#like u do Not want to know how many tries that boss took me but i just beat both the larxene/marluxia fight and replitwo/xigbat fight
ajdrawshq · 1 year
gonna be honest. i had a harder time w the kingdom of coronas boss than everything in the late game so far and i dont know how to feel abt that
0 notes
sky-high-standards · 1 year
Yandere!!! Millionaire!! x Fem!!Reader
(thanks for 400 followers edited thanks for 1000 love y'all)You were in a very poor family but somehow you caught the attention of a crazy Millionaire.
You were working at a local coffee shop to feed your family when a man with jet black hair wearing a expensive looking suit came in, he was undeniably attractive but his cold black eyes made you feel a chill run down your spine.
Then he made eye contact with you before smirking, he then came up to ask for your name and number but when you refused he tried to take you by force but you managed to escape and run into the break room.
He kept coming day after day yet somehow you managed to weasel your way out of talking to him but your luck soon ran out when you were suddenly cornered and pinned by your wrists, you looked up to see him with a smug smirk on his face.
"I know you've been avoiding me sweetheart."
"What's wrong with you? What do you want from me?!'
"Don't you get it? I want you~"
"You dot even know me!!!"
"Oh I know everything about you Y/n"
you gasped and tried to escape for the hundredth time but his grip was too strong.
"I know that your family is starving and are soon going to get evicted, I know that you work overtime just to feed your family and I know that you need a miracle to save them and I'm that miracle Darling~ Just do as I say and make it easier for everyone Sweetheart."
"No you're just a spoiled brat who gets everything he wants and you're not gonna get me!!!"
you said in anger and stormed off while he just stood there and smirked.
"Okay my dear let the games begin"
A few weeks after that encounter you stopped seeing him and genuinely thought he lost interest and left you alone but you felt something much worse was coming and you were right. As you came to work the next day your boss came and fired you on the spot you were shocked of course since you've been employee of the month for the past 6 months and your boss seemed terrified as he spoke to you almost like he was scared to say the wrong thing and constantly looked to the side as if some monster was here in the shadows and as soon as he fired you he ran inside.
This was terrible for you because without a job how could you feed your family but when you looked for new jobs the manager would fire you shortly after with the same look of fear as your former boss but when you finally found a job that paid well you immediately took it you were hired as an assistant for a wealthy business owner, you came to work the next morning in your best clothes and started working but as you went to your bosses office who were horrified to see the same creep from the coffee shop you stood there with your jaw dropped as he smirked and caressed your cheek.
"Well isn't it my lovely new assistant its nice to see you again y/n~"
All you could do was grit your teeth and greet him since he was your family's only hope now and you couldn't afford to get fired not again.
As worked days past he became far more touchy and would take any opportunity to touch you in any way possible this was tolerable until you came to work on day to find your seat was gone and he offered you to sit on his lap which sounded more like an order than an offer so you begrudgingly agreed while gritting your teeth and giving him a forced smile. He smirked back satisfied at how powerless you were with him now.
"Good girl~"
He said and you could here the satisfaction in his voice as you dug your fingernails into your palms in rage.
Though you constantly got harassed by your boss the job wasn't so bad due to the many friends you made and because your family was happy and healthy but good things don't last. One day after you came back from your break which u spent with your friends you boss went crazy and fired everyone that was with you because "they were only bringing you down." and "they made you loose sight of what was important" (which was him) and when you attempted to quit realized what he was capable of.
Sir I quit I'll clear out my desk now.
He then grabs you by the wrist and pins you to the wall where you're caged by his muscular arms and he whispered in your ear where you could feel his hot breath fanning your lips.
"You know you cant do that Dear you don't know what I'm capable of that sweet little family of yours wont be around much longer is you disobey me dear."
You gasped in fear and shock but he smiled at your reaction.
"Now be a good girl and do as I say"
He said as he pulled away and went back to his usual demeanor. Every time you found someone new they would go missing so you isolated yourself not wanting anyone else to get hurt but when your brother got really sick and you had to take care him for a few days but your boss didn't like that.
You came home to find the read stains? No it was blood but not just anyone's blood this was the blood of your family leading the way to their lifeless bodies the moment you saw that sight it was permenantly burned into your mind you still see that horrendous sight when you close your eyes...you broke down in tears and got on your knees devastated but you then got picked up by a pair of firm strong arms and felt a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"I know you loved them Dear, but they kept you away from me and besides we'll have our own family soon enough~♥
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bookyeom · 10 months
LESLIE HIII i hope you’re doing okay!! + sorry it’s taken me so long to stop by </3
as a request i wanted to ask abt the prompt “stay there. i’m coming to get you.” from the second prompt list with either minghao or wonwoo if that’s okay!! 🫶🫶
A/N: OKAY SO @wqnwoos I know this was requested forever ago from a prompt game and I'm so sorry it took so long, but I was super inspired yesterday after I saw ur post saying "my heel broke" and I messaged u asking if you were okay because OMG your HEEL broke are you OKAY??? but turns out you meant your shoe broke not your actual heel and, well... here we are. Whatever the heck this is.
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Pairing: Wonwoo x Reader Genre: slight crack?, established relationship Rating: PG (only because I think there's a swear?) Word Count: 1.4k Request Prompt: "stay there. i'm coming to get you." Warnings: like one kiss?, I think there's swearing maybe, expensive things being broken if that triggers u, also reader wears heels
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You can't believe it.
So many times, you’d gazed longingly at the expensive new shoes you’d splurged on, sitting pretty in their box, wondering when you’d finally pluck up the courage to wear them. You weren’t one for spending big unless it was technology or something you’d use often, but you’d been eyeing these heels for what felt like forever. When your birthday rolled around, you’d finally done it, but then they’d sat in their box for months – until tonight.
You’d only just arrived at the restaurant to meet your friends when you’d taken one wrong step, and the heel on your right shoe had broken completely off. You’d tripped and thankfully been steadied by your friend’s arm, so you’d been left physically unscathed… but you felt the pain elsewhere. In your wallet. How the hell had that happened so quickly?
Your friend managed to fish a pair of flats out from their trunk, so you were grateful for that at least. You tried to laugh and play it off as a joke, as a funny story to remember with your friends in a few years, but truthfully? You were pretty bummed. You’d saved for those shoes for ages. So here you sat, nursing a glass of water as you listened to your friends chat animatedly around you. You were having a good time, you were, but you couldn’t help but wallow in your feelings just a little bit. You really couldn’t believe your luck. 
You felt the buzz of your phone from inside your purse, eyeing it as you took another sip of water, before glancing around the table. Your friend group had a rule not to be on your phones very much when you were together, but you figured you were safe to have a quick peek while your friend recapped her many failed dates over the last month.
Wonwoo ❤️: how’s your evening going?
You felt your heart jump a little at the sight of your boyfriend’s name on your screen. You wondered if that would ever change, but you didn’t think so. You adored him. You’d been told the honeymoon phase would pass, but it had been well over a year and the two of you were still going strong. Wonwoo would object if you ever said it to anyone else, but the two of you were just as lovey-dovey as when you’d first started dating.
Exhibit A: him texting you to ask a very obvious question. You’re pretty well-versed in Wonwoo, and you know what his text actually means: it means that he misses you.
YN: not the best, tbh… I broke my heel 😭
The reply comes not even a minute later.
Wonwoo ❤️: are you okay?? 
YN: I’m so sad 😭
You jump a little when your friend nudges you with their foot, raising their eyebrows pointedly at your phone. You teasingly roll your eyes and oblige, sliding your phone back into your purse and tuning back into your friends’ story. You can’t help but feel a bit better after a couple of texts from Wonwoo, and you aren’t embarrassed about it in the slightest.
Not even a half hour and some entrees later, another friend is in the process of regaling tales about her horrific boss when the door to the restaurant opens, and you spot him. You do a double take as your eyes meet, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion, and he seems to freeze in place for a second.
You take in the sight of your boyfriend: his glasses are askew, his hair disheveled, and you think he must have thrown on whatever hoodie and sweats combo he could find laying around in a hurry. He hovers by the door as he stares at you, blinking, and your mind begins to race. Why is he here? Is everything okay? Wonwoo is never one to draw attention to himself if he can help it – which just makes this whole thing even more confusing. 
“Hey,” you interrupt quietly, causing all heads to turn towards you. “Wonwoo’s here. Give me a second?” 
Your friends all nod in unison, and you can feel them watching as you stand up and make your way over to the door. As soon as you reach him, your hand is automatically searching for his, gently tugging him through the door and back out into the cold.
“Babe,” you say hastily as soon as you’re around the corner and out of sight. “What’s wrong?” Your hand leaves his so that both of yours can run over his arms, his biceps, his shoulders, giving him a frantic once-over to make sure he’s physically alright. When your hands cup his jaw, he finally moves his hands to cover yours, lowering them down to hold them in between you. 
“You’re not hurt?”
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion as you stare back at him. “Huh?”
His eyes wander over your face, brows still furrowed in what you affectionately like to call his Thinking Face, before he moves back to look down at your feet. “You can walk fine?”
You are so confused. “Yes, Wonwoo, what? Babe, did you run here?”
You watch as he tilts his head, still thinking for what feels like forever – and then his lips twitch up at the sides. He suddenly looks embarrassed as his gaze falls from yours, but he’s smiling, a hand leaving one of yours to lift and cover his face. 
You are so confused. 
“I didn’t run here,” he finally answers, his hand falling away from his face, “but I definitely may have gone over the speed limit to get to you faster.” 
“Why?” You ask, incredulous. You still have no idea what’s going on.
“YN," he says, voice laced with amusement. "I texted that I was on my way. You said your heel broke."
You blink once, twice, before it suddenly dawns on you. “Oh my god, Wonwoo –” 
“Yeah.” He's smiling so wide that his eyes are crescent moons, and you're smiling, too – and then he begins to laugh.
You can’t help but join in.
He pulls you into his chest, and you can feel him laughing against you. It’s a quiet laughter, but you’re grateful no one can see the two of you where you stand outside the restaurant, because you’re sure you both look insane. You don’t care, though, because all you can think about is how fast he’d tried to get to you because he thought you were hurt. 
Your heart swells from its place in your chest, so full of affection for the man in front of you that you can feel it all over. You pull back, your hands finding either side of his jaw to pull him in for a quick kiss, and you can tell he’s pleasantly surprised by the way his cheeks tinge pink. Neither of you really have a thing for PDA, but you couldn't help it, not when you felt like you were so full of affection you could burst.
“You are such a loser,” is what you say, but you know he can translate it. I love you is what you mean, and he knows.
“I panicked,” Wonwoo laughs, running a hand through his hair as he laces his fingers with yours. “Sorry about your shoe, though.”
You wave your free hand in the air as he slowly walks you towards the restaurant door again. “I’ll deal with it later.” 
He glances in through the glass when you reach it, giving your hand a squeeze. “How much longer?”
You beam at that, lifting your hand up to gently brush some hair off of his forehead. “Not much, if I can help it. I miss you too much.”
“It’s been like two hours," he says, as though he isn't clinging onto your fingers in his with everything he's got.
“Okay, Mr. I’m-going-to-rush-to-my-girlfriend’s-aid-even-though-she-only-has-a-broken-shoe–”
“Bye,” Wonwoo says abruptly, and you giggle. “Love you,” he murmurs, catching you by surprise, but you don't miss a beat. You simply squeeze his hand, and say the words back.
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Later that night when you check your phone, you giggle to yourself as you see the two messages you'd missed from Wonwoo, sent directly after the others at dinner:
Wonwoo ❤️: stay there 
Wonwoo ❤️: I’m coming to get you  
And another, timestamped an hour later, when he was back home and on your couch:
Wonwoo ❤️: I’d do it again :)
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A/N: lmao this is like. super not proofread but it was rlly fun to write so if you enjoy please reblog! remember that reblogs help way more than just likes for writers :') TAGLIST: @dejavernon @minisugakoobies @starsstuddedsky @hopeinthebox @tae-bebe @eoieopda @savventeen
Message me if you want to be added to the permanent taglist!
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hannieehaee · 11 months
Hii, it’s me again<33 A seventeen reaction to the reader trying to dom them. Love your blog!!
18+ / mdi
seventeen reaction at you trying to dom them
wc: 1008
a/n: thank u so much!! so sorry this is so late 😭 (this is not proofread btw oops)
seungcheol -
it would probably never happen under any circumstance. not even your birthday. he's stubborn as hell, so when he tells you he's gonna make you feel good, he means he's gonna make you feel good. only way you could ever successfully dom him would be if he was too physically exhausted to get you off his lap and flip you over, otherwise, i'm sorry, but you were getting domed.
jeonghan -
his reaction would depend on his level of energy at the moment. if this was on any regular day, he'd coo at you, thinking it was adorable that you wanted to take control over him. his snickers at your cuteness would kinda kill the mood, which he would have to bring back up by doming you on his own. if this was after a tiring day, he'd love to lay back and let you boss him around, loving how you took care of him and took him to heaven even at his lowest state.
joshua -
another member who would find the situation cute. it was hard to get him to relinquish control, and he was also unpredictable (he's insane), so it'd be hard for you to know when the appropriate time to try and take control would be. if he was in a silly (read: demonic) mood, he would jokingly belittle you as you tried to dom him, only to swiftly take over and turn the situation upside down. it was only once in many moons that he'd find himself feeling vulnerable enough for you to successfully dom him. you'd have to take advantage of these instances by tying him up and preventing him from taking over again.
jun -
he's just happy to be there. he would probably not fight against you doming him, enjoying your touch all the same. he'd play it up for you, wanting you to know how much pleasure you were giving him by taking control. your ability to pin him down and do with him whatever you wanted would also turn him on immensely. despite having no preference between being domed and doming, he would usually cum twice as hard when you were in control, not knowing what to do with his body was you took care of him.
soonyoung -
he'd just go with the flow. oh? you wanna dom today? fuck yeah! he just wants your naked body in his arms, after all. he'd have fun fucking you like a wild animal, but would also love when you tied him up and whispered all the filthy things you wanted to do to him in his ear.
wonwoo -
he'd deny you but would be sweet about it. he'd gaslight you into submission through kisses and caresses of your body. maybe he'd let you dom him under a special occasion like your birthday or his. those days you'd have to tie him up, knowing he was usually incapable of letting you take control.
jihoon -
he'd be a bit of a wild card. if you caught him worn out from a day full of producing, practicing, or doing any idol work in general, he'd be pliant to your touch. he'd want to be taken care of after his hard day of work, loving how unlike at work, he didn't have to do anything. you did it all for him, providing him with the utmost pleasure. other days, however, he'd stop you, wanting to take his frustrations out on you.
seokmin -
don't let his arms mislead you, this man's chronic case of pussy drunkness would cause him to be perpetually domed by you. he didn't even have to ask, it was all in his 'fuck me' eyes. there was nothing he enjoyed more than letting you take control; letting you take care of him. would probably only work well with soft doming full of praise. be mean to him in this state and he'll cry for real.
mingyu -
convinced he likes to be degraded by the people he loves. he'd whine in the same way be does when his members gang up against him, except that his usual whines to stop would be replaced by whines begging you to continue. this would be a usual occurrence in your sex life. but mingyu was a fair man, so he'd like to keep a semi-even ratio of the times you'd domed him vs. the times he domed you.
minghao -
no lmao. he had some type of pride that did not allow him relinquish control. he wanted to be in charge of your pleasure and that was it. no further argument allowed. the most you'd get out of him in that area would be soft sex in which you'd both praise and caress one another. that was as far as you'd get in regards of doming with him (meaning not at all). he appreciated the effort, though.
seungkwan -
regular thursday afternoon for him. when had you not domed him? this was his favorite thing; lying back and watching your pretty body take pleasure from his, only ever having to maybe grind his hips against you a bit as you did all the work. loved it regardless of whether you were sweet or mean to him during it.
vernon -
not much of a reaction. this happened pretty often, honestly. as a laid back guy, he simply enjoyed the feeling of you taking your pleasure from his body. ecstatic at not having to put too much effort into it, and loving your demeanor whenever you wanted to take control. loved the feeling of lying back and letting you take the reigns. whatever you said would go without complaint.
chan -
one look from you and he'd be on his knees, begging you to let him be your good boy. don't get him wrong, he loved to fuck you into the mattress whenever he could, but would salivate at the idea of you putting him in his place and taking your pleasure from him as you saw fit. he'd do anything you asked of him with the mere promise of some pussy.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
Okay but what if it turns out that Rouge's and Gambit's future child was kidnapped by one of their enemies and wasn't actually sent back to the future?
Ooooo... That's a good one! Let's see what we can do:
Having their child gone was one of the worst things in their lives.
They'd been rejected, had insane exes, dealt with Sentinels, and gone through betrayal and heartbreak. But losing their own child, their own future bébé... It was a new wound, one that kept bleeding no matter how many times they tried to close it.
Wolverine is the one who finds the evidence.
It's footprints, pressed into the dirt from boots, large... and squished next to it is smaller prints, impossibly small, that could only belong to one person...
"They took 'em..." Rogue says, and feels her chest fill with fear. Their child, HER baby, isn't even past age seven. Who would kidnap their child?
A deadman.
"C'mon, we're goin' after 'em!" she shouts.
"Oui, cher... No one takes our petit bébé."
"Well, I'm coming along, too. Someone needs to track 'em down," grunts Wolverine. Rogue and Gambit can tell he's just as worried about their child, who he's like an uncle to.
Tracking them down doesn't take longer than half a day. That's still half a day too long. Reader is a child, they're sweet, they're loving, and they don't deserve this to happen them. They should have been safe, sleeping back at the Institute, where they would have asked the two of them to make breakfast, while bluntly asking why they won't kiss...
After this, they might do just that.
Seeing the way the other Southern mutant stays steady, the way they don't waver as they get closer to finding their future kid, knowing they'd do anything to keep them safe... Well. If they weren't attracted to them then, they sure are now.
When they find them, they see a group of armed men by a large truck. Their bèbè is being gripped tightly, their face scared.
"I don't care what the boss said, I say we sell the brat to highest bidder," argues one of the men.
"And the boss said they wanted them for themself. They think they're a kid of one of those X-Men," snorts the man squeezing Reader's arm.
"Well sh*t... That just means they're worth even more."
That sets the trio into motion.
Wolverine tears out, getting the men's attention on him, as Gambit and Rogue run over to where Reader was dropped. One man tried to get in their way, only to be met with a charged card to the face. (If there was any blood, they didn't care. If he still had a head, they didn't care. That b*stard wanted to hurt Reader, their petit, their bèbè, and that was unforgivable).
"HI, sugah," Rogue says carefully as she picks up Reader, who clings to her like a baby possum to its mama. "Are ya okay? Did they hurt ya?"
"Mama..." Reader sniffles, burying their head in her shoulder. Soft cries escape them, and all Rogue and Gambit can do is stroke their back, trying to calm them down.
"Shhh, mon petit bébé, Papa Gambit and Mama are here... It's 'kay..." Gambit tries. He's rewarded with a little hand wrapping around his finger, squeezing it tightly.
"Th-the-they wa-wanted to h-hu-u-urt me!" Reader wails, being hugged tighter between the two.
"Baby, why don't you stay with Gambit, okay, sweetheart? Mama needs to teach those mean men a lesson," coos Rogue, and Reader nods, switching their grip to Gambit and nuzzling him.
By the time Rogue is done with the armed men, they're within an inch of their lives, their energy drained to the point of unconsciousness. She can't help but spit on them, after what they've done. They aren't worth dirt, aren't worth her sympathy. They kidnapped and planned to harm a child. HER child. And they weren't walking away from it.
By the time she comes back, she makes sure to hide any stains that might show, not wanting to frighten Reader further. What she finds is them sleeping soundly against the swamp rat, who's holding them with the softest look in his eyes, gently carding his fingers through their hair.
"Did cher have fun?" he asks, glancing up at her for a moment.
"Hmph! Those bullies ain't gonna wake up for a month, if ever," she hisses out. She goes to take Reader, only to be pulled into a side-hug by Gambit.
"Cher... Gambit's thought 'bou' this... Gambit wants ta be with yaw... Do yaw want ta be wit' Gambit?"
"I do."
And just like that, they're a couple. The little one in their arms is who brought them together, and no matter what, they're gonna be by their side, every step of the way. If any monsters try to eat them, well, Mama can just eat their energy up so they can't come back. Not to mention Papa, who knows a few guild members who'd happily help out a fellow thief in need. Their bby is one of the best things to happen to them, and if anyone tries to hurt them, there will be h*ll to pay...
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waratah-moon · 2 years
Eddie x cheerleader! The reader wanted Eddie to come to Watch her practice but his drug deal went little behind but he tries to make it up! And she says "your Lucky your hot"
11. "You're lucky you're hot." omg... my normally sweet cheerleader!reader has grown some sass. 🎂 other bday drabbles 🎂 masterlist / send me a message
Eddie always kept his promises. Or he had until today.
You had asked him this morning to come to practice after school today as you'd been practicing your tumbling routine and wanted to show him how all that hard work had paid off. He told you he'd be there. He promised.
At lunch you reminded him again. "You're coming to practice, right?"
"'course, baby girl. Wouldn't miss it for the world," he pulled you onto his lap, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"You're going to cheer practice? Are you even allowed?" Gareth asked, averting his gaze from the PDA going on between the couple.
"My girlfriend's the cheer captain, I can do whatever I want."
"Co-cheer captain, Eds."
"You're still one of the bosses. And I can't wait to see you kick everyone else's asses."
"Not how it works but thanks for the sentiment," you kissed his cheek and pointed at his apple. "Eat your fruit."
But cheer practice finally came, and he was nowhere to be seen. You figured he was just running late, and it was fine. You had to warm up anyway. Once you'd warmed up, you ran through the main routine a few times, making sure everyone was hitting their correct marks. When it came time to practice tumbles, it was clear Eddie wasn't coming.
You took your frustration out with flips and handsprings. After the first run through, your team mates clapped and cheered. Jessica said your finishes looked a lot cleaner than last time and Chrissy agreed that your double twist was looking tight. You ran through the combination four more times and when you had finally worn yourself out, you sat down on the mat to help the coach critique your team mates.
Practice was finishing in five minutes, and you were collecting your things when Eddie finally snuck his way through the gym doors. He spotted you almost immediately, an apologetic look on his face.
"Baby girl I'm so sorry."
"Sorry about what?" You feigned ignorance, pulling your cheer cardigan over your shoulders.
"I said I'd be here and I wasn't."
"You promised you'd be here, Eds. Promised."
"I know baby girl and I'm so sorry, I tried to get here, I really did but-"
"But what? What could of possibly been more important than showing up when I asked you so many times?"
"I was..." His voice dropped off into a whisper. "I kind of had this thing with O'Donovan."
Your eyes narrowed, and you whispered back, infusing as much annoyance into your words as you could. "You blew me off to deal drugs?"
"Like I said, I'm so sorry sweetheart. I thought it was going to be quick but then he went on and on about how his grandma's been sick and he just wouldn't shut up."
You could see how truly sorry he was from his pouty lips and wide eyes. "You really tried to be here?"
"I really did, baby girl. I know how important this was to you," you let him grab you by the hips and pull you against his body.
You sighed, "you're lucky you're hot."
"I'll make it up to you I promise."
"Oh believe me, you'll be making it up to me for a while."
- And with that, I've cleared my inbox of cheerleader!reader requests 🥺 kinda sad about it tbh... as always u can request more of her and Eddie, I really do love them! Next up we have rockstar!eddie and some joe quinn requests (and lots of other stuff in the pipeline too) Was it clear by this that all I know about cheerleading comes from the first season of Cheer on netflix?
read more cheerleader!reader here
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raeflora · 2 months
It's stupid how antis lie that Jenny was 16 when she slept with Chuck when they have no issue with Nate and Damien being involved with Jenny even though they"re the same age as Chuck. Her 17th birthday was a week before Nate's 19th in 3x17 which took place on April 5th and two months after Chuck's 19th. 3x22 was said to have happened in May therefore Jenny was 17 since her birthday is March 30th and Chuck 19 since his birthday's in January when they slept together. When Serena was 16 Carter jokingly wrote about her sleeping with billionaires in 1x10 which is creepy considering she was a minor and he was in his 20s. I do enjoy season 3 Vanderbaizen and their relationship outside of that creepiness. Not as creepy as him sleeping with Blair when she was in high school. He was groping Blair's leg when she was sitting alone at the bar heartbroken and he offered to buy her a drink even though unlike him she was under drinking age and primarily slept with her to get back at Chuck rather than genuine admiration. Even creepier since it's brought up in season 5 that after sleeping with Blair Carter stole and wore her underwear to a dinner. In Chuck and Jenny's case they were both heartbroken and under drinking age. I do like Carter more than Chuck but wouldn't consider him better. Even though Carter was ethical enough to help Elle flee when requested by Chuck I do find it questionable for him to have been a member of a secret group that had unwilling sex workers since Elle said she didn't want to be one and that if they tried to leave that profession they'd get killed since they knew "too much," and was forced to change her name and move far away. Disgusting how Bart was actively part of that ring for many years (since the 90s). It's one thing to not intervene against that illegal activity but another to actively have dubious/nonconsensual sex with sex workers who are forced to remain in that ring and some of them may have not wanted to be in it in the first place. It also bothered me how Bart only yelled at Chuck when an adult stripper was all over him in 1x7 when the adult deserved to be yelled at. Like Jack it was indicated multiple times that Bart was also into much younger women. Bart was just more reserved and protective over his reputation than Jack was, perhaps due to his age. He had dirt on everyone due to his detective and therefore knew Jack slept with Blair when she was in high school and continued to do business with him and didn't criticize him, even while also knowing since season 1 Chuck loved Blair. I found it inappropriate how Bart was feeling up Pauletta's lower back as her employer and it's understandable how Chuck thought he was hooking up with her since that's not how a boss is supposed to behave with an employee. It was also creepy how it was stated Tripp liked Serena years before they had an affair since she was 18 and he was 26 when they dated.
hi!! this came through twice but I'll just answer it once 🫶🏻🫶🏻 there are some super good and interesting points here and I'm gonna try to break them down a l'il so
exactly!! chuck didn't sleep with jenny when she was underage nor was their age gap too much, especially if you take chuck's birthday as being in may instead of january meaning he was still 18 and jenny was 17. people love jenny and nate then turn around and hate chuck when the age difference is almost identical, it's so hypocritical and kinda odd like why does nate get a pass on all his questionable behaviour but chuck gets hate for things he never even did 😭😭
I never really liked the blair/carter thing and when u add in the age difference it's crazy like why was carter beefing with high schoolers and using a vulnerable blair to get one up on chuck, like I get why blair was in that headspace but carter just entirely took advantage of her and no-one really mentions it. also I always forget the underwear thing bc it's SO unnecessary and weird like what was the point of making a mostly forgotten fling even more bizarre. I definitely preferred carter with serena as I think he actually had feelings for her, but tbh I don't really like him and I think a lot of his fans are blinded by sebastian stan being attractive and just ignore carter's behaviour (again while they vilify chuck for the same or less)
truthfully I also forgot a lot about elle and the sex ring but it's definitely weird that carter was a member and that it just... kept going on?? bart being a member was fitting for him but also odd bc was he still sleeping with those women while he was married to lily?? it's all just kinda insane
I've always thought bart was just a massive hypocrite about chuck and women, and YES I've always thought that his hands were inappropriate on paulette like no wonder chuck saw that bc it didn't look platonic or reasonable at all. I'd never really considered that bart would know about jack and blair (which... I've already said I find that incredibly gross and pointless) but ur so right he never said or did anything about it. also the fact that bart always put the responsibility on chuck (a literal teenager) to behave appropriately when he's grown up with a serial womaniser as a father and an equally womanising uncle like why aren't u talking to the adult women here or trying to set a better example
omg yes like tripp... why were u into a teenage girl when u were engaged/dating someone ik every man loves serena but why so many grown men like it's just weird and creepy and serena deserves better
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zippidi-dooda · 3 months
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"So, you're saying all we have to do is ask your old friend for help?" Ruby questioned after hearing her uncle's statement.
Jaune smiled, ready to head down the road toward this friend. "That's great! And they're just along the way? We should keep going then."
Qrow chuckled dryly, looking down at the dusky road beneath their feet. "Not so easy, kid."
"Why? Are they far, far along the way?"
"In that case we should set up camp now and set out early in the morning. It'll be safer that way." Ren suggested, nodding at the setting sun on the horizon.
"No, no, it's not that. They run an inn the next town over." Qrow corrected. "We'll reach it by nightfall."
"Then what are we waiting for? We can get help and score a warm place to stay the night!" Nora chirped.
Exited at the prospect of a soft bed to lay on after weeks of sleeping on the stiff floor and a potential ally to add on their quest to save Remnant, the group picked up their pace, traveling ahead of the reminiscent crow.
"There's a big guarantee they'll say no. I messed up big time the last we met. The last thing they said to me was that they hate me."
You shook your head, laughing at the barkeep's jokes. They were terrible to be sure, but you always found his way of cheering others up to be charming.
"You know, you're gonna have to come up with new jokes soon. You've said that last one a thousand times already."
The barkeep rolled his eyes, reaching for another glass to polish. "Well it seems to be a hit with the guests."
"They're just being polite with you."
"Whatever. Oh, uh, Y/N? You wouldn't mind if I took the day off tomorrow would ya?"
"Of course not, Busch. You're always on top of everything, not many reasons to say no." You gave him a sly smile, leaning across the table. "What's the ocasion this time? Am I gonna get ta see a love sick puppy when you get back?"
"I'm not obligated to answer that."
"Aw, not even gonna share a little detail with your nicest boss?"
He scoffed. "Nice my ass. Yer gonna pile the work on me when I get back."
"Hey, I haven't done that to you. Yet."
"Ha ha." Busch flicked your forehead. "I'm gonna really enjoy my time Y/N free tomorrow. Now get outta here, ya got guests comin' in."
"Alright, alright. I'll leave ya alone the rest of the night."
"Thank gods."
"Don't miss me too much!" You smiled, heading towards the entrance to greet the newcomers.
"Welcome! If you need a safe place to stay the night or just a few directions, you're in luck! I'm Y/N, how can I help ya?"
"... hey, Y/N. Long time no see."
Your heart seemed to stop as the oh-so-familiar voice flooded your ears.
A voice you didn't want to hear again.
"... Qrow ...?"
A man you didn't want to see again.
A scowl settled on your face and you stood still, eyes locked with his. Their captivating shade of bourbon blush failed to bring you the joy they once did, only stirring up a mountain of memories you had tried hard to forget.
"You got a lot of nerve showin' up here. Leave. Before I force you out."
Qrow smiled snidely, taking a step closer. "Now that's not much of a warm welcome is it? It's a miracle you still got this place up and running with that attitude. Listen, Y/N, I know you don't like the idea of helping me, but we need your-"
"No, Qrow. I have no interest getting caught up in your messes anymore. You're a skilled huntsman, so whatever it is that's going on I'm sure you can handle it on your own."
He furrowed his brow, stepping closer to you. "Y/N, you don't understand, it's not just me now. Since Beac-"
"Enough! I don't want to hear it," You placed a hand on the hilt of your weapon. "Now just walk outta here peaceful before-"
Suddenly, a young girl clad in a red cape jumped between you two, arms spread out defensively.
"Stop! Look, Lady, I don't know what my uncle did to you. You probably have every right to be upset with him. But the world is in danger and we can use any bit of help we can get. We were hoping you could provide it to us. We're not here to hurt or endager you or the people here. But if it comes down to it, we won't go down without a fight."
You studied the girl for a moment. Her features were akin to those of the flighty huntsman she came with, the most remarkable trait of all being her, "Silver eyes ...."
Finally, you took notice of the rest of the group of teens that had entered with Qrow. They stood with weapons in hand, braced for a fight, eyes tracking you cautiously.
The way they held themselves proved they were more than prepared in ways of combat. But their clothing and worn out expressions stood out. They were tired. They might have been traveling for days and were in need of proper care.
You looked to Qrow one last time.
He looked weary too, eyes trained on the hand that held your weapon.
He never liked doing anything with groups, much less groups composed of people more than likely to impede him.
He wouldn't have been with them without good reason. And he most certainly wouldn't have come in search of you if he hadn't already failed in a search for others.
With a sigh, you closed your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose. "Busch! Make me a drink, would ya? It's gonna be along night."
I don't remember where I was going with this so here's as far as I got when I first wrote it
Uncle Qrow is great
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rreskk · 1 year
I've been thinking of Trevor teaching the reader how to shoot and how to use a gun and etc, but I've also been thinking of a scenario where the reader is a bartender at Vanilla Unicorn and Trevor gives her some extra attention during the peak hours of the place, just Trevor on his knees making the reader pretend normality to customers, while his dirty tongue rubs and tastes her intimacy.
I love the second idea. I wrote this at 1am so sorry if it's shorter than usual! In response to my other requests, I have so so many and due to my increase work hours, I'll have to pick out the ones I'm able to do. Sorry if this causes any hassle!
Summary: Your boss tried to relieve your stress during peak times at the bar.
TW: -Smut
Pairings: Fem!reader/ Trevor Philips
Word count: 1029
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“Where’s my order!”
You were being bombarded with hefty customers at the vanilla unicorn. Constantly rushing around, spilling drinks, arguing with customers. It left you knacked. Once this guy had rudely shouted from across the bar-side, you sent him a mean glare, demanding him to wait or he won’t get any booze. Throughout the peak hours, your boss, a very… Strange man – to say the least – was wondering around (as per usual) and decided to let himself behind the bar, even though he wasn’t qualified to deal with alcohol.
He'd mention “making the shift easier” as he crouched down, pretending to help with the glasses and whatnot. You were immediately struct, no – you were immediately greeted with two pairs of hands slowly pulling down your trousers. His fingers would stroke against your naked thighs, your trousers loosely tangled around your ankles until his breath threatened to penetrate your sex.
“Concentrate on the people,” He’d repeat over and over as your legs grew week, “Don’t look at me. Serve them.”
You’d try to overcome this fuzzy sensation. It wasn’t… “uncommon” for you both to become quite frankly intimate. No, let’s rephrase, it was VERY common. Every shift, you’d recall, after every shift, you were both fucking in his office once everyone had left. This time was different considering this was a wide open scenery. Although the customers couldn’t see him working hard-labour from between your legs, they’d assume you were just having a mini-breakdown with your constant heavy breathing and clumsy hands.
“You forgot the lime – “
“S-Sir… Just take… Take your drink and – and just… Just go.” You took a deep breath, staring at the poor customer while Trevor was licking strips across your sensitive cunt. He wasn’t gentle at all. He was making passionate love like it was the first time seeing such a delicate pussy.
Obviously you’d receive snarky remarks and looks from the (mostly) men who’d come and go with orders. However, knowing this little, hidden intimacy will add a major bonus to your pay check made your nightshift more… Bearable.
Nonetheless, it still doesn’t help the fact that you were stumbling all over the bar. The amount of times you had almost dropped a cup on Trevor’s head whenever he fully tongue-fucked you enough to hit that G-spot. You wondered how long his tongue could possibly be to adventure that deep…
While scooping up necessary ice, alcohol, fruits – your mind was RIDDLED with these dirty thoughts, combined with the effects of his criminal touch. Like Hell, if anyone saw you both right now, you’d both be done for. Possibly arrested for public indecency.
“Trevor…” You whispered down to him before a guy opposite the bar frowned.
“What? Who the fuck is Trevor? I want a goddamn shot of vodka. Get it now!” He’d snap back.
You felt Trevor’s lips move across your cunt after hearing this godforsaken treatment.
“I’ll kill these motherfuckers…” His tone was low, cruel. Trevor was quiet so only you could feel the depth of his unleashed rage.
It made you shiver.
“Coming right u – “ Once again, you had to stop and lean against the stand, head buried in the palm of your hands. His tongue was so menacing and you could feel an orgasm arriving sooner than expected.
“What’s the matter with you! I asked for a vodka? Just a simple shot of vodka! C’mon… Do I really have to pay for this?”
The complaints only fuelled Trevor’s pace as he continued to tongue-fuck you stupid. He was inhaling your sex, inhaling everything. His mouth was buried in your pubes while his nose itched your  clit, double the sensation, double the hassle it was causing you.
“Sir…” Then you’d moan at this customer who was completely outraged. You were depicted to look as though this was all a mockery. The man, angry as ever, leaned closer and went to torment your work performance more when…
“Ohhh… SHIT!” You suddenly cried.
Waves of cum would flow out of your pussy and into Trevor’s desperate mouth. He drank from your intimacy gracefully. As moans struggled to constipate and release itself from your voice-box, he’d lick the surrounding area until there was no evidence of cum left behind.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, woman? Where is your manager, I want him now!” The customer ordered before Trevor, smug and prideful, appeared from under the cabinets.
“What can I do for you sir?” He’d ask so casually like he didn’t just appear from “nowhere”… (your wet cunt).
“Uh…” And he had left the man to slowly pull the pieces together.
“Hello?” Trevor grinned, “I don’t like people wasting my precious time. I got a strip-club to run.”
“You’re the manager?”
He raised an eyebrow, “Why, yes. What’s the problem? My patience is running low.”
The customer quickly backed away from the bar and turned from furious to… Frightened. He called out with a weak cry that everything was “perfectly fine”, but of course, Trevor wouldn’t let that slide. Not after the treatment you’ve received from the past hour.
“You ain’t going anywhere until you look at that beautiful, talented bartender and apologised for your disgusting behaviour.”
“Uh… Huh?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, prick!” Trevor gritted his teeth, “Apologise, now!”
The man was forced to look at you in the eye. You held back the temptation to hide in the backroom since your face was blushed, eyes barely open, trousers still loose around your ankles. 
“I’m… I’m sorry – “
The customer gulped and stared at you, “I’m so sorry, ma’am. I- I’ll give you as… As much time as you’d like for my order… And…”
“And what, pretty boy?” Trevor toyed.
“And I’ll give you a big tip after.”
“Ahhh! There’s a good-boy! Okay, now piss off. Your face fuckin’ annoys me.”
He ran off, not caring about the vodka at this point. This left you alone with Trevor as he leaned in close to your ear and whispered;
“As soon as that clock hits 12, get yourself in my office before you sign out, hm?”
You nodded and closed your eyes, feeling his breath against your neck.
“Yes, Trevor.”
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annelise-draws · 1 year
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OC-Tober Day 5: Relationships
A day late and I wanted to do my other collab children with Vafalls, but this was already crowding too many characters into one pic and there are so many AUs there, as tends to happen with characters you've had for over a decade. So here are my collab children with @carolmaclaine. Transcript and details under cut!
to Cassis: You make me feel alive again. (He's super gushy about Cassis. He will wax poetic for days. He hates everything about himself but Cassis loving him is a constant surprise and a reason to keep on...living? He doesn't know if he should call it that)
to Viorica: She's nice, but her taste in men... yuck. (He likes Viorica fine enough, but the fact that she's attracted to Johann, one of his least favorite people, makes him respect her a little less)
to Eloise: Younger sister, my ride-or-die. (Due to the lack of parental affection in their childhood, they're very close. Around the time he was banned from the lavish balls his father would throw, she'd take breaks and sneak him petit fours and wine so she could commiserate with him. Also distract her father and guards while he would go shag some knights.)
to Marcel: Younger brother. We aren't that close. (Sadly... they're not. There's nearly a 20 year age gap between them, but he harbors no ill feelings towards the guy.)
to Johann: I'm gonna get your brother pregnant. (He likes to mess with Johann. Given that Johann was sort of his boss when he was resurrected and tried to arrest Cassis and have him stolen back and constantly referred to Isidore as a monster/freak/thing, Isidore does not have much warm feelings towards him.)
to Isidore: Aww! I love you too! (He's not entirely sure how to deal with Isidore's self-depreciation, but he really loves the guy and he feels lucky to have him in his life. He wants to help him out as best as he can.)
to Viorica: Former student! So proud of her! (Viorica wasn't particularly interested in the subjects he was teaching, but took one of his classes on a whim. The two developed a friendship, and she was there to patch up his hand when he blew it off.)
to Tisane: Little guy! (He's a little guy)
to Eloise: Sister-in-law? She's so nice. :) (Nothing particularly interesting here! They're both sweeties haha)
to Marcel: Nerdy little nephew, aww... (Even though Marcel is technically his brother-in-law, the large age difference makes him seem more like a nephew. Marcel is interested in academia, and he likes talking to Cassis about magical studies.)
to Johann: Older Brother! So cool! (Despite everything his brother has done, he still loves him. They were close in their childhoods, and he has always respected and looked up to him.
to Isidore: I'm glad Cassis found somebody. (Cassis had... quite a reputation of getting dumped a lot when he was a professor. She thinks Isidore's a good fit for him, even if he can be a bit of pain in the ass.)
to Cassis: Former Professor, I owe him a lot. (Cassis being openly queer helped her to realize she was trans, which is what helped them become friends.)
to Tisane: My son! (Tisane cannot be released back in to the wild due to the fact that he is practically toothless. Viorica loves him and he loves her u v u)
to Eloise: Great friend! (On account of being the Only Women Here, she likes to hang out with Eloise to get away from the dudes. Sometimes she feels a little embarrassed with how much Elle spoils her, but that's how she shows her love...)
to Johann: Be kinder to yourself. (A big reason for their relationship is that Johann has neglected his well-being after an injury that ruined his knight career, which she helped him take care of and recover. He still beats himself up for not being as strong as he used to be, but this is the only Johann he's ever met, and she loves him regardless!)
to Isidore: I know your murder was an inside job and I will avenge you. (She was... really shaken up by his murder. Finding out that he wasn't as dead as previously discovered was great, but his his memory being a little shoddy her revenge had to wait. Still, he's incredibly important to her, and she's glad he's back in her life.)
to Cassis: My brother is lucky to have you! (She loves this guy! And she's glad that Isidore finally has the opportunity to be openly in love with a man.)
to Viorica: Bestie! (As said earlier, they like to hang out! She spoils Viorica, who is used to roughing it up in the wilderness, with nice clothes and nights on the town and spa days. Vi gets a little overwhelmed with this, but she never had much of an opportunity to wear fancy dresses before...)
to Tisane: Cute!!! (Viorica will bring him over for girls nights and after a few glasses of wine they usually end up dressing him in cute outfits. He does not like this, but he allows them...)
to Marcel: Protective. (After Isidore's murder, she's been pretty protective over him. Understandably so!)
to Johann: He's nicer than he looks. (Johann was a frequent hire for her father's parties. She spoke to him while his facial scars were pretty new, and they struck a friendship. She thinks it's a funny coincidence that their brothers are dating.)
to Isidore: YOU WILL NOT [impregnate my brother]. (VIORICA TOLD HIM THAT THIS WAS NOT MEDICALLY POSSIBLE!!! STOP SAYING THAT!!! Their relationship is strained thanks to all of their former church baggage, and also the fact that Johann is a Good Fantasy Catholic Boy and Isidore is so relentlessly horny for his brother that it makes him really uncomfortable.)
to Cassis: You forgive me too easily. (He really does. Johann doesn't like how quickly Cassis has forgiven him for being a shitty brother, to the point where he's happy that Isidore is at least a bit abrasive. Also, he doesn't think Cassis should emphasize how much older he is;;; there's only a six month difference between them!)
to Viorica: I don't deserve you. (He's never been in a serious relationship before, so Viorica's presence in his life has been life-changing. He loves her, and he feels so lucky to have someone as smart and patient as her helping him out.)
to Tisane: Quit biting holes into my socks. (He will not. Tisane is a menace.)
to Eloise: A good friend with a terrible brother (not Marcel). (As stated earlier, Eloise would talk with him during parties, something he was not used to but thankful for. He didn't know Isidore at the time, thanks to his usual banning from the party floor, but he was horrified to learn that such a kind lady has such a menace for a brother.
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hanrolld · 3 months
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09/06/2024 ໒꒱★˚⁎⁺˳ .
today was bitter sweet, my day begun with my grand grandmothers birthday she lives in another country so my mom and dad wished her a happy birthday through the phone, I wanted to wish her a happy birthday but it was too late and my mom didn’t woke me up for me to congratulate my grandma.. so I was mad, my mom as always tried to undo her wrongs with food, my dad was fixing my moms phone and he ask me to do something, I told him that u actually didn’t know how to do it and he yell at me for not know things and always making a fuss, bc yeah I’m the problem as always, then I went to work, sad of course bc my anger always turns to sadness, me and my boss actually had a great time, come back home after my first shift, ate and watched lost in translation, pretty good movie love appreciatiative movies, then when back to work, it was really fun we had a great time the second shift also, one of the delivery guys gave us food bc an order form another places was canceled sooo we ate free Parmesan sticks and cookies yey, there was like so many moments where I felt so lucky lol like the free food, not a lot of orders in the sushi place, my boss took me home, then I came home and… my mind is a mess, I feel like I’m living a dark moment in my life, like I’m experimenting some ideas and breakdowns and honestly idk how to put it, it just what it is I guess, maybe it’s just the seasonal depression… I hate that world but the rain is too intense, love you, say it back
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
Hi! You know what I've been thinking recently? I've been thinking about whether J & D will ever divorce and the conclusion I came up with is....no. I truly don't think they'll ever get divorced. ✋🏼 now, hear me out.... there was a story J told at a con... about D getting covid and having to quarantine in the master bedroom and how J had to bunk with JJ....now, I don't like D as much as the next person, but, if I was sick with covid and I was isolated for a week and emerged from my bedroom and saw that the house was a mess (that's basically what J said), I'd be pissed too (like D was) that I would have to be the one to clean it all up. Now, take that story and combine them with all the times J had said that D runs "a tight ship" and how she's the "boss" and how he just does as he's told. I think J is incredibly lazy (not work wise but just as a spouse/partner). To me, he seems to have been raised as if he were in the '50's....where the women took care of the house (D doesn't do that she obviously has nannies....but I'm sure she's the one in charge of them....hell, she's the one who brought them in during the lockdown) while he makes a living and pays for everything. To him, their marriage works and he's comfortable bc he doesnt have to do any work....thats all D. As much as I want him to leave that bozo looking troll, I truly, and as sad as it is, think he may never leave her. He cheats on her, she cheats on him and I feel like they have some kind of understanding bc EVERYONE knows their relationship isn't normal or loving as she tries to make it seem. Also, let's say J leaves her, who in their right mind would want to deal with D (bc of the kids) for the rest of their lives. J is damaged goods at this point and I feel terrible for him. He may want to leave but I think he's resigned himself to an unhappy life.
Sorry for the long ask. Just wanted to get your opinion on my dumbass conclusion lol.
I hope u have a wonderful day and fuck "The Winchesters" 😏
First off, what's with the negative self talk? It is not allowed on this blog, ever. There's no such thing as your conclusion being dumb as it's bases on deep thinking. It's clear from the many comments he's made over time that Jensen is extremely comfortable and delegates everything to everyone else. Elta is a control freak so I think she serves him the sense that he can go about doing his thing without being bothered while she handles everything. They both benefit from their business arangement marriage and that's undeniable. What's also undeniable, however, is the heavy contempt Elta brings to their relationshit which is bound to errode affection as well as the wellbeing of the person on the receiving end of her constant devaluing, Jensen has shown plenty of signs he is done with her bullshit. So, even though both greatly benefit from the dynamic they are in currently, their relationship is bound to crack. If it hasn't already, which is what I highly suspect. They may not divorce to save face but that doesn't mean they aren't separated.
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leopoldainter · 5 months
No body laugh I have battle ship
Otherwise it's something between mm rielevator
Or Add some walls and transformer C woth lots go
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Whadya got
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Just A Kevin costener call back throwem both up
Pause at some point earlier m.bartiromo complained it wasn't the same so
Introducing mushroom swing none are the weakest link cut
Why's there budget office going green
Road maintenance office
Two of them some options and you risk. A couple thousand cattle at A Subway stop
That'll never happen we have a stock market and a walk street
Then whats this water fountain for
It's there, just in case. It's a commonering problem in the west, looking for things to do. People come from all over the world to see it. A work of functioning private property. Some rail stations are unmaintened, momentarily can we put some ply wood up, one person on phone hits a bar and now we have mandatory car insurance It's bupkiss
That never fixes it, mom tries something in her other hand at the same time always.
Do people go underground in there own homes or what
Pull that fence back let me see your permits my kid can fall and drown into a pool behind a house with at least a toe I'm the yard
What was the reformation for if not that. Show me a flying screwdriver power Ed by two legs and the dude. Peggy was working on.
You know you stole that umbrella
By the door
That's rape
Bit filmed in the way of French. Filmed blue.
Oh .
She likes to worry
Go to sleep
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Hey baby I love you
See isabell make up
That's so fake
Who are these people
I see people at the mall
Well I saw someone get rolled over with a train once
Eventually he looked like a tube of tooth paste
Your just remembering how fun it was to play roger rabit
This is grainy but ingrained i
No one noticed the loose eookie
Now there's a. Episode iiRIvirm shakira
Well it's got to be Prescott Russell of course
Keri Russell takes off some form of self knit mega toe glove
What are you baking brownies. For the church pot luck
I told you not to talk to her about.
Well I told her to do something
I'm in grade school during the days. Are you ever here
What's this then
I think he went to stans to play stratego
If I ever get these unzipped will you fuck me like the secretary of head of counterintelligence
How are joking about that, that's the neighbors boss.
Hint trunk crow bar
A glimryape scene
Stan pops his head in checks out auto safety center.
You, carpet. Now its a nei e
See I have a neice speciel
There's a pvc problem
Auto Safety Center
Set them up knock them down
It'd be bad enough to have a map put in broad daylight but engines.. no someone's back there.
You do not drive a ferrari
Xrun is not Christmas it's running long distances a Comon grade school competion
I have a cousin
She took it from that platform by the looks of it
That's not the whole thing
She sings I got the pei book life of static and foreclose
A wave in the window
Why does he not tell me his name
I'll be back
That's how you get a girls number might as well hook it to a line and yank it back myself. But with warmer winters auto windows were less, you know iffy to the islander s
Seems weird to have a pay door handle for the window what if you want to get out
You don't always write things in your gingobiloba.
No, roger
Whats this who fucked in the caboose I just landed it on the deck
Were going again
My rectangles
But they're doin it which is sweat I like that. Hey that's enough I want to see other woman hey baby I love you
Then he shot himself by the counter. I use many bames lemy selli geos frog yum
There's some kind of civil war that split everything in half between the two states of North. And south and so we rembrr amen
We shoot again in New Zealand then I'll make some push posh wrong book it's chrysalids eat my jive poof
But I don't know what I thought I squid was of course they're the anti christ where are they wat do they do how do I know I'll tell you how, using johny dep a faint Robin fore arm black pearl and six flags callback because juicy bones mensa phiranq table its basically Latin he got his bobes yeah.
Whose knitting ching town when do glen
He humms what he says
I can Tele what I'm
Your memory
Tai reminds his friend his moms in the kitchen and he's like oh great I'll make a tomato poop
Tai told him what
I think your forgetting how stark raving dad goes. Well Lisa's isn't good so Ralph wins
Isn't she here to test that very thing
I'm not japanese
Exchange students say the damn Ed's
A Scott hanging from the duckt work both hands out
It's between my legs
How's he got Santa's little helper
We sold the bacon grease it's a real thing
I just stepped on some justice
Black ice
Hold the machiato s
Or isn't œ does that get the uncharge
Never Forget to upcharge
Do you want a lid
I have two eyes last time you put a lid on it I got poked by the stopper
I know I saw the gjf where the eyes were tongues and I was like wait a minute there's a computer somewhere
When you wanna look cool
Drive minicooper (y)
Desperate nod
Now trace of coal
Eventually e e even the ice cream. Truck stops shooting when the hearth s hello, a fire into place
Can we find anything modern
This one's nice a heart explosion just I.magine
You don't give to yourself
But it's written to estelle
No shit it is
Indoor shower unit one unit
I win sims2 capit
Homer's dream is to zoom out. But then who would
Tz_\/ a less then tike.
O.piqard. gotcha foo
It's weird on x it's like a best last post
You meant testanley parable two ceiling records pow pow I win
Not back
Never Forget were the sapy escape root cellar
BecauseEnglish (us) altieri
Scary moove over paige
Roulette points
To Russia
Get them zipped up
You look so bad in the show
You scared the minority report woman awake from cruiseville that's not nothing
Who was she going to call, the ghost busters?
Vines a thing for while
Tic tocs got the toaster shot from super star
But you also live on the beach
They aren't sandals there crocs
That doesn't mean you pick which one you wear and throw the other away.
I saw when homer one bowling you don't wait to find finger holes
Ok Wen it's between the toes it's not that bad
Wait for the
To come
To you
Now there's more room for Riven in the myst franchise. Can we get a real actor in their
So Jodi foster goes in
Its just A flight through sarajeveo
But All I see is 1900000000000$
It's scientific notRion
I the distan Bud Light have taken your Ballon bargontiddttm. And a few tue behind past due
Its on the map of cnn
It's true.
I fart from time to timr
Jeep it up and you'll be cast elvis slant
Were at te
He IA what I am male
O pen
You can't do that thus Trump guise the ridicule. Whose to judge a counting contest with Bank statements a d willi
I am speechless honestly I just tried Joey's make up this one time
Your right, why don't we think of the refugees of the ivory coast
Lisa he asked you that
I only know that that's what they're saying by the image I can see it looks pretty bad. Possibly bad for alp nononpn
Gramdmothers day was to be announced with peppermint
I always know when to lay it to katy
I know, I thought you were being straight forward.
Well whose to say he isn't lying about that to you to. Well Well Well I can see why we're romantic. At home
Hu.mungYs is to judge when you'll sei
Two three
I was always thinking English u on the other hand
0 notes
rehncohro · 11 months
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October 26th - Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Seeing the amount of effort put into this game made me want to try it, so I ended up buying it day one, making this the first physical game I bought on release. The last couple of 2D Mario games weren't as good as the old ones. 0NSMB2 was alright and U was kinda lame, so I'm glad this one turned out as good as it did. After beating the game, I can confirm that this is one of the greatest 2D Mario games of all time and I know I'm not alone on that. For the most part, levels were fun. None felt the same. Even when some matched themes, they still managed to feel completely different.
There were a few frustrating parts, but thankfully there aren't many levels that I wouldn't want to replay. It is a little lame that secret exits don't unlock secret areas on the map. However, they do give you wonder seeds which can be used to progress. As for collectibles, in most levels, there are a few 10-flower coins and at least one wonder seed to collect. The 10-flower coins take the place of star coins/star medallions from previous games. Most aren't hard to collect.
Then the wonder seeds can be obtained by clearing a level (1 for normal exit and 1 for secret exit if the stage has one). The last wonder seed in a level is from getting a wonder flower and putting up with whatever whacky event the game throws at you. Aside from regular coins, there are normal flower coins which can be used in shops to unlock badges, earn standees, or get extra items. Badges unlock extra abilities you can use (you can switch them before entering levels) that you can use to make things easier (or weirder). In a way, it's like cheat codes are back. Some are useful and others are just fun to play around with.
You can either get them from shops or from trial stages. Aside from regular levels, there are much smaller ones. They can have you doing a small task like practicing an ability, defeating enemies, or finding hidden items. The standees can be used to show other players online where things are or revive them if they died so they don't lose a life. You can place them yourself or rely on the ones placed by other players. The online in this game is actually pretty cool because you can see the ghosts of other players and by watching them you can learn where things are and how to get through certain parts.
You can also show them what to do. Since the item reserve is back you can either use it on yourself, or other players, which is useful for the easy characters since they can't use them. Overall, this game isn't that difficult but it can be tough when it wants to be. Some of the extra stages can be a little rough. There aren't that many elements I can say I disliked and the world map was interesting, some parts you are restricted to taking a certain path and others you're free to choose. It was really nice how the last three worlds before Bowser you could do in any order depending on how many wonder seeds you had.
The stages before Bowser were decent stages for the most part and the final stage was a little annoying. However, I still thought it was cool with how it just throws a bunch of the wonder flower effects at you until you get to the end. The final boss was really cool too, even if it did drag a bit. One of the most interesting parts of the whole game was the talking flowers. I always wanted to know what they had to say. They don't really contribute much to the gameplay but they're a really fun addition to the game, so I can't complain. I haven't had this much fun with a 2D Mario since New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Glad they took a break and actually tried some different things because it resulted in one of the best Mario games Nintendo has ever made.0
1 note · View note
lilac-5ky · 2 years
hiiiiii :3
what would drunk consensual sex be like with Gintoki? .///.
ilysm friend
A/N: New phone, who dis? Just kidding, of course it's my beloved senpai. I had to make your request especially big and make you suffer until you'd be able to get what you want, that's what friends are for! I gotta say this was a bit of a struggle and I had to experiment a lot considering it's the first actual time I write about Gin-chan. Still, I had fun writing it even if it took days, can't wait to see what your little dirty deviant mind comes up with in the future for me to write ;-;
Ilyt friend, best senpai ever uwu and all that, hope this doesn't suck!
Drunk Consensual Sex with Gintoki (x Fem Reader)
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chose this one gif because I know how much you love his stupid smug xoxo.
Theme: Night sort of date time between Gintoki and reader leading to a drunken one night stand? Something along those lines.
Warnings: S M U T. Literally in the name of the request, shoo away minors, shoo!
Sakata Gintoki, the boss of Yorozuya. Sakata Gintoki, the one who was as infamous for his naturally wavy silver hair as he was for his unconventional ways of handling things. Sakata Gintoki whose eyes looked so dead, yet never ignored others’ cries for help. No matter what he was known for, Sakata Gintoki was a man of many names, a man whose current daily shenanigans directly clashed with the reverberations of his violent past, a past he longed to forget.
Most days went by either in complete idleness or in complete disordinance as he took job after job, leaving no room for such dark thoughts to creep into his brain. However, there would always be these moments when the past would become more vivid than the present, when everything he had tried to suppress would reappear before him, when he’d find himself standing in the very same battlefield he did all these years ago. It was in moments like this that he’d find himself desperate to get away from everything and everyone. Surely there were people he could talk to, Kagura and Shinpachi being the obvious choices, yet when it came to these memories, Gintoki would rather drown them, force them to the depths of his brain until they ceased to exist. And what better way was there for him to do such a thing other than alcohol?
“One more bottle.” Pushing his glass against the hardwood of the bar, Gintoki asked for his third bottle of sake.
Even though he wasn’t known for his high alcohol tolerance, today was one of those days when he wanted to forget about everything and everyone. Having gone as far as to visit one of Yoshiwara’s bars, he had chosen a spot where no one would bother him, where he wouldn’t have to pretend for the sake of anyone. Drinking glass after glass, he only hoped for the thoughts to stop, for the images to disappear, yet he was more sober than he’d ever been. Even when the lights in the room begun to flicker, even when the laughters next to him became more distant, his memories appeared in his head as clear as ever, ghosts that were begging to haunt him
“Do you even have the money to afford more? Last time you were here you tried to sell me one month old Jump for limited edition-”
“Shut up, old hag! It was the one with Hirohiko Araki’s special interview, of course it costs more than your lousy sake!” Gintoki exclaimed as he tried to grab the sake bottle from the hands of the bartender.
“If my sake is bad then why do you still come here? Look around you, out of all of our esteemed guests you are the only one standing out. We shouldn’t even be servicing the likes of you.” Pulling the bottle away, the woman was about to move when Gintoki threw a handful of coins onto the counter. Intrigued, she looked at him over her shoulder, accepting the money with a scoff before handing him the sake bottle.
With a triumphant look on his face, Gintoki popped the bottle open. As he was about to pour another glass for himself, a presence entering the bar caught his eye. Tilting his head, he watched as you went past the door, an evident look of disappointment engraved in your features as you approached the bar. Throwing your handbag onto the seat next to him, you took a seat right next to it.
“One sake bottle, please.” Motioning towards the bartender, you placed your order.
This day had been a disaster in more than one ways imaginable for you; not only had you been stood up by that jerk who insisted on going out with you, but you’d also been stood up on your birthday. You knew that getting involved with him would be a waste of time, yet not once did you consider the possibility of him not even showing up, not even calling you to let you know. Instead you had to spend hours on dolling yourself up, going all the way to Yoshiwara in nothing but a tiny dress, as you waited in the cold for him to show up. All this effort, all this time wasted and for what? To be sitting in a nearly empty red light district bar, all by yourself. Way to celebrate yet another year of being alive.
“I am sorry miss, I am afraid this jer- this gentleman took our last bottle. Is there anything else I can serve you?” The woman asked, gesturing towards the man that was sitting by your side. Considering your distress, you hadn’t even noticed the fact that you weren’t there alone, unaware of the silver haired man’s existence. Turning to face him, you couldn’t help but feel annoyance rise through you. It wasn’t his fault, obviously, that he had taken the last bottle of sake for his own, yet this had to be the icing on top of a horrible day.
Waving towards you in a whimsical way, the man pushed the bottle towards your side, sliding it onto the counter. “You look like you need it more.” He said once the bottle was in your hand. Staring between him and the bottle, you allowed yourself to smirk. “I look that bad huh?”
Returning your smirk, the man got up, making his way to you as you simultaneously pulled your bag from the empty seat, placing it on top of your lap. Taking the seat to your left, he sat down next to you. “Not at all.” Leaning towards you, the man’s hand reached behind your ear. “Interesting Chikorita cosplay though.” Retrieving his hand , you noticed the presence of a rather big leaf between his fingers. Instinctively, you mimicked his previous gesture in an attempt to search for any other remaining leaves residing in your hair.
“That’s what happens when you wait for an hour in the howling wind.” You answered to the man, doing your best to keep yourself as contained as possible. Not that the opinion of a random stranger mattered, but you didn’t want to keep making a fool of yourself in front of others.
Grabbing the bottle he had offered you, you poured some sake into your glass, gulping it down in one go. Feeling guilty that you had quite literally taken the bottle from the man’s hands, you reached another glass from behind the bar, treating him to a drink. The man accepted your offer, following your lead as he took a sip.
“Couldn’t you have chosen a worse day than today to go for a walk and in such a dress? Either you are really brave or really dumb.” He said once had put the glass down.
“That’s so funny.”
“You aren’t laughing.” The man noted, grabbing the bottle and pouring the two of you some more sake.
“I would be if I wasn’t celebrating my birthday at a near empty bar in Yoshiwara, drinking with a man whose name I don’t even know.”
“Sakata Gintoki.” The man, Gintoki, nonchalantly said. Turning to face him, you examined his features as the name Gintoki faintly rung a bell. His naturally wavy silver hair, the deadfish eyes, the wooden sword that was loosely hanging around his waist, could it be?
“That’s me. Can’t recall you being a client, though.”
“I’m not, you are just infamous, that’s all.” You said, warm liquor going down your throat as you finished your own drink.
“In that case allow me to give you a business card.” Turning his back on you, you watched him work his hands on top of the counter. “We do anything from finding lost pets, to dealing with Mayo freaks, to fighting for the order of the universe or something like that. As long as you pay up, we’ll take on any job. Here.” Shifting around, he turned back to face you once again, this time sliding a piece of paper on the counter. Looking down at it, you could tell that it was a napkin with the name Yorozuya Gintoki and a phone number written on it in a poorly barely readable manner.
“That’s a napkin” You observed.
“A business card.” He countered, pouring you some more alcohol. “All of the budget went onto designing the last panel, you think we have enough to draw proper business cards?”
“Well in that case… I have a job for you.”
Intrigued, he placed the glass back down, flashing you a winsome smile. You weren’t sure if the alcohol was getting to you, but looking at his smiling expression, you couldn’t help but feel attracted to the man. Although his appearance was quite scruffy, far from your usual type, there was a certain charm to him. Maybe today wouldn’t be wasted, you thought as you barely returned the smile.
“Spend the night with me. It is my birthday after all. And don’t worry about the money, I can pay up, let’s just have some fun.”
Considering your offer for a bit, Gintoki grabbed the bottle, this time bringing it to his lips as he finished the remaining sake in one go. With the back of his hand, he wiped his lips clean before banging his fist on the table as he got up.
“Oi granny, I’ll be on my way now. Next time, make sure you stock up on better sake.”
“If you hate it so much then don’t come here again, you punk!” The lady behind the counter raised her voice, obviously irritated by the man’s remarks. Scoffing at her, he readjusted the sword around his waist, making his way towards the exit as he waved his hand at her.
“Are you coming?” This time he spoke to you, beckoning you with his raised hand to follow him. Accepting his offer, you instantly got up, following him outside the bar.
Stepping outside, you could feel goosebumps going up your skin, although to be fair, the howling wind had noticeably calmed down, turning into but a cold autumn breeze. Sure, it still wasn’t mini dress weather, but at least you weren’t shivering as much as before. In fact, your body begun to feel rather warm, courtesy of the alcohol you had previously gobbled up.
“So what do you want to do first?” Gintoki asked, one hand loosely around his belt as he kept on walking. Underneath the neon lights from all the bars and restaurants that were in the area, his hair gleamed through the darkness, silver strands fused with red hues.
“I don’t know, what would you recommend?”
Bringing his other hand onto his hair, you saw him scratching the back of his head as if considering the options. " There are many ways to have fun here. I know a good place for yakitori, then there is that old man who makes great dango. Hmm… perhaps the karaoke place down the street or the arcade next to it. Or else-”
“Let’s just do everything. I’m paying, remember?” Tapping your hand against the purse, you smiled brightly at him as he nodded in agreement.
“Well then, let’s begin!”
The first place the two of you winded up visiting was the karaoke place Gintoki mentioned. Although you had been to a karaoke bar in the past with your colleagues, this was the first time you were going there with a man- a man you barely knew, on top of that. Perhaps this wasn’t the brightest idea, you reckoned, still though, you didn’t want to spend this day all by yourself. And Sakata Gintoki wasn’t a complete stranger either, you had heard stories about Yorozuya and their shenanigans here and there. Plus, he didn’t seem like a bad guy either.
After booking yourselves a room, you ordered some more alcohol, mainly dom perignon, considering how Gintoki insisted that this was the right way to spend one’s birthday. If you didn’t know better, you’d mistake him for a host trying to sell out for bonus commission. Still, you indulged to it, allowing yourself to spend the majority of your income on champagne, a decision you’d come to regret next morning but for now, with each sip of alcohol, your reservations kept diminishing into nothingness. Oh well, that’s a problem for tomorrow you.
Drinking to your hearts contents, the two of you spent at least a couple of hours, singing songs in such an offbeat manner that if anyone heard you, they’d be jeering you. Starting with cheerful pop songs, you danced up and down, doing your best to push all of your worries and sadness away. Even when you didn’t really care about that asshole who stood you up, you could feel yourself getting rather emotional by the time the songs switched to slower ballads. How could he do such a thing to you?
“How could he?” You slurred out loud, falling on top of the couch next to Gintoki as you leaned onto his shoulder. He had stopped singing, keeping his attention on the glass that was between his fingers, twirling it around as he gazed at its content. His entire focus was on the glass, while his previously dead fish eyes were darkened, a hint of sadness tainting him. Although you could tell all the alcohol was getting to you and that you weren’t an excellent judge of character, you could tell there was something in his mind.
“Gintoki. Why were you alone in that bar?” You managed to say, pulling yourself together as best as you could. Shifting his attention from the glass to you, he shrugged his shoulder before leaning back against the couch.
“Kagura is too young to drink and Shinpachi, well… I don’t want to bore him with such trivialities.” You had no idea who these people were, yet you kept listening to him intently, your eyes staring at his lips as he spoke. “Sometimes a man needs to be on his own.” Finally, he brought the glass to his lips, emptying its contents. “Besides, what good is remembering a past you can’t change?”
You couldn’t help but feel sympathy for him. Even when his appearance gave out that he was a rather lazy and laid back person, you could tell that there was something more behind those dead fish eyes and nonchalant words of his. Even if your reasons for being at that bar were completely different, the motive was the same; to forget.
“I think I’ve sung enough. If we keep doing that I’ll end up with a sore throat.” You said in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere. Grabbing his hand, you stumbled back onto your feet, beckoning him to get up. “What’s next?”
Gintoki placed the glass back on the table before taking one of the unopened dom peri bottles with him. Following your lead, he let you guide him outside of the room, the faint melody of yet another sad song fading in the background.
The next station for the two of you ended up being the arcade place next door. This was actually the first time in years that you had visited one, the last time being when you were but a mere child. Looking at all the machines brought you nostalgia, as Gintoki made his way towards the pachinko machines in the far back of the shop.
“Have you played before?” He asked as he sat on a free machine, placing the champagne bottle next to him. Truth be told, you had never really tried pachinko before and in your state, you doubted you could pick up on all the rules of the game. Shaking your head, you sat next to him.
Getting up, Gintoki popped the bottle open, bringing it to his lips for a sip once the foam had subdued. He offered it to you, as you mimicked his movements before placing it on the ground in front of you. Once that was out of the way, the man lowered himself behind you, placing his chin against your shoulder while he snaked his arms around yours. Feeling yourself blushing, you stood still as Gintoki went through the details of the game for you, explaining you the basic concept of it and what you needed to do to win. You could barely focus on his words, as you felt his body pressed flat against you, making you quiver. Under different circumstances, you would be protesting; a man whom you knew for only a few hours being this cozy and handsy with you, even if his purpose was to introduce you to the game. Yet, feeling his warmth you found yourself unable to oppose him, perhaps even indulging in the sensation of the stranger’s touch.
“…And then you turn the handle. Oi, are you listening?” Snapping his fingers in front of you, he managed to wake you up from your thoughts. Nodding frantically, you noticed him sigh before leaning against you once again. “I’ll show you how to play but next round you gotta do it on your own. Put the change here.” Instructing you, he pointed to the left side of the machine where there was a slit. Searching through your bag, you managed to find a few coins, quickly shoving them into it until small silver balls spilled from the machine.
Placing his right hand on top of yours, he guided it around the handle of the machine, wrapping your fingers along with his around the round lever. As he moved your hands up and down, left and right, you couldn’t help but blush looking up to him. Although there was a red tint upon his cheeks -namely because of all the alcohol the two of you had been drinking- he looked rather focused as the flickering lights of the machine gleamed in his maroon eyes. His lips were slightly parted while he slowly blinked, his attention still on the machine. You could tell that he was saying something to you, yet the sound was muffled as your entire attention was on his face. He was so close to you, close enough that if you lifted your head a bit then the two of you would-
“What a bummer.” Retrieving his hand from yours, he walked away from you, going back to his own chair. Although you wouldn’t admit it, you kinda wished that he would have stayed there longer. “But you got the basics now, go ahead, try it.” What basics? The ones he showed you while you were busy eyeing him?
Reaching for the champagne bottle, you took a rather large sip, hoping that with it you’d be able to get some sort of epiphany about the game. Gintoki had already started toying with the machine in front of him and so without any further ado, you started experimenting with yours.
Although you weren’t doing that bad, you weren’t exactly doing great either. Before you knew it, you had spent a small fortune on the game without really gaining any profit. That was until you managed to score somewhat of a jackpot, after playing with the machine for over thirty minutes. The loud beeping sound filled the room, while many of the other players turned to face you, Gintoki included.
“Wow, not bad for a newbie! Now press this and you can get your prize.” The silver haired man said as he leaned towards you once again, pressing a button on the machine. Soon enough, an employee approached the two of you, taking your remaining pachinko balls with him as he went to a counter. Ushering you to follow him, Gintoki took the champagne bottle with him, while the two of you made your way towards the front of the store.
“Here’s your reward, visit us again.” The man behind the counter said in the most unappealing voice. Extending your hand to him, he placed something inside your palm before disappearing back inside the arcade shop. Once he was gone, you opened your hand only to stare down at a pair of silver balls. What the-
“These guys are unbelievable, giving such crude things to a woman!” Gintoki said, as he was about to go back in there to search for the employee. Looking down at your hand and then at him, you couldn’t help but laugh. Surely, you could always sell these silver balls so it wasn’t as if they had no value, yet the incident became funnier over time once you realized that the balls were silver just like his hair.
“Here.” Grabbing his hand, you placed the balls inside his palm. “I don’t need these balls, Gintoki, you can keep them.” Gintoki accepted the balls, his gaze shifting between his hand and your face. Letting out a soft chuckle, he stuffed them in his kimono’s pocket.
“It’s really inappropriate for a woman to keep saying balls. But I’ll take them.”
For a while the two of you walked across Yoshiwara, making your way out of the district, towards the river. There wasn’t much to say, so you kept drinking from the same bottle in silence. You were feeling exhausted from all the walking but you didn’t want to go home yet. Even when everything was getting blurry, even then you wanted to spend more time with Gintoki. You hadn’t even realized how much you needed to talk to someone, to have some casual fun without thinking about all the whats and the ifs. This was the first time in quite a while you were able to let your guard down and it felt exhilarating to be doing that with a complete stranger.
After walking for a while, you stopped by a bench near the river.
“Wait here. I’ll be right back.” Following his order, you sat at the bench, looking at the still waters in front of you while waiting. Bringing the bottle to your lips, you tilted your head in order to drink only to find out that there was no alcohol left. Disappointed, you tossed it next to you as it rolled onto the street. Great. Doing your best to reach it, you got up stumbling, nearly falling onto the ground when a hand grabbed you.
“You are more wasted than I am, huh.” Gintoki exclaimed as he helped you up. In his hands, there were two dango sticks, glazed in sweet soy sauce. “Can’t find cake or anything like that this late. Happy birthday. This one is on me, no need to pay extra.” He said, handing you one of them. Reluctantly, you took the stick from his hand, as tears fell down your cheeks. Even though it was the alcohol making you this emotional, you couldn’t help but wonder, how could a stranger like him be this nice?
“Woah, why are you crying? Don’t tell me you don’t like dango-”
“No, it’s just that… thank you.” Accepting the dango, you flashed a genuine smile to him before taking a bite. The tears were still wetting your cheeks but you tried your best to show your gratitude. He was right, this dango was actually quite good.
“You’re welcome.” His mouth was full of the dango as he talked, making his voice sound rather funny and childish, contrasting his otherwise deeper tone.
The two of you sat back down on the bench, eating in silence. Although you didn’t know what time it was, you could see the first rays of the morning light pouring into the night sky. As much as you wanted to extend this night, it was time to go home.
“I think it’s time I get going.” Turning to face him, you could see the streetlights spinning around as you got dizzier and dizzier. His features were turning blurry, the only thing distinguishable being his silver hair that were framing his face. You couldn’t help but repeatedly bump onto him, your head feeling too heavy to keep still. You were so tired while his warmth was so inviting, you just wanted him to wrap his hands around you like he had previously done at the arcade and let you sleep in his embrace.
“Let’s get you home, then.” Gintoki was the first one to get up, stumbling on his way up. He wasn’t in any better shape, you could tell that he was barely standing while his cheeks were flushed red. “What direction is your home?” He asked, pointing with his index to the left and then to the right. Managing to get yourself on both feet, you leaned against his body, grabbing his hand and then turning it to the left.
The way home wasn’t really long thankfully, although walking without falling to the ground turned out to be quite the formidable task. Bumping into one another while walking, you were laughing to your hearts’ content for seemingly no reason. You hadn’t felt so carefree in such a long time, so light, so free. Being with this man was liberating, even if you never got to see him again, you knew this was a night to remember.
Eventually the two of you reached your house just as the moon disappeared from the sky, leaving nothing but a faint shadow where it previously stood. Nearing the front door, you took a step forward in an attempt to open it. Going through your bag, you managed to locate the keys at the very bottom. Triumphantly, you unlocked the door, tripping on the way in while your fingers were still attached to the key. Just when you thought you were about to fall, a hand grabbed you by the waist pulling you back onto your feet. Once you’d managed to regain your balance, you turned around, facing Gintoki, the two of you temporarily snapping out of your drunken state. He had saved you yet again.
“I-uh… I’m sorry, I get really clumsy when I drink.” You admitted, trying your best not to slur the words while chuckling. His hand was still tight around your waist while you were leaning all of your weight against his shoulder and chest. Your laugh begun to fade once you realized how close you were to him, feeling your own heartbeat against his skin. The tension behind you was palpable at this point, even when you were both completely wasted, the way he held you sparked something within you. Looking deep into his eyes, you gulped softly. You shouldn’t…
“Damn it, I promised Kagura I wouldn’t be late.”
Before you could ask him what he meant, Gintoki closed the distance between you, pressing his lips against yours. The sheer force of the kiss made you take a step back, the two of you stumbling against the iron door. Keeping his one hand around your waist, he slammed the other right above your head, towering you with his height. His lips felt warm and inviting against yours, a lovely contrast when compared to the coldness of the iron surface that sent shivers up your spine. Pressing your body against his, you let your hand wander to his arm, wrapping your other arm around his neck while pulling him closer to you.
Forcing your mouth open with his tongue, Gintoki let his tongue roam freely into your mouth, lazily exploring every bit of you. Although his lips were drenched in alcohol, you could also taste something rather sweet while kissing him, something that resembled the faint taste of fresh strawberries.
Breaking the kiss off, a string of saliva fell onto both your chins, as he backed away, leaving your lips puckering up, begging for more. The man blinked slowly while staring into your eyes, realizing what he had just done. Before he could get any second thoughts about this, you pulled him closer, tugging onto the fabric of his sleeve.
“Would you charge extra if I invited you in?” You inquired, biting your lower lip as you waited for an answer.
“What kind of man would receive money from a woman for such things? I’m not that cheap.” Just as you thought he had turned you down, Gintoki took a step in, holding the door open for you.
The next thing you knew, you were being held down against the first flat surface you encountered, namely the kitchen counter. Wasting no time, the man took hold of your face, cusping your cheeks as his lips clashed into yours. The kiss was sloppy and messy as his tongue moved in sync with his lips, peppering your skin with lazy open mouthed kisses. Trailing a path from your lips to your jawline and eventually your neck, he nibbled on your skin, sucking on it softly, making sure you’d be covered in bruises and love bites by the time he was done with you. The sensation was enough to make you moan, arching your back against his touch, feeling his bulge growing. Unable to help it, you bucked your hips into his, your clothed clit throbbing at the friction between your bodies. Gintoki caught on to what you were trying to do, pulling himself away from your neck as he brought his lips to your ear.
“Bend over.” Coming out like a whisper, the sound of his groggy voice ringing through your ear was enough to send chills up your spine. Considering how drunk he was, he was rather demanding, a fact that made your already wet cunt even wetter.
Obeying his order, you turned around, pulling your dress up while sliding your panties down, letting them fall loosely around your ankles. Once you had exposed your ass to him, Gintoki grabbed both your wrists as he pushed you against the counter without a warning. Keeping them pinned together with one hand, he brought them over your head, making you gasp in return. He was so forceful for a guy you’d only just met, a guy who didn’t even know your name.
Having you right where he wanted to, Gintoki used his other hand to unbuckle his belt, not bothering to push his pants past his thighs. You tried your best to look over your shoulder but his grip wasn’t allowing you to see much. Anticipation begun to rise within you the moment you felt his erection springing from his underwear, the tip grazing your needy cunt. You found yourself wondering what it looked like when he grabbed onto your ass, pushing his cock between your folds with a single move. Instantly your lips formed an o, moaning loudly while your nails dug onto his palms. Although you couldn’t see his expression, you heard him grunt as he backed out, only to thrust into you again, reaching as deep as possible.
At first his pace was slow, letting his cock get engulfed by your walls that were clenching around him with his every move. Even though he wasn’t particularly thick, you could tell how long his cock was by how easily he reached your cervix with each pounding. You were feeling so needy, so desperate, so pathetic under the touch of a guy you’d just met, a detail you kept reminding to yourself. The way he touched you made you feel small, vulnerable even, his frame being much larger than yours as he handled your body like this. He treated you as if you were nothing more than a street’s prostitute he’d met at a back alley, a thought that was only getting you more aroused. Your wrists kept wiggling inside his palm as you tried to break free from his grip. You wanted to touch him, you wanted to feel him, you wanted him.
After a while filled with excruciatingly slow movements, he eventually picked up his speed, skin slapping against skin as he begun to thrust into you quickly, eliciting all sorts of lewd sounds from your lips. Perhaps it was something about the alcohol you’d drunk, or maybe it had to do with him fucking your brains out on your kitchen counter. No matter the case, your senses had started to distort, as you were able to see stars, feelings them ring through your ears like soft chimes. Even when your physical body was right there with him, your mind was flying away, too foggy to form any thought, wave after wave of pure pleasure sending you into a state of complete euphoria.
“G-Gintoki, I think I’m going to c-”
“Is that so?” He inquired between thrusts, his voice slightly shaky as he kept on going. “I’m afraid I’m not quite there yet. Be good for me and hold on a while longer, mhm?” You could do nothing to reply to him, faintly nodding against the cold marble of the counter. He was driving you closer and closer to your orgasm when suddenly he stopped, pulling out completely, leaving you hanging. “Damn it, this won’t do. Turn around, I wanna look at your fucked up expression, birthday girl.”
He allowed you to break free from his grip, as you turned your entire body around to face him. Gintoki moved his hands onto the straps of your dress, sliding them off along with the rest of the fabric until you were standing bare naked in front of him. His gaze fell hungrily upon your body; the man didn’t even try to pretend as if he wasn’t looking at your tits, he was beyond shameless. Curling his lips into a half smile, he squeezed them softly before entering you once again. You were having a hard time keeping together, barely managing to wrap your legs around his torso as he moved closer to you, allowing you to prop your chin against his shoulder for balance.
“G-gin-” You tried calling his name out but there was no way for you to do such a thing, not when his cock was hitting all the right spots.
Soon enough, you found yourself returning to the starry ceiling, coming undone underneath him. Soft whimpers escaped your lips while your walls clenched around his cock, sucking him as he kept pounding you. Unable to keep on going when you felt this tight around him, Gintoki’s movements became inconsistent and sloppy. He was barely able to control himself and his own pace. You could feel his cock throbbing in you, a sign that he was close. The man kept on going, cursing under his breath in slurs, until he eventually pulled out of you.
Although you were barely aware of your surroundings, completely lost in your high, you could feel his arms tense while he jerked himself off to your body. Pumping his length a couple of times, he finally allowed himself to spill his seed, covering your stomach and thighs in creamy white lines, while you kept holding onto him. He was just out of breath as you were, his heart beating quickly against yours while his chest kept moving up and down.
Once he was done, Gintoki wrapped his arms loosely around your waist, placing a rather delicate kiss on top of your head as he held your body. You closed your eyes, inhaling his scent, letting go of all the tension, relaxing in his warm embrace. All the disappointment and annoyance you had felt before entering the bar was gone, the only thought that vaguely remained in your mind being the silver haired man. He had managed to make you forget about everything and everyone as intended.
Slowly but surely, the room around you started to get dark, as you let your eyes shut. Void engulfed you, while hands brushed through your hair lazily in a comforting way. You felt so sleepy, you were so exhausted. The final memory of the night ended up being the faint and distant voice of a man whispering sweet nothings in your ear, complimenting you all the while praising you for being such a good girl.
The next time you opened your eyes, you were rather confused. Where were you, what had happened, why did your head feel as if a brick fell onto it and why were you so sore? You tried to answer these questions, squinting your eyes as you tried to get up. Surprisingly enough you were naked, laying underneath the covers of your soft bed while you begun to recollect what had occurred the previous night. The coworker, the bar, the alcohol, the intoxicating flavor of the silver haired man. Instinctively, you looked to your side, searching for him, Gintoki. Much to your disappointment, no one was there. Had you really imagined all that? No, it couldn’t be…
You weren’t even sure how much time had passed, everything was too uncertain, too unclear, too cloudy. Although there was light outside, there was no telling what time it was. Hopefully a cold glass of water would help sober you up, you thought and so, with a sigh, you got up. Tossing a robe over your naked body, you made your way to the kitchen where a small piece of paper that was lying on the counter caught your attention. What was this?
Picking up the paper, you realized it was a napkin, one that you could have sworn you’d seen before. On the napkin was a phone number along with some barely readable words.
“Happy birthday! Contact Yorozuya Gin next time you need a drinking buddy, free of charge. P.S. That guy missed out, forget about him.”
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RE: the tags about being tempted to post a half finished fic and guess the ending, well you are a reckless writer for a reason
this is long overdue, so here have a fic.
It has come to the point that nothing fazes her anymore.
A kidnapping? Been there, done that. It means calling Sam Arias to intimidate the board of members into temporary submission.
An explosion at the office? Just a typical Tuesday. It means relocating to the 23rd floor and sharing the desk with two other interns for 2 months tops.
An assassination attempt? It means bracing herself for at least 3 deliveries of donuts and coffee for the two following weeks that Kara Danvers would be protectively hovering over L-Corp, until her boss snaps and shoos her away back to CatCo.
She’s seen it all, endured it all and she sure as hell is prepared for it all. She’s got three different ironclad statements ready to publish for whatever PR disaster will most likely turn up that week. She’s got contacts from the FBI, DEO, CatCo, Daily Planet, Gotham Gazette-- hell she even has Lillian’s personal cell (just in case the Luthor matriarch ever tries anything y’know? ) and yes, even the number of that 'Mexican place at 5th and Spring, you know the one Kara likes, Jess?'
She’s got two pairs of heels, a raincoat and four sets of outfits neatly folded in a duffel bag, at the back of the office, reserved for any emergency that requires a change of clothes.
The point is, she is an independent Asian-American woman who has worked her ass off for the better part of the decade and has long learned to take no shit from anybody.
Not even stupid superpowered Kryptonians.
See, it takes a lot to be her. It takes unlimited patience to put up with a woman like Lena Luthor, not because she’s a terrible person. Oh no, no, the complete opposite, actually. She is so overwhelmingly kind to a fault, and she doesn’t want nor let anybody see it. It’s infuriating to see sometimes. Okay, fine, she sides with the Krytonian on that one matter. But oh, ho, ho, not today. Today, she’s mad.
She’s livid, actually and it’s all Supergirl’s fault. (and Lena Luthor's too.)
Jess has had her fair share of ‘I-Should-Not-Have-Been-Here’ moments, like that one time she forgot to knock and stumbled unto Lex mid-yell with Lena whose eyes were shimmering but was still keeping a rigid posture.
Or that one time when she thought her boss had long left the office, only to be greeted with quiet sobs and an empty bottle of scotch rolling on the floor. Or that time she happened upon Lena, skirt and sleeves on fire with fumes rising from a green solution.
Apparently, her staff from the lab refused to let her in after three days of their CEO holding herself in isolation with the experiment. Lena had gotten the great idea of smuggling the chemicals to her office instead. Luthors are nothing but determined. Jess still remembers the adrenaline rush of holding a fire extinguisher—as if she were the chosen 5th grader for a school fire drill—and shoving her boss out of the way.
Like she said, nothing fazes her anymore she’s seen it all, except maybe, this one. Yep, definitely this one. This one just made a hot ball of fury unfurl at her very core. This one might just take the cake.
Jess was just going about her day, returned from a hearty lunch and feeling reinvigorated from that dose of sunlight and fresh air. It was a quiet day today, she noticed, which should’ve been a foretelling.
Nothing really is ever quiet. Well, when it comes to L-Corp, at least.
She’s been sitting on her desk for about a good fifteen minutes and finished with screening a few papers from their new contractors, when it occurs to her that the latest blueprints from R&D are still on her desk instead of already being reviewed by her boss.
She grabs the drawing tube and quickly makes for her boss’s private office. They’ve spent enough time with each other that Jess could just come and go as she pleases, instead of having to knock each time. Saves both of their time, that way.
Although, usually, she buzzes through the intercom first to double check, but it was 1:20 P.M and she knows Lena doesn’t have anything scheduled after lunch. So, she pushes the door, confidently strolls in and promptly stops in her tracks.
Jess stops breathing for a moment, blinks once, twice, stares at the scene before her.
Lena Luthor sat atop her work desk; blouse open, eyes closed, cheeks flushed, neck currently being ravaged by Supergirl with legs wrapped around the waist.
She probably should’ve just turned and left while they haven’t seen her yet. That would’ve been the smart decision, right? Yes. Yes, it was so very clearly The Right Decision.
Of course, she doubts she could look Lena in the eye for the next few weeks after that, but at least she wouldn’t know that Jess walked in on them during an er- make-out session? Office tryst? Oh God, she shudders internally. It sounds even worse.
Incident? Yep. Yeah. She’s sticking with incident. Indecent incident sounds more apt really.
She should’ve left. Would have left, if her eyes didn’t just land on the desk—well, more like Miss Luthor’s as- backside—and felt the stirrings of rage make itself known. Because there, underneath Lena’s ass (Backside!! Jess, that’s your boss!) is the squished—probably crumpled—pages of a contract.
A contract they’ve spent 5 months securing!!
Jess decides to do what everyone else would have done in a situation such as this; she clears her throat. Loudly.
Classic move.
Supergirl’s head immediately shoots up and Lena’s eyes snap open.
“Jess!” Supergirl squeaks and she sees the exact moment the realization hits Lena. Her eyes widening at her girlfriend’s exclamation, whips her head to the side, spots Jess, hands scrambling to a panic to close all the buttons of her blouse.
She hears Lena hiss, “Fuck, shit. Oh my God. Shit. How did she even- You have superhearing!!!” as she pushes Supergirl—who lets herself be pushed, stunned by the intrusion, face redder than a tomato.
Lena gets off the desk, fixes herself all the while to futile results. Her hair is tugged down from her usual ponytail, her neck and chest is marked, her lips swollen.
Supergirl's hands twitch at the sides and Jess sees her gulp as blue eyes frantically dart to Lena and her, and then Lena, and then back to her.
Lena finally turns around after those few awkward beats.
"Jess," she begins, clearly trying hard to put on her business bitch persona, but come on, there's a hickey under her jaw for fuck's sake.
"It's not what you-"
Jess doesn’t let her finish, she stomps her way across the office and forcefully puts the drawing tube on the desk. It makes a hollow thump.
“Jess I-”
“Supergirl, do you know how long it takes to finalize a business proposal, pitch it to the board, persuade the board and finally have a contract drawn?”
Supergirl gulps again. Lena’s eyes are wild next to her, she doesn’t like not knowing what the next best move is, Jess knows this all too well.
“Uhhh- no?”
Jesus Christ, you’d think after years of shadowing Cat Grant, she'd had at least learned a thing or two. Then again, if somebody is full on glaring at her after getting caught red-handed, Jess doubts she could answer coherently too.
“That’s right,” Jess says, “You don’t.”
“Jess,” Lena repeats pointedly. She knows that tone. It’s a warning.
“Ms. Luthor.”
A period not a question mark. It’s a challenge.
"I've spent all my evenings working late on that, do you know how many dates I've had to cancel? Just so I can secure a meeting with Qatar and simultaneously sync it with Beijing's time? My boyfriend hasn't seen me in two weeks!” Jess bursts out.
“Two weeks, Supergirl!” She gets close enough to jab a finger to the Girl of Steel’s chest. A feat she will gladly tell all her coworkers later when she’s calmed down enough.
“Not to mention, the 10 other people who worked their ass off trying to make sure that Miss Luthor's presentation is airtight, bulletproof and waterproof!” Lena has the decency to look a little guilty at this point, nothing big though, just a slight tug at her lips, but it was enough for Jess.
Supegirl of all people should already know this! For fuck’s sake!
Jess’s chest is heaving. She takes a deep breath, kneads her knuckles to her eyelids, “So, please if you're gonna have sex in the office, please, pleaseeeee clear the desk first. And at least, lock the door.”
She stares them both down, till Lena gives her a solemn nod; cheeks and ears still red. Supergirl squeaks out an, “U-understood, Ma’am.”
“Good. Glad we’ve come to an agreement.” Jess gives them one final nod before finally fulfilling what she came in here to do, “Miss Luthor,” She turns to Lena, “here are the R&D blueprints. Good day, to you Supergirl. I'll be going now. "
When she finally goes home, tells her boyfriend, and wonders aloud if she’ll still have a job the next morning, he tells her she’s such a badass.
And well, Jess can’t disagree with that.
"Did I just- Did I just get yelled at by your secretary?? D-did she just chew us out?"
"She did, and she deserves a raise."
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