#lilia's not the only obstacle Yuu has to overcome
violetlunette · 8 months
Actually, Yuu can make use of little trips outside of school (i.e. in events) in which Lilia does not show up to woo Silver ethically 😂 Glorious Masquerade? Dude, they're going to a school that has a magical resounding bell, isn't that their perfect wedding chime? And they both (ignoring virtually everyone else) have to fight a teenage arsonist? Legendary "how your fathers fall in love" story to tell the kids. They might even have danced together, you know, which totally makes it a Phillip and Aurora moment.
And Deuce's hometown? They're preparing a clock to wake Silver up for their domestic life, isn't this the loveliest idea of a honeymoon? And Silver's wearing bunny suit? Yuu could just pass out for how cute Silver looks. The first-years are rightfully concerned and Silver is blissfully unaware. What a perfect opportunity to get close to his Moonshine-
(At this rate Lilia might as well just tag along to stop Yuu. Being attacked mid-confession by a colony of bats is definitely not on Yuu's checklist 🦇🦇🦇)
(part of this series)
I love the idea of Yuu reacting the scene from The Birds with bats, lol. Anyway, Yuu and you underestimate Lilia (and Yuu's bad luck).
Masquerade; Yuu: Yes! God has smiled upon me at last as I go to the city of love-- Grim: I thought it was something to do with Flowers? Yuu—to the city of LOVE without Batman to get in the way! Yuu: Now, just t slide over and— Sebek; Cockblocker: HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, HUMAN. Yuu: Gahh! The barking puppy! What do you want! Sebek: To keep you in line! Master Lilia ordered me to watch you and make sure you don’t do anything untoward towards Silver! Yuu: But everything I want to do is towards Silver! Sebek: You know what I mean! ~*~ Yuu: Ha! The Puppy’s no longer here. Now’s my chance to cast my spell of love. *Tries to dance over with a flower in his mouth* Moonshi—aiie! Trien: *Grabbing Yuu by the collar* Don’t wander off! And don’t distract the students while they’re working! Yuu: Oh, come on! ~*~ Yuu: Okay. Puppy’s arguing with randos, Trien’s drinking, now’s my chance! I can ask for a dance and we can fall in love! Silver will you-- Rollo: *Unleashes hellfire plan* Yuu: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! ~*~ Yuu: Okay, okay! The bell’s been rung, the party’s back on and no one I care about is dead. So maybe now-- Malleus: Yuu. Yuu: Oh, hey Hornton. Malleus, holding out a hand: Would you like to dance? *Totally innocent and sincere offer* Yuu: *GUILT* Sure! I’d love to.
Bunnyfest: Yuu: YES! Fate has smiled upon me once more! And this time there is no one to get in my way! Silver: *Steps out in adorable costume with a bunny tail* How do I look? ~Hours Later~ Yuu: *Wakes up* Gah! What happened?! Ortho: You saw Silver in his outfit and had a heart attack from how cute he looked. Yuu: Dammit!
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Did you see the ending of chapter 6? I have so many questions but don't wanna spoil anything
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I did indeed 👁 👄 👁
***Chapter 6 main story spoilers below the cut!***
From what I understand, it seems that OG!Ortho and Robo!Ortho “merged”, so now they are one being? Like, it’s still the Robo!Ortho we know and love, but with the full extent of a “heart” and “humanness” that he lacked before (contributed from OG!Ortho, who has now safely passed on). 
Idia also formally acknowledges Robo!Ortho as his “brother” and tells Ortho he’s free to be his own person instead of just an AI with the sole purpose of emulating his dead brother. Ortho even becomes officially enrolled as a first-year student (he’s in Class 1-C!), so he’s already making great leaps in terms of personal growth and developing his own identity.
As for Idia, he’s slowly starting to acclimate to being around other people and socializing instead of always shutting himself off from the world and stewing in his own self-loathing and guilt. He’s on the path to growth and recovery as well!
We also get a preview and hints for what Diasomnia might entail. Mickey mentions having seen a boy with silver hair and strange eyes (which probably refers to Silver), though the context for this isn’t quite clear yet. More importantly, I feel that the subjects Malleus and Lilia discuss throughout chapter 6 will become extremely relevant again in chapter 7. More specifically, I am referring to the importance of bonds and what one does with the short lifespans they are granted.
It seems that Malleus is either unaware of or demonstrates very little understanding for the brevity of non-fae lives (and, I would argue, the true importance of friendships). But he is forced to look mortality in the face when he sees how much Vil has aged. He sees his classmates rejoicing as they are united with their kidnapped dorm leaders (and vice dorm leader, in Jamil’s case). It’s all so different than anything he has personally experienced. Malleus has so much time left ahead of him, time that his classmates won’t have. Most of his own relationships seem shallow at best, and school life fleeting. He’s confused by it all, or at the very least contemplating about it now that Lilia has reminded him of those concepts (if his long pauses/moments of silence are anything to go by).
“Human lives are as fragile as threads, but they become stronger when they are weaved together.”
I think that chapter 7 will further expand on this concept, tackling the ideas of mortality, how short lives are, how one must cherish the relationships and the time they have. Most importantly, I think the story will come full circle with something Crowley introduced in the prologue: that in cooperating and working together, we will be able to overcome any obstacle (well, specifically defeating RSA, but I mean in more holistic way). These ideas will most likely use Malleus’s loneliness as a springboard for exploration, but I think that it won’t be exclusively applied to his friendship with Yuu. I think it’s very likely that chapter 7 will also address Malleus’s relationship with the others in Diasomnia, particularly Sebek and Silver, who are in part or entirely human.
Regarding Yuu, I honestly don’t think chapter 7 will revolve too heavily around their relationship with Malleus (but obviously it will still be present, probably to help with investigating or something), but rather will deal with the mystery of the mirror and Mickey, as well as their friendship with Grim. Keep in mind that we still haven’t seen Grim’s (anticipated) OB yet, we only recovered him from STYX. It’s possible that Grim will be the chapter 7 OB, whether in conjunction with, or in place of, Malleus’s OB. I can definitely see Malleus and the rest of NRC coming to grips with “the power of friendship” and banding together to fight OB Grim in one final, epic battle.
I don’t really have an idea for how Ignihyde will return and help with the Diasomnia chapter though I’ve seen lots of memes about Idia flashing technology at OB Malleus to one shot him 😂 Considering all the memeing being done about Vil would kick down Idia’s bedroom door and drag him out to socialize before the official release of chapter 6... and then chapter 6 turning out to be nothing like what we expected, I’m thinking chapter 7 will also be something completely unexpected.
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