#listen I love tragedy
dykedivorce · 2 years
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rinbylin · 2 years
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“I’m used to that by now. Ever since I could remember, the dirty work were for us to do. If there’s something wrong, they suspect us first.”
a lie and some truths.
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wigglebox · 2 years
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Soldier Boy runs on... 🏃‍♂️
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cynric · 2 years
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[Image: A digital drawing of Jason Todd as Robin, he has a red halo and is bleeding from his nose, his cape is open to reveal a skeleton beneath it where his body should be, the rest of the drawing is done with flat clean colors but the skeleton is painted with a rough brush. /end ID]
sometimes you listen to bleed out by the mountain goats for like 4 hours straight and think about jason todd and then this happens idk man its about being dead from the start and not being able to look back at the happy moments because all you can think about is how they came to a brutal end
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
also going through the playlist as it stands now? i think THEE sans undertale song on there is Sober Up by AJR. i mean Bang! (also by AJR) fits him to a t as well, if only on an angstier level, but sober up is perfect for how i interpret his character arc in the pacifist route. if i ever actually make an amv it's gonna be this song.
you've got the recurring "hello hello" intro line that works with the imagery of his endgame phonecalls. the "how's it go again?" motif representing resets. the parts about missing old friends and who you were before you grew up, with some literal rereading, fit ridiculously well for his homesickness and grief for the friends he left behind. you've got the numbness/apathy element that a good sans song never lacks, but most importantly while the song is heavily melancholic it's! all about wanting to get better!! to find hope, get over the past (which i would argue is sans' main point of internal conflict). it just fits everything about my hyperspecific understanding of his character, it makes me so !!!! :DD
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s0fter-sin · 3 years
“I have heard the prayers of thousands of men across a thousand lifetimes and as their souls speak to me, they tell me their name,” the god mused. “But you...”
He finished his circling, running his hand through the ends of Shouta’s hair to lightly drift across his jaw; his fingers calloused from an eternity of use. “I do not know your name.”
He shivered at the weight of the god’s gaze upon him and didn’t dare look up. “I am not quick to prayer,” he answered.
“And yet you kneel before me in my shrine,” he said and he was relieved that there was amusement in his voice instead of offence. “If it is not a prayer you offer, then why are you here?”
Shouta swallowed heavily. “I come to beg for the aid of the god of song,” he declared, thankful he’d managed to keep his voice steady.
“That is a mighty gift to ask for one who does not worship,” he lilted, a delicate finger coming to raise his chin. “Why do you ask this of me?”
“It is not for myself that I ask it. I come here for another; one who is devoted to you.” His heart ached at the very mention of him. He took a deep breath and finally lifted his eyes to meet the god’s. “My son’s voice has been stolen from him. Please... help me get it back.”
Hizashi, the god of song and sound looked upon him; his green eyes holding the depth of endless forests, of fields where the first songs were sung. “And if I should require something in exchange?”
“There is nothing I wouldn’t give for him,” he swore. “Even if it means taking mine in its stead.”
The god’s fingers shifted to caress his throat. “To take a voice...” he whispered and Shouta felt it carry through his very being, “is to take the very soul. It isn’t something to be treated lightly.”
Shouta knew it wasn’t. He could see it in the vacant eyes of his son; the vibrancy he used to carry lost to the wisps of despair. Hitoshi withered more and more each day and he refused to allow his son to become so diminished.
“I’d give it gladly.”
#mortal shouta who after a lifetime of tragedy doesnt waste his time pleading to the gods for help that will never come#but adopts hitoshi who is attached to the god of song more than any other after he was blessed by him as a child#he carried that blessing unkowingly throughout his life#people cant tell its a blessing they just know hes been touched by something and so shun him#another god or a demon decides to steal the blessing from him#pulling out his voice to protect itself#throughout the journey to retrieve it shouta believes hizashi will take his voice in compensation and prepares for it#though it pains him as they grew closer to think thats all the god wants from him#they return hitoshis voice after many trials and it is only there that he learns the truth#to return the voice to return the /soul/ requires an even greater sacrifice than the exchange of another#hizashi is more than happy to give up his godhood to heal his most loyal listener#hizashi is claimed by a sickness after he does as his body adjusts and becomes a mortal vessel#shouta never leaves his side as he tends to him#shouta says i owe you twice over now#you never took your due#hizashi simply answers#i would have your name#thus hizashi aizawa begins his life anew#i cant write high fantasy so this is all thats ever gonna happen#but man i love god aus so damn much#both gods god and mortal fae gods greek gods ill take them all#theres something about them that just Hits#go beyond plus ultra#bha#aizawa shouta#present mic#yamada hizashi#shinsou hitoshi#erasermic#it’s hard to be the bard
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drewlover · 3 years
look me in the eyes and say that your heart doesn’t break whenever you think about silena being torn between charles and clarisse, knowing full well that she wasn’t completely happy with charlie but she still loved him, she did, she really did, but not like she loved clarisse, she would never love anybody the way she loved clarisse. tell me your heart doesn’t break when you think about how she dies all she can think of is relief at being with charlie again and the pain that twists at your heart with the poison of untold love and the bittersweet melody of leaving another love to be reunited with another
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fuckyeahtomblyth · 2 years
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First Look at Rachel Zegler & Tom Blyth in The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
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voidbeans · 2 years
the beautiful tragedy of a character you fall madly in love with who was always meant to have this one short arc that then plays out perfectly and you’re sad about it and you know you’ll miss them but that’s kind of what makes it beautiful? like they burn so brightly for such a quick time and leave such an impact and that just makes it all so much stronger. anyway i’ve been thinking a lot about eddie munson and inevitable tragedy today. 
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qrovidcore · 3 years
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well since i was asked for it (tags from this post, ty @x-i-l-verify​) and i’m too deep in hyperfixation mode to shut the fuck up......
i will try to keep this short lol. anyway, spoilers:
so unfortunately i can’t seem to find the exact post that kicked off this entire train of thought right now, but there’s been a lot of theorizing about the scrybes as being representative of different aspects of game design over in the inscryption subreddit, and i..... may have accidentally developed an entire reading of this game hinged around this idea??
fundamentally, i think, inscryption is a game about games, in the same vein as, say, undertale and oneshot are. more specifically, the plot of inscryption hinges on the philosophies behind What, Exactly, makes a good game? and each scrybe essentially acts out the aspect they represent.
p03 represents the mechanics of a game. i feel like the running thing with them, in their act 2 fight and as how they are as a gm throughout act 3, is the challenge of understanding fully just How the game works, the fun found in the challenge of strategy and leveraging the rules, and if there’s an expression of care present with them it’s found in the love you feel for something you’re driven to get inside of and Understand.
and this is the lens through which we see everything in act 3. it’s about p03, and the love of mechanics, and presenting the player with a Good game based on that philosophy, but it’s also about the aspects of the other scrybes, and what’s missing without them now that we know what the game should have been. and i think the uberbot fights really get at this, both through how p03 misunderstands what the other scrybes fundamentally are, and through the things so essential to each scrybe that they cannot be overwritten even as they are pushed out of the game, and how the love of each for their aspect is filtered through p03′s love of theirs.
grimora, as i was saying, represents lore. i more or less covered her so i won’t spend much more time here, but it’s interesting to see how what is presented as love of the individual cards, the sentimentality of writing them epitaphs and returning them to our hand transformed but there (grimora and the idea of transformative work as an expression of care, anyone?), is now repackaged as love of data. how big is your file? how old? it doesn’t feel like her. grimora doesn’t ask about stats. that’s p03′s thing, seeping through in the representation. but fundamentally she Is the archivist, the one who records the lore because she loves it, and there’s that sort of love of Knowing something that’s a common thread between her and p03 that becomes apparent when she’s filtered through them like this. and it becomes the love of information. give me your oldest file, and i will make it into a card, and you will not want to let it die. it’s the part of her that’s there no matter what.
leshy is the love of story, of narrative. the thesis of act 1, of the building rouguelike loops, of the way his game is presented, is that your decisions may feel difficult, or horrible, or weighty, but ultimately through those choices you have been setting yourself up for success all along. even in supposed failure, you’re helping yourself. it’s a collaborative narrative, the story of how the player wins, because that’s what a good game should do. it should tell a story with you. it should tell you you matter. and it’s there in act 2 as well, the act of making a new card from your first three plays and combining them to give you something stronger. telling you the story of how your choices mattered. and,,, honestly, the whole point is that leshy and p03 have so little in common, that they hold no love for the others’ aspect, but the game is not complete without either of them. and the photograher is the perfect filtering of that idea of narrative and choice through the lens of mechanics. it’s not leshy. he’s not there, and what is there is what p03 misunderstands of him. but the thing that remains is that your choices set you up for success, though this time in the form of strategy, of capturing your best moves and resetting to them to get you out of a bind. because your choices matter, and this is the fundamentally leshy thing that cannot be removed, and the shared thread of care between story and mechanics that comes out in filtering one through the other.
i’ve been working off of the idea of magnificus as representing art, but i’ll be honest i pulled my 69/69 oroborous on this poor tree and 2-shot him back in act 2, so i have a lot less to say about that. (and SHIT is it a testament to how goddamn good this game is, that i regret doing that so much because now i’ve missed out on a big chance to learn about him and about what he means to the game). that being said, i definitely am internally poking at magnificus’ associations with art as a transformative work and as an essential component of making a game complete – hello painting over the cards to give them stronger sigils? again, i deeply regret 2-shotting this fight. i am a Fool. THAT BEING SAID, OH BOY WAS THE UNFINISHED BOSS MY FAVORITE FIGHT IN THE WHOLE GAME SO FAR. PICKING THE RULES!!!!!! STACKING THEM!!!!!! HAVING TO ACCOUNT FOR ALL THE EXTRA MECHANICS YOU’VE PUT IN AND JUST THE SHEER POSSIBILITY OF WHAT THAT FIGHT CAN BE!!!!!!! THE WAY NO TWO PEOPLE ARE GOING TO HAVE THE SAME FIGHT BECAUSE OF THAT!!!!!!! IT’S SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it’s magnificus’ love of creation and p03’s love of the rules and just what you can do with them to make a game fun and interesting combined and it’s SUCH A GOOD FIGHT!!!!!!!!!! and man, hey, somebody on this site once pitched p03 as representing creation and art through a digital medium, as opposed to the other scrybes and their associations with traditional art forms, and this does SO much for that!!! and while we’re talking inscryption as a game about Creating Games, having a boss fight ABOUT GAME DESIGN IS SO FUCKING COOL AND ALSO games ARE an art form!!!!! video games are an art form!!!!! what magnificus does is art, but what p03 does is art too, and there’s so much CREATIVITY that has to go into building a game that is fun to play mechanically and is atmospheric and engaging enough to hook players in. it’s all art, and they’re both artists in their own way, and this fight is the essence of what games Can Be as a medium and i love it so so much.
.. so much for keeping this short. i’ll see myself out. yeah.
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archersgaymerblog · 3 years
Been thinkin about… how much more tragic they could’ve made Caesar & Joshua & rly the legion in general if they had just added the simple detail of. Joshua and Caesar explicitly having been romantically involved.
The empire they’ve created which they rule with an iron fist, where they could love one another disconnected from the judgements of their past homes. Imagining the 30 years they spent building the legion, where Joshua continued absorbing & eradicating tribe after tribe, thinking he was doing right by his religion and his love, but noticing Sallow seemed to love his Legion more and more than him. A confrontation, an argument at night, that legionnaires talked about in hushed voices as they trained the day after, careful not to mention the new bruise on Joshua’s cheek when he was nearby. The discovery of the dam, and Joshua beginning to debate what he’s been doing this all for, as surely it wasn’t as mutual between him and Sallow as he’d thought, but perhaps if he prevailed at the dam, perhaps he’d find a new motivation, or perhaps Edward (because he would always be Edward to Joshua, no matter his insistence on being “Caesar”) would love him like he did those decades ago. But he doesn’t prevail. He’s forced to flee. And instead of love, he’s looked at by his lover with disgust, and anger. Did Caesar mourn for Joshua, as he was covered in pitch and thrown into the abyss? Did he dare to shed a tear for the love he lost, for the man he initially wanted everything for, who continuously wanted and did everything for him in turn?
Does Edward wake up after the removal of the tumor, hazy on pain medication, but with a strange clarity he hadn’t felt in years… with the first thought on his mind being that of his lost love? Does he call for Joshua, misremembering in his hazy state what became of him? Does he break down when he truly does remember? What he did to him?
Does OP not know where this fucking post is going? Ed/Josh on the brain that is all folks NDBDJSN
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petrarts · 2 years
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In her name, a soft farewell
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incoming!!! another hot take!!! repackaging every harmful thing in our society as being feminist just because women do it is stupid and very dangerous
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purgaytorysupremacy · 2 years
i'm giving my friend an education in spn fandom terminology so she can be a better member of the spn fandom fandom and i just explained the crit/coded/girl designations and had to say this cursed phrase
"given how much dean winchester canonically hates himself, how dean-coded can you really be if you're not also deancrit?"
EDIT: Apparently folks are still finding this post and send me asks asking for me to definite it for them too, so here are two asks I've already answered and I hope help!!
More detailed answer with some context
A tl;dr for the quick and dirty (teehee)
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buysomecheese · 2 years
Guess who has two thumbs and is making himself sad about the dndads season 1 kids again?
*points at self with both aforementioned thumbs*
This guy!
#dungeons and daddies#I just#i care them so much#like I’m thinking about Nark rn#about how Nicky just Couldn’t break the Close family romantic tragedies cycle#(in my headcanon at least)#how Lark doesn’t ever try to love again after Nicky#because after Nicky (like their Big Final Relationship Fight) happens Henry dies#(or something I’m still working on my Personal timeline)#and the curse breaks and he Knows and Understands what Sparrow has been trying to tell him for Years#and he feels he can never deserve any type of love ever again because he’s fucked it up so intensely with others already#(​and he’d push Sparrow away at this point too if they weren’t so incredibly codependent)#thinking about how Sparrow outcasts himself from the other kids during late high school in an attempt to forget his past more thoroughly#and thinking about how he Fails at it because no matter what he can’t stay away from Lark for too long#but how he looses his greatest support system just before his father dies and then again when he needs them most a bit later#and how Sparrow snaps at his brother for the first time Ever because. he’s been telling him but he couldn’t listen and now it’s too late and#he has the audacity to be sad? to grieve? and Sparrow just feels so cheated#thinking about how Grant Finally comes back to himself#finally figured out how to spend more days in his head than out of it#Just as everyone else decides to leave. which ends up with Grant confused and sad and feeling So frustrated#and he still hates himself from before except now because of the unfortunate timing he blames himself for them all faking apart#*falling#and how Terry. poor Terry. he just misses their ‘golden years’ more than anything#and he recognizes how Bad they all were at that time but at least they had each other without all of the complications and bad things now#and he’s Personally thriving but he has absolutely no one to properly share it with and he doesn’t know what to do with himself#anyways#I have a lot of feelings lmao
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welcometogrouchland · 3 years
💫 (milky way?)
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[ID: a digital drawing featuring my original characters along with Jon and Martin from the Magnus archives. The drawings are simplistic and stylized. Jon and Martin are on the left, holding hands, and depicted as semi-monstrous: Jon has multiple eyes and martin is dissolving into fog. My original characters Holden (a Mexican teenage girl with medium-length dark hair) and Aurora (a white teenager girl with short dyed hair) are on the right. Holden has a camera lens floating over her face with strips of film reel coming from it, and aurora's face is glitched. The two are hugging. Above the couples in green, block letters, text reads "it is in humanity's nature to reinvent jmart", with doodles of hearts, clouds and eyes surrounding the text and the couples. The background is light yellow. final characters depicted are small doodles of OC's Jo (a black teenage girl with textured hair tied back with a school tie) and Dolly (a white teenager boy with brown hair). They're on top of the word "reinvent", with Jo saying "I'm a hold over from an older story that influenced enterprise" and Dolly saying "my inclusion as a moral centre and third wheel was inevitable". End ID]
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Sigh. Yeah (lore in the tags)
#the enterprise of evil#holden cortes#aurora lincoln#jo hawkins#dolly cooper#LOOK. IT'S NOT MY FAULT. THIS SHOW IS POWERFUL. IT DOES THINGS TO PPLS MINDS!!#but yeah tma was a big inspiration for enterprise as a series...#see it was mainly the fact that going into tma i knew full well it was a horror...but i was unfortunately unaware it was a tragedy#it took me until the end of season 3 when tim died for me to realize that character deaths were permanent#and that the show probably wasn't going to end very happily (held out hope til like. early season 5 tho dhsbdkfb)#I'd already been having complicated feelings abt the show while listening up to that point#(i found it really engaging and thought it was really good but it also frustrated me. it still does and i love that abt it)#so i gave myself the license to essentially pick apart the bits of tma that gripped me and see if i could transplant/retrofit those-#-into the horror/comedy genre (which is my favorite to write. tho tragicomedy is my all time fav)#combined it with an old idea abt an office-type mockumentary set in a highschool to achieve the format and. presto! that's-a television!#character wise...yeah holden and aurora started off...very jmart flavoured#they've drifted quite a bit though!! Holden warms up quicker and in general has different character flaws than jon to me?#and Aurora is pretty far from martin now. I'd say martin if he was rich and corruption alligned but. that's a whole different guy#hence my point abt them not being the same anymore hdbsjdbf#they do have a similar pining dynamic ig??#idk. it'd be fun for me to put them in a room with each othet and see who attacks who first. y'know?#then jo was a hold over from that office-style series (yes revenge for the death of her parents was still her motiv back then)#and dolly actually came first despite always being designed as the tertiary protagonist of the leading group#he was originally into paranormal investigation because he was a monster fucked and now he's aromantic#idk what 2 tell you he's dolly. he's been here since the beginning of time he'll be here at the inevitable heat death of the universe#that's just how it goes#anyway! fleeing away into hiding after posting this lmao 🙈#edit: linked to ask game for context hdjdbfkz
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