#links under old url.
kylehyde · 2 years
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[Wanted to apologize. Hope it’s not too late?]
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chappell-roans · 1 year
Hello. Sorry to bother you. But can you please explain how changing url actually work? Will my original posts be ruined? Like if people will try to go to my original post they will be see "post not found" or something?
No bother! They will be intact. If they are following a direct link (like say, “old-url.tumblr.com/post/12345” is tagged in the description of an edit you made), then it will say “not found,” however, tumblr adjusts pretty quickly and usually posts will change to your new url! (Again, direct links are the tricky part. People have often used redirect pages — search ‘redirect’ on @inbruges, I have some code tips & themes saved there. I promise they’re easy, I’ve used ‘em and that’s why they’re reblogged there.)
Someone else may be able to explain this better than me, so keep an eye on the replies, it’s 1:30am here haha. But if it’s any consolation, I’ve changed my url like 10 times and am an editor (I used to be a very frequent gifmaker and editor, just not lately) and haven’t had any issues that stopped me from doing it.
Another tip I have is to at least temporarily save your previous url as a sideblog and make the bio & headline into “now @*new-url*!” and you can make a post too so people can click to your new url easily. I hope this makes sense!
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73ghosts · 8 months
I'm sure many of you are already aware of this, but in case I have any newer tumblr users, pet bill donation scams are very common on this site. If someone DMs or sends you an ask asking you to reblog some sort of donation post for a sick/injured pet, it is most likely a scam.
Below the cut, I have included tips to spotting a scam, and why I believe the post by 507-on-queue is a scam. @kyra45 runs an excellent tumblr scam awareness blog, and has more information and tips here about spotting pet scams. I have archived the scam post in question on my side blog here.
Here's some ways to spot these scams:
Age of the blog - most scam blogs are a week old or younger, they are often under a day old
Similar urls being used for multiple blogs - scam blogs are typically blocked/deleted rapidly, and the OP makes a new account with almost the same name
The blog bio/pfp are not unique
You can only access the dashboard view of the blog so the post archive cannot be accessed (for example, my dashboard view is this, but you can also visit my webpage view and see my 9 years of post history via /archive lol)
The blog has never interacted with you before
The blog follows you and immediately sends a DM/ask
The DM/ask is overly polite and guilt trips (they often ask you to reply privately to reduce digital footprint)
Images of pets can be found via reverse image search
OP's story is inconsistent or unrealistic
The Paypal link does not match the supposed country OP lives in
Most recently, a scam post has been going around about a sphynx cat named Draven. This has been done using multiple urls, including:
meer-lion (deactivated)
507-on-queue (deactivated)
507onqueue (deactivated)
507-onqueue (current as of Jan 13th, 2024)
Here's how this blog meets our scam watch criteria:
The current blog (507-onqueue) is less than a day old (19 hours at the time of this post). The oldest post:
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As listed above, OP uses multiple, similar URLs.
The bio of 507-onqueue is taken almost directly from another user (said user). Due to the same bio being used in previous scams, I suspect this is the same or related person to kappa-tundra/kappatundra (about this scam).
Scam blog:
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Copied blog:
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Only dashboard view is available.
The blog follows and immediately DMs/sends and ask. From my account:
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The ask from the account is very polite, guilt trips, and asks me to answer to the post privately. The goal of being so polite is to win your trust and lower your defenses. This isn't the worst guilt trip I've been in a scam (that goes to the child support scam from several years ago). By asking me to reply privately, they're attempting to reduce their digital footprint (making them harder to google) and disguise how much they are spamming asks.
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The information in that post was taken from a private Facebook account (source). I found the Facebook account in question and confirmed that the information was taken from there. I do not want to share the page because I view that as a further violation of the Facebook OP's privacy. For transparency, the images of Draven are not on Facebook OP's page any longer, but there are several other identifiable pieces of information that make it more than likely that the claims of her information being stolen are true.
The ask is inconsistent itself with the name of the cat (Draven vs Indie). This is also nearly identical to another scam ask from user captbridges. This user was using a real GoFundMe for a sick cat to scam.
The medical paperwork in OP's post is for a veterinary hospital in Wisconsin. However, OP's PayPal is based in the Philippines. The country.x= part of the url indicate the country of origin of the account; PH is the Philippines. The local.x= part of the url shows that the link was localized to the United States (making the donation currency USD). (PayPal's information page about country codes).
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Stay safe out there and remain vigilant, everyone. If you don't already know them, try to pick up some boolean operators to refine your google searches when checking for scams. The tumblr search function sucks, so this is your best bet of finding information about scams like these online.
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accessible-art · 1 month
hello im asking about read-mores!!!
is it accessible to place your image ID under a read-more? is it accessible to put links under a read-more? is it accessible at all to use read-mores?
thank you!!
hi! alright so this won't be as long as the other post i think
it's preferable to not put it under a read-more! this is because of several reasons:
for one, if the original poster changes urls or deletes their blog, the read-more link will break. this means the post will be effectively inaccessible if/when this happens
for another, needing to click through the read-more just to get to a description might be fine for one post, but i'm sure you see how that might get old fast the more you need to do it. small thing or no, with disabilities, everything takes spoons, you know?
i am unsure about the accessibility of read-mores, for i have seen several things said about them. the consensus seems to be, though, that it depends on the screen reader and the version of tumblr being used. small disclaimer that, as i said, i don't use a screen reader so this isn't personally verified
(the way it gets inaccessible is: the screen reader repeats the post back from the top when you go to the read-more)
a better thing to do would be to simply put the description in the body of the post. if you are concerned about the aesthetics of it, indented text seems to spark little to no issues!
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Hey im assuming you already know about the "callout" post about you being a bot since you changed your url, but they linked to your new one in the comments :/
Is this the one that's like 3 weeks old?
What's wild is when I look up my blog the first result is a video of a young Palestinian boy holding up their phone to the camera to show my blog on their screen to prove they're real. In fact, most of what pops up under my URL are Palestinian accounts needing support who tagged me cuz I have reach.
But I hate Kamala so that means I'm a bot who needs to be removed from the site.
I genuinely fucking hope everyone sharing that post kills themselves. There are a million better ways they can be spending their time (and honestly more valid complaints to make about me) and instead their time is spent trying to get my blog deleted when I already planned on deleting it this year ANYWAY
This is literally why I'm deleting it. I'm sick of Tumblr. It used to be cool and left and anti-capitalist. But then I got pregnant and had a life and when I came back in 2020 Tumblr was full of liberal ass losers who thought buying 40 checkmarks in a row from Tumblr was somehow a dunk on Elon musk. And now tumblr accuses ANYONE further left than a Swiftie girlboss Democrat of being a psyop??? And those posts Actually gain traction????
There is a psyop on this site in my opinion and it's my opinion that it's using fear mongering and paranoia to target leftists and get us deleted.
This is not the same Tumblr I was on in 2012 at all.
People used to be politically involved.
The amount of PowerPoint type educational posts about things like systemic racism or being trans or accepting LGBT people was wild. I remember Gaza trending here in 2014 and that's how I learned about Palestine, my newborn on my arm at the same time. I remember seeing posts being shared that linked vine accounts where you could See what was happening and that proved that the media wasn't covering it correctly, where you could see Actual people on the ground explaining. Radfeminism spread so fast cuz fucking everyone on the site was a feminist who said "fuck men" back then. EVERYONE.
that's another thing, in 2014 if you weren't politically literate you were shamed for it. Like I said there were PowerPoint style posts that allies were making to educate people. Nobody gave a shit about your mental health back then, if you were racist or sexist or homophobic then there was literally no excuse for it. I saw white liberals bully racists off this site, I'd even say that was a normal occurrence. It's honestly part of why radfems are so nasty, their platform was built during an era where it was The Thing to be unapologetically hostile to oppressors.
Because in 2014 Tumblr understood that was the only correct way to treat an oppressor.
In 2024 liberal tumblrinas are targeting me and trying to get removed from the site for *checks notes* saying Kamala should be held accountable for supporting genocide.
.....like I said I planned on deleting this anyway.
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cacodaemonia · 7 months
I was telling some friends about how useful the archive feature on Tumblr is, so I went to find an old post I'd reblogged and added to a while back. I wanted to update a couple of things in my reblog of it, but I kept getting an error message about the original post's reblog settings, so I then discovered that reblogs have been turned off. :( Anyway, here's the OP if you want to check it out, and my addition, which I hope is useful to some folks:
I highly recommend using your Tumblr archive on desktop (or mobile browsers)! Without it, Tumblr is kind of a black hole that eats anything you share, and I would never be able to find things I've posted or reblogged.
For folks who don't know how tags work in your blog's archive, you can search for any tag you've ever used and the archive will show you all those posts and reblogs in a handy grid format. For example, if I want to see the fics I've recommended, broken down by month, I go to (remove the spaces after the periods):
cacodaemonia. tumblr. com/archive/tagged/fic rec
Once the page loads, the url will read 'fic%20rec' at the end, but you can enter tags normally when you're searching for them. In other words, use spaces and don't worry about the %20.
You can also use the archive with other people's blogs, assuming they have 'enable custom theme' toggled on under blog settings (there's some disagreement about this in the OP linked above - possibly, you can see anyone's archive if they have certain visibility settings toggled? idk). So if someone you follow uses consistent tags for their art, fics, gifs, meta, etc., you can use the same url format above—just replace my username with theirs, and 'fic recs' with whatever tags you want to search for.
This probably seems super basic for a lot of Tumblr users, but it's something I figured out on my own after ages of being frustrated with the site's 'search function,' so hopefully this will be helpful for people who don't know about the feature.
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space-blue · 5 months
URL CHANGE!!! Attention!!
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I am changing my tumblr to a new URL!
One that's a little less fandom-y, and also less gendered. I'm thinking ahead, potentially posting more original stuff, I don't want to do it under the mantle of a tongue in cheek fandom name not changed in years.
It's still me, and my AO3 will remain Blue_Daddys_Girl.
Bluedaddysgirl is now a sideblog I'll use to redirect everyone clicking on an old broken link.
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eddiediaaz · 1 year
hi alie! how are you? i was wondering if you could explain, or link a tutorial that does, how you did the first gif and the checkmarks on this (/post/713604672591659008/pscentral-event-14-your-url-insp) beautiful gifset please?
hello!! i'm good, thank youuuu ♡ and yeah, sure i can! i didn't follow any tutorial for this gifset, so i'm gonna try to explain my process as best as i can.
the first gif is fairly easy, it's just a bit time consuming. the second one for the animated checkmark uses some keyframes. i use photoshop cs5, which is rather old, so hopefully my directions still work for more recent ps versions!
tutorial for these two gifs under the cut:
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gifs in text
i'm gonna assume you already have basic gifmaking knowledge, so i'm gonna start from this base gif already colored:
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i started by finding a big and very thick font that i liked. for this gifset i used a font called barle. i placed my text the way i wanted it, but i used one text layer per letter, because i wanted one different gif per letter. once i had my 9 text layers placed, it looked like this:
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then, you need to create a group with a layer mask for each letter. for this, i simply hold the ctrl/command key and click on the letter layer's thumbnail. it will create a selection of the letter.
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with this selection on, i click on the folder button to create a new group, then on the add layer mask button. it will create a group with your letter where you can put anothet gif in.
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then you just need to rinse and repeat for every letter.
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once you have all of your letter groups done, you can select all of the text layers and put them in another group. we'll use these layers again later.
then you just need to bring your second gif onto this canvas and put it in the right group/folder. i usually just bring a smart object gif onto my main canva, slide it in the right folder, then resize, sharpen, and color the second gif in there.
you can just drag this layer once it's inside the group to position it the way you need it. and also use ctrl+T to resize it (drag the corners while holding shift to keep the right propertions). once the gif is positioned, you can go ahead and disable the E text layer you used to create the mask (but don't delete it!). i kept the coloring very minimal since it's a black and white gif, and the layers should look like that:
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and this is the gif so far with the first E done:
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then you just need to do the same for all other letters, pretty straight forward! for the first D letter, i wanted eddie's face to show instead of using a different gif, so i simply put a black and white layer in that D group. my gif looks like that at this point:
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then what's missing is the outline, and it's pretty easy to make. go back to the text layers you created at the beginning. enable them all, and make sure they are on top of everything else. double click on that first text layer to bring in the layer style options, and add a 1px stroke with the color and blending mode you want. I went with yellow and the hard light blending mode. these are my settings:
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back to the layers panel, keep the text layer's opacity at 100%, but bring the fill to 0%. this will make online the online show up on the gif.
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to apply this setting to other text layers, you can right click the first text layer and select "copy layer style". then select all of the other layers and right click one of them and go "paste layer style". once all the text layers have their outline it should look like that:
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to move the outline a bit, make sure they are in a group and select this group (i renamed mine "outline"), then just nudge it by a few pixels with the arrows on your keyboard. i transformed the outline group by about 4px left and up on mine. i also duplicated the whole group because i wanted a deeper color for the outline.
and this is my final result!
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animated checkmark
starting with my base gif, i added some animated text and a little box for the checkmark to go in (drew a shape with the rectangle tool and gave it a stroke, the same way i did it for the previous gif):
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for the actual checkmark, you can try to find a brush or shapes to download, but i didn't feel like looking it up lol, so i drew the shape myself with a regular brush that comes baked in with photoshop. the best way to draw a custom shape, in my opinion, is to draw the shape as a layer mask on a color fill layer. that way you can always change the color or add layer styles later (like i did).
so on my canvas, on top of everything, i created a color fill layer (layer > new fill layer > solid color) with whatever color i wanted (you can change this later if you need). you will get a new color fill layer, with a layer mask already attached to it. i put this layer at 75% opacity so i can see the gif under it and it's easier to draw the shape in the right spot:
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i then selected the layer mask thumbnail and the brush i wanted to use, one of them (not sure i remember which one, sorry haha!):
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with the black color selected, just go ahead and draw a checkmark where you want it on the canva. you can always use the brush in white to erase it and start over with the black color if you're not happy with it. but once you have a checkmark you like, it should look like this:
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now you just gotta invert the mask so the checkmark is colored, to do this just click on the color fill layer mask you just drew on and hit ctrl/command + i. the mask will get inverted and it will look like this:
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then you can add whatever layer style you'd like to the checkmark (and put the layer opacity back to 100% if you want). i added a gradient and a drop shadow to mine, and changed the blending mode from normal to difference to make it match with the text, so now it looks like that:
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animation time! this is where you need to use a bit of keyframes, but i promise it's not complicated.
for this animation i wanted to mimick a checkmark being drawned. when you draw a checkmark, you usually do it in 3 steps right? your startung point, then a line down, and then another line up to the end point. it's what i tried to mimick here.
to animate it that way, you need to draw a shape that will hide the checkmark and then move it around to mimick the drawing animation. to do so, create a new group (i've named mine "checkmark") and add a layer mask to this group. you also need to unlink the mask by clicking on the little chain icon next to the mask thumbnail:
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now the next steps are a bit of trial and error until you get what you want, i'm gonna try to explain it as best as i can (bear with me haha):
1- go to where you want the animation to start, aka where you want the checkmark to start appearing. for me it was a few frames after the start of the gif.
2- then, with a black brush that wasn't too big nor too soft, i brushed a bit over the checkmark to erase it for now (you may have to go back and edit this after the animation is done). no need to do a huge shape, just big enough to cover the checkmark. if you go back to the move tool and click on the mask thumbnail you have just created and click and drag in the canva, you should be able to move the mask around. this is what you want for steps 5 and 7. basically, on your mask thumbnail on the checkmark group, what is brushed in black will erase what's in the group, and the white part will reveal what's in the group. for now just make sure the shape you just drew is covering the checkmark.
3- once the checkmark is hidden, click on the stopwatch icon next to layer mask postion to start the animation. this will automatically create a keyframe where your cursor is on the timeline (the yellow diamond)
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4- once your starting point is done, you want to go a bit further on the timeline with your cursor.
5- then move the mask shape so it reveals just the smallest part of the checkmark (make sure you click the checkmark group mask thumbnail first before moving the mask). once you move the mask with the move tool, a new keyframe will automatically appear where your cursor is on the timeline (another diamond). make sure you drag the shape down the checkmark to mimick it being drawn.
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6- go a bit further again on the timeline, where you want the animation to end.
7- and move the shape again to reveal the checkmark (make sure you click the group mask thumbnail first before moving the shape). again, a third keyframe will be automatically created. i dragged the shape up from the bottom of the checkmark to mimick the drawing of the checkmark.
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your animation should be done here after these 2 movements, so play it in a loop and see if you are satisfied with the animation you have created. if you don't like it you have options:
you can go back to the group layer mask and edit it with the black or white brush;
you can also go back to each keyframe by positiong your cursor over it and move the mask around in a different way;
and you can select the keyframes (yellow diamonds) and move them around on the timeline. if you push the keyframes closer together, the animation will be faster, and if you space them out more, the animation will take longer. it's up to you!
this animation thing is really just trial and error. you could probably do the same animation with a checkmark you find online, as long as the image file is in a group and the animated mask is applied to the group. and don't forget to unlink the mask before animating a movement or it won't work properly!
and this is what my animation looks like:
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that's about it, i hope that was clear enough omg. never realized how hard it is to explain these things in english lol. let me know if you have any questions! ♡
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aropride · 7 months
how to install dashboard unfucker (for desktop)
hi i use desktop and i use the dashboard unfucker extension by dragongirlsnout and you should too because it's awesome. i don't know much about computers so it was intimidating to set up but ended up being really easy.
but first:
what is dashboard unfucker?
dashboard unfucker is an extention that makes being on tumblr bearable again.
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(ID: 2 screenshots of tumblr with urls/posts etc censored. the first is with the new layout, with labels on the left, the ad-free button, "check out these blogs," "explore all of tumblr," the radar, and no easy way to access your own blog. the second is with the extension enabled, the left hand side of the screen is empty, posts are wider, navigation icons are back at the top right, and the only thing on the right-hand side of the dash is the dashbaord unfucker and limit checker and tag replacer from xkit. end ID)
i got it for layout changes like these- the first is cramped and ugly and i feel like i'm on twitter. the second is warm and comfy and i can make my posts wider (i dont like all the empty space). (limit checker, tag replacer, and post color were done on xkit and palettes respectively, not unfucker, btw)
with the dashboard unfucker you can:
hide the following/blog subs/for you etc tabs
get rid of the changes/staff picks/etc carousel
hide recommended blogs and tags
add profile pics back to posts
hide the radar
hide the explore page
hide tumblr shop
hide user badges
highlight bots in ur activity feed
show who follows u in the activity feed
make posts wider/slimmer and move the dash posts position to the left/right
revert messages design (and make the messages box bigger)
revert activity feed to the old design
display vote counts on polls
show poll results without clicking (no more skewing polls or "see results"!!)
disable tumblr domains
add polls to reblogs
disable "post without tags?"
show ns.fw posts
and other things that i probably missed copying this from the settings!!
so how do you do it? it seems scary but it's easy actually. take my hand
(note: i did this on firefox and tested it on chrome, i'm not familiar with other browsers, also use firefox if at all possible fuck chrome)
how to install dashboard unfucker
step 1: install either tampermonkey, tampermonkey beta, greasemonkey, or violentmonkey (if you don't already have it)
note: im using tampermonkey as an example because it's what i use
step 2a: go to firefox extensions/chrome web store/your browser's equivalent
step 2b: look up "tampermonkey" and click "add to firefox/chrome/whatever" and confirm
step 2c: you're done! yayyy
step 2: click this link. look under "installation" where it says "Click on unfucker.user.js to install or update". and click that
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(ID: a screenshot of the tampermonkey install page, showing dashboard unfucker v5.7.8 installation information, the source code, and the install/cancel button. end ID)
(it should open in a new tab and look like this)
step 3: click install! (when i did this it didn't look like much happened and i got scared. dont get scared take my hand)
step 4: go to www.tumblr.com and to the right of the dash it'll have the dashboard unfucker label to the right!
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(ID: the default dash again, but with the dashboard unfucker title at the top right of the right-hand side of the dash. end ID)
step 5: click the little gear icon and all the options will pop up! u can fuck around with em to ur heart's content. i recommend exporting after ur done and saving it somewhere in case u have to uninstall/reinstall to troubleshoot or smth
you're done! now u can see the results of polls without clicking them and other such things
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(ID: a poll i have not voted on. it has 17 votes and 23h 56m remaining. the title is "poll :)" and the answers are "answer 1" "answer 2" and "see results". there are no percentage labels, but the amount each answer has is indicated by light blue bars in each result, as they would be if i had voted. end ID) note: i'm not sure how/if this aspect of the extension is indicated for screenreaders
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lautski-week · 11 months
I would like to welcome you all to the second Lautski week!
Here are the prompts, but all future plans for the event, FAQ, and notes on the survey from last week will be under the cut!
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SO! First off! Thank you to everyone who responded! To the people who suggested future prompts, they’re all in consideration for future events. Except one of the alternates. I replaced one of the original alternates with “Fairy Tale” for my own sake, I salute whoever suggested that.
Surveys came pretty overwhelmingly in favor of making Lautski week a semi-annual event, with one week in the summer and one in the winter. So don’t be too surprised if this account is revived again in April/May. As long as people are interested, I’ll keep running it!
And now, some general Q&A stuff!
Q: What are alternates?
A: Alternates are two extra prompts in case one of them leaves you stumped! They can be used any day, or they can not be used at all! It’s up to each individual participant!
Q: Do I have to do all seven days?
A: You’re free to do as many as you want! You can do all seven, you can do just a few, hell, you could do all nine in you wanted! This isn’t a challenge, it’s an event. The main goal is to make some posts about this ship we’re all brainrotting for and having fun.
Q: What can I make?
A: Anything you want! Art, fics, edits, memes, etc. Nothing’s off the table.
Q: How do I post?
A: I’ll reblog anything made for the event to this blog and my main. If you’d like to be featured, please @ THIS blog. Additionally, I’d recommend tagging works with #lautski week so everyone’s works can all be found in the same place.
Q: I was late! Can I still post?
A: Of course! I’ll keep reblogging new posts tagged #lautski week and/or mention this blog through December 13!
Q: Can I post to AO3, then link it back here?
A: Absolutely! Also, I recently found out “Lautski week” was wrangled into its own tag on AO3, so I guess it’s officially recognized now 😭 Granted, it mentions my old URL and assumed it would be an annual event. Either way, Lautski Nation has truly made it I guess. But point being, yes, that’s fine!
Q: Can I post to (insert any other fanfic site here) then link it back here?
A: Same as AO3. Go ahead!
Q: One of my wips fits *insert prompt here!* Can I post it for that day?
A: You can, but please don’t post before the event begins!
That’s it. I’m pretty sure. If there are any other questions/concerns, feel free to DM or send an ask! I’ll rb this both here and on main periodically until the event begins, but until then, I can’t wait to see everyone’s works! See y’all soon and have fun! 💛💚💜
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atlas-of-galaxies · 1 month
An urgent and urgent appeal. Please do not stop reading. I am Safaa Asaad, a university student. I am 26 years old and married. I gave birth to my first child during the war. My life was full of love and optimism. I was distinguished in the field of law. I was diligent and had dreams and ambition. I intended to open my own law firm and defend the rights of others, diligence and perseverance. In restoring the rights to their owners, I got married while I was a student. I married the right man whom I had always been waiting for. We loved to always be together. He suffered before he married me. He worked hard to build the house and collect money to propose to me. His source of income was very good, and we got married and lived a good life. As time passed, the war came, and I had not completed the year. My marriage and our home were destroyed. My husband lost his job. My father, after seeing the destruction that befell our area, became unable to speak and became paralyzed from the outside. My husband, two months after entering the war, gave birth to my first child under difficult circumstances in a small tent full of insects and mosquitoes. I and my son could not live in a tent because of the insects, so we fled to escape. The border is under the shadow of the wall. We are suffering greatly, and now, after exhaustion and exhaustion, I decided to create a donation link to go out and save my family from Gaza. We were insulted and humiliated by the occupation army. The relative died and the relatives were killed. We were displaced. I cannot describe what happened to us. I ask you to save my family and get us out of Gaza with a donation. To us via the link, please donate, even if it is $10, it will make a difference to us. They can save us from death, and your donation will be a reason to save our lives, so my son can live the life I dreamed of, open a law firm, and open a project for my beloved husband. Please donate and support the💔💔😭😭 campaign.https://gofund.me/b25cb4bf
of course! I am happy to share, and I will donate what I can.
this campaign has been vetted under a previous url. link below to Safaa's campaign:
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shadowfoxsilver · 1 year
jackrisstuff/jacrstuff/jacrsstuff/ jacrstuffsposts/jacrstuffsblog psa/beware
Update: As of 7/26/2023 all accounts are now down! Unfortunately this kind of scam still pops up as other users so please take caution if you get asks like this from accounts that are only a few days old and don’t show any images as proof of who they are. Always ask questions.
Update 2: As of 8/13/2023, their back under jacrstuffsblog.
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[Image ID: A screenshot of an ask sent by jackrisstuff that reads as follows: “Hello sorry for tagging. Please help a black mother in need. I'm diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer which has spread to my lungs, neck and brain. I'm in a very vulnerable situation with no treatment because l'm unable to afford one. Currently I'm homeless with my 19 months old daughter because we cant. Anything appreciated” and ends with a beating heart emoji. /End ID]
Just a heads up to my followers and anyone else, this account blocked me when I requested them to provide evidence that their a real person needing support. Instead of answering my concern and replying to a link that brought up suspicions, they opted to start spamming asks to my mutuals/followers in efforts to try and get them to share the aid post. This is clear proof they don’t intent to prove their a real person needing aid and are just spamming asks to everyone they can find instead of proving they actually need support.
I do not want people to be scammed because a blogger decided to spam my friends askboxes. If you got this ask, I also suggest you to ask the person for proof their legit or block them before they can spam your followers/people you shared from. It’s sickening they likely stole someone’s real fundraiser pictures to pass off as their own ill daughter.
This is exactly the reason why I try to tell people please don’t spam asks to get support. There are scammers who do the same thing and don’t like it when public concern is brought up. The email they give is linked to a suspended twitter account that was sending the same message but had an entirely different pic.
New url is jacrstuff. Their trying to avoid my alert now which further proves their not legitimate. No one needing aid would change urls like this.
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[Image ID: A screenshot of an ask sent by jacrstuff that reads as follows: “Hello sorry for tagging. Please help a black mother in need. I'm diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer which has spread to my lungs, neck and brain. I'm in a very vulnerable situation with no treatment because l'm unable to afford one. Currently I'm homeless with my 19 months old daughter because we cant. Anything appreciated” and ends with a beating heart emoji. /End ID]
Update 2: Url change again instead of verifying who they are and still trying to get away from this warning. Now under jacrsstuff.
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[Image ID: A screenshot of an ask sent by jacrsstuff that reads as follows: “Please help a black mother in need. I'm diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer which has spread to my lungs, neck and brain. I'm in a very vulnerable situation with no treatment because I'm unable to afford one. Currently I'm homeless with my 19 months old daughter because we cant. I'm struggling for medicines, shelter and groceries that really puts a lot of stress on me. Anything help with a bearing heart emoji used and then and is very much appreciated ending with a praying hand emoji. /End ID]
Additionally, if you search their email provided in their post, it shows up with a suspended twitter account using the photograph of a white adult woman with a child while the asker claims to be a black adult woman with a child. The twitter post seems to use the same exact wording as the askers post though I am unable to find the source of the image they used for the twitter post.
Update again
yollandde on twitter is now running the same scam.
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avengerchuck · 10 months
Hello, animatronic fans! Lots has been going on lately, huh? Well Do I Have Some Good News For You!
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DO YOU find yourself indulging in content produced by Chuck E. Cheese’s? Creative Engineering, even? DO YOU find yourself wanting to discuss animatronic characters or headcanons? Wanting to share your art with a welcoming community of fellow animatronic enthusiasts? Wanting to keep up on THE LATEST CEC Entertainment news? Are you into silly lighthearted roleplays? Voice chatting with like-minded individuals over Pizza Robot music? Learning more about this interest, and similar silly restaurant/entertainment mascots? CEC showtape streams every Saturday (and often on Fridays as well)? Are you even, perhaps, a Furby or Teddy Ruxpin connoisseur? Hell, are you neurodivergent about the McDonaldland and Jack in the Box guys? The 90s incarnation of Geoffrey Giraffe? Have you so much as heard of Rocky of Peter Piper Pizza notoriety? IF NOT. WE WILL TEACH YOU! BECAUUUSE:
WHA-BAM! YOU CAN FIND ALL OF THESE THINGS AND MORE AT THE ✨ROBOT ZONE DISCORD SERVER!✨ Your one-stop-shop for all things Showbiz Pizza, Chuck E. Cheese, and beyond! There is no fully-public invite yet. We're in the baby steps to fully reopening. However, all you have to do to join is dm me and ask for a link! I'll see how you weigh up against our SECURITY INFO, which is under the readmore. Please, PLEASE give this a glance yourself to prepare and minimize the chances of being rejected from the server. They are very easy steps to follow, promise!
You are required to make an intro post in ⁠introductions to access the rest of the server.
24 hours without making an introduction will get you a warning in the form of a dm from a moderator. 48 hours without making an introduction will get you kicked from the server.
If your Discord or Tumblr account is less than a year old, please talk to me privately on Tumblr @//avengerchuck before making an introduction. This is exclusively to make sure you aren't a burner account!
We’d prefer if you could provide us with a non-Discord social media profile in your intro, once again just to prove you’re a real person and not a burner account. To clarify- we don’t want anything personal from you! A Tumblr URL or an Instagram or something (if you aren't active on Tumblr) would be more than sufficient.
It's nothing personal if you got kicked and felt you weren’t a suspicious account. It’s very possible human error was at play, feel free to talk to one of the mods privately and we’ll get everything cleared up.
(If you swing into my dms from this post, include your favorite emoji somewhere in the message so I know you've read this.)
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jeremy-queere · 2 years
Screw it, I'm posting SQUIP lore anyway
I just spent an hour writing the word "squip" over and over with varying capitalization nuances, so I am posting the exposition whether it is needed or not.
Okay. OKAY. ok. SO. In the pre-musical days where the Be More Chill novel was published and the internet was young and exciting, there was a tie-in website.
I lied. There were TONS of tie-in websites. They all existed in-universe and were ridiculously interconnected, and thank god for the wayback machine. Be More Chill was advertised - or as Jeremy says, "I wrote that above. I wrote Be More Chill too, with the help of my squip, under the name Ned Vizzini, which I figured was so dumb no one would think was real." The websites were linked as product testimonials or website ads (cheekily disclaimered as "Ads by Squipple").
I don't know if I can even collect all the website urls quickly without missing some but here's a spattering (with the link going to the wayback machine). Most of these websites aren't just a single page but an entire site:
Humiliationsheet.com for a list of Jeremy's daily mortification events
Squipette, a SQUIP - but pink!
Bemorechill.com, Jeremy's book website
InterSquip.com for people worried about cybersecurity - with or without a squip, take this pill and see who has one installed!
GenerationSquip.com - Sort of an unreality disclaimer that also serves as fan hype. (How do we know it's old? It suggests we "google 'squip'" and helpfully provides us with a hyperlink to the google home page.) It calls this "the squipiverse" a "100% participatory reality"
Squipped.com - a gossip rag collecting user testimonials about bad experiences with squips. It, like many of these sites, collected fan-submitted content - "Tell us about what happened to you when you came in touch with a squip! (If you don't have a story, use your imagination--we need ruthless tactics to fight the industry.)"
Squipnews.com - collecting SQUiP tips from the community in the fields of Business, Technology, SQUiP & Society, Health, and Entertainment
Iwanttobecool.org - Promoting the use of squips despite those naysayers Squipsters Against Squips. As the site poll asks: "How should we deal with anti-squip cyber-terrorists? - jail time - fines - physical dismemberment"
SQUIPusa.com - SQUIP-specific insurance which regrettably does not cover squipotomy or squipiatry, but does cover some SQUIP viruses: "SQUIPusa squipsters are now entitled to one free virtual session with an Intersquip squipnician for each week they have lost their "coolness" due to a National Squip Board-recognized virus. Valid up to six weeks"
Squipsoft.com, the parent company of squip technology. Its homepage addresses important questions like: how can you get good grades that aren't so perfect as to tip off the authorities? Use "Squipsoft School" which promises "guaranteed averages of 96.82 in every subject" except for Business Ethics or Compubiology. Or install SquipServer, which is an honest-to-god VPN ad: "Using a virtual private network (VPN) framework, this revolutionary technology turns your squip into a server capable of temporarily extending your coolness to up to three acquaintances."
CelebritySquip.com - "What percentage of American Idol finalists have squips?"
SquipWorks.com - Offering add-on tech for your squip like the MakeOut Optimizer 4.0 or the Nanolyzer (which picks up on social clues to one billionth of a meter).
SquipWorld - A more chatty experience of Squips spotted in the wild and other squip news.
Squipzophrenia.com - (I'm not endorsing the term...) - Information about the phenomenon in the novel where, if a SQUIP is turned on while the user drinks alcohol, it starts ordering them to kill people. This site has academic research on the subject and related Squip disorders. "However, [avoiding alcohol] is not a foolproof plan. Marijuana and mescaline can also cause squipzophrenia, although with the mescaline we're not sure and just think it might be the mescaline, you know?" Other squip disorders include "Loss of recognition of squip insertion i.e. 'I didn't take a pill, I'm just cool naturally!'" which can be cured via the Konami code; Squip flashbacks after a Squip is removed (which the site describes as likely false claims for the sake of "perpetuating insurance fraud"); the dangers of buying used Squips on ebay; or feeling that you can't live without your squip: "acute squipdependence. The solution is to surround yourself with calming bright plastic objects and remember that everything is fine."
Squipsters Against Squips - The notorious anti-Squip lobbying group advocating for a National Squip Registry.
Squipster - A squip-based social media platform that sadly doesn't seem to have made it to the public yet.
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fursasaida · 10 months
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Tumblr won't turn the URL into a link card for whatever reason, so, here's a Washington Post article about Israel using white phosphorus in Lebanon. Some key points here, full text under the cut:
White phosphorus is technically legal when used to obscure military activities and at a distance from civilians. In this case it was directly targeted at homes in Dheira, a village near the Lebanese border with Israel. 4 homes were incinerated and 9 people injured in this particular attack on 10/16. Residents have been displaced.
Amnesty International has called for this to be treated as a war crime.
The white phosphorus munitions are US-made according to unnamed weapons experts, Amnesty International, and the Post itself. They appear to have been manufactured in 1989 and 1992. The Biden administration claims not to have included white phosphorus in arms transfers to Israel since 10/7.
The IDF claims these were used to create obscuring smoke and not to target civilians; they possess safer munitions that would do the same thing without contaminating bodies, soil, and buildings, but did not use those.
A part that deserves highlighting in full: "Israeli forces continued to shell the town with white phosphorus munitions for hours, residents said, trapping them in their homes until they could escape around 7 a.m. the next morning. Residents now refer to the attack as the 'black night.' Most fled the town when the shelling stopped, returning during a week-long pause in fighting and leaving again when it resumed. Uday Abu Sari, a 29-year-old farmer, said in an interview that he was trapped in his home for five hours during the shelling and was unable to breathe because of the smoke. He suffered respiratory problems for days after the attack. 'Emergency services told us to put something that was soaked in water on our faces, which helped a bit. I couldn’t see my finger in front of my face,' he said. 'The whole village became white.'"
"White phosphorus fell onto several homes and ignited fires, incinerating furniture and stripping appliances to scorched metal. Remnants of the sticky, black chemical littered the ground 40 days after the attack and combusted when residents kicked at it."
US officials, as usual, expressed "concern" and an intention to "learn more," which of course means nothing.
As a reminder, this is not a unique attack on Lebanese soil since the slaughter started. "Israel has used the munition more than 60 times in Lebanon’s border areas in the past two months, according to data collected by ACLED, a group that monitors war zones. Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati said on Dec. 2 that Israel’s use of the munition has 'killed civilians and produced irreversible damage to more than 5 million square meters of forests and farmland, in addition to damaging thousands of olive trees.'"
By William Christou, Alex Horton and Meg Kelly
Updated December 11, 2023 at 3:48 p.m. EST | Published December 11, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EST
DHEIRA, Lebanon — Israel used U.S.-supplied white phosphorus munitions in an October attack in southern Lebanon that injured at least nine civilians in what a rights group says should be investigated as a war crime, according to a Washington Post analysis of shell fragments found in a small village.
A journalist working for The Post found remnants of three 155-millimeter artillery rounds fired into Dheira, near the border of Israel, which incinerated at least four homes, residents said. The rounds, which eject felt wedges saturated with white phosphorous that burns at high temperatures, produce billowing smoke to obscure troop movements as it falls haphazardly over a wide area. Its contents can stick to skin, causing potentially fatal burns and respiratory damage, and its use near civilian areas could be prohibited under international humanitarian law.
Of the nine injured in Israel’s attack on Dheira, at least three were hospitalized, one for days.
Lot production codes found on the shells match the nomenclature used by the U.S. military to categorize domestically produced munitions, which show they were made by ammunition depots in Louisiana and Arkansas in 1989 and 1992. The light green color and other markings — like “WP” printed on one of the remnants — are consistent with white phosphorous rounds, according to arms experts.
The M825 smoke rounds, fired from 155mm howitzers, have legitimate use on the battlefield, including signaling friendly troops, marking targets and producing white smoke that conceals soldiers from the eyes of enemy forces. The rounds are not intended for use as incendiary weapons.
The weapons are part of billions of dollars in U.S. military arms that flow to Israel every year, which has fueled Israel’s war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip, launched after the militants attacked on Oct. 7. At least 17,700 people, many of them civilians, have been killed since the Israeli operation began, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.
Following publication of this story, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said Monday the administration is “concerned” about the use of white phosphorous munitions and that they would be “asking questions to try to learn a bit more.”
Tensions along Lebanon’s southern border between Israeli forces and Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed militia, have boiled over from a simmer to near-daily exchanges of fire in the weeks since Oct. 7.
Dheira, a town of 2,000, has become a focal point for fighting. Just across the border from an Israeli radar tower, it has been used as a staging ground for Hezbollah’s attacks against Israel. At least 94 people have been killed on the Lebanese side of the border since tensions escalated, according to data released on Dec. 5 by the Health Ministry — 82 have been militants, according to Hezbollah. In addition, at least 11 Israelis have been killed, most of them soldiers.
Photos and videos verified by Amnesty International and reviewed by The Post show the characteristic ribbons of white phosphorus smoke falling over Dheira on Oct. 16.
Israeli forces continued to shell the town with white phosphorus munitions for hours, residents said, trapping them in their homes until they could escape around 7 a.m. the next morning. Residents now refer to the attack as the “black night.”
Most fled the town when the shelling stopped, returning during a week-long pause in fighting and leaving again when it resumed.
Uday Abu Sari, a 29-year-old farmer, said in an interview that he was trapped in his home for five hours during the shelling and was unable to breathe because of the smoke. He suffered respiratory problems for days after the attack.
“Emergency services told us to put something that was soaked in water on our faces, which helped a bit. I couldn’t see my finger in front of my face,” he said. “The whole village became white.”
White phosphorus ignites when in contact with oxygen and burns at temperatures up to 1,500 degrees, which can cause severe injuries. The chemicals left in the body can damage to internal organs, sometimes fatally, according to a Human Rights Watch report.
It is unclear why the Israeli military fired the rounds into the evening, as smoke would have little practical use at night and there were no Israeli troops on the Lebanese side of the border to mask with smokescreens. Residents speculated that the phosphorus was meant to displace them from the village and to clear the way for future Israeli military activity in the area.
In a statement, the Israel Defense Forces wrote that white phosphorous shells launched by Israel are used to create smokescreens, not for targeting or causing fires. It said its use of the weapon “complies and goes beyond the requirements of international law.”
Israeli forces possess safer alternatives, such as M150 artillery rounds, which produce screening smoke without the use of white phosphorous.
The U.S. origin of the shells was verified by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International. The same manufacturing codes also appear on white phosphorus shells lined up next to Israeli artillery by the city of Sderot, near the Gaza Strip, in an Oct. 9 photo.
The United States is under an obligation to track the behavior of its partners and allies who receive its assistance in order to comply with U.S. law, humanitarian law experts said. The use of white phosphorus smoke is permitted if used for legitimate military operations, but like other weapons, its misuse can violate laws of armed conflict. Rights groups have warned its use should be restricted around civilians because fire and smoke can be spread to populated areas.
“The fact that U.S.-produced white phosphorus is being used by Israel in south Lebanon should be of great concern to U.S. officials,” Tirana Hassan, the executive director of Human Rights Watch, wrote in an email. “[Congress] should take reports of Israel’s use of white phosphorus seriously enough to reassess U.S. military aid to Israel.”
The United States is not conducting real-time assessments of Israel’s adherence to the laws of war, Biden administration officials said.
“Anytime that we provide items like white phosphorous to another military, it is with a full expectation that it’ll be used in keeping with...legitimate purposes and in keeping with the law of armed conflict,” Kirby said.
It is unclear when the United States delivered the munitions to Israel. The U.S. has not provided white phosphorous munitions to Israel since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, Pentagon spokesman Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder told reporters Monday.
“When it comes to our relationship with Israel, we’ll continue to communicate to them the importance of mitigating civilian harm,” Ryder said, adding that the department could not yet verify the weapons were from U.S. stocks.
White phosphorus fell onto several homes and ignited fires, incinerating furniture and stripping appliances to scorched metal. Remnants of the sticky, black chemical littered the ground 40 days after the attack and combusted when residents kicked at it.
In 2009, Human Rights Watch documented Israel’s use of U.S.-made white phosphorus munitions in violation of international law in its 22-day offensive in Gaza. At least one of the shells found by The Post in Dheira was from the same batch of white phosphorus used by Israel in 2009, according to lot production codes.
In 2013, the Israeli military pledged to stop using white phosphorus on the battlefield, saying it would transition to gas-based smoke shells.
Israel has used the munition more than 60 times in Lebanon’s border areas in the past two months, according to data collected by ACLED, a group that monitors war zones. Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati said on Dec. 2 that Israel’s use of the munition has “killed civilians and produced irreversible damage to more than 5 million square meters of forests and farmland, in addition to damaging thousands of olive trees.”
Tyler Pager aboard Air Force One, Missy Ryan in Washington and Mohamad El Chamaa in Beirut contributed to this report.
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destielfanfic · 1 year
from the inbox, #9
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From the inbox, #9, special edition - Destiel fic reccing Now and Then
Hi! First of all, your blog is absolutely wonderful! I wish there were a billion more like it for all pairings and fandoms lol. Do you know of any other good supernatural rec blogs?
As long as there were destiel fics, there were also dedicated fic reccers. Some stayed with fandom longer, some moved on faster, so, now we have a mix of active blogs and archived blogs. Here’s small collection of destiel fic rec resources that I’ve come across on tumblr. This is by no means a definite list and you are welcome to add your own resources in the notes! Let’s keep fic reccing craft alive and diverse!
Destiel Fic reccing NOW, currently active blogs in 2023
@profoundbondfanfic - an active and prolific destiel fic rec blog with dedicated mod team. Follow them on tumblr and have a rec every day!
@destielficbasket - a blog that reblogs a wide variety of destiel fic rec posts from other Tumblr blogs. All goods in one place!
@deancasfanficrecs - destiel fic recs and fic rec reblogs, lots of posts to chose from!
@destieltaggedfic - blog full of original themed fic rec posts, sorting destiel fics from different angles.
@mixtapebookclub - a tumblr blog for destiel fic podcast. Thematic podcasts and fic rec lists at the same time. There is also a Mixtape Book Club AO3 collection for your convenience. 
@cocklesdestielfiction - what it says on the tin! They have destiel, but they also have cockles recs and gif sets. Check them out!
@destieltropecollection - a very unique blog that collects themed self recs from the authors. Check out their neatly organized Master List Collection 2017-2022 or follow them to get the latest Destiel Trope Collection 2023 rec lists every day in May.
The Destiel Fan Survey Favs Collection on AO3 contains 2793 fics and 668 bookmarked fics that were chosen by destiel readers in several fic surveys organized by destiel writer @unforth. Check out this vast collection of reader choice fics!
Destiel Fic reccing THEN
@destielmybeatingheart-deactivated - what to say, this was the main blog for destiel fic rec back in the day. Unfortunately, the mod left fandom and later took down the blog and, with it, all their fic rec posts. See this post to appreciate what we used to have. In coming weeks, @destiel-fic-rec-lists will continue to reblog available destielmybeatingheart’s rec lists with updated links to AO3 when possible. You can find them under #creator: destielmybeatingheart tag. 
ask about other spn blogs like ours - this is 10 years old ask and a lot of blogs here are not active anymore or full of dead links, but if they are up, you can still browse them. The list includes some non spn fic rec blogs as well.
@deancasfix - destiel fic rec blog, reviews, rec lists and asks, last update May, 2020.
@deancasfanficnet - a blog to promote destiel fic writers, various posts, last update April, 2020.
@destiel-fics-for-you - destiel fic rec blog, reviews, rec lists and asks, last update June 2016.
Last but not least, don’t forget to browse our destiel fic challenge master post Where Is Destiel Fic In 2022 and occasionally check out @destiel-fic-rec-lists​ blog for fic rec lists made by other fans. (hint - all reblogs are tagged with their creator’s urls, so you can easily find their other posts on the blog)
Support and cherish your local fanfic reccer. You never know when you’ll need their help to find your next favorite fic!
Destiel fanworks on AO3 - 111,567 (May 8, 2023)
You can find previous From The Inbox posts here.
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