#like the scott jimmy confrontation there
thetomorrowshow · 1 year
hubris killed the god - ch 4
First Part
cw: body horror, discussion of death, violence, general apocalypse setting
Scott doesn’t get the full story until two days later, sitting around the campfire outpost as the sun sets. fWhip and Shelby are there with him—Jimmy’s on dinner duty, and Gem’s helping Katherine get settled in (though Scott’s fairly sure they’re actually just catching up and gossiping, having been invited to one or two of their late-night gossip sessions in days past).
“It was . . .  one of their fights,” fWhip says carefully. He shrugs, glancing around as if Jimmy’s going to appear behind him and dispute his words. “You know how they were. Volatile. And—well, it escalated. And Jimmy . . .  Joel ended up dead.”
“He won’t tell us how,” Shelby puts in. “But he killed Joel, and whatever curse Joel left behind turned his body into those . . . things.”
“Gem said that Jimmy came to her, a mess over it,” fWhip says. “He just let his anger get out of hand. He didn’t mean to.”
“If he didn’t mean to, he wouldn’t have killed him,” Shelby says, sing-song.
fWhip grimaces. “Well, we can disagree on that. The point is, Joel is dead, and his, uh, remains turned into the apocalypse. They multiply somehow, they feed on death, and . . . that’s about it. I do know that Jimmy’s still beating himself up over the whole thing, so don’t . . . don’t be too harsh.”
“Because if you are, he’ll kick you out.”
“For the last time, Jimmy didn’t kick Lizzie out!” fWhip says, turning to Shelby. “He didn’t—look, Scott,” he says, turning back. “Lizzie . . . she was close with Joel, you know, in some weird way, and she was really upset with Jimmy over it and the way he’s trying to move on. She decided she’d rather leave than stay here with him in charge.”
Scott pokes a stick at the small fire. “Did Lizzie have my room at the inn?” he asks, thinking of the note and the mouse toy that he placed on his bedside table.
“Yeah,” fWhip says. “She packed up and left about a week before we got you. Shelby went out on foot to check on Katherine the very next day.”
“I never made it,” Shelby says offhandedly. “By the time I reached the bridge, there were just . . . so many. I lost my voice, and I was so tired. . . .”
fWhip rubs her arm, and she leans into the touch, eyes far away. It’s a stark contrast to their arguing of moments ago, and while Scott can’t understand finding comfort in someone you’re at odds with, he at least agrees with fWhip’s instinctive touch-turned-hug. He would’ve done the same, his comfort-friend instinct going haywire.
“So . . . what’s next?” Scott asks after a moment. “We can’t just . . . Sanctuary’s getting smaller every day. We can’t just sit here.”
“I guess we ask Jimmy,” fWhip shrugs. Shelby rolls her eyes.
Jimmy? But—they all know what Jimmy’s done, now, they all know this is his fault. Why on earth have they been letting him lead this whole time?
“Wait, we’re still trusting him to be in charge?” says Scott, glancing between them. “He—he killed someone. He started this!”
fWhip sighs. Shelby looks away, her foot tapping against the dirt.
“Jimmy’s a good leader,” fWhip says. “Leaders sometimes make poor choices. And—and I know, killing someone is a very poor choice,” fWhip adds before Scott can speak, “but he has our best interests at heart. I promise that he won’t hurt any of us. But he’s the only one who stepped up to be leader, and he’s the best one we could ask for.”
Shelby shrugs. “I don’t like him, but he is good at what he does.”
fWhip leans his head on Shelby's shoulder, and, surprisingly, she leans back.
And then it clicks for Scott.
He’s been compartmentalizing since day one—packing away his grief and separating it from his everyday functions and feelings. He doesn’t have time to wallow. If they end up in a place where it’s safe, where he can finally rest and process everything, then he will. But he doesn’t have time to consider all the terrible things that happened. He has to survive.
That’s the attitude everyone is taking, apparently. They can deal with the horrible actions Jimmy has taken after they’re in the clear. They can fight amongst themselves, split off into friendships again, when everything is safe.
Shelby and fWhip may be at odds, but they find comfort in each other because there is no one else. Jimmy may have caused the apocalypse, but he’s also the only one who can lead.
Scott can even see why one might consider Lizzie’s decision to leave as weakness. She had allowed her emotions to blend with her logical thinking, instead of separating the two functions like everyone else has attempted.
Scott can’t blame Lizzie for her choices, of course, and he doesn’t think anyone can—if she truly felt like she couldn’t accept Jimmy as a leader, it may have been better for her to go out alone rather than push back against everyone else.
And this brand of compartmentalizing is messy. fWhip spends half his time looking so nervous Scott’s afraid he might bite through his lip, and Gem had stared blankly at a cut the day before for a good thirty seconds before Scott reminded her to get a bandage. Jimmy embarks on possible suicide missions to rescue every person possible with almost zero regards for his own safety.
While Jimmy’s choices in that regard may not be so sound, they do keep up morale. Scott can imagine that tomorrow, Jimmy will begin plans to look for Pix. Jimmy’s so determined to save everyone, even if they’re beyond help, and it’s reckless but it’s worth it to see the relief on everyone’s faces when yet another person is home safe.
And Jimmy knows that. He is a good leader, after all.
“So, Pix,” Scott says aloud. “Are we going for him next?”
fWhip bites his lip. “Well, we haven’t seen anything of that guy—but his catacombs are sealed. Gem has this theory that he shut himself in, and the crawlies can’t get in. The problem is us getting in. Jimmy didn’t like our chances.”
“I bet there’s coal,” Shelby says suddenly, straightening. “Pix has tons of stuff, right? And lots of supplies down in the catacombs.”
“False said she’s got enough fuel for maybe five more trips,” Scott recalls. “We definitely need more.”
And perhaps, most importantly, Scott doesn’t know what to do next.
Once everyone is rescued, what is there to do? What happens when there’s no one else to save?
Rescuing Pix gives them a purpose, a goal. Something to put off the questions of continuing a bit later.
Jimmy probably realizes that, as good a leader as he is. He’s probably already started formulating a plan.
“No,” Jimmy tells them the next morning, when they gather in the chapel as usual. Before anyone can protest, he continues.
“We haven’t seen anything of Pix since this all started. There’s been no signs of life in the observations and fly-overs we’ve done. Those catacombs are just too much of a risk.”
“That’s a stupid excuse,” Shelby says bluntly, and judging by the expressions of everyone around the table, Scott thinks that they all mostly agree with her.
Jimmy sighs, rubs his eyes. He looks exhausted—Scott had woken him for second watch the night before, and he’s not sure that Jimmy’s slept since.
“Look, I know it’s not ideal,” he says, and there’s something in Jimmy’s voice that’s almost begging for them to understand his reasoning. Which would serve to endear Scott to him, except his reasons suck. “We’ve barely got enough fuel for it as it is. Every day, there’s more of those varmints around—and I’m sure they multiplied like rabbits up in Stratos—and if we get stuck in those catacombs, there’s no getting out. We—we’d die in there, just like Pix probably has. I’m sorry, but we can’t.”
Silence. Scott glances around—fWhip and Gem are sharing a Look, False is brooding over a cup of coffee, Sausage isn’t here, Katherine’s glaring at the floor, and Shelby’s just leaning back in her chair, arms crossed. She huffs.
“First of all, Pix probably stockpiled a bunch of coal—” she starts, but Jimmy cuts her off with a raise of his hand.
“Shelby, no,” he says firmly. “I don’t do this often, but I’m in charge, and I’m making an executive decision right now. The Sheriff says no, all right?”
And with those words, Jimmy stands up, shoves his hat onto his head, and leaves.
The rest of them finish breakfast silently, avoiding eye contact with one another.
Scott doesn’t quite know how to feel about it. Well, other than he thinks that Jimmy’s wrong. That’s pretty much a given, but he just isn’t confrontational enough to know whether this is enough of an injustice to fight about it.
The others seem to think there’s a genuine chance that Pix might be all right, but if he’s locked himself in his catacombs, he probably doesn’t have much in the way of supplies. There’s no guarantee that he hasn’t already starved to death, and no guarantee that he’ll have coal.
If it’s just rescuing Pix and gaining no other benefits, is it worth the risk?
Yes, Scott decides immediately. It is worth the risk, because Pix is another human being stuck in this horrible ending, and they ought to be doing everything they can to rescue everyone possible.
Scott can’t stop thinking about that as he heads back to his room and tidies it up. He’d never been a hero—he can remember abandoning tour guides in ancient temples once or twice—but Pix is his friend. Pix is a person, out there, on his own. They have the ability to help, and are choosing not to.
So when he’s done making his bed, the first thing he does is track down fWhip.
“I mean . . . if Jimmy thinks it’s too much of a risk, I’m with him,” fWhip says awkwardly when Scott asks him what he thinks. “He’s not usually wrong about how to handle this kind of thing.”
“He was wrong about how to handle Joel,” Scott points out. fWhip grimaces.
“Well, yeah. But since then, he’s had a pretty good track record. Pix is a great guy, and we need all the help we can get . . . but if Jimmy says no, I say no.”
“Of course I think we should go for Pix,” says Shelby, as Scott trails along beside her on a perimeter sweep. He tugs her away by her sleeve when she almost passes through the border, then marks the new line (because of course it’s changed, by about five inches here) with a little stack of rocks. “I know what it’s like to be out there alone, sure that no one will ever find you. It’s—it’s scary, Scott. We should go for him.”
“You don’t think it’s too dangerous?”
“We all have to make sacrifices,” Shelby says gravely. “I don’t want to trade lives or anything, but we need Pix’s smarts. If anyone can figure out a way to get out of here, he can.”
“Who’s to say he hasn’t already made it out?” False inquires, kicking back in her chair. “If anyone could, it’d be me or Pix. Maybe he has some secret portal tucked away in there.”
“So . . . you think we shouldn’t look for him?”
False shrugs. “I don’t know, Scott. I mean, what’s one person at the end of the world?”
And that’s exactly the question, isn’t it?
“Scott, I’m kind of in the middle of something—”
“I just want to know what you think,” Scott says. Gem sighs, backing away from the beehive before removing her gloves.
“I think the Sheriff’s right,” she says simply. “I don’t like it, but I understand. I’ve thought about it for a while, and it’s the choice I would make. We don’t have the fuel to spare—what if we need to relocate before we can sail out to Joey? We have to conserve what we can.”
“I don’t know,” says Katherine. She runs her whetstone along the blade of her axe a couple more times before continuing. “There’s a lot of risk there for what could possibly be no reward.”
“If we knew for sure that Pix was alive, would that change your answer?”
“Honestly . . . if there’s any chance he’s alive, I’d say go for him, of course.” Katherine sets down the whetstone. “There’s a lot of unknowns, but even if it’s just—recovering his body, it’s worth it. If Jimmy changes his mind, I’m down to go. I hate just sitting around.”
“Why wouldn’t we go rescue Pix?” Sausage asks, eyes wide, and that’s all the answer Scott needs.
Most of them end up around the campfire that night, for some reason. Katherine’s out patrolling in the night—Scott can occasionally catch a glimpse of her lantern bobbing up and down far away—and the rest of them (bar Sausage, of course) are sitting out, deliberately not meeting each others’ eyes.
Maybe they’re all here because they know something’s got to give. The tension has been building all day, and someone must’ve let Jimmy know that Scott had been going around to everyone and asking their thoughts, because Jimmy hasn’t so much as looked at Scott in hours.
Was it wrong of Scott to go behind Jimmy’s back and gather support against him? It’s not mutiny, probably—he’s not trying to shake Jimmy from his position as leader, as ill-gotten as it may be. He’s just trying to change his mind, sway him into something more reasonable.
Maybe it is time for another leader, though. He still hasn’t had the time to confront Jimmy’s deeds, to process any of it. He may never have that time. But just because he’s good at it doesn’t necessarily mean he should lead.
Not that Scott wants the position. Not that he can think of anyone more suitable.
Right, as long as Jimmy makes reasonable decisions, he’s a fine leader. Everyone else is here to keep him accountable, not blindly obey. There doesn’t need to be any mutiny.
Jimmy sighs, breaking the silence and interrupting Scott’s rambling thoughts.
“Right. You’re all here about the whole Pix thing, aren’t you?”
Gem looks away. fWhip worries his lip between his sharp teeth. Shelby taps her fingers against her arm.
None of them are going to speak. Of course they aren’t. They’re not cowards, but Scott sort of started this, didn’t he? He’s the one who went around and asked everyone’s thoughts. It’s time to put his money where his mouth is.
“Some of us think we should . . . reopen the discussion,” Scott says carefully. Jimmy finally looks at him. He looks even more tired than he did this morning—the shadows under his eyes are clear even against the dark night, the firelight throwing the lines on his face into stark, haggard relief.
“I know,” Jimmy says. “I know. But I really don’t appreciate y’all talking about this behind my back. Scott, fWhip told me you’ve been going around to everyone all day, asking if they think I’m wrong.”
He shouldn’t have gone to fWhip. Not that—not that this is something that he meant to keep a secret, but Jimmy clearly isn’t happy about it. And fWhip is a snitch.
Scott holds strong. “Yeah, well, the majority of us think that it’s worth the risk. If Pix is alive, he deserves just as much of a chance at help as I did.”
“I know you think you’re being all noble,” Jimmy says acerbically, “but really, Scott. You’re smarter than this. Pix’s tombs have only got the one way in. If we go in, and there’s nothing and no one, those critters will close off our escape. You saw the way they swarmed up Stratos—it’ll be that but times ten. And Pix hasn’t even shown any sign of life!” Jimmy shakes his head doggedly. “No. I’ve tried explaining my decision to you. I wouldn’t choose wrong on something like this. Trust me.”
And really, Scott should’ve dropped it then. He should’ve walked away, understood that he was poking the bear here, that Jimmy was sleep-deprived and annoyed and fed-up with his authority being questioned.
But the absolute indignation he feels at Jimmy telling him he wouldn’t ‘choose wrong’ when it came to someone’s life cannot be ignored.
Scott laughs. “Trust you?” he says, incredulous. “I—Jimmy, excuse me for not trusting you, especially after you lied to me for days!”
“I—I didn’t lie!” Jimmy sputters. “I—I just didn’t tell the full truth, there’s a difference! And you never asked, so I figured—”
“I didn’t know there was anything to ask about! I didn’t find out until two days ago what those things even are, let alone why they’re here! You’d think that if you killed someone and it caused—”
Jimmy stands up, his holster belt sliding off his knee and onto the log he’d been sitting on. Gem gasps a little bit; fWhip buries his face in his hands, ears flapping down.
“Scott,” Jimmy says, his voice low and hands clenched into fists at his sides, “I need you to leave right now.”
Scott stands as well, tossing his coat to the side. “Right,” he laughs derisively. “As soon as you get a little criticism, you blow up over it.”
“How about we all just calm down, maybe go to bed,” fWhip suggests, dropping his hands.
“How am I supposed to sleep knowing that we’re being led by an idiot?” Scott says snidely.
“I’m not the bad guy, Scott!” Jimmy says. “I’m trying to lead this group, I’m trying to keep us alive!”
“Keep us alive? Jimmy—”
“I’m in charge because I’m the only one willing to make these choices,” Jimmy says, words echoing angrily in the night. “You want to try it? You want everyone’s lives in your hands? I’m doing my best! I’m not the bad guy!”
Scott scoffs, flexing his fingers. He’s ready. Come at me. “You can’t say you’re not the bad guy when you’re the one who killed Joel, you started this—”
Jimmy tackles Scott, his hat flying off, sending them both to the ground with a thud. Scott gasps—all the air in his chest is just gone and Jimmy’s weight is crushing him—he shoves hard, rolls to be on top of Jimmy, hands scrabbling to pull and scratch at any part of him.
Jimmy rolls then as well, and Scott’s suddenly very aware of the burning heat beside him and shoves until they roll the other direction, away from the fire.
“Get him, Scott!” Shelby cheers, while fWhip wails and yells for them to stop, but all Scott can hear is the blood pounding in his ears and all he can feel is—Jimmy doesn’t have the right, he doesn’t have the right to declare who lives and who dies and Scott’s going to defend his friends even if that means hurting one of them—
Scott hits him hard in the mouth, anger boiling over, and Jimmy actually yells in frustration or pain (Scott can’t tell which one) before pounding the heels of his fists against Scott’s head, which throws him off-balance and hurts—
“Stop—I said, stop!”
Scott freezes at Sausage’s voice (as does Jimmy under him), scrambles up off of Jimmy and scoots back to look at him. Jimmy groans, pulls himself to his feet.
Sausage is there, illuminated by the fire, arms crossed as he looms over them. He isn’t wearing shoes, his hair is still sleep-mussed, and one of his sleeves is half-rolled up and fraying at the end.
He’s the most intimidating figure Scott’s ever seen, and he manages to feel a sudden burst of shame. What was he thinking, wrestling with Jimmy like that? They’re supposed to be adults.
“I can’t believe this!” Sausage declares, glaring at the both of them. “You guys are being too disruptive, I’m trying to pray!”
Jimmy spits angrily on the ground, and Scott’s shame fades for a moment of vicious pleasure as he sees that Jimmy’s lip is sluggishly bleeding.
“She’s dead, Sausage!” Jimmy snarls. 
The air goes cold in the late summer night. Everything seems to freeze. Jimmy doesn’t stop.
“Your god is dead! They’re all dead—every single one of ‘em, dead as Pix is. We’re alone here in this damned world, and I know it for a fact—because when I killed the last god, I begged for forgiveness and there was no one to hear my prayers. They’re all dead! Your Pearl is dead, all right?”
Silence. Scott doesn’t move. Nobody moves.
Jimmy laughs bitterly, looking around at each of their shadowed faces.
“And you know what? If Pix were here, he’d agree with me. So you can go back to praying to your dead god, Sausage, in there day-in and day-out blabbering uselessly to thin air and dust. I’m gonna try and do something worthwhile! I’m gonna try and save us! Hate me all you want—you know I’m right.”
And with that, Jimmy swings his holster belt over his shoulder and storms off into the night, the fire flickering behind him.
The next day passes uneasily. Scott avoids Jimmy, embarrassed by his outburst last night (and maybe, just a little bit, still fiercely righteously angry). fWhip avoids Scott. And Jimmy avoids absolutely everybody.
That is, until midafternoon, when a scream comes from the border.
Scott hears it from his place in the inn kitchen, rummaging around looking for something to prepare for dinner. He drops the loaf of bread he’d pulled from the shelf and runs—it has to be an infection, there’s only been two since he got here but both times they’d been an emergency and traumatizing and that scream had sounded awfully like Shelby—
Sure enough, Shelby’s standing at the border, but the reason for her distress is made immediately clear.
Scott stops in his tracks, almost frozen in shock. Gem and fWhip, exiting the church not far away, halt before they get more than a step out the door, fWhip’s hands over his mouth. Katherine, running in, stops so suddenly she nearly falls over.
“Hi, guys!” Oli says brightly. His smile is a little bit too wide. A black, fuzzy thing crawls over his lips.
Scott swallows back the shriek that tries to issue from his own lips.
Oli is. . . .
He should definitely be dead.
Should being the keyword.
There’s—Scott can count at least six mites attached to him. There’s one on his shoulder—his shoulder is bare, his puffy shirt torn, and the skin is blackened and almost gooey where the mite is stuck like a leech. One or two circle his dirty stockings, there’s definitely one in his hair, and as Scott watches, unable to tear his eyes away, a particularly tiny one squeezes its way out of his nostril.
He’s going to be sick. Scott’s going to be sick. He’s going to throw up right here and right now, because Oli shouldn’t be here, skin oozing and covered in those things. He should be dead.
The not-dead (or, not-yet-dead) Oli, who is very much here when he oughtn’t be, sighs and sets his hands on his hips. “Well, isn’t anyone going to let a poor boy in? Where’s Sausage? Where’s my Sausage?”
“He’s not here,” Scott forces himself to say when nobody speaks. His voice cracks on the first word; no one calls him out on it. Shelby looks like she’s in shock, still barely a meter from Oli. Gem’s muttering something under her breath that Scott can’t quite hear but sounds like either a prayer or a curse. They’re quite similar, after all.
There’s a crowd gathering. Townsfolk coming to see what’s wrong, gasping and whispering and making horrified sounds.
“You need to go away,” fWhip finally says, bounding forward a couple of steps and making a shooing motion with his hands before bouncing back. “Get out.”
Oli sticks out his bottom lip. “Now is that any way to treat a guest? I’ll just—”
They all make movements forward as Oli sets a foot beyond the border. Scott can’t let him in, he can’t let him bring death here so soon—
Oli pauses, though, makes a face that seems to imply the air is a bit awkward for what he’s going to say. “Erm, can you take down this fancy forcefield . . . thing?” he asks. “My little friends can’t get through, see.”
Nobody says a word. Scott barely dares to breathe. They can’t just—can they just leave him here? They can’t, right?
But they can’t let him in.
And then, with the familiar sound of boots pounding into dirt, Jimmy appears.
To his credit, Jimmy takes in the scene with nothing more than mild horror, before his face softens into something kind and he slowly approaches the border, and by association Oli. Shelby takes a few shaky steps back, but Scott steps forward. Whatever Jimmy tells Oli, he wants to hear it. Even as . . . unpleasant as being up close is, Scott notes, eyes catching on the mite on Oli’s shoulder as it literally burrows further into his flesh.
“Jimmy! What’s going on here, king?”
“Nothing much,” Jimmy says easily, posture relaxed and a bit of a smile on his face. Scott can’t help it, he’s impressed. For all he’s said and done, Jimmy is very good at being a leader—and by extent, keeping the peace.
“Well, why—why—why won’t you all let me in, huh?”
“Oli, we can’t let you in.”
Oli’s face falls. “Why not?”
Up close, Scott can see moist blackness under Oli’s chin, the frame of his jaw appearing to have a spongy texture. He wonders, morbidly, if he pressed it would it sink in?
“Oli, there’s a bit of a bad thing going on right now,” Jimmy says, his voice still soothing and calm. “There’s an evil in this world.”
“Well, well, that’s not good!” Oli says. “Have you seen this evil?”
Jimmy’s eyes linger on the mite burrowed in Oli’s hair. “Yes,” he says. “But—we need eyes on the ground, yeah?”
Oli’s mouth goes wide like an ‘O’, and Scott actually has to press his hand to his mouth to hold back the bile that rises. His tongue is black and slimy and decaying, and he thinks there might be a mite in his mouth—which would explain the swollen cheek.
“You want me to be like a spy!” Oli says excitedly. “Why of course, king! I’ll report back next week, yeah?”
“Yeah,” says Jimmy. “Next week. See you then.”
Somehow, it works. Oli waves cheerily at them all (nobody so much as moves), then hops off in the opposite direction, singing something loudly as he leaves.
Jimmy turns back to the crowd, face ashen. His voice trembles just slightly when he speaks. “Do you still want to go after Pix?”
A moment’s hesitation. fWhip’s actually crying, Scott realizes, a couple of fat tears rolling down his green cheeks. Gem looks like she’ll never forget the image of Oli as long as she lives.
Scott won’t, either. He still feels like he’s one wrong move from vomiting. And now, after seeing exactly what the mites do to someone, he doesn’t know how he can even justify looking for Pix. If Pix is like that, he’s not sure he’d be able to bear it.
His llamas had been ill, and in so much pain when the darkness took them. He doesn’t want to see any more of his friends like that.
But can he really leave Pix to that fate?
“Yes. We want to go for him,” Katherine says firmly, as even Shelby looks doubtful. She meets Jimmy’s gaze with hard determination in her eyes. “Everyone deserves help. Everyone deserves a chance. We can’t just choose to sacrifice someone else to keep ourselves safe.”
Shelby looks away.
“What about Oli?” asks Jimmy, gesturing behind him.
“Oli’s already gone,” Katherine says. She shakes her head. “That wasn’t Oli. That was . . . whatever shadow is left of him. We don’t know if Pix is gone yet.” Then, something almost pleading in her voice, she says, “We can’t let that happen to him.”
Scott sees the precise moment Jimmy relents. He holds her gaze for a moment, heavy and determined and still a little angry, before his shoulders slump.
“Fine,” says Jimmy. He waves a hand wearily. “We set out for Pix in two days. Start preparing.”
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shepards-folly · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Sleeping still, are you dead? Do you want to be, is that all that's left?
[Lyrics in the art are from Necromancer by Joy Again. The caption is from Winter Snakes by Joy Again]
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coldstormyday · 1 year
I feel like we don't talk enough about how bonkers the 'Judge Judy and Executioner' frog plotline was in Limited Life, which was almost entirely contained within Bigb, Pearl and Jimmy's POVs.
. Bigb gifting Jimmy a special Grandmaster frog which leads to bitter regret and sadness from all the frogs at Frog Mountain, a sacred place where Bigb goes to commune with magic little froggy guys
. Pearl 100% buying in to the plan to take Judge Judy and Executioner back and leaving a decoy, causing classic Jimmy disbelief where he does the '>:0' face repeatedly in his facecam
. Jimmy employing Scott to help find the frog at the Nosy Neighbour tower while Bigb and Pearl are frantically shoving JJ&E down a dank cave hole
. Pearl accidently spiking the frog straight into a ravine like a dropped beanbag and desperately trying to cover it up while Bigb and Jimmy weep openly in the background
. Jimmy confronting the Neighbours while Pearl (definitely not Lizzie stop asking) has no concept of who Judge Judy and Executioner is, only for both to fall down a trap due to Bread Boy number 3 who cannot stop pushing buttons out of boredom
. Jimmy dying again after killing Loggy the Llama (also why did the 'Loggy time' joke make me wheeze so hard- comedy gold I tell you) by moonwalking directly into a pufferfish trap while monologuing
TLDR: I cherish Bigb, Pearl and Jimmy's videos for bringing us the best plotpoint of Limited Life. Sometimes the Life Series can be poignant and deep, and sometimes it's just about a frog who was loved so dearly and fell so hard.
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cryptidorchid · 2 months
Girl, help, I'm seeing symbolism in an improv series where there is none. Anyway, does anyone want to hear about how both Scott and Pearl tamed a wolf in their first episode of Double Life and how those wolves pretty solidly represent their relationship with each other?
Pearl's wolf, Tilly, is the first one she tamed. Scott's wolf is actually the second pet he tamed and did so after the first one, a bird, died. See a similarity to their partnership in Double Life? Pearl was Scott's second partner. Scott was Pearl's first.
Scott gets his wolf relatively early on and has it with him when searching for Martyn and Pearl. He mentions the possibility of leaving it behind once, after it bites Cleo when he hits her to test if they were soulmates. Later, it bites Cleo again and Scott mentions that it keeps doing this and Cleo calls it a bad dog. At which point, Scott actually leaves it behind and decides to team with Cleo instead of his soulmate. [The dog biting Cleo isn't kept in Scott's perspective but on the way to Jimmy, the dog just disappears without explanation and as soon as they leave Jimmy, Scott's like "do we even need our soulmates?"] Like, the symbolism of Scott choosing Cleo over Pearl is very obvious.
On Pearl's side, Pearl tames her dog as soon as she comes up to the surface and thus has a chance of finding her soulmate. And then she left it behind when she went to the Nether, symbolizing that Pearl is neglecting her relationship with her soulmate by going to the Nether. She gets the dog back when she comes back from the Nether. But then Pearl gets rejected at the end of episode 1 and the dog dies at the start of episode 2. More symbolism about the relationship dying for Pearl once she was rejected in episode 1 or perhaps once she decided that she was mad at him and she didn't want to reconcile in episode 2. Either way, the dog (and the relationship) dies in episode 2.
Scott's dog on the other hand is not dead. After talking to Pearl, he goes to get it back and takes it home. And he doesn't interact with it much. Doesn't even name it. But he does keep it on his porch.
And I think that fits with Scott in general seeming to express more willingness to mend their relationship than Pearl does. Scott says he needs time to be friends with Pearl again, he calls their 1st confrontation in the 2nd episode couples therapy, Scott implies that he'd be willing to be friends with Pearl if she stopped being "unhinged" (powdered snow + forcefully moving in), he suggests working through their issues. Scott gives the impression that, as put off by her as he is now, he does want to make up with Pearl eventually. 
In comparison, despite Pearl forcing herself into his life, Pearl does not seem to be entertaining the idea of making up. Despite complaining about them not wanting to be friends with her, she passionately rejects the idea that she wants to be friends with Scott and Cleo when it’s brought up. She spends most of her time with them antagonizing them. Pearl just isn't really open to the idea of making up. Pearl's original dog is dead and Pearl having a new dog that she's calling the same name isn't changing that.
If I had to ascribe a meaning to the second Tilly, I'd call it an idealized version of her relationship with Scott. Like she doesn't just want her friend back, she wants a world in which the rejection never happened/couldn't happen. Which is why she's so antagonistic and unwilling to mend their relationship, because she wants the impossible and she can't have that so she's never going to be satisfied with their relationship.
And then they make an alliance and Scott brings over his dog to make puppies with Pearl's dog, symbolically showing the mending of their relationship. Except not really because Pearl's original dog is still dead so she tries to leave anyway while they were in that red life base. Pearl says it's for strategic reasons but I also think her decision was affected by an argument she had with Scott beforehand where Pearl says she forgives Scott for abandoning her and Scott rejects her forgiveness because he doesn't feel guilty about what he did. And that feels like what Pearl wishes her relationship with Scott was like is coming into conflict with what it's actually like. 
And they part on bittersweet terms in that moment, not as angry as they would've been earlier. Pearl still has their dogs' puppies with her. And then Pearl uses those puppies to kill Cleo in a fun callback to the reason Scott left that dog behind in the first place! But Scott leaves his dog in the red life base for good. And Tilly dies. 
And I feel like from this lens, the ending feels kind of bittersweet in the sense that the two of them have given up on ever getting back the relationship they used to have but on the other hand, they can also see and appreciate each other for who they are now. Even though he wishes she would put more effort into their relationship, Scott can appreciate the work and effort she's put into their survival so he wants to give her the win. And likewise, Pearl can appreciate the kindness Scott's willing to give her rather than focus on what he won't give her. Which is why she acknowledges that he did that for her and says she forgives him at the end.
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It feels like a majority of Life Series fans cannot handle anyone but like 5 people having genuine impact on the series or doing well. Everyone is impressed by Grian’s Quad kill but then you see people saying they should remove Scott for being “to good”. If Joel or Jimmy do well it gets celebrated (as it should be) but when Pearl or Gem do it’s either ignored, minimized, or they actively get hate for it. It’s so consistent it’s fucking exhausting. Confront your internalized misogyny and homophobia or shut the fuck up at this point. Also stop boiling Lizzie down to the men around her to while your fucking at it.
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tubbytarchia · 5 months
Jimmy X Life thoughts
This is long (ft. fWhip and Scott and Joel)
TLDR: its all kinda cute but then devolves into Jimmy misery anyway even though he has done nothing
Jimmy's really cute builds??? to lure you in
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Obligatory: I only talk about characters
X Life is a goddamn fever dream lol, following are some jumbled thoughts that I've divided into "Jimmy", ""fWhip and Joel", "Jeremyism" and "Scott" thoughts (all in relation to Jimmy). Shoutout to my friend for liveblogging and discussing together with me and pointing out some stuff I missed or better than I could
-- Jimmy thoughts
Jimmy's actually relatively happy within this series, at least at the beginning, and there is no significant "bullying Jimmy" kind of culture thing in place here, even though chronologically this series came after and partially ran at the same time as Legacy where it was very prevelant. They even hold a 100K milestone ceremony for him and it's very cute. Namely though fWhip and Joel treat him very nicely, he even has many really cute interactions with Scott!! I'm not gonna talk about shipping past this one statement but as someone who hasn't liked fWhimmy till now and finds Flower Husbands really interesting but not always healthy, it was... Really relieving to see both of those duos be really cute for me personally. But in spite of this there's still, sigh, a lot of Jimmisery...
Pretty early on, he decides on this thing "Whoever is nice to me gets a stack of diamonds" like, my sweet cheese.... You don't need to give people so much just for being nice to you.... your bank account is in constant ruin!! Lizzie also mods in coffee stuff specifically for him and Jimmy proclaims that any profits he makes from his coffee shops he will split with Lizzie as a thanks... he's so sweet stop it
Near the beginning he's way more assertive than I've grown used to. There's a point where Scott is waiting for him and he can SEE Scott in the distance but then just strolls the shopping district while Scott tells him to hurry up only for Jimmy to mostly ignore him. Another exchange between them goes S: "did I say you could use my villager?" and Jimmy replying "Did I say you could bring me a crab that'd then kill me? Didn't THINK SOOOO!!!". There's so many moments like this and it's so... it's so awesome to see. What changed.... Why can't there be more of this...
But then at some point he starts being harsh towards himself? He starts to call himself an idiot and starts proclaiming "I hate myself" for the most understandable little mishaps and things like?? Son?? He figures out how to make his advertisement poster bigger like everyone else's is and then when he does quickly figure it out all on his own he goes "I hate myself, I really do" WHAT'S THAT FOR. WHAT'S THAT FOR JIMMY!!!! Another moment to point out, Lizzie doing a friendship test thing and she already has pictures of 3 contestants. She calls Jimmy over for him to try and qualify, and when he sees the pictures he says that those look like smart people and he doesn't think he'll make it...
This isn't exclusive to X Life but him building stuff and calling it lovely and being easily excited at discovering the most basic building tricks, but then as soon as someone else is in the picture he immediately starts downplaying himself and calling his building bad...
At some point there's a war that Jimmy really wants to avoid but he gets roped into it by Jack blowing up Peekay's house (totally obliterated that thing) and framing Jimmy for it. Later when there's a confrontation, both he and Peekay clearly know it was Jack, but they fault Jimmy anyway, saying he's escalating things when he's just like. Standing there. Jimmy even ends up asking "what can I do for you to forgive me, for something I didn't do" like no stand your ground man!! You didn't do anything!! Man.... In the end he ends up rebuilding stuff for Jack (why Jack??? I dont know) and when Jack is the first person out of the series, in his Will he stated something along the lines of "I want Jimmy executed because he did a bad job rebuilding my things". And then Jimmy gets set on fire as everyone watches him burn to death. He didn't do anything!!!!!
There's a therapy session after this in which, when Gem asks him to open up, all he says is "Yesterday I woke up and was taken advantage of, that is all"
I think it's Peekay (could be wrong) who also utterly doused Jimmy's house in water as a prank but it... was awful lol. Jimmy's house ended up with lots of holes but at least he was all "I was gonna rebuild anyway". That peeved me so much though... For comparision, Scott pulled a prank on Jimmy where he rebuilt one of his rooms upside down (so kind of moved his furniture to the ceiling) but that's high effort and funny and causes less damage so that's all fair in my books. Good prank. The water dousing was not
He and Scott had a brief prank exchange, but the ONLY thing I can think of where Jimmy was knowingly, unjustifiably in the wrong, was when he cheated on an auction by bidding on a painting after the auction had closed. And even that is such a small offense!! Genuinely all the misery he was caused was just him being caught in the crossfire of other people's shit and it's... ough I don't want to say "he has never done anything wrong" because he totally has but BARELY. Why is it always like this... Hardly ever does he do anything that warrants the things that happen to him
Jimmy's also pretty if not really nice to the mobs, vanilla and modded. In his and Scott's shelter business, he brought in a hostile mob twice with the justification "hostile mobs deserve a home too!!" </3 dawh. He'd make mobs nice enclosures... But then he fucking HATES chickens. He kills them like nothing. Proclaims "I'll enjoy every second of this". Goes "I'll kill only a few of you..." and then kills 10 of them. Violently and instantly kills one stray chicken that escaped his enclosure as Lizzie watches on in horror with the two pandas she just helped bring over. It's kind of insane?? Why.... You're a rancher at heart, what's with the chicken slaughter.... My friend pointed to him canonically being compared to a chicken once. Do with that what you will. Oh also when he came dead last in a race, his immediate reaction upon finishing was to brutally kill his horse?????????? Jimmy??????????????????????????
ALSO he's a good builder?? A lot of people have expressed that Jimmy's building skills have been getting better but I beg to differ, his builds in this series are all really charming and cute? They're not very detailed but they're simplistic and I love it, he obviously has an eye for pleasant looking builds and I'm so SO sad we don't see this too much anymore... There's also a cute moment where he builds a roof out of dirt, says he'll replace it later but apparently his commenters really liked it so he kept it... That's so Jimmy....
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-- fWhip and Joel thoughts in relation to Jimmy
fWhip especially is almost (we'll get to that) undingly nice to Jimmy here, and I even felt bad for him in several instances related to Jimmy. Joel is more softspoken as he was in general 3 years ago, and was also almost (we'll get to that) totally nice to Jimmy. At some point they do a horse race and Jimmy comes in dead last but both he and fWhip cheer him on anyway. Joel says "well done Jimmy you nerd" but it's Joel so that counts as him being nice and awesome. It's also very cute that he was partially presenting Jimmy's 100K milestone ceremony, even if it was basically just him calling Jimmy a "wonderful creature" after, to quote my friend, almost vomiting on stage. But it's Joel so it counts
Joel also builds something for Jimmy at some point but whilst they're discussing what it should be like, they land on the word "broken" and Joel goes "broken, like you" and Jimmy replies "broken, like me" like????? Help me this was so early too. That came from NOWHERE. What????? Joel was nice otherwise though... except for one other moment
All three of them create a building business and do acknowledge and agree that Jimmy's not doing the hardest part (building) and doesn't get as much of the profit, seeing as he's just the receptionist. It's still a mostly happy businessship though. They get two bad reviews (from Scott and Peekay) because of Jimmy but all three of them in both instances ultimately agree that Jimmy wasn't at fault. Stuff like Joel taking down a bad review left on a sign saying "the customer isn't always right". Jimmy catches wind of a rumor at some point that he's being fired and when the awaited meeting happens, fWhip and Joel name him receptionist of the month instead, praising him for his hard work in advertising for the business and also making lots and lots of coffee (he's the only one who can even operate the coffee machine lmao. He's really proud of it too, it's very cute. He even keeps bringing it up in an effort for the other two to recognise his value before he gets the news he's anticipating). Jimmy even says "I'm glad that, yknow, you're seeing it. Cus sometimes. yknow. it's really hard for me to feel.. useful. like you guys are building spectacular things and I'm. I'm trying my best." he's genuinely so, so happy and sounds like he's on the brink of tears (claims to be as well)
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BUT SIKE PLOT TWIST because I hate myself I went to skim Joel's POV too and he and fWhip actually spoke to one of the other members about Jimmy being a bad receptionist, all "it's Jimmy, you know...". fWhip enforces this and Joel even says "Not to pass blame onto Jimmy but it's all his fault" after which the firing rumor starts to spread. And as far as I could tell, it's forever left ambiguous if they were genuine to any degree when they named him receptionist of the month and this will now keep me up at night. Did they genuinely think Jimmy was at fault in spite of encouraging him that he wasn't? Did they do what they did just to make Jimmy happy even if they believed him to be at fault? Or were they talking shit that one time for no reason...
Joel makes this religion "Jeremyism" to spite Scott (for renaming a bunch of his pets) which Jimmy is the first person to join and is pretty much undyingly devoted to till the very end in spite of the fever dream that spirals from it by the end...
Ignoring that one incident of Joel and fWhip bad-mouthing Jimmy, fWhip was very nice to him, throughout Jimmy's POV at least. I'd like to especially draw attention to fWhip trusting Jimmy to show some other members how to build some houses, like, awgh,,, finally some Jimmy building ability recognition!!! Good for you fWhip!!! They almost exclusively talked in relation to businesses though and at some point made a deal with Jimmy to join Jeremyism if Jimmy would come and basically just hang out with him in the jungle or go on a little adventure. This never happened though
Joel ends up giving up his position as the Jeremyism leader "for content" (??) to anyone who can complete his death obstacle course. Jimmy does, though unfairly by accident (Joel said it was fine though), but finds at the very end of it that someone has already reached this point before him, and of course it was Scott... Scott turns Jeremyism into a proper cult by enforcing rigid rules, his leadership and word, stating that you have to die in order to leave the cult, and his right hand Lizzie demands diamonds as offerings (none of this was a thing before). None of the members seem to be fans, but Joel and Jimmy especially voice and show discomfort, though Jimmy still quickly offers up his diamonds. fWhip fucking burns himself right there thus leaving the cult (king shit) and when he comes to the window from the outside to wave at them, Jimmy is quick to call him a "traitor" and tries to block the view with blocks (this is where I feel for fWhip who has been nothing but nice to Jimmy from Jimmy's POV). Joel makes pathetic attempts at killing Scott with an anvil (fails) and then killing himself (fails)
Gem and Kath put on a therapy session at some point which Jack, fWhip and Jimmy attend. Jimmy states not to want to talk to fWhip (which again hurts) and fWhip makes a subtle jab at Jimmy for never spending time with him in his jungle like he'd promised (totally justified). Jack also hits Jimmy for being part of Jeremyism right at the start, but then when he's jokingly drowning, Jimmy saves him, and he goes "you saved me!! :D". At the end, Jimmy tries to shoot bubbles (not damaging but a nuisance) at fWhip from a distance, at which fWhip starts to run at him to try to lasso him (lassoing a player puts them in a glitchy noclip dimension which they need to relog to get out of). They run around for awhile, fWhip eventually succeeds, Jimmy relogs and then Jack fucking murders fWhip. And then says "I did it for you" to Jimmy. Which, ok. Fast progression, a little insane... fWhip comes back and claims to feel great though. Jimmy pretty much leaves and runs off at this point and unfortunately he and fWhip never make up or have another nice interaction before the finale (I'm quite sure)
Joel uhh Joel just kinda fucks off lol he doesn't even die (Jimmy fills in Joel's grave anyway though)
-- Jeremyism thoughts
Mentioned above how devoted Jimmy was to Joel's religion, and to me it really reads like him finding a home. Like, a genuine home, idk... He really did a lot for it, trying to recruit members and taking care of several Jeremy donkeys and making offerings (Joel also gifted him multiple times)
When Scott takes over, he's clearly very distraught. He tried hard to become the new leader of Jeremyism specifically to stop Scott from ruining it. And yet when Scott does, he can't help but stay, quickly labels fWhip a traitor, offers up his diamonds easily... Even as he's asking for Joel to get up there where Scott is standing, instead of Scott. Jeremyism is done for but Jimmy still holds onto an idea of it
And he does this by literally building a Jeremyism hideout secret from Scott and Lizzy, where he and the other remaining members can hang out. Like come on!! He just wants Jeremyism back... He himself states it's "all I have" and "the one real purpose I had on this server was Jeremyism. And now it's gone" (this is basically before he kills himself and ends his series)
-- Scott thoughts in relation to Jimmy
As I said, they had some really cute interactions. Scott actually treated him nicely and his teasing felt lighthearted enough to not be anything worse than that. They dress up all cute for Halloween, they shoot bubbles at each other, Scott teaches him how to ride a flying carpet, Jimmy's not afraid to be a little sassy back at him... He replaced 3 of Scott's pets as a prank because Scott had gotten him a crab that killed Jimmy at some point, and in retaliation Scott doused his house in crabs, but then they like, ate lunch together date style, it was all good and fun, mutual foolery...
And then this one episode, to quote my friend, someone pissed in Scott's cereal and he's suddenly very dismissive of Jimmy's building skills and contributions like I'd expect to see in Third Life???? They see this arguably amateurishly built hut and Scott turns to Jimmy all accusatory "did you build this??". They build an animal shelter together which is cute but then Scott dismisses Jimmy and says he did almost all of the work and proclaims that he should get almost all of the profits etc. And it pisses me off because just like in 3L, this was a building he just ripped from somewhere else to begin with!! He did lay the foundation and such but you can see Jimmy helping build a decent amount in the timelapse...
At some point he also seems ashamed to admit that Scott helped him with his storage system :(
When Scott reads out Jack's wish to have Jimmy executed, Jimmy goes and basically kneels before Scott, telling him to do it. Scott can't because of spawn protection, but Jimmy gets set on fire instead and he?? Runs to Scott??? He runs to Scott and basically kneels before him AGAIN and Scott does NOTHING and I I don't know I might be insane but. Holy shit this is a fever dream and feels like abstract symbolism but ough that hurt. That hurt a lot. Why did Jimmy run to Scott, why did he kneel/crouch before him as he was burning to death... What was he trying to do... Was he seeking something.... comfort...? Neigh... I just wish to know...
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Scott in general is a fever dream in this all by himself though. They all turn up for Jack's funeral and then Scott starts talking about how he tried to be nice and expresses disappointment in having been met with disposition (finding out that Jimmy had a secret Jeremyism cove) acting all "if you want a villain I'll give you a villain!" as if he weren't already one after the cult he turned Jeremyism into and then suicide bombs the entire church still during Jack's funeral. ????? Jesus christ
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This screenshot isn't relevant but Im giving it to you anyway
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
Life Series Scarring Headcanons: Part 5
The final installment!
If you haven't yet, check out Part 1 for a full explanation and context
This one covers the last three players, Solidarity Gaming, TangoTek, and ZombieCleo
Jimmy Solidarity
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Like the other Assigned Birb Man, fall damage is arguably his nemesis
Third Life: Somewhere along the way it became fanon that that arrow from Skizz caught him in the throat and when I decided I was sticking with that I did not yet realize what that would mean for his death scars and the pattern thereof.
Last Life: He died to fall damage trying to escape from Grian (after accidentally initiating combat by jokingly hitting him with a baked potato) He fell from the roof of Mumbo's house down into a space by some wooden stairs, and with the angle it looked like he would have hit the side of his head on the edge of the stairs. So that's what he did :)
Double Life: He was killed by an enderman. In Everen's animatic he is basically strangled by it, and Mr. Gaming blue-screened because, as he said, that is his visualization on how that went down so. Canon.
Limited Life: Fall damage again, on the other side of his head this time, he landed on rock after falling/being pushed off of/whichever version you prefer Skynet. RIP canary man. Better luck in Season 5? (I kind of don't want him to have better luck tbh. The narrative consistency is very satisfying.)
The other half of Team Rancher
Tango of the Tek Variety
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Squeaky cartoon man is right up there with Scott on the "someone please help him" front tbh. Cringefail Flower Ranchers Hours apparently.
Third Life: He died at the battle of Dogwarts to fire damage from behind that finished him off after a lot of cumulative damage, mostly from Martyn.
Last Life: The famous last words of "I know what I'm doing". Blown up by his own trap. The scars are centralized on his arms and the front of his torso, with a space where his arms shielded his body. This was his only kill of the season.
Double Life: He has phantom scars from Jimmy's enderman death.
Limited Life: Fall damage claimed yet another victim. He landed feet first and so his ankles shattered nanoseconds before he hit his head and was officially out of the series, leaving him with a scar both on his forehead and thin lines up his lower legs, similar to the ones from Grian's wrists.
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Third Life: Skizz killed them while they were making a (very nearly successful) attempt to kill Ren outside the Crastle. Skizz came from behind while they were focused on Ren and killed them with The Skizz Blade. They deemed it "worth it" for the chance to almost take Ren out.
Last Life: She was killed by Joel while she and the other late-game red lifers were hunting him and Grian down. He had a terrain advantage that allowed him to reach that high, since she is significantly taller than him. EDIT: When I get the opportunity I'm going to be updating the diagram to include the blow from Boogeyman!BigB that killed her, because that falls under the category of "important enough thematically and character-wise with long enough lasting impact" that it gets a scar.
Double Life: They died from fall damage during the final confrontation with Pearl. This is one I took some creative liberties with and interpreted "fall damage" as "accidentally fell on a sharp branch". This killed both them and Martyn.
Limited Life: She was killed by Pearl with an axe during a fight with the Nosy Neighbors in the endgame of the season.
It is also worth noting that most of Cleo's scars from the games are either only partly, or barely visible, due to the whole Zombie Thing and the fact that in some of the places the scars would be she just...doesnt have skin.
Part 4
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blueishspace · 1 month
Third life with divine domains
Part 5: session 7 and 8
@shortystack75 hits again with wonderful ideas! I think Watcher BigB is not unlikely to develop in the fandom! It sounds extremely fun! Also yeah, this would be a bit after Hermitcraft season 7.
@easily-distracted-by-fandom too, you are on a roll! The god of Justice and Punishment working serving Pain and Sorrow is... Commentary of some kind on the judicial system... Also yeah, I see your point about the kingdom's being considered very differently by fandom with It's alliance with Frosted Forest.
I also think that knowing Ren and Scott they would negotiate a lot and would originate "other side" animatics...
Session 7
Scott creates a new wall around Frosted Forest... In cobblestone this time, wouldn't want a forest fire would we?
Impulse and Tango still play both sides... Scott is suspicious of Impulse in both timelines but in this one he tells Ren and not Grian. No one knows who burnt Skizz's banner in this timeline, Impulse is suspected.
Scar and Grian can't ask Scott and Jimmy to help lure the Dogwarts army to the tnt trap... So they have to either ask the Castle which they do not trust, try to defeat the army on their own or give up on their idea... The tnt is already placed and doing it alone is suicide so...trust the Crastle it is.
Impulse still leads Dogwarts to the desert though he definitely needs a different reason considering the very different context...
Let's consider how this goes down: Grian sets of the tnt, no one dies because of the code error decreasing tnt power like in canon. BigB and Joel weren't online this session which means its: Ren, Martyn, Skizz, Etho, Scott and Jimmy attacking. And Scar, Grian, Tango, Bdubs and Cleo defending. Impulse probably does that thing he does in canon where It's not clear who's side he's fighting because he's just being there running around.
Cleo is unlikely to risk Bdubs so they likely make him stay hidden...of course Bdubs is unlikely to listen but it's day time at this point and he's boosted by his powers enough to survive... As for Jimmy ? Well he is not boosted in the desert and has mostly passive abilities and isn't as strategical as Scott so...him dying isn't too unlikely... It's a 50/50...so I flipped a coin! And... Jimmy dies first... despite the changes this stays the same.
Grian still dies like in canon and Cleo dies much like how Scott does in our version of Third Life.
The Crastle arriving to save Scar doesn't happen as they are already there so Scar dies and goes to red but this means Cleo and Tango don't die rescuing him...
Martyn still dies, and the why is because of Jimmy's permadeath consequences: When Jimmy dies the forests lose their leaves and more importantly players get Weakness I while inside forest biomes... So even without Scar taking a lot of Martyns health not happening he still gets separated from the other and surrounded by mobs while affected by Weakness. This is without considering that since Tango isn't dead he can still be at low health without Scar.
Now things start complitely deviating as the Dogwarts vs Crastle confrontation doesn't happen since they are already enemies which means Cleo doesn't die, Skizz doesn't die and Impulse isn't revealed to be a traitor.
Scott "buries" Jimmy on top of the mountain near Frosted Forest and promises revenge... ...Winter IS coming, just in a different way... White Winter.
Session 8
Grian wonders about changing sides now that he lost his first life but realizes that...yeah, not possible at this point.
The Siege of Dogwarts is very different. In canon Scott kills BigB but this time around he's on the opposite side and I'm going to say, he kills Scar. I just think he deserves it and It's not ...unlikely... actually, It's quite likely if Scar is less careful as a yellow life.
Joel still gets killed by Ren before he can escape but Scott isn't even anywhere close to where he dies in canon so...yeah...
However for Scott's second death ...he doesn't die since he's with Ren...but someone has to...which at this point is likely Cleo as she would take Scotts place in the retrieval mission.
Now, without Jimmy and with team desert as his killers Scott has little choice but becoming part of Dogwarts... permanently.
At this point It's unlikely this is the last session, Scar still kills Martyn and then Ren while Scott is killed by either Cleo or Joel... I'm going to say Joel because...reasons... but then he is forced away as they all have more lives and he doesn't...also Martyn's dying means nearby entities gets hurt which means he's also at low health...meaning this Third Life lasts at least 1 session longer.
Scar and Grian run off followed by The Crastle people including Impulse who finally sides with them officially while Dogwarts needs to recuperate and doesn't attack back... So session 8 ends in a... Tense stalemate of sort between Dogwarts and Sand Crastle.
Let's remind ourselves!
Impulse and BigB are green lives.
Grian, Ren, Etho, Joel and Tango are yellow lives.
Skizz, Scott, Martyn, Cleo, Scar and Bdubs are red.
Jimmy is...dead.
Let's be honest...this is just me begging for fandom related ideas again.
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chaiandsage · 11 months
What are your favourite head cannons for each of the flower ranchers?
Oh! OH!! I have so many!! But I’ll try to list the ones I like that haven’t already been brought up in Trust Life yet, sooo…
- Loves getting his hair played with or head scratched. Also likes it when people give affection and attention to his hands (kissing the knuckles, holding them, comparing the size of them to their own…)
- Will manifest little ice sculptures of Jimmy and/or Tango in his hand sometimes when he misses them and will stare at them lovingly
- Is mostly human but a small part siren (like 1/8th maybe?)
- Him and Tango do each other’s nails
- Is a bit on the shorter end as an avian (cause you gotta be small and skinny to lift off the ground) but was born with wings too small to fly with, so he tries to focus on making his body stronger instead
- Has a habit of pausing, stuttering or speaking awkwardly, but if he catches someone talking shit about either of his boyfriends he will approach them and instantly turn into the most coherent, well-spoken, threatening motherfucker imaginable
- Can hear frequencies that other people can’t (listener abilities)
- Steals his partners clothes so often that they’ve had to confront him on it multiple times because they’d run out of things to wear
- Considers Scott to be the most beautiful person he’s ever seen while Jimmy is the most handsome (take that to mean what you will)
- His pupils go narrow and slitted like a cat’s when he senses danger or is getting ready to fight something
- Loves hanging out in Chromia but secretly prefers Tumble Town because it’s hotter there
- T a i l
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meteor752 · 2 years
Flower Husbands This Day Aria AU
(Technically it would be ‘A Canterlot Wedding AU’ but like the song is the best part)
Jimmy and Scott are set to be married, and Lizzie is not happy, partly because there’s a lot of fish courting traditions that were just skipped (Including the one where Scott had to ask her for permission, which he never did), and partly because protective big sister mode. Also, she received the news from a fricking wedding invite, not face to face.
Most of the other Emperors were given tasks to help organize the wedding (Joel and Gem is on decorating, fWhip is on the aftershow, Pearl is on food, Katherine and Joey is on clothes, Sausage and Shubble is on music, Pixl is officiating), but as the sister of one of the grooms Lizzie is set to take of everything and make sure everything’s alright.
And boy is she pissed when she arrives in Rivendell, chewing out her little brother for everything. Jimmy defends himself, saying it was a bit of an impulsive decision, and that he’s been too busy with organizing everything that he hasn’t been able to go to The Ocean Empire himself.
Lizzie is still seething, but forces herself to calm down because her lil brother does seem rather ashamed about it.
Her rage flares up again when Scott approaches them, dismisses her entirely, acts cold towards Jimmy, then leads him away.
Oh yeah something’s up.
None of the other emperors have the time to even notice the change in how Scott’s acts. Pearl is preparing food for two white empires and then some, and even with a full kitchen staff she’s still running around like a mad man. Doesn’t even notice how Scott throws away the Sweet Berry tarts she gave him.
Gem and Joel are in disagreements on how it all should be decorated. Gem thinks it should be subtle, with a lot of lights, and illusions of fish and snowflakes in the air. Joel believes in more bolder colours and grander designs. Scott sneers at them that neither is fitting.
Katherine and Joey try their best to design the Uniform Scott will be wearing (As Jimmy will be wearing his mother’s old dress), and yet how many times they make it he never seems to like it. They shrug it off as him just wanting what is best.
Scott yells at one of the birds apart of the musical choir. It was singing off pitch, but needlessly rude.
fWhip is busy in his workshop and barely sees the guy.
It all comes together when Lizzie goes to Jimmy and Scott’s room to discuss it with her brother, only for her brothers fiancé to take him to another room, berate him for the dress he’s wearing (Again, his mothers dress), and then seemingly cast some form of spell on him that made him all woozy. Lizzie runs away in shock.
She goes to tell the others, but surprise surprise! those who weren’t already Jimmy’s bride maids and men (Joel, Sausage, fWhip, Gem), has been chosen as Scott’s (Katherine, Joey, Pearl, Shubble was already best maid). They’re clearly also under some form of spell, Lizzie concludes.
She chooses to confront Scott in front of everyone during the wedding rehearsal, because sometimes Lizzie ain’t that smart. She yells at him, saying that he’s evil who’s casting spells on her brother, being all demanding towards and friends, and just genuinely being evil. Scott runs away crying, and Lizzie stands there all smug, feeling good about herself for approximately two whole seconds.
Then she turns around, and meets her brothers furious eyes.
Jimmy yells back at her, saying that Scott has been demanding because he’s been planning an entire wedding that’s trying to incorporate two very different cultures, plus dealing with his advisers who’s been holding meetings for hours on why marrying Jimmy is such a bad idea. And the spell he cast on him wasn’t because he was “evil”, but because he’s been having trouble breathing in the high altitude, and sometimes the air breathing enchantment on his cod head just ain’t enough.
He leaves the room to go find and comfort Scott, but he snarls at her that maybe it’s best if she don’t show up at the wedding.
Everyone else leaves the room as well to go and comfort Scott (And give Lizzie quite dirty looks as they do), and Lizzie is just left there on the floor crying.
And then, Scott appears in her field of vision, with a comforting smile. She apologizes profusely, says that she never meant to hurt him, but he just chuckles as his eyes gleam red for a second, and then Lizzie is no longer in the throne room…
This Day Aria part 2, aka this is where the second episode starts and it’s gonna be way shorter than this because the pacing on the second one is shit
Lizzie is surrounded by red-pinkish fire, and when it vanishes, she finds herself in a crystallized cave. She can see her reflection in all the glittering cave walls. That is, until a familiar face shows up.
Scott’s eyes have a very distinct red glow as he appears in the thousand of reflections, but Lizzie is too pissed off to even notice. He taunts her, saying that this is old underground Rivendell mines that have been forgotten by even the oldest of elves, and that no one will find her there. Lizzie grows so enraged that she throws her trident at one of the reflections, making the cave wall crumble to show a bigger part of the caves.
And there stands Scott, dirty and bruised, but in the flesh. Lizzie doesn’t even wait a moment before she throws herself at the elf, fully intending to kill.
This is of course the real Scott, who is very confused over how Lizzie ended up there, but all he knows is that he needs her to calm down quickly.
So he grabs her wrists to stop them from pulverizing his face, and does the only thing he can think of to prove his real identity. He starts singing.
Deal with Destiny is a song only the two of them actually know. Lizzie’s siren song was heard across most of the server, but it was vague and most misinterpreted the lyrics, and it couldn’t even reach Rivendell.
It was Scott.
The elf explained himself, that he’d been taken weeks ago, before him and Jimmy had even gotten engaged. He doesn’t know who took his place and why, but he knows that he will do whatever he can to get back and save Jimmy from whatever horrible fate the Imposter has in store.
Que This Day Aria. This whole AU is centered around the song, of course we’re gonna have it be apart of it. If you wanna know what happens in this segment, then listen to the fricking song. Thank you.
So the wedding has begun, Jimmy fully brainwashed and not even aware of what’s going on, with Fake-Scott standing tall with pride. But just beneath them, Lizzie and Scott are trying their best to find a way up to the surface. Lizzie spots a light source not too far away, and Scott grab’s onto her and flies her up, just as the vows are coming to a close and the wedding is nearly over.
In the middle of Pix saying his final words and announcing that the two grooms now can kiss, Lizzie barges in all feral, standing at her full eleven feet with murder in her eyes. And while most of the guests were fucking terrified, I mean that was the ocean empress of crying out loud, most of the emperors were just kind of annoyed.
That’s until other Scott, real Scott, bursts into the room.
And Fake-Scott looses his sad crying facade, replacing it with maniacal laughter as the ruse is up, and red flames engulf him.
Red vines pop out of the ground, snaring Lizzie and Scott in their clutches (The guests have all escaped or something lol), the flames subside and in their place stands Xornoth,
(Plot twist you all saw coming, waaaaw)
And here the plot is unveiled.
So this AU is basically, Xornoth didn’t immediately start harassing people across the server, but instead waited for the perfect time to strike. Their biggest and only threat was Scott, so they needed something to keep him in line, something that would stop him from trying to fight back.
Enter Jimmy.
Xornoth watched the two grow closer and closer, go on multiple dates and form a relationship. They was frost gonna wait for the two to actually get engaged, but turns out that’s a long ass process, something they don’t have the time for. Exor is waiting after all.
So they yoinked Scott, put him in the mines, and took his place. They proposed to Jimmy, and used a slight bit of mind control to get him to agree to Wes right away and not have a long courting process.
When Lizzie started to get suspicious, Xornoth knew that their ploy wouldn’t last forever, so they kept using their mind control magic they now have absolutely, to keep Jimmy in line. It was easy to get him to believe the breathing spell lie, Jimmy is quite Gullible.
And now they have Jimmy under their control, and neither Scott nor Lizzie can do anything to harm them, unless they want the poor cod boy hurt.
But there was one thing Xornoth didn’t saw coming.
And that was Joel with a steel chair.
He yells at Gem and fWhip to get Gem’s spell book, while Shubble and Katherine work on getting Lizzie and Scott free and the rest do what they can to distract Xornoth.
Gem and fWhip run for Gem’s room where she left it, and as she collects it and on their way back they’re suddenly blindsided by a flurry of red blue and yellow feathers. Because while Xornoth didn’t go on the attack at once, they have been busy collecting allies.
So Joey and Sausage who managed to sneak after them in all the commotion is standing there ready to stop them from getting anywhere close to the throne room.
The twins put up an honorable fight, but both are holding back on their punches since they don’t wanna hurt the other two emperors, so they’re easily taken down. Gem does manage to slip a small crystal into her robes before Sausage grabs her spell book and wand.
When they’re escorted back into the throne room, they’re greeted by Joel, Pearl, Katherine, and Shubble hanging upside down by vines from the ceiling, Lizzie properly snared down beneath them, vines holding onto her so tightly that she can’t even wiggle, and Scott standing helplessly in front of the throne, where upon Xornoth sits with a wide grin, Jimmy by their side looking at them like they hung the moon in the sky.
Hypnotism will do that to ya.
Xornoth grins widely when then enter, easily catching the spell book that Sausage toss them. All the emperors yell at Sausage and Joey, calling them traitors, but only Lizzie can detect that familiar red gleam in their eyes. She stays quiet.
Xornoth burns the spell book in their grasp (Gem and fWhip are very upset by this, that was their fathers old book), and as a classic villain they of course begin to gloat, saying that the emperors will all turn their power over to them and not fight back, unless they wish Jimmy any harm.
Fuck it maybe they sing the reprise as well, that shit’s a banger too.
While they’re monologuing, Sausage and Joey by their side, fWhip sneaks up to Scott and gestures to him to go to Jimmy.
And the sight of Jimmy, eyes glazed over from the hypnosis, is enough to make Scott crumble to his knees in front of him, burying his face in the cod hybrids neck.
And yeah true love and all of that, a subconscious part of Scott’s magic manages to free Jimmy from the hypnosis.
Still, cod boy is weak and absolutely not a fighter, and Scott doesn’t wish to harm his brother nor his friends, so there’s little to do with that.
Xornoth is to put it simply, just a tiny bit pissed that Jimmy is freed, but they don’t let that put them back. They still have all the emperors captured, two of them possessed to do his bidding, and the entirety of Rivendell is under a panic because of the red vines sprouting all over the kingdom.
They can still salvage this.
So just as they are about to summon vines that will snare Scott and Jimmy as well, the power of love happens.
Scott and Jimmy together, through their love cause eugh, summons a powerful spell that blasts Xornoth back, or more exactly, blasts them into the small crystal Gem manages to sneak with her.
So yeah, happy ending for all, the vines vanish from Rivendell, Joey and Sausage are snapped out of their trance, and Lizzie can take pride in the fact that she was right.
Then they decide to actually get married. Sure, they rush things and skip the courting process, but after all that you could say that they’ve earned it. Plus, down in the mines Lizzie saw how determined Scott was to get back to her brother, so yeah.
They replan the wedding, Scott loves all the things the other Emperors organize, Lizzie is put as the best maid, happy ending.
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snaccy-time · 9 months
So, we all know the idea of Grian being one of the Watchers that helped make the games, right? And that Scott sacrifices himself for his allies?
What if Scott learned that Grian helped make the eternal hell that were the games? He would be furious that he had repeatedly killed himself just for this- this THING to treat it all as a game. For fun.
And what if Ren played a crucial part in it all?
I hc Ren as the guy that just KNOWS things, yk? And the whole premise of the Watcher, Listeners, and Speakers? He knows about all of that.
So, when Ren is mildly distracted with something and Scott starts asking him questions, he doesn't think too much about it.
He regrets that later. Scott and Grian are the final two standing. The spectators are watching the final showdown, when everyone suddenly disappears...except him and Jimmy (I see Jimmy as a Listener, and therefore, the Watchers have no power over the connection). They watch as Scott confronts Grian about his part in the games. Watch as Scott swears to hunt his friend down for as long as they both live. Then, he shoots. Grian falls. Scott is once again the winner.
Ren has just condemned his friend to die. All because he couldn't pay attention to a few questions.
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Musical ask game
I have a couple for mcyt cause I couldn't decide
- brother by madds buckley
- dawning of spring by Anson seabra
- allies or enemies by the crane wives
- monster from adventure time
- everything stays from adventure time
Ok so, this is a lot of them so I'll just do short blurbs for each of them!
Brother - Esmp s1 but Lizzie, instead of loosing her memories when the apocalypse happened she instead turned into a deity of flames, and she blames Jimmy. So she goes to find and confront him, all the meanwhile her memories are slowly burnt away until all she can remember about Jimmy is that she hates him for starting the apocalypse.
When she finds him, he begs her to forgive him and calls her sister, which angers her further, and she begins using her fire to boil the water around him. Much angst and whump.
Dawning of Spring - Flower Husbands, where 3rd Life was a past life for both of them when they reincarnated into Empires. Scott finds this a lot harder because as an elf he is very sensitive to memories, so every time Jimmy says something or does something that reminds him of his past life, he'll basically pass out and when he wakes up be fully 3rd Life! Scott, which means he only trusts Jimmy.
This means that half the time they're basically very distant allies, closer to enemies than anything, and then the other half of the time Scott is holding onto Jimmy like he'll disappear if he lets go. Very cute, potential for angst.
Allies or Enemies - Same as previous Au but it's swapped. Instead of it being Esmp!Scott it's 3rd Life! Scott getting all the memories, this is worse. Esmp!Scott, while trusting Jimmy enough, also trusts most of the other players without a lot of questions. Also he doesn't know how to fight without magic.
This means that Jimmy is frantically chasing after his husband, while Scott gets almost-killed MULTIPLE times. This is bad, noone is happy with this situation. Much hurt-comfort. Jimmy being the responsible one.
Monster - WcSmp! Lauren and Scott duo! They used to know each other before Lauren was found to not have magic and kicked out of a coven and Scott found Milo and left with him. Scott and Milo were very in love so he needs to win. But Lauren doesn't recognize him, and she has her magic on loan from a shooting star, so she needs to win to keep it (she doesn't know this). It ends with Scott winning and needing to give up something to get Milo back, but he doesn't realize that what he needs to give up is his connection to Lauren, like when they were kids. Angst either choice he makes.
Everything stays - Afterlife SMP! au, Lauren is left behind on the server, with only Oli left. Lauren can sense him because he used to be and enderman and so did she, but he can't sense her because he's a bee and doesn't have magic. She knows that if he can leave he will and she can't be left alone again. She chases the magic signature and finds she's too late. He's gone, but she can follow (she's a vex). She gets to Esmp, but it's been ages, and she doesn't remember anyone but Smajor (the vampire version who looks nothing like Scott) and Oli. This causes even more chaos as she tries to figure out how ELSE she can leave a server because she can never leave them until she gets a new invite (she's never seen the Hub)
Includes a scene where Lauren looks at Lizzie and goes "weren't you that alien girl I killed" in a very casual way and refuses to elaborate.
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amethystfairy1 · 9 months
Hi I just read all of traveling thieves and it was so so good! Perfect mix of angst and comfort, it hurts so well :) I'm so excited to see where it goes next
I love how pearl and gem are vibing assassinating people together, they really are just girlbossing their way around
also gems sword is really cool
Gem getting bloodthirsty over the missing payment and then the guy offers pearl and she's like fine. I could use a companion I guess. But I will remember this. And then said companion helps her Kill and she's having fun and they're having a good time scandalizing people about an avian acting like a normal person but they can't do anything about bc that's The Slayer, you can't just FIGHT her about it she's got a broadsword dripping with enchants that she wields like it's nothing, and suddenly, oh, when was the last time gem had a friendship like this?
And tango and zed! Tango my beloved, poor guy he's doing his best, zed is also doing his best, and zed just running up to him and interviewing him excitedly and tango just being like 'uh. this is happening I guess' as their first meeting? Love it
Also zed flexing his master-smith seal to get them places and also just going 'i do what I want, YOU depend on ME' when he confronts heath about the water incident? 10/10
I'm also excited to see how Scott and Jimmy are doing, maybe he wants to be a free bird!!! I also love the narrative of Scott gets captured, he's in this new place and he immediately goes up to sit next to the only guy in the yard sitting alone, and he tries to escape and his new friend with the gold wings helps and then tries to tell him not to do that bc it'll just make it worse on him and Scott goes fine. I'll do it myself. and he DOES it and Jimmy goes well hell. Alright I'm going with him
And everything happening at the swagon? Oh my god?? Love me some misunderstanding hurt/comfort
Like at the beginning, grians still new to this whole situation with people being Nice to him, mumbo and scar are animatedly discussing a plan and grians in the corner just. Stressing. And now he's gotten more used to this and he's laughing (with bird noises!) and flying and quipping and committing petty revenge on mumbo lol and then something happens and he's Stressing again bc it's only been A Month
I was SO SURE I connected some dots bc of the 'between two books, right where he always left it' plus mumbo putting stuff back after grian hits the bookshelf plus how attached grian is to it (I am Looking at how he's described as treating it like glass Twice) that the going flying paper was going to go missing but apparently I have not connected the dots lol
I also love how grians tiny and then scar and mumbo are So Much Taller than him lol
In conclusion: I think I went a bit feral writing this but I really enjoyed the fic 👍 :)
Oh my goodness, thank you thank you!
I cannot tell you how happy receiving something like this makes me! All the details and thoughts! I love seeing someones thoughts about my AU like this for all the different groups going around! I'm glad the angst and comfort balance out for you, I know it's a dark fantasy AU but I also want it to have that sort of warm fuzzy edge to it, like everyone is being taken care of now, even if things were bad in the past.
Zed is 100% the BEST he knows what he is WORTH my boy look at him go I love him. Tiny tiny birb Grian! He's so sweet and traumatized poor lil guy 😭
Pearl and Gem are MENANCES they are TERRORS and I love them! Yes, yes, Pearl has had a bit more time to get more comfortable with Gem, and her experience navigating the system has also left her less shattered than Jimmy or Grian, for reasons that have been mentioned and will also later be explored in more detail.
Thank you so much for your wonderful words and for sharing them!!! 💖
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cielcreations · 2 years
Rancher Duo DND AU [Revised]
First off, I want to credit @rainbowchaox and their "Roll Initiative" AU! It's also a DND AU and I just want to give them credit as their story is really nice so make sure to check them out! Added more detail and changed a lot of the OG prompt to hopefully better separate our AUs :)
Grian and Jimmy are brothers who go to the same college and share a dorm room. Grian is a DM for DND and Jimmy was never interested in it, so he would just stay in his room while Grian DMs. However, after a lot of begging persuading, Grian manages to convince Jimmy to join because they lost a player and really needed a new one.
The people at the table are as follows:
Grian: The DM who does have a DMPC, but they're more their to give quests/push the party in the right direction. His PC is the prince of the kingdom that is the party's hub. Again, he doesn't fight/play with the party, just their for NPC quest giving. Also, his character is engaged to the head of the Royal Knights, Scar.
Jimmy: A Human Rouge because he wanted to play as something easy for his first time. He always tries to talk with the enemy first before fighting, and so far it has only worked about 10 times out of the 30+ fights they have had. His character does have canary wings because Jimmy thought it'd be cool. Grian accepted, but under the condition he cannot fly and he rolls at disadvantage with stealth. Jimmy agrees. (little does he know, Grian gives him an advantage in acrobatics because he is a nice older brother)
Joel: A Half-Orc Warrior who has seduced and slept with three nymphs in game (Lizzie, Sausage, and Etho). He likes to "force" Grian to roleplay flirting because Grian doesn't like flirting and he likes to make the DM suffer (ongoing joke between them, Grian will and has let Joel know if he's truly uncomfortable and Joel'll stop).
Ren: A Changeling Druid, he mainly likes to change into a werewolf/wolf. Is actually the leader of an (in game) changeling tribe that were really affected by the evil BBEG. His character's story is he finds the party and joins them in hopes of saving the world. Also, he marries a fey in game (Bdubs).
Scott: An Elf Cleric who mainly plays support/backup for Jimmy. He does heal/help the others, but Jimmy rolls so low sometimes, it's hilarious. Also, his character has a crush on Owen (in game character), a normal human shopkeeper. Scott has tried several times to take Owen on a date but always ends up rolling 10s-15s, literally just out of reach from "success". Scott has joked multiple times that the game is homophobic. (Also, yes, Grian could give Scott the date, but he jokes that "if Joel can somehow roll a Nat20 not once, not twice, but three times to sleep with three different nymphs, you can roll higher for just a date.")
Anyways, as the new player, Jimmy is clearly not the best, but he's not terrible. He's just decent.
As the game and story progresses, Jimmy learns more about the BBEG. The BBEG is Tango, a demon king who has a base in a volcano and has opened up the world to release all the monsters/demons the party has to fight. However, Jimmy has seen the art Grian commissioned and Tango looks really hot. His hair is a bright blonde that will turn into actual flames when angry, he has blood red eyes, and he's super confident, sassy, snarky, and Jimmy is in love. Any time someone at the table points out, Jimmy argues "I-I'm playing my character as someone who tries to negotiate first, shut up!"
Anyways, the party gets to the point of confronting the BBEG and Jimmy rolls the highest in initiative.
"Okay, Jim, what do you do?" Grian asks.
Jimmy hesitates, "...Can I try to talk to him?"
"Do you want to talk or flirt?"
"Joel is the reason we can't have nice things!" Scott yelled.
Grian hums before he shrugs, "Honestly, you've been rolling kinda low. I'll let you try. Roll for persuasion."
Jimmy does and screams, "NAT20!!!"
Everyone bursts out laughing and Grian screams in frustration because "HOW CAN YOU FLIRT WITH THE BBEG AND SCOTT CAN'T GET ONE DATE?!?!"
Grian sighs and goes, "Okay, Timmy, you managed to roll a Nat20, what do you say?"
"Okay, so I step forward and tell Tango that we're not here to fight and that I've read a lot about his history! I know about how lonely he was growing up, but that it's okay now! I'd like to be his friend-"
"Shut up Ren! B-But, yeah... U-Um, I also say that a cute demon shouldn't be alone and that I really want to help him!"
Grian rolls his eyes, "You are awful at flirting. Anyways, Tango blushes and looks away, embarrassed by your words. He says 'No one has ever spoken to me like that before. People usually just want to kill me. I'm just a disgusting demon.'"
"Noooo, he's not disgusting-"
"ROLEPLAY DUMMY!" Scott teased.
"O-Oh, right! Uh, I say 'No, you're not disgusting, just misunderstood! I can help show you how amazing you are!'"
"Tango blushes more and goes, 'You're quite... strange. But also really nice... and handsome. Um, what's your name?'"
"'Solidarity... It's nice to meet you. You're... very bold, aren't you?'"
"Only when it comes to handsome demons!"
Grian gags playfully before he hummed, "Tango laughs shyly and faces Solidarity with a smile, 'You say you want to help me? You want to show me I'm amazing? Then... Solidarity, will you marry me?'"
Jimmy gasps, "WAIT REALLY?!"
Grian shrugs, "You rolled a Nat20 and, honestly, I think it's fitting that the campaign that is full of Joel sleeping with 3 nymphs, Ren marrying a fae, and Scott constantly trying to get one date with one guy, ends with the BBEG getting married to a party member. So, do you accept?"
"YES!" Jimmy nods, everyone else laughing.
Grian rolls his eyes playfully, "Okay, so Solidarity and Tango get engaged and Tango undoes everything, putting the world back in order. SmallishBeans goes back to the forest to live with Lizzie, Sausage, and Etho. No, I don't care what headcannon you make up, Joel, I'm not roleplaying another flirting session. Anyways, Rendog goes back to his tribe and, of course, his husband Bdubs comes with him and they live happily ever after. And finally, Smajor goes back to town to continue flirting with Owen and, this time, he actually does get a date because I am merciful, thank you very much."
Everyone laughs and packs everything up. It's pretty late, so the rest of the night is spent in the living room and Grian orders pizza. It turns into a sleepover, with Scott on one couch, Joel and Grian on another (opposite sides), and Ren and Jimmy fall asleep on the floor on a pile of blankets and pillows.
In the middle of the night, Jimmy wakes up to a weird noise. He groans and sits up, looking around. He sees a weird light coming from the dining room table, where they played DND. He walks over and sees the light is just the table glowing. He touches the table, confused. As he does so, a hand seems to grab him and he screams before he is pulled into the table.
When Jimmy wakes up, he is in a weird mansion. He looks around and gasps, confused.
"Are you okay?"
Jimmy turns and is face to face with... Tango.
The demon smiled, "Oh, good, you're okay!" He gently cupped the other's cheek, "The gods weren't lying, you are way more attractive in person. Welcome home, Solidarity."
Jimmy just stares and blushes because Tango is so much hotter in person than the art Grian commissioned.
"...Are you okay? You didn't hit your head too hard, right?"
"You're pretty." Jimmy blurts out.
Tango blushes and laughs, "Charmer, aren't you? Come on, let's get off the floor, we have a wedding to plan."
Ji- Solidarity nods. He can question this weirdness later, preferably after the wedding.
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cryptidorchid · 4 months
I’ve seen a lot of people call out Scott’s lack of care for Jimmy’s life in Third Life. (Usually, this is part of their explanation for why they think flower husbands is toxic) And I think these points are interesting but kind of miss that the lack of care is reciprocated by Jimmy.
In Scott’s case, the moments I see pointed out the most are the two times Scott treated Jimmy dying like it was a spectator sport. Like when Jimmy got attacked by the enderman or Jimmy played the Tango’s lava minigame and Scott was like “I’m just here to see if Jimmy dies” and when he told Grian that “once our husbands die, we can be free.” 
I will play devil’s advocate for a moment here and say that in all of these moments, regardless of what Scott was saying about it, he took action to try to keep Jimmy alive. In the first two instances mentioned, he gave Jimmy advice to help him survive and in the last one with Grian, he suggested Jimmy should stay in the bunker so he could be safer. But I will admit that Scott acts very apathetic about Jimmy dying.
In Jimmy’s case, he’s less verbally apathetic but his actions seem strange for someone who should want Scott to stay alive. Like that time where Grian and Scar let their enderman free to attack Scott and Jimmy scolded Scott for killing the enderman because it upset Grian and Scar. And even when Scott was being attacked, Jimmy’s response was just yelling that he wasn’t the one who looked at the enderman and then watching as Scott gets attacked. And there was that time when they found the enchanting table outside of Renchanting and Jimmy (correctly) guessed that it might be a trap so he told Scott to mine it.  For the second one, Jimmy says it’s because he’s just died so he doesn’t want to die again which would be fair, except neither of them have any motivation to mine the enchanting table in the first place, so the reasonable response would be “it might be a trap so neither of us should mine it”
Which made it really weird when the Dogwarts confrontation happened and suddenly, they’re all protective over each other. Suddenly, they’re like “Jimmy, don’t go near the scary red name!” and “Scott, what if they sacrifice you on their altar?” 
What? Where did this come from? At least in Scott’s case, I can guess it was because Jimmy’s now a red name so if Jimmy dies, it’s permanent. I don’t know what was up with Jimmy in that moment.
And, as far as them continuing to be protective after that? On Scott’s end, he was pretty consistent and explicit about wanting to keep Jimmy safe after that (except for him being weirdly happy about the idea of being a widow, don’t know what was up with that). 
On Jimmy’s end, after this, as far as I can tell, he went back to using Scott’s green life as an excuse to ask Scott to take risks. He finds a cake unexpectedly in his house, thinks it might be a trap, and asks Scott to eat it and tell him if anything bad happens. When they're in a fight with Dogwarts, Jimmy tells Scott that he should "get in there" because he’s a green name. Honestly, I don’t think these are that bad because Jimmy was on red and Scott was on green, but it is a big difference from him burning the Dogwarts banner over just the possibility that they might try to kill Scott (and it implies that Jimmy sees Scott's life as disposable which while pragmatic, is not very kind). Anyway, my main point is that I can’t remember Jimmy ever really being worried about Scott’s life outside of the one moment with Dogwarts.
In conclusion, neither of them seemed to be super concerned about the other one dying (Scott said it. Jimmy acted like it) until Jimmy went to red. Which I think mostly had to do with the fact that they both knew the other had more lives to spare. They really lived their lives like “me and my husband who couldn't care less if I live or die.” My dysfunctional faves.
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cuippedtea · 1 year
How come I didn’t hear anything about when Jimmy said “Bad Boys don’t love anyone” in response to when Scott confronted him about not responding to his “I love you”s.
Like. The matter-of-fact way that he said it and with confidence. Even when Scott said “Wow, not even your fellow bad boys?” As a sort of gotcha, but Jim parried that with an equally confident confirmation. Something something about not taking a chance of loving someone again, even within an alliance (mainly between him and Joel) that seems to have such a strong loyalty within it.
Whether it’s read as a strong denial even against the allies he’s truly loyal with, or casual jadedness within the failure of his more-than-ally allyships, I think it’s a concept with untapped potential.
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