#like this one girl i know who is the daughter of a literal millionaire will still face issues bc she has a 'bad' accent
hella1975 · 2 years
I’m not exactly well versed in British culture, so I might be a bit off base here, but it might help some of your US followers if they frame the pervasiveness of classism within the context of the American south.
There is a very common and socially accepted assumption that southerners are stupid, backwards, toothless hillbillies with dumb accents.
Its often played off like a joke, but the insidiousness of it is real and harmful. I don’t think it’s too dissimilar to what you experience, either, though perhaps not quite as pointed or extreme.
When I travel, I do my best to flatten my accent so people don’t pick up on it as easily. As soon as everyone finds out where I’m from, I’m made into a joke. It fucking sucks.
i dont know enough about the american south and i would like to reiterate that despite similarities our class systems are still so different that blanket-comparing them isn't gonna cut it, but yes this sounds exactly right!! like class over here isn't just a money thing, in fact more often than not that's a very small part of it. it's dictated by income and region and accent and what school you went to and what your family do and who you know even down to what you wear and what supermarket you shop at, and if you dont meet the top marks in ALL of these then you will experience classism at some point
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edelfie · 20 days
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#𝓣𝗔𝗦𝗧𝗘! who’s that girl?
Y/N L/N is a nobody. well, maybe that’s a stretch, but it’s nothing compared to the other words the media uses to describe you. washed up, irrelevant, talentless—any cruel word or insult has or will be thrown your way. but 10 years in the game has forced you to grow thick skin, even if the supposed quality of your music doesn’t suit it. so why is it that today, of all the days, you awake to the worst news imaginable—worse than all the name-calling and jeers?
or, you open twitter. it doesn’t go well.
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## this millionaire’s daughter influencer is known for buying many of her followers across all platforms. however, brands and colleagues ignore it because of the fat check lining her pockets.
## this one-of-a-duo A-list model is having business disputes with his other half and sibling. apparently, he wants more creative control over their projects despite having been in the industry for less time. it’s so serious that legal litigation is in the works. [revealed: lev haiba, alisa haiba]
## the not-so-indie band’s newest album is rumored to be about a controversial figure in the industry. this figure has already produced an album about the lead singer years ago, however it failed to garner any publicity.
## off-the-charts wannabe pop star is postponing her next album because her team knows her career is over if she doesn’t chart well. after nearly a decade in the industry and without a single long-lasting, cultural hit, she’s better off waiting tables than writing music. [revealed: Y/N L/N]
gracetheestallion. the haiba twins fighting ?? i can’t believe, like actually
colormeshocked. if y/n doesn’t clutch up rq then i’m gonna be so sad for her — underdawg. honestly, it’s just not fair how she’s treated by the industry — garagoesgaga. it’s “unfair”? she literally only makes trash songs and hooks up with men in relationships, girl bye — underdawg. your misogyny is showing, ugly <3 — garagoesgaga. wowwwww insults, so mature. average iq of a y/n fan
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Two posts in one day? It's more likely than you think! Anyways, today's fundraiser is for the family and sons of Reyna and Javier. Reyna and Javier lost their lives in a fatal crash, leaving their three sons without parents. Of their sons, one of them was dependent on their parents as he has been wheelchair bound all his life. In this brief period of time, he has lost both his parents and his primary caregivers. The entire family is feeling the financial strain of the sudden loss, so every help counts. Please consider donating here on GoFundMe or copy the link and share it online!
If you're new here, or even if you're not since I'm just starting to post again, I strive to bring attention to different fundraisers in all my posts. I primarily focus on sharing the stories of individuals in dire need, such as refugees in Gaza or those experiencing sudden homelessness, however there is no comparison between struggles, grief, and loss here! So I also take the time to share the stories of families such as Reyna and Javier's, and would deeply appreciate it if you could show them some much needed love as well.
I won't say too much, but as someone who has had the cards stacked against them (being a poc, nonbinary, queer, a religious minority, etc.) and has experienced my own share of loss, I can say that while the pain doesn't feel the same, the knife digs itself into you either way. My family was privileged enough to afford a funeral for my grandfather, who recently passed, but with many other family members getting older in age and being taken by the devil that is cancer, it does make me nervous as to how we will make it through. Regardless, I just hope that my plea and the stories I share will implore you to help others—not out of moral or societal obligation or to save face, but out of humanity and compassion <3
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© all rights reserved—edelfie (2024) // do not plagiarize, modify, copy, use, translate, or repost my work on other sites without permission
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teenageread · 6 months
Review: It Happened One Summer
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Piper Bellinger is fashionable, influential, and her reputation as a wild child means the paparazzi are constantly on her heels. When too much champagne and an out-of-control rooftop party lands Piper in the slammer, her stepfather decides enough is enough. So he cuts her off, and sends Piper and her sister to learn some responsibility running their late father’s dive bar... in Washington.
Piper hasn’t even been in Westport for five minutes when she meets big, bearded sea captain Brendan, who thinks she won’t last a week outside of Beverly Hills. So what if Piper can’t do math, and the idea of sleeping in a shabby apartment with bunk beds gives her hives. How bad could it really be? She’s determined to show her stepfather—and the hot, grumpy local—that she’s more than a pretty face. Except it’s a small town and everywhere she turns, she bumps into Brendan. The fun-loving socialite and the gruff fisherman are polar opposites, but there’s an undeniable attraction simmering between them. Piper doesn’t want any distractions, especially feelings for a man who sails off into the sunset for weeks at a time. Yet as she reconnects with her past and begins to feel at home in Westport, Piper starts to wonder if the cold, glamorous life she knew is what she truly wants. LA is calling her name, but Brendan—and this town full of memories—may have already caught her heart.
Piper Bellinger was a socialite of LA. Her job was to sleep all day so that she could party all night. Her step-father, Daniel Q. Bellinger has been in her life since she was four, and her little sister Hannah was two. Before that, her mom lived in this little seaside town and left after Piper’s father died, found Daniel, and is happy being a millionaire's wife. When Piper’s longest boyfriend ever, dumped her after three weeks of love, claiming Piper’s an airhead, Piper decides to get him back by tossing a pool party. This pool party landed her in jail, and almost cost Daniel a financial supporter. Wanting to teach his step-daughter a lesson, Daniel ships Piper, and through volunteering Hannah, off to Westport, the city of their father. Giving them the upstairs apartment of a bar they apparently own, Piper had to make her own way in town with no financial support and no rescue until Halloween. Sticking out like a sore thumb, Piper and Hannah were the new girls and caught the eyes of all the locals. One of them was sea captain, Brendan Taggart who told Piper she was not made for this town. Determined to survive and stick it to all those who doubt her, Piper begins to find herself and makes a place for herself in Westport, and within Brendan, a surprisingly soft heart. 
Tessa Bailey wrote this book so that they can write an explicit sex scene. A true classic summer read, nothing about this novel is remarkable, except for the four explicit sex scenes that Bailey writes Brendan and Piper in. Our characters are pretty two-dimensional, Piper is an LA wild child who has to learn responsibility while still being her fun-loving sparkly self, and Brendan is a cold, stoic sea captain, who learns to bend their strict routines to accommodate their loved one. Classic lesson learned so our characters are not completely the same, but nothing to write home about. For our side characters, Bailey made Hannah Piper’s sister, rather than her friend, but only kept them at friend surface level conversation. Our sisters are literally in the town of their dead dad who they know nothing about, yet they would rather talk about Brendan’s bed performance than talk about their dead dad? Same with Opal, a family member our girls meet, but Bailey never has them have an emotionally charged heart-to-heart, which could have led readers to tears. Yet the only tears I was shedding were from laughing at the awful smut writing. Seriously, Brenard has never called Piper a nickname, but as soon as her pants are off the “honey” and “baby” start to come out. Horrific, and insulting, Bailey really went off four times when our characters hooked up, only to bring them back to their minor problems with minor solutions. Overall, if you want a cute summer small coast town book, others are way better to read. However, if you want some smut, there are also other books to read. This book is trash with no real substance and mediocre sex, and it's a forgettable novel.
Read more reviews: Goodreads
Buy the book: Amazon
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voidsteffy · 2 years
Hey! Could you answer some questions please?
Q1) Which SSR movie made you want to watch his entire filmography from the start?
Q2) Have you watched SSR'S movies in a chronological order or not?
Q3) Who's your favourite SSR character from each of his movies that's he's made for over 20 years?
Q4/Bonus Question) What's your favourite musical number/song and scene from SSR'S movies?
Thanks for the ask and oooh an interesting one at that!
1. I've never watched SSR's filmography as a purposeful sitdown. His movies usually air like casual reruns every week on some channel or the other. But if a movie of his would make me feel like I have to re-experience his basket of films, it would be Eega for sure. I mean I can go on and on about that movie. It's either Eega or Magadheera because both were milestones in both his career and in the Telugu film industry.
2. I haven't really (don't come at me SSR fans) because I feel like any of his movies set in the present world and having normal storylines (besides Chatrapathi, that movie is iconic) are a one time watch. SSR has a knack for nailing the period pieces and weird themes so I don't really watch all his movies in chronological order. But if they come on tv in that order (here they kinda do that stuff if they wanna celebrate a birthday or a new award etc) then I could fathom sitting down and giving them a watch
3. Oh boy that's a tough cookie. I'm prolly gonna disappoint with my answers lmao. My fav characters:
Student No. 1- tarak's character ig? Haven't watched that film in a long time
Simhadri - Bhumika's character. Even I would like to forget my life sometimes. And I too, nail the dialogue "aakalestondi" (transl. I'm hungry) like, a thousand times a day
Sye - the best friend who writes all the homework, cz... Damn the dedication gorl. Also imo she's a lesbian girlboss in later life but that's just my measly headcanon idkkk
Chatrapathi - the friend. Absolutely the friend. The orphan friend who gets killed while helping the children hide from the slum fight takeover. He's my smol bean. And he's the real hero
Vikramarkudu - Brahmi thatha's character, the relative who is also a thief. His expressions are the only comedy apart from the little girl. They give this movie a lightness fr
Yamadonga - do i even need to say this? The pendant. That's my favourite character! Let's be real we all have an entity like that that never leaves us but we just don't KNOW it yet
Magadheera - Badshah. Badshah the warrior horsey is my favorite character, as he should be
Maryada Ramanna - as annoying as he is, Brahmaji's character, the tongue-in-cheek older second cousin that GETS KILLED BY HIS OWN FAMILY FOR NO FAULT OF HIS
Eega - the father who tells his daughter this entire story of a fly's revenge on a millionaire as a bedtime story. You are top tier sir. May all young minds have guidance like yours. Namaste. A close second place goes to the Tantrik because I love his teasing riddle to Sudeep (in Telugu it goes like "inappeti, aggipetti, nee muddula mohaniki masipatti, ee tantrani vettukkuntu vastav" and honestly.... I haven't loved rhyming stuff more)
Bahubali the Beginning - Shivudu's tribal mom. Girlboss. Icon. She's strong, she loves her adopted kid enough to walk up and down from the river to the Shivalinga a million times. She is the moment.
Bahubali the Conclusion - none. Istg this movie gets on my nerves as a writer because literally every character except Bahu is ooc (just my perspective, everybody is entitled to their opinion)
RRR - BHEEM. come to me in a thousand years and my answer still won't change. My smol bean, my raja, my entirety, my love, my heart. He's one of the best written characters of all of SSR's characters (the list is: Bheem, Chatrapathi's friend, Sivagami, honestly Priyamani's character in Yamadonga a bit?, the cycle in Maryada Ramanna - the perfect enemies to reluctant friends arc, and Nani)
4. Fav musical no. Is (don't laugh) the train song in Maryada Ramanna because something about that tune just puts my worries to sleep.
Fav musical scene. this might be fucked up (my mom would think so lol) but the scene in Yamadonga where she unfurls her black half saree (voni) to protect a sleeping Raja from the midday sun.... Like ugh that's.... Yeah I can't talk because my mouth ain't making any sounds
Again, thanks for the ask omg I never knew I had so many opinions until I was asked for them🤣🤣😅 hope you don't hate me for my answers
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placidsloth · 2 years
things customers have said to me
im actually done collecting pokemon cards, shoes are kinda like my passion now. plus id rather drive my car down to florida full of shoes rather than my pokemon cards (its two binders dude its literally smaller than one shoebox)
get anything new in? (greg you were here yesterday, nothing has changed)
do you have this comic book store specific cover variant of this comic that came out today? i know its not this comic book shop, but i figured you might still have it (we're a very small store ha ha... that means no)
could you get me this 20 year old comic? your distributor should have it right?
yeah this comic has an important first appearance in it, i'm surprised you guys have any copies left. (yes because avengers #58 or whatever that came out 3 weeks before is such an important issue, thats why we only ordered one and sold none)
do you even know who damian wayne is? you know dick grayson isn't robin anymore, right?
do you sell manga? (sir this is a comic book store, any manga we have is entirely an accident)
you know, they use anti-depressants to keep sexual deviants and sociopaths like ted bundy from wanting to have sex while in jail, i dont understand why they dont just give everyone anti-depressants because literally every person is a little bit of a sociopath. i think putting anti-depressants in the water supply would probably reduce the number of jackasses in the world (terrifying thanks)
i thought that guy was gonna come at you when you said your boss was going to come talk to him about his order lol. i work with cops a lot and he reminded me of a junky looking to score a hit. but you handled that really well! good job! (way to make me feel safe dude)
no but the bionicle comic was one of the top selling comics of the year when it came out (somehow im not so sure about that.)
i wish there was a comic with like the members of the batfam you don't get to see usually (well actually there's an ongoing batgirls title, and tim drake has a mini-series-) no but like a good one, you know? (-.-)
how am i supposed to know what comic this is? (did you try looking at the back? it should have the name there) yeah it wasnt there (are you sure? flip it over for me?) okay i swear that wasnt there before
oh wow why is this comic so expensive? why would anyone pay $500 for a comic they cant even read? (i ask myself that every day)
damn i thought that guy was gonna lose it at you when you said you didn't have that item haha
nah man i just want venom stuff. i like to think of myself as the anti-hero of my life (i had to drop my stapler and lean down to pick it up so they wouldnt see me laugh at them)
wow, in the time ive been here, youve gotten hit on by three different guys! does that happen a lot? (i do not remember being hit on, i remember helping customers and chatting with them?)
so you're like 16 right? how long have you been working here? (4 years... i'm 23...)
oh i wasnt expecting to see a girl working here! are you the owners daughter/girlfriend/wife? (no thank god)
man if only my mom/wife/girlfriend/mother-in-law didnt give away/get rid of/lose/burn/throw out my comics/pokemon cards/magic cards i could be a millionaire right now (x to doubt)
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allthislove · 4 years
There’s a certain type of white woman that hates Meghan Markle on principle.
TW for su*c*de mention.
I said in the previous post that they hate that Meghan illustrates that white femininity is not the gold standard that they have been taught that it is. And this, in my opinion, is exactly what their problem is. And this is why I have no patience or sympathy or kindness for these women. It’s not a new phenomenon. I’ve seen it before in fandoms. The way a significant group of white fangirls hated and still hate Iris West on The Flash because she’s Black and is the love interest of the cute, white main character guy. They go out of their way to ship him with any white girl he knows, because they can’t wrap their head around him choosing a Black woman over them. They need to feel like their whiteness automatically makes them more desirable than any Black woman. Even when they are gorgeous and smart and wonderful like Meghan Markle or Candace Patton.
That’s all I see from these white women. I see obvious and transparent jealousy that, if they couldn’t have Prince Harry, it wasn’t another white girl they could project themselves onto. It was a Black girl (and in many of the British white women’s cases, an AMERICAN Black girl.) And yes, I know Meghan Markle is biracial, but that hardly seems to matter to white people. They don’t see someone who is white with them. They see tainted blood. The tragic mulatto stereotype. All they see is a Black girl who dared to sink her grubby paws into the Prince Charming they were told they were owed their entire lives. All they see is a street hoochie who saw dollar signs and isn’t good enough. An uppity n*gress who doesn’t know her place. 
I see it in the venomous way they say she “wants attention” every time she does or says anything. If she touches her baby bump, or says “It’s a girl!” on TV. It doesn’t matter that it’s the daughter of a prince, one of the most famous princes in the world, and it would be huge news that he was having a daughter no matter who his wife was. To them, the tainted negro children might as well not even be Harry’s. They’re Meghan’s, and she’s somehow awful for daring to birth them or even be happy about it.
It’s in the way they call a millionaire actress a “gold digger”, or say nonsense things like “she was a washed up actress before she met him” (She was STARRING ON A CABLE TV SHOW, which is a good enough job for Jennifer Aniston, but when it’s Meghan Markle, it’s “washed up.”) 
They say things like this, because they can get the benefit of the doubt and claim they don’t hate her because she’s Black. Because if they say that, they’d show their true colors. But they do.
Because all in all, she’s done nothing wrong. All in all, she’s just a woman who married a prince. ANY woman on Earth, including Beyonce and Taylor Swift, would get a profile and position boost from marrying into the British Royal Family. Again, it’s THE MOST FAMOUS ROYAL FAMILY ON EARTH. There are other royals, but most of the world doesn’t even know many of the other royals, unless they’re from those countries or just happen to be interested in royalty in general. EVERYONE knows Harry and Will. 
Kate Middleton was a veritable nobody when she married Will.
Meghan Markle was at least a pretty successful actress with a following of her own. And SHE’S the gold digger? It’s thinly veiled racist language. It’s the image of the ghetto Black woman pumping out babies to trap a man. It’s the idea that a Black woman can’t be worth anything on her own so she chases a rich man.
I mean, I know Priyanka isn’t Black, but similar things were said about her when she married Nick, and she’s PRIYANKA CHOPRA. She was already a huge Bollywood star. And again, it was white women leading conversations like this, because again, they were faced with the reality that white femininity is not the gold standard. That a South Asian woman could get their favorite heartthrob and they couldn’t, nor did a cute white girl they could project themselves on.
DON’T GET ME STARTED ON THE “MEGHAN MADE KATE CRY” LIE! This is a prime example of the weaponization of white femininity to demonize Black people. Been going on for centuries and will continue to. Weaponizing tears is the white woman’s bread and butter, especially if it can be used to demonize a Black woman. “Oh, boo hoo, that brutish Black thing made sweet little fragile, porcelain white me cry!” And to find out it was the other way around and NOBODY in that family said anything and just let the “angry Black woman” take the heat? It’s sick. And it’s common. It happens all the time. Because white femininity is soft and fragile and innocent, and Black women are never afforded that.
Even light skinned, biracial Black women like Meghan Markle. White women still refuse to believe she even has feelings. Crazy old hags like Megyn Kelly straight up think she LIED in the interview about HOW SHE FELT, because white people can’t imagine a Black person having feelings! They think we all just make it up because we’re trying to make them look bad or something, or that we like pretending to be hurt by their racism simply to make them look bad. So they don’t have to feel remorse for the racist shit they do and say. For making a pregnant woman hate herself so much that she didn’t want to live. 
Like, we all know how bad hormones make people feel during pregnancy anyway. They can’t even believe that a pregnant woman who was being disparaged DAILY by the British tabloids ... felt sadness or hopelessness because of it? 
Like, it really seems like white people think Black people have no feelings.
IDK, I’m still angry and hurt for her. And like, I’m so sick of white women only being feminists when it benefits them. I’m so sick of the absolute vitriol they have for Black women all the time. I HATE how they see us as beneath them, in every situation. 
I really think these racist hags thought Harry would pick one of them. And when he picked someone not white, they couldn’t take it. 
We have to stop letting white women hide behind this “I’m a woman, so I’m oppressed” shit, when they know exactly how to weaponize white supremacy to benefit themselves. And I don’t think Black women should have to be nice about it. White women need to get it to-fucking-gether and cut this shit out. Because it’s PERVASIVE, and like, when it’s a fictional character it’s one thing, but they literally drove this REAL, HUMAN WOMAN TO THE BRINK and they STILL refuse to stop. Inhumane cretins. 
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Cat Café
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Summary: Every year, your parents would set you on a date with any eligible guy that is of a wealthy family background so that your parents could expand their wealth and business. You were never looking forward to any of the dates until one fateful day, where the café worker attracted your attention.
Theme: cat café au, wealthy family au, strangers to lovers
Genre: fluffy
Warnings: none
WC: 4.4k
Pairing: Café Worker!San x Fem!Reader
a/n: Hello again! Decided to write a cute kitty fic for San since he loves Byeol 💜 I hope he's resting well :'(
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Being the daughter of someone who seems to be well-known as a millionaire in your country, there are pros and cons to it. The pros are that people would do anything and everything for your family, you lived in a mansion, you have a personal chauffeur but would prefer driving on your own, you can literally snap your fingers and anything can come to you except, you don’t like that.
The cons are that some people tend to envy your family, some even throw threats at you with ransom. And then there’s a handful of people who tries to befriend you just for your wealth but you’re not dumb. You’re smarter than people think.
However, one thing you never liked about this whole being born rich and having a family business fiasco, is that one of your parents would tend to be money minded and would do anything to gain power over their company. Which is exactly what was happening to you for the past few years ever since you turned 18.
Your father had been sending you on blind dates with a bunch of different guys who were sons of rich family business owners.
However, thankfully, your father wasn’t the kind to force you into marriage if you didn’t want to. But with that being said, every guy you rejected, results in a new guy for you and you hate this.
This year, your dad found you a guy who was around your age.
His parents owned a well-known wine company in the country. He was the youngest in his family. His name was Park Seonghwa and no doubt he was good looking and rather charming in personality, you just don’t feel the spark with him either.
And yet, here you are on your third date with him. You could tell that this person was a very kind-hearted man and that he was nothing but genuine with you.
But everything just feels out of place.
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For this third date with him, he told you to choose where to go so you decided to bring him to a cat café that you knew of downtown. You walked with him side by side down the pavement after having dropped off by his chauffeur.
It was quite a chilly day, light snow cascading down on you as you walked.
Seonghwa was just listening to you talk about your school when he saw the way you were hugging yourself to shield your body from the cold breeze despite the three layers you had on.
He chuckled softly to no one as he soon wrapped an arm around your shoulder to pull you against his side, causing you to softly gasp.
Your words got stuck in your throat as you looked up at him with a bashful smile.
“Sorry, I guess you knew I was cold…” You apologized, earning a soft nod from him followed by a cute little giggle. You continued walking with him against your side, glancing up at him every now and then only to find him staring down at you with such warm eyes.
Both of you finally arrived at the cat café you wanted to bring him to, only to find it quite empty save for the two couples already in the booths with the kitties.
You entered the cosy premise of the café, immediately greeted by one of the staff there behind the counter.
“Hi! Welcome to Cuddles ‘N’ Coffee! Table for 2?” She asked with a cheery smile on her face.
“Yes please.” Seonghwa responded as she nodded before walking out the back and towards the glass door that shields the cats from leaving the front entrance.
“You can have that table booth right at the back. Just press the button on the wall and we’ll come over to take your orders.” She smiled as you thanked her for her great customer service before she returned your gesture with a sweet smile that turned her eyes into slits.
You and Seonghwa walked over to the table, careful not to step on any cats laying on the ground.
Some were already trailing behind you and the minute you placed your purse down and sat on the cushioned bench, a chunky brown cat leaped onto your lap and purred.
A soft giggle left your lips as you turned to Seonghwa who was also in the same situation as you but with a slimmer white cat in his lap.
“You make me want to adopt them really badly.” Seonghwa said under his breath, making you laugh.
After a few minutes of just bonding with the cats, you finally made your orders. The same girl came back about 5 minutes later with your orders, telling you to enjoy your drinks. You were just listening to Seonghwa talking about his boring lecturer when your eyes naturally glided over towards the front counter.
That’s where you saw a guy who looks to work there too considering the same polo tee and apron that Yeji, the girl who served you and Seonghwa earlier was wearing.
His smile was captivating as he joked around with Yeji, throwing balls of tissue at each other.
You watched as he seemed to have said something to her, causing her to slap his arm a little too harshly. That’s when he curled his body while holding onto the spot she hit.
But his frown was quickly replaced by a smile, watching her leave the counter with a middle finger in the air, directing it to him. Right when you were about to look away, his eyes happened to catch sight of yours. You’re supposed to be focusing on Seonghwa!
What are you doing? Look away!
Everything around you was a blur until you felt a warm touch to your knee, making you flinch and was soon turned back to Seonghwa who had a frown on his face.
“Hey? You okay? What’s wrong?” He asked out of pure concern.
“N-Nothing. Sorry, my mind went elsewhere for a moment. I’m so sorry, Seonghwa.” You apologized, already feeling bad for ignoring him like that whilst on a date. But all he did was chuckle and tell you it was fine.
After a few more minutes, you finally called it a night. You both reused your coats and checked to make sure you didn’t leave any belongings behind before making your way to the door to make your payment.
“Hello! I hope you enjoyed your time with the cats!” Yeji smiled to you two as she keyed in your orders.
“Yes we did. Thank you for having the cute fur balls.” You giggled, earning a laugh from her as well. Just when Seonghwa was handing his card to Yeji, you happened to turn right when her co-worker left the back room.
It was him.
He made eye contact with you briefly before turning away to enter the cat room. But you could’ve sworn you saw the small pout on his face. Unless your eyes were playing tricks on you.
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Seonghwa’s car was now parked right outside your estate, with him insisting on walking you to your front gates while his driver stayed behind in the car. Once you were both there, he reached down to grab your hand gently making you turn around. You saw a frown decorating his face, instantly knowing something wasn’t right.
“Seonghwa? Is everything okay?” You asked as he stayed quiet for a while before he let out a soft sigh. And that’s when he explained everything.
“I know this might not be the best time to say this, but I have to. The past two dates were amazing. I never thought I’d find someone as down to earth and humble like you. And I did. Today was as amazing as those dates. The simple sushi dinner, the walk by Han River, the cat café as our last destination for this night’s date, I loved every second of it. And I really wish I could have more of this with you. I really do.”
He paused briefly before he continued, seeing that you were listening to him intently.
“But… my parents have decided… that they’re setting me up for marriage with someone else.” You weren’t going to lie, this news made your heart sink just a bit.
“Oh…” That was all you can muster and he knew you were upset.
“But it’s okay. We can still be friends if you’ll let me? The past three dates made me learn so much about you as a person and I couldn’t ask for more.” Seonghwa smiled, making you tear up feeling slightly overwhelmed.
“Hey, don’t cry…” Seonghwa whispered in between chuckles as he wiped your tears with his thumbs.
“I’m sorry, I guess I’m just touched that you feel that way for me.”
“Well, then I’m glad I managed to make you cry.” He teased, earning a soft slap to his broad chest. Seonghwa laughed again but then got quiet for a split second before he spoke up cautiously, hoping you weren’t offended by his request.
“Can… Can I kiss you?” Seonghwa asked and you weren’t going to reject him this time.
So when you didn’t reply to him, he mistook it for rejection. But instead, you carefully slide your hands around his neck, pulling him close until you feel his lips against your own.
Seonghwa smiled into the kiss as his hands wrapped itself around your waist, instinctively pulling you closer to his body. Your fingers tangled into his soft hair gently, feeling him squeeze your sides a little before he chuckled against your mouth.
“You really are something else, you know that? Whoever dates you, is gonna be the luckiest guy on earth.” Seonghwa complimented you, making you blush.
“And to the girl who’s about to be your future wife, she better be grateful to have such a handsome, kind hearted young man as her husband.” You returned as he kissed you again before pulling away.
“Goodnight Y/N. I’ll see you around. Promise we’ll stay friends okay?” Seonghwa said, making you hug him.
“I promise.” You whispered against his chest, pulling away from him. You gave him a final wave as you watched his car descend down the road. Seonghwa was an angel and whoever he ends up with, will be the luckiest girl on earth.
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It has been 2 weeks since your last date with Seonghwa and you’ve been coming to the cat café. Probably 3 times in each week. Sometimes to do your assignment, sometimes to just chill and hangout with the kitties. But in all honesty, you were lowkey expecting to see the guy working there the other day and you did.
Almost all your visits there.
Little did you know, he too was kind of looking forward to seeing you there.
It was a Saturday evening and you were out and about in town. Your parents didn’t have any guys for your blind date recently so you took this chance to leave the house and just spend time alone.
You managed to find your way back to the café, parking your car at an empty parking lot down the street.
You had just entered the café and it was slightly more occupied than the last time you came. But since you were alone, it wasn’t actually a problem. You were standing by the door, looking around at the people queueing at the counter to make their payments when a voice snapped you out of your trance.
“Hi, welcome to Cuddles ‘N’ Coffee. For how many people?”
You turned to look at who greeted you, only to lock eyes with the same ones you had been hoping to see every time you came there.
“Just 1.” You said with a small smile, only to catch the inner corner of his lips twitch upwards.
“Right this way.” He said as he led you towards the room where the cats were in. You followed behind him closely, only for him to lead you to one of the booths near the back.
“Call me if you need anything.” He said as you noticed the smile that appeared on his face before he left. And you caught a glimpse of his nametag right before he turned.
Choi San.
A few minutes later, you were too busy petting the fluffy white cat in your lap, you didn’t even realize more people had left the café and there were only 3 tables left occupied. The cat in your lap was purring as it nuzzled its face into your stomach, not knowing you were currently a topic of conversation that was happening on the other side of the room.
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San had just finished charging one of the customers only to let out a long sigh.
“Tired already?” Yeji asked with a teasing smile as she approached him. San grumbled, leaning against the counter with his back facing where the customers would be.
“Today’s been a full house since afternoon and I’m dead, gone.” He said, leaning his head back to close his eyes.
San couldn’t see what Yeji was doing until he heard her voice from beside him.
“Go and talk to her.”
“Huh?” San snapped his head towards her with a confused look on his face, earning a giggle from her.
“You yourself told me you were upset that she wasn’t alone the other day, and now she is. So go talk to her!” Yeji encouraged him.
“What if her boyfriend just can’t make it?”
“San, she’s been coming here alone for the past two weeks in case you haven’t noticed. Maybe she’s here to see you? Come on, just keep her company. Nothing would go wrong with that.”
“How would you know?”
“Because I’m a girl and I’d do the same if I wanted to be discreet about seeing my crush at his workplace?”
To that, San sighed as he turned to look over at you across the room, only to see you nuzzling your face against the cat’s head that was in your lap. This made his heart flutter as he saw the little smile on your face upon feeling the cat licking your nose.
He didn’t realize he had a silly smile on his face until Yeji pushed him gently to get his attention, “Just go, silly! That dumb smile on your face is telling a lot!” She laughed as he glared at her but without any venom in them.
He finally mustered up the courage thanks to Yeji as he was now making his way towards you where there’s only a couple who was left in the room with you.
Once he was a few feet away, his voice caught your attention, making you look up.
Immediately, your heartbeat started picking up speed.
“Is there anything else I can get you?” San asked politely, earning a soft shake of your head and a smile.
“No thanks, I’m good actually…” You said.
San nodded as he wasn’t sure if he should stay or leave. But you seem to have read his mind by asking him the question he never expected would have come from you.
“Do you… wanna sit down?” You asked as he glanced down at the empty spot beside you before looking back into your eyes.
“Uh.. y-yeah… are- are you okay with that?”
“Of course.” You smiled as you scooted over a little for him.
San carefully sat down beside you and almost instantly, a fluffy brown cat leaped into his lap. You giggled when the cat stood up with its back legs on his thighs while its front paws rested on his chest. Licking San’s chin cutely as the other cats started to surround him by the legs, begging for his pets.
“They seem to love you.” You commented with a genuine smile, making him chuckle.
“I own a cat myself so I guess I’m just used to being loved by them.” San said before turning to look at you, only to be flustered by the way you were staring at him.
“Wow… That’s sweet.”
“Do you have any pets?” He asked.
“No… Although I do wish to have one. I think it would be nice.” You said softly, only to hear him shift in his seat. Just then, his knee accidentally brushed against yours but you didn’t mind it.
A few seconds of peaceful silence went by, only for him to speak up, “Are you heading home soon?”
“I think I should? You guys are closing up soon right?”
“Yeah… Do you have a ride home?” He asked almost out of instinct, feeling sorry that he just blatantly asked you that when you barely knew each other.
“S-Sorry! I didn’t mean to be weird…”
“No. No. It’s fine. But yes, I do.” You smiled at him.
San awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck out of nervousness, only for you to speak up.
“Well, I think I should make a move soon. Thank you for sitting here with me.” You said as he smiled again.
The two of you began making your way back to the front counter as Yeji keyed in your order. After you’ve paid, she hands you back your card and receipt, only for you to smile at both Yeji and San.
“Thank you. Goodnight.” You said as they nodded whilst she replied the same to you.
All San could do was smile, not able to move or say anything to you. The minute you left, Yeji turned to him and asked why he never replied to you. That’s when he finally told his co-worker that he was head over heels for you.
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A few weeks passed and you had been going to that café a little more frequently now solely to see San. It was a Sunday afternoon, a bright, cold day. You were just making your way to San’s workplace when you got a call from him. You answered his call, only to hear his eager voice from the other side of the line.
“Hey! Where are you?” He asked.
“On my way to the café actually.”
“Nice. I’m a little caught up in the back so just come inside and find a seat near the back. Yeji’s working upfront.”
“Okay San, see you.”
“See you, cutie.” You could’ve sworn you heard his smirk creeping up on his face only for you to giggle.
You and San haven’t properly confessed anything yet, but you could definitely tell that both of you liked each other. Although San already knows about your family background, he was pretty chill about it. You could tell that he was a genuine person and wasn’t one who would just date you for money.
You even told Seonghwa about him and he feels that San is someone you could trust. So when you made it to the café and you saw Yeji talking to a customer alone by the cashier, you figured San was in fact in the back room.
So after the customer left, Yeji’s eyes travelled to you and immediately her smile beamed, causing her eyes to disappear.
“Y/N! Hey!”
“Hey Yeji.” You giggled.
“San’s a little busy with paperwork in the back but he told me to save a seat for you at your usual spot!”
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that though.”
“It’s okay, his words anyway.” Yeji giggled before bringing you to the table.
A few minutes passed, you were just kissing one of the cat’s cute pink nose when a familiar voice spoke up from above you, making you look up to see San standing there with his apron discarded.
San smiled as he sat down beside you only to reach over and gave the cat a few strokes. You were about to turn and talk to him but instead, you got flustered with how close his face was with yours. The minute San looked up at you, you could literally feel his warm minty breath hitting your lips.
His eyes glanced down to your lips and you could see the corner of his lips curve up slightly. This in itself, made your heart pound against your chest as you turned away to hide your blush on your face.
“Uhh, I- I umm, are you hungry?” You asked, earning a soft chuckle from him.
He went to order for you two, also making the drinks for you before coming back. You spent the next hour with him during his lunch break, not forgetting to share some skin ship with him. Something you’ve grown used to.
San was ending his shift in two hours and you definitely didn’t mind staying there for another few hours for him since he himself said you could wait for him there.
And so you did.
After he ended his work, both of you left his workplace not without saying bye to Yeji.
You hang out with him for a bit before he invites you over to his apartment. You’ve been there more than five times and he has never done anything inappropriate to you. So you trusted him with all your life.
A few hours passed and you were now seated on his couch, watching the Disney movie ‘Frozen’ with him. “Omg, look at this jerk! He’s totally using her!” You ranted with an unconscious pout, earning a little chuckle from him.
“Well, at least I know I wouldn’t do that to someone.” San shrugged, making you turn to him. He had a silly smirk on his face but you weren’t going to comment on it. You were just blushing at his indirect flirty comment towards you despite not mentioning who he was talking about.
San was definitely talking about you and he knows you know it too. And seeing the blush on your face could only make him burst into a laughter that left you pouting.
“Shut up! Don’t make fun of me!” You whined as San wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his side.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry but you’re just too cute!” San said as you froze.
Sure he has called your choice of outfits pretty before but this time, it felt so raw and you were slightly taken aback by it. San definitely noticed this as he pulled away from you to look into your eyes. At first he was frowning but then it got replaced with a smile, melting you instantly.
The room fell quiet as you noticed the way his eyes fell to your lips and lingered there for a bit, making you nervous.
Just then, your breath hitched in your throat when he reached up slowly to cup your face and caress your cheek with his thumb. Nobody dared to say much but he had to make sure you were alright with where this is going so he spoke up.
“Tell me if you want me to stop, okay?” He whispered, his voice soft and gentle.
You gave him a nod to answer him as you watched him lean closer until his sharp nose lightly brushed against the side of your nose, lips barely an inch apart from each other.
You closed your eyes, too nervous to keep looking. San smiled at this as he gave your lips one last glance before he too closed his eyes and pressed his lips gently on yours. San felt you move your lips against his. He smiled into your lips as he caressed your cheek while he kissed you.
He was being so gentle with you, it definitely melted your heart.
He pulled away for a breath, letting his fingers lightly ghost over your features before you reopened your eyes to look at him.
“Was that okay?” He asked, his voice quiet.
“Yeah…” You whispered as you wrapped your fingers around the wrist of the hand that was holding your face.
“Good… Because I wasn’t sure if I trusted myself with words to confess to you.” San chuckled, earning a soft giggle from you before you replied to him.
“It’s okay… I like this better.”
With that being said, San smiled in victory as he kissed you again.
You spent the day with him, cuddling on his couch after a long but innocent make out session. Never did you think you would fall for a boy who worked at a cat café but you did. And you were more than happy you did.
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bucky-hues · 3 years
stucky fic recs
here are some stucky fic recs! as always, be sure to read the warnings for each fic <3
one shots
finding home | @thedamageofherdays
cap steve x modern bucky
After he is caught in a terrible rainstorm while hiking, Bucky is glad to find shelter at the cottage Steve shares with his daughter and his dog. Bucky ends up finding so much more than just a safe place to spend the night.
x | @dreadlockholiday
steve x bucky
Request: Bucky looking through a glossy magazine and saying something like "God, can you imagine being paid for just looking cute?" And without thought Steve replies, "you'd be a millionaire" and Bucky just blushes furiously while Steve's all like 😳 *oh no, I just said that out loud*
x | @dreadlockholiday (18+)
steve x bucky
Bucky finds his BFF Steve's sketchbook... and it's full of nothing but sketches of Bucky... naked.
sweethearts | @musette22
steve x bucky
Steve confesses his feelings to Bucky using sweethearts
my moon, my man | @musette22 (18+)
steve x bucky (modern au)
AU meet-cute. Strangers on a Train, but with less murder and more sexual tension.
make it till you fake it | AggressiveWhenStartled (AO3)
steve x bucky
“Ned,” Peter said, like a drowning man sighting land. “Ned. Captain America and the Winter Soldier are fake dating right now and it is the most painfully awkward and obvious thing I have ever seen, all of us want to die, Ned.”
things my heart used to know | Nightwing11 (AO3)
steve x bucky
In a world where soulmates can communicate telepathically with their partners, Steve Rogers has always had Bucky Barnes with him, a calming voice in a sea of turmoil. And, when Bucky falls off the train during World War II, Steve experiences deafening silence for the first time.
Now, after crashing a plane in the Arctic to save the world and being frozen for 70 years, Steve’s still trying to figure out how to live without Bucky there. His new friends are trying to help him adjust, to move on. And he thought he was doing better, he really did.
So, why is he suddenly hearing Bucky’s voice again?
catfish | @buckmebxrnes (18+)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Steve Rogers is a famous movie star, known for his role as Captain America. Bucky Barnes is a bored law student who drinks too much wine. Bucky gets on match.com to boost his confidence. What he doesn't expect is a guy using Steve Rogers' pictures on a dating profile. Bucky decides to mess with the guy. After all, what idiot uses Steve Rogers' pictures on a dating site?
Not like it's really him, right? Bucky may need more wine.
let's go have fun | @sebastanbucky
steve x bucky
“Nat wanted me to-” Nat clears her throat and he rolls his eyes. “I wanted to tell you something.” He looks at Steve with a look he hopes says ‘play along’. “Okay. What did you want to tell me?” Bucky has to take a deep breath to keep from laughing again, it helps with his performance as Nat nods encouragingly at him. “I’m gay.” He says, making his voice sound shaky and weak.
the way you came around | sokaless (AO3)
steve x bucky
After a while, Bucky says, “You know, this song sounds like it was written for you.” “That's funny,” Steve remarks. “I chose it because it reminded me of you.” Steve gives Bucky an iPod full of his favourite songs from the 21st century to help him deal with his nightmares. Bucky has a new mission- to find out who Steve is in love with, because there are a few too many unrequited love songs on that iPod.
stuck on you | wearing_tearing (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
“Bucky? You don’t look so hot.”
Bucky makes a tiny little sound in the back of his throat, only to start coughing. Of course he doesn’t look hot. He’s sick and he’s dying and Steve obviously isn’t attracted to him.
you have the place next to my place | justanotherStonyfan (AO3)
cap steve x modern bucky
prompt: “We live in adjacent apartments and our bedrooms are on opposite sides of a very thin wall and one night I heard you crying and talked to you through the wall” AU
Captain America helps the Vet next door.
you’ve got (30) new matches | williamkaplans (AO3)
steve x bucky
When everyone finds out Steve's bi thanks to Bucky's recovering memories, Natasha kicks up her match-making into high gear. Steve has zero luck, but Natasha won't give up, especially when Sam (jokingly) suggests online dating. It isn't long before Steve finds someone, a someone who seems eerily familiar.
perfectly right wrong number | melonbutterfly (AO3)
cap steve x modern bucky
It all starts because Steve is too dumb to handle his smartphone.
A wrong number AU in which Bucky Barnes doesn't enter Steve's life (meaning: Bucky wasn't born until the eighties, but Steve is still Captain America) until Steve accidentally dials the wrong number. Wherein there is a lot of texting, some advice via Natasha and Darcy, a bit of pining, and a first date in an amusement park. Oh, and on top of being a disabled veteran, Bucky is a professional catwalker. Literally.
put your number in my phone | MacksDramaticShenanigans (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Steve tucks his phone back into his pocket and turns back to the computer. He only has to click a few times before he finds the link to the questionnaire and opens it, inputting the participant number before hitting next. The beginnings of the consent form fills the page, and all Steve has left to do now is wait for the participant— one James Barnes, according to the website— to show up.
Thankfully, Steve doesn’t end up having to wait very long. James Barnes shows up ten minutes early and knocks on the door before cracking it open and peeking in.
“Oh, hi,” he says, when he spots Steve sitting at the desk. He pushes the door open all the way and steps into the room just as Steve spins in the chair to face him.
“Um, I’m, uh, a bit early, but I’m here for the decision making study,” James continues, clear blue eyes flickering around the room before landing on Steve again. The skin between his eyebrows crinkles up a little, and god, Steve probably shouldn’t find his uncertainty as cute as he does. “Am I in the right place?”
wouldn’t it be nice | MacksDramaticShenanigans (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
"You are never going to believe what just happened," Bucky bemoans, shaking his head. He's at Steve's side in a moment and doesn't bother to give any warning before he dramatically falls into Steve's lap. Steve just barely manages to save his book from getting squashed.
"What is it?" Steve asks, matching Bucky's dramatic tone. "What am I not going to believe?"
"I just got off the phone with Natasha," he starts. "She cancelled on me!" Bucky throws his arms up, nearly smacking Steve in the face in the process.
Steve carefully places his hand on Bucky's forearm and lowers it away from his face.
"You're kidding," he says, a frown curving onto his lips at the news.
"I wish I was," he sighs. Bucky presses his lips together into a disappointed line and deflates against the back of the couch, slinking down Steve's thighs a little. "Who goes to Coney Island alone? How pathetic is that?"
Steve snorts, earning a glare from Bucky, and pats Bucky's thigh. "Aw, don't be such a sourpuss, Buck," he says. "Who said anything about going alone?"
all jokes aside | darksknight (AO3)
steve x bucky
"Before we know it Banner’s gonna be makin’ insinuations.” (Everyone "jokes" about Steve and Bucky being in a relationship until, eventually, they admit that they are.)
barnes & rogers and the goddamn truth
steve x bucky (teacher au)
There are three well-known facts at Shield High:
1. The history teacher Mr. Barnes is a stone-cold terror, and it’s not even because he only has one arm. 2. The other history teacher, Mr. Rogers, is a mysterious enigma, and it’s something to do with the body of a Greek God and contradicting stories of his past. (They’re all rumours, anyway.) 3. Mr Barnes and Mr Rogers hate each other.
Bucky wouldn’t have it any other way.
in the shadows | DragonWannabe (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky
Five times they thought they were almost caught, one time someone found out, and one time they didn't have to hide.
Bucky and Steve grew up in a time when people like them went to jail.
single and looking | Jaiden_S (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky
"Bucky held his place with his index finger and turned the magazine over to check the date on the cover. It was brand new, just out this month. An unexpected cord of anxiety tightened in Bucky’s chest. Single and looking? Frantically, he flipped back to the article. What exactly was Steve looking for? According to the article, Steve’s dream girl should be intelligent, altruistic, well-versed in current events and have a wicked sense of humor. Oh, and he had a thing for high heels and red lipstick. Bucky’s stomach churned as he re-read the article. Was that really what Steve wanted? Make-up and stilettos?"
A slightly sappy tale of two utterly besotted super-soldiers who excel at miscommunication.
these american dreams (ain’t no white picket fences left for me) | kariye (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky
In which Bucky has a house, a dog, an herb garden, and a serious case of insomnia. Welcome to Havensport, Indiana (population 8,294), where Tom’s Neighborhood Grocer stays open all night, little old ladies call the car shop to get their refrigerators repaired, and the heat of summer days and the length of summer nights can make you think that this perfect world will last forever.
i’ve been careless with a delicate man | paraxdisepink (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky
Steve lets SHIELD think he and Bucky were boyfriends so they’ll let him see the Winter Soldier in medical.
knock on wood | 74days (AO3) 
steve x bucky (modern au)
Steve Rogers lives a quiet, steady life, until his next door neighbour moves in and starts having incredibly energetic sex every night. All Steve wants is for him to move his bed away from the wall so the damn headboard doesn't knock a hole through his wall.
progressively bigger keys | spinawren (AO3)
steve x bucky
“A very little key will open a very heavy door.” ― Charles Dickens, Hunted Down
Steve and Bucky, it appears, have less need for a key and more use for a battering ram in trying to come out of the closet.
(The one where Steve tries to do one thing (one thing!) without causing a national ruckus, but the press are determined to see Bucky as Steve's best friend. And nothing more.)
stucky discover gay rights | Alicia_Borealis (AO3)
steve x bucky
“Then, why-” Steve stopped himself and looked at Bucky, who had tears rolling freely down his cheeks. “We’re- we’re not sick?”
“Wait, what?” Tony asked.
“Being a homosexual, it isn’t… wrong?”
The story of how Steve Roger's loved and lost Bucky, then how he got him back and then how he realised he was allowed to love him after all.
thursday nights with bucky barnes | Ellessey (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Steve has a comfortable, well-worn routine for his Thursday nights, until the old man who runs the laundromat breaks his hip.
Then Steve has Bucky instead.
to seek a nood-er world | jehans (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky
Send noodz
Steve has been staring at his phone for the last six minutes, eyes narrowed so much they’re almost closed at this point, trying to figure out what the hell Bucky means. Noodz? What the fuck are noodz?
Listen, Steve is at least marginally aware of modern pop culture. He’s heard of nudes — not that nudes are exactly a modern invention; artists have been creating them for millennia — and he does know that people tend to misspell words to be cute or funny. They did that when he was young, too. Because time is a flat circle, apparently.
But, wait—does that mean…?
No. Not possible. Bucky isn’t asking Steve to send him…nudes.
tied ‘round your throat | sleepypercy (AO3) (18+)
police officer steve x serial killer bucky
Steve's a small-town police officer trying to track a serial killer who's been in Steve's bed the whole time.
much tattoo about nothing | Deisderium (AO3) (18+)
cap steve x modern bucky
Steve Rogers gets a lot of email requests, but never one like this: James Barnes wants to use his healing factor to practice tattoos.
Turns out tattoos give Steve boners.
the perfect man | Ellessey (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Setting up a dating profile is decidedly not in Bucky's skill-set, but against all odds he manages to connect with someone who makes the one-night stand he thought he wanted feel like not nearly enough.
kiss me and take off your clothes | steveandbucky (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Steve Rogers is dared to send a dick pic to a blog which critiques dick pics (run by none other than Bucky Barnes). Hilarity ensues.
i can’t dare to dream about you anymore | steveandbucky (AO3) 
steve x bucky (modern au)
Steve considers himself to be a pretty open-minded guy, which is why he can't quite understand why he feels so uncomfortable whenever he sees his gay roommate kissing guys. He's not homophobic, but how else can he explain the way his stomach twists at the sight?
It takes him a while to catch on.
exam room b | steveandbucky (AO3)
modern steve x nurse bucky
“Wait, what do you mean he asked for me?”
“He asked if the cute male nurse with the ponytail was working today. I assume he meant you.”
kickstart my heart | Kalee60 (AO3) (18+)
doctor steve x modern bucky
Bucky’s Wednesday wasn’t off to a great start. Not only did he wake up in a hospital with his annoyed best friend staring down at him, his treating Doctor just happened to be way too familiar, and the reason for that was slightly mortifying.
With misunderstandings in the air, a snarky nurse who is a pain in his butt and the ugliest neck brace known to man attached to his body. There was no way his Wednesday was ever going to improve. Could it?
you make me feel.. | kalika_999 (AO3) (18+)
cap steve x modern bucky
All Steve wanted was to take a breather, decompress after a mission and go out for a jog in the rain. He wasn't expecting to hide out in a bookstore filled with new and used books or that the employee that worked there thought he was an absolute loser and didn't even realize he was insulting Captain America.
nothing in the world that could stop it | rainbow_nerds (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Bucky just wanted to send his best friend a picture of his cat being an idiot while he was taking a bath. Was it really his fault for forgetting the full length mirror right opposite the tub?
rescue me and hold me in your arms | 74days (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Bucky is on the worst date of his life, and what he really needs of for this waitress to get the message he's sending her with his mind to rescue him. She doesn't, but she does send someone to extract him from a night of torture...
odd ways | peterbparker (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
“And it would have been an amazing night with my son if he wasn’t distracted by the hot guy on the other side of the room,” Sarah sighed, shaking her head. “He’s been looking over at you for the past fifteen minutes.”
Bucky choked on the mouthful of beer he had just taken.
“What?” he croaked. Things were starting to make a little more sense now.
“Right?” Sarah said, waving her hand towards her son. “He completely ignored my garden stories because he’s been making eyes at you so I decided to come over and introduce myself.”
rare is this love (keep it covered) | @musette22 (18+)
cap steve x modern bucky
It’s 2014. Captain America has been out of the ice for three years and is trudging along, saving the world and trying to get used to living in the future. Steve thinks he knows how the rest of his life is going to pan out – a life of duty, which he chose when he signed up to be Erskine’s science experiment. But then, he meets Bucky Barnes: the out-of-this-world-gorgeous mechanic and war vet, who turns Steve’s life upside down and makes him question everything he thought he knew. Slowly, Steve comes to realize there is more to life than duty and punching Nazis. Just one problem though: how on earth does a 96-year-old virgin who only just realized he may not be entirely straight make the transition from crush to relationship? Cue healthy amounts of self-doubt, awkward flirting, pretty blushing, existential crises, emotional growth, and maybe, possibly, a sexual awakening.
coming up easy | @musette22 (18+)
steve x bucky (modern au)
“Listen, I was just thinking,” Steve says, his face open, eyebrows raised in a tentatively hopeful expression. “Why don’t you come stay at my place for a while? I’ve got an office that I barely use, and a change of scenery might do you good, right? Help you beat that writer’s block?” With a crooked smile, he adds, “I promise I’m not a serial killer.”
While Bucky would normally crack a joke about how that’s exactly what a serial killer would say, right now, all he can do is blink at Steve in surprise, heart tripping over itself in his chest. Steve wants him to come and stay at his place. In Massachusetts. Just the two of them.
"Oh," Bucky croaks. "I- Wow."
“I mean, no pressure,” Steve says hastily. “Totally fine if you don’t wanna. I just thought I’d offer, in case it might help, y’know?”
“Yeah.” Bucky ignores the little voice in his head that sounds an awful lot Nat and Becca, telling him he’s setting himself up for heartbreak. “I mean, if you’re sure, that would be amazing.”
4 minute window | @cesperanza
steve x bucky
"Look, if they catch me," Bucky muttered, "they're either going to kill me or they're going to put me in a box with a little window and—Steve, I can't."
swapped | writeonclara (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
if u wanted my number u couldve just asked
u didnt have to steal my whole phone ;)
Steve stared down at his phone, confused. He didn't recognize the number – except, oh wait, he really did. That was his number. On his phone.
He flipped the phone over, then slid one hand down his face. Not his phone.
“Fuck,” he muttered.
[stupid fucking] brooklyn hipster bros | relenaflanel (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Bucky's mother gives him an ultimatum. Bucky doesn't respond well.
All Barneses are stubborn assholes, Steve observes, as though he doesn't see the irony of calling someone else stubborn. Or an asshole.
And Bucky can't even deny he is a total asshole for lying to his mother about dating Steve just so he doesn't have to bring someone else to her wedding, but damn if he's not going to give the lie everything he has.
brought to brightness | eyres (AO3)
cap steve x modern bucky
Army veteran Bucky Barnes has fallen in love with Steve, a guy he met online a few months after he returned from Afghanistan. Only problem is, he doesn't know Steve's last name or even what he looks like.
When his sister helps him send his story into MTV's Catfish, he's hoping they can help him meet Steve or, at least, let him move on with his life if Steve isn't real. Little does he know, Steve and Captain America have more in common than just a first name.
slide to answer | relenaflanel (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
"What do I do?” Steve appealed into the phone. “I’m freaking out.”
There was silence on the other end of the line. It lasted so long that Steve pulled the receiver away from his ear and frowned at it. Pay phones were old. Maybe this one wasn’t working despite the obvious dial tone when he picked up.
“Ok,” a stranger’s voice said over the phone. “First acknowledge the fact that you dialed the wrong number, but be quick about it because my cab is a few blocks away from my own plans and I’m about to drop some truth bombs on you.”
how to woo the winter soldier | writeonclara (AO3)
steve x bucky
“I think I’m ready to date again,” Steve said.
“What,” Natasha said.
“What?” Clint said, lowering his binoculars. He blinked at the dumbstruck look on the Captain’s face, then followed his gaze to where he was staring dopily at—at the Winter fucking Soldier.
“Steve, no,” Clint groaned.
Or: Steve courts the Winter Soldier.
all these things that i’ve done | @not-withoutyou 
steve x bucky
Steve was the patron saint of waiting too long. Bucky was atoning for his sins. Maybe they’d both been forsaken, abandoned by the light. Maybe they’d find a way back to each other again.
Post civil war, if things had gone differently.
find a way (to make it back home) | belwrites (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky (college au)
Fresh off a year abroad, Head Resident Assistant Steve Rogers finds his senior year of college to be full of changes, and he's not just talking about the growth spurt. He's more concerned with the fact that his best friend...isn't talking to him? Is dating his ex? May or may not be missing an arm?
In which Steve has no fucking clue what's going on, but he's trying, Bucky learns how to communicate with his best friend again, and everyone quietly panics about the future.
is it pretending if i already want you? | OhCaptainMyCaptain (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Based on prompt: Pretend Boyfriends AU where one of their families is always wondering why they're never in a relationship, so the other offers to pretend to be their boyfriend for some family event
the roommate | layersofart, Niitza (AO3)
cap steve x modern bucky
In which Steven G. Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America, gets a roommate. Who rapidly turns into his "roommate"—in the euphemistic sense of the word.
It takes SHIELD and the rest of the Avengers an absurd amount of time to notice.
dear mr. postman | odetteandodile (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Steve and Bucky revive an old friendship, get married (but totally just as friends, for reasons), and navigate a few of the many trials of the heart that come with falling in love with your best friend.
fate will play us out | steveandbucky (AO3) (18+)
cap steve x modern bucky
Bucky has landed himself a job with Stark Industries. He doesn't know yet that the job is actually being the PR manager for the Avengers.
Bucky has also started dating Steve Rogers. He also doesn't know yet that Steve is Captain America.
Bucky's life is about to get a whole lot more exciting.
the avengers hate club | notebooksandlaptops (AO3)
pop star steve x modern bucky
Bucky falls hopelessly for Steve and starts an Avengers hate club with the lead singer of the Avengers.
songbird | chicklette (AO3) (18+)
modern steve x musician bucky
At 43, James Barnes is a washed up old man. He’s got a dozen Grammys in the hall closet, an agent that can’t get him a deal, a decade-old case of writer’s block, a moody teen-aged daughter, and the gorgeous actress Natasha Romanova for an ex-wife. Well, one of them anyway. He’s a man who’s given up on finding joy in his life, and if it wasn’t for his kid, he’d have probably found a way to quit the world a long time ago.
Enter Steven Grant Rogers, struggling twenty-something, orphan, and someone who has no idea who Barnes is, other than some musician his mom liked a lot. The two men meet by accident, doing nothing more than passing the time in a quiet bar. But when a pap gets a shot of the two men embracing, Bucky takes it as a chance to finally come out as bisexual, and his agent makes him a proposition: Ten new songs and one very sweet boyfriend will get him a new record deal that will maybe, just maybe put him back on top.
Now all he has to do is write the songs, convince the kid, and not fall in love. Should be easy, right?
the right partner | LeeHan (AO3) (18+)
cap steve x ws bucky
Steve meets a beautiful man with a bright laugh on a sunny day in Italy. Captain America meets the elusive Winter Soldier moments later.
Date Bucky Barnes. Defeat the Winter Soldier. Bring down Hydra. How hard could it be?
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
13 Anti LO Asks
1. ok but thats seriously what bugs me so much about LO, it never actually lets serious moments be serious, it's always lampooned by rachel's insistent need to force in her juvenile "humor" and never actually depicting how pressing things are. even the following moments from persephone's r//pe was undercut by hades making stupid puns! i understand if rachel cant write something more serious than "[x] is bad" but if thats so, then dont try it? because thats how you end up with this pretentious mess.
2. since when did lo hades have earrings??? i legit do not remember this ever being a thing??? is he trying to be hip with the kids 😭my man you still look like a crusty old man the earrings arent helping 😭
3. lo hermes looks and acts like flaky from happy tree friends and no thats not a compliment (TW for gore, blood, and violence if any of you google it)
4. Even though the earlier art style was better there are still some cursed panels from the earlier pages that still haunt me. Especially the way Persephone was drawn differently in so many of the panels.
5. lo hades has such "how do you do fellow kids" energy and im not sure why
6. im also confused on the fertility goddess stuff because how stupid is persephone if she didnt notice? she can create life and nature without even thinking and shes implied to be a genius in biology, so how would she not even notice this? if RS really wants to go with this plot, then why have her professor bring it up in class? why not show persephone going to her uni's library to research the topic and pouring over it? that's an easy way to show persephone's intelligence, yet LO doesnt even try.
7. What I wanna know in LO was how Demeter and Hestia were compensated after the war. The three brothers got to be kings and Hera is queen, but what we know of Demeter is that she had a millionaire dollar business that’s probably made it on its own (unless she was helped out) and then Hestia all we really know about her is that she runs that TOGEM and idk if there’s only 4 of them, Hestia really had a group by herself for a bit since Athena is Zeus’ (assumed) daughter, Artemis (Zeus’ assumed daughter) and persphone (newest member) which seems shitty since they won a war together
8. I think what happened with LO’s art style was RS got “lazy” (I’m lacking the right word). I feel like without the colors all of the men in LO have the same body type, and Hermès and Apollo may even have the same face if they smile the same. So to compensate for that lack of body diversity, RS doubled down on Hades’ features to make him stand out more to really show he’s the male lead. However, even in her own words he looks like Persphones’ “dusty ass dad”
The women use to be a little different but they’re all starting to blend with body types. Her was small, but now she’s short and busty like Persphone. RS makes Persphone look short and busty all the time but almost childlike. Minthe was skinny but her last moments she was busy. Aphrodite I feel was just busty but then tried to make her look small also with Ares and Hades beside her. Hestia stayed the same but is still small and busty. Athena was tall and thin (?) but now she’s tall but busty (and her relationship with Hestia looks like it mirrors HXP). Idk I just feel like the longer screen time the female characters get the more they start mirroring Persphone’s look. Like even Artemis was getting empathized on being small next to her brother Apollo. Like all the girls gotta look small but curvy as the story goes on. 
9. Demeter: watched her friend get ripped in half. Watched her friend get continually cheated on, paying the price for not hiding a mistress , watched metis get eaten, her back clawed, fought in a war. Later made a daughter who’s a fertility goddess (probably an accident) and now has to raise her. That same daughter then went on a rampage and isn’t really remorseful
Fans: Demeter is such an overbearing mother who gets in the way of our ship.
10. on regards to ace characters, asexuality is a spectrum like everything else, so a lot of asexuals actually do enjoy and have sex, so the maidens doing so isnt inherently a problem, its the fact rachel is clearly viewing it through a strict binary where she assumes asexuality is something that can be "fixed" over time/when the right person comes along. its also a bad modern reading of it, as "virginity" in an ancient sense meant via marriage, not via sex, but I doubt rachel cares to factcheck it.
11. Imagine an elf is given a job to do at a human institution. The humans think elves don’t need bathroom breaks, since they know they can hold it for days, but this elf has been traveling to reach their job, and has already been holding it to the point they are in pain. They ask for a break, but their job is important and time sensitive, so they admit they can still hold it when asked. After a full day of work, the elf tries to reach the bathroom in time, but they were never told where it is.
From OP: I think this might be a nymph allegory? Anon never specified so I'll put this here anyway.
12. ya know if hades has to lie to make apollo seem worse (who does not need much in this comic) its like??? why is he persephone's lawyer then?? lawyers are literally told not to lie, this is basic law 101. thats why they dont want their clients to mention to them if they actually did the crimes because then the lawyers have to say it in court. if hades lies so casually just to keep persephone away from justified punishment, then thats bad actually!  both in being a decent person and as a lawyer!
From OP: Hades didn’t lie but he was definitely out of line. RS liked a tweet saying that the wife thing was “subconscious” so it probably was. (Still doesn’t make it right but I doubt he’d say those things on the stand.)
13. I know Minthe was written in a way she was suppose to be unlikesable, she’s rude, she yells and she doesn’t hesistate. HOWEVER RS wrote her character badly. Minthe is so unliked? How was she able to be a bad gf to hades and Thanatos? Like yes it’s an affair but how was she able to pull 2 gods?! We don’t hear Hades or Thanatos say what they like about her BUT they both still had a fling with her. (Honestly I feel it’s cause RS can’t bare writing one nice thing about the female anatangoist without trying to make Persphone look good)
The other thing bothering me was everyone knew about her relationship with Hades after she put it on fatesbook, but everyone talked about the kiss in such a positive light IN FRONT OF HER. Aren’t they suppose to be scared of her? Why did the girls in the yoga class/dress shop had so much to say about that kiss? Because they knew persphone? Did they know every other detail too? What was their actual beef with Minthe?
I feel like realistically some more characters would have sympathy for Minthe if they didn’t know her that well because of Hera. Everyone knows Hera is a pill to deal with and she’s the goddess of marriage who hasn’t really tried bringing Minthe and Hades to the alter. That right there should let everyone know that Hera probably doesn’t help the situation.
Idk, I feel like RS could have gone deeper and made the character not such HXP shippers cause most people wouldn’t cheer for cheating nor an old ass guy getting with a 19 year old. (Idk how fast the news of the slap spread, but I doubt it made it to every place in their fictional world)
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queersturbate · 3 years
why do you hate squid game? i'm not being judgy or anything i'm just genuinely curious
hello anon! this might get long and i will make a lot of comparisons to aib because they are similar plot wise and they're both from SE asia (korea and japan) so i feel better about comparing those two than, say, an american show. also AiB is the best show i've ever seen period but also the best show to use this plot of competing in deadly games.
thank you for not being rude about it or anything i know people like it and i dont want to be rude about it, but personally i just dont see the appeal.
i'll put my thoughts under the cut because i know some neurodivergent people are hyperfixating on it rn and ik how it feels to read hate or criticism on a hyperfixation, so i want everyone to not be bothered.
warning i do get very critical of it so if you like squid game please dont read if you'd be bothered! these are just my opinions!
to start off, I am four episodes in. I will watch the rest, but from what I've heard, the ending is disappointing. Which idk how tf that's possible because the entire show is disappointing. But anyway, i will give it a fair chance of course but so far i hate it and im not sure if it could redeem itself. @olympiansally and I (i also talked about it with @uppertwist) are watching it and I think, collectively, we've said 7 okay things about it. 5 of those things are from me. And im the most negative person ever especially when im watching a show with a similar plot to my favorite show and it gets more popular despite it being incredibly inferior. My main approvals are, they made Korea look very peaceful (even tho the color correcting is shit :( srry) and that scene where that one guy catches our main character in the red light green light game. i really liked the reveal of that.
speaking of characters that I cant name, it's because the characters are incredibly annoying and boring. I cannot pay attention to them long enough to even learn their name. I can recognize our main character's daughters name and that's only because its said a bazillion times but i can't remember what her actual name is by myself. I think there's also a character called Sang-woo ? and i only remember that, if im correct at all, because of killing stalking. but anyway. the characters are very stereotypical. Bad dad, divorced, needs money, in trouble with a loan shark. I've seen it a million times i get it. Pretty girl is a badass, doesn't smile, has a small knife (lol), has a kid brother she's protective of. Again, a million times. Blahblah the other characters are forgettable even more so. Also people comparing sang-woo (?) to light yagami? idk what he did yet but dont insult me OR light like that again omg. also the actors are a little bad i wont lie. the main characters faces sometimes are exaggerated and i find that funny lol but idk.
as far as everyone saying "it's a great commentary on capitalism" every time im like okay...how? because i have seen zero people actually giving it an analysis they just SAY its a great commentary on capitalism. and here's the thing: i've seen it yeah? it's not. it's just "poor people need money. are willing to die for it." like woooow congratulations you broke barriers! no one has done it like that before! /s literally all im getting from this is "look at these POOR people! POVERTY!" tbh i wanted to see some rich people in the game. I wanted to see some millionaires that are so greedy and confident in their ability that they'd participate in the games just to get more money that they didn't need. and are competing against people who genuinely need the money but dont care BECAUSE they're so fucking greedy. to me, that would make the capitalism commentary a little better than just ".....POOR PEOPLE need... *assistant whispers something to me* MONEY"
another problem i have with it is how they frame food. I dont trust shows that frame food as this disgusting thing and make it look and sound so grotesque. maybe it's just my ED talking but I hate it. They frequently had food shown and it was an awful experience for Lu, twist, and me. And im not even talking about him licking the cookie, which was so fucking gross and went on TOO LONG, but EVERY TIME they showed food it looked disgusting. The characters were chewing with their mouths open, they amplified the chewing noises, they framed it with this uneasy feeling. Similar to how they framed the dinner in coraline in her own world. it looked disgusting. and im not just being ignorant and saying "korean food looks so disgusting" although i've never had korean food i've seen k-dramas where they frame food to look appetizing or just ?? fucking NORMAL. to compare to alice in borderland, they only had a few instances where they showed food because they didn't have to use it to give you an uneasy feeling. The first time it's shown, is when Arisu gets into a car and sees rotten vegetables, but it was important to the plot and world building to show you that in this alternate reality, time moves different so the vegetables have rotted. The food was rotten and looking disgusting yes, but it was never meant to be eaten, arisu was never going to eat it. it was for world building. the second time is when ari, chota, karube, and shibuki are all eating dinner together. they showed canned food because that's what wouldn't have rotted by now. they werent being gross about it they were just eating and talking about their theories. just people eating. and i love it. the third and last one ill mention is when Usagi cooked arisu some food because they hadn't eaten for days and needed to. you didnt even see them eat on screen but usagi had a whole thing of "your body is telling you that you're hungry, your body wants you to live." also the food that she cooked looked good! it looked comforting! idk maybe my ED makes me very cynical about how shows and movies frame food because i dont like it when they frame it as disgusting.
anyway this is getting long! the visual aspects of it are stupid, the game sets look stupid, the color correcting is bad, the camera angles are boring and lu's film degree has bestowed upon me the knowledge of "it has no point of view and every shot is the most obvious one", next! the blood looks boring and the physics of it are inconsistent. blood can be inaccurate and i'll still love it, but they were boring with it and it looked bad. next- the fact that apparently the pretty girl pickpocketed main character in .2 seconds when she didnt even see him coming so she wasnt prepared enrages me, next- episode two is so fucking boring i couldn't even tell you what happened in it. next- the way they revealed the money in the piggybank was boring. next- the black and white scene in the beginning explaining the squid game was stupid and annoying. next- the plot of deadly games is my favorite plot of all time and yet i dislike this show. they fucked up. and finally, the stairs they had that is an art reference is stupid lol there wasn't any need for that and they should've done it in black and white like the original art so the teal color and the people would stand out but it's too fucking busy with the multiple bright colors. not everything has to be bright and saturated, netflix calm down.
oh also, this feels very much like a typical netflix original. i call it netflix original-y. very basic and boring.
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
|Breakdowns & Bugatti’s| M|
     *****  Headcanon’s for my OT7 AU*****
Genre: Rich Kid AU/ Drama/ Suspense/ Smut/ Angst
AU SUMMARY : The story of 8 heirs, who also happen to be the children of some of the most powerful, and well known political figures in The Big Apple! This is a candid look at all of the sex, lies, drama, scandals, couture and boujee affairs that are caught both on, but more importantly off camera!
OR: Gossip girl meet’s HTGAWM? Essentially if GG was on HBO, darker, and had more depth within it’s plot! Which is no shade, I love me some Gossip Girl, but realistically looking back a lot of the “Drama” wasn’t that...deep lol! But we still loved it all the same!
Note:  The first chapter is called “The Kim’s of New York” So these headcanon’s are solely the Kim boys & the OC! ALSO, I just tried to find the most discrete gif for the Y/N there is NO ethnicity for ANY of my OC’s! Also, it’s set to be a OT7 intertwined plot but the smut with the OC will prob only be 3/4 members deep!
***The sneak peek for part 1 which is Namjoon X Reader will be linked***
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Name: Namjoon Kim
Age: 21 Birth place: New York, New York
Current Residence: West Village, New York/ Songpa-Gu, Seoul Korea
Profession: Heir, College student, Entrepreneur, Art lover, Smartass, Heartbreaker (Closet fuck boi) 
College: NYU (Incoming Junior)
Degree: Aiming for a Master’s in Journalism & Political communication. Endgame :Political Journalism
Preferred Degree: Opinion, Trade, or Art Journalism, or a Museum Curator   (Namjoon actually anonymously runs a pretty popular art based travel blog)Namjoon also dabbles in that Soundcloud life making beats under an undisclosed name...however that’s just a hobby....so he says...
Business Type:....Co-owner/founder of an exclusive, invite only, dating service....do with that information what you will!
(Bonus Question ) Licensed Business?: LMAO….sure
Net Worth : 10 Figures
Dating Status : Closet Fuck Boi! Wait, is that not an option? Okay fine. He’s single...ish…Kinda? Well to be fair it depends on the time of day honestly! Is it a Sunday? Are we going to Brunch at Society Café? Or, is it Friday night and he’s going to the “Press Lounge”? More importantly is it election season and and does his father need him to not look like a hoe!? This is all crucial information, I need meticulousdetails honestly! So for the time being I guess I’ll have to pass on the question!
Aesthetic : Tom Ford X Hugo Boss X Valentino X Dior X Tommy Hilfiger = Couture Business Casual! I.E Namjoon always looks like he’s going to some business meeting with Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos! Even if it’s like...noon on a Saturday and your going on a day trip to Nappa...He’s still in calfskin loafers and a disrespectfully tight button up. Namjoon’s giving like...hot college professor PornHub realness...Yup His whole “Scholar Student” Aesthetic is a whole ass kink and baby boy knows it! 
Political Tie: Father, Joshua Kim, New York Senator
Parents : Father : Joshua Kim, (New York Senator, son of Billionaire tech Tycoon Sang Woo Kim) Mother: Christine Kim : Luxury Event planner
Siblings : Only child
Political Party: Democratic
Actual Political Party: Liberal Daily : Matte Black Porsche 911/ Satin Red Ferrari 458/ Bugatti Veyron Matte red
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Name: Seokjin Kim (Jin Kim)
Age: 23
Birth place: London, England
Current Residence: Upper Eastside, New York/ Chelsea London
Profession: Existing, Retired Editorial Model, Entrepreneur, Occasional influencer (When he feels like it) IE, the influencer that never really asked for the titile...he’s just rich and living his life! I mean let’s be real who isn't curious to see how the -1% lives?!
College: University of Oxford
Degree: Maybe he has a Master’s in Business...maybe he dropped out!
Preferred Degree: Culinary Arts...or honestly...just chillin...maybe eventually open his own modeling firm or something down the line!
Business Type:....Jin casually runs high stakes poker matches...and that’s all you need to know for right now….
(Bonus Question ) Licensed Business?:...Again...that’s all you need to know right now…
Net Worth : 10 Figures
Dating Status : Single, and not in the mood to entertain….unless you’ll like...walk yourself out after then maybe...Oh also it’s a requirement that you’re aware there’s more luxury brands than Gucci and Louis Vuitton. Show up in anything straight monogram and Jin’s going flaccid on command!
Aesthetic : Chanel  X  Dior X Cavalli X Dolce X Fendi  = On Duty Runway Model! It truly doesn’t matter if he’s going to brunch, the movies, or sitting front row at Galliano! Jin always looks like he should be front row at Galliano! Whilst also effortlessly looking 10x’S pretter than half of the bitches in Manhattan even on his worst day! Androgyny at its finest, well Jin and Judge Parks son are kinda tied in that department!
Political Tie: Father, David Kim, Mayor’s Chief of Staff/ “Ghost” press secretary
Parents : Father : David Kim, (Retired Corporate Attorney, son of Billionaire Oil Tycoon Hyun-Son Kim) Mother: Lisa Kim, Co- owner of Hotel Shailla, daughter of Michael Lee, Millionaire Entrepreneur )
Siblings : Taehyung Kim (20), Hae Jin Kim (29) Deceased...( Allegedly)  
Political Party: Democratic
Actual Political Party: Honestly, Jin could give less than a damn
Daily : Matte Pink Aston Martin One, White Bugatti Chiron
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Name: Taehyung Kim (Tae Kim)
Age: 20
Birth place: Rome, Italy
Current Residence: Cobble Hill, New York/ Pairs, France (When he’s not in school...or just on the weekends)
Profession: College student, Painter, Podcast Host, unwarranted fashion critique/ Stylist! Tae lowkey thinks his IG feed is the reprise of “Fashion  Police” Joan Rivers bless rest her soul..she would’ve loved him!
College: Bernard (Sophomore)
Degree:  Fine Arts (Painting/ Sculpture)
Preferred Degree: Exactly...what he’s doing...he enrolled at NYU for business. Lasted all of like...5 months before he dropped out!
Business Type:....Tae run’s a very...controversial late night Podcast  appropriately titled “Tae unfiltered”! It wasn’t supposed to be a job, lord knows he doesn't need one...However due to the steady increase in his audience the youngest Kim is on track to ending up on Forbes without his inheritance.
(Bonus Question ) Licensed Business?:...Yup!
Net Worth: 10 Figures
Dating Status : Single, and more than ready to mingle, Tae essentially had the same girlfriend all throughout high school! The pair broke up maybe 7 months ago when she opted to go to college in London. So let’s just say he has a lot of making up to do and he’s very much….open to new experiences…
Aesthetic : Guicci  X  Gucci X Gucci X  Gucci X Gucci = Gucci!? Nah, actually Tae, is fond of anything that doesn't...blend in...so Moschino, GCDS, Vetements, Kenzo, Balmain= If it lowkey looks like it could've been homemade...but it cost like bare minimum 4k! Or he just highkey looks exactly like you’d expect, like a very rich, art student who loves funky. abstract, unethical, clothing! Is he going to Coachella or to the farmers market? We may never know but that’s fine! He’s also young, and well aware that he’s fine as fuck, and that’s a whole ass problem! Tae may not have a ton of experience but he’s far from shy and more than down to learn...
Political Tie: Father, David Kim, Mayor’s Chief of Staff (Ghost press secretary)
Parents : Father : David Kim, (Retired Corporate Attorney, son of Billionaire Oil Tycoon Sang Tae Won Kim) Mother: Lisa Kim, Co- owner of Hotel Shailla, daughter of Michael Lee, Millionaire, Entrepreneur )
Siblings : Seokjin Kim (23), Hae Jin Kim (29) Deceased ( Allegedly)
Political Party: Democratic
Actual Political Party: Liberal AFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Daily : Lime Green Lamborghini Huracan/ Matte Grey Ferrari F60
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Name: Yn/Ln
Age: 21
Birth Place: Paris, France
Current Residence: Upper East Side, New York/ Dubai
Profession:...Taking pictures, of both herself and other people, ugh...looking attractive? Does that count? Oh being well dressed...Self taught photographer, Fashion Blogger, Creative Director,Entrepreneur...
College: N/A ...Possible freshman at NYU or Bernard or, FIT for Photography & or Fashion
Degree: N/A... IF, she went it would be for Fine Arts/ Fashion degree for Creative Direction
Preferred Degree: Honestly, none, she lives and breathes fashion and due to her lifestyle Y/n already has the type of connections that up and coming photographers would die for! BUT...said college degree would shut her father up...so it’s a possibility! However, it’s not like he considers photography or being a fashion influencer a real job anyway...sooo she mideswell just not even bother!
Business Type:....Existing? Her main job is essentially...breathing...and occasionally taking pictures of other people! Oh, and herself as well, she get’s paid to post daily content! She runs a website called “MyJobIsToBeWellDressed” Co-owner of an exclusive invite only dating service!
(Bonus Question ) Licensed Business?: Yes and...(lmao)...for the first part, where her blog and all of that is concerned, yes...she’s 1099 the full nine! The other job however...................mmm... next question?
Net Worth: 10 Figures
Dating Status :YOLO
Aesthetic : 90’s Couture meet’s “House of Yes” @ 3 AM ( Back when luxury brands weren’t afraid to have fun and be a little risque)  Chanel X Versace X Dolce X Prada X Gucci X Galliano = Well kept sugar baby??? Or every time you see her your literally like “Dude where the fuck are you even going!!??” Baby girl is always overdressed, she showed up to go on a doggy date through central park with Yoongi and Holly in 7 inch Louboutin’s sooo..we love that! Owns literally every vintage 90′s runway archive you can think of...If you’ve gagged over it on Pinterest it’s in Y/n’s closet. She’s smooth as all fuck...that’s for damn sure, radiating the perfect blend of BD and WAP energy....she’s a bad bitch and she knows it! Fuck the entire upper Eastside knows it!
Political Tie: Father, Christopher L/N, New York Senator
Parents: Father : Christopher L/N, (New York Senator, son of Billionaire Automotive Tycoon/ Real Estate Mogul Gregory L/N/ ) Mother: Ashley L/N, (luxury) Interior Designer & Daughter of Hotel Mogul Michael L/N
Siblings: Only child...maybe
Political Party: Democratic
Actual Political Party: Liberal
Daily : Matte Black Bugatti Divo / Satin Purple Lamborghini Murcielago/ Any car that any of her friends are driving because...fuck that, ridding shotty all day!
There they are!!
The sneak peek is linked below...part 1 is Namjoon X Reader
However Jin and Tae are briefly introduced...and they will eventually have induvial chapters as well!
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inky-duchess · 5 years
History Bites: Bad Ass Moments (Women)
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In History Bites, I pick the best moments of history and the antics historical figures in order to give you inspiration for your WIP. Think of History Bites like prompts, only juicer and 90% accurate (results may vary).
Today, we will discuss the bad ass moments of history (women). This post may have a part two. Let's get to it.
Arsinoë IV was the younger sister of Cleopatra. During the civil war between her elder sister and brother who were meant to be jointly ruling, Caesar besieged Alexandria on behalf of Cleopatra, taking the royal family hostage within the palace. In the confusion after the Library of Alexandria was accidentally burned down (I mean Caesar, I love you but you're fucking dick for burning the library), Arsinoë escaped the palace and took command of the Egyptian army. Under her control, the army enjoyed success even trapping Caesar as he tried to take the Lighthouse of Alexandria. This was an important symbol to the city as well as a masterful weapon, whoever controlled the Lighthouse controlled the harbour. To escape, Caesar had to swim across the bay throwing off his great purple cloak and fine armour, holding up his important papers as he limped back to dry land, defeated by a 15-18 year old girl.
Katherine of Aragon handed Scotland its biggest defeat in history. She led troops at Flodden, winning a battle where the Scottish King died. When she wrote to Henry as well as sending him the Scottish king's coat and banners, she mentioned that she had wanted to send the body of the king but the nobles were being pussies and said no. It may have been the shadiest letter of all the Tudor period.
Artemisia Gentileschi was one of art and history's all time bad asses. She was a skilled painter at a time when women were not permitted to attend art schools. She surpassed her father's own works and some of his other students. At 18, she was raped by another artist. In a time far behind today's understanding of rape and justice, Artemisia took a great risk in publicly accusing her rapist. She underwent numerous tortures so the judges could be sure she was telling the truth. The rapist was convicted (a major win). Artemisia went on to become one of the Baroque period's most powerful painters.
Marguerite de Bressieux was a 15th century noblewoman in France. When her father's castle fell to the armies of the Prince of Orange, Marguerite and the other women of the castle were all sexually assaulted. As the French army passed through the devastated lands, they came by a group of twelve knights armoured and mounted, bearing a black banner with an orange pierced by a spear. The commander revealed their face... it was Marguerite. She asked to join the French King's forces and he allowed her though he was quite taken aback. At the Battle of Autun, each of the female knights and Marguerite hunted down the Prince of Orange's men, unmasking their faces before they killed their rapists so they would know just had come.
Harriet Tubman was an American slave who ran the Underground Railway, ferrying slaves off to freedom. After escaping herself, Harriet refused to leave others behind. Known as Moses, Harriet risked life and limb to free slaves from the plantations. During the Civil War, she worked for the Union first as a cook then as scout and spy. Over her life, Tubman released over 300 slaves.
Countess Constance Markievicz was the first woman to be elected to a British Parliament ... while imprisoned for her art in the numerous acts of rebellion in the last years of English rule. Markievicz was one of the figureheads for Irish freedom, even acting as a sniper during the 1916 Easter Rising. When the rising was over, she was imprisoned but not executed (being a woman and a high status woman) which made her angry. She believed that the fight for Irish freedom was not just a male one. Her advice to women and girls of the time was "Dress suitably in short skirts and strong boots, leave your jewels in the bank, and buy a revolver"
Grace/Grainne O'Malley, the Pirate Queen of Ireland was one of the Lords of the West of Ireland. On her father's death, she inherited his lands and fleets as his heir, turning her into one of the most powerful lords of the west. She fought in the Nine Years War, becoming a thorn in the side of the "Governor" Richard Bingham. When her sons and half brother were captured and threatened, Grainne turned her sails to London to speak with Elizabeth I. Grainne did not bow to Elizabeth and began hammering out the terms of a peace. Bingham was fired, her sons and brother were released on the terms that Grainne would stop supporting Gaelic uprisings. Grainne didn't.
Jeanne de Clisson or the Lioness of Brittany, was a 14th century noblewoman. Her husband was imprisoned by the French King who suspected him of being a spy who had lost a battle on purpose. He was executed. Jeanne went immediately to the fort her husband had commanded. The garrison let her in. Jeanne's army took the fort. By the time the French King heard, Jeanne was gone. After a treacherous crossing over the Channel where she lost at least one child, Jeanne resurfaced in England. The English king granted her three ships which she used to wage war on France in revenge.
Ching Shih was a Chinese pirate queen, formerly a prostitute. When her husband died, she took over his fleet of ships. Ching Shih went about on tightening the reigns on her sailors. They could not rape captives, if they did they were beheaded. If they wanted to have one of the women, a sailor had to marry her and treat her right. To disobey a superior twice was death. As she got the fleet into shipshape, Ching Shih began her reign of the seas amassing millions. The government fought her a few times but soon gave up their war, paying Ching Shih to go away. She retired as a respected millionaire.
Osh-Tisch or "Finds Them and Kills Them” was a Native American warrior. She had been born male but chose to live as a woman also known as a baté, a person which two souls in their body. Osh-Tisch took up arms along with the other batés when her tribe went to war with the Lakota, winning the war. As missionaries came to to stick their noses in where they weren't wanted, Osh-Tisch and the other batés were subject to horrific abuse. Batés were forced to dress and act as their assigned gender by the dickheaded missionaries. Osh-Tisch disregarded the missionaries and continued to work with batés across America in order to support one another.
Harriet Tubman escaped from slavery in the years preceding the Civil War. Harriet refused to leave others behind and returned about nineteen times to volatile south to rescue slaves, under the name Moses. During the war, Harriet served as cook, nurse and spy for the Union. Harriet saved over 300 slaves.
Matilda, Lady of the English once escaped a besieged castle. How did she do this? She walked out of the gates and left. She was wearing a white cloak which camouflaged her against the snow. She walked eight miles in the snow to continue her fight for the crown.
Cleopatra VII (that Cleopatra) was once summoned to Tarsos go meet the new Governor of the Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire, Mark Antony who wanted to borrow some money. They negotiated back and forth on who should come to who. Cleopatra refused to go... but then showed up in Tarsos on luxurious barge. While feasting with Antony at his expense, Cleopatra claimed that she could host the more expensive meal. She dropped a pearl earring into her wine, where it dissolved and downed it like a queen.
Caterina Sforza was an Italian noble woman in the Renaissance period and you could literally not find a bigger bad ass. She rode at the head of an army to occupy the great fortress of the Castel San Angelo in the name of her husband, while being seven months pregnant. At the siege of Ravaldino, Caterina and her children were prisoners of the treacherous Orsis family who had killed her husband. Caterina persuaded the commanders to let her enter the city to negotiate the surrender of the castle. One inside, she climbed the battles and cussed out the besiegers. Utterly stunned, one commander threatened to kill her children but Caterina lifted her skirts and flashed them, claiming she could make more. OK, that may be a rumour. She may have touched her belly or claimed to be already pregnant but still it was a moment. It ended up buying her enough time for more forces to come and beat the army outside.
Catherine the Great born a minor German Princess overthrew her husband Peter III in a successful military coup. A few days before the original coup was going to commence, a co-conspirator let slip to another guard that it was happening. The man was arrested. When the news got to her, Catherine left the palace via carriage commandeering horses along the way. She went to the barracks of the Ismailovsky regiment dressed in burrowed military uniform and made an impassioned plea to the soldiers to earn their support which they gave her. She was crowned sole ruler of Russia and forced her husband to sign his crown away.
Khutulun, the great-grandaughter of Genghis Khan was badass from the beginning. She was the only girl in a family of boys and grew up to be the fiercest. Khutulun was a highly sought after bride. She didn't hate men but felt she shouldn't be married to somebody unequal to her. Every man who sought to wed her had to wrestle her or pay ten horses. She had ten thousand horses by the time she died.
Boudicca was the Queen of the Iceni, a Celtic tribe in England. Her husband, an ally of the Romans, left half his kingdom to Rome and the other half to his daughters. When he died, Rome took it all. When Boudicca spoke out against it, she was flogged and her daughters were raped. Boudicca decided that it was time for the Romans to fuck off and die. Raising a massive host, Boudicca burned three major Roman settlements down Londinium (London), Verulamium (St. Albans) and Camulodunum (Colchester). She was the greatest threat the Rome since...
Amanirenas, Queen of Kush was an African Queen who fought the Romans. Kush lay south to the new conquered Egypt, which meant it was next on Rome's agenda. Kush moved first. Though one-eyed, she was an able warrior who survived at least a dozen battles. Though the Romans burned the capital and took slaves, Amanirenas still fought on bringing Rome to its knees. Rome and Kush signed a peace treaty, preventing Rome from crossing the border ever again. Amanirenas's badass moment came thousands of years after when archeologists were digging up the tombs. Found under her the foot of statue, was the head of the Emperor Augustus.
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kikis-writing-world · 4 years
Where The Sky Touches The Sea [prologue]
A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts for over a month and I’ve been debating on posting it or not. Here goes nothing. Another series before I finish Whiskey Straight? Yep. I’m a bad person lol
Our lovey mermaid doesn’t make an appearance yet, but it sets the stage. It’s a prologue after all.
Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales x Mermaid!OC (eventually)
Word Count: 1.3k
Rating/Warnings: PG - Light mentions of PTSD/dealing with the aftermath of war, talk of superstitions. 
Summary: Frankie needs a change of scenery, a change of pace - it leads him to a lovely house on a (haunted?) lake
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When Frankie had seen the listing for the house, he was cautiously in love. Even from the listing he could see flaws, but that made it all the more appealing to him. He set up a viewing, anxiously awaiting the chance to see the house for himself. When the day finally came, he tried to lower his expectations. Had he worked himself up for disappointment, thinking of what seemed to be the perfect house for the past week? The entire drive out of the city, watching the buildings make way for more trees and greenery, he tried to talk himself down. It wouldn’t be as great as he thought it was.
But then it was.
The house was a small, rustic thing just under an hour’s drive from the city. Most would call it a cabin, but it was fully equipped to be a year-round home. There were other houses on the lake, but they were pretty far off from the property. The lake’s surrounding rockiness and cliffsides had left little area to build without a major demolition project. With the beauty of the area, he was lucky some millionaire hadn’t taken on that task.
It had an entire unfinished section, an addition of an extra bedroom and en-suite that had been abandoned partway through by the previous owner when a family emergency took them out of state. There were other little upgrades he could do throughout as well. So far, three big check marks were on Frankie’s dream home list:
It was quiet. He was out of the city. No more fireworks - or worse, gunshots - waking him in the middle of the night, making him think he was back in combat. No loud neighbours or block parties disrupting the peace on days where he just wanted to be alone.
Secondly, he could work on the addition. Something that would put his hands to work and keep his mind busy on days he needed to just shut down. Even better, the lack of neighbors meant he could work on the house in the middle of the night when he couldn’t sleep. Once the addition was finished, it would tick off his third item: room for his daughter during the times he got to see her.
He didn’t mind the drive to and from the city, and the hangar he flew out of for work was on the outskirts of the city anyway. It wouldn’t be a long commute.
Frankie had always liked the outdoors, camping and fishing often in his youth. The lake a short walk from the backyard - by all technicalities of where the property line was, but really the lake and surrounding forest was his backyard - would provide him the chance to reconnect with those hobbies. The expansive land would give him space to get a dog, something he’d been considering for months but couldn’t justify living in the city.
The last and maybe the most important check mark on the list - he could afford it. He’d already gone to the bank to tally up his finances and find out what kind of loans he was eligible for. His military pension, his meager savings, plus his current piloting for the charter company, he had himself a decent little nest egg. He wasn’t rich by any means, but he knew he could afford to change his lifestyle in a way that his own mental health desperately needed.
He wanted the house within the first five minutes of the viewing but he stayed quiet as the agent showed him around. She pointed out the features, talking up the selling points, glossing over the issues as a “weekend project” or “quick fix.”
He thanked the real estate agent for her time, and put in his offer. Now he had to wait.
Frankie considered himself a patient man, his years of service had instilled that in him, but he still couldn’t help but to check his old flip phone several times a day. No missed calls. There was no way for him to miss a call anyway, he rarely took the phone from his pocket and he had the ringer to full volume.
“Alright, give it up, Fish. Who is she?” Santi demanded. They were out for dinner and drinks and he had caught the pilot checking his phone for the third time in 20 minutes.
“Who is who?” Frankie answered with his own question.
“Don’t play dumb,” Santi laughed. “Who’s the girl that has you checking your phone like some teenager?”
“Oh, uh, actually… she’s a real estate agent.” Frankie admitted.
“Where’d you meet her?”
“No, it’s not- I put an offer on a house.” Frankie corrected his friend’s assumptions.
“You did? That’s big news, hermano! Why didn’t you tell me?” Santi seemed happy for him, despite it being kept from him. He knew Frankie was interested in moving - the house he was in right now was too big, too loud and too quiet at the same time. The noisy suburbs, big enough for his little family to grow. Now though, it was just a reminder of that broken family.
“I don’t know if I’ll get it.” Frankie brushed it off, “I don’t wanna get ahead of myself.”
“Where’s it at?”
“It’s out on Goldfinch Lake.”
Santi sputtered, nearly choking on his beer. “Goldfinch Lake? Isn’t that place supposed to be haunted or something?”
“You can’t tell me you believe that shit.” Frankie scoffed. “That’s campfire story bullshit.”
“I dunno man. Mi abuela always followed those superstitions-”
“It’s a house on a lake, man.” Frankie argued. “It’s nothing.”
“Yeah well, put some pennies under the carpet or something before you move in.” Santi visibly shivered.
“We’ve literally been to war together. You’re scared of a haunted lake and think pennies are gonna fix it?” He shook his head in disbelief.
“You’re right. I’m gonna call Tia Maria Carmen later and get some advice for you. She knows this kind of stuff.”
Thankfully their food arrived, stalling the conversation in favor of eating. He knew Santiago meant well, but he had to take it one step at a time. First, get the house.
Frankie climbed out of the moving van, looking over the- his property. He took a deep breath of the fresh air, hearing the rustle of the wind in the trees and the crunching of the gravel driveway under his feet and the tires of his friends parking beside him. It was his house, soon it would be his home.
“Nice digs, Fish.” Benny praised as he climbed out of his truck, taking in the property.
“Not bad.” Will agreed with a nod.
“Nobody go in yet!” Santi yelled as he scurried out of his car. The other three men stopped to look at him, watching as he dug through his backseat.
“Dios,” Frankie mumbled under his breath, rubbing his forehead. He fixed his hat as he called over to the man “what are you going to do to my house?!”
Santiago popped up out of the car, a coconut in one hand and a small bundle of sage in the other. Will and Benny looked to each other in confusion, turning to Frankie for a hint to what was going on.
“You’re kidding.” Frankie deadpanned.
“Tia Maria Carmen said this is the best way to bless the house,” Santi explained, ignoring the stares he was getting from his friends. “If any of those rumors of this lake being haunted are true, you’re going to need it.”
“He’s not making cocktails, is he?” Benny asked, still confused.
“I doubt it.” Will supplied.
“Unlock the door for me. You guys can start unloading the truck while I kick around the coconut.” Santi instructed. “Don’t take anything inside until I’m done, though.”
“Is he serious?” Will questioned. Frankie just sighed and unlocked the front door.
The men watched as Santi lit the sage and began kicking the coconut into the house. Benny laughed, taking out his phone to take pictures.
“I can’t believe we’ve been to war with that man.” Will muttered, pinching his nose. He sighed and turned to Frankie, who was resigned to it all. “Welcome home?”
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Top 10 Female Characters
Rules: Name your top 10 favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people.
Tagged by @pchberrytea​, with many thanks!
Okay, this is going to be good. Let’s see here... this is not and could never be an exhaustive list, but here are ten of my faves off the top of my head. (Warning, may contain *spoilers* for their respective franchises.)
1. Commander Susan Ivanova (Babylon 5)
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Second-in-command of the Babylon 5 station. Suffers no fools whatsoever, especially not gladly. Proudly Jewish, Russian and bi. I love everything about her, not least the fact that she’s played by the gorgeous and talented Claudia Christian. Perennial fave of mine. Needs more GIFs of her, there are never enough.
2. Judge Cassandra Anderson (Dredd)
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Played by the magnificent Olivia Thirlby, newbie Judge Cassandra Anderson demonstrates to her badass boss that you can be strong, capable and compassionate and that there is no true justice without mercy. Reads minds, kicks ass, passes the Bechdel Test. Even capable of rescuing herself. What more could you ask for?
3. Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)
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My zombie-killing heart belongs to Jill Valentine. She was the star of one of my very first favorite games and I just adore her. Strong, smart, just, compassionate and lovely in every way. I will incidentally ship her and Carlos for all eternity (Chris Redfield who?)
4. Morticia Addams
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Bewitchingly beautiful, morbidly lovely, full of style and grace. Adored and worshipped by her husband, Morticia is a woman of many talents. She fences, paints, writes, plays the violin, tends to a conservatory of carnivorous plants, makes black the new black, harnesses the forces of darkness, crushes the whole “being a mom” thing, and dances like nothing you’ve ever seen. 100% iconic.
5. Ellen Ripley (Alien, Aliens et al)
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World’s best space mom and cat-lover. Wasn’t trained for any of this, but since nobody else was capable of saving the day, she stepped up and made the Alien Queen her bitch. Interplanetary problem? Call Ripley. She’ll kill it with fire. (The franchise did her wrong and we all know it, but she will always be the best.)
6. Rose DeWitt Bukater (Titanic)
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A bit of a spoiled brat, I know, but my favorite poor little rich girl was born into an incredibly restrictive lifestyle that she never asked for, or wanted. The hell with table manners and tea parties and privilege - Rose wanted to be free to ride horses, fly planes, and do whatever the hell she pleased, instead of being married off to a jerk-ass millionaire against her wishes to save her mother’s sinking social status. Ironically, the only person for whom traveling on the Titanic was a literal lifeline. Faking her death and starting over so she could live the life she actually wanted is just #goals. (And so, incidentally, is her wardrobe.)
7. Empress Emily Kaldwin (Dishonored)
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Empress, assassin, heir to her mother’s throne, and the product of a doomed love affair - Emily is a fascinating young woman, passionate in every way, trying to walk the line between the call of duty and the lure of adventure. Although I usually play as Corvo, who is Getting Way Too Old For This Shit, I love a good playthrough of Dishonored 2 and seeing all the cool stuff that our favorite Lord Protector taught his badass not-so-secret daughter to do in defense of the realm - and herself. We learn along with Emily that her caring and dutiful mother had something of a wild, romantic streak (she hated her own iconic hairdo because she preferred having her hair loose and flowing, and would much rather have been off in a rowboat for a picnic with her beloved bodyguard than sitting through tedious matters of state), and as we get a good look at the young woman who now has to fight for control of her own damn Empire, we can kind of see where she got that passionate, rebellious streak from.
8. Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire)
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So you thought Sansa was a spoiled princess who only cared about dresses and sewing and boys? Well, she was at first. Unfortunately she was in for a very rude awakening, and since she isn’t a trained killer like her little sister, Sansa is forced to make etiquette her armor and play politics in order to survive. She endures (amongst other things) forced marriage, political imprisonment, the deaths of most of her family and friends, her own aunt attempting to murder her, a fucking zombie apocalypse in her own back yard, and having to put up with some very creepy bullshit from an older guy who had a crush on her mom (eww). Frankly, giving her a kingdom of her own to rule after all that was the least they could do. Long live the Queen in the North.
9. Edith Pelham (née Crawley), Marchioness of Hexham (Downton Abbey)
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Poor Edith! She’s always getting kicked around by her big sister, ignored or taken for granted by her parents, and being disappointed by suitors, who have an unfortunate habit of dying, running away, already being married - and in at least one instance, all three. Fortunately, she learns how to hold her own in the high society “scandal and quiet female rebellion” stakes. Over the course of the series, she eventually finds her own voice and vocation, and ends up bagging the best husband of them all... and she was cemented as my forever-fave when she finally snapped and told Mary what she really thought of her. Good for you, Edith.
10. Mothra (Mothra, Mothra vs. Godzilla, Godzilla vs. Mothra, Rebirth of Mothra trilogy, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, et al)
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No list of my favorite female characters would be complete without the Queen of the Monsters! Sometimes she’s on Godzilla’s team, and sometimes she has to show him who’s boss, but no matter how and where she appears, Mothra never fails to steal the show. A literal goddess. Last on this list only because she’s 10/10.
Tagging: @avaleon​​, @itsmesaberaltered​​, @falsenostalgia-sundries​​, @ladynyxeris​​, ​@tess-etc​​, @solesurvivorkat​​, @scorpio-skies​​​, @pchberrytea​, @theartofblossoming​ and @sharonaw​​​!
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Title: Love, Maybe? {26}
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Chris Evans X Reader OFC Vixen Giovanni
Warning: Cursing, Plot, Slow, Smoldering, Torturous Burn 😊
Word Count: 5K
Summary: After a night of drunkenness you wake up next to warm, hot as hell body, a migraine and no memory of the night before. When you come to realize that the hot body belongs to none other than Hollywood’s golden boy Chris Evans you freak out. As events unfold you become even more panicked to find out you got married in your drunken haze. What else is there to do but get it annulled, right? Before walking away, you share one more night of molten kisses and passion. Three years later you are still living with the repercussions of your brash decisions, but the surprises don’t stop there. The past has a way of coming back and have you questioning is this fate that you’ve been running from, hell could it have been love, maybe?
Note: Italic texts is an inner Vixen thought. Bold Italic texts is an inner Chris thought.
**Slightly Edited/Proofread**
Thank you guys for reading!!!! If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. 😊 ❤️  ❤️ ❤️
Chapter 26: Admittance Is The First Step
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  “What! She calls him da-da now?”
  You snorted at Nex as you continued going through the checklist and catalogs you were flipping through.
   “Vix, she said I see da-da and doder tomorrow. My jaw dropped, and I almost said the most disgusting curse word.”
   “Which one?”
   “Motherfucker.” You laughed loud, unable to keep it in any longer.
   “It’s not funny, Vix. I literally said mother lover what now.” You laughed louder; this was classic Nexus. When Ella came around she had the hardest time curbing that outspokenness, then when Ella started repeating she had to control it quick. She still had slip-ups though, and when she did they were hilarious.
“Then mom heard, and she got on my ass. God, how long is she staying?” Pinching your lips, you shrugged.
 It had been almost a week since your parents had been in town, and each day they looked like they got more and more comfortable. Ella loved them being there and them being there afforded you to work a little more while letting Nex have her freedom. Freedom she seemed to love, she was barely at home anymore, and you knew without a doubt she was with Anthony. Ever since his declaration the two of them were closer than ever, and you were over the moon for her. You also found it fascinating. Two people just met, hit it off, disagreed, fixed it, got their shit together and became a couple in less time than it took to grow out a perm. It said volumes about you, and you were desperately trying to turn it down.
   “God only knows. It can’t be soon enough because these dinners at Chris’ need to stop.” You whined out while flipping through the catalog. You were trying to make firm decisions on the décor of the restaurant. Tomorrow was the last day to submit everything so there would be no possible chance of a fuck up.
  “What’s wrong with dinners at Chris’? Isn’t he a multi-millionaire with a house worth millions that has like ten bedrooms and twelve bathrooms and an Olympic sized pool?” You rolled your eyes at Nexus.
   “That’s a bit excessive. It’s a modest five beds and eight baths, with an envious sized pool, an amazing kitchen, modernly and traditionally decorated and completely fitting for a bachelor.”
   “So, what’s the problem?”
  Realizing you weren’t going to get anything completed, you slammed the catalog shut to reveal a separate one. One that had party planning resources, you were also in the midst of planning Ella’s second birthday party. You had too much on your plate. Rubbing your forehead, you proceeded to tell her about the last three dinners at Chris’ house. You told her about the memories, how it was being smacked in the face by being in the same place Ella was made.
  Of course, Nexus laughed her ass off, which you expected she took joy in your pain and frustrations. After she thoroughly indulged in her laugh, she was empathetic. She listened to all your frustrations until you’d relieved yourself of everything that had been weighing you down since seeing him that fateful day outside his set. Once you were finished you felt a lot better—calmer.
   “Wow. That’s a lot, Vix.”
   “Tell me about it.” You took your coffee and took another mouthful of the semi-hot liquid. This was your fourth cup, and they all had an extra turbo shot. Nex took your cup and tossed it in the garbage can.
   “I think this is part of the problem of why you’re so wound up. No more coffee for the day.”
   “I’m so tired; I don’t sleep. I toss and turn all night and have wet dreams Nex; I need that coffee!” She looked at you as if you were some crack addict. You took a deep breath and slowly let it out.
   “Girl, you need more than a breath. The other part of the problem is you really, really, really wanna ride your baby daddy raw.”
   “Nex!” She laughed again, gripping her belly. Rolling your eyes, you got up and walked around the space of your restaurant and pretended to busy yourself with assessing the area.
   “Okay, okay, okay, I’m sorry. Eh-em, I’m done messing with you.  I know it’s not easy suppressing your sexual urges for someone you have imagined doing every dirty, filthy imaginable sex act to.” She had a faraway look on her face, and you knew she was talking about her and Anthony. Your face curved up in disgust.
  “Ew! I’m gonna be sick. Don’t confuse you and me now.” Nexus gave you that “bullshit” face, and you kissed your teeth turning your back to her.
   “The first step is admittance, Vix. You know this. You have to say the words.”
   Shaking your head, you walked away to another side of the restaurant. Nex was not having it with your avoidance, and she followed then stood beside you. “It’s the hardest part I know, but once you say the words out loud it’ll be easier. Everything will be put into perspective. Come on.”
   You sighed, then groaned loudly. “What do you expect me to say?”
   “The truth. This won’t work if it’s a lie. These are your steps Vix, come on.”
  She was right. These were your steps. You came up with them as a way to help her and some of your friends when they were struggling with men, work, life, you name it, and it usually worked. Be that as it may, you were in no rush to be the one to use them. When you glanced at Nex, she gave you and impatient look. You knew you wouldn’t get any work done; your head simply wasn’t in it today. You walked away from her and back to your seat.
   “I wish this were Miami. I should have never come back to LA.” You dropped into your chair, crossed your arms, and pouted like a child.
   “Oh come on, it’s not all that bad. If this were Miami, Ella wouldn’t have met Chris, a man who genuinely seems like he wants to be a good dad to her. Now she has yet another person in the circle of those who love her and would kill for her.”  You groaned and rolled your eyes as your hands dropped. She was right. Chris was head over heels in love with Ella, it was obvious, and she was quickly getting equally attached.
  “See, your daughter is happy.”
   “But I’m miserable, Nex,” you whined.
   “Say the words.” She sat there patiently and waited. After clenching your jaw for a few moments, you let out a defeated sigh.
   “I’m still attracted to him.” Nex didn’t look pleased. She tilted her head as if to say go on.
   “You gotta be kidding me, Nex.”
  She crossed her arms and added the look your mother had perfected. You couldn’t help but laugh. “Please don’t give me that look. You look just like her.”
  “I know it’s uncanny isn’t it.” Nex laughed with you but quickly stopped and pasted the look right back on her face. You groaned and shook out your body as if to get rid of the feelings.
   “I may, kind of, maybe, sort of want to—have—a little bit of sex with Chris.”  You rushed out toward the end. Nexus laughed again then slapped your knee.
   “Shut up. What the hell is a little bit of sex? It’s either full-on rough, dirty, wash your mouth out with soap sex or tame, boring doggy style sex.”
   “Wait, since when was doggy style tame and boring?”
   Nexus laughed again. You were only partly serious, but the fact that she was laughing spoke volumes. Her and Anthony got down. “Maybe I just want the tip.” You both busted out laughing again. There was no way you could take any of this serious, but the laughing did help.
   “I’m sure the last time started with just the tip to, then there was Ella.” You rolled your eyes. It had never started with just the tip. It was all or nothing. You groaned, remembering the sinful acts you did to one another, not one time but several times over a few days.
   “Finish it!”
   “Fine, I want to have the filthiest sex imaginable with him. I’m talking against the wall, on the balcony railing over LA, the sex that leaves you parched because your throat is coated with him, aching in every crevice and opening, bruised in places you never knew you could get bruised and unsure where your panties are; in the house, the car or left in the bathroom of some restaurant you had to fuck in. I want to fuck my kid’s father on serious level!” Once you shouted the words out, your eyes were wide as a full moon, and you didn’t feel any better. Nexus looked shocked.
   “Wait, your throat is coated? Eww, Vix, that’s just nasty.” You laughed loud again and dropped back into the chair.
   “See, better right?”
   “No. It is not better, Nexus. How in the world do I reconcile these--.”
   “Urges. They are urges, not feelings,” you corrected. Nex rolled her eyes.
  “There is one way to reconcile them.” You stared at her waiting for her to continue. “Just do it!”
   She was the devil on your shoulder, the actual little fuck that told you to just indulge every whim and desire. She rarely ever played the voice of reason. All her advice centered around just doing whatever it was you were stressed about. Nexus’ motto was life is short, and since it’s short, I’m gonna do what I want for a long time. Yours, on the other hand, was life is short, and because it’s short let’s play it safe and prolong it for a long time. Similar but so very different.
   “You want to fuck him. He wants to fuck you. So just fuck. After you fuck you can figure the rest out. This sexual tension is way too intense. I don’t know how you’re getting any work done.
   “I’m barely getting work done.”
   “So you know he wants to fuck you,” Nexus accused.
   “Duh Nex. I know that.”
   “So put him out his misery, hell put yourself out your misery.”
   “There is a huge difference between wanting me and wanting me.” She took a deep breath, then sighed. She knew you were right.
  “He doesn’t want me. I know what it’s like for him to want to fuck me, been there, done that. We made a beautiful baby because of our want to fuck each other. I know how that ends.”
   You sat there quietly for several long moments. “You want him to want more than sex from you. You want him to like you, love you. Oh my god, Vix, you want to be with him, be with him.” You avoided her eyes as she spoke all the words you’d buried as deep as possible.  Before you knew it, tears were streaming down your cheeks. Nex came over to you and wrapped you in her arms. She didn't speak, and you were glad of it. You had no idea what else to say. Hearing the words out loud made you feel like such an idiot—a pathetic idiot.
   “Vix, tell him how you feel.” You snorted and dried your tears.
   “No, are you kidding. There is Ella now. We can’t just—we can’t do anything that’ll jeopardize her relationship with him. That would be so messy and unfair to her. I’ve already done so many things that are wrong. I don’t want to add to the list. Ella has to come first. ” Nex nodded. “Plus, there are no feelings remember. They’re urges.” Nex shook her head.
   “Hello!” You and Nex spun around to see your parents walking around with Ella in tow. You quickly dried any evidence of your breakdown, allowing Nex to be the one to greet them.
   “Mom, Dad, what are you doing here?”
   “Can’t we come down to see the progress? Are we barred?” Your mother’s exaggeration knew no bounds. You joined them and took Ella into your arms.
   “You are welcome, mom. Look around, tell me what you think.” Your father approached you and kissed your forehead, then joined your mother as they looked around.
   You gave them the tour of what would be where and how everything would look once set up, and as you walked around, you noted the look of pride on their faces. It felt good.
  “This is impressive, Vixen; I can’t wait for opening night,” your mother complimented. You looked at Nexus, who looked equally as impressed.
   “Thanks, mom.” She approached you and hugged you.
   “I know I’m hard on you, but it’s for a good reason. I just worry about you. Life is hard, and going through it alone makes it even harder. I just want you to have someone to share your successes with, share your fears, your pain. It’s not that I don’t think you’re capable of taking care of yourself. You’ve proven you can more than take care of yourself. I just want you to feel all of life’s true pleasures. Love is a major one.” She tapped your cheek, and you nodded.
   “I know mom.”
   “That’s what I like to see, my girls all getting along,” your dad chimed in. “Come on, group hug.”
  He closed in with his arms held out, encompassing you, your mother, and Nexus with Ella smushed in the middle.
   “Gwoop uug, yayyy!” Everyone laughed together; it was a sweet moment.
   “Hello? Vixen?” Everyone broke apart and looked in the direction of the voice. You knew who it belonged to, and panic began to bubble within you.
   “The door’s open. It’s me, Chris.”
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“Da-da!” Ella pushed through all of your legs and took off toward where his voice was coming from.
  “Da-da?” Your mother and father looked confused.
   “Da-da!” As Chris rounded the corner, Ella crashed into his legs.”
   “Uuuffh.” He looked down with a broad smile on his face, then he bent and lifted her with one arm. “Hi there princess. How are you?” Ella nodded as she held on around his neck.
   “Where doder?”
  Chris laughed at her pronunciation of Dodger’s name. “Uh, he is not with me right now. I promise though, you’ll see him soon.”
   “Otay.” For the first time, Chris looked up and into all your faces. Yours was a horrified one; Nexus was one that said “yikes,” and your parents were between confusion and caution.
   “Uh—hi,” Chris began. “Am I interrupting? I hope I’m not. I was in the neighborhood and thought to drop by and bring you some food because I knew you were probably in one of your workaholic comas.” His words slowed down toward the end. He looked at all four of you and then to Ella.
   “Paw-Paw, Maw-Maw wook, da-da. Tay hi.” You closed your eyes and braced for the category ten hurricane that was about to rip through the room.
   “Vixen Star Giovanni, what in the hell is going on here? Why is Captain America here talking as if he knows you? More importantly, why is Ella calling him da-da?” You opened your eyes and saw Chris who looked as if he understood. You could see the remorse in his face. He knew he’d just outed you.
  “Vixen, answer your mother!” You took a deep breath and tried to swallow past the lump in your throat. There was nothing else to do now than just tell them the truth.
   “Um, mom, dad. Well--.” You’d gone over how to break it to them in several ways. You thought about coming right out with it, or slowly easing into it, or even alluding to it, but now half the band aid was already off. You decided to rip the remainder off to put everyone out of their misery.
   “Captain America is here because I know him. Damn it, I mean Chris is here; this is Chris, and I know him. He is Ella’s fa—ther.” Your parents looked at each other and then back to you.
   “You said you didn’t know who the father was,” your mother blurted out.
   “I didn’t say that. I simply just—alluded to it. you assumed, and I—let you.”
   “You lied to us, pumpernickel.” You cringed, he had to use your childhood nickname, it was like adding salt to the wound.
   “Um, well—I wouldn’t say it was a--.” You looked at their faces and saw they’d had it with your half-truths and alluding. You nodded.
   “I did. I’m sorry.”
   The silence in the room was palpable. “And where were you this whole time, young man? Do you have any idea how much you’ve missed? How could you abandon my daughter like that?”
   Your father stepped to Chris prepared to defend your honor. You rushed between them. “Dad, stop, please. He didn’t know.”
   “What do you mean he didn’t know?” You took one final breath to gain some courage.
   “He didn’t know. I never told him. he just found out a little while ago.” Your father’s eyes fell to yours, and you could see the disappointment, and it crushed you.
   “So you mean to tell me, you go to Vegas with your sister and get pregnant, then hide and lie about it for years?” Your mother's summary was sufficient. It really got down to the nitty-gritty of the situation. You nodded.
   “So you have a child with Captain America no less.”
  “His name is Chris, mom.”
   “Vixen, why didn’t you come to me. You tell me everything. I would have understood.”
   “Dad, I didn’t even understand. I—I was ashamed, I was hurt. I—it was easier to just push it away and pretend like it never happened, and I guess I did too good a job of it,” you candidly explained.
   “Did he hurt you? Did you hurt her?” You put your hand on your father’s chest to keep him back.
   “Dad, it doesn’t matter anymore. He is Ella’s father. I’m sorry I lied, I’m sorry you found out this way. I have been trying to tell you since you got here. It’s kind of harder to disappoint my parents than I thought.”
   Your father hugged you, and you did your best to hold tight to your emotions. “We’re not disappointed. You could never disappoint us.” Your mother approached your side and touched your shoulder.
   “Don’t be dramatic, Vixen. We’re shocked, that’s all. Shocked, but we still love you the same.”
   You dabbed at your eyes. “I mean he’s Captain America, much better than what we imagined. We imagined some struggling DJ by night and bartender by day. You did good.” You snorted, her timing was impeccable as always.
   “No cwy mama.” You sniffled and wiped your tears and turned to Ella with a wide smile on your face.
   “Mama’s not crying, see.” She reached for you, and you walked over to take her. From the peak you took, Chris looked not only frozen but in pain. Your father approached him again and held out his hand.
   “Carmine Giovanni.” Chris nodded and quickly took your father’s hand shaking it.
   “Chris Evans, sir.”
   “Nice to officially meet you. I’m sorry about before.”
   “No worries, sir, it’s understandable.” They nodded, and your mother approached.
   “My wife, Soleen.” Chris took her hand and shook it as well.
   “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”
   “So well mannered. It’s nice to meet you as well. I sure hope you brought enough for all of us,” she joked.
   “I don’t think so, but it’s nothing a delivery order can’t fix.”
   “Good, join us then.” Your mother looped her arm through Chris’ and led him further in to the only table in the place. You looked at Nexus, who widened her eyes at you as she approached.
 “That wasn't that bad.” You rolled your eyes and followed them.
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For the next fifteen minutes, the five of you; six, including Ella, sat through inquiries about Chris’ career. Their questions weren’t too bad, but you could imagine Chris felt awkward. Still, he answered anything they asked without so much as a hint in his voice to any agitation. When the food arrived you were thankful because you thought it would keep everyone's' mouths too busy for talking. You were proved wrong ten minutes into eating.
   “So, Chris seems things took a pretty quick and dramatic turn for you in the last few months,” your father tested.
   “Yes, sir, they did. I was not expecting any of this.”
   “Oh, so you wish you’d never found out, so things could have remained how they were for you?”
   Chris looked cautious as he studied your father. “Uh no, sir. That’s not what I meant. I’m glad I found out, glad that I know.”
   “Why? Are you planning on fighting my daughter for custody?”
   Everyone’s actions fell silent, and Chris looked at you. You avoided his eyes. “No, sir, I have no intention of fighting Vixen for custody. I don’t see a reason to do that. She’s—your daughter is a great mother to Ella, I’ve seen it, and I don’t want to change anything or upset any balance.”
   “So, what do you want?”
  “To be involved. I want to get to know her, her to get to know me, my family. I just want to be in her life.” The two men studied each other. You could feel the tension, and you wanted to step in, but you didn’t know what to say.
   “Carmine, reign in your testosterone, please. Chris, he means well. God blessed us with daughters, and because of it he is their pitbull, Ella’s included.
   “I understand, ma’am, and I get it. I wouldn’t expect anything less. You love them. I understand it a lot better today than I did six months ago. You’d do anything to protect them, same with me. I’d do anything to protect them.”
   Your heart lurched.
   “Did he mean me too?”
You looked over to Nex, who looked as if she also heard what he said. She was looking at you probably wondering the same thing
   “As long as we understand each other. Welcome to the family.” Chris smiled and nodded then looked to you. Your eyes met for a few moments before Ella drew your attention to her.
   Another uncomfortable hour passed, then your parents left with Ella in tow and Nexus trailing behind them. Her excuse was she had things to do, but you knew she was lying. As you closed the door behind them and locked it to make sure no more uninvited visitors came by you turned and walked back inside the restaurant to see Chris still sitting there. He was watching you with an intense contemplative look etched on his face. It was as if he were looking right through you. Clearing your throat, you stood behind one of the chairs.
   “Are you okay?” He didn’t answer; he just kept looking right through you. “Look, I’m sorry about my dad; he is super protective of Nex and me. I didn’t mean for him to--.” You trailed off realizing he still had yet to acknowledge anything you’d said.
   “Okay, then. Are you angry?” You saw the clench in his jaw, and your nerves rose.
   “Chris?” You nodded, taking that as your answer. “Okay, I get it. You have every right to be angry.” You turned away from him and walked to where you had the binders.
   “I’m sorry, I’m not angry. I was—lost in my own thoughts,” Chris said as he approached you.
   You studied his face unsure if he were telling the truth or not. He looked genuine, but the fact was you still didn’t know very much about him, certainly enough to know whether or not he was being truthful.
   “Okay.” You looked back to the binder that held the party planning details.
   “What’s all that?”
   “Ella’s second birthday party planning is in full effect. I didn’t plan on being in LA for it but either way she still deserves a party.”
   “Let me help. You look swamped. I’d be happy to take something off your plate.” That sounded nice; you couldn’t lie.
   “What are you good at?”
   Caught off guard, Chris stammered, then scoffed and smiled. “Um, well—wow never really been asked that before. I guess—talking.” You laughed loudly and pinched your lips.
   “You’ve literally been talking your entire life,” you joked. He nodded in agreement.
   “You’re right, I have. Guess that’s why I can’t seem to shut up.” You smiled again. “Except around you, you take all my words, leaving me speechless.” Caught off guard by that candid admission, you just stared at him.
   “That’s not true.” It came out as a whisper; you were breathless.
   “Embarrassingly enough, it is, painfully true. I don’t know there is just something about you that makes me think and think and overthink what I’m going to say or want to say or should and shouldn’t say.”
   “Why not just say it all?” He smiled and nodded as if he hadn’t thought of it.
   “Do you always say it all?” You stifled a laugh and pinched your lips together.
   “In business, yes. I am very vocal there, some would say bossy, but I say vocal.” Chris laughed.
   “What about other than business? Personal, maybe?” You sucked your bottom lip into your mouth and held it there, thinking about his question. Most of you said open up, see where it took you, so you did.
   “Not so much.” Chris nodded but kept his eyes on you. You didn’t break the eye contact.
   “I’m sorry for outing you.” You snorted.
   “It’s okay. I should have told them days ago.”
   “They took it well. Your mom isn’t so bad.”
   “What do you mean?”
   “In Vegas, you said she was always on your case about settling down that she always made you feel like you were incapable of taking care of yourself or you had no worth unless you had a man beside you.” Your jaw dropped.
   “I said that? All of that?” Chris nodded. You couldn’t believe you told him all that, let alone that he remembered.
   “I’m an actor. I have a great memory.” Your curiosity piqued, and you wondered if he remembered everything he said. Quickly he looked away from your eyes and back to the binder.
   “When I told my family about Ella, they asked when they could meet her. I didn’t give any precise dates, but maybe it works our great with her party.”
   “I’m not following.”
   “How would you feel about having her party in my hometown. That way, we can get out of LA, keep it under the radar, my family can meet you, and her and our families can interact.”
   Panic set in, and you hoped your face didn’t show it. “Like one big happy family, huh.”
   “I mean, that’s what we kinda are, right?” You didn’t know why you felt so scared, but the fear was all-encompassing.  “If that’s too much or not cool say the word. It was just a thought.”
   “I just—I don’t think it’s such a good idea that they meet me.” Chris looked confused.
   “What? Why? Of course, it’s a good idea. They have to meet my--.” He stopped himself in his tracks.
   “Your what? Ex-wife, and baby’s mama who lied to you for three years and kept your daughter from you? How is that a good idea? They’re going to hate me.”
   Chris’ hand shot out to take yours. “Stop it. They will not hate you.” You rolled your eyes and tried to take your hand back.
   “Yes, they will, and you know it.” Chris held firmly to your hand.
   “No, they won’t. I won’t let them hate you. How can they hate you when I don’t hate you. I’m past it, I’ve forgiven you.” You looked shocked.
   “Why do you look so surprised? Yes, I’ve forgiven you, Vixen. I understand I am not resentful about it. I’ve had a lot of time to think and reason with myself and see things clearly. I don’t hate you, and they won’t hate you. Once they see what an amazing mother and person you are they’ll love you just as much as I--.” He looked down and cleared his throat. “As much as I’m sure your family loves you.” For a moment, your heart flew into your throat, but you didn’t know if what you felt now was disappointment or relief. You looked to his hand that engulfed yours and breathed out.
   “Can I think about it?”
   “Absolutely.” Chris pulled his hand back from yours reluctantly, but his fingertips lingered with yours. You didn’t move, the static electric shock you felt though it made the butterflies in your belly take flight; it also felt strangely comforting—right even.
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The next several minutes passed with no words or movement. It may have been strange just to sit there touching your baby daddy’s fingertips and staring into his ocean-deep eyes, but to you it felt easy like Sunday mornings. When you felt you couldn’t do it any longer you pulled your hand back and broke the long gaze. You began packing up and soon walked to the door with Chris following behind you.
   “In order to not jinx ourselves, I think you’ll be safer if I say goodnight here,” Chris said. “I want to walk you to your car, but--.”
   You smiled and nodded and touched his hand unintentionally. Your eyes met again. “It’s okay. I know your mom raised a gentleman. It’s fine; you’re just a danger to my privacy.” He smiled and nodded but didn’t look as if he liked that fact.
   “Call me if you need anything.” You nodded, and he walked out first. You took a deep breath and tried to slow your pounding heart. You had to find a way to get these feelings under control, or you would end up doing something stupid—yet again.
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toughbookie · 4 years
7 Books in 7 Days
I Stumbled across a few YouTube videos about this “7 Books in 7 Days” challenge going on on the internet.
I got curious and after absolutely no research or further preparation, I decided to do that as well; I would have read seven books in a week.
Aaaaand here’s pretty much how it went.
DAY 1: The book I couldn’t find in English
Title: Storia di una balena bianca raccontata da lei stessa
Author: Luis Sepúlveda
Pages: 107
Rate: 5/5
Having started in the early evening, I had to pick a book that was short enough for me to finish on the same day. The choice fell on this tiny masterpiece by Sepúlveda, whose literature I wasn’t familiar with (boy, will that change during this reading challenge) aside from The Story of a Seagull and the Cat Who Taught Her to Fly, read years and years and year and years ago.
What I thought I was going forward was a nice, cute little novel.
This actually kind of broke me.
Based on the story of Moby Dick - which in turn is based on the true story of the Essex, a whaler that left the island of Nantucket in 1819 only to be destroyed by the giant sperm whale the crew was after to acquire the oil to power lamps… Look, life sucked before we got electricity - this book is narrated by the giant white whale in the flesh. As you might have guessed by now, we’re not talking about the happiest story ever.
What starts as an observation from the young whale’s eyes of the resourcefulness and curiosity of mankind, quickly transforms into a condemnation of its cruelty and disrespect for nature.
Beautifully written, I definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves angst and can speak Italian or Spanish (I couldn’t find an English version).
I really had a good time with it. And also a good cry. I’m fragile.
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DAY 2: The book about a murder
Title: The body in the library
Author: Agatha Christie
Pages: 215
Rate: 4/5
For the second day of this challenge, I’ve decided to throw myself into a novel featuring Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple.
In this crime novel, the body of a young woman is found in the library of Mr. and Mrs. Bantry’s house. The problem: nobody knows this girl or how she got in there. It’s going to be up to the police and, naturally, to Miss Marple, to find the truth.
I have discovered Agatha Christie only recently but it’s undeniable that she deserves all my love. It’s been fun to read this book and develop theories to find out who the murderer was and how and why they acted. It was like piecing a puzzle together. This is my first reading featuring Miss Marple, and I found her quite impressive. Unlike her “colleague”, Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple is not a detective, she’s just people smart, and it’s delightful to follow her around on her adventures.
Unfortunately the finale didn’t satisfy me that much, but it was still pretty good. Definitely recommended.
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DAY 3: The long one
Title: The temptation to be happy
Author: Lorenzo Marone
Pages: 268
Rate: 3.5/5
Note: The more I think about this book, the more I feel like it doesn’t fully deserve its 3.5 rating. Consider it as an “almost 4”, please and thank you.
On the third day, I faced the longest book of the ones I had chosen. And, since life happened and I had other things to do around, I risked not finishing it on time (no worries, I managed).
The story is one of a cynical 77 years old widow: Cesare Annunziata. He doesn’t really care much about the people around him, except his daughter and son whom he loves even though of course he doesn’t know how to show it. Up until here, it’s honestly pretty standard and it has its cliches.
Everything changes when Cesare realizes that his new neighbor, Emma, is a victim of domestic abuse and lives in fear of her husband. The old man and the woman form an improbable friendship aaaaand I don’t want to get into spoiler territory, even tho the story is actually quite simple and sometimes predictable.
The best part about this, however, is not the story. The characters are what really brings the book to life, with a perfect balance of goofy and more serious personalities. It’s people we could meet every day, and that’s what really makes it good. Not full of plot twist, but it’s not meant to be.
Reading Lorenzo Marone was a pretty nice way to spend the day.
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DAY 4: The other book about the murder
Title: A Caribbean mystery
Author: Agatha Christie
Pages: 230
Rate: 4/5 
Another day, another Agatha Christie’s novel. In this sunny and colorful environment, new murders have happened and new assassins have to be found.
Miss Marple, on holidays in the Caribbean, is having quite a good time, except not much is going on around here. Lucky for her - and honestly, only for her… I mean, good for you that you have a hobby but you should really not enjoy dead people so much - old Major Palgrave is found dead in his room. What looks like a natural death to most is actually a deeper mystery, and it’s up to Miss Marple to dig up the truth and save the day before the assassin strikes again.
Again, making up theories and analyzing the characters is a lot of fun, and I actually found out who the assassin was, which is pretty rare because I’m dumb at mysteries.
At the end of this book I started to feel a bit tired and I got a bit of a headache. I loved reading it, but with work I never really have the time for long, intensive sessions that go on for multiple days in a row.
Still, the pleasure of reading this book made everything more bearable.
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 DAY 5: The big fail
Title: Loving sabotage
Author: Amélie Nothomb
Pages: 62 out of 124
Rate: 1/5
God, I hated this book. Pretentious, boring, just bad. It didn’t even seem like there was a plot or the author was talking about anything in particular, just words put down one after the other without any true purpose.
Really felt like a waste of time. It was awful to get though. So I didn’t. Which, given my holiday was over and I had to go back to work, gave me a bit of a time problem.
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DAY 5: Sepúlveda strikes back
Title: Patagonia Express
Author: Luis Sepúlveda
Pages: 127
Rate: 5/5
To save the day at the last minute, came Luis Sepúlveda with this short account of his travels in Patagonia.
Starting in Spain and exploring the very edge of the world, this collection is filled with wild characters and hilarious episodes that made me enjoy every single page. 
That is, after getting past that one chapter about lamb castration.
That was a weird one.
I’ve never liked this particular literary genre much, but Luis Sepúlveda gives an incredible description of the places he visited, the people he met and their own stories, which are particularly bizarre and told with incredible talent. It’s a pretty short book, so I don’t want to spoil anything, but you get the drill.
Possibly my favorite book out of this challenge, Patagonia Express is a delightful quick escape from the ordinary.
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 DAY 6: Guess who’s back
Title: The old man who read love stories
Author: Luis Sepúlveda
Pages: 135
Rate: 3/5
So, Sepúlveda wasn’t originally supposed to stick around for so long, but here we go again.
As for The old man who read love stories, it’s possibly the book I liked the least from Sepúlveda. Which isn’t saying much, I still like his work a lot.
The story is one of old Antonio José Bolívar Proaño, and guess what: he likes to read love stories. 
That makes two of us, buddy.
He’s also an expert of the forest nearby the small town of El Idilio, and forced to hunt down a female of ocelot, along with a group of men from the town.
Through some flashbacks we also find out the story of his life and how he became to know the forest so well. That’s my favorite part of the novel, by the way.
While the book started well, it felt like it got lost somewhere around the second half, which was supposed to be the important, life-lessons-packed part. You know, the part you don’t want to get lost at.
By the last pages I was almost falling asleep, and thinking back a couple of days later I don’t really remember much of the story as a whole.
In total honesty, a lot of it might have been because it was the sixth book in as many days, and my three brain cells had been up to a lot more than they can usually stand. Plus, long work hours got in the way.
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DAY 7: Because it’s Christmas
Title: Hercule Poirot’s Christmas
Author: Agatha Christie
Pages: 209
Rate: 3.5/5
A millionaire asshole. His children and their wives. A nephew and a family friend. A murder on Christmas night.
It would have been offensive to read so much Agatha Christie without any Hercule Poirot, and so here comes my dear detective, ready for the grand finale.
Also, it’s Christmas!! Christmas book!! Christmas spirit!! Quite literally I mean someone got killed -
Hercule Poirot’s Christmas is an interesting novel, full of well done characters and mystery. I had a good time reading it, as I always do with this kind of novels.
But I do have to say - it’s probably just me and other readers liked it fine - the finale really ruined it for me. It feels pulled out of nowhere at the last minute, and even though it was certainly a big surprise, it felt added like a second thought just to make an even bigger plot twist than what could have been.
Aside from that, it’s a good book and given the settings I dare say it’s the perfect reading for when it’s cold outside, maybe snowing, and you’re cuddling under a blanket with a nice warm cup of tea.
Or hot chocolate.
Pick your favorite, I won’t judge.
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So finally we’re at the end of this 7 Books in 7 days Challenge. It was very enjoyable, but also towards the end it got pretty draining and sometimes stressful to keep up with the reading schedule while squeezing into the day everything else life throws at you.
Doing that on a week of holidays instead three days, when I could have focused only on the books, it would have probably gone differently, maybe even attempting to tackle longer novels. But you know, we’re talking about reading 1139 pages in a week, which is not something I thought I was capable of doing.
So overall I’m proud of how I did.
Not sure if I’ll repeat this but I’m glad I’ve done it, at least this once, and I honestly recommend it.
Also I don’t want to read anything else until 2022.
Bookie, signing out.
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