#link goes to a youtube video titled:
milkweedman · 9 months
Was looking for patterns for short round sock toes done toe up that I could make any sense of, and found both that and a way to m1 (m1r, I think ?) that I can physically execute ! It's just yarning over and then on the next round when you do it knitting the yo thru the back loop. Unsure how that would work flat, maybe you reverse yarn over ? But great in the round...
Anyway finally seeing what make ones look like is interesting, they're a lot more subtle than kfb or lli/rli
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echoekhi · 10 months
I’m Declaring War Against “What If” Videos: Project Copy-Knight
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What Are “What If” Videos?
These videos follow a common recipe: A narrator, given a fandom (usually anime ones like My Hero Academia and Naruto), explores an alternative timeline where something is different. Maybe the main character has extra powers, maybe a key plot point goes differently. They then go on and make up a whole new story, detailing the conflicts and romance between characters, much like an ordinary fanfic.
Except, they are fanfics. Actual fanfics, pulled off AO3, FFN and Wattpad, given a different title, with random thumbnail and background images added to them, narrated by computer text-to-speech synthesizers.
They are very easy to make: pick a fanfic, copy all the text into a text-to-speech generator, mix the resulting audio file with some generic art from the fandom as the background, give it a snappy title like “What if Deku had the Power of Ten Rings”, photoshop an attention-grabbing thumbnail, dump it onto YouTube and get thousands of views.
In fact, the process is so straightforward and requires so little effort, it��s pretty clear some of these channels have automated pipelines to pump these out en-masse. They don’t bother with asking the fic authors for permission. Sometimes they don’t even bother with putting the fic’s link in the description or crediting the author. These content-farms then monetise these videos, so they get a cut from YouTube’s ads.
In short, an industry has emerged from the systematic copyright theft of fanfiction, for profit.
Project Copy-Knight
Since the adversaries almost certainly have automated systems set up for this, the only realistic countermeasure is with another automated system. Identifying fanfics manually by listening to the videos and searching them up with tags is just too slow and impractical.
And so, I came up with a simple automated pipeline to identify the original authors of “What If” videos.
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It would go download these videos, run speech recognition on it, search the text through a database full of AO3 fics, and identify which work it came from. After manual confirmation, the original authors will be notified that their works have been subject to copyright theft, and instructions provided on how to DMCA-strike the channel out of existence.
I built a prototype over the weekend, and it works surprisingly well:
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On a randomly-selected YouTube channel (in this case Infinite Paradox Fanfic), the toolchain was able to identify the origin of half of the content. The raw output, after manual verification, turned out to be extremely accurate. The time taken to identify the source of a video was about 5 minutes, most of those were spent running Whisper, and the actual full-text-search query and Levenshtein analysis was less than 5 seconds.
The other videos probably came from fanfiction websites other than AO3, like fanfiction.net or Wattpad. As I do not have access to archives of those websites, I cannot identify the other ones, but they are almost certainly not original.
Armed with this fantastic proof-of-concept, I’m officially declaring war against “What If” videos. The mission statement of Project Copy-Knight will be the elimination of “What If” videos based on the theft of AO3 content on YouTube.
I Need Your Help
I am acutely aware that I cannot accomplish this on my own. There are many moving parts in this system that simply cannot be completely automated – like the selection of YouTube channels to feed into the toolchain, the manual verification step to prevent false-positives being sent to authors, the reaching-out to authors who have comments disabled, etc, etc.
So, if you are interested in helping to defend fanworks, or just want to have a chat or ask about the technical details of the toolchain, please consider joining my Discord server. I could really use your help.
See full blog article and acknowledgements here: https://echoekhi.com/2023/11/25/project-copy-knight/
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wizlizbelle3 · 24 days
Something that works for me and kind of an experiment.
I have discussed methods and stuff and how people have also told me that you need to find what works for you. But there's only one way to get to the void: complete relaxation.
So this is something that I'm doing, and this is something I'd like you to try!
First - I wanna start with a meditation. (Grounding, clearing, calming etc). Great Meditations on YouTube is my favorite meditation channel because they have 5, 10, 15, 20, and longer meditations. They have a variety of all kinds of meditations including a void meditation which is perfect to be relaxed. I'll link some of my favorite ones down here:
Grounding meditation
Void Meditation
Deep space meditation
Deep within yourself meditation
Healing the void space
Secondly - Now that I've done a meditation, I wanna do a quick body scan ( 30 seconds or a minute). Get into a comfortable position (doesn't matter which one, people use starfish cause your body is supported) but it should a position where you won't move.
Lastly - this is the most fun part - I'll put on this vid Void Hypnosis
and as I am listening to it, I'll be doing some breathwork:
Count to 10, then when you get to 10 hold your breath for 10 seconds. Count to 20, then when you get to 20 hold your breath for 20 seconds
so on until your body has gone numb. You can also just do wim hof's breathing but holding your breath for long periods of time makes your body go to sleep which is what we want. You don't need to affirm because the hypnosis is already doing that for you.
If you get distracted after a while, just keep being distracted. It doesn't matter cause you've already relaxed your body and are in a trance.
Remember, you are in the void. Even right now, you are in the void.
Please do let me know how it goes for you! And I suggest using youtube to make a playlist and adding the hypnosis video twice. You can do it if you have a computer. Log into your youtube account - make a playlist - add your meditation - copy the link of the hypnosis and click on the little three dots on the left underneath the title of the playlist - click add videos and paste the URL in the search box then click done - do it again or however many times you want that video in your playlist.
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honeytonedhottie · 1 year
NOTION TUTORIAL୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
this is to serve as some little notion tips that i use to make my notion the way that it is. cute and efficient. this is very surface level and i'll get more in depth the more the post goes on. im working on dropping a notion template soon <3
first off pick a color scheme, for me, my color scheme is pastel pinks and whites and soft shades of green as an accent.
u can import photos from pinterest by copying the photo (not the link address, the actual photo) and pasting it into ur notion
take advantage of the columns, when u make a new space click "turn into" and use columns, it'll neatly divide the page
experiment with fonts, i use serif. u can also do large or small text, AND full width pages
making toggle lists saves space and keeps ur page looking super neat and organized
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calendars and tables will keep u organized
to add a page ur gonna wanna go to the top left corner and click "new page"
u can import custom icons by going on pinterest and looking up app icons with the color scheme that u want, download that and add it for cute icons, u can also do the same with GIFS
for links and things of the sort embedding the video and adding the link are two different things, embedding the video means that u can access it on ur page (i do this for youtube videos/spotify etc) and when its a link i'll do this for documents and things of the sort
to add titles to ur columns click the "+" button, i use heading 3 bcuz that's the size i prefer but there are other sizes to choose from
a cool feature that notion has is that u can change the background color OR the text color, when u change the background color its more pastel-like if that's what ur going for
to make section dividers click (-) three times to create a divider
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symphonybracket · 10 months
YouTube links: Mahler 2, Tchaikovsky 6
Mahler 2
Have you ever wanted to feel like you're going to shake apart into a billion pieces if someone so much as looks at you. That's how I feel after listening to this beast. This symphony changed my life for real. It's famous for it's ending and for good reason!! It truly feels like your soul is getting blown up and steamrolled. Listening to it live was like getting peeled by god. It calls for 10 horns which is how you know it's going to fuck severely. It comes in 5 movements: good lord oh my god, hehe teehee, oh so that's why they call it the death shriek, crying on the floor for 5 minutes, and I Have Died. The part known as the "Death Shriek" is shown below! And if you're interested in learning more about the symphony, here's my favorite analysis website!
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It's an everything in the universe piece and when I sang in the choir for it I think I actually ascended to a higher plane of existence for 15 minutes
I came across (imo) a good video giving a summarised background of Mahler 2, it’s called ‘Gustav Mahler - Symphony No. 2: Explained in 3 Minutes’ by orchestra of the music makers on YouTube
There is also a piano arrangement!
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Tchaikovsky 6
Everyone bangs on about the 4th movement but it's the 3rd movement that really hits
tchaik 6 is what i would listen to if i had an hour to live
the 5/4 movement of the tchaik lives rent free in my mind and i think about it every day
It’s beyond gorgeous. The melodies soar, the orchestra swells, and you just need to lie down for a while after listening to it. It’s Romanticism at its zenith. You want to weep and sigh, and it’s impossible to listen to it without literally feeling something.
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Symphony No. 6, titled “Pathétique”, was Tchaikovsky’s final symphony. It is an intensely emotional piece, and to many scholars demonstrates the emotional turmoil that characterized much of Tchaikovsky’s life. He died about a week after its premiere, a fact which leads many scholars to debate about whether the content of the piece itself reflects the possibility that he may have committed suicide. The title itself is often translated to mean “impassioned suffering”, although this was most likely a later addition by Modest and not actually part of Tchaikovsky’s vision. Given these facts, many scholars interpret this piece to be about death and suffering. However, this piece can also be seen to represent life and all its contrasting moments. This interpretation is more holistic and inclusive of all of the moments captured in this piece, and also serves to break down the common narrative of Tchaikovsky as a tragic figure.
More comments about Tchaikovsky 6 below the cut (length warning):
Scholarship surrounding Tchaikovsky’s music tends to focus heavily on the ways his confliction over his homoerotic desires appears in his writing. However, his personal letters reveal a much more balanced understanding of himself that goes beyond the common narrative. In one letter written to Modest describing a new relationship with another man, he writes: “I awoke today with a feeling of unknown happiness and with a complete absence of that emotional sobriety that used to make me repent in the morning for having gone too far the day before.” Many of the letters he wrote regarding his relationships demonstrate no shame and no anguish beyond what can be expected of a man living in a homophobic society. It is important to take this information into account when listening to a piece such as this one that has been discussed so frequently, and to understand it beyond the turmoil and strife that it is seen to represent. Like many of Tchaikovsky’s works, this symphony displays a range of human emotions. It is not only representative of tragedy and “impassioned suffering”; it is a depiction of what it is like to live. It is also interesting to note that this piece is used as a signifier of queer desire in the novel "Maurice" by E.M. Forster, a novel also notable for its radical portrayal of a queer man who gets a happy ending. Much to think about there.
The first movement begins with a lone bassoon soloist playing a plaintive minor melody, which later comes back in the strings. As the movement progresses, it grows in intensity and texture. More instruments are added, and the music becomes more frantic, building and building towards the dramatic trumpet fanfare. Throughout this piece, Tchaikovsky continues to make significant use of contrasting dynamics and melodies, reflecting the emotions he hopes to convey through the music. Dramatic, tumultuous sections are interspersed with pastoral woodwind melodies, and the angry brass fanfares give way to a quiet ending.
The second movement is reminiscent of a waltz, and uses the strings and woodwinds more than the brass to achieve its floating melodies. The dynamics ebb and flow to build tension, but this movement never reaches the same levels of anguish that the previous movement does. Tchaikovsky makes use of pizzicato in the strings to convey a lighter, more cheerful mood, and features the upper woodwinds prominently. He also repeats themes frequently, giving the audience something familiar to listen out for as the movement progresses.
The third movement begins with frantic energy in the strings and woodwinds. As more instruments join the rush of music, the underlying eight note accompaniment does not let up, continuing the vivacious beginning through the whole movement. Instruments pass the melodies between each other and engage in conversations across the orchestra. Like the first movement, the brass play a prominent role in creating dramatic climaxes in the music, as well as supporting the march-like conclusion. Conductor Myung-Whun Chung describes the deceptively dramatic ending as, “one of the greatest, most thrilling, but most empty of victories in musical history,” observing that this movement has the energetic finality of a final movement. The reversal of having the true finale be a slower movement represents a shift away from the “Beethovian model of light over darkness” common in most other symphonies of this time period.
As mentioned before, ending on a movement with a slow tempo was a significant shift away from the standard of the time. This innovation inspired many other future composers to use the same technique, most notably Mahler in his Ninth Symphony. The quiet beginning builds up towards a chaotic rush of fast runs throughout the orchestra, only to stop abruptly and continue in halting, cautious bursts of melody. The movement continues with this cycle of rushing up to a climax and backing away as the movement progresses. Tchaikovsky highlights the horns in this movement, giving them both angry, blaring notes which cut through the string melodies and the flowing, lyrical lines that are passed throughout the orchestra. As the piece ends, the instruments fall away until all that is left are steady repeated notes in the basses, bringing this lament of a movement to an understated close.
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thewebcomicsreview · 2 years
The Webcomic Reviews Mini Reviews Masterpost, Part 1
People always ask me what I think of various webcomics, so I decided to start collecting my thoughts in one place! Click the images to go to the comic! Comic titles with a ⭐ after them are recommended, but even if I don't give a comic a star, that doesn't mean you won't like it.
[un]Divine ⭐
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What is it: A highschooler sells his soul for a big titty demon gf, and now has to have anime battles against angels who keep trying to eat him.
The Good: Excellent art and monster designs, some of the better fights in webcomics.
The Bad: Danny is kind of a bland protagonist. The comic keeps threatening to veer into femdom porn, which may be a good thing for some of you. Comic is on permanent semi-hiatus and updates very infrequently
You should read it if: You wanna read a comic with big fights, big angels, and big titties.
Ava’s Demon
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What is it: A bunch of kids possessed by demons have space adventures and are sad
The Good: Extremely good art. Occasional "high production value" moments with music and limited animation. The single-panel page format really highlights the art.
The Bad: Bland writing, weak characters. The single-panel page format really slows the flow of reading it.
You should read it if: Learning that the Wrath demon is named “Wrathia” doesn’t strike you as comically dumb
Awkward Zombie ⭐
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What is it: It’s a comic that makes jokes about video games
The Good: It’s the best comic that makes jokes about video games
The Bad: If you haven’t played the game in question, you might not get the jokes. Awkward lack of zombies.
You should read it if: You like jokes about video games. I don't....it's not a complex premise.
Camp Weedonwantcha ⭐
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What is it: A bunch of kids are left at summer camp forever by parents who’ve abandoned them to die. Wacky comedy and feel-good moments ensue.
The Good: Cute adventures with kids, reminiscent of some of the better Nicktoons from the 90s. Surprisingly emotionally effective when it wants to be.
The Bad: While the ending is satisfying in its own way, many plot threads go unresolved
The Terrible: Nickelodeon bought the rights and is sitting on them.
You should read it if: You like slice of life adventures with blasts of dark humor and feels
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What is it: Ducktales, with Genocide!
The Good: Cute and generally likable characters. Decently paced
The Bad: Doesn’t really excel at anything. Weirdly insistent about totally not being a furry comic even though it obviously is.
The Terrible: The author is a white nationalist, and the lack of link is intentional.
You should read it if: You like 80s cartoons and hate minorities
Cornucopia ⭐
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What is it: A ninja is sent on a mission to literally steal candy from a nation of morons, fails.
The Good: Good art and well-paced storytelling. Clever use of different types of word balloons. High joke-per-page ratio
The Bad: Doofy tone may not be your cup of tea. Seems to have died young, though the first chapter is still a complete story
You should read it if: You like JelloApocalypse’s videos on YouTube, or his series Epithet Erased, since he made this
Dresden Codak
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What is it: A genius inventor has wacky adventurers, then goes to a flying city and spends most of the comic’s run embroiled in a conspiracy run by evil anime villains.
The Good: The drawings are pretty. The early comedy adventures are quirky and charming.
The Bad: Panel layout and composition, especially early in Dark Science, is atrocious. Presents the comic as a feminist power fantasy, but the main character usually has her tits out and has had her clothes burnt off on multiple occasions.
The Terrible: The author is a notorious jerk. As of this writing, The Dark Science storyline has been running for eight years and has yet to reach a triple-digit number of pages, even though it’s a full-time job for which Diaz earns $4,000+/mo on Patreon.
You should read it if: You thought the best part of Ghost in the Shell was the lesbian orgy boat.
Drop Out (NSFW) ⭐
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What is it: Two girlfriends go on a road trip to kill themselves in style
The Good: Short enough to be read in one sitting. Surprisingly good visual storytelling for a first comic. Realistic dialogue and high tension keeps you engaged even when not much is happening. Subtle details that don’t become apparent until a second read reward paying attention.
The Bad: Heavy subject matter. Lettering can be tough to read in early pages.
Content Warnings: Drug Abuse, Suicide, Mental Health Issues, Detransitioning….a list of all the difficult content in this comic would be so long it’d look like I’m making a joke. This is a heavy comic.
You should read it if: You like arty dramatic comics that deal with uncomfortable topics
Dumbing of Age
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What is it: College students obsessed with late 80s-early 90s pop culture have relationship troubles
The Good: Of all the popular comics it’s trendy to shit on, this is by far the best. Solid gag-a-day strip with plots that move at a decent pace.
The Bad: Realistic depictions of abusive parents co-exists in the same comic as a literal superhero, leading to some jarring tonal confusion.
You should read it if: You like newspaper-style drama comics.
Everything Is Fine
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What is it: Maggie and Sam are a normal married couple in a very strange world where proving your loyalty is the key to winning, and the best way to prove your loyalty is to show someone else is disloyal. And also everyone wears mascot suit cat heads all the time.
The Good: Well-written characters, a novel premise, and excellent pacing. I’m not the biggest fan of the webtoon “really tall page” format, but it’s taken advantage of at times for nice transitions
The Bad: The webtoon format can be irritating, and the worldbuilding is toeing the line between “compelling mystery” and “If there were two astronauts on the moon and one shot the other wouldn’t that be fucked up?”-ism.
Content Warning: Gore, Suicide themes. Every page with such content has a warning on it (which works better in Webtoon format, actually)
You should read it if: You liked the dystopian fiction fiction books you had to read in high school.
Gunnerkrigg Court ⭐
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What is it: A girl attends a scientific school in a magical world that’s honestly not even slightly like Harry Potter but people say it is because they think J. K. Rowling invented British schools
The Good: Good art and fantastic panel composition. Slow-burning dark fantasy mystery.
The Bad: Takes a little while to find its groove. Starts feeling rushed and confusing near the end.
The Terrible: Boxbot
You should read it if: You like dark fantasy stories, or stories in general.
Homestuck ⭐?
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What is it: A kid wants to play a video game but it’s downstairs and he doesn’t feel like talking to his dad yadda yadda yadda the universe explodes. Was briefly ungodly popular.
The Good: High production values, many updates are music videos with excellent music. Great character writing, especially in Act 5. Toby Fox, the creator of Undertale, did a lot of the music, and arguably isn’t even the best musician featured.
The Bad:The early part of the comic is brutally slow-paced, and is an impossible hurdle for some.
The Terrible: The ending is widely considered a major disappointment, and attempts to turn the comic into a franchise have been met with mixed reviews. The prose epilogues are deeply divisive.
Content Warning: A lot gorier than you might expect, mitigated by the cartoony art style, abusive relationships, the epilogue is just generally gross.
You should read it if: You want to see what the hell all those kids in grey face-paint at anime conventions were about
You should also consider: Just getting the music off the bandcamp, it’s really good.
Homestuck 2
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What is it: A “dubiously canon” sequel to Homestuck, following from The Homestuck Epilogues, made by a different creative team. Follows two intersecting future timelines
The Good: The art is quite nice, and the new characters are fun and likable. Very bold in its ideas, for better or for worse it’s rarely boring. One of the few webcomics to be able to integrate trigger warnings clearly while remaining non-obtrusive with them. Faster-paced than the original Homestuck (low bar!) and has a few clever presentation ideas. Willing to be its own thing. If you’re worried it’s just “Homestuck 1 but more of it”, this is not that.
The Bad: Not at all a stand-alone comic, Homestuck 2 is completely incoherent if you’re not familiar with Homestuck 1 and the Homestuck Epilogues. Does not have the big multimedia productions Homestuck 1 was known for. Beloved characters from Homestuck 1 can come off really badly, which upsets a lot of people. If you’re looking for “Homestuck 1 but more of it”, this is not that.
The Terrible: At times, this comic is actively trying to piss off the readership by dragging out unpopular plot revelations. I actually like this about it, but unsurprisingly a lot of people don’t.
You should read it if: If you have to ask “Should I read Homestuck 2?”, the answer is probably “No”. This is a comic for people who are riding the Homestuck train to the bitter end.
You should also consider: Reading my Liveblog of it 
Kiwi Blitz ⭐
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What is it: A precocious young girl gets a Kiwi-shaped robot and decides to become a superhero ridding the world of nefarious furries. More of a cute character drama than a superhero comic, and more of a superhero comic than a mecha one.
The Good: Cute artstyle. Not without dramatic stakes, but fairly light and fun throughout minus a few people getting shot. The android 42 is stand-out great character.
The Bad: Prone to long hiatuses as the author's main comic is now Sleepless Domain.
You should read it if: You liked Sleepless Domain, and are looking for a somewhat lighter comic by the same author.
Latchkey Kingdom ⭐
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What is it: A girl goes on adventures in a magical land of idiots
The Good: Good but not overbearing comedy. Tight chapters. Strong side characters
The Bad: Thanks in part to Patron-backed stories in between the “main” chapters, can feel like an episodic series with no main character or driving plot
The Neutral: Willa is a semi-silent protagonist, and often gets overshadowed by the wacky people she meets. Cerberus Syndrome, executed well
You should read it if: You like adventure, silly characters, and jokes about Dark Souls.
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What is it: Two lesbians are contrived into sharing an apartment, then the comic becomes a polemic about how trans people are evil. The second-best TERF webcomic on this list
The Good: This comic has no redeeming qualities
The Bad: It’s hella transphobic, and not even particularly interesting about it the way Sinfest can be. Everything that’s not hateful is boring, and the comic is practically going “Go on, be offended, blog about me, give me atteeeennnnttttiiiiiooooonnn!”
You should read it if: You really shouldn’t, and I’m not linking to it
Least I Could Do
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What is it: Rayne Summers is the best at everything and you should listen to him
The Good: This comic updates on time regularly. Sometimes it updates without word balloons by accident, making it surreally funny
The Bad: Poorly thought-out political rants; few jokes, severe overuse of beat panels, copy-pasted art.
The Terrible: Designed to go viral, not to be entertaining; makes panels wordless just so they can be used as preview images
You should read it if: You have committed horrible sins and wish to atone
Legend of the Hare
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What is it: I wrote this! A white trash loser girl is peer pressured into becoming a magical girl by a pair of pushy rabbits. A spinoff of the print comic Blade Bunny, written and drawn by the current creative team of Saffron and Sage.
The Good: Bouncy and cartoony art. Strong and memorable characters. Very weird and freewheeling.
The Bad: The plot is an absolute mess, stalling out and even going backwards at times, though it mostly comes together at the end. The tone is wildly inconsistent.
The Terrible: Kind of South-Parky in its humor sometimes
You should read it if: You like Saffron and Sage and want to see a comic by the same team when they were less experienced.
Nan Quest ⭐
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What is it: In this spiritual sequel to Ruby Quest, a goat girl electrician sets out to fix a broken fuzebox and ends up ensnared in a psychological horror conspiracy.
The Good: Much more effective use of the simple MS Paint art style, with more color and some simple animations (animated panels being marked [A], a convention Homestuck would later adopt for its [S] sound panels). The characters are better fleshed out than in Ruby Quest, and the horror is more effective as well, with less gore and more tension.
The Bad: Though used effectively, the art is still MS Paint doodles. The story mechanics behind the mystery are much more ambiguous, which can be a plus.
Content Warning: Gore, threatened sexual violence.
You should read it if: You like Ruby Quest and/or psychological horror comics that can be read in a few hours.
Moby: Back from the Deep
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What is it: A zombie killer whale attacks a small town.
The Good: The art is nice
The Bad: Egregious overuse of narration.
The Terrible: It’s a beat for beat ripoff of the movie Jaws, down to some characters having their names only marginally changed from their Jaws counterpart (e.g. “Alex Gardener” is the name of the Alex Kintner analogue)
You should read it if: You can’t find a Jaws torrent.
Mokepon ⭐
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What is it: A dickhead teenager is forced on a Pokemon adventure, and learns a valuable lesson about friendship while being dragged into a criminal conspiracy. A Pokemon fanfic that’s somewhat darker than the source material (though not really “grimdark”)
The Good: Good action scenes, nice manga-style art. Notable improvement in art and storytelling over time. Atticus’ slow-burn character growth is satisfying.
The Bad: The early chapters are almost a completely different comic, and it takes a little while to find its groove.
You should read it if: You liked Pokemon Special
Monster Pulse ⭐
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What is it: Kids’ internal organs become sentient external organs, and they have to keep it a secret from an evil orginization.
The Good: Cool twist on the surprisingly rare monster pet genre. Not afraid to upend the status quo
The Bad: No real obvious flaws, but if you don’t find the premise interesting, you probably won’t like it.
You should read it if: You were a fan of monster-pet stories like Digimon Tamers
The Monster Under The Bed
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What is it: A teenager finds a demon girl under his bed, rom-com ensues
The Good: Cute anime-esque premise
The Bad: Gets progressively hornier to to point where I'm not sure if I should even leave it on this list. Egregious use of photos instead of drawing backgrounds, making outdoor scenes look awful
You should read it if: You like trashy Japanese animes
Narbonic ⭐
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What is it: A shlubby loser gets a job working for a mad scientist. Mad sciencey things occur, and the comic experiences an incredible jump in quality in the back half
The Good: Short comic, comfy and easy to read. The best and most satisfying ending arc of any webcomic ever.
The Bad: Some “LOLRANDOM” humor, especially early on.
The Terrible: The first few comics are almost literally unreadable due to messy handwritten lettering and low quality scans.
You should read it if: You love seeing a story build to a proper conclusion, and you don’t mind a rough start.
Octopus Pie ⭐
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What is it: Slice-of-life dramedy where twenty-somethings try to become adults and/or get laid while navigating New York life. Completed comic.
The Good: If you direct your attention above, you will see the incredible coloring. There are other comics that have better plots and even better characters, but Octopus Pie is uniquely good at hitting a mood. Occasionally does some infinite canvas stuff that’s neat.
The Bad: This is a comic about exploring ideas and kind of drifting around through life, and isn’t a big plot-focused comic with a lot of big dramatic reveals. Which I don’t think is bad, but it might not be your thing.
You should read it if: You liked stories about adults trying to figure out how to grow up, and like seeing characters age.
Out-of-Placers ⭐
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What is it: A human man is turned into a female rat creature, and has to navigate a low-fantasy world while learning their incredibly stupid ways and trying to get himself back to normal.
The Good: Really good worldbuilding, with interesting, fleshed out, and unique fantasy races. There are licensed Dungeons and Dragons books with less cool ideas for a campaign in them.
The Bad: Can get kind of edgy in ways that don’t always work, and occasionally gets a bit gross. If the premise made you think it was a furry fetish comic, it’s not, but it keeps threatening to become one if you don’t whap it with a newspaper and say “No” very firmly every now and then.
You should read it if: Your favorite DnD race is kobolds.
Paranatural ⭐
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What is it: Kids bust ghosts in a parody of shounen anime tropes
The Good: Good banter, creative panel layouts, and characters you want to root for.
The Bad: The story rapidly increases in scale, causing the pacing to slow down somewhat. The story later transitions to an illustrated prose format, which some people can't really get into.
You should read it if: You liked Bleach before it became Dragonball
Prequel -or- Making A Cat Cry: The Adventure ⭐
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What is it: An Elder Scrolls fanfiction, in which an alcoholic catgirl heads to a new land to try to make a better life, and generally fails.
The Good: Inventive use of the web as a storytelling medium. Great character writing. Lovable protagonist. Excellent payoff to years or life kicking the protagonist in the face.
The Bad: Years of life kicking the protagonist in the face. Can thus be depressing, especially early on, sometimes to the point of being offensive (see Content Warnings)
The Terrible: Very slow and irratic update schedule
Content Warnings: Alcoholism, Depression, the protagonist gets blackout drunk and wakes up in bed next to strange men several times, which is played for comedy.
You should read it if: You like slow burn character development. You like stories where the protagonist has a hard time
Problem Sleuth
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What is it: A detective tries to leave his office using user-submitted commands, and gets in a few tangents along the way. Mostly known now as “The thing Andrew Hussie did before Homestuck”, but it was a popular comic in its own right.
The Good: Much better art than most reader-driven comics, bizarre and clever, with a dramatic finish.
The Bad: Holy shit, you thought Homestuck meandered? Problem Sleuth will do nearly anything and everything readers asked him to do, and this is a veeeeeery convoluted comic that has thus aged somewhat poorly.
You should read it if: You thought Homestuck was best before the Trolls got involved.
Questionable Content
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What is it: Humanity achieves a technological utopia in the background while hipsters in Massachusetts complain about their dating lives. Later begins focusing much more heavily on all the robots.
The Good: A rotating menagerie of quirky cute girls. Had a major trans character before it was cool.
The Bad: The comic kind of transitions from being about one thing to being about another thing several times, to the point where onetime protagonists show up less and less or even get dropped altogether in favor of the New Thing the comic is.
You should read it if: You want a comfy and diverse slice-of-life comic.
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rotisseries · 1 year
AKAJDFJSKFKS OK THIS IS MY FAVORITE SPOTIFY FEATURE YAY!! relying on people to have uploaded things as a podcast sucks so bad because they get taken down a lot and also it breaks up the vibe because the title and artist are always something random and the little picture is just a sunset or whatever idk IT BREAKS UP THE VIBE
so you can do this from any device, (i prefer to do it from my computer though for reasons that'll be explained later) and if you have spotify premium you'll also be able to listen to it on all devices, but first thing you're going to do is go into your account settings and turn on the local files option
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once you do that, it'll access any downloaded audio files you have, and you can listen to them on that device. they'll be stored in a spotify playlist named local files, similar to the liked songs one. (i would also recommend making a separate folder for the songs you want downloaded on spotify, at least on the computer, i know you can change which folder it takes from there. otherwise you might end up with random audio you downloaded for something specific in your spotify library.)
if you have premium, you can also turn on spotify on other devices, and add the song you downloaded to an actual playlist
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and it'll sync up on all your devices and you can download the playlist on every device. if you don't have premium though you'll either have to download it on every device or you can only listen to it on the first one you downloaded it on.
now for actually getting the song. this is really simple I tend to go straight to youtube and it's usually pretty easy to find the song I want, and then I just put the link into a youtube to mp3 converter (dodging the hot moms in my area. maybe next time ladies) and then I download it. make sure it's in the right folder and boom! I now have mitski's cover of let's get married to cry to on demand! soundcloud also works though obviously because any audio file will do, and a lot of unreleased songs get uploaded to soundcloud, and there’s a handy little download button right there and you don't need an account! great if you run into a song that isn't on youtube. totally unrelated but I have phoebe bridger's cover of iris downloaded
now. reasons I tend to do it from my computer specifically.
1. most shady websites are just easier to navigate lol. it's twice as hard to deal with pop ups when things are also rotating your phone screen around. so yeah i'd prefer to hit up the mp3 converter from my laptop
2. if you have any songs where the only video for it has an annoying intro or outro, it can be easier to edit it out. like lil nas x's cover of jolene was from the youtube channel for some fucking radio station or whatever so I had to edit that out. and my laptop's native audio file player has a trimming option, so I didn't have to download extra software like I would on my phone
3. and most importantly to me, you can make it aesthetically pleasing. when you just download the audio file it won't have an album picture and it won't have an artist name it'll only have whatever the file name is as a title, which you can change obviously but it doesn't fix the rest of it. on the computer it is so easy to download a metadata editor, and you can edit the file's metadata however you want and it'll have the little artist line and the album if you want and you can put whatever picture goes with the song but this is of course not required it just matters a lot to me personally
anyway have fun!
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vallkary · 4 months
Prime Defenders Headcanons that might actually be more like AUs but let me have this
William Wisp has a body cam on 24/7 (I think this is actually canon), and posts the footage to his 3 subscriber YouTube channel as unlisted videos.
The second Bell Tech “heist” was either put on Private or Deleted entirely.
Every encounter in Deadwood for the final episodes of s2 was put on a public or unlisted livestream, because he thought if something happened, at least somebody would have to know.
The final Trickster encounter was on a seperate, PUBLIC stream, and was ended when The Trickster impaled William. The stream was Public in order to show civilians what happened in case the heroes failed, giving them a sort of warning like “hey this is what’s up if it goes bad don’t mess with these things”
His footage, when posted publicly or the link is shared for any reason, is a hot topic for Superhero debate and “politics,” with many conspiracy theorists using the footage as proof that superheroes aren’t real and it’s all “behind the scenes” effects
William doesn’t title any of his videos, and he almost never posts things for himself. It’s always the date the footage was taken.
Days after The Trickster fight when 67% of YouTube thought he was dead, he posted another video just showing off the Wisps and gave zero context for if he actually died or not, causing even more conspiracies
Ashe Winters is a somewhat popular gaming YouTuber and streamer because I think that’s fun
When she began working with the Prime Defenders she took an unannounced break
After William’s footage of the final Trickster encounter was brought to public attention, Ashe checked her YouTube channel to find way more subscribers than before, and slowly went back to posting gaming videos again
Ashe kept traits of The Trickster
That’s it. I like to think that the Trickster had a lot more inhumanness than red skin and wings, like horns, maybe spikes somewhere I guess I love me some spikes. Anyway. Those traits lessened but didn’t totally disappear when Ashe was freed from The Trickster, and she’s getting used to them (slowly)
Dakota is by far the most popular Prime Defender
I’m pretty sure this is canon again
I like to think he doesn’t post anything anywhere that often, but despite that he by far gets the most attention.
He doesn’t keep his identity secret and most people assume that William and Vyncent are his sidekicks.
He sometimes posts on YouTube and it’s the most dogshit quality videos ever and they gets millions of views every time because that visual is delightful to me. Bonus points if William and Vyncent pop up in the background and he just doesn’t edit them out
Vyncent does hallucinate voices sometimes
Maybe it’s happened from the start, or maybe it only happened after The Greats were put in his head, but either way, he does experience some audial hallucinations.
I do not experience any kind of hallucination so if this is offensive please tell me /genuine
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foggynitefic · 6 months
Drop Them Bones Chapter 9: Hard and Fast
This one's a doozy...
Hard and Fast
To be sure of, without a doubt, without debate History: In seafaring times, the term ‘hard and fast’ was used to describe a vessel that was beached on land and unable to be moved. [Don’t lie. Absolutely none of us thought it meant that. None of us.]
So, funny thing. Since posting Chapter 8, I had a wonderful long weekend in Manhattan, followed by the worst stomach flu I’ve gotten in at least a decade. Then, after a few weeks recovering from that, I partially dislocated my knee and sprained my MCL. Full damage assessment still TBD in a couple months, but I have a care plan for now.
What I’ve posted as Chapter 9 was supposed to be ten pages max plus additional scenes, and then this happened. So, I have 6k words of Chapter 10 already because I split Chapter 9 in half, and I’ve had the final scene in Chapter 10 (originally intended for Chapter 6, hah!) written for the last three months…
I currently have 9 more chapters planned out, but as this adventure has shown me, that’s more like guidelines. This chapter would have been out sooner, but reference above, and in retrospect, this chapter’s title also describes me in seafaring times right now…
At least I’m recuperating and back to excessive research spiraling:
If you have the equipment, time, and inclination, you too can om a gator nom. I have only ever outsourced my gator dining experience to trustworthy restaurants, because I’m happy to compensate people accordingly for their labor and gator meat is fucking expensive to have shipped up north.
I’ve mostly encountered alligator fried or in etouffees in restaurants, and if you can’t source alligator or just think they’re too cute to eat (look at them faces!), they do taste like a fishy chicken, but less swampy than frog, and have the consistency of a pork chop. So, imo, you can substitute either white chicken meat or pork to about the same effects in all the recipes except the whole smoked gator. Alligator meat is very lean and easy to dry out, though (flashbacks to straw-like fried, breaded nonsense on that one trip to Florida…) The Daily Beast has an article from 2019 that goes into more detail on taste, etc. I’m not going to link to any of the butchering videos I watched to make this fic, but if you’re interested, deermeatfordinner on Youtube has a good one.
And yes, in true Louisiana fashion, the state government does have an alligator cookbook available in PDF for free. The final page notes that funds for it came from both Florida and Louisiana, and the most approximate publication date I can find for it is 1994. Its text, graphics, and ingredients definitely look like something from the 80s or 90s…
I was not tracking that discarded crocodile and alligator fat can be used to produce biodiesel at competitive prices…
I went down a lot of interesting 1700-1800s sailing history that involved the provisions given per day to British Navy sailors, how much salt was needed to brine 100 lbs of meat, and how the brining process actually worked (floating eggs and meats, oh my!) The average alligator yields about 40 lbs of meat, so all the proportions and weights for applegators came from multiplying that by three, then adding on more layers of fat than an alligator would have because applegators can also go out in the deep sea. Yes, I know this is a fanfic for fantasy pirates on an imaginary planet. If Oda-sensei can say they’re all stronger because gravity, I can make chonky applegators.
Curing meat Wikipedia article; Quora entry (of all things) on sailor provisions; Colonies, Ships and Pirates blog; and an NIH paper with some science of curing meats; plus a definition of pellicle; and some historical pre-refrigeration context.  Salting meat Wikipedia article and smoking meat Wikipedia article. And of course, once the fancy bougie restaurants start using salt water, it’s cool again.
If you don’t have a smoker at home, here’s a stove-top smoked salmon recipe that could work with any type of fish (though, I don’t think a sweet cure would really go with white fish).
How to dehydrate food without a dehydrator ideas
Making a ground oven: I actually learned about this technique back in anthropology of food, as it’s one of the oldest cooking methods that we know of, and I’ve always wanted to try it. Darn you, local fire ordinances.
Random fandom trivia: If you’re a fan of 911 Lone Star, you may remember the first (I think) season episode of a family ground cooking in their backyard and their racist neighbor being a dick about it then getting a righteous comeuppance from the team. Is it over the top justice? Yes. Is the drama hilarious? Also, yes.
They use a technique in this chapter that I based off a New England clambake set up. Mainly, a pit on the beach with seaweed, hot rocks, and a wet sail over top, covered with sand. General bake concepts and times came from here (if you can read it through that horrible font…)
Sustainably harvesting seaweed.  Modern Farmer has a pretty informative newsletter I’ve been subscribed to for a couple years – It’s an interesting read if you’re into agriculture news (food-related technology, regulations, innovations, etc.) and like to know more about your food supply chain.
I didn’t know how to make sausage before. Behold, basic sausage tutorial!
Recipes bludgeoned in the making of this chapter:
I have never cooked gator meat or a whole pig, but here are recipes that sound like horrifying fun:
Whole Smoked Gator
But also, whole pig ground cooked
Kalua Pork  
Alligator Jerky
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zot3-flopped · 5 months
so the youtube critic i like to watch just said this about ttpd:
saying how one song is 5 minutes when she could've gotten the point across in half that time
emdless strings of metaphors that just fall flat
the writing quality makes it hard to feel bad for taylor in the middle of this heartbreak because they come across as self owns: you said normal girls are boring, why are you not gone in the morning; taylor what is not clicking
taylor hasn't taken the time to sonically or conceptually to find a new sound
it sounds uninspired and done before
she is closing those gaps that she has due to time by copying her peers homework: but daddy i love him-ariana grande, imgonnagethim back- olivia rodrigo, phoebe bridgers with a lot of the song titles, florida-ripping of lana, again and again. He is not shocked that at some point in one of her songs she is paranoid that her peers will come for her and he said how he isn't shocked considering what she puts out and how she is lacking so much in ideas and sounds
the albums stinks cause it is sloppy in terms of songwriting and execution
they don't feel like songs, they feel like taylor is just spilling tea
saying that the lyric about the heroin but with an e lyric is essentially coming from matty himself and it makes sense why this lyric alone is wittier than most of taylor's attempts at word play in this record, he should get song writing credits for that
saying how she tries so hard to make connections work for her fans that she forgets that being subtle works as well considerng that she capitalized the letters KIM in thank you aimee.
so as much as she says everything is working against her, the biggest threat to her public image is her: she wants this already doomed from the start rs to work, despite how big of a pr mess it is, she wants her haters to be mad but only it ending up with her releasing her most narcissistic songs to date: if you wanted me dead, you ould vejust said. I was gentle till the circus life made me mean. Along with the lyrics about an asylum. And something that made him laugh: so tell me everything is not about me, but what if it is.
the production is bad and she needs to stop with jack, feel like midnights leftovers but worse. They make them sound dated at impact
my boy only breaks his favorite toys- so many clunky choruses, packing it with so much verbiage that there is no way it can be stuck in someones mind
so long london, constant tension without any release, goes nowhere
florida reads like a bad tourism ad
i can fix him- saying how she can handle a dangerous man but rhe album clearly goes against that and the song doesn't show how silly and futile this mindset is
loml is his favorite while easy
and that it isn't good to base an album only about finding clues about who what song is about cause it can get messy and dated quickly
....he doesn't give it a score which speaks for itself, he only does that when he really hates it but he wears a red shirt which means it could be around hm below O to 2 out of 10. he barely had anything nice to say which he usually does with albums that are 2/10. ano he could only list one song of 31 as his favorite.
the review is funny so i will leave the link here, sorry if my spelling is bad or something makes no sense, i'm not native and worked with captions on the video as well (he made another one for the second part of the album, i can write down the main points as well later if people are interested, he is a rather smart critic in my opinion)
Link: https://youtu.be/Sz9DgY6NAcY?si=UhRnlR558Qeyh81V
Whoa, he really didn't like it! Everyone is saying that she needs to ditch Jack, but now that Joe has gone, she also needs another lyricist on board to curb her worst excesses. That line about heroin/heroine does sound like something Matty Healy would write.
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sardonic-the-writer · 15 days
weird question maybe but do you have any video essay recs?
absolutely. here are some of my favorites i can remember off the top of my head. links and summaries provided for you
gorillaz - the complete backstory (phases 1-7) — self titled productions (youtube)
it's a wonderful hour and seventeen long video that goes over nearly every piece of important lore in gorillaz history, and ive watched it about four times. if you like gorillaz, or even just want to learn more, i highly recommend this. the narration is funny, the editing even more so, and it definitely gives me a boost of creative inspiration everytime i watch it
i'm what the culture feeling (the full story of kendrick lamar vs drake) — f.d signifier (youtube)
at just under three and a half hours, this essay is great for anyone who's been into hip-hop for decades on end, or just got into it this month. it's more than just commenting on funny haha rap beef, and actually gets in to deeper meanings and the entire hip hop industry as a whole in regards to the situation. a wonderful video that i put on for background noise and ended up giving my full attention to ten minutes in. his whole channel is great as well, and I'm currently in the process of watching his video essay on dave chappelle
the failure of victorious — quenton reviews (youtube)
quenton reviews is one of my favorite video essays channels simply because of how fun and interesting he makes his videos, especially those about rewatching television shows, all without making it feel like you're just watching some guy do a five hour summary of some show. highly recommend both this video and his channel itself
a deep dive on william aftons characterization (from a veteran fnaf fan) — @miiilowo (youtube and tumblr)
i might be biased because my mutual made this, but they do an amazing job of articulating their thoughts into a concise thirty six minute video all about the rabbit man, while prodding into the themes and motifs behind everything
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Steph's Crew - Book 3 Summary
I was meant to post this last year to sort of close the Steph-related content and focus more on other projects. Actually, I was meant to post a lot of things last year...
Bretanie analysis (on here)
Season 1 of AU (on my second blog)
Jekyll and Hyde, but in the modern world (I've been working on that for fun on the side, and I've decided to post the full story on Wattpad)
Revealing the identity of the secret blogger (I'll probably do it in this post, since it is relevant to this part of the story as well)
I've been so busy, y'all. Sorry for the delays.
I just want to make sure I have time to do everything as best as I possibly can, so you can enjoy it. I think it was less pressure posting the Steph's Crew dialogues and snippets because they were old pieces of work, and since the time I first wrote them, I've neatened it up and made it considerably better than it was... I know that the stuff I've shared isn't the final product, so I don't feel the urge to make it perfect. At least not to the extent that I do with all these other projects lol.
Hopefully this can help make up for lost time. I'll get to the other posts mentioned on that list as soon as possible, but until then... here's a summary of the third and final instalment of Steph's Crew!
Keep in mind that I'm still working on this one. It isn't finished yet, but I wanted to give you guys a rough idea of how it goes. And prepare for this, because it's pretty unhinged lol. I collaborated with my sister on some of the wackier ideas...
Book 3 is titled "Story of a Broken Thing." It picks up where Book 2 ends off, more or less (or at least, it fills us in on what went down since the end of Book 2). If you can't remember how UVC ended, then here's a link to that summary:
But to put it briefly, the crew have successfully solved the mystery, Brelise have split up again, Bret's gone on tour with his band, Dalice are together, Bephanie is over, and Stephanie got arrested... but then escaped from holding. Nobody knows where she could have gone.
Which leads us to Book 3. It is set a couple of years later (I think about 5 years after Book 2 ended), and a lot of stuff has happened in all that time...
Dylan and Alice have broken up. Wasn't meant to be, I guess. But don't worry - they're still friends, and there's no bad blood between them or anything.
Victor and Jen have unfortunately split up as well, leading to Jen moving back to Texas. Alice decides to go with her. She's doing alright - currently taking some classes at a local college, and helping out at her old dance studio in her spare time. She's also still making YouTube videos.
Bret's band is still doing well. They're not touring anymore at the moment, but they are super busy recording a new album, and filming music videos. Plus, they have been asked to perform at the Jingle Bell Ball towards the end of the year, which is very exciting. Even though he has moved back to the UK, because of the nature of Bret's job, he can't just stay in London with his aunt anymore like how he used to... but he still comes to visit her as often as possible. And he and Elise are still close friends, so that's cool. He's been seeing other people over the past couple of years, though.
Elise and Charlie are together. She decided to give him a chance. They're really happy together and they seem to have a pretty healthy, solid relationship for the most part (they've been together for two years straight by the time Book 3 has started). Charlie still harbours some degree of jealousy/wariness towards Bret, though, since she's still really good friends with him. He's never once brought it up to her, though. But it becomes a big deal in this part of the story... more on that later.
Ben isn't really in this part of the story... at least not until towards the end, when Stephanie randomly decides to call him for some reason. But he's doing fine. Moved back to his cooking job from Book 1 lol. It was good money, and now he doesn't have another person to share it with! Wait, that sad-
And by now, Dylan, Connor (who has finally moved on from Daisy! Thank God), Elise and Charlie have all finished their university courses. Yay!
In fact, this is what kickstarts the plot. Dylan's family (we get to see them again in this one! Specifically his mother, her new husband and his younger brother Sam. I feel like we didn't get enough of them last time) is very proud of him for finishing such a long, tough course (3 years, + 1 foundation year + 1 year of masters), and they decide to reward him with an epic summer trip to Australia. And it is during this holiday that he sees Steph again (she's not in Australia btw - he sees her when he goes with a family friend to the Samoan islands).
She fills him in on how she got there. I haven't neatly worked this part out... but basically, Reggie helped her leave the country (idk whether to make him a villain or some kind of loose cannon/antihero type of guy. Like, he's awful most of the time, but he's also one of Stephanie's oldest friends, and he can be genuinely nice when he wants to be. Especially to her. He needs to be in trouble tho lol. I think the thing about him is that he gets away with his awful behaviour easily, whereas Stephanie is kind of forced to be held accountable, even if she actively runs away from the consequences of her actions sometimes...)
After that, she was stuck on her own again for a while and needed a job. So she applied for a job at a local Natia hotel (Natia is a famous line of hotels... kind of like Hilton, to give a known real-life example). She didn't have enough money for a cab or bus, so she had to walk the whole way there through heavy rain. By the time she got there, she looked terrible lol. But when she arrived, she bumped into a handsome young man who kindly helped her out. He got her a room and some clothes to change into, which helped in making a good first impression and whatnot. She got the job!
Later, she found out that the guy's name was Jordan Natia. The son of the hotel line founder (he also owns the hotel she got a job at). She thanks him for her help, and he invites her for dinner... and the rest is history.
And by history, I mean she ends up marrying him lol. Dylan finds out that she now lives at the resort that he and his family friend are currently staying at. She also has a baby daughter named Mia (short for Miranda. Not suspicious at all). She loves her life so much right now. She's always prided herself on being a strong independent woman who can take care of herself, but she's surprised at how much she's enjoying being a stay-at-home mother and housewife lol. She loves spending time with her baby, and she loves her husband a lot, too. He takes good care of her. However, similar to Ben, he doesn't really know all that much about her (Jordan goes through a similar arc to Ben's in Book 2, where he finds out the truth about Stephanie, and it changes the way he sees her. Minus the cheating lol).
Dylan is shocked at how much Steph has changed since the last time he saw her, but he's happy for her at the same time. He can see that she's genuinely happy and seemingly at peace, which is great.
Meanwhile, back in the UK, Charlie has decided to propose to El. He's taking it VERY seriously - even asked for her family's blessing and everything. They all said yes... even Adam lol (he's grown to like Charles by now). One summer evening, he pops the question (in a truly beautiful and romantic way btw), and Elise says yes in the moment, but she doesn't know if she truly feels ready for marriage yet. Something about the situation feels wrong to her, but she doesn't know what it is. However, instead of communicating her mixed feelings to her now fiance, she decides to distract herself with hangouts with her family and friends, as well as getting into her work and other hobbies, preferring to think about anything other than her problems (man, does THIS sound familiar lol). Charlie starts noticing a change in El's behaviour and it begins to really upset him (especially since Bret is one of the people she starts spending more time with, and we all know how she feels about him), causing more strain in their relationship. It only gets worse when they find out about Stephanie's whereabouts...
Dylan messages the others about his trip everyday through a group chat. One night he reveals that he's reunited with an old friend of theirs and sends a picture of him and Stephanie hanging out. The others are shocked. Elise especially.
The situation started becoming somewhat of a controversy in the news... people started talking about it more online, many blogs and news websites (including The Looking Glass) started covering it. Alice made a video on YouTube talking about it (and it came from the unique angle of her knowing the person from school and being their friend and everything. She didn't mention Steph by name, though). It blew her channel up.
The story of Stephanie's escape was quickly resurfacing back into people's minds after being forgotten for such a long time. And this wasn't good for Steph lol. Especially after finally making a life for herself that she was genuinely truly happy in.
But that's not the end of the story.
I'll tell you the rest in part 2 of this summary!
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Project SEKAI 3rd anniversary: Brand New World - recap post (MK-II)
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(main promotional art / title screen)
I thought it would be useful to make a post recapping everything we know about the 3rd anniversary update, since we’re getting closer and closer to the anniversary now and there’s gonna be a lot of changes to keep up with. I’ll continue to update this as more stuff is released with both character/story information and general game updates and other news (goes without saying but spoiler warning for this post).
Note that all of this applies to the JP server only.
Official site link
Section 1 - Characters & Story
This is probably the bit people are more interested in
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New stock artworks for each unit have been released on the 3rd anniversary website! In addition, character bios using the new arts have been released on Twitter! The Virtual Singer bios have not changed, but the ones for the human characters have, and I've added translations of these in the character section just a bit below here. You can find these new bios linked below:
Virtual Singer
Leo/need (Ichika) (Saki) (Honami) (Shiho)
MORE MORE JUMP! (Minori) (Haruka) (Airi) (Shizuku)
Vivid BAD SQUAD (Kohane) (An) (Akito) (Toya)
WonderlandsxShowtime (Tsukasa) (Emu) (Nene) (Rui)
25-ji, Nightcord de. (Kanade) (Mafuyu) (Ena) (Mizuki)
Videos about the "path every unit has taken and what comes next" are being released on YouTube! These are essentially just PVs for the third anniversary and feature past event cards + quotes alongside the new stock arts for each character. Note these videos are in Japanese and do not have subtitles for any other language.
25-ji, Nightcord de.
In Get Over It., Leo/need receives an offer from Yoshiki Shindou to sign on to the record label he works for, Solis Records. Leo/need accepted the offer and signed a contract with Solis, making them professionals. However, they have yet to officially debut as a professional band.
She has a cool appearance, but in reality she is a kind girl who cares about her friends. She formed Leo/need with her childhood friends Saki, Honami and Shiho, and they became professional musicians like they longed to be. She is the guitarist and vocalist for the band and also writes lyrics for their original songs. She has recently taken up the challenge of producing music using the Hatsune Miku software.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-C -> 2-A Job: Staff at a fast food joint Height: 161 -> 162cm Other notes: She is no longer class rep, and has joined the broadcasting committee because she wanted to play music she liked on the radio and improve her MC skills
A cheerful mood-maker who always has a smile on her face, she serves as Leo/need's keyboardist. Having been sick and unable to attend school for a long time, she values spending time with others, enjoying her youth and being close to the hearts of those who are suffering - things that are all reflected in her songwriting.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-C -> 2-B Job: Waitress at carino/carina cafe Height: 159 -> 160cm
The drummer of Leo/need, an honour student who excels at academics and athletic, and who has a kind and gentle nature. She used to worry about making decisions because she didn't want to hurt people, but through her band activities, she has learnt to have the courage to take charge and stand up for herself. Now, she supports Leo/need with her newfound strength.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-B -> 2-A Job: Housekeeper for Kanade Height: 166cm Other notes: She's continuing to be a member of the beautification committee
Leo/need's bassist. Due to her stoic nature, especially when music is involved, she is often misunderstood by those around her to be an asocial loner. However, she is very fond of everyone in Leo/need, who have worked with her to fulfil her dream of becoming a professional musician.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-A -> 2-B Job: Livehouse staff Height: 159cm Other notes: due to Saki growing, she is now the shortest member of Leo/need. She also joined the animal caretaker committee because she liked volunteering there occasionally in 1st year
In Re-tie Friendship, MORE MORE JUMP! considers making the move to their school’s credit-based course, after their idol and school schedules start to clash. In the end they decide to change course, with the decision becoming official in STEP by STEP!.
A pure, hard-working girl. She is the only member of MORE MORE JUMP! with no prior experience as an idol, but was able to prove herself to fans through many activities, and was even able to perform a solo concert with her group just like she'd always dreamed. Now, she's continuing to work hard with her group to become known nationwide and be able to peform live at a dome venue.
School year: 1st -> 2nd (on credit course / not full time) Class: 1-A -> 2-D Job: Waitress at carino/carina cafe -> none (quit to focus on idol work) Height: 158 -> 159cm Other notes: She's going to continue as a member of the animal caretaker committee
Former top idol and member of the nationally famous group, ASRUN. She is currently a member of MORE MORE JUMP!, and after the group's first solo live, is even more motivated to continue pursuing her idol career. She recently decided to transfer back to her school's credit system, alongside Minori, so that she can dedicate more time to her work once again.
School year: 1st -> 2nd (on credit course / not full time) Class: 1-C -> 2-D Job: None Height: 163cm
Former member of the idol group QT. With her strong passion and pride for being an idol, she is a powerful source of motivation for her groupmates. She is also skilled at planning and schedule management, and completes the tasks that are essential for MORE MORE JUMP!, since they don't belong to an agency.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd (on credit course / not full time) Class: 2-D -> 3-E Job: None Height: 156cm
Former center of the idol group Cheerful*Days, which is still popular now. She had bit of a rift with the members of her former group after leaving because things didn't work out between them, but was able to reconcile with them a bit after they appeared on a TV show with MORE MORE JUMP!, and is now moving forward in a positive way.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd (on credit course / not full time) Class: 2-D -> 3-E Job: None Height: 168cm Other notes: She is no longer on the beautification committee and has joined the healthcare committee because she wanted to try something different
The squad was told the truth behind RAD WEEKEND, that being that the event was held as a swan song for Nagi, who passed away a few weeks afterwards due to terminal cancer. Taiga then challenged VBS, EVER, Arata and Kotaro to a singing battle, easily defeating them all. EVER decides to take a hiatus from street music, while Arata leaves town. Vivid BAD SQUAD decide that they need to work even harder if they want to surpass RAD WEEKEND, and Ken temporarily closes WEEKEND GARAGE so he can become their mentor.
Although she used to be shy and timid, she became more confident in her singing through friendly competition and encouragement from her teammates, and through the training of Taiga, one of the members of the group who held the legendary RAD WEEKEND event. Although she was once defeated by her mentor and became frustrated because of it, she was able to stand up to Taiga and declare that she still wanted to surpass RAD WEEKEND.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-A -> 2-A Job: None Height: 156cm Other notes: She joined the beautification committee due to the workload being less than the animal committee
The cheerful, sincere and open-minded poster girl of WEEKEND GARAGE. While working to organise an event that surpasses the legendary RAD WEEKEND held by her father and his teammates, she was shocked to learn the secret about what happened to Nagi, the person she looked up to most. However, after learning about Nagi's true feelings from her father, she was able to pick herself up and once again vow to surpass the legend.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-A -> 2-A Job: Waitress at WEEKEND GARAGE -> none (WEG is closed while Ken mentors VBS) Height: 160cm Other notes: She left the disciplinary committee, and is now on the broadcasting committee
A hard-working person who practices diligently to make his dream of surpassing the legendary RAD WEEKEND event come true. The weight of the secret behind RAD WEEKEND almost made him give up, but he was reminded of the passion he had for his dream, which inspired him to get back up and push forwards.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-C -> 2-A Job: Sales assistant at a clothing store -> none (quit to focus on VBS) Height: 174 -> 176cm Other notes: He's taller than KAITO now
A young prodigy born into a family of famous classical musicians. Whilst aiming to surpass the legendary RAD WEEKEND event, Toya has been trying his hand at composing music for his group. Despite being overwhelmed by the true level of the legendary event, with the experience he has acquired so far, he hopes to overcome the barriers with his teammates and see what lies ahead.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-B -> 2-B Job: None Height: 178 -> 179cm Other notes: He's still a member of the library committee
Bonus note: Kohane and Toya still do not call their teammates outside their respective partners by their first names.
Second note: Akito's bio refers to his fes story unlike everyone else's that allude to past event stories. Read his fes story.
In Our Happy Ending, Rui proposes that WonderlandsxShowtime begin operating as a freelance unit instead of as Phoenix Wonderland cast. Emu initially declines, but her brothers encourage her to go with the others, since she’s still young and should take the opportunity to get out there while she can. After one more show at PXL, WxS’ contract is terminated and they officially become freelancers.
The chairman of WonderlandsxShowtime, who aspires to be the biggest star in the world. After a variety of experiences as a cast member, he developed a desire to see the wider world and learn more about his craft. Eventually he decided to leave the Wonder Stage with his troupemates and take the next step.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd Class: 2-A -> 3-C Job: Phoenix Wonderland cast -> freelancer with WonderlandsxShowtime Height: 172 -> 173cm Other notes: He is no longer class rep. He instead became a disciplinary committee member because he wanted to get away from the Oddball 1 image in his last year. However if he does anything against the rules with Rui he's kicked off.
A girl with an innocent personality and boundless positivity. Her dream is to uphold her grandfather's legacy and protect Phoenix Wonderland, and she was prepared to part ways with the rest of WonderlandsxShowtime members who were leaving to pursue their dreams because of this. However, her siblings and friends encouraged her to step outside the park so she can gain experience before pursuing her dream.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-B -> 2-B Job: Phoenix Wonderland cast -> freelancer with WonderlandsxShowtime Height: 152cm Other notes: She's running for class rep
A young girl who aspires to become a world-class musical actress. Her confidence in singing was shattered during a rehearsal for one of her recent performances, but she took the experience as an opportunity to reaffirm her passion. She is determined to learn and experience as much as she can in the wider world with her troupemates.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-B -> 2-A Job: Phoenix Wonderland cast -> freelancer with WonderlandsxShowtime Height: 156cm Other notes: She got put on the library committee because she lost when drawing lots with some classmates over the role
A genius director who goes at his own pace. He used to work alone, but found a place to belong in WonderlandsxShowtime, who accepted him and his shows. He recently sought a way for him and his troupemates to be able to follow their dreams without going their separate ways. In the end, everything led to the best possible 'grand finale' where all of them can continue to perform together whilst pursuing their individual dreams.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd Class: 2-B -> 3-C Job: Phoenix Wonderland cast -> freelancer with WonderlandsxShowtime Height: 180 -> 182cm Other notes: He is still a member of the gardening committee
25-ji, Nightcord de.
As her mother continues to try and cut her off from 25-ji, Nightcord de., Mafuyu’s mental health continues to decline and her grades start to slip. Her mother finds out that she didn’t do as well on her finals as usual, and attempts to confiscate her phone, breaking it in the process and completely cutting Mafuyu off from N25. Mafuyu finally comes clean about everything with her mother, however her mother is completely apathetic and tries to manipulate her into thinking that none of it is her fault. Mafuyu ends up running away from home as a result.
25-ji, Nightcord de.'s composer. She was happy to see that her songs were having more and more of an effect on Mafuyu, but was one day approached by Mafuyu's mother telling her to stay away from her daughter. However, after the way Mafuyu's mother talked and acted made her feel uncomfortable, Kanade refused her demands and chose to stay by Mafuyu's side.
School year: N/A (attends online school; equivalent to 3rd year) Job: None Height: 154cm
25-ji, Nightcord de.'s lyricist. She lost sight of her true self due to her mother constantly pushing her to be a "good girl", but she came to find a place to belong in N25. However, her mother tried to take that away from her, pushing Mafuyu to her limit and causing her to run away from home and seek refuge in Kanade.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd Class: 2-B -> 3-B Job: None Height: 162cm Other notes: currently living with Kanade. She's still class rep as she was requested to be one by her teacher and classmates
25-ji, Nightcord de.'s illustrator. She isn't naturally talented at art, but she has developed the strength to keep drawing even after she's harshly criticised. Ena is a very straightforward person, and was irritated by Mafuyu being reluctant to communicate her feelings with her mother. However Ena can sense a definite change in Mafuyu since they first met, and will continue to watch over her closely as a friend.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd (still attending night school) Class: 2-D -> 3-D Job: None Height: 158cm
25-ji, Nightcord de.'s video editor. They were worried about Mafuyu's deteriorating relationship with her mother, but felt like they couldn't help due to being unable to face up to their own secrets. However, they realised from their own experiences that some things can be gained from running away from painful situations, and tells Mafuyu that it's okay for her to run away if things get too much to handle.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-A -> 2-B Job: Sales assistant at a boutique Height: 163cm -> 165cm
Updated relationship diagrams for each unit can be found here
Section 2 - Song campaign
Anniversary Songs
The third anniversary song has been announced! The title is NEO and it was produced by JIN! Below is JIN's comment on the song (via @/pjsekai_eng on Twitter). Marasy also confirmed that he did the piano parts in this song!
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HachiojiP was commissioned to produce this year's extra hard song. No further information has been revealed at the moment.
Song Campaign
The song campaign hint sheet has been revealed! Although... there's no hints this year, just blank tiles. The songs will be revealed during the next and final wandasho channel.
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Note: blank tiles include special characters
Tengaku by Yuuyu-P (covered by Ichika/Shiho and Rin)
Manimani by r-906
Melancholic by Junky (covered by MMJ and Rin)
Buta ni Natte yeah yeah by Neru (Len 3DMV)
Koi wa Sensou by Ryo (covered by Vivids and Miku)
Devil Janai mon by DECO*27 x PinocchioP
Sukina Koto Dake de ii Desu (covered by Emu/Rui and Miku)
Tsugai Kogarashi by hinayukki@sigotositeP
Kamippoi na by PinocchioP (covered by N25 and Miku)
Dear by 19 -iku-
Outside of the song campaign, Wagamama Hime by Fujiwo (covered by Emu/Nene and Miku), and Akuyaku ni Kiss Scene wo by 40mP (covered by MMJ and KAITO + 3DMV) will be added.
New Commissions
Every unit will get a new commissioned song that isn't tied to an event, including the Virtual Singer unit. These will be added one per month for the next 6 months. The first up will be Virtual Singer, with their new song I'm Mine by halyosy. A preview can be found here. It will also have a 3DMV.
Section 3 - Game updates
So far we know that the daily login will be changed so that every day you will now receive 15 wish pieces and 50 gems, and that the number of virtual coinsx300 that you can exchange from the wish piece exchange will be increased from 10 to 15 times.
Some packs will also be removed from the shop. The sewing bundle, music card bundle, stamp bundle, and coin bundle will be discontinued due to changes in contents. The 2nd anniversary variety bundle will be permanently discontinued.
Wandasho chanel news
the following was announced during the 3rd anniversary wandasho channel!
The new unit outfits found at the top of this post will be implemented as free 3D costumes
The original outfits for all SEKAI-variant Virtual Singers will be added as 3D costumes (only starter vsingers will be getting 3D costumes for the new outfits). You can get these costumes by reading the respective Vsinger's debut event (ie: reading Secret Distance will unlock N25!MEIKO's costume)
All characters will have new casual outfit Live2Ds, and some characters will have new school uniforms as well
The new stock arts at the top of this post will be added as new 2* cards
A new tap SFX and note skins will be added. These are optional and can be changed in settings.
Titles will be added for playing with 2nd year and 3rd year members
More than 180 new area conversations will be added! An option to switch to area conversations before and after the age-up will also be implemented
New loading screen 1-komas will be added! These will replace the old ones, which will be moved onto the official website
Character profiles will be revamped!
New elements will be added to custom profile editing
You will now be able to play a live show to the end even after hitting 0 life. You will not get good rewards for failing the song though.
New commissioned songs will be added for each unit!! These will be added one-per-month. Virtual Singer is also getting a new song! More details will be announced later (and can be found in the song campaign section of this post)
A card's power will be renamed to "performance"
Unit ranks will be removed due to serving no purpose anymore
EX Missions are finally being added! These were announced a long time ago but ended up getting postponed. These are additional character rank missions for after you max out a character's CHRank.
Some normal character rank missions will have their cap increased to account for content released since the last cap increase, including number of cards, costumes, alt vocals, side stories, etc
Character rank titles will be updated to account for new max level
Player rank cap will be increased and have a new title added to account for that
A title will be added for 4 years login so players can start working towards it
Several Virtual Live effects, such as the confetti and balloons, will cost less Virtual Coins due to the game constantly replacing everything that gives your Virtual Coins with Wish Pieces
Rewards for reading event stories will be changed from 2 music cards + 50 gems per chapter to 100 gems + 50 wish pieces + 2 music cards per chapter (!!). This will only apply to events released after 3rd anniversary and no compensation will be given for the previous 107 events because the devs aren't that nice
Players that rank between 4 and 10 on an event will no longer get a top 10 title, but a title with their specific placement on it
Top 1500 and 2500 title will be added
T50K - T300K reward crystals increased to 300
T11 - T200K will get additional skill up scores
changes to master rank event bonus has been made for 4* and BD cards. refer to the bottom row in the below image
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3D graphics update!
There's been a massive update to the game's 3D models! They now have improved shading and animations! A PV demonstrating can be found here!
The songs that won the 3DMV improvement campaign (Umiyuri Kaiteitan, IF, Cinema, TONDEMO-WONDERZ, and IDSMILE) will have their 3DMVs changed as part of this update.
These will be released on Youtube tomorrow, links in the above bullet point
6th generation (2018) and below iPads will not be able to run the game after this update
Alongside 3D models and the 5 winning MVs, the gacha animation has also been remade
UI updates!
The game will be getting a massive UI overhaul, some images can be found below
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A side story menu will be added alongside the event and main story menus.
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New difficulty: Append!
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A new difficulty will be added, called Append. It requires playing with 3 or more fingers, similar to the Proseka Ultimate songs! The difficulty range will be Lvl23-38!
The first 12 songs to receive Append charts will be Tell Your World, NEO, Hibana -Reloaded-, Stella, MORE! JUMP! MORE!, Vampire, Cinema, Pheles, TONDEMO-WONDERZ, Telecaster B-boy, I nandesu, and Gehenna!
Append will have a new note type, called Trace. It is similar to a slide note from Bandori.
The Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku will also have a lvl 35 Append chart added for a limited time, starting on September 30th. This will be the full version of the song for added challenge.
New event type: World Link!
Described as "stories where you will witness new possibilities in the SEKAI due to change in characters' feelings". By the 4th anniversary, every unit will get one World Link format unit event.
The event will be formatted in parts, known as chapters. Each chapter will be focused on a different character and have its own event ranking and story, and will run for only a few days. At the end of the story, changes might happen in the SEKAI...
Event ranking will be split into two sections: chapter and overall. Chapter score is accumulated during each chapter, and overall tallies your points throughout the entire event (so it is possible to tier one chapter and still get low overall rank because you ignored the other 3). Chapter ranking will have new special titles for ranks 1-100, but everything below T200 will keep the same titles as have always been used.
Event exchange will be split in a similar way, with a chapter exchange and general exchange. Chapter exchange can only be used with the pt badges earned during the specific chapter, but any leftovers can be converted and used in the general exchange.
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Event bonus will work a little differently in these events, with the introduction of support units. If you've played like any other idol game you will know what these are, but for those who don't, then basically it allows you to add extra cards to a team that although can't be used and will not affect score, they can raise your event bonus for your main team. In World Link events, the support team will have 12 slots. Refer to the translated images from @/pjsekai_eng on twitter above.
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The first World Link event will be for Niigo, and will be held between the 8th and 20th of November! After that will be VBS in January, WxS in March, MMJ! in May, L/n in July, and Virtual Singer (!!) in August.
Section 4 - Lives
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Project SEKAI's 3rd live has been announced, titled Evolve!! The live will be held in two locations: Tokyo on January 26th-28th, and Osaka on February 17th & 18th 2024!
A promotional video can be found here.
To commemorate the announcement of the live, a livestream will be held on the 13th of October at 11am UTC, featuring Yukki, Mayushii, Akina, Daichan and Minoringo. The stream can be found here. During the stream, highlights of the live's "evolution" will be shown.
The official account for all information about the live is, as always, @/pjsekai_live on Twitter
During the stream it was announced that the setlist will vary between the day and night performances, with certain members getting more songs during day performances, and certain members getting more songs during night performances. These are organised as two duos per unit (excluding Leo/need), with one at the day performance and one at the night performance. The duos and their possible songs are as follows:
Day performance:
MMJ: Haruka & Shizuku (Nostalogic, Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku o, Shoujorei)
VBS: Vivids (Rettou Joutou, Just Be Friends, drop pop candy, Odo, PaIII.SENSATION, Teikoku Shoujo, Pheles, Koi wa Sensou)
WxS: Tsukasa & Rui (Dappou Rock, Buriki no Dance, KING, Fixer, Nonsense Bungaku)
N25: Kanade & Mafuyu (Jishou Mushoku, Cutlery, Meru, Kokoronashi)
Night performance:
MMJ: Minori & Airi (Ren'ai Saiban, Marshmary, Setsuna Trip)
VBS: BAD DOGS (Fragile, Doctor=Funk Beat, Yobanashi Deceive, Ifuudoudou, Yuurei Tokyo, Garando, Ame to Petra, Aun no Beats, Taemanaku Aiiro)
WxS: Emu & Nene (Dance Robot Dance, Positive☆Dance Time, Rimokon, Alien Alien, Netoge Haijin Sprechor, Wagamama Hime)
N25: Ena & Mizuki (Charles, Venom, Gehenna)
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A connect live to celebrate the third anniversary has been announced. This was actually announced a month ago but I forgot about it and we didn't get art until now. It is titled Memorial Stage and will be held on the 8th of October!
A login story for the live will be available from October 6th.
Section 5 - Event and gacha
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The next event will be centered around the unit reps, with all of them being limited gacha cards, except Kohane who will be the exchange 3*. KAITO and MEIKO will be the fes cards. The event is called Hello Good Day! and is an Ichika banner.
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And as usual, limited paid costume gacha. Here are previews of the costumes from this year's edition.
Section 6 - Project SEKAI Academy
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Project SEKAI Academy is a program for young Vocaloid-Ps who will carry the next generation. 10 applicants under the age of 24 can win a place and be mentored by OSTER Project and Hiiragi Magnetite. 3 more unannounced Voca-Ps will also take part in the program. Each producer will make one song during the program, and one lucky student will have their song added to the game! More info can be found on the official website.
Section 7 - Animation
That's right. We got an anime! ...Well kinda.
Starting from the 30th, digest animations of the 5 main stories will be sequentially released on Youtube. The trailer for Leo/need's animation, animated by P.A. WORKS, is above.
The animations are all around 5 minutes long.
Links below
STELLA (Leo/need)
HAPPINESS (WonderlandsxShowtime)
SELF (25-ji, Nightcord de.)
Section 8 - Miscellaneous news
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Project SEKAI will be doing a collab event with the KaraokeKan chain of karaoke clubs starting in late October. There will be themed drinks, as well as prizes that can be won by singing certain songs! The promotional art was drawn by Rozuki.
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As of today (17th September), posters promoting the anniversary have begun to appear on public transport in Japan! Tomorrow posters will begin to appear in major cities. These posters contain the class registers for the next in-universe school year! The new classes are written in the character section.
A Blu-ray and CD of this year's SEKAI Symphony will be released on November 29th! A preview video can be found on Twitter.
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Project SEKAI will be collabing with SANRIO!! A teaser of some of the promotional illustrations can be found here. More details will be announced in October.
From Midnight JST on the 29th (15:00 UTC on the 28th), illustrations will be released on Twitter showing the characters' last days before moving up a grade. Four will be released throughout the day, at midnight, noon, 6pm and 10pm (all JST).
A livestream celebrating the anniversary will be held on the 29th September at 23:30 JST / 14:30 UTC. It will feature Yukki, Honchan, Akina and Hiichan on the panel. The stream can be found here.
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Finally after 2 years of waiting, Volume 2 of the SEKAI cover albums has been announced. Track lists and release dates below. Note that Hello,World and ray have been excluded from the Leo/need album, possibly due to being part of an artist collab. Their full versions have been available on YouTube for about two years anyway so not overly bad. Aun no Beats has been excluded from the VBS album for unknown reasons (probably copyright).
songs in italics do not have a full version MV on youtube already
Leo/need (March 6th)
Lost One no Goukoku
Ghost Rule
Bokura Mada Underground
Asagao no Chiru Koro ni
Lost and Found
Yomosugara Kimi Omou
Attract Light
MORE MORE JUMP! (February 7th)
Happy Halloween
Karakuri Pierrot
Darling Dance
Torinoko City
Lonely Universe
Kimagure Mercy
Shinkai Shoujo
Setsuna Trip
Vivid BAD SQUAD (February 21st)
Alter Ego
Ame to Petra
Teikoku Shoujo
Taemanaku Aiiro
WonderlandsxShowtime (January 24th)
Nonsense Bungaku
Yī Èr Fanclub
Kami no Manimani
Goodbye Sengen
Alien Alien
Odore Orchestra
Ego Rock
Love ka?
Netoge Haijin Sprechor
Okochama Sensou
25-ji, Nightcord de. (January 10th)
Aishite Aishite Aishite
Mousou Kanshou Daishou Renmei
Deichuu ni Saku
Non-Breath Oblige
Sore ga Anata no Shiawase to Shite mo
Inochi Bakkari
343 notes · View notes
atiny-for-life · 27 days
Xikers Full Storyline Explained - BONUS 2: The Maze of Choice
If you happen to be a Markiplier fan (which would be fitting since Xikers are all about games in their universe) who's played any of his multiple choice adventures (the Date, the Heist, the Adventure in Space), you will know how these types of games work: You have a public starting video which ends on a choice between two private videos which you can click to move on in the storyline. This results in branching paths leading you through various alternate storylines with multiple endings. In order to explore our options, I'll take the path I chose for myself first and then follow the rest:
Video 1: Maze of Choice
We open on Minjae's POV at the start of the maze and he seems to be looking for his members as he approaches two wormholes/vortexes - one black and white, one bright blue like the Goblin fire we've seen in so many of their music videos.
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The footage glitches and two video options pop up: "follow the blue light" and "follow the white light".
Video 2a: Follow the blue light
I am 100% useless at voice recognition but I think it might be Hunter (?) whose perspective we now switch to.
Either way, we're now in a stone maze and Hunter (?) talks to himself as he walks forward. He states he may have gotten lost during his search for a specific place and that no one can know he's gotten lost so we need to be quiet.
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Upon reaching the end of the section, we get the option to move right or left.
Video 3b: Go to the right
Upon going to the right, we switch to Sumin (? - I'm sorry if I'm wrong) who hears a sound from the darkness behind him and freaks out so he starts running.
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The maze winds for a bit and he goes from "This is driving me crazy..." to "Does it even exist...?" extremely quickly. As a result, we're given the option to "Find another way" or "Break through".
Video 4b: Break through (Ending 1)
If we break through, we end up in a less textured white maze with Yujun (I believe) guiding our way. He claims the place seems familiar, similar to the place he started out in.
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As we approach a fork in the maze, a crackle of blue fire appears to the right just at the edge of the wall but when we look around the corner, there's nothing.
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We follow the path regardless with the knowledge "There's nowhere to run now" and, upon turning the corner, the blue flicker returns to our left, illuminating the entrance to the path. We look inside and, this time, we get to see the full flame.
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This ending provides us with a link titled "Spoiler House". Click on it and you'll reach a website called watchoutxikers.com.
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You can close the video on top and then choose between the different track names to get to different content.
Click on "Sandcastle" to get to a photo gallery with promo pictures.
Click on "Bittersweet" to open a tab leading to a YouTube short titled "Shhhhh" which gives you a little taste of the upcoming song.
Click on "Watch Out" to get a cute little audio snippet of Minjae and Yujun.
Click on "Witch" to get to yet another website, this one titled xbettingxikers.com where you get to choose between two teams based on audio-snippets, then enter your player name and play for your team so your song of choice will get released early on August 31st! (It's a really cute Pacman-type game where you play as the logo of the team you chose, the blue or orange X depending on your choice, and you need to catch TRICKY to trigger blue flames to fill the field which you have to collect to earn points while avoiding the green ghosts.)
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Click "Back off" to return to the Maze of Choice video to try out the other paths.
Click "Hang Around" to get to a sort of guestbook where Roadys have been sharing spooky stories with each other in both Korean and English.
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Now that we've explored the first ending, let's go back and choose the other paths:
Maze of Choice -> Follow the blue light -> Go to the right -> Video 4a: Find another way
Going this route, we return to Minjun and the two voids but we're not back at the start, no. This time, we get the option to either "Follow the blue light" or "Give up".
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Video 5b: Give up (Ending 2)
Giving up returns us to the stone maze where the footage begins glitching right away as we hear slow footsteps. There is whispering as we move down the path until... the footage and audio glitches, there's screaming, high pitched, the video goes black. There are no options left to choose between.
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Maze of Choice -> Follow the blue light -> Go to the right -> Find another way -> Video 5a: Follow the blue light (Ending 3)
We're back in the white maze with Yujun (?), following the blue flame which we find again in the same corridor leading us to the website link from Ending 1 (It's the same video as 4b: Break through). This means there are two paths to victory!
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Maze of Choice -> Follow the blue light -> Video 3a: Go to the left
Much like if you go to the right, going to the left also takes us deeper into the stone maze. We're with two of the members this time (Jinsik and Hyunwoo, I'd assume, since we also see them navigate the maze together in Bittersweet and WITCH) and they're talking about how unfamiliar the sky looks, how dark it is and how they're unsure if there's even a way out.
We walk into a dead end where the darkness suddenly creeps up on us. We're left with two choices: "Fake the darkness" or "Give up".
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Giving up leads to the same video as last time: the corridor, the footsteps, the glitches, the screaming, so let's choose the other path.
Maze of Choice -> Follow the blue light -> Video 3a: Go to the left -> Video 4c: Face the darkness
We find ourselves outside this time where the walls have turned to hedges, but the sky is still pitch black and the ground now covered in fog.
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The member we're with is freaked out immediately, unsure how to go forward and hearing weird noises so he remains frozen in place as our surroundings suddenly darken further. We now have the option to "Turn back" or "Move forward".
Maze of Choice -> Follow the blue light -> Video 3a: Go to the left -> Face the darkness -> Video 5c: Move Forward
Since we're no cowards, we move forward and find ourselves back in the stone maze where we suddenly hear a screeching, then a siren. We start running.
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The commentary from our accompanying member is back to "This is driving me crazy..." and "Does it even exist...?" and all we can now do is "Give up". We've gotten too lost and it's time to start over.
Maze of Choice -> Follow the blue light -> Video 3a: Go to the left -> Face the darkness -> Video 5d: Turn back
So, clearly, moving forward was a bad idea since we were already too far astray. Let's turn back then.
We're back with Minjae at the two vortexes now and we get to choose between the blue and white light again which means truly starting over at Videos 2a and 2b. Since I believe I've explored the full 2a branch now, I'll use the opportunity to move on to 2b: the white light.
Maze of Choice -> Video 2b: Follow the white light
Back in the stone maze once again, we encounter a video identical to Video 3a: Going to the left with the same options: "Face the darkness" or "Give up", both leading us down paths we've seen before. I think we've done it then!
TRICKY is in charge of promotions this comeback and has decided to get the members stranded in a maze which defies the laws of physics. Depending on how you make your choices, you can get to one of two endings: Ending 1 - The Website or Ending 2 - Death. Two paths lead to the website but many others lead to looping back or dying.
12 notes · View notes
zacki0gaming · 6 months
The PCC Comic + HOPE Series Are Masterpieces? (Absolutely Not!)
Before I Start
This is going to contain Major Spoilers, Disturbing Topics, Etc (You have been warned).
Greetings everyone! I am continuously providing reviews of both continuations of the episodes and ranting. Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to express my thoughts on the comic titled "Pink Corruption Continued" or PCC for short (which is canon btw) and the HOPE series. If I must briefly describe these two, I must say that it felt more like it was "another waste of my fucking time".
The content, more often than not, felt like I was listening to a fanfiction OC fetish that I could typically find on websites, such as Wattpad or Archive Of Our Own.
This is generally insulting in this franchise that it does an incredible successful endeavor to make me feel miserable. The HOPE series felt very empty and the PCC comic NEVER tries to make it feel "canon" and I wasn't even satisfied to the "slightest" on how this entire current 23 page comic went.
In advance of offering my critique, I would like to acknowledge a noteworthy statement that was shared by a YouTuber named "Upper Echelon," which I wholeheartedly concur with: "Human beings can be manipulated through cheap and shallow tricks." Within storytelling, whether it be in a game, novel, or other media format, individuals can be emotionally manipulated and misled by poorly-written narratives. Regrettably, creators may intentionally introduce characters who are supposed to be perceived by the audience as cool and instantly likable. Yet... Objectively speaking, this approach offers characters that are often somewhat forced into the storyline without adequate development or proper characterization. This can be interpreted as an "act of manipulation" towards the audience to forcefully evoke sympathy for these characters. Remember this because this almost happened twice for me with one of ArtofSoup's OC characters when I initially read the PCC comic for the first time that I'm going to talk about later on.
Here is what I'm going to do here before starting reviewing the entire comic:
Firstly, I'm going to explain the drama, controversaries, and the old cancellations to the best of my ability from what I can remember.
Next, about the comic, I'm going to be explaining all of the characters I've seen having ages changed, the canon ships, etc.
Thirdly, I'll be discussing additional screenshots of potential ideas that were supposedly going to be incorporated into the comic that were from discord.
Fourthly, I will be starting reviewing the entire comic by dividing the pages into 4 separate categories: Pages 1 -5 (First), Page 6-9 (Second), Page 10 - 15 (Third), and Page 16-23 (Final).,
Fifthly, I'm going to be actually discussing the "HOPE" series too because why not.
And finally, I'm going to give off my final conclusion for all of this.
Drama, Controversaries, & Old Cancellations
I can confidently say that this entire franchise's downfall is well-deserved in my opinion.
For the sake of brevity, I will succinctly address the Pink Corruption Drama because this will go down in my opinion, the most stupidest and hypocritical drawn-out drama I have ever seen in my life... All of this started because of disgusting pornographic fanart from Brittany's sister, Brea...
It is repulsive, nonsensical, and ironically hypocritical. If you want even further context on this, I will be providing links to videos, etc about the drama and allegations itself. I'm not joking, some of you people don't realize how DEEP this rabbit hole goes...
To clarify, the Pink Corruption Series used to reach its peak back in 2019 to early 2020, specifically talking about the amount of views Season 1, Episode 3 has on Brea's channel. 3.1 million views... (Probably only because the JSAB game was very popular back at this time). However, Brittany's sister, Brea, uploaded several videos discussing canceling the series but, I couldn't remember the main reason why.
This action here was the beginning of "the downfall of the entire fanchise of the Pink Corruption Series". This also most likely caused the drastic decline in viewership for the series, going from receiving millions of views to approximately 10,000 or more views in the subsequent months.
In early 2020, with insights from Bubby Aurora's "Telling My Tale" google document, the "drama," or "great schism" as some call it, began in early 2020. Brittany's sister, Brea, had been writing pornographic fanfiction for the series and constantly showed it to Brittany. This made Brittany so uncomfortable that she felt compelled to cancel the series.
In early 2020, the infamous drama, or "great schism" as some call it, began. The catalyst for this event can be traced back to insights gained from Bubby Aurora's Google document titled "Telling My Tale." At the heart of the conflict was Brittany's sister, Brea, who had been making pornographic fanfiction for the series and continuously showed it to Brittany. This caused significant discomfort for Brittany, leading her to make the difficult decision to cancel the series. (Keep this in open mind later on).
At the time, ArtofSoup and Brittany used to be friends at this time period, but I didn't fully understand what was happening behind the scenes. Because of this friendship, Brittany Robinson gave her permission and consent for ArtofSoup to continue the series in the form of a web-comic. Ecstatically, ArtofSoup began writing their comic, "Pink Corruption Continued." (I'll explain the events surrounding this in more detail after discussing the current topic.)
However, things started to fall apart when Brittany supposedly cut off contact, shit talked ArtofSoup behind their back, and continued to create episodes (that were non-canon, NOT CANON)... Without their consent... This eventually led Brittany Robinson to intentionally create the "Non-Canon Continuation of the Pink Corruption Series" on youtube, "Season 1, Episode 6 to recent". Due to this happening, Brittany Robinson started to blatantly steal ideas from ArtofSoup's work into the non-canon continuation, which infuriated ArtofSoup.
The most important links I can possibly provide for this:
Telling My Tale - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VcQcbdEQwRxJPiWgI8BZFwj8d0GtmjzC0R3ASOSzrls/edit "Telling My Tale" is a document drafted by a user named "Bubby Aurora / Mzoyagon." It recounts both her personal experiences within the fandom and people who she used to be friends with such as the current creator of the series, “ArtOfSoup” (formerly known as (Quadragon, ItzFriday). It also deals with other disturbing and horrible topics she encounters such as grooming, stalking, spying, doxxing, etc. ArtofSoup also traumatized her since she was 12 years old at that time because of it.
Lucas' Lies - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ci_EhXiI6pndj1g-T3Kfy-YgwBd0UVgD was a Google Drive that was established by "ArtOfSoup," formerly known as "Quadragon" and "ItzFriday," the current creator of "The Pink Corruption Series." The contents of the account included inadvertent conversations between Brittany's sister, Brea and ArtOfSoup, and allegedly stole ideas derived from both Brittany and Brea without their consent. Moreover, tons of screenshots and proof about it, showing Brittany Robinson lying behind ArtOfSoup’s back. 
Reasons why LucasTheDubber shouldn't upload on BreaBear Jone's channel - https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sr33b0 This was one I found from a website I've never seen before on the Internet called, "TwitLonger". It was created by a user named, "RPG_Animator_Mi" for reasons of Brittany's sister, Brea just trying to suck in all of the attention and money they can, and using Brittany herself as a vacuum. The list that he created has 7 here, some are possible evidence that Breabear is directing Lucas and some are things that are definitely wrong. However, all of these links in the list aren't going to be accessible to you all.
Pink Corruption Youtube is in DANGER - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXP-EGwa63A This Youtube video revolves about two things, Identity impersonation and copyright infringement related issues. This was because of Brittany's sister, Brea, "who is alleged to have posed as her sister, Brittany in order to issue copyright strikes against fan videos of The Pink Corruption series from other Youtubers, whom are in the fanbase". The issue happened with the removal of translated versions, including "Russian", of content from the series. From the video itself, the situation escalated when a favored Youtuber within the community, known as "Heck Island" (whoever remembers this person), faced the termination of their YouTube channel due to repeated copyright strikes. Notably, these strikes were attributed to her sister, Brea alleged to be impersonating Brittany Robinson. The videos that were listed on Heck Island's channel were taken down because, "they were just regular memes videos".
Furthermore, remember what I said on why this is also comes off hypocritical too? Well... I would consider Brittany Robinson, a fucking hypocrite herself because of this. According to the "My Channel Intro 2022!" Video on Brittany Robinson's channel, toward the end of the video, this is where I initially see Brittany comes to "her sister's defense against long-term bullying because of the people harassing her online". Moreoever, she expresses a zero-tolerance policy toward negative commentary regarding her sister, which she will go to lengths of blocking you "if you say something bad about her sister", possibly for the ones about her being a groomer.
Brittany coming to her sister's defense over this shit is absolutely unacceptable. However, the gravity of the situation cannot be understated because IT'S... STILL... FUCKED... UP!!!
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I could talk even further about Brittany's hypocrisy. Remember what I said about how the drama originally started back in early 2020 because of Brea shoehorning her Pink Corruption pornographic work into Brittany's face? Well... I have a screenshot of Brittany Robinson, "calling her sister's disgusting Pink Corruption work, "Cute" with a heart emote".
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I can prove this further when "Pipythecat205" says in this response on the Pink Corruption discord that "Lucas just doesn't seem to care". Yet, Pipy... Is right... Brittany Robinson doesn't give a shit ALL THIS TIME and still supports her sister from this.
The Drama's Central Query So let me tell you yall something... If Brittany Robinson does actually love and care about sister, actively defends her over online harassment from other people, and has recently developed a tolerance for her sister's contentious disgusting contributions to the "Pink Corruption" series—the catalyst for the drama. What the fuck... was the legitmate point of this all happening in the first place then...???
Final Verdict On The Drama, Controversaries, & The Old Cancellations
Overall, perspectively speaking, Brittany Robinson is a straight-up hypocrite, a fake friend, and perhaps a disgusting individual. She went from being ham-fisting crude pornographic depictions of the Pink Corruption Series by Brea. Into terrible lengths to allegedly steal ideas without that person's consent for her non-canon continuation, false relationships, block people on Youtube (probably the ones, who know about the drama), and for some unknown reason, "likes Brea's content now"...
Her sister wanted to shove porn art of fanfiction TPC crap up to Brittany's face, abusing the copyright system to take down TPC Fan videos from other Youtubers who watched this series, etc.
This entire drama is remarkably atrocious in a tumultuous and regrettable manner. Brittany Robinson and her sister, Brea wanted to deliberately cause their downfall of the entire series in the most disingenuous, hypocritical, and ridiculous way. And they succeeded at it...
I'm finally done talking about this shit... I know there's more to discuss, but I've decided to focus on the most important points here in the entire drama. There were more videos about the drama itself, but unfortunately, the ones I used to watch have been already removed from YouTube.
Character Ages
After finally discussing what I know about the Drama, now we discuss the age changes made by ArtofSoup themselves. In one of the current creator's posts on the canon wiki, I had to scroll down to find the canon ages post. According to the post, it is quite clear that ArtofSoup changed the caretakers' ages.
The Caretakers' ages before being changed: (Pretty much confirmed from Brittany Robinson's old twitter account)
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Pyrare - 1000+
Pentellow - 24
Iris - 25
Cube - 19
The Caretakers' ages after being changed from the current creator, ArtofSoup:
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Pyrare - 45
Pentellow - 20
Iris - 21
Cube - 16-17
Please keep this in mind, because I’ll bring this up again later to provide more context by combining this with the canon ships, including the other characters as well. Now, here are the other characters whose ages have been changed:
Dub - ? (I don't know why he's age has a question mark because Brittany Robinson confirmed that all monster shapes have longevity for being 1000+ years old)
Ajaceare - 19
George - 22
Challenge - 19 (soon 20)
Teroblast - 22
Sitbnite - 15
It is likely that ArtofSoup knew about the previous ages for the Caretakers and then changed their ages for the continuation. Also, an issue with this is that the is is clear that there is a minor lore change I noticed ArtofSoup made... It was to the species' lore. They removed the monster shapes' ability for longevity, giving them instead a normal lifespan like normal shapes.
The Ships
Now we're gonna talk about the canon ships. According to the canon wiki's posts, I found a screenshot of at some point on Youtube, ArtofSoup (Formerly known as QuadragonX on their channel's name), confirmed at least 6 ships. Let me briefly state my thoughts about these ships.
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Dub x Cuda (Barracuda) - I don't see a lot of people talking about this ship, also I don't have anything to say about this.
Cintagon x Circumsphere - One of those type of ships that I generally feel so confused on why people shipped these two in the first place because clearly there hasn't been any potential romantic tension between these two.
Cube x Lythorus - I don't ship these two because I see their relationship perfectly working as "childhood best friends".
Ajaceare x George - George has a fucking wife and children since Season 1, Episode 1...
Pentellow x Iris - I'm not going to explain this insufferably generic lovey-dovey couple ship...
Squadril x Marcle - I don't see a lot of people talking about this ship but, I ship it nonetheless.
I'm starting to feel like I don't have a huge taste in romance anymore. It's still fine. :/
Anyway, if we combine the age changing and the ships together, ArtofSoup made it feel disconcerting and perhaps disgusting because of two ships on the list. The ones I'm talking about on this list is, Ajaceare x Geroge and Cube x Lythrous ship. Before you all start talking shit, none of this has to do with me being a homophobe or anything, let me please explain why...
Ajaceare x George Ship
Let's first talk about Ajaceare x George ship. Considering that this ship isn't even close to being decently popular, since Season 1, Episode 1, it has been pretty much confirmed that Lythorus was talking with George himself before he turned into a corrupt. He had a "martial family with a wife, son, and a daughter".
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We don't know how old Geroge was before the comic came out besides being confirmed 22 by only the current creator, not Brittany herself. In light of this, it seems that the current creator, ArtofSoup, wanted George to "secretly divorced his family, thereby opting to pursue a romantic relationship with an unattractive cyclops female monster cube". Crazy, right?
Cube x Lythorus Ship
Now we'll talk about Cube x Lythorus ship. I generally feel like they wanted Cube to be shipped with a character like I said about Lythorus's entire characterization in my Season 1, Episode 2 rant "who is so incredibly forgettable in the series that was left in a coffin for about 6 years by now, and a cardboard cutout leader who shows a level of incompetency for not having any reinforcements". But wait... Here's what I found out...
I could pretty much say that Brittany Robinson confirmed the caretakers' ages, including Cube being 19 years on her old twitter account before it was taken down. In all 31 states, a minor is referred to as someone under the age of 18. So basically, I thankfully got a screenshot of Brittany Robinson confirming that Lythrous is actually 20 years old from a QnA on her channel before it was taken down because of the recent short cancellation of her non-canon continuation of the series. We can pretty much agree that Lythorus was this old before the comic and the drama came out.
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So theoretically, what I'm trying to say here: ArtofSoup never confirmed Lythrous's age being changed on their canon age post on the wiki. So, if I'm possibly correct on this and ArtofSoup likely knowing about the caretakers' previous ages, they would be changing Cube's age from being 19 to a minor (a 16-17 year old) just for him to be shipped with a fully grown adult (a 20 year old flower) in the canon continuation. If that's the case, then we have a damn problem here guys because it is a 5-4 age gap... Might as well have to give Cube a different main love interest than in the comic...
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Also, I found a screenshot of the characters' sexualities for the canon. I don't have a lot to say about this. :/
Final Verdict for the canon ships & sexualities, and characters' ages being changed
None of this has to do with the characters' sexual orientations or anything like that. Overall, what I'm saying about this is that the current creator, ArtofSoup, wanted characters like George, who has been canonically married with a loving family since Season 1, Episode 1, to be in love with Ajaceare, and changing up the lore for the monster shapes just for them to be get rid of the ability of longevity. Furthermore, ArtofSoup could also potentially involve changing characters' ages into minors so that they can be shipped with fully grown adult characters like I said for Cube and Lythorus. I can't say for sure whether this is the case, because I don't have much evidence to support it. But it's possible based on what I've covered up.
Potential Lore Changes
Despite my previous discussion about Monster Shapes losing their ability to have longevity, I found another screenshot that has happened since 2022. These were possibly future ideas for the canon continuation itself for the current creator to use if that's the case.
So technically, they are 9 here and let me tell you something. Some of these feel uninteresting or pretty weird. Although I do find some that are potentially good for the comic.
The idea of granting the Tree of Life the power to send prophetic dreams to shapes, offering glimpses into their future, is an intriguing concept that adds supernatural abilities to the trees themselves. However, on the other hand, I find this other idea for the Tree of Life to be quite ridiculous. Having the Tree of Life become bored and cause all sorts of mischief for its own entertainment feels completely out of character. I generally don't like the idea of the Tree of Life having potentially negative motives, as it doesn't make sense to me.
Making LGBTQ+ jokes that confuse some other shapes like I don't care about this...
Also, having Heroes such as Cyan, who is canonically a 0 years powerful childlike being start cussing, especially saying the world "fuck" while improperly maturing is just pretty uncomfortable... Imagine seeing Cube hear his hero start cussing while in his sudden mature state... Like, these heroes are so precious to be starting to swear tbh...
Let's FINALLY Discuss This Comic Now!
Front Cover
First off, we get a simple, yet terrible front cover. Just look at this shit...
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I can already tell that the current creator is a "straight-up Iris simp" who made Iris "the pretend main lead of him being the only one to fight Dub in this front cover" instead of including the other caretakers and heroes with him. I'm getting sick of tired of these people having this sort of "Iris Simp Fetish", trying to make Iris act as if he's the coolest character and should've been the main protagonist of the series because very clearly he's definitely not in my opinion...
Second, it seemed like the current creator, ArtofSoup implemented some kind of dumb Iris vs. Dub fanart that they found somewhere on the internet for the front cover instead. (I know it's the creator's digital artwork but, come on...)
Anyway, now let's talk about the pages. (I'm not going to be discussing a lot here due to it feeling short because of the length of these pages).
Pages 1-5
On the first page, the story continues after the opening scene of Season 1, Episode 6 left off, as it originally shows Cube losing his grip from his grabbing claw while trying to stop Cyan from searching Ajaceare while he was in his sudden mature form once again.
On page 2, as the trio (Cube, Cintagon, and Iris) continues to plummet to the ground, Iris says that he can't teleport while falling, and even if he could, it likely wouldn't help save him and the others. (Well, I don't understand this part about why Iris can't teleport while falling. Perhaps ArtofSoup was trying to establish a "weakness" here for Iris's teleportation ability, but it feels very vague to me).
While this part was still ongoing, I'm not fucking joking, this was so unexpected that this happened in "THE SECOND PAGE"!! One of ArtofSoup's OC characters named, "Challenge" came out of nowhere alongside Orange because he randomly found this dude?!
On page 3, Orange screamed out Iris's name as he noticed him with Cube and Cintagon still plummeting toward the ground. Challenge quickly came up with a plan with Orange to split up so they could catch more of them. Challenge and Orange then starts zooming down toward the trio to save them.
On page 4, when Challenge grabs Cube's hands, (He does the 200 pound joke like how Lythorus did in Season 1, Episode 2 toward Cube. This reference right now for me is cheap, amateurish, and not funny at all and it's only there to be this perhaps stupid exaggeration for Cube to be called FAT) due to Challenge carrying Cube from his hands. Wow ArtofSoup, I don't think it's the best time to be doing this right about now.
On page 5, this is where the entire pacing goes all over the place... It abruptly skips ahead to Squadril, who is suddenly captured by Dub and Flower Corrupts.(In a confusing turn of events, I was... Being showcased a fucking completely new and seemingly OC character - a random inverted triangle—whom Orange somehow met at some point in page 2. And now, this story then abruptly shifts to Squadril's perspective, where we find him being held captive at Dub's base with no explanation... What...?)
Dub, who was satisfied by Cyan being out of the way for his future plans. (I swear to fucking god... I hate this plot device that this series gave Cyan. Cyan's sudden mature form "ISN'T DOING ANYTHING FOR CYAN'S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!! IT'S ONLY THERE TO BE A "FRUSTRATING NUISANCE" TOWARD THE OTHER CHARACTERS, ESPECIALLY HIS CARETAKER, CUBE THAT'S IT!!") Oh my god...
Behind Dub, two corrupted flowers called him by "Boss" show Squadril being held captive all of a sudden. Squadril then tells them to back off as he won't surrender to them. This won't help Squadril as Dub then corrupts him in the process.
Alright, so... not off to a good start for me. The first five pages already have pacing issues, with OC characters randomly appearing and a touch of overused comedic references from the canon episodes that aren't funny at all for the dish. What a disgusting meal...
Pages 6 - 9
On page 6, we see Dub still processing on fixing Squadril while turning him into a corrupt. While fixing him, Dub screamed out George's name, wanting to know where George was. George was seen presumably hiding and (starts to be the only mouthless flower corrupt showing emotion...) Answer me anyone... WHERE THE HELL did this development come from???
On page 7, Cube and Iris were safely landed back down to the ground with the help of Challenge and Orange while Cintagon completely landed onto a tree branch from impact (Hey Orange, why can't you use your telekinesis on Cintagon too???). Iris then says nice work to his hero, Orange. (Lets pause here...)
Major Issue: Iris's Entire Characterization Being Changed
From a post I found out about Page 7 from the current creator, one of the information about this page is that ("Iris has more emotion than just "smug").
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I actually have more evidence to go along with this which is from the Halloween Comic, ArtofSoup created on DeviantArt.
From the Halloween comic itself, Iris does a prank on Cube by using pink paint to disguise himself to make Cube think that he got infected. After Cube found out that Iris was pranking him, he didn't find this funny (Iris... Your sense of humor will always fucking suck bro to this day... Get a life dude...). Iris even "actually apologizes to Cube from the prank", which is so weird for me because of his sudden change of character.
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You really think that Iris was this kind and friendly enough from the way Brittany portrayed it, who has fucked up demeanors? THINK AGAIN FOR THEIR RELATIONSHIP!!!
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Overall, this also implies that ArtofSoup also made Iris's personality more apologetic and nicer now. So... takes a sip of cold coke You're telling me that your making Iris's whole characterization and personality more mellow and likable now all of a sudden without even giving him any sort of meaningful character development for him to be acting this way...??? Bruh...
Btw, that Halloween short comic just basically shows just like I said, how fucking pathetic Iris's sense of humor is toward the other characters.
Back To The Comic
Back to Page 7, Challenge, Iris, and Orange notice Poly Village unknowingly being destroyed that being up with pink flames coming out of the burned houses from some unknown corrupt. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN THIS COMIC?!?! DID AN FUCKING DRAGON BURN THE ENTIRE VILLAGE DOWN????
On page 8, we get to introduce another OC character.... (where the hell are these characters even coming from, bro...) that comes out of nowhere. He's name is, "Teroblast", an old friend of Challenge and this MF looks like a self-insert of the current creator, ArtofSoup's QuadragonX's profile picture on the wiki into this bitch.
Am I wrong?
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Anyway, while Purpex is never to be seen (like we care where she is at this point), Marcle was crying on the ground because of Squadril getting kidnapped. Teroblast was about to comfort her until he noticed Challenge with the others. With an awkward gesture, Challenge acknowledged Teroblast's presence by placing a hand on the back of his head.
On page 9, Teroblast asserts that he has not seen him since his brother's death. This statement concludes with Challenge exclaiming "ENOUGH!", which shocks Teroblast. Ok first off, let's talk about what happened here...
Question Time Imagine this scenario: You unexpectedly run into an old friend you haven't seen in ages. They are delighted to see you, but out of the blue, they start sharing very personal information immediately that you'd rather not discuss in your current situation. I want to generally hear your thoughts about this in the comment section...
I would've punched Teroblast in the face for that...
From what I'm seeing him pages 6-9, Poly Village gets burned and destroyed with no explanation to just let it happen for the sake of the plot's progression, more OC characters coming out of no where that looks like an almost self-insert of the current creator.
Page 10 - 15
On page 10, Challenge believes Teroblast doesn't understand. He explains that he and his unknown brother were very close until Dub abducted him. Judging by the appearance of the unknown shape next to Challenge, it is implied that his brother is Barracuda himself. But, who knows if that's the case...
On page 11, Teroblast expresses sympathy for Challenge, who is grieving the loss of his brother. Challenge weeps, and Teroblast speaks his name.
Here's the main issue with this: remember what I said earlier on, before I started explaining the comic, about how creators may intentionally introduce characters who make the audience instantly love and find them cool, but who are objectively blinded by them not being well-written characters? Reflecting on this comic, I nearly felt sympathy for Challenge and his predicament. However, I just... Still don't care about him because he was very unexpectedly introduced into the story in a very non-linear approach.
Secondly, Teroblast... Why the hell are you bringing up something so personal out of your fucking mouth to piss Challenge off and make him cry afterward, despite already knowing about his brother's death then...? Let's have Teroblast be aware of Challenge's brother's passing without making it a big issue, and then immediately use it as a cheap trick to try and sympathize with Challenge's situation.
On page 12, this is where I die in laughter... After Dub finishes corrupting Squadril, he turns into this very clever and calculated henchman (Hedrilateral, his name)😂😂, as he comes up with this plan for Dub to disguise as a flower. (Lets pause here).
So you're telling me that Squadril's character gets immediately thrown out of the window because I barely fucking know anything about this magician's life, just for him to become a "henchman corrupt for Dub" for god knows how long?! 😂😂
On page 13, Dub showcases a new ability for him to shapeshift into a gray flower, like the one from the video game itself.
On page 14, Dub senses victory drawing closer. He envisions a restored Cubic and a corrupted Iris, believing that Paradise will be his. (Just to keep you guys the heads up, Iris's corrupted counterpart's name is just "Corrupted Iris"...)
On page 15, Iris notices Stibnite and alerts Teroblast, Challenge, and Citren that they have a problem. Teroblast shouts to Stibnite that he has five seconds to leave, or he will take action. However, someone intervenes and advises Teroblast not to do that.
Overall for pages 10-15, the portrayal of Challenge's emotional turmoil as a result of his brother's demise, coupled with Teroblast's subsequent apology, was so poorly-done and was clearly contrived, seemingly inserted from the current creator, ArtofSoup with the intent to elect sympathy for the Challenge's character. Additionally, Squadril's entire characterization gets his ass cheeks smacked out of the window, just for him to become a "fucking henchman corrupt" for Dub...
Pages 16 - 23
On page 16, Stibnite displays his hatred for Sabrepulse and the four caretakers. Before seeing a shield, he immediately senses that something is wrong. He notices the purple dome that was created by Iris and Orange that contains Lycanthropy inside the seal from the Lycanthropy fight since Season 1, Episode 4. Wait...
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So basically what's going on here is that, ArtofSoup wanted to insert another OC character coming out of the blue. Furthermore, I thought Dub was going to send "a group of corrupts to save Lycanthropy from what he said in Season 1, Episode 5", not some bat-like creature that randomly finds it out in Poly Forest. Another minor plot change that nobody notices...
On page 17, Stibnite approaches the seal. Inside is Lycanthropy, who appears to be undergoing a purification process within the seal, which is transforming him back into his pure counterpart, Lythorus. Lycanthropy and Lythorus begged anyone to save them until Stibnite saved Lycanthropy's life from purification inside the seal by summoning a bomb attack to explode the seal. (Lets pause here).
About this page, the seal that Iris and Orange created here for Lycanthropy since Season 1, Episode 4 was another way to purify corrupts. It is shown that Lycanthropy is being weakened by the seal's power, proceedingly turning him back into Lythorus, but at a slow rate. However, at the same time, looking back at Lycanthropy's entire character, you could barely give a fuck about him because he has little to nothing to do in this series...
On page 18, Challenge uses some sort of new ability or something (possibly a clairvoyance power, I don't fucking know). Meanwhile, Lycanthropy thanks an embarrassed for Sitbnite for stopping the purification and destroying the shield, though the former thinks the latter overdid it. FINALLY, Pentellow shows up and accidentally snaps a branch, Lythorus notices her, and the situation gets ugly for Pentellow.
On page 19, Pentellow gets worried about how she can't win against Lycanthropy. Challenge runs off-screen to search for Sibinite as Cube chases after him, while Tsavorite, who pops out of no where and somehow, starts to use some new ability to sense or call Cube (I don't know). Tsavorite starts saving Pentellow's life from Lycanthropy, as Tsavorite tells Pentellow and Cube to rush off, while Tsavorite and presumably Challenge stop Lythorus.
On page 20, Pentellow tells Cube that they need to go without a second thought, with Cube being clueless about what's going on (how about explaining to him while still running). Lycanthropy was about to launch a spiked ball at Pentellow and Cube when Challenge stopped the attack by using a weapon by using his prismatic ears, then threatening Lycanthropy to stop. (Let's pause here).
What follows here everyone is going to be the most blatant heroic sacrifice I've ever seen...
On page 21, Cube realizes that Challenge got infected by The Pink Corruption via his prismatic ears. Cube informs him, but Challenge already knows, and he says that although "pyramid monster shapes are resistant to The Pink Corruption Virus" Slams hand so hard on computer desk in disbelief WHAAAAAT?!
With tears in his eyes, Challenge warns Cube that he has been too cautious. He asks Cube to convey his farewell to his father (how the fuck will Cube know anything about your father if you never told him his name to him...) before succumbing to corruption. His final words to Cube were a single, urgent command: "Run!"
On page 22, while Cube, Tsavorite, and Pentellow are running away (and we never learn what happened to Orange, Iris, Gold, and Pyrare), Challenge confronts Lycanthropy, declaring that he won't allow him to harm our virus-stopping team. Lycanthropy responds by saying that he has already achieved victory, but Challenge is confused and asks what he means.
On my gosh, we are at the final stretch of the comic everyone!
On page 23, Teroblast shows up and is forced to watch Challenge being corrupted. Teroblast and Challenge are both shedding tears, with Challenge trying to say he loves him (Don't tell Teroblast that you love him after he bursts out very sudden personal information about your brother's death), before the virus fully controls him. Challenge suddenly becomes infuriated, as he screams in agony turning him into a corrupt.
You know what, I wanna talk about this dude, Challenge...
Challenge's Entire Characterization
Undoubtedly, even though it's been 23 pages, Challenge is the most forced OC character I have encountered over my years in web-based content. He was so forced here in such a highly incongruous manner, that Challenge wants to be incorporated into the comic to play a pseudo-protagonistic role, which is absolute shit. Furthermore, the current creator, ArtofSoup, wanted so hard to manipulate my emotions by invoking sympathy towards Challenge situation - specifically about his brother's loss, as it is clearly shown from pages 9-11.
ArtofSoup wanted her OC fanfic fantasy to have Challenge to be the most broken character in the entire fucking series. I will explain why:
It is implied that Challenge has the ability to "see into the future".
Every Pyramid Monster Pyramid like Challenge are resistant to the Pink Corruption (even though, the caretakers only possess this power).
He can fly.
If Challenge had been introduced much later in the story, in a more linear approach, it would have been a lot better.
In all honesty, this wouldn't help right now, because I couldn't care less towards Challenge's selfless heroic act, leading to him becoming a corrupted shape since Page 23. Overall, he is poorly-written, who has been seemingly shoehorned so hard into the story with very little consideration for contextual fluidity or compelling characterization, is contrived, distracting, and is too overpowered.
Other OC Characterers
This also goes along with ArtofSoup's other OC characters such as Teroblast and Sibtinite...
Final Verdict On For The PCC Comic
Narratively, ArtofSoup wanted to ham-fist shit such as different story's direction, changing characterization without proper development, minor lore & plot changes, etc to make it feel so unappreciated, miserable, and unsatisfying to me. It happened because to make the entire comic feel like it has "OC Fanfiction Fetish Fantasy Syndrome" from the current creator, ArtofSoup. They tried to deceive me by deliberately using "forced sympathy tricks" to desperately make me care about their OC characters in the cheapest way as possible, particularly Challenge and Teroblast (mostly for Challenge) cause IT DEFINITELY SHOWS. The pacing is already all over the place in the story's progression over the span of the preceding 23 pages. The Caretakers and Heroes should've been in a different area in Paradise by now searching for more groups besides wasting their time tagging along with these fucking OC characters (that almost look like self-inserts) for the PAST 23 PAGES!!!
Despite the amount of issues in comic, story and writing-wise, I would like to acknowledge some commendable elements. For starters, the story's tone achieves a more serious tenor (from the look of the direction), while not trying to be cheesily lighthearted, like from the earlier episodes of the series. Furthermore, character designs such as Teroblast's are aesthetically pleasing, knowing that it is assuming that the canon continuation was going to add more characters with improved designs.
In summarizing my evaluation of the PCC Comic, I assign it a score of 4 out of 10 (Below-average). Starting with your sister shoving that disgusting pornographic fan-art cake in your face for dessert, and ending with the transfer of ownership of your project—with your full consent—to another individual, whom you badmouthed behind their back all this time, all of this led to a lackluster fanmade series derived from the "Pink Corruption Series," specifically the "Hope" series (that I'm going to be talking about next). Finally, giving me an actual pretty bad continuation in the form of a web-comic that "never tried to make it feel canon to begin with", to shove even more cake ONTO MY FUCKING FACE NEXT with OC fanfiction fetish toppings on it.
Hope Series
Now we can finally talk about the "Hope" series... The Hope Series is a discontinued fanmade series, based on the web-series, "The Pink Corruption Series" after Brittany Robinson gave her consent and permission for the Pink Corruption series to ArtofSoup.
Most of all, just like the pilot episode from The Pink Corruption Series, this pilot episode is not good...
So Let's Discuss This Episode
Beginning Part
In this episode, the scene opens on a stormy night, with Cube singing as he sits on a rock. He receives a call from his triangle chest from his brother, "Cubical". (Lets Pause Here).
Do you want to know the main reason why Cube has a brother? It's probably because we feel so bad that Cube doesn't know anything about his biological family. I don't mind Brittany taking away the generic childhood best friend trope, but this doesn't help the fact that I wasn't even invested into Cubical's character.
In a conversation between Cubical and Cube, Cubical asks Cube about his whereabouts and mentions that he has been searching for him. Cube responds by telling Cubical not to look for him and explains that he "needed some fresh air anyway". (It is evident here that Cube has a bit of an attitude here toward his brother).
After hanging up his brother, Cube continued walking until he heard a baby crying. He found Cyan, whose wing was caught on a tree branch. Cube rescued him and decided to take him home.
For some unknown reason, I don't know why Cyan is out here this windy and rainy at this late at night, while getting stuck in a tree...
While Cube was singing to Cyan, Cubical, who had been searching for him, spotted his umbrella on the ground and picked it up, looking worried. He then found Cube and hugged him. Cube stated that Cubical didn't need to search for him. Cubical was startled when he heard Cyan and quickly moved back. Cube explained how he had found Cyan, and Cubical agreed to let Cube take Cyan home. (Cube and Cubical's relationship kind of fucking sucks tbh).
Overall, the beginning part of HOPE episode 1 was pretty boring, with nothing interesting happening. Notwithstanding, the interactions between Cube and Cyan were moderately charming, though not particularly noteworthy, Cube and Cubical's relationship is already somewhat bad and cliched. Moreover, having Cyan randomly come out of no where just to get the rest of the plot going was never explained...
Back To The Episode
Middle Part
Later, while they are eating, Cyan shoots a beam from his chest, acting like a projector, showing Pyrahedron (we fucking "replace" Pyrare with this guy now...), who explains that Cube is now the fourth caretaker of the Tree or Life and that he has one day to reach the tree and seal the monster. (Lets Pause Because I Think I Can Talk About This Right Here).
Major Issue: Cube's Entire Characterization Being Changed
I think it's a good idea to make a comparison from the pilot episode from TPC with the HOPE series.
You can clearly tell from Cube's character and personality in the HOPE series that it's "completely changed" and I find it very disagreeable. From Season 1, Episode 1, Cube was fairly apathetic about his role as one of the Caretakers and his position as the hero, Cyan. This was evident from Cube's dereliction of his duties as a caretaker, which occurred twice in the pilot episode.
The first was forgetting to assist his hero Cyan in sealing away Dub, seeing Cube questions Cyan on why he has to come along as well.
The second one was forgetting to give Cyan his name (most likely by accident).
In a metaphorical sense, Cube's pronounced apathy towards his caretaker responsibilities, evident since the first episode of Season 1, serves as a reflection of his demeanor characterized by timidity and nervousness. Seeing him throughout the series occasionally questions Cyan or the companions, the other caretakers and heroes about why he has to perform these challenging or significant tasks. Nonetheless, despite his reservations, Cube still greatly assumes his role and together with his hero, Cyan, unintentionally semi-completes their mission on sealing Dub (even though it ended in chaos toward the conclusion of that episode).
(This image right here perfectly explains what I'm saying.)
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In contrast, in the HOPE series, Cube's persona went from being a shy and somewhat introverted shape, which clearly shows signs of self-doubt and uncertainty about his role as a caretaker at times throughout the TPC series. And turned him into a much more easygoing and composed personality, who has a bit of an attitude toward his brother's overprotective tendencies and doesn't seem to be bothered or anything in the slightest about being chosen in his caretaker's role. Although recognizably simpler, this marked shift in character causes me severe dissatisfaction, as I perceive Cube's character in TPC to be superior...
About the way Cube gets chosen as the 4th Caretaker of the Tree of Life here, he was chosen so damn unexpectedly, after receiving a call from Pyrahedron (I don't know how the fuck did Pyrahedron get Cyan's phone number), without giving any indication as to why he was chosen for this role. Cube never expressed any concerns or questions about this, like how his TPC counterpart legitimately did toward TPC Cyan in the pilot episode. All of this happened because "he fucking "randomly" found Cyan, who inexplicably showed up out of no where to initially be stuck in a tree and gets taken care of by Cube just to get the rest of HOPE's main plot going".
Overall, I already dislike Cube's character here. This fucking disrespects how Cube's entire characterization was established in the TPC series.
Back To The Episode
Gold pops up and interrupts the call, while being happy (Gold's character gets ruined here too...). After Pyrahedron hangs up, Cube says he will go to the Tree of Life. Cubical asks how he is okay with all of this. Cube replies that he wasn't until he saw Gold on the call and realized that he looked similar to Cyan (Are you only giving out the main reason why you were chosen was just because of your fucking appearance looked identical to Cyan here...) He thinks Pyrahedron was serious and decides to head out in the morning.
The next morning, as Cube gets ready to head out, Cubical asks if he's really ready to do this. (OH MY FUCKING GO... You know what, I might as well talk about Cubical here...)
Cubical's Entire Characterization
I don't have a lot to say here so, I will keep it brief. If I have to describe him here, Cubical serves as a "clear replacement for Cube's childhood best friend, Lythorus". Despite being a caring brother to Cube, objectively, his character comes across as goddamn irksome due to his overprotective nature, constantly fretting over Cube's safety throughout the entire pilot episode, like shut up, bro...
Back To The Episode
Btw, despite giving Cube a brother, STILL DON'T HAVE THE AUDACITY TO SHOW PARENTS!!! WTF!!!
Cubical reminds Cube about his previous encounter with Dub. Cube gets a flashback of Dub shooting a laser beam, presumably toward one of his eyes. Cube reminds his brother that he survived the incident and that he will survive.
So you're telling me that before Cube was chosen, he encountered Dub before and was attacked by him, which we can all agree that Cube gotten "infected", right? So how come CUBE HASN'T TURNED INTO A CORRUPT LET?!
Subsequently, Cube requests that Cubical cease his concerns. While initially agreeing, Cubical persuades him to at least consume a meal before departing with Cyan, which Cube acquiesces to.
An hour later, Cube traverses the terrain clutching Cyan who slumbers soundly. Suddenly, a hazy figure zips past him. He glances back but discerns nothing. Progressing towards a huge pink lake, looking shocked. Unable to wade through the water, he ponders over how to circumvent his predicament.
Ketches approached Cube and asked if he needed help crossing the water to reach the Tree of Life. Cube gratefully accepted and thanked him. Ketches introduced himself and explained that he had helped all the caretakers before Cube as well. He invited Cube to hop aboard.
During their voyage, Cube acquaints himself with Ketches and inquires about the other Caretakers. Ketches identifies them as Iris, Pentellow, and Pyrahedron and clarifies that Iris and Pentellow have been unaccounted for since Cyan's birth. (You know what, looking back on Pyrahedron, I wouldn't mind having different caretaker characters because I could care less about Iris and Pentellow returning here...). However, Cube expresses his hope that their disappearance is unrelated to Dub. Ketches concurs, and they eventually arrive at the Tree of Life.
End Part
After dropping Cube off at the Tree of Life, Ketches expresses his gratitude, while cautioning Cube. He says that it looks like a clear path, but there could be someone clandestinely lurking about. Cube acknowledges Ketches' advice and proceeds towards the Tree of Life.
Before I talk about what happens next, I'm not joking, the rest of this conclusion is more "hilariously bad" than the TPC pilot episode's conclusion. 😂😂😂
Issue: Laughably Bad Conclusion That Ended On The Most Biggest Discontinued Cliffhangers I've Ever Seen In This Entire TPC Universe
Suddenly, a group a flower children showed up (they are fucking corrupts btw, who popped out of fucking no where). One of them "viciously assaults Cube by uppercutting him physically as a corrupt that caused him to disembody his body from his dead flying upward into the air". 😂😂😂 I burst out laughing because of this... How come Cube hasn't even turned into Cubic yet after getting blasted by Dub from his previous encounter with him and now an uppercut (that was so strong by the way) from an infected flower child?!
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Cube firmly declares his refusal to engage in combat with children, even those tainted by corruption. (ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! THEY ARE CORRUPTS CUBE, DEFEND YOURSELF?! 😂😂😂) However, one of the children warns that, despite their own unwillingness to fight, Cube will still face dire consequences from the flower group. (WHAT?! THEN WHY DID ONE OF YOU LITTLE BRATS START ATTACKING CUBE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO FIGHT HIM THEN?!)
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Following this, one of the child corrupt flowers, pulls out a damn gong out of her ass that causes the sky and the Tree of Life to adopt a pink and black hue. Heli's fleeting appearance is observed, before taking flight. In the ensuing commotion, Dub emerges, and the episode concludes. (JESUS WHAT WAS THAT ENDING?! 😂😂😂)
Final Verdict For HOPE Series
After laughing so hard after HOPE's pilot episode conclusion, it's time to give my final verdict on this. It is so unappealing and boring than its predecessor, TPC (despite my unfavorable opinion about the latter).
From a narrative standpoint, Episode 1 presents a poorly-written script, replete with subpar pacing, characters such as Cube, who has his personality and characterization disrespectfully changed, minor inconsistencies, and an utterly hilariously bad conclusion that is more worse than the TPC's pilot episode.
Not to mention, upon me discovering a restored video of the Hope series's intro, HOPE's worldbuilding looks like in a nutshell, if The Pink Corruption Series's worldbuilding was overly simplistic and generic that will make you go...
Me: Bro...
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And, take all of the elements out of what a JSAB world looks like...
Episode 1 doesn't have a lot of pros besides character designs being improved (also, Cube's hat looks ugly as shit btw).
My appraisal for the show, taking into account its single episode, would be like the PCC comic, 4 out of 10 (Below-average). The HOPE series, in my perspective, appears to be an unproductive utilization of my time. Going from giving your consent and permission to someone else just to make another typical underwhelming web-series on Youtube that failed to impress me.
Right after, when Brittany Robinson - the show's former creator - discontinued HOPE and instead embarked on the Non-Canon Continuation of the TPC series, this is where her writing skills showed their "true colors" due to how unbelievably bad it was in my opinion. It was because I knew something was up with the writing since the pilot episode that was going to eventually decline later on.
Final conclusion for ALL OF THIS!
So... What's the problem here between these two works? The biggiest main issues between them were the "amount of changes" that felt so insulting to me. It includes narrative shortcomings and quality, poor characterization that were disrespectfully changed or without proper development, ineffective worldbuilding that takes away what a JSAB world actually looks like, and try to perceived manipulative tactics emotionally toward me that were employed from the PCC comic for Challenge and Teroblast haphazardly, that was distracting and unnecessary, etc.
The Entire Pink Corruption Drama is the most pointlessly disingenuous drama I have ever seen in my life from what I've analyzed to the best of my ability. All of this because from the distasteful and objectionable pornographic artwork associated with the TPC series from Brittany's sister, Brea.
If I were to amalgamate both the PCC comic and the HOPE series, my rating would be a modest 3.5 out of 10 (slightly below average). My perception is that ArtofSoup and Brittany Robinson have lost their touch for me regarding the series as a whole. While there is much to criticize, I will refrain from doing so at present. However, I cannot help but feel melancholy because the PCC comic and the HOPE series does "an incredible job to make me feel straight up miserable in my gaming chair" and it shows, it ABSOULTELY SHOWS FOR ME!
Thank you to everyone who read this...
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qazastra · 2 years
qaz's onlyoneof song bracket masterpost!! (#onlyonebracket)
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finally, a way to determine lyonblr's favorite song!
each poll will be active for 24 hours, follow #onlyonebracket to catch each new one as it goes up and keep track of updates via my reblogs and edits on this post (which will be pinned on my blog for the duration of the event)!
b-side battle!! (22 songs, 5 rounds)
round 1 results / round 2 results / round 3 results / round 4 results
WINNER: byredO
title track tournament!! (<- final round!) (11 songs, 4 rounds)
round 1 results / round 2 results / round 3 results
WINNER: dOra maar
songs that have choreography and/or music videos but are not technically title tracks or did not get full promo, go!! calling this the miscellaneous matchup!! (8 songs, 3 rounds)
round 1 results / round 2 results
WINNER: designer
once we have a winning tune from each of the above....
SURPRISE!! (1 poll) (chance for a loser to get back in the running... or maybe even a song you haven't seen before)
finalists post
final fight!! (4 songs, 2 rounds. if the winner has multiple versions, one more poll to determine the best version)
round 1: poll 1 / poll 2
round 2
WINNER: dOra maar!!
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and remember, this is just for fun! <3
(more details under cut)
i won't be including any solos, re-recorded different language versions, remixes, or songs not given a full streaming release (sorry runner's high) in the initial brackets, just for simplicity's sake. as it stands there are going to be nearly 40 individual polls. so, assume that a vote for a song with multiple versions is a vote for your favorite version of it. if the ultimate winner has multiple versions, one final poll will be held to determine the best version.
in addition to linking youtube videos for each song on their respective polls, i will be linking spotify playlists for each bracket round on their directories. (for instance if you click the link on "b-side battle" above, you should see a link to a spotify playlist after the directory list of polls.) i came up with this idea 3 rounds in lol but i'll be linking the playlists on all polls from here on out. they will be deleted when their respective polls close, so save them to your account if you want to keep em!
it's going to be 3 different brackets happening at once and then the winners of THOSE will compete with each other so that it won't just be title tracks against title tracks when we get to the final round.
i'll be updating this post via reblogs as we go, and editing links into this original post so that if you check it on my blog it'll have all relevant links.
here we go, you know the drill, reblog for sample size for more fun, but i won't be telling you to on the polls themselves. campaign for your favs! be silly in the notes! do whatever! <3
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