#like the quality is nicer than usual i guess
mystery-star · 1 year
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14 notes · View notes
cum-a-calla · 3 months
you ever buy weed from a hot, deranged, psychopathic cult leader? no? well, sugar, do ya want to?
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under the cut: Kappa/“reader”. coercion/dubcon/noncon. drugs. drugged fuck. knifeplay and blood kink. religious/cultlike ideologies. possessive Kappa. a general air of manipulation and abuse. wet, absolutely unhinged, hard fucking.
“Well, well - what brings you here?”
Kappa hangs in the doorway, resting his head on the frame as he peeks out from behind the door. He’s in the same thing he wore the last time you saw him, some flowy, open-necked bohemian top, so threadbare and worn that there are patches you can see through. He smiles his lopsided little smile and opens the door further, eyes dark and bloodshot. Trying to guess what Kappa might be fucked up on at this very moment is just as fruitless as buying a lottery ticket - the chance of getting it right is comically low.
“I need to… you know, pick up. And my usual guy is out of town, so… I know sometimes you have stuff,” she says, glancing around as if they aren’t on his wide, dusty property. Somewhere off in the yard, one of his strange friends plays fetch with a very filthy, very enthusiastic dog, tongue lolling from its grinning muzzle as it chases a frisbee and proceeds to shake it from side to side.
“Gunna have to be more specific than that, my dear. Kappa has it all.”
God, right - she’d forgotten about the third-person bullshit. She smiles flatly at him and mimes smoking a bowl, to which he laughs a little and moves to the side.
“Well, who doesn’t have that, right? Nature’s medicine. Come on in, don’t wanna let all the cool air out.”
She follows him into the dim, ramshackle home. Random furniture and cluttered countertops, sinks full of dishes with a couple flies buzzing lazily around them, hoping for lunch. The house is dark; most of the light comes in through the crooked slats of the blinds, drawn shut but damaged enough that the sunlight filters through in blazing shafts, illuminating all the dust in the air. Two woman doze off on each other, half naked and intertwined on the couch. One opens her eyes, takes in their guest, and allows them to flutter back shut in her lack of any real interest.
“This is Theta, Sigma… I think you remember them? We’ve met a few times. Girls, why don’t you go lie in the back room so that my… new friend, here… can have a seat.”
Theta and Sigma stir, but mumble and whine about Kappa’s request. He raises his eyebrows and purses his lips for a moment, hands on his hips.
“… are you going to make Kappa ask again?”
He looks like a parent preparing to lay down a punishment. His voice is even and low, something about its quality shifting the air in the room. Their eyes pop open and it’s like neither of them had been sleeping at all. Alert and obedient, they rise up while holding each others’ hands and scurry past him, squeaking apologies. Kappa watches until they’re out of sight, the sound of a door shutting breaking him of his sternness. He smiles again and everything feels even more disturbing, somehow. The switch. He holds a hand out to her and takes it gingerly into his own. He brushes his lips against her knuckles in a chaste kiss, watching her with his deep-set eyes.
“Sorry about that. They got a little fucked up and forgot their manners, it seems.”
“It’s… fine, it’s fine. No big deal.”
“Go on. Sit with me.”
Lowering to the couch feels like a death sentence in some unexplainable way. It’s not unlike any other experience buying weed from the various small-time dealers in the area - dirty house, wasted buddies sleeping off a hangover, weird dudes that just want to have a chat while they sell their goods. Despite this, there’s a vibe here she can’t place. Something that makes the tiny hairs on her arms stand up, something off. She’s already anxious to leave, watching Kappa lift the top to the coffee table to reveal a hidden compartment inside. It reminds her of a much nicer version her grandparents have. She guesses confidently that their isn’t stuffed with different sized bags of weed and little jars full of dried mushrooms, of various pressed pills and powders.
Beside these goodies is a handgun and a hunting knife.
“So - what will do ya? A dub, a quarter? An ounce? We’ve got some serious couch-lock shit all the way from the U-Dub, uh… we’ve got a great Californian purp. Sort of a mid strain from Maine; yeah, real gentle stuff, in case you have a hard time handling yourself.” He smiles and leans back, reaching an arm behind her shoulders as he settles in. He offers her a little wink. “I’ll take care’a ya.”
“I mean… I’m don’t need a ton, it’s just for me. Maybe the Cali stuff, just, like… an eighth is fine.”
“You wanna try before you buy?”
Textbook pickup manners dictate the sharing of the weed, so share she does. His ensuing grin shows his teeth, eagerly packing a scratched-up metal pipe with a frosty, dark bowl. He’s not kidding about quality; his home may not be kept neat, but she has zero doubts about his ability to afford the property. He must make bank. She wonders idly about his roommates and friends as she allows him to push the pipe to her lips, lighting the bowl for her. A true gentleman.
“They say weed’s a doorway; that may be true, but not in the way I see it. Smoking weed didn’t lead me to, say, coke - I tried coke before ever smoking, actually. Smoking, and surrendering to something that’s been around as long as man has walked the earth, I mean… it’s meant for us to consume. You know?”
She nods as he takes his pause, hitting the pipe himself until his chest is puffed out and he’s snorting back the urge to cough.
“Yeah, man. I agree.” Placid, easy. “Weed’s rad.”
Kappa exhales through his nostrils, thick streams of it curling to frame his face, tendrils of it sneaking from between his lips as he smiles in agreement.
“It is rad,” he amends with amusement.
It’s hard to look away from his mouth. His mannerisms and friends are off-putting, and she hasn’t made any significant effort to be around any of them in any given social situation outside of attending the same parties, once or twice on this very property. A polite greeting, a loose comment here or there. All of this to say that she had never noticed just how shapely his lips are, how the way he smirks ignites a curious little spark in her guts.
“You want more?”
“Yes,” she says quickly, and she has no choice but to suffer that knowing smirk as he once again lights her up. It’s already taking effect and doing its intended job - she feels that she could relax back into the couch and let Kappa gaze at her for longer than she’d ever wanted him to, suddenly open to this experience. His hair hangs around his face, tangled and wild and wavy. His knuckles are chapped, fingers slim as they bring the little pipe back to his own lips. He is unblinking as he watches her over the flame, over the burning little leaves.
“You seem a little more relaxed. Seemed a little off just a few minutes ago. Nerves? Are you… you wouldn’t be scared of your buddy Kappa, would you, sweetheart?”
“Not scared,” she says carefully. She shifts a little in her seat and bites the inside of her cheek. “How would you know what I’m like, anyway?”
“Human interaction is a wonderful, complex thing. The energy we give off, the smells, the sounds, the animal magnetism. Animals - that is to say, living, natural beings, blood in veins and flesh on our bones - they can sense these things naturally. I’m very intuitive. Very sensitive. It’s my gift. It’s why I feel so strongly about experiencing new things, about… sometimes teaching other people the beauty of life, of living, of taking back what’s ours. Owning what’s ours.”
“You’re losing me, Kappa,” she teases. “I might need to smoke a little more before I’m on your level.”
“You understand my basic point. I know you’re a smart girl. Open-hearted. You know, you’d really get along with us - Sigma, Theta, Epsilon. That’s who you saw outside, with the pup - Epsilon.”
“What’s with the names?”
“Mmm.” He takes another hit and finally gives her a reprieve from his intensive gaze, eyes practically burning through her flesh. Deep-set eyes. Bedroom eyes. Smoke streaming from his lungs, he nods at himself. “Well. There’s a power in identity. I, as a living being, have the inherent right to choose my path. I give and take and protect the sanctity of natural life and the furthering of that natural life. Part of my process is choosing my own name. I was given my birth-name, and eventually took a new name for myself. Nature is fickle, breakable. Give. Take. Like life. Life is given, life is taken.”
“Getting pretty deep in here.”
“That’s my pleasure as well as my duty as a man,” he muses, licking his lips. “Getting really deep. Planting seeds.”
The urge to scoff, to laugh and look away, to haul her way into a distraction, another conversation, something, knocks her on her proverbial ass. It’s all she can do to pretend she isn’t turning red. It would be easy to blame the heat, to blame the smoke… but he’d see right through that. For all of Kappa’s philosophical ranting, he’s right about his perception of others. She can feel him reading her, studying her like she’s a specimen in some laboratory.
He follows her movement as she ducks her head down, leaning forward to force her eye contact. His lips purse a little and he licks them again, his fingers crawling over her thigh to squeeze. Again, the urge to brush or even slap his hand away is at the forefront, but she doesn’t. She sheepishly meets his eye, ashamed of her own discomfort, her own utter excitement.
“Darlin’ - there is nothing wrong or immoral about these… urges, our collective responsibility as a species. Animals are meant to breed. It’s all in the blood. We’re not - we’re not machines, we’re not meant to be cold, lifeless. Purposeless. The whole fucking thing - the entire idea of these replicants, of playing God and mocking mother nature, it’s… it’s disgusting. But this - us? This is the most natural thing there is.”
In his impassioned speech, Kappa leans closer and closer, hand creeping higher on her thigh. The graceful, long line of his nose is so close she could lick the tip of it. He tilts his head and only then does he break eye contact, watching her lips. His eyes flicker between them and her eyes, pupils wide. It’s hypnotizing, the low purr of his voice floating over the warm afternoon air to caress her ears.
“Kappa…” she can barely breathe. “I - I should… this is -”
“Hey.” Kappa is murmuring, voice soft, but the underlying authority shuts her up. Out of the corner of her eye, she watches with dread as he casually takes the hunting knife into his hand. “Listen, sugar. You have a choice to make. In a second, I could get Epsilon in here and he would be more than happy to hold you down while I show you the meaning of life firsthand. I can make it very, very unforgettable for you… and you have to choose whether that’s gunna be a good thing or a bad thing. If I have to interrupt Epsilon’s time with this task, I’m afraid that’s going to make everyone upset, and that would be very bad for you. Are you hearing me, sweetheart?”
“Yes…yeah, I hear you.”
“What I really think is that you’re tethered by the morals of society. You’re stuck in a prison of the mind, you’ve been poisoned. ‘Sex is evil, trust in technology, evolve, evolve, evolve’. There’s nothing wrong with the way things have been for thousands upon thousands of years; villages of people looking out for each other and keeping the natural balance and order. It’s up to us to restore that order.”
He slowly moves in, attention flickering between her lips and her eyes. Her heart beats so hard she can feel each thump in her ears, in the tip of her nose… between her thighs. It throbs secret and hot there, his hand inching closer by the second. He’s captivating - batshit crazy, but charming in a strange way that keeps her rooted to the spot despite the alarm going off in her brain. She should leave. She should just back away and get to the door - her car’s right outside.
… but she doesn’t. She drinks in his mean little self-satisfied smirk just before he kisses her. His lips are surprisingly soft, his kiss gentle and slow. It almost makes her forget about the knife in his hand. He snakes his hand around the back of her neck and holds her firmly there, knotting those slim fingers into her hair. It hurts as he curls them into a fist. He swallows the surprised little whimper she makes, moaning in return as he becomes more aggressive, her lip between his teeth.
“Now - I’m not in the business of indecency with non-human entities. I’m sure you’re a natural being, but… my convictions are strong, and I need to be a hundred percent sure. Okay?”
“Wait, Kappa… wait. What do you mean?”
“Gotta make sure you’re not one of them. I need you to be real good for me and take off your pants.”
Kappa runs the tip of his knife lightly up her thigh, tickling her with it. He traces it up the seam, breath picking up the closer he gets to her cunt. His lips are plush, kiss-bruised and parted as he stares down at the knife. His excitement permeates everything around them, the air thick with it, his eyes wide and bright and his chest practically heaving. She should have run. She should have run before he had his hand in her hair, a knife tracing her inner thighs. He looks absolutely hungry. He looks up from under those lashes and searches her expression, taking in every detail as though memorizing her terror, tattooing it permanently into his mind for later use.
“I don’t wanna hurt you more than I already have to. And I can’t have you running,” he murmurs. His voice so low, wavering a little as adrenaline rushes through his veins. They cord his forearms, his strong hands. She can see his rapid butterfly pulse in his throat. “Make this easy on yourself, darlin’. Faster you listen, the faster I can make you feel good.”
He uncurls his fingers, allowing her space to do as he asks. Still he hovers, knife ever present and threatening. His eyes are manic, sliding over each new inch of exposed flesh as she unbuttons and pushes her pants, her panties down her hips, off her legs in a few clumsy kicks. With the knife, he motions at her shirt - up, up.
“I could do it for you, if you like. But what I’m not gunna do is ask twice… this is your last warning.”
In contrast to his soft, smooth voice is the undercurrent of malice. Self-assured. Not a hint of doubt in his mind, focused on his intentions and making zero room for failure or disobedience. There’s a sense of authority, of somebody well accustomed to being followed without question. He reaches into the table to fish a small glass vial out, flicking the cork loose with his thumb before he sprinkles a generous line on the dull edge of his knife. He snorts it off and gasps a little, shaking his head, wiping the white off his nostril. He hums with pleasure and does another, much smaller line, before offering her one of her own.
“I’ve never done anything like that,” she says quietly.
“I look forward to the pleasure of opening you up to all kinds of new things.”
He nods encouragingly, as if to say, bottoms up. Like feeding a child medicine, like convincing somebody to drink poison. She pleads with him for a moment with her eyes and he pets her thigh, squeezes softly. He sets his jaw and waits, unwavering. She does as asked - what choice does she have with a knife in her face? - and snorts the baby line, wincing at the way it burns fire up into her sinuses. She paws at her nose like an animal, rubbing it, wiping it to relieve the discomfort.
“It fucking burns, fuck.”
“Yeah, that will happen. You get used to it with time. Now - come on, let’s… get this…”
Trailing off, he guides her to straighten up so he can peel the shirt off her body. Defeated, she raises her arms and allows him to pull it over her head, immediately crossing them over her body once liberated of her top. He clucks his tongue and pries her arms open, taking all of her in. Every curve, every dimple, every freckle, every detail. He wastes no time in pulling her bra off the same way, and her face burns with shame as she squeezes her eyes shut.
He angles her chin with his fingers, cooing down at her to look at him, open her eyes. She does as requested and he smiles tenderly down at her.
“I promise this will only hurt a little bit. But I have to do it. It’s my will and duty to do it,” he says, and there’s a feeling in the back of her mind that he’s convincing the both of them. The thing she can’t deny about his manic, lidded eyes, the way his mouth is set in a triumphant smirk, is that it’s utterly intoxicating. He’s beautiful in some strange way. The tension in the air is thick and palpable. Suffocating.
He turns his attentions to her thighs and draws in a shaky little breath. Without ceremony, without warning or preparation, he turns the knife and draws it efficiently in a line on her inner thigh. Blood beads up almost immediately and the skin splits open as though blooming, a red, dripping little mouth. The pain is immediate and she cries out, afraid to move but unable to recoil from it. He holds her thigh down, making a sound that could have been him clearing his throat or a grunt of pleasure.
“Oh, there you are. There you are. Natural as ever.” His voice goes low, hoarse, and he presses the heel of his palm against his hardening cock. “A real woman, flesh and blood and sinew. A real woman for a real man.”
He does it again, draws the knife in a quick, shallow slash, and then again, again. Most of them aren’t as deep as the first - most of them don’t yawn open and reveal the layer of flesh underneath, but they all run blood down her inner thighs, soaking dark little spots into the cushion of his old couch. He pants until he’s practically hyperventilating, and brings the blade up to his mouth. Closing his eyes, he savors licking it clean, moaning, pulling at his shirt until he tosses the weapon back into the table’s compartment and yanks it off. The body underneath is long, milky pale.
“The taste of you - I need more of you.” He hooks his hands underneath her knees and yanks, pulling her down and spreading her legs open. He kisses her abused inner thighs, ignoring her fingers tugging into his hair as she pleads softly for him to stop, to be gentle. He runs his tongue over them, pushes inside of the deepest wound just a little, just enough for her to grit her teeth against a scream, to trap it back in her throat. “That’s it. There’s a good girl. You let Kappa take care of you, let me show you - fuck, I want all of you. Every single bit, mine.”
His flushed face is smeared with red, lips wet with it as he licks them. Her blood is on his teeth as he grins, wolfish, kissing up and up and up until he presses a soft kiss against the lips of her cunt. He drags his tongue between them, slow. Calculated.
“Tell me how much you want it. Tell me you want me to taste your blood, your cum. Tell me you’ll give me everything.”
He goes back to work, awaiting her response with all the patience of somebody used to a little insolence. It takes time to break a new one in, right? And she’s so very shiny and new, a challenge. A territory to conquer and claim, all this soft, generous flesh, all this clean mind to furrow into and spread like a disease.
“I… I want… you, I want you.”
Kappa moans and the vibrations against her send her into a new realm of pleasure. Something rhythmic, quick, powerful - whatever he gave her is slowly worming its way into her bloodstream, into her brain, making everything soft and hard all at once. Electric. Vibrant. Time both stops and speeds by, sweat beading at her hairline as she writhes under his mouth, under the sensation of his fingernails catching into a fresh wound. It all boils down to some horrible base sensation. All of it has her grimacing in pleasure - there are a hundred reasons she shouldn’t be here, shouldn’t be doing this, the bright red alarms in her body screaming for her to GET UP, LEAVE, RUN, STOP, STOP, ESCAPE ESCAPEESCAPEESCAPE—
And she lay anyway, the circle of her overstimulated thoughts coming back again to Kappa’s mouth, his tongue and lips and fingers and teeth, his body the color of moonlight even though she knows the sun is blazing hot and sticky outside. Girls trapped in a room. Her trapped on the couch. Kappa trained expertly on her clit, lapping, moaning, drooling. Something about all this must make sense, it all comes together, somehow - but exactly how eludes her. She’ll remember later, maybe. She’s responsible, dependable. Smart. Maybe this is why Kappa likes her so much. Maybe he has something to share, maybe what he’s saying makes a little sense. Maybe. Maybe, maybe. The only truth is the way he eats her alive, the way he clings to her thighs and moans into her cunt like he can’t live without tasting her another second.
“Kappa,” she gasps. “I’m gunna cum.”
Kappa lifts his face and wipes this chin on the back of his hand, pupils eating into the ocean of his bright irises. It’s like a perfect eclipse. There’s something there, something in the meaning of it all; she feels on the cusp on something important, life-changing. Kappa stares so deeply into her that she can feel him reaching down into her heart, into her fucking guts, into the core of her. Squeezing. Knowing. Exploring. Everything is heightened, everything feels like some kind of milestone; how could she have missed any of this before? How did she never notice the way his hair falls into his eyes? How did she miss the exact curve of his cupid’s bow, of the way his throat curves into the cradle of his collarbones?
“I know,” he says softly. He breaks his gaze to pull his trousers down - they’re so thin, the material. He unties the front and pulls them down his slim hips, cock bouncing out, and she has to hold her breath. He’s thicker than expected. He gives her a knowing look, again, constantly - he seems to pick up so much. Doesn’t he? Is this - is this her own mind? How did she not see how he sparkled before, how smooth his skin is? How good he feels even breathing against her?
What did he make her take? And how can she feel so much, and can she feel more, can she do this more often?
Kappa smiles, and it’s so kind. He strokes her cheek with his thumb like he hasn’t drugged her, cut her open, forced her into her current position. He smiles like he’s proud, like he’s glowing and the only thing in the world, and he is. He is the only thing in the world. She marvels up at him and waits for him to speak. He must be accustomed to this. He takes his cock into his own hand and strokes lazily, rubbing himself against her, up, down.
“Don’t worry,” he whispers. He lines himself up to plunge into her, and she can’t help but match his breath - panting, desperate. Sweating. He licks whatever tears remain on her face - she’d forgotten they were there. Tears, sweat, blood, cum - what’s the difference? “Oh, little lamb. Don’t worry. Kappa will take care of you.”
He thrusts into her with all the softness of a battering ram. He’s balls-deep before she can even utter the first shriek, high-pitched and whining. He breathes it in, leans down to seal his lips against hers again before they’re both taking in each other’s moans, melting together with each vicious thrust. He pounds into her, hands unable to decide what to do - to grab her by the face, to dig his fingers into her plush, aching thighs, to run them up over her chest to fondle her there. He slows his pace only to lean down and pay attention to her nipples, his tongue and lips and the threat of his teeth.
“Touch yourself.”
There’s no argument - there are barely any coherent words left inside of her. Everything is pushed out and filled by Kappa, his cock, his words. His drugs.
She reaches between her thighs and he slows his pace, the roll of his hips delicious. His hair hangs down and tickles her face. She can do nothing but rub at her clit and stare up at him, and he beams down at her, smirking. The sharp angles of his face, the traces of her own blood still present on his lips. Sweat, pulse, flesh, blood.
“You gunna cum for me, sugar? Can feel it - can feel your tight little cunt squeezing against me. Is - oh, is that the spot?” He settles into a new rhythm, the head of his cock dragging over and over the same hyper-sensitive nerves inside of her. Her breath hitches and she’s practically sobbing, begging him, nodding when words fail. Her fingers are so wet. The sounds their bodies make together seems deafening - her fingers making hurried circles around her clit, his cock relentless in filling her slippery pussy. Her whining, his soothing voice as he builds her closer and closer. It’s painful, it’s passionate. She could die right here. He could plunge that knife into her throat and she’d still cum for him.
“Kappa. Kappa, I’m so close, I’m sooo close.” Pathetic. Mewling. She hyperventilates and her body shakes underneath him, like she might come apart. His eyes are so bright. He’s so focused.
“I know. I know,” he says. “Tell Kappa what you need.”
“I - I need - I need you, I need you. Please.”
“I’m right here. You’re doing so well, look at you - trembling. Gunna cry for me? Go on - cry for me. I want all of you.”
She hadn’t realized the tears building until he brought it to her attention. As if on cue, as though her body has decided that Kappa’s word is as good as truth, they spill over her lashes and track down her cheekbones, and she’s sniffling, soft little gasps and whines as he leans down to trace those tracks with his tongue. He moans, breath hot against her face. He kisses her wet eyelids before kissing her mouth, and the feeling of those shapely lips pushes her past the edge. Every muscle in her body tightens to its limit and she’s cumming for him, finding her voice after all that pitiful whining as she moans and sinks her nails into his back.
“There. There you go, good girl, good girl, fuck! You’re so good for me.”
His pace picks up and loses its poetic, slow grind, and he’s grunting and growling like a beast, like he aims to fuck her in half. Their bodies slap together and she’s seeing stars behind her eyes, crying out when he bites at her throat and sucks her flesh between his teeth. An animal playing with its dinner. In a matter of minutes, he’s stiffening up, pace stuttering to a few deep, mean thrusts as he empties into her. There’s a part of her that thinks she can feel it, his seed hitting the tender curve of her cervix and coating her from the inside.
There’s a shared pause in which they catch their breath. He idly fondles her tits as he comes down from the thrill, careful with her. The mischievous spark is still in his eyes, but they’re softer, too. Subdued.
They re-dress in silence. She catches him staring at the cuts on her thighs as she grabs her pants, her shirt.
“I should - I should probably get these fixed up,” she mumbles. In the comedown of their act, the fear returns in a cold trickle down her spine. Her heart never slowed down - where it was hammering in the cage of her chest for what he was doing to her moments before, it now beats for what he might still do to her if she remains. She feels like an alien, realizing for the first time that she’s done something she cannot undo in a territory that isn’t her own. Unsafe. Targeted. She’s a fucking idiot - how did this happen? Her mind races with trepidation, with the drugs still coursing through her heart in the thick, viscous blood there. There’s a thought, a mental picture of him with his hands buried elbow-deep beneath her ribs, naked body smeared with blood as he prizes his fingers around her heart to pull it out. The things he would do.
“Don’t,” he says simply. He pulls his trousers up and ties them. “I want to see them next time. Want ‘em to scar up nice. No ointment, no bandages.”
“What? Wait - next time?”
Kappa flashes a grin as he straightens up, shirtless and flushed. There are red marks where she’d dug her fingers into him, on his chest, on his back.
“You don’t think you can stay away from Kappa, do you?” He narrows his eyes and shakes his head a little, wagging his finger at her like a bad pet. “You know better than that, my dear.”
The fabric of her pants scrapes against her wounds and she has to wince. The sharp, prickling pain of them is intense, throbbing. Kappa’s territory. She almost forgets to grab her bag as she fishes some bills from her purse, tucking the weed into a pocket and tossing the money to the table.
“Thanks for the… uh. Thanks. It was…” she struggles to find the words. He stalks slowly up to her, and she wants to both back away and kiss him all at once. “It was - enlightening.”
“Right. Very,” he agrees, clearly amused.
“Well, I - I’ll see you around, Kappa.”
He leads her to the door and winks at her, like sharing a secret. Across the yard, Epsilon has stopped playing with the dog. He sits in a patch of dry yellow grass and smokes a cigarette, eyeing them from a distance with interest. Kappa glances at him and back at her, taking all of her in as his eyes trace the line of her body, lewd, hungry again. He tongues the edge of a tooth and watches her fixate on his tongue, clearly pleased with himself.
“You certainly will.”
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eustasskidagenda · 11 months
Hello! I love your writing! May I request some fluff with Kid, Killer, Mihawk, and Buggy where their s/o who has little cooking experience tries to surprise them by cooking something for them? Whether the food be good or bad is up to you! Thank you and have a good day!
Hi hi! Sure, always up for some fluff and I'm so happy to receive a request with Killer, I love this guy. ♡ Thank you so much for requesting. I hope the outcome will match your expectations. ☆
☆ Kid, Killer, Mihawk & Buggy with a s/o who has little cooking experience
CW :g/n reader, funny, fluff, Kid has a filthy mouth 
WC : 1,4k
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"It looks like shit. I won't put that in my mouth." 
Kid is a sassy brat because this man is able to burn the water. Spaghetti with garlic, oil, and red pepper flakes is probably the only thing he can cook. Yes, Killer's favorite food. But he won't ever admit that he learned that just for Killer, obviously. He needs to keep his jaggy-attitude, as the good angry punk he is.
Kid knows you have little cooking experience and had tried to eat what you cooked, but he ended up almost suffocating and dying on the ground. He made a promise to himself to only eat Killer's food. And we all know Kid is stubborn. He won't change his mind: you almost killed him, he will never eat your food again.
But then, he notices your sad face, wet puppy eyes and all the effort you put into the meal. And, it’s his favorite food: cabbage rolls. Okay, now his heart is melting, but of course, he won’t admit it.
"Well. It looks like shit but… it doesn't smell that bad." With a heavy sigh, he rolls his eyes and sniffs the plate like a fearful dog. 
He stares at you, suspicious, before planting his fingers on the cabbage rolls, watching if there are no bugs or whatever. Yes, he's been suspicious, petty, and he doesn't give a damn. "It looks… okay I guess." 
Actually, he's confused. That food looks like it's comestible. Perhaps it's a trap. He should wait for Killer to taste it first. Or just stuff those cabbage rolls into your mouth: if you don't die or cough, maybe he'll try it. 
"You know, if I die because of this food, I'll come back to life to avenge myself," before grabbing the cabbage rolls and eating an extremely small slice.
He's sweating, convinced that the nice appearance won't make up for the terrible taste. But… actually… it's… good. Like, he's not dying or suffocating on the ground. He doesn't even need to go to the nearest bathroom. 
"Can I have some more?" After eating the whole plate and almost licking it like a starving person. He doesn't like to give compliments, but do you remember the scene at Udon camp where he was eating? Right now, it's him. So clearly, he likes what you cooked.
Kid is not a man many words and "thank you" doesn't exist in his dictionary. Although he would notice all the efforts you made and even the cuts on your fingers, the words are simply stuck in his throat. But, he would kiss your forehead and smear his lipstick on it. And later, he would leave a handmade metal gift of your favorite flower or animal, as a 'thank you'. Gifts are a way for Kid to show his love. 
"You know what, I've changed my mind. Now I'll also eat your food." With his usual gruff voice and a flustered expression.
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Killer is way nicer than his captain. Quality time is definitely his love language. So if you cook something for both of you, he's honored, truly happy and probably melting inside. The outcome doesn't matter that much. The intention already means a lot to him.
Let’s assume the outcome is not that good.
"Hm, Y/N, that seems… interesting. Really al dente." While observing the carbonized pasta. 
Even without his mask, he's good at hiding his expressions. He's probably laughing because of the SMILE, but actually he wants to cry. He feels truly happy when you try your hardest just for him, but on the flipside, he knows it won't taste good. 
Why him? Is dealing with a brat like Kid not enough for his poor soul?
If he gets sick from this food, who will keep an eye on Kid? He can't take a break with that hot-headed captain. Otherwise, the crew is doomed. 
But he wants to please you, so he will taste it. And even finish the entire plate. Even if it was bad. You tried your best, just for him, all he can do is finish his food. However, he is not dishonest. "That wasn't very tasty, sweetie... But you tried your best to please me, thank you for your time. Maybe we can cook together the next time? I'll teach you some tips." 
Finally, it's a win-win situation: thanks to your limited cooking experience, he has a good reason to spend more time with you. He’s already excited to teach you some recipe.
And as the educated guy he's, Killer will of course make the dishes himself, clean up the kitchen and thank you with a soft kiss on the corner of your lips. So now his purple lipstick is smeared on your face. 
"I need to finish my work… I'll see you tonight. Thank you again for the meal, sweetie." 
Casually walking through the door and once he's out of your view, he would run to the bathroom because he's getting sick.
"Ugh, you did that to yourself" (thank you for the support, Kid)
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What a nice surprise to be welcomed with a beautiful table, his s/o well-dressed, red wine and some refined food. After dealing with Perona and Zoro all day, he only needs that. 
Mihawk's high standards mean that if the food is looking great, it's a good sign. He would never approach anything that looks bad. 
He knows that you may not have much cooking experience, but practice can help you make progress, right? Although the last time wasn't good, you can only improve yourself. Right? Right?
At least, if he dies from intoxication, the coffin will already be ready, thanks to his ship. 
"Come share that wine with me, don't stay standing like this." While serving you a glass of red wine.
He's a bit suspicious about the food. Even though the meal may be nice, it doesn't guarantee it's good and tasty. 
He's discreetly taking a sniff of the food. He has good manners, unlike those two brats, so he won’t make it obvious.
"Come sit with me and we can taste it together."
With his hawk eyes, he's looking at you and waiting for you to eat the food first. He's really observant, so he would notice all your expressions, even the most subtle ones. As your face shows no signs of disgust, then he would eat. 
And its taste really good. Although it may not be the most refined, given his high-standard, it's tasty, comestible, and well-matched to the wine. The most important thing for him. You can't waste a good wine with a bad dinner.
"You really outdid yourself, that was perfect. I’m grateful." 
Again, not a man of many words, but with his good manners, he would help you clean the dishes. Before returning to his duties (meaning: watching the kids), he would lend you his hat. This is a simple gift and a subtle way to say 'thank you'.
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"What, you did that for me? Why…? I mean, of course, you cook for me. What more normal? I'm the great Buggy after all." 
He's feeling quite confused inside. Outside, he's acting as cocky and extravagant as he always has. After all, what’s more typical for the great Buggy to be served with a great meal? That's the minimum he deserves. 
"Alright, let's eat it!" Before stuffing a huge amount of food in his mouth. And almost threw it back onto the plate. It's… foul. 
Really? What has he done wrong? Did he leave his makeup everywhere again? Or his clothes? Or maybe it's because he forgot to put down the toilet seat. Or... wait a second... there is red on the plate... red tomatoes… like his nose... are you making fun of him? How dare you? Yes, he's overthinking. 
"That's a betrayal, I'm dying... I'm dead." 
He's yelling and gesticulating wildly, and his face almost turns green due to the awful taste, but also red due to his anger. 
He’s dramatically angry, of course.
"Listen everyone! y/n is trying to KILL me!"
The room is empty but okay Buggy.
He's exaggerating too much, it's not that bad. But here he is, rolling on the floor, holding his stomach, fainting. And as the drama queen, he is, of course, he’s using his devil fruit to fragment his bodies. "I'm so traumatized that I'm TORN apart."
When he notices your sadness, he shrugs. 
"Ugh, Y/N, you know, maybe it was just the first slice…" he would say before giving one more chance to your plate. No, it's still bad. 
"That's a masterpiece, Y/N. I'm in heaven." While trying to hide his tears. "So tasty!"Yes, he's trying to please you, because maybe he overreacted before and maybe he feels bad because you were sad. 
But Buggy is way too loud and clumsy, he sucks with comedy. It's obvious that he's lying. 
"That's fine, don't force yourself Buggy."
"Really? So our relationship wasn't a complete lie? Thank you Y/N, I love… I mean, what are you saying? I wasn't forcing myself, I'm the great Buggy, duh, no one can force me."
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sirfrogsworth · 11 months
FFFF: Froggie's Fuckin' Fancy Foray
In a previous post I was debating whether I should go to the Sam's near me, which requires a short 11 minute drive, but the path to get there is quite stressful due to traffic and construction and frustrating detours onto narrow side streets.
There was even a time when a bunch of signs got knocked over or removed and I accidentally went down an unfinished road that dead-ended into a pile of rocks. That was a fun moment. Especially when people stared at me as I did some improvised off-roading to get turned around.
Like I said... STRESSFUL.
Or I could head the other direction across the river into Illinois.
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A scenic 22 minute drive with empty highways to a much nicer Sam's. The extra 20 minutes of total drive time is a lot, especially after all the walking required to collect my groceries. And I feared it would test my energy limits, since I had to go to Sam's and Schnucks to get all of the groceries I needed. Sam's is great, but sometimes I just don't need seven dozen of something.
I was having a decent energy day, so the scenic route won.
My plan was to go to Sam's for the bulk of my groceries and then drive all the way back across the river, past my house, and go to the Schnucks that stocks my favorite new fancy Fitz's soda. Which would add another 30 minutes of driving. Though I figured if I wasn't feeling up to it, I could go to Schnucks another day.
But as I stood in the Sam's parking lot holding a five dollar rotisserie chicken, an idea struck me... "Maybe there is a Schnucks near here."
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I opened Maps and to my dismay, there was a Schnucks just down the street and for three entire years I never thought to check.
Literally half a mile down the street.
I think we are all familiar with the concept of chain stores varying in quality depending on the area they are located.
There is a Schnucks only 1.2 miles from my home. It is what I would call "tolerable."
Let's deem this location "TS" for Tolerable Schnucks.
TS is clean and has all of the essentials but they try to shove ten pounds of Schnucks into a five pound bag. It is cramped and poorly stocked and the lighting is somehow extra florescent.
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They managed to squeeze in a decent deli, but that is where the niceties end. They usually have one register open even if the checkout line wraps around the dairy section. I have yet to find a less busy time to go. It's always filled to the brim with people—morning, noon, and night.
And, frustratingly, they rarely stock my new botique soda obsession, Fitz's.
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I allow myself one occasional sugary treat to manage the cravings and I never know if they are going to have it.
However, if I travel an extra 15 minutes then I can upgrade to the Schnucks I would call "nice." So we'll go with "NS" for Nice Schnucks.
Weirdly the NS is near the "tolerable" Sam's (no acronym because that would be confusing with Tolerable Schnucks (TS)). They are only 3 minutes apart but the store quality difference is pretty drastic. If I have the energy, I will try to stop at both places in one trip since they are so near each other.
NS is a much bigger store than TS and they even have a bigger selection to go with that extra space. I have to get my fancy soda there because I guess TS figured "let's just fill the aisle with Diet Coke and nothing else." NS has a much bigger deli and full bakery and a fish person and even a quaint little floral department. They usually have multiple registers open and they stay open past 8pm so you can go when it isn't busy. The lighting is a little better, they keep things in stock, and they even have half-sized shopping carts that are easier to push if you only need a few things.
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I thought that was the gold standard for Schnucks.
As nice as it gets.
But then I discovered this new Schnucks near the Nice Sam's and that assertion was about to be shattered.
Let me introduce you to the FFS.
The Fuckin' Fancy Schnucks.
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The first thing you notice at the FFS is the front has well-maintained landscaping. Like, proper shrubbery.
That's fuckin' fancy.
The second you enter the store you are greeted with a fully staffed floral department.
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It felt like if Valentine's Day could manifest a jungle. Brightly colored flowers everywhere surrounded by mylar balloons wishing people happy whatevers.
Then I turned the corner to see the biggest Schnucks of my life. With one entire side of the store dedicated to bespoke food items.
They got a deli. They got a bakery. They got a fish person. They got another fish person who just makes sushi all day.
They have an entire wall of prepared food items made at the store daily. Sandwiches and salads and pastas and full chickens. They even make their own frozen pizzas.
And then I noticed... the Meat Masters.
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They have their own damned butcher on staff!
I found myself just going up and down all of the aisles and discovering new things the other Schnuckses never stock. The soup aisle was ridiculous. I was getting pretty tired and I was paralyzed by too many choices. So I decided to just get my normal boring soups and come back another time to explore the Fancy Soup Section.
The FSS at the FFS, if you will.
And the lighting was just so much more pleasant. It didn't feel like a 90s office building.
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And look at that flooring. Did they hire an interior designer?
TS & NS just have generic square tiles.
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I mean, I guess making some of them blue is something. But even the ceiling is drab comparatively.
And look at the TS Zapp's display compared to the displays at FFS.
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I will say, TS takes much better care of their robot friend. FFS stuck their robot in a very undignified location.
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This Roomba with a giant erection spends all day counting stuff and they stick him next to the men's room? Let him hang out with the Meat Masters or the fish people.
This is how a robot uprising starts.
The soda aisle was at the end of the store so I arrived there last. I was nervous they might not have my beloved bottled soda pop. Not only did they have it, but they also had 4 other flavors I didn't even know existed.
I guess you could say the FFS had an FFFS! (Fuckin' Fancy Fitz's Section)
I got that same feeling when you unlock bonus items in a video game. I don't know what the difference is between cream soda and "cardinal" cream soda... but I'm gonna find out!
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Update from Future Froggie: It's fuckin' tasty!
Future Froggie approves of Fuckin' Tasty Fitz's Soda from the Fuckin' Fancy Fitz's Section at the Fuckin' Fancy Schnucks and is sad Nice Schnucks and Tolerable Schnucks Failed Future Froggie with their Lacking Fancy Fitz's Soda Section.
FF approves of FTFS from the FFFS at the FFS and is sad NS & TS FFF with their LFFSS.
Got all that?
I loaded up the FTFS and my frozen pizzas and my non-fancy soups and headed over to the registers. They had 3 lanes open despite hardly anyone shopping at the time. I didn't have to wait in the dairy section for 25 minutes. So I justified that extra drive time and then some. Because standing in line is harder than sitting and driving.
So I guess I answered my question about which path to choose. If only I had known about the FFS earlier I would have forgone NS and Tolerable Sam's and just drove the extra 20 minutes across the Mississippi River to and from MO & IL.
On the one hand, it is kind of depressing that just like public schools, property taxes dictate the quality of vital stores in our communities. I mean, these are stores run by the same company. I know the physical property can necessitate some variation due to size and configuration differences. But it's clear they are pumping a lot more resources into the FFS. Not just more cashiers with a bagger on every lane, but actual experts in flowers and fish and baking and deli.
And who knows how much a MoM costs. (Master of Meat)
On the other hand...
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We live in a society and can't fix capitalism overnight and all that.
I need my FTFS and FSS at the FFS, okay?
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potatomountain · 1 year
*739 San
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*739 Masterlist
Synopsis: with sex work legal, it was as readily available as texting *739, filling out the form sent, and setting a time and place with an easy charge to your credit card. Even the more hefty kinks could be fulfilled with a professionalism that was respected, and could be addicting.
Word count: 8.5k (22pages)
Warnings below cut! taglist at the bottom
Smut warnings: Pet play, praise, degradation, san x fem reader, switch san, switch reader, strength play, use of toys, pet names, masturbation, cum play, cum eating, overstimulation, squirting, oral (fem receiving), paid sex, sex worker, some impact play, some predator/prey play, mirror sex, some choking- let me know if i missed any!
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"I don't think this is going to work out." Your current, well now ex, boyfriend spoke from across the cafe table. When he had asked to meet up at a cafe neither of you had been to, you had expected this. Really you had seen this coming for weeks.
Frowning down at your drink of choice, not as good as your usual from your favorite cafe, you shrugged. "Do I get an explanation? Or, let me guess." Setting the cheap cup down you lifted your gaze to the man across you, brows pulled down. "I'm too independent? I don't seem to have time for you, too cold? Too demanding? You probably feel inferior to me right? Making six figures a year, nicer apartment, nicer car, barely any shared interests, and I don't satisfy you enough?"
With each word his cheeks grew red with anger, hand tight around the cup. "You really think you are so high and mighty? That you are that much better than me? Have to rub it in constantly? Fucking Bitch." He stood, slamming the coffee down and spilling it on the table and his hand. He just cursed once more before storming off.
And you didn't care. 
If anything you were upset with yourself. Every time you dated you had gone by their terms. Wearing clothes they liked, spending so much of your money on dates and gifts, only for them to fuck you poorly and treat you like a trophy wife once you've invested enough.
Their love and attention was always conditional, and at this point you were beginning to wonder if it was worth it.
Sighing, you stood up and headed for the counter with the intent of getting one more drink to go. Sure it wasn't your usual, it wasn't as good, but it was good enough and you needed the extra boost. The line was just a tad longer than it had been moments ago unfortunately, a few chatterboxes behind you.
"Seriously you need to check it out! I thought it was bullshit until I tried it." A pair of girls were huddled together, and a quick curious glance showed they were huddled around their phones. "Like look at him! He's model quality and it felt like living through the perfect porn scene!"
"It must have been expensive though… for this type of quality. My roommate goes to the one downtown sometimes and she said even those were pricey as hell and mediocre."
"Oh please. This is worth it I promise. You wanna get over that bad ex of yours? Get a good dick down, and this is the place to do it."
Keeping your eyes forward you were tempted to ignore the conversation, but the girl's words intrigued you more than anything else. Get over a bad ex huh?
With determination you turned to look at the girls, startling them. "What are you two talking about? I'm curious."
The two girls looked at each other, then the one holding the phone looked back at you. "The sex hotline, star seven three nine. Don't you know about it?" 
"The biggest selection of sex workers out there, and apparently the best according to her." The other spoke, pointing to her friend.
A sex worker? Would that really dull the ache? Help with the bitterness dating had instilled in you? It would be an arrangement on your terms, transparent and nothing with-held. A simple transaction, a contract, no different than one of your own business contracts right? 
"Now why didn't I think of that. Huh." It was such a brilliant idea you were stumped that you hadn't thought of it as an option. "Order whatever you like off the menu girls, it's on me." Feeling a bit invigorated you turned back to the counter, a cat-eyed boy on the other side with broad shoulders. "As for me, I'll have another one of these." 
"Sure thing ma'am." He was quick to ring you up, the two girls behind you eager to take you up on your offer and ordering as well. "Quite a generous deed ma'am."
You shrugged at his words, looking him over slowly. "I give rewards as I see fit."
"And their gossip about a sex hotline is deserving?" He questioned without any malice, mere curiosity and an innocent look in his eyes. He reminded you of a kitten, fearless and adorable, just wanting to play right before they sink their claws into your knees to try and do so.
"They've given me an answer to a problem I have, no matter how unconventional, so yes I think it is." You looked at the two girls and gave them a half smile. "Actually, I wouldn't mind hearing more details about this sex hotline and your experiences. Do you have time?"
"Sure! We were going to do some school work anyway." The first girl spoke up, only to be elbowed by the second. "I was going to help my friend sign up. You get a first timer discount."
"Interesting…" Humming to yourself you turned back to the cashier and held out your card to pay. "What about you, cashier boy? Have you tried the service?"
He shook his head. "Can't say I have, hard to afford it with a cafe job like this. But I've heard very good things. They're professional and as the girls said have a wide variety of workers. I think all kinks are on the table too and they take it very seriously."
"Oh they do! I had to Google a lot of the kinks listed because I never heard of them before. Did you know they'll even do some of the more dangerous kinks? I wasn't sure that was legal." The experienced girl whispered to you.
"Anything is legal if you word the paperwork right." You countered, eyes on the man as he handed back your card. "Thank you."
"No problem ma'am. Food and drinks will be right out, and good luck with your experience. Can I get a name for the order?"
You gave your name as you pocketed your card, only for one of the girls behind you to gasp. "Hm?"
"I thought you looked familiar! You run a few cat homes don't you?" 
"Oh so you are a big business woman?" The first girl wiggled her brows. "You probably could afford the best of the best on the hotline."
You shrugged, thinking it over. "Maybe, but I'm not that wealthy. Those cat homes are paid for out of my pocket, you know, and I do hope to open more." On a subject you were passionate about you followed the girls over to a table and awaited your order.
You liked cats a lot, they were aloof and independent and strong-willed. They gave love on their conditions, and when they did they ended up the most loyal and adorable companions without sacrificing any of their personal space or personality. Often compared to cats, they were kindred spirits to you.
It was perhaps because of your love of cats you glanced back at the man at the counter. Cat-like eyes, a cheshire grin, broad shoulders and a bit of himbo energy… he reminded you of the beloved felines.
Maybe you didn't need a boyfriend, a companion like a pet would be better wouldn't it?
You spent a bit of time at the cafe with the two girls, getting their number and even offering to pay for the other girl's first time if your own really was amazing as her friend said. You filled out the kinks you were interested in, built a satisfying profile for yourself, filled out the waivers and paperwork and just when it got time to schedule your session you realized the time.
So you rushed it.
When greeted with an option to be surprised by who the company picked or view and pick one yourself, you just hit surprise and quickly paid and set your time for later that night. You weren't one to wait around, instead you like to charge head first especially when it came to an idea that, so far, had no cons to it whatsoever.
Curiosity also killed the cat and you were one curious woman.
But you were also a businesswoman, throwing yourself into your meetings and reviewing contracts, going over budgets and coming up with new plans for your business; the day went by fast without a second thought to your scheduled night.
At least not until you were on the drive home and a call came in. Connected to your Bluetooth, you answered thinking it was perhaps someone in the office. Your name being called through the car speakers by a somewhat familiar voice only solidified that thought. "Yes, what is it?"
"My name is San, I'm calling about our session tonight? To confirm some things?"
For a moment your mind was drawing a blank, going over your mental schedule for the day before letting out a little “Ah” when the light bulb lit up. “That’s right, I had nearly forgotten. Please go ahead with what you have to say San.” You kept your tone light, no different than if you were discussing terms for a contract. While it was technically a contract, the nature of it should have you treating this a bit differently than normal; truth be told it was no different to you.
“Right… the purpose of this call is just to go over the list of kinks and go over safety measures and any disclosures, as well as map out the scene you had in mind.” His voice rang through the bluetooth of your dash, your eyes on the road as the information felt pretty basic to you.
“Understandable, you may continue.”
You could hear a bit of a chuckle on the other end, the sound drawing your attention. “I have the feeling you prefer to be the one in charge of the scene, is that correct?”
After mulling it over for a moment you answered. “Yes and no. I’m used to relinquishing command in the bedroom but it’s only gotten me into some… poor excuses for a good time. For this session I hope I can be honest and forthcoming with my desires and that they will be met, but I am not one to ask my partner to give up their own for mine either.”
The line went silent and for a moment you questioned if the call was dropped.
“I see, this explains the pet play.”
“Does it? How so?”
“Pet play is a bit more endearing than slave/master dynamics, leaning more towards mutual agreements and praise. You want someone who is going to enjoy doting and pleasing you.”
“Or I have a thing for furries.”
He chuckled at your nonchalant retort. “Maybe. I think you have a clear image of what you want. Perhaps you can describe it to me first?”
Biting down on your lip you pulled to a stop at a red light, thinking over the boxes you had checked out. “I want… I want to be in command. To coo and wiggle my finger and my lover would be eager to come. They’d get off on how many times they could make me come, how good they could fuck me, and they would listen to every command I give during. No expectations of what I can do for them, if I said bark they just would. But I think I’d prefer a cat.” Your finger was tapping on the steering wheel, imagining the scene with a faceless man at first. “Toys, tongue, hands, cock- they would use these and more. I think I’d love to see them beg for me, for a taste, for a touch. Every woman wants to be worshiped and desired, I just don’t want to feel as if they are becoming less of themselves to do it.”
His humming pulled you out of your monologue just in time to hit the gas when the light turned green. “I think I can do that just fine. Now that I have an idea of what you would like, let’s go over a list first. Just a simple yes or no will work, is that alright?”
“Sweet. I’ll start with the first thing that comes to mind. Pet play is usually accompanied by the pet donning on lingerie or items to make them appear like a pet. Since you prefer a cat, would you like me to have on items to fit that image?”
You hadn’t thought that far, but now your mind ran with the idea to an alarming decree. Cat ears, a leash and collar… perhaps a tail. It was enticing to say the least. “Yes.”
“I’ll list the items I am comfortable wearing for these. Please respond accordingly. Cat ear.” You replied yes to almost them all, saying no to paws but agreeing to a tail anally inserted. The pleased hum he had given in reaction was almost like a purr.
You were beginning to get excited for this session on a new level.
“Next- toys. Vibrators?”
“Anal plugs used on you?”
“I would like to let you know that for toys to use on me, vibrators will suffice.”
“What about cock rings? Pocket pussy? Are those on the table?”
“Do you want them to be?”
“Hm… that’s a maybe.” You didn’t want to write it off, who knows how this session was going to.
“Then yes I am as well. I will be supplying the toys for the session. Some other kinks to go over. Since you are going to be the one in command, I will follow each kink up with a yes or no of my own. Is that alright?”
“Yes, that’s understandable.” How you were managing this conversation while driving home was unbeknownst to you. Each second that passed had you more eager for the coming session.
“Very well, I’ll start with choking. Yes.”
You weren’t that surprised by his answer somehow. “No.”
“Impact play. Yes.”
A smile pulled on your lips as you imagined just how you could use that. “Depends on context.”
“How so?”
“I am not one for receiving punishment. For other situations I can’t say I’ve experienced it to know if I enjoy it but I am not against it.”
“Very well. Dacryphilia? Yes."
“Overstimulation? Yes”
"Bondage? Yes"
The more this list continued the more you were looking forward to this. "On myself, no. But using it- yes"
“My, I really am the bottom here huh?” He chuckled and you found it charming.
“That works for me. I think I’d enjoy seeing you a mess, San.”
There was a sputter on the other end that had your smile widening. You had noticed a gradual breathlessness to his voice the longer the conversation went on, and now that you were pulling up to your garage you could focus a bit more on that. “I’m not opposed to that either. Cumeating? Yes.”
“I was beginning to think you don’t like being the one who is a mess.” Now there was a smirk to his tone.
“Not particularing but I am not against it. I want to see if you can make a mess of me.”
“Ah, prideful huh? Well, how does strength play sound? I like using it.”
“Are you strong then, San? I’m excited to see you use that.”
He chuckled a bit breathless. “We’re getting away from yes or no answers. Let’s move onto safety measures. I’m partial to the color system; red for stop, yellow for slow, green for good. But you also filled out the safe word. Can you repeat to me what you put down?”
“You really do like cats.”
This time his comment had you flustered. “Perhaps. Does everything check out so far San?”
“One last thing. Are there any titles or pet names you would like used in the scene?”
You hadn’t thought about it, but like some other things he had brought up your mind ran wild with the ideas. “Miss or Ma’am. I’d like to refer to you as kitty.”
“Noted. That checks off everything. I’m obligated to inform you that since you have it checked that unprotected sex is alright, you did sign a nondisclosure writing off all rights and responsibilities on our end should this session result in a pregnancy. Is that understood?”
“Very much so. I just arrived at my home, we still have a half hour until the scheduled time, correct? Is it alright if we end the call here so I can prepare?”
“I was just about to ask the same. Yes, if there is nothing else you want to discuss now, any other questions can wait until my arrival. We’ll start the scene when you are ready, as I’ll be at your mercy from the moment I step into your home. Is that clear?”
“Crystal. I’ll see you shortly Kitty.” You didn’t wait for a reply before hanging up, turning your car off and practically rushing into your home. You had limited time to prepare both yourself and the space you wanted for the scene, not sure if thirty minutes would cut it but you were determined to try. 
Shoes kicked off just inside the door, you headed for your bedroom. Thankfully you were meticulous about your space and not much would need to be cleaned, but you did switch out your bedding for the night, throwing your old sheets in the wash before putting on your nicer black silken sheets. You also took care of the plethora of stuffed cat animals, setting the current chosen one back in the net with the others. You debated on hiding the stuffed animals but what was the point? You did not care what opinion this San would have of you as long as he did what you were paying him for.
That just left yourself. Stepping into your master bathroom, you made quick work of your clothes into the hamper and stepped into the shower, washing up in a timely manner and going so far as to tidy up every hair on your body to match your usual proper and clean image.
Your conversation with your soon-to-be-sex-partner popped back into your head, remembering the part of being a mess. Yes, you weren’t one who liked being a mess, but needless to say you wanted to see if he could make one out of you: to achieve something that none of your exes had ever come close to, but you could manage on your own with your own toys. You still had your doubts, it was a pretty specific fantasy and there were parts you just didn’t think a stranger could pull off.
It would be a win in your book if he could manage half of your fantasy, so you kept your hopes up.
After a quick skin care routine and some lotion and moisturizer, you debated on even wearing clothes for this. It hadn’t been discussed, and you didn’t see much of a point but- you had implied you wanted to make a mess out of him. Having a pet that would go feral over you was quickly becoming a fantasy you wanted to see brought to fruition.
So you opted for a lingerie robe. You had a few that went with a few sets, all things you had bought for previous relationships, and chose a simple silk and lace black one that cut off mid thigh but hung over your hands. Simple, elegant, and with just a pull of the sash you would be naked.
Just in time as the doorbell rang, signaling the beginning of the rest of the night. Passing your bedroom mirror you took one last look at yourself, taking a deep breath to calm your nerves as you headed for the front door. You only briefly glanced at the security monitor next to it, spotting wide shoulders and a black cap from the upper angle of your camera. You thought nothing of it, unlocking the deadbolt and swinging the door open, knowing the robe covered enough to be modest just in the unforeseen event that this man wasn’t San.
Your first thought was that it wasn’t, eyes finding familiar ones and going wide. “You?”
Those memorable cat-like eyes from the cafe widened under the cap, just as taken back as you were. “Well this is awkward…”
However, the irony of the situation had you laughing, leaning against the door as you dragged your gaze over the length of him. From those sharp features, a collar around his neck with a cute golden bell, a tight black shirt that was form fitting of his broad shoulders and small waist down to the ripped jeans were snug around his waist but showed off some of his toned legs underneath. He was, by all means, even more attractive than he had been in the cafe.
“Hm, a little bit but I think this is just a bonus for me. Come in will you?” Taking a step back you held the door open for him. Having a face to go along with the voice and conversation just reignited your excitement for this evening.
Thrown off by your words, San eyed you a bit skeptical as he stepped inside, a duffle bag in his hand that you hadn’t noticed before. “A bonus?”
Shutting the door and securing the lock you nodded. “Yes. Truth be told you were what I had in mind for this, or at least someone of your stature and energy. Who knew choosing random would result in such a lucky find.” You practically purred out as you turned to him, eyes racking over his back. When you looked back up he was looking over his shoulder watching you, the cap blocking the light from reaching his eyes so you couldn’t tell what he was thinking. “However, if that knowledge makes things too awkward for you to perform, I expect either a refund or a new pet to take your place. So does it bother you kitty?”
You weren’t mistaken when you saw his jaw clench, his movements slow but tantalizing as he turned to face you. “Not at all, I take my job very seriously Ma’am. In fact I find our prior acquaintance to be a bonus as well. Truth be told, when I saw your name on the customer form I had hoped it was you.” He admitted.
Now that was unexpected, your eyes wide as saucers as you processed this information. “Oh? Does that mean you were wanting this even before I signed up?” At his nod you let out a pleased sound, closing the distance between you two. “Well, kitty, follow me to my room and we can discuss just how you want to start this. I think you are deserving of a reward, since you are already playing so well into what I want.”
You led the way with your head held high and a giddy smile on your lips. This new information had this session feeling even more real, more exciting. He wanted you enough he hoped you were the one who had arranged for this session, and lucky for the both of you that you were. 
You didn’t need to look back to know he was following, at first hearing him shuffle his shoes off and then catch up to you with ease. He was broad enough you could see him in your peripheral vision, his footsteps soft for his size. “Ma’am… this session is about you, pleasing you is enough of a reward.” 
Unsure if that was true or just him being a professional, you shook your head and glanced back. “We’ll see about that. Even pets want attention and love their way. So-” Opening your bedroom door you stepped inside and right over to the large bed, “-I’ll let you decide how we start. You have that big bag there, you have your hands, mouth, cock; if pleasing me is what you want, then you can choose the first way you do it. I mean, after you get rid of your clothes.”
Dropping the duffle bag on the chair by your mirror, San kept his eyes glued on you. “Well, you reward what you think is deserving, and you’re always straight to the point, hm? I knew that from the cafe, and just like I thought it’s going to make this even more exciting.” He pulled off his cap first, then his shirt, tossing both next to the duffle bag. The bell on his collar jingled when he had discarded his shirt, taking your mind down a delicious thought process: Would it jingle with each thrust?
The temptation to find out was nearly overwhelming, but you kept your cool as you sat on the bed and crossed one knee over the other. This was business, at least that was how you had viewed it; now the lines were getting a little blurred as you took in every inch of him with a hungry gaze. “My my such an eager kitty, but where are your cat ears?”
His hands paused on the button of his jeans, lips spreading into a wide grin you were already coming to enjoy as he reached for the bag. A second later he was securing cat ears into his red hair, cute bows on them that almost made the look comical… almost. Hands back on his jeans he made quick work of them, kicking them off and leaving him in nothing. The lack of underwear surprised you, but it made sense when you saw a black fur tail dangling between his legs. It only had your attention for a split second, eyes drawn to what wasn’t hanging in the front but stood up tall.
You almost caught yourself drooling. Biting down on your lip, you shifted both feet on the ground, content with watching him. He seemed too preoccupied to notice your reaction, turning his back to you and giving you quite the view of where the tail was inserted. You’ve never seen that on a man, certainly not on one built like he was, but you certainly did not dislike it.
“Ah, here it is!” Turning back to you he held a toy in his hand, a silicone bullet with the elongated tail and button. “I like this one for starters.” He strode right over to you, setting the toy on the bed as he hunched over just enough, eyes seemingly innocent and an excitable grin. “I’m going to let you in on a little secret Ma’am. See I decided that if it was you, I’d ignore the time limit. Sure you paid for two whole hours, and I’m sure that might be enough, but I want to make a mess out of you and I don’t plan to stop until I have. Even if it takes all night.”
The low declaration had heat coursing through you, brightening your cheeks a few shades of pink and lips parting to either gape or answer. You couldn’t get your brain to function fast enough to decide before his lips were on yours, a ghost of a touch at first but with each stroke he added more pressure, more desire.  
Part of you wanted to stay in control, to push him away and command him, but mostly you were perfectly content with the heated kisses. Reaching up you grabbed both the collar and his hair, pulling him closer and spreading your legs for him when he nudged your knee with his knuckles.
You memorized the way he tasted, almost like he drank a coffee on the way over, mingled with the chapstick he had on his lips. The combination wasn’t bad, in fact it was almost intoxicating, something about it making you want to kiss him more. So focused on his lips that the touch to your pussy had you shivering, his finger sliding over your slick folds and a chuckle vibrating against your lips. “Miss is so excited hm? I wonder how easily this toy is going to slip in.”
Curiosity had you pulling your lips away to look down, both of you watching as he pushed the silicone bullet vibrator inside, the small toy disappearing between your folds. He used his fingers to push it deeper, causing your breath to hitch as he stretched you out. He didn’t pull them out right away, instead curling them to tease you, a groan falling from his lips that was like music to your ears. You weren’t even touching him and he was making sounds like that? Breathing a bit rapidly just as you were? From inserting a toy and his fingers inside you?
Now this could get addicting. HE could get addicting. 
Spreading your legs further you leaned back on your hands, biting down on your lip as you watched him pull the two fingers out and bring them to his mouth. He didn’t tear his gaze from your cunt, and yours was glued to his tongue wrapping around the two fingers sucking them clean.
He definitely knew what he was doing. “Kitty, put on a leash for me will you.” Lustful eyes flicking up to yours, he purred around his index finger before standing up and walking back over to the duffle bag. He pulled out the leash, turning “Bring the bag. I don’t need you leaving me every time you want to grab a new toy to use.”
“Mm good point.” Grabbing the bag he set it down next to the bed before attaching the leash to the collar he wore. He held out the other end to you, immediately being pulled on top of you when you gave it a tug. He managed to catch himself with a hand on either side of you, his breath against your cheek as you locked eyes. “Yes?”
With a devilish smirk of your own you shrugged. “Nothing, just wanted to see if I could actually pull you. You may continue.”
With a chuckle he leaned forward, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. “Pull harder next time Ma’am.” Gently nibbling on your nape, his tongue ran up to your ear as he pulled open the sash, letting the robe fall open. The next second he was reaching lower, turning on the toy by the button at the end and listening to its hum course through your body. The breathless moan you let out in response had his cock twitching.
“N-Noted.” Exposing your neck to him, you watched through lidded eyes as he trailed kisses down your body. The ears tickled against your flesh, the leather leash limp in your hand dragging along the curve of your body as well- all of these felt more intense than it was due to the vibrations coursing through you.
Truth be told he was the first man to use toys on you, others finding them an affront to their capabilities, but not San. No, from the size of that bag and how eager he seemed about the leash, he seemed to like using toys. While that was a good thing, you also realized you had a lot less control over this situation than you thought. 
“Hm?” He hummed against your navel, hands gripping the flesh of your thighs and holding your legs open.
Just a little lower and he would look absolutely perfect, but you still wanted to give him a bit of a reward. “Lay on the bed, I want to use you.” Your choice of words had heat pooling in his eyes. After placing a chaste kiss to your inner thighs, he climbed on the bed around you and did as instructed, eyes on the leash in your hand.
Standing up you let the robe drop to the floor, taking in the sight of him laying there ready for you, trusting you to use him as you see fit. Muscles taunt, cock leaking precum against his abdomen, and tongue running over his lips as he took in the sight of you as well. Giving him a bit of a show, you ran your hands over your sides and up to your chest, thumbs running over your perky nipples as you climbed on the bed. Impatience was clear in the way he watched you, his hands tugging at the sheets beneath to keep from reaching out.
Part of you wished he would, give you a reason to punish him, but you liked how obedient he was. “That’s it, my pretty kitty. I have just the treat for you.” You swung your leg over, pushing the tail of the toy aside before lowering until you could feel each of his hot breaths on your folds. “Use just your mouth, I want to see your hands stroking that pretty cock for me. Show me how much you love it. Does my pet understand?”
“Yes Ma’am.” The two words were more like a guttural groan, hands tugging on sheets a bit harder. 
“Good boy- dinner is served th-en.” You barely got the words out before his mouth was on you, tongue pressing up against your clit. You lowered yourself more, playing with your own breasts while still holding the leash in your hand. He was messy, a bit feral even, and you were loving that.
Like you had ordered, one of his hands wrapped around his cock, using the bit of precum to lube himself up. Being the generous owner you were, you leaned forward, letting a glob of spit dribble down onto his cock. He groaned against your folds, hand working the spit over himself a bit faster than before. 
“Ah so good, just like that.” Your hips began to grind down against his mouth, the stimulation against your clit with the toy and the sight he made felt amazing. He was needy beneath you, switching between his lips and tongue, quickly finding the perfect rhythm that had moans falling from your lips in between praises.
Your own hands working on your breasts, all the different ways of pleasure twisting and combining to bring you closer and closer to your high. “Use both hands, want you to cum Kitty. I told you I want you a mess. Understand?” With a tug on the leash, his hips bucked and you felt him moan. 
There was no doubt in your mind he wasn’t enjoying this, the rapid way he was stroking himself, now coupled with massaging his balls. He dug his heels into the bed to lift his hips, thrusting up into his hand at a similar pace to his tongue flicking against your clit. You were close, the praise you were giving devolved into moans.
As if sensing it, he worked a bit harder, bringing you to a climax that had you soaking his mouth and legs tightening around his head. He didn’t seem to mind at all, groaning as he lapped at your wetness, the work of his hands becoming a bit unsteady.
The thick white spurts falling over his chest and abdomen came as a shock to you, his hips stuttering as you had lifted yourself off to keep from being too over stimmed. You definitely didn’t expect him to come so fast, but the fact he did filled you with pride. Did you taste that good? Did he enjoy this that much? The breathless stutters that left him as he pushed out the last drops of cum he could onto his stomach had you clenching around the toy.
Being reminded of it, you sat to the side of him and turned the toy off, leaving it in for now. Your legs were still trembling, satisfied for the moment. “I wasn’t expecting you to be such a mess already, poor kitty, can’t you handle yourself better than this?” You leaned down, face hovering over his as you took in the sight of your slick all over his mouth and chin. It was hot, the sight of him alone heating you up.
He grinned, wide and cute despite the situation. “I’m just getting started, Ma’am.”
“I’d hope so.” Tucking a finger under the leather of the collar, you pulled him up to meet you halfway, lips moving against his and getting a taste of yourself on his lips. The kiss was heated, messy, each stroke of your lips needier than the last. You could feel his hands on your hips, lowering you onto the bed as he moved on top, pressing his body against yours and smearing  his cum onto your skin.
Not that you cared, you wanted to be a mess. Fucked dumb, worn out you wouldn’t want to get out of bed for days. But first, you wanted to play with your pet some more. Gripping the leash you managed to flip the two of you over so you were back on top, lips still clashing with his. He groaned beneath you, grinding his hips up to rub his half hard cock against your folds, his hands on your hips moving you in sync with him.
Giggling you pulled away, tugging at his bottom lip with your teeth. “Aht, you’re getting a punishment first Kitty.”
“W-Why?” He whined out, chasing your lips with his when you sat up. With a dazed look in his eyes he added on “Ma’am.”
“Because I never told you that you could cum. So if you want to be a mess that badly… I’m going to make you a mess. Go sit on that chair over there, legs up.” You maneuvered off him before he could protest, brow lifted as you waited for him to obey.
True to his role, but not without a pout, San made his way over to the chair and leaned back, a blush on his high cheeks as he pulled his legs up and held them to his chest. He looked so beautiful there, cute little blush matching the cat ears and the cute tail dangling from his ass, all on display for you.
Licking your lips you sauntered over, running your hands over his rear and up over the back of his thighs. With a devilish smile you grabbed the leash and wrapped it under the backs of his knees, holding the end against the arm of the chair to keep him in place. “Now now, you’re going to still and do nothing except what I tell you. Don’t move your body, don't break your gaze from mine, and certainly don’t cum unless I say. Understood my little pet?”
He nodded, biting down on his lip as he watched you place a foot on either side of him and step onto the chair. With your free hand you gripped his cock, pulling it up so that you could lower yourself down. The first inch had a gasp leaving your lips, gaze locked on his as you took inch by inch until you were sitting on the back of his thighs, San folding under you for you to use as you please. This was a position you always wanted to try, and so far it was everything you hoped for. A big strong man bent to your will beneath you, cock throbbing in your cunt, ready for you to use.
“Fuck you look so pretty like this. You’re my pretty kitty aren't you? How does my pussy feel? You like it?” Keeping him fully sheathed you rotated your hips forward, biting back your own moan at how good he felt with that bullet still inside. It must have felt just as good for him, his mouth falling open and his hands gripping the sides of the chair. When he nodded, you tutted, snapping your hips to get a reaction out of him, pleased with the jiggle of the bell. “Use your words.”
“F-fuck yes, feels so good Ma’am. So fucking tight.” His whiney words hit as deep as his cock did, motivating you even further.
“Mmm, you fill me up so good, kitty. Can you feel how deep you are?” Another snap of your hips, taking in every subtle shift of his expression. 
“Yes yes, I can feel the bullet.”
“Do you want me to move?” You urged, leaning forward until your shoulders were hitting his calves, his mouth just out of reach but you could feel his heavy pants. 
“Yes Ma’am. I want you to fuck yourself on my cock.”
You tightened the leash, clenching your walls around him on command, tsking. “I’m giving the orders right now. You have to beg for what you want, pets ask nicely.”
“P-please Ma’am, please fuck yourself on my cock? Use me, please.” He begged, but it wasn’t enough. You lifted yourself up before slamming yourself down, the deep moan leaving him doing wonders to your own brain. “Yes yes like that. More like that. Please Miss.”
With a breathless giggle, you did it again, the jiggle from the bell music to your ears. “That’s it, keep begging.” You managed to reach between you both and turn the toy on, his hips jerked as it vibrated against his tip inside you. With him filling you up like this you could feel it much more than before, making your head spin.
His head fell back but your eyes stayed locked, so much desire in his that it almost flustered you. Gripping the arm rests with both hands now, you moved your hips, grinding them forward while keeping him mostly sheathed inside and hitting all the right angles. Your pace was painfully slow, hips stopping whenever he stopped begging which he was now doing as easily as breathing. The whiniest words leaving his lips followed by a moan whenever you obliged.
You weren’t unaffected either, breathing harder with each flick of your hips, each press of his cock head against your inner walls. His pleas had progressively gone from “please use me” to “fuck I wanna cum. Please let me cum.”
“Hold it, you don’t get to cum until I say.” Your command lacked oomph with how breathless you were, your own patience running thin. Only when you noticed he was drooling a bit did it snap, your fingers digging into the fabric of the chair as you lifted yourself up only to slam back down. Your pace was harsh, much faster and harder than it had been seconds before. If you thought he had been vocal, it was nothing compared to the whines and grunts that left him now, drowning out the sound of the bell jiggling with each slam of your body down against his.
“Ma’am- want to cum. Want to cum. Let me cum.”
He was very addictive indeed. “Then cum, make a mess.” You weren’t at all disappointed when you felt him begin to unload in your cunt, managing to pull off him and watch his load unravel on his chest and face instead, a few drops getting into his open mouth. It was filthy… and hot. Hot enough that with the vibrator still driving you crazy, your hips were stuttering with your own climax, soaking your thighs and pushing out his cum onto his thighs and ass.
You didn’t give either of you a chance to come down much before you were pushing him back inside and fucking at the same pace you had been before. “What’s your color?” Despite the fact he was the one getting paid to fuck, you felt the need to ask with how intense this was.
“Green! Fucking hell so green!” No longer able to keep his eyes on yours he was a drooling mess, managing to thrust his hips up to bounce you harder on his cock. “Fuck going to milk me dry. Gunna come again- shitshitshit.” Seemingly lost to the pleasure he grabbed your hands to keep you from falling off him as he kept going.
Letting him have control, your head fell forward, moans tumbling from your lips, marveling at how he managed to turn this position around and fuck you so good despite his own sounds indicating he was fucked dumber than you were.
He had you coming around his cock before he did, both of you a twitching mess as this time he unloaded himself into you. Somehow you managed to reach between you and turn the toy off again, legs still shaking as you climbed off and watched his legs fall to the floor. Both of you were panting, covered in a thin sheen of sweat, a wide satisfied grin on his face as he lounged there catching his breath.
You weren’t doing much better, but you could stand. “God you are a fucking mess. Such a filthy kitty, don’t tell me you’re tapping out before me?” Your taunt was only half-cocked, running a hand through your hair to pull the sticky strands off your face, shaking your head.
The satisfied grin turned into a smirk as he opened one eye to watch you, a deep chuckle escaping him. “I told you, Ma’am, that I wasn’t stopping until I made a mess out of you. Do you really want to test me?”
Hands on your hips, you stood your ground as your heart rate was returning to a normal pace. “You’re shooting blanks, little pet, I don’t think you can keep going, viagra or not.”
He shook his head, gripping the edge of the arm rest and sitting up, a predatory look in his eyes as he licked the remaining cum off his lips. “I don’t use viagra Miss, but I should mention for safety reasons that if we go any more without a break… I might break you.” 
The mere idea had you shivering, for the first time this night you were intimidated by him. The way he was watching you as he seemed to regain his composure became more predatory by the second, the idea of the pet eating you alive exciting you on a whole other level.
The look of understanding settling in his eyes told you that he was aware of your current direction of thoughts. You took a step back, glancing around the room as the urge to run was becoming stronger by the second.
You nearly missed the low rumble, breath catching in your lungs as you looked back at him. “Green.”
The split second the word was out of your mouth he was off the chair and you were running towards the bathroom, adrenaline of the chase exciting you. You didn’t make it to the door, his arm wrapping around your waist and turning you to him, silencing anything you had to say with a messy kiss. You could taste his cum on his tongue, feel his hands run up your body, moving you back. Your ass hit the cold glass of the mirror hanging on the wall, the whimper leaving you getting swallowed by him.
Your head was swimming with desire, hands gripping his biceps unsure whether to push him away or pull him closer. He decided for you, pulling away to turn you around and press you firmly against the mirror, trailing open mouth kisses down your neck. “Still want to order your pet around? Or can I finally show you what I can do to you? Please you so well I’ll be the only little kitty you ever want again?”
The mere idea of him fucking you that good left you breathless, a nod of your head all you could manage. He picked you up by the back of your thighs then, wrapping an arm under your legs and holding you back against him. You could only watch through the mirror, the toy sticking out of your dripping cunt on display, his eyes watching over your shoulder as he nibbled on your shoulder. With his free hand he pulled the toy out by the tail, holding it between two fingers as he gripped his dick and guided the tip in place.
For a brief moment neither of you moved, staring at your reflection. You could see everything below and so could he. The next moment however he was pounding up into you hard. The bell jiggled just behind your head, nearly animalistic grunts leaving him as he held you up with no issues with just one arm. Even with the constant motions he managed to move you around, pushing your legs to either side of your torso so your knees aligned with your shoulders, leaving your breasts to bounce on display. His fingers dug into your thigh hard enough bruises would be left, and yet he still managed to bring his free hand up and hold the toy up against your clit now that it was turned on once more.
He had said he liked strength play, but you hadn’t even thought this possible. Any thoughts or doubts were wiped clean as you lost yourself to the pleasure. The sounds he made, deep grunts and growls, as your cunt constantly squeezed his cock, hips stuttering as the constant vibrations on your clit were quickly bringing you to a high.
You cried out louder than you thought you could when you did, coming so hard your juices squirted out onto the mirror. The primal growl he let out against your shoulder as he bit down did things to your mind and body. You were barely selfaware for the seconds that followed, tongue sticking out and drool running down your chin as your head fell back, still twitching and coming as he fucked you through your climax.
It was both painful and pleasurable as he kept going, dropping the toy to the floor and now holding your thighs with both hands. “Not messy enough. Just a bit more.” He shifted and somehow managed to go harder, hitting all the right spots that had you clawing at his arms and tears running down your cheeks from the overstimulation.
Black clouded your vision for a moment as you were squirting all over the both of you, hard enough his cock was pushed out, his own cum squirting up on your thighs and the mirror as well. You were left shaking in his embrace, whimpering and begging. “No more. You win. You win.”
So fucked out you didn’t register the kiss he placed against your cheek, or that he was laying you down on the silken sheets a moment later. He laid down next to you, that you did register just barely, turning to look over at him. His brows were pushed together as he watched you with a look of concern, perking up when he noticed you focused enough on him.
“Hey, how are you feeling? That wasn’t too much was it?”
Your mind floundered for some semblance of words to speak, gaping like a fish before settling on a lazy smile. “I think I just forgot I existed for a moment there. Damn.” Laughing a bit breathlessly you shut your eyes, making a mental check of your body. “Next time just fuck me like that.”
“Next time?” Humor was laced in his words.
“Mhmm. Next time. We can talk about the time after that later. For now… how does a cat nap sound before we have to clean up?”He chuckled, curling up into your side much like a cat would. “Sounds like a deal.”
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taglist: @justhere4kpop  /  @warpedspirit /  @candypop1611  / @spooo00oky @sanniessnails / @gugggu6gvai / @starillusion13 / @tunaasan / @lavishloving / @h-nji / @tearfulsparks78 / @minkysmilk /
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My New Addiction Pt. 2
Octane x Fem! Reader!
Part one link at the bottom!
Again lmk if the Spanish is off at all, my Spanish knowledge isn’t the best👉🏼😎👉🏼
Once again, mutual pining, slow painful burn of a romance, awkward flirts, etc.
I hope you enjoy! 💚 if you have ideas or suggestions on how this goes feel free to message me!
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Octavio was in his room trying to mentally prep himself for having to see you looking nice, not that you didn’t look nice all the time but nicer than usual. We’re you going to wear a dress? A skirt? Pants? What you were gonna wear was gonna kill him as long as it wasn’t plain weird but he figured that wasn’t your style anyways. You didn’t love the spotlight like he did, he kind of liked that about you. He heard a knock on his door and it was none other than Loba, an odd guest right before an event.
“Oh! Hey Lolo, what can I do for you?” He asked with a grin, mask in hand. Loba smiled at him
“Hey speedy, could I borrow a shirt of yours? Pretty please? I need a button up.” She winked, this only confused him, Loba literally had the biggest closet out of the entire crew and she needed a shirt? From him? As confused as he was he shrugged and threw over a smaller silk button up of his that he hardly wore. “Knock yourself out.” She waved and thanked Octavio as she walked away, leaving him to get ready.
What he didn’t know what Loba was styling you for today, you weren’t the most savvy when it came to dressing super nice so naturally you went to the style master herself. She went to your room and threw the shirt at you. You catching it and lookin’ at it. “OooOo! It’s like the perfect green too. You really have nice stuff Loba.” You complimented and she waved her hand to disregard the quality of the item. “Oh please. This hardly sees the light of day, beautiful.” She wasn’t wrong but she did leave out the fact that it was Octavio’s shirt. She styled the button up to just hang off your shoulder, you wearing a black lace bralette underneath, her adding on a few gems to add a subtle glam element on the dainty lace. Pairing this with black satin dress pants. Finishing it with a black belt and heels.
“I’m not the best in heels I’ll be honest.” You admit and she laughs softly.
“You’ll be next to Octavio, he’ll catch you if you stumble I’m sure.” She winked at you, causing a soft blush to creep onto your cheeks. See how these things work is basically each team gets interviewed after a short ‘red carpet’ type entrance. Most of the time the teams coordinate a little to make the pictures more appealing so that’s why you were looking for a green aspect of the outfit. Loba sighed and placed her hand on her forehead. “Ugh, I should’ve asked if he had a spare mask. Oh well.” She threw down her staff, causing her black market to pop up. Quickly going in and finding a mask that worked with the outfit and snatched it from his room, then some goggles and swiftly closing it. “I doubt he noticed. He’s probably playing music.” She grinned devilishly and you couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“We’ll as long as I give it back I guess.” You shrugged the blatant stealing and just left it alone. It wasn’t a big deal anyhow. You finished the outfit with pining the goggles to your styled hair, it was left down but it was curled. (if you have curly hair it was just styled slightly). Loba did a dark green Smokey eye with some silver on the inner corner, putting on lashes and a dark red lip to finish it off. Highlighter on your high points and she smiled. “My my, aren’t you pretty?” She cupped your face. “Speedy is gonna lose it.” She teased and said goodbye so she could get ready. She usually had a team of people to make it quick for her, she was sought after for pictures so she was at a higher standard than the others.
You did another once over on yourself, you felt really attractive for once. You smiled a little and added a little subtle necklace and a few rings to accent everything. Taking a few selfies to post later you finally heard the announcement to get to your vehicles to depart. You started making your way to the pick up, where everyone was at. A few whistles and some of the girls complimenting you as you arrived. Even though you’ve been here a little while you hadn’t had a conference that asked specifically for more formality. You personally hadn’t had a duo’s match until now so you figured that was why. Natalie walked over to you, wearing an beautiful blue dress, modest. Her hair out, showing off her golden locks. “Wow! You look exquisite!” She complimented and gave you a hug, she was such a sweetheart when she wasn’t in a match, she was a menace to go up against sometimes. She had been teamed up with Anitta, an unlikely duo but they didn’t do bad. Loba strutted to the pickup and wrapped her arm around you. “Thank you, this is my work.” She announced proudly. “She’ll be the bell of the ball.” She air kisses your cheek, to not ruin the mask you were wearing.
Ajay giggled a bit and looked around for a certain green haired fella, not seeing him yet. “Silva is gon’ enjoy the eye candy for sure.” Everyone knew you had a crush on this man by now, except him. You made small talk with everyone until you heard a family mechanical footstep. Everyone kind of naturally covered you, Gibby being the main wall. Octavio waved. “Sorry sorry! I couldn’t get this tie on.” He looked at everyone and watched as they parted away for him to finally see you. Thank the Gods he was wearing his goggle and mask combo or else you would’ve seen his face heat up in a unsuspected blush, that was his shirt. His shirt. On your body. “Dios mio…” he breathed out, poor guy didn’t know how to react, he just stared a bit. Ajay snapped her fingers. “Say something ya’ stupid boy.” His gaze snapped to her and back to you before finally speaking. “Wow! How lucky am I to have such an attractive teammate! The fans are gonna love this!” He rushed over to your side, pulling out his phone to snap some selfies. A few other legends peeking in a few of the shots. Soon everyone’s individual rides pulled up and everyone started to pile into their assigned car. Octavio reached and opened the door and gestured for you to enter first. “Pretty ones first.” He did and over exaggerated bow as you passed by, causing you to laugh. He followed you in and plopped into his seat. Once the doors were closed and you two were off he rubbed the back of his neck. “So that’s why Lolo needed a shirt huh?” He asked, you looked at him confused. “What? No she had this… right?” Looked at him and he shook his head. “Nope, that’s mine. She asked for it while I was gettin’ ready. Also… is the mask and goggles mine too?” He asked through a chuckle. You flushed a bit pink and laughed awkwardly. “O-oh! I didn’t know this shirt was yours, no wonder it was the perfect green. Yeah these are yours too, she used her market to snatch them.” You tattled, “I was gonna give them back though! Don’t worry.” You explained and felt awkward now, looking at your outfit. Did you look okay in his clothes? Was it weird?
Octavio shrugged and put both hands behind his head, leaning back into the seat. “Meh, you should keep it. Looks better on you anyways. The shirt I mean, the mask and goggles are my thing.” He looked at you and winked, causing your heart to skip a little. Trying desperately to not show how bashful you were feeling by his compliments. You soon saw him sit back up quickly, grabbing his phone again. Turning towards you, “look at my teammate everyone! Isn’t she la mas linda?!” You laugh and try covering his phone. “What does that mean!! Are you making fun of me you jerk?!” You tease and he shakes his head, looking at you, through the goggles. “No I said aren’t you the prettiest.” You stop moving and your face was radiating heat now. “I- oh shut up.” You laugh it off and return to sitting normally, your heart beating rapidly. “He acts like he doesn’t get to see Loba everyone something like this happens!” You grin, pulling down your mask. “Maybe he has a crush on me huh? Tease him about it for me will ya?” You say to the phone. Not knowing if he was live-streaming or just recording this. He laughed and soon turned the phone around, showing he was just recording it on his phone, he switched it to pictures and took a few more photos. He liked pictures. The more to post the better. “Ok! Now just ignore me for a second, look out the window. Model for me real quick.” He chuckled. Not expecting you to do it with ease. He had never seen you model, okay it saw you do it for your Legend photos but those don’t count! He hadn’t seen you model like this. Your legs were crossed and you had you phone in your hand, looking down at it, hand in hair like you were leaning onto it. His eyes lingered on your frame, seeing how well the clothes outlined your body. How his hands wanted to dance along your skin, if you looked this good in clothing how would you look without them? Quickly attempting to shut down the thoughts running rampant he snapped one photo, one was plenty for him. “Wow.” He whispered and smiled, snapping back into the fun, unbothered Octane. “Nice!! Now one of me!” You laugh a bit more and take a picture or two for him.
He sure did love his fans. He was always doing something for them it seemed. Daring stunts someone requested, replying to some letters even. He was a really sweet guy to his fans. It was cute to see. The conversation was typical the rest of the way, fun and weird at points. Soon the car stopped, in line to drop you off at the entrance of the carpet. You breath and look in the mirror to make sure you looked alright. Octane looking over at you double checking yourself. He whispered something and you looked over, catching him just gazing at you. “Tavi?” You ask as you pull up the mask. “A-ah! Haha! Don’t worry about how you look, you look fine!! Let’s go out there and show them the best team ever. That didn’t win but we’re totally the coolest!!” He was so enthusiastic and you loved it. You smile and give a nod, waiting for your turn.
The car stopped and Octane opened the door, exiting first. “Heyyyy!!!” He said all excited before stepping to the side and offering his hand to you. “C’mon hermosa.” You take his hand and exit, placing a hand in your pocket and putting on your model face for the pictures. You wave to people and you both make your way to the main carpet. Posing for some individual photos you soon felt a hand snake around your waist, you looked over and it was Octane, still posing. Your heart raced again and you leaned into him, following his vibe. There was a couple ‘serious’ ones and the rest were you two throwing up peace signs and rock on signs, he picked you up once, putting you on one of his shoulders effortlessly. You laughed and took off the mask, sticking your tongue out and laughing. Once off the carpet it was on to questions.
The whole thing was over awhile later and it was time to go get dinner with everyone at the bar. You had the mask off entirely at this point, putting it in your back pocket and Octavio was doing the same, he had gone to the bar to get a drink in him before he had to socialize with you again. Walter (fuse) walked up to the bar and watched as Tavi’ downed a strong shot. “Whoa there, tough day or somethin’ mate? You aren’t one for shots usually.” He asked as the bartender fixed his drink. Octavio shook his head. “No, nothing like that amigo, just…” he sighed and Walter chuckled. “Is ya little lady crush lookin’ a little too nice for ya?” He asked as he sipped a bit of his drink. Octavio groaned and looked at him “Is it that obvious?! Damn…” the two share a laugh and Walter leaned on the bar. “Listen mate, good ole Fitzroy has had his fair share of…eh well, partners. What I’ve learned is that it’s best to at least make your feelin’s known.” Octane looked at him like he was crazy. “Hey now you don’t gotta do a whole confession of love and shit, but Yaknow. Flirt it up, make her blush. See how she reacts. Trust me you’ll know if she ain’t interested.” He patted his pals back before walking off to join his partner Bloodhound.
Tavi sighed and ordered a drink to have while hanging out. That’s when you walked in, looking as sexy as ever. He watched as you greeted everyone that was nearby and Ajay gestured towards the bar. You smile seeing Tavi already over there, you thanked her and made your way over. “Hey Tavi! Some of the pics are already posted online, look!” You pulled out your phone and showed him some of the shots the press had taken of you two, gosh you looked good together. “Hey! That’s rad! Look at my face in that one!!” He laughed and so did you. “Tavi, you can’t see your face, Fuckin’ dork!” He made an ‘oops’ face and shrugged. “Eh, whatever. Want a drink?” He asked and you nodded. You order your favorite drink and wait for it to be made. You also needed a drink to listen up around Octavio looking so dashing. You figured you hadn’t said anything about he looks so now was as good as ever. “Yaknow, you look pretty hot ya self speedy.” He was mid drink when you stated this, he damn near choked. He chuckled, playing it off as well as he could. “Oh~? You think so huh? Are you falling for me, Chica?” He wiggled his eyebrows and you laughed as you got your drink handed to you. “Don’t know Silva. Show me some dance moves and I’ll figure it out.” You leave a subtle flirt as you saunter off to Loba, who was the one that encouraged a flirt or two to be dropped, along with Ajay who knew how dense her friend could be. Speaking of Ajay, Octavio basically chugged his drink after that interaction and rushed over to her. “Che. Talk. Now.” Was all that was said before he dragged her off into an empty hall.
“What Silva? You can’t go draggin’ me off like that without a good reason so what’s goin’ on hm?” She asked a little annoyed at his sudden actions.
“Che, you’re a girl.” She almost looked offended.
“And I may or may not have a crush, on a girl” he halfway admitted.
“You do have a crush but go on.”
“And I- hey. Anyways. I think she just flirted with me. What do I do?” Poor boy was so nervous. He’s had a couple one night stands but those were with fans who made it very clear that they wanted him. Ajay looked slightly amused. “Oh you poor thing, okay. Tell me what happened.” She listened to Octavio reenact the interaction between you two, word for word. She rolled her eyes at how obvious the flirt was and smiled a bit. “What are you, stupid? She wants you to dance with her, boy!! Now stop talkin to me and go! Don’t be creepy either!”
With that he was pumped. There was a chance. You don’t flirt with anyone so that had to be a sign right?? He could feel the liquid courage coursing through him and it was giving him a rush of excitement. “Oi! Hermosa, let’s dance.” He held out his hand and you smiled taking it and having him lead you to the dance floor. There were already a handful of friends out on the floor, along with some higher ups from the conference from earlier. You and Octavio danced as club music was playing through the speakers. You started out just dancing facing each other, bumping and lip syncing to the music together. Loba gathered the girls Natalie, Tressa, Ramya and her girlfriend Kairi to the dance floor to, give you hand. Loba entered your little circle and started dancing behind you, taking place a man. Hands on your hips and dancing close, “you should dance like this with a certain someone.” She said next to your ear. “Let me help.” She continued to dance with you until she suddenly left and a new body took her spot, that person was Octavio. He kept his hands to himself, just kind of side stepping to the song. “Hey.” He said, looking at you. There was a moment before he grabbed your waist and started dancing with you, he was Hispanic and his hips only proved that. He wasn’t grinding but you could see his movements.
Fuck it
You closed the distance, pressing against him and dancing with him, reaching up behind you and putting your hand behind his head as you danced. His hands remained respectful, not wandering. Although you wished he would. “Chica’s got dance moves!” He shouted over the music and you smirked, turning to face him and body rolling on him slowly. “Only with people I like.” You also had some liquid courage flowing. He continued to grip your hips and matched your energy, he wasn’t a stranger to dancing flirty. Getting lost in the music and crowd you danced with him for what felt like forever until it was time to eat. Renee coming into the dance floor and fetching the girls, including you. Didn’t give you much of a chance to object or say anything before being dragged off, this was planned. Leave him wanting more type of thing. Soon one of the guys came to wrangle the rest of the boys and meet up at their private table.
Octavio planned on sitting by you and continuing the flirtation but you had people on either side of you, the seat across from you was free though so he snagged that. It was two long tables by each other with an array of food on each of them. Octavio didn’t waste much time I’m getting food on his plate, a little bit of everything and extra of the things he liked. Small talk and casual conversation was heard as everyone was eating, Octavio glancing at you from time to time and you doing the same, anytime you two caught each other you’d just flash a soft smile his way and continue with whatever conversation you were having. That was basically the dinner, you two didn’t get to talk much, not just because everyone was talking to everyone but you two both didn’t know what to really say. There was always the ride back from the bar though. It wasn’t too far.
With dinner finished you all chatted at the tables a little while longer, laughter and camaraderie seeping out of every window. You enjoyed this. Everyone here were pals, of course they didn’t ALL get along all the time. Revenant and Ash were a tough duo to ‘befriend’ and anyone would say they put up with everyone else most of the time. It was finally time to leave, the vehicles lined up outside for everyone to get in. Octavio tapped your shoulder before you could leave. “Hey, wanna walk back? I’m not ready to end the night just like that!! I still got a buzz.” He laughed a bit and against your better judgement you agreed. “Hah! Okay Tavi, we can walk back.” You said happily. He rushed and told your driver that he didn’t have to worry about you two and began to walk back to the legends precinct. Octavio for once wasn’t taking pictures of snagging videos. He was just walking along side you, of course he would jump occasionally over things and maybe add a flip in there. But for Octane, he was pretty chill. “So, hermosa. What did you think of your first fancy shmancy after party thing?” He asked and you grinned. “Oh it was a lot of fun, I don’t get to get dolled up much, especially now. Just doesn’t make sense. I’m gonna get all sweaty and probably bleed most days so why try?” You laugh a bit and he joins in. “Yeah, those typically aren’t my favorite, it takes a lot of work to even put a tie on, takes too long Yaknow?” You nod, a smile just resting on your lips. “I did enjoy dancing with you though, that was a lot of fun.” You looked up at him as he walked backwards in front of you, he tripped a little when you said that and he laughed. “Yeah! I didn’t know you could move like that! I mean I knew that were good at moving in matches but that’s totally different. It was hot!” He blurted out and he realized what he said and made an ‘oh shit’ face. Wide eyes and awkward smile. You felt a soft heat on your face and you laughed a little. “Oh yeah, I’m so hot…it’s all thanks to Loba’s hard work.” You looked down as you walked, you weren’t the most confident in your appearance but you learned to just be content with it most days. You didn’t realize Octavio stopped walking and you bumped into him, you looked up at him confused. “Don’t say that, I think you’re very pretty, even without all the frills.” Well you couldn’t hide the blush on your cheeks after that statement. You just let out an awkward chuckle and avoided his eyes, “I-.. uh well thanks. I appreciate it.” He didn’t move, he just stood in front of you. There was a long pause and you finally looked back up at him, his eyes locked onto your frame. “I didn’t lie when I said I had the most attractive teammate today.” You weren’t ready to accept all these compliments while he was so close to you. “Okay okay! What’s got you so affectionate, the booze?” You tease, playfully pushing him away and walking passed. Octavio was trying so hard to make it obvious that he liked you without having to say it directly, usually he could tell anyone anything pretty bluntly but with this he couldn’t find the words. He was stuck in his head until he heard you wince slightly. He turned around and saw your poor feet in those heels. “Oh man! I bet your feet hurt! I didn’t even think about that, lo siento.” You couldn’t even respond before you saw Octavio kneel in front of you, back facing you. “Hop on! All aboard the Octrain!” You couldn’t help but accept his offer, you climb onto his back and he once again lifts you up effortlessly. “Woo! Let’s go!” Was all that was said before you had to cling on for dear life, the man took off in a sprint, even without a stim he was fast as hell.
With that speed it was no time that you guys were back at the precinct and heading up to your rooms. He didn’t allow you to walk anymore until you were safely back in your room. Once to your door he slid you off his back and did a few hops “That was fun!” He smiled wide and you grinned looking up at him. “Thanks Tavi, you didn’t have to do that.” He shook his head “Hey, I’m the one who asked to walk! It’s my fault I didn’t think of your torture devices on your feet.” You both laugh and you nod “Yeah, fuckin’ hate heels.” You admit “But damn they do wonders to the legs.” You strike a pose and he did too, sharing yet more laughter as you turned the knob of your door. You didn’t want to end it yet but it was getting late. “Well , I had fun today thanks to you. I hope we get paired up again soon.” He put his hands in his pockets and nodded. “Yeah, me too, chica.” He rubbed the back of his neck watching you enter your room,
“Night Tavi.”
“G’night y/n.”
With a click of your door shutting you slid to the floor, biting your lip. You had to tell him sooner or later. Today really tested you on not just kissing him. Stupid guy with his stupid handsome face. You sigh and kick off those heels and start undressing to get into comfy clothes for the night.
He went to his room and changed into looser clothes and decided to take a run, he had a lot of energy after tonight and needed to get rid of it if he wanted any chance of sleep tonight.
↩️Prev Part. Next part.↪️
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Jimin's documentary is what I've been wanting from bts for YEARS. I'm so glad they released such raw material. Jimin's musicality is insane, and it seems like the producers were 100% aware of that because of how much they relied on jimin and his creativity. I think it was during the commentary that he mentioned what he felt the first time pdogg approved one of his ideas, and then he called himself an idea bank!! He's usually so hard on himself, it's refreshing to hear that even though there's always a place for improvement, he knows how good he is. Another thing I enjoyed was listening to the previous versions of the songs that made it into the album and the one that was supposed to be the title track and finally got scrapped. I think I liked the alone and set me free pt.2 demos a bit more than the final product. I feel like that intrinsic grittiness and unpolished quality of an unfinished product was really fitting, and in the case of smf2 I kinda feel like it ended up overproduced... I guess, if that makes sense. Anyways, I really, really appreciate the route Jimin decided to take for his solo career, I truly hope we get to see more of that before he leaves, and when he comes back I'd love for him to get the chance to continue showing his artistry as a soloist. And regarding army shading jimin and trying to undermine him lol... what else is new? I remember namjoon once said that army would not like to see what it looks like behind the scenes when they were recording and stuff and I guess he was right. I know they hated to see how reality goes against the narratives the company has been feeding them for a decade. The supposed geniuses in the band have yet to release something as good as like crazy and they know it.
I was trying to catch some of the things Jimin said during his live watching and I was so pleasantly surprised to see how confident he was. Like, yes. He is an idea bank. That's the best way to put it because during the production, he kept coming up with stuff on the spot. I think PDogg and the rest of the marching band were so open to this because they knew how Jimin worked. That's why I keep saying that having a small team with people that know each other so well worked perfectly for Jimin and his first album.
There's no way of knowing exactly what RM said about what happens behind the scenes during pre-recordings and if it's close to what we've seen now in the documentary, but what I took from that is that in real life, people having to work on something is not all sunshines and rainbows or fun like when they recorded the ITS song. The audience gets to see the nicer, aesthetized version a lot of the times.
I'll refrain from commenting on the rapline releases now, but I'll do say about Like Crazy is that out of all the so-called "Chapter 2" songs, it is in my view the only one which is artistically compelling, intricate, well produced, tells a story, it's part of a bigger conceptual album, but also has the potential to be commercially succesful as well, which is the mark of a good pop song.
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
OOOOH NOOOO I'M OBSESSED WITH HEATH... FUUUUCK!!! This was so well written and fun! I love this character so much, he's so hot and likable, even though he's so dominant and possessive. Actually he might be hot because of that. Oops lol
I've never had a thing for gargoyles before but I have a crush on this guy. the bookstore scenario is so cute, and the way he's so casual and rough around the edges, then suddenly breaks his composure and fucks the life out of the reader is just perfect. I've been daydreaming about this all day. What's Heath's apartment like, if you can tell me? :D is he the owner of the bookstore? LMAO loved the shading of the reader's sad human boyfriend. I'm guessing Heath has a nicer place and more money than the reader, too. I love that aspect, it adds to the dynamic of him being more powerful and taking care of his cute new little human, while also putting his claim on them by taking them into his 'territory'.
His loyalty is so cute. Bet it'll be so fun for him to get to wake up with the reader, spend the whole morning together and go to work together. Poor thing can never fake being sick to get out of work again, though XD how much patience do you think heath would have for the reader if she struggled with depression and couldn't necessarily be very productive? Reading this I was just thinking about how different I am at home then at work because I only have enough energy to be productive for so long before I crash and become useless lol
I hope you don't mind the wall of text! I got so inspired by your piece I couldn't help it. Thank you for writing things for us, your blog is amazing :)
Haha I’m glad you like him! I don’t know why but I’m obsessed with sort of average everyday leads, though Heath does own the bookstore. He’s not like a psycho CEO or anything, though. He’s a pretty laid back guy who literally hired you because he thought you were cute. This was really fun to answer, because I adore Heath!
Here are the answers:
As for his apartment: 
He lives on the 22nd floor of a building overlooking the city, but it’s not crazy expensive or anything. He’s pretty much upper middle class, but has a good savings and retirement plan. It’s got two bedrooms, a bedroom and a study for his bookshelves, with a large wide balcony. 
He has a cat named Aero and a fishtank with freshwater fish. He likes dogs, but he’s not a dog person, preferring quiet snuggling with his kitty.
He also likes to be surrounded by living things and keeps easy to care for potted plants. His balcony is packed with plants in terra cotta pots he’s raised from cutlets that he’s collected from various little old ladies that come into the bookstore. I just imagine him having a whole fan club of grandmas who found out he’s into balcony gardening and wont stop gifting him cuttings from their plants at home.   
Heath likes to read so he’s got a ton of old special edition books he saved for himself from running the bookstore and comfortable chairs. 
He’s not a slob but he was definitely a bachelor before you. Most things in his house are practical except the books. His house looks very casual with oversized comfy, but quality furniture in cool neutral shades. He does have a nice wooden bedframe on his very large bed, for his very large body. He even has matching sheet sets and pillowcases. 
He doesn’t know much about decorating so he’s excited to decorate with you. Before you moved in he just had fan posters he got from the bookstore and framed, which he wasn’t particularly attached to. His walls were painted gray before you and he’s excited to pick paint colors with you. 
He usually uses his balcony as his front door and flies up to his apartment. He will give you a ride. 
He’s a big cuddle bug and a huge introvert. When he’s at home he’s a ton more cuddly and touchy than he is at work. At work he puts on a bit more of a tough, boss facade, but at home he just wants to curl up on the couch and read books as much as possible. 
His house is noticeably quiet. He doesn’t watch loud movies. He doesn’t listen to loud music. When he does play video games, he wears headphones. He likes a peaceful atmosphere at home. 
If the reader struggled with depression: 
He would be very sympathetic and want to get you help from a doctor because he’s very data driven. He likes to learn everything possible about a subject before he takes action. He’d probably want to go to some of your doctor’s appointments with you just to make sure you’re getting the help you need and that he is doing everything right to help you
He would be really gung-ho about treatment and help you organize your medications, buying you cute little pill containers to put them in
He would definitely let you stay home on days you just weren’t feeling up to it because really he’s more worried about you than how you behave as an employee. He will always want to cuddle with you when you just want to stay pressed in the couch and sometimes read you books while you take your depression naps
However, he would be really strict about doctor mandated schedules, which might cause friction sometimes. He will drag you out of bed and make you do some exercise! He will chase you around with a water bottle and remind you to drink it! He will make you go to bed on time! He will insist on buying healthy food for meals! He will carefully watch your drinking and give you glasses of juice and say they are alcoholic when you are overdoing it. He’s not above tricking you when you are being silly or stubborn, but most of the time he’ll just fuck the sense into you.
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Hiya there, shippers & readers
After our usual game/watch-along round was profoundly derailed by some recent fandom events, we really feel like our response and the time we spent spilling our hearts in our fandom-vent channel made us that much closer. We got some new members and we've had a lot of new fun times. It feels like we're ready to embark on a new chapter of reading fic and discussing it together. It also brought about another sentiment; a special desire to interact with something in our beloved fanspace that doesn't always get a lot of love. That is, the steven fic.
And there is a lot of it, surprisingly. Ranging from the early years in the background of shyan or featuring in his own peculiar way in pairings and threesomes, either way, we decided that it was really time for us to show some love for fiction!Steven in hopes to inspire more. Due to that, we voted in 9 nominations and decided that the top 3 would stand as milestones in our Steven season journey. Among those three, the top of the vote was a very particular favourite of this mod's
under thy tongue by makemadej (santamonicayachtclub)
The book club as a whole seemed to agree that this fic is holistically a beautiful piece, that it reads like what it must feel like to observe the iconography of classic artists painting god and the angels in all their mythos as Steven navigates an ephemeral opportunity to be intimate with Ryan.
Rating: E
Summary: Ryan sprains his ankle because basketball and ends up staying at Steven's place. Guess how many beds there are.
Book Club Thoughts
First off, I'm a shyan shipper but…. this fic really sold me on this pairing we don't get enough opportunities to talk about steven/ryan as a pair esp since ryan is such an open book but he's the kind of guy who feels a lot of guilt about purchasing big things for himself and mean while Steven is more reserved but there has always been something so wonderfully hedonistic about him the setting of it feels very liminal, and it adds to the tone The nature behind Steven almost feeling like this is something he may not be allowed to have as the thought of Shane lingers over his head even though the dude is on the other side of the world, yet Steven is still there to take care of Ryan in all the terms. It's just how beautiful Steven's character and personality is written in this fic. i love stevens religion being used as a tool of indulgence rather than restriction. he is fully worshipping ryan. a man so beautiful you gotta experience him in a biblical sort of way And all of this being from Steven's pov just really fits his love of the nicer things and his appetite so well his saying "there's nothing wrong with wanting" feels so poignant to how he operates here to the end of the fic. He has always had desires but he doesn't steal and he didn't want to feel like he was stealing Ryan so when Ryan starts to ask him to do things that he--Steven-wants to do, it's surprising to him. it's about the devotion to god and Ryan's godlike physique that can't be anything other but the manifestation of god's love on earth i adore the dream-like quality of this fic. the liminal energy of the timeline and that they know they wont be staying together, yet it's still so intimate and loving There is such beauty in the way he is written; a kind, quiet, methodical individual. His language of love being acts of service is so fantastically written. It’s true service… and yet there’s the quiet self satisfaction Steven indulges in as he’s…. servicing Ryan….. This fic is a quiet, calming, dare I say meditative read. It’s comfort, somewhat bittersweet in the way their entanglement is temporary.
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cannibaldyke · 4 months
Crimson Peak Limited 4k UHD
don’t usually do long posts, but wanted to show off all the stuff that came in the new Crimson Peak release from Arrow! they also did a release in 2019, so i guess they still have the rights.
specs-wise, it obviously looks gorgeous, though there’s not as drastic of an increase in quality from the 2019 Bluray as there might be with other films, since Crimson Peak wasn’t originally filmed in 4k, so it’s an upscale rather than “true 4k”. not a slight against it at all, Crimson Peak is already an incredible looking film that obviously looks beautiful in 4k. the audio is also largely the same, which, again, is fine because the movie already sounds great. but if you’re just upgrading for technical specs then that’s important to know. (got all this info from Jeff Rauseo on Youtube, ty Jeff)
but a lot of people are probably buying for the packaging/inclusions! so i took a bunch of pictures. images look a bit more saturated than they do in real life bc i’m compensating for my shitty camera lol.
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the casing is really nice, it has a spine to resemble a book, when you open it up you get these cool splash pages. you pull on the ribbon to remove the second case with the booklet in it (not the disc, which i thought would be in there).
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from there, we have four double-sided photo cards showing Edith, Thomas, Lucille, and Alan. the front side is the classic promotional art, i think the back side are new renders? i might be wrong, not sure.
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also included is a double-sided mini-poster, again with the front being one of the original theatrical posters, and the back being what i think is a new render. (if anyone wants exact size i can measure it.)
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then we have the disc itself! not much to say, some nice art that matches the case. it doesn’t come with a DVD/HD Bluray, so if you have the 2019 Bluray, there’s a reason to hang onto it even if you get this new release.
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lastly, the booklet! i LOVE the cover on this thing. i sort of wish one of the sides of the mini-poster was done in a style like the casing/disc/booklet cover, because it looks sick as hell, but i’m probably just going to use the theatrical poster side when/if i hang it.
included a picture of the table of contents! has some interviews and essays, pretty standard for these nicer Arrow releases (i also have the Re-Animator and Bride of Re-Animator boxsets).
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can’t include anymore pictures in this post, but i can take some pictures of the inside of the booklet if anyone’s interested!
overall, i am obsessed with this release. Crimson Peak absolutely deserves this kind of technical upgrade, and the care that went into this release is obvious. if you’re a physical media collector, or just a big fan of the movie, i would definitely recommend picking this up!
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r1zingclouds · 28 days
"You can consume alcohol, but don't let it consume you" - Murakumo Ten Initial SR Card Story TL
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This translation was originally posted on my X.
Part 1:
Kafka: Ten, having a nightcap again?
Kafka: Once in a while is fine, but isn’t drinking every night a bit much? Your quality of sleep will take a hit, too.
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Ten: Now, now, the Boss, don’t you worry about that. This is just right for me.
Ten: (I can’t stand people butting into my routine.)
Renga: That’s right, Kafka. Ten likes alcohol, but doesn’t drink recklessly.
Renga: I saw it when we went drinking together, he looked completely fine!
No need to worry.
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Kafka: I see. I guess that’s reassuring, coming from his drinking buddy.
Ten: (To think Renga-san would back me up…)
Ten: Well there you have it, moving on...
Renga: …
Ten: …
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Ten: Renga-san? Kinda hard to drink with you staring at me like this.
Renga: Ah, my bad! You can just ignore me!
Ten:  That’s the problem, I can’t.
Renga: I was just thinking, I’d like to hold my liquor as well as you one day, and before I knew it…
Ten: Ah, right. You were out like a light, weren’t you.
Renga: Tha-That was just one time! I was just more tired than usual…
Ten: Haha, is that so~? Would have been risky if you were a girl, y’know.
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Ten: (It’s not like he’d become a stronger drinker from it, though… Well, just shows how taken he is with me. Just as planned.)
Ten: Then, just for today.
Renga: Sure! Thanks!
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Kafka: (Fufu. These two have something interesting going on.)
Part 2
Staff member: Renga-san, that’s a wrap for today’s shooting! Thank you very much!
Whole staff: Good work today!
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Renga: Phew. I can’t wait to see how the pictures turn out.
Capable producer: Renga-san, you like wine, don’t you? We’ve prepared a bottle of vintage as refreshments for today’s shoot.
Renga: Ah… Thanks.
Renga: (It might be because of the variety show I went on before, but I’m getting more of this kind of stuff recently…)
Capable producer: Please, don’t look at it so doubtfully, it’s real vintage!
Just as you say, “I only settle for the real deal!”
Staff member: Producer, why are you the one saying the line when we have the “real deal” right here?
Renga: Ha, haha… Right.
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Renga: (I’m glad, but what should I do with this… Ah, I wonder if Ten would be happy if I gifted it to him.)
Renga: I’m back~ Huh, where’s Kafka?
Ten: Looks like the Boss is doing overtime tonight.
Renga: Is that so… Oh, by the way, I got a souvenir for you, Ten.
Renga: …Ta-da!
Renga: It’s vintage wine. The producer gave it to me, so I think it must be good! Hey, let's drink this together!.
Ten: Ah, my bad. I don’t drink wine.
Renga: ??
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Ten: (Though I’m sure I could take it better than him… Wine’s the only thing that’ll easily get me drunk.)
Ten: Well, why don’t I drink sake, and you drink the wine?
Ten: That way, we’d still be drinking together.
Renga: That works! Alright, let’s do that!
Renga: I'm tellin' ya~~ Tha-at kind side o' yours, it shows ya're a good guy, Ten!
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Ten: Yup, yup, this is the third time you’ve said this.
Ten: (And he hasn’t even finished one glass, yet.)
Renga: Nuh-uh! I’m not done yet!  Ten, ya wayyy nicer than ya look!
Ten: Oh, dissing me now?
Renga: Nn… Mhmmn…
Ten: Renga-saan, if you sleep with your stomach out you’ll catch a cold. 
Renga: Ten, when the roses bloom, gonna shoooow ya…
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Ten: (Roses? What’s he on about?)
Ten: Oh boy.
Renga: Ten, let’s go drinkin’ agaiiin…
Ten: … C’mon, let’s get you tucked in the futon.
Ten: (What a hopeless guy…)
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nostalgicfun · 1 year
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Hello NostalgicFriends! 🌈
It’s been a long, long time since I did any kind of special sale or really updated anything aside from individual items as I slog my way through de-collectionizing (which is my completely real word for de-hoarding).
A while back I mentioned doing themed surprise boxes which would be larger than the usual surprise boxes and, you guessed it, stick to a theme. This is a great way to rehome a bunch of microcollections to someone who might really love them and would enjoy getting a surprise. I threw out a couple of theme ideas and everyone seemed to really be down for it! 
I have a couple of boxes already made up, and the themes so far are: 
🎃 Halloween (medium)
🎠 Circus (large) 
🐸 Frogs (small)
🦕 Dinosaurs (mega) 
🌸 Kawaii Junk (medium/largeish)
🐇 Sweet Vintage Bunny (medium/largeish)
🌞 Weirdos & Oddities (sizes vary)
There’s additionally three large/XL “NostalgicFun Special” boxes that are going to each contain the same, nicer quality things: full size Build a Bears, Beanie Babies, Furby keychains, books, and Webkinz will be in each one, along with other varying things tossed in. Smaller nostalgia boxes will be restocked as well! 
And I have another idea for an “Ultimate 2000s Girl” box that would just be this massive, hulking box of like Neopets, Barbies, Strawberry Shortcake, Polly Pocket, Silly Bandz, stuffed animals, PillowPets, etc. Just absolutely massive. I’m not sure it would ever sell but it’s so fun to think about someone just receiving this absolutely massive mystery box. (The dino box is pretty large too, but the 00s girl one would be like....the size of a microwave box) 
I also have like 30+ things sitting beside me as I write this waiting to have their moment in the spotlight and be listed, which is daunting but fun!
Finally, I want to say thank you to everyone who’s here. Every time I’m on here I find myself smiling. What a wonderful, happy community we have made. 🌈
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franstastic-ideas · 11 months
I guess I’m numbering these!!
LACONIC WANDERER. I learned a whole new word from you, honestly that synonym works better than saying “silent” or something, it adds a new layer of mystery. Maybe the style and spelling and vibe of the word. Ignis hehe, Latin for fire, that one sure is popular, granted I’ve only seen it used one other time, but def much nicer than other fire based English names.
Kotone, ah the Johto games always gave off a more justice vibe to me. I had to erase a whole spiel I accidentally went off on here, but it definitely captures the passion in those games. Even TR acknowledges that about the protagonist. Cute Pokémon name too!
Haruuukaaaa my 2nd fav, ugh weren’t those Pokémon Evolution episodes SO good for her and Leaf? Adventurous Darling!!! Oh she SO is, under the SEA into SPACE, the varied climate for Hoenn is BUILT for adventure. And v cute too, very lovable. Steven got roasted by his dad and Zinnia over the better newer Champ AND by Hoenn Radio, only game to have it too I think? I’m biting my lips to not launch into a rant about every girl and their region, you’re activating my Pokémon Fanatic side and this CAN get into deep meta territory if I’m not careful.
Candeloro!! Yes, Blaziken, giant candle, I can see it, very shaped. The whole loro at the end is very nickname-y, and I wonder if I feel that way bc of the nickname Toro by her manga counterpart from Pokespe.
Congrats to BW for being the only game to deliberately call the protagonist a hero of something of prophecy. Very battle-ready, good ol’ Unova where they demand active students for competitive programs but god forbid you actually fight for social change. You said every girl’s personality was different and honestly I see it, and it fits them and where they grew up perfectly. Throw them in a room together and it will be so interesting how the dynamics work. Gretchen? I had to look that one up, and it’s interesting. Even if someone didn’t know the meaning of any of these names, just the way they roll off the tongue feels like a name that matches each girl’s character. Vowels and consonants and all that.
I’m scared of this thing refreshing on me so I’ll continue in another ask.
So! Leaf was in fact the last of the girls to receive her title. I knew I wanted to use the adjective 'Laconic', but no matter where I looked, there wasn't a word to describe someone who happens to appear at the right place at the right time.
And that's kind of what she does? Leaf didn't set out to track down Team Rocket, she kept arriving at just the right moment to interfere. But Wanderer works well for her, because that's what she loves to do. Leaf travels at her own leisurely pace, that's her approach to life too. She enjoys stopping to sniff the Roselia, so to speak.
Kotone's was another one that took some time. I wanted a title that conveys her strongest quality, her compassion. She is ceaselessly gentle and kind, no matter how combative and rude Silver is towards her. Her patient attitude towards him also contrasts well with her friends' feelings. Hibiki is easily intimidated by him, and Kris thinks what the redhead needs most is a good kick to seat of the pants.
Even though Kotone is almost always shown with Chikorita as a partner, I think Typhlosion is best for this AU's incarnation of her. Kotone's Typhlosion, Eva (who is actually male), his name means 'life'. Fire doesn't have to only bring destruction. It can also bring warmth, and I feel that's something which matches Kotone's outlook. She tries to see the good in everything and everyone.
Haruka, I've always described how I see her as 'the perfect blend of tomboy and girly girl'. She can be both! She's traveled all across the region and has even gone to space, she's become the strongest trainer in Hoenn, she also collects Poké Dolls and performs onstage as a beloved Contest Star.
Similarly to Kotone more often than not being shown with Chikorita, Touko usually is given Tepig/Emboar as a partner. Without looking at who her partner is in Sisterhood, one may assume from her title that this is the case here as well.
However, a Serperior is her starter! The 'Hot-Blooded' in Touko's title pertains to her being Reshiram's Chosen instead. I think if someone were to tell her that a Fire-type suits her better, she would respond with something like,
"My partner may not have flames on the outside, but that doesn't matter! The flames of passion burn bright inside her!!"
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birdwithinternet · 2 years
hi! 3, 13, 16, 23, 25, 33, 35, 47, & 49 for the 50 asks? I know it’s an avalanche, so you can skip some if you want!! Drink some water 💜
This got pretty long so the answers are under the cut!
3. Do you like smoothies?
Yes! I haven't had a homemade smoothie in a few years, but my mom used to make delicious banana and berry smoothies! I also love yogurt smoothies.
13. Do you prefer to write in pen or pencil?
Pencil. Hands down. I love how writing in pencil looks, and pencils in my opinion have more advantages than pens. For one thing, you can erase mistakes, which is much better and nicer-looking than scribbling over them like I have to do with a pen. Another thing, whenever I use pens I get ink on my hands no matter what I do! I guess if I had some better quality pens I might be able to keep my hands clean, but I don't. The only exception is the set of glitter gel pens I got for Christmas. And yes, you do have to sharpen pencils, which is a downside, but if you have a good sharpener it's actually really satisfying to do. Also putting a pencil behind my ear just feels cooler than a pen. I'm just rambling now. Anyway, I'm a certified Pencil Lover.
16. Describe your favorite hoodie. How long have you had it? What makes it unique?
My favorite hoodie is actually one that my mom gave me that she had since I was a baby! It's light blue with little yellow and red flowers on the front, and she used to wear it all the time. When I was big enough to wear it she gave it to me. It's very special.
23. Which songs do you like to sing in the shower?
I don't usually sing in the shower, but if I do it's just whatever's stuck in my head at the moment. I think the last song I sang in the shower was Bridge of Light from Happy Feet 2 (not very well lol).
25. Do you have any piercings or tattoos? Are there any that you want?
My ✨fear of needles✨ has prevented me from getting any piercings/tattoos. I don't think I'll ever get any, but if I did I would like earrings.
33. Headphones or earbuds?
Headphones; for the noise-blocking qualities.
35. Describe your favorite stuffed animal, either now or from when you were a kid.
I have too many stuffed animals to choose one favorite! Of course I have my orange cat that I sleep with, along with a whole plethora of creatures along the wall on my bed, and more in my wooden chest. Some of them include a giant owl that my granny got me, a patchwork snake with sparkly eyes, a blue-footed booby (I know, I know, the name is funny, it's just a bird though) that I got because I donated to the World Wildlife Fund, and the roadrunner from Looney Tunes that my dad won from a claw machine for me.
47. Do you like to go on walks?
YES! Walking is one of my favorite things to do on nice days. I like to bring my camera along sometimes and take pics of birds and plants.
49. What’s your favorite thing to do when it’s raining?
Watch a movie or read a book, depending on how I'm feeling (if I watch a movie, it's usually one of my comfort movies). I also like to have a warm drink with me.
Thank you for all the asks! These were fun to answer!
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clairethecutepup · 2 years
Puppy Eyes and Doll Eyes (pg. 5)
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First, disclaimers: we all know Ed Edd n' Eddy doesn't belong to me, and the "Assassin AU" of the series is by "C2ndy2c1d". Secondly, it's recommended you zoom into the image for better quality, however possible. For more about this piece and my thoughts, click the "read more" below.
I decided to try my hand at writing the letters, instead of simply typing them out. I also went a little more free-handed with the speech bubbles. True, it doesn't look as "professional" now, but I'm able to fit more words in and it has more "personality," I guess is the right word? I think I'll keep doing so.
Luckily for Claire, it seems Sarah and Jimmy had their fill of fun... this time around. Hopefully, they're not as rough with the pup next time, but I'm not holding my breath. At least we can give them that they seem to know when to give it a rest and do seem to avoid actually harming the kid. … Well, physically, anyhow. Let's just say, Claire's capable of avoiding provoking Sarah into the usual violent rage-- and preventing any physical wrath on Jimmy's end also, given that he's supposed to be stronger and a fighter in this universe.
Interestingly enough, Sarah's treatment of Claire is inspired by how I'd imagine she'd be as an older sister than younger one. Personally, I think it'd be worse than YOU being the older one in the sibling relationship... At least Ed had the advantage of being able to intimidate Sarah when angry enough, since she likely knew someone bigger (and therefore stronger) than her would do a worse number on her than she could on them, if they really wanted to.
There'd likely be NO matter of fighting back if you're the younger sibling: she can still threaten to tell on you ("I'll tell Mom you were trouble while I watched you!"), she'd be even smarter against you because she'd have more years/experience under her belt, and she could beat you into an even worse state of bruises and broken bones! I mean, bigger and thus stronger, right? I'm sure a younger Ed, despite him still being physically strong, would've easily gotten curb-stomped the moment he screamed at Sarah in "Little Ed Blue," if SHE were the bigger and older one... At the very least, maybe Sarah could end up being a little more protective and nice at times, since there's that older sibling responsibility then? Still probably not worth being stuck in that position, though...
Of course, Jimmy tends to follow Sarah's lead, so Claire shouldn't exactly plan for him to be any nicer. Sorry, kiddo, you'd need extremities like bleeding out on the ground, or being a bothersome and complete sobbing mess to get treated a bit more pleasantly. Well, what else can ya expect, when you're essentially a literal living toy to the duo: a dolly and plushie combined? At least Claire can have the relief of knowing they wouldn't kill/maim her, and that it's not personal because you just know this duo will happily turn ANYONE into a living toy. How many times, now, have I mentioned the duo's main weaponization of acupuncture-- which is about manipulating muscles and the like-- and fan art like this?
I mean, I guess they COULD actually care about the kid, but only they'd know for sure.
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bookclubwithmyself · 2 years
Sense and Sensibility Chapters 2, 3
I've decided to post about a couple chapters at a time, since that's how I read. Also, if anyone else happens to also be reading this book or just finished it, feel free to share you thoughts; I'd love to hear them!
Chapter 2:
I kinda think Mrs. John Dashwood is a bitch for convincing her husband not to give his sisters money. Like I get it, because I also love having a bunch of money, but he made a promise to his father, so... Also she's acting like it will throw their son into poverty if he gives anything of material value to his sisters, but couldn't Harry get a job? Honestly every character in this book would be a lot nicer if they weren't weird snobs who think getting a job is shameful.
Chapter 3:
It's been 6 months at this point. Mrs John Dashwood has a brother, Edward Ferrars. Edward and Elinor like each other. It sounds like Edward is not particularly interesting or handsome or good at anything, but, he likes Elinor and is less snooty than his sister, which seems to make him likeable to Elinor and her mother. I guess another thing that Elinor likes about him is that he is "quiet and unobtrusive". I get that. Those qualities have never made me romantically interested in someone yet, but I have often appreciated them. I'm pretty sure I've actually said those exact words, usually followed by "like you could read a book in the same room as them". Marianne also has an interesting line when talking about Edward; "I could not be happy with a man whose taste did not in every point coincide with my own". I used to think like that. I recently found a list in an old notebook that I made in gradeschool, it described my ideal lover (used here as a gender neutral term for person I date. Obviously in gradeschool I was not having or attempting sex). Some of the things were your typical good personality traits, but others were that they needed to be into X-Men, or a particular book series I was really into at the time. Another was that they cannot like country music. Honestly I still partly stand by that one. If someone regularly listens to shitty country, they are not the one for me. I still think it would be nice if my lover is into the same things as me, but I don't view it as absolutely necessary anymore. It's enough for them to let me go on interest-rants to them. After all, I can always find friends to nerd out with. Honestly now that I am thinking about it, it would be ideal to have a different lover for each section of my personality/interests. that would be wild. I digress. Marianne also says "the more I know of the world, the more I am convince I shall never see a man whom I can really love. I require so much!" So relatable. Like I don't want to lower my standards, but also don't want to be forever alone. What a predicament. Also it's still not specified how old Marianne is, but it is younger than 17.
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