#lilia rossi
winter-kitsune · 1 month
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Google whyyyy??? Miraculous Wiki whyyy???
No! She does not deserve any kind of happy birthday!
This showed up when I opened google as something I might be interested in. But no. Just no.
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judedeluca · 2 years
Who else sees the connection
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ggomos-maribat · 1 year
2 | a girl named Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Part 2 of Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Dead | Masterlist
Tim came rushing into the Batcave with an armful of papers which he dumped by the computer in front of Jason. "I remember now. Why her name was so familiar."
"Lila Rossi's?" Jason looked up at him. Ever since the news blew up, Tim had been visibly restless, like the whole ordeal was a mind-boggling case. Though Jason, too, couldn't quell his own curiosity.
"No, that girl she supposedly killed. Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Tim pulled out a folder from the bottom of the pile and slapped it on top. Jason caught the same name on the case's title. "Her death two years ago was a cold case I found. Damn it, why didn't Damian tell me?"
"And you solved it?"
Tim huffed out. "No, I didn't have the time to go back to cold cases again and it kind of got buried with the other ones."
Jason opened up the folder with one hand and skimmed the content. Both Lila and the 'Marinette' girl were from Paris—he remembered how the media was raving on about the death being a mystery, and Lila, Lilia Ross, must've been involved in it. Of course, there wasn't definite proof as all rumors went.
On the corner of the paper, there was a stapled photo: a girl of East Asian descent, with dark hair and blue eyes. She wore a knit sweater, beaming at the camera with her hands clasped on the strap of her bag.
Just then, Jason heard a ping, followed by a curse from Tim.
"Lilia Ross just posted a video." In an instant, he was right by Jason's side so he could see it too. "Looks like she's addressing the accusations."
"Why would she do that?" Jason knew Bruce got all sorts of backlash too, but not once did he ever seriously address all the rumors since that would be equivalent to admitting they were true.
"Honestly this isn't something she can actually ignore. It blew up pretty badly and the online market is important for her business."
Jason looked at the video in scrutiny. Lilia Ross' setup was simple but still put together: there were brand products displayed in her background along with trinkets on the shelves reminiscent of Paris. The brunette's face seemed solemn, but he couldn't get a read if it was forced or not. The title of the video was short, all caps, bordering on being click-baity—'MY MESSAGE TO EVERYONE...'
"Hi everyone," Lilia managed a small smile. "Recently it has come to my attention that an anonymous poster broadcasted that I'm a suspect for murder. I didn't want to talk about it at first, but I decided to tell everyone the truth not for my sake but for the sake of everyone who was affected by that incident."
"Her name is. . ." She paused as if choked up suddenly. "Her name was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She was my friend and classmate in collége and lycée back in Paris. Two years ago, she . . . she passed away—they found her near Pont des Arts. We were told it was suicide."
Lilia took a deep breath and her eyes glazed over. Jason wanted to think that she actually looked remorseful. "Well, I should say her parents didn't say anything else other than that so we were kind of left in the dark about the details. But all of us—our class was really close—we're still grieving. If I knew she was hurting that badly, I . . . I would've done something before it was too late. Marinette was a kindhearted girl and we all loved—love—her. She was taken away from us too early."
Her expression shifted from sad to silent rage. "That's why I can't stand people using her name for this useless sensationalism. This is hurting her close friends, her family, everyone who knew her. Please don't bring her up again; give her some peace. She doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. And please think twice before spreading awful rumors about something so serious."
Jason tore his attention away from the video to look at Tim, who had his lips pursed, thinking deeply. Tim set down his phone. "The facts add up with Marinette's case file, but she's lying."
Tim opened up the folder again. "It's true that the police ruled it out as a suicide and there's still a lot of mystery surrounding her death. But based on what I've gathered, Lilia—er, Lila—and Marinette weren't friends."
"What do you mean?"
Tim picked up another folder, showing Marinette's school record. "According to this file, there were some reports of Marinette bullying her classmates, some issues of theft, blackmail, cheating . . . Lila made it seem like she was likable to everyone, which doesn't seem to be the case."
"But if Lila's intention of making the video was to partly clear her own name, obviously she won't badmouth Marinette." Jason frowned.
His brother shrugged. "Yeah, I thought that too. I'm not pointing at Lila as a likely suspect in this, actually. This case is so confusing that if there was actually an answer to it that makes sense, I doubt a then nineteen-year-old girl would've pulled it off by herself."
He sighed exasperatedly. "But then again, anyone could've been the culprit, and that includes Lila."
"Wait, so you're sure it's not suicide then?"
Another presence suddenly entered the cave. Judging by the soft humming, Jason figured that Dick was home from Bludhaven.
The eldest strolled into the room, hands casually in his pockets. "Hey, Alfie told me you guys were down here!" He greeted. "Did you guys see that accusation on Lilia Ross? That was crazy."
Jason stared at him. "You follow Lilia Ross?"
"I see her stuff here and there—I'm not a boomer, you know."
"So you know about everything then." Tim turned to the computer next. "We're investigating the case."
"What case?"
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng's death," Jason replied. "It's one of Replacement's cold cases and Lilia Ross is tied to it."
"So it wasn't suicide?" Dick walked towards the table, eyeing the papers scattered around. "Hold on, tell us everything. From the beginning."
Like the cop he was, Jason could tell that Dick was showing interest in the case as well. If it wasn't something Tim could crack right off the bat, it must be that difficult. Tim began typing things into the large computer, pulling out the case files in digital form to show the two of them.
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, only child and daughter to Thomas Dupain and Sabine Cheng, who own a bakery in Paris. She died when she was just eighteen years old." Tim presented a few pictures. "Attended Francois Dupont in collége and lycée, the same one Lilia Ross went to . . . they were also classmates with a few other notable people: model Juleka Couffaine, physicist Max Kante, the current director of the Louvre, Alix Kubdel, and others. She had a perfect record up until the end of collége when she started getting tardies and absences, then she had three cases of theft, two of cheating and a few reports of bullying and harassment in lycée. She got suspended twice because of that."
He switched to another file. "And then . . . her death. April sixteenth of their last year in school. Locals found her body in Pont des Arts, near the foot of the bridge. The investigation only lasted about three days, but the police declared it a suicide despite the fact that there was no note found, no signs of tendencies before that day. I don't know if it was her parents' decision, but they didn't investigate any further."
Jason shifted on his seat. There was no clear picture of the body, only a blurry photo taken from far away, showing a motionless figure lying on the bridge, with police tape serving as its barrier. She was still young .  . .
Tim's expression turned grim. "Apart from that, here's where it gets weird. Her parents consented for an autopsy and I dug around for the file. They found nothing significant."
"Nothing significant?" Dick echoed.
"As in nothing. No marks on her skin, no sign of injury, no organ failure, no traces of drugs or poison anywhere, no fingerprints, no DNA other than hers." Tim clenched his jaw. "Nothing. Which means . . ."
"They didn't know the cause of death," Jason continued for him.
"Yes, but she was deceased. Only they didn't find out how and they couldn't even estimate the time of death."
"Maybe the coroner faked the report?" Dick suggested.
Jason crossed his arms. "Yeah, but if they wanted to cover up something, then they would've written a fake cause of death, right?"
"Exactly," Tim agreed. "Literally all it says on paper is 'no significant findings. Cause of death unknown'. That's all!"
"So if they don't know the cause of death and there was no note . . . they can't just say it was suicide," Dick concluded.
"Could they just have missed something?" Jason asked Tim.
"That's a possibility, but I'm not convinced it's a suicide with so many things unaccounted for. An accident or suicide would've left some kind of clue, which this case lacks. With evidence this meticulously covered up, it must be predetermined. Homicide."
"Is that why Lilia Ross was accused?" Dick wondered out loud.
"According to the anonymous post, she allegedly tormented Marinette which makes her a suspect in her death," Tim explained. "There's no evidence pointing to her though. Like I said, there's no evidence at all. Since the investigation period was so short, the police never questioned anyone other than her parents so even if her classmates had something to say about it, there was never a record."
"What about the cameras?" Dick said.
Tim looked a tad bit insulted. "You think I didn't check?"
He quickly opened up more files, video feeds of the day of the incident. The cameras didn't quite give a clear view of the bridge itself, only the roads on either side of it. "No sightings of Marinette or anything weird. Before, during and after the body was found . . . just a small crowd from the commotion. Marinette was last seen alive the morning before, but the cameras caught her going home but not going out after."
Jason searched the feed for anything out of the ordinary but unsurprisingly, nothing stood out for him. "What about her parents? What did they say?"
"They . . . they said Marinette was always stressed out and busy but they never thought she'd resort to suicide. She seemed normal the day before," Tim answered solemnly. "They saw her coming back home but didn't catch her leaving, but apparently she had a habit of sneaking out sometimes."
They all fell silent, seemingly at a loss on how to resolve all their questions. Jason couldn't wrap his head around the whole thing because it all appeared like the impossible did in fact happen. How did she get to the bridge? How did she even die? If there was a killer then why would they . . .?
Then Jason noticed Tim looking at him.
"Bruce only asked me to look into this. Why are you so invested?" Tim leaned against the table.
"Why does the reason matter?"
"Like . . . I'd expect you to say something like 'leave the dead to rest in peace' or something like that."
Jason snorted. "First of all, as the spokesperson of the dead, I wouldn't say something like that. More like 'the dead need the living to bring justice for them.'" He averted his gaze. "And secondly, I want to know more. No, I want the truth because . . . because I think I've seen Marinette before."
Taglist: @hammalammadamdam
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blaqkpen · 1 year
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Art Commission for @emdoddles This is based off of her design for a Kwame swap. Lilia Rossi with the turtle miraculous. Please go check out her art she has really cool design ideas and she does commissions too!
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starsfic · 1 year
Imagine when Lilia comes to the boiling isles, it's cause she's running from a bus supposed to correct her while Marinette and Adrien are trying to get her on there
(Vee will still pose as Luz, Camilia's finance are stable again but she's deeply troubled by Lilia's self-centered personality
The battle against Shadowmoth had been long and hard.
But, at the end, good triumphed over evil.
Gabriel Agreste was arrested with his accomplices Nathalie Sancoeur, Chloé Bourgeois, and Lila Rossi. The latter was why Ladybug and Chat Noir found themselves in the police station with Gina Rossi, an Italian diplomat, and Alya. (Ladybug wasn’t sure how the latter got in here (based on her face, neither did she) but she was willing to let Alya get a look.)
“Based on her records, this seems…” Roger hissed through his teeth as he flipped through the file. “Not a surprise.” he finally settled on.
Gina looked ready to faint. “This isn’t new behavior?”
Roger looked up from the file with a raised brow. “Ma’am, did you not look at the record of the girl you were adopting?” Ladybug opened her mouth, only barely managing to get ahold of herself to clap her hands over Chat and Alya’s mouths before the questions could come out. She had no idea Lila had even been adopted. Poor Mrs. Rossi looked ready to faint already. “According to her file, starting at a young age, Lila has shown a history of lying.”
“That can’t- I didn’t-” Gina snatched the file and started scanning it, her face slowly getting more and more pale. “...this can’t…” Ladybug released her partner and her best friend’s mouths so they could step closer and peek over. Alya whistled.
Lila’s file was long.
The first recorded incident was when Lila was five. She accused a daycare worker of giving her food she was allergic to. The new manager had fired the poor girl on the spot, not even giving her a chance to explain until Lila’s bio mom, one Ms. Camila Noceda, had come to pick the twins up from daycare.
“Lila doesn’t have allergies.”
The daycare worker, as it turned out, had said no to Lila taking a doll from Luz. She had been restated with much higher pay soon after. The Nocedas had given her money for the lost wages.
The second had been aimed at a family friend of the Nocedas. Six-year-old Lila, with a new black eye, had accused the boy of hitting her at a party. The entire family had been outraged until they learned the boy wasn’t there…by him returning from his part time job. As it turned out, Lila had just tripped.
The pattern continued. Lila would lie, only to have her lie revealed. As time continued, the lies grew bigger and closer together. Soon, Lila was lying all the time. In the notes that Gina flipped through, Ladybug made a note.
Most of the lies were revealed by Lila’s twin, Luz, or the girl’s bio parents. Distance began to appear. The last incident happened…
Her blood ran cold.
There had been an accident on a family boating trip. Luz Noceda had fallen overboard while apparently not wearing her life vest. Lila had never been solidly accused, but it was noted that she was the last one to see Luz alive. The little girl’s body had never been found.
Now, Marinette knew Lila was bad. Who got a kick out of lying to people? But she was starting to learn, more and more, how evil she was.
Luz had been like her. A weird girl who still spoke the truth and disrupted Lila’s lies. Unlike her, she had been listened to. And for that, Lila had possibly killed her.
(For a second, she felt smug. Adrien could take the high road and shove it.)
“We actually called Camila Noceda in to ask her questions,” Roger said, wreaking the silence. “She’s on her way in now.”
“Does she need someone to pick her up?” Chat Noir asked.
Roger shook his head. “You misunderstand. She’s walking into the building now.”
The door opened. “Right this way, madame,” an officer said in English. “Camila Noceda is here, sir.”
Camila Noceda was a woman with dark bags under her eyes and a soft frown. She wore a yellow sweater that seemed to have been hastily pulled over a medical uniform. She was a pretty older woman with grey starting to soften the dark curls in her hair. Ladybug couldn’t see any resemblance to Lila from just one look.
“What did she do?”
Roger blinked. “What?”
“Lila. What did she do this time?” Chat and Alya both winced at the harshness. Camila sighed and rubbed her eyes. “Sorry. It’s a surprise to get a call about your biological daughter so late in the evening.”
“It’s nothing to be offended about, madame,” Ladybug couldn’t help but take a step forward and grip Camila’s hand. Exhaustion lined the poor woman’s voice, and this whole experience, based on the last incident, must’ve been making her flashback. “I’m sorry to have to drag you in like this. We just have some questions about Lila Rossi’s lying habit.”
A warm smile bloomed to life. “Thank you, sweetheart,” Camila reached up and patted her cheek. Maternal warmth seemed to seep off her now. Ladybug couldn’t help but lean into the warm touch, suddenly reminded of her own mother. “I’m happy to answer any questions, but what did Lila do?”
Oh boy. Ladybug glanced around. Roger, Chat, and Alya didn’t meet her eyes. It seemed like-
“It was my fault.” Gina stood up straight, shoulders clenched. “I’m Gina Rossi, Lila’s m…” She paused and shook her head. “Lila’s adoptive mother. I think we spoke on the phone when I adopted her.”
Camila nodded. “We did. You were so excited to welcome Lila into your family.” Her smile turned sadder. “I hated giving up on Lila, but I couldn’t…” She sighed. “I couldn’t give her the help she needed.”
Gina nodded. “Neither could I,” she whispered. Camila cocked her head. “I didn’t look at her file closely. I didn’t read about all the incidents, the lying, everything. I let her manipulate me.” Gina reached up and rubbed her forehead. “She helped a terrorist attack Paris because I enabled her.”
Camila’s eyes went wide. “She did what?!”
“She also skipped over a year of school!” Gina’s voice choked into a sob. “She’s getting me in trouble with the embassy because she made up stories about traveling everywhere, she’s getting into legal trouble, and she almost ruined one poor girl’s life!”
Camila clearly flinched. “She did?”
“Yes!” Alya stepped forward. “My best friend, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Ladybug blinked. “I…I also helped enable her. Without knowing! But I still helped her.” She presented the phone to Camila, who looked ready to faint. “I’m really sorry, Mrs. Noceda.”
Camila took the phone, allowing Ladybug to see that Alya had pulled up the Ladyblog. Specifically, on the video of Volpina helping Shadowmoth.
The woman was eerily quiet, staring at the screen. Her eyes were wide as the video first played. They narrowed as the video replayed a second time. A third time.
“...I…I can’t believe this.” Camila passed the phone back to Alya. Her hands were shaking, as though she was ready to throw the phone. “No. You know what? I can believe Lila would do that.”
Roger stepped forward. “Your answers will help us make sure, madame.”
“Ask away,” Camila said, taking a deep breath in and letting it out. “And then I want to talk to her. Luz has some questions of her own.” 
The door opened, revealing a girl. She was pretty, with golden hairclips pushing back hair to reveal golden eyes.
“Where’s my sister?”
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hipsterteller · 2 years
Daughter of Solider-Witch, Niece of a mage.
I got this idea of @sanctum-of-ramshackle this is my favorite style with everyone hated character, Lilia Rossi.
Synopsis- Lila taught it was a fun idea to mock Anthy like how she did to Marionette but she made one false move...a really wrong move.
Tw- Cursing, blood
Anthy just starred at Lila as she felt something inside of her...snapped...
Anthy-I'm sorry...can you repeat it again?
Lila-*scoffed* I said you should be careful around me, you don't want to be ended up like Marionette right? And you don't want your sweet uncle to know that his precious niece 'hurt' me.
Anthy-...well let me tell you, Rossi...God may have gifted you good looks, some wealth, and a plastic personality, for me...I was given the gift of being birth by a soldier and witch...
(Anthy approach the door and close it follow by locking it)
Lila-and whats that suppose to do?
Anthy-let me tell you, Lila... *Crack knuckles* You can talk shit on me as much as you want...but when you are about to harm someone I love and care...thats where I have to show you what would happen when you mess with me.
And that moment she knew...she literally fuck up as Lilia face is met with a heavy sucker punch right in her face causing her to fall back as Anthy crack her body and began beating her up)
(Outside the room)
(Everyone listen in as Crowley is a bit terrified hearing Lila screams of agony and terror while Anthy voice is sadistic and creepy)
Ace-oh shit...like literally oh shit..
Riddle-never in my life have I ever heard her swear...
Jack-oh hearing a lot of rukus...guess she hold them back and control her rage...
Ruggie-that and can easily break everyone bones if you talk shit on her uncle...
Floyd-Siren really loves Trein huh?
(Trein is speechless when Lila threaten to false accuse her...it snapped Anthy to the very core, she always control her rage...and never in his life...had ever been proud...she can be both elegant and soldier...)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 months
my love my story
by Ray1215 years after the defeat of Hawk Month Marinette is married to Luka after she and Adrian broke up still to Alya's dismay and anger. Alya is still in Lilia Corner and agrees to get Adrian to date her. he is miserable while Marinette is thriving with Luka. Still, when Lila finds out Marinette has contact with the Waynes as she makes the wedding dress of Tina Jane Drake-Wayne. after all, Lila deserves a Wayne so why not make Marinette introduce her to them? Words: 228, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Miraculous Ladybug Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Tim Drake, Conner Kent, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Luka Couffaine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marc Anciel, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Alya Césaire, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Lila Rossi Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, female tim drake/ conner kent, Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne, Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marc Anciel/Nathaniel Kurtzberg, past bruce wayne/selina, Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd, Past Dick Grayson/Koriand'r - Relationship, past adrian agreste/marinette dupain-cheng, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Lila Rossi Additional Tags: Bad Teacher Caline Bustier, Akuma class salt, genderbent Tim Drake, Female Tim Drake, cheater dick grayson, its been years though, Good Sibling Tim Drake, Good Sibling Damian Wayne, Bad Sibling Dick Grayson, not really but he is not reading a room, Bad Parent Bruce Wayne, not really but you would think he could read his kids at least, Tim Drake is So Done, Damian Wayne is So Done, there done with bruce via https://ift.tt/zhxRea8
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lettieriletti · 8 months
Shirayuki dai Capelli Rossi 13
Shirayuki è stata trasferita a Lilias in qualità di ricercatrice erborista. Oppressa dal senso di solitudine, scoppia a piangere… Cosa le dirà Zen per cercare di rasserenarla? Nel frattempo, Obi rivela a Zen i sentimenti che custodisce per la ragazza!
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troycattribunny · 1 year
Rewatching criminal minds and Agent Rossi is hot. Which is HILARIOUS when you also compare that with Lilia.
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cada-atletismo · 1 year
Curso de Administracion Deportiva en Las Varillas
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En la ciudad de Las Varillas Córdoba sede administrativa de la Confederación Argentina de Atletismo se desarrolló desde el 31 de mayo al de 3 junio el curso de Curso de Administracion Deportiva en asociación entre el Comité Olímpico Argentino y la propia Confederación Argentina de Atletismo. Es esta una capacitación propuesta por Solidaridad Olímpica y de la cual fueron directores Andrea Martínez Funes y Fernando Molinero. El curso estuvo destinado a dirigentes deportivos, miembros de entidades deportivas gubernamentales y privadas, profesionales asociados al deporte, docentes de Educación Física y autoridades de clubes, escuelas y grupos deportivos, en total 51 que quieren formarse y/o ampliar sus conocimientos técnicos en administración deportiva. Debe señalarse que la participación de personas relacionadas con el atletismo fue muy numerosa. Estuvieron presente varias presidentes de federaciones provinciales de atletismo y otras personas que cumplen importantes funciones en este deporte. La nómina total de inscriptos fue la siguiente: Almada juan Carlos Sánchez Roberto Carlos Zapata Mirtha Esther Perugini Samuel Amadeo Ayala Moreno Marta Cristina González Ana Ailén Cabral Nicolás Gabriel Cabral Enrique Nicolás Chatich Monica Gladys Noseda Gómez Aldana Lihué Perez Jorge Nolberto Garoglio Lepez Mayka Emmi Sassaroli Garoglio Renata maila Barrera Claudia Elhall Yamil Zarate Kevin Omar Gamboa Lilia Peretti Matías Martina Andres Racca Jose Maria Cabrera Gimena Graboviecki Linda Carolina Villafañe Walter Antonio Bianchi Leandro Ferratto Cesar Martin Aab Ayrton Diaz Silvia Marylín Painecura Fabio Gabriel Gimenez Liliana Obdulia Beltrami Carla Gamba Micaela Borgiattino Nicolás Muñoz Fernando Gabriel Beltramo ANABEL Bustamante Matías Cabrera Dolores Virginia Pacci Omar Silvio Oliva Sonia Castillo Diego Sebastián Rossi Fernando Sanchez Daniel Jorge Clementi Leandro David Correa Barcena Claribel Romaszczuk Andrés Fabián Cederstrom Andrea viviana Paternoster German Andres Godoy Rosa Liliana Altamirano Liliana Beatriz De Torres Christian Alberto Genovese Santiago Valdemarin Ariel Pagani Cesar Sanchez Gracias Teresita Villagra José María Silio Antonio   Read the full article
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paintme-intrust · 5 years
Lowkey season 3 was the season for all the ships? Like even some of the crack ships?
We had scene for the lovesquare, Lukanette, Adrigami, Marigami, Lukadrien, etc.
like they fed everyone’s ship...
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mlb-shit-post · 5 years
is lilia just a perpetual laura lee apology video
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goofygoldengirl · 5 years
Oh my god Lilia she is targeting EVERYBODY now 
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munofsilver · 6 years
Hidden Secret Chapter 3
There is something on Nathaniel's mind, not just Malissa this time. Chloe, on the other hand, doesn't want to deal with her father's negativity. Ao3 link. 
Sadly Chloe didn't make the trail mix like she wanted to. She couldn't stop thinking about him. “Why was he everywhere today?” She growls. “At work, lunch, the store. What do I have to do to get him away from me?” She just about screams. A knock on her door stops her from pacing around her room. “Come in,” she calls out facing the door. Her father comes in. “Hello, princess.” He takes a seat on her couch. “Hello, daddy.” She sits down next to her father.
“It's been a month, Chloe. When will you stop this? You don't need this, I can buy you whatever you need,” he sighs. Her father always goes straight to the point. “I know, daddy. You did that for me since I was six,” Chloe leans back. She knows where this is going. Right now she doesn't want to deal with this.“I just don't see why you don't want me to buy you what you need or want,” he looks sadly at his only child. “Daddy, I want to be able to do things on my own and not rely on you or your money,” now Chloe is the one that sighs. “I just don't understand,” he whispers. Just what he said last time.
[Yup flashback time] “Are you serious, Chloe?” A shocked major is sitting behind his desk. “Like I said, Daddy. I want you to stop paying my rent.” “Princess, you have no rent.” “Then make me pay rent.” “You can't be serious.” “Yes, I am Daddy.” Chloe crosses her arms. “I also want a job, and I'm going to get one,” Chloe spoke with pride. “A what?! Why?” “So I can earn my own money.” “I just don't understand.” [Flashback over now]
“When will you stop this, Princess?” Chloe gets up and walks towards the window. While looking out the window she answered.  I want to do this on my own, Daddy.” She checks the time. “Sorry, Daddy I have to go. I don't want to be late for class.” Chloe puts her wig back on and changes into Malissa's street clothes. She hugs her father and rushes out the door. Sabrina is waiting in her car for “Malissa.” They both are in the same cooking class.
Nathaniel is heading out when he drove pass Malissa place. At least the place he thinks she lives at. Stopping at a red light close to the building, he looks at the building again. “I wonder what apartment number she lives in.” He quickly turns to face the street light. “I got to stop thinking about her.” “Who are you talking about?” Asked Lila, Nathaniel had forgotten she was in the car. “Just a student from my Art class,” Nathaniel answered hoping she doesn't notice the look on his face.  
“Anyways, thanks for driving me to the airport,” Lila hummed. She didn't notice the look of embarrassment on his face. Nathaniel glanced at the building in the rearview mirror. “You're welcome. Glad to do it,” he chirped. “How long will you be gone?” Nathaniel speeds up a bit, but not too fast. “Just for a few months. After my cousin’s wedding I'm going to visit my old hometown for a while, and visit some old places I use to travel too with my parents,” Lila beams with excitement. “Sounds like fun,” Nathaniel glances at Lila. “I wish you could come with,” Lila wined. Nathaniel smiles, “I know, I have a class to teach and a tattoo parlor to run.”
“The class could have started later. I told you about this trip five months ago when I got the invitation,” Lila joking glares at Nathaniel. “That is true, I can't leave my tattoo parlor for a few months,” Nathaniel Ingres the fake glare. “I guess that's true. I will miss you when I'm gone.” “Really now?” Nathaniel asks. “Why wouldn't I? You were joking weren't you?” Lila joking slapped Nathaniel. It didn't hurt but he acted like it did. Now at the airport, Nathaniel pulls over so Lila can get out. He helps get her suitcase out. “I'll call you when I'm settled in,” Lila smiles and Nathaniel nods. Then Lila grabs Nathaniel by the shirt and kisses him on the lips.
During class, Chloe paid extra attention to the teacher. She reads all the intrusions of the cooking project for today’s class. They are learning how to make spaghetti with tomato sauce, clam chowder, and macaroons. Chloe is having fun when its time to do the cooking, Chloe enjoys cooking. Sabrina and her talk while cooking. “How do you like the book so far?” Sabrina asked draining the noddles. “I'm enjoying it very much. I'm halfway through it.” Chloe tastes the clam chowder.
“I was thinking after work before class tomorrow, would you like to go to the bookstore with me?” Chloe starts to work on the macaroons. “I would like that. When is your shift over?” Sabrina beams with joy. “5 but my Art class starts at 7.” “I'll be there at 4:30.” They both laugh. Once the food was done, there were 10 minutes left of class, the teacher walks around to taste her students finished meals.
She would comment on each and move on to the next. When she got to Malissa and Sabrina table Sabrina is a bit nervous and Chloe is excited. The teacher tasted their work. “Malissa and Sabrina very good just like last time. I must say the sauce is a bit thick though, but I do like the flavor. Did you add anything?” Sabrina looks a Chloe, and Malissa raises her hand. “Yes, Mrs. Schwanke. I know you said that it's good to experiment with spices once in a while. So I added some basil leaves and garlic to the sauce,” she whispers.
“Good job experimenting. Be careful sometimes it can backfire,” Mrs. Schwanke warns them both and moves on. “Good idea with the garlic and basil. I was wondering why you were looking at the spice rack earlier,” Sabrina laughs. With class done and over with plus a new at home project to do, they packed up the leftovers split them up evenly and head out. “Can I stay at your house tonight?” Chloe asked getting in the car.
“Sure, why?” Sabrina starts the car. “I just don't want to put up with my dad right now,” Chloe sighs. Sabrina looks at her. “Is he trying to get you to stop this?” Chloe nods. “I understand. Sure you can.” She drives off home.
Nathaniel can't stop thinking about what happened. 'Why did Lila kiss me like that? Is Lila interest in me?' He keeps asking those same questions over and over as he drives home. He passes that place again. While watching at a red light he sees Sabrina getting out of a car with Malissa. “Does that mean they live together? I should call Sabrina and see.” Nathaniel and Sabrina exchange numbers when she took his pottery class a year ago.
For some reason, a look of sadness appears on his face, as his mind goes back to Lila and the kiss. Then for some reason, Lila turns into Malissa. A car horn honking snaps Nathaniel back and he drives. “Maybe I just need to clear my head,” he said as he changes his direction and heads to his studio instead of home.
“Would you like something to drink?” Sabrina asked heading towards the kitchen. “Yes, water please,” Chloe take a seat on the couch. “Do you want to talk about it?” Sabrina hands her a bottled water. “Thank you. Sabrina, do you think what I'm doing is a mistake?” Sabrina sits down next to Chloe. “Of course not. I'm proud of you for doing this. I just wish you didn't do this as Malissa.” Chloe closes her eyes and pulls off her wig. “So do I, Sabrina so do I.”
“Why do you use the disguise then?” Sabrina takes a sip of her water. “My father wanted me too.” Chloe went quite and Sabrina understands. “I'll set up and couch for you, and give you a ride to work in  the morning.” “That sound nice. Thank you.” Chloe smiles. She helps Sabrina get the couch ready, even though Sabrina said she didn't need too. Sabrina does like that Chloe is being nicer.
It's 3 am and Nathaniel is still in his studio, he was drawing, then he was painting, now he's working with clay. Not making anything just messing around with the clay. Nothing seems to help he keeps thinking about the kiss with Lila, Malissa, and the vision of kissing Malissa.
He stops when he notices the time. “I'm not sure I'll be able to get to enough sleep to open the parlor on time.” He looks at the lump of clay in front of him. “I'll be lucky if I can get any sleep tonight.” He sends a text to someone. Right now Alix is asleep but Nathaniel knows that she will get the message in the morning.
Nathaniel puts everything away and cleans up. He's unsure if he should still have his class. He just not sure what to think. The poor redhead has a feeling that he should have a nice chat with his younger sister. A very tired artist decides to try to get some sleep when he finally gets home. Poor tomato boy was so drained he didn't even make it to his room. He slumped down on the couch looking at the ceiling fan.
“Hello, Mr. Kurtzberg you wanted to see me?” Malissa is standing in the doorway of Nathaniel's Art classroom in his studio. Nathaniel was painting and covered in paint, he turns around to see her. “Yes, I did. Please take a seat.” Malissa does what he asked. “I hope you don't mind the paint,” Nathaniel steps towards her. “At least you're wearing a smock,” Malissa giggles. Nathaniel takes it off and hangs it on the hook on the wall. “It seems you got some on your shirt also,” Malissa points at him.
Nathaniel looks down at his shirt. “That's why I always wear old shirts while painting.” They both laugh. Then Nathaniel takes off his shirt and Malissa is now standing in front of him taking off her coat. They start kissing and holding each other. Nathaniel leans her against his desk as the kiss deepen. From her lips to her neck Nathaniel keeps kissing and starts nipping.
Nathaniel wakes up. He forgot the alarm on his phone was still on. With a grunt, he turns off his alarm and goes back to sleep. Now instead of Malissa, it's Lila he's making out with shirtless. Nathaniel wakes up again. “This is bad. I think I have a crush on both.” Nathaniel takes a shower to calm down. Then he calls his younger sister. Before that, he did notice that Alix did see his text and will look after his parlor today.
Chloe was glad she didn't see Nathaniel this morning. She had a feeling he would start coming in every day now. That doesn't matter she'll be seeing him at class tonight. After her break when she came in the first person there was Nathaniel with someone Chloe never seen before, but she does have the same color eyes as Nathaniel. Wait a minute she remembers hearing him talk about his younger sister a few times back in college.
[Childhood flashback] “Hey, Nathaniel would you like to come with us to the music festival?” asked Alix standing between Max and Kim. “Sorry I can't. Unless you don't mind if I bring my younger sister with.” Nathaniel closes his sketchbook. “Bring her with. We like hanging out with, Natalie,” Kim smiles. “She does want to go to the music festival, this would work out great,” Nathaniel stands up. The four talk about their plans with Natalie, Nathaniel's younger sister. “Are you going to the music festival, Chloe?” Sabrina asked as she files Chloe's nails. “Sabrina who is this Natalie I keep hearing? Is there a new student?” Chloe is looking around for the fresh meat. “Natalie is Nathaniel's younger sister. She's five I believe. Nathaniel brought her to your party, remember?” Chloe raises an eyebrow at Sabrina. “She the one the screamed and fainted when the Despair Bear started running around.” Sabrina let's go of Chloe's hand and Chloe checks her nails. [End flashback]
'That must be his sister. She does look a bit like him.' They step up to the counter.  Right away Chloe notices a change in Nathaniel. He wasn't smiling and facing away from Malissa. He was looking at the menu broad, Malissa knows he doesn't need too. He orders the same thing as yesterday minus the chocolate croissant. His sister, on the other hand, needed some time. “I'll have a vanilla latte,” she finally orders after a minute.
Malissa makes the order and hands it to them after taking the payment. Nathaniel was quite and looking at the wall and around the cafe. It's like he was trying to avoid looking at Malissa. Good thing she didn't notice while making the order. Natalie, on the other hand, did notice.
Nathaniel and his sister sit at a table in the back by a window. “Why did you want to see me?” Natalie asked taking a sip of her latte. “I think I have a problem,” Nathaniel yawned. “Does it involved the girl you tried to ignore that made our coffee?” Nathaniel nods sadly. “Talk to me, bro.” “That girl over there is in my Art class. Her name is Malissa. I bumped into her a lot lately. She's cute and shy. Reminds me of me when I was younger. I would like to try to break her out of her shell.” Nathaniel smiles as he talks about Malissa.
“You have a crush on her,” Natalie laughs. Making her older brother turn red. “That's not all. You remember Lila?” “I do.” “When I drop her off at the airport last night she kissed me,” Nathaniel glance a quick look at Malissa, who right now is cleaning up a table. “Let me guess, you have a crush on both now?” Nathaniel looks down at his drink. “I had a dream last night. I was making out shirtless with Malissa. The alarm woke me up and when I went back to sleep it was Lila I was making out shirtless,” he sighs.  
“I was right. Then again you and Lila went out once,” Natalie grins at her brother. “It was a blind date and it was only the one date. That was also two years ago,” Nathaniel spoke in an acerbic tone. “You two still talk and it seems she may want to be more than friends,” Natalie's grin widens. Nathaniel glares at her before he rolls his eyes. “She had two years to bring that up, why would she now?” Nathaniel asked himself more than his sister. “Call her and ask. I'm going to get some cookies.” Natalie gets up and heads to the counter.
Nathaniel checks his phone. No new messages. Maybe he should call Lila even though she did say she'll call him. The big question is does he like her or Malissa? Maybe both. Nathaniel didn't notice his sister returned. “I talked with Malissa,” she hands him a cookie. Only to have Nathaniel jump up, “You what?” After his outburst he sits back down face is totally red. Natalie just laughs.
“We didn't say much. I just introduce myself and we exchange numbers,” Natalie takes a huge bite of her cookie. Nathaniel nods his head and takes a sip, only to spit it back out. “You what?” He repeated. “I found out she's taking a cooking class and I asked if she could give me some tips. She said she'll think about it and I offered to exchange numbers.”
“She does seem nice, then again she is also working,” Natalie glances at Malissa and sees Sabrina walk up to the counter. “If Lila is interested would you date her?” Natalie just had to ask that. “I don't know,” he sighs. “What about Malissa?” “I do want to want to get to know her, but she's my student. Am I able to date a student?” That is a good question. For Natalie, it's not that big of a question. “You both are adults, so I don't see why not. If you feel that way just wait until the class is done,” she shrugs.
Sabrina walks up to the counter, why wouldn't she go to “Malissa.” “Hello, how can I help you?” Malissa smiles a real one for Sabrina. “Black coffee please.” “Decaf or not?” “Not please.” Malissa takes the payment and gets the easiest order she had all day.
At five Malissa's shift is over and she clocks out. Then meets Sabrina at the table she's sitting on, that happened to be close but not that close to Nathaniel and sister's table. “We'll go once I finished my coffee. While you wait why don't you get some,” Sabrina tease. She could tell “Malissa” wasn't amused by the look on her face. That look only made Sabrina laugh. After Sabrina finished her coffee they head out to the bookstore.
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ihavelearnedtolose · 4 years
Solo le persone che ti vogliono bene ti chiedono se hai paura.
~Lilia, Braccialetti Rossi
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miraculouscontent · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
So, apparently, according to what I heard from other people that read the "bible", Julerose isn't canon or something, they're just FRIENDS, but Caline is lesbian. CALINE, the trashy irresponsible adult teacher that constantly allowed Chloe to do whatever she wanted and had Marinette act like it was her duty to be Chloe's therapist and doesn't help her students in any way. My faith in Humanity is dying, and my soul as well, really. At least other writers take their lgbtq representation seriously.
Anonymous asked:
Can we add Bustier to the useless lesbian list? Because she's pretty useless and the The Old Testament confirms she's sapphic (or did I read that wrong?)
I refuse to add her to anything unless we see this “Gisele” person on-screen and called as her wife.
Watch them pull a Voltron and do it right in the series finale instead.
Anonymous asked:
If Bustier becomes mayor and Mendeleive becomes principal but a puppet...does that mean we're in the Darkest Timeline
It seems like it honestly.
Anonymous asked:
Why is that I want to believe that when Busiter becomes mayor that's the reason that Gabriel is getting off scott free of the mess that he did? Meanwhile Lilia I can't pick a family or name Rossi is going around as with the butterfly miraculous so now it's back to zero on for the very reason Marinette was even forced into be LB.
Bustier being the reason that Gabriel isn’t arrested (presumably)?
...Honestly, yeah.
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