#like we KNOW storm can handle that but thats not the problem
univemma · 4 months
Storm and Morph stuck in Victorian era England with a feral Wolverine:
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du-hjarta-skulblaka · 18 days
I have had a VERY busy week (positive but very very socially draining) and I am ABOUT to have a few days of work and then ANOTHER very busy week (work, 2 different appointments and a job interview) and I just wanna take a moment and remind myself that I may take longer to do things than average but im still DOING them and it's. Okay to still feel tired several days after making a phonecall
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heliads · 2 years
Thanks for writing for all readers 🥰 Only if you feel comfortable: a male squaller thats really similar to Zoya (they are besties and bickering 24/7) but turns into a flustered mess whenever he has to talk to Genja, who he actually shares many hobbies with? If you dont want to write that just male squaller thats besties with Zoya and making lighthearted fun about Nikolai?
i would do anything for genya safin my beloved
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There’s a common saying in Ravka that the best satisfaction comes from an honest day’s work. It’s ridiculous, of course, the sort of thing that’s said by wealthy monarchs as they watch their starving subjects work to the bone to supply them with another feast, but the message has still managed to stick around all of these centuries.
You, however, would tack on an addendum to the popular moral:  some satisfaction may come from the day’s work, sure, but the best satisfaction of all comes from being the best in the business, honest work be damned. Right now, you’ve just beat out even Zoya Nazyalensky in the latest Squaller showdown, and you could be on top of the world for all the Saints care.
Zoya, bless her heart, is pretending that she isn’t bothered at all right now. “No need to keep gloating, L/N, it’ll ruin your complexion.”
You snort. “I couldn’t ruin my complexion if I tried. It’s weathered even your storms, so it should stick around for a while longer.”
“It’s just one practice,” she replies, “don’t let it get to your head. I’ll remind you that I won the same title yesterday.”
“Yes,” you say, “but this is now. I’d never bother to get so caught up in the past.”
Zoya scoffs. “Yes, we know, you take pride in being a heartless and cold statue of a man–”
You can’t help but grin as you listen to Zoya. Despite her seemingly harsh words, this is how the two of you get along best, by trading jokes disguised as insults until even the most grating remarks make you laugh. You may pretend that the world doesn’t humor you in the slightest, but you can’t deny that you’re having a wickedly good time right now.
“–although your entire facade seems to disappear whenever you’re around our good friend Genya Safin,” Zoya finishes, “Why’s that?”
You were wrong, this world is a terrible place and you wish to leave it at once.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you grit out icily.
Zoya just smirks. “Of course you don’t. I wouldn’t be surprised if your entire brain shut down the second she walks within your line of sight. That’s what it seems like, at least.”
You roll your eyes. “If I can walk into conflict against the Fjerdans without so much as flinching, I doubt one Tailor could truly shake me that badly.”
“That’s what one would think,” Zoya says crisply, “yet it still happens. I must admit that it fascinates me. I thought you were better than silly feelings such as those.”
You arch a brow. “You’d know all about silly feelings, though, wouldn’t you? I seem to remember spotting a very familiar blue ribbon neatly coiled on the desk in Nikolai’s room the other day.”
Zoya’s eyes spark with a very unbecoming irritation. It appears that your theories about her and the king were true, although anyone with a set of working eyes or ears could think the same from the way they speak to each other.
“I can’t help it if the king thinks me devastatingly attractive. Would you like me to inquire with Genya if she feels the same way about you?” She asks pointedly.
You give her a look that could cut through solid stone, although it just makes her grin broaden. “I think I can handle my own affairs just fine on my own, but thank you so much for asking.”
Zoya’s teeth flash with the shine of her own vindication. “Just thought I’d offer. I am known for my charity when it comes to hopeless causes, aren’t I?”
You don’t bother to dignify that obvious fabrication with a response. The problem, of course, the issue of the very root that Zoya has so tactfully pointed out, is that you do indeed have lapses in your cold demeanor when it comes to a certain redheaded Tailor, although that’s not your fault.
How could it be your fault, after all, when Genya Safin is at her core the best young woman you’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting? She’s got a wit to match your own, a sparking temper, and a warm heart beneath it all. That’s not to mention the fact that she’s irrevocably gorgeous, and one of the finest and bravest Grisha the Little Palace has to offer.
It would be wonderful if you could talk to her, then. You’ve certainly prepared for such a day time after time, straightening the collar of your best kefta like having a hair of the fox fur collar out of place would ruin your chances forever. In truth, you don’t think Genya has the time to consider the complacency of your kefta’s fur trim, as you trip over yourself so badly whenever she’s around that she’ll be far too distracted to concentrate on anything else.
It’s a terrible shame, which is of course why Zoya’s brought it up. She’s laughed over your inability to talk to the Tailor countless times before, no matter how often you try to deny it. In the end, you could build up the confidence of the Saints themselves, and it would all come crumbling down the second Genya so much as bats her eyes at you.
Zoya appears to take rare pity on you, because she clears her throat only a few minutes into your restless musing. “I’m actually meant to be meeting with Genya today on behalf of the Squallers,” she says, “but I’ve been called away for a war report and I won’t be able to make it. You’ll be able to at least try and fill my shoes while I’m out, won’t you?”
You raise a sardonic brow, trying to hide the fact that your heart feels as if it’s suddenly gone into palpitations. “I thought you’ve told me on countless occasions that I could never even hope to match your ineffable presence.”
Zoya sighs theatrically. “I did, but I’m afraid you’ll have to do today. I thought you’d be jumping at the prospect of visiting your sweetheart.”
“I’m going to push you into the lake,” you say.
“I don’t think you have the aim for that,” Zoya shoots back, and walks away matter-of-factly before you can test out that theory.
You treat yourself with a few seconds to glare at your friend’s back, then groan and start heading towards the Little Palace. Genya will be in the War Room at this hour, waiting on Zoya. You can only hope that she won’t be too disappointed to see you instead.
The soles of your boots echo against the cold stone floor of the Little Palace, rolling out a steady rhythm that helps calm at least the edges of your nerves. You shouldn’t be this nervous to see a friend, but then again, your heart has rarely seemed to follow your directions.
You knock once against the dark wooden door of the War Room, and moments later a voice calls for you to enter. Genya has her back to you at first, and you set your shoulders back. Today will be a good day. You’re going to actually handle this well. You don’t think you could physically take Zoya’s teasing if you didn’t.
In the meantime, you have the snapshot of a brief moment in which you can lean here against the half-open door, just looking at her. You’ve seen Genya around the Little Palace, of course, she’s impossible to ignore and so deeply entrenched in the Grisha that it’s impossible to uproot her, but still.
She’s especially pretty now, in the low lamplight. Her copper hair is pinned up, businesslike, although the bottom curls have already started to come untucked and trail towards the nape of her neck. Even when she thinks she’s alone, Genya carries herself with such cool confidence that you’d think she’d fought a thousand wars before and won them just as easily as she’s going to win this one.
Then again, perhaps Genya has, in a way. No one except her closest friends know exactly what happened during the reign of the Darkling, but it wasn’t good. Instead of turning Genya cruel, though, it has just made a kind girl brave. It amazes you.
Oblivious to your reverie, Genya turns around, arms full of blueprints. She frowns once at you across the room, then dumps out the scrolls on the already cluttered table before you. “I thought the meaner Squaller was coming,” she says.
“I thought I was supposed to be the meaner Squaller,” you say, “I might be hurt.”
Genya chuckles, success at last. “I’d have to disagree. I do love Zoya dearly, but her favored way of showing affection is through targeted sarcastic barbs.”
You smile faintly at that. “Zoya is–” 
Your early lead trails off, and you’re left clutching at straws, hoping to find something to say that won’t make you sound like a complete moron.
“–an acquired taste,” you finish somewhat lamely. You really can’t manage to conduct yourself around her, can you?
Luckily, Genya grins at your words. “I would quite agree,” she says, and you try not to make your sigh of relief all that obvious.
She beckons you over, leaning over one of the scrolls she’s started to unroll. “Zoya was supposed to talk to me about the Squallers. Hopefully, you know about your own branch of the Small Science.”
“I’m inclined to think so,” you say, “what were you going to talk about?”
Genya taps a few notations on the diagram. “We need to send another squadron of Grisha to the front lines. I need some names, people who are actually likely to follow orders instead of trying to be heroes and go off by themselves and die pointlessly. Have anyone in mind?”
She smiles somewhat apologetically as she asks the question, just as aware as you are that this is a terrible predicament. Sending friends to certain death is never easy, but in a time of war, it must be done anyway.
So, you nod, and try your best to move some of that burden off of her shoulders and onto yours. “Lara Kulakov is good, she’s someone you can trust. Danil Ivanov too, he’s strong. I wouldn’t go for Veliko Resnick or Milana Marinova, though. They’re good fighters, but far too distracted by a good round of Three Man Bramble. Which is pointless, by the way, because everyone in their right minds knows that the best card game is solitér.”
“Solitér?” Genya asks, suddenly delighted. “You play it too? Zoya makes dreadful fun of me for liking it, she says it’s a game for old maids or life sentence prisoners, but I happen to think it’s quite fun.”
You laugh. “No, I think it’s the best. I learned to play when I was quite young, I think it was a way for my mother to keep me quiet and out of trouble.”
Genya grins. “See, I knew you were fun, L/N. This just proves it. We should play sometime.”
You frown. “Solitér is a solo game, though. Thought that was the whole point. You know, solitary, solitér.”
Genya rolls her eyes. “Alright, then, we could play in the same vague proximity. It would work out.”
You smile at her, suddenly self conscious. “It sounds like a date.”
You meant to confirm her idea, but it comes out more like a question. Could it be a date, perhaps? Could it actually sound like Genya Safin herself wants to meet up with you?
Genya straightens up slightly, hands smoothing out invisible folds in the skirt of her kefta. “Only if you wanted to, that is,” she amends in a quieter voice, “I know you’re probably quite busy and all, but–”
You cut her off hurriedly before she can retract her offer. “No, I think that sounds wonderful. I’m just awful at confirming things, that’s all. You make me terribly nervous, Genya.”
She laughs, the sound of it pealing like a bell through the room. “That’s impossible. Zoya says you’re one of the bravest Grisha we’ve got. Surely I can’t make you nervous.”
You smile in spite of yourself. “One would think so, but the facts still remain. If you were to agree to this date, though, I might be able to overcome my little fear.”
“You think so?” Genya asks around a dazzling grin.
You nod solemnly. “Only if you’d give me the chance to prove it.”
The corners of her mouth twitch up in a happy smile, refusing to tamp themselves down. “I think I’d be alright with seeing that. Shall we do Thursday, then, after supper?”
“That sounds perfect,” you say, and it is. You’ll certainly have the story to share with Zoya once she comes back. For once, you’ve managed to stop tripping over yourself around Genya, and you’ve even managed to win a date out of it. Nothing could be more perfect, indeed.
grishaverse tag list: @rogueanschel, @cameronsails, @deadreaderssociety, @mxltifxnd0m, @story-scribbler, @retvenkos, @thatfangirl42, @gods-fools-heroes, @amortensie
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firefistlaw · 3 years
Could you write some fluffy relationship hc for Katakuri, Marco & Sanji? Thank you 😄
a/n: hope you like them!
summary: Fluffy relationship hc for Katakuri, Marco and Sanji
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It takes effort, trust and especially respect for him to lower his giant walls and let you in, but once he does it's a very lovely and wholesome experience
He knew he adored you when instead of running away or screaming at his face, the first time you saw him you cupped his face and told him he's so handsome while you kissed his cheeks. 
He would absolutely love to spend time doing normal activities with you, like you sitting close to him while you draw or him watching you while you make tea for the two of you. Very domestic stuff - that’s what he adores
Loves being with you when he has his meriendas - he just wants to munch on the doughnuts and listen to you speak about whatever you wish for honestly its the best way for him to relax. You could even be napping next to him and he would consider it quality time. 
One time you asked him if it was alright if you sat on his lap and he was frozen, you want to sit on my lap? So ever since he thinks there shouldn't be another space where you sit besides his legs or between them. As a matter of fact, when it’s just the two of you, he will softly grab your waist and make you sit on his lap before you can even ask
Melts when you let your finger wander over his tattoos, sometimes it makes him sigh contentedly
His favourite position would be you in his lap or in between his legs and having your face in the crook of his neck while he sits against cushions.
Gets flustered when you want to kiss his face, even though you've said multiple times you think he’s handsome and you love every part of him, he still worries about you changing your mind one day - so when you want to kiss his face, he gets all still and tries not to move as if he could scare you away ugh heartache
"do you enjoy my company?" and when you say yes obv kata i love it with you, he just nods and caresses your cheek with his thumb
Thats his thing btw!!! When he thinks he upset you, he'll stroke your cheek with his thumb and ask what the matter is. When he thinks you look especially lovely, he'll touch your cheek with his thumb and let his fingers graze your jaw
His siblings always talk about him behind yalls back bc according to them he looks softer when he's with you <3
He likes touching you but always worries about seeming too eager so you should always take the first step!! But only in privacy, he doesn't really like pda, especially not in front of his family </3
If he's about you, then you best believe he's about you. Has a lot of flings, but rare relationships. Not a man that does halfhearted relationships either - will give his whole heart to his partner, always.
Very lowkey about a lot of stuff though, he doesn't shout out to the world that he found someone; rather appreciates privacy instead
It's either "C'mon, brat." Or "C'mon, yn." with him. Only in private the occasional "baby" drops.
Looves to tease - can be very cheeky at times too. Sometimes jokingly calls you annoying, but it always comes with a kiss to make you feel better. Sometimes pokes your sides right after to get a reaction again, ah..
Notices immediately if something is the matter and honestly? It has its perks to date someone that can heal others - whenever you cut yourself on accident or get hurt, all it takes is one look and he'll be by your side, softly healing with his devilfruit powers. Mwah love him
Additionally, if there's something on your mind he will listen patiently and try to find a solution to your problems, no matter how long it will take.
Squeezes you in between the managing of the crew. It can be hectic at times, but he will always, and I mean it, always find at least 30 minutes for you. Will make it look like as if he just randomly had time, but he didn't and you know it but for his sake you don't tell him <3
Whenever you dock onto a new island, it's you two exploring together! Doesn't matter if others join, but the grouping starts with the two of you - gets grumpy when you explore it without him so dont do it !!🍍💔
Wants you to sleep next to him at night bc he feels calmer knowing you're close to him if something happens </3
Squeezes your behind if he walks past you and if you shoot him a glare, he snickers loudly omg
Disney Prince type of relationship. Are we surprised? Absolutely not.
Will bring you the moon if you ask him to, either he dies trying or he achieves the goal and for him, it's worth it
Wakes you up every morning with kisses, pretty words and (you already know) a breakfast buffet specifically for you. The rest of the crew already know to keep their hands off if they don't want to feel his wrath upon them--
Won't call you by your name unless he's upset at something. It's always "princess", "darling", "sugar", "honey" or "love of my life"
Speaking of, if the two of you are ever fighting about something, he'd be slumping all day and would be so sad it's heartbreaking to watch, honestly. Will move heaven and hell to get the issue out of the way between you two because he can't handle being away from you for too long :(
Expect a storm of kisses on your face afterwards! Will cup your face and doesn't stop planting smooches all over you until you start laughing and push him away
Big on pda - will always hold your hand or have his hand on the small of your back. If you're out to shop, he'll let his hand wander to your side and push you towards him while he whispers things in your ear, like how you'd look gorgeous in these clothes or how he'll buy you everything you want !!!
When there's a gathering, keeps the seat next to him free for HOURS until you come and sit next to him mwah snooji
Teaches you how to cook, only to hug you from behind and kiss the back of your neck because he would never make you cook anyway 😭
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thekillingjoke-haha · 3 years
Angel With A Shotgun
Summary: The Novak family was big talk,but not nearly as famous as the L/n’s. Togther they can be unstoppable,so what say family ties like guns,drugs,money,and murder?
Paring: Michael!Dean x Male!Reader
1900's Mafia/Gangsters AU
A/N: this is a Micheal fic,but its him in Dean's body so like...idk its the same snake different skin. Also Chuck is referred as Charles
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Warning:Blood,guns,knives,gore,torture,swearing. Homophobic comments like just a few. No proof reading
The Novak's that a family that was one of the most feared yet respected. The way people talk about them down south you'd think they were inspiration for the Bible itself. A man by Charles or Chuck Novak is the head honcho with five sons to help him run is kingdom.
The youngest is Castiel he was probably the nicest of all his siblings,but also the most protected with three other brothers, Gabriel is the definition of trouble and if he slipped up head could easily get lynched good thing he puts that silver tongue to work. Raphael was one of the more head strong,but sadly he was shot when several rivals attacked at on of their bars. Lucifer is the second oldest and the most hot headed with a temper to match the black sheep in his family if you will, then last,but not least Michael he was something else entirely the play boy,a demon is a flat cap and tailored suit.Now that the Novak's have been introduced the world's most feared gang the L/n's is one family not to be fucked with.
(Father's name) leading his kingdom no...empire with his wife (Mother's name) and togther they had only two sons. The second born William and the oldest M/n. William wasn't much involved with the criminal side of the business,but his big brother was the prime example of a gangster. No one besides the L/n gang has seen him he stays out of newspaper coverage and that only allows his terror to run ramped. A man with no face and a title of Satan himself made the oldest Novak just a little timid when he found out. "WHAT THE HELL!!!" Michael threw the newspaper on his fathers desk in anger the older man looked up after glancing at the paper. "I'm due to be wed to a L/n and none the less a man! I can be hanged for so much as saying I do and it IN THE FUCKING BULLETIN!!!" He was seething with hatred in every word. Michael will admit it hurt a lot finding out he was to be wed by the slight disgust look he got while grabbing the paper before getting coffee. "I wanted to tell you sooner,but you were handling something. There's no way out of this a deal was made before you were born me and (Father's name) have been waiting for his wife to bare a girl or your mother to do the same,but your mother's untimely passing and (Mother's name) having gone unfertial our oldest are due to wed." Chuck sighed taking off his thin wired glasses.
"You two were once friends,but I guess time got rid of those memories." Chuck sat down his spectacles down looking at his son. Michael turned to father with shock evident in his eyes. He was friends with M/n L/n the man with no face. Everything was too foggy. The shorter male stood up to a shelf in the office and grabbed a small match box opening it looking around before pulling out a picture. Handing it over to his son he sat back down. "He was one of the only people you'd go to when you were a baby. Heavens he was probably the only person you liked,but when he was five and you were three the fact that our business was centered around blood and there's on bonds it became a fight,mafia versus a gang, and you guys saw eachother less and less till around the time Luci was born not at all." Chuck sighed. The young man was in shock a little boy maybe two or three was cuddled up to a baby in a pale blanket that he remembered was blue fully awake and if the picture could come to life he's sure the boy was humming all while rubbing the infants back.
"No ones seen a picture of him in twenty six years and he was on his fathers hip with a match box car. He's in town and should be coming for dinner here by himself in three days time. So til then keep your brothers in check we don't need them to shoot the young man with a stray bullet." With that Charles dismissed his eldest son as the green eyed boy stormed off in a huff. Michael started to do digging. M/n L/n was in headlines weekly in every post known to man from shootings,assassination,and gangbanding to rumors of his love-life,what he wears,and people claiming to have met him. One thing caught his eye that made him falter. "Gangsters M/n L/n Captures Murderer" that when he started reading the full paper that crumbled a bit due to age. Maybe he's not so bad the guy he caught never saw a courtroom,but met a far worse end all because he caused problems with his people. It was admirable the brunette knew he'd do the same,but not just for anybody. Marriage wasn't settling well with him that didn't mean it felt completely wrong.
One day later
Looking in the mirror Michael watched as his maid adjusted his tie while another smoothed the wrinking in his white button up and vest of his three piece suit. As the oldest he had business to handle people to keep in line. When their hands left his body they scurried out of the room rushing to be down stairs before him. His dress shoes met the floor as he grew closer to the door his youngest sibling ran up next to him. "Can I come,please!" His raven head of hair and doe blue eyes almost made him cave,but with a firm look he gazed down at him. "Sorry little raven,but I have things to handle another time." The pout on Castiel lip didn't move as he held up his hand his pinky out. "Promise?" Interlocking with the ten year olds pinky. "Promise." With that he happily skipped away to play in the garden.
Out the door he went. His flat came on his head and coat thrown over his shoulder his effects tucked in his waistband. Screams caused him to smile as he stood before the butcher on payroll. He wore the man's leather apron having abandoned his tailored suit jacket in the front of the deil. "Were is my money?" He cut the man some more as he continued to scream in pain the white fire from the rusted meat hook in his shoulder flaring with each jerked motion. "Help please!" He yelled all of a sudden in the past hour he hasn't called for assistance. "No can do." A deep voice said behind the oldest Novak turning around sharply his green eyes clashed with e/c. The man looked like anyone off the street his shoes tattered and clothing dirty form labor no bet. "I came for my five notes." The didn't seem fazed at the torture. "Fuck you gypsy scum!!" The pig of a man responded as the tall s/c man crept closer gripping a knife Michael was using. "I just unloaded a load of meat in the summer heat that would give the devil a sweat and all I asked for my effort was five notes nothing more nor less so cough of the money that you clearly owe both of us or I'll carve it out of you and make you squeal like the piggy bank you are." His tone dropped further the blade under the man's fat chin and the Novak felt aroused at the threat. This guy meant every word when the hanging man spat in his face the off color of snuff and blood made the normally clear liquid seen and thick. Let's just say Michael sat back crossing his legs in a attempt to compose himself as the man hit pitches not even the girls in the church choir could master. The heavy weight man forked over the money then some I got my full and he ended up giving the mystery man a hundred notes if he made the pain stop after pocketing the money he shot the man.
He turned around and began to leave when the brunette stopped him. "Wait! I give you my thanks friend he was stubborn for a hour almost" The h/c man turned looking at him giving a smile tilting his head for the Novak to follow as he stepped out the deli. Scrambling he walked down the street next to the man their attire clashing a well tailored suit next to rags that looked more like a potato sack then cloth. "Glad I could help a fine looking fella like yourself." His flirtatious grin caused butterflies to run ramped in Michael's guts. As they walked down the street they slowly moved from the good side of the town to the slums. No cars drove on the gravel a fire hydrine spat out water for all the children playing around it,women hung up clothes on wire between tenements and men looked more like the mysterious gypsy next to the Novak. Speaking of the mystery man he went to each crowded tenements door and knocked the women or young men of the families came to the door and he handed over twenty notes each. The women cried and clung to his tall figure and the boys almost men looked at him in wonder like a hero before running off to tell the adults of the place. "Why did you do that?" Michael asked as they walked out of the town. "You worked for that money and gave it all away." He was confused he's never seen a man work for a family that wasn't his own.
"They need it more. Schools out the children don't get meals and the men work hard to feed them at least a meal a day. I'm alone here no lover or children with the energy and muscle to work." Novak wasn't sure before,but he was sure now this was love and it felt better then any harlot he could spend the night with. "Thats very admirable of you." Michael complmented which was not a normal accuracy. "It was truly nothing to admire,handsome. I'm not saying I'm amazing,but sometimes I'm decently above average. That's what people need someone decent enough go care."
Before he knew it they were back on his side of town and getting closer to the business. "It's been a pleasure,Mr. Novak." The man dripped his head as he turned to leave somewhere. "You know who I am and I don't even get a name." He turned back around and got closer to him his chest pushed up against his till he was pinned to the wall he leaned down his lips so close to his face just out of reach. "I'm N/n,but you can call me the man of your dreams." Michael almost leaned up to peak his lips when the warm body pulled away taking with it the lust filled tension. N/n turned and left out of sight that night was full of the man tossing and turning dreaming of the e/c man that made him feel high as the clouds above. N/n smiled as his men drank around him he finally saw his baby boy all grown up and he's taking what's his this time.
Two days later=Six Hours Before Family Dinner
The buzz of the New Yorker coming to Kansas was the rage. Any man that was new in town was watched like a hawk by commoners and the Novak's. Michael was no longer looking forward to this marriage he didn't want this man no matter who he was. N/n stole his heart like a petty thief and ran away from him. No one in Kansas knew who he was a s/c skinned,h/c haired,e/c eyed gypsy was all he had to go on no last name just a image that burned bright in his mind. Michael sighed as he left his office and went down to the bank he needed enough cash on hand to throw away on booze and maybe angel dust. People parted for him like the red sea and he easily got money when gun shots went off. The teller in front of him fell to the ground wounds ridding his body and Novak turned to see men...no boys with guns.
"Everyone get down on the ground. We've come only for the money we won't hesitate for blood as well." The group chuckled as the leader smirked people shook as they easied to the ground all except Michael who stood tall. "Ah! If it isn't Michael Novak no men to protect you now." A man he didn't realize came behind him hit him over the head with his gun causing him to fall to his knees. "Pathetic." The band of thugs leader grabbed the Mafia bosses chin looking and the blood coming from his brow. Someone stood from on their knees a flat cap covering their hair and a long trench coat that was only slightly open. "It would be in your best interest to leave,boys." They all train their guns at the man. "Why's that,you motherless bastered?" The man turned his gaze upward deadly sharp e/c orbs looked at him and Michael was in shock it was N/n. "Cause I have twelve guns ready to blow holes in you and your men." After his words ten men stood up all wearing the same clothing flat caps,overcoats,and suspenders with a Tommy on every man except the leader. The cowardly man looked frightened looking around keeping his gun on the s/c man. "I only count ten I still have the upper hand." N/n gave a devilish smile that made Michelle gaze on love struck and excited for what's to come. His gray trench coat hit the floor and two sawed-off shotguns in each hand. "Upper hand you say?" He pulled both triggers the left one killing the man sending himself flying back and the right killing the man behind Michael blowing his brains painting the tan walls this made the others fire as well. The bodies of the criminals and one civilian litter the floor.
N/n sent the men off to get the people out as he walked up to the bleeding Novak. "Thank you." His green eyes gleamed making the standing man give a grin as he held his hand out to help him up. "Consider it a gift from M/n L/n." The gleam disappeared from his eyes his soon to be husband was in town has been in town and set his men up to keep him safe. "Now if I'm not mistaken you have a dinner to get ready for,pretty boy." He takes the handkerchief out of his waist coat dabbing the blood away. "Will you be there?" Michael voice sounded weak so full of hope. "You can count on it. We'll be seeing eachother alot more." The man stood up and quickly left and not a moment later Mafia men came in running tending to the boss. Looking longingly at the piece of cloth (Your Initials) were sowed into the reddend white square of fabric.
Family Dinner was about to start the Novak's sat at the table Charles sitting at the end his three eldest sons to his right while his youngest sat to the left two spots were available one across from Michael and the other on the opposite end of Charles. A maid came in the dinning hall and cleared her throat. "The L/n's are here." Two young men came through the door one taller then the other the shorter of the two sat across from Michael while the other sat at the other end of the table closest to Michael and the other man. Charles smiled at them both and Michael was in a state of shock. "M/n been a long while hasn't it?" The oldest Novak looked at the man infront of him waiting for a response when the man he thought to be just a gangster working under the L/n's answered. "That it has Chuck. Sorry father couldn't come he had some other business to handle." N/n or M/n now to Michael's knowledge said before placing a hand on the man beside him. "This is Benjamin or Benny my right hand man don't mind him." The man gave a nod of acknowledgment his blue eyes piercing. "Heard about the blood bath at the bank quite impressive from what Michael has told me." A side smile and a teasing look was turned the mentioned Novak's way. "Saw low life scum trying to rob the place and touching what's mine,their little toys they call guns were child's play compared to my men." M/n sent a wink addressing the men hitting Michael from behind.
"Are you a knight that saves people?" The youngest asked his blue eyes wide in wonder. The s/c males eyes turned to the child a warm smile gracing his lips. "Sometimes when I want to be." A bubbly giggle rang out. "You saved Mikey making him your prince." Those words caused different reactions from all the men. Gabe covered his mouth trying not to laugh at his older brother,Lucifer grinned leaning over to his brother. "Did he have to kiss you sleeping beauty?" He chuckled lowly making kissing noises in his ear,Micheal was beet red as he couldn't bear to face any of them,Chuck smiled looking at his son and son-in-law,Benny nudged his boss sliding something to him while everyone was distracted. "Yeah and I'm gonna make him my king and take him to my castle." M/n leaned towards the boy and whispered in his ear. "We'll ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after." Castiel was gobsmacked as he gazed at his brother all giddy he was gonna live a fairy tale like in all the books their mother use to read. "Um if you'll excess me. I need some air." Micheal stood up and not long after M/n followed when given a reassuring nod from Charles.
The garden of the estate was beautiful in the moonlight and it wasn't hard to spot the oldest Novak on a bench on looking the pond that reflected the night sky. "You knew the whole time who I was." Micheal didn't look up at the man as he sighed. "Yes I knew who you were...we were once closer then the stars and the skies itself." The L/n sat next to him on the bench looking forward. "Chuck knew as well." Michelle turned in shock at that statement a goose chase for nothing. "He didn't know what I looked like now,but letters everyday asking about you seemed to do the trick." Those e/c eyes turned to look into those apple green ones. "Learning from a young age that in you grasp was the person you were due to wed was shocking I almost hated you,but the moment you grabbed my finger as if I'd slip away made me realize it can't be so bad." M/n held out his hand palm up so the younger male rested his hand in his grasp. "I was afraid at first you'd hate me. So I swore to protect you always. Some of my men live here with their families and they keep me posted. Just last year a rat was found on you door step admitting his faults."
Micheal remembered that the maids came rushing to get the family and a man bloody and beaten spilled his guts about planning to cross the family having been hired by a rival Mafia to get information to attack them at a weak state. "I know this won't mean munch to you know,but maybe at some point you'll be happy to carry my last name and call yourself my husband." In M/n hand that wasn't interlocked with Micheal's he opened a box revealing two wedding bands both were silver while one had a gold trim and the other had a f/c trim. "No matter what,Novak,I'll be there when yiu need me through it all most of the times guns blazing." M/n chuckled lightly taking in a deep breath. "Just ponder on it,pretty boy,I'llbe here waiting." as he slipped the ring on the silent man's finger before doing the same with himself he gently kissed the top of his head as he stood up and left wanting to give him space. Micheal smiled at the ring that perfectly fit his finger. The one man he felt attracted to was his guardian angel always there no matter what.
Lifting his hand up he kissed the metal band as a laugh left his lips. "My angel with a shotgun."
A/n: Second Male reader and I had to spell check for almost 50 she/her in her so I think I got them all lol.
Quote: "I'm not saying I'm amazing,but I'm decently above average."-Blacklist @spnquotebingo
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thr-333 · 4 years
Just Another Class Trip :)  Part 3
You know getting dragged through a multi billion dollar corporations building to try and avoid your illegitimate father, a normal monday for most I’m sure.
First< Previous >Next
It’s official, I hate Adrien
Marinette groans, having been practically dragged out of bed for breakfast. Adrien was wisely backed up as far as he could in the elevator. She yawns, making it loud as possible and looking Adrien right in the eye.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have stayed out so late,” Tikki giggles, hidden in her scarf.
Yeah it turns out that ‘just need to help out one person’ turned into a it is now 3am and I am halfway across the city beating up a gang.
“At least the box was safe,” Marinette whispers back, she had crashed in Adrien's room, no matter how mad Lila would be, or because of it who knows.
And indeed Lila was mad. The second they step foot into the hotel restaurant the entire class turns to stare at them. Crowded around a smug looking Lila with tears rolling down her cheeks. Marinette just turns a sharp left to the coffee. It isn’t until she has downed half a cup and refilled it that she tries to look for her friends.
Chloe looks just as dead as her, so she sits next to her. Let the morning people talk, they were ready to pass out together.
“Yep, Adrien?”
“Morning people,” They both sneer.
“Were you planning on sleeping all morning?” Kagami asks, eating breakfast like a normal person, what a jerk.
“Were you planning on watching me all morning?” Chloe half heartedly retorts.
“You are adorable when you’re sleeping,”
“Fuck you, I’m adorable all the time,”
“Chlo, language, please,” Marinette implores, nursing her giant cup.
“Shut up Dupain-Cheng,” Chloe snaps, face planting back into the table.
“She’s not that cute actually,” Kagami whispers to Adrien, “Wore a face mask she got green all over the bed,”
“I’ll get green all over you,” Chloe mumbles absentmindedly.
"Ah the storm is coming,took them long enough" She takes a gulp of burning coffee, "Yes Alya?"
"You cant just say that to a person," Alya tries to explain, as if talking down to a child, "Lila was up all night crying,"
"She probably just put on a recording and went soundly to sleep," Chloe scoffs, sleepily looking up from the table.
"I was with her all night!" Alya turns to Chloe, seething rage coming to the surface.
"Thats some impressive endurance," Marinette mutters, downing more coffee.
"You think she's been practicing?" Chloe smirks.
"This isn't-"
"Make sure she get's plenty of water," Marinette turns away, hoping the conversation would be over.
"Marinette!" Alya looks down at her the way Marinette often looks at her, the look at a dear friend who changed, "Can't you see you're hurting Lila?"
"Can't you see she's hurting me?" She covers that honestly by gulping down more coffee, she has not had enough for this conversation.
"You used to be so nice Marinette," Alya dodges the question, pointing to Chloe and Kagami instead, "Then you started spending time with these two, and, and you changed!"
"Believe what you want Alya," Marinette motions for her friends to stay calm, "But they stand by me when no one else will, especially you,"
"Thats because!- Marinette if you had just gotten to know Lila instead of being jealous this would have never happened," Alya looks down at her sadly, Marinette was sure Paris would have been up in flames somehow if she had ever trusted Lila, "If you just didn't spend time around these bullies everything could be the same, you wouldn't have become a bully too,"
"So what?" She spits bitterly, looking over at the table watching them, Lila looking disgruntled it wasn't an all out fight, "If I got up and joined that table right now, would everything go back to the way it was?"
"... No,"
Marinette’s pocket buzzes in a familiar sequence. Akuma alert.
"Ok then, not much point in arguing about it, I'm going to stay with my friends, the ones I can actually trust," Marinette quickly shuts down Alya's protest, "Now go get Lila some water,"
Alya walks off back to the table, everyone crowding around her. Marinette waits for the door to be clear, she has to leave before Alya finishes or the whole class will be breathing down her neck.
“Forgot something in my room,” Marinette slings on her back pack, “Be back soon,”
She was not back soon, she was not back soon at all. Luckily she should only be three minutes late for the bus-and nope they left, great. She’ll just have to catch up with the tour later.
Well, I had stuff to do anyways
She talks with the receptionist; her assistant should have sent her a prepared motorcycle to the hotel the day before. It’s a quick drive to the location she had selected specifically to be close to the hotel.
She puts on a simple domino mask before entering the building, she didn’t want anyone to leak her identity after all. Walking in she’s glad to see everything is not in disarray.
“MDC,” Her assistant, Liam walks up to her.
Liam was someone she met through Penny. He’s older than her and also acted as her guardian on most of her trips as MDC. He does know her civilian identity, which she trusted him completely to keep. She likes him because-
“Is that mine?” She snatches the cup of coffee as he passes it to her.
“Figured you needed it,” Liam smiles, wincing as she downs the burning liquid, it's fine she has a strong healing factor, “You said your bag was stolen? This should replace it, it’s most of what you had plus more,”
He rolls forward a pre packed suitcase.
“I would die without,” Marinette says in all seriousness, “So what's the damage?”
“No major problems so far, the security we hired is enough to scare away the smaller thugs,” Liam nods to some security personnel guarding each door, “They won't be enough if any super villains try to attack the actual show,”
“Mm, give them instructions on the night of the show they are only allowed to intercept small time, anything bigger they are not allowed to engage,” Marinette studies the room, there's great places to hide, friend or foe, “If they see anything they are simply to report it directly to me,”
“They can’t engage?” Liam looks around, trying to see what she is.
“They won't be able to stop them anyway, and there is no reason for them to die,”
“If you say so,” Liam leads her through the room where lights are being set up and walls are being painted, “So what's the plan if we do get attacked?”
“I’m sure Batman is going to have his eye on any big events,” Marinette approves of the color of the back wall, it looking even better in person, “Besides I’m planning on trying to intercept before any violence,”
“In other words you're going to make my job a lot more stressful,” Liam sighs, making a note or rather on his tablet.
“Not if I can help it,”
“You can’t,” Liam sighs again at her grin, “Didn’t you have a tour with your class today?”
“They left me,” Liam seems equally unsurprised, “But I should probably head for Wayne tower anyway,”
“Don’t get into trouble,”
“I never get into trouble,” Marinette smirks from the door, “Trouble drags me into it kicking and screaming,”
“More like keen and skipping,” Liam closes the door in her face.
Marinette strolls into the Wayne tower an hour late with Starbucks, she sees is her class, being a nuisance arguing with a tour guide.
“You cannot just leave a student alone in Gotham,” The tour guide all but yells at Madame Bustier.
“Marinette is very responsible, she can handle herself,” Madame Bustier more defends herself than Marinette.
“I don’t care how responsible your student is, that won't stop them from getting shot!” This time he does yell, “You need to go back and pray to god she’s alright and hasn't gotten lost for some murder to find!”
Alright time to break the tension
“Hey, what did I miss?” Marinette asks casually, Already sipping at her straw when all eyes turn to her.
“Marinette! How did you get here?” Madame bustier demands.
“I think you mean ‘are you alright, I’m so sorry for leaving you behind,” The tour guide glowers, apparently threatening enough that Madame Bustier actually repeats him.
“I’m fine, I borrowed a bike from my friend in Gotham,”
“You don’t have a licence in Gotham,” Lila sneers triumphantly.
Oh look who actually did some research, how much digging did you do when I learnt how to ride a motorcycle
“I didn’t say it was a motorcycle,” That shut’s Lila up, “But yeah it is a motorcycle,
Worth it for that face
“Also I got my licence approved in America before I came,”
So worth that face
Lila opens her mouth, better than the flood gates, when the tour guide interrupts.
“Now that everyone is here,” He sends a smile to Marinette and a glare to Madame Bustier somehow at the same time, she gets the tinglily feeling of  miraculous holder, or maybe its just the caffeine, “We can start, my name is Dick I will be your tour guide today.
They follow Dick through the tour Marinette's group right behind Dick. She scribbled designs and took notes as he talked, asking her own questions. This got her dubbed Dicks favourite, and easy title to gain as the rest of the class lagged behind. Most were listening to Lila, only Max and Alix were straining to hear Dick over the chatter. Marinette would occasionally pick up a mention of the Wayne's and knew it wasn't related to the tour. She'd have to guess Lila was lying about either dating someone or saving their life, or because it's Lila probably both. A gutsy move in the Wayne tower she had to admit. Marinette could tell Dick was listening and would probably have that rumour make it back to the Wayne's themselves. Would the wrath of some of the richest and most powerful people be enough to stop her? not likely.
They split up for lunch at the cafeteria in the building. She saw the coffee machine and was about to make a bee line to it when Kagami pulled her back to eat some 'real food' whatever that is. She makes a break for it after eating the so called 'real food', right before the tour was about to restart. She reaches it as a familiar figure is also waiting.
"Hi Tim," She greets, getting him to actually jump, "You work here?"
"Hi! um-yeah," He looks over to her, "How did you do that?"
"Do what?" She takes the biggest travel cup they have available.
"Sn-nothing," Tim still looks uneasy, then his eyes lock onto the cup, "tired?"
"Was up till three am last night, plus jet lag?" She yawns, "Yeah I'm tired,"
"Then you'll want to put that cup back,"
"Hm why?"
he gets her answer when Tim ducks down, opening a hidden cupboard full of travel cups at least twice the size of her current one,
"Tim I love you," She fills up the giant cup, "You're my favourite person in Gotham as of right now,"
"Not Dick?"
"Eh, his puns are lacklustre," She shrugs, Tim spits out his drink, "You know Dick?"
"Yep, give him a hard time for me!" Tim calls over his shoulder, walking away.
"You got it!" She hurries in the opposite direction, late for the tour once again.
“Did you get another coffee?” Dick asks as they enter the PR department.
“They were serving them at lunch,” Marinette could almost laugh at how quickly he had begun to fret over her during the tour.
“I know, that was my brothers idea, or rather demand,” Dick sighs, someone else approaching the group to direct the tour.
“Your brother works here?”
“Sure does,”
“But you don’t”
This makes Dick pause, looking down at her as she sips at the coffee.
“I mean you don’t work this job at least,” She shrugs, it wasn't hard to figure out.
“Why's that?”
“You seem uncomfortable, your charismatic but still lack the smoothness of a rehearsed tour, plus you seem offended that they are in the back chatting,” Marinette nods towards Lila and her posse, “Regular tour guides would be used to that,”
“You found me out,” Dick chuckles, “I’m just taking over for today,”
“Well I think you picked a bad class to do that for,” She looks over at most her class ignoring the speaker trying to get their attention.
“I think I picked the right one,” Dick says cryptically, then walks off to help herd the class.
“Alright you have to give me the recipe,” Marinette overhears from a nearby desk.
Someone is sitting on it eating a cookie, while the other taps away at her computer.
“Sorry no can do,” She shrugs, “I don’t know it,”
“How can you not know it, you baked them right?” He asks, trying to steal another one and getting his hand slapped away.
“Nope, new vigilante came in, beat up someone robbing my house and baked me cookies,”
“This is Gotham so I believe the first two,” He looks between her and the container, “But cookies?”
“They also gave me free therapy,” She shrugs, before tapping on the container,“And do you really believe I could make these?”
“Touche,” He smirks leaning back on the desk, “So who’s the new guy? With the Batclan?”
“No they said they were just passing through,” She doesn't look up from her computer, focusing intently on the screen, “Names Starling,”
“Never heard of them,”
“Neither, and I tried looking them up,” She sighs, pushing back from the computer in defeat, “Found someone, but it’s not them, actually couldn't find anything on them,”
“Weird,” He gets up from the desk, “Can’t imagine Batman is going to take kindly to a new vigilante running around,”
“Unless he adopts them,”
“That… yeah he probably will,”
"Oh no-CLAIRE" The speaker trying to wrangle her class stops, "We have a problem!"
"Sorry to cut this short," Claire doesn't look sorry at all, "Seems we have important matters to tend to,"
She follows Dick out of the department, ushering her class as she goes. Claire looks over at her like she has two heads, a mixture of impressed and pity, and perhaps a bit of jealously.
They get to go further up the building, to the higher floors. They reach a space that is mostly meeting rooms. He class decide to take advantage of Dick declaring they are completely sound proof, or maybe they took it as a challenge. Marinette is walking past a hall when someone leaning against the wall catches her eye.
“Auntie Selina?!”
They look around, only spotting Marinette seconds before they collide into a hug, she feels the tingling buzz of a true holder.
“Mari!” Selina picks her up and spins her around, no different from when she was five, “Oh, my love it’s so good to see you, when did you arrive in Gotham?”
Marinette watches as her smile morphs into horror.
“Wait, what are you doing in Gotham!?”
“It’s a class trip and- hey where are we going?” Her Auntie grabs her arm pulling her down the hall.
“Marinette!” Dick calls, walking around the corner, Selina makes a sharp turn down another corridor, “Wait!”
Selina is two steps away from running as she pulls Marinette through the maze of hallways.
“Auntie where are we going?”
“Down here,” She opens the door leading to a staircase, too narrow to be a fire exit.
“That’s not really what I was asking,”
Selina inputs a key code, the door swinging open as she is pulled into the room.
“Wait!” She gets pulled through another door just as quick “Was that wall full of weapons?”
“Just a picture sweetie,” She says sweetly, “Down these stairs,”
“Aunt Selina what are we running from?” They are running now, floor after floor.
“We’re not running from anything sweetie,” Selina speeds up, “I just wanted to show you a cool spot in Gotham,”
“Right,” Marinette raises an eyebrow, “I was actually with the class so maybe we could go later?”
“It closes in five minutes,”
“Like you wouldn’t just break in if we were going somewhere,”
“I promise I will take you somewhere nice,” She smiles back at Marinette, they reach the end of the stairs, coming to a garage of sorts, “If you promise to hurry up,”
“Sure-” She does a double take, of the room, “Hold up are those costumes?”
“Collectors stuff, you know,” They are surrounded by bat themed... everything, “Rich people,”
“Right and how do you know this?”
“I-” She hesitates, eyes drifting, “Hey look, the exit!”
They all out sprint towards the exit. Selina reaches out to open the door a second after it swings open.
“Selina,” The man smiles at Selina as she runs into him.
“Hey Bruce,” Selina jumps back, trying to hide Marinette behind her.
“Where are you going?” Bruce looks behind her at Marinette, who gives a little wave.
“Out! Got to hurry!” She grabs Marinette's arm again, trying to pull her around Bruce.
“Is something wrong?” Bruce grabs Selina's shoulders to keep her still and looking at him.
“Nope nothings wrong,” She wriggles out of his grasp, trying again to pull Marinette away.
“Ok then,” Bruce still looks worried but turns to Marinette instead, “Hello I’m Bruce Wayne, Selina finance,”
“Snitch,” He Auntie spits out venomously.
“Why didn’t you tell me!?” Marinette asks her with the biggest grin.
“Surprise,” Selina gives half heated jazz hands.
“Wait! Whens the wedding? Do You have a dress? I’ll make one!” She deicides, brining out her sketchbook, drawing different designs, “What's the theme? Never mind tell me on the way to the fabric store, I’ll sketch up some designs,”
“Darling, please-” Selina is now getting pulled along.
“Oh! I’ll call Papa! I’m sure he’ll want to make your cake! We have to hurry, come on lets go!” They're already out the door, Marinette waves turning back to Bruce, “Nice meeting you!”
“What just happened?” Bruce asks Dick as he runs up next to him.
“She kidnapped one of the students on tour,”
“Who is now making her wedding dress,” Bruce nods, not understanding anything
“Did I miss something?”
I think we all did
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jeanvanjer · 3 years
I agree regarding Nicola. Pple seem to forget acting is business & Nicola is essentially doing what she can to further her career. Let’s be real it’s a job for her- she’s doing what she needs so she can continue to hv a job (be well known, get more acting roles etc). Its a smart move for her. The real fault lies with the marketing team who seem to be promoting whistledown over the romance. Also honestly the audience as well. Tbh how many other tv shows have we seen where WOC get sidelined in favour of a white character. Not Penelope but in fandom, Anthony’s trauma tend to be focused on more & I worry the audience will do the same when the show comes out.
I saw pple complaining about Charithra hyping her character up as well - bc they were oh so worried about the love triangle. I mean honestly she is thinking about her career and job not some stupid fandom meltdown.
Look I find it annoying too but she’s just doing her job. I would be literally the same. I need money. 😂 But blame marketing. Even with Polin, it’s not either actor (or the characters fault) that they’re being pushed to the forefront of everything. That’s on Shondaland.
I’m not on a lot on Twitter so I only know a bit of what happened to Charitra ( my bb Queen) but jeez people leave the Actors alone. And CVD too. At the end of the day it’s just a show. Why are you hating on these people. Grumble about it to yourselves or on SM without tagging these people or messaging them directly. I did it. You should too.
On Anthony’s trauma I agree but I want to say a few things. All of which are my opinions. JQ herself made Anthony’s trauma far more detailed in the book than Kates. Also with S1, we had his character expanded on more. So I guess thats a few reasons why Anthony’s trauma is more talked about. Unfortunately Kates trauma didn’t get a lot of time to be handled and we know only a few things about Show!Kate yet. It isn’t uncommon for a woman’s trauma (especially one of color) to be sidelined for a white woman or more popularly a white man. In fact POC characters in general get sidelined (Simon and Marina).
However, I’d like to think also that Kate in general is far stronger and smarter than Anthony. Her speech to Anthony at the end of TVWLM can attest to that, imo. It should’ve been more and she probably did let Anthony go off easy but eh. I want more groveling from him. I’m actually fine with Kates reaction there. Her problems exist and other than her crippling reaction to storms, she takes a deep breath and moves forward. She has one life and she’s going to live it to the best of her ability. She doesn’t need a man or money to be happy. She’d love all that sure but she doesn’t need it. She’s such a force. She never begged or wallowed infront if Anthony for not loving her. She got up and thought “ah screw this, I’ll go on a carriage ride” Despite everything that she holds in her, all her trauma and insecurities, she knows the value of life. She’s incredibly strong and far more mature than Anthony in how she handles things. So she does get sidelined more often than not, and while i consider her far stronger than Anthony I hope the show does better in giving her proper time and space to start healing. She needs that. We all need that. I think that in the show Kates trauma will probably get more fleshed out. I pray her trauma isn’t India related. I have a bit of good hope for the show in how they’ll handle Kanthony and their trauma. Thats mainly because of Simone and Jonathan and their beautiful understanding of their characters. I could spend hours listening them talk about Kanthony. Actually I could listen to them talk for hours in general. Jesus their voices are beautiful.
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Soulmate September - Day 7
Day 7 - There is a string tied around your pinky that only you can see, the end of it leads to your soulmate.
Pairing(s): Kid AU! Intrulogical
TWs: Remus being Remus [though not overly so, he’s like, 9 here], some swearing
Remus Castillo and Logan Smith were two very different children; former was creative and bursting with chaotic energy, while the latter preferred to be more logical, more stable. One studied hard into the night despite his young years, the other decided that a good time was filling a blender with crayons and silly putty to see what would happen. Both attended different schools, lived a good distance apart, and neither of their families knew the other existed.
What could possibly bring together such opposing forces?
If your answer wasn’t being forcibly dragged kicking and screaming from the local museum by security for tampering with the exhibits and screaming about historical theft, then congratulations; you’re most likely still sane.
How did these very different children meet, you ask? 
The story began on a Friday lunchtime - as all good stories often do - when Sanders Elementary and Faraday Academy For Gifted Children both booked their museum visits for the same time slot. Thankfully, the museum staff speculated that they could indeed handle two classes of fourth graders at once - those poor, unfortunate souls - and decided to start both classes off on either sides of the museum with a little overlap.
Logan entered the foyer with his peers, gazing around at the array of trinkets and treasures adorning the space. Though he hungered for knowledge of all kinds, his heart was set on the cosmos, reaching for a copy of the museum’s map when his hand was blocked by another. He recoiled and turned to face the other; a boy with tanned skin as opposed to his own pasty complexion, with wild green eyes that bore into Logan’s own, and a grin like a shark about to snap Logan’s hand up in it’s jaws.
“I call dibs, four eyes!”
Logan huffed, straightening his glasses, “There are plenty of maps to go around, there is no need for rudeness-”
“Why do you talk like you’ve got a stick up your ass?”, the boy asked with no hint of remorse nor shame, “Just talk like a regular kid, jeez!”
Logan was flabbergasted. No one had ever talked to him like that before. Then again, no one ever really talked to him in general. Perhaps that was why his lonely little brain could only think to stammer out, 
“Who ARE you!?”
The boy roared with laughter, “Wow, thats all you have to say!? And they call ME weird!” , he shot a hand out towards Logan’s, not removing the one touching the map, “I’m Remus! What’s your name, frankenstein?”
Logan huffed, “Logan Smith. And you know,”, he began, puffing his chest out proudly as he yanked the map away, “Frankenstein was the scientist, not the monster, therefore, you’re not insulting me-”
Without hesitation, Remus leant into Logan’s space and licked the map, causing Logan to jolt back and drop it. Picking up his spoils, Remus chuckled manically, “You look smart but you’re super dumb. Frankenstein IS the monster, dumbass, that’s the whole point.”. Without waiting for Logan’s rebuttal, Remus made his way back to his class, leaving Logan to frustratedly grab another map and return to his class, unaware of the string that formed around his pinky…
The tour was everything Logan had hoped for; an informative romp through space and time, enjoying the sights of the planetarium and a walk through a tunnel lined with geodes. And yet, all Logan could think about was that stupid boy who stole HIS map. Hmph! How dare Remus call him stupid! Whatever, at least they would stop soon to have lunch in the Polar Exhibit and he wouldn’t have to think about- 
Oh god dammit.
As they entered the wide circular room, he laid eyes on the boy from before pretending to have gotten his tongue stuck to the giant fake iceberg in the centre of the room. Cheering him on was a gaggle of other children while their teacher seemed more content to just eat his own lunch and try to pretend it wasn’t his problem. Logan huffily stormed over to the nearest empty seat and popped open his Big Hero Six lunchbox, ready to moodily munch his jelly sandwiches when a painfully familiar voice stopped him in his tracks.
“We meet again, professor!”
“Remus.”, Logan hissed, though he tried to maintain composure, “A pleasure, I’m sure but I must be-”
“- crazy to run away from your soulmate?”, Remus finished, leaving Logan, once again, speechless.
“E-Excuse me!?”
“Check your pinkie, dingus.”
Logan checked and finally noticed the string, and to his horror, the end of it that tied itself around Remus’ pinkie.
“Looks like you’re stuck with me for life! Unless I die, then you’re stuck with my corpse. Oooh! Maybe you can bring me back to life! Really earn that Frankenstein nickname-”
“This HAS to be a mistake!”, Logan squeaked, flustered and shocked by the news, “There’s no way YOU are my soulmate!”
Logan made eye contact with Remus and for a moment the boy looked hurt, but he plastered on a grin and poked Logan in the arm, “Nope! Fate thinks you’re my future husband, so suck it!”
Groaning, Logan let out an exasperated sigh, “Fine, then I suppose you should tell me about yourself, Remus.”. Logan would - for eternity and a day after - deny that the smile Remus gave him made his little heart flutter for the first time.
As the two ate, Remus went into a long tangent about his life and Logan found himself absolutely fascinated. 
Remus Castillo had a twin brother, Roman, who enjoyed Disney movies and being “an overly wordy drama queen”. They had a single father, much like Logan’s own, whose wife had apparently decided she was destined for greater things that didn’t involve unplanned twin boys (Remus’ words, not his). Logan listened as Remus told him all about his family’s culture, having moved from Aguascalientes to Florida a year ago for work related reasons; retelling fond memories of watching the parade of Calaveras along the Avenida Madero with his father and brother each year. Logan found Remus really enjoyed a mixture of colourful and morbid subjects, each tangent sending Remus on a fun winding road down memory lane or through a vague memory of some educational book.
Logan Smith had wanted nothing to do with the boy who’d licked his hand and stolen his map, but as lunch ended and both classes were being called away to their respective classes, he found he didn’t want to be separated from Remus.
Very apparently, Remus didn’t want to either. If they way he was gasping Logan’s arm and hauling him towards the class from Sanders Elementary instead of his own was any indicator. 
“Come on! You can hang with us! Roman won’t mind! And my buddy Remy’s lotsa fun too-”
“Remus Castillo, stop right there.”
Remus indignantly ignored his teacher, plowing through his sentence, “You’ll LOVE my class, they’re all weirdos like us-”
“REMUS!”, barked his teacher, already done with the nine year old terror, “You let that boy go this instant!”
Remus defiantly clung tighter to Logan’s arm, “No!”
“Remus Castillo, you’re to let go NOW.”
“But he’s my soulmate!”, Remus yelled, causing his classmates to chatter excitedly. It made Logan feel a little self conscious, but Remus didn’t seem to care, “Pleeeeease let him come with us!!”
His teacher rubbed his temples as if it could massage the exhaustion away, “That’s nice, but you are NOT going to cause more trouble, soulmate or not!”
By now, even the children and teacher from Logan’s academy were watching the commotion. It came to a head as Remus’ teacher tried to separate the two of them, earning the tiniest war cry from Remus as he stomped on his teacher’s foot and clung fully to Logan like his life depended on it.
With that pleasant image in his brain, Logan decided to perhaps appeal to his own teacher,
“Miss, can Remus perhaps stay with our group so we may avoid further-”
“Absolutely not,”, she turned up her nose at Remus’ display, “Our school has a reputation to uphold, I will not have it sullied by such a rude child.”
Well that backfired. Now both teachers were having to try and separate the two of them. It took two of the museum’s security personnel to finally haul Remus off of Logan, carrying the writhing child as they assured his teacher that they’d put him in the tantrum room. With the way they handled his feral yelling and attempts to grab at any nearby exhibits for something he could use to bash them with, this probably wasn’t their first Rabid Child Rodeo.
Logan watched dejectedly as they hauled his soulmate out of sight while his teacher ordered him to get in line as they continued their tour. He couldn’t focus on any of the various bewitching artifacts that the guide presented to them on their tour of the ancient world though, all he could think about was Remus. Alone. Stuck in some room. Missing out on the exhibits. Missing him.
“....Emile?”, Logan asked the boy standing to his left.
“Yes, Logan?”
“I’m about to do something very, very impulsive.”
“.... Okay?”
“And reckless.”
“In the name of fate.”
“........”, Emile sighed, “What do you need me to do?”
“Either talk me out of what is likely a terrible decision that will without a doubt go on my permanent record and possibly disappoint my father. Or encourage me so that I may spend time with my soulmate for as long as possible.”
Emile shook his head, “Well, if cartoons have taught me anything, it’s that you’re gonna go for it no matter what I say so...”. He placed a hand on Logan’s shoulder, “Make it good, Logan, I wanna remember the day the untouchable Logan Smith lost his mind.”. With a shared chuckle, Emile let him wind up for whatever he was about to do, while Logan waited for his moment. The tour guide was gesturing to an exhibit of ancient Mayan armour when Logan chose to strike, raising his hand while Emile awaited the fireworks show to come.
“Sir? I have a question.“
“Of course, what is it?”
“Did the museum ask permission to have that armour?”
The guide looked confused while Logan’s teacher looked ready to have an aneurysm.
“I… don’t understand what you mean. Anyway this-”
“I’m merely asking,”, Logan interrupted, ready to keep pushing until he would be  hauled off by security, “because I believe that if it were my culture being mercilessly appropriated and stolen from, I would be rather upset.”
“We’re allowed to have it because it’s for education-”
“But it’s still stealing. And stealing is always wrong, correct?”
“Well, it-”
“It’s a yes or no question, please answer as such-”
Remus hadn’t expected company in the tantrum room, but he wasn’t complaining as Logan was marched in, looking positively proud of himself in spite of the way the security guard nearly tossed him inside with obvious frustration. With a bright grin, Remus pat the beanbag next to him, positively writhing with unbridled joy, “Spill! What’d you do?!”.
Logan tried to play stoic and prideful, but the excitement cracked through in his voice, “I merely inquired as to why museums considered their historical thievery to be ethically justified until the tour guide got angry and attempted to ignore me.”. “Sick!! Then what!?”, Remus’ delighted eyes met Logan’s with a similar sparkle of mischief.
Logan chuckled as he admired their string of fate, as people called it, slowly pulling his eyes from it to meet Remus’ again, “I screamed. Loudly. For quite the duration. I must say, I’m rather proud of my own lung capacity.”
Remus rolled his eyes, but there was a fondness in it.
“Naturally, security came to try and calm the situation.”
“And then they brought you here?”
“No, they attempted to calm me down”, Logan snickered, “But, one of them put a hand on my shoulder rather rudely. So I bit them-” “YOU BIT ‘EM!?”, if Logan could bottle the light that radiated from Remus there and then, he would have, his own smile growing while his soulmate’s grin threatened to tear through his cheeks, “Logan, mi alma, you’re insane! I love it!”
“Mi alma?”, Logan queried, his cheeks losing the great blush war as his face radiated a nice rosy crimson.
“Oh, right!”, Remus explained, “It means ‘my soul’, it’s what people call their boyfriends ‘n’ stuff back home. I figured since you’re my soulmate, it makes sense to call you that!”
For a moment, Remus faltered, “Uh…. if you don’t mind I guess? It’s whatever, I’ll stop if you hate it-”
“No, no, I rather appreciate the sentiment,” , Logan awkwardly smiled back at Remus, “Mi alma?”
The wilder of the two threw his head back in a roar laughter, “Man, your pronunciation sucks! And that’s an easy one!“, he teased as he shuffled his beanbag closer to Logan’s and continued with a wild smile, “Looks like I gotta stay with you for sure now and make sure you get it right! You’re stuck with me, Nerdy Wolverine!”
It would be hard work convincing his father to let him move schools to be with Remus, Logan knew that. Despite the fact his father adored love in all forms and regarded the bond of soulmates as sacred, Logan knew it’d logically be a hard sell to ask his father to not only pull him out of an expensive academy, but also to have him possibly move home or make a rather lengthy commute. 
But as Remus’ had met Logan’s, the latter found himself locking fingers with his wild soulmate, banishing that thought while they still had time together. Whether it would work out right away, after a couple of months, or even over the course of a few years, they’d make it work.
“Falsehood,”, Logan smirked, “I believe it’s you that’s stuck with me.”
Okay, this one’s the cutest thing hands down. I’m so proud of this one! As a tidbit, I had it in mind that their single fathers were Janus for the twins and Patton for Logan. 
Taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account @cateye-glasses
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themetaphorgirl · 4 years
I asked for cute and cuddly things so I could write something adorable!! I tried to combine as many as possible!
@therestisconfettis​ : “the psolc babies making a pillow fort!!”
@birds-are-better-than-you​ : “My brain immediately goes to people actually listening to him talk instead of cutting him off, but thats just rooted in sadness”
@fragolinaa​ : “I just want people cuddling him, maybe someone who hasn't yet like Emily or Dave?”
@purpleturtle31extra : “Spending an off day exploring music together! Like showing him songs that remind you of him or a certain memory..”
anonymous: “cute cuddly idea: u mentioned Emily and Dave getting Spencer legos. Write a little thing of a rainy day or whatever and everyone’s just chilling building random shit with legos and then there’s gonna be Spencer actually building something with proper ratios and actual potential urban planning and everyone else is just like “hmm... I have built something vaguely resembling a plane”
anonymous: “omg cuddly mom alex?? maybe spencer napping with her and he has a nightmare??”
I hope I touched on everything!! I think I captured at least a little bit of everything!!!
“Hey,” Emily said. “Are you feeling okay?”
Spencer dragged his fork around his plate, his chin resting heavily in his hand. “I’m not hungry,” he said dully.
“This is your last day to eat whatever you want,” she pointed out. “Go get something sugary. Donuts or something.”
He shrugged, and she bit back a sigh. Everyone else had left on Wednesday afternoon to spend Thanksgiving break with their respective families- literally everyone, even Hotch- and while they’d had a nice Thanksgiving at James’s house, and she was enjoying having her room all to herself, she and Spencer had been left behind, and the kid was moping like it was his job. She was starting to figure out that while he liked doing things on his own, he needed the security of knowing that everyone else was nearby.
“I guess I’ll go get some chocolate milk or something,” Spencer sighed, sliding down from his chair. 
“See? There you go,” she said. “Treat yourself.”
As soon as he slid down from his chair and trudged away she pulled out her phone.
the cause of hotchner’s headaches
You guys need to help w the kid hes so sad i dont know what to do
James texted back first, which didn’t surprise her.
doctor james, medicine man
Is he okay? 
the cause of hotchner’s headaches
spaghetti grandpa
He’ll be fine. He knows everybodys coming back today right?
the cause of hotchner’s headaches
She set her phone aside as Spencer walked back up to the table with a carton of chocolate milk in his hands. “Can you open this for me, please?” he asked. 
She did and handed it back, but he didn’t drink it. “How about we go watch a movie or something?” she suggested. “While we’re waiting for everybody to get back on campus. That’ll be fun, right?”
He shrugged. “I guess,” he said. “What time is it?”
“A little after nine.”
He scrunched up his face, calculating. “Who do you think will be back first?” he asked.
“I don’t know, babe, we’ll have to see,” she said. “Drink your milk and we’ll get out of here.”
He sighed. “I don’t think I want it anymore,” he said. She shot him her best impression of Alex’s mom look. He rolled his eyes, but he drank it anyway.
Outside the dining hall it was cold and gray and dreary, rain falling just steadily enough to be irritating. She pulled the hood of her jacket over her head and made Spencer put his purple galaxy-print raincoat on over his his sweater before they walked down the steps. 
“Do you think the weather will ground planes?” he asked anxiously. 
“Your guess is as good as mine, squirt,” she said. “It’ll definitely rain all day, but I don’t know if it’ll affect planes. You’ll probably know better than me.”
He said nothing, but he slipped his small hand into hers. She squeezed back gently. The kid had been perfectly well-behaved the whole time she’d been left to watch him, but it was frustrating to see him so sad and quiet and droopy. She didn’t think it was possible to be homesick for other people, but Spencer definitely had a bad case of it.
They settled in the common room, but the cozy space seemed cavernous and empty without the rest of the group. Spencer left his coat and his shoes in his room and settled into Alex’s usual spot on the couch, leaning on the armrest. 
“So what do you want to do, kiddo?” she said. He raised and lowered one shoulder. She huffed. “I’ll just pick something then.”
“Nothing scary, please,” he said, his chin resting on his folded arms.
“No, don’t worry, I learned my lesson,” she said. She grabbed a Star Wars off the shelf- she wasn’t sure which one it was, but she figured she couldn’t go wrong with something sci fi.
“Hotch’s plane lands at eleven, right?” he said as she plunked down on the opposite end of the couch.
“I think so,” she said. She reached over and ruffled his hair lightly. “Stop overthinking, you’re going to blow a fuse in there. Everyone will be home soon, don’t worry about it.”
“I’m not worried,” he mumbled.
They got about halfway through Star Wars (she still wasn’t entirely sure which one it was) when they heard Dave and James on the stairs. “Hey, guys!” Dave called. “We’ve got presents!”
Emily paused the movie. “What do you mean, presents?” she said. “What’d you bring me?”
James and Dave each held large plastic tubs that they dropped with heavy clatters on the floor. “Spencer, you’ve been having fun with the legos we got you for your birthday, right?” James said.
Spencer raised his head. “Yeah,” he said slowly.
“Well, we decided to dig around for our old lego collections you can have your own giant collection,” Dave said. 
He slid off the couch. “Really?” he said.
“Yeah, absolutely,” James said. “Go get yours, we’ll put them all together.”
Spencer’s eyes lit up. “Okay!” he said, darting off to his room.
“Oh my god, thank goodness you two are here,” Emily said. 
“You know, you said he was sad, and I didn’t believe it till I saw him,” Dave said, wrenching the lid off the first bin. “He looks like a deflated balloon.”
“See? I wasn’t lying,” Emily said. “Poor kid has been moping all week.”
James checked his phone. “Hopefully everybody will get in without any problems,” he said. “Alex texted me a little bit ago and said they delayed her flight by an hour.” 
“Oh, yikes,” Emily said. “She’d better get back here soon. And don’t tell the kid that, he’ll worry more.”
Spencer ran back into the room with his legos. “How should I organize them?” he asked. “Color first or size first?”
“How about we, you know, build something?” Dave suggested as he sat down on the couch. “C’mere, passerotto, I think I have all the pieces to the batcave.”
“Ooh, which version?” James asked as Spencer sat down on the floor in front of Dave.
“I don’t know. I think I built it once when I was Spencer’s age and then never touched it again.”
Emily leaned over James and scooped up a handful of plastic pieces. “What are you going to build?” she asked.
“Hey, don’t copy me!”
They worked on their projects mostly in companionable silence, sometimes absent chatter. Rain continued to tap at the windows. At least Spencer seemed distracted at last, focused on his projects.
Lightning cracked, white light shining through the window for a brief moment, and everyone jumped; Spencer knocked over one of his structures. “Holy shit,” Emily said. “That was terrifying.”
“You okay?” Dave asked, touching Spencer’s arm lightly.
He nodded, leaning against Dave until he lifted him onto his lap. “Do you think everybody’s okay?” he asked. “Planes can’t always fly in this sort of weather.”
“I’m sure everybody’s fine,” Dave reassured him. Spencer bit his lip, still staring out the window. “So what have you been building?”
“Scale model of campus,” he said. “Well, it’s not exactly to scale. But it’s pretty close.”
James held up a lump of legos. “This was supposed to be a plane,” he said. “But it doesn’t look particularly aerodynamic.”
Spencer laughed. “What kind of plane is it supposed to be?” he asked. “It looks like an off-kilter Cessna.”
“I don’t know. Just...a plane,” James said. 
“I’m trying to see how tall I can build this thing without it falling over,” Emily said. “Not much success yet.”
“I’m sure you know, caro,” Dave said, poking Spencer lightly in the side. “How tall is the tallest lego structure ever?”
“The tallest one is in Milan, it’s a hundred and fourteen feet, eleven inches tall,” he said. “The previous tallest was just a hundred and fourteen feet tall, in Budapest.”
“Milan, hm?” Dave said. “Maybe I’ll go see it next time I’m over there.”
“There’s one in Tel Aviv that was built to be four feet taller but-”
Lightning cracked again and Spencer jumped. Dave rubbed his back lightly. “It’s okay, it’s just a bad storm,” he said. It was too late, though- the attempts at distraction had failed, and Spencer was clearly back to worrying, the corners of his mouth tugging down.
Dave looked over at Emily. What should we do? he mouthed. She shrugged helplessly.
Thankfully, right at that moment heavy footsteps echoed on the stairs. Spencer raised his head. Please let it be one of our group, please let it be one of our group, Emily thought fervently.
A tall figure in a rain-soaked coat made it to the top of the stairs, almost terrifying for a split second, but he threw back his hood and shook his head. “Jesus, that was a nightmare,” he said. 
Spencer scrambled to his feet and ran towards him, nearly kicking Dave in his haste. “Hotch!” he shrieked, throwing his arms around his waist.
“Hey, kiddo!” Hotch said, bending to hug him. “Hey, careful, it’s raining really hard out there, I’m drenched and I don’t want you to get wet.” 
“How was your flight?” James asked.
Spencer, undeterred, still clung to Hotch; Hotch ran his fingers through his thick short curls. “Unbelievably shitty,” he said. “Flights were getting canceled left and right, it’s just storming bad everywhere. If I hadn’t gotten such an early flight, I might not’ve made it back.”
“That’s what we’ve been worrying about,” Emily said. “And when I say we I mean Spencer.”
Hotch tugged him back so he could see his face. “Hey, stop worrying,” he said. “Everybody will get back eventually. I promise.” 
“I can’t help worrying,” Spencer said. “What if everybody’s flights get delayed? What if something happens to their planes. What if-”
Hotch scooped him up. “Hey, I think the dining hall’s open for lunch,” he said. “Anybody else hungry? I didn’t have time for breakfast before my flight and all they gave me was one packet of pretzels.”
“They stopped giving away peanuts because of allergies becoming more common,” Spencer said, leaning his cheek against Hotch’s shoulder even though his coat was soaked with rain.
“Yeah?” Hotch said. “How about you go get your coat and your shoes, okay? I’m starving.”
“Okay,” Spencer said reluctantly. Hotch set him back down on his feet and he ran down the hall to his room.
“I am so glad you’re back, Hotchner,” Emily said, sweeping her lego tower back into the bin. “He’s been so sad with everybody gone.”
“I can tell,” he said. “Has he been like this the whole time?”
“Oh, yeah,” Emily said. “I’ve barely been able to get two words out of him.”
“Even when they came over for Thanksgiving he wasn’t talking much,” James added.
Hotch sighed. “I didn’t even think about this,” he said. “Poor kid.”
Emily’s phone buzzed. “Oh, it’s Penelope,” she said. “I’ll put her on speaker. Hey, Pen, how’s it going?”
“Terrible!” Penelope said, her voice crackling over the line. “I made the flight from California to Texas for my layover, but they canceled my connecting flight. It’s storming too bad.”
“Oh, yikes,” Dave said. “Are you going to be okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” she sighed. “They have me booked for a flight first thing in the morning, and the airline is putting me up in a hotel for the night, but it’s so frustrating.”
“I’m sure,” James said. “Stay safe, okay? Do you need anything?”
“Are you kidding? The hotel has like a million channels and room service, I’m doing great!” Penelope said. “I’ll call you guys in the morning before my flight, okay? Talk to you soon!”
Emily sighed as the call ended. “Well, that’s one down,” she said.
“Penelope’s not coming?”
Spencer peeked out of the hall, his rainboots on and his coat dragging from his hand. “Yeah, her connecting flight got canceled,” Dave said. “But she’s safe, and she’ll be on a flight tomorrow, okay? So don’t worry.”
Judging by the way he pressed his mouth together, he definitely was worried. Emily pushed herself up from the floor. “Let’s go get lunch, okay?” she said. “Before Hotch starves.”
The rain had gotten decidedly worse, coming down in heavy sheets and flooding patches of the courtyard. Her umbrella helped a little but not much; Dave complained loudly the entire walk over. Spencer stayed glued to Hotch’s side, clinging tightly to his hand even once they made it to the warm safety of the dining hall. 
Hotch pulled Spencer’s hood down as they got in line. “What do you want?” he asked. 
“I’m not hungry,” he said.
He frowned, then covered Spencer’s ears. “Emily, be honest,” he said. “Did he eat while we were gone?”
“Not for lack of trying,” she said. “I kept putting shit on his plate and he barely touched it.”
“Did he just eat ice cream and candy?”
“He didn’t even want sweets. Or coffee, even.”
Hotch’s frown deepened. “Well, shit,” he said. He dropped his hands to Spencer’s shoulders. “Okay, kid, you have to eat something. If you don’t pick, I’ll pick for you.”
Spencer shrugged. “That’s fine,” he said. 
Hotch met Emily’s gaze, eyebrows raised. “I told you,” she said. 
She followed Hotch down the cafeteria line as he filled up two plates. Spencer stayed so close he ran the risk of getting stepped on, his small hand clinging to the hem of Hotch’s jacket.
Dave and James had beaten them to their usual table, and neither of them looked particularly happy. “Bad news,” James said. “JJ just called. Her parents rescheduled her flight. They were worried about the storms, so she’ll be here tomorrow afternoon.”
Emily glanced over at Spencer. “But she’s okay?” he said anxiously.
“She’s fine, caro,” Dave said. “And she’ll be here tomorrow.”
“What about Derek and Alex?” he asked. “Have they called? Or texted.”
“Not yet,” James said. “Maybe they’re already on their flights, though. I”m sure we’ll hear from them soon.”
Hotch set the tray down on the table, then picked Spencer up and set him down in his chair. “They’ll be fine,” he said. “So how did Thanksgiving go for you guys?”
Even with their attempts at changing the subject and trying to draw him into the conversation, Spencer seemed to sink further into himself, his legs tucked up under him and his chin resting in his hand, his plate still mostly untouched. Emily couldn’t blame him for being sad. All week it had been just the two of them in the nearly-deserted dining hall, and even with the boys there it seemed wrong without the rest of the group- Penelope shrieking about something that didn’t need to be shrieked about, Derek regaling them with stories from football practice, JJ’s pretty laugh bubbling over, Alex keeping the peace and stopping cups and plates from getting knocked over and tilted onto the ground.
Hotch didn’t make much headway getting Spencer to eat, but at least he ate a little bit, and their little group braved the storm to get back to Lincoln House. “What have you guys been up to?” he asked as they settled in the common room again, coats and umbrellas hung up to dry.
“Legos,” James said. “This was supposed to be a plane.”
Hotch laughed. “Yikes,” he said. “I’m glad you’re not planning on going into engineering.”
“Yeah, probably for the best,” he said ruefully. “I-”
“Hold on, hold on,” Dave interrupted. “Did you guys see the group chat?”
Emily fumbled for her phone. “No, I didn’t, I...oh.”
“What’s wrong?” Hotch asked.
“Derek’s flight got canceled too,” James said. “He says it got delayed and he sat on the tarmac for three hours, but they pulled everybody off the plane. His mom’s already picked him up, so he’s fine.”
Emily glanced over at Spencer. He curled himself up smaller, his knees tucked up to his chest, chewing on his thumbnail. “But he’ll be here tomorrow?” he said. 
“Yeah, he’ll be here tomorrow,” Dave reassured him.
Spencer lifted his head. “Can we call Alex?” he asked quietly. 
“Yeah, of course,” Emily said, immediately pulling Alex’s contact info on the screen. “Here, kiddo. Just press-”
Lightning cracked, and with a sharp pop the common room went dark.
“Holy shit!” Emily shrieked, the phone falling from her hand.
“Did a fuse blow?” Dave said.
James got up and looked out the window. “Well, judging by the other buildings on campus...I think the power’s out everywhere,” he said.
“Well, fuck,” Hotch said.
Emily raised an eyebrow. “Watch your language!” she said in mock horror.
“Oh, shut up,” Hotch said good-naturedly. “Well, I guess we’ll just have to wait for the power to come back on. Spencer, do you want to go ahead and call Alex? She’ll probably be glad to miss the power outage.”
“I think the tower’s down too,” Spencer said in a small voice. “There’s no signal.” He held the phone back out to Emily. “Thanks anyway.”
She reached for the phone, and as the lock screen flickered she caught the faint mark of tears on his cheek. “Oh, no,” she said. “Oh, fuck. Spencer, don’t cry.”
“I’m not crying,” he said, but there was a distinct wobble in his voice.
“Spencer, it’s going to be okay,” Hotch said. “The power’s going to come back on, and everyone will be home soon.”
It was too dark to see, but she could hear Spencer sniffling in a valiant effort to keep form crying. “I know,” he said. “But I-”
Hotch picked Spencer up and placed him in Emily’s lap. “Stay here with Em for a second,” he said. “James, Dave, come with me.”
Spencer dropped his head against Emily’s collarbone as she wrapped her arms around him. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled.
“Don’t be sorry,” she said. “It’s been a rough week, dude. You didn’t get to go home and see your family, and you miss everybody. And you’re worried because of the storms. It makes sense.” She kissed the top of his head. “And now we’ve got all this power outage shit. But it’ll be okay.”
Hotch dumped an armload of stuff onto the nearest armchair. “Thank goodness for Penelope’s illegal candle stash,” he said. 
Emily twined one of Spencer’s short curls around her finger. “What’s with all of the pillows and blankets?” she asked.
In the dim light she could see Hotch grin. “We’re going to make a blanket fort,” he said. “C’mere, Spencer, I could use your brain for this.”
Emily set Spencer on his feet as James and Dave brought in their collections of pillows and blankets. She busied herself lighting candles and placing them in safe places around the room as Spencer directed the older boys in their construction. He seemed to perk up a little bit with something to focus on, especially as they let him be in charge.
“Okay, I’ve made some blanket forts in my day, but this one is pretty cool,” James said. 
“That’s because Penelope has about eight million blankets and they’re all soft as baby puppies,” Emily said as she crawled into the fort. “I claim the blue pillow!”
All five of them fit comfortably inside, the interior lit with a string of battery operated fairy lights, also taken from Penelope’s room. Spencer nestled himself between Hotch and Emily. “Are we going to tell Penelope that we borrowed all of her stuff?” he asked. 
Hotch handed him his favorite blanket. “I think if we leave the fort up till she gets back, she won’t mind as long as she gets to hang out in here,” he said. 
“What should we do?” Dave asked. “Power’s still out, and there’s no wifi either.”
“Oh!” Emily said. “Okay, I’ve been trying to get you to listen to this album for weeks. Now is the perfect time! You’re a captive audience.”
They took turns passing each other’s phones back and forth, listening to different songs in the comfort of the handmade blanket fort, playfully arguing over each other’s tastes in music as the warm glow of the fairy lights cast soft shadows. Spencer seemed a little less tense now, snuggled safely between Hotch and Emily with his blanket hugged to his chest.
She hadn’t kept track of time, but it was at least two hours before the power switched back on, the overhead lights suddenly way too bright after the dimmness of the tent. “There we go,” Dave said, sitting up and checking his phone. “And we’ve got signal again!” He stretched his arm over James and Emily to hold out the phone to Spencer. “Here, passerotto, see if you can call Alex.”
He took it eagerly and tapped at the screen to bring up her info, but his excitement faded almost instantly. “It went right to voicemail,” he said. “Thanks anyway.”
James scrambled ungracefully to his feet. “Hey, since the power’s back, who wants to watch a movie?” he said. 
“Not a Star War, please,” Emily called. “I can’t tell any of them apart.”
Hotch propped himself up on his elbow. “Hey, Spence,” he said. “It’s okay. I’m sure Alex is fine.”
“Yeah,” Spencer said. He turned to Hotch, one corner of his mouth tugging up in a rueful little half smile. “I bet her flight got canceled too. It’s okay.”
James flipped the overhead lights off, leaving them back in the glow of the candles and the string lights, and crawled back into the fort with the remote in his hand. “All right, if anyone has objections, y’all can get up yourself and change it,” he said.
Emily settled back as the movie started. Spencer was quiet beside her, but after a while he rolled over onto his stomach, his forehead pressed against Hotch’s arm and his blanket tangled around his legs, and she smiled when she heard his first little snore.
“Hotchner,” she whispered. “This blanket fort idea was genius.”
Hotch grinned. “Sean made me make one for him while I was home,” he said. “I figured Spencer might like it too.” He paused. “Is he asleep?” Emily nodded. “Thank god.”
James sat up and pushed his hair out of his eyes. “Guys, I still haven’t heard from Alex,” he said. “It’s still going right to voicemail when I call her and she hasn’t answered any texts.”
“Maybe her signal’s out too,” Dave said. “Don’t worry about it. Alex can take care of herself.”
James pouted. “Yeah, but...I might be a little worried about her,” he said. “It’s not like her to not answer.”
“Awww, you miss your girlfriend,” Emily teased. 
“I do! I do miss her!” James said. 
“Guys, if any of you wake up Spencer, I will murder you,” Hotch hissed. 
“I’m sorry!” James whispered back. “I just- I think I need to be worried about Alex.”
Suddenly a familiar person knelt down and leaned into the tent. “You’re worried about me?” Alex said, her long red hair hanging loose around her shoulders. “That’s so sweet!”
James scrambled up, smacking Dave in the face in his haste. “Oh my god, I missed you!” he said. He tugged her closer, cupping her face in his hands, and kissed her deeply. “Oh my god. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she laughed, running her fingers through his hair. “My phone died and I didn’t pack any of my portable chargers in my carryon. Where’s everybody else?”
“Everybody’s flights are delayed,” Emily said. “Spencer’s been beside himself.”
“Oh, poor thing,” she said. “Is he sleeping? I don’t want to wake him up.”
“Yeah, he just dozed off,” Hotch said. “He’s going to be so relieved to see you.”
Emily scooted over to make room. “C’mere, the movie hasn’t been on for very long,” she said. 
“Hey!” James protested. “She’s my girlfriend, shouldn’t she be next to me?”
“Well, she’s my roommate, and I’ve had her for longer,” Emily said. Alex laughed as she settled between her and Spencer, busying herself with snuggling him against her side and tucking him in. Emily leaned over to whisper in James’s ear. “Besides, we all know you two are gonna go fool around the second you get a chance. You’ll get your quality time, don’t worry.”
Even in the dim light she could see him turn red. “What are you guys whispering about?” Alex asked. 
“Nothing!” James squeaked. Emily made a rude hand gesture and he smacked her arm. “Emily! Stop it!”
She snickered as she leaned her head against Alex’s shoulder. “How was your week being in charge?” Alex asked as she adjusted Spencer’s blanket around him.
“Could have been worse...could have been a lot better,” Emily said. “He was so sad. I’m not good with sad kids.”
“I’m sure you did great,” Alex reassured her.
The movie was almost over when Spencer began to shift and whimper in his sleep. “Is he okay?” Emily asked.
“He’s-” Hotch winced as Spencer kicked him in the shins. “Ow. Bad dream, I think.”
Alex sat up. “Okay, I’m going to wake him up,” she said. 
“Careful, he can be pretty feisty,” Hotch warned.
Alex stroked his hair back from his forehead as he tried to pull away from her. “Spencer, wake up,” she called gently, her hand resting on his chest. “Come on, darling.”
She kept coaxing him until his eyes finally opened. “What’s going on?” he mumbled.
“You had a bad dream,” she said. 
He blinked. “Alex?” he said sleepily. “Did your plane land safely?”
Hotch laughed. “Yeah, kiddo, her plane landed safely,” he said. “Get the sleep out of your eyes.”
Spencer rubbed his face and blinked again. “Alex!” he yelped, throwing himself into her arms. 
“Hi, baby,” she said. “Did you miss me?”
“A little bit,” he said, tilting his face so she could kiss his cheek. “Was your flight okay? Was there a lot of turbulence?”
“Everything was fine,” she reassured him as she cuddled him against her side. “Now, sh, I think Dave is getting invested in the movie.”
“No, I’m not,” he said absently.
“Yes, he is,” Emily teased.
Spencer settled down with his head on Alex’s knees; Hotch tugged his blanket around him. “Everybody else will be here tomorrow,” he said. “Penelope’s connecting flight got canceled, and Derek’s got canceled, and JJ’s parents rescheduled her.”
“That’s good,” she said, stroking her fingers through his hair. “Go back to sleep, darling. You look so tired. And everything’s going to be okay, nothing to worry about.”
The rain had settled back into a light tapping on the window; the thunder and lightning had long since stopped. Emily leaned back against her pillows, smiling in contented relief. Alex was right. Everything was going to be okay.
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greenninjagal-blog · 4 years
I really like your fic recs and I don’t really keep very up to date with the latest sanders sides stuff on ao3 so, favorite fics from the past week?
Oh uh... lets see today is 8/5/2020... and I’ll do my fav fics that have just been posted or updated this week: 
Swept Away - Part Three of my favorite Sirens au, where Logan gets swept up in a storm and wonders if anyone will miss him (they will).
The Variables -  Logan bought a house in the middle of nowhere so he could avoid having to ever talk to anyone else ever again. The ghosts have other plans.
You Can Picani Family You Want - Emile fosters two kids and quickly learns he’ll do anything to see them smile.
Atypical Destiny - LAMP soulmates are determined to make their polyamory work, even if no one else thinks it will.
‘Cause Every Time We Touch, I Get This Feeling - Touch starved Janus falls for touchy-feely Patton.
Rays on My Skin - Virgil is six when he discovers that he has multiple soulmates and absolutely none of them speak his language. Oh and also three of them don’t know he exists.
If You Give a Side a Lion - Remus and Roman have some things to work out, but first it looks like theyre gonna have to save the universe, along with three other guys, an alien prince, and his assistant. A Voltron AU that I didn’t know I needed.
The Story of Emile the Seer - Emile is unfortunately born with the ability to see the future. Theres a lot of awful things people would do about that.
Alleyway - Logan finds a baby in a dumpster in an alley and decides to keep it.
Slower Than Words - Virgil can’t see. Patton can’t hear. But theyre stuck in a cell together while people conduct unethical experimentation on them, so maybe they can learn to communicate?
Old Scars, Future Hearts - Virgil has a problem asking for help when he’s overwhelmed, but this time? This time the others are already angry at him. And they wont want to help him if they’re angry at him, right?
the shapes in the silence - Virgil turns into a cat-sized Dragon when he gets overwhelmed which only becomes a problem when Patton finds him hiding in the pantry and thinks he’s a figment from imagination and not another side. And if the Light sides like him so much as a dragon....well maybe he should stay that way.
breathing and other rhythms that used to be easy - A Nightmare brings Virgil back to the dark side of the mindscape, just to check, just to make sure, just to see that Deceit and Remus are still breathing and thats it. In and out. They won’t even know he was there.
Road Trips and Missing Persons - Patton goes out for groceries and doesn’t come back home because he gets kidnapped by a child with a knife. Virgil is on the run from his crazy mother after she killed his father. Janus will do anything to get to his brother before his mother does. Remy isn’t actually dead. And Logan will strangle his entire family for not answering their phones.
Bounty - A sequel to Abduction in the Space Family series: Space, aliens and Virgil is a human in the middle of it all. Excellent series, 20/10 and I will cry about it. thanks.
The Curse of Hanahaki - In which Remus plays himself by cursing Imagination so that anyone who falls in love will cough up flowers. Aka Hanahaki but with a tangible plot.
fall out of in love with me - Deceit asks Remus to make him a potion to dilute his intense feelings for Virgil before they crush him at the absolute worst possible time for Virgil.
A Wager. - Virgil meets professional gambler and they mage a wager they both come out winning in.
i’ll sink for you - Deceit can hypnotize anyone, but Virgil is all to willing to be his plaything. 
Save the Moment - Patton takes pictures of everything. Janus notices more than he should.
Lavender - Patton can’t handle the sound of Logan and Roman’s argument, but thankfully Janus steps up to the plate. 
Mind Over Matter - Being a human in Space is just asking for trouble. Being forced to fight in fighting ring just makes Virgil another sad statistic. However, choosing not to fight his clearly harmless opponent....that makes him different.
The Apartment - Virgil moves into his first apartment and becomes best friends with the elderly man who lives next door and tells fond stories of his numerous grandkids that can never seem to make time for him. Virgil is unaware this is how to get himself adopted into a new family.
sweet tea in the summer - Roman and Patton are the sweetest of lovers through the years.
How two exasperated doctors adopted three robots - Rival Scientists Janus and Logan both have the great idea to see what their company is hiding on the same night. They were not prepared for the answer, but they can definitely get used to it. (Bickering Loceit? uh hell yeah.)
Breathe Out - Virgil will become minion for one chance to get out of the closet, thanks. aka: The other darksides are terrible, and Janus thinks that he and Virgil might be able to work well together, and somehow that puts Virgil on track becoming a Light side whether he wants to or not. (And I gush because everything this author writes is amazing)
The Debate - Part of The Other Side of the Mirror au, where Janus, Remus, and Virgil are Thomas’s core sides and big bad scary Logan shows up to ruin everything. Except that he’s actually helping and Janus might have to reconsider if the other sides are actually as bad as he’s made them out to be. 
And It Fell Away - Patton and Virgil are part of the Earth Kingdom army. Janus is part of the Fire Kingdom infantry. It seems that the only thing they all have in common are their need to escape the current battle and then the war itself, if just to save their own lives.
Come Alive - Patton tries to end it all but not-so-friendly vampire Janus stops him. Now there’s just an agreement: Patton spends one year as a vampire in the underworld city for the supernatural, and if they decide living still isn’t worth it they can take a stake to themselves, but...Janus is willing to bet they can find at least one person whos worth it. Ft: everyone falls in love with Patton at first sight, as it should be.
by the book - Librarian Virgil runs the adult section of the library, but his most interesting visitor is the tiny child who talks too fast and has really super attractive dads.
Pen Pal - Logan’s roommates all get together and Logan doesn’t think he has a place there with them, so he withdraws and turns to his pen pal for company.
Wedding Crashers -  While standing at the alter for his arranged marriage to a princess he will never love, Logan doesn’t think his really lovers are coming for him. He’s pleasantly surprised.
You Haunt Me And I Like It - Ghost Virgil has had a lot of roommates before without ever needing to show himself, but this one is just too skeptical for him to leave alone.
Wow that is a lot more than I thought I had! 
Looking for more fics? I’m got more lists here on my Fic Rec Masterlist!
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Fire Keeper: Chapter 5
Douxie x fem reader
Chapter 1
Masterlist in bio!
Series Summary: You are Jim’s older sister who is taking a break from college and has moved back home to Arcadia. You end up joining Jim and his friends on their adventures. Chapter 5 Summary: After all your recent missions you need a break, but will you get it when Mr. Strickler comes over for dinner.
“Last class of the night,” Jim said as you arrived outside Mr. Strickler’s classroom. You scowled.
“I can’t believe he’s a changeling. He was such a great teacher.”
“Agreed.” The two of you went and sat in the back of the class with Toby and his Nana.
“He wouldn’t do anything would he?” Toby whispered to you.
“No way,” Jim whispered back. “Not with all these people.”
“I see the two best friends are talking. It’s just like normal class,” Strickler joked and you refrained yourself from rolling your eyes. The rest of the room laughed.
You yawned and glanced out the window only to see Bular pacing in the grass outside. “Um, we kinda have a situation,” you whispered without moving your mouth.
“What kind of situation?” Toby whispered back.
“Bular is outside.”
“I’ll handle it, just cover me.” Jim whispered something to Toby while you looked around the room for anything that could be used as a distraction.
With a plan in mind you whispered a spell you had learned earlier that week, “Interminus nocti sluumberso.”
Suddenly Strickler fainted to the ground and as the parents and students were distracted you nodded to Jim and Toby who were able to slip out.
You smiled, satisfied with your proficiency in magic. You let him sleep for a little while longer, only waking him up when Claire’s dad suggested calling an ambulance.
As he got off the floor he seemed shocked and one of the parents suggested he see a doctor. You left soon after to help Toby’s Nana home.
When you got to your own house Toby and Jim were waiting for you.
“How did it go?” You asked, hanging up your purse.
“We managed to lure him away,” Toby said proudly and you patted him and Jim on the back.
“Would you count that as the third mission today?” Jim asked Toby and you sighed.
“Yeah.” He thought for a second. “We could all use a break. Maybe we could go to the movies?”
“That sounds like fun, Tobes.” Jim yawned and you mimicked him.
“You two have fun. I’ll buy myself a normal, human book instead.”
“Hi Archie,” you called to the cat that was lounging on a table. You began to browse through the books, this time looking for something just fun to read. You needed to relax, especially after all the missions you had recently gone on, and reading a good, normal book would do it.
You walked over to pet Archie and stroked him as you browsed. It was warm inside the bookstore which was a nice break from the chilly air outside, but you didn’t need a jacket so you took it off. You draped it on the table.
“Hello, Y/n.” Douxie said from behind you and you jumped a little. “Sorry I startled you.”
“It’s fine.” You smiled, though he had just scared you a second ago his presence had already calmed you. “I found another book.”
“Great, let me check that out for you.” He led you to the cash register and the two of you chatted while he rang the book up.
He handed the book to you and you were about to leave when he called out to you, “Um, would you maybe, uh, want to get a coffee sometime. I’d, um, like to get to know you better.”
“Sure,” you replied. You waved goodbye to him and then left.
You felt a little embarrassed, flustered, and confused. You were beginning to like Douxie and he seemed really nice. However, there was something about him that you couldn’t put your finger on, it wasn’t bad, there was just something.
You got into your car and you were about to turn it on when Jim called. “Hel-”
“Y/n Mr. Strickler is coming over for dinner tonight!” Jim exclaimed, not even letting you finish your sentence.
“What, no...” you didn’t know how to respond.
“Mom invited him when he went to the doctors office," Jim explained and you winced, realizing it was you who inadvertently sent Strickler there. 
"Oops," you mumbled.
"It's fine," Jim said, "Toby, Aaarrrgghh, Blinky, and NotEnrique are going to brake into his office while we distract him.”
“Okay-” you sighed “-I’ll be home soon.”  
“I do not approve of this plan. It lacks a certain ‘killing the changling’ component,” Draal said and you almost agreed. You felt betrayed by the fact that Strickler was out for your brother’s blood.
“I would love to, but not until they locate the bridge, okay? And find out what he wants with me.” Jim sighed, taking out his frustration on the batter he was whisking.
“We could rip off his limbs, make him talk, more like scream,” Draal growled. “Now that sounds like a good plan.”
“No, no ripping anything. My mom...ugh! She kinda likes him.” Jim winced and you heard the front door open. “She’s here, I can't have you busting chops unless it’s a last resort, and only if it’s a last resort.”
“How will I know this “last resort?” Draal asked.
“Okay, If everything’s cool I’ll stomp once. If I run into any trouble I’ll stomp twice. Got it?”
“Two times. Then I tear his limbs.” Jim shook his head and the two of you began to walk upstairs.
“Just stay down here. And no Limb tearing,” you said peeking back down the stairs.
You walked into the hallway and heard your mom talking to Mr. Strickler while Jim glared. “We don’t judge here, all kinds are welcome,” your mom said then walked away to put a bottle of wine in the kitchen.
“Mr. and Ms. Lake,” Strickler said, acknowledging you.
“Mr. Strickler,” you said with false politeness.
“Please, my friends call me Walt,” he said calmly.
“What do your enemies call you?” Jim asked, chuckling. Mr. Strickler walked into the dining room, ignoring him, and your mom joined him. You wrinkled your nose at Mr. Strickler and your mom laughing and you instead went to help Jim in the kitchen.
“The teacher is in the hen house, mission is a go,” Jim was saying to Toby.
“Copy that Trollhunter. I’m waiting at the rendezvous point.” He paused. “I said ‘I’m waiting at the rendezvous point.’ NotEnrique!”
He hung up and you looked at Jim, “Let’s get this over with and try not to die.”
“He won't be able to take the two of us,” Jim reassured and you nodded.
“We’ve got this.”
“Yes absolutely. So I said to my co-worker, ‘I brought you a midnight snack.’ Too bad for him he had indigestion for days. Well that’s the problem with eating Italian,” Strickler said, finally finishing his story. You and Jim laughed polightly.
Your mom’s phone began to ring and she stood up. “Oh, I’m sorry, it’s the hospital. I have to take this.”
“Go, go. I’ll try not to bore Jim and Y/n to death,” Mr. Strickler laughed and your face fell into a scowl.
“That’s a funny story you were just talking about,” Jim said.
“Yeah who was it again you were forced to work with?” You asked, trying to bait him.
“The Superintendent's son. He’s a bit bullish,” Strickler said with a meaningful look.
“Bullish, huh, That’s an interesting word. He sounds like a real monster,” Jim said glaring with a smile.
“Yes I know,” Mr. Strickler said, returning the glare.
“You know what?” You inquired, nonchalantly leaning back in your chair.
“I know you know,” Mr. Strickler said.
“How much do you know?” Jim asked, scooting back. He tensed up and you could tell he was getting ready for a fight.
“You didn't know I knew, but now you know, I know.” Mr. Strickler took a bite of food, not breaking eye contact.
“So I guess we all know,” you said, pursing your lips as Jim awkwardly reached for food while trying to keep eye contact.
“Bular called you ‘Young Atlas’ to force this very moment. He told me, ‘if I can't get you to hand over the amulet, I should kill you,” Strickler explained.
“You would kill him in front of our mom?” You asked, scoffing.
“Granted your death might affect our relationship and I don’t know what I would do with you, witch, but I will if I have to,” he snarled.
“Thats funny. I was just thinking the same thing,” Jim snarled in return.  
“Oh hoho, and you did not just call me a witch!” You growled standing up.
“I did and I could call you something worse for causing my impromptu nap at back to school night. So, how about you tell me where the bridge is, and I’ll leave your heads attached to your bodies?” Strickler threatened.
“It seems we each have something the other wants,” Jim said and your mom came out of the kitchen and asked if anyone needed anything. The three of you each asked for a knife, for the steak of course.
The four of you continued to eat your dinner and the air was thick with tension.
“I’m stuffed. I can hardly move,” Jim exclaimed, pushing away his plate when he was done, but he kept his knife.  
“Jim, your cooking alone should warrant you an A,” Strickler commented and your mom excused herself to go get the pie.
The three of you stood up ready to fight. “Give me the amulet,” Strickler barked.
You opened your mouth to say a spell, but the doorbell dinged, interrupting you.
“Why don’t you get it, witch?” Strickler asked and you glared.
“I will, but only because I know Jim can handle you on his own.” You stormed off to the door, hoping to get it over with.
You opened it an inch and slipped outside into the chilly air, slamming it behind you. Once again you didn't check to see who was at the door and how close they were standing so you practically threw yourself into Douxie’s arms.
He steadied you before speaking, “Do you hug anyone who appears on your porch or just the handsome ones?”
“Haha,” you said. “What are you doing here?”
“You left your jacket at the bookstore.” He held it out to you and you smiled, putting it on. It was very nice of him to come and bring it to you. Especially when you would have seen him tomorrow.
“Thank you, but how’d you know where I live?”
“I had to ask around, it took me awhile,” he said, smiling sheepishly and you nodded.
“Well, it was very kind of you. Um, I guess I’ll see you for coffee then?”
“See you then.”
You opened your mouth to say one last thing, but a crash sounded from behind the door.
“What was that?” Douxie asked, reaching for the door knob.
You stepped in front of him. “Oh, it’s probably just Jim he can be so clumsy. He gets it from me. I can be super clumsy too-” Another thud sounded, cutting off your rambling.
“Mordrax's Miracles, what is going on in there?” Douxie leaned to look through your front window before you could block him.
You turned around to thankfully see Jim and Strickler looking normal and sitting down while your mom said something. You sighed in relief, though Douxie’s odd choice of words left you confused.  
“Oh, you’re having dinner.” Douxie seemed satisfied by what he had seen. He turned back to face you.
“Yep, my brother is a fantastic chef. Anyways, thanks for bringing my jacket.”
“Any time.” He turned to walk away, but you heard a loud clattering inside and through instinct opened the door to see the commotion. Douxie stood behind you and your attention turned to Jim who was ‘hugging’ Strickler from behind. They were both kneeling on the ground and you wondered how you would explain that.
“Who is ready for pie? Voila!” Your mom said coming out of the kitchen and breaking the silence. She froze through when she saw Jim and Strickler.  
“Um,” Jim said, looking to you for help, but you shook your head slightly.
“Where is that contact lens? Ah here it is,” Strickler said, creating a cover story.
“I didn’t know you wear contacts,” your mom said.
“There’s a lot you don't know about me,” Strickler replied and you rolled your eyes. Jim stood up from searching and you realized the ‘contact lens’ was in fact his amulet. He nodded to you and you gave a small smile.
Your mom stared into Strickler’s eyes for a second longer and you cleared your throat. “Oh, who’s this?” Your mom asked and you realized Douxie was still standing in the doorway behind you.
“Douxie Casperan, Ma’am. I work with Y/n at the cafe.”
“Well, it’s lovely to meet you, why don’t you join us for dessert,” your mom offered.  
“Oh I don’t want to intrude.”
“No, it’s fine. The more the merrier.” She walked into the dining room and the rest of you followed.
“Be careful with the pie, Jim did not get his chef skills from Mom,” you whispered to Douxie as he sat down next to you.
“Will do,” he whispered back and you smiled. You did your best to eat the pie, but it was as bad as you expected. The rest of the night was spent chatting and Douxie seemed to get along with Strickler as well as you and Jim did, which only endeared Douxie to you more.
Soon though dinner was finally over. You walked Douxie to the door as Jim prepared the leftovers of the pie to give to Strickler.
“So...” you started, not knowing what else to say.
“You have a lovely family. Your father seems interesting.”
“Oh, he is not my father, he and my mom are...friends. I don’t like him much, he’s kinda two-faced,” you said quickly, wrinkling your nose.
“Sorry,” Douxie said, running his hand through his hair.
“It’s fine,” you said. “Maybe one of these days you can join us for my brother’s cooking, I promise it is much better.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” He said then began walking down the street. He looked back and waved goodbye and you waved back, smiling as you leaned on the doorway.
Strickler came up to you after. “He seems nice.”
“Compared to you everyone is nice,” you snarled before your mom got into earshot. You stepped past him to stand next to your mom and Jim, who was holding a blue Tupperware.
“I insist. take it home,” Jim said shoving the Tupperware at Strickler.
“Oh. The recipe would have sufficed,” Strickler said, pained.
“No we insist,” you replied, stepping back so he couldn't hand the Tupperware over to you.
He smiled, resigned. “Good night, Barbara.” He kissed her hand.
Then he turned back to you. “Goodbye Y/n. See you at school, Young Atlas. It should be interesting, now that we’ve gotten to know each other so well.”
“It will be a shame when I don't have you for a teacher anymore,” Jim said, the hidden threat obvious to everyone but your mom.
You closed the door and turned around. “That went well, right?” Your mom asked.
“I don’t know he seemed kinda two-faced to me,” you said, shrugging.
“Two faced?” Your mom asked. You nodded, but your face turned to shock when Draal appeared behind your mom holding an unconscious Claire. He gestured to Claire and shrugged.
“It sounded like you three got along so well...” she turned her head to look but Jim spoke up.
“Honestly he’s not the guy he says he is.” You tried your best to signal Draal to go back downstairs without being too obvious.
“Honey, I know this might be hard for you...” she started focusing on you and Jim again.
Jim interrupted her, “Mom I don’t want you to see him again.” You flinched and nudged Jim. You didn’t like Strickler either, but telling your mom that would only anger her.
“Yeah? I really expected more from you.” She said and walked into the kitchen, thankfully not noticing Draal who had gone back into the basement.  
You turned to Jim and whispered, “I’ll talk to Mom and you go take care of Claire. I hate Strickler just as much as you do, but you hurt her feelings.”
“Okay. I'm sorry.”
“You did a good job tonight Jim.”
“Thanks Y/n.” He went to the basement and you went into the kitchen.
“Hey mom.” You saw her standing and holding her head.
“I don’t know what to do, Y/n.”
“Trust your heart, Mom. I know you will work things out, but it might just take time.” She hugged you then pulled away.
Smiling, she said, “So your friend.”
“What about him?” You asked slowly.
“Well, not many guys go to your house just to return a jacket.”
“Well, Douxie is incredibly chivalrous,” you responded, feeling embarrassed.
“Mhmm,” was all your mom said.
Here ya go. I feel like the creators missed an opportunity with back to school night so I decided to include it in this chapter. Anyways, I hope you liked it and are excited for more! Have a fantastic day/night and stay safe!!
P.S. if you want to be on the taglist feel free to ask. I hope it works and please message me if it doesn't.
Chapter 6: https://writings-of-a-daphodil.tumblr.com/post/627768929717288960/fire-keeper-chapter-6
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indig0g0 · 4 years
If you are so against theft, why you friends with gabriel tho? There has been HOW MUCH evidence against him? I don't know, Newt. Seems Pretty Sus To Me. SEEMS LIKE YOU ARE TRYING TO TAKE THE HEAT OFF THE CURRENT SHIT AGAINST GABE I'M JUST SAYING-
Hi kids, first of all! His name is GABRIEL! Calling him not his name, when he doesn’t like it! Is just like misgendering! Anyway! Lets sit down for this! I was waiting for you (or maybe it was someone else!) to come back for this!
Did you know that its possible, as an adult human being, to disagree with everyone in a situation? Did you also know.... That there’s a difference.... Between using the same concepts? And OUTRIGHT TRACING SOMEONE’S ART? Did you know...... That there was more to the story... than bo’s callout post made it out to be? Did you know there was a third whole design in the mix?
Also before we get started I want to state that as a 25 year old man, who has been in multiple different art communities. You cannot steal a concept. You cannot steal a concept. YOU CANNOT STEAL A CONCEPT. There are 800 trolls with white porcelain masks! There are 800 trans masc jadeblood trolls! These are all concepts! Iridescence as a concept! Is a CONCEPT.
Opalescence is a concept that is similar but different to iridescence.
Okay! So! Here’s the thing (the thing! Which I got from someone who WASN’T either Bo or Gabriel! Surprise! There’s AN OUTSIDE PARTY!)
Bo made an iridescent adopt! Gabriel wanted the adopt! But Liam bought the adopt first! Whatever! That’s the end of it of whatever that is! Bo and Gabriel stopped being friends in this time, i think, but that’s not my fucking business because i’m 25 years old and other people’s interpersonal problems aren’t my fucking business!!
Its reasonable here, then, to like the concept behind a design right? And you you probably think “oh this is where gabriel ripped off cosmit, right?” and you’d be wrong!
We’re going to cut to my favorite third party, a loving friend and wonderful person... Echo! Who makes adopts! As a source of income!
Who was like! Hey party people! Suggest themes for me to use in my next batch! of adopts! and now you think... oh... here comes opal.. WRONG AGAIN!
So what happened was... gabriel had been like “i saw this cool iridescent design, and the concept was really cool! maybe you should do an opalescent design!” and echo was like oh fuck yeah i’d love to do that! and so.... they did. Now i’m sure you’re thinking..... Oh it’s Opal!
Except. Actually it wasn’t.
The opalescent (NOT iridescent, they aren’t the same if you were wondering!) troll Echo original made? One of the ones that bo linked in their call out? Isnt opal.
It’s the original opalescent design that echo made! Which they.. Kept! That’s their Magiro!
This is magiro on the end! This is the original design!
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which looks..... NOTHING like...
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this absurdly small screenshot i also pilfered from bo’s callout post! Of cosmit!
Who’s sprites I will not post out of respect for Liam because I have not asked him if I can use it! But the original is necessary so it’s here anyway. (I have permission from Echo to post the originals here! FYI!)
Now because they ended up keeping Magiro! They said! I’ll make you one for free with the same general concept! And lo!
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Opal was born! This was the design that Echo did for gabriel! This is opal! As you can see... She looks nothing like cosmit! Except for the fact that she has
dark skin is meant to be black coded and has a similar theme. she even has a nose rings You can see it under her glasses!
and so these are the sprites Gabriel made based off the design ECHO made him
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Now! Here’s where it gets hinky!
Here’s where I don’t agree with either party!
Bo and Liam were upset that Gabriel (and Gabriel alone) apparently ripped off Opal! I don’t see it, and I don’t think you can steal a concept either! But whatever theyre adults they can make their own conclusions!
Now where I don’t agree with Gabriel is... Gabriel started making posts (after being told he was accused the first time, idk by who) about Opal being the BEST opalescent troll in the community! Which is fucked up! It’s immature and I was upset with him for it! And then it spiralled a little!
Gabriel got a call out blog made about him for reasons OTHER than opal! The callout blog tried to bring up opal! Liam made a public statement that he and gabriel were handling it privately! And I thought that was going to be that on that!
or was it!
So in private, and bo’s “call out” will confirm this, the whole party eventually agreed that Gabriel would be making edits to opal to make her theme different instead of white opalescent blah blah, this all is NOT my business and frankly I don’t fucking care.
My problem comes in when it become not enough for bo that Gabriel to make changes to or stop using Opal altogether and started... Boxing gabriel into a new solution? Because Gabriel apparently wasn’t bending over backwards enough? I don’t fucking know! It’s not my fucking business! DURING a time of crisis. DURING. BO DID THIS WHEN GABRIEL WAS ALREADY IN A POSITION TO HAVE A HARD TIME SAYING NO. THIS IS FUCKED UP NO? But! I don’t know how you can post screenshots of you saying “You’re having a bad time because of this tropical storm about to rock your shit and I hate you and want you to go away Take this Hilariously Low sum of money for a character with tons of art and effort” and then think you’re like. In the right here? Bo admits they were stupid angry and that they cancelled the deal on a whim IN Their call out post! And then turned around, in their anger, and started threatening gabriel ! That’s literally blackmailing him! Because he wasn’t doing what they wanted! it’s all literally in the post! I read the whole thing! Gabriel came back with a counter, which was getting rid of Opal altogether including making the replacement in the story NOT black coded, NOT a woman (explicitly stated to be transmasc for the new concept), No piercings etc.
Bo then, later AGAIN during a time of Financial and real life crisis (their confrontation was sent within HOURS of the announcement of another hurricane about to rock houston) decided to turn around and verbally berate Gabriel about how he failed to deliver his apology, turned around, and tried to post a largely evidence-less call out about him.
The reason for Bo doing this?
Gabriel reblogged female-coded aesthetic into the tag. And that was all the proof Bo needed that GABRIEL IS A LIAR BLAH BLAH
heres the thing.
gabriel and i are in a different artist’s server together.
Gabriel has posted the wip of the new design into the server. I’ve seen it. with my own two fucking eyes.
ANYWAY TLDR: they both handled this extremely poorly! I do NOT agree with Gabriel’s handling of Bo’s and Liam’s initial concerns! But I SUPER don’t agree with “i own blackcoded opalescent characters as a concept bc i said so” and but mostly?
I really disagree with bo’s attempts to use the crisis of a TROPICAL STORM to solicit the response THEY ALONE wanted.
THIS is why I have bo blocked. I could give a shit LESS about all the other bullshit. Do I like it? No. It is my business? no.
But the sheer fucking LACK OF EMPATHY displayed here is FUCKING ASTOUNDING.
Theres actually OTHER reasons I don’t like bo, which are all 100% unrelated to all this fucking horse shit! But that’s my fucking business!! anyway!! fuck off!!
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sabineskeep · 5 years
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Visiting your grandma was always a very taxing process. You didn't mind the pool, the free cookies, or all the card games, but having to spend the whole weekend not more than five feet away from your whole family was very unappealing. At least if you were at home you could escape back to your room, turn up your music and ignore them, but between your overbearing mother, loose-lipped little sister, and your grandma who seemed to always have something to pick on you about, it was going to be a rough weekend.
 "Lets go sweet heart! We can't have everyone waiting around on you like usual!" Your nana said with a sickly sweet grin. You sheepishly smiled back and grabbed your towel before heading out the door. Your grandma expected you to be the perfect granddaughter. Captain of the volleyball team, President of the student council, all of it. While you were on a lot of teams at school and had very good grades, but you never could seem to completely satisfy her.
 Your little sister, Cassie was only eight and entirely all too excited to go swim with a bunch of elderly people. She was giggling up a storm and you had to admit she was adorable. Admittedly, you liked Cassie the best out of everyone she really was sweet and fun. She just really did not know how to keep a secret, or how to not read your diary aloud to your mom. She grabbed your hand and pulled you faster towards the pool. 
"Don't forget to put on your sunscreen girls! And wear the pool shoes I brought you!" Your mom called after you. She was definitely cracking under the pressure of your grandma. She had even bought you and your sister matching bathing suits for the weekend. Cassie had a black one piece with teal stripes and you had black high waisted bottoms with a teal sports bra-like top. 
Many residents were milling around the pool area with some young family members here and there. The pool was gorgeous with all the white lounge chairs and palm trees it was the perfect sunny day.  You were reclining on a lounge chair when you saw a mop of black hair pass you. You would recognize that lanky goth frame anywhere. 
Rodrick Heffley, you two went to high school together. You two had never talked, but you had witnessed your fair share of him hitting on girls and getting turned down, playing air drums on his desk in class, goofing off with his friends and then trying to act cool the next second. Maybe you had paid a little more attention to him than you thought. You realized you had been gawking at him for far too long as he took a seat across the pool from you. You tore your eyes away and you could feel your cheeks get hot. You didn't know that Rodrick was also peeling his eyes away from you.
You slammed the door of your grandmas apartment behind you and wiped your arm across your eyes. A couple tears still fell as you walked down the hallway. You had left in the middle of dinner because your grandmas comments got too much too handle. Everything you did seemed to be wrong. There was always some snide comment about your eating, your skin, your hair. You couldn't stay another minute in that room.
 You traced your previous path down the 90s patterned carpet. The hallway had a couple nightlights but was still mostly dark which made an eerie feeling crawl up your back. You rubbed your arms in the chilly air you wished you had brought a coat before you ran out of the house. All you had on were some pajama shirts and a loose crop top. Hopefully, the pool would have been left open so you could sit somewhere warm and calm down. Your tears dried away as you got farther and farther away from your problems and made it outside.
The pool door opened easily as you stepped out into the warm night. A full moon lit up the area but the blue pool lights cast moving patterns everywhere. You stood on the edge of the pool watching the tiny ripples when someone stepped up behind you.
"Hey don't I know you from school?" You let out a small shriek and very nearly tumbled into the pool but the stranger grabbed onto your waist and pulled you back. Then you were face to face with none other, but Rodrick. His mouth was slightly open trying to get words out. 
"Thank you, but no thank you because you scared the shit out of me." You laughed out. You were desperately trying to not think about your loose shirt riding up and how his warm hands were still on the crook of your waist. 
He took a step back, his hands lingering for another second before replying, "Sorry I didn't mean to freak you out. You're in my physics class right?" He pointed at you with an unsure look on his face. You took in his red flannel over a handmade loded diaper t-shirt and his black skinny jeans. It was a little late to be so fully dressed but you guessed thats the punk life, and you were, definitely, not disappointed.
"Yeah, yeah I'm Y/N." You wrapped your arms around your waist. "Although I'm surprised you remember me considering you're almost never there." He winced at this fact. You had never felt this nervous before. Butterflies invaded your stomach and it felt a lot hotter outside. He's just a dumb boy in a band, you reminded yourself. A cute boy. A boy who was pretty much your exact type and right now all you wanted to do was peel off that flannel and reenact Romeo and Juliet right here by the pool.
"Oof thats true, but I try never to forget a pretty face." This came off more awkward than smooth, but lucky for Rodrick it definitely had an affect on you. You tried to keep it off your face but, turned back to the pool just in case.
"So-uh what are you doing out here?" He sidled up next to you, shoving his and hands in his pockets. You glanced up at him. "I had to get some space from my insane grandma." You ran your hands through your hair exasperated. "There just only so much I can deal with from her." Rodricks eyes were trained on your profile as you stared out into the pool. "That sounds harsh, I'm sorry." He tossed his hands out. "Well I've only known you for like five minutes and I think you're pretty great!" You smiled slightly and bumped him with your shoulder, 
"Thanks dork, What about you? Whats got you coming to the pool in the middle of the night?" "My annoying little brother will not leave me alone!" He groaned taking a few steps back. "So I came out here to try and get some shut eye." He plopped down onto one of the pool loungers. You followed him slowly before sitting down on the edge of his chair.
 "Ah, am I keeping you awake then?" You smirked. "No- no- I mean yes! but not in a bad way you know."  He grabbed your wrist. You both looked down at his hand and then made eye contact. You could see just how dark his eyes were as they looked in to yours and it felt like you were getting slightly closer. 
"I definitely knew you were in my physics class." He blurted out. "I've wanted to talk to you for a really long time." A little bit of confidence rose in you. Rodrick, punk extraordinaire had been watching you. 
"You should've. I don't bite." You said barely above a whisper. His brown eyes bore into yours and again his mouth hung open in a surprise.  "W-Would you want to come see my band play sometime?" He stuttered out. You smiled and put your hand on the side of his neck, pulling him closer to you. 
"Yeah Rodrick I'd love to." Your softy pressed your lips together and threaded your hand into his dark curls. One of his hands dripped your waist and the other held onto your thigh. You pulled apart and you could see his pupil dilated. Both of you were breathing heavily. You were in disbelief. You never thought Rodrick would be interested in you, but here he was and you were not going to let this opportunity go to waste. 
You gently pushed him back so he was reclining and climbed onto his lap. "I've been watching you to." You confessed. "For a very long time." "Looks like we have a lot of time to make up for." He said resting his hands on your outer thighs. You nodded as you ran your hands under his flannel and leaned down to press your lips together again. The kiss became more heated as he ran his hands under the edge of your shirt sending small tickles up your spine. His lithe body pressed up against you and you couldn't get enough. He pressed kisses down your neck and lightly bit down. You would definitely have a hickey later. You let out a small moan and felt him smile against your skin. 
You rested back. "I'm gonna have to go back at some point. I don't want them to come looking for me." He groaned, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I guess so, but only if you promise to come to my band practice on Friday." 
"Yes, I promise I will be there." You pressed one more small peck to his lips before climbing off. You straightened your clothes and began to walk back inside. You turned and gave Rodrick one more small wave, which he returned, before entering the building. You definitely weren't worried about your grandma now, although you would have to find a way to hide this hickey until you left. 
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Leon really out here trying to steal the role of main character from Gloria like FUCK OFF M8 THATS MY JOB
This was actually my biggest problem with Leon. 
His whole gimmick is that he’s unbeatable, right down to having the Hall of Fame tune repurposed into a battle track for the player’s fight with him. He’s only ever known victory. The trouble is, that never gets challenged until the very end, when you get to fight him. Which makes for a good goal to work to, but as a character, it leaves him boring and obnoxious because he has no weaknesses. I mean, he must, but the story isn’t going to let you see that. With how present Leon is in the story, I mean...he definitely has a personality, but it’s just taken as a given that he’s the undefeatable hero of the story, and the player can do nothing to challenge it until they get to battle him. Which is frustrating for many reasons. He feels like a prop to motivate both Hop and the Player, but not much else. His being an in-universe Charizard fanboy doesn’t help...either way, his “unbeatable” status is used to justify him being the one to handle every action sequence...without the player, like you said. 
First of all, this has never been how it’s worked before. The Champion has always faced the trials alongside the Player. Imagine if Cynthia had sent you on your way when the portal to the Distortion World opened up? Imagine if Lance had barred you from taking down Team Rocket’s base with him. Why should Leon get to turn us away from seeing the action? I hate to say it, but it’s a pretty clear indication of cutting corners. Most of the time, if there’s an action set-piece, the game is very careful to make sure you don’t see it or get to take part. The player never gets to, y'know, play the game, until the very end. Leon always sends you away with a patronizing encouragement to focus on your gym challenge while he goes off to handle the problem. The game suggests that this is because he's an adult and you are a child...but that simply doesn't fly. 
Sorry, we're eight generations into a franchise that has never suggested any functional difference between adults and children in it's universe. It is well established by this point that having Pokemon is all that matters, a person's age has never had any social impact. Or if nothing else, getting your first pokemon is treated as a "coming of age" ceremony, so the player would be just as much an "adult" as Leon. The difference in their age would normally indicate that they aren't equals, but it just doesn't work in this universe, it's an attempted excuse to keep the player out of the action that fails to align with established world-building. It’s patronizing, but it’s also inconsistent, which amusingly bothers me far more. This is also why I don't like it when the games feature police, because that's another aspect of real world society that simply doesn't fit in the Pokemon world. If police exist, why is it always down to the most powerful trainer, aka the Player, to defeat the criminal organizations? 
I’m not sure what it is, but all of the corner-cutting and evidence of deadline fever, all seem to converge around Leon. Nothing sums it up better than the sequence where the Player and Hop storm Rose Tower. It finally seems like the plot is picking up. We all knew Rose would be the villain, has he kidnapped Leon? What’s going on? Who is the evil team? You get there, you fight Oleanna, who acts blatantly antagonistic, and refuses to let the player past...but then when you beat her, you get there to rescue Leon, and...he’s not in danger. At all. There’s no threat. You get still images with no music as Rose outlines his motivation (Which is absolutely bonkers, but never mind that right now) and then Leon just...leaves. Of his own volition. The plot doesn’t go anywhere, and you come away from it thinking, “Wait, did we just break into a megacorporation because Hop was hungry?” 
Later on, Leon fails to catch Eternatus, and the player must step in. This gets completely glossed over and ignored despite being a clear example of Leon’s character actually failing, and showing weakness. He lost. He is not unbeatable, Eternatus bested him. It actually drove me crazy when I first played, because his whole deal is that he’s never been defeated until the player dethrones him. Except. He has. I don’t care if it was a Pokemon and not a Trainer, that should matter! It contradicts everything about his character and then does nothing with that. Then at the end, he reiterates the condescending bit about how the “adults” will handle things, before we transition into the credits...with no Hall of Fame sequence, god knows why. 
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splitriverghostie · 4 years
(TW: Sui*ice) (TW: Abuse) (TW: Family problems)
I'm sorry I just really need to ask about this because I can't handle it anymore. I need to move out but I have one more year until I can, I have major separation anxiety from my mom, and I don't have a full time job (Also please don't think I'm asking for money, even though there's nothing wrong with that, I just want to clarify I'm not asking for money) I just needed to ask some if they thought what was happening would count as abuse because I genuinly don't know at this point and I don't want to say it is if it isn't so I don't mean this to diminish anybody else who is suffering with abuse so if this seems like I'm doing that I'm sorry and that is not what I am trying to do and I want to know if I even have a right to be upset or if I should be upset with the things thats are going on because my family always makes me feel like it's my fault that I feel like shit and feel like committing suicide.
Here's a list of the things my family (Mostly my mom) has said to me/called me/done to me:
"Kiss my ass"
"You're acting like a bitch" (Even though she called me a bitch and then when I called her out for it she said she said I was acting like a bitch even though that's not any better)
"Shut up"
"If you hit me I'm going to break your damn hands"
"I'm gonna smack you"
"Again?!" (Annoyed when I started crying then she stormed out)
Mocks me in various voices and in other ways
*Mocking me* "Oh life is so hard"
"If I'm such a bad parent then call CPS"
My entire family constantly calls me nasty.
My mom slaps me (Not a lot just sometimes) when she's had enough with me, has said she should've beat my brothers and me more when they were growing up, and her and my family constantly almost brag and laugh about how scared my brothers were growing up of being hit by my grandmother.
One day my grandma and I got into a fight (That didn't involve the remote this just happened during/after the fight) and I dropped the remote behind the couch so I went to get it and when I loved the couch apparently I moved the couch too fast so she ran up to me and started hitting me when all I was doing was trying to get the remote from behind the couch.
My family constantly reminds us, almost proudly, that one day they stopped and asked a police officer if they can hit us and he said as long as it didn't leave a mark it was perfectly fine so they use that as their excuse to hit us.
My grandma always assumes without any information on the situation that when me and my mom are fighting that my mom is automatically innocent and it's completely my fault. One day she came downstairs as me and my mom we're having a fight and immediately started yelling at me.
They're such hypocrites with everything, anything that they do good or bad they're aloud to do but if I do it I get yelled at or in trouble, like (This is a smaller example but there are a lot of other things they do this with) my grandparents (We live with them) dog is constantly barking and everything I say anything about it at all I get screamed at because the dog is "Just playing" so that's why she's barking (Even though she barks constantly) but then when I go upstairs and play with the dogs I get yelled at and told I should play with the dogs outside or downstairs or something because they're barking and my mom constantly tries to make excuses for them and herself like she said that it was just the timing so that's why I wasn't aloud to play with the dogs because they we're watching TV but almost right after I left and went downstairs after being yelled at and told I can't play with the dogs I heard them upstairs playing with the dogs. They also constantly complain about my mom and myself dog barking even though most of the time it's because their dog barking and making our dogs bark and their dogs are aloud to bark whenever.
I get yelled at and glared at by my mom even if I ask or say something in a calm nice way or say something bad they did to me that they shouldn't have.
Everybody in the house says I should respect the people older than me even if they did something wrong because they're older even though they definitely haven't earned my respect and they treat me like shit.
Everyone in my family yells at me then says they weren't and that I "don't know what yelling is" and say "do you want me to show you" and sometimes screams at the top of their lungs and goes "THIS IS YELLING!!!!!"
My mom has mentally and emotionally stunted me in many ways including things like not letting me learn to drive even though I'm 17 because SHE'S "Not ready" and all of the things have mentally stunted me more because now it makes me nervous to think about things like driving and now I feel like I'm not ready and she constantly says she never said I couldn't. It's probably because she doesn't want me to have a way out of what they do to me.
They always tell me everything's my fault and if I feel like shit it's my fault because my brain is making me think those things.
They always call things like my sensory processing disorder that causes me to need to moisturize my hands if they get wet because when they dry my sensory processing disorder makes my hands feel like they're a million times more dry and I can't handle the feeling conditions in a condescending way.
If I don't have the exact date and time down to the exact second of when they've done something bad to me my mom says it didn't happen and even if I do have the exact date and time they still don't believe me.
They constantly gas light me and make me question if I should be as upset over something that happened or if they actually did something to me.
My mom has called me a pig and when I got upset and started crying she says she meant because of how messy I am and didn't care when I said it still hurt me and said it shouldn't havenand got upset with me for crying.
When I asked my mom if she thought I was smart enough for my dream job she paused then when I mentioned it she said she paused because she didn't think with my mental problems and me overthinking I could.
They constantly talk about my physical appearance, personality, and intelligence and make me insecure about both.
They get mad at me for being upset about things and say if I went to therapy it would be better (As if that would automatically fix everything) even though I can't do in-person therapy right now only online which I don't want to do and I'm terrified of therapy but they don't care.
They get upset with me when I cry because they say I cry at everything so instead of comforting me like family should they freak out and do something like say "Oh my god seriously?! Again?!" And storm out.
One time I walked out of my moms room because my family were making a lot of noise and when I came out my grandma got mad at me and said I rolled my eyes and when I said I didn't (Because I didn't) she just said "Ya you did" so I walked away crying because I'm constantly blamed for things I didn't do and she laughed at me as I walked away crying. (Which is probably also gaslighting because she made me question if I actually did or not but I really don't think I did and even if I did that doesn't give her the right to laugh at my when I walk away crying)
They constantly make me feel like shit about myself because of my mental illnesses that I can't control and didn't ask for.
They always make fun of me, mock me, and laugh at me when I cry and tell me in ridiculous as well as other things.
They always deny anything bad they ever do to me and when they can't deny it anymore because I have proof they immediately switch to oh well I did that because of this or that or something I did which proves they knew what they did because when they got caught they admitted to it and give and excuse as to why they did because they deny it until I have proof then as soon as they're caught they change it to an excuse as to why they did it. And whenever they don't want to deal with me anymore if I'm trying to explain why what they did hurt me they just do something like go "Fine whatever I'm a horrible mother" or something along those lines and storm out.
They always say I have an additude even when I don't and when I try to calmly talk to them they freak out and start yelling and make me cry. They can't have a normal calm talk about things.
I don't feel comfortable talking to them or anybody about emotional things like even good emotional things like sweet moments and other emotional things because they never really did that with me growing up so now I don't feel comfortable being emotional and talking to anybody.
My family, mainly my grandma, has always laughed at me for everything even when I don't say something funny. She just laughs at me and makes me feel horrible about myself. Like one day I left a tip at a restaurant and I let the person know they could keep the money and that I left it with the payment (Which was a big deal for me because my anxiety and social anxiety was super high during that time in my life) and she just laughed at me and made me embarrassed and humiliated.
I don't feel comfortable, safe, or happy (Sometimes) around my family.
They tell me it seems like I don't care about bad things that are going on because I hear about the bad things that are going on (I don't think they realize how much I hear about bad things that are going on and how much I know. I probably know more than them) all day then when I go up and see my family all they talk about is the bad things that are going on and constantly have the news on so I don't normally listen a whole lot and I just want to get away from it for just a second out of my day and they tell me it seems like I don't care and they make me feel like a bad person and that I'm heartless.
They don't look at me when I talk to them, like my mom's always in her phone then when I mention how it doesn't make me feel good they say and assume I probably do it to them even though I don't. They block me out or only listen to help of what I say and I have to repeat myself a million times and they interrupt me constantly.
I feel like my mom treats me the way she does because her mother treats her like that so she takes it out on my and treats me the same way.
I can't talk about emotional things (Even happy emotional things) without crying and I cry a lot and I'm a sensative person and my family just don't want to listen to me or care when I cry.
My mom brings me to the point of a panic attack before she tries to talk calmly to me (Which I try to do before hand) and then at that point I can't talk calmly anymore so she gets mad at me for crying and like I said before doesn't want to listen to me.
My mispphonia is really bad and even when I calmly try to ask them to stop making a noise, like my grandma tapping her finger nails, they still get upset at me and mock me by doing it really fast and close at me then stopping or just saying no and not stopping so there isn't even a point to ask nicely anymore.
They constantly tell me to have my headphones in to block them out (Even though I have to turn them up all the way and I can still hear them) because of my mispronounced but then get mad them I can't hear them (Even though they always block me out and interrupt me)
When I try to explain to my mom that my mental health is the most important she tells me my grades are most important and covers it up by saying she just cares about my future.
But if I'm dead I won't have a future to worry about.
And there's a lot more I just can't remember right now. Please don't feel pressured to or like you have to but if anybody could let me know if this would count as any type of abuse or if I even have the right to be or if I should be upset about any if this❤
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sothisiswhatitslike · 3 years
An open letter to the one thats destroying me...
I remember the day we met, you told me you wanted to marry me one day. What you didn’t know was I have heard this before, from guys that are just like you. That was almost 2 years ago. I didn’t know, you'd keep chasing, you'd keep trying. Then I gave you the chance that you had been asking for. And in the following 6 months, I watched you change. The sweet guy that had been to my house every night when I got off work, the one that spent time trying to bond with my child slowly faded away, and out came the man you had hid for quite some time. The one who yelled and stormed off when told your not behaving in a way that I can handle. The one who disappeared and cheated, yet still some how turned it and made me apologize for something I didn't do, you did. Slowly we wet from planning for the life we were going to build to fighting every day, me walking on egg shells so you didn’t go off again. Begging for the man I fell for to come back and this monster to go away. Yet you always said your trying, and you would after a fight when you thought you were going to lose me, you’d be on your best behavior- until you weren’t. Slowly that change went from trying for a month to trying for a week to not trying at all, all the while still swearing this bull shit is just temporary, “I’m only going to be going out all the time for X months” or “ I’m doing this for us and our family”.
Lets be real, I lost myself, thats what you do though, you are good at treating someone right for a while, so they will be invested and then showing your true colors when you think they are in too deep to walk away; I went from seeing my friends and family to barely calling them, you didnt want them to know about the shit we were going through and you knew my best friend would know that there was a problem and she’d pull me out of the hole I had fallen into. But what you didnt realize was, she watched me on social media become a shell of who I was, she listened when you werent around and I could actually talk without worrying about you getting upset at what I was telling her, and she continued to not only love and support me, she told me she was here when I was ready for you to leave, she told me to find someone that would love me the way you promised you would.
Heres what she didnt realize, in the process of all of this, I became a monster. I shut down and realized that you cant hurt me, noone can if you just dont care anymore. If you choose to go down the spiral youve been dancing around for months. Thats the problem though, when you go down that spiral, how do you get out?
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