#like why did jensen make such ?? gay choices in his gay acting when he was so clearly against the idea of his character being gay ??
girl-bateman · 2 years
I dont say this in any superior sort of way, but if you werent subjected to destiel in your formative years as it unfolded in real time then you simply don't get it
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thewickedharlot · 2 years
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LEAK: “Woke” Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Reboot coming 2023
The news keep coming in today and while we’re sure there’s people that care about Sebastian Jones wondering about missing people in the United Kingdom, this is an actual big one: The cast list and concept art for a star-studded 2023 reboot of Roald Dahl’s iconic Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has been leaked by a trusted source. 
It seems the new movie is going the typically “woke” route, changing the genders of Violet Beauregarde and Augustus Gloop, as well as featuring a nonbinary incarnation of Willy Wonka. 
“They wanted to go a more mature, maybe even a little sexy way with this film. They aged up the cast and made sure to fit each of the main characters into the contemporary zeitgeist of the time we live in.”
The source continues: “Veruca Salt will be played by Essence Woods. Their incarnation of Veruca is a shallow influencer who only "does it for the gram”. Her “death” is going to be pretty gory as far as my knowledge goes, they want to play with the horror movie trope of the hand in the garbage disposal. I heard that Essence was very pleasant on set, but seemed very insistent on not showing the finished product to her daughter.“
"Violet Beauregarde is a guy named Beau Beauregarde played by Hiroki Hamada. They wanted someone who knows how to skate, because there’s going to be an Oompa Loompa chase scene on a skateboard. As far as I know they really wanted to lean into this subgroup of people online who have a fetish for the blueberry transformation scene so that one’s like ten minutes long. Hiro donated his paycheck to charity and just did this whole project for fun.”
“A really interesting casting choice was Preston Barlowe as Charlie Bucket. He’s a young drug dealer trying to make enough money to keep his grandpa, who’s in a coma, alive, so when he gets the golden ticket off a dead body in an alleyway, he sees it as this crazy jackpot moment. He’s in a love triangle with Veruca and Beau. I heard Preston only did it because Vincent thought it was too dark.”
“Cole Addams plays Mike Teevee, who, in this incarnation, is one of Charlie’s clients, which is why he’s so resentful of him. They also took that TV addiction from the original and turned it into a porn addiction. I don’t know what they’re gonna do to him once he’s shrunk down but I heard that it’s the reason the film’s getting an R rating. Cole was high off his ass all through filming, people thought he was just going method.”
“They made Augustus Gloop into a woman named Augustine Goosh, apparently a reference to Andrea Jensen’s twin sister or something? I don’t know. She doesn’t even really eat that much chocolate in the movie, her gluttony is mostly related to validation. She’s really annoying and constantly needs to be validated by everyone around her, which is why they throw her in the chocolate river, which is where she’s eaten by licorice piranhas. Candie Rose acted the shit out of her death scene, it really sounded like she was getting mauled to death.”
“And in a very interesting turn of events they decided to cast SAINT as Willy Wonka? They do a pretty good job in the role but I just know a lot of people are gonna drag the performance just because of the choice to make Wonka nonbinary. I do think they went too hard on the sexuality here and there, but it’s a solid performance and there’s a scene where they monologue for like 5 minutes washing their hair with chocolate - test audiences cried because it was so touching.”
Other roles have reportedly gone to Elsa Bergström as Augustine’s mother, Dominic Torres and Axel Parrish as Chris and Chros, two gay oompa loompas, Indie Hall as drug addict and Goosh Jensen as Scrungus, Wonka’s ex wife. 
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gracelesstars · 3 years
Complete 101 guide list: What to ask at a Supernatural Con?
(Click here for new updates)
*cracks knuckles* well, I guess it’s time to become that person WHO DOES ALL OF THE GROUP’S PROJECT BY THEMSELVES bc no one else seems to give a sh*t anymore. 
I mean, the gates were open, the ban-lists were lifted, vaccines distributed, gay marriage legalised and y’all still dared to stand on the holy ground of the con microphone (where fellow brave 2012-2019 Destiel comrades have laid their bodies beforehand - may their souls r.i.p.), and ask “do yo got allergies?”, “what’s your favourite candy”, “where’d you go if you stole impala”or some crap like that. And now we got thee “homo Qs scary” ban reinstated (thanks, jpeg!)...
Do not despair though, it's not to late - we can fix it! Copy these questions word for word, I don’t care about the credit, but if I hear you ask ONE MORE DAMN TIME “What was your favourite type of Cas to play? :)” - you’ll be finding a “lovely” surprise under your bed that night. :)
You said numerous times before that you’re happy with Cas’ ending. Is it because of the homophobic environment you had to work in, which for so many years denied any sort of acknowledgement of Destiel? So getting something feels better than nothing? Or do you really think this is the best ending that Cas could’ve gotten and that Cas deserved? 
What happened that made network (and Jensen) finally approve of Destiel and let it go canon after years of denial, gaslighting, and homophobia?
You mentioned before that if Jensen did not agree, the confession scene would not have happened? Why is that so given that his character didn’t react much during it and was impacted very minimally by it afterwards?
What do you think Dean & Cas’ first kiss was like? Where and when did it happen?
How often do you check tumblr? (Not “if” - “how often”) (source)
Jensen said that he thinks Dean and Cas fuck all the time, your thoughts, Misha? (source: i think we should just lie for the drama and just to see what happens)
(PARTIALLY ANSWERED)You’ve always been a big ally of the LGBTQ+ community, so could you reiterate that Cas’ confession was romantic, Cas is gay, and that we’re still not crazy, for those, who have not heard it before or who want to strip Cas away from him homosexuality/queerness?
Follow up question: For many queer people allowing Cas’ confession to be left for interpretation is a form queer identity erasure, invalidation, and gaslighting. Now, you’ve dubbed it at first as a “homosexual declaration of love”, do you still think that? Or do you think that, because it is a form of art, it is valid to interpret it however one wants?
(ANSWERED)  You have said that you started playing Cas as canonically in love with Dean in s15 after you knew about the confession scene. Could you tell us more about what different acting choices have you decided to make in order to portray Cas’ feelings for Dean?
Questions about Dean/finale
You said that s15 was made with Dean’s death as a given. Why then have the whole season showing us Dean trying to heal his trauma, understand his anger issues, be better and less self-depreciating - all to revert to his early seasons’ suicidal ideation and wipe off 15 years of character development in the last 2 episodes, by portraying him as nothing more but a 15 year interruption to his brother’s life?
If Dean’s last season aspirations have been about getting free out of the maze, knowing what’s real, and having a choice, why kill him right after he supposedly have achieved them at last? Why not let him reap the rewards of his battles and sacrifices? Why not have him live and experience something good for all the times he bled and died for the world? Do you think Dean deserved to die then and like that?
The top ten men that Dean Winchester would like to fuck? (source: “if he refuses to answer i want “jomophobe” trending on every social media by noon”)
Questions about spin-off
When and why did you decided you wanted to get the rights to Supernatural and make a spin off? 
In the prequel is John going to be portrayed as the abusive parent and terrible person that he was? Or is it going to be another apologist show justifying, redeeming and validating the abusers (especially abusive parents’) wrongdoings? As that seems to be popular trope in Hollywood movies right now?
Questions about Dean & Cas' relationship
When did you start playing Dean as in love with Cas? (and watch his brain go ERROR404 trying not to answer this homophobic-ly)
If Dean had enough time to process and respond to Cas’ romantic love declaration, would he have reciprocated or would he have turned Cas down, because he’s straight (and/or homophobic)?
Why did you veto Dean saying “I love you” to Cas back in 8x17?
Do (did?) questions about Destiel make you uncomfortable?
In the past, you’ve said that “Destiel is not real” and that “Dean is not bisexual”, do you still hold these opinion?
Why Dean didn’t ask for Jack to bring Cas back in 15x19, especially, when he literally begged Chuck for it, even offering his or Sam’s lives earlier at the same episode?
Why Dean didn’t look for Cas in Heaven after he was told that he was alive?
In original ending Dean was supposed to come upon Jimmy in heaven? Could you tell more about that? Like, how Dean reacted? What did he say to Jimmy and what did he feel like when Jimmy said he’s not Cas?
Why do you think that Dean and we as humans cannot be sure if angels can experience romantic and/or sexual love, when we and Dean have seen archangel Gabriel who has had lots of sex in porn, seen Adam - the first man - have a long lasting relationship with an angel, knew about angels having sex with humans and creating nephilim, Lily Sunder and her angel romantic partner, and lastly Dean - having sex and brief romantic relationship with angel Anna himself?
In 15x09 after reuniting with Cas in purgatory Dean told him that he had “something to say” and after Cas cut him off and told him he didn’t need to say it, he didn’t look pleased about it. Was there something else that Dean wanted to tell that he didn’t in his prayer?
Another Dean actor - Guillermo Rojas - has said that his Dean’s reciprocation was indented and that “everybody says if you want to be a real man, you have to be like Dean Winchester, and Dean Winchester is in love with Castiel.” What are you thoughts on that? Do you agree? (insp.)
Given that Dean was shown to favour various fashionable attires throughout the seasons. What do you think he wore to his and Cas’ wedding?
Jared said that Dean wouldn’t want for Sam to end up with Eileen. What are you thoughts on that?
You’ve been a big advocate for mental health and had many themes about it incorporated into the show. This has attracted a lot of fans who could relate to it because of their personal experience. What are your thoughts about it given that, in the end, Supernatural decided to show that the only to get away from the trauma and suffering is through death? Do you agree with this message?
You have said that your tweets regarding not knowing about Jensen’s prequel have been misunderstood. So, could you tell what tone and message did you want to convey with “Et tu, Brute, what a truly awful thing you’ve done. #Bravo you coward” to Robbie Thompson then?
Have you apologised to Robbie Thompson for calling him a Shakespearean traitor and a coward for choosing to work with Jensen of the SPN prequel?
Why did you say that angels, and especially Cas, are “junkless” when we have seen many examples on the show of not only angels, and Cas, having sex but being in romantic relationships, too?
Is the reason you define Sam and Eileen as a pseudo romance because you can’t imagine a disabled person being in a romantic relationship? (source)
Do you wish you had more opportunities to explore and build upon Sam and Ruby's platonic relationship? I really liked how you portayed them like siblings!
How do you respond to the fact that so many people use your words, actions, & your show & characters as justification for their bigotry? (source)
You gave this show 15 years of your life, given that Supernatural (especially in its last few episodes) promoted suicidal ideation - portraying dying as a best way to deal with trauma, villainized or killed its POC characters, failed to give any positive lgbtq+ representation, destroyed the “found family” trope by saying that only the blood relatives matter and so on... what do you think and hope it and Dean and Sam’s legacy is?
Why do you feel it’s okay to keep trying to make Cas’ canon romantic confession open to interpretation? Considering you say you’re allies & doing so is erasure of queer narratives, I’m curious as to why you made that choice. (source)
What was the point of quote “family don’t end in blood” and calling fandom a SPN “family”, when the show ended up saying that it’s always been about two blood-related codependent brothers only?
We know that the CW netwrok conducted a market research back in 2016 on whether or not they should go full, on-screen, reciprocated Destiel. If they had decided to move forward with that story line, how do you think it would have been done? How do you think the story would have played out? (source)
Who would be the big and little spoon? (source)
Ignore Jensen and ask Misha “Since Dean didn’t even look for Cas in heaven and didn’t reciprocate anyways. Do you think there’s a chance Cas will move on with Mick Davies?” (source)
Ignore Jensen again lol and just spend a few minutes telling Misha how grateful you are for his LGBTQ+ support throughout the years and for fighting for LGBTQ+ representation.
Give Jared a fanart picture of a Destiel sex/kissing scene to sign.
Wear a t-shirt with “Et tu, Brute, what a truly awful thing you’ve done. #Bravo you coward” tweet on it to jpad photo ops. Or have him sign a photocopy of that tweet.
Wear this costume to jpad panel.
Wear this t-shirt to a Jensen and/or Misha photo-op or get it signed.
Have J2/Jpad sign this picture.
Ask OP/artist’s permission to use their posts/art !!
If you ask Jensen a destiel question and he’s rude about it?
Just start crying, like full on blubbering (credit)
Straight out ask him if he doesn’t like Destiel because he’s homophobic?
Some of the Supernatural fans get mad me and some of the actors get uncomfortable or annoyed at my questions? :((
Well, first of all who cares what they think? You are paying to be there, so you have a right to be there just like anyone else. You are paying the actors!! If they get uncomfy with some questions - that’s a they problem. If worse comes to worse - what they can do? Fire you? You don’t work for them. Ban you from further cons - would you even want to go? I mean the shows over and idk why some people still pay hundreds of $$$ to go there and hear FOR THE 35th TIME what some actor’s fav episode was. 
They’re screening the questions/Destiel questions aren’t allowed?
Write down some stupid question like “What’s you fav type of pie?”
Give it the staff who’s screening the questions.
When it’s your turn to ask, just ask your real question.
Preferably pick as short question, so you can say it quickly before they try to stop you.
OR if they try to stop you ask into the mircophone “Are LGBTQ+ questions not allowed?”, so that everyone can hear it (just like this lady here did it in the previous con). They are less likely to stop you if you all out their homophobia publicly. 
If they try to harass you about it afterwards pretend that you don’t understand English very well and/or that you just changed your mind about the question and didn’t know it was not allowed. Speak with the fake accent the whole time to make it more believable (works like a charm every time).
Jared decides to interrupt a question that’s not for him/about him/his character?
Tell him or shout (if they don’t let you use the mic) “Jared, please, this question is not for or about you.”
J2/bibro/w*nc*sties keep hogging the question line?
Pretend to be one of them. Befriend them. Come up with some really good j2 questions and tell them that’s what you want to ask so they let you in line and then when you get the mic you just ask the real questions. (source)
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littlewetbeast · 4 years
you know... sometimes i think i've got jackles figured out, i think i've nailed down why he's so inconsistent about destiel, why he acts so weird about it sometimes and other times not. then some information is flung at me and it's back to square one. why is that man so insane. he just genuinely confuses me.
aw man. this shit is like catnip to my overactive, over-analytical brain.
okay. listen. i’m not gonna lie: the more i try to understand the goings-on behind spn with any degree of nuance, the more my head threatens to melt. HOWEVER. while i joke about jensen ackles being an enigma, i don’t... actually think he is.
[disclaimer: the following points include speculation. i don’t know these people and will never claim to. this is just my take on it. never bring this up to the actors in question.]
the quick and dirty: i believe jensen is likely queer himself. i believe that he strongly identifies with dean, that he feeds off of the environment around him, and that how he feels he can act around destiel and dean’s sexuality depends on 1) his support network, 2) the immediate social environment, and 3) his work environment, all of which have evolved throughout the years BUT can also vary day to day. increased confidence and securer social environment has helped him decrease the need to perform and lessens the likelihood of acting out from insecurity, but doesn’t completely eliminate it. point is: the environment matters. the more insecure you are, the more it will affect your behaviour.
that’s it. not trying to excuse any shitty behaviour, just saying that’s what it is. 
the NOT so quick and dirty: so - my point is, as a queer guy in this industry, he has obviously learned to put up a front to protect himself. (even misha does this to some extent!) it’s douchey, and it’s stupid, but i understand it. think of the drastic difference of how he behaves around misha vs j*red, or even in a large group setting. i’m not saying he’s not friends with j*red, but i DO immediately see the difference of ‘front switched on’ and ‘front switched off’.
firstly - just because jensen has matured a lot over the past 15 years and is far more relaxed about himself today than he was back then, doesn’t mean he can’t still have moments of uncertainty that can occasionally push him back to his old, bad habits. basically, for someone who has grown up in a toxic heteronormative environment (being taught by his dad that drinking through straws was gay) - and in an industry that is very unfriendly to queerness and queer narratives until VERY recently (and even now is still pretty toxic) - utilizing his stupid douchey dudebro front during moments of anxiety has probably been his go-to coping method for the majority of his life. 
secondly - we all know he’s insanely close to dean as a character. dean is a part of him. he slips in and out of character effortlessly. he cares about dean and dean’s happiness. but dean was never intended to be a queer character. jensen has played queer characters before, but that’s the difference - he is ‘playing’ a queer character. he wasn’t supposed to be ‘playing’ dean as a queer character. readings of dean as queer makes, well. readings of him as queer. that’s it. for someone who puts up such a front, i can imagine he’d be shitting himself at people picking this up from him when he’s NOT in a supportive environment for it. (yes the ‘jackles acting choices’ are a Thing, but they most likely happened within more supportive environments and during times of confidence - and, let’s face it, i think sometimes jacting choices just naturally bleed in because he’s a good actor who makes good intuitive acting choices. that was likely the primary reason for it, especially early on.) 
basically - queer readings of dean are taken as queer readings of him. therefore, his reaction to destiel has also varied depending on the environment and his work circumstances. think of there being like... a constantly shifting scale of how supportive his social environment and work environment are of queer readings of the character he plays. the further back we go, the less supportive all of these factors are; the closer to the present, the more supportive these factors are.
“but rosa! why hasn’t he just shrugged and said it’s up to audience interpretation what dean’s sexuality is, like he has recently?”
because of *points to all of the above*.
let’s illustrate what i mean. 
exhibit A) it’s fairly early days of “destiel”, maybe season 6 or so. an audience member brings up dean’s reaction to dr sexy and asks why he can react like this yet destiel is not possible. jensen says dismissively because “destiel doesn’t exist” and that dean is simply a fan of the show, to an audience that cheers.
(work environment (spn): not supportive. immediate environment (audience): not supportive. social environment (j*red): less supportive*.) *I am not claiming j*red is homophobic; however, jensen HAS felt the need to perform around him aside from the last 1-2 years.
exhibit B) it’s 2019. jensen gets straddled by misha on stage and gets a [redacted] which j*red notices and covertly jokes about in front of a large audience. he visibly becomes upset and is in a vulnerable state. misha points out a ‘destiel is real’ t-shirt (the very fact that misha did this suggests he’s far more used to a jensen who is relaxed and supportive). jensen gets defensive and asks ‘where is destiel real?’
(work environment (spn): uncertain. immediate environment (audience): uncertain. social environment (j*red and misha): mixed*.) *do i think jensen would have reacted 10x better if j*red had not been there? yes. yes, i do. do i think he would he have reacted better if he hadn’t had a [redacted] that j*red made fun of? yes. yes, i do.
exhibit C) it’s 2019. jensen and j*red are in front of an audience which, given today’s times, are likely more used to queer narratives. it’s highly possible the queer storyline for cas has been confirmed at this point. jensen is calm and in control, and is not feeling the need to act up his front. someone brings up ‘samstiel’ and j*red gags. jensen, unprompted, shows support for destiel.
(work environment (spn): given the timing, likely supportive. immediate environment (audience): likely supportive. social environment: (at home) supportive, j*red: supportive or mixed.)
we know that he has progressively felt less of a need to use his ‘front’ and has become more relaxed over the years, which i believe is likely hugely due to the positive influences of danneel and misha (and maybe others). i don’t think that has been the case for ONLY the last two years. i think jensen during exhibit B was miles away from jensen in exhibit A. jensen is not miles away between exhibit B and exhibit C. those two are differences of environments where he feels confident, in control, and is supported by the narrative he’s meant to play (C), vs an environment he felt less supported and less in control of (B).  i won’t get into it in depth here, but it’s worth noting that the past ten years have also seen huge changes in fandom culture, how actors and fandom interact, and how the film industry and corporations at large handle queer narrative and fans. that certainly affects this dynamic.
and that’s it, really. jensen is a sensitive person who feeds heavily off the people and environments he’s in. he’s matured a lot over the years and i truly don’t think it’s a stretch to say that, in environments that would have supported it, he likely has been very positive about queer narratives in spn. source: his stark difference around misha, his willingness to flirt and joke about dean and cas with him, his occasional calmer and balanced reactions to destiel in more private settings.
aaand that’s how i see it, really. even if you don’t subscribe to truthing - or even jensen being queer - all of these things apply just as strongly to men who feel the need to perform. what can i say, toxic masculinity and homophobia sucks a lot and i’m glad society is shifting slowly in the right direction, and that jensen feels safer and more secure than he once did. shame the cw is unwilling to get with the times. EDIT: for some additional, vital context, i refer you to these two additional posts, which cover his upbringing, how speculations about his sexuality has hounded him his whole career, and his first intro to shipping on supernatural being j2/wincest, which included some real ugly shit.
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cooloddball · 3 years
Yes, you answered it! And very well, I might add :)
Thank you for your input! I really shouldn't try to understand Mr. Jensen 'holding up the rainbow' Ackles lol
And you're amazing for giving the references and pointing out the times Jensen has spoken up against something, because he does mention when things are too much/are too ridiculous
I also want a version of Dean who's more like Butcher. I'd love to see it
He should have gotten to direct more but if he did Destiel would have gone canon sooner (probably on accident)
P.s. thanks! I like my username too so that makes me happy
Phewks. Glad i answered it.
It seems like I answered it really well because anti Jensen people in my inbox calling him phobic. I'm like ?? Jensen is literally holding the rainbow up in his family, attends charity events for LQBTQIA+, spotted with drag queens in a gay club and you think he's phobic because he might not share the same sentiments about a ship?
This is the same guy who was okay with Eric from DOL being gay
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Like it is up to us as fans to draw our own conclusions from characters, the actor's job is to act so whether he agrees with us or not should be taken in stride because we don't know why he does not agree or wh he might agree. For instance, Misha has said he was instructed by carver to play Cas as a jilted lover in 9x06, so there are undertones/subtext of Cas having feeling for Dean and Misha agrees. He also mentioned that Cas' 15x18 confession was romantic before being gagged. Jensen has never gotten such direction that we know of yet his acting choices showed that he loved Cas as more than just a brother. He said in jib6 that "they are as close as non-brothers can be" That can be intetpreted to mean an assortment of all kinds of things depending on where you stand but only jensen knows why he can't speak on Dean's sexuality.
Sorry about the rant people are just so inclined to people agreeing with them that they fail to stop and evaluate the situation and see the bigger picture.
I also agree about Butcher and Dean. I love Butcher and The Boys and how gory and shameless the whole show is compared to spn. Maybe if/when Chaos Machine does a reboot we will get to see the gory side of spn and Dean being the badass we all know he is.
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caswlw · 4 years
thoughts on the jackles longcon?
ok so i think it’s real but in very specific ways.
so we all know that nothing was really Planned from day one and the kripke and gamble eras weren’t full with intentional gay deancas (which i would call destiel given that period) but there was hellers on site and intentional gay shit that the cast including jensen was aware of by s8 and the carver era. i think that on some level bc jackles relates so much to dean that he Rejected the idea that his character was being so heavily interpreted as something he couldn’t understand and that’s why he seemed so against it in the past (esp given that his character wasn’t just being shipped with one man it probably felt like ?? what am i doing ?? if people were constantly saying All men he interacted with made for bi dean moments) and i think that the whole thing w w!ncest also soured his ideas on fandom and in general made him less inclined to listen to what anyone had to say abt bi dean
that being said i do think that at some point during the dabb era they really thought about going for these more Very Intentional deancas moments and i think around the widower arc is when jensen probably was like maybe this isn’t ?? so bad ?? given the jacting joices made in those first six episodes esp w the lost face caress and different hug in 13x06, i think at least something in him (and probably the writers/misha being inclined to go for it) were helping him think that dean and cas maybe Did have something beyond making fun of their relationship and how close they are. i think that kinda just continued into s15 where eventually the actual confession idea is brought up and at that point the fandom was smoother (and destiel kinda made the shift to deancas) and he thought that it was Worth doing and the jackles longcon at LEAST for the last three 1/2 years is my bet for how long he’s been on board.
i think that there’s a few moments that are like hmm ? like the 11x03(?) face caress and the in general batshit choices he made when acting for the last 12 years but that’s less of a Concious longcon and probably more of him accidentally having his chemistry look very intense on screen. but after the “dean has no taste, clearly” and the immediate acceptance of the confession scene, the handprint, the filming of it on his phone, the way that he went looking for reaction videos, the whole explanation as to how dean sees cas’s feelings, and in general his enthusiasm about 15x18 and dean and cas (“what’s one thing you wanna tackle this season?” “cas. full body tackle”) shows that he’s been in this game for at least s15 but i’m banking on s13 and forward. i’d push it back MAYBE slightly further but i think that’s where i stand
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skycruise · 4 years
Misha virtual panel Sunday 22 Nov, 2020
Tried to type as much as I could as he spoke. I know the whole thing will probably be up fairly soon so you can watch, but for now--
--He finished shooting in March
--Thought he had mourned the passing of the show & had processed it but finale was an emotional experience, took him out for a couple days
--Thinks the fandom isn’t going anywhere
--Favorite memory making recipe with kids and Vicky, talks about how cookbook came about, West made pasta with jam sauce for Thanksgiving
--Projects for future? Worked on political elections recently, planning to do more of that particularly Georgia in January. Publishing book of poetry. Couple of film projects but not as actor, one he’s interested in directing.
--How do you think Jack brought Cas back? There was a different ending that Covid made impossible, but not supposed to talk about it. Involved bringing back lots and lots of cast members from the past. In original ending, Cas hadn’t gone to rebuild Heaven there was a DIFFERENT CONCLUSION FOR HIM. He did not read the last 2 episodes after the changes. He thinks Cas and Jack are more “ethereal” when rebuilding Heaven. Pure speculation though, he doesn’t know. Will probably be better explored in fan fiction than what he could come up with.
--Fan from Brazil thanks him and asks a question I don’t fully understand. Misha talks about watching the finale with his kids. West and Maison asked him to tell them if a scary part comes up, but he had no idea. Evil clowns “shell shocked” and probably traumatized the kids. West wanted to watch something else to get it out of his head. Went to watch Curb Your Enthusiasm lol. Misha jokes he is doing a shitty job keeping his kids away from the horrors of the world.
--Castiel “melded” with Misha. Cas was just a soldier at first but over time we saw him unfurl so that he didn’t fit in anywhere “fish out of water” but tried to be a good person.
--What is the one thing he will take with him from playing Castiel? A lot. On a professional level, it was fascinating to play a character for so many years. Talked about it with J2, how the characters became part of them over the years. Watching Dean’s death scene, he cried but because it was Cas’s friend Dean. It was a weird thing on an emotional level because the lines were blurry between himself and Cas. He feels he will literally take the character with him. Cas is part of him. Maybe he should double down on therapy to try and untangle him lol. Has a “naive” idea the fandom won’t go away, at least right away. Feels grateful to be a part of that, the fandom community does a lot of great things. 
--Favorite thing to bake with the kids? Pies. Though he doesn’t love pie, but he does bake a lot of them and the kids like them. Favorite kind of pie? Probably strawberry rhubarb. Doesn’t bake enough cakes! Recently made fortune cookies and put little messages inside, he put lewd messages in.
--He wants to know if he’s naive thinking the fandom will be around awhile. Fan says NO he is not.
--Misha also teared up in 15x18.
--Anything more he can say about stuff that didn’t happen in finale that was supposed to? He doesn’t want to be the one to reveal, but what are they going to do, fire him? It was a version of Sam and Dean’s Heaven that was populated with all these people from their past, all of the characters that we love from over the years were there. But COVID. 
--Favorite bts memory with the boys? He doesn’t have one, they were close friends for 12 years, lots of antics. Laughing fits, fights, got pissed off at each other, fondest memories of any work he’s done were on SPN, so much laughing and mirth, he’s going to miss that.
--Why did Cas’s trenchcoat remain intact despite all his deaths? Cas never lost the ability to magically mend his clothing. It made no sense that if he got stabbed or shot, sometimes it ripped the shirt but sometimes it wouldn’t. Or it would be cleaned up by the next episode. They wanted him to look like Constantine at the beginning, costume was 3 sizes too big, finally (he doesn’t remember what season) asked for a better fitting costume. New suit first, then lost the tie but eventually put it back. One season they just got him a whole new wardrobe and never explained it. He stole some trenchcoats.
--Cas’s confession was one scene where there wasn’t much joking around, he needed to be in an emotional state. Sat on a folding chair and ruminated on his own. Stunt coordinator noticed that and just stood by, knew Misha needed his space, it was really sweet. Made sure no one bothered him. Didn’t ask him to do that, it was intuitive & Misha was appreciative. Crew was great about that during heavy scenes.
--How did he feel reading script where Cas dies? Knew it was coming, had had conversations with Bobo, was happy with it. Felt a little risky and brave, was happy to be a part of that. Happy his character could express love like that. Has seen people complain about bury your gays trope and doesn’t think that’s what was happening. Cas is in Heaven, rebuilding Heaven, and also so much good came from that declaration. Cas saved Dean which was essential to saving the world. That declaration saved the world and was of Cas’s own volition, he wasn’t forced to do that, it was his choice & that’s important. Maybe he’s naive but he didn’t think they were playing into that trope. He’s glad Castiel got to express that. He’s proud that the show did that. He’s sure it’s a conversation that will continue to be dissected.
--Will he ever get an SPN tattoo? Hasn’t thought about it, has thought about getting one related to his kids. Is that a “has-been” tattoo? Should he get Jensen and Jared’s faces? LOL. Tattoo of Cas’s face on his abdomen? Nah probably no SPN tattoo.
--3 things he does to be kind to himself? Has a tendency to be hard on himself. Sleep, run, meditate. He feels guilty he doesn’t spend enough time with his kids so he does but doing that he sometimes doesn’t take care of himself as much which makes him grumpier and not a great dad. Balancing act.
--Fave moment of finale was Dean’s death scene. Masterfully executed, well done, excellent performances from J2. Made him cry. 
--Best memory of last day on set. Everyone was being really sweet, lots of tears from crew and cast. Last scene was last thing on Friday, Him Alex, Jensen, Speight had to fly to convention next morning. Finished around 130 am, got on chartered flight, 15 minutes in flash of light and BOOM, one of the engines exploded, circled back to Vancouver and plane was shaking, really scary, during emergency landing they were texting their loved ones because they weren’t sure if they’d see them again
--Did angels get their wings back? Yeah probably. Why wouldn’t they? He misses Castiel’s car though. The Pimpmobile. Had hydraulics. Remembers car jumping up and down because JARED broke it.
--Cas would be a great security guard because he never sleeps. Would not be a great teacher or architect or artist...could be handy in a kitchen though.
--What color are Cas’s wings? Misha always thought they were black, but maybe they’re rainbow colored!
--Worst joke from J2? Jokes J2 are not good people, they got really excited leading up to him directing because they were plotting, they were going to break into his apartment and steal his furniture but Misha was tipped off by crew. Fish left under his car seat, again he was tipped off. One thing he remembers is Jared messing with his directors chair so that he would fall when he sat on it. Fell for it probably 5 times. Also Jared messing up his lines until Misha went to talk to him, which is when he got pied in the face. Everything looked blurry for like 20 minutes, Jensen brought him another shirt & apologized, then during lunchtime Jensen pied him too. 
--How did Cas feel when Jack became new god? Vindicated. Like, “we did it”. Also feels concerned that Jack is no longer Jack. But at his core Jack was still himself.
--Real story behind handprint? He doesn’t know, but it was a nice touch. Doesn’t remember how they came up with that. Great call back to very beginning. Poignant. 
--Favorite Dad joke? The one with the snail getting thrown across the yard and 2 years later asking what was that about.
--Didn’t hear this one well but what I picked up was Favorite con moments? He and Jensen have had really fun panels in Rome
--Favorite version of Castiel to play? Loved playing LuciferCas and HumanCas. Wishes there had been more HumanCas. But regular Cas was his overall favorite, wouldn’t have wanted to trade regular Cas for any other Cas.
--Miss you guys, love you, hopefully see you soon.
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zandracourt · 4 years
I’ve been reflecting a lot on Cas’ recent confession of love and the responses I’ve been seeing across tumblr and Twitter. As a Destiel fic writer, I am thrilled to see this become canon and as a queer woman, also really touched to see how much Misha has embraced this as a really significant thing. I already ordered my Only Love merch. So I’m content with it all as much as it is. SPN has never made queer representation its issue. SPN *has* responded to its fanbase, who have both pushed the importance of representation and also brought the actors into a realm of growth over queer issues that they may never have come to without this show and this fandom. For that reason, I don’t think it’s helpful to be mad at Jensen or the Showrunners for Destiel not being perfect. You don’t have to celebrate them as allies, but the anger and vitriol just doesn’t help, in my opinion.
BUT...where my thoughts have been going is around what it means to be an actor in a ‘ship and what the impact of the story has on the actors, the fandom, and the constant dance of who controls the story because I think this has been something that even with straight characters has had serious impacts on how fans feel about an ending.
My first fandom, Starsky & Hutch, was mostly written by a gay man who wrote “straight” characters because that was what they had to be in 1974. The characters and show plots were such that the actors felt the love underneath the words and acted accordingly. Back then, it wasn’t so much queer baiting as queer coding. I find it amazing that my parents never thought for a minute Starsky and Hutch were gay, but even as a 7 year old, I knew they were in love and saw them that way. And anyone who watches the show now, it’s so clear that it’s almost laughable. When their show won the Peopel’s Choice award in 1977, David Soul said in his acceptance speech that the best part of being on this show was that people saw two men who “could be anything”. He knew that queer folk read their characters as gay and that straight folks saw them as straight and he was happy for both to be true. While the show never had an explicitly romantic declaration, the characters held hands, hugged, and in the final episode, their final scene is Hutch crawling into Starsky’s hospital bed with him, something done with amusement, but was completely coded to mean something else. It was never “canon”, but the ‘ship has lasted 46 years with new fic being written even now.
In the new SW films, actor Oscar Isaac was not at all quiet about his feelings that his character, Poe Dameron, was in love with Finn. He stated he played him that way (and was not directed otherwise) and he even explicitly asked for that ship to be made canon. He was told no and that is not how the story ended. The romance plot was instead focused on two other characters. Some fans liked that. Many didn’t. In general, though, the story is open-ended enough that shippers could have Stormpilot be their ship and there is nothing that really contradicts that. In that scenario, Oscar had his sense of who this character was and felt strongly about that, but in the end, it wasn’t his story, so the ending was what it was.
Hawai’i Five-0 ended its 10 year run last spring. Actor Scott Caan said in an interview during the show’s 5-year mark that he wanted to see his charcter have a romantic story line with his other lead, Steve McGarrett. And while Scott did not go so far as Oscar Isaac did to say he made his acting choices based on that, watching him and Alex play their characters, there was definitely some intention to show their characters as loving one another. Actor Alex O’Loughlin voiced a few times over the years that he felt his character would not get back together with Catherine, a woman his character was on-again, off-again with, because he felt Steve had reached his limit with what Catherine had done to him. The series made a decision to end with Steve leaving Hawai’i behind and flying away with Catherine. Neither actor has commented much about the show’s ending, but clearly it went against what both actors had publicly expressed in the past. Again, they don’t control the story, but they do understand their characters after playing them for so many years and they are invested in that. In that sense, the actor’s subsequent silence about how the show ended says quite a bit. And McDanno fans were very unsatisfied with the show’s ending, myself included.
So we come to Destiel. Over the years, this ship has been very controversial in part because one actor (Misha) has clearly been OK with his character being perceived as being in love with Dean, while the other actor (Jensen) has not. At times he has been very negative about it, and that has been taken by some fans to imply how Jensen feels about homosexuality in general. I’m not convinced it does, but I understand why people feel that way. Over the 12 years since Cas’ introduction on the show, there clearly has been a shift from the writers and showrunners avoiding the topic entirely, to talking about it, and now to having Cas confess his feelings of love to Dean in canon. In the days since, Misha has been unequivocal in saying Cas is romantically in love with Dean and that he has played him that way, at least for this season and likely longer. Misha is proud that he was able to advocate for Cas to be gay and he clearly understands why it is important for the show to have made this choice. For Jensen’s part, however, he has stated he has not played Dean that way and from video clips of him talking about the show’s ending, it appears that he needed some convincing to accept this as the story. To his credit though, once he was convinced that this was something show creator (Eric Kripke) could envision as part of Dean’s character arc, he was on-board with this ending and feels statisfied with it. And I think some of the frustration folks feel stems from both in how the actors portrayed their characters and in which takes were chosen to be in the final cuts of episodes. In that way, the show has fed this ship, whether the actors realized it or not, and that is why Destiel has felt particularly painful at times. The fanbase has been gaslighted for seeing it at all (from actors and showrunners) while the directors have seemed to go out of their way to choose shots where the actor’s choices were more tender and affectionate and write lines where characters make explicit statements about Dean and Cas as romantic. I can’t help but wonder if Jensen really didn’t see Dean as being in love with Cas, but that we saw Jensen’s own affinity for Misha bleed through in their incredible chemsitry together or if Jensen has just been in denial of this ‘ship having teeth for his own personal reasons. I don’t know and so far, he hasn’t been willing to talk about that. Maybe he will once it’s over. Maybe he won’t and I’m not going to be angry with him for it. He’s an incredible actor and he’s lived this character for 15 years, so he has a right to who he believed Dean is and isn’t.
The issues of representation continue to be pressing and what I see happening with Destiel and these other ‘ships is exciting because it shows growth on all sides. We have audiences able to voice not only how they perceive characters without shame but can express a desire for characters to be together. None of that is new for straight characters, but it is for queer characters. We have actors who not only can see these same things, but feel enough ownership of their characters to expresss what they believe their characters would do or feel. And we have showrunners who are going to make their story, sometimes in response to feedback from their fans and actors, and sometimes in spite of it.
What Destiel becoming canon gives me hope for is that as new shows come into being, characters that take off, actors who have unexpected chemistry, and ‘ships that gain a life of their own, will lead to shows that are less inclined to care if those ships are queer or not and just go with what fans respond to. That it will normalize that people can (and do) come out an all different times of life, even after being het-married, having kids, or presenting as straight to everyone else for 40 years. That it will reflect that sometimes, it’s not about having been queer or straight from the beginning, but be about that ONE relationship that just is different, special, or grows into a deep love regardless of the genders of the people. I hope we can get to a place where deep intimacy between same-gender characters doesn’t have to be a war over romance vs. platonic and the story can just develop without the pressure of representation because queer characters will be so prevalent that we don’t have to feel like we must cling so tightly to every one we get. I hope we can come to a place where sometimes relationships don’t go romantic because one person (regardless of gender) just doesn’t feel that way, because that is very fucking true in real life. I want to watch shows where the sexual identity of any character doesn’t have to be etched in stone from the word go, never to change ever because that’s boring and limiting, and honestly, not real life.
I am deeply grateful for actors like Isaac, Caan, and Collins who are willing to see characters outside the heteronormative lens and to advocate for queer romantic arcs. I’m thankful to showrunners who are making shows with greater queer representation than ever before. And I’m grateful to actors like Ackles, who while it wasn’t who he thought his character was, was able to expand his view enough to go where the story was going to go. The arc of the universe does bend towards justice, and we will get there. Until then, there’s fic. And thank God for that.
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onlyonekenobi · 4 years
Hi there 🐝💕 Firstly, thank you so much for your amazing blog.
Secondly, I was a fan of SPN many years ago and fell out of it for a while, only having gotten sucked back in after 15×18 (surprise). Back when I was into it before, there was a lot of discussion about Jensen being potentially homophobic, and now I'm noticing that there's been some..... less than awesome stuff said by Misha, too, in terms of the queerbaiting on the show and having only acted Castiel as in love with Dean this past season.
Obviously the content of the show itself proves this wrong, but it still troubles me, and I couldn't find much about it online other than a few posts by people and one con transcript. Do you have any feedback on this, and would you mind sharing it?
(Thank you so much, and no worries if you don't wanna answer, just keep being awesome!)
I’ll do my best here, and I’ll try to track down some sources. also, idk if you sent this question to anyone else as well, but if you did, i’m interested to see what they say. if not, i am flattered to be your Trusted Source.
so, first: jensen re homophobia
I could be wrong, but I don’t remember him ever making any kind of “homophobic” comments OUTSIDE OF things regarding destiel that were construed that way by some fans (if i’m wrong, please let me know). I do remember him shutting down destiel comments, etc, and the infamous “?? no” which has since been debunked by the OP as having been taken out of context. (i can’t find the debunking post on my blog but if anyone has it please link!) with the shutting down destiel comments, he was definitely brash at times! but, I do think it’s also important to note that he and misha were explicitly told not to talk about it. and we know that jensen is (or at least especially used to be) a pretty shy guy, and I think destiel questions/comments being shoved in his face in a public setting- when addressing it could get him in trouble with his job- made him nervous and upset.
however, he took a noticeable shift re: destiel in recent years. for one, we know that he gave his blessing for the canon textual confession (again, I can’t find an og post in my absolute mess of late stage supernatural tags, but if anyone has the receipts, please drop them). I could add more of my own personal spec about how jensen shifted his acting choices in light of this information, but I’ll just move on. we know that he was excited about the confession scene. here’s a second post about that.
and re: general homophobia, here’s a post of jackles with pride flags, as well as a 2019 post from his aunt, who is gay. also, this is largely a shitpost, but I saw it in my jackles tag while looking for the above, and it feels relevant, so i’m including it. a little levity before we move on.
now, misha.
I am aware of misha saying two upsetting things in regards to “the confession wasn’t bury your gays, why are you so angry” Again, if there’s more that i’m forgetting, please let me know. The first was in this panel talk (start at 35:50) from November 22. Here is a relevant post about that moment (I also watched the whole panel live and agree with this post.) The second is this video on twitter, and the following thread, from Nov. 25. However, after several fans replied to him explaining why we were so upset, he issued this apology on Nov. 26. I wanted to give you the original link there, but I’m also including a screenshot with a thoughtful and important addition here. And here is a tweet about Misha finding out about The Castiel Project.
i’ve never heard anything about misha only acting cas as in love for the last season exclusively, so I don’t have any posts to expressly debunk it, but I do firmly believe that to be untrue, just based on things misha has let slip over the years
and for both of them, it’s worth noting that whenever they were asked direct questions about the show, they could only do their best to talk around things like queerbaiting, etc, because they obviously couldn’t actively speak out against the show or the network (like this). for example, we know that misha got a couple phone calls from producers on occasions where he toed the line a little too closely, and he commented how you unfortunately have to listen to the people who have the power to kill off your character (immediately following previous clip)
in conclusion
neither of them are homophobic. to the best of my knowledge, neither of them have ever made an outright homophobic comment. and in cases regarding destiel (again, to the best of my knowledge) they have both either changed course or apologized since making any unsavory comments.
there are also WAY more posts on all this that I didn’t include here. if you search the jensen or misha tags on my blog, or probably the blog of just about anyone i follow, you could look into it more
all that said, it’s also important to note that i am Just Some Guy. i did my best to compile this information in a relevant and meaningful way, but i have oversaturated-sponge-adhd-brain that has been actively following this fandom for a decade, and i’m sure some things got lost in there. so to anyone reading this, if i forgot anything critical, please don’t yell at me, i am but a simple internet jester, just like you.
and while we’re here, I’ll say that- while I do think it’s important to keep a critical eye trained everywhere- if we were going to criticize any spn cast members for unsavory comments, these two are certainly not where i would start
tl;dr, ultimately myself and jensen and misha are all Just Some Guy, and none of us know them, but as far as I can figure, they are both genuinely kind and thoughtful people who care about and respect the lgbt community, including their respective characters’ involvement in it and the real world consequences that has
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almaasi · 5 years
reaction post typed while watching JIBcon videos (part 1 of ?)
Cockles panel
in which Misha still has an unapologetic pee kink and Jensen is way more submissive than I remember him being
03:44pm (may 24th nz)
i legit don’t know if i have the energy to watch and type about this but i’ll try. might pause and come back a different day if i need to
watching this first
“JIB10 - Jensen Jared and Misha panel part1″
needed a break already but hi i’m back feeling less sick
misha: “he was like “let’s do this”... and i went on stage and... jensen went to the bathroom”
i’m sad now
danella: “some issue backstage, we don’t talk about what happens backstage”
misha: “did he not MAKE it to the bathroom?”
misha !!....
i wanna squish his face between my hands and just sigh lovingly
kinky little asshole, i love him
seriously he’s been on stage less than three minutes, jensen’s not there, and he’s already pulling stories out of nowhere implying that jensen pissed himself 
i can’t even
jensen: “do you need help?”
his voice is so gorgeously deep and warm
misha: “do you need a pair of dry pants?”
i can’t think of words but
//clutches my head and whines
does jensen have context? does he just get on stage and the first thing he’s asked is whether he needs fresh pants??? whY DOES HE THINK MISHA IS ASKING
jensen: “i’m not wearing any pants”
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this was such a soft and submissive hug??????????/ jensen just??? slid up and???? aWWWH
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jensen: "and there’s a reason i haven’t told you that today”
misha & jensen: “”’cause you/I don’t”
jensen: “I’M KIDDING”
misha: “about what”
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misha looks at jensen like., oh man. :c he laughs after but he’s a tiny bit jilted there. love is always a joke ;<
but also misha gets it, jensen’s a wee bit awkward in front of an audience but he’s MAKIN’ AN EFFORT DAMMIT
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they’re sitting so close
jensen: “alright, driver, what are we listening to?”
(i mean, driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole, obviously)
jensen just gave misha the driver’s seat
he’s so goddamn submissive????? i just
i haven’t watched or seen anything with fresh jensen in like. months. MONTHS. maybe a full year since the last jibcon. and i completely forgot he was like this
especially with misha
i know i often interpret dean as submissive but actually?? in comparison to jensen those lil occasional traits are nothing. jensen’s just openly and unapologetically putting misha in charge with words and with the way his body moves
he’s so soft.
SO soft.
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and when misha doesn’t answer for a few seconds, jensen looks over, first into his eyes, then down to his lips, checking his expression
misha was kinda stiff before but he got stiffer, ponderous
i honestly, HONESTLY didn’t think i’d be analysing body language this time round but i can’t help it, its so obvious to me, more obvious than it ever is with ANYONE else
these two just give off MASSIVE signals, all the time. maybe because they’re actors and they’re not currently acting, but are performing their own selves, so they perform a heightened version of their personality. but there’s so much to see
plus like. you can see in the background how jensen holds the mic. both protective and phallic at the same time. flirty and nervous and relaxed
and THEN MISHA SAYS “we’re listening to the song “why are there so many songs about rainbows”
everything is not-so-secretly gay
this is a rainbow bullet train heading for rainbow city and there’s no stopping it
misha pushed the mic down to whisper to jensen, then jensen’s like “no~. no~!!” and then flirty and winky and “teeease”
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maybe about how far they wanna go on stage idk. THIRD BASE MAYBE
or how much of season 15 they can talk about
either way misha was tryna keep it private and jensen was literally broadcasting his answers into the mic. jensen is 100% an exhibitionist.
you know what, i love that look he gets in his eyes when he’s flirting with misha in front of people. you know the look. dark eyed, uncontrollable smile, head set a little down. really open shoulders, probably swaying hips, if he’s standing. ugh i love that
but like. i’m pretty sure he flirts different if nobody’s watching. i think if nobody’s watching (or if he doesn’t realise people are watching) he’s just a regular guy talking to his best friend/wife. except his wife is sometimes misha. some of that big smile, definitely some unnecessary touching and preening and back-of-neck-holding
the crazy thing is i’m essentially making that up, but we all know his movements and behaviour with misha so well i don’t think any of us would struggle to imagine it was true
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i will never get tired of seeing them lay their heads on each other’s shoulders
also sidenote: in my opinion this is the best beard + haircut combo jensen has ever had
jensen: “misha......... what’s your latest dad joke?”
jensen: “we’re telling stories about CARPOOL now”
i love that they already know each others’ stories and jensen’s like OOH THIS STORY and comes back to sit down to listen
crowd: “we love you misha”
jensen: “thanks, misha’s mom!!!”
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and then he looks at misha so softly and so lovingly, he’s not joking any more, he just loves misha as much as the rest of us, maybe more
someone called “we love you jensen” but he didn’t react at all because he was appreciating misha, didn’t even blink
(also as i re-read this post i realise he said “misha’s mom” in a way that’s like “hey stop flirting with him, he’s mine” not in a “dear misha’s mother, thank you for giving us misha”)
jensen: “you speak in more puns as a dad. yeah~”
the way he says that with a smile and a nod. like he observed that in misha and also in himself maybe
but he just finished misha’s sentence
they are MARRIED
but i for one ADORE puns and even if i was the only one in my year 10 economics class who laughed at my teacher’s puns i STAND BY THAT LAUGH
“when salmon spawn in a stream, and then they die, and an otter eats the carcass”
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there we go, hand on the back of the neck/shoulder
THE FIRST QUESTION WAS “can you maybe take a sip of the apple juice”
yes please
jensen looks at misha checks with him, and then says “no!!!!!”
because he knows flirting will happen
nesnej is much flirtier and we all enjoy it
but like. jensen said no but then he shuts his eyes and shakes his head when misha gets up, knowing what’s gonna happen. ‘cause like. he could say no again. but he already consented to misha leading this thing, right? and if misha hands him a drink he’s gonna drink it. that’s just what’s gonna happen.
and he knows misha’s not getting up just to get himself a drink. there’s something very specific about getting jensen drunk. he knows what he’s like drunk. and so does misha.
i just need to enjoy for a moment how jensen’s vehement resistance to getting himself a drink is immediately completely overridden by misha’s choice to get a drink for him, and jensen gives zero argument. the moment misha moves jensen’s gives over to knowing he’s gonna get tipsy
i have literally never in all my life seen anyone as easily and happily submissive as jensen is with misha
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AND JENSEN GOES “awww mannnn” buT THEN TAKES IT with an “alright~” before he’s even done complaining. as though the complaints were all a farce to begin with and he was eager to say yes?? maybe he likes being drunk and flirting with misha, no surprises there. maybe the look he gave misha before saying “no!” was a permission look saying “yes but only if you make me”? they clearly communicate a lot unsaid, i wouldn’t be surprised by that either
i swear to god this is a sex scene. i’ve written this but with water instead of booze. nobody can convince me they don’t do this in private, drink a lot so they need to pee and get drunk and flirty. *o*
and i am kind of reeling right now. i should sound like i’m making this up but OH BOY THE WAY THEY TALK. THE WAY MISHA OBSESSES WITH PEEING (and has done so consistently for years, especially with jensen). THE WAY HE JUST HANDS JENSEN AND DRINK AND JENSEN TAKES IT. misha wants jensen flirty and REMEMBER THAT TIME HE WAS DIRECTING AND HE MADE JENSEN DRINK THE SAME DRINK ON CAMERA 20 TIMES OVER
jensen watches misha drink first
and then he drinks
i’m so wrecked by all of this right now
their energy is so sexually charged??? and so comfortable and so loving
this is not at all the same aggressive sexual energy jensen brings to the stuff we see in the gag reel, i.e. “pranks” i.e. flirting. but it has equal magnitude imo, it’s just quieter because he’s being himself, not dean (and jared’s not there)
misha knows jensen so damn well and even that bullshit about whether or not jensen loves him was understood to mean “i do but i’m self-concious about being firm about it in front of an audience” and then jensen shows his love instead of saying it (but even then he made a point of saying it straight away)
but oh LORD the biggest thing i’m getting from this so far is that jensen is indeed misha’s princess-slash-cabin boy. and we should never ever doubt that misha used those terms in an affectionate, dominant sort of way. (on the one hand i’m wary about the use of a ~feminine~ term as a means of domination, in general, but on the other hand, I AM SOOO INTO IT for them specifically. maaaay have written "princess” into a destiel fic that one time)
anyway where was i
oh yeah jensen just agreed to get drunk because misha wants him to
you know what, i’m gonna stop here and come back maybe tomorrow. i didn’t finish this video yet but there’s still a part 2 of this panel, and then other panels and i’m definitely not getting through them all today, these last 11 minutes of footage have taken me almost 2 hours to watch
i’ll post more of my reactions under #Elmie watches things so ... stay tuned!!
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beatlejuice64 · 5 years
Destiel: Season 8 - A catalog of Supernatural episodes
A catalog of each episode in Supernatural that features scenes related to Destiel. This includes scenes between Dean and Castiel, scenes with other characters that address their relationship with each other, and scenes that allude to Dean’s bisexuality. 
Season 8 Summary Analysis
Cas does whatever he can to keep Dean safe while in Purgatory. Dean is determined to rescue Cas from Purgatory and blames himself for failing to do so. Dean suffers intense survivor’s guilt at losing Cas there, and he’s thrilled when Cas returns. When Cas reveals that he didn’t want to be saved and won’t go back to heaven because of the shame he feels, Dean makes space for his vulnerability. Cas grows more distant as he is brainwashed by Naomi, but Dean’s profession of love for Cas helps him resist her command to kill Dean. Dean is hurt when Cas leaves with the angel tablet, and Cas desperately tries to make things right by working with Metatron.
My interpretation: Cas and Dean grow closer during the time that Dean and Sam spend apart. Dean represses his love for Cas for most of the season, but he starts to grow more comfortable with his bisexuality over time, particularly through Charlie’s influence. When Cas disappears for a while mid-season, Dean realizes just how much he needs Cas and misses him. Dean was able to let go of his friendship with Benny, but he realizes that he can’t make the same choice with Cas. Dean finally voices his feelings for Cas in episode 17 (the line “We’re family” was originally written to be “I love you” Source: https://fandomdebunker.tumblr.com/post/64507789422/the-rumor-that-jensen-confirmed-the-i-love-you). Naomi recognizes that Castiel’s primary source of rebelliousness comes from his feelings for Dean, and she thinks that training him to kill Dean will stamp out his love for humanity and free will. When Cas breaks free of Noami’s mind control, his desperation to make things right with Dean leads him to be taken advantage of by Metatron.
8.01 We Need to Talk about Kevin
Cas leaves Dean when they first get to Purgatory to protect him from Leviathan that are hunting him.
When Benny approaches Dean with an offer to escape Purgatory, Dean insists that they find Cas first.
8.02 What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?
Dean is relieved to find Cas in Purgatory. He gives him a big hug and compliments him on the beard he has grown: “Nice peach fuzz.”
Cas is not exactly happy to see Dean, and he explains that he left Dean on purpose when they first got to Purgatory. Dean says he prayed to Cas every night after he left and is upset to find out that Cas heard him and chose not to respond. Cas explains that he’s been keeping his distance from Dean to keep the Leviathan away from him: “I have a price on my head, and I’ve been trying to stay one step ahead of them, to keep them away from you.”
Dean tries to convince Cas to go with him to escape Purgatory: “Cas, buddy, I need you.” “Let me bottom-line it for you—I’m not leaving here without you. Understand?”
Cas is concerned for Dean’s safety, but agrees to go with him and Benny.
8.05 Blood Brother
Cas repeatedly expresses concern that the doorway out of Purgatory will not work for him, and Benny complains that Castiel’s presence is going to get them killed because he draws the monsters to them. Dean remains stubborn that Cas should stay with them and that he will find a way to get Cas out.
8.07 A Little Slice of Kevin
In Purgatory, Cas appreciates Dean‘s efforts to save him: “I’m just saying, if it doesn’t work, thank you for everything.”
Dean starts seeing Cas in random places intermittently—on the side of the road, out the window. Sam tries to console Dean, who is still dwelling on losing Cas in Purgatory: “You know, I could’ve pulled him out. I just don’t understand why he didn’t try harder.” “Dean, you did everything you could.” “Yeah, but why do I feel like crap?” “Survivor’s guilt? If you let it, this is gonna keep messing with you. You gotta walk past it.”
Dean is happy but incredulous when Cas shows up for real.
When Cas comes out of the bathroom after getting cleaned up, the camera pans up on him slowly, and Dean shifts in his chair. When Cas asks, “Better?” Sam looks over to Dean, who nods awkwardly.
Cas is pained to learn that Dean blames himself for not saving him: “It’s like you just gave up. It’s like you didn’t believe we could do it. I mean you kept saying that you didn’t think it would work. Did you not trust me? I did everything I could to get you out—everything! I did not leave you.” “So you think this is your fault?”
When going to save Kevin, Dean shows concern for Castiel’s safety since his powers haven’t fully returned: “That was a bonehead move back there. You could’ve gotten yourself killed. Why didn’t you wait for me?” “Well, I didn’t get killed, and it worked.” “And if it didn’t?” “It would’ve been my problem.” “Well, that’s not that way I see it.”
Cas tries to help Dean understand that he shouldn’t feel responsible for everyone around him: “Hey, everything isn’t your responsibility. Getting me out of Purgatory wasn’t your responsibility.” “You didn’t get out, so whose fault was it?” “It’s not about fault. It’s about will. ... You remembered it the way you needed to.” “Look, I don’t need to feel like hell for failing you, okay? For failing you like I’ve failed every other godforsaken thing that I care about. I don’t need it!”
When Cas explains that he wanted to punish himself, Dean is visibly concerned: “See, it wasn’t that I was weak. I was stronger than you. I pulled away. Nothing you could have done would have saved me, because I didn’t want to be saved.” “What the hell are you talkin’ about?” “It’s where I belonged. I needed to do penance. After the things I did on earth and in heaven, I didn’t deserve to be out, and I saw that clearly when I was there. I planned to stay all along. I just didn’t know how to tell you. You can’t save everyone, my friend, though you try.”
8.08 Hunter Heroici
While talking to Cas, Dean makes a reference to Vermont, one of the few states that has legalized gay marriage (the first state to do it through legislation): “So what now? Move to Vermont, open up a charming B&B?”
Cas says he wants to become a hunter and be Sam and Dean’s “third wheel.”
Dean teases Cas when Sam outsmarts him with his superior detective skills: “Strike one, Sherlock.”
Cas learns more about humanity and social interaction from working the case with Dean and Sam.
When Cas starts rifling through Dean’s toiletry bag and says he’ll stay in their hotel room, it makes Dean uncomfortable: “Cas, you gonna book a room or what?” “No, I’ll stay here.” “Oh, okay. Yeah, we’ll have a slumber party, braid Sam’s hair. Where are you gonna sleep?” “I don’t sleep.” “Okay, well, I need my four hours, so...” “I’ll watch over you.” “That’s not gonna happen.”
Cas is annoyed when Dean asks him to lift a heavy anvil—he wants to prove that he’s worth more than just his supernatural powers.
As Cas is looking though John’s journal, Dean asks him how he’s doing and shows genuine concern for his well-being. When Cas gets defensive, Dean makes space for Castiel’s feelings of vulnerability: “How you feeling, Cas?” “I’m fine.” “Well, I just... I know that when I got puked out of Purgatory, it took me a few weeks to find my sea legs.” “I’m fine.” “Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy you’re back. I’m freakin’ thrilled. It’s just this whole mysterious resurrection thing, always has one mother of a downside.” “So what do you want me to do?” “Maybe take a trip upstairs.” “To heaven?” “Yeah, poke around, see if the God squad can’t tell us how you got out.” “No.” “Look, man, I hate those flyin’ ass monkeys just as much as you do, but...” “Dean! I said no!” “Talk to me.” “Dean, I... when I was bad, and I had those things, the leviathans, writhing inside me, I caused a lot of suffering on Earth, but I devastated heaven. I vaporized thousands of my own kind, and I... I can’t go back.” “‘Cause if you do, the angels will kill you.” “Because if I see what heaven’s become, what I made of it, I’m afraid I might kill myself.”
When an old woman flirts with Cas, he is visibly uncomfortable, but Dean is amused by it.
Dean compliments Cas and appreciates his help on the case: “Cas, you get to ride shotgun. You done good.”
Dean is disappointed when Cas says he won’t be sticking around with him and Sam.
8.10 Torn and Frayed
Naomi sends Cas to rescue Samandriel, and he seeks out Dean’s help. He shows up while Dean is sleeping and watches him for a while. When Dean wakes up to see Cas standing over him, he’s startled: “Damn it, Cas. How many times I gotta tell you, it’s just creepy!” (Apparently, this has happened many times before.)
Dean tries to hide his porn from Cas when he opens his laptop (note: he never tries to hide his porn from Sam). Cas reacts awkwardly, almost as if he’s curious to see it, but he looks away to protect Dean’s privacy.
With Sam gone, Dean and Cas investigate on their own. Their interactions indicate a high level of closeness: “That’s his serious face, yes.”
Cas helps bring Dean and Sam back together. He recognizes that they need each other, even if they won’t admit it: “We need everything, Dean. And I need both of you, as you say, to stow your crap. Can you do that?”
When Castiel’s eye starts bleeding from Naomi’s mind control, Dean expresses concern for his well-being. He also picks up on the fact that Cas has been acting strangely.
8.11 LARP and the Real Girl
When Dean talks about letting go of relationships, Charlie thinks he’s referring to a break-up of his own: “Trust me, this life, you can’t afford attachments. You just gotta let go.” “Are we still talking about Sam, or did you break up with someone, too?” (Dean could be referencing either Benny or Cas here.)
8.13 Everybody Hates Hitler
When Aaron flirts with Dean at a bar, Dean gets flustered and acts super awkward about it. Dean tries to make the excuse that he’s on an FBI case and cannot fraternize, but he stumbles over a chair on his way out: “I’m sorry, man. I hope I didn’t freak you out or anything.” “No! No. I’m not freaked out. It’s just a, you know, a federal thing.” (In previous years, Dean might have told the guy that he isn’t interested because he doesn’t swing that way, but in this instance, he doesn’t reject the idea outright.)
When speaking to Sam, Dean refers to the bar interaction as “a gay thing.” When he finds out that Aaron was just tailing him, he takes it in stride: “That was really good. You really had me there. That’s very smooth.”
8.16 Remember the Titans
Dean hasn’t heard from Cas in a long time, so he prays to him for help with Sam, exhibiting the implicit trust he has for Cas: “Cas, you got your ears on? Listen, you know I am not one for prayin’, ‘cause in my book, it’s the same as beggin’. But this is about Sam, so I need you to hear me. We are going into this deal blind, and I don’t know what’s ahead, or what it’s gonna bring for Sam. Now, he’s covering pretty good, but I know that he is hurting, and this one was supposed to be on me. So for all that we’ve been through, I’m asking you... you keep a lookout for my little brother, okay?”
Dean has grown accustomed to Cas always being there for him, and he’s disappointed and downhearted when Cas doesn’t respond to his prayer: “Where the hell are you, man?”
8.17 Goodbye Stranger
We find out that Naomi has been training the brainwashed Cas to kill Dean.
Naomi wants Cas to continue lying to Dean and Sam, but he tries (and fails) to convince her that they would be more helpful if they knew the truth about his search for the angel tablet.
Dean is pissed off that Cas is behaving standoffish with him and recognizes that something isn’t right: “Well, he puts the ‘ass’ in ‘Cas,’ huh?” “He’s definitely off.” “Off? He hasn’t been right since he got back from Purgatory. We still don’t know how he got out of there.” “I don’t know, Dean. If he’s so sketchy, then why were you praying to him?”
When Sam and Dean find out Cas had lied to them, Dean takes it personally, but Sam doesn’t.
Meg flirts with Cas as he treats her wounds, and he doesn’t deny that he has a fondness for her. He even admits to enjoying the kiss they shared the previous season, and he seems to express interest in further sexual experiences: “These wounds have festered.” “You really do know how to make a girl’s nethers quiver, don’t you?” “I am aware of how to do that, although it doesn’t usually involve cleaning wounds.” “Why are you so sweet on me, Clarence?” “I don’t know, and I still don’t know who Clarence is.” “Would it kill you to watch a movie, read a book?” “A movie, no. But a book? With the proper spells, yeah, it could theoretically kill me.” “You know, you’re much cuter when you’re shutting up. So which Cas are you now? Original make and model or crazy town?” “I’m just me.” “So your noodle’s back in order?” “Yeah, my noodle remembers everything. I think it’s a pretty good noodle.” “Really. You remember everything?” “If you’re referring to the pizza man, yes, I remember the pizza man. And it’s a good memory.”
When Dean refuses to give the angel tablet to Cas, Naomi orders Cas to kill him. Cas tries (and fails) to convince her to let him reason with Dean instead: “I can reason with Dean. He’s a good man.”
Cas tries to resist Naomi’s mind control: “This isn’t right.” “Do you realize what that tablet can do for us? For heaven?” “I won’t hurt Dean.” “Yes, you will. You ARE.” “What have you done to me?”
Even as Cas is attacking him, Dean still believes that Cas would not hurt him on purpose: “Cas, fight this! This is not you! Fight it!”
Cas nearly kills Dean, but he stops at the last second after Dean professes his love for him. Cas chooses Dean over heaven (again): “Cas, I know you’re in there. I know you can hear me. Cas, it’s me. We’re family. We need you. I need you.”
After the tablet breaks Cas free from Naomi, he heals Dean by cupping his face in his hand (as opposed to touching his forehead as he’s done before). He is appalled at what he’s done to Dean.
Dean is pissed off when Cas leaves with the tablet.
8.18 Freaks and Geeks
Sam asks Dean if he’s okay after getting pummeled by Cas, recognizing that it was probably an emotionally traumatizing experience. Dean brushes him off with humor to avoid talking about it: “Cas dinged you up pretty good.” “And?” “And I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” “What, like my feelings?” “If that’s what you want to talk about, sure.” “K, I’ll tell you what? Why don’t I go get some, uh, herbal tea, and you can find some cowboy junkies on the dial, and you know what? We’ll just talk it out.”
8.19 Taxi Driver
Naomi tries to convince Dean that she is trustworthy and that Cas was misguided, but Dean defends Cas and chooses to believe his side of the story: “Now Castiel is in the wind with a Hydrogen bomb in his pocket, and I’m scared for all of us.” “Save it. See, I don’t trust angels, which means I don’t trust you.” “And yet you haven’t warded this place against us. I know, you’re hoping Castiel will return to you. I admire your loyalty. I only wish he felt the same way. I know you don’t wanna believe it, Dean, but we’re on the same side—shutting the gates of hell, bringing Castiel in from the cold. Take a moment. Think about what I’ve said.”
8.20 Pac-Man Fever
While talking with Dean, Charlie refers to Cas as “dreamy.” (This is most likely for Dean’s benefit since we know from previous episodes that Charlie is only romantically interested in women.)
After sharing a traumatic emotional experience together, Charlie and Dean grow closer. Charlie’s influence helps Dean accept his feelings of vulnerability, which leads him to show affection for Sam and stop coddling him out of fear of losing him. Dean develops a deep respect for Charlie, and her example of self-acceptance also leads Dean to be more accepting of his own emotions.
8.21 The Great Escapist
Cas quotes Dean in defiance against Naomi: “In the words of a good friend, ‘Bite me!’”
8.22 Clip Show
When Cas returns, he apologizes to Dean, but Dean is angry at him. Dean is still hurt that Cas didn’t trust him with the angel tablet: “Dean, I’m sorry.” “For what?” “For everything.” “Everything. Like, uh, like ignoring us?” “Yes.” “Or like bolting off with the angel tablet, then losing it ‘cause you didn’t trust me? You didn’t trust ME.” “Yes.” “Yeah. Nah, that’s not gonna cut it. Not this time. So you can take your little apology and you cram it up your ass.” “Dean, I thought I was doing the right thing.” “Yeah, you always do.”
Sam tries to convince Dean to let up on Cas, but Dean is having trouble letting go of his hurt: “Dude, go easy on Cas, okay? He’s one of the good guys.” “Look, if anybody else, I mean anybody, pulled that kind of crap, I would stab ‘em in their neck on principle. Why should I give him a free pass.” “Because it’s Cas.”
After watching the exorcism video, Dean continues to be standoffish with Cas, who is frustrated that Dean won’t seem to give him a chance: “Dean, I just wanna help.” “We don’t need your help! Just stay here, and... get better.”
In an effort to ingratiate himself with Dean, Cas goes to a convenience store to pick up supplies, including jerky, Busty Asian Beauties, beer, and pie. When the clerk says they’re out of pie, Cas grabs him insistently: “You don’t understand. I NEED pie.”
Out of a desperate desire to make things right with heaven and with Dean, Cas unwittingly agrees to help Metatron, who takes advantage of his emotional vulnerability.
8.23 Sacrifice
When Cas comes to Dean for help to save Metatron from the other angels, he agrees to do it, despite the tension between them.
While waiting for a cupid to show up, Dean and Cas reconcile at the bar because they think this might be the last time they get to see each other: “Talk to me. You sure about this? I mean, it’s one thing, me and Sammy slamming the gates to the pit, but you, you’re boarding up heaven, and you’re lockin’ the door behind you.” “Yeah, I know.” “You did a lot of damage up there, man. You think they’re just gonna let that slide?” “Do you mean do I think they’ll kill me? Yeah, they might.” “So this is it. E.T. Goes home.”
When Dean realizes the cupid set up two men to fall in love, he’s awkwardly dumbfounded. (Dean’s deeply ingrained heteronormative worldview continues to trip him up, but this instance helps chip away at his social conditioning.)
When Sam collapses after stopping the third trial, Dean calls out to Cas for help.
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Well, Supernatural is actually ending and I don't know what I'll do
[ Brevity is not a strong suit of mine since I've included personal details but there's stuff I feel everyone in the SPN family needs to read]
You might be expecting another post about how Supernatural saved someone's life and how devastated they will be when it ends because they've watched it for so long as well as how the actors have impacted their lives. This is probably one of those but please hear me out.
Supernatural premiered in 2005 and I was in preparatory class (aged 5 years and was before I began 1st grade). I heard of it because my aunt would watch it time to time so I'd also tried to get some peeks myself but I wasn't allowed to because it was "too scary".
Then our local cable began to show seasons 1-5 and that was when everyone in class started watching and quoting it. This was in 6th grade and I was frustrated because I knew about it before most of them yet they acted like it was a new show. I had a fair idea about the story but once I began watching it, I fell in love with it and loved it like a part of my soul.
Yes, Jensen Ackles was my first crush but I still thought (and do think) that both he and Jared are super hot. So I was sucked into this vortex, this Neverland which I never thought I would end.
I joined Tumblr for this show in 2013 because I saw the jokes about there being a Supernatural gif everywhere and wanted to be a part of the fandom/community. This was also the year I actually became interested what other fans felt though I never used this site properly until 2016 I would read the IMDb discussion boards because I hated scurrying through Destiel-infested posts.
(Fun fact:I wasn't using any social media of my own but on my mother's Facebook I liked a Supernatural fan page asking people's opinions on Destiel. This is was around the time season 8 was just finishing or had already finished so I read the comments--- people talked about Dean and Castiel being gay and didn't approve of it as there was this one girl who was conservative and didn't believe in homosexuality while others went on how Dean was always a ladies man which I agreed with. Not that I commented but I thought there was something I missed and I thought Castiel used Dean as a vessel, thus Destiel.)
But I digress. I was in deep by the time season 9 premiered and majority of the people I knew stopped watching the show except for this girl who bullied me throughout preschool who put up this update that Dean had become a demon. I doubt she watches the show now but it was hard seeing her put pictures of "I heart Dean Winchester" and pictures of Jensen when my mom asked me why I don't do the same.
Supernatural, I feel, has become that embarrassing thing you are into in middle school but suddenly drop when you're older, looking back and thinking, "Yeesh, I can't believe I used to watch this show."
I'll be a grown woman at 30 or 40 and probably eventually in my 70s and 80s but I will still look back fondly, the good, the bad and the ugly because I have like many teenagers have undergone many changes (friends, family, emotions, hobbies etc) but Supernatural has always been this constant in my life.
Because let me tell you, I'm seeing these posts saying stuff like how people are glad that it's finally over with its "bullshit" and that's it's dying. That is extremely disrespectful and insensitive to those people who literally live for it, who have invested time and money into it: gif makers, artists, meta writers (I may not agree with you guys but even you count). They don't know what to do once the show ends because it has helped them in ways others will never ever be able to fathom.
I saw the video put up by the guys. I saw and I could tell that Jared, Jensen and Misha had probably cried their guts out before the announcement because their eyes were red and puffy. Jared was controlling himself by talking less as Jensen was clearly on the verge as well but yes they said that they should save the angst for next year.
I love the guys; I love Jared being a goofball and Jensen being equally goofy as well and I'll say this too, I used to enjoy some of Misha's crass jokes (not the highlight ) as well which was why I looked forward to the gag reel every summer (because of J2) because it was cathartic after a traumatic season finale. I love the witty banter and the pranks the cast would do and I will miss it tremendously.
I have some issues with my aunt but everything would be okay when we would fawn over the guys and bingewatch the entire season the summer after it finished airing. We'd quote quotes back and forth and even spiritually killed ourselves watching short clips of "Sammy, close your eyes", "I'm proud of us" etc. Hell, she even promised me that when we go visit my uncle in the States we'd attend a con together.
If, and whenever we do go, it'll be different because the show won't be on air anymore and I know for a fact that I won't feel the anticipation of an episode.
So don't say disrespectful and callous things like "fucking finally". You can dislike the cast/plotline/show but don't ridicule and mock those who invested in the show,some of you are most probably speculating and have barely seen it.
I'm not some dumb, blind fan. I can see some stupid mistakes and don't always eat up what the writers show. For example, everyone must have figured that I dislike Destiel because it's based on groundless assumptions. I thought the Bloodlines was a crap idea that had nothing to do with the main plot and knew it was destined to fail.
As for Wayward Daughters/Sisters or whatever the fuck it was supposed to be called, I was not looking forward to it at all because it was one of those "forced diversity" shows, y'know gender bent stuff.
I felt that they were bastardising everything that Supernatural has and will (always) stand for because some people had a hair up their backsides. Yeah, I loathed Claire and that Kaia mourning thing was bullshit. Thank goodness I was sick that day and couldn't keep my eyes open for that episode.
If we were told that there would be a Men of Letters(with Henry Winchester) or even a Bobby-Rufus spinoff I would be okay with that but for now since the show will finish next year let's the wounds heal first, shall we?
I hope that Jared and Jensen get some offers once the show is done and I will pay good money to see movies, TV shows of them etc but for now I will keep quiet since I hope we get an ending we (and the boys) deserve.
Yes, the writer situation scares me and I think they should call Eric Kripke for a last hurrah. I mean, it is his baby and he should get to have a say in the series finale as well as J2.
Will one of the brothers die and the other will live (I'm worried we'll get a reverse Swan Song)? Will they both die leaving Cas behind and Jack as some sort legacy who trains future hunters? That would be a possibility since the sheriff in 14.16 asked the Winchesters why they don't tell people about monsters. What happens to Baby?
I seriously doubt the ending will be happy(maybe not 100%) but the best thing would be if they go driving with Baby into the sunset...
Dean at the steering wheel with Sam riding shotgun, where they should be ---- where they will always be, home. Dean plays his "mullet rock" as Sam would playfully mock his brother's musical choices. No chick flick moments. Just the Winchesters.
The boys need to lay their weary heads to rest, so they can cry no more. Because they are the legendary Winchesters, the hunters who saved the world countless times unbeknownst to many. I don't think their work will ever be done but there will be peace when they are done and how they will reach that point we'll never know till 2020.
Everyone will hear "Carry on wayward son" for the last time ever in Supernatural over a painful montage of "Dad's gone on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days" and "Saving people, hunting things, the family business". Now who in this fandom wouldn't be wracked with pain?
This is the show we all joked about that made a deal with the devil to never go off air but I did expect this a long time ago. Only thing was that I didn't know how I'd treat the news. I was that person who would go, "pfft, of course Supernatural would get renewed". Then again, this was the show that an ending was imminent and the whole season 4 debacle about Misha and the angel storyline saving the show blah blah blah.
So next year, everyone will flock to see the finale and epic conclusion to the Winchester saga whether they stopped at season 5,6,7 or 10,12. Diss it all you want for the shit show it may have become but wherever you left off, you may still want to know what happens to Sam and Dean Winchester in the end.
Once Supernatural ends, I'll turn 20 next summer and I would like to think of it being poetic that I end my adolescence with a show I have loved when I brave the cold, ruthless world of adulthood. I'm a picky person and can't say what's my favorite xyz is but you know what I'll say about my favorite TV show.
We will have completed 327 episodes which is the highest for a scifi TV show so I do hope the boys get some sort of recognition. It was us crazy bitches and jerks that gave the show the mileage and it was us that gave Jared and Jensen faith that they could carry on so for the remainder of season 14 and for 15,support these guys. Support these annoyingly sexy and ridiculously hilarious dudes for this show. I'm sure Jared and Jensen love the show like it's their kid practically but I wish everyone would just shut up, tinhatters, bronlies, stans, destihellers because we are all fans of the one show so let's ease the time we have left.
But seriously imagine Sam and Dean on a desert highway, the orange and yellow rays of the setting sun make Baby shine in all her splendor which makes Dean swell with pride. He starts the engine with a low rumble and they're off. They might to California to feel the sand beneath their feet or to Disneyland. They're living the "apple pie life" and this is their personal heaven : with each other.
I wouldn't mind this playing in the background if the ending is the inevitable and unspeakable you know what :
It's wishful thinking, since I wish they'd actually play some Zeppelin instead of song titles being used as episode titles but I wish they could use some Queen or Guns n Roses and stuff before 1979 because everything sucked ass afterwards according to Dean.
I want the classic rock resurgence in the show as well but I know they'll end up using the cash elsewhere. I wouldn't mind a body swap episode but if wishes were horses, right?
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
New question:  Why do I dislike Misha and his fans?
@super-who-loser asked the following question:
Hey, I’m not trying to come across as rude or anything I’m just wondering why you dislike Misha so much? I know Jared and Jensen have been there since the beginning and yes, there have been times where his character has been pretty useless but I don’t hate him and you’re being really mean to some Destiel shippers and like I know that it’s obviously never going to happen and Cockles is a big no no for me but I am confused about why you really don’t like him? I’m honestly just curious
Thank you for the question.  Let me point out before hand, that my irritation towards Misha has nothing to do with a ship.  I used to read destiel slash.  I used to like Cockles AU.  I don't ship wincest.  I ship AUs.  Its my favorite slash subgenre.  So no, this is not a ship argument.  Ship whatever you want, but mind your manners.  There are many things that I don't like about Misha.  However I am choosing to answer only from a SPN perspective because that is the primary way that we know him. 
You may not realize this but Supernatural has been on the air for so long that it, plus its fan base, has experienced and initiated a few changes and trends.  In the space of fourteen years, filming became digitalized.  Social media, which was a fledgling thing back then, is the norm now [I have a disdain towards social media].  To put it into perspective, the child actors that played Asher, the Antichrist kid [I forget his name] and Little Lillith from the early seasons are likely in their 20s now.  Trends in entertainment changed.  Hollywood seems poised to implode upon itself, geographically, with major entertainers moving house to outlets like Netflix.  Netflix, not bound by geography, is likely to become the next Hollywood.  Slash, too, has undergone change.  And as far as SPN is concerned, that change has not been organic.  It has been by design and at the hands on Misha Collins. 
When Castiel came on board, there were already two prevalent pairings in Supernatural:  Wincest and Bobby/John.  There were other pairings.  But these were the most prevalent.   So Supernatural had slash fans already.  These fans were already aware of what slash fiction was, and they were a self-monitoring group.  They realized that the actors were aware of slash and didn't want it to be the focal point of their con appearances, because they didn't want the fans to think they were hinting at anything.  The fans understood and ever since, they have respected the actor's wishes.  When some fans liked Dean's interaction with Cas, they started shipping destiel. 
Destiel's old fans were just like all the other shippers.  They were treating destiel the way it should be treated.  Like a fantasy.  They did artwork and literature about it and kept it to themselves, as they should.  Misha never knew what slash fiction was, until he looked on Tumblr and found Destiel.  In his words, he used destiel to ''keep this gig for longer''.  He kept talking about destiel even though he was instructed not to, and pulling the LGBT into it, to make it look like destiel was about gay rights and queer art, when it isn't.  There are various kinds of destiel written by different people, from different perspectives, for different reasons.  That is true for all pairings everywhere.  By making destiel about the LGBT and waving the ''no shipping question'' rule in convention panels, he did two things. 
He turned destiel into a vehicle for LGBT activism.  Instead of being a pastime, now destiel is used to fight for LGBT representation, even though, many of the LGBT people within my own circle despise him for it.  Most of the people fighting for LGBT representation are actually quite homophobic and insulting in their thinking and logic.  And they are not even LGBT.  They are just a bunch of straight girls for whom, their fantasy has become a drug, and they wont stop until destiel becomes canon. 
He turned Jensen into the bad guy.  Misha spoke openly about slash.  Jensen chose not to.  He didn't want any part of it, and this is true about all the pairings he is a part of, not just destiel.  Because of his choice, Misha fans make negative comparisons between him and Misha, even saying that Jensen is a homophobe/biphobe because he doesn't want to talk about destiel or make it canon.  They ranted about it on social media and mass media picked up on it.  The University Of Sydney has an academic paper, under Celebrity Studies, dedicated to Jensen's supposed homophobia.  The destiel shippers are literally Jensen's reputation. 
Misha should have left slash alone.  Any fan of his will know that he overindulges the slash fans.  And the one thing that I noticed about slash fans, is that you don't give them excessive attention, or they will go completely crazy.  It doesn't matter what they slash.
Harry Styles and Liam Tomlinson learned that the hard way, because the Larry fans destroyed their friendships when they over-emphasized the fan servicing.  They did the fan servicing because Modest Management told them to, they  ended up hating their fans for what the fans became.  They have since severed ties with Modest.  Even on a day when one of them was mourning the loss of a parent, the fans who pushing the other guy so they could have a ship moment.  These two boys were very young when they entered the band.  Harry was 15 years old.  They had youthful ignorance to blame for making the decision to blindly follow the manager's instruction.  Misha cannot make any of those excuses. 
Misha got into the show at age 35.  He was already a grown man.  He was not a pivotal part of the show and therefore the only notes he was getting, was for his acting.  He wasn't being coached by anyone as to how he should engage his fans.  He was too small a fry for that.  In fact, no one was sure how long he would last on the show.  So these notes were only acting, including one telling him not to adlib his lines.  Whatever transpired between him and the destiel fans, happened because he orchestrated it. 
When Cas came on board, he was fun new character.  By the end of season 5, he had run his course on the show.  The show didn't need his character because [and as a writer I understand this] the presence of Castiel hampered the progress of the story.  Sera Gamble dealt with that frustration during her tenure as showrunner.  Cas was an angel.  If he was an ally to the boys, the boys should have a more powerful nemesis.  After all, they have an angel buddy to help them.  Unfortunately, they couldn't keep coming up with more and more powerful bad guys and negative elements, especially on a show where the biggest bad guy, the devil itself, and the worst case scenario [the apocalypse] has already been dealt with.  
During 6 and 7, they had Soulless Sam, Sam's wall, the leviathans, Metatron, the demons, Crowley, Dick Roman and even the Alphas, if I am not mistaken.  So many bad guys and bad situations, because the good guys had a powerful angel.  They could make him lose his power, so he wont be such a powerful ally.  And they did exactly that.  But Misha has very few skills to show off.  Imagine if Osric was Cas.  Even without power, he would still be able to taekwondo the stuffing out of bad guys.  He wouldn't be useless.  Cas, without his grace, didn't help the story along.  He didn't bring something extra to the story.  He was pointless.  So they made him a bad guy and for the first time in a long time, Cas was pivotal to the story.    
Eventually, she got fed up of shoehorning him into the script and just did away with the character.  But, rumor has it that Singer brought him back.  And he was welcome by the worst Q score measurement ever.  That would tell you that he was not appreciated as an actor by everyone, just his shipping and cult fans.  Since then, Cas has done nothing important in the script until recently where he made a deal for Jack.  Other than that, he has been an add on, and that is Misha's fault.  Every time Jensen and Misha did a scene, Misha would overemphasize the destiel aspect, either via social media or during his panels.  And eventually Jensen got fed up and cut the scenes short.  Basically, Misha shot himself in the foot.  The DeanCas fan service made for annoying television for people who didn't want to deal with shippy nonsense while they were watching their favorite show. 
If they didn't add anything shipping related, the hellers screamed.  If they did, the hellers screamed canon and queer baiting.  Misha's interference did that.  All he had to do was stop talking, and he couldn't do that, because his fan base will lose interest in him.  In order to keep that one group of militants, Misha isolated all other fans and potential fans. 
Misha's fan have sent Jensen various death threats, the receipts of which are on my blog.  A few days back, a heller was setting Jensen's picture on fire because Misha tweeted a lie that there will be a turning point for Dean and Cas in the upcoming episode.  So even though Misha was the guilty party, this psycho is punishing Jensen.  These fans have also discussed kidnapping Jared's children.  When they bully Jensen and Jared, they tag Misha in many of the tweets.  Misha randomly does Q and A sessions based on his tweets, but he has never seen a single threat and bullying remark??.....in ten years??.....really??  Nah, I am not buying that.  Frankly, I think the man just doesn't care.  Acknowledging them will mean he will have to stop them which means he will eventually have to stop peddling destiel which means he will not have an audience which means SPN will kick him right out.  The funny thing is, I think he is wrong.  He might actually have more fans if he didn't alienate them with his special brand of shippy vulgarity.  I could fill a page with all the receipts of the death threats.  And Jensen doesn't deserve that. 
I also call out destiel shippers on Tumblr so that everyone else can block the problematic ones.  Have you noticed how many names there are for the destiel pairing?  DeanCas, CasDean, DeanxCastiel and recently I discovered Dastiel.  Have you ever wondered why?  It is because they don't want you to block them.  If you filter destiel, they will use another name.  Why is that?  That is not a ship.  That's a cult.  They want to indoctrinate.  They tag destiel in other fandom names.  They are trying to create more fans for a ship.  That is why I call out specific people.  Especially the ones that tag AKF in their destiel garbage.  I have no issues with the good shippers.  I have done posts about them.  The bad ones might do something criminal one day, which is why they bother me. 
This answer, only just scratches the surface.  I am not telling you everything.  I am not telling you about Jared, Robert Berens, Kim, Briana, Travis, Sera Gamble, Ben Edlund, Ty Olsson etc.  I am just telling you the brief basics.  I hope this answers your question.  Have a nice day.  Apologies for the inevitable typos.
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amwritingmeta · 7 years
Love your take on everything & it really gives me hope for a destiel endgame. I was wondering if you had noticed Dean getting a bit more 'camp'? I don't subscribe to that kind of stereotype normally but as Jensen, a supposedly straight, (let's keep cockles out of this!) actor's interpretation of bi, it seems as though his mannerisms have been somewhat feminised, maybe? I'm thinking mostly of The Face that Mary points out. (also Max's interest in the grenade launcher interests me!) discuss :-)
Helloooo my dear and lovely Nonny! 
Yes, this reply is long overdue and all I can ask is your forgiveness!! Thank you so much, I’m glad you’re enjoying my take and that it gives you hope! :)
I’ve had to ponder this question for a good long while, tbh, because I kind of know what you mean, but I also feel that Jensen’s mannerisms as Dean have had a few wrist flicks and eye rolls that have always felt overly dramatic because Dean can be high drama, right? I don’t know if I’d necessarily label these things as camp or feminised, though.
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I mean, I could watch this gif forever. This moment is so fucking awesome! :P
We could theorise into eternity about what’s true and what’s not true about how Jensen claims to play Dean so straight and so uber-masculine, right? I mean… proof’s in the pudding, puddin’ - and even though the editors can change the meaning of a scene by cutting out parts or changing stuff around, there are too many moments that are clearly directed, if not chosen by Jensen in how to be acted out, that are done so in order to be edited in a certain way. There have been these moments of wrist flicking from the beginning, I’d say, because it’s how Dean moves in certain moods or moments. 
Anyone who disagrees with this, please, do jump in! I encourage you adding your thoughts and interpretation!
Now, I know we could debate where Jensen stands until we’re all blue in the face and we’d still be none the wiser. I know a lot of people who believe he sincerely did not know that Dean is meant to be bisexual and that he played him straight as a doornail for eleven or twelve years until someone said, look, we’re deciding to move forward with the love story so, beware, Dean is in love with Cas and this is happening. And I think this is fair enough! Because Jensen has been so outspoken about how he plays Dean and relates to Dean and Dean is s.t.r.a.i.g.h.t.
Yeah, in there lies the problem for me. In what motivation he’s had to make this statement again and again. I find it hard to believe that an actor would work on any project for over a decade and not take an interest or feel curiosity about how the narrative is built. Actually, I find it improbable. Jensen has spoken about how he used to fill every page of the scripts he’d get with thoughts on Dean’s motivation. Does this mean Jensen knew Dean is meant to be bi? Nope. And I can’t argue for or against, merely say that it doesn’t add up to me - at all - that an actor who is so in tune with his craft and who clearly cares about this character would play him - consistently - for twelve years without really knowing him. 
There is this marked pattern with Dean where he’s attracted to a man and immediately overcompensates by chasing a woman and it’s established in 2x02 with Ash and Jo (if not sooner…). It’s fascinating to watch that episode and notice this pattern because it becomes like a subliminal thing. 
It in no way works as proof that Jensen chose to play Dean attracted to Ash, and running after Jo to narratively compensate for it, like it’s a subtextual scale that weighs too hard on one side and then immediately needs to be righted by overtly stating that Dean prefers women. (which looking at the subtext blatantly just is not the whole truth and never was) But it’s a character trait that is brushed at from the start and then becomes the lynchpin for so many important character moments and, looked at that way, even works as foreshadowing for Castiel and the role he’s going to play in Dean’s character progression. But I shan’t go into deeper details on that now because then we’ll be here until Christmas morning. 
What I’m saying is that this has been a conscious part of Dean’s character from the beginning (to my mind) and my mind fucking boggles at the idea that Jensen - who has dedicated such a huge chunk of his career to playing Dean, a performance that will, most likely, be a career defining one - would not know everything there is to know about Dean. 
Okay, I’m crossing over into complete Jensen-behaviour conjecture and speculation and that’s not really what your question was about. (though they do relate, as your question reflected) :P
As for Max and the grenade launcher (god what a lovely choice of topic you throw my way!!) :) –>
Max is gay. Max is hot. Max likes the look of Baby. Max is invited to view Baby’s goodies. Max notices the grenade launcher. 
(that wasn’t meant to come out as the text for a story book for children) (…or was it) ;)
This has been discussed before so it’s very likely that you’ve read up on it a while back because I am so damn late in replying, buuuuut let me still give you the bare bones of this exchange, yeah? I mean, they’re pretty amazing bones.
The exchange between Max and Dean opens with Max saying that Baby is still “major” and Dean offering him the tour. Which consists of what? Max calling out the grenade launcher. And Dean replying to Max’s question of “is that a grenade launcher” with “yes she is” but then immediately grabbing what they need: witch killing bullets. 
I mean, the actual lead into this exchange is Max telling everyone he successfully got a guy’s phone number, right? Dean making this face:
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What’s so amazing is how Dean gets a dose of a guy completely and utterly at ease with his sexuality, and then we’re taken to the trunk of Baby - the prop that Jensen says “is a part of me”, speaking as Dean…….. - and shown the phallic shaped monstrosity of a weapon in serious need of release and Dean, aptly, assigns it a sex and, to his mind, it’s a “she”, it’s a female in need of release, as is Dean’s non-performing side. His feminine side, if you will. His yin to his overcompensating, toxically masculine yang.
The beginning of inner balance being found between these two is given to us by Dean launching that grenade into that cement wall in 12x22. 
And here we have a beautiful setup for exactly what that moment means for Dean Winchester. And that he is so extremely subconsciously aware of it all.
“Yes, she is.”
I mean…. seriously, Dean.
And why is it Max asking to dig his nose into Baby’s junk? Sorry, I mean trunk. (….or do I?) Because Max is a reflection of Dean throughout this entire episode. He is our Dean exposition in many many ways. And he ends up making the wrong choice for the right reasons. And I look forward to when Max and Alicia return and I wonder if Alicia will be restored. Come on, Jack. You know you can right this wrong!! :)
Thank you for asking, Nonny! And happy holidays to you!
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Lets get started Loverboy
Reid gets out of bed, after his time off to visit his mother he’ll be starting again today. But his mind keep wandering.
  What if I’m going down the same road as my mom? He shakes off the thought, he passed the age of getting a schizophrenic break, so maybe he will pass this to? Sigh... He really needs to focus again.
  Today I will see my friends again and … Yeah. Friends that’s all we are. Damn good friends. He grabs his bag and heads to the BAU office.
He is first to arrive, well after Hotchner of course. That man almost lives here. Time enough for him to grab a cup of coffee.
 “Hey Pretty Boy!” 
Derek. His heart skips a beat.
 ‘Can you pour me a cup too?”
 “Of course!” Oh, that sounded way to happy, come on it’s just Derek, your best friend. A friend with perfect skin and those arms. Focus okay focus. Just your best FRIEND. ´Here you go,”
 “Thanks kiddo.”
Kiddo he still calls me that, ah well he may call me anything and anytime. And anywhere. God Focus!
“Kid, you okay? I almost hear you those brains of you breaking.”
No, you don’t, okay maybe. “There is nothing going on just rethinking my past week.” 
“Oh, yeah okay, well tell me about it, how was she doing.”
This is so not the place and time to tell him this. What shall I say. If I lie he will see. He knows me. “It was nice seeing her again,” that wasn’t a lie.
“But? “
“Uh well it…” 
“SWEETIESSS, come we have a new case!” 
Thank you, Garcia.
Goddammit kid, why don’t you ever just tell me what happened, it’s that I’m judging. We do need to talk about it. I see how tense he is. Morgen lays his hand on Reid’s back, just maybe a second to long.
“Goodmorning everybody, today we have a bit of a different case. We are going undercover, well at least a few of you.” 
Nice, some change. I hope it’s something I can play.
For the love of god, no. I nearly can’t play the I’m-not- madly-in- love-with- Derek-Morgen part. How the hell do I do this. Oh, maybe I don’t have to only a few. Okay just calm yourself down.
“Where are, we going undercover?” 
“Thanks, Reid, we are going undercover to lure out a serial killer, he has his eye out for openly gay couples, all happening in Florida.”
´The first victim was a men from the age of 32, he and his partner, 45, just moved to Florida to seek their happiness, the second victim found 2 days later was his partner. After 2 weeks, another new couple came to buy a house in Florida and they were victim 3 and 4.” 
“What was their age difference?” JJ asked. 
‘The third victim was 31 and his partner, victim 4, was 47.” 
“So maybe that’s what makes him chose these men? “
“It could be, Garcia send them the files to their tablets, Wheels up in thirty!”
“Yes, sir!” 
He didn’t say who are going undercover, well I would like to but only with Derek, Oh I’m so happy we don’t learn to read thoughts. Which of course isn’t even scientifically possible. He feels a hand on his shoulder,
“Hey kid, you ready to go?” 
“yes, I am I just want to fill me a to go cup with some coffee.” The hand on his shoulder doesn’t move. Morgan doesn’t let Reid rise to get the coffee. 
What is happening, not that I’m complaining but hey, this is weird. Maybe it’s about the undercover thing. 
“Yeah, kid?” 
“you okay?”
 “Uhm yeah yes I am okay” The hand leaves his shoulder and Morgan takes a chair to sit next to Reid.
“Well, I was wondering, I mean… Well so I Thinks yeah.” 
“Just say it, already.” Derek looks over his shoulder, everybody is busy grabbing their things, JJ is calling on the phone with Will and Hotch is face timing with Jack.
“It is about this undercover thing, I know Hotch hasn’t said who are going but I think that it will be us.”
‘Well I figured that to. Why is that a problem?’ 
He really doesn’t like the idea of dating me. I know he doesn’t know I like like him but it still hurts. Reid swallows, to keep his panic inside. Again, he feels a hand, on his knee this time, the thumb is making little circles on the inside of his knee. His body reacts, he calms down. 
“Do you think you’re up for that, Reid?”
  UP FOR THAT, I would be happy to, to just touch you everywhere I want to, to kiss you in public hold your hand
“Kid, you there?”
“Oh yeah, sure,”
“Cause I think I’m quite the catch” Morgan smiles, Well, maybe it’s more a smirk.
< A few hours later>
“Welkom too Florida,I hope you had a good flight, thank you for coming so fast.”
 “No problem at all, where can we sit?” Hotch asked. The woman leads us through the station, there is a room at the end of the hall. 
“Morgan, Reid, I would like you two to go undercover, at least if you think you can handle it? “
“Yeah sure, no problem” Reid looks over to Morgan, He just nobs to Hotch. 
“Okay, great”
 “I’ll tell you the what where’s and who’s in a minute,First, let me tell you all about what the bodies told us about this guy. All the bodies had traces of Viagra in them, but there is no forced entry or sexual abuse found. Therefor I think that the killer is making the couples have sex in front of him.” 
“Okay, so he is a watcher, maybe something to do with his inability to have sex himself?” JJ adds: “And he gets off to live porn, but why kill them?”
“Maybe it reminds him of a relationship he had, and that broke down? “ 
“That’s what we are going to find out. JJ and Prentis, you go talk to the families. Rossi will you go talk to the EM? Then I will put Morgan and Reid out for the undercover task, Garcia, I need your help.”
Garcia, Hotchner , Morgan and Reid wait till everybody is gone.
“Okay, you know what the plan is, You two are going undercover as an openly gay couple, There is a house we “bought” where you guys will stay. You are moving in this afternoon. Garcia has been busy making a background story for the both of you. Garcia will send them to you. Whatever happens on this case, you need to keep playing your role. He will be watching you in your home.”
“I don’t think it will be a problem, what do you think pretty boy?” Morgan lays his hand down om my leg, not the normal place, it is higher. 
God this is going to be hard. 
‘NO it wouldn’t, I think Morgan and I make a great couple.” Garcia laughs, Hotch smiles but stays serious. And the hand on his leg, it moves, it makes little circles slowly going up. 
“Uhm yeah okay, do we need clothing or?” 
“No everything you need will be in the moving boxes.”
 “Okay let’s get to this then.” Hotch and Garcia leave making sure everything is in place. Morgan lifts his hand from Reid’s leg. He comes close to Reid, and whispers: 
“When do you want to start lover boy?”
“We do need to discuss, how are we going to do this, like do we discuss the details or just do what feels good?”
bad choice of words, so bad. He is seeing I’m enjoying this, he will laugh at me. 
“Let’s do what feels good” Morgan takes Reid’s hand and takes him outside, “let’s go home Kiddo.”
 There is a car parked in front of the station, A simple polo. Reid gets into the car, Morgan behind the wheel. It’s just a 15-minute drive to their so called home. The moving truck is already there and both Reid and Morgan take some of the boxes inside.
So, I feel like I am on vacation with the person I love most, and the best thing is I can live out my fantasy of making out with Reid loving that sweet ass of him. And I get to take him out on dinner dates and I wouldn’t be weird if I did anything. Maybe I should tell him, I like you kiddo, Like allot. I don’t know, maybe Reid can’t handle it and I blow this operation. 
Reid walks through the house, Morgan is walking after him. “Let’s start” He grabs Reid’s hand and takes him outside. “Let’s introduce our self, the neighbour is coming our way”
Reid lets go of Morgan’s hand to shake the hand of the Neighbour. 
“Ellie, Nice to meet you.”
Wow, Ellie looks like the type of girl Derek would like, but today he can't cause he is with me. With me, I like that. 
“Nice meeting you to!” they talk a bit and then Morgan lays his hand on the lower part of Reid’s back. 
“So, you two here just for some fun? Brothers?” Ellie asks. Reid looks at Morgan and then back at Ellie. 
“Well no, we are coming here to start our life together, as a couple.” Morgan’s hand on his back lowers even more. Morgan pulls Reid closer to him, using the loop of the jeans he is wearing.
 “Oh, that’s so nice! But I wouldn’t tell mister Jensen, his is a bit of a homophobic.”
 “Okay, thank you. We will watch out! Thank you, Ellie.”
 “Okay I’m going back home, really nice meeting you!” As Ellie walks away, Morgan looks at Reid. 
Don’t give me that look, goddammit. I really want to kiss him. Well I can, can’t I? Okay its part of the case just do it. But before Reid could move Morgan pushes him against the little brick wall. Pushing himself against Reid. He puts his hands-on Reid’s ass and lifts him on the brick wall. Well okay, this is good to... just kiss me already. 
Morgan whispers in his hear: “Reid, I’m going to kiss you now. If you want to stop just push me back okay kiddo?”
 “yeah,” Slowly he pushes Reid’s leg to the side, and fills the gap between them. Putting his hands on Reid’s waist and slowly putting his lips on Reid’s
I’m so freaking proud of myself. I’m doing this. Okay back to that beautiful boy before me. Slowly Morgan moves closer to Reid, pushing his lips softly against Reid’s. Trying to get access to deepen the kiss. Put Reid doesn’t let him. He pushes Morgan back. Morgan sighs softly.
But then Reid pulls him close and whispers, “Derek, there is a guy staring at us. At 11 o’clock. I’ll be taking you home now, just act like you want to celebrate our new house with me, in EVERY room.”
I don’t even have to act for this. I could make love to him in every room of this house. Okay serious, Unsub, mission, I can behave myself.
“Morgan what did you say?” 
‘Huh, I didn’t say anything did I? “I didn’t say anything?” 
“Well you did, I could make love to you in every room. That is what you said.” 
HE SAID IT I HEARD IT, HE MIGHT REALLY LIKE ME. Or it is the thing. I’ll just play along.
Reid pushes Morgan back just a little more before sliding against him of the wall. Slowly moving his hands from Derek’s shoulders to his waist. Touching his but before grabbing his hand and pulling him throughwarts the door of the house. Morgan on his turn turned on by the play Reid is putting on and let him lead him. But just before Reid reaches the door, Morgan puts him against the door. Pulling Reid in his arms, kissing him like they are some horny teenagers. Reid tries opening the door leading to him and Morgan to stumble in the house, leaving the door open. Both so caught up in what they are doing they don’t notice someone following them inside.
After a second kissing in the hallway, Morgan whispers: “Reid somebody’s in the house, we need to press that button to warn the team.’ 
“Where is it hid?” 
“Under a bottle of lube on the nightstand, it is the one with the red cap. If you open it, they are getting a message and will come find us.”
“Okay, just act like there isn’t anything happening and we are going to have sex okay? ´ Reid kisses Morgan softly before taking his hand, and leading him into the bedroom. Pushing Morgan on the bed, slowly undressing him, he reaches for the bottle on the nightstand. 
“I got it.” Reid whispers in Morgan’s ear. Morgan reacts to the touch of Reid’s hands. But Reid doesn’t stop, slowly pushing himself onto Morgan. Legs on each side of his body. Basically riding Morgan.
I think I got his mouth shut, he doesn’t know me like this. But I don’t mind being in control for once.
Fuck, Fuck Reid, Goddammit Kid. I don’t want him to feel my boner just yet. Or do I. I don’t think I will scare him. Fuck it. Morgan begins to undress the button up Reid was wearing. Slowly running his hand on the skin, he is exposing. He sees Reid’s eyes close.
He is enjoying this. Never thought, good to know tho. Reid opens his eyes again, focusing on the person he is on top on. But Morgan needs the control, he turns position with Reid, now being on top of Reid kissing him on his mouth going down, to his neck. Staying there leaving little lovebites al the way down to Reids collarbones.
But then Reid sees someone standing in the doorway. And before he could warn Morgan an little arrow hits Morgan in the back. Collapsing onto Reid. The man comes closer and Reid is unabele to move. He starts feeling sleepy, and closes his eyes...
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maspwinj2 · 7 years
hey! I just wanted to say upfront that this definitely isn't an argument or anything. I know sometimes things sound rude bc it's text and not spoken, so I just wanted to say that ahead. your one of my favorite bloggers, so I just wanted to get your thoughts. you said #what will those kids feel when they find out the truth? but, maybe they already know. not the whole story, but j2 seem like their raising them like their all collectively as their children. and I don't think (1/2)
(2/2) they’d pretend in front of the kids. like when they went on that island vacay for new years and the wives weren’t there, I can’t imagine they kept their hands off each other the whole time, not even holding hands. and they prob sleep in the same bed when in Austin. so wouldn’t the kids would know that? I can’t imagine them not acting like husbands and fathers of all the kids in front of the kids, you know? what do you think?
Oh my god anon i’m so sorry! you sent me this like 7weeks ago and i’m only answering now… the thing is that when you sent it istarted answering with a very long messy rambling and i didn’t post itimmediately to reread and correct it but the day after that, all the lolliebullshit started (i’m still so pissed about all that ugh) and it sucked all myenergy so i couldn’t get back to your ask and when that babygate shit was moreor less over i tried to make a better answer but i just couldn’t??? ireally tried but i never could make a satisfying answer and so i think it’stime i give it up because i’ve been thinking about all the different aspects but im never pleased with what i write… i just don’t know!! i think i’ve lost any ability tomake a proper understandable explanation of what i think and i’m even moresorry because this is actually a very nice ask! thanks! you were very nice and i failedyou! im sorry and maybe now you’ve unfollowed me so there’s no way you’d seethat i actually wanted to answer you T-T
But im gonna answer about the first part of your ask.You’re talking about what i wrote in the tags of this post, when i said “the truth” i wasn’t talking about the kids knowing that jared and jensen are together but more about the kids realising they’re being used to sell the straight image of their fathers, im pretty sure they don’t know about that truth yet haha
like for example with this pic of shep making J/G “kiss”. shep must have been like “why should i make you kiss when you never do it in real life???” and when he’s older he’ll get that he was just being used like a tool for his parents’ bearding. that’s why i wonder how will that make him feel? or with that ad jared did where he used tom and shep to prove he has the perfect straight family (and now you can add the popandsuki video with poor odette being used right after her birth with her brothers) or with this jj pic that she will remember as a nice birthday with her parents but when she’s older she’ll see they used it to project this fake idea to the world that they have a totally traditionnal family 
that’s what i was talking about, if i were those kids i would feel really hurt/upset when i understand i was unknowingly being involved in all those lies and fakeness for the benefits of my parents
And now about the rest of your ask and about the truth of the kids knowing j2 are together well, to be very short :no i don’t think the kids know about j2 nor do they have doubts and i don’tthink j2 have any kind of romantic gesture towards each other in front of thekids either and i put under the cut the reasons why i think this way because it’sa very long rambling and no one should suffer the pain of reading all of it, i don’t evenknow if any of it make sense and again im sorry because this is a veryinteresting question and i should have answered way earlier, honestly mea culpa
but just a warning that at the end there’s the usual j2 negativity because they’re using their kids and that’s just gross and also i make a comparison with cristiano ronaldo cos i think he’s the perfect example of a closeted gay man succeeding in having a family. 
So… about if the kids know the truth : i believe theydont
 i think that j2 are letting the kids assume they’re inlove with the moms, we see with the pictures and video they post in which thekids witness their parents acting like a couple and the kids , just like thegeneral public, believe it. They are letting our heteronormative society do thejob so the kids think « i have a mom and a dad who spend time togetherwith me so they must be in love » it’s the logical thought process mostpeople have
J2 are lying by omission to their kids so that the kids willnever go and talk to their friends or teachers like « mom and dad aren’t inlove but dad is in love with my uncle » . If the kids believe their bio parents are in love theyll never be able to sell j2’s secret so its notsurprising j2 do that to protect this secret they’ve had for so long, ruiningit by letting their guards down around their kids would be a waste. They’re notgonna take such an unecessary risk and it’s way easier to let the kids form thesame opinion that the public has because what can they possibly say to explainsuch a situation « so kids if you see dad kiss and cuddle with your uncleand sleep in the same bed , while you never see dad do the same with mom whenthere are no cameras around : it’s PERFECTLY normal ! don’t worry !But there’s  one very important thing youmust remember : it’s that you must NEVER EVER talk about that toanyone !! EVER !!! » ??? it would be so confusing for thosepoor kids ! and if they ever see j2 kiss it’s 100 % sure that they willtalk about it to someone imo.
-About acting like fathers : J2 love their kids likefathers and act like fathers BUT they are the « uncle » (NOT the dadaor papa) to 3 of them so if the kids saw their dad and uncle kiss, they are obviouslygoing to mention it to someone. It’s SURE. To me calling the other jay uncle isa proof that the kids don’t know
-About not keeping their hands to themselves : if j2 canhandle not touching/kissing during filming and conventions and everytimethey’re in public im more than certain that they don’t have any troublebehaving when with their kids and even if they did act very touchy and allwhile not acting this way with the mom there’s still no reason for the kids tobelieve that « my dad and my uncle are in love » because again wereally are in a heteronormative society where same sex people doing very lovingand tender stuff are just « guys being dudes » and « galpals » (and j2 take advantage of that to hide so that even with ALL thetime they spend together people still think they’re straight and that includestheir kids) And they’re not pretending in front of their kids, they don’t kissthe wives when there are no cameras around but that doesn’t mean that they’dkiss each other in front of the kids either you know ? it’s not becausethey don’t kiss or hold hands that they’re pretending. Again to me it’s justletting the kids assume that it’s the mom and the dad who are together and notthe dad and uncle because the most common occurance is the hetero couple evenif those two guys spend all their time together and go to vacations alone withthe kids (and im sure j2 sleep in the same bed, they could simply forbid the kids to go there because adults are allowed to ask for their privacy even from their kids imo)
-about acting like husbands, well when you’re building yourlife with someone and spending all your time together, being touchy and cuddly(in public and in front of their kids) seems pretty anecdotic to me. I f theymanage time to work on their intimate relationship or act romantic in private,Im sure they can handle keeping their hands to themselves when they’re takingcare of their kids, they’ve been doing that for 12 years and it must be hardsometimes but it’s the price they chose to pay to keep working on spn and theywon’t take the risk of being outed by their kids or of messing with their kids’heads just so they can hold hands
-About raising the kids as family : Im sure the kids cansee that j2 love each other but they don’t get the extent of this love and imsure they see j2 love all of them but i think j2 spend more time with their biokids than with the others for bearding purposes and if you went to jj and askher if tom and shep are her brothers im sure she’ll be like ??? no theyremy best friends or something like that and if you ask her who her parents areshe won’t include jared and same for tom and shep with jensen
What really makes me believe they hide their truerelationship to the kids is that it’d really confuse them because if the kidssaw j2 kiss , j2 would have to discuss and explain this situation (because ontv and in their lives the kids never see other peoples dad and uncle kiss, orpeople who are not married and not officially dating kiss each other, or ifthey do see that they must know it’s cheating and dishonest and overall weird,if j2 did that the kids would know it’s not a normal situation and would askquestions either to j2 or people around them which would lead to j2 beingouted) but the kids are way too young to understand what’s at stake and if j2let the kids see them kiss and still NOT explain what’s the deal. It would beSO confusing and very unhealthy to leave the kids with unanswered questions andadd the risk of outing to all that
-end with the usual j2 negativity whenever the kids arebrought up :
Let’s be real the way j2 use their kids like tools to hidetheir lifestyle and like « proof » of their straightness iscompletely DESPICABLE . You can argue all you want aboutthem « not having a choice », « but they really love theirkids », bla bla bla at the end of the day i don’t see how j2 can feelanything but shame for using their kids like that
And togo back to the tags i wrote « how would they feel » well i thinkthey’ll feel awful and used by their fathers because of their terrible decisionmaking skills. And it must be awful to find out when you’re older that yourparents have lied to you for YEARS 
Im pretty sure no one in the lgbt community would condonewhat j2 are doing, the lies they are furthering THANKS to their kids. Even ifj2 came out, i doubt the community will be proud of what they’ve done, thelenghts they went to (involving kids) to hide their sexuality
And if you want a comparison to know how a closeted gay man can have a kid without using said kid to further his straight image just look atCristiano ronaldo. He’s working in THE most homophobic business EVER and yet he’snot married to a woman, he has beards but he’s not pretending to raise his kid (thathe had with an anonymous surrogate) with a woman. Hes not affraid of postingfamily pics and being constantly seen with his long term partner ricky regufe.He’s not trying so hard to sell the perfect family image like j2 have done andhe did not get stupidly trapped by greedy beards like j2 did
J2 are incredibly nice and hard working guys and they don’tdeserve to live like this but involvinginnocent kids in this mess is just wrong
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