#like yeah it's fun to imagine your dolls and plushies coming to life when you arent around (who doesnt?)
did the lego movies have a toy story effect on anyone else. somehow the concept of "yes they do actually think and move (somewhat) on their own but we don't notice because we're like eldritch gods that can't comprehend them" is much more believable than "they can think and move on their own but somehow none of the humans pick up on it and their dedication to the bit doesn't really make sense as anything more than audience whimsy"
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hallowxiu · 3 years
Leviathan’s Valentine
pairing: leviathan x gn!mc
word count: 1.8k
summary: It's Leviathan's turn for your Valentine Gift, but sudden self-doubt makes things a little complicated for you.
a/n: part two of the valentine’s series
part one
“I heard your gift with Mammon was a hit.” You look up from your desk to see Asmodeus leaning against your doorframe. “He keeps walking around with the plush you made him. He won’t stop bragging about it, either.” There was amusement on his features, though he sounded slightly agitated as well. “It’s kind of fun to watch, although Leviathan almost summoned Lotan he got so jealous. I almost broke out in the process.” 
“What? Really?” You turn yourself around completely so that you’re facing him. 
“Yes, I almost broke out. It is shocking to think about; I understand.” 
“Geez, Lucifer’s going to ban Valentine’s Day gifts at this point.” To think he could ban it so early, and before you even passed out the second gift. “They’re too much sometimes.” You sigh and slouch into your chair. “I told Leviathan I was making him a gift as well, you know.” 
“Did you even hear me?” 
“Yes, Levi almost summoned Lotan. I hope Lucifer wasn’t too mad.”
“My love, you’re missing the important part here.” 
“Well, I should get back to work, Asmo. Levi might become angry again if I waste too much time.” You get back to sewing together the plush for Leviathan, listening as Asmodeus exits your bedroom with a quiet huff. It’s been almost two days since you gave Mammon his stuffed cat. You didn’t mean to take so long with Leviathan’s gift, but you wanted it to be perfect. You knew that Leviathan could be a bit of a critic when it came to plushies, and it didn’t help that you had started over three times in the last thirty-five hours. It felt like you were messing up the little things, and if they kept adding up then his gift would look horrible. 
You run a hand over your face and look back down at the half-made plush. The bright orange fabric was driving you insane. If you had to look at it for much longer, you might end up gauging your eyes out. “Why was Mammon’s so easy to make?” You whine into your hands. “And why is Levi’s so hard?” Besides starting over so many times, you had also changed his gift a few times as well. Originally you wanted to design some sort of Ruri-chan doll for him, but you quickly discovered that was a little too… complicated for you. You also realized that creating a Ruri-chan plush left absolutely no room for error, and you didn’t feel like having Leviathan roast you for the rest of your life. The second idea was to design one of the TSL characters, but for the same reason as Ruri-chan, you quickly ditched that idea. 
You briefly considered ditching the plush idea altogether and getting him something else. However, you didn’t even know where to start looking. Leviathan had almost every Ruri-chan collectible in existence, and if he didn’t, you couldn’t afford it. You thought about picking up some manga series in the human realm for him, but then you considered that might be too predictable for him. After all, you wanted something unique for him. In all honesty, the more you thought about it, the more terrified you were when it came to getting gifts for the brothers. They all had high standards, and you weren’t sure you could reach them. However, now that you already gave Mammon something, word would spread (mostly due to Mammon’s big mouth) and the others would soon expect something as well. You could already imagine all the fights that would break out between them if you started and stopped with him. 
“I should have stuck with cards and candy.” You rub at your temples in frustration. “Now everyone’s going to expect these amazing presents.” 
With an annoyed huff, you back your chair away from your desk. You were unhappy, and most of all embarrassed. Embarrassed for the gift that you haven’t even given to Leviathan yet. That didn’t matter though, because your mind kept replaying images of Leviathan laughing at the plush you made him. It made a lump in your throat form, and your eyes blurred with unshed tears. It was silly, and maybe you were tired from working on this for the last two days straight, but you were upset. You were more than upset; you were disappointed with yourself on how this was coming out. Although you had finished his gift only an hour or two ago, you were still unhappy with it. 
To you, there was nothing cute about it. It was something that laid on your desk, taunting you. You let out an annoyed groan and threw yourself onto your bed. “I should stop putting this off.” You force yourself to sit up, glancing back over at the plush on your desk. “I’ll just apologize to him for how it came out. If he doesn’t like it I can offer to make him another one.” With a final sigh, you push yourself off the bed, grab the plush, and head out the door. 
Unlike with Mammon, you couldn’t have Leviathan open the door fast enough. You’re knocking on the wood as soon as you’re in front of his door, just wanting to get this over with. It would be humiliating, but you could get past this. You could make him another plush if he hated it that much, or you could just buy him something he asks for. Still, wanting at least some element of surprise, you hide the gift behind your back. There’s an anxious smile plastered on your face when the door opens. While normally Leviathan would push you for a password, you figured he was too excited for his gift to press such things today. 
“I was hoping to see you.” He can barely contain his excitement as he addresses you and lets you in. You follow in behind him quietly, rocking on the heels of your feet as he turns to face you once his door is closed. “I’m glad you came. Mammon was starting to drive me a little crazy and you’re always a good distraction.” 
“Haha, yeah… about that.” 
Leviathan looks at you with a confused expression when noting your increasing anxiety. “What’s wrong? Am I making you uncomfortable?” He pulls at the sleeves of his jacket, a timid look on his face. “I always thought this day might come, but I didn’t think it’d come so soon.” 
“What? No, no you aren’t making me uncomfortable, Levi.” It seems to barely convince him, though you see some tension leave his body. Now if only you could do the same. “I just,” you inhale sharply, “I brought you your Valentine’s gift.” You see him light up in excitement, his cheeks glowing red as he happily shifts in his spot in front of you. 
“You really got me a gift? I’m not going to lie, I always thought Valentine’s Day was a stupid holiday humans celebrated, but when you told me you wanted to get me something, I thought maybe it wasn’t that bad after all. Usually, no one wants to spend a holiday like that with a stupid otaku like me.” 
“You’re not,” your breath hitches and you can feel your eyes water again, “I don’t think--” Crap. You wanted this to be a good holiday for him, but how could he enjoy it when you couldn’t even make him a proper gift? You shouldn’t have told him in advance that you’d make him something. His hopes were up and you were only going to cut them down. You hear Leviathan call out to you, his voice full of concern. It’s at that moment that you realize warm tears are streaming down your cheeks. 
“Are you crying?” Leviathan’s on you in seconds as he tries to assess the situation. “Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong? Did I say something wrong? I didn’t mean to make you upset.” He’s frantically wiping your tears away with shaking hands. “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry. Please don’t be upset with me. I promise I won’t do it again.” You needed to pull yourself together before you caused the demon to have a panic attack. The last thing you wanted was for him to think he did something to you.
“You didn’t do anything.” You let him wipe the tears from your cheeks, his thumbs caressing the skin as he gazes down at you. “I just-- I just don’t want to ruin Valentine’s Day for you.” Your lip trembles as you speak and Leviathan’s concerned expression is replaced with one of confusion. 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Y-Your gift.” You answer weakly and more tears threaten to spill. 
“What’s wrong with it?” 
“I just-- I couldn’t-- here.” You decide it would be better for him to see himself instead of listening to you fumble and trip over your words. You reveal the plush to Leviathan, handing it to the blue-haired demon. He slowly takes it from you, gazing at it curiously and glancing over at you. 
“I don’t understand.” He finally says. You feel your heart sink in your chest.
“It’s supposed to be--”
“No, I know what it is.” There’s a smile on his lips as he brings the plush to his chest, hugging it tightly. “It’s my goldfish, Henry. I think he came out beautifully. Why are you so upset over it? It looks just like him.” There’s a pink tint to his cheeks as he looks at you. “I’ve always wanted a plush of him.” You stare at him in shock, unable to form a sentence. “I love it, and I’m sure Henry will too.” 
“You like it?” You’re staring at him with wide and watery eyes. The possibility of Leviathan liking your gift never even occurred to you. “You don’t think it’s ugly?” 
“Ugly? Why would I think it’s ugly? You made this for me, and you made it after something that I hold close to my heart.” He shyly looks away from you as he grips the plushie tighter. “I would cherish anything you gave me. You spent time on this for me and me alone. That within itself is a precious gift to me.” His face is growing red again as he continues. “No one’s ever spent so much time on someone like me before. It’s hard to wrap my head around sometimes, but it makes me really happy.” He glances over at you once again. “Please don’t cry because of me. Seeing you so upset makes me upset too.” You feel your heart flutter at his words and you shyly glance down at your feet. “Thank you. This is the best Valentine’s Day I could have ever asked for.”
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chatonne-rousse · 4 years
Three Kids and a Hamster
This was my contribution to the @adrienettezine.  I joined the zine as a beta and ended up as a pinch hitter - this sweet little fluffy story was the result.  I hope you enjoy it!  I just love these two so much.
Read it on Ao3 here.
The same full moon that lit their way over rooftops and across the Seine an hour before shines through the hatch above the bed, illuminating their entwined legs in its gentle glow and casting shadows on the room below. Even if she weren't tucked beneath his arm with her cheek against his chest, this would be a place of perfect peace, awash in a sense of rightness and comfort and home. It makes his chest constrict all of a sudden, his next inhale a sharp shudder that rouses her immediately from near-sleep.
"You okay, Chaton?" she murmurs, eyes wide and worried.
He reassures her with a soft, genuine smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just...thinking."
Bending forward to press a kiss to her forehead, he pulls her back down to his chest and starts up a purr for her. The breathy giggle he gets in return is always worth the twinge of embarrassment and the weird tickle in his throat.
"About what?"
The purr dies down, replaced with a contented hum. "How much I love you, of course, Princess. What else?"
As expected, she swats him playfully and laughs, but a moment later he feels her hand stretch across his torso as she cuddles closer into his side.
"I mean it," she whispers into his shirt. "Your breathing got all weird. What's wrong?"
"Bugaboo, you know you take my breath away!"
Her voice is all no-nonsense Ladybug, but it just makes him grin wider.
"I'm actually not kitten, Marinette."
She groans and lifts her head again but when she meets his gaze after an exaggerated eye roll, her features soften in response to his. She begins to duck her head shyly before changing course and pressing her lips to his instead, soft and sweet and warm. His eyes slip shut and he melts beneath her, his ever-romantic heart singing her name over and over in a three-beat cadence.
"I love you, too," she whispers against his lips, finally breaking away after a long, slow kiss that leaves them both breathless.
After a quick kiss at the corner of his mouth and another on his jaw, she settles back into the crook of his neck, her breath warm and tickly and perfect against his skin.
Logically, he knows he needs to transform and head home, but the stark difference between his bedroom prison and Marinette's warmth is enough to keep him here just a little longer, stretching time and tempting fate.
Wouldn't it be wonderful, he thinks, as the sleepy calm drifts over them once more, to stay here forever, just like this?
He imagines waking up this way, morning breath and snoring kwamis and a warm tangle of limbs illuminated by a new day's dawnlight instead of the quiet moon. Perhaps there would be a purring cat asleep on the bed with them. And one day, maybe, he'd wake to find a toddler who had crawled up onto the bed and wriggled between them in the night to be close to maman and papa. A family. His heart squeezes with emotion again, but he keeps his breathing steady and Marinette doesn't seem to notice this time.
Dreaming of what the future might hold seems like an extravagant luxury in a world where a supervillain regularly terrorizes Paris and threatens to rend the very fabric of the universe and its delicate balance. Then again, isn't that all the more reason to dream?
Even with the freedom being Chat Noir grants him, the responsibility of avoiding that fate is a heavy weight across his shoulders, and a far more cumbersome yoke on his Lady's. Imagining a day when they can transform for fun instead of necessity, cook dinner together, fall asleep just like this, and not have to wonder if an akuma alert will rouse them before the sun—well, that just makes him fight each battle harder and despise Hawkmoth that much more. After all, the fate of humanity includes the fate of Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng, too.
Her fingers glide feather-light at his wrist, so he knows she's still awake, and before he can think twice about it, he's murmuring a question into the dark.
"Hey, Bug?" He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "Do you ever think about...the future?"
Her hand stops its gentle, soothing motion against his arm, and he misses the feeling immediately.
"After we defeat Hawkmoth, or...?" she trails off.
"That could happen tomorrow, so let's start with tomorrow and go from there."
She resumes her caress, though this time her hand trails higher, up and under his t-shirt sleeve to the warm skin of his bicep. He smiles against her hair and hugs his heat-seeking little bug tighter.
"Well, tomorrow we have a calculus test, then you have a piano lesson after school. I really didn't plan anything beyond that, but if we're going to squeeze in an epic final battle with Hawkmoth, I suppose I should work on my history project at lunch to get ahead."
"Cheeky bug!" He tickles her in retaliation, and she giggles into his chest. "I was being serious!"
"I know, Minou." She laughs for another moment but says nothing more.
He waits through one deep breath, then two, before he whispers her name, questioning, against her hair.
She cranes her neck to look up at him, her gaze shy but warm. "It's just...can I be weird?"
Ah, that explains her reticence. The delighted half-smile that crosses his face is pure Chat Noir, but he can't help it. He loves this.
"Of course, My Lady. Always."
Five months and four days ago (yes, he's counting—it was the greatest day of his life, so far), after more than three years of superhero partnership and civilian friendship, an unplanned reveal, and the awkward nine day aftermath (yes, he counted—it was awful), they'd finally made it official. Adrien and Marinette had, at least. Ladynoir was still under wraps for now to avoid suspicion, but he looked forward to the day when a real kiss they could both remember would grace the front page of the Ladyblog.
At the beginning, between blissful kisses and timid touches, they'd taken the time to really get to know each other—with no secrets between them, a whole, beautiful picture emerged. It was amazing and thrilling and freeing. It was also a bit embarrassing.
She'd seen him in his Ladybug pajamas one evening when she'd stopped by his bedroom for an unplanned visit. Another afternoon, he'd opened a drawer in her room looking for a pen and discovered approximately two dozen photos of himself looking back at him. Plagg had unceremoniously dropped Adrien's Ladybug and Chat Noir action figures onto Marinette's lap while they watched a movie and proceeded to tell her that Adrien sometimes played with his dolls and made them kiss. He'd never been so mortified in his life (and he once fought an akuma wearing a banana costume, so that was saying something), especially when Marinette had laughed until she cried.
He'd have sentenced the tiny magical agent of chaos to eating Velveeta for a week if Marinette hadn't caught her breath, removed his hands from his beet-red face, and kissed him silly.
Afterward, lovestruck, he'd asked, "So I'm not...weird?"
Cheeks still stained with the sweetest blush, eyes soft and bright and full of love, she'd responded, "Of course you are, kitty. I already knew that," and kissed him again for good measure. "It's a good thing your Lady is just as weird."
And just like that, it was okay. His pajamas, her photo collection, his action figures, her calendar.
Can I be weird? preceded his admission of being unable to sleep if his Marinette lucky charm wasn't beneath his pillow. It was asked before he learned she slept with her handmade Chat Noir plushie beside her every night.
The question is rhetorical, of course. Permission to be weird is simply indemnity from embarrassment, a solemn vow of understanding between them. It's been the lead-in to many shared secrets and it still gives him a little thrill every time, just knowing that he's about to learn another closely-held tidbit about his Lady.
Tonight, he's especially curious—the question he asked was about the future, after all.
"I used to think about it a lot," she begins quietly. "And I mean, a lot. I'm a planner, you know."
Oh, he knows. Thank goodness one of them is.
"You've seen my sketchbook. You saw my wedding dress designs and all your possible matching tuxes. Alya's dress and Nino's suit..."
"And they were beautiful, Bug. I loved them all."
He can feel her smile against his t-shirt collar.
"Thank you, Chaton. But...it's not just that. I, um...I chose the flowers for my bouquet, I planned the menu for the reception dinner—"
"And your parents will make the croquembouche," he whispers, suddenly entranced.
She nods, but goes silent once more. He wants to hear about everything—the venue she imagined for the service and reception, what they'll wear at the civil ceremony prior, whether their guests will throw rice or rose petals or wheat as they exit as newlyweds. It's all so beautiful, his heart is positively singing; how could she ever think this is weird?
"I named our children."
The song in his heart comes to an abrupt stop when the rhythm falters before restarting at hummingbird speed.
Dazed, he breathes, "Our..."
"I know!" she groans. She covers her eyes with one hand and buries her face in his shirt. Her voice is muffled, but he's hanging on every word. "I told you it was weird! I named them! I thought about who would be youngest, oldest, middle--"
"Three?" He chokes on air. Is he even breathing?
"I designed the little outfit we'd bring each of them home from the hospital in. Their nursery had a theme! Our hamster had a name! I imagined our house, our garden, the layout of the kitchen, the color of our master bathroom!"
"What color?" he asks weakly.
A pause.
"I love blue."
"I know."
Silence descends again, as he attempts to regulate his breathing and bring his swirling, scattered thoughts under control. She hasn't moved a muscle, and neither has he. Honestly, he's thankful to be moored to his steadfast port in the storm right now, so he can't float away or slip under.
He hums questioningly in response.
"I'm sorry." Her voice is small and tinged with sadness, slicing directly through his current bubble of overwhelmed euphoria in an instant.
Sitting up so quickly that she's dislodged from his side with a startled squeak, he pulls both of her hands between his and brings her close enough to really see her face in the shadowy moonlight.
"Why are you sorry?" he asks, baffled. "That was..." he trails off, shaking his head as he searches for the correct word, wanting to convey his feelings properly. Incredible doesn't seem like enough. Perfect, perhaps? A dream I didn't know I had until you said it, and now I want that exact thing more than I've ever wanted anything in my life?
"Crazy, I know. Selfish."
"What? No!" he exclaims, and her wide eyes snap to meet his. "Marinette, it sounds amazing!"
He lets go of her hands to gather her in a hug instead, happy to feel her arms wrap tightly around him in turn.
"Amazing," he murmurs against her hair, hoping she can hear the sincerity in his voice. "Why do you think it's selfish?"
"Because...because I never thought about what you'd want, not really. Maybe you don't want kids—"
"I want kids," he interrupts.
"Or maybe you don't like hamsters."
"Mari, I love hamsters."
She smiles against his skin. "I'm glad. I thought you'd want a cat."
"Oh, I do," he says, nodding.
"I knew it!" she laughs. "But I didn't know any of that back then. I just dreamed my own wild dreams and brought a fantasy of future you along for the ride. It wasn't fair to you." She leans back, settling her wrists over his shoulders and searching his gaze with her own. "You deserve to have a say in your own life, Adrien. For once."
A wave of stunned gratitude wells up within him and he swallows around the sudden lump in his throat. No one, not even his beloved mother, has ever extended him the courtesy of autonomy, much less apologized for not considering it in the first place. The way Marinette loves him, with a selfless, gentle kindness, is like nothing he's ever known, and it overwhelms him sometimes.
Oh, he loves her so much.
"Marinette," he says, when he's able to. "Do you want to live on a desert island with me and eat only fruit for the rest of our lives?"
She blinks, confused.
"Because that was one of my dreams," he continues. "You—well, Ladybug—me, our hamster, and a ton of fruit. Silly, right?" He shrugs. "I was a lovesick teenager. I have a feeling you know something about that, don't you, Bugaboo?" His cheeky wink and Chat Noir smirk are rewarded with the blush and giggle he'd hoped for. "My point is, I wasn't thinking about what you wanted when I daydreamed about that, and I never worried about it. You have nothing to be sorry for, Bug."
Her smile is bright even in the shadowy loft. "Thanks, Minou. Those were fun dreams."
"Were? You don't want the hamster and the blue bathroom anymore? I was just getting excited about our house and three kids."
"What do you dream about?" She asks, clearly dodging the question with one of her own.
He doesn't even have to think on it to know the answer.
"A family. Hugs. Eating dinner at a little table together. Going to the beach and seeing you in your bikini."
She snorts. "Tomcat."
"I'm only human, Mari."
"Adrien, you can purr."
They can only laugh. Their lives really are ridiculous.
"Princess?" He asks after they've settled into silence again. "What are their names?"
"Our kids."
She takes a deep, deep breath, and it feels like an eternity before she speaks. "Emma, Louis, and Hugo."
"I love them already," he breathes, imagination awhirl with scenes of bedtime stories and blanket forts and the myriad other childhood joys he only knows about from movies and tv. It's so beautiful, they're so beautiful, that he has to clench his teeth for a moment to keep from crying. "Have you drawn them?"
She nods, brow starting to furrow in concern at what must be one hell of an expression on his face.
"And their clothes? The nursery? Our kitchen?"
"Yes, I told you I was—"
"You're amazing, Marinette. I can't wait to see them. I can't wait to meet them."
Before he knows it, she's pulled him into her embrace, whispering her love against his shoulder. If a few tears escape into her hair, she doesn't say a word. They stay like that for a few long, sweet moments, until a thought pops into his mind.
"Mari? Why didn't Plagg find those drawings when he found your sketchbook of wedding ideas?"
She pulls away from him and giggles. "Because that sketchbook is hidden under the mattress."
"Along with how many of my photos?"
The mock-glare she levels at him would be terrifying if she weren't so adorable. He leans in and watches her stern expression slacken just before their lips connect and his eyes close, and her soft sigh tells him he's forgiven once more for teasing her.
They fall back against the cat pillow and soft pink sheets once more, rearranging their bodies to that perfect fit that reminds him every time how phenomenally lucky he is to have found his soul's other half as a teenager via ancient magic and fated proximity. The kiss deepens, his hands clutch at her back, and he thrills at the feel of her fingers in his hair. This is everything, everything—love and light and power and freedom, the chance for a future, a home, a family.
It's just another late autumn Tuesday night in Paris. Marinette will convince him to stay for another hour, he'll set an alarm. They'll go to school again tomorrow and, though it's certainly possible they'll defeat Hawkmoth before the day is over, it's more likely they'll simply fight and cleanse another akuma before returning to the library to work on that history project.
But it's suddenly different. He's always fought for Paris, for the safety of his friends and family, for his beloved partner. Now? A new and different feeling of protectiveness rises in his chest, even as her tongue brushes the seam of his lips and his purr rumbles gently between their bodies.
Hawkmoth will rue the day he tried to take Emma, Louis, and Hugo away before Adrien could meet them. He makes the promise right here and now, with his Lady in his arms and their kwamis sleeping on the desk below: Every akuma from now until he can punch Hawkmoth in the face and rip the misused miraculous from him, Chat Noir will fight for Paris, the world, and that shining dream of the future. He's one half of an unstoppable team. Together, they can, and will, do anything.
He and Marinette have three kids and a hamster to look forward to, after all. And it's going to be amazing.
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
Happy holidays! how about a hot chocolate competition among the yandere ocs and the best one gets a special cabin date with darling?
Hello @teachillvibes, I'm so glad to see you again- Your requests are always so wonderful boo, thanks for requesting me this one!
Happy holidays everyone!! 🎄
TW/Tags: Sweet times cause I sure love them- // kinda like a city festival going on lol // I took your concept and change it a bit I'm sorry boo ;-; // it took me so freaking looooooooong to do it XD I'm sorry- I was kinda hoping that this could be my Christmas gift to y'all ;-;
Hot Chocolate Competition [Yandere!OCS x Reader - Headcanon]:
→Alexandra Coldwell:
If I'm being honest, she probably would have reconsidered sharing the prize with her brother before she can consider going out with you instead. Alexandra entered the competition solely because she thought it would be fun, after all she isn't really the type to get herself dirty if it isn't for fun.
She wanted to win of course, but surprisingly she did have a lot of fun learning how to make hot chocolate, especially with her brother's help. Alexandra thought it would only make sense to take her brother as her company into this free wintery vacation, yet for some reason he didn't accept her offer.
Adrien felt satisfied with helping his sister as normally his cooking skills are generally unappreciated or ignored, although he appreciated how his sister wanted to pay back for his help, he was already happy with just being the one that got to teach her something new, since it's normally the other way around.
And besides- Free vacation packages are always so lackluster to him, if it isn't a five star service then why even bother? He could literally pay for better treatment than what the prize guarantees anyway.
Still, she wouldn't have accepted it if she didn't have someone in mind already. Yeah, yeah, she knows you probably won't like the idea of spending time with her, especially all alone in the cold.
But- Hey, I think you should give her a chance, after all, isn't this the time to forgive and forget? Maybe not completely forget, but I'm sure she'll do her best to make this the best trip for you, ever!
→Adrien Coldwell:
Adrien is known as the lazy one of the twins, the antisocial, the "mean one" (let's be honest, they're both evil but in different ways-), yet people tend to not give him enough credit for his accomplishments.
Him coming out as the winner of the competition may seem shocking to many but let us all remember that this isn't just his random luck, Adrien really did work his best to win and since he is already interested in making sweet treats for himself you can only imagine how hard he wanted to be recognized at least once.
The prize that he won was a vacation to a winter resort of some kind for two people, meaning him and anyone he would like to bring. Adrien considered bringing his sister, since he felt like it would be better for her to spend Christmas in a cabin with him than at home with... both of their parents and, may he dare say, ridiculous Christmas songs. Those damn, Christmas songs.
But Alexandra made sure to refuse his offer each time he tried to bring up, saying that the place was probably runned down and filthy and that she would never step inside a place like that- Alexandra also said that it wouldn't be fair to go with him since she didn't help him, and that this was something he won on his on, he deserves to enjoy it fully.
But what a dilemma, who would have the privilege of accompanying him to such a "special event"?
You, of course. Even if he knows you would rather be far away from him and get some rest from his constant torment, it's not like he would leave you alone at all lol-
Hey give him a break, will you? I'm sure you'll have a great time with him, he promises he won't do anything stupid while you two are there.
Just let him repay you for an entire year of entertainment, dearest.
→Madeline Allen:
Madeline is normally very uninterested in competing with anyone, even if the prize sounds amazing. What made her stay and see more of the event was when she noticed you in the crowd, maybe you were with your friends, although she didn't really see anyone she recognizes as your friends there-
What made her participate and do her very best to win? It was when she noticed how most of the contestants seemed to have a suspicious interest in you, something felt weird in those stares they were giving you. She is a little suspicious about the intentions behind those stares, yet she has to recognize that whenever there is a shiny diamond radiating light, it's hard to not notice. It's obvious that they recognize how shiny you are, love.
It doesn't really excuse their clingy behavior towards you, but sure, she gets why they're doing this, or why they would enter this competition in the first place. All to get your attention apparently.
Honestly, she wasn't planning on entering this competition at all, but… Hmmn, how can she say this nicely- She doesn't like these people trying so hard to get your attention, specially with the prize being something that would give any of them the privilege of having you all by themselves, no dearest, she can't let them have you like that-
Besides! Wouldn't you prefer being with nsomeone that is actually looking forward to making you happy, instead of being stuck with brats, with troublemakers and… uhn- A cosplayer…?
Anyway, all of them are pretty eccentric with their own weird little charm, she is sure they'll be fine, especially far away from you- Believe me, she is so excited about this vacation! Forget about these guys, think about all of the things you two can do!
She is already thinking about what she'll bring with her, some cozy warm clothes, maybe her favorite fuzzy blanket, maybe some of her favorite movies, some rope, an tranquilizer-
Well, who cares about the details anyway?? She is just so excited, she can't wait to give you the best of her cookies!!
→Matthew Robinson:
Matthew is a really reserved individual. Being part of big events is simply not his thing, but it was because of you and that sweet smile of yours that brought him to this place. And well…. The smile stuck in the other contestant's faces… Not that they were even half as charming as yours, on the contrary, they seemed oddly sinister.
Mischievous by their very nature, all of these people seem to be somewhat interested in you, breathing in your presence like you're oxygen itself. Disgusting. For the first time in his life he feels pissed off enough to say he wants to see them drop dead- Not that he'll actually do anything, he is nothing like that.
All of these people seemed really interested in winning that prize and hopefully taking you with them, which of course he couldn't allow it, as your only protection from these fiends.
When he won, he was too dumbfounded to even notice the hatred looks that the other competitors were giving him. He really did win, didn't he? He couldn't believe he won!
For the first time in his life he didn't feel satisfaction that came from the competition itself being great, no, true satisfaction came when you accepted to go with him! That's the golden prize he never thought he deserved, yet feels so rewarding.
Don't worry dearest, he'll take care of everything that you need while you two are there, you'll be treated like the perfect little princess/prince you are, like the perfect doll.
Now he just needs to be sure on what to bring, this is probably the most excited he has been since he was a child!
→Janette Sartorius:
Janette isn't one for entering in these competitions just because, there needs to be a good reason for it, like helping them raise a good funding for some sort of charity, or ya know, impressing that one really cute person in your class. Yeah, really important-
Look, she has a lot of clown energy, she knows it, but being publicly humiliated is absolutely not her thing! And that means being either the loser or the winner, she doesn't know exactly what to say when she is put into such position-
Still, if it means giving you something nice, then sure! She'll take whatever she can, although she was focusing on gaining something like second/third place so she can get something small like a plushie or a basket of chocolate, anything that would be small yet really charming- Just like you!
When the judges announced her as the winner in first place, she couldn't believe it! No- Seriously, she couldn't believe it!! She tried to make sure her presentation would be nice but mild enough to not be considered a winner!! What the hell???
Even if the universe seemed to have betrayed her by making her be the one in front of so many people as she claimed her prize, she was once again blessed with luck, as her prize was something truly worth looking like a fool in front of so many strangers-
Of course she'll take you first! Why not?? It's not that weird, it's just pals being pals and inviting each other to cool trips, ya know?? Surely she isn't screaming inside at how cliche this all seems.
Look at her, NOT thinking about the huge amount of fanfiction she had ever read where there was only one bed! NOT her reconsidering not going because she can't handle the thought of there only one bed. She is totally fine, ya know? NOT thinking you'll hate her when you learn how much of a weeb she is-
She'll make sure that you have fun with her, but you'll probably catch her trying way too hard to impress you very soon- Please, talk with babe- In her brain there is only one neuron, and it's constantly banging its head in the walls of her brain screaming your name.
→Jackson Macnee:
Jack isn't really interested in these competitions, it isn't his thing, he wouldn't waste time on it unless there was something really, really important at hand.
And it seemed like today was the day to do anything that he could to not only enter such stupid competition, but to win it at all costs. It was when he recognized those familiar faces next to yours that he decided to enter it, but it was when he noticed all of the contestants, who were presumably strangers to one another, get somewhat riddled up about your presence.
Yeah sure, you're cute, you're pretty and yes you're perfect, but seeing half of the contestants being so… Clingy over you it's absolutely ridiculous-
What? You know all of them?? Or are you going to tell him that some of these imbeciles got this lovestruck immediately just by taking one glimpse at you? You would sound absolutely insane to him if you have chosen to tell him none of them, absolutely none of them are interested in you in any way- Especially those dumbass bourgeois blondies.
Jesus fuck, what type of luck is that? Having all these morons be so interested in impressing you by winning a prize for you? Sounds dumb to him, but still, if winning it's what takes to make these fools stop daydreaming about you then so be it. It's not that he really wants to impress you by giving the prize he won, he just wants to see the twins cry after noticing the cruel reality that they don't have you- Or that they can't get everything that they want, that could work too-
Jack is sure to seem calm and unbothered throughout the entire event, trying to sound happy that he won, and trying even harder to not make the laugh in the face of the rest of the competitors. But honestly, he wasn't expecting the prize to be so…. convenient? Really? A place where he can take you to be all alone with him while enjoying such a joyful season?? Yes, he'll gladly take it and make sure to shove in everyone's faces, not literally, but clear enough for everyone to get the message.
Although he is happy for his win, he doesn't really know what to do from there- The fact was starting to settle in when he rethought over and over again about the trip. Somewhere all alone with you, sounds really, well, like a dream, like a fantasy, unrealistic.
Jack will do what he does best, fake that he is calm while hiding the fact he is panicking at the thought of being this close to you. Again, he doesn't want you to know how much he wished for this. Whenever he acts like he doesn't care at all, he at least hopes you know you do mean a lot to him.
🍈A.I (non-binary/gender neutral)👾
→Yuma Soma:
Yuma was focused on winning the moment they entered the competition, however they didn't know what the prize would be until they actually won it. They were more interested in the competition aspect of this event than what they would gain with it, yet when hearing what the prize would be they were, well, confused-
What is so special about this whole "free vacation"? A cabin in the middle of the woods with nothing but snow? Pff- As if snow is even that cool for them to want to see it! Yeah, they know what snow is….. 100%...... yeaaaaaah.
Okay fine, they don't really know what it is. I mean- Sure they know the definition of it, and they have seen a bit of it in their game, although they bet that what they have seen isn't half like the real deal.
It may seem silly, but maybe this trip could be a great opportunity for them to be able to see it and feel it for the first time with you by their side. With you trapped inside the game or not.
Don't be so mean boo, they promise they'll behave this time! The biggest gift you can give them it's the wonderful time you two will share, then again, it's not like you can really do anything against it, right?
To be honest, Tatsumi isn't one for entering these types of competitions unless the price is truly worth it. Money would be the first thing in his list of priorities, yet the idea of going into vacation on the holidays doesn't sound half as bad, ya know?
While walking around the city plaza with you, you two noticed the event happening and decided to take a look.
He wanted to try it out because it sounded fun, yet to actually win?? This feels amazing yet somewhat inappropriate to him, he didn't really consider the possibility of winning, that it almost feels like he would be taking something that he doesn't deserve.
And as he struggles to come out with any excuse as to why he can't take the prize, even though he could take it and give it to any of his friends, you decided to intervene and take the prize for him.
You already knew how Tatsumi felt about himself, you didn't know exactly what led to it but you did know about his constant breakdowns whenever he thought no one was looking. He did tell you about some of his issues but whenever he could he would fake it as being something dumb that you shouldn't worry about, but come on- You already know that is bullshit.
Tatsumi would feel better knowing you're coming with him, but he would still feel awkward knowing it's just the two of you, and it's not like he won't receive thousands of messages from all of his friends calling him out for not inviting any of them. It's not like they had anything against you, they just really liked messing with him over his massive crush over a you-
He may be a little sneaky perv bastard, but come on now- You know he will treat you right while you two are there, honestly he just wants to enjoy some change of scenery with his favorite person.
→Ingrid Bright:
First things first, Ingrid is a serious woman owner of the biggest business empire in the country- Do you really think she has time for things like that? Cause either way, even if she lost, she could have- Built a winter resort just for herself if she wanted to go there so badly.
But who knows, maybe she found something charming about winning the competition and sharing the prize with you, it's… A bit more charming than her just bringing you to a place she paid for. Something about the novelty of winning something for you sounds really appealing, maybe even worth the trial and error, and again she doesn't really need it, so there isn't any harm in trying.
Although let's be honest, there is a slight possibility that the game was rigged to her favour considering her own status against the various competitors. What? It's not like she is aware of it, if anything she is just as clueless as every other person competing.
She probably does need some rest from the same boring office that she has to work in everyday, and bringing you with her may be the best part of it all! What do you say? Want to get some rest far away from the company?
Well, maybe not completely far away, considering she is your boss… But, maybe if Ms. Bright gets to relax for a while, she'll eventually soften up. You won't be in an awkward trip with your boss anymore, you'll be on a surprisingly nice vacation with a person you knew for a while but only got to truly know recently. She really hopes you don't see her as just your boss...
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stereksecretsanta · 3 years
Merry Christmas, outtoshatter!
Dear @outtoshatter​. You requested fluff, getting together, alternate first meetings, and something!Stiles. This was so much fun to write, and I’m thrilled to have the chance to create something for you. I hope you have the loveliest of holidays!! <3
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Derek is a romantic. He dreams of finding his mate, of connecting with that special someone who will make his heart swoon.
"How did you know Dad was the one?" Derek asks his mom as he digs out a pink, glittery bear from beneath the pile of loose-limbed plushies. "Were there fireworks when you first met, or—?"
His cheeks flame. He can't tell his mom that the spun-sugar scent of Jenna's hair makes his heart race, or that the smell of Mark's baseball jersey gives him a boner. In fact, Derek's embarrassment is so thick she probably scents it despite being surrounded by a bunch of seven-year-olds with sugar highs from birthday cake and soda.
"The first time you meet your mate will always be significant,” Talia says as she hands the bear over to one of Cora's classmates. “It might be passionate and explosive, or it could spark a bond that builds and grows. It's influenced by who you are and where you are in your lives. But deep inside, you'll know. Your wolf, especially, will know."
"But what if my mate isn't a wolf? What if they can't sense the connection?"
"Humans cherish the notion of 'true love' as much as we do. And I bet your mate is someone who's sensitive and wise." She leans down and ruffles Derek's hair.
Derek wriggles out of his mom's touch. He's thirteen, not three.
"You think?" he asks. Maybe it is Jenna or Mark, although he was hoping his mate would be someone more… well, special.
"You'll see." Talia's smile disappears as she studies the line where Cora and her friends are waiting at the stuffing station. She counts their numbers under her breath and shakes her head. "Someone's missing. Will you help me find them, Der?"
Derek sighs. It might be Cora's birthday, but he's missing practice to babysit a bunch of second-graders at a Build-A-Bear. "Seriously?"
"Seriously. I know this seems like an unbearable chore, but it means a lot to your sister that you're here. And to me, as well." His mom runs a hand along the back of Derek's neck and gives him a gentle squeeze.
Perhaps it's because it's close to a full moon, but Derek feels restless and edgy. Guilt washes through him at his snappishness, and he apologizes to his mom, giving her a quick hug before starting his walk-through.
There are bins of bears and cats and dogs and dragons in every color imaginable, their limp bodies waiting to be plumped up with poly-fill. He’s surprised Cora wanted a party here; her interests run more along the line of laser tag than dolls or stuffed animals. Although there's a backstory, he's sure; Cora had mumbled something about wanting to invite her whole class 'unlike that Lydia Martin', whereupon Mom's fangs dropped and her eyes flashed red. The next thing Derek knew, they had made a reservation for all twenty children.
It's not until Derek passes the displays of the Marvel and Star Wars bears that he finds the errant partygoer. Unlike the other boys in the class who dress in athletic wear stamped with Nike and Under Armor logos, he's wearing a faded t-shirt and a plaid overshirt, topped off by a pair of worn trainers.
Derek looks down at the limp plushie in the boy's hand. "Hey. Are you here for Cora's birthday party?" he asks softly.
The boy raises his eyes. They're ridiculously large for his face, amber orbs framed by long lashes and a buzzed haircut that make them look even bigger. Suddenly, they narrow as he looks Derek up and down.
"I'm not supposed to talk to strangers."
Derek frowns, the defiance taking him by surprise. "Maybe I work here."
Any shyness the boy may have seems forgotten as he takes a step closer.
"No, you don't," he says, his tone raised in challenge. "You don't have a nametag and you're not wearing a vest."
The kid's smart. Derek is filled with the weird urge to push his buttons and protect him at the same time.
"You got me," Derek says, holding up his hands. "I'm Cora's brother, Derek." He points to the animal in the boy's hand. "Don't you want to wait in line with the others and get your bear stuffed?"
The boy straightens out his arm. "It's not a bear," he says. There's a slight hesitation, then he's turning the animal over. Derek sees that it has a long muzzle, pointed ears, and plastic blue eyes. "It's Can… um, Canis…”
"Canis Lupus. A wolf," Derek says, surprised.
The boy nods vigorously. "Is that okay?"
"Yeah, sure. Why wouldn't it be?"
"I didn't know if I was allowed to get something that wasn't a bear." The boy hangs his head, his fingers digging into the wolf's ample fur. "I've never been to one of these parties before."
Ah. Another reject from Lydia Martin's party list. The news makes Derek inexplicably angry.
"If I was getting one, I'd get a wolf, too," Derek says.
The boy looks up, his earlier disapproval of Derek apparently forgotten. "Yeah?"
"Totally." Derek crouches down and strokes the wolf's fur. "It's pretty skinny though," he says as his hand lingers on the nape of its neck. "We'd better go and fatten it up. Maybe get it some clothes?"
The boy shakes his head. "Wolves don't wear clothes," he says, his exasperation plain. "Duh."
Derek snorts. "Well, how about one of those scent things?" The discs seem to be popular; most of the other kids have one in hand.
The boy lifts the wolf to his face and buries his nose in its fur. "Nah. He smells good the way he is. But he needs a heart."
"Okay. Let's get one, uh—"
"Stiles," the boy answers. "Stiles," he repeats with a small scowl as Derek stares, bemused. "That's my name."
"Oh. Okay, Stiles." Derek stands up and holds out his hand. "Let's go. We've got a wolf to build."
Stiles places his hand in Derek's. It's small and a bit clammy, but Derek doesn't mind, surprisingly. They head towards the front of the store where Stiles takes his time in choosing a red heart out of the bin of hundreds. There's another display close by filled with a selection of noisemakers.
"Do you want one?" Derek asks as Stiles stares. There's a lot to choose from. "They have some songs and animals noises, and—"
"They don't have any wolf ones, though," Stiles says, seemingly put out. He pushes one of the buttons, rolling his eyes as a dinosaur's roar breaks through the tiny speaker. He chooses the dog button next.
God, no, Derek thinks.
Thankfully, Stiles passes on that one, too.
"What about this one?" Derek asks, pointing to number eleven. When Stiles presses the button, they hear the lub dub of a human heart, steady and true.
Stiles' face breaks into a huge grin. "That's perfect."
Derek opens the drawer, takes out the sound chip and hands it to Stiles, who curls his fingers around its edges and holds on tightly. By the time they make it to the stuffing station, Stiles is bouncing on his feet, a bundle of barely contained energy. He's also staring with a horrified expression at a boy who's twirling in a circle while rubbing his bear's poly-filled heart across his chest and down to his belly.
"Uh, Derek? Do I have to do that?" Stiles whispers as a Build-A-Bear employee eggs the boy on.
Maybe it's the vulnerability in Stiles' face, or the wobble in his voice, but Derek wants nothing more in that moment than to soothe Stiles' worry. He leans over and whispers, "You mean, act like something's crawling up your butt?"
Stiles lets out a half-gasp, half-laugh. "I can't move like that! What if I do it wrong and his heart won't work?"
"Listen to me, Stiles. I'm thirteen and I know a lot about wolves. Rubbing your wolf's heart on your pants or doing ten jumping jacks isn't going to make him come to life. What he needs is for you to care for him. To love him, and believe in him with all your might. Okay?"
"Okay." Stiles gives Derek a grateful smile, his face radiating his happiness.
Derek stands a bit straighter and catches his mother's eye. He's sure it's his alpha's approval and nothing else that makes him feel warm and tingly inside.
Derek used to be a romantic. He once dreamed of finding his true love, of meeting that special person whom he could care for and be cared for in return. But a series of bad relationships with people who either wanted different things in life (sorry, Braeden), or were only interested in him for his family's powerful connections (thanks, Jennifer), or who were, to put it bluntly, vindictive, psychotic stalkers (hello, Kate) has left Derek realizing not everyone is destined to have a mate. Of course, that also means one of the great Hale legacies has come to an end, although he's not sure why the Fates decided to pin that dubious distinction on him.
He doesn't want to end up like his Uncle Peter who, after losing his mate, creeps around with people half his age, filled with snark and cynicism. So Derek tries to settle, without success. His friends and family blame his inability to have a meaningful relationship on 'being too choosy', or 'not trying', or his 'emotional constipation'. He supposes it's a damning statement when even his best friends have given up their matchmaking attempts and relegated him to babysitting duty.
Derek's trying to decide whether he has time for a quick run before he goes grocery shopping, or whether he has enough milk and butter to postpone the errand altogether, when an EMT kit lands by his feet.
"Any plans for tonight?" Erica asks. Her smile is a bit too bright, her tone a shade too innocent.
Derek frowns and gives his co-worker the side-eye as he tries to figure out her angle. He can't believe there was a time where he thought he and Erica could be anything more than friends. She's gorgeous, of course, but she's also too perceptive and blunt as hell, and she calls Derek out on his bullshit more than anyone else aside from his own sisters. She feels like safety—like pack—but his wolf knows there's nothing more. Besides, she's snagged herself a handsome and brilliant ED doctor in Boyd—along with a ring, a two-bedroom Murray Hill apartment, and a five-year old daughter.
"Catching up on the second season of The Mandalorian?" Derek grins, baring a toothy smile of his own.
"Are you thirty-five or sixty-five, Derek? Because seriously, I can't tell. And since you phrased your answer in the form of a question and this isn't Jeopardy, I'm assuming those plans aren't set in stone."
Fuck. Erica had promised after the last disastrous blind date that she wouldn't try to set him up again. "I'm really not in the mood for company—"
"Even if it's a little girl who loves her godfather more than anyone else in the world?"
Derek sits up straighter. "You need me to watch Hailey?" He couldn't love Erica and Boyd's daughter any more than if she were his own.
"If you're up to it," Erica says, actually looking contrite. "I know it's your first day off in almost two weeks and I normally wouldn't ask, except… Well, the New York Public Library's doing this Children's Authors series, and her favorite writer's going to be reading today."
"The Fox and the Spark? I'm somewhat familiar," Derek says drily. He's read the story so many times he could recite it in his sleep.
"Yeah." Erica lets out a small laugh. "So, there's a second book that's coming out and the author's signing copies. Boyd was supposed to take her, but he has to cover for someone who called out with a family emergency. Greenberg won't let me change my shift, and I know you just finished yours, but—"
Derek puts a hand on Erica's shoulder. Next to Laura, Erica's his closest friend, and it's not like he really had plans.
"Don't give it another thought. Of course I'll take her."
A wave of relief sweeps over Erica's face. "I owe you one, Hale."
Derek lets out a small huff. He's pretty sure that if they were keeping tabs, he's going to come out on the short end when it comes to Erica and Boyd. Besides, an afternoon out with Hailey is bound to be better than his last several dates, even if he has to put up with a bunch of screaming kids.
As it turns out, there are a bunch of kids, but none of them are screaming because the man in front of them's woven some kind of crazy magic and has them in his thrall. He has thick brown hair that's the epitome of hipster chic, a wide mouth that pulls into an easy grin, and is wearing a heather grey t-shirt paired with khakis and a red hoodie. He looks young—young enough that Derek thought he worked for the library at first, a notion that's dispelled once Mrs. Purcell, the head librarian, gathers everyone together. His smile is bright and engaging, although it falters a bit when Mrs. Purcell stumbles over his name.
"Mieczyslaw," the man says with a self-deprecating grin. "Like 'mischief'. But I'll tell you a secret. No one calls me that, not even my family. You can just call me 'M'."
The news seems to delight the kids, who shout "Hi, M" in a loud chorus. M shows his appreciation by running across the front of the room and handing out high-fives.
"Is that really him?" Hailey wriggles in Derek's arms and cranes her neck, trying to get a better look. The construction-paper fox ears that they super-glued to her headband earlier that afternoon gets pushed aside at a precarious angle.
"That's really him," Derek affirms, which earns him an excited squeal.
"Put me down, D!" Hailey says with all the imperiousness of her mother, and it's all Derek can do, even with his superhuman strength, to keep her from toppling over.
"You can find a spot up close. No pushing or shoving, and if you can't see, ask politely. I'll be back here, okay?" He leans in and nuzzles her cheek to let her know she's safe and protected.
"Okay!" Hailey gives him a quick squeeze back before making her way up front. Derek is glad to see one of the other girls make room for her as Hailey sits down in the second row and clutches her book happily.
Derek straightens and runs a hand through his hair. He feels someone watching, and when he looks up, he suddenly locks eyes with M.
M rubs the back of his neck as a light flush spreads over his cheeks. It doesn't help to diminish his already-youthful appearance; in fact, it makes him look vulnerable—like prey—and the thought causes something to flare hot in Derek's belly. It's only when someone nudges him impatiently that he realizes that he's gawking in the middle of the room, surrounded by a restless audience that comes up to his knees. Derek mutters his apologies, then takes his six-foot frame to the back of the room where he watches from behind a row of brightly colored, miniature plastic chairs.
M starts off by saying that his best friend Scott is a veterinarian who works at a wolf sanctuary, and that M always thought wolves were the coolest. The tidbit makes Derek straighten to his full height and he puffs out his chest, inordinately pleased.
Most of the children already own copies of M's latest but choose to watch as M holds up a giant book that's nearly a foot-and-a-half tall. The pages are filled with illustrations—courtesy, M says, of his friend Isaac. The pictures are warm and soft, and detailed in a way that appeals to both a young and older audience. But even though they're beautiful, Derek finds his attention drifting elsewhere. He's mesmerized by the way M's fingers dance across the pages as he reads, how his eyes grow bright and animated when he hears the children laugh at his vocal impressions, and the way M's mouth—god, his mouth—turns down at the corners when he reaches a poignant scene. His voice defies categorization: it's raspy yet young, melodious but slightly off-pitch, and serious yet mischievous, as if an old soul had somehow merged with an adolescent’s energy.
The truth is that Derek's too distracted by M to pay close attention to the story. But after his brain momentarily shorts out from watching M lick his thumb to turn the page, it manages to reboot and catch the his next words:
"You need to care for him," the fairy said as Milo hugged his wolf. "You need to love him and believe in him with all your might."
Derek listens in a daze as M tells the group how Milo's wish for his wolf to come to life comes true. His own wolf perks up, and against the stench of the colognes and soaps and sweat of the crowd, he can pick out the welcome scent of citrus and cottonwood from back home. It's intoxicating, yet soothing and breathtakingly familiar, and in that moment the thread of hope that Derek's long thought cut manages to wriggle into his heart and take hold.
Derek absolutely does not push his way towards the front of the line. He just has longer legs.
His heart is in his throat and he's holding tight to Hailey, who's clutching her copy of Build A Wolf close to her chest. Derek doesn't understand how he could have missed the signs: the smattering of moles that grace M's cheek, the adorable tilt of his nose, or the warm intelligence of his eyes.
"Hi," Derek says when they reach the table where M's seated, his voice catching.
The Sharpie that M's twirling lazily between his fingers falls with a clatter. M stares at Derek, seemingly lost for words. A beautiful pink flush highlights his cheeks that Derek wants to trace with his thumb.
"You're a bit older than my usual fan. Bigger, too," M croaks. His face turns even brighter, and Derek can smell his surprise and the faint spice of his arousal.
"Stiles?" Derek blurts out. Upon seeing M's shocked expression, Derek tries to backtrack. "I'm sorry, it's just… well, you remind me of someone I knew from back home." When M doesn't deny the assumption, Derek continues, "I'm Derek Hale. Cora Hale's brother?"
M scrubs his face. "Wow, dude… wow, yeah, I am." He looks around and lowers his voice. "I'm surprised you recognized me. Or that you even remember who I am." When he smiles it's small and embarrassed, but Derek can also detect the happiness that colors his scent.
"I know you're probably busy, seeing as you're on a book tour and all, but do you want to grab a bite after you're done?" Derek feels breathless, and it's totally unlike him to be so forward, especially in the midst of an increasingly antsy crowd, but he feels like he's been waiting for this moment forever. "I mean, it can be something low key," he adds hastily, in case he's laying it on too strong. "I haven't been home in a while and it would be nice to catch up, and—"
There's a strong tug on his shirt sleeve. "Hi, Mr. M," Hailey pipes up. She's wearing a sweet smile but her eyes are impatient and determined. "Can you sign my book for me?"
"Sure, I'd love to." Stiles gives Derek an apologetic look. He greets Hailey with a complicated fist bump after commenting on her fox ears, uncaps his Sharpie, and opens the book to the front page. "Who should I make it out to?"
"To Mommy and Daddy and Hailey," Hailey decides. She tugs on Derek's sleeve more forcefully. "Do you think Mommy will like that?" she asks in a loud whisper.
Derek bends down and kisses her forehead. "I think she's going to love it," he says, nuzzling her neck. When he stands back up, Stiles has finished signing, but his smile seems a bit forced. "So, about dinner..." Stiles doesn't answer immediately; Derek falters as he takes back the book, his hopes sinking with each passing second.
Stiles' eyes lower, his once-happy scent souring. "Sorry," he says, his expression unreadable. "I'm on a tight schedule."
Both the human and wolf sides of Derek are confused by Stiles' sudden rejection. "Maybe a drink?" he tries again, desperate. He may have been a terrible judge of character in his previous relationships, but he can't be wrong, not about this.
Stiles shakes his head. Before Derek can press his case, there's a cough as the father and son behind Derek fix him with matching glares. Derek and Hailey get shuffled towards the door, and by the time Derek regains his bearings and looks back he discovers that Stiles is posing for a selfie with the kid, his scent now off, his smile a bit too forced.
There are several truths about the holidays—and the end of the year in particular—which are that the crowds are larger, the stress is higher, and people tend to avoid hospitals as much as possible. It also means that Derek's unit is flooded with calls, from decorating mishaps and drunken shenanigans to medical emergencies that are so far gone they can no longer be handled by an urgent care. He hasn't hung out with both Boyd and Erica in nearly a month, and even though it's for a quick bite in the hospital's cafeteria, he'll take it.
"Seriously, Hale. You'd better have a smile on your face after your PTO."
Derek looks up from his burrito, his brows furrowed.
"I don't know why you think I have PTO, Erica, but I don't," he says, grimacing as a glob of beef and avocado drop onto the wax-paper wrap. He's never requested a holiday week since he started with the FDNY eleven years ago. His family's all on the West coast, and he'd rather leave the prime vacation weeks to his co-workers. It's not like he has someone special to share the holidays with, after all.
He ignores the ache in his chest as he thinks of Stiles.
"Yeah, well the thing is, now you do. The week between Christmas and New Year's," Erica clarifies as she takes a bite of her burger. "You never exercise the perks that go with your seniority, and don't think it's gone unnoticed. It's the department's gift to you. "
Derek stares, flummoxed. "Greenberg will never go for it."
"Are you kidding me? He was the first to say 'yes'. Said he's tired of seeing your grumpy mug whenever he rings in the New Year."
Boyd grins at Derek's obvious discomfort. Derek gives him the middle finger, which makes Boyd chuckle out loud.
"I don't even know if my family's around," Derek protests. Laura often spends the holidays with her husband's family in Sun Valley, and Cora's hard to pin down any time of year.
Erica and Body give him twin looks of guilt. "They are," Boyd says as he takes something out of his coat pocket and hands it to Derek. "We already spoke to Laura. She can't wait to see you."
"Ho, ho, ho." Erica grins.
"What's this?" Derek asks as he stares at the envelope in Boyd's hand.
Boyd shrugs but Derek's not fooled by his casual stance. "A first-class plane ticket. An early Christmas present from us to you." His usually placid expression grows sheepish. "Look man, we don't want to put you in a bad spot. If you really don't want to go, use the credit for another trip. But we knew that if it were up to you, you'd be spending Christmas alone, eating leftovers and watching It's a Wonderful Life for the hundredth time."
"Who says I need to be in a relationship to be happy?" Derek asks, his hackles rising. Besides, Boyd has it all wrong. Derek has Die Hard on his Christmas queue.
Yippee ki yay.
Boyd holds up both hands. "Not me. If you want to be a bachelor forever, I'm not one to judge."
"But I am," Erica says. "You don't date anymore, Der. Hell, when's the last time you even got laid? Which would also be fine, except it's not, because you're miserable and it's obvious that's not what you really want."
Sometimes Derek has a hard time following Erica's logic. Unfortunately, this is not one of those moments.
"It doesn't matter," he says, digging the excess rice out from his wrap. "I'm better off alone."
Erica and Boyd share a look. Derek feels a pang of envy at the way they so easily read each other's thoughts and their mutual love and support. He'd always fancied himself a romantic, but to finally find his mate only to be rejected flat out hurts worse than anything Kate had put him through. Which… well, it says a lot.
Boyd nudges the envelope towards the remains of Derek's burrito. "Do what's right to you." And just like that, he changes the subject as they argue over whether Brees or Brady will end the season with the most touchdown passes and have the better chance of securing a berth in the Super Bowl.
Minutes after Derek sets foot inside JFK, he remembers why he hates flying. It's the noise and the stress, the smell of impatience and sweat, and the lack of personal space as he waits to clear security. He jams his beanie down to cover his ears, and the glower he's wearing doesn't help the dubious looks being cast his way. By the time he reaches the concourse, he has to duck into a coffee shop to catch a break from all the commotion.
He's standing in line, trying to decide whether he'd rather have a green or carrot smoothie, when someone's suitcase catches his heel.
"Shit! Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" The stranger pulls back the offending piece of luggage, and Derek suddenly catches a whiff of a familiar scent amongst the flurry of clothing and limbs. "Are you okay?  I'm not exactly graceful on most days, but I'm working on like two hours of sleep and… " The man's voice trails off as he meets Derek's gaze, his whiskey-colored eyes widening further. "Derek?" he squeaks.
"Stiles," Derek answers, his voice equally strangled.
Stiles blows out a deep breath. "Oh, wow. What are the chances?" he mutters. His face turns blotchy.
Derek's wolf is pawing at his chest, begging Derek to not waste this second chance. "Uh… seeing as we're both here, I'm going to repeat my offer. For the drink. And a meal, if you'd like. Although I guess it's more like a grab and go." He's stumbling over his words and he feels the tips of his ears heat.
Stiles glances at the breakfast wraps and fruit bowls displayed behind the plexiglass counter. He pastes on a grin, although it seems strained at the edges. "Yeah, okay. Thanks, man; that'd be great." He orders an OJ and an egg wrap, while Derek finally decides on the green smoothie.
"Is that all you're getting?" Stiles asks after an awkward moment of silence.
Derek shrugs. "I ate before I got here. But you can order something else. I'm in a generous mood."
"Haha, big spender. I mean… " Stiles ducks his head and bites his lower lip. Derek watches helplessly as it reddens and swells. "Doesn't your daughter or wife want something, too?"
"I don't have a daughter or a wife," Derek says, his brow furrowing. "Or a girlfriend or a boyfriend, for that matter."
Stiles' mouth drops. "But who was the girl you were with at the book signing?"
Everything starts to slot together. Derek lets out a small chuckle of relief. "Hailey? She's the love of my life. She also happens to be the daughter of my best friends, Erica and Boyd, and my goddaughter. They couldn't make it to your signing because of a scheduling conflict, and I jumped in as a favor." He hands over a twenty to the cashier and deposits the remaining change in the tip jar, his shoulders suddenly lighter.
"Ohhh." Stiles wheels his bag around as they head out towards the gates. He stays close to Derek and his scent grows brighter and sweeter. "I totally jumped to the wrong conclusion," he confesses with a rueful grin. "And I don't want to make the same mistake twice, so I'm going to ask you straight out: are you heading back to Beacon Hills? Because if you are, I'd like to take you to a real dinner. If you're interested, of course," he hastens. "If not, that's cool, too—"
Derek stops and places his hand on Stiles' arm. "I happen to be going back to Beacon Hills. And I'm definitely interested."
A quick check of their tickets shows they're on the same flight into Sacramento International. When they reach the gate, Derek marches up to the counter and trades in his first-class ticket for a business-class seat next to Stiles. He hurries back to the waiting area, flashing a 'thumbs up' sign and grinning like a loon. The look of pure joy that lights up Stiles' face makes Derek's wolf howl with glee.
"So I was curious... why did you choose Mieczyslaw as your nom de plume?" Derek asks as he sits, resting his bag on the floor between them.
Stiles huffs out a laugh. "Mieczyslaw is my name—at least, it's the one I was born with. But it was too complicated to say, so my best friend Scott nicknamed me 'Stiles' when we were younger." He shrugs, as if to say, the rest is history. "Anyway, I wrote The Fox and the Spark for Scott and Allison's son and they finally convinced me to submit it to a publisher. I really didn't think it would go anywhere, and it seemed like it would be less of a rejection if I sent it as 'Mieczyslaw' instead of 'Stiles'."
"And then you ended up with a best-seller," Derek finishes with a grin. He stares at the label on his cup, rubbing an edge that's grown worn from condensation. "Hailey's favorite book is The Fox and the Spark. But I think I'm partial to your latest. The one where a boy builds a wolf out of snow and wishes he'd come to life."
Stiles sucks in a deep breath. "It's based on one of my greatest memories."
"The memory of a wolf? Or someone else?"
Stiles' cheeks stain a beautiful pink. "Uh, a little bit of both? I've always been drawn to wolves, but I've also never forgotten how nice you were to me at Cora's party. I mean, you're Derek Hale—Cora's cool, older brother. I kind of built you up after that, turned our meeting into some kind of mythos, but even then I hadn't been prepared for you to be so…" He gestures with his long, graceful fingers up and down Derek's torso. "I mean, look at you. You're ridiculously hot, plus you were so amazing with your goddaughter. You probably work saving kittens or puppies or endangered wildlife or something—"
Derek coughs. "People. I'm an EMT."
"See! I mean, your fucking perfect. It's a good thing I didn't know all these things before, because otherwise, like, mind blown." Stiles mimes an explosion with his hands.
"I'm hardly special. Although I do have a book written about me. How many people can say that?" Derek teases.
"Yeah." Stiles' grin fades slightly, his hands falling to his sides. "About that. I know it must seem weird, but I'm not some obsessed fan, I promise."
Derek shakes his head. It's too early to tell Stiles about werewolves and their mates, but he wants Stiles to know that the feeling is mutual. That Stiles' story is the same one Derek's been living in since they first met.
"It's okay, Stiles. I feel the same way, too." Emboldened, he takes Stiles' hand in his, his eyes dropping to Stiles' mouth as his mate licks his lips.
"Dude," Stiles whispers, awed.
By the time they touch down in Sacramento, Derek's learned all about Stiles' closest friends. He learns that Scott is a werewolf as well, though bitten and not born, and that Stiles is considered part of Scott's pack. He's surprised to know that the infamous Lydia Martin is now one of Stiles' closest confidants, and that they'd briefly dated before deciding they were better off as friends. He also discovers that the Sheriff who busted Derek and his friends on Senior Prank Day (and let them off with a warning) is none other than Stiles' dad.
Derek and Stiles eventually connect the dots and realize that Stiles' friend Isaac went to the same college as, and remains friendly with, Erica and Boyd. He's happy to know that Stiles also lives in New York, on the Upper West Side near Riverside Park, which happens to be one of Derek's favorite places to jog. And he discovers other things about Stiles—like how Stiles is ticklish along his sides (just below the curve of his lowest rib), and how his lips are just as soft as they look, and how Stiles goes absolutely crazy when Derek scents and mouths his neck.
In fact, by the time they disembark, their mutual attraction is pretty much apparent to everybody—including the Sheriff, who pointedly avoids looking at Stiles' neck, and Laura, who just laughs.
Stiles lifts the hem of his scarf to hide the evidence, his cheeks flaming. Derek's just glad that neither the Sheriff or his sister can see the other places Derek's marked.
"Looks like you've finally found a flight you enjoyed, baby bro," Laura says as she wraps her arm around his shoulders and squeezes. "I'm so glad you're home."
Derek closes his eyes and breathes Laura in, his wolf settling at the smell of her shampoo, the warmth of his skin, and the feeling of home. "Me too."
Laura nuzzles the crook of his neck. "You smell different," she says as she leans back, her gaze sharp and assessing.
Derek glances at Stiles, who looks over to Derek at exactly the same time and waves at him with a blinding grin. "Um, yeah. About that..."
"I don't mean in that way," Laura says, wrinkling her nose. "Although he is a cutie. What I mean is that you smell... happy."
"I am," Derek says, realizing he means it. He can't wait to introduce Stiles to the rest of his family and begin formally courting his mate. But for now, he and Stiles know they have something special. They've entered the next chapter of their lives, one that already has a great beginning.
And the romantic in Derek knows this story will have a happy ending.
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Stuffed and Sewed with String
Marionette and Golden Freddy are best friends forever. No one had ever imagined such an unlikely friendship!
One day, Marionette finds out something very unlikely, but very adorable about Goldie.
This idea was suggested by @agarus-fallen-lershal. Thanks for the amazing suggestion, and I hope you like it! (Sorry it took so long.)
Freddy and Foxy couldn't help but notice just how much Marionette and Golden Freddy have been hanging out lately. It wasn't that long ago that they met thanks to Freddy Fazbear. Freddy had somehow encouraged Marionette to leave the music box, and socialize for once. Not in the biggest mood to leave her humble home known as the music box, Marionette often refused to socialize with any of them. But somehow, Freddy had made something in her yearn for a type of friendship. So, the animatronics all watched in awe as the music box music played and out she came: the thin, masked puppet with no strings, walking among them. But there was one animatronic who was shy and refused to come out despite all the animatronic's attempts. So, Marionette decided to try sitting with him. That day of sitting with him, turned into weeks, months, and eventually an entire year! And Marionette had managed to not only open up the golden bear's mouth, but create a friendship amongst each other.
From then on, Marionette and Golden Freddy were inseparable. The other animatronics loved seeing their friendship flourish into something beautiful. They were two shy animatronic robots, growing closer and closer with every week. It was cute to see. If they were naive to the situation, perhaps they could've been seen as a romantic couple? But that wasn't what took place with Marionette and Golden Freddy. Their friendship was purely platonic, if not more than platonic. Their friendship was loyal and humble, filled with cuddles and compliments, nicknames and silly conversations. Nothing could stop them. Nothing could tear then apart. Not without anger and painful consequences. They refused to live the way they used to: alone and stress-free. They now planned on going through what little life they had left.
One day, Marionette and Golden Freddy were looking through the prize bin at the many items in there. Some of it was kinda useless junk, while a few of the prizes were actually kinda cute! Golden Freddy had managed to find a Marionette Plushy!
"Hey Mari! Look what I found!" Golden Freddy told her, showing her the plushy.
Marionette smiled. "That's cute. I don't think I've seen this before." Marionette told him. Golden Freddy started bouncing it up and down to make it look like it was 'walking', and bounced it over to the large Marionette in front of him. "Hi! I'm Marionette! I'm a puppet with no strings and no nose!" Golden Freddy teased, putting on a high-pitched voice.
Marionette smirked, and crossed her arms. "That is not how I sound." Marionette told him, speaking in nearly the same voice as Golden Freddy just imitated.
"Yes I do! This is my normal voice! I am a tall lady, with a tall lady voice!" Golden Freddy teased. To end it off, Golden Freddy brought the plush's mouth up to the real Marionette's white cheek, and made a smooching sound. "Kisses for the tall lady!" Golden Freddy cheered. Marionette couldn't help but giggle at Golden Freddy's silly voice, and his interpretation of her. So, Marionette started looking around for a Golden Freddy plush or a figurine. But much to Marionette's surprise, there was no plush Golden Freddy plushes OR figurines in the prize corner! Perhaps they sold out? Or maybe there was never a Golden Freddy plush sold?
So, Marionette decided to make fun of it. "Hi! My name is Golden Freddy! Just call me Goldie! I have no merchandise!" Marionette joked.
Golden Freddy gasped in dramatic horror! "What did you just say?!" Golden Freddy reacted.
Marionette smirked. "You heard me." She taunted.
"Yeah, I did! You said I have no merchandise!" Golden Freddy reacted. Then, he picked up the Marionette figurine. "Meanwhile YOUR merchandise shows you with noodle arms!" Golden Freddy joked, before doing the noodle arms himself with the Marionette doll in his hand. "WhOOOOoooo! NoOdLe ArMs! LoOk At My SeEeEeXy NoDdLe ArMs!" Golden Freddy mocked.
Marionette gasped and placed her hand onto her chest in dramatic offense. "You DARE to mock my merchandise like that?" Marionette reacted.
"Yes I dare! I double dare! I dare on the hearts of the Fazbear family!" Golden Freddy replied.
"Oh! You mean these things?" Marionette asked, pulling out a Freddy Fazbear plushy, a Funtime Freddy plushy and a Helpy doll.
"Yes! And let's not forget Toy Freddy in the bunch." Golden Freddy warned.
"Oh! Oh yes! You're talking about the Toy Freddy plush that's just a duplicate of Freddy Fazbear?" Marionette teased.
"Hey! Be nice to Toy Freddy! He's a great Freddy! And so are his nightmare and his withered counterparts! You don't even have a withered version! You just have a nightmare Marionette, or as it's called 'Nightmarionne'. And all he's used for at this point, is tentacle porn for nostalgic teens." Golden Freddy threw back.
Marionette just looked at Freddy with black, blank eye sockets. She looked so done with his shit. But, she soon defied Golden Freddy's thoughts by smiling at him.
"It's funny you think those tentacle fingers are for dirty reasons. Here, I was thinking you were naive." Marionette told him, with a smile showing through her voice. "Those tentacles are actually stretched out fingers that are used for tickling." Marionette told him.
Golden Freddy blinked in surprise. Wait...really? "That's what those are for?" Golden Freddy asked.
Marionette smiled. "Not originally." Marionette replied. "Those fingers are used to turn the nightmare animatronics into her puppets. By attaching her fingers to an animatronic's head and limbs, Nightmarionne is capable of puppeteering the animatronics until she accomplishes what she most desires." Marionette explained. "However the nightmare animatronics are useless to her now, and she longs to find humans that are capable of one thing: laughter." Marionette explained with a smirk. "I find it quite funny to me, actually. She doesn't realize she can find laughter from other means than 'humans'." Marionette added.
Golden Freddy let a crooked smile grow onto his face.
"For example:" Marionette used the strings from her fingers to wrap around Golden Freddy's wrists. Another string had slithered up as well, and wrapped around his waist. "I don't need to tickle you in order to receive laughter from you. I can receive a perfect amount of laughter just from this simple action:" Marionette brought her free fingers as close as she could to Golden Freddy's belly. Golden Freddy yelped and couldn't help the wobbly smile that took over his lips.
"M-Mari? What-Whahat are you p-planning?" Golden Freddy asked. Marionette smirked confidently and very slowly wiggled her fingers.
"If my fingers were touching your belly right now, would you be laughing?" Marionette asked, pretending to be unaware of how ticklish he was.
Golden Freddy started nervously giggling and looking away from Marionette out of pure embarrassment. He nodded his head. "Yeheheheheah! Ihihi'm lahahahaughihihing rihihihight nohohohow!" Golden Freddy reacted.
"Correction:" Marionette placed her hand onto his shoulder. "You're giggling." Marionette corrected.
Golden Freddy hung his head, as to not show Marionette his flustered face. "Sahahahame dihihihiffeheherehence." Golden Freddy muttered.
"Hmm...Same difference you say?" Marionette asked. "If it's the same thing, then there should be no difference in your laughter if I do this:" Marionette added, before lightly scratching her three fingers on Golden Freddy's belly.
"NohohOhOHoHOHOHOHO! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OKAHAY! OHOHOKAHAHAHAHAY! THEHEHERE'S AHA DIHIHIFFEHEHEREHENCE!" Golden Freddy cried as he squirmed back and forth in the stringed restraints.
Marionette's smirk grew wider as she made a couple more strings appear around her. Using her hand to execute their actions, the strings followed her orders and started very lightly wiggling on the bear's sides.
Golden Freddy squealed and attempted to dodge the tickling strings. "MAHAHARIIIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI! NAHAHAHAHAT MYHYHYHY BEHEHEHELLYHYHYHYHYHY!" Golden Freddy begged, trying but failing multiple times to pull her leg up and protect the spot. But the leg was utterly useless! While the leg covered up half of his big bear belly, it couldn't cover up the side at all. And the strings were tickling him on the sides, rather than the belly itself! How frustrating!
"And why not? Is your belly a very bad spot?" Marionette asked.
Golden Freddy whined, dropped his foot and threw his head back in annoyance. "YEHEHEHES! YOHOHOHOU KNOHOHOHOW THIHIHIS!" Golden Freddy yelled back.
"Know what? What fact could I possibly know?" Marionette asked.
"HOHOHOHOW TIHIHIHICKLIHIHIHIHISH IHIHI AHAHAHAHAM!" Golden Freddy yelled back, growing more and more frustrated by the minute.
Marionette gasped in the most non-dramatic voice she could muster. "Woooow! You're ticklish? I had no idea!" Marionette reacted in a monotone voice. She decided to use the strings to lift him up, and brought a couple strings under Golden Freddy's feet. When Marionette gave the strings the go-ahead, the strings started wiggling back and forth, tickling the balls of both his feet.
"EEEEEEEEHEHEHEEEP! Oh NO! Ohohohoho geehehehehehehez!" Golden Freddy squealed.
"Ooooooh! I see that your feet are very ticklish. But what about these toes of yours? Are they ticklish?" Marionette asked, pretending to be completely oblivious as she brought a string up to one of his feet. Golden Freddy gulped at the look of the string, and struggled to stop the wobbly smile from spreading across his face.
"Telling by your smile, I'm going to assume you have a few ticklish toes." Marionette decided before tickling under the toes with the string.
Golden Freddy wheezed, and almost immediately started cackling and kicking his feet like a mad man. Marionette was taken back by how much he was kicking, but didn't stop right away. She was too busy enjoying the sound of cackling laughter that was leaving his mouth. Golden Freddy squeaked, kicked, cackled and shook his head back and forth. Marionette was being brutal to him!
Marionette's smile quickly dropped before she stopped the string. She removed the strings that were tickling him and carefully lowered Golden Freddy down an inch. "Are you okay? I didn't go overboard, did I?" Marionette asked.
Golden Freddy was still a giggly mess as he hung there by the strings. He lifted his head and looked at Marionette. "Yohohohou ahare ohone ehehevihil puppet. Yohohou're luhucky Ihihi'm yohour friehehend." Golden Freddy reminded her.
"Oh? And what would you do if I wasn't?" Marionette asked.
Golden Freddy smirked and gave her the middle finger in reply. Marionette hummed curiously and smirked. "How family friendly of you." Marionette teased.
"Oh please. My finger is much more family friendly then you'll EVER be!" Golden Freddy added.
Marionette's smile fell. She blinked once. She blinked twice. She stared off into space and blinked a third time.
Golden Freddy's smirk soon fell after about 5 minutes of watching Marionette's face change. "What? Did...Did I go too far?" Golden Freddy asked.
Marionette's blank stare quickly turned into a SUPER evil smirk. "I'm sensing some mischief in your words. Are are you trying to get me to tickle you till you malfunction? Because it seems like you are." Marionette asked, growing more and more evil. Golden Freddy giggled and looked away from her. Marionette walked closer and closer to Golden Freddy, till she was right in front of his snout. Marionette smiled. "Let's try out these ears of yours. I believe someone had told me ears can be ticklish?" Marionette said.
She lifted up her arms towards his golden ears, and lightly scratched the back of one of his ears. Golden Freddy smiled widely and giggled softly as his body melted at the touch.
"Hmmm...a giggle spot that makes you melt...interesting." Marionette reacted calmly, continuing to scratch his ear.
Golden Freddy tilted his head to the side and giggled gleefully. Despite how much it tickled, it felt really nice to laugh comfortably like this. The strong tickles he had just gotten, were too much for him to really handle. He could handle it, but Golden Freddy much preferred the light tickles.
Marionette decided to give that ear a break, and started tickling the other ear for a bit. Similarly to before, Golden Freddy had tilted his head to the side and giggled like a happy toddler. Once in a while, Golden Freddy would either squeal or shake his head to try and get Marionette's fingers off his ear. But Marionette held on pretty strong.
"Plehehehehehehehease!" Golden Freddy begged quietly.
"Hmm? Can you please repeat that for me? I seem to be losing my hearing." Marionette asked calmly with a smirk. He wiggled three of his fingers on his belly to get the boy louder.
"Please? Please what? 'Please add another hand to my ticklish belly so I can lose my sanity in laughter'? Is that what you want?" Marionette asked, being dramatic.
"But why? You seemed so excited. One should never push away a fun opportunity like this." Marionette replied. Finally to shut the bear up, Marionette wiggled all of her fingers all over different spots on his belly.
Golden Freddy completely lost it. His laughter had taken over every part of his body! Even speaking properly was impossible! Golden Freddy felt like he was going to overheat and shutdown due to the laughter. Marionette was very much testing his body's limits when it came to laughter. Golden Freddy didn't know what was going to come first: was Marionette going to finally give him mercy? Or was he going to shut down from overheating?
Finally, after what felt like hours to the poor bear, Marionette stopped her fingers and calmly returned to the ear tickles. This time, Marionette walked behind her golden best friend and started tickling both ears at once. Golden Freddy, being as exhausted as he was, dramatically melted in both exhaustion and pleasure from the ear scratches. Despite his tummy being a lot more ticklish, the ear tickles were surprisingly harder to handle. But at the same time, they also felt really nice. So his mind was fighting against itself on whether this was a nice massage, or a demonstration of ticklish insanity.
"How is this? Is this calming you?" Marionette asked.
"Ihihihihihit tihihihicklehehehehehes." Golden Freddy told her.
"I know it tickles. But is it calming you?" Marionette asked.
Golden Freddy attempted to think for a moment, which was hard to do because of the distracting fingers.
"Do you want me to stop?" Marionette asked.
Golden Freddy immediately shook his head. He had begun to realize that he didn't want the tickling to stop. He wanted it to keep going as long as he can. Despite the super light ticklishness (that could kill a person if kept up for long enough), it felt amazing and worth every second.
Marionette smiled before completely lowering his body to the ground. Golden Freddy plopped his tired back right onto the ground next, causing a loud bang sound to fill the room for a few moments.
Marionette walked closer to the chubby bear. "You like it." Marionette told him, giving his ear a little scratch.
Golden Freddy giggled and leaned into Marionette's fingers. He nodded his head to tell her 'yes, I do like it'.
"Would you like some more?" Marionette asked.
Golden Freddy giggled even more and nodded his head in reply. Marionette giggled and happily placed her fingers onto his ears to keep giving him ear tickles. His reaction was very much like an attention-seeking kitten: He curled up to Marionette and allowed his robot body to go into sleeping mode.
At 6:00 the next morning, a night guard walked out of the security office with a flashlight, and shined his light on a strange, but surprisingly adorable sight:
Marionette and Golden Freddy were curled up together in front of the stage, cuddling each other. Golden Freddy was holding onto Marionette's body tightly like a stuffy, and Marionette was somewhat returning the hug. Marionette's left hand was seen wrapped around Golden Freddy's ear, and his right hand was resting across the Golden bear's belly.
The Night Guard decided to take a picture of the scene with a camera. With a picture to remember the cute scene, the Night Guard on duty walked right out of the pizzeria.
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insane-control-room · 4 years
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Mirrored Gravity
A commission for the wonderful @marie-lamb-b <3
ao3 link
Shawn had gotten quite used to strange things going on in their cottage. Things like Wally, Sammy, and Thomas sleeping on a couch all piled one on top of the other. Marina and Linda making a sculpture out of moving ink, then setting it ablaze. Gonner’s odd experiments with wires and potions. But this?
This took the cake.
Twisting the ring on his finger, a forming habit, he managed to comment on the situation.
“Why are ye on the ceiling?”
“Yer on the ceiling.”
“I am?”
Willy glanced at himself, and found Shawn to be correct - he was, indeed, on the ceiling.
“Huh. So I am.”
“Do you know… why yer defying the laws of physics? Or how?” Shawn asked, trying to sound nonchalant, but his intrigue dumped excitement into his tone. Willy shrugged. “No clue at all?”
“No, not really,” the man confessed, the soft red of his mouth contrasting with the rich dark tones of his face as he yawned and stretched. “It’s not exactly an everyday thing, ya know.”
“Yeah, I know,” Shawn nodded, then leaned against the wall. “How do ye suppose we’ll get ye down from all the way up there?”
Shawn had a point - the ceiling of the cabin was rather high up, and had Shawn not looked up to determine where the slight sound of snoring was coming from, it would have been unlikely that anyone would have spotted the snoozing janitor.
“What do you think about a rope?” Willy suggested. Shawn nodded and headed out to the shed to grab the coil that rested there. When he returned, he tossed the end up to Willy, who snatched it out of the air. “Try and pull me down.”
Shawn pulled - and then rose up along the rope himself, with an exclamation of surprise.
“Uh, if you’re gonna ask if you’re comin’ up, the answer is yes!” Willy yelled, but with an incredulous look on his face. “Stop! Go back down the rope, quick!”
Shawn scurried backwards, and his toes brushed the floor once more. He and Willy looked at one another and burst out laughing.
“Number one, I’ve got no idea how to get you down,” Shawn guffawed, “And number two, hell! That was weird as all hell in a soup pot!”
“Yep, I’m with you on that!”
Shawn twisted his ring again, and Willy bit his lip, and tried to swim through the air. He looked like a puppy in water for the first time - hovering in the same place despite the effort and will to move along.
“What time is it?” Willy questioned. “Maybe when Gonner gets back from school she can figure out somethin’ to get me down.”
“It’s twelve,” Shawn answered after glancing at his watch. Willy groaned. “I know it’s a pain, muirnín, but she’s not gonna be of use. We’re gonna have to figure this one out on our own.”
“Well, then, let’s think,” Willy replied. “How would you get down from a ceiling?”
“I don’t think I would be on a ceiling in the first place,” Shawn responded with ease. Willy nodded, and sighed a, “That’s fair.”
“Now, what about… um, ya demon?” Shawn fumbled. “Mirror. Mirry. Can that lil’ bastard do anything to help?”
Willy looked over at the corner of the ceiling.
“He’s too busy laughin’ his tush off,” Willy pouted. Shawn wanted to kiss him, and then climbed up the rope that Willy still held and twisted in nervous knots. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it off dumba- Oh! Hello, Shawn. What’re ya doin’ up here?”
“I’m gonna give my absolutely gorgeous fiance a big kiss, ‘cause he’s the cutest fella I’ve ever met in my whole life,” Shawn stated, before putting his hands on the sides of Willy’s face, pulling him close and kissing his nose, then his lips. “There. How was that?”
“Lovely,” Willy giggled, then noticed - “We’re on the floor.”
“Oh, are we?” Shawn looked down, lifting his toes and finding his heels firmly on the polished wood floors. “Wow. That was some trip, if ye ask me.”
“It was,” Willy agreed, and pecked Shawn’s cheek. “I guess that I just had to feel like flyin’ to come back to earth, doncha think?”
Shawn erupted into full laughter, Willy’s soft giggling accompanying it. He wrapped his arms around Willy, swaying slightly in time with the rhythm of the turntable, until he realized that no one had turned it on, and it certainly was not playing when he came in from his walk.
“D’ye hear that?” he murmured by Willy’s ear. The man cocked his head, like a dog might, and nodded. “The turntable’s on fer some reason.”
“Leave it on,” Willy coaxed him, kissing his cheek with a smile Shawn could feel. “It’s nice. Wanna dance?”
“With you?” Shawn felt his heart flutter. “Of course. I’d love to.”
They turned and swayed, as though they were reeds by the shoreline, soft water wafting around them, only them in the ocean of their home. It was a genuine, sweet, lovely, fun, wonderful time for them both, each laughing and humming along to the beat.
“Oh, I love ya,” Willy sighed, smiling, leaning up just a tad to kiss Shawn. Shawn grinned broadly, and kissed him back. “I’m so happy you’re here, with me….”
“I’m happy yer here with me, too,” Shawn beamed. “And that we’ve got the family, and everythin’, and everyone, and can work together… I’m so happy we’re here.”
“Do you think our house is haunted?” Willy asked, not quite out of nowhere, but Shawn certainly was not expecting it. His head lifted from Willy’s shoulder, looking into his eyes with some surprise. “Well, aside from Mirror. But he normally’d tell me if something supernatural was goin’ on in our vicinity.”
“What do you think? Do you think it’s haunted?” Shawn looked around, his eyes resting once more on Willy. Willy shook his head. “Well, that’s good enough for me. Maybe Mirror built up some extra power he couldn’t control. What do you think o’ that?”
“Possible, possible,” Willy nodded, smiling. “As said in ‘Sherlock Holmes’, once you rule out the impossible, what remains however shocking, must be the truth, or somethin’ like that, but our problem is that what happened was, according to most people, ‘impossible’.”
“Y’know what?” Shawn rolled his eyes, and dipped Willy, making him laugh. “I don’t quite think I care enough to find out what caused it. What matters is yer safe down here on earth with me.”
“Agreed,” Willy’s chuckle was infectious, and Shawn found himself grinning as his fiance kissed his cheeks, once left, once right. “You’re my lovely leprechaun, you know? LepreShawn. It works, doesn’t it?”
“Terribly,” Shawn wrinkled his nose, but his eyes twinkled. “Terribly well, that is.”
The next incident occurred while they were at work. Shawn was happily stitching away at his quota of dolls, prideful that it was coming along smoothly. Johan did not mind one in every few dolls to have crooked smiles, he laughed and remarked that it gave them personality and would make them collectors items, and Shawn was more than happy to agree, remarking that the man’s ass could also potentially be a collector’s item. Whist Joey was clearly not amused, Henry certainly was.
“Is there no time that you don’t think about fella’s butts, though?” Willy had questioned later, brown eyes sparkling with mirth. Shawn could just imagine the kick Mirror was getting out of those words, and decided to indulge the man.
“Not really,” Shawn shrugged one shoulder to keep his grip on his paintbrush. “All this irish brain thinks about is butts and stuff.”
“And stuff?” Willy rose a brow, his lips twitching in amusement. “What kind of stuff?”
“How much I’d like to sweep you off your feet,” Shawn replied, finally looking up to the man - and realizing that he was hovering beside his loft, not merely standing beside him in his usual work station. “Um. Wills? How’d you get up here? Some sort of voodoo hoodoo magic again?”
Willy looked down.
“Huh. Didn’t notice again,” he remarked, pursing his lips. He looked so positively adorable that Shawn just had to kiss him, and so he did. Willy shrieked as gravity grabbed him, and his arms instinctively wrapped around Shawn’s shoulders and pulled him down with him. Luckily, they landed on two giant plushies, a Boris and a Charlie. They looked at each other with wide eyes, bursting into laughter and surprise. “I’m really startin’ to think that Mirror is up to something with doing that.”
“That whippersnapper tryin’ to make us kiss?” Shawn laughed, and Willy laughed happily along. A mischievous light Shawn adored came into his eye. He leaned close to whisper in a sing-song tone, “Somethin’s on your mind….”
“We can fool him, if you wanna know how,” he replied, grinning coyly. “Play the same trick back, if you will.”
“Oh?” Shawn felt an excitement bloom in his chest as he grinned in return. “And just how do we do that, muirnín?”
“Listen closely,” Willy replied, then cupped his hand by Shawn’s ear to whisper his plot. Grinning ever wider now, Shawn marveled at the cleverness of his Willy. After he finished muttering his plan, he looked at him. “What do you think, Shawn?”
“Absolutely great,” Shawn replied. “And I’m one hundred percent certain that I can get the trio’s help to make it work all the better. Even if they don’t wanna, I’ve got blackmail.”
“Even on my own brother?” Willy gasped in mock offence. Shawn stammered an excuse, silenced by a kiss. “Don’t worry, I’ll never tell him. Go on ahead. Have fun. I wish there would be a way for you to see Mirror’s reaction to it all, but alas, there ain’t.”
“I’m sure that Jameson would be happy to relay it to me,” Shawn shrugged. “It’s still a great way to get back at him.”
‘Get back at what?’ Mirror asked, returning from his foray into the lighting system after the couple had come back to earth, in that literal sense. ‘Gonna ambush Thomas for stealing his belt? Gotta see that!’
Willy only answered the demonic fae with a smile.
“G’night Shawn,” Willy yawned, snuggling into bed beside his partner. Shawn, wrapping an arm around him and giving a gentle squeeze, kissed his forehead. “I love ya. See ya in the morning.”
“Goodnight, Willy,” Shawn hummed. “I love you, too.”
Before long, the sleepy janitor was in dreamland, and Shawn knew that Mirror was too - unlike usually. Mirror was out like a light, thanks to some magic spells of binding that Joey found for them.
Shawn slipped out of bed, and let in Jameson and the three boyfriends.
Jameson glanced around, then up at the ceiling corner. He nodded with a slight smile.
“Alright,” Shawn whispered, feeling his own smile grow. “Let’s do this, then.”
Mirror, groggy, stretched out each unnatural joint in his body, neck cracking in forty places.
He found everything, everything, upside down.
Even the pictures on the walls.
Confused by the situation, he looked around, seeing Willy and Shawn still cuddling in bed, in their upside down bed.
He had no idea what was happening, and even his unending humor seemed quenched by the encapsulation of his world literally upside down.
Needless to say, he disliked it. Immensely. He poked Willy’s face with a fingerlike claw to wake him fully, and the man rose a brow as he gazed at him.
‘Why is everything on the ceiling,’ he demanded, his voice crackling without humor, but with confusion and mild curiosity. Willy only tilted his head in question to understand. ‘You’re on the ceiling.’
“I most definitely am not on the ceiling,” Willy mumbled in reply, snuggling back into Shawn’s side to stifle his laughter. “You’re on the ceiling.”
‘I am not!’ Mirror gasped, then spasmed with mirth. ‘How can I be on the ceiling?’
“Maybe you lost track of how gravity works,” Willy cuddled closer to Shawn. “That’s something a demon like ya could do, right?”
‘I don’t think so,’ Mirror replied, and burst out into laughter, some shocked, some self incriminating. ‘I’m pretty sure that ain’t somethin’ I can do.’
“You can’t switch off gravity?” Willy inquired, peering at him with one eye. “That’s not one of your nut job abilities?”
‘It is, though I am limited to my tormentees,’ Mirror guffawed, then froze, looking at Willy with big eyes that still held merriment. ‘Oh ho ho, Mister Clever Willy, caught me red handed, huh?’
“Precisely,” Willy replied, smug. Shawn poked his head up, looking to his fiance. “G’morning, Shawn.”
“Top o’ the mornin’ to you, Willy,” Shawn yawned. He grimaced after. “Feels weird to wake up like this. Did the demon fess up?”
“Just did,” Willy flipped off Mirror, making the devil stick his tongue out at the two. “Apparently he can’t switch off gravity for everyone.”
“Wouldn’t be surprised if he secretly could,” Shawn muttered. Mirror settled onto Willy’s head, shrinking to be a size relative to a ping pong ball. “Er, Wills, question.”
“Yeah, love?”
“How the hell do we get down from here?”
Everything had been nailed to the ceiling. And they were taped to their bed. Willy had evidently not thought of that.
“Very much um.”
It took a while, effort, and Shawn falling flat on his face, but in time, they managed to get down and right everything to its proper location. Shawn counted about three hundred nails before he lost track, and Willy was snoozing on the couch yet again from the work out.
Shawn looked over the edge of his book when the motion of Willy stretching his arms caught his eye, and to his surprise, he noticed Willy floating once more, about two feet above the couch’s cushions. It was, admittedly, the perfect height for Shawn to put his arms under him to hold him, even weightless, so he did. Acting on his impulse merely was something Shawn tended to do and benefited (or lost) from doing so.
“Hello, darling Willy of mine,” Shawn greeted the waking man. Willy grinned and kissed him, and plopped into Shawn’s arms. “I love you. Floating or not.”
“I love you, Shawn,” Willy responded happily. “It looks like Mirror wanted to get the last laugh. Kudos to him for the effort, doncha think?”
“Yep,” Shawn beamed. “All in all, ‘twas an excellently fun time for all of us, I suppose.”
Willy glanced over his shoulder and frowned for a moment, rolling his eyes.
“What did Mirror say?” Shawn asked with curiosity. Willy shrugged. “Aw, come on, tell me!”
“He commented on a threesome idea,” Willy grumbled, and Shawn laughed. “I’d rather not have that spawn of the devil involved with you and me.”
“And I’m pretty sure he was only joking, Willy,” Shawn assured him. Willy sighed and nodded. “He did do a good job of making us weightless though.”
“I’d rather have another kiss.”
“Anything for you, muirnín.”
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okayoonoh · 4 years
a/n: i honestly can’t believe i’ve gotten this far! i’m so happy that i’ve been keeping up with these and i hope you guys have been liking them so far!
here’s the masterlist to all things nct dad related! go and check it out! i have so many other parts written already :)
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he has three kids, all daughters. kim jia is the oldest, 3 years later, kim jieun was born, and 3 years after that, kim jiyoung was born.
(when jiyoung was born, jia was 6 years old while jieun was 3 years old)
KIM JIA: >> as a baby <<
she comes runner up in the position as calmest
she was so freaking chill like?
when jia was born, jungwoo saw his entire universe the second she opened her eyes and looked at her appa
you know how when jungwoo smiles, he looks like the little dumpling ?
that’s jia
she looks more like the dumpling then jungwoo does lol
jia was also pretty small when she was born
but that didn’t stop her!
when she gained weight, she mostly gained it in her belly and her face
she like was fine proportionally, but her belly was just so big lol
it honestly was the cutest
jungwoo nicknamed her mandu bc she was honestly just the sweetest little dumpling
she wasn’t shy when it came to her smiles
she was a little wary around strangers but that’s okay
jungwoo was honestly a really anxious dad
like he just would think that anything and everything can go wrong and he was just so nervous
but like jia took it easy on him dw
like if you had to leave for something for like a couple days
jungwoo would be so anxious about taking care of jia by himself
but then jia would just give her appa a pretty little reassuring smile
and he knew that he got it
jungwoo is honestly a really good dad
like naturally
he read a couple books and such
but a lot of his skills come naturally
he knew all of the things jia liked
he knew how to calm her down
she was honestly the worst with strangers
like if jungwoo or you had to leave the room
she would cry as if you left her forever
jia slowly learned that you guys still exist even if you leave the room haha
she was just so loving with her parents
>> as a child <<
she’s still just so chill dude
like obvi she’s a kid and when she gets excited, she’ll get excited
but she’s not like the “WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” kind of kid
she’s more of a “woo”
she’s best friends with jeno’s oldest, lee juwon
juwon is a lot like his dad
he thinks that it’s so cool that jia is so smart
she’s kinda panicky lol
but juwon is just like weird with his humor and stuff
they still vibe together well tho
they both have the greatest smiles
like it’s one of those situations that they don’t have that much in common
but they just vibe so well together
she’s. so. smart.
jia is one of those people that school comes easy to them
like learning is just so easy for her
she was already learning really complex topics for her age
and she just kept wanting to learn more
she’s not super competitive with being top of the class tho
jia will tutor anyone who asks
even tho she’s smart
when she’s with juwon, they don’t make the best decisions
like if you send them to the store to buy more soy sauce or something
they’ll forget the soy sauce
but they’ll buy you like a pan or something
they once clogged the drain and turned the shower into a vertical bath tub
no one knows
it was HE double hockey sticks to drain tho lol
when juwon and jia play, they play hard
like jia is the type of girl to be covered bruises
and she won’t care
she’s a really good sister to all of her siblings
she doesn’t really boss them around
but she will use her older sister powers if one of them steps out of line
like if one of them annoys her while she’s studying or something
she’ll use her older sister voice
she rarely uses it tho lol
>> as a teen/adult <<
she’s so heckin smart dude
honestly, probably the smartest person in the entire group
she decides that she really enjoys helping people when they’re at their worst
and she becomes a orthopedic surgeon
like she achieves to be head of surgery in her hospital
even tho she’s a doctor, she still believes in all the medical myths lol
for example
if it’s really cold outside
and jiyoung is going out for a run
jia will make jiyoung where like 500 layers
jiyoung: “you literally just told me how that was a myth whY -- UNNIE I’LL BE OUT FOR LIKE 30 MINUTES I DON’T NEED TO WEAR MY SNOW COAT AND YOUR’S! IT’S NOT EVEN SNOWING.”
she’s so caring towards her siblings like it’s crazy
she’s proud of everything they do
jia watches every single one of jieun’s blogs
she watches every single one of jiyoung’s soccer games
she’s there for everything
jia doesn’t know what sleep is lol
she’s constantly studying and improving her skills as a surgeon
like even when she’s on vacation
she’s reading her books and stuff
her favorite place to study is qian fen’s cafe
she vibes so well in there
she’s honestly obsessed with her skin
lowkey a dermatologist at this point
jungwoo still occasionally calls her mandu lol
juwon is like one of the only people that knows how to get her to relax lol
she’s honestly a bit of a workaholic
jia can’t help it
she still cares so much about her entire family
she’ll get them in with the good doctors (discounts too)
whenever she’s overworked or overstressed, she goes home
being around family reenergizes her
she relates a lot with her dad
she’s honestly a mini version of jungwoo
if jungwoo can tell that she’s struggling, he’ll do the things he did to her as a baby
like seriously lol
he’ll find her plushy she had when she was a baby
and sing her the same songs 
it would make you cry every time because it was so gosh darn cute
KIM JIEUN: >> as a baby <<
also super chill
jieun was honestly so chic
like it would take a lot to make her smile
like if know rohui from return of the superman
like she had the brightest and goofiest smile
but jieun had to keep her chic aesthetic and couldn’t show emotions lol
even when jungwoo and you were jumping up and down making yourselves look ridiculous, she still won’t smile
when, and it was rare, she did smile, it was a big smile
she would give you guys the biggest smiles just so show how happy she is
she wasn’t a super playful baby lol
she was just so chic like idk what else to say lmao
when jieun was around her squad™ she would smile a bit more
but she still maintained her image
she loved to babble
jieun wanted to talk as soon as she could
she would talk even before she knew how lol
like omg imagine
so like you’re with jia for something and jungwoo wants to take a roadtrip with his little princess
she’ll babble the ENTIRE way
none of them are actual words other than “appa” and “eomma” 
and jungwoo would respond so well to everything 
like he would have actual conversations with her
jungwoo wasn’t as stressed this time around
it’s different with two kids tho
but it’s okay
he still kept those natural dad instincts 
jungwoo is so caring towards all of his children it’s just the sweetest
jieun honestly was just a chic baby 
>> as a child <<
she’s super feminine
like she loves all things pink
all things frilly and pretty
her favorite game was all games related to being a princess
she really was your family’s princess tho
jieun was so creative from an early age
and she was so artistic
like she took up drawing, sketching, etc. all from an early age
and she’s super talented with it too
jieun is in the squad of her, jaehyun’s son, jung leon, hendery’s middle son, wong liuwei, and haechan’s middle daughter, lee haeun
jieun is the calmest out of all of them
but they honestly can all be so crazy
generally, jieun is like the one who is trying to calm everyone down
but when she’s in the right mood, she’s right up there with them in crackheadedness
she speaks in tiny
she’s still super girly tho lol
she starts to get interested in makeup in this age
jieun didn’t really like playing with dolls and such
but she did enjoy playing with those makeup sets
she would do her makeup
your makeup
jia’s makeup
jungwoo’s makeup
jiyoung’s makeup
e v e r y o n e
she becomes obsessed with beauty
jieun is one of those girls who you’re like “yeah, she is a GIRL.”
and she loves it!
it’s just her aesthetic :)
>> as a teen/adult <<
she becomes a well known makeup artist
still super duper chic and artistic
she’s known for her colorful and technically perfect style
she does makeup for all of the models and celebrities of the group
like if they want to go for the aesthetic look, they go to her
and she does an amazing job
she’s so talented with all things dealing with beauty
hair, makeup, nails, e v e r y t h i n g
whenever she models for anything, she does her own makeup
her fashion sense is always trendy
jieun has a pristine self image and she tries to maintain it
guys hit on her all of the time lmao
she handles it so well tho
she looks them right in the eyes, as intimidating as possible, and takes a deep breath
she then uses words that don’t match with her image at all
but they’re so scary
like people would think she was a delinquent in her past life with all of the things she says
everyone in her squad find this kinda entertaining
she just gets annoyed because she hates creeps
even tho she cares a lot about her self-image, if someone is being weird around her friends, she’ll do the same thing she’ll do for herself
it usually shocks the dude so much
she can beat them up too lol
jieun is chic and stuff, but being in the squad, she learned how to fight
and she can take care of herself haha
jieun is pretty reliable
like if she makes an engagement, she won’t run from it
she does a really good in keeping up with everything
she gets along well with all of her siblings
jiyoung takes interest in fashion and jieun helps her out
honestly, jieun really is that girl and it’s just so cool
KIM JIYOUNG: >> as a baby <<
she’s been a soccer player from the start
she had such strong legs as a baby
like being pregnant with her was not a fun time
when she kicked, she kicked
even when she was born
her legs were just aching to start running
jiyoung was very similar to jia when she started gaining weight
except her legs were a lot more chubby than jia’s was
jiyoung was an early riser from the start
every day, you would begin by stretching out the little baby
that’s when all of her gigles were
stretching time was jiyoung’s favorite time
out of all of your kids, jiyoung was the most social
jiyoung was fine with strangers
and jiyoung would give you guys way more smiles than jieun did 
jiyoung just seemed constantly happy about life
it was a treat to see
in all physical things, she was advanced
literally the second she started walking, she was trying to run
she was just so active and wanted to explore the world
when she was a toddler oh no
you didn’t want to have to get one of those baby backpack leashes, but you had to
she was just too fast
even jungwoo couldn’t keep up with her 
she was so excited all of the time haha
nothing seemed to calm her down
she would be full of energy until she collapsed pretty much
jiyoung was such a happy baby tho it was honestly so endearing
>> as a child <<
super duper athletic
she kinda seemed intimidating if you didn’t know her
but she’s chill dw
she put all of her energy into sports and she excelled
jiyoung is so talented in all of her sports
but her favorite is soccer
mainly because her dad was so good at soccer, she loves how she can relate with him
she’s generally happiest when she’s playing sports
she enjoys being the baby of the family tho
jiyoung is pretty independent in most situations
but when she’s around her sisters, she changes lol
like a lot of people think that she’s super cool and independent and no one can hold her down
but the second jieun needs help with something, jiyoung is on her way ASAP
jiyoung wasn’t super needy or high maintenance
she would just appreciate everything you would buy for her
she had really tan skin because she was out in the sun tho
even tho it’s “against the beauty standard” to have tan skin
she embraced it
jieun, the beauty guru of the entire group, said that jiyoung and the best skin
jia is willing to fight ANYONE who makes fun of jiyoung’s skin tone
jiyoung embraced herself and loved herself from such an early age
she’s best friends with yuta’s youngest son, nakamoto itsuki
itsuki is also a soccer prodigy
they relate a lot with soccer
they honestly compliment each other so well
like itsuki is a little goofy and stuff
and so is jiyoung
they both are super tan and athletic too
they just were meant to be from such an early age
jiyoung wasn’t really into things that were super feminine tho 
she prefers “dirt over skirts”
jiyoung is such a hard worker
like she works through all of her sore muscles and everything
but she just does such a good job and maintains a positive attitude
>> as a teen/adult <<
a soccer player ™ 
she goes and plays professionally
she’s just so gosh darn athletic it’s so cool
she just genuinely enjoys playing soccer
jiyoung does have those days where she pushed herself too hard
but she just needs to see her family one more time to get back into the swing of things
whichever team she’s on, she becomes the face of the team
jiyoung honestly has the brightest smile and everyone loves it
when she speaks in any situation that’s not a soccer game, she speaks in tiny
but when she’s out on the field
she’s LOUD
she doesn’t know why she’s so quiet off the field but she just is lol
she starts to take an interest in fashion and such after establishing herself as a professional soccer player
jieun is like “dw jiyoung, i gotchu bb”
jieun knows her sister’s aesthetic and just rolls with it
jiyoung wears everything jieun tells her too
like even tho jiyoung has taken an interest in fashion, she sucks at choosing her own outfits lol
itsuki and jiyoung get together
everyone knew it was gonna happen lol
they were honestly soulmates from the second they met
athletic power couple of the century
if they have a match on the same night, they’ll wear the same color headbands and shoes
they do subtle things
like the even have customized cleats with each other’s names in them 
on their biggest game days, they wear those cleats
honestly, it’s the cutest
like ugh
i guess you can say that itsuki and jiyoung are goals *badum tssssss*
jungwoo just wants to be there for all of her matches
jiyoung makes sure that the two of you get season tickets to the best seats in the stadium
jungwoo is so happy whenever he sees all of his daughters happy and together
he wouldn’t trade it for anything.
junguwu really out here with the uwuest family of them all :,)
i hope you guys liked it! i was struggling a bit with these three because i knew how they were in my head but i just couldn’t put it to words haha
anyway, lucas’s family is next~
- amy <3
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7team7 · 5 years
SasuSaku Month Day 7: One of These Nights
Title: Sasuke and Sakura’s Night Out! // Rating: M (drugs, language) // Summary: Sakura and Sakura don’t get out much, but just one night is enough to make up for a lifetime of staying in. Very much inspired by my love for both the movie booksmart and those memes where it’s like aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you want to just go absolutely fucking feral? Yeah, nerd SasuSaku going feral basically // ao3 link 
A/N: something to make up for yesterday’s angst, this was a ton of fun to write!! Also why do i keep writing things i dont know about?? Idk anything about the good old mary jane or drugs in general lol but just go with it this isn’t really supposed to make sense Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto, Booksmart, or anything mentioned in this story. I’m just a wee speck of dust in the universe
“One of these nights we should do something actually fun.”
“Since when did watching movies with me stop being fun? Did you want a snack or something? I saw that post you tagged me in this morning, I guess we can build a blanket fort on the trampoline, but you can’t complain about it being cold.”
Sakura sat up from where she was lounging on Sasuke’s bed, staring at the wall. “Now that you mention it, I could go for some boba. Or an edible.”
Sasuke, sitting in his bean bag, stared at Sakura in disbelief, “do you even know what’s in those?”
Sakura straightened up even more and looked down haughtily, “of course I do. Naruto told me a long time ago. And doesn’t a brownie sound so good right now?”
“Sakura, you got drunk off a few sips of your Aunt Tsunade’s rice wine and you’re telling me you want to get high? We’re about to go to college and you want to fry your brain?”  
“We’re about to go to college and we’ve never done anything. Do you know how lame that is?”
Sasuke seemed to contemplate Sakura’s words for a moment before giving her a wolfish grin, sounding every bit the teenage boy he was, “that’s not true. We’ve done stuff. We’ve had sex. Lots of it.”
One of Sasuke’s pillows sailed across the room towards his face, accompanied by a screech, “I knew it, I knew you’d say something dumb! What does it matter when you’re already a stupid boy with no brain. Those ads are totally false, by the way. What’s the harm in trying weed, Sasuke? I wanna try, so you should do it with me.”
Despite being the captain of the speech and debate team, he couldn’t find anything to argue about. He texted Naruto; at least he could trust their “plug” or whatever he’s called by half the school.
Except, they actually couldn’t because he was somehow all out and directed them to Kiba instead.
“Seriously? We’ve known Naruto, like, forever? And he lets us down now? Kiba is smelly and weird. His weed probably...smells like weed.”
Sakura doesn’t let up, “just text Kiba, he’s not that bad. Don’t be lame.”
“What should I even say? Leaf emoji? Side eye emoji? Plug emoji? Is he going to give us a friends and family discount?”
“Sasuke, I know you love using color coordinated spreadsheets to organize your life, but now is not the time. Mention my name. Maybe he’ll give us a hot girl discount.”
“I just sent him ‘weed’ with a question mark. Oh, he already responded. He said come over right now and he’ll ‘give us the hook up.’ Sakura, does that mean he wants us to have a threesome with us?” Sasuke asked with false, exaggerated concern.
That earned Sasuke another pillow thrown at his face (this time it’s his favorite dinosaur plushie) before Sakura gets to her feet and announces with a rather dramatic clenched fist, “get in the car, we’re going to Kiba’s.”
“Yooo, Sasuke! Woah! And Sakura? The Kiba Hut is going to have a blessed night if these two legends are here! Come on in guys, we’re having a kickback.”
As Kiba opened the door wider to let them in, a haze of smoke wafted out and the smell hit them like a wall. They had definitely come to the right place.
They saw Kiba’s usual crew, Hinata and Shino, sitting on the couch looking very blissed out already, along with a number of other kids from their school. Sakura checked her phone, isn’t it like 9 pm? Is this late or early for this kind of stuff?
“My guy Naruto told me you’re here for some famous Kiba Hut edibles, and like, welcome to the bake sale, but I’m telling you man, you gotta try the newest from Shino. Shit’s dank, bro.”
The couple turned away from Kiba to look at Shino sitting there with his sunglasses still on despite being indoors. He raised a single hand in greeting, then gestured to a plate of brownies plus something less familiar in front of him. “The new goods or pot?”
Sasuke looked disturbed by the sight and was about to say “neither” before Sakura elbowed him sharply in the side, “we’ll take both!” she cut in with a big smile.
“Adventurous! I fucking love it! Man, you kids are too cute, I’ll give it to you real cheap. You got Venmo?” Kiba pulled his phone out to start the transaction.  
Sakura glanced around, they had never been to Kiba’s house before, so this was a new experience all around. She spotted a bowl of water by the kitchen, “uh, can dogs get high?”
Kiba laughed, “you’re probably wondering where Akamaru is! He’s chillin’ in the backyard. He’s cool with it though, he’s a total bro. He’s got hella treats out there, we’ve got hella treats in here. Equality, you feel?”
“For sure, for sure. I’ll just approve the charge now and we’ll be on our way!”
“Not so fast you two! Here at the Kiba Hut, we support tripping out in a safe environment, so you should take Shino’s new-new here.”
Sasuke and Sakura exchange glances. What did they have to lose?
Well, for starters, their grasp on reality.
They sat at Kiba’s kitchen table to take what Shino gave them and saved the edibles for later. And it was like nothing they had ever experienced.
“Sasuke. Your eyes are really red. Like not just the whites but your uh, pupil or whatever is the colored part.”
Sasuke rubbed at his eyes, “no they’re not. I can see them. So I know they’re not red.”
“Uhh, okay? They totally are though. And..did your head get bigger?”
“No but yours did. Ha, if only Ino was here. Hey, forehead. Wait—what the fuck, when did we get so small?”
“Oh my god, you’re so cute. You’re so short, Sasuke, you’re so small!”
*A/N: please imagine them as the SD versions of themselves*
Sakura started scooting forward on her chair. “What do we do now? How do we get down? We’re so small. We can’t stay here. What the fuck is going on? What did they give us?”
“It’s so hot in here. What did Kiba say about getting ready to hot box? What does that mean, like sweaty boxing? Where’s our water?” Sasuke looked up to their glasses of water on the table, which seemed miles away in their shrunken state.
“There’s no way we can reach up there. My head feels too heavy for my body, I’ll fall over if we try to jump.”
“Shit. Shit, okay, take your jacket off, first of all, am I the only one melting? Are the walls melting? Just throw it on the ground and to make a cushion. I’ll throw mine down on top and we can jump down.”
“Are you insane? What if we die?”
Sasuke gave Sakura a judgemental look, “we might as well be, I’m so fucking high! Just jump, I’m sure it won’t be that bad. Plus, I’ll go first and I’ll catch you,” he finished with a wink. He threw his jacket down on the floor with a pointed expression. A burgundy cardigan soon followed. And Sasuke jumped.
A voice sounded from below, “it worked! I made it! Jump now!”
Somehow Sasuke’s now doll proportion arms caught Sakura despite her now huge head. He set her down and started looking for the exit. There was no way they could push the kitchen door open, and he didn’t even want to see Kiba at the moment. It was so hot in the kitchen, he just wanted to get out of there.
“Sasuke! There!” Sakura pointed across the kitchen to the backyard. The doggy door.
“Fucking score! Let’s go.”
He grabbed her hand and they scurried across the tile as fast as their little legs could take them. But they needed to climb up a small threshold to get through the door, and the run combined with the heat of the kitchen had really drained them. They exchanged a look. Desperate times called for desperate measures. Akamaru’s dog bowl was full of water.
“Give me a boost!” Sakura told Sasuke as they faced the metal bowl. The way the metal warped their reflection made her feel even more tripped out, if that was possible. She just needed water now.
Sakura climbed up onto Sasuke’s clasped hands, grabbing onto the edge of the bowl. She held herself up on the edge and dipped her head to take a cool, refreshing drink.
Except her mouth encountered strands of white dog hair floating all around the water. She nearly toppled backwards as she tried to spit it all out, “ew, ew! Disgusting!”
Sasuke lowered her and asked as if it wasn’t already apparent, “so I’m guessing I shouldn’t drink the dog water?” She shook her head, “let’s just go outside.”
They walked to Kiba’s lawn and collapsed. It seemed like the sprinklers had just finished their cycle, so the cool, wet grass was a welcome change from the stuffy kitchen. “Sorry for dragging you here. I didn’t think it would be like this,” Sakura spoke quietly. Sasuke was a bit of a homebody to say the least, so when he didn’t have a good time during their outings, she always felt guilty for pushing him too far for comfort.
But he didn’t care as much as she always thought he did, he just enjoyed spending time with his girlfriend. They would both cherish these memories in the future since they were attending separate colleges. “It wasn’t that bad. Makes for a good story, I guess.”
Except the night wasn’t over, because a deep growl sounded from the shadowy corner of the yard.
Sakura bolted up, “Akamaru?!” before Sasuke dragged her back down, “are you trying to get us eaten? Keep quiet and just run!” Sasuke pointed to the side gate and without another word, they made a break for it. They didn’t bother locking the gate up again, too intent on getting the fuck out of there.
Sasuke took one look at his car and said, “nope. I’m not getting in that thing. We’re still coming down and it’s not safe. What if I get a DUI? What if we die? My dad would kill me either way.” Sakura nodded along as they started walking down the street, not another soul in sight.
Konoha wasn’t a huge town, despite never visiting Kiba’s house before, they could easily make their way back. “Hey, the park isn’t that far away. We could go sober up there then come back for your car?”
It seemed like whatever Shino gave them had mostly worn off during their walk and their stone bench looked more inviting than ever. They had shared countless moments there, from their first kiss, to their first “I love you”. They even opened their college acceptance letters there. Sakura swung her legs back and forth on the bench, “You know, I still have the edible in my bag. Should we?”
Sasuke ran a hand through his midnight hair, “Jesus fuck, alright. We’ve gotten this far and I know you wanted to try it. We can split it.”  
They had been sitting and talking for quite some time when Sakura started giggling more and feeling some type of way. “Woah. Is this why half our classmates came to school high everyday? What have we been missing?”
Sasuke’s eyes were half lidded as he slouched on the bench, “maybe Naruto is actually onto something. We should call him. Haha. Naruto. What a loser.”
Sakura started patting around her pockets to call their friend, “Sasuke. I think I left my phone in my cardigan pocket, which we left on the kitchen floor. Fuck, I’m so stupid,” but she was still laughing a little and Sasuke just shrugged. “It be like that. I left mine too. We can get them later and we can call Naruto later. Life is so chill.”
Sakura smiled, “exactly, it really do be like that. And life is so chill. Like woah. Are you hungry by the way?” Sasuke perked up a bit and nodded, “starving. Ichirauku is just around the corner.”
Sitting in the vinyl Ichiraku booth waiting for their cheeseburgers, Sakura was relieved to be somewhere she’s familiar with. But then she spotted a face she’s very familiar with after years of sleepovers and flower shop visits: Ino’s dad. She ducked down started tapping her palm the table, “Sasuke, don’t look, don’t look, it’s Ino’s dad. This is terrible, he’s like a fucking mind reader or something he’s totally gonna know we’re high.”
“Can you stop, he’ll look this way if you keep making noise. Just be chill or something.” He couldn’t help but steal a glance over his shoulder to confirm if it really was Inoichi. “Holy shit, wait. Is that Shikamaru’s dad?”
Sakura craned her neck to see over Sasuke’s head, “it totally is! And they’re with Chouji’s dad too! This is crazy. If they see us they’re gonna tell my mom. And then I’ll be on permanent house arrest.” She sank lower into her chair until her pink head rested on the table.
Sasuke placed his chin on his folded hands. He had endured enough shenanigans for one night, it was time to just wait this one out. Once he got his cheeseburger with extra tomatoes he was ready to go home and knock out.
Except Chouza’s laugh carried across the diner, and so did his booming voice, “just like the old days, right guys? We still get the munchies!”
Sakura perked back up when she heard this, “did he just say the munchies? Oh my god, Sasuke they’re high. They probably smoked weed and now they’re here because they have the munchies. Just like you and me. This night is too fucking weird.”
Thankfully as the trio of dads was about to walk out with their food to-go, the waitress arrived with their order and blocked them from view. The pair ate in relative silence, glad for a moment of calm. But it didn’t last because not long after the dads left, another familiar figure walked in.
“Sakura, you’ll never fucking believe it. Actually just look, it’s Kakashi.”
She whipped around to see that it really was none other than their favorite literature teacher. She waved him over without thinking twice and Sasuke kicked her under the table. “What are you thinking,” he grits out. Kakashi was cool, hell, cool enough to let everyone call him by his first name, but he was still their teacher. An adult who worked for their school. Someone who could totally get them in trouble. Like, worse than detention, and they’d never even had detention.
“If it isn’t my favorite students,” Kakashi smiled as if seeing them outside of school was a perfectly normal occurrence. “What are you doing here?” Sakura questioned innocently, as if it wasn’t well into the night and she didn’t reek of weed.  
“Picking up some food,” he answered matter-of-factly. “I could ask the same of you two, you’re normally home studying at this time of night, am I wrong?” Nope, he was 100% correct.
Sasuke chose his words carefully, “tonight has been an anomaly. But I am ready for bed now.” Kakashi nodded, “I see. You look like you’re done eating, so it won’t be long now. Drive carefully.”
The students exchanged a look before Sasuke swallowed his pride and started to beg as best as he knew how, “please, can you drive us home, we walked here from somewhere else and I don’t feel comfortable operating a motor vehicle in my currention condition, if you know what I mean.” Kakashi considered the two of them. They were certainly acting strange. Was Sakura trying to wink at him or was that a nervous twitch?
His eyes crinkled, “one ride won’t hurt, it’s late and what kind of teacher would I be if I left my students out to fend for themselves? I’ll just pick up my order and we can leave.”
They got situated in the car, just to find their former elementary school teacher Iruka sitting in the passenger seat. Sakura’s jaw dropped as she looks between Kakashi and Iruka. “You,” she points to the gray haired man, “and you?” she points to the ponytailed man. “Huh,” added Sasuke, “I thought Iruka hated tardiness, but Kakashi is late to class everyday.”
“Honey,” Iruka laughed nervously, “did you not tell your students about us? You always call them your precious students, I mean, I thought you’d tell at least these kids and Naruto.”
“Yeah,” jeered Sakura from the back seat, “what other secrets are you hiding Kakashi?”
“Sakura, shut up, shut up, Naruto texted me to come over now. He has something really cool to show us—or so he says. I wanna see, plus he owes us for sending us to Kiba’s. Kakashi take us to Naruto’s instead.”
Kakashi sighed, “I’ve seen some shit being a teacher, but I never thought I’d become a chauffeur for my students. But alright.” He made a U-turn and headed to Naruto’s. He had been there plenty of times, seeing as Minato was the school principal and something of a mentor to Kakashi.
After a car ride filled with the Mamma Mia soundtrack (Iruka claimed it was neutral territory, everyone loves it), they finally got dropped off at Naruto’s. They knocked on the door, ready for whatever surprise Naruto had to show them. When he flung the door open, they had never seen their friend so excited. His blue eyes were sparkling, “hurry! My room!” and he scurried into the house before they could even take their shoes off.
Naruto’s room was already quite a sight to behold considering the orange color scheme and ramen cups littering his desk, but his new orange quilt wasn’t what had Sakura screaming. “Why the fuck do you have a fox? Is that legal? Where did you get that thing?”
The blonde sniffed, “excuse me, ‘that thing’ has a name. Say hi to Kurama. Isn’t he a cutie?” Sasuke crossed his arms. Yup, their best friend had lost his mind. Even the fox’s collar and ID tag were orange. “And just what do you plan on doing with a fox, idiot?”
Naruto considered this for a moment, “I dunno. Didn’t think that far. I got it from this guy I know. Do you think Suna State allows pets in the freshman dorms?” Sasuke pinched the bridge of his nose. Hopeless, he was really hopeless. And then he remembered how Naruto had let them down earlier, but he didn’t think it was because he had acquired a new pet. “What was that all about earlier? How do you not have weed?”
“Oh yeah! I have something else to show you! It’ll explain everything. Come into the basement. Say bye to Kurama first.” Sakura half-heartedly waved at the rather grumpy looking fox in his cage before they followed Naruto down below.
There was no way the universe wasn’t fucking with them. “Sai? Why the hell are you in Naruto’s basement?”
“So rude, Saucey-k! He’s my guest, you’re a pest! And he’s painting, duh.” Their very strange and very pale friend was sitting in front of a giant canvas that nearly stretched the entire span of the wall. He was adding details to what looked like a picture of Naruto in a loincloth. He was lounging on his side, eating grapes with one hand, and petting a fox with the other.
“Yeah no shit, I can see that,” Sasuke quipped, “but why?” Naruto huffed at him again, like it was obvious, “he needs money for his college tuition, so I commissioned him to paint me and Kurama. I’m looking pretty sexy, right?” Sakura didn’t bother answering him, “how does this ‘explain everything’, though?”
Naruto snapped two finger guns at them, “oh, right! Sai is an artist. And he does his best work when he’s high. He obviously needed a lot of weed to complete this masterpiece, so I gave him all my weed. It’s like, paying it forward or something.” If at all possible, Sasuke was even more irritated than before. He couldn’t spare a gram for his lifelong best friends, but he could give it all to this guy? Traitor.
“Well, now that you’ve seen it, we should leave Sai to work in peace. Looks amazing, cutie! Kurama, we’re coming back up, did you miss me already?”
“Wanna pet him? He’s only bit me six times in the last hour, I think he really likes my vibe or something.” Before either of them could protest, Naruto started opening the cage. “Kurama, come here, come here. Who’s a good boy? Who wants to get pet?” His arms made a circle for Kurama to settle into when the fox started stalking towards the cage door. He pounced through the gap in Naruto’s arms and hit the ground running.
“Kurama, wait! We were just becoming such good friends! Come back here!” The trio immediately chased after the animal, but he was too fast and he escaped out of their doggy door and into the night. They rushed into the backyard just in time to see Kurama leap over the fence and out of the Uzumaki property.
They all plopped down onto the grass and Naruto started wailing, “he’s gone! What did I do wrong? Please, you guys we have to find him!” They definitely weren’t high anymore, they were too tired for this, but they weren’t shitty friends, so they agreed to go look for him.
They had even enlisted Sai to help them out. As they walked around Naruto’s neighborhood calling for Kurama, Naruto’s phone started ringing, “do you think Kurama is calling? He wants to come home!” He started excitedly fishing his phone out of his front pocket, “Kiba? Why would he be calling now?” Sasuke and Sakura settled on the sidewalk, expecting some weird conversation between dealers.
“You found him? Holy shit man! Yeah, yeah, I’ll be there soon! Thanks bro!” he hung up the phone and faced his friends, “Kiba found Kurama! Let’s go, we have to go now before Kurama starts missing me too much!”
And they were headed back to the place where the night had begun.
Thankfully Kiba only lived a few blocks away because Sakura’s feet were dragging with exhaustion. They were standing in Kiba’s backyard and she leaned against Sasuke’s shoulder as they listened to the explanation. The back gate was mysteriously left open, and Akamaru wandered out into the front yard. He was having a relaxing evening chewing a bone on the front lawn when a fox appeared. It seemed that the fox smelled Akamaru’s treat bank in the back and wanted a taste for himself. When Akamaru started barking like mad, very peeved that some other animal was trying to get at his precious treats, Kiba went outside to see what was going on. He just thought he was hallucinating since he was super high, but it was really a fox.
“And then I saw he had a tag and it had your name and number!” Kiba finished. Naruto had tears in his eyes, “that’s amazing. Kurama probably smelled Akamaru and just wanted a friend. Friendship is so powerful!” He was hand feeding Kurama treats, who looked much more complacent now that he was being fed.
They all made their way back into the house just as Kiba’s kickback was winding down. Sai disappeared into the kitchen for a while, returning with a cardigan and a jacket. “Ugly, this is a terrible color I’ve only ever seen you wear. And your boyfriend is basically attached to you, so I’m assuming this is his.” Sakura reached out to grab them from his hands before settling back on the couch.
“Thanks again, Kiba. I’m gonna take Kurama home now,” Naruto turned to face Sasuke and Sakura. “You two live in the opposite direction. Are you gonna walk?”
“I can drive.” The whole group looked to the front of the room where the voice came from. “Shino?” asked Sakura, “I didn’t even realize you were still here. And aren’t you high?”
“I’m the supplier and the designated driver.” When he offer any further explanation, Sasuke and Sakura shrugged and got up from the couch. Sasuke could get his car tomorrow. A free ride back to his comfy bed sounded wonderful.
Sakura had fallen asleep almost immediately when she got back to her own room, not even bothering to change her outfit. It had to be well into the afternoon when she finally woke up. Her head felt fuzzy and her mouth was dry. Was last night even real?
She grabbed her phone out of her cardigan pocket just to find that it was dead. But her pocket also held a napkin, “what is this? I don’t remember putting this in here?”
She unfolded the white napkin to see one of Sai’s signature ink drawings. It depicted Sakura, drawn in red pen, leaning against Sasuke, drawn in blue pen. He even added a bit of background—it looked like the grass and fence of Kiba’s backyard. He must’ve drawn it when he went into the kitchen. Sakura plugged her phone in and flopped back down onto her bed. She stared at the little drawing, wishing she was with Sasuke right now.
So last night was real.
A/N: this isnt meant to make nerds feel bad about staying at home. im writing fanfic so i am the nerd at home
34 notes · View notes
osokaraddict · 6 years
Osokara Zine Entries + AN Notes
This is super late but who cares! I wrote for the first time and had lots of fun collaborating with Noriko in the Osokara Zine (please have a read here if you haven’t already!)
I did a total of four entries (ノ°▽°)ノ 
But the Rose was Completely Unharmed Summary: AU - Magic Teacher x Magical Girl; Professor Osomatsu thinks his student is an idiot. His student begs to differ and calls himself the Guilto Warrior of Love™.
Earl Grey, with a Teaspoon of Blue Flowers Summary: AU - Teacup Spirit x Teru Teru Doll; a (not) lonely teacup spirit meets a white spirit by the window.
Rain, with Signs of Drowning Summary: R15 - NEETS;  According to Osomatsu, humans are made out of 80 or 90 percent out of water; Karamatsu thinks his older brother should get his head checked by a doctor.
Matsuno Karamatsu’s Ingenious Plan  Summary: R18 - NEETs; Karamatsu thinks he has a greatest plan in the world; Osomatsu’s head is hurting.
Nori and I also did a bonus entry that missed the deadline. Please have a read if you are interested! (۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶
Feast and Indulgence Summary: R18 - AU - Shuten Douji x Dark!Aoandon; The oni's nature is to pillage, indulge, and feast to their heart's content. This is no different.
And below the cut is author notes of each entries plus a related short snippets that might be fun if you wanted to know more about each world ✨ The author notes are filled with spoilers and mostly safe for work (and not proofread).
But the Rose was Completely Unharmed
I had the most fun writing this... just because I’m always biased to Magical Girl Kara 😳💦 I had problems thinking of Painful Lines of Magic but that’s when Tundrea popped in my head with sunglasses and I was filled with rage🔥 Getto out! I’m writing this with Noriko in mind! Not you!!!
Oso-sensei is seriously infatuated with his student but since he’s in adult, he thinks he needs to be proper. It’s hard not to ogle crossdressing student on all-fours on the floor with pretty blue hair everywhere. He desperately is trying to figure how to get Kara to graduate properly so he can put his hands on his student without guilt in his mind. Hence why this shitty teacher is even trying to teach properly! Amazing!
This story wasn’t actually written together with Nori’s art at all 😌 But when I saw it, I thought it’ll be nice to connect the two, hence the “I will protect you” line. Unfortunately, it made Osomatsu cooler and I’m forever regretting it as he’s just shitty shotacon... Like all mages, Osomatsu’s real age is unknown, though Kara thinks it’s not too far from his own.
Speaking of Nori’s comic, we had a conversation that went something like this:
K: Nori, those magic crystal thingys… will reflect? Right? N: Yeah they do. It's magic (??) K: THEN THEY WILL REFLECT KARA’S PANTIES AND SENSEI CAN SEE THEM ALL THE TIME! N: But Kara is wearing shorts 😂😂 K: ...KUSOOOOOOOOO ( ۶ ༎ຶД ༎ຶ) ۶ MY HOPES AND DREAMMMSSSS
Thus began Oso’s journey to melt the crystal trapping Kara and finally get to see the panties 😔
A back setting Karamatsu has is that his flooding magic is actually really weird in that there shouldn’t be fish and stuff in the water but there is. It’s not transportation magic so then Karamatsu is created them himself...? And maybe this leads to his fate later on...
Also, Karamatsu fell in love at first sight because Osomatsu resembled him, thus a dangerous guilty guy✨ Osomatsu’s real personality is just shitty, pathetic, clingy, and attention-hungry, so Karamatsu decided he will do the world a favour by looking after this useless teacher with immortal RABU. He sees Osomatsu clearly, but at the same time, kissing and even more is the last thing on his mind.
“Heh. I will exchange a hot, passionate baiser with you anytime you wish, my Dear Teacher!” The crossdresser said as he puckered up his lips with sparkling shitty looking eyes.
“Your teacher prefers not being thrown in jail so no thanks~” The teacher replies lazily, not looking up from his newspaper.
“WHY!? Such a handsome guy is offering this bountiful opportunity to you, and you refuse!?” Karamatsu looked at his teacher like his teacher was insane. And he thinks he’s probably right since all those gambling newspaper were probably bad for the brain. "There is no need to hold back. Come, MY DARLING!" He spread his arms with enough enthusiasm for the both of them.
The teacher had enough of his student's pestering and waved his wand to levitate an all-so-conveniently placed plushie to smack it right into the crossdresser's face.
"MUFH!?" A rather unladylike (gorilla-sounding, even) escaped Karamatsu's mouth before he pulled the said plushie off his face. It was kind of an ugly red thing. The crossdresser somewhat remembers this toy to be part of the 'Geruge' set with its oversized tongue and fluffiness. Still, it had a charm to it in that, the more you look at it, the more this red geruge thing start to look kind of cute. "Teacher, where did you get this from?" He couldn't help but ask since it was strange his teacher had this.
Osomatsu shrugged his shoulders. "It was the consolation prize they gave after I lost badly at magick pachinko~ I thought maybe it'll help me attract some boobs so I took it with me but it's too ugly." It did not come in a two-set. And there definitely wasn't a blue one he kept at home or anything. The series did actually have some strange popularity to it, so he didn't hide it until it was detention time or anything.
The unfair teacher opens his mouth to continue and says, "Go throw that in the garbage can for your teacher, okay? Thanks~"
"T-Throw!?" Karamatsu gasped dramatically like Osomatsu predicted. "How could you throw this Poor Innocent Sheep geruge Boy into the garbage can like that!?"
"Eh~ Cause it doesn't attract girls~" Osomatsu whined.
"And that is why you are the least popular professor here," Karamatsu deadpanned.
"So mean! I've just been hurt and insulted by my student! And the world is cruel 'cause teachers can't insult their students but the opposite can happen!"
Karamatsu didn't pay attention to his whining teacher and held up the red geruge in the air and twirled around. "Fufu~ Now that I look at you closer, you look at bit like Teacher," he laughs. "Since your Master doesn't want you, I shall take you home! Your name is Osogeruge from now on~!"
Osomatsu's heart skips a beat.
"Hey, could you not name that ugly thing after me~?"
"Hmm~? Don't worry, Teacher! I will make sunglasses and a leather jacket that will fit Osogeruge just right and he'll become a GUILTY GERUBOI in no time!"
Osomatsu nursed his ribs that almost broke by imagining that red geruge in sunglasses and leather jacket (it was horrible).
"Teacher~" Karamatsu calls out, making Osomatsu looked out. He held the ugly red plushie in his hands before he dropped a kiss on it. "Since Teacher doesn't want my hot, passionate baiser, then I shall give it to this Karamatsu Boy instead!"
"...Okay, you are so getting a second detention and lines on the board! Get back here you shitty crossdresser!!!"
And a few weeks later when Osomatsu actually places a kiss on Karamatsu's forehead, his dumb student turned even redder than his Osogeruge plushie.
"...I think I saw a nostalgic dream," the teacher mumbles to himself. It seems he has fallen asleep even though that was the last thing he had time for.
When he looked up, it relieved him to see his student still there --- even if his student was captured inside crystals.
Shaking his head to clear away the fog in his tired mind, he forced his aching body up. "I'll be off. Be a good student and wait for your teacher until he comes back okay?" He places a smile on his face like nothing was wrong at all.
Tomorrow. The day after. Five years. A century.
In the end, it didn't matter how long it'll take for him. There was something much more important to him than time and his life itself.
"Please wait for me. Just a bit longer."
Earl Grey, with a Teaspoon of Blue Flowers
The ✨CUTEST✨ couple in the world, is thanks to Nori and her wonderful ideas. Incidentally, talking to her about it was enough to make the whole plot of this story, which is why this is the only story with an actual plot! Amazing Noriko power!
I wrote an outline of the story on piece of lined paper and the word limit of 5k was already making me sweat. Supposedly Teacup-kun was going to successfully bring Teru-chan outside and have a picnic. He was going to suffer having to hold hands with Teru-chan the whole time cause the white spirit was too curious of everything ("WHAT IS THAT!! AMAZING~ WOWOW~") and ignorant of all dangers in the world. On one hand, Teacup-kun gets to hold hands with Teru-chan; on the other hand, he was trying to make sure that Teru-chan doesn't get kidnapped by a bird or something 😂 The moment Teacup-kun loses sight of Teru-chan, Teru-chan comes back with the royal osokara round dogs he made friends with. Mini Oso and Kara on top of those round dogs are too cute... 😳
Speaking of this story, Nori and I had a conversation something like this:
N: I had to put fluff in Teru-chan's skirt because he will show his panties (??) K: NORI I THOUGHT WE HAD A DISCUSSION THAT TERU IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE NO PANTIESSSSS ( ۶ ༎ຶД ༎ຶ) ۶
But eventually it's been decided that Teru-chan needed panties or Teacup-kun would be distracted the whole time and wouldn't have been able to make a proper conversation  ;つД`) Damn you panties...
Incidentally, that royal prince and princess are together and they spend lots of time together... Lots of time. Enough that Teru-chan knows only all the things at night in the two weeks he was made and lived in the princess' room (making Teacup-kun a shotacon✨). The prince is also a shotacon✨ Which leads to Nori's art here of Teru-chan lifting his dress when Teacup-kun had steeled his heart to take it slow so that he doesn't scare his new wife~
It is thanks to the prince that Teru-chan knows the concept of marriage when he knows barely anything else. It is also thanks to the prince that Teru-chan has the 'wrong' image of marriage, so good luck Teacup-kun!
Their end is something like this. It comes unexpectedly, but at the same time no one was truly in the wrong. A nervous new maid, afraid of all the expensive things that surrounded her, felt like she was walking on top of needles. The moment she made a mistake, she was sure she would get fired and end up on the streets since she needed this job more than anything. With quivering fingers, she tried to wipe the multiple tea sets to the best of her ability.
Unluckily for her, the combination of this new environment, her anxiety, and her discomfort and inexperience in wearing her complex maid outfit, she accidentally knocked her one of the teapots and cups she was cleaning.
Even before she heard the sound of porcelain shattering on the wooden floor below, she paled. She panicked – what should she do? Clean up the mess? Where’s the broom? Or maybe they can be mended? She swallowed down the urge to scream as tears slipped her eyes.
Before she realized it, she ran, trying to find her senior maid and ready to confess what she did.
In the next room, there was a white doll dangling by the window. It heard something shattered, and right away, it realized what happened.
He thought heard his husband scolding him to stay away but he didn’t listen at all. He floated down from the window and hurried as fast as his small body can take him. It took almost an eternity before he found the source of the sound – the sight of shattered porcelain. He called his husband’s name, begging for an answer. He knew he wouldn’t receive one, but he still held a small hope.
“Forever. Always.”
Surely that was the answer to everything, so the white doll roughly wiped his tears away. He held out his white dress and used it to collect every piece of the broken cup that made up his husband. Those uneven shards, small and big, eventually cut and tore the white doll’s body but he didn’t care.
He may not be able to hear his husband’s voice anymore but his husband was in these shards.
It hurt. It did hurt. His body cried in pain but his heart cried even more. Even then, despite that, the white doll tried to gather all those parts, almost breaking from the weight.
“…Forever… always,” the white doll whispers to himself. “…to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”
But even if the vow they made was until death, the white doll knew he will be lonely in no time. No, he was already feeling so, so lonely like he was trapped in a drawer on that day long, long ago.
That is why, he was sure that his husband will scold him for following all the way to death to see him. Yet that husband of his was always so kind that the white doll was sure he’ll get a hug and a kiss after being lectured.
With such a dream in his mind, the white doll tied up his tattered dress with the shards of his most beloved and crossed his eyes to sleep.
They are later buried together in the garden at the royal family’s wish. It didn’t take long before flowers and mushrooms sprout at the very spot the family buried them. Everyone could take a deep breath of relief. Somehow, they could come to believe the teacup and the white doll will meet again but in a different shape and form.
Always. Forever.
With you.
Rain, with Signs of Drowning
The first proper fanfic I wrote. If you read the rest, you can tell because the mood is actually sombre and serious 😂 It helped that I was writing with Nogi in mind? Probably. Writing is hard desu.
This fanfic was written in Kara’s POV and thus he missed a lot of hints and doesn’t know how desperate Oso is actually is~ But Oso is unfair in that he always wants to be cooler and ‘win’ since he’s the big brother. He wants Kara to drown in him because he doesn’t want to admit he drowned in Kara waaay before. He hides his internal turmoil behind a cocky smile and strips Kara naked with his eyes. But Kara is an idiot and doesn’t think about sexual acts and instead thinks Oso is literally hungry and wants a bite of his flesh 😰 (Kissing and biting must be how Osomatsu endures with his cannibalism urges! And me who lets him... is the true duty of the second son. Bang!! 😎✨)
Oso’s goal is to make it so that Kara can’t live without him.
He’s the shitty type that pulls sweaty Kara dressed in a tank top, really short shorts from the floor in the summer on top of him.
The fan barely relieved the effects of the boiling summer’s heat on him, and now with the added weight on him, it was even more suffocating. Even as his brain shouted it was frying and his lungs only took in hot air to scorch his body, he pressed the body on top of him close so that their skin touched more.
Who knows. Maybe they can melt together and become one like this, he thought with blood rushing down his lower body.
“It’s hot,” Karamatsu complained shortly. No doubt the heat was making the second speak less and without painful words. His eyes said ‘let go of me’ but Osomatsu pretend he saw nothing.
“Then push me off the sofa,” Osomatsu instead pointed out. He knew giving a choice will make Karamatsu stop and use his empty brain to try and think. But that empty brain doesn’t work long and soon Karamatsu will reach a no-conclusion. It took too much to push Osomatsu off, and, at the same time, it took too much will and energy to think of another option. Thus Karamatsu did nothing but lie on top of his older brother with an unamused frown.
Osomatsu just laughed. It was the kind of ugly face Karamatsu had when he just wakes up. The kind of expression he wouldn’t make to his little brothers on purpose at all. It’s not like Osomatsu didn’t feel a hint of guilt; still, he will use whatever he could.
His cute, cute stupid little brother. Narcissistic, kind, painful, timid, slow, airhead, and dumb.
“Don’t change, Karamatsu.” Like a curse. Like a prayer.
Don’t ever bother notice the wrongness of this relationship that’s too immature and depraved to call ‘love’. However, if he had to, Osomatsu would use that cheap, clichéd word ‘love’ Karamatsu liked in place of ‘possessiveness’.
But he’ll only do that if Karamatsu realizes something was off. If that day never comes, he won’t even bother, especially since he didn’t want to give unnecessary information to Karamatsu at all.
‘You don’t have to think, and if someone has to weigh down by this forever then it can be me. ...Cause I’m your big bro.’
“It’s hot,” Osomatsu says instead with common and simple words that his stupid little brother’s brain can actually comprehend and get distracted.
Karamatsu commented back, “Yeah, it’s hot,” not realizing he said the same thing earlier. But before those gears in his head can click in place, Osomatsu slips his hand up Karamatsu’s tank top and shorts to enjoy the bare feel of his little brother’s skin.
This body he forcibly opened up to take him inside remembers his touch and shivers. A small gasp escaped from Karamatsu’s mouth, which Osomatsu stole away.
“It’s so hot that I’m going to die~” Osomatsu complains.
“Y-Yeah,” Karamatsu replies absentmindedly, out of reflex.
Osomatsu bites that tanned throat in front of his eyes and grinds his lust and heat mercilessly without hesitation.
Surely the cries of the cicadas will distract his little brother from remembering how to complain.
Matsuno Karamatsu’s Ingenious Plan
Essentially all the porn I read is Japanese porn, so this 'plot' isn't all that strange if it's in Japanese 😂 I have read some pretty dumb Karamatsu, but I'm sure canon Karamatsu is a bit smarter. I'm also sure my Karamatsu in this fanfic was merely distracted by wondering if he wanted a glow-in-the-dark d*ldo or one that played music (because Ozaki). He is really happy, enjoying the NEET life to the fullest that he won’t survive very long in the outside wrong.
Onii-chan is super worried you know, Kara-chun~?
Hence why Osomatsu did suffer lots through the ages from horror that he gets hardty at the sight of his little brother’s smile to beating up weird guys that ‘invite’ an oblivious Karamatsu to things. Him eating Karamatsu’s love letters like a goat in high school was inevitable as Osomatsu did his best to sabotage all romantic relationships from ever happening. Osomatsu was that annoying older brother that will pop out of nowhere and throw his arm around Karamatsu’s shoulder to interrupt conversations. Once in a while, Osomatsu’s hand drops down to rest down on Karamatsu’s hip in a very possessive way but Karamatsu doesn’t get a thing.
Osomatsu did try confessing his love several times but they all end in failure. One of the cases is: “I LOVE YOU!!” “Heh. I RABU you too, my first BURAZA~😎✨ I am such a sinful guy to be so LOVED by my siblings!! Wowowow~!”
Osomatsu cried.
He would also like to argue that anyone in his shoes would do the same thing if their cute, stupid, sexy little brother comes by with a ruler and asking for your size ‘cause he wants a toy exactly the same.
On the side note, I realize the awesomeness of art drawn by western fandom because of no need for censorship. I GOT NONCENSORED DIKKU AND PEACHES FROM NORIKO WOWOWOW!!!! \(°口°๑)/ \(°口°๑)/
Totty will have lots of fun getting Am*zon to stop showing all those ‘interesting’ recommendations due to his search history. In fact he went and half-killed Karamatsu and then killed Osomatsu because it’s always Osomatsu’s fault.
Osomatsu groaned. His whole body ached and he could have sworn he saw his whole life flashed before his eyes. Actually, it felt like his soul left his body for a moment there?
He turned just his eyes and spotted his little brother, half-beaten up. He wondered why he got mixed up in this mess when clearly it was this idiot narcissist's fault. At the very least, he argued in his mind, Karamatsu should have gotten as beaten up as he did! Except Karamatsu might cry so maybe he didn’t want his little brother as beaten up as he is.
He forced his hand just the tiny bit forward so he could touch his little brother’s hand. It twitched back, which made Osomatsu happy for some reason so he entwined their fingers together.
“Hey, Karamatsu~ Still alive?”
“Heh… I saw Lord Enma and came back,” the second boasted with a similarly tired tone in his voice.
“Really~? And what did he say?”
“He said I looked like his pet snake? And that his ribs might break?? So he sent me back,” Karamatsu answered with confusion.
“Ah, somehow, it feels like I can drink beer with that guy,” Osomatsu mused. Yet, at the same time, he didn’t feel like meeting this Lord Enma dude. There was this shitty vibe to this so-called king of hell even he has never met the guy. Maybe just the pet snake instead.
The first shook his head; he was going off-topic because of the pain when more important things were going on. Osomatsu gripped Karamatsu’s hand tighter, still remembering the feel of his little brother’s skin below him. He faked a cough when he felt heat rush to his face. His heart thumped loud – no matter how many fail tries he gone through, he always felt nervous.
“S-So, Karamatsu~” He almost squeaked.
“Hm~?” The second made no indication he knew what Osomatsu was trying to get.
“S-So… umm… errr… ahhh…”
“What is it, Osomatsu? Do you need to go to the washroom?”
“No, I don’t need to poop!”
“Forgive me. I thought you wanted a shoulder to the washroom…”
Osomatsu mentally banged his head against something. This idiot little brother is horrible at reading the atmosphere when it actually counts. No, he can’t give up like this. He already ate his little brother’s maidenhood, and he's going to take responsibility and get his dreamed lovey-dovey normie life with lots of kisses and sex!!!
“Karamatsu!!” He shouted loudly.
Karamatsu twitched at sudden volume and looked almost frightened. “W-What is wrong!? Are you pooping in your pants after all, Buraza!?”
“No!! The one that does all the pooping in public is Ichimatsu! Or Choromatsu’s head!!”
“Oh, Mistake!! Ichimatsu, just you wait! I will bring the Miracle Lovely Angelic Feather of Harmony for your buttocks right now! Choromatsu, wait for me as well!!” Yet, despite those gallant brave words, this shitty narcissist made no move to get up because he was tired.
Osomatsu swallowed the urge to shout again because he needed to get away from this topic of poop (for once in his life).
“…I stole Totty’s wallet while he was beating us up. Wanna go to pachinko with it?”
“Heh. You can count me in!!”
F-First is a pachinko date, Osomatsu said to himself with a tremble. Small steps at a time! He was a virgin after all! (Except not.)
Feast and Indulgence
The entry that didn’t end up in the zine for a couple of reasons 😂 Actually, to be honest, the whole author note is the after story. Since the deadline passed when I handed it to Nori, she suggested writing Karamatsu’s side when I telling her the backstory to this fanfic. I was like?? (°口°๑) OH YEAH. THERE’S NO WORD LIMIT NOW??? NORI IS GENIUS!
And so I wrote Karamatsu’s side that totally destroyed the mood in the first part (I regret nothing) and now it wouldn’t be complete with it 😂 I didn’t mean to write with a darker(?) tone but I did comedy three times (Rose, Earl Grey, and Ingenious Plan), so for balance, I needed something more serious. As for why it became Shuten Douji x Dark!Aoandon, I wanted it to have ties with all the other fanfiction and Aoandon is perfect as he is the ‘gathering of tales’. Also, I did R18 for NEET so I needed R18 for AU next haha!
Shuten Douji used to be an outcast human child that would later be sacrificed to appease ‘kami’. In their world, kami do exist but they probably don’t care for humans much. If they decided to help out of whim, Karamatsu went and burned down the whole village and surrounding area before they did anything. In fact, Karamatsu probably consumed the surrounding kami and took their power. Before Karamatsu was Aoandon, he was certainly an incarnation of ‘fear’.
Perhaps Osomatsu reincarnated to be an oni because in his mind, oni were strong, frightening and more real than kami. But above all, they can live long, so he can be with Karamatsu for as long as he wants. As Shuten Douji, he was always irritated, starving for something that he didn’t know what, and drowned himself in alcohol. His tough body didn’t let him die easily and he became the head of all oni and soon reunited with Karamatsu once again.
…Well, we all know how that reunion went 😂
In about a hundred years, they will become that calm, loving married couple you see in Shuao! Really!!
Though the day Osomatsu wakes up to the smell of breakfast and sees his wife without the braided blue rope on his horn, he freezes.
Karamatsu frowned, raising an eyebrow like he was daring the red oni to say something. “Sit down and close your mouth before you eat a fly, my dear lord.”
“Eh? But… but your braid,” Osomatsu says, hesitatingly. He looked almost lost like a small child.
The blue spirit merely sighed.
For someone who's always concerned about any past ex-lovers showing up or friends or anything that knew Karamatsu from before they ‘met’, Osomatsu was strangely fixed on that braided rope. In fact, it was the only thing that Osomatsu accepted of Karamatsu's past. The red oni would go on a rampage if Karamatsu suggested that he would go back to his ‘hometown’.
“Unfortunately, unlike a brute like you, a stylish man like myself must keep up with the trends,” Karamatsu said with smirk. “I cannot be wearing the same thing for centuries, you see~? Hm~?”
“Ehhh…” The red oni let out in a mixture of disappointment and disbelief.
To begin with, that braided rope was a gift given to him from his human child friend who passed away long ago. It was important, yes. It was a memento of a past long gone and would never come back.
‘I no longer require such a thing to tie myself to the living world.’
Karamatsu was in love with the present he had now. He loved the past just the same – neither of them were a colour fainter than the other and both were beautiful vivid shades of red. If he could, he would like to gaze those shades of red for eternity.
“If it bothers you this much, my dear lord, then go buy something new for me,” Karamatsu instead says coyly.
Shuten Douji’s eyes brightens and he runs for their closet to rummage for his wallet. “I haven’t used my allowance for this month! I’m going go buy something! Just wait here, Karamatsu!”
“You can have these onigiri on your way down the mountain.”
“Thanks, Karamatsu~!” The red oni munches onigiri in one hand and a spiked club in the other as he hurried down to find the nearest clothing store.
The blue spirit shook his head due to how simple-minded his husband was, but it can’t be helped.
It took a whole day before the red oni comes back, dirty and beaten-up in places, with a big grin. “Here you go, Karamatsu!” He gives his wife an ugly flower he plucked from the mountain on the way up and a ‘present’.
Karamatsu took the present and inspected it. It was a black collar which would  be fastened by the long red braided ropes on each ends. “I would have preferred a skull but… I suppose it isn’t too bad when it comes to your fashion sense, my dear lord.”
Truthfully, it didn’t matter what his lord got him. Karamatsu was happy to get anything.
“It’s my colour this time,” Osomatsu boasts happily.
Karamatsu also came to realize this fact and laughed. “Then will you put it on for me, my dear lord?” He asks before handing the collar back and facing the garden.
Osomatsu took the collar and kneeled down on the ground. He secured the collar around Karamatsu’s neck before tying the red braided ropes into a clumsy bow. “W-What do you think? You don’t mind it right?” The red oni asks.
The blue spirit presses a hand against the black collar, feeling the weight. “Yes. This is mine and mine alone,” Karamatsu speaks with a heaviness that he was sure that Shuten Douji wouldn’t understand now.
Karamatsu patted his lap and right away Osomatsu dropped on the ground to rest his head on his wife’s lap.
“And? Why did it take so long for you to come back, my dear lord?” The blue spirit asks closing his eyes as he caressed his husband’s hair
“That’s going to be a loooong story,” the red oni grumbles.
“We have all the time in the world, do we not? Tell me of your tale.”
“It won’t be a tale of love that you like but it’ll be a tale of how awesome your husband was!”
“I will keep my expectations low.”
“Hey! I was really awesome this time!!"
Thank you for reading! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ ✨✨
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