#like utopia
black-and-yellow · 1 year
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It's here. The long-awaited bug DTIYS. I've changed some stuff. It's not a contest anymore - that means no prize - but it also means no deadline. I wanted something more casual, since I haven't been online in a while, and I thought the idea of deciding on a winner would be too stressful, so it's just for fun now.
I'll be reblogging all the entries, so make sure to tag me. Also use the tag #bnydtiys2 so we can keep everything in one place.
Here's the 'rules': Redraw the original image in your own style (no tracing etc). Use them tags. You can change the background if you don't want to do the bug wing, or change the posing slightly, but try an keep it recognisable. Keep the colour theme cause I think it looks sick and the tag will look so nice if everything's got a splash of yellow yippee. No deadline so take as long as you like. Take years if you so wish. If I'm still alive then and haven't succumbed to Tummy Hurt, I will give it a reblog. Don't worry about quality. If you're not usually an artist but still want to participate, go for it. There's no prize. If you'd rather me not reblog your entry, just say so in the tags. Say something like 'bny if you reblog this i'll say mean things about your tarantula' and that'll definitely catch my attention. Have fun. Or don't, you can scream the whole way through if you'd prefer. You don't have to follow me it's not like I'm gonna check.
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froof-of-the-loof · 7 months
Hey! If you're mad because "the doctor is gay now" I have news.
This is the news:
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I rest my case
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mwagneto · 2 days
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my power to recognise any doctor who episode based on any screenshot finally comes in handy at the sutekh landing montage coz im losing my MINDDDDDDD HIIIIIIII 3x11 UTOPIA MENTIONED!!!!!!!!!! EPIC FUCKING REFERENCE
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corallapis · 11 months
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naivety · 11 months
society if missouri stayed spn's bobby
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icarusbetide · 2 months
i joke that rev period america was just 20 people in a circle recycling reusing periodic beef with each other but holy shit the same names every single goddamn time. von steuben wtf were you doing at the doctors' riot of 1788. hercules mulligan you exist in a different stratosphere from the adams family, why is your son involved with john adam's son. von steuben and hamilton why are you involved in this as well. aaron burr why are you maria reynold's lawyer. can i expect jefferson and madison in a trenchcoat to jump out of the bushes or what.
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communistkenobi · 4 months
the more I read about contemporary homophobic laws globally the more it becomes apparent that there is basically a 1:1 direct relationship between whether a country was under historic British rule and how many anti-sodomy laws they currently have on the books. like I knew this in a general sense but not the staggering degree to which this was the case. and I know this probably isn’t really shocking especially given how insanely anti-trans the UK is right now but it’s kind of insane to see just how much homophobia is a comprehensively global export of the British
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khruschevshoe · 5 months
Me, a dumbass, realizing that the Master in nuwho has only ever been revealed as a twist after an entire episode of them acting as an ally or at least non-assuming acquaintance to the Doctor or their companions:
something something foils parallels the Master could have been the Doctor if they weren't so obsessed with control the Master keeps trying to prove to the Doctor that they are one and the same THE MASTER AND THE DOCTOR ARE TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN EQUALLY CAPABLE OF GOOD AND BAD AND IT IS ONLY CHOICES THAT KEEP THEM WHO THEY ARE
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officialspec · 3 months
Im curious on why exactly you dont hc falin as transfem anymore, her story rlly screams transfem to me personally. (i wanna note that i rlly am curious and this isnt me going HOW DARE U i respect all headcanons and i think yours is interesting!)
IT RLLY DOESSSSS im still conflicted tbh like the themes are Right there. i just keep getting stuck on the idea tht the village they grew up in probably wouldnt have supported her identity like that and i like the story too much to retcon it for my headcanons 😩
i cant put down the trans reading entirely though so i really like her having some dragon genderisms. girl who wasnt trans before being revived but is now
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shardsofswords · 10 months
Was scrolling the hellsite and saw this gem of a trashfire
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be right back guys, I gotta make a malevolently bad map
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 6 days
We recently hired an older woman truck driver and today she complimented my hair and asked me, "So are you family, or like an ally?" and I answered, "Oh, family 😊" and she got such a happy look and started talking about how glad it made her to have a new job somewhere where people could be openly queer and that she'd never worked somewhere with as high of a percentage of non-cishet people and how good it felt. It was just a really lovely little interaction.
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13eyond13 · 9 months
The real "mom friend" in Death Note is actually Light Yagami, unfortunately for the world
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mwagneto · 7 months
jack remarking that he's "missed this" while running from danger with the doctor is so crazy like his life since the doctor left him has been nothing but constant danger as the head of torchwood except back there he's thrust into the role of leader as the person who's objectively the most experienced but he's just some guy!! he doesn't know anything he's constantly fucking up and put in impossible situations and ruining things and we even see how easily the team organises in his absence. like clearly he did not miss danger he just missed having someone who can tell him which way to run from it....
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g1deonthefirst · 4 months
speaking of john caring less about being a savior than meting out punishment, we really don't talk enough about the fact that there's a prison above the ninth
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nebulouscoffee · 11 months
"My name is Nyota. I'm the communications officer, I- I was born in Kenya- I used to have a cat, named Kamili. My first memory is watching my dad play the piano. I'm real."
Okay but I was wholly unprepared for how much it would mean to me to see more of Uhura's African identity actually being canonised by this show. The "I'm real" especially got to me; just a throwaway line but it really made me think of the Ben Sisko/Benny Russell parallels! Nyota, born in the 23rd century, is exactly the sort of person Benny Russell dreamed could exist in the future. She is real! She exists!
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talefoundryshow · 5 months
In a world where there’s nothing left to conquer but boredom, how does play evolve?
Song - NFL on FOX Theme (Instrumental King)
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