#like well this is sometimes me thinking about the women (a good and fairly well known film) as a dyke drama (not a wide held or strongly
palukoo · 3 months
i love watching a semi obscure and often not very good old movie bc uh. woman. and then walking away with niche and in depth queer interpretations of the film and like having a mental conspiracy board and being like do you see it? do you see the vision? but like no. you haven’t even seen the movie lol
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princessbrunette · 6 months
lifeguard!rafe …
that’s all i have to say
he’d be awful skdjfjdjs he’d literally turn a blind eye to someone drowning if they had disrespected him in the past 😭
❀ꨄ︎⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ꨄ︎❀
let’s say ward completely cut him off because they had a big fight, and told him rafe needed to get a little job to support himself to prove himself worthy so ward would start supporting him financially again. he gets a day job at a public pool as a lifeguard, thinking it pretty easy work. he turns up everyday in his red swim shorts and sunglasses, grumpily sitting on his lifeguard seat blowing his whistle every 5 mins to yell at kids 🙄
“hey, hey — no running y’little shit.”
he puts in half the work necessary, not doing a whole lot of patrolling just showing up to yell from his seat and order people around — and no one’s gonna tell him to quit slacking off, because well— it’s rafe cameron and they’re honestly a little scared.
the one highlight of his day is flirting with milfs who bring their kids to the pool, suddenly switching off the grumpy-woe is me act and turning on the charm, big pearly white smile and compliments that make the women flustered and tell him he’s a ‘mischievous young man’ and sometimes even ‘you’re just like your father when he was younger, you know that?’
that is until one day, you start to show up with your younger sibling— and he instantly just is obsessed? you’re so sweet in your little pink bikini, sat on the edge with practically a mini version of you, kicking your feet in the water, all smiles as you look after them. you’re the girl next door type, the type he always wanted but never would be around to find one. he sits on his lifeguard chair twiddling his whistle in his mouth thoughtlessly, occasionally catching eyes with you and watching you shy away nervously. adorable.
your little sibling is fairly well behaved, but obviously they’re a child so occasionally they break a rule or two. he finds himself turning on the same charm he would to mindlessly flirt with milfs, but instead with genuine interest. leaning forward on his chair when you walk past to catch your attention instead of blowing the whistle and yelling.
“hey, just tell the little one to be careful running by the side of the water, a’ight? would hate to see ‘em slip. gotta be careful.” he informs you, voice softer than he was anticipating and a smile teasing at his lips. you’re instantly all doe eyes and apologetic nods, promising to keep an eye on your sibling better. “thanks, sweetheart.” he smiles before leaning back, dismissing you. you’re head over heels instantly.
ward calls him up a week on, telling him he’s heard good things about rafe at the pool and wants to welcome him back with some financial aid. rafe shrugs him off, deciding to stick around a little longer ‘til he can secure you before he welcomes you into his world.
❀ꨄ︎⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ꨄ︎❀
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vinvantae · 10 months
<<< previous part
Word count: 3.9k
A/N: Big thanks to my girl @formulaforza for not only making one of the edits for me but for beta-reading and helping me make this chapter as good as it can be. Love u ❤️ x
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It was uncomfortably warm when you arrived in Spain, humid and sweaty and sticky - you still hadn’t managed to pull what Max and the others had planned out of your boyfriend.
Charles had whined half the morning when you refused to hold his hand that day, clammy palms, you claimed, but in reality you were hoping to sneak into the Ferrari hospitality as discreetly as possible.
You trudged through the paddock with your head down, cap covering your face as you head towards your driver’s room. Sometime before dawn, the PR team had sent over the press conference schedule.The FIA had decided to torture you, putting you alongside the four men who hadn’t publicly defended you from the harassment. They didn’t even know that privately, three of them were fully on your team, so it definitely felt like the sport’s governing body had resorted to bullying.
“Cherie, you’ve barely spoken to me this morning,” his voice was soft, a hand on the small of your back as you stepped inside. “Talk to me.”
“Did you see who they’ve put in my press conference?” Your tone matched his, lifting your eyes from the floor. “I think the FIA are on the side of the dickheads, trying to get me to leave.”
He frowned. “Why would you say that?”
“Because. Why else would they put me in a room with four men that they think hate me?” A soft huff left your lips as you chucked your bag down on a seat as the two of you stepped into the privacy of your room - Charles shutting the door with a gentle click. “It’s just plain nasty. As far as they know the four of them think I don’t deserve my seat.”
“Well.” He placed a hand on your shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “They’re going to kick themselves when they learn the truth.”
You frowned. “What truth? I don’t know what I’m walking into this morning…”
“Trust me. It’s going to be okay.”
You want to believe him, but it’s terrifying going into what would mostly likely be a room full of men who were expecting you to be absolutely tortured by your rivals. You knew the boys had good intentions but not knowing what those intentions were made your stomach flip. Instead of responding to Charles, you gave him a hasty peck on the lips before heading out to said media duties.
It was still fairly quiet around the paddock - not too many people flaunting their VIP passes this early in the weekend, so it was easy to slip through without too much hassle. You’re only stopped once by a group of girls who were all very kind and only asked for autographs. “I can’t believe they’ve put you in a press conference with those little bitches. How hard is it to put out a post saying they support you?”
Your cheeks flushed a soft pink. “It’s kind of hard to explain but Max, Pierre and Esteban do have my back they’re just… I don’t know, I know as little as you.”
“Well, best of luck, y/n. We’ve got your back if you need to teach them a thing or two.” One of them grinned.
Moments like this reminded you exactly of why you wanted to be a driver in the first place. You wanted to be the woman that others looked to for inspiration. You tried to remind yourself of this when a small gaggle of men leered at you as you continued making your way to the conference. They didn’t matter. They’d never matter. And if you were about to walk into a meeting with no back-up then you’d have to remember who exactly you were fighting for.
For the little girl who was watching her very first race, squished between Mum and Dad on the sofa and seeing someone like her amongst the 20 best drivers in the world.
For the teenager who hid under her sheets at 3am to watch races just to see her idol cross the line and wish that maybe it could be her one day.
And for all the women who never got the chance to race, believing they’d never be able to - finally seeing a woman achieve greatness in a sport that was supposed to be just for men.
You do it for them, for all of them.
You took a deep breath before stepping into the holding room. Immediately, four pairs of eyes were on you. You held your head high, not even sparing a glance towards the ones you considered friends. Just as Max was about to cross the room to speak with you, the door to the press conference swung open and the five of you were ushered into the room.
Max squeezed past you so you were sandwiched between him and Pierre on the sofa. You decided not to question it, just sitting down and taking a deep breath.
Let’s just get this over with.
“Let’s just start by saying Fernando, Esteban, Pierre, Y/N and Max - thank you all for joining us nice and early this morning.”
The five of you all gave various hellos to the room, you shifted uncomfortably in your seat as all of the eyes seemed to be on you. You knew exactly what kind of questions were coming - why else would they have put you in the room with these specific drivers if the debate of you being in the sport wasn’t about to be raised once more.
“We have seen a recent influx of negative responses about y/n being on the grid.” You sat up straighter - prepared to defend yourself. “Most of the grid has shown their support, but the four of you have remained quiet. Of course you don’t owe y/n defence but Max, Pierre and Esteban you’ve raced alongside her since you were children. So is there a reason you’ve chosen to remain quiet?”
“We have something to say actually.” Max cleared his throat. “I know we have disappointed people, especially our female fans, for not speaking out in support of y/n. But the three of us believe that putting a post on instagram is simply not enough. It wasn’t a big enough statement.”
Pierre watched your brow furrow as you listened to Max - he knew the words that were about to come out of the Dutchman’s mouth were going to shock you. He wanted to reach out and put a comforting hand on your shoulder but it would draw too much attention so he simply kept a watchful eye on you.
All eyes in the room followed a member of the Red Bull team as they crossed the room and handed Max a piece of paper. You didn’t get a good look at it before he started to read it.
“As a direct consequence of the FIA’s failure to take sufficient and decisive action in protection of driver 30, Y/n L/n, from the violence and harassment faced since the public reveal of driver 30’s identity, a coalition of drivers have signed a petition.” Your eyes burr into the side of his head, but he doesn’t dare look up from the page. “Led by drivers 1, 10, 16, and 30; Myself, Pierre Gasly, Charles Leclerc, and Esteban Ocon, a total of fourteen drivers have agreed to protest the Spanish Grand Prix, including all media duties, free practices, and competitive sessions, until appropriate measures have been taken to protect driver 30, and any other driver, from life-threatening behaviour. The drivers participating in this protest are as follows; drivers 1, 55, 44, 63, 16, 3, 4, 31, 10, 22, 5, 18, 24, and 77. This statement is being formally filed with the FIA immediately following the conclusion of this press conference. The official outline, along with the signatures of all 14 drivers will hopefully be made public by the FIA. If Y/n wishes to continue taking questions, she is free to. The rest of us retain the right to no comment if we so choose.”
The silence in the room was palpable - no one spoke a word as Max handed the piece of paper to you so you could read the names on the petition. You couldn’t even focus on the words, the room becoming a blur. Protest the race?
“The FIA only has so much power over what people post online, surely you cannot protest a race over that?”
“We are aware of this, but y/n was physically assaulted in the paddock. This should have never been a possibility.” Pierre spoke up next, you blinked hard a couple of times to bring yourself back into the room - your facade you’d put on had been blown, so confused by the fact the grid wanted to protect you so intensely. “The FIA have taken absolutely no action at all after the assault. Should’ve been the first thing they did.”
“Y/n, you look taken aback by this statement. Do you have anything to say?”
You lifted your eyes from the petition to see the entire room staring at you. “I uh… I don’t have words to describe how grateful I am. I tried to talk the guys out of doing anything drastic but the fact that so many of them are willing to stick their necks out to stand up for me like this? I… I’ll forever be in debt to them.”
“Don’t you think it’s a little unfair that they’ll all risk being fined while you have no consequences?”
Max could see your jaw visibly clench and he prepared himself for the worst. “Are you serious? How was I supposed to sign a petition that I didn’t even know existed? I never asked for any of this… if they protest the race, you bet I’ll be with them.”
“We actively chose to not tell y/n about this petition as we knew she would ask us not to do it.” Esteban leant forward as he spoke. “It would not have been fair of us to put this on her shoulders with all of the stuff she’s already dealing with.”
You gave him a gentle, sincere smile before finally taking a moment to read the names on the petition. Some of the names weren’t so shocking but others such as George and Yuki were pleasant surprises. There was only a small handful who hadn’t and you couldn’t help but smile, a stray tear escaping at the fact this grid of men - who had nothing to gain - were willing to face fines and penalties to ensure your safety.
“Well, we eagerly wait to see how the FIA responds, best of luck this weekend. To all of you.”
As soon as you stepped back into the holding room you threw your arms around Max and hugged him tight. “You’re absolutely insane.”
“It had to be drastic to get them to listen.” He chuckled, hugging you back.
“I hope you all know what you are risking.” Fernando finally spoke up after sitting in complete silence for the entire session. “All of this to stop some bullying? It is far too much.”
Esteban scoffed a little. “Do you really think the FIA aren’t going to take action when they see the current and former champions aren’t going to race? Even if they don’t believe in what we are protesting for, the amount of money they stand to lose from this is enough of a threat.”
The two teammates stared each other down, the tension palpable. You hoped Esteban was right, ideally you didn’t want any of the boys to get in trouble for you.
But now it was all in the FIA’s hands.
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(Credits to Mack for this ❤️ thank you again)
[Simon Lazenby] -“Hello everyone, welcome to Spain just ahead of Free Practice One. I’m Simon Lazenby and today I’m joined by Martin Brundle, Naomi Schiff and Nico Rosberg. Bit of a strange one here today ladies and gentlemen, isn’t it? Well, I guess we better jump into the biggest news to break this weekend - most of the grid have signed a petition and will currently not be racing or performing media duties this weekend. What do we think?”
[Martin Brundle] - “I have to be honest Simon, I do think it’s all a bit of an overreaction from the drivers. We all get critiques through our career whether it be in person or online, so I think y/n should just get her head down and crack on. The fans came to see a race, it shouldn’t be put on hold just for her.”
[Nico Rosberg] - “I have to disagree with you there Martin. What y/n has been put through since her reveal is unprecedented. We as a sport should be celebrating the fact that a woman is one of the twenty best drivers in the world and I think the drivers standing up for her is wonderful to see.”
[Naomi Schiff] - “I agree with you Nico. None of you will ever really understand what it’s like to be a woman in motorsport - we are held to a much higher standard than any man would ever be.”
[MB] - “But don’t you just think, as a two time champ, that she should have a strong enough head to be able to see past the criticisms?”
[NS] - “It’s not just criticisms, Martin. It’s physical violence and hate speech. Any minority in this sport whether it be y/n, Lewis, Yuki or Guanyu will always have people critiquing things they cannot change about themselves. Sure, someone may have called you a bad driver back in your day, but no one has ever told you to get back in the kitchen or go back to where you came from.”
[SL]- “Branching off from that, as you said, other drivers have received hate speech in the past. How would you all say y/n’s situation is any different?”
[NR] - “Being Lewis’ teammate and even as kids, he went through things similar to what y/n is going through. I think the biggest difference is, we didn’t have someone like Lewis to really show us how wrong it was that he was being treated so differently. Y/n is luckily in an era where she is surrounded by drivers who can see just how important it is to her and female fans that they don’t let things like this get off lightly.”
[NS] - “I think it’s important that the FIA take more protective action for all of our drivers. It is just a shame it’s taken most of the grid threatening a protest for the conversation to even take place. Y/n is a two time WDC and it feels like that has all been forgotten just because she’s a woman - it’s about time that the governing body of the sport take things like this more seriously.”
[SL] - “Now onto the drivers who aren’t protesting the race. We have Fernando Alonso, both Williams drivers and both Haas drivers. Now we have spoken to both Williams and Haas respectively and they say it is a purely financial decision not to let their drivers protest but they stand in solidarity with y/n and the rest of the grid. But Fernando is a bit of a different story.”
[MB] - “Fernando’s very old school. Very level headed about dealing with your criticisms - I guess the same as me. So it’s no surprise that he is not partaking in the protest.”
[NS]- “It is a shame as he is one of the most prolific drivers on the grid but I think the message will stay clear with Lewis, Sebastian and Max all taking a stand this weekend.”
[SL]- “Thank you all. Coming up next, hopefully following some affirmative action from the FIA this morning, is Free Practice One. Stay tuned.”
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You tapped your foot nervously against the floor as you waited to hear The FIA’s decision. They unsurprisingly had a very quick turnaround of how they were going to respond to the protest and now the fate of the grid was fully in their hands. They could choose to do nothing and everyone takes a fine or they could actually respond.
Charles sat beside you on the sofa, his hand coming to rest on your knee to stop your leg from bouncing. “It’s all going to be okay, y/n. They can’t not do something… there’s only 5 drivers currently racing, the fans would be outraged if that’s what they paid to see.”
“It’s just a lot. I'm just not sure what they can do,” you said, voice meek. You lifted your eyes to meet his gaze. “Like if people want to hurt me they will, y’know?”
He pressed a chaste kiss to your temple. “They have to do something, I’m sure it’s all going to turn out okay.”
Attention was swiftly stolen as the door slowly opened - a small man with a clipboard entered with an unreadable expression on his face. “Can you all please follow me?”
The sound of 15 pairs of footsteps scuffling out of the room echoed through your head, Charles’ warm hand on the small of your back - the heat of his touch seeps through your Ferrari polo. The 15 of you were sat around a boardroom table facing the president of the FIA and half a dozen other high ranking members. It felt much more like they were sentencing you than opening a conversation.
Your heartbeat was loud in your ears as you locked eyes with the man who was about to decide the fate of the grid.
“Thank you all for meeting with us on such short notice. We hope what we have come up with is a solution that is both suitable and protective for both us and all of you so we can get this resolved quickly and avoid any more of the race weekend being missed.”
It was like he rehearsed the informality of it all, trying like a gentle parent to get down to your level before scolding. You see right through it, through him, through this whole smoke and mirrors show.
Charles linked his hand with yours, the feeling of his fingers intertwined against your skin calms you, steadies your half-rapid breathing. You looked at him, studying his profile for just a brief moment before remembering where you were.
“Any assaults, physical or verbal, performed by any individual at a Grand Prix towards any driver or personnel will immediately be banned indefinitely from any sports and events governed by the FIA. As much as we would like to do more about online harassment, that is much out of our hands - we hope you understand. We will put out a statement saying that we do not tolerate hate speech of any kind.”
Your eyes flickered across the room to gauge the reaction of your rivals. They hadn’t told you what they wanted from the FIA but, to you, it seemed like more than enough. Not only did it protect you but it also covered everyone else. You weren’t leading the protest, though, so in the end it wasn’t up to you. “May we have the room?” Sebastian was the one to break the silence, as one of the leaders of the GPDA he wanted to give everyone the time to collect their thoughts and discuss, rather than having one of fifteen feel that they could speak on behalf of everyone.
The president nodded and the men escorted themselves out - everyone’s eyes fell on you. “Why are you all looking at me like that?”
“…what do you think?” Max asked.
“I didn’t start the petition,” you held your hands up defensively. “It’s not up to me.”
George frowned. “Surely you have an opinion though?”
“Of course I do,” a soft sigh left your lips. “But at the end of the day it’s you guys who are sticking your necks out. If you think this enough then say it is. If it’s not, say it’s not.”
Max gave you a gentle smile, placing a hand on your shoulder as he stood up. “As much as I’d like for them to take more preventative action rather than reactive - I think it’s the most realistic solution and I’m ready to end the protest.”
“Everyone agree? If so then I can get them to write up the decision and we can all get back to doing what we love best, right?” Sebastian hummed, trying to dissipate some of the tension in the room.
A chorus of agreement echoed through the room and you felt like you could finally relax. It had been the longest few hours of your life and as grateful as you were for all of these men to have your back - it would be nice to put it behind you and not have them get in any more trouble.
After the formalities were all done and dusted, a final consensus reached between the drivers and the FIA, it was over. You were finally able to watch them all get back in the cars and do what they all do best.
The next few days felt like a blur, between being ushered from interview to interview about the protest and putting your best foot forward during your time in the car - you barely had a moment to breathe. But after Ferrari achieved a 1-2 start during qualifying, it really felt like the weekend had started over fresh.
“You ready?” Charles approached you on the starting grid, his helmet dangling from his fingers.
You gave him an excited smile. “Yeah, I’m so glad everyone gets to race. I was worried there for a second.”
The softening of his gaze made your heart skip a beat. With his free hand he reached up and cupped your jaw in his hand - brushing a thumb across your skin. “You’re worth it…”
As he lent in, you felt your breath catch in your throat but just before his lips met yours he ducked to the side to whisper in his ear. “But I will beat you in this race, Cherie.”
“I’d like to see you try.” You teased, placing a hand in the centre of his chest to push him back. “I’m on pole for a reason, no?”
“Touché. Bonne chance.”
This time he did kiss you, only for a moment - but long enough to ignite the adrenaline inside you before stepping away to get ready for the race. You shook off the nerves before hopping into the cockpit, anxious to get going.
A small part of you felt a little guilty that you’d qualified ahead of these men who’d helped you but the championship came first. You had to start pumping out results if you wanted to win and knowing now that the FIA was doing their part to protect you - you could focus on what’s important.
And as the green lights began to flash you took one more deep breath before focusing on the clear road ahead.
Somewhere, a little girl’s eyes are glued to her television screen, to your helmet and the infamous red car. For her, for all of the versions of her, it was time to win this race.
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Next part >>>
Sorry for the delay on this one! Writers block hit me hard 😭 hope you enjoyed! One more thank u to @formulaforza for helping me, couldn’t have done it without you ❤️
Want to be notified when I post? Join our discord, head over to #reaction-roles and click the sunflower 🌻
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writing-for-life · 28 days
Ok, I’m not going to get involved in a certain thread because I don’t want any drama and the line of argumentation leans too much to one side already (the views of the vocal majority in this fandom) for it to make much sense to contribute, but I had a few thoughts today:
In a fandom where people write AUs full of cows and merpeople and other shenanigans that have nothing to do with canon (or the actual characters, to be frank), they can’t do that for Calliope (or any other female character, for that matter)?
She doesn’t get to play in the sandbox?
We don’t have the imagination to turn her into one of the two dolls that kiss?
We have to keep her in character while everyone else can be turned into… whatever person (certainly neither the one of the comics nor the show)?
We constantly have to remember her strife and trauma and can’t invent (!, that’s what writing is about!) a different or new side to her? Or a better future? One in which she gets to be happy?
Or we can’t turn her into someone she canonically isn’t?
While all of this always, always works for Dream? Or the hairy guy?
And speaking of said guy: Do we have any reason to think Dream would treat him better than Nada? We’re automatically assuming he’d do the same thing to Calliope, but not to him? Or: Why do we assume he would do what he did to Nada to any other love interest, because canonically, there’s no evidence for that (we wrote about this on here before)? So no, that line of argument just doesn’t fly in my view.
If Calliope and Dream have chemistry and people are able to acknowledge it (which most do), that on its own is enough to ship them. The chemistry argument works with every M/M ship. Why doesn’t it work with her?
Oh, she is allowed in gen fics (and I am a fan of those btw, but that’s past the point), or as a character with very little agency, or any personal or sexual desires. Even better if she serves the ship. That’s okay of course, I forgot. Reminds me of most of the women of the Sandman—I wonder why.
I just wish people would give the honest reason without going through all the mental gymnastics of why Dreamuse is not an interesting (or even bad or problematic) ship, and the other one is the best invention since sliced bread:
They want to see/imagine two guys together.
There, I said it, it wasn’t hard. It’s really as simple as that in fandom, it’s a predictable fantasy, and it’s the same in every fandom. The Sandman isn’t any different.
M/F ships are frowned upon because they’re “heteronormative”, and yet, (mostly) women proceed to project (mostly) heteronormative relationship dynamics on two guys of which they fancy at least one and use the other to project themselves on. Sometimes, they fancy both of them and get more of what they have the hots for. Good for them, there’s nothing wrong with it. We have oodles of research by now why some women prefer M/M porn; it’s not earth-shattering, groundbreaking or “queer-positive” (it sometimes fetishises homosexuality though, but that’s a different topic). It’s been like that since at least the times of Spirk, and probably longer. It’s actually a fairly (dare I utter the word on here?) straight female sexual fantasy. The queer-positivity everyone is so enamoured with is more than, and not singularly limited to, shipping M/M—as a bisexual woman, I personally can’t identify with that line of thinking at all, but other people’s mileage might vary…
If people are into smutty/explicit fanfic , that’s just how it works: Some women project on a female body while imagining to get railed by a guy, others prefer to imagine two guys because they fancy men. Again: Nothing wrong with it, but it’s also not as deep as people often pretend it is.
Yes, I wrote about that one before as well. That’s why I can do it again—“once your reputation is ruined” and all that 🤣
It’s ok to be horny for two guys without turning it into a brain-contorting statement every time.
It’s also okay to reflect on the wider implications of completely erasing women from EVERY fandom, especially if you identify as one.
Edited on May 27 since it’s obviously necessary:
If people’s main takeaway from this post is that it’s about criticising fetishising homosexuality, they clearly have a reading comprehension problem and should read it again. “Sometimes” doesn’t mean “always”, plus it wasn’t even a main point. I even said that fancying m/m is a fairly middle-of-the-road-fantasy, and that there’s nothing wrong with it. The internalised misogyny that shows in people who think they are “saving women from men” by completely erasing them from the narrative and only centering men is a different topic, but these two things aren’t the same.
If people’s main response to this post is, “Then write your own stuff,” they also have a reading comprehension problem and did not get at all what this is about. It’s also the slightly old getting standard response to anything that invites critical thinking, but that one isn’t all that surprising anymore. The assumption people aren’t writing their own stuff is also a bit… silly? But I imagine that misconception is down to the fact that those people never check any tags beyond one or two, and certainly never any that involve female characters. [And to say it quite frankly: That some people wrote verbatim, “If you want Dream and Calliope to fuck so badly, write it yourself,” just shows me that they’re incapable of viewing anything but through a sex/smut lens. Good for you, kids, your world sounds so exciting *slow clap*. But maybe don’t project your thirst on everyone else.]
Some people in the OP this was about even made good points, and I didn’t criticise any of those because they are true.
This post is about the double standards people apply when they say why one ship (m/m) is more successful than the other (m/f):
Trauma? Never a problem when it’s Dream.
Relationship that somehow “shouldn’t work”? Never a problem in tropes like enemies to lovers and many others that are totally used for thee ship. Or with two people (read: men) they really want to see together.
Bending a character beyond recognition or giving them a totally different backstory, because that would solve the “relationship has run its course”-issue? Never a problem with the two guys who can be anything from a cow to a mafia boss. But the women? Nope, we have to remember their trauma and strife, keep them exactly as in the source material and protect their sacredness by completely ignoring them.
Still don’t get that this is not about a ship per se but the erasure of all women from stories bar being cheerleaders for thee m/m ship in some way? Okay, then that one’s really beyond anything I can explain, although I think some people just like to consciously misrepresent stuff or really don’t do anything but skim-read. That’s not on me I guess…
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butterflydm · 4 months
Kinda jumping off a discussion I was having with @markantonys and @sixth-light the other day, I am really feeling excited about potentially bringing in most/all of the rest of our endgame love interests next season because I think they'll pretty much all benefit with the jump from book to screen.
(contains some book spoilers through Knife of Dreams)
I really enjoy a lot of the choices that the show has made so far, and I think they've done a lot of good set-up for the romances as well. To start with the characters who are locked in already, I really loved that Rand's three love interests all got to spend some extended time with (at least) one of his friends in season 2. Elayne being close with Egwene and Nynaeve is book canon, of course, but I like that the show essentially did that with Aviendha & Min too -- Perrin and Aviendha were so funny together, Mat and Min were also funny but had some great depth and angst. We got to see all three of them shine as individual characters before we got into any romance elements.
Especially with Min, I really loved the choice for them to take Min's self-reported past struggles with her ability and make it a current thing for her. It gives Min an active emotional storyline that is about herself and not centered around Rand, which is a big plus for me.
For next season, it's fairly well confirmed that we're getting Faile, and I think the show is set up to do really well with her:
a. the fact that we're not getting Perrin's internal narration will do so much to combat the 'constantly possessive and jealous' vibe that she often has in the books, because she frequently does not act on it but is just feeling something and if Perrin didn't basically have telepathy, no one would know.
b. Perrin's previous marriage provides a good reason for his relationship with Faile to be much more of a slow burn than it was in the books, and also provide background on why he'll be over-protective of her without falling into Jordan's "Women Are Precious Frail Flowers" trap (which Jordan did realize was a flaw in his writing -- we see him trying to interrogate it over the course of the series. But sometimes he would fall into the trap anyway).
c. And Faile and Perrin's relationship being more of a slow-burn would also make Berelain be a less ridiculous character (if they choose to still have her & her pursuit of Perrin). I'm also fond of the (from reddit!) speculation that maybe Berelain will be Graendal in disguise, which would have the potential of working really well to bring Graendal in sooner and give Perrin a proper Forsaken nemesis.
We are likely to get Gawyn, and if he's our main PoV for split in the White Tower, rather than it being Min (who is going to be in the Tanchico storyline with Mat, if that leak from a couple of weeks ago is true), then the audience will be more inclined towards being sympathetic towards him. We're also not likely to have the huge slow-down in pacing that happened in the second half of the book series, so it won't feel like Gawyn is just marching in place for forever. He's definitely one of the characters who suffers the most from how slowly the plot moves in The Slog.
Less likely but still very possible (especially if the leak about Mat is true) is that we may meet Tuon next season, and the show has done so much to make Mat & Tuon more plausible as a romance, even before we get into anything like character development.
Partly in the difference in Mat's background, in his relationship with his parents, and also in the way his dynamics with characters like Liandrin and Ishamael were played out.
Plus the set-up for what the show is doing with damane & sul'dam is promising in terms of Tuon because the show has established that the sul'dam are very weak channelers (as opposed to being learners), which means that Tuon actively beginning to channel wouldn't be plot-breaking in terms of her capabilities and would just affect her on a narrative level, which makes that feel like a much more likely path for them to choose to go with her and which opens up some avenues for some genuine character growth from her, which would be an exciting change from the books.
And, on a more subjective note, I feel like Jordan really fell down on the writing of Mat and Tuon, especially in CoT & KoD, so basically anyone else taking them over is probably going to be an improvement for me.
The show also really established a strong personality for Mat off the bat, which is something that Jordan was pretty inconsistent about. 'Mat' doesn't really gel as an individual character until the third book when he gets a PoV; and then he changes in several ways between the end of Winter's Heart and the start of Crossroads of Twilight (which is only a week later); I think that 'Crossroads' Mat could have been plausible (if depressing) as a character if Jordan had actually worked up to him over the course of CoT & KoD rather than him abruptly becoming this New Slavery-Neutral "both sides are valid" Mat in-between books (in WH he has an actual ethical & visceral objection to slavery, while in CoT & KoD, he only seems to object to the idea of being personally enslaved and views it neutrally if other people are enslaved). But I've talked about all that before, lol, so I will just say that it feels like the show already knows who they want Mat to be and has taken a pretty bold stand on the subject (re: being a Hero of the Horn), so I don't think we'll see them dumping his brains and empathy overboard between seasons.
So, yeah, I know s3 is still filming, but I am already anticipating it so much!
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dark-frosted-heart · 5 months
Aphrodisiac Event - Roger Barel (part 2)
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As usual can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
I changed into a simple night dress to join high society and headed to the Weasley mansion with Roger.
Many well-dressed men gathered at the mansion.
At the center of the gathered guests was a stout man.
(That must be the head of the Weasley family)
(That must mean that the three beside him are ladies of the Weasley family)
Weasley Head: Gentlemen gathered here tonight. I’ve assembled you all here for one reason only, to meet our beloved princesses. These days, women live wisely. They observe with their own eyes, gain experience, and hopefully find the best marriage partner. Take liberty tonight! Close your eyes on a few things, wahahaha.
When the head of the family raised his wine glass, everyone cheered.
(At any rate, those three are so lovely)
Although they were different types, the three ladies were fairly attractive.
As evidence, the men in the room were very interested in them.
(I wonder if Roger will only talk to his type, even when looking for a test subject)
Roger: Alright. Let’s eat first.
Kate: Huh?
Roger walked in the opposite direction of the ladies and piled up food from the table on his plate.
And then, without a care about what others thought, sat down and started eating. 
Roger: I’m looking for a test subject, but got hungry. It’s not like anyone will touch this anyway. I don’t like people who waste food. Can’t be helped if you have allergies or some other issue, but unfortunately, I’m in good health.
The sight of Roger enthusiastically eating meat was so “typical” of him that I couldn’t help but smile.
Kate: I completely agree with you on that.
I also stacked food on my plate before it got cold and sat next to Roger.
Roger: Haha, nice. I think a woman who can join in at a time like this is a good woman.
Roger’s a pleasant person to be with.
He’s blunt and voices his thoughts as they are.
Above all, he gets the job done. Though sometimes…he can stand to be more sensitive.
(He must be a popular guy)
(Though come to think of it, Roger’s view on love is a mystery)
Kate: Assuming you find a test subject, does having to sleep with the other person…not bother you?
Roger: That’s a very roundabout way to ask. Are you asking if I can get hard around anyone?
Kate: That’s one way to put it, but yes.
Roger: In short, yes. There’s individual differences, but it’s animal instinct. However, just because you’ve slept with someone once, doesn’t mean you have any sort of feelings for them. As you know, I don’t like trouble.
Kate: Even if you’re like that, isn’t it possible that the other isn’t?
Roger: I pick my partner first. If I’m unconvinced, then I won’t sleep with them and it won’t continue.
Roger’s too rational with his way of thinking.
It’s like a math equation.
However, I don’t think love and affection can be easily separated.
Kate: Roger, have you never been in love?
Roger: Love, huh. To me, love’s something that can’t be proven. That’s why I don’t believe in it at all. What you call love is a dysfunction of the brain or a misunderstanding caused by sexual desire. That’s my definition of love.
Kate: That’s a very Roger definition.
Roger’s right, love is an unknown thing.
I can understand his way of thinking, but for some reason, it makes my heart ache.
(Why do I feel so sad?)
(Ah, I see)
Roger’s teased me, kissed me, and did a lot of other things. 
But I know that none of this is motivated by love.
(I…thought Roger was showing me some kind of affection)
(I feel embarrassed thinking I was someone special…)
Roger: Huh? Where’re you going, little lady?
Kate: Um, to the restroom.
To hide my agitation, I left Roger and let the night breeze cool my head.
After calming down, I headed back to Roger.
Immediately, I saw one of the ladies with her arms around Roger…
Eldest Weasley daughter: You’re wonderful. You’re the only one who didn’t jump on us right away.
Roger: Hmm, so you’re not into someone who’ll obediently wag his tail. That’s some work.
Eldest Weasley daughter: Hehe. Hey…My room’s upstairs. We can head up there if you like.
Seeing Roger’s lips close to her ear made my heart ache.
(Good. Now that he found a test subject, Roger’s research will progress)
(I’ll just head home by myself. That’s it)
(That’s all…And yet…)
I found myself grabbing the hem of Roger’s clothes.
I was like a whiny child whose precious toy just got taken away.
Roger: …O_O
Eldest Weasley daughter: What’s up with that girl?
Kate: Ah, sorry. I…
Roger: Sorry, she’s my woman.
Eldest Weasley daughter and Kate: Eh?
Roger: Not only that, but my fiancee too. Even a open-minded father wouldn’t let you hook up with an engaged man.
Eldest Weasley daughter: W-wha?!
Roger: Thanks for the invite and good luck with finding a groom. Let’s go, Kate.
Eldest Weasley daughter: What? What is this~~!
Kate: Roger, please wait.
Roger suddenly stopped and leaned down a bit to look me in the eye.
Roger: Jeez, I lost out on a fine test subject because you were acting cute, you know?
(It’s really, really frustrating how I didn’t mean to)
(I was glad that Roger chose someone…)
Did I fall for Roger’s scheme to make me glad to take him up on his first suggestion?
Kate: I take full responsibility.
Roger: Hmm. And by that you mean?
Kate: I’ll take the aphrodisiac.
Roger brought me back and we went to a room in the palace.
Kate: Why the palace?
Roger: The palace’s empty in the dead of night, so I thought it’d be the perfect place. No one will bother us and Crown won’t hear you moaning.
Kate: Moaning. I’m not moaning!
Roger: Not yet. Here, Kate.
I was startled when I felt a vial be placed in my hand.
(I wonder what will happen if I drink this)
Roger: Scared? Kate: I’m not. Well, bottoms up.
Premium end
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aelfgyvaa · 1 month
Period Drama Costuming - a (ranty) review
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I love period dramas. I watch them like my life depends on it, and as a result, I have Thoughts. Period dramas are arguably where costuming becomes most important - here, costume isn't solely a storytelling device, it's a reflection of the specific place and time in which the narrative is taking place. Sometimes it's done well. Sometimes it really - really - isn't.
It's reductive to try and make any sweeping, general rules about how costumes in period dramas should be done. Every show has its own tone and style, and this is important to consider. However, some productions can take this in... interesting directions. We can really only judge each attempt at historical costuming on an individual basis, which - spoiler alert - is exactly what I'm about to do. Below the cut, I've had a look at some bad costumes, some good costumes, and some that don't really seem to fit in either category.
DISCLAIMER!! - This is simply an opportunity for me to rant about something I have a lot of (subjective) Feelings™ about, and is in no way supposed to comment on the overall quality of any of the pieces discussed. I'm also NOT claiming to be an expert on this topic. There are lots of people on here who undoubtedly know more about this than me, and if you're one of them, I'd really love to hear your thoughts!!
The Bad
Reign (The CW, 2013-17)
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I've just gotta get this one out of the way. I made it through an almost-entire season of Reign before the atrocity that is its costuming got the better of me. If you'd shown me photos from this show without telling me it's about Mary Queen of Scots, I couldn't have guessed what period this might be set in. Reign's costume designer has stated "I wanted gowns that kept some kind of Elizabethan element, whether it was a nipped waist and extreme silhouette, or if it had a bit of a medieval feel" and uh. Yeah. By and large, that didn't happen. From what I can tell, a somewhat historical silhouette does begin to appear in the show's final season, but at what cost?
Perhaps Reign wouldn't have been as bad if the dresses were at least nice to look at. Instead, they're generally reminiscent of prom dresses - the fabric looks cheap, and the details look so tacky that I can't even endorse the costuming for this show from an aesthetic standpoint. Sorry to any Reign fans out there, but this is almost certainly going to be my most scathing review of the lot.
The Musketeers (BBC, 2014-16)
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I love The Musketeers. I really do. But what the costume department was thinking - especially when it came to the women's costumes - I really have no idea. I mean, a Peter Pan collar?? On the Queen of France??? IN THE 1620S???? Truly something. Constance always looks like she only half-finished getting dressed that morning (why is her hair down. she's married.), and Anne sports some of the most outlandishly ridiculous collars I've ever seen. I don't even want to get into what Marie de' Medici is wearing. It's belts - as a necklace apparently! She also appears to be hiding some kind of gourd under her hair, but alas.
Yes, the men wear pleather. Yes, it does upset me.
The Musketeers' costumes perhaps wouldn't sting so badly if they didn't dress numerous background extras in significantly more accurate clothing. I've spent too much time watching this show and sighing in despair because Noblewoman Number 3 has a more accurate 1620s dress than the literal Queen.
The Spanish Princess (Starz, 2019-20)
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I haven't properly sat down to watch The Spanish Princess through to its conclusion yet, but I do intend to - when she's not fawning over Richard III, Philippa Gregory adaptations can still be good fun, despite having about as much historical authenticity as the Fiji mermaid.
Nevertheless, no one in this show seems aware of what time period they're in, with dress styles spanning from early 14th-century surcoats to some fairly Elizabethan-looking silhouettes. The fabric choices are all over the place, and similarly - although not quite as egregiously - to Reign, often don't even manage to look good. Even from a modern standpoint, this show is colour- and pattern-clash galore. There is also practically no layering whatsoever, with the dresses going on as single pieces without a panel in sight. Admittedly probably easier from a production standpoint, but still.
Don't even get me started on the headdresses. Weird, pudding-cap-esque padded crowns and tiny scraps of fabric like the ones seen on Mary Tudor (an attempt at a French hood? I shudder) are fairly constant, although I have spotted a few passable attempts at a Gable hood.
They do get points for giving Arthur Tudor a fuck ass bob. Thanks.
The Buccaneers (Apple TV+, 2023-)
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When I first started The Buccaneers and saw what its costuming had to offer, I audibly sighed. If you're a fan of visible back-lacing, cheap quality fabrics, and poorly fitting bodices, this is the show for you. The 1870s look is not a difficult one to emulate, and yet The Buccaneers fails rather miserably with its main characters, half of whom appear to be walking around in their underwear, with untied hair and single-layer dresses. Poor Nan only seems to own about two outfits that aren't visibly too big for her.
But by far the greatest crime committed by The Buccaneers' costume department comes in the decision to have multiple instances in which characters appear to be wearing corsets as tops. Yeah. I had a rough time with that one too. Mabel seems a particular victim of this - in both of the images above she looks as if she's been rushed out of the house before she got the chance to even button up her dress. A State of Affairs indeed.
The Good
Becoming Elizabeth (Starz, 2022)
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Although I was slightly underwhelmed with the execution of Becoming Elizabeth's story, this was absolutely overshadowed by its costuming, which is probably one of the most historically accurate depictions of Tudor clothing I've ever seen. With the same costume designer as Shardlake (which is also very well done - a big day for fans of Anthony Boyle's codpiece), it's remarkably clear how much research went into the pieces worn on this show, with some directly recreated from portraits, and others visibly inspired by surviving clothing from the period.
I won't pretend that Becoming Elizabeth's costuming is without flaws - I'm not a fan of Elizabeth's hunting/riding clothes, and she wears her hair down far too often (Catherine Parr appeared at times to have access to a Dyson Airwrap). However, the positives definitely outweigh any gripes I have. We have dressing scenes in which we see the separate layers and panels that comprised Tudor dresses, and the French hoods actually have hoods, as opposed to simply being the semi-circular headbands we see far too often. The royal women wear ermine fur on their sleeves, and I was also a fan of the jewellery.
The care that went into the costumes for Becoming Elizabeth is so clear - I truly wish I'd enjoyed the plot more, if just so that I could spend more time staring at those dresses.
Emma. (Autumn de Wilde, 2020)
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I adore Emma, and its costuming is honestly perhaps the biggest part of that love. The waistlines! The hairstyles! The bonnets! Emma's costumes are proof that you don't have to sacrifice historical accuracy for the sake of stylization - it's by far the most zany and colourful of any direct Austen adaptation, and yet its visuals remain strikingly faithful to the Regency period.
Like Becoming Elizabeth, many of the pieces worn in Emma bear a striking resemblance to surviving pieces and fashion plates from the era. The only problem I've noticed in this was the alarmingly strange detachable ruff-thing Emma is shown wearing in one scene, but frankly, it still manages to fit the tone of the piece.
I'm usually not a huge fan of the Regency fashion depicted on television - I find it rather dull - but the costumes in this movie are gorgeously distracting in every scene. Turns out historical accuracy actually can make things better - who knew!
Is this enough to make me forgive Alexandra Byrne for the costumes in Mary Queen of Scots (2018)?
(I do not forgive ANYONE who worked on Mary Queen of Scots for making Mary Queen of Scots.)
Firebrand (Karim Aïnouz, 2023)
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Firebrand hasn't even been released outside of Cannes yet, and already I am so, so down with everything it's giving. This movie could end up being the dullest two hours of my life, but I'll still sing its praises for one very simple reason - CHIN. STRAPS.
THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS!! The French hoods FINALLY have chin straps!!!! It's only been in virtually every well-known painting of them ever, no big deal.
Although we only have one trailer and a few promo photos to go off of, the costumes in Firebrand look fantastic, with enough layers, fur, embroidery, and hoop skirts to keep me happy for perhaps the rest of my life. We'll see how the movie itself turns out, but it already has a lot going for it in my eyes.
Also shoutout to Henry VIII's absolutely manky leg ulcers in the trailer. That's what I like to see.
The Outliers
Right. Here is where the hypocrite accusations are about to come flying. But frankly, I said it myself at the start that every period piece deserves to be judged on an individual basis, and the tone and intention of each piece is important in how its costumes are perceived.
That being said, if you think any of the 'bad' costumes deserve to be in this section - maybe they should've tried not being ugly, idk.
Bridgerton (Netflix, 2020-)
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Bridgerton's excuse for its inaccuracy comes not from its lack of effort, but rather from its deliberate rejection of the historical narrative in any form whatsoever. We have two Real People™ in Queen Charlotte and King George III, but even their spin-off opens with a disclaimer that their story will be utterly fictional. Bridgerton does not present an issue like some of the other pieces on this list because it is actively opposed to being historically accurate to a degree that few other period pieces have arguably ever achieved.
Literally nothing about Bridgerton is consistent with history, so it does not disappoint when its costumes aren't either. The clothing does take visible inspiration from the Regency silhouette, but even then it is not consistent, with Queen Charlotte's costumes still firmly Georgian-esque (and honestly, marvellous wigs aside, they're not... bad?). Bridgerton is a historical fantasy before it's a historical drama, and as such it's easy to just sit back and enjoy the costumes for what they are - even when what they are is garish.
The Great (Hulu, 2020-23)
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The Great is first and foremost a dark comedy, not a historical piece. Yes, Catherine the Great and Peter III were real people, and yes, much like in the show, Catherine did overthrow her husband in real life, too. But the similarities end here, as none of the characters in The Great have any intention of resembling their real-life counterparts.
Set roughly in the 1740s, the costumes in The Great are clearly far from reality, but they still resemble the silhouettes we know and recognise as 18th Century. The show is a satirical means of poking fun at the opulent aristocracy, and as such every costume conveys a distinct appearance of luxury. Every single item of clothing worn by the nobility looks absurdly expensive, and the exaggerated ridiculousness of many of the looks we see onscreen are an intentional way of conveying how utterly disconnected the people at court are from reality. From Peter's leopard skin jacket to ladies wearing powdered wigs as hats, The Great's costuming is purposefully elevated from its historical source material, and that is precisely what makes it so good.
The Favourite (Yorgos Lanthimos, 2018)
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Sandy Powell's work on The Favourite is perhaps one of my all-time favourite pieces of costuming. Similarly to The Great, The Favourite utilises clearly recognisable aspects of 18th-century fashion - with ermine fur trim, half-length sleeves, and periwigs - but stylised so that everything conforms to a solidly black and white colour palate.
The Favourite's costumes are gorgeous and evocative of their time period - with well-portrayed mantuas, riding habits, fontanges etc. - all while conforming to Lanthimos' characteristically off-beat style. The shared colour palate really puts the three leads on equal footing in a visual sense, which is key in exploring the relationships that Abigail and Sarah are able to manipulate Queen Anne into developing. Had the colours and fabrics been historically accurate, I believe the movie would have risked making Anne too visibly above the rest of her court, but the striking congruence among the cast successfully solidifies their ability to exploit one another, regardless of status.
I don't know if there are any conclusions to be drawn from this, I just love talking. If you've made it this far - thank you for reading! I hope you found at least some of this interesting.
I'm always open and eager to discuss this topic, so please do let me know your thoughts - What are your favourite period drama costumes? What piece of costuming made you go OH JESUS WHAT IS THAT???
Anyway, thank you for going down this little rabbit hole with me - my asks are always open! <3
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alice, on a wednesday
a woman dropped alice off at annie's office, a woman that annie clocked as alice's bestie angel. they were communicating in sign language -- annie had noticed sometimes that when alice was speaking freely she would sign along -- annie had always observed her easily facility with language as a sign of alice's intelligence. she believed her to be a genius.
annie was aware that angel struggled with substance use, but to annie's eye she looked like a well-put-together 30something mom. maybe alice had exaggerated. one blind spot alice had, that annie took her to task for often, was a lack of sensitivity about addiction. alice herself was sober -- had been for over a decade, annie was fairly sure. she was intensely critical of angel and of her mother for their drug use.
when alice came into annie's office, it was her mother on her mind again. her father had called alice the previous night for guidance because her mother was, as alice described it, "in a coked-out frenzy." she told annie that she didn't believe it was fair for a great guy like her father to be saddled with a woman like her mother.
"i don't know," annie said. "your mother sounds like a pretty vibrant and warm woman."
"with absolutely no self control," alice countered.
"some guys like that," annie said. "most guys."
alice laughed. "i know. and i do know they love each other."
"how do you know?" annie asked, genuinely curious.
alice told her that when she was 15, she'd found a VHS recording of her parents having sex and she'd watched it. annie immediately thought of her own parents and tried to imagine such a thing. alice explained that she'd watched the entire thing in part because other than photos in porn magazines that boys showed her, she'd yet to actually see sexual intercourse happening. "i kind of love that about my own history," alice mused. "i very literally learned to fuck from watching my parents. and i still use a few of her moves."
"like what?" annie asked.
alice giggled. "just before putting my father's cock inside herself, she sort of holds it up against her stomach as she straddles him, like, showing him how deep inside her he will go."
"yeah, that's a good move if the guy is, you know..."
"hung like a horse?" alice said.
"is your dad...?"
"oh yeah," alice said. "genuinely, biggest dick i've ever seen."
"wow," annie said.
"no wonder i mostly fuck women, right?" alice said, "who could compare?"
having seen angel now, annie briefly imagined her and alice fucking -- they'd briefly been engaged before angel got married and had children. they were still very sexually active.
alice explained that watching the end of the sex tape, where her father cums on her mom's mouth and tits and then films her cleaning up in the shower, was one of the most romantic things she'd ever seen. "i really understood romantic love at that point. and i thought about how rare it is. my parents are from different countries, you know? what crazy luck that they found each other. i don't think there's a lot of hope for the rest of us."
"i don't know," annie said. "i'm still a romantic."
"you're still young," alice said. "how's ryan?"
"okay," annie said.
"you fucking more?"
"yeah," annie said. "i am also trying to sext him more? like, i send nudes but they're pretty casual. i'm trying to figure out how to... do more."
"have him take pictures of you first," alice suggested. "they you'll see how he sees you and you can frame yourself the same ways."
"that's a great idea," annie said. "what happened to the sex tape of your parents?"
"I kept it. It turns out he had lots of them," alice said. "still does, I mean, I see his phone. every time he shows me pictures of like, a trip they took, he scrolls past videos of her sucking his cock and touching herself and videos he made of himself jerking off."
"Good for them," Annie said.
"He's even filmed me," Alice said.
"Uh, how?" Annie asked.
"We were in France. We were on a clothing optional beach and he dared me to go skinny dipping, so I did, and he filmed me taking off my bathing suit and splashing around in the water naked."
"Did you like that?" Annie asked.
"Yeah," she said. "I like, I don't know, being perceived by him in that way. I think I look good naked."
Annie told Alice about her dad and the iPad.
"That's so cute," alice said. "Also I love that you have a bush? Very classy."
Annie blushed. "You know, just a little one. I tend to shave in the summer."
"I shave all year round," Alice said. She winked at Annie. Annie giggled.
"Do you want to show me the nudes you send your boyfriend?" Alice said, tentatively but firmly.
"Yes," Annie said.
"Is that crossing a patient/therapist line?"
"You're an artist," Annie said. "It's different."
"I agree," Alice said. "I'm all for special treatment."
Annie opened her phone and nervously scrolled to a photo she'd sent Ryan a few weeks ago of herself in just a pair of panties at home.
"Cute tits!" Alice chirped. "God, I wish I had those tits. I think this is a cute picture but it reads as silly rather than horny. Like I don't believe that you're begging to get fucked.
"When I'm begging to get fucked I think I do that in text. I told him to come over and fuck me in the ass a few nights ago."
"Good girl," Alice said. She handed Annie her phone. It was a picture of Alice sitting nude against a wall, legs open. Annie gawked at Alice's tiny, perky tits and her smooth cunt.
"You are gorgeous," Annie cooed. And I get it. That's horny."
"Yeah, you better believe I got fucked after I sent that."
"How is this one?" Annie asked. She showed her a bottomless photo she'd sent Ryan from his bed.
"This has fuck energy," Alice said. "I love it. And I love the bush, as expected."
"Well," Annie said. "Our hour is up, and now we have seen each other's pussies."
"All we need is to see each other's dad's cocks and then we'll really be able to get some therapy done," Alice said.
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Same anon with that whole "bit" thing. As a fellow Solar simp, your feelings are totally valid. Solar even had to repeatedly say "He was literally going to kill me" regarding the Monty from his dimension. Honestly, the only lighthearted question in that entire podcast was "how do you feel about coffee?" And probably the whole bald thing.
But can I just say that when I heard Solar say that he learned the toxic masculinity from the Barbie movie, I am 100% sure that Earth got him to watch with her because I don't think he would watch it otherwise on his own. And it made me think of how underappreciated the fact that Earth has a really good influence on Sun, Moon, Lunar, and Solar with regards to, you know, the experiences of women, patriarchy, and such. I might sound stupid right now and I know there are people who will eye-roll this but I believe Earth being unapologetically feminine in a "household" full of men is a great thing.
The other lighthearted question was about anime, but that was fairly ruined.
Puppet could have had an anime buddy and blew it cus of Monty.
(and my 15 year old self is just crying cus Solar doesn't like naruto. ;w; But also as a naruto fan... Like... I GET IT.. I totally get it)
But yeah. Solar's whole podcast felt like an interrogation, at least compared to the others. So I wouldn't be too shocked if Monty just hates Solar's guts off the grounds that he's an Eclipse.
And yeah, he mostly watched the Barbie Movie with Earth. Like Earth has literally made everyone watch the Barbie movies with her. (long term hyperfixations for the win)
And yes, I like that Earth is unapologetically feminine. It's one of her best features! I honestly think that by Solar's definition, that would define Old Moon as Toxically Masculine as well in a way. Since he insisted on doing things on his own and he had to be the one to "save" his brother. Moon had to be the strong and smart one, Sun had to be the dumb and happy one to keep him happy.
And Old Moon I don't think did that maliciously. (maybe sometimes) but I do think he genuinely loved Sun.
Earth has really been a positive influence on Sun when he was greiving, Moon, as he was just coming into himself as a new person, and Lunar who revived from the dead. Earth was also very helpful in making Solar feel welcomed in this dimension. (so fuck off Monty really. Your GF likes Solar here.)
Sun and Moon properly communicating with eachother, and Sun actually having a lot better coping mechanisms are a direct result of Earth's influence.
Sun is even healthy to the point out in Castor faults in himself and then direct those coping techniques he learned outwards to help other people.
And that is 100% due to Earth's influence, empathy and femineity.
Earth is great honestly.
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
Writer prompt: Steve & Mike bonding pls
Ooh I love this!! We don’t see it enough in canon but I think their bitchiness actually gets along fairly well together.
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It’s 8:54am on a Tuesday when Mike bangs on Steve’s door. “I need to talk to you.”
Steve blinks, but does ultimately let him inside. “Is something wrong? Is it something with the Upside Down?”
Mike scowls at him like he’s an idiot. “No.”
Steve stares back, unimpressed. “Then why don’t you use the words I know you have, since I’m not a mind reader?”
Mike releases a breath. Turns and stalks down the hallway before just as suddenly turning back. “How did you know you were gay?” He blurts.
Steve is, quite honestly, stunned. “Oh. Okay. Um, the short answer is, I’m not.” He gestures Mike over to sit on the couch. “I’m bisexual, which is when you like both men and women.”
Mike nods. “How did you know?”
Steve blows out a breath. “I mean, I think I always knew I liked girls, mostly because that’s what was expected of me. That’s what’s acceptable, y’know? As sappy as this is gonna sound, it took meeting Robin to understand that liking the same gender was a possibility, and it took meeting Eddie to understand that I could feel that way. I love Eddie, just like I loved Nancy. Different people, different genders, but the love’s the same.”
Mike nods. “How would I know?”
Steve smiles sadly. “That’s the thing. Only you can know.”
Mike groans. “But I don’t know, that’s the thing! ‘Cause I love El. I swear I do. She’s amazing and I don’t deserve her. But it’s like… sometimes my body will remember it’s supposed to feel this way, and I get all flustered and my palms start sweating, but it’s just Will! I’ve known him forever!”
Steve hums. “Thinking you don’t deserve someone is a dangerous game to play. You’ll keep reaching for that mark of being good enough only to find you can’t ever quite reach it.” He looks at Mike. “Being in love doesn’t mean you try for something unattainable. It means trying to be the best you you can be, knowing that even if you fail, that person will still love you anyways.”
He’s silent for a second. “How’d you know you loved Eddie?”
Steve chuckles. “It was somehow both gradual and all of a sudden. I think I’d been falling for a while, and all of a sudden one day I was hanging out with him. We weren’t even doing anything special, just sitting and talking, him plucking at his guitar, and I thought, I want it to be like this forever.”
“And you just… knew?”
“Yeah. Pretty much.”
“You weren’t scared?”
“Mike, falling in love was the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”
Mike thinks about it, nods, then stands. Steve follows suit. “Need a ride?”
“Nah. I need to think about how I’m gonna do it first.” He looks at Steve. “Do I have a chance?”
“I can’t say yes for sure, because I don’t know for sure what Will feels. But I know how it looks. And it looks like you do.”
Mike nods and walks out the door, turning back at the last second. “Thank you.”
Steve smiles. “You’re welcome.”
At the next movie night, Steve smiles and pointedly doesn’t say anything when he sees Mike and Will holding hands.
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yowyowyaoi · 10 months
Sasori’s Daily Texts from the Akatsuki
From Tobi/Obito
You can gloat all you want but the fact of the matter is you’re wrong; NOTHING is eternal. 
But can you keep it up without chakra strings? 🤔
Asleep or awake it’s all the same thing.
Go ahead and tell them. They’ll just think you’re crazy 😜 
I’ve tried but Hidan is insufferable and the only way to truly hurt Kakuzu is in his wallet.
Ok please just look at this tooth I feel like it’s throbbing out of my head 😣
Me and you? Teaming up? What a novel idea … REJECTED.
It’s not ridiculous. When you were human did you never just eat a bag of sugar?? It’s so soothing.
He said no cats or dogs. Not a thing about birds. And besides if Itachi can have 900 crows I can have a parakeet. 😤
From Zetsu
I don’t know why YOU get to keep all the best bodies every single time 😒 Your art isn’t more important as my stomach.
I licked his arm once but my goodness he had such a bitter aftertaste.
Clay and gunpowder. Sometimes aftershave.
It wasn’t me this time. Must have been an animal. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Me either! No Bowel Movement Club 🥳
I imagine it’s only the first blow that truly hurts. After that the body goes into too much shock to register the pain. 
From Nagato
Well I figured that with your expertise in puppet chakra control, my bodies wouldn’t be that much different to you.
Redhead unity ✊🏻
Let’s be real, here; Konan is the one running this thing.
I can if it’s cut into very small pieces. And drink lots of water afterwards.
At least yours wasn’t a goddamned pervert.
Clearly I can’t stop these things. All I can do is strongly advise you three use protection with them. Our organization is not equipped to care for babies.
I’ve never really had time to properly train it. I’ve never even heard that much about it before. Maybe Itachi will know.
Yes but I firmly believe we choose our families. And I chose this one. Even Hidan.
From Konan
No, thank you. I’ve learned to appreciate my flaws and live with them.
Okay once again, PLEASE read that book I got you on how to talk to women. For the love of God. 🤦‍♀️
Actually most of them make me sneeze; that’s why I started making paper ones lol 
Of course I can teach you. Why do you want to learn? So you can dance with a certain someone 😏
Yeah, preferably one that’ll give me a pick-up in the mornings.
If you use your chakra strings to make him trip down the stairs I will love you for forever.
I know you don’t eat but you should come for the conversations.
I know he’s been using mine the bottle was full 3 days ago and now it’s almost empty 😡
From Kisame
Itachi and I are traveling past there on our next mission. If you write down what herbs you need I’d be happy to pick them up for you on our way back.
I’m sorry; if I’d known you wanted to use the body I wouldn’t have chewed off the hands 😣
Well I suppose both have caffeine but to me, tea is more calming.
I understand but if it happens again, tell him I won’t be looking the other way. 
I don’t know. If he’s not sleepwalking he’s up for days at a time. I’m worn out trying to keep up 🫠
Please join us; Monopoly seems like it’d be your game.
I stayed until they wanted to do karaoke. Then I snuck out the back door.
That’s more Zetsu’s thing. I only do it if I’m really hungry.
Ah but, if you’re truly going to live forever, why not have some fun with life?
Yes I’ve noticed. Everyone has. But I’m fairly certain Deidara sees nobody but YOU in that way.
From Itachi
My thanks.
Not so bad today actually 
I would just say “ignore it” but he’ll probably throw a bomb into your face so 🤷🏻‍♂️
Well I was going to paint it yellow so it’d be more cheerful but Kisame thinks it would drive me crazy after a few weeks.
Watch the video I just sent and tell me that’s not Hidan 😂
Kisame said to ask you two. Tell Dei they have bakudan.
They just like to sit on top of them. I promise they aren’t pecking or causing any damage to the wood.
One of the funniest things I ever read. Laughed so hard I had to go to bed early because my head was pounding so hard after. But don’t tell Hidan, he’d kill me.
I’m not sure. But after I die you’re free to take one of my eyes and put it into your puppet to see.
From Hidan
No really DO you have one? 🤔
Wtf are you gonna do tho like won’t you catch on fire in the sun?!
He’s my best friend and I love him in a not gay way. So it IS my business asshole.
Thanks puppet dick, I’ll make Kakuzu pay you later. He prob won’t but 🤷🏼‍♂️
No fuck that, that cake was MINE they’re just being little bitches about it 
Damn could you be any gayer for him?
Wait, CAN you fly??
Stop being stingy puppet fuck just give me an arm that shoots fire it’ll be an early birthday present pleeeeease 
Idc get this thing out of my room it’s creeping me tf out 😒
From Kakuzu
I’ve tried but the only way I could see it legitimately working is if I sewed his mouth shut.
Oh of course. I’m always happy to spend an evening surrounded by culture.
That would be ideal but you know how sensitive Leader is about his appearance.
Yes but it’s the most expensive there. You’d be better off disguising yourself and getting it from your old village.
Honestly, at 91? I’m surprised it hasn’t turned to dust yet.
Perhaps Kisame would join us. Give us an evening away from the wives.
I know but what else could we do? He refuses to accept treatment. The only way we could “help” is slipping it into his tea.
Page 34. I wrote notes along the side of the diagram.
I would rip out all of my hearts before I let anyone, including you, spend money on something like that.
From Deidara
No but I’m pretty sure you enjoy making me beg.
Wasn’t me. And you can’t prove otherwise 😈
Your lack of appreciation for my art is truly the most horrible thing about you 😒
Well tough shit it’s MY turn to choose and that’s what we’re doing
Well yeah it’s awkward but I don’t want you worrying. I’m *yours*. I’ve made that clear.
Idc I’ll wear it every single day 😭
If Itachi or Kisame asks, me and Hidan were with you from 12-5 yesterday. Okay?
Keep sending pics like that and you’re gonna end me 🥵
Oh come on pleeeease? I’ll feed it and walk it and everything!
My bed or yours? 
Did you make it yourself?? Awww thank you Sasori 🥰
It’s not the only thing that’s tight ~ 😏
A real boyfriend wouldn’t question it he’d just bring a shoe and come kill it !
Hey at least I found BOTH arms this time!
Geez that sounds so boring. Can’t he send Kakuzu and Hidan instead?!
You know I hate that word … but yes, forever. And ever and ever and ever. 💛
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amemenojaku · 3 months
Hisami and Zanmu for 1 on that ask game!
When I started shipping it if I did: Since day 1 when I read Hisami's dialogues, like most people I believe lol. I mean, how can you see her and not start cheering for her to get what she wants... Since it's still pretty recent I can add that two lines in particular made me seriously consider it and think about it beyond 'this is nice/funny': when Hisami tells Zanmu that she doesn't have to hold back around her, and when Zanmu tells Hisami that she knew Hisami would mess up on purpose, and that she'll give her a reward anyway - both are about danmaku obviously, but it got my brain gears turning >:]
My thoughts: They've slowly but steadily been going up my favorite ships, especially for the past 2-3 months... They work well together. Obviously I'd love the ship in touhou where one of them has a big fat actual canon crush on the other one, I've been in this hole since 2010 or something so Hisami's kind of a gift... but also in general I think it's a good spin on the boss/henchman trope when the boss is some mega charismatic chessmaster who could probably get anyone they want on their knees and yet their subordinate is one of the only people they can't fully predict/control. The wild card aspect is really funny to me and I love seeing fanworks where Zanmu's like... fondly sighing at Hisami's antics.
Things done in fanworks that annoy me: I think there's too many fanworks where Zanmu looks generally uncomfortable around Hisami despite never doing so even once ingame, and also too many fanworks where Hisami harasses Zanmu, sometimes to make very early 2000s jokes in very poor taste... I won't name anyone but there's a few big yuri artists on twitter who do that and it makes me want to bash my head against the wall when they get praised for it just because their artstyle looks good..... On a more positive note there's a few people who've been creating constantly good content of this pair and I think given a year or two nature will be healing!!
Also I'm of the opinion that Zanmu's fairly tall herself, just a bit shorter than Hisami, so I'm not big on the crazy size difference stuff (funny coming from a seishin fan, I know......)
Things I look for in fanworks: MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING!!! Getting to know each other past the infatuation (in Hisami's case)/the curiosity (in Zanmu's case) in deeper ways. I promise this isn't about sex lol (I do think about that too but not here rn) I really want to see how their relationship can grow and I especially want to see Zanmu enjoying it (as a petty reaction to the stuff listed above...). In their case I think physical intimacy would be a good setting for that kind of scene where their emotional bond grows, so that's what I'd go with if I were to create something like it, but anything can work if it's done in good taste imo. And in general I want to see Zanmu answering Hisami's affections with a positive emotion... whatever it is... I'm desperate.......
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: It's difficult for me to imagine Hisami with anyone else, although I do think she'd have physical relationships with a bunch of women while her feelings for her boss are still unrequited. Zanmu on the other hand I can picture being interested in a few other characters like Reimu or other onis or even the sages, but ultimately not as something she'd commit to and take seriously. The only real endgame is still zanhisa haha
My prefered future/ending for them: Whenever Zanmu considers them close enough to tell Hisami to drop the honorifics and overly reverent language when they're alone, and whenever Hisami feels comfortable doing that would be the ideal "endpoint" for me because of all the things it implies :) I don't care if at that point they actually consider themselves in a relationship or if they just aknowledge there's something going on. Though if they do get in a relationship proper I imagine they'd be very discreet about it. Also I think Hisami should get a promotion so she can directly work as Zanmu's prefered right hand arm man. woman. her everything. her confidant. her silly rabbi
What is their favorite activity together: Probably drinking. I imagine with how old she is and hanging out with onis Hisami's built up a decent hold on alcohol, and Zanmu appreciates it. They reminisce about their respective pasts and talk about the inner workings of hell and Zanmu gets a huge ego boost from showing off her 4D chess plans and Hisami praising her for it
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ryosei-hime · 1 year
The Dionysian Aspects of Queen Bee
Looking at Bee through the lens of a devotee of Dionysus is very interesting. So, I thought I’d make a post about it.
Dionysus is often mischaracterized as a drunk, but in reality he’s all about consumption within reason. He encourages drinking to excess so far as it brings you pleasure and joy, but the moment your over-indulgence brings you or others pain or shame, you’ve gone too far. He doesn’t approve of making an ass of yourself.
Which is exactly what you see with Queen Bee and Blitz. The moment Blitz is no longer enjoying himself, but drinking to forget and avoid his problems, she speaks up. If he’s not enjoying himself, she can’t enjoy the energy coming off of him. He’s tainting the punch, killing the vibe.
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Dionysus also encourages (especially women and the disenfranchised) to free themselves from the bonds of social restrictions and norms. He influenced women to throw down their weaving, uncover their hair, and run wild in the woods during a time when they rarely got to leave their homes.
We see this with Bee’s party. The guests are all Imps and Hellhounds - those of the lower classes. She chooses to socialize and consort with these classes. While you could say this is because they’re her people, and she’s the progenitor of Hellhounds, she doesn’t have to party with them. She still has a higher position than they do. And while having an affinity for Hellhounds makes sense, she also seems to prefer imps which I personally think points towards simply enjoying the company of lower class demons.
Bee strikes me as someone who would willingly lower herself to their level to an extent for the fun of it. And she may potentially have a preference for those who are more downtrodden in society.
Note I say “to an extent” because she still has power and shows no signs of not wanting it. And she can be a bit rough with her encouragements to party. Her reasons for doing so aren’t entirely altruistic either. She wants others to feel good because she wants to feel good, too.
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Dionysus can also be harsh and forceful with his liberation and freedom. It is not always something he allows his followers to choose to engage in. Sometimes, he also throws you into the punch bowl lol.
He’s a powerful God and he has no desire to be anything else. He uses that power and status to get things he wants, fuck with people for fun, and have his own good time. Bee is no more equal to the Hellhounds at her party than Dionysus to the bacchanates of his thiasos. So, in my interpretation, neither wish to actually be equal to the downtrodden they seek to uplift.
I do like to imagine Bee could incite her Hellhounds into a Dionysian frenzy and it would fit with her bee influence fairly well. That is of course just a head canon. But I think it would be a fun power.
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Dionysus was also about sexual liberation, and I think she showed a bit of that with her musings over Satan lol.
But, I think, much like Dionysus, Bee is likely an extremely morally complex person. I don’t think she’s as purely good and benevolent as I’ve seen some speculate. Who in Hell is? She’s likely got her darker shades even if on the whole, she’s much more interested in others having fun than some Sins probably are.
Disclaimer: this is just a ramble because I really liked drawing the parallel. It is not an attempt to say that Bee is a terrible, horrible, evil bitch since I know someone will misconstrue it that way somehow, this being the internet and all. But she has notes of a God I worship so it should be obvious that I like her and this is not an attempt at slander.
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morlock-holmes · 9 months
This recent post by @dagny-hasshtaggart brought up some feelings that aren't really related to the original point being made.
One of the reasons "nerds" think through social theory in these systematic ways is because nerds are pretty much by definition people who do not have strong instincts in this area.
If you are good at, say, mathematics, you will have these "eureka!" moments; you'll just suddenly understand how to go about solving what was previously a knotty problem, and, if asked to explain how you got there, may have trouble explaining it other than that "the thought comes when it wills," as Nietzche said.
Some people don't tend to have nearly as many of these "eureka!" moments, and they probably struggle with math. Perhaps they need a lot more instruction to understand math than some other people, and maybe they will never achieve the deep understanding that allowed some few mathematicians to transform society.
Nonetheless they probably can learn some basic, or perhaps even fairly advanced math, if it is laid out systemically?
But people really rebel when I suggest that social behavior might work the same way, that a person without the instinct for it might nevertheless learn to get along well enough through directed practice.
In fact, I feel that right now society believes two things simultaneously:
That the social norms and niceties of traditional society are no longer morally justifiable or even practical on the base level, and society must engage in a radical reinvention of its social norms;
Social behavior exists only as a kind of eruption of pure instinct, and cannot really be taught as a skill; success in the social realm depends entirely on preconscious processes that aren't subject to rational thought or systemization.
And if you think that it would be incredibly disconcerting and difficult to believe both of those things at the same time, then congratulations on getting my point and thank you for coming to my ted talk.
When I talk about mainstream pop feminism, like I did below, I never know whether to include my personal reasoning. On the one hand, personal examples bring things into the concrete world, on the other hand, I feel like the sympathy I get, (Which I appreciate, but I have other issues besides just feminism) sometimes gets in the way of something that I deeply want other people to understand.
Which is that the kind of mainstream feminism espoused by your favorite podcaster and retweeted by your friends and repeated on tv shows is even more schizoid about this stuff then most of the rest of society.
This is a movement that (I have recently been reminded) spread the hashtag #TeachMenNotToRape a few years back and which is also, in my experience, completely and utterly at a loss when confronting a man who says, "I'm scared to express sexual desire because I don't feel like I know enough about consent to be sure that I'm actually getting it."
The reason you want heuristics, or rules, or whatever, is that they let you reason about unfamiliar situations.
Like, say I see an attractive girl at the bar and go over and ask for her number, and she feels creeped out by me. Almost everybody I've talked to says, "Well, you can accept those feelings with grace and respect them, but you can't take responsibility for somebody else feeling creeped out, that doesn't mean every woman you meet in a bar will feel that way."
But on the other hand, say I see an attractive girl in headphones riding the bus with me, should I go up and ask her for her number? Well, most people say, "Well, no, in that case most women would be really irritated and even creeped out, and since you can predict that you have a responsibility not to act that way."
The reason some nerd might want more than that is because, you can't make an exhaustive list of every situation, right? If I'm on a cruise ship or a see a cute cosplayer at a con, is that more like the bar situation or more like the bus situation?
Here's a conclusion I came to about ten years ago,
"Well, allistic people have a magical instinct that lets them know when those kind of expressions of attraction are okay and when they aren't. The reason I don't know which is which is because I'm autistic. And since I really don't know which situation is which, the only respectful thing to do is to never risk being wrong. But that shouldn't matter right? Because Women Like Sex As Much As Men Do(tm) so eventually, since I'm going to parties and hanging out in really progressive spaces, women will ask me out pretty often and then I won't have to take those risks of hurting people."
This is where my allistic, feminist friends just grab the bridge of their nose and have to go, "Well, no, it doesn't work that way, I mean, those are things that I say all the time and you should still believe them, just not in this context, so-"
And that just kicks the can down the road, right? Now my new question is, "How do I tell the feminist advice that every guy should follow apart from the stuff that's meant for like, the alpha male creeps but not for me? And isn't it still really really dangerous for me to mistake one for the other?"
At which point they try to fob me off onto a therapist because I'm obviously a hopeless case.
And I guess I have two points:
The first is, how is a movement where so much of the verbiage is about "teaching" men so entirely unprepared to teach men how to do anything? Doesn't anybody but me find that completely remarkable?
Second, the thing that unites a ton of counter-feminist movements is not "men just want an excuse to be sexist" nor is it that those movements are "more logical" except maybe in the very limited way that they are concerned with collapsing that schizoid mental state where men must, and yet cannot, be taught.
They offer heuristics and ideas that allow men to make systematic sense of the parts of the world that they do not otherwise instinctually grasp. This can be done in a positive way which looks honestly at the world or in a deeply toxic and negative way based on completely untrue premises (e.g. radical inceldom) but I'm not convinced it can be done at all in the context of mainstream feminism.
You can't tell people that they need to go elsewhere for instruction and then be surprised and offended when they do so!
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alexissara · 10 months
The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood - A Deck Of Brilliant Cards [Review]
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The Cosmic Wheel Keeps On Spinning and it shows us a game of politics, sisterhood and ideas. In this game you draw cards and gaze into the future and past to craft a brighter path forward for yourself, your sisterhood, and maybe all of existence. However, there is more pressing matters, Fortuna has been exiled for 200 years and she has 800 years more to go and she can't take it anymore so she does a forbidden spell and calls fourth a Behemoth to help set her free. Get revenge, hug some friends and get to reading the cards.
This game is presented in a visual delight with some of the best sprite work I've ever seen, it is truly a beauty to behold. That beauty stays with it's writing as well, the content warnings it has are no joke and the content is unavoidable so please do read them for your own safety but I do think they are handled well, their brief, they give you an idea of the character and they add to the story in a way I think they were needed.
The gameplay is fairly simple you read people's fortunes picking from a limited set of choices based on what card you drew for what questions, you make cards, and in the last parts of the game you are doing a political worker placement game where you try to win an election. All these elements are simple and basic enough that they would work for a mobile game. It's extremally fun and easy to play.
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The world itself is delightful, it's the kind of thing you play and you wish is real, that you could ascend and become a space witch with your loved ones and live eternally. It gives the world real problems, flawed systems and let you shape your own opinions about it. You may not be able to fix all the problems with society and there are times where the game even outside of card readings will present you with having to choose something you might not agree with but the game lets you engage with it's world in big ways and make big decisions.
This game is pretty queer and engaged in queer reality, your character is from the 1960s and she's some flavor of queer, what that flavor is is up to you as far as I can tell, she reads to me as like Demisexual and a Lesbian but I think there is plenty of cases to be made for other sexualities. If you choose Romance as the option you want to size then you will get with a woman, the game only has women in it outside of the demon you summon all other men are off screen, mentioned to exist sometimes positively, something neutrally, sometimes negatively. The games queerness adds to the theme of Sisterhood both being queer in the relationships the women are looking for while having some women express desire in men that exist off screen. It also is queer in that you help a trans woman transition into her true self. She is definitively a woman and you will be helping her out and you can potentially have her at your side for the political campaign. The broader sense of sisterhood here and the different things relationships to womanhood and other women can mean are really strong here.
Politically this game ranges from like American Democrat to arguably anarchist positions. When setting up your policies and seeing the policies of others you'll get a range of politics to choose from but ultimately you do only have 4 choices in most sections for policy. That said policy isn't all there is to the politics of the world itself. The world is fairly nice as it is, far better than earth as it stands so the base line is good and the previously mentioned queerness is never a conflict. They live in an all women sisterhood and while people travel and there are men in other places, obviously queerness is the most common thing for witches. In fact even polyamory is totally normalized in this world and while you can't be polyamorous romance is not a focus and you stating desire in someone else does not in any negative way impact your romantic relationship that you can get into with a hot butch lesbian. Then the politics have one last layer which is the cards, what you choose from the cards readings can also show a range of politics, beliefs and more from you. Choosing the choice you think is best for you, for them or the world. These can all paint a political picture outside of the range of your political campaign although your choices are also more RNG dependent and also tied to your cards. Plus there was a non RNG point where I did have to make an argument I really did not want to make and it really did annoy me especially in retrospect when It didn't factor into the game at all. However, that was the only moment in the whole game I felt like that when it wasn't based on RNG from the cards.
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Now, I did not like the ending I got the first time I played this game through, some people will find that a somber ending, not getting what you wanted or paying the price you promised will be fitting but not I. So I played the game again, I speed ran through the game knowing the future now, in a way it felt very thematic, to know all the players, all the twists, all the turns and to use that to craft myself a perfect ending for everyone, a true happy utopia no matter what it too and I did it. A very small percent of people have managed to craft a truly happy ending but I am among them! I do think if I did not have the time of will to basically just rush through the game a second time I might have walked away with a worse impression of the game having disliked my ending and knowing I wouldn't have liked the other somber options either. However, it was really satisfying to make my ending even if it required a few additional hours of gameplay in which some of it I was more on auto pilot. The game is not super long and if you do the second run right after the first you won't need to reread a lot of what is going on only the choices you make differently.
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Overall, this game is really a delight and something special, I think anyone who wouldn't struggle with the themes in the content warnings will really gain something from this game and for me it was a 10 hour little adventure on my first run, with a lot of that being taking time to think between choices because every choice felt like it mattered even if I knew the choice maybe wouldn't ever come up in game the people felt so real I wanted the best possible futures for them. This game is really special and has such fantast design and visuals that it is probably worth buying just to stare at and then actually playing it is another even better experience. Check out this game!
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an-architect-of-words · 10 months
Okay Boris Pavlikovsky take based on people requesting it from this post where I said I’m like 90% sure my take on him is 🔥, meaning I could tell immediately he’d be popular as hell and yet he’s the subject of my biggest critique of the novel.
The short:
I’m extremely mixed on Boris and was for most of the book, especially at the end. His usage within the story just was an odd roller coaster. Now, I think I’d summarize it this way— I wish Boris had just been treated as an incredibly nuanced antagonist. I get that Donna Tartt books don’t fully deal in hero-villain terms but let me explain!! He would have been very heartbreaking, compelling, and unique as an actual antagonist.
The long:
I want to like Boris a lot because of his positive qualities. His dialogue is so charmingly good (I was so impressed by Tartt’s writing of someone who is speaking a second/third language and may write a whole post on that). Boris is also characterized by gratitude and loyalty to the people who’ve done right by him such as Theo, the folks from his backstory such as Judy and the Muslim preachers, and his guys— Cherry, Shirley, Gyuri. He recognizes kindness and responds to it in a way that is just so likable. He even cries when he thinks of his betrayal of Theo and says that he can’t stand what he did, knowing that Theo was only ever generous and good to him. Finally, Boris was a good foil to Theo, optimism vs dread. Boris’s optimism and love did save Theo at points, and it provides a very believable basis for their friendship.
But my problem is that Boris’s flaws were a little TOO big to have been so under-commented on. His vices crossed from palatable things to things that you really can’t take lightly, at least as lightly as I think this story did at the end. To summarize some things: 1) Boris beat his girlfriend (and casually assumed Theo had beaten Pippa) and is of the opinion that this is sad but necessary since sometimes “women deserve it.” 2) He is a serial cheater who rarely visits his wife and his own babies but has a girlfriend in Antwerp and is implied to buy escorts/prostitutes fairly regularly, which is further unconscionable since the reason he hurt Kotku was that she was potentially cheating on him! 3) Boris has ruined and ended countless lives. Anyone who runs a cartel has. But he was also introducing the kids at his school to drugs since they were too nervous to deal with adults. And maybe it’s because I know someone who died by a heroin overdose, but I just saw Boris as a indirect murderer throughout the book. He is against direct, cold-blooded murder, sure. But there comes a point where you have to take the domino-effect implications of your own actions seriously. It’s not even just the cartel. It’s minor things that show he doesn’t care about indirectly ending lives. He lost his license from drunk driving, then gave Gyuri cocaine WHILE GYURI WAS DRIVING. So, well, blatant lack of concern towards the lives of everyone else on the road. 4) while he did help Theo in ways, he really ruined him in other ways. The drugs and alcohol. But also getting him accustomed to thievery and sexual activity at a young age (I was pretty disturbed by Boris’s attraction to certain women because they were over the legal age and his way of romanticizing these relationships to Theo. I get this isn’t exactly uncommon talk among teen boys, at a level. But it reached icky too-far points in context. Then we see Theo get in this kind of relationship later, with Julie).
To summarize this: I was thinking that Boris shows that a person can be a good friend without being good for his friend. If that makes sense?
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Boris loved Theo, saved his life, spent years planning how to make things up to him— but he was also emblematic of a very bad era of Theo’s. Now, I can love deeply flawed characters. Heck, I loved everyone in The Secret History. But the thing is, I think characters who reach this level of flawed are only fully likable when I can approach them knowing they were indeed wholly lambasted by the text itself. It’s a comfortable place from which to feel empathy.
For Boris… that didn’t come through well to me. It started to at points, for sure. Theo definitely comments on Boris’s flaws. And I think there’s a really dirty sort of filter on the events of the story where Boris is concerned. But to be honest, it wasn’t enough for what this guy was doing. I was most disappointed when Theo started to really get at him in the hotel room, only for the scene to shift into a moment that lifts Boris up. I liked the idea of Theo breaking away from the attitude of his father and of Boris. But then *bam* Goldfinch. Now Boris is all right again. The problem is— while making good from the bad is a great lesson and I agree that even our low points have meaning in a divine scheme— that doesn’t mean our bad actions were good, actually. It’s just that goodness was able to work with what we did. But our wrongs are wrong. Boris returning the painting shows some redemption and that Theo’s woes and miserable life story did have meaning. But Boris’s cheating, drug dealing, thievery, and violence are still evil mistakes. Not good because they worked out.
This return-of-The-Goldfinch moment is further muddied by the fact that Boris had something to gain financially by returning the finch. Now he’s loaded with cash, and that was a motivating factor in the return. I guess the lesson is that good pays and in a much better way than evil. And Boris did learn this. He was so fixated on how to get what he wanted sneakily, by beating the system, that he didn’t consider that he could come out on top by doing good. The lesson may be that good is not without opportunity itself. Still, the moment does swerve from fully critiquing Boris’s wrongs, and he’s never really treated fairly for them in my opinion.
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So back to my point. I wish Boris had been just treated as the antagonist of this novel. I think that this would have been an awesome direction and could have happened while keeping his personality in-tact. All the pieces were there but the trigger never pulled.
An antagonist is merely someone stopping a protagonist from getting what he wants or what is good for him. An antagonist doesn’t have to be fully villain-y. It can be a rival sports team, for example. I think Boris would have made a great, very nuanced antagonist with sympathetic intentions. It would have been fun to see him fight so hard for Theo’s good that he doesn’t see that he’s preventing Theo’s redemption. Again, a lot of this IS already in the text, but I wish it all had followed through. I wish that Boris as an antagonist who only wants what’s best for the protagonist was his eventual and clearly stated characterization. It would have been compelling, to me, if the end had been Theo against Boris on the grounds that they both are so certain what’s best for Theo’s life. Boris would not want to be in this position, but is sure he has to be. Honestly?! HE HAS STRONG REASONS FOR THINKING THIS. He watched Theo try to kill himself many times. Imagine how traumatizing that would be, how much you wouldn’t trust your friend because you’re so afraid of losing him.
For a bit, I thought the reason Boris didn’t want to return the Goldfinch had to do with him viewing it as the thing that would fix Theo and mend their relationship. I thought maybe his connection to the thing was that he considered it a panacea like, if it were back in Theo’s hands, they could return to boyhood. I thought maybe he didn’t want to let go of the painting because it represented his own redemption and a happier side of Theo; he’s convinced that if it’s given to the authorities, he’s lost the fight and Theo won’t ever find happiness again. I think the in-book reason for Boris not wanting to return the painting was literally just fear of the cops. But it would have been interesting if he just didn’t have faith that Theo would be okay if it was released.
The end even covers the idea that our hearts are not always something to be trusted. Sometimes the things that you do out of love aren’t good. I do believe Boris got Theo on drugs partially because of love (but also wanting company in his own lifestyle). He didn’t want to see Theo suffering; he felt upset when Theo was sick or in pain. So his answer was to give him ecstasy or vodka or weed or coke so that his friend would relax and smile again. But obviously this isn’t right. It’s very wrong. And is it just me or did the book treat this as an oddly benevolent act? (In fact, it also just seems “generous” when Boris said he was just giving drugs away at school because he liked being liked— but that’s FURTHER basis for a sort of well-meaning antagonist. He’s generous but in awful ways at times. I wish this were commented on as such, as evil born from a good yet disordered heart, rather than just “Boris is generous.”)
I also thought for sure that Boris would have a come-to-Jesus moment where he’s like “maybe this is all wrong,” only for him to be advised against this feeling by Myriam who has a plan for how he can get what he wants for himself and Theo, quick and dirty. Was I the only one who felt Myriam seemed efficient in a Devil-like way? The text really puts demon/snake symbolism on her, and Boris trusts her so much and this isn’t expanded upon. It should have been used!
Bottom line is that some things done in this book are serious. Really serious, not character quirks and they felt a little too casually handled when it came to Boris. The book does seem to go “yes he’s a mess” here and there. But not in a way that rises to the proper level, in my opinion. I do get that he shows there’s good to be found in bad people, and that fate can use broken human beings! But I kind of wish I wasn’t left with a feeling of the book going, “lol Boris, that beautiful scoundrel” when the man in question was a woman-beating, cheating, drug lord.
Like I said, I’m mixed. But I think I’d have loved him if he was just, up front, the affectionate antagonist of the whole novel. I think he would have made a great overarchingly dark figure, whose motivations stem from how close he’s come to losing Theo. That would have better married his positive qualities with his negative ones. It would have combined what we know of him as a selfish, often violent figure with his good intentions. I just want him to be depicted for what he is and let his vices lead up to an actual boiling point— while letting him keep his kind aspects too.
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