#like this films can stand alone which is great
kingofpopmj · 2 days
Something About You Baby
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Summary: You watched behind the scenes as filming for In The Closet began. Michael in work mode was one of your favorite things, but there was something different about this time.
Pairing: Michael Jackson x Reader!
Requested: yes
*Y/N’s POV*
It was hot. Everything. The weather. The onscreen couple. The wardrobe. Everything. It felt like only yesterday Michael jumped out of bed and began scribbling notes in the notebook I’d put in his nightstand for moments like this. I laid on my side watching him hum and beatbox until he found the right melody. His process was incredible to witness. It was so damn sexy when he lost himself in the music.
“What do you think?” Michael smiled, standing still as I eyed him up and down— taking my sweet time of course.
“Very handsome.” I leaned in, my lips molding to the curve of his cheek. “Aren’t you going to be hot in those jeans?”
“Yeah, but I don’t have many other options.”
“You could wear a speedo.” I teased.
“I think that would negate the subtly I was going for.”
“Boo. You’re no fun.” I giggled, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and twirling my fingers through the strands of his ponytail.
“Plus, those don’t seem very comfortable or supportive for that matter.”
“Must you always overthink my jokes?”
“How about… I give you a private show later. I’ll pull out all my best moves and definitely no speedos.” I could feel his fingers slip under the hem of my shirt, tracing my hipbone.
“Oh, I wouldn’t miss that for the world.”
“Only the best for my lady.”
“We should get out there… the longer you look at me like that the closer we are to getting this trailer rockin’. I only have so much self control.” I pouted, dragging the pads of my fingers along the details of his shoulder muscles.
“I love the hell out of you. You know that?”
“I had an inkling.”
“Come on. They’re waiting for us.”
Michael held out his arm for me to take before guiding me with him to where everyone was waiting. After quick pleasantries, I looked on silently as they begun talking business. Michael spoke with the director about some last minute ideas. I took the moment to look around, it was a simple set and I was looking forward to seeing how they’d utilize everything.
“This is Y/N, my better half.” Michael’s voice brought me back into the conversation. When I turned my head I was face to face with his love interest for the day.
“Hello, it’s great to meet you.” I smiled, trying to hide how utterly intimidated I’d felt. The more I looked at her the more I felt myself shrink— she’s like a fucking goddess.
“Hi, I’m Naomi, it’s exciting to finally meet you. Michael talks about you constantly. I feel like I already know you.” She was tall with long hair and a costume which showed off her toned physique. She was absolutely beautiful.
Michael whispered in my ear about needing to take care of something and left me alone with the supermodel. We continued talking and laughing together. She was actually pretty easy to talk to. It wasn’t long until I didn’t feel so insecure anymore. I mean she’s still stunning, but she also seemed kind. She’s Michaels friend— good friend. He doesn’t have many of those, people he can trust, so that’s another plus in my book.
“Mike should’ve just had you in the video.” She nudged me with her elbow. “I think that would’ve really brought the shock value. No one would expect it, since he’s so protective of you.”
“Yeah, I don’t think he’d go for that at all. Plus, I couldn’t— I get a little camera shy.”
“Don’t be shy. Own it, I know I would. You’re with the most successful man in the world. He chose you, don’t be shy, don’t hide. Who gives a shit what they say. If you ask me, you’ve already won.”
“I’ve won? Won what?”
“Seriously?” She laughed, shaking her head and gesturing with her head in the direction of where Michael was. “Happiness.” She stated simply. “People would do anything for true happiness. You’ve got it. It brings out the envy in most.” I stared at her for a moment, my eyes searching hers for understanding. She didn’t smile this time. She looked at me with this expression that sent a shiver through my body. By the time I’d figured out what to say to her, we were interrupted before I could get the words out.
“Excuse me, Naomi, we need you.” She excused herself and walked off to the makeshift church, posing in front of it as they checked the lighting.
She’s really fitting for the role. There’s no way I could’ve done that— the outfit alone. She looked more comfortable in it— in front of all these people more than I ever could.
I was left with this uneasy feeling. Nonetheless, I watched on as they got in position. She smiled, batting her eyes when Michael emerged from his trailer. I recognized the excitement, the hitch in her breathing, but the real give away was the way her face fell when he made his way to me. She had no idea how to mask her emotions, which made it difficult to brush off.
“Y/N, baby.” His sweet voice sounded from beside as I felt his embrace.
“Hi.” I said simply, pulling my focus away from her and the anger I felt— it wasn’t important. It’s not worth it. Michael has had many admirers. This won’t be any different. Like she said, I shouldn’t hide. I should own it.
“We’re about to start. I need for you to stay right here, okay?”
“Here? Okay. I can do that.” I crossed my legs and sat back in my chair. “Oh, I love it when you give me orders.”
“Stop it.” He jumped towards me, covering my lips. “You really want me to break your back in the middle of a desert?”
“I mean if you’re offering.” I couldn’t help myself I loved the look on his face when I flirted with him, especially in public.
“You’ve gotta stop getting me started when there’s people around.” He muttered under his breath, adjusting his jeans discreetly. “Naughty.”
“Fine. I’ll be good.”
“I’ll be right over there.” He pointed over to where a dusty old car was parked. “I need to have you in my eye line, so I can sing to you. I need you there. It’ll help my nerves— seeing you will help me.”
“I won’t move.”
“Thank you.”
I did exactly as I was told. I didn’t move.
Every time they took breaks in between filming, Michael was right by my side acting a fool. He was so amped up, everything I said only added to his craziness.
“Put ‘em up!” Michael yelled from behind me.
“You scared the shit out of me!” When I turned around he had a bright green water gun pointing at me and a brown cowboy hat on.
“Hands in the air fine lady!”
“You don’t have to yell—” That’s when I felt cold liquid hit me in the forehead. “What is that? It’s burning my eye.”
“I’m Sheriff Jackson and you are under arrest. Put your hands in the air.”
“Sprite?” I asked as the substance dripped down onto my lips. “You goon, did you really fill that water gun with soda?”
“Stop resisting arrest, ma’am. Don’t make me handcuff you.”
“Where’d you get that from?” I laughed, poking the shiny badge clipped to his chest. “You’re silly. So, you’re the Sheriff?”
“Yes ma’am and I suggest you start cooperating.”
“Can I ask what I’m being charged with?” I teased, tilting my chin up with my hands in front of me— cooperating.
“Being sexy.”
“That’s not a crime. It seems to me like an abuse of power on your part.”
“Yes, I use this badge to get near beautiful women. You caught me.” He grabbed my wrist, pulling me out of the chair and into his chest. “If you give me some lovin’. I’ll let you go— charges dropped.”
“You’re so damn annoying.” I kissed him roughly, sinking my hands slipping through the strands of his hair. “You’re lucky you’re so scrumptious, Sheriff.”
“Having fun?”
“I would be if I wasn’t all sticky from being shot at with sprite.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll lick it off of you later.” He winked, dancing around me and pinching my butt. “I’ll have an hour for lunch, if you’re interested.”
“I’ll go pick up your favorite.”
“You’re my favorite.” He walked me over to the car and kissed me. “I can’t believe I’m helping a fugitive escape.” He murmured against my lips.
“Sheriff, the only thing I’m guilty of is having dirty thoughts about you.” I kissed his cheek, his jawline then his neck as I felt his heart begin to race. I pulled away, smiling up at him. “I should get going.”
“Tease.” He huffed, smacking my butt as I turned to get into the car. “Drive safe. I love you.”
“I love you.” He shut the door softly, leaning through the open window to kiss me one last time before I drove off.
When I pulled up to set, paper bags in hand everything felt the same. It wasn’t until my eyes landed on Michael that I realized I was wrong. He jumped slightly when I greeted him and was painfully quiet.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, thanks for getting food.” He sounded genuine in his tone, but the way he was pushing food around his plate with a fork told me there was more.
“Michael, you can—”
“Please!” He jumped up, dodging my hand as I tried to reach out to him. “Just drop it.”
There was so much I wanted to say. I had so many questions, but I stayed silent. When I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror I immediately felt sick, I looked like a scared kid who’d just been grounded. I felt so damn confused.
“I gotta get back.” I watched as he left the trailer, his head hanging forward and his steps small but steady.
“Okay.” I said after the door shut. I felt helpless. I had no idea what the hell was going on. I thought about how clear he’d been about me taking my spot behind the camera, but right now it felt like he didn’t want me there.
Yet, my feet still carried me outside where the atmosphere had dramatically changed.
“3… 2… Action!”
I stared at my hands, resting in my lap, trying to think over the events of today. I had no idea what could be bothering Michael, but it was serious. I could feel it. When I finally built up the courage to look at him he spun around quickly avoiding my eyes. I don’t think I ever felt more devastated than in this moment.
“How was that?” I heard a voice speak near me. I looked up in time to see the crew walking towards the equipment. This meant they were taking a break— yet Michael was— I didn’t know where he was.
Great. He’s hiding from me now. What’s going on?
The crew had huddled around one of the monitors as they viewed the scene they’d just filmed. They were cheering and applauding at the performance Michael and Naomi were putting on. Even I had to admit, they were doing a great job, very convincing— almost uncomfortable to watch since they were having so much fun groping each other. Truly every girlfriend’s dream to witness her man dry hump in the open desert for a dozen cameras. I’m a lucky girl.
“Look at them. This is going to be hot!”
“That’s a star couple if I ever saw one.”
“People are going to go crazy over this video.”
“They’d be absolutely stunning together. Imagine their babies. Oh, they’d have beautiful babies.”
What the fuck. They’re having babies now? I can’t take much more of this. It’s getting difficult to keep up the supportive girlfriend act. It was easy to tell myself it’s just a job and Michael deserves to have me here cheering him on, but now it felt like I was intruding.
“Naomi, can we get you on the floor?” She flipped her hair and nodded enthusiastically. “Michael, just climb on top of her, do whatever comes to you.”
Yeah, I’m gonna need a break. I hopped out of my chair, walking off before taking one last glance at my boyfriend— that was a big mistake. His hand on Naomi’s chin, guiding her to look up at him from where she was on the floor— in front of him— on her knees.
That’s awesome.
I’m totally okay with this.
I’m not upset. They’re just acting.
And, they just so happened to be great actors.
*Michael’s POV*
As I danced along to the music, something had shifted and I could feel it deep in my soul. I tried to continue, but I was too focused on the empty chair a few yards in front of me. This isn’t right. She wouldn’t just wander off without telling me. I took a deep breath, shaking my head and when the music stopped my feet took off. This felt— it all felt wrong.
“Babe?” I found her stood behind the trailer, her back pushed up against it. “Why’d you leave?”
“It didn’t feel like I was needed anymore.”
“Of course you are. I panicked— I was worried when I didn’t see you.”
“I’m not stupid.” Her eyes were glossy when she finally spoke and her lips stuck in a frown.
“Of course you’re not. I never said you were.” I reached out to her, but she pushed my hand away.
“Well, then, why are you treating me like I am?”
“Babe, what’s going on? What’s this about?”
“This is humiliating.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You can cut the tension with a knife. Why did you even bring me here?”
“Because I need you.”
“It doesn’t— I don’t think you do.”
“Come on. Let’s go inside.” I tried to reach out for her again, but she stepped away, wrapping her arms around herself. She was shielding her from me and it hurt like hell. “Let’s talk. We should talk.”
“It’s in your eyes. They always tell me what you can’t say. I can see it.”
“Honey, see what?”
“Michael, you’re into her.”
“You’ve been acting— you haven’t been yourself off camera— with me. I don’t know why, but ever since lunch you’ve been avoiding me. It seems like you rather be over there with her… you’re not being yourself. And, the only explanation I can come up with is that you’re into her.”
“No. No. That’s not true.”
“That’s what it feels like— like you want to be with her. You’re acting different.”
“Baby, no. I promise that’s not it.”
“When they yell cut you practically hide from me, but I can tell. I can see it in your eyes— it’s— there’s something wrong and it looks like when the camera is rolling you’re loving every minute. I can feel it— there’s something going on with her.”
“No, Y/N, no— I don’t want her. This is work and I’m just playing a part.”
“You guys are all over each other—”
“It’s for the film. We’re acting. I’m acting. That’s all.”
“It seems like you’re both really enjoying it. Why are you avoiding me? Like you don’t want to be near me—”
“No, that’s not it! I’m so sorry… I didn’t intend to make you feel that way.”
“What is it then! Am I imagining it?”
“Y/N! No!”
“All you can say is no?”
“No! I mean— shit, not no.”
“You’ve gotta get back out there. I’ll just stay here or I can leave.” She took in a deep breath like she was trying to appear unfazed. “Do you want me to leave?”
“No. Y/N, listen...” I drifted off, feeling helpless. I had no idea what to say— how to say this.
“Just say it.”
“I don’t know…”
“Then, say something, say anything.”
“I was avoiding you because I can’t keep things from you. I’m not a good liar.”
“A good liar? Oh my god. What did you do?”
“What did you do with her that you need to lie to me about?” Her voice was weak and she started crying profusely at the thought of me betraying her.
“No. Please listen to me.” She still wouldn’t let me touch her, so I settled for placing my hands on the metal exterior of the trailer, on either side of her, blocking her in so she couldn’t run away from me.
“I’m listening.” She muttered, staring off into the distance.
“I’d never do something like that. I didn’t mean— I meant I’m not good at keeping things from you. I hate it actually. And, I thought it was best to not tell you this while we’re still here because I didn’t want you to kill Naomi.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I love you. Do you hear me? I fucking love you. I didn’t want— I thought I was protecting you.”
“What the fuck is going on?”
“Shit. Okay, please don’t be mad.”
“Michael, you’re scaring me.”
“When you left to get us lunch. She came into my trailer—”
“Who?” Her eyes squinted, focusing on my every word and I knew immediately this wasn’t going to end well.
“Naomi, she came onto me.”
“She what!” Y/N yelled, taking me by surprise.
“Oh, you’re already mad. That was quick.” I nervously bit my lip, stalling because I didn’t want to tell her everything. She was going to lose it.
“What did she do Michael?”
“I need you to promise me that you won’t run over there and go all Balboa, okay? There can’t be— you can’t make a scene.”
“Michael, tell me, now.”
“You didn’t promise.”
“Fine. I promise. I won’t make a scene.” Her voice was calm when she said it, showing me a tight lipped smile to reassure me. I didn’t have much time to study that smile before she spoke again. “Now, tell me.”
“Naomi came onto me. She threw herself at me. I didn’t think she’d— it came out of nowhere. I—It made me so uncomfortable. I was kind of embarrassed— but still— honey, I— I should’ve told you. I— S— She grabbed me— like— down there and said things— offered some things I’m not very comfortable repeating—” I didn’t get to finish before she dipped her head under my arm, escaping my makeshift barrier. “Babe!” She didn’t stop and she didn’t look back.
I took a deep breath before chasing after her, but she’d vanished. Damn, I forgot how quick she is. The only hint of her whereabouts was the sound of Naomi’s trailer door being ripped open. I scanned the area anxiously, but nothing seemed off. No one was suspicious of anything. There were no eyes on me. Everyone was going on about their business as usual and that’s when I really noticed how quiet it was. It was too quiet. I couldn’t hear any sounds of a fight which made me curious and a little afraid. Carefully, I walked towards the open door of Naomi’s trailer, peeking inside and nothing. I didn’t see Y/N or Naomi anywhere. I really didn’t want to go inside, but knowing my girl, I’d definitely have to carry her out of here.
“Babe! Are you in here?” There was a slight creaking sound and it was only then I noticed the trailer shaking.
No answer.
Still nothing.
I placed my foot on the first step, counting to five before going any further, but thankfully that was as far as I had to go. Y/N appeared from the back room with a toothy grin on her face this time, fixing her shirt and dusting herself off.
“Hey baby! There you are.” She chuckled, walking over to me, intertwining our hands and dragging me back outside— away from what she’d done. My gut told me she left behind a crime scene. The way she smiled at me— I had no doubt she took care of business.
“What did you do?” I whispered, studying her body for any visible wounds. I paused, inspecting her hands, specifically her bright red knuckles.
“Nothing.” She shrugged innocently. “I didn’t do anything. I didn’t see anything, did you?”
“Y/N, you have to tell me.”
“Tell you what?”
“Did you hit her? Yell at her? I didn’t hear any yelling. What happened in there?”
“I didn’t hear anything. Did you?” She tilted her head, waiting for my answer. There was something about the way she was looking at me. I wanted to laugh, but I was genuinely curious what she was capable of.
Before I could finish, Naomi emerged from her trailer, looking— very different. She looked like she’d been to hell and back. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were trained on the floor as she walked by us. She had her hand on her forehead, acting like she was blocking the sun, but I could tell there was more. She was covering something, maybe a scratch or bruise.
“I didn’t cause a scene.” Y/N whispered to me as she brought her lips to mine.
“I’m not sure whether to be scared of you or really turned on right now.” I wasn’t scared of her. I was impressed, maybe that was wrong, but I was.
“You’ll figure it out.” She winked, cupping my face and rubbing her thumb across my cheek.
“Thank you. Thank you so—”
“No need. I’m always going to have your back. I know I promised, but I couldn’t— I couldn’t just let someone get away with doing that to you.”
“Thank you for standing up for me. No one has ever done anything like that for me.”
“And, I always will. You’ll always have me.”
I stared at her in awe for what felt like hours, the way I love her is unlike anything I’ve ever known to exist. She defends me with her whole heart. No matter how low I feel she brings me back up. When I feel like I’m drowning she keeps my head above water. I don’t know how she does it— I don’t know why she does it, but damn would I be lost without it— without her. Fuck, I knew it the first time I laid eyes on her. I knew it the first time I heard her voice. I needed her. My girl.
There’s something about her.
“I love you.” It came out as an exhale, but shit did I put my soul into those three words. I felt a tug at my lips, admiring how she looked at me, like I was her world— the same way I looked at her.
“You should.”
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atlafan · 2 years
I actually enjoyed the new ant man and it was genuinely good, I think some of y’all just hate to have fun
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evie-sturns · 4 months
missed you - Chris Sturniolo
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summary: where you see your boyfriend for the first time in 3 weeks, all you want is his dick.
contains: cockwarming, fluff, swearing, nsfw
chris and i have been together for over a year, now that his career is getting busy he takes regular work trips with his brothers, leaving me alone for a couple of weeks.
today is the day where chris finally comes home after 3 weeks, and god have i needed him.
i lay back on chris and i’s shared bed, scrolling aimlessly through instagram as my eyes repeatedly flick up towards the time.
my mind starts to wonder, since chris and i haven’t had sex in 3 weeks i can barely imagine the thinks we are going to get up to.
it turns me on just thinking about it, i don’t even realise the fact i’m squeezing my thighs together desperately. i feel a familiar heat grow between my legs as i let out a sexually frustrated sigh.
the door to our house unlocks with a faint click, i shoot up in bed and sprint for the door handle
i swing it open and run down the corridor where chris is standing,
“chris!” i squeal before jumping into his large arms, he lets out a small laugh before wrapping his arms around me,
“i missed you so much baby!” chris smiles before placing me back down on my feet.
“how was it!!” i smile widely, grabbing chris’s hand, desperate for some sort of touch of his.
“mmm, not great” chris hums, dragging his bag towards our room,
“i’m sorry to hear that chris, i have a lot to tell you though..” i say with a small jump.
“do you now?” chris teases, i nod my head with a ‘mhm’
i open the door to our room, “it’s so clean in here.” chris states while rubbing his eyes.
“just for you” i say rubbing my shoulder on him,
“you’re so corny.” he scoffs, chucking his bag in the wardrobe and tossing his shirt along with it, leaving him in just his sweatpants and a red cap.
i jump into bed, the thin fabric of my pyjamas press against my cold skin as i tug the covers up over me.
chris sets himself down on his desk chair, he pulls off his hat with a small sigh before powering his computer up.
i observe as he clicks through the various files on his computer before settling on the one which has all the footage that he filmed this month,
“chris..” i whine quietly,
“yeah?” he turns back to look at me,
“how long is that ‘gonna take you.” i pout,
“about… an hour? maybe.” he replies with a small nod.
i run my hands over my face with a big sig,
“what’s wrong gorgeous girl.” chris smiles,
“i don’t know- ‘m just need you.” i say shyly, chris nods understandably
“need me like how?” he asks, he knows what i mean but his constant need to tease me is taking over.
“need you to touch me.. or something.” i whisper, avoiding all eye contact with chris.
chris stays silent, wanting a better response out of me.
i exhale loudly with a small smile, “i want you.. your dick.”
chris stands up and walks over to me, his large frame leans over the bed as he looks down at me,
“is that so?” he says softly, i nod.
he sits down in bed beside me, his back presses against the headboard as he sits next to me.
“c’mon up.” chris grins, i let the covers fall off of my body as i sit up in bed,
i swing my legs over chris and straddle him, my clothed cunt pressing against his bulge.
“you gotta tell me what you want princess.” he says, looking into my eyes.
“i want to feel you.. inside of me.” i say, “there she is.” chris chuckles.
he tugs down his sweatpants to his mid thighs, his erection springs out as i look at it very obviously
i hover off of chris’s lap for a second to pull my small shorts off, discarding them in the corner.
“you’re so pretty.” chris whispers, i get flustered easily, “stop it chris.” i giggle.
chris wraps a hand around his length, pumping a few times slowly, almost as though he was waiting for me to do something myself.
i take his length into my hands as chris shuffles his back further up the headboard of our bed, sitting him up properly.
i hover up above chris’s tip as i attempt to line his pink tip up with my slit.
“you need some help there?” he asks, i nod, sinking my top teeth into my bottom lip.
he lays his large hands on my waist before pressing me down onto his length.
in the 3 weeks we’ve been apart i haven’t touched myself, it’s not the same without chris. meaning that i’m no longer used to chris’s size at all.
i let out a pathetic whimper as i look into chris’s eyes.
“you’re okay, just gonna give you a little bit at a time yeah?” chris says, all i can do is nod in response.
he lets me sink down further onto him, i feel him slowly getting deeper.
“oh chris- fuck.” i wince from the stretch. chris presses a quick kiss to my lips, “you’re okay, i promise baby.”
“you’re so tight aren’t you.” he whispers into my hair before bottoming out.
i sit fully down on his dick, feeling his tip rest on my cervix.
“w-why does it hurt.” i breathe out with a small laugh,
“you’re just not used to it, ya think?” he smiles, pressing another kiss to my swollen lips.
“yeah, i think so.”
“you wanna just sit here, try something new?” he asks, keeping his blue eyes fixed on mine.
i nod eagerly, letting my head fall towards onto his boney shoulder.
i adjust to his size slowly, chris wraps his arms around my back as he holds me close to him.
“feeling okay?” he whispers, i nod
the sensation of chris so deep inside of me, filling me completely to the brim is driving me crazy. i never want to move from this position.
“this feels.. so good chris.” i sigh, chris lets out a small laugh before pressing a kiss to my cheek.
i sit back up on his lap, earning a groan from chris’s pink lips.
“you like sitting on my cock don’t you?” he teases, reaching one of his large hands up and cupping my jaw, he presses a thumb into my mouth and rests its against his tongue.
i swirl my tongue around his thumb with a smile, “mhm!” i reply eagerly.
i lean back slightly and rest my hands against chris’s thighs from behind me,
“oh fuck-“ chris almost gasps, he reaches out his hand and rubs my lower stomach.
i look down and see a clear stomach bulge, i clench around chris just from the sight.
my eyes widen as i shift around on his lap, my clit rubs against the skin above his dick
the stomach bulge moves around with each of my movements. chris throws his head back against the headboard messily, “fuck you squeeze me so well.”
i let out a loud moan of his name as i repeatedly rut my hips, brushing my clit against his pelvis.
“i’m right here, you got it.” he praises, i clench around his dick and feel the knot in my stomach snap.
all pleasure washes over me, i feel myself release on his length as my cheeks flush.
“oh gosh-“ i pant, letting my head fall onto his boney collarbone.
i feel chris quickly thrust up into me desperately, i let out a small gasp from overstimulation.
“i’m sorry-“ he breathes before thrusting once more, he released inside of me as his hands find my way to my hips,
i feel him coat my insides with a loud whimper,
the only sound in the hot room are our pants, recovering from.. that.
i sit back up and go to pull off of him, “n-no.” chris stutters, grabbing my waist and pushing me back down onto his dick
“chris.. i need to go to get water.” i protest with a cheeky smile,
“no.. i want you to stay here on me.” chris laughs slightly.
“hmm…” i hum,
“please..?” chris whines, looking at me with with pouting lips.
“okay.” i give in, chris lays down onto the bed.
i lay down onto his body, him still buried inside of me, filling me perfectly.
he wraps his arms around me and presses a kiss to my forehead.
"you are so needy" i sigh with a small laugh,
"i mean you do keep giving me what i need.." he teases back
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sukunasweetheart · 3 months
kimi ni todoke inspired, but with a twist?? except sukuna is suuuuper into your whole scary/creepy vibes (strange fetish) this is more just rambling, not a proper fic sorry, its a little smutty, scratching and knifeplay involved (he's quite submissive), sukuna's a whole FRREAK
sukuna in college au, where he has a strange infatuation with the horror genre-- has a deep appreciation for scary films, and is a huge nerd in this area, and many of his favourite celebrities are actors and actresses that starred in one of his favourite films. his brother yuuji is also a huge cinema nerd but he's not as obsessed with horror as sukuna is. and frankly, yuuji thinks he's a slight weirdo for being able to analyse them in a very detailed manner, whether it's the jumpscares or how realistic a gore scene looks.
and now this horror nerd discovers someone very noteworthy in his area. there's this semi-famous haunted house that operates year-round nearby his university, which he decides to visit alone, out of boredom.
...the atmosphere is alright. the decoration could use some work. the bloody sheets don't look convincing enough. it's too pink and tacky. the "ghosts" give an effort to try and scare him, but he gives them a deadpan look.
"can you try any harder?" sukuna keeps walking.
next, a man dressed like a typical serial killer walks in holding a real chainsaw. oh, boy. the "killer" walks up real close to him, to his annoyance. he takes the chance to inspect the mask on his face. he flicks it lightly with a finger.
"shit's made out of plastic. do better."
the man revs up his chainsaw.
"ha - that's the spirit." he continues walking.
there's suddenly eerie silence, now that he's almost at the exit of the haunted house. what, did they run out of ideas?
he thinks he catches a glimpse of someone in the corner of his eye. sukuna stops and turns back, but there's no one in sight. that gets the hairs on the back of his neck rising, ever so slightly. he likes that.
he feigns ignorance and keeps heading to the exit, wanting something to jump out at him. he hears little footsteps behind him, this time. he whips around again, but there's nobody.
"you're edging me, are you?" he says sarcastically with a chuckle.
you're hiding in a little pocket area out of view, when you hear the man mention something about edging. great. another fucking weirdo. sometimes, you feel like you should just get a new job.
the third time, you actually reveal yourself and stand still in view when he turns around. the weirdo just stands there and grins at you. the fuck??
oh, sukuna loves this one. you look terrifying. like you came directly from a horror film set. you give him the creeps.
"look at you... a diamond in the rough."
the fuck is this man talking about? you want to tell him to just leave already. but he just continues observing you silently, like someone analysing an artifact. you move stiffly towards him, even while knowing that it probably wouldn't be enough to scare him off.
"your makeup looks too real... do you do that yourself?"
you glare at him. it's part of the script anyway. sukuna chuckles, because something tells him that the disdain in your eyes are real.
"i know, i know. i'll get going. any chance i could get your number before i go?" he asks boldly, hands in his pockets. it's a half-hearted attempt, but he felt the need to really try at least once.
he must be joking. what kind of perverted man sees a woman looking like this and asks for her number? well, he probably isn't being serious anyway. silence permeates the area as you backtrack away from him, deciding you've done enough for your pay's worth.
"running away? a shame..."
you feel odd. many men have seen you and ended up running out screaming. none has ever tried flirting with you while you were in this getup. what a weirdo.
sukuna walks out feeling better than expected. that last section really saved it. not a totally worthless experience. maybe he'll swing by again, just to see you.
except, he doesn't really need to. because the next day you bump into him at uni - and he recognises you instantly, like the freak he is. you try to brush him off casually, but he can't be shaken off so easily. and then sukuna pestering you wherever you hid around on campus became part of your schedule.
"what's your deal? why do you keep following me around?" you eye him suspiciously, when he sits down next to you on the bench, unprompted.
"well, i'm interested in you, for one," he says casually, shrugging.
"listen... if this is because you have some weird horror fetish, then i'm not interested..." you tell him truthfully, shuffling yourself away.
sukuna laughs out loudly in response, which makes you jump.
"i won't deny having unusual tastes, but my interest isn't that shallow. if it were the case, i could probably seduce any other girl and dress her up instead of chasing after you."
well, you guess he's correct about that. you've received a couple of stink eyes from a number of girls after being seen with sukuna so often.
he's an annoying guy - when you ask other peers about him, they tell you he's stoic, mean, and rude as fuck. well, you understand the last two a little bit, but stoic? every time he sees you, he seems like the opposite. he's rather loud and overbearing.
"i'm telling you - you have a talent. why not make use of it?"
he's referring to your future acting career, apparently.
"and i'm telling you - stop with the nonsense! i can't be fooling around with a silly idea like becoming an actor. seriously."
you only started working at the haunted house for some cash. you're not even that into the genre itself. what's with this guy?
"why would it be fooling around? at least give it a try before dismissing it."
this back and forth continues, for quite a while. he even forces you to watch his favourite horror films, "for future reference".
and then he proposes a deal to you. that you try and audition for a small role as a ghost in a film. he guarantees you'll get picked, even though you doubt it. and if you don't he promises he'll never bring the idea up to you again. you decide to go with it, just to shut him up.
but guess what? you're selected for the role.
sukuna shrugs at you with a smug smile on his face.
"see? i'm always right."
he pisses you off.
and he somehow pushes his way into becoming your personal "trainer". sukuna revises your script with you, and gives you feedback on your acting. he sits you down and watches classic horror flicks with you, analysing every scene down to every frame. many things happen the more you spend time with him..... you find yourself getting more and more attracted to this weirdo. this horror nerd.
"are you paying attention? this part is important."
the film gets paused, and you very swiftly, dart your eyes away from admiring his jawline.
"i'm trying... i just can't concentrate. i'm hungry," you lie fervently.
"hungry for what? me?" sukuna grabs your face and makes you turn your head towards him.
"...no? whatever gave you that idea?" you ask, heart hammering in your chest.
"how is it that an aspiring actor can't even lie properly? maybe we need to go back and revise some of your acting lessons."
you know that he's studying to become a film director, and honestly you feel sorry for the future actors that'll be working with him.
"whatever. let go of my face, you ass." you swat his hand away.
sukuna chuckles deeply at you, eyes softening.
"you're lucky that you're cute. how about i give you a kiss? will you concentrate better then?"
"yeah... wait, what-?"
too late though, he's already on your lips. and damn, he's a good kisser. anyways, that embarks the start of your relationship with him. shortly after, the filming process for the short film begins, and it becomes a decent success. you're a little ecstatic. maybe more than a little. you get the feeling that a whole new life is awaiting you.
and your boyfriend is so endlessly cocky about it. "all thanks to me," he says, which is technically correct, but you don't want to openly admit it in front of him sometimes.
occasionally...you do dress up scarily before sex as well. at first, you were quite reluctant and awkward with roleplaying in bed, but after you got used to it, you found that it's hot as hell to see sukuna beneath you, squirming as you press a knife close to his throat, grinding your clothed cunt against his boner, dressed as a terrifying ghoul.
a safe word was established beforehand, of course, just in case either of you suddenly feel like backing out.
you want to keep yourself immersed into the role as much as possible, but it's difficult when sukuna's cock is so big, hitting all the right spots. this time, you're choking him with one hand as you ride him like he's a toy.
sukuna's hands are guiding your hips, fingertips digging into your flesh, his dick aching from the soft pressure you apply to his throat. you look so utterly scary, it turns him on. he'd let you kill him, if you wanted. he fucks into your cervix, looking up into your eyes with a blush on his face, groaning openly at the insane look in your eyes.
choke me harder. scratch me. bite me. he provokes you through his gaze.
you do grip his throat harder. and then you dig your fingernails into his chest, and scrape them down slowly, leaving a trail of red marks down him. sukuna shudders under you and curses under his breath.
"just like that... fuck, baby," he moans, cock throbbing inside of you. your walls squeeze him so good.
he cums the hardest he's ever cum in his life that night - thighs trembling and sweat rolling down his temples, and it doesn't help that you lean down to sink your teeth into the side of his neck while he orgasms.
aftercare consists of him cleaning you up and helping you de-costume. when he's wiping all that dark makeup off your face, he tells you that you're pretty with his soft voice, flustering you.
and of course, vanilla sex also occurs regularly, to get away from that freaky stuff sometimes, with the gentle kisses and tender hand holding, in a missionary position, exchanging sweet, sweet gazes with each other. giving you the princess treatment you deserve for being so good to him.
in the future, you run around and play bigger roles until one of your films become a huge hit, and sukuna finishes his degree to become a famous film director... no surprises there! the best horror actress + the best horror film director goes hard... the two of you are already married at this point.
when the both of you finally get together to make the ultimate film, the internet explodes... sukuna is surprisingly bad at being professional. he's seen often taking care of you rather affectionately around the filming area, personally making sure your makeup is done perfectly, and bringing you food and water as if he's bragging to everyone else about his marriage. and it shows in the way he sugar coats his critique for you, when he has never done that for any other actor/actress he's worked with previously.
if there are some snooty coworkers that try to speak with him about the gap in treatment, he would simply scoff at them and say 'and? she's my damn wife.'
when he's working with you, it's all like:
"cut! honey, that was great, but i think this part can be done a bit better."
but when it comes to other actors:
"cut! what the fuck was that? sounded like you were reading off the damn script. get your shit together."
he's notorious for being relentless, but nobody has anything to say because all of his films climbed to the top of the industry. everyone is dying to score a line or two in his films.
and i'd like to think that sukuna himself dabbles into acting a little as well. there's probably one film where he stars as the killer, and it becomes a classic :) but the one featuring you and him probably becomes both of your biggest hits ✨
oh, and on days where you two finish filming together, he takes you home with his own car, but before that, some freaky car sex probably occurs around some corner with his windows tinted... (he's been hot and bothered the whole time filming, watching you act)
the end <3
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preciouslandmermaid · 7 months
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imagine being a kindergarten teacher who meets reid
maybe its thru JJ, maybe you've got Henry in your class, and she kindly, warmly strikes a friendship with you after Henry moves into 1st grade. and its a little unorthodox but jj and her husband are always willing to help out (when their schedules can allow) with school events and so yeah, you become friends.
and when jj introduces you to her friends/colleagues - there is of course a little bit of an intimidation factor (because hello...they are fbi) but penelope makes you feel so welcome (because of course she does. and you tell her your students would love her. and she offers to teach a tech class and youre like ok they're five but yes let's do it) and morgan shamelessly flirting, and emily being hot and intimidating and then there's reid, quiet, awkward, wont-shake-your-hand reid.
but there's something to it - a mutual nerdiness, perhaps, or how reid doesn't make you feel "stupid" just because you're an elementary school teacher and not a professor at a college (despite the fact that in many places you need a least a master's to teach).
imagine weeks later when you run into reid at the coffee shop. completely random. the sky is gray, uninteresting, and promising rain. he surprises you by remembering your name before there's a shy yet earnest quip when he says he's got an "eidetic memory." and you laugh warmly and spencer thinks its one of the best sounds he's heard all morning.
and it goes slowly from there, but it moves naturally, like a caterpillar forming its chrysalis
(when you tell reid this, somewhere after the 4 month mark since you've long stopped counting individual dates, he says; "did you know the word comes from the greek word 'khrusos' - which means gold - because of the gold color or metallic sheen of some pupae".
and in that moment, that singular moment, you admire the honey-gold tint of his eyes in the late afternoon sun spilling luminescence across the sidewalks and across shiny car windshields and think that you could already see the shape and color of whatever butterfly that was going to burst from its cocoon).
one time you refused to come over his apartment because "the kids used glitter today" and you didn't want to get it all over his place. so he came over instead, and you watched the iridescent sparkles swirl down the bathtub drain together.
imagine spencer reid laying his head in your lap, something heavy and unspoken between you, shaped in the spread of his fingers across your hips, in the erratic pulse of his heart pressing into your shins
the school doesn't celebrate Halloween, but they have an annual "trunk or treat" where people CAN dress up and trick-or-treat out of the trunks of their cars and spencer starts helping you, decorating the trunk with fake cobwebs, and skulls, and eventually diving into convoluted themes that you're not convinced kids aged 5-10 are totally going to get.
"it's jaws." he says, holding a shark head made of paper mache, "you know, the 1975 film? you said we couldn't do slasher horror movies because they're too gory for the kids but i'd argue that this movie stands alone as a great horror film with how Spielberg creates consistent tension throughout the whole film considering we don't see the shark until an hour and twenty-one minutes into the run time."
(the kids don't really get it, it's true. "sharks aren't monsters." they would say, or "sharks aren't scary." or "is this from Baby Shark?" but you and spencer have fun, passing out candy, sharing small looks to each other--so that makes it all worth it).
imagine something soft, sweet, something quiet shared over coffee with spencer. something gentle amidst all the chaos, the heartache, and stress of his day-to-day job.
"I don't know how you do it," you tell him, "seeing the worst of what the world has to offer day in and day out."
his long fingers stroke the underside of your jaw, "i don't know how you manage a room full of fifteen 5 and 6-year-olds." he pulls a face. "especially with the germs."
imagine bringing spencer lunch at the office - earning the knowing, sly looks from his friends and team, knowing you can't hide against a room full of profilers and knowing it doesn't really matter anyways.
:) ok that's all i got. <3
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babyleostuff · 1 year
hey!i was wondering can u pls do something similar with jeonghan as u did with scoups
like when he calls u clingy? something like that😭
thank you so muchh🫶🫶🫶
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☾₊ ⊹ currently playing: love me like you do
summary | during a party Jeonghan calls you clingy, so when you leave to get some air, you’re approached by another man. this leads to a jealous and sulky Jeonghan
genre | angst (just a bit) & fluff
word count | 1.4k
pairing | yoon jeonghan x gn!reader
author’s note | thank you some much for your request 🫶🏼 hope you enjoy this one!
The party was already in full swing when you and Jeonghan walked in, so finding any of the members would be a big challenge.
A bit of self-consciousness settled upon you seeing all the elegantly dressed people, so you started nervously fixing your dress, suddenly feeling out of place. 
“Stop worrying so much, honey. You look great,” said Jeonghan, putting his hand on your lower back.
“It’s just that I’ve never been to such a party before, and there are so many important people here.”
“Well, good thing you won’t have to talk to any of them. Relax and have fun,” he chuckled under his breath. “Come on, let’s find the rest of the group,” he said and took your hand in his. 
While Jeonghan was trying to navigate you through the crowd, he was constantly stopped by people who greeted him politely, sometimes exchanging small talk and inside jokes from the filming set.
Not going to lie, you felt uncomfortable, as you knew no one here, and everyone seemed to simply ignore your presence, even though you were standing right by your boyfriend.  
You didn’t want to complain though you knew how much Jeonghan was looking forward to this, so you decided to suck it up and keep your boyfriend company. 
At last, you found Seungcheol and Joshua deep in a conversation with a group of people Jeonghan also clearly knew, as a big smile erupted on his face. 
“Hey, you’re finally here,” Joshua greeted you with a hug and a soft smile. 
“Wah, you’re both so good-looking,” he said, approaching your boyfriend and greeting him as well.  
The whole group fell back into conversation, talking and laughing about stuff you had no idea about, which only added to your anxiety, that was quietly bubbling inside you. There was nothing you could add to the small talk, but on the other hand you didn’t want to appear as anti-social, only standing by Jeonghan’s side. 
The frustration and insecurity coming from you was probably very visible, but your boyfriend was too engaged in the discussion to notice it. 
You wrapped one of your hands around his arm, pulling him a bit closer to your side, while your other hand started to fidget with the ring on his pinky. You hoped that at least this would make you feel more comforted, but even this didn’t seem to help.
On the contrary, Jeonghan grew more and more agitated with your every move. 
“Could you stop clinging to me so much? I’m trying to talk,” he whispered in your ear with a pinch of annoyance. 
“I just feel a bit left out. Could we maybe go and find Seungkwan and Chan?” you asked in a quiet voice. 
“Well, if you didn’t notice, I’m in the middle of something here,” he remarked. “You go and find them yourself.”
“You’re not coming with me?” you said surprised, as he usually never leaves you alone at parties and big gatherings. 
“I can’t keep you entertained the whole night. Stop being so clingy and go,” was the last thing he said, before turning back to Joshua and Seungcheol. 
Shock and disbelief were apparent in your facial expression, as you would never expect Jeonghan to say anything like this. Sure, you felt a bit guilty for hanging around him this whole time, but it was not your fault you felt so out of place. He didn’t even care to introduce you to any of those people, so it’s not like you could have done anything. 
Annoyed with your boyfriend’s actions, you turned around and left him without saying anything more. Not like he cared that much, he didn’t even seem to notice you walk away. 
Giving up on trying to find Seungkwan and Chan, you found your way outside. Inhaling deeply, you could feel the coolness of the air entering your lungs, with a sense of heaviness leaving your body. 
As your mind cleared a little, you replayed the past half an hour that just went down, sensing that you might have been a bit too dramatic about this whole situation. Maybe Jeonghan was right? Maybe you were being clingy? 
But then again, you didn’t want to make excuses for him, he didn’t even try to make you feel better, even though he could clearly see how distressed you were. 
“Not enjoying the party?” Suddenly someone pulled you out of your thoughts. 
You looked around, noticing a man, around your age, dressed in a dark-green suit. He was nursing a glass of what looked like whisky, sitting comfortably at one of the outside tables. 
“Not really. You?” you asked politely. 
“Me neither. Not really my type of company, to be honest,” he said and took a sip of his drink. 
“Same here. Why are you here then?” You took a seat next to him, ordering a drink yourself. 
Despite being total strangers, there was a sense of immediate connection and resonance between you and him. Quickly, you engaged in a comfortable conversation, where you could sense his genuine interest in what you had to say. 
The fairy lights delicately draped throughout the area, created intricate patterns and the gentle glow cast a soft and warm illumination that added a touch of magic to the surroundings. 
The deep conversation captivated both of you to the extent where you didn’t even notice that it had gotten completely dark outside. The slight breeze sent chills down your back, but you didn’t even seem to notice. 
“Here you are,” you suddenly heard a familiar voice from behind. 
Jeonghan cautiously eyed the stranger, before standing next to you and putting a hand on your shoulder. 
“Yeah, I have been here for the past hours,” you didn’t even bother looking up at him. 
“I’ve been trying to find you everywhere. I got worried when Chan said you never came to find them.” 
“Well, I’ve been here the whole time. Having some actual fun,” you blurted. You felt annoyed with him, as he didn’t bother to even check up on you before. 
“Could you please leave us alone for a second?” Jeonghan turned to your new friend.
“We were talking here, so I don’t think I will,” he said with a satisfied smirk on his face. 
You could feel the tension building up in Jeonghan’s body, and you knew there was no use in him getting angry. 
“It was great talking to you, but I think I’ve got to sort it out,” you said and pulled Jeonghan away, before your boyfriend could say anything else. You knew how savage he could get with people that he didn’t like, so you’d rather avoid this situation. 
“I was worried for you,” said Jeonghan and took his suit jacket off. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Giving you my jacket. It’s cold,” he shrugged and put his jacket around your shoulders. 
You couldn't lie, this melted your heart, as you knew how cold he usually gets. 
“I’m sorry. I should have paid more attention to you. And shouldn't have called you clingy.”
“I just felt so out of place, and everyone seemed to ignore me, even you,” you said and put the jacket tighter around yourself. 
“I know,” he uttered, almost as if ashamed of his actions. 
“Did you have fun at least?” you stepped closer to him, putting your hand on his chest, storking it softly. 
“Yes, but I really got worried when I couldn’t find you,” he muttered with sincerity in his eyes. 
“It’s fine. And it turned out that I had fun too,” you smiled at him. 
In an instant his brows furrowed, and jaw tightened. 
“Who was that by the way?” he asked with narrow eyes. 
You smiled at his expression, knowing exactly where this was getting. 
“Are you jealous, Hannie?” 
“Wha-, no?” he retorted a bit too quickly. 
Laughing, you grabbed his chin to make him look at you. As your eyes met, they conveyed a depth of emotions and an unspoken understanding. With a genuine smile, you opened your arms, inviting him into your embrace. 
As your bodies connected, you could feel the rhythm of his breathing matching yours. Warmth radiated through his touch, melting away any worries or tensions that have existed before. In the quiet stillness, you could even hear the soft beating of his heart. 
“Just don’t leave me next time,” you murmured. 
As his eyes met yours again, you felt a gentle tug at your heartstrings. In that intimate exchange, you could see a kaleidoscope of emotions reflected in his eyes. 
“I’m never going to leave you. Ever.” 
Your lips met in a gentle and tender union. It was a soft, delicate touch that conveyed a multitude of emotions—desire, affection and love. In that fleeting moment, everything else ceased to exist. 
The world fell away, leaving only the sensation of his lips against yours.
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flowerandblood · 3 months
Play with my heart (3/3)
[ modern actors • Aemond x Strong • female ]
[ warnings: unprotected & proctected sex, smut, angst, fluff, sexual tension, feeling of guilt, unprofessional behavior ]
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[ description: He gets the main role in a series about a great family and dragons, which could change his career. He is set to play the uncle and love interest of his childhood friend. When he meets the actress who plays her role, he begins to lose track of what is an acting and what is his real feelings. Sexual tension, grumpy, withdrawn, thirsty Aemond. ]
Author’s note: Yeah. I talked about it and I did it. You don't even know how much fun I had doing this. Of course, my characters play in a series whose script is an exact copy of my story The Fall from the Heavens. In this universe, Aemond (playing the One-Eyed Prince) and Rhaenys (playing the Princess) are of course not related – the other characters are also just actors. This three-part series is my gift to all fans of the original series, thank you so much for your support. "Rhaenys" in this story is her artistic pseudonym which she use instead of her real name. You can read this as a standalone story.
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
They spent the next few days on set together with the other actors in a very pleasant atmosphere. He genuinely liked Daemon – he played the Princess's stepfather and had an incredible charisma that outshone everyone in every scene he appeared in.
He watched him intently from the sidelines, trying to remember his facial expressions and his reactions, wanting to use this later in his role.
To his satisfaction and relief, he could call his relationship with Rhaenys warm. She always smiled broadly at the sight of him and ran over to talk to him between scenes they weren't filming together, sometimes bringing him a sandwich or coffee from the vending machine.
"– you have to eat something – you can't survive on acting alone –" She said regretfully, and he shrugged his shoulders, biting into a sandwich with lettuce, tomato, cheese, pickles and sauce.
He had already forgotten about his eye patch and wasn't taking it off, not wanting to step out of character.
The day was fast approaching when they were to shoot the scene in which the Prince and his niece escape from the library together and spend their first night with each other.
It wasn't his first sex scene, but he had never played it with someone he cared about in any way, and her inexperience worried him.
As it turned out, he wasn't wrong, and the evening before shooting day she knocked on his door. When he let her in he could see that she was distressed and terrified, her cheeks red with embarrassment.
He let her in without a word.
"– I've never – you know – acted a scene like this and – more and more I feel that in front of such a large group of people I just won't be able to relax and get into character –" She muttered, standing in front of him but not looking at him, wrapping her arms around herself as if she was ashamed.
She was asking him for advice and help.
He nodded at her words.
"– it's natural – it's a very intimate scene – you have a right to feel insecure – me and the sexual psychologists are on set to help you –" He explained, putting his hands in the pockets of his trousers, looking away, feeling hot at the thought of what they were about to do.
Of course he knew they weren't going to have sex for real, however, they were going to be very close and he knew he was going to be touching her naked body.
She had a right to feel uncomfortable about this especially as he was more experienced than her, clearly not just as an actor.
She nodded and smiled at him, as if his words actually comforted her.
"– I – would you mind if we did a rehearsal? – I mean – if I go through it with you without cameras, hear your advice then maybe – maybe tomorrow it will be easier for me, I'll know exactly what I want to do –" She choked out in embarrassment, looking at him as if she was asking him if she was demanding too much of him.
He stared at her for a moment with his mouth open thinking he shouldn't be doing this, if only because his erection had swollen in his sweatpants at her request.
The fact that his cock wanted it meant that his mouth should refuse, but on the other hand he didn't want her to feel abandoned with something that obviously scared her.
He figured he needed to get a grip, think about her and her comfort.
He nodded and she breathed out loud, shifting from foot to foot, scared and excited at the same time.
"– so – where should we start? –" She asked quickly, and he involuntarily licked his lips, looking at her bare legs.
He wondered if she had panties under the material of her long, cream-coloured hoodie and cursed in the back of his head.
"– from the touch of a hand – a kiss – that opens the door to further emotions –" He replied in a hoarse voice, horrified that she had approached him, that she had taken his hand in hers, looking at him with her big, bright eyes.
It wasn't good.
He kissed her more passionately than he had planned – his lips swollen involuntarily pressed against hers and brushed her skin with a loud click, from which she sighed, her soft, warm cheeks locked between the fingers of his hand.
He sighed quietly when it became apparent that his directness did not deter her – she followed his lead, her hands enclosed his cheeks in a tender embrace, from which he involuntarily put his arm around her waist. Her body slammed against his, and her belly felt what was happening in his trousers.
He felt her tremble and moan quietly in his embrace, surprised and ashamed, parting her lips invitingly, allowing him to tentatively slip his moist tongue between them.
They sighed against their throats, pressing against each other, his hips beginning to rub against her while his kisses became more ferocious, aggressive, messy, full of their saliva, teeth and tongues.
He heard her sound of surprise as his hands slid down to her buttocks and clamped down on them, slipping under the material of her shorts. When she threw her hands over his shoulders he simply lifted her, grabbing her hips and turned, throwing himself on the bed with her.
"– too much wine, uncle? –" She asked with amusement, following the script, letting their lips melt again and again in soft, deep, warm kisses, sticky with their saliva and tongues. He grinned under his breath at his words, running his swollen erection between her thighs.
"– you'll see in a moment –" He gasped into her throat, her arms hugging him close pressing his body closer, her legs intertwined on his back making him feel like his cock was about to explode with desire.
"– and now what? –" She mumbled excitedly, clearly wondering how actors performed these kinds of scenes without having sex.
The problem was, that he felt like it.
He rested the weight of his body on his hands, placing them on either side of her head, looking at her for a moment – her glossy, puffy lips were parted in an accelerated breath, her eyes shining, warm, bright, her gaze misty.
God, how badly he wanted to fuck her.
"– in the scene the Prince exposes her breasts – can I do it? –" He asked in a trembling voice and she nodded, the expression on her face full of trust and confidence from which he felt a tightening in his stomach.
As he grabbed the material of her hoodie she raised her hands above her head to make his task easier. He pulled it off her reverently, feeling his breath get stuck in his throat at the sight of her lovely, plump breasts and her little nipples.
"– so pretty –" He whispered, leaning over her body, placing a gentle kiss on her sternum, from which her whole body trembled.
"– so, so good –" He murmured, not knowing fully himself what he was actually doing, convincing himself that he was trying to reassure her, to give her a sense of security.
Her hands stroked his short hair slowly and tenderly as his lips, with loud clicks of his saliva, lazily found their way up her neck and to her jaw, her soft, warm cheek, and finally her mouth, whose wetness he welcomed with relief.
He heard her moan quietly, surprised, clasping her hands over his neck and the material of his shirt as his hips began to roll back and forth, rubbing against the space between her thighs, mimicking the movements he would make if he were deep inside her.
"– ah –" She sighed, tilting her head back, his hot, swollen lips trailing over her fragrant neck while his hands blindly found her smooth breasts, caressing them and kneading them tentatively between his fingers.
Despite the fact that they should be speaking their lines, only silent moans of shame and panting came from their mouths. He knew, feeling her hips come up to meet his, that what they were doing was slowly turning into something else entirely, but neither of them dared to admit it.
Her body, the touch of her hands, her embrace, her scent, it was all so pleasant, warm, familiar, sincere, desired.
"– fuck –" He muttered, involuntarily speeding up the rocking motions of his hips and groaned a tad too loudly, betraying that he was long past his role, that what she felt under the material of his sweatpants was embarrassingly real.
It seemed to him that she didn't know what to make of this fact, hugging him close, trying to understand what she herself felt, why she was allowing this to happen, what was actually going on between them.
"– it feels good –" She mumbled into his ear, making his hard erection push against her stomach. She gasped, surprised, clenching her fingers on the material of his shirt as she felt his slick, moist tongue run over her neck, his hand sliding down to her warm thigh.
"– too good –" He confessed, embarrassed that his hand had slid lower between her legs, his fingertips teasing the material of her soaked panties and what was beneath them.
She squealed and tilted her head back, at the same time wanting to push him away and hold him close, feeling his fingers wander around her hot, pulsing womanhood, squeezing it gently.
"– ah – ah, oh God –" She whimpered, involuntarily spreading her thighs wider, wordlessly giving him permission to do what they both knew they shouldn't have done.
They both groaned embarrassedly loudly when, with an impatient flick of his hand, he pushed the material of her panties aside, sinking his fingers into her warm, silky folds, all sticky from her wetness.
"– just like that – that's what you should feel – tension –" He whispered in a trembling voice, kissing her hot, soft cheek loudly and lingeringly, digging his fingertips into her sensitive, tender skin, teasing and rubbing the space around her little bud, making her whole body tremble under him in convulsions.
"– Aemond – a-ah – mghmmm –" She mumbled out as she felt his fingers invade her swollen slit, throbbing with desire, all leaking from his treatments. He closed her mouth with his own as he slowy and gently slid his middle finger into her quivering, fleshy, hot interior, her walls sucking and clenching around him, tight and swollen.
He moaned low as her hands slid down to the fabric of his trousers, undoing his button and zipper. Knowing what she wanted to do he finished the job for her, watching with his mouth wide open as she herself slid her shorts and panties down her thighs, panting loudly along with him.
They clung to each other again immediately, their kisses lustful, shameless, loud, intimate – his hands slid down between her thighs, his fingers spread the folds of her little cunt open to the sides, letting the fat head of his cock find her throbbing, weeping slit.
She threw her head back as the thick, smooth tip of his erection burst inside her with her loud moan of pleasure, the next helpless thrust of his hips into her throbbing, tight interior made him know there was no turning back.
"– I'm sorry – I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry –" He breathed out, pounding deeper and faster into her with each word, imposing an aggressive, rough pace on her, her body, however, welcomed him with ease – he leaned forward, listening as her slick pussy was filled with his swollen erection with each successive shameless slap of their bodies against each other, their breaths heavy, their moans helpless, too loud, too animal, too desperate.
"– m-me to – fuck – fuck, God, oh fuck –" She mumbled and pleaded at the same time, tightening her fingers on his buttocks, directing him back deep inside her again and again.
Her tight, warm walls gave him a wonderful squeeze again each time he slammed into her, his body pressed hers against the bed which began to creak loudly beneath them, their bodies bumping against each other like mad with loud clicks of their wetness creating one big, wet, sticky mess between their thighs.
"– fuck – so fucking good – God, yes –" He breathed out, chasing his own fulfilment, as was she, not thinking about what they were actually doing or why, focused only on the fact that it felt wonderful, that it felt safe and that he wanted to come inside her, inside her, just inside her, as deep as possible.
"– m gonna cum –" She muttered helplessly, as if she was about to burst out crying with pleasure, and then she wept loudly, coming hard on his cock, her warm, fleshy walls beginning to squeeze and suck him inside.
He felt his mind stop functioning, the tension and tingling in his lower abdomen, testicles and length was approaching its zenith, and he wanted only one thing – to come inside her.
"– do you – God, oh, fuck, fuck, FUCK –" He cursed, before he asked the question feeling his warm seed fill her insides, bringing his body a relief from which he groaned low, his mouth wide open by how a strong wave of pleasure shook his body.
They looked at each other with eyebrows arched in pain, her gaze warm and tender, her hands running down his sweaty back and cheeks.
"– i-its – it's okay – I'll make sure I don't find myself pregnant –" She mumbled, something in her words and in her gaze made him want to cry.
How could he have been so irresponsible?
"– I'm sorry – I'm so sorry –" He mumbled out, feeling with embarrassment that warm tears one by one began to run down his cheeks onto her face.
Not a second passed and they both burst into sobs and hugged each other like little children, lying like that, exposed and vulnerable, bare before each other.
"– was it – was it real? –" She muttered in a breaking voice, and he nodded, choking on his own tears.
"– yes –"
He personally drove her to a twenty-four-hour pharmacy so she could buy a ‘morning-after’ pill. He insisted she let him pay, but she said there was no need. She returned a while later with a packet and a bottle of water, getting into his car.
All around them only night and silence.
"Are you sure you want to do this? You don't have to. It's my fault." He muttered, but she shook her head.
"– yes – I mean – I asked for a pill that will prevent conception if it hasn't happened yet – there's a good chance it will be enough –" She muttered, reading the leaflet quickly, and he nodded, feeling ashamed, sad and disappointed in himself.
"– I'm sorry –" He muttered, repeating it for the hundredth time that evening.
"– it's okay –" She replied, popping a tablet into her mouth and sipping it with water. She took a heavy breath, as if relieved and sad at the same time, then nodded.
"– let's go –"
By the time they got back to the hotel, it was almost midnight. He escorted her to her room, not knowing what to say, how to act.
"Do you want me to stay with you?"
She looked at him, surprised, and swallowed hard.
"That's okay. Don't feel guilty. I have my own reason too." She replied, looking down at her fingers in embarrassment.
"I want to stay with you. If you want me to." He replied in a trembling voice, looking down at the floor, feeling ashamed of how small he felt now.
A great actor who can't even put a condom on his cock before putting it inside good girl who came to him for help and advice.
She nodded and went inside, and he came in after her, bitter and broken. They lay down side by side on her bed facing each other. For a moment they just looked at each other, and then he leaned in – she opened her mouth thinking he wanted to kiss her, frightened, but he only pressed his forehead against hers, his hand stroking her soft, warm cheek.
"– try to sleep – hm? – I'll stroke your head –" He whispered. Her eyes glazed over with tears for some reason, her small body clung to him, seeking refuge in his chest.
He wrapped his arms tightly around her, stroking her back and hair, again and again placing a moist, tender kiss on the top of her head.
It felt so right.
They fell asleep like this, entwined in a tender, warm, safe embrace, and he thought, listening to her calm breath, that never before in his life had he felt such a need to protect someone.
Despite what he had promised himself, each of their meetings in her room, the pretext for which was to rehearse the script together, ended with their naked hips slapping against each other greedily with their loud moans of pleasure.
Their hands tightened on their bodies in a way that was not overbearing, aggressive, but tender, gentle, wanting nothing more than to become one.
He was ashamed that even though they pretended to meet as friends, he made sure he had a condom or two in the back pocket of his trousers every time before he was to come to her.
He didn't want her to go through again what she had when they first had sex.
On the one hand, the thought that she might have believed that he wanted to take advantage of her terrified him, so he assured her, kissing affectionately her exertion-soaked, sweaty cheeks, that he needed it as much as she did.
Never before in his life had he felt something like this, such an overwhelming need to be close to someone.
Afterwards, he always stayed through the night with her – even if he wanted to, he couldn't deny himself the warm embrace of her arms and fell asleep with his face cuddled between her naked, soft breasts.
It was real.
The director was delighted with the tension and electricity they were able to generate between each other on set without knowing that it had long since ceased to stem from their acting.
They teased and joked with each other between scenes, adding improvised, biting or ambiguous remarks to the script that they thought suited the era, and then, when it was all over, they sank into each other's bodies until they were one sticky, panting, throbbing mess.
His grandfather was proud of him and said that already several other productions were interested in casting him in the role.
"Seeing how you've handled the bed scenes, this will go easily for you." He said over breakfast, which they ate together. He felt a sense of discomfort at the thought.
"I want to limit myself to productions where I don't play intimate scenes. It costs me too much." He lied, not knowing how to explain that what was happening in front of the cameras was not because of his acting skills, but because his cock simply stood at attention when her tongue licked his on set.
His grandfather laughed under his breath.
"Don't be silly. You have to grab the opportunity. You're on a wave of recognition right now, everyone is waiting with bated breath for this show. If you are successful, the world will open up to you." He said, taking a sip of coffee from his cup.
"Some great artists have never played any intimate scene. I'm not a porn actor." He said coldly, grabbing for his phone, hearing it start to vibrate and saw that he had received a text message from her asking if they were going to watch The Lion King tonight.
He smiled involuntarily at the thought.
"Are you listening to me? You think you're shagging that little girl and you've fallen in love? Romance on set happens, but you're being dramatic." Said Otto, and he looked at him, shocked to feel his heart leap into his throat.
"Don't speak about her like this. Never." He growled warningly, looking him straight in the eye. His grandfather was silent for a moment.
"That won't do. She lives far away, once the shooting is over the thing between you will be over too. Don't be naive."
"It's a three-hour drive from our town by car."
"She lives three hours away from our town by car."
His grandfather looked at him in disbelief.
"You are making this naive girl hopeful. Don't waste her life and your career in the process. Don't turn down good offers."
He pressed his lips together at his words, looking at him indifferently.
"I will decide what proposals I consider good."
They had spent the last few days between shoots, during the day and at night in bed, and their disappearance together had sparked gossip and curiosity.
It was, however, the last thing he thought of when he could finally clamp his hands on her naked buttocks and slide her panties off her, a smile on her lips knowing that he certainly wasn't even bothering to take off the summer dress she had changed into.
"– the scene in Harrenhal – I almost fucked you there for real, you know? –" He gasped, kneeling on the bed in front of her, looking down at her with lips swollen with desire as his long fingers quickly took care of his trouser button and zipper.
"– come here –" He murmured, grabbing her by the hip and pushing her closer to him, her legs spread out in front of him in some natural gesture of trust and acceptance as he placed the condom over his painfully hard erection.
"– 'm sorry –" She mumbled out, thinking for some reason that she should be remorseful that he couldn't feel her completely, just like the first time.
"– stop – when this is over, we'll think about you taking pills – hm? –" He asked encouragingly, leaning over her, the weight of his body resting on his elbow as his free hand guided the head of his cock against her leaking, throbbing hot slit.
Her eyes got big at his words, as if she didn't believe he could want there to be anything after and she nodded quickly, making him feel that familiar heat spreading through his chest.
He leaned over and kissed her in a way he'd never kissed any woman before – their soft, warm lips were one loud, sticky, wet mess, their hands clenched on their bodies, holding them close together as he opened her wide on his long erection with one lazy thrust.
"– oh –" They both sighed, looking at each other with misty eyes, their mouths wide open as he began to pound into her quicker and deeper with loud, wet slaps of skin against skin.
"– A-Aemond – oh God –" She mewled, throwing her head back in pleasure, his hands blindly finding her breasts, sliding from the sides under the material of her dress, clamping down on their plump, firm structure.
"– you didn't touch yourself, did you? – am I right? – my sweet baby girl –" He hummed with a hint of sweet threat in his question, sliding his swollen lips down her cheek to her neck and jaw, leaving a warm, wet trail on her skin.
"– I – mghmm – n-no –" She mumbled out, stroking his hair and buttocks, her legs crossed over his back as his erection no longer slipped out of her, thrusting into her greedily, bringing him closer and closer to his peak, his mind and body hot with desire.
"– good girl – fuck – m close –" He gasped weakly, feeling a wave of pleasure approaching and a tightening in his testicles. His lover reached out eagerly to meet him with her hips, slapping against, his skin, crying and babbling about how much she good it felt, him deep, deep, inside her.
Their bodies intertwined in a close embrace as he pressed her tighter to the bed, imposing a brutal, fierce pace on her exactly as in the scene they were about to act out. Her scent, her moans, the warmth of her body and her fleshy walls, squeezing and sucking him inside, made him come in a condom with a low groan of relief.
He lay on top of her, panting heavily while his hand from between her breasts slid between their bodies, down to her thighs – his fingers gave her puffy bud a few encouraging, teasing squeezes before her little cunt began to pulse around his half-hard manhood in euphoria and her body was shaken by a sweet, hot orgasm from which she drifted off completely.
They lay like that for a long moment with their eyes closed, cuddled into each other, listening to the indistinct sound of conversation outside the window a few floors below, where the restaurant was located.
"– Aemond? –" He heard her quiet whisper, her hand stroking his head gently. He lifted his misty gaze to her, dreaming now only of a nap in her embrace.
"– hm? –"
"– what will happen after the shooting? –" She asked quietly, and he smiled lazily, for some reason calm and happy.
"– we will stop pretending to be actors –"
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star-stilinski · 1 month
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part one here!
you adjust the strap of your prom dress as you frown in the mirror. your hair is a bit of a mess and your makeup is worse, and you’re hearing jake say those things all over again.
maybe stiles was acting out of pity.
you’re currently standing in the girls bathroom of a local 24/7 diner, something tucked away that stiles found when he pulled you along into his jeep. he had been chatty on the drive there, asking you stuff he already knew. stuff he knew you liked talking about. stuff that would take your mind off of the night. anything, really.
and after the best fries you’d ever had (and a milkshake to share, because he wanted to be corny), you had both gone into the separate bathrooms.
and you realized what a wreck you were.
from the making out with jake (which… was not very fun), to the crying in the hallway, you had pretty much ruined your prom night glamor. that’s okay, it’s just stiles.
then again. it’s stiles. you want him to look at you again the way he did in the hall. for a second, you had felt like every word he said was true, that you really were a pretty girl and guys did want you. that he wants you.
too bad mirrors exist.
you do your best to fix your hair and wipe away your mascara, giving up quickly once you realize you’ll have to end the night looking like this. stiles is leaning against the wall when you come out, and he straightens quickly when he sees you.
“hey, you’re not tired, are you?” he hums enthusiastically. you hesitate in the bathroom doorway, put off by his energy. 
“I mean, not really. why? where are we going?” you step forward and his arm slings over your shoulders to guide you. he’s got a crooked smile (which only means bad news, historical precedent suggests), and he’s jangling his car keys with his free hand as he leads you both out of the diner.
“you wanna go back to mine? my dad has this great whiskey-do you like whiskey? he’s got wine, too. and he’s out at work tonight, so we can have a drink and I can finally force you to watch the prequels-“
“oh my god, I am not watching a nerd movie after almost getting pressured into sex! that sounds like a redditor’s dream, stiles.” you groan, throwing your head back. you’ve seen star wars. it’s good. changed cinema, yadda yadda. but not the mood you’re in tonight.
he opens the passenger door to the jeep for you and leans against it, watching you clamber in with a sappy look in his eyes. you don’t catch it.
“you’d like the prequels. girls love anakin skywalker. plus, it’s a wicked love story! makes me cry every time.” he’s got his cheek pressed to the side of the door as he argues casually, watching as you buckle yourself in. you turn back to him with a frown, which only makes his smile wider.
“we’re watching 13 going on 30. now get in and turn on the ac, this dress is trapping my body heat.”
stiles tosses his head back in a sort of disappointment at the film choice as he shuts your door, making his way to the drivers seat quickly. “just so you know, we’re gonna watch the prequels at some point. even if I have to tie you to a chair with your eyes glued open.”
“drive the car, stilinski.”
you’re given a t-shirt and some gym shorts from stiles and guided into the bathroom (which he hastily tidied up before letting you in), shown how to operate the shower, and left alone.
another dimly lit bathroom, another mirror. you look at it and sigh at yourself, right before being interrupted by a soft knock on the door.
“hey, uh, I totally forgot to ask if you needed help unzipping your dress. do you… can you get it, or should I?” stiles asks quietly through the door. you attempt to reach the zipper on your back to no avail and surrender to his request.
he opens the door slowly at your “yeah, come in,” and you watch him step in behind you through the mirror.
“thanks," you mumble as he unzips your dress carefully. he doesn't respond, but that's not really registering in your brain as his knuckles drag slowly across your bare skin.
"did you know you have a mole right here?" he hums, pressing his finger to your shoulder blade. you didn't, and it makes you hot in the face knowing that stiles noticed.
"uhm, no. is it weird looking?"
"it's..." he looks into the mirror, making eye contact with you.  "beautiful."
you stare at each other for a moment, cheeks growing pinker, before he clears his throat. "that should do it. th-the zipper, i mean."
he leaves after that, letting you stew in whatever he was implying. you shrug your dress off and take a short shower, managing to scrub the most of your ruined makeup off as you do. when you dry off and step into stiles' clothes, his scent envelops you like a hug. you tuck your face into the t-shirt and breathe in.
stiles is sitting on the couch when you step into the living room, getting 13 going on 30 set up. you're surprised at how little he's complained. when you sit next to him, he scoots closer and grabs a blanket off the end of the couch to drape over you both.
his hair is damp from his own shower in his dad's bathroom and he's wearing blue sweats and a Back To The Future t-shirt. it doesn't match and it's kinda dorky. very stiles.
"was your shower okay?" he hums, not looking away from the tv as he searches on netflix for the movie. you watch him instead, admiring the way the dim lighting makes his jaw more defined.
"yeah. i saw your 3-in-one. i didn't know people actually used those."
he narrows his eyes and does a double take at you. the first time he looks, it's a defensive glare. the second, his face has gone all soft and he's looking at your attire. "it's... it's for emergencies."
you laugh at his response, leaning into him. "then where's your actual shampoo and conditioner?"
he's a blushing mess, eyes caught on his t-shirt you're wearing. he's barely responsive. "it... i have to hide it, every time scott comes over he uses so much and it's expensive!"
you shake your head and roll your eyes at stiles, shifting on the couch. he continues to stare at you.
"are you even real?" he mumbles, the tv long forgotten as he traces the lines of your features with his gaze. you blink up at him, laughing nervously.
"i mean, i think so. why? is there a clone of me walking around?"
somehow, this makes his face even sappier. his eyebrows are upturned and his lips part and he leans in. your heart flutters. "that's probably the nerdiest thing you've ever said."
you swallow, nervous and excited by his proximity. maybe he'll kiss you again.
maybe more.
instead, stiles tucks some of your hair behind your ear, tracing your jawline with his fingertips. he finishes at your chin and thumbs at your bottom lip, parting your lips. or do you do that last part? you can't tell if he's controlling your body or if you are. and either way, you can't find it in yourself to care.
you lean in this time, and stiles meets you halfway, kissing you gently on his couch. it's like something from one of your many extensive daydreams. the kiss is longer this time, and when he cups your cheek, he pulls you in and guides your mouth open, pressing his tongue into you.
it's nothing like jake. jake kissed like he wanted to feel good, like you were a means to an end. he kissed like he was just kissing someone.
stiles kisses like you're made of starlight. it's slow and sensual, his hands are soft when he guides you to lay back against the couch. he holds you like you're the only girl in the world he wants to do this with, like he's kissing you and not just kissing someone.
so when he pulls back, it's more of a disappointment than anything.
"what are you doing?" you whisper when you realize it was more than just catching his breath. he's looking at you differently than before, like he's analyzing.
"we should stop." he deadpans, clenching his jaw.
you deflate like a balloon. oh. you had kinda maybe sorta got your hopes up, thinking that stiles wanted you in every way. maybe he changed his mind about you. maybe he-
"don't get me wrong, there's nothing more in the world i want to do than make you feel as beautiful as you really are." stiles' tone shifts to one filled with feeling as he tries to explain himself, still leaning over you. "but... not here. and not now."
he sits up and pulls you up after him, snaking his arms around your waist to hold you close. "i mean, you almost just got pressured into something really bad. that's gotta be leaving a weird mark on your psyche. and i couldn't live with myself if i knew that anything we did together would be tainted with memories of that... useless waste of space."
stiles rubs your sides soothingly and pulls you back just enough to look at you. you know you must be frowning or pouting or something pathetic, but he just smiles sadly at you. "plus, i don't want you to be tired. or trying to block out the night. and i don't want to do anything at all on this couch, honestly. there's probably a decade old bag of cheeto's in here. not the most romantic spot."
you laugh breathily and look down, toying with the hem of his shirt. you see his adams apple bob in your peripherals. "i just... i think it would be better for you to just chill tonight, okay? maybe in like a week or two, or after i've taken you on a few proper dates. is that okay with you?"
you screw your features up in thought. honestly, you'd never thought stiles would turn down sex. he just didn't seem the type. and kissing him made you feel like you were on cloud nine.
but you did agree that it was probably best to just pump the breaks. you wanted your first everything with stiles to be farther away from the trainwreck prom turned out to be, and cuddling up with a movie and a drink sounded good enough to get your mind off of things without making any mistakes. so you let stiles be right, just this once, and nod.
"okay, yeah, that sounds good." you hum, looking back up at him. he nods along with you, eyebrows rising slowly like he's surprised you took it so well.
"okay. perfect. now, let's watch this stupid movie." his tone holds no bite and he smiles teasingly, leaving room to let you lighten the mood. you take the chance, rolling your eyes at him and laughing softly, shoving his arm. he laughs along with you and pulls you against him on the couch. once you're both comfortable and cuddled, he grabs the remote and presses play.
you fall asleep too soon to see all the best parts, but stiles keeps it on as he strokes your head, turning the volume down enough to keep from disturbing you as you breathe softly against him.
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writingroom21 · 5 months
The Nanny
Pairing: rafe x nanny reader 
Summary: Being Wheezie’s nanny was great. The only downside is dealing with the oldest Cameron, Rafe. What happens when his fascination with the nanny becomes a reality?
Warnings: 18+, masturbation, and voyeurism
Chapter 1: Did you enjoy the show?
The sun was beating down on you as you laid out on the beach chair. Wheezie has been begging you all week to go to the beach with her and as per usual she disappeared. A breeze passed by you causing goosebumps to raise across your body. The sound of waves crashing filled your ears as you flipped the page of the book you were reading. “You know I didn’t think my dad pays you to lounge at the beach.” The voice of the one person you do not want to see right now creeps up from behind. You lift the sunglasses as you peak behind you to be greeted with Rafe Cameron. The oldest out of all of the Cameron children and one of the main reasons that even at Wheezie’s age she has a nanny. Your head turns to look at him over the chair you laid on. He’s wearing black swim trunks, your eyes look up at his body and see the chain dangling on his collar before meeting his eyes. Thank god for sunglasses, he would never let you forget checking him out.
“Actually he does. Whatever Wheezie wants she gets, today was the beach.” Your head turns to face the water again, glasses shading your eyes from the sun. The sound of sand shuffling can be heard as Rafe gets closer. His shadow casts a dark film over your body as he looks down at you. “Nice swimsuit, sunny. Really makes your tits pop.” A few snickers come from behind him and with a quick glance behind him you can see Topper and Kelce. “You should wear this around the house more often.” Rafe’s hand goes to caress the strap holding your top up. “Stop it.” You say and swat his hand away from you squirming in the chair to get away from him. 
Through the corner of your eye you can see Wheezie coming back with some of her friends. Standing up you gather all your things, slipping your shorts back on to show off your ass. You might hate the flirting at times but it sure is fun to mess with him. “Come on baby, don't be like that. Why don’t you come hang out with us? I promise you’ll have a good time.” The sound of his voice has this underline of suggestion to it. Narrowing your eyes you stare at him for a second. Rafe has this little grin on his face that royally pisses you off. Who does he think he is? “The next time I want to be left unsatisfied and disappointed I’ll make sure to call you.” The edge in your voice only made his stupid grin grow even more. “Trust me baby.” He steps a little bit closer to you. “I would have you begging me for more when I’m done with you.” He whispered eyes staring at yours behind the sunglasses. 
A scoff leaves your lips as you take a step back. “You’re right. Maybe I” You pause for a second to look at his blue eyes. He’s standing a bit straighter now, you actively have to look up at him. “Maybe after your minute is over I’ll definitely want more. I know how much you love having girls beg you to make them cum.” Which was true. Having to live in the same house as him let alone the same floor has proven that point. “It’s just sad you can’t make them cum the first time.” You shrug your shoulders as his face drops. Topper and Kelce’s laughs ring in your ear, infuriating Rafe as he shoots them a death glare over his shoulder. “Oka-”
“Hey!” Wheezie yells as she gets closer to us. “What are you doing here?” she asks the older Cameron. “Just enjoying the view.” Rafe replies with a shrug. His eyes raking up and down your body landing on your tits once again. “Gross.” You chuckle a little at her reaction. It's good to see that someone else is tired of his constant flirting.
Ever since you got the job a year ago, Rafe was always flirting with you. The small touches and whispers in your ear have been endless. Ward has scolded him so many times that you're surprised even talks to you. It’s not that Rafe isn’t attractive, he is but it's his personality. If that beautiful face hadn’t been so cocky, entitled, or rude you may have already slept with him. Actually you would probably still sleep with him but after hearing girl after girl. As well as dealing with the fall out of each heartbreak, you were all set. You didn’t want to be another notch on his belt and that’s all he sees you as.
“Come on Wheeze. Why don’t we go get some ice cream? I think I saw that cute boy working today.” You send her a wink as your arm wraps around her shoulder. The both of you couldn’t even get a few steps in before Rafe calls out to you. “You aren’t taking my little sister somewhere so you can felt with some fucking guy.” His eyes burn into the back of your head. Stopping and turning your head to look back at him you grin. “The boy isn’t for me, it's for Wheeze. I don’t think my boyfriend would like me flirting with someone else.” The ease in your voice made Rafe clench his jaw. The jealous green monster he hates so much tapping at his shoulder seeing you walk away.
The two of you continue walking, not looking back as he yells out to you. “What boyfriend? Sunny, I'm talking to you, what boyfriend?” Topper and Kelce can be heard trying to get his attention as he keeps calling after you. You keep walking as Wheezie turns to look back at him. The two boys now in front of him holding him back as he tries to follow the both of you. She looks at you for a second and then back to him. “Since when do you have a boyfriend?” Her brown eyes shine behind her glasses staring at me. “Since a second ago.” Looking over at her you both laugh, continuing to the ice cream shop that’s down the road. 
The sunset was painting the sky with hues of orange, reds, and purple. It looked breathtaking as you sat in the kitchen scrolling on your phone. A video of a puppy playing hide and seek with a baby made you laugh. The sound of footsteps filled the room, Rafe’s voice following along. “What are you laughing about?” “oh sorry I was just texting someone.” You giggle, he steps further into the kitchen making his way to you. “Let me guess that little boyfriend of yours.” Bitterness and a hint of jealousy are laced in his sentence. You place your phone down as you twist your body to face him. 
He looks good. The white t-shirt clings to his arms as he leans down onto the island next to you. “What could he have possibly said that was so funny.” There’s that jealousy again. You lean in a little closer to him, eyes flicking to his lips just in time to catch him liking them. You look back to his eyes, noticing him doing the same. “He was telling me about this douchebag that he met at this party. I think you might know him, he’s this little trust fund baby who thinks he rules the world.” A huf escapes his lips and he leans in a little closer. Lips so close to each other that when he moves his lips they lightly brush yours. “He sounds like an asshole.” He straightens up and walks to the fridge.
Opening it up he takes out a water bottle without looking back at you. His arms flexing distracts you for a moment and you’re glad that he can’t see you. Rafe closes the door and your eyes dart to the rest of the room not looking at anything particular. “It’s sad you are dating him. Maybe that trust fund baby can teach you a good time.” He winks at you when he walks by taking a swig from the bottle. “Very funny I don’t think he would be able to handle me. Plus why would I leave someone who can actually get the job done.” You shrug, picking the phone back up to look busy.  You can see Rafe stop in his tracks from the corner of your eye. “Baby I would rock your world to the point that you would forget your own name. That little boy would look like a rookie once I’m done with you.” With that he just walked away leaving you blushing. 
There’s a slight ache between your thighs and you clench trying to relieve it. Before you can make the mistake of following him Rose walked in. “Hi sweetie. Would you be able to do me a favor? Ward and I are going to the Bahamas for a week to finish up some business deal. Who knows what Sarah will be up to while we are gone and god knows what Rafe will be up to. I swear those two will send Ward to an early grave. Anyway, Wheezie is going to a week-long sleepaway camp with some friends. I know it’s not really your job but can you keep an eye on the other two. We really need to get this deal done and I don’t need them ruining something just to have Ward leave.” She barely looks at you or anything for that matter as she parades around the kitchen, staring at her phone the whole time. Her eyes look up at you waiting for the response. “Of course I can. I’m here to help out in any way.” She smiles at you and grabs a wine glass. “Thank you, You’ve honestly been a big help around the house. I haven’t seen Wheezie this happy or Rafe this well behaved. It's like we needed you.” She chuckles and pours the red wine into her glass.
Her statement took you by surprise. You knew that Wheezie was doing a lot better knowing that she has a stable environment. But the statement about Rafe didn’t make sense. Sure he flirts with you all the time and on rare occasions make sure you are okay at a party. But that’s just because he wants to sleep with you and he knows that if anything happened to you Ward would be upset. You’ve seen Ward yell at him countless of times and know how much Rafe wants his fathers approval. It honestly breaks your heart seeing how hard he really tries. “That’s only because he has to be nice to me. But I’m glad I’m a positive influence.” She takes a sip from her glass tilting her head as she looks at you. There’s something behind her eyes that you can’t make out.“You may not see it but he cares about you. He’s different around you.” She goes back onto her phone as she leaves. “But what do I know? You never know what that kid is thinking. Oh do you mind bringing Wheezie her suitcase? It's in the closet in the hallway.” “Yeah.” You call out stuck in place. 
After a moment you snapped out of it and made your way to get the suitcase. Grabbing it you drop it off in her room. “Here you go kiddo.” You barge into her room. “One suitcase for your travels.” She is standing by her dresser going through it and tossing clothes everywhere. “Do you think this is good to bring?” She’s holding up a dress the two of you got a few weeks back when you were at the mall. “Depends, do you plan on spending the week doing camp activities in that dress?” You reply sitting on the edge of her bed looking at her. She walks over, putting the suitcase next to you as she starts to pack. “It’s not for camp. A cute boy in my grade is going and it’s for when he asks me out.” You laugh, swiping the dress from her hands before she can pack it. “Very funny young lady. When you are at camp you will be doing camp activities, not boys.” You fold the dress putting it back into her drawer before closing it. 
“Uhh.” She cries out, flopping onto the bed. “You’re no fun. It’s fine he wouldn’t have asked me out anyway.” Glancing at her you can see her in deep thought. “He would be stupid if he didn’t. You are so beautiful and amazing. Anyone would be lucky to have you.” You crouch next to her on the floor and she turns her head to the side to see you. “Thank you.” Your right arm reaches up and pushes her hair out of her face. “Just telling the truth… Now finish packing, we don't need a repeat of Cabo.”  You both giggle and you leave her alone.
Making your way down the stairs to your room the sound of a door catches your attention. It closes softly, barely loud enough to hear it. You stop midway on the staircase just in time to see Rafe make his way from your room across the hall to his.  
What was he doing in your room? Rushing down the rest of the stairs you burst into your room. Nothing looks out of place, everything is exactly where you have left it. The bed was still made, your desk perfectly intact, your nightstand has the book you left there last night. If everything was still there what was he doing? Looking around once again you can’t find anything. Your legs start to move before you can think about where you are going. Even though deep down you know exactly where. 
Not even thinking you open Rafes door but stop as soon as you see him. He’s laying on his bed, the shirt he was wearing earlier pulled up to his chest. Your eyes scan down his body and your eyes widen seeing what he is doing. Rafe's right hand is wrapped around his dick stroking it in fast strokes.  “Fuck baby. Just like that, feel fucking amazing.” But what really catches your eyes is the red lace fabric he has pressed up to his nose. He takes a big sniff before bringing the panties down to his dick. You thought Rose's statement shocked you but you are truly frozen now. It’s like every muscle in your body gave up and every neuron in your brain died. No matter how much you wanted to say something or move you couldn’t. The grip you had on the door tightened as you heard him moan.
“Oh god.” His strokes get faster making the veins in his arms pop out more. Another moan leaves his lips. The noise draws your gaze up to his face, which was a mistake because you could ignore the throbbing happening in your shorts. But Rafe’s eyes were screwed shut, head thrown back making his neck look biteable. Yeah looking at the pleasure expression he had right now was a mistake. The little voice in your head telling you to run starts telling you to join him. “Fuck Sunny don’t stop.” Your jaw drops hearing your nickname. The one he gave you a few weeks into working here. 
“Knew you were a slut. Begging me to teach you a lesson.” A sloppy smacking noise reaching your ears. He was thinking about you? You knew he wanted to fuck you but you never thought he would steal you panties just to get off on the thought of you. “Bet your dripping right now. Soaking those little shorts of yours.” This made your eyes shoot up to look at him. Crystal blue eyes meeting yours as his pupils dilate enveloping the sea of blue. He moans as he cums moaning out your name without breaking eye contact. White ropes shooting up and coating his toned stomach. You can feel the blood rush to your face at the thought of being caught watching Rafe masturbate. Well more of the fact that you like watching Rafe himself off. 
“If I knew you were into voyeurism I would have left my door open a long time ago.” He chuckles, running his hand over his buzz cut. “I-I’m sorry. I saw you come out of my room and I.” The words die on your tongue watching as he gets up from the bed, wiping off his cum with my panties. His moans keep playing in your head as you just stare. He makes his way over to you, striping from his shirt leaving him completely bare in front of you. “It’s okay I liked that you watched me. Maybe next time I won’t have to use your panties.” He taunts waving the red lace in your face. 
With your brain not functioning no comebacks came to mind and you didn’t feel his hand wrapping around your waist. “So tell me if I reach into those pretty panties will you be as soaked as I think you’ll be.” The soft fabric brush against your lips finally snapping you out of whatever daze was put over you. You push him off of you and snatch the panties out of his hand. “You fucking wish asshole.” You exclaim practically running out of the room to yours and locking the door.
Your chest rises and falls in fast motions trying to have you catch your breath. What just happened? The events keep playing in your mind as you throw the solid garment into the hamper and go to wash your hands in the ensuite bathroom. Scrubbing furiously you get the remnants of his cum off of your hands. You lean against it with your head hanging between your shoulders. It wasn’t until you licked your lips and tasted salt you remembered the moment. He had wiped the painties on your lips before you had stormed off. You still had his cum left on your lips.
365 notes · View notes
hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Lena Horne (Cabin in the Sky, Stormy Weather)— Incredibly talented biracial actress, singer, dancer, and activist (she did so much work towards integrating audiences). Because of the racism of the era, she rarely got to be the lead actress but filmmakers loved her so much that they would often create stand alone segments within a film to highlight her beautiful singing, knowing that these segments would ultimately be cut from the film by censors in areas that forbid films with Black performers. Also, she's just so wonderful in Cabin in the Sky as a gold-digger villain who is not the least bit subtle about her intentions. I would highly recommend checking out her work.
Jane Fonda (Barbarella, Sunday in New York, Barefoot in the Park)—Feminist icon, LGBTQ+ rights activist since the 70s, Civil Rights and Native American rights advocate, environmentalist… she really is THE woman ever
This is round 4 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Lena Horne:
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Black American powerhouse singer and actor who faced all the usual bullshit that any BIPOC faced in vintage Hollywood and achieved legendary status anyway. Also a Civil Rights movement icon.
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She was a gem
She was so beautiful and those dimples are amazing! Truly depressing how badly Hollywood treated her because she was black. I would love to have seen what she really could have been if they didn’t cast her in so many yikes roles. She’s got gorgeous eyes and that body! Her joyful smile makes happiness sexy!
Civil rights actress, singer, dancer, actress, she's got the whole package
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Lena Horne was a wonderful singer and actress who largely starred in black cast musicals. While she had a lot of main stream success, she ultimately lost the lead role in showboat (a role she had played on the stage) to a white actress due to hollywood's prejudices. She was also blacklisted during the HUAC hearings, but she still managed to be hot be hot as fuck and have a career spanning decades, working with more well-known stars like Judy Garland in musicals, and working on stage and releasing albums when her hollywood career began to suffer.
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Miss Horne became famous during a period of time when Hollywood had very few meaningful roles for people of color. Although she is more so known as a performer, she starred in two successful all black productions (Cabin in the Sky & Stormy Weather). If that wasn't enough, she also guest starred on the Muppets (Season 1, Episode 11)
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Jane Fonda:
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" I assume she's already been submitted but I gotta make sure. I think there's an element to movies like Barbarella or her segment of Spirit of the Dead of those having been directed by her husband, who famously made movies about her being hot, and the incredible costume design also helped, but good lord. Look at her"
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"She was so pretty, dear lord! She was and still us stunning. She’s great at comedy and drama."
"Shes so hot im so gay for me i will let her hit me with hers car"
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"Gorgeous and also still getting arrested at climate protests, which is sexy behavior"
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"Watching her in Barefoot in the Park seriously made me, a straight woman, question things"
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"Her vibes in these movies are so interesting because she, the daughter of an Old Hollywood star, went on to make both poignant dramatic movies and the some of the silliest things you've ever seen but even in the silly space adventures and sexploitations there's always this undeniable gravitas to her. It's like she's able not to take herself very seriously but at the same time never stops having this grace and elegance and makes it all work together. And she's always been very politically active which is also sexy. Her famous mugshot is from 1970 so right at the cutoff mark but come on"
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225 notes · View notes
sadesluvr · 9 months
Black Christmas - S. Raglan x Reader x M. Schmidt
Mike’s job as a park ranger becomes interesting when a mysterious couple stay five nights in a winter lodge.
A/N: HOLY FUCK. This is my longest and most tiring fic in a while (for all the right reasons) and I’m really excited to share it with you! It was loosely inspired by the req and work by @dilfbabie (HERE) but this has a festive, darker spin. This is for the people who voted for a Steve/William aligned reader, and is porn with plot. Further details in the tags, but this is reminiscent of a Jordan Peele film (aka the best kind of film), so dark themes lie ahead. I really hope you all enjoy it, consider it a Christmas gift ;)
Word count: 5.3K
Tags: SMUT (Porn with plot) / Slow burn / Fem! Reader / Threesome / Brief mentions of abuse / Alcohol usage / Oral sex, male receiving / Fingering / Blowjobs / Voyeurism / Cowgirl (position) / Unprotected sex / Creampies / Psychological manipulation / Deception / Dub-Con (if you squint) / Cheating --- MINORS DNI
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Mike had grown to find that being a park ranger was far more amusing than working as mall security. He loved being surrounded by the natural world, and the relatively isolated nature of the job - outside of being with his colleagues - meant that he had time alone. Time to think.
It was even more enjoyable in the winter, specifically the Christmas period, where he revelled in the contrast of the bustle of the shopping district with the tranquil sightings of caribou and squirrels.
It was standard procedure for the rangers to meet the guests of the lodges they inhabited, simply as an act of trust building. Today was no different, except for the fact that he was standing at the door of one of the largest and lavish buildings in the resort, which only meant one thing…Snobby, rich inhabitants.
When you answered the door, your lips parted in a brief moment of shock, adjusting your relaxed posture so that you were upright. 
“Hi…” you said, an unplaced smile appearing on the corner of your lips. “Can I help you Officer…?”
“Mike,” he quickly added. “I’m sure you’ve seen me in the pamphlet, but I’m your designated ranger for this district. I’m here for your safety,”
You seemed somewhat confused at this, but also rather appreciative.
“Thanks…” you replied, absentmindedly fiddling with your necklace. “We— Uh, we haven’t looked at that much yet, actually…”
Mike nodded. You’d probably just moved in, likely more desperate for a shower and a nap than read pages of menial information. 
“My pager codes should be taped to the wall in the kitchen. Outside of patrols and emergencies — weather, rabid animals, that sort of thing — I’ll shouldn’t be in your hair,”
You cocked your head, seemingly interested in something about him. He was cute; boyish in contrast to his position that was usually reserved for those with blatant machismo. You wondered how he got it in the first place.
You nodded back, fingers lingering on the door as you swung it. “Oh, well that’s great, thank —“
“Babe? Who is that? You’re taking an awful while to — Oh, hello Officer…?”
Your interaction was interrupted by an older, taller man who emerged from the stairs behind you. He was dressed in an off-yellow utility suit - likely for skiing - in which a purple sweater peeked out from underneath. His hair was groomed and he wore large, slightly out of fashion glasses. He rested an arm above you, leaning it on the doorframe, and Mike squinted as he noticed that you’d shifted uncomfortably at the movement before trying to compose yourself.
He was lost in his thoughts, temporarily oblivious to the fact that the man was staring at him expectedly. 
“ — Mike, “ he stammered, giving the man his name.
“Your badge says Michael,” he replied, matter of factly.
“I prefer Mike,”
“Hm,” the man mused, the grumble seemingly coming from the depths of his chest. “That’s odd. Usually you guys are referred to by your last name…”
Mike wasn’t sure about you, but this mysterious man was definitely a rich asshole. They always assumed they knew everything. 
“It’s Schimdt — Michael Schmidt…but please, Mike is fine,” he replied, shifting his weight and pursing his lips. Strangely, the man’s blue eyes widened, and he cocked his head, softening his demeanour. Your gaze was fixed to the floor uncomfortably, and Mike could only decipher that you were embarrassed by the man’s insistence. The entire thing was borderline uncomfortable.
Yet, at that moment, he smiled.
“The name’s Steve,” he perked up, extending his hand for the smaller man to shake. He took it, and the man’s grip was firm and assuring, leading Mike to believe that he was some kind of businessman.
“Thank you, Mike,” continued sincerely, his voice noticeably soft. “Hopefully we’ll see you around then,”
Mike blinked and glanced at you. You were still, almost motionless, with Steve protectively hovering over you. He could tell he’d interrupted something.
“You too,” he replied, beginning to back away as he shoved his hands into his pockets. “Happy holidays.”
During the ins and outs of his job, Mike had been trying to rack his brain, wondering if he’d ever come across this ‘Steve’ before, but to no avail. Perhaps he’d just gotten the wrong person. Michael was a very common name, after all.
He wondered about you, though. You were certainly younger than him, and although he’d come across his share of problematic couples, there was something far more striking about you than the rest. Steve’s authoritarian presence, coupled with your seemingly shy, introverted own, was usually a cocktail that led to disaster. He wasn’t a cop, but it wouldn’t hurt to keep tabs on you, would it?
It seemed that the time would come quicker than expected. The next morning he’d received a ‘111’ message from your residence, and hadn’t wasted time in making his way up to see you.
Upon being let in, he quickly found out that you were alone, with Steve having run out for groceries. Apparently, you’d been hearing ‘rattling and shaking’ in the vents, and simply feared being home alone with the threat of a robbery looming over your head. He’d checked the vents, scoping the interior out for signs of damage or entry, quickly finding out that badger had made a home inside the walls, earning a good chuckle from the pair of you.
“I’m so embarrassed!” you’d gushed, and Mike had smiled slightly at your flustered demeanour. You were dressed rather nicely for an early morning, in a chic turtleneck, pants and a pair of Moon Boots. It didn’t take a genius to decipher that you either came from, or was in contact with a lot of money.
“No problem…” he chuckled, feeling the quiet instinct to pry. “So, Steve just left you here, even with the threat of an intruder?”
Your shoulders visibly dropped at the fact. 
“Pretty much…” you sighed, masking your nervous energy by removing a mug from the coffee machine, pouring some fixings into the liquid before taking a sip, exhaling deeply.
“I know what you’re thinking,” you sighed, and Mike stiffened at the way you were so sincere, eyes locked on his own as you seemingly read his mind. “You have a point, but I like that he doesn’t baby me. But it does scare the shit out of me, knowing that we’re basically in the wilderness. Anything could happen…!”
He nodded.
“Well, you’re more likely to be attacked by kids at Santa’s Grotto than a bear,” he laughed. “I wouldn’t worry…”
You smiled, gaze unwavering as you sipped the drink, admiring the rich taste on your tongue. It was as if you were a siren, beckoning him towards you with an indescribable aura. There was more you wanted to say, but you couldn’t say it.
Biting the bullet, he cleared his throat. 
“Hey — This may not be my place, but is everything okay? When he came down the other day I saw you tense up,” Mike finished, and you let out a low hum as you contemplated the implications of his statement.
“We’re having a few issues,” you said, rolling your eyes, apparently brushing the situation off. “We’d been arguing a lot back home, and he booked this trip so we could regroup and stuff. I’m grateful, and I might even love him – but it doesn’t make me any less paranoid. I never know how he’s feeling, y’know? He’s a bit off sometimes…”
That was certainly one way to put it, Mike thought.
“...Does he hurt you?”
“God no,” you insisted. “He’s just — Well, let’s just say that he’s not all that open about his past,”
Mike let out a deep breath and placed his hands on his hips, musing on what you could’ve meant. He averted his gaze to glance around the cabin. It was rather lush, with floor to ceiling windows, marble countertops and rich oak accents; perhaps you were living beyond your means? Every item in his sight seemed relatively normal, blankets, keys, even a small Christmas tree with a few presents underneath. Still, it meant nothing. After all, nobody kept their secrets on display - no, those kinds of things were reserved for a bedroom…Or basement. Or the trunk of a car. Or in the psychological prison of the mind.
“…I should finish getting ready,” your voice interjected. “Thanks for the help, Mike,” you said sweetly, and he nodded before turning around and making his way to let himself out. As he placed a foot down the first step, something turned him around, and he was shocked to see that you weren’t far behind him. He hadn’t heard you follow him.
“By the way —“ he said, clearing his throat again. “I’m doing a patrol on Thursday, so I’ll be around…Just if you need to talk…”
He hoped he wasn’t being too forward.
You smiled, and this time Mike could see the emotion in your eyes.
“Good to know,”
One of the best things about the job were the treetop viewing platforms. It gave a 360 view of the resort, and Mike was able to see near and far with his pair of binoculars. It was certainly a task that Abby would’ve loved, if she were ever allowed to see him work.
On this particular morning, he was scoping out the usuals - people on the slopes, those taking photos, and the general assortment of vehicles that came in and out of the building. Still, he found himself looking westward toward the lodging you were living in. Call it paranoia, or call it doing his duty, he couldn’t pry himself from the familiar outline of the building.
All seemed normal, until he’d focused on the top window, the largest one of the house that sat behind a balcony. There was no sign of you on the outside, other than the table and chairs, but it was what was enclosed behind that glass that worried him.
Sure enough, you and Steve were there. He couldn’t make out from the resolution, but your face was pressed to the glass, with Steve behind you, clearly leaving little room for you to move. Mike felt his chest constrict, tongue swiping over his lips as he zoomed in, silently praying that you weren’t being hurt.
It turned out that hurt was the complete opposite of what you were undergoing. There you were; totally nude with Steve’s large arms around your throat, kissing your neck as he jerked, your body writhing about as he did. Mike knew all too well what you were doing, and it didn’t take long for the blood to rush from his cheeks to his cock, praying that his growing bulge wouldn’t be visible to anyone. 
Your eyes were half lidded as you scrambled to hold onto something, and Mike couldn’t help but wonder what your moans sounded like. Were you a screamer or a whimperer? Judging by the way the older man was ravishing you, it seemed to be somewhere in between the two.
Swallowing, he lowered the binoculars, pinching the bridge of his nose as he contemplated what he’d just done. There was no ridding the image from his mind, certainly not when he’d taken in every crevice of your body. He sighed, shoving his hands into his pockets to try to suppress his base urges, storing the image securely for later.
Mike rubbed his eyes as he slid into the company car, ready to do his rounds. He hadn’t gotten much sleep last night. 
His grip remained firm on the steering wheel, carefully navigating the elevated roads. A fresh layer of snow had settled over the past day, and the last thing he needed was to skid off into the trees. It was funny that the winter wonderland around him couldn’t mask the fact it was in a place like this where his family’s life had been turned upside down — where his brother had been cruelly and callously taken…All under his watch.
Sometimes he couldn’t live with himself.
He was at the bottom of the final stretch of lodges when he noticed two figures trudging down the hill. Their arms were outstretched and faces scrunched - and Mike recognised you instantly. Steve was following after you whilst your arms were crossed, clearly having a temper tantrum of some kind. Squinting, he tried to make himself unnoticeable as he listened in.
“I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want me to see her! I love kids!”
“It’s not that I don’t want you to see her, it’s just — Well, it’s not that easy…”
“How could this be difficult? I’m your girlfriend. She’s your daughter. Someday we’ll have to cross paths, right? Unless I’m some silly fling to you…”
“You’re not, okay? You know I love you. It’s complicated - Vanessa, she’s a little volatile —“
“I wonder where she gets that from,”
Frowning, Mike came out of the car, slamming the door with force to alert the two of you. He crossed his arms around his chest, scatters of snow crunching under his boots as he made his way towards you.
“Is there a problem?” 
“Mike,” Steve said, any specific emotion unreadable in his voice. He looked the man up and down as if to intimidate, but Mike didn’t budge. “…What’re you doing here?”
“My job,” He said sternly, to which you smirked. His eyes darted between the two of you, and he cocked his head. “Is there an issue here, or?”
Steve cast you a frosty glare, to which you rolled your eyes. Shaking yourself off, you assumed a stricter posture before focusing your attention onto the smaller man in front of you.
“Mike —“ you said, matter of factly. “Be a dear and give me a ride to the leisure centre. I need a masseuse… I have a knot that just won’t go away,”
There was nothing but fury in Steve’s eyes as Mike nodded, stepping to the side to allow you to pass through to the vehicle. As he opened the passenger door for you, he could feel the older man’s stare, burning a hole in his neck and seeping out his insides. Shutting the door, he walked round to the other side of the car, jaw ticking and lips pulled into a straight line. He barely knew Steve, but what he did know was that he was an asshole.
The car ride was silent for all of two minutes when Mike perked up, clearing his throat whilst his eyes remained on the road. He’d only snuck occasional glances at your thighs, and even then he was unable to rid the image of you nude.
“…Who’s Vanessa?”
You scoffed, slumping back in your seat as you lay your head against the car window.
“So you did hear,” you chuckled defeatedly. “His daughter. He doesn’t want me to see her,”
“Oh,” was all Mike could say, and he decided to let you draw the emotion out of your body yourself.
“I hate when he does this!” You exclaimed, arms folded. “He makes me feel so dirty! Like, what the fuck is he saying? That I’m not good enough to meet her?!”
“I’m sure that’s not the case…” Mike said softly. “I mean, if it were down to me, I know I’d love for my daughter and girlfriend to hang out, especially during the holidays,”
The statement caused you to smile, and you shook your head defeatedly. 
“I’m shacking it up with her father during the best time of year…” you said incredulously, looking out onto the icy white paradise around you. “She probably hates me…”
The thought of a girl being without her father on Christmas was enough to make you sob, salty tears pricking your eyes and eventually running down your cheeks. Covering your mouth, you let out a little whimper that alerted Mike, his kind brown eyes briefly leaving the road to watch your face. He wasted no time in pulling over, making sure the car was locked in position before he placed an arm on your shoulder, the sudden contact making you break down even more. Before he knew it, you were crying on his shoulder, hiding your face in the fleece-like insides of his jacket. The man remained quiet, but rubbed your back, narrowing his eyes as he tried to piece together your relationship.
He was beginning to lose himself in your scent when you pulled away, eyes red and slightly watery. Your faces were close, and you stared at him in a way that both made him feel guilty and aroused, eyes wide but enigmatic. He followed your gaze to his lips, and he slowly parted his own to exhale, hyper aware of the way his heart was pounding in his chest.
Brushing your fingertips across his cheeks, you leaned up to plant a kiss on his lips, your taste bittersweet as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him deeper. He certainly hoped Steve wasn’t close behind, as he didn’t let go, instead parting his lips to whisper your name as your tongues began to dance against the others’. His hands were all over your body, and he was fairly certain that your hand had made his way to his pelvis, threatening to brush his cock.
He cursed himself when he gasped at the motion, which had caused you to pull away. As if you’d been under a spell, you felt flushed, stuck between wanting to leave the car and staying with Michael.
“Thank you…” you whispered, glancing down before looking out of the windshield. The reception to the rest of the resort wasn’t far from here, and you decided you needed to clear your head. “You’re a great guy, Mike.”
It had been twelve hours since you’d shared a kiss with Mike, and he was beginning to think he’d known you forever. He couldn’t get it out of his mind, even when they’d received a severe weather warning at midday. Needless to say, he was excited to ring your particular lodge…Just as long as Steve didn’t answer.
“Hey, it’s Mike…We’re expecting a snowstorm in a couple of hours and we’re instituting a 7PM curfew,”
“Shit…Really?” You’d said, somewhat muffled, and Mike could hear you biting down on the fingertips of your thumb. “ I didn’t hear anything about this — Steve’s down at the casino…”
“I’m sure word will get to him,” he insisted. “Stay safe —“
“Wait, Mike? C-Can you come over? I want to make sure everything’s reinforced…”
It was apparent that you and Mike both knew that the lodges, especially the ones you were living in, were more than secure. You’d smiled and let out an exasperated, somewhat overdramatic ‘Thanks’, and had clasped your hands in front of you, leisurely strolling around the building as he confirmed the obvious. You seemed more free, whimsical even, dressed in a deep red couture tracksuit, perfectly painted toes on display. Perhaps the kiss, and Steve’s absence, had brought out the real you.
He didn’t know he could have such an effect on someone. 
As he clicked off his flashlight, he smirked at you, to which you returned, and drummed his hand on the countertops.
“Is everything okay, Officer?” you lulled.
“A-Ok,” he hummed, watching as you walked closer towards him, a mischievous grin in your eye. He froze slightly when you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your body against his front, but found himself relaxing into your touch, his own hands finding your hips.
“We have the house to ourselves…” you purred, beginning to stroke the back of his neck, causing him to twitch. He was simply too cute. “…And the view is lovely. But the company’s better…”
He nodded, lost in the way you began to pepper kisses to his neck and breath gently into his ear, that he hadn’t realised that the snow was beginning to fall…and it wasn’t about to stop.
“Shit…” he said under his breath, ruining the mood as he scrambled for his radio. He should’ve been back to the base a while ago.
“This is Mike calling in. The storm came in earlier than expected. I’m holed in at Lodge 305 waiting it out,”
“Received,” the static said. “Keep us updated.”
You could barely contain your enthusiasm at the fact, and Mike chuckled as you excitedly raced to the wine cabinet. It was going to be an interesting few hours.
“…Part of me hopes Steve never comes back,” you slurred, wine bottle in hand as you sprawled out on the king bed, your tracksuit top since stripped, leaving you in a vest. It was obvious to Mike that you weren’t wearing a bra underneath, neither. 
Mike snickered.
“You’re still mad at him?”
“Yup,” you said, popping your ‘P’. “Asshole tried to propose to me at dinner yesterday. I said no,”
He was astonished that you said it so casually.
“I know,” you grinned. “Wine?”
He looked up at you uncertainly. Not necessarily because it was wrong, but because he had no idea where the night would lead him if he took even as much as a sip. “I-I can’t, I’m on the job,”
“Just a little?” You whined. “For me?”
You watched him intently as he gave in, sipping the drink and holding it on his tongue. When he realised you were staring at him, you broke into a smile, edging closer to him on the bed.
“I love that you take your job so seriously,” you cheesed, running your finger down his arm.   “Was this a boyhood dream?”
“Far from it,”
“Hm,” you said curiously, cocking your head. You’d been trying to figure Mike out for a while now. “So what’s the goal?” 
“Dunno,” he shrugged. “Just to see my sister happy, I guess,”
Your heart fluttered, and there was an incomparable sensation in your loins, biting up towards your stomach. Whether it was the alcohol, the heating, or something else - your body swelled, and you couldn’t hold back anymore.
“You’re so sweet,” you cooed, in that oh-so famously position in front of his face, arms entangled in his.  “I love that about you, Mike,”
“I wish all guys were like you,” was all you said, and you thrust yourself on top of him, his back flat against the mattress. He didn’t stop you; letting you take charge as you straddled his torso, pressing your breasts against his chest as his hands found your body. He was insatiable, greedy yet very needy, and found himself succumbing to your every whim. 
Mike let out a whimper as you rubbed yourself gently along his clothed cock, growing irritated at the layer of fabric between you two. You nipped at his ear and giggled, dancing your hands along his body before you reached his bulge, giving it a gentle squeeze before you went back to teasing him with your hips.
“D’ya want me, Mike?” you purred. “Say the word and I’ll be yours…”
“Mmfh…” he grumbled, trying and failing to pull himself away from you, particularly as his hands found your hardening nipples, desperate to take one between his teeth. “What about Steve?” He said from below you. “I could get fired, I —“
Cupping his face in your hands, you stared him down, voice almost emotionless as you spoke.
“Mike, you may not know it, but when you’re rich, you can get away with anything…”
That was enough confirmation as he needed as he arched his back, angling himself up into your kiss. He was both surprised and aroused at how firm your grip was on him, legs quite literally locking him down below you. Your wanting mouth was wide as your chest heaved, grinning down at him as you slid your arm back, down his pants to touch his hardened cock. 
Mike shut his eyes and groaned as you tugged on him, expertly sliding your hips down his body, fixing yourself into position so that you were level his penis, your ass in his face.
“Touch me, Mike,” you slurred as you took him in your mouth, giddy as he pulled down your sweats a crack so that he could massage your ass, fingers lingering by your lacy underwear. His touch sent chills down your spine, prompting you to take him further, tongue flat against the underside of his organ. His index finger slipped into your crevice, stroking your walls before he slid a finger into your pussy, making you whimper. It had been so long since Mike had been touched - and had touched someone in such a way - that he wasn’t planning on letting go of the feeling any time soon.
Even if your boyfriend came in.
“Babe? I’m sorry, I got caught up in —“ 
“Steve!” You said sweetly, releasing Mike from your mouth with a ‘pop’. “How nice of you to join us!”
The wording struck Michael as odd, but he chalked it down to the thick layer of condescension in your voice. 
Steve stared right past you and towards Mike, narrowing his eyes. The younger man swallowed, wanting to push you off of him, but found himself drawn to the silent aura of the man, much more the way a bulge was visible in his pants also. 
“I can explain—“ he stammered, exasperated as you played with him in your hands, index finger and thumb squeezing the tip as your eyes darted between the two men. How were you so relaxed about this?
“No need to worry about it, Mike,” Steve said, his tone surprisingly sympathetic as he zipped down his own pants. “I don’t mind sharing her...In fact, I love showing my darling off,” he grinned, almost sadistically as he bared his teeth and dimples. Steve placed his larger, calloused hands on your neck, his thumb brushing your cheek affectionately as he did. Mike felt somewhat betrayed by the way there was a glint of happiness in your eye; much more the way he pulled you into a sloppy, passionate kiss as you stroked the older man instead of him.
Once the pair of you pulled apart, his blue eyes were clouded with lust as he patted your cheek, thumb tracing your lips before he pulled away. You kissed the digit tentatively, chin in the air as you glanced down at Mike, silent, but smiling. 
Ironically, you were a healthy couple playing a twisted game, and you’d been in on it all along. 
Steve cleared his throat, loosening a button on his shirt as you span around, your own pelvis holding down Mike’s own. Mike should’ve despised the situation in its entirety, but the way his cock twitched was undeniable. It was as if this fucked up situation were unlocking something within him, and he didn’t know for how much longer he could hold it back.
“…I love the way men like you look at her and want nothing more than to fuck her brains out. Do you know what it feels like to win? To know that she’s yours?” Steve drawled, watching almost in admiration as you pulled off your sweats, sliding your underwear to the side as you lined up Mike’s cock with your entrance. 
“Of course you don’t,” he said condescendingly. “...Your life is about to be hell, Mike. You deserve something good…” The older man hissed, coincidentally aligning with the hiss from Mike’s own mouth who was too much in a state of ecstasy to register the comment. His precum was dribbling on your wet folds, and he longed for a bit of friction. 
You placed a hand on Mike’s chest, smiling down at him with the same expression he’d come to fall for in the first place, paired with your soft, unsuspecting voice. 
“Do you wanna fuck me, Mike? I bet you’d make me feel so good…”
“Y-Yeah..” he whimpered lowly, and he moaned as you sunk yourself onto his bare cock, gripping your body at the tight, wet pressure of your gummy walls. Steve hummed in amusement as he watched you begin to ride him; slowly at first, giving him enough leeway to insert himself into your mouth. 
He’d had you a million times before, but he never grew tired of the sensation. He gripped the back of your head as he moved your face up and down his shaft, groaning as he fucked your mouth in tandem.
“You’ve always been a maneater, haven’t you baby?” Steve cooed. “My little slut,” he spat, and Mike furrowed his brows, feeling his cock twitch in you at the statement. You were clearly just a few rich people with a perverted pastime, and he’d been taken as collateral. He’d probably feel disgusted in the morning, but as of right now he was in heaven.
You steadied yourself on Mike’s cock, pressing down a hand into his pelvis as Steve’s grip tightened on your face, greedy as one hand reached down to grope your breasts.
“Go on, Mike,” he chuckled arrogantly. “Give em a feel,”
You took Mike's hand in your own, throwing your head back at the sensation of being fondled and prodded by two men simultaneously. Steve’s cock was hitting the back of your throat, your nose buried into the fabric of his clothes, stray grey pubic hairs tickling your nose as he did. Mike’s dick was buried in you, and you were 99% sure you’d sheathed himself to the hilt. You hadn’t even needed to move your hips for that long, and Mike had begun to take agency as rock his hips up into your own, the skin-on-skin sounds borderline pornographic.
“Shit,” Mike whispered, feeling his stomach begin to knot up, and you gasped, talking around Steve’s cock that sent vibrations through the spectacled man’s lower half.
“Are you gonna cum, Mikey? You wanna fill this pussy up?” you teased, circling your hips uncontrollably, Mike’s penetrative thrusts becoming shallow but frequent. He groaned in response, and Steve chuckled, one hand your back so he stabilised you, making sure your lush lips were still attached to his shaft. Mike may have been getting the goods, but he owned you, and his pleasure came first. Even in a group of three. 
Feeling closer to your own orgasm, you slammed your hips down onto Mike, holding him in position as he came; desperately clutching the sheets as he spilled into you, mumbling to himself incoherently. Steve was gracious enough to pull himself from your mouth, a bridge of spit connecting you two as he did. Instinctively, you jerked him off, your warm hands sliding up and down effortlessly on his sloppy dick, still grinding your hips on Mike as he was beginning to come down from his high.
Steve came with a grumble, and it wasn’t long until you followed him after, grinning mischievously as fresh white trails of his seed painted your face. Glancing over at Mike - who looked totally spent - you ran your tongue along Steve’s pink shaft to clean him up, writhing as you stimulated Mike’s softening cock, producing a groan from the brunette. 
You were light headed as you fell back onto the sheets, smiling as Steve stroked your semi-nude body adoringly, lulling you off to sleep.
Mike was awakened to a banging on the door, swearing under his breath as he contemplated how this looked. Sitting up, he scanned the room for a sign of you, or even Steve, but to no luck. 
He looked out of the window. The snowstorm was over.
Perhaps you’d just gone out for breakfast.
He hurried his clothes on, placing his hands on his hips as he tried to shake the hazy memories of the night before. He was just in time as an officer entered, worried as he saw his colleague enter with guns.
“W-What’s going on?” he asked, squinting. 
“We have a warrant for a visitor's arrest,” he drawled. “A Mr William Afton…?”
Mike frowned. The name wasn’t familiar.
The officer raised a brow, leaving the room once the coast was clear. As he did, Mike caught a glimpse of the poster in his back pocket, the face painfully recognisable. 
WANTED: Child abduction and murder.
283 notes · View notes
akookminsupporter · 19 days
Preface: This is not an analysis post, and honestly, I don’t want to overanalyse their interactions or everything they said and did—many others are already doing that. My intention with this post is simply to share my thoughts on the episodes, my impressions, and perhaps my conclusions.
I’m writing this as I watch the episodes for the second time.
Oh no, just from the intro, we can already tell we won’t survive Sapporo. I mean, that alone screams COMFORT.
So, no clips or mention of the time they spent in Tokyo? I wonder if we’ll see that in Jungkook’s documentary? Will Jimin be there too? Not just in Tokyo, but in New York as well. Oh, will we see Jimin celebrating with Jungkook when he released his single "3D"? That happened while they were in New York, right?
It seems unreal that we’re going to get so much content of blonde Jimin and black-haired Jungkook together.
How do you subconsciously say something? Hahaha, when did they say that? I wonder if the original plan was for the show to end in Jeju. The fact that there’s no clip of them deciding to go to Japan before actually going, like what happened when they decided to go to Jeju, makes me think that the trip wasn’t part of the initial plan. I wonder if, when it was confirmed Jungkook was going to Japan for work, they said something like, "Oh, I’d love to go to Japan one last time" or something similar, and the agency didn’t think it was a bad idea.
God, Jungkook mentioning their trip to Tokyo and then saying THAT'S WHY he wanted to go back… my heart! Plus, the tone in which he said it, while massaging Jimin’s neck and looking at him, not the camera… How do people expect us not to be… hopeful?
I don’t know if this is weird, but to me, Jungkook looks great with a mask and a big hoodie. It reminds me a lot of the picture I have as my profile picture. That’s one of my favourite photos of him.
Jimin reminding Jungkook to walk slowly (because Jimin walks slowly) is adorable. Did you notice how Jimin was holding Jungkook’s hand while it was inside his hoodie?
Okay. Them in the car. The angle. The closeness. Jungkook’s expressions. They DO NOT HELP CALM MY IMAGINATION. Also, I don’t understand their seating arrangements. Jungkook looked HOT in that clip. Bro, the car was spacious. Why did they decide to film the clip like that? Oh, Jikook.
Jungkook loves getting the camera up close to Jimin’s face. I guess he loves his eyes. God, saying he can see a lot when Jimin asked if he could see anything… JUNGKOOK!
It’s no longer "Ppeuri" but "standing next to you". I guess this is my tinhat moment of the post. Do these songs, especially the words or parts of Jungkook’s songs, have double meanings for them? Because the way they said them and the way they looked at each other while doing so tells me yes, but I don’t know if it’s just what I want to believe or…
Jimin and Jungkook sitting in their hotel room, deciding what to do or eat, is everything right with the world. I LOVE these moments in the show. I appreciate that the editors decided to include more of this. They should’ve done the same when they were in the US.
Ahh, Jungkook’s best ship will always be him and food hahaha.
Sharing sausage is fine, and even beer – though Jimin didn’t end up drinking any because Jungkook had already drunk it all – but Jungkook crosses the line by eating the potato skin just because Jimin touched it with his fingers. Okay, Jeon Jungkook.
Jungkook, what video did you watch? When did you watch it? Didn’t Jimin film the video he was talking about the day before the trip?
Jimin forgetting about the camera and, with it, the fact they were filming a show told me he was comfortable enough on the trip not to see it as "work".
They don’t know the concept of personal space, do they?
Them making jokes or comments about when they’d be in the military is both funny and sad. Why did they make them do that? They should be on stage, not on the border with the crazies from the north!
They love snow.
When the clip of Jungkook falling came out in the show’s trailers, I thought he was imitating Jimin’s part from "Spring Day", but it turns out he actually fell hahaha.
Jungkook being sure that Jimin would love the gimbap triangle he chose… he knows him well!
Again with the "standing next to you", and this time Jimin said part of it, paused, and Jungkook continued. That means something more between them. Either that, or I’m going crazy hahaha.
Jimin and Jungkook bickering over the most mundane, often domestic things is everything.
Fluffy Jimin and Jungkook!
I’m confused. Was Jungkook talking about the restaurant they went to in Tokyo in 2017? But then Jungkook said he went there that day, and Jimin said he’d gone a few days before. So, they were saying that they went back to the restaurant recently, right?
Ahhh, so Taemin recommended that restaurant to Jimin, and that’s why Jimin and Jungkook went there when they travelled to Tokyo in 2017. Each of them remembering things from the trip the other didn’t is what I call teamwork, or I guess it’s team memory hahaha.
It’s too sweet seeing the hyung line, especially, almost in denial of the fact that Jungkook is all grown up, that he’s an incredible person and an amazing artist. They’re all proud of their maknae.
I really appreciate how Jungkook never makes Jimin feel bad for wanting to eat more or anything like that. On the contrary, he’s always cared about Jimin eating well and eating enough.
Jungkook calling each destination a season - no pun intended - is hilarious. Jungkook, I need more seasons, please!
Jungkook with a headband is too cute.
Jimin and Jungkook love the snow. And Sapporo. Also, they’re great ambassadors for CD and CK, hahaha.
We’ve all been Jungkook, scolding ourselves for eating and drinking too much. I’m like Jungkook almost every day, hahaha.
Jungkook saying he’ll remember those moments from the trip, aka being with Jimin when he’s in the army… with Jimin, that’s everything. Jimin’s comedic timing is everything.
Jungkook predicting Jimin’s intentions… again, hahaha, they know each other so well. Oh, and Jungkook taking a few minutes to choose which glasses to wear because, according to him, none looked good on him. Then Jimin just picks the first pair Jungkook chose, and they look great on him – that’s comedy gold. The way he looked at him, like “Really?” Hahaha.
Jungkook loves the snow. The cold. The winter.
They seriously don’t know the concept of personal space. Also, their bickering is always super funny.
By the way, Jungkook’s bag or pouch or whatever it was – it’s so cute!
Jungkook made Jimin do the sign of the cross over his food with the camera? I mean, I guess that’s some kind of ritual? Hahaha.
I don’t care how this sounds: Every time Jimin talks down about his looks or his body, I just want to slap him a couple of times to make him understand that he’s beautiful, handsome, lovely, incredible. Gorgeous inside and out.
Jungkook’s mission was to make special memories to remember during his military service. And it’s sweet that those memories were made with Jimin so they can reminisce about them together while they serve because they enlisted together. Will they talk about that?
It makes as much sense as Jungkook not wanting to eat the potato skin because Jimin touched it with his fingers but was totally fine with those same fingers in his mouth. That logic is slightly illogical, but I guess it makes sense to him.
Jungkook loves Sapporo.
Joking about their military service was their way of coping, hahaha. It’s not funny, but I’m laughing.
Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they ended up living in Japan, hahaha. They really do have a special connection with certain cities in that country.
Was it really that hard for the editors to give us more of this in the USA? Like, I want to see the everyday Jimin and Jungkook. Not in a rush, just enjoying everything. Being happy simply by… being. That said, it’s hilarious seeing Jimin and Jungkook acting “normal” in Sapporo, with security and their managers behind them, hahaha.
Wait, so Jimin saw the same video as Jungkook where someone was talking about how to talk to cats or something like that? Do they share accounts, and send each other funny videos all the time, or are they really just that similar? Which is it?
The editing the team did to avoid showing the inside of the train station and the train is hilarious, hahaha.
I love how Jungkook will always be gentle with Jimin.
Jimin covering his right ear because he was wearing one of Jungkook’s AirPods, even though he’s a Samsung ambassador, is so funny. And it was even more obvious – and therefore funnier – when Jungkook said they were listening to a Japanese song and he was only using one AirPod, hahaha.
Again, do they have the same 'For You' pages on every video platform, or do they constantly send each other links, or are they really that similar that they watch the same content? Because Jimin always gets the meme or joke references Jungkook makes. And he always plays along. And vice versa.
Jimin deserves an award for not showing that AirPod, hahaha. My question is, wouldn’t it have been easier to just use Samsung headphones or something?
Sapporo, you will always be special.
Jimin and Jungkook don’t know the concept of personal space.
Awww, Jimin talking about having a daughter. I’ve no doubt he’d be a great dad.
Jungkook telling Jimin he didn’t want him to drive without actually saying he didn’t want him to drive is peak Jungkook when it comes to Jimin.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen Jungkook do that hand gesture he and Jimin use when they’re telling themselves to focus on something, hahaha.
Jimin really loves the song 'Hate You'. I remember how, during Jungkook’s concert, he said in the comments that it was his favourite song.
That’s right, Jungkook! Screw society’s standards. It’s a shame we couldn’t hear 'Christmas Day'. As compensation, they should give us another song together.
Okay, but being a bit serious, them walking in that place under the snow, with their coordinated outfits, huge smiles, and constant giggles, it almost looked idyllic. Romantic. Sometimes it’s not our imagination – it’s them giving our imagination material, hahaha.
Them going to a… museum? I think it’s a museum or something like that, about whisky, it's so… hahaha. Yoongi would be proud. They’re so funny, so chaotic, and so quirky. And the most impressive thing is how well they match. Also, they really like role-playing. Like, it’s one of their things.
Nooo, they forgot to pay! They probably thought the staff would handle it, hahaha. Jungkook giving the card to Jimin is so relatable – I’d do the same out of embarrassment. Jungkook having to pay in cash at the end is hilarious. Seriously, they’re funny without even trying. My question is, was that their personal card or the company’s? Hahaha.
Jimin and Jungkook don’t know the concept of personal space.
Jimin and Jungkook seriously love the snow. Like, really, really love it. They just click, you know? 
When the clip of them playing in the snow came out in one of the trailers, I remember someone on Twitter saying they’d bet that after Jungkook threw the snow block at Jimin and dusted off his hands, he went straight over to help Jimin brush the snow off himself – and damn, they were right. And I don’t know if that means we know their dynamic that well, or if Jungkook’s just that predictable when it comes to Jimin... although, isn’t that basically the same thing? 
Honestly, it’s impressive how they instantly get references from memes or viral videos the other made because, how on earth did they even find that video of... Ken? Saying "good" every two seconds? Seriously, how? Did Jimin send it to Jungkook or did Jungkook send it to Jimin? Because I refuse to believe they’re that similar, to the point their 'For You' pages or video recommendations are practically the same. 
Jungkook, you didn’t eat the potato skin because Jimin touched it, but you’ll... never mind. 
The fact that they pointed out they think the same way is funny to us as fans, because it’s like, wow, Jimin and Jungkook just said that if you put your hand in a glass of water, it’ll get wet, hahaha. 
It’s hilarious that Jungkook wondered what it would be like if they were the same age. I suppose he was talking from a cultural POV and it's funny because their dynamic doesn’t really fit that context, and that’s one of the main things that sets them apart from the other members or their dynamics with them. Jungkook often comes across as Jimin’s hyung, and Jimin’s fine with it – which is crazy when you remember that’s something Jimin really respects. Jungkook often drops the honorifics with Jimin or speaks informally to him, and it feels natural like they do it all the time. So, him saying that is funny because their relationship would probably be exactly the same as it is now, except Jungkook would never call Jimin hyung. 
Jungkook, I need you to keep your promise and tell us the real story about that fight between Jimin and Tae, hahaha. 
Hearing them talk about their future plans, touring again, and all seven being together is beautiful. I can’t wait for 2025. Damn, I need money. 
I loved this episode. Like I said in another post, it’s my second favourite episode of the show so far.
Here, we returned to that normality in their dynamic and the show, that we saw in the first two episodes. We went back to the calm, the tranquillity of their trip. I loved that the editors decided to show more of Jimin and Jungkook’s day just… being. Discovering or exploring their surroundings.
I loved that domesticity that many of us were craving to see again.
Sapporo feels different. More intimate, more… melancholic. I suppose it’s because of the moment they were in, in their lives, and what would happen a few weeks after that trip. That said, I also think it’s because of Jimin and Jungkook. Here, we didn’t see that little awkwardness we saw in the first episode. Here, they weren’t adjusting to anything. They weren’t reconnecting, so to speak. They were just them from the start. Literally, from the beginning of the episode, I loved that. I loved seeing them happy and more in sync than ever in this show, honestly – and that says a lot when we’re talking about Jimin and Jungkook.
Something I love about AYS is that it gave Jimin and Jungkook the chance to be “normal”, and to do ordinary things like go to a supermarket or ride a train. And yes, I know they do that kind of thing in Korea, especially the two of them, but maybe not with as much freedom. And yes, I know they had a security team with them, but I hope you get what I mean.
Something I’ve really appreciated seeing is how much Jimin and Jungkook validate each other’s wants. And I don’t mean anything dramatic or anything like that, but the little things like Jungkook wanting to eat more and Jimin saying it doesn’t matter, go ahead, or asking if they should order more food or saying he should get his beer like it’s no big deal. Jungkook telling Jimin it was fine if he wanted another gimbap triangle, etc. They validate and encourage each other to do things they’re hesitant about, whether it’s buying something or eating something – they don’t mock or criticise the other for it. That’s so sweet and important to see in any relationship. Validation and words of affirmation. These are two fundamental things in any kind of relationship, no matter what type. And not just that, I love how throughout the whole show they made sure the other was happy, asking if they liked what they were doing or what they did. The subtle way they care for each other, not just from a material or physical standpoint but also emotionally, is so beautiful to watch.
I loved Sapporo. I loved Jimin and Jungkook in Sapporo, and it makes me sad to think that the show is coming to an end, but I’m treasuring every smile, every moment, every laugh. I’m going to cherish the fact that they shared all those moments with us.
I can imagine many people are happy with this episode because it gave us the same feeling that the first two episodes did. And I don’t blame them. I still think the Jeju episodes were good because they highlighted the difference in the dynamic between Jimin and Jungkook compared to how they interact with other members but Sapporo will always be special. I can’t wait to see the next episode.
Jimin and Jungkook could totally pull off the funniest thing in the world at the end of AYS by releasing a song together. Actually, why just one song? An EP would be amazing!
If you’ve made it this far, I’m sorry and thank you—I just couldn’t stop writing ajajajajaa.
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rvblos · 8 months
heeeeeeeyyyy!!! i heard blas requests and i’m here haha, can u write blas confessing his feelings to r that’s like her best friend??? plssss
. ݁₊ ⊹ my bestfriend.
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˖ ࣪⭑ pairing: fem!reader x blas.
˖ ࣪⭑ tw: none, just fluff!
˖ ࣪⭑ a/n: i always write the longest blas’ fics😭enjoy!
in those days blas was very nervous. the day of the red carpet for the presentation of the film was approaching, and it was his first.
the emotion had given way to nervousness when they told him that he had to bring someone with him. all the other cast members had already decided who to bring.
blas still not: the day before the event, which he spent at your house, he wandered around your room thoughtfully, trying to find someone to take.
“why don't you go with your mother?” you asked, but when you realized that your best friend hadn't heard you, you interrupted his thoughts, repeating "blas." he turned in your direction, looking confused. "your mother, why don't you bring her?" you asked, smiling at him. "no, not her. she doesn't like being in front of the cameras." he huffed, desperate, as he approached the bed.
"this seems impossible." he finally said, laying down next to you and closing his eyes to think. "don't worry, blas. you'll find someone to bring, you won't go alone." you reassured him, stroking his hair. "i hope so." he replied sadly, moving closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. you and blas had known each other for a very long time, you had practically grown up together. but as you got older you began to look at him no longer as a friend, your feelings for him grew as the days went by.
so when, suddenly getting up from the position he was in, scaring you, he said "why don't you come with me?" it seemed like a joke to you. his eyes had lit up as they looked at you. "me? have you gone crazy?" you couldn't believe what he was asking you. going to a red carpet, for an oscar-nominated film, with people you didn't know. it seemed like a dream and a nightmare at the same time. "it's perfect!" he cheered, walking across the room, happy as ever. "blas... i don't know."
suddenly blas became serious again, approaching you, with a worried expression. "i mean, i don't know anyone. and i've never been to a red carpet before." his hands took yours, stroking them softly. "i promise you it'll be a great experience, the guys are all kind and very nice. and i've never introduced you to them. this could be the perfect opportunity." he said softly, trying not to force you to make any hasty decisions. "we just have to go there, take some photos and talk to the journalists for a bit. do you think you can do it?" he asked you cautiously, his eyes not leaving yours, not even for a second.
with those simple words, your best friend was able to reassure you, making you feel at ease. perhaps it would have been better to spend the evening there, rather than watching it on tv. after thinking about it for a while, you replied “okay, yes.” blas looked at you hopefully, waiting for the words he was waiting for to come out of your mouth. “i'll come with you.” you told him, smiling at him. blas' hands came up to your face, cupping your cheeks. “you're the best, y/n.” he placed a kiss on your cheek, and when he pulled away his eyes looked at you deeply, full of love and happiness. you were head over heels for him, and hearing that by accepting that proposal you were making him so happy made your heart burst with joy.
his eyes were locked with yours, and when he broke away from that contact, you returned to reality. “perfect, then i'll pick you up tomorrow at 8. is that okay?” he asked you, standing up and heading towards the door, taking his jacket. "yes." you said, still mesmerized by him. "see you tomorrow then." she smiled at you and closed the door behind him. "tomorrow." you said more to yourself than to him, who had already left by then, leaving you alone in your room.
what did you just do?
when the next day came, you spent it all trying to find something to wear for the evening. you didn't lack clothes, you had many that had accompanied you on all the evenings and parties spent with blas and the rest of your friends.
but for the red carpet you had nothing that was suitable. when finally, turning your entire wardrobe upside down, you found the perfect dress. long, with straps, black. perfect.
blas would arrive shortly and, finishing your makeup, you put your shoes on. the anxiety inside you grew as the minutes passed, waiting for your best friend sitting on the couch, destroying your nails. when the doorbell rang, a small sound of surprise came out of your mouth.
you stood up, grabbing your bag and fixing your dress. you opened the door. blas, in front of you, looked at you dazedly for minutes that seemed like hours, unable to take his eyes off you. his gaze wandered from your face, to your body, to your hair. he seemed breathless. "hi." you told him, embarrassed, looking at your shoes. "hi." he replied, still entranced by your beauty.
raising your gaze, you met his full of admiration and love. he smiled kindly at you. "shall we go?" he asked you, holding out his arm to you. “yes.” you answered, smiling. you could feel your cheeks burn with embarrassment as you took his arm. “is there something wrong?” he asked, noticing that you were a little strange. “just nervous.” you replied, looking away as the two of you exited the building. a cab was waiting for you. “everything will be fine, don’t worry.” he placed a gentle kiss on your temple, before opening the door for you.
when the car finally stopped, the worry inside you was enormous. but when blas turned in your direction, it disappeared. "here we are." he said giving you a smile, and getting out of the car to open the door for you. at the entrance there were lots of people taking photos and screaming with happiness. doing your best to make a good impression on people, you smiled kindly at everyone. blas' arm was quick to grab you by the waist, and walking down the red carpet, you joined the other cast members. everything was so new to you that you thought you were going to die of anxiety but blas smiled at you all the time, calming you down and making you feel at ease.
“blas!” someone called him, and when you turned around, you could see a blondish boy with a big smile on his lips, waving at blas. as he approached you, you could recognize him, he was matias.
blas described him to you as the funniest guy to be around. the two of them were very close, and when blas recognized him he immediately hugged him, holding him close. "how are you?" he asked him. “good good.” matias smiled at you and you smiled back. “and who is she?” he asked blas. “this is y/n, my best friend.” happy to have you by his side, he held you close. "hi." you introduced yourself to matias, shaking his hand. "of course! blas always talks to us about you.” matias said winking at you and laughing. “i hope he only says good things.” you laughed embarrassed at those words. “very good things, believe me. right blas?” matias gave your friend a friendly pat on the shoulder. “why don't you come and meet the others?” blas asked you, embarrassed, trying to laugh off what matias had just said. he took you away, turning to matias, glaring at him.
reaching the others, a sea of questions tormented you. what was matias referring to earlier? blas talked to his friends about you? and what did he say? blas' hand held yours as you almost ran towards the others. they were a group of many guys, with their respective girlfriends. one of them approached you with a girl by his side, noticing blas. "hey, man!" they shook hands, laughing and talking a little. then blas, noticing that you were looking at them embarrassed, not knowing what to say, introduced you to him. “agustin, this is y/n, my best friend.” you shook hands with that curly-haired boy, smiling at him. "what a pleasure!" he said "the famous y/n." he smiled at you friendly, your gaze questioning. famous?
"this is victoria, my girlfriend." happy to introduce her, agustin put his arm around her, while the girl introduced herself first to blas, then to you, smiling at you. "pleasure." you said to her as you smiled at her friendly. “i’ve heard so many good things about you, y/n.” agustin said suddenly, still holding victoria close to him. you looked at him questioningly, wondering what on earth he could have heard. "oh yes?" you looked at blas next to you, who had meanwhile blushed and was looking away. "like what?" you didn't have time to get any kind of response, because by now they were all standing next to each other, ready for the photos. blas carried you on the red carpet, smiling softly at you. his arm rested on your waist keeping you close to him. his scent washed over you as his grip on your hip tightened, carrying you even closer to his body. smiling at the cameras, however, your mind wandered elsewhere: what did what matias and agustin had said about you earlier mean? was there something blas didn't tell you? the flashes were blinding your eyes, and luckily after a few minutes the photos ended, and everyone dispersed again.
for a while you found yourself talking to victoria. she was very nice and kind to you, you told her that it was your first red carpet and that you felt a little anxious, and she immediately reassured you. "my first one was a disaster." she told you laughing, while you had taken a seat at a table. "i tripped over my dress as soon as i got out of the car." you burst out laughing together, and you asked her "and what did you do?" "i simply got up. luckily agustin was with me." she explained with a smile on her lips. "you're lucky to have him, you're very beautiful together." you confessed, smiling at her as she watched her boyfriend talk to other guys in the cast. "thank you." she smiled at you in response and after a few minutes of silence, she asked you "and between you and blas? is there something?" that sudden question left you speechless. "between us? no, no. we are good... friends." laughing, you tried to divert attention from that topic, while your gaze fell on the curly-haired boy a few meters in front of you. seen from behind it was even more beautiful. "oh i see." she said, looking towards blas, not entirely convinced. praying that she wouldn't ask you any more questions about him or your relationship, you remained silent, contemplating blas from behind.
the evening turned out to be pleasant and passed very quickly, as you talked with matias, who was really the funniest, just like blas said. he was telling you about some things that happened on set, while they were recording, when a hand fell on your shoulder. it was blas’. turning to him, he said smiling "y/n, we need to go. there's the car outside." "oh, okay." you replied, then turning towards matias, greeting him quickly.
as you entered the vehicle, silence fell. you were both tired from the evening and it was very late. "do you want to sleep at my place?" he asked suddenly, snapping you out of your thoughts. the question seemed strange, but you had asked it so many times that you couldn't refuse. "are you sure?" you asked him, worried about being too much. "of course yes." he replied, smiling lovingly at you. "okay, then." you returned the smile to him. that request seemed strange, and you had become nervous at the thought of sleeping in the same bed as him. it had never happened to you. you used to go to sleep at his place after parties, but now he was having a different effect on you. rejecting those thoughts, you looked out the window.
entering his room you finally took off your heels that were hurting you so much "finally." you sat on his bed, laying down exhausted. he joined you in his room, smiling at you without saying a word. he began to take off his jacket and shirt, putting on a t-shirt to sleep in. "do you want one?" he asked you, looking through his closet drawers. "thanks. i didn't bring anything to sleep in." you giggled and took the shirt blas was handing you. it smelled like him.
you entered the bathroom to change and when you were ready you got outside, founding blas sitting on the edge of his bed smiling lovingly at you. "c'mere." he patted on the covers of his bed, telling you to got under them.
before you turned off the light, the questions from earlier still echoed in your head. you couldn't leave them unanswered. “blas…” you called him, he immediately turned towards you. "yes?" "i wanted to ask you something." you told him looking for the exact words. "anything." he reassured you, stroking your thigh. "what were matias and agustin referring to earlier?" he immediately stopped with that movement and sat better on the bed, looking into your eyes. "before when?" he asked you, trying to understand better. "when they said you always talk about me... is there something i don't know?" nervousness was eating you alive, but you still wanted answers. “oh…” he said, looking around so as not to meet your gaze. “blas?” you leaned closer to him, noticing that he wasn't responding. "what's happening?" you asked him softly, trying not to disturb his thoughts. "i have to tell you something." he told you, suddenly serious. you nodded. "promise me you won't hate me?" "i could never hate you, blas." you smiled warmly at him. he took a deep breath as he said "i like you, i've always liked you."
those words were the last thing you expected him to say and the ones you most wanted to come out of his mouth. he didn't give you time to fully digest what was happening, as he immediately started talking again. "yes, it's true, i always talk about you to the guys, about how nice, sweet, beautiful, kind you are... it’s just because… it's you, it's always been you." he said in one breath. his eyes were fixed downward. you looked at him silently, trying to realize what he had just told you. your best friend had just declared himself to you.
when your gaze met his it was a matter of seconds before you smashed your lips onto his, making them collide in a sweet and long kiss. you had dreamed of this moment for an eternity and you couldn't believe it was really happening.
as you broke from the kiss, trying to catch your breath, he said "so..." his cheeks were red and his voice deep. "are you still asking me if i like you back, after what i've just done?" you asked him, laughing softly. his arms embraced you in a tight hug as the two of you feel between the covers of his bed. his lips were placing sweet kisses all over your faced as you giggled at his movements.
"you're mine now."
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brooooswriting · 1 year
Hey can I request a fic with Jenna or Tara up to you but it’s like reader is not used to people listening and liking her rambling about something she’s passionate about like super hero’s and comics for example and then Jenna or Tara actually do listen without stopping her and saying she’s annoying and then reader gets all giddy and happy
Own world
Popular!Tara Carpenter x reader
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“Did you see the Marvel movie I recommended? It’s really great, the way-“ you couldn’t even finish your sentence before your roommate turned away to talk to someone else which made your shoulder sink. This was quite common, your friends never really listened to you, no matter how important the topic was to you. You loved films, it was just a passion of yours as it gave you some sense of comfort in a shitty household. It was also something to do when everybody else was out but you stayed in due to anxiety. You never guessed today would be different.
“Which one? The new guardian of the galaxy?” A small brunette asked, you didn’t even notice her sit down. She must have sat down while you were quiet for a second after you were interrupted. “N-no, the black widow one” you mumbled out carefully, deciding to keep your sentences short, it minimized the risk of getting cut off. “That’s a great one, the Dynamic between Natasha and Yelena is awesome” she smiled at you. You took a second to look at the girl, she was familiar somehow, you believed that she was in your calculus lecture. “Yeah, it’s nice” you mumbled as you played with your water bottle, you guys had a break but you didn’t like eating in front of people. “And she has never watched it?” The girl asked causing you to shake your head, “well which other marvel movie would you recommend and why?” Your face lit up immediately, hers did too. “Oh, the new Thor movie is quite nice, it has a lot of comedy to it but still maintains a balance between jokes and actual storyline. But if you like leading female roles you should watch the new black panther…” you were, again, interrupted by your roommate who now just noticed the brunette in front of you.
“Omg Tara, when did you sit down? I didn’t even notice you, or I would have rescued you earlier” the side eye that was thrown your way was pretty hard but what was even harder was how the brunette, Tara it seems, laughed. You thought she was dearly interested but you were wrong. With disappointment settled into your chest you stood up and walked away, deciding to go back to your dorm room to read some comics you just got. You didn’t notice the way Tara watched you walk away.
The next time you saw her was the next day in your calculus lecture, she sat a row in front of you with two other girls and two guys, while you sat alone. You knew one of the girls that sat next to her, Mindy, she was in your lecture about film and you worked some project together. The short haired girl turned around and waved at you which made you smile as you waved back.
During the lecture you glanced at the group every now and then to notice the following things: 1. One of the guys was watching football while the other one was weirdly starring at Tara, 2. Mindy was asleep by now and her girlfriend was doing some work for another lecture and 3. Tara was clearly not getting shit down there and she was the next person that had to pretend, which made her panic.
“Psst, Tara” you mumbled lightly kicking her chair which made her turn, “come up here and I’ll explain it and give you my work” you told her looking straight ahead so the prof wouldn’t notice. In a matter of seconds the girl climbed over the table and sat next to you, “you’re my savior” she mumbled out as she scribbled your answers down while you explained why you did what. “Miss Carpenter, it’s your turn presenting” the prof called out causing her to stand up, she gave you one last look. You nodded at her as a signal of support.
“Wow, I gotta say I’m impressed. This is the best you’ve been the whole year, seems like you improved. Well, lecture is over” you quickly packed your bag and walked out before the brunette came back up but she seemed to be quick enough to still catch up outside. She stood next to you and grabbed your arm to bring you to a hold, “thanks, you really saved me there. Let me take you out for coffee as a thank you” she smiled at you as you two stood in the middle of the hall, people watching you. It was uncommon, someone as popular as Tara with someone as shy as you.
“You don’t have to, but thank you. I just saw you struggle so I thought I could help, and I’m happy I could, you really don’t though. Mr. Bakers exercises are pretty hard most of the time so I totally get why you struggled” Tara watched you ramble with a small smile, she liked when you rambled. She had been watching you for a couple of weeks now, in the lecture and out on campus, or when you were with Mindy. “As much as I like your rambling, I’m taking you out for coffee. You still gotta tell me a bit” she grabbed your wrist again and pulled you into a caffe on the other side of the street.
She ordered and after a small argument also payed your food. “So, are you at the frat parts tonight?” She asked as you walked over the campus with coffee in hand, “no” you mumbled as you played with the cup in your hand. “Why not? I bet it’s gonna be fun” she smiled at you, she liked your shyness. “I don’t really like big parties especially if I barely know anyone, too many people and I still have stuff do to for the classes” you explained, “you would know me and Mindy and your roommate is gonna be there too right?” You only shrugged which caused her to drop the conversation.
“Tara, nice to see you” one girl you didn’t know called out which caused the two of you to stop. “Hey, how are you?” Tara asked the girl as she gave her a quick hug, you zoned out while they talked not noticing that they walked away, but it seems like they also didn’t notice that you didn’t walk with them. When you zoned back again they were kinda gone already, so you decided to turn around and head to the dorms throwing your coffee into the trash.
It was 10:30 pm when you sat in your dorm watching the Hawkeye series again until there was a knock on the door which confused you, your roommate only left 20 minutes ago there was no way she would be back already. So you finally stood up and opened the door to see Tara in a short dress with makeup on. She looked ready to go, so why would she be here? “Hi” she only said as she looked up at you, “what can I do for you?” You asked her as you looked over her shoulder. “You disappeared today, I wanted to check on you” you breathed out a laugh at her words, “you left with somebody else. I though you wanted to go to the party” she sighed as she looked into the dorm. “I did but I think I’d rather stay with you” your face bushed so hard that you tried to cover your face as best as possible. Nonetheless you took a step to the side to let the girl enter your dorm where she was quick to look around your side.
There were posters from the marvel movies and some pictures on the wall, the shelf’s were filled with comics and some books. “So what are we watching? She asked as she sat on your bed, making herself at home, “I was watching the Hawkeye series but we can watch whatever” you mumbled as you sat next to her. “Is that with the guy who shoots arrows?” You laughed a bit as you sat down next to her, “yeah, Hawkeye or Clint Barton but it isn’t just about him”
Five minutes later you were rambling about what kind of impact someone like Kate bishop had on the whole phase and what could possibly happen between Yelena and her. You were talking on and on without any pause, a smile on your face and your hands wildly gesticulating. “I mean it’s just something different you know? And the way they keep on putting more women into the leading roles just gives us as women a totally new opportunity” and again you just kept on talking until you suddenly stopped and just looked at the brunette in front of you. “What’s wrong? Why’d you stop?” She asked as she scanned your face, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to talk the whole time and annoy you” you said as you tuned away from her a bit. “What? Why’d you say that? I was very interested, come on keep talking” she encouraged you with a hand on your leg. “Really?” The shock on your face made her laugh a bit, “yeah”
So you kept talking, you were all giddy, smiling and laughing as you explained why you were so invested and she listened, sometimes asking questions but all with a smile on her face. “Do you maybe wanna, you know, stay and watch it with me? I could lend you something to wear if you want” she smiled brightly as she nodded.
Ten minutes later you two laid in bed in joggers and hoodies, her makeup was washed off showing her natural beauty. The Hawkeye series was playing in the background, “thank you” your voice was small and she wouldn’t have heard you if you weren’t laying so close. “Why?” She asked as she looked at you instead of you laptop, “because you listened to me, people barely do” you explained which made her sigh. The younger carpenter wasn’t sure what to say so instead she just shuffled closer and cuddled up to you.
Somewhere between the episode the two of you fell asleep, cuddled up with the series playing quietly. You woke up the next morning with a sticky note next to your pillow, it was from Tara.
“I had to go back before my sister kills me. Lunch at 2pm? If not call me
You smiled at the note as you got ready.
After some torturing lectures it was finally 2 pm. You went outside to find Tara and her group sitting at a table, she immediately waved you over. “Y/n, good that you’re here. Marvel or DC?” Mindy asked as Tara pulled you to sit next to her. “Marvel all the way” you answered causing Mindy and the younger carpenter to high-five. “No, so not true. DC has way better storylines” Chad said, his twin immediately booing him. “Y/n, tell him how he is wrong” the girl next to you said, but you were to self conscious about your rambling. “It’s fine, trust me” she mumbled as she wrapped her arms around your waist which gave you the comfort to start talking.
This was the first time in years that you finally had someone who wanted to listen to you. You discussed the topics with the others while Tara gazed up at you like you hung the stars.
Again you mumbled a “thank you” to her which made her kiss your cheek. You blushing again
She couldn’t wait to take you on a date.
You were scared of the way people were going to react.
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abbyromanoff · 1 year
Hey since father's day is coming can i request a daddy nat x reader fic? It's ok if you ignore this ^_^
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Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x afab!reader
Word count: 7102 (still can’t believe this only took like 3 hours)
Warnings: smut, fluff, angst, divorces, cheating (R to their boyfriend), daddy kink, degrading, praise kink, soft sex then rough sex lol, breeding kink, strap ons, squirting, multiple orgasms, fingering, cunnilingus, mutual pining, arguing, Nat being a dick beforehand, slapping, spit kink (very brief), filming, body worshipping, mentions of masturbation, marking, kinda beefy!Nat, lotssss of pet names, cum-filled straps, happy ending
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
“Momma!!” Came the yells of your two children as they entered the large home of your ex-wife. She picked both of them up in her arms and hugged them tightly, giving a kiss to their foreheads before setting them down. It was Father’s Day weekend and before your divorce last year, your little family would always celebrate Nat while they celebrated you on Mother’s Day. And now, this was your first year being divorced during the holiday. And while you were planning to just drop the kids off for the weekend, they begged you to join them, to do it as a family again, as they had said. And their puppy eyes which were exaggerated to the max were impossible to resist. So, you had contacted Nat and told her the plans, that you and your kids would be spending the weekend at her house and would leave Sunday night.
“Oh, you guys are getting so big! I’m not gonna be able to pick you both up soon.” She pouted, receiving shared giggles from the twins standing at her feet. Alex, your 6-year-old son, had similar hair to you with light shades of red shining. His eyes were an exact copy of Nat’s, as were his sisters, Lena. Alexei often bragged that his grandson was named after him, even if it was just a coincidence. But Lena, she had been named after Nat’s sister, Yelena. She didn’t show it, but you knew she was beyond ecstatic to know her niece was named after her.
Your son looked back at you, trying to signal the card that had been put away in your purse. You knew what he was asking, he wanted you to give it to her, they were both too shy to see her reaction. You smiled at them and stepped forward, both children immediately clinging onto you and watching with filled nerves as Nat grasped the card, letting her fingers gently brush against yours for such a small moment that you almost didn’t notice, but you did. You retreated your hand back quickly and watched your kid's excitement grow as Nat let out a gasp, smiling with tears starting to pool in her eyes as she read their messy handwriting inside.
“You guys...Did you make this all by yourselves?” They nodded and you could’ve nearly wept watching the interaction your ex-wife had with them. You knew she loved you and your children more than anything in this world, but she wasn’t great at showing that.
“Are you sure? Because if you asked me I’d say a professional drew this masterpiece.” You could see the pride in their faces at her words.
When it was nearing the end of the day you were trying to figure out the bed situation. The kids had their own rooms, Nat made sure of it. But she didn’t have an extra room for you or any guest at that.
“Don’t worry about it, I can just take the couch.” It had been a while since you two had a conversation face to face and all alone.
“Oh, shut it. Here, you can have the bed and I’ll take the couch, you are my guest after all.” You sighed, knowing there was no way of fighting this argument but you still tried. You didn’t want her to sleep on the couch with those painful edges that you had bruised yourself on many times before.
“You’re not taking the couch, I am. There, it’s settled.” You both shared a look at the couch and back at one another, both being able to sense what was about to happen. You two ran as quickly as possible, trying to beat the other onto the furniture. You had landed first, but you both tackled over the spot.
“Stop, stop!” You yelled out as her long fingers tickled your skin and caused laughs to pour out of you.
“Accept your defeat and I’ll stop.” There were so many giggles from the both of you and, for a small minute, it was like everything in your past had disappeared, you were just in this moment.
“Okay, okay! You win!” Her legs that were around your waist loosened and her hands finally retreated back, she placed them right next to your head on the sofa. They were trapping you in from both sides, and you couldn’t deny the way it still left you as breathless as it did many years ago.
Time seemed to have stopped as you both stared into one another's eyes, her emerald ones looking identical to your children. You seemed to have realized the position you two were in and nervously chuckled, trying to stand but she wouldn’t let you.
“Nat, we should probably get to bed.” She licked her slightly dry lips and nodded, still refusing to move herself from you. She wasn’t looking at you but instead had her gaze lowered, it hurt to see how affected she was by you.
“Please. Please don’t leave me tonight.” You looked at her with confusion, furrowing your brows and silently pleading her to continue.
“I haven’t been sleeping well, Y/N, I haven’t been for the past year. I miss having you by my side, no other girl could ever replace your warmth.” The mention of other girls lying in her bed, the same one you two had shared the most intimate and sweetest moments in, made your stomach drop.
“I-I get if you think it’s weird since we’re, you know.” You noticed the way she refused to admit what it truly was, that you two were divorced, separated. No longer a pair. “But, I think you know I’m secretly a better cuddler than your boyfriend.” Your eyes widened at her words, she seemed to have picked that up.
“The kids mentioned him. I promise I wasn’t, like, stalking you or anything.” You chuckled dryly and she joined you. You could sense the small tension that was still there, it never truly left you both. It would haunt you in the nights, as it did with her. There had been so many times where you had almost called your boyfriend Natty, your favorite nickname that only you were ever allowed to call her. The thought that someone else might take that spot, might be able to share those sweet moments like you two had shattered your heart completely. Neither of you ever fell out of love with one another, and you both knew that too. But it wasn’t working. She was barely home, and when she was she was working. During your family movie nights, she would have paperwork in one hand and a pen in the other. The work had putten stress on her, stress that she didn’t know how to handle. So, she had taken it out on you, something she would forever regret. The arguments were taking a toll on the kids, and that’s when you knew it was too much. After that, it took you less than a month to get the divorce papers. You tried just getting it over with and freeing your kids from the pain of seeing their mom’s like this, but you didn’t want to accept the fact that it would be over. And she didn’t either.
She hadn’t taken the news well when you told her. She cried, dropping to her knees in front of you and holding onto your legs to not let you get away. You had Alex and Lena stay at your parent's house, you didn’t want them to see you two like this.
It wasn’t the same since then. You’d often get the urge to text her throughout the day, only to remember she was no longer yours.
“It’s okay, I guess we can share the bed for the night then.” She smiled, quickly trying to hide it as not to scare you away. There was a hair strand covering her cheek, your hand instinctively reached out to pull it back, letting your hand linger on the side of her face. She leaned into your touch, wishing this moment could last forever. But it didn’t, and you removed your hand just like you did earlier in the day.
“Uh, let’s go then.” You said with a tight-lipped smile and she sighed, knowing the small moment was done for.
“Yeah. Yeah, let’s go.” It was awkward lying next to each other. You both wanted to hold one another like before, although neither of you made the move. You both lied there, staring at the ceiling before finally falling into a deep sleep.
That morning you were lucky to be greeted with the sight of the sun blaring through the curtains. You turned, stretching and being surprised to see Nat next to you, that was until memories of last night flooded your mind. Her arm was draped around your waist and you wished it could be this way again, and not just for the weekend.
“Mm, good morning, angel.” She hadn’t seemed to notice her slip up and you didn’t correct her on it either.
“Morning, Natty. How’d you sleep?” The refresher of the nickname felt so relieving to finally get out.
“Better than I have in so long.” She chuckled, trying her best to capture this moment before it would get ripped away from her once again.
Your faces were so close, you nearly could’ve kissed. But then there was a sudden burst of the door opening and your two kids running in quickly to jump on the bed. Lena cuddled in between the two of you while Alex immediately went into your arms.
“Happy Father’s Day, Momma!!” They both yelled at once. You’d never get sick of how they interacted, it was the sweetest thing.
“Thank you, kiddos! Now, how about we all go make some pancakes together, hm?” She was as much of a child as they were, picking one up to rest on her waist and the other receiving a piggyback ride.
You started getting ready in the bathroom and looked back at the bed where your ex had just rested. It reminded you of the years before when you’d wait for her to wake up since she slept in so late. When she’d never want to leave the comfort of her bed unless you left as well, or if you were about to get into the shower. When her smile was the first thing that greeted you in the morning. And that smile of hers always got you, it continued to make you melt every day.
Your sniffles were unheard by anyone, you were left all alone. You knew that you needed to hurry or your kids would come to get you and see you like this. Or maybe even Nat. You wondered what she’d do if you told her the truth, that you never wanted to leave her, that you would still love her no matter what. That you felt like a coward leaving her instead of trying to fix it. That you missed her, the old her. The one so deeply in love with you that nothing ever made you think otherwise. If she saw you, and you told her everything cascading through your mind, would she be mad? Sad? Would she feel guilt or remorse? You didn’t want to ruin her day, but you feared that if you didn't tell her, it would haunt you for the rest of the time.
“Y/N? Y/N, you in here-“ She stopped in her tracks when seeing your tinted cheeks and the sad look she knew all too well.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” She walked closer, hesitating to take your face in her hands in case you were sensitive or frightened, she had learned over the years how to do that for you.
“Nothing. Nothings wrong. Now, why don’t we have some pancakes, I bet you and the kids made some delicious ones like always.” You tried to walk past her with a false grin on your face, but she stopped you in your tracks.
“I’m not letting you go until you tell me what’s bothering you.” She was persistent, she always was.
“I told you, it’s nothing-“
“Bullshit, Y/N, I know when something is bothering you, we were married for fuck sake.”
“That’s the point.” Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion at your statement, it was a silent urge for you to speak again.
“Do you think I wanted to come here? Do you think I wanted to sleep in the same bed with you after everything?” Your voice wavered while you tried to hide the depths of your emotions.
“What do you…what do you mean? I thought you were okay with this, I thought you agreed to sleeping in the same bed as me.” She backed up, hands being held at her sides defensively as she looked at the ground.
“You needed me to, you couldn’t sleep so I thought I’d help and maybe that was a fucking mistake! I-“ You cut yourself off, trying your best to hold back the tears already arising at the surface. “I can’t do this with you, I can’t.”
“No, no, no, you don’t get to just walk out on me again, not when the kids are right outside.”
“Walk out? I walked out on you? You walked out of this marriage way before I decided to end it.” She was near shouting, only to remember how small of a distance there was between you both and the children.
“Look, I never walked out of our marriage-“
“Oh, really?”
“Let me finish my fucking sentence, Y/N!” She started, anger looming in her voice. “I never left you, and I never wanted to lose you either. You left, not me. You signed the paper, I didn’t want to. You were the one who took the kids and left your wife, the love of your goddamn life.” You couldn’t believe her, even after all this time she didn’t realize what she had done. She didn’t realize the reason you were forced to leave her.
“You think I wanted to leave you? You really think I just, fell out of love with you or something?”
“Then what was it, Y/N? Truly, I want to know what I did so wrong.”
“You left me, maybe not physically but mentally you did. Work was your new love, not me, not your kids. The breakfasts that were spent with your arms around me while I cooked turned into the kids wondering why momma forgot to give them their kiss goodbye. Picking up the kids from school with you turned into them wondering where momma was. Even the teachers questioned where you were when you didn’t show up for parent-teacher conferences. Dinners were spent without you and if you were there you had your work in your hands. One mission led to several, and days turned into months. I was tired, Nat, so tired. I knew you loved me, and I know you still do. I will always know your love, but I’ll still always know that you’d choose your work life over me. Do you even understand how hard it is to explain to your children that momma wasn’t there? That you didn’t know if she’d even make it back? They looked up to you, but you weren’t there! And I guess being back on that bed, seeing you there, just brought back everything I’ve been fighting so hard to get over. I never stopped loving you, Nat, but I stopped loving what you did to me, to us. To our family.” Nat looked at you with something you’d never seen before. After more than ten years of being together and six and a half years of being married, you still have never seen her look at you the way she did now. It broke your heart knowing you had hurt her, but a part of you wanted her to feel the same pain she caused you.
“I’m sorry..” Before you could say anything else you felt yourself being pushed against a wall, lips being placed against yours. You melted into her, your hands holding onto her hair for dear life.
“I love you, baby, I love you so much.” She mumbled against your mouth, her tears landing on your cheeks as well as hers.
“I know you do-“
“No, my love, I love you, you hear me? I love you more than anyone, I’ve never felt this type of love before I had you, and I wanted to hate you for ruining that but- but I couldn’t. I could never hate you, and that’s the part that I hate. So, please, please just be with me right now.” It was more of a question than a statement. You didn’t want to say no, so you didn’t.
“I’ve got you, Natty. I’m right here, you feel this?” You grabbed her hand and placed it against your chest, your heartbeat being just noticeable by her. She nodded, her forehead gently hitting yours with every movement she made.
“That right there, that’s my heartbeat. My heart beats for you, sweetheart. It beats for you, and it beats for our family.” She grinned happily, rejoining your lips together in a hungry kiss. You were desperate to have each other, to just feel one another. Her hands wandered your body and landed on the back of your upper thighs, lifting you up into her hold and sitting you down on the counter. Some of the clutter fell to the ground when coming in contact with your body.
“You feel so good in my arms again, my darling girl.” Her lips slammed against your neck, her heart and soul wanting to leave marks, any symbol to show you were still hers, that all that grievance wasn’t real, that it was just a nightmare. But her mind knew she couldn’t. The kids could see, or better yet, your boyfriend could see. Your boyfriend. Alex and Lena’s stepfather. No. No, she was their mother, their father. Not him. You were her wife, not his. What if he was to take her place? What if he was to put a ring on your finger and replace the one that you still had a hard time taking off? She had never taken off the one you had given to her, she refused to.
“Mommy? Momma? The pancakes are all decorated, just like you said.” Alex said through the door, his little hands knocking so gently you almost didn’t hear it. You both retracted from one another unwillingly and you sighed, realizing that this moment was ruined and, as much as you loved your children to death, you really wish they had slept in this morning.
“Come on, the kids are waiting.” You tried to stand, but once again, she stopped you.
“Wait. Just, wait.” She pressed her forehead against yours and fluttered her eyes shut. “Please don’t tell me this is over. Please don’t tell me I won’t get this with you again.” Her lip quivered and she bit it to hide her sadness from you.
“This isn’t over, baby, we’re not over, okay? Later tonight, once the kids have gone to bed, we’ll talk more. But for now, we need to be there for our children. You need to.” She nodded with a tight-lipped smile, kissing you once more before opening the door to a waiting Alex.
“What are you doing in here, Momma?” He could see you, and while he still didn’t understand most adult things at his young age, you could almost feel his judgemental gaze.
“Oh- well, me and mommy were just playing a game of hide and seek while you guys made our surprise. And, well, you know how bad of a hider momma is.” He gasped, looking at his mommies with a hint of betrayal.
“You played hide and seek without me? But, momma, I thought we always played hide and seek together.”
“Well,” You could see her struggling with an excuse to make, but she always knew what to say to him. “Me and Mommy wanted to let you guys finish before we invited you to play with us. We thought we’d get some good practice at hiding since you’re such a good seeker, aren’t you, little guy?” She booped his nose and he giggled, pulling her with him to the kitchen where the food awaited you both. You followed her after taking a quick moment to look at yourself in the mirror, a saddened grin breaking over your face when you took in the whole situation. You had a boyfriend, a lover, but Nat was still yours. While she may be your ex-wife, she was still your wife. She still was the only carrier of your heart. Your family, you and Nat’s family, was the only keeper of your broken little heart.
“Mommy, I wanna stay longer.” Your daughter pouted, the clock reading late into the evening and nearing the time you were planned to leave.
“Yeah, why can’t we stay one more night?” Her twin added on, giving you those puppy eyes you couldn’t ignore, and neither could Nat.
“Yeah, Mommy,” Nat teased, mocking her kids' words. “Why can’t my three babies stay a little longer, hm?” You didn’t miss the obvious gesture towards you and you didn’t complain about it either.
“Alright then, I guess since you kiddos don’t have school tomorrow we can stay another day. But just one more night.” They all cheered in excitement, nodding along to the compromise that you knew would be hard to keep. Your kids rushed to the living room, trying their best to figure out the remote for movie night. You and Nat were left in the kitchen alone. She stepped closer to you, brushing her fingertips against your arm and holding the sleeve of your sweater.
“So, one more night I get to spend with you, huh?” You grinned to yourself at her words, nodding and copying the move she had done to you by running your hand up and down her arm. You stopped at her hand, interlacing your fingers with hers and holding them up together. Her face was nearly touching yours with how close you became, you could practically feel her breath hitting your own.
“Kiss me, baby.” And she did. She moved her lips on yours like a starved woman, hungry for the attention of you. Neither of you cared to pay much attention to your kids bickering playfully in the other room, you were too engrossed with one another to notice anything else around you.
“Mm, what about them?”
“They’re stuck on the tv, they won’t notice us.” You giggled as her nose tickled against your neck while her mouth left marks of her love.
“No marks, Natty…Richard will see.” She paused in her steps, shocking you into a gasp when you felt her teeth sinking into your neck this time.
“N-Nat, let’s do this when the kids aren’t around.”
“You’ve already made me wait so long, I just want to feel you again.” You brushed the messy hair out of her face, cupping her cheeks and she leaned into it.
“Trust me, once we put those little ones to bed, I’ll let you touch me however you want.” You said. “Remember all those nights before we had the kids, and even after we had them, where it was all just so perfect? It was raw, meaningful, and so unbelievably hot. Our sweaty bodies just rocking against each other, desperate for anything we could get our hands on because we were just so deeply infatuated with one another. All those moments are what have kept me up at night for the past year, I’ve just been so needy to have you.” Shivers traveled down her spine as she pictured it with you. It was true, you two shared some of the best sex known to mankind. Even your friends were jealous of your love and intimacy with Nat when their partners barely acknowledged them.
“Fine, I’ll wait. But know this, the second I get you on my bed, sprawled out and ready just for me, I’m not gonna stop ‘till you’re begging me to. And I’m gonna fuck you so hard, you won’t even remember your own damn name.” You bit your lip in excitement, your hips slightly grinding into nothing. She noticed with a sly smirk, departing from you and entering the living room while her eyes were stuck on where you had just been, she thanked all Gods that the wall was there to cover your moment from the kids.
The time had finally come when your kids were knocked out in their beds after your bedtime stories. They were tired after all of their running throughout the day and you both knew there was no waking them from their slumber.
The second you closed the door behind you, you were being dragged into Nat’s room, the one you used to share with her for many years, and being pushed onto the bed. Nat was moving faster than the speed of light as she removed her shirt along with yours, noticing with hungry eyes how you lacked a bra.
“Baby, baby, just relax, we have all the time in the world.” She took a deep breath and agreed with you, dragging her hands down to your breasts that had been calling her name. She grasped them in her hands as if there were stress balls and ran her thumbs over your hardened nipples. You hummed in delight as she continued, now straddling your lap while ducking her head to your chest. One hand continued her actions while the other was taken into her mouth. You ran your fingertips through her hair and pulled gently, eliciting a soft moan from her cherry-red lips.
“I missed you so much, sweetheart.” You didn’t know whether she was referring to you or to your breasts, but you smiled anyways.
“Show me how much you missed me then, Natty.” You pulled her face closer to yours, your eyes seemingly stuck in the endless loop of falling in line with her own. But her eyes were just so enchanting, so beautiful. You could stare at them for hours on end and never get bored.
She leaned in for a searing kiss and it felt as though the world stopped spinning. Everything came swarming back like a bee hive. All the memories, good and bad. All the kisses, sensual and sweet. And all the touches, hot and sweet.
Nat could feel the way you softened in her hold and sat back upright, examining your face and nearly copying your saddened expression.
“Oh, love, please don’t cry.” It only caused you to do so even more. You had been trying to hold back your emotions this whole stay, but just like Nat had said long ago during one of her fits that she took out on you, you were too emotional.
“I’m sorry, I-I just, I don’t even know.” You let out a fake chuckle to lighten the mood, but Nat didn’t return it.
“It’s okay, we can just lie here or talk, we don’t need to have sex.” You quickly tried to explain yourself before she got off of you, you really didn’t intend to ruin the moment.
“No, no, I want to. I do. I guess just being with you and kissing you again just makes me miss you even more.” She gave you a small grin full of pity and understanding. But you didn’t want her pity, you just wanted your Natty.
“You don’t need to miss me anymore, I’m right here. And I’m not going to risk losing you again.”
“You promise?” She stuck her pinky in the air, pointing it your way. It was a sweet memory you both shared. When you were children you had met under the circumstances of your parents being new friends after she moved into town. Anytime you asked her to promise you something she had held her pinky high and not once did she break her promise.
When she was taken away, she made a pinky promise to herself to find you again. And when she did, she promised you to never lose you again. But that was the only one she had broken, but she intended to fix it. She was going to make you hers again, and she’d do anything to achieve that.
“I promise.” You moved your mouths together once again, her tongue occasionally poking your lips until you gave her access. Her hands explored your body as if she’d never seen it before.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N.” While you loved her pet names more than anything, the compliment felt more sincere when being followed by your name.
Your hands copied hers but on her body, traveling to her stomach where you felt her abs nearly pulsing. She clenched the muscle and caused you to laugh into the kiss. She smiled against you and brought her mouth to your neck, continuing her earlier abuse of the skin, this time the hunger was replaced with care. She didn’t just want you, she needed you.
When you let out a small whimper as her teeth brushed over the bruised skin she smirked, “You like when I do that?” You nodded in response.
“No, no, tell me. I wanna hear that sweet voice I love so dearly.” You bit your lip as she did it once more, teasing you further.
“I love it so much, daddy.” She groaned at the title, bucking her hips into nothing.
“You’re so addicting, love.” Her face had traveled down to your chest, kissing the skin with adoration and affection that was only ever masked as love. She kissed her way down to your stomach, letting her lips linger for a second too long on your stretch marks. They were the marks of your children, her children.
She took notice of the way you tried to hide in embarrassment, thinking she didn’t like the way you looked anymore. After all, it had been a while since she’d seen you like this.
“Don’t shy away from me, my love, you’re breathtaking. And so, so gorgeous. These marks adorning your skin only makes me love you even more. It shows your bravery, and your pain. It’s a symbol of our love, and of our beautiful babies.” She kissed each one and you nearly broke at her softness. While you two often shared hot, steamy sex that left you both breathless, the soft nature of her made you crumble in the best ways possible.
She had made her way to your waist after climbing off on you and resting her body in between your legs that she got permission to spread. She stared at your wet cunt, licking her lips and smelling your sweet nectar.
“Oh, how I missed this pussy.” Her tongue licked a stripe up your cunt, letting out an enthusiastic moan as your juices entered her tastebuds.
You threw your head back as she sucked your clit for dear life, her eyes fluttering shut as she became engrossed in you.
“You like how that feels, hm? You like how daddy’s mouth feels?”
“Daddy, you eat me so well. God, I- I need it!” She leaned back, your whines filling the room from the loss of her warmth.
“You need to tell daddy what you want, how else will she know?” You tried pulling her head back in place, but she didn’t budge.
“Ah, ah, ah, you know what to do.”
“I need you, Natty. I need your mouth, I need your cock, I need your fingers, I just need you. I don’t want anyone but you, you’re all I think about.” She smiled at that, replacing her tongue with her fingers like you asked. Your clit was rubbed in small circles and your hips bucked up, only to be held back down by Nat’s strong hold.
“You think about me, baby?” You nodded and she leaned over your shaking body.
“What do you think about?…” It was an open question that she couldn’t help but mumble out. The big, Black Widow was shy above you.
“You. Whenever Richard would fuck me, fill me up, and have me bent over, all I thought about was you. I’d- I’d think about your cock, how he was nothing compared to you. He never- ah! He never made me cum the way you do. He’s never made me squirt. He’s never hit my g-spot. And he never pleased me the way you always did.” You paused, your nails scratching her back red as her fingers eased into your hole.
“When I touch myself, you immediately come to mind. When I’d- oh shit! Yes! Right there, daddy!” She fucked you deep with two fingers, curling them to hit your g-spot repeatedly.
“C'mon, be a good girl and tell me everything in that pretty little head of yours.”
“When I fucked myself, it would never be enough. I’d use my fingers, toys, the- the pillows, I did everything, but it wasn’t enough. I haven’t had an orgasm since we broke apart.” This made her stop in her tracks. The realization hit her, she really was the best you ever had.
“You didn’t- you didn’t have an orgasm until me?” You shook your head in embarrassment and fear. You didn’t know what you feared, but you worried she’d leave you after hearing the information.
“Please, I need to cum so badly. It’s been so long.” Her fingers continued after her sudden stop, immediately picking up a quick and sensual pace.
“I want you to cum all over me, Y/N. And then, I wanna fuck you hard with my cock.” Your orgasm came crashing over you, your nails still left on her back digging into her skin and causing small amounts of blood to leak from her.
“Yes! Don’t stop, daddy, don’t fucking stop!” Your moans and pleas only turned her on further and caused wetness to paint her cunt.
“God, you have no idea the effect you have on me.” She whimpered. She let you ride out your release, slowing down her rough speed and watching your blissed-out face. She moved her face down to your cunt, licking up the juices that coated your thighs before pulling out completely. You mewled, the noise soon being muted by her fingers in your mouth. She made you suck off the sweet taste of your cum.
“Where are you going?” You asked when she stood up, walking towards the closet and soon returning with the toy in her hand. Your question had been answered when seeing it. The strap-on she held was your favorite, it never failed to have you screaming by the time she was done. It was long, at least six inches, and had the perfect amount of girth to fill you to the brim and have you begging for more.
“Like what you see?” She teased, only receiving a nod from your end as you were still too spaced out to speak. She harnessed the toy around her waist and sat back on the bed in front of you.
“You gonna fuck me now, daddy?” She groaned in pleasure and held you down, both hands wrapping around your biceps to keep you still.
“You tell me if it’s too much, alright?”
“I will.” One of her hands went to wrap around her length, guiding herself in your tight hole before returning to its spot on your arm. She clenched her teeth together when the strap rubbed against her clit ever so gently. You tightened your fists together as she bottomed out inside of you, pausing to let you adjust before you gave her the okay to continue.
“You’re so fucking tight- fuck! You think your little boyfriend can fuck you like this? Can that pathetic bitch make you cum like I do?” She already knew the answer; no. You had already confessed the embarrassing truth, but she still wanted to use it against you.
“No one can make me feel as good as you do, Nat.” She moved her hips faster, the sound of skin hitting against each other filling the room. You followed her rhythm, sloppily trying to match her pace as to fuck yourself on her cock.
She grabbed your phone from the bedside table, already knowing the password that was her birthday. She opened the camera app and pressed record, showing off your fucked-out face, your mouth wide and your eyes shut. Moans and whimpers escaped you repeatedly, your body bouncing up and down on the bed as the headboard hit the wall over and over. You prayed it wouldn’t wake your kids.
“Look at the camera, baby.” You did as she said, taking the thumb she rested on your lower lip into your mouth and sucking like you had earlier.
“You wanna put on a little show, hm? Wanna show the camera just how much of a dirty slut you really are for me?” You nodded, unable to speak until she ripped her thumb from your lips.
“Answer me, whore.”
“Yes! I’ll do anything you want daddy.” You were cut off by a moan, feeling her tip poking at that spongey spot deep inside of you.
“Shit! I’m your little slut, daddy, only yours!” Your hands grasped the sheets tightly, nearly ripping the soft cotton material in half.
“Mhm, and how do you think your boyfriends gonna react when knowing you’re mine?”
“I don’t care- ah! I’m gonna cum! Please let me cum again, Natty?” She gripped your chin in her free hands, squeezing your mouth open and spitting on your tongue. You swallowed it without a complaint, the action making a smirk cover Nat’s face. She took her palm that had just been resting on your face and slapped your cheek, hard. You bit your lip to hide your moans, too ashamed to show how badly that turned you on.
“Oh? You like when daddy slaps you, little girl?” Both of you had forgotten about the camera filming your every move.
“Mhm, love it so much.” Your stomach was tightening with how badly you needed to finish, but she kept you on edge.
“Please, I’ve been so good for you. Please, please let me cum.” You weakly murmured, only to receive another slap on the same spot.
“Is that how you ask for things? Oh, love, you need to beg better than that.”
“God, please! Please, I’ll do anything, anything you ask of me. Just wan’ you to fill me up, turn me into your breeding bitch and make me a mommy again.” You lost all composure, only being focused on the orgasm waiting for you. You knew how much she loved to hear those words, so you used it to your advantage.
“Yeah? You wanna be daddy’s cum slut? I’ll fill you up with so much fucking cum, you’ll be dripping for me.” The strap was filled with artificial cum, making it possible to fulfill both of your fantasies.
“You want me to put another baby in this precious stomach? You’ll be so beautiful all round and full of me.” You felt like you were holding your breath with how long you were waiting for her permission, but that was her whole point.
“Cum with me, pretty girl. Make daddy proud and fucking cum.” You threw your head back in pleasure and succumbed to the feeling of release. It felt so good, so fucking good. You could feel her cum shooting deep inside of you, it only turned you on further. You could hear a small gasp but you were too far gone to care. You were seeing stars, it was all too euphoric to be able to take in.
“Holy fuck, baby.” You had begun to regain yourself at this point and looked up at Nat with worry.
“What? What’s wrong?” She was staring down at your conjoined bodies, completely mesmerized.
“I just made you squirt.” Even in the long ten years of being together, she had never done so. You don’t think you had ever even done so in your entire life, until now.
“Shit, I-I’m sorry-” You rushed out but she was quick to ease your worries away with a gentle hand leading you back down.
“Don’t you dare apologize for this. I’ve never been happier.” You chuckled and she tossed the phone somewhere on the bed, already ending the recording moments before. She was planning to send it to your boyfriend, Richard, but she knew she needed your permission first.
“Thank you for that, Natty.”
“No, thank you.”
Nearly half an hour later and you two were finally laying in bed after a soft moment of care was shared between you.
“So, are we going to talk about this or what?” Nat sighed, turning to sit on her side, her arm holding her head up.
“Yeah, let’s talk.” And while you hoped it was true at the time, that weekend saved your already-ended marriage. You left your boyfriend soon after with an apology that didn’t matter to him, you still cheated and would always be a cheater in his eyes, but you didn’t blame him for that one.
Your kids were more than happy when you told them the news. No longer would they have to spend weekends with one and weekdays with the other, you were a true family again. Nat finally retired with a promise to be a better mother and a better wife. She felt like she was able to come to you for anything just like you hoped she would. You both attended couples counseling every two weeks and while it wasn’t always easy, you would never make the mistake of letting go of each other again. But really, if you hadn’t divorced, and if you hadn’t spent the weekend with her, you don’t know if you’d be able to fix what was already broken. So, you had the break up to thank. Some thought you were crazy for saying so, but it really did bring you two closer than ever before.
But as pinky-promised, you two would love each other till the end of time. And as she had pinky-promised to herself many years ago, she would always find you in the end. But this time, she didn’t just find you, she found herself, her true self. And nearly four years later, you were able to remarry the woman you spent your entire life loving. And you weren’t going to stop loving her anytime soon.
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brewstersbru · 2 months
Short bkdk because I am SAD and katsuki is DEAD (for a little bit) 💚🧡
The hospital was miserable. Not just because it was chock full of grieving families and people balancing on the knife’s edge between life and death, but because—despite the fact that he survived—Katsuki was still being grieved.
He could see it in Best Jeanist’s eyes when he visited, dropping off some new, incredibly soft clothes for him to wear that weren’t open-backed hospital gowns. Guilt. Regret. Katsuki was alive, sitting right in front of him, and he still couldn’t quite see past the mirage of blood on his face.
Aizawa, too, had barely been able to look at him. Brought the three third years so he didn’t have to be alone with Katsuki. Face what he saw as one of his greatest failures as a teacher. A mentor. At least that’s what Katsuki thought.
The old man brought well wishes from the class. Some flowers. And the black smudges beneath his eyes. Katsuki wondered if he’d slept at all in the aftermath. If he’d ever sleep soundly again. Katsuki sure won’t.
The third years praised his speed, commenting on how dazzling his explosions were, until the very end. Mirio told him he knew he’d be a great hero one day, that he practically already was one. Nejire seconded that and asked if all of his sweat exploded, and if it was inconvenient because of that. He was so viscerally reminded of Izuku, in the moment, that he nearly started bawling.
Amajiki didn’t say much, but he left a small bento with a note: eat up and regain your strength. thank you. you were incredible.
And still, through their attempts at normalcy he could see the way they watched him. As if he were liable to keel over again at any minute. He was fine, goddamnit. He was healing. That didn’t make him weak.
The hag and his old man visited daily. Couldn’t stop touching his face and neck and tilting him every which way to reassure themselves that he really was alive. That was more the hag, but every so often his old man—who generally strayed away from getting physical with him—would cup his cheek and run his thumb over the new scar there, eyes pained. Katsuki always shook him off, told him not to look at him like that, but the memory lingers, as they all do. The hag wouldn’t even smack him anymore, even when he knew he was being a brat. Taking his anger at the world and his body out on them when they did nothing to deserve it.
All of her touches were light, ghosts of things that made him feel uncomfortably unreal. She asked if he wanted to stay at UA, after everything, and something about the tilt of her mouth told him she already knew the answer. Still, when he said yes, without hesitation, she had to excuse herself from the room, eyes shining.
It was maddening. A purgatory of what-ifs that everyone except him was experiencing. The only ‘what-if’ Katsuki was concerned with was whether or not—if he was just a little stronger, had been able to land even just one more hit— Izuku would’ve been able to keep his quirk. But that’s for him. He keeps it close and inside and it’s no one else’s problem.
Now that he’s out—lounging in his dorm room after a less harrowing round of greetings from all the others, who didn’t know the situation and thus couldn’t feel guilty or grieve about it—it’s louder, the way he likes it. Normal.
Kirishima and Kaminari are wrestling somewhere loud enough for him to hear them jeering at each other. Iida’s yelling at someone for leaving a mess in the kitchen. It loosens something that had scabbed over in Katsuki’s chest.
There’s a knock at his door.
Sero? Possibly, but he would’ve thought he was with Kirishima and Kaminari, filming or something ‘for posterity’. It’s not Todoroki, his self-proclaimed ‘best friend’, because he’s at the hospital visiting his brother.
Before he can stand and open the door, it creaks forward and a bright green eye stares at him through the crack.
Katsuki sighs and shakes his head.
“What was the point of knocking if you were just gonna come in anyway?”
He doesn’t say, ‘leave’ or ‘get out’ or ‘beat it, Deku!’. Izuku’s mouth quirks into a half-smile as he opens the door the rest of the way and steps inside.
“I thought you might be sleeping. I know it’s been a hard few weeks.”
Katsuki scoffs. And another one. Fucking- doubting him. Of course he's exhausted, sleeping is almost impossible right now and people haven’t stopped walking on eggshells around him. Doesn’t mean he’s going to be a pussy about it. He’s going to prove to them that he’s just as he’s always been, that he doesn’t need the goddamn kid gloves.
“Don’t start. I don’t need your fucking pity.”
“It’s not pity, Kacchan.” Izuku’s voice hardens. “I’m not here for you.”
And what a bewilderingly contradictory statement. He’s in Katsuki’s room. What else could he possibly be there for?
He doesn’t manage to voice his incredulity before Izuku is on top of him, clinging tight, but gingerly, around his sides and burying his face into his neck. Katsuki nearly flinches back into his pillow with the suddenness of it.
“Deku- what the hell-“
Izuku breathes deep and reaches blindly up to clamp a hand over Katsuki’s mouth.
“Shut up. Give me a minute. And call me Izuku, I know you can.”
Katsuki, too shocked with his words and actions to do otherwise, gives him a minute. Izuku simply lies there, curled over him, and breathes. He matches his inhales to Katsuki’s and taps out the slow thrum of his heart against his hip. Hypnotizing. It’s surprisingly peaceful, and before long Katsuki finds himself lulled into a hazy, half-awake state.
Finally, Izuku speaks, voice hushed.
“You don’t- I don’t think you get it, Kacchan. You didn’t have to see yourself.” He shivers, and Katsuki finds himself raising his own arms to pull him closer towards his own heat.
“Your eyes… Empty. Dull. Dead. It was your body, but I knew you weren’t in there anymore. Someone—Shigaraki—had torn you out.” Something wet splashes against Katsuki’s neck, startling him. Izuku is crying.
“But I’m fine, now. I’m back. Edgeshot saved me.” Katsuki says, haltingly. His voice struggles over the word ‘saved’ but it’s the truth. He had to be saved. Because he couldn’t hold his own.
Izuku shakes his head and presses impossibly closer.
“I know that. I just- I just need to make sure.”
And Katsuki understands. More than anyone, he thinks, he knows exactly what’s running through Izuku’s mind right now. The nauseating mix of helplessness and self hatred.
“Okay.” He says. Then, a crackling whisper, so quiet that it’s only because Izuku is so close that he’s able to hear it. “I’m sorry.”
Izuku’s arms tighten, for a fraction of a second, around him before he pushes himself up. Katsuki swears there’s lightning in his eyes when they look at each other.
“Don’t say that. Don’t ever say that. You literally died because of me-“ His voice cuts off into sobs. Katsuki watches, dismayed, as another wave of tears begins cresting down his cheeks. Ah, shit.
Katsuki raises his good hand to hover over Izuku’s teary cheeks. Callously, and without much tact, his thumb smears some of the wetness from beneath his eyes. It doesn’t really do anything, and he curses himself for trying.
“Izuku, look, I-“ He tries to pull his hand back but Izuku snatches it from the air and presses it back against his cheek. There’s a wobbly smile building on his lips. Katsuki can hardly bear to look at it.
“It wasn’t your fault. I should’ve-“
“No.” Izuku says, turning to press Katsuki’s pulse point against his face, where he can feel his heart beat. “If it isn’t my fault, then it isn’t yours.”
Katsuki can’t bring himself to agree, yet. Not verbally. But he wants, desperately, for Izuku to stop crying so he nods, once, very stiffly.
Izuku’s teeth glint as his mouth stretches into a real grinning laugh. It feels like staring directly at the sun. Katsuki can’t look away.
“Alright. I’ll take that.” Izuku settles back onto Katsuki’s chest, ear pressed to his shirt as his hands migrate back to cage Katsuki beneath him. Like a blanket, or armor, his weight is familiar to Katsuki, soothing.
“Don’t move.”
Now it’s Katsuki’s turn to chuckle. As if he could. Izuku cracks an eye open to watch him.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
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