#go listen to willard by will wood
thetomorrowshow · 1 year
hubris killed the god - ch 4
First Part
cw: body horror, discussion of death, violence, general apocalypse setting
Scott doesn’t get the full story until two days later, sitting around the campfire outpost as the sun sets. fWhip and Shelby are there with him—Jimmy’s on dinner duty, and Gem’s helping Katherine get settled in (though Scott’s fairly sure they’re actually just catching up and gossiping, having been invited to one or two of their late-night gossip sessions in days past).
“It was . . .  one of their fights,” fWhip says carefully. He shrugs, glancing around as if Jimmy’s going to appear behind him and dispute his words. “You know how they were. Volatile. And—well, it escalated. And Jimmy . . .  Joel ended up dead.”
“He won’t tell us how,” Shelby puts in. “But he killed Joel, and whatever curse Joel left behind turned his body into those . . . things.”
“Gem said that Jimmy came to her, a mess over it,” fWhip says. “He just let his anger get out of hand. He didn’t mean to.”
“If he didn’t mean to, he wouldn’t have killed him,” Shelby says, sing-song.
fWhip grimaces. “Well, we can disagree on that. The point is, Joel is dead, and his, uh, remains turned into the apocalypse. They multiply somehow, they feed on death, and . . . that’s about it. I do know that Jimmy’s still beating himself up over the whole thing, so don’t . . . don’t be too harsh.”
“Because if you are, he’ll kick you out.”
“For the last time, Jimmy didn’t kick Lizzie out!” fWhip says, turning to Shelby. “He didn’t—look, Scott,” he says, turning back. “Lizzie . . . she was close with Joel, you know, in some weird way, and she was really upset with Jimmy over it and the way he’s trying to move on. She decided she’d rather leave than stay here with him in charge.”
Scott pokes a stick at the small fire. “Did Lizzie have my room at the inn?” he asks, thinking of the note and the mouse toy that he placed on his bedside table.
“Yeah,” fWhip says. “She packed up and left about a week before we got you. Shelby went out on foot to check on Katherine the very next day.”
“I never made it,” Shelby says offhandedly. “By the time I reached the bridge, there were just . . . so many. I lost my voice, and I was so tired. . . .”
fWhip rubs her arm, and she leans into the touch, eyes far away. It’s a stark contrast to their arguing of moments ago, and while Scott can’t understand finding comfort in someone you’re at odds with, he at least agrees with fWhip’s instinctive touch-turned-hug. He would’ve done the same, his comfort-friend instinct going haywire.
“So . . . what’s next?” Scott asks after a moment. “We can’t just . . . Sanctuary’s getting smaller every day. We can’t just sit here.”
“I guess we ask Jimmy,” fWhip shrugs. Shelby rolls her eyes.
Jimmy? But—they all know what Jimmy’s done, now, they all know this is his fault. Why on earth have they been letting him lead this whole time?
“Wait, we’re still trusting him to be in charge?” says Scott, glancing between them. “He—he killed someone. He started this!”
fWhip sighs. Shelby looks away, her foot tapping against the dirt.
“Jimmy’s a good leader,” fWhip says. “Leaders sometimes make poor choices. And—and I know, killing someone is a very poor choice,” fWhip adds before Scott can speak, “but he has our best interests at heart. I promise that he won’t hurt any of us. But he’s the only one who stepped up to be leader, and he’s the best one we could ask for.”
Shelby shrugs. “I don’t like him, but he is good at what he does.”
fWhip leans his head on Shelby's shoulder, and, surprisingly, she leans back.
And then it clicks for Scott.
He’s been compartmentalizing since day one—packing away his grief and separating it from his everyday functions and feelings. He doesn’t have time to wallow. If they end up in a place where it’s safe, where he can finally rest and process everything, then he will. But he doesn’t have time to consider all the terrible things that happened. He has to survive.
That’s the attitude everyone is taking, apparently. They can deal with the horrible actions Jimmy has taken after they’re in the clear. They can fight amongst themselves, split off into friendships again, when everything is safe.
Shelby and fWhip may be at odds, but they find comfort in each other because there is no one else. Jimmy may have caused the apocalypse, but he’s also the only one who can lead.
Scott can even see why one might consider Lizzie’s decision to leave as weakness. She had allowed her emotions to blend with her logical thinking, instead of separating the two functions like everyone else has attempted.
Scott can’t blame Lizzie for her choices, of course, and he doesn’t think anyone can—if she truly felt like she couldn’t accept Jimmy as a leader, it may have been better for her to go out alone rather than push back against everyone else.
And this brand of compartmentalizing is messy. fWhip spends half his time looking so nervous Scott’s afraid he might bite through his lip, and Gem had stared blankly at a cut the day before for a good thirty seconds before Scott reminded her to get a bandage. Jimmy embarks on possible suicide missions to rescue every person possible with almost zero regards for his own safety.
While Jimmy’s choices in that regard may not be so sound, they do keep up morale. Scott can imagine that tomorrow, Jimmy will begin plans to look for Pix. Jimmy’s so determined to save everyone, even if they’re beyond help, and it’s reckless but it’s worth it to see the relief on everyone’s faces when yet another person is home safe.
And Jimmy knows that. He is a good leader, after all.
“So, Pix,” Scott says aloud. “Are we going for him next?”
fWhip bites his lip. “Well, we haven’t seen anything of that guy—but his catacombs are sealed. Gem has this theory that he shut himself in, and the crawlies can’t get in. The problem is us getting in. Jimmy didn’t like our chances.”
“I bet there’s coal,” Shelby says suddenly, straightening. “Pix has tons of stuff, right? And lots of supplies down in the catacombs.”
“False said she’s got enough fuel for maybe five more trips,” Scott recalls. “We definitely need more.”
And perhaps, most importantly, Scott doesn’t know what to do next.
Once everyone is rescued, what is there to do? What happens when there’s no one else to save?
Rescuing Pix gives them a purpose, a goal. Something to put off the questions of continuing a bit later.
Jimmy probably realizes that, as good a leader as he is. He’s probably already started formulating a plan.
“No,” Jimmy tells them the next morning, when they gather in the chapel as usual. Before anyone can protest, he continues.
“We haven’t seen anything of Pix since this all started. There’s been no signs of life in the observations and fly-overs we’ve done. Those catacombs are just too much of a risk.”
“That’s a stupid excuse,” Shelby says bluntly, and judging by the expressions of everyone around the table, Scott thinks that they all mostly agree with her.
Jimmy sighs, rubs his eyes. He looks exhausted—Scott had woken him for second watch the night before, and he’s not sure that Jimmy’s slept since.
“Look, I know it’s not ideal,” he says, and there’s something in Jimmy’s voice that’s almost begging for them to understand his reasoning. Which would serve to endear Scott to him, except his reasons suck. “We’ve barely got enough fuel for it as it is. Every day, there’s more of those varmints around—and I’m sure they multiplied like rabbits up in Stratos—and if we get stuck in those catacombs, there’s no getting out. We—we’d die in there, just like Pix probably has. I’m sorry, but we can’t.”
Silence. Scott glances around—fWhip and Gem are sharing a Look, False is brooding over a cup of coffee, Sausage isn’t here, Katherine’s glaring at the floor, and Shelby’s just leaning back in her chair, arms crossed. She huffs.
“First of all, Pix probably stockpiled a bunch of coal—” she starts, but Jimmy cuts her off with a raise of his hand.
“Shelby, no,” he says firmly. “I don’t do this often, but I’m in charge, and I’m making an executive decision right now. The Sheriff says no, all right?”
And with those words, Jimmy stands up, shoves his hat onto his head, and leaves.
The rest of them finish breakfast silently, avoiding eye contact with one another.
Scott doesn’t quite know how to feel about it. Well, other than he thinks that Jimmy’s wrong. That’s pretty much a given, but he just isn’t confrontational enough to know whether this is enough of an injustice to fight about it.
The others seem to think there’s a genuine chance that Pix might be all right, but if he’s locked himself in his catacombs, he probably doesn’t have much in the way of supplies. There’s no guarantee that he hasn’t already starved to death, and no guarantee that he’ll have coal.
If it’s just rescuing Pix and gaining no other benefits, is it worth the risk?
Yes, Scott decides immediately. It is worth the risk, because Pix is another human being stuck in this horrible ending, and they ought to be doing everything they can to rescue everyone possible.
Scott can’t stop thinking about that as he heads back to his room and tidies it up. He’d never been a hero—he can remember abandoning tour guides in ancient temples once or twice—but Pix is his friend. Pix is a person, out there, on his own. They have the ability to help, and are choosing not to.
So when he’s done making his bed, the first thing he does is track down fWhip.
“I mean . . . if Jimmy thinks it’s too much of a risk, I’m with him,” fWhip says awkwardly when Scott asks him what he thinks. “He’s not usually wrong about how to handle this kind of thing.”
“He was wrong about how to handle Joel,” Scott points out. fWhip grimaces.
“Well, yeah. But since then, he’s had a pretty good track record. Pix is a great guy, and we need all the help we can get . . . but if Jimmy says no, I say no.”
“Of course I think we should go for Pix,” says Shelby, as Scott trails along beside her on a perimeter sweep. He tugs her away by her sleeve when she almost passes through the border, then marks the new line (because of course it’s changed, by about five inches here) with a little stack of rocks. “I know what it’s like to be out there alone, sure that no one will ever find you. It’s—it’s scary, Scott. We should go for him.”
“You don’t think it’s too dangerous?”
“We all have to make sacrifices,” Shelby says gravely. “I don’t want to trade lives or anything, but we need Pix’s smarts. If anyone can figure out a way to get out of here, he can.”
“Who’s to say he hasn’t already made it out?” False inquires, kicking back in her chair. “If anyone could, it’d be me or Pix. Maybe he has some secret portal tucked away in there.”
“So . . . you think we shouldn’t look for him?”
False shrugs. “I don’t know, Scott. I mean, what’s one person at the end of the world?”
And that’s exactly the question, isn’t it?
“Scott, I’m kind of in the middle of something—”
“I just want to know what you think,” Scott says. Gem sighs, backing away from the beehive before removing her gloves.
“I think the Sheriff’s right,” she says simply. “I don’t like it, but I understand. I’ve thought about it for a while, and it’s the choice I would make. We don’t have the fuel to spare—what if we need to relocate before we can sail out to Joey? We have to conserve what we can.”
“I don’t know,” says Katherine. She runs her whetstone along the blade of her axe a couple more times before continuing. “There’s a lot of risk there for what could possibly be no reward.”
“If we knew for sure that Pix was alive, would that change your answer?”
“Honestly . . . if there’s any chance he’s alive, I’d say go for him, of course.” Katherine sets down the whetstone. “There’s a lot of unknowns, but even if it’s just—recovering his body, it’s worth it. If Jimmy changes his mind, I’m down to go. I hate just sitting around.”
“Why wouldn’t we go rescue Pix?” Sausage asks, eyes wide, and that’s all the answer Scott needs.
Most of them end up around the campfire that night, for some reason. Katherine’s out patrolling in the night—Scott can occasionally catch a glimpse of her lantern bobbing up and down far away—and the rest of them (bar Sausage, of course) are sitting out, deliberately not meeting each others’ eyes.
Maybe they’re all here because they know something’s got to give. The tension has been building all day, and someone must’ve let Jimmy know that Scott had been going around to everyone and asking their thoughts, because Jimmy hasn’t so much as looked at Scott in hours.
Was it wrong of Scott to go behind Jimmy’s back and gather support against him? It’s not mutiny, probably—he’s not trying to shake Jimmy from his position as leader, as ill-gotten as it may be. He’s just trying to change his mind, sway him into something more reasonable.
Maybe it is time for another leader, though. He still hasn’t had the time to confront Jimmy’s deeds, to process any of it. He may never have that time. But just because he’s good at it doesn’t necessarily mean he should lead.
Not that Scott wants the position. Not that he can think of anyone more suitable.
Right, as long as Jimmy makes reasonable decisions, he’s a fine leader. Everyone else is here to keep him accountable, not blindly obey. There doesn’t need to be any mutiny.
Jimmy sighs, breaking the silence and interrupting Scott’s rambling thoughts.
“Right. You’re all here about the whole Pix thing, aren’t you?”
Gem looks away. fWhip worries his lip between his sharp teeth. Shelby taps her fingers against her arm.
None of them are going to speak. Of course they aren’t. They’re not cowards, but Scott sort of started this, didn’t he? He’s the one who went around and asked everyone’s thoughts. It’s time to put his money where his mouth is.
“Some of us think we should . . . reopen the discussion,” Scott says carefully. Jimmy finally looks at him. He looks even more tired than he did this morning—the shadows under his eyes are clear even against the dark night, the firelight throwing the lines on his face into stark, haggard relief.
“I know,” Jimmy says. “I know. But I really don’t appreciate y’all talking about this behind my back. Scott, fWhip told me you’ve been going around to everyone all day, asking if they think I’m wrong.”
He shouldn’t have gone to fWhip. Not that—not that this is something that he meant to keep a secret, but Jimmy clearly isn’t happy about it. And fWhip is a snitch.
Scott holds strong. “Yeah, well, the majority of us think that it’s worth the risk. If Pix is alive, he deserves just as much of a chance at help as I did.”
“I know you think you’re being all noble,” Jimmy says acerbically, “but really, Scott. You’re smarter than this. Pix’s tombs have only got the one way in. If we go in, and there’s nothing and no one, those critters will close off our escape. You saw the way they swarmed up Stratos—it’ll be that but times ten. And Pix hasn’t even shown any sign of life!” Jimmy shakes his head doggedly. “No. I’ve tried explaining my decision to you. I wouldn’t choose wrong on something like this. Trust me.”
And really, Scott should’ve dropped it then. He should’ve walked away, understood that he was poking the bear here, that Jimmy was sleep-deprived and annoyed and fed-up with his authority being questioned.
But the absolute indignation he feels at Jimmy telling him he wouldn’t ‘choose wrong’ when it came to someone’s life cannot be ignored.
Scott laughs. “Trust you?” he says, incredulous. “I—Jimmy, excuse me for not trusting you, especially after you lied to me for days!”
“I—I didn’t lie!” Jimmy sputters. “I—I just didn’t tell the full truth, there’s a difference! And you never asked, so I figured—”
“I didn’t know there was anything to ask about! I didn’t find out until two days ago what those things even are, let alone why they’re here! You’d think that if you killed someone and it caused—”
Jimmy stands up, his holster belt sliding off his knee and onto the log he’d been sitting on. Gem gasps a little bit; fWhip buries his face in his hands, ears flapping down.
“Scott,” Jimmy says, his voice low and hands clenched into fists at his sides, “I need you to leave right now.”
Scott stands as well, tossing his coat to the side. “Right,” he laughs derisively. “As soon as you get a little criticism, you blow up over it.”
“How about we all just calm down, maybe go to bed,” fWhip suggests, dropping his hands.
“How am I supposed to sleep knowing that we’re being led by an idiot?” Scott says snidely.
“I’m not the bad guy, Scott!” Jimmy says. “I’m trying to lead this group, I’m trying to keep us alive!”
“Keep us alive? Jimmy—”
“I’m in charge because I’m the only one willing to make these choices,” Jimmy says, words echoing angrily in the night. “You want to try it? You want everyone’s lives in your hands? I’m doing my best! I’m not the bad guy!”
Scott scoffs, flexing his fingers. He’s ready. Come at me. “You can’t say you’re not the bad guy when you’re the one who killed Joel, you started this—”
Jimmy tackles Scott, his hat flying off, sending them both to the ground with a thud. Scott gasps—all the air in his chest is just gone and Jimmy’s weight is crushing him—he shoves hard, rolls to be on top of Jimmy, hands scrabbling to pull and scratch at any part of him.
Jimmy rolls then as well, and Scott’s suddenly very aware of the burning heat beside him and shoves until they roll the other direction, away from the fire.
“Get him, Scott!” Shelby cheers, while fWhip wails and yells for them to stop, but all Scott can hear is the blood pounding in his ears and all he can feel is—Jimmy doesn’t have the right, he doesn’t have the right to declare who lives and who dies and Scott’s going to defend his friends even if that means hurting one of them—
Scott hits him hard in the mouth, anger boiling over, and Jimmy actually yells in frustration or pain (Scott can’t tell which one) before pounding the heels of his fists against Scott’s head, which throws him off-balance and hurts—
“Stop—I said, stop!”
Scott freezes at Sausage’s voice (as does Jimmy under him), scrambles up off of Jimmy and scoots back to look at him. Jimmy groans, pulls himself to his feet.
Sausage is there, illuminated by the fire, arms crossed as he looms over them. He isn’t wearing shoes, his hair is still sleep-mussed, and one of his sleeves is half-rolled up and fraying at the end.
He’s the most intimidating figure Scott’s ever seen, and he manages to feel a sudden burst of shame. What was he thinking, wrestling with Jimmy like that? They’re supposed to be adults.
“I can’t believe this!” Sausage declares, glaring at the both of them. “You guys are being too disruptive, I’m trying to pray!”
Jimmy spits angrily on the ground, and Scott’s shame fades for a moment of vicious pleasure as he sees that Jimmy’s lip is sluggishly bleeding.
“She’s dead, Sausage!” Jimmy snarls. 
The air goes cold in the late summer night. Everything seems to freeze. Jimmy doesn’t stop.
“Your god is dead! They’re all dead—every single one of ‘em, dead as Pix is. We’re alone here in this damned world, and I know it for a fact—because when I killed the last god, I begged for forgiveness and there was no one to hear my prayers. They’re all dead! Your Pearl is dead, all right?”
Silence. Scott doesn’t move. Nobody moves.
Jimmy laughs bitterly, looking around at each of their shadowed faces.
“And you know what? If Pix were here, he’d agree with me. So you can go back to praying to your dead god, Sausage, in there day-in and day-out blabbering uselessly to thin air and dust. I’m gonna try and do something worthwhile! I’m gonna try and save us! Hate me all you want—you know I’m right.”
And with that, Jimmy swings his holster belt over his shoulder and storms off into the night, the fire flickering behind him.
The next day passes uneasily. Scott avoids Jimmy, embarrassed by his outburst last night (and maybe, just a little bit, still fiercely righteously angry). fWhip avoids Scott. And Jimmy avoids absolutely everybody.
That is, until midafternoon, when a scream comes from the border.
Scott hears it from his place in the inn kitchen, rummaging around looking for something to prepare for dinner. He drops the loaf of bread he’d pulled from the shelf and runs—it has to be an infection, there’s only been two since he got here but both times they’d been an emergency and traumatizing and that scream had sounded awfully like Shelby—
Sure enough, Shelby’s standing at the border, but the reason for her distress is made immediately clear.
Scott stops in his tracks, almost frozen in shock. Gem and fWhip, exiting the church not far away, halt before they get more than a step out the door, fWhip’s hands over his mouth. Katherine, running in, stops so suddenly she nearly falls over.
“Hi, guys!” Oli says brightly. His smile is a little bit too wide. A black, fuzzy thing crawls over his lips.
Scott swallows back the shriek that tries to issue from his own lips.
Oli is. . . .
He should definitely be dead.
Should being the keyword.
There’s—Scott can count at least six mites attached to him. There’s one on his shoulder—his shoulder is bare, his puffy shirt torn, and the skin is blackened and almost gooey where the mite is stuck like a leech. One or two circle his dirty stockings, there’s definitely one in his hair, and as Scott watches, unable to tear his eyes away, a particularly tiny one squeezes its way out of his nostril.
He’s going to be sick. Scott’s going to be sick. He’s going to throw up right here and right now, because Oli shouldn’t be here, skin oozing and covered in those things. He should be dead.
The not-dead (or, not-yet-dead) Oli, who is very much here when he oughtn’t be, sighs and sets his hands on his hips. “Well, isn’t anyone going to let a poor boy in? Where’s Sausage? Where’s my Sausage?”
“He’s not here,” Scott forces himself to say when nobody speaks. His voice cracks on the first word; no one calls him out on it. Shelby looks like she’s in shock, still barely a meter from Oli. Gem’s muttering something under her breath that Scott can’t quite hear but sounds like either a prayer or a curse. They’re quite similar, after all.
There’s a crowd gathering. Townsfolk coming to see what’s wrong, gasping and whispering and making horrified sounds.
“You need to go away,” fWhip finally says, bounding forward a couple of steps and making a shooing motion with his hands before bouncing back. “Get out.”
Oli sticks out his bottom lip. “Now is that any way to treat a guest? I’ll just—”
They all make movements forward as Oli sets a foot beyond the border. Scott can’t let him in, he can’t let him bring death here so soon—
Oli pauses, though, makes a face that seems to imply the air is a bit awkward for what he’s going to say. “Erm, can you take down this fancy forcefield . . . thing?” he asks. “My little friends can’t get through, see.”
Nobody says a word. Scott barely dares to breathe. They can’t just—can they just leave him here? They can’t, right?
But they can’t let him in.
And then, with the familiar sound of boots pounding into dirt, Jimmy appears.
To his credit, Jimmy takes in the scene with nothing more than mild horror, before his face softens into something kind and he slowly approaches the border, and by association Oli. Shelby takes a few shaky steps back, but Scott steps forward. Whatever Jimmy tells Oli, he wants to hear it. Even as . . . unpleasant as being up close is, Scott notes, eyes catching on the mite on Oli’s shoulder as it literally burrows further into his flesh.
“Jimmy! What’s going on here, king?”
“Nothing much,” Jimmy says easily, posture relaxed and a bit of a smile on his face. Scott can’t help it, he’s impressed. For all he’s said and done, Jimmy is very good at being a leader—and by extent, keeping the peace.
“Well, why—why—why won’t you all let me in, huh?”
“Oli, we can’t let you in.”
Oli’s face falls. “Why not?”
Up close, Scott can see moist blackness under Oli’s chin, the frame of his jaw appearing to have a spongy texture. He wonders, morbidly, if he pressed it would it sink in?
“Oli, there’s a bit of a bad thing going on right now,” Jimmy says, his voice still soothing and calm. “There’s an evil in this world.”
“Well, well, that’s not good!” Oli says. “Have you seen this evil?”
Jimmy’s eyes linger on the mite burrowed in Oli’s hair. “Yes,” he says. “But—we need eyes on the ground, yeah?”
Oli’s mouth goes wide like an ‘O’, and Scott actually has to press his hand to his mouth to hold back the bile that rises. His tongue is black and slimy and decaying, and he thinks there might be a mite in his mouth—which would explain the swollen cheek.
“You want me to be like a spy!” Oli says excitedly. “Why of course, king! I’ll report back next week, yeah?”
“Yeah,” says Jimmy. “Next week. See you then.”
Somehow, it works. Oli waves cheerily at them all (nobody so much as moves), then hops off in the opposite direction, singing something loudly as he leaves.
Jimmy turns back to the crowd, face ashen. His voice trembles just slightly when he speaks. “Do you still want to go after Pix?”
A moment’s hesitation. fWhip’s actually crying, Scott realizes, a couple of fat tears rolling down his green cheeks. Gem looks like she’ll never forget the image of Oli as long as she lives.
Scott won’t, either. He still feels like he’s one wrong move from vomiting. And now, after seeing exactly what the mites do to someone, he doesn’t know how he can even justify looking for Pix. If Pix is like that, he’s not sure he’d be able to bear it.
His llamas had been ill, and in so much pain when the darkness took them. He doesn’t want to see any more of his friends like that.
But can he really leave Pix to that fate?
“Yes. We want to go for him,” Katherine says firmly, as even Shelby looks doubtful. She meets Jimmy’s gaze with hard determination in her eyes. “Everyone deserves help. Everyone deserves a chance. We can’t just choose to sacrifice someone else to keep ourselves safe.”
Shelby looks away.
“What about Oli?” asks Jimmy, gesturing behind him.
“Oli’s already gone,” Katherine says. She shakes her head. “That wasn’t Oli. That was . . . whatever shadow is left of him. We don’t know if Pix is gone yet.” Then, something almost pleading in her voice, she says, “We can’t let that happen to him.”
Scott sees the precise moment Jimmy relents. He holds her gaze for a moment, heavy and determined and still a little angry, before his shoulders slump.
“Fine,” says Jimmy. He waves a hand wearily. “We set out for Pix in two days. Start preparing.”
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oftheriverseine · 3 months
Normal in the way the Normal Album by Will Wood is normal
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potato-lord-but-not · 8 months
Any recommendations to get start listening to will wood?
I guess it really depends on what kinda music you’re into yk? cus he has that range bb
mellow more acoustic songs that still have some twang to it: becoming the lastnames, white noise, against the kitchen floor, vampire reference in a minor key, misanthrapologist, well, better than the alternative
songs that go insanely hard and sound fucked up and just have a lot going on: thermodynamic lawyer, chemical overreaction, Dr sunshine is dead,
silly goofy disney villainesque songs but if they fucked severally, needs to be in an stop motion animated horror movie: hand me my shovel I’m going in, laplace’s angel, your body my temple, 2econd 2ight 2eer, love me normally, Willard!, yes to err is human so don’t be one
others I like but don’t have a good category for…. maybe goes hard in a silly kinda way: the main character, I/me/myself, cicada days, 6up 5oh copout, blackboxwarrior,
Didn’t give ya a lot of Self-Ish songs but I’m sure others can point ya in the right direction there. I don’t actually know where’s the best place to start I just listed my favs lmao
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catsburgers · 1 year
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chat this MIGHT be dialtown! (closeups under the cut!! ft. their songs and why i paired them w/ the ones i did)
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randy - today today (jack stauber)
the lyrics fit him heaps and it actually makes me a little sad. i didn't write out the entire verse bc i ran out of space but the full part is
"Today, today, is one of those days That carries you slowly into next time And as folks walk by, you see with your eye "Hold me" is repeatedly given
and by GOD is that him. pathetic sad sopping wet man who just needs a hug please give him one oh my god
norm - chemical overreaction (will wood) (you'll notice a pattern later on)
that song has a very midwest cowboy feel to me (the line "Nettles on my saddle and a badge on my vest" is a very big give away), and yeah he IS a chemical overreaction like.. yeah. the line i picked was just the one that stood out to me the most
"My mouth is dry and my eyes are red I’m chewing on sand ‘cause the desert’s in my head" uhh yeah
typegingi - popipo (lamaze-p)
i honestly couldn't think of a song for them because they are just So. if you asked me to make a playlist it would be full of vocaloid bc i feel like theyd listen to it. it plays 24/7 in their mind
"ぽっぴぽっぴぽっぽっぴっぽ (x11)"
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oliver - things to do (alex g)
oliver was someone i struggled with admittedly, i was gonna go for a lemon demon song bc honestly he gives those freak vibes (he IS two trucks and i stand by that) but i feel like things to do fits too. like read the lyrics its so him (or i have a very skewed view of these characters idk sorry)
"Hold on tight to this time, this place cause Everything you know will be erased You were born inside your head and That is where you'll be when you are dead"
karen - willard! (will wood)
please listen to willard! its so her pretty please pls pls plssss. tired bank worker thats so so tired but wants to see the world. plss...
"You know I couldn't hurt a fly, my friend I'm not the type to step on ants I've nearly cried for moths that die at porchlight lamps More for the plights of mice than men See, I myself have been stepped on so many times It's started to feel like my place I've failed to fit in into those nests that scrape the sky Is there room for me in your cage?"
i did his route over a year ago and didnt do it again during my replay sorry bigfoot fans love you :(
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god/hobo - mr capgras
"What you feel and what you do Are those things really you? And if not, then what is? (Never never never) So, my God, what’s wrong with you? And I’m still asking who that is"
roger - i bet on losing dogs (mitski)
hes so mitski coded its insane. we havent got much from the dialtown teaser but we DO have his dsaf personality to go off, and he was a complete mess in that.
"I bet on losing dogs I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place By the ring Where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down I'll be there on their side I'm losing by their side"
peter - a pearl (mitski)
all dsaf holdovers are mitski coded bc it was born into their body the moment they became a phone guy. once again not much to go off in dialtown and ik he seemed rlly chill in what interaction we had but god he is my fav and you can pry my mitski from my cold dead hands. also yeah i reused his art from my dsaf drawing sorrry i didnt think it was worth it redoing the exact same ref
"It's just that I fell in love with a war Nobody told me it ended And it left a pearl in my head And I roll it around every night"
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mayor mingus - everything i wanted (billie eilish) / laplace's angel (will wood)
ok i couldnt pick between these two, theyre so different but so similar
everything i wanted is rlly her, like even the title is so mingus. she's dialtowns mayor, she has everything she wants, except her grandfathers recognition and she'll never get it.
"They called me weak Like I'm not just somebody's daughter Coulda been a nightmare But it felt like they were right there And it feels like yesterday was a year ago But I don't wanna let anybody know"
laplace angel is also her to a lesser degree, the song is about the difference between good and bad, and UGH we know mingus is evil but she's also hurting and thats not an excuse and [explodes]. the little (hurt people? hurt people!) that's officially in the song title is also her. like the term "hurt people hurt people" arehghks. the repeated "if you were in my shoes, you'd walk that mile/you'd see i wear the same size as you" like. shit if ppl were in her shoes WOULD they do the same thing?? probably not!! but she feels like she HAS to do these things and assumes that everyone else would do it too. yk. i love mayor mingus so much
"You, could you take a look at me? (Man no more than animal is made of moral chemicals) Am I bad, am I bad, am I bad, am I really that bad? (Any form mechanical, thank you God) Ooh, whatever you think of me (From the hordes of cannibals, to psych wards of hospitals) If you were in my shoes, you’d see I wear the same size as you (It’s a small world after all) Oh oh right!"
billy - ???
demons dont get songs.
jerry - half decade hangover (will wood)
hes sooo. even the title is him. like yeah he WOULD be hungover on the job if i was jerry id be pounding vodka by the litre. 12 german shepards each with different illnesses. yeah pass me the margarita (i have never had an alcoholic beverage in my life).
"Wonder how I didn’t die This is not my life, I’m no survivor, I only happened to survive Wonder how I sleep at night Well I count pink elephants, blessings, and skeletons"
if you read to the end, thank u so much (and please go seek therapy). if you have any other song suggests lmk in the replies!! but dont tell me songs wont fit i MIGHT cry. these designs r mostly canon but i added my own flair to them (namely typegingis entire design, god/hobo having dog ear antenna (inspired by my own dt oc having cat ear antenna), peters springlock scars, mingus being way more cat then orignally and also making rogers suit just a LITTLE too big for him, showing how he really isnt fit for this position in his job. he'll grow into it eventually <3)
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erinelliotc · 5 months
A tip I give as a listener and music lover: don't give up on songs after listening to them for the first time.
You know, one thing I've learned from my experience listening to music (and which I'm confirming even more now that I've started listening to Will Wood) is that sometimes it's not that you think the song is bad or meh, sometimes you just haven't listened to it enough. Sometimes it's not that you don't like the song, you might actually like it and just not be in the mood to listen to it at that exact moment. And especially if you're listening to several songs at once for the first time, you may not absorb them all well, so it's important to listen to them again other times.
This happened to me with a lot of The Living Tombstone songs. I'd listen to a song for the first time and think "That was kind of weird, I didn't like it very much", or "That wasn't bad but it wasn't good either", then I'd decide to listen to it a few more times, usually at other times, and then I'd start to LOVE the song.
Now this is happening to me with Will Wood.
Before going to the main topic I'll contextualize the following: I discovered Will Wood through "I / Me / Myself" on TikTok (don't judge me I'm trans okay 😭 this song means a lot to me. This is still my most listened song of his so far, but "Front Street", my favorite Will Wood song, is almost taking the top spot) because of an edit (made by @flowerpuff09) with Double D from "Ed, Edd n Eddy" (my biggest hyperfixation) and it immediately became a song I listened to every day almost all the time for many weeks and I even made 4 Eddy edits with this song (first I realized that the song on Spotify wasn't exactly the same as the one in the edit, and then I discovered that there was a demo version and an official version, and I ended up loving both equally in different ways). So in another Ed, Edd n Eddy edit on TikTok, this time an Eddy edit, I discovered "The Main Character" and loved it, and then I discovered that it was ANOTHER fucking Will Wood song! At that moment I thought I should listen to the rest of his songs because it was already the second song of his that I loved, and so I did.
The first time I listened to all of his songs (January 30th), I added to a playlist the songs that I felt I really liked from the first time I listened to them. If you're curious to know what songs they were here's the list so you can judge me (observation: I listen to the 2015 "Everything is a Lot" album except Aikido and EIAL / Destroy to Enjoy, and to the 2020 Remastered Version of SELF-iSH):
6up 5oh Cop-Out (Pro / Con)
Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal, NY (Bones)
Front Street
Thermodynamic Lawyer Esq, G.F.D.
Chemical Overreaction / Compound Fracture
Cotard's Solution (Anatta, Dukkha, Anicca)
Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In!
Suburbia Overture / Greetings from Mary Bell Township! / (Vampire) Culture / Love Me, Normally
2econd-2ight-2eer (that was fun, goodbye.)
I / Me / Myself [demo]
I / Me / Myself [official]
…well, better than the alternative
Outliars and Hyppocrates: a fun fact about apples
BlackBoxWarrior – OKULTRA
Marsha, Thankk You for the Dialectics, but I Need You to Leave.
Love, Me Normally
Memento Mori: the most important thing in the world
Your Body, My Temple
When Somebody Needs You [Song]
Tomcat Disposables
The Main Character
Against the Kitchen Floor
Then I listened to my 23-song playlist non-stop for almost 3 weeks. And even the songs I already liked seemed to get better over time after listening to them more times, like "Marsha, Thankk You for the Dialectics, but I Need You to Leave.".
One day while reading Reddit, I saw some people commenting about not listening to "Euthanasia" because it was too sad, then I decided to watch the "Euthanasia" music video and ended up crying and loving the song, so I added it to my playlist. 2 weeks later, I added "Mr. Capgras Encounters a Secondhand Vanity: Tulpamancer's Prosopagnosia/Pareidolia (As Direct Result of Trauma to the Fusiform Gyrus)" to my playlist too after giving it another listen and really liking it (I was trying to increase the number of songs on this album because I felt sad listening to only 3 songs, even though it's a small album). A few days later I added "Ferryman" and "The First Step" after watching a video compiling the best parts of Will Wood's songs. Almost a week later I decided to give the "Everything is a Lot" album another listen and then I added "White Knuckle Jerk (Where Do You Get Off?)", "(Cover This Song) A Little Bit Mine" and "Lysergide Daydream". I also added "Venetian Blind Man (Song)" after seeing someone on Reddit say it was an underrated song, listening to it again and realizing it really was.
And something unusual happened. Somewhere in the middle of all this I also removed "BlackBoxWarrior – OKULTRA" because even though I liked it the first time I listened to it, it became a song I kept skipping, then I realized I didn't like it that much (please don't kill me. I know a lot of people love this one, but I found it to be my least favorite on "The Normal Album"). Whether I like or dislike a song ends up being about the sound, not the lyrics, mainly because English isn't my first language, so I end up not caring that much about the lyrics. It's not that the lyrics aren't important to me, what happens to me is:
If I like the sound of a song, and the lyrics also talk about something I like, identify with or find important, the lyrics come as a bonus so I like the song even more
If I like the sound of a song, but the lyrics have nothing to do with me, the song is still just as good for me
If I don't like the sound of a song, but the lyrics talk about something I like, identify with or find important, it doesn't change anything for me, it doesn't make me enjoy listening to the song one bit
Basically, the lyrics make songs I already like better for me, but they don't make a song I don't like better, or a song I like worse.
Fun fact involving me not being a native English speaker: besides Will's lyrics being very abstract in general, I'm also not fluent in English and I never made any effort to pay attention to his lyrics either, so I had no idea what "Tomcat Disposables" was about. But every time I heard it, I became inexplicably extremely sad and melancholic and even teared up even without knowing what he was talking about. One day I decided to look for the meaning and now I know that it made perfect sense to be sad about this song, and of course now I feel even sadder than before listening to this song. He did a really good job of making the melody capture the sad feeling of the story.
So from March 15th until the day before yesterday (for 1 month), I listened to this playlist of now 30 songs. So the day before yesterday I decided to listen to his albums again, and now I just added one song after another. The more I listen to his songs, the more I realize that I actually really like them. The songs that were added practically all at once were:
¡Aikido! (Neurotic/Erotic)
Everything Is a Lot
Destroy to Enjoy
The Song with Five Names, a.k.a. Soapbox Tao, a.k.a. Checkmate Atheists! a.k.a. Neospace Government, a.k.a. You Can Never Know
Dr. Sunshine is Dead
Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!)
Cicada Days
That's Enough, Let's Get You Home
Um, I Mean, It's Kind of a Lot
Half-Decade Hangover
Vampire Reference in a Minor Key
Sex, Drugs, Rock 'n' Roll
White Noise
Yes, I like "Destroy to Enjoy" more than "BlackBoxWarrior – OKULTRA", leave me alone. And yes, it took me a while to like "Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!)". It's my second least favorite song on "The Normal Album", but it's still good enough for me to put on my playlist. I swear, I REALLY wanted to like this song more, considering that "The Lorax" and especially the Once-ler were hyperfixations of mine in 2021. And yes, it took me a while, but now I love "The Song with Five Names [etc etc insert 4 more names here ...]". "Cicada Days" also finally got a special place in my heart, but the one I'm listening to most from the album "In case I make it," is "That's Enough, Let's Get You Home", the ending really touches me.
Anyway, now I have a playlist of 44 songs. I may still add more, but in general I'll enjoy listening to all of his songs (except "You Liked This (Okay, Computer)" and generally those that are only instrumental), even the ones I don't consider favorites (the ones that aren't on my playlist).
Then that's it. Give a second, third, fourth listen to that song you didn't like. It might even become a song you love and listen to all the time.
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drops the will wood song list for each character here and runs
Steven - Lysergide Daydream, Cover This Song, 2012, Mr. Capgras, Suburbia Overture, Well, Better than the Alternative, Cicada Days, Euthanasia, Um, It’s Kind of A Lot, Against the Kitchen Floor.
Jake - Red Moon, Hand Me My Shovel, I’m Going In, Marsha, Thankk You for the Dialectics, When Somebody Needs You.
Bubble - Self-, Tomcat Disposables, Falling Up.
Key - Self-, Venetian Blind Man.
William - The Song with Five Names, Dr. Sunshine is Dead, That’s Enough, Let’s Get You Home, Willard.
Rose - 2econd 2ight 2eer.
Terrence - Cortad’s Solution, Laplace’s Angel.
f. for anyone with less songs than another it is likely because i wasnt confident in properly characterizing you via song and just went with the ones i thought fit...... steven has the most because my brain found it easy to make connections to him and the lyrics :3
[[i find it silly bc mod is listening to will wood atm
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Before He Cheats (Carrie Underwood)
I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive/Carved my name into his leather seats/I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights/I slashed a hole in all four tires
"Country women getting revenge messes everyone up, mainly the chorus hits so hard. This girl has been wronged and isn’t going to stand for it and she makes sure everyone knows what he’s done. Ps I love the “Louisville slugger”"
Willard! (Will Wood)
You know I couldn't hurt a fly, my friend/I'm not the type to step on ants/I've nearly cried for moths that die in porchlight lamps/More for the plights of mice than men/See, I myself have been stepped on so many times/It's started to feel like my place/I've failed to fit into those nests that scrape the sky/Is there room for me in your cage?
"First off: super relatable lyrics about being incapable of comprehending humans and finding better company in animals, I can't listen to them without crying. Second: the musical vibe to it makes it feel grand but at the same time private and personal like we're listening to someone's deepest inner thoughts. Third: the context. In the song, the singer is talking to his pet rat, Socrates. Will wrote this song after his pet rat Mr. Algernon Socrates Boy passed away."
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
sneaks in here to yap about will wood
did you know hes been in bands before will wood and the tapeworms? he was in a verbal equinox, then he formed the stereosexuals with jonation maisto (whose helped with some of his newer music!) theres also two more in there, jamface and strange thick but i dont know too much about either other than will wood was in them.
a lot of will woods songs are also connected from what ive listened to
in skeleton appreciation day, will wood sings "a selfish book is always open" then his next album is named "self-ish"
in your body my temple, will wood sings "when the waters run red" which could be a reference to the lyric "the drunk-tanks blood red" in the song 6up 5oh Copout
in falling up, will wood sings "i grew up in suburbia" and then of course, theres suburbia overtune
in the first step, will wood sings "i dont want to be an organ donor" which could be hin referencing the stereosexuals song 1fish2fish
thats about all the things ive seen that are connected, but some of his lyrics could also be references to his older songs in the stereosexuals, as theres only been 3 publicly released. will has said the other 12 were lost on an old hard drive, but for all we know he could be lying. the stereosexuals used to be on spotify, but arent anymore for some reason, so you can really only listen to it youtube sadly.
will wood has 3 songs related to rats in "in case i make it," which are tomcat disposables, euthansia, and willard!
then in his live album "in case i die" he has two songs that weren't released, which were "and if i did, you deserved it" and "misanthropologist"
he also has a podcast named "life in the world to come" which he does with his friend chris dunne, which is about well, life in the world to come. people send questions in and the two answer them, but like most of the time most of it is them yapping, but im not complaining.
:3 (also, explain the plot of the four swords manga??? you need to go to a LIBRARY!!)
oh wow i knew like none of this
i mean i knew he had a lot of repeating themes/lyrics but not the other stuff
thanks for sharing dude 🫶
(ALSO IVE CHECKED they dont HAVE IT at the library. but someone sent me the link so no worries)
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peteytheparrot · 3 months
Hey petey! I have a question! (It's semi oc related idk you'll awnser it) a few years back when I was terrible at drawing I remembered doing a map that you hosted (it was canceled) (specifically the spring and storm map) I honestly forgot if you were doing a part but if you were what was your plan and like what ocs were you going to use? Also if there was more of a reason? Why was it canceled? (I'm genuinely curious this is not me being malicious) also if that's too much. Do you still like tally hall. (Guessing from the map lol) (If you do go listen to will wood 'willard' just a suggestion lol)
I didn’t make the map! I’m my sister @chickenndogg did!
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She said she canceled it because she was stressed about it lmao- I was gonna join but I guess I never finished the part and I completely forgot what I was gonna do for it, and I was gonna make a thumbnail:
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And yeah I can enjoy Tally Hall from time to time, not a crazy fan or anything though lol!
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insect0idfreakaz0id · 9 months
Hi!! What’s your favorite will wood/wwattw song? :DD
honestly, I've avoided answering this because I don't think I have a favorite. I like every song I've heard so far, (I'm shortening the names) which is a lot: Self-, -ish, 2012, Cotards Solution, Mr capgras encounters a secondhand vanity, the song with five names, hand me my shovel I'm going in, Dr Sunshine is dead, 6up 5oh Cop-out, skeleton appreciation day, front street, aikido, white knuckle jerk, cover this song, thermodynamic lawyer, red moon, the first step, jimmy mushrooms' last drink, everything is a lot, chemical overreaction, suburbia overture, 2econd 2ight 2eer, laplaces angel, I/me/myself, well better than the alternative, outliars and hyppocrates, blackboxwarrior, love me normally, marsha thankk you for the dialectics, memento mori, white noise, Willard, sex drugs rock n roll, against the kitchen floor, the main character, big fat bitchies blueberry pie, vampire reference in a minor key, half decade hangover, um I mean it's kind of a lot, that's enough let's get you home, falling up, tomcat disposables, euthanasia, cicada days, becoming the last names, yes to err is human, when somebody needs you, your body my temple, and venetian blind man.
that is a lot of them...all the others I either haven't listened to yet or don't really like (don't like is mostly specific to you liked this okay computer...sorry!!) because when I find an artist I get some kind of fear that not liking any of their songs I haven't already heard will "ruin" them for me, but recently I tried to get over it and listen to most of the songs I didn't know yet....i think i like lygerside daydream but I don't remember and don't wanna hold off this ask anymore !! I haven't listened to all of the real will wood, camp here & there, in case I die, or anything else I missed yet.
Sorry for the extensive list!! my favorite ones often change but over time the ones I've had, for a shorter answer are front street, the first step, Dr Sunshine is dead, Cotards Solution, mr capgras, aikido, everything is a lot, self- & -ish, 6up 5oh, blackboxwarrior, memento mori, when somebody needs you, hand me my shovel, 2012, song with 5 names, chemical overreaction, suburbia overture, white noise, cicada days, and yes to err is human.... I think those ones have all been my "favorite" at one point.
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raventhewolf9 · 14 days
About Me and stuff!
Hi! You can call me Simon or Rowan (or Willard or Will or Luke or Raven, I have a lot of names). I'm not fantastic at doing about me things, but I will try my best!
I'm agender and use any pronouns, but I prefer it/him/they. I'm asexual (apothisexual, to be more specific) and panromantic.
Nonhuman (I'm a cat :3) (I guess I'm technically a therian? but I'm most comfortable with the label nonhuman)
Triple-A battery (Anxious, Autistic, ADHD)
Possibly depressed (not professionally diagnosed)
My interests include Will Wood, Tally Hall (and their side projects), Camp Here and There (no spoilers!!), Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Amphibia, and a bunch of other stuff that I'm not going to list because it's like!! a lot!!
I enjoy listening to music, drawing, reading, writing, watching TV, cooking, and making dragon puppets.
I don't post much on tumblr mainly because I'm not familiar with it. I mostly just reblog stuff I think is cool
I am a MINOR!!! Please keep that in mind when interacting with me
Also, please use tone tags when interacting, I often have trouble understanding tone through text.
NO TALLYSHIPPING!! (or just shipping real people in general!! or just proshipping in general!! no proshipping!!)
Also!! Do NOT!! talk about sexual stuff around me!! As I mentioned before, I am apothisexual (sex-repulsed, if you didn't already know) so that stuff really gives me the ick and makes me uncomfortable so PLEASE avoid talking about it around me
Please only interact with me if I know you or if I interacted with you first. Because of recent events, I'm rather paranoid of people I don't know, sorry ^^"
Basic DNI criteria (queerphobes, anti-furries, anti-alterhuman/nonhuman, p3d0s, z00s, proshippers, racists, sexists, etc)
Joe Hawley supporters
Joe Hawley haters / erasers / harassers / dehumanizers (Yes, he's done terrible things, but he's still a real person and doesn't deserve to be harassed, it doesn't make anything better or help him recover / improve)
18+ blogs (should be obvious but I'm putting it here anyway)
Robin / Riab / Red / ILOVEROSSFEDERMAN (If you know you know; if you don't know, ask) (I don't thiiiiiink he has tumblr? but better safe than sorry, yknow?) (It's not like he'd respect me telling him to DNI anyway, but I'm still putting him on here)
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big-fongz · 2 years
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i’m fucking going insane listening to Willard! cause this is so close to my experience as a person with ADHD and possibly Autism
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Will Wood does it again writing lyrics that hit me on a fundamental level
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goofygooberton · 1 year
Oh I’m def doing this one ur a will wood enjoyer 👨🏻‍🎨📚 and 📣 if ur doin multiple
oooooh well boy oh boy there's alot of will wood to talk about with these ones
🧑‍🎨 A musical artist where you drop everything to hear their latest work
Well, pretty much anyone I listen to regularly, which of course includes Will Wood back before he went on his much deserved hiatus. The lead up to in case i make it was one of the most fun experiences with music I've had. It was nice to have something to look forward to, and go bonkers when each single got dropped. I even made it to the stream for Cicada Days, which ended up being one of my fav songs on the album.
I'd also drop everything for Marina, I think she's working on her 6th album right now so that's very exciting. And Hannah Grae, she;s super cool, does punk rock stuff. I'd recommend y'all check out Time of Your Life and her cover of What's Up if that interested you.
📚 A song or album you could write a term paper on
The Normal Album!!! The Normal Album does such a great job taking advantage of the album format, it's nice and cohesive, and all the songs add something that builds up to the main theme that was introduced in Suburbia Overture. I love the way that opening sequence has snippets of the musical/textual themes from later songs, it's a great way to set things up. And the whole thing builds and builds to Love, Me Normally and then ends with memento mori right after, which is a fitting song to be at the end of an album and has a really different tone than the rest of it but it works. A lil post show act.
Every single song on that album is a banger that could be analyzed for days.
📣 A lyric that feels like it is specifically calling you out
"See, I myself have been stepped on so many times It's started to feel like my place I've failed to fit in into those nests that scrape the sky Is there room for me in your cage?"
It was really hard for me to pick just one line from Willard! because that whole damn song is me. It's such a perfect description of my experiences growing up, particularly being autistic. Also rats <3
tysm for the ask!
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So... I just listened to a few Will Wood's songs!
Outliars and Hyppocrates is really really good, not relatable for me (it's more like Killian's song), but still really good! The First Step is really silly and fast, something new for me, but I like it! Willard! is... not my favorite song. Wren likes it more, because it's relatable for flame. The same with Misanthrapologist, although I like it more than Willard! (Is it because of the guitar? Probably yes).
I couldn't listen to more songs, because my mind started to hurt again, but the ones I listened to were really great!
(I need to finally listen to The Song With Five Names, because I remember fragments of it, somehow, and it sounds AMAZING)
i'm glad that you liked the ones you listened to so far! when your mind feels better (which i hope will happen soon because you deserve good things) and you get a chance to listen to the song with five names, you definitely should! just like you said, it's amazing - though of course outliars is my life. i could go on all day about how much i love it........ which probably sounds weird as shit but uh. shhhhh (:
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the-spaced-out-ace · 1 year
hellraiser, nightmare on elm street, the ring and saw owo
Hellraiser - do you have any tattoos/piercings? do you want any?
Got my ears pieced at Claire’s as a wee child because my mom and I were cheap 👍 I’ve considered a tattoo on and off for the last few years but I’ve never really decided either way.
Nightmare on Elm Street - Top 5 favorite songs
Willard! - Will Wood
Be Calm - fun.
Inokori Sensei - Honeyworks
Status Quo - Starship
Rock n Roll Suicide - David Bowie
The Ring - If you could visit/live anywhere in the world, where would you?
I fully intend to move to Queens permanently one day. As for visiting, I really want to go to India!
Saw - Controversial opinion
I don’t like The Lion King. Only thing it has going for me is the Elton John tunes and I can listen to those on my own time.
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totheidiot · 5 months
🎶✨when you get this,put 5 songs you actually listen to,then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers🎶✨
okay okay !! this is funnn, five songs i have been listening to A LOT lately, let us go !!
willard! - will wood
falling up - will wood
mystery of love - sufjan stevens (i would listen to it on loop last year and the love for this song is coming back again)
polka face - weird al
just add water - cavetown
i run a gimmick blog for in case i make it, of course i love thar album so much
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