#like. id like to talk about this stuff and actually have a genuine conversation on this without like
sheepgirlmaidtummy · 3 months
for an extremely long time i couldn't get into fantasy as a genre because its so very racist and i wish i could say that its different now but. if anything its just easier to see than before
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
It's wild seeing how much disdain people have for Ian Flynn like my only beef with him is that he doesn't like dark sonic other than that he's okie 👍 yet some people are reaaaaaaaally reaching saying how he tarnished this series like that was a different Archie writer not Flynn lol
i dont care if people like ian flynn or not, or if they like the comics or not, i can think of some parts of both archie and idw that i dont really like, some of which ian flynn was responsible for. and also my opinions and taste in media are not universal. so people disliking idw sonic or ian flynns writing and criticizing it is fine. my problem is when people who clearly hate the comic and arent even having fun hatereading it just keep reading it and never shut up about it and find the tiniest things to get unreasonably mad over (like the art style being too cute or amy being strong or funny expressions being used or song lyric references in the dialogue. yes those are actual examples), flood the idw sonic tags with these kinds of posts, act like anyone who likes idw sonic and is tired of hearing from these types of people just has bad taste and cant handle hearing other peoples opinions (if anything the kinds of people im complaining about are the ones who cant handle hearing other peoples opinions), or they criticize the writers and artists in a way thats genuinely hateful like the person saying they hope ian flynn dies or whatever. like please just calm down and read something else
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why are autistics without intellectual disability so quick to distance themselves from those who do?
*unbolded version under the cut*
i see this most often in autistics who are (labeled) level 1/"high functioning"/"aspie" (yes i know the three don't always equal one another yes i know hans asperger nazi). this of course happens with all autistics without intellectual disability (ID) but see most with them.
this is largely rhetorical question.
see so many autistics without ID say things like "i'm autistic not STUPID" and get so offended when someone even imply or genuinely ask if they have ID.
"i'm autistic not [r word]," "i'm autistic but not like those kinds of autistic." all implying they're the "good" kind of autistic that deserve respect and rights and there is group of autistic who are "bad" (read: not palatable enough) who should be bullied and denied rights and locked away and mocked. often these are autistics with ID and autistics who are visibly stereotypically autistic who don't have ability to mask.
understand wanting to correct someone when they think wrong information of you, like you thought i have ID but i actually don't, just like you thought i have depression but i actually don't (just example not personal about me). but often when these autistics say "i'm autistic not STUPID" and variants, they often mean more than that. some autistic people without ID get so offended when people think they have ID. so offended at the idea of being associated with ID. like "how DARE you assume i have ID and are like those people."
so quick to separate self from people with ID. like they have the plague or something.
or. sometimes see autistics without ID talk about an autistic person with ID. talk about an "ugly" (unaccepted, not cute symptom) symptom and say "oh that's not the autism that's ID. autistics don't do that." and act as if there is a clear beginning and end to where the autism ends and where the ID begins. there is not.
or when autistic with ID gets mentioned. everyone focus on the autism and not the ID. or think they can speak about said autistic person with ID's experience just because they themselves are also autistic even though they don't have ID.
or "actually many autistic people have above average intelligence!" which is objectively true but 9/10 times this gets brought up to derail the conversation. yes many autistic people have high IQ (online autism space oversaturated with them), but what is left out is there is nothing wrong with having average IQ or low IQ/intellectual disability.
or. when bring up people w ID and/or autistics with ID, will say "IQ is a inaccurate/racist/colonial/ableist measure" and stuff like that. which is objectively also true! or "don't say you're stupid, you're actually very smart, there are many types of intelligence!" but the issue is when you are bringing these topics up. because yes IQ bad measure, intelligence subjective, BUT ALSO current society have specific types of intelligence they value (and this cannot be denied no matter how much you derail the conversation), AND there is nothing wrong with being "not smart" "stupid" "dumb" "unintelligent" etc. there is nothing wrong with having ID. admit that. why are you (general you) having such a hard time admitting that, to the point you will say everything else before admitting to that?
or say "[r word] is slur towards autistic people so i as an autistic person (without ID) are allowed to reclaim it." when no. r word is not slur towards autistic people. just because it has been used against you doesn't mean it means you. r word is an outdated medical term for intellectual disability, aka mental [r word]. not yours.
many many microaggressions (and macro aggressions tbh too)
autistics with ID are one of the more marginalized more vulnerable autistic population, more likely to be in bad conservatorship, more vulnerable to all kinds of abuse, less autonomy, no privacy, seen as completely incompetent, etc. particularly many have carers and are expected to fully trust and be completely vulnerable to other people and have no personal time no privacy.
autistics with intellectual disability are still autistic. they're not going anywhere.
i say this is rhetorical question because largely know why autistics without ID do this. especially level 1/"high functioning"/"aspie." because think are closest population to nondisabled neurotypical society, on the edge of nondisabled neurotypical society, expected to function well but do not. just "normal-looking" enough to be let in but not normal enough to be truly included, to thrive. many trouble. many trauma. and intelligence is one of the few things many feel proud to have feel positive to have. even feel superior to have. so have internalized ableism towards self but also internalized ableism towards intelligence.
BUT. your trauma or autism still don't justify your ableism. you are still responsible of educating self about ID and unpack ableism about intelligence and ID.
your trauma or autism doesn't justify your ableism you're just ableist
i see this most often in autistics who are (labeled) level 1/"high functioning"/"aspie" (yes i know the three don't always equal one another yes i know hans asperger nazi). this of course happens with all autistics without intellectual disability (ID) but see most with them.
this is largely rhetorical question.
see so many autistics without ID say things like "i'm autistic not STUPID" and get so offended when someone even imply or genuinely ask if they have ID.
"i'm autistic not [r word]," "i'm autistic but not like those kinds of autistic." all implying they're the "good" kind of autistic that deserve respect and rights and there is group of autistic who are "bad" (read: not palatable enough) who should be bullied and denied rights and locked away and mocked. often these are autistics with ID and autistics who are visibly stereotypically autistic who don't have ability to mask.
understand wanting to correct someone when they think wrong information of you, like you thought i have ID but i actually don't, just like you thought i have depression but i actually don't. but often when these autistics say "i'm autistic not STUPID" and variants, they often mean more than that. some autistic people without ID get so offended when people think they have ID. so offended at the idea of being associated with ID. like "how DARE you assume i have ID and are like those people."
so quick to separate self from people with ID. like they have the plague or something.
or. sometimes see autistics without ID talk about an autistic person with ID. talk about an "ugly" (unaccepted, not cute symptom) symptom and say "oh that's not the autism that's ID. autistics don't do that." and act as if there is a clear beginning and end to where the autism ends and where the ID begins. there is not.
or when autistic with ID gets mentioned. everyone focus on the autism and not the ID. or think they can speak about said autistic person with ID's experience just because they themselves are also autistic even though they don't have ID.
or "actually many autistic people have above average intelligence!" which is objectively true but 9/10 times this gets brought up to derail the conversation. yes many autistic people have high IQ (online autism space oversaturated with them), but what is left out is there is nothing wrong with having average IQ or low IQ/intellectual disability.
or. when bring up people w ID and/or autistics with ID, will say "IQ is a inaccurate/racist/colonial/ableist measure" and stuff like that. which is objectively also true! or "don't say you're stupid, you're actually very smart, there are many types of intelligence!" but the issue is when you are bringing these topics up. because yes IQ bad measure, intelligence subjective, BUT ALSO current society have specific types of intelligence they value (and this cannot be denied no matter how much you derail the conversation), AND there is nothing wrong with being "not smart" "stupid" "dumb" "unintelligent" etc. there is nothing wrong with having ID. admit that. why are you (general you) having such a hard time admitting that, to the point you will say everything else before admitting to that?
or say "[r word] is slur towards autistic people so i as an autistic person (without ID) are allowed to reclaim it." when no. r word is not slur towards autistic people. just because it has been used against you doesn't mean it means you. r word is an outdated medical term for intellectual disability, aka mental [r word]. not yours.
many many microaggressions (and macro aggressions tbh too)
autistics with ID are one of the more marginalized more vulnerable autistic population, more likely to be in conservatorship, more vulnerable to all kinds of abuse, less autonomy, no privacy, seen as completely incompetent, etc. particularly many have carers and are expected to fully trust and be completely vulnerable to other people and have no personal time no privacy.
autistics with intellectual disability are still autistic. they're not going anywhere.
i say this is rhetorical question because largely know why autistics without ID do this. especially level 1/"high functioning"/"aspie." because think are closest population to nondisabled neurotypical society, on the edge of nondisabled neurotypical society, expected to function well but do not. just "normal-looking" enough to be let in but not normal enough to be truly included, to thrive. many trouble. many trauma. and intelligence is one of the few things many feel proud to have feel positive to have. even feel superior to have. so have internalized ableism towards self but also internalized ableism towards intelligence.
BUT. your trauma or autism still don't justify your ableism. you are still responsible of educating self about ID and unpack ableism about intelligence and ID.
your trauma or autism doesn't justify your ableism you're just ableist
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p41nkillers · 2 months
marshscott dialogue (1/???)
content: nathans working on trust issues
kate: ive never…like had any… uhh- *clears throat* lets just say…that im 'inexperienced' and youre my ‘first’ guy. ive always been distant myself around boys…my parents... they would be angry and disappointed if they knew about us…because they want me to be doing this sort of stuff when im actually married *small sigh*
nathan: so youve been savin’ yourself for marriage this whole time? yeah, that makes sense.. so why did u agree to stick around with me if you knew that being with me is kinda 'sinful' and it will only make it worse? i dont understan-
kate: w-well...! i believe that...m-maybe we both gonna work this out and we eventually- *stop talking for awhile* nathan...why do u wanna be with me though? im a religious freak, and youre an atheist… is there any reason?
nathan: *shrug* i just think you were fun to hangout with…*chuckle softly* maybe i like to experience myself with someone whos actually different from me. Theres something about you that i really like alright? Wby? What do u even see in me?
kate: mhm... youve got unique personalities... sure you can be a bit freaky sometimes but i tend to be the freakiest too so we're even *giggle* youre also look so gentle and charming when youre not being such a jerk to me... its like im talking to a different person..
nathan: maybe you should get your eyes checked then...still, that doesnt make any fucking sense right? i mean why the hell would u go this far with me? i just wanna make sure that you werent after me for a damn money alright?
kate: good God nathan no! of course not! im not like those gold diggers youve been slept with! i-i swear okay..? believe me.. i-i mean yeah sure youre rich, you have everything but that's not the reason i-
nathan: the only reason you stuck with me cuz' im just a dumb jock whos nothing but a spoiled little rich kid, just like those stupid bimbos who used me for money. youre probably just using me too right?
kate: *sigh* you right, youre such a dumb jock. cant u see that im being genuine this whole time? if you werent rich, id still want to be with u okay?? maybe i'd like you even more, so i wouldnt have to worry about you chasing me like im some kind of prey… treating me like one of your trophy collections...
nathan: you know what? maybe i should just go fuck around with other whore out there who is way more experienced than you tho youre all just the same, just wanting me for cash because thats what girls like you always do; an attention-starved whore who begged herself like a fucking dog in a heat
kate: at least i still have some goddamn self-respect but you know what? maybe you should just be GAY instead because you sound like misogynist at this point. maybe i am clingy; its one of those female traits you just have to deal with it but you cant you know why?? because youre the most sexist guy ive ever met! and goodluck finding another dumb ho who can put up with your bullshit! *walk away*
note: i want them to at least hv a proper conversation afterward but i hv no idea how to make it happen its a bit stretch to do so i just gave up lol
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drawbauchery · 5 months
Member of kin communities coming in bc of all the kin talk!
Fictives are system alters (DID, OSDD) that are based on fictional characters. While they hang out in kin spaces they are a VERY different thing!!
Kinning can range from casual relating to a character to believing you were that character in a past life (though the other range takes a bit longer to explain. Tldr multiverse theory). The "I am the only X and am them incarnate no doubles." type stuff and drama associated has essentially died off bc people learned to be normal and recognize that billions of people exist in the world. Its still around ofc but significantly quieter and easy to avoid.
Beliving one is genuinely a character right here right now is often Delusional Attachments, typically a form of psychosis. Or it could also be just a deep strong attachment as a escapist coping mechanism as most teens need at that age. Depends on the person.
Blah blah blah Kinnies are pretty normal now. Id assume izuru kins just wanna see your rendition of him bc you draw everyone so well. I kin him as well and Id love to see you draw him a time or two but Im not one to rly ask for that kinda stuff especially when others keep pestering.
Hope this is okay, saw a severe lack of actual kin folk weighing in on the conversation so thought my input could help. Keep up the good art and au <3
nnrghh i'll draw him eventually, i appreciate you not wanting to be a bother about it (you're not, but it's still sweet you thought of that). it might not be anything special though 8'D anyway i'm glad people have calmed down about the topic, it's cool to read about the shift from someone who was there. you know the shit i'm talking about ngndsnjkfd i still get weary and distance myself from all of it because tumblr drama simply embeds itself into your brain like a parasite and you never forget it
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sunflowersolace · 2 months
i feel like we as a fandom tend to either over uwuify klapollo or over stoicify them and this is by no means a real character analysis or genuine conversation because it is 4am for me and i’m not very good at articulating myself i don’t actually care that much i’m in fandom spaces i’m used to mischaracterising bullshit but
why does it seem to be the only options are “apollo is an actual child and klavier is sexy and suave” or “apollo doesn’t experience emotions and klavier is a cringefail babygirl”. like genuinely can they not both be people.
i feel like a lot of the infantilisng apollo stuff is partially the usual fandom short man = yaoi bottom shit but i’m not gonna sit here and pretend it isn’t also bc of the transmasc apollo headcanon. like it can’t be a coincidence that the most infantilised grown man in the game is also the one that’s most widely headcanoned as ftm. like it feels like a lot of it is your typical uwu short trans uke baby x big strong suave tall hot cis seme and i’m used to that but man it sucks to see people making weird shit about Flustered Virgin apollo getting his first ever kiss from Playboy klavier and. y’all know he’s 25 right? not 15?
there’s also the other side of things where people make klavier into this cringefail babygirl boyfailure who’s hopelessly in love with apollo and spends every waking moment thinking about apollo and can’t do anything without relating it to apollo and apollo just fucking does not like him. and that’s almost worse because at least the first kind of mischaracterisation still feels like a ship. why are we pretending apollo doesn’t care about klavier. he doesn’t like his boy band music but it’s not personal. he still likes klavier.
and then there’s the ones who take one half of the mischaracterising and applies it to both characters. apollo is an uwu baby and klavier is a soyboy and they can’t spend a second apart because they’re so in love. OR they’re both robots who might as well not even be dating with how little they speak to each other.
y’all know you can make them act normal, right? they can be in love with each other and silly about it and also be serious characters? apollo is a dork ass who cracks jokes and is bitchy but he’s also a genuinely smart guy like he’s a lawyer he’s a politician he’s helping rebuild a whole country’s legal system from the ground up and he’s still a bitch and a loser. klavier is ALSO a bitch and a loser and a smart guy. he’s kind, but he’s not a wimp. he’s bitchy but he’s not insufferable. he’s passionate about music and law and everything he talks about. and he says corny shit and openly flirts with apollo but he’s also a damn good prosecutor and id argue he’s the only one who actually understands his job without the defense having to Fix Him tm. and they can both love each other and be all these things.
for a lot of y’all there’s only two options: klavier has trauma (excruciating) (all encompassing) or klavier is silly :3. and like. he can do both. you can acknowledge his trauma and also acknowledge he’s a dumbass who air guitars during court. human beings are multifaceted and fictional characters should reflect that. you gotta make the people you’re writing feel like people yes even the japanese visual novel people.
back to the living each other thing. klavier can openly flirt with apollo and also actually like him. apollo can ignore klavier’s first flirts and still actually like him. maybe he doesn’t wanna get it with the brother of his murderous boss while investigating a crime scene i think that’s reasonable of him. but he also clearly likes and cares about klavier as a person (“i have to pull the darkness out of him” or whatever he says) so just because he didn’t immediately throw himself at klavier the second he hit him with the never felt this way with a man doesn’t mean he’s annoyed by klavier’s flirting it just means it wasn’t the right time. apollo can hate the gavineers shitty music and still love the man who sung it. he can think klavier’s office is ugly and still love him. i don’t love every single thing about the people i love but i still love them. if my qpp made a dog shit song i hated i would tell him bc he and i understand each other.
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blue-jisungs · 11 months
5k followers event !
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CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?? BC I CANR 😍 we hit 5k!!!! thank you all so so much from the bottom of my heart, i cannot fully express how thankful i am 🥹 it doesn’t matter if you’re new here or been there since the begging (well technically it does, you’re an OG!!! love u<;3), as someone once said: it doesnt matter whom you have known the longest, it’s about who came and stayed till the end (or something like that lol)
so to celebrate i decided to make a lil poll and txt won the voting! combining my first ever band that waltzed into my heart and stayed there (5sos) with one of the latest ones (txt) seemed like a fun idea! now, if i could i’d write it in a completely different way but my attention span isn’t the greatest + i have a couple of different projects going on (such as the july jam session which was inspired by it btw lol), so here’s how it looks: each member has a piece written (~1k words each) connected to a certain song from an album! i know, i know there’s no sgfg but i couldn’t match anything <\3 and i was having such a hard time bc i am biased, okay? i love youngblood and 5sos5 and it was SO HARD TO PICK A ONE SONG?!
okay i need to stop talking so much. anyways, here’s the masterlist that will be updated! (did u see what i did here? i put them in the order of release just like the way i’ll post my fics–)
good girls ,, huening kai — 2/07
the only reason ,, yeonjun — 4/07
better man ,, beomgyu — 7/07
best years ,, soobin — 10/07
HAZE ,, taehyun — 12/07
again. thank you so so much! i wouldn’t be here if not you!! :( i’d like to thank my moots, my beloved friends i’ve made on here. now bare w me bc why does it feel like i’m leaving or something 💔 i just love n appreciate you so much but, here we go:
thank you ola, my mother ☝️ (@l3visbby) for correcting my works even when i didn’t ask you to :( you’re always there to hear my rambling (literally) and you’re the grammar police muahaha also a big big inspo, i’m genuinely grateful that you’re here, bearing n somehow managing my bullshit
ZANNA! @slytherinshua, my loveliest friend, an angel, felix in disguise, biggest joshua and dk stan e v e r!!! what id do without you…? probably die (not to be dramatic 🙄). you’re such a inspiration and good person to be around, i love your reblogs and conversations with you! you never fail to me make me smile and it’s always a fun time screaming abt taehyun together <3 you’ve been with me since… what, like… forever!! (almosr a year actually i still can’t believe it) and i’m so happy that we met <3
KIMCHI!!! 김치 LIKE THE KOREAN DISH!!! KIMCHI LIKE NY BELOVED FRIEND @planetkiimchi!!!!!! you’re so sweet. like, always. thank you for introducing me to nct LMAO but in general, i love texting with you :( you’re so funny and always being such a positive vibe!!! not to mention your writing, it’s genuinely so amazing?? i still remeber the chan piece you sent to me before posting, it made me so emotional AND IF THAT DOESNT SPEAK VOLIMES THEN I DUNNO⁉️ thank you for popping in my inbox n making me smile so much <3
speaking of inbox @lipedaisy i’m looking at you 🫵 debs, you’re so so lovely :( i uh, tend to forget about things, ahaha! so when you pop in n say simple stuff like drink water i feel like… well, you’re a life saver lol! you’re always so kind and bring positive energy, i love chit chatting with you (even if i forget to reply💔).
i hope you won’t be mad i mention you in one paragraph but it’s only because it applies to you all!!! @fairyhaos ,, @mirxzii ,, @rubywonu ,, @etherealyoungk ,, @delcakoo ,, @crxzs and @enluv you inspire me so so much!!! not only you’re the loveliest and funniest people i’ve met but i love your writing!! i know i don’t reblog that much but i write more than i read <\3 but you have amazing talent, your works are always beautifully written. nia, roxie, skye, yena, ema, angie, coco you deserve all the happiness in the world and i’m so grateful we’re friends (even though i’m a dry n late replier sometimes <3)
and to my other moots — @yeonscity-main ,, @sieunsgf ,, @malarign ,, @ddeonudepressions ,, @pnkvernon ,, @wqnwoos ,, @wheeboo ,, @ylliris-hanniehae ,, @icyminghao : thank you for being here!! even if we met only a couple days ago… you make me so happy, i love interacting with you n talking abt goofy stuff, you understand me so well and we get along so smoothly it’s making a lil heart really happy :( you make tumblr feel more like home <3
and to readers (if you made it to the end, wow. like, seriously. i personally wouldn’t 🏃‍♀️💨 so, thank you <3), my babies precious gems angels cuties patooties!! thank you so so much for supporting me and my work! i know i complain abt empty reblogs but it’s only bc they motivate me more lol!! i am truly grateful n blessed to have you, even ghost readers (i see you🫵)! without you, rhis blog wouldn’t exist today >_<
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capcavan · 7 months
okay anon from that one ask you reblogged i think i might have worded that a little wrong. its less about prettying him up or making fun content of him and more of a lot of people with few select exceptions either ignoring riko as a character because hes a bad person (majority) or ignoring rikos actions (which i have seen, though not often at all). i personally love your riko content, youre like one of the only people in the aftg fandom not afraid to do anything with him and explore his character. and this is not an attack on you or how you see riko but i wish more people took the time to analyze him. i have so many thoughts about riko that i’m afraid to say in case of backlash, but i really wish there was more content only how other people see him too. i mean i get it hes a bad person and people dont like him but hes also a character. he isnt real riko moriyama will not jump you if you talk about him. sorry if that doesnt make sense when i sent that ask it was not about you at all
hi! please do not take my messages as some attempt at discourse i just believe that topics like this should not be left vague because different people put different amount of attachment to details [me for example due to my history in this fandom i do get pretty sensitive when vague things are said this way so i might have taken the general conversation personally but hey i am defensive of my little menace! someone has to! ] I'm glad you enjoy my stuff! > i have so many thoughts about riko that i’m afraid to say in case of backlash Feel free to spam my inbox or i can add you on discord dm? i love talking about the lil bitch!!!! >or ignoring riko's actions (which i have seen, though not often at all) see this is the thing i am interested in because i OBSESSIVELY follow riko content , i spend DAYS brushing riko moriyama tag and digging up bunch of old abandoned blogs and i just never saw someone make claims like this! (id know i woudl def try to make friend with them lmao) I'm sorry if my approach to this case is dismissive maybe i really missed it but it kind of just feels like generalization of people saying ,, he did nothing wrong" as a meme , nobody who can read would actually genuinely believe this But please let me just say up front - i like talking about things and having discussion its not argument drama or discourse okay? no hard feelings anywhere , i really really am happy to be proved wrong (bc this means there is riko content somewhere out there i had not found yet GIVE ME )
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sophieinwonderland · 10 months
im confused about personal plurality, feel free to ignore. for a while now ive wanted imaginary friends (although they are all characters in media) out of- i guess- lonliness? not the best reason, i know, but its lead me down a rabbit hole of researching plurality and whatnot. i know i dont have alters or switches or anything, if i try to call out unprompted i get no response. for some reason im so fixated and almost really wishing i had alters to talk to and experience things with, but i dont. the closest i can get to that is imaginary friends, but they feel puppeted, for lack of better words, and arent autonomous. i really want to make myself belief they are, and in a way i think they want to as well, but i have a feeling thats my brain telling me that, aka not an indication of anything.
if talking about my experiences help at all, for a while i went through a process of mimicking systems, aka having the imaginary friends speak to me in thoughts, but it was all voluntary and scripted. a while later i tried a different method of mentally visualizing these imaginary friends in the same room as me, and sometimes theyd "share" my body, and id pretty much only be the one in control, and theyd just talk to me. again, its not switching or anything, i dont have sudden memory gaps, although my memory of stuff is consistently foggy, ranging from earlier that day to multiple years ago- kinda maybe about a 35% chance ill forget something every time, and the number climbs the longer its been.
with the imaginary friends themselves, its a rough explaination. again, they come from any fictional media i fixate on, but my fixations change nearly weekly, so its never consistent with who it is. i am a copinglinker who links witb these fixations as well, so its a 50/50 of if i want to personally identify as the character, or if they are an imaginary friend. again, conversation is prompted and feels very short, because i think in the back of my mind i know im directing the entire conversation, instead of talking to a seperate person. i want to believe so bad the conversations and opinions are real, but i dont think they are. whenever i ask them if they think theyre autonomous, its either "i dont know" to "yeah, why?" but i feel those answers are fabricated to. i dont know, maybe i just sort through thoughts through characters.
sorry, im rambling. i dont know if this is the right place to go, ans im genuinely hoping none of this is offensive. again, im 99.9% sure im not plural, but i feel /something/ in the back of my mind if i focus hard enough, but then again, it might be confirmation bias or something, i donr know.
if you have any thoughts or advice, please share. this has been plaguing me for nearly a year now and im not sure what to do with the information or how to interpret it. thank you.
Are your imaginary friends actually puppeted, or do they just feel puppeted? Because these aren't the same things.
In tulpamancy, there exists what's known as parroting, where you consciously talk for your tulpa and control their speech. Conversely, there's parrotnoia. This is the fear that you're controlling your headmate even when you aren't.
But if you aren't consciously doing it, it's not parroting.
If you haven't yet, you should check out my article on how to know if your imaginary friend is sentient:
I'll also add that switches feel differently for different systems. For us, it's often like something external is entering the body. But to some systems, it can feel like you're becoming somebody else.
Switching also doesn't usually have amnesia unless you have DID. (Although, if you do have DID, it can be hard to recognize if you have amnesia because... you know... you forget. But don't worry about that right now.)
But it's also normal for some systems to only partially switch, co-front, or just be co-conscious.
If you want them to be more real and developed though, I'd recommend sticking with a few over time. Cycling between proto-headmates every couple weeks means none will get the full development they deserve.
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2bu · 6 months
yknow years after the whole rcdart's nonsense i wish we could have a genuine conversation about what was GENUINELY the crux of the issues with their art and not continue to peddle the "calarts style" as an argument (a term which was yknow coined by a jealous deadbeat pedophile) when speaking about rcdart and their work.
like, trying to insult not only their art but calarts (notoriously difficult to get into and has churned out some stellar artists) ignores the actual issues with it besides "ugly".
thankfully, like, a lot of bloggers and people in general DID speak about the genuine issues of racist caricatures/stereotypes, which was the main issue for myself as someone who'd been a loyal follower of rcdart and was inspired by them when i was still a pretty young teenager - young adult. what's unfortunate was that like... rcdart wasn't a bad artist by no means - a lot of their work that wasn't stylized/cartoony was genuinely like... really good.
and they used to portray black people and brown people fairly well, fairly decently (i have some of their old work saved from years ago that was inspiring to me at the time - one of them to note was a sketch they'd done of a black femme classmate - clearly stylized but not... racist or anything). like. they knew and know how to draw bipoc, but their choices in /what/ they exaggerated just ruined sooooo much of their artwork lmfao.
as for the fetishization debacle and representation of trans people... i'm still a little iffy on it? correct me if im wrong but last i did check, they were transmasc leaning + afab...? as someone who ids as transmasc and is a large dude with a large bust, i personally never fully minded the drawings of captain america or anything. was nice to see him look a lil bit like me, even if a lot of how he was portrayed wasn't... all that appealing/silly. i can't and won't speak to any potential transmisogyny, but if anyone's got more insight on that pleaseeeee let me know! in general i think if you know something i might've forgotten or left out pls lemme know. im mostly just thinking out loud here and remembering how... talked about that stuff was. maybe ill look into old posts.
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courtofmatchups · 12 days
Hihi! I'm so sorry Tumblr didn't give me the notification 😭 I'll try and have yours done sometime today or tmr since it's been a bit hectic w/ testing
Personality: I'd like to think I'm sweet - if not a little awkward especially when in the process of getting to know somebody since normally I'm hesitant to even really approach people. Same thing w/ my insecurities (personality, looks, interactions, etc) I don't normally like vocalizing them to anybody until after I've known them for like a few months at least and even then I have a tendency to either underplay it or just joke about it which tends to rub some people the wrong way when I do it.
I also can't read people or verbal cues at all - God forbid trying to flirt, it took me several months to figure out somebody liked me when they were trying to flirt with me, nor am I very good with my, or others emotions but I at least try to make an effort when they need comfort. I also have a bad tendency to be really forgetful/clumsy, frequently forgetting where I put various things or missing things in literal plain sight or just stumbling for no real reason or tripping on my feet. (Not that I mind anymore I've fallen enough times it's just a habit to get back up) ^^'
Completely off topic and I have no idea if you want to add it, I am nicknamed rabbit bc of the amount of times I accidentally eavesdrop bc I can't tune out conversations 😭
Also since I feel like I could add in my negative traits- 
I have really (but weirdly spontaneous) times where I start overthinking things that have already passed by (like weeks have passed??) and I tend to get oddly emotional about it.
I also have a weird situation where I'm aware I'm not feeling and I don't know how to act when others get emotional- not that I don't want to help or anything- I just genuinely have no idea how to process emotion or how to hold onto my emotions for more than a few minutes no matter how strong it was/is, I have no idea if that's apathy?? Or if it's just me being a little silly, maybe.
Personality type: INTP, 6W5 - Zodiac signs is Capricorn Sun and Taurus Moon
Looks/Offtopic (although I'm not sure this is important??): I have dark brown eyes (although the pigment is closer to black) and the same for my hair, my hair is cut short (neck length) and is decently fluffy and disappointingly I'm stuck at 5'1. I'm a huge fan of animals and a complete pushover when it comes to them and as a hobby I play the violin or write little stories (that I probably forget about), I also love cuddling and typically can't fall asleep without a pillow being my cuddle buddy or somebody else, big spoon, little spoon, doesn't not matter - I just love cuddles.
Traits I find Attractive: I'm not really picky, imo, but I like being friends with a person before I date them, so I guess that qualifies as having a close bond with the person? I'm able to put up with most things but it's nice when the person I'm with will give me attention and stuff but also know when I'm getting frustrated and to stop pushing an issue (E,G: Somebody repeatedly reminding you to do something you know you have to do, when you're about to do it), that and PDA/Physical touch is something Id like as a touch starved person but of course not required from a partner. <3
Traits I dislike: In the most weirdly descriptive sense I can't stand people who try and tell me what I want to do or what I'm feeling when I am actually able to tell, like no - just because I'm not in the mood the talk to you doesn't mean I'm mad, stop trying to push it. Liars are also an issue, small lies like "I ironed your shirt" when they really didn't is perfectly fine its when their purposefully rude and manipulative about it
Love languages : Physical Touch, Gift giving, Quality time (Giving) \ Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation, Quality time (Receiving)
Hobbies: Violin- performing, Art, Photography, Animal Handling, gardening, baking, wood sculpting, Track, Volleyball, Gaming, Code designing(visual novels) 
Likes: Winter, Animals (aside from insects and arachnids), the ocean, fall, fairs/festivals, movies, books, painting/sketching, Archery, Sword fighting, Dragons and mythology as a general, spicy foods, most fruits, Music mainly folklore, Tea's, Sunbathing, alone time when stressed, cuddles and physical contact
Dislikes: Large crowds, overbearing/over protectiveness, overly sweet foods, loud/sharp/sudden noises, Spiders and insects as a whole, being forgotten, the ocean( when just placed in a body of water where I can't make out anything smthn like Thalasaphobia I think), the heat or overly hot places, being solely dependent on somebody
Silly Offtopic facts?: I cannot picture anything no matter how descriptive the context or clear the music, cannot do it. I also have absolutely terrible sense of direction (as in I literally can't tell South, North, East, West, etc) and a matching memory (I've forgotten my birthday like several times or more and other people's birthdays, etc). I've grown up around cats and ducks and just animals in general all my life and love them dearly. I also have a crippling dear of being forgotten after I'm dead so I've pushed myself to overachieve in literally everything.
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(Also that's what I look like for a visual rep, [I tried I swear] it's a really rushed drawing and I forgot how to draw clothing 😭 tyy for the exchange tho!)
It seems to me you've captured the heart of...
Lord Diavolo!
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Diavolo's goal is to unify the three worlds so that each being from each realm can live in harmony. Having said that, as a demon, he does have little understanding or experience in the way humans interact with each other, but I feel that this the two of you could get along fairly well. Diavolo is a lonely prince at heart, and as you seem a little bit shy, it may take a while for him to worm his way into your circle. And once he does, I think this friendship can blossom into a beautiful romance.
His favorite qualities about you would first have to be your kind nature. You make others around them feel at ease when you talk with them, and you don't seem to judge others based on appearances or actions. You also seem very intelligent, based on your description. He is too, and I feel like he'd love to have a partner who is on his level, intellectually.
You also mention struggling with your own negative thoughts, which could lead to some rocky conversations and situations. Furthermore, they need some time alone when they’re stressed, so please tell him ahead of time, or when you need some space to be alone. Diavolo wants to help you, so share whatever problems you have. You can solve it together once your head is clear.
As you're such a laid back person, I feel like he'd like to show you his library. There's quite a few cursed books and tomes in there, so tread with caution. Also, he would love to teach you how to play chess if you find interest in the game. He would also like to do things like going on a picnic, baking together, taking a walk around my castle, or just having an evening tea together. He would even take you to a petting zoo if given the chance. Overall, your relationship seems like it would be a happy one
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zosociologist · 10 months
"Dating Peter Tork Would Be Like..." [Scrapped]
[Teacher!Peter x Librarian!Black!Female!Reader Headcannon]
A/N: This was bound to happen eventually...just glad I was able to get this out of my system; WwaBRiM per usual and likes, comments, & reblogs are strongly encouraged(=
Era: Mid-70s (around the time Peter became a teacher)
Warnings: Mentions of fooling around, and light makeout stuff.
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Yeah, you knew who Peter Tork was....as did every young woman that came of age in the 60s and had a working television in the house.
Re-run episodes of The Monkees is what helped you get through your last year of college, and although you hate to admit it, you'll be forever grateful(:
Your love for sharing knowledge led you to get a Bachelor's in Education, but your spite of those around you saying that men don't like women that are "overachievers" got you your Master's in Library Science.
You have quite a few interests: you paint, sing, and play the guitar now and then, and read and write a lot of poetry and stories. 
So, you took those skills and became a Librarian at a nice high school in the hills, and the job is very enjoyable, just as you would’ve expected it to be.
You expected there to be hundreds of things checked in and out per day and thousands per week, resulting in hours of restocking shelves and setting displays.
And you were expecting to have engaging conversations with students as they tell you about their recent reads, while you return the favor by giving them even more book recommendations to further expand their minds.
What you DID NOT expect when the new school year started, was for an oddly familiar man to approach your counter inquiring about an instructor’s copy of a textbook that he’d ordered for his science course. 
And you’re still not sure if it was your slight gasp or starstruck demeanor over the random circumstances, but something made him chuckle at the situation while you spoke in disbelief, “Nooo, you can’t be”, “The only problem is, I am”. 
Far off from his former band days, Peter grew his hair out much longer and sported a beard that you thought fit him very well. He also dropped his alias and went by his actual surname, Mr. Thorkelson. A subtle change that made a huge difference.
At first, you weren’t so sure that Peter could be that friendly a person, even bashful at times, but you learned early on that it was all genuine. 
That was just the kind of person he was. On the job, Peter could talk to anyone and make friends with everyone. 
But after a while, you noticed he went out of his way to make conversation with you…even though the library is nowhere en route to his classroom.
You two soon became good friends, bonding over various things from literature to your shared love for the folk music scene. 
Whenever you had free time in your schedules, you’d be at each other’s respective workstations scribbling ideas on chalkboards or making pyramids out of lost library cards and bookmarks (that you’d return to the students that lost them immediately after). 
Somedays you and Peter could even be found in the teacher’s lounge, sharing reviews of movies you’d watched in theaters that past weekend. 
Your coworkers started calling you “two peas in a pod” and neither of you minded it…as a matter of fact, you were both kinda hoping the phrase spoke for itself. 
There would be days when you’d set a big apple on his desk before he got to his classroom in the morning, and he’d return the gratitude by waiting until you were in the back of the library somewhere, ID-ing some publishers, before placing a folded paper crane on a short stack of books on your counter. 
Of course, there was something there! But nobody said anything for fear of ruining the great friendship you both had cultivated for months.
But in the thrill of the moment, and contrary to Mr. Thorkelson’s belief, you took the liberty of making the first move…and at the Christmas faculty party of all places!
The event was off school grounds at a venue in the city. The night was young, and it was freeing to see your coworkers let loose outside of the professional box that working as educators placed them in. 
Add in the fact there was an open bar and everyone was basically on cloud nine.
There were Secret Santa gifts and party games, and one of them was, of course, "Truth or Dare".
Salaries were exposed, shots were taken, relationships and teacher pregnancies were revealed…
But your new Library Assistant, with a suggestive amount of wine in their system, took the liberty of shooting Peter a truth question: "I saw you put a crane on (y/n)'s desk a week or so ago. Do you two have something going on?"
Your eyes shot up from the unopened Secret Santa gift you received just in time to witness Peter finish his old-fashioned, "With all the love and respect in the world, no. We do not."
Your co-workers gave lively reactions, and the game quickly moved ahead, but now the tension between you two became suddenly unavoidable.
Peter couldn't bring himself to look at you, let alone in your direction. He thought he messed up everything, by not saying something different. He felt like it set his relationship with you back by a long shot. How was he supposed to recover from that if he ever did find the balls to confess that he thought the world of you?
You, on the other hand, didn't think much of it….mostly. I mean, sure, you did like him….A LOT. But for the sake of professionalism, you figured that if it wasn't meant to be, then it wasn't meant to be.
The evening progressed and so did the party, but you figured you'd make your discreet leave and wave goodbye to a few close coworkers early. 
You saved Peter's goodbye for last and gave him a warm embrace like usual along with a warm message, "Don't worry, okay? We're good! I'll see you back at The Hills after the break. Merry Christmas, Peter."
And off you went…….to the venue's unsupervised walk-in coat closet to retrieve yours. It took you a bit of sliding around coats on hangers to track it down but you finally were able to get a hold of it.
When you opened the closet door to exit, Peter was on the other side holding your Secret Santa gift you left behind.
You kinda just stood there? Mouth open and in shock, but the good kind. You even backed up a little bit, hoping that he would walk in. 
And he did. Shutting the closet door behind him, Peter stepped forward, closing the gap as if he was just a short space away from you.
"You forgot this on the table and I didn't want you to leave without it." He smiled, handing the gift back to you as you handed your coat over for him to hold. 
Unraveling the silver and gold wrapping paper, you couldn't help but rest your forehead against the gift and laugh: a hardcover copy of "Origami: The Art of Paper Folding" by Robert Harbin.
You were tickled because you KNEW it was Peter, and he couldn't help but smile at your infectious laugh.
"What? What's so funny?", "No, it's just this is so adorable! Did you plan this? Did you pull strings to be my Secret Santa?", "I didn't, I promise that was coincidental. I just figured since I was making so many of these and leaving them with you, I'd give you something so you can make your own.", "But I like when you make them for me!"
Your eyes were filled with such sincerity, and you were HOPING…that it would be enough for him to TAKE A HINT…..
You didn't wait. You kissed Peter, but he immediately followed suit, cupping your face as he leaned into it. The book slipped out of your hand as Peter grabbed your waist, backing you two into the wall as the line of hung coats surrounded you both.
The kissing intensified, and Peter dropped your coat to the floor as he unbuttoned his cotton henley shirt, never taking his lips off yours. You lost all sense of time. The closet got smaller and warmer by the minute, and frankly, you were feeling more aroused than you ever had in your life. And he sensed that, but he also respected you much more than just minimizing what you two share to a quick fuck in a stuffy coat closet at the faculty Christmas party. 
So in the midst of you reaching to undo his belt buckle, he stopped you, fixed you both back up, retrieved his corduroy jacket, and kissed your forehead.
Gathering your things, you both left the party together, unnoticed, and hand in hand. 
You two finished the evening by watching artists perform at a venue you randomly stumbled upon. 
❣Dating Life❣
You and Peter becoming official made everything that you were already platonically doing regularly, feel a lot more special.
You still bother each other on school grounds, but now you enjoy one another off of school grounds as well! (In more ways than one)
Movie theaters, plays, concerts, farmers markets, and bookstores on the weekends. And you have sleepovers at either of your apartments.
You always love his place. It always feels cozy and nostalgic because of some things he has around from his days as a television star. 
He'll lay his head in your lap in his living room conversation pit and share stories from the set, and you enjoy every moment of it. He plays his guitar or piano and you'll listen or sing along.
But you're convinced he loves your place more. He adores just how much "the essence of your apartment matches your personality" or whatever that means. 
You'll admit, you have a lot of scholastic things lying around that gives away your identity as an educator, but your apartment holds much more than that! 
He loves your collection of autobiographies, novels, and poetry books of Black authors, and finds joy in having you read passages written by esteemed artists of the Harlem Renaissance to him as he listens intently.
You'll cook together and sit on your couch watching sitcoms, music, and game shows.
And he was SO determined in helping you out whenever you have a wash day, so you walked him through how you detangle your hair and he's been a specialist ever since😌
He will make up any and every excuse possible to hold you and just be in your space. 
He loves when you just lay together in silence, preferably with the window open so you can hear the sounds of the outside world and everything happening around you both while you're in your little sacred space. 
That's happened quite a few times on Sunday nights, which rolled over into Monday mornings…which resulted in carpools to work where you'd have to act like you two didn't just arrive together from the same place.
You were almost late quite a few times on those types of mornings, it's like Peter wouldn't let you shower and get dressed in peace without messing up your outfit due to his..............antics…..
Oh, he wasn't a saint. You've heard rumors of the parties he'd host at his old Hollywood home, but you didn't think he was THIS mischievous…
When it came to sex, you were far from innocent. But Peter brought out this adventurous side of you as far as stepping out of your comfort zone goes.
You went three rounds in the back of a van at a music festival high off Mary-Jane once because you kept giving him praise and it drove him insane.
Sure, the bedroom, shower, kitchen, and balcony were nice…..but the library back room, teacher's lounge, janitor's closet, his classroom, and school parking lot in his backseat were mind-numbing. There was also your childhood bedroom when you went back to visit once…It was an otherworldly experience. 
And he's such a giver! His definition of helping you de-stress is going down on you while you vent about what happened during the day and how it made you feel (and how he's making you feel). 
He LIVES for seeing you come undone and lose yourself in pleasure, it's a challenge to him almost.
You're careful with how blissed-out you look after he makes you finish because HE WILL immediately go again.
And that's basically Peter's whole thing, he lives to please and enjoys helping in any possible way he can
Like that one time you and your library assistant were supposed to go over to the primary school to read books to the little kids and sing songs while you played your guitar , but the assistant got sick so Peter gladly snatched up his guitar as well and went along as your Stories and Songs accomplice
[End of Writing]
I started writing this in May but I just had so much going on during the summer that I would have to keep pausing my writing and just add on when inspo hit. This is basically the entire headcannon I guess, but I just didn't know how to close this one out and I didn't wanna just abruptly stop, ya know? BUT my classes are starting back soon....and with that comes the random and unexpected spurts of writing inspiration so I'm hoping for the best😅
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edalynn · 1 year
Even if the huntlow shippers are right and every frame where they stand next to each other and every bit of crew art was part of some complex metanarrative hinting at how theyre totally in love and how the crew was being suppressed by disney from overtly developing a m/f couple for some reason. That. Still isnt a good way to write a ship? You straight up cannot build up a good romance only from longing glances or whatever if we never actually see them talking to each other. Especially since hunter and willow are both main characters.
Like even if you take the things theyve said AT each other after the flyer derby episode (which was the last time they actually had a conversation btw) and twist it into flirting i still have to ask...why would they flirt with each other? We havent seen them talk about anything important AT ALL since the first time they met so what kind of bond are they supposed to have with each other? Beyond just friends/teammates? Hell we never even see them just be friends onscreen without their other friends there except for i guess the haircut scene. Even as friends willow and hunter are not each others most important friendships. Id even argue theyre both closer to literally every other member of the hexsquad than each other.
Ppl freak out over flirty scenes or longing glances from other ships because theres actual substance behind the ships. The funny flirting and the frames where they maybe stand next to each other are supposed to enhance an already existing relationship. Where the characters actually talk to each other about important stuff and find comfort in each others company or whatever. If its meant to be a background easter egg or the characters arent important to the story or its just for audience speculation its fine if it doesnt have that. But huntlow shippers think these two major characters will actually start dating and have their romance be an important part of the story. And idk how to tell them that building a relationship out of longing glances with nothing to hold it together is uhhhhhhh bad! It would not be well written! Yes a ship doesnt HAVE to be complicated and yes huntlow doesnt HAVE to be exactly like lumity or raeda but if theres no equivalent scenes for me to get emotionally invested in their potetial romance then like. What are we even doing here! Just because you CAN write a totally shallow ship where they never talk but sometimes look at each other doesnt mean that kind of writing wouldnt suck shit!
Exactly. Even if this was something Dana intended and planned out from the start for these two characters (which if she had, why hasn't their relationship developed more than speaking once or twice on screen for more than a few words?), it's not good writing. It's not a well-written relationship. Just because it's a boy and a girl doesn't mean it's automatically a fulfilling and intriguing relationship, or important to the plot. We genuinely, really haven't seen them have a full, important, or one on one conversation since ASIAS so it fucking baffles me how people are so convinced they're in love and "already canon". Because, yeah, longing glances (from only one party in the ship at that) don't mean fuck all. They can easily be read as embarrassment or admiration or nervousness rather than a crush or inherently romantic. Like. Do they think Willow showing any type of interest in something Hunter is clearly passionate about romance? Because if so she must also be in love with Gus, Luz, Amity, and Vee. And vice versa, anyone that shows interest in Hunter's interest must also be in love with him. Which obviously is ridiculous and doesn't track.
They rarely interact in the latest episode, too. Willow has more development with Amity and Vee than with Hunter, and like you said, is clearly depicted as being much closer friends with Gus, Amity, and Vee with Hunter kind of being slightly outcasted in the friend group (not maliciously or anything, obviously, but it's pretty clear). We obviously have the haircut scene and implications that they've all hung out together in the time that they've been in the human realm, but they're only shown one one one ONCE in the montage of all things. And that scene is entirely happenstance, not a planned or intentional hangout. Willow walks in on him cutting his hair and helps him, they weren't intending to spend time one on one- Willow was just being a good friend and stepping in because she happened to be there. Both Hunter and Willow are closer to every other person in their friend group than each other.
They barely have any interaction, there's hardly any actual canon content for their "relationship", and we only have two episodes left as both characters actively grow closer to their other friends. There's nothing there to get invested in, like you said, other than fan content where the characters' personalities are totally changed. Sorry hunt/lows but your ship is sinking and you're all ankle deep in the water singing and shouting about how canon your ship is as they actively do not even speak to each other.
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jujulebee · 2 years
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🤩😍🙀LETS FUCKIN GOOO??? 😭😭jules like totes helped me figure out how 2 even make one of these things 🥴️🥴️🥴️ so im supes excited!!! 😜😍🥰️
honey b is HERE bayBEEEEE 😘💕
((another blog by me, bunny, the person who came out of nowhere swinging SEMI-LUKEWARM
honey will randomly blip out of existence with my motivation and energy levels! This does NOT mean that she wouldn't be communicating with your OCs during this time. I know it sucks to pilot an npc but please don't just assume honey is ignoring your oc, i seriously do not have the spoons to be as actively extroverted as her. i am an introvert.
theres going to be So much eyestrain on this blog, like to the point that almost every post would have an eyestrain tag, so please keep that in mind! i WILL tag flashing gifs, since i also have issues with flashing images, but if i dont clock something that you need tagged as flashing please Politely let me know, dont be a cunt id be happy to do it
gifs are tagged "gif" queue tag is "supes cute" food stuff is "yummy stuff" nails are "perfectly painted" art tag is "artsy shit" selfie tag is "super cute selfie" makeup is "looks that kill" clothes are under "wardrobe" silly shirts are under "shirts for jules"
my name is bunny, im 25+, i am not a social person and do not have the energy to talk to a lot of people at once, so either have patience or don't bother
i have several other blogs im not active on, but im occasionally on null
do not send me IMs in character, i will accept them as ooc if you don't have my discord, otherwise dont, likewise, please assume my IMs are not ic
do not leave Replies on my posts, i have stated this multiple times, i don't notice them in the deluge of activity notifications i receive, if you want to have a conversation on a post i have made reblog the post
youre free to ask for my discord but i dont guarantee that ill talk to you regularly, i am not a talkative person
im not fairly picky with who i follow and will block freely and without hesitation. im here to curate my ideal experience, not save the feelings of a stranger. 
while i understand that ic=/=ooc if your character is transphobic or racist in any way please dont interact, actually
honey wouldn’t want to talk to you anyway
this page does not accept magic anons
please do not godmod to try and fix honeys issues, i dont want that, genuinely
honey b azrael was born august 6th, 1998
she’s bi-racial korean, born in texas
she is 4'8" (her boots typically put her at at least 5’), approx 240 lbs
honey was embraced on january 23rd of 2021
honey's status as a human is well-maintained and has not revealed publicly that she is a vampire
honey is a thinblood with the following: lifelike, vampiric resilience, discipline affinity, day drinker, long bond, prey exclusion: children, vitae dependency, baby teeth
Strength: 3/5 Dexterity: 2/5 Stamina: 3/5 Charisma: 4/5 Manipulation: 2/5 Composure: 3/5 Intelligence: 2/5 Wits: 2/5 Resolve: 1/5
Humanity: 9/10
honey is a party girl and there will be mentions of drug/alcohol use and i will tag them as “drug mention” or “alcohol mention” if mentioned
nsfw content will be tagged as “nsfw //”
honey is pansexual and romantically committed to cherry, juan and romantically interested in alessio, and in general sexually available
honey is NOT doing okay, no matter what she tells you, any and all trauma she has endured will not be talked about at length unless there are warnings put in place in the tags, always assume dead dove do not eat policy
honeys best friend circle consists of dolls, sam and jules
she loves making friends and talking to people, though, so feel free to shoot her a message! she WILL talk to you
if your character is rude or just generally mean for no real reason (there are funny exceptions to this rule) honey will not want to speak with you and will probably unfollow you
ooc follows are fine, if i dont interact with your character much ill probably end up unfollowing, though
will add more if i can think of anything
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
The Boiling Rock Part 1 Re-Watch
Ohhh this is SUCH a fun episode. So fucking fun. Ok, full disclosure this is another tipsy re-watch post, I won't lie, I'm drinking a margarita. Basically, this episode is about how Sokka & Zuko have a socially awkward dynamic with a mix of genuine care & a complex history, making for a funny & cute friendship & how Suki & Sokka have a strong romantic love & Zuko & Suki get along & work well together instantly & they should totally be a throuple right? No? Okay, well, this episode at the very least did say Zukki (Zukkai? Sukkako?) rights & I'm standing by that.
Anyway. Real talk. Sokka's determination to attempt to rescue his father even knowing that it may be a doomed mission is heartbreaking. He's done making plans that fail. He just misses his dad & hates leaving him behind after spending so much time separated from him. I love how Zuko dramatically waited up for Sokka. And I loved their awkward little conversation while they rode the war balloon. I've written before that it really hurts my heart that Zuko doesn't even consider Azula for a second when Sokka asks about people that Zuko left behind & yeah, I think about that every time I watch. Zuko "didn't want to get Mai involved" but didn't care at all about ratting out Azula. I didn't mention this in my DOBS re-watch post because I wanted to focus on Zuko's amazing moment of standing up to his father. And I seriously don't like it when people use Zuko's ignorance about Azula's position to bash Zuko. I'm not doing that. He is absolutely not being coldhearted or cruel, he just....doesn't understand the position Azula is in at ALL. I just think it's SAD. The fire siblings are so fucking tragic...
See - if I start talking about the fire siblings that's ALL I'll end up talking about lol - I have to talk about other stuff.
anyway. I really loved the scene between Sokka & Zuko when they're discussing the absence of Hakoda at the prison. Zuko is trying so hard to emulate Iroh, even though he doesn't really understand Iroh's proverbs at ALL, he knows his uncle loves him & that Iroh is very smart & he's TRYING so hard to be like that & I just...Ooh, I'm getting all emo. Anyway. "Take a bite out of the silver sandwich."
Sokka & Suki's reunion was SO good. I cracked up at Sokka trying to do a callback to their previous reunion & Suki flipping him on his back before the two actually got a cute reunion.
And then Sokka immediately had his bisexual awakening!
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[id: Zuko breathing fire. end id]
I loved Sokka's very smart escape plan based on his engineering ingenuity.
But what I loved even more? What really just had me going insane?
Sokka: [Standing.] Is that supposed to make me feel better? [Sokka moves away.]
Zuko: Even though you'll probably fail over and over and over again ...
Sokka: Seriously, not helping.
Zuko: [Grabs Sokka's shoulder.] You have to try every time. You can't quit because you're afraid you might fail.
Chit Sang: [Standing by the cooler boat.] Hey, if you two are done cuddling, can we get a move on?
Sokka: No. I'm staying. You guys go. [To Suki.] You've been here long enough.
Suki: I'm not leaving without you, Sokka.
Zuko: I'm staying, too.
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[id: jenny slater "and I was like: *screams*" meme. end id]
Ok, that's really all I have for now. Sokka, Zuko, & Suki each get +1000 iconic behavior points for this episode. That is all for now besties
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yellowocaballero · 2 years
Good Luck, Jake! followup qs for director's commentary :)
1. I was reading through some of the comments on Ch.4 before I read 5 and saw you talking about how you wrote each alter differently in the inner world vs. out in the real world, and I'm curious what your thought process was there?
2. Not to be like Sequel Now Please but I'm very curious if you had any thoughts on like What Happens Next at least in terms of working for the courthouse/Khonshu (I know your ideal ending is moving to Wakanda but interested to know how that would be Achieved)
Re: first point. The writing choice that basically encapsulates that is that all three of them have extremely distinct dialogue styles, and in the inner space they all talk very similarly.
It was actually a pretty quietly influential writing decision and it controlled a lot of the conversations. The inner world conversations were the space in the story to break down the motivations, emotions, and intentions of the characters. It was also the only space where I could have them genuinely interact with each other. It's the only point in the story where they're honest with themselves and with each other. Uh basically there's a lot of things I need them to say that they would never normally say because they're too repressed or amnesiac so I needed to un-repress and re-memory them.
It changes their character a lot. This is particularly important for Steven, since Steven never fucking knows what's happening irl for consistent amnesia/Jake bullying reasons. He's a lot more controlled by his environment, actions, stressors, social anxiety, etc, irl. He's really emotional and it affects him. Jake in the mindspace is also much more observant and canny where in irl he's yelling about how he's unknowable and throwing things. It's a huge signal of how Jake fronting for so long has changed him that he's so emotional and irrational during his post-breakdown conversation with Steven. And I needed Steven to be canny and Jake to be emotional in that scene because I needed to break down to the reader what exactly happened. They basically get superego'd. As I said, rule is you can't have the brain cell if you're fronting.
Marc sometimes has a really different inner space experience. It's id. When he's emotional irl that kinda hysteric voice in his head is what pops up there. You know the voice I'm talking about. The 'I'm gonna die ALONE' voice.
Think of it like. You know how in the shower you can make a REALLY good and logical argument? And how when you prepare what to say to someone beforehand when you want to Do A Conflict you're super rational and intelligent? But when you're actually in that situation and in front of the person and you're panicking all that flies out the window and you're a moron? Yeah.
Why did that take so long to explain.
Re: second point. No clue how they escape from Khonshu, that's a distant 'far future which I will probably not write' thing. As for like what their life looks like post-good luck jake.
I would really love to like get into it. But that would kinda spoil the stuff I have very much already written. Like of course I have written this. Come on. I finished good luck jake 6 weeks ago I've been busy. So if what I've written ever shapes up into something coherent you'll find out later lol.
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