#listen to me talk about this movie like it's A grade stuff and not something i never recommend to people ever
currentlyonstandbi · 2 years
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Aita for dismissing my daughter when she talked about lost media being found?
So my daughter (13) is really into lost media. She was really excited at the dinner table last night because she just found out that the Margaret Hamilton wicked witch of the West sesame Street episode was found. (She was always into this stuff because she watched a documentary on the lost doctor who episodes in 4th grade and was obsessed ever since)
She then started talking about a movie (I think it was called jojo something blood) where she calls it her new "holy grail" because the wicked witch episode was found. I listened to her talk for a while about it and she said that it might still be found because the wicked witch episode was found after 50 years or something. I told her that stuff like this usually doesn't get found (especially since she told me that the series creator didn't like it) but she yelled at me because she just wanted to talk about her interest. She stormed out of the room and locked herself in there. I texted her to see if she was okay and she said that she just needed time to herself.
I'm glad that it makes her happy but I was just trying to be realistic. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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inkskinned · 2 years
i turn 29 on july 1st. i feel like i make a lot of these notes to myself, to check in. hi, me, here's what's happening.
hi, me. hi, you, too, if you keep reading. here's some rules i have been following:
when a book is bad, i put the book down. i choose something i like instead. when i don't like a movie, i don't make myself watch until the end. i care less and less what people think about me and focus more on being a good friend.
for the 6 months or so, i've been asking people what they think should be my next book or tv show. i ask them where i should go on a walk next week. i ask them what food i should try next, what hobby. and then i write it down in front of them.
the truth is some stuff slips through the cracks. but most of the time? within two weeks, i get to send my favorite kind of text - so i tried the thing you were talking about and !
i have a new policy for split-second choices - it's better to try it. i have social anxiety. i have to talk myself into doing many things. i am constantly battling the desire to run away as far as my feet will take me. and then i stand up and i do the thing anyway. i make myself act and dance and sing. sometimes, yes, i know-immediately never again, i hate this. but most of the time - i just have fun with it.
i have a new mantra - nobody is scorekeeping. at the end of my life, there will be no grand reading of how many calories i'd been eating. no reviews on how many boring documentaries i forced myself through, no calculation on how many hours i endured an extremely dull educational podcast. and so what if i try karaoke and i don't actually nail it? so what if i stumble over my words while trying to make a public announcement? so what if i wear something too-showy to go to the grocery store? nobody there knows me, and: nobody's keeping score.
life doesn't resolve with a grade (i know, i was as shocked as everyone else when i realized it). i am not falling behind, because there's no curriculum to life that i should be following. there are no checkpoints; nobody is making sure i have a fully-furnished life resume. i am just here for as long as the earth will have me, and i get to decide what makes me happy.
i don't have a partner or a house or anything that is supposed to belong to people-my-age. i spend most of my time focusing on being kind, compassionate, ready to listen without restraint.
and honestly? i feel good. like actually. i kind of like it this way.
#the really ironic thing#is that the less i care what people think of me#the more friends i have#the more i get along with people easily#19 year old me would kill me for saying this bc she HATED when people said ''stop trying''#but it was that i wasn't trying to be their friend#i was trying NOT to be ME#i went from being like ''i think im too different for people to ever like me''#to a decade later being like#'' ah i'll be okay i get along with pretty much everyone ''#it was true about food too#i wasn't kind to my body and thought it could make me look a certain way#if i was pretty it would make up for the way i was internally very ugly#but im now in probably the best shape of my life#and i have pretty much kicked my eating disorder to the curb (goodbye die in a hole)#bc i spend SO much more time seeing the chance to work out as a FUN THING#bc i don't make myself ''follow the rules'' of working out -- i dance or jog or whatever my body wants to do instead#do you know how weird it is#to go from being a COMPLETELY alone kid like NOBODY will talk to you bc you're a social pariah#like bullied ALL THE TIME bc ur stupid and flighty and strange and too loud etc#to being like the exact same person but now people are like ..... ''ur smart and funny and charming and happy-go-lucky''#some of this does have to deal with the fact i got therapy and medication#and started being a better person and actually focusing on myself and the ways that i could improve#im gentler now. i don't crave attention in the same way. i don't mind things that used to destroy me#it DOES help that i finally got diagnosed with ADHD#anyway feelin things bc it's been 5 years of recovery <3
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randomblack-girl · 2 years
Astro notes 🧜🏾‍♀️
I noticed Saturn in the 9th house might show signs of religious issues like maybe religious beliefs were pushed onto them when they were young and this made them dislike religion or feel uncomfortable with it. I have this placement and I hate when people start talking to me about religion. Especially to fix my problems like girl God isn't gonna fix my crippling depression...enough
This could also show signs of going to college late or not wanting to. Maybe being conservative? But I haven't seen that, quite the opposite surprisingly.
Jupiter in the first house come off as nerdy or like they know a lot or very ditzy maybe both.
I've noticed sag risings, degrees, or jupiter rising have eye problems.
Saturn in the 6th house like to go on diets or they just do for some reason. And they stick to it they take their health seriously probably work out often too.
Pisces venus/5th house love anything with romance, fantasy, magic and spiritual stuff like Crystals. Here's some recommendations for yall 😍
Caraval by Stephanie Garber I love this book SO MUCH just read all 3 books and her other series once upon a broken heart eats too
Idc imma put it here...The Selection series and I don't wanna hear no slander 🙅🏾‍♀️
Now you see me- the movie I just watched it and omg why is it so good !?
I think the 5th house talks about music taste along with venus. My sister has a sag venus and listens to music in Spanish she also has Uranus in her 5th house and listens to pop. And I'd say music that isn't mainstream she loves Rina Sawayama and Rosalia.
I have pisces venus in my 5th house and I listen to mostly pop-indie music. I'm a pop and rnb girlie. I don't listen to mainstream music really and I kinda write mainstream artists off sometimes. My favorite artists are probably tyler the creator and willow. I also don't really "stan" anyone I really just listen to whatever is good. I rarely stick to an artist or have a favorite. I listen to one or two songs by one artist usually then move on its rare for me to like most of their music. I noticed something similar with my sister.
I have lilith in the 11th house and tell me why damn near my whole grade hated me 😻🤭. It was mostly guys too and I also experienced cyber bullying.
Lilith in the 6th house might show issues with their health or body. I knew someone who has this placement and they have diabetes. But it could just mean being insecure about their body.
Lilith in the 11th house are the ones sending and getting n*des too like unsolicited pictures or sexual comments. Maybe they do s*x work online or thought of it. Anything negative or sexual that includes the internet. Omg this placement reminds me of Kat from Euphoria!! Damn no wonder I related to her 💀
Chiron in the 9th house might show religious trauma. This is the placement for people who grew up in the black church...iykyk.
Venus in the 2nd house have nice lips like plump and little with a prominent cupids bow. My sister has this placement and she has such cute lips!
Capricorn rising and Saturn aspects to the asc tend to be skinny the type to eat whatever and never gain weight. It could be an insecurity I have Saturn square my asc and I've always been insecure about being skinny. I've also noticed they can be tall or look tall. Basically the tall and lanky type.
8th house neptune/pisces idk but something with drugs. May become addicted to substances, die from them, die in mysterious ways.
I knew someone with their sun in the 12th house and they talked about not knowing themself and being a different person to fit in.
Gemini moons love to read but they might struggle to actually read because of their other interests.
Moon in the 8th house might be like their mom. They might look like their mom or just be similar. Just a theory but maybe it would be like that with other planets like sun in the 8th house might be like the father, venus might be like their partner, mercury like their sibling. But I'm not sure.
Leo, 5th house placements, or sun dominant might love yellow, gold, and stuff with the sun. I'm sun dominant and love gold and sun jewelry I kinda refuse to wear silver unless I have to 🤭.
Moon people might love silver I know a guy who had moon in his first house who loved silver.
Capricorn rising/Saturn rising might have something with their bones. I know a guy who is cancer rising with Saturn in his first house who talked about getting silver grills. He also had pointy knees 😭 and his teeth were sharp, fang like? And he talked about hating them. He was also tall (he was so fine chile 😩) but we must stay focused!
Gemini men will tell you anything chile...I was dating (this was middle school so I don't really claim him but anyway) this guy with a gemini venus. He told me he was into black girls (whole time he's racist) and ended up cheating on me with a white girl 😭. Now again this was middle school so take it with a grain of salt ig.
Idc what planets but having a lot of planets in the 4th house is usually not a good thing 😬. Most people with this I've noticed had a traumatic childhood.
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chansbabygirlsstuff · 3 months
hi hi !! ur writing is so cute!
Request here,
can you write something like best friend's popular brother hyunjin who secretly likes reader (she does as well but thinks she has no chance) and then one day he confesses being all shy and shes like WHAT
anything like this u can decide i love whatever you write !<3
Hey beautiful, thank you for requesting, your lovely comment made my day! ( I was having a difficult day) so with lots of love, I will do this for you!
Song recommendation: Popular by the weekend
Warning: fluff
Your POV
Mr. popular passes through the corridors, his scent leaving traces behind him, leaning against my locker my eyes follow him and walk all the way outside, his smile flashing to his friend talking about something only them will know.
"Hello? Are you listening to me?" my best friend catches my attention from him "Mhm? Yeah I am" My eyes draw to her now
"so are you gonna go?" she asked seriously "Where?" I asked confused
"I JUST TOLD YOU" Her frustration lands on me "Sorry I didn't pay attention" I truthfully say "To my house" She sighs "My stupid brother is going to bring Ashley over to the house and you know she annoys my ass like I can't stand watching her being so stupid with my brother like she is all over him and-" I cut her off before she explodes
"Hey, calm down girl it's ok, I will be there for you" I calm her down "Thanks, but you know... it's not because I'm jealous of my brother is just that she is such a pick me and every fucking girl is gushing over him and it's just so annoying" I understand her, I wouldn't like seeing my brother with some other girl in my house about every day
"do you know if they are dating?" my curious heart asks feeling a ting of jealousy "I don't know, I hope not"
We get to class and sit down, I look over at Hyunjin who is sitting in front of me, oh my poor little heart, when will you stop loving him?
4:40 pm
Yeji and I get ready to head to her house, we walk outside the school's door and feel the nice weather hitting our faces "Ain't it lovely Yeji" I smile loving this weather and wishing it would be like this everyday
"the weather is nice" she smiles and closes her sweater, "how about we watch the new movie that just came out 2 weeks ago?" she asks me "What movie?" I ask curiously "Well the tale of the nine-tailed fox" She answered my question "Oh, the one where Lee Dong-wook appears?" she nods as we get excited about thirsting over a 40-year-old man.
We get to her house open the door and leave my stuff in a chair "Let me get the popcorn ready" I say heading to the kitchen "ok girl ima put your stuff in my room and get everything ready" she shouts from the door already hearing her steps as she walks through the stairs
"hey y/n" Hyunjin smiles at me while making something to eat for himself "Hey Hyunjin" my heart drops as I didn't see him at first
It's normal for me to be at their house so he is accustomed to seeing me around here, we have known each other since I was 5 and he was 6, Yeji and I knew each other from kindergarten and we always used to play with her brother in my house or her house, so we become friends a long time ago, but I feel like it all changed since we entered high school since I was 15 we don't talk as much as before, just small talks, no more movie nights or baking time with him like we sorta got uncomfortable with each other, he also became Mr, popular at school so I believe he feels better than us now. Now I'm 17 and he is 18 and yeah we are in the same grade because his dumbass failed chemistry in 10th grade, obviously, he was so busy fucking his ex-girlfriend and doing her work for her than concentrating on himself that he was swept away 1 whole year because of it.
"How are you doing?" he asked me smiling at me and looking back down at his sandwich "I'm doing good and you?" I ask looking the popcorn to put it in the microwave. "I've been good, what are you guys doing today?" he asked me to make another of our famous small talks "We are going to watch a movie and maybe I'm staying over" I smiled and continued doing my work. "nice, lucky you, I have to do a project for history fro next week" "ah yeah the ones about the empires?" I ask "Yeah, I got put in with Ashley" he whispers and rolls his eyes at me showing his annoyance, and I laugh silently "It would've been better if I got chosen to be with you, you are pretty smart and organized, and we known each other for most of our life" he continues to finish his sandwich. "yeah right? I got chosen with Lia, so it was not bad at all, just her brother is a bit creepy" I say making a weird face remembering her brother and how immature he acts.
"oh yeah Daniel is awful" I nodded and put the popcorn in the microwave not forgetting what he said about me my tummy filled with butterflies, but again I reminded myself I couldn't let these feelings get the best of me, he barely talks to me and yeji would be so mad at me if I ever get to date him.
"But if you ever need me to him in his place please tell me and I will do it with pleasure" he smiles grabs his plate and rubs my head while passing by to the living room.
my cheeks got all red by his touch, I placed my hands over them to soothe them down the popcorn finishes and I get out of the kitchen
"oh Hyuinjin you so funny" I hear a girl exaggerating her laugh, ofc she is here, I feel a bit down and go to Yeji's room.
"everything is ready" I get to her bed and put the bowl in the middle of both of us she starts the movie and we are already melting by seeing Dong Wooks face.
something in me doesn't let me concentrate on the movie and a tinge of jealousy gets to me, it should've been me who was with Hyun-jin right now, not Ashley.
"May I join" Someone opens the door and looks at Yeji with pleading eyes "No go fuck yourself" She stretches and lays down in another position, so I move aside and pat the side of my bed to let Hyunjin join us "See she's nice, unlike you?" he says getting on the bed sticking his tongue out at her "no y/n why did you let him in!" she groans while saying it getting annoyed and moving to the side of the bed to give me more space, he lays on his stomach and hugs a small pillow and gets near me, his head touching my arm of how close he is to me.
Butterflies run through my stomach as I try to control my breathing so I do not blush.
15min later
"He's not that even good looking," He remarks making both of our heads look at him "Shut up you dickhead, he is the most handsome guy to ever exist" She throws a pillow at him, but he throws it back, sitting up and getting comfortable back in the sheets, now sitting like I've been doing this whole time, but our arms connect he looks down on me and smiles, I smile back and quickly look back at the movie, now I do feel my cheeks blush
"did you see how hot Lee Yeon's brother is?" yeji asked me "Yes Rang has that type of bad boy vibe right? but he is so gentle on the inside like he is so cute" I say as we comment on the series. But I feel Hyuinjins head on my shoulder hugging my arm trying to get comfortable on the bed, Yeji gives her back to me and I see her sleepy eyes trying to fight the urge to fall asleep, I pat her head gently making sure she gets some rest but I feel Hyun-jin caressing my arm with his thumb up and down. I feel his breath get more relaxed but I tense up feeling nervous about him.
I try to ignore it and continue watching the movie "Yeji look at the puppy" I pout looking at how cute he is "yeji?" I called her again but I heard no response from her "Did she fall asleep already?" he asked me
"mhm, I think she did" I try to shake her but she does not react, hating that she left me alone with her brother again.
"mmh ok, I'm going for something to eat wanna come?" I nod and get out of bed with him turning the TV and lights off for yeji to sleep as we walk out to the kitchen.
"what are you craving?" he asks me "What about some ramyeon?"
"Sure that sounds good" he started to boil the water while I took the packets out
"so... how did the project go? I asked curiously about the 2 of them
"it was... ok I guess, I kinda ended up doing it all by myself and she was very annoying btw," he said a bit disappointed.
"well I'm sorry to hear that," I said relieved to hear that it didn't go well between them, he got next to me to grab the cups of noodles, and our hands brushed each other, our eyes met and our bodies froze
He pecked my lips and stared into my eyes waiting for my reaction, my eyes widened and my mouth gaped looking at him in shock, but I didn't say anything staying in the same position.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't done that without asking you, I-I thought t-that maybe you wanted i-it"he stutters nervously looking everywhere but my eyes.
"W-why did you kiss me?" I asked in shock, his face in fear "I'm sorry y/n I couldn't stop myself I don't know what came over me, I-Ii just really like y-you and-"
"You WHAT?!"
"I like you y/n, I have since we were young" I stare at him in pure shock
"wait so wait what? so you like me? And you tell me until now?"
"what do you mean until now? I was scared you were going to reject me"
"I would never reject you Hyunjin, I've liked you since I was like 8," I said a bit angry that this didn't happen before
"YOU LIKE ME?!?!" he raises his voice in shock and joy
"yeah I do" I get a bit shy saying it out loud
he cups my cheeks and kisses me delicately his lips feeling soft, tasting him on my lips is kind of my new obsession.
when we separate ourselves in our eyes we see our future we just started.
and that is how I started to date Mr popular.
Hi loves enjoy
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shubblelive · 1 year
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summary : you'd always craved the idea of someone knowing and loving you completely. fortunately for you it seems like that person sits three rows ahead of you.
genre : fluff
warnings : reader's friends suck, also i self projected here shh you didn't see it
pairing : wilbur soot x reader, non-streamer, musician!wilbur uni au
pronouns : none (you yours)
featuring : uni student!musician!wilbur soot
word count : 1.5k
note : finished my first term of college so i thought i'd put something out. not super duper proud of this, but it's something. so here you go!! enjoy <3
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you absolutely despised study groups. you weren’t a massive fan of studying, of course, but doing it in groups was the bane of your existence. if you were studying, you preferred to do it in the library. there were specific sections, marked with signs; a person talking in a big red circle with a line through it. headphones on, laptop open with your pathetic amount of coloured pens. 
however, every monday morning before your 11 am lecture you found yourself in the student commons, spiral notebook on your lap, trying desperately to take notes and your friend would not shut up. she was going on about some girl she’d met at the bar the night before and you couldn’t bring yourself to care. 
“are you listening to me?” you weren’t, but she didn’t need to know that. you nodded, not looking up from your notes, and she apparently didn’t care enough to press, continuing on as if you weren’t even there. you had been friends with her since high school, and she’d introduced you to another two people you shared a class with. you weren’t particularly close with any of them, but they were the only people you knew. 
if you weren’t studying, you were working uptown at marcel’s, the swankiest bar that would hire a uni student. it was classes, then waiting on finance men who weren’t rich enough to afford the good stuff. after that was a two hour bus ride home, then taking care of your mum before more schoolwork, and then collapsing into bed at one in the morning, only to wake up for more classes. your day punctuated with your tedious friends. 
the timer on your phone went off, and you sighed. “i better go. have to talk to professor marks about the homework,”
they waved you off, barely even noticing your impending absence. you deflated a bit, but by the time you were out in the sun you felt a bit better. you’d been feeling somehow trapped and also invisible for the first twenty-odd years of your life. no one had ever seen you before, not like it didn’t in the movies. you’d been a comfortable level of lonely your entire life, and that didn’t change just because you now had a group of uni friends who shared the same ambitions as you. 
but being out in the quad, with the breeze flowing through the grass, made you optimistic. there was two boys at a wooden picnic table, textbooks spread between them as they exchanged soft smiles and jokes about what they were working on. there was a group of people relaxing on the grass. a girl with headphones gazing at the clouds. a campus full of people just waiting to be befriended, and yet there you were. three years in, and still with the same group of people you didn’t click with. 
you reached the building your next lecture was in, another twenty minutes until class started. the door was unlocked though, and you slipped inside quietly. professor marks was your favourite teacher, but she also wasn’t alone. 
your class had about fifty students in it, so you didn’t know him by name, but you had seen the guy she was talking to. he sat in the middle of the room, answered enough questions to get the 5% participation grade but not enough that he got taken note of. 
if someone had asked if you knew him, the best way to refer to him would be “the tall one.”
professor marks saw you and gave a chaste smile, turning back to your classmate to let him finish speaking. they talked for a few minutes, both nodding, before he stepped back politely to let you have your opening. however, before you got a chance to talk to her, her phone rang. “ugh,” she groaned, giving you a sympathetic look. “one second, so sorry.”
so you stayed there with what’s-his-name as your teacher stepped out of the room to take her phone call. you went to pull out your phone but got distracted by your classmate saying your name. you looked up at him, he gave you a sheepish smile. “sorry. that is your name, right? i didn’t get it wrong? that’d be embarrassing.”
you just nodded, hoping he would introduce himself. “i’m wilbur.” oh, how your prayers were answered for once. “i’ve seen you around. you’re in my geography class, aren’t you?”
god, you were embarrassing. you had noticed him in this class but not the other one. you nodded. “yeah, sorry. you’re wilbur. of course i know you. you’re in that band, right? they play in the quad sometimes?”
you were hoping it was the same wilbur. you remember thinking it was a weird name when you saw it on the poster. him and a few other names you didn’t recognise. surely there were not two people named wilbur in the one university, not with how old fashioned it was. 
the relief was palpable when he nodded. “yeah! you’ve seen us play?”
“you guys are really good,” you weren’t lying this time. “you played cyberbully mom club.” wilbur’s eyes lit up. “i love them. you did a really good job. what are you doing taking geography courses when you can sing like that?”
he laughed, bring a hand up to the front of his face, fluffing his hair nervously. “someone of great taste i see. what about you? i saw one of your paintings in the exhibition in the hall. why aren’t you getting an art degree?”
you flushed, looking down. none of your friends even knew you painted, and yet there was wilbur. 6’6” wilbur with his los campesinos jumper and his scuffed doc martens, quietly loving your favourite bands and your art. “guess this just seemed right?”
“i get that. i’m a big believer of fate,” you looked back up towards him, his warm brown eyes already looking at yours behind his round glasses. people had started filtering in, and your friends were gesturing at you impatiently to come sit up the back with them. “you should go, your friends want you.”
“i don’t want them.”
you were sitting down on the end of the row before you even realised what you’d said. wilbur just laughed, taking his usual seat, eyes shining. you sat through the next ninety minutes, looking at the back of wilbur’s head. 
“now, i’m going to let you guys pick groups for this project. three people, though. no groups of four. don’t even ask. i’ll give you the last fifteen minutes to work that out.” 
great. a group of three. you didn’t even need to turn to your friends before they were muttering sorries, and you were stuck looking around the room for other people in your same predicament. you didn’t have to look for long, making eye contact with wilbur almost immediately. he waved you down and you hesitantly made your way down to his row. 
“wanna work together?” his smile was so bright that you couldn’t even think of turning him down. he was charming, he liked the same things as you. but more than that, he saw you. he saw you better than your friends over the last three plus years did. 
“i’d like nothing more, will.” you replied, and wilbur grinned. “you sure, though? you probably have other friends in this class.”
“i do,” he admitted. “however, i want to get to know you better, and i was hoping this might give me an excuse to ask you out. or, if that’s not something you’re interested in, then you are also more than welcome to join me and a few of my friends in the courtyard after class, purely platonic.”
his words were quick, but you understood every syllable. you didn’t have time to meet after class, you had a rare hour off after your last class before you needed to grab the bus to marcel’s. “i would love to, but i have work every day this week, and next week. and every week, and the bus is hours long. i’m sorry.”
wilbur nodded. “if this is your way of letting me down gently, i totally understand that. uh, but-”
“no,” you said quickly. “it is. i work seven days a week, it’s not you,” he didn’t seem convinced, still convinced you were trying to be polite. he didn’t want you to lie to him if you truly weren’t interested. you’d had one conversation, but he felt giddy when you made eye contact with him. it was dumb, probably, but he really wanted to know you better. he didn’t want to press you. you could see that, so you tried again. “however, i think my schedule’s just become more open.” you glanced upwards at where your friends were sitting a few rows back. “i’m free monday morning?”
wilbur’s face lit up, still hesitant. “you sure? because if you’re not interested then it’s fine, really. i won’t give you a hard time about it. promise. you can still meet my friends, if you’d like. or if you want to we can pretend that the other person doesn’t exist.”
“no.” you said decidedly. “i’m free monday morning, and i would love if we could meet somewhere?”
he smiled at you. “i can’t wait.” you’d never looked forward to homework so much, and from the bright look on wilbur’s face, he hadn’t either. 
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mcx7demonbros · 1 year
Teen!MC Talks Back to Him
Ft. Teen!MC, Lucifer, Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon
C/W. None. Just a teen rebelling against their parent(s).
No proofread
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The eldest was giving you a lecture on your not-so-satisfactory grades when you shouted at him.
“What did you just say? Did you just tell me to shut my mouth!?”
“Young man/lady, YOU ARE GROUNDED!”
You are only allowed to be in your room or at RAD, no TV, no game, no phone either. Reflect on your mistakes.
After about one week, Lucifer will check your attitude. You better have your attitude and behavior fixed by then, OR ELSE! The eldest will make sure you become fine young person.
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Barbatos found your room extremely messy with clothes and stuff being thrown across the room. He gave you a lecture for it. You snapped and shouted at him to stop his annoying nagging.
He only smiles. You know him too well to not know a raging fire is burning within him.
Forces you to sit in formal Japanese sitting posture to listen to his lecture until you can barely feel your legs anymore.
But it’s not the end yet, you have to clean your room, throw away all the trash, and return all things to where they should be before the clock strikes midnight.
If you think that’s the end, you’re mistaken. The next day, he wants to see the whole HoL spotless. The day after that, it’s the Demon Lord’s Castle’s turn to become sparkle under your cleaning hands. The third day, you have to clean the whole Purgatory Hall. The 4th->6th day, you’re responsible for the manual tasks within the castle’s kitchen.
You better have your attitude fixed by the 7th day. OR ELSE!
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Simeon found your room so messy, he didn’t say it out loud but he believed it to be a landfill.
“MC, don’t you think you should clean your room a little?”
That was when you talked back to him, telling him to shut up and stay out of your life.
“MC, did something happen? If it did, you can talk to me.” Simeon asked with a worried tone.
In reply, you repeated that you didn’t want him to interfere in your life. Simeon had to leave with a sad face.
A few days later, you had an acting practice with the Brothers in a TSL movie. Simeon saw your crappy acting and that was when you witnessed his anger.
“MC, you call that acting? If this came from a real actor, I would call them to quit. They would have a better chance at running for the President than shining on stage.”
You had to practice for your role diligently 12 hours a day until you couldn’t move anymore.
After the TSL play, you returned to your room and cleaned it without waiting for another reminder from Simeon.
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Solomon found that you hadn’t completed your magic homework. When he asked you why, you just said that no one would do that boring mountain of exercises.
“MC, I have you know that just because I’m a human like you does not mean you can underestimate me.”
After seeing that you didn’t care, oh well, he took out his wand.
“MC, remember stories where the protagonists are turned into animals for their arrogance and bad behavior and they can’t turn back until they have learnt their lesson? Why would I ask that? Because you are going to experience one yourself right now.”
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Suddenly got this idea in the night lmao.
Hope you like it :3
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yesimwriting · 1 year
Hi! Can I have billy and stu (separate) with a gn!s/o that cries for 10-30 mins whenever they dont get something right?
A/n why is this lowkey so me
update: after the way i reacted to losing three points on an assignment today,, yeah, this is me 
also made some serious progress in part 8 of final girl!! might have to split my original idea for that chapter into chapter 8 and 9 bc i want to have something out for you guys 😭 fell a little behind with school starting and some personal stuff
Billy Loomis with a gn!s/o that cries whenever they don't get something right:
hm, i go a little back and forth on this bc when dealing with dating killers that have at most a limited amount of empathy capability, emotional, feely stuff is back and forth
But I feel like that's accurate, like one day, you could burst into tears and Billy would be 10/10 attentive physically because he doesn't have the right vocabulary,, and then the next he'd just sort of freeze up or get manipulative
Let's get into the good days though
If Billy knows something's going on that could lead to you crying, he'd take a preventative approach on a good day
Softly rubbing your back while you do whatever the thing that could make you cry is
Won't make you talk about the root of the problem, but will listen more than he lets on if you do want to
If you want to be distracted, he'll think of something else for the two of you to do together
In that vain, if you needed a minute, you'd get as far as the bathroom.
He doesn't like leaving you alone when he knows you're emotional, a part of it goes back to his abandonment issues with his mom.
He may not know a lot about feelings and isn't above the occasional manipulative ploy,, but he knows he doesn't ever want you to feel like that
A small part of him worries that if he does leave you like that you might either resent him or somehow start associating bad feelings with him and try to leave him
He also doesn't like feeling shut out, and likes feelings trusted
Speaking of feeling trusted, that feeling of vulnerability makes it easier for him to be understanding
Even when he doesn't get it or feels like something's dumb, he knows not to say that because he doesn't want you shutting him out
The fact that you're willing to cry in front of him kind of makes the medicine go down easy
Depending on what it is, might even encourage you to try again Now, onto the not so great days
It's rare that Billy's cruel (out loud, bc his lack of empathy thoughts aren't always the nicest) about you getting emotional, bc he doesn't want to feel like you're going to leave
But there are a few exceptions, the main one being if it involves something/someone that makes him feel jealous/territorial
Like if you're crying over a project that you're working on with some guy, his reaction to that will vary in levels of passive aggression
Or if you're crying because of some fight with friends he feels like you spend too much time with, he'll be even more aggressive/manipulative about it
"Only want me when your new friends are making you cry, huh?" type of thing
Will for sure use these moments to encourage a state of co-dependency, like reminding you how much you need him bc of who or what made you cry
Stu Macher with a gn!s/o that cries whenever they don't get something right:
Okay, so similar levels of versatility to Billy, just bc i see them both having trouble understanding emotions, and having even more trouble caring about other people’s feelings
Just bc you’re the exception to Stu not ever really taking into consideration other people’s feelings doesn’t mean he knows how to help
So his first instinct on days where he’s a little more patient/understanding is to try to change the subject
Sometimes it feels like he’s trying to redirect you like you’re a toddler with too much energy 😭
Like if you’re tearing up or crying over let’s say not understanding homework or getting a bad grade, Stu suddenly remembers this movie he’s been dying for you to see or randomly has a need to go out for ice cream or do anything that could make you stop thinking about something 
It’s normally nice, even when it doesn’t feel super helpful to you, because you know it’s his way of showing that he cares
He’ll also probably make fun of whatever/whoever is at the heart of the issue
The jokes have a range depending on how upset you are, if you’re feeling better he’ll probably be a little ruder/more open about his dislike
If you’re super upset, he’ll make fun of it in a more lighthearted way,, will probably also make the insulting parts of the joke more ridiculous so that you laugh
Definitely goes out of his way to try to make you laugh on his more understanding days
He’s also super touchy, will hold onto you in one way or another, usually won’t let go until way after you’ve calmed down
He says it’s just to be sure,, but you have a feeling he has some personal motivations
Now, on his less understanding days, Stu’s first instinct is to manipulate 
He sees how emotional you are as an opportunity to push you towards co-dependency,, so he’ll go out of his way to baby you
It’s generally nice,, he’s super attentive, but if you try to do anything for yourself while upset, he’ll be bothered
There is some intended manipulation there, but it’s also because he doesn’t know how to talk about his feelings, at least not without layers of innuendos and sarcastic quips to hide the actual feely stuff 
So all he has to show you that he does care, that you do matter even though he might not get why you’re upset, is his actions 
It’s a mix of what he’s picked up from media and the softer things he never had anyone do for him when he was a child 
So it does feel a little patronizing when he goes too far with it, especially because it’s rooted in things no one’s done for him so it’s not like he has a lot of experience/examples on how to do it “correctly”
It’d be a lot sweeter if you knew why he gets like that, but besides a few implied comments, I can’t see him directly admitting this 
Honestly, not always a “bad” thing,, it just has the ability to get a little volatile depending on how you’re feeling and how moody Stu is that day 
Also definitely tries to throw money at the problem, will offer to take you shopping as “his treat” while you’re emotional/crying bc that’s the only supportive model he’s seen 
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cherryy-slushy · 1 year
I Will Never Fall in Love Again~ Yandere!Jason Dean
TW: Violence, cheating, abuse (alcohol related), smut?, alcohol, drugging, using (using a person for something), bad mental health. (Also I may change to personal pronouns halfway through I apologise in advance.)
Part 1!
Part 2
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Your an average person. You have a normal amount of friends, a bit of childhood trauma but an average life now, average looks and average grades. You’re no Heather. But, recently you started to wish more and more that you were. And here’s why.
Y/N has English first class, she was tired as any sane person would be. Your teacher was also majorly upbeat for 8:50 am on a Monday morning. What is she hopped up on?
Y/N looked over to her side. Great Christine isn’t in again. She rolled her eyes knowing this class is going to drag on because of the absence of her friend. She isn’t entirely close with Christine, but she still helps her get through English without loosing the plot.
She snapped out of her trance when she heard her name get called on the registration.
“Here”, She said in a blank tone.
“Perfect”, the teacher replied in a chirpy tone.
As she went back into a daydream she kicked back into reality when she heard a knock on the classroom door. Jesus Christ you know it’s a bad class when you find any way to not listen for one second.
She looked to the door as it opened. Through the open door came a deviously handsome boy. I’m talking a guy that would have girls swooning.
“Ah you must be Jason!”, Ms Fleming chirped. “Yep, that’s me”, he replied back, clearly trying to be polite but just sounding sarcastic. Y/N tried so hard not to snort at this.
In the corner of her eye she saw Veronica sawyer. Veronica shifted in her seat suddenly intrigued by the stranger. I turn my head to face her and roll my eyes. I don’t dislike Sawyer, she’s lovely, but it is pretty shitty that she dumped her only friend of nearly 11 years to be a part of the “popular” gang.
I face back up to where the boy and Ms Fleming we’re stood.
“Y/N, Christine isn’t in today is she?”, Ms Fleming asked. “No, she’s not”, I respond, remembering the tragic disappearance of my friend. Okay, maybe I’m being dramatic but this class sucks ass. I need someone to help me through the day.
“Perfect”, she said clapping her hands together, “Jason, go take a seat down there next to Y/N. Y/N raise your hand please.”
I raise my hand a small bit but not too high. Jason starts walking down the class and plomps his bag down next to the edge of the table. I try act nonchalant even though inside I’m dying. I return to scribbling incoherent nonsense onto a refill pad.
In the corner of my eye I see him look at my face and then down to my refill pad as he cocks his eyebrow.
Shit I forgot to change the page…
The sheet I was using was a page another friend of mine and I used to pass each other notes in science class. So yes, there is a massive…willy.. on there…. A very graphic image of one too..
I quickly snap the refill pad shut and pretend to listen to Ms Pauline Fleming ranting about S.E Hintons writing. She was talking about hawkes harbour.
“Im more an outsiders guy myself”, I hear a deep yet somehow high voice whisper too me. I look over at him and see him looking up at Ms Fleming.
“You’ve read the outsiders?”, I asked with a small smile starting to appear on my face.
“Have I read the outsiders? Well duh. Who hasn’t darling?”, he replies back with a small chuckle.
“Tell me, are you more a Ponyboy or Johnny person”, I asked. You can tell a lot about someone from their favourite characters movie.
“Dally”, he replied. “May not be the answer you were looking for but it’s an answer.”
I like this guy
We spoke about the outsiders for a bit longer and before I knew it the bell rang. We both started to stuff out stuff into our bags and before either of us could say anything Veronica Sawyer swoops in.
“Hey. I’m Veronica, Veronica sawyer. What’s your name?”, she asked with a polite smile. “Greetings and salutations, Veronica, Veronica Sawyer. I’m Jason, Jason Dean. JD for short.”, he smirked back.
Oh fuck, am I gonna have my heart broken by this boy.
I started getting bored of them because let’s be honest, who would want to stand there and listen to the boy she’s already starting to have feelings for talk to one of the most beautiful girls in school who is clearly swooning for him and he is clearly swooning for her. Doesn’t seem like a very fun conversation too listen too.
As I walked out I looked back to see if he noticed I left. Nope. He didn’t. Great. I kept walking down the hall and into my next class. Today is going to drag on.
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sane-omblog · 6 months
9 Days of Solomon— Day 3: Knife
Purgatory Hall gang in the kitchen.
-I can't think of any warning but if there is plz let me know!
“Okay care to explain yourself, Solomon?” The angel towered over the said sorcerer who kept his face down yet with smile. “What did we talk about you in the kitchen?”
“Is not allowed,” he laughed to himself faintly.
“I might 'accidentally' cast a spell or misplaced some stuff amd that make you and Luke confused.” Solomon stated it clearly that's what the two angels told him. He continued before Simeon could ask “I just want to help you said you're going to be busy tonight so..”
Simeon seemed to not pleased by what he just heard but his expression didn't fallen. That's the scary part of his It's soften though, angels like him are kind regardless. “I appreciate your generous intention, but the fact that you break our promise is still there.”
Solomon pulled out his guilty face, made the angel sigh “Another reason is: I'm afraid for your safety, understand?”
That made the human even more confused, he had make a several dishes and meal by now, plus he can protect himself why that should be a problem now “it's not my first time cooking, you know? You need not to worry”
Simeon sighed again, he noticed the little angel walked in the room behind him and asked about what happened and why he is now sitting on the floor. The older angel gesture him to stand up right, and he was thankful of it he didn't think he could sit like that any longer.
“All right, you can help with this dinner but why don't you show Luke how you grab the knife so he can understand.” He looked not so sure about his own decision but Solomon didn't wait for his second thought and grabbed the knife.
Suddenly, Luke was hid behind his guardian with a shock expression. “I have to admit your way of holding knife is kind of.. weird, it's not so friendly let's say that”
Luke, sheepishly, words out “You looks like that scary guy in horror movie Leviathan make me watch with” Solomon thought he must meant the murderer from some B grade movie, but he hold the knife just fine he sure, it's not like he will drop it and harm anyone “It's like you about to stab someone, with that smiley face of yours”
The human gasped, no one ever told him it gave out that vibe, or again no one really saw his cooking process. He let out a faint ‘oh’ then looked down at his hand and tried to recall how Simeon hold it to follow but couldn't do it perfectly.
“I think we can use this opportunity to teach you how to make it less.. dangerous? So that at least you can help us chopping some ingredients ” The angel said after a short while he trying.
That's the first time ever someone offer him a chance to help in cooking-a chance after once banned, normally it's permanent so this is first- of course he gladly accepted it “Sure thing Simeon”
Simeon taught him since the first step not just to hold a knife but he started from how to wash the vegetables to how to place his hand on the things to cut, what the size of the ingredients should be, and so much more. But hey he enjoyed it, and he could see Luke listen to it as well since, much to his displeased, he was too young to concern with sharp objects and the older angel forbid him from them. He promised to teach him when he older though.
“It's not fair, Simeon always chop them for me when I want to bake...” He could hear the little angel grumbled and he couldn't stop the urge to tease him
“ haha guess you have to be patient, kid ” and wow how much that work to provoke him, Luke exclaimed loudly. If only he wasn't got slight smack in the arm from Simeon he would continue.
“Why don't you try to keep your pose properly instead?” that smile was telling him that Simeon was just play along as well with light force he put in that smack. But if he didn't do as he said and joke more, it would turn into something not joking at all. That's why Solomon agreed easily, he was scolded once and didn't want twice.
They let the cozy and warmth of kitchen brought them into comfortable and little chat while cooking. Stew's smell in stock pot, the knife was put back in shed, plate set on the table. He sat at it with glass of water in hand, he didn't made the whole meal for them but making it with them is nice too.
I think it would be funny if not only Solomon do everything just like the recipe said and it still turn out.. yknow but he have a strange way to hold stuff and with it is something dangerous like knife our angels would never let it slide when they know (start from polite excuse to keep him away from kitchen tho)
I may be add picture if I have time!
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pearlparty · 2 years
Goodbye, Angel
Austin!Elvis x Reader, Elvis x Reader
Summary:  Break ups are tough, especially when no one did anything wrong.  She wants Elvis’ career to reach the heights he deserves, even if that means breaking his heart.  
Warnings:  Angst, very light smut (if you can even call it that lol), some negative self-talk, the Colonel is a dick, mild language, reckless driving, no use of y/n
Word Count:   5.3k (I went a little overboard sorry lol)
Note:  I tried something a little new with this and have this in 3rd person perspective because I wanted to do more of an omniscient POV to get everyone’s emotions and stuff, so please let me know if you hate it--like please be mean to me about it.  Bully me.  Roast me. Let me know if you prefer 2nd person perspective (the one that uses you/your)  I want to improve lol.  This is meant to be a reader fic, so our MC is only called Baby by Elvis.  Idk if that technically makes her an OC or not--I’ll let you decide on that one. 
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The headlights stretched down the road, the lonely beams reaching out in the night only to find nothing but a few trees reaching toward the stars.  No wandering eyes.  No other drivers.  Just her and the car coasting down the lonely backroad, with a sense of dread settling into her stomach and tears streaming down her face as the radio played and the moon watched.
 Tears welled in her eyes, blurring her vision, as the Colonel’s words echoed in her mind.  He’d stopped by her small apartment a couple of hours ago, and she was far too polite to slam the door in his face and send him on his way.  Mama had always taught her to be gracious to guests and “do what Jesus would do” so she allowed him to waddle in, plop into one of the armchairs, curl his chubby fingers over the creepy clown on his cane and say what he needed to say.  The bizarre situation had her wondering what this man would have to say to her, but she’d never have guessed he had the audacity to insult her to her face.  
It was a quick conversation.  He skipped over pleasantries and got straight to the point by bringing up Elvis’s popularity with the younger female fans, and flat out said that if she continued her relationship with him, things wouldn’t work out like they could.  “He needs to be available,” the fat man had put it plainly, “and with you in the picture, he can’t be.  Besides, a backwater, country girl like you can’t compete with the love of his fans.”  If he noticed the emotions flitting over her face, he didn’t comment on it and instead pushed further.  “You are no good for him, or his career.  You need to leave him, or he will not be able to achieve the success he deserves.”  He’d said the words so matter of fact in his stupid voice that she almost wondered if it was a cruel joke. 
It wasn’t.  
“You don’t want to be the reason that he can’t live his dream do you?” His question rang in her ears and an intense guilt settled into her stomach.
It was crushing, but nothing she hadn’t heard before.  She’d occasionally listened to the insecure voice in the back of her head--the one that reminded her that she didn’t really deserve Elvis--her angel--or how he’d swept her into his arms and given her an escape from her drunken mother all that time ago.  
Their friendship had begun when they were so young; she'd stopped a few of the other boys from poking fun at his stutter in 9th grade and they’d bonded over their love of comics and music.  He’d made time for her outside his friends and loved inviting her over after school.  He’d say it was so they could read Captain Marvel Jr. or do homework together, but she knew he was trying to help her get away from her chaotic homelife for a little longer.  It had blossomed into something more after graduation when they shared a night of stargazing, confessing their secrets to the moon.  
He’d stolen a kiss and her heart in the same night. 
They had it all--giggling and wandering hands in movie theaters, disagreements about the condiments that belonged on hot dogs, and soft reassurances after long crying sessions.  He’d become her safe haven, a piece of tranquility in her hectic home life. He always listened intently and did what he could to help where he could, even if she said she’d be fine and could do it herself. He even helped her when she moved out and got her own place--a shitty little apartment with creaky floorboards and a faucet that dripped a little too loudly at night.  He’d offered to spot her some cash for a better place, but she declined.  The apartment wasn’t the Ritz, but it was hers.  All hers.  They’d spend hours there, away from the prying eyes of family, talking about everything and nothing.  She supported his dream for the arts, encouraged him to take risks.  Once he’d landed a deal at Sun Records and gotten more attention, that small voice prodded again.  
What if I’m not good enough for him?  
The voice nagged that she’d be bad for his image and prevent him from climbing to the heights that he wished to see.  She usually dismissed the thoughts, but hearing them out loud and from another person only seemed to confirm the worst of her fears. 
She was the worst thing that could happen to him right now.  She was holding him back.
The fat man had finished things with a simple, “You understand don’t you?  It’s just business.” She forced herself to nod before calmly ushering him out of her house, a whisper of stale cigar smoke lingering in the air.  
It was only after his car left the parking lot that she allowed herself to cry--a dull ache erupted in her chest and spread to her extremities as she considered her options.  Stay with the love of her life but jeopardize his career, or leave and break both of their hearts to help him succeed?  Would he resent her if she became the reason things tanked and he couldn’t afford to give his family a life of luxury?  What if she was worrying about nothing and everything would be fine?  Maybe they could have it all:  the glamor and the love.  But it wasn’t guaranteed.  Nothing ever was.  The road to success is paved with sacrifices, and while it holds promises of fortune and glory, it always takes its toll along the way.
But the Colonel was right, wasn’t he?  About everything.  Elvis had just gotten a taste of fame, and the adjustment was already harder than she’d expected.  She could barely keep up with it all now.  How could a little backwater country girl like her follow him to more?  She was just a simple girl meant for a simple life--built to drift along the wind on the trees.  He was born for greatness--ready to spread his wings and fly.  He couldn’t coast along the wind currents along the tree line with her, not when he was meant to soar with the angels in the clouds.  She wouldn’t let him.  She wouldn’t be the one to hold him back.
Racing to the car, throwing it into gear, and speeding away wasn’t intentional on her part.  It might have seemed like eagerness and excitement, but that couldn’t be further from it.  She loathed the idea of what she was about to do, dreaded it the whole way over, but her chest was so heavy and filled with emotions that she felt like it would burst.  She needed to get it over with and fast or she’d suffocate.  “Rip it off like a bandage--act like a grownup,” she’d told herself.  
The high beams flickered over the sign ahead, its white lettering a stark contrast to the red surrounding it.  STOP.  A wet laugh left her lips.  
I can’t.  
She didn’t hit the brakes or let up on the gas--she floored it.  The engine groaned with effort, accelerating to a speed well above the limit, but she didn’t care and blazed through it without a second thought.  Her car zoomed into the intersection, and a pair of headlights beamed into her passenger window.  A horn blared, but it didn’t matter.  She was reckless, angry, and secretly hoping that something would come along to prevent her from reaching her destination.  The tires screamed as they scraped the pavement, the back bumper kissing the asphalt with a flash of sparks as the car climbed the small hill.   The other driver zoomed through the intersection behind her, likely shaking their fist in the darkness, but still in one piece.  
She’d made it through unscathed.  Dammit.
A sudden burst of fury bled through the sharp sadness and left her skin hot.  She smacked her fist into the wheel.  “This isn’t fair!” she cried, angry tears burning behind her eyes.  “Why can’t I have the things I want?!”  No one was there to hear, though.  Just an empty road and the moon spying through her back window.  
A light orchestra faded in over the radio followed by Bing Crosby’s jazzy crooning.  It was a ballad. 
Be careful.  It’s my heart.
It’s not my watch you’re holding, it’s my heart.
It’s not the note I sent you, that you quickly burned.  
It’s not the book I lent you that you never returned.
Remember, it’s my hear--
The guilt in her stomach crawled up her throat as she slammed the radio in the dashboard, silencing Bing and his pleas.  It seemed everything was telling her to turn around.  To give the Colonel the finger and continue loving her dark haired angel, consequences be damned.  
But she knew she couldn’t.  
A sharp knock on his door cut through the still house caused Elvis to jump.  His brow furrowed as he glanced at the clock.  About a quarter after nine.  Who would be stopping by now?  He wasn’t expecting anyone, and Mama and Daddy wouldn’t be home until tomorrow afternoon when they’d finished visiting a family friend.  
He closed his book and set it on the side table as he rose from the armchair and padded over to the door.  He’d gotten home only about a half an hour ago after rehearsing with the guys.  He needed a little peace and quiet after the long week, and reveled in being able to kick off his shoes and relax in the empty house.
The sweet, humid southern air fell around his sock clad feet as he pulled the door open to see his girl on the welcome mat.  His lips curved into a smile at the pleasant surprise.  She was wearing that little yellow flower sundress that he loved--the one with the sweetheart neckline and ruffled skirt that brought his attention to her hips whenever she moved.  She’d paired it with a white cardigan tonight, even though the heat wave didn’t allow the temperature to drop below 85.  God, she was beautiful.  
His smile dropped when he saw the tears in her eyes, the quiver of her chin, and the way her gaze never left his.  Something was wrong.  
“Baby, what--”  He moved to step forward, bring his hand to her face and wipe the tears from her cheek, but she swept into the apartment and pressed her lips to his before he could get a chance to do or say anything else.  He stumbled back for only a second before he found his footing, melting into her.  Another pleasant surprise.  Her trembling fingers grazed their way across his face, caressing his cheeks before tangling in his hair.  On instinct, his hands planted themselves firmly to her waist.  The tang of salt ran over his tongue as she took his full lower lip between hers.
She’d never kissed him like this before.  There was intensity, fervor, yes, but something was off.  She had given him gentle chaste kisses when he bought her flowers for her birthday.  She’d nipped, sucked, and kissed down his jaw to his collarbones when they’d gone stargazing after a midnight swim in the pond near her house.  She’d grabbed him by the collar, pushed him against the kitchen wall and slammed her lips into his after a heated argument about jealousy (which he’d won, by the way).  She had breathed moans to his lips when he stole open mouth kisses during a night of passion after he’d been away for so long.
This was different.  It was desperate.  Needy.  And something else that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.  Sorrowful, maybe.
A quick sob fell from her lips before she pressed them up to his again.  Her hands twisted his curls, gently tugging.  His breath hitched and he tightened his grip on her hips.  As much as he wanted to continue kissing her (and he really wanted to after what she just did), he needed to know what had happened to make her so upset.  He wrapped his fingers around her wrists and gently eased her backward, feeling her chase his lips as the distance grew between their bodies.  
Her eyes were still screwed shut, and the light in the foyer made it easier now to see the puffy, red irritation in her face.  A pang of sorrow bit into his heart.  She’s been sobbing, he thought.  She bit back another cry when her small trembling hands dropped to his chest, gripping his black button down.  He hated seeing her like this.
“Baby,” he cooed, letting his hands move to her shoulders before he brought one up to caress her cheek.  She didn’t move to look at him--she focused on his shirt as his fingers ran over her splotchy skin.  “Baby, what’s wrong?  Did something happen?”  He kept his voice soft, low, afraid that he might scare her off with anything louder.
A wet, wry laugh escaped her chest.  Ironic, she thought.  She came here to do the worst thing imaginable and he was still looking out for her.  She shook her head.  He’s too good to me.  She steadied herself, fixated on his shirt as she rolled the soft fabric between her fingers.  Finally, she met his concerned gaze.
The deep blue oceans in his irises threatened to pull her down into their depths.  She wished they would.  Maybe then she wouldn’t have to do this and everything would be alright.  His fingers stilled on her cheek.
She could practically feel the dread growing in his chest.  
A light breeze ghosted over the two of them, the door still agape.  He didn’t move to close it, though.  His only priority was the girl in front of him.  She’s all that mattered.
She sucked in a breath, gathering every ounce of strength she had in her body before speaking.  “I’m sorry.”  It came out more as a whisper.  “I just had to kiss you one last time.”  She allowed her thumb to graze his lower lip and chin before settling on the sliver of exposed skin on his chest.  
“‘One last’?--” he shook his head as if dismissing the words because he’d clearly misheard her.  “What are you talking about, baby?” Both hands were cupping her face now.  “Just tell me what’s wrong, and I’ll fix it for you,” he urged.  Panic almost crept into his voice, but he kept it soft and low as he tried to understand.  He searched her face for any kind of clue, something that told him that she really didn’t mean what she’d just said.  His heart caught in his chest.  
Surely, she couldn’t mean one last time, right?  
“Oh, angel,” she breathed out as she brought her fingers to his cheek, “you always were much too good to me.”
“Baby, what’s goin--” 
“I have to leave, angel,” she cried, almost in pain.  The words cut him off and struck him to the bone.  Leave?
“For how long?” he asked, brow furrowing.  
She shook her head, tears spilling over her lashes, not wanting to say the words.  It was too painful.  Please, don’t make me say it.
“For how long, baby?” he repeated, locking eyes with her.  Her heart sank at the nickname.  He loved calling her that--more than her real name.  
“Forever.”  She had to force it out in a whisper.  
“‘Forever’?” he repeated.  Why was she being so cryptic?  “Baby, what the hell you talkin’ ‘bout?” She held his gaze, another tear staining her cheek, but didn’t answer.
He stared at her for a moment, processing it all.  Leaving?  Forever?  But that would mean…
The realization hit him like a ton of bricks.  His eyes flitted over her face for any sign that it wasn’t true.  Her glassy gaze was unwavering, serious.  Final.
“No,” he whispered, shaking his head and dropping his hands.  He barely even noticed her apologizing again as he backed away, knocking into the wall behind him.  As if escaping would make this all go away.  His quaking hands raked through his hair, grasping at the roots to try to rationalize the scene playing out before him.  
“No,” he repeated the whisper, sadder than the last one.  His mouth fell open, trying to find the right words, fighting off the tears burning behind his eyes.  “You c-c-can’t--you’re not--why--no,” he stammered, swallowing thickly. “You’re l-leaving me?”  His stutter always seemed to come back when he was stressing out.
He was hoping, praying for her to shake her head no.  Say it was all a cruel joke, or a moment of panic--something that said she really loved him and it was fine.  Pull him into her arms and sit there for a moment as she whispered soft reassurances in his ear.  
But that moment never came.  Her small fingers played with the hem of her cardigan as she nodded and muttered, “I have to.”
“No!  No, you don’t have to go!”  he yelped.  The panic crawled over his skin.  “I-I-I can-- I-I can fix this!”  He couldn’t lose her.  “W-w-what--whatever’s wrong, I can fix it, baby!  We’ll figure it all out t-t-together, just like we n--we n--we n-n-normally do.”  He grabbed her hands, begging her to reconsider, but she slipped from his grasp and took a step back, silently shaking her head.  
“No, angel… I have to go--you need to let me go.”  She couldn’t meet his eyes.  
His future shattered.  Heart dropped.  He’d made so many plans for them.  He was going to marry her--they were going to have a summer wedding and a beautiful honeymoon somewhere nice, far away from home.  They were going to spend a few years worshiping each other then start a family--two boys and a little girl that he was going to spoil rotten.  They were going to get a dog and play in the backyard while she baked a pie in the house.  He was going to steal kisses from her when she came around the corner with a basket of laundry.  They’d put the kids to bed and stay up late dancing to old records.  He wanted to send his kids outside to play while he made love to his wife inside after he’d been away from her for too long.  They were supposed to grow old together and then die a few days apart because life would be unbearable without each other.  
He’d wanted it all, and here she was throwing it in his face.
“B-but why--?”  He’d barely breathed the question out when she cut him off.
“I’m not good for you, baby,” she rushed the words out, resisting every urge to reach out and touch him, hold him, make him feel better.  Dammit, why did this have to be so hard?
“What?”  How the hell could she think that?  “No, b-b-baby you’re--you’re--you’re everythin’ to me,” he reeled off, desperately grabbing her hands again.  Maybe there was still a chance to fix this.  “You’re so good for me, you d-don’t even realize--you make me so much b-b-b-better.”
The worst part about his words was how true they were, and she knew it.  They both made each other better, but she still vehemently shook her head, hoping to stop this whole thing--end it now before she had to say something she didn’t want to.  
“I have to do this,” she squeaked out.  A new wave of sadness broke over her, more tears gathering on her lash line.  “Please, let me do this.”  
It was like a knife to his heart.  Their fate was sealed.  There was no negotiating.  Once she’d made up her mind, no one, not even he could convince her otherwise.  He suddenly found himself full of regret, another emotion to add to the cocktail of feelings in his bloodstream.  Maybe he did something wrong--didn’t appreciate her enough or let her know how much he cared.  
The blue in his eyes only seemed to intensify with the glassy tears shimmering back at her.  “But,” he choked out, his voice small, almost meek, “I love you.”  The tears in his eyes finally spilled onto his cheeks, streaking down the soft skin and towards the corners of his lips.  
Her heart squeezed, chin quivered.  Oh, how she wished to say it back.  She squeezed his hands and pressed a gentle wet kiss to his knuckles, the cool metal of his silver ring briefly soothing the heat in her cheeks.  She sucked in a shaky breath, and pressed her forehead to his, breathing in his scent, committing it to memory.  
“That’s why I have to go,” she murmured, a wave of tears falling over her lashes as her voice broke.  “I promise you, angel, it’s better this way.  It’s better if I go.  I’m sorry.  I’m so so sorry.”  
She gave his hands a tight squeeze before letting go and turning to walk back into the warm night air, but stopped short at the door’s threshold.  Tentatively, she turned back towards him, her heart beating fast and loud in her chest.  His chest rose and fell quickly, biting back another round of sobs as he ran his ringed fingers through his hair.  Steel blue eyes met hers.  
Just one last kiss, she told herself before turning on her heel.  
He met her halfway, pulling her into his arms and crashing his lips to hers, arms wrapping around to pull each her impossibly close.  Despite feeling so good to have her pressed against him like this, he couldn’t ignore the ache in his chest.  It seemed that knowing this was their last kiss made it more painful. Each second that passed meant she was one second closer to walking out of his life.  
They moved with the familiar rhythm they’d perfected over their time courting.  He breathed her in, hoping God would show him mercy and slow time just long enough for him to savor every last second with her.  He wanted each one burned into his memory.  The feel of her soft flesh beneath his fingers, the sound of her breath, the scent of her hair, even the taste of her tears on her tongue as they kissed--everything.  He didn’t want to miss a single detail.  He deepened the kiss, gripping the fabric on her waist as though she might disappear if he loosened his grip.  
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled into her mouth, a tear slipping from his eyes and melting between the mess of kisses.  “Oh, baby, ’m so sorry,” he whimpered.  His hand cupped her face, sorrow and regret lining his features as a sob raked through his chest.  A pang of guilt hit her square in the chest.
“It’s not your fault, angel,” she gently corrected him, tugging on his hair and pulling his lips to hers for a quick kiss.  “It’s not your fault that I had to ruin this.”  Her voice broke, quaking at the thought.  “I ruined this, not you.  You…” she paused and sucked in a shaky breath, looking to the stars for strength.  “You are, and always be, my angel.”  She could only leave and wish him the best with his career--with her out of the picture it would be fine and he could reach for the stars like he wanted to.  ��You didn’t do anything wrong.”
She brushed a tear from his face again, hoping that he could read the sincerity in her eyes.  He never did anything wrong--it was simply against his nature, but that didn’t stop him from beating himself up.  
He kept her close to his face, his hand firm behind her head as they soaked in the moment, foreheads resting against each other softly.  His breath shuddered through his lungs as he looked at her through his dark tear soaked lashes.  The word slipped from his lips before he had the chance to stop it.  
“Please,” a whine edged into his voice as he begged her with his eyes.  Begged her for more time, a chance to celebrate what they’d once had.  She read him like a book, understanding immediately.  His fingers tangled themselves in her hair as she looked up at him, hesitating to indulge both of their desires.
“I don’t want to hurt you anymore,” she whispered.  As painful as this was for her, she knew it was worse for him--she never even gave him a real reason.  Her angel didn’t deserve this kind of torment, not when he’d done so much for her.  He’d welcomed her with open arms, and she wrenched a blade through his heart.  
“I don’t care if it hurts,” he rasped, his voice coming out a little more husky from the crying.  “I can’t end it like this,” his voice broke as he pressed closer so their noses were touching.  He wanted to delay her departure as much as possible.  He needed to be in her presence a little longer.  End it right.  They couldn’t part ways like this: sobbing messes clinging to each other in the doorway.  “A little more hurt won’t kill me, baby,” his soft voice fluttered into her hair.  “I just need you here a little longer.”
She didn’t want to end it this way either.  If their story was going to end, at least let it be bittersweet.  Close this chapter of their lives on something a little less heartbreaking than weeping in each other's arms.  She could be with him one last time, really appreciate what she had before she let him go, and show him how much she cared.  
Maybe it could be the salve that soothed the agony of this moment.  Maybe they could fool themselves that delaying the inevitable wouldn’t hurt more than leaving now.  This can make us feel a little better about it all.  
It was a lie, and she knew it, but she didn’t care.  She just wanted to be with him one last time.
Her lips met his again slowly, and she allowed herself to twist the knife.  
It was a mess of lips, teeth, and tears.  Needy hands roamed the hills and valleys of the bodies they each knew so well.  They tumbled backwards towards his room, never taking their hands off each other.  Any moment without physical contact was a moment wasted.  Garments slipped to the floor, gently discarded with almost a reverence.  
He was always so gentle with her, but tonight he’d treat her like glass.  Feather light kisses brushed her sternum as he laid her down, cherishing each gasp and moan.  He worshiped her with his mouth, slowly whispering sweet nothings in her ear as he took his time.  Slow love always seemed more meaningful, like a chance to showcase their affections and prove their love to each other.
She pressed hot wet kisses to his jaw and whispered his name like a prayer.  Her nails scraped over his skin, pulling his body, his essence, his soul closer to hers.  She gazed in his eyes, silently hoping he knew how much he was worth to her.  She pressed her face into his neck, breathing in the scent of sweat and cologne, nipping at the soft supple skin.
They kissed away the memories, breathed away the pain.  Their plans faded into the moonlight on the floor.  The hopes and dreams that they’d wished to see each other fulfill, tucked away to a chest of regrets that they could visit on sleepless nights.  Each gasp drawn from the other celebrated what had been.  Each cry was a token of gratitude to the universe for allowing them to love and be loved.  
Strings of praise, pleas, and panting floated into the air as they reached their highs, soaring in the clouds of ecstasy with each other’s names on their lips like a mantra.  Time froze as they relished the moment, taking their time to sink back down to earth with slow sensual kisses and forgotten whispers, collapsing into a mess of tangled limbs and twisted sheets.  
Back to reality.  Bitter reality.  
Muscle memory took over and she wrapped herself in his arms, pulling his warm chest to her back.  She couldn’t bear to look at him now.  The guilt swallowed her whole, drowning her slowly.  She couldn’t imagine the pain she’d experience if she looked him in the eyes.
They laid there for a moment, each knowing what came next.  Each dreading it and hoping something would change so it wouldn’t happen.  She’d barely even shifted under his sheets when his hands tightened on her ever so slightly.  She winced when she dared a glance over her shoulder.  Puffy, bloodshot, cried-out eyes met hers.  Why was she so cruel to someone so good?  
“Please?” he whimpered, his hair falling into his face.  They both had another sob creeping up their throats. This was the end.  Their time had run out, and neither of them wanted to leave the sanctity of this moment.  His voice sounded again, small like a child.
“P-p-please, can I h-hold you just a little longer?”  Tears spilled over his cheeks, his shaky hands pulling her even closer to his chest as he buried his face into the back of her shoulder.  Guilt racked her body.  This was her doing.  She was responsible for making her angel cry like this.  Heat flooded her face as she swiped a tear away, biting back a sob of her own.
“Of course, angel.”
He woke up to a cold and empty bed only a few hours later.  He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, glancing around the room as he set his feet on the cool floor.  Moonbeams peaked through the blinds, illuminating the room in a soft blue.  His clothes had been picked up from the floor and neatly folded on the desk.  A soft glint in the corner of his eye tore his gaze from the room to his bedside table.  A small, sad smile crept to his mouth, barely turning up a corner of his mouth.  The glass of water shouldn’t have made his heart clench, but it did.  She’d always made sure to take care of him.  He tentatively reached forward, but gulped the cool water down quickly, welcoming the soothing sensation to his dry throat.  
As he set the now empty glass back, his hand found the nape of his neck, rubbing the skin and tugging on his hair.  Her scent still lingered on his sheets, his skin, gripping his heart in a vice, haunting him.  It all cemented the reality:  he was alone now.  
A gentle breeze oozed through the open window, fluttering the translucent curtains in slow waves.  The airflow was nice--it almost helped break his trance of the same thought echoing in his mind on repeat.
She’s gone.
As much as he wanted to sit up and replay the night’s events in his head over and over, exhaustion settled into his heavy limbs and nearly pulled him under right there.  The bed seemed to welcome him into its warm embrace.  
He could think about it and grieve tomorrow--yes, he could properly come to terms with it all in the morning.  Tonight, he could drift into a wonderful reality where everything was alright.  Perhaps, it was silly, wrong even, to try to delay reality with dreams of soft touches and warm kisses, but he didn’t care.  He’d done it all night, so what was a couple more hours?  
He wouldn’t even notice the scrap of paper on the table until the next morning.  It wasn’t much, a few words scrawled in her delicate handwriting on the back of a newspaper ad for laundry detergent is all:
Love you always.  Goodbye, angel.
Strangely enough, the five little words provided some kind of comfort as he picked up the shattered remains of his heart.  It couldn’t undo the damage or magically make his heartache go away, but it wasn’t supposed to.  All the note could do was make the transition a little less… painful.  It became a little piece of her to carry with him as he tried to move on, a reminder of what they’d had and how good it had been.  He didn’t need a monologue of reasons for why she left, he didn’t want one because this note said something far more important than all of that:  she loved him.  
Let me know how you hated it!  I want to improve so literally ANY feedback is welcome (especially the mean stuff lol)
Love y’all lots! xoxo
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gabbysgoodreads · 9 months
intro + the perks of being a wallflower :)
Hi! Welcome to my blog, here I'll be discussing some of my favourite books, what I'm currently reading, and other media related to the books. I don’t know about you guys, but one of my favourite pastimes is getting lost in a good book. Whether it be educational or just for fun, I can always take away something from a greatly written book. Now I must admit that I don’t really have an organized library in the sense that I don’t think I’ve found my favourite genre of books yet, but bear with me as I talk about books ranging from classical literature to romance, to thrillers, to anthropology, and even to nature books! 
In honour of this being the first blog post, I want to share one of my favourite books I think that everyone should read during their adolescence. This book is none other than “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”, written by Stephen Chbosky. In my opinion, coming-of-age books are so special because we get to see how messy it really is through the eyes of someone else. Reading stuff like this always makes me feel small, and makes me feel better about being a teenager and navigating through that awkward period during childhood and adulthood.
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This book is written by the main character Charlie through letters as he navigates through his first year in high school. We have the opportunity to relive and relate to his high school experiences as he goes through waves of good and bad times, writing to us, his friend.
Here is an excerpt of the first page! 
“ Dear friend, … I think you of all people would understand that because I think you of all people are alive and appreciate what that means. At least I hope you do because other people look to you for strength and friendship and it’s that simple. At least that’s what I’ve heard. So, this is my life. And I want you to know I am both happy and sad and I am still trying to understand how that could be. ” 
This book is only 200 pages and is so incredibly well written that it would be hard to not identify with the main characters. I read this book the summer of 9th grade, and it was nice to know that everyone is unanimous in the feeling that they are still finding out who they really are as a person, and that change is inevitable. Anyways, I think this is a fantastic book that can appeal to everyone, and if reading isn’t really your thing there’s a great movie adaptation! :)
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side note: I alwayyyyys think of this book when I listen to “The Smiths” now! If you ever plan on reading it, I definitely recommend listening to some of their music to get you in the headspace.
Happy reading!
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strawbs-screaming · 10 months
☆ WVBA As Really Specific Highschool Stereotypes ☆
Had to stop staring into the void for this, thats when you know its important, drug use tw!!
Glass Joe
- nerd, shoved in the lockers
- keeps having his lunch money stolen
- getting his shit wrecked on a daily basis
- actually studies for the exams & listens to the class LIKE A NERD
- gets paid to do homework
- when exam season comes up suddenly no one has shoved him into a locker & loves him
- will let anyone copy his homework
Von Kaiser
- huge SNITCH. Also cannot keep a secret
- people also wreck him daily because he keeps telling the teachers whos skipping class or not, cant speak if you have your teeth in your throat and are gonna have another one added if you tell the english teacher that someone is leaving school to go party
- will not let you copy off his homework, people hate him wayyyy more because of that
- getting his stuff stolen on a daily basis
Disco Kid
- loud popular boy but make it tolerable + add the ability to beat up people and dance skills
- really nice & will stand up for Joe
- secretly listening to music in class, whoever snitches on him is getting boiled alive
- killing it at prom, had no one to take other than his dancing skills
- has a few classes he actually bothers for + is naturally good at, the rest is barely passing
King Hippo
- really quiet smart kid, also loved by the class since he doesnt mind anything as long as you dont kick his dog & steal his money
- try to use him as a punchline for a joke and he'll turn you into a human pancake
- wont let you copy off for homework but makes you notes for cheating instead, bother for the things that actually matter please thank you
Piston Hondo
- huge nerd but people actually respect him because he doesnt snitch & lets you copy off his homework, also knows how to kick ass so thats a plus
- keeps secrets really well, mainly because he keeps forgetting them
- will help you study for exams & let you copy off him during the exams, understands if you dont want to bother
- academic validation is kicking his ass, Marina And The Diamonds are kicking him in the feels (me too hondo, me too)
- burnout is gonna hit him like a bullet train
- is struggling to live laugh love out of this
Don Flamenco
- that one dude in the hall making out in the hallway with his girlfriend carmen at 8 AM in the morning that you accidentally made eye contact with
- will not shut up about carmen, mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell? That reminds him of how carmen gives him the power to go on
- copying off others for the exam
- calling carmen dumb petnames, dude what is "my pookie wookie scrumptious silly goofy romantic princess queen wife, light of my life, sun to the earth" what do you mean by that, is she a boss fight or something, is she a fucking dictator
- break up hit him in the nuts so hard he got neutered
- was planning on going to prom with carmen, got dumped & had to sit in the rain, holding a boquet of flowers with a "go to prom with me" sign, movie style, while sobbing
Bear Hugger
- stoner dude skipping class in the bathroom smoking a huge joint, thankfully doesnt hog the stalls
- barely passing, still afloat thanks to hondo
- will let you smoke with him, dont hog the joint please
- will let you copy off his homework that he also copied off from don flamenco that copied off from hondo that he copied off from Wikipedia, its like a academic version of telephone
- parties hard, has really good hangover cures if you need any
- really good to be around actually
- blasting himself with axe deodorant, it doesnt cover up the smell trust me
Great Tiger
- cheating during exams, look at him go, isnt it neat?
- using his clones to beat up people & make money from the homework doing business
- doesnt talk much other than to advertise his "let me do your homework bbg" business
- willing to beat up teachers for high grades, wrecked a teacher for giving hondo a low grade & refusing to raise it like.. come on he does his homework & isnt smoking a huge joint in the bathroom
- snitch but never caught in the act, blaming it on kaiser
-tried to make one of his go to school but it failed because real people dont go through the seat while trying to sit
Aran Ryan
- skipping constantly & doesnt show up for some months, has bull beat teachers for attendance stuff
- smoking with bear hugger in the stalls, hogging the stalls sadly
- one of the people shoving others in the lockers
- will do your homework in the worst way possible, has gotten his ass kicked because of that
- keeps stealing teachers stuff
Soda Popinski
- also in the stalls, smoking, looking out for teachers, convincing teachers to not lower grades
- social chameleon, both a bully & kind person, also a top student & bottom of the class
- lifesaver, homework unfinished? Copy off his, need someone to copy off in the exam? Sit next to him, teacher gave you a low grade? Tell him who did it & he'll have it raised through the power of threats, charisma & a steel chair
- steals Joes lunch money & secretly returns it because he isnt that horrid
Bald Bull
- also smoking in the stalls, do not snitch on him or he'll also smoke you
- suspiciously high grades thanks to soda
- beating up teachers for cash, give him 200 bucks & a bat and your least favorite is going to get their shit wrecked, thank him later
- fights people on a daily basis
- shows up three times a week, he just parties the other days, beating teachers for anyone who feels like not attending the same way like him
- copying off others work like a machine, especially whenever a teacher is coming
- naturally good at math, thats his biggest flex
Super Macho Man
- stereotypical american movie bully with the classic jacket, literally.
- shoving Joe into lockers & stealing his money with soda popinski
- calls people nerd unironically
- also getting bullied lmaoo
- thinks hes cool enough to hang out in the stalls with the weed smokers™ tried to snitch on them & got his face stuffed into a toilet
- "hey nerd, this is a no losers turf, guess what? You arent allowed!" Then he gets thrown out of a window
Mr Sandman
- really quiet & minds his business, sometimes hangs out in the stalls with the weed smokers™
- good grades & lets you copy off his homework
- Macho man tried to steal his money once, he ended up hospitalized
- Just beats kaiser once in a while when he snitches
- party in the weekend, study in the weekday
- if anything messes up his routine it'll piss him off greatly
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Tagged by the lovely lovely @agaywithcoffee, @gentlebeardsbarngrill, and @ofmd-ann. Thanks &lt;3
Not really!
Oh my god, I think I had a few happy tears last week during Boyfriends Mania.
Nope, maybe someday?
I was OBSESSED with basketball and specifically women's basketball and played on a girl's league til 6th grade. But, at that point in my life I literally stopped growing at ~5 ft. and couldn't keep playing as all my peers shot up in height lmao.
Honestly, not that often.
If they seem safe, and interesting to talk to? If they're wearing something cool?
Neither? Psychological thrillers are OK, but nope to actual scary shit. Cannot do gore or much violence. But I also don't enjoy unrealistic happy endings that negate what the characters have been through.
Hm, I think I'm a really good listener. And also crafting the vibes of a room, in terms of decor and music, etc. Are these even talents??
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...Internet. Just kidding but not really - I love modding and online fandom. Hiking, Skyrim, the occasional craft (bookbinding, collage). Watching weird documentaries with my movie club.
YES, two gorgeous brother cats that I'm obsessed with.
As Gillian Anderson would say, "Not very!". But yeah, like 5 ft.
Music history
A set decorator
I doubt this will be 15 folks, but here goes. No pressure, and let me know if you prefer not to be tagged in this stuff: @mst3ker, @beautitudes, @gntlbrd, @suffersinfandom, @piratecaptainscaptainpirates, @harrylovesspaezle, @peanutbutterex, @mandavee, @veeagainsttheday, @starlithumanity, @cannabis-major
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multifanlol · 1 year
Hello! Love the recent Marcy xShy reader post you did think you do a part 2 of what happens when all 4 meet up again maybe have Sasha and the reader get into a argument and Marcy goes to comfort them afterwards
Sure! And thankkss I honestly hoped someone would request for a part two sooo-
Sasha may be seen OOC but i need to remind y’all this is her BEFORE her development Sasha b4 that was a bit much 😭 (still love her tho 🫶)
Marcy Wu x Fem! Shy! Reader (pt 2)
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Ever since that “incident” you honestly thought things were gonna be awkward
I mean okay, sure they were a little awkward but that was because it was an awkward nerd and another nerd who can’t keep a full conversation going
Other then that things were pretty chill although you couldn’t lie you still felt extremely guilty
I mean, sure you and Marcy didn’t kiss or anything like that but you still knew Sasha ever since you were kids even if she DID turn into maybe a psycho trying to kill one of Anne’s frog friends(?) (readers pov) you still cared about her in some way-
Recently you’ve gotten the other stones to open the calamity box and now you just had to do the last one
Which happened to be Sasha
And “Grime” or whatever according to Anne tried to kill “Hop Pop” (y/n doesn’t know the names okay 😭)
To say the least tension was in the air
With the planters and Grime and you Anne, Marcy and Sasha
It’s not like you hated her you were tense over having to end things with her, Marcy was tense due to guilt, Anne was tense due to well everything that happened
Now you took a breath in while walking out of the cave and walked over to Sasha
“That was surprisingly brave of you” you thought to yourself
“Hey Sasha…”
The blonde turned around to the h/c girl while she was talking to Grime
Grime seemed to get the message then clears his throat awkwardly
“I am not being involved in this, you can go and chat I’ll just be…..over there”
We watched him awkwardly walk away
“Sooo, Grime seems……interesting”
“Yea, Grimesy isn’t so bad once you get to know him…”
There was the awkwardnesss
You clear your throat again
“So, Sasha ever since we’ve been apart I’ve had time to…”
You notice Sasha yawning then she notices you staring
“Oh, I’m listening relax! It’s not like what your saying is gonna be a big deal anyway”
You take a short breath and stare at her
“it’s now or never” you thought
“Listen Sasha I’ve been thinking a lot and i believe that we should-“
“Hey, when you look at this cave when you look on the side, it kinda looks like a face”
“Sasha, i mean-“
“Our English class teacher back in 2nd grade!”
She laughs at it then notices you looking annoyed
“Why are you so upset-oh! don’t tell me Anne told you about it i mean, of course she did, listen n/n what happened was a misunderstanding and me and Anne made up so if your so mad about it-“
“It’s not about that Sasha-I’m sorry I-look, me and you are over-“
“I’m sorry, i hope you won’t hate me for it forever but i just can’t deal with this anymore-“
“Your…..your breaking up with me?! Why?!”
“It’s not you-i mean maybe it is you-or us both! I just-“
“After all the times i stuck up for you whenever they’d question why i went out with you, all those stuff I’d let you get, YOUR dumping me?!”
You honestly felt terrible but getting it over with now seems best….maybe
“Listen Sasha, you weren’t a horrible girlfriend i just don’t have strong feelings for you-“
“Don’t have strong feelings for me?! Why didn’t you tell me this before we landed in Amphibia?!”
“I wasn’t sure of it then! Maybe i didn’t tell you this often but i kinda thought you were a control freak!”
“I let you buy whatever you wanted!”
“YOU bought them for me, and when I’d try to ask something you’d completely dismiss my opinion!!”
You noticed Sasha seemed somewhat stunned by your courage but that quickly covered with rage
“Well what about the times we went to the movies i payed for everything!”
“YOU payed for the tickets i had to pay for the snacks and seats!!!”
The argument only just got longer you honestly didn’t wanna do this but honestly…..you had a lot of rage trapped inside you for years
“Okay maybe after all of that stuff, WHY did you actually dump me?”
“I’m not stupid y/n, there’s something your not telling me”
Ugh you knew Sasha could tell through lies as well as seeing through a telescope (bad comparison but honestly idc)
“Well, maybe it’s because i just don’t have feelings for you, ever thought of that?”
“I know that’s not it!”
“….Fine your not gonna tell me then, cool, maybe you were cheating on me and want an excuse while making it not be cheating? You were using me?! You-“
“I like someone else!”
“Well i…liked you at some point but i became more aware of these feelings later on…..and i wanna end things with you to attempt to not hurt you but, i guess i already did”
“I knew it….”
“I guess you wanna dump me for someone who might not even like you? Cool, maybe I’ll let you with open arms if you don’t come back too pathetic when they reject you”
And just like that she walked off
Ouch, it did sting though, it honestly hurt but you can’t expect much good from Sasha Waybright
It did hurt a lot though thinking about all of it, I’m not crying…..why are there tears rolling down my eyes
You noticed Sasha back talking to Grime and she looked at you for maybe a mil second then completely turned her head
It’s like she’s refused to even look at you
You were too caught up in your sadness to realise a certain bluettte noticed your sad frown
“Soo, do you wanna talk about it-“
You jump due to being caught up in your head you didn’t notice Marcy approaching you which resulted in her lightly giggling
“Oh! Sorry that was mean! Sorry for scaring you….heh”
“Soo….do you wanna…..or-it’s okay really!-“
You turn your head around to see if it’s close to anyone hearing
“I’ll….tell you back here…”
You walk a bit behind the others so it’s not close to anyone except you and Marcy hearing and tell her everything
“And so then…..”
“And then?”
“I revealed i liked someone and well, I’m a horrible person….i think i hurt her…..”
“Ouch that sounds awful! For you-or her! Or well both?”
You knew Marcy had trouble deciding which “side” she should “be on” you honestly felt bad and felt she didn’t need to choose
“Um well i don’t think Sasha thinks your a horrible person maybe she was just a little mad-“
“No, i know what i did to her was wrong, i hurt her and she has every right to be upset with me but, the other stuff i just don’t want to make things awkward for you, and Anne, and stuck in Amphibia for crying out loud!”
You stop when Marcy hugs you
“You looked like you needed it-“
“No! It’s fine….i like it…”
This time it was……peaceful silence
“Sooo, when we head back wanna go eat that cake i was telling you about?”
“For the last time, I’m not eating something that may or may not have flies in them”
“Oh come onnnn!”
It was peaceful
I’m bad with names 😭
Andddd now that’s done with i hope you liked it-i didn’t really have much ideas for it so day by day I’ve just been doing little bits it is low-key short tho-overall i hope you liked ittt! Have a good day/night bye y’all!
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nancyqueerer · 2 months
Chapter 3: The day she said goodnight
Nancy toss her small bag on the floor and just lay her body lazily on her bed her mind occupied by Robin's locker “Does Robin likes girls? or she just like scribbiling it, and admiring women just like being artist.” She place a pillow on her face, Nancy knows about queer people but she never have any close encounter with them. She read a lot of news paper articles, also watch news in her younger days but her dad turn off the TV, when it's about queer people. She pursue journalism because she hates injustice and discrimination. Other people likes to avoid social issues, as if they are not affected of it. Nancy wants to be vocal about human rights. It's hard to adjust in her time but one thing she only knew that in the future. People are welcoming and educated, thinking out of the box. People will learn about the history to avoid doing it again. She stares at the ceiling, thinking again while having an eye to eye with a lizard that stick on the wall, until her phone rings.
“Uh hello Nance, I know it's already midnight but I would like thank you for lending a helping hand earlier” Robin gulp. She knew that Nancy might as sleep now, and not wanting to disturb her sleepy dream state. “That's what's make us friends, supporting each other. I know that our grades are important for college admission, you are trying to maintain your grades by not wanting to miss it but also take care of yourself.” Nancy's said in sleepy voice her eyes become puffy while she's yawning.
It's already past 2 am. When everyone is sleeping, the two girls are still awake. talking about something their own school clubs.
“Oh, I guess you are sleepy now, did I disturb you? I'm not intended to do that Nancy, I know sleeping is important to you. we can talk tommorow Goodnight!”
No one actually received Goodnight at 3am basically it's day time.
In the next day, Robin listening to her walkman. They decided to continue the group work at Nancy's house because it's not too far away at school. Robin walking with her bike Nancy is in the other side of her, the two are too quite as if they don't want to talk. There's a steal glance going on while continuesly walking towards the paths. Robin can't take anymore, she break the silence.
“Let's watch movie after the group work” Robin suggest even though the plan is I'm not sleeping early “I don't have a time to watch, the group work will be take a too much time to finish.” Robin understand her reason, she go back staring at the street again.
Their conversation become awkward more and more. After a minutes she saw Nancy's house, a few meters away from them as they go inside Nancy's Mom greet them. “Oh hello..Robin good to see you here again” Mrs Wheeler said happily. Both of Robin and Nancy's parents are close to each other. “Yeah, Mrs Wheeler, it's group works stuff” Robin said in smiley face, Nancy just staring at the two. “Ohhhh enjoy here feel at home, as you used to sweetie...Nancy didn't tell to me that you are going today. Anyway, are you two doing well in school?”
“Yeah Mom, were kind of busy right now talk to you later” Nancy lead Robin to her bed room. “Alright, I'll call you two when dinner is ready” Mrs. Wheeler shouted before Nancy close the door.
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