#like sakura and sasuke arent even here
cowboysmp3 · 4 months
watching naruto post ep 143 is soooo... whatever
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p8567899754nhu · 1 year
sakura making fun of naruto for being an orphan is B.S.
sakura never made fun of naruto for being an orphan . yeah thats it . no matter how much naruto dude-bro's may lament over it she never did it. i mean their sakura hate is so comical they keep inventing weird shit to back it up , but here are the panels from the manga for reference:
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she is not "making fun" of naruto in either of these panels though she says a bunch of stuff-
"naruto was badly brought up"
-im sorry ? do you object to this? do you think naruto was not badly bought up? idk what to even say here, when usually naruto wankers' lament over how sad were the conditions in which naruto was bought up and how hiruzen is a trashy caretaker , also notice how sasuke doesnt care when she says that and continues to walk past
"how he always comes between us"
um.. considering the shit naruto was just doing(beating sasuke , tying him up, and then fcking trying to kiss sakura disguised as sasuke!! ) and before that (sitting on desk and glaring at sasuke because sakura likes him and he is popular) i dont think sakura's complaint is very misplaced , and it could be that he might have done similar shit prior to this
"dont you envy him for being alone, not having parents to nag at you all time"
This is somewhat insensitive and not to naruto , who isn't even present at the moment but to sasuke because she is ASKING sasuke if he envies naruto because his parents dead .sakura saying to sasuke (indirectly) that lack of family is something one should feel good about and is lucky for .(although compared to the shit naruto and kakashi and even lee give sasuke on his clan in particular this is something that is indirect and somewhat subtle and is not intended to berate sasuke in anyway )
P.S.: she is not a psycho who wants her parents dead or anything she wants to be alone and to not have her parents nag at her or ground her
but I never saw this as delinquent or unsual behaviour from sakura's POV, because sakura is a normal 13 year old !!
it would make perfect sense for a teen to want to be alone , to be rebellious, and to not want your parents tell you how to do everything!
especially since kishimoto wanted sakura to be a charechter that is relatable to young girls
however post time skip sakura's views have on family seemed to have changed a bit when she asks sasori "what is family to you?!"
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i really really cant understand how psychos of naruto fandom would give a pass to-no askchually WORSHIP charechters like Itachi (who is a fucking remorseless genocidaire!) and hate this girl , i made a post before but it seems its a lot of misogyny acting up, aint it - for she not only rejects naruto(which is a big sin in itself) , she HATES him , and doesnt coddle him (most of the time-although there are moments when she does), she doesnt give two hoots about him a lot of the time and is fangirling on sasuke -oh the misery!! - arent these reasons enough to take petty things about her and constrew them as though they were on a whole different league of evil .
"he doesnt have to answer to anyone, its made him selfish, if i did something similar, id be grounded for life"
well.. sakura's speculation on why naruto is selfish is sort of misplaced but somewhat makes sense comparing to the shit naruto has done up to now i dont think she is wrong in calling him selfish -he does what he wants without giving a damn about anyone else ,that is selfish -isnt that what he did just now, he beat sasuke, tied him up and went to kiss sakura without giving 2 hoots bout either one of them, and got no consequences for it ! if sakura wouldve attempted something similar then she would've been punished severely by her parents, who would perhaps also make sure that something like this never happened again. - is there something wrong in what she said here ? i dont quite understand...
To sum up everything , all she says is :
1. Naruto is badly brought up
2. He does fucked up shit because he's badly bought up
3. He has no one to watch over so he does selfish things
4. Sakura wishes she could do a lot if the things naruto does and is envious at how far he can go without getting reprimanded
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canonsinthehead · 2 months
(Repost) Naruto/Boruto Headcanon: Chocolate Flavored Potato Chips, The Marriage of Karui & Chouji pt.4 - THE SECOND VENUE
(that’s where it gets interested, bear with me)
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At the early hours of the evening everyone left the first venue, taking place late in the afternoon. All the guests move from the terrace to a huge reception hall located in the middle of downtown of Kumo.
The building is GIGANTIC with a very different vibe from the previous venue. It’s basically a high-end night club.
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They have installed round tables so the dinner can be served, it is assigned as follows:
The Uchiha Table: Sasuke, Itachi, Shisui, Obito, Rin, Madara
Chouji’s Friends Table: Lee, Naruto, Kiba, Shino, Sai, Neji (watching closely Hinata)
Sakura, Hinata, Tenten, Karin, Suigetsu, Juugo
Hanabi, Konohamaru, Temari, Kankuro, Gaara,
All The best man & Bridesmaids have their own tables
The Sensei Table: Kakashi, Guy, Iruka, Asuma, Kurenai, Tenzo
There are countless other with Kumo ninjas.
In the middle of the room there’s a large dancefloor who can be illuminated (for future use),
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This huge reception hall is where the meal will be served and other things as the night follows its course. As assigned, Kankuro takes place at his table admiring the setup. He is quite impressed and even takes notes. If Gaara hears him one more time point out details so “they can do better for Temari’s wedding’’ his eyeliner is going to melt but he calmly sits down and waits for the event to continue while people take the time to socialize.
Naruto being the star (he thinks he is) can’t close his mouth about how much his stomach can’t wait for the meal. He tries to talk to Sasuke by engaging in small talk like:
“Hey, Sasuke. How are you doing? I wasn’t expecting you to be here. Where is your seat?’’ Suigetsu who happened to be between the two looked at Sasuke expecting an answer:
“You’re not going to say anything right?’’. Only for the three men to stand in a dreadful awkward silence. Well, his raven best friend would rather vaporize than engage in small talk with anyone. In these moments, he wishes Itachi would intervene and entertain Naruto knowing his sweet little brother is moody again.  Sasuke quickly looked around seeking help only to find nothing. Obito was nowhere to be found and Madara was busy passionately conversing with any bridesmaids or foreign women he could put his hand on often his hair being the entry point for conversation. Sasuke blinks twice, now understanding why he insisted on coming smh.
“It’s better talking to you, I guess…” he sighed to Naruto's excitement. Suigetsu left both with a screeching smile on his lips. He also prevented Karin from interrupting them. Juugo helped him trying to distract her knowing running up to the Uchiha would displease and anger him.
As time went on, more people came. It's like the entire village was invited to the second venue. There’s a clear distinction between “regular’’ ninjas and “higher class’’ individuals. This is interesting because this wedding appears more open and inclusive than Hinata’s wedding but it’s still a ceremony in the shinobi world.
“It’s them Sakura, do I look ok?’’ Ino who appeared out of nowhere whispered in her ears. Since the shinobi sister were meeting up before going to their assigned tables. All of them looked at Ino with a confused look not fully grasping what she was trying to say.
Also ‘’ARENT YOU SUPPOSED TO BE ORGANIZING STUFF, SHANARONNNN’’ thought Sakura. Without speaking the blonde just pointed towards a table in the ‘’VIP area’’ where were sitting recognizable faces.
“Oh my-‘’ whispered Hinata.
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Tenten rolled her eyes. Like it was nothing Lee, Kiba, Naruto & Shisui were casually talking to the members of Kumo national basketball team. LIKE IT WAS NOTHING! Sakura would probably never admit that she probably liked them as much as Ino, but her blonde friend vanished saying “Watch me light up the stage!’’
Meanwhile, in the VIP area, heated discussions are taking place.
“Hey, look at you, Rock Lee! My man is in shape. Looking good as always!” says basketball player T.
“Really! What’s up with your fountain of youth secret? I bet you could make a team by yourself!” added player G with sounds of approval of his bandmates. They encouraged bushy brows to confidently affirm himself and were eager to hear what he had to say, happy to interact with him.
Rock Lee slightly blushed. He is a little surprised at being acknowledged (before Naruto) to this degree. It even shuts down Kiba and Naruto who weren’t expecting this situation. Trying to hide his true feelings (HIS PRIDE AND EGO GETTING HURT) Kiba waved off whatever Shino wanted to say. Regardless, they all took pictures together and exchanged info, having a good time socializing.
Finally Sakura decided to go and talk to them. She somehow managed to get Hinata to go with her, but are stopped on their way.
“No’’ said Sasuke and Neji firmly holding their arms preventing them from moving any further. Confused, Sakura was trying to make up something to say but was quickly interrupted by the sharp paper fan smacking the back of Neji and Sasuke’s head causing them to release their grip. It was Hanabi, clearly angry.
“You two old rags! Don’t break the fun! They just want a photo and chat a little, YOU KNOW STUFF FANS DO! On top of that they are super friendly! They heard about Sakura and would be glad to see her! AND NEITHER OF YOU STOPPED THE MARRIED NARUTO FROM TALKING TO THEM OR ON ANYTHING IF I’M CONCERNED, SO WHAT ABOUT THAT??!! She barked at them. Not waiting for their reactions she grabbed Sakura and Hinata,
“Come on, let’s go. Leave the party crashers alone!’’ She said before making her way to the basketball players' table with Sakura & Hinata, where Shisui was winning a mini arm-wrestling tournament in the lively atmosphere.
“You know they call me the GOAT’’ laughed Shisui with the basketball players surprised at their loss. Sasuke and Neji went to sit down arms crossed, in silence.
As people sat at their assigned tables, the atmosphere settled as they waited for the latecomers while sipping on non-alcoholic beverages. Most engage in lively conversions, The Uchiha table remained strangely quiet aside from Rin who got offered a bridesmaid’s flower bouquet (for being cute I guess) chatting with Obito. Finally, Itachi made his way into the venue. Right after passing the door, half of the crowd goes berserk.
Especially coming from the athlete VIP area, many clapped in the way friends would do each other. The raven waved at it and made his to his assigned place while countlessly greeting many people along the way.
“MAN, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?” Said one of the basketball players hands raised in surprise. He and Itachi started a small conversation as an answer to his question.
Sasuke stared in confusion. He couldn’t shake off his total mental anguish trying to understand why his brother seemed to know everyone in the room and everyone (from Kumo) wanted to chat and take selfies with him Itachi being popular again making Sasuke look like a charcoal bag of rocks (Madara’s words). He crossed his arms and acted unbothered because the setup/people were strange. He can’t wait to be out of here.
Killer Bee got on the stage and announced the start of the second venue. In a tsunami of applause and cheers, Karui and Chouji were welcomed and went to sit at their assigned table which was prettier than others. Their position in the room gave a premium view of the dancefloor and the pending spectacle as Killer Bee joyfully shouted into the microphone:
“First, we had to welcome the bridesmaids and groomsmen! And as the tradition in Kumo goes, IT’S TIME FOR THE ULTIMATE HONORABLE DANCE BATTLE OF THE CENTURY! Where the bridesmaids and groomsmen fight each other in a merciless dance battle for the honor of the party they represent.” He continued as the crowd warmed up. “You guys know, at every marriage, the newly married get 3 wishes granted by the higher state BUT the winning team wins an ADDITIONAL wish for either the groom or the bride. They have exactly 2:30 minutes to fight for their lives and the public decides who wins.”
This is THE event of the night, so many were dying of impatience for this part of the wedding. As Killer Bee was announcing the coming event, the crowd was already heated while Sasuke just sank deeper in his chair.
“We need to adopt that tradition in Konoha!” screamed Naruto. Kiba laughed beside him getting his camera ready.
“YOU HEARD THAT KAKASHI?! IT’S A TRAINING, I LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!” yelled Guy burning with passion. Kakashi signed but a small smile drawn itself on his lips through his mask. It hadn’t started yet but Temari was already standing like she was attending the most heated baseball game ever
“HA HA SHIKAMARU NARA BETTER NOT DISAPPOINT! NOT ON CHOUJI’S WEDDING! NOT TODAY! She yelled and Kakuro was literally jumping out of his seat.
“This is the best wedding ever!’’. Along with them, Hanabi and Konohamaru couldn’t hold in place.
Killer Bee continued. As tradition says, ladies first.
“Now get ready to welcome the bridesmaids with the female graduates of ninja school of Kumogakure; Ino Yamanaka, Mabui, Samui along with female kunoichi of Kumo’s special forces.
(Don’t die Neji! Don’t Melt yet Sasuke the mess is just starting…)
Bridesmaid Entering like the video below
Bridemaids performance
As expected, the crowd goes berserk. Through the screams, Sakura looked at her blonde best friend dancing and almost felt something in her admiring Ino’s confidence. Her green pupils slid to the left and caught Hinata watching the scene in awe, she was enjoying the show but the fiery darts sent by Neji not far behind her caused her to shift back her focus to the dancefloor. It’s not the time for negativity. Meanwhile, Tenten asked a waiter for any alcoholic beverage they could give now but only received a glass of water.
KARUI WAS HYPE LIKE NEVER. She didn’t expect the bridesmaid team would come together like that to put on such a show. While everyone knows it is a wedding tradition in Kumo, the result is always a mystery to anticipate.
“Oh Yeah! What a Performance!” screamed Killer Bee. “Oh no, we are not over yet! Get ready to welcome the groomsmen team made of Darui, Omoi, C, Atsui, and Shikamaru Nara along with the main unit of Kumo’s special forces!”
Temari was clapping like a seahorse on crack and a dolphin high on adrenaline. Kakuro camera in hand moved earth and sky to get the best spot to capture his soon-to-be new Instagram post even if the space was wide enough for anyone to see. Gaara looked at his older siblings acting a fool.
“So, people really like to see their friend dance…’’ he thought. Asuma pulled a sake bottle from his jacket as the groomsmen entered the venue:
OFF COURSE THE BRIDESMAIDS WON but Naruto and Kiba now have blackmail material against Shikamaru good enough for a decade.
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maoam · 2 years
if you ever get the time, i highly recommend that you go through the official naruto fanbooks since ive heard that they have many cool sasunaru easter eggs which arent really discussed much among the sns community, my japanese isnt as good so if you ever find something cool please share on your page as well alright?
you can see their japanese scans here (scroll to the bottom of the page)
I don't know if I care about the fanbooks, considering they aren't comparable to the manga, also their creators make many silly claims like this one:
"First-rate chakra control and brainpower!! Braver than any man, charming as a maiden!!
As a ninja, she still doesn’t have any remarkable feats under her belt, but even Kakashi acknowledges her latent ability. Chakra control, Genjutsu, her display of knowledge during the Chuunin Exams: she’s shown shining potential in a fairly wide array of competences. Should she develop them, she might become a threat even to the great Sasuke! She’s also the one in Kakashi’s team who reins in the two hot-headed types that are Sasuke and Naruto, like an older sister looking after a mischievous little boy."
As me and sneezemonster15 have talked about, Sakura is all book smarts and can't put any of that information into practice. And Kishi wrote her that way. Brainpower? Wish she could use some common sense sometimes. And since when does she reign Sasuke and Naruto in? Sasuke is the one who is constantly roasting her for being lazy and not learning jutsus. And she pipes down for any negative comment from him.
"A woman’s hair is her life. Yet she cuts her hair off in order to change herself!!"
Now this is just stupid and sexist.
"She probably exemplifies what an ideal young woman would be like."
I hope the hell not that Sakura isn't what an ideal young woman is like. Shallow, self-sentered and cruel?
"Sasuke dead…?! Her heart was torn between her shinobi’s duties and pure love."
Lol I remember SS claimed Kishi called Sakura's love "pure" because of this line written by the book creators. Except Kishi called Sakura's love selfish in one of the manga entries. 自分勝手な 恋な, (jibungattena koina) which means selfish/self centered/egoistic love. It’s a negative word.
"Sakura herself doesn’t really know how she feels about Naruto. Her great love is Sasuke, but it should be noticed she also looks Naruto’s way… We can’t talk about love for the moment, but who knows?! It might happen."
Shipping bait that made narusakus think their ship had a chance.
"Hinata’s fighting ability was found lacking by the Hyuuga Clan. But her latent potential is quite conspicuous, so development is to be expected in the future."
"To find that Itachi is interested only in Naruto surprises Sasuke. This seems to state that the value of his existence falls below Naruto’s. Thoughts of denial give birth to jealousy."
What's funny though is that even these books acknowledge Sasuke was feeling angry due to Itachi when he challenged Naruto, not because he was jealous of Sakura lol. But of course SS pick and choose what they like about these books.
Also all those stats... no way Sakura has higher intelligence than some other characters. She always makes the dumbest decisions during battle.
"She tries to get involved but there is no room for her. In front of their heated glares, she does not exist."
Finally some good line hahaha.
"Sasuke left Konohagakure. Sakura’s heart did not reach him. Naturally lonely and peace loving, for Sakura, the loss of one teammate causes her great pain.
Thus, if that person is someone she loves, the pain is greater. So she shouts out her love which goes unheeded, squeezing the words out of her throat. It’s as if this is her imprisoning destiny."
Something that SS also love to ignore when referring to their precious fanbooks.
A lot of these lines in the book just seem like them writing whatever that sounds nice, and would make fans buy the books. Like the line how no one who confronts Sasuke has a chance of living, despite us knowing it's not true lol
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raveneira · 1 year
Ugh...are ppl really this dumb?
Warning: Anti KawaSumi/BoruSara post, dont like dont read.
Are idiots really believing Sumire is gonna pretend to like Kawaki because of the omnipotence bs? let alone that she might actually start to like Kawaki while pretending? gah yall are delusional...the same ppl who claim to like her character dont even understand her character at all if you believe that bullshit.
Wtf sense does that even make? just because Kawaki swapped lives with Boruto doesnt mean they literally swapped everything about them even down to their romantic feelings, theres no telling how much of their memories are altered, that remains to be seen since we’ve only got a glimpse through Sasuke but that doesnt account for everyone else.
But lets say it is a complete swap and everything that applied to Boruto now applies to Kawaki, wtf does that have to do with Kawaki? HE knows her feelings arent for him so whats your point? if anything Sumire pretending to like him will just piss him off cuz 
1 he knows she doesnt actually like him and 
2 because hes not fkin interested
Plus despite popular belief, Sumire is not a good actress when it comes to hiding her feelings [literally everyone knows despite her attempts at hiding it], she is always sweating and nervous af, Kawaki would see right through her if she tried to play the 'Kawaki-kun' card because you cant fake romantic feelings [in the Narutoverse, Sakura tried and everyone saw right through it even the ppl who werent in on it] so he'd catch on that shes fakin it regardless.
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You cannot fake this, she cannot look at Kawaki and pretend to feel the same love and gratitude that she had for Boruto and be convincing she just cant, because everytime shes looked at Kawaki since finding out he killed Boruto she has been nothing but scared and nervous around him.
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Now that he has everyone out to kill Boruto, do you honestly think shes gonna be able to look Kawaki in the eye like she loves him when she couldnt even look at him before without getting ptsd flashbacks? get tf outta here man.
If anything I see Sarada being able to fake it more than her, she never feared Kawaki nor Boruto so she’d be able to look him dead in the eye without flinching if she had to, but we all know this writings not that generous.
Shes better off just not even trying to fake that, its not like Sumire acted that much different around Boruto than she normally did so she could just be casual with Kawaki and nothing will look off, and if by some very VERY unlikely chance, Kawaki asks her if she likes him just to see the full extent of Adas control, its not like she would just confess that she does cuz she hasnt even confessed to Boruto yet, that and she told Kawaki to keep it a secret, so if she fked up and said yes to try and 'pretend' shes inlove with him, Kawaki would have to be stupid af not to know shes unaffected and playin him.
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Sarada pretending to like Kawaki is even more unlikely than Sumire since she never had feelings for Boruto from the get go [not confirmed ones anyway] so if she truly did have feelings for him then now would be the time to reveal it because if Sumire feels like she has to 'pretend' to like Kawaki to not expose shes unaffected by Ada who, as these fools claim, KNOWS Sumire and Sarada love Boruto, then Sarada would have to pretend too.
So now would be the best time to confirm it once and for all, lets say Sumire pretends but Sarada doesnt, Ada should get suspicious and ask something along the lines of 'whats the matter? I thought you liked him too?' of course it depends on the context of the conversation but you get the point, she'd question why Sumire is reacting while Sarada isnt, which would confirm Ada did indeed see that Sarada has romantic feelings for Boruto.
But if they dont do that and continue to leave it up in the air, then Im gonna laugh cuz these bozos swear they winnin when they keep bein left in limbo just like everyone else, which for the ‘main couple’ and the ‘obvious endgame’ is highly suspicious, Naruto was able to make Sakura and Hinatas feelings known so why not Sarada? literally nothing changes if they do, so to keep leaving it up in the air when it doesnt need to be is legitimate cause for question because why NOT confirm her feelings? it doesnt ruin the suspense because we’d still have to wait to see how Boruto feels so why not just confirm Sarada’s side already? thats the part yall dont wanna talk about because yall know its suspicious, so you brush it off with ‘well they dont need to cuz its obvious’ or ‘Mitsuki/Ada already confirmed it′ when they are the LEAST reliable ppl to go to for romantic confirmation.
In fact, I’d say the fact that those are your biggest and only real go tos for proof her feelings are confirmed actually makes BoruSara look that much more flimsy because these are your sources.
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If those are your sources for proof then those are some sorry excuses for hard evidence.
Anyway this isnt about BoruSara as much as it is about the delusion theory that Sumire is actually gonna try to pretend to like Kawaki, let alone be successful, or even more ridiculous, actually fall for him in the process.
The notion of Sarada pretending too is even more ridiculous, but if she does then atleast yall will finally have some actual hard evidence that she does infact like Boruto, but if not then keep relying on these half assed sources from ppl who dont even understand their own feelings, but you think they can clearly understand someone elses.
This headcanon of yalls isnt a legitimate theory based on any canon fact other than ‘their lives are switched so she has to fake liking him’, its just a last ditch hope to keep an ACTUAL dead ship alive because yes, ksu really is dead but this aint the post for that convo.
Whether or not KawaSara is dead [because I know yall gonna bring it up] depends entirely on how the timeskip kicks off, but ksu died before the timeskip even started but again thats a topic for another day.
If Im wrong Im wrong but I’ve been right so far in regards to Sumire and Kawakis relationship so I dont doubt Im gonna be right again because SOMEHOW me, a non fan, understands Sumire better than alot of her supposed ‘fans’
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sneezemonster15 · 1 year
Some people think they are being feminist by writing Sakura and Hinata out of character.
Fanfic writers being straight aside, I feel like there is a fear of being called mysogynist if the female characters are portrayed in any bad light so even queer writers write them ooc and it makes Sasuke and Naruto appear like assholes. Saw some writers tagging their fic "not for sakura or hinata fans" as if they are about to write the worst thing about those girls and its just those characters acting like they would in this specific situation.
Recently I saw some Sakura/SS stans tweeting about how writing fanfics where SNS cheat is problematic and disrespectful. As if gay people who have no choice but getting married to people they arent attracted to have any choice. Thats a real thing that happen irl and that doesnt make gay ppl assholes, just victims of society.
I have observed fandoms for a while and it feels like people use feminism as an excuse to dogpile on mlm shippers. They rarely (or never) call out mlf shippers who exhibit hatred for female characters they dont like.
Yes, that does seem to be the case.
Ever since I joined this fandom, I have felt whacked left and right by seeing what people understand by feminism and the way they regard homosexuality. It's like 20th century never happened. Like fandom was the last space I thought to be this backward, outdated and unwilling to learn.
I seriously doubt whether these SS and NH fans are adults. They don't sound like one. And if they are, I really don't know what kind of trauma they have been through or what kind of upbringing they have received to be this entitled, insensitive and violent. Like girl, chill. Or see a professional. Whatever works.
Yeah, I have heard that some writers write Sakura and Hinata as nice women because they are afraid of being called misogynists. Well. They need to learn to stand their ground. That would be their coming of age in the context lol. These ss and nh crazies would come after you no matter what you do, they don't have the capacity to be logical or discerning. You can't expect rationality or normal sensibilities from SS and NH stans, they are unhinged. No seriously, I am not kidding when I think some of them need to see a professional. Or get a credible confidante at least that can guide them properly. I am sorry but if they are the kind of people writers wanna please so as not to be attacked by them, they are living in fool's paradise. If those are the kind of people you set your bets off on, you are setting yourself up for failure. And wronging a lot of responsible and mature readers who decided to put their trust in you. Media is not an isolated medium, as its name suggests. You are accountable for what you put out there because it influences people, vulnerable, suggestible, impressionable, and naive people who would believe whatever is told to them. Especially in a fandom space that is populated by mainly very young people. Who aren't capable of introspection or critical evaluation. Spreading false ideas and all around ooc shit about Sakura and Hinata is not doing anyone a favor. Least to yourself, if you are serious about writing. Learn how to write your truth, learn how to be authentic. Develop your voice. This is your space to learn and evolve, stay true to yourself, and if you are pandering to stupid people, it's no one's fault but your own. Lol who gets paid for writing fanfics here? What is it or who is it that you represent huh? Who are you doing it for?
See the scope of damage you are causing by writing Sakura and Hinata as ooc, it has larger ramifications than just that. Recognize the kind of validation you give SS and NH stans by writing ooc shit, and how it backfires. You are encouraging misogyny, homophobia and heteronormativity yourself if you write them as ooc, plain and simple. The moment you write Sakura and Hinata as nice, empathetic characters, you are denigrating Naruto and Sasuke's characters and trivializing what they had to suffer through. Their world is a reflection of the real world, don't forget. If you write those two women as good, it's pretty clear you don't truly respect what queer communities have to go through in a conservative society, ie, if you consider yourself a person who puts your hand where your mouth is. Yes offence. Either you don't respect it or you don't get it but write dogshit anyway without doing any soul searching or research, neither of which is a comforting idea. And if you write it anyway because you just love the accolades so much, well shows your standards if you care for approval from strange people you have never seen, and who would fail spectacularly in the real world. Don't give anyone power over you who doesn't deserve it, least of all NH and SS stans. Respect yourself and gay narratives.
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captnjacksparrow · 2 years
I saw this SNS say that they're against SS romantically, but that Sasuke and Sakura would be good friends :/. They say that if you dont think so you must be a fujoshi that doesn't want her to get in the way of your ship. They say that if you think Sasuke and Naruto don't care about her you're just projecting your dislike for her. I looked at their other posts and they also go on and on about her "wasted potential" and say you're just as bad as the dudebros that make fun of her because she's weak and useless bc you're using their same misogynistic words. When they spoke about Sasuke caring for her they mention that he broke that sound shinobi's arms for her. Why do you think Sasuke and Sakura arent considered friends (besides Sasuke saying Naruto is his one and only friend 🤭) and would they have ever become friends if Sasuke stayed in the village when they were genin?
LOL. Who cares???
Fujoshi is a derogatory term given by men who don't like their women fantasizing 2 men having intimate relationship. A 100% misogynistic insult given by Assholes who fantasize bobs and vegana.
It doesn't matter whether we ship them sexually or not, it doesn't matter whether our headcanons are warm and sweet, it really doesn't matter whether we ship them because they truly love each other... The Origin of that name denotes A Woman who loves seeing 2 men together.
By this Logic... Emi 10 Rankai is a Fujoshi... Nilo is one... KSL is also one... Mo Xiang Tong Xiu is one... I am one... Everyone who ships SNS/ or any MLM is one... That SNS shipper is also one.
That Virtue Signalling SNS shipper was just guilt tripping everyone by using this TradeMark words, "If you don't do this, you are this"... Well, As a President of Showing Middle Finger to the Guilt Trippers Club, my appropriate response would be..
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I am indeed a Fujoshi or whatever the fuck they'd like to call me as... What are they going to do now??? Slash my throat???
They also go on and on about her "wasted potential" and say you're just as bad as the dudebros that make fun of her because she's weak and useless
She is indeed weak and useless for the most part. What's wrong with speaking the truth anyway???
I wrote here as to why I hate Sakura in a very short post... It's not like I hate her cuz she is annoying or useless... I must say that's one of the reason. I hate her because she was an Ass towards every character in this series.
Why do you think Sasuke and Sakura arent considered friends and would they have ever become friends if Sasuke stayed in the village when they were genin?
Well, Everyone would've considered them as Friends had one of them acknowledge the other as Friend....
Whenever Sasuke is near, Sakura would always wet over him... Sasuke never addressed anyone other than Naruto as Friend... The narrative never literally gave the audience a chance to deem them as Friends.
At the very least, we can take that Sakura is his comrade who has very lower relevance level than Team Taka in Sasuke's Bonds’ hierarchy.
Even if Sasuke stayed in the Village, he would've probably become friends with other quiet guys like Neji or Shino.... But not Sakura because she can’t see him as anything other than an object of Romance and he can’t see her as anything other than a comrade who worked with him.
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Why is Sakura so glorified in the fandom anyway? I am talking about amount of panels and contribution to narrative. She is one of the main characters and yet she is hardly there. You have her in part one, in the land of waves arc but she is entirely useless. Then we see her in forest of death, chuunin exams arc, where she is there. Cool. But even so, we see Konoha being attacked, she is entirely useless, needs to be rescued. Fine, at least she is there. Naruto travels with Jiraiya, she ain't there. Itachi comes to town and Sasuke gets triggered, he has a clash with Naruto, she is there, cool. Then she confesses to Sasuke and then tells Naruto to bring him back. Sasuke retrieval arc. Long ass arc, she ain't there, useless. Then a little bit of footage after Naruto comes back, but only as much as any other side character honestly. Then Shippuden. Gaara retrieval arc, that's the best arc for her. But after that pretty useless. The reunion, pain arc, hardly gets any footage. Then kage arc, a bit of presence but totally negative, and again, pretty much useless. War arc, yes, she is there. But when Sasuke is around, damn she moves and looks like a sorry ass annoying fangirl. Girl you are in the middle of a war, show some respect for yourself, have a spine. Couldn't help Obito out either on time, total shit. And then, it's just mostly crap for Sakura.
My point is, it's a 700 hundred chapter manga, and she's a main character and yet, her presence is not as much as her fans scream about. She hardly contributes to narrative.
I really think she is given way more credit than is logical. Like okay, like her or dislike her, that's on you. But her stans act like the manga is about her, when we have several arcs in this long ass manga where she has like three panels in total, it's ridiculous.
Hello anon!
I think she is glorified because she belongs to the main trio of the series. And that sole fact, makes her "important". She had lucky lets say.
The main character is "in love" with her or at least has some interest on her, and she wets for the deuteragonist, so there is a direct connection to the most important characters and therefore, she is somehow present.
She has got an interesting design, specially some features that arent unnoticed, say her hair and eyes, so she catches your eye in some way.
As you say she has poor to ' presence in most of the arcs.
Introduction and bell test - she has bc its her introduction
Land of waves - she is here and there, but she even has less action and presence than Kakashi. She shows no special jutsus, and we do not see anything about her past. Poor presence.
Chunin Exams- we see how "inteligent" she is but apart from that, she doesnt do anything important. She didnt help her comrades, she didnt pass them the answers. here they show us just a characteristic of her, which didnt help at all. Even more, the other 9 genin oustand in this part because we see how all of them work together, and what kind of jutsus they use.
Death Forest - I think this is where she "shone" somehow or a bit at least. She was pretty useless like a 70% of the arc, being just present physically but doing nothing to make the plot go on. Then we see her "growth" which is fine i guess, for later on being helped by other genins, and we have the first SS "strong"(?) moment.
Fights in chunin exams: She has her fight as all the characters in here. Her fight was nothing special, again we do not see anything about her fighting style. Ino should have won in this case because she was superior, but sakura plot armour helped. If Kishimoto wanted SS to be substantial from the beginning he could add a lot of SS scenes here, something he didnt do. She then remains as secondary as the other 9 genins.
Sand Attack: She helps a bit but she is as "useful" as shikamaru, a secondary character. She is kidnapped so she doesnt help, she remain unconscious most of the arc.
Itachi come back, and Tsunade quest: she has one scene or so. All this arc is about Sasuke and Naruto.
Sasuke departure: she has presence confessing her feelings but still that confession didnt lead to nothing. We already knw about her feelings and sasuke also knew them. What's new? She didn't even stopped him or put doubt on his mind. Didnt even set a romantic tone for SS or idk SOMETHING that could say from sasuke side "ill keep you in my heart"
Sasuke retrieval: Naruto wanted to look for sasuke when he already listened, he left by shikamaru words. Her promise didnt set nothing. Because he already had in his mind to go for him when he just found out. Of course she doesnt appear in here.
Gaara retrieval: this is the arc where she "shone" the most. After a WHOLE anime of 135 episode where she did almost nothing, she now does something. We see she is now a medical ninja (something happened bc of yolo because we never saw her training, or expressing desire or goals to be a medic and help people. This was something pulled from kishimoto's ass) and she helps characters, and we see her fighting style with Sasori. Must say, plot armor also saved her here because Sasori let them win. If Chiyo wasnt with her on that battle, she would have died.
Sai introduction and Sasuke reunion: here she has the same relevance as Sai and yamato. She doesnt do anything to make the team work, i know she has no responsability for but as her fans claim her to be the nicest person¿ She is as hostile as naruto. After that, for Sasuke reunion, she is absolutey irrelevant. She is more irrelevant than Sai. Since Sai has to tell his story with his "brother" and it makes a connection with Naruto story with Sasuke. The mc here are Sasuke, Sai and Naruto. Even more, Sai after Naruto is the one who defies Sasuke to return to the village bc of how strong naruto love for him is. Sakura here DID NOTHING. She was just standing here, and couldnt even say a word. In a moment after a long realization she wants to fight sasuke (lol) but that moment dismisses and she is no more relevant.
Hidan and Kakuzu arc + rasen shuriken training: here the spotlight is on team asuma. Naruto is training for his new jutsu, and she is as relevant as sai. She offers naruto her energy balls, and thats it (i know that scene is not in the manga, but i take it as canon)
Hebi team formation + kakashi gaiden: she is not here
Sasuke quest: she belongs to the team who will look for Sasuke. She has the same relevance as the secondary characters. Its actually team kurenai who is very useful for this mission.
Pain arc: she again has not that much relevance or presence. She "invokes" (lol) Naruto. But a part of this arc belongs even more to Hinata selfish confession, than Sakura. (Must say that this is the only time in Shippuden we see hinata in action, after her fight vs neji in genin times...Very poor for the future wife of he hokage)
Iron land arc and 5 kages arc: We can say she has some presence here. Her moments were "defying" Sasuke somehow, her fake confession, "betraying" her comrades to make them look for sasuke, and that's it i guess? She has presence but all these moments didnt serve at all to make her grow or more likeable. All these moments were handled very bad by her and lead to nothing. These moments didnt have any consequence in the future arcs.
War arc. Well this is very long arc. She has much presence here due to this is where Team 7 as a whole shone. So she has to be there. But the arc was centred on Madara firstly and Sasuke and Naruto being a powerful and dynamic couple. She tried to save naruto life (once in a lifetime) which is nice (despite it didnt work but still). She punched madara which I give it to her...But her confession in the end, as always didnt serve to the narrative.
What we can conclude is that only in death forest (taking care of the boys) and Sasori fight +curing Kankuro (did it serve of something to cure kankuro anyway? What if he died...he was a secondary character...anway) where the only arcs where her actions had a consequence (a good one) in the future events of the plot. I can even say Shikamaru had more relevance and his actions were more important than hers...if i count them.
And this is something Ikemoto maybe saw because thats why she is so unexistent in Boruto.
So anon, i guess the reasons of why she is so glorified is because of the first paragraphs i wrote above. Because if we take on how important she was, a lot of characters are above of her.
The few impactful moments of her, her fans adore them passionately and they will hold on to them fiercely, adn they will try to show to the world how amazing their fav is, despite this is the only moment where she shone.
But also she is glorified because of her "power" like okay, she had interesting jutsus, which she never explored. People say its kishimoto's fault but a character for me, moves and acts on his own. No im not crazy. She never explored her jutsus because it was never on her nature and personality, we see her how she never explored herself in the genin arcs, what makes you think she will in the future? People may say, She matures. Well nop, not all people mature.
You can be 32 years old and still acting like a teen, and some people never mature at all. If people grow up and become nicer in the future, we wouldnt have assholes in this world.
I dont wanna go further about her personality because this will get very long.
But i think those are the reasons, some fans also fantasize a lot with her strengh and they leave in headcanons and fanfics and feed themselves with the only good arc of her. She had potential, to be a good kunoichi i think, she could be a good successor of Tsunade. But that doesnt mean if she were good on new jutsus she would grow up as a woman.
And a lot of fans like her because they find her hot. That's it. They find her as a beautiful strong princess so there they go. Many male fans find her, as hinata, as a waifu material so...no need to ask explanations because that's it.
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miwtual · 3 years
I don’t go here but Naruto? Also you should watch Abbott Elementary!! It’s really good
tysm for the rec jackie!! ive seen u and i think a few others post about it and it seems like a nice watch, ill have to try it out!! also asking about naruto even tho u dont know it <3 u get to hear me talk about one of my favorite childhood animes snkdjfs
favorite male character: naruto uzumaki bc i do, in fact, have a soft spot for sunshine protagonists skjdfsl
favorite female character: sakura haruno idc if half the people who have ever seen naruto hate her she is MY girl i love her
least favorite character: danzo all my homies hate danzo (he sucks dw about it)
prettiest character: hinata hyuga 🥺
funniest character: gaara, not bc he tells jokes, but hes so Serious ALL THE TIME that he ends up being funny by accident
favorite season: (for the sake of making this easier on me im changing this to favorite arc again JHSNKDF) the land of waves arc!! its LITERALLY the first 20 episodes of naruto but its an arc that is ingrained in my head and has been for YEARS so it feels wrong if i dont put it here as my fave
favorite episode: episode 311 of naruto (shippuden, which is also naruto but they're 3 years older and are Better Ninjas now skdf) its the prologue for my favorite naruto movie road to ninja which is just. utter nonsense JSKJHB but its fun light hearted nonsense yknow what i mean. its fun i have a good time watching it. similarly there is episode 271 which is sort of also like road to ninja and is the episode where this gifset i made comes from <3
favorite romantic ship: neji and tenten!! i wish it had happened :(
favorite family ship: ngl most of the families in naruto suck SJDK i cant really think of any. the inoshikacho team dynamic which is passed down thru their families is the only one i can think of even tho those three arent technically related
favorite friend ship: naruto and sasuke's, they try so hard to be rivals that they ended up being best friends JBHSKDF
worst ship: ill be bold and say naruto and hinata, i know theyre canon now but she LITERALLY couldnt have a conversation with him for like 300 episodes of a 500+ episode series JHBNJKLFDMS
send me a tv show or movie
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fuckyoucanada · 5 years
Hym. What about the rest of Konoha 12? Is Tobirama trying to mentor them? Did Shikamaru guess something was definitely wrong with his colleagues?
I already mentioned hinata and neji, so here’s the others:
Kiba: Naruto and Sasuek smell weird to him and he tends to suspiciously watch them whenever they get near him. Yeah everybody has their own unique scents and stuff but they smell like the dust from the really old scrolls his mother wont ever let him touch, and he always sneezes when hes around them for too long.
theyre pretty alright besides that. naruto always pets akamaru whenever he sees him and kiba once caught sasuke slipping akamaru some of the high quality beef jerky.
shino: his bugs tend to not like going towards team 7. naruto has chakra more like fire than any other konoha nin shino has faced and sasuke’s ability to pull water jutsus out of his ass is concerning to a bug user who doesnt want his bugs to drown without warning. he otherwise has no problem with them; tobirama once showed him a rare breeding ground for a bug shino’s clan thought extinct and shino has seen Madara take a spider outside rather than stepping on them.
ino: she had a crush on sasuke back in the academy, but after her falling out with sakura, sasuke told her that she shouldnt pick a boy over a best friend. then he mentioned that if he ever did want to date a girl, they would have to be strong and be able to show that they held strong bonds with their comrades. while ino made up with sakura because of what he said, she lost her crush soon after when she saw how naruto got a bigger reaction out of sasuke then anyone she had ever seen. quite clearly the boys were lost on each other and she might be pigheaded, but she also knew when to throw in the towel. she regularly has lovely chats with naruto that involve the language of flowers and their history, oddly enough, in the uchiha clan.
choji: a lot of kids made fun of choji’s size and when he was younger he really only had shikamaru to rely on to defend him. that is, until naruto hears a couple of newly minted genin picking on him. the blonde eviscerated them with his words, his shouting the loudest thing choji had ever heard. when choji asked him why he defended him naruto had simply said “we all carry fire inside us; we should be fanning it, not trying to extinguish the flame.” ever since then, when people called naruto an idiot, choji made a point to disagree. he might be loud and a bit scatter brained, but naruto was in no way dumb.
shikamaru: naruto and sasuke arent who they pretend to be. shikamaru could go on about the details sasuke shared about the warring states era that he had no way of knowing, or naruto’s proficiency at uchiha clan jutsu that even sasuke couldnt do, but it would be too troublesome to bother. besides, the one time he voiced his suspicions of the two, an irate sakura cornered him the next day and threatened to wedgie him into nonexistance if he didn’t leave her teammates alone. women were dangerous and shikamaru wouldnt dare mess with them.
tenten: she actually doesnt have a lot of interaction with team 7, but she has seen the positive effect naruto’s loud speech had on neji. she sees how neji becomes less sharp, more caring, after naruto tells him that life might now be fair, that the generations before us might have failed, but thats no excuse for us to fail as well. the circle of hatred needed to end; let neji letting go of his own vendetta be the start of a new wheel. she appreciates the change in her teammate and whenever naruto comes into her father’s weapon shop and shes working, she always gives him a discount.
lee: lee feels different from the others. he tries not to let his inability to use chakra like the others affect him, but hes young and still trying to find himself. after the chunin exams, everyone is a lot nicer to him, they show their appreciation for the amount of work he puts in. he is approached one day by a neutral faced sasuke who asks to observe his workout routine. what was originally a one week endeavor turns into an every morning thing where sasuke will show up at the training grounds and idly chat to lee as he stretches and practices his katas. the uchiha will occasionally watch him before writing something down. he’ll stay and keep lee company until gai-sensei shows up and sasuke has to leave to meet his own team. it makes lee smile.
its not so much mentor them as show them that they have the potential to be so much more than the previous generation. they cant let the past get in the way of their own progress. tobirama is sort of hesitant to really try to mentor anyone after the way his own students turned out. madara thinks hes being stupid, he cant blame himself for the decisions adults make long after he was dead, but tobirama doesnt ever listen to him, so instead he tries and facilitates friendships between tobirama and their graduating class. he doesnt let the younger nin get lost in his own head.
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bengalisasuke · 6 years
Hinata for the character thing!
ooooh man. here comes izzy’s inner misogynist about to jump out. 
How I feel about this character:
for the sake of this question, we’re going to go ahead and split hinata into three distinct characters because my feelings on her are so complicated i feel like i might be here for a while if we have to talk about her as one complete being but here we go. 
part 1 hinata was EASILY my fav i mean like who couldn’t relate to her shy girls #represent and her refusal to give up in the face of her clearly more talented cousin was inspiring! she was strong and brave and i loved that and the fact that she was one of the first characters to like...find strength in naruto’s words? iconic i really loved that little girl sm 
part 2...i dunno i dont think she was that relevant i liked the pain fight and how she stood up but ahwiujnsdlkwe if you want me to be honest? i...i didn’t like it that much because i remember my stomach literally dropping when i was watching it because i used to be a naruhina shipper but like. not like this! not like this! god not to sound like a hypocrite but we all say that naruto’s devotion to sasuke is unhealthy but also like...in an extent its kind of worse with hinata because from a narrative point of view she exists as nothing but naruto’s like. for his constant affirmation and adoration and love and love and she loses any semblance of personality after that she’s still the same blushing girl in shippuden despite her not having seen naruto for two and a half years and it was just...painful to see a young girl (who could have had the potential to still be strong!!!) be reduced to like. a blushing fainting and stammering mess when naruto so much as looked at her outside of combat situations ITS JUST. AGONIZING. like i dont care that she had a crush on naruto but to make it her ONLY defining trait when shes around the motherfucker gets on my nerves and i want to grab kishimoto by the balls and tell him that GIRLS ARENT LIKE THAT YOU STUPID BASTARD
the last and boruto and blank period: i hate i hate i haaaate what they did to her i hate the fucking titty belt i hate that she became a housewife i hate that whatever she had going for her was gone forever and ever i cant even be happy for her because she doesn’t have anything going for her like SHE GOT PREGNANT AT 20? 19? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
sakura....but honestly kibahina should have been endgame i know that kiba had a crush on hinata i KNOW HE DID AND HE WAS SO NICE TO HER AND EVERYTHING and like...naruto...sorry man but naruto is just so ignorant of her i cant help but think she definitely deserves better like hinata is always so conscious of naruto’s needs but rarely the other way around i wanna like. DIE i hate that she’s become the perfect waifu so people can self-insert w naruto like. kibahina rights NOW
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
naruhina i feel they’d be good friends tbh AND sakuhina...scream naruto and sakura egging hinata on to ask kiba out would be so cute 
My unpopular opinion about this character:
i think she can be very cruel sometimes like...to neji? like everything she said to him? screams. i wish we got to see more of that side of her instead of the rest of the series just softening her and like already warping her into this absolute caricature of a woman like. shoutout to girls who reclaim her but i absolutely cannot do it im sorry couldn’t be me 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
literally end the fucking branch system like what’s going on what’s happening can we please get some common scents can we please get some plot development please she’s the love interest of the main guy youre gonna tell me she’s going to sit around and knit scarves and NOT DO ANYTHING? HELLO? 
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tomatosaucek · 5 years
hey so this might just be a shitty post but I was watching Naruto shippuden ed 11 and I couldn't help but start to analyze it a bit.
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In it we see Naruto as a child crying but slowly getting happier as he gains more people/bonds in his life. Yet the expression on his older self seems so somber and serious. I feel like anyone can connect his expression here to his determination to get Sasuke back in his life but I felt like I needed to state it. Despite Sasuke leaving the village his child self remains in the ending during Naruto's section. That alone shows how despite defecting from konoha Naruto still views Sasuke as an important bond in his life that he can't let go of and even though he has other bonds his expression of sadness/seriousness won't deter and turn to a happier one until he's saved Sasuke. We know Naruto values bonds and wants to be acknowledged by everyone in konoha yet he wont be truly content until Sasuke himself acknowledges him and I think that shows just how strong their bond truly is.
Sasuke on the other hand.
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I feel like his expression here is sure and steady. He doesn't look sad, the way the line of his mouth is drawn is actually going upwards and I don't know if that's just how they drew his side profile and weren't actually going for a small smile or not. But it looks like that.
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He closes his eyes as well perhaps to reflect on his past and the bonds he discarded. Yet Naruto remains in his mind as the only bond he couldn't and truthfully didn't want to sever. Sasuke seems content to only have a bond with Naruto and I think that captures the twos clashing ideologies very well. Naruto puts value in having many bonds while Sasuke considers them a weakness. However, the exception to both their ideologies is each other. Having many bonds still doesnt seem enough to Naruto if his bond with Sasuke is severed. In his mind he's choosing one bond, making his relationship with Sasuke have more value than the rest of his relationships throughout the show. We see this in Sasuke too who finds bonds are a weakness that incapacitates people from achieving their full potential and he is able to drop all other ties except the ones he has with Naruto. In part 1 of Naruto he made the decision not to destroy their bond and I truly think he was content with that decision and comprised his own ideologies because of how important Naruto is to him.
So yeah if you wanna break this post down to its bare bones. Sasuke seems fine with only having Naruto as his important bond, we see this reaffirmed for us near the end of Shippuden when both Naruto and Sasuke think they have died and Sasuke seems content to stay there with Naruto.
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We see him smile and he looks at least a little at peace. If I remember right he even brings up the fact that Kakashi and Sakura could handle or do something. And as much as Naruto tries to cover up his own similar feelings with excuses that not only does he miss Sasuke but konoha and Sakura miss him just as much as well. We can later see these are just what I stated earlier: excuses. because during the half point of Shippuden everyone has given up on Sasuke except Naruto. The excuse that he's trying to keep his bond with Sasuke and save him for Sakura and Konoha arent valid anymore because they want him dead. Naruto even admits to Sakura he isnt trying to save Sasuke due to the promise he made to har in part 1. This shows to me that in reality Naruto would have never been content or happy if he didnt compromise/make up/save whatever you wanna call it with Sasuke at the end of vote2 .
As an added bonus because I just keep adding/re editing this post. I found some gifs with the ed song lyrics during the two parts I was looking into.
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During Naruto's scene the words playing are Sasuke's feelings and vice versa. In part 1 the thing that held Sasuke back, at least what he feels later on that held him back, was his bond with Naruto. Yet he still could never bring himself to sever it. The lyrics conveying Naruto's feelings, we already know he wants to see Sasuke. He's always wishing they were together and we see with these two scenes coming into the ed one after the other that they are looking towards each other and saying these things to each other and their expression might very well be their subsequent reactions to the words being said to them by the other through the song.
Ultimately: Their bond with each other is on an entirely different level when compared to everyone else in the show and Kishimoto probabaly didn't mean for it to get this out of hand but it does and to be honest I kind of prefer this dynamic between them of having such a strong and transedant bond. Their relationship and dynamic is unlike any other shounen rivals I've ever seen in fact even outside of shounen I haven't seen much like it and I think that's one of the reasons Naruto remains so popular even today. The show wasn't supposed to be nearly this deep and I'm probably grossly over analyzing a single ending scene but I think the show becomes this complex mostly thanks to Naruto and Sasuke's relationship. I think Kishimoto was smart to make it the driving force in Shippuden and people drag on him alot but this is one of the aspects he got right.
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nenastrology · 6 years
the thing that gets me is how naruto couldn't come up with an answer to pain's question like that clearly showed his maturity at this point just how in the fight he actually thought with his head a bit eg where he tracked pain and it could've been furthered bc that truly was a heavy question like his morale code was questioned but nah he literally forgot about it and was reduced to a simpleton even more down the road
YEAH like hes really so smart and like his deep empathy is like what guides his morals so much like he often doesnt really understand fully whats going on but like he sees somebody in pain and like he understands that so much and he understands how deeply unjust things were to lead to someone being that hurt and like yeah he has no answers for pain hes just like sorta absorbing the knowledge and i love that the fight ends with a super long talk i still think naruto talking villains down is a real strength if like it was actually handled well that like hes truly learning from them and like i would really think the bigger problems with konoha would truly sit with naruto and like he cant just declare oh when im hokage we wont do that like its just the kind of thing that would really like weigh on his mind for a long time and like if he took that mentality to the kage summit arc and like thats when he finds out about the truth behind the uchiha massacre and he feels sasukes deep pain because of that and like danzos been killed and if any of this was well written like all of this would be sitting with him and something he would start to view everything through and like oh what else arent you telling me what else is going on that i dont know about and like it really shakes his foundations here and if kishimoto wasnt a fucking coward and kakashi died and like naruto really has no like loyal to konoha mentor hes looking to who can give some answers to things and like god just naruto and sakura no kakashi trying to figure out how to deal with sasuke i think would have been a fantastic character thing and like its just two kids trying to handle the weight of all this information and confronted with the true depth of sasukes pain right there and like no kakashi there to say i have to kill him like just sakura and naruto debating this and like also coming to a closer understanding of sasuke and then u know the rest of the story going on with like naruto just desperately seeking answers and wanting like to find a new moral center if protecting konoha isnt necessarily his goal anymore... 
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naturenaruto · 2 years
ok sns or nobara & yuji or shigeo & reigen for the duo bingo! (or all 3)
ok sns
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The Anime Dynamic that everyone else wishes they are
the perfect strangers to rivals to friends to enemies ("enemies" rofl) to comrades to...................married to other people they barely any interaction with only to end up w child they dont seem to particularly care about only really living in the past bc the Narrative here is that ur youth is the only thing that matters and life after uhh 25 is boring and dull and u shuld rly just give up and get married and settle into a nice complacent life of reproducing and having a bland marriage based on duty and spend most of ur time daydreaming about ur exciting youth spent with ppl (ur bestfriend) tht u actually had Real Feelings for
anyways censorship or watthefuckever aside they prbly couldnt have (probly) gone with an actual gay naruto and sasuke idk they do this vveird thing alot where they really put oomph into male/male dynamics and (platonic) relationships and friendships but at the same time prevent them from dating so its like......were gonna make these two have all this great stuff and dynamic and make it really feel real but then at the last minute throw in a random woman that the characters are speicifcaly written to not really have background/chemistry/interactions with its just wild
like they write them to seem like they have feelings for eachotjer but they wont actually write it romantically?
so its this weird thing where straight ppl arent getting good writing and dynamics for the striahjt couples but then at the same time gay ppl get these interesting good dynamics between characters but never actually get canon
so everyone just gets fucked over and i have this theory they do it on purpose just to make ppl mad bc they dont want straight ppl to see actually good interesting exciting relationships based on genuine chemistry and interest they just want like basic loce at tfirst sight or bland couple or hateful married couple and its sad bc then young ppl will see this and be afraid thts gonna be how it turns out and theres just alot of psychology tht goes into the way couples are filmed but anyways
i think the point for me is that sns fans see their relatiinship as romantic, but theres the ones who like them with the girls so its like whatecer u want just pick n choose lmao
as far as them i have complicated feelings abt sasukes indiciduality and agency and wantinf to seperate himself from team 7, and kaakshi as represntinf someone outside the uchiha who has a sharingan and knowing he was in anbu at the time of the massacre does he know his involvment? a h
lol but the concept of sakura drooling over him and the legitmate need for people to be talking to their daughters about how yes, sweetie, girls can actualy make boys just as uncomfortable and be creepy and weird and harass them and i think its a tragedy and really wrong that girls arent taught and told and given this information when their young like elementary school young bc u know that dating can start then and i remeber thinking it was wild but like ppl at my school were dating rolf back in like 5th grade.......wild but anyways parents need to teach their kids before something happens otherwise it sets them up for the rest of their lives when the family couldve prevented bad situations from happening by teaching and preparing their children
so like.....alot to be said abt the way sakura treats sasuke and the dangers of her being both physically strong and the use of manipulation, and sasuke seeing those warning signs and also the very sad creepiness of being stuck on a team with:
-someone who creeps you out and is demanding and goes into harrasment
-someone you feel is not serious enough/ someone you cant rely on/ someone youve been traumatized into thinking even if you did like him you cant have any kind of relationship with him bc ur family ruined it
-someone who is a part of the reigning system that ostracized and caused severe problems w ur entire family amd relatives and caused entirely preventable problems, who is now someone in charge of ur life that ur obligated to obey
soyeah defitnly alot there w sasuke wantinf to get away from these people but i think naruto pushed thru alot of it and the foundation of their dynamic is based on care and frienship and love and hope etc so i think the end of naruto couldve been a rly hopeful startinf point and instead they did tht thing where they flash forward to the future where their lives are now all boring or watever i just feel alot abt those but anyways the potential for sasunaru is there i like an au version after shippuden where they spend many years getting to know eachotjer as they are now and seperatinf from the village and i think the relationship would just naturally fall into place but yeah
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yay i like them as like smirking were gonna fuck w everyone kind of way and like friends&comrades
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i like the concept of mob having reigen as someone outside his family to talk to and learn fromi also like the version where he k n o w s reigen is lying but goes along w it bc hes still leanring from him and like fucking w him lmao
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raveneira · 2 years
Just wanna put this out there for those who keep tryna twist it...
Warning: Anti BoruSara post, dont like dont read. Spoilers for the new episode tonight too so if you dont want to get spoiled then keep scrolling, again you’ve been warned.
But BoruSara has been famzoned since the very beginning before they even graduated, yall just tried your hardest to ignore it, but if these subs are accurate then theres no more denying it at this point. 
Update: the subs are accurate, but instead of the broad term ‘family’ she specifically says hes like a brother to her, if that isnt a red flag I dunno what is. If you dont know how, just look at what happened with Naruto saying Sasuke was like a brother, Iruka was like a father, and Sakura saying Naruto was like more than family, none of their feelings changed to anything more than that. If you think this is coincidental and somehow gonna be the ONE case in Narutoverse where familial love turns romantic then your just setting yourself up for disappointment because dialogue THIS specific and THIS sincere doesnt happen for no reason.
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Sarada sees Boruto as family, period, its time to stop the ‘Sarada is confirmed to love Boruto’ narrative now. This isnt something new thats only being brought up now, this has been implied since before they even graduated from the academy.
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When Sarada is speaking about Boruto being stupid, Sakura, her mother who knows her better than anyone, compares her attitude towards Boruto to that of hers towards Naruto when they were young, she then explains how despite being at odds during their academy days, that once they became teammates they became more than family. That foreshadowed what their relationship was going to be right there but yall ignored it.
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What Naruto told her in Gaiden has come full circle now, before Sarada only considered family as being those who are blood related to you which isnt true, Naruto taught her that blood ties dont matter and that its about how you FEEL for the person, she repeats that same lesson to Boruto when they were fighting one day.
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Narutos words stuck with Sarada ever since then, and now shes confirming with her own mouth how she feels about Boruto and what he is to her, family.
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Lastly these childhood photographs right here should’ve been a huge red flag that this was what their relationship was, like they have known eachother literally since they were in diapers and clearly were raised together practically like a family due to their parents being friends. Hell its for that very reason they denied even being close, because they didnt want to be considered ‘friends’ just because their parents were, despite that tho the two clearly had a close knit family bond similar to Inoshikacho who were literally raised the exact same way who ALSO view eachother as family for the same reason.
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I know once the official subs are out theres gonna be a ton of discourse and translation hell because ppl arent gonna wanna accept this, especially those who falsely claimed that chapter 69 was confirmation that she liked him but the truth has been staring yall in the face for a long long time now and yall just havent been payin attention. I dont care how Sarada ‘looked’ at him or ‘blushed’ at him or ‘cared’ for him, all of that Sakura did the exact same things for Naruto and as we’ve already established, they were family.
Some ppl claim Sasuke called Sakura his family too which 1 thats his wife and mother of his child of course shes his family and 2 if referring to that see his family in team 7 comment then thats taken totally out of context. One comment about him seeing the shadow of his family in team 7 doesnt negate all the 700 chapters showing their relationship as being explicitly romantic. Sakura never saw Sasuke as a brother nor did Sasuke see Sakura as a sister, neither of them called eachother family either, compare that to Naruto and Sasuke CONSTANTLY calling eachother and being compared to brothers, it really doesnt take rocket science to see which relationship was familial and which was romantic, they are not the same.
Some ppl also compared it to Eremika but again, they never viewed eachother as family, it was made explicitly clear that the bond between them was NOT familial, even with the off handed comments here and there claiming them as such it was always made clear that Mikasa had romantic feelings for Eren and eventually that Eren reciprocated those feelings. There was nothing vague about it, you knew what it was.
Boruto and Sarada are not the same, their relationship has been made explicitly platonic/familial since the beginning to now, could that change? sure, but as of RIGHT NOW the Sarada has always loved Boruto narrative is DEAD, so is Sarada’s feelings were confirmed in chapter 69, both those false narratives are DEAD now.
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kyvir · 7 years
Annoying and Brash
“Sakura, come here.”
Turning to Sasuke in surprise, Sakura quickly got up from her seat to walk over to him. They hadn’t been traveling together too long, or rather long enough for Sakura but she was thankful for every moment she had with him.
Most of the time he was his old self, quiet and laid back, though not as easily annoyed. He’d spent a lot of time coming to peace with things, mostly himself and though Sakura knew he still had a way to go, she was proud of how far he’d come and any opportunity she had to compliment him, she did so.
Being outdoors with Sasuke was nice, Sakura enjoyed it. Sleeping under the stars, sitting by a fire to keep warm at night, or even walking for hours and hours. But, when he’d suggested they take a stop at the next village, get a room and enjoy the hotsprings for a day, she was elated.
They hadn’t long finished eating a hot meal prepared by the innkeepers and both of them had been just lounging around, enjoying the rest for a while. Sasuke was now rummaging through his gear as she sat on the floor next to him. It was nice to be close, but she always wanted to be closer. These days though, she wasn’t the girl she used to be. 
Oh, she was still crazy about Sasuke, but on a whole other level. She had learned to respect him, by giving him the space he needed, and only speaking when it really mattered. It seemed to her that Sasuke appreciated this change in her, because he’d been changing too. With each day she knew he was opening up to her more and more.
“What is it, Sasuke-kun?” She asked with a smile.
He met her eyes then, no longer going through his bags. “Do you know what I did with the scroll we received this morning?”
Sakura frowned, wondering to herself why he had to call her over to him just to ask that. “It’s in my bag.” She explained. “You told me to put it up, remember?”
Sasuke seemed to think it over for a moment before he actually remembered. “Hn.” He watched her silently as she went to get the scroll out of her bag for him. “Thanks.” He muttered once he took it from her, but he immediately went to reading over it’s contents once more grumbling to himself about having to reply. 
It was apparent to Sakura that Sasuke didn’t mind receiving news from home, and he seemed amused most of the time when Naruto would sent out of meaningless letter to them. But, he did not like getting anything that he was required to respond to and anytime that happened, he complained, but he did all his complaining to himself.
“Get ready.” He told her the instant he’d finished the reply. Sakura watched him in confusion as he went to the sliding door that led to the private spring behind their room, summoned his hawk and sent it off with the scroll.
“Ready?” She questioned when he didn’t elaborate. They shouldn’t have been leaving, they hadn’t even had the chance to soak in the springs yet.
Glancing briefly at her on his way back to his bags, he grumbled, “Aren’t we going to enjoy the hotsprings while we’re here?”
Cheeks heating in surprise, Sakura blinked at his back. She’d never thought of him joining her in the springs. No, she assumed they’d take turns... or something. But, Sasuke actually wanted to get in the springs with her, Sakura nearly fainted at the thought.
Today was her lucky day.
Certainly not about to argue with him, Sakura got up and grabbed a few items before disappearing into the bathroom. She undressed immediately and then wrapped one of the large provided towels around her body. After tying up her hair next, she wet he face with cold water in a vain attempt to cool herself down. 
What if today, was actually THE DAY?
No, probably not. She’d been hopeful for far too long to be getting her hopes up and so with a sigh, she left the bathroom and walked back into the room. Sasuke was there, though still fully dressed and rummaging through his bags once more. This brought a frown to Sakura’s features, but she made no comment and instead left the room through the sliding doors to go ahead to the private spring. 
The sun was just starting to set and the air was already turning chilly outside so she couldn’t wait to sink into that hot water that called to her. Well aware that Sasuke was in the room just behind her, and could see her if he was watching, she didn’t remove her towel as she stepped into the water. Once she was submerged, she tossed the towel aside and sighed. There was nothing more relaxing to her than a nice hot soak, and it had been so long that she was determined to enjoy this.
Knelt down so the water covered her to her neck, Sakura waded around in the water. All the tightness in her muscles seemed to fade away instantly and she was so lost in the warmth and comfort of the springs that she hadn’t heard the door slide open behind her, but she did hear it close.
Turning around to look, she blushed ten shades of red when she noticed Sasuke there in nothing but a towel that he held in place around his waist. Her heart skipped several beats at the sight of him. He looked good enough to eat, but she still forced herself to turn around and give him some privacy to get in the spring.
Of course they’d both keep their distance and she didn’t expect him to keep his towel on, but she didn’t want to make herself out to be an idiot, or annoying for staring at him, and possibly drooling.
She was a nervous wreck as she heard him finally get in the water behind her and she still just couldn’t turn to look at him, for fear of losing herself. She loved him so much- and she wanted him as much as was humanly possible, but she didn’t want to be like she used to be.
“Is the water too hot for you?” Sasuke asked, startling her because he was right behind her. “You’re already red.”
It wasn’t the water, but she wasn’t sure she could admit that to him as she turned to face him hesitantly. “No, it’s f-fine. I’m fine!” She assured him, forcing out a laugh that sounded anything but natural.
Sasuke raised a brow, but made no further comments as he stared at her. Those eyes on her only made the heat she already felt expand until she was short of breath and praying she didn’t do anything to humiliate herself. Though, she was already embarrassed for how she was acting.
Needing to distance herself, and hoping that would help her to relax, she waded off away from him. He was covered to his neck in the water just as she was, but just being in the spring with him had her hot and bothered in too many ways. 
“Well... It’s nice here.” She laughed nervously, her back to him. Making small talk wasn’t something she did often these days but she just couldn’t help herself. She had to do something to diffuse her racing heart.
She glared at the rocks in front of her, angry that he couldn’t entertain her with at least a few words but then she sighed, a soft smile gracing her lips. That was Sasuke, she supposed... she should have been used to it by now, but sometimes she still hoped for a little more.
Neither of them spoke for a while, and Sakura didn’t dare to turn back to face him, even as she moved around in the water she made sure to keep her eyes anywhere but in his direction and she couldn’t be sure, but she would swear she felt his eyes on her the whole time. Either way, he wasn’t saying anything and she couldn’t think of anything else to say that wouldn’t make her seem like a babbling idiot, so she remained quiet herself.
It was peaceful, relaxing- and after some time, she did calm down. Sasuke wasn’t a man to make any sudden moves and she knew things would be moving slowly between them, so she tried not to think about what could happen, and instead focus on what actually was happening. She was with Sasuke, he’d brought her along on his traveling, just as he’d promised. This time was precious to her, it didn’t matter if he never said he loved her, if he never touched her aside from a poke to her forehead on occasion, or even if he didn’t speak much at all.
This was nice and she would enjoy the slow pace of their relationship- if it could be called a relationship... no, she was sure they had something special. She’d felt it since the moment he’d left the village after that simple, heartfelt promise. She’ s known he’d changed ever since he apologized to her after his and Naruto’s fight after the war. 
Sasuke was trying. In the smallest of ways, he was leaving his past behind and moving forward, and he was doing it with her. To some, that might not seem like much, but to Sakura... it was everything.
“Sakura?” He called to her, disturbing her train of thoughts, though mostly because he was right behind her again.
She whirled around in surprise, emerald eyes wide as she looked to him, barely a few inches from her. With a squeak, she backed away a few steps, highly aware of her nakedness, and his as well. His eyes narrowed on her when she moved away like that, as if he didn’t take to kindly to her reaction.
“Does it bother you that much... for me to be here with you?”
Gaping at him, Sakura’s mouth opened to deny it, but she found that she couldn’t speak. His words hit her like a ton of bricks, because he wasn’t saying them like she was bothered as she was, no he meant them as if his presence alone bothered her. As if she didn’t want him around, and that wasn’t how she felt at all.
“I’ll go then.” He told her when she didn’t respond, taking her silence as an affirmative.
“No, wait!” She stopped him by reaching out and grabbing a hold of his hand. Thankfully, she didn’t accidentally grab anything else. She was blushing up to her ears when he glanced back at her. “It doesn’t bother me... not like you think it does.”
“Oh?” He turned back to face her and just as she went to release his hand, he took hers in his instead. “Then what’s the problem?”
Sakura sighed, unable to believe Sasuke could really be that dense. Maybe he was just trying to feign ignorance, and she thought that to make more sense. But, she still couldn’t be sure. He was hard to understand and it often made things difficult for her, but she really didn’t mind. She loved Sasuke for everything he was, and even everything he wasn’t.
“Scared I’ll see you naked?” He smirked after a moment, and she paled. He’d hit the nail on the head, and the way he smirked about it did strange things to her body. Things she liked but wasn’t used to. “That’s it then?” He shook his head at this, his smirk only growing stronger. “It really shouldn’t bother you.”
Sakura blinked rapidly at him then he tugged her hand and pulled her flush against him, their unclothed bodies coming into contact for the first time. It had been so unexpected that Sakura could say nothing, she couldn’t even think. The feel of their hot skin on each other was so electric, even in the heat, she shivered. 
“I’ve seen it all before.” He admitted, only adding to the blush staining her cheeks. How, or when she had no idea, but there was no way she could question him. She didn’t think she had a voice anymore. “I am a man, you know... If it’s within sight, I’m going to look.”
“Whaaaa-?” Sakura wiggled in his arms, on the verge of fainting. She couldn’t believe he would even say such a thing, much less believe those words. When was her naked body within his sight? She was so caught up in the moment that she couldn’t think, or question him about it.
Sasuke’s lone hand slowly pulled away from her back and instead came to cradle her cheek. He looked into her eyes with a tender look she’d never seen before, a look that pulled at her heartstrings and made her already shallow breathing become more labored.
He was so close... too close for her heart to handle and yet not as close as she would have liked. Was he going to kiss her? He sure looked like it, with the way he stared into her eyes so heatedly, the way his hand cradled her cheek- not to mention the fact that those very lips she’d dreamt about kissing her were only a few inches away. 
That was it, she couldn’t help herself and there was no going back as she lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck and closed the distance between them, sealing her lips against his. 
For it to have been a moment she dreamed about her entire life, there was nothing that could have prepared her for this actual moment. To taste those lips. To feel them move against her own. To hear the low groan rumble from his chest at the contact. She was lost, she was so far gone and blissed out that Kami could have taken her right then and damn it, she’d have been happy.
She wasn’t thinking when she went for the kiss, it was so sudden, an instinct really- but she wasn’t one to go crazy like this, kissing him like her life depended on it, like she’d known exactly what she was doing. However, the longer she kissed him, and the more he responded to her lips, the more she got into it. She couldn’t stop, too enraptured by this moment, by the feel of that hard body against hers, by the strong way he kissed her back, fingers digging against her scalp.
As if things hadn’t been steamy enough out there, the heat only intensified with each touch of their lips, with each slight brush of tongues. Time had seemed to stop for them, only picking back up again when Sasuke broke the kiss. Sakura whimpered a protest but she was panting and desperately trying to catch her breath. Sasuke was in no better shape than she.
“Sasuke...kun.” She breathed, hooded eyes gazing at him with adoration. 
Sasuke stared back at her, both his sharingan and rinnegan taking her in. She was mesmerized by that gaze. She’d never told him before but those eyes, she loved. Well, she loved everything about him, but there was something about those eyes that drew her in and made her never want to look away.
Suddenly she felt dizzy, overwhelmed with emotion. Did that kiss really even happen, was he naked and seriously right against her, letting her truly feel him for the first time and whoa- when did her legs end up wrapped around his waist and why was she just noticing everything? How could she ever be distracted enough not to notice his member pressing against her bottom, that wasn’t even possible, and yet... here she was, just noticing it. 
She was just willing herself not to faint then and there when he pulled his hand away slowly and then easily forced her legs from around him, turning away from her the instant he was free.
“Sasuke-kun?” She whispered behind him, in shock from their actions and even more-so by the fact that he was scurrying out of the water as if it scalded him. 
“That shouldn’t have happened.” He grumbled once he was out of the spring. He’d moved so fast that he was standing there, watching her, his towel wrapped around his waist and she hadn’t even seen him step out.
Those words hurt, she was wounded and ashamed and outright pissed that he could even say that. “What’s that supposed to mean?” She demanded, their steamy moment forgotten. Now she just glared at him as he watched her thoughtfully before turning away.
“Just what I said.”
And with those words, he left her alone and returned into the room.
Sakura was so angry, nearly destroyed. Did that mean that he wasn’t interested in her after all? Was he annoyed that she’d come onto him so strongly... but then, it didn’t make any sense. She’d never been really kissed before, but she could still tell that he was responding well enough. He kissed her back with a desperation she would not soon forget and that wasn’t all... His body gave him away, so he wasn’t going to deny it, he wasn’t going to make out like it was one big mistake and she was crazy for even imagining he’d want her. His earlier words were convincing enough.
She wasn’t going to let him do that to her. Refusing to let herself punch anything and demolish it, she got out of the spring herself, wrapped her towel around her body and stormed her way back into their room. He would be answering to her whether he liked it or not!
He was dressed now, lounging back on the bed with his arm behind his head. His eyes met hers when she came to stand at the end of the bed, pouting and glaring at him as if she hated his guts. At that moment, she thought it was possible. He didn’t seem to like the way she looked at him because he turned his head away, his eyes closing as if to ignore her completely.
“Put some clothes on.” He muttered before she could say anything and this affronted her. She only became more angry.
“Excuse me?” She nearly shouted, her voice raised further than she intended. 
Sasuke sighed and rolled on his side as if to dismiss her completely. She only rounded the bed to stand before him, unwilling to let it go. She let a lot of things go, but this would not be one of them.
“Sakura.” He called her name as a warning and her fists clenched at her sides. 
“Don’t you ‘Sakura’ me... you... you...!” Exasperated, she flung her hands around before securing them on her hips. “I can’t believe you. Really.”
It was too much for her and he anger was dissipating all too quickly, depression taking over. She was sick and tired of getting her hopes up. She was over being humiliated and hurt. With her eyes stinging, she turned away from him, deciding it would only hurt her worse if she even tried to question him. His answers would probably be too much for her to bear and so she walked away.
Biting her lip to the point of pain, she dug through her bags until she found some clean clothes and then stormed into the bathroom. That’s when her tears fell and she didn’t fight them immediately. She dressed as quickly as she could, sobbing quietly as she did but as soon as she was ready, she sucked it up, drying her tears completely before leaving the bathroom and finding her boots.
“What are you doing?” Sasuke asked quietly, though with a tone that was commanding. 
Sakura ignored him as she slipped on her boots and secured them around her legs. She didn’t answer to anybody, not even him- especially not right then.
“Don’t ignore me.” He demanded, on his feet then as she walked to the door.
“I’m going out.”
Mouth falling open as she stared at the door, unable to believe after what he did and said that she would ever sit around here with him, she actually laughed. “No?” She shook her head in her laughter. “Watch me.”
Before he could stop her, she hurried out of the room and slammed the door shut behind her. Though she doubted very seriously that he’d follow her, she still suppressed her chakra and went as quickly as she could to get out of there. She couldn’t be around him right then, she just needed some time to herself.
She soon found herself at the local tavern, drowning her sorrows in alcohol. She felt like such a fool, thinking it possible that she and Sasuke were finally about to take one huge step in their lives together. But no, that wasn’t happening. It had only been wishful thinking, just as if always had been.
She’d been the only single one out of her friends for years and most of them were even married by then and yet here she was, still chasing the most difficult man who so apparently didn’t want her. Never had. He was just being nice by letting her join him on his travels. It’s why he never made any moves, why he never spoke as if there was anything more between them. She was so miserable now that she wasn’t sure just being with him and being his friend would be enough for her anymore. She was only hurting herself.
Why couldn’t she just move on with her life? She could probably easily find a normal man who would love to have her, and not think twice about making things official with her... but then, they wouldn’t be Sasuke. Sighing in defeat, she finished what was left of her drink and groaned. The place was surprisingly busy and it would probably be forever before she could get another one. The whole universe must have been against her, she was sure.
“Need a drink?” A deep voice asked and she looked up to see the face of a man who was vaguely familiar. She raised a delicate brow when he slid into the booth across from her as if he’d been invited before handing her a fresh drink. “You’re Sakura.” He said, his hazel eyes shining as he admired her. 
“How do you know me?” She asked, taking the offered drink without much thought on the matter. The guy looked familiar, but she didn’t know him. She couldn’t even be sure if he was a shinobi.
“Well, everyone knows you. But you saved my life during the war... I never got a chance to thank you personally, so thank you.”
Her mood brightening, she smiled over at him then. “There’s no need to thank me. I was just doing my job.”
“Don’t be so modest.” He said, grinning at her and surprisingly enough, even though he wasn’t Sasuke- she actually found him attractive. “Thanks to you I was able to make a full recovery. What you did for me was exceptional.”
“Oh, thanks.” Sakura blushed then, flattered by how ardently he praised her. “What’s your name?”
“Oh, forgive me. I’m Aito.” He told her, a smile still on his face as he offered her his hand. 
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Aito.” She told him sweetly while shaking his hand and quickly returning to her drink.
“You’re a long way from home, what brings you to this small village? I’m actually from the Land of Lightning. I just finished a mission and stopped by here for a night to myself before returning home.”
“Oh, that’s nice... I’m on a mission as we speak, actually.” Sakura told him nonchalantly, being as vague as she could. “Though I’m starting to really miss home.”
“Really?” He sipped his drink, his eyes never leaving her. “I kind of like traveling. I want to see the world, you know?”
Sakura nodded. She understood completely and up until that night, she’d felt the same way. Especially being at Sasuke’s side, there was nothing better than traveling and seeing the world one place at a time. But now, she didn’t even want to think about Sasuke, she probably shouldn’t have come to start with. It was all a set up. She’d fallen in love with him all over again only to be crushed into dust. 
He hated her... and she was starting to hate herself.
“Don’t look so down,” Aito laughed nervously. “I’m sorry. You must really be down about being so far from home.”
“I guess.” Sakura smiled and sighed. It was nice to have a normal conversation with a guy who was obviously attracted to her. He didn’t look bad, far from it and a part of her wished she didn’t love Sasuke so much. If she didn’t, she would probably make a pass at the guy herself. 
But who was she kidding... she’d loved Sasuke for as long as she could remember.
The sound of someone clearing their throat shook her out of her thoughts, and she turned to see Sasuke glaring harshly, though not at her, but at Aito. Something about the look in his eyes made her nervous. Very nervous.
“Problem?” Aito asked, glaring back at Sasuke. Sakura could understand his frustration at being looked at in such a way by a stranger who’d showed up out of nowhere so suddenly, but she didn’t want the guy to make any mistakes that would lead to her healing him once again, so she knew it would be best if she calmed the rising tension.
“Get lost.” Sasuke told him coldly, his glare only intensifying.
“Are you going to make me?” Aito smirked then, as if he was completely unbothered by the threatening look Sasuke was giving him.
“Whoa!” Sakura reached out and took a hold of Sasuke’s hand that had instantly reached for his sword. “Calm down, Sasuke-kun.”
“Sasuke?” Aito questioned, brows furrowing. “As in... Uchiha Sasuke?”
Sasuke smirked then, obviously pleased with the way the guys face fell, but when Sakura pulled her hand away from his and stood, his attention was on her instead. “Forgive me, Aito. It was nice talking to you, but I must go.”
“Uh... Right.” He nodded, not even daring to look in her direction again. 
Sakura paid no mind to his change in attitude as she gave Sasuke a sharp look before making her way out of the small tavern, knowing full well he was right behind her.
It was late by then, she realized as she started heading back towards the inn. Leave it to Sasuke to be sure to keep her depressed. She wasn’t interested in the guy, her heart would have never allowed it, but it was nice to have a distraction from her love crisis. Now she had no choice but to return to the inn and be around Sasuke, who only seemed to want to destroy her feelings.
She’d been walking so fast in her frustration that she made it back way ahead of him. She closed the door behind her, sighing for the umpteenth time of the night. Maybe she was over reacting to it all. This was Sasuke she was dealing with, and she’d known him for a long time. She knew him well enough to know that he wasn’t one to just act on impulses. Nothing was rushed with him. But still, she was hurt by his earlier words and saddened by the feeling of rejection he’d given her. 
After taking her boots off, she started stripping on her way to the door leading to the private spring. She would escape him no matter what. She did not want to face him. She did not want to know his answers, or excuses. All she wanted was some time alone, or... some time without Sasuke. As long as he was being an ass, she didn’t want to deal with him at all.
After getting in the water, she waded to the other side and rested against the rocks, her head lolling back as she groaned in misery. Why did her life have to be so messed up? Why couldn’t she just be happy? She’d waited on Sasuke for so long, and now he was there, she was with him... and yet she still wanted more. She wasn’t supposed to act like this. She’d been disciplining herself for years and yet... she just couldn’t help how she felt.
“Sakura,” She heard him call just after the sound of the sliding door opening. With her eyes closed, she didn’t bother responding and she was not about to look at him. “Don’t make me come in there.”
“Go ahead. You don’t intimidate me.” She muttered. That wasn’t entirely true, Sasuke was the definition of intimidating, but she didn’t fear him and she wasn’t bowing down this time. Though she did wish he’d just leave her be as he would any other time.
That wasn’t going to happen she realized, hearing his clothing drop to the ground, one piece at a time. She swallowed hard, forcing her eyes to remain closed even as she heard him enter the water ahead of her. She couldn’t believe it, he was actually getting in. He was coming closer and when he finally stood before her in the water, she let her eyes finally open.
The water just came up to cover his waist and he stood tall and confident, his naked upper body making her swoon slightly. Surprisingly when she met his gaze, she found no anger there. Instead he was looking at her apologetically, but she didn’t like it so she looked away, sinking even deeper into the water until it was up to her chin.
“You’re always taking thing to the extreme.” 
“Me?” She scoffed. If anybody took things to the extreme, it was him. 
“That’s right.”
“Get out.” 
Sakura squealed in surprise when Sasuke leaned down and scooped her over his shoulder with his lone arm. She was all too aware of her nakedness then, even more-so than she’d been earlier that evening.
“What are you doing, put me down!” She was stunned, and embarrassed as she struggled against him, naked as the day she was born.
“Getting out, and no.”
“This is no way to treat a lady.” Sakura argued as he walked out of the spring with her over his shoulder. He carried her inside, his arm wrapped firmly around her thighs. 
“Well you aren’t being very ladylike.”
“Oh and you’re a perfect gentleman?”
Sasuke didn’t answer, instead he slowly brought her back to her feet, sliding her body close against his the whole way and even after she was standing again, he held her naked body flush against his own. She was certain he could feel her heart pounding, and if he couldn’t, then he could definitely hear it. She stared up at him, trying desperately to ignore the feel of him against her.
“You’re making it damn hard to be.”
She rolled her eyes then, caring about the way their bodies were touching less and less by the second. “Aren’t you a little too close for your own comfort?” She hissed.
“Tch. Clueless.” He glared down at her.
“Just leave me alone.” She said, breaking away from him then. She didn’t even bother covering herself, or trying to hide her nakedness and neither did he. But they were both distracted enough not to be paying it any attention. 
“No, I’ve had enough of this. You take things the wrong way and then blow them way out of proportion. Read between the damn lines for once, Sakura.”
“Read between the lines?” She muttered, glaring up at him. “Read between the lines?!”
Sasuke sighed and ran his hand through his hair in exasperation. “I shouldn’t have to spell it out.”
“Don’t bother.” She turned her nose up to him and went to walk off but he stopped her, his hand grabbing her arm firmly. 
“I want you...I do.” He admitted quietly. She stiffened but didn’t turn back to him, but she didn’t snatch away from his grasp either. “It didn’t just happen, I’ve wanted you for... a while.”
“Then... why?” She whispered brokenly, so confused. On the verge of tears again, she bit her lip and tried her best to remain calm.
“It’s just... well... I want to marry you first.”
“You... wh- what...” She swooned, feeling suddenly weak in the knees and also slightly lightheaded. She was sure she’d heard him wrong, but before she could say anything more, her vision blurred and she toppled forward, losing her state of consciousness. 
“Sakura... Sakura, are you okay?”
“Huh?” Groggily she woke, her eyelids fluttering open. Sasuke was right above her from where she lay in bed, his face merely inches away. “Kyaaaa!” She blushed beet red and pushed him away with such force he was slammed against the wall five feet away. “Oh no.”
Realizing what she’d done, she sprang out of bed, still in her birthday suit though she hadn’t noticed as she ran to Sasuke who was naked as well, but even that she didn’t notice as the medic in her took over. He groaned, his hand clutching the back of his head.
“I’m so sorry! Let me see.” She pulled his hand away, her brows furrowing as she moved her hands behind his head and quickly began healing the lump that was forming there.
Slowly his eyes opened to hers and looked to him apologetically, her lips set in a tight frown. “Must be something wrong with me... wanting to marry such a brute.”
Sakura’s face scrunched up and she inhaled sharply at his words. “You surprised me, and you were so close and... wait. Did you really mean that?”
“Yes, you’re a brute.” He said, wincing when she stopped healing him suddenly. She hadn’t finished the job.
“Not that!” She snapped.
Sasuke rolled his eyes. “Yes, I meant it. I want to marry you.” He growled out, averting his eyes bashfully.
With cheeks pink as her hair, a goofy grin came to Sakura’s face then. “Really?” She couldn’t believe it. It was too good to be true.
“Really. And only then will I have you. So get over it.”
“Wha-” She floundered for a moment before finally bursting into a fit of giggles. 
Sasuke truly was one of a kind. Never in a million years would she have expected marriage to be on his mind, or that he’d want to marry her before taking her to bed. Surprisingly, the thought wasn’t disappointing at all. If that was what she had to wait on, she could definitely be patient. She wanted Sasuke so desperately, in every way and she finally knew that in some miraculous way, she had him.
“I think I can accept that.” She told him after a moment, though she was still grinning like an idiot as she went to finish healing the lump on the back of his head.
“Good.” Was all he said, but by then, he was grinning back at her.
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