#like... lmfaooooo
131-di · 6 months
if you genuinely can't tell the difference between being inspired by existing art made by other human beings, and actual theft via a machine algorithm, I think you might just be stupid.
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silvermoon424 · 11 months
I'm dying bc the Barbie movie is all about how Ken is "just Ken" and an accessory to Barbie and Barbie later gives him a pep talk about how he needs to find value in himself and discover that he's Kenough.... but on Mattel's page for the Barbie movie, all the Ken dolls are half as expensive as the Barbie dolls. And the movie exclusive Barbie dolls are completely sold out whereas all the movie exclusive Ken dolls are still in stock 💀💀💀
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robynrileyart · 1 year
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ass ass ass (also on twitter)
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menlove · 8 months
another thing i've Witnessed in all spheres of modern feminism is who gets afforded the grace of "internalized misogyny" vs who just gets called a "misogynist"
like if you are a feminine cis girl (& usually white too) all your sexist bullshit is excused as internalized misogyny that was pushed on them by a sexist society that they have to unlearn but in the meantime we cannot hold them accountable or be too mean to them bc they're traumatized and trying :((((( so if you call out their sexism, YOU are in fact being a woman-hating bitch/dyke/etc who hates girls and girlhood
but...... if you are a trans woman or you're butch or a stud or a woman of color and you say anything even perceived as sexist, oh no no you do NOT get the grace of "internalized misogyny". you don't get time to learn or grow. you are a sexist and you should be shot and you might as well be a man.
and usually the latter group's "misogyny" is just pointing out the other group's double standards and sexism which gets us called not girls girls and "pick-mes" (used wrong) and sexist etc. like sometimes obviously we ARE misogynistic, everyone is, but usually it's over the dumbest shit and even in the cases where someone in the latter group is being genuinely sexist, they are NOT given the same grace as the former group
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crybaby-bkg · 2 months
“I thought I was supposed to be the one worshipping you today,” you say in a gasp, eyes fluttering close as you grip the sink counter tight in front of you. Bakugou only huffs a little laugh, his nails digging into the fat of your ass before he taps his palm against the flesh hard, eliciting a little hiccup from you.
“‘S my birthday, so what I say goes.” he tells you muffled, the vibration of his words making your knees quake. he has to hold you up, but he doesn’t care, finds the weight of you pressing back into him something he can get drunk off of.
he woke up nearly right after you did, trying to squeeze you close to him in bed but you scrambled out of his hold, promising to make him breakfast instead. you hadn’t expected him to follow you, to press you against the sink, to nip at your neck and kiss his way down to where your underwear rested on your hips. hadn’t expected him to drop to his knees, to worship, to kiss, to taste you. hadn’t expected him to lick you so sweetly with such a rough tongue through the fabric, for your arousal to bleed through onto his waiting tongue.
“Better than breakfast,” he mutters against you, thick fingers spreading you wide to get a good look at your winking hole, how it drools down the inside of your legs. he spits on it, diving back in to follow the trail, his lips puckering as if kissing you in such an intimate way, you think your vision goes black for a moment.
“Make me cum,” you whimper to him, his lapping pushing you up onto your toes, your hips digging into the sink counter. you reach a hand back to hold his face still with a grip on ash blond locks, grinding yourself against him until his face becomes sticky, but he grins all the while. rolls his tongue from his mouth, lets you use him because there’s no better present than being able to please you.
it comes out as a gush, your pleasure. sprays all over his mouth and chin and neck, your cries stuttered and high, your eyes clenched shut, your entire body shaking from the stimulation that overtakes you.
“Even better than birthday breakfast.” Bakugou grins, nose slightly scrunching at the tug to his hair when he slurps at your hole that still drips for him, spitting back the contents once more. he doesn’t catch it this time, just watches the thickness of his spit mingle with your pearlescent stained cum, thumbing open your cheeks to watch your hole clench and unclench from the scrutiny, the wetness slipping down your thighs.
he kisses you once more, a smacking sound, humiliating, before letting your cheeks go. not without another smack on the roundness of them, nipping at the red and warmed mark of his palm that he branded on you just moments before.
“A lot fucking better.” he tacks on once more about the stupid breakfast. you glare at him over your shoulder, even though he’s the one who’s keeping you held up right now with his firm grip around your still twitching hips.
“You’re gonna stop shading my cooking, asshole.” you bite at him, unable to hold back a shudder when you catch his devious grin, the bottom half of his face and neck still wet from your squirting.
“You caught that?” he asks with an innocent cock of his head, pressing another innocuous kiss to your warmed flesh. you tug at his hair a little harder this time, knowing it’s something that the birthday boy loves, especially by the way he’s damn near leaked through his white boxers.
“Shit head.” you mumble, but he only grins wider, his eyes flickering with the promise of devouring you whole today. just as a little birthday treat, he supposes.
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jen-iii · 1 year
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On a walk
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tennant-davids · 3 months
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DOCTOR WHO 2x01 New Earth
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lelelego · 1 year
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fernsensei · 6 months
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au where gabriel's forced to cooperate with v1 and v2 for whatever reason
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citrus-c0la · 5 months
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👓🕶 swap 🥬♣ I hope you guys know i'm also really into a3
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petrichorium · 1 month
I think it’s time I talk about an issue that’s been rlly bugging me lately. For a while I thought it was common sense but apparently not bc I keep seeing it??? So ig I’ll write a post abt it.
This? This isn’t okay.
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To a casual pet owner this enclosure might seem fine. But what I see is a pair of suffocated tits :/ they don’t have enough room, they cant jiggle or bounce at all—they can hardly even breathe, as there’s hardly any ventilation. This is abuse! If you can’t give tiddies the space they need then u shouldn’t own them at all. It’s not about showing them off, it’s about giving them the right environment to thrive. These are barely even surviving; they’re probably listless and rarely eat. I wonder if the owner even lets them out to play often enough, if at all. It’s a truly miserable sight.
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Here are some examples of enclosures where the tits have begun to burst out. Without enough space or ventilation, they will tend to rip apart the seams in an effort to gain more movement and air. I’m begging you all not to let it get this bad, and if it has, immediately replace the old enclosure with a new, larger one that has more ventilation.
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Now these? These are proper enclosures. There’s plenty of space for movement, large holes for proper ventilation and enrichment. There’s even cleavage—cleavage is a clear sign that the tits are well taken care of. I’d wager these owners let them out often. 10/10, this is the kind of care and attention all pet owners should strive for. These tits are living the life.
Anyway. I hope you’ve learned something. Pls spread the word, bc I really have seen more and more examples of poor tit enclosures and it’s so sad to see 🥺
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pokeypoqi · 10 days
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shadow those wings are so fucking weird to draw but its okay
i need this game to come out NOW i need to know EVERYTHING im INSANE
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forsworned · 2 months
Ghosts casually playing a game of basketball Keegan, shooting and scoring a half-court three-pointer: Boom shackalacka. Hesh: Logan: Merrick: Kick: Merrick: Motherfucker, did you just say boom shackalacka?
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desihopelessromantic · 3 months
gojo probably has PTSD (Post Toji Stress Disorder)
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vaggieslefteye · 2 months
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HAZBIN HOTEL (2024): 1x04 - "Masquerade"
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ragingbullmode · 7 months
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quick kuwabara while i wait for my laundry to finish ^_^
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