#like the detail in 'thanks to them' of the hair straighteners being in the trash in one of the backgrounds of camila's room
kraviolis · 1 year
my blood fucking boils about how it isn't just a coincidence that the 'afro' part of luz & camila being afro-latina only started being shown more after season 2 in the same exact way the owl house crew got super explicit with how queer their characters are, because it wasnt like they could cancel it twice
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chaotic-super · 1 year
For Her Sake - Chapter 14
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Read For Her Sake on AO3 here!
Lena takes a few staggered breaths. She’s running late and she knows it. The food is only half finished, she’s barely presentable and she’s panicking. Kara, Alex, Winn and Lori. Originally, she was just going to have the Danvers ladies over but after a detailed conversation over the complexities of nanobots and AI interfaces, she’s found Winn to be quite pleasant and decided to invite him along too.
It has nothing to do with the fact that if he comes along, she has a higher chance of speaking to Kara privately about just about anything, that’s what Lena tells herself anyway. She’s loving the times when she’s being given the chance to learn little titbits of information about the blonde. She’s much more fascinating than she gives herself credit for and Lena is getting slightly obsessed with listening to her talk.
She wanted to have everything ready for when they arrived so she could just serve the food right up and look all prepared and sexy but instead, she’s a rushing mess and she’s not looking as hot as she knows she can.
Since it’s just a casual dinner, she didn’t want to go too formal, something she’s definitely guilty of doing far more often than she should, so she’s settled for some comfy slacks and a knit sweater, a mixture of the more formal wear she feels comfortable in and also a softer look that will make her look a lot less harsh, soft even.
Normally, Lena would straighten her hair but she has no time since she got caught up with work stuff this afternoon and time got away from her so she’s just leaving it to sit around her shoulders in soft waves that make her look like the cuddliest person on Earth. She’s not particularly fond of the look herself but if it encourages Kara to hug her then it might just be worth it.
Everything is cooking, it’s just not ready yet and she’s not had much of a chance to start cleaning up the mess across her kitchen yet and so while she knows that realistically they aren’t going to judge her for it, she’s still nervous about it and it still makes her self-conscious so she’s practically running around the room and grabbing all of the trash to be thrown away and frantically running a cloth over every surface to try and clean up some of it before they get here.
Her shoulders sag and she sighs helplessly when there’s a knock at her door. She had already informed the security guards downstairs that she’s expecting guests and their names so they have been allowed to come right up without her having to be called to confirm that they are indeed allowed up to her apartment.
She brushes off her clothes that really aren’t getting any cleaner from her smacking at them through her nerves and heads for the door, pinning a smile on her face as she lets it swing open.
“Hey, come in, come in.” She urges, her strained smile changing to a genuine one when Lori darts forward and wraps her arms around her legs, her head pressing against her thigh. “Hello, Lori.”
“Hi, Lena!” She answers back with a cheeky smile that draws Lena closer, making her pick the little girl up before she’s even really aware of what she’s doing and why.
Kara steps around the pair with a cake tin in her hands which makes Lena roll her eyes. Of course, Kara would refuse to come empty-handed. She sets it aside on the counter nearby before heading back to Lena and wrapping her arms around her briefly and a little awkwardly because Lori is in her arms.
Lena holds her breath unconsciously throughout the very short hug, her entire focus on the way she can feel Kara’s ear pressed against the side of her head and the brush of their cheeks as she pulls back.
“Hi, thanks for having us. I brought dessert.” Kara mumbles with a smile.
Lori pouts. “No, Mama. We did.” She folds her arms across her chest and Kara just about melts at how adorable she looks so she pulls her phone out and quickly snaps a picture before she has a chance to drop the annoyed expression off her face.
She slips her phone back into her pocket right after and leans over to press her lips to the top of her daughter’s head. “You’re right, baby  We brought the dessert.”
As if it had never been there, Lori’s killer pout disappears and her arms unfold to wrap around Lena’s neck, her head dropping to her shoulder.
Lena clears her throat and takes a look out into the empty hallway. She closes the door in confusion. “Where are the others?”
“Oh, they’re running a little late, Winn got a flat just up the street so he got it parked and now Alex is yelling at him for being too stupid to change a tyre. We figured it was a better option to come and wait for them up here and pray that you don’t mind putting dinner off for a few extra minutes.” Kara explains, her face showing a whole lot of emotions when describing what happened, amusement being the main one, embarrassment taking second place.
“I see.” Lena nods, a little shocked because that was the opposite of what she was expecting to hear. “Well, dinner is running a little late anyway, I should actually go and check on it.”
Kara is relieved to hear that they aren’t messing up the night before it’s even begun, she would be forever humiliated if they couldn’t even do one evening without everything going wrong. “Here, let me help.”
Lena is about to tell Kara to sit down but before she can, Kara has already started checking on the food, stirring here and there and flipping where needed.
“I thought you said that you don’t know how to cook,” Lena smirks at Kara.
In response, Kara just shrugs. “Well, I might have been practising. I felt greatly unprepared to start at Reign and so I’ve been spending a lot of my free time watching weird cooking shows and reading recipes. I can now successfully stir a pot so I might not get your friend’s restaurant shut down with my terrible cooking skills after all.”
Lena shakes her head at Kara. “You’re too cute. You do realize that you’ll be given training on the job, don’t you? Nobody is going to expect you to just know what you’re doing right away with no prior experience.”
Kara looks down at the food on the stove, finding it to be easier to look at than Lena at this moment in time. “I just don’t want to let Sam down. She’s taking a massive chance on me and I don’t want her to regret it.”
Lena readjusts Lori on her hip, wincing when her hair accidentally gets caught on the zipper of Lori’s pink jacket. She reaches out and places a hand on Kara’s forearm, prompting her to look up at her. “You couldn’t let anyone down if you tried, Kara. I mean it, she’s super excited to work with you.”
“Really?” Kara asks incredulously.
Lena nods ecstatically. “Yes.” She leans in closer. “She told me not to tell you this because she finds it embarrassing but after your impromptu lunch date, she raved about you and talked about how excited she is to get the chance to work with you. Sam is apparently already threatening all of her chefs and staff to be nice to you because she doesn’t want you to be scared off by them.”
Lena can see Kara trying to fight off a smile and when she does give in and let her lips curl up, she only allows it to remain for a second before forcing her lips back down so she doesn’t give herself away but it’s too late and Lena has already seen it and pride is already blooming in her chest at making Kara feel better, no matter how temporary it may be because she has no doubt that by the time tomorrow rolls around she’ll be back to stress watching cooking TV shows.
Lena can see that the food is handled for now and that all she has to do is leave it and let it do its thing so she squeezes Lori gently. “Want to come and sit on the couch with me?”
Lori looks up at her with those big blue eyes that make her heart skip a beat momentarily and Lena just wants to cuddle her all day. “Yes please.” She answers, sweet as pie.
How could anyone resist that look? No one can, it’s impossible.
Kara follows the pair over to the couch with just one more glance at the pots to make sure they aren’t going to burn. She’s proud of the little bit she’s learnt and is quite embarrassed that it’s taken her until now to learn what most food looks like when it’s burning and at how little she actually knows, especially given that she’s managed to pick up on a few key things in just a matter of days, something she could have done at any time but didn’t and she has no excuse as to why other than that she always had someone else in her life that could cook or she got by without needing to cook proper food other than frozen meals but she doesn’t actually count that as cooking.
Lori sits between the two of them, a hand in each other theirs and her legs swinging over the edge of the couch. The motion grabs Kara’s attention and she freezes in panic and horror. “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry, Lena. We didn’t take our shoes off, you must think us to be awfully rude.”
It makes Lena want to laugh at the look on Kara’s face but knows that now probably isn’t the best time. “Kara, stop panicking, I don’t care at all but if you would feel more comfortable taking them off, go for it. I really don’t mind.”
Her words don’t seem to make Kara feel much better and it’s strange seeing such inner conflict on Kara’s face over something she considers to be trivial. She lets Kara decide what she’s going to do and when she does, she makes her choice with a nod and quick movements as she tugs off her little ankle boots that she has slipped over some loose, patterned pants. Once hers are off, she takes Lori’s off too, the sneakers with tiny soccer balls on them coming off with just a few tugs at the Velcro.
She gathers the four shoes up in her hands and makes a quick trip over to the door where Lena has a pile of her shoes messily left strewn across the floor. Looking at it now, she wishes she had tidied it up because it’s such a mess but Kara doesn’t seem to care, dropping the shoes down with a thud in a way that very much resembles how Lena’s shoes got in the state they are in.
“Better?” she asks once Kara has returned.
“Much. Alex and I were never allowed to wear shoes anywhere in the house that was carpeted and it’s kind of ingrained in me at this point that it’s not allowed. We don’t have to worry about that at home since it’s all hardwood floors so I haven’t thought about it in a while.”
Now it makes sense. Lena gets why Kara looked so panicked, there’s nothing like the reverberating instincts from childhood to mess a person up at random times in their adult life. “Well, I was never raised with any of those kinds of rules but I’ll keep it in mind to offer to take my shoes off in people’s homes in the future. I hadn’t realized that I could have been coming off as rude.”
Kara’s head shakes frantically. “I wasn’t trying to infer that you’re rude or that you should offer to do so at other people’s places.”
“I know but it’s times like these that I get to reflect and see the normal things people are raised to think about, things that most people get brought up knowing that I don’t. In a strange kind of way, it’s interesting to think about, especially when I think about whether or not I would be a different person today if I had been raised to ask about my shoes rather than raised to use the correct utensils at fancy restaurants.” Lena wraps her arm around Lori as she leans more into her side but keeps eye contact with Kara the whole time she’s speaking to her.
Kara looks between her and Lori, her eyes unreadable as she does so and then she tugs her phone out of her pocket. Lena’s not sure what she’s doing until the phone is turned to her so she can see the screen. “The picture I took earlier is super cute, shall I send it to you?”
Lena’s mouth goes dry at the sight of it. She had thought that the picture was just of Lori when Kara took it earlier but seeing it now, she can see Lori’s pout and her crossed arms but she can also see herself and the enamoured look she’s embodying. She can see the smile that she didn’t know made its way onto her face and the way her eyebrows suddenly look much less harsh than they do when she looks in the mirror, all curved where there is usually nothing but straight lines. It’s strange and it’s beautiful all at once and she loves the way she looks when she’s looking at Lori, there’s a tenderness there that she didn’t know she could inhabit and she wants nothing more than to look like that all the time except for when she’s threatening rich old white men that hate her purely for being a woman.
Kara turns the phone back to herself so she can do just that and Lena has to resist the urge to grab her wrist to make her turn it back towards her so she can keep staring at it. There’s no way in hell that photo will stay on her phone either, that’s a photo that deserves to be framed.
“Both of you look so good in this picture.” Kara’s nose scrunches as she says it, truth dripping off the words.
“Would you mind if I made a copy for my desk at work?” Lena asks, coming to the conclusion that it’s probably not a good idea to just make copies of pictures with other people’s children in them and flaunt them where other people might see them.
Kara tilts her head, clearly deep in thought. “You want a picture of you and Lori for your desk?”
Lena looks down at Lori, who is grinning up at her since she heard what her mom just said. “I would, she’s one of my favourite people.”
Lori grins even wider if that were even possible. “You’re my favourite-est too.”
With her mouth dropped open and her head shaking, Kara scoots away from the pair of them, her arms folding in a fashion that shows exactly how Lori learned the pose she did earlier. “I see that I’m not wanted here.”
“No! Mama, we want you!” Lori chimes in, launching away from Lena just long enough to tug on Kara’s hand and pull her closer across the couch to them. Lori then falls back into the space at Lena’s side for her, still dragging Kara with her so they all end up squished together, Lena’s arm sitting on the back of the couch behind Kara’s shoulders. She wishes she had the confidence to tuck it around her but just inviting her here took enough of that.
They end up half-cuddling for a minute, both Kara and Lena are too afraid of saying anything and in case the moment is broken to say anything at all in fear of having to move away because if it weren’t for Lori, neither would be in this position.
Inevitably though, the moment is broken when they don’t want it to be because Lena’s phone starts ringing with an alarm. “That’s for the food, it should be pretty much done by now.”
Standing up and making her way over to the food, Lena sees that her timings are right and so she grabs a few plates so she can start plating the food up.
“Are you alright keeping an eye on Lori while I go and grab Alex and Winn?” Kara asks, already jamming her feet back into her boots.
“I…uh,” Lena hesitates, her gaze shifting to the girl left sitting on the couch, her mom’s phone gripped in her hands and a game set onto it for her to play, one that she’s now completely engrossed in playing. “Sure, if you’re ok with that? I can go and grab them if you want me to or I can call them?”
Kara just waves her off. They are terrible at answering their phones. I’ll just go and grab them; five bucks says they are just arguing and the tyre has been sorted by now anyway.”
Lena thinks over her odds. Surely nobody would just hang out in a parking lot arguing when they could be inside socialising with people they genuinely care about. “I’ll take that deal.”
“Awesome, back in a minute,” Kara calls out and blows a kiss to Lori, who completely ignores her, a fact that Kara clearly doesn’t give a single damn about.
The plates have been filled and Lena has even gone as far as to set them on the dining table she has never once used since she has lived here, one that she wouldn’t own if the place didn’t come furnished so she got it in as part of the package deal.
Lori, very kindly, helps her to set the forks out at each seat, more than happy to help Lena when asked, even If she did take her time putting the phone down, she gets up not ten seconds after she was asked to. Lena is glad she did because she doesn’t feel like it would be her place to push if she refused to but also doesn’t feel like she should just let her get away with it in case she accidentally sets a bad precedent.
Kara lets herself back in just as Lena hands Lori napkins to set at each place setting while she handles drinks. “Hey, I have them.”
“Just in time.” Lena greets them. “Lori was just helping set the table. Dinner is ready so feel free to grab a seat. Does anyone want a soda? I don’t have anything alcoholic, I’m afraid so we’ll have to make do with the boring stuff.”
Kara is the only person she’s been open with about her issues with alcohol so she feels the need to try and overcompensate somewhat for the fact that there’s none in the apartment, an irrational part of her telling her that they will judge her and assume the worst of her for it. Kara doesn’t anything away though.
“I’ll take a soda please, Lori too if you don’t mind?”
“Not at all.” Lena grabs a few sodas and takes them over to the table, internally rejoicing when she sees that the space left open for her is between Kara and Lori once again, although she is at the head of the table, exactly where she doesn’t like sitting because it draws too much attention to her.
She grabbed one for Winn and Alex too even though neither of them actually answered her question, too busy stuffing their faces and arguing.
Kara leans close to her when she sits down. “You owe me five bucks. They were arguing about who did the most work on the tyre. It looked like they had finished a while ago but neither wanted to back down and even now, they’re being rude and continuing the ridiculous argument when they should be greeting the very nice lady that invited them to dinner.” Her voice grows harsh towards the end and the volume increases as she directs the words to them, telling them off in a very mother-like way.
Winn and Alex at least have the balls to look a little bit ashamed and Lena can work with that.
“Hi, Lena. Thank you for having us.” Winn greets her with a tiny wave and a smile.
Alex looks more reluctant to do so and it’s not hard to tell that the reason behind that is essentially just because she doesn’t like to be shown up or told what to do but she pushes through those feelings and swallows her pride. “Hi, boss. Thanks for dinner, it tastes awesome and sorry for being late. We had an important debate we had to settle.”
“Yes, well, that debate just cost me five bucks so I suggest you act really appreciative of the food.” Lena’s eyebrow quirks up at Alex, enjoying the way she squirms and tries to figure out what she’s talking about.
Lori taps her arm softly. “Lena?”
“Yes, darling?” The name slips out without it meaning to. it’s one she often finds herself using with Sam and Ruby but it’s been making its way over into this part of her life too, both Lori and Kara being subjected to it but neither of the pretty blue-eyed Danvers girls seem so mind, or at least aren’t displaying any kind of sign that they are uncomfortable with it.
“Can you make it smaller?” Lori asks pointing to the meat on her plate and Lena gathers quickly that what she wants is for her to cut it up for her because it’s too big and it makes her feel a little dumb that she hadn’t thought of that before and that she had to ask because of course a four-year-old needs a little bit of help.
Lena picks up Lori’s knife and fork and makes quick work of it. “Of course. Here you go.” She hands the fork to Lori so she can use it to stab up the food herself from there and during the whole process, she was so focused on helping the little one that she didn’t notice the way Kara was watching them with rapt attention, her little crush on the CEO growing exponentially with each interaction she witnesses between her and her daughter.
They fall into silence as they eat, the sound of forks scraping against plates filling the air between Kara’s hums as she tastes the food Lena has made, she certainly knows how to cook. For her, it’s a comfortable silence but for Lena, who is so far out of her comfort zone it’s crazy, the silence is filled with apprehension.
“This is so good, Lena,” Alex mutters and with it, the apprehension settles. “Seriously, this is amazing.”
“I agree,” Kara adds.
“Me too!” Lori grins, sauce around her mouth in a messy yet cute way.
“Me three.” Winn chimes in.
“Well, thank you.” Lena blushes. She’s glad they like it because she had to admit to Sam that she actually likes Kara in detail to get her to agree to hand over one of her personal recipes so she could impress the group. She’s only partially regretting that now. She’s glad the recipe is going down well but she’s also pretty terrified of the remarks Sam is bound to let slip in front of Kara and isn’t too happy that Kara will probably end up catching onto the fact that she has feelings for her.
With the way Kara feels the need to pay her back, her worst fear is that Kara will go along with her feelings out of some twisted feeling of obligation and she will end up dating Kara only to find out that Kara never actually felt the same way and she has been essentially forcing Kara into a relationship she doesn’t want.
In reality, she’s aware of the fact that Kara is an adult that can make her own choices and she probably wouldn’t actually do that because she has Lori to think about but that’s just another part of why her feelings are so messed up. There’s an innocent child involved, one that she actually really likes despite the fact that she’s never once really thought of herself as someone that likes kids or gets along with them.
In fact, until Lori, she never even considered the fact that one day she could want to be a mother, it’s something she’s just never thought about, but now she’s thinking. She’s thinking that maybe, just maybe, it could happen for her someday, that she could be open to it. She ignores the little voice in her mind that tells her that maybe she’s found it.
It’s late by the time they are ready to leave and Lena is surprised by how much she’s enjoyed herself. She honestly thought that she wouldn’t lose that mildly uncomfortable feeling in her stomach but as the night progresses, she finds that she’s ok. She’s having fun and she doesn’t mind having these people in her space all that much. That may, in part, be due to the fact that she knows she'll have the place back to herself tomorrow.
That doesn’t mean she wants to be rid of them though. Not by a long shot. She really likes having them here. She’s enjoyed catching up with Alex about things other than work, a topic that she’s not had the chance to deviate from when talking with her for a while because of its importance.
She’s also really enjoyed getting to know Winn more. Between yesterday and today, she can see why they keep him around. He’s a positive light in their lives with just enough about him to be grounded and intelligent. It’s impressive and she’s finding herself wanting to be his friend too. They even managed to get a good conversation in about different types of computer software and the latest issue of their shared favourite science magazine.
Lori has long since fallen asleep though because Lena put on a movie for her and it seems like this little girl is just completely incapable of getting all the way through one without falling asleep. Lena had offered to have her in the guest room so they don’t wake her up and Kara had readily agreed, lifting Lori up and letting Lena guide her to the right room, one where a massive king-sized bed sits in the centre of it, a stylish patterned bedspread across it.
It's late though, so late that it’s dark out and it’s no longer Saturday.
“We should leave you in peace, we’ve overtaken your apartment for longer than I’m sure you imagined us being here.” Kara leans her head back against the couch as she says it, the fatigue evident in her eyes.
“Not at all, I’ve had a really good night. Thank you all for coming.”
“Thanks for having us.” Winn retorts. “But Kara’s right, we’d better go. Hopefully, my spare tyre will get us back across town in one piece.”
Lena grimaces. “I forgot about that. Are you sure it’s safe?”
Winn shrugs. “I mean, it should be. Alex and I did a good job at getting it on so it should be fine. I just hope my spare doesn’t get flat too, I don’t have a spare for my spare.” He tries to joke but it falls flat.
“Maybe I should just drive you guys home, it wouldn’t be any trouble.” Lena is already mentally preparing herself to have to drive when Alex holds a hand up. “Place that butt back down, Luthor. We’ll be perfectly alright, right Kara?”
All eyes fall onto Kara, who has her head resting in her hand, her elbow perched on the arm of the couch and her eyes closed, her breath heavy as her chest rises and falls in a steady rhythm.
“I think we’ve lost her.” Winn snorts.
Alex huffs. “Lena, give her a shake so we can get out of your hair.”
Lena doesn’t do that, she doesn’t want to wake Kara up, especially when she’s obviously tired. “It’s ok. If you guys want to stay the night because it’s late, that’s fine. Lori is already asleep in the guest room and it would be a shame to wake her too.”
Winn shakes his head. “I appreciate the offer and any other time, I’d take you up on it because I hate driving in the dark but I promised to help an old college buddy out tomorrow morning and then we’re catching up over coffee so I have to be up early and I don’t want to wake you guys up.”
“I’m not staying either,” Alex declares. “You can keep the strays but If this is my chance to have the apartment to myself overnight, I’m most definitely taking it.”
Lena rolls her eyes. “That’s not a nice thing to call your sister and your niece.”
“You’re right, Kara is the only stray, Lori is a very fancy pedigree.”
“You’re insufferable. Get out and stop picking on your sister.” Lena stands up slowly so the couch doesn’t jolt and wake Kara up. Alex watches her, barely holding in her snort of laughter at the way Lena is acting.
Lena walks them to the door, elated that she’s getting to keep her two favourites of the bunch for the night, as creepy as that sounds. A tiny smile graces her lips as she watches Alex and Winn gather their things.
“Alex, I’ll drop Kara and Lori off in the morning. Want us to grab coffee and doughnuts on our way over?” Lena asks.
“Yes but don’t pretend you’re going to go and get doughnuts for any reason other than to flirt with my sister.”
Lena stops breathing.
“Oh, don’t look so shocked. You’re not the first person to become enthralled by her and honestly, I can see why. She’s annoying as hell but she’s the kindest, most genuine person you will ever meet and the size of her heart far outweighs all of the irritating things she does. Pretty much everyone falls in love with her or clamours to at least be her best friend. I can see which category you’re in already. I approve though, don’t worry.”
Alex reels off her speech like it’s nothing and Lena has no idea how to respond.
“And once again Alex chases away one of Kara’s prospective suitors.” Winn quips. “There’s only one you didn’t manage to scare off and we all know how that went.”
If Lena didn’t know what to say before, she certainly doesn’t after Winn’s last comment. “Right so, uh. I’ll see you tomorrow, Alex.”
Alex nods slowly. “Yeah.” She turns to head out the door before turning back. “She doesn’t know, she’s practically oblivious, I think you should ask her out though, I think she’d say yes.”
“I don’t think I can do that.”
“Just think about it.” Alex urges her. “Thanks again for having us. It’s been a really nice night.”
“Anytime,” Lena replies and she finds the word to hold more truth than she originally thought. She might not appreciate this little goodbye chat but other than that, the night has been fantastic and she would love to have the chance to do it again.
Alex takes one last look over at a still-sleeping Kara. “Look after her.”
“I will.”
The door closes softly and Lena looks around the place, never happier to see a mess because for once, her apartment actually feels lived in. This is the second time Kara’s been here and now, this place is starting to actually feel like somewhere she enjoys being. Maybe that’s because she’s got memories to treasure now.
Very quietly, she sets dirty dishes in the kitchen to be washed tomorrow and grabs all of the trash that’s lying around the place. All the while she’s kept one ear out just in case Lori wakes up because she’s sure that waking up in a place she doesn’t recognise would be scary for her the same way it would be for anyone to wake up somewhere that isn’t their own bed.
Only once everything is as clean as she’s going to get it for tonight because she’s also tired and she’s looking forward to flopping into bed, does she move towards Kara to wake her up.
She shakes her very lightly, her voice low as she tries to rouse her from her slumber. “Kara? Kara? Wake up.”
Kara wakes up slowly and her eyes are barely open. “Lena?”
“Hey, Winn has taken Alex home. You and Lori are staying here tonight. Come on, let’s get you to the guest room and I’ll grab you something to change into.”
Kara is tired enough that she doesn’t question it, she just nods and takes the hand that Lena offers to help her up.
Lena takes her back to the guest room, peeking in to see that Lori hasn’t moved an inch since she was placed tentatively on one side of the bed. “I’ll be right back with something for you to change into.”
Kara catches her hand as she is about to turn away. “Thank you, Lena. You’re my guardian angel.”
Lena’s eyes flutter closed as she’s pulled into the world’s most powerful hug. It’s filled with gratitude and kindness and regret and excitement and hope. Especially hope.
“You’re welcome.” Lena pats her back gently. “Now, let’s get you sorted before you fall asleep again.”
Lena flicks through her drawers in her room until she finds some sleep shorts and a baggy sweatshirt to hand over to Kara, one from her days at MIT. Kara takes them with a smile. “Goodnight, Lena.”
“Goodnight, Kara,” Lena replies, closing the door to the guest room behind her.
She sleeps well knowing who is under her roof.
Read the next 4 chapters early on Patreon here!
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soulmate-game · 3 years
Daughter of wonderwoman au where marinette finds out her mother is actually Diana and somehow it ends up with her meeting/being introduced to the batfam maybe because she has super strength and is seen yeeting some bad guys who tried to mug her... Or something.
“... you are running from your problems, Mari,” Adrien’s exasperated voice reminded his best friend. Again. She ignored him, and he threw his hands up in exasperation. “Look, you don’t have to do anything about it! Nobody would hold it against you if you decided to just, ignore that you found anything out at all. But you need to actually think about what we just found out and decide whether or not you’re gonna do anything—“ he side-stepped a piece of trash that went flying in his direction. “—or if you’re gonna move on and pretend nothing happened.”
“Isn’t that what I’m doing?” Marinette shot back, pushing her bangs out of her face and tying her hair back with one hand.
“No, you’re currently hiding away in Gotham to avoid your parents while you beat up every random group of idiots who thinks you’re an easy mark,” he retorted. Another wannabe kidnapper went flying in his direction, making him sigh and side step again. She had thrown that one with only her one free hand, showing just how upset she was. “You’re ignoring everything in your life, which is not what we meant we said you should get a little space.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Marinette dropkicked the last criminal into unconsciousness before stepping back and putting her hands on her hips. She looked over at the now seven passed out men in the alleyway, and the one very frustrated ex-model pinching the bride of his nose. “I think I’m coping just fine.”
“It’s better than being forced to suppress all of your emotions, sure,” Adrien reluctantly agreed. “But not by much. Your angry rampage through Gotham has already attracted more attention,” he raised his hand to point at a nearby rooftop. Several shadows lurked there, looming over the building’s edge. “Which, might I add, is exactly why I told you not to come to Gotham.”
“You’re the one who followed me here,” she shot back before turning to the shadowy figures above them. “Go ahead and come down! But it was self defense, and you can’t arrest or beat me up for defending myself!”
The first figure to drop down straightened your just as quickly, revealing the imposing figure of none other than Batman himself. The little white eyes on his cowl seemed to narrow on their own as he looked down at her.
“That might be true, but I’m sure you know my policy on metas in my city,” he grumbled back at her. He wasn’t necessarily threatening, but he definitely wasn’t welcoming either. With all of his limbs hidden behind the cocoon that was his cape, Marinette would never be able to predict his next move if he did decide to fight. Not that she seemed particularly worried about that as she crossed her arms over her chest and met his glare evenly.
“Oh, do you own this city now? I wasn’t given the memo,” she retorted. “And considering I didn’t even know I was a meta until last week? I think I deserve a little slack. I’m angry and if people think the tiny little girl in pink is an easy kidnapping target, then it’s their fault for making themselves into the perfect practice dummies for me to try out my newly discovered strength on.”
Adrien saw the eyes on Batman’s mask narrow even further. Marinette wasn’t exactly at her most charismatic at the moment, and Adrien didn’t wanna get the both of them into a bad relationship with the experienced superhero who always seemed to know things he shouldn’t know. So he stepped up quickly, getting in between Marinette and the Bat and holding his hands up in a placating gesture.
“Okay, Monsieur Batman,” Adrien started slowly, making sure his posture was impeccable and his smile bright. “She’s telling the truth, even if she’s not... the most tactful about it right now. She just found out some very concerning things about her origin and Gotham is the best place for her to hide from her problems and let loose a little pent up aggression. But— well,” he grimaced. “We didn’t intend to run into you guys, but maybe it’s a good thing we did.”
“How so?” Batman was clearly still incredibly suspicious of the both of them and wasn’t giving an inch. So Marinette rolled her eyes (she was still very moody) and leaned around Adrien so she could get a good look at the monochromatic hero.
“I thank my lucky spots that we ran into you, Batman!” She said monotonously. “Me and Adrien are paw-sitively excited at this opportunity.”
Batman. Froze.
Not only were those two lines the very first lines ever spoken to him by two foreign heroes a few years ago (with a few key words changed to protect identities), but they had become their code phrase for whenever they made calls to one another outside of their costumes. All at once it seemed to hit him— the golden hair and bright green eyes on the boy, the blue-black hair and normally super-focused bluebell eyes on the girl that were currently sporting very uncharacteristic frustration. Their heights. Their builds. All of this info flowed through his mind and compared to the information stored in his memory, and it only took the span of two seconds for everything to click.
Suddenly Batman was at full attention, back straight instead of looming over them and eyebrows clearly raised high under his cowl.
He knew Chat Noir and Ladybug would never take a random vacation to Gotham. Ladybug herself had nearly waxed poetic about how much the city depressed her just from the pictures she saw online. If she had willingly come to visit, it was more than to just blow off some steam.
“Batcave?” He asked, earning a relieved look from Adrien and a moody silence from Marinette.
“Please,” Adrien agreed. “You can probably help us, actually.”
Marinette leaned back in the metal debriefing chair, legs up on the table and looking for all the world as the picture of pure teenage rebellion and angst. Coincidentally, Red Hood was in the exact same position in the chair next to her.
Batman and all of his other bats and birds were in the cave with the two off-duty Parisian heroes. Everyone except Adrien and Marinette still had their masks on, since the two Parisians were still not privy to their identities. Yet.
To be fair, the bats hadn’t known the identities of the two miraculous users either before today.
“Cha Noir,” Batman started, only to get a head shake from the blond boy.
“Just call me Adrien. Chat’s out of the bag—“ he ignored the groans at the pun and soldiered on, “—so might as well use my real name.”
Batman nodded. “Adrien, then,” he amended. “Why are you and Ladybug really in Gotham?”
Adrien sighed. “I wasn’t lying, before. Marinette,” he gestured to his hero partner. “Just found out some distressing family news. Since HawkMoth is gone, she doesn’t need to repress her negative emotions anymore. But she also didn’t want to be around her parents while she processed everything. I told her to choose any other city— really, I begged— but she insisted on coming to Gotham.”
“The never ending cloud cover and constant rain seem thematic,” she finally spoke up, reaching into her big over-the-shoulder bag and pulling out a large envelope. She threw it to Batman, making the thin package slice through the air like a knife. To nobody’s surprise the seasoned hero easily caught the projectile between two fingers. He looked at the envelope and back to Marinette, silent questions floating in the air between them. Marinette decided to answer at her own pace.
“That’s what we found out. You see, one of my friends is a huge science nerd. A genius. And he wanted to compare DNA samples between us to see if there were any genetic components that determined a person’s suitability towards certain Miraculous or other magical artifacts over others. It was supposed to just be a fun side project that he didn’t expect any breakthroughs on. He mostly just wanted to satisfy his own curiosity. But instead of finding out if our DNA was linked to the miraculous, he found out that my parents are not biologically my parents.”
“Hence the whole just finding out that you’re a meta thing, right?” Nightwing spoke up, fully invested in the story. “Did they never say you were adopted before?”
“It’s not in the system,” she replied easily. “My parents have all the documentation to prove that I’m their biological child, except I’m not. When I confronted them about it, they caved and admitted that they had adopted me in secret and covered it up. Apparently a friend of theirs was involved in something illegal, and,” she waved at the envelope that Batman was now opening. “The details of what we were able to dig up are in there. The summary is this; their friend was part of a secret, illegal experimentation to create clones that could defeat the Justice League—“ the air seemed to get sucked out of the room as soon as those words left Marinette’s mouth. Everyone seemed to know exactly what she was talking about. “—a group called CADMUS. They made me, as apparently one of their early attempts. But I didn’t exhibit any of the powers they were looking for, or any meta traits at all, and my body refused to mature at the rate they wanted. They had no use for a seemingly normal human baby that they managed to clone, so they were preparing to kill me and start over. That’s when my parent’s friend stole me, not wanting to kill an infant, and begged my parents to take me in and pretend I was theirs. Low and behold, it turns out that my DNA just needed a very specific series of emotions to unlock it’s latent abilities.”
“Those emotions being..?” Red hood trailed off, earning a wolfish smile from Marinette.
“Intense anger, betrayal, and confused frustration closely followed by the desire to punch other people’s faces in.”
“That last one is just an assumption,” Adrien chimed in. “And maybe not accurate. But the first three, our scientist friend was able to confirm. The rapid experience of a lot of negative but action-oriented emotions released whatever had been holding back the powers in her DNA from expressing themselves,” he had switched to French so that he could explain everything exactly as Max had told it to them, but he knew all of them were fluent anyway so it was fine. They nodded along, processing the information.
The crinkling of paper drew everyone’s attention back to Batman, who had been flipping through the detailed break down of everything they had found about Marinette’s situation and how she was made by CADMUS.
“Uh,” Red Robin nervously spoke up. “What’s up, Batman?”
“Your genetic donors...” Batman breathed, getting a wink and finger guns from Marinette.
“Yup. Isn’t that just the most fucked up thing you’ve ever seen? They were clearly trying to make someone who could destroy the world.”
“That makes me nervous,” Nightwing admitted, getting up and going to get a look at the papers himself. “It can’t be that ba—“
When even Nightwing was left agape, everyone else who wasn’t in on it found themselves squirming.
“Just tell the rest of us, already!” Robin demanded after the silence stretched just a bit too long.
“The unknowing genetic donors that CADMUS used to make me,” Marinette spoke up, still with her legs up on the table. “Are a very mad-scientist’s-wet-dream combination of Lex Luthor, Bruce Wayne, and Wonder Woman.”
“We don’t even know why they added Bruce Wayne’s DNA,” Adrien admitted. “Although our scientist friend thinks it’s because of physique. His hypothesis is that, in order to support the genes of Wonder Woman, they had to add male genetics that could support the production of a very high muscle mass and would lean towards easy development of a very athletic body. Lex might be evil-scientist smart, but he’s a string bean. But if he added the DNA of another multi millionaire who just so happens to maintain a ridiculously fit body without putting any obvious work into it,” Adrien shrugged. “Then maybe the clone would be able to support Wonder Woman’s genetics and that of two human donors without falling apart.”
“So I’m ‘the clone’ now, huh?” Marinette snarked, earning an exasperated eye roll from her friend.
Batman just stared at the both of them for a moment. He walked away without a word, and came back with a fresh needle and a box. He placed it on the debriefing table.
“Can I do a paternity test myself?” He asked, his voice suspiciously less gruff than normal. “I trust the both of you, but I rather be safe than sorry with something like this.”
The both of them just stared at him in confusion. They traded a glance, and finally Marinette shrugged and moved to sit in her chair properly. Her shirt was already short sleeved, so she just held her arm out so Batman could easily get a blood sample.
“Sure, why not. But do you just have Lex Luthor or Bruce Wayne’s DNA sitting around to compare, or—“ she shut up when she watched Batman take off his glove and roll his own sleeve up. Realization slowly sunk in as he asked Nightwing to take a blood sample from him.
“Holy shit,” she breathed, eyes wide. “You’re— and Luthor doesn’t know— holy shit this is even worse than I thought,” Marinette rambled, not even noticing as Red Hood moved forward and took a small blood sample from her.
Adrien put a hand over his face and just laughed for a moment hysterically. “Oh my god,” he looked over at Marinette. “You could take over the world.”
“I have the blood of Batman AND Wonder Woman on MY side,” Marinette joked back, also hysterical.
When the bat’s high tech equipment was able to come back with a positive result only a few minutes later, Marinette and Adrien had to sit on the floor and just let it all sink in. Which Batman did not at all help by immediately unmasking himself and trying to make a proper introduction.
“I wanna go beat up random thugs again,” Marinette whined, pulling at her hair. “I’ll put on a mask, whatever, but just please let me punch people. I need to punch people right now.”
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
Could we please have an insecure!reader x Bokuto! (Also Todoroki x reader but separately if that’s okay?) where she starts to slowly starts to compare herself to all the fangirls and the girls that confess to them? So she slowly starts to distance herself, then meets up with then to break up. But when she says she wants to break up the boys are like “do you not love me anymore, what happened” then she basically goes on a spiel about how much better he would be with one the fangirls and just straight up says she looks like the trash but of course she still loves him. So then the boys reassure her that she’s the only one he wants and that she is perfect and blah blah blah and it’s just a nice happy ending basically :)
It’s Always Been You
Pairing: Bokuto x reader
Angst, Fluff
Word count: 3.1K
A/N: I’M BACK! I’m starting to get back into the groove of things while juggling my work but hopefully, I’ll be able to start that new series soon! Let me tell yall, when I finished plotting out and detailing everything I want to happen in this series, it was 11 pages long.... like what?
Anyway, I love love loved this prompt. It actually made me feel sad inside. I hope it wasn’t too rushed. Also, I just wanted to do Bokuto since I have a lot on my plate, writing wise so i hope that is okay! Thank you to whoever sent this in and I hope you are satisfied with this! Happy reading! (if you want to know more about my next series, DM me! I really want to talk about it LOL)
“Kotarou-kun!” you bellowed your boyfriend’s name from the stands. You would always go to Bokuto’s volleyball practice whenever you could. You had your own club activities so you couldn’t always be there to cheer him on. But when you would, Bokuto would be jumping with joy, trying new moves just to impress you. You were already impressed with the achievements he made this past year, one being the top 5 spikers in all of Japan. But he somehow still thinks that there’s more wow factor in him for you. When Bokuto hears his name fall from your lips, he automatically whips his head and gives you the widest smile.
“(y/n)!” he sings your name, waving both hands in the air. Bokuto was so distracted by you that he didn’t see that ball coming straight for him. Luckily, it missed him but just a hair. But now his team was upset that they just lost a point thanks to him. Thank god this was just practice and not an actual game. You’d never live that one down. You could see Bokuto rubbing the back of his head, embarrassed, as his team continued to scold him to pay attention.
Spike after spike after spike after spike, you were amazing at how many times Bokuto could spike the ball down without getting tired. If that was you, you would surely break both your ankles. You leaned on the railing, admiring how hardworking and how much effort he put in his sport. You’ve never met anyone more dedicated than the man who was dominating the court by just standing there.
“This one’s for…” Bokuto starts as he jumps in the air with exceptional form. You smile fondly because you know what’s about to happen. “(Y/N)!!!” he dedicates his spike to you, yelling with his whole chest and smacks the ball on the other side of the court. With the widest smile and a big thumbs up, Bokuto faces you after his great feat. His teammates clearly embarrassed with his antics. It’s practice, for crying out loud. But Bokuto didn’t care what anyone else thought. He was going to shower you with love and affection to show everyone just who captured his heart.
You giggle to yourself. You loved this side of Bokuto. In the beginning of your relationship, you admit that it was embarrassing. He was just so extra with his affection that you didn’t know how to take it. But day by day, you learned to accept and love all the things he does for you. His smile, his laugh, his iconic ‘hey, hey, hey’ line, and even when he dedicates certain moves to you. But you weren’t the only one to admired him. No, his fangirls were also in love with that. Speaking of fangirls…
When practice was over, you made your way down the bleachers and over to your boyfriend, but when the team came into sight, Bokuto was already surrounded by a herd of fangirls.
“Bokuto-san, you were super cool today!”
“Can you show me how to play?”
“Are you thirsty? Here, I bought you some water!”
“Do you need a towel?”
“Can we feel your muscles?”
Bokuto looked uncomfortable, to say the least. You stayed behind the crowd of girls, giving him some space with his fans. He sees you immediately and gives you an apologetic look. You shake your head, insinuating that it was okay. Because it honestly was. You can’t be mad at him for having adoring fans. It was natural if he was going to play professionally. And this is nothing if he was to really play on a pro volleyball team. So you could take it. Bokuto continues to interact with the girls while to watch them, waiting until he’s ready to leave.
You could see him trying to make his way through the crowd to get to you, but surprisingly, his fans were pretty strong. They refused to let him leave, no matter how many times he said he had to go. But again, you were willing to be patient.
“Look, ladies. I’d love to stay and talk, but I have someone waiting on me,” Bokuto tried one more time and pointed in your direction. All their heads whipped around to you, not looking too happy. Their stares burned at you, scaring you a bit at how vicious they could look. With them distracted, Bokuto was able to slip out of their circle and by your side.
“Shall we go?” he looked down at you, love back in his eyes. You nod and Bokuto automatically wraps his hand around your shoulders, leading you out of the court.
As you pass by the group of girls who were still staring daggers at you, you heard their whispers. You weren’t sure if they were saying it on purpose or if it was because it was the truth, but they were speaking loud enough for you to overhear.
“What does he see in her?”
“Do you see her bare face? Does she not care that she looks homeless?”
“It’s because her face is bumpy, so if she wore makeup it would look cakey.”
“No, even if she did wear makeup, it would look so bad because she doesn’t know how to put it on.”
“God, she’s so boring!”
“Her hair isn’t even done.”
“It’s like she purposely trying be a loser.”
“And do you see how her rolls are spilling out of her shirt? Embarrassing!”
You tightened your grip on your skirt. Were they really talking about you? The entire time Bokuto was walking you home, you were looking down and thought about all those comments that they made. Mean as they were, maybe they were right? You didn’t wear any jewelry. It would only get in the way. You don’t do your hair, but you didn’t think it was that messy. You liked it the way it was. No, you don’t wear makeup. Not only do you not have time in the morning, but you only use it for special occasions. Fat? Maybe you were putting on a few pounds, but you and Bokuto like to eat. It’s his fault that you look bigger than normal. Is this what people think about you? Is this was people say behind your back? You looked down at your stomach and held it shyly. Thinking about those comments just made you upset. But did Bokuto think that way? You look up at him and he’s all happy like normal. He hasn’t said that you should change anything, but maybe that’s just him being polite. But that was going to change.
After dropping you off, you went straight to your room and dug up everything you could find: makeup, clothes, jewelry, accessories, curling iron, straightener. You put everything on your counter and got to work. You were going to look pretty for once.
First, you applied your makeup. Dramatic or subtle? What do most of the girls wear at school? After a quick search, subtle it is. You admit, you weren’t the best at makeup, but it’s not like you’ve never put it on before. You just needed a little practice and this was a good opportunity. After maybe 30 minutes of applying what you thought looked like good makeup skills, you moved onto the hair. You tried something that you normally never do. Up or down? Curly or straight? Extensions or nah? God, so many options. So again, you looked at what the other girls were doing. Looking back in the mirror, you smiled at yourself. Not too bad, if you do say so yourself! You were going to wake up early tomorrow and do exactly this. Bokuto was in for a big surprise.
A big surprise, he was. Bokuto waited outside your house like he did every day. You were running a little late but he didn’t mind waiting.
“Sorry I’m late. I was doing something real quick!” you announced and presented yourself in front of your boyfriend. As soon as Bokuto laid eyes on you, he felt his heart fly out of his chest and then back again because he had to be alive to see how stunning you looked. His mouth flew open but he couldn’t form any words. His eyes grew as wide as saucers and looked up and down. He didn’t want this picture of you out of his mind.
As shocked as Bokuto was, you didn’t take his reaction the right way. Did he not like it? Why wasn’t he saying anything? You know that your look might be different than normal, but he acts like you’re a totally different person. The longer that he stared at you, the more ridiculous you looked. But what were you going to do now? It was too late to change and you were going to be late to school.
“Let’s go!” you urged, hooking your arms together and pulled him along to walk with you. You acted like his reaction didn’t affect you, but inside you were disappointed.
As the day went on, you couldn’t help but feel subconscious about your new look. Your friends said that they loved the new you, but Bokuto’s opinion mattered the most to you. Because you knew that he would tell you the truth no matter what.
In between classes, you look either go to the bathroom or look at your phone, wherever there was a mirror so that you could look at yourself. Your make up started melting and fading away, your hair wasn’t as kept like this morning. Slowly, your new look made you look like a clown. And the more you looked, the more you started to see your flaws. Now you could understand what those girls were saying. Fuck.
Tears welled in your eyes that you rubbed away the tears. But in the process of doing that, you wiped off the makeup that you forgot you had on, the makeup that took you so long to do. It all smeared across your eyes and that made you cry even more. Now you were forced to take your makeup off. You turned on the tap and rubbed all the foundation, the eye shadow, the blush, and the lipstick away. There, your ugly bare face was back.
Since you were doing that, might as well fix your hair. Pulling your hair all the way back, you put it into a bun. You stared at yourself in the mirror again. Homeless. Ugly. Bare faced. Fat. You could see it all. The realization hit you like a ton of bricks and you began to cry uncontrollably. God, you felt so embarrassed with yourself.
Bokuto immediately saw the difference in appearance when he saw you at the end of the day. Your shoulders were slouched over, your head was hung low, not to mention that your new look disappeared.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Bokuto said softly. “What happened to your new look?”
“Oh,” you jolted up. His concerned gaze made you feel uncomfortable and even more insecure about your looks. “It was bothering me, so I took it off.” You lied. And it was a good lie because he believed it without a second thought.
“If it bothers you, maybe you shouldn’t wear it to school,” Bokuto suggested. Oh, so he’s basically saying that you shouldn’t dress like that because he’s embarrassed by you. Your confidence levels just reached a new low.
“Yeah, I probably won’t,” you say discouraged and quickly walk away from him. Bokuto didn’t know what to say. Why did you look so sad?
The next day, you transitioned back into your normal outfit. You felt more comfortable but your body and the way you looked to other people was always in the back of your mind. You became so distracted by the idea that you began to distance yourself from the volleyball player.
You went to his practices but didn’t make yourself known anymore. Little by little each day, you let the fangirls take over. So he’ll spend most of his time with them instead of you. It was probably better like that anyway. The more you looked at them from afar, the more you could see the difference between you guys. You were just an ordinary student with an ordinary life with ordinary looks. There really wasn’t anything special about you. There wasn’t anything about you that stood out. Compared to these girls that were flocking all around your boyfriend? Beautiful girls. Their looks were out of this world. You could never compare to them. So why was Bokuto with you when he could have anyone he wanted? He was popular, athletic, goofy, strong. Every girl’s dream guy. It doesn’t make sense that you, a plain girl, was his girlfriend. A match that probably wasn’t meant to be.
Bokuto noticed that you were being distant. Eventually, you stopped going to his practices. Every day, he would look for you in the stands but you were never there. Whenever he has free time and wanted to spend it with you, you were also too busy or had some place to be. He never saw you anymore. You didn’t even want to walk to and from school together. He couldn’t fathom what he did wrong. He thought he treated you well. He thought that he did his best to show you that you mean so much to him. So what was going on?
Bokuto stopped by your house one day after practice because does not like how you were avoiding him. He was going to figure out what was wrong whether you continue to avoid him or not.
“Oh, is (y/n) home?” Bokuto asked your mother who opened the door instead of you. Strange, were you not home yet?
“Oh, Kotarou. No, she isn’t home yet. Would you like to wait inside? She should be home any minute now,” your mother informed, opening the door a little wider to let him in. He gladly accepted and stepped into your welcoming home. Your mother let Bokuto make himself at home and that is just what he did. He went to your room and waited for you there.
When you arrived home, you greeted your mother with a kiss on her cheek and headed for your room when your mom stopped you in your tracks.
“Oh, your boyfriend is waiting for you upstairs, dear,” your mother said. You completely froze. Your heart started to race and cold sweat ran down your back. Shit. What was he doing here? After all this time, you thought you were doing well by keeping your distance but now he shows up out of nowhere, catching you off guard. Reluctantly, you opened the door to your bedroom and sure enough, Bokuto was standing there not looking too happy.
“Kotarou,” you say but didn’t have a clue what to say after. What could you say?
“(y/n),” Bokuto sighs and walks to you. But you backup, making Bokuto frustrated. “What is going on with you? First, you don’t come to my practices. Then, you stop talking to me. You don’t even want to walk with me to school anymore. Did I do something wrong? Because if I did, just tell me so I can fix it.”
“No, you didn’t do anything wrong,” you admit, but now Bokuto was confused.
“If I didn’t do anything, then why are you acting like towards me? Are you mad at me?”
“Did I say something that hurt your feelings?”
“No.” Question after question, you kept saying no. Everything that he thought he did, you answered no. You weren’t giving him any information to help him understand what was going on. All you did was stand by the door, head down and you fiddled with your fingers. Bokuto was beyond frustrated. He put his hands on his waist and let out a deep sigh.
You couldn’t see him but you could definitely hear him and feel the ambiance in the room. He was upset at you. He had every right to. But now his reaction made you feel even worse about yourself that you just wanted to cuddle up in bed and literally just forget about everything. Maybe today was the today.
“If you’re so frustrated, why don’t you just break up with me?” you opened your mouth to say. Silence.
All of Bokuto’s anger and frustration dissipated and was replaced with hurt and betrayal. The moment those words left your mouth, his stomach dropped and the pain in his heart hit him so deep that he had to take a step back.
“Baby, why are you saying that?” his voice softens in the most pained toned you’ve ever heard. Guilt starts to eat at you for saying that, but cat’s out of the bag now. You don’t answer him and continue to stare down at your feet. He gets closer and you allow him to take your hands in his.
“I’m just trying to understand. Why are avoiding me? Why are you saying that we should break up?” he asks, trying to look you in the eyes. You shrug your shoulders but don’t say anything. But that’s okay because Bokuto was going to give you all the time in the world that you need to answer back. And it took you a long while before you should say anything.
“It’s because… I think you can find someone better,” you mumble in a whisper.
“Why do you think that?” Bokuto matches your tone. You shrug again.
“I don’t know. I see all those girls around you. And they’re all so pretty and thin. I’m nothing compared to them. And then I started thinking, and… you’re way out of my league. You could do so much better if you were with someone like-”
“Do you love me?” Bokuto cuts you off.
“Yeah,” you answer anyway. “But I don’t think we look good as a couple.”
“I don’t care what other people think. I love you and only you. I picked you. Every practice, every game, I’m looking for you. Whenever I see you, my day brightens up. When I see you, I feel like I can play my best. You are my strength and my motivation. You are the only one that sticks out in a crowd full of people. You’re perfect and don’t let those other people tell you otherwise.” Bokuto lifts your chin up so that you could tell that he meant every word. Your lower lip forms a pout and silent tears streaked your cheeks. His face softens at you. Gosh, even when you’re crying and snot is coming out of your nose, you’re still so cute to him.
“You really mean it?” you cry.
“Yes, you cry baby. Now come here,” he scoops you up and lays you on the bed to cuddle. “So don’t you ever say that to me again, or I’ll quit volleyball.” He threatens. Upon hearing that, you freak out and convince that he shouldn’t. He’s laughing out loud and kisses you all over.
“Ah, I love you too much,” he says content and you cuddle for the rest of the evening.
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octopus-reactivated · 3 years
Title me Miss
You remember Decima? If not, here she is.
Tw/cw: Pet whump. legal slavery, stress position, maybe? low self-esteem, dehumanisation, unreliable narrator, derogatory language
The cage was small, much smaller than cages usually used in stores. He had to bend while kneeling. His back hurt and he wanted to lay down, curl up on cold floor, but then he wouldn't be able to get at kneeling position fast, and if someone would look at him, and see he isn't even kneeling, then he won't be bought and taken to new home and new Master and it’s not like his chances were high to begin with.
He had to stay in this uncomfortable position. Of course stupid Pet like him deserved anything better, anyway.
That's bad - thought Paparazzi realising the celebrity saw her taking a photo of him. Except that she wasn't a paparazzi, and he wasn't a celebrity.
Caretaker quickly turned around trying to walk away without getting into a confrontation. It was most likely that she would be able to get away, and even if man would demand to delete photos, she already switched memory cards, so the evidence was safe.
She took a glance into a reflective surface. Yep. Mr. Politician was following her, and even pointed at her. Rude. She hid behind the nearest corner, taking her jacket off. Then she hopped into the closest shop and got wig off - good thing she actually decided to start using them. She walked into the furthest part of the shop, hiding clothing, wig and camera in a bag and done! Caretaker can be a different person now! It took her 15 seconds no more. Still far away from a perfect time of 7 seconds, but most likely 15 seconds would be enough.
Caretaker calmed herself down, and crunched behind a cage
And then she saw where she was. A “Pet” shop. She realised There was a human in a cage, and he looked at her with hopeful eyes. Oh no. She suddenly felt guilty. She never was brave enough to go after a big company. Did this combination of events happen to show her what happens to people because she refuses to take action... Even if this action is just spying on corrupted politicians?
She will have to pull herself together and inform Justin she's ready to hunt down big fish.
Caretaker stayed a little longer, until she decided it was safe to go. She stood up and at that moment a man in a cage whimpered. She looked at the boy. He had teary eyes. Was it because she didn't want to buy him? Why would anyone be sad for not getting bought? Maybe Pets were punished when someone decided to leave them? It made no sense, but common sense probably got beaten out of them. Whatever it was, the boy was authentically sad.
"I'm just... looking at the description, don't worry" she sent him a reassuring smile. What the what was she doing? She's not here to buy anything? Maybe she would be able to steal him? No, she's a simple photographer playing spy, not a thief. And THAT would be illegal, and she can't have a criminal record. Caretaker looked at papers glued to the board over the cage. Age, physical attributes, placing of scars, training facility, 'one previous owner' note, price - cheaper than she would expect for a human being- what he was trained to, blablabla...
"Interested in-" without thinking, she turned around and punched the owner of a voice in the stomach. He bent in half. Only then she realised it was one of the employees.
"I'm so sorry i didn't mean to hurt you, you terrified me" she apologised quickly, and she meant it. She really was sorry for punching an innocent person. Oh wait, this guy works at Pet store. Nevermind, she's not sorry. Unless that would make a fuss and affect her reputation. Then maybe a little.
Employee straighten up
"You're stronger than you look like" He said, quite impressed.
"Thank you. I didn't meant to use that strength on you"
"No problem, it was my fault anyway. I tend to walk quiet" He said, but to be honest it sounded a little forced. Later on he will trash talk about her to his friends for sure. "Anyway i was meant to ask if you're interested in this Pet"
"Well, I am considering... "
"We also have many others here, or you can visit our website and..."
"No thank you... I think… I think I will talk to my friend, he's like 78% of my impulse control. I will be back in a few minutes."
"Of course if you want to discuss it with someone..." Employee looked disappointed, but he also didn't want to come out as pushy, so he didn't stop her.
When she was walking away Pet sniffed, and an employee kicked cage saying something angrily. He switched from servile to cruel in seconds. Disgusting, absolutely disgusting. She will stop this. But first she had to make a call.
Pet was waiting, hoping for the impossible, and then- then someone walked in and looked at him! Mistress with exotic blue hair! She was looking at him! Maybe she will pet him and decide he looks adorable and take him? He tried so hard to look cute!
Of course it wasn't enough. Mistress stood up. Why would she want a disgusting, horrible Pet like him? He whimpered and shut up immediately. He didn't get permission to make a sound. Bad, untrained Pet.
"I'm just looking at the description, don't worry," Lady said. Of course, you stupid mutt. Humans won't just decide by looking at face, they would want to know... all those important stuff written in his document, that he was to stupid to understeand.
One of the Masters came and talked to Lady... but she just punched him! And the Master was in pain, but still didn't get mad... Did it mean that Lady was so cruel she wanted to hurt even other humans and powerful enough to get away with this? Pet trembled.
Master tried to convince her to purchase one of Pets, him or some other, that was less useless, bu the Lady apparently didn't liked anything, so she used banal excuse even dumb Pet was able to look through and left.
He tried not to cry.
Master kicked his cage.
"Can't you even try to be less hopeless?" he said angry
"Justin, my beloved, my light, my braincell and my source of income i need your advice"
"What is this time?"
"So I was doing as you said, and you were right, they really met and there was a third man with them, and I got photos, but he saw me and..."
"Did you lose evidence?"
"Nah, don't worry it's safe like a baby in your mother's arms. The thing is I had to flee and I went into the first open store and there was Pet and he looked so sad, and I have to take him now, but..."
"I see, do you want me to gently sway you from making decisions you already know it's bad, or do you look for my genuine opinion about your capability of taking care of a pet with your job?"
"No no no no no. You misunderstood me. It was A Pet. And I want to take him, because I'm afraid they will beat him to death if i don't but I also don't want to give them my money. I don't want to contribute to the system, but stealing is bad and I don't know what to do anymore."
"Okay. Okay, wait a moment i need to think about it for second"
"Alright, I have an idea: big companies like that always have some dirt. So do like this: go to this store and buy him casually, but look for old ventilation, unsafely placed things or anything. Note that and take photos if you can, and we will later snitch on them for WHS violation or something"
"Okay. Thank you i knew i could count on you"
Pet was kneeling in the cage. He could have a new home by now if only he wouldn't be so disgusting. The last customer was really scary, and cruel and even she didn't want such an awful Pet. He tried not to cry. Crying wasn't cute and he had to look cute even if it was pointless.
Then he heard quick angry footsteps. The blue-haired lady was back. What did it mean?
"I'M TAKING HIM!" She shouted. She had fire in her eyes. It took all of Pet's strength not to move away to the back of the cage.
She will buy him, and she was angry, maybe because the pet was scared of her, or maybe her Friend failed to control her impulse, or maybe it was something different, but the Pet will pay for that.
He was scared, but he will take all the pain if she would want him, please he wants to be wanted, even if it doesn't matter what he wants, take him away, he will be good...
Master rushed and took Lady to the back, where the documents were signed. Pet glued eyes to the doors. She still can change her mind when she will look deeper and realise how bad and ill-trained animal he is.
Or maybe she would like to have a broken animal to train up to herself? Was it about it?
"Here are all his files. We have to make sure you had read them, especially the last page"
"Sure, give me some time"
"Also if you have any questions, i'm here to help"
"I don't have any..." she said, but then the idea hit her "actually, do you have any more detailed record of his training?"
"We do have records for all our pets, but we can show them only to the owner. We can email them right after purchase. They're quite large"
"Works for me" She said. Maybe the records will say more about his conditioning, and help with recovery. Anyway it won't do harm if she will have them.
Now onto reading stuff she will sign. Make sure the company won’t hide anything in small print.
It took longer than she would like to admit and hopefully she understood all the words just right… There was one page left.
There was something about being "ready to handle" and "responsiblebleble..." and
Employee must have seen that she got to that part.
That part... changed the light she looked at the boy.
And she hesitated for a moment.
“May… may i know the circumstances of an incident?” she asked
Master- no, the former Master now opened a cage and threw him on the ground. Pet felt his shoulder hit the hard floor and he holded cry in .
"Looks like you got purchased after all. Unbelievable. Ayway, how long do you think it will take for you to mess up and get returned?" former Master said. Pet was stupid, yes, and he had trouble learning rules but he knew that he can't break them now, and he wasn't allowed to speak
"Answer me you dumb Pet"
now that was an order
"A- a month maybe?"
"Ha! you aim high. I doubt you will be able to last two weeks"
Pet didn't want to go back at all, but if the former Master says he won't be able to enjoy new home for longer than two weeks then it was true. He had to bear Mutt for so long!
He took off one collar and put on another. It was so soft, softer than a pet ever had. Finally he grabbed him by the shoulder he felt on and took to the new owner.
"See you soon," former Master whispered to Pet.
And there she was. New owner. The scary Lady. Pet trembled.She didn’t clipped a leash or grab him by hair, instead she put her arm around him. Didn't she want him to have even this piece of freedom? Or was she afraid he would try to run away? He won't, he will be good and Pet hoped he would be allowed to speak to tell he will be good. But he wasn't allowed so he just quietly walked by her side. He couldn't crawl with her holding him, will he be punished for walking on legs like a human?
They walked outside. The sun was so nice, and the air was fresh. But he knew it was not to enjoy, he wasn't allowed to enjoy those things.
"We will have to wait here for a while. My friend - the one I mentioned before - will give us a ride. Anyway, what's your name?"
Was he tested already? He knew how to follow rules, he could follow them...
Owner looked at him in scary silence
"Oh. I forgot. You can speak. I wouldn't ask if i didn't expected any answer"
Oh no. Oh no no, they didn't even get home, and he disappointed Owner already.
"I don't have any name, Mast- Mistress"
“Hmm well then how did the.. shop employees call you then?”
“Disgusting, Mutt, Dirty…”
"That won’t work. We have to give you a real name. And you can call me by mine. I'm Decima. 'Mistress' sounds like some annoying character from a historical drama. But if you feel uncomfortable without honorifics then you can title me 'Miss'. But I prefer to be referred to by name, okay?"
"Yes, Miss Decima"
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bandaigaeru · 3 years
comfort place - yang jeongin
→genre: friends to lovers →synopsis: comfort can manifest itself in many forms. some find it in the fantastical world of the arts. others find it in sports. but, for you, comfort is a person.  →word count: 6.5k →pairing: jeongin x gender neutral reader →warnings: drunk jeongin, mentions of puking
“Why are you doing that?” 
“Doing what?” 
“That,” your eyes go wide as you nod at his stature. He’s hunched over your trash can. Blue gloves shield his hands as he digs. 
“Oh. I think I lost my earring or something.” 
“And your first instinct was to search my trash can?” you quirk an eyebrow. Perhaps you should mention that this isn’t just any trash can, it’s your kitchen one. Full of discarded, burnt ramen and your roommate’s weird protein shakes that will clog your drain otherwise. 
He nods, as though this is the most normal first step to a lost earring. Yang Jeongin is many things, but being questionable is one of his strongest traits. 
You slip behind him to get to the fridge. Water bottles line the right half, more commonly known as your roommate’s side. You reach for one. 
“What are you doing on March twenty-fifth?” he asks, arms deep in your trashcan. He’s really going to endure this conversation without a single shred of his pride disappearing. 
You try not to look at him as you glance at the calendar. Two weeks away, the small square for that Saturday reads “NATIONALS” in large red letters. 
You hum to yourself. “Dog sitting.” 
“What?” he looks at you, eyes squinted in confusion, “Why?” 
“Danceracha’s going out of town for the dance contest. I told you this.” 
He exhales a deep, surrendering sigh as he straightens his back and plucks the gloves off. He shakes his hands in the cool air before starting for your sink. The calm stream of water trickles out. “Man. That sucks.” 
“Why?” you question. Your fingertips draw marks of condensation along the plastic. 
“I was gonna invite you to a party,” he mutters. A pout comes to his lips. For a moment, your heart drops. He looks the same as when you met him. All those years, long with memories but short in quantity, whizz past you. 
“Party?” you repeat. 
“Yeah,” he nudges the water stream off. 
Parties and Jeongin don’t mix well. History has proven this. 
“Whose party is it?” you start for the living room, knowing he’ll follow. 
“You don’t know him,” he says, his voice never once fading because, indeed, he’s on your tail. 
“Okay, but what’s his name?” 
“Chan. Actually,” he hesitates, “you might know him.” 
As you sink into the couch, chipped leather scratching your legs, you glance at him. His eyebrows are scrunched into his thinking stance. Then, his features light up once he finds the answer. “Do you remember sophomore year’s biology class?” 
You nod. 
“Remember when that senior came in to make fun of Mr. Lee?” 
Again, you nod. 
“His best friend is Chan. You probably saw them in our freshman yearbook for spirit week. They dressed up as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum for Twins Day.” 
Your mouth forms into an acknowledging part. “Got it.” In fact, the recurring image instantly pops into your head. You can thank all the hours spent staring at it with stifled laughter for that. 
“So what’s the party for?” 
He shrugs, “Some college achievement shit.” 
“And you got invited?” you laugh. Jeongin barely made it out of high school. He took one harrowed glance at the local campus and nearly cried. You don’t blame him, though. That place is stressful. Even as a freshman you can say this. 
He rolls his eyes. “I’m cool, you know? I don’t need to be in academics for them to know that.” 
“Sure,” you nod. 
“I’m serious!” His lips quirk up in a defensive manner that sends a spark through your chest. 
Among other things, Jeongin is confusing. Questionable and confusing. These are the words you say when someone asks you what he’s like. Because seriously, why does he always do things so infuriating yet endearing? 
He runs a hand through his hair as he unlocks his phone. His thumb works quickly to swipe through a message log before he tilts the phone so you can see. “See?” 
The conversation in question is short, a maximum of four texts. The details blur as he snatches his phone back as quickly as he showed it. Again, infuriating. 
“Are you planning on going alone, then?” 
This question makes him freeze. He stares at the wall wielding a mounted TV, whose black screen reflects the image of him by your side, shoulder to shoulder. A small smile tilts his lips. “I guess. People want me there. So I’ll find my niche.” 
See? Endearing. 
You have no doubts that he can find a place to fit in. He did it in high school and he’ll proceed to do it in the future. That’s just how he is. Plus, maybe he can allow someone else to feel safe too. Like he did for you. 
High school is a demon with a comforting smile. When you’re forced to transition, they tell you it’s all fun. Sunshine and rainbows, if you will. What they don’t tell you is that luck will always make it so you don’t get any of your friends in your classes. And this, with your contradicting lunch shifts, will slowly force you out of the friend group you had stuck with since elementary school. 
Perpetual tears are stocked behind your eyes. Waiting for the perfect moment to fall because let’s be honest, any minor inconvenience could push you over the edge. Stress does that to you. 
In third period of your second week, your math teacher announces that she’s decided on her seating chart. She makes you line up against the walls as she grabs her reference sheet, lined with the images of desks, names scribbled atop them. “Jeongin,” she says, pointing to a desk in the front row. 
A boy a few feet away from you steps out from the crowd to claim his desk. He’s wearing an oversized maroon hoodie whose back is marked “Yang” in white letters. 
Your teacher stops at the seat next to him. She glances at you and your heart drops. “Y/N,” she points to a desk. 
Sitting up front is worse than the incessant plagues of high school drama. All eyes permanently burn into the back of your head, even when not a single soul acknowledges you. 
As you try to settle into your seat, back a little stiff from trying to shrink yourself into a tiny marble, the boy beside you leans over. “Hey, you okay?” 
For the first time, your eyes lock. His remind you of the innocence of childhood, that blank yet full gaze. You nearly melt, but instead, your back loosens. 
“Yeah. I just don’t like sitting in the front,” you chuckle awkwardly. 
He smiles. Not one of the pity ones, but a real toothy smile. “Aww. Me neither, I always feel like everyone’s watching me.” 
Finally, a person who gets it. 
“But I just have to trick myself into not caring,” he says, glancing at the whiteboard. Shadows of poorly erased marker line the corners. 
Abruptly, after his serene gaze, he jumps back to you. “Do you like coffee by any chance?” 
Despite the initial shock of the question, you say, “Yeah, I do.” 
As it turns out, his family owns this huge coffee shop right next to the bookstore you used to frequent. His mom was rather happy to see a new face. On that day, she accepted you as family. 
And math didn’t turn out to be so hard that year. 
The apartment grows quiet after Jeongin inevitably has to leave. Your roommate’s dog comes trotting out from his room. His nose is upturned, scouting for a soul to give him attention. 
“Come here, Kkami,” you pat the empty spot on the couch beside you. He runs the rest of the way. Instead of resting on the couch cushion, he prefers your lap. This pickiness he obtained from his owner. 
Hyunjin’s anything but a bad roommate. He does the dishes, sweeps when he finds a large puff of Kkami’s fur traveling your hardwood like a tumbleweed, even brings home coffee when you have a huge study night ahead of you. However, when it comes to you and Jeongin, your mutual hangouts on weekends, he has a very specific need. And that’s to be around you two as little as possible. 
He claims it’s because he can’t stand third-wheeling. Jeongin refuses to understand this concept. “If we’re not dating, it’s not third-wheeling?” he’d said, numerous times. 
Hyunjin won’t budge on the subject. 
The tune set as Jeongin’s ringtone, chosen by him, plagues the air. You reach for your phone, placing a protective hand on Kkami’s side to prevent him from falling. 
“Problem: What would you do if your brother told you he got a girlfriend?” 
You squint at your reflection in the TV between scene transitions. It looks odd without him beside you. “Which brother?” 
“Guess which one would make me more dumbfounded. Hint, it’s not the older one.” 
“Your younger brother got someone before you?” you snicker. Jeongin holds his pride in his individuality. Losing to a younger brother with something like this is hilarious. 
“This isn’t funny! Should I be a serious big brother and talk to him or should I just seethe in silence?” 
“Neither. Leave him alone.” 
He does something akin to a whine. “But-”
You stick up a finger, though he can’t see you as you interrupt, “C’mon, Jeongin. He’s a teenager. Let him be.” 
Sometimes, it feels like he’s the outsider and you’re the true, reasonable sibling. 
He sighs. You imagine him pushing his hair out of his eyes and staring up at his ceiling. All lost in the possibilities that lay before him, since you and him both know he won’t listen to you. 
“Can I hang up now?” you ask, glancing at the front door. 
“Are you gonna abandon me for your significant other too?” 
You scoff as the front door opens. “You’re ridiculous.” 
Hyunjin steps into the apartment. His hair is damp with sweat and lays jagged in front of his eyes. You raise a hand to wave. 
“It’s a real question, though. You know whoever it is will be jealous of me.” Now, you know, he’s just prodding for a reaction. You can practically hear the smirk in his voice. 
“Yes, Jeongin. I would one hundred percent drop you for some person who offers emotional stimulation,” you monotonously chide. 
Hyunjin gives you a curious look as he passes. You would think he’d be used to this by now. 
“Okay but,” Jeongin’s voice grows low as he settles onto his bed, “would you really? Tell me you won’t.” 
“I won’t,” you press your back deeper into the couch. It’s not like you’ve had many romantic opportunities since meeting him. Jeongin, though also needy, is more interesting than anyone else you’ve met. He’s a shiny emerald among a sea of charcoal. 
“Good,” he says, and you can tell he’s smiling. The image of his little dimple indenting makes you mirror the sentiment. 
“Now can I hang up?” 
“Fine,” he sighs.
Through a laugh, you manage, “Goodnight. Love you.” 
“Love you too.” And then the line goes dead. 
“Are you sure you don’t like him?” must be a trendy replacement for ‘good morning.’ 
“Who?” you ask, rubbing your eye as you start for the cereal cabinet. 
“Jeongin. Who else?” Hyunjin says. He sits at the kitchen table. A plate of freshly heated blueberry waffles sits before him. 
Without turning to him, you say, “I’m sure.” 
It’s a reflex, really. 
He exhales in the most exaggerated way possible to grab your attention. His eyes are cold with the hunger for an answer. A real one. 
“I don’t like him,” you say slowly, allowing each word time to sink into the air. 
The thought has surely crossed your mind. It’d be unrealistic to say you’ve never pondered the great possibility of being in love with your best friend. But ultimately, you don’t think you are. Sure, you’d take a bullet for Jeongin. Just not in the ‘wow I’m madly in love with you’ kind of way. You tell yourself it’s in the ‘you’re going to do so much good for the world’ kind of way. 
“Fine,” Hyunjin admits, picking up one of his waffles and taking a caveman bite. 
Most of breakfast is quiet as you sit opposite him, staring into your bowl. Your milky reflection takes you off guard a few times. 
“You know,” Hyunjin says after a while, his voice raw and a little croaky. He has to bring a hand to cover his mouth as he clears his throat. “You should get him to stay with you while I’m away.” 
As you look back up at him, he adds defensively, “I’m not trying to play Cupid.”
You shrug, “He probably has other plans.” 
Yet when you text him a few hours later, he jumps on it. “It’ll be like a sleepover! Don’t you miss when we did those?” 
You did, but you don’t admit it. 
The week of nationals arrives too quickly for your mind to process. One minute, you’re studying for an upcoming exam and the next there’s a knock on your bedroom door. It doesn’t wait for a sound before opening. 
“Hey, I’m leaving.” 
Hyunjin’s dressed in black sweatpants and a black hoodie, which covers his messy hair. Perfect for his night of sleeping on the bus. A duffel bag packed and puffy hangs off his shoulder. 
“Good luck,” you smile up at him. 
“Thanks. Don’t try sneaking into the venue with your rat like you did last year,” he returns the smile. 
“Hey, it wasn’t my idea,” you rush to defend yourself. 
He scoffs. “Yeah, right. You still played into it.” 
“And we got to support you as your lovely friends.” 
“You were the only people cheering during the contemporary dance,” he mumbles, stepping back into the hall. 
“To be fair, we couldn’t realize because we were so involved!” you shout to match the increasing distance. 
“Right!” he calls, a laugh shaking his words. 
Studying is now a failed mission. Every time you glance at the words printed on the textbook’s glossed pages, they just blur together until your mind drifts to Jeongin. When is he coming over? He said he’d be here by seven. It’s roughly a quarter past. He has a key, so it’s not like you have to be free when he gets here.
When you succumb and close the textbook, you hear shuffling in the living room. Shortly followed by Kkami’s familiar barking, which he only pursues when someone’s here. 
The feeling of a generously excited puppy fills you as you follow the source. 
“Hi,” you smile. 
Jeongin has treated himself to a coffee. He must have just worked a shift. 
“Hi,” he hands you the paper cup. 
“Oh, is this for me?” you take it. It’s hot against your palms. 
“Yeah. It’s hot chocolate. Thought you might want it.” 
He drops his backpack, likely stuffed with potential party outfits, by the couch. He stands and scans your face as you take the first sip of the drink. The sweetness takes over and makes you shiver, but the warmth minimizes the shiver to nothing. Surely enough, this is his mother’s hot chocolate. 
“Thank you,” you say, looking into his eyes. The living room light has speckled his eyes with stars.
“Of course.” 
A moment passes of just looking at each other. Not a single word. You’re not even sure if you’re remembering to breathe. 
It breaks when he glances at the TV. “Movie time?” 
Settling on the couch doesn’t take long. He sits close enough to you, resting his head on your shoulder. He’s done this for as long as you remember, but why does it feel so close all of a sudden? 
He chooses the movie. A tradition you’ve established ever since you accidentally chose a movie so repulsively awful you had to take a break from watching movies at all. The teasing was barely bearable. 
Even now, when someone says something similar to that movie, you shiver. 
“Are we feeling sci-fi?” he asks. 
You almost shrug until you remember where his head is. “I don’t care,” you say instead. 
He chooses a romance movie, his safe pick. 
And he falls asleep not even ten minutes in. 
Hyunjin’s question returns to you in neon lights. Certainly, this tight feeling in your chest couldn’t be akin to liking someone. When you like someone, there’s always a telltale sign. There’s a bright moment of realization. That’s never come for you. Even now, all you can do is question. Question. Question. Question. 
Jeongin’s party outfit is the most conspicuous thing ever. A light blue tee from middle school that has all his classmate’s signatures on the back. Black jeans with holes at the knees. You can’t tell if he’s going to a child’s party or not. 
He catches your tilted gaze, matched with the furrowed eyebrows, and huffs. “Would you rather I get puke on a good shirt?” 
You blink. “I’d rather you not puke on yourself.” 
A noise close to laughter bursts past his lips. “Ha. Funny. I won’t reach that point. I’m thinking people puking on me.” 
You nod. Jeongin’s a lightweight, from what you know. But hey, if it helps him sleep at night. 
He departs after a long phone call with Chan. He offers a little wave as he opens the door. “I’ll give you live updates.” 
“You don’t have to.” 
“But I will.” 
And indeed, he follows through. Selfies bombard your phone every three minutes. One is taken with Chan, but it’s so shaky and dark that they look like blobs with highlighted cheeks. 
These only make you more confused. Maybe Hyunjin was right. But you don’t want him to be. Nothing makes you feel more foolish than catching feelings for a friend who is just that. Friend. That painful, heartbreaking word. 
You open Hyunjin’s message log, prepared to reach out and ask if he can help you break down what you’re feeling, but his contact transitions to consuming your entire screen—perfect timing, he’s calling. 
“Guess what?” His voice is drowned out by external shouts. 
“We took second place!”
“Congrats,” you smile to yourself, leaning against the couch arm. 
“It’s all thanks to Felix’s freestyle. That surprise category threw us off, but he really came through,” he rambles. He tells you about all his points and each error, which ultimately seem mundane but apparently make a difference in his detail loving mind. 
“Anyway, I just wanted to call. See how you’re doing, you know.”
“I’m doing good,” you nod as though to convince yourself. 
“How’s Jeongin?” 
“At a party,” you say as your phone buzzes again. Another selfie. This time, he’s in a lonesome bathroom and posing in the mirror. A peace sign that surrounds his eye. That stupid dimple makes your heart jump. 
Hyunjin giggles at something on his end and says something not aimed at you. He quickly returns to his serious tone with, “How are you really feeling? Don’t bullshit me.” 
You stifle a laugh. Resting your head on the back of the couch, you glare at the ceiling, “Confused.” 
“About Jeongin?” 
He slips into a quieter place. You sigh. Why are your hands shaking all of a sudden? “Yeah.” 
“Well,” he starts, “I pushed you into thinking about it for a reason.” 
“He doesn’t like me like that.” 
“How do you know?” 
“Because friends don’t like friends like that.” 
“But you like him like that, so doesn’t that ruin your statement?” 
You sit in the silence for a minute. “I guess so.” 
His breath is amplified and you can hear each inhale and exhale. “You’ll probably just brush this off, but I think you have a shot.” 
You nod. “Sure. A shot at going to the moon maybe. A shot at Jeongin liking me? No way.” 
“Look, pessimism isn’t gonna get you anywhere. If you’re too much of a pussy to talk to him, I will. But not because I want to, because it’s terrible seeing you sulk,” he mutters. 
A round of applause for your roommate. 
“Just give me some time. I still don’t know if I like him,” you glance at the dog, who’s cuddled up on a pile of blankets. Why can’t your life be that simple? 
“Not trying to force you or anything, but I think you know the answer to that.” 
He’s probably right. It’s not like you can retaliate anyway. There’s a distant knock before he says, “Sorry. I gotta go. I’ll be home tomorrow.” 
The following silence is truly suffocating. 
That party changes everything. 
Jeongin stumbles home, each step a potential path to faceplanting. It’s this exact stumble that forces him to trip over a box. 
The noise draws you from sleep. Through squinted eyes, you stare at him as he tries to regain his balance. His arms are splayed out, searching for a stable support beam. 
“Jeongin?” you whisper, though you know it’s him. Who else would be drunkenly returning home at, you glance at your phone, three in the morning?
“Y/N,” he gasps. Your voice prompts him to follow it. 
As you stand, he finds his way through the narrow path between couch and coffee table. He throws his arms around you. 
“I missed you,” he mumbles, words meshing together. 
“I missed you too?” It’s only been six hours. 
He holds you at arms length, palms resting on your shoulders. “I love you,” he slurs, eyes drunkenly taking a long blink. 
“I love you too?” 
“No, like, I really love you. ‘The moon is beautiful’ type of stuff,” he nods. 
You’re not sure what he means by this. But it doesn’t matter if you try to question him, because he continues. 
“I think about the future a lot,” he says, hands falling to his sides before he falls onto the couch. “Nothing’s ever consistent. But you’re always there.” 
“That’s-” you begin. 
He wasn’t finished. “I think our wedding would be nice.” 
Now, he goes silent as you stand there in shock. He thinks about that? How often? 
The moment your lips part to ask these things, a light snore escapes his lips. You grab a blanket from your room, the Totoro one he loves, and you gently cover him. You lean over his face. His cheeks are a little swollen, as are his lips. You push his hair away from his eyes before going to your room. You’re careful not to make a noise as you shut the door. 
He’s gone by the time you wake up. For the first twenty-four hours, you shrug it off as a painful hangover he’s just sleeping through. 
Most hangovers don’t last a week, though. 
One time, sitting beneath a sky littered with stars, Jeongin released a deep breath. “Do you think we’ll ever stop being friends?” 
Jeongin’s not insecure about many things, as his philosophy is that if one person finds something unattractive, there’s a hoard who will think otherwise. But this topic is an exception. 
“Unless you do something unthinkably terrible, no,” you mumble. And you truly meant it. 
So, Jeongin: You haven’t done anything unthinkable.Why have you disappeared? 
Life without Jeongin has been incredibly boring. It’s prompted an imminent heartache. Attending class is a lame option considering your bed is so much more comfortable. You never knew missing someone could form a black hole in your body, consuming each grain of energy. 
Hyunjin’s the only reason you’re eating. Since he knows you’re not up for any meal, he brings you snacks and another bottle of water—to add to the mountain of empty bottles on your desk. 
“Do I need to go break his ankles?” Hyunjin asks one day, nearly a month after his tournament. 
You shrug. You know he’s joking, but laughter doesn’t seem to bubble up. It’s lost in the dark cave that is this confusing state. 
“I texted him today. No response yet,” Hyunjin adds. 
You nod. You got the same treatment, but you stopped trying a while ago. 
“Have you gone to the coffee shop? To see his mom or something?” 
You shake your head. “No point in it. He doesn’t tell her much. Plus I don’t want to pin her against him or anything.” 
Hyunjin sighs. He doesn’t know what else to say, or offer, or do to help you. Not that you’re a lost cause, but he’s starting to lose the ounce of hope he had. To him, you’re too good for this. Telling and convincing you of that is a difficult task. 
When he leaves you alone, you cry again. At this point, your eyes hurt when you aren’t crying. But hey, at least you’re sleeping nice. The desperate need to escape can do that to you. 
You tell Hyunjin your conclusion at dinner—something he’s finally tricked you into eating. “I think I love him.” 
He nods. “Yeah. Didn’t we already establish that?” 
You push the noodles around. “I didn’t want to admit it.” 
Averted gaze set to the ramen, though his remains scalding. “I don’t know.”
He reaches across the table to regain your focus. He knows the noodles aren’t that interesting. “That’s okay. Look, we can go beat his ass if you want. Or we can hunt him down and hold him hostage-”
He stops when he sees the small hint of a smile turning your lips up. One of his own appears, and in his mind, he’s breaking into a congratulatory dance. The crack in the sadness is exposed, and it’s slowly breaking further. All that’s next is revealing the ravine of happiness. 
After dinner, you sit on the couch and decide to watch a movie. Unlike Jeongin, he gives you movie pick. It reminds you of the bitter taste that’s overcome your mouth since he up and left. 
Halfway through the movie, some shitty one Jeongin and you watched a few months ago, Kkami barks at the couch. He looks between you and the crack behind it as if to say, “Hello? Get my bone!” 
You glance at Hyunjin, who also waits for you to get up and retrieve the dog’s lost bone. Normally you take turns with this task, but he seems to have forgotten it’s been his turn for the last five times. 
With a muted sigh, you pull yourself off the couch. Hyunjin doesn’t even bother to pause the movie. Jeongin wouldn’t do that.  
You lower yourself to look into the dark tunnel. With a blind hand you swipe against the floor. A small object connects with the palm of your hand. You drag it out. A small metal earring glares back at you. You drop it in the pocket of your hoodie—which was a gift from Jeongin as you drifted into adulthood. You return to the bone search with a sting in your eyes. 
Happiness is a fragile object. 
At the same hour that Jeongin had said the unthinkable, your phone buzzes loudly against your side. Ultimately, this brings you back to the post-sleep daze as you trudge to answer it. Looking at the contact is the last of your concerns. 
“Hello?” Your voice is raw. A long gulp of water would be kindly appreciated. 
“Hey, Y/N, right?” This is a voice you’ve never heard before. You pull back to look at the contact and, unsurprisingly, there isn’t one. All that stares back is a string of numbers, unique to this person. 
“Hi, sorry for the late call. I’m Chan-” you nearly hang up out of defensive instinct, but you let him finish. “I kind of need a favor right now.” 
“What kind of favor?” 
In the background, there’s a loud retching noise. “Um, so Jeongin, right?” Chan nervously laughs. 
“We’re not really-” you start. 
He interrupts, “I know. But he’s been talking about you nonstop. He’s really a wimp, you know. Actually, I guess I’m not really asking for a favor. I’m doing you a favor.” 
You know where he’s going with this. “I’m sorry, Chan, but I don’t think that’s a-”
“Hush,” he says before his voice distances. 
“Y/N? It’s Y/N?” the familiar, slurred voice asks. 
He wasn’t going to give you an option. Deep down, you’re kind of grateful for that. 
When Chan returns to the phone, he says, “I can send you the address. We’re on the first floor, so it shouldn’t be too bad. I would offer to come pick you up, but I’m babysitting.” At these final words, he laughs. 
You consider waking up Hyunjin to take you—he’s the one with the car—but you think against it when you realize it’s only a five minute walk. 
Despite the daytime weather that is clear sky and sun that hugs your skin, the nighttime 
version is a little less welcoming. Indeed the air is breezeless, but it’s a bitter cold. Grabbing a hoodie would have been smart, but alas. 
Chan opens the door with a smile. “Hi, come on in.” 
He points to a closed door, “Jeongin’s in there. He should be decent. Just a little pukey.” 
You follow his directions, while he starts for the couch. At least he’s allowing privacy, you think. You knock lightly on the door. After a long trial of waiting with no response, you slowly push the door open. 
His cheek is resting on the cold porcelain of the bathtub. Through dazed and squinted eyes, he looks at you. “Hi?” 
“Hey,” you say, stepping into his space for the first time in over a month. Despite the stain of puke on his shirt, you realize that he hasn’t changed much. What physical changes can someone go through in a month? Well. Everything. 
You appreciate your mind for allowing his appearance to never leave. Otherwise, you might have looked at him just now and been disgusted. Because it’s Jeongin, and because of this weird tugging feeling in your chest, you don’t. In its place, you look at him as though he holds the world’s most valuable object. 
He tries to sit up, nearly falls on his face, but manages. “Do you hate me?” 
“No. I don’t think so,” you squat next to him. The familiar weight of his head meets with your shoulder. 
“I shouldn’t say this,” he laughs. His mind is going a mile a minute, but his lips refuse to go at an accompanying speed. “I love you.” 
You stare at the top of his head. “I love you too.” 
“Really?” he lifts his head. He seems to search your eyes for the similar sparkle his hold. 
“Yeah,” you nod. You decide to save your cheesy comments until the morning. No point in wasting them if he won’t remember this when he wakes up. 
“Did you know that I,” he says, trying to lift himself to his feet. He leans a little too far on a foot, prompting you to rush and steady him. “thought you and Hyunjin were dating for the longest time.” He laughs again. 
You squint at him, “Is that why you disappeared?” 
A drunk smile finds his lips and his cheeks glow beneath the bathroom light. “Guilty.” 
“You’re stupid for thinking it’d ever be anyone but you,” you whisper, glancing anywhere but him. You could say this to the mirror too. Stupid for thinking it could be anyone but him. 
He’s ridiculous. Ridiculous enough to allow his smile to drop a little as he leans closer to your face. “I’m going to kiss you,” he whispers. 
You watch as he leans a little bit closer. Bit by bit. You even close your eyes at one point. At the last minute, when his breath begins to mingle with yours, he pulls away. “No. Let me brush my teeth first.” 
You watch in a stunned silence as he stumbles to the living room. “Do you have a spare toothbrush I could use?” he asks Chan. 
Chan responds quietly with, “Yeah, under the sink.” 
You beat Jeongin to it, offering him the packaged toothbrush. 
“Thanks, love,” he says. 
Questionable Jeongin who calls you pet names. You like it, though you’ll try your hardest not to admit it. That’d only feed into his questionable choices. 
Minty Jeongin has sobered up a little bit. Instead of kissing you immediately after rinsing his mouth, he stares. 
“What?” you prompt. 
And then he leans in and kisses you. In all honesty, it’s exactly how you imagined kissing him. There’s no stereotypical sparks. It’s just Jeongin, whose lips happen to be on yours. That’s enough. Afterward, though, you acknowledge that Cloud 9 is beneath your feet. 
Chan drives you and Jeongin back to your apartment after a difficult talk and one final puke. (The puker looks at you when he feels it coming and asks, “Can you hold my hair back?”)
As you’re helping Jeongin out of the car, Chan leans back in the driver seat and glares a strong eye at Jeonign, “Run away again and I will beat your ass.” 
Jeongin chuckles. “Right. Catch me first.” As he says this, he throws his arm over your shoulder for stability. Though, he’s sober enough to walk on his own now. The occasional stumble, sure, but he’s not in dire need of someone to guide him. 
You take it as his way of saying he plans on staying. 
However, when you make it into the apartment, you don’t bear right to the couch. 
Keeping him close will prevent him sneaking out and running away again. That’s a thing of the past, and you’ll make sure of it. 
He doesn’t even complain. 
“Don’t puke on me, please,” you whisper as you climb into bed. He follows shortly after. Arms naturally find your waist as he pulls you closer to him. 
He hums. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” 
Dreamless sleep takes over you, but the entire time you’re aware of his arms and his proximity. In a way, it’s better than dreaming. 
It’s even better when you wake up before him. His lips are a pretty shade of pink and for a moment you forget about his eventful night. You press a light kiss to his cheek. 
His eyes don’t open, nor does he stir. He’s in that beautiful, drunken sleep. You try not to laugh at the thought of his hangover to come. God, he’s going to be so whiny. 
You try to slip out of his arms, but the death grip only becomes tighter. He whines a little, mutters something like, “Don’t go.” 
After a few more minutes of just staring at the sleeping boy, boredom takes over. Yeah, staring is nice and all, whatever, but it reaches a certain intolerable point. Ten minutes is that point. 
You nudge him, “Jeongin, let go. I need to go to the bathroom.” 
“No,” he mutters, burying his face deeper into the pillow. 
“Let go.” 
His eyes finally open. They hold a small sense of surprise, which prompts you to tease, “What? Do you need a breakdown of what happened? Were you seriously that out of it?” 
“No. Well, a little,” he stumbles over the words. 
“What do you remember?” 
“Puking,” he winces as he laughs. There’s that signature headache. 
“You don’t remember kissing me?” 
Wide eyes stare back at you. His lip shakes as he tries to force words out. “What?” 
You laugh quietly. “Yeah. You did that.” 
“I’m sorry,” he sits up. His vacant arms feel cold. 
“No it’s okay. You only kissed me because I told you I loved you,” you sit up to match him. 
His head turns to look at you. Tufts of hair stick up in an oddly symmetrical way. “Really? Since when?” 
You nod. “Yeah. Time frame is unknown, but I think the feeling might have always been there. So you wasted a month of your life hiding.” 
He tips his head, “Hey now, I had a valid reason.” 
Your eyes squint at him. “It could have been avoided if you answered my texts. Or Hyunjin’s. Or if you checked your voicemail. Or-”
“Okay, I get it,” he nods, leaning in to shut you up. He presses a quick kiss to your lips. “I’m sorry.” He doesn’t say how weird it feels to kiss his best friend—but he’s incredibly excited to get used to it. 
“It’s fine. I think. My grades kind of tanked,” you comment, glancing at your desk. The tower of water bottles still stands. Somewhere buried beneath them are your abandoned papers. 
“Because of me?” his voice is soft, as are his eyes as he fights back the sting of tears. Of all his intentions, this wasn’t one of them. 
This look pains you. “Kinda. I thought I had lost my comfort place.” 
In order to disguise his tears, he pulls you into a tight hug. “I’m so sorry. I’ll be good to you. We can make latte art together at the shop and stargaze at stupid hours. Whatever you want.” 
You laugh into his shoulder. “Is that a promise?” 
He sniffles. “Yes. I love you. That’s the second promise.” 
Hyunjin’s reaction is lackluster. A forced gasp as he waves his hands in surprise. “Wow. I totally didn’t give Chan your number or anything,” he says. 
“Are you serious?” 
“Yeah. He called me trying to drop him,” he points at Jeongin, “on me.”
“And you didn’t want to get out of bed?” Jeongin asks, bringing his mug of freshly brewed coffee to his lips. 
“No,” Hyunjin sticks a finger up in defense. “Kkami wouldn’t let me move.” 
What he means is: Yes, I didn’t want to get up but allow me to use my dog as a ploy. 
You and Jeongin share a glance to confirm this thought. You burst out laughing. 
“Do not tell me you’ve developed a couple's telepathy already,” Hyunjin whines, throwing his head back as he begins to pace the kitchen. 
Jeongin begs your stare again. He wiggles his eyebrows to pseudo-communicate. 
“I’m going to retail therapy,” Hyunjin sighs, dragging his keys off the counter before starting for the door. 
A loud fit of laughter fills the air as the door shakes in its frame. 
“He’s so overdramatic,” Jeongin manages, wiping a stray tear away from his eye. 
You allow this time to watch him intently. All of his details flood over you with definitive clarity. His skin has gotten its first film of tan now that spring is in full swing. A change of season which you had missed out on together. It’s okay, he’ll take you to see the cherry blossoms next year. 
“Oh, I found your earring, by the way,” you say when he catches you staring. 
“Really? Where was it?” On instinct, he brings his hand up to his right ear. The lobes are not blinged, but it’s still worth checking. 
“Behind the couch.” 
He gapes at you. “How’d it get back there?” 
“How would I know?” 
You allow a silence to lay upon you as his face twists to think. All at once, it lights up again, “Ah. It was probably when we had that wrestling match. I didn’t have the back on because my ear was itchy or something.” 
Interesting Jeongin. Questionable Jeongin. 
Yang Jeongin is many things. Home. Comfort. Love. Above all else, he’s a friend. Who you happen to kiss from time to time. 
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I’m still working on the NSFW Alphabet for Enigma/Edward Nashton/Riddler-Before-He-Was-Riddler from “Arkham Origins,” and it’s going to take some time because of my work schedule being the PITA that it is...
However, I do have some snippets of an Arkham Knight!Riddler x female!Reader fic I’ve been working on here and there over the last few weeks. 
Now, these are not beta-read, so there may be some mistakes, and some things might change or be added or rearranged, etc. when I do get around to proof-reading the complete fic, but the basic idea of each snippet won’t change from here on to the finished product. 
The general concept behind this fic is what would it take for AK!Riddler to, well, get his shit together? We all know how he started out as a snack -- or more accurately, a damn MEAL:
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then became a...well, a hot mess (still adorable, though):
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Possibly having someone in his life who actually appreciates him and shows him some affection could get him to clean himself up? Because we all know this boy is most likely touch-starved and would probably cry if someone was actually sweet to him, and he’d probably do whatever he could to be as presentable as possible to keep them around -- anything to keep them from vanishing from his life and leaving him all alone and unwanted again.
Anyway, here are the three (non-beta’d!) snippets from the fic:
Snippet 1:
Initially, Edward told himself it was for his own good. He was Gotham’s one true genius so why shouldn’t he take better care of himself? Cloning was not possible, nor was there any way to transfer the human consciousness into a machine. All of this meant there was only ONE Edward Nigma, and he deserved to look and feel his absolute best. 
Besides, he thought it was yet another way to one-up anyone who opposed him. Yes, of course he could look just as put together as anyone else -- or better. He was superior in every possible way after all.
It had all started with a comment from Selina as she was leaving to take care of the job Edward had assigned to her.
“You know, Eddie,” she said, turning to look at him over her shoulder. “Ladies like men who don’t smell like a car repair shop.”
With that, she was gone and Edward was, at first, not even registering what she had said to him. But it did creep into his thoughts faster than he would have liked, and he analyzed every piece of it. Why would Selina say such a thing? Then again, most people said pointless -- or more accurately, stupid -- things. Normally, he would have disregarded and forgot about it as he went about his work, but it nagged at him like a mathematical equation without a proper solution.
Taking a break from working on some new Riddlerbots, Edward went to the bathroom to locate anything he had on hand to take care of the headache he was currently dealing with. He found a bottle of Aspirin in the medicine cabinet, but when he closed the door, he stared at his reflection for a moment (When was the last time he’d given himself a proper glance in a mirror?)
As Edward took the Aspirin, he remembered Y/N was coming to see him that day -- soon, actually. Perhaps a shower would be a good idea? She would probably appreciate it if he didn’t smell like a car repair shop. And he probably would feel better being clean. Could help him think a little more clearly.
As he showered, Edward told himself this was primarily for his benefit and he wasn’t trying to impress Y/N -- or anyone for that matter. Deep down, though, he knew this was part of something he didn’t quite understand, something dealing with Y/N, something he hadn’t experienced before. That part of him was too afraid at that time to come forth and propose an answer to this dilemma. This was unfamiliar territory, something that wasn’t logical or scientific but emotional and...no, that “strange” part of him needed to stay quiet if he wanted to keep his thoughts together.
This was nothing. Nothing was going on. Everything was normal. And no, Edward didn’t feel relieved when Y/N complimented him on his appearance upon arriving. Taking a shower and putting on nice, clean clothes had nothing to do with gaining her approval. He did it for himself, to give himself a “refresh” before getting back to work. He wasn’t aiming to please or impress anyone, remember? Not even Y/N.
Especially not Y/N.
Or so he thought.
Snippet 2:
Something was different when Edward put someone else before anything of his, namely his work. Had it been anyone else, he’d have tossed a bunch of insults and told them never to bother helping him again. 
However, with Y/N, it was completely different -- and he didn’t even realize it at first.
She was carrying a box of mechanical parts to bring to Edward to aid in constructing new robots, and he had warned her to be careful, to not overload the box or it would be too heavy for her. While carrying the box of gears, wires, and metal bits, she tripped over her own feet and fell forward. The box toppled over onto the floor, spilling the contents everywhere, and she collapsed on her left forearm and knee.
“I told you to be careful!” Edward growled as he rushed over.
“I’m sorry!” Y/N said, pushing herself up and looking at the mess. “I don’t think I broke anything--”
“Let me be the judge of that.”
Y/N fully expected Edward to examine the scattered parts to see if they had sustained any damage but he went right by them. Kneeling down beside her, he gently took her left arm and briefly studied the scratched skin. 
“I don’t think it’s broken,” Edward said as he carefully felt her forearm and elbow. “And your knee….”
“I think it’s ok,” Y/N said as she moved to sit. “It hurts, though.”
Edward placard his hands on Y/N’s left knee, feeling around and noting how she winced several times. 
“Not broken,” he said. “But most certainly will be sore and bruised for a while. Here…let’s get you up.”
Edward let Y/N put an arm around him to steady her as he helped her to stand. Of course, her left knee ached far too much for her to walk on her own, so he continued to guide her to the bathroom.
“I’m sorry about the stuff,” Y/N said, looking and sounding as guilty as she felt.
“Don’t worry about it,” Edward said absent-mindedly as he located some clean bandages and antiseptic cream. “Most of it probably won’t even be needed for what I’m doing now, and I can always acquire more. In fact...I have more in storage.”
Edward turned on the faucet and tested the water until it was comfortably warm, then he gingerly took Y/N’s left arm and began cleaning it with soap. It stung a little but she tolerated it, studying his highly focused expression and wondering if this was even happening? He truly wasn’t upset that she dropped the box of bits and pieces? She just couldn’t wrap her head around it, and doubted that anyone would believe her without proof.
Edward dried Y/N’s arm with a clean towel before tossing it in the trash. After applying some antiseptic cream to a strip of bandage, he proceeded to wrap it around her arm, covering the wound. 
“There…” Edward said, admiring his handiwork. “How does that feel?
“Good,” Y/N said.
“Now for your, uh, knee.” Edward swallowed, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. “It...doesn’t appear to be bleeding so...I think we can just put, um, ice on it. Unless you think it needs to be looked at?”
“No, I think it’s fine. Ice is fine. Thank you.”
Edward nodded before clearing his throat and reaching out to Y/N.
“Come,” he said. “Let me help you to the couch.”
Snippet 3:
“Ok, who are you and what did you do with Eddie?” asked Selina as she looked Edward over incredulously.
It appeared that Edward finally got his shit together and was taking care of himself. Not only was he free of grime and grease, he was dressed in rather impressive attire: black dress shirt, green gloves, green trousers, and dark brown boots. Even his hair was cut and styled differently as it was shorter with subtle layering, the offset part causing bangs to fall over most of his forehead and just above his brows. 
Another noteworthy change was Edward’s weight. Instead of surviving on snacks and coffee, he must have been eating actual food again as he was no longer skin and bones. Actually, he looked a little bit...toned? Was he back to his old routine of perfectly planned, ultra-healthy, balanced meals coupled with a decent amount of exercise? Selina remembered he used to get up early in the and exercise almost right away most days of the week. It helped him “get focused” before even having coffee, he had said.
“What are you going on about?” Edward asked in an agitated tone. “Nevermind. It’s nonsense anyway.”
“Personality is still the same,” Selina muttered as she followed Edward to a workbench.
Once he was done explaining in excessive, almost condescending detail the particulars of the items she needed to steal for him, she decided to ask some questions.
“So, tell me, Eddie,” Selina began, turning to him. “What inspired you to finally start looking like a professional criminal mastermind as opposed to an overworked grease monkey?”
“Not that it’s any of your business,” Edward said, before clearing his throat and straightening, a smug smile on his face. “I came to the long overdue conclusion that, as Gotham’s one true genius and Batman’s superior, I should look after myself and be presentable. What’s on the outside should reflect what’s going on inside, so to speak. I mean, what a waste of a brilliant mind such as mine to live in a body akin to a starving, filthy rat scurrying about in the sewers?”
“So you are basically telling me you did this for yourself,” Selina said resisting the urge to roll her eyes at Edward’s narcissistic ramblings. “Are you sure you didn’t do this for any other reason?”
“Like what?” Edward asked, clearly puzzled by such a question.
“Hmm...well, let me ask this: Has Y/N seen your ‘transformed’ self?”
Selina noted how Edward’s blue eyes lit up upon hearing Y/N’s name, and suddenly, his obnoxious personality changed to a much more amiable one.
“She likes it,” Edward said with a bright smile. “Her compliments about my appearance go hand in hand with her compliments about my genius. It’s wonderful having someone around who actually appreciates my existence.”
“I take it that her approval means a lot to you then?”
“Of course! Considering she’s the only person who treats me with respect, I think she deserves the privilege of having me listen to, accept, and sometimes take her advice.”
Selina smirked as she had received the answer to her question.
“Well then, I must be going, Eddie,” she said as she turned to leave. “I’ll get you what you requested in no time.”
“Yes, please do,” Edward said sternly, going back to his arrogant tone. “My request should be of the utmost importance compared to whoever else you’re working with at the moment.”
“Yes, yes, Eddie, of course. Bye!”
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adam-memeleri · 3 years
it may not be foreign affairs anymore, but its still ayna day in my heart 😔❤️. thanks @gay-dinosaur-banana-milk-carton for the prompt again, i threw in some angst this time cuz i like pain :) kinky
no idea when anything takes place, but im aiming for during the fake relationship i think ?? who knows tbh
tagging -@bubblelaureno @lookingforsomethingcuzimbored @swimmingshoebakerydreamer @alccaddsccup @cardinalnuggets
if you do or do not wanna be tagged
Masterlists shameless self promotion lmao
T Rating (uhhhh i think hurt/comfort? primarily? idk man)
Ayna x MC (Kennedy, they/them)
~2k words unedited but thats nothing new now is it?
Ayna’s fingers fasten a necklace clasp behind her neck, every movement careful and precise as she readies herself. They move to her hair, fixing it for the nth time, just to assure it’s perfect.
It has to be perfect, all of it. Every hair, every pore, every fine detail - it’s all been carefully thought through for weeks now, for this one specific date.
Valentine’s Day.
The end all be all, at least this year. She’s never given it much thought before, but she’s never really had a reason to. Until this year. Until this crazy, wild, borderline disastrous year. Until the day Kennedy stumbled into her class, all smiles and longing looks.
Until she spent days looking forward to coffee house meetups, until short texts could make her whole day, until every class was an excuse to share a small smile. And, unfortunately, until those meetups were forced to end, until those texts stopped coming, until class was just a reminder that even smiles were dangerous.
But not today. She had a plan today, a foolproof, perfect plan. No planned meetups, no trackable texts, nothing too out in the open. And she’d be damned if it failed.
She turns from the hanging mirror, shrugging on a jacket and tugging on a nice pair of shoes before straightening. Her reflection stares back at her, carefully done makeup and slightly askew glasses. She quickly adjusts them, tucking back one last strand of hair.
With one last glimpse at herself, she grabs the bouquet of roses she picked out earlier in the day, bright red petals resting on her table. And with that she leaves, exiting her building and venturing onto Vancross campus.
She eventually steps out onto one of the many winding paths leading through the school’s grounds, carefully making her way to the expansive library settled in one corner of campus. It’s familiar warmth shines through the windows, yellow lights on even in the darkening night for cramming and over enthusiastic students.
Ayna’s fingers tighten over the door’s handle, tugging it open as a small, excited grin overtakes her lips. She steps inside, flowers poised in her hands regardless of how cheesy they may be, and scans for
They’re with her. Sitting with her, talking with her, laughing with her. They’ve been doing everything with her, and today’s no different. Today’s not special, not exempt, not reserved for Ayna.
Huddled close at a table, books spread before the pair as they whisper, heads so close. Arms touching, smiles wide, chairs so close. They’re so close, that’s all Ayna can think about as she simply stands there, all her previous excitement evaporating from her body.
And they don’t even notice her. Kennedy’s gaze doesn’t flicker in her direction in the way it always does. Their cheeks don’t flush when they’re caught like they always do in the lecture hall. Their hands don’t fidget with barely contained nerves, atop the table, a pen twirling between anxious fingers.
Their gaze is glued to Evelyn’s features, their cheeks dust in a blush from her words, their hands are relaxed as they lean against her shoulder. They don’t even notice Ayna.
She turns on her heel, quickly rushing out the library’s front doors and into the dusk settled around campus. Her heels clack with some strange anger, some swirling in the pit of her gut as her fist clenches, crushing the bouquet she spent so long picking out.
And all for naught. This is all for naught, that’s the worst part. The outfit, the shoes, the hair and makeup - all for absolutely nothing.
She stalks to a trash can resting beside the pavement, glaring down at it with pale knuckles and a furrow in her brow. She breaks, like a glass hitting concrete. She breaks, stuffing the ridiculous flowers into the bin over and over again, until she’s just needlessly exerting herself, needlessly scratching herself on discarded thorns.
Little nicks on her skin, tiny imperfections to ruin it all. A visual of her failings, a marking to remind her of this disastrous night. A brand forged without fire, one that’ll remain in the morning, even after she’s washed off the rest of tonight. Even when the mascara and curls and jacket are discarded in the next few hours, the cuts will stay, at least for a few days.
She breaks once more, from the trash bin as an angry and hurt tear slips down her cheek. A crumpled fist hurriedly wipes it away, before she’s stamping down the paved path once more, shoulders tight and expression pinched.
“Hey! Ayna!” a voice rings behind her, out of breath as quick footsteps draw closer and closer. “Hey,” a hand softly grasps her sleeve, a smiling face slipping into her line of sight.
“Hey,” she mumbles back, her gaze trained on the pavement beneath her feet, feet that haven’t once halted.
Kennedy slows by her side, falling into step with her easily. “Tatum said he saw you come into the library then leave, what’s up?”
Ayna’s shoulders lift in a halfhearted shrug, slumping with an exhale. “Nothing.”
“You sure? You seem kinda… distant.”
“I’m fine.”
“Well, okay,” Kennedy relents, head swiveling as they search for something to occupy her attention. “Um, happy Valentine’s!” Their hands clap together excitedly, expression alight with a beaming smile. “I wanted to call you or something earlier, but Winston was hovering over me all day and I don’t know… You’re usually busy this time of night and I didn’t want to bother you.”
Ayna shrugs again, her hands fisted in her pockets. “I’m not busy.”
“Really? Then let’s do something!”
Her gaze snaps up, shock sparking throughout her mind. “What?” she blanks, stopping in her tracks to further scrutinise Kennedy.
“Yeah!” Kennedy’s grin is brilliant, even in the low light, before they glance about the quad. Their hands slip into Ayna’s, fingers tangling with hers, before they’re tugging her along, away from the light posts and travelled paths.
She’s led past the bushes, to a secluded bench, empty branches hanging above it, stretching from a large tree. A soft breeze stirs them, whistling through the leafless wood.
“Okay,” Kennedy starts, sucking in a deep breath. “So I know this is super late, and I don’t really know how to go about this, but…” they meet her eyes, hope glimmering within, “would you, Ayna Seth, do me the honour of being my Valentine?”
She blinks. Not a single other muscle moves, her breath halts in her lungs, her brain malfunctions entirely, and the only thing she can do is blink. Again. And again.
“...Ayna?” Kennedy squeezes her hands where they still rest in theirs.
“You really… Really?”
“Yeah, of course. I’ve been trying to find a good time for ages, so I figured… Are you bleeding?”
“You’re bleeding! Your hands!” they grip her forearm, tugging her down to the bench, where they carefully cradle her hands in their lap. Their fingers hover over her skin, not sure what to do as they send uneasy glances up to Ayna’s eyes.
She inspects the scratches now, all of them shallow and mostly painless. “It’s just a few cuts,” she mumbles, Kennedy’s panicked gaze quieting her.
“What happened?” they whisper, as if worried the volume of their voice could inflict further damage.
“I, um -” Ayna steals her hands back, folding them in her lap to hide them. “The flowers,” she worries her bottom lip between her teeth, “They had thorns.”
“You should be more careful.”
“Okay,” she nods, still biting her lip.
“Are you sure you’re alright?”
“You’ve been wanting to ask me out?” They speak at the same time, concern brimming in Kennedy’s eyes and disbelief in Ayna’s.
A grin quirks Kennedy’s lips as they settle against the bench, arm draped over the back. “I asked first.”
“Barely,” Ayna chuckles lighty.
“Still got there first.”
Ayna shakes her head in exasperation, a fond smile lifting her lips. Before it all falls away, replaced by a crease between her brows. “I, um,” she shifts in her seat awkwardly, struggling for the words. “I don’t think I’m as comfortable with the fake relationship as I thought I was…”
“Okay,” Kennedy answers quickly, easily.
“What?” she balks, jaw working for words. “Are you sure?” is all she manages.
“Of course,” they chime, just as quickly, as easily. “If you’re jealous or uncomfortable, I’ll do whatever I can to put a stop to it.”
Ayna’s jaw snaps shut, a frown curving her mouth, “I’m not jealous.”
“Oh really?” Kennedy’s voice hums, a teasing lilt to it.
“I’m not,” Ayna’s frown deepens.
“Okay…” they hum again, leaning closer as their voice lowers. “So you’d have no problem with me, say, asking out Evelyn for real?” Their eyebrow raises, head cocking to the side. “Or what about Blaine? Maybe Zaira…?” they tap their chin thoughtfully.
Ayna starts, “Don’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Because…” her voice tapers off, replaced by the bouncing of her leg and the picking of a nail.
“You’re jealous?” Kennedy supplies with an amused smile.
Ayna deflates, sighing heavily, “Yes. I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“Being… jealous,” she almost spits the word, distaste heavy on her tongue and sloshing in her stomach.
Kennedy shifts closer, their body warm against Ayna’s in the cool night air. “Don’t be. It’s normal, it’s fine,” they take her hand, their palm covering tiny cuts, tiny imperfections with warmth and comfort. “I’d get jealous if you were walking around with someone too.”
“You’re not weirded out by it?”
“No, it’s normal,” They squeeze Ayna’s hand, thumb brushing lightly on her skin. “It’s human. You’re human.”
“I still don’t like it,” she scowls, eliciting a nudge and smirk from Kennedy.
“That’s fine, too,” they reassure, a more serious expression taking over. “So what happened with the thorns?”
“I got you roses,” Ayna’s cheeks flush dark, “Even though I know it’s lame, and then I kinda, uh, threw them out.”
A wide grin breaks across Kennedy’s face as they sidle up against Ayna, throwing their arm over her shoulder. “One:” they count off on the hand resting over her shoulder, “that’s adorable, and two: why’d you toss them?”
She doesn’t move beneath their arm, sitting stiff and rigid, her voice the same, “I got jealous and ruined them. I wanted tonight to be perfect, it was supposed to be perfect, and I ruined it.”
“Stop that. You didn’t ruin anything,” Kennedy scolds. “I told you, jealousy’s human. And I tend to like the things about you that make you human. It’d be weird if my Valentine was a robot,” they tease, nudging Ayna until she joins them in smiling.
She finally faces them fully, her own eyebrow jutting upwards, “I never said I’d be your Valentine.”
“You didn’t, did you?” Their arm retracts, leg folding on the bench as their body rotates towards hers. Their palms clasp in their lap as they lean forward, a smirk on their lips. “So what’ll it be, Ayna? Be my Valentine? My perfectly imperfect Valentine?”
She chuckles, shaking her head as she finally relaxes, the teasing familiar. “That doesn’t make any sense,” she smiles softly, tucking a fallen strand of hair behind her ear, unbothered by it.
“It does if you turn off the robot brain,” Kennedy lightly taps Ayna on the nose, laughing when her face scrunches.
“The robot brain is a part of the Valentine’s package.”
Kennedy squints, eyes roving over Ayna’s features. The askew glasses, the smudged lipstick, the flyaway hairs. “Are the roses also a part of it?”
“Then I’m all in,” they grin, just as infectious and brilliant as always. “So? Valentines?” they prod, wiggling their eyebrows playfully.
Ayna smiles softly back, scratched hands rising to cup Kennedy’s cheeks and close the already shrinking distance between them. “Valentines,” she murmurs against their lips, a whispered promise. Before they meet, light and soft and full of the light that’s held beyond the bushes.
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sproutsgcrden · 3 years
sentinel of naruhata | chapter two
mr. nice guy
warnings: graphic descriptions of violence, one short scene implying sexual harassment (non-graphic), manga spoilers for my hero academia: vigilantes
word count: 3383
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If someone had told Koichi that he would get jumped, well, he may have believed them. That’s not too uncommon, especially around Naruhata. And it really wouldn’t be odd if it happened to him specifically. He just had that kind of luck. However, if they had also mentioned that a nine-year old would jump in and save him, he’d be a bit skeptical.
He honestly didn’t know if he quite believed what he had witnessed. One moment he was about to get hit by a guy he had managed to piss off earlier in the day, and the next some kid had shown up seemingly out of nowhere, threatening to steal his attacker’s quirk. Koichi didn’t think that was possible. Sure, there had been copying quirks, and erasure quirks were rare, but a quirk that allowed a person to take another quirk? That didn’t seem right, at least, it didn’t seem too entirely possible. A quirk is an integral, unique part of each individual- there’s no way somebody can take that, right? He could be wrong, it wasn’t like he was studying quirk theory.
As soon as the kid hightailed it out of the store with his strange assortment of items, Koichi knew he’d been in for it. He had already been late to work today because of the whole fiasco from earlier. He didn’t mean to run into Spiky Dude- it had just happened! Yeah, maybe he shouldn’t have been using his quirk in public, but he was running late! And then, of course, Spiky Dude just had to show up at the same convenience store Koichi worked at, and had to rough him up on the same day he was late. His manager was already absolutely pissed, and Koichi really didn’t want to stick around any longer than he had to in fear of a lecture, or something worse.
Luckily for him, he was nearing the end of his shift by the time Spiky Dude had entered the store, and the kid had helped him waste a lot of time due to the insane amount of items he was purchasing. All he had to do was clock out and sneak out of the door, which should be fairly easy. After punching out on the system and closing the register, Koichi grabbed his bag and began to get ready to leave.
“Haimiwari.” Koichi closed his eyes in disappointment, sighing before turning around with a fake grin.
“What can I do for you, sir?”
The angry tapping of the shoe really should have been enough warning, in hindsight.
The streets of Naruhata were busy for the late hour, not too unusual but it was something that Koichi didn’t want to bother with after the night he had. Of course that stunt had gotten him fired. Perfect. It wasn’t like it was his fault! He was the victim in all of this! What, did his boss really think that he wanted to get dragged into an alleyway and get beat up? Koichi grunted as he walked around a slow-placed couple. He would have to find another job and fast. Rent was coming up, and he still had payments due on his tuition. His left hand adjusted the strap of his backpack while his right passed over his face. This was too stressful to think about right now.
There was something he knew he could to help take his mind off of things for a while. Koichi’s eyes narrowed in determined concentration. Yeah, tonight was a good night for that.
The wind rushed through Izuku’s loose hair, tousling it beyond fixing. It felt wonderful, racing across the rooftops of an unknown city in the dead of the night. He was barely let out of his room and the training hall on good days- he could never hope to leave the confines of Kurogiri’s watchful eye. Which, unfortunately, meant that it was a rare opportunity to go outside… ever.
Izuku let out a harsh giggle, letting it echo in the air with a wide smile. He had never felt so free.
Slowing to catch his breath, Izuku pulled a wrinkled, old notebook out of his bag. Skimming through the pages, he stopped on the last entry he made. When researching Eraserhead, it wasn’t that hard to find out that the underground hero mainly patrolled in the Narahata Ward. However, it was a bit more difficult to find out specific times and locations of his daily patrols. He assumed that it changed quite frequently due to Eraserhead’s cryptid-like nature, but it was still frustrating to not know exactly where to find the hero. Especially since he wasn’t aware how much time he had before Tomura caught on to where he was.
However, Izuku did have a few locations that seemed to be promising. Most of them were hidden back alley’s, which made perfect sense. A majority of petty crimes took place during the day- they were a beacon to spotlight heroes, those who lived off the praise and popularity from civilians. But the nasty, evil villains? Oh, Izuku knew from experience that the worst of the worst were always found in the dead of night. Underground heroes always had to be on their toes, and it spoke volumes to Eraserhead’s vigilance that he’s remained pretty much untouchable and unnoticeable to those who wished ill intent.
Pulling up the map on his outdated phone, he inputted the first location he had written in his notebook. The specific alley was only about three blocks away. With a manic grin, Izuku pulled up the hood of his jacket and let Enhance swim through his veins once more.
The discs of air underneath Koichi’s palms lit up with a familiar burst of light, making the nineteen gleefully chuckle. The feeling of his signature All Might hoodie snugged tight over his torso provided him with an unexplainable comfort, as did the plain black mask covering the lower half of his face.
Koichi was inexplicably known for his plain nature at college (save for the rumors that said he was some creep that tried to lure girls into abandoned buildings. He really was just trying to make friends!), so it wasn’t like anyone would expect him to be the vigilante that ran around Naruhata at night.
Well, he supposed the word “vigilante” was a bit of an exaggeration. It wasn’t like he sought out and fought criminals, he just used his quirk to get around a bit faster and help out the common man. Koichi lost out on his chance of being a hero a long time ago, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t help people when he had a bit of free time. As Mr. Nice Guy, he was able to get a glimpse of what he had dreamed about being his entire life.
Koichi zoomed through the lit up streets of Naruhata, providing directions to the lost, helping find missing items, and picking up bits of random trash. Everytime he received a “thank you” his eyes lit up- it was nice to be appreciated sometimes. The chorus of grateful civilians echoed within his mind as he continued to do good deeds throughout the night. After a few hours, he found himself moseying down a side road in hopes of heading home.
“All that do-gooding sure does make a guy thirsty.” He slipped down his mask, mumbling mostly to himself as he readjusted the straps of his bag.
A water bottle was thrust in front of him, followed by a peppy voice. “Here ya go!”
Koichi took the water bottle without thanking, shouting a quick “thank you” to whoever handed him the drink. And then, once he realized what had just happened, immediately did a double-take. Wide eyes looked over to the side of the road, only to see a young girl with pink, puffy pigtails staring at him with a bemused smirk.
“Pop Step?!” Koichi straightened his posture. “What are you doing here?!”
Ignoring his question, she began to walk out in front of him, hands stuffed in the pockets of her jacket. “So… you’re the guy picking up trash around town?” Her hand went to frame her cheek in wonder. “What’s your name again? Cockroach Guy?”
Wide, admiring eyes became downtrodden in an instant, an annoyed glare taking their place. “It’s Nice Guy!”
“Whatever! You’re the one who alerted me to the fuzz during my show, right? I wanted to say thanks, somehow!”
Koichi was the one who let her know the police were coming when she was performing her illegal street show earlier in the day. He didn’t care much for her music, but that didn’t mean he wanted to see her get arrested. Either way, he wasn’t sure why that provided an excuse to essentially stalk him. “So, you’ve been tailing me all day, huh?”
“Yup! I saw you almost get pummeled by those customers while you were working at that convenience store! I probably wouldn’t have stepped in either way, but wow! You were lucky when that little kid showed up, huh? Gotta admit, Cockroach Guy, that was pretty lame!”
“I don’t do well with violence, okay!” Koichi felt his eye twitch in annoyance; it was probably time to get out of this conversation before he lost his temper.
Pop Step’s face twisted with confusion. “Isn’t that dweeby hoodie supposed to be an All Might cosplay? And yet, you suck at fighting? That totally makes sense…”
“Sure, I look up to the guy. I wanna be useful to society however I can, just like he is! It’s got nothing to do with fighting! And the hoodie isn’t dweeby! It’s cool!”
“However you can?” Pop Step giggled, using her quirk to jump ust high enough to appear a little taller than Koichi. “So you know your place, at least!”
Koichi clenched his teeth in frustration, stepping around Pop Step to try and speed around her. “Stop getting hung up on the details! Knowing your place is important! If you keep playing at being some sort of pop idol, the cops will catch you sooner than later.”
Pop’s face scrunched up with a flash of anger, and if Koichi hadn’t had the night he had, he may have even been terrified. “Hey! I’m not ‘playing’ at anything! I’m the real deal!” She sped up, stopping in front of him as she pointed a perfectly manicured finger in his face. “You’ll just have to keep an eye out for the police! Also, I’ll need you to usher in my fans, set up the venues, and sell some merchandise!”
“Are you pissed off or hiring me for a job?!”
“Don’t you need one? Wouldn’t be surprised if you got fired after what happened!” Pop didn’t even take a moment to notice Koichi’s crestfallen glance towards the wall. “Anyways! If anyone can help me, it’s you- Know Your Place Guy!”
“Ugh. It’s Nice Guy!”
“Oh whatever!” Pop Step turned away from Koichi in order to run further down the alley, sparing him a glance backwards as she made her getaway. “I went through all of this trouble to express some gratitude… I didn’t think it’d be such a big deal, asking a ‘Nice Guy’ like you to do a little work to help a girl out!”
Koichi, good mood effectively ruined once again, went to bite back with a response. That was, until a familiar group popped into his view. He flinched as he saw Pop Step run straight into the leader, none other than the Spiky Dude who threatened to pummel Koichi into the ground just hours before. He could do nothing but stare as the group cornered Pop Step up against the wall, no doubt making her uncomfortable. Probably much more so than he was when he was in her position.
Now, if Koichi were a hero, this is when he would pull out all of the stops. He would crouch low to the ground, speeding to the men terrorizing the young girl and knocking them all on their asses. He would make sure he sped Pop Step to a safe location before coming back to make sure those bozos got arrested like they deserved. But, Koichi wasn’t a hero. And he would never be one. What could he do? His quirk was essentially useless in a fight. The only thing he was good at was running away.
But didn’t he have a duty to try and help? After all, if he couldn’t find the strength to help a young girl in this kind of situation, how could he try to help anyone else? With shaky legs and a determined glint in his eyes, Koichi bent low to the ground. The familiar pulse of his quirk activating below him provided little comfort, but he knew he had to push through this fear and go.
Mask pulled up, Koichi flew against the dirty pavement, locking eyes onto one of Spiky Dude’s lackeys. Now, if he could just get by unnoticed this time, he could knock this guy off his game and get Pop out of there. But of course, things never go Koichi’s way. That’s his luck.
The man caught him, large physique towering over him. The small tuft of flame acting as his hair cast an eerie shadow against the ground. “Well, well, well… look who we have here! Hey, boss! It’s the cockroach from earlier!” Still holding onto the back of Koichi’s hoodie, the large criminal threw him against the wall.
The pain of his head hitting against the rough edges of brick didn’t compare to the spikes slashing against his cheek.
“That annoying brat ain’t here to save you this time.” Spiky Dude’s eyes seem to glow in the dark night, and Koichi couldn’t ignore the sinister feeling pooling in his gut. “You ain’t getting away with just a small beating this time. I’m going to crush you. And I’m gonna enjoy it.”
The spiky criminal stalked closer to him; Koichi’s eyes immediately latched onto the blood dripping from the thick barbs protruding from the knuckles of his enemy. Shit. Shit. What could he do?! He really was going to die. Koichi shut his eyes in gruesome anticipation, hoping that at least Pop Step was using this opportunity to get away. A rush of air flew past his nose, and he blinked slowly. Looking up, Koichi locked eyes with Spiky Dude. The skewers had vanished from his knuckles, and the same, pale look of absolute petrification the criminal wore earlier in the night was on his face once more.
“Didn’t I tell you I wasn’t going to warn you next time?” The familiar voice of the kid that had stepped in during Koichi’s earlier encounter with this group echoed through the street, venom and animosity clear as day in his tone. Even Koichi shrunk into himself in fear. His wandering eyes latched onto a figure leaning down from the rooftop above, All Might hoodie bright against the black of night.
“I was looking for Eraserhead, but maybe I can do his job for him tonight and knock you fucker’s out.” Holy shit, what was up with this kid?
Koichi had noticed earlier that the kid had bright green eyes, but they seemed almost electrified, bright green sparks lighting off in his pupils as his glare deepened. He jumped off the roof, floating just above the ground before he hit it at full speed. His hand was held out, and Koichi glanced at the numerous scars stretching against the palored skin.
While Spiky Dude was distracted, Koichi took the opportunity to get back on his hands and feet, and forced himself to crash into the lizard looking man that was still holding onto Pop Step. She used the momentum from Koichi along with her quirk to jump out of the way and out of the alley. In his happiness of the fact that Pop was able to make a getaway, he wasn’t able to stop his momentum. Koichi ended up crashing straight into the other wall, the force of it knocking out the criminal he held tight in his grip.
“There’s no need for that!” A deep, grudd voice echoed from the other side of the street, and before anyone could react, a large fist connected straight into Spiky Dude’s nose. “The name’s Knuckleduster. And it’s my job to take out the trash like you.” Koichi barely even blinked, and the next moment the other tone was conked out right beside the leader.
What the fuck was happening?!
Izuku sighed in relief as he felt the rubber band snap against the quirk he held in his grasp, sending it back to its original owner as some random old man knocked him out. He didn’t want to steal a quirk, but that dude really wasn’t going to give him any choice. Luckily some geezer showed up before he could make good on his threat. He watched the man with a careful stare, seeing as he checked each of the criminal’s tongues before standing back up. His red sneakers crunched against the pavement as he lowered himself back to the ground; he walked towards the cashier he met earlier and held his hand out for him to take.
The man sitting across from him scratched the back of his head in a sheepish manner, choosing to take Izuku’s hand in order to get back up. “Uh, suppose that’s twice you’ve saved me, huh kid? We really have to stop meeting like this.”
Izuku chuckled, nodding his head in agreement. A cough sounded behind the two of them, and they both turned around to find the old man staring straight into their souls. Knuckleduster’s bandana covered his entire head, including the top half of his face, only leaving holes to see out of. His black trench coat was grimy, not to mention ripped on the hemlines. Everything about this screamed “homeless old man”, even down to the gritty way the man seemed to fight.
Izuku couldn’t help but think the man seemed familiar.
“You take quirks or something, kid?” The man’s eyes narrowed, his already gruff voice deepened.
“No! I don’t take quirks! I was just playing a bluff, really!” Technically, Izuku wasn’t lying. He hadn’t ever willingly taken a quirk before. “I have an erasure quirk! That’s why I’ve been looking for Eraserhead. I’m hoping he’s willing to train me.” Now, there’s the lie.
“Hmph.” Knuckleduster’s eyes stayed on Izuku a little while longer, tense silence following before he shrugged it off. “You both show promise. Gotta admit, when I heard about Naruhata’s newest vigilante, I wasn’t expecting him to have a sidekick.”
Both Izuku and Koichi stared at him in shock, making the old man laugh. It was a hearty laugh, scratchy and sarcastic. “People are gonna make that sort of assumption when you’ve got two kids helping fight crime in the exact same hoodie.” The two boys flushed, causing Koichi to shake his head.
“We just met today.”
“So? Doesn’t mean the two of ya don’t work well together. I almost didn’t need to come down here. If it weren’t for the threat of Trigger I probably wouldn’t have. Don’t know if it’s luck or not, but these thugs didn’t have a trace of the drug on ‘em.”
“Trigger?” Izuku knew what he was talking about. His father was one of the main benefactors of the production and distribution of the drug. Or well, he was before he got forced into a coma. He had originally thought the distribution would slow after the underworld had found out about All for One’s current medical status, but it seems that wasn’t the case.
Knuckleduster waved it away. “I can explain that later. After you two accept my offer.”
Koichi paled, backing away from the crazy old man. “What offer?”
A sinister grin formed its way onto Knuckleduster’s face, making the duo in front of him back away even further. “Let me teach you kids what it takes to do hero work, and how great it feels to pound some villains!”
Koichi thought this man was absolutely insane and would only lead him to more trouble.
Izuku thought that he had enough training from the villains themselves.
They met each other’s gaze before turning back to Knuckleduster.
“We refuse your offer.”
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mindfulvenus · 4 years
Haunted House_Tooru Oikawa
(Halloween Special)
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After all, it was his idea to go.
Halloween, at least at Aoba Johsai, was pretty fun. Most students were allowed to dress up for the occasion, this meaning that the school dress code was sort of lifted for the event. There were students dressed as ghosts, zombies, and superheroes.
Not to mention, there was always a little Halloween festival that went on. The first, second, and third years would all collaborate on what they wanted to do for the festival. The first years made a haunted house out of their classes and the hallways. The second years had food stands with waiters dressed up as skeletons and ghosts. And the third years just decorated their halls and did a costume contest.
As usual Oikawa Tooru won because all the girls from the first years to the third years adored him. But the thing that annoyed you the most was the fact that he’s been dressing up as a vampire for the past three years now but some how still wins.
Tooru does change up the look though. This year he had a black cape that had a red fabric inside it and of course he wore a suite and tie. To even add more detail to his costume he wore fangs in his mouth.
“Damn, this is the third time... what’s so cool about a cliche vampire anyways!” Iwaizumi exclaimed annoyed to you as he was dressed up as a werewolf with a red collar and a headband with perked up dog ears.
To be completely honest most of the third years dressed up a little more plain compared to the other grades but they stayed with the good old original costumes. You were dressed up in a traditional schoolgirl outfit with the blue sailor collar with a red bowtie at the collar and a platted skirt. Your hair was flattened by a straightener you used to completely your cliche look.
“Yup!! All the girls loved my flawless outfit but don’t be whining Iwa-chan just because you lost~!” Tooru teased sticking his tongue out at Iwaizumi and putting his hands up to his ears mocking him.
“Oh y/n-chan you look as cute as ever though!! But why the bland choice of an outfit? You could’ve dressed up as a witch with a broom!” He swooned and mumbled incoherently imagining the idea of you with a witch costume on.
“Well I could say the same for you Mr. “I’m going to be a vampire for the third time in a row... and I didn’t feel like dressing as a witch anyways. It’s a lot of work y’know.” You said matter-of-factly and a little irked my his teasing remarks.
“Ok, ok I’ll stop teasing. You look good though... and I just thought I’d let you know!” Tooru complemented you with a faltering smile with fangs that appeared to be just a little bashful.
You, Tooru, and Iwaizumi soon went over to see the second year’s food stands. It was full of tons of delectable foods and sweets such as halloween themed sushi and bento boxes.
Sweets mostly consisted of candy apples and cup cakes that were dressed in halloween decor. You took a candy apple and so did Tooru, while Iwaizumi took a cupcake. You all scarfed down the sweets with smiles all on your faces and headed towards the first years section of the festival.
“Well next is the first years, right?” You murmured with your mouth full and sticky from the candy apple.
“I’m actually a little spooked to see what their haunted house looks like if I’m being completely honest.” You said chuckling to yourself why throwing the stick away in the trash can.
“It can’t be that scary, their only first years anyways. What’s the worst that could happen!” Oikawa scoffed looking brave and courageous, as if nothing could scare him.
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that one. Kindachi and Kunimi both missed practice the other day to work on the haunted house because they needed more first years for help. I also heard that almost all the first years worked on it so I mean it must be pretty damn good and scary.” Iwaizumi spoke in a tone that nonchalantly meant “don’t underestimate them”.
“Whatever Iwa-chan it’ll be fun and I’ll be there with y/n-chan to protecter her anyways.” Tooru teased Iwazumi even more.
You were a little thrown off because you never agreed to go into the haunted house let alone with Tooru. You had a gut feeling that things were gonna get a bit crazy but just shrugged that off.
“I just wanted to let you know, vampire prince, that I never agreed to go but I’ll go with you into the “haunted” house.” You stated with a little attitude while smiling at him.
He through you back a dramatic gasp with his hand laying on his chest as if you were accusing him. You guys then made it in front of the haunted house which looked pretty scary already from the exterior. There was scary music that was full of screams playing in the backgriund . There was also a fog machine that made the whole hall including the classrooms very hard to see in.
“Y’know since you guys are looking down on our lower class men you should both go in together and test your courage.” Iwaizumi said while turning around.
“I’m going to head back since the third years need some help cleaning up and lifting things so see you around and try not to do anything stupid you two. Especially you Oikawa.” He hollared a little in a harsh tone towards the end of his speech.
You and Tooru just looked at each other as sweat started to drip down both your foreheads.
“Well let’s head in then!” You exclaimed nervously as you started to walk forward into the entrance of the spooky environment. Tooru kind of stalled looking the house up and down and then swallowed thickly following you.
As you guys entered the haunted house the fog grew thicker and you could make out the skeletons and spiderwebs that decorated the floor and ceiling. You could tell Tooru was all talk the moment you guys entered. He’s been hovering over you from behind, and honestly it was starting to get quite annoying. At the same time though it was cute.
“Tooru c’mon it’s not that scary see... Nothing bad has happened yet and I highly doubt it would be that scary.” You reassured him as he look at you with slight fear and worry in his eyes.
“If I die, I’m haunting you first.” He objected while turning his head the other way as if he was scoffing.
He then look terrified but you weren’t sure for what reason. Turning around you realized that what he was looking at was a person dressed up a a zombie. They actually looked terrifying and their makeup made it really look like they were a rotting corpse.
You were super shocked to see this and let out a surprised shriek. Tooru followed and suddenly, grasped your wrist, dragged you back to the entrance. As you guys were hustling towards the entrance you could hear the zombie going after you.
The adrenaline really kicked in and as soon as Tooru spotted the light ahead he ran even faster. Out of nowhere, a skeleton pooped up and started running towards you and Tooru making Tooru run in the opposite direction away from the entrance.
By this point he had long let go of your wrist because he had been a little too shook to hold onto it. As you were still running towards the entrance trying to find your own way out. Tooru kept running towards your direction without out even thinking.
The fog was so thick which made it way too hard to see through and at this point, before you knew it Tooru had ran right into you knocking you to the floor. You and him were both a mess of heavy breathing and adrenaline rush from the fright. Tooru then came back to his senses and realized that he was right on top of you.
He then looked down at you and his cheeks were bright red and he had a very very nervous smile on. He was almost like a deer caught up in headlights, he felt frozen as he started to admire your facial features. You then came back to your senses, even more startled by the fact that Tooru was hovering right over you while looking you in the eyes. Tooru then caught himself from staring too long and got up standing right.
“Hey sorry about that here let me help you up.” He said rushing through his words as he reached his hand out for you to grab.
“Oh it’s no problem, thanks.” You replied taking his hand which lifted you right up on your feet.
“Oh, hey your bleeding on your elbow!! We should get you to the nurses office as soon as possible!” Tooru shrieked in a concerning tone as he grabbed your hand.
You then looked over to see what he was talking about and then you saw that your whole elbow was scrapped up and you were bleeding a river that ended at your wrist. This totally freaked you out and you agreed with Tooru.
“Here use my cape to cover the gash, it might lessen the blood flow if you put pressure onto it.” You then grabbed the side of his cape and firmly pressed it onto the wound. You and him then walked at a steady pace side by side to the nurses office.
As soon as you guys arrived Tooru handed you his cape as he went searching through the cabinets looking for gauze. You sat on the infirmary bed watching him frantically look through every cabinet with Tooru’s cape draped over you.
He eventually found the gauze and walked over to you, sitting right next to your spot on the infirmary bed.
“Can I see the injury again so I can fix it up?” He questioned as his hands hesitantly hovered over your elbow. You removed the cape from the wounds and Tooru gently rubbed off all the dried blood on your arm and around the scrape.
He continued to disinfect it and neatly patched it up tying it up in a bow shape to make it look cute. He was very tender while he was touching you, his hands felt soft and calming.
“Hey, y/n-chan, sorry for leaving you out their on you own and for not being brave enough for you. I was support to protect you and in the end I ended up hurting you. I’m sorry...” He looked at you apologetically as he put his hand on your arm squeezing it lightly.
“Tooru... it’s all good don’t worry so much about it! It was just a little scratch anyways, nothing I can’t handle! Besides you patched me all up so thank you! You said, your words were full of thankfulness and care.
“Y/n, your so strong and you have so many other traits to you that make you an amazing person. Your positive, cute, and kind...I have got to say that I admire you a lot...” Tooru spoke a little loud than a whispered averting your eyes as his cheeks became a dainty color of pink.
“Tooru... your an amazing person as well. You persevere through the hardest times in life that you face. Not only that but you are a caring soul, you like to help other. So thank you for being there and caring!” You looked at him giving him a closed eyed smile. The weight of the bed shifted a little as you left Tooru go in for a tight embrace.
“Y/n I truly like you. And I mean “like-like” kay?”
You return the embrace as you smiled into him. The moonlight shone brightly on both of you as you were taking in each other’s prescience, wanting time to stop and forever exist in this moment.
“I “like-like” you too, Tooru Oikawa.” You lightly chuckled as you held onto Tooru for the rest of the night.
a/n: Happy Halloween everyone! I hope that everyone had a good Halloween and that it was a little fun at least. Anyways I bring to you all who are staying indoors a Haikyuu x reader that is Halloween themed!! I didn’t really proofread so sorry is there were any mistakes!
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thesolitarystripe · 3 years
Writing Prompt # 8: A 96-year-old woman’s phone number is one digit away from that of the suicide hotline. She could have changed it long ago, but she does not mind.
Here's your TW: Talk of familial loss, mention of suicide.
I found this writing prompt on tumblr from writing-prompts-re and for whatever reason it spoke to me. I just thought, what an endearing prompt for a subject that could potentially be so dark. It is dark, it's sad, and what a rainbow a little old woman painted over it. At least, in my head. I've been slumping back into that habit of losing my motivation. I'm not sure why. I'm giving myself the grace to do what I can and not beat myself up over it. Finding this writing prompt sparked it up all over again for me. It made me really miss my grandma. While I don't think she ever had this problem, I know she would have been just as comforting as Myrtie. In a way, I think I wrote this for her. I love you Nonni! Thank you for always being a soft spot to land. Enjoy.
Another Friday evening, another Jeopardy re-run. Myrtle, or as all her friends used to call her—Myrtie sat within the comfort of her reddish, brown recliner that was much too big for her. Always a petite woman, she looked like a twelve-year-old with the way the cushions swallowed her thin limbs, but she also appeared immeasurably comfortable. Myrtie pulled up the purple knitted blanket over her knees, gently tugged up the arms of her robe over both wrists as her hands lifted, poised with knitting needles and she began to bring yet another blanket into existence. This was how Myrtie spent most of her evenings, swaddled in a plush terry cloth robe, a pair of thick socks pulled up to the calf, and her hair resting beneath a bonnet, wrapped in curlers. Beside her was a cup of decaffeinated tea and a plate of cookies. Myrtie’s hands, while weathered by 96 years of life, worked the needles flawlessly as if they were an extension of a machine designed exactly for the purpose of knitting large lounging blankets. Every so often, she would giggle over something Alex Trebek would say to the participants on the show but save from the singsong chuckle, the room was silent. Myrtie had lost her husband twenty years ago. After marrying at the age of eighteen, it had been a difficult transition into this life alone. A life without his stories, hugs and forgetfulness. Myrtie often smiled sadly, wishing now for a sock to be left out of place or for the trash to be forgotten on the side of the house on garbage day. All those little things that would always make her so furious with her spouse, they were the details she missed most. Myrtie survived much longer than most of her friends, save for one that had gone to live inside a facility. They never spoke much, Myrtie assumed that either her friend had limited access to her phone or was too busy hustling the other residents in Bingo to bother calling. Myrtie was grateful for her loving and supportive family, but they could do nothing during the lonely nights when they went home to their families. She could not blame them. So, when her phone rang every so often late at night, Myrtie would answer. When the calls first began, she thought it odd that telemarketers would call so late but she soon realized her mistake.
This night, when her landline phone rang, she picked up the corded antique beside her and spoke.
“Hello?” Her voice held that raspy quiver that all good grandmothers had.
“I think I’m done.” The voice was new to her.
“Done? Done with what sweetheart?” There was a pause, as if the other voice sensed something was off but the draw of Myrtie’s kind voice urged them on.
“With living. With the world. I’m done here.”
“Oh, surely there’s things to stick around for,” Myrtie said, fluffing out her half-knitted blanket as she tucked the phone against her shoulder and ear to better use both hands.
“I don’t have anyone.”
“You have yourself. Isn’t he worth living for?” Another beat of silence. “You sound like you’re being too hard on yourself, your importance in the world does not hang on teeter-tottering validation of other people, honey. To be loved by others is a wonderful thing but loving yourself is just as important. Why don’t you stick around for yourself?”
“I’m lonely! Why would I want to be alone?”
“That is a good question, baby. Loneliness is so hard.” Myrtie’s hands paused, her heart gave one of those familiar throbs as it related to the young soul on the other end of the phone. Loneliness was something she was well acquainted with. “Before you go, have you got time for a story?”
“Well…yeah, I guess…”
Myrtie straightened up in her recliner, stretched out her back, and sighed. “I was married at eighteen years old to the love of my life. Albert. Goodness was he handsome! Now, we spent the first few years of our marriage apart—he went off to serve our beloved country. I was so desperately lonely without him. It didn’t matter that I had friends who called me up every day, parents to have supper with at night, I even watched the neighbor’s kids next door for a little spending money, and as busy as they kept me, I could never shake that feeling. When he came back, oh, it was the best day of my life! We spent the next fifty-six years together, every day! We had five beautiful children, a handful of pets that came and went, we lived in two different states and bought over four different cars.” Myrtie sat there smiling, her knuckles buried in the thick knots of her craft. “I miss him every day, it’s been twenty years and I still roll over in bed and miss the sight of him lying there, snoring.” Myrtie laughed. “Oh Lord how he snored! It was like someone was chopping down logs all night. I hated him for it,” her laugh tapered off in that pensive way, as her heart remembered fondly the memory then internalized the pain of it. “I would give anything to hear it now.”
There was silence. Sixty seconds of silence.
“Someone’s going to miss you like that, honey.”
A soft sob rustled against the receiver of the phone.
“I don’t know who you all have in your life, but I know you have a mama and a daddy. Even if things aren’t good between you now, they’ll miss you like that. Even if you haven’t spoken in years, they’ll miss the way you laughed, the way you hugged, the way you smelled even when you were nothing but a stinky young thing! Sometimes loneliness clouds our vision of all the people we do have. It is so easy to want for something, to be lonely because what we have doesn’t live up to what we think we should have. A girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, best friend of forever, doting parents—we all have some sort of expectation. We are human and that is perfectly all right. I’ll tell you what though, there are no shoulds. Don’t let those insidious little shoulds run your life. I should this, I should that—toss that notion away, baby. There is just what is, what you want and what you don’t want. You got someone that loves you? Even one person that you’re not quite thinking of?”
“Yes…” a soft sniffle followed the confession.
“Good, all you really need is you baby but, I’m glad you have someone looking out for you. They’ll be missing you something fierce if you decide to be done. Even if they’re all you got, remember it’s about quality. Albert was my only friend for as long as I can remember. Sure, I met some ladies over the years and we gabbed and baked and knitted together but—the quality of those relationships were different. Don’t cheapen the idea of the one you have just because you think you need a lot! It’s better to have one person at your funeral to speak on what a wonderful person you were than be lying dead in a room full of people with nothing to say. What do you think about calling them right now and telling them what’s on your heart? You think that might help? If not, I’m happy to keep chatting with you, sweetheart. I ain’t got nothing to do but finish up this blanket I’m knitting. My kids already have ten of them in each of their houses so maybe I’ll just give this one to you. You like purple?”
There was a soft laugh that responded. “It’s a good color,” he said with a deep breath, one that sounded like it cleansed years of his life.
“Yeah, it is, baby. I’ll finish it for you and when you come to get it, I’ll make sure to have some cookies on for you. We’ll sit and chat and make sure you’re doing all right, hm?”
“That sounds nice,” he was chuckling again, the remnants of his tears still dripping off his face. “I think—I think I’m going to call my friend Greg.”
“All right, well tell Greg I said hello. He’s welcome to come with you now, sound good?”
“Sounds perfect.” Another silence followed. It was only broken by another slow breath. “Thank you,” he whispered.
“Thanks for calling honey. You have my number now so don’t be leaving grandma Myrtie without saying goodbye! Promise me.”
“I won’t, I promise.”
“Good. Go call Greg now, I’ll talk to you soon.”
“I will, bye Myrtie.”
The phone clicked and Myrtie hung up her landline with a soft clack of its plastic body. Myrtie knew there would be no visitation from her new friend. It was what she offered to all of them, a place to escape their loneliness. A reminder that while life’s peaks and valleys were relentless, there was always something to look forward to. Even if it was just a warm plate of cookies and a handmade blanket. Myrtie knew her phone number was one digit away from the suicide hotline. She pieced that together after receiving a dozen calls from hurting hearts. At first, she thought to hang up but, something about the way the broken words of other human beings dipped into her soul—she knew she could not let them go. Myrtie had no idea if anything she ever said actually helped someone, if they stayed. What she did know is that it helped her. In her own loneliness, it was like a salve on her own heart to know that others shared the same feelings but soldiered on despite the pain. Myrtie had lived within the dark recesses of her own mind and found light only in those around her once she willed herself to be open to seeing the love she did have, even if it wasn’t Albert’s. Myrtie reached over and grabbed her teacup, put it to her lips, rocked in her recliner, and looked at the phone. She hoped it would always ring when it needed to.
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decayedflower · 4 years
Stranger II
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⋆ gif is mine
Pairing: Yang Hongwon x Reader
Genre: Underground rapper!Hongwon, Barista!Reader | angst, fluff
Word Count: 5.6k
Summary: Don’t get attached. This was his number one rule. Attachment means getting hurt. Attachment means vulnerability. You are the only person you can trust. So how could she so easily sneak past and break the walls he had worked so hard to build around his heart when all she is, is a stranger?
Warnings: cussing, some angst, hamin being a noodle
A/N: Sorry this took forever to upload, life happens ya know? Next chapter should be more exciting as the ball gets rolling. Hope you guys enjoy :)
You told yourself that no matter how in love you were with someone, you could detach yourself from your emotions enough so that—should the day come—you could live your life without them.
Looking at yourself now, you admit you’re a little ashamed. You couldn’t stop bawling your eyes out for 2 weeks straight. You guess you didn’t do as good a job ‘detaching’ as you thought you did.
You mentally slap yourself. You once lived your life without him bitch, you can do it again. 
It was on a rainy Monday afternoon that you found yourself in bed—cheeto dust on your titties—marathon watching Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo. Curse Nam Joohyuk. How could a man be so goddamn perfect? He was handsome, funny, loving—and most certainly not a CHEATER. 
You sigh and decide that you should probably get up and shower before Hyeri comes home and sees your miserable state. You feel bad worrying her so much. She’s always been way too kind and selfless for her own good.
You grab a fresh set of pj’s and determinedly head to the bathroom. The least you could do was stop moping and try to clear your thoughts of him. For both your sakes.
Just as you finish that thought, you catch sight of the item sitting on top of your dresser. Your favorite hoodie. His hoodie. You scowl and toss it into the trash bin. If only all men were like Nam Joohyuk. The world would be a much more peaceful place.
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“Sooo, hey.”
“You know how Princess Peach is always getting her ass kidnapped?”
You laugh at the odd question. “I do recall the kidnapping of the Princess Peach ass, yes.”
“Well, it just hit me. Why doesn’t the bitch ever fight back? I mean,” Jin places a hand on his hip thoughtfully, “how is it that she manages to get kidnapped by the same dude every single time? She’s a princess. Shouldn’t she have high level security?”
“Huh. I never really thought about that.”
“How could you not! She has marshmallows for bodyguards. It’s outrageous.”
“Does it really matter?” you ask.
He sounds genuinely offended. “Of course it does. You ever see Daisy getting kidnapped?”
“Well, no but—“
“Besides, isn’t it a little ridiculous how there’s this expectation that Mario has to save her? I mean, he’s not even a prince or a knight, he’s a plumber! An italian plumber! The amount of disrespect is just astronomical considering the lengths he goes to—”
“Seokjin why are we talking about this?” You ask, baffled. You take a look at your workstation and head to the stockroom to get more large size cups. Jin trails behind you, obviously upset with your lack of interest in the conversation.
 “It’s a legitimate concern, Y/N. Someone needs to pay attention to these details and it is the duty of I, the consumer, to voice the—whoa whoa whoa, since when do we have oatmeal raisin cookies?!” He screeches mid-rant, staring at a pack of cookies he holds in his hand.
You whip around to have a look, not believing your ears. “What the fuck?”
It’s true. The box of oatmeal raisin cookies sits atop the third shelf, right next to the double chocolate chip cookies.
“The boss sent an email out on Sunday,” Yoongi stands at the doorway holding a box of promotional flyers. If it were possible, you swear tumbleweed would have made its way between the three of you with the silence that follows as you and Jin stare at each other blankly.
“Which,” Yoongi drawls out, “I guess neither of you read.” he states dryly, walking away.
“Who the hell likes oatmeal raisin?” Jin asks defensively. Personally, you couldn’t agree more. Oatmeal cookies on their own were tolerable—it was the raisin part that completely ruined the entire cookie.
“They’re Satan’s spawn,” he scowls, tossing the aforementioned cookie back in the box as if it had personally insulted him. You chuckle and shake your head, walking back to your station with the box of plastic cups.
You start stocking them back up on the counter, making sure it looks neat. 
“Hey Jin,” Yoongi calls out from the front of the store, “can you grab that window marker and write out the menu again? The rain washed some of it off.” He says, examining the missing bits of letters, nose scrunched in annoyance.
You could practically hear the way the older boy starts seething at Yoongi’s lack of use in honorifics. The tips of his ears flare a bright red, his eyes wide in disbelief.
“I’M SORRY, COME AGAIN?! I couldn’t hear you over the DISRESPECT.”
Seokjin takes great pride in being the oldest of the crew. He enjoys taking care of the others as if they were of his own blood, you included. He has a somewhat sarcastic sense of humor—but never overbearingly so—always exaggerating his facial expressions and reactions, which you personally find charming. Seokjin is also infamous for his constant dad jokes, the younger ones usually cringing at their cheesiness and have you bending over in laughter. (The other boys beg you to stop egging him on as it only fuels his desire to keep them going.) That being said, Jin is not someone who gets easily irritated. When it comes to certain things, he is just, well, a bit of a drama queen.
You stifle a laugh, watching as Yoongi pinches the bridge of his nose, a heavy sigh leaving his mouth, very obviously regretting his choice of words. “Hyung, will you please go rewrite the menu outside?”
“Thank you! Can’t you just do that from the get go? I swear you kids are so ungrateful sometimes. I mean, you all seem to forget how I practically raised you brats—”
“Hyung, please get your ass outside or so help me I will go into that break room right now, clock out, take the longest nap of my damn life and just leave you two out here to die.” 
“Alright, alright,” he says, putting his hand up, “I’m going geez. What a drama queen.” He huffs his way to the entrance, shaking his head, marker in hand. “And you guys say I’m the dramatic one.” He scoffs, shaking his head.
Yoongi stands there looking up at the ceiling with his hands on both hips as if silently asking the heavens for a tiny shred of patience.
You snicker behind your hand. You swear hearing those two bicker is your daily source of serotonin. 
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It’s 3 more hours into your shift when Hamin shows up at the front counter with his signature soft boy smile.
He first visited the cafe during the summer one day back when you had just been hired. The intense summer heat wave had him coming in search of some shelter from the sun and a drink to cool off. The Grind was promoting the seasonal summer drinks and naturally, as a new hire, you tried your best to advertise it. It was only your second day on the job and in your nervous state you sold him a drink that, to just your luck, wasn’t available that day. You apologized profusely afraid that he would turn out to be a Karen, but Hamin had been very sweet about it. He befriended you after that, making frequent visits to the Grind, declaring that he had found a hidden gem.
After talking to him some more you learned that Hamin had studied psychology for two years at a local college before he decided to drop out and pursue his musical career. Of course he didn’t tell you that last part up until a couple of weeks ago, so you had been under the impression that the reason he spent so many hours at the coffee shop was to study for his exams. You weren’t the type of person to pry into someone’s personal life unless they decided to tell you themselves so you never asked. Ever since Hongwon confessed to you that both he and Hamin were working towards becoming musicians, Hamin began to share more about himself to you. He figured that now that the cat was out of the bag, he could be more open with you. Prior to that day, you knew very little about Hamin’s personal life.
“Hey you! You’re back,” you beam. 
“Yeah, gotta grind,” he pats his bag for emphasis. “Ha! Grind...” he snorts suddenly. “Get it? Cause we’re at...” he gestures to the shop and laughs to himself. He looks goofy standing there in his bright lavender tie dye hoodie, a big contrast to the muted colors of the walls. His tall lean form stands out like a sore thumb. An Adidas baseball cap adorns his head but it’s so washed out you can’t even tell what color it is—or is supposed to be. 
You laugh, shaking your head.
“Oh come on, it was funny,” he says, leaning on the counter.
“It was funny the first couple times Jin said it when I just started working here,” You correct.
“You still laughed though,” he winks at you, making you laugh again. “Anyway,” he straightens up, “Can I get the usual, please?”
You grab a cup and start writing his name. “Just you this time?” 
“Nah, my idiot friend is coming but he’s gonna run late so I’ll just order ahead of him.” He sighs, reaching into his pocket in search of his wallet. “How much is it?” He asks, fumbling through a bunch of receipts and cards.
You wave him off. “On the house.”
“No way, I can—”
“Hamin, dude, relax. You do this every time. I keep telling you, discount: friend. Total: zero.” 
“You gotta let me pay every now and then. I don’t want your coworkers to think I keep coming here to leech off you…”
“Look, if you were really taking advantage of me, you wouldn’t keep disappearing on me for weeks at a time. Consider it an advance payment for when you finally let me hear a song of yours. ”
“Sorry…” He smiles sheepishly, “It’s a deal then. Thanks Y/N, you’re the best,” he grins. You flip your hair dramatically, playing along.
You make his drink and note that work is slow enough, so you head over to his table instead of calling him over.
You place his drink on the table, “so what’re you working on today?” He looks up and thanks you, taking a sip before he answers.
“A solo project. I don’t have anything now that’s worth listening to though…” He says dejectedly. Admittedly, he’s been going though somewhat of a writer's block. 
“That’s okay! I didn’t mean to pressure you. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be glad to give it a listen if you’re still willing to let me. Good music also takes time, right?” You smile encouragingly.
Someone yells out your name before he’s able to respond. You turn at the sound, “Oh hey!” you exclaim when you see your roommate. You turn back to wish Hamin luck on his writing.
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“Thanks for the lunch, Hyeri,” you pat your stuffed tummy in satisfaction. “I forgot to prep mine last night so I was honestly just gonna wait until I got home to eat,” you confess meekly.
She showed up during your shift planning to ask you what kind of food you were in the mood for so she could bring it to you, but Yoongi caught on and sent you on your lunch break so the two of you could eat together instead. Min Yoongi was a godsend. 
“I knew it! Y/N, you have to eat your meals! Do you know how detrimental it is to your health if you’re constantly working and skipping your meals?!” you cower as she scolds you. 
“I know…sorry. I just forgot...” you squeak.
“Ugh. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to raise my voice, I just worry about you,” she sighs, taking her seat again.
“And I’m so thankful!” you say quickly placing your hand on hers, “I’m sorry you’re always having to take care of me. I’ll work harder so that I don’t become a burden to you. I promise. I haven’t been myself these days but...just give me some time.”
She grabs your hand with both of hers, “Hey. You’re never a burden to me, Y/N. You’re like a sister to me. And I would never put your emotions against you. You need time to heal and that’s okay. Take it at your pace. I will always look after you, no matter what. Okay?”
Your heart warms at her words. You were so grateful to have her for a best friend. You engulf her in a hug and look at the time. 
“I should head back. My break is just about over. Thank you for everything, Hyeri. Are you staying? I’ll make you a drink. On the house. You can study there?” you ask.
“Well, I was planning on going to my school’s library, but I guess I could use a drink…” She paused for a moment. “Is Jungkook working today?” She asks, hopeful. 
Her crush on your coworker was so amusing. “Unfortunately for you, not today, sorry.” She pouts cutely.
“I’ll make you a green matcha latte?”
“Pretty please.”
You giggle, “Okay, let’s head back then.” 
It was a good thing the two of you decided to eat at the chinese restaurant across the shop, so the walk isn’t long. You came here so often that the kind elderly woman who owned the restaurant had memorized your order. You couldn’t help it that their sweet and sour chicken was bomb as hell. What you would give for that recipe.
You’re internally groaning at the thought of having to go back into work when Hyeri stops in front of the entrance and lets out a low whistle. 
“Whoa, hey. Which one of your coworkers drives a damn motorcycle?!” She points to a sleek, graphite motorcycle parked on the curb, two cars away from yours. 
“Whoa. Uhh...no one, not that I’m aware of. Jin drives a Honda Civic and Yoongi ubers cause of car issues.” You shrug, opening the door. “Must be a customer’s.”
“Well, I don’t know if it’s just me, but that thing is screaming big dick energy.” She says, following behind you. You laugh and smack her shoulder. 
“You say that but what if it’s some old bald dude that listens to metal?” You ask, leading her to a table farther in the back so she can study peacefully. 
“Well err...hopefully not. I’m just saying whoever rides that thing, I wouldn’t mind riding too. Hell, I could ride all night…” she trails off. You bury your embarrassed face in your hands and try to hold in your laughter so you don’t disturb the customers. 
“Oh my god. Stop talking. You’re gonna get me in trouble.” You point at a chair, “Sit here and I’ll bring your drink. Behave,” you warn playfully.
“Yes ma'am,” She winks and points shooter fingers at you. You laugh with a roll of your eyes, heading back to clock in. 
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“You seem...distracted.” Hamin says, amusement lacing his words.
“Huh?” Hongwon turns at the accusation with wide eyes.
He sighs. “I mean,” he says crossing his arms, “ever since you got here 15 minutes ago, it’s like you keep looking around for...something.”
“So, you’re saying for the past 15 minutes you’ve been watching me like a creep?” He turns his attention back to the music software in front of him. “I told you I don’t swing that way.” he says, clicking random notes on the half-finished project.
Hamin snorts. “Don’t change the subject. What‘s got you so distracted dude?” He asks, slurping up the remains of his drink through his straw.
“The only distraction here is the eggplant sitting in front of me...” He trails off when you enter the coffee shop with your friend in tow. You’re laughing, giving her a smack on the shoulder playfully at a joke she tells you.
Hamin stops his obnoxious slurping when he follows his friend’s gaze. “Ohhhhh!” he grins.
“What?” He snaps. “No ohhhh. Whatever you’re thinking, stop it right now.”
“I’m not thinking anything.” Hamin brings his hands up defensively. “Brain empty. No thoughts.” He taps the side of his head with his index finger. “Buuuttt if you were so interested you could’ve just asked, you know.”
“And what would I have asked exactly?” He asks with a tinge of annoyance.
Hamin tsks under his breath, exasperated. “Oh come on. I mean Y/N. You wanted to know if she was working. Am I right or am I right?”
“Why the hell would I wanna know that? I don’t even know her. ”
“Hongwon!” He’s caught off guard at the sound of your voice. He internally slams his own head against the table and forces a smile when you approach the table, avoiding Hamin’s gaze.
“Y/N, hey…”
“Hold on, you know each other already?” Hamin asks obnoxiously, “I only briefly mentioned you to him, but you already know his name!” Hongwon shoots daggers at the side of his head.
“Actually,” Hongwon says through gritted teeth, “we talked for a bit when I was on my way out the other day. It would have been rude of me to not introduce myself since she’s your friend.”
“He was even kind enough to walk with me on the way home even though it was raining. Thanks for that by the way, you really didn’t have to do that.”  Hamin’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. Shit. The smile you give him is so sincere that he almost misses what you say completely.
“Really!” Hamin grins, clearly enjoying the situation. He pats his shorter friend’s head in mock endearment. “That’s so sweet of him! I mean, considering he lives in a completely opposite di—” Hongwon sends a swift kick to his shin underneath the table.
“Fuck!” Hamin rubs the spot and laughs through the gritted teeth. “I mean...that’s sweet of him considering he’s normally so shy.” He growls at Hongwon and plasters a smile when he looks back at you. You probably think they’re both lunatics.
“Right…” You laugh, unsure of what’s happening. “By the way, did you want a drink? I’ll make it for you.” You tell Hongwon.
“Oh, uh yeah I was just gonna get an americano. Let me just—” He starts to stand up and take out some cash when you stop him.
“Are you sure that’s okay?” He asks. “I don’t want to get you in trouble…”
“Don’t worry, I get free drinks and pastries since I work here.” You say.
“And she shares them with me because I’m her favorite customer. Right, Y/N?” Hamin wiggles his eyebrows at you. You laugh and pick up his empty cup.
“Is he always this much of a moron when he comes here?” Hongwon asks, scrunching his face in distaste. You laugh and ask them to wait while you bring them coffee. 
Hamin waits until you’re completely out of ear shot before he begins his interrogation. 
“You know, for a pair of strangers, you two seem very well acquainted.” He states, eyes narrowed.
Hongwon scoffs. “You know, I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you this but somehow you have a really punchable face.”
“I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you this, but you’re a terrible liar.”
“Oh shut up. I didn’t lie. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t think I needed to.”
“‘I don’t even know her,’” Hamin mimics.
“I don’t know her. I know her name, that’s it. Not the same thing.”
“So you like her.”
He laughs. “What are you, five? How could I like her? I just met her, idiot.”
“You walked her home.” He says pointedly.
“Part way. I only did it because it was getting late and she’s your friend.”
“Ha! Since when do you care about my friends?”
“She’s a girl, it’s different. If something happened to her because I looked the other way, it’d be on my conscience.”
“You live in completely opposite directions.”
“So what?”
“You wouldn’t even do that for me.” Hamin deadpans.
“Yeah but you’re not a cute girl.” He shrugs, crossing his arms.
“So you think she’s cute!” He slams both hands onto the table, leaning forward to peer into Hongwon’s face accusingly. 
“So what? She is cute.” He shoves him away, “that doesn’t mean I like her.”
“Hmm. Okay.” Hamin smirks and leans back in his seat.
“What?” He snaps.
“Nothing,” He says with a look on his face that screams everything but nothing.
Hongwon drags his hands over his face. “You really piss me off, you know that?”
“You may have mentioned that before,” he replies, appearing unbothered.
He’s lucky you decide to come back at that moment. He swears he’d have slapped the smile off his face had he been left alone with Hamin for a minute longer.
You set down the coffee and start to walk back to the counter. “Well, I shouldn’t bother you guys too much so I’ll leave you to it.”
“Wait, Y/N!” Hamin shifts in his seat to face you. “Are you busy Friday?” This puts Hongwon on alert.
 “Hmmm...no, I don’t think I have anything going on actually. Why what’s up?”
“You’ve been wanting to hear some of our music for a while now, right? Well,” he loops an arm around Hongwon’s shoulder, “guess who has a gig that night?”
“No way!” You squeal, covering your mouth with both hands. “Wait, but I thought you didn’t have any music that’s finished.” You frown.
“Well, it’s not that we don’t, I just kinda wanted you to hear our new stuff first. But now that I think about it, this is as good a time as any. If you’re interested, a friend of ours is hosting a party and he asked a couple of artists to play for him. It’s at the Henz Club.” 
“You mean that scary looking club in Mapo-gu?”
“Scary? I mean sure, some odd looking people hang around there, but they’re all pretty chill for the most part. Right Hongwon?” 
Hongwon slaps his arm away. “Right. Well, you’re welcome to come but you don’t have to if you’re uncomfortable.” He supplies. “We’d understand if—oof!”
“Nonsense!” Hamin butts in, shoving his elbow into Hongwon’s side. “You can bring your friend over there if you want, so you don’t have to worry about being alone.” He motions his head in the direction of Hyeri who—not so discreetly—pretends like she hasn’t been trying to make out what the three of you have been talking about for the past 10 minutes.
“Ah, but either way we won’t ditch you after the performance, I promise. How about it?”
Hongwon is still recovering from having the wind knocked out of his lungs and before he knows it, somehow you’re agreeing and Hamin is giving you the details. 
“I’m so excited, I can’t wait to hear you guys.” You say cheerfully. 
“You should see this guy on stage,” Hamin gestures to Hongwon, “he really puts on a show. Like a true rockstar.”
 “You know, you saying that doesn’t make me feel good,” Hongwon says with a frown, sitting back in his chair defeatedly. 
 “Oh and don’t be surprised if you hear a lot of screaming.” He ignores him, “There’s always a lot of fangirls, especially for Hongwon. They literally come in swarms, it's crazy.”
“Oh my god. Stop. You’re so embarrassing.” He groans, looking away.
“Wow, you’re really hyping him up,” you laugh.
“Ignore him. He’s just saying whatever the hell he wants.” 
“No way, it’s really the truth.” He insists, folding his arms across his chest.
“Y/N! We need you in the back!” Yoongi calls out, his head poking out from the staff only door. 
“I gotta go. I guess I’ll see you guys on Friday!” You say, waving. “Coming!” You call out, following after your coworker.
Hamin smiles stupidly as you leave. “Isn’t she sweet!”
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Hamin and Hongwon hang around at the café for a few more hours until they decide to grab a bite to eat. For the remainder of the time they spent working on their music, Hongwon had not uttered a single word. The most Hamin had gotten out of him was a “sure” when he suggested they get burgers before heading home.
He exits his car, watching as Hongwon removes his helmet to fix the mess it makes of his hair. 
Sighing deeply, Hamin leans against the side of his car, hitting the park button on his remote. “Come on, don’t be so cold. How long are you gonna give me the silent treatment for?” 
He slips his hands into the pockets of his jeans, dreading to ask but needing to know. “Are you really that pissed off because I invited her?”
Hongwon slips the hollow side of his helmet onto the handlebar and mimics Hamin, leaning against his motorcycle. “Depends,” he says, taking out a pack of cigarettes from his back pocket to light one up, “why’d you invite her?”
Hamin considers his answer carefully, shifting his weight onto the other leg. It’s obvious that Hongwon is already upset, so anything he says will probably get him angry anyway. “I was hoping maybe you guys could hit off,” he says at last, deciding to be honest.
In truth, Hongwon isn’t surprised to hear this—he actually suspected it—but it still pisses him off nonetheless. It wasn’t the first time Hamin tried setting him up with someone. He wasn’t looking for a relationship. This was something he had told him countless times and yet, he continues to pull stunts like this.
“I know you said you aren’t looking for a relationship,” Hamin continues when he proceeds to bring the cigarette to his lips without a reply, “but I just think you could at least talk to her and—“
“And then what? We fall in love, get married and ride off into the sunset?” He cuts him off abruptly.
“No, I just—“ he starts to say but stops when he can’t think of how to word it correctly.
“I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking Y/N went through a bad breakup, and so did I. You think maybe the two of us can find the comfort we couldn’t find with our previous relationships, in each other.” He pauses to take a drag of his cigarette. 
“I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but that's a load of shit. This idea you have that love can just make me forget about all my trauma, is a load of shit.” Hamin flinches at the sudden aggression in his tone. This really didn’t come across the way he intended it to.
“Guess what, I’m fucked up Hamin!” He continues, raking a frustrated hand through his hair. “I have too many damn issues and I don’t need some chick to try to figure me out or fix me. I told you already, I’m happy with the way things are. I’m not gonna play into your stupid games just because you want to play fuckin’ cupid.” Hongwon scowls, taking another drag of his cigarette.
Hamin keeps his gaze on the ground, frustrated with how easily and accurately Hongwon is able to guess what he’s thinking. He didn’t realize how terrible it all sounded out loud. He racks his brain for something—anything—to say and argue that those aren’t his intentions, but Hongwon is speaking again before he’s able to do so successfully. 
“I don’t care if you invite her. Just don’t go expecting anything out of me.”
He nods his head weakly. “I didn’t mean for it to sound like that, bro…” He says scratching his neck, “I’m not trying to find someone to fix you...” he trails off.
“It’s cool.” He sniffles, the cold air getting to him. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to snap like that.”
Hamin is taken aback for a second, not expecting him to apologize. He kicks the floor with his sneaker, “S’cool.”
“You still hungry?” Hamin asks, afraid that their little spat would create unnecessary tension between them.
Hongwon tosses his cigarette onto the floor to put it out with his sneaker. “Fuckin’ starving.”
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You went home together with Hyeri later that afternoon once your shift was over. It was always nice to go home when the sun was setting and the air felt cooler. You loved how quiet the city got, allowing you to simply be one with your thoughts. 
Unfortunately for you, today was not one of those days.
You release a sigh as you continue to pretend to not notice Hyeri’s constant fidgeting. “Hyeri, if you want to know so badly just ask already.”
She releases a giant breath as if she had been holding it this entire time. “Oh thank goodness because I felt like I was actually going to die if you didn’t say something soon,” she says grabbing your arm excitedly, like a puppy who was just called over by its owner. 
“What were you doing with those two hotties I’ve never seen before?” You couldn’t tell what made her more excited―the fact that she found them so attractive or the fact that you were talking to men other than your coworkers. “Is one of them single?” she stops walking and gasps, “Are they both single?!”
An older lady walking her Chihuahua gives you a scornful look as she passes the two of you and you bring your finger to your lips to shush Hyeri. “Sorry,” she says with a giggle, “but this is huge!”
You pull her along with you to cross the short crosswalk and to the steps of your apartment complex, “It’s not a big deal. Besides, you’ve seen Hamin before.” You say, slipping your house key into the lock and opening the door.
“Okay but, this time there was another guy too. And you guys talked for like 20 minutes! On your shift!” She says, removing her shoes quickly to stand in front of you excitedly. You stop untying your shoelaces to give her a look.
“He’s a friend I made through Hamin. Who is also just my friend,” You tell her slowly as if you were explaining it to a child but you can tell by her smile that she’s not listening. You sigh and slip your work shoes off, putting them in the hallway closet. Hyeri hovers behind you, not wanting to be too pushy but also too worked up to leave you alone.
You stand up straight and turn around. “Okay fine. Hamin invited me to this party,” this already has Hyeri clasping her hands over mouth, “he and his friend are playing a gig for a friend—”
She’s squealing and jumping around before you can finish your sentence. “And they want you there as their plus one! Oh my—”
“But I think Hamin knows about the breakup and he feels bad and that’s why he invited me,” you say quickly. Hyeri stops mid spin to give you an incredulous look. “I mean, they kind of saw the whole thing since it happened at work,” you say glumly.
Hyeri wraps her arms around you when she sees how you deflate at the reminder. “Hey, don’t make such a sad face. You guys have been friends for a while now, right? I haven’t met the guy but I’m sure he invited you because he wants you there and not because he pities you.”
“Sorry. I think I’ve been trying too hard not to think about it so all the negative thoughts are really hitting me now,” you say, resting your head on her shoulder. She always had such a comforting mom warmth to her.
She releases you and gives you a comforting smile. “Do you want to go?”
“Well,” you sit on your bed exhausted, “I actually didn’t know Hamin played music until recently. I’ve really been wanting to hear some of his stuff and apparently his friend does music too..”
“Girl, there’s your answer! Who says you have to spend your days sad and alone after a breakup? If you want to go, go.” She encourages you. She had a point. Although somewhere in the back of your mind, you felt guilty. When Hamin invited you, you were super stoked and set on going but now that you were really thinking about it, you couldn’t help but think of Jaewon.
“I can tell you’re overthinking this,” Hyeri says. “Don’t. You’re a free woman! Free from a man who took advantage of you and didn’t know how to treasure you. Do whatever the fuck you want because it’s no one’s business. It’s not like you’re planning to go sleep around.” She crosses her arms across her chest, “and even if you are guess what, it’s still no one’s business.” She says vehemently.
You pick at your nails and bite your lip. “Okay.”
“Yeah, I’ll go.”
She squeals again and launches herself onto you. You land with an oof on your bed, her head barely missing yours by an arm hair. “Oh, one more thing though,” you manage to say from beneath her. “They kind of invited you too.”
Hyeri lifts herself up at this. She stares at you with wide eyes, “what do you mean?”
“I guess they saw us talking together and figured we were friends. Also, they caught you trying to eavesdrop on our conversation.” You tell her.
“Nooooooooooo,” she cries and runs to throw herself onto her bed face flat.
“It was the hiding behind an upside down textbook for me,” you snicker.
“Y/N, please I’m in the middle of dying of embarrassment.”
102 notes · View notes
Dream Come True
Colin Shea x O/C Corinne MacAdam
Multi-Chapter Story - Complete
Summary: Colin Shea and his band Rock the Cradle are finally making it big - until something unexpected happens. When he meets a girl that makes him reconsider his player ways, he thinks his life may be coming together, until she blows it apart.
Warning: Bad language, smut, suicidal ideations - no one under 18, please
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please do not read if you are underage. I do not own the character of Colin Shea; the rest are my original characters. By reading beyond this point, you understand the disclaimers as posted.
Chapter Seven
Cori and Seth fell into a very comfortable rhythm, meeting for dinner, going for walks, catching an art exhibit, getting coffee. He was great company and she felt truly at ease with him.
Her job was starting to pick up. Ms. Robbins was ready to start entertaining. Cori found a confidence she didn’t have when she started, and she credited it to her rebirth – new place, new job, new boyfriend. She felt better about herself than she had in months.
In the meantime, Colin’s life was about the same. Lots of gigs with the band, lots of girls, but the one he wanted was out of reach. He and Cori had spent a few evenings together, a couple of times on the rooftop when he was writing songs. She’d giggled at some of his lyrics until he got them straightened out. The problem was, all she wanted to talk about was Seth. He was amazing. He was great. He was outstanding. He was smart. Colin hated him. He was everything Colin wasn’t or ever would be. He was established and well educated and a grown up, all the things that Colin wasn’t.
One evening when she’d invited him for pizza, they watched the Red Sox game on TV and started talking about when they were in high school. Then Cori shared a couple of college stories, but her mood took a turn and she wasn’t so talkative.
“Ok Debbie Downer, what just happened? I was telling you about how I got taped to the top of a flagpole for high school football initiation and then suddenly, you tell me about college and you’re quiet. What’s up?”
She looked so cute tonight. She had on jean cut-offs and a pink sleeveless button up blouse that tied at the bottom, cut low to show the swell of her breasts and with just enough skin visible around the waist that Colin had to shift a couple of times to get comfy on the couch. Her hair was pulled back with a few tendrils hanging down. She had a smattering of freckles across her nose from being in the sun and her eyes were particularly gorgeous. He kept looking at her from the top of her head to the sweet pink toenails on her bare feet and each time, his breath would hitch in his throat.
“I told you about my fiancée, right?”
“Yeah,” he said sadly.
“Well I started seeing him my senior year of high school and we stayed together during college, even though we went to different schools.”
Colin took a swig of beer. “I think I know where this is going,” he said.
“Yeah. He cheated on me. Of course I thought it was the end of the world, except I didn’t even know what that was yet.”
“That’s tough,” said Colin and she let out a laugh.
“Colin. Seriously. For you, it’s incomprehensible. I know you probably think it was stupid that we even tried to stay together.”
He looked a little hurt. “Hey, I respect people that want a relationship. I think it’s hard at that age, with all that temptation, but I know it can be done. Would it be my choice? Hell no. But it meant something to you. So what happened?”
“I was pretty devastated, but he was very remorseful. He came all the way to see me at my school and apologized profusely. He told me it would never happen again. It took a while but I took him back and eventually, I trusted him again.”
“You must have felt like he was worth giving another chance,” he said.
She sighed. “I thought he was, the best. When we graduated, we got engaged. I could see all of it – the wedding, the house with the white picket fence with kids running around. He and I were so compatible.” Her voice dropped off at the end.
He hesitated. “Do you want to talk about the rest? You don’t have to –“
“No, it’s ok. We had our rehearsal dinner at the hotel where we were getting married on Friday night. We parted for the night and wouldn’t see each other until I walked down the aisle. As I was leaving the bar, I noticed he’d left his credit card. I took it up to his room, excited that we’d get one more kiss. I was so stupid.” She felt the tears coming.
He could see it too. He moved toward the couch to try and get closer to her. “It’s ok,” he said softly. “We can stop.”
“No,” she said a little sob escaping. She took a deep breath and sighed. “I caught him in bed my very best friend. And when everything was said and done, he’d had girls all along. He’d never been faithful to me, not even in high school.” She wiped a tear away from her eye.
He was suddenly overwhelmed by feelings – rage at this guy for hurting her, sadness because she was sad, protectiveness because he didn’t want her to hurt anymore. Her tears truly broke his heart. He knelt down in front of her chair and started to put his arms around her, until there was a knock at the door.
“Great,” she muttered, wiping her eyes. She stood up and made her way to the door, gathering herself as she went. She looked through the peephole and let out a little squeal, opening the door. “Seth! You said you wouldn’t be back until tomorrow!”
He swept her up in a hug, lifting her off the ground, then planted a soft kiss to her lips. “I got an earlier flight. I didn’t want to be away from you a second longer than I had to be.” He kissed her again, this time more deeply and urgently.
Colin suddenly felt incredibly conspicuous. He stood up, dropping his beer bottle in the trash can. Seth eyed him over Cori’s shoulder.
“Hey Seth,” he said with a half smile.
“Colin, hey,” he said.
“Well, I’m gonna get out of here so you two can enjoy the night.” Colin stepped around them and walked out the door as Seth lifted Cori again, kissing her as he shut the door behind them. He stood there for just a second. It was jealousy this time, but there was something else – longing, maybe. He was really smitten with her. In fact, if he was really honest, he was falling in love with her.
This was dangerous territory. Time to take evasive action. He ducked into his apartment and changed, then headed to the bar down the block. Time to find a companion for the night, to make him forget that he wasn’t going to be with the girl he really wanted.
“Colin, you guys have to do this.” Cori was pacing around her apartment, talking with her hands, full of energy.
“I don’t know. It’s not what we normally do.”
“It’s a great way to get your name out to people who wouldn’t normally go to Rap’s or some of the other places you play. And it’s really good money.”
He was leaning against her kitchen counter, beer bottle in hand, the other rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, but this is different. This is a big, stuffy old people event.”
She leveled him with a look. “It is not,” she said. “My job is to broaden the net for her fundraising. She has plenty of big stuffy events for old people. She has to widen her demographic. She says if they’re having fun, they’ll donate. I know lots of young people feel like they are a charity, but it’s my job to bring them in so we can teach them about our foundation.”
He shook his head and sighed. “I don’t make any decisions for the band, we do it as a group. I’ll ask them.”
“Make sure you tell them how much she’s paying,” she said with a smile.
“That’s what worries me. I know they’ll say yes.”
“Why is that so awful?”
“It’s not awful, it’s just – I don’t know, I never pictured us being that kind of band.”
“The kind that makes money?”
He shot her a look. “No,” he said forcefully, “a band that kind of sells out and plays just stuffy events.”
She crossed her arms and gave him an angry look. “Colin. Are you crazy? The biggest names in music play private events all the time. One of the attorneys at Seth’s firm just paid huge money for Maroon 5 to play his daughter’s 16th birthday party. You think Adam Levine was like, ‘oh man, I’m compromising my principles.’ No, he took the money and probably even said thank you.”
He smiled a little, he knew when he was beaten. “Fine. Give me all the details and I’ll talk to them at practice.”
“Great!” she squealed. “You guys are so hot right now, getting you at an exclusive event will be huge. And the venue is so awesome. I promise we’ll take good care of all of you.”
He smiled, trying to hide the fact he’d love to work with her. “Oh, hey, I meant to tell you – Rap’s is closing early Wednesday for an employee appreciation and we’re going to play a set. I thought you might want to come, it won’t be so crowded and crazy.”
“Mm,” she said, taking a sip from her water bottle. “Thanks, let me check with Seth and I’ll let you know.”
“Oh, the invite is just for you. Since it’s employee appreciation, they told us we could each ask one person.”
“Wow,” she said, “I’m your plus one? I’m moving up in the world!”
“Damn right,” he said confidently and they both laughed.
“Alright, count me in. I’d love to come.”
He felt a swell of excitement – he loved every minute he spent with her. He was lucky her boyfriend didn’t mind him hanging around as much as he did. Some guys would get all possessive, but Seth seemed fine with it. Thank goodness.
“Alright, I’m out of here. And thanks for including us in the benefit. I don’t think I even bothered to thank you before I went full diva.”
She laughed, a sound he had come to love. “Well, if you’d said no, it was on to U2. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind being sloppy seconds to Rock the Cradle.”
He grabbed his left pec, laughing heartily. “Bono should be so lucky.”
For just a second, he had an impulse to kiss her. She looked so good, he loved that he made her smile so much. But he stopped himself – he had to do this right or he’d blow it.
“Ok, see ya later gator.”
“Bye,” she said seeing him out the door. As she closed it, she thought how crazy it was that she’d ever been interested in him. She’d always have a thing for him, but he’d never see her the way he saw the swarms of girls that were all over him at a gig, or the ones that nuzzled up to him at parties or the ones that were lucky enough to enjoy a sunrise with him. He’d always be out of reach for her. She was lucky that Seth had come along when he did or she’d spend a lot of nights staring through the peephole, wishing she was with 6A.
On Wednesday, she worked a little late so she went straight from work to Rap’s. The doors were locked and a guy was posted with a guest list. He opened up, saw her name on the list and let her in. He directed her to the green room where the band was prepping.
She came to the door and knocked softly. “The groupies are here!” someone shouted from inside and they all hooped and cheered. The door was opened by a guy she recognized as the drummer. She shoved her hand at him. “Oh man, it’s just Cori.”
She giggled. “Sorry to disappoint you!”
“If you’re looking for Colin, he’s in the bathroom squeezing into his leather pants. He’ll be out in a minute.”
She laughed as he led her to a table with some food and drinks.
“Help yourself,” he said.
“Thanks!” She grabbed some veggies and fruit and a bottle of water and found a chair by Kevin. The other guys were coming and going, getting ready.
“So,” she said, “is it good to be back at it and so busy?”
“Yeah,” he said. “There was a time I wondered if we’d get back but we did.”
“Yeah, Colin told me,” she said.
He looked surprised. “Wow, he must really like you. He never really said much to anyone. I just wish I could find out what really happened with him. Something he just doesn’t want to talk about.”
Cori knew he thought she knew more than she did, so she played along. “Yeah, just crazy. Thank goodness he was ok.”
“Oh yeah, he took a really hard hit. I was terrified. I thought, here we were playing hoops like we always do, and in just a second, he was flat on his back not breathing. Leave it to Colin’s dumb ass to die while he’s showing off a killer dunk.”
Cori’s breath caught in her throat. She tried not to show her surprise.
“We were lucky someone knew CPR. He was so upset we missed the meeting with the record company. Between recovering from being hurt, having a horrible concussion and missing out on that opportunity, he was so down. Colin is never down, but he was almost too far to reach.”
For a second she felt guilty – she’d wondered if it was drug or alcohol related. How could she have thought that about him?
“Good news is here we are, back in the swing. I hear you got us a high-end gig.”
“What? Oh yes, did you all discuss?”
Kevin let out a laugh. “There’s nothing to discuss! It’s great money and exposure, we’re doing it.”
“Oh good! I’m so glad,” she said, still reeling inside about what Kevin had told her. Just then, her golden rock god emerged from the bathroom. He was truly born to front a rock band. When he saw her, he broke into the most beautiful smile. She felt that pull of desire in her belly, but tried to look as normal as possible.
“You made it,” he said.
“Of course!”
Someone stuck their head in the door behind him – “five minutes.”
“That’s my cue. Have a great show, break a leg or whatever you say to a band.” She giggled.
“Thanks Cori.”
She made her way to her seat and sat through an incredible set. All the bar’s employees were having a ball, dancing in front of the stage and partying. She nursed a drink and spent her time watching him. He was so beautiful. He had a good voice, not the greatest but no one would ever notice because his stage presence was incredible. He had the crowd in the palm of his hand.
When it ended and the lights came up, the crowd swarmed the stage. The band’s guests emptied out of their tables and climbed up, hugging their significant others and chatting with the crowd. Just as Cori was about to walk towards the stage, a tall, dark haired girl strode in. Cori stopped and looked at her. She was breathtakingly gorgeous. Long legs in a short skirt, crop top that showed off her tanned skin, her hair perfect, large gold earrings dangling from her ears. She had on designer high heels and as she walked by, Cori caught a whiff of what she was sure was expensive perfume. She walked right up to the stage and looked at Colin, and he froze for a second, then reached down for her hand and pulled her up. She wound her arms around his neck, leaning in to say something to him and then laid a kiss on him that was pure fire.
Cori suddenly felt out of place and was grateful she had a clear shot at the door. She left quietly, no one any the wiser. She walked the few blocks home, locked the door and went in to prep for bed. She looked at herself in the mirror. She’d come straight from work so her cardigan and skirt weren’t cool at all. She looked frumpy compared to the glamour that Colin was kissing on stage. Her phone rang.
“Hey baby,” she said to Seth.
“Hey, you’re home.”
“Yeah, I left soon as the band finished.”
“I figured they’d have a big party after.”
She thought about the great time Colin was having with the gorgeous girl. “Nope, no party, just came home.”
“Aw, well I’m glad you’re home safe. We’re still on for Friday, right?”
“Yes! I’m so excited, I can’t believe you got us a table at Basile. You’re the best.”
“I fly in about 7 and I’ll head straight from the airport, should be there by 8 no problem.”
“Great, I can’t wait.”
They said their goodbyes and Cori pulled on a sleep shirt and crawled into bed. The last thing she thought about was her sexy rocker neighbor and how no matter how much she wanted him, she could never have him, not even a little of him.
Colin kept an eye on Cori as soon as the band finished. He wanted to sweep her up and spend the rest of the evening with her. When Claire suddenly appeared in front of the stage, he couldn’t believe it. She’d appeared just as instantly as she’d disappeared from his life. She was the one he thought might be for good, and he’d allowed himself to fall hard for her. Then, just like that, she was gone. He’d awoke one morning to find a note next to the bed. No explanation, just “Thanks,” and she was gone. Now, here she was again, and her timing was horrible. He looked up just in time to see Cori slip out the front door.
He stayed for the party, Claire catching him up on her travels and telling him she’d missed him and just had to see him. She saw on the internet that they were playing at Rap’s tonight and even though it was a private party, she talked her way in (she was used to always getting her way). He drank too much and took her back to his apartment. He didn’t know that across the hall, 6C couldn’t sleep and was up when she heard voices. She’d peered through the peephole at them, Colin’s hands all over Claire as he fumbled with the door, where they’d fallen into 6A and closed the door behind them. Knowing he was home safe, Cori crawled back in bed and finally fell asleep.
The next morning, Ms. Robbins had an early appointment and told her not to come in until 11. She’d made up for the sleep she lost the night before and was stepping out the door when Colin appeared at his door.
“Hey,” she said.
He hesitated, then “Hey.”
“You guys were great last night.”
“Thanks. Hey – I need a favor, a big one. Can I come over?”
She looked at her watch. “Sure, I’m going in late today, I have plenty of time.”
He walked into her apartment clad in only his boxers and laid down on the couch, arm behind his head.
“What are you doing?” she said with a laugh.
“On what?”
“For Claire to leave.”
Cori looked perplexed. “Wait – why don’t you just ask her to leave?”
“She’s not awake yet.” He said all of this as if it was perfectly normal.
“So wake her up.”
“Well, we were up pretty late, I wanted to let her sleep. But I don’t want to be there, I just want her to go.”
She thought about this for a minute. “Why?”
He sat up on the couch and pulled a throw pillow over his crotch, resting his arms on it. “Remember when I told you there was one girl I thought was the one?”
“That’s her.”
Cori raised her eyebrows. “I understand. She’s stunning.”
“Yeah, and she knows it,” he grumbled. “She’s the worst. The whole time we were together last night, all I could think was how she’d unceremoniously dumped me, never called or texted, then just showed up last night. Like everything was fine.”
She sat down on the chair. “A normal person would’ve said, ‘hey Claire, I was really disappointed in how it ended and I don’t want to be with you anymore.’”
He thought about that for a minute. “I mean, maybe. That never entered my mind. She looked really good last night and we had a few beers, probably too many. But that’s it, I’m done.”
Cori shook her head, processing all he’d said. “So let me get this straight. You really, really liked her, she broke your heart and dumped you on your ass, you don’t hear from her for a long time, she shows up out of nowhere and now you want her to disappear without saying a word to her.”
“Yep,” he said, popping the ‘p’.
“But she was ok to fuck last night.”
Colin flinched at the words. He’d never heard Cori use any language like that. “Jeez Cori, where did that come from?”
“It came from someone that got dumped by an asshole who also wanted to come back – again – but I had enough dignity to tell him to go fuck himself instead of setting myself up again.” She could feel the color rise in her face.
“Look,” said Colin, “I think these are two different situations. I never thought about marrying her or anything, I just really liked her.”
“So that’s what ‘the one’ means to you? Someone worth fucking more than once?” Cori could feel her temper spiraling out of control, but she wasn’t completely sure why and she was flying without a net.
He looked down at the floor, then back at her. “I’m sorry if you’re offended –“
“I guess I’m offended that she treats you like shit, shows up out of nowhere, jumps on stage with you and you bring her home and can’t get enough of her. I saw you when you were trying to get in the door while you were attached to each other. So she’s worth another shag even though she treats you like shit and I’m not worth fucking at all. I can’t believe I’ve actually been comparing myself to these girls you sleep with. How stupid am I?”
He was speechless. What did she just say?
“Cori, hold on a minute –“
“No,” she said, standing up. “You need to go. Go across the hall and grow the fuck up. If you don’t want her there, tell her. I’m not letting you hide over here. I’m just another girl for you to use. I guess I should be happy, at least I get to see you once in a while. As soon as we sleep together, you’d disappear. I’m lucky that I have a mature boyfriend who respects women and doesn’t just see them as a good time. You’re no better than my ex.”
He swallowed slowly, not sure what to say. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. She did have feelings for him. He didn’t think that was possible. How could she, she was way too good for him. On the down side, she was comparing him to the ex that cheated on her with her best friend. Not great.
“I mean it. Go. Get out of here. Just go.”
He stood up from the couch and hesitated in front of her.
“Go,” she said with venom in her voice. He did as she said.
Cori was so hot, she started fanning herself. Her fists were balled up and she was grinding her teeth. She looked at her watch and saw that she’d better head out or she’d be late. She made sure through the peephole that Colin wasn’t around and hurried out and down the stairs.
11 notes · View notes
singeramg · 4 years
Are you still doing request for your 500 followers celebration ? If you are I would like to request Nr 4 “Is there a reason you are here?” With Walter Marshall 😊
Oh wow, it seemed this one was supposed to be easy and short. Nope. Didn’t happen that way so here’s part one of three. I hope that you like it and thats much for participating in this!
Title: The Heart Fate Breaks - Part I
Rating: M
Pairing: Walter Marshall ( Nomis/ Night Hunter) / Reader!
Warnings: ANGST!, Implied Alcohol Abuse, Mentions of illegal activity, implied depression, deception, kidnapping, descriptions of violence, but not completely detailed, loss of pregnancy, and of course smut.
A/n: This is my first attempt at Walter Marshall so if he seems to ooc, then let me know ( kindly please), Also there are gifs scattered through this piece and that is because that is how I am imagining him aging throughout the story. Sorry if seeing other Henry Characters throws you off too bad. If I get too many complaints about it I will take them out. Thanks for giving this a chance
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Part 1: The end is always closer than you think: 
      This had been a long time coming. Fated is a word many would put to it. You’d spent so much time crying over this man, imagining what the reaction would be once you saw him again that you lost many nights of sleep. Nobody knew the hurt you felt when you realized that all of it had been a lie. That you meant nothing to him. A pawn in a lengthy game of chess all to catch someone else in his net.
You met Marshall back when you were both young, a 18 year old and a 20 something that was still trying to figure out the world. You a young idealistic type, determined to get away from a bad home life and he came in as the bad boy, riding his motorcycle, leathered up, a chip on his shoulder ready to prove to the world he was bad ass, but one look at you and he softened like a stick of butter.
        It had been a typical Friday night. It had been one of your first college parties at least as an actual student. It had been a night of being deemed the Freshman-Fresh Meat and it seemed everywhere you turned some frat was trying to paw you in some misplaced sense of entitlement. You rebuffed many and sent them away holding your drink in hand. You’d gotten bored as the roommate you’d came with didn’t have the same ideals of coming into the party together and leaving together as your phone just dinged with a ‘don’t wait up’ text message from her. You saw a few familiar faces from your Chem. Class, and after a few moments of small talk, you were ready to go back to your dorm, and would have done except, he walked through the door.
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He was the type of guy that made you pay attention to him with his tall stature and natural curls, clearly confident, despite having a baby face he was certainly older, and he somehow commanded attention and respect. It was definitely a turn on.  Clearly, you weren’t the only one who noticed him as the sorority girls and other randoms from the party were conveniently finding themselves in his path. You found it interesting that he did it so smoothly, a wide smile and some sort of flirting behavior that got them to move and let him walk through the crowd. Some girlish part of you wanted him to notice you. You wanted him to see you above all the petty makeup and unclothed bodies. It was unlikely to happen so just as you tossed back the rest of the beer from your red solo cup, losing  sight of the gorgeous man and settled for tossing the cup in the overflowing trash. You give a few halfhearted goodbyes as you head for the door but in a twist of fate, you trip over something random on the floor, well actually it was more like something was wet on the floor, but you lose even more chances of staying on your feet, by running into someone else who’d been dancing, he turns around pissed but the missing bad boy catches you in strong arms and defuses it rather quickly.
“Can’t let the prettiest girl in the room crack that face can I?”
His ego is evident in his words. It makes your eyes roll and you straighten up. Removing his hands from your hips, you dust off and step back, not letting yourself become intimidated by his height over you. You put on your armor of fake confidence when faced with an undetermined outcome of a situation.  At your attempted step back he steps forward, not giving you a chance to avoid his cologne and damn him if he didn’t smell like fucking woods, and warmth and everything you liked. You ignore the errant thoughts of climbing him like a tree and push him back, but his grip only loosens, doesn’t actually release you.
“No but maybe she will crack yours if you don’t back up.”
He tosses his head back, loose curls falling away from his face, you bite a sigh at the jawline again.
“Awe is that how’d you repay a man just trying to help?”
He steps even closer but you don’t move back this time.
“Usually no, but for you I’d make an exception.”
“Here I was thinking I’d get a thank you.”
“And I was thinking I’d get personal space. Do you want me to pat you on your back, maybe a cookie?” You know you sound patronizing, but you don’t care. You weren’t ready to give up the ghost yet.
“ I’d settle for your name?”
You can’t deny the big blue eyes that were trying to form something substantial between the two of you.
“It’s Y/N.”
“A beautiful name for the equally impressive woman in front of me.” He is laying it on kind of thicker than you normally go for, but you find yourself unable to turn him away.
“Shouldn’t you return the favor?”
“ Marshall...Walker.”
He offers you and you say to him,
“ Now that we’ve got past the hard part, I must ask Is there a reason you are here? You know still in my face” noting that he was still holding you lightly, He dazzles a wide smile, sharp pointed canine teeth that screams he wants to make you his prey.
“Maybe I am just not ready to let you go.”
The cheesy line works and  you let him take your hand to get another drink.
And so it began...
*End Flashback
       He fell into the place as your protector, nobody ever dared to put their hands on you when he was around, nobody in your terrible family ever even let you see the dark side to what they did again. Mostly.
You weren’t stupid you knew they had been dealing and apart of gang activity for years, but honestly it kept you safe from a lot of outside forces, it just didn’t protect you from the inside.
You were in your 30s now. A decade and a half between the first time you met him and now, you’d made peace that you had done everything you could to escape the feeling of being utterly alone in the world. You were tired. You were tired of putting on a brave face, tired of setting your own standards so high that if by chance anyone could connect you to your family they’d know without a doubt that you managed to land a whole field away from the tree.
You’d had relationships since Marshall but despite everything you couldn’t find that connection in anyone else. The colors had faded with the hurt, leaving behind whispers of memories of time you’d never get back. The memories always hurt when they crashed into you. The late night walks along the creeks and bridges, the talks that lasted hours without trying, how he’d been so gentle in being your first, the way he held you in his arms every time the world got to be too much.
*Begin Flashback #2*
It was a warm summer night, thankfully a breeze came across that made the muggy night just bearable. Marshall had hit it off enough with your family that they had basically adopted him into the fold.
Well everyone except your mother, but she didn’t truly like anyone so it was no surprise he shot thinly veiled insults at Marshall, and he took it like a champ for the sake of loving you.
He worked for them, but maintained a job at the docks too, to help them. Having found time away from his job down at the docks to spend what he could with you made you feel above it all.  He gave you those butterflies in your stomach, made you feel like you could accomplish anything. Despite him getting into the family business he was only doing that so that he could make enough money to take you away from this life. He’d listened when you explained how your family lived and how you tried so many times to get away but they always tracked you down and dragged you back. They barely wanted you to go to college but you’d let them know that if they wanted you quiet then letting you continue your education your way was the only option. You family had always teased you for wanting more but Marshall didn’t. He encouraged everyone of your dreams and pushed you even when you didn’t think it was possible. His duality was astounding for you to witness because he never let anything happen when you were with him, the epitome of strong, quiet, powerful type, a man of very few words, but you always knew he cared. He made sure you wanted for nothing. So when enough time had passed in your mind, you felt he was worthy of your ultimate prize.
Not a decision to come to lightly but you decided that tonight you would give Marshall what many had been hoping to get from you as a means to controlling you or to say they had the untouchable Princess of the local mob family. So many had wanted for you to choose them but you knew it was meant to be Marshall.
So here you were a warm borderline  muggy summer night, spending time just outside the city in the field of a farm in Marshall’s old beat up pickup that he used for transportation, but now cleaned out and blanketed with old comforters and pillows, he’d gotten you away from the chaos of your world, somewhere no one could interfere and ruin it, and made you feel like it was just you and him.
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His touches on your body were delicate as he hovered over you, small kisses and few drinks led to heavy petting and an understanding of what you wanted for yourself.
Marshall was it.
Strong hands slide up your heated flesh leaving goosebumps in their wake, folding into your hair, his body pressing yours into the bed of the pickup. Marshall kisses down your neck, peeling the fabric of your sundress off, his following yours, maybe not with the full grace of his hands because yours were shaking, but making eye contact once you lay before him assured you that this was the right choice. The right moment and when he grinds into you, making you hiss and buck into his hardness you pull him down by his curls and kiss him again. Letting him steal your breath away as he always managed to do as he pushes into you, only moments after making you climax on his tongue and fingers, beard burn forming from the stubble he was refusing to shave, from him tasting what you’d been so willingly open to giving him.
“Just breathe. Let me take care of you baby girl.”
You just hold on tightly to the back that has been putting on muscle steadily, as he kisses the side of your face, wiping tears off your skin with such a delicate touch,  and eventually the pain gives way to pleasure. Holding his body against yours, thrusting into you, alternating passionate kisses on your swollen lips to your neck and chest, and letting his hands move all over you once he takes note of you calming down. He feels like he is almost too much, but he just keeps encouraging you. You are making pitiful noises but it just encourages his movement. He knows exactly what to say too as your body gives way to him.
“There’s my girl opening up for me. Taking me all in.”
He grinds for emphasis, pushing his thickness into you harder than he had been and then you moan in his ear again. Soon he is steady, but he is driving you mad, with pleasure. You mildly wondered what had taken so long to experience this, but you also know it wouldn’t be like this with anyone but him.
“M...Marshall yes.”
You feel your walls pulsing against the cock inside of you, trying to force the largeness out of forgein territory but he stays exactly where you need him, even stopping as he pushes you both toward a force stronger than both of yourselves.
“You feel so good...”
His words are like honey pouring over you slow...
*End Flashback*
     It had been more than what you expected. Past the feelings of just lust, he made you feel like nothing could go wrong in this world. The hatefulness of your world, your family felt like nothing in his arms.  
He made you feel like you could do anything.
That had been years ago and now you hated him for it.
You had worked so hard not to feel this weak again but one flash of his picture, years aged came across your TV screen as he received commendation from the mayor had been enough to set you on edge. You don’t know this Walter Marshall.
The longer hair and a thicker beard, he almost doesn’t look familiar, but his eyes. His eyes always gave him away to you. He’d never been able to lie to you with them and his smile.
Turned out those had been the biggest lie of them all.
You’d taken your fair share of losses over the years but you’d also gained. You’d gained a hard earned degree in social work, you’d gained a job that had taken you around the world on missions to save kids, you’d accomplished so much and yet it meant nothing because the feeling of loneliness still persisted. You just purchased a beautiful home far removed from the wasteland of empty feelings and space  you grew up in but it had no life. It had no life because that life had been stolen from you so long ago.
So you go out to have a drink, maybe find a warm body to help you forget the way you felt, but somehow 1 drink turned into only one more but for some reason your head was spinning. You’d know this wasn’t you. You could handle your drinks, but by the time you could mention to anyone that it was sinister doings you were hogtied in some weirdo that had been at the bar basement. It was dark, and cold as you shivered against the concrete. The musk of wood and old damp space invaded your senses as the clothes tied around your mouth stole all the moisture from your mouth and you tried yelling to no avail. The basement door opens the weirdo comes down, his heavy weight no match for yours as he lifts you up from the floor, you kick, you scream, you fight, but he manages to drag you across the floor and down a hallway in that same basement that seems to go on forever, the end is a room. This room has a light but you wish it didn’t. The mattress is filthy and stained in various fluids that you don’t want to name. You mildly wonder if this is how you die.
How many had been in this exact same position as he handcuffs you to the gunmetal colored frame and it shakes barely holding onto your weight. You felt your face wet but you almost didn’t register that they were your tears until a raspy yet cold “my pets don’t cry. Unless I make them.”
You have to be shaking by now as the realization sets in that this was beyond simple murder, maybe beyond rape, he intended on torturing you until you thought death was the gift. You screw your eyes shut, memories of one of the other times you felt worse take over your brain and with no distractions as you normally have, you fall in head first to your own personal hell...
Begin Flashback 3
      It had been a year with Marshall. A full glorious year of just being with him and him protecting you from your family. He’d sat with you through various holidays, played nice with your brothers and father, while working his way up the ranks to where now he was one of the most trusted in the organization. You never questioned how he did it, only that he came home to you. You’d moved in together about two months ago, against the wishes of your mother who didn’t think much of her daughter. In fact she had it made up in her mind that you thought you were better than them, that you were hateful and spiteful when in reality all you wanted was freedom.
You wanted the freedom to love and do what you wanted, not be judged by the legacy of blood your family left in its wake.
You’d only wanted him and Marshall made sure you knew he felt the same. He had a cold streak that could frighten some of the deadliest men you knew. How one look could shut them down and if it didn’t get shut down he...took care of it. However you two were about to embark on a whole new journey.
Not that he knew. You’d only just figured it out yourself with a handful of home pregnancy tests and then a blood test with your doctor. You loved your child already and he’d talked about a family with you but the time right now was all off, but you knew the kind of man he was would do what he could for you. It wouldn’t be easy but the motto had always been “together”. It didn’t make you any less scared to be a mom which is why despite your strained relationship with your own you went to her for advice.
The house looked and felt just as it did growing up. A large home full of beautiful things but coldness. The lack of cars told you that the rest of your family wasn’t home, which was exactly what you didn’t want. If your father and brothers found out before Marshall, they wouldn’t care how much money he made them, they’d make his life a story of regret from the day he saved you from a face plant at the party. No you had to break the news, but you needed some advice. So you walk in, following the smell of white diamonds perfume your mother loves, up to the grand master bedroom. Taking off your shoes and the maid, takes your coat.
You almost laughed as you walked into the hallways of the house. Before your family transitioned into major players of the drug scene, you remembered the simpler times of a small house, fenced in porch that your grandma would sit on drinking tea and reminiscing as she told you stories about her childhood. Your mom is actually caring about what you wanted and needed. It had been a simplistic time, blissfully unaware of what your father did, your brother just going into high school, and the care of your mother was probably the reason you were pacing outside her bedroom door now.
You knock on one side of the white french doors and wait for an answer like you were taught to do, sweeping your feet across the soft carpet in small half circles.
“Come in Y/N.”
You smirk and open the door , following the light from her en-suite bathroom to where she was sitting at the vanity, putting the last touches on her full face of makeup.
“How did you know it was me momma?”
She laughs at you, a sharp smile on her face, framed by delicate laugh lines, still beautiful on the outside even if you knew how ruthless she could be with what she wanted. You hoped that the joy of a new grandchild would overshadow that you weren’t married to the father first. That he wasn’t some guy of high standing that she’d envisioned married you off to.
“You’ve been fidgety since you were a child, your brothers only knock if it’s an emergency AND your father was here, which considering what he has going on today home is the furthest thing from his mind. Honestly it never is even or normal days dear, but never the less I know you well enough that you aren’t here for just pleasantries.”
So you sigh and look down into her eyes, only because she was still sitting down, but you still felt like a child. Magically, it takes her only a minute and 17 seconds before her eyes widen and she looks at you.
“Oh my goodness *Your full name Here* you are pregnant.”
At her words you drop to your knees at her feet, much like a small child she lets you put your head in her lap as the relief of someone other than your doctor knowing about the life inside of you. She pats your head soothingly and you feel for the first time that she is on your side.
“It’s okay sweetheart. We will be okay, everything will be okay. We can make this go away. Nothing has to change.”
You look up at her this time, confusion filling your eyes and you shake your head.
“No... no that...that’s not...momma that’s not why I care here.”
She looks at you and scoffs, not caring as she stands up.
“Don’t be foolish Y/N. You are still a child yourself.”
You pull yourself to your feet, wiping the tears from your face. Ready to rebel against her thoughts of what you could be and what you were.
“I am not a child mother. I am 21.”
“You are not ready for a child.”
“Is anyone ever really?” You say with an off handed attitude that she clearly doesn’t appreciate. She steps around the chair to get closer to you.
“You most certainly are not. Besides what about all these lofty plans you made for yourself. You are the one who just HAD to go college. We spent all this money for you to go and you want to toss it away by having a child with nobody who can barely afford that hovel you live in much less a whole child.”
Angry she tossed a hand in the air in disbelief of her decision.
“We both do just fine...”
“You do just fine because of us. He works for us. We allowed this to go on for as long as possible because he seemed to keep you out of trouble and more or less distracted. He promised us he would keep you safe, make sure you knew what it means to be with someone in this lifestyle as a true partner, so that when the time comes to let you go to someone worthy...”
“You are lying! You will say anything to get me to do what you want. Marshall loves me and he will love this baby.”
“What did I just say child?! He cannot love you, because if he did he would know this would only hold you back. Your father and I have so much to show you, to give you the keys to be comfortable in such ways we never had growing up and you want to toss it away for a glorified errand boy!”
“ So this is just about control. Just like you always do. You can’t stand to see me happy unless you are the one holding the puppet strings. Well you know what...I am done. All of this is done! Marshall and I raise this child and will be everything that you hoped we failed at. I promise you will never see this child if this is how you view us.”
You turn quickly, determined to get as far away from her as possible, tears in your eyes, you were determined not to let her see you cry anymore. She no longer deserved that part of you.
“Goodbye Mother.”
She says reverting the formal manners she’d paid through the nose for you to develop. She let you get a few down the steps before you hear her race after you.
“Wait! Y/n please wait!”
The pleading tone was new and unexpected for you. You hadn’t heard the tone used for anything other than in childhood when begging your father not to do something stupid. You had never heard her use it in reference to you. She sounded heartbroken and is why you stop. She runs behind you, a step above you as you turn with tears in her eyes.
“I am sorry, Y/N please don’t leave like this. I just worry for you. You are my only daughter and suddenly my little girl isn't a little girl. I didn’t handle it well.”
You turn with a small smile and look at the soft look on her face. Once again not seen much since childhood, but it wasn’t forced.
“ No you didn’t but I guess we can give you a second chance to get it right.”
She wraps both arms around your shoulders and you both let her, touching her hands with a soft pat.
“So tell me, baby doll does anyone else know about this gift yet?”
You feel yourself beaming at her interest, the childhood nickname making you preen, excited that you would have guidance and maybe even get back the mother you’d been missing since you moved into this house.
“No. Actually not even Marshall, I came over hoping you’d give me some advice on how to tell him. I am so nervous.” You say walking slowly because you weren’t close enough to hold onto either side of the railing on the large stairs.
“Oh don’t worry sweetie, I think that will be the least of your worries...”
You turn to look at her but her smile is gone and a strong shove sends you careening down the rest of the steps, terror fills your veins and you panic, your life flashing before your eyes, things you did, things you never got to say. Only sounds of your screams echoing in the foyer. You hear your mother's footsteps as your head spins as you land.
She yells for help, but before anyone can come she leans down and says
“I did this for you.”
You feel the room spinning as you fight to keep consciousness so you could tell someone...anyone about what she did. Just as a maid turns a corner, the front door blasts open with a battering ram. Cops swarm in and you are surrounded, your mother taken to the floor along with unsuspecting maids.
“Help me.”
You manage to breathe out just as you give into the wall of blackness and let yourself fall asleep.
Besides it was more comforting there than knowing your mother had just tried to kill you and your unborn child...
*End flashback 3*
You lost everything that day. Your world shattered on the floor of that marbled foyer and somehow that fear was more than what you felt right now. You wouldn’t give anyone the satisfaction of seeing you cry again. Of breaking you down to that debased state again.
Turns out that wasn’t good enough for your captor. So he provided the physical pain that gave him the tears he wanted. He wanted to remind you that you had no one who actually gave a damn. Maybe death this way was better.
You could be with the one person who hadn’t left you by volition.  You were once again facing that wall of unconsciousness but this time you were tired. Tired of life. The amount of energy it took for you to live was excruciating.
Without him.
Downright impossible.
You should know. You’d tried. So through your muffled whimpers as the weirdo finally decides he’s spilled enough of your blood and has reached where he can get it up enough to desecrate you.
He is climbing over you, the smell of hard liquor pouring from his pores and gross breath and he gets in your ear about how beautiful he thought you were as if that was supposed to endear you to him. You wake up just enough not to just lie there you start fighting back and he smacks you on an already swollen pain, but you fight even more. That bit of fight in you, won’t let this man break you. So you pull against the bindings and try to make it so he has no footing but he starts laughing more.
“There’s the fight. You were getting boring dear. Now... now... now... you really got potential.”
You pray for the ending as he grinds on you but another harsh sound comes as his weight disappears and in the red dim lighting of the room you hear and see the outline of a struggle. Two men fighting for domination of the other but  you didn’t know who would win, though it seemed your rescuer had some height over your captor. A few well placed punches and a hard kick to the stomach and your result is standing to his feet, wiping his mouth and you guessed handcuffing the weirdo.
“ Detective Marshall, Full breech, victim is alive, one suspect in custody, medical request for full evac on suspect and victims.”
The voice. Your obvious head injuries were playing a trick on you.
He fumbles around the dirty room and manages to find the light switch and it hurts you so your eyes slam shut and squeeze tight as a way to protect you and also so that your mind doesn't have to reconcile the voice to the face.
One of many reasons you went out drinking alone in the first place.
He walks over to the bed and helps untie you and you whimper as the blood returns to your wrists and your eyes open to find Marshall sitting in front of you. He brushes blood from your face, and tilts your head up, finally making eye contact as you begin to get cloudy headed again because despite your conscious feelings about him, your body still knew it was safe.
“Y/N?” He sounds as if he’s seen a ghost, and honestly it probably was like a ghost.
“Marshall please don’t leave me.”
Your torso falls forward onto his and strong arms wrap around you and you finally sob yourself into unconsciousness....
A/n: So as always I am requesting opinions! I hope this wasn’t too triggering for anyone and that you are excited for the next two part which hopefully should be up in the next few days, as they are in the editing stage. 
If you feel so moved reblog, like, comment, follow.
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Chapter 1
A/N: Hey guys here’s the first part of Finding Hope! I hope you all enjoy this story as I’m really excited to share it with you! Thank you so much for reading and please let me know what you think 💕 Love you all and appreciate all the support 💖
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Warnings: A little angst
Daniella swung the door to the small apartment building open stepping inside the poorly lit entryway. She looked up at the long climb of stairs ahead of her and groaned. With Hope limp against her chest sleeping like a rock and her duffle in her other arm she made her way up stopping to readjust the child every few steps. The muffled shouting echoed through the stairway through the walls, a familiar sound really for both her and her sister. The shouting grew louder as she made it about halfway up the steps, a door above having clearly been opened.
“Fuck you! You don’t care about me and never have!” A younger female voice shouted from above.
“You ungrateful little shit! You don’t know the half of what I’ve given up for you!” Another voice shouted.
Daniella looked to the sleeping girl in her arms, surprisingly seeming unfazed by the whole thing which was a relief to her. The last thing she needed was the two bickering females to wake Hope up after the day they had.
“Hey don’t you fucking walk away from me, Leticia!” The older sounding woman screamed.
A young girl with long dark hair came whipping around the corner and rushed down the stairs. Daniella moved more to the side to clear a path for the young girl, who she was putting together as Leticia, to get out of there. At the top of the stairs appeared the older woman still shouting holding what appeared to be a slipper. She flung the shoe down the stairs at the girl just missing her as she managed to make it out of the door.
“Jesus Christ!” Daniella muttered through clenched teeth. “Watch what you’re fucking doing! I have a fucking kid.” She barked back at the woman no longer as concerned about the young girl sleeping as she was pissed off.
“Mind your own fucking business, puta!” The woman spat back at her before stomping back into her apartment and slamming the door shut so hard the building practically shook.
“Bitch,” Daniella muttered to herself.
Now little Hope was starting to stir. Daniella cursed to herself setting the duffle down and running soothing circles across the girls back until she settled back down snuggled against her chest. Letting out a sigh Daniella picked the bag back up and made her way up the rest of the steps stopping in front of the apartment across from the one the woman just disappeared into. Looks like she already made a great impression on her new neighbors.
She set her bag down once more. Fishing through all her pockets until she found the set of keys she pulled them out shifting the weight on her feet before unlocking the door and entering the apartment. She flicked the light on before turning back around, picking up her bag and setting it inside before closing the door and locking all three locks securely .
The apartment was small but nice. It was just enough space for her and now her new unexpected companion. She walked further in stopping in front of the brown leather sofa. Kicking her sneakers off beside it she kept going through the apartment until she finally found the bedroom. Inside was a fully made bed. Right now she was so thankful for her best friend for coming and setting all this up for her, she really didn't know what she'd do without her. She pulled back the covers and gently laid Hope down on the bed, tucking her in tightly.
Daniella never wanted kids. She didn’t want to fuck them up like she had been, dragging them into her mess of a life. They say you turn into your parents and that was her greatest fear. She wasn’t fit to be a mother, wouldn’t do that to an innocent life.
But now here she was, and she would do anything to protect the fragile life in her care.
She reached out brushing a strand of Hope’s dark hair behind her ear. “I promise I’m gonna give you the life I didn’t have,” she whispered, “You are going to be taken care of. You will feel loved.”
Pulling back she stepped out of the room to grab the bag and take it to the bathroom. Leaving the door open so she could keep an eye and ear on Hope she slipped the baseball cap off her head tossing it to the counter. She looked at her reflection, the long drive with no sleep showing all over her features. Her eyes were heavy, bags prominent beneath them and the cut on her lip still stung from the earlier blow but she had looked worse, far worse in her past.
Wincing she pulled the black hoodie off and over her head dropping it to the ground. Her body was scarred all over a constant reminder of what she had endured and how far she had come. Turning she glanced back, stealing a look at her now bare back, a large deep bruise forming just below her ribs. She grimaced as she straightened back and rolled her shoulders. Her body was stiff and sore. Now that the adrenaline had worn off she was feeling everything and her hands began trembling. She squeezed them into fists closing her eyes and took deep breaths until the trembling began to subside. It was moments like this when she wanted to crumble and find a release.
Stripping the rest of the way she unzipped the bag pulling out an oversized t-shirt and slipping it on. Reaching back in she pulled out the folded picture she had tucked away carefully. Switching the light off in the bathroom on her way out she padded back into the bedroom turning the lamp on beside the bed and climbing in beside Hope. Unfolding the picture she looked over the old photo for probably the hundredth time now taking in every detail like she had for years.
The man in the photo was handsome, a warm smile on his face with a cigarette in hand straddling a motorcycle. Her mother sitting behind him, arms wrapped tightly around his waist. They looked happy but looks can be deceiving, she knew that better than most.
This picture was the reason for Daniella coming to Santo Padre. In it was her biological father, the biker trash asshole who her mother had told her about, the now president of the Mayans MC Santo Padre charter, Obispo 'Bishop' Losa.
The sun shined down brightly on Daniella. Walking out the gate she closed her eyes soaking in her freedom and taking a deep breath of fresh air feeling lighter than ever.
"Heyyyy!" Daniella's best friend Rowena sang beaming as she made her way out. "Look at you! Do a little spin for us tiny.” She hollered.
Daniella chuckled, rolling her eyes but did a little spin anyways coming around once more to take a look at the Stockton State prison one last time as she walked backwards away from it flipping her middle finger towards the building. Coming back around she grinned as she was scooped into Rowena’s arms. “I missed you bitch.” Her voice was muffled in the embrace.
Rowena pulled back holding her at arms length and getting a good look at Daniella. “Missed you too,” she cooed smiling. She then examined Daniella’s face closely. Sure she had visited her often in the year she had been out but it felt different on the outside. Her eyes landed on the cut on Daniella’s lip and she smirked. “Nice new accessory.” She said pointing to the cut.
“Oh yeah? You like it?” Daniella said grinning, “just a little going away present from Carmen.” She said nonchalantly.
“I could have sworn you two would have killed each other by now.” Rowena said, pulling Daniella into her side and heading towards her car. “Shit must have really changed since I got out.”
“Yeah well what can I say? She warmed up to me. I mean what’s there not to like?” Daniella boasted as they made their way to Rowena's vehicle.
“Yeah, yeah.” Rowena said, waving her friend off. “You got me there.” Unlocking the door to her old yellow Volkswagen she slipped into the driver’s seat, Daniella making her way around to the passenger’s.
Rowena started the car rolling down the windows for Daniella. She knew the last thing her friend would want to feel after coming out was feeling confined some more. The only thing Rowena wanted when she got out was to feel everything, all the little things you couldn’t get from the inside, the rush of the wind being the first thing she got to. It was like a high in itself.
Daniella fastened her seatbelt and turned more towards her friend. “So did you find anything, Ro?” She asked eagerly.
“You mean did I find your Papi?” Rowena looked back at her raising a brow as she pulled out of the parking lot. “Damn right I did girl.” She grinned, “And by the way how come you never told me he was so hot?” She moaned dreamily, “Like damn Dani if he doesn’t wanna be your daddy he can most certainly be mine.” She wiggled her eyebrows at her.
Daniella’s mouth fell open as she shoved Rowena lightly, “Fuck you!” She laughed, “God you’re so disgusting.”
“Hey watch it I’m trying to drive here,” Rowena laughed, “You’re going to run us off the road and then neither one of us is gonna get to meet him.”
“If that’s what it’ll take to end this discussion about my hot,” Daniella cringed playfully, “daddy.” She managed out, “Then I’m willing to make that sacrifice.”
Rowena laughed, kicking on the AC and opening the vents in front of her. “Fine I won’t say anymore about it, for now.”
“Thank you,” Daniella scrunched her nose up smiling at Rowena. “So,” she started her tone more serious now, “Where is he?” Daniella had always been curious about who her real father was even with all the nasty things her mother would tell her about him. She wanted to know what he was like, if everything her mother said was true or not, and he had to be a hell of a lot better than her mother and her boyfriend Billy. He was what got her through those three long years inside.
“It took a little while to track him down and find which Mayans charter he belonged to but I was finally able to pin him down to the Santo Padre Charter,” Rowena stated, “He’s the president of the club there, Obispo Losa, goes by the name Bishop.”
“Bishop,” Daniella whispered to herself looking out her window. She stuck her hand out the open window, the rush of air blowing against her skin and rushing into the car to blow her hair back. She watched as the various houses and buildings passed by as they drove down the road getting lost in her thoughts.
“I got you an apartment there, set it up and everything.” Rowena continued stealing a glance at Daniella every now and then. “You’re all set, you can finally get the fuck out of this toxic place.”
Daniella turned her attention back to Rowena giving her a small smile. “Thank you so much Ro.” She said sincerely, “I don't know what I’d do without you or how I’m ever going to pay you back.”
“Find your dad, start fresh and live the life you fucking deserve Daniella.” Rowena said, “I’m so proud of you.”
“Stop,” Daniella groaned looking up to push the tears away that were beginning to pool in her eyes, “You are going to make me cry.” She would forever be thankful for her best friend and all the women who had helped her out throughout the years, her real family, the only people she could truly trust and count on.
“Right,” Rowena said, pushing her own tears away, “No time for all this sappy shit.” She laughed half heartedly taking a deep breath. “If you really want to make it up to me then the least you can do is introduce me to your daddy.” She teased playfully.
Daniella rolled her eyes again and burst out laughing. “You just don’t know when to quit!” She shook her head, “There’s something seriously wrong with you, you got some major daddy issues to work out.”
“Yeah, well take a good look in the mirror yourself bitch.” Rowena joked laughing.
“Fuck you.” Daniella smirked, flipping her friend off.
“Back at ya!” Rowena quipped back, returning the bird. The two women laughed together til it died down and Rowena spoke up once more. “So what’s first? You want to grab some food?”
“Nah,” Daniella said. She just wanted to get the band aid ripped off first and go home and then she could fully enjoy her new found freedom. “Take me home. I need to get my shit and then we can get some food or something, have a proper girls day before I leave tomorrow.” She smiled at Rowena.
“Are you sure you’re ready to see her?” Rowena asked.
“Yeah,” Daniella said. It had been three years since she saw her mother last, she never once came to visit Daniella when she was inside but she didn’t really care. “I just need to be done with it, get what’s rightfully mine then get the hell out of there.”
“You gonna give her a piece of your mind?”
Daniella shook her head, “She’s not worth it. I’ve wasted too much of my time on her. I just need to face her long enough to collect and then I’m never looking back. It’s time to put me first.”
“Alright Hope,” Daniella said as she squatted in front of the young girl and tied her shoes, “Today is the day. We are finally going to face him.” She finished the double knot and stood up. Hope looked back at her with her big brown eyes like she always did, her thumb a permanent fixture in her mouth and her little green stuffed bear held tightly in her arm. “I know that’s what I said the last three times but I mean it this time. I’m not gonna chicken out anymore.” She told her or really more herself. Hope had yet to utter a single word since they were together only offering maybe a nod here and there.
Three times now Daniella had stopped outside the scrapyard where Bishop worked and each time she had psyched herself out and would head back home. She wasn’t usually so easily scared but something about approaching this man, her father, who she was told wanted nothing to do with her growing up just sent her mind in a downward spiral. What if he still wanted nothing to do with her? What if he sent her away? What if he rejected her once more? Then coming all the way to Santo Padre would be for nothing. She had nowhere else to go. It was taking a big risk coming here and bringing Hope along.
“Now,” she continued talking to her sister some more, “I know it’s confusing but we’re going to have to tell people I’m your mama, okay?” She said, looking into the girl’s eyes, almost an exact copy of her own. At least it would be believable. Hope could definitely pass as her own. “It’s just better that way. Raises less questions.” She nodded to the girl patting her gently on the leg.
"How does this sound?" Daniella asked Hope standing straight, "Hey I don't know if you remember but it's me, your daughter, the one you didn't want." She trailer off. "Yeah you're right, that sounds ridiculous." Daniella let out a sigh running her hand over her face. "We'll work on it on the way over." Daniella extended her hand out to Hope who took it with her free hand, the other still attached to her mouth, and she helped her off the couch. Walking hand in hand they exited their apartment and Daniella locked the door behind them. At the same time Letty was exiting her apartment across the way.
“Hey,” Daniella greeted with a smile, “Leticia, right?” She recalled from the argument they had walked into when they first arrived.
“Letty,” She said slightly annoyed. There was a sense of hesitation that the young girl gave off to Daniella. She seemed very guarded and distrustful, a lot like Daniella herself.
“Dani,” Daniellla introduced herself. “And this is little Hope.” She said smiling down at the young girl.
They began walking down the stairs together as they headed out. “So,” Letty spoke up breaking the silence, “Is it just you two? Her dad’s not around?” She asked looking at the tiny girl as they made their way down slowly due to her little legs.
“Yep, just me and her against the world.” Daniella said guiding Hope down the steps carefully. “Her dad’s a piece of shit anyways. She’s better off without him.” The guilt tugged in the back of Daniella’s mind briefly before she shook it off, shoving it away mentally. “What about you? Just you and your mom?” Daniella asked to change the subject back to Letty.
“Unfortunately yeah,” Letty signed, “I can't wait to get away from the bitch. I never knew my dad.” She added.
“Hey there’s one thing we have in common.” Daniella said with a light chuckled. “I never knew my father either and my mother was a real fucking piece of work.”
Letty smiled, it was nice to have someone to talk to, who she felt could maybe understand her. “Well to absent fathers and to shitty mothers.” She laughed.
“And to doing better than them,” Daniella added, smiling down at Hope as she watched her toddle down the last step. “It’s up to us, you know? You and me, to break that cycle.” She said looking to Letty. “We aren’t going to be like them. If not for us then for them” She smiled back down at Hope.
Letty smiled at the young mother. "You seem like you're already doing it. You look like a good mother."
Daniella smiled. It had only been a few days in the role of "mother" and she really hoped she would not fuck it up for her sister. "Thank you, that means a lot. Now I just need to find a damn job. Maybe we'll find something today."
"Having trouble?" Letty asked. Daniella looked like someone who shouldn't have much trouble finding work to Letty.
Daniella sighed. "Yeah, I guess I'm just a little rusty and nervous." She said honestly, "There's not many options for people straight out of prison with no real resume."
Letty felt for her. Unfortunately that was a struggle many of the residents of Santo Padre had. "Well if you don't find anything I could maybe hook you up, put in a good word for porn." She offered. That was one job that wouldn't have any qualms about her past.
Daniella's heart broke a little at Letty's offer. "Thank you." She said sincerely, "I'm trying to get away from shit like that though but when I find a job," she said trying to remain positive, "I'm gonna need someone to watch Hope and I don't really have anyone I can trust. Do you think you'd maybe be interested?" She offered back to her.
Letty smiled wide at her and then down at the cute little girl. "Yeah, maybe. That'd be great."
"Awesome," Daniella said, "Well we better get going. Have a great day Letty. We'll see you around." Daniella opened the door holding it for Letty.
"See ya!" Letty called out heading in the opposite direction of Daniella and Hope, "Good luck!"
Angel sat with Coco, Gilly, and Riz on break as they watched EZ wash the bikes, heckling him now and then just for fun.
"Hey boy scout," Coco called out, "Watch it. Fuck up the paint and I'll fuck you up."
Angel chuckled watching his brother doing the grunt work as he took a swig of his beer. It was a nice change in their dynamic for him and truth be told he loved having his little brother wanting to be a part of the club, a part of something of Angel’s.
Taza and Hank rode in, parking next to where EZ was working on Coco’s bike and instructing him to do theirs next. Taking their helmets off they made their way over to the men sitting at the picnic table. “Who’s baby mama lurking outside?” Taza asked the men, “that’s what? The third or fourth time I’ve seen her out there.”
Gilly, Riz, and Angel all looked at Coco. “What?” Coco snapped, “Don’t look at me. She’s not mine. Haven’t seen her a day in my life.”
“Well we know it’s not the prospects,” Riz stated nodding over to EZ who was now drying off Coco’s bike. “Unless there’s something you're not telling us about your time inside.” The men chuckled.
“No, definitely not mine.” EZ replied grinning.
“Well as much as I’d like to claim that as mine,” Angel said, setting his beer down. He had seen the woman and small child now everyday for the last few days as well as the other guys. He wanted to approach her but everytime he went she’d be gone just as quickly as she’d arrive.“I’ve never met her,” he said shaking his head, “And trust me, I’d remember if I did.”
“Maybe she’s just here about the job,” Creeper offered up. They had put out word looking for someone to lend a hand to Chucky with the office and accounting now that their business with the Cartel had picked up some.
Angel stood up straightening his shirt out. “I’ll go find out.” He was determined to catch her this time. He’d be lying if he said she didn’t captivate him, that he wasn’t thinking about her often and all he wanted was to at least know her name.
“Better hurry,” Gilly teased. He and the guys had been having to listen to him complain and talk about the woman the last few days. There was no denying her beauty and he could see why Angel was so caught up in the woman, still it was always fun to be able to tease him about it. “Don’t wanna miss her again.” He and the guys got a good laugh watching Angel as he’d try to catch her and fail every time.
“Oh, today’s the day hermano.” Angel called out heading out. “I’m not missing her again.”
“You know what Hope?” Daniella said looking down at Hope standing beside her. Her stomach was flipping as the nerves set in hard like they always did when she’d get her. “I think we should wait until tomorrow.” She said not for the first time, “It’ll just be better. Tomorrow is a good day.”
Hope looked up at her sucking on her thumb like always, her teddy gripped tightly. She held her one one arm up signaling to her older sister that she wanted to be picked up.
“Tired of walking?” Daniella asked. “Girl me too but I don’t have anyone to carry me.” The girl’s naturally big puppy dog eyes worked like a charm on Daniella without Hope even trying. “Fine, just this once.” She smiled giving in. Leaning down she picked up Hope and settled her on her hip. The green teddy fell from her grasp on the way up and landed on the cement. Daniella cursed getting ready to lean over and scoop it up when another’s hand came down and picked up the small stuffed animal.
Angel grinned at the woman handing the stuffed animal to her daughter. “Here you go.”
Daniella looked up at the tall man, her heartbeat picking up when their eyes met. He was wearing a cut, another member of the charter she put together. She swallowed her mouth suddenly feeling dry. “Thank you.”
“Angel,” he offered, introducing himself. “And this is?” He asked, looking to the small girl with the wide, deep brown eyes.
“Hope,” Daniella smiled looking over at her as well before back at him.
“That’s a beautiful name,” he grinned looking just a little longer at Hope before turning his attention back to her mother. “And how about you, querida?”
“Dani,” she said simply.
“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you Dani.” He loved the name already and would be thinking of her even more now that he knew it. “And you too pequeña princesa.”
Hope snuggled closer to Dani, burying half of her face in her shoulder. A lot had changed for the young girl in the past few days so it was no wonder she had not been very vocal. In time Daniella hoped she would warm up to her.
“So none of the guys recognize you, you must not be here to collect for the kid.” He began, “which there’s only really one other reason you might be here.”
“Yeah?” She asked, raising her eyebrow. “And what might that be?”
“You and I were destined to meet.” He smirked looking down at her.
Daniella chuckled to herself internally. Not even a week out and she was already getting hit on. However attractive this Angel may be, she wasn't gonna fall into the trap, her main priority was Hope now and she was done giving herself away to others who would only just use her. "Heard that one before," she smiled sickeningly sweetly at him. "Got anything original?"
Angel was taken aback a moment but recovered quickly. He opened his mouth to quip back when Creeper called out from just outside the gate. "Yo Angel, stop with the flirting!" He hollered, "Bish wants to know if she's here for the damn job or not!"
Daniella's heart stopped at the mention of his name. Her fight or flight instincts were kicking in and she was ready to bolt but couldn't see how she'd manage to get away with that now.
"Right," Angel nodded, licking his lips, "So you here for the position?"
She thought about it quickly for a moment. She wasn't sure what the job entailed but she could use one and maybe this could be her in. Two birds with one stone right? She looked at Hope who was watching her intently and decided she better answer before the pause became too long. "Yeah," she smiled at Angel. "I'm here for the job."
Tag List: @everyhowlmarksthedead @cind-in-real-life @ifoundmyhappythought @woahitslucyylu @briannab1234 @carlaangel86 @sammskellington @chibsytelford @mheart27 @scuzmunkie @vsfavs @starrynite7114
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darks-ink · 4 years
Rewind - Ectoberweek 2020
Acknowledging canon episodes? In my fanfic? It’s more likely than you think. Also I’m experimenting by adding the links onto this post so lemme know whether this shows up in the tag or not.
Rating: Gen Warnings: - Genre: Hurt/Comfort Words: 2,834 Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Masters of All Time, Families of choice/Found family
[AO3] [FFN]
“What do you mean, you can’t?” Danny darted around Clockwork, refusing to let him turn away. “Clockwork!”
The ghost sighed, heavily and wearily, and looked down at Danny. “I cannot. It is that simple.”
“But that’s— that’s nonsense,” Danny insisted, gesturing wildly. “You’re the ghost of time! How can you not rewind this and fix it?!”
“I warned you, Daniel, that this would be a permanent change.” Clockwork blinked slowly, as if trying to convey some sort of emotion with his empty red eyes. “You did not heed my warning, or considered yourself above it. Now, you must live with the consequences.”
“But you’re—”
“Not all-powerful, no matter what you might think,” Clockwork cut in, narrowing his eyes. “You have altered the past, despite my warning not to. To travel back again would risk the stability of the timeline entirely. Would you rather see all of reality destroyed?”
Clockwork hummed before Danny could answer. “I would not, therefore I will not allow it to be so. The past has been set in stone, but the future is still malleable. Make it into something you can live with.”
“But…” Danny bit back his automatic response. There was no point. He’d tried fighting Clockwork before, and gotten his ass handed to him as a result. He sighed instead. “Can you at least take me back to Mom and Dad, then? The Portal looked like it blew up after I flew through it, and I don’t know where to find another.”
At that, Clockwork smiled. Or, Danny though it was a smile, at least. A small twitch of the ghost’s lips. “That, I can do.”
“Thanks, Clockwork.” Danny watched as the ghost swung his staff, a portal opening in its wake. “And… sorry, I guess.”
“Apology accepted.” Clockwork floated aside, waving a hand towards the portal. “Goodbye, Daniel.”
Danny nodded back, before flying through the portal. Welp. Time to face the music.
The portal spat him out in Amity Park, near his house. For a moment, Danny paused, considering the possibility that it brought him here because he consider Amity to be his home, no matter what. But then he realized that there was a car parked in front of the garage, one far too fancy for the neighborhood. His parents must’ve come this way, taking one of Vlad’s cars.
Thus satisfied, he flew down, phasing through the front door. No need to be secretive—both Jack and Maddie knew his secret already.
Still, he was surprised to find them both in the living room, apparently trying to clean up the place. Maddie saw him first, her body stilling. And how strange was it, that he found it comforting to see her here, in her cyan jumpsuit, with red goggles over her eyes? (That was weird, right? Danny felt like it should be weird.)
“Danny,” she said, quiet with surprise. “What are you doing here?”
At her words, Jack also looked up from where he was standing. He, too, looked almost exactly like his counterpart from Danny’s own timeline. Except with ecto-acne, of course.
“I, uh.” Danny shrugged, unsure. He felt thrown off by seeing his parents like this. It was almost right, but just slightly off. “Clockwork couldn’t undo it. Apparently the timeline is too unstable, or something. So I have to… stay in this world, I guess.”
“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry.” She straightened up from her crouch, walking closer to him. “I— It probably won’t be easy, but you can stay with us for as long as you need to. Right, Jack?”
“Of course!” his dad immediately responded, nodding vigorously. “We’re… figuring stuff out, of course. But it’s thanks to you that we reunited in the first place. And you’re our kid!” He grinned, wide and loving, in that typical Jack Fenton way. “Even if the way you got here is a little weird, you’re still our family!”
“I…” He landed, noiselessly. Hesitated for a moment. Then closed the space between him and Maddie, wrapping his arms around her. “Thanks. Both of you. I’m sorry.”
The enormous warm arms of Jack Fenton came up around them. “Don’t be, kiddo. You have nothing to be sorry for,” he rumbled, underlined with an almost audible buzz of his core. It emitted a palpable feeling of family.
“No, but, I…” Danny sighed, crushing his head against Maddie’s shoulder. “It’s my fault. All of this is! I tried going back in time to change the past, to make it so Vlad wouldn’t get ecto-acne so he couldn’t infect my friends with it, but instead you became half-ghost.”
Danny drew a shaky breath, trying to fight past the emotions welling in his throat. They needed to understand. “It’s all my fault! Without my meddling, none of this would’ve happened!”
“Sounds to me,” his mom began, her thin fingers gently combing through his hair, “like you tried to help your friends, Danny.” She clicked her tongue. “Maybe not in the best way possible, but the intention was good.”
“I can’t imagine that Vlad would’ve dealt with being half-ghost much better than I,” Jack added, faint laughter in his voice. “Never mind the ecto-acne. But, of course! That’s how you recognized it!”
“Yeah, um.” Danny drew back from the hug a little. “I can… tell you guys, I guess? About my timeline. The differences, at least.”
“That’d be nice,” Maddie agreed, as Jack’s arms released them. She looked around, and Danny could read the reluctance in her body language, even despite the goggles. “We might have to clear some more stuff before we have the space to sit.”
“We could always sit on the floor?” Jack suggested, shrugging at her look. “Or Danny and I can float as ghosts.”
“Right.” Maddie shook her head, wandering over to the single chair not covered in debris and trash and reaching up to her hood. “If that works for you two, that might be the most convenient.” She paused, frowning at Danny, hood pulled off but still in hand. “But… if Vlad was the one who became half-ghost in your timeline, why are you half-ghost as well, Danny?”
“I, uh.” He shrugged, lifting his feet off of the ground to sit in mid-air. “Became half-ghost in an accident of my own.”
The frown he received from both parents very clearly asked for him to elaborate, so he did. “Okay, so. The point of divergence is the accident in college, obviously. In my timeline, Vlad got hit by the explosion, not Jack, so he becomes half-ghost and stuff. You two, Jack and Maddie, get together, especially since Vlad was cutting contact. You decide to become ghost researchers together and move to Amity Park.”
He paused to gesture to the house around them. “Specifically, you move here, to this specific house. You make it your place of business as well, called FentonWorks. Big neon sign on the front of the building, the basement downstairs becomes a lab, and at some point you two built the Ops Center at the top, which can also be used for inventing stuff. I’m… obviously not very informed of the details, since I was the second kid and you two talked very little about the past. Only,” here he made a face, “ghosts. Everything was always about ghosts.
“Anyway,” he continued, after a short pause to take a breath. “You two have Jazz first, and then me two years later. At some point after that, you start working on a new Portal, full scale, down in the lab. It takes forever to build, because you’re trying to be careful about it, I guess? But you finish it, eventually, when Jazz is sixteen and I fourteen.”
Maddie narrowed her eyes, darting them over his body. The question is clear as day: isn’t he basically fourteen?
“So,” Danny trumped on, ignoring the silent question, “After years of work, their Portal was finally finished! The ultimate proof that ghosts were real! And then it didn’t turn on.”
“It didn’t?” Jack gasped, clearly startled. Danny realized that, somehow, he’d missed the man shifting into his ghost form. “But—”
“It didn’t,” Danny interrupted, holding up a hand. “Because apparently, someone had built a secondary power switch inside the Portal, and they had forgotten to turn it on. So when they plugged in the power, the Portal didn’t turn on.”
There was clear calculation in the eyes of both of his parents, now. Danny continued his explanation before they could figure it out. Needed to tell his story to his parents, for once. He didn’t think he would ever get a chance to tell his actual parents, after all.
“Later that day, after Jazz convinced you two to take a break, my friends talked me into checking out the Portal. Just the three of us, since Tucker was interested in technology and Sam was interested in all things goth and occult.” He shrugged, almost fatalistically. “Sam suggested I take a closer look, and I did. Only, I didn’t realize that the power was still plugged in, so when I accidentally hit the power switch inside…”
“Oh!” Maddie gasped. “Oh, how terrible!”
“That must’ve hurt like hell,” Jack agreed, a painful grimace on his face. It looked strange, the genuine emotional expression with the blue skin, the pointed fangs poking out of his mouth. “Your parents must’ve felt awful, to know that they put their kid in such danger!”
“Well…” Danny made a face. “They kinda… didn’t know? They were both avid ghost hunters, both full of hate towards ghosts. I considered telling them, at first, but then they saw their first ghosts and…” Danny sighed. “I guess I was just scared that I’d be just a ghost to them. That they wouldn’t believe me.”
“That’s… That’s awful.” Jack floated over to nudge Danny. “Kiddo, if your dad was anything like me, I promise you, he would’ve cared.”
“I know.” Danny shook his head dismissively. “I know. That wasn’t why I was worried. I was afraid that they wouldn’t believe that I was me, that I was their son. That they would think that I had hurt or replaced their own kid.”
Maddie touched his shoulder, and Danny jerked, surprised. When had she stood up? Walked over? “Well… At least it is of no concern anymore, right? You’re here now, with us, and we believe you.”
It felt like something had crawled into his gut and died. “Yeah,” he said, with terribly faked enthusiasm. “Yeah, right.”
“It’s not much of a comfort, is it?” Maddie made a face. “I’m sorry. I guess I have very little parenting experience, compared to your actual mother.”
“Honestly?” He snorted. “It makes very little difference. Like I said, she and Dad spent most of the time in the lab, or otherwise occupied with ghost research.”
Maddie clicked her tongue, distaste clear on her face. “Well, isn’t that a waste. They have such a lovely son, and they don’t even enjoy his presence?”
“Well, y’know.” Danny shrugged, trying to ignore the pleased whirring of his core. “They try, now, but with all the ghosts we’re all kinda distracted. Them with trying to catch some for their research, and I with trying to protect the townspeople from the ghosts.”
Jack’s expression visibly brightened—as did the glow around his body. “You’re a ghost hunter! A ghost-fighting superhero! Just like I tried to be!”
“Uh.” Danny felt his brain skip over, then remembered. Somewhere in the blathering when he first arrived, Jack had mentioned that he’d tried using his powers for good. “Yeah, I guess so. But I had a little more success with it.” He grinned sheepishly.
“We should team up!” Jack exclaimed, wrapping an arm around Danny’s shoulders. “The two of us, and Maddie, if she wants to! We’d be a fantastic team!”
Danny laughed, a little uncertain. “Well, maybe. But we’ll need a Thermos to catch the ghosts, and a Portal to dump them back into the Ghost Zone, first. Those were kind of my major tools in managing. And Sam and Tucker, of course.”
“Oh?” Maddie asked, perking up. “Sam and Tucker? You mentioned them before, I think. Are those your friends?”
“Yeah, they… I guess they don’t know me, here.” He sighed, feeling himself drift down closer to the floor, away from his dad’s arm. “They… We were best friends, to the absolute end. Even after the stuff in the lab, the half-ghost stuff, the constant attacking ghosts and hunting them down, they stuck by my side.”
“I’m sorry, kiddo.” Jack landed as well, although unlike Danny, he landed on his feet. “But they’ll be around, right? It might not be the same, but they’re not gone.”
“Might as well be,” Danny huffed. He shook his head. “It won’t be the same. Without the years of shared experiences…”
Maddie and Jack shared a look—not quite as conversational as the ones his parents shared, but a good enough substitute—before apparently deciding to change the topic altogether.
“Why don’t we see if we can clear some rooms upstairs?” Maddie asked, clapping her hands together. “We’ll need at least two rooms clear enough for use, preferably three.”
“Three?” Danny echoed, frowning at them. “You’re not sharing?”
“We haven’t seen each other in years, Danny,” she pointed out, getting up from the chair. “We’re still reconnecting, never mind actually getting together.”
“Right,” he agreed, following her to the stairs. “But you are moving in?”
“Friends can share a house,” Jack pointed out, shifting back to his human form in a flash of white light, and reminding Danny to do the same. “And this way she won’t have to worry about getting kicked out of Vlad’s mansion while all the paperwork and stuff is happening.”
“And I never liked the mansion much,” Maddie admitted with a wry smile. “I liked the Vlad I knew, way back when, but over time it became clear that that wasn’t the real Vlad. I’d been thinking about divorcing him for longer, but… I don’t know. There was no one else I knew, nowhere I could go.”
“Not even to Aunt Alicia? I mean, she’s divorced as well, isn’t she?”
“I… didn’t realize she had married in the first place.” Maddie’s steps faltered for a moment before she continued up the stairs. “I guess I was afraid that she would judge me for marrying Vlad in the first place. I don’t know… It seems rather illogical, now, but I figured I could put up with Vlad well enough. And with his money I could afford my research, even if I had to do it behind his back.”
They stopped in the hallway upstairs, looking around. Danny resisted the urge to grimace. Somehow upstairs was even more of a mess than downstairs had been.
“Which room was yours, in your timeline?” Jack asked, sidling up to Danny.
“Uh.” He carefully stepped past the mess, stopping in front of his door. Or the door that belonged to the room that was his, in his own timeline. “This one. And Jazz had that one,” he pointed over to the room that his sister used. “The one next to mine was a guest room.”
Jack nodded. “Right, that makes sense! You can take that room if you want, Danny. Mads, you can take the other room if you want. The one next to here I used as a lab for a while, so cleaning…”
“Won’t be easy, got it.” She nodded as well. “I’ll take the other one. Let’s start with clearing out this one, shall we?”
“Let’s.” Danny pushed open the door, bracing himself mentally for the whiplash of seeing his room without it being his room.
As a result, he was almost toppled over by the cat that rushed past his legs.
“Jasmine!” Jack cheered, crouching down to pick up the fluffy white thing. “Is this where you’ve been hiding, honey?”
“Well,” Danny said, then stopped. He had no clue what to say. He didn’t even know what he thought of this.
“Well,” he tried again. “At least now I know who picked the name for Jazz, and who picked mine.”
Maddie snorted, gently pushing him into the room. “Personally, I think Danny is a great name, honey.”
“Thanks,” he retorted, eyes darting over the room. It was dark—the curtains were closed despite the time of day—but his night vision was pretty solid. “It’s short for Daniel.”
“And Jazz for Jasmine, then? That’s cute.” She ruffled his hair as she stepped past him, drawing open the curtains. “Hm. we certainly have our work cut out for us.”
“Yeah,” Danny agreed, looking at the piles of he-didn’t-know-what lying around. There was a bed buried in one of the piles, which suggested it might’ve been a guest room at some point. Or used by someone else, before Jack moved in. “And we still need to clear yours, too.”
“Better get working then,” Maddie decided, shaking her head as she crouched down. “Things won’t get better on their own, after all.”
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