#like. I get that something that's free isn't always gonna be high quality
neganium · 5 months
Oh, wait, Wildbrain? Hm. It does look noticeably worse, but the effects are still good, and if they really push it they could probably still get really good things out of these models. p sure Wildbrain were the ones that worked on MLP:FiM, right? at least for some of it; and even the early seasons weren't bad, so this could be a lot worse.
I do still prefer Flying Bark's animation, and it does seem like mostly frame-by-frame animation is a dying breed, sadly, so it doesn't seem as though they could just get another studio with that specialty. I do hope that they can eventually get things better; I don't exactly know why Flying Bark left, other than some unspecified logistical issues. I should look into that, maybe. But at least it's not cancelled, and for now, Wildbrain is reasonably competent in the meantime.
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hrtbeomi · 2 months
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p. gojo satoru x fem!reader
w. angst (kinda), cheating, taylor swift references, english is not my first language so there's gonna be some redacting issues (sorry)
a/n. it's august season everyone .ᐟ sadly the air is not salty and my door isn't rusty (where i live is winter 😭) anyway, my poor boy satoru is augustine, reader is definitely james but her partner isn't betty (is satoru too, he just doesn't know it) pls let me know if you like it ><
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You never meant for it to go this far.
When you first met Gojo Satoru, it wasn’t supposed to be anything serious. It was just an encounter at some party of one of your friends threw that soon turned into a fleeting moment that was meant to be nothing more than a good gossip story. You’d were with someone else at the time, someone predictable, maybe a little bit boring but when that night Satoru’s bright ocean eyes locked onto yours from across the room, everything seemed to change.
Gojo Satoru was a charismatic and effortlessly confident man, he had a magnetic force that you couldn’t resist and before you knew it, you were already sneaking away from the party with him, laughing like seventeen-year-olds as you ran down the streets like you were the only two people in the world. The adrenaline was intoxicating, and when you finally stopped to catch your breath, you realized you’d crossed a line that you weren't supposed to cross.
But you couldn't help it, you were drawn to Satoru like a moth to a flame, knowing full well that you were bound to get burned in the end. You didn’t care though, being with the white haired man was a high you couldn’t get anywhere else. He made you feel alive in ways you hadn’t felt like in years.
You told yourself it was just a fling, something you’d end when the excitement wore off. But the thing is, it never did. The more time you spent with Satoru, the deeper you got pulled into his world. He was unpredictable, spontaneous,always ready to do something new. When you were with him, everything felt like an adventure, like you could be free without a care in the world.
But here's the thing, cheating? so not worth it, with every stolen kiss and every clandestine meeting, the guilt began to build itself. You knew this was wrong, hiding your relationship with Satoru from everyone, including the person you were supposed to be with. It was only a matter of time before it all came crashing down.
And it did.
It was night, you and Satoru were driving through the city in his black car, the wind whipping through your hair as the music blasted from the speakers. You were both laughing, high on adrenaline and the thrill of being together. It was one of those nights where everything felt perfect, like you were just spending quality time with your lover.
But then, as you reached a red light, reality came crashing in. Your phone buzzed with a text from the person you were supposed to be faithful to, asking where you were at such hour and if you were okay. The guilt hit you like a ton of bricks getting thrown at you, and suddenly, the laughter died in your throat. You felt trapped, caught between two worlds that were never supposed to collide.
Satoru noticed your sudden change immediately. He turned down the music and glanced over at you concerned, his smile fading as he saw the look on your face. “What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice soft and sweet but edged with pure worry.
You shook your head, trying to shake off the feeling. “Nothing,” you lied, but you could see in his eyes that he didn’t believe you one bit, you never were good at lying and the man beside you always noticed what you did or didn't do, he knew you better than you knew yourself.
The light turned green, and Satoru hesitated for a moment before keep driving. The car sped forward, but that carefree and loving mood was long gone. The tension in the air was palpable, and you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him or say anything.
Finally it was Satoru who broke the silence and spoke, his voice a bit quieter this time, “You’re thinking about him, aren’t you?”
The question hung in the air, heavy and uncomfortable, you didn’t want to answer but you knew you had to. “. . .Yeah,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
He didn’t say anything at first. He just kept driving, focused on the road, his hands gripping the steering wheel a little tighter than before. You could feel the weight of the silence between you, and it was suffocating.
“I knew this would happen eventually,” Satoru said finally, his tone resigned, “You were never mine to begin with. . ."
His words cut deep, and you felt a pang of guilt twist in your chest, “That’s not true,” you protested, but even as you said it, you knew there was some truth to what he was saying. You’d always known that your relationship with Satoru was built on shaky ground, destined to crumble sooner or later.
But the thought of losing him hurt more than you wanted to admit, it would be the kind of heartbreak time could never mend.
Satoru let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head, "You don’t have to lie to make me feel better, i'm not stupid, you know?”
You stayed silent, what could you say? everything was a mess, and you didn’t know how to fix it.
The white haired man pulled the car into an empty parking lot. The sudden silence was deafening, and you could feel your heart pounding in your chest. He turned to face you, his expression serious, but there was a softness in his eyes that made your heart ache.
“I’m not mad,” he said, his voice surprisingly gentle, “I knew what i was getting into when this thing started between us but i think it’s time we both admit that this can’t go on forever.”
You swallowed hard, tears prickling at the corners of your eyes, “I don’t want to lose you, Satoru," you confessed, your voice trembling as he reached out and took your hand, his thumb brushing lightly over your knuckles.
“I don’t want to lose you either,” he said softly. “But we both know this was never going to last. You're not mine, sweetheart, even if i'm yours.”
His words hit you like a punch to the gut, and you felt a tear slip down your cheek. You knew he was right, but that didn’t make it any easier to accept.
Satoru leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering there for a moment that felt like forever before he pulled back. “It’s okay,” he whispered, “We had our fun, didn’t we? Ww made some memories, had some crazy nights… but now it’s time to let go. . .”
You nodded, even though it felt like your heart was shattering. “No, we'll fix this, okay?” you choked out, trying to wipe away your tears but failing completely, “So don't say that, please”
He squeezed your hand one last time before letting go. “You’ll be okay, love,” he assured you, his voice full of warmth, “And so will i.”
With that, Satoru started the car again and drove you back to your house. The drive was quiet, both of you lost in your own thoughts and when he finally pulled up in front of your place, you turned to him one last time, trying to memorize every detail of his face.
“I love you, Satoru,” you said, your voice barely audible.
He gave you a sad smile, his eyes reflecting the same mixture of pain and acceptance you felt. “I love you too, sweetheart,” he whispered back.
As you stepped out of the car, you felt like you were leaving a part of yourself behind and as you watched Satoru drive away, the reality of what you lost hit you like a freight train but you also knew that you couldn’t have kept living the lie. He had been your escape, your thrill, but now it was time to face the consequences.
If you wanted to be with him there was something you needed to do first, something that should've been done a long time ago but for now, all you could do was stand there with tears streaming down your face, watching as the car of the one you loved disappeared into the night.
But you were gonna do things the right way this time, you couldn't afford to lose the love of your life to a relationship that was slowly dying since the begging of the affair. This time around it wasn't gonna be some messy love affair, it was gonna be just love, true and unconditional love.
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centeris2 · 3 months
unfortunately I have been seized by the uncontrollable urges aka here is my SSO Quality of Life* Wishlist!
*as in small things that would/could impact daily play, rather than massive projects or overhauls
Cap frame rate to 60fps and enable players to cap their games lower. There is no reason why SSO should be trying to hit 100+ fps, the graphics nor the engine demand that sort of quality. SSO isn't a competitive or combat game, even the 'PVP' element it does are based on time, not player interaction. Players can not impact each other's gameplay at all (aka no collisions, physics, etc.) Not to mention it'd help my computer calm down if it wasn't trying to hit infinity frames per second.
Increase the shilling rewards in low density and hard to reach quest/race areas, like Mistfall and South Hoof. If the shillings I earn barely cover the fast transport and riding there takes a few minutes I'm gonna not go there. Increasing the rewards would increase the activity in those areas. You don't need new content (although South Hoof, Mistfall, and Dino champs would be great), but if the races and dailies there each paid out 100+ shillings and 250 or more horse XP they'd be more enticing to visit.
Change the trailer list into a trailer map. If it's a map pop up with all the trailer locations you'd click where you want to go. Seems easier.
Run two champs at the same time. I've wanted this back ever since they stopped doing that, and I miss it. One can always be running in the free to play area, and one can always be running in the Star Rider area.
Fix the UI at the top center of the screen, it's messy having timers and pop up alerts in the same spot. I can't read them if they're literally on top of each other.
Transparency/opacity settings for windows/UI elements. Why is the chat box transparent? Why is the quest log transparent? Why can't I make those opaque so I can read those easier without the game behind the windows occasionally making that text difficult to read?
Make the champ rank window accessible everywhere. As far as I can tell it's only visible if you click on a schedule board at a champ area or when you finish a champ. Why isn't that something you can look at wherever, so you can check your progress? It can be part of the High Scores pop up, like the champ schedule, since it's already part of the champ schedule boards at all the champ grounds.
A way to 'wishlist' items in shops. With everything being like 9000-max shillings you can only buy one item at a time, which is annoying if you figure out an outfit or a bunch of items you want to buy, but you have to remember what they are (or even what shops they are in).
If you go over your shilling limit the excess goes to your inbox OR you get the excess shillings, but you have to spend them before you log off or you'll lose the excess. So you get a popup telling you that you hit max shillings and if you try to log off you get another pop up warning you that you'll lose those shillings if you don't spend them, are you sure you want to log off and lose X shillings?
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bloogers-boogers · 1 year
Tell me what you like about Stanman, I only kind of get it?? I wanna hear your perspective/thoughts/headcannons
Omg sure! Okay, so I can see and like stanman in many other ways but my own intake will be in a form of healing? I like to see stanman in a situation we're they're both in their lowest, I like seeing Cartman ironically being Stan's method of healing. Cause in instances it's shown in the show that Cartman is indifferent/uncomfortable with drugs, alcohol? I take this being because of his mother. Like when Kenny is chessing or Stan's depression episode! Cartman isn't in any way comfortable seeing them act the way they act in those episodes, actually he is either dismissive, indifferent or just plain uncomfortable.
I can see Cartman developing feelings for Stan, I see him showing his concern in his own little way like "you're a pussy if you keep drinking like your dad" or "you should really quit the weed, Marsh it ain't looking good for you" these are comments for Stan to take the hint that he does NOT approve of him taking that down route.
I know it's a huge headcanon for Cartman to be just much of a high motherfucker like Kenny. And I can totally see that! But my view on Cartman is that he refuses to indulge that same type of energy just cause he's too stubborn to admit how much of the shit he took from childhood actually affected him and a slight fear of becoming his own mother. (Also Kyle, for some reason I see Kyle making a huge fuss over cartman doing any sorta drugs/alcohol compared to Kenny and Stan. It doesn't necessarily have to be in a romantic kinda way, more like a concerned friend.)
So, with that said, like I mentioned from the start both are each other's form to heal. I view Stan being the one to develop feelings first, ofcourse he isn't gonna outright say it but he'll keep his feelings tucked inside. I think he'll become a mess while in high-school, but being around Cartman just makes him feel more careless? Cartman has always been a ride or die type of guy. He knows that being around Cartman it's either gonna go south or north and he genuinely starts liking that sorta feeling on not knowing what's going to happen but he knows things will end up going okay at the end of the day.
Stan’s always worries for the future while Cartman just doesn't, he is more into living the present than to wait upon what's next. Another quality Stan likes about Cartman.
But these same qualities are the attributes Cartman hates about himself!
Stan doesn't see how these small things affect Cartman in his daily life, Cartman's carelessness will eventually strike him and he knows it!
I also see Stan having a huge breakdown if he ever caught Cartman overdosing/taking drugs, it's like some wake up call for him. He may take it if it's him but Cartman? Fuck no.
And ofcourse Cartman's soft spot for Stan plays a huge part of his concern for Stan going to the "Pc Stan route".
They're both animals lovers, I see Stan admiring Cartman from a far while he holds on to kittens. And I see Stan taking Cartman on a date to the zoo just as much as I see Stan eventually making a protest to free the animals after seeing a zoo employee mistreat one and Cartman just following along the fun.
Cartman stealing Randy's tractor and cutting all the weed down after a huge argument between him and Stan about his weed problem.
Stan making Kyle talk to Cartman for him after having argued about something stupid and Kyle reluctantly having to do just that.
Stan mimicking certain traits of Cartman and Kyle's just left dreaded in horror.
Cartman calling Stan his "boo" just to annoy Kyle, but calling Kyle his "babe" just to piss off Stan(make him jealous). And somehow Stan always blames it on Kyle.
I feel during their relationship they'll be a huge fight between Stan and Kyle because Kyle will find it the most difficult to get use to it. But they'll eventually patch things up.
This is pretty much it for what I have for them, I honestly haven't put much thought in how I see them getting together but I'm so sure that they'll be link with addiction problems/emotionally/ trauma.
Sorry if this was long 😅
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imjustabeanie · 7 months
Finally got around to doing this! ^^ It's superman--yoosung!! ☆☆ Okay, so for my matchup I'd like Genshin or HSR, if that's ok! I'm 29, use she/her pronouns, and I really love music and the arts in general! I'm studying to be in healthcare and music one day, and it's a lot of work but worth it to me! I like lots of things - strawberries, sweets, tea, cute hair accessories, plushies - if you can consider it generally cute, I probably like it lol! I dislike many things, but roaches are the #1, I have a terrible phobia of them ;-; What I like and dislike in a relationship is probably the same as many others. I like to start as friends first and see where things go. I certainly want to be treated with respect, both initially and throughout a relationship. I don't expect it to be perfect, but as long as we can both be mature and discuss our issues straightaway instead of letting them simmer, that's ideal to me. Communication and compromise are key! I'm also fairly short so they'll have to be okay with reaching anything high up in my stead lol! I don't have many deal breakers, but morally I'm obliged to turn down anyone with strong prejudices (homophobia, sexism, etc.) or those who are ultimately self-serving, since I'm an idealist and I don't favor those views in the long-term so even if we got together for a short while it wouldn't last. As for how I'm like in a relationship... Hmm... I wish I could say I give my time freely to those I care for, but it isn't the case. I just don't always have much free time during school since I'm working hard to get good grades and I'm an officer of a campus organization, but I try to carve out time for my loved ones as much as I can! I'm very good with giving words of affirmation, though for myself I prefer receiving affection through quality time or being given gifts (not monetary ones, though, those give me anxiety lol). I am not an overly touchy-feely person, I don't really enjoy kisses or holding hands; but I do like hugs from those I'm close with or to hold onto their arm or shoulders/have their arm around my shoulders.
Thank you again for this!! ^^)/
Your Genshin match is...Tighnari!
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Okay so your match is Tighnari! Not gonna lie, I really hesitated between him and Wriothelsey (kaveh too). I think that he’d really fit your caring and responsible personality.
You said you’re studying in healthcare. I believe you two met at a work collaboration. You needed more inside info on some plants and the forest so he’s your guy. You’d get along rather well with Collei too. He is not someone focused on relationships that’s why he won’t even notice how close you are until someone points it out.
Tighnari is a lover that show his love through acts. Just like you, he is very busy with his patrols. Which means that your time together is rather scarce but it gets better when you move in together. He is the type of lover to write you letters every day he doesn’t see you and even prepare a box with little words of support for you to open each day. But he’s also a lover who’d drop everything if you needed him (if you get sick he’ll stay with you, cook for you and make you medicine). On the rare dates you two have, he loves when it’s a picnic where he gets to take you for wonderful views and ramble about the different papers and plants (I can also see him actually planting tea  and strawberries for you and making you sumeru specialities)
Something that’s nice with him, is that he’s understanding and honest. If there are problems he will communicate and is willing to compromise (which you both do due to your respective schedules). He respects you and sees you as an equal. That’s why it’s rare for you two to get into an argument and if you do it’s mostly due to different views on a subject (he apologizes with a plushy afterward if he feels he was in the wrong or went too far. Your fox and fennec plushies came from him) . This relationship is harmonic and going at its own pace.
Now…I believe Tighnari plays an instrument too. Had to ask my mum to remember the name but he seems like a Mandole player so you two could play songs together with your respective instruments (plus he loves listening to you play after a rough day). He doesn’t mind you being touchy and often holds your hand or propose his arm in public (please tell us how the ears and tail feels. You’re the only one who can touch them). He also appreciate your loving words and if you write him letters or anything he’ll treasure them and re read them when you’re not here and he’s feeling down. Your dates often consist on a picnic, cooking together or just cuddling while talking about different topics (he complains about cyno jokes). He appreaciates the communication in the relationship and how understanding you are.
Now on a funny topic (like your shortness. Sorry not sorry)…tighnari does enjoy some teasing here and there. While he always helps you with high shelves, sometimes he feels funny and purposefully puts things in places you can’t reach. And when you confront him about it he’ll come with a plethora of bad excuses creating a light and funny mood.
Welp! Hope you like it!
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captainaikus · 2 years
that's a relief! the fact that you remember your anons makes me feel very warm and fuzzy 😭 happy that you think of me when you listen to chase atlantic 🫶 speaking of kaiser... that man was a literal menace during the previous bllk chapters omg i fucking hate him (holy shit i think i fell for him deeper 😞 my taste in personified red flags is extremely questionable) nonetheless, i'm looking forward to your next works!
really glad you've been faring well and your ao3 move is doing good. i get your point and i agree w/ it. tumblr's system is shit. some authors get like 700+ likes from posting a twt p0rn link?? i have nothing against them, if that's what some people prefer then so be it. but seeing the small authors who pump out actual high-quality content and not getting enough appreciation for it is saddening. in the first place i downloaded tumblr solely for the purpose of reading fanfics and poetry-related stuff. now all i see are twt p0rn links flooding my feed and that never ever fails to tick me off (come on man i just want to read some fics with good plots 😞). the main reason i haven't deleted this app yet is because of some authors i follow (including you), who actually work their asses off for their readers. that's something i highly appreciate. i'll admit—ao3 is better when it comes to giving smaller authors justice. at least you won't have pussyass anons coming after you in the most passive-aggressive way possible for no reason :D
i wish you the best of luck! ❤️
– 🌷
Apologies for responding to this late; I really like uncomfortable by chase atlantic and heaven and back is giving me some ideas... gonna start working on that when i'm done with this wip - Honey. I love like Aiku, he is literally the biggest red flag you can find in bllk (smh Idek why I fell for him - literally saw him and said yes.) I love him sm After reading his panels and guessing everything right about him, we're soulamtes my soulmate is actually Sae though... but we don't walk about that I'm waiting for the next chapter to drop so that i can see the loml 😭 Rant ahead so feel free to skip - Exactly the point. Like here's the thing about the author community on tumblr. I've usually stuck to my own blog cause of it - when you get buddy with some authors; it comes with its own set of problems cause when they get dragged into some kind of a discourse, everyone they've spoken to get dragged into it as well, even readers come up with some really crazy theories regarding content, similarities etc etc. It's one of the reasons that i'm not a very author to author interactive blog with just dropping in here and there. Not to mention that authors tend to stick to their own online circle and getting into one isn't as easy as it looks? They will judge you by the amount you have reblogged which shouldn't be the case tbh. And i don't reblog other author's works since i stopped reading things 2 years ago here and ever since I started writing ff i only checked the tags for seeing if my work turned up or not. Rather than preferring an author and author relationship, i prefer having one with my readers since they are the ones to hype my works up and send me good feedback. I feel really bad for small time authors on this platform cause authors who have dominated one fandom, entirely; are getting into smaller fandoms - and with their huge followings, they tend to take most of the space and fame compared to small time authors who have some really good quality content. Like was taking one or even two fandom/s not enough? But then its always the same story of "what's wrong with being a multi-fandom blog?" or "We're creating free/ quality content so what's the problem?" The discourse and the toxicity here is actually never ending, it's something that I've been noticing for four years now... and it was high time that i moved to ao3 cause here both authors and readers are toxic, cause authors are trying to keep readers down sometimes and readers... some of the them report your work even if it takes hours to create it. Not to mention that it even escalates to getting death threats which is another level of extremism cause of the lack of sensitivity that there's an actual breathing live person on the other side of the screen. Coming to the links that people attach to their posts and decide to post them, half the time I just think about the 15k notes from giving a visual from twitter that's not even their own content to begin with. Like yes, there are people who like erotica on the internet but in fandoms, its more of the literary work compared to a visual unless its drawn. and it makes me think how easy it was to make that and here you have some of us just... slogging it out or working hard on every line since it's more handmade compared to this. and what's weird is that authors seem to not pick up that queue and continue doing it. My opinion might seem harsh but it is what it is.
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ocrosemagazine · 1 year
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Artist: egg ⋆。°✩ ˚ ★ ੈ˳·˖✶ ✭・.・✫·˖✶ ✭・.・✫・゜・。..・✦⋆。°✩ It's nice to formally meet you! I'm Anne Pichard, but most know me as Rose, curator and host of Rose Magazine. Thank you for agreeing to interview with me today!
Let's start with the introductions. Can you give me your name and pronouns? Arta: thank you for having us on this project. my name is Arta and i use they/them pronouns. Luan: 'sup, the name's Luan, he/him only.
Tell me a little about yourself. What's your typical job like? Are you a model elsewhere? Luan: so i'm like a model in my free time, but it's not something i do full time 'cuz i'm a prince. like i'm heir for the throne and it sucks.ughhhh. Arta: there there, being a ruler isn't that hard. though it is boring, it is also very satisfying to watch your kingdom flourish. Luan: ughh whatever. Arta: well where were we again? oh yes. i'm actually dead, but when i was alive i was queen for 119 years, had mastered the harp, hapsichord and i opened my kingdom's borders. i have only started modelling post mortem. I'm so glad you answered the call, what made you want to work with the Rose Modeling Agency? Luan: i always love to work with more underground agencies 'cuz they're less of a hassle. but like yeah my agency called me one day and asked me if i wanted to do a shoot for rose magazine. and like who am i to refuse? obviously i pestered my auntie into it.
Is this the most difficult photoshoot you've done? What was your experience like during production? Luan: nah, this was an easy shoot. we we're literally just standing there in front of a blue backdrop being fab. Arta: while i may not have previous experience, i will admit that this photoshoot has been quite easy. although i really disliked when the nail artist wanted to put fake nails onto my hands. excuse me, i have lovely natural nails and i wish for them to be respected. Luan: ughhh she didn't know what she was doing auntie, press ons are so last season.
Okay, now let's get to the looks! Tell me, who are you wearing? Was this top quality couture or did you design it yourself? Arta: it's actually my brother's fashion company. when he was alive, he used to spend countless hours designing jewelry, crowns and he even made tapestries, although he never sold those and they're now a family heirloom. Luan: yeah whatever they said. we're wearing their latest looks inspired by the night sky. it's not a huge collection with most of the items being kinda exclusive and not for the regular influencer, but like what do i know my cousin is the ceo.
Of course, Stelliferous is the theme this year, but what inspired your look, your design? Luan: well as i said before we're just modelling Selene boutique's newest looks and it just so happens that it worked out for rose mag. tho i personally wanted to wear their sheer dress and the rings, 'cuz i'm not a huge fan of covering up, it kinda destroys my innate rizz. Arta: my look mostly revolved around the crown. when i first saw it i felt a connection with it and i knew i had to wear it. the nails and the ring were also part of the collection, while my chest guard and robe were a gift from my brother.
Do you have any other upcoming projects after this? Now that you're an international model, I'm sure you'll be booked and busy soon! Arta: hahaha, i suspect i shall go back to resting, i am after all dead. Luan: auntie stop being so somber. Arta: i am merely stating the truth. Luan: whatever. anyways, i have like a couple of weddings, balls and high society events to attend so i'm gonna wear some new looks. as for modeling gigs, i have a couple of events booked in the next couple of weeks and i'm attending a fashion gala event on saturday. yeah very booked and busy indeed.
Any advice you'd like to give your fans out there? Life advice, work advice, modeling advice? Luan: my single biggest advice would be to just be a nepo baby. Arta: that is not really advice luan. Luan: yeah well nobody ever said that it has to be good advice.
⋆。°✩ ˚ ★ ੈ˳·˖✶ ✭・.・✫·˖✶ ✭・.・✫・゜・。..・✦⋆。°✩
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macaroni-rascal · 10 months
Now, let's start with the senior ladies because they deserve to headline. Halle-fucking-lujah, Isabeau got a new dress. It's not the most remarkable, but at least it's not a down jacked that exploded in the wash. It did the job, now let's hope the SP dress undergoes the same treatment. Good on her for bouncing back like that, but I still don't fully enjoy her skating because of the coaching failures. Rion did well to recover from that nasty pop but she's still not the most compelling and without the high tech she doesn't have much to fall back on. Hana is so cute but her programs are kinda weird. I think the red glove is supposed to be a bird's beak and those are not little leaves but I guess feathers? Either way, I'd like to see more direction in the program selection and more individuality shining through. Nina has some lovely qualities but they're counteracted by some glaring deficiencies. Her packaging and music are good but she looks like she's watched too much recent Russian skating. I don't know if they can do anything to fix it at this point. I'm much more charitable towards Loena's costume now that I know she designed it herself, but omg what I wouldn't give to never hear Vogue again. There was even a jr free dance that for some reason paired it with Frozen, but it was a Ukrainian team, so they get all the leeway. This, on the other hand, just doesn't work, most of the choreo isn't on beat and in the hands of an any less charming performer, it would be DOA. There are so many directions they could go in. I think the artist they're looking for is Ciara. If they want a Eurodance vibe, there's Inna, there's Cascada, there's all the Eurovision queens, the international pop girlies, the entire thriving LatAm music scene to pick from... Why this off-brand version of something that's been done before, twice, more successfully, when she's so unique and such a breath of fresh air? And the arms above the head on all the jumps feel like such a throwback. I don't know what to prescribe, a summer in Champery perhaps? Shae-lynn? Jeff Buttle? Jeff Buttle. Kaori is so sophisticated and so in her element at this point that although these are safer program choices than she's had before, I think she's earned her stripes and can clearly deliver on anything she sets her mind to. The packaging is mature, classy and suits her position in the sport as its reigning queen. We'll look back on this as a blessed time.
The men really said "we're gonna men so hard, y'all don't even know!" And so they did. The French men have more rights than ever, they low-key own my ass, especially Adam. There's a Patrick Chan-ness to his carriage that I can't quite describe, but so much more on top of it. He truly is a daredevil and although the jumping technique is wild, the risks he takes tend to pay off, he's really exciting to watch and always has artistically coherent material, it's not just cool tricks for tricks' sake. That Arabian could save the world. Even when he makes mistakes, I'm riveted. I think he learned an important lesson here about not peaking at the Shanghai fucking Trophy. Kevin did the Chris Knierim thing where he quit mid-program. But we know what we sign up for with him, I guess, and when it works, it's magic, but when it doesn't, it's just pain. He's one of few skaters I'd subject my eardrums to Bolero for so he better regroup. Kao was also a struggle but at least I figured out what bothers me about his skating - he skates like Russian Mark, where his weight isn't properly positioned over the blade, it's over his arches and not the balls of his feet. By contrast, watching Yuma is such a vacation. His technique is so sound and reliable that I can just kick back and relax. He's above all a well-managed skater, and he still has room to grow, which is exciting. I couldn't get a really good look at his shirt but it seems like it has two layers of sheer fabric over a fitted velour top and that's brilliant in such an understated way, because his skating speaks for itself anyway. I'd really like to see him do more original material, though. Carolina at the boards is such a soothing presence, more people should work with her. I didn't like Shoma's shirt as much because I feel like it doesn't know what it wants to be, was it the same one previously? Idk, but he's worn such stunning pieces before that I'm a little underwhelmed. Still, breathtaking skating, wild jump technique and air position notwithstanding. One of the skaters with the highest emotional ROI for me thus far. I wish he'd won. Okay, how on earth are Ilia's new costumes even worse!? He looked like Slenderman or the creatures from the Hush episode of Buffy. Why can't they figure out something as simple as the packaging when they can figure out a freaking 4A!? If he wasn't grown, I'd be calling CPS. It's an epidemic among the North American male skaters who have Soviet parents, it's honestly a meme at this point. It irks me because he has the tech and you can see the flexibility and the potential to be artistic, and it just isn't happening. He's regressed in that department, but fatigue probably played a part. For the love of god, take the prize money and fly to Montreal, I can't take this anymore! He has great hair, they should make it a feature.
The dance deserves its own post because Saucy was so valid in what she said.
Agreed on Isabeau's new dress, it looks so much better, she doesn't need to look like her grandma's curtains were bedazzled and gathered into a giant parachute of a dress. Amen amen amen. I'm with on Rion, Hana, and Nina, I haven't really felt much from any of them, and haven't had the urge to rewatch any of their skates. Nina especially, she is very Russian girl coded, it's all pumping up and down in cross overs, quick bad transitions, and eeked out jumps. I wish Leona would also ditch this free skate, that attempt at duck walking was cute the first time, and now makes me cringe. Bow down to Queen Kaori, she is finally getting her flowers and I love that for her. She IS the moment. Look at the material!
I'm still on the fence with Adam, those Benoit programs are a slog for me to get through, I just find them needlessly cerebral and overwrought; there's something arrogant about Benoit's programs that I can't put my finger on. Kevin, oh Kevin. Le sigh. That's all I got for him. Kao confuses me, cause there's moments that are good, and them even more moments where it looks like he's trying to fight off an imaginary bee, it's all off balance and twitchy. Yuma, I salute you. Love him to death, he's wonderful. Shoma is...god, I love Shoma. I also wish he'd won. Ilia should still not be getting above 7s in PCS, I'll die on that hill. His tech is amazing, everything else is meh, so his marks should be 'just okay.'
The single skaters, overall, had a nice GPF though, I enjoyed both disciplines here. Thanks for sharing your thoughts as always!
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spearkarrier · 1 year
So on Disney...
I was born and raised in Florida, and #Disney is coming to my hometown and laying flat things that once were conserved by nature laws. Disney has always overshadowed my life. Disney is like a giant looming over you, but you don't completely notice until one day you open your eyes, look up and realize "there's this thing and it has control of parts of your life". I've seen Disney shut down a daycare because they had a character on the wall without paying for licensing. (Why not remove the character? Yeah I know. S'not the point. There was no litigation. It was just shut down. Imagine being a low income parent losing your job because suddenly you had no childcare thanks to Disney. As I've lost a job because of a petty person quitting on me literally in the morning I had to go to work, I can tell you it's devastating.) I myself have had items I make removed because they MIGHT be inspired by the big corporate owned things. Videos copyright struck because, even though the song was public domain, I sang it too well or something. I dunno. So #DeSantis taking away Disney's right to be a sovereign nation in my hometown? You better fucking believe I cheered that on. THEY ARE NOT A POLITICAL ENTITY. THEY ARE A BUSINESS but somehow get more rights then you and I? Disney clapping back? Of course they would. DeSantis clapping back at the clap back? Of course it would happen. This is the action more and more people have been shouting to see: some actual movement towards good changes instead of bitch bitch bitch. No one has won against Disney? At least he's gonna try.
Do you want to know what's fascist? LIVING UNDER A CORPORATE THUMB, BEING TOLD WHAT YOU CAN AND CANNOT SAY, DO, SING, ETC BY BIG TECH. Like Disney. And others. I know because I've always lived in fear of the echoes, and even watched my family fight for our land. I don't understand people who claim to hate fascism gloat and cheer that Disney is going to squash a guy who is standing up against one of the many elements of fascism - that btw was doing it as part of a tax-free ride. Things are a bit more expensive here in Florida - but we don't pay income tax and even have free healthcare (or at least we used to. Grew up on free healthcare. I gotta check to see if that fact still stands.) So making that multi-million corporation pay their fair share? #HELLFUCKINGYES
I like some Disney stuff - the Buzz Lightyear movie was a snore but anyway - but if I can't live here tax free why should this corporation get to do it... and influence the laws that dictate how I live? I don't care if you like him. I don't care if you think he's a twit. That isn't the issue, and it's childish to pretend it is. The issue is that corporations in America were given the same rights as real citizens, and they've been using that (and propaganda) to shape the quality of our lives for the worse for at least a generation if not two. Repeal the laws that give them immunity and see how quickly things change. Vote with your feet while you can. Repeal the laws that don't allow you to. The law has been used against us. I noticed it when I was 12. I don't know why some of you adults can't see it now. #fuckthecorporaterule Also, quit coming to my state. Y'all have the housing here so high I can't buy a home even with preapprovement. Go somewhere else or I'm going to sic the queen of gators on you.
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under-sedationnn · 3 years
the arcana: main six reacting to injured! reader
anonymous: Could u do m6 reacting to mc coming home injured? I want some hurt/comfort >:))
Warnings: talk of being injured, blood. if that bothers you or tiggers you in anyway, please scroll away! i want this to be a safe place, only :)
thanks for the request anon!! i hope you enjoy!! <3 requests for the kissing prompts and physical affection prompts are STILL OPEN. please send them in with the character of your choice (which could be any character from any series i write for) and i will create an imagine!! thanks and happy reading!!
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- tries his very very best to stay calm
- you can see panic bubbling under the surface
- faust is on high alert
- slithers around your shoulders and squeezes you for a hug
- "friend! hurt!"
- doesn't immediately ask what happened, just gets you to a comfortable place to be cleaned up
- then, and only then, will he brave to ask what happened to you
- or who did this to you
- wipes the blood from your skin with very gentle swipes
- winces when you wince, and apologizes profoundly
- "Y/n, how did this happen? i thought you were just taking a quick trip to the market."
- "i fell in the market, tripped over a stone"
- "and nobody helped you?"
- in this case he's disappointed with the bystanders, but does not become angry
- in a situation where someone hurt you?
- oh god
- "Y/n, how did this happen? i thought you were just taking a quick trip to the market."
- "yeah, well, somebody had their eye on the same apple i picked up. somehow, though, they managed to push me to the ground and steal it from my hands."
- i don't even think he would know what to say
- and asra is not really the type to march out into the streets of vesuvia and seek to challenge the one who hurt you
- but he would certainly hold a grudge against whoever it was if he did find out
- and would feel absolutely awful about letting you get hurt
- his mind would race about the possibility of losing you again
- because he simply can't handle it
- and what if that person had been particularly violent or malicious? what if you had been taken??
- you'd have to comfort the hell out of him to make sure he knows that you're okay
- "asra, hey, i'm fine! i can handle myself, you know that"
- "you're right, and i know you're right. it's just hard"
- "it's still hard for me, too. the market still makes me a little nervous and i got caught a little off guard, is all"
- that would make him feel better
- would finish patching up your wounds and would make sure to bring you to julian the next day if they were too bad for him to fix or needed stitches
- would also create a special brew to help with the pain and ease you to sleep
- "why don't i go down to the market tomorrow?"
- "why? so when you pick a fight over apples, i can pay you back for all of this high quality medical treatment?"
- "well of course, surely you didn't expect all this tender love and care to be free" *wink*
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- panicked doctor mode enabled
- immediately begins checking you over, asking questions
- something tells me it would be a head injury of some sort
- "oh darling, what happe- you're bleeding!"
- "julian, i'm okay! it's just a little scratch"
- "no no no you might need stitches, come sit down. i'll go get my kit!"
- there's really no use in arguing
- he has cold ass hands, so he tries to warm them up before he begins suturing the wound
- tries to be gentle, and his expert hands move quickly without any snagging
- "so, how did this happen?"
- his voice is literally trembling
- "well, i was in the clinic grabbing the list of ingredients we need for our next grocery trip and there was a puddle of... something on the floor. i slipped and hit my head on the corner of your desk"
- immediately thinks it's his fault
- like "oh shit i should have cleaned better that could have killed y/n and then what would i have done-"
- doesn't necessarily voice this, but you can tell by the silence that follows that he's feeling really guilty
- would kneel for you, head on your knees
- "y/n, i am so sorry"
- "juli, it's really okay, i should have watched where i was going"
- "i'll make sure to clean better from now on, okay?"
- would guard you throughout the night in case of concussion
- nurse juli <3
- but let's say someone had put their hands on you
- would patch you up the same way, and apologize profusely for not being there with you
- tuck you into bed and fetch mazelinka to keep an eye on you throughout the night incase of a concussion
- would most definitely be self destructive and seek that mf out
- maybe not successfully, but would try his hardest
- "i'll be back in the morning, get some rest"
- "I can find them myself if I want to, you know"
- embarrassed blush
- because he KNOWS you can take care of yourself
- "of course, but right now you're hurt. as your partner, i will do what must be done on your behalf darling"
- probably shows up the following morning with battle scars of his own
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- the guards found you in the garden, passed out in the maze
- blood trickled down your arm, a large gash marking your bicep
- ran you up to the palace and immediately to the medical wing
- them]n nadia gets word
- the calm, collected queen act disappears
- abandons anything she's doing, anybody she's talking to
- "we will finish this at a different time, i have more important matters to attend to"
- she is so worried and it's honestly adorable
- very much giving "where tf are they?" energy
- god i love her so much
- anyways um
- asks the nurses over and over what happened, if you're okay, etc.
- watches the physicians and nurses like a hawk as they clean the wound and suture the cut
- and they're so intimidated lmao they never come face to face with her literally ever
- brushes your hair back from your face as they do so
- holds your hands
- would demand that you be brought to her sleeping chamber
- so that's where you wake up! how cute
- she's laying beside you, her brows furrowed
- maybe even her eyes are a little hazy
- "y/n, sweetheart, do you remember what happened?"
- patiently waits for your answer, you're still a little groggy
- you were either attacked by an animal and passed out from the fright
- or you were attacked by an armed person and was knocked out
- either way, the guards are on it
- nadia isn't letting whoever or whatever did this get away without a fight
- the palace is meant to be a safe haven for you
- for the both of you
- "well, don't you worry, we'll take care of that"
- you try to sit up but she won't let you
- "oh no, you must stay down, y/n. you are possibly concussed from the fall"
- "oh okay, sorry"
- "is there anything i can get you?"
- the countess of vesuvia, serving you in your time of need
- "just some water would be nice"
- "of course, i'll have some brought up right away"
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- i literally feel like he would just start crying straight up
- cause like he has some problems anyway
- he big sad boi
- and you coming home to the hut bleeding from a gash in the arch of your foot is not helping
- picks you and carries you to the bed without a word
- just starts examining the cut
- inanna is also very concerned
- she licks the blood from the cut, she's trying to be helpful
- meanwhile muriel is stumbling around the hut looking for anything to stop the bleeding, disinfect it, bandage it, anything
- but he's not the best about keeping that stuff in stock
- keeps looking back at you with worry in his eyes
- he doesn't know what to do
- "muriel, let me see if i can contact asra. maybe he or julian can bring me a salve. i'm pretty sure i'm gonna need stitches"
- low-key makes him feel worse
- cause he feels like he's unable to care for you and keep your safe
- even tho this was just an accident
- he's breathing really fast, his anxiety creeping
- agrees anyway, but goes to get them himself
- "i'll be back soon, just keep this piece of cloth pressed against it"
- cause you're bleeding like a lot
- inanna stays behind
- he returns very quickly with julian in tow, though he doesn't look happy about it
- leaves the hut without another word
- julian gets to work immediately
- "so, you cut your foot i see"
- smartass.
- "yeah, muriel always tells me to put on shoes when i walk in the woods but i love to feel the grass beneath my feet"
- julian chuckled at this
- "and i'm assuming you, what, stepped on a rock?"
- "...yeah, sliced it right open"
- after julian is done cleaning up the cut, he tells you to just stay off of it for a while and make sure it doesn't get infected
- once he's gone, muriel trudges back into the hut
- "muriel, baby, it was just a cut it's not a big deal"
- but his eyes look hurt, and you beckon him toward the bed
- "hey," your hands on his cheeks, "i'm okay, really"
- "sorry, i just got scared. blood is still a trigger for me and since you got hurt in my woods, i felt like it was my fault"
- "muriel, of course it wasn't your fault"
- he really needed a hug
- after this instance, he made sure to keep medical supplies in the hut and you promised to try and wear shoes in the woods more often than not
- "i'll try my best to be more careful. deal?"
- sweet lil smile
- "deal."
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- "oh my god, y/n, what the hell happened??"
- you were tending the garden
- without her supervision
- and the garden sheers might have sliced into the palm of your hand
- deep
- brings you over to the sink and runs water over the cut, covering it with a towel when the dripping blood had been washed away
- girl is on the move
- cause she knows what to do! love that
- low-key a main reason why julian managed to live as long as he has
- pepi is curiously perched atop one of the counters, peering down
- finds her personal first aid kit she had stashed in the bathroom
- guides you over to sit on the counter while she tries to figure out what to do
- "damn, you really cut yourself, y/n"
- "sorry! i think i just got a little carried away"
- she giggles at that, though she is still worried about the fact that it won't stop bleeding
- gently wraps the cut in gauze and adheres it together
- places a kiss to your fingertips
- "all done! no more gardening for you!"
- "hey, why not?"
- "well you don't want that cut to open back up again and again, do you?"
- "no"
- "alright then," she smiled, moving to put away the first aid kit again, "and we're going up to the palace medical wing first thing tomorrow morning to make sure it's not infected"
- eye roll
- "yes ma'am" you mocked
- even though you know it's just because she loves you
- "but since you got hurt, you want me to bake you some cookies?"
- "only if you let me eat the dough!"
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- good god do i love this man
- but he is so self-absorbed it's actually insane
- and I feel like he wouldn't even notice at first
- cause he's too focused on himself
- gazing into the mirror without a care in the world when you walked in
- "y/n, thank goodness you're home, how do you feel about these pants?"
- you just hobbled to the nearest seat, hand resting over the gash on your knee
- mercedes and melchior were lazing across a rug at the base of his mirror, their attention set on you
- "u-um, yeah, they look good"
- literally just trying not to bleed out, over here
- "good? oh really, now, y/n don't they look amazing?"
- "yes, they look ama- ow, damnit"
- then he turned around
- immediate shock and worry! oh no oh no y/n is hurt!
- mercedes and melchior walked over first, whining as they took in the cut, brushing around the edges
- lucio raced over, squatting down in front of you, and began examining the cut
- "hey, hey, what happened?"
- "i accidentally tripped on my walk in the garden and scraped my knee on the cobblestone"
- he was lightly touching around the cut, gauging how sensitive it was
- when you flinched he stopped, looking into your eyes with a soft "sorry"
- "i think i need to go to the palace infirmary"
- "oh there's no need, i can take care of you!"
- you were not convinced he could take care of you, at least not well
- "uh, lucio, are you sure?"
- he looked slightly offended, at that
- "you know, y/n, i did fight in battles at one point. i have not only tended to my own wounds, but the wounds of others, as well"
- you giggled at the thought
- "much to your protest, though, i'm sure"
- he moved to the small cabinet of medical supplies in the ensuite to your bedroom, returning to your side with it in hand
- "at points, but i don't mind helping you in the slightest"
- for all of his antics, his soft side was enough to make you fall in love all over again
- and although i know he would take care of you in literally any situation, i can't say for certainty that he would stick around and place nurse lucio for long if a person had hurt you
- attacked you
- much like nadia, the guards would be sent out without a second thought, lucio leading the pack in the search for you aggressor
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kenobihater · 3 years
Hi! I really liked the meta post about cat witchers and psychosis - it raises very good points regarding not only the fanon's seeming obsession with the psychotic label but also canon's own inaccuracy and ableism with the label of "psychopath". I never realized that "unhinged", "feral" and such are used against people witch psychosis and characters labelled/coded as psychotic. I hope it's okay to ask, but would you say that labelling any character as "unhinged" or "feral" - such as the fandom's frequent labelling of Jaskier as feral, and sometimes even Lambert - would always count as ableist or as psychosis-coding? Is that the inherent quality of those monikers even if the person doing so does not intend it/is unaware of the connotations?
And when it comes to non-psychotics writing psychotic characters - are there any "red flags" within the writing that one could look out for, either when reading a fic/story or one's own writing? (besides psychosis being tied with moral bankruptcy and violence?) I think many writers do research exclusively based on clinical texts, which while definitley useful, doesn't always help with an accurate portrayal true to people with the illness/experiencing the symptoms.
I know the post took a lot out of you so feel free to answer this later, and you don't have to answer at all if you don't feel like it! If I said something rude/ableist, I apologize. I don't have much experience when talking about psychosis so I'm not sure how to navigate that. Please correct me?
Hi, you're not being ableist at all! Even if you were you're respectful and kind, so I wouldn't mind correcting you. It's when people are rude that I get heated lol.
I'd say that in my opinion (I can't speak for all psychotic people) "feral" or "unhinged" are fine to use - it's when they're used in tandem with things like "episodes" of emotion, disjointed thinking or speech, erratic behavior, or mood swings that I think they can be problematic. Instances of those behaviors are clearly shorthand of psychosis to me, even if unintentional, and those terms should be avoided when in conjunction with blatant psychotic behavior.
When it comes to red flags, the biggest are the moral bankruptcy and violence, but another one is playing it for laughs, or making it seem "kooky" or "soo random xD". Now, it is possible to find humor in psychosis. We can do some pretty weird things. For example, one time in high-school I stayed up for three days straight absolutely obsessing over the concept of becoming a shepard. I researched sheep breeds, looked at plots of land, and watched countless sheep shearing videos. Looking back I find this hilarious because I do NOT think I could get up at like... 3 am in the spring to birth sheep, and also I'm just not cut out for that life but I was fully convinced that's what I was gonna do. I'm fine with joking about this, but if a non-psychotic person made fun of me for it, I'd feel pretty shit. So, leave finding the humor in the occasional absurdity inherent to psychosis up to people who actually experience it.
Another red flag is when people write characters, usually love interests, snapping someone out of a delusion or hallucination in a dramatic argument. Hate to break it to anyone who thinks this, but the power of love does NOT overcome the power of psychosis. Encouraging delusions isn't good either, but you shouldn't start an argument with someone in the middle of a delusion or hallucination, just support them and GENTLY, CALMY, and LOGICALLY try and steer them in the direction of reality. Support and safety is tantamount, not snapping us back to the real world with a dramatic "gotcha!" moment.
Oh. I just remembered a big red flag that makes me furious. Literal eugenics, which are morally abhorrent (hottake of the century, I know /s). I can't believe I have to type these words, but the concept of "putting someone down" because of an unspecified "madness" that is CLEARLY a shittily written version of psychosis is actual fucking eugenecist rhetoric! Fuck this. Fuck this SO hard. People never deserve death because they're psychotic and supposedly """"dangerous""""! You might say that "the fic is just depicting how shitty the treatment of the mentally ill is in universe!" but it sure as fuck didn't read that way. It read like eugenics, plain and simple. Yes, i'm referencing an actual fic I've read. Don't go looking for it to dunk on OP or whatever, but it exists and it's BAD. I was trying to be forgiving of their missteps in depicting "mad" cat witchers, but that was too far, even for my ever-patient ass.
Also, don't fall into another eugenecist trope (one I've thankfully never seen in this fandom) where a mentally ill character declares they'll never have kids. That's a deeply personal decision we have to make, but when a non-psychotic person has a psychotic person declare they're never going to pass on their illness, it reads as eugenics. I'm never having kids (not only cause I'm trans lol) because I'm bipolar, but not bc I don't want to pass on my disorder. I don't ever wanna go off my meds, something I might have to do if I had a kid to term. So yes, this is a deeply personal decision we all must consider, and it's one I don't trust a non-psychotic person to handle tactfully.
Finally, allow your character to show their full range of psychosis, not just the thematically relevant parts. I can't tell you how annoying it is to engage with media where the character just happens to stop showing symptoms of psychosis right after the climax of their always dramatic breakdown. It's old. It's tired. I don't trust non-psychotics to write recovery stories, because they usually either veer into inspiration porn, the trope of "curing" mental illness, or just use our illness as a plot device. Back to showing their full range of psychosis, decide what that means for the character. What are their symptoms? Are they delusional? Do they hallucinate? Do they have racing thoughts and/or motormouth? Are they manic? Hypomanic? Do they dissociate? Do they get overestimulated? Not every psychotic person has the same symptoms - I for example dissociate, have racing thoughts, motormouth, disjointed thoughts, hypomania, overstimulation, and ocassionally even problems with motor function, and had delusional thinking once after a medicine-induced manic episode I needed to be hospitalized for. Nothing else, though. I've never hallucinated. So, keep in mind that psychosis is a broad term for several different symptoms, some of which certain psychotic people will never experience. One size does not fit all.
I think that's everything? Thank you for asking and being respectful, I truly appreciate when non-psychotic people take the time to educate themselves and act as good allies.
(For anyone who missed it, here is the post this is a response to!)
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emawatchesmovies · 4 years
my favorite underrated tv shows
(thank you so so much for all the love on the powerful women post pt.2 coming real soon)
today i wanna talk about some of my favorite shows who are also pretty underrated.
here are few "rules" that i included while making this list:
1. i haven't seen many people talk about it
2. the fandom can be quiet big but doesn't extend to other fandoms (such as supernatural, sherlock etc)
3. are actually really good but people have not discovered them yet
so here are the few rules, don't forget to let me know if you know or love these shows and also let me know if you like any underrated tv show that should be talked about and now let's get into the list
1. Gotham
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i especially wanna talk about this one. i cannot believe how freaking slept on this is. the show is based after death of bruce wayne's parents and the whole story is happening between death of his parents and him becoming batman. it also shows many origin stories of DC villains such as Penguin or Riddler. i actually haven't seen such a high quality show in a while. i've seen bits of other DC shows like Flash and those ones but none of them are on the same level as Gotham. the way it tells the story of batman's origin is something quiet unique. it has sadly ended after season 5 but for me season 5 was one of the best seasons of the show. you can watch it on netflix (US has all 5 seasons).
2. Barry
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oh i have so much to say about this show (and i will in a seperate post i am preparing). it's hilarious. the story follows barry berkman an assasin into la where he follows his target into acting class and finds out that maybe acting is real true passion. it's a genius show, it may seem quiet dumb when you find out what's it about but that's why it is so incredibly good. bill hader practically made this show: he created it, he produces it, he directed few episodes and he also plays the main character (for which he won 2 emmys). but the show also has deeper points and many many times it leaves you sitting at the edge of your couch. i cannot express how much i love this show. you can find it on hbo go (or max - idrk what hbo max is so)
3. Agent Carter
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so i talked about how underrated this show is in my previous post, but now i get a chance to talk about the show. so it basically follows peggy's life after the events of Captain America First Avenger. the show perfectly shows not only how amazing Peggy is, or how strong and independent she is, but it also shows how she was able to move on and live her life after everything that happened. it gave us amazing friendship between her and jarvis who are just one unstoppable duo. you can find it and watch it on Disney+
4. Bodyguard
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this one is not certainly for everyone and certainly isn't the type of show i'd normally watch. but i watched mostly because of richard madden (well only because of him). the show centres around terrorists attacks that started of the show and were going through the whole show. david budd transfers from police sergeant to bodyguard of high positioned politician Julia Montague. the show has love, drama and almost anything you can think of. and also there's a lot of use of word ma'am there (91 times to be exact). like i said it's not for everyone due the plot of the show can be really hard. but if you decide to watch i promise it's gonna keep you on the edge of your seat for the whole time + you get to see richard madden's butt (😉). it's a netflix original so you can of course find it on netflix
5. Chicago Med
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i haven't seen the season 5 yet because when i was watching it someone decided to take down the site where i watched and i had hard time finding it ever since.
this one is a part of this bigger "universe" - there's chicago pd, chicago fire and chicago med. the show is about ER on chicago med. don't get me wrong i really enjoy grey's anatomy but this one could've been more tense in some moments since it was centered around ER so like the first responders to traumas. there's ER in grey's but it's not always so centered around it like this show. it's actually quiet good show. characters are good, there's romance as always, after all it's a med drama, there's a very good amount of medical stuff. so if you liked grey's and you're looking for something similar you should most definitely check this out (and if you wanna know what's it like jist search it up on youtube and the show has official youtube and there are some traumas and that's basically how i discovered it and it really helped get into it). i'd love to tell you where to watch it but i have no idea where to (if you know where you can watch it for free please let me know)
Honorary mention: The Good Place
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good place is not so underrated as other shows but i still feel like it should be more talked about. it's still not where the office, parks and rec or brooklyn 99 is and it most definitely should. the diversity is *chef's kiss* the humor is immaculate. i honestly cannot believe that some people still tend to ignore this show and then talking about the office or b99. you can find it on netflix.
that's all, i think, i have. i don't think i can make pt.2 but i can talk about my favorite shows overall.
thank you so much for all the support, i love you 💓
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leagueofidiots · 5 years
Happy Birthday Dabi!!!!
A.) Triggers!! Mentions of past abuse
B.) Shigadabi yeet
C.) I headcanon Jan 18 as the day Touya died, but I wrote this back when I thought his birthday was Dec 6 and I was too lazy to edit things, so,,, yeah
I've never been a huge believer in birthdays. Living with the Todorokis, I always spent it training or locked in my room, screaming and crying and begging for freedom. With Ujiko, they went by without my notice. On the streets, I only did something once. Just found a small alleyway and lit my fingertip on fire, singing to myself in an attempt to try to lift my mood. Honestly, it just made me more depressed.
It's just a day used as a mark of age. Not even worth mentioning. In fact, something to keep secret to everyone but yourself.
So it's beyond a surprise when I swing open the door of my room to be greeted with a loud shout of "Happy birthday!" ringing in my ears. My fellow league members stand in front of me, a small, messily frosted cupcake balanced in Toga's hands and held out to me.
"Guys, what are you doing?" I ask awkwardly. "Also, what day is it?"
"January eighteenth," says Compress. "Did we get our date wrong or something? We had to guess between today, February sixth, and November twelfth. Sources were somewhat unhelpful."
Was it my birthday already? I thought it wasn't for another week at least. Even so, how did they know? I'd carefully avoided the topic.
"You see, once you told us that you were…" begins Kurogiri, cutting himself off once he hits the name we all know he means. "Well, I decided to look you up. Just for a few simple things. Birthday, any interests I could find...I'm sorry if it seems invasive, but I thought it could help us better understand how to help you feel appreciated."
At first I'm put off by it. People knowing things about me I didn't tell them bothers me deeply. But the more I consider it, the less I mind. They care. And it's harmless, isn't it? It won't kill me to play along just for the day.
Toga waves the cupcake in my face. "Well, you gonna take it, Bacon Bits?" she asks gleefully.
I accept it, hesitantly taking a bite. "Mmmm. What'd you put in this thing?" I ask, mouth full. It tastes awful, and I feel my nose wrinkle in distaste despite myself. Between food in general, sweet food in general, and whatever the salty-bitter aftertaste is, I almost gag.
"Oh, crap, is that the wrong one? I put blood in one...I think that might be it. Sorry. It's either chocolate or blood."
Spinner gives her a sideways glance and a whispered, "Whose---"
I spit out the dark batter. "Definitely blood, but uh...You know, I'm good. Not big on sweets anyway."
"Oh!" She takes it back. "More for me then."
Jin drags me out to the common area, mask lifted enough to display a wide grin. "We couldn't do much, but we figured it'd at least be better than before we all knew each other, yeah?"
"Yeah, sure," I say. "You guys didn't have to do anything, you know."
"Yes we did," Shigaraki insists. "You're my right hand, it's only right we should give you at least one day for just you."
"Now we know you're more the type of guy to keep to yourself," says Magne, "so just let us spoil you for the next half hour, then you get to do whatever you want, okay?"
I nod again, shaking my wrist loose from Twice's grip. "Alright, I can deal with that. What did you guys have planned?"
Suichi quickly ties his scarf around my eyes, careful of his claws and my staples. "Hang tight for one sec."
There's a quick shuffling, accompanied by my teammates' voices muttering happily to each other. A portal opens, and a few moments later I'm allowed to see again.
The seven idiots I for some reason chose to live with sit in a half-circle on the floor at my feet, each holding grocery bags with diversely-shaped contents, one of Toga's hair ribbons tied and stuck on top of each. Atsuhiro smiles, and passes me his.
"You guys…" I say quietly. I'm not worth all this effort, all this money, all this time. It'd be better spent planning missions or buying food or really anything else. It's stupid of them to care so much about something---someone---so worthless.
"Not a word," says Jin, as if he can hear my thoughts. "You're worth it. We saved up for this."
It's not anything like when I was a kid, eagerly tearing open neatly and colorfully wrapped boxes, unsurprised at the high cost of the contents. I'd never thought I was worth any of it deep down, but the ritual was still exciting even if I spent it alone on most occasions. But this is nicer. People around me that actually care. I try to make myself accept it.
Baby wipes from Compress, saying he worries about me showering on the days my scars hurt particularly badly. A book from Spinner, saying he'd read it and thought I'd enjoy it. Eyeliner from Kenji, saying she'd tested it for tear-proofness. A sweater from Kurogiri, saying he'd knitted it himself. Several nail polishes from Himiko, saying she wanted to give me the pastel pink as soon as humanly possible. A My Chemical Romance CD from Twice, saying he wanted to listen to it with me sometime.
When it comes to Tomura, he simply tosses an empty plastic bag onto my lap. "I didn't buy anything."
"Some boyfriend you are," I say teasingly. Really, I'm somewhat grateful. As much as I want to feel wanted, I can't help but see the yen racking up, another day without food for the league, the people I care about most suffering as silently as they're able to.
"Yeah, yeah, shut up. My gift to you is that I will leave you alone." He doesn't smile or anything to indicate that he's kidding. "Won't hug you, or try to hold your hand, or anything. You're free."
I push myself off the couch onto my knees, trying to ignore the tugging at my staples. "Tomura…" How do I say it? I don't want to sound like I care too much or anything. "I don't want you to leave me alone. Just...Just when I ask you to, okay?"
Does he think I don't want him? It's difficult to treat him like I do when touch can be so suffocating, so terrifying. Especially with someone like him, who has described laying inches away from me without trying to cling to me like drowning.
I take his hands in mine, careful to leave his fingers to twitch anxiously away from mine. "You deserve to get what you want too."
Tomura smiles up at me, eyes shining a little bit with the effort to remain emotionless at my rare display of affection. "Well, what am I supposed to get you then?"
"Seeing you smile's enough," I say quietly. I regret it instantly.
"Oh, get a room," laughs Magne.
I roll my eyes, and shove myself back up onto the couch. "Thanks, Kenji."
"Always happy to help."
"Well, that's all we have," says Kurogiri, smile showing in his voice. "Let us know if we can do anything for you, but the rest of the day is all yours."
"Enjoy your alone time," says Suichi, helping pull me to my feet. "You're probably not gonna get any more for a long time."
And for once, the thought of being alone terrifies me. If I go alone in that room, how is it any better than those years I spent before the burns, the black hair, the overwhelming hatred?
"Actually, I'd rather hang out here," I say as if it's no matter, as if the thought of closing a door behind me won't send me spiralling back to that ten year old version of myself, screaming and pounding on my walls as a mix of tears and snot pour down my face.
"Oh. Alright, cool." Jin holds out another cupcake to me. "You're positive you don't want this?"
I shake my head, smiling a little. "Thank you guys. For this."
Toga grins. "Anything for our favorite edgelord."
Tomura pushes himself to his feet, snatching the cupcake from Twice. He takes a toungeful of the grainy-looking frosting and smirks at me, passing the cake back covered in saliva. I take his hand, his pinkie sticking out cautiously. "Happy birthday, Dabi." And looking around at them, I finally understand the phrase's meaning.
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Click for quality
This is what he's jamming to: https://youtu.be/aWQ_r9nNHt0
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 84 Xs1) "14Hours"
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It feels good to have Colson's heavy body thrown over her when Luna wakes up. She closes her eyes, breathing him in. His scent is a mixture of weed, sandalwood, whiskey and a left over hint of the Jean Paul Gaultier cologne he wears. Laying in his arms, Luna doesn't ever want to move.
It's the knock on their door, that disturbs her bliss. Don's calling an hour before wheels up. They have a 14 hour ride from New Jersey to Chicago on Colson's day off. Fun.
"Mmmm... Kitten..." He moans lowly, pulling her closer to him.
Naked, Luna can feel his hard dick resting against her ass cheek. Colson nuzzles through her hair to the back of her neck. His light kiss gives her goosebumps.
"Morning, Bunny." She coos, bringing his hand up to her mouth to kiss it.
"You're up?" He asks surprised, slightly lifting his head.
"Mhmm." She murmurs as she rolls over to look at him.
"There's that beautiful face." He grins sleepily, pecking her lips.
"We got an hour... You wanna do it here or in the shower?" Luna asks as she adjusts under the weight of his leg over her waist.
"Both." He answers, lifting her face towards him by her chin.
Their kiss is deep and passionate. Both enjoying loving each other without the drama.
Colson moves his leg to run his fingers down the curve of Luna's body. Making her twitch from his light touch. Dipping his fingers between her folds, he grins wider.
"Dirty girl." He comments on her already wet pussy.
Drawing her in, she slides her leg over his waist. Colson lazily fucks Luna on their sides. Facing each other, Colson watches Luna's pleased expressions in the morning sun. They're quiet, except for their moans.
"Fuck I missed her..." Colson's heart thinks as his dick throbs inside of Luna.
Pulling him closer by his shoulders. She shifts her hips up, matching his rhythm. Kissing each other's mouths and bodies while they easily cum for the other. Bodies going weak. Heads light.
"Good thing I'm fucking marrying you..." Luna breathes out, once she rolls over. Splaying her body across Colson and the bed.
"Why's that?" He chuckles.
"Because your dick has seriously ruined me for anyone else!!" She laughs, rolling back onto his chest.
"Good. That means you'll never divorce me." He quips, kissing her head.
"Shut the fuck up." Luna laughs to his chuckle.
"Round two?" Colson asks.
"Burn as we get in?" She responds.
"THAT, is why you're the only woman who could ever be my wife." He states, sprinkling her face with kisses. "I fucking love you, Loons."
"Love YOU!" She grins as she slips out of their nest of blankets to roll a joint.
"You really are something else..." Colson muses over Luna like he did the night of his birthday.
"The ONLY, Bunny." She grins, leaning her naked body over to kiss him. "Ready?" She asks.
Lighting the joint and hitting it a few times before she passes it to Colson. Inhaling deeply, he exhales another I love You.
"Come on and love me in the shower." Luna coaxes.
Luna and Colson walk into the lobby, free hands laced together. Everyone else is already there.
"Awwww... Did we make uuup?" Baze teases them.
"Shut up, Truck." Colson laughs as Luna rolls her eyes.
"Aww, coooome on... You know the kids don't like it when Mommy and Daddy fight." Baze laughs, throwing an arm around them each as he comes in between Colson and Luna.
"Ugh.. That's so gross..." Luna shudders as she tries to shake Baze off of her.
Luna has a Daddy Kink she's explored with Tommy but won't with Colson. It's Casie's fault. The first time she heard her call him Daddy, it weirded Luna the fuck out. Realizing in that moment he's actually someone's DAD, she just can't get passed it. Luna picturing Casie's face the one time she tried. Deciding NOPE. Right then and there. Plus, she's really not about that Kid Life. She loves Casie but the idea of being a mother makes her want to vomit.
"You don't wanna be somebody's Mommy?" Baze wiggles his head as he makes sucking noises.
Colson's laughing as Baze taunts Luna. She's still stuck under his arm.
"Fuuuck nooo." Luna says. Dipping down, under and away from him. "I ain't bringing any crotch dropplings into this fucked up world!"
They all look at her. Sam exploding into laughter, she's heard Luna's rant about kids before. Ashleigh turns and cocks her head to the side. Perplexed at Luna's vocabulary.
"Crotch dropplings, though!? That's one for the books, Loons." She laughs, shaking her head.
"Yo. My kids would be Assholes. True crotch dropplings." She replies, throwing her palms out.
The Boys can't help but giggle over her word. Luna's always spouting out some type of crazy fuckitude.
"Case isn't an Asshole..." Colson shakes his head, debating Luna as he slaps her ass.
"Oh." She hops and grins at his authority. "Yeah. Because of Emma. Anything WE.." Luna flicks her thumb between herself and soon to be husband. "Spit out, would be a straight up Dickhead. No doubt."
Colson rolls his eyes as he kisses the top of her head. He doesn't know if he wants another kid but half of him would bet he could get Luna to do it if he really wanted too. The other half of himself laughs "You're a Fucking idiot." Knowing Luna would never do anything she didn't want to because someone else did.
"Fucking crotch dropplings...?" He laughs. "Something's fucking wrong with you, yo."
Luna nods in agreement as her theory is met by laughter and talk of Truths and Facts from their friends as they all walk out together. Luggage in tow with wild theories of this imaginary kid drifting in the air.
Ashleigh informing Luna, that you don't SPIT them out as she laughs at her ridiculousness. Catching a shrug with an I Don't Know, Ashleigh rolls her eyes as they head to The Bus. Clearly Luna does not.
Once settled, they burn and drink coffee as a group. None of them really breakfast eaters.
Ashleigh, Colson and Luna sit on one couch together. Luna's leg draped over Colson's thigh. Sam and The Boys are scattered around, chattering on about last night. They had hit a local bar with some of The Crew, closing the place down.
Ashleigh mentions the Massachusetts merch to Colson. Deciding on XL hoodies, she tells him they should be in by Thursday. Colson nods his head. Kissing Luna on the cheek, thanking her for the idea.
She tells him it's No Big Deal as she leans over for another kiss. Standing up, she tells them she's gonna call Monica before heading to the back of The Bus.
Monica is not surprised by Luna's news but she is annoyed by it. Her client has always been a handful but this last month or so seems to have been a free for all. Monica scolds Luna on how she can't assault high profile people without consequences. That she's gotten really lucky and has to stop it.
Luna only pays her half a mind until Monica tells her she's nervous regarding Luna's other ventures. That she needs to be extra careful now that she's more publicly visible. They don't want ANY police looking at Luna for ANY reason.
Understanding, Luna agrees to Calm Her Tits. Apologizing to Monica for worrying her. They move on to the listings Monica sent Luna.
"Fuck... I totally forgot all about them. I'm sorry." She apologizes again.
Luna's digging under the bed as she continues to talk. Looking for something she grabbed in The City, she wants to bring it out when she's finished
"Maybe if you didn't spend so much time beating people up." Monica zings.
"Fuck you, Mon." She tells her, unamused.
Pleased when her hand touches the box, she pulls it out. Luna grins looking at her treasure.
"Alright, pass me to Ashleigh." Monica responds.
"Wait? What? For what?" Luna asks, caught off guard with a slight attitude.
"These NDAs... The fucking dual residency you asked for.... I don't know... Your non stop bullshit... What else would it be for, Jerk Off?" Monica deadpans to Luna.
Monica's choice of insult cracks Luna up. She truly appreciates anyone who speaks their mind.
"Okay... Okay... Fuck. I'm sorry." Luna laughs as she walks to the front of The Bus. "Here she is..."
"AND STOP FUCKING HITTING PEOPLE!!" Monica can be heard shouting from the phone as she hands her to Ashleigh.
"Jesus Christ." Colson looks at Luna with wide eyes.
"You think she wants me to stop hitting people?" She smirks as they both laugh.
Luna walks over to the table. Grabbing everyone's attention with a Yo, she shows them her prize.
Sam hangs back on the couch. They've already taste tested most of it.
"WORD!!!! We almost out. Good look, LunaTic!" Slim nods to her as he tosses her an elbow.
Luna steps to the side as they all come in to smell the different strains of bud and wax. Each highly impressed with the quality and grateful for the vegetation.
"Aight, Kitten... I see you." Colson says, wrapping his body around hers in approval.
"We got Backwoods?" She asks, referring to a particular cigar brand.
"I got the rig!" Rook shouts, lifting up the glass smoking apparatus.
He sets up it up on the counter, turning on the electric needle. Benny and AJ start rolling blunts as Baze and Colson twist up joints. Sam pulling together supplies for the wax.
"You and your bestie good?" Luna teases Ashleigh when she hands her back her phone..
"Yeah..." She laughs. "I'm gonna express her the NDA's and Kells water bill I got you on once we get to Chicago. She's ready to file the paperwork for the dual residency and needs it...."
"Shit, really? That was quick. Thank you." Luna kisses her on the cheek. "Anything else to do?" She asks to Ashleigh head shake. "Then let's get fucking HIGH, Bitch!" Luna laughs, showing her the case.
Once the rig is hot enough, they all take large dabs. Coughing until they almost choke. Setting the expensive glass piece to the side on the bumpy bus.
Luna sits on the floor between Colson's legs as she hits her first joint of their session. Ashleigh and Slim are on one couch with him. Benny, Baze and Sam on another. AJ's lounging in one of the chairs as Rook stretches out on his back on the floor near Luna.
Passing blunts and joints around, occasionally taking more dabs, they are getting high as FUCK.
"I wanna do a new cover with you..." Colson says in a low, stoned voice.
Turning to him, Luna asks what he's thinking. Hitting a blunt, he's quiet for a few minutes.
"You're All I Need?" He asks with red eyeballs.
"The Meth joint?" Slim asks with a scowl. "Nah, Dawg... I'm not feeling that one."
"Yeah..." Luna agrees with Slim. She has an idea. "You want fast or slow?" She asks.
"Hmmm... I don't know." He ponders.
There's so many blunts and joints going around, everyone has something in their hand at all times. Smoke filling The Bus.
Luna gets up and grabs her guitar. It's the acoustic one she made sure to pack. Sitting back down, crossed leg in front of Colson on the floor, she begins to strum.
"What about Sublime?" She asks. We could turn What I Got or Bad Fish into a duet..."
🎶When you grab ahold of me🎶
🎶You tell me that I'll never🎶
🎶Be set free🎶
🎶But I'm a parasite🎶
🎶Creep and crawl🎶
🎶I step into the night🎶
Luna sings, nodding for Colson to step in. He's sweet face lighting up as he does so.
🎶Two pints of booze🎶
🎶Tell me are you🎶
🎶Are you a BadFish too🎶
Luna slides in the second.
🎶Are you a BadFish too🎶
As Colson continues.
🎶Ain't got no money🎶
🎶To spend🎶
🎶I hope this night🎶
🎶Will never end🎶
They blend together. Eyes watching the other. Smiles playing on their lips as their voices harmonize simultaneously.
🎶Lord knows I'm weak🎶
🎶Won't somebody🎶
🎶Get me off of this reef🎶
Grinning at each other as Luna slides the guitar strings. Colson starts the next verse. Alternating with Luna every two. She backs him during the line.
🎶Underneath my bed🎶
Coming back together, they sing the ending chorus. By the second round, the whole bus is singing together.
🎶Ain't got no quarrels🎶
🎶With God🎶
🎶And got no time🎶
🎶To grow old🎶
🎶Lord knows I'm weak🎶
🎶Won't somebody🎶
🎶Get me off of this reef🎶
They happily belt together. Finishing up with laughter. Still passing around rolled up weed.
Everyone thinks it's a great cover. Colson isn't sure about the energy though. Luna agrees, it's more jam seshy. Probably because their baked off their asses. Luna offers trying What I Got if he wants.
"Nah, let's chill out." He leans down to kiss her forehead. "Y'all wanna kick on a movie?" He asks.
Stoned, they all agree. Laughing and loudly quoting How High as they watch it. Luna eventually climbing onto Colson's lap to cuddle. Giggling as they drop sporadic kisses on each other.
Everyone too stoned to move, they put on Anchorman next. Smoking almost a half ounce between them in less then 5hrs.
Most of them nodding out before Baxter gets punted off of the bridge. All of them knocked before the end of the movie.
They wake up around 830Pish. Beers already cracked. Drinks made. More weed flowing along with music. Sam finds the Magic Slushies when she goes to look for ice.
"What is this?" She asks, intrigued as she pulls out the large jar.
"We had a Tea Party." Luna tells her from across The Bus.
"And THIS was left over??" Sam asks being very familiar with Luna's Tea Parties. "Can we eat these right now?"
"Can we wait? I don't know if I wanna be stuck on The Bus and I'm still kinda recovering from Saturday night...." Luna groans. "Wanna play a game instead?"
Luna heads to her and Colson's room after Sam nods. She comes back out with poster board and art supplies. Truly packing everything but the kitchen sink.
"What 'cha thinkin', Loons MaGoons?" Baze asks her.
Luna grins at him. "I'm thinking a good 'ol American drinken' board game.... There Truck. What do you guys think?" She asks.
She's met with amused Okays as her and Sam set out on a gameboard. Turning to Colson, she asks him to have the others find themselves pawns. They settle on quarters with their initials drawn on with Sharpie.
Most are obvious, like C for Colson, L for Luna and R for Rook. Ashleigh takes the A as they squeeze AJ onto one. Sam gets the S, Benny the B, while Baze uses a Z and Slim settles for BA. For BlaqAbe.
"How's it look?" Luna asks, displaying her and Sam's finished project.
"You tryin' to get us fucked up, Brooklyn!" Benny laughs at their creation.
"That's my girl." Colson says kissing her head.
Cracking more beers and grabbing a bottle of tequila. Gathering around the board on the floor, they use one die. Starting counterclockwise from the youngest. Rook goes first. Rolling a 2.
"Truth or Dare, Rookie!!" Slim laughs.
Shaking his head, he chooses Dare. Who knows what the hell he's in for.
Colson speaks first.
"I dare you to give our Newb a proper welcome..." He says mischievously.
The Boys whoop as Ashleigh shakes her head.
"And what is that?" Luna asks thinking of her friend.
"A lap dance" Colson shrugs with a smirk.
"Well, in that case..." Luna laughs.
She gets up to change the music. Turning up Def Leppard's Pour Some Sugar On Me.
"BRING IT OOON!!" Sam laughs as Rook turns bright red.
Initially shy, Rook's got moves once the 80's hit kicks on. Sam laughs and squeals as he snakes up her body, then slithers down it. Opening her legs as he leans into her chest.
Everyone cheering him on as Luna passes Sam bills. Taking his shirt off, he jumps onto the couch. With Sam between his legs, he pulls her by the neck using his shirt. Grinding his hips in her face as she tucks bills into his waistband with encouragement. Hopping down, Rook shakes his ass against Sam's tits. Grinning and fully enjoying herself, she slaps it as he asks The Bus if they want One Lump or Two.
It is a phenomenal performance. Ashleigh, Sam and Luna clapping and whooping when he finishes. Rook beaming as his cheeks blaze maroon.
"Drummer Boy got them moves like Jagger!!" Sam teases him.
Sam has to take a shot when she rolls a 1. Ashleigh the same when she rolls a 3, having to go back two spaces. Benny rolls a 1 also. More shots, while Luna rolls a 5.
"Group selfie!!!" She shouts as they all pile in.
Somehow squeezing all nine of them together. Colson rolls a 6, landing on a Drink Water spot.
"This is bullshit." He complains as he chugs a bottle.
Baze rolls a 4, picking Rook to Colson's steady complaint.
"You have a beer in your hand, Ya nut!" Luna laughs at him as she kisses his cheek.
AJ rolls a 1, taking a shot. While Slim rolls a 3, having to go back two spaces for his own shot. Everyone drinking but Rook when he rolls a 4. Sam drinking water when she hits a 5. Colson laughs at Ashleigh when she rolls another 5, having to drink water too.
"I don't mind, dickhead." She snarks back with a smile, welcoming the water.
Hotel Diablo is bumping as they swig beers and pass joints. Everyone laughing and talking as they take their turn. Benny chooses Colson to take a shot on his 3. Luna having to talk in an accent for the rest of the game when she also rolls a 5.
"Blooty 'ell wit these fouves, Mates!" Luna horribly imitates Dom.
Colson starts to pout again when he only rolls a 2, until he realizes he gets to Make A Rule. No one is surprised when it's: He and Luna take a shot whenever ANYONE else has to drink anything.
"You fooking lush..." Luna slurs trying to perfect her accent.
"You're such an idiot." Colson laughs kissing her head as she nuzzles into him.
"Fucking water!!" Baze shouts out when he rolls a 2.
Colson and Luna taking shots with his water. Slim laughing at Luna's fucked up accent. More shots for everyone but AJ as he hits a 6. Slim being another victim of The Water with a 5. Luna and Colson taking a shot with him.
They carry on, laughing and teasing each other. Rook choosing to thumb wrestler Luna on his 2.
"Ahhh!! You're a cheater!!" Rook laughs as Luna swoops her thumb and pins him down.
"Ya got a Sweep the leg, Johnny!!"
Luna wiggles in happiness over her win. Making Rook laugh at her shitty accent.
Sam's 3 gets her dominated by Colson's big hands when she choses him as her opponent. Already feeling tipsy, Ashleigh's relieved when her 1 forces everyone to drink but her. Benny makes the rule that anytime anyone says Fuck they have to drink off of his 4. Things are gonna get wild now. Luna's forced to rhyme on a 2.
"Oi tell ye well. Burds loike me, go straight to blooty 'ell." Luna spits out as the room laughs.
Rook tosses her an approving elbow. Colson reminding her of his rap battle plans.
"You're an idiot." She laughs as she kisses him.
"Your idiot." He confirms with another kiss before taking his turn.
"FUCK yeah!!! Two shots!!" Colson stands up shouting when he rolls a 6. Benny reminds him of the Fuck Rule making it three.
"Word." Colson grins, lining up six shots.
Luna downing three with him. Taking another with Colson on Baze's 5. Laughing and talking, Sam and Slim get stuck with an extra shot for the Fuck Rule. AJ's 5 demands more shots from him, Luna and Colson. Making a Rule on his 2, Slim wants them to Caw-Caw like birds anytime Colson kisses Luna.
"That's not fucking cool, Dawg!" Colson exclaims.
That's another shot for them both. Stupid Fuck Rule. Rook rolls a 4. Making him, Colson and Luna pound their beers. It's a double round of shots for them also when the space makes him move ahead one too.
"Fucking, Eh... I mean Blooty 'ell!!" Luna tries to correct herself.
"SHOOOOOT!!" The Bus laughs at her.
"I was walking down the line. Feeling just fine. Till this ugly boy grabbed my behind. I had to drop him quick because, Bitch I'm a dime." Sam spits as her 3 makes her rhyme.
Luna laughs as Ashleigh high fives Sam. With The Boys impressed, Rook let's a Fucking Awesome slip. One, two, three... More shots for him, Colson and Luna.
"This efff ruullle is haaard, my dear boy." Luna complains to Benny, drawling out her letters and twisting her wrist in the air.
Benny laughs at her tipsy eyeballs. She leans into Colson, causing him to instinctively kiss her cheek. His whisper is interrupted by a rule.
"CAAW-CAAWW!!!" Slim drunkenly shouts as the room mimics The Caw-Caw Rule. Things are getting ridiculous.
"Oh Fuck..." Ashleigh sighs as her 6 makes her pound her beer to Colson and Luna's second. Plus, three shots each for the space jump and Fuck Rule.
Benny's 6 has the three of them down another two shots. They're all getting wasted. The Fuck Rule coming in so hardcore, they have to open another bottle of tequila. Luna's 5 requires a prank call. She decides on Pete.
"Elllllloooo!!! This is blooty Keith Mooon cawlling from the graave, Mate. Hoooow dooo you doooo?" She howls into the speaker phone.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Pete asks Luna, laughing.
"SHOOOOT!!!" The Bus screams making him understand.
Hanging up after a few minutes, Colson gives Luna a side eye when his 4 lands him on SAFE.
"What kinda shit is that?" He asks her drunken shrug.
Baze lands on Truth or Dare with his 4. Colson daring him to give Sam a Racer Shot. Luna lightly threatening him to leave her friend alone after she basically watches him spit a shot into her throat. Sam rolling her eyes and laughing at Luna. She's not worried about these Boys.
"NEVEAHHH!!!" Colson cackles, pulling Luna onto his lap.
"CAW-CAAAW!!" The Bus of drunks explodes as their lips meet. Laughter interrupting the kiss.
Another pounding of their beers and two more shots as AJ's 2 forces them on.
"I tink I'm blooty druuunk..." Luna laughs, accent taking on a life of its own. Now she sounds Irish. Or maybe British... They're all too drunk to care.
"FOOKING 'ELL!!" Luna exclaims with wide eyes.
Slim rolled a 5, landing with AJ. Another pounded beer, round of shots and an extra for Luna and the Fuck Rule. Joints are still flowing, everyone's having a good time making their way around the gameboard.
With another 4, Rook lands SAFE with Colson. Sam's 3 gets her hit with a Truth or Dare. Choosing Dare, Luna cuts in.
"Oi daaare you, koind laaty to allow me to give you a Sharpie Facial." Luna drunkenly dares her.
Sam accepts allowing Luna to give a wicked, twisted mustache and goatee on her face. The Bus erupting into laughter. Rook shouting CAW-CAAW!! as Colson tries to tell Luna he loves her.
"What the fuck." He complains to another round of shots for him and Luna.
Ashleigh slides into SAFE on her 4, Benny's Shot Whore means another round for Luna and Colson also. Luna hits Never Have I Ever with a 5.
"Neva ave oi eva fooked..."
"Shot!!" Sam yells at her.
After slamming it with Colson and trying to hold any kind of accent Luna starts again. "Neva ave Oi eva BANGED a midget while blooted owff caCANE." She grins as she raises her hand.
Roaring, everyone raises theirs but Benny. They all look at him.
"What? I like small bitches and it snows a lot in NYC." His explanation met with snorting and howling.
They're almost halfway through and everyone's pretty wasted. They've switched from Hotel Diablo and are blaring Outkast's Aquemini. The southern groove catching their hips. Joking and smoking, they try to proceed on.
Colson rolls a 5, landing on a space that kicks him back ten. The new space calling for him to down his drink and move forward to two more shots. Lining 'em up, Luna follows behind him. This being around the fourth or fifth beer she's pounded.
Rolling a 1, Baze pulls who's ever closest to him for another selfie. AJ, Rook, Slim, Colson and Luna. They look trashed.
AJ's 6 knocks him back one, calling for shots from him, Luna and Colson. Slim grabs a 3, choosing to Prank Call LaMar. Laughing so hard, he can't make it through the call.
Mar calls back confused with another What the Fuck? The drunk friends not making any sense and screaming SHOT at him, he hangs up.
Rook rolls a 3, his space demanding whoever has the most beer to Neck It. Down goes Ashleigh, Luna and Colson's beers. Sam's 5 has her Move Back One to Shot Whore. The couple follows her down her shot hatch.
Everyone is loud and laughing. Baze falls out of his chair with a Fuck and 3 shots. Forgetting about it, Colson almost spits out his beer when he catches Sam's facial art.
"CAW-CAAW!!!!" They shout as he kisses Luna over her masterpiece.
Ashleigh was safe until she rolled a 5. Knocking her back ten spaces with Colson. The three of them pounding their beers and slamming another round of shots as called for.
"Fuuuck..." Escapes from her mouth as she wipes the tequila off her chin. That's another shot for the three of them.
"Oi blooty ate yooou!!" Luna laughs.
"You gonna eat her?" Slim teases. "That's a show I never thought I'd see!" He laughs.
Forgetting to use her accent, Luna laughs out a Fuck You. That's another shot for her and Colson. They're about to crack their third fifth of tequila. Landing on Flip a Coin with his 5, Benny lands on heads. Six more shots. Two a piece between him, Colson and Luna.
"You really fucked us." Luna drunkenly kisses Colson afterwards.
"SHA-CAWT!!!!" Baze screams.
Placing her face in her hands, Luna laughs uncontrollably. It takes a moment for her to take her Fuck Rule shot. It's another two shots for her, Ashleigh and Sam when Luna lands on a 3, making only the girls drink. And Colson.
Word limit...( 1 of 2 )
To be continued...
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sparklessswift · 5 years
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19 Things I've Learned in 2019
1. “The desire for positive experience is itself a negative experience. And paradoxically, the acceptance of one's negative experience is itself a positive experience.” — Mark Manson (The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck)
I always thought that "How To Be Happy" things on the internet are true and those things can really change your life if you will try to do so. But while reading this book, I've realized that it's not. That the irony behind thinking of ways to be happy and positive just reminds us of what we are not and of what things we failed to have that we've always wanted. The more we try searching for ways on how to be happy, the more we can't attain happiness.
2. The quality of your life depends on the quality of your choices and decisions.
I've learned that you are the only one who's accountable for everything that you choose to do, for every thoughts that you entertain and for every decisions that you make. The quality of your life is shaped on whatever you want it to be. Whenever you feel like you're carrying a huge amount of emotional baggage, it's because you chose to carry it anyway. You chose to entertain the melancholia, you chose to let it enter your life. Do not blame your situation or even other people. Change the way you see things, make good decisions and choices and the quality of your life will be better.
3. Music is a form of enlightenment towards our true emotions.
I found out that longing to hear sad songs that we can relate to whenever we are feeling sad isn't a sign of tolerating sadness, it means we are trying to fill the gap between what we know and what we feel. Finding the perfect song that explains exactly the way we feel helps us figure out the right words to describe our current emotion. It makes us feel that we are not the only one in the world who's suffering. It's relieving to be so connected to a song that you feel as though, it was written for you.
4. Forgiveness is a nice thing to do.
There are times when we feel as though, people and even ourselves are not worthy to be forgiven and that no amount of apology will cease the burning fire. But one thing I do learned this year is that, forgiveness means letting go. Do yourself a favor and let go of the bad memories, what's important is that you took it as a learned lesson. Let go of the grudges that you kept for so long, it will give you a peace of mind. Let go of the idea that forgiving without hearing an apology is not necessary in life, it is. Forgive yourself for all the mistakes you've done in life and forgive those people who have hurt you as well. Release the pain by forgiving so you can finally move on.
5. Self loathe is the most toxic form of hate.
I've learned that there is nothing more toxicating in life than hating your own existence and body. It's like badly wanting a poisonous thing even when you know it is bad for you. It's like loving the lyrics to Taylor Swift's song "ME!" because it radiates self-love but there's always a cringeworthy feeling whenever you sing the words "I'm the only one of me, baby that's the fun of me" because you can't feel the message it conveys. And it feels like, no amount of motivation from other people can cure the poison in you. I know it's easier said than done but remember that only you can free yourself from self loathing so might as well start appreciating small things about yourself and sooner or later you will realize that it's fun to be the only one of you.
6. Being 18 is challenging. While it may be true that each year has its own challenge, being 18 is quite different. It's the time when your mind starts forming questions about life, existence, and future. It's like a climax to your own story, exciting as it may seem but it contains setbacks, challenges and a hundred thousand pieces of inspirations needed in order to thrive harder. In order to believe that you can pursue your dream of reaching the happily ever after.
7. Appreciate high school moments while they last. Realizing how fast the time has flown after my journey in high school is something I wish I was ready for. Funny how we're so attached to a moment from the past (e.g. graduation) that everytime we remember it, there's this bubble of thoughts appearing in our heads with the line “it felt like yesterday” and it feels so bittersweet. If there's one thing I can teach the other generations, it is to always appreciate each moment while it lasts. After all, moments will become memories that will forever be stuck in our head so might as well enjoy your high school life and make good memories out of it.
8. We are all temporary in everyone else's lives and that's normal. It feels relieving when you realize that each person that we meet has a temporary role in our lives. We are bound to lose connection with someone whom we thought will never leave us, we're bound to cut ties with people who are not good for us, and we're bound to be left behind or leave not because we want to but because we just crossed paths with each other, we aren't really travelling the same path not as what we thought we are. Learn how to appreciate someone's presence and learn how to accept someone's absence.
9. Do not drown yourself in the thought that internet validation is important. It is definitely okay to dump the idea that you're living in the wrong generation if you think likes/reactions, comments and shares are not important. Most people today still haven't come to realize that the internet has not just open-sourced information, it has also open-sourced insecurity, self-doubt, and shame. And we have to open our minds about it. Life is happier the moment you realize that you should not give a damn about what other people think of your posts.
10. Do not jump on hate trends in social media just because it's in. Cancel culture has made a noise in the internet this year and suddenly everyone are bragging their freedom of speech because they are jumping on the bandwagon (or should I say, we're? 😂) But one thing I do learned from all the hate trends is to be discerning. This is the best time you can practice cherry-picking and only utter a word when you think you really need to or when you think it is appropriate to do so. Just as Taylor Swift said, “You just need to take several seats and then try to restore the peace and control your urges to scream about all the people you hate”.
11. Being attached to someone does not mean you're into that person. Attachment is way too different than love and even infatuation. It needs not to be stereotyped. Sometimes all you have to do is to give yourself the benefit of the doubt about how you feel and you will realize the true value of a person to you.
12. The hardest struggle in life that we can ever experience is something that is related with our family. Indeed home is where the heart is. Family is our major source of inspiration and it can also be our major source of distraction whenever there are unforeseen circumstances going on. And I think dealing with those circumstances is the hardest struggle to face because there will always be a pain in your chest wherever you go that is inevitable. The pain that lies deep within you but bleeds through the surface of your body that you can't hide.
13. College is way too different than high school and you should be ready for it. Of course, culture shock will always be there the moment you enter college. You will start comparing high school and college in every single details, you will randomly reminisce high school memories while walking in the hallway and you will remember how easy passing the exams and getting high grades back then. In my first semester in college, I've learned that you will never survive if you are ill-spirited, proscrastinator, lazy and weak student. I've learned that college is survival and in survival, you should not come with unnecessary gears. I'm sorry Taylor Swift but in college, you should not bring a knife to a gun fight.😃
14. It's okay to have few friends atleast they are real. Making friends is hard and no one can convince me otherwise. People's intentions to you are confusing nowadays and it's hard to trust another set of new people. I've realized that the amount of friends has nothing to do about how you enjoy your life. What's important is that you have friends who are honest as the day is long.
15. Listen more, say less. This year I've learned the value of lending ears to those who are in need of it and even to situations that require much understanding before saying an opinion to avoid any conflict.  Do not be easily carried away by your emotions to the extent that you're no longer thinking if what you are going to say is appropriate to the situation. On the other hand, there are times that people who are venting out their problems do not need any piece of advice, what they need is someone who is understanding enough to spend time listening to their rants.
16. Things that are gonna make your life more interesting are things that you should say yes to. — Taylor Swift
Progress doesn't come in the blink of an eye. You need to challenge yourself to do new things in order to make a progress. It is even more okay to step out of your comfort zone sometimes in order to grow. Life will be more interesting when you accept challenges with conviction.
17. Follow accounts on social media who are good for your mental health. Do yourself a favor and start unfollowing accounts that triggers your anxiety, insecurity and self-doubt. Your feed should only contain things that motivates you and people that inspires you to be like them. It should not be a place to start who-did-it-better or who's-best-at-life competitions.
18. Acceptance takes time. I have learned that it is okay to still question things that happened to you 6 years ago. It's okay to still cry everytime it pops up in your head, it's okay if you are not a hundred percent healed and it's okay to have a mind with not enough understanding about the situations that you've been to even if it happened a long time ago. God put you there for a reason. You have to keep in mind that acceptance has no definitive time frame. Healing doesn't wait for you to be ready for it. It will just happen.
19. Procrastination can ruin your goals in life.
There will be no further explanation, there will just be procrastination. 😎
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sagebodisattva · 6 years
Open Individualism and the Platypus
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So let's talk a little about open individualism, the view in the philosophy of personal identity, according to which there exists only one numerically identical subject, which is everyone at all times. I'm sure that this idea doesn't sit well with the majority of you, as I'm sure most of you like to fancy yourself a special little snowflake; a unique outstanding individual who is markedly different then everyone else. This would constitute the definition of individuality, would it not? Well, let's look at it. Because it's this type of thinking that has the world divided in a major way.
We look at other people and judge them for their conditions, but this assumes that their conditions are unquestionably below, or beyond us, that somehow, because we are on a different path, that we are in a superior position; a position that is holier then thou. Now I say "condition" instead of karma, because karma is a term that comes with a load of connotations, but really, that's all really karma means: a current condition. And yeah, a condition can change based on many factors, like actions, thoughts, and intentions, which will potentially bring varying results. Causes that bring effects that result in a condition. Karma is a distinction specialized to highlight the condition of sentient creatures specifically, which is why the term was coined, rather then just using a word like condition. Like we wouldn't speak about an object's karma because, even though an object does have a condition, it can't make choices to influence it's condition.
But I bring up karma, because people toss it around so often, and recklessly, even going so far as to act like they are some kind of karma police or something. You hear and read these things all the time on the internet, with statements like:
“Karma's a bitch!”
“Yeah, fuck with me and karma is gonna kick your ass three times over!”
“Yeah, he got what he deserved, karma caught up with him!”
Can we please stop with this nonsense already? Karma isn't some punishing judgmental force that roams around the planet doling out discipline. And who are you to be speaking like some representative of karma who can warn people on it's behalf? As if you are some close friend of karma, which will make it especially pissed off, if someone out there dares to mess with you. Would you stop it? Karma is a condition, not some metaphysical weapon to wish upon someone.
There's that vindicate merciless judge, so eager to assign sentences and carry out executions. And now, able to send the karma thug to torture you in the name of justice.
“Yeah, karma's a bitch, then you die!”
Once again, we only say these things because we assume a separation. We like the “us and them”, paradigm, and engage in otherization as often as we can. But what if the person that you assume is an “other”, was really just another version of yourself? Then what? Oh my goodness, perish the thought.
“Oh no, that just can't be. I'm six feet tall. I have an IQ of 115. I am of English descent. I am a male. I am a republican. I am Catholic. I am upper class. I am an exclusive member of the secret society Brotherhood of the Enlightened Platypus!”
You might agree that this kind of arrogance is ridiculous to hang a hat on, but it's even doubly more ridiculous considering all of these types of identifications are patently false.
“How's that?”
That's right. These types of identifications are a steaming pile of platypus shit.
“Oh but what do you mean? Are you saying that I'm not a tall, smart, high class catholic, republican English male that's part of the platypus society? ha ha ha.”
That's right. That's exactly what I am saying. In all actuality, you are none of those things. These are little identification teats for little non-existent suckling piglets. And what makes it triply worse, and often inspires the urge to vomit all over the computer screen, is all these bickering stalwarts, engaging in venomous discourse over mundane illusory identifications. And you know what I'm talking about; as most of you listening to the sound of my voice right now, are engaged in some type of superficial attribute mongering. Whether it be along the lines of gender, sexuality, race, religion, politics, or class may vary, but one way or another, you are in some sort of camp. A camp with an erected flag. And so, no, you are not neutral. You are not unbiased. Hence, you are un-objective.
But you have opinions and express them with an impassioned obsessive fervor! And oh what beautiful farts they are! Such a vile stink; it’s grotesquely curious, yet wretchedly repulsive. The cold cruel savagely ferocious need to personify a perceived enemy, and attack them, is unparalleled. And drama, aggression, pawnage, and condemnations, quickly follow. Yeah. You all go ahead and claw each other's eyes out, I'll be sitting at ringside with popcorn. Good luck with that and lemme know how that works out for you. Much ado about nothing.
But with a little compassion, and a birds eye view perspective, you would see how any person’s life or experience, could be your own life or experience, and that the only real difference is circumstance. You can only look at someone else's life and confidently assess it, (and make bold claims about what they should do, or what you would have done, or what you would never do,) because you are doing so from your own biased snapshot. It's not accurate and it's not helpful. You can't honestly look at someone else's life, like say a serial killer, and say you'd never do that, because you are not them; you don't know their experience, you don't know their circumstances, and you don't know their path.
Same goes with bigoted presuppositions. It's ironic that many of the same people, who dig the idea that they are distinguished in their identity, also, at the same time, have the tendency to generalize entire groups of people that are deemed to be "other", and make wide sweeping generalizations based on inductive reasoning.
Oh, but it's not bigoted if it's true, right?
Bullshit. More then likely you live in a bubble.
Being from New York City myself, I can personally attest that stereotypes are false, but often appear true; not because of innate qualities, but merely because of pack mentality. Sheep herd together, and are conditioned to want to belong to the group, and hence, copy and emulate patterns, behaviors, and memes of the herd. Monkey see, monkey do. But when you get into the larger cities, where people are more sophisticated, you have more cases of so called “different people “, who all live and interact with each other, and this is where people can start to break free from their cultural bubbles and define themselves as individuals.
I know this gonna come as a complete shock to some of you, but not all Irishmen are alcoholics. Not all Asians are good at math. Some whites can dance really well. Some blacks are intellectuals. Not all Jews worship money. Not all Muslims are terrorists. Not all Mexicans are illegal.
There's only one generalization that is absolutely true: people that generalize other people are assholes.
This is why you have so many people out there that are so eager and enthusiastic to judge other people, and want to assert that superficial aspects of a classified type are indicative of some kind of fixed inner nature of being. This is the basis of contemporary bigotry and discrimination. And it's a giant lie. You are not a gender. You are not a sexuality. You are not a race. You are not a religion. You are not a person, or a human. These are all equally false identifications of illusion. And investing into them is delusion. You are awareness. And so is he, so is she, so is the he/she, so are they, so are you, so are us, and so are them. You are that which is imagining a dream; you are not any of the inventory items within a dream.
This is water. This is a good metaphor for pure potentiality, the essence of what we are. We are the same. Undivided. Non-separate. We are one. So then what is the problem? The problem starts with: this is a man, this is a woman, this is a black person, this is a white person, and this is a transsexual person. This is a platypus. Oh wow. My my, look at all these different people. This one is different then that one, and that one is better then this one. This one would never do what that one does, and that one is superior to all the other ones. Oh really. And then what does death reveal? Here's the man. Here's the woman. Here's the black. Here's the white. Here's the transsexual. Here's the platypus. Wow, yeah, you sure are different and special. You sure are distinguished from all the others.
Can you now see how complete and utter nonsense all this is?
One of the hallmarks of being deeply in delusion, is the inability to see beyond the surface of things. Pure awareness is the true self, and is what unifies all sentience. It is the selfhood that is identical within all sentience. And this is why open individualism is already the case, not a theory.
Empty individualism, the view that personal identities correspond to a fixed pattern that instantaneously disappears with the passage of time, is false, because awareness is not ultimately bound to a fixed pattern, there's no such thing as time, and the essence of our being does not vanish upon death. Only a form undergoes a change. Pure potentiality is always so.
And the same goes for closed individualism, the common view that personal identities are particular to subjects, and yet survive time. It might be said that a particular identity might be associated with a particular form, but no manifested appearance is permanent, and so has no way to survive non-existent time.
The fundamental experiencer is never erased. It is the "I" in all of us. Experiences come and go, but not the "I" that receives all experiences. The "I" recognizes all as reflections of self. Within us all, is identical selfhood, preceding the bag of meat, and the personified characterization. The "I" that is aware of all phenomena, including the persona. That, which is before being, and all comings and goings.
“I", am that.
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