#like something about that southern romance gets me every time
1hot-mess-express1 · 1 month
Don’t get me wrong I LOVE business man, CEO nanami as much as the next guy buuuuuut something about country/farmhand/bluecollar nanami is just sooooooo 😩
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gummydummy19 · 5 months
The bear and his honey
Summary: How grumpy Sy won your heart and you won his :))
Content Warnings: Fluff, sunshine x grumpy trope, smut (oral, fingering, piv, creampie, pet names, praise, hint of a size kink)
A/N: Look at that! I wrote another Sy fic! @omgkatinka sent me this: After that fic today I kept thinking about first dates with Sy. And how either epic or awful it would be if your first date was getting stuff from ikea and assembling the stuff together. I feel like that would either forge an unbreakable alliance or doom the connecton right away. But I really like the idea. and I LOVED IT so I included that in here as well :)) It's not their first date but I hope you still like it <3
Word Count: 4k+ (holy shit)
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Like a little girl seeing a big teddy bear at the fair, you were sold when you first met Sy. There was something immediately comforting about him. He was quiet and a little grumpy, but he always treated you with respect. A real Southern gentleman, as they say.
It took a long time before he asked you out. You kept running into him at get-togethers, always being drawn to him from the second you walked in.
In the beginning, you worried you were coming on too strong, always sticking to his side, asking him questions, flirting with him...
One night your entire friend group got together again for a cookout and drinks around the fire. Everyone was perfectly tipsy and content, and when the conversation started taking a more juvenile turn, you heard something that made your cheeks feel warm.
"Oh come on, everyone knows Sy's got it bad for you!", Cory boomed, swinging around his beer.
"Shut up, Cory", you hushed him, dismissing it quickly. You tried to ignore the way your stomach fluttered at the idea of Sy being into you, but when you saw him blushing, (yes, blushing) on the other side of the fire you felt your heart swell.
After that night, you started getting more confident. You loved teasing him, always poking the bear. You tried to get a rise out of him every chance you got, knowing he had a soft spot for you.
Admittedly, you were having a fun time pushing his buttons, but after almost two weeks of flirty comments and hanging under his arm whenever you could, he still hadn't asked you out.
So after another night of teasing, flirting, a couple of debatably too-strong martinis, and what Cory called "canoodling" you finally hit your breaking point.
"Are you planning on asking me out? Like ever?", you blurted out.
Okay, those martinis were definitely too strong.
"Ya want me to?"
Is he joking?
He chuckled and you realised you said that last bit out loud.
That Friday he showed up on your doorstep at exactly 6pm, on the dot, and handed you a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.
You could tell he really made an effort. He was wearing a button-up shirt and what looked like a fresh, new pair of jeans.
"Oh Sy, these are beautiful!", you squealed, before pressing a chaste kiss to his fuzzy cheek, 'Let me go put them in water, and then we'll be on our way!'
He didn't say much, he just grumbled as you skipped about your apartment in your pretty little dress, like you didn't know exactly what you were doing to him.
He took you to the most expensive restaurant in town, where he briefly told you about his job and his family before casually shifting the conversation back to you.
You let your foot wander up his leg while you innocently told him about yourself, loving the way he startled when the waiter showed up.
Afterward, he walked you home and gave you a kiss on your cheek, just as innocent as the one you had given him before. You were a little disappointed when he didn't come in, but you decided to deem his chivalry as charming.
A week and a half later, he took you to the drive-in for your second date. They showed some old James Bond movie, the perfect combination of action and steamy romance as you cuddled closer to him in his truck.
During a particularly spicy scene, you let your hand wander up his thigh, but before you got to his crotch, he stopped you.
You looked up at him with a frown, but to your surprise, his eyes were still glued to the screen.
You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, thinking maybe you read the situation wrong. Maybe he just wanted to be friends? Maybe that's why he didn't kiss you last time? Why he didn't wanna come upstairs with you...
The nasty thoughts kept pouring in and you felt yourself spiral down. You shuffled away from Sy's embrace, gently moving to sit as far away from him as possible, half debating just getting out of the car completely.
'What's wrong?' Sy asked as he looked at you, sitting against the door of his truck.
"If you don't want me you can just say that Sy," you said bitterly, staring out the window.
When you heard him chuckle, you angrily snapped your head back to see if you were actually hearing it correctly.
"Oh, you think that's funny?" you spat.
You tried to open the door. You wanted to leave. To get as far away from him as possible, but the door was locked, and before you could protest, he wrapped his big arm around your waist and swiftly pulled you back against him.
You had no time to wriggle yourself out of his grip, because he moved his bearded face down to your ear and whispered, "You can't always get what you want, sugar."
You didn't know what to say. His actions had already confused you and now his words confused you even more.
He grinned at your puzzled look, grabbing your chin in his large paw.
"What do you want?" he asked calmly, looking straight into your eyes.
"You have me," he stated, making butterflies erupt in your stomach
"Doesn't fucking feel like it." you dared, keeping your voice low and your eyes away from his.
"Bratty little thing, aint ya?," he grinned, secretly a little proud at your ballsiness, tho he'd never admit it.
His grasp on your jaw tightened, making your eyes snap back at his.
"If you want something, you gotta ask nicely, sugar." he drawled, leaning in a bit closer, "Now, what do you want from me."
Your whole body felt like it was on fire. Your eyes darted from his gorgeous eyes down to his plush lips and back before you spoke, "A kiss, please."
A cheesy grin spread over his face and he loosened his grip on your jaw, moving his hand to cup the side of your face, gentle but firm.
He leaned in, his breath mingling with yours as he spoke, "Such a polite girl," before finally attaching his lips to yours.
That night you realized Sy wasn't as soft as you thought he was, in fact, he had quite the mean streak...
Another week of sweet texts and teasing phone calls later, you knew you were in deep.
Your third date wasn't even supposed to be a date. He took you for a walk in the park. You started holding his hand about halfway through the walk, with little intention of ever letting go.
It was meant to be a short stroll, just to get some air, but soon the sun started setting and your stomach started rumbling.
'Ya hungry? I know a good place nearby', he stated, pulling you closer against his side.
'Sy...I'm really not dressed for anything fancy...', you replied, knowing Sy's definition of 'a good place' when it came to you.
'Don't you worry sugar, you're dressed just fine', he grinned, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
20 minutes later you were standing at a food truck, being introduced as 'his girl' to one of his old army buddies wearing a 'kiss the cook' apron.
While you munched on your greasy food, Sy told you the truck had been there since last summer, after their last tour. He was there every week.
It wasn't hard to notice the way Sy shifted when he talked about his work. You didn't push or pry, you just listened, letting your thumb trace over his hand as he opened up to you. Funny, how this thing with a man you had only kissed once already felt like the most intimate relationship you'd ever been involved in.
Two weeks after your first kiss, you got Sy to join you for a trip to Ikea. You needed a new bookshelf and your car was too small to fit it, so you convinced Sy to bring his truck. Getting to stroll around with him through the hallways with your hands linked was simply a bonus.
When you first walked in, you could tell Sy was a little uncomfortable. This wasn't exactly his area, fluffy rugs, decorative pillows,...he felt so out of place. But seeing you with a big smile on your face, dragging him around to show him which wineglasses you liked, made it worth it.
You made him feel at ease, but nervous at the same time. The whole thing felt so domestic, so innocent. So, why was the only thought on his mind pushing you onto one of those beds and fucking you six ways from Sunday?
Aside from that kiss in the car and a couple steamy messages, not much had happened between the two of you. It's not like you didn't want to, you just wanted to take it slow and Sy was trying to be a tease gentleman.
By the time you got to the storage place, he was a lot more relaxed. Maybe it was the fact that there were no more soft blankets or colorful couches. This part of the building was definitely more his vibe. Though, being able to show off his strength when it was time to carry the boxes may also have something to do with it...
You were almost at checkout, Sy was pushing the cart, half his view was blocked and he was trying not to crash into anything when he heard you squeal loudly.
"What? What happened?" He peaked past the mountain of cardboard. He was worried something might have happened, but when he saw what you were holding, he grinned in confusion.
"He looks just like you!" you exclaimed happily, holding a big, stuffed bear with dark brown fur. "I'm taking him home with me."
Sy tried to keep a stern look but failed miserably, chuckling while he pulled you into him.
"What, am I not enough for you anymore? Should I be worried?", he joked.
"Don't you worry, baby. You will always be my big bear. The little one is just for when you're not around", you explained.
"Well if I'm your bear, you're my honey", he mumbled, pressing a kiss against the top of your head. God, he always smelled so fucking good... "Oh! I can spray some of your cologne on him!"
You kept babbling happily as you dragged Sy to the checkout. He didn't even know how long he had been smiling, but somehow he just couldn't stop. Fuck, what are you doing to him?
45 minutes later it was your turn to try and suppress your laugh. You were sitting on your couch, sipping a glass of white wine, and watching your man try and prove just how manly he is.
"Sy, honey, I really think if you just looked at the instructions..."
"I don't need no damn instructions, it's a fucking bookshelf", he grumbled.
"Alright, suit yourself...", you sighed, turning the page of your magazine.
Barely a second later you got startled by a loud bang and a string of curses. You looked up to see the damage and were met with a fuming Sy clutching his thumb.
"Not a word", he said.
"M'not saying anything!", you chuckled.
Another ten minutes passed in silence, aside from the occasional grumble coming from the bulky man you were rapidly falling in love with.
You finally dropped down the magazine next to you and put down your wine.
"Would you just let me help?", you asked, standing in front of him.
"I don't need-"
"Yes, you fucking do! Stop being so damn stubborn, Sy! It's not a sin to look at the manual! It's what it's fucking there for!", you finally snapped.
Sy looked at you with an unreadable expression on his face. He straightened himself, towering over you.
"You don't scare me, big guy", you dared, crossing your arms.
He raised his brow, tilting back his head a tiny bit as he peered down at you.
"Alright", his voice was calm and collected. A beat of silence passed and the tension could be cut with a knife.
You were starting to get a little confused, not entirely sure what the vibe was anymore but then, without an ounce of effort, Sy picked you up and swung you over his beefy shoulder.
"Sy! What the hell are you doing? Logan??"
A squeal left your throat when you were dropped down on your mattress. You barely had any time to process what was happening before Sy was on top of you, pinning your arms above your head as his body covered yours.
"You and that damn mouth of yours", he groaned, "always running ain't it? See what happens when you poke a bear?"
"He finally wants to taste his honey?" you spoke softly.
"Oh, honey, you have no idea", he said before he captured your lips with his.
You tried to wriggle your hands free to touch him, but he wouldn't budge, chuckling into your mouth as he felt you struggle.
"What have I told you about asking for what you want, hmm?"
"Sy, please...", you started begging.
'Please what? Use your words"
"C'mon....just lemme touch you, Sy, s'not funny anymore...", you whined, desperately trying to get closer to him, but you were no match for his strength.
Admittedly, feeling how much bigger and stronger than you he was made you drip right through your panties, but that didn't mean you weren't still desperate to get your hands on him.
Sy finally took pity on you and released your wrists. Your hands immediately clawed at his back, trying to pull him impossibly closer as you pulled him in for another breathtaking kiss. One of his big hands semi-gently held your cheek while the other pawed at your body, wherever he could.
It didn't take long before clothes went flying, both yours and his. The sound of his belt unbuckling ran in your ears as your blood pumped faster.
"Fuck, I want you so bad...", you mumbled under your breath, your eyes raking over his furry chest before landing on the tent in his boxers.
"I want you too, baby, so so bad". Blood rushed to your face at the realization that he had heard you. He still had a grin on his face, but this time it was different. Less mean, more dopey.
"Wanna taste you...", he mumbled as he pressed kisses between your breasts and down your stomach.
"Fuck, Sy..."
The first lick between your sticky folds already had him moaning into your pussy. "Sweetest honey I've ever fucking tasted...", he groaned before burying his face back in between your legs.
He ate you out with vigor, swiping his tongue around your clit just enough to drive you crazy before dipping it down to lick long stripes up and down your slit. With all the pent-up tension (and Sy's insane cunnilingus skills), it didn't take long at all before you felt that familiar heat pool down in your belly.
You arched your back off the bed, one hand digging into Sy's scalp as the other frantically grabbed at your pillow.
"Oh fuck, fuck...", you moaned as you felt yourself starting to creep closer to the edge. Sy focussed his full attention solely on your clit now, sucking and nibbling on it while he pressed two of his thick fingers inside you. He curled them up, finding your spot almost immediately and you screamed.
"AH shit! Please please please, don't stop...m'gonna cum!”, you babbled with an unsteady voice.
Usually you don't like to tell your partner when you're about to cum, because for some reason they always seemed to take that as a sign to start doing completely different shit, but you trusted Sy. He clearly knew what he was doing, and to your delight, he kept doing it exactly like that until your thighs were trembling on his shoulders.
You felt the waves of your orgasm roll through your body, your hips mimicking the movement as you bucked against his face. He didn't seem to mind one bit.
He kept his fingers inside you, perfectly stimulating the spongy spot they were nestled against while his lips nursed on your swollen clit, prolonging your orgasm.
Your entire body felt like it was on fire as you waited for Sy to stop, so you could finally breathe again. But to your surprise, the big beast between your legs didn't even show signs of slowing down.
"S-Sy...fuck fuck stop...stop stop stop...", you tried to squirm away from the sensitive feeling, but he kept you firmly in his grip.
"fuck..shit..sensitive...too sensitive..Sy, FUCK!" you moaned when the pain suddenly turned into overwhelming pleasure. The only thing you could do was scream for him. With every knock of his fingers against your spot you felt a pressure build, and when his strong arm pressed down harder on your belly, you swore your vision went white.
You wailed as you came again in a manner that could only be described as violent. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you felt yourself gush all over Sy's mouth and fingers. Your brain was too fuzzy to be embarrassed about it. He helped you ride out the last waves of your orgasm before he finally let up.
"Fucking hell...", he spoke up first. Your eyes blinked open and you sat up a bit to look at him. You were still finding the right words, trying to piece your brain back together, and then you saw it. The drops in Sy's beard, the wet spot on the mattress...oh my god...no no no no no.
It was as if Sy could read your mind, either that or the horrified look on your face was more obvious than you thought it was.
"That was the hottest thing I've ever seen in my entire life", he stated.
"Absolutely", he promised.
You looked at the twinkle in his eyes and you knew he wasn't lying. God damn, where has this man been all your life. Before you could stop yourself, you pulled him forward by the neck and smashed your lips against his, not caring one bit about the wetness of his beard.
He groaned when you pushed him back on the bed. "My turn", you grinned as you straddled him. You gave him one last peck before peppering kisses on his neck and across his chest.
"Fuck, honey...", he mumbled, gently moving your hair out of your face and keeping a gentle hold of it.
You finally shimmied down his boxers. His cock sprung free. Hard, throbbing, and all yours. You grabbed him by the base and pressed a few teasing kisses along the length of him before licking up a stripe and finally taking the head in your mouth.
A low rumble could be heard deep in his chest as you took him deeper, determined to fit him entirely. To your disappointment, you started gagging when he was barely halfway. You wanted to try again, but Sy gently tugged on your hair. "Not necessary, sweetheart"
"But I wanna make you feel good", you pouted.
"You are, feels so good princess, doesn't have to be all the way to feel good", he reassured you.
You took him in your mouth again and gently bobbed your head up and down, glancing up at him to see his eyes droop. You would have kept going for hours if it meant getting to see him like this. Sadly, he pulled you off his dick way too soon for your liking.
"Wha-but you haven't cum yet!", you whined.
"That's 'cause I'm gonna cum in this pretty pussy.", he stated before flipping you over, leaving him on top of you once again.
"Been wanting to fuck you for so long, you know that? Always skipping around in those damn skirts, teasing me...", he kissed you before you could reply. His rough hands traced about your body, squeezing and kneading at your flesh wherever he could.
You let your knees fall open next to his thighs, opening up for him. When the tip of his cock pressed against your entrance, your breath hitched in anticipation.
"You okay, baby?" he asked when he noticed your sudden nervousness.
"That doesn't sound very convincing", Sy spoke, sitting up a little. "We don't have to go any further, you know that right? I'm perfectly content just arguing with you over a bookshelf", he grinned and you felt yourself relax.
You gave him a sweet smile and tugged him down for a kiss. The kiss was slow and meaningful, different than before. When he pulled back, Sy's eyes found yours, "What's going on, hmm?" he asked, his tone calm and caring.
"Just been a while...", you stated shyly.
"Been a while for me too, honey, a long while", he admitted.
"How long?", you asked curiously, making him chuckle. "Seven months.", he replied, "and I can wait another seven if you want me to." It was your turn to chuckle, "Luckily, I don't want you to", you kissed him again.
"Since Cory's pool party...", you mumbled against his lips.
"Cory's pool party, when I first met you. Don't know how long ago that was exactly, but that's how long it's been for me".
Sy stared at you with wide eyes. You couldn't read his expression, but after a few beats, his eyes softened. He leaned in closely, his cock still stiff between your legs.
"Seven months", he whispered, "that's how long that's been."
His words and what they meant hung in the air for a couple seconds and you couldn't figure out what to say, so you settled for, "Fuck me, Sy. Please?"
He grinned and reached in between your trembling bodies to grab his cock, pushing it between your folds. "I'll go slow, sweetheart. Trust me. If I don't, this s'gonna be over real soon".
He slid inside with ease, the stretch was there but bearable. His head dropped to your shoulder when he was fully in, hot breath and scruffy beard tickling your neck. Your legs wrapped around his hips, trying to urge him deeper somehow.
After what seemed like a century (not that you were complaining), he dragged his hips back, sliding almost completely out of you before pushing back in. He repeated his movement a couple times. Your whines turned into moans, getting louder as his thrusts got rougher.
"Fucking hell...best pussy I've ever had", he groaned, pumping into you at a faster pace. He hiked up one of your legs higher over his hip, making him hit inside you deeper while grinding on your still-sensitive clit.
You moaned loudly. Your nails scratched over his biceps and he groaned in your ear. Neither of you was gonna last long and you both knew it.
"Mine", he growled and you almost came on the spot.
"Yours, Sy! Only yours!", you kept babbling while he absolutely destroyed your body, "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!"
"Cum for me, baby, fuck..."
Your final orgasm of the night consumed you. "Cumming! I'm cumming...fuck please cum inside me Sy, OH!", you moaned so loud you were sure the neighbors heard you, but you didn't care. Sy grabbed your hips roughly as he chased his own release, following suit before yours was even over.
He looked godly. His hairy chest was all sweaty, head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut...you swore you got another tiny orgasm just looking at him and feeling his cock throb inside you.
"Shit...", he groaned breathlessly, "I swear I usually last longer...", he started but you stopped him right away. "Sy, you made me cum three times in the last 45 minutes. I don't think I would have survived any longer."
He chuckled as he fell on top of you, squishing you in the process. You hummed happily, stroking his back while his cock was still buried deep inside you. You could barely breathe but you didn't care, if this was how you met your end, it seemed like a good way to go.
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tinfairies · 3 months
NSFW headcanons for Alastor ?? 😍
NSFW Alastor Headcanons
Alastor x GN!AFAB!Reader
TW: BDSM dynamics
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Genuinely attracting his attention is very difficult. He truly could care less about romance and sex, until he meets the right person.
Sometimes a person interests him because they'd be a good toy, but sometimes they interest him because he feels that they could turn him into their toy.
He starts off as a perfect southern gentleman. Sweet talking, charming smiles, subtle flirting.
Hell, he even brings you flowers every Sunday.
It's all a facade to get what he really wants, though.
Power over you.
Al didn't even touch you the first time you were in bed together. The makeout session turned into heavy petting, but before you could even put your hands on his bulge, he stopped you. Al made you strip naked and lay on the bed.
He sat in a chair at the foot of your bed, fully clothed. Alastor instructed you to show him how you usually make yourself cum, then once you had achieved your first orgasm he told you to start again, but to listen to his instructions this time.
He's very vocal about how pretty you are, and how well you're doing for him.
"Such a pretty little thing. All spread out for me. My my, you're dripping wet just from my voice alone?"
After that night, he laid out a set of rules. It was a very formal BDSM contract, the usual safeword set up as well as the rule that you weren't allowed to touch what was his without permission.
Your body was his property.
He treats you well, although sometimes you need punishment. Spankings, orgasm denial and humiliation are among his favorite punishments.
Alastor always sets you up to break a rule just so he can exhibit power over you.
He doesn't even fuck you, let alone let you see him naked until months into the relationship.
Once he does trust you enough to have proper sex with you, you'd swear you saw heaven.
Alastor will overstimulate you until you're crying and begging him to stop. It comes as a shock to him that he's enjoying himself so much. Sex doesn't usually interest him on a physical level.
If you show any interest in dominating him, he might humor you a bit.
It will take a lot of trust to get to that point however.
When you do have that trust, he's putty in your hands. A brat, but putty nonetheless.
He tries to act like he doesn't care that you won't let him touch you, but the longer it goes on the brattier he becomes. If he can't touch you, then he'll force you to touch him.
Introducing him to pegging will heed addictive results. He becomes such a cockslut.
Anal isn't something he ever really experimented with, it never interested him. Then he met you.
Now, he thinks he prefers your strap up his ass more than his cock in your cunt.
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wonwoosthetic · 2 months
Finding something to fight for update coming back anytime soon…? Love this story 💜
a/n: i looooove writing for this series so so so much, thank you for enjoying it so far!! Here I have part 2 of how the reader and Joel met! Yes, there’s not much romance going on (just yet! the next part will be about their first few dates) but a lot have asked for a part 2 and since Joel is a single father who was left by his wife, I can imagine love for a random woman wouldn’t come easy to him ˙ᵕ˙ I still hope you and everyone reading this will enjoy and stay tuned for future chapters! Thank you for reading and thank you for sticking around to see more of their story unfold!🫶🏼
Btw: I changed the name of the series, I hope people won’t be too confused! <3
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You’re Lonely. I Can Fix That. Pt. 2
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pairing – Joel Miller x female!reader; Tommy Miller x female!reader (platonic!)
word count – 16.2k (don’t even get me started, this is starting to feel like a slow-burn😭)
warnings – fighting, tiniest bit of cursing, bad writing of southern accents (somebody pls teach me)
synopsis – part 2 of this request; slowly but we’re getting there ˙ᵕ˙ the reader and Joel are getting closer🤭
series masterlist
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You did, in fact, not find a way to contact him. At least none that wouldn't require you to jump over your shadow and contact Tommy Miller first.
Every afternoon you had to spend in your parents' restaurant mostly consisted of you standing by the counter, and your head shooting up at the sound of the door opening. None of those times had it been either one of the Miller brothers - but each time you had hoped it would be. Praying and pleading that the universe had some last specks of luck left for you. But it seemed like destiny was not on your side at that time. Or maybe it was. How could you possibly know if he was as good as he pretended to be? Maybe the kindness Joel had shown you was just his way of holding up a normal conversation with no ulterior motives after all. Asking you about your future plans and dreams, telling you about his daughter, and driving you home seemed to be just the naturally kind gestures of a Southern gentleman... Or maybe it was just an act and in reality, whoever was up there was saving you from a big mistake before it could even happen. 
'I think that if he was a real gentleman and if the looks he gave you were real, he'll find a way to contact you.'
Maria's words were once again haunting you. Even with your hopes already slowly vanishing in ever seeing the oldest Miller again. He was a gentleman, no doubt. He had to be... right? There was almost no possible way he had put on a mask before entering that bar. But...
You shook your head. Your best friend might be a good people reader, but she's also well-known for her delusions. It was fun and made life much more exciting, that you had to agree with. Having a campus crush and calling him 'your man' when all he did was thank you and call the essay you wrote a 'great piece of work', was how you kept life interesting. It was easy entertainment. Normally, it was all fun and games, something you could tease each other with, but this was different. Because with Joel, you noticed it too. You may not have noticed the 'looks he gave you', but what man would just 'like to make sure you got home safe'? Or maybe you were potentially just looking too much into it. Maybe Maria had already infected you with her delusions.
'It's a small town, it can't be that hard.'
Well... it seemed to be very hard because it had already been close to a month. And neither of you had found a way or were interested enough to look for one. At some point, you had to get the fantasy of Joel Miller you had made up in your mind out of your head. There was no way a man could possibly occupy such a big part of your brain and control how you'd act at work.
There was only one man in the past who had the same kind of grip on you as Joel Miller now had. And that guy broke your heart when he admitted to cheating on you and getting Chlamydia from the college girl he fucked. Fun times...
Other than that, the topic of boyfriends hadn't ever been more than just plain and simple entertainment for you. You didn't use them. And you never would, because, after all, you were a lover girl at heart. But they just didn't make you nervous. Usually.
You could vividly recall each and every time you managed to make a man bring you to his house and let you spend the night, just as much as the number of times you barked at them to leave you alone in a club. Yes, they were big and scary men, but you were a woman raised by an older sister who inherited the generational trauma from your mother and anger issues from your father. If you didn't want them near you, you wouldn't let them.
Crushes came and went, and the ones that stayed, you were usually able to turn into something as serious as a few fun nights or even take it a little further and turn them into the two relationships you have had in the past. But that was it. 'Chlamydia boy', as Maria had baptized him, was the last one you had let occupy your mind as much as he did. 
That was until Joel goddamn Miller, in his 6ft, wide shoulders, itty bitty waist, rough hands, curly hair, shaggy beard, and grungy voice glory, just had to walk into that bar. Now you were daydreaming about a 30-year-old construction worker and single father all while he was probably just enjoying the evenings off-duty he got to spend with his daughter, looking forward to the next parent-teacher conference where the other mothers would be gawking at him and drooling while following him around like lost puppies.
That's how you found yourself. A birthday and a whole month later, in your family's restaurant just like almost every afternoon. You had finished another small exam and were finally able to enjoy the first rays of sunshine that were peeking through the clouds during the colder winter months on the way to work. But even the big windows couldn't even to some extent let you feel the freedom and fresh air from the outside. Sometimes you wondered if you should at some point regret coming back to Texas to help your family. 
Back then, you had been ecstatic about the mere thought of moving away, seeing more than what that small town you grew up in had to offer. That's why you decided to study out of state. You started building your life out there. A new life. But one call from your mother, asking you to come back was all it took. You couldn't tell her simply 'no'. Not when she was explaining that your father, due to his age, was advised not to work normal shifts on his legs anymore as they were slowly giving up on him. So, you listened to her. You packed your bags and came back. You found a place of your own and a roommate to share it with. You were accepted into the college you so desperately tried to avoid during the application process back in high school and continued your studies only 30 minutes away from the house you grew up in and the garden you used to play in.
You weren't allowed to regret your decision. Not if it meant helping your parents keep the restaurant alive they had worked their entire life for.
"Where's my daughter?" The frantic voice of your mother made you sigh out loud as you made sure to fix the name tag on the right side of your shirt. "Is she here already?" Her quick footsteps echoed through the kitchen until they stopped in the doorway of the small staffroom.
"I'm here, Mom," you answered her with the slightest hint of annoyance. The simple sound of her stressed-out sound and heavy breathing could get your blood pumping in an instant. She has always been a stressed person - making situations much more hectic than needed.
A heavy huff fell from her lips. "Y'are late," she simply stated.
With a roll of your eyes, you passed her, putting your hair up in a ponytail just like you usually would. "I'm not late, I had an exam. I told you that."
"I guess, I forgot... 'bout that...," she thought out loud. "Anyways," she was quick to change the subject, hot on your tracks, following you up to the counter overlooking the somewhat empty tables. You only could sigh again. "I'll have to leave earlier today. I need to go to the pharmacy before it closes. The doctor gave ya dad a new prescription," she explained. Another new one... was there ever going to not be another medication this man would be put on? The medical bills were already piling up - you remembered the stack of letters addressed to your father you had seen just the day before when you came over for the usual Sunday family dinner.
"Y'are okay with closing? Jimmy might stay with ya if I ask him." Jimmy, the head chef of the kitchen behind you and a long-family friend. He was in his fifties and had a wife and three kids waiting at home for him each night.
You shook your head, "No, it's fine. I... I think I can clean up by myself, but thanks," sending her a tight smile that got a big grin out of her.
"Great!" She grabbed your shoulders, giving them a quick squeeze. "I'll leave in a bit, alrigh'?" You nodded as an answer, your eyes already on the notes for the day your mother had put on the counter, out of eyesight from customers. And with that, you got to work.
Mondays weren't all that busy, usually. The construction workers from around the area would come in and order their usual big servings that had been keeping the family business going. Some teenagers spent their lunch break by the tables, working on their homework and having a quick meal. Just like every other day.
With a sigh, you pushed through the swinging door, separating the kitchen from the counter area of the restaurant. Three plates filled with the extra portions some of the construction workers asked for balances on your hands and left arm. In moments like this, you were thankful for the low number of customers. You rushed over to bring them their food in a respectful time, getting a round of charming 'thank you's in return, to which you nodded politely.
Just as you were about to get back behind the counter, hoping to find the next thing to focus on until new customers would come in, your eyes found a familiar face, sitting in a booth all by themselves. You smiled to yourself, watching the little kid's head buried in the book in front of them as they frantically continued to write something down with their right hand. 
It was the Parker's son, Miles. A young, very bright boy, who was way too mature for his age of only 10. The first time you had seen him in your parent's restaurant, you thought somebody had forgotten him. But no, he just enjoyed the background noises of the diner in the background while doing his schoolwork. He usually showed up a few times a week, would take a seat quietly and not ask for anything unless a waiter or waitress came over to him first. 
As you began working part-time, you took on the responsibility of being that exact person. You'd approach him and ask him for his order, adding a free hot chocolate or lemonade to whatever he desired - you paid for it out of your own pocket by the end of the day.
"Well hello, young man," you walked up to the boy with a soft smile on your face. The sound of your voice made him look up, pushing his glasses back up higher on the bridge of his nose.
"Hi, Y/N," he grinned at you shyly. It was only then you realised how much you had missed his rosy cheeks.
"I haven't seen you in so long. I got worried already," you admitted. It was the truth. You hadn't seen him in a good three weeks, which was very much out of the ordinary. In a small town, you would've expected to hear rumours and chatter about every family, but the Parkers seemed like a mystery to most apparently.
Miles shrugged, his eyes back down to his book. "I'm okay."
The tone of his voice told you otherwise. He wasn't a very expressive kid, to begin with, so the change in his tone stood out.
"Are you sure?" You quietly sat down on the opposite side of the booth. You were in no position to interrogate him, and neither were you the best with children - at least that's what you thought. But you were a good advice giver and could read a room usually pretty well.
It took a few seconds of silence before he spoke up again. "Mommy and Daddy are getting a divorce."
The instability of his family was no secret - your mother had caught you up with everything going on behind their closed doors as she and Miles' grandmother were part of the Saturdays' flea market in town. And that woman had no filter when it came to the 'monster of a husband her daughter had married'.
"I see," you nodded gently. "And... you're okay with that?" It was a stupid question, yes, but how else were you supposed to not just let him sit in misery, the thoughts of his parent's divorce occupying way too much of this little kid's mind.
"I think so, yes." Miles looked at the side of the table, his pencil gliding over a crack in the wood, "Grammy said it's good. And Mommy has been crying less. So... I think I'm happy."
Your heart shattered just hearing his words. No child should ever have to go through something like that.
"Daddy said I'm not allowed to come here anymore." You glanced at him with a slight scrunch in your eyebrows. "But now I live with Mommy and Grammy, and they don't really care where I am after school, so I came back," he sent you an innocent bright smile. His bright face almost sent tears to your eyes.
"They do care where you are Miles," you tried to explain to him, not even knowing if it was the truth, but why should a child even dare to think that the authority figures in his life didn't 'care' about him. "They just... they probably know how happy you are whenever you're here. That's why they let you come over."
You noticed as he tried to avoid your eyes, glancing out the window as he spoke, "But I'm only happy when you're here too," he admitted.
Pressing your lips into a tight line, you took a deep breath, about to give him an answer back, wanting to let him know how much brighter your day got whenever you got to see him, but he beat you to it.
"That's Sarah Miller," his finger was pressed up against the glass. "With her dad." Unfazed, he turned his attention back to his notes. "His name's Joel."
"What?" You accidentally muttered out, your head snapping to the window. The black pick-up truck came right into view. The one he brought you home in. Your eyes followed his every move as he opened one of the back doors, helping his daughter out of the car. He held out a hand for her to take, but she ignored it and jumped with a big smile. A whole goddamn month it took for you to finally see his face again. 30 days, if not more. Just as you had been on the verge of forgetting about your encounter with the oldest Miller brother, he suddenly decided to show up. At your family's restaurant out of all places. 
Frozen in place, you couldn't help but stare, forgetting about the fact that a window worked both ways. You got lucky as he seemed to not have seen you, passing by and walking over to the front door while Sarah was skipping around the parking space in excitement. The pounding heart in your chest made you gulp.
"How do you know them?" You suddenly asked.
Miles continued to write in his notebook. "Sarah's in my class. She's nice."
"I told her about this restaurant. Told her I like you and the food. And the free drink you always bring me," he sent you a quick grin, making you chuckle. The smile vanished quickly though as the sound of the bell above the entrance door rang through the room. To everyone else, it was just another customer coming in, but to you, it was the desperate crush on a 30-year-old man, who had no business occupying your mind as much as he did. There was no time to continue your daydream of finally seeing him again as he and his little one walked further into the restaurant, looking around to see which empty table they'd claim. Joel proposed the one in the corner right next to the door, which Sarah seemed to be okay with after taking another quick glance around the open space. They'd be waiting for someone to come and take their order. And that someone should be you. It had to be you. There was no other waiter on shift for this afternoon.
"I'll be right back," you quickly excused yourself, making Miles glimpse at you in slight confusion at your rushed tone, but the notebook in front of him was much more interesting anyway.
With a few deep breaths, you strutted across the floor, brushing over the apron covering the front of your thighs. You passed the register area to snatch the small notepad you used during your shift before finally making your way over to the duo.
Just before you were close enough to their table to stop, you heard the girl's faint voice mumble, "He said he'd be here." Her head turned upwards to grin at you as soon as you came to a halt, pen and paper in your grip.
"Hey, what can I get for you, guys?" You clicked the back of the bullet point pen.
Joel snapped his head up, his brown eyes staring at you as soon as your voice registered in his head. His lips parted, stopping for a second before he spoke up.
"O-Oh- hey," he sat up straighter.
"Hi," you smiled at him, slapping yourself internally at greeting him a second time when you literally just did that.
"Hey," he nodded, his lips curling up just a bit. "Y/N... right?"
While the name Joel Miller had branded itself onto your brain, he seemed to not even be sure about your first.
You nodded with a tight smile that was close to disappearing, but you had to keep a professional face on, "Yeah- yeah, Y/N," and pointed to yourself like an idiot. His eyes didn't leave your face, almost dragging you in, but you were quick to snap back, the sound of someone clearing the throat to your left catching you off-guard.
"Introduce me, Dad," Sarah tried to whisper, holding her hand to the wrong side of her mouth, where you could still clearly see her lips moving.
"Hm?" Joel's head turned towards her, "Oh- that's... that's Sarah. My daughter."
With a wide grin, the girl reached her hand out to you, which you gladly accepted, shaking it with a similar facial expression.
"Nice to meet you, Sarah."
"It's very nice to meet you too, Y/N." Once she dropped your hand again, her gaze quickly flicked over to her dad, who politely coughed into his elbow. "Do you know my, Dad?" She suddenly wondered.
"I- ehm...," you were quick to open your mouth before you could even come up with a full reply, wanting to kick yourself in the shin.
Thankfully, Joel decided to answer her, "She's a friend of Uncle Tommy."
Sarah gasped, her eyes widening, "You know Uncle Tommy too?" She gazed up at you in amazement, making you chuckle. Calling you a 'friend' was much easier than explaining your relationship with him to a 9-year-old, so you accepted it.
You nodded, "I do. I met him a long time ago." Not a lie.
"Cool," she said out loud, looking down at her intertwined fingers on top of the table. "What do you-"
"Babygirl, you wanted to eat, didn't you?"
The voice of her dad made her lift her head to grin at him, "Can I get pancakes?"
Joel put the menu he was holding down with a soft sigh, but a kind curl to his lips, "You can ask Y/N if you want to."
Quickly, she whipped her head towards you, "Can I have pancakes, please?"
You couldn't hold back a subtle chuckle. "Of course." The fact that pancakes were on your breakfast menu was unimportant. If the girl wanted pancakes, you'd get her her pancakes, even if it was close to 5pm. "And for you?" You turned to the man on your right.
"Can I get a simple turkey sandwich? And a black coffee?"
You nodded, writing down just quick abbreviations to remember their order. "Coffee's free here," you added.
"Oh, great," he commented, putting his hands down on the table, "That's all then."
"Alright, I'll be right back."
"Thank you," Joel gave you a nod and a grin, his attention back to his little girl as soon as you turned around and heard her whisper.
"Why do you know so many people?" Making you chuckle.
In the kitchen, you handed over their orders to Jimmy, who glanced at you with a frown, re-reading your handwriting on the piece of paper.
"Pancakes? At 5?"
"Can you do that? It's for a little girl, she's really sweet."
With a wink, he moved over to the stove, "'Course I can, no worries."
You grinned, "Thanks, Jimmy."
Getting a, "No worries, kid," in return.
Just as you were about to leave, you made a stop at the fridge, opening it to get the glass jug of homemade lemonade. Along with three clean glasses from the cabinets right above your head. You filled them up equally before putting the lemonade back and heading out to the counter again, balancing all three on a tray. You didn't expect the man standing right across from you, making you stop in your tracks.
"Hey," Joel smiled at.
"Hi," you copied him. Again, feeling the need to slap yourself. How many times have you now said these two words in exchange to each other? 
"I...," he started, looking around the empty bar area. His hands glided into the back pockets of his jeans before he locked eyes with you again. "I'm sorry, I... Sarah- she forgot to order a drink. Is it okay if I- can I do that here?"
"Yeah," you nodded your head frantically, putting down the tray, as your eyes landed on the filled-up glasses. "I- I was actually just about to bring two of these over to you guys." Taking them into your grip and lifting them to his eyesight.
"Oh- did she-"
"They're like a... signature thing here. I thought you'd... might want something to drink." You placed them down on the bar top, "On the house."
"Oh no, I can't let-" he started, but you were already shaking your head.
"No worries. A little welcome gift," you brushed him off, your fingers slowly digging into the wood below you.
Slightly hesitant, Joel reached out for the two lemonades.
"Gotta keep the customers coming back somehow," you added with a soft chuckle, getting a humourous laugh from him in return.
"Yeah... well..." he turned back to take a quick glance at his daughter before looking back at you, "we might be coming back more often anyways. Sarah got a recommendation from a classmate... and she's been really beggin' me to take her here. And we were in the area, so..."
"Miles, yeah... he- he told me," you nodded along with his storytelling, fidgeting with the dainty bracelet on your wrist - an older Christmas gift from your sister.
Joel raised his eyebrows in interest, "You know him?"
"Yeah," you nudged your head over to the left side of the diner, with the boy in the only occupied booth, "He's sitting over there."
"Aah...," he took a deep breath in, "Gotta make sure to tell Sarah," he mumbled slightly more to himself, but you were still able to catch it.
"Are they friends?"
Joel slightly shrugged his shoulder, "I guess so, yeah... they're both in an advanced Math course for middle schoolers, so... yeah."
"Advanced Math?" You wondered in astonishment. He hadn't told you all too much about her back in the car a few weeks ago, so this was news to you. You knew Miles was in that course, Christ, he had proven it to you many times before whenever you asked if he needed help with his homework, but you didn't know Joel's daughter went the same path. "A little genius."
"Yeah," the older Miller brother chuckled, looking down at his feet, "Kinda like you," he met your eyes. "I mean- not like you... really... because, you know, not... College level, but... she- she's interested in it too. But I- I guess... I don't know if she's really interested in it, but she seems to enjoy it so far, so..."
If your eyes and ears weren't playing with you, you could almost hear a slight added raspiness to his voice as he tried to avoid your gaze, talking on and on about his daughter. The grin making its way onto your lips was only an indication of your amusement at his rambling.
"I understand," you laughed. "Smart girl."
He nodded gently to himself, "That she is... she sure is..."
Your awkward chuckle was followed by a second of silence. Maybe a few seconds, actually. Joel could've excused himself to go back to the booth they chose, but he didn't even move an inch. Not even made an indication that he wanted to leave. Your eyes travelled around the counter, trying to look for something to busy yourself with, but there were no notes left, every other customer (there weren't a lot) seemed to be happy, so there was nowhere to go for you. You were stuck to stand still across from him, forced to bring the conversation to a halt as neither one of you knew what to possibly say next. Not until you went through each line that had spilled from his lips, remembering-
"You said you were in the area? Do you live here... or...?" What a smart move. Ask the stranger if he lived close to where you're working, fucking creep.
Joel cleared his throat, politely holding up a fist to his lips. "No no, she- Sarah... she has soccer practice every Monday 'round here."
"Oh," your eyes lit up, "At the old Ramson's field?" The corners of the man's lips curled up at the mention of the area that was once a strawberry farm. It was sold years ago by an elderly couple, the Ramsoms, to give the kids a place to run around freely. Somebody took the chance and turned it into a local soccer team's training ground.
"Yeah, exactly that. You know it?"
You nodded excitedly, "My sister used to go there. She was really active. Always the sporty one in the family, you know..."
For a second, Joel pursed his lips, smiling to himself before he answered. "So... sister's the sporty one and you're the smart one? Your parents got lucky."
"Well...," you talked down his compliment with a soft chuckle, "I don't know if I'd say I'm the smart one...," thinking about your next words for not longer than a second, "I did get in the car of a basically stranger who took me home while I was definitely intoxicated, so... don't know how smart that really is." Smirking at the mention of the evening.
The older Miller's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Why would you do- Oh." Stopping himself before he could continue. He shook his head with a laugh, "Right... yeah..." Just for a second, he had forgotten how truly unfortunate, or maybe not so unfortunate, your first meeting actually had been. "But," he took a deep breath in, "You got home safe. So it was a smart move, I guess."
"I got home very safe, yes," you agreed, a dreamy smile playing on your lips, as you pulled your hands back to yourself, feeling the chipped wood digging into your fingertips. "Thank you, again... really."
"All good," he gave you an assuring nod, "Rather getting in the car of a stranger than hangin' out with Tommy's group of... whatever they are."
You couldn't hold back the laughter coming from your lungs at his clear dislike of his younger brother's group of friends. Already back in the bar, it was clear to tell Joel was not a fan of them or the comments they made or truly anything about them all together, and he seemed to like making that very clear. He joined in your laughter with a slightly softer one, only to be interrupted as a voice from behind you suddenly shouted out.
"Pancakes and a ham sandwich!" Jimmy came through the swinging doors, the two plates in each of his hands as he stood next to you.
You turned to the side, giving him a quick smile.
"Oh- you were quick, thanks."
"I can take 'em," Joel was about to reach out, wanting to take his order, when you stopped him.
"No, no, it's fine. I'll bring them over," you assured him. "In a second."
"You sure?" He asked you cautiously.
You nodded, your lips pressed together tightly. "A girl's gotta work," you shrugged with a smile.
Joel gave you a quick nod before taking the two glasses of lemonade and going back to his table, the eyes of the little girl waiting for him getting big as she saw what he had brought along. You grinned at the sight.
"Y'sure you wanted to make the girl happy or the dad?" The old man's voice rang through your ear. Your head snapped towards him, taking a step in defence back.
"'Xcuse me?"
Jimmy shook his head in amusement, putting down the two plates of food. "I was in there tryin' to avoid interruptin' you two, but Lord..."
"What?" You wondered, a slight edge to your tone as you were interested in hearing what he was about to say.
He glanced at you with a soft smirk. "It was painful listenin' to that poor attempt of a flirt."
"A flirt? By who?" 
"Y'know damn well by who," he pointed a strict finger at you, the smile still evident on his face as you tried to hide your own.
You arrogantly lifted your head, making sure to stick your nose up extra high as you crossed your arms. "I have no idea what you're talkin' abou'," purposely copying his very Southern accent badly. "That wasn't flirtin'."
"Damn right, it wasn't."
"Oh, I'm sorry that I don't have forty years of flirting experience," you bit back jokingly, about to snatch the two plates off the counter.
Jimmy scoffed with a shake of his head, "I wasn't talkin' 'bout you, darlin'." And with those words, he left through the doors again, going back into the kitchen.
You stopped in your tracks, hurriedly following him. 
"Wait-," you called out, "You think he was flirting with me?"
"A poor attempt of a flirt," he corrected you, his back already turned to you as he started cleaning the counters. Before you could say anything more, he stopped you with a raise of his hand, "Go back to work, sweet pea. We'll talk about this later," giving you a last wink.
Joel and Sarah got their meals, and you brought Miles his free lemonade as well. It was already past 7pm, almost closing time as you usually locked the doors at 8pm. Most customers had left, besides a few teenagers you decided to hang around for a bit, enjoying the cheap prices of the food. The father-daughter duo in the corner had split up, leaving the oldest Miller brother to sit alone at the table, his finger furiously trying to type out a message on his phone, only to give up with an annoyed sigh and switch to calling the person. His little girl had joined Miles at his table after her dad had told her that he was there.
It was a rare sight. You had never seen the young boy interact with people his age. Or really with anyone but you or your mom. Other adults had tried to make a few conversations work, only to be met with silence from him. He didn't enjoy talking to strangers much, understandably so. The sound of the two giggling brought warmth to your heart and a smile to your face. He hardly ever grinned as much with you as he did right at that moment with her. You had no idea he even had people around him that could make him this happy. He didn't even smile at his mother when you once saw her pick him up. It was a one-time-only experience, he usually took the bus home alone. Sometimes you accompanied him, just out of fear and worry as to who would even think to let their own child travel by public transport in the dark. But maybe that was your big-city brainwashed mind talking and small-town parents saw the world completely differently than you did.
"We got any new ones?" Jimmy's smoker voice brought you back to the present and made your eyes leave the two kids to look at him.
You shook your head, "No, I think that was it for tonight, you can start closing up." You rarely ever got any new customers past 7:30, so you gave him the o.k. to clean up in the back while you started at the front.
Rounding the counter, you passed the tables, now empty, to get the last few plates and glasses that were left by people who had left merely a few minutes ago. Some others noticed you cleaning, handing you over everything they didn't need any more along the way. With full hands, you came back to the bar area, placing each dirty plate, glass, and mug on the window sill, between the front area with the kitchen. Jimmy gave you a grateful smile as he got a hold of them.
As you turned around, you were once again faced with the dark-haired, dark-eyed beauty of Joel Miller standing in front of you. He had stacked their two plates together, with the cutlery right on top, and the now empty lemonade glasses right next to them.
"Oh-," you chuckled, "Thank you," taking them off the counter to turn around and put them on the sill as well.
"It was really good, so, thank you," he commented with a tight smile.
"I'll let the chef know."
"The chef knows!" The older man shouted out from the kitchen, letting his head peak out the window with a big grin. His facial expression made both of you chuckle.
You turned back to face the oldest Miller, glancing up at him slightly shyly, not even trying to hide it. "You're leaving?"
Joel nodded, putting his hands into the pockets of his jeans, "Yeah... Tommy needs to get picked up. And Sarah's got school tomorrow. Gotta check if the homework's all done." You nodded along to every single word dripping from his lips, even daring to take a few quick glances down to see each movement and curve of them. "I mean- she always does them, I don't... I don't think she'd ever not do her homework, she'll even do them in short breaks or... in the car or something. But..."
"Just to make sure," you grinned at him, blocking his further rambling.
Joel nodded, a heavy breath falling from his lips, "Exactly... yeah..." He opened his mouth just a bit one more time, but wouldn't dare to speak, making you wait in silence, begging he would continue whatever his mind had come up with next.
He cleared his throat, looking over at his little girl, before switching back to you. "I- I should get her."
You gave him a hasty nod, "Yeah, yeah, of course."
Just as he passed the counter to walk over to the two kids who still seemed to be as giggly as they were 30 minutes ago, Joel turned back around.
He called out your name, making you whip your head around with hope.
"D'you know if his parents are gonna come pick him up?"
Not the question you were desperately waiting to come out of his mouth, but at least something.
You shook your head, "No, he usually takes the bus. I'll go with him after closing."
Hesitantly, but still, he nodded, mumbling a quick, "Alright," before continuing to make his way over to the other corner of the diner.
In the meantime, you got back to wiping down the front counter, before moving onto each table in the room. Even the ones that hadn't been used that day, you made sure to clean. In the position you were in, you could see Joel and Sarah heading for the front door, only to stop and wave at you.
"I'll see ya," the oldest Miller smiled, "Have a good night." You waved back, chuckling as Sarah excitedly waved as well.
"Bye, it was nice to meet you, Y/N!"
"You too, Sarah. Good night."
Your eyes didn't leave their forms until they were back in the car after Joel opened one of the doors on the passenger side in the back, waiting for his daughter to jump in. You couldn't help but grin at the sight. Other customers who passed you, said their goodbyes, making you walk over to their tables to collect the money they left for the food they had eaten. Arrived at the table the father-daughter had occupied merely minutes ago, you glanced at the money, counting the bills with your fingers only to realise the generous tip Joel had left for you. Damn it, there you were smiling again.
Miles was entertaining himself outside, still in the same booth while you joined Jimmy in the kitchen. Every table had been swiped over, the counter cleaned to perfection, the cashier counted and the money stored safely in the safe. You had found a comfortable place on top of one of the counters in the kitchen, a mug of the last bit of coffee that was in the pot now in your hand. Just as you were about to take a sip, a groan fell from your lips as the memory hit you.
"Huh? What?" The older man looked up from the floor he was sweeping over.
"I forgot to give him his coffee...," you mumbled out loud.
Jimmy's thick brows furrowed, "Who?"
"Joel..." He had ordered a black coffee. You had even told him it was free, and he never got to taste it... but then again, he didn't ask you a second time...
He seemed to think for a second before the corners of his lips curled up, "Aaah, Sir Handsome."
Your head shot up in confusion, "What? Sir Handsome? Really?"
Jimmy just shrugged, "That's what I'm gonna call him."
"His name's Joel. Joel Miller."
"Miller?!" He stopped in his tracks, coming to a halt with the chore, almost dropping the broom to sit against the counter. "From 'round here?"
You nodded.
"Miller, like Thomas Miller?!"
You glanced at him in confusion. "You mean Tommy Miller?"
The man rolled his eyes, "Whatever that punk's name was," and went back to cleaning up. His reaction got a chuckle out of you.
The name Tommy Miller, or like Jimmy sacred to call him, Thomas Miller, had embranded itself onto the entire staff of the Diner. Even past employees knew about him. Hell, even the food inspectors that used to come around once a year knew about him - he had the fantastic idea of following the lady around the diner like a lost puppy, flirting with her the entire time. The fact that she was well over 30 and he just a good 18 years old was so not important to him at the time.
He and his entourage were well-known around the area for multiple reasons. Their bad reputation had followed them all throughout their teenage and young adulthood, leaving a memory of their presence with each and every one who had ever come in touch with them.
"Yeah... they're... brothers."
With a clearly unamused facial expression, Jimmy glared at you, making you sit up straighter in an instant.
"Joel's the older one. And he's nothing like Tommy," you assured him. "I promise."
"And how d'you know that, young lady?" He popped his hip out to the right side, leaving the broom to lean against the counter as he took in his stance.
Jimmy might not be your father, but he's someone's. And you can tell. Your dad had been sick for longer than you'd like to remember, leaving Jimmy to take on the role of the next best thing of a male parental figure with a slight touch of a close friend.
"He- We...," you sighed, looking at the booth behind you to take a quick peek at Miles, colouring some pictures you had given him as entertainment. "I was at a bar-"
"When?" He nagged.
"Not too long ago."
"A few weeks ago," you answered him with a sigh, trying to continue the story, when he interfered again. He shook his head, sighing your name out loud as he ran a hand over his face.
"I won't tell your Mom, don't worry," he raised his hands in defence. "Just wantin' to know you were safe."
"I was," you told him, "partially thanks to Joel." Making him frown. "So. As I said. I was at a bar and Tommy, Joel's brother, was there with his group of friends-"
"Oh, Lord, help me...," Jimmy mumbled.
"Not his teenage friend group!" You called out, "I don't think so at least... I don't know," you brushed off the thought, "Anyways, I was there and Tommy invited me to sit with them. And at first, I wasn't really sure, but then Joel came too and I was like... why not, you know?" The older man gave you a knowing smirk. "But that quickly turned into a mistake because his friends, high school friends or not, were jerks, so I wanted to go home, but I had a few drinks, so Joel drove me home."
"You gave a random man your address?!"
"This is a small town!" You defended yourself, "If he was bad news, everyone would know!"
"That's not the point-"
"The point is!" You interrupted him, "I only got into his car because he was genuinely nice and the only one of them all that listened to me and actually seemed like he wanted to talk to me at that table." The part of your best friend technically forcefully reserving you a seat in the passenger side of his car was left out.
"Yeah...," Jimmy shook his head with a sigh, "You know who else was this charismatic?"
"Ted Bundy."
"Jimmy!" You threw your head back with a big laughter erupting from your lungs.
The audacity to even compare these two men.
"Dark hair, dark eyes, nice smile. Sounds like Ted to me." Like he knew the guy...
"You can't say that," you scolded him, wiping away the tear that had fallen from your eye in the middle of the fit of laughter. He joined you with a wholehearted chuckle, coming closer, to stand right across from you.
"So, what about him?" He suddenly turned serious, crossing his arms in front of his small beer belly.
You shrugged. "I like him," thinking for a second before continuing. "I only met him once- well, twice now, and I think he's really handsome. But... I don't know. I don't think he looks at me like that. This crush might be one-sided."
"Why not? Y'are a pretty lady!" He called out with another frown. It would let people believe he was mad when only compliments kept falling from his lips. "Ya smart, good with kids, polite. Why wouldn't he like ya?"
"He didn't even remember my name from the last time we met!"
Jimmy couldn't hide his smirk of amusement, "Sweetheart..."
"What? This isn't funny! I'm in a crisis."
"Y'are wearin' a name tag."
Your right hand immediately flew up to your chest and onto the plaque you always wore on the right side of your shirt. Glancing down, you saw the piece of plastic staring right back at you. How could you even forget that you were wearing that thing?
"But why..."
"I told ya," the old man shrugged his shoulder with a chuckle, "A poor attempt of a flirt."
You scoffed with a roll of your eyes, hopping down from the corner to take off the apron and mentioned tag. "That's really what you call flirting?"
"I think, he's a man probably somewhere around his thirties with a little girl by his side. How much female attention ya think he's been gettin'?"
"Have you seen him?" You stared at him with wide eyes. "I think quite a lot."
"Okay, how much female attention ya think he's lettin' get to him? This man probably hasn't even spent a night with another woman in YEARS. Where's the mom anyways?"
You shrugged, "Izzy said she got pregnant in college and everyone just thought he left her. But he has a daughter now and I hardly believe he would let his high school sweetheart alone with a baby while keeping one from another woman."
"Ya really thought a lot 'bout that, huh?"
With a smirk, you looked up at the ceiling before glancing to the side, trying to avoid his eyes as you mumbled, "Maybe a little..."
"If ya asked ya sister 'bout it, I doubt it was a little," he chuckled, noticing how riled up you were getting about the subject as you threw your apron on the counter.
"Alright! I thought about it a lot, okay?! I don't want to come off too strong when he has a whole family waiting for him at home. But so far... I don't think he has... but... I don't know." You crossed your arms in front of your chest. "I have to get my information somehow."
"Could also just ask him, ya know?" Jimmy tapped your head as he snatched your apron off the counter after taking off his own and heading towards the employees' closet.
"I feel like that's rude. Imagine just talking to someone, kinda 'cause you're forced to do it and suddenly she's all up your business, asking you about romantic partners and whatnot." You came to a halt in the doorway, leaning against it as you watched him pull out his jacket and hand you your own.
"I don't think he'd be flirtin' so poorly with a girl if he had someone at home. "He sent you a stern look, "And if he has and still does that, he's a piece of shit." Making you chuckle as you put on the piece of outerwear.
"Can you stop saying poor flirting? He was talking. Maybe he's trying. He was telling me about his daughter."
"Jesus, sweet pea, he told ya her entire life story. Ya could write her autobiography with all the ramblin' he did today," Jimmy joked, shaking his head in disbelief.
You laughed along with him as you grabbed your bag and headed back to the kitchen. "You're overreacting."
"Am not!" He told you. "The last time I sounded like that was when I tried to get to sweet talk my beautiful Betty." Your lips formed into a smile at the mention of his wife. This man could talk about her for HOURS. He's a true role model for the upcoming generation, and you were hopeful for his children getting to watch a couple truly in love right in front of their eyes.
"Plus," he added, "I have a cousin. Jeff. Single dad for three years. He's been tryin' to get himself out there again, and good God... Jesus help him. This man knows nothin'. Nothin'. That Joel kid reminds me of him a little," he stopped for a second to look at your blushed cheeks that had started to heat up. "Like I said, I didn't want to interrupt ya, but it was painful. Just like with Jeff."
You shook your head in defeat. There you had your confirmation. If what Maria had told you wasn't already enough, you better trust the wise words of a fifty-year-old man, married to the love of his life for a good thirty years.
"So," you cleared your throat, taking a deep breath in, "You think I have a chance?"
Jimmy sighed. He shook his head. After a step forward, he stopped right in front of you, placing both of his hands on your shoulders, only to cup your cheeks right after.
"My dear," he made sure you were looking him straight in the eyes. "I think ya could make a man build a castle with his bare hands for ya. And I think ya know that too."
You smirked, retrieving a small memory from that night in his truck. "Well... he is a constructor."
Jimmy gave you a laugh with his whole heart, pulling your face in to place a warm peck on the top of your head. He let you free again, giving you a comforting pat on the shoulder.
"Just give that man some time. Y'are a beautiful lady. He's nervous." With a final nod, he left through the back door of the diner, leaving you alone in the kitchen. He knew you'd be taking the bus to make sure Miles got home.
Speaking of, the last sounds echoing through the empty area were your beating heart and the scraping of the coloured pencils getting dragged over the paper by Miles. Your head turned to the side, and with a smile, you watched the young boy.
Just give him some time.
A week later, on Tuesday, you saw him again.
Monday had passed and there had been no sign of Sarah or him. Miles had been at the diner, entertaining you with some casually fun stories from school, including the young Miller girl in a few of them, but never anything else. And you weren't going to pester him about why she hadn't visited the diner after her practice on Monday.
But there he was, strolling into the room on Thursday, 6:30 in the evening. You were writing down the order of a group of teenagers when you heard the bell above the door. Right after you lifted your head, just wanting to call out a quick, "Welcome!", your breath got caught in your throat, making you cough out loud awkwardly. With a hand in front of your lips, you tried to cover it up, going back to writing down the order before disappearing into the kitchen.
"He's here!" You shout-whispered at the cook, who whipped his head around.
"Who?" He wondered, answering you quickly, but as soon as he saw your wide-eyed stare, he got the message. Jimmy smirked as he placed two finished plates on top of the counter. His eyes drifted from your form over the open window out into the restaurant, his smile dropping in an instant.
"Fucking Miller," he cursed out loud. You turned around to follow his gaze, finding not only Joel but also Tommy taking a seat in a booth right across from you. The older Miller's head seemed to notice your stare, glancing up, only for you to quickly turn around again.
"What do I do?" You continued to whisper, now even more careful about the others possibly hearing you as they were only a few feet away and an open window wasn't much of a sound barrier.
The cook rolled his eyes and turned back to the stove. "Get that punk out of the restaurant."
"Wh- Not Tommy! I don't mean him," you explained. "Joel."
Jimmy looked back at you, "Just be yourself, Jesus," grumbling something to himself that you couldn't quite understand.
Defeated, you took a deep breath in, reminding yourself of who you actually were and trying to get your act back together. If Maria could see you, she'd be filming you for a future Comedy sitcom - she'd have a field day with the state you were in. Nervous because of a man...
Just as you turned around, ready to face the outside world again, Jimmy's call out of your name made you stop.
"Give me that," he nudged his head towards your hands.
"What?" With a frown you glanced down, seeing the order you had just written down, already long forgotten again. "Oh- right," you ripped the piece of paper off the block and put it on top of the counter before trying to walk away again. But there he was, the older man stopping you one more time.
"What?" You asked him, clearly on edge now, slightly amusing him.
"I swear to God, I'll spit in his food. Don't matter what he'll order." You knew exactly, who he was talking about, making you roll your eyes with a chuckle.
You pushed the swinging doors, taking a quick look around the space, trying to see if anyone needed something for you, but it was, just like the last few times, barely packed. Going past the counter, you crossed the floor to the other side of the restaurant, already noticing one side of the handsome face you had been so desperate to see again.
"Hey, guys," you approached them with a smile, stopping right by their table, now also finally getting a peek at the younger Miller. Both men were still in some type of work attire and you noticed the slight shine and curl to their hair. Tommy's was longer and darker, but you prefered Joel's.
"Hey, girly," the youngest grinned at you before slapping his older brother's arm that was perched up on the table. "See, I told you, she'd be here," he turned back to you, "How have you been?"
You nodded, "Good, busy. The usual, you know. You?"
"Good, good," he continued, "Getting back into the American lifestyle, chasing the American Dream." You didn't notice the roll of the eyes from Joel.
You couldn't help but chuckle, "You're chasing the American Dream?"
"Sure am," he answered you proudly. "Might not be as smart as you are, but a man's gotta try."
"'Course, why not," you shrugged, a smile still on your lips, hoping your answer would be enough.
"So," he huffed out a big breath, taking the menu into his grip, pretending to read over it. "I heard your turkey sandwich and pancakes are still as good as I remember."
You had to admit, the thought of Joel and Sarah telling him about their dinner at the diner warmed your heart a bit.
"I mean," you smirked, "I might be a bit biased, but I'd say so, yeah. Jimmy's still making them as good as always."
"Jimmy's still here?" Tommy wondered, making you nod a take a step to the side, letting him take a quick peek into the kitchen. "Ey, Jimmy!" The old man turned around, meeting the young Miller's eyes with a glare. Tommy lifted his hand for a wave, but the cook's attention was already back on the food he was making.
"Still doesn't like me, I see," he mumbled, shaking his head slightly as you laughed.
"Wouldn't be surprised if he spat in your foot." Joel suddenly spoke up. You looked over to him, giggling at the comment, making his lips curl up in return.
"He offered," you let him know, getting a chuckle out of him,
"Well," he shot his brother an annoying smirk, "Aren't you a treat for this town."
Tommy looked up at you, a hasty response dropping from his lips, "Tell him I decline. Gladly." Before scowling at his older brother.
Suddenly, you felt like you were interrupting something between the two. With a deep breath, the younger Miller brother was back to his old self, fixing the fit of his jacket. "Well, then... I'll take the turkey sandwich and see if it's still holdin' up to the good ol' times."
Your lips curled up into a teasing grin, deciding to just throw out the comment tickling your tongue. "You're doubting Jimmy's talent?"
"I would never," he quickly told you, making you chuckle and gently shake your head before you diverted your attention to the older brother, seeing him already looking up at you. The menu was barely in his grip as his fingers played with the laminated corners of the paper.
"I'll take the same," waiting for you to be done writing it down asking Tommy to pass him his menu and handing both over to you.
Before you turned around to get the orders over to Jimmy, you asked, "Coffee?"
Joel nodded, "Sure, thank you," intertwining his hands on top of the table as he looked at you. He didn't comment on the fact you forgot about that the last time he was there. You sure wouldn't forget it this time.
"Make that two, please," Tommy quickly added with a thankful nod after you assured them to be right back.
Trying to keep your eyes off the man was harder than you had hoped it would be. While you were able to busy yourself with taking orders and repeatedly cleaning the counter - you swear, it had never been cleaner than that day - you couldn't help but let your eyes wander over to the seat right by the window.
Joel and Tommy were sipping the coffee you had brought them, munching on their sandwiches, hopefully, oblivious to the internal fight you had going on with yourself. Miles was almost finished with his free lemonade and you were actually close to getting him another one, just so you had something to do. You couldn't just lurk around the counter like you usually would, otherwise, you'd find yourself staring at one of the brothers for too long.
During your little cleaning frenzy, you were able to let not only Jimmy's words but also Maria's re-run in your mind again. The evening, right after Joel and Sarah had spent their evening time in the diner, your best friend got every single detail from you, the moment she stepped into the apartment at 4am. Yes, you had stayed up to tell her. The session ended at around 6, the sun lighting up the living room being the indication to finally go to bed, where you found yourself awake for another good 40 minutes, just begging for a good dream to finally find you.
You had recalled the entire few hours he was in the same room as you. The moment he and his daughter stepped into the diner, the brief conversation you guys had, the coffee you had forgotten, up until the moment he had to basically verbally drag Sarah away from Miles' booth to get her home. Maria's screeching and excited jumps on the couch made you smile to yourself as you remembered the evening. It came close to a miracle that you got away without a single purple mark on your arm, considering she was repeatedly hitting you, smacking the naked skin of your upper arm each time his name fell from your lips.
She had put extra emphasis on the "I'll see ya," Joel had left the diner with. To which you sadly had to explain to her the casual meaning of those few words. It was a somewhat polite way to say goodbye to someone you know, not necessarily meaning that you'll see each other again. Maybe indicating it, but definitely not meaning it word for word - but Maria stood her ground.
You had also told her about your gossiping session with Jimmy afterwards. She had only met him a handful of times, her own working hours not leaving her much time to come and visit you at the restaurant, so told tales would have to do it. But even without really knowing the man, she agreed to each and everything he had said. 
"You know, there's not a lot that I would believe coming from a man or even listen to. But if anyone knows about a man's poor flirting techniques, it would be another man."
You had hidden your face in one of the pillows on your couch, the heat shooting into your cheeks being almost too much to bear, resulting in another few slaps to your arm from her. Jesus, could could start giggling and kicking your feet right now too, just at the mere thought of there being some sort of truth to their words and Joel's actions. But there was a barrier of reality still right in front of you. Not only had Jimmy mentioned his 'poor attempt of a flirt' but also the fact that your not-so-silly little crush was a 30-year-old father, with possibly very limited dating experience in the past few years. It wasn't something you had even tried to consider before Jimmy mentioned it. Add the unnecessary comment from one of Tommy's friends back at the bar, and it suddenly made sense.
"This poor man probably has no idea that you're even interested in him," Maria had whined out loud, "He's trying his best, but God..." You chuckled at her voice in the back of your head.
You ditched your daydream the moment the coffee pot was fully filled up again, the coffee machine making its usual sound to let you know it was done. With that, you began your usual round within the diner, passing each person who was holding onto a cup, asking them for a refill. Most happily accepted your offer, leaving you with a half-empty pot once you reached the two brothers.
"Another cup for you two?"
Tommy smiled up at the sound of your voice, "Sure, thanks, Y/N." You made sure his mug was properly filled up before turning towards Joel, who politely declined.
"Not for me, but thank you," nodding his head at you.
"Still trying to cut down?" His younger brother wondered, speaking over the brim of the mug he had brought up to his lips.
Joel took a deep breath, "If you had a 9-year-old lecturing you about the effects of caffeine each morning, you'd start thinkin' about it too." The explanation got a chuckle out of Tommy and made your lips curl up into a smile. Before you even thought about turning around to walk back behind the corner, you decided to continue the conversation. Taking every shot you could, just like Maria had told you.
"How is she?" You asked, "Sarah."
The older Miller brother lifted his head with a somewhat surprised expression on his face, but you just continued to smile at him. Tommy continued to hold his cup up against his mouth, hiding the smirk forming on his lips.
"Good," Joel let you know, "Very good. She... She had a test today. Lot to study yesterday... so we couldn't come over."
"I see," you humed, "I was wondering where you guys were."
A brief moment of silence followed your comment, almost making you regret admitting to the longing. Thankfully, the younger Miller got up from his seat with a clearing of his throat, making Joel perk up.
"Where are you goin'?"
"Gonna take a piss. You wanna control that too?" Sending his older brother an unreadable facial expression, almost glare, before he disappeared to head towards the toilet.
You frowned when a sigh escaped Joel's lips. "Everything okay?" You asked him, eyeing the older man carefully as he ran a hand over his face.
"Yeah," he mumbled, "Just... Tommy being Tommy."
A chuckle fell from you, making you cover your lips with your fingers. "Sorry," you excused yourself as he lifted his head, "Just... if I had a dollar for every time I heard those words from someone with that expression... I wouldn't be working here anymore."
Joel laughed. You managed to get the scowl off his face to replace it with a genuine laugh. He looked down at the table, shaking his head, but you could see his shoulders shaking and the unmistakable sound of joy coming from him. You tried to hide your amusement, the moment he locked eyes with you again.
"I thought you worked here because you were a good daughter," he commented. He remembered the conversation in his truck. On the way to your place, you had briefly mentioned the reason you had come back to Texas. And he remembered.
You grinned, "Oh, I'm a great daughter." Joel chuckled. "But I wouldn't mind the extra cash." Your own words let a thought flash into your mind. "Speaking of," you started again, "Thank you for the tip... last week. It really- you... you didn't have to do that."
"All good," he sent you a quick smile, "Good service needs a good reward."
"Even though I forgot your coffee," you sheepishly admitted, just getting another chuckle out of him.
"We got good food and free drinks, so you won't find me complaining," he simply told you, making you smile and look down at the pot of coffee you were still holding onto.
"Well," you had started to tap around with your fingers, trying to look for the next words to say, "Thank you. I appreciate it."
"'Course," he nodded at you before you turned around to get behind the counter again.
Only a few minutes later, the two brothers decided to call it a day and stand up to leave. You were just coming back out from the kitchen when you found them standing at the register, both smiling when you came to a halt.
"Just wanted to say goodbye," Tommy grinned at you, gently smacking his hand on top of the counter.
You chuckled, "Bye, have a good evening." 'Night' would've probably been more suitable as it was pitch black outside. A quick look towards the clock would also tell you it was already 7:51pm - almost closing time.
The younger one turned towards the exit door while Joel stood still, waiting for your eyes to lock again.
"I'll see you next week. Goodnight," he simply said with a smile, turning around without another word. His soft voice lingered in your head even after he was already through the doors and on his way to his beloved pick-up truck.
You quickly pulled yourself back into the presence. With a swift turn around, you rushed back into the kitchen. Even before the door was fully closed again, you were jumping around the space, getting a shocked facial expression from Jimmy in return.
"He said 'See you next week!!" You squealed in exactly, your arms moving around in the air as you got closer to the chef.
With a tight grip on his arm, you shook him, "He said 'SEE YOU NEXT WEEK'!"
The older man just grinned at you, shaking his head as he watched you dance around the kitchen.
"How much joy just a few words can bring to ya, kid," he softly spoke, throwing the dishcloth over his shoulder to cross his arms and lean against the counter.
"Just a few words?!" You stared at him, stopping your movements, "He just promised me that he'll come back next week! He WANTS to come back!" Reality hit you for a split second. "I sound really delusional, but I. Don't Care." Before starting your little happy dance around the space again. Jimmy's deep chuckles bounced off the walls.
"Can't remember the last time I've seen ya so happy." He admired the pure happiness spilling from you, filling the room with nothing but joy. With a sigh, your spinning around came to an end.
"I'm happy because I get to see a good-looking hunk of a man again! Can you blame me?"
"Hunk of a man?" Jimmy laughed out loud, his entire upper body shaking as he walked around the corner to push you towards the door. "Get to locking up and then ya can tell me all about Sir Handsome again."
"Okay!" You squealed again, pushing out the door, the echo of his laughter still in the background. Suddenly, getting through the rest of the week seemed to be much more enjoyable than before.
On Friday, one of the only days, you had gotten off of work at the diner, you decided to join Maria in the bar. While she was working, you were enjoying your time sitting at the counter once again. You were sipping on your second drink of the night, drinking slowly as you weren't looking for something wild tonight, but rather just enjoying a nice calm evening. It was around 11pm and even though you had been sitting there for a good 2 hours, there was not a massive amount of alcohol rushing through your body as you had asked your best friend to keep the drink mild. But some people had other plans that night.
"Well, hello there," a deep voice slurred next to you. With slight confusion you turned to the right, eyeing the man that had tumbled up to the bar counter.
You sighed, "Hey." Nothing against drunk people, hell, you were one of them from time to time, but God... sometimes you can just tell, you know?
He blinked at you, "A pretty little girl so alone in the middle of a bar in the middle of the night?" His dirty blonde hair was roughed up and the plaid button-up hung loosely around his frame. It seemed to be a size too big.
"Yeah," you nodded, "And I'd prefer to keep it that way, to be honest." For tonight, there were no plans. You were waiting for a beautiful man on Monday, that was plan enough.
The guy chuckled, holding onto the counter as he stumbled back, "I'm Cody and I'm sure I could change ya mind. I could show ya good time, I promise."
"You're trying to sell yourself here? I'm not interested, thank you," you simply told him, internally begging for Maria to come back to the front, but she was being kept busy in the back apparently. Nobody else seemed to be interested in what was going on between you and the drunk fuck next to you.
With slight confusion written across his face, he continued to stumble over his words. "Who says anythin' about sellin'? I ain't sellin' myself. Ya can get this here for free," pointing towards himself.
"As I said," you repeated yourself, making sure annoyance laced your voice, "Not interested." Just as you tried to get up and move, hoping to get behind the bar and into the backroom, you felt a tight grip on your arm.
"Listen," the man stopped you, "You don't know what ya missin' out on here, sweetcheeks."
"And you don't know what you're getting yourself into if you continue to talk like that to me. Let go of me," you hissed at him. You were taught how to use your words, not your hands though, so you didn't really know what exactly you were threatening him with.
A disgusting sarcastic chuckle came from him while his grip just tightened. You glared into his eyes with a hint of fear as he let his face get closer to you, "Look, I don't wanna do this another-"
"Hey, what's goin' here?" Never would you have ever thought to be thankful to hear that voice. Whipping your head to the left, you found a wondering Tommy Miller, glancing between you and the drunk guy. A sigh of relief tumbled from your lips. "You two are lookin' awfully close."
"Get back to ya own business, cowboy," the guy spat at the younger Miller brother, his eyes raking over his frame when he found the boots Tommy was wearing. "I'm just talkin' to the pretty lady 'ere."
"Well, but I know that pretty lady, so it kinda is my business, you know?" He simply answered him, daring to take a step closer. Tommy glanced at you, "You know him, Y/N?" He asked.
You shook your head with a gulp, to which he just nodded, but before he could even say something, the drunk, still holding onto you, beat him to it.
"She's lyin'! I just introduced myself!"
"You know, I believe her," Tommy stopped him, raising his hand to place it on top of his that was gripping your arm, "So how about you take your-"
"Get your fucking hands off me!" The other guy snapped at him, pulling his hand off you, reacting to Tommy's touch like it was fire.
The younger Miller could just laugh at the reaction. "What?" He chuckled, "So you can put your hands on a random woman but as soon as I do it it's uncomfortable? A bit ironic, don't you think?"
"What are ya tryin' to do here?" With a few steps, the guy was head to head with Tommy, making you take a quick jump back. "Ya think ya gotta prove you've got some big balls here?"
"Me?" Tommy pointed to himself with a chuckle, "Nah, I just wanted to know if I gotta play translator." His comment got a look of confusion from the man in return. "I didn't you understood the English language because I'm pretty sure she said she wasn't interested, but you just... ignored that?"
"Ya makin' fun of me?"
"Am I?" Tommy continued to nag at the guy, making you take a step forward, trying to reach for him.
"Tommy, don't-" only to get pushed back by the dirty-blonde man.
"Get the fuck away!" He shoved you, making you stumble backwards, hitting the back of another guy, to whom you quickly excused yourself.
The younger brother looked at you in concern, but as soon as he saw you safe on your feet, his attention was back on the drunk in front of him.
He sighed, "Look," he motioned towards you. "Now I have to hit you. Because you just hit her."
"I didn't hit her," the guy scoffed, "I barely even pushed her."
"Nah, I'm pretty sure you did that," with a strong force, Tommy pushed into the guy's chest. "Maybe even a little harder, like this," and repeated it with some added strength.
In clear annoyance, the drunk man shoved Tommy's hands off of him, only giving it another second before he let his fist swing. The Miller brother was quick to react, moving out of the way before landing the first official punch to the guy's side. The blonde groaned at the impact, only letting it affect him for a split moment before pushing Tommy further away. It gave him the time and space to land his own first hit to Tommy's face, making you gasp out loud. 
The entire's bar attention was now on the two fighting men, creating some space for them as they stumbled across the floor. You could only hear a few mumbles around you as your eyes were fixed on the fight in front of you. You tried to look for Maria but a crowd had formed right in front of a bar with mostly men, taller than you, hiding the counter area.
One punch made Tommy land on his ass as the other guy whipped his hand over his lips, you guessed there was some blood. You took the opportunity, to get down on the floor, your hands on the Miller's arm.
"Come on, stop this, don't waste-"
But before you could finish it, somebody shoved your body away from Tommy, making your back hit the wooden pole right behind you. You groaned out loud, closing your eyes for a second.
"Y/N!" You heard Maria's voice as she suddenly appeared, standing in front of the crowd with a glass bottle in her hand. In the next moment, she held the bottle up, swinging it to let it hit the back of the drunk guy's head before he could land another punch to Tommy's face as he straddled him. The man fell to the side, right by your feed, making you flinch away.
"Are you okay?!" Maria was right by your side, crouching down as she helped you up.
You nodded, "Yeah, yeah," you had only hit your back, which would definitely leave a mark, but not much else. Your worry lay on the guy who hadn't gotten up yet. No, not the clearly drunk one.
"Tommy," you rushed over, watching him as he groaned, blood rushing down from his nose. You couldn't even tell if there was blood coming from his mouth as well.
He huffed out, "Ah, fuck," trying to steady himself with his hands on the floor as he pushed himself up.
"Jesus Christ," Maria whispered out loud. The hushed voices around you got louder, making her raise her voice, "Everybody either get back to their table or out of here! There's nothing to see here!" After the first guy went after her demand, the rest followed.
"Tommy," you sighed, "I think we should get you to a hospital."
"Are you okay?" He suddenly asked you. You nodded quickly,
"I am. But you don't look good."
"N-No... no hospital," he told you trying to stand up more, making you stumble up as well as you tried to hold onto him even though he was putting half of his weight on you already.
"You have to, Tommy. Your nose is probably broken."
"If only the nose," Maria commented, suddenly having an ice pack and some paper tissues in her hold. "You wanna take my car? Get him to the hospital... I'll see what I can do about... this one," she nodded towards the guy on the floor that was slowly coming back to consciousness. "Probably have to call the police."
"Did that already!" Out of nowhere, Steven suddenly shouted out from behind the bar, making your best friend roll her eyes.
"Where the fuck were you before?!"
"I can't let... I...," Tommy groaned, not finishing his sentence as his mouth seemed to hurt.
"Take my car," Maria quickly told you, handing you the ice pack, tissues and the keys from her bag pocket, "And call me once you're there. I'll handle this here." She also got your bag for you.
You smiled at her, "Thank you," to which she nodded, giving you a soft touch on the back before you tried to move Tommy towards. He seemed to be okay walking, but his face was clearly in pain as he held his head down. The walk towards Maria's car was quiet, only his groans and moans filled the air between the two of you.
In the car, you put on the radio, trying to let the silence not become awkward.
"Are you okay?" Tommy asked you again.
You nodded, "You asked me that already. I'm okay. Only hit my back."
"Fucking idiot...," he mumbled, mostly to himself probably, but you shook your head.
"You too," you told him, "Why would you start a fight like that? I thought those days were over."
"I ain't lettin' a man talk like that to a woman, no matter what. And I know you, so I'm definitely not walkin' past that," he defended himself, almost raising his voice, but the situation told him not to.
The rest of the ride, the two of you listened to whatever was coming from the radio.
At the hospital, the two of you were told to wait in the waiting room as his injuries were not severe enough for him to be put in the emergency room. If it wasn't as late as it was, you would've started something with the personnel, but you already had enough of that for one night. They did offer you a new ice pack though and some more tissues.
You took a seat in one of the uncomfortable chairs next to Tommy, trying to find a bearable position. "Should I call Joel?" You asked him, knowing how close the two seemed to be.
Tommy groaned, throwing his head back and closing his eyes, "Fuck..." He thought for a second before continuing, "No... let's not do that. Unless you really wanna see him." One quick glance to the side, you found him smirking at you, giving you a quick wink. Even with all the blood on his face, this man was still able to joke around...
"You...," you shook your head in disbelief, "You're in the hospital. This is about you. I think he should know about his little brother being in the hospital," you snapped at him, but he only continued to smile.
"But you want to see him again, right?"
"I heard you in the diner." 
Your head snapped to glance at him. The annoying grin was still plastered on his face.
He chuckled. "I left my hat in the booth. When I came back to get it I saw you dancing around the kitchen singing that he'll see you next week."
With a pout on your lips, you crossed your arms in front of your chest and turned your head to look away. You knew there was no blame on him for this situation and all the blame was to be put on you, but you couldn't help but feel sulky towards him.
You scoffed, "It's not nice to listen to other people's conversations."
"But now I can help you," he nudged your side, hissing softly as he moved. You stared at him, trying to figure out if he was in serious pain and if you needed to get a nurse. He seemed fine as the smirk returned.
"Get your nose fixed first, then we'll talk."
With another groan, he sat forward, suddenly reaching into the back pocket of his jeans before falling back into the seat with a groan. He handed you his phone.
"Call him."
"Tommy, you didn't want him here. I'm not-"
"He'll be pissed at me, yes. But y'all can talk while I'm in there," you glanced at you, "Get to know each other a little better," wiggling with his eyebrows. You couldn't help but roll your eyes, your lips curling up against your will. He nudged the Nokia closer to you, giving you no other possibility but to take it.
"I'll be right back," you mumbled, getting a giggle out of him.
"Start the call with 'hey babe'!" He shouted after you, putting on a fake high-pitched voice to mock you. A harsh 'ssh' from one of the nurses made him sink back into the chair and you turned around and threw him a quick middle finger before disappearing further into the corridor.
You pressed the buttons to get to his contact list, not finding anyone under J that wasn't a girl's name, so you decided to just look through the entire thing, starting with A, until you finally reached B.
Barbara, Beatrice, Billy, Boobs-
He had a contact for 'Boobs'? You shook your head.
Brother Old.
This could either be someone else, an old number of Joel or, as you had hoped, Joel's current number. You pressed to call it, putting the phone up to your ear. After four rings, somebody on the other side picked up.
"What?" An annoyed groan erupted through the speaker. The familiar roughness to his voice was unlike any other's.
"Hey Joel, it's Y/N," you answered him. Some shuffling around seemed to happen in the background before his voice rang through your ear again.
"Y/N? What's going on? What happened?" He hastily wondered.
You took a second of silence to form a good sentence, just thinking about what he was currently doing or even just looking like. It was in the middle of the night, and just taken from his voice, you'd say you had interrupted his sleep. Did he sleep in a pyjama set? No, he was a dad. A true dad wouldn't sleep in much else but some shirt and boxers. Or maybe he's not wearing anything at all to sleep. You were drifting off.
"Ehm... So... Sorry for calling so late-"
"It's okay, don't worry," he quickly assured you with a heavy breath.
Out of habit, you bit down on your lip before continuing. "I'm calling from the hospital. Tommy got into a fight."
"God damnit..." Joel cursed under his breath. There were more incoherent sounds in the background as he spoke. "Which hospital?"
"St. David's."
"Alright, I'm on my way," he told you.
You nodded even though he wouldn't be able to see it, "Okay, we're in the waiting room right at the reception."
"Good, thank you."
"You're welcome, bye."
With a sigh, he put the phone down, ending the call and making your way back into the waiting room.
Tommy lifted his head at the sound of your footsteps getting closer to him.
He grinned at you. "And?"
You shook your head, handing him his phone back. "He wasn't thrilled."
"Ah," he brushed off your answer, "I bet your face will make him happy."
"Joel- Tommy, I mean-"
"I'm already getting confused with him? Wow, I'm honoured," he nudged you as soon as you sat down, the smirk still evident on his face.
"Shut up," you rolled your eyes, not even trying to hide your amusement. "It's late."
"But you do like him."
"I barely know him," you defended yourself.
"But you find him attractive," he continued to nag further.
You nodded. There was no reason to hide it from him if he had already caught your burst of excitement back at the diner. "But I think half the female population of Austin would too."
"But half of the female population of Austin isn't you."
His comment made you turn your head in interest.
"And what exactly do you mean by that?" You squinted your eyes at him.
Tommy smiled. "I think I know my brother well enough to notice when he finds someone attractive."
You laughed at his answer. "Wow, you're just gonna out him like that?"
"Somebody's gotta do it," he shrugged, "What else he got a younger brother for." You shook your head in amusement.
You may not be the closest to Tommy, but this was the most time you had ever spent with just him. Plus, he had just admitted to noticing his brother's attraction towards you. That brought a thought to your head.
"Can I ask you something?" It probably wasn't the ideal situation, but oh well, if you already had him sitting right next to you, confined to a chair, why not. Shooting your shots.
"Is there... you know... I mean... with Sarah, I was thinking about like... her mom?"
He shook his head, "Don't worry 'bout that," he let you know, turning to meet your eyes. "It's not my story to tell, but... she's not in the picture."
You almost felt stupid. You had only seen this man a total of three times, yet he had managed to enarmour you and let you think that you suddenly had the right to know everything about his personal life.
"Why?" He asked with the smirk back plastered on his face, "You wanna ask him on a date?" The question took you by surprise, making you open your mouth, ready to defend yourself, but nothing came out. Your lips quivered as you tried to come up with an answer, but Tommy just laughed at your surprised reaction. The rose blush to your cheeks gave you away.
"You should," he told you, "It's been like... God, I don't even know, like... two or three years. Christ, maybe even four."
"Since his last relationship?" You wanted to be careful with your questions, but there was no way when Tommy played open book to you.
He shook his head, glancing at you. "Since his last date."
So Jimmy was right.
"Yeah," Tommy nodded to himself, "You'd be surprised how many women get scarred off by the whole dad thing." Your lack of answer made him look over again. "But not you."
"You ask about Sarah. He likes that."
"Well... she's his daughter, so... kinda obvious to ask about her," you were taken aback by the disinterest of the other women he had mentioned.
He shrugged, "Yeah, but like I said... not many care 'bout that."
A few moments of silence followed. Neither one of you seemed to have any will to continue your conversation. You didn't want to keep nagging further and you were pretty sure Tommy had started to doze off in his seat. It gave you some time to think, but a sudden jolt from the man next to you brought you back. He was about to sit up straighter when his eyes caught something behind you making you flinch and duck into the chair again, groaning at the impact.
"What?" You wondered, turning around to only find two police officers in the hallway, talking to a nurse. With a frown, you turned back to the Miller brother. "What?"
"They can't see me like this."
His reaction alarmed you immediately. "Why not?"
He seemed to think about his next answer before spilling out, "I know those guys. And they don't like me. If they see me like this, I'm fucked."
"I just got a new job, I can't get another mark in my record."
Your eyes widened, "Your criminal record?" To which he just nodded. "Tommy!" You shouted-whispered at him, making him shush you. "How many fights did you get in."
"A few, okay? Just," he put his finger up to his lips, signing for you to keep quiet. You dropped back against the backrest of the chair with a sigh, shaking your head as you ran both hands over your face, mumbling to yourself.
From the side, you tried to watch the two officers as they passed you, hearing a relieved chunk of air leaving Tommy as he sat up again. You couldn't believe it. You knew he wasn't an angel and you remembered his troubled time as a teenager. What you didn't know was how that time had continued to chase him into adulthood.
Noticing his still slightly on edge stance, you decided to change the subject, hoping to give him some kind of distraction. And it just so happened that you had an actual topic of interest for you personally.
"You think I should ask him out?" A gulp followed your question, unsure if dropping that would reveal itself to be a mistake or not.
"On a date?" Tommy's voice was steady again as he looked at you, his lips curled into a soft smile. You nodded, making him chuckle. "Give him some time and he'll ask you himself."
"You think?"
He nodded but continued. "I mean, you can ask him. I... I don't know how he'd react, to be honest, but he wouldn't leave you hangin'. He's just... he's a traditional southern-"
"Gentleman," you said in union, chuckling together.
"I mean," Tommy started, "You know, if a woman offered herself to me, I would never decline-" You stopped him with a soft shove to his arm, making sure not to be too harsh since you didn't know how severe his injuries were. "But," he pushed your hand away from him, "Joel's a bit more old-fashioned in that way."
"I see," you nodded understandingly. Hearing this in connection to any other man would've probably made a chill run down your spine and the sick feeling of pure disgust bubble in your stomach, but for some reason, it didn't when it came to Joel. Tommy spoke so softly about him being s traditional gentleman, he made it sound good and proper. Not conservative and old. 
A nurse's voice, calling out for Tommy made you look up as he tried to get out of his chair. You offered to help him, but he brushed it off, telling you to 'wait here for Joel' with a wink before following the nurse down the hall.
Only a few minutes later, heavy footsteps stomped through the corridor, coming to a stop at the reception. Before the older Miller brother could even ask for information on Tommy, his eyes found you. Curled up on a chair, your eyes closed and your shoulders lifting and dropping in an even beat. With the time now being well over midnight, you had given into your body's pleas for sleep and found some form of comfort in the waiting room chair.
He tried to be as smooth as possible, getting into the chair right next to you, previously occupied by his brother, but even at the slightest sound, you jerked up, lifting your head to find him.
"Hey, sorry for wakin' you," Joel excused himself, brushing his hands over the top of his jeans. He had thrown them on even though they should probably already be in the wash and the shirt was wrinkled as he had fallen asleep in it. His unruly hair, messy and curly, showed the sleep you had woken him up from. But even in this state, which most would describe as dishevelled, he still managed to look good. He looked comfortable. Warm.
You shook your head with a tired smile, covering your mouth as a yawn escaped you. "It's okay."
"How long have been you here?"
"Ehm...," you tried to look around for the clock on the wall. 12:05. "Not too long, like 40 minutes or something."
He nodded, letting a sigh fall from his lips. "What happened?"
You rubbed your eyes, forgetting about the makeup you had put on a few hours before, but it probably was already smudged either way. Unsure if the story Tommy would tell would hold any truth or if he'd make up something, you decided to tell it in whole.
"There was a guy," you started, continuing to explain the entire situation to Joel, meeting his eyes a few times during the story, watching him go from annoyed, to concerned, to slightly irritated. He let you finish before asking further questions.
"Are you okay?"
You nodded, "Yeah. Just hit my back."
Joel frowned, "How?"
"I tried to get to Tommy after he got pushed to the floor, but that idiot threw me against a pole," you let him know, the scowl on his face only deepening. His wrinkles weren't just a sign of age. This man had been frowning too much in his life. Yet, it somehow suited him.
"You don't wanna get that checked? You sure you're okay?" He asked you further, but you just continued to nod.
"I drove here. I'm fine," you shrugged it off. Joel just sighed again, looking around the room before he continued.
"Anyone called the cops?"
"Probably," you answered him honestly. You didn't know for sure, but there was a high chance that you just got out quick enough. His deep breath in and out made you remember the reaction the two officers brought out of Tommy. "But I don't know. Maria said she'd handle it. My friend at the bar," you quickly added.
Joel glanced at you, his elbows digging into his thighs. "That's nice of her. Thank you." But you just nodded again.
Carefully, you decided to get closer. "Tommy mentioned something about a new job..."
"Yeah," the older brother sat himself up straight, letting himself fall back into the chair, "I got him a job at the company I work at. Just carpenter stuff, but... if they find out he was involved in a bar fight," he shook his head, "I don't know. My boss already took him in just because I practically begged him to."
"I see," you answered him, just letting him know you had been listening.
"Thank you for staying here with him. And for bringing him. And thanks to your friend for handling the whole police-" Joel began to ramble, but you were quick to stop him, subconsciously just putting your hand on his upper arm.
"It's okay," you smiled up at him, getting a thankful nod and soft smile in return.
It was only then it hit you.
Not only did this man have the responsibility of raising a nine-year-old girl, but he also was taking care of a man in his mid-to-late twenties. Letting him live with him, making sure he had a job, and picking him up from a hospital after a bar fight. You could see the tiredness on his face, and it didn't only have to do with the fact that he had to get up in the middle of the night. It was years old tiredness. You know it from your father. Carrying the world on his shoulders, dragging him, not letting him live to his full potential. The constant instinct to care and worry following his every step.
On one side, you couldn't help but find it attractive, his primal instict of protection, but on the other, you felt deeply sorry for him, you realised. If he hadn't been a met-three-times 'stranger' you would've offered him a hug. He looked like he could need one.
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joel taglist: @corvusmorte @aniia-x3 @skysmiller @lizlil
pedro taglist: @leslieelainetrask @sidelnes
75 notes · View notes
rosewaterandivy · 1 year
7. gold teeth and curse for this town
Summary: Rumor has it, that hometown hero-turned-teacher Steve Harrington is hot for teacher. The English teacher next door to him at Hawkins High, who also happens to be his childhood friend, that is.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x chaotic!dumbass reader
Warnings: 18+, no use of y/n - reader goes by the nickname Trouble instead, cursing, sexual situations (caught masturbating, slight voyeurism), spring break shenanigans, traveling idiots, Modern!Teacher AU, English teacher reader, History teacher Steve, slow burn, friends to lovers, romance.
A/N: This chapter is borne out of my current nostalgia for travel and Southern CA that I’m going to make everyone’s problem (the end of grad school cannot come soon enough!). Get ready to repress some 6K of feelings, questionable advice and coping mechanisms - reblogs, comments, and likes are always appreciated, reposting my work, however, is not; enjoy! 💜
series masterlist | playlist - newly updated!
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Now, Spring Break, IND ➡️ DFW ➡️ PSP ➡️ Joshua Tree, CA
You hustle Steve out of the loft with ample time to get to the airport. Unlike some people, you operated on the maxim that early is on time and on time is late. As a result, you and Nancy made for fantastic travel companions, you and Steve however…
“Christ, who pissed in your cereal this morning?!”
You sigh in exasperation at his outburst, grabbing your suitcase and shouldering your backpack while Steve locks the car. His hair is a travesty, sticking up every which way like he slept in a barn, he’s so put off by it he’s opted for a blue baseball cap today proclaiming, ‘If you ain’t a fisherman, you ain’t shit’ that he’d stolen from Hopper at some point.
“Eat my ass, dude!”
He stops short at that, causing you to collide with his back. You kick the back of his legs with your scuffed shoes, trying to jumpstart the whole walking thing. But no, Steve just stands there like a statue.
When he finally gets going again after a shake of his head, you swear he mumbles something under his breath. It sounds an awful lot like, “You’re killing me, woman.”
Whatever. He’s killing you— all stupidly attractive and mussed from an early morning wake-up call. 
Which, to be fair, was definitely unintentional on your part. Nancy could’ve done you a solid and warned you about the thin wall between your room and Steve’s. Quiet and discreet your ass, you’d be having words with Bellesa’s customer service later.
It was preventative, if anything, because you’re conscientious like that. Just a little something to take the edge off before spending the better part of a week alone with Steve. That baby pink sucker should’ve come with a warning, or maybe you’re just that wound up. 
Regardless, being less than mindful of your volume resulted in Steve barging into your bedroom right as you were about to come— hand grasping the vibe at just the right angle and shoved down the front of your shorts, shirt rucked up against your chest.
“What the fuck?!” you screech, orgasm slipping back from whence it came. You’re paralyzed in shock, startled by a rumpled, sleep-drunk, shirtless Steve in his boxer-briefs, which were doing fuck-all to help the situation at hand.
Speaking of which… You make a frantic grab for the covers to pull them up and over yourself, clicking the vibe off and stashing it under some pillows.
Meanwhile, he just stands there, steadily growing various shades of pink and breathing heavily. “I thought– You were—” he attempts, tongue-tied and dumbfounded. 
The realization hits him like a ton of bricks. His jaw drops open, useless, as he takes what he hopes will be a steadying breath in. But that’s of no use, because why would the universe ever cut him a break?
You sail beneath his nose, wafting from the movement of the sheets as you hastily cover yourself and that scent— that intoxicating sweetness he remembers pulling out of past lovers, sucking off his fingers, savoring in his throat— crashes into him with its entire, terrifying, exhilarating implication.
He’s utterly baffled. The kind of hard-hitting no shit moment you get when someone tells you the answer to a riddle you’ve been chewing on for hours, trying to decipher that missing component you just can’t get a grip on. And when the answer wakes up your brain, and your brain face-palms itself, you’re walloped with both relief and irritation.
In Steve’s case, he’s walloped with the scent of spearmint toothpaste and soap-clean skin only lightly musky. Saltiness lingering from an evaporated sheen of sweat, a dampness that dried over, previously wet from a specific type of touch.
He promptly turns on his heel with a muttered apology, body rigid and ramrod straight with tension, bathroom door latched before you can ask him where he’s going. He turns the water on for the shower and steps inside. Starts almost too fast, grip on his cock clumsy and impatient. Steve squeezes and pulls off, then he does it again, the drag of his fist making a delicious, sloppy sound—Do you wonder about him? Those nights you go on half-hearted dates and come back early, shrugging, “Felt weird to— There wasn’t much of a connection,” and plop back down, contented to be next to him. Is that something, too?
He should have fucked you a long time ago on the couch to the soundtrack of a forgotten movie. On the counter, interrupting breakfast, scrabbling for something to grip, knocking shit over, too fevered to care.
He’d do you right. Do you long and good and how you deserve.
“Steve—" you’d cry for him, “Can’t believe we haven’t done this before.”
“Yeah,” he’d say, “You’re so fucking warm, and hot, and my god, I’m gonna fuck you until you can’t take it anymore. Gonna get up inside you, baby, gonna open you up, gonna ruin you for everyone else.”
And with that image, Steve comes so much it’s astonishing. He shudders uncontrollably, gasping out loud with the wind knocked out of him, and arches up toward the ceiling like he might levitate. And then, on the comedown, because being backed up for who knows how long wound him up for the kind of orgasm that decides to return for an encore, he comes again.
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You get through security swiftly, the TSA agent from last time making conversation, checking your IDs and asking if you had another hilarious shirt on today.
“Nope,” you say, popping the ‘p’ and jerking your thumb behind you to Steve, “It’s all him today.”
The agent nods and smiles, surveying Steve and his stupid hat quickly. Hands back your IDs and with a laugh, “Have a good trip!”
You save yourself from saying you too! but just barely. Brain still fried from your earlier interrupted activities, no thanks to the man following closely at your heels.
Steve doesn’t say a word until you’re seated on the plane. And even then, it’s less of a word and more of a clearing of his throat that prompts your attention.
“I’m, uh, sorry,” he says, refusing to meet your eyes, “For earlier today. I honestly thought you were like, having a nightmare or something.”
You fail to stifle your laugh. “Steve,” you chuckle, “If the women you’ve been seeing sound like they’re having nightmares when they come—”
“I wouldn’t know,” he interrupts, lips pulled tight. “Not really seeing anyone at the moment.”
You make a silent ‘oh,’ eyes blowing wide. What were you supposed to say to that?
He busies himself with his backpack, pulling out a book and some headphones. You do the same, placing a worn copy of The Devil’s Highway on your lap and settling headphones around your neck.
Something nudges at your calf. You turn from the flight attendant’s spiel to find a folded piece of paper held between two of Steve’s fingers. He flexes them toward you and you, bewildered, take it from him as he returns to his book.
Curious, you run a finger across its worn edges as it unfolds. A familiar scrawl greets you, ‘IOU one explanation.’
Your own. 
Shit, the devil’s really in the details, isn’t he?
Your vision shuffles like a deck of cards, mind racing back to Christmas morning as you quickly ripped off a scrap of paper from a receipt and wrote this on the back of it before stuffing it into Steve’s stocking.
Your tongue darts out the wet your chapped lips, firmly back in the present. It wasn’t supposed to go like this. You were supposed to be better prepared, thoughts in some logical order, feelings sorted (well, mostly) before Steve played this card.
You were supposed to know what the fuck you would do.
How you felt about him.
You’ve folded the paper back up and shoved it into your pocket without even realizing it. Dazed and confused while the captain makes an announcement, prompting the cabin for take-off.
Steve’s hand finds yours against the armrest, warm and familiar fingers tangling up with yours. Headphones secured on both of your ears, you take a deep breath as your stomach momentarily suspends itself while the plane takes off; inertia giving way to weightlessness. A squeeze of your hand before you lose yourself for a few hours, the playlist, courtesy of your best friend, sailing through your ears.
Best friends, ex-friends 'til the end / Better off as lovers and not the other way around.
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Steve could kick himself for that stupid IOU, you’d been distant and quiet for most the day now. Barely said anything at all during the layover in Dallas, fucking hell. He’d left you to collect the bags while he dealt with the rental car. But he can’t drag his thoughts away from you, your eyes wide as you read the note, posture changing instantaneously. 
He interacts politely with the concierge but it’s clear his mind is somewhere else; he hopes he doesn’t come off as rude. When he makes his way back to you, wading through the crowds at the Palm Springs airport, you’ve gathered both suitcases and were sitting on top of one of them.
You’re on a phone call of some kind, turned away from him and hunched over like you’re trying to sink into yourself. His final present to you from Christmas on your right hand glinting in the light as your hold the phone to your ear. He hears a sniffle, quickly followed by a brief sigh.
“Yeah, thanks Nance,” you turn and spot him, offering a tight, watery smile. “Gotta go, Steve’s ready with the car.”
You listen as she says something, nodding along with her words.
“‘Kay,” you let out a shaky breath, “Love you too, bye.”
He bridges the distance between you, reaching for the suitcases before you can brush him away. You toe his backpack toward him, hefting your own over your shoulders with a grunt. Dodging a toddler and frazzled mom with a stroller, the pair of you make it outside, the sun a warm welcome against your faces.
You follow his lead to the rental car, a Ford of some kind, no convertible for the dirt roads and desert terrain of Joshua Tree.
The chirp of the car lets you know Steve’s unlocked it, you quickly compress the handle of your bag and shove it into the trunk. Backpacks are thrown into the backseat followed by a desperate plea from you for both “food,” and “the goddamn a/c.”
He grants both with a soft laugh. Maneuvers the Bronco Sport into Palm Springs with finesse, locating an In-N-Out in record time and rattles your order off from memory. You connect your phone to the bluetooth while you wait in the drive-thru line, mellow guitar chords ramp up and the melancholic sound of ‘drivin’ out into the sun / let the ultraviolet cover me up’ fill the car.
Steve steals your phone before you can change it to something less apocalyptic and depressing, so you’re left to listen to the rasping sounds of Phoebe Bridgers at the close of “I Know the End” while an In-N-Out employee hands you trays of food.
He thanks the teenager, and following the curve of the pavement and scores a parking spot just as a new song rips through the speakers. You hand him his order as he pushes the driver’s seat back to stretch his legs.
“Thanks,” he manages to say before shoving some fries into his mouth.
“Sure,” you reply, nearly unhinging your jaw to take a bite of the burger.
He laughs to himself, watching you. “S’like watching a pride of lions devour a warthog or something.”
You garble some smart-ass response, undoubtedly, before remembering your mouth is full. You roll your eyes and continue to enjoy your meal. Steve follows suit. 
After lunch, you suggest grabbing some groceries for the next few days. You wind through the aisles of Ralph’s, Steve following closely behind angling the cart to catch the incoming volleys of cereal boxes, power bars, and cartons of juice and milk. 
His heart clenches at the scene— it’s all very domestic, you ticking off your mental grocery list confident in the fact that Steve is just a step behind you— yes, dear; sure thing, sweetheart. You’re prattling on about some shit Wheeler pulled last week, a story you’ve already told him but he can’t bring himself to care, while you decided between Fruity Pebbles or Trix cereal.
Not when it seems like you’re just shaking off the gloom you wore earlier today. Eyes bright and animated, beaming smiles and pealing laughter; he can’t stop the smile that works its way across his face.
Back in the car before he knows it, groceries stowed in the back and cart returned to the corral. Taking his phone from the center console, you type in the AirBnB address and hand it back to him, fingers brushing against his just so. You say something about the property being at the edge of the park and a about an hour’s drive, give or take.
Steve just nods and starts the car. He follows the prompts of directions easily, and pretty soon Palm Springs is in the rearview. The road gives way to rolling hills and climbs with short descents as he drives closer to Joshua Tree. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices there isn’t the usual book in your hand.
He calls your name, “You alright?”
You nod, exhaustion evident in your gaze. “Mmhm, jus’ sleepy. Closing my eyes so I don’t get nauseous from the peaks and valleys.”
That’s right, you get carsick if you read on hilly or mountainous stretches of road. Though it’s not much, Palm Springs to Joshua Tree, he guesses the frequent hills and dips of the drive would be enough to do it. He turns the music down slightly, letting you doze.
It’s been a minute since he’s been alone with his thoughts. What with Nance moving out and you moving in, his mind has been elsewhere. It was a relief to finally be on spring break because it freed up some time for himself. 
Not that he used that time wisely, exactly.
He’d talked to Robin, briefly and abstractly, of course. But she was wise to his plight at this point, evasive tactics aside. She cautioned him, once again, to take it slow since you were liable to spook. She was probably right about that.
But then again, maybe not.
Chancing a glance to his right, he catches you and finds himself having a moment. How your face looked all soft and sweet—head lolled back against the seat and precariously resting against the window, how quiet you were, the strange peace settling between the two of you since lunch.
For a second Steve’s also not quite sure how he’s feeling– still gathering his bearings from the aftermath of new tenderness– but he’s so, so lucky that you’re exactly the kind of dummy he’s always known you were. Laughter bubbles from his throat when you snort yourself awake and blink blearily at your surroundings.
“We’re here,” he says softly, one hand resting against the steering wheel while the other pockets his phone.
You’re slow to the draw, having slept for the better of part of an hour, unclipping your seatbelt clumsily and fumbling for the door handle. And it’s all he can do not to kiss you stupid right then and there.
With a sigh and shake of his head, he exits the car and opens your door for you. A murmured ‘thanks’ as you hop down to the desert floor and read the host’s instructions for check-in. Your ancient chucks kick up dust as you walk to the front door and key in the code. 
Steve grabs the bags, leaving the groceries for later. He turns, spying a hot tub nestled among desert plants and grasses. The mountains behind the modern house provide a stark contrast to its sleek planes and lines. He almost feels bad for tracking in dust and dirt when he steps inside. 
The house itself is sleek, a paragon of modern design. Lots of windows to let in light, particularly in the living spaces. Primary colors and minimal art set the various rooms apart in the open concept space, he notes a red couch and yellow dining chairs, following the sound of your footsteps.
“It’s a two bedroom,” you call out from somewhere out of sight.
He’s both pleased and frustrated at that particular detail. Maybe that’s your way of introducing some distance between the two of you? He’d rather not think about it.
“They’re both nice,” you say, appearing out of thin air and leaning against a wall to his left. “We can flip for ‘em, I guess.”
Steve checks his pocket for loose change and prizes a quarter between his thumb and forefinger. “So heads is…?”
“The green room.”
“And tails?”
“The orange one.”
“Right,” he nods, “So on three, you call it.”
He counts it down and you call tails as the coin flips between you. He catches it on his palm, opening it for you to check.
“Tails it is—I’ll take the orange room, you get green.”
So, it’s settled. You take your suitcase and backpack with a smile before padding back to the second bedroom. Steve passes a pop art version of a Simpsons character displayed on the wall as he makes his way to his room. It’s not too far from yours with a sliding glass door to and view to the surrounding property. 
He leaves his bags by the door and beelines for the bed. His back hits the mattress and he’s out like a light.
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The clanging of pots and pans wakes him. The faint footfalls of bare feet against the concrete floor as your prattle around the kitchen. He scrubs a hand down his face with a sigh.
He’s still exhausted from earlier, so he settles on drifting back to sleep, maybe waking you up in the morning with a big mug of coffee for that inevitable travel-hangover you’ll have.
Steve yawns and grins when he hears your hip bump the counter, a hushed curse (“god damned asslamp, what the fuck”), your feet padding away, and the kitchen faucet turns on with a rush. You’re such a considerate dope.
Another yawn. He’s asleep again.
It’s the soft knocking on his door that rouses him this time.
He pries his eyes open, instant regret flooding his veins because he slept in his contacts again. 
“Uhgimmeaminute,” he slurs out, hand frantically groping for his phone to check the time. Which is useless since it’s dead anyway.
Your voice sounds out from behind the door, “Steve, you awake?” A pause. “Dinner’s ready, if you want any.”
He’s managed to turn over onto his stomach, elbows sinking into the mattress, hands cradling his head as he struggles to wake the fuck up. 
“Yeah,” he rasps out, “Be there soon.” 
Music echoes from the kitchen, something soothing and low-energy. You’ve set the table and lit a few taper candles you’d managed to find. He pours himself a glass of wine and takes a seat, watching while you sway and sing to yourself. 
You sing along with the music, accompanying Paul Simon as he talks about being being lovers and marrying fortunes together. Steve sighs.
He may be biased of course, but he’s always adored your singing— you’re no vocalist, not really, but that doesn’t stop you. You’ll warble out any tune that strikes your fancy with gusto. Eddie and his attempts to rope you into any sort of musical education had gone amiss— you like what you like, and you’ll sing what you like.
He could listen to you all day, if you’d let him.
He clears his throat and you nearly flip the skillet in front of you, wine glass ringing from the tapping of your jewelry against it. “Christ! You scared the shit outta me, dude!”
Steve cocks his head to the side, also listening—to the music, perhaps to your now uncomfortably loud heartbeat. You run your hand through your hair. The music chimes into a similar calming tone as the chorus starts.
You set a plate down in front of him and slide into a chair to his left. He looks at you, questioning, “Not hungry?”
“Oh, me? I think I’ll just chew on these grapes for a bit.” 
You take a sip of wine and make a show of working your jaw, as if you are, in fact, chewing the grapes from the Malbec. He huffs a laugh at your antics, tucking into his own dinner. With a wink, you swallow and say, “I ate during your nap, so I’m good.”
He’s not sure exactly what you’ve whipped up, but it’s damned good. “Right,” he says, hand covering his chewing mouth, “Sorry about that.”
“S’fine,” you assure him with a wave, “No worries.”
The lights are dimmed. The guitar melody crescendos before the song ends. There’s a pause of silence before the next song begins, and you feel your heart leap as the first few words start.
“Um…” Your voice cracks. “So, about that explanation.”
His eyebrows raise briefly before he blinks a couple of times. You tilt your chin to your chest and lace your fingers together, foot tapping anxiously as you sit in wait. “I mean, I think I’m just a little unprepared. Like, obviously, we kissed in December and then we both just let it go. And I’m supposed to have it worked out by now—but recently there’s been … tension.” You pause for a drink, “I guess it’s only natural for you to want to know— I just got freaked out when I realized how you felt. Not only because I’m literally the last person to figure it out… It’s just—”
You’re full of rambling, nervous energy but you try your best to play it off. It was such an awkward thing to say out loud, and there was no way you could come out and spit: I’m pretty sure I’ve been in love with you for while now.
Steve laughs and leans forward, putting his hand over yours. “I just… didn’t want to mess anything up.” He says, eyes earnest and fixed on yours, “At least, I hope I didn’t.” He cuts himself off, clearing his throat, “I mean, I lo—,” He stops, covering with a brief cough, “I, uh, care about you, a lot.” 
A heavy silence falls between you as the next track begins, allowing you to wallow in your own cowardice. Your inability to say exactly what he nearly admitted to a moment ago.
Is that what the pressure in your chest is? The nerves fluttering in your stomach anytime you catch sight of him or your phone dings with a notification? A reason for the ever-present smile on your face as you gossip with him in the hall before the bell rings? An answer for your burgeoning insomnia because you can’t sleep well unless you’re by his side?
Cause if so… god is it fucking torture. 
Since kissing Steve Harrington in the living room on that Sunday evening last December, you’ve replayed that kiss over and over again, time after time as you fall asleep. It’s been approximately two months and some change, numerous lunches and dinners, with one long walk in the park with your family dog before he got a frantic call from Robin and had to leave for “bake sale disaster clean up.” You don’t want to precisely calculate how much time has passed. What you do know is that all these moments add up to you lying in bed thinking about it while trying desperately not to scream.
Tack on to that Steve quite literally catching you this morning with your hand down your shorts, seconds from release while you were most definitely thinking of him.
Jesus H. Christ.
You linger at the table, twirling your empty wine glass between two fingers as you think. Steve clears his plate, gets himself a glass of water, and you return to the kitchen to join him. He’s patting his thighs with his wet hands when you come in, nodding along to the music.
You gaze at the damp spots on his legs, the fabric of his trousers slightly clinging onto his thighs. Quickly, before he sees you, you look away.
“The National?” He asks amusedly, “I really like them… he’s got a great voice.” It’s different from the song you’d included on the vinyl you’d given him over Christmas, but apparently he knew enough of their catalogue to recognize them by sound alone.
Color you surprised.
But I'm gonna keep you in love with me for a while / I'm gonna keep you in love with me.
Steve walks closer to you, stopping a few steps away and leans against the edge of the island. He crosses his arms and press his lips together, eyelashes fluttering as he smiles.
“What now?” He asks. His voice echoes the same low and deliberate tone you’ve heard before, and you think that the question isn’t really a question at all. But you’re not really sure what to make of it—tonight may have been the most forward he’s ever been.
“Was that, uh, an adequate explanation for you?”
“What you mean?”
Standing on your tiptoes, you move to face him. “What I mean is,” you begin, “In your expert opinion, did my rambling monologue over there satisfy the IOU?”
You pause and wait for his answer.
Darkness flutters over his eyes briefly before he catches your mouth with his instead. With a half-whimper, half-moan, Steve Harrington cups the back of your neck in one large, warm hand and your lower back with the other and presses your body flush against his.
A brief parting of your lips gives you a moment to catch your breath, but he’s back again, tongue sliding against yours sweetly, as if asking a silent question.
Is this okay?
With a sigh of pleasure, you ask him to continue in the same, secret language. Your chest is burning hot, tummy quivering with nerves and delight as his hands roam your body. Firm. Strong. Almost desperate. Your own hands rest against his chest before one reaches up and cups his face, “D-does that answer your question?” He mutters against your mouth before he slides down past your jaw and lands his lips on your neck, “We could—”
Until suddenly Robin’s advice rears its ugly head. 
Steve had been warned about not getting involved, repeatedly. Plenty of concern from Robin about getting “poorly wired idiot signals” crossed. It’s dangerous with a friend, even more so with you because he can’t lose you.
Point blank refuses to, in fact.
He abruptly pauses and pulls away, like he thought better of it. His hands place you back down on your feet– back to Earth– as he swallows hard, looking at you with open, red lips. Steve rolls the bottom one between his teeth and clenches his jaw, eyes half-lidded and lustful. You’re probably a wreck, too, you think as you catch yourself against the counter.
In the absence of his mouth and yours and his warm hands skating across your body, you’re terrified.
And from the look on Steve’s face, you’d wager he is as well.
Suddenly you’re looking at him one way, and then in a flash, the same grin you always give him— the crooked one on the cusp of a dumb joke— turns bright white.
It goes brilliant like solar flare, and he thinks he must be losing his mind.
He hazards a glimpse to you.
Maybe Steve’s been losing it for a few weeks now, but he’s done a great job dodging the reality of your confession so far. Doesn’t matter what you mumbled—cracked out on exhaustion and sleep-talking—because in the end, you’re his friend and you love him the same way you love everyone else: annoyingly. Nothing’s changed about that.
It was just a kiss.
He says your name carefully and you perk up at the sound of his voice. He clears his throat, “We should probably call it a night.”
A feeble sigh as Steve pushes his hands into his face, gripping his hair, pulling his own head back until he’s staring at the ceiling, willing this excruciating moment to pass him by.
“Y-yeah, okay,” you whisper.
When he finally looks back down, you’ve left without a sound.
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He wakes up for a third time, not that he had been sleeping soundly by any means.
It’s barely audible at first, especially if he was still oblivious, but now it’s like his ears can comprehend a new language, like all his senses have been heightened.
Or maybe it’s just because you didn’t close your door entirely tonight. Steve can’t blame you, he did, after all, interrupt you this morning.
He can’t recall if voyeurism was ever his kink, but just this once, maybe it can be. His curiosity takes hold, lights up upon hearing a stifled groan of a syllable that sounds surprisingly like his name. If he focuses, he can dampen the nighttime outside his window, smother out the air conditioning and—
“Steve… that’s… oh, it feels so good…”
His cock springs to life.
There’s a rhythm of folded knees, thighs squeezed together in pulses, fingers reaching between them, and the hot, pleading breaths you puff into the clamped grasp of your hand. Even your heart, wildly banging around in your chest. He takes note of the tempo and dives beneath the waistband of his shorts, keeping pace.
“There, faster… don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop.”
He thinks, I won’t, and finds it a little perfect how this entire thing seems to be mutual, after all.
He wakes for the last time, in the late morning, and rolls out of bed to brush his teeth and shower. He definitely smells like sex, and when he opens the door to the bathroom, you’re already at the counter, also smelling like sex. Steve slyly looks down and adjusts himself, tilting his groin away and out of view.
“Mornin’” You rub at your temple, squinty and tired. “Think you were in my dream last night,” you say absently, blinking out the sleep, ungracefully squeezing toothpaste onto your toothbrush where it falls off in a goopy pile. You scrub in gentle circles, leaning over to spit and rinse, and come back up wet and bleary. As Steve washes his face, you tug his towel from the rack.
He pats off his cheeks, brushes his own teeth with one hand next, the other reaching sideways to swipe a rolling bead of water off your neck, purposefully running his thumb up your throat.
Low and encouraging, he asks, “Yeah? Was it a good dream?”
You blink in quick flutters at that, surprised and abruptly reliving a fuzzy memory, a prickle of dew casting itself over your brow.
“Y-yes,” you stutter, sudden heat rippling off your body, that lovely perfume of incoming arousal rising to meet him. When you stumble back, flustered, he holds you still, sets you on your shaky feet.
Steve licks his lips, thinks about how maybe this won’t be a thing he’ll simply get over, how he is quite glad to have you, and maybe he can have more of you, too.
He thinks about how easily a mutual fantasy can come true and murmurs, “That’s good, honey. That’s real good.”
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An exasperated huff as Steve sticks his arm out in front of your collar. You look at him in irritation, ready to swat it away until your feet trip over a loose rock and he catches you by the shoulder. 
“Watch it,” he says calmly, setting you on your feet, “If you stop looking down at your feet, you might see something you like.”
Target acquired: you got a juicy ass, Harrington.
Smartly, you shut up, letting him walk ahead in case any more errant rocks might make you eat your words again.
The trail to Skull Rock is popular, full of hikers and brush branches as you’ve repeatedly discovered by taking twigs to the face. Keeping close to Steve, you let him shoulder most of the burden, only putting your hand up when a branch he snaps off with his hand flies too close to your eyes.
“IF—” You start loudly, and Steve bristles at your volume, “If you could pick one person from history who you’d take out to dinner, if circumstances made it possible,” you pause to take a breather, letting a family pass by on their way down the trail. “Who would it be?”
“I wouldn’t.” Steve retorts, “And you’re being annoying.”
“I’m not!” You insist, hands on your hips and eyes narrowed at him from behind your sunglasses. “You’re just being boring and refusing to play DC.”
“What’s that— the stupid thing the kids were whispering about recently? Dead crush?”
You respond with a maniacal giggle. “Mine’s Rasputin, he’s Russia’s greatest love machine!” 
Steve groans. Shoulders his bag with a disappointed sigh, exasperated that you tricked him into this stupid game, “Fucking– you’ve got to be kidding. That’s disgusting.”
With a flick of your wrist, you condescendingly scoff. “Glass houses Steve,” you tease. “Besides, you’d probably pick someone like Princess Di because you’re predictable.”
“Rasputin’s a bit dark, isn’t he?” Steve shakes his head, forging ahead on the trail.
Sticking your tongue out at the back of his head, you fix your gaze forward with a sly smirk.
“Who would you pick, Mr. H.? Let’s get a peek into that big brain of yours.” You lick your lips as he looks back over his shoulder.
Steve mulls the question over for a second, “Margaret Thatcher. I’d take her to dinner. And then to an early grave.”
There’s an exasperated sound that escapes your lips. “Okay, that’s not really how the game works. This is not supposed to be a political commentary- it’s a genuine display of … attraction!”
“To corpses.” He mutters.
“Okay, that’s dark.” You exhale with a brief chuckle.
You’re stunned into silence thereafter, and it’s a wonder, since Steve’s never known you to be silent for anything. A life-time of no-filter commentary that makes him physically ill at times, and you’re shocked quiet.
The fallout of last night lingered awkwardly, coloring the lazy morning and early afternoon. He didn’t even have the courage to look at you—only forging on with the day, dewy with sweat. Briny with exertion. Sweet and tangy and whipping through the air, chased by dry wind. 
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Steve’s back in the driver’s seat, you’re riding shotgun. Shades perched on your nose bridge, ruddied pout glorious against the sunset backdrop.
“You alright?”
A bead rolls down your brow, gets lost in the damp hair coiled by your ear. Steve reaches over, brushing your arm and you pull back, letting him dig in the backseat. He loops a finger through a hydroflask and hands it over. “Here.”
A small smile as you take it from his slack grip. 
The cool water slides right down your throat and soothes the fever in your throat. A clatter of the visor’s mirror slides open and you look at your reflection before pushing your glasses up again.
Steve has already returned to his side, staring out the gaping window, hair rushing over his beautiful face.
You tapped on his hand, water bottle clinking against it fell to the floor at your feet. The evening is cooling, chasing away the day’s heat. A filmy layer of sweat begins to condense on your brow despite the open windows and a/c on full blast.
And it’s just his way, isn’t it? To smile and wait, look so peaceful while your heart howls for him. To say I love you without ever having to say it at all.
Shyly, with his hand inching toward yours, eyes glowing the slightest bit gold as night falls, he whispers, “Better?”
A brief nod, you settle back against the passenger seat suddenly exhausted. 
“Stay awake for me, we’ll be home soon.” Steve pleads, linking fingers through yours in the growing darkness. The car rumbling back to life. “I’m sorry it took so long.”
His quiet way, his patient way, his careful way. Loving you without loving you. Telling you without telling you. Secret languages finally understood.
A kiss pressed to the top of your head and you don’t know if you should laugh or cry when he moves his hand to your thigh, fingers tangled up in yours. All you can do is duck your head and grin.
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ram-bam-writes · 1 month
The Highlight and the Shadow pt.2 [Graves x NB Reader]
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A/N: And they were roommates… :>
Summary: You've moved into the grand house that your brother had found you. A kind, older man was renting it out to you, and good lords was the man attractive. Not just physically, but emotionally. He loves your pets, he takes care of you, and he somehow knows whenever you're dealing with a sketchy person. And now he's asked to join you at the cafe you always go to. What could go wrong?
CW: None really. Flirting, Phillip being a silly snake daddy, creepy bar guy (little detail), reader being a dumbass, no beta we die like soap, etc
Word Count: 2598
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3]
All things considered, you are pretty damn lucky.
Being a broke college student living with your parents was nice. They fed you, let gave you a house, and listened to most of your rambles. But… you were still shackled to your family duties. Chores were still very much a thing, and that’s not counting how much you take care of your younger siblings. You had an older brother, someone you looked up to, but he went off and joined the military, leaving you with the family responsibilities. You loathed him for that, even if you still keep in contact.
But he’d found a place for you, something real nice for an amazing price. You chatted with the landlord numerous times, finding yourself relieved to know he wasn’t some cringey, icky guy looking for a housekeeper.
In fact, Phillip was incredibly paternal. You’d expected to be thrown out the moment you brought up the sweet babies that were Fett, Tulip, and Tiki. After all, not many people liked snakes. But Phillip was different. And the chores? You’d do your dishes, he did his. He’d periodically sweep, and every now and again you’d organize the bathroom. There was a special kind of flow that just… worked.
It was easy. You don’t know how your brother had found such an amazing place with such an amazing guy. Maybe he was a little old for you, but you could always just… not think about it. 
Besides, you’ve got a lot to focus on. Romance just isn’t in your books.
Or… it wasn’t. Not until this motherfucker started making the tastiest southern dishes you’d ever had. And, hell, at one point he’d even gotten a bath ready among other items — you try to ignore how he’d bought new sleepwear in your exact size — the moment you’d gotten home from a long, exhausted day. You hadn’t even told your roommate you were getting stressed, but he seemed to have a sort of sixth sense for that kind of thing.
Your hands flow across the page, eyes focused on the thick paper pad in front of you. Watercolor was something you loved, even if it was a bit frustrating at times. But it was forgiving, too. 
With earbuds in your ears, you hadn’t heard your roommate get home. Phillip mentioned that he’d be busy for a few days, and you hadn’t seen him since last Tuesday. 
You nearly jumped out of your seat when he rests a hand on your shoulder.
“Jesus— fuck—!” You gasp, nearly throwing your earbuds out of your ears. “Don’t scare me like that, fucker!”
Phillip offers you a boisterous laugh in response, that sweet, bright grin ever-present. 
“Sorry, hun,” he says, walking over to the fridge to grab a beer. “You’re always with those damn headphones. Someone’s gonna break in onnea these days and you ain’t gonna be prepared for it.”
Your eyes narrow immediately, head tilting forward and to the side. “You’re lucky I know your hands. My older brother taught me a thing or two about hand-to-hand.”
Phillip grins broadly at your statement. Over the past few months he’d come to learn you could slit a bitch when needed. He leans back casually against the counter, eyes half-lidded and observant. He liked to do that, you noticed. He’s an observer, always watching.
He sets down his beer on the counter, crossing his arms.
“How are the babies?” He asks casually, expression curious.
“Tulip’s throwing a fit…” You stand up, pulling the small snake from his spot on your lap. “I changed his soil and he doesn’t like it.
Phillip’s brows immediately furrow, and he takes quick, long strides over. With little warning to you, he scoops up the lavender hognose, raising the baby over his head and looking him in the eyes.
“Is your mean owner changing things y’don’t like?” He coos, baby babble fully enabled. “Does my little flower boy need his soil returned to normal? Should I scold my tenant until they get you something nicer?”
Your expression falls unamused, but you can’t deny the warmth that fills your heart at the sigh of Phillip’s sweetness towards your pets. “Don’t enable him. He needs this soil.”
Phillip hugs Tulip defensively, expression faux irritated. “How dare you! He can get any damn soil he pleases.”
“Phil—“ You reach for your snake, unable to suppress the grin creeping on your face.
“Nope!” Phillip swats your hand away playfully. “If you won’t be a good parent, I will.”
You try to swallow down the wave of warmth that floods your body when Phillip sticks his tongue out at you, making a point to hug ‘his child’ close to him. 
“Where are my other babies?” Phillip’s eyes meet the clock on the wall. “It’s feeding time. They’re starving.”
He waltzes his way to your room, pushing open the door without a care in the world. 
You immediately rush over to your room. It’s a game the two of you started playing a few weeks ago — a rush to whoever can feed them first. Phillip had started it when he’d been in a teasing mood. It was easy to tease a frazzled student that sometimes lost track of time. When he saw how worked-up you’d been, he’d picked up the bag of defrosted mice and shook it. You’d met his glimmering eyes with your own widened ones, and he took off running to your room.
It’d be easier if the man didn’t block the doorway with his shoulders, but are you really complain about the sight? No, not really.
You lean up against the frame of your door, smile soft and gentle as you watched the sweet Commander drop each mouse in the different enclosures, setting Tulip down in his own. 
Fetti, still being a young hognose, jumped away and spasmed, flailing for a few moments before laying on his back, tongue hanging out. Phillip laughs, leaning down to look at the sweet boy.
“No, no, Fetti, baby… You gotta eat the food, not let it eat you. Flip over, hun, it’s okay…” As he cooed to the baby, your belly fluttered.
“Fetti isn’t gonna get over the fear of his food any time soon, Phil.” You say gently, stepping closer to look at the arctic hognose. “You know he’s still young.”
“Tulip’s young, too! And look! He’s already swallowed half his mouse.” He pokes the container Tulip is in, which elicits a murmured hiss from the snake.
“They aren’t the same snake.”
Phillip blinks for a moment, then sighs. A low grin is on his lips, but his cheeks are flushed and his brows are slightly upturned. “Yeah, yeah… you’re right…”
He attempts to flip Fetti over a few times, but each time the baby rolls back onto his back. “For a dead guy, you’re quite animated, baby…”
Fuck that man. Fuck him.
It’s not fair. It’s so not fair. He has no right, no right at all. No right to be that much of a sweetheart. No right to be so protective.
He’s got an arm wrapped around your waist, a low glare in his eyes. He pulls you just a hair closer, growling at the man in front of you. Specifically, some creep at the nearby bar the two of you had gone to.
Correction: the nearby bar you had gone to. Alone. Up until a creep started talking to you, and somehow the man in shining denim appeared right next to you.
“Leave. Them. Alone.” It shouldn’t have been that hot. He’s just being a good, decent guy. 
But lords, when his fingers dig into the flesh of your hips, the slight twitch in them telling you he’s not trying to hurt you, but too far gone in anger to not grip you tight, you can’t control the slight whimper that falls from you lips. 
That was a mistake on your end, because it only fueled the irritation that Phillip is dealing with. Because to him? You sound scared of the man in front of you. You weren’t! You have your several younger siblings, some of which are feisty little girls who love to stick up for themselves and get into a little too much trouble at times. You learned very quickly how to deal with a man larger than you — you could take the bitch.
But there was something so good about Phillip standing up for you. Maybe it was because he isn’t in front of you. He’s beside you. He’s your equal. He knows you’ll cut the boy up. Maybe that’s why his grip is tight. Maybe that’s why he’s so receptive to your whimper. 
He’s holding you back.
At this point, you just wanted to kick the creep’s ass so you can rip your landlord out of the bar and into your room. But you knew you couldn’t — not yet. You got zero indication that your roommate wanting anything more than the strange, familiar friendship you currently share. You didn’t even know a lot of his past — he’d kept that shit under wraps tighter than you did the black sketchbook hidden under your mattress. 
“Get out of here before things get worse.” Phillip’s words pull you from your thoughts. “You don’t want to know what I can get away with.”
That threat alone made the creep second guess himself. He glared at you both, cursing you out before storming off to a different part of the bar. 
He quickly turns to you, offering a lazy smile. “Before you say anything, I know you had it covered.”
You raise na entertained brow. “Yeah?”
“Yes. I just wasn’t lookin’ to bail you out.”
You roll your eyes, but based on the current circumstances, you know you probably would have fucked the creep up more than what was necessary. So you just smile at the Commander, leaning back against the countertop in the bar.
Your brows then furrow.
“Hey, what are you even doing here?”
You swear you just saw the man take in a sharp breath, right?
He shrugs. “I wanted a drink.”
Your eyes narrow. Phillip lost his accent whenever he lied. He spoke more formally, as if to be convincing. But it didn’t work on you.
“Wanted, huh?” You cross your arms. “Were you stalking me?”
His eyes narrow. “Strong word for it, hun. I call it being protective of the young twenty-somethin’ that’s givin’ me money.”
The grin that spreads across your face is nothing short of wild. You take two quick steps forward, poking his chest and puffing up your own.
“You were! You think I’m helpless!” You knew that was a lie, but something in you compelled you to taunt the man.
“Wrong.” He simply states, leaning down a little closer to you, his eyes glimmering with entertainment. “I wanted to see you.”
Your cheeks flush a bright pink despite how hard you tried to repress it. He wanted to see you? You? See you? See you, see you?  
He leans closer, breath fanning across your face. “Your rent is due in 2 hours.”
You smack the man’s arms, harsh enough to make him jump back with a loud laugh. He tosses his head back, eyes grinning down at you.
“You asshat!” You yell in the crowded bar, wiggling your way through different people. You weren’t upset by any means. You knew he’d follow after you.
As expected, his arm wraps firmly around your wrist, not squeezing at all but certainly keeping you from wiggling any further away. 
“Don’t be that way…” He purrs. “I did wanna see ya. I was bored, n’ when I saw your note, I figured the bar wassa good place t’go. Promise.”
You raise a brow, making a show of thinking long and hard. Your finger taps at your chin, lips pursed to the side. You let out a happy hum, eyes finally meeting his.
“Alright, fine. I believe you.”
He doesn’t need much more from you, quickly dragging you back to where the two of you originally were. He orders the both of you a few drinks, settling himself into the stool next to yours.
“So, hun, you gonna get that rent in?” 
You roll your eyes, taking a sip of your own alcohol. You didn’t drink often, but it was nice for the time being.
“Obviously. Not like you’d kick me out though, huh?”
“No, but it’s fun t’tease.” You try not to focus on his lips as they press against the bottle. “Anywho, what about school? That goin’ well, hun? I can’t say I can help much, but I reckon that I can offer some insight where I can.”
You ponder this question for a while. Most classes you are taking are simply general education classes. Math, English, Science, and History. The offer was sweet, and maybe it’d be a good opportunity to get close to him. But how would any of those topics be something a Military CEO knows? 
“Well, not really…” You swear he looks almost disappointed. “Unless you know anything about the literary analyses.”
You didn’t want to admit how much those frustrated you.
“They’re annoying as hell… Why do I need to find other peoples’ opinions on a piece of literature to form my own? I mean, that’s kinda pointless, ain’t it?”
Phillip’s brows furrow a little. He pulls his lips to the side for a half-second, clicking his tongue before shrugging.
“Maybe so you can see all angles?”
You blink.
“I’m not an English Major by any means, but I reckon it’s like an OPLAN, right? I think my boys would kill me if I didn’t confer with the General’s recon to know what we’re up against.” He stretches back in his seat, biceps pressing against the all too tight tee he wears. “So… maybe it’s good to form an opinion when you get different sides of it. Maybe you missed something.”
What. The. Fuck.
“Alright, Mr. Know It All, you can shut your face.” Your cheeks burn as you take a sip of your drink to hide your flustered state, earning a laugh from the Commander.
“Aww, seems like the youngin doesn’t know everything, hmm?” His eyes glitter. “The youngin needed my opinion to figure out his own opinion…”
“Shut up!” You hiss, a mix of mirth and genuine irritation in your eyes. “It’s not that simple.”
He rolls his eyes, smile light and easy. Something about the way he looked at you made you feel fuzzy. There was just a sort of fondness in his eyes each time he saw you. Maybe the man was a mystery, but his emotions were always true. Not to mention how much he just… entertained himself. He wasn’t worried about being some strict commander — for Shadow something, you think? He was just a guy. An easy going landlord roommate fling. Thing. 
“You gonna go to the cafe tomorrow? Tomorrow’s Tuesday.” Phillip asks, looking around the bar. “Care if I join?”
“I… yeah, I was gonna go.” You breathe through the butterflies in your belly from his knowledge of your schedule. “Yeah, you can join. Just… don’t be a distraction. I’ve got classwork.”
Phillip grins at you, sitting up a little more attentively. “Me? Interrupt you? Never.”
You deadpan the man, only to receive his loud belly laugh in return. But there was nothing to be done about the thoughts that spin in your mind. Joining you for coffee? Like… like that, or…? You shake your head of the thought, sipping your alcohol to keep your hands and face busy.
Besides, it was just coffee. Nothing to overthink. Nothing.
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elvisabutler · 1 year
spark ( chapter two: prayer )
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fandom: elvis presley | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: m pairing: elvis presley ( fameless big daddy electrician/handyman ) x female original character word count: 10570ish so just shy of 11k this time. warnings: talk of children. a bit of negative self talk. infidelity in some form. elvis in glasses. religion playing an at least faintly important part. use of a washcloth in inventive ways. faint naivety regarding come and precome and pleasurable parts of sex, i suppose. fingering. implied/referenced masturbation ( m and f ). pining. talk of female reproductive issues. author’s note: so before you read anything involving this. i need you all to either go into this chapter blind other than my note about female reproductive issues or i need you to scroll all the way down to the bottom of this past the tag list for a bit of an explanation for that warning. i'm fine either way but i didn't want to spoil it in the warnings considering i left what happened fairly nebulous. all that being said hi y'all, welcome to the second chapter of spark! there is not a lot i can say other than telling you all i am so very thankful for every single one of you who read it and especially those of you who left comments in the notes or reblogged because hearing what feelings i invoked or what i did to y'all was a highlight and truly makes me want to interact with all of you more and makes me just want to hear more from all of you. this chapter and the next are a doozy but this one specifically has the nearly 6k bath scene as i've called it so you're in for a treat. special thank you to my southern gothic/southern sticky romance soulmate @precious-little-scoundrel because y'all know this wouldn't exist without her little whispers. additional thanks to my discord wives @ab4eva and @butlersxbirdy, my princess and my peach y'all know how much hearing y'all scream about my snippets made me know i was heading in the right direction. @blurredcolour thank you for also reassuring me that the one bit i showed you worked and wasn't just completely a mess. and last but not least @powerofelvis and @prompted-wordsmith thank you both for the edit job and smitty specifically for a few choice lines. i still am never gonna not laugh about you trying to sneak weepy in there though. and now before this author's not gets much longer, i present the second chapter of spark, titled prayer.
It's so quiet in the room. It's too quiet in the kitchen. It's too quiet even as Lilly hears Elvis's deep breaths against her back, hears her own softer breaths mixed with something that sounds almost like a whimper—a soft cry of elation with every other breath and shift of her body against his. Her vagina—her pussy—oh, she doesn't know what to call it now—aches in a way she's never felt before, not even when her husband took her for the first time in their bed. It aches but it doesn't hurt, it burns but in the way her legs burned after she would go running with Melly or how her arms burned after lifting up a basket of Nathan's clothes. Her—what had Elvis called it?—her clit, her button throbs as she feels his soft cock brush up against it as he moves forward just a bit, causing a noise that sounds so obscene Lilly can't help the way her cheeks darken even as another noise leaves her. Another whimper, this time lower in pitch, a keen leaves her mouth as Elvis stills his attempt to separate them.
"Lilly, darlin' I gotta—you gotta let me let ya down. Ya leg's startin' to hurt, ain't it?" Elvis murmurs, his hand moving down her flank, watching how her body starts to shiver, their shared sweat starting to cool on her body as the fan–the fan he just fixed whirrs above them. "Don't… it's gonna start hurtin' the more we stay here, darlin'. Let—" His hand moves to her thigh, feels how it's so sticky and slick with God knows what fluid, his or hers or both, and he's not sure how he's going to take his hand off of her if it starts to stick. Her shivers are starting to strengthen, be it from nervousness or the cool air or a combination and Elvis can't help the way a singular one flows through him, causing him to tighten his hold on her thigh and bury his face against her shoulder, a groan leaving his lips as he feels her clench at it. "It's—come on, Lilly, I gotcha, let me help ya."
It's those words, that mild parroting of words he had just whispered against the shell of her ear not even 15 minutes ago that has her head falling forward just a little, has her body going lax completely, a rag doll for him to maneuver how he sees fit. She doesn't trust herself to help him, doesn't trust the thoughts in her head that tell her to make him keep her this way, to keep him inside of her and keep her filled and aching all at once. Doesn't trust the traitorous thought that tells her Nathan would have never done this, would never be this gentle and calming with her. She'd already be standing on shaky legs with him tucking himself in his pants before telling her that was good. Elvis's arm catches her, holds her tight against him still as he helps her pull her leg down off the counter even as she hears that noise again that—squelch of her arousal and the sheer amount of come he had released in her. If this is how he sounded inside of her, what would happen when he pulled out of her? What would happen as he left her stretched and satisfied? Would—perhaps some would take. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. 
"Lil." His whisper is gentle, almost as if he's scared she'll bolt. "You hold onto me. Gonna get outta ya now. Gonna pull out of ya."
Her arm and her hand grip his own tightly, her shivers increasing as she feels Elvis start to pull out. The more he inches out bit by bit the more empty she feels, the more she feels as if there's a wound there that won't heal caused by him leaving. It's never felt like this with Nathan and she knows, she knows so deep in her bones and soul that should worry her. But her mind, her body, her everything has narrowed down to her and Elvis as he finally breaks free of her vagina and she feels a wetness like she's never felt before slide down her legs. Unbidden and unrestrained, a sob is wrenched from her throat as she's set down, her feet finally touching the floor once more. A sudden shift back to reality she wasn't prepared for.
Elvis's arm tightens around her even as her shivers worsen and as he feels and hears the sob that comes from her. He doesn't think he hurt her—not physically, at least—but he can't… he can't check her like this. Not when he looks down at her legs and sees his release sliding down her leg.
A realization hits him in that exact moment as his arm tightens around where—where a child would grow if any of his release caught. Where their child would grow if it caught. He hadn't worn protection. He allowed himself to enter her bare and come not once, but twice. Right in this very moment he could be sealing both of their fates. Her to have the child of a man who is not her husband and him—him, to see another man raise his child. To see his child grow up through pictures instead of being there for every waking moment. His thoughts are interrupted by another of Lilly's sobs and he shakes his head. She–she needs a bath, he can't let Nathan come home and see her like this. Even if he had been neglecting her, leaving her to wilt and leaving her to be watered and in the worst of cases fertilized by another man, Elvis couldn't be sure of his reaction to seeing the proof leaking out of his wife.
The fan creaks as it spins, unused to spinning after the break it had been given from being broken. Elvis's brain settles on the noise even as the air circulating causes even his body to let out a shiver. His own natural heat feels like it isn't enough in this one moment, as if it's too busy trying to keep Lilly warm to remember to keep him fully warm and yet he thinks he can handle it. It's nothing compared to winter in France. Nothing compared to the bite of the cold against his skin then. And yet—and yet it cuts far more to the bone, through his muscles and fat and everything that should protect him. Straight to the heart of him.
His arm finally falls from around Lilly’s waist as she moves to stand on her own, her legs a little shaky like a newborn deer. He hastily tucks himself back into his jumpsuit—she can't see what he put inside her, can't see his uncut cock even if it brought her pleasure he wonders if she's never had before. When she finally looks at him he has to stop himself from pulling her into his arms to kiss her. She looks… she looks like an angel and he's corrupted her like a devil. He's touched something that might not have been pure and innocent but was as close as he’s seen in such a long time and sullied it. Touched it with hands that have seen war and have seen death and threatened to cause death even in peacetime. What sort of person did that, what sort of man who believes in God with all his being now would do this to another man’s wife? Breaking not one, but two sins, and for what? To try and fix something that it isn’t his place to fix, that will never be his place to fix? To try and fix something only to potentially cause more things to break inside and out. He hopes she doesn’t see how his hand clenches into a fist, hopes she doesn’t see how he can’t look her in the eye right at this moment. He hopes—he hopes—he hopes she can forgive him, he hopes God can forgive him. 
Lilly can’t help the way her legs shake slightly and how her body trembles just a little bit. She’s not cold, not in a way that would cause this much shivering and yet here she was acting as if she had been dunked in a bath filled with cold water and shoved into a Yankee winter. Elvis was—is warm in a way she knows would help. Or at least she feels as if it would help because it would just be an extension of taking care of her, wouldn’t it? It would be him continuing the duty he’s given himself despite not… not being the man who promised to love and to hold and to take care of her in every conceivable way. He is just a man. He is just a man who she has grown quite fond of but a man nonetheless. A man who is not her husband and yet—no, this was just both of them being tempted and falling for temptation. In her mind, she thinks of never having Elvis speak to her again, thinks of a world where this act has ruined their relationship. No, their friendship, and she bites her lip to keep from crying out in anguish. He had been such good company. He is such good company and to lose that would have her all alone once again with nothing to show for it except… perhaps. Perhaps his release could catch inside her. Perhaps it could catch and form a child, their child and she would have someone to be with. She would have the child she longed for to spend her days doting on and mothering. She would have her company and she could be so much less angry—despondent over her friends and she could enjoy Melly’s pregnancy and any other ones that would come after because she’d at least have her own child. Too preoccupied with her thoughts, she nearly misses Elvis speaking to her and grabbing ahold of her hand. 
“Lil darlin’, ya shakin’ like a leaf. Ya got a robe or somethin’ in that bedroom of yourn?” He asks all while walking them ever so slowly to the bathroom near the other bedroom. It has a bathtub, that much he knows from using it but he knows it’s likely not anything compared to the one in the main bathroom adjacent to her bedroom. Lilly can only nod as an answer. “Ya good to go grab it? Don’t wanna—it’s not my place to see ya bedroom.”
He’s right and she knows he is but a part of her, the part of her that’s clinging onto his hand for dear life and doesn’t trust her legs to carry her into the bedroom and back to him shakes her head. “I’m—I don’t—walk me to it?”
“Lilly,” he starts before he looks up and sees her face pleading with him, begging silently in almost the same way it was up against the sink and he stops himself before nodding. “Just keep holdin’ my hand. I’ll walk wit’ ya.”
Between the walls and Elvis’s hand, Lilly’s steps are a little more certain by the time she makes it to the doorway of her bedroom where just on the inside there’s a hook that has her robe. She creaks the door open just slightly to grab it before pulling it on. It smells faintly of Nathan’s cologne and she can’t help but crinkle her nose in distaste, wishing it smelt different. The walk over to the other bathroom is just as slow and just as measured but the moment they reach it, Elvis moves to set her on the toilet after shutting the lid. His knees crack audibly as he gets down on the floor with a groan. Lilly winces as she hears the water turn on. “Warmer than you think I should have it.” 
He hadn’t asked what temperature she wanted the water but she figured it was best to tell him ahead of time, just in case he thought she needed it only lukewarm. His response is a chuckle before he turns the hot knob just a bit more. 
Her mind wanders as she sits there feeling more of his release sticking to her leg. Her mind wanders as she looks at Elvis in his jumpsuit still half open but done up so she can’t see what was between his legs, what had given her such pleasure that her vagina clenches 
involuntarily at the memory. Clenches at the memory of how full it felt, how it felt like it was catching, how it felt different than Nathan’s penis. Surely—oh surely with how full she feels even now with his release inside her it would take. It would catch and take and her belly would swell with new life. Her child would grow inside her and kick and roll and make her so happy even as she pushed them out, painful as everyone had told her it was. Her child would look like her if it was a daughter or perhaps a healthy mix of her and Elvis if it was a boy. Her breath catches at the image and she finds herself leaning against the toilet and clutching her hands to her stomach with her eyes shut. Her eyes shut so that the lord could hear her prayer because she’s only focusing on Him and the words she was praying up into the heavens. Please, Lord, please let it catch. Bless me with just this one baby.
Elvis looks over at Lilly over the rims of his glasses and is struck by how she looks so serene in the moment. How her robe covers her and how her head is tilted up as if she’s praying for something. His eyes drift down and notice her hands on her belly. Her hands that seem small compared to his on her belly and briefly, in a flash he berates himself for later, he pictures her growing round with his baby after the release he's just left in her has taken root. Pictures her blossoming and blooming right before his eyes as she thanks him with his favorite dinner with their child rolling inside of her under an apron. The word please leaves her lips, though, and it shatters that image quicker than anything else. She is married to an idiotic child, yes, but he is still her husband and is still a strapping young man. Perhaps still more suited for her than him. More suited to give her those children to help her bloom. He has to shut his eyes and pray for forgiveness and for God to dissolve his come before it reaches those parts of her that can bear fruit. She’s pleading with God that it doesn’t take—that they aren’t caught with their indiscretion and his mind is being selfish with the desires it has for her.
It doesn’t take long for the tub to fill and Elvis turns off the water before it gets to be too much. He can’t look at Lilly, hasn’t looked at her since he heard the word please fall from her lips and yet he knows he has to. He knows to help her into the bathtub he has to but he stares at the water, watching it ripple just a little until he hears Lilly’s voice. 
“Are you—? You can… can you stay?” Her skin flushes at her own question, as if it’s the worst possible thing for her to say, as if it’s mortifying to have it leave her lips. He is not her husband. He is, at best, a new friend—and she wants him to see her completely bare. “You don’t—”
Elvis cuts off her words with a shake of his head. “I’ll stay for ya. Since ya want me to.” He pauses, his eyes finally looking at her: specifically looking at her legs where his release is still sliding down onto the floor of the bathroom. Had he honestly come that much? “Ya—e need to—I came in ya, Mrs. H—Lilly. It’s gonna need to be washed outta ya,” his hand twitches as his eyes drift to her stomach and he has to stop himself from placing his hand on it with his next words. “Don’t want ya bein’... Don’t wanna cause ya any issues.”
Don’t want to have my child growin’ inside of ya, is what he means, Lilly thinks. Her traitorous mind wants to be that mean woman Nathan’s accused of her of being and spit that she wants to swell with his baby. She wants to grow round with his baby because she wants a baby and Nathan won’t give her one. She wants a child to love and dote on and to cherish. She bites her tongue though, because it’s not right to say it, it’s not proper to admit she might do anything for a baby. Instead she nods and moves to take off the robe, motioning for Elvis to help her with the rest of her clothes as she stands up. Ever the gentleman, he obliges, and Lilly can’t help the goosebumps and shivers that dot her in his hands’ wake as his fingertips glide across her skin. Her body hunches over just slightly to protect her modesty as if he hadn’t just had her against her kitchen sink not once, but twice. Elvis frowns slightly when he sees this, the frown only deepening as she moves to step into the tub on her own. It doesn’t take him but a second to scoop her into his arms.
Lilly squeaks slightly at the unexpected touch before she leans against him, her hand moving to play with his chest hair until he sets her down softly into the tub. A whine escapes her lips as her vagina hits the water, the temperature difference reminding her of their actions. A moment passes before Elvis opens his mouth to ask something and Lilly tilts her head to the cabinet above the toilet. “Middle shelf.”
A nod is his only response to her direction until she hears the crack of his knees signaling how he’s back down on the ground. Her eyes haven’t left the water, watching how there’s little bits of white, stringy and almost clear swirling around the water. It was all going to waste. It was all going to be going down the drain and she was going to remain barren, a woman with no fruit of her loins to call her own when there should be no reason for that. Elvis eyes her before setting the washcloth in the water and humming, his hand moving to touch her shoulder, a strangely domestic touch that she doesn’t shy away from.
“There’s so much of it.” Lilly whispers absentmindedly, her head tilting just so as Elvis hums and chuckles slightly because she’s not wrong. 
“It’s just—that’s my—that’s what I produce before I actually release inside ya. Hell, I think most of it might be that ‘cause I ain’t ever produced this much.” A truth if he’s honest with himself, even in his younger days he doesn’t remember this much being in a condom and yet he had filled her with so much it’s just leaking out of her. He had filled her like he was her husband and they were trying for a child. He had done the unthinkable and yet there’s a small part of him that wonders how much of his release is inside of her. That small part has his cock twitching just slightly against his leg, ready to give her more if she asks, to fill her up and replace what’s being lost in the water. He shakes his head to clear it, to direct the blood flow back to his thinking self and not the desirous snake in his pants.
“This ain’t the part we gotta worry ‘bout anyway. It’s the thicker stuff,” he points to a small bit that’s floating from her vagina as he speaks, “like that right there that we gotta worry ‘bout. But the rest? Ya see how it's slidin’ right out? We don't gotta worry bout those parts.”
Lilly has to stop herself from perking up at that knowledge. That there’s more where this came from and that this? She can lose as much of this as she is right now while still perhaps having his seed catch. This was just the initial bit, the majority of it is still inside of her and she clenches, tightens her vagina even as it feels to be an insurmountable task as it throbs and pulses from the effort. She can't tilt her hips up like her mother had told her but later, perhaps, later she could lay in bed and tilt her hips to help whatever is left behind reach where it needs to be. 
Elvis can't put it off any longer as he stares at rippling water, he needs to help this along, other than those small bits not much of his release is coloring the water. If too much stayed within her—her body would change soon, her body would change and it would be all his fault. He would be responsible for her blooming and blossoming but with a child that wouldn't be, couldn't be taken care of the way he'd want them to. He leans closer to Lilly and finds his hand holding the washcloth sliding up her leg. 
"Don't—I gotcha Lilly. Gonna help clean ya out, alright? Gonna be as gentle as I can." He waits to see her acknowledgement of a nod before he finally moves his hand up to between her legs, the heel of his hand against her mound and his hand covering everything else.
Her body—her vagina feels as if he's shocked her, as if there's a live wire from his hand to her. A gasp leaves her lips even as she inadvertently grinds down on his hand, chasing a feeling she can't quite put her finger on. It’s almost instinctual the way she reacts, the way her eyes shut as she hisses, the pressure too much while at the same time too little. At her hiss Elvis pulls back his hand as if it’s been burned. It’s not his job to take care of her, it’s not his job to make sure she’s alright after their intercourse against the sink and yet he doesn’t think he could live with himself if he hurt her. He knows how to take care of a woman after sex and he’d be damned if he didn’t treat Lilly with all the respect—and love, his mind traitorously whispers—she deserves.
“Lil, ya alright? Did I…” he starts before his words are cut off with a violent shake of her head. Words are failing her and his eyes search her face for a clue as if that will explain her actions and finds it in the way she shifts in the bath slightly. “Ya sensitive down there?” 
Lilly nods and breathes slowly through her nose. “I think so? It’s—It feels like it’s throbbing, Mr. Pre—Elvis.” 
In the back of his mind he knows that means she took him well and that he pleasured her thoroughly. It means that her body is overwhelmed with the sensation. It means that it’ll be like that for days to come. A small, sick bit of joy shoots through him at the thought of her aching for him and his stomach roils as soon as the thought comes to him. He would be no better than her husband who ignores her if he took pleasure in the idea. If he took pleasure in knowing he left her aching for him while she is married to her husband. 
His words are measured when he speaks, a low murmur as he leans closer, taking the washcloth back in his hands. “Ya ain’t—I’m a lil bigger than most, should have prepped ya better. Jus’. We both got a lil’ overwhelmed, didn’t we? ‘S’alright, ‘m gonna make it better, darlin’. Gonna be gentle as I can. Gonna help ya get all this out of ya. Keep ya from having my baby.”
Lilly’s face falls at his words even though he doesn’t notice, too preoccupied with shifting his focus downward to her vagina. Her breath is slow and measured as she watches him, trying to give this a clinical air, trying to make her body realize there’s nothing arousing about this. This is him just trying to clean his release out of her to keep from being tied to her in some way permanent. Her hand drifts to her belly as she curls into him, her head leaning onto his shoulder. He’s methodical with the outside of her and using the cloth he tries to reach between her folds, tries to open her up only to feel as she tenses just that little bit harder. Forcing her open isn’t an option, not one he wants to seriously consider, at least, and he pauses. His fingers through the rough washcloth threaten to ignite another fire low in her belly as they rub slightly against her skin—at least, if the way she whimpers softly is any indication. Perhaps if he brushed against her clit, perhaps that could open her up. It’s helped in other times when he’s wanted to pleasure another woman. His thumb is already near it and without dwelling on his thought his thumb swipes against it, the wash cloth adding friction that has her unclenching faster than he thought was possible, the shock of it ricocheting through her system. A gasp escapes her lips. A gasp that sounds like his name. He refuses to dwell on what that means as he brushes his thumb against her clit once more. 
“Elvis,” she whimpers his name as his thumb swipes a third and a fourth time and she can feel her vagina clenching and unclenching at the feeling, at the sensation as finally she relaxes fully, allowing his fingers to enter her without a question. “Sensitive.” 
Her mind is narrowing to single words, the swirl of arousal curling tighter and tighter in her abdomen with each brush of his thumb and each press of his fingers inside of her. The washcloth shouldn’t help the feeling, it shouldn’t make her eyes want to roll in the back of her head from the friction and the slight roughness. The splashes of his arm and hand hitting the water as his fingers move in and out of her ground her and yet have her floating away. Her brain registers him speaking through her whimpers of pleasure. Pleasure that she doesn’t know what to—to do with, having been denied it for so long. 
“I know it’s a lot but gotta be thorough, Lilly. Gotta make sure it's all out,” he whispers softly to her, his fingers never stopping their task. “That's it, unclench for me, Lil darlin. Let—ya gotta help me, we gotta make sure there isn't anything left up there."
Faintly she can hear him and feel herself nodding, too busy trying not to rock against his fingers. That’s not what he’s doing this for, he’s trying to prevent—he’s trying to prevent a child. He’s trying to protect her marriage and yet her body wants to move on instinct. She wants to be beholden to her instincts just this once. Just this once she wants to have pleasure and happiness she doesn’t have to beg and plead for. It’s nice, this haze that overwhelms her senses, and she can’t truly recall the cold, distant figure of her husband leaving each and every day for work without so much as a kiss on the cheek as it has been recently. Instead she is nestled into the crook of Mr. Presley’s neck, lips tasting of the salt of his sweat. She wants to feel like he made her feel against the sink. Her body cants itself just so in order to earn another swipe of his thumb and she feels herself dangling on the precipice of something—of her orgasm, maybe? Was she about to find release on his fingers as he cleaned her body out with a washcloth? As he cleaned his release so a child didn’t form inside her, giving away their actions from tonight? A miniscule part of her feels as if she ought to be mortified but it doesn’t drown out her sighs and whines as she feels his fingers curl just so—trying to make sure she’s clean. It doesn’t drown out how her hips move once in another attempt to grind before he puts his hand on the back of her neck. A comforting gesture, yes, but when paired with his next words seals her fate.
“Take what ya need right now. Jus' takin’ care of ya. It’ll help get more outta ya. That’s it, Lil darlin, Elvis’s gotcha.”
A keen, high pitched and pained, leaves her mouth as she feels herself fluttering around—no, clenching around—his fingers before becoming practically boneless against him, the aftershocks from the orgasm causing a new round of shivers and goosebumps to happen. Her face burrows into his shoulder as he works her through them gently before her hand moves to grab his wrist, the sensitivity finally becoming too much. 
“Elvis it’s, o-oh—” Lily struggles to articulate her words and breathe and exist in this moment, the sensation drowning out any thoughts other than the pulse of her own heartbeat she feels between her legs. “It—”
Elvis shushes her, trying his hand on her neck, rubbing it and tightening over and over as he finishes cleaning her out, knowing that whatever is left is too high up for him to reach. He’d have to just pray to god for that to be done away with. "Shhhh, Lilly… Darlin', I'm sorry, bein' as gentle as I can.”
Lilly should object to how his hand at her neck feels almost as if she's a kitten being dragged along by their mother but she can't find it in her to do such a thing. She can't find it in her to since objecting would mean he'd remove something that truthfully is keeping her tenuous grip on reality and the Earth there. She figures she'd float away without it. There's a part of her that doesn't think she'd mind in that moment, that she'd understand floating away after what's happened because it almost doesn't feel real, especially as he takes care to wash her body despite her being fully capable of doing it herself. His grip loosens for the last time as she watches him lean over and unplug the drain. The water swirls slowly at first, gaining speed the longer she stares at it and the more of his release slides down the drain. She hears the crack of Elvis's knees as he stands up and winces for him even as his shadow towers over her. She should get up out of the tub, she knows this and yet her legs feel just shaky enough that she finds the task impossible until she feels his arms underneath hers.
Getting out with his support allows her to fully catch her bearings as he hands her a towel that she wraps around her body, drying herself off as he grabs another and assists with her legs, his knees cracking once again at him getting back down. She makes the mistake of looking down at him and seeing him look up at her with a surprising sense of worship she only ever usually associates with church and God. A shiver makes its way through her at the realization. 
Her voice sounds like it's going through a tunnel as she says something about how she's fine from here. She swears she hears herself say Mr. Presley and hears him say Mrs. Harris like he hadn't seen her naked and like he hadn't just helped her to clean out his release. Their formalities would make her laugh in any other situation, especially if she thinks of his seed catching inside of her. It wouldn't do to call her that when she was carrying his child, now would it? Wouldn't do for her to call him that as her belly rounded out with his baby, would it? Would it?
He leaves and she waits until she hears a goodbye burst forth loud enough to break through the tunnel her ears are in to finish drying off and getting ready.
She barely finishes making dinner as Nathan walks through the door.
Elvis… Elvis finds himself under his shower cursing his actions even as he remembers her face and her pleasure. He dreams of a life. He dreams of a life with her. He dreams of their life together. It feels worse than any nightmare.
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Charlie notices something is up the moment he walks in the diner and sees Elvis already sitting down at their table, a plate with just bacon in front of him in addition to eggs and what looks like toast, or at least he hopes it’s toast. It looks like a plate for him and Elvis and yet he sees the man he's willing to call one of his truest friends eating it all as if it's just for him. He ought to be gentle about the whole thing, ask Elvis a question calmly and innocently. 
Instead, as any sensible friend who’s seen you naked and bleeding and cryin’ for your mama does, he steals two pieces of bacon and sits down in the chair across from his best friend and chomps on said bacon before asking one, singular question: "What are you doing?"
Elvis's hand darts out with a speed that betrays his army training to grab the other piece of bacon only to be rebuffed with a frown. "Eating bacon, Charlie. Ya suddenly blind now? Short and blind, what a catch for ya wife."
Charlie visibly recoils and waits for Elvis to apologize or give him some clue that the statement was just his normal, playful ribbing. The crunch of the bacon disabuses him of that notion as the minutes tick by. "We got a family so she must've seen something in me. Just thankful she didn't see you first."
"Ain't that everyone's damn thanks. Thankful I didn't see their wives back then but if I see 'em now they ain't gotta worry. Women don't go for this body like they did back in the day." Elvis stabs at his eggs and Charlie—Charlie thinks he knows what's going on and he can't help but roll his eyes internally. 
"Did some woman turn you down and now you're moping? Over a plate of bacon after church?" He tries to keep the judgment out of his voice but there's still a hint there that he can't do away with. 
If looks could kill as well as every gun both he and Elvis have ever used, Charlie's certain in this moment he would be preparing to go to sleep in his eternal resting place. As it stands he once again realizes that perhaps he ought to not poke his absolute bear of a best friend. Elvis's next words punctuated by another crunch of bacon and a laugh so bitter Charlie's never heard it come from him seals that idea.
"Oh. Charlie, my boy, my boy, that would have been better. I would have handled that like a champ," he shakes his head, "ya 'member Mrs. Harris? The—the woman I told ya 'bout?"
“Yeah, the one with the niece and the husband who can’t work his way ‘round a wrench. What about—?” Charlie stops mid sentence and stares long and hard at Elvis trying to school his face into something normal and something less like he looks about ready to murder him before realizing it’s impossible and saying the first words that come to mind in the most hushed tone he can manage. “Wasn’t one of your rules you wouldn’t sleep with a married woman?”
Elvis can’t help but curse the fact that Charlie has seen him through some of, if not the worst, parts of his life and can regrettably read him like an open book sometimes. He doesn’t answer with words. Instead he allows himself to eat a piece of toast that is both soggy and crispy all at once. His silence is practically deafening before Charlie exhales. 
“You—ou got me thinking your daddy died or something and all this is because you slept with another man’s wife? A man who’s practically ignoring her despite how she looks like a—” Elvis swallows and holds up his pointer finger before practically growling. 
“Not other fuckin’ word, Hodge. Not a single fuckin’ word. Lilly ain’t some fuckin’ European floozy we forgot ‘bout the next day. Don’t ya say ‘nother fuckin’ word.”
A chuckle leaves Charlie’s mouth despite his best efforts to stop it. Elvis is moping about a woman alright, just not the way Charlie thought he was. He wouldn’t have—He loves Elvis, he does but he would have never predicted him managing to charm a woman like that if she didn’t know who he was beforehand. If she didn’t know him as he was when they both came back from the war, both struggling with things they had seen yet pared down to a lean type of beauty: the scraggly pines that grew on Italian mountaintops. Yet maybe, just maybe, there was hope. Very stupid and unwise hope, but hope nonetheless that Elvis might be able to enjoy the same sort of life he has. 
"Cursing on the Lord's day. At me. She's got you—pass me your whole pig's worth of bacon and tell me what happened, E."
Elvis stares at the plate and lets out a heavy sigh as he scoots the plate over. “It ain’t a whole pig’s worth of bacon.”
“It’s as big as my head.” Charlie states, motioning to get the attention of one of the waitresses in an attempt to get a plate and different food even as he eats a piece of bacon.
“Ya have a tiny head, Hodge. Like a damn lil hedgehog.” 
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Meanwhile across town Lilly finds herself in her sister’s kitchen, sitting at her dining room table with the light of the sun shining on her through the window. Her sister Melly busies herself with the finishing touches of a lunch for the two of them and Jerry. Lilly had tried to help only to be waved off with an ease that had her sitting down in the chair watching, her hands settling on her stomach as they had been since that fateful afternoon. It’s too soon to know, she reasons, too soon to know if Elvis’s seed took and has filled her empty womb with a child she’s craved for years. Yet her hands gravitate there anyway, almost trying to provide a cradle as if to tell the child she hopes is forming inside her that it’s okay to stay, it’s alright and that she’ll be their mother. She’ll take such good care of them and they’ll get to meet their cousins. They’ll get to meet their cousins and grow up with the one swelling underneath Melly’s apron. 
Melly notices this, of course, notices how her sister is cradling her belly and yet she doesn’t dare ask. She doesn’t dare ask if Nathan’s finally done right by her sister and given her the baby she so desperately wants. Her chest hasn’t changed and she hasn’t felt a firmness when she’s brushed against her but perhaps it’s just too early.
“You’re looking happier,” Melly comments as she sets down the plates of food. She leaves Jerry’s on the counter, knowing her husband will grab it when he comes back inside from dealing with the yard.
Lilly can’t help the way she smiles slightly and practically preens at the acknowledgment that she seems happier. Elvis might not be—Elvis might not have been by since that afternoon but there was something so beautiful about his actions, so gentle and nourishing about him that it stuck with her. The throbbing in her vagina’s finally stopped after days of her cupping it and playing with it next to Nathan’s snoring body, wishing her fingers were thicker and longer and wishing it was Elvis’s cock sliding in and out of her. That he was keeping her full and telling her he’s got her, he’s always got her while filling her with so much of his release that there’d be no other choice but to swell with his child. 
She doesn’t dwell on the fact that it’s taken another man to make her feel a way she hasn't for years. She can’t dwell on that because it’s improper and she’d like to just bask in the glow of everything for now. She’d like to bask in the glow of things before a different glow would overtake her. 
“I feel happier.” Lilly answers, still continuing to grin as she digs into the food. There’s a hint of nausea at some of it but she chalks it up to being hungry. “I feel different.”
Melly’s eyebrows both move upward as she settles into her chair and takes a bite of her toast first, knowing how her stomach reacts to food without a bland base to start off with. “Different. Does that have anything to do with Nathan and you? Anything you want to tell me?”
Lilly’s hand stills in its subconscious rubbing as her eyes widen. “No. Not—not yet.”
There’s something that shifts in Melly, a brightness that shines through as she looks at Lilly. If she is pregnant it's too soon to tell but the idea that she'd be carrying her second while Lilly is finally carrying her first delights her in ways she can't put into words. It's perhaps a secret dream she's always had. The scrape of her chair against the linoleum is harsh to both their ears and yet it’s a small price to pay for the feel of Melly’s hand against her stomach. 
“You’ll tell me as soon as you know?” Melly’s voice comes out as a whisper, as if she’s scared to speak it any louder. “You’ll tell me I’ll have a niece or nephew on the way?”
Lilly nods quickly as she hears the door open and hears Jerry’s voice carry into the kitchen. Melly’s hand moves off of her stomach as quick as can be before Jerry pops his head in and smiles. “Won’t ask what you two were doing before I got here.”
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Life doesn't stop that Sunday and instead continues on and on with one week passing by and then another and another until Lilly knows she's due for her cycle and yet it doesn't appear. Her underwear remains pristine and white with not a drop of blood in sight. She doesn't dare tell Melly or anyone yet, knowing it could be a fluke, a stress induced issue but she swears she feels her womb hardening. She swears she feels it bloating in a way that feels different than what comes before her cycle. Perhaps, perhaps Elvis had done it. Perhaps Elvis had filled her and their child was forming unbeknownst to either of them. It occurs to her that she should try and reach out to him and see if he can come by her home. There's nothing that's broken for him to be fixed and yet he deserves to know what's happening inside her. That soon her stomach will round outward and their child will kick and roll and grow inside of her. That she is still married but it would be cruel to deprive him of ever knowing of their child. 
It's too soon for him to know, she'll tell him when she's sure, when there's no mistaking what has happened to her because of their actions that afternoon. She'll tell him then, she'll convince him to come by and press his hand against her stomach so he can feel what he's—what she wished and prayed to have happen even as he washed himself out of her. He ought to be able to be in their life somehow because he's their father and he'd make such a brilliant one. He'd make such a brilliant one and her mind traitorously tells her it's a shame she wouldn't be raising the child with him. 
Six weeks is a long time for him to be avoiding Lilly and he knows that. He knows that she didn't deserve to be left out in the cold like that—to be left without company and companionship like that but he can't help it. He can't help how his mind drifts when his exhaustion sets in remembering how her body felt against his when they danced and when she sagged against him. It’s a sin to covet a man’s wife as much as he covets Lilly. It’s a sin to want to be in another man’s home taking care of his wife in any way she’ll let him. It’s a sin and yet it feels so right, it feels like he’d be doing what he’s meant to be doing. Elvis is not her husband and yet his mind—his traitorous mind and soul tells him he should be and tells him she needs him in some way. She’s been happier, he thinks, since that afternoon—and his mind tells him that he had something to do with that. There’s a glow about her and it draws him in like a moth to a flame before he pulls himself away every Sunday when she passes off her niece. A nagging thought crosses his mind as the weeks go by and he swears that glow is stronger every time he sees her, that perhaps it wasn’t just happiness and joy causing her to glow that way. He ought to ask her and yet the idea feels invasive in a way that makes him think he has to find the right time for it. If his suspicions prove to be correct, he figures they both will need time to process it. 
Six weeks is a long time for him to avoid her and it makes it so that when he gets a call that sounds like Lilly crying there isn’t a moment of hesitation before he finds himself jumping into his truck and driving to her house she shares with her husband. Her door is unlocked and he wants to admonish her for it, tell her that she shouldn’t leave the door unlocked because you never know who might come in but then he sees her. He sees her tear stained face and her rumpled dress and fears the worst. A flash of pure anger courses through his veins as his mind swirls with possibilities of why she’s crying. Why her face and body betray such anguish that it twists his gut and has his mouth opening to speak before her voice sounding so small in a way he’s never heard interrupts him. 
“I was waiting. I was being careful!” Her words don’t make sense to Elvis even as his eyes trace over her form and around the house where they’re standing as if either thing holds the clue for what’s going on. As if some part of the way she’s carrying herself—hunched over—or the way things seem out of place—her lunch was sitting on the table only half eaten—would explain what’s happening, why she had called him crying, muttering about needing to fix things. 
His tone is soft and comforting as he moves to touch her shoulder, to pull her into some form of a hug. “Darlin’—” The word slips out before he can stop himself but he continues. “What’s… what’s wrong?”
Her eyes look up at him and he’s struck by how bloodshot they look. How long had she been crying? How long had her body been wracked by sobs that no one was there to comfort her from? Elvis watches as her mouth opens and closes several times before she shakes her head. “I—the oven is broke again.”
“Lil—Mrs. Harris, things I fix don’t break like that. Not this quick.” He tries to defend his work, knowing there’s no Earthly way that it was broken already. He had made sure to fix it, he had made sure that her oven wouldn’t need his touch for quite a long time after he was inside of it that day. In the back of his mind he thinks he’s missing something.
“It’s broken, Mr. Presley. It’s broken and can’t keep heat and bake anything and I’ll call someone else over if you won’t fix it. Just please take a look at it. Just make it work like I thought it was.” Lilly’s voice shakes but doesn’t waver when she speaks. If anything it seems to get stronger the longer she speaks. It seems she’s more insistent with every word that comes from her mouth. Something is broken—the oven he was supposed to fix is broken and she wants him to check it again. That nagging feeling grows as he looks at her in confusion. He prides himself on being a smart enough man, but… maybe it’s because she clouds his judgment. He can’t tell what she’s talking about.
“Lil—Lilly, why did you call me here?” He manages to almost stutter out the words, wincing he hears it. She has to answer him when he asks point blank, doesn’t she? 
Lilly is silent for the longest while and Elvis thinks he pushed too hard, thinks that he’s overstepped for once—twice—in their friendship and opens his mouth to apologize before she grabs his hand and places it on her stomach. In a rush everything clicks into place for Elvis and swears his heart stops. He should move his hand and yet he can’t, it’s almost as if there’s a magnet keeping his hand attached to her stomach. The oven is broken, her oven is broken and empty and can’t keep heat. 
The night before, when his body gave out and had him sleep he tossed and turned over images of him and Lilly together. Images of her swollen with a child and laughing next to him. He remembers being on his knees kissing her still-flat stomach and laughing with her hand over his and telling her how she’s made him the happiest man alive. He could still hear her giggles ringing in his ears when he woke up. That was fantasy, a dream dreamed up by an old man who shouldn’t be dreaming of a life with a woman he isn’t married to and who is married to another. They’re brilliant company for each other but—but she is not his wife and he is not her husband. 
“I’m sorry.” Elvis whispers the words and they feel so insubstantial, so insignificant to what he feels in this moment. The sorrow he feels for her being fed by her tears and the way her silence just drags on and on. Perhaps this was his doing, perhaps there was something there and he had broken it. Perhaps—perhaps he should have been selfish and not cleaned his release from her. Or perhaps—he can’t dwell on it. It threatens to drive him mad if he does. 
And yet his mind can't shake another time and place where his hand is there for another reason, with her hand over his, a smile on her face instead of tears rolling down her cheeks and onto his suit as she curls into a hug he offers. She looks so young and yet like she's been crushed by the world all at once. A flower run over on the side of the road, soaked in the gutter. The attempt he finally makes to move his hand is thwarted by her own grasping his wrist, forcing him to press down to feel that she's bloated but still very empty.
It was supposed to be different. Things were supposed to go well, she had prayed and begged and cradled her womb and for what? For her cycle to be off and there to be blood mocking her in her underwear? For there to be cramping that feels like it might threaten to tear her in two. No one she’s known has lost a baby, there’s no one she can ask to see if that’s what’s happening. If the child she swore was growing from the moment Elvis released inside of her not once but twice was gone. Or if there just wasn’t one at all and she had been deluding herself. Either option feels almost unbearable and feels like a lead weight in her stomach.
Elvis doesn’t speak and Lilly’s thankful for it. Her dream of telling him and them figuring out how he would be involved has been flushed down the toilet multiple times today and is currently flowing between her legs. Her hand finally loosens its grip on his wrist and her chest tightens as she looks into his eyes. Those blue eyes shouldn’t be so caring, they shouldn’t look so caring when looking at her. There shouldn’t be sympathy in those eyes directed toward her or her empty womb. Yet there is and Lilly is struck not for the first time at how different Elvis is from Nathan. She’s struck by how she’s been in this sort of position before with her husband and she doesn’t recall there being nearly as much care and—dare she even pretend?—-anguish in his gaze. She remembers frustration at himself or, or her? She doesn’t know. She can’t recall just now.
“I—I was late,” She starts, and shakes her head, sniffling. “I was late for my cycle and I didn’t—I don��t know why I called you.”
Elvis doesn’t dare say the first thoughts that come to mind. Doesn’t dare tell her that he thinks she knows exactly why she called him because the mere idea shouldn’t be put into words. He’s already damned himself and her anguish, her pain is perhaps a consequence of it. Had he not given in to his baser urges perhaps Nathan would have given her a child that she could tell him she was growing inside of her. If he hadn’t given into his baser urges she wouldn’t have thought his child was growing inside of her. He shuts his eyes, trying to not think of the image of her swollen with his child once again. 
“Comfort?” The word as an answer feels safe and from the look on Lilly’s face, how it relaxes just a little bit and how her hunched over position straightens out even as she grimaces in pain he was right. However, that urge to fix that had caused so many problems rears its ugly head again and Elvis knows he should ignore it but the grimace on her face reminds him that she’s in pain and to leave her in pain without attempting to help her feels cruel. It feels cruel to just allow her to deal with this on her own. Perhaps that’s why she had called him, taken the chance that he wouldn’t want her to be alone in this situation. Taken the chance to assume he missed her and just wants what he's craved from her more than anything else: her company. 
A nod is the only thing she manages before her body is wracked with another flare of pain as Elvis watches. He’s never—he’s never been here when she’s on her cycle so he doesn’t know if this is normal or not but he remembers June and remembers the other girls and knows, in this moment, he can’t leave her like this. Especially after she had called him. His mind tries to think back on what other women would do before he remembers how some would curl up in bed and ask for heat and any number of other things. The flash of memory at her in the bath after their activities and a flash of a fantasy of her in the bath with him runs through his thoughts until he shakes his head to clear it. 
“Missus—Lilly. Darlin’, I—wouldn’t it be better to be laying down? For your pain?” His words are chosen as carefully as he can and yet he still feels like he might have said the wrong thing until he sees her move to lean and sag against him as if he’s the only thing that’s going to keep her standing in this exact moment. 
“My—oh, just help me to my bedroom, you don’t—” The words are lost as Elvis picks her up, earning a bit of a shocked gasp from her. “You don’t have to pick me up, I can w-walk.”
Elvis stays silent for a moment or so as he walks, ignoring the ache in his knees that tell him he should have prepared more for this. That he should have known better than to pick Lilly up like this and yet he finds that it’s easy to ignore the ache as her protest grows a little quieter and she practically burrows into his hold. He is not her husband and yet he wonders if her husband’s ever done this for her. Ever treated her with care when she’s like this. 
Nathan had noticed her pain that morning and brushed it off, much to Lilly’s frustration. It’s not that she wanted him to know she had engaged in a transgression but she was his wife and she was in pain. Jerry had made sure Melly was taken care of after Lizzie and Nathan couldn’t even be bothered to call her sister or anyone. The neglect is what feels like an even worse knife than the one she swears she feels in her lower stomach. The neglect is why she called Mr—Elvis. Even in the short time she’s at least partially known him—the actual him, not the image she had of the man who taught her niece’s Sunday school—has taken care of her and hasn’t left her to rot and wallow in her pain and loneliness. He’s kept her company and fixed so many things around her house that at this point she’s thinking she’s going to have to break things just to have an excuse to get him to visit under the guise of working. 
She knows she shouldn’t relax in his hold, she shouldn’t burrow into his arms like he’s her husband and he’s just carrying her to their bed but she can’t help it, the sheer joy and calmness that settles over her from the care he shows overwhelming her. His arms allow her to feel safe in the moment, help her to forget how much pain she’s in physically and mentally. They are a balm to her aches even as she potentially causes some for him. It doesn’t take too long for him to reach her bedroom, using his body to open the door the entire way from its cracked open position. Lilly hears him sigh and feels his head move to try and avoid looking around before she feels him shift her in his arms.There’s a difference, she thinks, in knowing that he would have to eventually set her down on her bed and him actually doing it. 
A shiver runs through her body that has Elvis’s grip tightening as he moves his hands away. It’s not cold and yet here she was shivering like she was that fateful night.
“You alright?” he murmurs, low and questioning in a way that he shouldn’t be.
“You’re warm,” she whispers back at him, looking into his eyes and trying to pretend that answers everything. Pretend that telling him he’s warm will get him to stay and comfort her until it’s time for Nathan, cold, icily indifferent Nathan to be home. “I feel—it felt good.”
Elvis opens his mouth to speak before his breath catches in his throat at the sheer intensity of the look she’s giving him. He can’t put a name to what he sees in her eyes, only that it threatens to overwhelm him if he stares at her for too much longer. He has to leave, he needs to go back to work or home or just somewhere where her eyes aren’t burning holes into his soul. He finally starts to step away only for Lilly’s arm to find its way in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. Her hand moves to grab his and grasps it so tightly he can’t wrench it from her. 
“Can you—can you stay?” She asks, quiet as a church mouse and looking as if she expects him to say no. As if she expects to be left alone to deal with things once again. It makes his stomach roil and twist and he feels almost like throwing up before he moves to sit down on the bed. 
“Not for too long, Lilly,” he answers, as he watches her move to the other side of the bed, letting go of his hand as she does. He sits down, groaning slightly as he does at the feel of her bed underneath him. It dips more than it did when she was occupying the same spot, his weight causing the springs to creak just a bit more. Lilly waits until he gets comfortable to move closer to him. He stays sitting, his body leaning against the headboard, not even daring to try and lay down in her marriage bed. It makes trying to cuddle with him harder than it should be but after a moment of a deliberation she settles on laying her head in his lap. The warmth of his belly seeps into her head, soothing any headache she’s gained from crying and the vantage point allows her to feel encased in what feels like a protective shell. Elvis tries to keep his hands to himself but as he feels Lilly settle against him and sees every wince and shift his hands move to her hair, running his fingers through it. Scratching ever so softly against her scalp. Lilly’s sigh tells him it was the right thing to do and emboldens him to sing, breathe out into the world the first song that comes to mind when he thinks of her. 
Lilly hears Elvis’s voice singing Jo Stafford to her, a song she’s only heard once or twice before but it feels so romantic that something inside her chest feels warm and feels almost like it’s blossoming the more she hears his voice singing in that low tone, his hands flowing through her hair. 
“But just remember, darling, all the while, you belong to me,” he sings, watching as Lilly’s eyes start to flutter shut, the pain and the emotions of today getting the best of her. The more he sings the more he realizes he wishes those words were true. The more he wishes he wouldn’t have to leave in a few hours. But she is not his wife and he is not her husband and he’ll leave in a few hours as he should. He’ll leave after he shakes her awake lightly, grimacing as she winces in pain and as her eyes practically beg him to stay once again. He'll leave watching her curl back into her sheets but won't see her head move to where he had been sitting or see her hands grab at the pillow that had been behind his back.
She will wake up alone right before Nathan comes home. She will wake up to a simple dinner made with two plates on the table. 
She calls him back over the next day.
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taglist: @ab4eva, @blurredcolour, @butlersxbirdy, @precious-little-scoundrel, @eliseinmemphis, @prompted-wordsmith, @missmaywemeetagain, @lookingforrainbows, @thatbanditqueen, @ellie-24, @be-my-ally,  @austinbutlersgirl67, @heartbrake-hotel, @ccab, @18lkpeters, @slutforsomegoodlettuce, @dkayfixates, @kendralavon7, @chasingwildflowers, @notstefaniepresley, @wanderingelvis, @kxnnxy, @powerofelvis, @stylespresleyhearted, @marriedtopresley, @memphis-menace, @steph-speaks, @coolgirl462, @vintageshanny, @memphisflash1935-1977, @j-v-9-2, @sexystarfish, @duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, @jessicarcates, @chirssycrumble9456789, @shantellescrivener, @yomammalolha, @honey6578, @urmom11111111111119, @myradiaz, @elvispresleyxoxo, @tryingtogettoelvis, @joegramoe, @rainblue-art, @fav-fanficssss, @moodyblueriver, @misspresley, @fallinlovewithurlove, @ash-omalley, @yynneessmons good heavens, i think that's everyone. those of you who didn't get the tag, know i'm gonna head to the messages within the day. also i including those of you who reblogged the first chapter. i would have done likes as well but there- there was a hefty chunk and i didn't know for sure if you all wanted to be tagged.
additional explanation: so if you haven't just read the fic instead of just scrolling down to the bottom to see what's up, hello. but even if you did just read the fic, let the record show that i myself did write this with the idea that lilly had a very early miscarriage. and it's why i added a tag just in case for it since i know some people avoid the subject matter for their own mental health. however i purposefully left it nebulous because she herself wouldn't know for sure and it's- the same result occurs either way, she is not pregnant and that wrecks her emotionally because she had put so much stock in the possibility that she would be. no matter what if she wasn't pregnant she was going to be sad and depressed and generally in a state of anguish. so, you can read this whichever way you want, it does not really change the intent/what happens afterward in this. but i didn't want to directly spoil all of you in the warnings especially since it causes a turning point of sorts, but i also don't want anyone to be in duress because of me. also i promise honestly these two have a happy ending, just trust me like y'all trusted me with professor presley, okay?
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siempre-bucky · 2 years
Sending Letters Home
Headcanons ft. Rooster | Hangman | Bob | Fanboy
summary: headcanons about some of the guys sending letters to you while they're away
warnings: brief allusions to sex, fem!reader
a/n: i had one idea about rooster and it spiraled into this...enjoyyy
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Rooster prefers calling and video chats while he’s away, he loves to hear the sound of your voice at every given opportunity.
 He has some letters that his dad wrote to his mom, which was nice and all…but being able to see you made him feel like he was right there instead of an ocean away.
But then he dropped his phone into the ocean 
It wasn’t like it fell over during a storm on the carrier or something heroic 
A little kid bumped into him while he was trying to take a picture of the view while they were docked 
Sending his phone into the ankle deep water 
The poor guy froze for a while and simply watched his phone fall to the sand
“Think it’ll work again?” he asked Phoenix after begging their cook for rice to put his phone in 
“Give it a couple of days,” she said, patting him on the back 
“I’m supposed to call her tomorrow,” he said solemnly as he swished the container back and forth 
Phoenix smirked and pointed to his desk, “There’s always the old fashion way… mail goes out tomorrow.”
Rooster sat there for at least an hour trying to find the right words 
He paced the room and took breaks without a word on the page
“Talk to me dad, what would you write?” 
You didn’t expect a letter from Bradley a week later, knowing he didn’t write to anyone 
But Jake also called and laughed hysterically about Rooster’s phone incident 
Rooster wrote you the most beautiful letter, telling you how much he missed you and how everything he saw reminded him of you. He told you about his time on the carrier and the places he got to see while they were docked 
He fails to mention his phone 
“Will you write me another letter,” you asked once he was finally back home and you were wrapped in his arms 
He looked at his letter pinned on the corkboard frame by your dresser “You really liked it?” 
He smiled brightly and held you tighter as you nodded and he promised to write you all the time 
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Jake loves the romance of it all 
sendiing a handwritten letter to a lover just makes his heart soar 
Every time he ships out he takes the personalized stationery from his family’s ranch to write on 
Seeing the Seresin’s logo every time you opened his letters made you smile 
Jake had a way with words, the southern charm really came out when he wrote to you 
He’ll tell you that he loves you, but it’s a whole page of him describing how you make him feel 
‘I’ve never felt a love like this before you.’
‘You make me want to come home and fly safer—can’t imagine my life without you, Darlin.’
Of course, he hypes himself up too and tells you about his successful missions and training exercises 
always, always, always reassures you that he’s ok and will come back home to you safely 
Sprays his letters with his cologne 
You always know there’s a letter in your pile of mail by the way it smells 
You keep a small box of his letters that he’s sent you over the years in your closet, pulling one out when you miss him 
His spicier letters always go in the drawer of your bedside table 
When he’s home you make him read the letters to you 
“Read me the part where you tell me how pretty I am,” you said, only half joking as you hand him one of the pages 
He pulls you into his lap and attaches his lips to your neck 
“I could always just show you, Darlin’,” he grumbles, his accent slapped on thick while his hands roamed your sides 
You hummed in delight but gently pushed him away 
He pouted and threw his head on the back of the couch boyishly
“I wanna hear it in your pretty voice, start us a bath and I’ll get my favorites,” you told him with a smirk
Jake smiled and considered it a win/win situation 
You sat in front of him in the tub, one of his hands running a loofa along your chest while he held the letter away from the water, whispering all the pretty words in your ear 
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Bob wrote letters for his little family 
He’d always sent you letters over the years you’d been together
Bob cutely asked if he could send you letters while he was away right after you began dating 
You knew you were each other's soulmate from the very beginning so naturally, you said yes
He thought it would be a good way to help his daughters with their reading by sending them their own letter
Each envelope contained four letters: one for Amy, one for Jo, one for you that was paired with some polaroids that were meant for your eyes only, and one to read together 
“Girls! Your dad sent us mail!” you called, sticking the photos that were wrapped in another sheet of paper in your back pocket 
The girls ran from their spots and gasped as they saw the mail in your hands 
You passed them their letters but they both looked up at you longingly, “Let’s go,” you giggled 
The girls ran to the couch and eagerly waited for you to start reading 
Josephine always curled up to your side while Amy sat on the floor with her head resting on your knees (she was a daddy’s girl and didn’t want you or her annoying little sister to see her cry) 
“For my Floyd girls…” 
“Are you crying already?” Josephine cackled 
“Shut up, Josephine!” 
“Four eyes,” Jo mumbled 
“Baby…” Amy bit back 
Ironically the first sentence was Bob telling the girls not to make fun of each other 
After the girls went to bed with the read letters sitting on their tables, you read your letter in private, wiping away the tears that always seemed to fall 
“Don’t cry, sweetheart,” he told you over the phone later that night, trying not to laugh 
“I can’t help it. I miss you so much,” you tell him, finding yourself trying not to laugh at how fast the tears came while you clutched the paper to your chest. “Your letter was beautiful.” 
“I’ll be home in a few days, I miss you so much—I really miss you.” 
You clenched your thighs at the sudden change of tone 
Your fond smile turned into a sly grin, putting the letter down and picking up the pictures he managed to take of himself for you. “You outdid yourself with these, Robby,” you said, biting back a moan. 
“Only for you, my love.” 
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Mickey loved sending you letters when he had no signal 
He always had something to tell you 
He often found himself being cut off by signal failure when you two got to talk 
“So we were in the air, right and then another plane came in an-” his face fell when he heard the small beeps 
“Mi amor? Baby? Can you hear me? Shit…” 
His letters contained heavy detail about everything 
Training? Pain painstakingly in depth 
The whales he saw? You got at least three pages about them 
“Another thick one, Mrs. Garcia,” your mailman let out a big belly laugh as he handed you the envelope 
You were surprised the envelope managed to close with how thick it was 
It was at least a month or two worth of pages sitting on your bed
Fanboy didn’t send letters…he sent novels 
But then again, you loved a long read 
He included little doodles of airplanes and ocean animals in the corners 
You remembered your first date when the WSO barely said a word out of nerves 
But after you mentioned a tv show you both liked he hasn’t shut up since 
You liked that he sent long letters, it occupied the time while he was away 
It made you miss him slightly less 
“I think you should be a writer,” you told him playfully over a video call 
You swooned as those pearly white teeth flashed when he smiled, his gorgeous laugh was music to your ears 
“I think I’m a better WSO, mi amor,” he countered 
“I don't know, Mickey, your page about going through that mountain was riveting.” 
“You think?” 
You nodded and showed him a binder filled with the letters he sent you 
His smile faded a little, “I wish I could keep them that organized,” he told you as he held up a couple that you sent him 
Shaking your head you sighed, “You kept them, that’s all that matters to me.” 
“I kept every one of ‘em.”
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misslavenderlady · 1 year
A Little Bit Country, A Little Bit Rock ‘N Roll - Chapter 11
Summary: Romance is blossoming as the cowboy and the vampire enjoy their first real date. The only problem is that a certain head vampire is still interfering with their love life.
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TW: Chapter contains mentions of abuse
Music from chapter HERE
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David really did try his best to be as casual as possible when he and the others left the party. He didn’t talk much, stayed focused on going for a hunt, and rushed to get back to the cave as soon as he was cleaned off after feeding. It had been so easy to fight off the teasing from the boys before. With nothing going on between him and Michael, it made him far more confident about shutting down the comments his pack mates made.  
It wasn’t that simple anymore. 
The unthinkable had happened. For quite some time now, he had imagined what it would be like to have Michael. To hear his own name through a southern drawl just before embracing the human boy. There had been a bit of doubt hanging around in his mind about Michael returning such feelings. While he had made it clear that he had some level of attraction for men, his constant use of southern charm made it a bit trickier to tell what was him being friendly and what was flirting.  
Tonight hadn’t been the case. Everything was crystal clear. Michael liked him. He had honest-to-God romantic feelings for David. Enough to kiss him not once, but three times before he took his leave. Each one had been more perfect than the last. David could still taste Michael on his lips. Still feel the human warmth on his skin.  
He truly didn’t want the others to find out what was going on, but they were far more observant than he gave them credit for. 
“David,” Dwayne spoke first after they caught up with their leader at the cave. “Is there something you’d like to share with the class?” 
The hairs on the back of David’s neck stood up. Every sense of confidence and composure he had was being tested.  
“What, pray tell, makes you think I have something to share?” he asked, tugging open his jacket to look for a cigarette. He had to settle his nerves with a smoke or else the others would notice.  
“Something’s just....different about you,” the brunet vampire pointed out. He crossed his arms over his bare chest, raising an eyebrow as he looked closer at David. Marko and Paul each joined him, clinging on to either side to see what Dwayne saw.  
David didn’t dare look at them. He wouldn’t have his eyes give away that their suspicions were correct. All he was focused on was finding his lighter and clicking it open so he could get a proper smoke going.  
“Was it something at the party, bud?” Paul asked. 
“Did Michael have anything to do with it?” Marko added. 
He stumbled at the sound of the cowboy’s name. David was usually so graceful with giving the flame a flick before setting the tip of his cigarette aflame. For once in his undead life, he lost his grip on the lighter, nearly dropping it onto the cave ground below. That in turn made him nearly lose the cigarette as well.  
It had only been a moment of clumsiness, but it was all that the other boys needed to confirm their suspicions.  
“Holy shit, did something finally go down with you guys??” 
The jig was up. David let out a sigh and forgot about the smoke. There was absolutely no way to get out of this mess. It was simply better to just confess and let the boys have their fun. Turning towards them, he smiled sheepishly. 
“Well, I mean if you’re gonna make me kiss and tell..”  
The three of them rushed to David’s side, excitedly surrounding him in order to either hug him or give him a playful nudge. It was rather embarrassing to get such a reaction, but he knew there was no more denying it. After all, what happened with Michael was a special moment. It felt good to actually acknowledge it out loud.  
He allowed them to ask their questions and make their demands on hearing the full story. Given that they already adored Michael as their friend, they were more than happy to find out that he and David had taken the next step in their relationship. Even with their lighthearted teasing, David couldn’t deny that it felt good to think back on it.  
The excitement only got stronger when he shared the news that tomorrow night would be their first official date. While Dwayne had the helpful advice of bringing some kind of gift for Michael, Paul and Marko offered to lend David a pack of condoms for a night of fun. That, of course, led to a rude gesture in their faces from David.  
Still, he was grateful that the three other Lost Boys were happy for him and Michael. It made him feel rather warm and fuzzy to talk about what could potentially blossom from this relationship. With the night coming to an end, the boys took their leave for their sleeping spot, giving their final congratulations to their leader.  
David smiled to himself. He only hoped the day would go by quickly so that he could see Michael again. Though his thoughts were interrupted by someone else speaking up. 
“You seem pretty happy.” 
The blond turned his head to see Star standing on the step by one of the cave entrances. She was holding Laddie up in her arms, the little half-vampire snoozing away with his head on her shoulder. After all the crazy dancing and delicious food he enjoyed with the others, he was certainly going to get a good amount of rest.  
“As a matter of fact, I am,” David admitted. “Sorry ‘bout making you lure him in. I know he’s really charming and all, but I know Paul is making up for any romance you wanted.” 
He waited for Star to break into a smile, as it was common for her to do when she thought about the wildest Lost Boy. To David’s surprise, her face remained completely serious. Her brown eyes were focused on him. Determined.  
“What?” he asked, cocking his head slightly. 
“David, I’m worried about you,” Star said. “Not only are you way behind on the plans you said you had to make, but your judgment is getting clouded. I don’t know what happened the other night, but you looked pretty hurt. I'm worried that something worse is going to happen to you.” 
The memory of Max’s attack flashed through David’s mind. Though his body had healed since that night, he still felt a shiver run through his core whenever he imagined those claws slicing through his body. He’d never felt so weak in his life. It reminded him that Max was not someone you should fuck with.  
Still, he wouldn’t show weakness in front of Star. He was the leader, and leaders didn’t show vulnerability like that. 
“Look, don’t get your panties in a twist, Star. I’m completely fi-” 
“I’m serious!” she interrupted. Laddie stirred in her arms, but she soothed him back to sleep with a hand gently running over his hair. “I want you to be happy with Michael, I really do. But you need to be careful. If you moved too fast with him or made some risky choices....I just....don’t want to see you get hurt.” 
David let out an exasperated sigh. He would never admit it to her, but she had a point. He hadn’t heard from Max all night, and he had no way of knowing exactly what he was going to do or say after the wild party. It was always so frustrating having Max breathe down his neck all the time. What was the point of living a permanent life of youth and adventure if you had a demanding father-figure bringing you down at the worst possible moments? 
Still, David was willing to endure whatever punishment Max had in store for him. Just so long as he didn’t try to hurt Michael. 
“Goodnight, Star,” David firmly said, ending their conversation in order to turn in for bed. 
She was left standing with Laddie, believing that David hadn’t listened to a word she had said. Little did she know that it was the only thing on his mind now. Even with the anticipation for another night of romance with Michael, he couldn’t help but think about what could go wrong with this.  
He could only hope that his fears wouldn’t come true.  
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After being around for so long, David had been on plenty of dates. He romanced all kinds of humans over candlelit dinners, intimate walks and sweet touches, all before sinking his fangs in for a deep drink. He didn’t see any need to develop long-term relationships. Humans were simply food, and he had the boys to keep him company whenever he needed some love.  
So to show up at the Emerson house wearing the flannel Michael had given him and fidgeting nervously about going inside was something entirely new to him. He had debated with himself for a good twenty minutes prior to leaving as to whether or not to wear the jacket. It wasn’t like him to worry so much about making a good impression with someone he already knew quite well.  
As an additional sweet gesture for Michael, he had picked out a single red rose at a local flower shop before going to the house. He had the long stem in between his fingers, the sharp thorns grazing his bare skin. At the time, he was so focused on finding the perfect flower to give to Michael that he hadn’t even thought to cut off the thorns. It only worsened his nerves.  
True to the habit he had gotten into, he stepped into the house without ringing the bell or knocking. It was a little weird for the vampire, feeling that he shouldn’t just waltz in casually since this was such a special night for the two of them.  
But the moment David walked into the home, his eyes moved right to the staircase. Michael was already at the top of it, baby blue eyes widening in excitement when he saw David. He was dressed in dark denim jeans and a burgundy sweater. His trusty hat was perched on top of his shiny curls.  
“Looks like we had the same idea for what to wear,” Michael smiled, gesturing to the color of his shirt. It was only then that David realized the red in the borrowed flannel was the exact same shade. That little detail put a dopey grin on his own face.  
“I guess I picked the right color with this as well,” David said, twirling the rose in his hand. Michael perked up, eagerly making his way down the stairs in order to get a better look at the flower.  
Michael’s cheeks flushed with a soft shade of pink. He clearly loved the gift, taking it in order to smell the fragrance. It made David a bit nervous to see his fingers move over the thorns. It was the smallest detail, yet it bothered him the most. 
“I uh...I’m sorry about the thorns,” the blond said sheepishly, rubbing his neck nervously. “I don’t want them to hurt you.” 
Even with the warning, Michael held the sharp parts of the stem without any worry. All he was focused on was the softness of the petals and the beautiful color. He smiled at David, leaning in to kiss his cheek as a nice gesture to thank him.  
“They don’t bother me one bit,” Michael assured him. “This was mighty sweet o’ ya, Huckleberry.” 
David’s mind went blank, the fears and insecurities fading out as he focused on the warmth in Michael’s kiss. He had to hand it to the guy, he had quite a talent in putting anyone in the best mood possible without even trying. Who would have thought a southern gentleman of a boy would be the thing to completely turn David’s life upside down.  
“So,” Michael started after finding a nearby vase to put the flower in. “Where exactly are we goin’ tonight?” 
David opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out when he made a rather obvious realization. 
“Oh my God, I never actually planned anything...” he admitted. “I was so excited to see you that I didn’t even think of something to do.” 
The two of them burst into a fit of giggles, David’s being fueled by embarrassment and Michael’s being from amusement.  
“Aww shoot, that’s alright! Tell ya what, I can think of somethin’ for tha two of us!” Michael said. He held out his hand, waiting excitedly for David to take it. The blond’s undead heart was practically melting as he graciously accepted it.  
He guided David out to the back door of the house, making his way to the horse stables. As per usual, Bambi was outside, casually chewing on some hay by herself. Michael clearly took good care of her. She was always well-fed and cleaned up.  
“How about we go for a ride? There’s a trail up the hill we can go on together. At the top there’s purdy view of the land we can enjoy.” 
“You got a horse I can ride on too? Believe me, if I can handle a Triumph, I can handle a horse.” 
Michael smirked, amused at David’s confidence. He shrugged and gave a loud whistle, signaling for one of the other horses to come on out to join them. A cream-colored horse came trotting out, happy to be called by her owner. David watched the animal with curiosity while Michael reached out to give her some petting. 
“This here’s Bo! I think she’ll make a good horse for ya. Y’all got the same color hair after all!” 
David chuckled in amusement. Sure enough, his bleached locks matched her natural coat color quite well. He held out his own hand for her to sniff, hoping she would react as well as Bambi did a while back.  
The horse was more than happy to get some attention from him. She whinnied excitedly, nudging his hand so he could pet her muzzle.  
“Another ‘B’ name, huh? It’s a cute pattern.” 
“Yup! Call them my triple Bs! Bambi, Boxer and Bo! They're all darlin's I swear,” Michael grinned as he set up the saddles for the two animals. “I know that time with Boxer scarin’ Laddie was a big mess. I swear, he’s doin’ much better now. Sweeter than a bowl a’ sugar!” 
In no time at all, the two of them were perched on top of their own horses. It didn’t intimidate David to be on for a ride. He was sure that muscle memory from his past human life would be an ideal guide for him as he took the reins. And if that didn’t help, then he trusted Michael to know what to do.  
He would trust Michael with anything.  
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It was hard to believe such a beautiful trail was a part of the Murder Capital of the world. To be in such a peaceful area, slowly traveling by horse to see all the greenery and wildflowers was something David hadn’t truly experienced from his home before.  
Every time he rode with the boys, they pushed themselves as fast as they could possibly go. Even for more casual rides down the roads of the city, they were focused on how fast the lights passed around them and how the winds blew their hair back. This time, it was slow and steady. It made him see the world around him with a bit of clarity.  
Michael was certainly just as wild as the Lost Boys, but he was a down-to-earth guy who knew when to take life a little more slowly. He hadn’t fully appreciated that sentiment back in Texas, but he wanted to make the most of it in his new home.  
When the horses carried them to the top of the path, David was surprised to find a flat space of land with thick, green grass all around. It was perfect for the two of them to sit down and take a rest.  
“Ya like it up here, David?” Michael asked as he tied the horse's reins to a nearby tree.  
“I never knew about this area. You have quite an eye for nice places,” David complimented him. He slipped his hands into his pockets as he surveyed the view.  
The lights of Santa Carla shined brightly against the night sky. If he had been on the streets, he would have been bombarded with the sounds of screams on the amusement park rides or the crashing of beer bottles from drunks wandering around. From this distance, all was quiet. Peaceful. Certainly not the city he knew. 
Michael came up next to him, sitting down in the grass as well. Something about being close to him gave David an extra dose of ease to enjoy the evening.  
“Really looks like an entirely different city from up here.” 
“Actually,” Michael said, pointing upward. “I prefer the view of that up there.” 
David followed the direction of his finger. A sky full of stars shined down on the two of them. It was a new moon tonight, which allowed the small flecks of light to stand out against the dark sky. He was no stranger to the beauty of the sky. When you were a vampire, you got to go on quite a lot of flights through the clouds above. 
But being next to Michael to gaze at them from the ground was just as nice. 
“Sure is something,” David sighed. His fears were slipping away more and more. He was even comfortable enough to get a little closer to Michael. 
“Wish ya could see the view back in Texas. Without the city lights, it’s the most magical thing ya ever did see.” 
David’s face softened as he turned to gaze at Michael.  
“You still miss it?” 
Michael seemed to think about the question for a bit. There was a glimpse of sadness on his face as he silently thought back to the home he had left behind. David could tell he probably had hundreds of thousands of happy memories from there.  
“I always will. My heart will always have a place there, no matter what,” Michael admitted. “But I know I can always bring the good of it with me whereva’ I go. All the hospitality and the fun and the quiet moments of comfort is somethin’ I want others to enjoy. After all, th’ boys an’ you showed me how fun California can be. I woulda been a lot more lonely without you.” 
David chuckled softly, nudging up against the southern boy. The more he got to know him and the Emersons, the more curious it made him to see Michael’s old stomping grounds someday. Especially if the sky was much more beautiful. 
“Well, I could say the same about you,” he said. “Especially hearing you talk about the stars. They really must look nice where you’re from.” 
“Yup! Hell, there’s a reason why our most famous song first mentions the night sky.” 
While the brunet boy hummed a few bars of Deep in the Heart of Texas, David continued to look at him. Michael never seemed to have a worry or care in the world. He had been so sure that it wouldn’t be much letting him adapt to the gang, but it seemed that the closer they got, the higher the risk was that it could all go wrong. 
And yet, when the light of the stars reflected in his eyes, David didn’t think about that. To Hell with Max. He was in love with the cowboy with a heart of gold.  
“The most stunning thing I ever laid eyes on,” David whispered, reaching forward to take hold of Michael’s chin.  
The human’s eyes widened as he turned to face David. If he hadn’t been staring so intensely, he would have thought David was still talking about the stars.  
With a gentle tug, David brought Michael in for a kiss. It seemed that each time their lips met, it got better and better. They both felt such exhilaration getting closer. It made it that much easier to get completely wrapped up in one another.  
Their kisses got warmer. Deeper. David’s hands were cradling Michael’s face, thumbs massaging against the stubbled skin. Michael softly moaned, carefully reaching down to hold David’s hips as he got closer. It felt right for both of them to be a bit bolder with their moment of intimacy.  
As David caressed the side of his face, Michael got closer, his calloused hands wrapping around the vampire’s hips. It made David feel dizzy with excitement to feel the tug of Michael’s fingers around his belt in order to lessen the space between them. His lips curled up into a satisfied smile in between each kiss.  
He was completely lost in the moment, drunk on the passion they shared. In that moment, he never wanted it their kiss to end. 
That was, until Michael’s hands moved upward over his back.  
It was a perfectly innocent move. All he had tried to do was graze his fingers under the flannel and touch David some more. When he tried to move the fabric, he ended up moving David’s shirt up as well. His warm fingertips accidentally brushed again his back, and every part of the vampire’s body went ice cold.
“NO!” he yelled, pushing himself off of Michael.  
Neither one of them had expected such an intense reaction. As David sat, clutching his chest in shock, Michael looked back at him with wide, guilt-ridden eyes. The human boy touched a part of the scar that Max had left behind. Though he had healed since that night his Sire punished him, the strength of the head vampire had left enough damage to leave a permanent reminder of what happened.
“Oh my lord, I’m so sorry, David!” Michael apologized, his hands placed over his mouth. He was mortified by what he did. Max had hurt David, and he had promised not to let such a thing happen again. It filled him with guilt to bring back such awful memories.
David didn’t know what to do. What to say. His head was spinning and his body felt heavy, the painful sensation of behind thrown aside and hurting even more after being sliced up was weighing terribly on him. It was ruining what was supposed to be a beautiful night.
“Michael, I....” 
There was no was to go about this without Michael getting even more suspicious. All the secrets and all the pain were piling up the more they spent time together. Max was going to ruin everything, whether it was with the use of his blood to corrupt the family, or with his presence filling David with every terrible memory of his mistreatment. He couldn’t let that control weigh on him any longer.
David was going to have to come clean.  
“There’s something I need to tell you...” 
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Tag List: @silvermaplealder @michael-after-hours @legal-lost-boy @britany1997 @riz-coolgirl @crustyraccoon @ghoulgeousimmaculate @kurt-nightcrawler @auntvamp @sunshine-wylan @thelostsouls1987 @pixielostboy @thornthehellhound @solobagginses @6lostgirl6 @american-idiot-jpg @bloodywickedvamp @anxiouslittleweirdgirl @juss-soupp
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amayzingmayzie · 1 year
Sometimes I think about my Starlight Express song opinions so here they are:
Rolling Stock makes me feel manly- something about it makes me wanna pump some fucking iron
Call Me Rusty is adorable and is a better introduction to Rusty than Crazy. Call Me Rusty points out his stubbornness and willpower to win, while also showing that the coaches show genuine concern to his condition and don't just go "man this kid is fuckin insane"
If you think I Got Me is "too empowering," You're weird. I understand thinking it's a little odd for setting up Dinah's character, but there's a difference between that and "oh the women are too independent." I think my biggest problem with I Got Me is that there are not coach intros.
I like Lotta Locomotion for what its worth. It's just a cute lil intro song
Whole Lotta Locomotion- wheeeew- it's certainly... a song! It tries so hard to be girlboss-y but fails lyricwise and makes them even more dependent on men- but Im not gonna lie and say I hate it because Jesus it's catchy-
FREIGHT IS GOOD, YALL ARE JUST MEAN- I specifically like the one version from London 1992 where the coaches ARE BRUTAL FOR NO REASON- Also, versions without CB suck ass
AC/DC is at its best when Electra is an over-the-top diva and the components MUST eat it up.
Pumping Iron makes me feel so ungodly feminine (I wonder which part I sing) AND I LOVE IT. I LOVE FEELING FEMININE. I especially love when Greaseball is super snarky and flirtatious.
He'll Whistle At Me puts me to sleep. Make Up My Heart is beautiful. He Whistled At Me is terrible narrative-wise but MAN OH MAN DOES IT MAKE ME FEEL GIRLY
Coda of Freight is REALLY REALLY GOOD????
There's Me is adorbs and I. MISS. IT.
Poppa's Blues is a banger, yall are just haters. Also, hot take, but Poppa should NEVER be white.
Belle may not have much of a purpose in terms of the story, but jeez, her voice is beautiful. I love Belle so much.
I am a Rap enthusiast, so I have to give you my opinions on all of them. Hey You is a classic and it was my first Rap. It sounds so silly and Electra makes me giggle every time. Check It Out is so stupid but WOW IS ELECTRA GAY- I love the beat too. What Time Is It is so extremely CAMPY but I have a soft spot for it- The only version of Own It, Nail it that I have is the 2017 London workshop, and that one was almost a carbon copy of Check It Out. BORING.
UNCOUPLED is always such a sweet song. I HAVE A GRIPE WITH PEOPLE WHO MAKE DINAH SO MF SOUTHERN. Like, I get it, but don't give her a HUGE accent. See Jane Krakowski.
Girls Rolling Stock makes me feel so girlboss.
CB (or Wide Smile) is a mf bop and a masterpiece
Right Place, Right Time makes me jam out hard
The beginning of He Whistled At Me Reprise makes me so sad- DUSTIN QUIT CRYIN BOY!
Dinahs Disco is so slay and Electra is such a prissy princess-
One Rock N Roll Too Many makes me lowkey sad- but my god is it funny-
Next Time You Fall In Love makes no sense to me lyric-wise but the song slaps
"I love it when romance occurs on the railroad"
The Megamix my beloved
So, tell me what you think! Do you agree? Disagree?
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kazeofthemagun · 4 months
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@dragontamer05 asked the summoner:
send BLUSHED for a scene from my muse's past in which they received a compliment that really got to them
Fragments of the Past
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Love Me Sweet
[Note: this drabble takes place during Kaze and Aura's romance period, before they were aware they were siblings. No trigger warnings of note other than war mentions]
The trip to the Ladnajredvi keep had been uneventful. A rare opportunity to take an airship presented itself, and, well, who was he to deny it. And her, of course. Aura was always an enthusiast of the skies; Giving the young gunmage repeated heart attacks by leaning too close to the edge. The fence was only high enough to reach above her navel, so anyone willing to risk it could give her just a little push and easily claim the death as an accident -
"....Rorahm, you're catastrophizing." Inevitably, the words would leave her lips accompanied by soft laughter. Rosy cheeks and a slender digit pressing to his own mouth as he spoke up. He could never really win, with her. They were both freshly into their second decade of life and, as the Spiral willed it, life on Windaria was typically short. The ceaseless wars raging on the southern border made sure of that.
Lir Hassan was positioned further to the west, but their forces were still needed. Even within Lahriktaar itself, dissent only continued to build following the Priest Elder's assassination. That, and he had a reputation. The kind of reputation which tended to paint a target on one's back.
Combined, it all contributed to a simple fact; Svaardzjetrorahm was a worried man, and Haßhadjetraiya was gleefully reckless.
That, too, contributed to his overall state of mind.
Nevertheless, at least his visions of darling Aura splattered somewhere tens of meters below could finally come to a close when the hulking construct of metal began its steady descent outside the walls of the keep. The thrum of the Soil engine gradually quietened, a pulsating heartbeat in its own right. The airship was asleep now, with its segmented wings folded and tucked to its sides. Every great beast needed its due rest, and this one had done well to carry them here.
The ramps extended and the pair of Windarians proceeded on their way, blending into the stream of people. Then came the usual process of languishing outside the gate for a while, getting their papers checked and finally, they stepped into the fortress-city for the first time in months.
"I missed being here." The hazel-haired Windarian breathed in deep, taking in the fresh air tinged with the aroma of spices. The fair was in full swing, canopies of colorful fabrics shielding market-goers from the sun.
"Mm." The Black Wind replied with a hum as they walked, browsing various stalls and navigating the heavy traffic.
Come to think of it, he scarcely had the opportunity to even visit, nowadays. Campaigns with no end in sight and a talk of the potential Misterian threat to boot, ceasefire hanging by a thread... Something about the coming of the Demon Swordsman. Mostly lies and rumors, a targeted attack on the morale of the High Temple, no doubt. Briefly, he wondered whether the Maken was as impressive as that time he got to view the Magun in person.
Or, rather, on person. A champion who had since passed with the Soil, may the Winds guide his spirit. The man was formidable even in his final years. Rorahm's right hand reached for a satchel of saki, pouring a handful of jingling coins and sliding them ontop a counter. The old merchant stroked his rather tremendous beard before wordlessly nodding. Aura was already packing up the goods.
"What's all that for, anyway?" The summoner inquired, one brow raised above the sygni of the Phoenix. It was certainly too much for either of them and he wasn't really a fan of makulu. The one time he's had them, they left a funny taste on his tongue for hours.
"You don't like them?" Aura turned, cranberry eyes looking up to meet sea blues. There was a degree of surprise, but also.. ah, that devious glimmer of Aura-scheme he had since learned to recognize. She was planning something, and the Wind wasn't about to let it slip that he had noticed.
"Tried them, once." He admitted. "Years ago." Speaking of, he really had no idea when.
"How much were those, anyway?"
Surely not much. He did not tend to spend a lot on sweets. That would just be irresponsible. But, Aura, oh, Aura. Whenever there was an occasion, treats were an absolute must. "Maybe a little more than ten saki."
The girl's expression shifted to a wide smile. "That's because they weren't the real deal, you dork. I swear, if you keep buying cheap stuff you're just scamming yourself. Why not get an actual special, once in a while? That way you're not wasting your money."
Well, she did have a point. As he opened his mouth to contest it -
- she promptly snuck a piece in. Her thumb remained on his lips, effectively shushing him.
"Au -" A complaint half-formed before the redhead gave up and began chewing. He was clearly determined to remain grumpy, and yet: the way the crispy exterior caved in to welcome cream filling with a slightly spicy taste, a sharp note of gaba fruit, and the all-encompassing sweetness must have done a number on his expression, because soon enough, Aura was knee-deep into a fit of giggling.
"...." A lighter shade of red than his hair crept onto Rorahm's features, and he turned his head away. A still-grumpy, yet also comically quiet, "...what," followed.
The laughter did not cease when he felt her arms wrap around his form, the woman's face practically buried in his cape as she continued to chortle in a, now, rather unwomanlike manner. Eventually, the giggling stopped, and she lifted her face from the sea of dark fabric. Her eyes were positively glowing. "You're so cute. I love you so much."
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"I'm... cute..?" The young Black Wind's voice was a mixture of emotion he was clearly not experienced with.
Golden Aura pulled him closer - or, rather, pulled herself closer to him. At least they were out of the crowd by now, it would be quite awkward for two entangled lovebirds to become a glorified speed bump.
With her own, slightly lighter, complexion now further warmed by a shade of pink, she sighed dreamily. "So cute."
Black Wind was a man who never expected to hear himself being labeled "cute", or "adorable", or even "nice". Adjectives such as "pleasant", "lovely", or likewise "delightful" were nowhere to be found on his list of words to be associated with.
And that was something Aura found infinitely hilarious. She had found her weapon. Pelting him with endearing terms he still hadn't built up his defenses against. Woe be him, indeed.
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"As sweet as a makulu pastry. The genuine kind."
Svaardzjetrorahm said nothing, pulling up the rim of his cape as though that would help hide his internal combustion. His heart was beating faster, a fluttering sensation building in his stomach that threatened to wrest control of his knees. If this kept up, he would actually have to sit down and process it all.
"Saßu." He commented, so intelligently. This only caused his darling Aura to smile even wider. A cheeky vixen, she could be. Twirling an edge of his garments, she rose taller on the tips of her toes and purred.
"I was planning to have at least some of them, but now I'm starting to think it will be so much more fun to just feed them all to you instead. If you're going to keep being so adorable, then I can simply not resist the idea!"
And the giggling was back, full force.
Black Wind groaned. He was still blushing.
...And still "cute".
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rustedhearts · 6 days
hi rolly hope ur well! i just read just friends (again) and i loved it so so much!! i love how much of each other they find in the other and i love how lived in you made the apartment feel, its truly incredible how much of the apartment and its history with these two friends i felt i could see in my mind's eye within just a few sentences! i also think that steve shopping at ambercrombie is absolutely hilarious but also yeah he would, wouldn't he? this whole thing was so cosy and i really admired how very known r and steve felt to each other, like it felt like they knew each other and were in love with each other because they knew so much about each other and wanted to keep learning about each other forever, which is similar to what i think steve said out loud in his confession, but it also came across in their actions to each other, especially steve's!
also him stroking and massaging her knee to comfort her while he himself was upset was such a small and sweet detail that i think really pulled the whose scene together, like a small thing that showed that he would always e considerate of her even when he it wasn't easy and when he himself wasn't doing great! i'm trying to work this right, it felt like a small detail with big implications that made the scene itself more complete and made his confession ring truer than him just announcing it.
okay, this part is a bit of a two part tangent, the first being pretty simple, that i believe you are mind reading me because EYE recently watches steel magnolias for the first time two weeks ago and have since watched it about half a dozen times because i am so charmed by those southern ladies, and i feel an itch to watch every julia roberts movie there is. the second part of this tangent is a little less connected, i'll admit, and is also less about this specific story and more about a trope/device? i always feel so bad for those other girls from the bar/party that steve/mmc sleeps with/dates either to distract from or because they remind him of his true love.......i would be SO upset if some guy said he only hung out with me because i was a passable copy of his best friend/roommate like man, you do NOT deserve my time and attention, my company is for people who genuinely like me ONLY. i am also not critiquing it in the story, i get why it's there, how it's a good side detail to add in the story for drama/angst/romance purposes, and intellectually understand it's function, and it doesn't like, disturb anything (even if it did, it wouldn't matter, because writers are entitled to write licherally whatever they want on free reading website .com), i just have recently noticed how i'll always unwittingly invest more emotional energy than the story itself needs me to in these background ladies and i'm always like oh :'(. this paragraph is admittedly off topic and very large for something that is ultimately nothing, my bad for that, pls feel free to ignore this part fo the ask if u want, i just needed a place to put this thought with context.
thank you bb!! i thought abercrombie was a very steve place to shop lol, especially in the early 2000s when they still had those bags with the shirtless guys on them (i have one in my christmas wrapping bc we always save bags and it’s truly a relic)
oh lord can you imagine him being one of the guys that stood outside shirtless and coaxed girls into coming in 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 that’s so steve
but anyway lol
none of the girls steve went out with knew he was using them! it was always a one and done type of deal. one night stands that, for the most part, the girl was okay with leaving casual. sure, he told most of them he’d call them and then never did, but at least he never strung them along knowing he wasn’t interested lol
but roommate!steve is quite the slut. probably the sluttiest steve i’ve written to date
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sofyachy · 10 months
Watching the end of Good Omens Season 2 felt like watching the moon landing, and I think I've finally figured out why. It's not the first time there have been outed queer characters on TV shows. It's not the first time there's been a queer love scene / kiss on TV. That alone isn't ground-breaking.
But for my entire life, I've consumed media that put the hetero couple into the main spotlight with token queer background characters, a lot of them killed off in a "bury your gays" trope. Or I've watched an ongoing series and developed queer ships that always left me a little disappointed when the romantic tension I perceived on screen was quashed with the introduction of a chemistry-lacking hetero love interest, or even simply brushing off the characters as "they're just good friends, because No Homo."
I've gotten used to this. I've come to expect it -- to always look deeply into the subtext, analyzing what's going on underneath the dialog and actions. Are these characters gay? Here is my 20-page literary analysis paper in which I go over every line, every detail, to argue that there's justifiable reason to believe something there that's not blatantly spelled out in words. (I literally did this with Hotspur in my graduate-level Shakespeare class because I absolutely needed someone to agree with me that this married character was so very, very gay, despite a surface-level "no homo" reading.) And it's still never "proof" -- just my opinion, which I can shout into the void until I'm hoarse.
And isn't that just what we do in slash fandom? We write our own endings. We refashion the stories we love to override that little disappointment that the original work gives us, as much as we still love it.
With Good Omens, there was already a strong fandom pairing Aziraphale and Crowley. I read the book after watching both seasons, so I can't say how strong that fandom was before those came out. But one of the things that struck me about the book was that there wasn't nearly the same vibe between the characters as there was in the first season. Hell, they weren't even the central characters of the book. And while the book says that people assume Aziraphale is gay, it's quick to say "but he's not; angels aren't sexual." No homo.
He and Crowley are...maybe friends? Associates? But there's certainly no scene with Crowley crying into a bottle of whiskey after Aziraphale disappears in the way he does in S1. It's like Book Crowley isn't allowed to have queer feelings because No Homo, especially not when he's maybe-friends with a maybe-homo. And it's not really surprising, considering the book was written in the '80s -- when gay rights was pushed back 20 years due to the AIDS epidemic.
And even with S1, it wasn't blatantly spelled out that either of them were queer. The aforementioned line about a gay Aziraphale didn't make it into the script (though he does refer to himself as "the Southern pansy"). We got some excellent scenes to rile up the fandom with somewhat-romantic dialog and actions. Still, on the surface, the reaction could still easily be "Hey, that looks maybe-possibly kind of gay? If you look at it just right. Here's my 20-page essay explaining why they're gay." And at the end of the season, Aziraphale and Crowley simply dine at the Ritz. Nothing explicitly gay there, unless you dig for it.
And then Season 2 said, "Hold my beer." And we got a full season of slow-burn romance at the forefront. The business with Gabriel was a ruse; the whole thing was about Aziracrow and their relationship from start to finish. We started out with the expected subtext, suggestive dialog, surreptitious glances. I remember thinking, "this is nice; I'm glad we're getting more time to just enjoy these two on the screen together." And then it kept building, and building, and building.
And finally, Episode 6 gave us "YES, HOMO." And after a lifetime of never seeing one of my ships amount to anything on screen, there it was, in all its devastating glory. They went there. That's what felt like the moon landing to me. It's something that seemed so far off to be impossible until it wasn't.
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theygotlost · 10 months
What do you think of the Hitchhiker’s Guide movie?
My dad really likes it (I think I remember him saying he likes it more than the book) but I don’t care for it and it is a matter of debate for us
well i just finished rewatching it just now so here's all my thoughts fresh out of the oven!
I don't like it. it's bad and not good. at best it's just mediocre. I hateeeeee that they forced an arthur/trillian romance its so annoying and insufferable and NOTHING. ITS SO LAME. especially cause trillian also became a damsel in distress and I just had to roll my eyes back into my head.
ig the book didn't have enough content to adapt into a feature film so they added an entirely original midsection with that creepy guy named kamala harris or whatever his name was and the entire time i was just like uhhh wtf is happening and why are we here. as a result the ending feels pretty rushed to me.
there were a couple of new additions that I thought weren't half bad though. like the flyswatters on the vogon planet that slap you every time you think for yourself and marvin using the point of view gun to give the vogon army acute depression. those were pretty good.
and who the hell cast this movie? zooey deschanel as trillian sucked ass. I don't like her or her scary blue eyes or her lackadaisical #californiagurl performance. mos def is also a terrible actor and not a convincing ford at all. martin freeman at least has the appropriate depressed british white man vibes to be arthur but i hate looking at his face cause it just reminds me of sherlock.
zaphod is the one I have the most to say about. I actually do like sam rockwell's zaphod because he looks the part and is appropriately sleazy. and I liked his outfits and accessories (though imo there was too much black and I would have preferred more bright colors and patterns). I especially love his combo of nail polish and this little gold chain thingy on his hand. just a nice lil slutty detail.
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I'm completely baffled by his choice of a southern american accent though, where'd that come from? is it supposed to be like a bill clinton hillbilly president type deal or something?
and of course there's the elephant in the room regarding his heads. oh christ almighty how I hate the way they handled his second head. I get that it would have been harder to pull off the normal 2 heads side by side in a convincing way for the entire movie (its 2005 and the cgi in this movie looks fake as shit), but good lord every time his second head popped up from below seriously made me want to retch. its sickening to look at and sickening to think about and it's just way more awkward than the more straightforward solution. I also think it's strange that the movie added an explanation that zaphod created the second head during his campaign to store all his uncharismatic traits??? why can't he just be an alien with 2 heads??? I ALSO seriously hate how the other head is all CRAZYYYYYY AND WEIRDDDD AND INSANEEE ASYLUMMMMMM it's not funny at all it's just really hard to watch.
all these issues are kind of surprising given that douglas adams is credited as an executive producer AND screenplay writer? which is also weird since the movie was released 4 years after his death? I have no idea what the production of this movie was like and I'm afraid to find out.
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thisworldisablackhole · 3 months
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SeeYouSpaceCowboy - - The Romance of Affliction
It was a cold, dark winter evening. My best friend and I were having one of our frequent "get faded and listen to music" sessions. Those hang outs were always the highlight of my week. Crack a cold one, have some deep conversations, and crank some tunes. Lift off, baby. The vibes were good, but when it came time for me to commandeer the Auxiliary Cord SS, I admit I was a little sheepish.
"You got any new shit?"
"Well… sort of… you might not like it though"
"Fuck it dog, put that shit on. You know I'm pretty open minded"
I laughed.
"Alright, we'll see about that"
I think I might have put on "…and My Faded Reflection in Your Eyes", first, but my memory of that night is a little hazy. It doesn't matter though, because what happened next was a complete and enthusiastic unravelling of our former selves as we bonded over a new found mutual love of melodic metalcore. We had been friends for close to 10 years, but up until this point we had reserved our musical exchanges for mostly palatable cool guy bands who hid their emotional urgency under a veil of artful stoicism. Perhaps this was done out of shame, because wearing your heart on your sleeve is generally discouraged in the culture of adulthood. It felt like a risk to open up and share the side of me that still loves an arguably juvenile mode of expression, but the reward for doing so was unbridled joy and connection.
SeeYouSpaceCowboy said fuck shame, fuck stoicism, fuck acting cool. We're gonna scream, we're gonna sing, and we're gonna feel something. The Romance of Affliction is scenecore for the modern age, and it is completely unapologetic in being so. Taking cues from bands like Drop Dead Gorgeous, The Blood Brothers, Botch, and Underoath, SYSC created a special blend of sounds that is equal parts chaotic, violent, and sweet as sweet tea on a hot southern day. Sugar, spice, everything nice, and a metric fuck tonne of Chemical X. Excuse my language.
One of the first things to really draw me into this album was the vocals. This album has a major case of split personality disorder, and I mean that in the best way possible. Vocalist Connie Sgarbossa bounces between larynx shredding highs, lows, and sasscore yelps while guitarist Ethan Sgarbossa and bassist Taylor Allen also chime in with mid ranged roars and lovesick cleans. It's enough to induce a psychotic episode, or at the very least give listeners with ADHD enough variance in frequency and delivery to keep them stimulated. The vocal patterns are impressively synchronized, and you can tell that a lot of thought goes into this aspect of their music. It's something I wish more bands would take note of, but maybe that's just my addled attention span speaking. There are some pretty cool, albeit head turning features on this album as well. Shaolin G's rap verse on "Sharpen What You Can" in particular has been polarizing, but ends up being one of the more impactful and (frankly) punk rock moments on the album as he comes in with a strong message of self affirmation and being true to yourself in the face of adversity.
The instrumentals don't hold back either, and come well equipped with their own hyper aggressive inability to sit still. Razor sharp panic chords and time signature switch ups dance their way toward atmospheric passages before plummeting back down to earth with classic single note breakdowns. Almost every song comes packaged with a hookworm chorus or dreamy melodic bit to offer respite from the teeth clenching madness and draw you back in for repeated listens. A good hook is one that makes you really appreciate everything leading up to and preceding it, and thankfully the band delivers on this every time. SYSC doesn't just rely on a catchy chorus to sell a mediocre song. They aren't afraid to show their full hand of influences either, as they ambitiously swing between three or four different niche subgenres in rapid motion. It might sound like a recipe for disaster, but it comes across as more meticulous than random, and the result is a surprisingly smooth and cohesive experience. 13 songs and 40 minutes goes by with a flash, and not once do I feel like the band is testing my patience.
The Romance of Affliction is a time machine that will unlock forgotten pieces of your heart, but it's also a vessel of progression for a subgenre that not many are brave enough to claim in today's landscape of serious mature stoicism. SeeYouSpaceCowboy have managed to breathe fresh life into old tricks in a way that only the most studious of scene disciples could pull off, and I can't wait to see them continue to flourish and expand their palette of influences in the years to come.
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shoujoboy-restart · 1 month
By Mary Harrington, May 6 2024.
[...] Canadian Right-wing firebrand Lauren Southern, whose early video content regularly challenged liberal feminist orthodoxy, and promoted domesticity. Our stories are symmetrical in some respects: both of us embraced radical politics in our early twenties, me on the Left and Southern on the Right. Both of us embraced ideologies that felt inspiring in the free-floating world of the internet. And both of us, albeit in different ways, have course-corrected back toward reality in part via the fiercely practical experience of caring for a child.
Southern has attracted vitriolic criticism from the Right, for speaking openly about how “tradlife” went wrong for her. She, however, sees speaking out not as betrayal of her own “side”, but as continuous with her earlier willingness to challenge progressive consensus on topics such as immigration. “I’m not worried about saying the things I’m saying right now, that are getting me so attacked online. Because I’ve dealt with this, with South Africa. I’ve dealt with this with mass immigration, I’ve dealt with this with my critiques of feminism. And every single one turned out: oh, maybe she was onto something.”("sure I was wrong about trad life, but my racism is still right you will see")
For, she tells me, she’s not alone. She tells me she knows many other women still suffering in unhappy “tradlife” marriages. One of her WhatsApp groups, she says, “is like the Underground Railroad for women in the conservative movement”. Some of these are prominent media figures: “There are a lot of influencers who are not in good relationships, who are still portraying happy marriage publicly, and bashing people for not being married while being in horrendous relationships.” She hopes that in speaking out she can reassure “all of these women who are thinking in their heads: I’m uniquely terrible, and I’m uniquely making a mistake” that no: something is more generally amiss.
There were warning signs from early on. “If I ever disagreed with him in any capacity he’d just disappear, for days at a time. I remember there were nights where he’d call me worthless and pathetic, then get in this car and leave.” But she didn’t see them, thanks to the simplified anti-feminist ideology she’d absorbed and promoted: “I had this delusional view of relationships: that only women could be the ones that make or break them, and men can do no wrong.” So she didn’t spot the red flags, even as they grew more extreme. “He’d lock me out of the house. I remember having to knock on the neighbour’s door on rainy nights, because he’d get upset and drive off without unlocking the house. It was very strange, to go from being this public figure on stage with people clapping, to the girl crying, knocking on someone’s door with no home to get into, being abandoned with a baby.”
But as she tells it, the nightmare began in earnest when he was offered a work opportunity in his home country of Australia, a few weeks after the birth of their baby. She did not want to leave her support networks behind. But he used the political and religious importance she placed on lifelong marriage as a lever to force her to agree: “Whenever I wouldn’t do something, he would say: I’m going to divorce you.” So, feeling she had no other option, she assented.
He also insisted she should publicly quit work. His work required a high level of government security clearance; she was a Right-wing provocateur who had faced deplatforming, state investigations, and was even banned from entering the UK. In their early, giddy romance this had felt manageable. But “when we moved back to Australia, he really wanted to get back into his old work”. And Southern was a “hardcore liability”, so the pressure was on: “It was like: Lauren, you gotta hire lawyers. You’ve got to disavow everything. You’ve got to never talk publicly again.”
So, in 2019, she announced that she was leaving media and activism altogether. As Southern tells it, she was trying sincerely to put into practice the ideology she’d promoted in her videos. “I believed I had a certain role in my relationship,” she told me. “And it was to be the more submissive one that supports my husband’s dreams.”("if I don't give up of my constitutional rights, which I keep claiming the left.wanta to take away, my husband will be so sad tho" like damn ma' you
“I was told daily that I was worthless, pathetic. Deadweight.”
Then, thousands of miles from friends and family, she reports becoming “the closest thing to a modern day, Western slave”. With no income of her own, she had to do everything: “The lawns, the house, the cooking, the baby care, his university homework. And I didn’t know anyone. I didn’t have any support. There was no help changing diapers, there was no help waking up in the night with the baby. I’d still have to get up, to make breakfast before work. I’d be shaking and nervous, for fear I’m gonna get yelled at.” Then he’d berate her for spending all her time on tasks other than earning money: “I was told daily that I was worthless, pathetic. Deadweight. All you do is sit around and take care of the baby and do chores.” When Covid shut down all real-world public life, her situation became “hell on earth”. It was, she said, “the only time in my life where I idealised dying.”
“He was so much kinder, sweeter and more pursuant of me when I was this ‘boss babe’ travelling the world working. It seemed like becoming a mother made him lose respect for me. It was shocking to me, again, because the traditional view preached the opposite — that men love you more when you stop working and become a wife and mother.” In her experience, though, this was “very much not the case”.
Talk about imperfect victim, right?
Lauren should be criticized and reprimanded for her racism, bigotry and general alt-right fuckery. But obviously no one deserves to suffer domestic violence and abuse from their partners, I hope she fully wakes up and realises part of the reason she even got herself in a lifestyle that is a catalyst for abuse is because part of her mindset was the need for a "strong (white) man to care for her and protect her (from them immigrants)" she was also sold while fear mongering immigration.
Again, she should be criticized and reprimanded for her divisive ideology, not mocked for thinking she would be a exception to the actual reality of trad life.
I'm hoping she never has to experience this sort of abuse ever again in her life no matter what, hoping she also becomes a better person and leaves behind these regressive bigoted ideals of her too.
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