#lilac syrup
lumine-no-hikari · 4 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #148
I did a lot of things today, but somehow I was fairly empty-minded for most of it.
I made a wonderful tea out of two different kinds of chocolate tea and two different kinds of strawberry tea, sweetened with a little honey and cream:
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Shortly after that, I went to physical therapy. J came with me, because we were gonna go get pizza afterwards! There's a place nearby called Pizza Palace, which is run by a very kindly older gentleman who makes it a point to speak to us whenever we stop by, because we left really good Google reviews for his shop. The reviews were well-earned because the pizza there is really good, so I am a little confused about the level of gratitude he shows us just for us telling the truth, but if it makes him happy, then that's the important thing, I suppose!
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The kindly gentleman has been all over the world and has done a great many things. I really do love when he talks to us; we learn much and his smile is one of the most radiant I've ever seen. And he makes beautiful pizza. I hope that his business might prosper. We told him a little bit about ourselves; I told him about how I used to do mermaid training, and J told him about learning to fly airplanes. The conversation was wonderful. I hope we get to have more.
After we returned home, I decided that it was time to strain the lilacs out of the water that I stewed them in. But I didn't get a cheesecloth because I thought we already had one; we don't. So I made do with a wire mesh strainer:
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From there, I poured it into a saucepan and added about 2 cups of sugar. Normally, you're supposed to add as many cups of sugar as there are cups of lilacs, but I find the sweetness to be overpowering if I do that, so normally I add half or less. I had between 7 and 8 cups of lilac blossoms. 2 cups of sugar tasted correct:
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From here, you have to let it reduce on the stove at a low heat for a while. It still needs to be reduced because the consistency isn't quite as viscous as I'd like, but here's how it ended up:
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...I'll have to finish the process tomorrow, if I have time.
J and I visited Br after this. We went to her house, and I did a lot of leisure writing. I also listened to all the lovely tunes of one of the wonderful folks I met at the gathering of polyamorous people! I think this person's stuff is pretty great! Here's a link, in case you wanna hear it, too:
I really enjoyed listening to all of these. I think my favorites were Eightohtwoelevenen and Fractal Clouds!
Oh! You might also be pleased to know that I got some nice pictures of the sky for you on the way to Br's house... If you look very closely at the first one, you'll see a very faint rainbow in the clouds, near the bottom...
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...I hope the skies you fly in are at least as pretty as the pictures of the sky that I try to take for you.
...I don't have much else to say today. Tomorrow, I gotta wake up early and go to the house of the friend who I got the lilacs from; I will have the pleasure of watching over her delightful little son as she works from home! I am looking forward to it, but simultaneously, I am somewhat worried about doing a bad job somehow. This worry makes no sense, given that I literally have a degree in taking care of children between the ages of 0 and 3, but my brain is always worried about being bad at the things I'm good at, so maybe I'll pay it no heed.
I love you. Please stay safe out there, okay? Take some time to dance merrily up in the clouds. Take some time to enjoy some warm, delightful-smelling rains. Take some time to watch the sunrises and sunsets splash kaleidoscopic colors all over the clouds, won't you?
I'll write again tomorrow, as I always do.
Your friend, Lumine
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Old-Fashioned Lilac Syrup (Vegan)
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garlic-and-cloves · 5 months
I'm making lilac jelly! And lilac sugar, and syrup, and possibly some other things because, well, I took a gigantic bowl of flowers and it's not even noticeable when you look at the tree.
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alright flower eating enjoyers what is your favourite flower to eat out of my personal favourites
this is based off plants I personally have access to so if your fav isnt here then thats why. or because i dont like it. dont ask me where lavender is (i am very allergic)
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feralchaton · 4 months
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Honeysuckle Lemonade
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artpigeons · 1 year
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It's the most wonderful time of the year (lilac season) and you KNOW ya boy's been out stealin
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kittykatninja321 · 4 months
in my cottage core stay at home mom era I fear
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lordbyronskitchen · 5 months
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(via Lilac Sugar Cookies)
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ancientrimer · 1 year
god i hope the lilacs are still blooming. they were last week but i haven’t had the time to go out for my annual lilac appreciation walk yet
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lumine-no-hikari · 4 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #147
Today had a lot of stuff in it. I'm not even sure where to begin!! There were kites, and lilacs, and therapy, and good scenery, and...!!! And...!!! Oh!!! 😄🥰
Well. It's usually best to begin at the beginning, right? So… I went to therapy and told them all about the thing I did on Mother's Day. I told them all the context leading up to it, and all the similar struggles I've had in the past and about how I've been trying extra hard the last week to resist giving in to those struggles, and… my body was likely craving the endorphins that I wasn't getting because I wasn't doing that thing, and so it manifested in other ways. Whoops.
So the solution for the next time I struggle is not to resist giving in per se, but rather to be mindful and present and aware while it's happening, and to take note of my feelings and general state of being so that I can approach it from a place of curiosity instead of a place of shame. Apparently, when a person does that, it breaks the shame cycle, which then allows a person to stop doing the compulsive behavior. Suppose it's worth giving it a try!!
…It's really not lost on me how lucky I am to have a therapist who actually GETS me and doesn't judge me. It's not often that I get to go somewhere and speak, and feel like the other person actually understands me. Time with them is invariably refreshing, and they always have some useful skill or tool for me to practice on my own, until next session.
Most importantly, they're definitely not afraid to challenge my more... ah… self-effacing thought processes. I recall a few sessions ago, when I was confused about why someone important to me hangs out with me, on the basis that I am not anything special, and surely he must have better things to do than to hang out with some weird dyspraxic noodley dweeb like me. And they countered with, "But aren't all humans special and wonderful in their own way? And doesn't it mean that you're special and wonderful, too?" and… I couldn't logically refute the notion, because I am a human, and yes I do believe very strongly that all humans make the world brighter and beautiful in the way that only they know how to do. And they gave me this grin, because they knew they had me, and all I could do was laugh at my own silliness and try to change my perspective. I work every day on viewing myself with more compassionate eyes, one step at a time.
In any case, the one gentleman with the hair that looked like a dandelion poof was there today afterwards, and he stopped to chat! I wondered if he had ever tried bubble tea, and he has not, so we have exchanged contact information, and maybe we'll go get bubble tea someday!! He has been alive for 70 years, and has had many experiences and has his own areas of expertise, and I'm excited to find out what I might be able to learn if I sit with him and listen for a while! It'll be good!!
Then I got home and spent a few hours plucking more lilac blossoms from the greens; I got like 7 or 8 cups of blossoms, and there are still so many more leftover!
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Once they're plucked, you have to steep them in hot water until it becomes fragrant. I like to put them on very low heat with a lid until it makes the house smell good!
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(I still have so many lilacs leftover, oh my goodness!)
But this can take a while, and it was breezy, so J and I went out to try to fly the kites I got; I wanna practice before I modify that eagle kite; I REALLY don't want it to crash once it's ready. J and I took all sorts of pictures for you!
We spent a long time just being silly, trying to get the kites in the air:
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(Why, yes, that is you in my pocket, with a little bow in your hair!)
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...You might guess that after all that, I ended up falling down, dizzy and giggling, ahahaha~!
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But then, after a while, we managed to get the hang of it; check it out!
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J worked hard to get the eagle kite up. My circumstance was a little unusual in that mine was suddenly lifted high up into the sky with little to no effort on my part, and it stayed up for a very long time; I was surprised, and it was kinda weird, hahaha!
Br came to see us in this place, too!! By then, I was pretty tired though, so we just lied down in the grass and talked about various things while the wind played with our hair; it was wonderful!
...I also took some pictures of the scenery, just because I know you like nature...
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...Oh, and I managed to snag a picture of a bird-of-prey that was actually pretty good this time!
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Oh, oh, oh, and!!! Along the way, while we were flying the kites, I found three great big black feathers on the ground!! Aren't they so pretty?
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Here's a better picture of them after I carefully washed them and smoothed them out. My hand is there for scale; they're HUGE!
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They're beautiful and I love them!!! These went right into my feather box!!!! I was so happy!!! 😄🥰😁
...I hope you can see, with these pictures, that shiny black feathers like yours are beautiful and lovely, too. White ones are also nice. Feathers are just pretty; it doesn't matter what color they are. Yours, too, are good. Please try hard not to be ashamed of them, okay? Humans come in all shapes and sizes and numbers of limbs, and it's wonderful that you get to have a limb that's warm and soft and strong enough to let you fly. It's different, but that doesn't make it less. I hope you'll work on viewing yourself with more compassionate eyes; you can do it - just take it one step at a time.
Anyway, when we got home, the stewed lilac blossoms smelled SO GOOD:
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I gotta strain this with a cheesecloth tomorrow and squish out all the water I can from the petals. After that, it'll be time to heat it up again and add sugar!! The result will be a syrup that tastes exactly the way lilacs smell!! I can't wait to put it in mason jars and give it to my friends!!!
...Sephiroth. I wish you were here. I wish you could fly the kites with us. I wish you could spin around and get dizzy and fall down laughing with us. I wish you could lie down in the soft grass and talk about various things with us. I wish you could look up at the sky, smell the scent of the leaves in the air, and enjoy the breeze as it ruffles your lovely hair. I wish you could try some of my lilac syrup in some freshly brewed green tea. I wish you can come here and see that you could be welcomed and wanted and happy. I wish you can see that you could belong. I wish for so many good and wholesome things.
...Please stay safe out there so that someday you can have these things, okay? Even if it's not at my house, you can have them somewhere if you're willing to heal enough to create these circumstances.
I love you. I'll write again soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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morethansalad · 5 months
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Vegan Lilac and Rhubarb Panna Cotta
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dykesynthezoid · 1 year
Managed to pick a whole two cups of Nootka rose petals to make rose confit ✨🌹Nootka rose (Rosa nuktana) is an important wild rose species native to the western US that is great for pollinators and provides food and habitats for a variety of animals. They’re also a host for multiple species of parasitic wasp, which I learned the hard way after once trying to cut open a rosehip only to find a maggot squirming around inside. Didn’t love that tbh!
The only reason I was able to pick so much is bc nuktana is actually quite an aggressive grower, which means the patch I was picking off of was like. At least an 8th of a mile long. Plus their blooming season continues for several more weeks, giving them time to produce more blooms and in turn more fruits for the fall. I also tried to pick only the petals, which would leave the already pollinated flowers to continue to ripen into rosehips.
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angeliicheartt · 2 months
I’m in my bnha phase 😼
I need a whole ton of kisses with hitoshi if that’s okay! Do whatever you want ❤️
ꜱᴋɪɴ-ᴛᴏ-ꜱᴋɪɴ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ!
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includes: hitoshi shinso
a/n: icl i thought of will and kyra from love island usa season 3 while writing this whole thing, a lil suggestive..
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hitoshi's lavender eyes pierce yours as he looks down at you. the two of you are entangled on his dorm room bed, each of you on your sides facing one another. hitoshi looks down at you, watching your expression as he gently plays with a strand of your hair, admiring you. he moves a section of hair away from your face, his cool demeanor not matching the warmth in his eyes.
“you are so beautiful,” he murmurs as he gazes at you, tracing your face with his large hand, his gaze full of affection. you roll your eyes as you look to the side, avoiding his keen gaze as he watches each of your features move in tandem with one another. your lips quirk up as he moves over you, his forearms resting against the mattress as you settle onto your back.
he chuckles softly at your eye-rolling, his arms framing either side of you, his face dipping lower as he gazes down at you.
“you're so stubborn.. you know that, right?” he teases, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
“yeah yeah,” you comment, your eyes finding their way back to hitoshi’s as his eyes lock onto yours. you feel his knuckle begin to trace shapes into the skin of your torso. you let his knuckles turn over and allow his palms to ghost along the exposed skin of your stomach, his large, cool hands causing goosebumps to form, his smirk growing wider as he continues to stare unblinkingly at you.
“and a smartass, too.” he mutters, his voice barely above a whisper as his knuckles glide over your ribs.
“yeah… but you love it,” you cheekily mutter, the corners of your lips quirking up as he laughs softly, his eyes shutting in bliss. eventually, his eyelids do flutter open, the corners of his lips curling into a soft smile as he looks down at you, his hand still tracing over your skin.
“you're right. i do.” he murmurs, his tone affectionate as he gazes at you fondly, his body shifting on top of you as he moves closer, his straight nose brushing yours as his palms find their way up to your ribs. 
he places a feather light kiss on your lips, then another, and another, getting more and more languid and sweet. almost syrup-like.
you feel him shift as he angles his shoulder to support his upper body as his other hand trails to your waist, his fingertips ghosting the hem of your shirt. his lips continue their abuse on yours, the boy parting to breathe every few minutes as he quickly wears your lungs out. 
“toshi..” you breathe out, his violet eyes fluttering open at your voice.
“mhm?” he hums lowly, his throat gravelly from the late time of day. his arm settles back against your side, his hands however continue to explore the expanse of your skin. your hand moves to settle in hitoshi’s hair, your fingers tangling themselves with his lilac locks.
“i love you,” you murmur, your lips quirking as hitoshi smiles softly.
“yeah?” he asks, his faint dimples popping out as he leans forward, burying his face in your neck. “i love you too.”
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ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @satelitis @whenanafallsinlove @kozumesphone
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eiightysixbaby · 1 year
blue raspberry syrup
(part 2 to sunscreen and chlorine)
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word count: 3.9k
pairing: lifeguard!eddie x fem!reader
summary: a second meeting with your favorite lifeguard after pool hours… what will you get into this time?
cw: 18+ ONLY MINORS DNI - SMUT. oral (m receiving), eddie watches reader get herself off, unprotected p in v, creampie, sex in a public place (they’re alone tho), use of pet names, temperature play
author’s note: here she is, finally! hope i did part one justice with this sequel, let me know what y’all think!!
Milky twilight began to fall over the community pool, the sunset casting orange and lilac reflections on the surface of the water. Fireflies flickered on and off in the grass beyond the fence, communicating in their own way. Meanwhile, Eddie busied himself with any task he could think of as he waited for you to return. He took out the trash, cleaned the disgusting bathrooms, washed his hands ten times afterwards, closed all the umbrellas positioned between lounge chairs. Billy had been the last one to leave at 7:30, telling Eddie he ‘better not pull anymore bullshit tomorrow’, and now Eddie finds himself taking a well deserved quick swim in the pool, cooling himself off after a scorcher of a day. One half of the water, the deeper end, is concealed by the pool cover, Eddie having left the shallower end open for use. He submerges himself underwater, propelling himself forward and then coming up to the surface, shaking his hair wildly like a dog. He pulls himself out of the water, hands flat on the concrete as he pushes his body up and out. His swim trunks drip the chlorinated water all around his feet, hitting the pavement in loud droplets. Drying himself off with a towel, he sees headlights pull into the parking lot, hears faint music playing from the car radio. You step out of your car and catch his eye, giving him a wave - the same little delicate wave you directed at him when he first saw you lounging by the pool earlier that day. You have a towel tucked under your arm, and another popsicle in your left hand. Eddie’s head swirls with delight.
You’d been antsy all afternoon after your shower session with Eddie, pacing back and forth around your room at home just trying to distract yourself. The minutes seemed to drag, moving slow like thick honey as you waited for your next meeting time with the lifeguard that made your heart pound. You’d showered and slipped on a different bathing suit, the other one being damp and cold and reeking of chemical water. You forced yourself to gain some sense of composure as you stepped out of your car after arriving back at the pool, unwilling to let Eddie know just how much he’d occupied your brain the last several hours. He beams at you from behind the painted metal fence and you feel butterflies take flight in your stomach.
“You and those damn popsicles,” he laughs, opening the gate to the pool to let you in, still towel drying his hair.
You held the frozen snack at your side, still in the crinkly white wrapper. You try to bite back a smile but ultimately fail. The squeaky metal gate closes behind you, Eddie positioning the latch into place with a clink.
“Thought you liked it, don’t tell me you’re gonna complain if you have to watch me eat another,” you look up at him innocently with round eyes, batting your lashes for effect.
Eddie just rolls his eyes, giving you a dismissive wave as he walks with you towards the water. The heat has dissipated slightly with the gradual nightfall, the intense glare of the sun now faded into a subtle wink. Crickets chirp in the grass, filling the night with sound, a lullaby coaxing the town to sleep. He finds himself sick with adoration as he looks at you, looking so effortlessly perfect. An oversized t-shirt covering you down to your mid-thigh, concealing the swimsuit underneath - he can see where it ties at the back of your neck. You wear white flip flops on your feet, toenails painted a bright shade of purple. The backs of the shoes clap clap clap as you step towards the pool, Eddie’s bare feet padding silently next to them. You lay your striped beach towel down onto the concrete, next to the pool’s edge. Eddie watches your every movement, his heart pounding in his chest. He wants to touch you, to taste you, to feel you all over him.
You sit on your towel, leaning your head to the side to glance up at Eddie. “Well, Munson? What kind of lessons do you have for me?” you ask playfully, itching to get his hands on you.
There’s a pause as Eddie thinks. His eyes trail to the still wrapped popsicle, and then back to you. His face twists into a devious grin. He sits so he’s facing you, legs spread as he gently pulls you to sit between them. He pulls you in for a kiss, forcing back the moan that threatens to break free at the mere contact with your lips. He hears you sigh into him, hands coming up to cup his face. Soft lips move against even softer ones, tongues searching the inside of cheeks eagerly. Your hands tangle in his damp hair, cold droplets covering your skin. When he finally pulls away, he admires your kiss swollen lips, rubbing the pad of his thumb across the bottom one. He picks up the popsicle, slowly working the wrapper off of it, and you eye him curiously.
Eddie holds the stick of the popsicle with one hand, other hand gripping your jaw, pulling your mouth open gently.
“Stick your tongue out, baby,” he murmurs, watching you intently as you oblige.
He presses the popsicle to your tongue, prompting you to suck it past your lips. You take only a little bit into your mouth at first, and Eddie doesn’t seem pleased. He tsks at you, lips forming a slight frown.
“Surely you can take more than that, sweetheart,” he coos, his eyes steady as they observe you.
He pushes the popsicle further past your plush lips, enjoying the way you let it all happen without protest. Less and less of the blue tinted ice is visible the further he coaxes it into your mouth, and your eyes tear up a little as it reaches the back of your throat. The muscles tense, making you gag a little.
“That’s right, honey, choke on it for me. You were such a good girl gagging on my dick earlier, you can handle this too, right?” his voice is almost patronizing, yet it sends shockwaves right to your core, wetness beginning to pool in your bathing suit bottoms.
You pull away for a moment, suddenly the cotton shirt on your body is too much, too heavy on you. You pull it over your head hastily, setting it beside you before turning to face Eddie once more. You open your mouth, sticking your tongue out for him, prompting him to keep going. Eddie groans as you eagerly suck the popsicle, taking all that he gives you without complaint. He pulls it from your mouth suddenly, a soft slurping sound forming as you gather the sticky sweet juice from dripping past your lips. Without warning, Eddie puts the treat in his mouth, blue raspberry syrup coating his tongue. You feel a persistent throbbing between your thighs, watching his sloppy tongue lick remnants of your saliva off of blue ice. It’s not what you expected him to do, but you’ll be damned if you don’t find it fucking hot. He looks at you with heavy lidded eyes, sucking slow on the popsicle, driving you crazy.
You can’t take the teasing anymore, needing more of him, and you grab the popsicle from his hand. You lean into his personal space, getting him to lean back on flat palms. He watches you silently, hears his heartbeat in his ears as you suck the popsicle into your mouth once more, proceeding to pull it back out and kiss his neck with cold lips. He shudders, gasping when you press your cold tongue flat to his warm flesh, licking and nipping at the thin skin. You travel down his body like that, taking a lick of your frozen treat, then putting cold lips and tongue on Eddie’s skin, sucking hickeys into his chest. For the first time, you notice he has a nipple piercing. Just one, two silver balls resting on either side of puckered skin. The metal seems to gleam for you, calling you in. You take it into your mouth, icy tongue teasing the skin and tasting metal. Eddie whimpers, laughing a little when you pull away.
“Just now noticing that, honey?” he asks, pretty teeth on display for you as he smiles.
“I like it,” you reply easily, licking flat across his nipple once more before continuing your journey down.
Eddie knows where this is going, and his body practically vibrates with anticipation. Goosebumps break out on his skin as your mouth finds its way beneath his belly button, mouth kitten licking and kissing over his happy trail. He thinks he may die when you hook your fingers in the waistband of his swim trunks, coolly sucking on your popsicle all the while, getting your mouth nice and cold for him. His dick throbs, begging for attention. You coax the damp fabric down his legs, his cock springing free, curving towards his tummy. Before Eddie can even register it, your mouth engulfs him, cold tongue licking his shaft. Eddie tenses, throwing his head back and letting out a puff of air at the new sensation. A thin ribbon of saliva connects your bottom lip to the head of his cock when you start to pull away, licking up and down the popsicle again, tongue turning more blue with each swipe of it. You suck on the head of Eddie’s weeping cock, hollowing your cheeks out as he moans your name, fingers tangling in your hair. His cock practically aches, every cold press of your mouth against it has his breath catching in his throat, strangled moans escaping his pretty lips. He lets you work your magic for a while bobbing your head up and down, rolling his balls between your fingers.
The popsicle starts to melt where it rests in your free hand, and Eddie takes it from you, sucking on it while you suck on him. You pull off of his cock with a quiet pop, and Eddie grabs your chin, urging you up towards him. He kisses you hungrily, two blue tongues swirling around one another. Eddie stifles a groan, you taste like artificial berries and him and it’s turning him on even more. He’s not gonna let you have him so easily though, oh no, he’s gonna give you a taste of the teasing you gave him earlier. Just as he has you whimpering for him, he pulls away. He walks over to the trash can, bare feet on gritty pavement, tossing the remnants of the popsicle away. Turning back to face you, a grin spreads across his face and he goes running straight for the pool, completely naked, landing in the water with a huge splash. He comes back up for air with a gasp, hair sticking to his forehead.
“Eddieeeeee,” you whine between giggles, toes dangling into the water, watching him as he paddles around. “Need you,” you pout at him. “Now you’re being a tease.”
Your pussy throbs beneath skimpy bikini bottoms, so desperate for him to fill you. You can still taste him in your mouth, briny pre cum lingering in the back of your throat, and you chew on your lip in anticipation.
Eddie looks at you for a moment as he bobs in the water, arms splayed over his rescue tube that he snatched from beside the pool, keeping him effortlessly afloat. He has to hold back a devious laugh when he gets an idea. He paddles closer to the ledge where you sit, pulling the safety equipment from under his arms, holding it out to you.
“Show me how bad you need me, baby. Why don’t you ride that, and pretend it’s me,” he smirks at you, only growing more satisfied when you fail to form words in response, your mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
“Go ahead, honey, don’t be all shy now. Grind on it,” Eddie commands, gesturing for you to get on with it.
You delicately wrap your fingers around the safety equipment, GUARD written in bulky white block letters on the side. You straddle the rubbery red tube, one end of the object brushing against your clothed clit as you position yourself. An involuntary moan escapes your lips even at the minimal contact, and Eddie huffs a laugh, face sickeningly smug. Your face heats up instantly, suddenly ten times more aware of his eyes on you, like a specimen under a microscope. Your eyebrows knit together in concentration as you find a comfortable rhythm, riding the slippery material in desperation, dying to soothe the heat between your thighs. Pitiful mewls escape your lips, and Eddie raises his eyebrows at you.
“Oh, feels good, huh?” Eddie says, his tone mocking.
You want to reply with something witty, don’t want to give in this easy, but your core aches and pleads for more. Instead you whimper, wiggling your hips lower to rub across the tube, material dragging underneath your clit. The friction is so good, your hands grabbing desperately at the flat pavement beneath you, seeking purchase on anything and failing to find it. Your hips have found a steady pace, grinding against the spongey edge of the object, hair falling in your face with your head hung low. You moan his name and Eddie instinctively reaches down to palm at his hard cock. He shouldn’t be enjoying this as much as he is, but all he can think about is how he’s going to be using that same equipment during his shift tomorrow, keeping this little secret all to himself. Your cheeks are flushed with arousal yet also a slight twinge of embarrassment as Eddie watches you come undone on a fucking rescue buoy, pretending it’s his muscular thigh you’re riding. You soak the material beneath you as your legs tremble, glancing up at Eddie with pouty lips, silently pleading for him to have his way with you.
“Fuck, honey,” Eddie murmurs, reaching up from the water to brush hair out of your face. “Get in here with me, take everything off,” his eyes are dark as they watch you, standing up on shaky legs.
You shuffle out of your swimsuit bottoms, untying the straps on your top and letting it drop to the ground. You ease yourself into the water, cold touching every inch of your sun soaked skin as you lower your body in. Your feet touch the smooth bottom of the pool, water rising up to your breasts, making you shiver. Eddie pulls you to his chest immediately, naked bodies radiating warmth onto each other in the cool chlorinated liquid surrounding you. Darkness seems to have crept further in now, like a blanket shielding your naked bodies from the rest of the world, keeping these secrets for you. Eddie brushes your hair to one side, kissing and licking at your neck as his hands find their way to the globes of your ass, squeezing.
“Need to fuck you, baby, right here,” he says, voice muffled slightly as he presses kisses to your shoulder.
“You’re sure no one will catch us, right?” you breathe out, voice wavering slightly as his lips tickle your skin.
“It’s just you and me, honey. No one will catch us. Promise,” he’s pulled away from you, looking you straight in the eye so you take him seriously.
And he’s telling the truth. The cops make their rounds nightly, stopping by the pool at 10:30pm on the nose every. single. night. Eddie knows this partly because of several almost-busted drug deals he’s attempted to host late at night in the pool parking lot, and partly from stories he’s heard from other people who’ve tried to have late night swims in private. Given the fact that their whole goal is to catch people doing illegal things, the cops have really become far too predictable, doing their routine runs and making the same stops in the same order over and over. Eddie chuckles to himself as he thinks of this, pulling you even closer to him, giddy with the promise of more time alone with you.
He lifts you slightly and you instantly wrap your legs around his waist. He dips his head down, sucking one of your nipples into his mouth as his hands toy with the fat of your ass. His mouth sucks bruises into the skin around your breasts, teeth biting at the skin just for his tongue to soothe it afterwards. You can feel his cock pressing against you and you squirm in Eddie’s grip, aching to be full of him. His blunt fingernails dig into your skin where he grips you, mouth finding its way up your neck and to your ear, leaving kisses in its wake.
“Want me to fill you up, honey?” his voice rasps in your ear, cold wet hair tickling the side of your face.
“Y-yeah, fuck,” you inhale sharply as he sucks on your earlobe, pulling it gently between his teeth.
He pins you against the side of the pool, your legs still wrapped around him as he attempts to line himself up with your entrance. You finally feel him slip in, both of you letting out heavy sighs at the feeling. You swear you can feel him in your guts by the time he’s fully inside you, and your body feels like it’s going to short circuit from sheer pleasure. He bucks up into you, teeth biting hard on his bottom lip, brows furrowed as he concentrates on making you feel good. Water ripples around you with every movement, sloshing gently around your partially submerged bodies. Your fingernails claw at the soft skin of his back, sure to leave scratches on the otherwise empty canvas. Eddie’s barely keeping himself together as he fucks you, his pace less brutal than round one in the shower, but you feel too good around him and he finds it hard to will himself not to cum so soon. You’re so tight around him, so warm, and every time your muscles clench he’s cursing under his breath. You lean your head forward, resting it on his shoulder, incredibly grateful for Eddie’s tight grip on you - your body is far too overwhelmed with pleasure to focus on keeping yourself upright, limbs feeling like jello. Eddie’s hips snap into you with a particularly rough thrust, the tip of his cock hitting your sweet spot in just the right way, and you bite down on his shoulder to muffle a cry.
“Right there, baby? Y’like that?” Eddie’s voice is low and hovering just above your ear, sending a shiver right down your spine.
“Feels so good, love when you fuck me Eddie,” you moan, and god Eddie swears he could die from the sound of you saying his name alone.
He continues to plow into you at just the right angle, hands fighting to keep their grip on your ass, skin growing slippery from the water. You’re close, Eddie can tell by the way your breathing is staggered and your eyes are pinched shut, his name tumbling out of your mouth in barely coherent strings.
“E-Eddie, ‘m so close,” you whimper, confirming his suspicions.
“Me too, honey, fuck,” Eddie’s panting, hips faltering slightly in their movements as he pushes his body through water.
“Wanna ride you, Eddie, please,” you beg him, and he pulls out of you almost instantly, hoisting himself out of the pool.
“Come on then, baby, what’re you waiting for?” he smirks, laying back onto your towel, the thin layer of fabric easing the roughness of laying on pavement.
You follow him out of the pool, water dripping everywhere as you straddle his lap on shaky knees. You sink down onto his cock, hips falling into the same rhythm they’d had on Eddie’s rescue gear earlier, this time feeling so enticingly full. Eddie groans as your gooey walls envelope him, gripping onto your waist to ground himself. Heat pools in the pit of your stomach once again as you rock yourself on top of him, the new angle stretching you in different ways. You bring a tentative hand down to rub circles on your clit, the sensitive bud begging for more attention. Eddie can’t help himself, he starts rutting up into you, trying to match your pace. He’s right on the edge of bliss but determined to get you there first, pushing himself as deep inside of you as he’ll go. He’s sick with lust as he watches you ride him, delirious with the way your tits bounce with every jolt of your body.
“Gonna cum, Eddie, don’t stop,” you warn, fingers moving quicker on your clit, brows furrowed in concentration.
“Not planning on it, sweetheart,” Eddie grunts, driving into you again and again as you squirm on top of him.
A few more thrusts from him and you feel the rope finally snap, hunched over Eddie’s body as you come undone around him. Your chest heaves as you work through your high, walls fluttering harshly around Eddie’s throbbing length. You feel like your bones turned to mush as Eddie keeps bucking his hips into you, your limbs tingling with the overstimulation of it all. You press chaste kisses to his neck as his moans grow louder, biting and licking at his skin before he finally reaches release. He paints your insides for what feels like forever, loosening his grip on your sides when he’s finally done.
“Shit, honey. Milked me fuckin’ dry,” Eddie laughs, breathing heavy with exertion.
You giggle as you slowly pull off of him, a mix of your release and his leaking out of you, sliding slowly down your thighs. Eddie sits up beside you and you pull him in for a lazy kiss, sloppy lips on lips and tongues peeking out to greet each other. Pulling away, Eddie glances over at the clock hanging on the wall near the locker rooms. It reads just about 10 o’clock. He huffs a sad sigh as he turns back to you.
“We should probably get going, baby. Cops usually show up pretty soon,” Eddie stands, holding a hand out to help you up as well.
You stick out your bottom lip in a pitiful pout as you rise from your sitting position, earning a laugh from Eddie.
“Wish we could just stay here all night,” your pout persists as your press your palms to his chest, scrunching your nose when he kisses it.
“Trust me, honey, you’ll be seeing more of me. No way you’re getting rid of me now,” Eddie chews on the inside of his cheek, attempting to suppress his smirk.
You wait for him by the gate as he covers the rest of the pool and puts his equipment in his locker, admiring every stride his long legs take, thin frame lit up only by the light of the moon and the subtle glow of the flickering lamps in the parking lot. He jogs over to you, kissing you sweetly as his hands unlatch the gate behind you, metal scraping on metal as it opens. He walks you to your car, shaggy wet curls falling over his shoulders as he leans through the window to give you one more kiss goodnight. You pull a pen from your glovebox, writing your phone number in blue ink on his wrist, then kissing the back of his hand before letting him go. He keeps looking over his shoulder at you as he walks to his beat up van, giving you a little wave as you pull out of your parking spot.
Almost as soon as you get home, your phone rings - and you have a feeling it might be one particular lifeguard you know.
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bekkathyst · 4 months
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Strawberry and Lilac Breakfast Bake
Inspired by one of my favorite desserts - Topfenkuchen! But this is lighter and less sweet, and of course with the addition of homemade lilac syrup and strawberries: two Springtime treats! Link for the full recipe. 💜
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