artcontests · 2 years
SlowArt Productions | Gallery - Art Biologic
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This call is for a thematic exhibition based on art inspired by nature and biology. The exhibition will be held at the Limner Gallery, May 18 - June 10, 2023 and is open to all artists working in any media. Eligible are all art forms relating to, or gaining inspiration from nature and biology. Including but not limited to: landscape, fruits, vegetables, flowers, fauna, biological science and human figuration in the context of nature and biology. See prospectus link below for details. 
DEADLINE: February 28, 2023
For more information: https://www.theartlist.com/slowart-productions-art-biologic
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purpleheroine · 1 year
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love-for-carnation · 1 year
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Portrait of a Lady in Red Sherman Limner (active ca.1785-1790, American)
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mysterytheater · 8 months
The ignorant Looker-on can't imagine what the Limner means by those seemingly rude Lines and Scrawls, which he intends for the Rudiments of a Picture, and the Figures of Mathematick Operation are Nonsense, and Dashes at a Venture, to one uninstructed in Mechanicks. We are in the Dark to one another's Purposes and Intendments; and there are a thousand Intrigues in our little Matters, which will not presently confess their Design, even to sagacious Inquisitors.
Joseph Glanvill, Sadducismus triumphatus
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pb-dot · 1 year
WIP Wednesday: The Northwest
This fine WIPnesday and the next couple of weeks ahead I want to pause the talk about characters and instead speak a bit about the various organizations in play in The Clockwork Boy, their goals, their values, and the people that come to represent the organizations in the plot. This'll also allow me to talk about a bunch of side characters without having to make separate profiles for them, so that's also expedient. First up to bat is the underground gear workshop co-op The Northwest.
Northwest Street Communal Workshop And Distribution, as it is properly titled is part gear production workshop specializing in precision gears for clockcraft, and part political organization. They seek to offer a workplace and community for laborers who have grown tired of the restrictive and exploitative practices of the Novice-Master system that governs labor and production in the City. It is the opinion of The Northwest and its members that the capital holders of the city maintain a stranglehold on the industry through intimidation and violence through the private security force known as The Enforcers, as well as through self-declared Exclusivity Licenses to certain production methods and tools.
Given that the City hasn't had a functional government in nigh on twenty years, The Northwest refuses to acknowledge these licenses or the Enforcers' supposed authority to police them. Even so, they are forced to work around these limitations given the enforcers' considerable resources and penchant for violent suppression. After a period of particularly harsh treatment, the Northwest chose to withdraw from the public eye until guarantees for their owner-employees safety could be made with some conviction. Since then, The Northwest has operated as an underground operation, literally, as they work out of the cellar of a condemned workshop and trade through intermediaries.
The Northwest was founded during the latter parts of The Coal Wars, when a community of workshop journeymen, emboldened by the manpower scarcity that plagued the then-empire, struck out from their traditional places of employment to start a communal workshop space in the namesake Northwest Street. The mission statement of the nascent organization expanded somewhat during the period of unrest following the collapse of the empire's last government to also provide what aid they could to the population in the tumultuous time, eventually including working towards a fairer and more stable world in whatever ways they could make it happen.
Owing to resistance from the conglomerate of merchants and capital holders that is now known as The Spire, The Northwest was forced to abandon much of their charity work, as well as put a damper on their political ambition, at least until a level of grassroots support could be achieved.
As such, many of the Northwest's current employee-owners consider themselves craftsmen and community members first and foremost, but there are exceptions. While the organization doesn't have any leaders or owners, two voices are particularly prominent in the day-to-day business of the organization, and these are both mindful of the future in their own ways.
The closest The Northwest will ever get to a leader is Delilah Bellows, a passionate and strong personality whose dedication to The Northwest is unusually strong, even considering the general level of dedication to the organization from its worker-owners. Despite being an unflinchingly driven person who seldom hesitates to bring matters to a vote in many meetings that decide the actions and rules of The Northwest, Delilah backs up her drive with enthusiasm and pedagogy, making her a voice that would be heard and respected even if she wasn't such a force of nature. It has done nothing to blunt the sting of her terrible puns and cheesy nicknames, but even such scorching natural charisma has its limits.
While Delilah has the presence and voice of a leader, Wilhelmina "Mina" Limner has the dispassionate long-term thinking part down pat. Her penchant for tidiness and the kind of paperwork that comes naturally with managing an organization like The Northwest has left her managing the administration and documentation of the organization almost singlehandedly. While these considerable tasks leave her absent from participating actively in the day-to-day community of The Northwest, Mina's influence can be felt to be guiding many of the organization's ventures.
Under different circumstances, Mina and Delilah would all but be guaranteed to butt heads, and if not outright oppose, then certainly grate on each other. As fate would have it though, Delilah and Mina get along swimmingly despite having virtually nothing in common. It didn't take long, or so rumor has it, between the compact dark-skinned Delilah and the tall and pale Mina first disagreeing during a meeting and the point when they started going home together after work. Despite the amorous tone, however, the two maintain that their perspectives on the future of The Northwest remain their own, although some level of synthesis is likely inevitable.
As for the Northwest and its worker-owners role in the story, it spends large parts of The Clockwork Boy being a haven for our heroes Jake and 13. The two hide from The Enforcers and The Clockmen in the halls of The Northwest. As the two are welcome into the organization proper, however, the question is whether 13 is to use his considerable physical prowess for the good of their cause or not. Some tension exists between Jake and 13 on this topic, and navigating this is a sticking point in the medium-early stages of their relationship.
tag list @ettawritesnstudies @mrbexwrites @teacupsandstarlight
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delightingintragedy · 8 months
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Venus Correspondences
From Christian Astrology by William Lilly
(It is mostly word for word. I tried to format it to fit into a nice correspondence list, but the information itself is untouched.)
Zodiac: Rules Taurus and Libra. Exalted in Pisces, Detriment in Aries and Scorpio, Fall in Virgo.
Nature: She is a Feminine Planet, temperately Cold and Moist, Nocturnal, the lesser Fortune, author of Mirth and Jollity; the Elements, the Air and Water are Venereal; in the Humours, Phlegm with Blood, with the Spirit and Genital seed.
Profession: Musicians, Gamesters, Silk-men, Mercers, Linen-Drapers, Painters, Jewellers, Players, Lapidaries, Embroiderers, Women-tailors, Wives, Mothers, Virgins, Choristers, Fiddlers, Pipers, when joined with the Moon, Ballad singers, Perfumers, Seamstresses, Picture-drawers, Engravers, Upholsterers, Limners, Glovers, all such as sell those Commodities which adorn Women either in Body (as Clothes) or in Face, (as Complexion-waters.)
Sicknesses: Diseases by her signified, are principally in the Matrix and members of Generation; in the reins, belly, back, navel and those parts; the Gonorrhoea or running of the Reins, French or Spanish Pox, any disease arising by inordinate lust. Priapism, impotency in generation, Hernias, etc. the Diabetes or pissing disease.
Colour: White, or milky Sky-colour mixed with brown, or a little Green.
Savours: That which is pleasant and toothsome; usually in moist or sweet, or what is very delectable; in smells what is unctuous and Aromatical, and incites to wantonness.
Herbs & Trees: Myrtle always green; all herbs which she governs have a sweet savour, a pleasant smell; a white flower; of a gentle humour, whose leaves are smooth and not jagged. She governs the Lily white and yellow, and the Lilly of the valley, and of the water. The Satyrion or Cuckoopint, Maidenhair, Violet; the white and yellow Daffodil. Sweet Apples, the white Rose, the Fig, the white Sycamore; wild Ash, Turpentine-tree, Olive, sweet Oranges, Mugwort, Ladies' mantle, Sanicle, Balm, Vervain, Walnuts, Almonds, Millet, Valerain, Thyme, Amber, Ladanum, Civet or Musk, Coriander, French Wheat, Peaches, Apricots, Plums, Raisins.
Beasts: The Hart, the Panther, small cattle, Coney, the Calf, the Goat.
Birds: Stockdove, Wagtail, the Sparrow, Hen, the Nightingale, the Thrush, Pelican, Partridge, Ficedula, a little Bird Feeding on Grapes; the Wren, Eagle, the Swan, the Swallow, the Owsel or Black bird, the Pye.
Fishes: The Dolphin.
Places: Gardens, Fountains, Bride-chambers, fair lodgings, Beds, Hangings, Dancing Schools, Wardrobes.
Minerals: Copper, especially the Corinthian and White; Brass, and Lattenware.
Stones: Cornelian, the Sky-coloured Sapphire, white and red Coral, Marcasite, Alabaster, Lapis Lazuli because it expels Melancholy, the Beryl, Chrysolite.
Weather: She foretells in Summer, Serenitry or clear weather; in Winter, rain or snow.
Winds: Southern Winds
Angel: Anael
Planetary Alliances: Her friends are all the Planets except Saturn.
Week Day: Friday
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Correspondence posts for the other planets: [Sun] [Moon] [Mercury] [Mars] [Jupiter] [Saturn]
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faeryjm · 7 months
Just finished the “Limner, Dreamer, and Robotic Dog” quest.
I wonder if Elynas’ mother is Rhinedottir. If true, then Elynas would be siblings to Durin and Albedo.
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kimnowls · 2 years
Let's make a DnD character part 4.1
See below for the character so far:
Race: Dragonborn (Gold)
Class: Bard
Background: Guild Artisan
Base Stats:
Strength 11, Dexterity 11, Constitution 14, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 13, Charisma 16
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Remembering Virginia Woolf
'I feel a thousand capacities spring up in me. I am arch, gay, languid, melancholy by turns. I am rooted, but I flow... Let us again pretend that life is a solid substance, shaped like a globe, which we turn about in our fingers. Let us pretend that we can make out a plain and logical story, so that when one matter is despatched—love for instance—we go on, in an orderly manner, to the next... Meanwhile, let us abolish the ticking of time’s clock with one blow.' ― Virginia Woolf. 'The Waves'
In Memoriam Virginia Woolf, English writer, considered one of the most important modernist 20th-century authors and a pioneer in the use of stream of consciousness as a narrative device (1882-1941)
"The Window Seat", c. 1905-1906
By Robert Burns, H.R.S.A., R.S.W., Scottish painter, limner and designer, an early exponent of the Art Nouveau style in Scotland and an outstanding decorative artist (1869-1941)
oil on canvas; 122.2 x 122.2 (48.1 x 48.1 in.)
Private Collection
The present work depicts a young woman looking longingly from a harbour window at a distant sailing boat. She is wearing a sea-green pleated chiffon tea gown, an informal costume worn for the 5pm tea hour, between formal day and evening outfits.
Luxury tea gowns were the speciality of the designer Lucile, who confected ‘Gowns of Emotion’ with names like ‘Illusion’ and ‘The Sweetness of Youth’..
Mia Feigelson Gallery
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daeron-dondarrion · 2 years
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BLACKHAVEN — Town map and locations
Blackhaven is the seat of House Dondarrion in the southwestern region of the Stormlands. It is part of the Dornish Marches, located in the northern Red Mountains close to the Dornish border, north of the Wyl River.
1. Blackhaven castle: Located at the heart of the citadel. It serves as the household for House Dondarrion as well as for the majority of their employed staff.
2. Main plaza: A place for gatherings of all kinds, a place that is especially crowded on the seventh day of the week after the people leave the sept. Street food is often sold here and it isn’t rare for musicians to delight the crowds with their songs.
3. The sept: The seventh day of the week is devoted to the Seven and so the town’s sept is the main place for the people of Blackhaven to gather for prayer.
4. The park: The largest green area in the town. A space for leisurely activities and for taking a walk.
5. The theater: Plays have been performed here for nobles and smallfolk alike. It is most often used for tablaos to watch flamenco dancers and enjoy their traditional music.
6. The guilds: This area of the town encompasses the workshops and shops of the guilds of Blackhaven. A long time ago, before the common tongue was adopted in the town, the guilds received Euskera names based on their purpose or the main materials they used for their work. These groups were called “houses”, a tradition that remains to this day. The Blackhaven guilds are identified as follows:
House of Egurra: Carpenters, roofers, and plasterers Woodcarvers, coopers, and bowyers Wagon-makers and wheelwrights
House of Janari Cooks and bakers Brewers, distillers and vintners Farmers
House of Natura Alchemists and apothecaries Healers, midwives and nurses
House of Harria Jewelers and gem cutters Masons and stonecutters Potters and tile-makers
House of Metala Armorers, locksmiths & finesmiths Smiths and metal-forgers
House of Janzkera Cobblers and shoemakers Leatherworkers, skinners, and tanners Weavers and dyers
House of Idaztea Calligraphers, scribes, and scriveners Painters, limners, and sign-makers
7. Bazaar: Located within the guild district. A great variety of goods can be found here with the exception of food, which is sold in the market.
8. Market: Unlike the bazaar, the market is dedicated entirely to selling foods. The members of the House of Janari sell their goods here.
9. Lace district: The area of town where brothels are found as well as spaces for dance performances of a very mature nature.
10 & 11. The city jail (gallows) and the constabulary: Soldiers in Blackhaven can be divided into two branches: men who are trained for battle and the militant branch that oversees that law and order are upheld in the city who operate from the constabulary. For all intents and purposes, they are the city watch. They work under the jurisdiction of a commander at the service of House Dondarrion. The city jail and gallows are located close to their headquarters.
12 & 13. First and Second garrison: Training grounds and housing for the soldiers of Blackhaven.
14. Orphanage: A home that is run by a group of septas. They receive alms from the townspeople as well as a biannual donation from House Dondarrion. They receive basic education so they may successfully become members of society when they reach adulthood. When they come of age, they are welcomed to be employed at the castle, to pursue a craft with the guilds, join the military or devote themselves to the faith.
15, 16 & 17. Inns: There are three inns in town which vary in level of luxury and cost. Wingarde Inn and Brightsong Inn are considered affordable, offering basic accommodation. King’s Quarter Inn is far more expensive, offering a more lavish service and larger quarters as well as a private courtyard accessible only by guests.
18, 19, 20 & 21. Tarvens and pubs: Good food and good drinks can be found all across Blackhaven. The Desert Hawk and The Sandstorm are frequented by all sorts of people from every social class, be it guild members, workers from the lace district, soldiers, and even some visiting nobles who want a taste of Blackhaven without any veils of propriety. The Copper Cup is considered a more family-friendly space, and the meals that Genara, the cook, serves have the greatest of reputations. Lastly, The Saffron is a tavern for those of more exquisite taste, offering both local drinks and cuisine as well as some imported delicacies.
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lboogie1906 · 2 months
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Joshua Johnson (c. 1763 — c. 1825) was a painter from the Baltimore area of African and European ancestry. He is known for his naïve paintings of prominent Maryland residents.
It was not until 1939 that the identity of the painter of elite 19th-century Baltimoreans was discovered by art historians and genealogists. It was attempted to put the puzzle of his life together; however, questions on his race, life dates, and even his last name (Johnson or Johnston) remained up until the mid-1990s, when the Maryland Historical Society released newly found manuscripts.
Documents dated July 25, 1782, state that he was the “son of a white man and an African American enslaved woman. His father, George Johnson (spelled Johnston in some documents) purchased Joshua, age 19, from William Wheeler, confirmed by a bill of sale dating from October 6, 1764.
Wheeler sold him for £25. The documents state little of his mother, not even her name, and she may have been owned by Wheeler, whose records stated that he owned two female slaves, one of whom had two children.
A manumission was released, in which George Johnson acknowledged him as his son, stating that he would agree to free him under the conditions that he either completed an apprenticeship with Baltimore blacksmith William Forepaugh or turned 21, whichever came first. The manumission was signed and confirmed by a justice of the peace Colonel John Moale who would commission him (1798-1800) to paint a portrait of his wife and granddaughter.
He received his freedom in 1782 and began advertising, identifying himself as a portrait painter and limner as of 1796. No records mention educational or creative training.
Catholic Church records show that he married Sarah (1785) with whom he had four children. He married Clara (1803). According to the Baltimore city directory (1817–18), he was listed in the section “Free Householders of Colour”; in 1825 he moved to Frederick County, Maryland, and two years later moved to Anne Arundel County. Little is known of his life after this final move and his death. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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paletalegear · 3 months
Nimble Limner Nadu Summer shirt
Nimble Limner Nadu Summer shirt
At first glance, without knowing exactly why it was asked, this easily appears to be somewhat of a Nimble Limner Nadu Summer shirt or insincere question. So why would our questioner be at all concerned which plants have tap roots as opposed to fibrous roots? Mere curiosity? Nope! Google Search quickly answers that faster than waiting for Quora answers. An inquisitive youngster looking for a broad scope in answers? Possibly so. Perhaps a gardener, land or homeowner, greenhouse or hydroponic grower, looking for sturdy trees or suitable vegetable plants, etc? But I …(and many others who have concern for Mother Nature, healthy soils, and healthy human and animal populations) know that living roots in the soil (especially long taproots that mine deep into the subsoil for minerals) are essential to MOST ALL life on earth. Taproots and fibrous roots are essential to not only human and animal life, but also to large varieties of tiny microscopic creatures that occupy healthy soils, plant roots, and healthy animal and human organs and surfaces. Humans and animals are totally dependent upon these beneficial microbes like bacteria and yeast that occupy the gut and alimentary canal to break down and digest the food we eat.
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abwwia · 5 months
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Susannah-Penelope Rosse (1652-1700), A Woman, presumably a Self Portrait, ca. 1680 © Victoria and Albert Museum
Susan Penelope Rosse (also known as Susannah Penelope Rosse) (1652–1700) was an English painter. She painted portrait miniatures. Via Wikipedia
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virgin-martyr · 8 months
And the good warmth flowing down through the element of the heavens and casting its warming rays upon the earth where, melting the frost and heating the loam, it waked the worms to frenzy in their various darkness, and they drew with the motion of their bodies their long embroideries of empty tunnels in the many feet beneath where she lay, bringing veins of living air deep into the blackness between the surface so that all the loam was crazed with the tiny tunnels of the worms. And the sky in its similar eternal churning blues and pales, and the lonely heap of cloud in the west, frothing and delicate and whipped and with silvery creases deepening to violet, shifting in subtle formations in its sail to the east, and even as it came larger in nearing, she felt the urge to prick it so that it would stay where it was, so perfect, the way a child with the cruelty in his heart soothed by science fastens a green moth into gorgeous stillness with his pins and boards; or a limner fixes a moment of beauty forever with his oils and canvas and the art of his sensibility; or a hunter who with dark magic stuffs the beasts he has slain with horsehair and cotton, and thus turns ferocity of nature into a tamed and sempiternal statue of glower and fang.
Lauren Groff, excerpt from The Vaster Wilds
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dimeremantiro · 9 months
I can't imagine any of my muses not being interacteable with Rhae! Even those who I have not very developed HOTD verses for are feasible.
Regina -> I can't not see a female warrior not enthrancing Rhaenyra. I can imagine us keeping the idea of her being with Rolland the same, except maybe they fought in the stepstones?
Fiona -> Would work even better, Valyrian head of a family. I think she'd try to claim a dragon, which I don't think she'd be allowed to: She's not a dragonseed, her lineage is undisputable. That could maybe be a fun betrayal.
Jennifer -> Lady-in-waiting, I think she'd be good at it. She'd also be easy to extort, because while she isn't brainless or that fearless she is resourceless..
Celeste -> See this is interesting because I can't see any Targ raising her so high, but she could have been raised by some other noble, or perhaps being a Lyseny who got caught with the Dance. She has white hair, and maybe so does her daughter? If Rhaenyra wants to use Celeste's baby as a double, what could she even do. I can see Daemon harrassing her and who knows how Rhaenyra would take it.
Alucarda -> Only person on my muse list who I legitimately see claiming a Dragon. Comes with Justine, they're a set that I can't separate. I guess if she has a dragon she can ask for a place for Justine at court as a small concession.
Justine -> I don't know but she's too good a person. Wait can she fly in this AU? That could be interesting. She's an orphan noble, too. Maybe a hostage? She could teach Rhae's younger sons about the Faith of the Seven? Again, I can also see Daemon harrassing her. Which would be dumb as shit if her girlfriend has a dragon. Double stupid if Alucarda is still a witch.
Andreas -> Andreas becomes a rather famous artist! He has an apprentice named Gaspar he'd do anything for when he establishes a name for himself, however, I think it'd be fun if this was when he was starting. He was a limner (Which I think he enjoyed more tbh and he would've continued doing that more were it not for the printing press, which in ASOIAF is far far from even existing. In case you don't know what it is, a limner transcribes manuscripts and does all those little medieval decorations and drawings around the pages) And since Rhaenyra mistrusts Maesters, I think she'd like employing his services. Limners are not a thing in Westeros so I guess he could be Bravosi? He's also from a middle class family which I don't think Rhaenyra would be able to even conceptualize lol.
Miss Kirkstein -> Another artist! This time she's also a tutor, which I don't know Rhaenyra would employ (In the cases above it's because Justine comes by the hand of a dragonseed or because Limners are not a thing in Westeros) however, if Rhaenyra knew of the magical properties of Miss Kirkstein's master artwork, she would want one for herself? In her case I think it'd need more plotting but it could be fun. I see Miss Kirkstein as being the orphan child of artists who became the ward of a noble, that may be what takes her to court? This adds the posibility of Rhaenyra and her being friends in their youth!
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Fleur De Lis Bar and Grill
Patiently Waiting in Pascagoula...
Morning, the limner settles at the bar. His face was a patchwork of thoughts, half finished, and rushed to close all the same. Many of the thoughts playing on his face conceal none of the concerns therein. I am sure that most of the thoughts die before they are born, erupting into whatever snake's nest hides behind those eyes.
"Hey," he says with his usual everything and nothing greeting. It could mean, 'Hey, how are you?' or 'Hey, what are you looking at?' Maybe a combination of the two. I don’t know. I don't suppose that even if I did, it would change anything. He ain’t from around here. And yet he’s more of a regular than I ever could be. I am sure he lets me see and think about him only because he finds it funny. Some celestial joke only he knows.
I respond back, "Sup?" Knowing he’d never answer. He’d never let me in.
"You know." He responds. Again, that open, full-force inspection of me as he speaks. It could mean I know too much. Or maybe even you know nothing, asshole.
One of these days, I am going to call him on it. One of these days I am going to get into it with him. Just not today or anytime soon. Piss-poor and dead by every real metric is still better than tangling with someone who shares blood with Prince Christopher. Pascagoula ain’t that bad of a place that I am in any rush to risk it or my soul tangling with someone who only goes by a mononym and has the prince's ear. Licks have died permanently for less.
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