#like????? do you not understand how that contradicts the “im not pressuring you” part
globodamorte · 2 months
I feel awful...
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coughloop · 2 years
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(screenshotting all of this to condense it a little)
I really appreciate the time and effort you put into writing all this and it feels like you sent this in actual good faith unlike a lot of the messages ive gotten the last couple days so I'm going to try to respond and talk through my feelings about it in as well thought out a response as I can (although i am not always the most succinct with my conclusions). My apologies if i contradict anything I've said in the last couple of days but im going to try to express where i am, at this moment in my understanding of cnc and everything else thats been talked about.
putting this under a read more cause it got really long
First off, I want to clarify that the stuff I have REALLY been disgusted with that has come out in the last few days has been 4 main groups:
1. the people that have made public their pedophilic fantasies, and the fact that you can point to people in these circles that have groomed minors in the past or are actively doing it right now.
2. the people posting about their fantasies of sexually abusing family members and strangers alike (which i realize now is seperate from cnc fantasies).
3. the people fantasizing about raceplay (which is just straight up getting off to racism).
4. the people who have defended any of these things either by doing so directly or by going out of their way to spread misinformation about what the original callouts were about to downplay what was originally said and what people were so disgusted by and to make it sound like people were just freaking out because some trans women on this site are "having sex that puritans dont like" (seriously if you're in this group and were part of shifting the narrative, fuck you)
Second, I agree with the disclaimed you sent afterwards. After having a talk with my partner and reading a couple blog posts about what cnc is, I think I had a different understanding of what it can be, and I think i had a very specific, negative image in my mind of what the average CNC scenario actually is. I realize it is probably more of a spectrum with space to play in (like consensual use of rope play or pushing someone against a wall because you both like the feeling, both things i have tried and enjoyed to some degree) could arguably be considered CNC while both parties can be made to feel completely safe through the entire experience.
I do not personally think going as far as actually roleplaying a rape scenario sounds healthy at all. I feel like that is the time in a consensual sexual encounter most likely to be misused by someone with an imbalance of power and safety to pressure someone into a situation they can very quickly dislike and feel unsafe in (like the anonymous message I got earlier about someone else with experience in CNC).
I also know that I am not the sex police and while certain things happen behind closed doors I myself am not comfortable with, if two consenting adults can be comfortable with the scenario that's really no skin off my back, and genuinely I really dont care if I dont have to hear about it (disclaimer this does not apply to raceplay behind closed doors because while two adults may consent to it or whatever, they are actively engaging in racism and rationalizing it into a fetish that further hurts and demeans people of colour in the consenting adults eyes and its just really fucking racist listen to black people and dont fucking do that shit GOD).
To sum up, i dont actually think cnc has to be inherently abusive though i do believe more than all other kinds of consensual sex, it has the easiest leap to get there if partner's dont listen to eachother or try to push boundaries the other is not comfortable with. I think actual full on rape play sounds horrendous and bad and i dont think people should do it but i literally have no way of stopping them if theyre doing it behind closed doors. I think pedophiles and abusers should rot because i know how miserable they make the lives of their victims and fostering it in your community even if you claim you would never act on it or its all just edgy jokes or whatever is a horrible way to live and you need to get better and im going to block you and maybe warn people about you if i see you doing those things.
I hope this all made sense and I didnt ramble too much, i genuinely appreciate you sending your message because it helped me take a step back and think more about what exactly i am upset about and I hope this response is helpful for you too.
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pumpkinpaix · 3 years
this is gonna sound so harsh but im legit tired of chinese diaspora people who think that bc they are of chinese descent and they have pleco they can act like voices of authority in the fandom. if modao is the 1st chinese book you have read pieces of with a dictionary, if you have never interacted with the actual chinese fandom, you are not part of the intended audience and your biased opinion is not the One And Only Valid Truth 🍵
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree | this is really hard for me to express in terms of an agree/disagree axis lol
genuinely cannot tell if you’re trying to shade me here anon lmao 😂
this got long and rambly (of course) asldkjfslj. i would love to make the excuse that it’s bc i’ve got a migraine and had No Sleep but. let’s be real i’m always like this.
ok i’ll start with where i agree: i don’t think anyone has the right to act like an ultimate voice of authority in fandom. i think different people with different backgrounds have varying realms of expertise and they should be respected when they share that knowledge, but that the instant someone starts to use that kind of power as a weapon against people they personally don’t like, i think they forfeit that privilege. no one has the one and only valid truth about a piece of media because that’s fundamentally impossible. i have definitely interacted with diaspo who behave like their heritage gives them some kind of incontrovertible authority over everyone else, and they’re fucking insufferable and often rather cruel, even/especially towards other diaspo. meet me in the denny’s parking lot and fight me for real. i’ll kick ur ass. >:c
however, I also think it’s true that there’s a lot of dismissal of heritage fans in this fandom, if that makes sense, from both sides of the equation: non-Chinese fans ignore our cultural hangups because they’re inconvenient, and non-diaspora disdain us for being not Chinese enough. that puts a lot of us in a position of feeling disrespected just for being who we are, or having our very real knowledge and unique experience as individuals devalued because of it.
regardless of my identity, I have formally studied a lot of things: literary translation, media analysis, the politics of oppression, film critique, religious studies, philosophy, four foreign languages etc. and that is all knowledge that I had to work for, and work hard for. I do have a certain measure of authority on all of these subjects over a layperson (to varying degrees), and there are going to be times when i will be more correct than someone who disagrees with me -- but I’ve also absolutely experienced people talking over that specialized knowledge because of who I am, which is, to be clear. extremely infuriating and hurtful. like, i have cried so much about it in the last 18 months. people see my racial and cultural identity before they see anything else, which is understandable to a degree, but upsetting when it becomes the basis for how my work is judged, whether positive or negative. i don’t want you to trust me blindly because i’m abc. I want to you to trust me because you have examined my work critically and judged it to be trustworthy!
so i guess this is getting into the strongly disagree part of the answer: i’ve been speaking a lot with other diaspora fans lately, and it’s been simultaneously hugely relieving and also really saddening. relieving because oh thank god someone else Gets It, and saddening because pretty much all of us, no matter what kind of diaspo we are (north american, european, SEA, taiwanese etc), we’ve all experienced a lot of pressure in this fandom, from non-Chinese, Chinese, and other diaspora fans alike. we’re all acutely aware that we are not modao’s intended audience because being diaspora vs being “from the mainland” or whatever, are actually quite different things, but modao still feels close to home. even if it was not written FOR us it is still familiar to us.
and, because so many of us are multilingual and multicultural, we end up being the bridge between the “actual” chinese fandom and the english-speaking fandom, which is largely made up of non-chinese. (sidenote: I hate it when people say things about being “actually” any identity because it’s almost always for the exact reason you brought up: to use heritage as street cred. it’s like damn, being “actually” chinese doesn’t make ur opinions any less rank. sure you might be “actually” chinese, but do you have basic reading comprehension and literary criticism skills? no? ok then sit your ass back down) many of us are most comfortable in english! so we produce our content in english! but we also DO often have a somewhat privileged access to the culture that underlies mdzs and can explain it in a language that other non-Chinese fans can understand. so it’s not surprising that people flock to us for answers to their cultural questions. and like. if we think we know the answer, it’s natural for us to try and help. this is fandom! we’re here to have fun and find community! and it is definitely a little bit nice to have my culture treated as something desirable for once instead of just like. a weird exotic curiosity that no one really cares too deeply about. and, since a lot of us are able to do things that non-Chinese fans can’t (research in chinese, for example. ask family members for help and more information etc.) we end up just having more information to share.
I think this sometimes results in a tendency for fandom at large to put heritage/diaspo fans on pedestals and tout them as authorities (or use our conflicting viewpoints as ammunition in fandom drama) when the diaspo in question have repeatedly stated that they should not be taken as authorities on something -- and then, once you reach critical mass, your reputation starts to precede you, and I think there’s a lot of misconceptions of how a lot of diaspo act in this fandom simply because of that phenomenon. most of us know that we’re not ultimate arbiters of some kind of cultural gateway, and it can be very tiring both to be treated as such when we insist we are not, and then punished by other people who assume that we acted like we were.
i don’t think there’s a benefit in trying to keep en fandom and cn fandom totally separate, and I also think it’s unfair to consider the cn fandom the “real” fandom. i think that way lies deeper misunderstandings, gatekeeping, etc. i think we can definitely acknowledge the differences between them, but i think trying to make meaningful connections between fandom circles is really valuable! i don’t think i’ve ever made it a secret that modao is my first cmedia fandom? so it’s also the first time i’ve had reason to interact with chinese fandom, which has been super enlightening and interesting! i’ve made some super cool friends and learned a lot about how fandom works in china, how it’s similar and how it differs from the fandom i’m familiar with.
and then, kind of circling back around, there’s also a bit of a sense like, okay, so if diaspo don’t belong in the CN fandom, but we can’t talk about our own culture with some degree of confidence in EN fandom, then like..... where do we go...? if we see EN fandom doing something that contradicts our cultural knowledge, do we just. not say anything? do we not count unless we’ve already ingratiated ourselves to CN fandom? that’s probably where the core of my strong disagreement comes from, because criticism of diaspora fans as like, acting above their station so to speak, feels just like a tired continuation of the same shit we’ve had to deal with for our whole lives, being told we’re not good enough for anywhere and that we should just be quiet and keep our heads down and get over it. that our opinions, despite coming from a unique perspective with a unique relationship to the subject in question, are less valid or real than “actual” chinese people, you know? and sometimes i see that and im like lmfao just sneer at me for being jook-sing and leave then if you’re so eager to think of me as lesser.
so yeah, basically im of a few minds: true! diaspora fans don’t get to throw their weight around just because they’re diaspo. they don’t get carte blanche to act like bullies or try to shape the fandom to their own personal liking and crusade against people who disagree with them. they don’t get to pretend their heritage makes them superior to everyone else, and i think western diaspora especially need to be careful when asserting any kind of moral lens over the text to acknowledge that we have our own biases to interrogate. i am not immune.meme etc. on the other hand, this vein of criticism tends to put all diaspo in a bit of a double-bind, and also, however unintentionally, plays into the general, continuous trend of dismissing diaspora for being diaspora, and i’m really not about that. i don’t think that’s the motivation behind opinions like this, but i do think that when the basis for the argument hinges on the idea that diaspora are not “real” chinese, no matter how much I too have beef with certain diaspora fans, the argument needs to be revisited. 
🍵 ((un)popular) opinions meme
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jessiebanethedragon · 4 years
so i randomly thought about a fic with crosshair with his iconic line "you miss me? how touching" and im kinda shocked about how it doesnt exist! so i went to you to request this 👉👈 bcs you're one of my fav fic writers and i'd like to see it from you, no pressure though! bcs i know you dont exactly have all your hours to provide us with fan content :] <3
Hello! thank you so much for this request i’ve been in love with the idea for so long sorry it took me ages to get it written! anyways here it is! 
love ya oxoxox Jessie
Miss you (Crosshair x separatist!Reader)
You met Crosshair in a hurricane of cruses, punches and a bloody nose on his part. And from the glare he sent you way after Hunter had wrestled you into binders, you knew the mutual feeling of hatred was obvious. And of course, when the republic so graciously offered to help you make amends, in return for separatist intel and a forgoing of your prison sentence they put you back into the clutches of Clone Force 99. 
Crosshair could not stand you. With enough cheek and sass to rival his own, and looks that were infuriatingly good, the resident sniper had it out for you. 
But to be fair, you hated him as well. You hated how tall he was, how his deceivingly slim frame gave way to sturdy muscle that your hands had been over top of on a singular occasion that you couldn't get out of your head. 
“Tell me the layout again.” Sergeant Hunter demanded, standing over a disastrously incorrect map of a separatist base. 
“You’d be better off without a map at all!” Exclaimed throwing your hands up in defeat, “the weapons room is here, on the west side of the basement. Not on the east side of the top floor.” You went through the entire map again and again, in order for Hunter to relay it to Tech when him and Crosshair got  back from intel. 
“I still don't understand why we have to be out in the middle of nowhere.” Tech’s voice crackled through the comms. 
“Because She can’t be trusted.” Crosshair hissed. 
“She has been completely honest with us thus far.” Tech retorted, 
“She has a name” You called into your vambrace, 
“Fine, The separatist cannot be trusted.” Oh you could hear the smirk in his voice now. And the damn sniper wore it so well… 
“Ex-separatist.” Wrecker kindly pointed out in your defence. 
“Enough. All of you, Tech what's your status?” Hunter cut in, giving up on the holo-map completely. 
“Approaching the south entrance stand by.” You furred your brows, south, why did they go to the south. You distinctly remember telling them to go North… oh, oh shit. 
“Tech! Abort mission!” You said into your comm, grabbing your blaster and pack off of the walls of the ship. “Tech! Do not approach the south entrance. I repeat do not engage at the south entrance!” Why, Why did they never listen! You looked at Hunter and Wrecker who seemed unbothered. 
“Where do you think you’re going, Spitfire?” Wrecker asked teasingly, “South entrance is unguarded.” 
“According to your map, but according to me the south entrance is next to…” “The Barracks.” Hunter finished for you, before running into the cockpit shouting into his comms. You and Wrecker shared a look of panic. 
“Are you coming with me or not?”  You asked him, and his eyes darted to the cockpit where Hunter was currently firing up the engines and the ramp that was beginning to close. 
“I’ll meet you there Spitfire.” He promised, brothers come first, you could understand that. And even though you knew the Havoc Marauder could get there faster, something other than your brain told you that you had to go on foot. And so you threw yourself out of the rising ship, and onto the forest floor of a separatist planet. 
And that, well that brings us to the present situation, finding yourself once again in a pair of binders and your comrades nowhere to be found. In hindsight, trampoline through the undergrowth like a bantha on spice wasn't the best idea. But maybe you cared more for Clone  Force 99 than you’d like to admit. 
“Where are they?” Whorm Loathsom sneered, far too close for comfort. 
“The term ‘they’ is pretty ambiguous, could you perhaps speci-fy” your sentence was cut off as his clawed hand met your throat, your own hands fumbling at his face as you struggle for air. 
“I’ll ask you again, traitor. Where are the clones you’ve been travelling with?” Loathsom didn’t let up on his grasp, and the corners of your vision were beginning to blur. 
“At... your... mother’s.” You choked out, still trying to wriggle out of his grasp. His claws were beginning to cut into your skin, and you knew blacking out was imminent. 
“I don’t think you have the time for sarcasm.” He hissed, increasing the pressure causing you to flounder in his grasp. “Now, i’m giving you a chance for redemption here. Tell. me. Where. They. Are!” Maker, you realized, he’s going to do it, he’s actually going to kill you. And just as yours eyes fluttered closed and you began to black out, you hit the floor with a resounding thunk. Only to be pulled onto your feet again and into something familiarly solid. 
“Miss me?” Crosshairs voice was heaven layered honey over the sounds of wheezing and laboured breaths. 
“Crosshair?” You gasped up at him, his arms around your frame moving to pick you up. 
“How touching, you almost look pleased to see me.” You blinked repeatedly at his smirk, before wincing as he began to move. 
“Where?” He asked, setting you down again. You tried to speak again but your lungs were still working double time. “What did they do to you?” He whispered, “I should've been faster.” 
“Crosshair,” you tried again, essentially mewling into his chest, “I can’t…. Can’t” you were panicked, scared, trying to chase a breath you just couldn't catch. 
“I’m going to kill them. I’m going to kill them all.” He snarled, standing up again with you safely in his arms. Maybe Clone Force 99 cared for you more than you thought. 
Bed rest sucks, you decide about one day into Techs mandated recovery schedule. What sucks more is him and Hunter marching you back to you bunk every time you try to get up. So, naturally, you resort to sneaking around during the night when the self-proclaimed medics of the Bad Batch are asleep. 
You clutch a cup of some kind of herbal drink, Wrecker and Tech keep them by the box load so you figured they must be at least decent. But right now you’re wondering if you missed something because the stupid wet herb-flower bag thing keeps flopping around in the cup every time you try to take a sip. And the thing is way too hot, so you resort to blowing the steam away as it rises. 
“Shouldn't you be in bed?” Crosshairs voice comes from the doorway into the hull of the Marauder. 
“Miss me?” You ask, mimicking him from before, enjoying the irony. 
“Nope.” He says, popping the ‘p’. You scoff at your mug of hot herbal whatnot. “Wrecker was beside himself though.” 
“Was he?” You tease your sniper, and a part of you wonders when he went from being ‘the’ sniper to ‘your’ sniper. 
“Yeah, inconsolable in fact.” Crosshair moves from the doorway over to your spot  in the hull of the ship. 
“Really?” you arch an eyebrow, standing in an embarrassing attempt to meet his height. But he’s closer than you calculated and in your adjustment you fumble and find yourself against the wall. 
“Aw, little Spitfire’s all choked up, mind the pun.” Crosshair sneers at you, stepping firmly into your personal space. 
“I do in fact.” You retort, “mind the pun, i also mind you in my personal bubble.” You go to plant a hand on his chest to push him away, but he’s so solid. Maker, why is he so warm and firm under your hands. Why, oh why, does he have to feel so perfect to your palms. And in the three times you’ve now touched him, Crosshair’s starting to feel familiar. 
“You gonna push me or just cop a feel?” He raises an eyebrow, but you miss it under the blush on your cheeks and your gaze hits the floor. His hand comes to your chin, index finger underneath while the thumb caresses your cheek. 
“I didn't get to thank you… for coming back for me.” You’re not sure where this is coming from, but it happens anyways. 
“You’ve got a weird way of apologizing Spitfire,” He murmurs looking back to your hands in his chest, watching your eyes react as he moves his other hand to your hip. He smirks oh so proudly when you sigh and relax into his hands, and move yours to hold his face and lightly  scratch at the short hair on his neck. 
“Crosshair…” You exhale looking at him, and the energy between the two of you does the rest of the talking as he leans down to connect his lips to yours. 
Kissing Crosshair seems to contradict everything else about him. It’s slow and soft, he takes his time memorizing the feeling and shape of your lips of his. And with all the time he’s spent pushing you away, now he’s pulling you impossibly close. Your kiss is akin to the second half of your nickname. Crosshair is on fire, but he can't bring himself to care. For you, he tastes of a forest after rainfall, crisp with mist and peaceful. You don't want it to ever end, but the burning in your abused lungs forces you to pull away. Immediately he pulls your foreheads together, a Keldabe kiss, because it’s the best he can get as you both heave for air. 
“I did miss you. And I was worried.” He tells you, lips brushing against your own  as he speaks. 
“I know,” You say, pressing a second kiss to his lips where you can both feel the other smile. 
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idk if you’re like. doing these for everyone or just specific ppl, but
alex g: harvey, sorry, gnaw, bobby
mitski: a burning hill, my body’s made of crushed little stars, old friend
phoebe: i know the end, moon song, scott street, & don’t judge be but. her cover of you missed my heart 💀
I knooo id be happy to do some if anyone wants to hear my opinions i don’t mind i love analyzing stuff asjdjksfjdfdjsf
So one thing that I think of all of your favorite Alex G songs point to, which is interesting, is this tension between different parts of yourself that sometimes seem to contradict each other and which  you can have difficulty reconciling maybe sometimes? Harvey as the first one you mentioned I think lends to this idea because first of all you have this real allegiance to your close friends and/or family that sort of drives you at your core but you feel this pressure from others holding you to this standard of traditional/expected models of success that you’re not sure you fit into at the same time that you don’t want to let down the people you care about. Similarly, I think Bobby has an essence of insecurity like my life and relationships are very messy, the lines are very confusing, I don’t always understand exactly what’s going on, but a deep drive to do right by the people you are connected to to the best of your ability. So I think you can doubt yourself but you have a lot of love for many people in your life that sort of bleeds through everything you do. You would do anything for the people who are important to you, even though you’re not sure if it’s enough, and put them first. 
 Sorry and Gnaw I think  also have this element of dueling sides of the self  but I think at their core they’re also really about the shame that comes from not being able to keep yourself “in check” and from emotions and feelings that you didn’t want other people to see floating to the surface despite your best efforts and the destructive/self-destructive things you did to cope with that vulnerability. But the really interesting thing about both of those songs being ones you mentioned,  I think, is that  as time went by the initial shame and embarrassment and need to coverup whatever you were feeling isn’t what stuck, but the awareness that you could have hurt someone else with those behaviors, and a sadness about that.  So I think you’re very reflective and self-aware almost to a fault, and tend to ruminate and obsess over the effects you could have had on others even in your personally very distressed or self-destructive moments more than necessarily being concerned with yourself.
 Sort of in a similar vein to ALL of those songs, a  Burning Hill and My Body’s Made of Crushed Little Stars both seem to speak to me to this sense  of a tremendous pressure that you feel to accomplish or achieve something that  feels meaningful that can really wear you down but also this desire to achieve it to prove (mostly to yourself more than anyone else maybe) that you can and sort of make something of yourself. You are very hard on yourself and have a very all-or-nothing attitude when it comes to success, and can discount your own achievements because you don’t think they’re Enough. At the same time, you have this rebellious streak I think that AGAIN rejects the traditional hierarchy of what other people deem as successful or normal and thrives on the chaotic and confusing aspects of life and is able to find the beauty in them and in rejecting what other people expect of you. 
Old Friend is maybe circling back more to Bobby vibes where you have this tendency to have messy relationships where you’re not sure exactly where the lines are or what exactly it is you are feeling all the time, but you also kind of like them for that reason  and enjoy the confusing ways of forming connection and showing affection that come with. You are nostalgic to a fault and find comfort in connections from the past and tend to carry old feelings with you and turning them over and over in your mind.
WHICH FITS IN PERFECTLY with scott street. A fixation on past relationships where maybe something went unsaid and you can’t quite let it go, even as you know it wasn’t a healthy situation or something that necessarily  you even actually want back, but something that means something to you now because it did at one time that it sorta wormed its way into how you experience connections with people, it’s integral to you even if it doesn’t fully make sense. This transitions to Moon Song I think,  like you might have this tendency  to try to fit feelings and relationships that don’t feel very straightforward to you( but that you feel very strongly about) into shapes and labels that might make more sense from an outside perspective and say the right words and do the right things that people do, but you feel sometimes like there’s something you’re missing or not getting quite right or aren’t quite equipped to handle, but really you’re just being hard on yourself again. You can see yourself as used or underappreciated sometimes in relationships but also you kind of like the intensity of existing just to wait around for someone or  give someone you love something they want.
I Know the End is great because I think you have this sense that you are out to collect experiences and images in life, and that you will make meaning out of even the outwardly bleakest situations. You can find the beauty in even mundane or grotesque things, and that keeps you going. 
i’d actually never of you missed my heart??it’s so pretty im gonna need some time to sit with it i’ll get back to you tho asjdsahdsahdhasdhld 
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karihigada · 4 years
assassin AU
*me talking to my friend*
Shizaya Redesign!
and !!!! that shizaya redesign! ACTUALLY! look here: initial AU prompt
assassin!shizuo taking care of brat!izaya ! :D
let me tell you in detail
assassin!shizuo send to kill this upstart tech wizz kid izaya who founded his own company and got really succesful and now his adult business partners want to get rid of him. and shizuo does mean to kill him but instead shizuo ends up running away with him through a series of circumstances which make it seem like shizuo betrayed the people who hired him so he ends up fleeing with izaya cause they are now both hunted by other assassins
and izaya totally hates being wih shizuo at first. and shizuo wonders why he bothers with this brat but izayas skills (hacking and tech wiz stuff) prove to be invaliable so its an unlikely partnership based on nessessity. at first. but after killing so much for a living, shizuo thinks for once protecting somehing is nice
okay sorry i wish i could give you more for assassin shizuo taking care of a little shit and slowly coming to enjoy it but i actually never came up with more or concrete scenes
or you know maybe, imagine this. they are staying at some hotel and shizuo was out shopping and comes back and finds izaya lying on his stomach on the bed, playing videogames or you know actually, he lies on his back, his head hanging upside down the edge, and he plays like that and shizuo comes back to such a /childish/ scene that he cant even comment. izaya gives him a welcome back without looking at him and when shizuo walks past him and the tv in order to get to the kitchen he just gets an Hey (for being in izayas field of view haha) izaya then asks if shizuo got the stuff and shizuo just sighs and throws a bag of cheese chips at him which izaya gleefully tears open and starts munching
izaya in this is such a hypocritical contradiction of health cause he will happily stuff himself with all kinds of snacks but draws the line at junk food and instead demands his proper meals are healthy
so shizuo goes to cook dinner while izaya keeps stuffing his face and shizuo tells him to stop or he wont have an apetite later but jokes on him izaya still wolfs down the dinner shizuo makes (and says its delicious) cause izaya is a growing boy.
what the fuck this is way too wholesome with shizuo taking care of like 16 year old genius izaya, there is no way i can put fucking into this later with shizuo way too much of a guardian hahahaha
well i guess not every AU needs them to get together. instead shizuo becomes his bodyguard (izaya later also pays handsomly once the whole plot with the betrayal and framing and other assassins and corporate takeover is over) and they become good friends.
and maybe a few years later when izaya is older (between 18 and 20) and laments (like full on imagine him lying on a bed or couch with his hand dramatically raised to his forehead like hes about to faint like a victorian virgin and just overdramatically ranting. he is such a drama queen bottom bitch) that he could never find an interesing partner cause people are only interested in his looks and money and that shizuo is the only one who sees him for who he is and unaffraid to tell izaya off
so at first izaya jokingly comes onto shizuo or like fullon suggests they should try hooking up (i imagine shizuo is like, mh, 29 when he meets izaya? has been an assassin for a while. so he is like 13 years older.) and shizuo is just like What The Fuck Brat and says if izaya really wants to get laid that bad he could just pay anyone he wants.
izaya says he doesnt trust anyone, "remember that time my businesspartners send an assasin after me?! that was scary!" he says in mock fright. shizuo just grunts.
izaya then drapes himself around shizuos neck, shizuo going stiff, and whispers in his ear "common shizu-chan, its just sex"
shiziuo untangles izayas arms from his shoulders and gets up, leaving. not cause he is afraid he will give in but cause he is afraid izaya will push this too far and then get pissy when shizuo keeps refusing him and it will destroy the trust and friendship they build up. cause shizuo does enjoy this life at izayas side way more than his previous occupation
more from before the timeskip: imagine shizuo carrying izaya under one arm to get away in dangerous situation and the first time it happens izaya hates it, the second time he is completely nonchallant about it and types on his phone while shizuo is carrying him also since izaya is tech wiz hacker he gets them like access to security footage so that shizuo can sneak up on their pursuers
also, i imagine it a bit like Dishonoured videogame? like its a stealth assassin game and the plot is neat but anyway for every 'major' assassin mission for the plot you have the option of just killing the target or finding a noneleathal way of getting rid of them
some of these may include selling them into slavery but hey, at leas theyre alive xD yay morality.
anyway. imagine like this situation shizuo finds himself in, protecting a kid and multiple other strong assassins on his tail. he COULD, and would normally just kill all persuers to ger rid of them but with izayas tech wiz skills (cause iazya doesnt want to kill people) they find other ways to take them down.
like maybe one gets held up in the airport and then arrested and izaya conveniently reveals their identity as a hitman so the police just made a goldcatch. or another gets into a traffic accident and will be out of commission in a hospital for a while first (while izaya reveals their identity to the police...
okay the only way to take down hitmen with technology is to have them caught by the police but still xD nonleathal means xD
and shizuo is really impressed by izayas abilities (and izaya also gets them fake IDs and passports and creditcards and makes reservations in hotels under fake names so he keeps them afloat while they are on the run while shizuo protects them from physical danger. which is also nessesary since some hitmen do catch up with them and shizuo has to take them down. some with lethal force sadly since it was a dangerous situation and it shakes izaya up pretty bad and izaya flinches away from shizuo before he gets  a hold of hismelf again and and tries to laugh it off and say that he is okay but shizuo can see the strain in his eyes and how tense he is. maybe thats towards the begining and thats when shizuo decides that they should try to work out other means of taking down their pursuers
also imagine shizuo teaching izaya his knive skils :3
okay moving to post time skip. like izaya keeps making moves maybe and shizo puts up with it for a while but it gets to a boiling point where shizuo looses his temper and yells at izaya to cut it out (he normally never yelled at izaya) and izaya actually gets scared cause he didnt want to chase shizuo away.
like. izaya had a weird sort of imprinting on shizuo. he does like him as a friend and mentor and guardian but some part of him is scared shizuo will leave? so he tried being more to shizu than just some kid he once protected
so maybe if they talk about it openly they can resolve this and izaya doesnt have to fear shizuo leaving. and shizuo says that izaya can look for a partner his age and shizuo wont get jealous and will instead protect them too and maybe a kid. but izaya also says he meant it serious that noone he meets could ever look past the money he has (and also people are boring). "but shizuchan. shizuchan was never boring. he understands me."
so they do spend their life together in a fullfilling mutually supportive realtionship but it does stay platonic and both are satisfied with that :)
or maybe like 5 more years later when izaya is finally no longer a kid (mentally. that brat) and still says he wants to sleep with shizuo at least once but that it wouldnt change anything between them that they do end up fracking and start a sorta weird mix of platonic and sexual relationship that maybe evolves into romantic so all in all good end (other than that they are totally codependant haha)
or, alternate not good ending: 19 year old izaya pressures shizuo into sleeping with him and shizuo feels horrible about it but satisfies him sexually to appease his temper in order to keep his peaceful life
okay more domestic assassin shizaya things: izaya in in charge of their money, ne? and they need to lay low , ne? izaya orders them new clothes online. and shizuo has to wear what izaya buys xD cue them dressing like in the pic above with iazya in the pinks shades and shizuo in the suit. cause that brat wouldnt know subtle if it bit him in the ass
im trying to come up with more scenarios. but i explicitly said izaya DOESNT order copius amounts of take out food. unless its healthy take out food. expensive healthy take out food.
also. imagine. later in life. shizuo teaching izaya some light hand to hand combat self defense. them together standing barefoot on gym mats and izaya is sweating and panting and wiping the sweat off his forehead, his hair sticking in all directions cause he tried attacking and taking down shizuo for the dozends time and shizuo is totally collected and unaffected, blocking and sending izaya to the mat with ease. and izaya gets this really competitive streak. wants to /take him down/.
it actually becomes a sorta game, for a long time. izaya trying to catch shizuo unaware. he only once succeeded, a long while later, after they resolved their problems and fears and live a fullfilling life togehter and shizuo is completely relaxed and at peace and happy.
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origami10 · 4 years
(im sorry for such a random ask, i felt like i wanted to share this with another ajin fan. btw i have only checked the 2 seasons of the anime and the ovas) there's some people who think kei doesn't have feelings and only does good things sometimes out of obligation or pressure but i don't think that's true. imo kei was emotionally abused by his mom for a long time and my theory is that he was never taught much about feelings and how to deal with them because his mom was too busy telling him
[pt 2]telling him to become a "decent citizen" or whatever and she never bothered to raise her child to properly develop his emotional intelligence. and i think maybe now kei is all awkward about feelings and doesn't understand them so he either feels angry at them (like when kou said "you're amazing" and he said "just hurry up and die" while blushing) or he tries to rationalize them ("i saved that researcher on the rooftop because uh, he was from the government and it could benefit me?"[pt 3]because like, he doesnt know how to deal with feelings. now that he has free reign of his relationships and feelings, without his mom to tell him what to do, he doesnt know what to do with his feelings. i dunno, just a thought-Hi! Sorry for taking a little while to respond! That makes a lot of sense! I think it probably has a lot to do with his dad getting in trouble for being overly empathetic for a patient and doing something he shouldn’t have, too (episode 16), which might also be part of what led into his mom trying to raise him to disregard his feelings. I totally agree with your assessment that he has (a lot of) feelings, despite pretending that he doesn’t! I like how you put it, that now he just doesn’t know what to do with them. It seems like he just keeps denying them because he doesn’t know what else to do, so he ends up saying one thing and then acting in a way that completely contradicts what he claims. Hopefully one day he’ll figure it out!
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diveronarpg · 5 years
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Congratulations, CLAUDIA! You’ve been accepted for the role of OTHELLO with a FC change to Chadwick Boseman. Admin Minnie: Claudia. Wow, Claudia. This application won me over. I got extremely excited in a matter of seconds just from your first paragraph alone — just ask the other admins, I can even send you a screenshot of my message: “ok i've read one paragraph and im in luv”. From your clean and precise analysis of his core (”learning that love and terror were not the antithesis of each other but an echo of the hunger that comes with being alive” YOU DID THAT) to the incredibly story you weaved in your para sample... you completely won me over. And so did your Othello. I cannot wait to see your plot points come to life, because I’m positive that you’re going to bring a storm to Verona. Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Alias | Claudia
Age | 23
Preferred Pronouns | She / Her
Activity Level | 7
Timezone | GMT+11
How did you find the rp? |  I’ve known about DiVerona for a while now but it’s been some time since I was active on the rpc scene. Stumbling upon it again after all this time and seeing Othello open feels a little like serendipity.
Current/Past RP Accounts |  Here and here.
Character | Othello. And if I could please request a faceclaim change to Chadwick Boseman.
What drew you to this character? |
Othello is a study in dichotomies – a man torn between polar extremes. Between savagery and nobility, brutality and kindness, love and war.
His very existence was borne of a war waged between his mother’s warmth and his father’s cruelty. He grew up in a house that felt more like battlefield than home, learning that love and terror were not the antithesis of each other but an echo of the hunger that comes with being alive. He feels everything: deeply, intensely, like an open wound half-healed; it’s his greatest strength and it will be his ultimate downfall. Odin is a man capable of a vast and terrible rage. There’s brutality sunken deep in his marrow, something black and rotten in his birthright, an ancient violence. He feels it in his blood like a beast that’s slept dormant all these years, lying in wait, watchful, preying on his worst instincts. He hears it singing in his veins, can taste it climbing into his throat, when he sees a guilty man’s blood spilled on fresh dirt. He thinks he sees glimpses of his father in the mirror, sometimes, when his mind is adrift and steeped in shadow. His eyes, soulless and quiet, his knuckles blooming with bruises.
Suffice to say, I love this broken, conflicted, contradiction of a man. There’s nothing more compelling than a tragic hero and the thing about Othello is that he has every inkling in him of someone who could so easily be tipped over the edge into monster. I love that discrepancy, I live for that sliver of doubt, the seduction of l’appel du vide and the terrifying realisation that he has everything in him to slip beyond that edge.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
ONE MORE SUCH VICTORY WOULD UTTERLY UNDO ME  |  Odin has survived the maelstrom of scandal and ruin that would have meant a fall from grace and high standing, the destruction of all that he has built for himself. And in doing so, he’s lost the only thing he has every truly loved in this life: Delilah. All of the love and devotion and pleas for understanding could not deny the rage and ruthlessness that came with her infidelity. With the heartbreak of knowing the one person he’d let into the deepest parts of his soul, who’d seen him bare and unstripped of all artifice, had betrayed him. He’s burned all their bridges, performed triage to save his reputation and his pride, but what of the love that still sickens him when he thinks of her and how she’s suffering? He has set fire to all traces of her inside his heart but it isn’t so easy to burn her out of his mind or his dreams. These are the places where man has no dominion. And what of the peace he knows he will never find again without her by his side? What of the treacherous slivers of doubt beginning to eat away at him that till now, he has tried to kill and smother with green-eyed reason? He couldn’t possibly be wrong, could he? He couldn’t have abandoned his happiness and his honour with the one woman who has loved him for all his flaws and vices at the turn of a whispered deception?
AM I MY BROTHER’S KEEPER?  |  Ivan is the closest thing Odin has to family. To blood. Ivan has stood at his side through everything, his left-tenant, his confidante, his greatest source of comfort and familiarity. Call it a blind spot, a weakness, but Ivan has earned his faith and unquestioning trust. It was Ivan who came to him when he first heard of Delilah’s betrayal, and it was Ivan who gave him the strength to do what had to be done. But now he has lost his greatest love, and his brother seems more and more a stranger to him by the day. Ivan has always been smarter, sharper, hungrier, hiscunning forged out of necessity and survival. It is the flicker of doubt, the silhouette of something far more treacherous and unforgivable that stains his dreams like nightshade. He is not a man of halfway, or half-done. Odin absolutely cannot abide the grey area of hesitation. If there is more than speculation to the idea that Ivan has somehow exaggerated, or misconstrued Delilah’s transgression… There’s nothing more dangerous than a man who has nothing left to lose.
WHY ARE YOU FULL OF RAGE? BECAUSE YOU ARE FULL OF GRIEF  |  Despite his well-crafted attempts at appearing to the contrary, Odin walks a finely wired tightrope between chaos and control. His ego is bruised and battered, and his heart is worn thin with humiliation. He was once a man that wore the hearts of Verona’s people on his sleep. Now, a whisper follows him everywhere he goes. A whisper that becomes a murmur, rising and spilling into a crescendo of rumour and disgrace that hounds him day and night. Odin is quicker to anger, more belligerent and unruly, a humming drum beat of shame and dishonour ringing in his ears every time he turns away and pretends not to hear the outrageous lies they spin. And with his beloved gone, cast out of his heart and soul, there is so little left to keep his worst instincts at bay. All it would take is one bad day. One simple push is all it would take to plunge him down the path into darkness. A push, or a drip of well-timed poison in his ear.  
PROMETHEUS’ GAMBIT  |  Before Odin swore himself to the Capulets, he was a man of the people. A hero. A saviour. Someone who fought to protect those who could not protect themselves, who strove to uphold the law and to push for reform when, at times, it failed to protect Verona’s people. Why, then, would such a noble, virtuous man like Odin Bello, choose to fall in with the mob? Odin is idealistic, but pragmatic. War and injustice have taught him that the law is not enough. Verona runs on blood and money, and if that is what it takes to wield the power and influence in this city necessary to do genuine good, then so be it. Becoming a Captain of the Capulets was an act of necessity, and political savvy. He is a man of his word, and therefore loyal to their cause. But if there ever comes a day when he must choose between the Capulets and the life of an innocent, Odin’s sense of justice may cause him to waver.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? |  Absolutely. Preferably in some manner of tragedy and disaster befitting the very embodiment of tragic irony.
In-Character Para Sample:
It is always the same dream.
The same endless plunge into nothingness, a black chasm void of any light or air or sound. It could be sinking, or rising, and Odin wouldn’t know the difference between the sky and the ground. Suffocating. Drowning. Either way, it is a slow, and terrible way to go.
The vice around his neck, coiling tight around his throat, tighter with every breath, crushing any frenzied hope of salvation. He scrabbles wildly at the noose (not a rope but smooth, sleek to the touch, and cold), knuckles paling with desperation as his lungs scream. He fights. But the end is always the same. The hand (when did the noose become so clearly defined? Are those fingers?) clenches around his throat, grinding down against his windpipe with unrelenting pressure. It metastasizes – liquefying with the metallic consistency of blood, or perhaps smoke, as it fills his mouth and his lungs and his chest, pouring into his ribcage and filling every fissure and crevice inside of him.
It tastes like death. It tastes like inevitability.
He drowns like this, suspended in time between shadow and purgatory, for what feels like an eternity. And then either his mind snaps, or the dream does, and he’s released, hurtling into reality with the speed of a sniper bullet.
He wakes like a dying man drawing his last, shuddering breath.
In his dream state, his sweat-streaked brow tightens with the anticipation of a brush of warm, soft lips. Ah. But she’s gone now, isn’t she? She is gone and he has carved her out of his chest like a pound of flesh he still holds clutched in his bloodied fist. The proof of her betrayal beating in his palm, visceral and raw as a slaughter.
Odin wakes from sleep every morning like he has survived a death. He moves as if his body is exhausted to find itself alive and begrudges him the audacity of enabling the very breath in his lungs. But years of military regimen has been beaten into him like sandstone worn smooth by a millennia of moon and tide. He drags himself out of bed, dresses, makes his bed squared with perfect angles, shaves, slips his gun out from beneath his pillow and into his holster. The barely risen sun casts everything in a dull tinge of faded indigo like day old bruising. He pads through the house, the hollow echo of his footsteps winding down and down the stairs.
A rap of knuckles upon his door splinters his reverie, his attention snaps to the entryway. Sharp. Alert.
It’s Katarina. She swirls through the door, out of uniform but armed to the teeth, gaze chilled as black ice.
“It’s the rat,” she hisses, eyes flashing like chips of steel in the dark.
The word has an affect akin to an electric shock: he’s awake.
“What did he do now?”
Katarina’s gaze narrows in disdain. “What rats are wont to do: lie and squirm and betray.”
“And what’s the word from Sloane? Rafaella?”
“Dispose and send in the cleaner.” Casual murder, discussed just like that. It’s not even seven in the morning yet, a time when normal, human citizens of Verona could be having their first cup of coffee.
“No use disposing of a rat if we can’t get something out of it first,” Odin deliberates. “Catch him for interrogation.”
Katarina snorts indelicately. “Shouldn’t be too hard, the way he’s been hitting The Dark Lady every night like the world is ending.”
The barest smirk toys at the corner of Odin’s mouth. “Maybe he’s not as stupid as we thought then.”
Those that lie to the Capulet Mob are usually exactly as slow-witted as they appear on the surface. Lying and betraying the Capulets is akin to signing one’s own death sentence in blood.
“Oh, I highly doubt that,” Katarina drawls, the syllables velveteen on her tongue.
“Tonight. Nine o’clock in The Orchid Room. You can handle getting him there on a work night?”
“Can I get a Veronesi police officer to slack and indulge their vices at a glorified whorehouse? Please.”
“Alright, then.” Odin gives a small nod, a subtle seal of approval.
“Well, I have to go see a gentleman about an exterminator.”
There is something to be admired in how efficiently a malvivente can get away with murder. The science and precision it takes to orchestrate a killing floor, a crime scene, a clean-up. In many ways, Cosimo Capulet is a virtuoso of his craft, if homicide could be considered an art.
“Have I mentioned how much I hate disappearing bodies from the precinct? Remind me to recommend that we accept external transfers only from now on.”
Katarina flicks him a smile sharp enough to cut through bone. “Here’s hoping third time’s a charm.”
The city is restless with fevered boredom. A sinister hush before a summer storm. Odin is alone on patrol this morning; Bellamy has begged off their shift with some falsified story about an elderly neighbour in crisis. In other words, a convincingly tedious tale to spin to cover the tracks of covert Montague business.
Odin doesn’t pry; there will be a time to play his cards and reveal his hand but today is not the day.
A crackling comes on over the radio, a standard 10-62 from dispatch. When he arrives on scene on the very outskirts of south Verona, it’s to an unsettling quiet. He steps out of the car, hand slipping cool over the grip of his gun. He heads round the back of the building, passing soundlessly down the winding cobblestone path that leads to the back entrance. His second cause for concern comes with his discovery that the door has been left unlocked. A push of the frame sends it swinging open. Odin’s hand flexes instinctively, curling tighter around his gun as he moves, barrel-first, into the house. With a slight exhale through his teeth, he raises his fist and hammers it into the peeling wood.
“Polizia,” he cries out. “Is anyone there?”
No answer.
No signs, even, of a breaking and entering.
He releases his fist, and heads cautiously on into the house. He clears one room after the other, swiftly and methodically, finding no signs of forced entry or illicit trespassing. The only remaining room left to scour is on the upper floor facing northward. Odin steps forward and reaches to open the door.
Of all the things Odin could have anticipated finding here, the rat they’ve have been hunting for over a week wouldn’t have made the list. But here, in the center of the room, sprawled on the floorboards like a tableau vivant, is Luca Salvatore. His nose and upper lip are smeared with quicksilver, and there’s powered gold, faintly gleaming, dusted around his collar. Ambrosia and il sangue di Faerie. An ironic harmony of Montague and Capulet – perhaps the only time the two sides have ever known true balance. How bittersweet, Odin muses as he lowers into a crouch to expect the body, he betrayed the Capulets and yet it is Montague poison that helped to seal his death. The foam gathered at the corner of Salvatore’s blue-tinged lips glimmers in the light, specks of chrome and liquid gold catching the sun seeping in from the window. Someone made damn sure they shoved enough fae blood and ambrosia down this man’s throat that he’d never live to draw another breath.
Odin sighs, a muscle tightening in his jaw as he pulls out his phone to send a message: Our rat’s been poisoned.
“Dispatch, 10-45D. I’ve got a body.”
Whatever secrets this man was harbouring, whatever danger or temptation drove him to fuck the Capulets, dying of borderline madness was a mercy.
Fool them once, they’ll kill you twice.
The night spirals on an endless loop at the The Dark Lady, time and space wrapped around a mobius strip of warped deception and illegality. The walls always look like freshly painted blood from the shadows of the lowlit stage. Unlike many of his fellow Capulets and officers – men are all the same, honourable or not, noble or not – Odin has never been seduced by the promise of The Dark Lady and her Sparrows. So long as his wife held his heart, he was hers in mind and body and endless soul.
Now, he is unchained. Adrift. But the thought of another woman, in her place, whispering the words she once whispered in his ear, physically sickens him. And perhaps it’s pathetic that the very idea of being unfaithful to his cheating ex-wife is anathema to him. Foolish, ignorant, blindly loyal Odin. That’s him. Besides, his purpose here tonight lies with business, not pleasure. If anyone knows who would have the most probable cause to poison their little rat, it’ll be the illustrious queen of the Sparrows. Of course, she’s kept him waiting. Her word and will is law within the dark walls of this establishment.
From his vantage point at the bar, he sees everything clearly through the haze of lust and debauchery. Men reduced to their base, animal selves, led by beautiful Sparrows with their fingers wrapped around their wallet. Gambling, prostitution, solicitation – technically, being here at all goes against the premise of his very existence as an officer of the law. The Dark Lady is one of the most profitable businesses on Capulet territory for good reason, however. Even if it weren’t for Odin’s interference, Mona has her hands in the pockets of every high-ranking officer within the police force. Or around their throats, with the numbers of untold secrets she has in her gilded arsenal.
He’s close to calling it a night and returning in the morning to reschedule when the piercing shatter of glass cuts through the music and hushed conversation.
“Jesus fuck, now look what you’ve done.”
A Sparrow, one of Mona’s girls, her long scarlet hair spilling loose down her shoulders, gives a soft yelp as she’s yanked from her position in a patron’s lap. Like the bird of her namesake with a broken wing, she’s tugged by the force of the man gripping at her wrist. Hard enough to bruise by the judgement of the man’s sheer height and build.
“Stupid little bitch,” the man hisses venomously, brushing furiously at his pants and the patch of wetness growing from spilled liquor staining the left leg. His grip on her tightens, the effect immediately visible from the lance of pain that flickers across her face, pointed and urgent.
The world goes very quiet, and very still. Odin tenses, every muscle in his body going rigid.
The walls here are red, the little Sparrow’s hair is red – vermillion, the colour of a sunset on fire, Bordeaux wine – and his vision bleeds red.
Odin moves without conscious thought: one moment he is at the bar, and the next his arm is slamming into the man’s gut, crushing the air from his lungs and forcing him to release the Sparrow out of shock. His hand, formed in a knuckled fist, fingers wrapped around thumb and the ring on his fourth finger that he keeps fucking forgetting to take off (or burn, or throw into the river, or melt down into scrap metal), swings forward in a brutal uppercut. It makes contact with a resounding snap of bone and cartilage, blood spraying forth in vivid, violent streaks of red.
“You crazy fucking bastard,” the man howls, staggering on his feet as his hands fly up to clutch at his face. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“There is one and only one rule in this club.” Odin widens his eyes a fraction. “Are you an idiot, or just in the mood to be skinned alive fully conscious?”
The man’s face twists into a snarling contempt. Naturally, he ignores the question entirely. “I know you,” he says, voice low and lascivious, swaying precariously on his feet. “You’re Odin Bello.”
Odin’s mouth flat lines, unimpressed by the drunken display before him.
“The man whose wife has fucked half the city.”
After, the reports will say that the man was found near dead: 6 broken ribs, dozens of broken, fractured bones, internal bleeding, contusions on his chest, arms and face, comatose.
After, they’ll say that Odin Bello lost his mind.
(Have you seen him? He doesn’t look like someone stable.
His wife was cheating on him for months with every member of his precinct, the poor fool. Who could blame him?
Bello’s insane. He’s completely lost it.
Did you hear the man he attacked is in a coma? Who knows, maybe he deserves it. Maybe he was asking for it.
I feel bad for the wife. Good thing she got out while she still could.)
After, Mona finds him in the alleyway with a cigarette dangling from his fingers, his hands and arms soaked in blood to the elbow. He smells like the inside of a slaughterhouse, and ash. She stalks over on stiletto heels sharpened to a knife point and slaps a black dossier against his chest. The Dark Lady’s insignia is debossed, an imprint, a shadow of an elegant swirling sigil.
“This isn’t a favour, Bello. I expect repayment in full, and then some.”
Her hand shoots out to grip him by the chin, manicured fingernails digging into his jawline as she drags his face down towards her eye line.
“You pull that shit in my club again and I’m blacklisting you for life.”
Odin shakes her hand free like her touch is nothing but air and straightens, presses the cigarette back to his lips and lets the smoke coil and spiral from his fingertips. Even the smoke tastes of something raw. Like fresh blood, metallic and veined with rust. There are flecks of it clinging to his cheekbones, splattered across his shirt like an abstract impressionist rendering of violence. The afterimage of it seared into the black and white negative of his silhouette. He looks like an old god, covered in the grime and filth of modernity. A bloodied relic of an ancient religion built on the altar of human sacrifice. He inhales, black smoke swirling in his lungs, the faint glow of eyes like ritual fire as he turns to face her.
“Do you think she knows?”
Bewilderment, then disgust as understanding dawns on Mona’s face. “How the fuck would I know, Bello?”
Odin watches her, unblinking, utterly motionless, his gaze deadened and hollowed like the heart of a black hole. A yawning abyss of unending nothingness with no horizon.
Am I only a monster if she knows what I’ve done?
ORIGIN: Standing at 6’5” since he was 18 years old, Odin cuts a striking figure. His presence commands gravitas without him ever having to speak a word: a simple nod, a tilt of the chin. Soldiers fall silent when he speaks, higher-ranking officers defer to his cool judgement and lateral insight. He is a man born for leadership, marked for authority and the steady ascent to power. They say that those who deserve power do not want it, and in Odin’s case, at least to begin with, this is true. He enlisted at 18 to find an escape, a lifeline. A pathway to an existence free of his father and the brutal legacy he’d built for him — the only thing his father had ever given him other than his name. It was of little surprise that being primed and honed for war came easily to him. Odin rose swiftly through the ranks, impressing his superiors with his discipline, resolve and relentless potential. If anything, he was a little too disciplined, a little too resolute. Too intense and dead-eyed even when his fellow recruits were pushed to the brink of physical and mental collapse. Odin never seemed to tire, never seemed to even approach a tangible breaking point. He was utterly in his element: consistently ranking first in all his classes and dominating thr basic training activities with his physical advantages. But he was also charismatic, distinctly likeable, and always willing to help and shoulder someone else’s burden if he saw them struggling. As much as the other recruits would have preferred it, he was impossible to hate. At 24, he was promoted early to Lieutenant and led a squad of nine men who were willing to fight and die at his word. Out there, in the desert, they would have walked open-eyed into a minefield if he had given the order. Five years later, he was honourably discharged with the end of his tour. At least, that’s what his official military transcript says. What the transcript doesn’t say is that Odin Bello was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic insomnia and major depressive disorder following his return. This will do you good, the Lieutenant Colonel had said. You’ve fought this war for long enough but now it’s time for you to go home, to find a little peace for yourself. He returned to the country, battle still burning in his blood and his head full of quiet demons, and immediately left in search of a place that did not feel like a graveyard. So he found, Verona, wartorn, streets red with blood, a monster lurking behind the face of every man, and felt for the first time in a very long time, at home.
HEART: Odin has a great love for animals and small children. When he was young, he would feed what little food he had to the local dogs and strays. They followed him around the streets like a loyal pack of guard dogs and one time even chased off a gang of older children harassing him for non-existent money. Odin was a single child but he often played with the other children in his town and helped to look after the youngest ones when needed. His heart is most visibly softest when he’s around children. To this day, he ensures that a significant portion of his pay – as a law enforcer and Capulet – goes to the local orphanage of Verona. He spends at least one day a week in his time off-duty feeding the stray creatures of Verona – be they beggars, street ruffians or stray dogs.
SOUL: It’s a hypocrisy of the highest order to be an officer of the law, and yet a Capulet. The Capulets are the source of half the rife and warfare in the city, the beating heart of the black market that funnels contraband and weaponry through the illicit networks of the underground. The Capulets liken their legacy to that of Robin Hood, a legendary tale of David defeating Goliath. Now, however, the Capulets are fat and glutted on their gold and wealth. Just as filthy rich and corrupted as the aristocrats they overthrew in the name of liberty and equality. Joining the Capulets was a means to an end for Odin, an opportunity to oversee the inner workings of the Capulet crime family, and to use it for his own quiet purposes. A thief that slipped away with the life savings of a dozen families he swindled could be dealt with in shadow and silence. A rapist plaguing the city with no proof to his accusations but the blood and tears of his victims could be found dead in the morning, his throat slit in retribution. A murderer could be caught, and punishment dealt in a manner befitting his crime, not by the corrupt, unjust systems of the court. It does not sit entirely well with the balance of Odin Bello’s soul, that he works for the Capulets and paints his hands in blood for them. But as long as the good he can do outweighs the evil, then he is willing to stretch his soul a little thinner in the name of what must be done.
HAMARTIA: Odin does not do anything in halves. It’s all or nothing with him. He loved his mother with all his heart, and he hates his father with the very same heart. He has never known a middle ground. The love he knows is a double-edged sword – all-consuming, and therefore, destructive. For Odin, there is no other way to love than to give everything of himself until here is nothing left. Even if it means his ruin. He gave everything to Delilah when he swore himself to her – his heart, his name, his soul, his life. He would have ridden into hell for her and beyond, if she had asked. He would have plucked the moon from the sky and given her the stars to light her smile, if she had asked. At the time of her betrayal, he had believe his rage equal to his love. Burning like wildfire from inside of him until it consumed all the good and warmth he had associated with loving her. Grief, he has since realised, outlasts rage. He placed Delilah on a pedestal and made her his god. Casting her out of Eden meant leaving behind a hollowness nothing else could fill. So he clings to the only other person who has ever worn the shape of love in his life – his comrade-in-arms, his brother, Ivan. Ivan, who has never abandoned him or given him cause for pain or doubt. Ivan, who has always understood his rage and darkness, and stands by him in the light nevertheless.
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hii! so i was typed an infj, both by cognitive functions tests, personality tests, and the 16 personalities thingy. my enneagram is 6. so because the whole stigma around the mistypings of infj so i get really unsure of my type a lot. no other type resonates with me more but im not the calm, collected version infj’s are made out to be. as my best self i am chaotic, and excited, making no sense at all and being free. i am also not as morally righteous as infjs seem to be, however i used to be more
           chaotic infj back again. i do see myself being easily manipulated by people with npd and such and can also see myself using my NiFe to manipulate others sometimes without even noticing. i also see myself adjusting to those around me to make them the most comfortable, if they need someone shy or outgoing etc. however, because of the N preference in the community i feel i might be mistyped there, when i am in fact an s. i love ideas and big abstract themes such as morality, the nova effect 2/infj            
3/infj politics, mbti, etc but while still in highschool i see myself just wanting facts and facts and no abstract ideas and anytime there is not a definite answer i get anxious. this could be due to the competitive nature of my school and my perfectionism or when i get into an NiTi loop but i also wanted your opinion. i am very self aware and self reflective, hence why i can’t seem to stop doubting who i am, and i know thats a trait of infjs. i also resonate a lot with andrew garfield who is            
4/infj who is an infamous infp and i know im not as idealist as i used to be with politics but i still don’t think im as free flowing as an infp because i don’t revel in being different i hate it. thanks for listening and doing what you do and if you have any thoughts i would really like to hear them            
5/infj, also im sorry about using Ni and Fe and Ti and all those i forgot they were in ur faq and thats normally how i talk about mbti and i also know i used very average descriptions like morally righteous and stuff which is also in ur faq eek, im sorry i tried my best its hard to describe yourself             
Hi anon,
Just to get it out of the way, I don’t have a typing for this and my advice is going to be what it is for many high schoolers who have difficulty describing themselves, which is wait until you’ve developed more as a person. It’s always hard to describe yourself, but it’s much harder when many of your choices are made for you and you’re still very much in the midst of figuring out who you are.
A few things to consider when retyping yourself in the future: first, tests are garbage. They type essentially everyone who shows mild curiosity about the world as an intuitive, anyone who isn’t extremely extroverted as an introvert, and reduce the valid differences between judgers and perceivers to neat/messy. I do find they’re often kind of okay on feeling vs. thinking (in the dichotomy sense - they can’t tell apart Fi from Fe), but that’s also something that in many cases I find relatively easy to tell. Anyway, the only thing I’d consider taking away from this is that you’re probably a feeler, and the information you provided seems to back that up.
Second, I’m not sure what your sources are for INFJ behavior. The fact is because this type is so commonly over typed, you can hear arguments for basically everything since people of all types think they’re INFJs and even the same descriptions often contradict, and not in a Walt Whitman kind of way but in a “wow you did not think this through” kind of way. I mean, what kind of moral person prides themselves on the door slam, an immature and stupid thing to do*? So I would just ignore all of those and try to type yourself, as a person, based on the functions.
For manipulations; first, how many people do you know with NPD? Like, actually diagnosed? I’m not saying it’s impossible you’ve run into them but I don’t think I’ve ever run into someone personally with an actual APD or NPD diagnosis that I knew of. Second, what specifically do you mean by manipulation? I find it’s an area that gets weirdly defined on Tumblr and sometimes people use it to refer to like, normally asking people to do things for you which is just being a person. Manipulation has an implication of underhanded tactics.
For liking philosophical ideas: I find most intelligent people do. Intuition vs. Sensing isn’t a matter of liking philosophical ideas in an academic/leisure setting; it’s more specifically about how you interact with them in your actual daily life when you’re not in school or spending your free time. I’m a physicist, like, as my job, and I love physics, and I was drawn to physics by a lot of cool theoretical ideas which I still find interesting - but I have absolutely no desire to be a theoretical physicist professionally. So I have a question, and a caveat here: first, would you be happy spending your life pondering philosophical or theoretical questions as a primary thing that you do? And for the caveat: in high school I absolutely would have said yes, and as a junior in college I realized the answer was actually a strong No, which is yet another reason why I think waiting to type yourself until you’re older is often a very good idea. (Note: this is not a perfect sensing/intuition question by any means anyway - I suspect a lot of ENTJs would answer No here because of their dominant Te. But it’s a valuable question to have in mind when typing yourself.)
I think being a little older will also shed whether you want guidance because you’re a sensor or guidance because of the general nature of high school and academic pressures, and whether you want to fit in because you have Fe or because of the general nature of high school. It’s worth noting that if you’re confident in a 6 core enneagram, that might be a factor whether you use high Fe or high Fi.
I don’t place a lot of value on who you relate to; not only do I not personally know Andrew Garfield’s type I think part of the nature of celebrity (and/or fictional characters) is projecting a persona that can appeal to a lot of people, and the reasons we relate to people often are about shared experience or a shared opinion about something important to us. We can relate to people of different types quite easily - which is good - but it means it’s not really a typing tool.
And finally I guess to clarify - the reason I ask people not to use MBTI terms in asking questions isn’t because I dislike it for its own sake - it’s because it makes it pretty much impossible for me to draw my own conclusions. Typing over the internet is always a challenge because I’m relying on someone’s own unintentionally cherry-picked understanding of their personality, rather than my observation, but when they use functions to describe what they do it, I don’t even know what they’re trying to say because there’s an additional layer of uncertainty based on whether their understanding of Fe (for example) is the same as mine and so I have nothing to go on and won’t be able to answer. Believe me, if the FAQ was about things I dislike rather than things I need to type well I would just be deleting every question in which someone ended a sentence with ‘lol’.
So: no idea on type other than feeler, but I hope the above gives you an idea of what to look for in the future, with the understanding that you might not be able to type yourself accurately for a while, and that’s fine.
*as always I make an exception if you’re cutting off ties with an abuser but a lot of the door slam descriptions aren’t “I stopped talking to my abuser and didn’t tell them why because it would put me in danger,” but rather “this person BETRAYED MY CONFIDENCES and I cannot ever forgive them, they have pushed me too far this time and I have given all of myself, but I shan’t be hurt again, I cannot bear it” and it’s all extremely amateur-production-of-a-Bronte-novel and melodramatic and very silly.
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peachrogers · 5 years
my summation + overall thoughts of avengers: endgame
including: what i found wrong with endgame and why i am currently refusing to acknowledge that it happened.
okay i wrote this a while ago but after i never actually got around to posting it so here it is. 
first off,, i will once again introduce myself since this account is fairly new. hello, my name is mackenzie, call me mackenzie, or zie or mack or whatever you want. this was originally to be my main acc after i deactivacted all my old tumblrs because i planned to start fresh on tumblr again and after watching endgame for the second time last wednesday, this account became a marvel acc strictly so !! yeah follow me lets be friends !! message me whenever if you wanna talk or cry or anything. 
to put it bluntly,, endgame fucking sucked. 
endgame was meant to tie everything together. endgame was meant to be this great movie to sum everything up and tie it all together and to just make it make sense in other words.
there was so much hype surrounding endgame, so much pressure, so much excitement. 
in my opinion? the joint effort of the writers and the directors managed to ruin it all. they managed to take a movie that was supposed to do so much for the mcu, to tie everything together as a final conclusion to this infinity saga and they blew it all up.
endgame wasn’t a horrible movie, but there were multiple parts that i (and multiple others i know of) did not like and i will be going over it in this post.
it’s not just because of steve’s ending, which i know, i know, i’ve bitching and crying about that for a while on this account. it’s more than just steve’s ending.
this post is a little all over the place but i’ll try to keep my thoughts together the best that i can.
okay here we go !! so i made posts before about this but this is gonna just be a big long post about EVERYTHING and i’ll explain everything and why endgame sucked. 
originally i had decided to go through scene by scene and talk about each scene but i mean, that’s not really the point of this post and frankly, doing that would probably make this post longer than i want it to be. so i will be focusing on the important scenes. the ones i think are most important to point out and talk about.
as i mentioned above the cut, it’s not just about steve. i know my user is peachrogers and steve rogers has always been my fave avenger. but its more than just steve’s ending and i’ll get into that as we get to it.
i used a transcript while writing this just to help me completely recall everything as it actually was since i don’t consider my memory completely reliable so i linked it if anyone else wants to look at it.  
and again, as i mentioned above, i don’t hate everything about endgame. there were parts of endgame i did like and enjoy. tony and nebula playing paper football for example, i thought that scene was very endearing and adorable and carol coming to save them really made me happy. 
but at the same time, there were scenes i did not enjoy. and i will be mainly going depth on those scenes since i kinda wanted to just summarize and explain and captalize on why endgame failed at doing the job it was meant to do in tying together these 22 mcu films released in the past 11 years.
so starting at the beginning of the film, after they find thaos and thor chops off his head and they have a five year time skip, we see steve, in a group therapy session. 
where steve once again brings up the love of his life and how everyone has to move on. which SPOILER ALERT he doesn’t. this scene, when i first watched i was kinda like whatever, but watching it the second time and watching it now(or even thinking on it), it makes me SO SO mad. pretty sure they kept this scene bc one of the directors is in it. this scene also just makes steve contradict himself since he goes on about how important it is for to move on and yet he just doesn’t even follow his own advice in the end and it aggravates me which i will get into later on.
so skipping to after scott comes out of the time machine van and then steve goes to visit natasha. tbh everytime i watch this scene with natasha and steve, it always just breaks my heart because of the whole:
you know, i keep telling everyone they should move on and… grow. some do. but not us.
(there steve goes again just contradicting himself:(()
we both need to get a life. 
you first.
and i remember reblogging a gif set of nat and steve with the same caption and i just :( bc of where they end up in the end and it’s just its really sad. 
seeing tony and pepper with morgan and the fact that tony has finally achieved a level of normalcy where he has his own life with his wife and his child, it’s really nice to see. he definitely deserves it. and i completely understand tony shutting down steve, nat, and scott because he doesn’t want to risk everything especially if it doesn’t work and he ends up losing it. and i totally understood that.
the diner scene where nat, steve, and scott go to talk to bruce about time travel. first off, i just wanna point off how annoying that scene was ?? especially the part with the kids and them not wanting a pic with scott and apparently they only kept that part in bc one of the kids was one of the director’s kids?? there’s just so much wrong with it. 
and now i move on to the great marvel cinematic universe version of time travel. which in itself really hardly makes any sense whatsoever since the directors and the writers both contradict each other on how it works. if you’re going to put time travel in your movie, i really feel like everyone should be on the same page on how it works but i mean, that’s just me. 
it took me a little bit to understand it bc what the fuck. 
the scene where clint,rhodey, bruce, nebula, and scott are discussing how time travel works and rhodey is just naming off all these time movies where time travel works the way that i see it as working(where your past completely changes your future/butterfly effect/chaos theory) and bruce and nebula basically debunk the whole thing and explain it as how changing your past doesn’t change your future and all the whole thing is just bullshit if you ask me. it’s so hard to understand.
okay im not here to argue about time travel. but let me just give some perspective. for me personally, i just see time travel to work like it did in life is strange because it makes more sense. if you change something in the past, that would directly impact your future. if you go in the past and prevent someone from dying, that would not just change the fact that they didn’t die but other factors would be affected too.
and when they brought in the alternate timelines and the “multiverse” it just made things so much more complicated for me.
and i have tried to educate myself more to understand it, i’ve read through multiple posts on the whole time travel thing and i’ve rewatched movies as well to try and understand.
i guess the biggest thing that didn’t sit well with me is just that the directors and writers WHO YOU WOULD ASSUME would bring some clarity and insight on the matter really just brought more confusion and only contradicted each other and i do Not Like it at all. 
but i mean who cares about what we want ? it obviously doesn’t mean shit to them.
moving on.
uh lebowski thor idk at first i really wasn’t into it and i was kinda like wtf but i mean i’ve kinda come to be cool with the change in character. and apparently chris hemsworth was really into it so idk to each their own. 
and just for the record: i think we all know that Noobmaster69 is deadpool
also i fucked loved the america’s ass joke but i’m pretty sure everyone did. 
okay moving on to stony going to the camp lehigh in the 1970s. really i just want to address the scene where steve hides in peggy’s office. you see on her desk that one picture of steve and the picture of her kids and legiT PEGGY WAS RIGHT THERE IN THE OTHER OFFICE HOW DID SHE NOT SEE STEVE WHAT THE FUCK
god idk just thinking about how it was the 1970s and she still thinks about steve who tbh she hardly knew, especially if you compare him to idk daniel sousa ?? and steve saw the picture of her kids and he still was like lol yeah not moving on.
natasha dying okay yeah that was hard to watch. especially since she got nothing for it. tony gets a whole funeral with everyone and yeah ig she got that one moment with the five of them talking about trying to bring her back but that was it and i hate that. natasha deserved more love more attention more recognition way way more than what she got.
okay idk how people heard steve’s avenger assemble when the fucker literally whispered it.
i mean it was really nice seeing everyone coming together and fighting and idk it was just everything to see the final fight against thanos. 
tony dying, like i definitely did cry and it was sad, but in a way it was okay because he did it for them he did it for everyone. 
there was an interview with the writers who said there wasn’t a draft where tony didn’t die and i don’t doubt it because i mean, i think it was needed. i think tony needed to be the one to do it. 
and now we get to my favorite part. you know, the worst part of the movie. where steve just ruins everything. 
in the process of returning the infinity stones, steve decides to create an alternate timeline with “peggy” and live out his life with her in that timeline while actual steve of that timeline is in ice.
okay listen i was cool with the final dance, i think that was definitely needed and it would’ve been a perfect end for steve to do that and return and idk give up captain america. but instead NO THEY HAVE TO DESTROY ALL OF captain america’s character development, all of peggy carter’s character development, RUIN BUCKY AND JUST RUIN EVERYTHING THAT WASNT OKAY I AM STILL JUST SO UPSET BECAUSE FOR STEVE TO JUST THROW EVERYTHING OUT THE WINDOW AND BE WITH PEGGY IN A DIFFERENT TIMELINE ITS NOT SOMETHING STEVE WOULD DO
we all know that is not something steve would do so it just it killed me and the directors hardly even gave an explanation for it and idk its just its such a let down and im just im not okay with it and i won’t be for a while. steve has always been my favorite avenger and for him to go out like this. its so disappointing, steve rogers deserved a better ending than this. 
endgame sucked and its gonna take me a while to accept that endgame actually happened. 
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eastendies · 4 years
Hey! Your Secret Santa here again!🎅🏻 firstly I would like to apologise for sending you two asks over the weekend, I did not know that responses to anonymous asks did not show up on your notifications as I don’t do it often, I’m so embarrassed🤦‍♀️ I have a couple of ideas for what I am going to make for you.You mentioned about how you would like it known that Ben was partially deaf and wasn’t completely able to hear. How did you want this mentioned without me sounding thick?😬
Np anon!! This app can be weird so im not surprised you didn't know
And yeah, Ben is a Deaf character and I really want to read fics that recognize that fact. Writing a Dead character isnt too difficult but its not something you can just mention once at get over it--its PART of a character.
If you're going historical, like im really really hoping you are, there obvs arent any cochlear implants or hearing aids as effective as today, so you gotta mention how Ben actually struggling to hear people at times. In any case, he needs to be seeing people when they talk, being nearby, filling in the gaps a lot of the time, and he probably has a internalized ableism where he thinks that he needs to prove himself and "make up" for his deafness. Or at least hes sensitive abt it.
Like stuff that I do is making sure to sit close to people when theyre talking so i can see them, kinda putting in a lot of filler words when I can't understand the conversation, and just not talking a lot in a really crowded and hard to hear area. Since Ben is probably more Deaf than me, you can make him struggle in these areas and more, or perhaps hes gotten really good at covering up his disability and doesn't try to have himself accommodated because of the social pressure.
While Ben may not like being Deaf because of internalizes ableism if you go down that path, the overall message in the text should be that there is nothing wrong with Ben. He is NOT weaker or weird or stupid or overall terrible BECAUSE he's Deaf. If Ben believes this abt himself, have Callum contradict him or be doubtful. Have ppl who call him such be obviously wrong. This is grade level stuff, but do NOT put ableist shit in your writing.
Here are some resources for writing Deaf people that i could find:
A master post on writing a Dead or Blind characters
General Overview on Deafness
Another Overview On Deafness
Overview on Deaf Speech
I highly recommend reading these resources to gain a better understand of what its like to be Deaf and what Deaf people do in every day to accommodate themselves. Good luck anon!! 🌲⛄
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kendrixtermina · 7 years
Fakery FREE Fe Practice
So, as an INTP, or Ti user in general, you might be badgered to conform to social pleasantries or get crap over your lack of them. 
Even many online “How to Develop your functions” guides tell you to simply do the fakepleasantries,  & frame it as stopping to be stubborn & doing others a favor/ growing up which just sounds like one of those nightmares where you turn into your conservative parents or teachers and admit that they were always right. 
Personally, I ust could not reconcile it with not my pride but my conscience  to become complicit in something that caused me so much grief even if I were to luckily come by sufficient Fe over the ages; It’s a little thing but little things add up and it doesn’t change the principle of the thing or my inner feeling of dissonance... besides it’s not just words: If you make a claim, you’re taking responsibility for it. The other person may take it as true & make decisions based on it. I don’t want to make myself responsible for lying to people because I will be held accountable - 
For example, there’s so many songs & fiction & quotes about how harmful & heartbreaking it can be when someone says “I love you” and the person will be heartboken regardless of wether you meant to placate them or because they said it first, it’s simply true that it shouldn’t be said lightly/ unless you’re really sure, it’s not a matter of stubbornnes, saying things comes with obligations. Same for less drastic examples - if you indicate you’re fine & ready for socializing right now the person has no way to know you’re not & will make decisions based on that. If you act like you like someone they’ll think you may want to be friends & it just creates more awkward situations. It’s not like lying now will palways prevent hurt forever... Doing it to avoid trouble with a stranger is one thing, but if you actually care about the person lying won’t result in a good relationship. 
Plus, mechanically making the expected comments is just creepy & stilted and people will notice you’re always saying the same things. 
Like I’m not all... well, unmitigated-4-ish as I was when I was a teenager, but I still believe that the pressure to perform social pleasantries is bad and that society should become more tolerant of different expression styles, expressing unironic neutrality & reserving judgement. 
To begin with, it doesn’t make sense that in order to “get in touch with feelings” and “learn ethical/social judgements”, I should just disregard my very real feling that “Fakery is gross.” - That’s an actual feeling right there. Sure, it probably looks crude and unsophisticated to any actual FPs, IFs or even Fi tertiaries, but it at least fulfills the criterion of genuineness. 
At the same time, there’s nothing worse than a peson who only ever talks to complain and never appreciates. They suck, being around them wars you down, you do not wanna be one, and if you want the right to complain about them you have to make an effort not to be one. I was raised by such a person (incidentally an ISTJ) and it sucked ass! And was just destructive rather than helpful.  
I like to think that I am NOT that sort of caustic human but while my teenage self cried about beng misunderstood I now understand that i have at least a partial responsibility to accurately indicate that - if people are stupid & don’t wanna hear its not my fault but I should do my part to ensure that it truly isn’t. 
Plus it’s simply true that since many non-TPs use their Ti mainly for complaining (everyone shows Ti-style activity when pointing out a contradiction - just like everyone Se-s while playing fast paced video games and Fi-s while describe their creative products, that is, saying things like “my music”), they might associate that way of talking/reasoning with criticism and there’s a chance for TPs and/or ITs to be read as more “complaining” than we actually are, causing a need to counterbalace that.  
So, you don’t wanna say fakeness, but you don’t wanna be mistaken for the human equivalent of nitric acid. 
Besides, wether it’s Fe related or otherwise, you don’t want to miss crucial information or do counterproductive unstrategic things so it’s not like you can completely forget about Fe shit. 
So these are the options: 
a) Fake plesantries - But lies are unfair & create misunderstandings
b) Don’t complain - But problems need to be solved, 
Obviously this calls for a third option, as both of these suck unacceptably. 
Which would be the main point of this post: To contest the notion that you NEED to participate in fakery for basic adult human functioning. 
It’s a more productive thing to tell young TPs anyway, if you tell them “You HAVE to fake” they’re more likely to go “Well fuck you society” than to consider it.  Instead of sucking it up & resigning to put on the mask we should find a way to reconcile things. 
Fakery-Free Measures I have Taken
Don’t change what you say, but how you say it. There are multiple ways to say the same thing so it’s still corect and your audience may find of them more palatable than others. Incorporate their Pov to ‘lead’ them from it to yours. 
Pick your battles. No one should be afraid to say true things because of criticim or social norms, but if it’s not going to accomplish anything, you may as well save your energy. Think what will happen if you point something out -  If it’s not likely to lead to any constructive change, it’s not woth causing an argument. There may be a proper place for it elsewhere
This one is simple but super useful: When you notice something positive about what someone else does, make a point to say it. Make it a habtit. No lies or plastic pleasantries, just genuine observations. That will fill your “nice things” quota at least to an extent to make up for critcism or the lack of cookie cutter pleasantries and do something to prevent misconceptions/assumptions about yourself & what you think. 
This seems to do something as ppl’s reaction to me (that I still have very little of a sense for) seem to have gone from “instant dislike/ creeped out” to ppl occasionally thinking I am nice. Still surprises me tho, but apparently im better at this than I was in school without having to sell my effin soul for it or magically transform into a FJ and I’m not even trying to make friends so yeah. 
Be free to add further suggestions! 
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michaeljames1221 · 5 years
Divorces in Utah
Initially Utah did not allow no fault divorce. However, in 1987, the State of Utah passed a law allowing couples with irreconcilable differences to file for a divorce thereby paving way for the introduction of no fault divorce in Utah.
Grounds for Divorces in Utah
In Utah, you can file for a divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences – no fault. Besides this ground, Utah law permits divorce on the following grounds: • The husband was impotent at the time of marriage and this was not known to the wife at the time of marriage • Either spouse engaged in adultery during the marriage. • One of the spouses has deserted and hasn’t come back for more than a year. • Failure to provide the other spouse with common necessities of life. • Other spouse is a habitual drunkard • Other spouse has been convicted of a felony offence • The spouse seeking divorce has been subject to cruel treatment resulting in mental distress of bodily injury. • The spouses have been living separately for at least three years under a separate maintenance decree. • The other spouse is suffering from permanent and incurable insanity. This must be proved through expert medical testimony. An experienced Utah divorce attorney can help you determine the grounds for your divorce.
Residency Requirements for Divorce
Utah like many other states has residency requirements for filing a divorce petition. There is a three month residency requirement in Utah. Under this rule either spouse must be residing in a Utah county continuously for at least three months. Speak to an experienced Utah divorce attorney to know if you or your spouse satisfy the Utah residency requirement for filing a divorce petition in Utah.
It’s not what you see on TV
It is a standard scene familiar to all viewers of the gritty, life-in-the‐ urban-jungle police drama….A suspect is arrested and hustled into the interrogation room. Down the hall, detectives huddle, concocting a strategy to coerce, cajole, or trick the suspect into confessing before he “lawyers up.” A competent attorney, the police know, will force them to honor the suspect’s right to avoid self-incrimination and block their attempts to use the suspect’s fears and ignorance of the law against him. The early involvement of a lawyer moves the issue of the suspect’s guilt or innocence out of the volatile pressure cooker of the interrogation room into the highly structured rules-oriented arena of the judiciary—where it belongs.
Divorce is not a criminal matter, but there is an important lesson for divorcing individuals at the core of the “lawyering-up” concept. Instead of making commitments you will deeply regret later, “lawyer up” before you agree to anything. Early consultation with a competent Utah divorce attorney is vital to the protection of their rights. Knowledgeable legal advice can save you years of frustration and thousands of dollars.
Although some marriages shatter suddenly, with literally no warning, the end of most troubled unions comes only after a grueling, arduous ordeal spanning months, or years. Don’t wait for the death rattle. Don’t become a target looking for an arrow. As soon as you realize that your marriage is in danger of coming apart, speak to an experienced Utah divorce attorney.
Discovery Process in Divorces
Pretrial discovery is an important, often critical phase of divorce litigation. If used effectively, the tools of discovery will yield valuable insights into your opponent’s case and unearth vital information supporting your position. An early and aggressive discovery effort can severely restrict your spouse’s ability to raise new allegations later. Also, the discovery phase may intimidate your opponent by making clear the size and shape of the ordeal that lies ahead. And the truckloads of paper rolling back and forth could cause the other side considerable expense.
Interrogatories in a Divorce case
Interrogatories are written questions that your attorney prepares and sends to your spouse’s lawyer. Your spouse is required to answer each of these questions in writing and under oath. Because your spouse’s replies to your interrogatories are the equivalent of sworn testimony, any contradictions between these answers and your spouse’s later statements for the record can be used to attack her credibility.
If your spouse’s divorce petition is vague or misleading, a well‐ crafted set of interrogatories can clarify and crystallize her complaints against you. Additionally, your lawyer will be able to ask for the names, addresses, and the “extent of knowledge” of every witness your spouse plans to call.
Answers to your interrogatories will usually provide your attorney with a valuable preview of your opponent’s case—an essential understanding of what (and who) you are likely to encounter at trial. What you learn in this initial discovery stage will play a significant role in the formulation of your litigation strategy. To expedite the receipt of replies to your interrogatories, your attorney will usually confine the questions posed to a manageable number of specific—and pointed—queries that your spouse should be able to answer simply and directly. A court is much more likely to compel responses to straightforward, relevant interrogatories than to complex, multipart questions.
Requests for Production of Documents in Divorce
Early in the pretrial phase, your attorney will send opposing counsel a formal notice requiring your spouse to produce all documents she has that are relevant to your custody dispute. While the primary function of the request for production is to examine and analyze the documentary evidence your opponent has, you may find material useful to your case as well.
Depositions in Divorce
A deposition is simply the questioning of a subject under oath. The purpose of a deposition is to discover what the subject knows and/or to accumulate evidence designed to impeach (discredit) his or her testimony at trial. The subject of a deposition can be questioned in person or in writing.
Prior to your spouse’s deposition date, you must participate actively in the preparation of questions. Tell your attorney all you know about your former mate’s personality, parental history, blind spots, and vulnerabilities. During your spouse deposition, your role should be limited to assisting your lawyer in reacting to any new information that arises. Your only other duty is to behave yourself.
Prepare yourself in advance to listen silently and dispassionately to bitter attacks on your character and behavior. Remember that a court reporter is recording the proceedings. If your spouse says something vicious, false, or outrageous, do not blow up or come apart. Unless your spouse is its source, you don’t want an abusive emotional outburst to become part of the case’s record.
There is really no reason to become involved in any conversation with your spouse during her deposition. Allow your lawyer to conduct the examination without interruptions.
Finding a Divorce Attorney in Utah
There are attorneys and attorneys. But you want an attorney who specializes in divorce matters. Think of it this way – if you have a kidney problem would you consult an ENT doctor or would you consult a Nephrologist? Both are doctors but a Nephrologist specializes in kidney problems. Likewise a divorce attorney specializes in divorce matters.
There is no foolproof method for locating and choosing an attorney, so plan to spend some time in research and interviews. Because it is an important decision, very likely to shape your future, be thorough, and careful.
One of the most common methods for finding qualified counsel is the use of personal referrals. Ask divorced friends to rate their attorney’s capabilities and performance, especially in custody matters. Ask these friends about their spouse’s attorneys, too. Find out who seemed to have the upper hand in court and in negotiations.
A lawyer who currently represents you personally or in your business, or a friend who is an attorney, may be able to offer useful recommendations. Be aware, however, that a social or business relationship between the recommender and the recommendee may provide the impetus for the referral.
Discussions with Your divorce lawyer
The lawyer will probably ask you to describe your marriage briefly—its length, number of children (and their ages), the state of the family finances, your job, your wife’s job, and so forth. Then the attorney will want a concise history of the events and feelings that led to the decision to divorce. He’ll want to know what both you and your spouse have contributed to the breakup. It’s important that you answer the attorney’s questions as completely and as frankly as possible.
To accurately assess the strengths and weaknesses of what will become your case, the lawyer needs to know all the facts, favorable and unfavorable. The natural tendency to “rewrite” the past must be avoided. Your self-delusion will distort the attorney’s perception of what needs to be done and how easy or difficult it will be to do it.
Be sure to tell the attorney something about your spouse’s character and personality. (In divorce cases, psychological profiles are almost as important as facts.) Also, discuss the children’s personalities, and how you think the divorce will affect them. Make your desire for custody or meaningful parental contact known.
Financial aspects of the impending dissolution must also be examined briefly in the initial interview. Be prepared to answer questions about your income, pension, profit sharing, stock options, property, and other assets.
All competent attorneys are attentive and responsive listeners. Unfortunately, many not-so-competent lawyers are good listeners, too. Don’t evaluate a potential advocate on his listening skills—unless he has none. If the attorney you are interviewing cuts you off in midsentence to launch a heavy-handed lecture about what you and your children really need, cross him off your list immediately.
You don’t want a lawyer who decides unilaterally what to do and then pushes you into doing it. You’ll be much better off with an attorney who understands your goals and offers all feasible legal options for reaching them. Also be wary of lawyers who react to your narrative by not reacting at all. You want an attorney capable of at least professional empathy for your situation.
After the attorney has a basic understanding of your situation, it’s your turn to ask some questions. Your objective is to find out all you can about the attorney’s competence, style, knowledge of the local family courts, availability, and success rate. Ask what percentage of the lawyer’s practice involves domestic relations. Be wary if the total is less than half. Ask what percentage of the lawyer’s cases are settled out of court. If the number is less than 80 percent, it’s possible that the attorney is a bit too fond of combat—and the fees that accrue during prolonged litigation. Conversely, if none of the lawyer’s cases are ever decided at trial, the attorney may be prone to bargaining away your rights rather than asserting them in court.
A lawyer’s availability and accessibility are vital elements of the attorney-client relationship. Try to gauge the size of the lawyer’s workload and determine how frequently the attorney anticipates communicating with you. Because most domestic crises occur late at night or during weekends, find out if the lawyer offers twenty‐ four-hour availability for emergencies.
Near the end of the interview, ask the attorney for a preliminary evaluation of your situation. Beware of the lawyer who assures swift and total victory on all fronts, who declares you doomed as doomed can be, or who has no opinion at all about potential outcomes. Prefer a lawyer who is willing to offer you realistic estimates of your chances of prevailing in the resolution of the various issues expected to be in dispute. These initial impressions will necessarily be general, but they should reflect an understanding of your case and an informed prediction of how local court policies, practices, and attitudes will affect your goals. You need a lawyer who is competent, trustworthy, and reliable.
Why you need an experienced Utah Divorce Attorney
A divorce proceeding can be emotionally stressful. You may not be in a frame of mind to fight the battle alone. Divorce law is complex. A simple slip up can result in serious consequences. Remember ignorance of the law is no excuse. Make sure you are well represented in your divorce proceedings. Seek the assistance of an experienced Utah divorce attorney.
Utah Divorce Attorney Free Consultation
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Criminal Defense Lawyer West Jordan Utah https://criminaldefenselawyerwestjordanutah.wordpress.com/2019/07/16/divorces-in-utah/
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mayarosa47 · 5 years
Divorces in Utah
Initially Utah did not allow no fault divorce. However, in 1987, the State of Utah passed a law allowing couples with irreconcilable differences to file for a divorce thereby paving way for the introduction of no fault divorce in Utah.
Grounds for Divorces in Utah
In Utah, you can file for a divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences – no fault. Besides this ground, Utah law permits divorce on the following grounds: • The husband was impotent at the time of marriage and this was not known to the wife at the time of marriage • Either spouse engaged in adultery during the marriage. • One of the spouses has deserted and hasn’t come back for more than a year. • Failure to provide the other spouse with common necessities of life. • Other spouse is a habitual drunkard • Other spouse has been convicted of a felony offence • The spouse seeking divorce has been subject to cruel treatment resulting in mental distress of bodily injury. • The spouses have been living separately for at least three years under a separate maintenance decree. • The other spouse is suffering from permanent and incurable insanity. This must be proved through expert medical testimony. An experienced Utah divorce attorney can help you determine the grounds for your divorce.
Residency Requirements for Divorce
Utah like many other states has residency requirements for filing a divorce petition. There is a three month residency requirement in Utah. Under this rule either spouse must be residing in a Utah county continuously for at least three months. Speak to an experienced Utah divorce attorney to know if you or your spouse satisfy the Utah residency requirement for filing a divorce petition in Utah.
It’s not what you see on TV
It is a standard scene familiar to all viewers of the gritty, life-in-the‐ urban-jungle police drama….A suspect is arrested and hustled into the interrogation room. Down the hall, detectives huddle, concocting a strategy to coerce, cajole, or trick the suspect into confessing before he “lawyers up.” A competent attorney, the police know, will force them to honor the suspect’s right to avoid self-incrimination and block their attempts to use the suspect’s fears and ignorance of the law against him. The early involvement of a lawyer moves the issue of the suspect’s guilt or innocence out of the volatile pressure cooker of the interrogation room into the highly structured rules-oriented arena of the judiciary—where it belongs. Divorce is not a criminal matter, but there is an important lesson for divorcing individuals at the core of the “lawyering-up” concept. Instead of making commitments you will deeply regret later, “lawyer up” before you agree to anything. Early consultation with a competent Utah divorce attorney is vital to the protection of their rights. Knowledgeable legal advice can save you years of frustration and thousands of dollars.
Although some marriages shatter suddenly, with literally no warning, the end of most troubled unions comes only after a grueling, arduous ordeal spanning months, or years. Don’t wait for the death rattle. Don’t become a target looking for an arrow. As soon as you realize that your marriage is in danger of coming apart, speak to an experienced Utah divorce attorney.
Discovery Process in Divorces
Pretrial discovery is an important, often critical phase of divorce litigation. If used effectively, the tools of discovery will yield valuable insights into your opponent’s case and unearth vital information supporting your position. An early and aggressive discovery effort can severely restrict your spouse’s ability to raise new allegations later. Also, the discovery phase may intimidate your opponent by making clear the size and shape of the ordeal that lies ahead. And the truckloads of paper rolling back and forth could cause the other side considerable expense.
Interrogatories in a Divorce case
Interrogatories are written questions that your attorney prepares and sends to your spouse’s lawyer. Your spouse is required to answer each of these questions in writing and under oath. Because your spouse’s replies to your interrogatories are the equivalent of sworn testimony, any contradictions between these answers and your spouse’s later statements for the record can be used to attack her credibility. If your spouse’s divorce petition is vague or misleading, a well‐ crafted set of interrogatories can clarify and crystallize her complaints against you. Additionally, your lawyer will be able to ask for the names, addresses, and the “extent of knowledge” of every witness your spouse plans to call.
Answers to your interrogatories will usually provide your attorney with a valuable preview of your opponent’s case—an essential understanding of what (and who) you are likely to encounter at trial. What you learn in this initial discovery stage will play a significant role in the formulation of your litigation strategy. To expedite the receipt of replies to your interrogatories, your attorney will usually confine the questions posed to a manageable number of specific—and pointed—queries that your spouse should be able to answer simply and directly. A court is much more likely to compel responses to straightforward, relevant interrogatories than to complex, multipart questions.
Requests for Production of Documents in Divorce
Early in the pretrial phase, your attorney will send opposing counsel a formal notice requiring your spouse to produce all documents she has that are relevant to your custody dispute. While the primary function of the request for production is to examine and analyze the documentary evidence your opponent has, you may find material useful to your case as well.
Depositions in Divorce
A deposition is simply the questioning of a subject under oath. The purpose of a deposition is to discover what the subject knows and/or to accumulate evidence designed to impeach (discredit) his or her testimony at trial. The subject of a deposition can be questioned in person or in writing.
Prior to your spouse’s deposition date, you must participate actively in the preparation of questions. Tell your attorney all you know about your former mate’s personality, parental history, blind spots, and vulnerabilities. During your spouse deposition, your role should be limited to assisting your lawyer in reacting to any new information that arises. Your only other duty is to behave yourself. Prepare yourself in advance to listen silently and dispassionately to bitter attacks on your character and behavior. Remember that a court reporter is recording the proceedings. If your spouse says something vicious, false, or outrageous, do not blow up or come apart. Unless your spouse is its source, you don’t want an abusive emotional outburst to become part of the case’s record.
There is really no reason to become involved in any conversation with your spouse during her deposition. Allow your lawyer to conduct the examination without interruptions.
Finding a Divorce Attorney in Utah
There are attorneys and attorneys. But you want an attorney who specializes in divorce matters. Think of it this way – if you have a kidney problem would you consult an ENT doctor or would you consult a Nephrologist? Both are doctors but a Nephrologist specializes in kidney problems. Likewise a divorce attorney specializes in divorce matters.
There is no foolproof method for locating and choosing an attorney, so plan to spend some time in research and interviews. Because it is an important decision, very likely to shape your future, be thorough, and careful.
One of the most common methods for finding qualified counsel is the use of personal referrals. Ask divorced friends to rate their attorney’s capabilities and performance, especially in custody matters. Ask these friends about their spouse’s attorneys, too. Find out who seemed to have the upper hand in court and in negotiations.
A lawyer who currently represents you personally or in your business, or a friend who is an attorney, may be able to offer useful recommendations. Be aware, however, that a social or business relationship between the recommender and the recommendee may provide the impetus for the referral.
Discussions with Your divorce lawyer
The lawyer will probably ask you to describe your marriage briefly—its length, number of children (and their ages), the state of the family finances, your job, your wife’s job, and so forth. Then the attorney will want a concise history of the events and feelings that led to the decision to divorce. He’ll want to know what both you and your spouse have contributed to the breakup. It’s important that you answer the attorney’s questions as completely and as frankly as possible.
To accurately assess the strengths and weaknesses of what will become your case, the lawyer needs to know all the facts, favorable and unfavorable. The natural tendency to “rewrite” the past must be avoided. Your self-delusion will distort the attorney’s perception of what needs to be done and how easy or difficult it will be to do it.
Be sure to tell the attorney something about your spouse’s character and personality. (In divorce cases, psychological profiles are almost as important as facts.) Also, discuss the children’s personalities, and how you think the divorce will affect them. Make your desire for custody or meaningful parental contact known.
Financial aspects of the impending dissolution must also be examined briefly in the initial interview. Be prepared to answer questions about your income, pension, profit sharing, stock options, property, and other assets.
All competent attorneys are attentive and responsive listeners. Unfortunately, many not-so-competent lawyers are good listeners, too. Don’t evaluate a potential advocate on his listening skills—unless he has none. If the attorney you are interviewing cuts you off in midsentence to launch a heavy-handed lecture about what you and your children really need, cross him off your list immediately.
You don’t want a lawyer who decides unilaterally what to do and then pushes you into doing it. You’ll be much better off with an attorney who understands your goals and offers all feasible legal options for reaching them. Also be wary of lawyers who react to your narrative by not reacting at all. You want an attorney capable of at least professional empathy for your situation.
After the attorney has a basic understanding of your situation, it’s your turn to ask some questions. Your objective is to find out all you can about the attorney’s competence, style, knowledge of the local family courts, availability, and success rate. Ask what percentage of the lawyer’s practice involves domestic relations. Be wary if the total is less than half. Ask what percentage of the lawyer’s cases are settled out of court. If the number is less than 80 percent, it’s possible that the attorney is a bit too fond of combat—and the fees that accrue during prolonged litigation. Conversely, if none of the lawyer’s cases are ever decided at trial, the attorney may be prone to bargaining away your rights rather than asserting them in court.
A lawyer’s availability and accessibility are vital elements of the attorney-client relationship. Try to gauge the size of the lawyer’s workload and determine how frequently the attorney anticipates communicating with you. Because most domestic crises occur late at night or during weekends, find out if the lawyer offers twenty‐ four-hour availability for emergencies.
Near the end of the interview, ask the attorney for a preliminary evaluation of your situation. Beware of the lawyer who assures swift and total victory on all fronts, who declares you doomed as doomed can be, or who has no opinion at all about potential outcomes. Prefer a lawyer who is willing to offer you realistic estimates of your chances of prevailing in the resolution of the various issues expected to be in dispute. These initial impressions will necessarily be general, but they should reflect an understanding of your case and an informed prediction of how local court policies, practices, and attitudes will affect your goals. You need a lawyer who is competent, trustworthy, and reliable.
Why you need an experienced Utah Divorce Attorney
A divorce proceeding can be emotionally stressful. You may not be in a frame of mind to fight the battle alone. Divorce law is complex. A simple slip up can result in serious consequences. Remember ignorance of the law is no excuse. Make sure you are well represented in your divorce proceedings. Seek the assistance of an experienced Utah divorce attorney.
Utah Divorce Attorney Free Consultation
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/divorces-in-utah/
from Criminal Defense Lawyer West Jordan Utah - Blog http://criminaldefenselawyerwestjordanutah.weebly.com/blog/divorces-in-utah
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aretia · 5 years
Divorces in Utah
Initially Utah did not allow no fault divorce. However, in 1987, the State of Utah passed a law allowing couples with irreconcilable differences to file for a divorce thereby paving way for the introduction of no fault divorce in Utah.
Grounds for Divorces in Utah
In Utah, you can file for a divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences – no fault. Besides this ground, Utah law permits divorce on the following grounds: • The husband was impotent at the time of marriage and this was not known to the wife at the time of marriage • Either spouse engaged in adultery during the marriage. • One of the spouses has deserted and hasn’t come back for more than a year. • Failure to provide the other spouse with common necessities of life. • Other spouse is a habitual drunkard • Other spouse has been convicted of a felony offence • The spouse seeking divorce has been subject to cruel treatment resulting in mental distress of bodily injury. • The spouses have been living separately for at least three years under a separate maintenance decree. • The other spouse is suffering from permanent and incurable insanity. This must be proved through expert medical testimony. An experienced Utah divorce attorney can help you determine the grounds for your divorce.
Residency Requirements for Divorce
Utah like many other states has residency requirements for filing a divorce petition. There is a three month residency requirement in Utah. Under this rule either spouse must be residing in a Utah county continuously for at least three months. Speak to an experienced Utah divorce attorney to know if you or your spouse satisfy the Utah residency requirement for filing a divorce petition in Utah.
It’s not what you see on TV
It is a standard scene familiar to all viewers of the gritty, life-in-the‐ urban-jungle police drama….A suspect is arrested and hustled into the interrogation room. Down the hall, detectives huddle, concocting a strategy to coerce, cajole, or trick the suspect into confessing before he “lawyers up.” A competent attorney, the police know, will force them to honor the suspect’s right to avoid self-incrimination and block their attempts to use the suspect’s fears and ignorance of the law against him. The early involvement of a lawyer moves the issue of the suspect’s guilt or innocence out of the volatile pressure cooker of the interrogation room into the highly structured rules-oriented arena of the judiciary—where it belongs.
Divorce is not a criminal matter, but there is an important lesson for divorcing individuals at the core of the “lawyering-up” concept. Instead of making commitments you will deeply regret later, “lawyer up” before you agree to anything. Early consultation with a competent Utah divorce attorney is vital to the protection of their rights. Knowledgeable legal advice can save you years of frustration and thousands of dollars.
Although some marriages shatter suddenly, with literally no warning, the end of most troubled unions comes only after a grueling, arduous ordeal spanning months, or years. Don’t wait for the death rattle. Don’t become a target looking for an arrow. As soon as you realize that your marriage is in danger of coming apart, speak to an experienced Utah divorce attorney.
Discovery Process in Divorces
Pretrial discovery is an important, often critical phase of divorce litigation. If used effectively, the tools of discovery will yield valuable insights into your opponent’s case and unearth vital information supporting your position. An early and aggressive discovery effort can severely restrict your spouse’s ability to raise new allegations later. Also, the discovery phase may intimidate your opponent by making clear the size and shape of the ordeal that lies ahead. And the truckloads of paper rolling back and forth could cause the other side considerable expense.
Interrogatories in a Divorce case
Interrogatories are written questions that your attorney prepares and sends to your spouse’s lawyer. Your spouse is required to answer each of these questions in writing and under oath. Because your spouse’s replies to your interrogatories are the equivalent of sworn testimony, any contradictions between these answers and your spouse’s later statements for the record can be used to attack her credibility.
If your spouse’s divorce petition is vague or misleading, a well‐ crafted set of interrogatories can clarify and crystallize her complaints against you. Additionally, your lawyer will be able to ask for the names, addresses, and the “extent of knowledge” of every witness your spouse plans to call.
Answers to your interrogatories will usually provide your attorney with a valuable preview of your opponent’s case—an essential understanding of what (and who) you are likely to encounter at trial. What you learn in this initial discovery stage will play a significant role in the formulation of your litigation strategy. To expedite the receipt of replies to your interrogatories, your attorney will usually confine the questions posed to a manageable number of specific—and pointed—queries that your spouse should be able to answer simply and directly. A court is much more likely to compel responses to straightforward, relevant interrogatories than to complex, multipart questions.
Requests for Production of Documents in Divorce
Early in the pretrial phase, your attorney will send opposing counsel a formal notice requiring your spouse to produce all documents she has that are relevant to your custody dispute. While the primary function of the request for production is to examine and analyze the documentary evidence your opponent has, you may find material useful to your case as well.
Depositions in Divorce
A deposition is simply the questioning of a subject under oath. The purpose of a deposition is to discover what the subject knows and/or to accumulate evidence designed to impeach (discredit) his or her testimony at trial. The subject of a deposition can be questioned in person or in writing.
Prior to your spouse’s deposition date, you must participate actively in the preparation of questions. Tell your attorney all you know about your former mate’s personality, parental history, blind spots, and vulnerabilities. During your spouse deposition, your role should be limited to assisting your lawyer in reacting to any new information that arises. Your only other duty is to behave yourself.
Prepare yourself in advance to listen silently and dispassionately to bitter attacks on your character and behavior. Remember that a court reporter is recording the proceedings. If your spouse says something vicious, false, or outrageous, do not blow up or come apart. Unless your spouse is its source, you don’t want an abusive emotional outburst to become part of the case’s record.
There is really no reason to become involved in any conversation with your spouse during her deposition. Allow your lawyer to conduct the examination without interruptions.
Finding a Divorce Attorney in Utah
There are attorneys and attorneys. But you want an attorney who specializes in divorce matters. Think of it this way – if you have a kidney problem would you consult an ENT doctor or would you consult a Nephrologist? Both are doctors but a Nephrologist specializes in kidney problems. Likewise a divorce attorney specializes in divorce matters.
There is no foolproof method for locating and choosing an attorney, so plan to spend some time in research and interviews. Because it is an important decision, very likely to shape your future, be thorough, and careful.
One of the most common methods for finding qualified counsel is the use of personal referrals. Ask divorced friends to rate their attorney’s capabilities and performance, especially in custody matters. Ask these friends about their spouse’s attorneys, too. Find out who seemed to have the upper hand in court and in negotiations.
A lawyer who currently represents you personally or in your business, or a friend who is an attorney, may be able to offer useful recommendations. Be aware, however, that a social or business relationship between the recommender and the recommendee may provide the impetus for the referral.
Discussions with Your divorce lawyer
The lawyer will probably ask you to describe your marriage briefly—its length, number of children (and their ages), the state of the family finances, your job, your wife’s job, and so forth. Then the attorney will want a concise history of the events and feelings that led to the decision to divorce. He’ll want to know what both you and your spouse have contributed to the breakup. It’s important that you answer the attorney’s questions as completely and as frankly as possible.
To accurately assess the strengths and weaknesses of what will become your case, the lawyer needs to know all the facts, favorable and unfavorable. The natural tendency to “rewrite” the past must be avoided. Your self-delusion will distort the attorney’s perception of what needs to be done and how easy or difficult it will be to do it.
Be sure to tell the attorney something about your spouse’s character and personality. (In divorce cases, psychological profiles are almost as important as facts.) Also, discuss the children’s personalities, and how you think the divorce will affect them. Make your desire for custody or meaningful parental contact known.
Financial aspects of the impending dissolution must also be examined briefly in the initial interview. Be prepared to answer questions about your income, pension, profit sharing, stock options, property, and other assets.
All competent attorneys are attentive and responsive listeners. Unfortunately, many not-so-competent lawyers are good listeners, too. Don’t evaluate a potential advocate on his listening skills—unless he has none. If the attorney you are interviewing cuts you off in midsentence to launch a heavy-handed lecture about what you and your children really need, cross him off your list immediately.
You don’t want a lawyer who decides unilaterally what to do and then pushes you into doing it. You’ll be much better off with an attorney who understands your goals and offers all feasible legal options for reaching them. Also be wary of lawyers who react to your narrative by not reacting at all. You want an attorney capable of at least professional empathy for your situation.
After the attorney has a basic understanding of your situation, it’s your turn to ask some questions. Your objective is to find out all you can about the attorney’s competence, style, knowledge of the local family courts, availability, and success rate. Ask what percentage of the lawyer’s practice involves domestic relations. Be wary if the total is less than half. Ask what percentage of the lawyer’s cases are settled out of court. If the number is less than 80 percent, it’s possible that the attorney is a bit too fond of combat—and the fees that accrue during prolonged litigation. Conversely, if none of the lawyer’s cases are ever decided at trial, the attorney may be prone to bargaining away your rights rather than asserting them in court.
A lawyer’s availability and accessibility are vital elements of the attorney-client relationship. Try to gauge the size of the lawyer’s workload and determine how frequently the attorney anticipates communicating with you. Because most domestic crises occur late at night or during weekends, find out if the lawyer offers twenty‐ four-hour availability for emergencies.
Near the end of the interview, ask the attorney for a preliminary evaluation of your situation. Beware of the lawyer who assures swift and total victory on all fronts, who declares you doomed as doomed can be, or who has no opinion at all about potential outcomes. Prefer a lawyer who is willing to offer you realistic estimates of your chances of prevailing in the resolution of the various issues expected to be in dispute. These initial impressions will necessarily be general, but they should reflect an understanding of your case and an informed prediction of how local court policies, practices, and attitudes will affect your goals. You need a lawyer who is competent, trustworthy, and reliable.
Why you need an experienced Utah Divorce Attorney
A divorce proceeding can be emotionally stressful. You may not be in a frame of mind to fight the battle alone. Divorce law is complex. A simple slip up can result in serious consequences. Remember ignorance of the law is no excuse. Make sure you are well represented in your divorce proceedings. Seek the assistance of an experienced Utah divorce attorney.
Utah Divorce Attorney Free Consultation
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/divorces-in-utah/
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melissawalker01 · 5 years
Divorces in Utah
Initially Utah did not allow no fault divorce. However, in 1987, the State of Utah passed a law allowing couples with irreconcilable differences to file for a divorce thereby paving way for the introduction of no fault divorce in Utah.
Grounds for Divorces in Utah
In Utah, you can file for a divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences – no fault. Besides this ground, Utah law permits divorce on the following grounds: • The husband was impotent at the time of marriage and this was not known to the wife at the time of marriage • Either spouse engaged in adultery during the marriage. • One of the spouses has deserted and hasn’t come back for more than a year. • Failure to provide the other spouse with common necessities of life. • Other spouse is a habitual drunkard • Other spouse has been convicted of a felony offence • The spouse seeking divorce has been subject to cruel treatment resulting in mental distress of bodily injury. • The spouses have been living separately for at least three years under a separate maintenance decree. • The other spouse is suffering from permanent and incurable insanity. This must be proved through expert medical testimony. An experienced Utah divorce attorney can help you determine the grounds for your divorce.
Residency Requirements for Divorce
Utah like many other states has residency requirements for filing a divorce petition. There is a three month residency requirement in Utah. Under this rule either spouse must be residing in a Utah county continuously for at least three months. Speak to an experienced Utah divorce attorney to know if you or your spouse satisfy the Utah residency requirement for filing a divorce petition in Utah.
It’s not what you see on TV
It is a standard scene familiar to all viewers of the gritty, life-in-the‐ urban-jungle police drama….A suspect is arrested and hustled into the interrogation room. Down the hall, detectives huddle, concocting a strategy to coerce, cajole, or trick the suspect into confessing before he “lawyers up.” A competent attorney, the police know, will force them to honor the suspect’s right to avoid self-incrimination and block their attempts to use the suspect’s fears and ignorance of the law against him. The early involvement of a lawyer moves the issue of the suspect’s guilt or innocence out of the volatile pressure cooker of the interrogation room into the highly structured rules-oriented arena of the judiciary—where it belongs.
Divorce is not a criminal matter, but there is an important lesson for divorcing individuals at the core of the “lawyering-up” concept. Instead of making commitments you will deeply regret later, “lawyer up” before you agree to anything. Early consultation with a competent Utah divorce attorney is vital to the protection of their rights. Knowledgeable legal advice can save you years of frustration and thousands of dollars.
Although some marriages shatter suddenly, with literally no warning, the end of most troubled unions comes only after a grueling, arduous ordeal spanning months, or years. Don’t wait for the death rattle. Don’t become a target looking for an arrow. As soon as you realize that your marriage is in danger of coming apart, speak to an experienced Utah divorce attorney.
Discovery Process in Divorces
Pretrial discovery is an important, often critical phase of divorce litigation. If used effectively, the tools of discovery will yield valuable insights into your opponent’s case and unearth vital information supporting your position. An early and aggressive discovery effort can severely restrict your spouse’s ability to raise new allegations later. Also, the discovery phase may intimidate your opponent by making clear the size and shape of the ordeal that lies ahead. And the truckloads of paper rolling back and forth could cause the other side considerable expense.
Interrogatories in a Divorce case
Interrogatories are written questions that your attorney prepares and sends to your spouse’s lawyer. Your spouse is required to answer each of these questions in writing and under oath. Because your spouse’s replies to your interrogatories are the equivalent of sworn testimony, any contradictions between these answers and your spouse’s later statements for the record can be used to attack her credibility.
If your spouse’s divorce petition is vague or misleading, a well‐ crafted set of interrogatories can clarify and crystallize her complaints against you. Additionally, your lawyer will be able to ask for the names, addresses, and the “extent of knowledge” of every witness your spouse plans to call.
Answers to your interrogatories will usually provide your attorney with a valuable preview of your opponent’s case—an essential understanding of what (and who) you are likely to encounter at trial. What you learn in this initial discovery stage will play a significant role in the formulation of your litigation strategy. To expedite the receipt of replies to your interrogatories, your attorney will usually confine the questions posed to a manageable number of specific—and pointed—queries that your spouse should be able to answer simply and directly. A court is much more likely to compel responses to straightforward, relevant interrogatories than to complex, multipart questions.
Requests for Production of Documents in Divorce
Early in the pretrial phase, your attorney will send opposing counsel a formal notice requiring your spouse to produce all documents she has that are relevant to your custody dispute. While the primary function of the request for production is to examine and analyze the documentary evidence your opponent has, you may find material useful to your case as well.
Depositions in Divorce
A deposition is simply the questioning of a subject under oath. The purpose of a deposition is to discover what the subject knows and/or to accumulate evidence designed to impeach (discredit) his or her testimony at trial. The subject of a deposition can be questioned in person or in writing.
Prior to your spouse’s deposition date, you must participate actively in the preparation of questions. Tell your attorney all you know about your former mate’s personality, parental history, blind spots, and vulnerabilities. During your spouse deposition, your role should be limited to assisting your lawyer in reacting to any new information that arises. Your only other duty is to behave yourself.
Prepare yourself in advance to listen silently and dispassionately to bitter attacks on your character and behavior. Remember that a court reporter is recording the proceedings. If your spouse says something vicious, false, or outrageous, do not blow up or come apart. Unless your spouse is its source, you don’t want an abusive emotional outburst to become part of the case’s record.
There is really no reason to become involved in any conversation with your spouse during her deposition. Allow your lawyer to conduct the examination without interruptions.
Finding a Divorce Attorney in Utah
There are attorneys and attorneys. But you want an attorney who specializes in divorce matters. Think of it this way – if you have a kidney problem would you consult an ENT doctor or would you consult a Nephrologist? Both are doctors but a Nephrologist specializes in kidney problems. Likewise a divorce attorney specializes in divorce matters.
There is no foolproof method for locating and choosing an attorney, so plan to spend some time in research and interviews. Because it is an important decision, very likely to shape your future, be thorough, and careful.
One of the most common methods for finding qualified counsel is the use of personal referrals. Ask divorced friends to rate their attorney’s capabilities and performance, especially in custody matters. Ask these friends about their spouse’s attorneys, too. Find out who seemed to have the upper hand in court and in negotiations.
A lawyer who currently represents you personally or in your business, or a friend who is an attorney, may be able to offer useful recommendations. Be aware, however, that a social or business relationship between the recommender and the recommendee may provide the impetus for the referral.
Discussions with Your divorce lawyer
The lawyer will probably ask you to describe your marriage briefly—its length, number of children (and their ages), the state of the family finances, your job, your wife’s job, and so forth. Then the attorney will want a concise history of the events and feelings that led to the decision to divorce. He’ll want to know what both you and your spouse have contributed to the breakup. It’s important that you answer the attorney’s questions as completely and as frankly as possible.
To accurately assess the strengths and weaknesses of what will become your case, the lawyer needs to know all the facts, favorable and unfavorable. The natural tendency to “rewrite” the past must be avoided. Your self-delusion will distort the attorney’s perception of what needs to be done and how easy or difficult it will be to do it.
Be sure to tell the attorney something about your spouse’s character and personality. (In divorce cases, psychological profiles are almost as important as facts.) Also, discuss the children’s personalities, and how you think the divorce will affect them. Make your desire for custody or meaningful parental contact known.
Financial aspects of the impending dissolution must also be examined briefly in the initial interview. Be prepared to answer questions about your income, pension, profit sharing, stock options, property, and other assets.
All competent attorneys are attentive and responsive listeners. Unfortunately, many not-so-competent lawyers are good listeners, too. Don’t evaluate a potential advocate on his listening skills—unless he has none. If the attorney you are interviewing cuts you off in midsentence to launch a heavy-handed lecture about what you and your children really need, cross him off your list immediately.
You don’t want a lawyer who decides unilaterally what to do and then pushes you into doing it. You’ll be much better off with an attorney who understands your goals and offers all feasible legal options for reaching them. Also be wary of lawyers who react to your narrative by not reacting at all. You want an attorney capable of at least professional empathy for your situation.
After the attorney has a basic understanding of your situation, it’s your turn to ask some questions. Your objective is to find out all you can about the attorney’s competence, style, knowledge of the local family courts, availability, and success rate. Ask what percentage of the lawyer’s practice involves domestic relations. Be wary if the total is less than half. Ask what percentage of the lawyer’s cases are settled out of court. If the number is less than 80 percent, it’s possible that the attorney is a bit too fond of combat—and the fees that accrue during prolonged litigation. Conversely, if none of the lawyer’s cases are ever decided at trial, the attorney may be prone to bargaining away your rights rather than asserting them in court.
A lawyer’s availability and accessibility are vital elements of the attorney-client relationship. Try to gauge the size of the lawyer’s workload and determine how frequently the attorney anticipates communicating with you. Because most domestic crises occur late at night or during weekends, find out if the lawyer offers twenty‐ four-hour availability for emergencies.
Near the end of the interview, ask the attorney for a preliminary evaluation of your situation. Beware of the lawyer who assures swift and total victory on all fronts, who declares you doomed as doomed can be, or who has no opinion at all about potential outcomes. Prefer a lawyer who is willing to offer you realistic estimates of your chances of prevailing in the resolution of the various issues expected to be in dispute. These initial impressions will necessarily be general, but they should reflect an understanding of your case and an informed prediction of how local court policies, practices, and attitudes will affect your goals. You need a lawyer who is competent, trustworthy, and reliable.
Why you need an experienced Utah Divorce Attorney
A divorce proceeding can be emotionally stressful. You may not be in a frame of mind to fight the battle alone. Divorce law is complex. A simple slip up can result in serious consequences. Remember ignorance of the law is no excuse. Make sure you are well represented in your divorce proceedings. Seek the assistance of an experienced Utah divorce attorney.
Utah Divorce Attorney Free Consultation
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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