#listen I.
chilapis · 1 month
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My brain is so tender jelly due to NyQuil but werewolf ajax lives absolutely rentfree in my head.
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lulu-balu · 26 days
Hey Lulu, let me ask you something. If ever the creators of the steamworld series decided to make a movie adaptation for steamworld. What do you think of what kind of animation should the movies use, and what should it be about?
Oh this is actually something I've thought about in the past lol. Re: animation style my first choice is, hands-down, stop-motion. Specifically Laika's flavor of stop-motion. It would SO fit the Steambots and combined with how Laika implements VFX. It would be SO sick. My second choice would probably be Sony Animation's recent style of CGI
As for the story I actually think an adaptation of Dig 2 would be pretty cool. There's a very high emotional stake in the story that a movie can dive very deep into, show what's going on in Dorothy's head and such. And maybe also give a hell of a lot more foreshadowing as to what's really happening with Rusty and what Rosie's doing lol. Otherwise I think it would be best to do an entirely new story for a movie. Maybe like another alternate perspective of Steambots somewhere else on the world building a rocket to escape from the Earth
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crystal-lillies · 9 months
So the other McFarlane Toys Vox Machina action figures came in over the weekend, and aside from wishing there was also a Scanlan, Pike, and Grog, I am very happy with them.
And I was excited to tear the packages open and get playing with them right away...
But then my gremlin brain posited an idea: what if you leave them twist-tied in the plastic and pretend they're being trapped by evil magic and Zekrom recruits Percy the Hero of Truth to save them alongside Reshiram?
And well...now I *have* to play that out before I open them up all the way.
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tadpolesversion · 4 months
Not everything has to be deep and it's funny to be like "why are his strings like that why can't this man lace a shirt" but sometimes I get sappy and I look at Wyll in his camp clothes and those haphazard, half-laced strings are just so HUMAN to me. Like. This man always has to think 10 steps ahead, have his guard up fighting devils, calculating how things are going to go and how they could go wrong on his hunts, considering every last detail of everything and at the end of a long day of traveling and fighting he's just tired he needs a fuckin NAP he doesn't have time to argue with the strings on his shirt as they slip through his bone weary fingers for the 800th time.
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dhmis-autism · 1 year
No shame
You are cringe, you are free
listen....... i made this sideblog to be particularly cringe free (so i could freely dhmispost without bugging my main mutuals/followers) but........................................................................
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meowizard · 2 years
Fig is sick and tired of the forest, but they're bound to it. They were tied to this forest forever ago... The only way it can be broken is to eliminate the pact's creator... Being Millennial Tree.
Truthfully, everyone in the forest is bound to him. Not one person bound to him is truly happy about it. Yes, not even Wind Archer.
Fig wants to release not just themself, but all of the forest. They want freedom.
So they set out on the inconceivable mission of killing Millennial Tree.
Sound cool?
OHHHH yeuah... yes yes. (insanely in love with this)
you're talking to a kingdom only (sorry), so the furthest i know about them all is whatever royal mike has posted, but GOD have i mentioned i love characters who choose to shoot fate in the face <3
fate being like cookie mother nature. it'd be cool if the forest died after millennial tree did, leaving fig having caused the deaths of millions of lifeforms, but sure, they're free good for them. wouldn't that be cool :) i think that'd be cool :)
HDHDASFJKF no but um. i've been thinking about the logistics of why fig needs to protect the forest since you mentioned it, and what i've landed on is simple: their life forces? bonded.
obviously you don't gotta take this on, i'm just talking to myself rlly. but imagine they spend the rest of their freedom regrowing ecosystems, returning to what they sacrificed everything to escape???? they give up their immortality, martyring themselves in a nice explosion of flowers and fig trees?
haha. martdeer
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"Friends dont look at friends that way" COWARD. I look at my friends with awe in my eyes, my chest is filled with love, im glowing because i get to be near my friends. I look at my friends and i would give them my everything. SO SKILL ISSUE, look at your friends with all the love that you have
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crabussy · 1 year
hey. don’t cry. crush four cloves of garlic into a pot with a dollop of olive oil and stir until golden then add one can of crushed tomatoes a bit of balsamic vinegar half a tablespoon of brown sugar and stir for a few minutes adding a handful of fresh spinach until wilted and mix in half a cup of grated parmesan cheese and pasta of your choice ok?
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
can't believe we're all adults being forced into the club penguin level of censorship in 2024
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wizard-laundry · 6 months
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heeppy hoolida
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citricacidprince · 2 months
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Was forced to get a new phone today
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peachie-keane · 3 months
clair de lune will always go down smooth, claude really did put his whole debussy into this one
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oflights · 7 months
the main problem with this time of year is the irresistible urge to get fully into bed at like 5:34 pm and outside is like yesss, yesss do it, it's what you deserve yesss. like is it depression or is it just november
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urmumhaha · 4 months
I wish butch n femme balls existed. Not to b a fucking sap n a massive dyke but wow. Ugh even. Just wanna wear a gown n stilettos n have my honey greet me w a bouquet before we leave n we wear matching or complimentary jewelry n spend hours on my hair and makeup to impress. N then when we get there my honey will spin me around the room for a brief dance before grabbing something to drink, wine for me n whiskey for her, as we chat w other dykes n celebrate butchfemmeness. Or whatever
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nonebinary-leftbeef · 11 months
DEVASTATING the lyric you've been mishearing is better than the real one
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nataliescatorccio · 2 months
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"I could be really brash and really loud and really dressed however I wanted to and almost made [Chappell] on purpose a drag version of myself so I can be whatever I want. It allows me to feel really safe exploring those aspects of myself. I’d never be able to do that if I took myself super seriously with pop. I think that the project has allowed me to be a part of the queer community in a deeper way because I'm not observing from the outside anymore. I feel like I'm in it. I am the queer community–it's allowed me to just feel queer, feel like a queer person and feel freedom in that."
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