#lin kuei jacqui
scaryspears · 1 month
Havik Rant + Wasted Plotential and Theory
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Warning: This is a long post, so read if you have the time.
I love Havik in the 3d era, and I guess it's because there's so little of him that sets him up for mystery, but I mainly love his face. The way half his face is ridden of flesh and his eyes glow as if he's some kind of Skeletor adjacent creature. I always look at him and go "How did it get to this point?", but in a way where I'm laughing about it, 'cause what did bro do to his face?
I hope Titan Havik will be a great break from the cartoonish evil that is Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi and the others. (Don't get me wrong with Shang Tsung, I love him, but his belief system is equivalent to a power ranger villain. He's basically Valtor if he was successful. I'm not talking about MK1 Shang btw.)
I also can't picture Havik working with or for villains like Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, and Shinnok. Havik wants to spread chaos, yes, but I don't think he views this as enslavement and feeding off misery. Another thing I'd like to note is his voice and delivery, courtesy of George C. Cole. Havik is calm, patient and almost kind. Shao Kahn actively sounds dominant, Shang Tsung is calm but cruel and impatient, with Quan Chi being condescending.
In the small glimpses that I've seen Havik through the later games (before MK1) he seems like a pretty chill guy. Now get this, Chaos is his way of life because that's the world he comes from. Chaos is basically the equivalent of freedom, so Havik wants to share that freedom. In Deceptions Konquest mode he describes water in a way you only expect from a scholar with a love and sense for nature, and I interpreted this as him believing everything should go naturally. In a Christian perspective, humans are naturally evil, and it's in our nature to be attracted to wicked things. Havik wants us to embrace who we are, and our deep desires.
In Noob Saibot's MK9 ending he meets Havik and shares an 'understanding' with him. Havik helps him with taking over the Netherealm before saying goodbye and returning to the Chaosrealm, no back stabbing or anything. Next there's Joker's ending in MK11, and we all know how Joker is. But there's also Mileena (before NRS let fans bully them into making her dlc), whose bloodlust is fuelled by her Tarkatan blood, a trait she cannot help because it's instinctual. Finally, in MK: Deception's Konquest mode he agrees to train Shujinko if Shujinko helps him in return, and he does but in his own way. Experience instead of practice. Havik doesn't come off as evil but chaotic neutral.
Wasted Plotential
I try not to complain about anything these days because I know NRS are gonna disappoint us anyways, but if I was to really complain about things then I'll start with the storymode, and with the previous games.
MKX could've just been about Sub Zero and Scorpion finding out about Quan Chi and stopping Shinnok. How? Idk, Johnny uses the amulet to trap Shinnok, the Special Forces find Sektor's files and reveal them to Scorpion, who gets his revenge and yada yada. Helps them free Sub Zero and Jax, blah blah.
Scorpion defeating Shinnok is more believable since he's stronger and cooler (sorry Johnny), and has more familiarity with the Neatherealm. (What was the point of building up Johnny just to nerf him in MK11?)
Johnny and Sonya get divorced earlier on because of their differing views on the world (and parenting), so Cassie becomes a UFC fighter or a pro wrestler (as a reference to Johnny's quote in his MK9 chapter about possibly winning a belt in the tournament). I remember coming up with an idea where Jacqui leaves the Special Forces and gets trained by the Shirai-Ryu, but saw an AU fanart design where she was trained by the Lin Kuei, which sounds so much better since it separates her from Takeda. Jacqui shares strong ideals with her father but his overbearing reluctance caused her to be more rebellious and find another way to defend Earthrealm without him possibly intercepting. Instead of being a Jax variant she shares more similarity to Human Cyrax (technology + ninjutsu assassination), and that can introduce a little beef with Frost and have them both deliver lines that feel more personal since they have the same teacher, but have different morals that make them butt heads. Johnny ends up leading the Kombat kids with the Wu Shi instead of the Special Forces, edging Sonya to check on Cassie more often by trying to be involved with their missions. (During MK9 Johnny was glued to Raiden's side and his focus was more on the tournament than on Sonya. After Cyrax defeats him it's Raiden that checks on him.) Instead of Cassie saving the day, have Scorpion save the day because Shinnok is Quan Chi's master, and Scorpion needs to fix his mess. Also because Scorpion would have better control with his powers and has more experience.
The next game can introduce Havik, with the chaos happening in small ways at first, like trees slowly decaying and technology acting against them. Havik is a lesser evil than Shao Kahn, Quan Chi and Shinnok, but he's nothing Scorpion or Sub Zero have handled before since he's less predictable and isn't paranoid about someone threatening his power. Bro just wants to spread some joy and laughter (sarcasm). I'm pretty sure Havik wouldn't even have an army, and I doubt his minions will be anything like the aggressive jobbers that are seen in Outworld. With Shao Kahn it's power and being served, but with Havik it would be everyone serves each other, meaning they will inflict pain on each other and themselves = This game can be about the heroes and villains turning on themselves, by being more honest and less co-operative.
The Special Forces start being wary of the Wu Shi, Sonya interrogates Dark Raiden on information he could be withholding about the realms, Raiden counters back with how she is trying to enlist the Kombat kids behind his back when they are already content with their current positions.
Frost has stolen Sektor's body parts from the Special Forces, and plans to cyberise herself with them. Jacqui and Cassie are sent to stop Frost's cyber initiation plans. Cassie defeats Frost, but Jacqui has the need to rehabilitate her, which sets her at odds with Cassie who doesn't believe Frost is worthy of it, and that they must follow Raiden's orders.
Noob Saibot is working under revenant Liu Kang, but just like his MK9 ending, he starts plotting against him and the other revenants. Noob confronts Hanzo about his loyalty to Quan Chi, and how Hanzo worked with him even after Noob was killed. Noob's revenge is forcing Hanzo to shift between himself and Scorpion, ensuring that the Lin Kuei and Shirai-Ryu will never have peace with Hanzo continuously reliving the past and trying to kill Sub Zero.
Kung Lao reports that the head of Shinnok is missing, and Liu Kang accuses Kung Lao of having something to do with it, and so the revenants turn on themselves. A civil war begins in Neatherealm.
Hotaru meets up with the heroes and tells them that Havik is behind their plight, and offers Seidos help if Earthrealm helps them with the resistance in Seido. Kung Jin and Takeda are sent to aid and they witness the injustice and lunacy of Seidos rules. Kung Jin being Kung Jin speaks against this, and Hotaru has a problem with it, Takeda tries his best to keep the peace. Kung Jin defeats Darrius, Dairou and whatever. Although Hotaru keeps his word about the help thing, he is overbearing when it comes to the rules and their strategy, even getting in the way of the Special Forces.
Skarlet teams up with Tanya to find Mileena's soul (Because why not?They're sisters). Ermac doesn't have it, so they must find it through the Neatherealm. They meet Noob, who admits that he consumed it, but points out the location of the Flesh Pits for a calling of clues. Skarlet combines her power with Noob's to give life to the clones encased in glass (blood + shadow). The clones unleash chaos throughout Outworld, but Skarlet is not finished in her revenge.
Johnny reveals to Dairou that Darrius is behind his family's murder, and sets him free to let him get revenge. Sonya argues that he's made a terrible mistake, but Johnny says that she let Kano live and how that keeps screwing everyone over.
Johnny decides to get a drink at a bar, and Havik will show up, calm and collected. Johnny compliments his costume, and Havik expresses that his fake-ness is an interesting weapon.
I don't know what else.
I think Havik's hero equivalent would be Johnny Cage, which is where he would come in as the hero instead of defeating a former elder god. Havik isn't Godlike, I'd say his power level is identical to Edenian/Outworld, and if Sonya can handle defeating Kitana and Jade at the same time, then Johnny can handle his own against Havik. Just like Havik, Johnny has a separation from the other heroes concerning his traits and/or beliefs, even sometimes clashing with Cassie, who is always noted to be much like him in personality. Johnny has an easy going attitude that pisses off just about everyone around him, to the point . I think he would be the first to pick up on the odd energy surrounding everyone.
First off he likes to give everyone a nickname, much to their displeasure. Very adamant on giving them those names, but Havik would arguably (probably) be more accepting. I'm quite certain that Havik's name is a title given to him or a name he's made up himself. There are some fans who speculate that he doesn't even have a name given at birth and made up 'Havik' to be his name, suggesting that the name is somewhat earned through experience.
Chaosrealm doesn't have a real name, like Edenia and Seido, it's simply called Chaosrealm. They don't have a name for themselves, simply a representation of what they embody.
"Grandmaster Blueberry Ice, eh?"
"Only Johnny Cage may use that name and live."
Johnny's humour is fuelled by his insensitivity, even while fighting on the side of good he is self-serving, superficial and has a self confidence that almost everyone is eager to stomp on (he's basically a normal person). Even when he clearly doesn't mean to be insensitive (speaking the truth or what's on his mind), people still get offended by what he's said and express some form of aggression. Hell, Bi Han kicked the hell out of him just for touching his arm in MK1.
Now I'm going to get really technical here: In MK11 Skarlet was present and you could tell she was a stand-in for Mileena, which is shown in her sibling rivalry with Kitana. Now let's say Joker was a stand-in for Havik, and in his ending he voices his displeasure about the roster "But these nincompoops? They didn't really get me. Not even that pretty boy, Ninja Mine. Goodnight, sweet Prince!" meaning Joker saw some potential in Johnny Cage. Saw something that suggested that they are similar.
Johnny Cage's humour aside, there has to be something else.
Now let's get into Johnny's MK9 ending: Johnny starts to have spasms where a burst of energy would escape him and destroy everything around him, so he is sent to Seido to learn how to better control it.
Next, to Havik and Johnny's Armageddon endings: Johnny becomes enlightened, freed from vanity and leaves the acting business. What seemed like the joys of life before became meaningless to him, and wanted no part in the shallow lifestyle. Then there's Havik, whose dream for chaos becomes absolute.
(As a bonus let's compare Johnny's ending to Hotaru's, where everyone was forced to bow to Hotaru or be changed into someone they're not. Havik gets the worst end of it by being turned into Hotaru's 2nd in command. What's even funnier is that in the Armageddon intro I can spot Hotaru as the one who impaled Li Mei, but Li Mei is on the side of good while Hotaru is suspiciously on the opposite, despite being against the forces of evil. Why would he be on the same side as Havik when they are enemies? I would also like to point out that Johnny was fighting Darrius, a man resisting the Order of Seido.)
I already wrote something similar to this in another post I made like a year ago, but I'm gonna say this anyway. Johnny found out by himself that all the luxuries and fame that he sought in life weren't worth it. In his MK11 ending he ends up going on adventures with Cassie after coming to this realisation, choosing a life where he can always spend time with those he loves, not ruling over the world or being a dictator. There's chaos within Johnny, but there is a want or need for peace and stability.
Johnny should've been the one that was super pissed about being in a death tournament. Up until that point Johnny has never killed anyone, yet suddenly is expected to in exchange for his own life. How does he, a Hollyweird actor, fit into all this? He got tricked into this yet was able to adapt. He's fine with it, or pretends to be, handling it better than everyone else around. The "Sure, let's go and ruin someone else's life." quote from MK9 always runs through my head when I think about his dedication to defending Earthrealm and trusting Raiden.
When the tournament took place Johnny didn't really know Raiden personally, but Johnny trusted him. Johnny had no reason to be loyal to Raiden, yet he was, unlike Liu Kang who ended up losing faith and rebelling. Johnny has all the recipes to let his ego get to him and potentially betray Raiden, but he never does so.
If Havik and Johnny were to have anything in common, I would say it's a strong sense of faith in what they believe in. Johnny fights for the betterment of Earthrealm, Havik fights for havoc.
I'm very certain that even though Johnny changed over the years, the people around him still hold a dislike towards him to some degree. My first candidates for this are Sonya and Jax.
Read this if you can be bothered: [No matter what, Jax cannot stand Johnny, even at an age where they're more familiar with each other.]
Sonya and Jax are basically the order to Johnny's chaos. Being around them has also influenced (turned) him into someone he wasn't, which was a self hating Special Forces aid (What are is credentials?). It was Hotaru's Armageddon ending but slower.
The reason I haven't listed Kuai Liang is because... I think Kuai Liang has a bit of a friendship with Johnny. He's fond of him, but he won't admit it. He even helps Johnny in sending the Kombat kids into a fake mission with the Lin Kuei.
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cienie-isengardu · 9 months
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"She [Mother] would applaud my actions" << & >>" Mother would be so proud"
MK1 Smoke vs Sub Zero (Bi-Han) << & >> MK11 Sub Zero (Kuai Liang) vs Noob Saibot
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cryptidbait · 2 months
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Ice Cream on a hot day with the MK gang 🍧🍦🍨
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nightmarerodent · 5 months
Sonya: So let me get this straight; you two have been brothers this whole time?
Takeda: Yes.
Satoshi: No.
Johnny: Is that why you’ve been trying to kill each other?
Takeda: He’s adopted.
Jacqui: No, babe. You’re adopted.
Takeda: Exactly. He’s adopted.
Cassie: God, your therapist must be making a fucking fortune.
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creatorofstarrealm · 9 months
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Think about it for a minute.
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So how was Lin Kuei!Satoshi during Takeda and Jacqui's wedding? Was he the best man?
He wasn't the best man but he was the flower boy, and he was on his literal best behavior.
By this point he and Takeda had made amends and even if they aren't close, they do care for one another and are friends. Jacqui still doesn't like him but she'll tolerate him for Takeda's sake.
One of Jacqui's exes shows up to disrupt the wedding and Satoshi tackles him to the ground before he can speak and drags him off the premises. after that Jacqui hates him a little less.
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kidcooperart · 4 months
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My redesigns/reworks for the Kombat Kids because I love them and hate how they thrown away of their individuality after MKX (I also have problems with the color scheme of mkx so this is me changing it)
Under this read more with be more info about some story changes as well as more info on my Liutana kid!
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Also quick acknowledge to Frost, she is still here and in the Lin Kuei alongside Jacqui, I just imagine Frost would still go down the path she does originally
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roselyn-writing · 8 months
Can you please do same but with gender bended versions of Bi Han , Kuai Lieng , Tomas Vrbada and Syzoth and for female characters use Skarlet, Jacqui Briggs, Sindel and Ashrah ?
Can you also make it in two scenarios per character with second one for Syndel being her evil version from Mortal Kombat 11 ?
GN! Reader interested in Gender Bender (Bi han, Kuai Liang, Smoke and Reptile.)
Fem Bi Han (Subzero)
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Y/N *Smiling*: Hello, Frostie~ Why so cold to me?
Fem Bi Han*Blushing*: Are you eager for your spine to be ripped out?
Y/N *Nervous chuckle*: No! No.
Fem Bi Han: Greetings, Y/N.
Y/N*Smiled*: Hey! You are doing a tremendous job as being the Grandmistress of the Lin Kuei.
Fem Bi han*Chuckled*: Oh! An admrier?
Y/N *Blushed*
Fem Kuai Liang(Scorpion)
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Y/N*Smiled*: Hey! Scorpion!
Fem Kuai Liang*Chuckled*: I’m right here, No need to scream.
Y/n*Blushed*: Sorry, I can’t help it.
Y/n*Surprised*: Did you heard Geras? You were a Cryomancer in the previous timeline
Fem Kuai Liang: Yeah, and I was surprised!
Y/N*Charmed.*: I always knew you were cool
Fem Smoke (Tomas Vrbada)
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Y/N: The Queen of Smoke versus the Gunslinger.
Fem Smoke*Blushed*: Let’s see who will win~
Y/N*Smiled*: Yes! Let us!
Fem Smoke: *Interested* Let’s see what you learned from Scorpion!
Y/N*Chuckled*: You will be impressed~
Fem Smoke*Snickered*: That remain to be seen~
Fem Reptile (Syzoth)
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Fem Reptile (Syzoth) *Wondering* Are you not scared of me?
Y/N*Chuckled*: How can one be scared of your humanoid, Lovely Form~
Fem Reptile(Syzoth)*Flustered*: Umm.. Thank you, Y/N.
Y/N*Smiled*: After this wanna grab some food and chill?
Fem Reptile (Syzoth): That’d be lovely, Y/N.
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mikka-minns · 10 months
I think Jacqui would've been a way more intresting character if they made Kuai Liang her uncle figure.
They already imply/hint that he and Jax are friends and that Subz suported Jacqui when she wanted to join Special Forces. They could have made her a honorary lin kuei. She isnt a clan member but she is sometimes training with them. Maybe Jax trusted Kuai enough to let him train his daughter. She could've had a sisterly bond with Frost. And it would Also make her relationship with Takeda a bit more complex and intresting (i just realised we dont even know how Takeda feels about the lin kuei, so his could be a way to explore that).
And with that, Kuai and Jax can interact cuz they deserve to be friends.
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Random Between the Matches Headcanons #2
Erron Black was the shortest and scrawniest of his seven siblings, but he was by far the quickest of them.
Jade has openly admitted to Kotal that her true loyalty lies with Kitana. He appreciates her honesty and thus continues to treat her as a valued ally.
Erron Black and Rain used to be the best of friends. However, the two have since acknowledged that things have changed between them.
A year after Cassie stopped Shinnok, Johnny and Sonya decided to remarry each other. All their fellow Defenders of Earthrealm attended the second wedding.
Had Frost not been found by the deathmatch managers, she would have been a figure skater.
Cassie and Jacqui like to braid each other's hair.
The Necronomicon is required reading for all students in the Netherrealm.
Sub-Zero enjoys making frozen treats and sharing them with the rest of the Lin Kuei.
Before starting the Black Dragon, Kano was an aspiring chef.
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deadbydad-writes · 11 months
Character(s) x Fem! Reader Prompts I Will Write For: Week 1
Takahashi Takeda (Mortal Kombat)
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Childhood Friends to Lovers
Flirting while sparring
Enemies to Lovers (Lin Kuei Fem! Reader x Shirai Ryu Takeda)
First kiss
You fall asleep on Takeda after a hard and long mission
You spend the night with Takeda (You can add an idea you have for this if you want in the request)
Date night (You can put in what the date is going to be if you want in the request)
Cassie Cage (Mortal Kombat)
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You meet Cassie's parents
Movie night (You get to choose movie in request)
Cassie explains to you what her green energy power is
Bodyguard! Cassie (Fem! Reader can be an actress or singer)
You get dared to kiss Cassie by Jacqui
You comfort Cassie after she comes back from a tough mission
You and Cassie go to the beach
Ellie Williams (The Last of Us)
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You treat Ellies wounds
You and Ellie go out on patrol
Ellie tells you she's immune
You and Ellie smoke some weed together
You give Ellie a tattoo of your own (You can add what the tattoo can be and where in the request)
You and Ellie go swimming together
You cut Ellies hair
Jesse (The Last of Us)
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You and Jesse have to wait out a snowstorm
You save Jesse from getting attacked by a Clicker (You can add on to it if you want to in the request)
You and Jesse spend a quiet morning together
You and Jesse flirt on patrol
Donna and Ellie get you and Jesse together
You and Jesse go get a drink together after patrol
Jesse patches up your wounds
Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy)
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You meet at Tifa's bar and Cloud buys you a drink
You play with Clouds hair while he sleeps
You tease Cloud about hair being so damn spikey
You and Cloud take a walk through the Slums
You watch Cloud dance at the HoneyBee Inn
You're a bartender and close friend of Tifa's and Cloud decides to flirt with you
Cloud sees you in a dress for the first time *Kind of like when Cloud sees Aerith in the red dress* (You can add the details of the dress if you want in the request)
Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy)
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Aerith teaches you how to make a flower crown
Aerith teaches you about the language of flowers (You can add what flowers you want but only up to 6 or 7 in the request)
Cuddling in a field of flowers
You spend the night with Aerith during a thunderstorm
You help Aerith pick flowers
You accompany Aerith home
You meet Aeriths mother
Cayde-6 (Destiny)
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Spicy ramen date with Cayde
Cayde takes you on a tour around the tower
You save Cayde from trouble
You and Cayde go 1v1 in Crucible
You and Cayde go watch the sunset outside
Target practice date or Who Can Get The Most Headshots Winner Gets All Of The Glimmer and A Make-Out Session
Sparrow Racing
Mara Sov (Destiny)
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Mara Sov teaches you the ways of the Awoken
First time meeting Mara
Stargazing from the highest balcony of the Queens castle with Mara Sov
You are Mara Sov's Royal Awoken Guard and lover (You can send me a request for a small plot for this if you want it just can't be angst or smut)
You become Mara's favorite Guardian (You can add any ideas you have in the request)
Forbidden Lovers
Mara shows you a little bit of her magic
I will make more of these but with other characters, so stay tuned for those I guess.
But it will take me some time with any requests because I am on vacation with my mom and little sister but I will do them just not as fast or quick.
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cienie-isengardu · 9 months
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MK1 Sub Zero vs Kitana and Mileena Intro Dialogues <<&>> MK11 Noob Saibot vs Jacqui Briggs
#mortal kombat#mortal kombat spoilers#bi han#sub zero#noob saibot#mileena#kitana#jacqui briggs#vera briggs#I SAID IT ONCE AND I WILL REPEAT BI HAN IS SUCH A MAMA'S BOY#AND THIS IS NOT INSULT#through the all mk1 banters HE SHOWS ZERO REGRETS OVER HIS ACTION#people were killed because of it? well too bad but that was in lin kuei's best interest#people telling him they won't forgive him? well too bad 'cause he did not ask for any forgivness#but then he tells kitana the death of her mother is REGRETTABLE#even though sindel was the enemy / liu kang's friend & ally#mileena is angry at him but sindel's death is not his doing yet in most of other intros he doesn't care for people suffering or their grief#it is not lin kuei business but here he makes a statement he did not took part in killing mileena's mother#when he could mock her or be uncaring as he usually was#and in mk11 noob TWICE mentioned vera briggs#TWO DIFFERENT INTRO DIALOGUES WITH JACQUI#return to mother's arms and vera's soul is calling for you#and sure this is noob and his join me (mother) in death and dead are my clan#but he did not mention vera to jax who missed his wife badly#only to daughter that lost a mother sometime before mk11 game events#mk1 implies his mother was fighter and she died (in line of duty maybe?)#and she is like the only family member Bi-Han is not/wasn't at odds with#not giving a fuck about father but dead mother?#yeah I do think bi-han is more touched by death of mother of his enemies than death of his own father#and this is pretty unusual connection to otherwise uncaring bi-han isn't it?
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belumiller · 25 days
Between brothers, it is always Kuai Liang who respectfully mentions other male members of his family, as can be seen in the new timeline with Scorpion and the alternate timeline with Kuai Liang:
Mortal Kombat 11 dialogue:
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Kuai Liang: I disown you in every way. 
Noob Saibot: Then disown my name "Sub-Zero".
Kuai Liang: The name was grandfather's first.
Dialogue 2:
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Kuai Liang: Grandfather?
Kuai Liang: Defeat me to win my mantle.
Kuai Liang: You honor me with your kombat. 
Despite this, there is still a possibility that said grandfather may be the one who kidnapped the brothers to enroll them into the Lin Kuei clan, while Bi-Han as Noob Saibot mentions their mother, if only to be sarcastic/ironic:
Dialogue 3:
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Noob Saibot: You disappoint me. 
Sub-Zero: The feeling is mutual, brother.
Noob Saibot: Mother would be so proud. 
And on two occasions he spoke to Jacqui about his mother who had passed away shortly before the events of MK11:
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Noob Saibot: Vera's soul calls you. 
Jacqui: Keep mama’s name out your mouth, Revenant!
Noob Saibot: Revenant? I am a wraith!
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Noob Saibot: Return to your mother's arms.
Jacqui: She's dead, asshole.
Noob Saibot: And her soul is mine. 
Isn't that strikingly similar to the current timeline where Bi-Han talks to Kitana and Mileena about her deceased mother. 
And yes, Liu Kang's timeline is a new beginning and many things have changed, but some elements seem to repeat, whether the time keeper agrees or not. That's why I think the mother, and her fate, again deeply influenced Bi-Han, just as he was influenced in the original timeline by her desperate attempt to save him and Kuai Liang from the enslavement of the Lin Kuei.
Bi-Han claimed that his mother would applaud his action, so she herself might resent the Grandmaster's idea of tradition and duty to the land and that this resentment was passed on to her eldest son. 
 Alternatively, it was her death that caused Sub-Zero to question both the nature of the relationship between the Lin Kuei and the fire god and his father's wisdom. 
This brings me to another detail that may not be intentional on NetherRealm Studios' part but is repeated throughout the sources. Just as the mother is never said to be the Grandmaster's wife, which is certainly the most logical assumption for a traditional (patriarchal) clan as a way to ensure the legal heir line of a proper marriage. The decision to adopt Thomas was made solely by the GrandMaster. And so we have:
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And more dialogues (MK1):
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Kitana: Are you Kuai Liang's adopted brother?
Smoke: His father's honor demanded that he take me in. 
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Reptile: Lucky for you, Kuai Liang's father took you in.
Smoke: I didn't feel that way at the time.
Reptile: Lucky for you, Kuai Liang's father took you in.
Smoke: I didn't feel that way at the time.
BI-HAN: Father may have taken you in,  made you one of us. But your blood will never be Lin Kuei.
 I will discuss Bi-Han and Thomas' forced siblinghood later in another thread. Since this topic really struck me in how the adoption was resolved primarily for selfish reasons of the father, like saving his honor and erasing guilt rather than the child's safety and emotional health. There is something really disturbing about forcing a child to be part of the clan that murdered his family over a trivial matter. But there is also something disturbing about how the mother had no say in Thomas' adoption, as there is no indication that the man consulted that with her. Now, it is understandable that in a very traditional (patriarchal) clan the father, as Grand Master and head of his family, could make decisions without consulting others, including his own wife or children. But really people who love or at least respect each other discuss vital issues before making decisions whose consequences will have such a great impact on their lives and those of their children. Adopting a child, so traumatized and coming from a totally alien culture, is something that should be a joint decision of father and mother if both were supposed to raise such a child alongside their own. In that sense, the father comes off badly, not only because of how the sources made his reasoning selfish (his honor demanded) (embarrassed by the actions of his warriors) (father wanted us to be brothers) but also because of how indifferent he was to the mother of his children, especially compared to Sindel and Jerrod. 
 There is no indication that Bi-Han's father and mother were in love or whether they were forced into a relationship by the demands of tradition, perhaps even through an arranged marriage. But we have Sindel who, although she married Jerrod as a means of securing peace, here Sindel's biography:
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Her husband loved, respected and supported her, the feeling being mutual.
So far there is little indication that Bi-Han's mother had any real influence over Lin Kuei politics or that the grandmaster would seek her advice. She is not called the Grandmaster's wife, a title that suggests some high social position, and so far only Sindel's commentary gives us an idea of what her role in the clan might be. Liu Kang and Scorpion do not bring their dedication to the Earthrealm and their duty as a counterargument to Bi-Han's resentment in the way they talk about the teachings and wisdom of the former Grandmaster. She is practically eliminated from the scene and only Sindel and Thomas bother to mention her. Sindel in praising both of Kuai Liang's parents as excellent fighters and Thomas in recalling his authority, the only one Bi-Han seems to agree with, since, according to him, claiming Kuai Liang's independence is what would please his mother. And yes, Thomas and Bi-Han have a very different idea of mother, the first question would be which brother is telling the truth and which one is cheating. However, I think that would not be the right question, because the mother could not talk about her desire to achieve Lin Kuei's independence with Thomas, not because she did not love him or did not accept the child as her own, but because the orphan, how not born into the clan. He could not fully understand the Lin Kuei's situation. Especially when little Thomas was mourning his murdered family and not when it became clear that he and his adoptive father became close.
Another thing worth examining is the possibility that Bi-Han, consciously or not, also associates Li Mei with his mother as these points:
 1: He clearly respects her, a former Umgadi turned First Constable, more than Tanya, the current leader of the priestess wars. 
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Sub-Zero: No one of your order can defeat a Lin Kuei. 
Tanya: A boast of wit that can be easily disproved. 
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nightmarerodent · 5 months
Cassie: Alright, time to infiltrate. We got Tak and Frost taking the back so who wants to join them wail the others take the front with Toshi?
Kung Jin: Rock Paper Scissors for it?
Jacqui: All thee of us? At once?
Kung Jin: Sure, let’s go for it.
All three go and get different outcomes.
Jacqui: See, this is why it doesn’t work with three people.
Cassie: Uh, wait? Hold on, there’s a solution here.
Satoshi: How the hell are you idiots still alive?
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madamealtruist · 6 months
The cast for my Mortal Kombat high school AU, Mortal Kombat: Skool Days! The artwork for this series will be handled by my amazing friend @laismoura-art, so thank you so much! This project has been a long time coming, so I hope you all enjoy!
Xiuying Oniro/Frost, younger cousin of the Oniro Brothers and novice cryomancer (ice). Would never admit it, but she has a huge crush on Cassie.
Cassie Cage, younger sister of Johnny Cage and huge smartass. Social media addict.
Jacqui Briggs, younger sister of Jax and tough as nails techie. Has a dorky crush on Takeda.
Takeda Takahashi, strained younger half-brother of Kenshi and Hanzo’s best friend. Is completely oblivious of Jacqui’s crush on him.
Hanzo Hasashi, “apprentice” of Kuai Liang and unpredictable umbramancer (shadows). For reasons he doesn’t want to explain, he doesn’t trust Bi-Han.
Kung Jin, younger cousin of Kung Lao and talented archer. Openly gay, but doesn’t let the haters drag him down.
Tomas Oniro/Smoke, adopted brother of Bi-Han and Kuai Liang and incredibly sneaky typhomancer (smoke, mist and vapors). HUGE dork.
Raiden Watanabe, humble optimist and focused electromancer (lightning). Liu Kang’s teaching assistant.
Fujin Watanabe, Raiden’s twin sister and unpredictable aeromancer (wind). Easily embarrassed by Kung Lao, who she has a dorky crush on.
Kung Lao, eagle-eyed dreamer and owner of a razor-rimmed hat. Too cocky for his own good.
Kurtis Stryker, son of an Earthrealm police chief and loyal friend. Hopes to one day join the police force.
Jaime Kabal, former Black Dragon lackey and speedy smartass. Has a specialized mask and apparatus as an asthma inhaler (he thinks it’s cool).
Erron Black, mysterious loner and owner of the “Big Boot” fighting style. Held back at least twice.
Kuai Liang Oniro/Scorpion, second son of the Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster and skilled pyromancer (fire). Has ways of making you get over here.
Bi-Han Oniro/Sub-Zero, first son of the Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster and master cryomancer (ice). Bit too ambitious.
Harumi Shirai, Earthrealm’s first Umgadi student and owner of a supernatural garden. Part of a polycule with Hanzo and Kuai Liang.
Johnny Cage, former child actor and social media star. Ladies man waiting for the perfect girl to fall for him.
Sonya Blade, daughter of a Special Forces commander and Johnny’s crush. Has a strong hatred for Kano and ALWAYS suspects he’s onto something.
Jax Briggs, Sonya’s best friend and moral support. Incredibly defensive and loyal.
Kenshi Takahashi, rebellious son of a Yakuza leader and a blind swordsman. Owner of a magic sword that helps him see.
Sullivan Kano, leader of the Black Dragon and Sonya’s number one target. Particularly repulsive.
Sektor Zheng/Nine-Tee-Nine, son of the Lin Kuei’s Master Armorer and owner of an incredibly strong robotic suit. Hopes to take over the Lin Kuei.
Cyrax Braam/Four-Dee-Four, daughter of a Lin Kuei enforcer and owner of an incredibly fast robotic suit. Weary of her best friend’s actions.
Reiko, adopted son of Shao and newcomer to the sports team, the Wu Shi Tigers. Massive superiority complex.
Aylkra/Skarlet, adopted daughter of Shao and horrific gothic blood mage. Has been known to terrify most newcomers with a single glance.
Dairou/Havik, Seidan cleric and known anarchy fueled troublemaker. Despite his appearance, he’s not completely evil.
Zeffeero/Rain, Mileena and Kitana’s cousin (on Sindel’s side) and talented hydromancer (water). Gifted mage and will not let ANYONE forget it.
Nitara, Vaeternian femme fatale and has a particularly loud shriek. Beyond bitchy.
Ashrah, older sister of Sareena and repentant demon. In a loving relationship with Syzoth.
Sareena, younger sister of Ashrah and a demon attempting to repent. Has an obsessive crush on Bi-Han.
Mileena, older twin of Kitana and heir to Outworld’s throne. Has to take medicine to control her Stage One Tarkat, or risk going feral.
Kitana, younger twin of Mileena and heir to Outworld’s army. Is aware of Raiden’s crush on her, but is waiting for him to act.
Syzoth/Reptile, Zaterran loner and excellent observer. Uses invisibility to avoid bullies.
Goro, Shokan prince and captain of the Wu Shi Tigers. The kind of jock you want to be friends with.
Jade, Umgadi student and best friend of Kitana. Hides her depression behind cheerful optimism.
Tanya, Umgadi student and lover of Mileena. Carries some of Mileena’s Tarkat meds with her at all times, just in case.
Baraka, Daybreaker student and has Stage Two Tarkat. Loyal till the end to those he trusts.
Sindel, current Empress of Outworld and caring to all those under her care. Headmistress.
Liu Kang, fire demigod and infectiously optimistic. New history teacher.
Shao Kahn, general of Outworld’s armies and plays favorites. Gym teacher.
Shang Tsung, pretty shady alchemist and skilled sorcerer. Science teacher.
Quan Chi, mysterious former mortician and Eldritch sorcerer. Science teacher.
Li Mei, Sun Do’s guardian and former leader of the Imperial Police. School resource officer.
Sheeva, Shokan queen and proud soldier. Gym teacher.
Madame Bo, kind old soul with a feisty attitude. Owns the Teahouse on campus.
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What would Satoshi be like if he found out he was going to be an uncle? How would he react to holding a baby for the first time? Would he even trust himself near a baby?
I have ideas for little Jakeda babies. Twins. Little Harumi Vera and Johnathan Fox. Actually how would any of them react to that news?
Satoshi actually takes it really well. They're not his kids so there's no need for him to panic, and he used to babysit Aile's cousins all the time, so he knows how to help out with that if need be
Takeda on the other hand panics completely
Jacqui panicked privately and is now more annoyed that she can't have cheese for nine months than anything else
Jax did nearly try to kill Takeda until Jacqui calmed him down (he didn't want them getting married in the first place, so a baby isn't good in his mind)
Hanzo cries and starts immediately prepping the clan, getting supplies, etc
Kuai Liang keeps his focus on reigning Hanzo in so that he doesn't panic bc Kuai Liang has never been around a baby before
Frost laughs, she doesn't know why, she just finds it hilarious
Cassie declares herself godmother and starts planning the baby shower immediately
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