girl some peace of mind it’s Peeta.”
“So no red flags?” Effie’s voice brimmed over with frustration. “Two teenagers, teeming with hormones. Together. In bed. Night after night. It doesn’t make you the least bit concerned?”
“They’re just kids, Eff.”
“To you maybe.” She dropped the clipboard on the side table. “I sat her down earlier. Just the two of us. A much needed talk, I’d say. On this train I am the closest thing she has to a mother, you know,” she said, head high like: “Don’t you dare take this away from me.”
“Talk about what, sweetheart? The birds and the bees?”
“Someone had to.”
“Jesus …”
”And I tried, Haymitch! I tried to bring up the importance of being prepared. Several times. But that girl! It was all ‘I have a headache, Effie’ and ‘We promise to make an effort to be more discreet, Effie’ – which they don’t, I might add. So.” She reached under the table, where her purse resided. “I need you to bring Peeta these.”
Ignoring a direct order from Effie Trinket was a lost cause. Finally, Haymitch heaved a great sigh and pulled himself to sitting. Leaky-eyed. Hair on end. A look on his face like Buttercup when bothered.
“What is this?” He squinted at the package on his lap. The letters.
And in the span of two seconds he’d all but sobered up.
“You havin’ sex, Eff? Cause I don’t think I’m that cool ‘bout you getting your rocks off while everything falls apart ‘round us.”
Effie sighed. Rubbed the space between her eyebrows, like getting a headache.
“You know what? Sometimes I wonder if you were dropped as a child. Do I look frisky to you? How would I even get the time? With our schedule? Every sensible adult in the Capitol carries a couple of these. And even if I wanted a few minutes of stress relief, I don’t need your permission, do I?”
“Minutes?” Haymitch scoffed. “What loser guys are you hanging with?”
Ignoring that last remark, Effie nodded to the packet. “They haven’t expired yet so you will give them to Peeta as soon as possible and, if need be, explain how to put them on.”
“I don’t want …”
“I don’t care what you want. I will not have a teen pregnancy on my conscience. It would be our fault, you know. We’re the adults here. So yes. You will do what I say. Or I swear to God, Haymitch: You won’t see another bottle from here on out to the Capitol and back again! I mean it. No wine. No whiskey. Nothing. So the choice is yours, mister. Take it or leave it.”
Oh, if looks could kill.
“No wonder you’re not gettin’ laid.” He turned the bag over. Eyed it from every direction. “Well, at least it’s not some weird-ass shit with flavour.”
“Nothing but the best for my victors.” Effie adjusted the bandana wrapped around her hair. “Honestly, Haymitch. What would you do without me? This team would fall to bits if it weren’t for my glue.”
But Haymitch didn’t listen as usual.
“’Shaped to fit you perfectly,’” he read. “’Super thin for a closer feeling’. Hm.” He glanced Effie’s way. Her slender leg crossed over the other. ”We could uh … try one out first? See if they’re up to par.”
Effie threw him a dirty look.
”And if they’re not? If one of them breaks while you’re inside me we’ll just … what? Recommend they try a different brand?”
“Please.” Haymitch lounged back against her pillow, arm behind his neck. “I’m damaged goods, princess. Don’t deliver no more. 20 odd years in a marinade of hard liquor? They’re swimming in circles by now.”
Effie grimaced at the painted picture. Spurred by his success Haymitch added: “I bet I could come in you ten times and not put you in a family way. Even if I had a swimmer or two still worth their salt I’d say it’s risk free.” A smile creased his lips. “You’re well past your childbearing years at this point, aren’t you sweetheart?”
“I am not!” Two red spots spread rapidly across Effie’s cheeks. “I’m most certainly still fertile, you big old brute! Make no mistake! If I straddled you right now to have a baby I would get a baby! So watch that mouth or maybe I’ll do it!”
And with a dramatic huff through her nose, like only Effie could, she retrieved the clipboard.
“You really know how to make a girl drier than dead leaves, don’t you? And here I thought you didn’t approve of me having sex.”
“Yeah, but,” Haymitch shrugged. “If I’m included, it would have its perks.”
“Meaning: you get to have sex.”
“You’re exhausting. Do you charm all ladies this way or am I just lucky? What’s next? You won’t give Peeta the package unless I put out?”
Haymitch rolled his eyes.
“Course I’ll give them the bloody condoms. If you wanna waste”, he studied the bag, “ten to fifteen good times on a couple o’ kids who are barely past holding hands.”
He dropped the goodies on the night table, with a disappointed grunt.
“You’re missing out,” he said and fluffed her pillow up, making himself comfortable. “Could’ve had some of the best orgasms of your life, Trinket. Just sayin’.”
“Yes, being smothered by you and your whiskey breath while you struggle to put it in is a real turn-on.”
Haymitch yawned in response. Laced his fingers together over the bulging belly.
“Don’t yawn,” Effie snapped. “You’re not staying. Don’t close those eyes! Argh! Where am I supposed to sleep?”
But it was pointless to continue. The soft snores of Twelve’s mentor already filled the room. Conquered – this round, anyway – Effie ditched the clipboard for the second time that night. Slippers on, she pulled a blanket over her shoulders and padded down the corridor.
Katniss and Peeta both looked younger asleep. With bated breath, Effie peered through the round window of the girl’s compartment.
Their shapes were barely visible in the dim light. Katniss’s hair so dark against the pillow. The boy with his arm around her, guarding her against the terrors of night.
My sweet children. The glass felt cool against Effie’s fingertips. I hope you get a dreamless sleep.
“Ud,” said Ian, bringing her back to reality. He let go of the duck’s head with a loud plop and Effie managed a smile.
“Sorry, dear ones. I was miles away.”
“Mmmm-uh.” Ian pointed out in space.
Effie kissed the tip of his finger and said, “You, you loved water from the get go. Pure bliss. I don’t think anyone’s ever enjoyed a bath as much as you did. So, naturally, dada was right back at the door because now it was too quiet.”
She chuckled at the memory.
“Just look at that face, Haymitch,” she’d told him. “He thinks he’s died and gone to heaven.”
Haymitch winced.
“Don’t say that.”
“Sorry. He believes he slept on the train over and woke up at a Capitol spa. Snug as a bug in a rug.”
C-r-e-e-a-k …
The sound turned her eyes on the ceiling. Her daydream shattered in an instant. A door, overhead. It closed the way in opened. Gently. As if the one doing it didn’t want to disturb anybody.
Or make the headache worse.
Her heart sank, lips pressed together. But she composed herself for the children’s sake. Smoothed a lock of strawberry hair from Amy’s forehead.
“Dada’s awake.”
The stairs complained under his weight. He lingered on every step as he made his way down. Painfully slow. You could tell just by his footfalls how hungover he really was. At least, if you’d known him as long as Effie had.
When the clock struck four she wanted him here. Of course she did. She would make sure. But she’d lie if she said his absence wasn’t a relief. Things were far from ready. So Haymitch tucked away for a couple more hours? Nothing but good news. Given his current state he was hardly an assent anyway.
A groan came over his lips once he reached the hallway. A groan. A sigh. The scratch of his beard when he rubbed through it.
Just go. Get some fresh air. Go!
Pointless. Amy grasped for Ian’s rubber duck and her brother squeaked a protest.
One second. Two. Strained, shallow breaths right outside the door.
Her eyes closed shut.
A soft knock. Just a tap of knuckles. “Eff, you in there? Talk to me, sweetheart. Please?”
She heaved a soundless breath, eyes on the twins.
“It’s open, Haymitch.”
The door creaked ajar. Just an inch or two. A pair of blood-shot eyes peered at her through the crack.
“Hey.” The voice was thick and he cleared his throat. “Can I … mind if I come in?”
When she didn’t fire a resounding no he crossed the threshold. Left the door open though, in case he needed a quick escape. He scratched his nose, eyes going from Effie to the kids and back again.
“So, I …”
“We’re almost done in here,” Effie cut him off. “You need to change. Take a shower. I laid out some clothes for you. Ordered them weeks ago, I hope you don’t mind. We can’t have you show up in sweatpants and tattered socks.”
Haymitch nodded.
“Fair enough.”
“And do something about that breath. There’s both chewing gum and mouthwash in the bathroom cabinet. And toothpaste, of course. I’d say shave but if you won’t, then at least trim it. We’re on a schedule.”
“Well, I don’t see them filing a complaint if things don’t go according to plan,” he said. “Alright, alright,” he added, palms up. “We’re on a schedule.”
“I don’t have time for your jibes and zingers today. I only have time for them. You need to get ready.”
“Course, Eff. I’ll do all of the above, just …” He inhaled. Brushed a tangle of dirty blonde hair from his eyes in one pointless motion. “Can we …”
“Didn’t you hear what I said?”
“I know how it looked,” he said, eyes full of sorrow. Sorrow and regret. “Like I lied you full of some fairy story to get what I wanted but it wasn’t like that. I swear it. I really went to see Pearl. Christ, I didn’t even wanna drink!”
“Honest to God, Haymitch.”
“It’s true. All I really wanted was to get the hell outta there. Just hit the road and … be with you. You and the …”
“Did someone force the alcohol down your throat?”
Haymitch’s eyes found the floor. Shoulders drooping he mumbled,
“She wasn’t home. I waited. Some neighbor showed up. Old friend of Chaff’s. He asked if I wanted a coffee. I said I couldn’t stay long but we got talking and …” His gaze glued to her face, gray eyes begging for sympathy. “He proposed a toast, Eff. For Chaff. How could I refuse?”
“It’s not Chaff’s drink I’m upset about,” Effie snapped. And, in a more measured voice: “It’s all the rest that followed.”
At least he didn’t say he’s sorry. If he tells me sorry one more time …
“None of it matters anyway.”
“… and I don’t care for your excuses, OK! You want my forgiveness? Fine, you’re forgiven. Because we are not having this discussion now. One single day of the year the universe won’t revolve around you and your drinking. The 10th of August is about the twins. It’s Amy and Ian’s big big big day. All I ask is that you wash up, put on a clean shirt and keep it together for the next three or four hours. Then maybe, just maybe, we can give them a normal first birthday.”
Author’s note: This chapter had a mind of its own and grew way out of control! Finally I had to cut it into three chapters or you’d still be waiting. As always, thank you for your amazing support! You’re the best readers ever!
Also, if you’ve re-read some of the chapters lately you might have picked up on the fact that I changed the names of three minor characters. Chaff’s godmother became “Pearl”, one of Effie’s young students, friend of Gracie’s, became “Kayla” and Gloria Highgrass’s cousin was re-named Paris – which was actually his original name in the first draft.
Lastly, after years of angsting over it, I finally re-wrote the introduction of Gloria, just her looks, when first introduced way back in chapter 2. That’s because I face-claim Florence Pugh for her these days. She looks like a fierce Capitol lassie out for blood, doesn’t she?
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evansbby · 4 months
I apologize for taking so many days to get to this. Please don’t take it personally. This chapter was phenomenal, and I loved that it was so long! Don’t ever apologize for thinking you wrote too much.
I’m going to get a few things out of the way before getting into the heavier stuff. 1st, Wanda is a horrendous friend to reader. She only pays her any attention when she hasn’t got a man around, and she’s way too much of a drinker, and a mean drunk at that. 2nd, Curtis is disgusting. It pains me to say so because I usually love a Curtis, but this one is just a pig. Trying to get reader at the party, then settling for Wanda, and stringing her along while he’s with however many other girls along the way. 3rd, as impossibly hard as it would have been, reader should have told Sharon the truth in the beginning. It would have been mortifying, and probably would have ended the friendship, but it would have saved them both a lot of pain, and reader a lot of guilt.
Now onto Ari and Steve. Neither of them would give her a breather so she could think things over, or figure anything out. She needed a break from both of them for that. The main difference I see between them is that Ari manipulates her, is sweet when she hits her breaking point, but doesn’t apologize or take responsibility for the havoc he’s caused in her life. Taking her on a picnic seems nice, but he basically kidnaps her, and brings her someplace completely secluded. She had no choice in the matter. At least he didn’t force himself on her. Steve apologizes, takes responsibility, and tries to explain his issues, albeit unsuccessfully. He does try though. He also tells her how he feels, and not just because he’s forced into it. He came to her in the window, he allowed her to stay in her safe place. Reader either misses or ignores red flags with each. She was the other woman for Ari, even if naively. Once a cheater, always a cheater. She was not his first, and likely wouldn’t be his last regardless of what he said. I know she didn’t understand the situation in the beginning, but she still continued on with it when she did. He told her repeatedly he’d dump Sharon, but led them both on for an extended time. Huge red flags. With Steve, he was on a ledge, drinking, and told her he’d taken medications. He said more than once he hoped he would stay comfortably numb, that it would be enough, that he didn’t care if it was over. He was crying out for help. She kinda got it, but not quite, and sent him on his way. That was as red a flag as could be. The wind was an ominous sign, and she even felt that it was. The night was not going to end well. I will give Ari credit for calling for help when Steve passed out. What Steve did to reader in his bedroom was awful. He attempted to rape her, and make her feel like she asked for it. I’m not going to excuse that. It was wrong. He has definite issues. He does seem genuinely sorry for it, and took responsibility for it.
Now for poor Kira. As soon as you first introduced us to her, I knew Ari had done something horribly wrong to her to change her and her life so much. He did that maliciously, and ruined her life. She will never forget that. It will be on her mind everyday. She doesn’t deserve that. That she was his friend’s little sister who trusted him makes it even worse. I think reader and Kira could be good friends, and help each other a great deal.
All that considered, to answer your questions:
1. Although Ari’s picnic had a beautiful setting, I prefer Steve coming to the window. It was more sincere.
2. Wanda is an awful friend. If she hadn’t been so drunk, mean and desperate she may have heard correctly that Curtis TRIED to have sex with reader, reader refused!
3. Sharon had every right to be upset with reader. Reader not only cheated with Ari, she didn’t confess when she should have.
4. I believe there were more than just nude pictures involved in what Ari did to reader.
5. After weighing the behavior of each, neither of which is anywhere close to perfect, and how they acted afterwards, I’m Team Steve. Please don’t kill him off.
Thank you so much for all your hard work in writing this chapter as well as the previous ones, and thank you for sharing your gift with us. 💝
Oh my gosh please do not apologise! It’s taking me ages to slowly get through all the feedback and I’m not even close to done so it’s good you took all the time you needed! I get that it’s a super long fic and I’m honoured that you and so many others read through it!
so you are staunchly team Steve as are many other people on here 😂😂 I feel like if I was a reader and not the author, I’d be on team Steve too just bc of how tragically he’s written hehe I’m a sucker for tragically written characters!
And you’re very right, Steve was crying out for help multiple times when he climbed through reader’s window… it was all just a big cry for help but it went over reader’s head. She can’t be blamed tho, she had problems of her own. But I get why she would blame herself 😭
As for Ari… well you really dislike him don’t you 😂 and I get why… he’s done a lot of unforgivable things! But one thing I will say is that he didn’t REALLY kidnap her I mean she clearly lowkey wanted to go with him and it did her good to get some sunshine and leave her dorm room where she’d been rotting! I mean sure it was technically kidnap but you know 😂😂😂
ANYWAYS, thank you so so much for this super long and lovely review! It’s always a pleasure reading what you have to say about my fics! Thank you soooo much 🥹🥹🫶🏼🫶🏼
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valleyfthdolls · 2 years
Does Elizabeth or the Crying Child(Evan)play a major role in your AU?
Yes and yes but the crying child is not Evan. Both of them play similar roles to their canon counterparts, since the AU is a combo of my interpretation of canon and me just kinda doing whatever.
While Elizabeth is important to Michael as his little sister, she’s more important to Charlie’s role in the story. Elizabeth was Charlie’s childhood friend and hella protective over her despite being the younger one, because while Charlie was a good kid she was scatterbrained and prone to anxiety, always running around trying to make things better, and became a target for bullies because she didn’t stand up for herself. They’re mirrors, Elizabeth in pastels and light, doll-like styles and Charlie usually buried in a raincoat or similar big jacket, dressed in mostly dark grey or black because it’s hard to get dirty and ill-fitting, too-big skirts and shirts. But Elizabeth has green eyes, Charlie a green admission bracelet, both are the older sister in their family, with Elizabeth two years older than her brother, Charlie a few minutes older than hers, and both love their fathers dearly. Charlie was clearly the favorite, where Elizabeth saw herself as clearly the least favorite. Charlie came to Henry for comfort, and Abby sought out William for approval. Charlie was found by the Security Puppet, modeled after a jester or mime, in the rain after her death, and Elizabeth was killed by Circus Baby, modeled after a harlequin. The Puppet was the guiding light for the missing children, Baby the ringleader of the Funtimes. Where Charlie led, Elizabeth manipulated and lied, and while Charlie was driven to madness by despair, Elizabeth had been there a far longer time than her. In that way the poor girls were little more than mirrors of their fathers in their afterlives, but Elizabeth by the end didn’t want to be her father’s puppet anymore, and was crushed by the disillusionment Charlie had felt from the beginning.
Obviously there’s more to each girl, especially Lizzie given she’s one of my favorites, than just being parallels to each other, but they have a LOT in common and it’s very important to the both of them.
Cassidy- the crying child- doesn’t really have any parallels like that, but his story coincides with Michael’s.
Neither of them want to be their father. Unlike Elizabeth who just wants to be loved, Michael hates William’s expectations and wants to rebel, and Cassidy doesn’t want to be whatever William wants, but feels like he is alone and won’t be loved no matter what. “If I do this will you love me” vs “I don’t want you to just love me on these terms” vs “you’re not going to fucking love me anyway.” While Cassidy has a tough side, he’s afraid of hurting others because of the way he’s been hurt. He’s moody, unstable and an emotional wreck with early onset depression and anxiety and childhood ptsd. Where Michael is loyal, Cassidy is self-sufficient, where Michael yells, Cassidy cries and hides away. Cassidy is pushed to be a vulnerable mess by his hatred for Michael, who is so emotionally closed off and mean because he cannot deal with Cassidy’s “bratty” crying and… trauma responses… and this stems from the losses the family has suffered and how such a traumatic situation has destroyed the family form the inside.
When Cassidy died, Michael’s tough facade fell apart. He became what he’d hated of Cassidy- avoidant, shy, quiet, moody. He had hated Cassidy because he didn’t want to feel that way himself. He had projected his grief over Elizabeth disappearing and his trauma from William’s abuse onto Cassidy, because he had been at the center of it- having claimed to see Circus Baby “eat” Elizabeth- the way Michael was now at the center of this case.
Over the next two or three years, Michael would subconsciously repress the details of Cassidy’s death, like the bite, the day it happened, the hospital visits, the ambulance, the manslaughter charges that were dropped, his coffin up until his body fucking disappeared and Michael never saw him again, the twenty minutes he spent trying to “put him back together” and wake him up as the ambulance made its way to them from Cedar City, the estimates the doctors threw around for when he’d wake up that slowly turned into the rapidly approaching date of his death, or the fact that he’d died the day they told Michael he had roughly three days left, which would have made it eight days he’d survived instead of five.
But in 1987, when Michael’s closest friend suffered debilitating brain damage in an accident later known as “the bite of ‘87,” the strange circumstances of the situation like the animatronic mouth they dislodged from his skull having no mech, just a limp latex mask, were questioned from the beginning. However, Michael believed he knew what had happened. The same thing that had taken the lives of his other friends who’d been there the day Cassidy died.
Cassidy was still there.
Cassidy’s tragedy was what made Michael aware of the truth, and time and time again, Cassidy’s voice is the one Michael hears, and Cassidy is the one he reaches out to when he’s helpless.
“Can you hear me? I don’t know if you can hear me…
“I’m here now.
“I need you to call back. Do something, ANYTHING- try to kill me if you want. I know you’re here, Cassidy. I just need proof so I can keep going.
“I need to know what I’m doing is right so I can save you.”
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