#like some piss was on the cieling it was that bad
mintaikk · 1 year
I love how everyone has that defining moment in their childhood when they first realized/saw that the opposite sex has different looking genitals. I never had that moment because no one in my preschool knew how to shut the God damn doors when pissing
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bull-shit-suji · 6 months
kuro modern au stuff that i word vomited into my notes app
kind of a Vincent summoned sebastian to save ciel so ciel doesnt actually owe sebas anything
amnesia? idk
single dad moment! except theres this other dad whos kinda find.. (cough agni)
i think vincent was like do NOT let ciel know ur a demon so sebastian keeps it a secret but he doesnt have a good handle on like. Humans. so he kinda does a bad job and ciel definitely knows that he's weird but doesnt say anything. will go out of his way to gaslight you when sebastian does weird shit because he thinks its funny
"hey uhh is your dad levitating?"
"he's flying above the school rn"
"that's a bird"
u think suddenly being a butler is hard? have fun being a dad bitch
alois is there but thats complicated. claude and hannah are DIVORCED but on decent terms (i think claude is like. toxic alpha male podcast type guy) and claude sees alois on alternating weekends!
are they demons? i dont know
i think ciel and alois can be friends. platonically. alois would probably say yes if ciel wanted to be romantic but i Promise you he does not. they are just pals :)
im saying ciel has a crush on elizabeth because i can (she's not his cousin here). emo boy x sunny church girl. said sunny church girl has to ask the mcdonalds employees for the blue raspberry slushie they forgot to put in ciel's order because emo boy is too scared.
grelle is actually living her best life transitioned with anne so they are ciel's aunts on his late mom's side. i think grelle likes ciel. mom figure moreso than anne is.
ciel owns four bongs and definitely a vape or two. come on now
he's also probably got celiac and is lactose intolerant he is just a feeble boy i think
he listens to twenty one pilots. sorry! sorry.
ciel is goth alois is punk those r kinda just the rules
ciel is insanely smart top of the class this shit is easy for him.
yells at sebastian daily. figured out what happened with his real parents around the age of uhhhh 12 or 13? has been an absolute terror ever since
"it was really nice of your dad to bring cookies for the field trip!"
"i hope he fucking chokes on one"
sebastian and claude are pta rivals.
"is this lemon bread store bought? my, how... efficient!"
"you made these from scratch? i can tell."
"i've never seen an interesting looking salsa! very exciting."
ciel purposefully invites alois over constantly bcus it pisses sebas off. alois is Terrified of that man.
"go grab the chips from the kitchen"
"but... what if mr michaelis is in there?"
"mr m- you mean my dad? tell him he can shove a faucet up his ass"
"id rather die on the spot"
sebastian will yell at ciel and is maybe a little emotionally unavailable but he's trying!!! it's hard :(
does that Dad thing where he comes into ciels room and is like hey bud......... what r u up to..
ciel and seiglinde r also palls. the smartest people in school
lizzie is a JOCK. she plays softball.
alois is a theater kid come on now
ciel is best at writing and literature analysis, specifically fiction. enjoys history, language, and Some sciences as well.
au where myspace is still a thing ciel has a myspace account
he definitely writes shitty poetry
wants to major in business
alois is a glee and pitch perfect truther
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bezierballad · 5 months
I know it’s been kind of a while since I posted about my Black Butler Dadbastian Maleficent AU (damn that’s a fucking mouthful lmao) so I’ve been brainstorming a little narrative that sets up the story events.
Here’s what I came up with (as I always say when making shit like this, bear with me lmao)
Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom (or some shit) there was a young peasant.
Vincent was a very poor young fellow, living alone in very poor conditions, spending what little money he has just to buy barely enough food for himself.
One fateful day however, he made a contract with a demon.
The demon called himself Sebastian (or maybe Vincent named him that idfk) and he made the offer of whatever Vincent wanted in exchange for his soul.
Vincent told him that he wanted a wealthy life where he’d have a high level of status and power.
It was established in the contract that when Vincent was at the peak of wealth and power, Sebastian would take his soul.
And so time passes, and eventually Vincent is king, with a castle and a wife and loyal servants and subjects
Now here’s where things kinda get shaky (both in-universe and out, like I’m kinda struggling to think how this story would play out properly)
Sebastian shows up looking for the soul Vincent promised.
Vincent is freaking out like, “No wait please let’s discuss this further” cause like he doesn’t wanna die, not now-
Sebastian’s like “Fine. You wanna live? I’ll give you an alternative” and he makes an offer.
Either Vincent let him have his soul now, or he offers the soul of his then-infant son, Ciel.
It would be stated that once Ciel turns thirteen, his soul would descend into Hell.
Vincent, not knowing what else to do, very hesitantly agrees to the latter.
Sebastian’s like “Very well, I look forward to that day” and disappears into nothingness (if anything he’s pissed off that he has to wait thirteen more fucking years to get a damn soul)
Vincent’s like “oh shit oh shit I fucked up BAD what do I do”
So goes to this fairy (or fairies I dunno) like “please help me”
So uh
You know how in the original Disney sleeping beauty film
The curse was originally “Aurora will die if she pricked her finger on the spinning wheel”
But one of the fairies sort of “waters down” the curse so Aurora would fall into a deep sleep instead of dying? (And she’d be awakened with true love’s kiss and shit)
A similar thing is happening here:
So like the fairy (let’s pretend that Tanaka’s in this role because why the fuck not) he’s like “Okay here’s what I can do”
Instead of descending into Hell, Ciel’s soul would only leave his body and maybe enter a state of limbo or something. (Ciel himself would enter a state of some sort of “suspended animation” one would say.)
As for how to fix it? “True love.”
(Audience note that he doesn’t say “True Love’s Kiss” just true love. Just a bit of foreshadowing that he's not actually talking about romantic love like the characters think)
Idk how logic would play into this shit just
It’s a fairytale world just go with it okay
So just like the film, Ciel is sent off with these three... fairies? Servants?
Okay I know I said the Phantomhive servants (Finny, Mey-Rin, and Baldroy) would play the role of the fairies and they still do
I just don’t know whether they’d be fairies or just Vincent’s castle servants that he trusted with his child
So the rest of the Maleficent plot plays out (Ciel grows up in the woods, Sebastian forms a father-son bond with him) I’d get into more of it but that’s for another time
Oh and uh btw I decided
Agni will be the role of Diaval (aka the crow character who turns human in the Maleficent movie)
We love us some Sebagni
Alright I think that’s about it okaybye-
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welcome-tothe-madness · 6 months
Black Butler Anime Spoilers
So, I just got to thinking about how at the end of s1, Sebastian panicked when Ciel threw himself off the tower and into the water to presumably kill himself so that Sebastian could have his soul. Obviously that’s not how the soul-eating process worked, which is why Sebastian saved him.
But then I realized that killing yourself is how you become a Grim Reaper
Alternative ending for s1: Ciel wakes up as a Reaper, after successfully offing himself, and being faced with a pissed demon because he wasn’t able to receive his wages.
Alternative s2: Ciel, feeling bad about Sebastian not recieving his wages, seeks out Alois as Sebastian’s payment since Alois has such a similar backstory/soul as him. Then the battle begins between Hannah & Claude versus Ciel & Sebastian for Alois’s soul
Some potential dialogue:
Ciel: Sebastian, I order you to-
??? Michealis: you seem to have forgotten I am no longer Sebastian, nor am I your butler. Even after passing on you are just as useless. You are a reaper now you can do it yourself! >:(
Ngl I’ve always hated s2’s ending, because I always hated the fact Sebastian never got his damn meal after working so hard. I also used to hate the prospect of an immortal Ciel, but after thinking of this, I think a potential reaper/demon dynamic where they help each other reap/eat souls is so much funnier
Also this is by no means a serious AU or anything, I just like entertaining the idea of this awkward scenario and the hijinks that could ensue.
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hellbubu · 4 months
Look. I'm SUPER out of the loop with the manga (I stopped reading right after the GWA, like 8 years ago and never went back. And now I *want* to go back but have to find somewhere to read it in english for free, cause I read all the previous stuff in spanish but its so jarring to switch terms and stuff, esp since the translators change so much ¬¬).
So. Im out of the loop. BUT. I think it would be low key hilarious if the Big Bad, after such a long time (almost two decades, I feel so old), turns out to be the Queen. Like, some fans would be SO pissed the "filler" (*hate* that term, it's an AU!) villain is the actual villain lmao
I'd be iffy about it but would appreciate the irony (and would def prefer that to Druitt ugh).
I get you. I also want to read the manga but I can't 🏴‍☠️ because I live in Germany and the wifi sucks. Like, I do have a VPN, but sometimes the wifi fucks up and I'm scared the VPN might turn off or whatever and I'll get a €1000 fine 😭😭
I do agree with you that the not-manga canon part is an AU. I feel like filler is more like something that happens between canon arcs/chapters that is never brought up again.
I would actually like for the Queen to be the big bad if it's done properly. I feel like she might've done it to send a message and replace Vincent. Maybe he knew something/was gonna do something. I do think it might happen because if I remember correctly, either Ciel or Sebastian says the Queen was making him host that party/event at the start of the Manor Murder Arc to "punish" him because he failed to bring the kids back home in the Circus Arc. So that kinda makes it known that the Queen does punish her Guard Dogs (plural because she might've done it to Claudia, Vincent, and Ciel at the very least).
I would definitely not like the whole Ash/Angele thing. I don't remember much but I remember not liking it. I also don't like Pluto...
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nullbutler · 2 years
Season 2 but it's only when Alois is around
so I just finished rewatching season 2! I made TO THE SECOND time stamps of every time Alois Trancy appears on screen (as well as a few other notable things, such as when the explicit/violent parts happen, when Luka appears, and a few lines that were worth mentioning). here is your Tumblr Alois Stan Season 2 Survival Guide! While it's not everything (I didn't write down the post-mortem Hannah eyeball scene) it is 95% of the Alois content in that season!
This was using the version currently avaliable on Netflix. if the season has been cropped or altered on other streaming sites, I don't know how helpful this guide will be! sorry about that! Also, while I tried my best to warn potentially triggering subject matter, and I'm pretty sure I got all of it, I am not 100%, so if you're going to rewatch the season, please get in a headspace where you know, there is a small chance you might see something. The worst, however, has been caught
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EP#1 CLAWED BUTLER -- 0:00-1:14
EP#8 DIVULGING BUTLER -- 9:06-10:36, 12:36-13.59 18.35-18.46
EP#9 HOLLOW BUTLER -- 16:43-16:57
Episode 5-7 have a lot of Alois scenes, but nothing in relationship to his trauma, so if you want an entirely 'safe' and non-triggering viewing, those are your best bet! Episode 1 is also fine, if you start it directly after the opening
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If I were to try to keep track of all of this, then the list would be extensive and long BUT in regards to Alois in particular, a few scenes did jump out at me as being potentially a little ... weird
9:27-9:42 (Druitt says something weird and pervy)
0:00-2:02 (Nothing explicit, but he is naked, bandaged, and the camera is...you know how the camera is. Some weird dialogue too, between him and Hannah and Claude. It's nothing too bad)
3:39-4:31 (The Hannah scene. Some people told me they were uncomfortable with the way he tackled her, even if it was just the camera being a little weird)
(If the triggering stuff really bothers you, just don't want Divulging Butler, that episode was...weird)
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EP#8 DIVULGING BUTLER -- 5:02-9:04
EP#9 HOLLOW BUTLER -- 11:45-13:15
EP#11 CROSSROADS BUTLER -- 14:58-16:25
EP#12 BLACK BUTLER -- 12:05-12:28
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It'll take ages to jot these down, so here are the pictures of the notes I was taking. Every time Alois Trancy was on screen, I took note of it
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Uhhh fun fact my therapist called me halfway through and I had to write down a number. That's what that scribbled out thing is. Haha...oh, if only she knew...
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Also, as per something @hateweasel said, I decided I had to keep track of what outfits he was wearing throughout the episodes. And I can proudly say the little shorts only show up in episode 1, 2 minutes in episode 5, all of the scenes of him in the present in Episode 8, and all of the scenes of him in Ciel's mind palace in episode 12. So about 20 minutes total. This is out of the approximate 50 minutes of Alois Time in the series, with his other outfits cycling in at the maid dress, the devil costume, his normal outfit but with trousers, and then Ciel's outfit while he's possessing him, and then his clothes as a kid.
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Here is a diagram. I made up those numbers. I could have added it second by second, and that was my plan, and I started, but it was really really boring
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Some things I just found funny
EP#1 CLAWED BUTLER - Druitt says 'Among us' at 9:55
EP#5 BEACON BUTLER - Alois licks Ciel at 15:34-15:40. It should be noted he spends like 10 seconds proceeding that playing with Ciel's hair and Ciel DOES NOT pull away from him or even seem that disturbed. Huh.
EP#7 DEATHLY BUTLER - There's these shots as the two butlers fight each other where they show the boys reacting. We get 'live Lois reaction' at 6:12, 6:19, 7:39, 9:01, 10:18,10:38, 11:27
In the same episode, the piss line is at 15:23-15:50
EP#9 HOLLOW BUTLER - Ciel actually says he feels regret after Alois dies. This is at 10:10.
Alois's village is also revealed to be called Arachnophile. Ah.
Alois is dead at 20:39
EP#11 CROSSROADS BUTLER - while possessing the body of Ciel Phantomhive, Alois actually tries to hurt himself. It's kind of painful to watch. This occurs at 6:23-6:59, 11:57-13:07
EP#12 BLACK BUTLER - Alois speaks last at 12:05
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How da boys react when you welcome them into your home after they lose their lair from a disaster!
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Leo, his brothers, and their adoptive father splinter lose their lair a few years after saving the world from krang. the lair collapsed over construction creating new buildings and such. they manage to salvage most of their stuff, and they try to find a new lair, but no luck sadly. you notice them sitting at an ally way in the rain one night, and Leo was the first to notice you and you sadly look at him and his brothers. you felt bad that they were now all alone with no home. So you decided to have them move into your new house you just moved into a few weeks ago. Despite still having some boxes lying around almost done unpacking your things, The turtles were impressed how high the cieling is, and the amount of bathrooms and bedrooms there are to sleep in. Leo smiles and thanks you for letting them stay for a while until they can finally find a new sewer to live in. So he hopes the stay won't be permanent because ya know. Danger involved. But at least your largest rooms in the house would be great for him to do some training and meditation.
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Donnie would be afraid for his brothers and father's safety after losing their home during a horrible unexpected earth quake in New York. He would try to find temporary shelters like in abandon buildings where people don't come around often or at all. And all he could do is get April to buy their pizzas and hand the food over anyways. That is when Donnie calls you and he explains what had happened. You obviously feel really bad for your terrapin Boyfriend and his family being homeless, cold, and scared out there. So you decided to offer them in welcoming them into your nice cozy large house you have. And thankfully there are no neighbors around where you live at least. So Donnie and his family moved in your home and he was thankful that you allow something so nice that no other human would be able to do. You give him a random room where he can put his computers, lab gear, and monitors at. At least he won't be alone doing his work since you would have a pet sitting around. Donnie would tell you living with you for a year or two would be enough time until they can find a new sewer they can call home. But for now, you are his home.
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Raph would get pissed after losing the lair from collapsing out of the blue. Him and his family had to live in the woods for sometime. Almost feeling like they were hermits. Even sometimes they had to disguise themselves to get food from homeless shelters despite the food itself tasting stale or not good enough for them. You suddenly bump into Raph and his brother Leo during one windy fall afternoon after they got their "boring food" as they call it. Leo let's you and Raph have a long talk, and Raph explains why he's been out and about scavenging for food and on the verge of giving up on life entirely. You hug him and you decided to let him and his brothers move in with you. He of course would ask if the house would be big enough, and with a smile, you respond by telling him that yes, it is huge. Raph and his family would move into your house, and Raph smiles the biggest smile you've ever seen. He was glad he moved in with you since he would be able to spend more time with you.
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Mikey would be traumatized despite being the youngest and an adult, after losing his beloved home from a horrible wreckage of their stuff from Raph's anger problems following the place being destroyed because of the crazy invasions him and his brothers had to deal with in the surface and inside. The Donnie, Mikey, and Leo would blame Raph for it starting the damage in the first place, but thankfully they managed to salvage as much as they could. Even splinter manages to salvage some of his stuff as well. They would stay in caves and abandoned homes for sometime until one winter night, you were walking home from work and Mikey notices you. He taps your shoulder and you smile happy to see your terrapin Boyfriend out on the open. You ask him how everything's going, and he sadly explains what had happened. You asked him if he or any of his brothers asked April, Vern, or Casey to help but sadly their apartments are too small for the turtle boys to fit in. So since you have a nice large spacey home, you decided to let them move into your place. Mikey smiles and kisses you thanking you for wanting to help. The turtle brothers walk into your nice home and they thanked you for helping. Mikey sees you have gaming consoles in your living room with games to play so he doesn't get bored at all with a large TV and surround sound speakers. And plus, your couch doubles as a bed for him to sleep in. You allow Leo, Donnie, and Raph sleep in their own rooms to choose from since you have two guest bedrooms, and a comfy upstairs roof room. Splinter goes to sleep in the room like basement where he can get some peace and quiet. Mikey would love to stay with you forever in your nice lovely home. You chuckle as Leo shouts he can't since it will only be temporary. Overall, Mikey is still glad you got to give a helping hand to him and his family.
@raisin-shell @kawaiibunga @selfless1978 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @exovapor @nittleboo @nikitaboeve @angelcatlowyn @turtlesmakemehappy @turtle-babe83 @raphsweapondealer @chiaaweasley @chicchanmooshy @thelaundrybitch @raphslovemuffin80
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malevolententity · 9 months
hrmgmgm 4ever situ thoughts
this will probably get messy and personal because that Really informs how i feel and i need to expel it from my body LMAO
i still dont know how i feel. or well. i know how i feel but its nuanced and conflicted and im mad that i cant concisely say how i feel. we Know the initial information didnt come out in good faith. we Know that the girls involved were not asked how they felt prior to the callouts. we also can see from current actions that this doesnt happen anymore. that it doesnt represent who he is as a person in recent years.
and i fully believe that people are able to change and grow from past wrong actions. regardless of if those actions were just wrong jokes or Literal Actions.
this cycle never gets easier. ive been on both sides e.g. being like one of the girls. but also being one of the ccs. so i get their no nuance just anger. because m still mad as hell about ike/ciel. as someone who was good friends with him. but also was the same age as his victims and very easily could be considered one by some people. shout out to being two people removed from ironmouse though 🤪.
but ive also like. been in the girls situation. you dig back 11/12 years on here. theres Going to be evidence of 22 year olds with thousands of followers flirting with 13/14 year old me. some of whom were harmless friends making weird tasteless no intent jokes. and some of whom were genuine pedophiles that either were complete strangers or people i knew in real life and called friends. and id be fucking pissed if any of those were taken out of or even in context without my permission. because its my story. if anyones going to be talking about it it should only ever be because i decided i wanted it to be talked about. not some random person having a vendetta against people i used to talk to and finding and using bits of my story as a way to defame someone whos recent actions do not line up with the deplorable actions of them in 20 fucking 12.
and so i cant help but have 800 fucking emotions. because what we know about is gross. but i dont believe he should be fully deplatformed over shit he hasnt done in 5-7 years. and that is absolutely fueled by my emotions because as far as we know. the girls did not ask for him to be deplatformed. the girls stories are being spread without their input to ruin a guys life. and i would feel violated if i was used as evidence by strangers against my will.
but maybe thats just the victim brain in me who will always feel the need to shield some of the guys from my past because its complicated and messy and humans are complicated and messy. and im just projecting. because i have been in those girls position. a few times.
and thats why ive been mostly silent through this whole thing. because i am a Hashtag Bad Victim and no one wants to hear from the people who think were being too hasty and think information should come from the people involved. not twitter sleuths who really fucking hate a cc.
that said for people who need to see it written out. im not supporting him with views on future videos. i still enjoy 4ever as a character. i will still probably reblog 4ever art every now and then, because ive also gone thru this in a dnd fandom where one guy turned out to be a shitter but i still enjoyed his character so i will engage with the character when i feel like it. because that character is not the streamer.
this whole situation just feels bad and unfair to absolutely everyone involved. no one here is winning. celebrating his removal is weird. because the removal means something Did happen and thats horrible. and watching this turn into a spectacle to see who unfollows next/what the next announcement is, is disgusting. this isnt a game and it feels like some of you are treating it that way. these are real lives, these are real people.
side tangent.
i really fucking cant stand everyone whos been comparing this to the dream situations. because every single dream situation has come from victims or people posing as victims. so of course. listen to them and do your own research but believe them from the get go. THIS THOUGH????? WAS ADMITTEDLY UNRELATED PEOPLE WHO HATED A GUY, WHO FOR MONTHS HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING TO DEPLATFORM HIM. AND FINALLY FOUND SOMETHING THAT WAS ACTIONABLE. of course some of us were going to hold off on forming thoughts and were gonna be skeptical of where the information came from because it was not victims coming forward.
its two different fucking situations and acting like theyre the same is insane to me.
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
Hey i hope you’ve had a good week so far!
What if we have Bruce sabotaging tim’s relationship or potential relationships consciously or unconsciously, and once tim figures it out later (either after they’ve got together, or for before they get together, tim going for people his age then people older than him thats around bruce’s age to kind of like give bruce the hint that he’s interested) ig in this scenario its tim initiating the relationship??we need more of tim doing this tbh, thanks💗💗
!!!!!!!!!!! i've been watching that scary 'hey arnold' episode for some early halloween spirit and bruce would absolutely channel the energies of helga g. pataki.
there are times in the comics where bruce absolutely behaves like a jealous little girl toward tim: the one that comes to mind is when he was on a date with zoanne wilkins at a fancy restaurant and then everyone inside GASPED because batman was outside the windows, perched on a gargoyle!!!! he looked back and shot a look at tim which is what caused tim to like spill food on himself and then go to the bathroom where he opened a window and was like 'uuhhh can i FUCKING help you????'
and bruce was like 'jitter is on the loose, cut your date short, come fight crime with me'
tim was rightfully like wtf??? no???? i'm on a DATE and jitter is literally a D grade villain you can handle him on your own goodbye.
tim returns to his date and literally 5 minutes later bruce and jitter fall through the glass cieling of the restaurant and land RIGHT on tim's table.
afterward tim confronts him like 'that was a really shitty move of you. i told you NO. i know you could've taken jitter on your own, you could've moved the fight somewhere else but you don't respect my word enough to believe me when i tell you 'no' to something'
like tim was getting really pissed at him because they took down jitter in like 30 seconds flat after he suited up and you have to admit it did look incrdibly suspicious.
but then bruce was like tim...🥺🥺🥺 that's not true 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i DID try but things just got a little out of hand🥺🥺🥺 you know i'd never purposefully ruin something like this for you 🥺🥺🥺
and tim just like '*sighs* fine...i believe you bruce. i'm sorry for accusing you like that. i guess i was just upset my date got wrecked'
like that man was so full of shit!!!!!
i remember reading that and thinking that was such a petty and jealous thing for bruce to do. like it's possible it really wasn't on purpose but i think that he did it in the moment, not even thinking about it because he was hurt tim told him to eff essentially over a girl. maybe afterwards it hit him and he felt guilty when tim confronted him but rather than admit it he doubled down because otherwise he'd look like a bad guy and it would put unnecessary tension and strain in his and tim's relationship.
THAT'S how i think bruce would go about sabotaging tim's relationships. like he'd just get so...unecpectedly emotional and jealous about it. he'd do it in the heat of the moment without thinking of the consequences.
like tim and his boyfriend are having a picnic on the lawn of the manor?? they're on a blanket to protect them from bugs and the grass and then just lean in and start kissing each other.
and bruce who's been watching from the windows the entire time just...turns on the sprinklers.
and once he sees their shock and immediate sprinting away from the water it hits what he's done.
and he feels guilty but 100% doesn't own up to it. he tells himself he needs to stop sabotaging tim's relationships because it's making tim sad. but he can't help it.
and it gets worse when tim turns 18 and his tastes grow a bit...older.
when bruce is stuck tensely making conversation at the door with a boy he hasn't seen since highschool while tim finishes getting ready for his date, that's when the gloves come off.
he's petty and he's jealous and does things like canceling dinner reservations, and hiding the chocolates and flowers tim gets sent- just stuffing them all into an unused closet.
and tim is just...so sad??? he's been having such bad luck in teh dating department and doesn't know why.
and bruce feels so guilty when tim comes to him for comfort (not enough to stop). but then he and tim keep spending time together because tim comes to him every time something doesn't work out.
they start spending more time together, outside of tim looking for comfort.
and then...tim makes a move and bruce accepts.
and he's so worried the same will happen. that karma will kick in or he'll start unconsciously sabotaging himself.
but it doesn't.
one month passes, two, then three, then four.
bruce is tim's longest-running relationship and bruce is so careful to do everything right. hand-delivering gifts, candies, and flowers to tim. taking him out to nice places.
bruce is content and happy. he doesn't even think of all the things that he's done, all the sabotage he did that led to this.
he never even thinks of that abandoned hall closet with all the dried up flowers and expired chocolates that he never emptied out.
he doesn't think about how a few weeks before he and tim got together, alfred was spring cleaning and asked for tim's help.
he doesn't consider that tim may have been in that wing of the manor and stumbled across the sight along with mountains of ripped up cards addressed to him from various relationships that never panned out.
he doesn't think about how tim is as much of a detective as he is.
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pop-roxs · 2 years
hoo okay I can already tell this is gonna be long but manga thoughts!! i only read up to roughly 150 I think (Also hi hi I’m off anon! anxiety has been overcome >D<)
quick lil context of me even getting into this also! so my roomie and I have a tradition of watching really bad animes during finals weeks and this time my rookie suggested we watched black butler 2 (still so funny it’s just 2 not season two not book of ___ no. just two. Peak comedy) first half of that was laughably bad and then like ep 7 onward it was frustratingly good. Some bizarre pacing some bizzare writing choices but I liked it overall. anyways over winter break out of nowhere I got manga spoilers on my tiktok for Agni’s death and. It emotionally devastated me bc I loved him sm bc of the like one ep in 2 where he appeared. i told my roomie that and we decided to like actually watch the good parts of the anime so I could get a taste of the actual plot (and eventually we watched s1 lmao)
so yeah that bit didn’t impact me as much when I actually read it but 😭 Agni I miss you dearly you’re like one of the only people I’d trust to hold my drink in this series I KNOW you would take care of it and not spill anything. Also, I read the entire (post campania) manga while procrastinating studying for my organic chemistry exam bc chemistry is a pain in the ass and I didn’t want to look at it
right um. Other arcs. so the school arc has some BIZARRE pacing- (and i never got used to the just casually dropping the F word even if it was used iba like historical context) I was half skimming some of the pages bc I thought it was gonna be basically a fluff filler arc so that end caught me off guard- deffo enjoyed the soma content though! i sure hope he stays happy and nothing awful happens to make him stop smiling! hahah fuck.
Emerald witch arc is kinda funny to me. like yeah, okay queen of England, send this 13 (14?? I forgor) year old child to a different country to deal with werewolves. this isn’t even ur country girly what. Wolf and miss sullivan (can’t spell her first name) r fun characters I like their addition a lot. Could’ve done without the uh. weird scenes with sullivan but. whatever. (The scenes with finny taking care of ciel also were so sweet Omg I will cry- finny is probably one of my top 5 charas I love himmmmm he scares me tho )
that being said I fuckcking RECOGNIZED that shit was chemicals as soon as I saw that circle thing oh my FuckKING GOD. I literally put down my phone and stopped reading for a good while. I’m reading this manga to procrastinate my ochem I did not need it to insert itself like that >:’(((( it was good though I liked the arc a a lot (my roommate fucking burst out laughing when she saw me being angy and asked why.)
Sascha and Walmart will (sorry sir you are just not memorable) were cute! Hope we get more content of them in the future, or just more reaper lore. Please. I’m going insane all I want is lore (Also my roomie had already told me abt the reaper backstory so that didn’t rlly surprise me). Will and grell showing up for like one chapter was funny as hell, you know will was pissed bc that whole convo could’ve totally been an email or a pigeon or whatever. i missed them though so im not complaining
Idk what to call the next arc. the return of the school guys was… funny ig?? i have to be honest I kinda disconnect whenever they appear I just don’t really care for them 😭 the whole band group off was so funny though and the tonal whiplash was something I was NOT prepared for. It wasn’t as jarring as the paving of the school arc but like hWUH THATS A LOT OF PLOT AND BIG REVEALS HAPPENING REALLY FAST NOW-
love othello though. I’m a forensics chemistry major and I love the forensics part of it significantly more than chemistry so seeing a funny guy doing that is so very !!! ya :D also love the dynamic with Grelle. they’re both trans and besties you can’t change my mind- ALSO OTHELLO JUST . THROWING HIS SCYTGE AND THEN BIDING BEHIND GRELLE. Love him. ronnies still my fav dont get me wrong I am endeared with his talk-shit-while-getting-his-ass-beat mentality but othello is very close behind
wish we had more reaper lore . I would kill to know these guys backstories- Ronald and sascha seem so much you her compared to their coworkers it eats at my brain. sascha especially like aaaaaa kid what happened for you to end up here :(? MAN (also I could fight abt the reaper lore for so long. they don’t deserve this. this shits unfair. AGH…
i had more stuff that I wanted to say but forgot. sorry if this isn’t very understandable i just wrote as I thought of things- basically. reapers my beloved . I’m begging for lore please . soma my king I hope you’re okay. when will Ronald come back PLEASE he’s been gone since like campania 😭
BRO ROOMMATE ANON REVEAL!! i hope you dont mind me still using the roommate anon tag,,
agnis death def threw me off. i wasnt expecting yana to kill him off, especially after having him around for so long. that whole scene was very surprising. and yes i agree with you!! hes probably the most wholesome character in black butler next to some others like the phantomhive servants and soma.
i actually quite liked the school arc(and a lot of people in the fandom would agree w me)! but i get how you wouldnt. i personally was only mostly focusing since i just wanted to get back to grelle T^T.
i didnt really like emerald witch at first. i was mad when it had the honor of being the 100th chapter. but its grown on me since(n yeah those scenes were weird..).
i LOOOOVEEE SASCHA!!!!!! THEYRE SO CUTEEEEE X33333 they remind me of my best friend since they both have that same cheery vibe. like little guy is just making the best out of their afterlie and havin some genuine fun. i fw it. grelles outfit was also sooo hot in that chapter gaw dayum. i want a piece of that reaper PLEASE
you can call the return of the school guys the boy band arc. it was weird but i really enjoyed it.
i find it funny how everyone automatically says that othello is trans. one look at the silly science man provokes the Feeling.
trust me man, everyone wants more reaper lore. i am clawing at yanas feet and begging her to tell me what in the ever living fuck happened to grelle in her time as a human. WHAT THE FUCK KINDA LIVES DID THEY LIVE. WHAT DROVE THEM TO SUICIDE.
i understood everything you wrote, dw!! :3 im hoping soma is ok as well </3
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annespooky · 10 months
7th November 2023
No travel today as I'm already in Newcastle, yeah!
Woke up to find a paper had been slipped under my door, just to let me know there'll be no hot water for 2 hours later on today, okay...
The fire alarm rang while I was putting my nail varnish but it was probably just a test as the cleaning people proceeded with their activities.
Arrived too early at the venue as I thought doors were at 7 so got a drink in the meantime. Too bad I wasn't hungry as the food looked great!
Had a slight moment of panic at doors when my Dice ticket didn't scan, the lady had no list and I couldn't find my confirmation email... Luckily, the man behind me had a spare so I could enter.
The venue itself was ill-shaped but a correct size. Once again I was quite on my own for the Ciel set but I met a photographer who was also in Leeds so we talked a bit and I took his Instagram so to check his photos later.
PBE were great as always but I was off as I was thinking about my brother's funeral which took place the day after so I struggled to sing and dance freely...
Had another little chat with Michele before my friend Grahame gave me a lift back to my hotel, sparing me 30 minutes climbing back the slopes!
8th November 2023
Another day off today, off to Edinburgh! Well, if I can... All trains as delayed due to a landslip on the route down in Yorkshire but they accept any ticket on the next train approaching so I hop in! Great idea as in the end, my original ticket arrived almost an hour late!
My legendary sense of orientation brought me to my hotel with some diversion and found out that I got half of my ticket fare refunded by LNER, yeah!
Got some food and miserably fell asleep in front of the telly...
9th November 2023
Went to the National Museum of Scotland in the morning after breakfast in a virtually empty room. Wow, really like it! There's a part on the story of the Scots people with Mary, Queen of Scots, which really interested me. Checked the Egypt part as well and other parts (discovered the fashion wing on my way out and wow!)
Went back to the hotel for another hotel room picnic and getting prepared for the gig. Found the venue without too much hassle contrary to last time PBE played Edinburgh. My friend Gillian arrived just after me and we queued on our own in the stairs.
Got in and oh, there's a barrier, boo! And what the hell, it's miles away from the stage! We were on our own again until Ciel came on stage. As always for gigs in Scotland, the vibes are great, although the man to my right to literally stuck to my arm (get the hell off me!). Some man got Michelle's setlist and asked me if I wanted it, given it was handwritten I took it! Aubs gave me Matt's and his to Gillian.
Got a lovely chat with Michelle and Tim and got them sign the setlist. Jorge had to rush to Glasgow so he wasn't there. Gillian got her setlist and CD signed and was quite happy. Went back to the hotel quite quickly, although I almost slipped on my way!
10th November 2023
Off to Glasgow today, less than an hour by train and managed to check in at the Ibis by the venue on the spot so I could rest a bit.
Went to the venue too early so came back to the hotel. When I went back later and had a long chat with a guy in a wheelchair who wouldn't let me alone...
We were let in while Ciel were still soundchecking so waited for them to finish to get to my usual spot. The venue is as crap as last time but the audience was as excellent (although my friend from the day before followed me and stuck to me again...). A lady recognised me from February too! Got another Ciel setlist because it was lying there and no-one seemed bothered to take it... Was pissed off as some lady loudly talked during Chelsea...
11th November 2023
Long journey today, 8 hours and 40 minutes by coach to Nottingham! Luckily no one sat next to me and I mostly slept or listened to music the whole lot. It felt like doing the tour backwards as we stopped at cities previously visited with a long stop at Leeds.
Got a free cookie in my room and watched a bit of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire which eating and getting prepared.
They opened the backdoor from inside before the outside door so almost didn't get my spot, but my friend Nigel knew the people who were already there, including an Informer who wanted a picture with me (WTF?).
I busted both my knees against the stage during Dr Pong but otherwise this was yet another fab gig! Talked about PSB with Tim, who told me that they were his fave band so gave him an account of all my adventures with them!
12th November 2023
Off to Sheffield today, Lucy's home town and where she and Matt have moved earlier this year so this is a kinda home town gig. Got a train ticket valid the whole day so not in a hurry and I reach Sheffield station a few minutes past 1pm. It's pissing down and I'm struggling to find my Premier Inn but made it! (Well, I slightly damaged the handle of my suitcase when it fell while I was crossing a road by it's still okay). Got a room immediately without having to pay extra, yeah!
Given my hotel is by a roundabout, it takes me about 10 minutes (still under the rain), to find the right way to the venue (last time I was there was 8 years ago for PSB and I was staying at the Ibis), so that's 25 minutes later that I reach the venue and oh, it's closed because it's Sunday after 6pm! After waiting under the rain for about half an hour, someone puts me out of my misery so I'm queuing inside.
This is actually not the same venue I've seen PSB, I didn't know there were actually two rooms here! There is a barrier by its middle is replaced by a huge box where I lay my stuff.
There is a second support band tonight, called City Parking, from Sheffield too. They were a bit different in the way that the singer delivers more spoken words than singing, but they were very enjoyable.
Ciel have slightly changed their set tonight, switching Somebody with Far Away, which was great to hear. Jorge has a stroll on the box in front of me during their set.
PBE did another great and powerful set. After the gig, I thanked Michelle for playing Far Away, she replied that they wanted to change their set a bit so that I don't have to listen to the same set every night. Had another surrealist and weird chat with Aubs and when I was feeling the security was kicking us out, I was on my way. While saying bye to Matt, I reminded him that tomorrow is my 50th PBE gig, then Lucy introduced me to her sister Jessica and asked how many times I've seen them so she got a reminder too!
While putting my coat back in the lobby, her mother introduced herself to me, fully knowing who I am (hmm, feels like déjà vu with the PSB parents lol) and managed to get back to the hotel in 15 minutes (there is a tunnel underneath the bloody roundabout!).
13th November 2023
Taking two coaches today and the first one is slightly delayed... But got the second one without any problem, changing at Birmingham, where I'll be back the next day.
I have to walk half an hour to reach the venue, where I ask at the bar where the exact entrance is, it is actually outside so I go there and of course it's starting to rain! The band goes out for dinner and Matt doesn't like me queueing in the rain so checks with the security, who tell me to queue where it's covered, and they know I'm the first one anyway. Obviously, the rain stops and I'm back in the queue.
I leave my stuff with Doug at the merch as there's a barrier and I don't want to step on it while I'm dancing and jumping.
Ciel keep Far Away in their set tonight :) and Matt looks at me while singing More then at the end of the song proceeds with telling everyone that this is my 50th PBE gig and they have a gift for me! What?! Aubs hands me a bottle of prosecco and I didn't get that I had to wear the tinsel (sorry Lucy!), oh and there's a card too! I have absolutely no reminiscence of Heating's On afterwards as I was so stunned! (I'm used to PSB's discretion where they give me stuff after gigs). Matt hands me his setlist after the gig :D and I walk back to the hotel with the bottle, which I will chug for the rest of the tour back home!
14th November 2023
Day off today. Just a coach to go to Birmingham, where the gig is tomorrow. Managed to check-in earlier so got plenty of time to do some more laundry before meeting my friend Sarah for drinks and dinner.
15th November 2023
The gig is in a pub in the suburbs of Birmingham, which I reach after about 20 minutes by bus. Bumped into Doug inside the pub so had a drink with him until I joined (I mean, started) the queue outside (there are three venues in this pub, PBE are playing Venue 1).
Got to my spot and bumped into so many friends there! They include two ladies I met at a wedding earlier this year, who came just because I was coming, luckily they loved both bands! Came back to Birmingham with my friend Paula, who I met 5 years ago in Margate for PSB!
16th November 2023
Biggest headline gig for PBE to date! At Village Underground in London. Got another coach and checked in at the local Hub by Premier Inn early afternoon. It's pissing down (again!).
Arrived far too early to queue but you never know with London. At the end, I knew most of the people in the queue, who ended up front row inside.
Ciel are once again very well welcomed. They went back to their original setlist since the day before.
Matt is clearly very happy (well, even happier than usual) and states that there are so many people from so many periods of their lives in the room. Aubs gives me Matt's setlist and afterwards, when Matt comes back on stage and see the setlist has gone, he looks at me and I show him I got him, he looks relieved, bless him!
At the end, I manage to grab one of Rough Trade bonus CD (which prevents me from buying a sixth copy of the album to get it), which includes a new song called Green Eyes and the Radio X session they did earlier this year.
I then bump into J. Willgoose, Esq. from PSB and we talked a bit. When I mention that I have no idea what to do if PSB and PBE are clashing next week for gigs/tours, he replies to follow my heart, which doesn't really help because my heart wants to see them both! Remembering what Tim told me in Nottingham, I ask J if he met him, he didn't. I therefore called him from the merch and introduce him to J. Sadly J missed Ciel and apologises for this. J goes backstage, I'm chucked outside by the security...
17th November 2023
Back to Victoria Coach Station to get the coach to Bristol, which is slightly delayed but the Premier Inn is just by the station so this is fine.
After checking-in, I go to Rough Trade to collect my order for the Smoke Fairies album, which is out today and stop by Tesco for another hotel room picnic.
Once again I'm first in the queue and I actually arrive while PBE are soundchecking! Bonus! Then Ciel proceed with another lengthy soundcheck. We enter and find out that two steps are placed in front of the stage, okay, I'll try not to fall! I meet more people seen at other PBE gigs and they joke that I'm becoming more famous than the band! (Mind you, I've been mentioned in two live reviews so far!).
Matt screws up the lyrics of Simmering and I shake my head, which makes him laugh, oops sorry! It really feels likea home town gig for them as this is the closest to Devon we will get on this tour. the "Pear Lady" gives Matt butter biscuits, which another lady opens at the beginning of Dr Pong (what the hell is going on lol). The singing on More was exceptional too!
I meet the Spanish couple who were by my side during the gig afterwards and they wonder how many setlist I have lol. I thought they were friends of Jorge from Ciel, but no they just came because their original planned gig has been cancelled and they managed to find tickets from the waiting list. I get my bonus CD signed and Lucy says that she's glad I got one. Then I talk with Tim, who thanks me for introducing him to J :)
On my way to the hotel, I bump into the Spaniards again! They ask me how come I speak English so well, as this is kind a private joke that French and Spanish people are bad at languages, so I give them my best French accent impression. "Oh you can fake it, clever!". Fun fact, they were staying in the room next to mine at the Premier Inn!
18th November 2023
Almost the end of the tour, boo!
Off to Manchester today so two coaches to take, changing in Birmingham (again!). It's pissing down (again!) when I reach the hotel. Just realised I didn't buy any thank you card for the band and as tomorrow is Sunday, I'd better buy it today, find one with balloons in Tesco, perfect!
I reach the venue and there are people queueing... Wait there are two gigs today, Callum Bowie downstairs and PBE upstairs, and even a private birthday party in the basement! We organise ourselves into two queues, which the security was impressed with!
Having already been here two years before to see Haiku Salut, I was glad to see this beautiful venue again. The gig was awesome and there is an actual video of the whole lot on You Tube!
I buy all the Ciel merch, that is the brand new double EP, the former EP on CD and a lovely tote bag. Aubs tells us of all the stuff they've forgotten in venues (including the bloody mixing desk, for Christ's sake) and we leave.
19th November 2023
Last date of the tour... First an early coach back to London where I take the train to Brighton before checking-in at the Premier Inn.
I write the card then cry the whole afternoon... Well, maybe this way I won't be crying during the gig this way?
No surprise, first in the queue again, under the rain again...
There's a barrier, an ugly one as Michelle and Tim told me the day before, but we're still pretty close to the stage! Well, I was almost in Michelle's face during the Ciel set!
Matt thanks Doug for manning the merch, and I thought he wouldn't talk about me because he did in Oxford, but no, he chose the moment I was crying my head off after Chelsea to thank me again for coming to all the shows, bless him (again!).
After the gig, I meet Tim's girlfriend, who thinks this was so sweet what I did for him, because apparently, he talked about it for hours afterwards, well I like to be kind with people and I guess would our positions be switched, I would also have appreciated it :)
Well, that's another wrap on another great PBE tour! Who knows where and when I'll be seeing them again! At least I'm seeing Ciel in February!
0 notes
nimphontheshore · 11 months
Hey Doll,
Or must I say — Good morning.
But fear me, don’t try to peek in too early. My words are there to make you go through the day, don’t try to read them while getting ready… You’re gonna be late.
Je pensais à toi ce soir, jusque là… Rien de nouveau. Je fixais le ciel and I was swearing at it cause these days I cannot see the moon and it’s pissing me off (reason why you don’t get much pics). Au delà de juste m’amuser à insulter le ciel comme un dérangé mental, je pensais à nous et j’ai encore bien du mal, parfois, à me dire que you’re mine. Like. It’s a bit of a crazy thought… So bear with me. I know that you’re mine, I know that you’ve been for the past seven months (soon to be eight); I could even say, for the past year now. But still, when I truly think about it, I’m like… How could this girl be all mine. Je te mens pas, tu sais, quand je te dis que je te perçois encore comme la nana pour laquelle je tremblais l’année passée, pour laquelle je faisais attention à mes gestes, à mes mots — et à l’inverse, pour qui j’étais un gros maladroit qui ne savait même pas mettre un pied devant l’autre correctement — le grand paniqué. Sure, things changed (always for the better) mais je n’arriverai probablement jamais à te voir autrement, comme acquise. Et tant mieux… Finalement. On dit souvent que ça revient à poser la personne sur un piédestal, right ? Mais moi, en tout cas, je trouve pas. Et si c’est le cas, that’s just where you belong; pour moi t’es un peu dédoublée. You’re my girl, my half of a soul but you’re also Nereid, cette nana qui me paraîtra toujours au dessus de tout le reste, this special, special girl.
Bon… T’arrives à me suivre ? Je suis probablement fatigué, tu écoutes mes pensées sortir en direct. Tout ça pour dire que ouais, toujours et encore du mal à croire que you picked me. I feel so special because you picked me. I feel special because of your love, and everything you give and share with me au quotidien. Je le dirai jamais assez, mais c’est absolument fou, nous deux. Fou but also, it makes so much sense. C’était instantané, on avait beau croire anything sur le moment, on our first meeting et les premiers mois, mais tout était déjà aligné right in front of our eyes, tu le sais ça ? Je me souviens au début, quand on se pensait si différents voir à l’opposé l’un de l’autre… Alors que, yeah, sure we’re different, but we are very alike. It was all about being too emotive, too confusing, miscommunication at first — mais je pense que, surtout, on avait des visions et des attentes erronées, right ? On agissait avec ce qu’on nous avait mis sous le bras : des relations qui étaient pas si meaningful au final, des perceptions de l’amour qui ne pouvaient même pas réellement faire sens si on ne l’avait jamais vraiment connu (…) tout un tas de trucs idiots, finalement. C’est comme ça que je le vois, we were just different, back then. Because we didn’t know how it would be, how it would change us. Si tu me relances sur les sujets où l’on différait les premiers jours post-confession, im sure we will be the same now. Get it? I don’t know, it’s prolly a silly thought but I’ve come to realize that. I’ve changed so much since I’ve got you with me. I thought I was open minded before, but now? With you? You enlarged my spectrum so fucking much; now I wanna believe in some stuff, now I wanna listen and I’m curious about so many things; now my ego is to pieces, nothing matters if not you. (Well… my ego has always been to pieces with you. I’ve never been so open with my feelings, not too scared to over share like a down bad boy. Id rather tell you what’s in my heart, all the time). I really like the boy that I am around you — because he only wants to make you feel comfortable, happy, and always enjoying your time. And when you’re sad, he wanna be the one to cheer you up, or the best shoulder you could have to cry upon.
I was so insecure with my love, before you. But also at the beginning of us — and I have to say, also from time to time now — je me suis ramassé bien de réflexions à la tronche, à l’époque. Honestly; they were fair : Que j’étais que des mots et jamais des actes, que j’étais vraiment nul pour cheer up ou alors pour écouter; que at times, j’ai toujours mon mot à dire, mes solutions à trouver, au lieu d’offrir un réel soutien… It’s confusing, because some are just the way that I am, and try. But I’m always scared to not be good enough to you; I’m not perfect — like you always try to say — and I will prolly continue de make mistakes; but I still wanna be my best self to you; for you. I wanna be able to listen when you, or to talk when its time to change your mind; it’s like. I wanna be able to know what you need, without you talking. But I guess that’s not always so easy for me. You know, I’m still learning; but the most important thing is that I’m always trying.
Anyway doll, please get this inked inside that big brain of yours : It’s always you, then the rest; it’s always you and then it’s me. I will always prioritize you, and us. And I hope I can make you feel as special as you make me. Because you deserve it, more than anyone walking this earth right now.
You’re the best thing that has EVER happened to me. Ever. And you’re the greatest gift I could have asked for. Thing is… I didn’t even know that This, what we have, could ever be possible. When I look back only a week before meeting you… It’s crazy, I could have never pictured this happening to me; in any other world or universe. I didn’t know in a couple days I would meet the key to my life, my survival and my sole happiness. You’re literally my angel, Doll. And it had to be you, from the very beginning. Never doubt that
0 notes
dexpairs-blog · 3 years
The relationship between Pomefiore and MC
Vil Schoenheit
Hahahah- honey you've got a big storm coming.
Ciel despises his guts the same way Belphegor and Satan hate Lucifer. Vil knows they have a HUGE potential to be a "poison apple" or whatever, but the fact that they don't collaborate with him AT ALL bothers him to no end.
He tries to give them beauty products? Ciel takes them and dumps them in the nearest trash can (Asmo is crying the the Devildom as we speak), he tries to fix their hair and Rook and/or Yuuken is not around? Sucker punched in the face, oh? Epel needs to attend his etiquette lessons? TOO BAD THEY ALREADY SNATCHED HIM AND THEY AIN'T LETTING GO OF HIM ANYTIME SOON.
Overall it's just him trying to turn them into a second Epel and them actually fighting back most of the time. He admires their effort in their studies tho, he thinks it's impressive for a rowdy potato. Please someone save him if Ciel ever finds out he hits Epel- they're literally gonna pull up with the "whip of love"™ that you use in the surprise guest events.
They also used it on him the first time they've met because you ain't harrassing their homie Epel, you bitch.
Although he hates to admit it those few times where he gets to keep them at bay and actually have a civil conversation with them, he DOES have a good time. It's rare tho.
Rook Hunt
Afraid of him for some reason.
Not like, to death, but he does give the creeps. They respect him as a vice dorm leader because he's nice to them.
They have this silent mutual agreement of "i don't fuck with you and you don't fuck with me" and respect that.
They're both in the Neige simp club 💀
Epel Felmier
These mfs met before the vdc cause some asshole's thought it would be funny to play fetch with his bag while he was leaving for recess in front of their classroom, THINK AGAIN.
He thought that they were awesome, even tho he was highkey scared of them now.
After giving them the "whip of love"™ Ciel turned around to look at him and he was almost pissing himself from the fear, cue to him being in utter shock when Ciel started speaking to him in a much softer tone asking him if he was allright while picking up his stuff.
They ended up hanging out togheter for all recess and getting lunch togheter cause why not, and by the end of it he got a protective charm from them.
Now he goes starry eyed whenever he sees them beat up someone.
After the VDC those two became closer and often hang out with eachother.
He even asked them to help him become stronger! Seeing his determined face Ciel agreed immediately and now they also teach him new shit.
He would always rant to them about how Pomefiore sucks and he wanted to be in Savanaclaw and they would provide support, he's always trying to impress them (and they think it's the cutest thing ever but will never tell him), they would prepare him homemade meals in large quantities to help him grow and all that kind of stuff.
Their absolute favourite thing to do is pulling pranks on Vil togheter and watching his reaction.
It's a miracle they're not banned from Pomefiore with their shenanigans.
Once they bursted the door open yelling "I CAME TO FREE THE HOMIE" while he was having an etiquette lesson, snatched him, and left. Funniest shit he's ever seen.
They LOVE the real him with absolutely gives him a confidence boost.
They overall have a very chaotic friendship that evolved into a crush on both sides bit they're both emotionally stupid so they don't realize LMAO-
They'll manage.
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irresistiibles · 2 years
Tumblr media
below the cut is a very long event starter/plotting call with all of my characters and little blurbs about what has changed for them and how they’ll be during everything. feel free to like this post if you want to plot first but i’m also fine just writing starters and going off of vibes! please reply with who you want starters from/for if requesting anything. i’m not going to cap this since i’ll queue them throughout the week, but please try not to request more than like 5 per mun so i can try to write with everyone!
amber | genshin impact | no powers  ➡ dog animagus 
is really just having fun! trying to see if a human can become an emotional support dog. she isn’t sure if she should be trying to hide it but she absolutely isn’t. finds the whole power swap thing fun and is trying to be helpful but probably can’t quite understand why someone would be stressed about everything. (0/?)
asami sato | legend of korra | no powers  ➡ sharingan
finds the whole thing interesting but is unsure how it’s meant to be useful or what the point is. like it’s cool to go from the one without any wild to powers to suddenly having something going on, but the way her eyes look different feels unnerving. she knows it could probably be utilized for fighting or something real big, but it mostly using it to do some small scale engineering projects that were usually hard to look at. lowkey trying to continue life as if everything is normal, and probably encouraging others to do the same. (0/?)
blue sargent | the raven cycle | power enhancement  ➡ geo and vessel manipulation
goes through a whole character arch of not needing to be psychic to like herself and her life and now suddenly powers?? she has mixed feelings about it really. it is undeniably cool, no matter how much she doesn’t want it to be, but she also is sure this can’t be permanent, doesn’t want to get attached, and is trying to act uncaring about the whole thing. will happily turn into a small dragon and sunbath, but she’s trying not to use them too much. (1/?)
chihiro ogino | spirited away | no powers  ➡ size manipulation and enhanced strengh
just using it to carry more stuff at work and make herself a little taller than everyone she’s around. she’s used to being the short one so it’s a nice change. honestly probably a bit of a brat who is gonna make herself half an inch taller than people.(0/?)
ciel phantomhive | black butler | no powers  ➡ witcher powers
a little overwhelmed honestly, but trying not to show it. you go from being a sickly victorian child to a highly strong and enhanced human and it is not a simple change. using the heightened senses to his benefit and is even more of an asshole than usual now that he doesn’t have to worry about a strong gust of wind knocking him over. will also probably try and take advantage of the stressful situation to help people but make them feel like they owe him. (1/?) 
edward elric | fullmetal alchemist | alchemy  ➡ water manipulation
he’s pretty stressed. not about his new powers, but about the ones he lost. his alchemy was maintaining his brother’s body back home and he doesn’t know how the rules work here and if al is okay. because of this he’ll be looking for people who can now do alchemy since he’s assuming some sort of exchange happened and one of them is unknowingly responsible for his brother. will be a real pain to anyone he finds. (0/?)
esther mckinnon | harry potter | witch  ➡ force field projection
she’s vibing and comfortable. she wasn’t using magic for too much to begin with so the loss of it isn’t too bad, and she likes having powers that feel protective. trying to make sure her family is okay both in terms of enemies getting powers, and like them potentially hurting themselves with whatever they got. happy to be a form of protection in general for people who need it with everything going on. (1/?)
glinda upland | wicked | witch  ➡ flaming feet
definitely destroyed a pair of nice shoes and is pissed about it. is also just confused and trying to figure out how to get the shoe situation squared away in general. biggest concerns are fashion ones, and also ruining the floors of her place. will be loudly complaining about the whole ordeal. (0/?)
jin ling | the untamed | no powers  ➡ astral projection
absolutely gonna try and use it for pranks and to freak people out. poor fairy is probably gonna be stuck playing guard dog to his body while he goes around doing dumb stuff and trying to catch people (his friends/uncles) off guard. he’s also probably dumb about where he’ll astral project from like hello do not separate from your body while it’s out somewhere people can find it, but does he stop and think that?? absolutely not. (0/?)
jaskier | the witcher | no powers  ➡ snow and ice manipulation
this is a man who was unaware for years in washington. he knows frozen! he’s living his best elsa life. has probably already bought a blonde wig. has been singing it go for hours. point is he’s being annoying. also kinda thrilled to finally be able to help in a physical fight and is bragging a little. doesn’t want to cause any issues but he does want to show off (0/?)
kageyama shigeo | mob psycho 100 | psychic powers  ➡ no powers
man is honestly kinda relaxed and comfortable. he has led his whole life being careful with his emotions so they wouldn’t blow up on him and now he can finally chill and just like feel however he wants. knows what it’s like to be burdened with dangerous power and is trying to comfort people who are freaked out by the situation, though i can’t promise he’ll do a good job. (0/?)
kyoshi | avatar the last airbender | avatar  ➡ fae magic
saw all these power changes and was excited to get a break only to get something weirder than what she currently had going and would just really appreciate a nap. unfortunately, she also feels obligated to try and help how she can, so will potentially be trying them out, but is not happy about it. she is already self conscious about standing out she has no desire to manifest wings thanks (2/?)
lily evans | harry potter | witch  ➡ telepathy (twilight)
trying to use it to to get an advatage against the death eaters but it’s definitely giving her a splitting headache. avoiding crowds at all costs. probably avoiding her friends too since it feels like an invasion of privacy that she isn’t quite comfortable with. (2/?)
mianmian | the untamed | no change
the newest addition is already stressed and didn’t need any changes to continue to be stressed. will be trying to go around helping people who are struggling with all these changes, though she doesn’t quite know how. not thrilled to see the extent of powers here. (0/?)
nie huaisang | the untamed | no powers  ➡ compulsion
he’s trying not to do anything tbh. he doesn’t  like starting problems for no reason or giving anyone an idea that he could be more than they think. will mostly be using the compulsion to get himself out of trouble if someone with new powers tries to start something, but it is very tempting to go and take care of any concerns he has regarding people he knows and what they know about him. just ensure they have no problems with him and don’t feel some type away about what he did. he knows he shouldn’t, but it is Tempting. (0/?)
rita skeeter | harry potter | witch/animagus  ➡ orbing
some concern that someone might find out she’s an animagus with this, and is also absolutely annoyed at losing her magic. she uses it for a lot of stuff and finds the whole situation frustrating. stuck trying to remember how to do a whole lot of things the muggle way. will use the teleportation to try and get into places she shouldn’t be and be nosy. (0/?)
shang qinghua | svsss | no powers  ➡ air bender
you cannot convince me this man is not at least aware of avatar the last airbender. even if he doesn’t realize that’s what his powers are from it’s the joke he’s making. shouldn’t be trusted with these abilities. he’s too much of a klutz. he’s having fun trying to do an air scooter and stuff and absolutely slamming into walls and falling a lot as a result. probably accidentally blowing people around with wind too so will annoy/upset people (0/?)
shi qingxuan | heaven official’s blessing |  wind master  ➡ no powers
uh made them lose their powers for reasons and the reasons are i’m mean and like to suffer. qingxuan is freaked out, mostly about being human and vulnerable and worried something will happen to them before they can figure out what’s happening and contact their brother. trying very hard to be optimistic, and it’s working like 60% of the time. sad they can’t shift between forms. not completely hopeless despite all the panic though, like genuinely hopefully and doing their best. (0/?)
tessa gray | shadowhunters | warlock  ➡ pathokinesis
stressed lowkey. she already had powers she barely understood and now she’s got some new ones. feels a little invasive to know how people are feeling, but also it makes navigating everything a little easier, so she doesn’t mind as much as she should. doesn’t want to use them, but probably will to calm down people who are freaking out about things.(1/?)
toph beifong | avatar the last airbender | no change
judging the chaos from the sidelines and glad her own stuff didn’t change. thrilled that there are other benders all of a sudden and will probably be challenging random people to fights. like friendly fights, not meant for anyone to seriously get harmed, but also, absolutely looking to brawl. (2/?)
victor nikiforov | yuri on ice | no powers  ➡ shapeshifting
thinks it’s a neat party trick but also, he likes being himself most of the time so doesn’t see much of a reason to change. has probably made his hairline look slightly thicker though. will also be absolutely annoying and change into the person he’s talking to and just copy what they say like the menace that he is. (0/?)
zagreus | hades | fire feet  ➡ shadowsinger
a little confused by the new powers. he thinks they’re cool but they also remind him of something he’d see in the underworld with like nyx, and is a little worried this means he’ll be going home soon, so he’s trying not to use them too much. he will like being able to travel with shadows though and probably will wind up accidentally sneaking up on people because he doesn’t think. will be really interested in seeing other people try out powers they suddenly have. (0/?)
zhongli | genshin impact | geo archon  ➡ terrible luck
ngl he’s kind intrigued, and annoyed, but also intrigued. he’s lived a long life and it takes more than this to seriously phase him. is probably trying to mitigate it by just not doing a lot, but he’s frustrated that he can’t offer much help to anyone else in the situation as a result. i am sure a bunch of little annoying things are happening to him, and the biggest struggle is just not wanting to go out for meals until this passes since he doesn’t know how things will go wrong. (0/?)
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tickling-giggles · 3 years
:O HELLOOOOOO May I request A lee!Ciel with probably ler soma? Like probably Soma finds Ciel being a bit snappy towards him so he tickles him to cheer him up? (This is if you are able ofc!!)
Bad Attitude
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Lee Ceil Ler Soma
Summary: The ✨ask✨
“oh Ceil~” Soma singed .
Ceil was currently in a bad mood from undertaker pestering him back to back for the past week.
“What do you want?” Ceil said aggressively. “Woah who pissed in your cheerios” Soma jokes.
“Soma what do you want” Ceil asks. “Well you see I’m kinda bored and I think the two of us should play cards together” Soma answers.
“No” “But whyyyyy” soma whined. “Because I said no now shoo go away” he answered as he flicked his hand.
“Fine I see you wanna play the hard way” Soma pointed out before tackling Ceil.
“What are you doing, you idiot!?” shouted Ciel angrily as he tried pushing Soma of off him who had sat down onto his tights and made it unable to move.
“Play cards with me or I won't let you go.” said Soma as he grinned confidently, proud of his idea to simply hinder the boy from leaving.
“Who do you think you are? As if I would agree with that.” said Ciel and rolled his eyes at him.
“I won't let you go.” said Soma simply and grinned smugly down at the other boy.
“And I won't play with you.” replied Ciel and crossed his arms over his chest, not willing to let himself be ordered around like that. He didn't care if Soma was a prince or not, no one would get him into doing what they want with this kind of behavior.
Both teens glared at each other until Soma grinned again as he looked down at the boy under him who was giving him his death glare.
“I could make you play with me.” Ciel just raised an eyebrow at that. What did Soma think he could do to get him into playing along with his wishes?
He wouldn't use violence, one because Sebastian and Agni were here and two because he wasn't the type of person who would ever try or want to hurt him. So what other methods does he have...
Ciel couldn't even finish his thoughts when he suddenly felt a poke which he wasn't expecting.
Soma had placed his hands on his sides and grinned like a Cheshire cat. Ciel was confused at first but then as he put one and one together his eyes widened in shock when he finally realized what Soma was planning to do.
“You better not” said Ciel with a dead serious face and glared at the still grinning Soma. “What is the problem Ciel? Something wrong?” teased Soma, if looks could kill he would be dead by now but that didn't stop him from teasing the shit outta him.
“Let's see how ticklish the earl of Phantomhive really is.” teased Soma as he laid his hand on Ceil’s perfectly stretched out stomach. Ciel hitched his breath to the touch, he unwillingly sucked his stomach in when he felt fingertips lightly dancing on his torso.
“Yohohou idihihot, stohohop!” shrieked Ciel in panicked laughter when a hand clawed at his rib cage and sent ticklish sparks all through his body.
“You have a bad attitude Ciel-y pooh~.” Soma teased as he let his devious fingers dance all over the Ciel's upper body.
Ciel couldn't do anything but laugh when Soma slipped his cold hand under his thin shirt and scribbled all over his tummy. When Soma dipped his finger into his bellybutton the smaller boy arched his back and his laughter raised up a pitch, making the other boy grin.
“Someone has a sensitive tummy” teased Soma while poking at some of the soft and fleshy parts of Ciels abdomen.
I hahahate y-youhuhu sohoho much” was all ciel could bring out as he tried to glare at the prince but the bright smile on his face and the childlike laughter that where constantly flowing out of his mouth didn't really helped with that.
“That's not a nice thing to say to your friend. But I will forgive you if you apologize to me for having an attitude from earlier.” said Soma as he stopped the tickling for a second, waiting for an “I’m sorry” and letting the boy under him have a short break.
I-ihi’ll n-never apologize to you.” pressed Ciel out as he gasped for air, with his chest raising up and down in a fast pace.
When he couldn't take it anymore, Ciel grabbed a pillow that was next to him on the couch and threw it with all the power he had left at Somas face. Soma fell from the couch when the pillow hit him full force right into the face.
Ciel sat up, cheeks light pink and still painting hard, as he looked over to Soma who was laying on the ground, his legs still on the couch but his upper body on the ground, the pillow still placed on his face.
“Why did you do that?” asked the prince loudly as he sat up from his ridiculous position and looked at him like a puppy.
“Because you nearly killed me, you idiot.” scolded Ciel and rolled his eyes. “You could’ve just apologize to me and I would’ve stopped.” came it back from the now a pouting soma who was now sitting cross-legged on the floor, in front of the sofa.
Sebastian and Agni both sighed in sync as they watched them bicker. It seems to be turning out into a long night.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
I can order something with Yanderes! Black Butler (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash and other characters of his choice) fell in love with a person who is the very definition of "good luck charm", as if she and everyone close to her won absurd luck [ For example: how to win the lottery, or leave unscathed in a fatal accident ].
So clear that the yanderes could not simply kidnap their your beloved because something or someone would prevent it from happening, since their power alters fate and, with that, protects her, since she does not want to be kidnapped.
I wish I would have something like this. It would make my life a lot more easier.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, manipulation, delusions, paranoia, attempted kidnapping, guilt-tripping, self-harming
Good luck charm
Ciel Phantomhive
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☕️When he first heard about the immensity of your luck and that no one could even touch you as long as you didn’t want too, he thought people were exaggerating. Surely you might be very lucky, more than many persons combined in their life, but something like altering fate was ridiculous. That was at least until he got to know you better, seeing with his own eyes how unbelievable your luck really was, people bathing in fortune when you were close to them and wanted to help them. He was baffled to say the least, starting to see this luck of yours as more than just luck.
☕️It doesn’t go well with Ciel’s plans. No one is able to touch you as long as the intention to hurt you or harm you in any way is there. Not even kidnapping is possible since even Sebastian fails, your luck being too strong. It annoys Ciel, makes him lose patience rather quickly since he hates being overpowered like this. It’s even worse because you are even superior against Sebastian. Threatening and blackmailing won’t do anything good either, everything he does seems hopeless.
☕️There are many different ways how he would approach this problem. The first one would be asking Sebastian if you are perhaps some sort of magical creature since your amount to g luck and if he knows of a way to break it. The next thing would be that he will start to experiment on how exactly your luck works. Does things get prevented only when you want them to happen or does your luck senses bad things and prevent it without you even noticing? Can he kill strangers you met on the street since they aren’t that important to him or will they be protected because you met them? Ciel wants to gain as much informations as he can before deciding what to do.
☕️The only thing someone could do in this case is surrendering because if even Sebastian doesn’t know what to do, Ciel won’t be able to do much either. So what other choice does he have besides approaching you normally? Ciel would be forced over the edge in here, frustrated because he can’t do anything to keep you. He will be forced to court you the normal way, to deal with jealousy when you’re with people you like and the concept of you having full freedom. He can’t risk anything or else he might get caught by you, leading to you not wanting him anymore near you and your luck ensuring that you’ll never have to see him again. He is really pissed off about all of this and will never stop looking for ways to at least weaken this weird ability of yours a bit, but it is safe to say that you won against him. And Ciel doesn’t enjoy being defeated this way.
Sebastian Michaelis
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🐈‍⬛Sebastian most likely sensed it the moment you met him, that there was something about you that seemed not normal at all. So when hearing from other persons that you were the definition of a living fortuna, he was skeptical at first. Different from Ciel he never found the idea of you being a lucky entity ridiculous. He was just not sure if all of this was true, even though it would be an explanation for the vibe he had gotten from you. But after he started getting closer to you, wanting to be near his mate, he just saw and senses it. The unbelievable power you seemed to have, him even sensing that you seemed to alter fate from time to time in difficult situations.
🐈‍⬛Whilst at the beginning being somewhat fascinated from this, he will at one point grow to dislike this. He was never faced with something like this which is why he has a hard time dealing with it. He himself is stunned since he isn’t used to not knowing something. But despite lacking experience with this, he knows very well that he can’t take you nor kill people close to you or else something might happen. It is quite frustrating to say the least, knowing that he can only sit back and watch you. He has an nearly unbelievable amount of patience, but even he will experience for the first time in his life helplessness.
🐈‍⬛The fact that he doesn’t know what he is facing makes him a bit nervous and uneasy. He feels like since you’re his mate, he should know what this is what he is constantly feeling and will start investigating and searching for an answer. Different from his master, Sebastian still knows to what extremes your luck works. He has sharpened and keen senses and just has a feeling how your power works, making him planning based on his instincts.
🐈‍⬛Hopefully whatever other-worldly power is protecting you that Sebastian doesn’t have bad intentions with you and allow him to be near you. He is in a very difficult situation right now, not able to take his mate like a demon should die to their power. And he has to be careful with his manipulations and guilt-trappings since your luck has an instinct of it’s own and will push him away if he plans on somehow isolating it harming you. On the other hand he also feels from time to time that he himself is already made part of your luck, always being there when you get in troubles or need help. And he will start using this as an advantage as good as possible. His pride is certainly insulted due to him being controlled by your luck, but if it means being near his mate, he’ll swallow his pride as good as possible and love with what he can do with his limited options.
Alois Trancy
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👅Alois is more dense to say the least and won’t really grasp just how unnatural this all is until Hannah or Claude point it out to you. Reason is that he never really payed attention to it before, focusing mainly on you and being near you. So when he finally starts noticing, with the help of Hannah who just senses things like this, he would at first be more childlike fascinated with all of this. He just doesn’t get the problem at first, maybe even feeling happy for his s/o that she is so fortunate since she deserves in his eyes only the best.
👅Alois has a more simple-minded way of thinking which prevents him from seeing the problem at first. All he sees is his darling being lucky and happy, spoiled by her luck and by him as well. The only thing he might be pouty over at first is that he isn’t able to treat her like he wishes since she already is treated very good by everyone and everything just seems to fall naturally in her hands. The moment it becomes a thorn in his eyes is when he tries to kidnap her and it didn’t work, making him realize that the thing he actually loved about you was what made it not possible to have you for himself.
👅Someone has to help him or else he’ll continuously try to kidnap you which can end surely with your supernatural powers making sure he doesn’t come anywhere close to you. This on the other hand will lead to Alois totally snapping and before this happens Hannah has to help him calming a bit down and thinking more rationally about this. Hannah is determined to help her master, but even she isn’t familiar with this ability of yours. Alois is sadly brat enough to yell at all his servants for being so utterly useless since he places all blame on them for not being able to act.
👅He takes second place for dealing the worst with this since in his brain it just doesn’t click that obviously no power in this world, at least until his servants haven’t found out the opposite, will ever succeed in bringing you to him. It surely makes him go crazy and really desperate that he is bound to at one point just start crying. He somewhat hates and loves this ability of yours. When he’s spending time with you and witnesses it in real action, he always is in awe. The problem occurs the moment he isn’t and wants you, through force, near you. He will need a very long time until he has somewhat understood that keep kidnapping, or to be honest trying to kidnap you, won’t work like he hoped it would. It will lead him to trying it with manipulations and guilt-tripping, using his past and saying he wants you to stay over in his house for a bit longer which hopefully works. Thing is that even if his darling finds out what he’s been doing so far, she might feel sorry for him given his past and also like him since Alois is much, but still overall very sweet. The advantage for the darling is that she simply knows she can spend time with him without having to worry about anything.
Claude Faustus
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🕷He would start feeling iffy the moment he sensed this strange vibe you were giving off, his instinct telling him that there was something special about you and that you were in fact, no complete ordinary human. Claude watches you pretty often since he enjoys looking after his little mate. And whilst he definitely was dubious when hearing the rumors that no one could touch you, he was nearly mine blown when watching for himself, how unbelievably overpowered this so called good luck charm of yours really was.
🕷He is not amused nor fascinated about this at all. All he is, is annoyed and frustrated about this. He is now faced with a huge crisis, already being aware of the fact that this might be even difficult for him to handle, too difficult. And knowing that he might not be able to pull it off hurts his pride deeply since he considered himself always as someone who can achieve about anything. It won’t stop him from trying, but different from his master he will realize after one failure that he can not kidnap you.
🕷He’s irked because of the true knowledge that he can’t have you like he wishes he does which leads him to wanting to erase this ability of yours. Because not only hurts it to know that he, who always considered himself as a powerful demon, is helpless against your powers, but also because you practically don’t even need him since your luck provides you with everything. He feels almost provoked in a way from your luck and the fact that he has no idea where your powers came from and their true weaknesses, he’s even more determined to just quickly find out everything about them and a way to take them away from you. You do not need your powers to protect you when you have him already.
🕷He feels defeated for the reason that he has to play like your powers want him too which is even more agitating. But he isn’t someone who would let his desperation show in front of you even though there is the chance that the longer this drags on, the more irritated he will get until he might really have a small outburst in front of you. It isn’t like he won’t have an easy time approaching you the normal way. He is after all charming and a gentleman to have plus he will do everything he can for you. He somewhat gets competitive because he feels like he has to prove himself against your damn skills.
Ash Landers
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▫️He is a supernatural creature as well, meaning he will have his instincts telling him that there’s something different about you. And given the fact that he’s a worshipper and delusional since he sees his darling as the only person worth being called a god/goddess, it will have him sink even deeper into his sick infatuation he has with you. It just confirms to him that his darling is the chosen one. Heaven already decided to gift her with only the best blessings and Ash intends on making sure that it stays that way. He views himself as your guardian Angel after all.
▫️So Ash will be beyond confused when he can’t seem to kidnap you. He just assumed that through meeting you and seeing that you had been chosen, heaven had signed him to protect you and work as your guardian angel. So he will be left a destroyed and deranged mess the moment he fails over and over again to rescue you from the filthy world. And he takes all the blame on himself. He doesn’t blame it on your power like all the others for the reason that he sees these abilities of yours as a reward from the good in this world that you’re so pure. So it has to be his fault. Is he not enough? Do you not want him as your protector? He has pride in himself, but when it comes you, he can lose all respect in himself in the blink of an eye which will lead him to lunatic outbursts.
▫️Bad thing about Ash is that he will never stop trying to kidnap you or killing your beloved ones. He is different from Alois because he is from the very early start aware that this is due to toys incredible luck. He’s acting on nothing, but desperation now and forever. Ash is complicated to say the least. On the one hand he thinks the reason he can’t get anywhere near you or people he wants to get rid of is because he is being punished for something he did wrong and that he is simply not destined to be your guardian. On the other side Ash has a huge problem with letting go of something he sees as pure beauty and his mentality is also only focused around you which makes it impossible for him to leave you alone.
▫️It honestly is up to his darling to decide what she wants to do with him because Ash has completely let it go by now. That dude is just in so much despair and forbids himself to see her because he feels like a failure. He doesn’t even deserve to look at you if he can’t even do as much as protecting you from others. If you do care for him I would advice you to go through the troubles of spending time with him. Ash is such a self-destructive Yandere, it’s an effective way of installing fear and horror into someone who sees it. It’s a pretty cheap and pathetic method, but it has a high chance of working. But he’s most likely so reluctant with the situation when you should start approaching himself because he tells himself he doesn’t deserve to be near you despite all of his senses screaming at him to do it. As I said, he’s complicated.
Charles Grey
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🤺If I’m being completely honest, this is the exact reason why he became obsessed with his darling in the first place. It’s known that Charles isn’t someone who gets so fascinated with something easy. He just is a bit bored most of the time, not feeling like there is anything or anyone worth investigating time in. He also isn’t someone who believes in supernatural crap which is why he will be totally obsessed once witnessing this not normal amount of luck of his s/o. When he first heard stories he most likely rolled his eyes, not believing that people would actually take this seriously.
🤺Seeing his darling doing the things they do without even doing anything wants against his morals and own beliefs and has him falling into a real deep obsession. Charles hates admitting that he is wrong about something and he also likes a challenge. It gets him all excited to watch you, he’s completely intrigued with you. The unnerving thing about Charles is that the more he can’t seem to get things going like he wants to, the more annoyed, frustrated and yet also excited he becomes. Similar to Claude he feels challenged, but he just wants to prove that whatever this is, it is not absolute. It is beatable.
🤺He isn’t dumb to keep trying something that won’t work the first couple of time. Such desperation is not fitting of him. He has other ways, you know? Charming and wooing you is always an option and in this case the smarter one to use since other options don’t seem to work with you. He is maybe a bit overzealous since he really wants you to be his since you managed to make him work himself up beyond belief, it’s laughable. After all this defeats he tasted and all the troubles he went through it’s in his mind justified that you lend him your attention and loyalty as well.
🤺Be aware that Charles will not give up since he found in you what he dreamed off his whole life. He finally found someone he has a real challenge, a real fight with, someone who he can’t have it his way with. He only tastes the bitterness of losing, something he isn’t really used to. It makes him all the more eager and determined to break you and bend you to his will one day which is dangerous since it means he will always try to be near you and ask you questions about your strange abilities. He’s fun to be with and he is charming, but he lives for this fun you provided him with.
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