#like this guys over 190cm???? what??
sugusat0us · 6 months
every once in a while, you like to indulge in admiring toru’s sheer size . . . your childhood room, all pink and pretty and your little twin-size bed, and satoru’s lanky limbs barely fit on the bed >.< he barely fits on your bed, yet he looks so comfortable sleeping, cheek smushed against an old plushie, his mouth slightly open, light snores spilling out . you admire how adorable he looks, yet his massive frame leaves you in awe . he’s just your big baby ( = ⩊ = )
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katsutora · 1 year
ft. isagi yoichi ; itoshi rin ; nagi seishiro ; bachira meguru ; chigiri hyōma ; itoshi sae
summary: how they are when you’re busy but they’re not
note: did you call, egoist? your fluff writer could only be me. NO JK ashsjdjahahah i love you guys sm though! thanks for the support! <3
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ㅤㅤthe sanest one a very decent one. idles somewhere near you because he doesn’t want to bother you, but obviously keeps tabs on you and will bring you snacks and drinks once in a while. a walking convenient store. will also drape a blanket over your shoulders when he notices it’s getting cold. sooo attentive 1000/10. he loves helping you so he’ll definitely feel honored if you ask for his contribution — though it’ll catch him off-guard too. “yoichi.” “!!” he can be funny like that. will carry you to bed regardless of whether not you fall asleep at the end. chef’s kiss. in conclusion: get you an isagi yoichi.
ㅤㅤgets... surprisingly clingy? yep, he’s battling his pride. whenever he’s mustered up enough courage to call your name, it’s instantly defeated by his overthinking and so the words died out in his throat. looks like a lost puppy just sitting there in the corner of the room. the embodiment of a CCTV, watchtower incarnate. very quiet too it’s kind of unsettling. when you finally turn to look at him, he’s going to pretend as if he didn’t spend the past thirty minutes trying to figure out how to get your attention. “rin, haven’t you watched this match five times already?” “and? you took five whole hours finishing up one lukewarm task.” gasp. man needs a subtitle like [you didn’t give me any attention for five hours straight and now i'm sad]. is down bad for cuddles and horror movie night but only if you ask him lmfao.
ㅤㅤdoesn’t care. flops on top of you. needs to be constantly reminded that he is, in fact, 190cm. NAPS in that position if you still don’t give him attention (a menace fr). spends the entire day attached to your hip like that. no but in all seriousness, he only pesters you like this if he thinks you’re overworking yourself. will just drag a seat beside you and go about his day (re: ranking up in games and watching matches chigiri recommended to him + annoying barou in the group chat) if you’re just finishing a task. fidgets with your fingers the moment he finds your hand idling; leans his head on your shoulder when his game character dies. good for you.
ㅤㅤcurious on what’s gotten you so caught up that he didn’t see you around the house for hours. once he realizes you’re doing some work, he immediately channels his inner motivational speaker. your #1 supporter fr. “you go!” “you can do it!” “you’re doing great!” but he kinda derailed halfway through so … “eat 3 square meals per day!” “get 8 hours of sleep!” “drink 8 glasses of water!” ?? sure, that’s probably just his way of telling you not to forget to take care of yourself. oh and he’s also made himself comfortable in a blanket fort that’s definitely not sloppily constructed to persuade you to take a break. BSJDBKSNDKS !! d-did something just collapse? “meguru?” *MUFFLED SCREAMING*
ㅤㅤyour cup: *exists* ; chigiri: *slowly pushing it to the edge* lmao. likes to think he’s very patient (not at all he's kinda bored). tried calling your name four times to no avail. the first one was only met with a short reply, then you merely hummed in response to the second and third one. got hella confused when you finally didn’t react at all. at some point, he found himself laying his head on your lap, somehow managing to squeeze in between you and the desk. how? kept staring at you trying to catch your attention but you wouldn’t budge, so he resorted to booping your nose. occasionally reaches a hand across your face to test your patience focus. congratulations, you have a house cat.
ㅤㅤit’s only fair that he finds himself right beside you just like you’ve always been there beside him — every step of the way. he’s doing random stuffs to pass the time: scrolling through his phone, ignoring rin’s texts, watching a game, reading a magazine, etc. mmm what’s that second one again? will tuck your hair away for you if it’s falling onto your face. places a hand over the sharp corner of the table to protect your head when you’re trying to grab something from the floor. will stay up with you if you’re determined to finish up the work despite having an early morning practice tomorrow. “aren’t you tired, sae?” “aren’t you?” “not at all because you’re here with me.” yk who’s tired? his manager having to reschedule all his appointments because he ended up oversleeping. help.
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© 2023 katsutora ; do not repost and/or translate and/or claim my works
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yeuheart · 10 months
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Notes: Finally got this out 🙏🏻
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Meguru Bachira
Matching things is what you experience the most with him. Almost everything in your shared apartment or room is the matching half to his. He never gives up dressing up on Halloween either especially if he can match with you. He definitely chooses the food costumes cause he thinks it’s funny 😭. It’s cute though so it can pass. He takes a whole lot of pictures of you both but you swear he’s never had that “storage is full” notification pop up on his phone. (the 68k photos on his phone 🙏🏻)
Chigiri Hyoma
Playing with his hair or yours is what you experience with him. You’re probably one of the few people he let’s touch his hair, but it does make you feel special. He does ask that you be careful if you’re playing with his hair and he does the same if he’s playing with your hair too. Loves doing your hair if he has the time and doesn’t mind if you do his.
Itoshi Sae
Remembering things about you is what you experience with him. He probably doesn’t care to remember anything but what he deems important about his friends, acquaintances, etc. But to you he remembers the small things even if you don’t remember even saying those yourself. You’ve definitely been surprised with a gift from him with something you like even though u hardly remember mentioning it to him.
Itoshi Rin
Doing yoga together is what you experience with him. Honestly even if you aren’t a yoga person he still tells you that you’re free to join him. You probably pushed him while he was in position. Now he incorporates couples yoga into his routine if he knows that you’re gonna participate. Sometimes if you look over to him you can catch him gazing at you with a soft smile especially if he’s helping you with a position or if you’re taking a break. He’s also cautious of you falling, which makes him kinda strict.
Kunigami Rensuke
Going to the gym together is what you experience with him. Even if you don’t like going to the gym it makes you happy that you get to spend time with him. He offers to help you with reps or your routines. Definitely cautious when you’re there with him cause he doesn’t want you getting hurt, but he’s not strict. Ong like your N1 supporter in and out of the gym.
Mikage Reo
Zipping up your dress/putting your jewelry on for you is what you experience with him. You’ve definitely got lots of gifts from him, especially jewelry/clothes. But the thing is he really likes putting them on you more so you’re jewelry. There’s something so romantic about it that makes him like it. He offers to do it for you if he catches you picking the item of you’re choice. Definitely has gotten you something with his initials on it though.
Nagi Seishiro
Sleeping on each other is what you experience with him. Gosh having a 190cm man on top of you is definitely suffocating idk about you 😭. Honestly one of the most stubborn guys out there and won’t let you get up so he will literally just flop on top of you and fall asleep. But he also likes when you’re sleeping on top of him, you’re like a weighted blanket to him. It’s cute but after a while it gets kinda uncomfortable. The only time when you’re able to get up is probably if he moves in his sleep (he definitely does!)
Oliver Aiku
Couples massage is what you experience with him. I feel like he likes massages especially if it’s from you. He’s always hoping that you’ll let him spend a couple more just for the sauna so he can relax with you there. The sauna is such a relaxing place where he doesn’t have to worry about nothing except you. Really nothing else he’d rather do than that besides soccer. You guys r defo regulars at the place and it’s most definitely the best rated place.
Shidou Ryusei
Pillow fights is what you experience with him. It’s actually really fun but sometimes he takes it a bit too far and accidentally injures you. He does apologize and bandage you up though. He hits so hard tho it hurts so it eventually becomes a competition on who can hit the other the hardest with the pillow. You’ve definitely got the air knocked out of you a few times. Let’s you win sometimes though.
Hiori Yo
Him walking you home is what you experience with him. After school, work, etc he walks you home. He says even though walking is slower than a car he gets to spend more time with you. And he even gets you a drink on the way every time. Really loves when there’s a sunset and he’s walking you home because it sets the whole thing. The talks between you two during that are nice, you’re both mostly focused on each other, and how the presence of the other is relaxing.
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dawnisdreamlanding · 6 months
Ghost x Reader x Konig
(Neighbour!au and Roommate!au cause I can't get enough of them hehe)
Also like for this fic just don't mind how this would actually never happen in real life + don't think too much about the logic in this story. It's all purely fictional and for your entertainment :)
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You want to go home.
Your apartment keys jingle as they hang from your fingers. Room 409. You sigh. It’s been a long day, to say the least. All you want to do is to just relax and unwind like you would any other Friday with a glass of wine and that dumpster fire of a Netflix show that is ‘Emily in Paris’. You let out another long sigh waiting for the elevator to reach the lobby. At least Emily lives a much more exciting and drama-filled life than you did with your 9 to 5 job.
You stare at your feet, trying to find something to pass the time that seems to drag on for forever. Your feet are already killing you from your high heels that you’ve been wearing for over 9 hours. Usually, you would be home by 7 — it’s 11 — especially on a Friday. Laura, a close coworker of yours went on pregnancy leave, meaning you’re working more hours to cover her absence.
Your phone buzzes with a reminder from your calendar app — oh great, it’s already 12. ‘RENT PAYMENT DUE IN A WEEK.’ You haven’t found a roommate to occupy that extra bedroom in your apartment even after 2 months of your listing being put online. Granted, you should’ve started looking for a new roommate the moment your previous one told you they were moving out, but you were too busy for that! You tap your foot impatiently. How long does it take for an elevator to travel up 2 floors from the carpark to the lobby?
The elevator doors open with a ‘ding!’ and you’re met with the giant of a man that is this mysterious guy wearing all black. His brown hair and matching brown eyes make him dashing and the scars littering on his face adds on to his good looks somehow. “’s rude to stare, love.” His gruff voice snaps you out of it. “R-right, sorry.” To say he was intimidating was an understatement, but god was he good looking.
When you’re both in the elevator, the usual smell of the clean, bleached scent is replaced with the smell of cigarettes and an undertone of gunpowder? Whatever it is, you much prefer it over the smell of bleach you’ve been used to for months. The elevator ride is silent and you both get off the same floor to go our separate ways… except he was following you!
You get a little bit nervous as anyone would if a tall, maybe 190cm buff guy was following you a few steps behind. “What apartment you in?” You say with panic filling your body with each step. Oh god, you don’t wanna die yet! “410.” He responds. “Oh.” Well, that makes more sense.
“I’m your neighbor then! Nice to meet you.” You smile and introduce yourself. He hums in response. “Simon Riley.” He says, nodding at you in acknowledgement. You would like to chat with this guy more, but he doesn’t strike you as talkative, as if his short replies didn’t already tell you that.
You both turn the locks on your own apartment doors. “Next time, you should really run if you think you’re in danger.” He chuckles a little to himself. You turn to look at him in shock, only to find he’s already disappeared into his apartment. So he did know! Asshole. You shake your head and enter your own apartment.
After showering, you scroll your phone on Instagram mindlessly when a notification pops up on your phone. Oh my god, someone responded to your listing! You waste no time in responding to them, despite it being ass-o-clock. You arrange to meet up with them in the afternoon, and you head to sleep hoping whoever this guy is will be a good roommate for you.
When you wake up, you’re a little behind schedule. Scrap that, VERY behind schedule. You haven’t cleaned up the apartment and made it presentable to your possible roommate yet, and you’re gonna meet him in 20 minutes downstairs! You hurriedly stuff all the clothes you find lying around in the living room into your own bedroom and clean the kitchen counters — you know the drill.
As soon as you’re done arranging the last piece of furniture in the living room, you rush out of the door, bumping into that neighbor you met last night. You give him a quick, “Morning, Simon!” before rushing past him, not even giving him time to greet you back.
Somehow by the grace of god, you’re right on time to meet the guy. You agree to meet him at the café right across your apartment complex, and holy fuck. There’s no way this 2 meter guy is your roommate. You both stare at each other awkwardly before you decide to go up to him. “Konig?” I say, and he nods. Oh he is.
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lucysarah-c · 3 months
You all have inspired me to write a one-shot, so I'll post it soon. Thank you so much!
But since I'm on it, I think I'll give you a few headcanons.
In my idea, Levi didn't have many children, and while sometimes my scenarios may change depending on the situation, mostly Levi's boy would be an only child. This wasn't Levi's original idea, and I'll explain why.
Leaving aside whether in the canon period of time there are real contraceptives or not, I 100% believe Levi is a highly meticulous guy. If he needs to pull out and count days in the old-fashioned way, he will. If he has to wear condoms every single time, he will. I believe Levi would try to make sure that if he ever has a child, it would be planned, as far as is humanly possible, of course. Sometimes contraceptives fail, etc.
In my mind, I believe Levi and Y/N decided or happened to have a kid around the time before the expedition to Wall Maria. There was about half a year when the scouts waited for the correct time to do the expedition to Wall Maria. Well, I believe she probably got pregnant around that time. I believe it was a mix between Levi transitioning a lot of emotions after Kenny's death, etc., and having more free time on his hands since they weren't doing expeditions while preparing for the mission… and well… let's say they decided to go handy, haha.
With that said… I think Levi would hardly admit it out loud, but he's one of those guys who always wanted to be parents, so they kinda said, "You know what? Fuck it, if it happens, it happens," and well, it happened almost immediately. Levi hears the news around two months later, and let me tell you, this man is all over the moon. He wants to be part of EVERYTHING. For me, Levi wants to prove that he is better than the men who failed his mother and also failed him. Levi wants to prove he can be a present father.
She goes to the doctor for just a check, he wants to be there. Better keep his man informed because he would ask a million questions. He's a first-time father, and she may sneeze, and he's all worried. Levi saw too many women die in childbirth or from difficult pregnancies in the underground. He's blessed with the chance of being a father, but also terrified. Levi feels that if he loses his love just because he "grew selfish" and asked for more (aka asked for a kid), he would feel horrible.
Anyways, back in the day, men waited outside during birth, and I believe they would try to kick Levi out of the room, and he would be like, "and who is going to stop me?" He wants to be there.
Now is when his baby boy comes into the picture. I believe, and God bless the mother, he was such a healthy CHUNKY boy. He was BIG. Those kinds of kids that look so healthy but at the same time, it's like "he literally sucked her dry, that baby took anything the mother has to offer."
Like, she's too tired after childbirth, and the nurses offer Levi feeding bottles with milk to keep the baby eating while the mother rests… and the baby is EATING to the point a doctor comes, pats Levi's arm playfully, and says, "Hope you've a good salary, Captain, because that kid is going to eat like a horse."
Perhaps these are the only few times that Levi is the most excited out of the two, she's tired from all the work, and Levi is over the moon. Ah, but don't you dare to touch his baby without washing your hands. If Levi could force you to take a bath in chlorine before even getting close to his baby, he would.
Aside from that, I think Levi's baby boy that I've named in my mind "Adrien" because Y/N thinks that naming her kids with A's to match the last name, especially since Ackerman's are finally able to not be in hiding.
In my mind, Adrien inherits Kenny's height. Yes, as you heard, KENNY'S HEIGHT. 190cm (6'3"). He's a big boy. I think it's funny that all the doctors check the baby and say, "haha, he's going to be tall!" and Levi is there looking at her like "… I don't like to admit I'm short as fuck, but if the kid isn't mine you can tell me," joking obviously, lmao.
"Levi, the kid is a photocopy of you."
Adrien is an extremely playful, happy, and hyperactive kid. He's so cheerful, and it makes Levi wish his mother was around so he could ask if he was such a cheerful kid too.
Chunky fat legs running down the halls as he doesn't even speak properly, but he already knows which office is daddy's office. He loves horses, he loves playing soldier, he loves being a daddy's boy.
This is when I mention that I believe Levi having a single child wasn't his original plan. I think he wished to give Adrien a sibling to make sure he won't be alone in life if anything ever happens to him as he was. But the whole rumbling happened, and after that, Levi was too busy trying to move him and his family outside of Paradise and after that settling down, taking care of Gabi and Falcon, that well time flew, and when everything was back to calmness, haha, well let's say that Levi had to admit that the train had left the station, and his energy to go back to change diapers had kinda withdrawn, lmao.
Finally, I think Adrien was a very hyperactive kid mainly because of the Ackerman genes. He has energy, he has strength, he has the abilities. He just has too much bottled up and doesn't know how to get tired. Levi is basically running around making sure the kid isn't jumping from the roof or climbing the kitchen cupboards. He probably ends up signing him up for a bunch of activities: baseball, self-defense classes, football, triathlon.
I have a bunch of other headcanons, so let me know if you want more!"
Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @i-literally-cant-with-this @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @s0meb0dy-0nce-t0ld-me @trashblackrainbow @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @flxrartsstuff @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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garoujo · 2 years
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・✶ 。゚ you’ve gotten used to your christmas’ with gojo.
♱ warnings — sfw! family!au [you have a daughter], tiny bit of suggestiveness, a little christmas drabble since it’s the season >_< / note. hewo ! i wanted 2 a little thing 4 christmas since i looove it so i hope u guys enjoy it 4 our beloved gojo < 3
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it’s dim in the living room of your home apart from the warm hue of the lights on the tree, and your chest warm as you watch gojo clumsily place his foot around the presents you both have scattered along the floor. his tongue peeking out from between his lips as he concentrates on sliding the presents for your daughter you’re handing him under the tree.
and he looks at you, his hand outstretched to take the next one and he shoots you a more handsome, lazy grin when he realises you were already looking at him.
“oh, didn’t expect santa to be this handsome, sweet thing? don’t worry he’s got somethin’ special f’ you.” gojo whispers, teasing before he’s snorting to himself when you roll your eyes and hand him the next one. but you feel a smile tug at the corners of your lips when his hand lingers over yours a little longer, because this was truly the good part of life.
“hm, our princess ‘s gonna love this.” gojo breathes as he pushes the next present under the tree and you watch him soften before he smiles this time.
his crystalline eyes are shinier when they look at you, and you feel your heart melt because you know he’s always felt a little more than everyone else despite the way he tried to hide it.
he sighs, but it’s a content sort of sound, leaning over to pull you in his arms without actually checking whats at his feet, before he almost slips on wrapping paper that you’d told him to clean up too many times for you to count.
except you both freeze when gojo yelps after, slapping his hand over his mouth with wide eyes as he watches you internally panic at the loud sound—your daughter.
the good part of life, you think again, looks so much like this.
it looks like you and your 190cm husband of five years trying to quietly sprint down the hallway of the house you both made a home, trying to hold in your laughter as gojo drags you along behind him because you don’t want to ruin santa for your kid.
until you’re both scrambling into your bedroom and he’s pulling you against his chest to hide his laugh in the crook of your neck, and your heart blooms when you feel his lips stretch against your skin before he follows it with a purposely, obnoxiously loud kiss.
“merry christmas, sweet thing.” gojo murmurs still a little breathlessly, pulling back with a dopey smile before he nods towards the 12:05am displayed on the digital clock in your room, and you squeeze your arms tighter around him because you feel so loved. “merry christmas, ‘toru.”
and he blinks at you again, the palm of his hand warm when it rests against your cheek and you notice his smile is stretching even wider than before.
“is it too early to unwrap my gift?” gojo teases, raising his brow as he deliberately lets his hands graze underneath your shirt and despite the way he watches you roll your eyes and slap him away, he knows that life truly won’t get any better than this.
moments like this make gojo satoru want to live forever and he’s aware that he’s just leaning against the door of your shared bedroom with his eyes on you just past 12am, before he murmurs a quick i love you.
but with you, he feels like he’s finally made it.
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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esprei · 2 years
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VOLO TIME *cue piano* OK SO... I’ve been meaning to write this up for a while now - my thoughts, observations and general musings on Volo (and maybe a headcanon or two?) (please keep in mind this will be very jumbled - literally just me trying to talk about why this character has grown on me and why I love him so much now so without further ado, let’s go! also, big shoutout to @sunnyluma for helping grab most of these screenshots tyyyyyy ;-;)
((under a cut because this will be loooong))
Ah, Volo... where do I even start?  I was pretty indifferent towards him at first and the same can be said as I played through the game. I honestly thought that he was just a Legends Arceus version of Cynthia, nothing more nothing less (since, y’know he had similar looks, mannerisms and things, not to mention the whole various characters as ancestors bit). For some reason gen 4 is the gen that resonates with me the least (I’ve uh... never actually finished a gen 4 game or fought Cynthia 😬), and while I do think Cynthia is a really cool champion and character in general, I definitely don’t feel a lot of the same hype for her that others do. So that, in turn, applied to Volo for me as well. It was like a... he’s just there kind of situation. But fast forward from finishing the game to hyperfixation on submas to maybe... two months ago? Three now? I dunno, can’t remember the timeline, but what I DO remember is looking at Volo one day and being like... wow. He’s cool. I like him. More specifically, I was looking at his character design sheet at the time. And in that moment it really sank in that, wow this guy is freaking tall. 190cm? equivalent to 6′3″? What in the world. And just... something about that cocky smirk of his in his artwork, coupled with the fact that it’s right next to his goofy Arceus cosplay with that hair... He hooked me. Seriously. Look at him:
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(This outfit has also grown on me btw I unironically love it because look at him he’s in his Arceus cosplay and he confidently rocks it like i can’t-) Anyway part of it is probably because I love characters who have crazy or sinister expressions. They can be fun! So then I rewatched the cutscene that happens after you win against him and Giratina because I couldn’t quite recall the sequence of events that happened there and I was curious. And MAN I was shocked... I did not really remember ANY of this?? Seriously, there’s so much packed into these last few lines before he walks away (forever... sobs...). I feel like I really see a glimpse into Volo’s complexity during this whole cutscene. Or, at the very least, his insecurities. Just take the following for example:
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HE LOOKS SO SAD... SERIOUSLY, this particular little scene always gets to me. Like... ok. Yeah, he not too long before this ordered Giratina to strike you down to get the plates because he said he wasn’t above using force to get them from you, but it’s here where I really see a guy who’s questioning himself in this moment. It’s like he’s putting so much worth into Arceus’s view of him, he’s so convinced that he’s the chosen one because of his bloodline that when Arceus doesn’t choose him he’s lost. Confused. Surprised Pikachu face even. 
I dunno... we unfortunately don’t have a lot of backstory on him, but I feel like this guy has (or feels like he has) a lot of pressure on his shoulders due to the nature of belonging to a bloodline that has pretty much since died out, save for himself and Cogita. Or maybe even that he put that pressure on himself? Which brings me to this... a scene that REALLY caught my attention when watched it again because I actually read what he says???
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If you follow me over on twitter, you might have seen me talk about this scene a while back - more specifically what he says in the first two screenshots. It’s honestly one of the ones that led me to look into Volo even more because seriously... Volo. Who or what hurt you. What happened. Talk to me. PLEASE...
In all seriousness though, the lack of backstory kills me because I like to imagine something tragic happened to him in the past for him to have this viewpoint. And to not only have this viewpoint but to be driven enough to make a change in the world... err... rather, just make a new one!
But. Back to the lines after you defeat him and Giratina... what stands out to me here as well is Volo’s admission and acceptance of defeat. Watching it back the first time I was honestly a little caught off guard. He really kinda humbles himself and gives you the last plate, the Spooky Plate, admitting that his journey ended when lost to you. I don’t really focus too much on the other Pokemon villains admittedly so I’m not sure if others did this, but this sequence just stuck out to me because he gives it up after being so aggressive right before this. Like before he was confident, smug, hellbent on doing everything that he could to get you out of his way, you outsider, then when he Giratina ran off he was at first angry, then confused, questioning Arceus about it all, left with burning questions that he can’t bear not knowing the answer to... It’s like this man goes through the five stages in grief all in the span of like... 30 seconds.
Seriously, this man looks tired here. Done. Defeated. He knows it’s over.
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He accepts it all, even if it’s just for a moment. ...Then right after that the Azure Flute forms for you and he’s right back to being an angry, petulant brat about it all... But that’s why I love him! He’s morally gray. He fights with himself, he fights with the internal emotional turmoil that he’s feeling about you being the one Arceus wants to see rather than him, about him not being good enough for Arceus to spare him even a second of its time, him thinking that he was doing something that needed to be done, rebuilding a new world free from pain and strife and other horrible things he’s had to experience, that others have no doubt experienced... (at least, this is what I see asfkldfj) And all of that, at least to me, makes him more interesting than the Volo I had first impressions of. Makes him feel more human to me. More than just “oh shoot, he’s the Cynthia ancestor who’s actually the villain instead of Cyllene!” Like... yeah. He made bad choices. He tried to use Giratina to strike you down. He wanted to subjugate Arceus and force it to create a brand new world, erasing the current one. Not a good look. I’m not trying to excuse any of that, and I’m not the best at organizing these thoughts probably, and I will admit that I also saw Volo as the manipulative, conniving guy early on because for me it was such a twist that he was the villain, so that’s what I focused on. And why he was such a great twist villain for me was because of the setup. By that, I mean you already had a well established character in Cynthia right - an all good, helpful, friendly and strong person - then you apply that to Volo and... boom. HE’S NOT THAT?? I was thinking at a certain point it was just going to be Kamado as the big bad because of the events that unfold, which is why with Volo it was EVEN BETTER because you had that sort of fake out I guess (for lack of a better term)? Kamado banishes you from Jubilife, Volo finds you in Obsidian Fieldlands and helps you, takes you to Cogita to help with the lake spirits and the Red Chain and all, you eventually hear that Kamado is going up to the temple to deal with the rift, then after those events Volo gets kinda sus at the Giratina statue riiiiight before you go up to the temple and then when you get up there... JACKET COMES OFF, OUTFIT CHANGE, etc etc. And like... I get why some people just do not like Volo and never will. I respect that. Trust me, I did NOT like Melli during the main game at all, I’ll tell you what. The little bit of background we get on him in the daybreak update was what changed my view on him, though. And for me what changed my general view on Volo were these scenes. I dunno, maybe I’m a broken record at this point, and maybe I’m a little biased now because I adore him, but I now see him as someone who maybe in the beginnings had noble intentions and just ended up going down the wrong path unfortunately.
Like... look. Right after he questions Arceus about what he’s lacking he asks this:
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To me, he’s doubting it all now. And like the moments I mentioned above, him questioning the grand ol’ creator what it is he’s lacking, what makes him not good enough, we see a bit of his human side. Scenes like these and scenes like when he gives you the Spooky Plate lead me to think he has a lot of insecurities hidden underneath that confident (and other times cheery and playful) demeanor. Whether it’s a burden, an expectation, his own self-imposed pressures... there’s just a smidge that we can see and so much more that could be possible if he had more story elements focused on him. (WHICH IS WHY I WANT PLA DLC SO BAD I KNOW IT’S WISHFUL THINKING BUT PLEASE) I’d also like to mention that I think it’s very very interesting that his trainer class for his last battle is “Pokemon Wielder” rather than the “Ginkgo Guild Member” class he has for his other battles. I don’t feel like “Pokemon Wielder” is negative in its connotation - rather, I’d like to think that it derives from his bloodline, the Celestica people, and the thought that perhaps they were the first tamers of Pokemon in the land of Hisui. This thought is due to the fact that he’s excited to see another person (you) who uses Pokeballs for their Pokemon (rather than the Diamond and Pearl clans whose leaders and wardens do not use Pokeballs at all - with Ingo being the (other) exception to that rule of course). That coupled with the fact that he looks genuinely disappointed that more people don’t use them (this line here):
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And, of course, how can I fail to mention his Pokemon team itself? Look. Really. If you know anything about me lately it is that I ADORE the idea of Volo adoring his Togepi. Which then would evolve into a Togetic through high friendship. And then into a Togekiss through use of Shiny Stone, but you get my point right? Budew into Roselia, Riolu into Lucario... Yes, I know, I know, Volo is Hisuian Cynthia so the team matches for the most part outside of H. Arcanine, and the joke about him gaslighting his Pokemon into evolving is funny on the surface, but in reality I think he genuinely loves his Pokemon. For goodness sake, there’s a photo of him and Togepi outside of the photo booth! And and and the standee that was recently announced as merch?!
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LOOK AT HOW HE HOLDS LITTLE TOGEPI. YOU CANNOT TELL ME THIS MAN DOESN’T LOVE HIS EGG. LOOK AT HOW HE HOLDS EGG. EGG DAD. ...Sorry. Got a little carried away there. But yes! I think he loves his Pokemon, genuinely. Which is why it kills me when he says this:
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Like bro. Your Pokemon were right there in that battle. VOLO PLEASE- (ALSO JUST A QUICK MENTION ABOUT THIS LINE, it also leads me to think that he’s kinda... always been alone for the most part, outside of his Pokemon team maybe 🥺 probably more of a headcanon than anything but that’s just how I feel sdflkjsdlfkj) Alright... I think I’ve said enough at this point and it’s a mess and I’m not too sure I can ever put quite how I feel about Volo into proper words because I’m not the best at this kind of thing but... I just want to say that he’s a character that I have accelerated in love and appreciation for because he’s just... I dunno, he’s got a lot going on. And I think maybe some of that gets missed because of his ties to Cynthia and his betrayal. But I’m reaaaaaally hoping to see him again in the near future. A random house in one of the cities either in the new region or in Unova (if we get B/W remakes) will suffice 🥲 So uh... YEAH. tl;dr I think Volo is a great character with a little more under the surface than just the villain reveal twist at the end of the game and I’m rooting for him all the way. Him and Togepi (Togekiss?). 
Alright. That’s all I got! Byeeeee y’all 👋
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leggerefiore · 4 months
Can I request the villains' sizes? Maxie, Colress, Archie and whoever else you want to include
Presuming you mean height and not like. Something Else. If you did mean that, though, just send your ask in again lol
Character Heights and Body Type HCs
characters: Volo, Maxie, Archie, Colress, Lysandre, Guzma, Giovanni, Cyrus
⭐️ First of all, Volo has a canon height. The blond stands at a staggering 6'3" (190cm). It is clear he towers over most in Hisui, so perhaps the Arceus clan from which he descended is just full of tall people. (Seeing as Cynthia herself seems pretty tall as his descendant.) He likely enjoys the height for intimidation and whatever else it might bring. Though, interestingly, it puts him at the exact height of an average Garchomp. He seems like the type to enjoy a shorter partner, honestly, but it wouldn't be hard for him to find one. Body type wise… He's likely got some muscle on him. It is just something that happens to you by living in Hisui, alas. (And by hauling around that giant backpack of his.)
🌋 Maxie is… a bit on the slightly shorter side. It irritates him. He's likely around 5'7" (170cm) or 5'8" (173cm), and he hates it. His Crobat is taller than him. The only respite is that he is closer to the earth… He can actually usually forget his height. Tabitha is unusually tall, and Courtney is shorter than him. It's Archie that reminds him he's short. Not even by that much, but just enough to annoy him. Partner wise, he would prefer someone around his height, but he isn't too inclined one way or the other. He might just get a little more flustered if they are taller than him. As for his body type, he's a bit too thin at times, but typically finds himself back to normal after being forced to take a break from whatever his work is.
💧 Archie stands at 5'9" (175cm) or 5'10" (178cm). He doesn't think much about what height entails, though. Sure, he likes teasing Maxie about his height occasionally, but that's all in good fun. Their height difference isn't that extreme, after all. He definitely likes a partner that's a bit shorter than him, but he also isn't swayed away from someone his height or taller. His body type is muscular. All his swimming pays off because this guy is fit, and he knows it. One of the most smug feelings he's ever known is lifting up his partner with ease.
🛸 Colress is tall. He knows he is tall. Does it really matter to him? No. He is likely pulling a Volo and standing at 6'3" (190cm). The only way he might find use for his height is in making machines or finding out a height of pokemon for some reason. He also has no preferences for height on a partner. Though, he discovers this through him blind testing himself. Science man will always enjoy science, even in his boredom. Colress is pretty lanky. Though, he takes okay care of himself unless he's thrown himself into a big project.
☕️ Lysandre is tall as well. This man is towering over most people in Kalos. He stands around 6'4" (193cm), maybe skewing towards 6'5" (195cm). He knows he is tall and absolutely uses it to his advantage if he ever needs to. There is some pride in it, too, since he feels it makes him more regal and closer to his royal heritage. He definitely enjoys a shorter partner, but he would be hard-pressed to find someone taller than him anyway. (Well, apparently, Ghetsis is.) The Flare Boss is a bit buff, and it's not that much of a secret when looking at him. Not overly so, but there is clear muscle development on him.
💀 Guzma is like 5'7" (170cm). He might not be the tallest guy out there (and there may be some annoyance about that), but he believes his ability to intimidate comes from just more than towering over people. Though, he does hate having his height mocked by anyone outside of Team Skull. He doesn't really care too much to think about height for dating. He can see the appeal in a lot of things, so he's down as long as they are genuine with him. His body type is pretty muscular since he admittedly cares a little bit about how he looks. Plus, he doesn't want to fall that behind Kukui.
🚀 Giovanni is a short king. 5'5" (165cm) to 5'6" (167cm) at the tallest. Does he think about his height? Sure, he wears tailored suits, after all. Does he care? No. Why? Because height isn't the only way to intimidate someone, and he knows that very well. Comments about his height mostly go ignored unless they are belittling him. That is the one thing he won't stand for. He prefers a partner his height or shorter, and he's aware that's a bit hypocritical. Yet, he wouldn't look past a taller partner. The real way to attract him is power, after all. He's surprisingly buff for his age. Being able to defend himself is crucial in his line of work, and pokemon battles aren't the only fights one might themselves in. He spends a decent amount of time maintaining his physique.
🌌 Cyrus stands at 5'11" (180cm). He rarely thinks too much about it. Sure, he's quite a bit taller than the average Sinnohan height, but when the champion of the region stands a head taller than him, he doesn't really think he's that much of an oddity. No one really remarks on his height since his harsh glare already frightens off most people. For a partner? Well, he doesn't think about romance, so he likely just ends up with whoever seems the most likely to put up with him and work with him. (Though, there actually might be a bit of frustration with a taller partner. Something something, inferiority issues, something something.) He is surprisingly buff. No one knows how he does it. In his uniform and by the definition of his face, he almost seems malnourished, but the second he's down to his undershirt, his true form is revealed. He does work out, just a bit. Maintaining a healthy body is a requirement for perfection, he thinks.
Based off these images with some own hcs tossed in:
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elysiumarchieve · 2 years
Idk how to use this app and this is my first time requesting,i don't even know if this is where you request- B B B BUT PLEASE PLEASE CAN YOU DO Scaramouche with a VERY tall(about 190cm tall) and MUSCULAR female reader and she also has a lot of tattoos how would he react to the height difference,the tattoos & muscles...HSDDGSAXCBAAA(BONUS POINT IF THE READER WAS PREVIOUS GANG LEADER SDGTHJ)(,also if you can,pls write abt him reacting to the reader suddenly picks him up with ease)thank you🙏🙏
YES YOU'RE AT THE RIGHT PLACE!! AND OMG I LOVE TATTOOS SM but i'm scared of needles so it might actually take me some time to actually get one😭
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scaramouche x tall! muscular! fem! s/o
warnings: none really, fluff?? are tattoos a warning?? mentioning of you having beat up some people, scaramouche is a little shit
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✧ okay, but to actually visualise this you need to see how my headcanon on his height is
✧ i think he's actually around 163cm/5'4" and then having a s/o who's like 190cm/6'2"?? I REALLY NEED YOU GUYS TO SEE THIS BECAUSE I ACTUALLY LOVE IT SM
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✧ he only reaches up to your shoulder like this😭
✧ n e ways, scaramouche isn't the type of person to be bothered about people's height that much - whether or not you're tall or small, he doesn't mind. you can almost say that he only believes that the personality counts, but he legitimately doesn't give two flying fucks about it
✧ however what bothers him is that he can't look up at your face while he's wearing his hat and always has to take it off to get a proper look at your face, so he usually asks you to bend down a little so he can actually take a look at you without straining his neck
✧ if his s/o is more of a playful person and teases him about his height, he'll simply scoff at it and call your jokes 'tasteless', claiming that you had no grasp about what real power means (if you remind him that you were just asking him about the weather down there he'll glare at you)
✧ on another note, scaramouche also sees the benefits of having a tall and incredibly strong s/o! unlike him, in huge crowds you stand out far more and can see way better than he can, which usually ends with him asking you to survey the area and tell him about anything suspicious you can see
✧ as it's scaramouche we're talking about, he's always trying to use someone else for his schemes, even if it's you. therefore, even if it's some dirty work like catching up to random people and handing them to you for 'interrogation' is his favorite pastime
✧ also, he likes if you wear sleeveless stuff so he can take a better look at your tattoos from time to time. if you ever catch him looking at them he won't even be flustered and simply give you a shit eating grin; why should he be flustered at enjoying his s/o's tattoos?
✧ also,,, his s/o's muscles!! considering he is more on the lean side, he admires your muscles. if you ever get worried that they might distract anyone from your feminine side he's quick to shut you up
✧ just because you're stronger than most and built differently (literally) doesn't mean you can't be feminine at all
✧ if you're more on the tomboyish side, he won't mind either, looks do not really matter to him similar as to how he doesn't initially care about his s/o's height - you are you regardless of how you look and that's why he appreciates you
✧ also, he likes how people get intimidated by you when they have no idea about who you are. scaramouche enjoys how people suddenly become even smaller when you appear next to him (not that he couldn't handle himself that is)
✧ honestly though, if you try picking him up you might feel like holding a cat that doesn't want to be held at all - thrashing around and becoming somewhat flustered at you for simply throwing him over your shoulders before walking off
✧ if anyone saw that he'll threaten them to forget about it - the balladeer was never picked up like a cat and if anybody dares to spread such a 'malicious rumor' they will be exterminated on sight
✧ he'd prefer if you pick up other people than him and beat them up for him as he watches on, but if you continue doing so i think he'll eventually resign and simply give up trying to make you stop (which is very unlike scaramouche)
✧ scaramouche is too stubborn though to ask you for any help. there's something really high up and he can't reach it? no matter, he can do it on his own. it's a fact he insists on and even if you offer your help to him he might immediately decline any of it
✧ pls lean down to kiss him, he's secretly a sucker for it i swear
✧ all in all, he doesn't mind his taller s/o, but he has developed a great distaste for your jokes about is own height - however, at some point in your relationship he merely scoffs at them and shakes his head
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atopearth · 6 months
Amnesia: Later Part 1 - Girl's Party and Waka's World Routes
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Girl's Party
Super exciting to play Later!! I bought the Japanese version hoping to play it one day fully expecting it to never be localised but here we are hahaha, I'm not even mad that I "wasted" my money because I'm so happy haha! Ooh so Later follows if the heroine didn't pick any guy and doesn't have a boyfriend and is just living a normal life? Toma and Shin arguing about which yukata to pick for the heroine is so cute lol. I love seeing everyone in yukata! Personally, Mine, Rika, Shin and Ikki look the best to me, but especially the former two because they're so cute and pretty! But the black on Shin and blue on Ikki is just so perfect too! I've always wanted the heroine to interact more with the girls so I'm very happy we have Girls Party routes! Sawa is always such a good and silly friend, it's hilarious how bad her grades were😂 I'm also very surprised that Rika is from a family of farmers! Very different from her image haha! Kent is 190cm??? Omg lol, he's like 35cm taller than me, a whole ruler😂 Toma saying his favourite animal is humans definitely matches with that cage in his apartment😂
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I can see why people wouldn't like Mine especially when I think about those routes when she was an ass to the heroine initially because of her jealousy, but at the same time, I can't really hate her because she's quite nice and very cute lol. It was sweet to see how she was happy that the heroine considers her a friend and it was honestly adorable how she said she misses the girls when she doesn't see them haha, I didn't expect her to be that honest! Lmao at Orion calling her a tsundere. Shin buying a book and then going to Toma's house to read it is so cute lmao, I know he's a soft guy on the inside but it's so funny when I try to imagine it haha.
I love Rika's fated meeting with the random substitute teacher, Orion is right, it's just like a shoujo manga haha! I think the funniest part is that I can't imagine Rika running to school with bread in her mouth🤣 Anyway, I really enjoyed the Girls Party route if we can really call it a route lol. I really wish it was longer though! I think having the heroine just getting to chat with Mine, Sawa and Rika is so much fun, I really want more haha.
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Waka's World
The Ruthless Sergeant's World
Okay, I never knew I needed a Waka route until he said maybe he even has a chance with the heroine. Like, yes please!! And the best thing about this? We get all the different Wakas from the different worlds! Since it seems to be set before the heroine's amnesia, it's actually really cool to see the heroine's personality and actually have her talking to and responding to people lol. The heroine praising and admiring Mine for never being late to work was so cute, I can see why Mine can't win against her. As for Waka ruthless sergeant version, I can totally see why all the newly hired employees run away haha!
I was really touched by Waka when he said that he's the manager, so everything that happens is his responsibility, and that it's his job to protect his staff. I mean, Waka can be over the top but when he says stuff like that, how can I not want to cry? How many managers truly care about your well-being as much as him?😭 HAHAHA, I was wondering what Waka was going to do, but self-defence classes at night?🤣🤣 I agree with the heroine, Waka's hobby being making miniature gardens is adorable hahaha! It's so funny how soft he gets whenever he talks about them😂😂 Honestly though, despite how funny it is, I love how much effort he puts into them that they each have a story behind them. Awww, I would have loved to see Waka show the heroine his garden and everything, it would have been so cute! Why are these endings so short?!😭
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The Quiet Man's World
Waka is always saving the heroine in every world haha! Anyway, I was just surprised he let her go find by herself at night, but I guess we knows he's not going to allow that anymore. It was nice to know that he called Shin and Toma to pick Mine and Sawa up just in case. This Waka is very dedicated to his magic trick to have all 52 cards spread around the cafe and to have remembered their locations so that whatever card the person chooses, he can always do his trick. He's so dedicated lmao.
The Flamboyant's World
I can't get used to this Waka LOL, especially the 'hehe' lollll, kill me😂 He's so whatever about everything and says what he wants, it's so not him hahahaha. Loved their little coffee break though. He does whatever he wants too hahaha! I have to admit though, he's very refreshing to see considering how strict his other personalities are when it comes to work at the cafe. I love their little date that comprised of shopping and dining at a cafe, and dangg the confession! I totally didn't expect that ahaha, the Waka that made the most progress!
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The Assassin's World
It's interesting to see Waka analyse everyone's personalities and split them between those who gravitate towards darkness and those who remain pure no matter the adversity. I guess Ikki, Toma and Mine being the former reflect their personalities in their routes and Mine's when she's being an ass when it comes to love and jealousy lol. A gentle Waka is pretty nice too. I liked their walk home, and lol at Shin and Toma protecting her by watching over her as she walks home at night hahaha.
Overall, Waka's routes/endings were fun! I wish there were actual CGs though, so disappointing in that aspect and I'm also kinda sad that all the routes were basically teasing the possible relationship but nothing happens! I want moreeee, they can't stop right when it gets good! Now I'm just sad even though they were short and fun😭
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riot-writing · 1 year
Full Circle, Pt 3
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5
Jean starts writing letters his second day of basic. His mother shoved enough envelopes and stamps into his bag to make a post office jealous so he figures he might as well use them. The post only gets delivered to Resembool once a week - and even then Mayor Miller has to borrow a truck to drive to Cratton to get it - so he knows several of the letters will arrive at the same time, but that doesn’t stop him. 
He writes two letters every few days: one to his mother, asking after her and the store and any good gossip that’s come out since his departure, and one to Ed and Al, demanding they tell him what trouble they’ve caused and if they’ve been sleeping at all, or just spending their nights coming up with new ways to rearrange the town or bake bread with alchemy. 
He doesn’t get a reply until his second week of basic, which is fair; the mail only leaves Resembool with the mayor when he makes the trip to Cratton. 
The first letter is from his mother, and it seems normal enough, probably a few pages long going by the thickness of the envelope. The second letter earns him an interesting look from the 2nd Lt passing out mail that Jean doesn’t understand until it’s in his hand. The edges of the envelope are straining from all the paper shoved inside, and it’s been sealed with what has to be half a roll of tape. The return address is the Rockbell house, so Jean figures it’s from Ed and Al, but he can’t come up with a reason for them to have written so much.
Jean takes the letter, thanks the 2nd Lt, and returns to the barracks he’s been assigned to. It’s a large room full of bunk beds that are a little too short for all 190cm of him, and he feels like he has even less privacy than sharing a bathroom with his brother while they were both going through puberty. His bunk is, thankfully, on the bottom, and about in the middle of the room, and the guy that sleeps above him is named Breda. 
“You get yourself a Dear John letter?” Breda jokes from the top bunk. 
He’s been taking their rest day seriously by refusing to get out of bed for anything less than food. 
“Doubt it,” he says. 
Despite his curiosity about the letter from the boys, Jean opens the envelope from his mother first. She spends a couple of paragraphs calling him an idiot for going through with his plan to join the military, then moves on to how the store is doing, though most of what he gets from it is that Davie Albridge still owes the store money and is trying to pay his mother in sweet words and no small amount of flowers pilfered from Mrs Riveta’s rose garden.
She wraps the letter up by complaining that he could have stayed home and married a nice girl. (Jean has no idea what nice girls she’s talking about. The only unwed women in Resembool of an appropriate age for him are Mayor Miller’s daughter Sara, who’s preference has and always will be women; Ila Mosney, a painfully shy young woman who can barely stand to look her own mother in the eye, never mind leave the house; and Temperance Skaggs nee Brant nee Harman nee Warren, a sixty-three year old woman widowed three times over, each husband younger than the last.)
He sets his mother’s letter aside to deal with later, and turns to the second one. When he manages to pry the tape up, Jean finds that the reason the envelope is so thick is because there are several letters stuffed into it. One is from Ed, one is from Al, and one is, surprisingly enough, from Winry. There’s also a photo between two sets of papers. It’s of Ed and Al, both grinning like everything in their world might turn out okay; the back has their names and ages scribbled down in Mrs Rockbells semi-illegible handwriting. 
The first and longest letter is from Ed. He starts off by insisting that they are not getting into any trouble, and that he needs to mind his own business, and that the idea of trying to bake bread with alchemy is stupid. He tries to explain how it is technically possible to do so, but impractical and a waste of time, and then very obviously loses himself in the mechanics of the problem because four of the five pages that make up his letter are equations and half-finished alchemy circles. Jean looks through it all because, while he doesn’t understand even a fifth of the technical jargon Ed’s scribbled down, he is starting to think he either needs to learn the theoretical basics himself or he’s going to get dropped into a bottomless bucket of information he doesn’t know how to process when they’re all living together. 
The second letter is from Al and he spends the first bit of his two pages actually telling him about the mischief they’ve accidentally caused. In no particular order, the Elrics seem to have moved the road between Tarron Henkle’s fields and Baylor Castlelaw’s orchard a hundred yards south, messing up their property line and causing a minor tiff that had been a long time coming between the two anyway; spooked the Roster boys’ sheep into stampeding through their freshly turned vegetable patch; and flooded Mrs Wagner’s garden again. Al also writes that he hopes Jean does well and comes home safe, which. Well. Jean has feelings.
The letter from Winry is less than half a page. Jean wouldn’t call himself a particularly emotional man, but when a little girl takes the time to write you a letter thanking you from the bottom of her heart for taking care of her best friends, he thinks that might be an exception to the rule. 
“You’re girl leave you?” Breda jokes again, leaning over the side of the bunk to see what Jean has. “Who’re the kids? Brothers?”
“Sons,” Jean corrects.
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seoafin · 1 year
omg a fellow bachira stan!! <333 !!!! also i cant help but think that bachira and violinist!mc could be besties if they met before blue lock happen,, sth sth abt the mutual understanding of the loneliness when chasing after the hobby/ passion that u may be the only one to understand the full extent of your love for it bc when telling other ppl they'll go was it that serious? unless u meet someone who gets it, like bachisagi
will we get more info on the person who won 1st place in the future chapters tho? if the person and violinist!mc are in the same prefecture until the end of their highschool years, wont they run into each other during competition season?
nagi and gojo...190 cm men with white hair and a lil deranged...if one more guy with this criteria exist and u happen to dislike him well hfgfbkfhbvkf
also i saw that you're catching up to sakamoto days?!?!?! i'm so!!!!! the sakamoto, nagumo, rion + uzuki group makes me so aughhh wdyt even happen for uzuki to just flipped and why rion is [redacted] - 🐱
no bc bachira and violinmc would actually get along so well change my mind!!!! bachira would definitely help her loosen up lmfao she's way too wound up tightly (pun intended). i actually think barou and violin!mc would get along wayyy too well for nagi's liking (barou appreciates classical music. i know this. he listens to classical music while he works out and he understands #the grind)
as for the person who won first place i actually envisioned that he actually got bored of playing and quit LMAO but who's to say he won't make an appearance later <333
HELP I DON'T HATE NAGI!!!! 😭😭😭 but...the similarities....are there (bad breakup included help).....also nagi being over 190cm is actually sending me though like why is he so tall he's like a tree 😭 he doesn't even look it bc he's slouching half the time too LMAO
spoilers for sakamoto days below!
i definitely think uzuki had something to do with rion's death like they were paired up together for a reason during their mission and i think it was more than just to show their conflicting ideologies revolving around taking a life!!!! i just think it's surprising how sakamoto didn't recognize uzuki!!! but then again idt hs sakamoto was rlly in the business of really caring since it's shown that he's much more apathetic than the current sakamoto we know (character development we love to see it) but also im so fucking mad rion is the one the mangaka chose to kill off. she's such a bad bitch the narrative couldn't handle her. but also misogyny. like what the hell 😭
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enoshima-division · 2 years
“If you gaze into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”
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Asuka Koizumi, also known as TREA$URE in rap battles, is the second member of Solar Siren. A lover of culture and history, Asuka is a charismatic self-proclaimed “treasure hunter”. After a year of traveling, he suddenly came back to Japan and announced that he was quitting being an archaeologist. Did something happen to him…?
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Biographical Information
Name: Asuka Koizumi / Koizumi Asuka
Asuka (飛鳥) - “To fly, bird.”
Koizumi (小泉) - “Small fountain.”
Peregrine / Pier(re)
Mr. Avian
Idiot Outsider
Dear angel
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Birthday: November 13th
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Ethnicity: Japanese. At least, that’s what he thinks—He might be something else, he doesn’t know.
Hair Color: White and black
Eye Color: Light yellow
Height: 190cm / 6’2”
Weight: 176 lbs / 79kg
Piercings: Ball earrings
Markings: A scar under his left eye and two scars on his chest.
N / A. He’s an orphan.
Fun Facts
Occupation: Ex-Archaeologist
Division: Enoshima
Team: Solar Siren
Position: Second Member
Favorite Food: Hot dogs
Least Favorite Food: Cow blood
Likes: Fossils, silver, humans, conspiracy theories, and cute fluffy animals.
Dislikes: Storms, snakes, climbing for too long, and those that accuse him of being a fraud / fabricating the artifacts that he discovers.
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Asuka is a beautiful tall man in his late 20s. He has extremely long white hair that reaches down to his ankles, in which it descends into black halfway through, with the bangs swept to his left. Due to its length, Asuka usually puts it up in a ponytail. Underneath one of his yellow eyes is a small scar. He wears silver ball earring on his ears.
Asuka wears a beige dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a sleeveless dark brown jacket over it with one side untucked. His trousers are a lighter brown, held up by a belt that’s connected to a thigh strap and small bag. He wears dark brown boots and fingerless gloves as well. On his right wrist is a pearl bracelet with a light purple clamshell hanging from it.
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A mischievous young man, Asuka’s eccentricities may be rather off-putting to some. He’s very easily amused and often has a smug look on his face, which pisses people off. He’s kind of a troublemaker, you see—He’s been to jail in other countries after all! Do not underestimate him though, Asuka is highly intelligent due to how much experience he has.
When he’s not doing his job, Asuka is just your everyday friendly guy. He likes showing his affections by teasing people, it’s his go-to. If anyone is genuinely curious about other cultures and history then he is willing to teach them, or even train them to be an archaeologist if they’d like; he’s surprisingly a good teacher.
However, he’s become unusually withdrawn after whatever caused him to quit his profession. In fact, you can even say he’s become more apathetic. Don’t you notice his forced smiles? How creepy. There’s no more life in his eyes, almost like he saw—or encountered—something he wasn’t supposed to.
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Hypnosis Mic
Asuka’s mic is handheld, with the handle looking like a trowel.
His speakers take the form of a set of ruins on both sides. In the ground are two spherical speakers that have been dug-up halfway, and there’s a giant stone tablet in the middle that has lyrics engraved on it.
His rap ability is Takeover, which allows him to change his opponents ability into something else for the rest of the battle. The ability is randomly chosen, but if he knows what a persons ability is, then he can personally change it into whatever he wants. He can only use it on one person though, so he has to decide very carefully.
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As mentioned in the opening post, Asuka is also a TWST OC who’s twisted from Scuttle.
His birthday is the release date of the 1989 Little Mermaid movie.
His quote is from Friedrich Nietzsche.
He’s right-handed.
Ironically afraid of heights; he kinda got over it because he needs to climb a lot for his profession but if Solar Siren needed to, say, jump out of a plane to escape a crash, he would personally rather die.
Asuka is the one who taught Yudai most of the languages that he knows. Yes, that means he’s a polygot as well.
He’s well acquainted with Fleuret Oshiro, as he and his team often puts some artifacts they find at the Tokyo National Museum.
He doesn’t really stay in one place for a long time: One day he can be in Makuzaraki City then the next day he’ll be all the way up at Wakkanai somehow. However, he always comes to events on time.
The reason why he goes to jail in some countries is because he keeps trespassing on forbidden land. His excuse is that it’s “part of his job to explore”.
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lunar-soren · 2 years
Please post the heights!! Very very intrigued!!
cracks my knuckles. this is long as hell so its all below the cut
ok opening with the most batshit sentence you've ever heard: your average horse is approximately 15 hands tall at the withers, equal to approximately 152 centimeters or 60 inches, and warhorses must by necessity be a little taller.
so we can assume that Oscar's Horse (present in his official path of radiance artwork) is a little over 16 hands tall (164cm/64 inches). using the 3d models in clip studio paint, which are adjustable down to 1/10 of a centimeter, I put in a 164cm tall horse and a 3d model of A Man, which I then adjusted until it was as tall in proportion to the horse as oscar is in proportion to His Horse.
the conversation sprites have consistent heights, which means that once I figured out Oscar's height, I could figure out everyone else's height in relation to each other! the conclusion I came to is that most of these guys are Stupid Mad Tall!!!!
so the greil mercenaries' heights go like this:
ike: 188.3cm/6 feet 2.1 inches
soren: 176cm/5 feet 9.2 inches (the shortest of the male mercenaries!)
mist: 171cm/5 feet 7.3 inches
titania: 185cm/6 feet 0.8 inches(!!!!!)
oscar: 188cm/6 feet 2 inches exactly
boyd: 184 cm/6 feet 0.4 inches in path of radiance, but in radiant dawn he gains 6 cm/a little over 2 inches, putting him at 190cm/6 feet 2.8 inches
rolf: I only measured him in radiant dawn but at that point he is 179cm/5 feet 10.4 inches, and given boyd's growth pattern he's probably gonna end up taller
shinon: ur not gonna fuckin believe this but this motherfucker stands at 194.5cm/6 feet 4.5 inches. he slouches like hell tho so he looks shorter
gatrie: also 188cm/6 feet 2 inches
rhys: 184cm/6 feet 0.4 inches
which is all Quite A Lot!!!!! of course I couldn't stop at the greil mercenaries, so i also did a bunch of my favorites.
other crimeans:
elincia: 172cm/5 feet 7.7 inches
lucia: 183cm/6 feet exactly
bastian and geoffrey: equal height!!! they stand at 190cm/6 feet 2.8 inches
kieran: 184.8cm/6 feet 0.7 inches
nephenee: 178.5cm/5 feet 10.2 inches
volke: 191cm/6 feet 3.1 inches
micaiah: 169cm/5 feet 6.5 inches
sothe (radiant dawn): 184cm/6 feet 0.4 inches
edward: 182.4cm/5 feet 11.8 inches. im so sorry ed
leonardo: 183.6cm/6 feet 0.2 inches
pelleas: 186cm/6 feet 1.2 inches
jill: 176cm/5 feet 9.2 inches
haar: accounting for slouch, 197cm/6 feet 5.5 inches
sanaki (radiant dawn): 166cm/5 feet 5.3 inches
sephiran: 188.5cm/6 feet 2.2 inches
zelgius: 189cm/6 feet 2.4 inches
stefan: 191cm/6 feet 3.1 inches
muarim: 197cm/6 feet 5.5 inches
tormod (radiant dawn): 175cm/5 feet 8.8 inches. no wonder he hollers at sothe for growing, given their nearly 10cm height difference
other laguz:
ranulf: 185cm/6 feet 0.8 inches
skrimir: 192cm/6 feet 3.5 inches
tibarn: 199cm/6 feet 6.3 inches (!!!!!!!!)
janaff: 176.5cm/5 feet 9.4 inches
ulki: 186cm/6 feet 1.2 inches
naesala: 192cm/6 feet 3.5 inches
reyson: 186.5/6 feet 1.4 inches
leanne: 178cm/5 feet 10 inches
I keep meaning to make rafiel's model but forgetting . oops . ANYWAY thats my way too precise height calculations!! they may be off by 4 or so inches on either side (1 hand, as horses are measured) but this is what I thought was most likely
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domjaehyun · 1 year
ok so i sent the message talking about how i got into a messy thing with my ex like when i came back to my hometown we started just going out as friends to eat something nice and talk cause that's how we started our relationship you know? we were good friends before we started dating and he was such a cute and (very tall like 190cm) nerdy guy and i was so head over heels for him :') the THING IS i was 16 and he was 19 💀 ik ik that's super wrong and !!! doesn't work !!! i actually broke up with him after one year dating cause i was very insecure and going through a dark time, he tried to get back with me a lot of times but i ended up moving to another state !! fast forward to 2022 and i got back to my hometown for a while cause my parents decided to live there again, i see him (my mom LOVES him and he's really present around my family because we live in the same neighborhood) and we start talking, he invites me out, we go to movies here and there then BAM his birthday comes and he takes a whole day off so he asks me out LIKE HE GETS A WHOLE DAY OFF HIS WORK BECAUSE OF HIS BIRTHDAY AND WANTS TO BE WITH ME??! i'm so easy i kissed him at the end of the day we spent together :') BUT I MUST SAY he's not the cute guy he was anymore, has a couple of red flags like almost all white straight men 🚩 ok so it started with a little innocent kiss, then make out sessions in his car (a lil bit more than that as well) here and there and never knowing what we were, just two single twenty-something friends that were hooking up but not dating?? and i really don't know if i want to get back with him cause i'm good being single but i feel like he's trying :')))) wow i talk too much but i just wanted to give you some tea about me if you're bored rn - 🦄
i’m reading and processing
IM GLAD YOU KNOW THAT AGE PAIRING IS NOT IT!! very glad !! i don’t think you’re easy my love i think you had residual feelings which is totally valid!! i don’t have much experience w red flag men im gonna be real but i will say KEEP HIM AT ARMS LENGTH IF THEYRE LIKE . CONCERNING RED FLAGS YKNOW? but thank u for the tea i was riveted hehehehe
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yumekuro-en · 2 years
Meister & Black Fairy Profiles - Tsuki Watari (Moon Wanderers)
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月渡り / Tsuki Watari / Moon Wanderers
―― World Exploration Guild ――
A world exploration guild that challenges “the unknowns.” The members are a group of troublemakers who almost always cause troubles wherever they go.
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The Dream Hunter With an Extremely Strong Luck
- Hope, Aspiration -
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―― “This world is full of life-changing landscapes that can move people’s hearts.”
Name: Crow - (CV: Uemura Yuuto) Job: Explorer Age: 22 Years Old Height: 177cm Birthday: The 25th of the Month of Rainbow (July 25) Dream: To show dreams to people all around the world Hobbies: Riding his motorcycle, Writing in his diary Weaknesses: Being alone Likes: The unknowns, Explorations Dislikes: Being alone Favorite Food: Cheesecake Least Favorite Food: None Special Skills: Precise shooting, Having strong luck
An explorer who's pursuing his dream. Thanks to his extremely good luck, he managed to accomplish many great adventures. But at the same time, he often acts recklessly. Due to this recklessness of his, he has a habit of destroying historical ruins, which causes the World Guild Union to keep their eyes on him.
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The Natural Airhead Navigator Who Controls the Moonlight
- Longing / Yearning -
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―― “If there’s a world you wish to see, you can always tell me. With my ‘Moon-Reading’ ability, I’ll definitely take you there.”
Name: Itsuki - (CV: Matsuoka Yoshitsugu) Job: Moon Reader Age: 70 Years Old Height: 178cm Birthday: The 15th of the Month of Air (October 15) Dream: To live and grow old together with his companions Hobbies: Cooking Weaknesses: Always bringing the rain with him wherever he goes, Cooking (Not good at it) Likes: Festivals, His guildmates Dislikes: Rain, The Great Fox Spirit blood flowing within him Favorite Food: Thick fried tofu Least Favorite Food: Beans Special Skills: Navigation during travels, High jump
A moon reader who can read the way of the "Moon Road," a way for people to cross over between lands. Contrary to his cool and mysterious appearance, he's actually a natural airhead who can be quite naive. He often teams up with Crow.
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The Tough-Looking Painter Who Acts as Everyone's Mother
- Relief, Salvation -
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―― “Well, I guess it’s natural for you to be surprised seeing how a stern and tough-looking guy like me turns out to be a painter.”
Name: Grandflair - (CV: Kato Kazuki) Job: Life Painter Age: 28 Years Old Height: 190cm Birthday: The 19th of the Month of White (February 19) Dream: To paint pictures that can save someone Hobbies: Flower arrangement, Strength/Muscle training Weaknesses: Having a scary-looking face, His guild’s finances Likes: Sunlight, Beautiful landscapes Dislikes: People who make light of their own lives Favorite Food: Your homemade cooking Least Favorite Food: Mushrooms Special Skills: Doing housework, To glare and exercise his authority over someone
A life painter who can bring anything he paints to life. Despite looking more like a martial artist, he’s actually an all-rounder who's in charge of everything, from household chores to financial management. He's like a mother figure to everyone in "Tsuki Watari."
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The Wandering Poet With No Money
- Leisure, Easygoing -
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―― “I was asking if you’d like to write lyrics and create music together. I was thinking of making one after a while, you see. So, what do you say?”
Name: Rouge - (CV: Aoi Shouta) Job: Wandering Poet Age: 28 Years Old Height: 182cm Birthday: The 24th of the Month of Stars (December 24) Dream: To live freely and without being bound to anything Hobbies: Gambling, Bar-hopping Weaknesses: Can’t take care of himself, Being careless Likes: Freedom, Music Dislikes: Dissonance Favorite Food: The brandy from Vinbrule in the Land of Brandy Least Favorite Food: Oyster Special Skills: Singing, Dancing, Loosen someone's tongue
A wandering poet who sings and plays music as he pleases. He's despised by Noah due to his strong wanderlust, mountain of debts, and his bad drinking habits. "Gran, gimme some money~!" is what he'd always say.
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A Little King Who Seeks Strength
- Clemency / Mercy -
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―― “I want to be a strong, magnificent king.”
Name: Noah - (CV: Murase Ayumu) Job: Mythical Beasts Expert Age: 16 Years Old Height: 155cm Birthday: The 21st of the Month of Calm (March 21) Dream: To become the King of the forest and protects both animals and mythical beasts Hobbies: Observing insects, Playing catch Weaknesses: Can get attracted easily by food Likes: Animals, Flowers Dislikes: Careless people, Someone who still barks despite being weak, (Stock) Farms Favorite Food: Grapes, Jellybeans Least Favorite Food: Meat Special Skills: Can understand animals and mythical beasts well
A mythical beasts expert who studies the ecology of the "Mythical Beasts", and is also in charge of protecting them. He aspires to be a magnificent king who can protect the weak. He doesn't really like opening his heart to other people, but he has his best friend "Korokkuru" who's always by his side.
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A Knight Shaken by Loyalty and Hatred
- Disappointment, Despair -
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"――Stay away from me, you filthy humans!"
Name: Evan - (CV: Hamano Daiki) Has a close connection with: Crow Policy: Humans are treacherous creatures Likes: Landscapes full of blooming flowers Dislikes: Being ordered around, Being touched Special Skills: Having great swordsmanship, Playing the “tsukkomi” role How They Show Trust: Will start showing affection after acting all aloof towards you
A fairy who has a hatred for humans and dislikes being ordered around by others. He thinks of humans as foolish, yet he often gets carried along easily by Crow's pace. He doesn't like being called "prickly."
Note: “prickly” is “tsun-tsun” in the original Japanese.
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The Childish and Mischievous Fairy
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――"Humans really are sooo helpless~★"
Name: Navi - (CV: Yamashita Daiki) Has a close connection with: Itsuki Policy: This world and all the humans living in it are so helpless Likes: Apples Dislikes: Onions, The Dream King Special Skills: Playing pranks (on someone), Giving nicknames to humans How They Show Trust: Will play pranks on you
He may look friendly and innocent, but for those who are not careful, they’re in for a world of hurt. He doesn't remember anything about his past, but expresses a clear disgust at certain things and actions that humans do.
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The Prophet Who Turns a Blind Eye to the Light
- Resignation, Acceptance -
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―― “......Yes, there is no sign of death in here.”
Name: Himmel - (CV: Horie Shun) Has a close connection with: Grandflair Policy: You can’t change the future Likes: Sleeping, Meditating Dislikes: Sadness Special Skills: Can perceive dangers by smell How They Show Trust: Will perform a dance for you
A fairy who can "smell" the signs of death and disaster. However, he believes that regardless of the knowledge, there is nothing he can do to change the future, and so he remains pessimistic and makes no attempt to fight back at all.
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The Forgetful Fairy
- Shame, Disgrace -
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――"Huh? What was I doing just now...? Hmm...I can't remember at all!"
Name: Shaymie - (CV: Amasaki Kouhei) Has a close connection with: Rouge Policy: I want to remember all the fun things I’ve had Likes: Singing, Smiles Dislikes: Painful feelings Special Skills: Can imitate someone’s voice perfectly How They Show Trust: Will remember your name
A fairy who will forget everything just within 3 steps. "Huh? What was it again after that? Hmm...I just can't remember! But anyway, that's just how things are, nice to meet you~!"
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The Grandpa Who’s Full of Wisdom
- Mortality, Inevitability -
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――  "You can wipe sinks and faucets with potato peels to make them shine. Be sure to remember that."
Name: Chitose - (CV: Yoshitomi Eiji) Has a close connection with: Noah Policy: Death is both equal and absolute and is not something to be sad about Likes: Peace Dislikes: Disputes Special Skills: Having extensive knowledge of miscellaneous topics How They Show Trust: Will show you his sorrows
A fairy who has an appearance of a gentle, calm elderly man. He is kind-hearted and likes to take cares of others. He’s also willing to teach other people anything they’d like to know, however, his view of life and death is different from that of normal humans.
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