#like… it’s a fucking punk show
oldbaton · 1 year
I’m obsessed w this cringe insta posting a video of YungBlud spitting and rubbing it in his hair during a show. Have you. Ever been to a punk show? Like Ever? Like does no one have a concept of this? Apparently people are mad at him for drinking onstage??? Who let these people into the world
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panstarry · 3 months
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my final from last semester that i made into a zine. cooked this one up in a couple hours before the critique (the ink was still wet!), so it's very raw and kind of sloppy but the sentiment is there. i love you trans people of color. we are the backbone of this community 🌟
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whaliiwatching · 5 months
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dumbasses ft daughter in the modern era
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21stc3nturyd1gitalb0y · 6 months
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evolution of my misfits patches
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foursaints · 8 months
berliner remus thoughts 🤲🤲🤲🤲
yes yes that man is sitting by an open window in freezing weather eating a single hard boiled egg and flavorless pasta salad, and he can unwittingly come across as quite unsentimental or rude or blunt, and his jokes are awful and overly literal (“a werewolf? he’s sitting in my chair!!11!1”) so remus is a damp paper towel, i agree. but these same things also make him a really stereotypical berliner schnauze
in terms of modern au it's just a funny detail that makes a lot of sense (remus is in a knit turtleneck but still stomping his way through Friedrichshain in crustie doc martens), but its more interesting to me in my personal view of canon?? like this is the 70s. it's before the fall of the iron curtain, remus is growing up in a postwar city halved by the Wall, isolated from the world by the cold war, and filled with spies and punk music and poverty
in my headcanon, remus was separated from his (bavarian) family by the wall and grows up alone as a muggle in kreuzberg, west berlin. i like the idea of remus as a penniless lycanthropic preteen at the very height of Deutschpunk, cynical but still young, going to all the shows covered in scars just looking for a place to sleep. he grows up collecting gutter cigarettes and not eating enough and sharing a filthy flat with a rotating cast of sometimes-benevolent older teens with drug problems. he sees things pragmatically and he sleeps too much and spends his full moons in the abandoned train tunnels under Potsdamer Platz and he shaves his head to fit in and he loiters, eating peanuts off the bar at all the music clubs down Oranienstraße, thinking his life is dull and lonely and monotonous and grey and wishing it could maybe be something more. and then, of course, he gets his Hogwarts letter
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scalproie · 11 months
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when you finally spot the Low White Red Louis Vuitton Air Force 1 that were missing from your collection
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shoot-i-messed-up · 10 months
Oh my god someone please draw what a MAWS version of Jon, Kon, and Kara would like!!
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drakey-wakey · 6 months
me at the end of 2020: well at least the new streetlight album might be coming soon!
me at the end of 2021: well at least the new streetlight album will be coming soon!
me at the end of 2022: well at least the new streetlight album has GOTTA be coming soon!
me at the end of 2023: well.,, at least ,,,,,the new streetlight album ,,
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ashtonsunshine · 9 months
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Lisbon & Madrid, the warmest of welcomes as we kickoff our Europe run. Obrigado! Gracias!
via 5SOS instagram. 25th September 2023
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bugmistake · 3 months
there's a darkwave/goth/post punk music night at a coffee shop i like next month..... i wanna go real bad but i always chicken out of going to goth events cuz im like . i feel like a DORK i feel like a POSER i feel like a CREEP im a WEIRDO waddahell am i doing here?????
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origamiyoda · 1 year
tron legacy I love you & I love u rinzler who purrs like a little kitty cat the whole movie
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sendmyresignation · 11 months
something I've been thinking about lately. i do think it's incredibly telling that almost 80 percent of the conversations around 'gatekeeping' and 'posers' and shit end up just becoming vitriolic hatred of 'alt girls' like i hate shit spotify playlists and dollskill fake leather edge and tiktok recommendations as much as the next person but this is a very big attitude coming from a website full of people who spent their formative middle school years shopping at hot topic for multi-colored skinny jeans while listening to like. falling in reverse or 21p unironically (this is a self-own btw). first of all teenagers having shit taste isn't killing punk music. but also why is the object of your hatred always boil down to a woman faking it? as if it isn't the single oldest stereotype in heavy music? like am i insane for thinking this is an issue
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shoechoe · 2 months
i don't consider myself a punk but the way so many people who call themselves "punk" seem to have no idea what punk is is so... annoying
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whaliiwatching · 10 months
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tfw ur spider boyfriend is actually a cat
also a fluffy version bc im incapable of drawing anything that doesn’t induce cavities
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a-a-a-anon · 2 months
the fact that ade genuinely loves punk music and apparently changed his "formerly 'straight'" style and bought "tight, striped ‘punk-style’ trousers" at the same time when lise, rik and ben were writing tyo (according to alexei sayle's autobio) is so cute to me for some reason… like rik (with lise and ben) wrote that character sooo tailor made and perfect for his best friend to play
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and we have 3 more shows in a row after tonights before another day break bffs. haha .
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