#like… the sheer fumble too
starmist · 6 months
Seo Yul fr treated a teenage crush like a 20 year long marriage but like,,, if a pretty older girl with a sword treated MY injury then proceeded to indulge in MY lame ass hobby for the rest of the season I also would never get over her
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chelseeebe · 9 months
seven minutes in heaven.
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a/n: pure self indulgent smut here i really have no other way to describe this lmfao. i wrote this all in about three hours so please excuse any mistakes bc i had to get the idea out while it was still fresh in the mind. don’t get me wrong i love dominant eddie but let’s be real he’s just not, is he? he’s a fumbling little virgin and i love that
18+. smut. alcohol. sex with someone in the room (don’t do this. this is fiction.) eddie is so pathetically down bad for reader and also a virgin! they’re in college rather than hs bc i’m too old to be writing about teenagers here
eddie’s insanely nervous when the bottle starts spinning, anticipating the dread of having to get in that tiny closet with well.. literally anyone.
he wasn’t exactly well versed when it came to sexual encounters. he’d barely just kissed a girl for the first time last year and had been successful in avoiding any and all games of this nature. it’s not like he didn’t want to, he just didn’t want to embarrass himself nor disappoint whichever poor soul had to stuff themselves into that closet with him.
it spins and spins until it lands on chrissy and some dude he’d just met tonight. breathing a silent sigh of relief as he now gets a further seven minutes to think up some excuse as to why he couldn’t kiss his match.
his ringed finger circles the top of the glass bottle, clinking against it in some unrecognisable beat. maybe he could run to the bathroom as soon as they came out? at least he’d have to miss another go, be free of the embarrassment a little while longer.
eddie’s eyes glide around the circle, eyeing up the potential matches. there’s robin, who absolutely not interested in him and especially not anyone of his gender. nancy, she’s cute but one hundred percent not his type and he’s sure that the fact both of her exes are sat in the room would mean they could get out of kissing. a few other girls that he’s sure would kiss him but they wouldn’t be thrilled about it. then there’s you. sat with your legs crossed, skirt riding up your supple thighs and a shirt that hung low enough that you shouldn’t have even bothered wearing one.
he only notices that he’s staring when steve makes some lewd comment about the noises coming from the closet. tearing his eyes off of your chest and onto the rowdy man.
oh shit, what if it lands on a guy? at least maybe they could just shuffle off and pretend to make kissy noises, see that’d be easy.
before he’s able to jump up and run off, chrissy and the unnamed guy stumble out of the closet, giggling with their cheeks flushed.
oh god oh god oh god.
‘ya have fun in there?’ steve bellows, clearly intoxicated and obviously way too eager to have his turn. why couldn’t he just be more like him, eddie thinks.
steve spins the bottle again. going round and round and round until it stops, the lipped edge facing you.
please no. please literally anyone other than him.
if he was clueless with the other girls he wouldn’t have a fucking clue what to do with you.
‘oh shiiit,’ steve hisses as he sends the bottle flying again.
it slows down just before him, thinking he’d escaped once again until the glass stops. pointing right at his gormless face. he blinks at the bottle, trying with all his might to send it flying again through some undiscovered telekinetic energy or some shit.
it doesn’t. obviously. because he’s not fucking superman.
‘come on,’ you speak, stood before him with your hand extended. oh fuck. he’s not sure he can even take your hand. it’s far too clammy and he’d expose his super-virgin status.
he groans getting up from the floor, gingerly taking your hand and following you through the corridor to the closet. his heart in his throat the entire time. he thinks he might just throw up. unsure of if it’s from the anticipation or just sheer terror of having to try and kiss you.
with your fucking tiny skirt and your perfect tits pressed against him. there’s no way he won’t pop a fucking boner. oh god, what if-
‘you okay?’ you ask, shuffling into the small space opposite with the tiny flecks of light shining on your smile. he hadn’t even noticed you’d shut the door, too caught up in his own head to realise that this was now and he was going to have to do something before you ran out of there laughing.
‘yeah- yeah,’ nodding frantically as he attempts to collect himself. maybe you didn’t wanna kiss him? you’d make some polite excuse about having a boyfriend or something and then you could stand and make small talk for the excruciatingly long seven minutes.
‘good,’ you mumble before closing the already tiny gap between you, pressing your lips to his in a haste.
eddie’s head is empty. absolutely nothing going on inside. frozen in time as your lips move against his. he should do something. he just doesn’t know what.
‘what? you never kissed a girl before?’ you scoff, pulling away slightly. are you mocking him? or is this flirting? fuck, why don’t they make books for this kinda shit?
‘y-yeah i have..’ he mumbles, arms still limply hung around his sides. if you could see his face right now, he’d be comparable to a ripe beetroot.
‘so kiss me back then?’ you giggle, connecting your lips once again, soft hand coming to caress his warm cheek.
okay, yeah. just.. kiss back.
he does what he thinks is right, eyes fluttering shut as his lips move with yours. this is good, he thinks. it feels right.
your other hand reaches out to grab his wrist, moving his hand to rest on your waist. giggling into his mouth, your breath tasting like alcohol and a hint of mint. it’s sweet, addicting almost as he chases the taste with his mouth.
adrenaline racing through his veins when your hand leaves his wrist and tangles into his hair, fingernails tracing along his sensitive scalp. he has to restrain himself from moaning into your mouth. it’s an entirely new sensation for him, makes his cock twitch in his tight jeans. he can’t stop thinking about how much he wants you to just tug it, pull his head back with your delicate fingers.
your knee slides between his legs, thick thigh nudging the growing bulge in his pants. letting out the most embarrassing noise into your mouth. before he even has time to curse himself for it your tongue slips into his mouth, using the opportunity to push your chest further into his.
deciding now to be brave, his hand shakily meets your shoulder, holding you in that exact position. he could stay here forever, he wouldn’t need anything else in life. ever.
your lips pull back slightly and he whimpers. literally whimpers in response to the sudden lack of attention. feeling your smile grow against his now swollen lips. who the fuck whimpers? if he hadn’t already established his virgin-ness, he definitely had now.
‘is that good, yeah?’ you breathe, the words almost sending him into cardiac arrest. they sound as if they’re dipped in honey coming from your sweet lips.
he nods quickly, unable to form a coherent response without looking like an utter fool. opening his eyes just enough to see you staring up at him through your lashes. if he weren’t leant against the wall, he’s sure he’d collapse into a puddle of goo.
‘what if i do.. this?’ palm sliding down over his neck and heaving chest before stopping at his belt buckle, waiting for a sign to continue.
his adams apple bobs as he swallows and you take it as a compliment and sliding your hand on top of his very obvious boner.
he’s a goner.
grip tightening on your shoulder as his breath stutters. willing himself not to cum in his pants right then and there. he would never ever live that down. not with that meathead harrington who would definitely pull him up on it the second you left.
‘oh yeah?’ you remark, smirking in the darkness at his pathetic stature. slowly moving your fingers as you palm him through his jeans. your hardened nipples brushing against his chest because of fucking course you weren’t wearing a bra.
there’s no way he’s making it out of this cupboard alive.
‘h-holy shit,’ he chokes out, eyelids fluttering as he fights off fainting. his head is fuzzy, sorta like how he felt when he got high and jerked off except so so much better.
‘maybe we could.. continue this later?’ muttering quietly so as to avoid anyone outside hearing.
he’s well aware that you only have at most a minute or so left before someone rips open that door and reveals the pitiful mess he is. the sentence doesn’t register for a few seconds until he realises what you meant.
‘y-yes,’ he finally responds, overly eager, ‘please,’ ashamed at how desperate he sounded. he’s sure that he’d kill someone for just one extra minute in here with you. not entirely sure how he would be able to hold on until later.
you don’t reply with words, mashing your lips together one last time before someone hammers on the door, signalling that his seven minutes in actual heaven were over.
‘get out you horny fucks, i want a turn!’ steve jokes from the other side, making you spring apart before he comes crashing into the room.
you smile at him again, seemingly so innocent when he knows you’re anything but.
the bright light of the hallway makes him blink before you bound off back to whoever’s room you were playing him. leaving him with the worlds most awkward stiffy and absolutely no way to hide it from the prying eyes of the fellow players.
‘god damn munson, are you alright?’ steve laughs at his outwardly flustered appearance. eddie is so fucking grateful that the boy is too invested in getting his turn to pay full attention to the obvious tent in his jeans.
sliding into his spot, discreetly moving one of the cushions to his lap. he doesn’t give a shit about the game, too busy wondering just when later would be.
it goes on and on.
robin and nancy head off to the closet, receiving a few woos from the gaggle of people.
then it lands on argyle and jonathan, the larger man having to drag jonathan into the closet with an excited wiggle of his brows.
steve’s fuming at every turn that isn’t his, throwing his hands into the air when it lands on anyone other than him.
and then the bottle goes spinning again, stopping on you. eddie’s not sure if it’s jealousy that it could land on anybody else or desperate hope that it lands on him again.
it doesn’t, goes flying right past him and ends up stopping right in front of steve who jumps up, absolutely ecstatic that he finally gets to go into that damn closet.
eddie’s eyes meet yours, ducking his head slightly and hoping that the searing envy wasn’t so apparent on his features. you give him a little shrug and that same damning smile before getting off the floor.
‘c’mon then big boy,’ rolling your eyes as steve pulls you into the closet.
eddie’s seething with jealousy and he’s not even sure why. you weren’t his like, this wasn’t an exclusive contract that meant you could only play the game with him. near enough drawing blood as his teeth dig into his bottom lip. it’s the thought of it. of steve and his big hands and his exuding levels of confidence. infuriating him to no end.
‘you good bro?’ jonathan nudges his elbow, completely unaware that he had been glaring at the same stain on the carpet for what must have been minutes.
‘me? yeah.. i’m good,’ standing to grab himself another beer. thank fuck the boner had subsided. at one point he had seriously considered disappearing to the bathroom to relieve himself but a few thoughts of his sixth grade math teacher naked had killed it completely.
he pops the top off with his ring, taking a long hard swig of the beer, counting the seconds until you’d reappear from the hallway. this would be the perfect time to grow some goddamn balls and show you how he felt. he could slide right into the spot next to you, maybe even extend an arm around your shoulder. you know, really hammer it home.
‘it’s been seven minutes,’ he blurts out instead, appearing more as a jealous weirdo than the cool, outgoing guy he so wished to be. stupid. internally cussing himself out.
‘you were in there for eight minutes, dude,’ robin laughs, shoulders shaking at his eagerness. great, now everyone in the room knew he was a possessive, jealous freak.
‘hah.. yeah right,’ shuffling back to his spot with the worst attempt at playing at cool that he’d ever seen. swallowing the gigantic lump in his throat and watching the doorway like a fucking hawk.
‘seven minutes stevie.. that’s it,’ your voice echoes and you finally reappear, pulling at the strap of your shirt, readjusting it to its rightful position on your shoulder.
‘holy shit,’ steve remarks, his stupidly perfect hair all messed up, red cheeks to match. eddie longs to grab his collar and pummel his fist into his face. he doesn’t of course, that’d make him look really normal.
instead he chooses to read the label of the beer bottle rather intently, ignoring the feeling of your eyes boring into him. perhaps later would never arrive and he’d just have to move on with his life.
the party dies down and eventually the game gets abandoned, party goers slinking off home or to the bedrooms or as argyle had, passing out on the couch. now would be the perfect time to scarper off to his dorm, not like anyone would notice he was gone. you certainly wouldn’t. not with steve hanging around your feet like a lost puppy.
when the music cuts out, he knows it’s time to go. later was quite clearly not coming. and neither was he. well, he would. just when he got home.
‘well, i’m going to bed,’ you announce, pushing yourself from the couch, staring directly at him. is that a hint? is this later? god, he doesn’t know.
hesitating just a moment too long as steve interjects first, ‘me too.. you don’t mind if i crash here, do you?’
your eyebrows raise slightly, still staring him down. waiting for a response well, for anything from eddie.
‘i-i’ll take the couch, if that’s okay?’ thinking that maybe your lack of response was also a hint? it’s really not clear and he just wishes that you’d directly tell him what to do.
‘sure.. knock yourself out,’ you shrug, a tinge of disappointment in your voice. so it was a hint. you wanted eddie to volunteer to stay in your room, he gets it now! now that it’s way too late.
‘great! well, i guess we’re roomies,’ steve smirks, gazing over at you. disgustingly smug in the way his hand lingers on the small of your back. that should be him. if only he wasn’t such a bumbling idiot he might’ve been the one leading you up the stairs. fingers sprawled out on your back and a mischievous grin to match.
he takes his spot on the couch, shuffling out of the denim jacket that had clung to him all night. he’s sure he can hear a distant banging, some muffled moans and a squeaky mattress. or maybe it’s his subconscious playing cruel, horrid tricks on him. whatever it is, he hates that it’s got him excited. it’s incredibly disgusting and perverted but he can’t help it. he’d sported a slight chub for most of the night which was definitely not helping right now.
tossing on the uncomfortable couch until his head is buried in the cushion and he can’t hear it anymore. certainly rock solid as his eyes squeeze shut. oh fuck. the bathroom seemed like a perfectly valid idea now, that wasn’t weird right?
just before he can convince himself to get up and go the stairs creak and he can hear a soft padding of feet climbing down. freezing in his spot, hips pressed into the soft cushion so as to not give away his precarious position. it’s just someone getting water, at least he hopes.
‘are you a fuckin’ idiot?’ your voice whispers harshly from the doorway, muttering curses under your breath as you stumble across the room to the couch.
‘w-what?’ he speaks, turning his head but leaving his body flat against the back of the sofa. now he definitely didn’t want you to see that.
‘you were supposed to- fuck, where are you?’ groaning as your toe collides with the coffee table, still blindly feeling your way to the couch.
‘here,’ he calls, holding his arm out for you to find.
using his voice to finally find the stupid couch, fumbling around as your leg slings over his sideways turned thighs, ‘why are you lying like that? move,’ speaking in hushed voices, trying not to wake the gentle giant on the opposite sofa.
your bossiness certainly doesn’t make matters any better, his dick straining against the denim as he reshuffles, lying flat on his back. he’s grateful that you’d straddled his thighs and not his raging boner.
‘you were supposed to say that you were staying with me, you idiot,’ sitting tall atop his legs.
his hands are suspended in the air, hesitant to touch you. or touch the wrong part of you even. eddie’s brain reboots when you shuffle upwards, mouth running dry as the cogs turn ever so slowly to formulate a reply.
‘i- wha? i thought.. you and steve.. uh, in the closet?’ his eyes somewhat adjusting to the darkness, just about making out your figure and your furrowed brows. oh god it’s so hot- you’re so hot when you’re mad. his mind flashing back to that dingy closet and how fucking good your hand felt in his hair.
‘no,’ you grimace, ‘i don’t want to fuck steve, i want to fuck you.. are you stupid?’ coming to place your hands on his chest. sure that you could feel his heart pounding through his shirt. ‘he just touched my tits a little and besides, i hid in the bathroom until he passed out.. you are stupid.’
his mouth opens and subsequently shuts again without any words forming. there weren’t any. yes. yes he was stupid. quite clearly. most people probably would’ve gathered what was going on when you’d fondled his balls and very obviously stated that you wanted to fuck him later. well, eddie wasn’t most people.
‘you do?’ is all that he manages to squeeze out, sounding like a small child. eyes shining bright in the little light leaking through the curtains.
‘oh my god,’ you complain, leaning down to connect your lips, wanting to shut him up if nothing else.
even now, he’s still taken aback but he’s not completely brain dead yet as his hands find your hips. see? didn’t even need your guidance this time.
your hips grind down against his, pyjama shorts riding up as you move. eddie’s positively gutted that he can’t see them in this light, he knows they’re soft, can feel that at least. he’s more confident now, a new air about him that just wasn’t there mere hours ago. he thinks that maybe it’s because there isn’t a room full of his friends listening to your every move outside.
that or the sheer level of arousal coursing his veins.
but his tongue is the one to slip into your mouth, noting that you’d definitely brushed your teeth and he wished he’d done the same. your fingers walk the length of his chest, coming between your bodies to his belt buckle.
this is it. he’s going to lose his virginity. and to you no less. oh fuck.
you pull away, tapping on his chest with your other hand, ‘sit up,’ forefinger hooked into one of his belt loops.
he obliges immediately, shifting to sit back against the arm rest. making sure to hold onto your waist as he does. you feel so soft, his fingers melding into your skin perfectly. the cold metal of his rings leaving tiny indentations as his grip tightens. he’d do anything you asked him to, especially if you were poised above him like this.
your hand goes back to working his belt off, unbuttoning his jeans and working them down his thighs. brushing against his length with your fingers. he’s almost panting, head lolling back instinctively, stifling the ungodly moan that had found itself in the back of his throat.
‘look at me,’ you whisper, still tracing the veiny cock beneath you.
his head shoots up, looking back into your eyes. desperate to please you, abiding by any and all instructions that you barked just incase he fucked this up. he would have to pack his bags and flee the country if he did. not sure that he would be able to live with himself.
‘are you a virgin?’ you ask quietly and he feels his cheeks flush immediately.
was it that obvious? the fact that he’d popped a boner the second you’d kissed him was probably a dead giveaway, actually. you don’t seem to care.. he has no reason to lie. unless this is all one big prank and you’re actually about to climb off of him and start laughing.
it’s totally shameful but actually that’d probably still get him off.
you nod, taking your eyes off of his to look down at his cock. there’s a tiny wet patch which had actually most likely been there for hours when he thinks about it.
‘you want to, don’t you? we don’t have to.. could suck you off or something?’
‘n-no no, i want to.. trust me, i want to,’ sounding as desperate as humanly possible. over his dead body would he would fuck this up. now he’s not sure how long he’ll last but he’s sure it won’t be long.
‘okay.. good,’ you smirk, bringing the waistband of his boxers down. his cock springs up to his stomach and his eyes flit shut. was his dick small? is that something you cared about? he didn’t have much to go off here except from porn and even he knew that wasn’t exactly realistic.
he can hear you spit into your hand and he’s back to full attention, watching as it drops into your palm and trying his hardest not to cum right now. with your chin shining and your lips wet, it’s all too much.
and when your tender hand covered in your spit wraps around the base of his cock, he chokes on nothing. fingernails leaving crescent moon shapes in your hips, certain that he’s probably hurting you but unable to let go without busting a nut.
you pump your hand a few times, watching intently as he struggles to stay with it. it’s heaven. no no, it’s better than heaven. better than anything he’d ever experienced in his entire life. and the man had gotten creative with some of his masturbation sessions to say the least.
a snore rips through the room and it’s then that he’s reminded of the other man passed out on the other side of the room, ‘shit.. sh-should we carry on?’ nervously taking his bottom lip between his teeth.
‘just be quiet, he won’t wake up,’ ignoring the drunkard and continuing to pump your hand.
eddie’s unsure if it’s you or if he’s feeling things but he can feel a something wet on his thigh. not brave enough to take his hand down there to find out.
‘you sure you want to?’ leaving your hand at the base of his cock to move yourself upwards.
‘y-yes.. please,’ nodding like a maniac.
that’s all the confirmation you need to shift your shorts out of the way, sitting straighter on your knees and positioning his tip at your sopping entrance.
he’s not prepared one bit for how intense it feels. the sensation sends shockwaves through his entire body, sending his head spinning.
lowering yourself down onto him with a soft sigh, hands now finding his shoulders for leverage. eddie’s about to start levitating. you’re so warm, enveloping him inside just right. the second you move, he’ll probably start crying.
his eyes struggle to stay open, rolling to the back of his head. moaning far too loudly when your hips move forward causing your hand to clamp right over his mouth. as if that wouldn’t make him cum ten times faster.
‘shh,’ you hiss, working your hips at a steady rhythm. soft squeaks leaving your own mouth with every bounce but keeping your eyes steady on him. enjoying the sight of him coming completely undone underneath your body.
your hand leaves his shoulder for a second, manoeuvring his hand onto your chest, ‘touch me,’ mewling when he gets the gist and starts palming your tit. the feel of your hardened nipples underneath his palm only sending him hurtling faster towards his already fast approaching orgasm.
he’s one second away from blurting out that he’s in love with you. which he doesn’t think is far off of the truth to be honest.
you trust him enough to not start babbling and take your hand from his mouth, grabbing onto his shoulder again to quicken your pace. clit catching against the patch of pubes he wishes he had time to tame. it was driving him fucking insane, knowing that he was the reason you were panting and cursing under your breath.
there it is. that familiar sensation of something tightening in his stomach, except a hundred times more intense than anything he’d ever felt before. quickly shaking his head to give you some forewarning though it’s pretty useless.
‘f-fuck, oh fuck,’ lifting his hips from the couch to empty himself into you. eddie could’ve never imagined that this is what you would feel like. pure ecstasy vibrating through his limbs, spurts of white hot pleasure exploding behind his eyelids.
his thighs shaking as he collapses back into the couch, still mumbling a bunch of sorries as he attempts to float back down to planet earth. he’d lasted a measly few minutes and for that, he wanted to curl up and die. if it weren’t for the fact that you were so fucking sexy and so warm and so perfect- he probably would’ve lasted at least a couple minutes more.
eddie’s eyes stay closed as you climb off of him, readjusting your shorts as you settle on his thighs once again, ‘you back in the room yet?’ chuckling quickly, leering down at him.
a strangled laugh falls out of his lips, daring to look at you. ashamed even though he knows it’s not that bad. sure he’d lasted longer than at least one other person out there.
‘sorry.. i swear, gimme like.. like ten minutes..’ doing everything in his power to convince you not to leave. because truthfully if you stayed like this, he probably would be hard again in a matter of minutes.
‘hey.. it’s okay,’ you lean down, chest flat against his, ‘don’t worry ‘bout it,’ head perfectly tilted to gaze up into his eyes. maybe he wouldn’t need ten minutes at all. not with the way you’re looking at him like that, doe eyed and whispering sweet words of encouragement into his ear.
‘wanna.. uh,’ the words stick in his throat, ‘wanna get you off,’ blushing despite the fact his dick had literally just been buried inside of you. it’s ridiculous really.
‘you can.. don’t worry,’ pressing your lips to the stubble beneath his chin.
his cock twitches at the sensation and he truly realises how completely pathetic he was. fully at your mercy but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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simpingforstardew · 2 months
a mini cozy harvey smut would be amazing if possible ❤️ 🤭
no pressure of course!
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pairing: sdv harvey x reader
synopsis: one mini cozy harvey smut, coming right up~ just some fluffy smut, pretty much no plot ♡ i really hope you like it !!
warnings: 18+ smut (minors dni), reader is described as having a vagina, oral sex (reader receiving).
word count: 1.3k
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Sparrows chirp outside as rays of the spring sunrise filter through your sheer curtains, casting a golden glow into the room. Beneath the layers of yarn blankets enveloping the bed, you luxuriate in their comforting embrace, basking in the tranquillity of the early morning.
Beside you, Harvey stirs, stretching languidly while he haphazardly pushes the duvet off his body. As he arches his back slightly, the fabric of his white t-shirt obediently follows the movement, riding up to reveal a glimpse of his belly underneath and the happy trail that adorns his midsection. Your eyes follow the trail down to his green plaid boxers, hanging loosely on his hips.
“Darling, you’re staring.” Harvey whispered through a grin, his morning voice more gruff than usual; his eyes slowly adjusting to the light.
You smile in spite of the blush that warms your cheeks, “I’m allowed, aren’t I?”
The doctor rubs his heavy eyes as a soft chuckle escapes his lips, “Shh, come here, you’re-,” A yawn interrupts him, “You’re so far away.”
“I’m only on my side of the bed, Harv,” You giggle, shuffling towards your boyfriend, “‘s not that far.”
He wraps you protectively in his arms, one hand lightly massaging your back while the other finds itself on the back of your head, pushing you comfortably into the warmth of his chest. Harvey’s chypre scent was just as comforting as the embrace. Your calloused fingers trace shapes into the skin under his t-shirt, trying to remember where each mole and freckle is.
“I love you, y’know?” You whisper, looking up at him as another smile tugs on his lips.
“Of course, I just hope you know that I love you more.” He kisses your forehead. You still weren’t used to the tickle of his moustache.
You reach a hand up to caress his soft cheeks, while his viridescent eyes scan your face— as if he was memorising every feature. Harvey’s strong arms pull you impossibly closer as you stare at his mouth, your thumb delicately brushes along his lower lip.
Before you could tease him for the flush that was quickly colouring his cheeks, he leans down to kiss you.
His lips, soft and yielding, already carried the faint taste of coffee; it was intoxicating. A soft whine escaped his lips as you threaded your fingers through his dark hair, still tousled from sleep. Touching him feels like heaven; tasting him is like indulging in a forbidden fruit. It was the kind of adoration that devotees created worship for.
You hadn’t realized how desperately you needed this until this moment, a moment in which you two are the only people awake in the valley. Every sensation seems to converge into a single, overwhelming need for closeness.
Harvey’s large hand moves down to your thigh as it rests on his hip, tugging you desperately towards him, as he deepens the kiss. This kiss is nothing like your first just weeks ago: a gentle, yet nervous confession. This is carnally unrestrained; honest.
“Please I-,” the whispered plea slips out of your kiss bitten lips.
“Fucking insatiable,” Harvey chuckles softly, his lips still brushing against your own, before rolling to cage you between his arms. With your back now pressed against the plush sheets, Harvey took the opportunity to tug off his wrinkled t-shirt, fumbling with the hem before discarding it on the floor. With anybody else, at any other time in his life, perhaps he would have been too insecure to do so.
Harvey’s large frame hovers over you, his hand gentle on your neck as he leans in close. “Tell me what you want,” he whispers; you feel the warmth of his breath caress your ear, “I need to hear you say it.”
“Fuck, you’re killing me here— Please, I…” you beg, voice reduced to a hoarse whisper, “I need you, Harvey.”
He kisses down your neck, nipping just to see you squirm, as his hand caresses your chest beneath your t-shirt.
“You’re so pretty when you’re desperate,” he continues to praise you between kisses, marking your most sensitive areas as he makes his way down your body, “So pretty.”
As he shuffles down the bed, he lifts up your t-shirt to kiss your belly— blowing the occasionally raspberry in response to your embarrassed whines. You look down to see him comfortably snug underneath the duvet, kissing your inner thighs with delicate reverence before meeting your gaze.
“Hi.” he smiles, chuckling as he looks at you longingly.
“Hi.” you respond breathlessly, stroking the brunette waves of his hair. You involuntarily tighten your grasp when you feel the warmth of his breathe tease your clothed pussy; a sinful moan escapes his lips in response.
“Careful, darling,” Harvey exhales, “You don’t want me to come that fast, do you?”
Your breath hitches as you hopelessly buck your hips, feeling both of Harvey’s large hands reach to grab your ass “N-no, fuck— sorry.”
Your wetness soaks through your underwear as you feel Harvey’s deft fingers rub slow circles on your clit; his other hand moving to diligently massage your tense hips. Despite the doctor’s dominant act, you could feel him grinding against the soft mattress as he pants pathetically. He glances up with puppy dog eyes, through the hair that had cascaded down his face, to watch for your reactions.
“Do you-,” you whimper, interrupted by the increasing speed of your boyfriend’s fingers, “Do you want to fuck me, puppy?”
“More than I’ve wanted anything,” Harvey sits up, tugging off your underwear, “but right now, I need to taste you.”
Harvey is quick to begin lapping up your juices, occasionally moaning to send vibrations through your sensitive cunt. He is committed to satisfying every inch of your sex so much it almost overstimulates you. His hot mouth, his coarse moustache, his wet tongue, all determined to make you climax.
“So gorgeous for me like this, darling,” Harvey gasps; all you can do— all you want to do— is whimper and moan as you weakly grind against his face.
Slowly, he pushes two fingers inside you— the mess of your anticipation from Harvey’s unrelenting praise making the perfect lube. The delectable stretch just barely satisfies the heavy ache in your pussy; so you roll your hips in time with his digits as they slide in and out, hitting just the right spot. With his fingers fucking you, he continued to eat you out like a man starved. You spread your legs further when he pulls you closer to his face, resting one thigh on Harvey’s shoulder.
“Mmm, p-please.. Fuck—” your moans were becoming unintelligible, your boyfriend’s ministrations unravelling you completely, “Please, Harv’— I’m so close.”
Snapping your hips back and forth, Harvey’s nose nudges against your clit as he groans beneath you; you quickly came undone. As you stumble blissfully towards your release, your eyes squeeze shut and your mouth falls slack; wanton cries fill the room. You feel your legs continue to shake when Harvey pulls his fingers out, the absence of his touch making you whine.
“So good for me, I got you. There you go—,” Harvey soothes; as you open your eyes again, you’re greeted by the sight of him sucking your juices from his fingers. His unwavering eye-contact leaving you breathless, “All for me.”
He makes his way back up the bed, bringing you back into his arms as you catch your breath; after a few moments, your light-headedness fades as you ground yourself in his embrace.
“Wait, Harv—” you mumble, “What time is it? You don’t have to be in the clinic today do you?”
“Shh, don’t you worry, Maru has everything sorted out for today,” he traces shapes in your back, almost lulling you back to sleep, “How about I get you some water while you go to the toilet, then I can make us some breakfast? Is that ok, honey?”
You nuzzle into his chest, nodding emphatically to his morning plans, “Sounds perfect.”
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crypticminx · 5 months
I need rough sex Felix (maybe with a breeding link?!) but then he’s sweet and caring after :)
Ughhh you got it angel!! Ask and u shall receive <3 I’m not sure if I got the sweet and caring part nailed but :0
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
Thunderous sounds of music blared throughout the festively decorated home, causing chaos between the shared drinks amongst all the happy partygoers. One could only hope they don’t wake up with painful headaches and sore ears, but that seemed like a tomorrow problem.
Catton house parties taken place at the luxurious castle were no disappointment and lived up to be the most thrilling event of year.
However, there was a certain host who was missing in action.
Bathroom door locked and shut to its full extent, Felix blocked out any sort of comotion happening outside as his full attention was laid on you. There were a few aggressive knocks followed by shouting for whoever was in there to hurry up, but the two of you didn’t care. If someone wanted to hurl the alcohol that didn’t sit well with their foolish decisions, they would have to resort to another option.
You looked far too delicious for him to carry you all the way up the long, dwelling staircase that lead to his bedroom—resulting in some quick action and a subtle drag into a nearby bathroom. It wasn’t the picture perfect scene for a quickie, empty beer bottles messily scattred on the countertop and white traces of powder on the sink, but you both worked with what you were given.
“Jesus,” he quietly moaned, loud enough for you to hear with all the chaotic noise. Forcefully pulling your head back to where his lips were waiting for another passionate kiss. His tongue collided with yours as the two of you became inseparable of unlocking your driven stamina. He could still smell the faint scent of your floral perfume, and with no shame, he moved his salivating lips onto your neck. Marking it with as many love bites possible, hoping they would show in full force tomorrow as a result of what the two of you got up to.
“Dress,” his voice was muffled from the contact that was his mouth with your neck, “off, now.”
He demanded with such assertiveness, you could feel your tiny thong growing wet with delight.
“Yes sir,” you bit your lip, knowing that your once neatly applied lipstick was all smeared because of his doing.
His hands fumbled as they undid the sheer dress he picked out for you, pulling it with as much care possible, trying not to ruin or strain it. If it was his way, he would rip it to shreds till you’d be naked.
“And these,” he trailed slowly to your thong, “though they’re so sexy, they’ve got to go, darling.”
He was so impatient—frantic even, not fully undressing himself. Only undoing his belt and pulling his jeans and boxers in unison, his long hard cock fully on display. Aching to go inside of you with full force.
He lifted your naked body onto the sink, letting you sit with your legs spread out. He eagerly thrusted into you, hearing you let out your first of many whimpering moans, the ones that made him never want to stop.
“Felix,” you tried not to melt as he inched his way further, toes curling as your legs wrapped around his legs that stood on the ground. You pulled him closer, digging your nails slightly into his back as your signal for wanting him to not hold back.
Lustful groans erupted from his hoarse voice, his cock twitching to no end once he felt your warm inner walls start to become more wet. He forced you deep into the crook of his neck, as you felt the heat from the exposed parts of his body latch onto yours, a warm sensation. You rode his dick to the best of your ability while sitting on the cold sink, breasts bouncing up and down in perfect harmony.
However, he was the one in charge.
In between pants, he huffed, “look s’fuckin beautiful tonight, baby.” Loving every moment that he embraced your pussy practically sucking on his gliding cock.
You inched yourself away from hiding in his chest, wanting to see his sweaty face as he made fiery love to you.
“But you’d look so much better if I filled you up..”
You clenched harder, finding it hard to speak when he knew what he was doing to you. You were on the brink of an orgasm, feeling shockwaves of pleasurable vibrations as his erection grew mad with every pounce.
“Gonna cum in me,” you dangerously teased to the best of your abilities.
And with using your pretty hypnotic voice, something in him snapped—and for a better word, released his senses to heatedly turn more rough. Dying to not let a single drop go to waste inside of you.
Roughly grabbing your hair with his fingers as you felt your head pour into a different direction. He yanked you to no avail, all with a devilish smile.
“M’gonna fill you up so good, princess,” he breathed. “So good that next time everyone here sees you, you’ll be pregnant with my baby.”
“Please,” you blurted out, begging for him to cum in you, while internally you failed to let yourself hold back. Coating his cock, which was still deeply in the depths of you, with your orgasm.
It was sinful the way he seductively declared what he wanted to do to you, but you pleasured every heated moment of it.
Heavily breathing while he waited, Felix couldn’t stand another second more, he jerked himself into you one last time, filling you up with all his delectable cum in a matter of seconds.
You both savoured the feeling of getting each other off before the haze of needy desire wore off. Love, however, was still in the air. He swung a towel off the hanger, cleaning you up first, making sure you weren’t stained with something somebody else need to see.
He was slow and patient while stroking your thighs with the fabric. when you finally made your way out of your position from sitting, he lovingly grabbed you, kissing the top of your head as he took you in.
Noticing that your dress and other belongings were still placed on the floor, Felix bent down, breaking free from your embrace to pick them up.
“Wouldn’t want anyone to see you with out this, hmmm,” he beamed, eyes twinkling as he helped you in dressing yourself.
Though you always had the most mind blowing sex, you felt tonight it was somehow cut short.
“Maybe I can take it off later again?” You purred, seeing his face grow wide with plenty of ideas.
He caressed your face, fingers gliding on your red, sweaty cheek that still made you look as beautiful as ever.
“Oh,” he paused for a mere second, “I’m not gonna stop till you’re actually pregnant.”
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tojisun · 5 months
simon (ghost) riley x fem bimbo!reader
!! smut - minors dni; cunnilingus; genital piercing (christina piercing); hinted age gap (30s v 20s); simon’s pov
: this is based on oddy’s brainworm of bimbo!reader getting a christina piercing while simon’s away for a 9-10 month mission as a surprise for when he comes home teehee <33 // bimbo!reader mlist
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simon tries to swallow any remaining spit he has just to quench the building thirst in him, but it is understandably futile. he is left walking behind you with a spring in his step, pretences having flown into the wind the moment you barrelled towards him as soon as he got home.
it is a usual dance at this point: you, jumping into his arms all excitable, and him, planting his feet to catch you with ease. simon knows he’ll never tire of this routine, one that never fails to fill him up with over pouring affection that he carries for you.
“i have a surprise for you,” you whispered to him, your voice so small in your hushed giddiness.
you stared at him with sultry eyes, your bottom lip captured between your pearly teeth. simon felt his mouth go bone-dry, his chest stuttering and his fucking chub kicking up underneath his jeans because he knows that look.
dear gods, he knows that look.
the last time you surprised him with anything after his months-long mission, it left simon marking your thighs up with kisses and hickeys and bite marks, the ridges of his teeth so prominent on that single point that stood out in the expanse of your dewy skin – his callsign, ghost, inked on your inner thigh, somewhere close to the juncture of your legs and your pelvis.
so you can’t blame simon for being too interested and going all breathless in anticipation as you led him back to your room.
he’s fumbling for his steps as you two step inside – white walls and strawberry cow print sheets – where you proceeded to sit him down on your vanity before taking a few steps away from him.
“okay so,” you begin, swaying slightly, looking deceptively shy. “i really hope you’d like it.”
simon’s gaze shifts, desire warming to make room for the softness he feels. he shoots you a small smile. “y’know y’can give me a paper cup for your surprise and i’d still love it.”
“of course,” you giggle, rubbing your palms on your sides. “‘s just that i thought of you when i got it so, you know.”
simon’s throat constricts, his pulse quickening at your words – you thought of him when you got it. oh. oh fuck.
“i-” his voice cracks and simon ducks his head down in his embarrassment, clearing his throat quickly so that this moment may pass soon because he can feel himself bursting at the seams.
“thank you, sweets,” he finally utters, rubbing his palm along his face in hopes of abating the blush warming his cheeks.
you beam at him, all pretty and happy, before you begin to slide your skirt off.
“oh,” he rasps out, a strained gasp spilling into the air. simon has to clench his fists on top of his thighs to restrain himself, feeling so faint at getting a flash of your pretty legs, his eyes trailing from your floral lace socks before climbing up to get a view of your pretty little lingerie.
his tongue feels heavy sitting in his mouth as he catalogues the little thing – sheer, red, and dainty. it’s not hiding anything, showcasing slivers of flesh that simon wants to sink his teeth into.
it’s not hiding anything so he wonders why it took him a while to notice it. there, nestled just above your clit, are two little diamond studs.
“are those-” his voice sounds strained even to his own ears, the words having been punched out from him as his lungs work over time.
“yeah,” you say with a quiet chuckle and simon briefly wonders how you must look right now but he can’t lift his head to look at you, unable to rip his eyes away from the twinkling diamonds on your body. one of your hands slide from your hips towards your pubic area, acrylics making soft scratching sounds against your sheer panties.
the gems on your nails matches your new piercing – christina, simon’s mind supplies right away – and he just about whimpers.
finally, simon’s eyes flit to your own, and he doesn’t know what he must look like because the brief shyness on your face melts away and desire begins to burn from your eyes. the tension is building between you two, settling in like a dense fog, and simon waits for a heartbeat and another before he’s lunging towards you.
hands tangle against each other in mutual desperation, blindly tearing apparel from each other’s bodies with nothing but twin ragged breaths to fill up the space. simon throws you to the bed, his chest heaving as he stands by the foot of it to gaze down at you, eyes full of palpable hunger as they rove over your presented body.
“mine,” simon rumbles. “all mine.”
he covers your smaller body with his bulk, trembling hands greedy as they press and pull and squeeze at your flesh. your tiny mewls fuel him as he bends down to hover his lips over your pussy. your beautiful, pierced pussy.
“simmy,” you hiccup, your voice a soft little thing. “please, no teasing.”
of course, he wants to say because simon is sure that he doesn’t even have it in himself to prolong it anymore. not when he’s missed you by a lot, having been away for one of his longest missions. and especially not after the gift you have for him.
simon’s silence ripples, promising, and he knows he doesn’t have to say any more.
he kisses your cunt with his lips, nuzzling just soon after. you gasp out from somewhere on top of him, your hands gathering the short strands of his hair in your fist, and tugging when simon doesn’t do anything more than ghost kisses.
simon presses another one as an apology before planting his hands on your thighs and pushing your legs open, presenting your already-wet cunt to him. briefly, he remembers your older gift, and simon shifts, nuzzling your inner thigh instead, nipping at your inked skin.
simon is not a narcissistic man but there is something so good at seeing you carrying his callsign, as though he’s branded you. claimed. marked.
you giggle at the touch, fists loosening just a bit, your legs losing their tension at the ticklish feeling. simon puffs out a huffed laughter, enjoying the moment, taking it all in, then he is moving.
because there is something else he wants in his mouth. something else he wants to explore.
the first drag of his tongue along your clit and up until the first stud of your piercing has you squealing, your small feet digging into the planes of his back. it pushes him even closer to your cunt, something that simon eagerly takes advantage of as he begins to eat you out with earnest.
the cool press of the barbell on his tongue is a new experience, one that he is beginning to love as he continues to lap his tongue along your folds. simon flicks his tongue over the piercing, careful not to truly tug it, before he’s moving on to suck on your clit, rolling the little thing on his tongue.
you choke on a moan, hips lifting off the bed as you thrash, and simon has to press down on your belly to subdue you. you squeak when you are pinned, fists leaving simon’s hair to claw at the sheets instead. simon kisses your clit once more as an apology, before lapping at your hole, pushing his tongue in to mimic shallow thrusts.
your moan sounds guttural, bouncing off of the walls as simon continues to fuck you with his tongue. your slick pools in his mouth and he doesn’t even recognize the answering growl that rumbles from the base of his throat – deep and primal.
his thick hands grip at your thighs, tugging you in a new position, forcing your back to arch as simon continues to make a mess of your pussy.
pretty, pretty pussy.
“s’mine,” simon growls the moment he pulls his tongue out to suck on your folds.
he lightly nips at your clit, and a choked sob falls from what he knows would be your bruised lips. you do tend to bite on them when drunk in your pleasure, nibbling until they are throbbing and plump, looking so kiss-swollen.
fuck. he wants to kiss you there too.
simon gives your clit one more suck before he lifts his head up, the warm air on your room hitting his damp face. he sees the way your chest is heaving before flitting his eyes over your hands to see them tremblingly fisting at your sheets. your head is tipped up, mouth open as you shakily gasp out your breaths.
“sweet girl?” he asks, wanting to see you.
you move slowly, sluggishly, and simon can’t fault you for your reaction as he can still feel your legs shaking. teary eyes turn to him and simon couldn’t help but coo, letting go of your legs to climb towards you.
you track his movement, still hitching in breath, until he’s finally hovering over you. simon presses his forehead to yours, nuzzling, and rumbling a deep hum when your arms hook onto his shoulders for a loose hug.
“hi,” you say with a giggle after the silence settles. simon huffs a fond laugh, shifting so his lips trail soft kisses along your cheeks.
“hi,” simon replies, his lips moving lower, teasing touches from the cut of your jaw to the column of your throat. he settles there, burrowing with a deep breath, hot desire waning for something softer. for something slower.
“…y’like it?” you ask, sounding so conscious as though simon didn’t lose himself when eating you out, leaving his dick to throb painfully underneath his boxers.
“oh, princess,” he says with a breathy chuckle. he shifts again to see you. “i fuckin’ loved it.”
your eyes crinkle when you smile, and simon wonders if his lungs are even working with the way his breath constricts.
fuck, reality is settling – he’s truly missed you.
“thank you for such a darlin’ gift, baby,” simon murmurs, his lips hovering over yours.
you hum, already deaf to his words as you turned your focus to the ghosting touch of his lips instead. you tip your head up, whining when even that doesn’t make them meet.
aww, simon coos in his head. sweets wants a kiss.
so he finally gives it, his head angled to kiss you deeper. harder. teeth clack against each other before warm tongues tangle, and simon wonders if you can taste yourself on him. if you can taste the way he made you feel good.
your nails scratch his back, and he knows shallow welts will be there when he checks tomorrow. but for now, simon loses himself to the messy kiss – nipping your lips and, later, lapping at your folds.
because he’s not done with you yet. he needs to eat you out more. needs to see the way your pretty, jewelled pussy takes his tongue the same way you do with his cock.
oh, how you spoil him.
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i teeheed too much while writing this but then i got drunk so it kinda splintered away from what i envisioned 😭
tagging: @oddityinthesky @ghostsbimbo @kenz-ee @yannauauau @yaebaal @ivymarquis @liwooa @loonalockley @kariiiel
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soobnny · 7 months
another year with you — lee minho. established relationship. extreme fluff (0.5k words)
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“Dori, you’re gonna wake him up.”
Your whispers mix together with your giggles as Minho stirs in his sleep. There’s a tickle on his nose. Dori’s tail, he assumes.
He simply nuzzles his face deeper into his pillow in response to the commotion, grip tightening around your waist to keep you in place.
It’s one of his first day offs in a while, and he fully intends to spend it in bed all day with you.
“Minho.” You sheered, running a hand through his hair. He habitually leans into your warmth. “Happy Birthday.”
Dori keeps kneading at the pillow he’s using. Soonie and Doongie seem to have joined not long ago, pooling just by your legs.
Minho grumbles, moving his head so he’s facing you. Though, he doesn’t think he could have ever prepare himself for the sight he’s subjected to.
The sunlight pouring through your shared room bathes your face in a beautiful hue, soft smile on your face.
“Hi.” Your voice is still in a whisper, not wanting to startle him out of the small comfort of your bed. You can see the way his eyes start to open wider, blinking away the sleep. Slowly.
“What do you want for your birthday?” You ask. His lips look plump, pressed together as he keeps his eyes on yours.
He has tells when he’s deep in thought, tongue running over his bottom lip with a slight furrow on his eyebrows. His hand moves from being draped around your waist in favor of tracing the moles on your face.
Dori meows from next to him. Soonie and Doongie have moved to occupy the space between you.
“I have everything I need.” He finally mumbles, leaning down to press a gentle kiss on your lips. Soft, romantic, and lovesick.
You pull away, though unsuccessfully as Minho chases after your lips. “‘M not done kissing you.”
“Mmm.” You hum against his lips, hand moving to play with the ends of his hair. He grew it out recently, admits he likes the way you pull on it.
It lasts a few heartbeats, and Minho exhales when your lips leave his. His eyes are still closed as he cements this moment. He’d film it if we could, running it over and over and never getting sick.
Quiet mornings with you and his cats on his birthday. He feels his heart grow.
“I love you.” The boy rarely says it first, loving in the shadows, but he ponders over saying it more when he sees the way your eyes light up and the way you have to bite down on your lips to suppress your smile.
You feel too fumbly to respond right away. Though, Minho doesn’t take too lightly at the silence that follows.
“Say it back.” He whines, and the pout on his lips solicit a breathy laughter from you. You gently reach out to cup his face, running a hand over his bottom lip.
“I love you too.”
He smiles. Slow blinking from his doe eyes.
“You’re twenty-five.”
Foreheads pressed together. Noses nuzzling. Soonie meows.
“Another year with you.”
Minho wouldn’t want it any other way.
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hydrobunny · 1 year
meet me in the pouring rain
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tags: comfort, established relationship, aftermath of fights, happy ending!!!!!
obviously, you two had your fights. it would be stupid to think you didn't: stupid to assume the two of you were constantly perfect.
you curl up by the door of your bedroom, trying to stop yourself from crying.
you hated this. you hated how you had expected anything different. of course sae itoshi would choose football over you. it was what he had been doing for his entire life.
but why had you thought today would be something different? just because it was your birthday?
you had asked him if you two were doing anything so excitedly, so stupidly. he had looked at you with the blankest expression you had seen.
and of course when you tried to press the matter, he had snapped at you that he was busy- to not bother him before practice.
and the words had spewed out of your mouth, telling him to get on with it and get out of the house.
sae hadn't argued further, merely blinking at you in vague confusion before slamming the door behind him.
he hadn't returned for lunch. and with the sheer amount of rain outside, you knew he couldn't be practicing still. (well, you mused, there was a slight chance.)
but that meant he had to be taking shelter somewhere away from your home, somewhere with other people.
lightning crackled outside. the rain was really coming on in droves now. you curl further into a ball and listen to your own heartbeat, steady and calming.
the notification sound of your phone was a scare, and you flinch, hard. you look around for the source of the noise. the dings continue on and on.
when you finally find your phone, you're stunned to see the contact sae <33
the messages are a clear change from his usual short ones, practically an entire chain of frantic words. it's a drastic change compared to the dead silence he's been giving you today.
fuck i'm sorry
i didn't mean what i did in the morning
i forgot the date i'm so sorry
i'm outside. you don't have to come if you don't want to. i'll stay.
you stare at that last message. sae was-
you run to her window, heart rate rising. you can barely see past the sheer amount of rain slamming down.
but sae was there. you can make out his vague form, the rain unforgivably landing on top of his head.
you almost fall down the stairs with how fast you run down. you skid to a stop in front of the door.
your hand turns on the knob.
“sae,” you breathe out.
sae looks at you with a bouquet of soaked roses and a small box, looking more like a drowned rat than the boyfriend you knew.
“you're going to get sick,” you sputter. “what were you-”
“i love you,” sae interrupts, eyes glowing with an intensity unfamiliar to you.
you've only seen that look on the field, when he's truly concentrating.
"i'm so fucking sorry," he continues. "i need you to know that you are my first priority. i know i don't act like it- but you're the best thing that's happened to me."
your mouth hangs open, your voice weak. "come inside."
he does. you gently take the roses from him and place them on the table. he pockets the box, and you don't question him.
sae waits patiently for you to speak.
"i'm sorry too," you finally say. "i shouldn't have-"
he grabs onto your hands, squeezing reassuringly. "don't apologize. im the one who forgot. it's not-it'll never be your fault."
you swallow. "i love you. but you should really go change-"
"before that," sae digs back into his pocket and pulls out the neatly wrapped box. "here."
the wrapping paper gives easily underneath your nails. you eye the box warily. it's clearly jewelry, so you crack the thing open-
"jesus christ-" you fumble the box.
sae catches it easily, raising one eyebrow.
"you got a ring?"
"it's not what you think it is." he hums, gently taking the ring out of the box. it's a pretty little thing, all delicate and fragile looking. "my proposal wouldn't be this tacky."
you stare at him. "so the ring is..."
"a promise," he answers as he slides it carefully onto your finger. "for a better one eventually."
the blood rushes to your face immediately. sae doesn't seem phased at all, even if he's just confessed that he's going to marry you.
sae sneezes. once, and then twice.
you grab his arm. "okay. you are getting into some warm clothes."
he frowns, but follows you up the stairs anyway.
when the two of you reach the bedroom, you stop him by the door.
"you know, i only wanted two words."
his head tilts almost imperceptibly, confusion leaking-
sae smiles. "happy birthday."
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chiliyue-archived · 1 year
Does he fuck or make love ?
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Includes; Dazai, Chuuya, Ranpo, Kunikida, Atsushi, Nikolai, Fyodor
Tags; SMUT/NSFW, fem!reader. rough sex, biting, teasing, overstimulation, nicknames(Belladonna; Doll), pure filth
How can he resist when you're his cute little Belladonna? To DAZAI, your whines are like blissful bells to his ears, each moan causing his cock to twitch just the slightest bit in your mushy walls. Each time you look away from him, his nimble fingers go to the bring your face back towards his, chin grasped firmly with his fingers- and when he isn't busy keeping your attention, the pad of his thumb is making work at your core coaxing more whimprs fall from your mouth. Hickeys and blemishes of purple dots litter around your shoulders and inner thighs, his pace was relentless but you just felt so good. Even as tears start to prick at the corners of your eyes, Dazai pays little mind, he may even tease you for it- he came to recognize all your repsonses, he'll quickly become aware if anything was truly causing you discomfort. Afterall, his cock feels so warm and welcoming in your cunt, it was a wonderful opportunity to fuck you up.
" My my~ my sweet Belladonna, barely started and you're sobbing. Worry not, my darling- I'll make you feel good, just keep those pretty eyes on me alright~"
He's a little jerk that loves to see the sheer desperation in your face as you work yourself off his dick. RANPO is quite lazy and a tease at that, he'll make you work for it, laying down, hands behind his head(that or fumbling with your chest) all while your muscles strain to keep bouncing on his hard cock. He quite addicted to the sight befor him; your fucked out expression, lips glistened with drool all by your own doing. He makes you beg for it, telling him what it is you desire. Tongue clicking that you were 'simply giving up now?'But soon enough, his hands plant on your waist and he proceeds to thrust into you without any remorse. His smirk only grows at the mewls you make as his dick hits every right spot. And he adores how you prettily arch your back off the bed, arms reaching out to him for support. Even as you reach your release, his pace doesn't falter, the filthy sounds continuing to echo in the room. His mouth only adds to your torment, spewing out teases that turn your face a crimson red. Any attempts at shielding your burning cheeks is met with a gentle slap against your thigh.
" Don't coward now, Y/N~ not when your were just begging me to take over~ I must say you look adorable like this."
FYODOR loves to see you beg for his cock. He'll over stimulate you with his fingers, tongue, kneading your skin with greedy hands and he'll do this for hours. He pays little mind to your whimpers or how you feebly grabbed onto his shoulder for support. 'Tell what is it is you truly want, my dear.' He would say, lips lazily burshing agaisnt your cheek and fingers curling within your heat. At that point all you could do was babble his name incoherently, chest heaving as shivers ran down your spine at the immense pleasure. Fyodor would tut, you became so dumb with just his fingers alone, tears pricking your irises and thighs clenching together begging for more. Soon enough he'll have your legs wide open, bottoming out with just one thrust. That was in itself was enough to make you see stars, but Fyodor's hips were already setting a brutal pace slapping into you again and again and again. A smirk grew on his face as tears started to prick the corners of your eyes; seeing your fucked out expression becomes a sight that engraves itself in his brain forever, impaled and marked by him and him alone.
" You take me so well, darling. Now don't start crying, you were asking me to fuck you like this just a couple minutes ago. Now be a good little dear and take what I give you."
Makes Love
KUNIKIDA doesn't like saying he fucked you- no, the term is too vulgar and not a proper representation of the feelings he has towards you. Yes, he can rather rough- especially when you're brat- but in many instances, he's very attentive and places your own pleasure before his own. Even now that he has you all spread out against the mattress, his length deep within your most sensitive spots, his always being aware of your comfort. He's aware of his own strength, his cock can easily spear you in half and make tears run down your face, but unless provoked otherwise or requested by you, he keeps himself in check. He has a pace that makes you both feel good, his lips brushing your cheek whilst you mewl beneath him. Sweet nothings and praises drips from his voice at every chance he gets, making sure you know well just how good you make him feel; a low groan would escape him whenever you clench around him, fingers taking you vacant hand or drawing shapes at your cilt. His pace gradually speeds up, adoring the way you lock your legs around his waist. He wants to make he fulfill all your desires, afterall he feels good if you do as well.
"A-ah- you take me so well, my love. Such a good girl, taking me so well. Just a little more, okay? Just like that."
ATSUSHI finds every part of your body to mesmerizing; he always so gentle and careful when kneading at you skin, asking if 'this was okay?' Or 'do you feel good?' He reciprocated your red blush, setting a gentle pace enjoyable to the both of you. Small love bites littered your shoulders, areas in which you can easily cover up, only for his eyes to view alone; he would press chaste kisses to those marks his way of apologizing for being too rough. Soft moans and mumbles of praise would escape him whenever you carded your fingers through his hair. His eyes would pinch shut as gave his length kitten licks, his words of encouragementmeeting no ends. In intimate moments such as these, he finds himself subconsciously grabbing your hand, gently squeezing it as you both approach your high. Atushi gently wipes away your tears as he thrusts into you a bit harder, his thighs trembling with how deep he went. As he approaches his climax, the only coherent words were his expressions of 'I love you.'
" So good, you feel so- good. Ah- y/n, I- Love so much, I can't p-properly express it-! Please cum with me, please-"
Both?! Both !
He tries to be gentle(unless you otherwise wish for him to be rough) and make you feel so good and loved, but the moment you clench around his cock, CHŪYA loses all control. Your legs were wide, bascially folded in half beneath him. His thrust only speeds up, defined arms holding onto your hips- bruises were sure to form with his grip. But the moment tears prick the corners of you eyes, Chūya would pause. As much he was close to his own sweet release the last thing he wishes was for you to be in genuine pain. A chuckle would escape him as you mumble how good he made you feel, your words causing his dick to twitch, only adding to your pleasure with a whine. His hips resumed to rut against you, his lips connecting with many parts of your body; collarbone, chest, wrist. All before finally connecting with your lips, muffling your cries as you reach your climax. He may be rearranging your insides as his tip kisses your cervix and rubs on all the best spots, but that's how he shows he loves you.
" You must be addicted to my dick given the look on your face. If you keep squriming amd making those sounds, I won't be able to hold myself back. But thats maybe what you want, isn't that right Doll?"
It's quite difficult to read NIKOLAI'S expression, especially in heat of the moment when pleasure rocks through your entire body with each precise movement of his hips. Your face is buried within the pillows, your euphony of sounds muffled as his long fingers wrap around the curve of your neck. He applied menial pressure but it was enough to send jolts of pleasure and fear down your shine. How long have you been in this position? You've lost count. Perhaps it was cruel of Nikolai to make you continue like this, panting and grabbing the headboard for support; but the sweet moans and hiccups you echoed back at him- the way your tongue rolled his name when he thrusted into the right spot- it was addicting and he shamelessly succumbed to the pleasure. He would chuckle at the whimpers you make as his thrust grow harder, the sounds of your filthy actions echoing in the room. Purple and red crescent moons formed along the sides of your thighs where his fingertips gripped onto tightly. Along with forming blemishes came the display of bites along back of your neck. He would bite down hard and without worse, his cock twitching at your whines of pleasure and pain. But not matter, he will gladly lick away your tears while his words say the most meanest of things with a dabble of praise in between. But with how clench around his cock, he knows youre adoring it just as much. He could be unpredictable, but he knew how to make you so weak.
" My pretty darling, is the pleasure too much for you, hm~? But I must admit, you feel wonderful, clenching me around like that~ I feel as though I can do this all night. What do you say, care to test the limits~? "
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uc1wa · 7 months
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18+ minors dni
ktober m.list
tags: fem reader, daddy kink, tummy bulging (squint), mating press, size kink, choking, toji is not a poor bum
the first time you’d had sex with toji was sweet and sensual. he treated you with care, tender touches pressed to your skin as if you’d crack if he pressed too hard. your small form underneath his big one strengthened his want to care for you, fill you up with his cock—but only after he’d eaten you out, filled you up with fingers enough to make you cum into his mouth two times. consideration, that he showed to no other who crossed paths with him, came naturally when you'd touched his sheets
and he loved how much smaller you were than him. how, never in your life, had you been with a man as big as toji. whether that be the broadness of his shoulders that shadowed your figure like a silhouette, or if it was his length that he felt in your tummy when he pressed his hand down, teasing you gently on how you were made to hold his length.
tonight was only the second time that you’d found your way into toji’s bed. after a long night of wining and dining, spending your night with a chef's course that toji told you, "i’ll pick a place that’ll learn your name," because he promised he’d continue taking you. he loved watching over you, opening your eyes to care that you didn’t know existed.
the kissing hadn't stopped since the moment you’d found his door, his lips sucking on your tongue even when his fingers fumbled with keys. and once he found the right key, he was pushing you against the door when you’d made your way in, his hand finding your ass and pulling you up his form, holding you as he found stairs until he was throwing you against his king-sized bed.
you should’ve known tonight would be different when toji didn’t delicately lay you in his bed, looking down at you with affection in his eyes, rather a darkness that read lust. a difference in atmosphere when there was space between your figures, enough to read his face and feel his aura that wasn't swallowing your kisses. something cold surrounded him, the scar that sat on his lips pulled upwards while his hands gripped your thighs; his hips slotted between them.
an eerily comfortable silence settled upon your figures. and you weren't sure if your breaths were interrupting it. with dark eyes moving over your body, you didn’t feel far off than dessert served on a platter for toji who was just a little too hungry.
"hi," you said without a mind of your own, hands fallen haphazardly on the thick, goose-feathered duvet you were sprawled on. your soft voice cut through the coldness that was the air you breathed, a smirk painted on toji's lips.
"hey, princess," he moves closer until it's impossible for his clothed bulge to press further between your legs without entering your panty-covered entrance. rough hands move underneath the fancy dress he'd bought you for that night, eyes moving down to the panties that you'd decided on. lace, sheer, and all. the brand that decided to sell it as an undergarment was generous, but the detail that went into it was worth the prize that it covered.
the prize that was surely leaving a dampening stain on the front of toji's trousers that it was pressed against. his thumb and forefinger move to capture the skin that covers your chin, pressing it to allow your eyes to meet once more. you wince, wanting nothing more than to feel toji filling you up like he had a week ago.
"y’so pretty, baby," his gruff voice says, calloused fingers rubbing against your soft skin. thumbs rubbing circles on the inside of your plush thighs. and you smile a small, embarrassed smile, not wanting toji to say another word without stripping you of your clothes. he watches with harsh eyes, chin tilted upwards as if expecting something out of you. and when he doesn’t get it, he purses his lips. "lost your manners?"
your eyes widen for a second, shaking your head while attempting to grind against his bulge. "th-thank you," you say while your partner's grip tightens on your skin, halting the attempt to grind against him.
"who?" and you feel lost for a second under the pressure of the words and the gaze that has you in a trance. "thank you, toji," you gulp, feeling all too tiny.
and when you see his lips curl up once more, you let out a breath that you didn’t know you were holding in. "that’s m’girl," his thumb finds its way under the thin fabric of your panties. finding your clit without hesitation or a stutter, pressing harshly while his figure leans down. lips pressing against the corner of your lips.
"daddy's good lil’ girl, yeah?" hot breaths fan your skin as you wriggle from the sudden pressure against your most sensitive part. the heat growing on your face and between your legs mixed with the name the man had called himself was the start of your descent into a puddle underneath his form.
your descent into feeling small and your brain being filled with one thought and one thought alone. "'m daddy's good girl, please, wanna feel you," you whine in a voice that sounds unfamiliar to the one you used when you ordered your dinner just over an hour ago. the voice that you've only used with toji the one other time you've been in his bed.
finally. he's got you where he wants you, and he coos while you wrap one arm around the back of his neck, the other fumbling with buttons on the dress shirt he wore. toji laughs against your skin at the dumbness that's filling your eyes, unable to even undo a single button. his hand moves to find yours, holding it in place while his thumb begins moving circles around your clit.
"where does my dumb baby wanna feel me?" he teases, letting go of your hand to begin undoing his buttons in the slowest way he possibly can. it's as if he rubs over the circle, memorizing the uniqueness of each one before he slides it through the cloth hole. it feels like an eternity until the sides of the top fall on either side of his torso.
and if you felt small a minute ago, you felt microscopic under his dark gaze now. you felt like a bug ready to be stomped on under the broadness of his chest, traps that made his shoulder look that much bigger and stronger than they did under a shirt. the way his obliques stretched from the form he held overtop of you, one arm stretching the muscle as it laid against plush covers, the other moving underneath panties.
looking at your partner alone was enough to erase the question from your brain alone, further proving toji's point that you were just a dumb baby. but with the bliss that follows the way his rough thumb toys with your bud, you're unsure if you're able to communicate outside of moans.
"huh?" he grunts in question, and your eyes meet him as he bends down once more, moving a mere inch from your face and halting his movements. but thinking is too hard, and you don't remember the man asking a question, so you pout and look away. "w-what'd you say..?" it's daring to ask the question, but you do anyways and feel humiliated when toji's laugh fans your cheek.
"should've known you're too dumb," his voice is teasing. "need daddy to do all the thinkin' for you, huh? don't even know why ya gotta brain." you look back to toji, because you agree. thinking and speaking is too hard under his touch. not to mention he already paid for all your meals and outfits, toji took care of you in every sense of the word.
with wide eyes, you nod, "'m just need you," you whine, leaning forward to attempt to press a kiss to toji's lips, but the hand that isn't pressed firmly against your clit catches your throat before you're able to throw yourself at the man, pushing you against the bed with a choked whimper.
with the hold on your throat that still allows you to breathe, albeit hard to breathe, he's letting go of your clit that's held with his thumb. subbing two fingers that delve into your flowering hole without a warning, moving so that he's knuckle deep inside your cunt while choked cries beg to leave your throat.
"gonna fuck you like a dumb slut then, since, y'know, that's what you want baby," he scissors your cunt, moving in and out with a pace that makes you see stars, a warmth growing in your tummy while you're sure your throat is gonna have a small bruise where his thumb lies on one side.
as soon as you're beginning to enjoy yourself, beginning to feel your pulse in your throat and a knot grow in your belly, toji's pulling his fingers from your hole and releasing his hold on your neck. and, without enough time to whine in protest, his two fingers are finding their way to your lips. taking the opportunity when your mouth falls open and filling your pretty lips before he hears something dumb leave you.
the hand that was holding your pulse point moves to his slacks, unbuttoning and unzipping with fervor until the girthy and lengthy member that you weren't used to yet, hits his lower tummy.
"taste good?" he teases, not bothering to meet your gaze as he lines himself up with your cunt that's moving with a mind of its own. trying to suck in toji which he hasn't even pressed against yet. another laugh and he's pushing through tight walls as you hum against fingers, your attempt at moaning something loud and wild at the sudden intrusion.
he only groans, taking his fingers from your mouth messily, saliva and all dripping against your lips and chin until they find their place around your neck once more. "d-daddy!" finally, you moan clearly and coherently as the man doesn't allow your tight hole to get adjusted, thrusting with a pace that's got your legs trembling around his waist and fingernails that are leaving crescent indents on the back of his neck and shoulders.
you didn't know if it was fair to say you were used to a different toji, having only found yourself in his sheets once more than now, but the toji who was filling you up with his length now was different than the one who welcomed you before. this toji was rough, uncaring of the bruise blossoming on the side of your neck, the way you screamed moans in his ear and the slapping of wet skin bouncing off of the surrounding walls. "dumb fuckin' pussy, squeezin' me 'n shit," he grunts, the only sound with the ability to be heard over your pathetic whimpers.
with the harsh movements, the expanding of your walls that squeezed against the man, on top of the words he groaned in your ear, it was hard to hold yourself back. the coil in your belly tightening faster than you'd like. "g-gonna cum," you whine, and toji moves his hand from your throat, replacing the rough callouses with the grazing of his teeth over your skin. "gonna fuck a fuckin' baby into you," he moans, bringing his knees onto the bed, pressing impossibly deep into your cunt while his hands move to the top of your head. resting there while he pushes you down even more to swallow his cock.
the mating press he fucks you into floods your senses, heat radiating and you're not sure if it's from you or the man holding you against his body. skin flushed against yours while sweat manifests a second layer over your soft skin. "cum on this dick, baby, c'mon," he urges, and it feels like a dare coming from him. like you have to prove the motion in order to continue being his, and you're committed.
"p-please, wanna baby," and maybe your dumbness caught up to you. maybe if you were sober from toji's cock, you'd be embarrassed by the words you were begging. but in the moment of tip kissing cervix, you wanted nothing more than warmth to fill your cunt. needed to feel warm cum dripping out of you as your life depended on it.
when toji felt the familiar feeling of your soft muscles squeezing around each vein of his cock, it was only right he allowed himself to fall into his own bliss. giving you what you asked for and continuing to fuck you after he'd spilled his seed into you. fucking his cum into you, scared that it would be wasted by falling onto the duvet your body rested against.
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🏷️: @hopeannalea, @zaxlrza, @loviie-stuff, @nightjarwings, @natiluv, @cl-0-vr
last kinktober post... thank you for reading! thank you for joining my taglist and all the sweet messages attached! woohoo! i’m out this hoe
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whathorselegs · 9 days
Dazai has definitely said the the "You look beautiful when you cry" line at Chuuya, but it was completely accidental. It was supposed to be an internal thought, one that just popped up out of nowhere and in his head was much more complicated than insinuating Chuuya's blotchy face, runny nose and bloodshot eyes was physically appealing to him.
In his head he was thinking about the beauty of human emotions and how hard Chuuya feels them. He was thinking how difficult it was for Chuuya to have opened up to him in this moment, the strange and enticing connection Dazai felt in moments like these, when someone reaches out to him and he actually wants to reach back.
He was thinking about the sheer amount of grief and pain Chuuya's gone through and how something like that would have made Dazai close up further into his facade of numbness. Yet, Chuuya, feels it all so brashly, with his entire being and he was admiring how brave he must be to do that.
That's what was so beautiful to Dazai, Chuuya's never wavering humanity and the moments he gets to be part of it.
But Dazai isn't experienced in comforting people and when he opens himself up to doing it, he's overwhelmed with anxieties of making it worse. He tries to smile kindly, say soft words, he tries with all his being not to let them know his own heart is racing against his will.
And with all this swirling around his head, that damn sentence just falls out of his mouth.
"You look beautiful when you cry."
Then Chuuya's staring at him, dubious, confused, and Dazai's tongue tied as he processes what he's just done. He tries to explain, without giving away too much of what was going on in his head, but he's fumbling it. His mind's screaming at him to shut up as his mouth just keeps talking.
Eventually, Chuuya lets it slide because he wants Dazai's comfort more than he wants to dig into Dazai's weird thoughts on humanity.
But later down the line, Chuuya absolutely teases him about saying something so absolutely lame and Dazai never lives it down.
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a-hazbin-reader · 3 months
Hello, happy day, first of all. Secondly, I would like to see how Alastor would give the talk to his children (the talk about how babies are made) or what would happen if his children asked him how babies are made.
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Shenanigans!!
Description: ☝️⬆️
His kids don't really even think about where they came from, they just know that they come from their mother and father
They don't really think about how they came to be until...their mom is suddenly pregnant again
Alastor sits down the kids, holding the youngest little girl in his lap while you hold the twins at your sides
They can't help but notice the happy look you're sharing with your husband, knowing that you two are about to announce something good
Alastor adjusts the toddler in his lap and gives his twins a sharp grin, obviously unable to contain himself
"Now, my little ones~ Do you remember how you've been asking for another sibling?"
You can't help but laugh as the twins look at each in confusion then look up at their father, the little girl shaking her head
"Well, your mother and I have good news! Due to sheer luck and absolute carelessness, your mother has managed to spawn another baby!"
You can't help but gawk at your husband, he's trying to put all the blame on you for getting pregnant!?
You don't even get a chance to speak before your husband is kissing you, chuckling at the pout on your face
"That's not entirely true, but yes, we're having another baby."
Your twins lean on you and rub their cheeks against you, their little tails wagging in excitement
The youngest girl is still too young to understand, but she copies her siblings anyways, bleating and wiggling her tail to the best of her ability
It's a sweet moment that you wish you could take a photo of but you're too busy hugging your babies and snuggling up to your husband
It's not until later that night that it becomes a problem as Alastor is putting the twins to bed and you stand in the doorway to watch
He tucks them in and kisses their foreheads before wishing them goodnight, just about to turn out the light when it happens
"Papa, where do babies come from?"
The look on Alastor's face is enough to make you laugh, hiding it behind your hand as your husband freezes in place before regaining his composure
"Why! From mommies and daddies of course! Just like your mother and I!"
The little boy sits up fully, his sister soon following after as they give him an annoyed look
"Yeah but HOW did you make us?"
The rational part of Alastor's brain tells him that he should just tell them the truth and be done with it
But when he looks at his twin's innocent faces staring up at him expectantly...he absolutely fumbles it
Alastor lies lies and LIES through his teeth, every baby myth known to man comes to his mind as he weaves some crazy tale of how babies come to be
The stork, cabbage patches, water sprites and berry bushes-ANYTHING BUT THE TRUTH
You have to leave because you can't stop laughing at your husband, barely calming down before erupting into laughter again when Alastor climbs into bed with you
"Don't laugh..! What was I supposed to say?!"
He lets out a pathetic bleat and hugs you to him tightly, rubbing your stomach in an attempt to soothe himself
"Oh I don't know...maybe just a PG version of the truth?"
You look back at your husband to see the shocked look on his face, pulling away to see if you're being serious
"Are you telling me you could look them in the eyes and tell them what we do in bed?"
You start to get up, laughing at him
"I can go do it right now if you want-"
His arms suddenly reach out and grab you, careful of your stomach even though you're not showing yet
He's dragging you back into bed and rolling on top of you to keep you from getting up, fixing you the most pitiful puppy eyes you've seen yet
"Please don't...let them stay innocent..."
You can't help but roll your eyes and pet his head, leaning in to kiss his forehead before laying back
"Oh, you sappy man of mine...~ I won't...~"
You keep your promise and don't tell your twins the truth, but it's all for nothing because Angel is the one who tells them
To be fair, he didn't realize it was such a big deal at the time, he just wanted to correct some misinformation
Angel was eating with the twins, holding the littlest girl in his lap while he half listened to the older two ramble on about the new baby
"So you squirts excited for another baby in the house?"
The little boy hums in thought as he munches on his snack, ears flopping as he bounces in his seat
"Yeah but I wanna know when we'll see the stork deliver them!"
"I thought the baby was gonna come out of a cabbage?"
"What about the berry bush?"
This is where Angel might've messed up...
"What!? Don't tell me your parents fed you some lame story about where babies come from! Listen, you two most certainly didn't come from no bird and this little cutie right here?"
Angel holds up the baby girl, the toddler happily kicking her feet in the air
"Didn't come from a cabbage or nothin'! You all came from your mom because your parents had sex!"
"...what is sex?"
Now Angel sees where he fucked up, sucking in a breath before looking around the room nervously
"Okay, I'll tell you, but you guys better not tell your father I told you this!"
Angel leans in and starts whispering, the twins hanging onto his every word and forgetting their snacks
Alastor is hugging you as you sit in his lap, taking the moment alone to kiss and snuggle you, gently caressing your slight baby bump
When suddenly your little girl comes running in and points at Alastor accusingly, her brother rushing in not long after
"Papa, you lied!! You had SEX!"
You have to cling to your husband suddenly as he jumps up, looking shocked and gasping dramatically
"I did NOT! Who taught you such a word?"
The little boy giggles and runs out of the room, his sister chasing after him as they chant Angel's name
"Angel did~!"
"You little brats! You promised not to tell!"
It's all you can do not to laugh, burying your face in Alastor's shoulder as he sputters out nonsense about his children and their innocence
"Oh honey~ It's not that bad, they were bound to find out anyways..! And Angel isn't the worst person to tell them..."
You gotta act fast if you want Angel to have a chance at surviving this-
"My innocent babies..."
"It's okay, darling, you still have two other babies you can lie to about how we made them~"
He visibly perks up at that, sitting back down and resting his chin on you as his tail wags
"You're right, it's not too late to lie to them..!"
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This one was so much fun!!
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atsuwumus · 4 months
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𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐓, especially when it comes to a cute thing like yourself, seen one too many times bringing bento boxes and warm tea to a particular cardiac surgeon in the hospital.
Unlike you, Zayne isn't oblivious to these whispers that follow you down the hallways. You always seem to turn a blind eye at trivial things like this, perhaps it's why he fell so deeply and indescribably in love with you. You disregard minor details without a second thought where he often gets sucked into the minimal moments.
"Enjoy, baby," you coo softly, planting a lingering kiss to his cheek, one which prompts him to close his eyes in a stolen moment of peace as you settle the warm box of food in front of him. "Eat slowly. There's more than enough for you to enjoy."
He lets out a half hearted chuckle, which sounds much more like a snort, before grasping one of your hands, his lips grazing over your engagement ring. The delicate diamonds glitter beneath the rays of the sun peeking past his windows. "You always know how to take care of me, don't you?" He presses a kiss on your palm, lips ghosting the skin. "I will see you tonight. Don't get started with dinner without me. I'm looking forward to sharing a meal with you once things settle down here."
It's just past late noon, the cusp of the evening ready to roll around, when Zayne steps out of his office. His stomach is full with the warm, home cooked meal you had brought earlier and there's the faint smear of your lipstick still lingering on his cheek — a little detail he's yet to notice. Knowing he's in for another long shift he decides to head to the cafeteria to fix himself some tea.
This was a grave mistake, he soon realizes when he settles at the coffee counter, paying no mind to two nurses chattering away at the water station. Idle chatter was never something that piqued his interest, but the topic of their conversation swayed him.
"Have you seen her? She's got the cutest ass."
"Yeah, she's always prancing around in those thight little skirts when she's coming out of his office. I bet the two of them-"
Zayne hand clenches around a ceramic cup. Though his gaze remains turned down his voice is sharpened with a deadly edge to it as he addresses the two hospital workers with a poisonous tongue. "Pointless gossip of inappropriate nature should be avoided." His icy gaze drags over the two men, slow and purposeful, his eyes narrow and sharp. "Unless you'd like to be reported for misconduct or wasting valuable hospital resources. Which do you prefer?"
Both men pale at the sight of the chief surgeon, the one sputtering out a weak apology that only falls on deaf ears before he tosses his empty cup away. The other one scurries past Zayne and ducks his head at the sheer height of the doctor.
But he isn't ready to let the two of them off the hook yet and is quick to boom, "And next time avoid making any comments about my wife. Unless you want to find yourselves in a disciplinary hearing. Or worse. Is that understood?"
They both gulp, heads bowed. Each of them give him a feeble nod before they disappear into the hallway and Zayne sighs, looking down at his palm where ice crackles. It's spread halfway up his arm, he doesn't need to roll up his sleeves to know. For a moment he removes his glasses and exhales slow, deep breaths.
Then his fingers are fumbling for his phone in his pocket.
Your number rings twice before you answer.
"Hey, what's -"
"I've changed my mind. Cancel dinner. Wear something nice, I'm picking you up in an hour."
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trashmouth-richie · 2 months
I feel like I’m really bad at prompts so I’m just gonna go with my “do’s” from costar today…
Stomping. Instant coffee. Cold* shower.
*“Cold” autocorrected to “come” and I almost didn’t fix it, soooo…do with that what you will.
hoping my slutty choices for this prompt find you well.
18+, no minors, acts of sex, yay.
**peep my little hints at 90s tv and movies—there are 4 🖤
send me a prompt from this post ! (writers block is killing me !)
Cold beads of water trickle like ice down your body. Making your already pert nipples stand at attention and harden in an instant. 
Cursing the boy you’ve been best friends with since diapers, you turn the faucet off in a quickened haste— exiting the tub in an anything but graceful fashion, stubbing your toes on the way out. 
“Eddie!” your shrill voice is clouded by the throbbing in your foot and the chatter in your teeth. “Did you pay the water bill?”  
One job, the menace had one job— one duty for the small shared apartment, and it was to pay the water bill each month. 
Wrapping yourself in a threadbare towel that had once been a swim towel for an uppity family— you stomp down to his bedroom, kicking open the door with enough rage to channel Jackie Chan.
You should have knocked. Fuck, why didn’t you knock? 
Eddie was naked.
Pale-moon colored ass on display. 
Thigh muscles rippled beneath dark patchwork tattoos, arms that never looked muscly suddenly flexed tight. A veiny hand wrapped tight around a black haired pony tail. Hips, his hips were— fucking, thrusting, pounding. 
His mouth was slack, slick like an oil painting, head back and eyes rolled to squinted ivory surrounded with a colossal woodland of thick lashes.
Sweat coated his brow, dribbling down until it collected on his cupids bow, a salty pooled tease. His rougey lips were spit coated, sheer— glossy— begging for your tongue to taste them. 
Your heart thumped loudly, heat in your core on its own tempo, hot and deep. 
And then you hear it. 
A whimper. Softer than silk, low, whiny, almost sweetly pathetic in its delivery from a deep space in his throat. 
Your cheeks warm, cunt heated like a fire, sirens going off for extreme temperatures. 
His eyes meet yours and you hold his gaze for a second. The clouded look of a man being sucked dry took over his normal instant coffee colored irises. Glaucoma esque beauty in the dark swirls, and you wet your lips at the sight of him— at Eddie Munson— resident freak of Hawkins and your best friend. 
Both your lips explicitly mutter words with eyes wild doe like. His going from lazy pleasure to shock. Yours were covered with your palm, the other reaching, fumbling for the door knob. 
Apologizing profusely you suddenly stammer around clearing your throat and trying to leave ASAP. 
The towel around your middle, the only thing keeping you decent, glides to the ground—falling gently like that fucking feather in opening scenes of Forest Gump. Practically in slow motion but still too quick for your blind shut eyes to catch it. 
Pulling with both hands on the knob your heart races to shut the door, not registering that the towel is wedged tight between the frame, making it impossible to shut. 
Shit shitshitshitshitSHIT
With a last feeble attempt of yanking your arms, the latch clicks into place and you beeline to your room with a slam of your door so hard it ricocheted off the walls, making a framed picture of you and Eddie at a Metallica concert fall to the ground, shattering the glass.
What the fuck? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!
Your heart boomed in your ears, back stuck to the door like you were holding it up. It wasn’t the first time you’d seen Eddie naked, pretty sure your entire graduating class saw him naked on more than one occasion. But this?! This was so mouthwatering better than any other time. 
Goosebumps spread across your skin at the burned image of Eddie getting head on your retinas. The two of you had never crossed those lines. Each dating, fucking around it never once crossed your mind what he would be like in the sack, or what his sack would be like in your mouth. 
You’re pleased when you don’t cringe at the dirty thoughts of him— it felt like second nature, like eve seeing adam —lol okay maybe not, but still! What your mind was conjuring up was biblical. 
A giggle surpasses your lips and you wipe a line of drool from the corner of your mouth. Nerves finally settling as your realization hits— who was it?
It wasn’t Sarah, you hadn’t seen her since last fall. Eddie had said she started dating Steve—his comic book “arch nemesis” but in reality another bestie, who spent most of his time wallowing on your couch about Nancy than he did actually going on dates. 
Mary ended up being a virgin—preacher’s daughter, one of seven. He stopped seeing Clarissa after she wouldn’t stop over explaining every single minute detail of her day. Could it be the girl with the green leather jacket? Darla? Daria? 
The horny ache in your belly soured like curdled milk. 
How dare her (whoever she was!) The thought of someone other than you pulling those noises from Eddie suddenly set you on edge. Rage burned through your veins like lightning. Spidering and leeching to your skin. 
The pajamas you had taken off before your shower lay in a heap on your floor and you quickly yanked them on. Muttering to yourself about every vile thing you could imagine about whoever the lucky girl was who currently had a mouthful of your roommate. 
You needed to leave. The clouds of embarrassment eased overhead, colliding with the lightning making a storm brew deep beneath your surface and you be damned if you were going to let the rain fall whilst still in this apartment. 
Keys in your palm you throw open your bedroom door, ready to bolt through your apartment and down to your car— destination unknown. 
You nearly knock him over in your attempt to run. But you’re stopped cold by sweaty bangs, a heaving chest, and the same stupid pair of boxers that had small tears along the elastic from years of wear. 
“Sweetheart…” he coaxed, voice so sugary and laced with tiny shreds of venom it could ice a wedding cake— then strike you dead. 
You had seen plenty of Eddie today, your body screamed for you to leave, but your feet were stuck in the icing, waiting for the bomb to drop. 
Warmth from your cheeks from your shame could keep a trailer with broken windows warm in a blizzard—your stomach flipped— dropped like lead as his next words hit like a bullet. 
“We need to talk.” 
part two
steve tied up
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bunnysbrainrot · 9 months
No Vacancy - Day Three
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Relationship: Sam Winchester x fem!Reader
Content: explicit smut, rough sex, fingering, oral (f receiving), slight dacryphilia, size kink, unprotected sex (wrap it up), degrading language, and a very desperate Sam
Summary: After the discovery of the lust spell placed on Sam, you quickly learn that he can’t control himself. In fact, you don’t want him to.
A/N: Some paragraphs have different spacing than others. I’m not sure as to why, but I hope it doesn’t affect your reading!
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“Fuck,” Sam muttered, pacing in front of the bed where you sat. It had been about five hours since the two of you surveyed Casey’s childhood home, uncovered her identity as a witch, and found the lust spell Sam took as ‘evidence’.
Now, he stood directly ahead, desperately holding back a groan. Sam had turned around, hand reaching to his crotch. You strode to him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. He pulled away from your touch, a growl sounding through gritted teeth.
“Sam, give me the sachet, I’ll burn it. It should help,” you offered, extending a hand toward him from behind.
“It’s not going to work,” he snapped, “The spell is… strong. Way too strong. I’m gonna, um, wait in the car, ‘kay?”
He stumbled to the door, doubled over in discomfort. You recalled what you’d said before about spells like these - their efficacy relied on preexisting feelings. The dots were there, and you’d connected them. You rushed to Sam’s side, helping him stand fully.
Sam panted, avoiding your worried stare.
“Sam,” you said softly, “what can I do?”
No response. Sam’s eyes flickered up to yours, and you froze. Within those eyes there was a deadly seriousness you’d never seen. Like a predator sizing up its prey before going in for the kill.
You whispered, “I think I understand now.”
Cupping Sam’s face in your hands, you brought him closer and planted a kiss on his cheek. He let out a whine, and shuddered against your touch.
“Take me, Sam.”
Like a starving animal, Sam’s teeth sank into your neck, eliciting a high-pitched moan from you. His hands tugged and tore at your loose shorts and shirt, the last things keeping you from him. From what was truly his. Sam’s lips worked furiously as reddish purple marks erupted across your skin. They trailed from your jaw to your shoulders, downward to the neckline of your shirt.
Sam growled against your chest, “If you let me to this, I’m not holding back. I can’t.”
You gasped helplessly against his touch, chest arching into him. Sam grazed his lips over your supple skin, denying the both of you what you had ached for. He was waiting for an answer.
He cupped his hands to your thighs, lifting you swiftly to wrap around his waist. A hand found it’s way to your hair, clutching a large chunk and tugging your head back. Sam’s lips crashed to yours, harshly nipping and biting at your bottom lip, his tongue pushing in for entry. You granted it, circling your tongue with his.
A rough push, a free-fall, and you had landed unceremoniously on the mattress. Sam pounced, hovering his body over yours as you lay under him, breathless. You had imagined your first time with Sam, previously hypothetical, to be slow and sensual. This was a shock, but the way Sam’s mouth moved over your collarbone wiped all sense away.
You rushed to tug your shirt off, chest now fully bare to Sam. His eyes raked hungrily over your breasts. He dipped down, taking one perked nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud. Two fingers pinched and twisted at the other, tortuously harsh and desperate.
Sam let out a hum with each moan that slipped past your bitten lips. Your legs wound around his back, tugging his hips flush with yours. Even still confined in his pajama pants, Sam’s length ground roughly into you, each thrust paired with a rough growl. His sheer size sent heat to your core.
“Sam, I need more,” you sighed.
His fingers fumbled for the waistband of your shorts, roughly tugging them past your ankles and carelessly discarding them.
“Need you inside me.”
“Sam, I need you now.”
“Please, Sam, I need it.”
Though the spell had been cast on Sam, your desperation matched his own ferocity. Every plea you whispered in his ear threatened to send him over the edge. But Sam, to his credit, tried his best to maintain his composure. His lips and hands roamed every inch they could, gaining purchase on each curve, kneading your breasts, dipping his head down your stomach.
He adorned you with hot kisses, suckling at your skin to bring out more of those beautiful marks. After this, he didn’t care who knew you were his, and what he’d done to you tonight. Sam swore to himself that spell or not, this wouldn’t be the last time.
“Open,” Sam ordered, pressing your thighs apart.
You clenched your thighs together, still timid about Sam seeing what lay between them. His hands gripped your knees, spreading them apart.
He needed to see everything.
“Fuck,” hissed Sam, trailing a finger through your wet slit. He brushed against your clit - swollen, throbbing, and aching for him. You bucked your hips into his touch.
Sam removed his hand, “Needy little slut.”
A finger dipped past your entrance, curling masterfully against your sweet spot. You ground your hips into Sam’s hand as he slowly pumped in and out of you, each of your moans earning a deeper thrust, before Sam added a second finger.
“You know how long I waited for this?” Sam’s voice had become strained, as if this still wasn’t enough for him.
A deep thrust. A curl of his fingers. A sharp gasp as he filled you. Another groan from the man taking over your cunt.
“The whole time,” Sam said, “The. Whole. Fucking. Time.”
Your fingers weaved into his hair, tugging him closer to your pussy, eager for him to add his tongue. He took this in stride, suckling onto your clit as his tongue flicked fervently. The added pleasure coursed through you - a familiar coil in your abdomen threatened to snap at any second.
Sam pulled away slightly, muttering against your soaked folds, “Come on, sweetheart. Give it to me.”
Your orgasm crashed through you like lightning. Sam resumed eating at you, lapping up what leaked from your pussy onto his hand. Your walls fluttered around his fingers, even though they still crashed against your g-spot. The overstimulation brought tears to your eyes, calling Sam’s attention.
Normally, your crying would leave him yearning to comfort you, but with the spell overtaking his senses, it sent a wild desire through him. Oddly enough, he liked it. Loved it.
He braced himself on one arm, the other still trained on your cunt, fingers pumping furiously into you. Your tears fell past your cheeks, mouth agape in pleasure.
“That’s it, baby, cry for me.”
Dacryphilia was a foreign kink for you, though Sam’s encouraging words gave you comfort in it. You did as told, letting your tears fall while you writhed in pleasure. Sam let out an approving grunt as he delivered harsher thrusts. He added a thumb to your neglected clit, roughly circling as another orgasm surged through you.
“Attagirl, just let go,” Sam purred.
You’d lost track of time, of how many times you’d came. Sam never seemed fully satisfied - grunting in frustration and palming himself through his pants.
You whined, “Sam… need you… inside.”
He pulled his fingers out of you, ignoring the whimper you gave at the lack of touch. Sam raised on his knees, tugging down his pajama bottoms and boxer shorts. A thick, heavy cock sprung free, twitching and achingly ready. A bead of precum leaked from the head, onto your stomach.
Without a word Sam tugged your hips to his knees. He held the base of his cock and lined it up with your entrance, slipping the head between your folds, smacking against your clit.
“Such a pretty pussy,” Sam praised, realigning his length with your opening. He slowly eased into you, hissing through gritted teeth until he bottomed out. Every inch felt fuller than the last; you were certain you were being split in two. Now taking his full size in, you steadied your shaking breaths before Sam began to move.
“So fucking tight… Might just break you in half, huh?” Sam teased.
His hands rested on your hips, splayed wide for him so he could watch the way his cock sank into your pussy. You let out another whine when he thrusted harder, the head of his cock pressing against your cervix.
“Look at that,” he cooed. You couldn’t, with your head tilted back in a soft moan. Sam gripped your hair harshly, pulling you forward to get a better view.
“Fucking watch. See me stretching you out? Filling you up like the dirty whore you are.”
The degradation sent you into a frenzy. His cock thrust fully into you, then out halfway, the wider part of the middle of his shaft opening your soaked cunt. Each thrust left his length glistening with your slick.
Sam growled as he thrust harder into you. You felt yourself fall apart around him with another climax, wrapping your walls around him in a vice grip. He panted, mindlessly bucking his hips into yours, each stroke harsher than the last.
The room was silent save for the moans, whines, and whimpers escaping the two of you. Wet smacks rung out as skin slapped together - the noises coming from your pussy were borderline obscene.
Filthy sweet nothings came from Sam as his speed increased.
“You’re doing so well, sweetheart. Just take it.”
“Good girl, cum for me.”
A hand wrapped around your throat, now pushed into the bed as Sam plunged his cock into you.
“I know, honey, it’s good, isn’t it?”
“Feels so good, filling you up like this.”
“Get nice and tight, perfect little slut…”
The pressure on your throat darkened your vision, sparks at the edge of a fuzzy blackness. Sam released your throat and gripped your chin, forcing you to look into his half-lidded eyes. Mouth slacked, tongue lolling out playfully, you accepted a finger that rested on your bottom lip. You wove your tongue around his finger, hollowing your cheeks to suck harder.
Sam growled lowly, “Good. Use that pretty mouth.”
You moaned around his finger, bobbing your head as you continued. Sam’s thrusts grew sloppy by the second, his own release not far behind a climax of your own, shuddering over his cock. He bottomed out, pausing to rest himself inside of you.
“Better be careful,” he warned, “you’re gonna make me finish.”
You clenched around him in reply, drawing out another moan from Sam. He slowly moved his hips, pulling from you fully, leaving you hollowed out without him inside of you. You protested with another whine, bucking your hips pathetically into nothing.
To your surprise, Sam seemed to be calming down. His once frantic panting had subsided into quick breaths. Maybe the spell was wearing off, you thought to yourself, as Sam reached for your hips with gentler hands, flipping you over onto your stomach.
Your fingers gripped the sheets as he tugged your hips up. Sam lined himself with your entrance once more, and sank right in until his hips smacked against your ass.
The self-control didn’t last long. Sam kept a relentless pace as he fucked you, relishing in each moan you let out, muffled by the sheets you had bit into.
He lifted one leg, propped now on one knee, and thrusted into you impossibly deeper. This time, you were certain you’d break, barely held together with Sam’s hands gripping your waist.
He gained full purchase on your spread hips, tugging you onto him, crashing against your cervix with each thrust. You cried out into the mattress when another orgasm took you over the edge. Sam shouted as his hips faltered, his cock twitching as his own release washed over him. Thick ropes of his cum filled you, each spurt paired with a raucous moan.
Even still, he didn’t stop after he’d finished. Sam took hold of your hips and continued thrusting, despite the overstimulation that begged him to stop.
He leaned back to watch himself fuck into you; the cum that had been deep in your cunt spilled out over his shaft and onto the bed. Sam threw his head back, another shudder coursing through him. Without this spell on him, one orgasm would’ve had him completely drained, but it persisted regardless. With a few deep thrusts, Sam came again, filling you even further.
You both panted as Sam pulled out completely, crouching down to watch his cum leak out of you. A beautiful reminder of how he’d used you, of how he took claim of your body as his. He brushed a finger through your folds, smiling as your body shuddered at the touch.
At long last, the spell had worn off. Sam’s breathing returned to normal as he stared at your naked form. The spell didn’t let him forget about tonight, even though part of himself shut off when you’d said ‘please’ that first time. He saw everything clearly now, and realized just how rough he’d been, and the things he’d said to you.
He eased your hips down and turned you onto your side, laying parallel to you as you both slowed your breathing.
“I said some pretty, well, rude things back there. I’m sorry,” his voice softened.
You shook your head at him, “I liked it.”
Sam smiled nervously and let out a breathy laugh.
“At least I know what to do for next time,” he replied. Your cheeks flushed a deep pink. Sam leaned in, planting soft kisses along your cheekbones, before finding your lips once again.
He mumbled against your mouth, “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
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I hope you all enjoyed! I have an idea for a follow up chapter, if y’all want to read it! Thanks for all of your support!
- bunny
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nereidprinc3ss · 6 months
omg i'm obsessed with the idea of spencer and a university student and i looooved the one you wrote with reader struggling with finals (i relate so much </3) i'm not sure if you write requests or not (if not, then i'm sorry and please ignore this hahaha) but i would love to see more of their dynamic? maybe spencer for once arrives earlier from a case and goes to pick up reader from university as a surprise? i don't really know but i would love to see more 💗 thank you and i hope you have a good day!
AHHHH omg you have NO IDEA how excited I was to open my inbox and see a request!! i am absolutely obsessed w spencer x uni student too
i kind of took this and ran w it so its a little angsty and random LOLOL but here is (drumroll)
spencer picking up reader after you fail an exam (sorry lol) and you are NOT in a good mood but he loves you so its fine
Tears, partly from the bitter wind and partly from shame, blur your phone screen as you exit the lecture hall. Another missed call from Spencer. It’s the third one today—you've been ignoring them in an attempt to remain focused on the final that you just bombed. Part of you now wants to keep ignoring them out of sheer embarrassment. How can you admit to your super-genius boyfriend that you are a bona fide academic failure? Still, you don’t want him wondering about you while he should be working. Your numb fingers fumble with the phone as you try to call him back without running into anybody on your walk back to student housing. 
It doesn’t reach the second ring before he’s picking up. 
“Hey,” he sighs. “I was starting to worry.” 
“I’m sorry, I’ve been busy,” you exhale, cutting through some trees as you approach your building. “What’s up? How’s the case?” 
“Well... that’s actually what I’ve been calling about. We wrapped up this morning.” 
“What? But last night you said it would be at least three more days.” 
“Rare instance of me being wrong, I guess.” 
“So when are you flying back?” you ask, not wanting to get your hopes up. You know sometimes his team stays behind to help with processing a case. He doesn’t reply for a moment. “Spencer?” 
“I’m... thirteen minutes away from your school. Twelve.” 
Your brain short-circuits as you process his words, the cold metal of the door handle biting into your fingers as you stop dead in your tracks. 
“You--are you driving here right now?” 
“Yes,” he begins, sounding embarrassed, “I kept calling because I wanted to ask first, but I know you had your last final this morning and you were going to come over when I got back anyway so I thought you might want to come stay with me for a few extra days. You can say no, obviously—” 
Some of the icy despair melts in your chest. 
“Of course, I want to.” 
“Good,” he exhales a laugh. “It would have been awkward if you said no. Can you have a bag packed by the time I get there?” 
You’re speedwalking through the lobby now, hitting the up button for the elevator more times than is necessarily effective. 
“Drive faster.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
By the time you blindly shove enough clothing in a bag, text your roommate to let her know you’ll be gone for the rest of the week, and make it back outside, Spencer’s familiar vintage car is already pulling up to the curb. He doesn’t even bother cutting the engine—just puts it in park and gets out, rounding the vehicle as you close the distance between one another. His smile is brilliant, and though you don’t feel particularly deserving of it, it’s for you. 
“Hi,” you breathe shakily as he loops his arms around your waist. 
“Hi, pretty,” he says, already leaning down to kiss you. It’s soft and sweet over too quickly, but then he’s gently pulling you into him. You drop your bag and bury your face in his jacket, trying to right yourself before you go into an emotional tailspin. 
As usual, he smells like lavender, clove, resinous amber. It makes your head spin. Right away you feel yourself relaxing; feel your guard slipping, like it always does when he’s around. 
“I missed you.” The words are quiet to begin with, muffled further by the fabric of his coat, but you know he’ll hear you. 
“I missed you too,” he murmurs, stroking your hair. “Everything okay?” 
Why are you always surprised when a man who works for the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI accurately analyzes your behavior? 
“Just tired. Can we go home?” You pull back enough to look up at him, meeting his fond—and just a little concerned—gaze, averting your eyes before he has time to discern your... omission of truth. 
“Yeah, angel. Of course we can.” 
He opens the passenger side door for you, making sure you’re settled before tossing your bag in the back seat and circling around the back of the car. 
“Is that coffee?” You say as soon as he slides into the driver’s seat. His eyes dart down to the tumbler in the center cupholder as he buckles. 
“It’s from the jet. You won’t like it.” 
Despite his warning you reach over to grab it, taking a small sip as he puts the car into gear and pulls out of the parking lot. You make a sour face. Spencer glances over. 
“I told you it was bad.” 
You yawn, putting it back in the cupholder. “It was worth a shot.” 
Jazz music plays quietly from the speakers and the heat is blasting, but you’re too busy mentally rehashing question 37 to find it relaxing. 
“You didn’t get enough sleep last night,” he states. Not a question. Outside, the brick buildings of your campus roll by. You wonder if all the students rushing about on the sidewalks and side streets failed any of their finals.  
“Couldn’t,” you mumble flatly, picking at your nails.  
There’s a moment’s pause, and you’re imagining all the things you could have done differently. You’ve never failed a final before. If you’d just studied a little bit harder—if you’d stayed in instead of going out last weekend, if you weren’t so— 
“I’m going to ask you something, and I don’t think you’re going to like it,” Spencer says. 
“Mhm,” you hum, too afraid to speak because your eyes are already stinging again. Honestly, you’re surprised you made it this far without him getting the truth out of you. He offers his hand across the console as you slink down in your seat, and you take it, allowing him to run his thumb over yours in soothing lines. 
“How do you think your final went?” 
You bite the inside of your cheek, the bare branches of the trees outside blurring as you stare unseeingly. 
“Not good. Like, I definitely failed, not good. I'm an idiot.” 
“You absolutely are not an idiot.” 
“You didn’t see me taking the test, Spencer. I literally just sat there staring at it for ten minutes before I even answered one question. It was pathetic.” 
“Did you sleep at all last night?” 
The question takes you by surprise. Your frown deepens. 
“What? I don’t—that’s not—" 
“Just answer the question. Did you sleep at all last night?” 
“Don't lie to me.” 
“Fuck you! I slept for like two hours and had coffee this morning!”  
He squeezes your hand. 
“That’s why you failed.” 
The first tear traces its path down your cheek, composure overwhelmed by the confrontation. 
“I hate when you use your stupid interrogation tactics on me,” you say, voice wobbling. And then the crying begins in earnest. 
“I know, baby.” 
His hand moves to rub your back when you let go to cover your face. Torrential evidence of your frustration and utter exhaustion well over, slipping through your fingers despite your best efforts to stop them from coming at all. Having an emotional breakdown in the passenger seat of his car is far from how you’d wanted to greet Spencer’s surprise arrival, but you’re too worn out to mask your emotions—especially when he is so adept at drawing them to the surface. 
A moment passes like that before you take a shuddering breath, raising your head slightly and wiping your cheeks with your sleeves in vain. 
“I should have been able to do it. I just—it was like I was reading the questions and I knew that I should know the answers, but I couldn’t remember anything.” 
“You’re exhausted. Sleep deprivation has an immediate, devastating effect on cognitive functioning levels. My recall and processing speed start to fail when I’m tired, too. It has nothing to do with how smart you are.” 
It makes sense—but it doesn’t make you feel much better. You wanted to ace this exam. Of course, Spencer wouldn’t understand because school was as easy as breathing for him. He barely had to try to get three doctorates. It’s possible, you suppose, that dating a genius has put an academic chip on your shoulder—maybe you’ve set impossibly high standards for yourself.  
After a few minutes the crying finally ebbs, if only because you’re running into supply and demand problems with your tear ducts. You rub your weepy eyes on your shoulder, leaning against the cold window and watching DC go by. 
“You know, the final isn’t as important as you think it is. You’ll still pass the class.” 
“It’s symbolic,” you mumble, breath fogging up the glass. Spencer hums, still rubbing your back. 
“I know. I know it matters to you, but I don’t want you to think one bad grade is a reflection of who you are. Do you understand why it doesn’t make sense to measure something as abstract as intelligence by a metric as one dimensional as a standardized test?” 
You shift in your seat, wiping your face with your sleeve and prompting Spencer to take your other hand once more. 
“Can your FBI friend hack the university database and give me an A?” you ask after a moment, sniffling. 
“Absolutely not.” 
“Pretty please?” 
“It’s like you don’t even love me,” you mutter, angling yourself away from him.  
He pulls your hand toward him and presses a kiss to the back of it. 
“I love you so much that I don’t want you to get expelled for academic dishonesty.” 
“It doesn’t matter anyway. I’ll probably just drop out.” 
You both know you’re just being overdramatic, but Spencer has a tendency to be sweet even when you don’t deserve it. 
“I’ll love you no matter what you do.” 
You blush, unable to come up with a sufficient reply. His eyes slide to you briefly and he smirks, clearly enjoying his ability to fluster you, and by extension, get you to shut up. 
“Eyes on the road, genius,” you grumble. But for the first time today you’re fighting a smile instead of tears. 
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uravichii · 1 year
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* ੈ✩‧₊* you fell first, but bakugo katsuki fell harder
notes: pls idk what this is ive literally never written anyth like this but ive always wanted to write a fic w/ this prompt,, also im thinking of doing an angst version of this 🤩
genre: fluff, lovesick bakugo + reader flirts w/ him a lot, childhood friends to lovers, tw: BARELY PROOFREAD ‼️
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bakugo katsuki doesn't know anyone who annoys him more than you do.
he doesn't believe he's gotten this far in one piece when he's been stuck with someone like you since childhood. there's something infuriating about the way you tug on the strap of his school bag when both you and his mother are insisting that you walk to school together in the morning. it's even more infuriating when he doesn't know what in the world is fluttering in his chest and churning in his stomach when you start tugging on his sleeve instead.
bakugo katsuki has no idea why and when exactly he started doing it, but now his blood boils watching that dorky smile on your face while he carries your bag to school every morning and on the way home too.
"katsuki." you playfully bump your shoulder against his arm and grin, "you love me, don't you?"
"i'm doing this 'cuz you look like a fucking camel with this bulky ass bag of yours." he scowls, trying to ignore the tiny, tingling spark he felt on the fleck of his skin that met yours for a single second. "what hell is even in this, rocks?"
"is your back hurting? let me give you a back massage then. c'mon, take off your shirt and lie down."
he grimaces, a flush of scarlet spreading from his cheeks to the tip of his ears.
"what?" you chuckle. "you know we've seen each other naked before, right? remember when we used to take baths together as children? i even let you touch my-"
"shut the fuck up, l/n."
it's maddening how easily you fluster him, like it's your second nature. a teasing remark and a single wink, and he's all over the place. all he can do is click his tongue and walk straight ahead of you (though occasionally looking back if you're still with him)
bakugo katsuki tries to counter your flirty remarks. he can do better, he swears he can. a multitude of emotions takes over him when he sees a sliver of your underwear peeking through your clothes. his cheeks flush and his nails bury into his palmsー partly from the thoughts racing relentlessly in his head, and partly out of wrath for anyone who would dare to ogle you or loudly point it out to the whole room.
he stands protectively close behind you like a guard dog, obstructing anyone even a glimpse. he speaks in a low voice you didn't know he was even capable of, his breath grazing your skin. "oi. nice underwear." once again, he's annoyed to the brim hearing that faint tremble in his words.
he's relieved and all the same, flustered, watching you realize and immediately fumbling with your clothes, but no matter how many attempts, no matter how much he swears he can be a match to you and your teasing nature,
"nice? i'll let you borrow if you like it that much then."
you are the only losing game bakugo katsuki has ever been in.
what annoys him even more is that for some reason, he's able to bare his soul to you, in spite of the sheer ugliness, the cruelty of it, and the pathetic, endless heaps of insecurities overflowing from him.
he presses his palms against his face in a futile attempt to muffle out his angry sobs. you brush a hand over his heaving shoulder, "it's gonna be okay, katsuki. i promise." when he doesn't flinch nor pulls away, you gently coax him into a light embrace, your torsos barely touching yet emitting such intoxicating and soothing heat onto each other.
"the fuck are you crying for?" he snaps, confused and concerned as to why you're suddenly sniffling with him.
"i know, it's stupid." you hug him tighter. "i swear i'm not making this about me. i justー i wish i knew how to make you feel better."
'annoying,' he thinks as he hugs your waist and buries his tear-stained face into the crook of your neck. "i'm going to kill you if you tease me about this tomorrow, l/n."
"hey, i don't do that." you whisper comfortingly despite the threat. "you know i won't."
he knows you won't.
most of all, it gets on bakugo katsuki's nerves the most when he remembers you've had genuine, actual romantic feelings for him since you were children, and it's not just fickle banter and incessant flirting here and there.
"shit. your fever's still high." he mutters, pressing his large palm on your forehead. it astounds both of you how it almost covers your whole face. mindlessly, he shifts his palm sweetly to your cheek, tucking in any stray hair out of your face. what in the world have you done to have him wrapped around your little finger like this? you have him buying you medicine and checking your temperature with pure and utter concern, feeding you food he cooked specially for your taste, and holding your perfect little hand just because you asked him to.
"thanks for taking care of me, katsuki."
"you're a pain in the ass, l/n."
katsuki anticipates another joke or a flirty remarkー something about ass most likely, but then you look up at him, widely staring, and you speak in the steadiest voice you could muster, "am i really?"
he doesn't answer.
"can i tell you something?" you continue. there's a pang in katsuki's chest when you slide your hands off of his. "i like you, katsuki. i still do after all these yearsー"
"shut up. that's your fever talking"
"no, this is just me talking. even if i wake up tomorrow and don't remember anything i said to you today, i'll probably end up saying the same thing again someday, and my feelings won't have changed at all."
steering clear of your eyes, katsuki starts rearranging the stacks of medicine on your nightstand and adjusting your blanket when your frail hand latches onto his wrist.
"i just need to know if you're actually uncomfortable with me or if i have absolutely no chance at all, then i'll stop. i'll distance myself from you even. if that's what you want."
he would never forgive you nor himself for it.
you laugh weakly and continue, "and then maybe i'll just date todoroki or somethingー"
"fuck it." he hisses. he swings the blanket over your face so he won't have to bear your gaping eyes when he spits out, "dumbass, i do like you. don't ever do that, jesus."
there's half a minute of silence between you, him still distraught over the mere image of you and todoroki, and you still buried in the blanket, sinking everything in. you pull the sheet slowly until your eyes peek out. it's unbelievely annoying, again, how fucking adorable you are, katsuki thinks.
"you do? since when?" you ask in a tiny voice that will echo in his mind for the rest of the day, he knows it.
"does it matter?"
"no?" you pull the blanket over yourself again.
and then another minute of agonizing silence.
"what? you need anything?"
"yeah. kind of."
"what is it?" he starts to panic a little, "tell me." your fever completely slipping his mind in the heat of the moment.
"can you tell me you like me again when i get better? i have a feeling i'll remember this is a fever dream, then i won't stop talking about it to you, and it'll be so embarrassing."
his mouth quirks up into a smirk. "how about this," he pulls the blanket off you and leans slowly, your cheeks flushing even hotter. he brushes his hand against your forehead and gently presses a kiss, his heart in shambles when he catches brief sight of you shutting your eyes tight. "i like you."
you open them again to see a devilish smirk on his face, except it's noticeably much softer than the usual one he wears. he kisses your cheek next, inhaling your scent as he presses his lips against your warm skin, "i like you."
you're a whole mess now. it's the feverish heat spreading across your cheeks as his hand makes its way to yours under the blanket, the close proximity of bakugo katsuki, his scent, the immense heat that gets you dazed and hitches your breath when he props his forehead onto yours. it's the years of closeness and familiarity you've always shared with him, now blooming into something more, like a flower that has just learned to face the sun and bask in the sweet, easy morning air.
"i like you." he says again. maybe he is a match for you after all. "if it's the only way to shut you up. i'll tell it over and over again."
you fell first. bakugo katsuki fell harder, much harder. seeing you escape under the blanket again and squealing when he tries to pull it back down, he doesn't remember what is it that he found so terrifying in falling in love with you.
it's you, after all, isn't it? the most annoying little shit he's always loved.
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